B.,Currrnt Year ApproprllllloD - dost-pcieerd

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DI."p311menlAgf'nt"YOpefl'lling linltOrgnnilallon Codt (\lACS)


DepllrtmrDl ofSdtnct' l\nd T~hnolo~'Phllippint Council for Indu\try'. Enl,"rgy nnd EmE'rging Tl'chnology Rt'\ttll1:'h nnd Dt\'tlopmtnl

19.013 B.,Currrnt Year ApproprllllloD\SUlllllrmrntal APProfllilll\on~ContInuing ApllfOllrbllom

Off_Burlg •.•t Afrouot

li,.\CSPh~'~irlll TllrgC'ls Physirnl Arromplhhmenh Ynrilln("1,"

Pnl11culnn CODE 3\ orst'pl RC'm:l.rk,

1,1 Quarttr 2nd Qunrltr 3rtl Quafltr 4th Quarltr TOlnl hi QU:Jl"ll,'f 2nd QU1lI1tf 3•.d QUIlI"'rl' 4th QUllrtl'f rolnl 20J!'

I , 3 , ; , 7=(3.•..•+~+6) 8 , 10 II 12={8+9+1 13 140+11)


I. o trudons:\IFO I .10du\I)")', Enl."rgy 3OOOOOOOOrmd Imtrglng. Tt'chnolog,'R"'Stlirch nnd J)l'\'rlopmtntPolicy Sl'nicts

P"'rfonn.11lC("Indicll!OOt. N(l. of palicy nd\;sori~ I' I' I' 9 , 31 (15)

prodded1, Average pacentnge of 9~o 90% 90':. 90'!:' 9~ •• ~-o 90~6 90'? . 90~6

p<"licyI1d\;sorie!l rnledsmisrncl~. or beller3. Percmtnge of policy 90!o 9~. 9~o 9O'!o 90'! •• 9~ •• 90'!;' 90% 90%

(ldvi~orit'S thm han' beenupcl:ued, iss~d nnddi~~ljn.1ted within Iht- Instthr« (3) ye:ns

~IF02:RtS(,llfCh lind 3000000ooD('wlopmtnl ='bnagtmtntStn;ct" for TndusII")',[nt'fl;t\. amI [mtl'glngTtchnologyPcrfonn:mcC' Indicntors

I, Number of prop<K."Ils 62 63 63 62 1:'0 31 23 " 139 III


Dl'parlmentAgencyOperating Unit

Organizalion Codl' (lIACS)


Dl'partml'nl ofScil'nce and TechnologyPhilippine Council for Indu~try', Energy and Emerging Technology Rl'search and De\"l'lopml'ut B""Current Year Approprlatlons

SlIllplemental AppropriationsContinuing Apilropriations

Off-Budgt't .-\ccount

ti"ACS Pbysical TlIrgets Ph~'sical Accomplisbml'uh '"arhmceParticuillrs

CODEas of Sept Rl.'marks

ht Quarter 2nd Quartt'r 3rd Quarter 4tb Quarter Toilli lst Quartel' 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4tb Quarter Total 20J5

1 2 3 4 , 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12-(8+9+1 13 140+11'

Percemnge of proJect~ 90~';' 9~;, 90% 90~;' 90~;, 100% 100~o 100% 100% (10%) Percentrecommended for appro\";)! accomplishmentdUllsubsequently recei\"ed includes r<'le3sefunding through the ofDOST fuudsgon~millg wPCIEERDcotmciI:EXECO:M monitored


Percentng<: of Project 90% 90% 90~o 90% 90% 100% 100% 100% 100~o (lO~o)proposals ncted uponwithill4 months

2. Number of ongoing 200 200 200 200 200 244 244 241 241 (41) Three (3) projectproject~ monlwrl.'d were already


P~cen!nge of projL"Ct, 90% 90~;, 90~;' 90~;' 90% 93% 93~;, 9'0' 93% (IO~.)"',0

completed within dl<:paslfour years thm arepublished in recognizedjournals or utilized byindustry

P~centage of monitored 90% 90°;, 90~;' 90% 90~;' 90% 90~"O 100~'. 100% lJO~;')project~ reyiewed withinthe year

De-partmentAge-n~yOpe-rating UnitOrganization Code- (E.\CS)


Departme-nt or Science- and T e~bnologyPbilippine Council for lndu~try, Energy and Emerging Tecbnology Resean:h and Dewlopment

19-013 ~

,. Current Ye31' Approptiallons

Supplemental Appropliallon,>

Continuing ApproptlalJom

Off_Budget A~~ounl

(lACS Pbr~iCld Targe(~ Pb~'sical AccomplishmentsVariance


as orSepl. Remark~

lst GUllrler I 2nd Ouarter 31"d uartl'1" 4th uarter Total hI uarter I 2nd Quarter I 3rd UlU"tl.'1" 41h uarler Total 201:;

1 , 3 I 4 I , I 6 7-(3+-1+5+6) 8 I 9 I 10 II 12-(8+9+1 13 140+11\

Pm1 B:\htjor ProgramsfProiectsKR..\i\"0.3 Rllllid, Inclusive nnd Sustained Economic Growth

eOJ/PETITIFE INDUSTRIESEIl,'clronic\ Induslr"Estnblishment of - Set-lIp infrastructure. tools find equiplllt'nt for the dctronics - Rehabililil(lOll' . Inaugufilted the EPDC - Completed the sel-Up of

the Electronics proouct de\'e1opmeut center Conslruction of EPDC building on July 14 at the the tools and equipment

Product - Conduct human usource de\'e1opment workforce Building is almost done MIRDC . DOST - Inquiry of SE'yenll

Dewlopment . Conducted sof{\"nrO;' compound compnnie-s (such

Hub training for Allillln n, Sharp Philippines) onDesigner !Iud Solidworks the seryices(Design nnd Flow offered by EDPCSimulation) - Micrologic Systems Inc.

nnlihu<'TllOfPCBProtolypillg Se-ryice~0fEPDC- Qunntd Philippines Incrental of\'enue nt EPDe bl1ildingfor the-ir seminar enlitled"Seminar 011Conducted Inuuunityri

ESlO'.blisluue-lltof _Incrense-d re-\'e-nueby 50% _Gellewted income of - Revenue- PIAM - Re\'enue P

the Ad\"allce- - Incren.,ed ntmlber of clie-nlSby :'iOO" P9:'i3,:':K& "dded fottrle-e-n - Ne\\ dients""' 17 1--49:'.750

!vbterials Te.,ting - Market AD/l.i-\ TEL sef\-i~es aCross OliIe-rIndustries "lid (I~) lJe-wClhlomers in - Technical ser\'ic,," - Ne-I\'clie-nh = 27

L1boriltory ACfldemO;' QI':!OI5 reque<;t~= 6:' - Tt'Chnicnl sef\;ice

(AD;..1ATEL) - Meetingl! ..•.lnrkeling _ PNS'ISOiIEC 17025 requests =- 79Rond.,ho\\ witIl tIle- ce-rtified/accredited - 151Andit Sttr\'eilbnceAsS0ciation of SEIPI of AOMATEL 's ISOPurchnsiug Managers 17025011 October S(ASPA) and 9, 2015

DepartmentAgen0.Operating UnitOrganization Code (liACS)


Department of Science and TecbnologyPbilippine Council for Indu~tr~., Energy and Emerging Technology Re~ellrcb and Den:lopment

19-013 8"Current Year .-\Ilp"oll•.lalloll~Supplemental.-\pprollrla(lon~Conllnulng .-\pproprlatlOn>Off_Budget .-\Hount

VACS Physical T llrgeh Pb~.sical Accomplishments\' arianc('


as ofSep!. Remark~

1st C ulIrter I 2nd Ouarter I 3rd Uarlel. 4tb ullrter Total h' uarlel. 2nd Quarter 31.d Ouarter .Jth Ouarter TOlal 2015

1 2 3 I 4 I , I 6 7 (3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12 (8+9+1 13 140+11'

ESlablishing the - Fatully irmnersion l InullerslOn in industry 2 t:1culty C\ISUlIT and Faith UniYersity) fltPhihppine " Training modules aud lrmness unice find Analog Deyices, IncIn~titute of Inunersion in acad",m",: 8 faculty (USC:, BmSU. 1\:IMSU. Fruth. MSmIT)Integmt.:d atUPDCircuits

,Towl of L261 <,e:ns(494 trainees) were trained (whole of year 2)3. Moduks ddiwred and de\.doped: 46

;\1aoufacturinlJNaliOlJol R&D Program /01 XMural Rllbber PrfJCi?ssinf; and Rubber Products Alam!facrllrillgIntegration of - Reno\.atwn of Iilboratory bcility - Smrted the nmontion - 7 lTD! sta ff and 2 - Idenlified 215TeSlIng Sen.ices - Conduct of lraiuing of the selected rooms for PCIEERD qaff condUCled pOlential/target clients for

for Rubber and - MedlOd \"alidation and uncertainty meaS1lfement housing lhe eqmpment pl;tnt \.isitto local Rubber mbber \esting

Rubber-based - Two (2) ITDI Staff and company. Ne\\"Pro Ind. - On-going completIOn of

Products lWO(1) PCIEERD Corp (foffilerly Titan~ specificiltions for thestllff panicipilted in Rubber). wherein the team following equipment"the Benchmarking actiYity obser\"ed the nlbber Hydro~tatic Burstingin ~"alaysian Rubber m:'mufacmring and testing Machine. F1anunabilityBoard (lvIRB) facilitie<. Testing Apparallls. andPhysical Testing - Attended the Philippine Rebound ResilienceLnhoratory. Rubber Rubber Technical Group Pendulum HnmmerProducts Exhibition Centre ~'keung and ASEAK(IRPEO.I) and Consu1tatiw MeetingStandard Measure Rubber Il"ruch \\"ill keep dIem(S:\'1R) Lnborntory aware of the local

industries' nted

Smart Tcxrilc Em Jo/rmOJ:\" R&D ProgramPhotocatalytic - lnO. Ti02 and lnO-TiO. nanofimshed pineapple. pineapple _Cononipiiia showed gre:ller difference in - Optlmizalion of Pad-dry-~.Iulti-tlU1Ctional ,ilk and abaca fabncs with enhanced ljY blocking propeny stain hgluness as compared to polyester! pina The data cure method for abaca and

Naturnl Fiber _Tethnology on the apphcatic'll o1'nallo lnO nnno TiO. and supports the theory that cros~-linking of the binder pineappk textiles

Blended bID-TiD. nanocompo<;ile on pineapple, pineapple-silk and abaca (TEOS m this - Preliminary experiments

Teclmical Textile . Efficiency and durability enllumion of the lnO_ TiD, and lnO- cnse) is more probable in cellulose-bnsed fabrics on the optinrizntion of theMId I\.lntenals TiD. nanofinish because hydroxyl groups in the cellulose c1Klincnn nnnocomposite ratios for

form hydrogen bond with the hydroxyl groups of I:baca and pineappleTEOS textiles

De-partmentAgenc~'Operating Unit

Organiz:ltion Code (FACS)

Q{lART[RLY PHYSICAL REPORT OF OrER.>\ TID?'A~ of September 30, 2015

De-partment of Scie-nce and Tecbnolog~'Pbilippine Council for Indu~try, Energ~' and Emerging Tecbnology Resean:h and Dew10pment

19-013 S.Currenl Year AppropriationsSUPPlenl.enlalAppropriationsContlnulng Approprlatlon~Off-Budget ..\ccount

F.-\CS Physical Targe-ts Ph~'sic:lI.-\ccomplishmentsVariance


lISof Sept. Re-mark~

1st C uaftel' 2nd uafter Jrd uarter 4th uarler Total I" uarte-r I 2nd C uarler Jrd Ouarter 4th ual.tel' Total 2015

1 , 3 I 4 I ; I 6 7 (3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 II 12 (8+9+1 13 140+11\

- Prelinunarycharacterization ofrumofini~hed abaca.pineapple textiles

Durable and _Hyd;mtoin-grafted namml fiber-blended textiles Prehmmary experiments on hyJantom-grafling of - Optimizatioll of Pad-dryRegenerable - Technology on the grafting. chargmg and recharging of pure pineapple and abaca fibers were conducted based cure method for pureBiocid;1l hydantoin on natural fiber blended textiles from the optimized conditwn that was eSUlblished on abnca. pure \\"o\"el1

Hydnntolil- - Prototype h\'dantoin-grnfted natural fiber-blt'llded textiles for purt' COl1ont':lbrics pine<lpple. nonwo\'en

grafted Pol\'ester technic:ll :lPP:lrel~nnd functioilllimateriah <lbnc:l-polyester bh:nd.;lnd \l"O\'t'n cOllon-pine;lpple

lignocellulosic- blend, and \\"(lvenCOltOll-

tiber cOlllilining ab<lca blended textiles

Textiles - Gr:lfting and chk.rinatiOllof <lblwemelltioned textiles

)Iinin~ and :\linN':lh Industrv5& T Program for Responsible Mining i/1 Milldm100

Assessment of the - Dissenunnte :lnd \'alidme project iindings _ Completed the wet and dry st'nSOllSSUfn:ys Completed as of 31 July

Terreslfinl _Draft of $ciemific articles f"r public;uioll <lndpaper - Complt'ted presen'mion of the \'oucher flora 11l1d 201.:' _Consolidating daIn

Biodi\-ersity in prest'ntallons falilla ,pecimens from uS;>.t tvlUST <lnd

the Selected K~ - Terresmal biodi\'ersity and monitoring phln _Org<lnized 100% of the flora and f:llma data sets CSU to finalize !he

Mirung:Areas in - 85% done with the data nn<llysis Temunn\ Report


Assessment of the - ldentll~' ripnri:ln 110ra in identified smdy siles - Consolidated results on - Tht' s:lmpling nren 111 E:l:tensioll nmil Dect'mber

Aquntic _Hemlltol<Jgydi'Scription of bioindtcator species :lquntic biodi\'ersity Glgnquit where no mining . 20J 5 W;lS:lppIOYed.

Biodiversity in _ ldtntify plankton :lnd lIwcroillHrtebr.ue specimens asst"ssment in fre"hwater acti\'iIY occurs. h;l\'e the ExtensiclD covers

the Selected Kt'y - Infonnation. Education Campaign and mnrine ecosystem, highest biodi\.t'fSlty completion of field \\-orb.

;>'IiningAreas in - Completed dry and \l"t"t metrics ill al111nribule<; Inbolatory nnnlysis and

Mindanao dflta c"llection considered_ The sampling assessmem of rt"sullS- On-going Laboratory :lrea in C1a\"t'rwht're dlereworks and consolidation of \\'as mining acti\'ities, haveyear 2 data the lowest diversity

metrics. \\'llile thesrunnliuQ area

DepartmentAgencyOperating linil

Organization Code (UACS)


Department of Science and TechnologyPhilippine Couneil for Indu\try, Ent'l"g~. and Emerging TechnOlogy Research and Development

19-013 8"CurnmtYur.-\pproprlalionsSuppl~menlal "-\PIIl'Oprhlllon\Contlnulng .-\pproprlatlon\Off_Budget Accounl

liACS Phy~ical Tal"gel.~ Pb~.sical AccomplishmentsVariance


as of Sept. Remark,>

1st C lIartN" 2nd uartcl" 3rd lIal"ler 4th unrter TOlal lst Olla •.lel" 2nd Ouartel" 3rd uarter "h uarter Total 2015

1 2 3 I 4 I ; I 6 7 (3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1 13 140+11\

in Hinaman. where llOmining 'Kti\"lty butconsidered ns miningimpacted site. hasthe next lowest diversitymetrics- Datn nndrecommendmion<, from thesmdy \wre miliz",d forpolicy improwment nndcmfting ofro3dilL1p formining in CARAGA

l\IoniLOring" _De,igll InterYentioll. Programs and Polici",s {IFP) alluned to the Introduced alternmive proces<,ing of mined ore;; Extension until De\:emb",r

As,essment and :Milling Act nnd other rekyall1 bll"s for the s"ll',11linnb!e through the application of Integrated Copper-Gold 20 i5 WflSappro\"ed.

Profiling of d.-\.elopment ofth.- ASGM sub-sector in :Mindflnao Pilot Proc.-ssing Plant Proj",ct Extension covers

Artisanfll 3nd _Oyer one htmdred (100) ieatlets on Hefllth fllld Safety completion of IEC

Smnll-SCflle Gold and Chemical Handling \'.ere distribut",d during tlle cmnpfllgn_lflborntory

Mining in s~lnpOSltUll allalysis and aSSt."S5mentof

Selected Areas ill results


Contaminallon _ Pw\"ide topographic fefllures rmd climate data on pre\:ipltfltlon, " Gfllhered climate dam on - Conducted/attended Extellsion Imtil Februm;;

P3thwayand temperature. htuilidity. etc pre\:ipitfltion. temperal1lre. gronp and coordinfltion 20]6 was approwd

PollUliol1 - Identify ellyiromnemal hotspots humidity and rain fall dat:! m",eting for consoli,i:Jtioll Extension co'-",rs

~'Innag-ement of - A~sess impact ofASGM 011the <:-m;ronmellt at PAG-.--\SA Hillflmml and re\;c\\" of output with completion offield works.

