Zeise’s dimer-catalyzed regioselective hydration of homopropargyl tertiary ether

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Tetrahedron Letters 53 (2012) 4955–4958

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Zeise’s dimer-catalyzed regioselective hydration of homopropargyltertiary ether

Ting Zhou a, Guili Zhu a, Xuan Huang a, Bo Liu a,b,⇑a Key Laboratory of Green Chemistry & Technology of Ministry of Education, College of Chemistry, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, Chinab Key Laboratory of Synthetic Chemistry of Natural Substances, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, 345 Lingling Road, Shanghai 200032, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history:Received 31 March 2012Revised 24 June 2012Accepted 3 July 2012Available online 16 July 2012

Keywords:Zeise’s dimerHomopropargyl tertiary etherRegioselectivityTertiary b-alkoxy ketone

0040-4039/$ - see front matter � 2012 Elsevier Ltd. Ahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2012.07.010

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +86 28 8541 3712E-mail address: chembliu@scu.edu.cn (B. Liu).

The regioselective hydroalkoxylation of homopropargyl tertiary ether catalyzed by Zeise’s dimer wasrealized. The desired products were obtained in 61–95% yield with good regioselectivity. Thismethodology represents a valuable alternative to the aldol reaction or the oxa-Michael reaction to formprochiral tertiary b-hydroxy ketones.

� 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

The b-hydroxy ketones are important building blocks and canbe utilized in a variety of natural products.1 The aldol reaction, act-ing as one of the most powerful tools to construct b-hydroxy car-bonyl derivatives with high stereochemistry, has experienced anexponential growth in recent years.2 Relatively, however, withinthe direct catalytic aldol realm, the reactions between unmodifiedketones and aldehydes have been only scantly represented.3 Theoxa-Michael reaction, which can be protonated to give b-hydroxycarbonyl compounds, has attracted increasing attention only in re-cent years.4 In view of this fact, several efficient strategies havebeen developed concerning the formation of b-hydroxy or b-alkoxyketones, including the ruthenium-catalyzed regioselective hydrosi-lylation of propargyl alcohols, as well as an alkyne hydrosilylation-oxidation strategy to afford b-hydroxy ketone achieved by theTrost group.5 Other examples include catalytic peroxidation-hydrogenation of a, b-unsaturated ketones6 and reduction of D2-isoxazolines,7 etc.8 For the tactics with homopropargyl alcoholderivatives, the Shin group achieved an intramolecular hydroamin-ation of homopropargyl trichloroacetimidates in 2006,9 and theYanik group developed platinum-catalyzed intramolecular hydros-ilation of homopropargyl alcohols.10 In 2010, our laboratory devel-oped an one-step, platinum-catalyzed hydration of internalhomopropargyl ether,11 which gives rise to b-alkoxy ketonesregioselectively.

It is no doubt that the construction of tertiary b-hydroxy car-bonyl is challenging in synthetic organic chemistry. To the best

ll rights reserved.


of our knowledge, only a few of studies have been conducted onits direct building.12 The Scheidt group synthesized tertiary b-hy-droxy amides by enolate additions to acylsilanes,12a,12b while thePanunzio group provided a general route to furnish 3,3-disubsti-tuted b-hydroxy acids using N-trimethylsilylbenzaldimine andacetyl chloride as starting materials.12c With this challenge inmind, we decided to expand our previous work to the hydrationof homopropargyl tertiary ether. Herein, we would like to reportour research results on this methodology.

We began with the optimization studies on the hydration ofsubstrate 1a, relying on our previous findings.11 Several differenttransition metals were examined with a catalyst loading of2.5 mol %. Mercury triflate afforded an unfavorable regio-selectiv-ity, preferring 3a as the major product (0.6:1, 2a/3a; Table 1, entry1). Zeise’s dimer and platinum chloride provided identical selectiv-ity (3.3:1, exo/endo; Table 1, entries 2 and 3), while Zeise’s dimerbehaved better with relatively higher reactivity (4 h, 79% yield at40 �C). However, when the cyclooctadiene coordinated with plati-num, the catalyst turned inactive even at 60 �C (Table 1, entry 4).Other gold catalysts, such as sodium tetrachloroaurate(III) dihy-drate, and gold(I) chloride combined with AgOTf or AgSbF6,showed almost no activity (Table 1, entries 6–8), althoughAu(PPh3)Cl/AgOTf afforded an unfavorable regioselectivity (Table 1,entry 5). So Zeise’s dimer was the catalyst of choice for this partic-ular reaction.

