
Post on 15-Mar-2016

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7Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Types of Green Roof

There are two basic types of green roof, extensive and intensive, with a numberof variations making four green roof types.

Extensive Green RoofsLightweight with a relatively shallow substrate, providing a colourful carpet of planting comprising sedum and hardy plants. Requiring minimal maintenanceand no irrigation, extensive green roofs provide a 'back to nature' look andoffer strong ecological benefits. They are not normally designed to provideaccess for leisure use.

Biodiverse Green RoofsThese are a form of extensive green roof where the substrate is laid down and then planted with vegetation that is suitable for the local environment.

Semi-intensive Green RoofsProvide a more varied landscape that can include shrubs and woody plants - butstill with a low build-up. Limited but scheduled maintenance and irrigation arerequired. With semi-intensive green roofs, ecological benefits are combined withaccess for recreational use.

Intensive Green RoofsOffering the benefits of a small urban park, providing a rich habitat for wildlifeas well as recreational access for people. Intensive green roofs have a deepsubstrate which can support a range of plants, trees and shrubs. Regularmaintenance is required.

Semi-intensive Intensive



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37Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400




t kg







12 10





Table 8: Systems summaryBuild-up height approx 100mm

Wet weight (including plants) approx 108kg/m2

Water retention capacity approx 23l/m2

Fig 22: Inverted Roof Solution

Features - Floradrain® FD 25-E green roof■ Ideal for extensive green roofs with a variety of hardy, drought-resistant

planting – the ecologically sound alternative to gravel coverings.

■ Suitable for roofs with a slope up to 10°.

■ Requires minimum care and attention.

■ Offers various design possibilities with hardy planting and can include footpaths and terraces.

■ The construction is resistant to flying sparks and is a ‘hard roof’ in accordance withGerman Building Standard DIN 4102 dealing with fire resistance.

■ The drainage layer meets the requirements of German Building Standard DIN 4095.


Alumasc ZinCo sedum carpet substrate

Filter Sheet SF

Floradrain® FD 25-E drainage layer

Alumasc MK Separator

Alumasc Roofmate TF/A insulation,thickness to suit U-value required

Hydrogard 40 root barrier

Hydrotech MM6125 waterproofing

Roof construction





7 8













t kg











5 5


Alumasc ZinCo sedum carpet substrate

Filter Sheet SF

Floradrain® FD 25-E drainage layer

Moisture Mat SSM 45

Derbigum Anti-Root waterproofing system

Derbifoam polyurethane insulation,thickness to suit U-value

Vapour barrier

Roof construction













5 6




Fig 23: Warm Roof Solution



Lightweight Extensive/Biodiverse Installation

38 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Zero Falls Roofs

Floraset FS50

Floraset FS50 is a lightweight drainageboard specifically for use on roofs withlittle or no drainage falls. Made ofpartly recycled CFC free polystyrene,the board provides water retention and allows drainage, whilst minimisingthe possibility of any potential standingwater from interfering adversely with the essential airspace beneath the board.

The board collects water in its storagecells, whilst a multi-directional channelsystem on the underside allows positivedrainage of any excess. Ventilation andprovision for evaporation is by meansof perforations through the board.Normal levels of foot traffic can beaccommodated by the product.

The use of the TSM32 separation andprotection mat beneath the productensures efficient and even dispersion ofany ponding water, allowing maximumuptake by the vegetation.

A typical system utilising 70mm ofRockery Type substrate can retain up to 33 litres of water per square metre.

Table 8a: Technical dataMaterial Recycled expanded polystyrene

Height 50mm

Weight 0.7kg/m2 dry, 2.7kg/m2 wet

Dimensions 1m x 1m

Water retaining capacity 2l/m2

Fig 24: Extensive/Biodiverse Green Roof with Floraset FS50

39Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

88 70


















Table 9: System summaryBuild-up height approx 135mm

Wet weight (including plants) approx 105kg/m2

Water retention capacity 23l/m2

Features - Floraset FS 50 green roof

■ Provides a low maintenance green roof landscape on roofs with little or zero falls

■ Floraset FS 50 contains recycled material and is blown with a CFC free agent

■ Requires minimum care and attention

■ The construction is resistant to flying sparks and is a 'hard roof' in accordance withGerman Building Standard DIN 4102 dealing with fire resistance

■ The drainage layer meets the requirements of German Building Standard DIN 4095

Floraset FS 50

TSM 32 moisture mat

WSF40 root barrier

8 Roof construction

Filter sheet SF

Alumasc ZinCo sedum carpetsubstrate

7 Waterproofing

40 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Lightweight Extensive or Biodiverse Installation

8-25º Sloped Roofs

Floraset FS 75

Floraset FS 75 is a drainage boardmanufactured from recycled CFC-freeexpanded polystyrene. It is usedprincipally on inclined roofs over 10ºand up to 25º in pitch. Boards are laidloose and overlapped. Floraset FS 75can also be used on flat roofs, but it isimportant to lay the product right sideup, depending on the type ofapplication. On pitched roofs thedeeper profile should always be laidupwards for better retention ofsubstrate. Floraset FS 75 is suitablefor both extensive and intensive green roof installations.

Table 10: Technical dataMaterial Recycled expanded polystyrene

Depth 75mm

Weight 1.5kg/m2

Dimensions 1x1m

Floraset FS 75 - the green roof solution forinclined roofs.

41Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400





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Biodiverse Landscape







Table 11: System summaryBuild-up height approx 130mm

Wet weight (including plants) approx 100kg/m2

Water retention capacity approx 30l/m2

Features - Floraset FS 75 green roof ■ Provides a low maintenance extensive green roof landscape on inclined roofs.

■ Floraset FS 75 is 100 per cent recycled polystyrene, blown with CFC-free agents.

■ Deep profiles secure the substrate and prevent slippage. The interlocked FlorasetFS 75 drainage boards provide excellent resistance to shear forces and safeguardsagainst the threat to eaves stability.

■ Designed for roof pitches up to 20º without additional cross battening. Above 20º cross battens are required to counteract shear forces. Maximum roof pitch is 30º.

■ Roofs steeper than 15º, or sites subject to strong wind uplift, require theincorporation of a jute anti-erosion net to prevent substrate depletion.