MIning ll1 - Identified ell\"ironmenml the cOllummit}"of Sult1ln laboralOry 3nfllysls find

Selected Are1ls in hotspOts at Surigao City. Kudarat 3nd South assessment of ft."sultSfor

Mindnnao_ Surig-ao del Sur. Agusan Combflto flppropnate policy

Philippines dd Sur - Conducted community recol1llnendatlOll- Digested \\.ater snmpies tWllSe-Ctwalk in Southnud analyzed hea\")"met:!ls Cotabato for Y3 chflllgesfind CyanidecOllcelltratiollS

DepartmentAgency0p"'r:lting Unit

Organization Cod", (UACS)

QliARTERL Y PHYSICAL REPORT OF OPER...\TIO~A~ OfSt:plffllber 30. 20t:;

Department of Science and TechnologyPhilippine Council for Industry, Ener~' and Emerging Technology Research and D"'H'lopment

19-013 ~

. Current Year .-\(Jprop •.iall~ns

Supplemental Appropl"hlllon~

Continuing Appropriallon~

Off-Budge! Accounl

liACS Physical Targeh Ph~'sical AccomplishmentsYariance


as of Sept. Remark~

hI Ullftel' 2ndOuarter I 31.dOU:lrler 4th Ouarter Total hI uarler ,," uarter 3rd uarter 4th Ouarl"'r Total 201:;

1 , 3 I , I ; I 6 7 (3+4+:;+6) " 9 10 II 12 (8+9+1 13 140+11'

Rehabililation of _IIl!0mlation on gaps bt'nl'een recollunellded rehabiliwtioll - De\'eloped (In - Key Inl0nnant Inteniew E:-.;ten~ionumil December

Areas Affected program and lhe implememt'd progrmn engngement \\'ith Platinum (KII) lind Focus GrOllp 2015 I\"<IS approl'ed

by nickt'l Mining - Popubtlon re-esl<lblishment of keystone species through Group lI-IetnlsCorp Discussion (FGD) \\"I're E:-.;temlOncoyers

inCARAGA f1ssisted natUT:'!1regeneration (ANR) in miull1g areas (PGMC) and another done in parmership with continuous mouitoring of

Region TOll"ard~ potential partner is Snn tlle Socioeconomic Team the gro\nh of the

Eco-restoration Roque 1v!etnlsInc lSRMI) smce the subjt'Cl i~ also trees'plnms and_Conducted soil :llld litter pan of their coneI'm measurement of le\.e1 of:malysis of snmples from - Identified Sloping erosion. Completingthe field ofH~"!C and Agricultural L1nd lahomtory analysis andTMC (in both rehabilimted Technology (SALT) as an a~se.,sment of result~and Ecobelt Art'a) ecoreswratlOl1 "tmte2Y

Alternal1\'e _ Establish the opllmnl couJition~ for red11ction smelling of Il'lass and energy balance compnrison between the Extension1lntil Decemher

Tedmology for chromite and latmtt' ores existing lechnology and the propo~ed ttthnology 2015 was appro\'ed.

Processing of - Asses,; the fea~ibility of the n!temmi\.e technology for Manganese is being

Chromile and proce<;sing of chrOlmte and lmerite ore mi:-.;ture studied to COUll'up with nn

Laterite Ores: Fe- alloy for stainless steel that

Ni-Cr-C Alloy requires lcl\wr nickel

Production coutent.

Dewlopment of _Physical aud chemical anal~..,is of salllple~ - Ore crushing and milhng of ore samples were E."tensioll tullil Decemher

an Alternatiw - Reports and graphs on the elTect of dll'ferelll pammeters conducted 2015 was approyed.

Technologle~ for - Comparison of gold recowry of the two C!) Ienching methods _Analysis of datn is almost done. TIle tenm is still Optunization of the

Small-Senle Gold wniting for the other results of the analysis ,haking tnble"through

milling III - OptimHI Iodide-iodine concemmtion is alre:tdy ndjusting the angel of

CAR.-'\GA and detennined inc1linHtioll is being done.

80mh Combato This nlso includes

Region impw\'emem of theproces~ ;lnd remoyal ofmagnetite before smelting.

DepartmentAgencyOperating UnitOrg;lDization Code (UACS)

Q{iARTERLY PHYSIC.-\l REPORT OF OPERA.TIO;\"A~ ofSelltember 30, 2015

Departml'nt of Scient:e lind Tl'chnologyPhilippinl' Council for Indu~try, Int'rgy and Emet"ging Tt'chnology Rt'search and Developm~nt

19-013 ~

• . Curr~nl Y~ar Appl'ollriatlonsSuppl~llI~n1a1AppropriationsContinuing .-\ppropriatlonsOrr-Budg~1Account

UACS Ph~..dclli Targets Ph~.5iral AccomplishmentsYariance


as of Sept. Remal'k~

h' ntlt"ter 2nd U311el' 3rd uarter 4th uarter Total 1st Ouarle •. I 2nd (uarter 3rd (uarter 4th (U3rler Total 2015

1 2 3 I 4 I ; I G 7 (3+4+5+6) 8 I 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1 13 140+11'

ICTfor _ 'Yeb.bn~ed Infonnation system for th", different project - Set1illg up of 0111ineinterl~,ce I(lr llS<"t"'Small\lfll Extension unlll DecomlberResponsihle components " DNS is chang'" to mining.cflrsu.edtl.ph 20 I:' wns nppron'd The-j\.lining. Us", of - ApplicflllOn for feedbnck mechnni~m nnd in-silll allribute' _Lnunchillg of the-minmg portal project is dependem 011theGIS. DSS, in!(lnJlation submission I\) the system other i projech fli' the d:luDalamining in - Data coJlenion. processing and nOITIlfllization from Ihis proje-ct> nreSelected Areas in needed for the websitel\Iindnnno

R&D Progmm Oil Copper. Nickel. IrOI/. Gold & ChrOimre 101" jlldllsn.hl! and Emerging .-I.pplicarions

Blnck ~:md _Minernlogical nnd >edimentological characterizmion of selected - Recently nppro\-ed lasl No slgnificnnt - Conducted fieldwork inMineml black sit11ddeposits in the PhilipPlne~ Apnl2S. :':01.5 nccomplishmem yel ltlmbnles which includesChflInclenzation _Quamify Fe. Ii. 2r. V and olher IIftce elem",nts in black s;lnd reconnmsance aChYlties

d""Posih nnd snmpling of blnck- Economic \.nlu.ltion of other [(nce elements that \\"ill be sandidentified from bbck sand deposits

ProgramJor Rehabilirulion "lid Reslomtion ofMincd-OIlf .-I.reas ThronJ?h Ph.l"1or<!c1mologiesProj. I _ . Demonstrate plots of restored nun",d-ottl area u,ing nntiw - Discussion regnrdillg the PublIshed one paper in - Nursery y!,it tlnd surwyConsen"alion of melnnoph~les proposed pilot serup in Ph~10keys on "Rinoren of possible Sil"'Sfor theNam.e - PhylostabiJization technology M~'!C. together \\.ilh the niccolifern (Violnceae): a pilot plantationMel<lnoph~les, - Policy paper and fEC m.'1.Iennb represelllatiyes of M~1C new nIckel hyper-PhYlochemistry - Ph~lomining protocol - Nursery \.isil and surw~ nccumulmor from Ihe - Polishing of the MOUofNic-kel ofpo~sible sites for the Philippines" and in with ~vfMCfor signing ofHypernccumulalo pilot plammion AustmJian Journal of the signatories.rs and Bomny on "NickelPh~105tnbilization lIypernccmuulflling speciesand Restoration ofPhyllnlllhusof Mined-Om (Phyllanthaceae) from theArens IIIPnlawnn Philippines"Sun!wonnd

'" "0"'_

DepartmentAgen(yOperating Unit

Organization Codt> (liACS)


Dt>partment of Science and TechnologyPhilippine Council for Indu~try, Enl'rgy and Emerging Technology Research and Development

19-013 8,"("UIT~nt Y~al" AppropriatioM



Continuing Approprlallon\

Orr-Budgt>t A((OUnl

UACS Phy_~icl\lT argeh Ph~-skal Accompli~hment~Yariance


liS of Sept. Remark\

1st Ouarle!" 2nd ( uartN' 3rd uarter 4th uarter Total ,,, uarler '"d 1I11rter 3rtl uarter 4<h uarter Total 201:'

1 , 3 I 4 I , I 6 7 (3+4+:'+6) 8 9 10 JJ 12 (R+9+1 13 14l}+1l \

Project 2. 11etal - Collect plant propagule - Pbnt propag:nion sel-ups - Database on species - A polled experiment onBl~,-Indicmor - Nursery experiment~ (in-situ;ex-situ) were established in the 5 (1.90:' eun-ies) .;md Nephrolepls bro\\l1il wasPlant Specie~ of . Growth chamber experimenl~ sites ill collaix'ration with specimens as P.;Irtof completed"the Philippines - Field te~llng (in-~i!U) our institlttion.;ll panners DLSlJ Herbllrium web~ite - H\'dropoillcs experiment,;

- Completed hydroponic~ for :; ~pecies of fem~ areexperiments for :; speci~ completed to monitorof fems to monitor effeclS effects ofyarymgof \"lIrying concentrllllons concenlration~ of copperof copper on rhizome and on rhizome nnd rhizoidrhizoid gro,nh llnd on a gro\\-th_A hydroponic~llIherou$ crop plant. e:.;periment was also

completed on a tuberouscrop plimt

Projtct 3" Copper . Plnm nursery in Ateneo de Manila lhun'rsilY with pbnt . 1.000 YOlUlgseedlmgs in individlllli pots of - Nursery \-i~it and surveyand Ar~enic hyptraCculllulalOrs growing as stock for mming llrens different ages of possible sites for theRecovery a~.;I - Workshop with pmmers in ('SU. XU nnd Dr. Doronila with pilot plant:llion.Po~t Mining :Mtlboumt UniversityActi\ilY Using: - Poli~hing of the MOUIndig:enou~ Plant I\-ith 1f?.1C for signing of

the signatories .

Field tesling of the . Prc-deplojlneI!t of the technology for the Compo';teb Valley - Enllulllion proces~ of the project Pre- ImplelllentntionIntegrnted Gold- meeting was conductedCopptr MlIltral !:lst 19 June 1015PrQ("e~singPlant inthe Regions

S" ort 10 Indusfry Com ('[ilin'nes~De.-elu/--'mg Capabililic\Ior Biophysics (COils"Cells and Gels)Coib in Gels: - ",hero rheology pwtQ("ols using opticall\wezers _Assembled llnd aligned - Assembled and aligned Completed last 30 MayIkwloping the optic.;ll tweezer sysh:m lhe oplical tweezer system 1015Capability to with fully functioning dU.;lI-,,-ilh fully functioning dualIm"estigat<,gel opticallwps- AOD optical traps: AODcomposite inserted for manipulntion in~ened f\)r mnmpulmion\iseoelasticitv of dri\"e laser (J0641ID1) of dri\"e lllser (I064nm\.

DepartmentAgencyOperating Enit

Organization Cod", (liACS)

QUARTERLY PHYSlCAL REPORT OF OPER..>\TlO!\A~ ofSeptffi1ber 30" 201:'i

Department of Science and TechnologyPhilippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technolo~" Resellfch and Dewlopment

19-013 ~

• " Currrnl Year .-\ppl"oprlationsSUllplemental AllproprilltionsConllnulng AppropriationsOrr_Budgel Anonnt

Pb~"sical Targets Ph~"sicaIAccomplishmenlsVariance


as of Sept. RemarksCODE

I" mulel" 'nd mll"tel" 3rd uarter 4th Ullrter Total h' uarter 'nd uarter 3rd nart",r 4th lIart"'r Total 20J!'

1 , 3 I 4 I ; I 6 7={3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12 (8+9+1 13 140+11)

QPD aligned for detection QPD aligned for detectionof 830nrn la~er of 830nlllla~er

- Able to perfonn One-partide activemicrorheology on waterwith lock-in :lmphfier

Flow to Gel: - Twin optical tweezer and lllicrol1uidic chamber system (TOT- - Imprl.wmems to th(," - CharacterizatIOn of Comp!(,"t<"JlaSI 30 l'--lavDeveloping: MCS) coupling of the homogel1<"ityh:ls b<"en 2016Capability 10 microfluidic deyice to the establishedImplemen! twin opticnltweezer semp"Opticnl TW<"ezers - Rheom<"rryexperimelllswith were carried out andMicrofluidics for gelling time of fibrin gelsHomogenized has been detenninedGdling

Cdlsas Gek - Senll-mUolllated cell \"i,codastlcitymea~urement system u~ing a - Prepared wWld - Abl(,"to incorporate ule Complet<"d 1.1st30 MayDewloping t\rin optical tweezeraml nncronnidic chamber system (TOT- ~uspended fibroblasts Iyith microi1uidic chamber in 2017Cap:lbility for MCS) pre-attached fibron~ti.n- the t\\"in optical traphigh Throughput coateu bend for elasucity system_ Perfomled cell-Cell Elasticity measurements of li\ing bead flo\\" experimet1t~ forSorting cell cell elasticity

. - De\"e1oped panicle me:lsurement.idemificatlon LabVIEWprogram for semi~automated trapping inmicwtimdic chamber

So {ware;j li,aliOnl for Ed/lcaTlO11

Deyelopment of a - J\.'lonolingual nnd p:lmlkl corpus - Processing ofJ\10A and - No significant - Slide the commencementFilipino - Design and implement the ~y~telTI- grammar and style checker other r<"quireddOCUl11enl~ accomplishment yel: on 16 July 2015L'lllgiwge Writing Commenced on 29 JuneTool 2015

DepartmentAgencyOperating linilOrg:mizntion Code (UACS)

QUARTERLY PHYSICAL REPORT OF Or£R.ATIO,,"A~ of September 30, 201:'

Department or$c1ence find TechnologyPhilippine Council for Indll~lr}', Energ~: and Emerging Technolog}' Re~enrch and DeHlopml'nt

19-013 axCurrenl Year ApproprlallonsSupplemental Approprlatlon\Continuing Appropl1atlomOff-Budgel AeeOllnl

li.-\CS Phy~ical Targeh Physical Accompli~hmentsV:lI'iancl'


ns or Sept, Remark~

lsI C uarler I 2nd Ouarter I 31'd ual'tel' 4th uarter Total hI lIartel' 2nd (] uarter 31'd (l u:U'ter 4th f1uarter Tolal 2015

1 2 3 I 4 I ; I 6 7 (3+-1+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12 (8~~+1 13 140+11

Developing an _11lfee (3) ~elSof rending mate-rials for enclJ grade le\'el - Proce~smg ofMOA and - No significant - Slide the conunencemelltAutomated _ Speech recognizer's pronunciation dictionary, and language & oth<,rrequired doc:wnents accomplishment yet: onl61uly2016R<,ading Tmor for acoustic model~ Commenced on lune 29ElementarySiudenh ofFilipino

De\'elopmg -Improwd Filipino autonllllic: speech rec:ognition (ASR) with - Proces~ing of ",{OA and No significant - Slide the conilllenc:emem

Closed autosegmentation fea1\lre other required docmllents ilccomphshment yet; on 161uly2017

Captioning - COIl1I'Xt-illdependent and dependent ASR for Hiliga)110n and Commenced on lune 29SY'>tem~for Cebu.'lnoPhilippine -110dules for multimedia. editmg. graphical user interfaceL1ngUage~ (GUT), and ASR

HUlllilnHand~ a~ - Sensors f,'r hnnd ilnd finge-r tracking - Processing of MOA nnd _ Inn-oduced il game demo - Acquired tools andInpm De\ice for -1-lerhod. techlllque and algorimm for integrating human hnnd~ other reguired dOClunents during the 201:' NSTW equipment needednn Innnersire for immersiw VR experience where player~ C<lngrab n - Identified ,>ensors for lhe

Virmal Reality _Conference pnper or patent application \'inll.al sl\'ord and slash hnnd nnd finger tracking.

Experience fruilS Lenp Motion will be usedfor tracking the hand

De\'elopment of _ 100 modules ilCroSSthe fiw strands of ill'lihemntic,> - Processing ofMOA and - Attend<,d the 7th IO,lI - The leam focus on

Internctil'e - Inte-ractiye ,>ofl\\'nre nnd modules olhe-r required documents East Asin Conference on building modules and

Software and Mflthemaiics Educfl1ion to softwares milt nre not yet

Teilching Guides unde-rsl<lndother existing

forGwdesi-IO inlernC:lil'e software used - 111<'t<,amwill come up

Mathemntics in other c0unmes with a priority Ii,>tof topics- Re\'lewed currently and to identify number ofil\'ailable soft\\'nre and modules TO be dewlopedidentified actil'ities for per stmnds of 1vIflthemalicstopics and competencies (Geometry. Algebra.

