Zodiac signs: meanings, symbols and activities

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Zodiac Signs Meanings


You are going to learn a lot about adjectives related to human personality. Copy all of them on your notebook in two different columns, one

for those which have a good meaning and another one for

those which a bad aspect.


Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac. It is a feminine sign ruled by the Moon. People born under the sign

of Cancer are family oriented and love home life. They are quite protective of those they love even to

the point of being possessive. Those born under Cancer are both creative and artistic. They have a

keen sense of intuition and a sensitive nature.


Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac. It is a masculine sign ruled by Pluto. People born under the

sign of Scorpio are passionate and determined. Scorpions can be tenacious and independent. Their

emotions often drive their passion. The Scorpions can become jealous, stubborn and competitive. If their

energy is directed in a positive manner Scorpions can accomplish great things.


Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac. It is a feminine sign ruled by Jupiter. People born under the sign of

Pisces are often idealists. They are creative and artistic. Those born under the sign of Pisces have an

emotional and sensitive nature. They are intuitive and tend to follow their instinct. The downside of the

Piscean nature is that they may be manipulative.


Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It is a masculine sign that is governed by Mars. People born under the sign of Aries are good speakers that may develop positions of leadership. They

are confident, courageous and determined. People born under the sign of Aries are energetic but they can also be impulsive and aggressive.


Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. It is a masculine sign ruled by the Sun. People born under the sign of Leo are generous, determined, loyal and energetic. Their determined nature is often viewed as being stubborn. Those born under the sign of Leo are usually confident

and outgoing. They often love to be the center of attention, and their confident nature can often lead to

overconfidence, proud and a big ego.


Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac. It is a masculine sign ruled by Jupiter. People born under the

sign of Sagittarius are social, independent and energetic and friendly. The Sagittarians love to travel

and often have a passion for gambling. Those born under the sign of Sagittarius adapt well to change

since they tend to have a restless spirit and become bored easily.


Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. It is a feminine sign ruled by Venus. People born under the sign of Taurus are

determined, strong willed and reliable. They can be so determined that they are often referred to as stubborn.

Taurus people are nature lovers who enjoy being outdoors. Taureans must be vigilant in their efforts as they may be

possessive in relationships as well as with material possessions.


Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac. It is a feminine sign ruled by Mercury. People born under the sign of Virgo are often idealists. They are intellectual and many are

perfectionists. Although Virgos are often shy they have a good sense of humor. Virgos are often athletic and talented in the area of sports. Virgos often have a

skeptical and even cynical nature, and can be restrained.


Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac. It is a feminine sign ruled by Saturn. Capricorns are

strong-willed, loyal and logical people. They are analytical and methodical. Capricorns are usually quite organized. They can also be industrious and

enterprising. Capricorns can be fiercely loyal although this may also lead them to be a bit



Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. It is a masculine sign ruled by Mercury. People born under the sign of

Gemini are witty, intellectual individuals that are usually quite popular. They often have a large circle of friends and associates. Those born under Gemini are talkative and energetic. They love to travel. People born under the sign of Gemini often lack patience as

they get bored easily.


Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac. It is a masculine sign that is ruled by Venus. People born under the

sign of Libra are strong-willed, determined and energetic. They are creative, artistic and intellectual.

As the sign suggests, Librans are usually well-balanced having both a responsible and playful

nature. They can be energetic, although they can also be a bit lazy.


Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. It is a masculine sign ruled by Saturn and Uranus. People

born under the sign of Aquarius are intellectual, dependable and stable. They are often creative and

even artistic. Aquarians are passionate, determined, organized and energetic but they can

also be stubborn, unpredictable and skeptical.

Zodiac Signs


There are dozens of different ways of interpreting the twelve signs of the

zodiac. Look at the different interpretations that illustrators give these symbols in magazines, books

and newspapers.

Create your own zodiac sign using the symbols

below as a reference, but be creative!!!! Try to

invent your own symbol.

Use the materials you like the most, and write a brief composition to explain if you are a typical zodiac person or not. Use the adjectives that you have learnt with the presentation. Here you are an example:

My zodiac sign is (Taurus). I believe/ don’t believe in zodiac signs. I usually read/ never read the zodiac signs in the newspapers or magazines.

• What I have in common with the Taurus zodiac signs is that ……………………..

Example: I am very possessive because I don’t like lending my own things to people.

• What I don’t have in common with my sign is that………………………………..

Finally write down the zodiac forecast of your sign for next week. Use

this model as an example, using present simple and




• LOVE: nice words aren’t sincere, so don’t pay attention to them.

• YOUR FRIENDS: you can become exasperated because they don’t understand what you explain to them.

• OUR ADVICE: remember which your best quality is when you are depressed.

• BE CAREFUL: don’t get angry with your friends.

• GOOD LUCK: with your exams. Study hard!

• SECRET: be more elegant. Go shopping, and buy new clothes!

• GREAT DAYS: 15, 17, 19 and 20.


Capricorn, Cancer, Libra and Aquarius.