Zarafa SummerCamp 2012 - Communication - how engineers can outperform

Post on 17-Nov-2014

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How engineers can outperform.

In a world full of information you cannot not communicate.

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

Mass communication,


globalisation and global competition

lead to new challenges and different

requirements in business life.

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

Job profiles of technicians and

engineers have changed.

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

Hard skills are not enough any more.

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

Soft skills make the difference.

- for companies

- for your personal career

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

An example:

Austrian small- and mid-sized companies suffer from a financial disadvantage of 153.6 Mio EUR per year.

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

Source: Austrian Chamber of Commerce

What are the reasons for that?

- Misunderstandings in the communication process

- Interpersonal conflicts

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

Companies save costs and gain competitive advantage when their employees understand the importance of soft skills and are socially competent.

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

An optimum performance of the staff positively influences the competitivness of the company.

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

Job advertisements on the European jobmarket reflect these new requirements.

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

Soft skills are demanded.

- Communication competence

- Self marketing competence

- Ability to work in teams

- Ability to solve conflicts

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

Source: IPKeurope, ETstruct

Being socially competent individuals foster their career opportunities, offer added value for their company and benefit also in their private life.

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

But how should the individual strengthen his/her soft skills?

- by awareness and self-reflection

- by reading relevant literature

- by personal coaching

- by training

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

What are the most important soft skills‘ topics?

- Communication competence

- Self marketing competence

- Working in and leading of teams

- Conflict management

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

Communication competence.

- Key techniques and models of communication

- Rhetoric skills- Questioning techniques- Elements and use of body language

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

Self marketing competence.

- Self marketing tools- Setting goals

- Presentation skills

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

Working in and leading of teams.

- Functioning of teamwork- Conditions for efficient teamwork

- Roles in a team

- Rules in a team

- Team leading

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

Conflict management.

- Acceptance of conflicts- Causes of conflicts

- Types of conflicts

- Rules and methods of conflict solving

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

To sum up: Why soft skills for engineers?

- Because the job profile has changed.

- Apart from technical knowledge soft skills are demanded.

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012

In a world full of information you cannot not communicate.

Communicate now!

ECo-C European communication certificate @ Zarafa SummerCamp 2012