Zombie horror

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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By Jasmin Tillbrook

Zombie Horror NEVER ENDING

DEATHThe day the earth turned to death..

Todorov Narrative outline:

Stage 1: Family are eating at a well known restaurant such at nandos to celebrate there son’s birthday.

Stage 2: The son starts choking and starts to cough up blood, family leave and rush him to hospital. No one realises the doctors and patients are zombies.

Stage 3: Cuts scene to show the son wake up from his sleep on the hospital bed to find no one in the room, with a fuzzy head. Walks into next room to find everyone being eaten or dead on floor.

Stage 4: finds a way to escape the hospital to find whole country is like it. All emergency services down and no technology working. Can not find any family. Finds a place to get away from the zombies.

Stage 5: A van of humans comes a long and finds him and grabs him into the van to venture to safety. Left as a cliff hanger.

Characters: The mother – Her name is sue, and she is considered a classy women. She Owns a lot of designer wear is very proud

of her appearance and the image she gives off to people. She only has a part time job as a accountant locally, as her husband is the main earner. She spends most her days looking after her youngest child and cleaning her nice home within Essex.

The father- He is named John. He is a very laid back person. He earns very well working in Insurance in London however he does not boast about it. He is a very social person and likes to go for a drink with his friends after work a lot. He is also a family man and spends a lot of time taking his son to football and arranging family activates.

The Eldest daughter- named Jade. She prefers to spend as little time as possible with her family. She is aged seventeen and prefers to spend her spare time out socialising with friends and perusing her photography career.

The son – named Ben aged thirteen. He has quite a quiet personality and does not talk that much. He has a small group of friends and spends a lot of time at home. He loves sport especially football and spends a lot of time bonding with his dad over it.

Extras – The extras will only be background people, dressing up as zombies. The are local people who have been infected.

Films that are similar: • Open grave 2013 directed by Gonzalo López-Gallego. Has a 6.3/10 review on IMDB. The plot is a man who

wakes up surrounded by dead bodies not sure what happened and must find out who the murderer is or if it is him that is the killer.

This has similarities to mine because my main character does not know what happened when he wakes up in hospital bed and has to deal with the problem independently.

• Shaun of the dead 2004 directed by Edgar Wright. Has a 8/10 review on IMDB. The plot is about a normal guy trying to win back his ex- girlfriend, whilst dealing with the world turning into zombies.

The reason this has similarities to mine is it set in a very normal everyday scene when everything, out of no where turns chaos.

Mise en scene The costume of the family will all be casual wear as they have only gone to a simple restaurant. The mother

will be wearing her usual designer wear, whereas the rest of the family will be in jeans and tops. It is spring so they will only have jackets and cardigans on.

The costume of the extra’s will all be zombies so they will have ripped casual clothing and blood stains on them.The make up will consist of natural make up for the family. The mother will look glamorous with bright lipstick

on.The actors who play the zombies will have pale skin. White contact lenses and cuts on there body and face. They will have black eye shadow under the eyes.

The props used will be plates and cutlery for the restaurant. For the hospital scene will need a bed and glass of water.The zombies in the hospital will be holding items that we consider frightening.Materials such as needles and knives.

Non-verbal performance will play a strong role when identifying the zombies,those who walk in a deformed, slow way will be the actors who are zombies.

SoundSome ideas we have had for sound for this trailer is having a fast-paced song in the background once the zombies are shown, this creates this ‘what is going to happen next?’ sort of feel. It also makes us feel its full of action and surprises.Pausing the music to hear the characters to hear them whispering often has a good effect. It also could be the chance to add in any humour or tag line for the audience to grasp attention and remember the movie.Example of this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07s-cNFffDM

BBFC RATINGmy movie would be rated 15. This is because there would be some scenes some viewers may find disturbing,

however nothing to the extent of emotionally harming. There is some scenes of a sexual nature, however very mild, (kissing). There will be fake blood involved and pretend limbs and insides. The use of hospital materials in a harmful manner, and emergency services acting in a dangerous matter. Viewers under the age of fifteen are

advised not to watch this content.

Cinematography and Editing From research we know how many shots you have to take when producing a trailer and how important each of them are because they all represent certain elements. In this situation we would have to consider the first shots and how we edit them to represent the family, their characteristics , their personalities and how they effect there roles in the film. The film Orphan is a good example of this they use a lot of shots to convoy the surroundings (a luxury rich life style and happy family) and use black outs to show how it slowly changed by adopting this child who is the devil. http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi780468761/

Once the problem has been shown, in this case the zombie invasion, we would need to highlight this, this would be done by the angles and choice of shots, due to lack of actors we would repeat similar shots with different angles to look like the mass of the zombies was much greater. Also to portray the make up we would of used to show that they are zombies we would use close up shots.

Target AudienceCara’s,(15 years old) life is devoted to adventure and trying new things. She lives to feel the breeze in her hair as she skates around on her skateboard. Her life is carefree and daring, although when she must rest a cosy movie night with her friends is also fine with her. She absolutely adores the motion of being scared, the feel in your stomach, the goose bumps the suspense, every aspect of being scared enlightens Cara. This goes without saying her favourite movie genre. She rejoices her individuality and embraces new challenges without giving a second look to those who judge her. Cara likes humour, as long as it does not involve anything romantic. That is one subject she does not feel she wants or needs to experiment with. She although wear mostly dark colour’s, she is always seen by her long, wavy, brown hair. Cara attends school and is achieving good grades. She does chores to get pocket money from her parents.

Therefore when looking at Cara in terms of demographics, she would be classed as category D/E because she is a student. In terms of psychographics she would be classed as a explorer.