Zoo Trip Slide Show

Post on 22-Feb-2016

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Zoo Trip Slide Show. By Sara. The Cool Peacock!. This peacock was seen running around the zoo with no other trainer to see him!. The Giraffes!. This was the spot where the first note was found! But still the giraffes were way better than a note!. Ostrich?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Zoo Trip Slide Show

Zoo Trip Slide ShowBy SaraThe Cool Peacock!This peacock was seen running around the zoo with no other trainer to see him!

The Giraffes!This was the spot where the first note was found! But still the giraffes were way better than a note!

Ostrich?This was found in the giraffe habitat? Huh?

African Wild DogsThey are so cute! Dont you think?


MONKEYS!These guys just hung around in their trees but arent they cool?

GorillasThere were SO MANY!! And they were all huge!

TIGERS!This one acted up and it was being strange so the show was cut early!

Polar BearThis guy was asleep the whole time!

Camels!!These guys were giving rides right near where we were eating!

OTTERS!!OMG these guys are SO cute! There were like 10 of them all bunched up!

Tree Kangaroos!They have evil eyes on account of my cameras red eye feature that I forgot to erase!

MORE MONKEYS!I have two kinds down here the difference is that one of the pics have all black and one orange and the other has more orange and less black

Uh I'm not sure what this one is!Its some sort of wild pig not a wild hog I know that but still idk what it is! Maybe you can figure it out!

PaNtHeRSome of the pictures your about to see have the red eye sorry about that!

Another kind of BirdI'm not sure what this bird is called but maybe you can figure it out!

FISHEY!!I this is some sort of fish that I dont remember the name of! FIGURE IT OUT!

Gazelles!We ran into these guys right before the lion encounter!

LionsI got this picture right before the whole thing with the lion! It looks pretty good right?

BaboonsThis was another monkey that we saw on our way out, I'm not sure how I got the picture so fast!

Thanks for watching!This was a look inside the zoo by SaraThese were all real pictures off of 1cholate5s camera (notice some from the Bronx zoo videos?)Thank you for watching!