■ The construction is resistant to flying sparks and is a ‘hard roof’ in accordance withGerman Building Standard DIN 4102 dealing with fire resistance.

BSM 64 moisture mat

Derbigum Anti-Rootwaterproofing

Roof Construction

Floraset FS 75 drainage layer

Jute anti-erosion net JEG

ZinCo Rockery Type Substrate

Fig 25: Extensive or Biodiverse Sloping Green Roof with Floraset FS 75


Lightweight Extensive/Biodiverse Installation

42 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Standing Seam RoofingSystems

Floradrain® FD 25-E or FD 40-E Strip

The Armaseam® standing seam roofSystem is the ultimate metal substratefor green roofs. The materialproperties of aluminium, thepenetrative-free fixing method, andthe absence of any lap joints offer anexcellent long term solution.

The flexibility of standing seam roofs - curvature (from 6m upwards) andpitches (down to 1.5°) enhance greenroof design possibilities.

At steeper pitches, baffle plates can be used to restrain the growing mediumwithout penetrating the metal roofingsubstrate.

Floradrain drainage layers are suppliedpre-cut to suit the standing seammodule. The filter sheet, installedabove, ensures that fines do not blockthe drainage holes. Alumasc ZinCogrowing medium (50 to 70mm) is theninstalled before planting (eg, sedums,rockery plants, herbs).

43Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Fig 27: Section

Fig 26: Eaves

Features - Extensive Green Roof on Standing Seam■ Aluminium offers a long, corrosion-free life -

requiring little or no maintenance - after which it is 100% recyclable.

■ Secret-fix roof system - no holes, no leaks - suitable forlow pitched and curved roofs.

■ Lightweight aluminium weatherproofing, reducing loadsto structure.

■ Insulated standing seam construction, achieving an 'A'rating in the Green Guide to Specification (3rd Edition).

■ Suitable for retro-fitted green roofs.

Table 12: Technical dataGreen Roof Depth Approx. 100mm

Green Roof Weight (wet) Approx 110kg/m2

Armaseam Sheet Weight 3.55kg/m2

Weight and depth of overall construction is subject to structure and U-value.

Lightweight Semi-Intensive and Intensive Installation

44 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Low Pitched Flat Roofs

Floradrain® FD 40-E

Floradrain® FD 40-E is identical toFloradrain® FD 25-E, but with anincreased depth of 40mm. This givessufficient increased water storagecapacity to support both extensive andintensive green roofs.

Rainfall collects in the storage cells.Roots are supplied with both air andwater through capillary action. Water isalso held in moisture mats that protectthe waterproof membrane whilstretaining moisture and nutrients. Excess water drains away beneath thedrainage layer.

ZinCo extensive green roof solutions from Alumasc include special substratesfor both extensive and intensive greenroofs. Hardy, drought and frost-resistantplants are required for low maintenanceextensive roofs, whilst a Floradrain®

FD 40-E roof with greater substratedepth can support more intensiveplanting with small shrubs.

With Floradrain® FD 40-E designpossibilities are wide ranging and caninclude pedestrian areas such asfootpaths and terraces.

Table 13: Technical dataMaterial High density polyethylene (HDPE)

Height 40mm

Weight 2.2kg/m2 dry, 6.2kg/m2 wet

Dimensions 2m x 1mor rolls 10m x 1m

Water retaining capacity 4l/m2

Maximum pressure load (empty) 170kN/m2

Maximum pressure load (infilled) 250kN/m2 approx

Examples of semi-intensive green roofs

45Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400






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12 10

Semi-intensive plants –lavenders, woody plants, wild flowers









Features - Floradrain® FD 40-E green roof■ Ideal for extensive green roofs with a variety of hardy, drought-resistant planting –

the ecologically sound alternative to gravel coverings. Increased depth providessufficient water storage capacity to make Floradrain® FD 40-E also suitable forintensive green roofs.

■ Suitable for flat roofs and roofs with a slope up to 10°.

■ Suitable for flat roofs with no falls in cases where residual ponding is less than40mm, thereby keeping the substrate clear of the water beneath.

■ Offers various design possibilities with a variety of planting, and can be used forareas of pedestrian traffic such as footpaths and terraces.

■ The construction is resistant to flying sparks and is a ‘hard roof’ in accordance withGerman Building Standard DIN 4102 dealing with fire resistance.

■ The drainage layer meets the requirements of German Building Standard DIN 4095.

Table 14: System summaryBuild-up height approx 195mm

Wet weight (including plants) approx 220kg/m2

Water retention capacity approx 80l/m2

Roof construction

Hydrogard 40 Root Barrier

Hydrotech MM6125 or DerbigumAnti-Root waterproofing

Alumasc Roofmate TF/Ainsulation – thickness to suit U-value required

Filter Sheet SF

Floradrain® FD 40-E drainage layer

Alumasc ZinCo Heather withLavender substrate

Fig 28: Semi-Intensive/Intensive Green Roof on Inverted Roof with Floradrain® FD 40-E

Alumasc MK Separator5

Intensive Installation

46 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Table 15: Technical dataMaterial ABS-Plastic

Height 60mm

Weight (Dry) 2.3kg/m2

Weight (Wet with infill) 43kg/m2

Dimensions 1m x 2m

Water retaining capacity(filled with Zincolit) 5l/m2

Maximum pressure load (empty) 19kN/m2

Maximum pressure load (infilled) 75kN/m2

Low Pitched and ZeroFalls Flat Roofs

Floradrain® FD 60

Floradrain® FD 60 has a greater depththan either Floradrain® FD 25-E or FD 40-E. It is ideal for virtually any typeof intensive green roof landscape,including roof gardens, terraces, playareas, water features, roadways and car parks.

Rainfall collects in the storage cells,which have significantly more watertransfer capacity than FD 25-E and FD 40-E. Roots are supplied with bothair and water through capillary action.Water is also held in moisture mats thatprotect the waterproof membranewhilst retaining moisture and nutrients.Excess water drains away beneath thedrainage layer.

Floradrain® FD 60 is so strong it can be used as shuttering for concrete,forming the base for roadways.

Lawned intensive green roof with Floradrain® FD 60 drainage layer

FootpathsDrives Roadways

Extensive planting Intensive planting

Fig 29:

47Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

140 kg




39 60

150 to




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12 10

Fig 30: Intensive Green Roof on Inverted Roof with Floradrain® FD 60

Features - Floradrain® FD 60 green roof ■ A highly versatile, multi-functional system for intensive green roofs that is capable

of supporting virtually any form of green roof landscaping.