We then investigated different solvents at room temperatureand found that the nature of the reaction medium significantly af-fected the catalytic reaction. The use of dimethoxyethane resultedin the best regioselectivity (exo/endo, 5:1); tetrahydrofuran,

Table 1Investigation of metal catalysts

O OH nBu

catalyst2.5 mol-%





nBu O

O Ph Me










Ph Me


Entry Catalyst T (�C) t (h) Yielda (%) 2a/3ab

1 Hg(OTf)2 406 6 71 0.6:12 Pt2Cl4(C2H4)2(Zeise’s dimer) 40 4 79 3.3:13 PtCl2 40–60c 70 3.3:14 PtCl2(COD) 40–60c Trace —5 Au(PPh3)Cl/AgOTfd 40–60c 44(76)e 0.5:16 NaAuCl4�2H2O 40 24 NRf —7 AuCl/AgOTfd 40 24 NRf —8 AuCl /AgSbF6

d 40–60c Trace 3.3:1

a Isolated yield combining 2a and 3a.b Determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy of the mixture.c The catalytic reaction was stirred at 40 �C for 11 h and 60 �C for 8 h.d The ratio of the two metals is 1:1.e Based on the recovered starting material.f NR = No Reaction.

Table 2Beneficial effect of crown ether on the regioselectivity

M (2.5 mol-%)L (5 mol-%)



40 oC

M: Zeise's dimer; L: 12-crown-4

O OH nBu2

Ph nBuO


nBu O

O Ph Me








Ph Me

Entry Crown ether t (h) Yielda (%) 2a/3ab

1 — 4 79 3.3:12 12-C-4 1.5 79 14:13 15-C-5 6.5 71 8.3:14 18-C-6 3.5 82 7.7:15 DCHI18-C-6 19 53(63)c 7.1:1

a Isolated yield combining 2a and 3a.b Determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy of the mixture.c Based on the recovered starting material.

Table 3Substrate scope of platinum-catalyzed hydration

M (2.5 mol-%)L (5 mol-%)




R1 O

OR3 R2 R3 R2OH OH2 2


2a-l 3a-l40 oC

M: Zeise's dimer; L: 12-crown-4

1a-1l0.1M +

Entry Substrate Time (h) Yielda (%) 2/3b

1 O OH nBu



1.5 79 14:1

2 O OH nPr




1.5 69 9.1:1

3 O OH nEt



1.5 61 7.7:1

4 O OH


2 1d

1.5 80 >20:1

5 O OH nBuEt



1.5 70 8.3:1

6 O OH nBup-BrC6H4


1.5 63 7.1:1

7 O OH


36 57(65)c >20:1

4956 T. Zhou et al. / Tetrahedron Letters 53 (2012) 4955–4958

dioxane, and ether gave rise to the same moderate regioselectivity,that is, 3.3:1 (exo/endo); other solvent resulted in inferior regiose-lectivity. This is probably caused by the chelation between the oxy-gen atom in the solvent molecule and the metal catalyst. For thealkoxylation of 1a, the triple bond required an intramolecular addi-tion, other than the intermolecular addition, in which C4 behavesmore electrophilic than C3 because of the chelation between thecatalyst and the triple bond, as well as the ethereal oxygen (seeFig. 1). So the chelation effect with the dimethoxyethane moleculemight compete with the above-mentioned chelation and benefitthe intermolecular activation of the alkyne, thus resulting in thefavorable regioselectivity.

Based on the solvent effect on regioselectivity, we thoughtabout the introduction of a crown ether as the ligand to enhancethe chelation with the metal catalyst. Fortunately, the results weregratifying as shown in Table 2.

It is obvious that notable increase on the ratio of 2a to 3a wasobtained and the regioselectivity ranged from 7.1:1 to 14:1 whenwe used different size of crown ethers. Among them, 12-crown-4acted as the best one. As we proposed in our previous communica-tion,11 the reason might be the incomplete enclosure of platinumby 12-crown-4 resulting in greater p acidity,13 which made the tri-ple bond more electrophilic and led to the higher reactivity.

To clarify the scope of this hydroalkoxylation, a variety of sub-strates were examined (Table 3). On the whole, the results demon-strated great synthetic potential. When the substituent adjacent tothe triple bond was switched from ethyl to propyl then to butyl,the ratios of 2 to 3 ranged from 7.7:1 to 14:1, showing satisfactoryregioselectivity (Table 3, entries 1–3). When the homopropargylsubstituent changed from methyl to ethyl or when the phenyl ringbecame substituted, the exo/endo selectivity could still maintain

7-exo-dig vs. 8-endo-d ig




R2R3M 3


intermolecular attack modeC-4 attack preferred










Hintramolecular attack mode

Figure 1. Two activation modes of the substrate by the metal catalyst.