Swtistics, Meilsmementand Numbe-r Sense) \is-a-\'i~ per yeilr lewl tocomplete the targel 100

DepartmentAgen(~.Operating Unit

Organization Code (l'ACS)

Q{iARTERLY PHYSICAL REPORT OF OPER..c\.TlO~As ofSt'plember 30. 2015

Depal1ment ofSdence llud TechnologyPhilippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Dewlopment

19-013 aTCurrenlYearApIHolHlallonsSupplemental .-\PllrOl'rlalionsContinuing .-\.pproprlallon~Off-Budgel Accounl

{lACS Physical Target~ Ph~.sical AccomplishmenhVariance


as of Sepl. Remark~

lsi C uarler I 2nd Ouarte!' I 3rd Ouarter 4th uarte!' Total h' ual.ter 2nd muleI' 31"d uarter "" uarter Total 2015

1 2 3 I , I 5 I 6 7 (3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12 (8+9+1 13 "0+11'module-s for the-sofmares

Versnrile - Al least 5 vendor-neutral microcomwlkr h.'lnlware de~igns for Processmg of MOA and _Established connections with dlfferem public and

Instnnnentatioll the VISSER handheld other reqtlired doclUllents pri\.ate schools in lhe Philippine~ (including lheSy~tem for SCl<:~nc(," _Addaional:!O laboratory mnmmls and (,"xperimenrs in biology. Phllippme Science High School System) regnrding the

and Research chemistry. physics. l'ngineering and elwironml'ntal scil'nce teachers' tmining nnd in-class pilot testingadapted for the chnnging curnCUlttlll_Condnct in-class pllotte-SIS in different high schO<.llsin LU2011.Vis:1yns. and Mindanao

PCIEERD Human - Support re~earch lltwdunem/faculr)" Pro\.ided support for Ihe Provided Sllpport for the Provided support for theRes<.lurces immersion 'seminars "conferences follo\\.ing actiYities following nctivities. following actiYilies.De\.eloplllent - Support rese-archers w allend! present re<;e-archwork in _Conduct of Seminar- - Visiting - ResearchProgram conference flnd lraining and PCIEERD Staffdey 4 Professorship - 1 Al[llchmem - J

- Balik Scientists - Paper presentation - Conduct of Seminar - - Conduct of Seminar -in conference and

, ;-training - i 9 - Paper presentation - Pflper presentation

- Balik Scienti~ts in conference and in conference andProgram - 8 tmining-:'i training - 19

Imlilliriollalizarioll wul Srrcngrhcning 0 TechnO/Of!)' B/lsiness Incubulion

Enterprise Center _ Identify participatmg uniwrsitie~. schools and ~take-ltolders _ Identified addilional pflrtners for collaboration Bm:mn Penmsula Smtefor Techno- _Exploratory meetings with dean~_ faculty and pos~iJ.>lemoentors Uniyer~ity: Visayas State Ulllversit)~ and 1Iilldanao State Uniyersny -!liganproeneurship. hlstilUte-of TechnologyOutre-ach - TBJ Planning womshop with BSli

- Delta balch pitch to Se-niorpartners_Partnered \\ ith 1000 Angels (orgrmization of angel i1l\.e~tors)

Esrabhshmenl of _Creale-/launch GIEl Wt"bsite _Cremioll'L1t1nching of [yaluated :md - SllIrt-up inCtlb:ltee~. Sa Green GTEl \Yebsile reconunended fiw (5) incubatecs. :2\.irtualTeclmology - CoordilL1tt"\\.ilh DTI and Identified LGUs - (' oordinntion \\ irh 011, incllbatt"es incubatorsBusiness LGUs of Iloilo (thl')" \yerl' - COllduc-tt"dph'llming to - Assisled Incubatees forIncubation able t<.lgel .1pkdge of milize- S<.llarEnergy and applicmioll ofLIO and(GIBI) facility in COimllitment from I1oil<.l Recycling of Water FDA for S products\\.est Visayas elt)" local go\.ernment) Resourct"s as wdlas ISO - lSI Facility with leas.1bleSlnle-Uni\.ersity - Recruil interested TBI incubalees _Applic:llllS hnve application spaCt". labo!fltory facllitl(,"S

DepartmentAgenc~..Operating Hni!Organization Code (UACS)


Department of Science lind TechnologyPhilippine Council for Industry, £ner~- and Emerging Technology Resellrch and Dt"wlopment

19-013 ~

•• Curnnt Y~ar APilropl'ialions

Suppl~menlal AplJrOprililion\

Continuing AI'l'roprlallon\

Off_Budg~1 Account

UACS Physical Targel~ Ph~'slcal AccomplishmentsYul"iance


as of Sept. Remarks

I" uarter 2nd u:ll.ter 3rd Ulll'tt"r 4th DuarteI' TOlal lsi Ouarter ". uartt"r 3rd ual.tel' "" uarter Total 2015

1 , 3 I 4 I , I 6 7-(3+-1+5+6) 8 9 10 II 12 (8+9+1 13 140+11\

presented to Steering :Jnd support selyice officesConunillee - Forged partnership with


Support for the -1'11Irket. advertl~e_ promote and mlend to tbi related activities - Joined and market the TSI on 23 ('Wilts - COllcluded 01131 ~:lay

Establis1mlent of . Disseminnte vimt:l.llocfIlors _ 7 virtun1locmors 1Iccepted (more than wrget. , :;OJ5

the DOST-UP loc1ltors)Cebu TBI at the - Conducted 7 trainings ti.,r slaff nnd TBI lociltorsSOUlh - Cflhduct 1fltinings for staff nnd TBI loc<ltorsReclmnationProject (SRP)cnmpus of theUniversity of IhePhilippines C"ebu(UPCebu)

'oncoordinanon/tie-up with Bor sIndllstryDel"e!opmenlProg:nnn

Innovmion Hub -lnllov(\tion Fncililies - under e\'alJ\illi~'n - Approved project on J I - Finn1izillg MOA nndImrl\lnllro~ - Slnkeholder Network June 2015 olher requiremellts needed

- Entreprelleur~hip for the implementntiou- KnO\\ ledge Creillion nnd Disseminillion

InnO\'1IllOllHub -lnno\'ntioll Facilities - under e\'a1ualion - Approved project on - Finnlizing MOA andDi1imflll - Stakeholder Network June 2015 other requirements needed

- Entrepreneurship for the implementation'Kno\\'ledge Cr\":'ltionand Dis~emin;ltioll

DepartmentAgenr~'Operating ljnit

Organization Code (ti'ACS)

QliARITRLY PHYSICAL REPORT OF OrER-\ TI01'\"As of S<'pt<,mber30, 20 I:'

Department of Science and TechnologyPhilippine Council for Industry, Ener~' and Emerging Technology Resean.h ami Den:'lopment

19-013 ~

. Cunent Year ApllroprlationsSupplemental AppropriallonsConllnulng .-\pproprlatlonsOff-Budget Accounl

liACS Physical Target.'; Pb~'siralAccomplishmentsYariance


as of Sept. Rem:u-k~

ISIOuarter I 2nd Ouarter I 31'd (uIIl'ler 4tb (uarter I TOhd lot uarler 2nd uarter 3rd uarlN. 4th Il:u-t(,f Total 2015

1 2 , I 4 I ; I 6 I' (3+4+5+6) , 9 '" 11 ]2-(8+9+1 13 140+111

F flod Serurit"Dewlopment of II - Produce lllUplicons and lllbel ns probes nccordingly - DNA frilgments were generated from amplified, products of200bp to 300bpDipstick AS<;ll~ _ prepllred 20 dipstid:s with ilbsorbed probes stored nt room Tempewmre.Format for - Establish dipstick concept aSSllYprotocolDetection ofSalmonella inFood and Feeds

Pilot Scale - Shelf. life of drum dried m1kllpuno t1akes . Completed \'lllidntion - Fomtulated !llId - Completed bst 31 i\1nrchSmndardimtion - Product application of drum dried fruits and mllkapuno smdies for m111goand esmblished drum dried 101:'of Products & banilna (3 trials each) fruitlhkes together \\'ithProcesses using - Established processing other food ingredientsDrum Dr)illg conditions for dnull driedTechnology on n1<1kllplUlOOakes. on-goingSelttted Ra\\' shelf life study!vlaterials - Conducl<"d npplicntion(Mrlllgo. BRunll:! studies of the 3 products to& Mnk:!puno) com Onkes. o:!tmenl.

baker)' products, polyoron

Field Testi.ng and - Continue shelf-life sUld~ - Produced 11,:-77 packs - Estnblished linknge~ in PSWD Albay. DSWD NCR.Validation Study - Continue conduct of performance enluation of reiDrt food at 200g'pk RTE chicken DS\\'D Da\'ao for the field testing sUldyof Retort Food during aerinl, Innd and water distribution anoz cnldo for conunercial - De1iyered :'000 product test samples in Albay, Cebu(Anoz enldo) as sterility testing al Fast and ~CRDisaster L1boratories - A 101,11of se\'enteen (17) Tetort production trials werel'l'htiglllion'Relief conducted at Asahi Re<,ources Corp, producing 22.000Food using pOllches 1200g!pouch) chicken MTOZ c:tldoDSWD's andLGU'sDistributionProtocol

D•..parimentAgencyOperating tinit

Organization Cod •..(l'ACS)


D•..partment of Science and TechnologyPhilippine Council for Indust!')., Ener~' and [merging Technology Resl'arch lind Dewlopment

19-013 a'Current Year ApilroprlatiomSupplemental Ap]lroprlatlon~Continuing "-\pproprhlllon5Off-Budget Account

UACS Physiclll Targets PbysicalAHomplishmentsVariance


as of Sept. Remllrh,,, uarter 2nd uarte," 3,"d uarte •. 4th uartel" Total hI Ullrrer 2nd narler 3rd ullrter "h uarter Total 2015

1 2 3 I 4 I ; I 6 7 (3+4+5+6) 8 9 I' II 12 (8+9+1 13 140+11)

De\'elopmenr of - Den'lop treatment protocols for fast and eHecti\'e plasma - Awrage D \'alu6 -lvlicro\\"m"e - An ahemallw sample forPla~ll1a stenilzatioll of food products pacbgmg. and contact Sl\rfaces in necessary for the Alinospheric Plflsmfl Jet cheese PO\\ der. blackTedmology for fQod proce%ing <"stnblishment of treatment C~1APJ) has higher pepper granules. is nl~othe Sterilizntion prOtocols were determined sterilization effic:lcy being exploredof Food Products. for E.coh Salmonefla, compared to Micro\\"aw - Cheese powder samplesPnckngmg, and Li,l!cria in APJ plasma Aunospheric Pen Plasma were treated using C~'L>\PJ)C0nlllCl Surt:'lces (rented coconut water (i\1A.PP) \\'ith tre:llment pnrmnetersin F~••.'Id - TIle ~'L>\PJ treatments set at 450 W micro\\'[)veProce,sing were able to red11ct." power and flow rfHe0f:'

micwbial popub.uon on LPM fliL Exp~'sure timesboth low and high power of:'" 10. 1:\ 20, and 30settings minutes were npplred

- Preliminary experimentswere conduCied todelem1ine the efficacy~IAPP and tv[APJ u~ingcoconut water samples .

Dewlopment of - Optimize process in the production of safe find high quallt) - Ongoing establishment of - De\"eloped ring bre:ld noodle crisp lind breadsticksO),',ter Powder oy,ter extract powder (OEP) appropriflte dilution ~)f incolpomting oyster powder (residue).for Use as an - PrOdUCIchMacteristics'spe<:ifications oyster mentlO wnter atIngredient and - Consumer acceptflble produCl~ fwm oyster powder 1:0.5. I:L 1:2. 1:3Condiment ~Three (3) 0ysler powder

products was proces,edand will be analysed for itsphysical and chemicalattributes .

.l!iaoblOl coloranTS and Biof/m'orams

ProduCiion. - Continue optimization of conditions for the bench scale ..MO~lyilal physlcal factor~ that affeCllhe productwn - Colomnt has beenCharacterizntion production of JfonD,l'cliS plllp"rclIs M 10 IS colomnt of colorant by "I01W,I/I$ p/llplirell$ MI 0 18 were succe,sfully npplied inand Applicillion ..Continuie characterization of colorant from '\Iollosc/I.'I determined. These factor, were subjected to central sonp. nkohol be\"erageof Red Pigment - Conduct stabihty and shelf-life smdies on lhe colomnt composite design to detem1ine the optimum conditions (lambanog). knong. nata deProduced by produced by JlonaSl'/ls for the production of the coloralllar the highe,t coco. and lipqickMon3scu~ po,sible yield

D"partmenlAgencyOperating linil

Organization Code (li.-\CS)


Deparhnent ofSdence and TechnologyPhilippim' Council for Indu~lr}', Enfrgy :lnd Emerging Tl;'Chnology Resfarch and De\'elopment

19-013 ~

•• ('un~nt Yur ApproprlatioMSupplem~ntal Approprlatlon~ContInuIng Approprlatlon\Off_Budgel Account

VACS Ph}'sical Targets Physical AccomplishmentsVariance


as orSepl. Remark\

lsi uarlcr ,.d uarter 3rd Ulll.ter "" uarfer Total I" uarler 2nd C uarter I 31'd( uarler , 4r"il( uarter ~~rTotal 201:'

I , 3 I 4 I ; I 6 7=(3+H:h6) 8 9 10 II 12 (8+9+1 13 140+11'

Program 01/ Tcchnologiml Sill orr lor rilf? [ivr,roriino of Lac a/ Cacao and Cocoa Ind/lsnl'

Project I, - Estabhsh processing parameters faT solid eoe0a liquor.' m01ded _Coordinated with - Processed 8 bmcbes of - Completed on 30 limeImpwying rbe cocoa mb and ill1pro\'ed its hygiene & sensory pwpenie'i Coco:lPhil 011the lHlIlsfer cocoa be:lllS@ IOkgl 2015Quality of SolJd - Detennine processing paramet<'"rSfor intermC"dimC"COCO:l of experi men wI beans (5 bmch inw lab lea using(ocon LIquor producls using the designed and fabricmed cocoa bean lots) from Da\':lO to "-lani!a fennenled bennsincluding Molded processing line - Appropntlle eXlHleuon - Analyzed propenies of(ocon Nibs and _Appropriale slornge conditions for dewloped'improwd lime could not be cocna bUlter extractedDl'\'doping the products estnbhslled:ls the u~ing fabri.::atedCapability of difference inlhe \'olt~me of hydraulic pressSmall Scale bUl1t"TeXlracted \\';lS - ComplelC"dthe analysl~Processors in lbe a11nostequal. of samples lmuer slorngeManufaemre ofhllermediateCOCO:lProduct<;

Projecl :: - Microbi:ll conmlunily profile in fennentation of cacao usmg - DNA has bC"enC"xtracled Completed protein - Completed on 30 Jl1neMicrobi:1.I molC"wlar methods from samples and PCR extrnclion and 2015ComlUlmitY:lnd -Chelnicnl chnnges occurring during femlenmtioll of C:lcao mnphlictllion using yeast-, frnctionnrion of.:'6BlOchemical - EnWnerlllion and iso!Mion of microorgallims present during LAB- and LAB-AAB- samples (Lucenn, Dnyao.Profiling for cacno fennentMion from different fennent:lries specific primers nre Local Commercial andMicrobial IUldelway snmpks from abroad)Augmenlnlion _ Fermented cae:lO beannnd Developmelll smnples from Day 0 10of Quality Day.:' of fermenL.11ionIndicawrs for were frozen inunediatelyCacno after sampling 10stabilizeFemlenliltion and lhe samples - Dnla all plmeProcessing COUlllof "e:lSI. Lo\R AAB

and other bacterin :llreadygathered but still beingIImlyzed

DepartmentAgencyOperating UnitOrganization Code (liACS)


Department of Science Ilnd TechnologyPhilippine Council fol' Indu\try, Energy and Emerging Technology Resenrch and De\'elopment

19-013 ~

., Cunenl Year AppropriationsSupplemental Approprlallon\

Continuing Approprlallon\

Off_Budget Account

{lACS Phy~kal Targets Physical AccomplishmentsVariance


as ofSert_ Remark\

1sl C uarler I 2nd Ouarter I 3rd OUllrter 14th uarlel' Total h' uanel' ,," uarter 3rd'OUllrter 41h Ou:uter Total 201:;

1 2 3 I 4 I ; I 6 7 (3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12 (8+9+1 13 140+11'

Pro.ien 4_Design - In-house testing and debugging of chocolate equipment _Continued the in.house testing and debugging of - Completed on 30 June

and Fabrication _Performance tesling of tlle units trnditionnl equipment 201:-

of Equipmem for . Den'loped proces~ for wasting cac;'\o bean~ in 10the Production of millS_at 120°C nnd 130°C to n loading capncity oflocal Cocoa IOkgProducts

Dey't, of - DOST nc Food Pwduct De\'elopmentteams trained on - Processing \,f required _Orgnllized and impll:'mented training ofFPDTs from

Competence of the product deSIgn and deyelopmellt documents thl:' follo,\ing regiom: 2_4A. 4B. 6_7_S_9. 10.11. and

DOST Food _Most inllo\"ati\-e products from regil'nal FICs NCRillllo,-ntion CeJlll:'r - Staned product deyelopment of: a) rice -based

bewwges: b) sugnr cnne juice: c) improved trnditionalconfectionl:'fies (yem1): d) trife m brine

DC'-vlvvmenf o(NanobiosellSors and Nanostmclllred ,1lIllcrio/sFom Ar;.ricu!wrol Br-vroduCfS (or En/wlleemem 0 Food and ARricnllllra! ProdIlCfil-ill" and (or Enrironmenfal Sensing Gild Remediation

UPLB Projw 1- _Scaled-up optimized production of modified ll<1nosilica. Proclucuon of iron-modi lIed nnnosilica p...,wcierand - Perfonnnncl:' compari,on

Bench-scak formulnlion~ and of t:-Tosillemodified chito~all hydwgels iron-modified nnnosilica beads and chnrncterization of the arsenic ndsorbed by

production of - Formulate nnd condition the field trials of the remediation u~ing AThI and BET annlysIs silicn-chltosan bend~