■ Suitable for walkways, paths, terraces, play areas, water features, and vehicularareas such as drives, roadways and car parks.

■ Can be used as shuttering for concrete in the construction of roads and foundationswithout impeding drainage over the waterproofing membrane.

■ On roofs with no falls, FD 60 can be used with the ZinCo Roof Dam water storagesystem, and also with the Alumasc ZinCo automatic irrigation control system, or theZinCo HydroSolar system with solar powered irrigation control - see pages 48 - 49.

■ The construction is resistant to flying sparks and is a ‘hard roof’ in accordance withGerman Building Standard DIN 4102 dealing with fire resistance.

■ The drainage layer meets the requirements of German Building Standard DIN 4095.

Intensive landscape – lawns,shrubs and bushes – withgreater depth of substrate,bushes and small trees can be included in the green roof landscape








Table 16: System summaryBuild-up height from approx 220mm, plus insulation

Wet weight (including plants) from approx 270kg/m2

Water retention capacity starts at 90l/m2

Hydrogard 40 Root Barrier

Hydrotech MM6125 or DerbigumAnti-Root waterproofing

Alumasc Roofmate TF/Ainsulation – thickness to suit U-value required

Filter Sheet SF

Alumasc Zincolit infill

Floradrain® FD 60 drainage layer

Alumasc ZinCo Roof Garden substrate


Alumasc MK Separator6

48 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

By making use of the 60mm depth ofthe FD60 profile, the drainage board isused to create a 40mm deep reservoirunderneath the green roof substratewhen installed on a dead flat structure.By the process of evaporation, thewater in the reservoir will expirate intothe substrate above, maintaining thecorrect level of moisture within thesubstrate and thus ensuring healthyvegetation.

The reservoir is kept topped up by theuse of cistern-type irrigation units,which can either draw additional waterfrom the mains or, if a harvestingsystem is used to gather excessrainwater, by use of a photovoltaicpowered pump which can draw waterfrom the harvest system storage.

The significant reduction in potablewater usage of this system overtraditional sprinkler irrigationinstallations, due to there being onlyminimal loss to evaporation, makes this system particularly well suited to developments where water supply is metered.

Intensive Installation

Fig 31: ZinCo Irrigation System









Alumasc ZinCo Roof Garden Substrate

20–40mm round pebble vegetation barrier

ZinCo inspection chamber

ZinCo irrigation unit

Filter sheet SF

Floradrain® FD 60 drainage layer withAlumasc Zincolit infill

ZinCo Roof Dam damming piece

Hydrotech 6125 waterproofing withHydrogard 40 root barrier

Harmer outlet with flat grate










Zero Falls Roofs with Reservoir Irrigation

Floradrain® FD 60

49Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

140 kg




64 60

150 to




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12 10

Fig 32: Irrigated intensive green roof on inverted roof to zero falls with Floradrain® FD 60

Features - Irrigated Floradrain® FD 60 green roof to zero falls■ A highly versatile, multi-functional system for intensive green roofs that is capable

of supporting virtually any form of green roofing.

■ Automatic irrigation system maintains a 40mm water reservoir during the growing season.

■ The construction is resistant to flying sparks and is a ‘hard roof’ in accordance withGerman Building Standard DIN 4102 dealing with fire resistance.

■ The drainage layer meets the requirements of German Building Standard DIN 4095.

Intensive landscape - lawns,shrubs and bushes - withgreater depth of substrate;bushes and small trees can beincluded in the green rooflandscape








Table 17: System summaryBuild-up height from approx 220mm

Wet weight (including plants) from approx 290kg/m2

Water retention capacity starts at 90l/m2

Hydrogard 40 root barrier

Hydrotech MM6125

40mm reservoir

Filter sheet SF

Alumasc Zincolit infill

Floradrain® FD 60 drainage layer

Alumasc ZinCo Roof Garden Substrate


Intensive Installation – Predominantly Hard Landscape

50 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Elastodrain EL 200 and EL 202Elastodrain EL 200/202 are heavy dutyprotection and drainage mats of solidrubber, designed for use on recreationalintensive green roofs and landscapedunderground car parks. Elastodrain isalso suitable for pathways, terraces,play areas, and is strong enough forvehicular traffic.

Elastodrain EL 200 has a 6mm base with 14mm projections to support thelandscape above. An especially stifffilter sheet (Filter sheet TG) isrequired.

Elastodrain EL 202 has twice the number of projections and has exceptionalresistance to compression. It is suitablefor roads bearing heavy vehicles, andcan withstand traffic from site plantduring installation.

Elastodrain EL 200/202 is ideal forrecreational green roofs which need to withstand heavy traffic.

Table 18: Technical data

EL 200 EL 202Material Recycled rubber Rubber

Thickness 20mm 19mm

Weight 14kg/m2 18kg/m2

Studs 600/m2 1200/m2

Dimensions 1m x 1m 1m x 1m

51Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

140 kg




14 20

150 to




t kg




ask ad






Fig 33: Intensive Green Roof on Warm Roof with Elastodrain EL 200 or EL 202

Intensive landscape – lawns,shrubs and bushes – withgreater depth of substrate,bushes and small trees can be included in the green roof landscape






Table 19: System summaryBuild-up height approx 220mm

Wet weight (including plants) approx 320kg/m2

Water retention capacity approx 74l/m2

Features - Elastodrain EL 200/EL 202 green roof ■ A heavy duty system for use on recreational intensive green roofs

and underground car parks.

■ Can withstand high mechanical loading and is spade resistant.

■ Precast concrete planters can be installed with Elastodrain as the base.

■ Complies with German National Standards DIN 18 195 and 4095.

■ Resistant to oil and bitumen.

■ Reduces transmission of noise and vibration.

■ Easy and quick to install – simply butt-jointed.

Filter Sheet TG

Elastodrain EL 200 or EL 202 drainage layer

Derbigum waterproofing with integral root barrier

Derbifoam Polyurethane insulation,thickness to suit U-value required

Alumasc ZinCo Roof Gardensubstrate/Zincolit


Vapour barrier



Roof construction

approx 500mm

Minimum 150mm

52 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Floradrain® FD 25-E Application Details

Abutment DetailAt upstands the waterproofing must be taken up 150mm above the finishedsurface of the roof – 100mm if the pitchis above 5%.