8 O OH C6H4Br-4



36 43(74) c >20:1

9 O OH C6H4Me-4



36 42(69) c 3.6:1

Table 3 (continued)

Entry Substrate Time (h) Yielda (%) 2/3b

10 O OH C6H4OMe-4



36 46(63) c 3.3:1

11 OOH



1.5 95 16:1

12dO OTBSnBu


2 1l

12 Mess —

a Isolated yield combining 2a and 3a.b Determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy of the mixture.c Based on the recovered starting material.d 3.0 equiv of water was added.

T. Zhou et al. / Tetrahedron Letters 53 (2012) 4955–4958 4957

more than 7:1 (Table 3, entries 5 and 6). Undoubtedly, the terminalalkyne 1d should adopt a 7-exo-dig pathway after the coordinationbetween the catalyst and the terminal alkyne (Table 3, entry 4). Asfor phenylacetylene-derived substrates, the regioselectivity provedto be sensitive to the substituent (Table 3, entries 7–10).When sub-stituent on the phenyl ring turned more electrondonating, its abil-ity to stabilize the positive charge at C4 position becomes stronger,making the C4 position more electrophilic, thus showing preferringthe 8-endo-dig product. In addition, the low reactivity derived fromthe bulk size of the aromatic ring led to the lower reactivity. Thealiphatic substrate 1k, to our delight, provided desired productsin excellent yield with good ratio of 16:1 (exo/endo). However, un-der the same condition, the reaction of compound 1l turned slowand messy, even though we used 3.0 equiv of water, which eluci-dates the hydroxyl in the substrate is essential to realize thistransformation.

To illustrate the oxygen source, we did the H218O labeling

experiment of substrate 1d14 (see Fig. 2). Besides the product 2ddue to the existence of the adventitious water in the reaction sys-tem, the product 2d0 containing the 18O in carbonyl was also gen-erated15; however, 18O-labeled compound 2d00 was not detected.This experiment indicated that the oxygen source toward the car-bonyl be provided by the nucleophilic water, not by the hydroxyl ofthe substrate (see Fig. 3).



R1 O

OR3 R2 R3 R2OH OH2 2





R2 R3MLn










Figure 3. Mechanism of the hydration of the substrates.

M (2.5 mol-%)L (5 mol-%)


40 oC, 88%

M: Zeise's dimer; L: 12-crown-4




2dPh Me


18O OH2

2d'Ph Me


O 18OH2

2d''Ph MeH218O

Figure 2. H218O labeling experiment of substrate 1d.

In general, Zeise’s dimer-catalyzed hydration of homopropargyltertiary ether has been developed to afford tertiary b-hydroxy ke-tones. In addition, the chiral substrates of this reaction are facilelyavailable since several elegant strategies have been developed onthe asymmetric propargylation of prochiral aliphatic or aromaticketones.16 So it is worth considering for organic chemists to ad-dress chiral tertiary b-hydroxy ketones using our methodology,thus making it an attractive alternative to the asymmetric versionof aldol reaction or the oxa-Michael reaction. The application ofthis methodology in the total synthesis of natural product is underway in our laboratory.

General procedure for the platinum-catalyzed hydration

A solution of Zeise’s dimer (2.5 mol %, 2.3 mg) and 12-crown-4(5 mol %, 1.4 mg) in dry DME (1.5 ml) was stirred at room temper-ature for 30 min, and then transferred to a tube containing the sub-strate (0.15 mmol) in a glove bag. The resulting mixture was stirredat 40 �C for the indicated time (for 1g–1j: additional 2.3 mg of cat-alyst in 1.5 ml of DME was added after 12 h). Water (25 lL) wasadded, and the mixture was stirred for another 10 min. Subse-quently, the reaction was quenched with triethylamine (50 lL).After evaporation of the solvent, the residue was purified by flashchromatography (SiO2) to give the products.


We appreciate financial support from the National Natural Sci-ence Foundation of China (21021001, 21172154), and the Ministryof Science and Technology of China (2010CB833200). We alsothank the Analytical & Testing Center of Sichuan University forrecording the NMR spectra.

Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, inthe online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2012.07.010.

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