Zombieland trailer presentation

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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ZombielandZombielandGenre: Zombie attack.

Ffion Thompson

The audience will know half way through that it is a zombie genre when the audience has seen several similar dressed characters that are dressed like modern day film zombies appear on the screen and the stereotype of zombie movies gives the audience the general genre.

This trailer targets its audience I think by the film company Columbia which is a well know company and is known for good films. Also the audience who will watch this movie will be in to the genre of zombies. Also the trailer targets its audience by the actors they use. For example the main character Jesse Eisenberg who has starred in 32 movies will attract a particular audience.

The trailer for Zombieland lasts for 2 minutes 55 seconds, in this time the audience know what the plot is and the main characters that will be in the film. In this time there are roughly 114 shots, these vary from characters to showing the area and also advertisement of the movie. Also in the trailer there are a few transitions where they have changed the location for example from being in the shop to outside where two zombies are running loose.

Zombieland has a soundtrack at the start which I think sounds spooky, ery and gives the audience a sense that something is wrong in the up coming scene. After the first scene a different sound track comes on in the background- action. During this trailer they have a variety of sound effects from a zombie being hit in the face, sound of a baseball bat hitting a zombie. The way they have used their sound effects are realistic to the sounds they cause. I have an example of the shot where they have used a non diegetic sound effect where the car hits the garage, they have not exaggerated this sound.

The use of the banjo…

The trailer reveals that the plot of this film is that they have been invaded and attacked by zombies and everyone is changing into the zombies after they are being attacked by them. However the trailer does not give away why it has happened, it shows two men trying to solve the problem by killing them all off.

During the trailer titles appear, in this certain trailer they show the company who made the film, the release date and also the films name. In most film trailers they will also include the main actors and actresses names as this will draw an audience together. However because this is a specific genre and only a certain type of audience would prefer to watch it they would not of needed to mention the cast.

In most movie trailers they use similar shots which I think include; a birds eye view of the location, close ups on main characters, over the shoulder, two shot and a long shot. I think they are the ones that are most commonly used in film trailers. The way producers/ directors organise their mise-en-scene is very clever and how they construct it into the trailer. In the trailer it seems they want to show the best mise-en-scene throughout the film to attract the audiences. I like the Zombieland trailer, I think it markets the film quite well. It shows the good and strong parts that would attract a specific genre target audience. I also think that this trailer was succesful in targeting its audience as a lot of action happened in the trailer. I think film trailers can be very successful for promoting movies because they show the main characters to draw the audience that like specific characters in, they also show a few action shots and sometimes leave the audience wondering what happens next which makes them want to watch the film.

In the making of this film the directors and producers would have had to stick to the codes and conventions of other zombie movies so that it could try to be a success based on other movies. They would have had to consider..

-A quiet area with no one around. - Some shots must be fast and some slow, giving the audience that spooky feeling.-The characters solving the problem should survive.-Modern zombies that look real.-May make the audience spooked-Various of zombie actors (large, small, blonde etc)

These are just some of the codes and conventions that Zombieland would of needed to think about while writing and producing this movie.