The waterproofing should bemechanically fixed back with atermination bar, preferably with acounter flashing. The counter flashingshould also protect the root barrier, moisture retention mat and filter sheet from UV.

approx 100mm

Roof PerimeterThere should be a minimum 100mmupstand at roof edges – approx 50mm ifthe slope is 5º or more. The roof edgingshould have a coping with the slope tothe inside of the roof. The root barrier,moisture retention mat and filter sheetshould be taken above the water bearinglevel and be protected from UV, forexample by an angle as shown.

minimum 50mm

200mmFacade DrainageAt the base of facades, more waterdrains down than is often realised and a linear grille is recommended.

The use of the terrace linear grille, FR-HK, enables the use of a fillet toangle the roof waterproofing in thenormal way.

The height of the grating can be adjustedfrom 65 to 115mm. The base unitsincorporate slots to allow the water to drain through the drainage layer.

Below paving, the Floradrain® is infilledwith Zincolit to increase the compressionresistance of the drainage layer.

Fig 34:

Fig 35:

Fig 36:

53Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Eaves DetailsThe use of retaining trims helps to solvea number of problems that occur atthe eaves.

Slots in the vertical face of the trimallow water from the drainage layer ofthe green roof to drain into the eavesgutter. The base section of the trim hasa series of holes. It is secured in placeby bonding a strip of waterproofingmaterial through the holes to the mainroof waterproofing below.

The vertical arm of the trim is designedto hold concrete edging blocks inplace, providing a neat and secureedge to the roof.

The trim is also designed to hold pebblesin place. The filter sheet should becarried under the pebbles and turned upat the edge trim to prevent a build-up ofsilt in the drainage layer.

Inspection ChamberWhen roof outlets are located in plantedareas it is necessary to provide aninspection chamber to allow access tothe roof drain outlet for inspection andcleaning. Alumasc supplies inspectionchambers in various depths to suit thedepth of the build-up.

The inspection chamber is surrounded by at least a 300mm wide strip ofwashed gravel to prevent strong plantgrowth in this area and enable anysurface water to drain off.

Fig 37:

Fig 38:

Fig 39:

54 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Floraset FS 50 Application Details

approx 300mm

Minimum 150mm

Abutment DetailAt upstands the waterproofing must be taken up 150mm above the finishedsurface of the roof – 100mm if the pitchis above 5%.

The waterproofing should bemechanically fixed back with atermination bar, preferably with acounter flashing. The counter flashingshould also protect the root barrier, moisture retention mat and filter sheet from UV.

approx 100mm

Roof PerimeterThere should be a minimum 100mmupstand at roof edges – approx 50mm ifthe slope is 5º or more. The roof edgingshould have a coping with the slope tothe inside of the roof. The root barrier,moisture retention mat and filter sheetshould be taken above the water bearinglevel and be protected from UV, forexample by an angle as shown.

minimum 50mm

200mmFacade DrainageAt the base of facades, more waterdrains down than is often realised and a linear grille is recommended.

The use of the terrace linear grille, FR-HK, enables the use of a fillet toangle the roof waterproofing in thenormal way.

The height of the grating can be adjustedfrom 65 to 115mm. The base unitsincorporate slots to allow the water to drain through the drainage layer.

Below paving, the Floraset is infilledwith Zincolit to increase the compressionresistance of the drainage layer.

Fig 40:

Fig 41:

Fig 42:

55Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Eaves DetailsThe use of retaining trims helps to solvea number of problems that occur atthe eaves.

Slots in the vertical face of the trimallow water from the drainage layer ofthe green roof to drain into the eavesgutter. The base section of the trim hasa series of holes. It is secured in placeby bonding a strip of waterproofingmaterial through the holes to the mainroof waterproofing below.

The vertical arm of the trim is designedto hold concrete edging blocks inplace, providing a neat and secureedge to the roof.

The trim is also designed to hold pebblesin place. The filter sheet should becarried under the pebbles and turned upat the edge trim to prevent a build-up ofsilt in the drainage layer.

Inspection ChamberWhen roof outlets are located in plantedareas it is necessary to provide aninspection chamber to allow access tothe roof drain outlet for inspection andcleaning. Alumasc supplies inspectionchambers in various depths to suit thedepth of the build-up.

The inspection chamber is surrounded by at least a 300mm wide strip ofwashed gravel to prevent strong plantgrowth in this area and enable anysurface water to drain off.

Fig 43:

Fig 44:

Fig 45:

56 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Sloping Roofs Application Details

Slopes over 20ºWhere the roof slope is 20º or more, shearing protection isnecessary. This is achieved by introducing intermediate crossbattens, as shown, to deal with the shear forces.

The spacing of the battens depends on the roof slope:

20º slope, battens at 10m centres

25º slope, battens at 8m centres

30º slope, battens at 5m centres.

Verge DetailThe waterproofing membrane and the moisture mat are bothturned up at the verge and protected by a capping trim.

The planting and substrate is stopped short of the verge andreplace by washed gravel or Zincolit to prevent strong plantgrowth in this area.

Eaves DetailThe stop rail is raised above the level of the waterproofingmembrane, by brackets, to allow water to run off the roofand into the gutter. The stop rail prevents the Floraset unitsfrom sliding down the roof.

A filter sheet is fixed to the back of the stop rail and belowthe washed gravel to prevent fines from being washeddown and blocking the drainage slot.

The planting and substrate is stopped short of the eaves andreplace by washed gravel or Zincolit to prevent strong plantgrowth in this area.

Fig 46:

Fig 47:

Fig 48:

57Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Metal Roof Application Details

Fig 50:

Fig 51:

Fig 52:

Fig 49:

Verge DetailForm the verge detail using standard Armaseam® components- verge channel, verge clip and verge tolerance section. A neoprene membrane can be installed for additionalweatherproofing before fixing the verge fascia.

The planting and ZinCo growing medium is stopped short ofthe verge and is replaced by washed gravel to prevent strongplant growth in this area.

Ridge DetailFor pitched roofs, turn up the sheet ends and installArmaseam® ridge foam fillers, dams and zed supports,before securing the ridge flashing.