FJlters for the proce~s activated carbon nnd IronRemo,-nlof _Relatiye ollcentrntion of As(lII) to As(V) in field \l"lller snmple modified nanosilica were

Arsenic from conducted_

ContmninatedWater UsingModilledBiopol:-mer-Silica~anocompo"lte;\1nterials

DepllrtmentAgencyOperating Unit

Organization Code (UACS)

QliARTERL Y PHYSICAL REPORT OF OPER.:.\.TlO;\"As ofSept",mb",r 30, 101;;

Department or Science lind TechnologyPhilippine Council for Indu~tl.y, Energ~' and Emerging T echnolog~' Rl'search and Dewlopment 8x("urrent Year Appropriations

Supplemental Approprlatlons

Continuing Approprlatlon~

Off_BullgH Account

liACS Phy~kal Targets Ph~'skal AccomplishmentsYariance


as orSepl. Remark~

hI uarter '"" uurler 3rt! uartl'l' 'th uflrter Total hI uartN' '"" uarter 3rdOuarter 4th uarter Total 2015

1 , 3 I , I ; I 6 7:={3+H5+6) 8 I 9 I' 11 12 (8+9+1 13 l'0+11\

UPLB Project~- - Optmlized condition~ for the bench-scale production of the Results of arsenic binding expetiments showed that the - Improwd yield on theBench-scale engineered periplitsmic binding protein EPBP fluorescence wild type and mutnntProduction of - EnluMe perfomwnce of the SP10- inullobilized EPBP usmg decn.'nsed \\"ith increasing 3f.~ellicconcemffltiom. bacletial peripl:JsmicNanosensors for arsenic contnmill!lted \yater samples TIlese findings. :;Ilong\\ith the purificntion of the proteins due to cham!e ofthe Detection and - Conduct field te~ling of the SPIO- munobilized EBPB \\'ere presented as an oml pnper:1[ the 30th meth,x! to isodecrricAnalysis of Philippine Chemistry Congress held at Ateneo de precipitMioll.Arsenic in Davao Uni\-ersity. Dnno Clty_ April 1:'_17_ ~Ol:'i - A decreasing trend on theContaminated fluorescence quenching atWater lllcreasing arsemc

concentration for both \\"ildt:'-lle:;IndmutantpetiplaSllllC proteins wereobsen'ed

UPLB Pr~ieci 3 - lnO thin film u,ing optImIzed n1.'lteri:llsand methodology - Fnbricated Zno films using the optimized conditions - 211lcoxide thin filmBench-scale - Characterize thin film 115ingScalUllllg Electron Microscopy for the method of Successi\'e Ionic L:lyer Adhe,ion and produced ahead\'Production of (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) Reaction (SIU\R) opllmized llndHand-hdd chafflctmzedNanosensors for - Optimization ofMethane Using palladium concentration,Zinc Oxide Film dipping and annealing is in


UPLB Project 4' - lncrensed producllon of cellulo,e nanocrystals up 10 1 kg of - Resll!ts for the lab setle Ci\'C production using - {"ontlllllous productionBench-Sc:;lling of C1\Cperbatch different trentments up to the detennination (If alpha- of cdlulose nnnoc-ryswhthe Production of - Di"persible c",lIulose nanocrystnls cellulose was completed usmg standard method andCellulOSIC - CNC-relllfoTced_ envirollment-friendlyfrelle\\ able • Defibrillation of Kawayang-tinik bamboo flour friction grinder supermassNanocrystab uftllocomposite matenals samples prior to cellulose extractiou through steam colloider equipmentfrom Knwnynng. explo~ion - lmpnwement of thetinik (Bamhusa • Preliminary tests on the use of mass colloider (with process:lbilitv of theblmnean:l) nnd lh the supplier) .\-as swrted cellulose llntlocrystnh nOtUtilization for :,-etperformed:;ls PR forRenewable chenlical reagents still inNnnomntetials process.

DepartmentAgencyOpera ling UnitOrganization Cod •.•(li"ACS)


Depal1ment of Sdenn and TechnologyPbilippine Council fOI"Indu\try, EDerg~' and Emerging Tecbnolog~' Researl.'"b and Development

19-013 ~

' Currenl Y•.•ar .-\Ilpl'ollrialiomSupplemental.-\pproprlatlonsContinuing .-\PilroprlatlonsOff_Budget Account

liA'CS Phy~ical Target~ Pbysical Accomplishments'-ariance


as of Sept. Remark~

lsi OUlu'ter I 2nd Ouarler 3rd OUlirter I 'lIb Quarler Total lsi OUllrtel" 2nd Ouarler 3rd Ouarler 4th Omll"tfr Total 20J!i

J 2 3 I 4 I ; I 6 7 (3+4+!i+6) 8t

9 I. 11 12 (8+9+1 13 140+111

UPLB PW.1':~et5: .40 kg (If ric<:"bull to produce 4.6 kg of pure II'bile rice bull a~b • The addition Ofll:lllosilica effectively increas<:"dthe " Nano~i!ica is generaIedProduction of perbiltch mechanical from rice hull ash usingNanosilica from - Produce <100 nm ~ilicn str~gth of the tllennopbstic fihn. two methods-theRl(~eHulls nnd - ]Okg per batch of thennoplnstic starch - ModificaIion of starch caD reduce the WaIer uptake hydrothenl1f1l and sol gelRice Hnll Ash - 1rnpro,;ed propenie" of the pnckaging film and pre,"eDt di~integrmion of films Starch substrate wasand Bench Scale esterified with aceticVctificmion of nnhydrid<:"_acetic acid :lndthe Production of bUl~Ticanhydride to810degradabie produce starch acetate nndPackaging Using starch but~Tate.Cassaya Starch-RHA Nrlllosilica

Bench-scale - Plant sel-up for the production of food grade NPCC - Produced SOkl of food grade Nnllopr~ipitaled Completed on 30 limeProduction of Food- - Food grade NPCC products Calcimn Carbonnte (KPCC) 20]5gr:'lde Kano- - Dislribme NPCC to prospectiw mer~precipimtedCalcium Carbonatefrom LocalLimestone

~'1icrobml - Optimize conditions for pre-treatmem of c~'m c~,bs. com - Processing of necesslU"ylreq11ireddocwnenls - Shde of implemenmtionProducnon of sto"ers [lnd sugarcane bagasse nnd cloaning of hydrolysates on] NO\"enlber 201:-XylilOl from ihe - Optimize conditions for xylitol production using CandidnHydrolysis ProducB tropicahs and com cobs. com .>lon'rs and S'llgnrcane b:lgasseof Selected hydroly~ates under liquid cultme fennenmtionAgnculturaJ \Va~te, - Scientific pnpers for presentation aud/or publication

Large Scnle - Cultures or complex of cultmes :lble to produce more laccase - Processing of nece.ssary/required document~ - Slide of implementationProduction of - Optimized liquid C\llture fennentmlOn for the production of on] Nowmber 201:-Laccase from lacc;l~eTrametes sp, for - Scientific papers for pre-.entation nnd'or publiL'iltiol1Food and Be\"erageApplications

DepartmenlAgencyOpenJting Unit

Organization Codt' (UACS)


Dt'pllrtmenl of Scienct' and T t'chnologyPhilippine Council for Indu~II'Y, Energy and Emerging T ecbnolo~' Research and Dewlopment

19-013 B".Currt'nt Year AP~I'opriatlonsSupplemental Appl'oprlallon.~Continuing Approprlal\on~Orr-Budgel Accounl

{lACS Physical T arget~ Physical AccomplishmentsYaa-iance


as of Sept. Remal'k~

h' uarler ,.d u:uter 3rd unrl",' 4th uarte-r Total lsi Ouarler I ,.d u,wler 3,d uar!l.'r ". lIarlel' Totnl 1015

1 , 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 7 (3+4+5+6) 8 I 9 10 11 12 (8~+1 13 140+11

SESTA!,\:4BLE E!YERGl"\\-ind Resource - Equipment rerrienl . The wind monitoring equipment in Surigno del Sm. - Continuing wind dntnAsse,smem for Palamilll. and General Santos Mye been gathering data gathering in four projtttWind PO\l"er since their installntion. sites in Pnla\\':m. General

SY~lems - The data logger collects datn ewry 10 minutes, Santo,. Surigao del Surayemges ewry hOUT-and records hourly and dnii~ and 5migao del Norteayerages. - PAGASA Adminimator

h:!s npprO\'ed therebnbilitatioll of windmonitoring equipment inCan-a\'id. Eastern Samar.as part of PAGASAequipmem rehabililationbudget

En'?;ineerill'?; Desl'?;n. ModelinR, Assessmen/ Tools aud Del"elo III/en/ orR,mell'ob!e Ellen2:r ~l'slemhuproyemell! of ~ Inn;'ll!ory of existing MHP system _Attended tmining 011 the de\'elopment ofMHP lest rig wherein they ha'-e

Locally Designed _Planning nnd DeSIgn of Testing facility deyeloptd a test rig I:!horatory design1\'hCTo-Hydro - COll,>troctionof fnciht~ _Visited \'nrious MHP laboralOry t:~cility for better npprecialionTtlrbine~ nod - Design <"Inddt"'elopmem of high efficiency turbineEstablishmenlof~rnp Test Rig.

Tidal Current - Tid:!1 cl.lITemresource maps - Conducted bathymetric survey in Corregidor.

Energy Integrated - Site sllltability assessment for the developmem of Tid:!1Current - Processing/collverting of go\'emmell! dam into ArcGIS lnyer nod mnpsResource energy _Launched Ihe web,ile online \\'ith Philippine base map and web p[lgesAsses,ment amI - \Y",h GIS-based marine spntiai planning tool for tid;!1cl.lITemSpatial Pianlllllg energyTool

DepartmentAgencyOperating linil

Organization Coue (VACS)


Department of Sden<:e anu TechnologyPhilippine Coundl Cor Inuu~try, Inerg~' and Emerging Technology Re~earch and DeHlopment

19-013 B".Current Ye~•.APPI'°pl'lalion~Supplemental Approprlatlon~Contlnulng Apl)ropriatlon~Off_Budget Account

Physical AccomplishmentsVariance

ParticulanUACS Physical Targets

as of Srpt. Remark~CODI

hI uartel' 2nd um.tl.'r 31"d IIlIl.ter 4tb uarter Tolal hI \larler 2nd uarter 3,d uartl.'l' 4tb uarte •. Total 201:"

1 , 3 I 4 I , I 6 7 (3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12 (8+9+1 13 140+11)

Smarr Grid for Filipi110 HouseholdsProJect 1, Desq;m - Deploy the ~mart home pbtfoml ill :!O homes in Pa[awan - Installedideployed :!O - Succe~~ftJ.llydemon~tmted Smart Home Sy~teJl1inand Deyelopmem - COllduct SUIyeys upoin deplo)lllent and after 1-3 months after Sman HOllle System in Knhkasan Mutual Hotnt"s in Puerto Princesa. PaL1wanof n SlTh1.rtHome deplo)lllent K:dibsan HOl1le~PI:ufoml Subdi\'ision. PalammProject 2. Design - Te~ting and ~oftware debuggmg - Completed testing nnd - Successfully demonstrated Smart Home System 111and Dew~loJlmenl . Deploy AMI rmu[nl,)r with prepnid mrlering software debugging Kfllikilsnn ~1Uluill Homes in Puerto Princesa. PillnW3.nof fillAd"anced -In~lillled!deployed 20I\'!t'tering AMI emulator withInfmstrUcture Pr"'Paid Metering in(A~n)Emulator United HomesPln.lfoml Subdi\'ision. Palnwan

Project :;. Prepnid - SUfwywith Dimibution UtilitieS (DUs) - SmYeY - Completed the last set of wf\'ey/inten-iew with theMetering nnd Di~tribUlion prepnid metering respondellts (1lOslingSlTh'lnmeter~)Smnrt Home Utilities (DUs) are being - Ongoing ailillysis of the results of imen:ie\\'System. conducted. currently \\'ithTechnology :;0% retum ratt'Acreptnnce andTechnologyFeamres Smdies

SmMI Wire ProgramProject I: Energy - Deyelop and implemellt an integrated dnla acquisitioll find -On gom!? dbign of PCB for testing (De,-elopment of - Recently appro,-edEfficient Dnta .~ignnlconditionmg subsystem with a 4-channel "ariilble liming the tt'St protOcols underway) project extt'nsion last 07Acqui~ition and DAQ September 2015Conditioning krthe Sl11iln\\'ireSensor Nodt'Proiecl

DepartmentAgenc~'Operating UnitOrganizlltion Code (U..\CS)


Depal1ment of Sdence and T £'cbnologyPhilippine Council for Indu~try, En£'rg)' and Enlel'ging Tecbnology Resellrch and Dewlopm£'nt


• T Current Year .-\pprOllrlalionsSIlPI)lemental.-\pproprllltlon~ContinuIng .-\pproprlatlomOff-Budget Account

FACS Physical Tal'gels Physical AccomplishmentsY:ll"iance


as of Sept, Remal'ks

1st mlrtel' ". uarter 3rd muler "h uarter To1al hI ual"l£'I' 2nd uarter 3r~arter 41~ar1er Total 2015

1 , J I , I , I 6 7={3+4+5+6) 8 I 9 10 II 12 (8+9+1 13 140+11'

ProJect 2: . De\"(~lopand implement an integrated power lin", and RF - The regulation sub~y_~temi~ composed ofyo1tag'" - Recently nppro\"edImegrnted Energy Energy harye~ting SmartWire sensor node reguln.tors. which ar", ns",d to (on\'en the Mis .••..1\" pwject extension last 07HatTeSling. energy harl"t'~ter Output to a d",an and regualted D.:'\' September 201:'iStorage nnd supply used to power the rest of the SlIL1rl\\'ire node.Regull\lion for theSmart\\"ireSensor Piode

Project 3: Energy - Dewillp and implement an integrated computntion find - The design of the conummication subsystem ha~ also - Rttently approyedUltrn-Low Power conulluniclllion subsyst~m for power line and Radio frequ"'llcy be-en don",. project ",xtension last 07Computation nnd communication - The nod", m.1nagemelll subystem for th~ Snl.-'U1Wire September 2015Communication sen~0r node p~rforms the following wsks:for lhe SmartWire Synchronization, pflcket nssembly and disflssembly.Sensor Piode power cycling and pammeter measurementsProject

Project 4: - Design and dewlop dle MAC protocol nnd Cross-L1yer - Improye hnn"esting model to consider realistic - Recently appro\'edSmaO\\"ire module for a large-scale SmartWire sensor network components project extensiolllast 07Resilielll Data - Implementntion of ContikiiCooja-plntfonll \vir",less Septemb",r 201:'Transport simulation sensor node

Program on File! Ethanol Pl'od/lcriollji-om Lignocdlulosic Feedsrock.l'Optimization of - Optimum process and optimlUll conditions for bench-scale _Optimized ~accharification conditions for pre-treated - Completed last 30 JuneSaccharification. ethanol fermentation lignocellulosic materifl!s and de\"e1oped stmtegies to 201:'Fennentation fmd - Scale-up design from bench sCflledaw for furore pilotscale increflse substrate loadingPurification studies - De\"e1oped appropriate detoxification methodsprocesses for D",veloped fermentation schemes using locnl yenstPilol Scale strainEthanol - Developed fl method to concentrate low-ethanolProduction from brothLignocellulosic Prepared n scale up plant or process design forMatenals cellulosic malerial conveTsion 10ethanol

D•.•partmentAgencyOperating linil

Organiz;ltion Code (liACS)

Qt;ARTERL \" PHYSICAL REPORT OF OPER.\.TJO;\"As of September 30, 2015

. Department of Science and T ecbnologyPhilippine Coundl forlndudr}', Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development

19-013 8currr-ntY•.•ar AppropriationsSuppl •.•mentai ApproprlallomConllnulng Approprtalion,Off-Burlget :\ccounl

lIACS Ph}'siclll Target~ Physical Accompli.~hmentsVariance


as of Sept. Remarks

1st Ouarler I 2nd Ouarter I 3rd Ouarler 14th Ullrtel' Tolnl I" Uilrter ',d unrter 3rd uarler «h uarter Total 201:::

1 , 3 I 4 I ; I 6 7 (3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 H-(8+9+1 13 140+11\

S}nthesis of Carbon PnSllne, high-den~ity and predominantly semiconducting CNT - 100~" ofEl' .•.1.XPS and AFM were done to analyzed - Completed inSI31 ":layNanotubes (0--1) - fihn the structure and compo~ition of the CVD-gro\\TI CKT ::!Ol5Silicon - Optimized heterojunction characteristics for sol:u cell filmsHeterojunclioll for app1icallons - Already grown CNT using the new C\'D fumac"dle Fabication and - Solar Module ProtNype s)"Stem.Currently 0plinuzing the growth of the CNTAssembly of a Solm- particularly ill tht" (NT yieldPanel

A Graphent".Based - Superior quality L1ser-Scribed Graphene - The laser scribt"r is alreildy prepMoo and - Completed last 31 ::-'.1ayElectrochemical - Oplimize Ln<,er-Scribed Gmphene Electrocht"mical cell set up, as well :;015Supercilpacitor for (LSG-EC) - Tht" ~ylllhesis ilnd the chl\racterization of LSG wereSobr Cells - Energy ~Ioragt"cdl done

- Solar module - The ~ynthesis and the chnraclerizmioil ofLSG-Ecs\\"t're done ilnd nre being optimized

S~l1lhesis of Metal ~Simple and low COSI~ynthesls method for metal nailo"ire. b) - Nickel was succt"ssfully coaled on Cll nanowiresand - Spin coatmg of the inkNailowires and chemical rt"dllction at 1011"lemperature was confioned by SEM. XRD. nnd EDX was nOIpursued dut" to [heTheir Application in - General concept for the oxidiltion-smte conlrol metal " Sil\"er and Copp"r nnno\nres were spin-coated on small sizt" of the ~l.lbmatt".Foldnble nnnopnrticle glass and pO~1ner subsuntt"s Mt"yer rod \\'as insteadTranspart"nt - Chenp llnd efficient metal nnllowirt" printing process at 1011" - Fabricnted glnss e1t"c!rodeswith a sheet resisti1tlce of u~ed to com the flexibleConducting temperature <10001un' sq.at a trnnsminrutce of ;>80~" ,ub"trate.Electrode

Flexible Nanohybrid - Preparation nnd chnracterization of solid deetrol~1e - S~11thesisofPol~Tinyl - S~11theslzed Pnni-ES. - Conducting polymer-$uperCnpilCl!Or - Fabrication of nanocomposite materials b:l,ed on conducting alcohol. P\'A as solid Pani-ER PCBz. CnO. and mt'tal oxide compOSItesBased on pol}mers and metal oxides electrol)1e Mn02 "'ill be fmther were chemicallyConducting - Reacht"d 60~;' in eVilluated and nnalyzed synthesized'Pohl11er~ nnd ?\kml chractenz,1tion for - Chilrl\cterized the (Pol~pyTIole .MnnganeseOxides Cotnposi[lonal pol)1ners & melal oxide dioxide. Ppy-MnO.)

