Assignment: History of Design Appreciation Assessing Tutors

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Assignment: History of Design Appreciation

Assessing Tutors:

Maria O’Brien

Ian Tracy

Brendan Dwyer




Valentina Ali

1st Year HND Graphic Design

21st of January 2013



Introduction 3

Interior Design in the Arts and Craft and the Victorian movement 4

Conclusion 10

Bibliography 11


The main goal of this essay was to identify similarities of

two art movements: Arts and Crafts with the Victorian era, by

looking in particular style conception, especially in interior

design. From the art history point of view both styles are

significant, being the pioneers of embellishment and elaborates


Research that was carried out is important, from designing

point of view, because helps perceive art as a keep evolving

structure of art styles, influenced by each other, also by

economy change, political situation, technology and others.


The Victorian Era movement that started in 1837 England 1

and the Arts and Crafts Movement that began in nineteenth-century

in Britain 2 had many goals in common. Both movements were

1 Christine Chen, ‘’Victorian Era’’, [on-line], 2008, at (accessed: 22 December 2012)2 V. Ryan, ‘’The Arts and Craft movement 1880 – 1910’’,, [on-line], 2010, (accessed: 2 January 2013)

interested in uniting all the arts and held an optimistic faith

in the power of new invention.

Most importantly, both movements believed in beautiful

design and well-made work as a part of their life.

Both movements were teaching that art product must have

features like beauty and utility, and they were advocating for

better working conditions. Furthermore both movements faced

industrial production of goods and they have agreed that it

changed the world3.

Here some pictures below about the style in the Victorian

interior design. We can see that this is a dining room with a

beautiful large space, with the

right lightning.

3 Julier, Guy, ‘’Dictionary of 20th Century design and designers’’, Routledge: London, 1993, p.252.

And here are some examples of the Arts and Craft movement in the

interior design:

The interior design revolves around finely crafted furniture

and interior features usually of wood as we can see in the images

above; the style is versatile enough to work within a traditional

or transitional environment4. For both movements, nature was an

important source; also the use of glass window is predominant in

the two movements, but it was not only on

windows, it was also used on

cabinet’s glasses, normally in the area of

the kitchen.

4 Judith Miller, 20th Century Design: The Definitive Illustrated Sourcebook, Routldegde: London, p.24

Arts and Craft Kitchen Design Victorian Era Kitchen Design

These 2 kitchen examples show how it is a kitchen with a

strong Arts & Crafts feel and an authentic Victorian design. Even

though we can see some difference, the stained glass windows and

the woodwork in both kitchens achieve the similarities on both

styles. The Gothic Revival had a great impact on the Arts and

Crafts and the Victorian style; the interest in all things

Medieval and the use of wood, glass and harmonious colours were

particularly inspirational5. 

In addition to design both movements used ornamentation on

their furniture, simple plain lines, forms, and richness of

colour that enhances the beauty of natural materials, and honours

the special designed furniture’s and creates warm and new feeling

in all the spaces.

The principal colours used in Arts and Craft and Victorian

era were a harmonious palette taken from nature, including ochre,

5Jeremy Paxman, The Victorians BBC Book, Routlodge: London, 2009, p.244

madder red, olive greens, blue, beige and dark brown predominate

in almost everything6.

As you can see in both movements, the interior of the houses

were often overcharged with furnishing, creating an atmosphere of

richness, also the historic elements such as, colours combination

and woodwork giving a freshness and originality in both eras7.

The Arts and Crafts just emphasised the handmade, stencilled and

very detailed work, this grew popular as an answer to the

manufactured mass-market wallpapers and other decorative

treatments of the Victorian era.

The Victorians and Arts and Craft movement adopted past

styles to their own purpose instead of

following them strictly.

Arts and Craft – Tube Chair

6 Ian Chivers, The Oxford Dictionary of Art, Routledge: London, 1997, p. 317 Amitabh Bachhawat, ‘’Arts and Crafts Movement: Mission Style Furniture’’, [on-line], 2010, at (accessed: 12 January 2013)

Victorian Era – Oval back chair

Both chairs are made entirely from wood and both included

the patterns in a different form but with the floral style, that

was typically from both movements.

Arts and craft – Desk

Victorian Era – Desk

These relate to the essential meaning of the work because

the Victorian and the Arts & Crafts movement included the

simplicity and solidity of dark wood. The drawers in both images

above had been made with almost the same ornament with the

slightly variation of the quantities of drawers.

Simplicity was the key, keeping things in simple form, but

very elegant and intricate detailing. They tended to emphasize

the qualities of the materials used in every space.

Both movement likes keeping things in simple form, but very

elegant and intricate detailing. They tended to emphasize the

qualities of the materials used in every space8.

8 Ian Chivers, The Oxford Dictionary of Art, Routledge: London, 1997, p. 32

Decoration, furnishings and interior layout cannot easily be

separated in periods, each aspect of an interior emerged in

association with all other aspects of the house.


The Arts and Craft movement and the Victorian era styles

have their own similarities. Both movements were teaching that

art product must have features like beauty and utility.

In this essay similarities of both movements were identified

and comparison of styles briefly analysed by looking into their

interior style. Although the Arts and Crafts as a preparation for

designing for mass production, both styles understood importance

of teaching the principles of design and also they begun to

propagate work in teams, both movements appreciated cooperation

seen in Medieval Age.

In addition to design both movements used ornamentation on

their furniture, simple plain lines, forms and richness of colour

as well as interest in composition of the elements.

In summary because both Arts and Crafts Movement and the

Victorian did not have so much goals in common, they pointed out

the importance of design history and how has opened new era of

today’s design.


Chinn, Adrienne, ‘’Arts and Craft Style’’ [on-line], 2009, at (accessed 17th January 2013).

Chivers, Ian and Harold, ‘’The Oxford Dictionary of Art’’, Routledge: Oxford University, 1997.

Jirousek, Charlotte, ‘’The Arts and Craft Movement’’, [on-line], 1995, at (accessed: 14 January 2013).

Julier, Guy, ‘’Dictionary of 20th Century design and designers’’, Routledge: London, 1993.

Knowles, Eric, ‘’Victoriana to Art Deco’’, Routledge: London, 1993.

Paxman, Jeremy, ‘’The Victorians BBC Books’’, Routledge: London, 2009.

Zerbe, Anna, ‘Decorative arts in the Victorian Era’’ [on-line], 2011, at (Accessed: 18 December 2012)