The planting and ZinCo growing medium is stopped short ofthe apex and is replaced by washed gravel to preventstrong plant growth in this area.

The fixed point arrangement must accommodate all in-plane forces. Consult AEBP Ltd Technical Department forfurther assistance.

Eaves DetailTurn down Armaseam® sheet and fix the eaves drip angle.

The planting and ZinCo growing medium is stopped short ofthe eaves and is replaced by washed gravel. Secure the eavesretaining angle to the Armaseam® seam clip, preventinggravel from entering the gutter, yet permitting the drainageof any rainwater.

Choose from the extensive Alumasc gutter and rainwater piperanges for the drainage of excess rainwater and from theAlumasc Skyline range of fascia and soffit for aesthetic appeal.

Floradrain drainage layers are supplied pre-cut to suit thestanding seam module. The filter sheet, installed above,ensures that fines do not block the drainage holes. ZinCogrowing medium (50 to 70mm) is then installed beforeplanting (eg, sedum, herb).

Typical Section DetailFloradrain drainage layers are supplied pre-cut to suit thestanding seam module. The filter sheet, installed above,ensures that fines do not block the drainage holes. ZinCogrowing medium (50 to 70mm) is then installed beforeplanting (eg, sedum, herb).

Floradrain® FD 40-E Application Details

58 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Paving Edge DetailPaved areas can easily be combinedwith planted areas.

Built on the continuous base anddrainage layers, the paving can bebedded onto Zincolit, crushed gravelor sand. Kerbs of treated timber,precast concrete or brick paversprovide a simple border between the hard and soft landscaping.

Threshold DetailProviding a 150mm upstand beneathdoor thresholds is often difficult toachieve. The installation of a ZinCodrainage channel can solve the problemand permits an upstand of only 50mm.The channel collects the water run offand directs it into the drainage layer.

Below paving, the Floradrain® is infilledwith Zincolit to increase the compressionresistance of the drainage layer.

At the junction of the paving andplanting, a kerb is haunched up with mortar laid directly on theFloradrain®. The Floradrain® allowswater to drain below it. The filtersheet SF in the planting area should beturned up at the kerb to prevent gritfrom washing down and obstructing thedrainage below.

min 50mm

Fig 53:

Fig 54:

59Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

approx 500mm150mminim

Rooflight JunctionA 500mm wide safety area isrecommended around rooflights to enable inspection and provide a fire break.

The detail shows the green roof builtover a warm roof construction.

Terrace DrainageWhen roof outlets are located in pavedareas, a terrace grating is available thatallows access to the roof drain outlet.The dimensions correspond to those of terrace slabs: 200 x 400mm, 400 x400mm, 500 x 500mm.

This ensures excellent drainage fromthe surface as well as through thedrainage layer.

The grating is height adjustable from60 to 90mm high. The height adjustmentis easily carried out with a screwdriver.

Fig 55:

Fig 56:

Floradrain® FD 60 Application Details

60 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Roof DamWith intensive planting it is necessary toconserve as much rainwater as possiblefor plant use, thereby keeping additionalwatering to a minimum.

The channel system on the undersideof the Floradrain® FD 60 is capable ofretaining 40mm of water. This can beused by installing roof dams over theroof outlets. Inspection chambersallow access for cleaning purposes and enable the roof dam coverings to be removed in winter.

Tree AnchorageAll trees on roofs should be anchoreddown to prevent wind damage. Tree anchorage fixings through thewaterproofing layer are to be avoided.

A solution is to use a galvanisedreinforcing mat below the tree root ball.This spreads the forces from strong windsover a wide area, minimising the risk ofuprooting the tree.

An alternative is to place paving slabswith eye bolt fixings laid directly overthe drainage layer.

Trees prone to wind damage should notbe used on roofs.

Landscape OptionsFloradrain® FD 60 can support the loadingof the most intensive landscaped roofgarden. Bushes and small trees arepossible with a deeper layer of substrate.

Floradrain® FD 60 is also suitable forhard landscaped areas, includingpathways, terraces, play areas andeven vehicle access.

Where firm foundations are requiredfor dwarf walls and balustrades, forexample, concrete can be placeddirectly on top of the drainage layerwithout interrupting the flow ofdrainage water below.

Fig 57:

Fig 58:

Fig 59:

61Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Road Surface Borderedby Planted AreaThe Floradrain® FD 60 units can beused as permanent shuttering and stillallow drainage water to flow throughthe voids formed under them.

This enables concrete sub-bases forroad constructions, and foundationsfor constructions such as balustrading,pergolas etc, without damaging theroof covering.

There are numerous possibilities. The example shows a road formed of block paving.

Table 20: Concrete thickness for various loadings

Imposed Concrete Reinforcementload cover 500/550(tons) (mm) (bottom layer)

HGV 60 70 Q257

HGV 45 70 Q221

HGV 30 70 Q22160 Q257

Lorry 16 70 Q22160 Q257

Lorry 9 60 Q221

Lorry 6 60 Q22150 Q257

Lorry 3 50 Q131

Fig 60:

Elastodrain EL 200 and EL 202

62 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Directly LaidVehicular PavingElastodrain EL 202 isexcellent at withstandingheavy loads and dynamicforces, making it suitablefor use under roadways.

Elastodrain mats have a high positional stability after installation.

Build-up forHeavy TrucksAn alternative build-upwhere block paving is usedfor the road finish.

The mats have rebatedjoints, ensuring excellentprotection at the mat edges.

Access Road forSupply VehiclesThe concrete slab may bereplaced by compactedgravel, where less heavyvehicles are expected.

Infiltration water passesthrough the roadway build-upand is drained away throughthe Elastodrain layer.

Car ParkingProprietary concrete blockmay be used to enableplanting to grow through thespaces between the concrete.

Paving DetailsElastodrain EL 202 enablesall hard landscaping ideas to be realised. Send yourproject ideas to AlumascTechnical Services and wewill provide a green roofsolution for you.

Edge trim Block paving Surface drainage Perimeter detail

Facade drainage

Fig 61: Fig 62: Fig 63: Fig 64:

Fig 65:

63Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

min 150mm

approx 300–500mm

Wall AbutmentThe flexible Elastodrain mat can beextended up the sides of the perimeterwall and sealed with a suitable wallflashing. The top of the flashing shouldbe 150mm above the surface of thepaving slab.