:lllillysis. Stroctttral - Chilracterized tht" PYA -. Three (3)Analysis, & Electro and P\'A-EC:Ii EBr ba~ed electrochemical depositionchemical hnpednnce on its morphology. techniques (gah'anosm[ic.Measuremenl mechnnical properties potentiod}1tamic. and- S~1tthesls of composite molecular imeraCiion. and pOlentiostntic) \wrt"conducting pOly1Uerand thennal properties conductt"dmt"[nloxides

DepartmentAgencyOpE'rating Uni!

Organization CodE' (LACS)

QFARTERLY PHYSICAL REPORT OF OP£R-\TlO~A~ ofSo:-plember 30, 2015

Department of SciencE' and T ecbnologyPbilippinl' CouncU for Indu~tt~., [nt'rg)" and [mE'rging Tecbnology Re~ean:h and Dt'\"t'lopment

19-013 a""CUrrf"nl Yt'ar Allllrollriatlon~SUllplemental .-\I)prOI)rhuiomContinuing Appropriation'>Off-Budget Account

UACS Pbysic:11 Target~ Pb~"sical AccomplishmentsVariance


llS oeSept. Remark~

1510ullrtt'r I 2nd (uarter 3rd (uarter 14th uartel' Total hI uartel' '"d uarter 3rd U'Il"tl'r 4'h uartel' Total 201:-

1 , 3 I 4 I ; I 6 7=0(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12 (8+9+1 13 140+11\

Den'lopment of Ink - Method of ink formulatIOn and further dlllracte-rizmion of - Design and fabrication of home-built fum ace for - Silyer and anunoniumUsing Carbon from emboli properties larger scale pyroly~is of glycerol fonm"lle complex wereSU1IightP)Tolysis of - Characterizallon ofhydrod}namic. dt:ing properties of carbon _High resolution Transl11i~siollElectron N1iCroSCOP~ synthesized and used inGlycerol as mk fommlations on different subwate~ (TIM) of carbon from P!Tolyzed glycerol de,"eloping conducti\'eElectrodes in _Exploralory te~ts on potential ilpplicntions of the carbon mk mks for inkjet primerPrinted Electronics fomlulall011 applications"

- Purification steps sucha~ reduction ,-ia hydrazineimproves the ql.k1lityofcarbon obtained from bothcrude and technicalglyceroL

Dewlopment of - Teclmical and theoretical research nnplementatlOllS - Microwilu' induce Finalized the - eNT S}nlhe~is usingFunctional - S~nthesis of CJ\-"Tu~ing micro"-aw iud,ICe pli1"ma C\'D plasma ("NT production methodology for InicrowiI'"e-inducedNanocnrbon-Bilsed ilppnrntu~ equipment undergoing the fUllctionalization of plasnlll C\"D apparatusCatalysts for thorough checking, re- CNT~ whlch al"o includes - CNT FunctionilhzationBiom1S~ COil\'enion staning, and time up" the design of - Operation of HighProcbses experimems Pressure Cntal}1ic RenClor

as SubcriticailSupercriticil] CO2deposition system

Development of a - Fnbricnte component ready for a~sembly - Chamber deign and - Integrated chamber. ion - Finalized the designLow-Energy Ion - Laboratory that "ill house the ion ~ource system dra\,-illgs source and suppon sy<,tem except for the flangeSource Systtlll for - Plas1llil and ion beam characterisllcs specifications connectingthe S~nthesis of lht"mrbomolecnlar pump"Diamond-like gate val\"e to the \'acuumCarbon Fihm chamber


DepartlnentAgencyOperating Unit

Organization Code (VACS)


Department of Science and Technolog}"Philippine Council for Industry, E:ner~- and Emerging lechnolog}' Research and Development

19-013 B"'Curr~nl Year .-\pproprlatlnnsSUl,pltmenlal.-\I)proprlation~Continuing .-\pproprlatlon~Off-Budget Acc(lUnl

l;ACS Phy\kul T llrgeb Physical AccomplishmenbVariancl."


as oeSept. Remark~

lsi uarler '"d uar!er 3rd un!"!er 4th uarter Total h' Ullrler 2nd Ounl'll'r 3rdo;;arter 4tho;:;.arter Total 20J5

1 I 3 I 4 I , I 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 II 12 (8+9+1 13 140+11'

FabricatIon of a - Ra,\" mal~ial~ and powders of Li7La3Zr20 12 (LLZ) solid -LLl solid eleClfol~,e has - Analyzed thennal - S}TIthesi" nndS0]id-$mle eleclrol)1e been s)nthesized u<;ing pwperti('~. morphology, Ch:lHlcterizntion ofu.z Li-Recharg<:'<lbleLi-ion . Cryst<llline LU with about SO-100 nm grain size solid state reaction and find other stuclural ion conducting solidBattery u~ing structurally characterized chnracterization ofUZ eleetrol)1e ~ho\\ingLi7L'I3Zr20J2 as using X-ray diffraction conductivity \'nlue of 10-4solid eleclfol)1e for SlcmEnergy Stornge - Initial f:lbricmion of solidApplications state Lithium coin cell

Nnnostructured - ~{N:l1oxidt" pwmoted Pt- and I'd-based anode c:ltalyst'; - S;.ll1hesized "node - SynthesIzed nnode - Surtllce ch:lracterizntionElectroc:lwlyst composites cnlnlysts materillls c<lmlysts materials using AF}'I wen'Compo~ite<; for - Snucturnl nnd - SmlCtUffll and conducted on bothDirect Ethflnol Fuel rnorphologicfll morphological s)TIthesized phuinurn andCell: Prepflffltion, characterization ch"rncterization P:llllldilUn anode cmnlVSlS,Characterization of the tmteria1s of the tIl.1terials - Plfllinum bnsed Imodeand Perfollmnce - Eleetrochemicnl - Electrochemical entalyst were mnde using 2E\'ahmtion charnctt"riZfltioli using chafflcterizntion using methods- chemical and

cyclic \"oh:lnunetry cyclic \'oltammetry electrochemical S)TItheslS

Fabrication of Textile-bnst"d composites \\'lth conducting pOI)TIlerS,carbon - No significnnt Initial electrocbcruic:l1 - Preparntion findSupercapncitors materials and metal oxides accomplishment yet: c1Jaraclerizntion of pristine chnracterization of theUsing Indigenous - Comprehensi,-e battery testing in\'oh'ing ~upercllpncitor full Commenced on I M!lrch pilla, nbac!l, and raflia blended composite fabricsTextiles as cell~ 2015 fabric ren'aled inferior with conducting PPyandEleetrode •••fateria\<, _Presentfllions in imematil'nai-"nalioI11l1scientific conferences electrical properties Pani

and publications in internationally peer-rt"\'Je\\'ed journab - Training on e:\isting - Pretreatment of theequipment hilSbeen Pristine Blended \\'o\'enperfonned. EIS training Fnbncsscheduled on July 18-26 in - Preparation of theFrance PolypyrrolelWater


DepartmentAgenc~'Operating linil

Organization Code (ti.-\CS)


Department of Science llnd T l.'cbnologyPhilippine Council for Indll~try, Energy and Eme!'ging Tecbnology Rewarch and Den.'lopml.'nt

19-013 ~

x Current Yeal' Approprlallom

Supplemenlal Approprlatlom

Conllnulng Appropriatlon\

Off-Budget .-\nount

liACS Ph~'sical Target~ Pbysical Accomplisbml.'nts,'arianct"


as of Sepl. Remark\

hI uarle!" 2nd lIarter 3rd (uarter 4tb (unrtel' I Total hI UllI'lel' 2nd uartt"r 3rd uarter "h muter Total 2015

1 2 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7={3+4+5+6) 8 I 9 I 10 11 12-(8+9+1 13 140+11\

SE~TAIX1BLE M>tSS TR4NSPORTIflIelli~cnr hClI/worT S):srem IITS) ProgramDen:lopment ofn - D~tnbnse for the t100d semors for correlating traffic with on- - TIle serwr for the PhiTh.1ATIS\\"as deliyered Inst - 3 pairs of Cllmeras lirePhilippine ~treel lloodlllg nlong EspruL1Boule\'ard hnumy28,2015 nlready in plnced alongtl.Ietropolillln - On-going Espann (both north andAd\'nnced adjustmt"nt~lprocessing of the the d,ta heing rerrie\'ed somh bound)Trnw1er to mnke 5 ll1inmes intetTa! for the data transmission - Initilll testing: operutlOnInformation of the senrsor wereSy~tem ohsen'ed during strt"et(Phih\fATIS) llooding incidents in the


Adnnced Trnffic _Anlllysis. design, development and deplo~lnent of trllffic - Deli\'ered 100 GPS units wherem 72 of which \\'ere - On-going lin" testing of& Pollution prediction model 3lrendy installed in lllxis the trnpik.org web~ite' forMonitoring nnd - Analy~is_ design. deye!opme-nt nnd deplo~lnent of incident and the taxi rracking in relationAnalvsi,; System accident detection model to traffic and air pollutionBnse-d onGPS leye! of ihe an:ll.Data. Air Quality - Deyeloped :2mobilt"Dnt3 & Engine npplications relnted toSWtlS Data Irom trapik_org website: trnpikTrncked Tnxis in 3nd t:,ir fare. bothMetro Manila available for dO\\TIload

through googleplay(on-going improvements).

Integrllted - In\"elllory of the existmg public trampon system (city buses) - Roadside :24-hour vollUile count (:2 ct.'y.';and 12 - In\"t"lltory of publicOptimnl nnd detenrune their sen'ice operatlllg characteristics hours) transport along andScheduling of - Pilot te,t the proposed scheduling ,cherne of city buses feeding into EDSAPublic Trnnsport (whether by s.ilmllation or acmal testing) along Epifallio de los lIlcluding buses, jeepneysSystem along a Santos Avenue (EDSA) to de-tennine its effectiveness lind AtlV are 100%Route (PUBFix) _Web-based Public Trnnspon Infonll.1tlol1 System for tht" complete

existing city hus operation in Metro Mnnila - On-going fabricMioll oftht" on-hoard busmonitoring system of

DepartmentAgencyOperating 'Unit

Organizntion Code (l;ACS)


Depurtment of Science and T('(booing}"Philippine Council for Industry, Energ~'- and Emerging T£'cbnology Resenn:h and n••n')opment


8"T Curr •••n. Y",ar :\ppl'opriatlonsSuppl",menlal ApIlI"Oprlnt1on~Continuing ApproprlatlomOff_Budget Account

liACS Ph}'~kalTargl'ls Pbysical AccomplishmentsVal"iauee

Particulan CODE liS or Sept. Remarks

hI uarter 2nd uarll'r 3rd unr!er 4th uarter Total 1st C uarl ••••. I 2nd Ouar!t'r 3rd Ounr!er 4th Ouart"f T01:11 201!'

1 2 3 I , I 5 I 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12 (8+9+1 13 "0+11\pnssengt'r boarding andalighting

Development of n - Agent-based traffic modeh ~ Enh:lnc<"ITh"nt~ on user ill1erface to create link nnd On going )lIlpTOyelll~L1lSCu~tomized LOC[l1 - Calibrmed tmfEc simulfltion mooel nooe network using QT [lnd \'is111l1Q-'--'-(p[lral!el on the user illlerface andSimulator - Integmted lIS dmaln.se plntfonn explomtion) initial codes are being(localSim) - Initial codes \nillen for u~er inlerface to build link reprocessed

and node represemanon of road network

Simul:nion and - Modltled function:!1 snfely te~t protocol to fjlth~ ne\\. system - IIl~talled Irnffic sigJmling _ Installed traffic signaling SYSleJllEyallmtion of nn _ Performance te»ting and flmclionnl safety leSI runs system - Fine IImed:md lested AGT UPAGT Syst~m - D~l11onstral1onrun - Fine nmed and tested - ApproH~d extensionP:!ssenger Swtiom - AGTUPPh:!se 2Test and Evaluation _ :Vfemorandlun of agreem~nt and Trained LGU personnel - Reque~1 kr extension - Appron~d extension from 1 July 2015 -:; 1 Decemberof 120-Pnssenge-r - lest protocol for perfonn.1llct" and endurance test 201.:'per Conch Capacity - Data gmhered on AGT during ils perfoIDl<'1uceand endurnnceAutomated Guide- lest nUlS during wet seasonway I mnsil SystemPerfonnance - Test Protocol (CRTflCRT) I. Completed NUT Testmg and Pe-rformance Testmg of CRT as per protocoLTeslingofFl\"e- - Public Demonslfation 2. ~kmon\l1dum of Underswnding (;\10U) with Local wvemment of Cebu CilYCoach Centmlly was signed last 06 May 2015.Powered Hybrid 3. On-going the Integration for Ihe All1ommion Sy~tem of LCRTEkctnc Rond 4. Procuremenl for the New Variable Frequency Dri\.e (\'FD.s) to CRT and LCRTTrains for Local are already awarded to DAC Induminl Electronics. Inc.Applications - 5.Launching of CRT at CDC Pampang:lla~t::!5 hme 2015.Phase 2 6. Hybrid Elecnic Road Train was highlights in National Science Iechnology

Week (1\'ST\\'). Project I e;lm together with P}.IEDSO \\.as conducted;l Free DemoRide.

