Zero-Sum Superheroes Can Transhumanism Overcome 25 Centuries of Bad PR? Richard (RJ) Eskow.

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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Zero-Sum SuperheroesZero-Sum Superheroes

Can Transhumanism Can Transhumanism Overcome 25 Centuries of Overcome 25 Centuries of

Bad PR?Bad PR?

Richard (RJ) EskowRichard (RJ) Eskow

Allow me to present my credentialsAllow me to present my credentials ……

Disclaimer: This PresentationDisclaimer: This Presentation Will be a high-speed data burstWill be a high-speed data burst Will use terms imprecisely, of necessityWill use terms imprecisely, of necessity Is meant as food for thought & discussionIs meant as food for thought & discussion Will address the roots of Transhumanism’s PR problemWill address the roots of Transhumanism’s PR problem Will propose some semi-serious solutionsWill propose some semi-serious solutions We’ll be “admen (or We’ll be “admen (or Mad Mad Men) of the future”Men) of the future”

PropositionProposition Transhumanism (advocacy for radical enhancement) is Transhumanism (advocacy for radical enhancement) is

not a widely held position. not a widely held position. Ditto for related ideas, like “the Singularity,” the general Ditto for related ideas, like “the Singularity,” the general

idea of humanity merging with technology, etc.idea of humanity merging with technology, etc. There are deeply held, ancient folkways in our culture There are deeply held, ancient folkways in our culture

that create resistance to these ideasthat create resistance to these ideas A marketing problem – what about a marketing-style A marketing problem – what about a marketing-style


There Is A MessageThere Is A Message


The MessageThe Message

… … is everywhere.

The MessageThe Message

… … is invisible.

The MessageThe Message

… … is at least 2500 years at least 2500 years old.

The Message Is …The Message Is …









The Zero-Sum GameThe Zero-Sum Game

Our current limited physical/mental Our current limited physical/mental abilities are the Natural Order/God’s Willabilities are the Natural Order/God’s Will

Every time you win more than your share, Every time you win more than your share, you lose a proportional amountyou lose a proportional amount

You gain much, you lose muchYou gain much, you lose much

““For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

- Matthew 16:26- Matthew 16:26


M. Treder: A “fear” problem:M. Treder: A “fear” problem:Transhumans = SupervilliansTranshumans = Supervillians

FrankensteinFrankenstein Island of Dr. MoreauIsland of Dr. MoreauTerminator and Unfriendly AIsTerminator and Unfriendly AIsEtc.Etc.

… … Enhanced humans Enhanced humans havehave been promoted been promoted as “supervillains.” But, worse yet, they’ve as “supervillains.” But, worse yet, they’ve been labeled …been labeled …



Book of Genesis Book of Genesis

Believed to have been written between the Believed to have been written between the 1010thth and 5 and 5thth centuries BCE centuries BCE

Believed completed by 5Believed completed by 5thth Century BCE Century BCE11

Time elapsed since “Tower of Babel” story Time elapsed since “Tower of Babel” story first written: 25-30 centuriesfirst written: 25-30 centuries

11Youngblood (ed), Speiser, Roberts, etc.Youngblood (ed), Speiser, Roberts, etc.





Babel: Book of Genesis Babel: Book of Genesis And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech … And And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech … And

they said, Go to, they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a towerlet us build us a city and a tower, whose top may , whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us reach unto heaven; and let us make us a namemake us a name, lest we be scattered , lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children built. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they children built. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do; and have all one language; and this they begin to do; and now nothing now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the Lord scattered may not understand one another's speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth:

Sin #1: The Sin #1: The name/common identityname/common identitySin #2: Sin #2: Unification/Hive MindUnification/Hive MindSin #3: UnlimitedSin #3: Unlimited power power

The Internet, leading to the Singularity … The Internet, leading to the Singularity …