The paving slabs may be laid on a stripof washed gravel, ensuring any heavyrainfall onto the wall above will quicklyrun into the drainage layer. The pavedarea also makes inspection access easier.

Edge of UndergroundCar ParkA deep layer of substrate can be built up at the edge of a loadbearingunderground car park deck as shown.Substrate soils can be spread by meansof wheel-loaders.

This design is also suitable for pathways,terraced areas, play areas and even vehicle surfaces such as a fire station entrance.

Ponds and PoolsWith the correct design, pools andponds can be installed on roof decks.The pool lining should be installed on a sand bed over the Elastodrain.

Should the pool ever leak, the water can safely drain away, via theElastodrain. It is recommended to have at least 300mm depth of water to compensate for the higherevaporation rate on high and exposed buildings.

Fig 66:

Fig 67:

Fig 68:

64 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Product Data

Filter Sheets

Filter Sheet SF

A standard filter sheet for use withFloradrain® elements.

Material Polypropylene

Mass 0.1kg/m2

Roll size 2m x 100m

Installation Loose laid over thedrainage layer

with 150mm laps

Drainage LayersFloradrain® forms a continuous drainagelayer under any type of landscape, allowswater to drain in any direction andretains water for plant use.


Zincolit recycled crushed brickSupply 1m3 or 25 litre bag

Weight when wet 1400kg/m3

Weight when dry 1250kg/m3

Particle size 4-15mm

Settlement factor +8%

Typical pH value 8.9

Sedum Carpet substrate -extensive

Supply 1m3 or 25 litre bag

Weight when wet 1250kg/m3

Weight when dry 1000kg/m3

Settlement factor +12%

Typical pH value 7.9

Rockery Type substrate -extensive

Supply 1m3 or 25 litre bag

Weight when wet 1350kg/m3

Weight when dry 1000kg/m3

Settlement factor +20%

Typical pH value 7.8

Heather with Lavendersubstrate - semi-intensive

Supply 1m3 or 25 litre bag

Weight when wet 1350kg/m3

Weight when dry 950kg/m3

Settlement factor +25%

Typical pH value 7.8

Roof Garden substrate -intensive

Supply 1m3 or 25 litre bag

Weight when wet 1400kg/m3

Weight when dry 950kg/m3

Settlement factor +30%

Typical pH value 7.8

Cranberry Bog substrate -intensive

Supply 1m3 or 25 litre bag

Weight when wet 1200kg/m3

Weight when dry 700kg/m3

Settlement factor +30%

Typical pH value 4.4


Add settlement factor to calculatedvolume.

All wet and dry weights areapproximate and after settlement.

Substrates other than those supplied byAlumasc must be approved for use in agreen roof application.

Filter Sheet PV

An extra heavy duty filter sheet for useover Elastodrain EL202 on driveways etc.

Material Polypropylenepolyethylene

Mass 0.35kg/m2

Roll Size 2.25m x 50m

Installation Loose laid with150mm laps

Filter Sheet TG

A filter sheet specifically for use overElastodrain EL 200/EL 202 when laidnipple up.

Material Polypropyleneand polyethylene

Mass 0.19kg/m2

Roll size 1.12m x 100m2.25m x 100m

Installation Loose laid with150mm laps

Fixodrain XD20

Economic combined drainage, waterretention and protection mat.

Material polypropylene

Thickness 20mm

Size 1m x 20m

Mass (empty) 1.0kg/m2

Mass (full) 4.0kg/m2

Capacity 3 litres/m2

Installation Interlocking long edges

Floradrain® FD 25-E

For shallow 50–100mm soil depths onextensive roofs to falls of at least 1:60.

Material Recycledpolyethylene

Thickness 25mm

Size 1m x 2m sheetsand in 1m x 15m rolls

with or without afilter lining

Mass (empty) 1.7kg/m2

Mass (full) 4.7kg/m2

Capacity 3 litres/m2

Installation Loose laid andbutt jointed

65Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Floratherm® WD 65-H, WD 120-H and WD 180-H

For increased thermal insulation,profiled to store water. Generally used on existing roofs.

Material Recycled polystyrene

Board size 1m x 1m

Type Thickness Mass ‘R’ value(mm) (kg/m2) (m2K/W)

WD 65-H 65 1.1 1.0

WD 120-H 120 2.1 2.4

WD 180-H 180 2.1 1.7

Elastodrain EL 200/EL 202

Rubber drainage mats with large studs on one side. For use directlyunder vehicular and pedestrian pavingand on large intensive roofs whereirrigation is to be provided. Loose laidover slip membrane, studded side up.

EL 200 EL 202

Material Recycled Rubberrubber

Thickness 20mm 19mm

Weight 14kg/m2 18kg/m2

Studs 600/m2 1200/m2

Compressivestrength >1000kN/m2 >1000kN/m2

Size 1m x 1m 1m x 1m

Installation laid loose laid loosebutt jointed butt jointed

Stabilodrain SD30

Extremely stable drainage element for useover underground car park decks undervegetation, walkways and driveways.

Material Rigid thermoformedpolystyrene

Thickness 32mm

Board Size 2000 x 940mm

Mass 3kg/m2 dry10.5kg/m2 full

Capacity 7.5 litres/m2

Installation Loose laid and butt jointed

Floraset FS 50 and FS 75

Floraset FS 50 is for use on existingroofs with inadequate falls to overcomelocalised areas of ponding water.

Floraset FS 75 is for use on slopingroofs up to 25º. Deep substrateretaining profile prevents slippage.

Material Recycled expandedpolystyrene

Board size 1m x 1mx 50/75mm high

Mass 1.5kg/m2

Capacity 2/3 litres/m2

Installation Loose laid and interlockedboards must be laid correct

side up – this varies dependingon whether the roof is flat orpitched, the deeper profile is

always upwards on pitched roofs

Floradrain® FD 60

For roofs with or without falls which may incorporate high loads anddwarf walls. Can be used as permanentshuttering for further constructions orvehicle surfaces.