DepartmentAgenl.'~'Operating Unh

Organization Code (FACS)


Dtpartmtnt of Scitnct and T el.'hnologyPhilippine Council for Indu~tI"Y, Ener~- and Emtrging Technology Research and Devdopment

19-013 axCurrent Year ..\pproIJl"lallon~

Supplemental Appropriadon~

Continuing Approprlatlom

Off-Budgel Account

liACS Physical Targets Physh:al ACl.'omplishmentsVarianl.'e


IlSof Sept. Remarks

I" uarter ,.d uarter 3rd UIU"ttl" 4tb uarter Totlll I" uarter I 2nd Ollflrter 3rdOuarter I 4ib Ouarter Total 2015

I , 3 I 4 I ; I 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 I 9 10 I 11 12 (8+9+1 13 14O+li\

KR.\ ;Xo. 5 -Intee:rit\" of the En,-ironment :lnd Climate Chane:e ;\IHie:ation and AdantionElV' JR01\ME:\' T, CLIMATE CHANGE & DISASTER RISK REDUCTIONMolecllbrly _ Prepawtion of~'!lPs for isobtion of Ii-Ilctions of pure _ Significllll1llmounts of klgundi markers were extrllcted and purified- ~OOmg ofImpnnted Pol~lners compounds (lagundi. bannbn and aillplayn) agnuside and 20 mg of i~ooricll1in(,,-lIP) for the - Degradation studies of agnuside marker \\"ill be flUther conducted. As it \\"asTllrgeted ob~er\"e'd tlu\111gnllsidebecome~ unst:lble at 70 degress Celsius for 24 hours whichPurificmion of is the condition for MIPproductionN:lntrnl Prodllct("ompolU1d~

De~ign_ Fllbricntion _Documellled pcrform.'lnce charllCleriSlic~ for the de\'ice - D~sign orthe hght scattering opticnl monitoring de-,;ceand E,'aluntioll of - Funclionnl prototypes (bet:l-gmde) _Design of the air sllmple and impactor Wllich will mens'llre p:miculate mnner \\'ithMonitoring nnd 10ulll. 2.5u!D. and lum size fmctionsSampling Devicesfor ParhClllateMflttcr

Rndi.'llion-illduced - Optimum nbsorbed dose and monomer COnce!ltr:llion obtnined - 50",,, of the grafting experiments for optimization \,'ere finisehed during ille f1I'>tgr:lftillg of . Data for characterized grofted nonwo\'en fabric and results for semester of project implementation .nOI1\\"o\'enfabrics initial batch ndsorption test _ITIR spectrum of grilfted PP-l\\\ T .~ho\\'ed peak~ corresponding to the bondsfor \\'aSle water from both pGi..•.1A :lnd PP. indicating that the modificntion of ille PI' surface bytreatment 10meet grnfting \\'as successfully performed.Clas~ c: efl1uent _On-going Anillysis of metlll ion concentration of waste obtained from Chelsihem"ymetal leather nnd Senices. Inc.Stllndllrds

DesIgn and - Rt'~ellrcb repon/conference pnper on findings - Attt'nded a week long twining nbom GIS through the - Almost 50~" inDen."lorment of - Succt'';Sful dt'ployme:nt and dala gfltehring on experimental sitt's Nlllioual Mnpping and Re-~ource InfonJllltion Autlwrity e<;lablishing n groundAerinl j\,'lapping and (NAMRIA) co:ntrolnetwork in Lakelm:lging System~ Palllkpnkin to produceand Stfllldards spntially accumte maps

DepartmentAgencyOperating UnitOrganization Coue (liACS)


Depntment of Science and TecbnologyPhilippine Council fOI"Indu~tI"Y, Energy and Emerging Tecbnolog)" Re$earch and Development

19-013 B""Current Year AllproliriationsSupplemental ApproptlarlOIl~ContinuIng Approprlatlon~Off-Budger Account

VACS Pbysical Targeh Phy$ical AccomplishmentsY:niance


as of Sept. Remal'k~

1st (uarter I 2nd Ouart!;'r I 3rd uarter 4lh uarter Total hI uarte!" ',d Ulll't!;'r 3rd Ulll't!;'1' 4th uarter Total 2015

1 , 3 I 4 I , I 6 7={3+H5+6) 8 9 10 11 12 (8+9+1 13 140+11\

Projecl e- - Deslgn. budd web based and mobile \'er,>ion,>of PINOY - Cond11cted simulation Crtflled repom ti.)r input in SHEREPOBnyamhan: A PATROL :!.o nCli\'ity of the system in - Visualizmion of SHEREPONa1l011Wide\\'eb- - Capacity building AU'neo. Tndoban. and - Attended the Jrapid ConferenceMobile Ba,>td DILG ExhibitSystem forPanicipatOf)Disaster!\"[anngemtnt

Undr!r~:ralJdiJl'" And Comml/nicmil1f!, Risk/or Commllnily-bmed DRR Program

Voices of - Ethnogwphy of disaster - Currently on dat1 - The study reveflled thflt - Concluded 011May 1015Yohmla: - Risk maps orgflmzation and :l!wlysis responses to typhoonNm-TaIlI'('Sof Yolandfl, pflnicularly illRi,k and Coplllg relation 10 cal1, forAmong SIlf\"i'"ors enlcuation hfld beenof Typhoon shnped by people -s)'olnndn in experience, wilh prt\"iousTacloban City, typhoons.Guillan Eastem - Pro\idedSamar and San recommendations f1bOUIFranci,>co_Cebu we study

DRR/CC-l Proofin " CriTical In(rasTl1Icmres

De,'elopment of - Ttthnical rqJori on propo,>ed tempowry sheller S\"Stmt - E\Tiluated the tempormy - Propo,>ed fI Design -Compiled Li,>t011weTemporary - ProtOI)'JX'temporary shelter shelters based 011existing scheme for Ihe stI\lcmml Srudit;'s and De<,ign ofShelter SYWI11 slandards and guidt;'lines system & connection Tempornry Shelterfor Disaster - Achiel-ed preference of details - Staned \\-orking on draftStricken Area,> lD<ltt;'rialsto be used in the schematic designs bflsed

design of the temporar:,i Ollpropostd desigu nileoashdter from Quarter II report

DepartmentAgem:yOperating Unit

Organization Code (UACS)


D£'paI1m£'nt of Sci£'nc£' and TechnologyPhilippine Council for Industry, En£'rg." and Emerging T£'cbnology Resellrcb and Dl'n'lopml'nt

19-013 ~

•.. Cttrr~nt Y~al".-\llprOllrlatlonsSUPl)l~rnental.-\pproprlatlon~ConUnulng .-\pproprtatlon~Off_Budgel Account

F.-\CS Physiclll Targets Pbysical AccomplisbmentsVarianc£'


llS of S~pt. R£'mllrks

ht \larter 2nd uart!."r 3rd uarl!."r 4th ullrt!.'r Total ht uarter '"d uart£'r 3rd uart!."•. 4th uartl'r Total 2015

1 1 3 I 4 I ; I 6 I' (3+4+$+6) 8 9 10 II 12 (8+9+1 13 14O~l1i

R-lI-lNIHANETS.- BI/ildin~ RobusT £lnd SlIsTQmQbfe CoovL'taril"i! Comnl/min" Nenl"Orks

Deye!opment of a Protocol de~ign and simu!llti(ln module - Processing of required - No significllui - Completed MPTCP 1llldMultipnth - Testbed design lind componl'nt dOClunl'nt~ accomplishment yet: LEDBAT ns-2 "~imullltion~Trnnspon - 0pl'r:nionnl emulation testbed COllunencl'd on 4 JI.U1l' - Completl'd thl' f\'!P-LBEProtocol lor - Validation results from emuilltioll 2015 design and ~iml1lntionCoopl'rnti,"l' module",Community - Done \\"ith the Systl'm-Networks lewl te~tbed design

ARC An - Applicanon framl'work Procl'%ing of requirl'd - No significant - Validated applicallonApphcation dOC\.Ul1mlS nccomplishment yet: frnme\york model \iaFramework for Conunenced on..j. Jlme prototypmgRobust 201:- - Validated rtpplic3lionCommunications framework model yiaTrnnspon oyer anal)"is1simulationCommunityNetworks

Ikwlopment of - High throughput routing metric and congl'stion free rouling - Processing of required . ?-:o significant - Den~loped the ProgramsRoming ~Il'trics ml'tnc documents accomplishment yet: for computing throughput,for High Commenced on.:l- Jl.U1e Jitter~" Awrage .Iday andT1troughput and 101:' others wereCongestion Frel' - Established the designRouting o\'er for the following metrics'Virdess • Chnnnel BU~~"TlessCommunity Mesh • elmnnd Capacit)?'-let\\"Orks

Marine Wl'31her - Two (2) HIgh Frequency Doppler Radar (HFDR) systems - Processing of requlrl'd - No significant - Conduct meeting withForecasllng 11smg inswlled in ~ETC & Masmloc Zambnle~ dOlCuments llccomplislullent yl't: PDRRMC and \isit thl'High Frequency COlIlmenced on 4 April possible !>itefor the projectDoppler Radar 1015

DepartmentAgenc~"Operllting UnitOrganization Code (F-\CS)


Department of Science and TechnologyPhilippine Council for Industry, Ener~' and [merging Technology Research and Development

19-013 B'.Current Year Approprlaliom

Supplemental Apilroprialions

Conllnuing Appropriations

Ofr.Budge! :\CCOllnl


ParliculanUAC'S Physical Targets

ftSor Sept. Remark~CODE ,,, Uill'ter 2nd uarter 3rd uarter 4th uarter Total hI lIarter 2nd Ouarter 3rd DuarteI' 4th Ouarter Total 2015

1 2 3 I , I ; I 6 7-(3+4+5+6) 8 9 I' 11 12=(8+9+1 13 "O+ll)Flood Srmsor. . Test of m~trunlenlation nnd sensors . Conducted indoor stress - Testill&"of sen~or~f - Instlllled II total of 21Dewlopmeul. . Assembly nnd in~tallillion of monitoring Slallons 161 and distance image te~1 in~tnllnenti\tioll and !lood monilOring f.::nceinst;lllillion and - Information education and communication campaign - Coordinat.::d \\ith the electronic componellls for - hlstalled :'iunits of Floodl1lonitoringofUrban LGUs for the instflllMion BCUlaldeplo:-ulent Monitoring Sen~or<;Flooding in Metro of tlte monitoring stations - In~talkd t100d1-fnnila - Provided project monitoring SlMions

brochures (enclo~ure in Quelon City)

Prepared by:



In coordination \\itb:

~i\IR. ISIDRO Y, OliERliBI;,\ JRBudger Officer


~p'~4/LE!\GR, ?\ELSO~P.BEl'\IABO~

ETDD, ChiefSRS ilild Ole: Offi,~c;e0O~frtit , ecuti\'e Director

Dat.:: r

Drpllrtmtttlil\l:tnr,''Opl"ntin~ IVIIII

'Ol'l!;1lnb.nlktn eDdt (UACS)

QUI\'Rn:RI.Y ,PI1\"STC.A'I.:Rf:rORT OF OPERATION..As 'Or Ju:nc,30, "'20",'5

iDrpllrimml (lfSntnC:1r IIlntlTl'dmt'Ill1~':rtilUpplnt Oountll for ,I Ildllnry.IEnt"l"C' tuld 'EIlntrJ:i~ ':r«'bno'I~' ,Rn:t:lrth 'Ilnd 1Dt"\'t'lopmf'lIt


!hi\R :So. 'J

!~" I Cllrl"C'll1\'tllrO\ppJ'Oprilltions'. I SUPJl.Imllrllt.1J\JIJIl"Ilpri.tion': I Continuing 'i\ppropn.tions

i Orr.BudJ:rt: Ac:C'Ounl


Pll,'rlC'lllTIlrJ:rtl; 'Pb)'S'lmt,Af'C'Ompndlmmts '\'arll1ntt ,

'Pllrtlnibn ,com: :llsofJanf' Rt"ffilll1.., Iht'Quartn :1 2nd'Qunrtu 3~Quartn'":1 ,.:clbQu.rtu~ Tolal htQazl1f'r 2nd'Quantl' 3rd QuartCT I

,,flh QulrtnI

'Toln:! :2013 !,, • J ,I • 5 I '. i7.p •.••4S46) • • :10

I:II 112-(8I~+1 OJ , ••

i .•..'11 iPnrtA , 1 i I ,

I, 0 ratifms I I iM m 'I - 'Iadustry., IEnf'llO' ,oooooeoo

ilIlUIdF.mtf"R11IJt'TfthnllloJ:Y !

,I'Resum and.:Dcw'loplllf'nt ,

POIit)"S•.n'ite , I,

Paflll'MllllQ: :lndiCl!tfm I I I ,

t. ,No.~fpllicy ,Itlh'isoiie ,. -il - , :16 I. • -I 'I " , 56% il- i il,

i 'I,

2.A~Ipm:allagl:or 90% 90% 90% II "'" 1 1 ."." , 90% -' 'I i 'jpoliq',ftth,iSlJria; II"lIled I


I i:;niis'lhctmy Of b:ttCT i i

1 I ,


3. Perctntage:orpolicy gm'lo 90%_.

"'" , 9t7% 90%tdv~e!lllult hD\~ bf'nl ,upd3ted. imred rmd I , ,

, disseminated ,,'ithin the '1B' !i

lhrec ()) ycm: i

111.'0 2: ReKn~b 'IIJld ,-Dt\"C'lopmmt Manns:nnmtSer\'lrn ror lndum-y.F.nergy and F.lDf't'J:ingTcumolrtl)',PafomlllDlXl IndiClllDr!i

I. Number of propo5llh " 2' •• 97 2SO 32 2J - " -~h,,,,d

P8ge 1 of 30



0pe-nI11n~ 'lhiilOl't:llniJ'.&lion 'Code (UACS)

'OtJA'RTF.JU.'\' PUYSIC'.AI. 'REPOR1':Oi-' OPt-:RA1I"JONIu nr.i!urK' )0, '2015

II)tpulmtnl 'ofSc!I('Iltr RnaTt'CbnD1~''Pbilippint 'CounrU 1(0f' :1ndunry, 'EnUJO' ,:ana 'r..mU$::inft TtmnotoID' :Re$C:Af'Chand iDr\~lopmtiit


.~'X I.C.~. Il'eaf'O'\PPro ..Pf'1lI1iOnS-; Supplemmtal.jo\JlPropriation~

CODlinulng Appt'OprblfoD~

OIl.8udgrt Acmunl

I Pll)'s1C'DlTllrtcts- ,PbyslC'llIA«ompflfnmmtfI

UACSI YarianC"L':

r.rtiC'U!:ln com:IllfofJUlll' ,RrmRrb;

IIt'QUlrt('\'" I '4tl1 Qtlllfttf" I I 1I

21ld Quart", '3rdQuar'tl'f' 'Toln1 :Ia Quai1n- lnd QuartC'l' JrdQu:lrtn "tbQuarln To1flt , :ltllSI

I , > , • ., • I7-(3+4'"5-+6) • ••

!10 I II U-('~"~ :u ••! +1'1

1'em:nlagr ()rprojocR '~~

""" """ """I","~ l","~ -II 0

m:ommmded fOf lIWJO\'Dttm :robsc:qut'rrlly :n:ceiYcd i


funding::thmut;b lhe~ovatli1l!tc:ounalr1::'(.l:CO),l

:Pen::entagc o!'P.mjrct""" ."""

..,.~""" ''''''' U)O"A, - - 0

:pro:posub acted II'Iplm!

",it!iin 4\ months,

2.l\'unibcf of~ 200 200 :zooI

'00 '00 '44 24' - . '44I "":pro'jects mnnitnm1

Pmxn~()fpro~ i"""

90" 90%I

..",.~ 93'''' .,,, - - ! 0

CItJ"lllplctrd ",it'hm ~ JUS! :fom)"CI:JSdm,(mpnblistltd in 1"C'COgni7ed


IjlJlnIl:lh or utili7ed by-iPcTeentllgl'()fmomtMld

"""90% 90%

"""90% 90% . -

pmjccu. rrvicwro wilhin


"'Note: Ii ~ indicamn 1m:n01.eumulRti\'1: Ih:lt is ,,'h it ckl not'h:tVC' a taut


IDcpartmrnlAgent)'0pl'raling :UnilOi'ganizalioo Codc:(UACS)

'Ql~i\'R;rE'RLV ,PJlYSIC,l\'l !REPORT Ot"OP;ER",mONJ\siofJunt' '30.:!O 1'$

iDcparlmen'l 'of Sclrnt'1: Illnil rfcctmo'lolO"j',h'ilipp'ine .collnc'il'rar !lnd list')', iEnerg:.' lind IEml'rging jf l'l'bno"log.."'Rtst'.2ITh 'and IDevclopml'nl


!~X :,currl'nl,\"rllriA.PrTOPr'i,l"t'iOn~, i SuppkmfDtal ~ppropriatinn~, ! ContiDuin~ Appropriations

i OfJ~BlIdgrl ¥\.crount


I :Ph)'~icll.'lTargrls IPh)'~icll'l ,!\('complishnu.'ols v.ar.1llncei'Partieuhm; 'com:

IIsolJunc IRcmatks

ht Quarter 2nd QUllt'lcr 3ni'Qllo.r1er ,4tb'Quartu :Total 1~'Qunr:lcr 2nd ,Qunrter :3rd'Qu3rtcr '!lIb QU3rter "1fotsl 201!;i

I " 3 • '5 '. I 7'~O~":!;'I-6) • I • I. n H"'f8+.9+1 113 I ,1'1 II -'1-]1' Ir,lIrt,B I ,

Mn' or :PronltmslPro'jerls IKRA No. '3- Rnpitl, Inclush'c lind Sustained :Econom'ic I IGrowth II

COMP:F.TITIV.E INDUSTRIES ! I'Elt'4:trDnirs Industrv IEst3tilis-hmcnt oflhe Set up infraSInJCturc, :l.Oolsand,equipment for the elelttlnics • Rclulbili&ation! -Inaugurated the !F.POC I.E!ecIrona rrohl product <levcl(lpmenl center Construction ofF-POC building on July l~ ,at,the

l><:vdopmcnt Hub - Oonduet human ttSOlme developmeni workforce Building:is :almost done MIRDC-OOST

i-Conducted sofh1.-are i compoundtrniriingfor.A'ltium

! Iksigncr and Solid~'Ortcs(Design nod Flow

'III Simulation')I

E5tabli~hmenl ofthe Aih"mlC ~• Inercnscd ft"'tt1ue b)' :50% • Gcnc:lll1cd income ofP9SJ.JK &. added fourteen {14~J IIMaterials T estlng La'bornIOJY ! .1ncr"cnsed numberef c1ients'bv 50% new customers in 'Q I '20 IS, I

,(ADMATEL) ! . Markel ,A'DMATEl st:rVice:s~ oiht::l"Industries MId -M_~'M"kctingR""d;howw;th""n""';'"o1

: Academe ofSEIPI Purch3.<;ingMlIrntgrn; (ASPA)

Establishing the ,Philippine • fatul1)' immersion • 'Trained IS6lr.lineesI

Institutceflnlcgml«! Circui • Training modules mtd tminesi • Developed four (4) tmining modules!