The Singularity Will Not Be The Singularity Will Not Be TelevisedTelevised

… … not be televisednot be televised

… … not be televisednot be televised

… … not be televisednot be televised

… … not be televisednot be televised

Architect’s rendition, proposed housing megacomplex in Tokyo Bay

Talmud: Tractate Sanhedrin,Talmud: Tractate Sanhedrin,Folio 65Folio 65

““Our Rabbis taught: Our Rabbis taught: There shall not be found There shall not be found among … a charmeramong … a charmer..1515  This applies to one   This applies to one who charms large objects, and to one who who charms large objects, and to one who charms small ones,charms small ones,1616  even snakes and   even snakes and scorpions. Abaye said: Therefore even to scorpions. Abaye said: Therefore even to imprison wasps or scorpions [by charms], imprison wasps or scorpions [by charms], though the intention is to prevent them from though the intention is to prevent them from doing harm, is forbidden.doing harm, is forbidden. “ “

That is, no science but God’s science. Even when That is, no science but God’s science. Even when used for good – just a little good - it’s evil.used for good – just a little good - it’s evil.

Talmud: Tractate Sanhedrin,Talmud: Tractate Sanhedrin,Folio 65Folio 65

““        He who enquireth of an He who enquireth of an obob (shaman) — is that (shaman) — is that not the same as not the same as one that consulteth the dead?one that consulteth the dead?1818  — … this means one who starves himself   — … this means one who starves himself and spends the night in a cemetery, so that an and spends the night in a cemetery, so that an unclean spirit [of a demon] may rest upon him [to unclean spirit [of a demon] may rest upon him [to enable him to foretell the future].”enable him to foretell the future].”

Ungodly Science is the Science of the Dead. It’s Ungodly Science is the Science of the Dead. It’s forbiddenforbidden … and scientists do icky things … and scientists do icky things

Talmud: Tractate Sanhedrin,Talmud: Tractate Sanhedrin,Folio 65Folio 65

R. Hanina and R. Oshaia spent every R. Hanina and R. Oshaia spent every Sabbath eve in studying the 'Book of Sabbath eve in studying the 'Book of Creation',   by means of which they Creation',   by means of which they created a third-grown calf  and ate it. created a third-grown calf  and ate it.

Golem of PragueGolem of Prague

Golem of PragueGolem of Prague

Created from clay, with ‘emet’ (life) on his Created from clay, with ‘emet’ (life) on his foreheadforehead

Became too powerful and went out of Became too powerful and went out of controlcontrol

Rabbi changed ‘emet’ to ‘met’ (death) and Rabbi changed ‘emet’ to ‘met’ (death) and stopped itstopped it

NOTE: The Golem folktale in Eastern NOTE: The Golem folktale in Eastern Europe arose at the same time as the Europe arose at the same time as the Frankenstein story (18Frankenstein story (18thth Century) Century)

Origin of the GolemOrigin of the GolemTalmud: Tractate Sanhedrin, Folio 65Talmud: Tractate Sanhedrin, Folio 65

““        Rabbah created a man,Rabbah created a man,2323  and sent   and sent him to R. Zera. R. Zera spoke to him, him to R. Zera. R. Zera spoke to him, but received no answer. Thereupon he but received no answer. Thereupon he said unto him: 'Thou art a creature of said unto him: 'Thou art a creature of the magicians. Return to thy dust.'the magicians. Return to thy dust.'

Ungodly Creations Ungodly Creations cannot speakcannot speak..

Transhumanist Death TripTranshumanist Death Trip

Shelley’s Shelley’s Alastor:Alastor:““I have made my bed In charnels and on coffins, I have made my bed In charnels and on coffins,

where black death Keeps record of the trophies where black death Keeps record of the trophies won from thee, Hoping to still these obstinate won from thee, Hoping to still these obstinate questionings Of thee and thine, by forcing questionings Of thee and thine, by forcing some lone ghost, Thy messenger, to render up some lone ghost, Thy messenger, to render up the tale Of what we are.”the tale Of what we are.”