Material Recycled toughenedpolyethylene

Thickness 60mm

Board size 2m x 1m

Mass 2.3kg/m2 empty40.7kg/m2

full & infilled with Zincolit

Capacity 5 litres/m2

Installation Loose laid and buttjoints and stapled

Floradrain® FD 40-E

For roofs with falls of at least 1:60 andcomplex extensive or semi-intensivelandscaping.

Material Recycled toughenedpolyethylene

Thickness 40mm

Size 1m x 2m sheetsand 1m x 15m rollswith intergral filter

Mass 2.2kg/m2 empty6.2kg/m2 full

Capacity 4 litres/m2

Installation Loose laid andbutt jointed

66 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Product Data

Root Barriers, ProtectionLayers, Moisture Matsand Slip Sheets

WSF40 Root Barrier forextensive green roofs.

Material Electronically testedpolyethylene

Thickness 0.4mm

Roll size 2m x 50m6.25m x 20m3m x 33.3m2m x 50m

Mass 3.8kg/m2

Installation Loose laid with 1.5m lapsto prevent penetration

by lateral roots

WSB80-PO Root Barrier forintensive green roofs

Material Flexible polyolefin

Thickness 1mm

Roll size 2m x 20m

Mass (dry) 1.2kg/m2

Installation Loose laid with 100mmhot air welded laps.

TGF20 Separating and Slip layerMaterial Polyethylene

Thickness 0.2mm

Roll size 8m x 25m3m x 33.5m

Mass 1.9kg/m2

Installation Loose laid with 200mm laps

TGV21 Air permeableseparating and slip layer

Material Polypropylene

Thickness 0.55mm

Roll size 1.6m x 50m1.6m x 250m

Mass 0.8kg/m2

Installation Loose laid with 100m overlaps

JEG Anti Erosion NetMaterial Heavy, wide mesh jute

fibre for binding new substrate surface on sloping areas – 100%


Roll size 1.22m x 70m

Mass 43kg per roll

Installation Secure with wooden pegs on slopes ≥10º – overlap by 200mm

WSM150 Moisture Retention andProtection mat

Material Needled fleece ofrecycled syntheticfibres for water

retention onpitched roofs

Water retention 12 litres/m2


Thickness 20mm

Roll size 1m x 15m

Mass (dry) 1.5kg/m2

Mass (wet) 13.5kg/m2

Installation Loose laid and butt jointed

ISM 50 Moisture Retention andProtection Mat

Material Fibre mat with polypropylene andrubber, reinforced

for spade resistance

Water retentioncapacity 4 litres/m2

Thickness 6mm

Roll size 2m x 25m

Mass (dry) 0.85kg/m2

Mass (wet) 4.85kg/m2

Installation Loose laid with 100mm laps

TSM 32 Moisture Retention and Protection Mat

Material Non rotting synthetic polyester fibre, for use under hard landscapes

and extensive soils

Water retentioncapacity 3 litres/m2

Thickness 3mm

Roll size 2m x 50m

Mass (dry) 0.32kg/m2

Mass (wet) 3.32kg/m2

Installation Loose laid with100mm laps

SSM 45 Moisture Retention and Protection Mat

Material Fibre mat withpolypropylene carrier

Water retentioncapacity 5 litres/m2

Thickness 5mm

Roll size 2m x 50m

Mass (dry) 0.47kg/m2

Mass (wet) 5.47kg/m2

Installation Loose laid with100mm laps

BSM 64 Moisture Retention and Protection Mat

Material Recycled polypropylenerot proof fibres fixed toneedle punched carrier

Water retentioncapacity 7 litres/m2

Thickness 7mm

Roll size 2m x 25m

Mass (dry) 0.68kg/m2

Mass (wet) 7.68kg/m2

Installation Loose laid with 100mm laps

67Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Terrace Grill-TR-H

Adjustable height square grill units ofdifferent sizes for use in paving systems.

Material Steel

Height 65-95mm or95-125mm

Unit size 200 x 400mm400 x 400mm

and 500 x 500mm

Installation Placed over Floradrain® layerand adjusted to level of paving

Inspection Chambers, Terrace Gratings and Roof Dams

Terrace Linear Grating

Adjustable height linear units for useagainst facade abutments in paving.

Roof Dam

For fixing over roof outlets to retainwater on roofs.

Material Copper to suit built-uproofing materials or PVC to

suit single-ply PVC membranes

Size 90mm x 40mm high with 400mm dia

connecting membrane

Drainage Channel

A two piece unit which is not heightadjustable, for use in proximity tofacades. Drainage channels comprise aremovable grill set in a U-frame casingperforated along its base length.

Material Galvanised steelor stainless steel

Lengths Stainless steel 1mGalvanised steel, 500mm,

1m, 2m, and 3m

Accessories Internal andexternal corners

Type For substrate depth Material Size

KS5 50mm Black plastic coated steel 250 x 250 x 50mm high with 500 x 500mm flange attached for stability and to lap filter sheet

KS8 80mm Black plastic coated steel 250 x 250 x 80mm high with 500 x 500mmflange attached for stability and to lap filter sheet

KS12 120mm Black plastic coated steel 250 x 250 x 120mm high with 500 x 500mmflange attached for stability and to lap filter sheet

KS15 150mm Aluminium 250 x 250mm on 320 x 320 x 150mmpolystyrene support base

KS25 250mm Aluminium 250 x 250mm on 320 x 320 x 150mmpolystyrene support base

KS30 PE 300mm Recycled polyethylene 300 x 300 x 300mm high

KS30 E 300mm Stainless steel 300 x 300 x 300mm high

KS52 500mm Recycled polyethylene 400 x 500 x 520mm high

Note: extension pieces for all inspection chambers available to order.

Inspection chambers

For access to roof outlets. Chambers have varying heights to suit different substrate depths.

Product Data

68 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Fall Prevention/Arrest Systems

Non-membrane penetrating anchorsystem for green roof maintenanceaccess.

Fallnet SR

Interlocking grid with centralisedstainless steel anchor point.

For use by one person.

Fallnet SR Rail

Linear device employing a runnerattachment, for use generally inrestricted areas.

For use by one person per length.

Automatic IrrigationUnitsAutomated water top-up mechanismsfor maintaining predetermined waterlevels, for use on roofs without falls.Used in conjunction with outlets fittedwith roof dams.

Type B 32

Can be situated at any position on theroof. Must not be situated directly overoutlets.