Page 30f30


Opcnling:UnilOr~an'jzalion Code'(liACS)

'QUARTERLY 'PH\:SIC~L REPORT'OF OP,F.Ri\lf~ONl'.s 'of.Jun'e,"30. :101'~

lDepartmcIil ,of,Sdcllcc,and if~bnolnlt":Philippinr 'Council 'for 'ilndustr}'. :Encrgy 'and ,Emrr~inR T .«hno'log).IRt'Sl!IlCl!h anil :Dl!\-clopmmf


IB!\R :No. ;1

18.i current. Yr.lrAppro,prialions! Snpplrml!'Dta'IAppropri3tioQ~

! i Con'tinuin~ :Approprilllion$

: ! orr-'BudJ!:rt Acwunt

II I>h)"Skal,il\uomp'lilhmrnh VarilUII.:e i

lJACS'Ph~'lica[ 'Targets I;Particulllrs

as of Junr IRemar'ksCODE ,

Zoa Quarter i 3rd'Qullrtcr I ,

I I 20'1~I

'1l5!'Quarter 4ih QUllrtu i Total IstlQuarter 2nd 'Quarter 3rd,Qusrtrt" lith Qun'ner ';rotal -

I I 2 , • , , I • I '7*"(3+4:;;5+6) I • I '. , I• 1'1 12=(8+:9'+1 iI3 t:4


+:1:1' jI , ,

,Mtlnurac!ur:in I

, ,I I

National R&D Program/or Natural RubMr-,ProcessirrE and .Rrd-,brr/':rodUl:L~ Manufacturing " I

Integration ofT csting : ~ lRemn'lltion tlflllhoratl'lIY facility - Slnrtro'the rmo\'-at'ion - J nUl :5taff,:md.2II iServices 'for .Rutibcrmld I' Conduct,,,ftraining or(ht:sdect.~ moms for PCIEERD '$ta1TeondlU:tCd

lRuh:ber-based :Produet~ - Method valid:Ition and unttnninty Imt.:lr;urement housing the equipment plant 'Visit 10 1llCll.!Rubbc I,

• Two (2) ffDl Siaffand ; cemp.lm)', Ncu'r.mllnd,two (2) 'PCJEERD C(lrpi(fonnerly T,imnssllllT.pan'icipatcd lin : Rubber'}. wherein thethe BcnclJmarldng 3Cth'il); team obstTVcd :!berubber

"In Mulaysian iRubbl;'f' : mnnufacturing and '1t:S1inBCW'd(MRB) : fac'iliiiC$Physkal Testing - Attended the Philippine!


Laboratory, 'Ru'bbcr Rubber ~cchnica'l GroupProducts Exhibition Centre Meeting,and AS,EAN(lRPECM) and C(lRSu1talive M~lingStandard Measure Ru~ whicll .••••il1ikttpOlem(SMR) l.aboratory a""atC,of:r:hc loca'l

industries' need

Smwt 'TextUe Rio Ivml!N R&D I'ro romIPhotocatalytic Multi. • "2nO. Ti02.lU1d 7..nO:TiO, nanofinished pineapple. pineapple _ Cotlon/pina showed greater dilTerence 'in

functional Natural Fiber silk and 'abal;:afliM!;:!;with enhanced UV :bloc'king ,propeny sta'in lightness a,<;l;:omp:lrcd 10:polyesterf pina, The

Blended Teehnit'a'i Tatile ~'Tec'hnology on 'the application of,nano znO mmo 110. ,and 7.nO data 'support,~ the'thooY)' thal cross.linking of the

,and Materials ITiD. n:mocomp"sit~ on ,pineapple. pineapple-silk and abaca ' birKIer(TEOS in this, _ Effidency and,durability evaluation oflhe ZnO. T.iO, and Zo case) is more 'probable in l;:t'llulose--ba.~cdflibricsTiD. nannfjni~h because hydroxy'l groups in the ccllulosc chain can

fono hydrogen bond •••••ith the hydro;.:}'1 groups ofTEOS

Page 4 of 30

OcpartmelllAs:enc)'O:perll1ing 'UnitO~lrii2Rlion Cotlel(llACS)

'QU,\:R'!IiERD' IPHYSICAL ,REPORT ,OF'OPE"RhT.lONl\s,rifffune '30, '201 '5

IDe.paJ1menl '-ofSc1en['(' ana :Jeehno'lolO-:PJiilippinc Gouncil 'lor Ilndlls1ry', :Enc~' :and Emerging 'il"cchno'lol!J' iReseareh 'and IDc\'elopmenl


',8"XI GurrclIt l.nrl-,.-pproP",lrionsI Supplcomco.:nt"I.l\ppropriJltion~

i I ContinulnJ!:,1\ppropr'iations

i O{f.Budget AcoC'Ount


IPhyslcal TarJ:cots :Pll)'sklll :l'\t"t"omplilihmt'nls Variance

iParticu'lars 'ali or.June :Remar'ksCODE:lst'Qufllur ;1 2nd QUllrtcr II ~kdQual'Jcr 41ll 'Quarter I , , ,


ITotal hI Quartcor II '2nd'Qllllrter ! ~'rd'QlIlIrter H {jtb Quarter Total


" II ,i

3 I " 1 , '. 7"(3~'l-5.;.{t} • II 9 j 10;1

'II 1.I2-t8'1-9t-:J ,11 ,

"I +B' , IDuJ'3blc:and Rcgcneroble -lJ-IydanICtin~gr:lfle<l'I1aturnl:fihtt~hlendoo 1extilcs - Prclimma~' '(';1:perimenl.~'nn hydantciin-gra-ning ~~,Biocidal Hydantoin-,gtaftt- .Teehnology on me grafting. charg'ing-:md:rcCharglng'of flure pineapJ1le and :tbaca:libCTIi'WCTCcondueted ba'Pi'ilye$:ter:and h~iianmin on natural 'tibet"blended texiiles rrorn the optimi7.ro condition 'that '"'as cstab'lished on:il:i~nrn;ellulosic-fibef .l'rolot>'PC llydantuin-gr3fletl n:\!ural fiber--blcnded IcXl'ilcs for putt cotton fabricscontaining Textiles lechnical ':lPp3fcls and funclinn.ai malenals

'Miriin!! ,and Mincrols .Indust I I , I.'S&.7'Prof{N1.m 01' Rrs tlsiMe Mi1Iin~ in 1l.findanao I

, IAssessment 'ofih!': . :Disseminate ,and 'va'lidatc pmjC'C1findings - Cnmplcra:l the wet 'Md.dry :seasOns:5Ul'VC)'STem-strial Billdivcrsiry in - :Draft of:s:cicntific articles for public.1tion:anil]p;!po:t - Completdl presCl"vation of the \'UuCher .flnrn:andiihe'Selected:Key Mining prcsetll::U1nn~ muna specimensAreas tn M indtrrnm - T~al 'biodi\'cmry and monitoring plan -,Orgmlo.cd 100% nfthco f'lora:and fauna 'data ,sc~

:1 - RS% done with 'the data analysis

Assessment of the Aquatic • .Identify riparian nOln 'in identj(jrostudy sites 1-'conSOlidated 'I"CSltll5(In . Thcs:lmpling,area in

Biodi\'crslly in ,thc'Selected • ,H=tnlogy d=ription nfbioindicator ,species aquatic biodi\'crsity Gigaquit '\\IJIm: '110mining

Key Mining Arens.in . Idmtify plan'ktM and ,maeroinvertcbnlte'spccimcns nsse$S/n(f1t in fre!(hwnter aeth'ity ()ccutS, havc 'the : IM.indam'lO -lnfonnation. Educ.ntion Campaign 1 and mnrinc 'ccosystems highesl biodiversity I: . u,mpletcd dry and wet mctrics in all attributes

, Idata «illect.ion con~dcrcd. The samplini

: - On--going LaboJ'31ory area 'inCla\'er where there'works ,and eonsn'lidation 0 W:L<; mining a~thitics, !

YC3f2 data havc the lowest diversity:mctr1cs. While the Isampling lVt<linHinaiuan. where:nomining activity'butconsidered as miningimpacted sill', has

: the next lowest di\'cuitymctries

Page 5 of 30


0pl'r.ailng Unit'Org::arii:r.at1on Code WACS}

:QUA'RTERlY ,P.HVSICAL;REPORT ,GF,OP.ER~\T'IO.sAs 'nnunc '30.:.20'1'5

Dl'partml'OI ofSdencCilmd':r ec:'hnololO'P.h'ilippint 'CouncU Iror linilllslt,., IEner~' ,:lint!!Emcr~nl:! 11'ecbnolollv :ne~:nih 'and :Oe,-elopment


BA'R 'r;0.'1

i~. I Gurr'wl YClIrApprnpriationsI, " 1 Suppk~tlltal ,!\PPr"l)!ri~lil'll!~! Cootinulng,Appropr""Itions

i Off.Budgct,AcCClUOI

iU~'CSP.h)'sical Ta~cts


Physieal-.1\«-tln'lplishml'lIts , i Variance


'as'of.Juol' :RemarksCODE

bt'Quar'tl'r I I IIi '2nd 'Quartl'r '3rd QUllttc-r ,4th Qllllttl.'r Total 'lstQuar1cr <2nd'Quarter i 3rd 'Quarter ~th :Quarter Total 101~,

,1 , .2 I 3 I ., s • "1"'f3'KH'5+6) I • • , 10 I u 12"'(8-'1-9'1-:1 J3 114

I ! i -'I:U~ .

i ,i

..o':na and I rr, recommend:l!ions from Ithe ~ttldy were llrtilized for ,policy 'impro"cmenl and

I I •cftt'fl:ingof roodmap 'for

Imining in Ci\RAGA •'Mtmitoring, A~csmlml _ Dcsign 'Intervention. Progrnrns'alld iPcilic'ics(IFP),anuned :10l' Introduced mtematkc iProcessing 'of-mined ores

Iand ¥rofiling.ofArtisanal ' Mining l'\ct:and omer:relevant la""5 for thc sustainable thr(lugh 'th~ ,appliClltion 'O'f,lntcgrnled Coppcr-Gnld

,nnd SrnalJ.'Scalc 'Gold dt'vdopmcnl-of.lhe ASaM ,!iUb-:SCCtorin Mindanao Pilot Proccss'i.ng IP.lanlProjeCl.

Mining in Selected i\rcas - O\'CT one ,hundred fl 00) leaIleu 'on Health ,and i!, , •,

in Mincianao.,Philippin($ SlIfctJ'ond O1em'ica'1Handling were "distributed durintI j, the :symposium. !

Contamination Pathway , _iPro"idc lopo,grnphic .fe.lIurcs,and dimate,data on pm:ipitlt!() ..Gathered dirrnnc datil on - Conducled~lleadcd l.nnd Pollution Managt'.m(:n temperalUrC, humidity. Cl.C precipitation. 'temperature, group and:coordination

of Minill$ in Selected • ,Identify environmental hotspots humidity ,lUll!:r.iin fall data meeting for con~olidaliori

Areas iin Mindanao. • Asscss impact 'of ASGM on:the environment :11.PAG-ASA Hinattlan and review OfUlltput willi

f'bilippincs . Identified environmental the oommunity of Sultanhotspots al Surig.ao City. Kudarnllllltl SouthSurigao dcl Sur. Agusan Cembalodel Sur • Conducted community- 'Digested water samples tn:mSCCI"''tIll;.in 'South


and analp.cd :heavy metal Cotnbato for YJ chang~and Cyanide


. oonccntrnt'ions

Page 6 of 30


Operatin~ 'UnllOrgan i7.alion 'Code ((lACS)

QUAR:r£RI.Y J>IlV$IC;\l. ,REPORTOF .oPERATIO;,!;,>\~'CI'fJune 30,10 1'5

OC'par.tmC'nl ofSdenee and'Tcehno'I01t."Ptlilipp'ine'Coun£''iI !for :t nduslf)'. :Enel"jU'1lnd ,Emcrgln~ l'eclmolo.lO: ResC"..arih,and 'I)e,'dopmenl



!.,~:x :,CU"", ,'"', ve,llr ;\PPt,DPl"i8'tions! ! Sllflpltmenlal ,",pprnpnafioru! : Gonlinulng_,>\:ppropnallons

; : OfT-Bodgtl,Accounl

lUACSPhysieal Tllrgl'1s iPh)'sll'al AI'Mmplilihments ".ar'lanCej! I


as o'r June 'Rem:uks ,'Uh Quarter il 'lOI:!' I

'1st QuarttT 2nd'Quarter 3rd Quarte.r 'Total 'lst:Qunter 2nd 'Quarter 31"11:Qullrtl:'r 4th Quarter Total I

11 " 3 • 5 6 il 7=<3-+4+5+6) • " 'I. '" 12'9:8+9+1 113 1 U+.11' I

RChabilitntlon or A= • In'fommtion .on gaps betwe-en :recommmd;:d fcllahilimlinn 1 • '1Jc'\'C'loped'an _1KC'}'~nform:mllnteI'VK:W~ IAfTccloo by:nickd Mining pru~m lmd ,ihc imp'lementedprogntm engagement with Platina! (KOj and Ft'lcu$ Group

Iin 'CARA<~A Region ' - :Population ,n:-cstablishmcnt oB:eyliltmc spccit$ ,through Group Metals Corp Di!'CUS!;inn(FGD) were IT(lW'3rds.Eco.,-estorntion a~isted nalural rcgcncr.ltion{I\NR) in mining 'arras (PGMe) and another done in p:lttnrnllip with

potential partn~ ,is-Snn the 'Socioeconomic 'Tc:lm

, Roque Metals Jnt (SRMI) since the'subJect is also


- Conducted so'il.and 'Iiller pan tlf'lbcireoncemanalysis,of sample:;; :rmm • :(dmt'ificd 'Slop'ingIhe:field orHMe 3nd Agricultuml :l.and1!MC{in 'both rclllibililntc T-cchnology{Si\L:if) as a I

; and Ecobclt Area) croR"Slorntion :strategyI


Ahemalive Technology fo I _ Est.'tblisb the optimal conditions for reduclion smelling ~r - 'Mass and enc:rgy'bal::lncc:comp3riJ:(lII betwC'en theProcessing ofC..hromite I\Jld chromitc::and ~atc:rilcorcs C'.'\;istingtcchnology 'and:the proposed technologybtentc Ores: Fe-Ni-Gr-e • Assess the feaSibility oflbc allemalive'tec'hnology forAlloy 'Production processing ofchromile and laterite,on: mi'\;tUR-

Devclopment of an - Physical and chemical analysis ,ofsamplcs - Ore CT\Ishingand milling (If ore:samples wereAlternativc Tecbnologies - Repons and -graphs OIl the errect ofditTcrcnt p:lrnmelers conducted:forSmall~Scalc Gold • C(lmparlson of gold rc:cO\'Cl)'of the t'\'\'O(2) ,leaching mcthoos - Analysis of dab is 'almm.1done. The tc:a:n:Jis stillmining inCARAGA,and \wiling for the olher resul~ oflhc 'analysis,South Cotnbatn Rcgion - Optimnllndidc-iodinl.' ,concentration is already


ICT for Rcspnnsiblc • Web-based Information system for Ihc dilTerent 'projccl ~Setting up of online inlerface for user's ronnu:!1Mining: Usc of GIS, DSS. components - DNS is change to mining.carsu.edu.phDatamining in Selected - A.ppliealion :for feedback mechanism nnd in-situ attributd - LaUIlching urlhe .mining punalAreas in M;ndan.1o infurmation submission 10 tbe syslem

- Onto collection, processing and nonnali7..tttion

R&D Prt!gram on Ccpper. Nirkf.'l, /ron., Crald &; Chromil~ [or Industrial and Emnging AppUcations I

Page 7 of 30

nep.llr'tmcnlAgent~.Operating UnitOr:gani7.ation Code (tlACS)

'QUA'RTiERl.l: !PH1:SI C,;\.I.IR-KPORT 'OF OPERi\:nJ Ot'\.M'Oflunc'30,:,!OI'S

!Ocpartmmt ,oT'Stientc'ana Tcchnolog,"'P.hllippine 'Coo neil 'fnr In dul/lr)', EnetID' land 'Eml'rging ":rt'('hnolo~J" :Resrarcl! 'lana :hl'n'lopment




x ! Ourrent Ye.arl4.:flJ1r(Jpri.lltions; SUPP,("meotal ~\'ppr~prialions~Continu'iog Appropriations

I : Off-Budget ,Account

UACS iPhysicn'l Ta~('U Ph)'51C11'1Accomplhhmenls I \~nri:tnC("

iPartkulllr5 lls<if JUllt 'Rl'marksCODE

2nd Quatlu! 4th 'Quarter I i I I :1015l~t'Quarter 3rc!iQulll'tCr 'Toli'l'l .lst Qunr1er 2nd'Quartl"r ~rd:Quaner "It'h'Quanl"T Total

I • ! " 4 5 '. I .7>--{3W+'S+6) '8 ! • 10 I;U : 12"(8+9"'.I~ 13 1l.4

I ' .+:n~ I

iBmck Sand ,Minoal ! -lMinernJogicnlllnd ~cdimentrilogical eharnClenZlltitm of SC1CCI' • No projl:res:s «:pOrt - 'No :significant

ChnrncAcri7;D.tion : b1::Jc'kl'and t1epasits in the Philippines submirted 3!i of 'Is1'gunJ1er accomplishment yel! -'Quantiry F~_Ti. Zr, V ,andothcr:tr.lCe dcmC'llls inil:ilack sund oflOl5 (RccCllilydepnsiL<: appro\-ed ilas! ,April :?S,- :Eccmornic vnlu:l1ion.flf other'lr.1Ct: demellts th:u '-viii be 201'5,)identified fmm hlack'sand rlcposits

Pro m Of" Rth(lbUilaJiotl ona Resloration ,Wined-Oitt ;1reas 'Through 1'1II'toIN:hnofop;l"s i IPro]. 1 ~Conservation,of i _DemonStrate ,plot<:'of.rcstClfCd mined"Oul ,area using native - ,Di~CLlSSionreganling th - .Putilishl:d one pllper 'in I i

Nnti\'~ iMelallopbylt$. mctalJi;tphytes pmpc.st.'d 'pilot :settl:P in Phytokeys on -Rinorea I

M1ylocl1cmistry of.Niekcl - P:hyto!>labiliz.aiion'lcchnoil>!!y MMc"logcther wilh the niccolifera (Violnceae): aUypernccumwl1toni :nnd - 'Policy paper,and lEe rnaleri111s ~(':fltati"\'cs rof,MMC- nr:\Y :nickelhyptl"- ,

iPhytosmbiliT.atinn :and - :Phylomin'ing pmtOCClI ~ Nursery '••..isit -and survey aceumulator:from'the !