Shelley says: “His mind is at length suddenly Shelley says: “His mind is at length suddenly awakened and awakened and thirsts for intercourse with an thirsts for intercourse with an intelligence similar to itself.”intelligence similar to itself.”

"he laid the Holy Scriptures behind the door and under the bench, refused to be called doctor of Theology, but preferred to be styled doctor of Medicine."


The Voice to the right cries: "Faust! Faust! desist from this proposal! Go on with the study of Theology, and you will be the happiest of mortals." The Voice to the left answers: "Faust! Faust! leave the study of Theology. Betake you to Necromancy, and you will be the happiest of mortals!"


“Communication with the Dead” –

A form of immortality/longevity science


Individuality and Freedom


The Borg Queen

Question: Do women fare better than men in ancient Transhuman narratives? And why would the Borg need a ‘queen’ if they are a collective (parallel-processed) intelligence?


““2000 Man”2000 Man” Stones song from 1968 (“Satanic Majesties”)Stones song from 1968 (“Satanic Majesties”) ““My name is a number, a piece of plastic film”My name is a number, a piece of plastic film” ““Oh, Daddy” – generation gapOh, Daddy” – generation gap ““My wife doesn’t understand me at all”My wife doesn’t understand me at all” ““I really misuse her”I really misuse her” ““I am having an affair with a I am having an affair with a random computer”*random computer”*

In other words, the same old futureshock In other words, the same old futureshock alienation.alienation.

**(Note: Dynamic Random Access Memory was patented in 1968)(Note: Dynamic Random Access Memory was patented in 1968)

Exile and Separation

The Outer Limits: “Demon With a Glass Hand”

See also “Blade Runner” and others in what I call the “Lonely Android” genre

Yet another enhanced dude who will never get to be with his wife again. What is it with these people?

QUESTION: Are Transhumans ever lucky in love?


Frankenstein’s MonsterFrankenstein’s Monster

Frankenstein’s MonsterFrankenstein’s Monster

““His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful.his features as beautiful. Beautiful! – Great God! Beautiful! – Great God! His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of pearly lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of pearly whiteness; but whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a these luxuriances only formed a more horrid constrast with his watery eyesmore horrid constrast with his watery eyes, that , that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun-seemed almost of the same colour as the dun-white sockets in which they were set, his white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion and straight black lips”shrivelled complexion and straight black lips”

Digression: In Other Words …Digression: In Other Words …

The Monster lived in the The Monster lived in the Uncanny ValleyUncanny Valley..

Transhumanism as Uncanny ValleyTranshumanism as Uncanny Valley

Fear of the near-human is greater than Fear of the near-human is greater than fear of the nonhumanfear of the nonhuman

““Transhuman” sounds human-Transhuman” sounds human-likelike, but not , but not humanhuman

When we receive cues that a being is When we receive cues that a being is human – then discover it is not – we feel human – then discover it is not – we feel frightened and betrayedfrightened and betrayed

2500 Bad Years2500 Bad Years

But there IS a way out …But there IS a way out …

Video BreakVideo Break

Male Potency Drugs = Hubris!Male Potency Drugs = Hubris!

A violation of the natural order - loss of A violation of the natural order - loss of elderly sexuality could be an evolutionary elderly sexuality could be an evolutionary adaptationadaptation

Or “God’s will”Or “God’s will”Viagra and Cialis are “Transhumanist” Viagra and Cialis are “Transhumanist”

drugsdrugs-- -- but they didn’t sell them that way.but they didn’t sell them that way.

Where’s Nemesis now?Where’s Nemesis now?

The “ED” Marketing ModelThe “ED” Marketing Model

Non-threatening, familiarNon-threatening, familiarSexualSexualBuddies, manly men, neighborhood folksBuddies, manly men, neighborhood folksNot Not impotent – impotent – “guys with ‘ED’”“guys with ‘ED’”Not hubris, or a violation of natureNot hubris, or a violation of natureMedical-sounding terminology: “Erectile Medical-sounding terminology: “Erectile


““Miss Plastic Hungary”Miss Plastic Hungary”

““Miss Plastic Hungary”Miss Plastic Hungary”

… a contest designed to encourage plastic surgery.