Base 300 x 300mm

Height 300mm

Weight 7kg

Type B 52

Can be situated at any position on theroof, directly over outlets if desired.

Base 400 x 500mm

Height 500mm

Weight 18kg

Note: these units must be connected toa water supply in accordance withcurrent water by-laws.

Material Aluminium or stainless steel

Height 55mm, 80mm, 120mm,140mm (other sizes

to order).

Length 3m

Ballast Retaining Trims

A range of aluminium upstands,perforated to allow drainage, availablein a variety of heights to suit variablesubstrate depth. Polyester powdercoated colour finishes or stainless steelversions available to order.

Kerb size 500mm long x300mm x 250mm

Installation Laid on a sub-base of Zincolitlaid over Floradrain®, installed

either way around for kerbheight of 250mm or 300mm

Accessories Internal and (480 x 480mm)and external (230 x 230mm) corner junctions availablein both 250mm and 300mm


KerbsConcrete kerbs for retaining soil atjunctions with paved areas and changesin level or material.

69Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

Fallnet SK

Reinforced plastic netting for use withZinCo green roofs only)

Variable in shape and size, formultiple users.

Fallnet Harness

Personal harness with adjustablelanyard, for use with any Fallnetsystem.

Handrail System

Handrail baseplates

Bespoke handrail system, with integralbaseplates for green roofs intended forfrequent access.

For use with proprietary handrailsystems of client’s choosing.

Solar Panel SB200support system

Combined baseplate/support systemsfor solar panels and photovoltaic panels

Plug Plants

Floratop FT50

A variety of 110cm3 rootball plug plantsspecifically selected for either extensiveor semi-intensive green roofs, suppliedin trays of 50 plants each.

Floratop FT 4 x 15

A variety of 75cm3 rootball plug plants specifically selected for eitherextensive or semi-intensive greenroofs, supplied in packs of 4 trays of 15 plants each.

Floratop FT100

A variety of 50cm3 rootball plug plantsspecifically selected for extensivegreen roofs, supplied in trays of 100plants each.

Fallnet SE

4m x 4m Stainless steel wire mesh withintegral polyester fleece.

For use by a maximum of two people.

Product Data

70 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400


Plantfit® 4M

Slow release fertiliser for extensivegreen roofs, for application once peryear at 25 gm/m2, ideally betweenMarch and June, supplied in 2.5, 10and 25kg bags.

Semi-intensive Seed Mixes

‘Country Colours’

A mixture of over 25 species, suppliedin bags of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 5.0kg, andapplied at a rate of 25gm/m2.

‘Meadow Scent’

A blend of 8 grass species supplied pre-mixed at a ratio of 60:40 with the‘Country Colours’ seed mix (see above),applied at a rate of 25 gm/m2.

Sedum Cuttings

Sedum Shoot Mix

A mixture of a minimum of 4 varietiesof sedum species for application at 60-80 gm/m2 (approx 100 cuttings),supplied in 2kg bags. Also available in2kg bags of selected individual species.

Weight 25-30kg/m2

Thickness 30-40mm

Sedum Mats

Precultivated sedum mats for extensivegreen roof applications, containingbetween 4 and 8 varieties, supplied in2m2 mats for instant 100% coverage.

Must be installed and wateredthoroughly immediately upon delivery.

Alumasc Premium Products - All Brands


Alumasc provides an unrivalled range of premium products for building exteriors and

drainage, along with high levels of technical expertise and project support. Our wealth of

experience combined with networks of approved installers, merchant stockists and a

choice of warranty options ensures we provide appropriate product and system solutions

for all types of buildings.

Alumasc is the UK’s leadingmanufacturer of aluminium rainwatersystems and offers a complete range ofgutters, downpipes and fascia/soffitsfor both contemporary and traditionalarchitecture.

Alumasc’s cast iron rainwater system isfor historic and restoration sites, withbespoke designs available to match orreplace existing installations.

Alumasc’s Harmer brand providesmarket leading solutions for rainwaterhandling and building drainage.

Aluminium roof, floor and shower drainsare complemented by specialistdrainage ranges in plastic. A choice ofcast iron pipework systems is availablefor internal and rainwater drainage.Specialist rainwater managementsystems and paving and deck supportsare also available.

Alumasc is a specialist provider of worldclass waterproofing and green roofsystems.

The range includes Derbigum highperformance flat roof membranes,Firestone TPO and EPDM single plymembranes, Hydrotech structuralwaterproofing and ZinCo Extensive,Biodiverse, Semi-intensive and Intensivegreen roofs.

Alumasc is a specialist in the design and development of thermally efficientinsulated render systems. Alumasc’sexternal wall insulation systems areavailable with a choice of insulatingmaterial and silicone, mineral orpolymer-modified decorative renderfinishes.

Rainwater■ Aluminium Rainwater Systems

■ Aluminium Fascias, Soffits and Copings

■ Cast Iron Rainwater Systems


Drainage■ Roof, Floor and Shower Drains

■ Cast Iron Soil & Waste Systems

■ Rainwater Management Systems

■ Paving and Decking Supports


Waterproofing■ Flat Roof Membranes

■ Single Ply Membranes

■ Structural Waterproofing

■ Green Roof Systems


Facades■ External Wall Insulation

■ Render Only Systems

■ Brick Slips & Specialist Systems

■ Decorative Coatings


72 Alumasc Technical Helpline 01744 648400

premium products • proven solutions

A unique fusion of premium products,technical expertise and product support


White House Works, Bold Road, Sutton,

St Helens, Merseyside, WA9 4JG

United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 (0)1744 648400

Facsimile: +44 (0)1744 648401

Website: www.alumascgreenroofs.co.uk

E-mail: info@alumasc-exteriors.co.uk

All reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this brochure, all information, recommendations and guidance notes on the use of The Products are made without guarantee since the conditions of use are beyond the control of Alumasc Exterior Building Products Limited (The Company). The customer is responsible for ensuring that each product is fit for its intended purpose and that conditions for use are suitable.

The information contained in this brochure and advice arising therefrom is free of charge and accordingly on the terms that no liability nor liability for negligence will attach to The Company or its servants in relation to any such service arising out of or in connection with this brochure.

The Company pursues a policy of constant product development and information contained in this publication is therefore subject to change without notice.


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