ZendCon 2008 Closing Keynote

Post on 13-May-2015

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David Neff will present how the American Cancer Society uses PHP and Zend Framework for a new kind of social application called SharingHope.tv.


Social Media for Social Good using ZEND

by David J. Neff

• By the year 2005, Americans will spend more time on

the Internet than watching network television and

videocassette rentals will have been replaced by easily

available video-on-demand services.”

- Nicholas Negroponte (1995, The Future of News)

• “Nothing you have ever experienced will prepare you for

the unlimited carnage you are about to witness”

- Dan Akroyd to Eddie Murphy in “Trading Places”

• Social Media needs to be defined as a

group think mentality around your


• People are going to talk about your


• Deal with it. Encourage it.

Who watches?

It’s Social


SharingHope.TV - Features

-Upload video, photos, audio and artwork

-Twice the space of YouTube for your videos

- Users can leave comments to each other and rate


- Simple Help videos explain how to create and upload


- National launch partner with relayforlife.org

- Ability to post videos on Facebook, MySpace,

Typepad, Blogger, The LINK and Societyconnect.org

SharingHope.TV - Benefits

-Helps our constituents share their story (no bus needed)

- Helps move the mission by sharing stories from real people

- Helps showcase our events and how they work

- Every video has the option to donate (Fundraising)

- Shows the Society can do cutting edge technical work

VMIX API with ZEND-Upload Manager.

-Media Encoder. Automatically encode your raw media file and retain a high definition master file, keeping both easily accessible in your library.

- Groups are used to categorize and share media. of a hierarchical taxonomy to organize the media files in the account.

-Flash Player. Tailor your Flash media player to your size, advertising, and viewing requirements using our flexible APIs.

-Audio Management and Player Automatically encode and manage audio files in MP3 format.

-Human Review

-Social Media Tools Promote distribution of your media content MySpace, Send to a Friend, submission links to Digg and Del.icio.us, RSS feeds, all with links back to your Web site.

Slicehost gives us a Home

We currently have 2 slices.

-Virtual servers Ubuntu Gutsy (7.10) which means they run as individual servers within a main server.

- 256 MB RAM, 10 GB disk space and 100 GB bandwidth per month.

-One devoted to SQL. Running rails.

- One provides hosting for sharinghope.tv

Ruby shaves Time

-Entire registration system created in


- SharingHope.TV runs Ruby 2.0 using

mongrel environment

-Project Mgmt software “Redmine”

created in Ruby

Open ID invites community

-Custom OpenID variation

- OpenID consumer as well

CC opens expression


Q & A Time

Twitter:@daveiamBlog: www.fispace.orgLinkedIn: David J. Neff

Email: Isn’t that just an aggregator for all my social networks? …fine!