Plastic surgeon Dr. Tamas Rozsos said the pageant also meant to show that cosmetic corrections did not necessarily have to be about oversized breasts, bulbous lips and skin stretched to near tearing point.“This about restoring harmony … eliminating asymmetries and giving women the opportunity to have normal features,” Rozsos said. “Plastic surgery has a bad reputation in Hungary but its mostly due to the exaggerations.” Associated Press

Contest rules said that Miss Plastic Hungary had to demonstrate “perfect harmony of body and soul.”



Also, per the Associated Press: “The winners' plastic surgeons also received awards.” What is being celebrated?


The Power of WordsThe Power of Words

Positive words:Positive words: ““Chrysalis” – what we are now (not Chrysalis” – what we are now (not

recommended: “meat puppets”)recommended: “meat puppets”)What we will be: free, safe, healthy, strong, What we will be: free, safe, healthy, strong,

securesecure Is there a better word than “transhuman”?Is there a better word than “transhuman”?

Selling “Transhumanism”Selling “Transhumanism”

Nietzsche: “Being human is the art of becoming Nietzsche: “Being human is the art of becoming more fully that which you already are.”more fully that which you already are.”

Concepts: Concepts: CompletionCompletionRefinementRefinementFulfillmentFulfillmentHarmonyHarmonyJusticeJusticeFreedomFreedom

Another ModelAnother Model

If you can’t beat ‘em …If you can’t beat ‘em …

Another ModelAnother Model

““Singularity” sounds lonelySingularity” sounds lonely

Could “Multiplicities” be more appropriate?Could “Multiplicities” be more appropriate? Is there a better phrase?Is there a better phrase?Concepts include “inclusiveness” – greater Concepts include “inclusiveness” – greater

knowledge, greater interconnectedness knowledge, greater interconnectedness with all things, etc.with all things, etc.

Old marketing approach: Use different Old marketing approach: Use different strategies with different demographic strategies with different demographic groupsgroups

Other Issues to ConsiderOther Issues to Consider

Future LoveFuture LoveFuture SexFuture SexFuture PatriotismFuture PatriotismFuture WorshipFuture WorshipFuture FamilyFuture Family

These are concepts people will be reluctant These are concepts people will be reluctant to abandon.

What if we used the “ED” marketing What if we used the “ED” marketing model for …model for …

AgingAgingNormal-Range IntelligenceNormal-Range Intelligence Inability to Link With Digital DevicesInability to Link With Digital DevicesDeathDeath

… … gives us something like this:gives us something like this:

Do you suffer from:Do you suffer from:

Inability to MentallyLink With Digital Devices: Inability to MentallyLink With Digital Devices: “Wireless Inability to Maximize Potential”“Wireless Inability to Maximize Potential”

Aging: “Cumulative Reduction of Advanced Aging: “Cumulative Reduction of Advanced Potentiality”Potentiality”

Normal-Range Intelligence: “Finite Use of Normal-Range Intelligence: “Finite Use of Cognition and Knowledge”Cognition and Knowledge”

Death: “Organ Liquefaction Disorder”Death: “Organ Liquefaction Disorder”


Transhumanism has a marketing problemTranshumanism has a marketing problem The concept needs a new campaignThe concept needs a new campaign Enhancement is not a ‘zero-sum’ game: Enhancement is not a ‘zero-sum’ game:

Something great need not be lost when Something great need not be lost when something great is gainedsomething great is gained

The key is not to transcend the “human” – but to The key is not to transcend the “human” – but to complete it: complete it: “fulfillment of our destiny?”“fulfillment of our destiny?”

Maybe Transhumanism just needs a great TV Maybe Transhumanism just needs a great TV commercial commercial