Rl$lornlion ofMincd-Out of possib'lc 'sites for'the Philipplnes-' and inArra.<: in Palaw:m, Surig:to


pilot plantation. Austndinn Journal ,of

.and 2.anibales Botany 0Tl "Nickel


, hyperaccumu1:ltingspecies of Phylhmthus(phyl1anlhnceae) .from:thPhilippincsw


Project 2. Mel:Jl Bio- -'CollCl:l plant pmpagulc: - Plant 'pmpngation set-up - Database on 'species I

Indicator Plant Species of - Nursery ,cxperimCllts.(in-situftx-situ) WCtt establiShed in ilhe 5 (1,905 entries) andthe Philippines - Growth chamber CJCpcrimCll!S ' sites in collabomtion with specimen!> as :part of ,

- field lesting (in-situ) our:instiluliollltl P.'1I1nCfl; OI_'Im Herbarium websit ',,

- Completed hydroponicsekpenmcn1.<: for 5 species ,

offcms 10 monitOrefTl'£tsof varying conec:ntmtionsof copper,on rhil.Otm: i111drhizoid growth ,and on atuberous crop 'pl1lllt.

Page 8 of 30

:Depll.rtmrntAgcne,.'Qperating 'UriitOr~anI7.ation ,Codc ,(lJACS)


:Dcpanllumt o'f,Scienc(' and Tcc'bllolojtvIPhiIippitlc'Councll 'for Indust!')" :Energy ,'!Ina 'Emc,:ging 'Technology :Resc-Irt'h land Development




; :x i GUIT. ,",.\'rar,\,\pprll. pn.tions: I Supplrmrntal :o\:ppropriatioDS

I COlllilluln~ Appropriations

: Off-Budgrl Account

iUACS I Ph)'sienl Tafltcl5 P,hysical-Accomplis'hments \?ariance

:Pllrticulal"$ i as of June IRrmaooI 'CODE I I I il II 11 Ist'Quaner 2ntl Quancr ,3rd'Qullrtrr i "thQu.ncr :Total lst'Quarter ind Quar:ter 3rd'Quartu 4th Quarter Total :2015

,I I " ! 3 '. • , 7"'(3'+-4+5+6) • I • J. " 112-(8'f;9'l-1if " H, I +H\ !

Project J. Coppa 'and • :Plant nursery in Atcneo (Ie Manila University ..,,-jlbIplant - 2,000 young :seedlings,in iindividwil pots ofArsenic Rcco\'CIy llStl Po,,' hypernccumulato~ 'growing ,as :stoek ror minlng'ill'ClS different 'agesMin:ing Activity Using • Workshop with parmcrs in CSU, XU:and Dr. Doronila withindigenous :P,lant Mdboumc University

Fic1d-~tcstingof ,the -Int~IaIl:'( • ,Pre-dcP1oymml ,of the technol(lgy .for the Compostela Valley - Evaluation process (lfthe pmjccl i

Gold<()ppcriMincra! !'Proe.essing :PI::m1'in .thr'Regions (Compostela Vatley)

'Page 90130


'Operntin~ :UJiilOrgani ••...ation -Code :(UACS)

QU;i\RT£RU' ~P_lIy.sICA'L 'RF-PORI' OF OPERATIONIA\;t1f1JuneJO,201.5

:Drpal'tment 'o'f.Srienrt and il'ec:'hnoloJt\,IPhilippi hC ICoa ncil 'for {ndustl')', Itmer,ID',and :Emerging 'Jf ('c'hno'I0Jtv iResearch ,and iDe\'clopmenl


:8ARNo, ]


' IOor~nl "ur AppropriationsI SUPPlrm. "h'llll_npJll"{lprialioD~I Condnu'lng ~ppropri9iions

i OfT~Budget AUGunt

:Ph~'sical TarAets ,'Ph,'~ica'I,j\ccomplisbmrnI5 \'arlanL't' I

ParticularslJ1ACS 'as of lhme Remnks, CODE

h't :Quarter I 2nd 'Quarter! 201S"3rdQulIrter, 4tb:Quarter TOIlll hl:Quarter 2nd 'Quarter :3rd ,Quarle,. 41b 'QulIrter TOlllli

1 i , 3 I 4 • • 793~+5+6J • , I. II .12••(8+-9+:1 ,13 :14-'f-.11~

S, orlto tndu~tn"Competith'encs~,Dn'eto 'iM ''CAPabilitiesfor 1Uophv.tics (OJils. Cells and Gf!ls)

Coil~ loDels: De\'eloping 1 • Micro :rhoology protocols usinj! optical tweezers ~A..«S('TDnledand aligned • Assembled :nnd 'aligned ;CapabilIty loffnvestigalr,~ the oplic:al tweezenystem the oplicallwee7.Cr S}'Stem

.. .• I ..vim fully functioning dun' \'ilh fully .functioning duncomposltc '\'JSOOcla.stlCllyI

Dptical traps: ADD ,inserted opticallJ'ltps; ADD, for :mtIDlpulation of drive inserted for manipulation

laser(1064nm), 'QPD of-drive ~a.<;er{10Mnni).aligned fordctcction of QI'D aJiF-rtedfor,dctcction ,

SJOnm 13SCf. of8JOnm la.~cr-Ab1eto pnfonnone-

i p3l1icle,:;Icti\'C'I micnll'heology on water

with lock";n amplifier

Flow '10Gel: Developing - Twin cJptical 'twttzcr and micmnuidic chamber;system{TOT. - Improvements to :!he - Chamctero.alion ofCapability to implement MCS) coupling 'of the bomngcneity has 'beenOpticalTwcczers with microfluidic device'lo the C!'tablishedMicrof1uidics for twin optical tweezer :setupHomogcnizt'd Gelling - Rheometl)' experiment<;

were carried 01,11andgclling timc offibrin gelshas been dctennincd

Page 10 ofJO

Department.i\~encyOpernting lJn'itO~anilation 'Code >(UACS)

'QUA'RT,ERL y ~PHYSICA'L RRPORTOl' OPI-:Ri\'tIOJ'lO,.p.'s'of!Junc 30. '~O'JS

Oepartmellt:ofSclcncc and T«hnol0Jt."IPhiIJppinc'Count'i1 'for ifnl1ustl)'.IEm.'rg,.-':ID/:IIEm('~ging TeehndlO'Jn- Rt'search ;ani! {)c\'dopment


:BA'R .No. ,I

:8X Curnnt"'ur,"ppropriation~! , SlIp{ilemrntlll !A'pp.ropria'tl0nsI Continuing 'AppropJ'i:J:tions

! OIT-Bud~1 Ac,rount

UACS I Ph~'S'ical Targets Php;ical Acto mplishmcnls Variance:~Ilrti('ulan

COOE I IS o'f June RemarksI hi 'Quarter il 2nd Quarter

, I II 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 'Total ht QuartC'r 2nd ,Quarter I Jrd 'Quarter I ,4th 'Quarter 1'otal 2015

I I , ,I

• 5 '. i '7-(3,+4~'5'!fi) 8 .. I 10 I II 1298":9-+-1 B ' 14, I , +,11'

Cells 'as.Gels: De\'doping I i - '$l::mi-lTUlomated'ccllviscoda~ridl)me:tSurcD'lC'nt -system using,a: - ,Prepared round ,A'bktome<>rporate:the :1

Cllpabillt)' for high ! ' twin optical twcC1.crnnd microfluidic ehamber Sysllm1(TOT- I suspcndC'tl.'fibroblasts w'ith micrnnuidic chamber in :Througtlput Cell :E1aSlieitY: 'MCS) pre--lltlllched fihroncctin- the twin optical trap ,

Sorting I


('Ollted he:td for elasticity S)"Stem,performed cell-I measuremml." of living bead flow cxperirm-nts for:,

II cell cell e1a5ticity I

I- Developed JP.1rtic!e measurement.

I I idcnlif1catlon l.ahYJEW

I program for ~erni-

I automalcd 'lr11ppingin

Imicrofiuidic chamber

S, .on>A licori(J1I$ Of ,£duration

Development of a Filipino - Monolingual=d parnllc:l corpus Processing ofMOA and - No 'significantlanguage 'Writing Tool _ tk<:igrlllnd 'implement thc,system - grnmmnr and S1ylccheek other ,required documents accomplislunmt yet;

I Commenced on June 29

Oc\'C\oping an Automated • lltrrc (3) set;; ofrc:ading matl:rials for each grade level iI- Processing ofMOA and - No significantReading Tutor for - Speech :rccognizei"s pronunciation dictionary, nnd languagc ,So I other required documents 3Ccomplishment yel;Elementary Students {If acoustic modcls

,Commenced on June 29I

FilipinoDevc:lo,ping Closed -Impro,'cd Filipino automatic specl;h ,m;ognition (ASR) wilh - ProccssingofMOAand - No significantCaptioning Systems for autoscgmentation featuJc: nther required documents accomplishment yd;I'hilippinc Wlnguages ,Conlcxt.indcpcndcnt and dcpendcnt ASR for Hilignynon and Commenced on June 29


- Modules for mullimedia. editing, graphical user inlerfacc(GUI), -and ASR

Human Hands a~ Input • Sensors for hand and fmger tracking - Processing ofMOA and - No significanlDevicc for an !mmersivc -lviethoo, technique and algorithm for integrating human handl olhtnequin:d documents accomplishment yet;Virtual Reality Experkflce] for immmive VR experience Commenced on March 2

4 Confl."JCflcepaper or jllllent application

Page 11 of 30


:Opt'rnl1nl:l UnitOrgoni7.a(io n :Codc'(ll i'\CS}

'QI J ARTERL'\' :PIIVSI CAl.lREPORlf 'OF OP,ER;4:TION~;;"o'fJum: 30,:10'15

,Dt-pilll'lment of ,science ana T«hno'log.vPhilippin~'Coundl fot .Jodust!")'. ,F.:nCtg.l''Dnil :J.:ml:'~glng"ftthnolo~J lRl$l:'areb aod Oevelopment

j.••~. '. Currcnt \'Ul' i"'."".'. oprilltions; : Supp'ltml,"otiJII\.'pprtJ{lriatioD5: ContinainA.I\ppropriations

; : OfT~Budget ~\.'ccount


, ,Variancl:' il it:iACS

1rh~'Sieal Tllrgct~ i !Ph)'siea:JAnom plishments;Particu"lars :a5'of.Junl:'l Remarks

CODE'ht QUlu.ter ! 2nd QU21rtcr I 'I '"15 113rt! Quarter ,4th QUllrter Total bt'QuJlrter 2na Qlllirter 3rd Quartu 4th'Quarter Total

I , , i • I , , '7..;3+'4+5-+4i) • • 10 II ifI2=OH9--U IJ II ••• ;1i , 11' +.H !

Ut'\-elr;lpmenl 'orlfntClllCti\' - :100 modules acrt'!!3ilhc fi\'c ,strnnds of:mathcmatlcs - Pmce~'iog;nfMOI\,and: 'No '$lgnilicant , !ISn"fiwnte and ~eaching - !nlernctive $oftwnte and modDles other n:quircd doc-umentS I aecomplishmenl yet; ,

Guides forGrac!cs"7.10 C'.:ommenCC'don May 'I iMathemnties II

\' ersatile Instrumentation • .At least 5 vcodnr-neutml mkrocnntrollcr hardware (I~gn$:r. - Proc~ing 'CIfMOA.and - NosignifiClint

Sy~cm for Science ltnd the VISSER handheld : othcr required. documents acoomplishmcnt yct;

ResearCh - Additional 20 l:iborulory manuals.and e:tperimenL"'io ,hiolrt~y , Commenced on May '11, chemistry. physics. cngmC'Cring:and -envlronmmtnl science


, adapted f01"lhcehnngingcurrieulum- Conduct in-class piloltests:in -differenl :high sChools ,in 'Luzon iV:isayas.•and Mindanao

lrulitutionali;:otion ~ndStrP t1rf'nilll?-(Jr.redm%gy Ru..~inesslnntbotionEnlcrpriseO;:ntcrfor ' _ identify participating uni\'eml'ies. schools and -stakeholdm Idmlificmion (lrpartieipaling universities. schools

Tcc-bnoprent'UIShip: _!Exploratory meetings "'jm -deans, faculty and possihle menlo : and stakeholder;;

Outreach ' - :Explorntory meetings ,,/i!h deans, f=lty andpossible menlOI'$

Esttiblishment of n Green -CrcatcfLaunchGllBl Websile - Creation/Launchiog of - ,Evaluated and ~Technology ,8lL"iness Grnl Website recommended 'five (5) !

Incubation (GTBI) facility _Coordinate with QTI and Identified lGUs • Coordination with 011. inC:llbtnees

in West V.isayas Statt LGUs onJoilo (lhcy were - Conducted plnnning to :

tinivmity (\WSU) ablc to gel a plcrlge of uliliz.e Solar:EnetID' and, commitment from Iloilo Recycling of Wale'T

City local government) Resourcesns 'well rn;.ISO !- Recruit interested Tm 'incubatees - Applicants have appliciltion


presented 10 SteeringCcmmillec

Page 12 of 30


Opcratinll: UnitOrgan17.ntioll Codc,(lJi\'CS)


-Department of SCien ceo ,llntl TCC'bnol0Jt".JP.tliUppine :CouDcil iror IInduS1ry, :Ener.~' :and :r-:mt::f1lIng'jfcihnol01tv IRcscareh anit IDt'yclopment



'" I ClltTt'DtY,"u:!\:ppropriatioDs

I SUflfl'l ••mt'1l111 ApprtlprialioDsI I Conlinuln~";\ppr(lpr.iatrnns

: OfT~Bud~el.Account


:UACS i:rh:,-'sicarTarg"fs ,Phy~it'al Aecompii!ihmcDts ~ Varianc;:c

.Particular5 ' 'a5o'fJunt' RemarksCOilE i 2nd Quarter! 3,.d Quartcr:l ,4th Quarter I I! hi 'Quarter Tot:..! ]st Quarler 20d Qullrtcr 3rd Quarter 41h Quarter Total lOIS

" "I

3 ,I s 1 '. j'''(.3~+5+6) I • '. ID :n ! :12'9:8+9+1 :13 14

: 't-'JU i

Suppan for'the - Mar'l-et, advcrtisc. pmmole and llUtnd :tntbi related,actiVities i-Joined:and Imarket ,!he (hi on 23 evenl<;E~tablisbment,ofihe OOSl, • .Disseminate vinual1ocalors

, - 7 virtunl '1ClCll.t:ors-acccploo(more'lhan :target. 5UP Cebu TOI ,at ,the South ' ' IOClltOrs).Reclamation ~r>.rojeet(SRI') .'Conducted 7 'trainings fnr 5taff and TBI 'locators'campus ,of the iUni\'crsi~' (l -'Conducl 'tminings :for stafT,and Tal :jr,catmslhe 1'hilippincsCcbu{lJPCcbu)


"in coordinali('m!tie-up "1thI!BOI's'lndustry



Innnvatilln Hub: ,Intrnmuro -:Innovation Faeilities , - Under-cvnlu:llion - Approved project on 1.1- Stakeholder Network Junc:.1015

, - 'F.II~eurShip! ;. Knowledge Ct"eation and Dissemination

Innovation Hub: Diliman i ~ InnO\'abon Facilities - Under evaluation - Approved project on- Stakeholder Netv."Orlt June20lS- ,Entrepreneurship- Knowledge Creation and Dissemination


De"'elopmenl'Ofa DipSlic'k - Produee,llmplicons and label as probes aceordingly . DNA fragments w= genemted from amplifiedsAssay Fonnat for Detection products of200bp to 300bpofS'31monella in Food and • E.'ilablish-dipstick con<:cpt assay pmtorol • J>reparcd20 dipsticks with absorbed probes Sloredf=l, room Temperature:,

Page 13 of 30


Opcratin~ UnitO~l!llll7Jl;tion'Code (lJi\a.)

QU;i\R1iERLV .PH\'SICAb REPORT OF'OP.EIU\1l0N1\5 'of June.30, :,201'5

Dcparlmen't of SdCDct' :9nd ~('Chno'iogyPliDippitll'i(';oundl for ,Industry" ,.Encrg)' land Emtl1l:ing 'TN'hnolog!" :Rl.'seaITb :Joni:lD~".tilopment

~AR'No. ,1

!SX 'CutTfDtY('ld\pproJlri.tion~1. SUPrlIC!ll. entn'IA. PP.roPri9tions

Continuing Appropri"tions

: OIT-Budgct Aerounl


UACS'Pll)'siea'l 'Ta T'get5 Physil'lll -Accomplisbments Varianti.'

iParliculan :Il.S.o'rJunei Rcm"rks,eonE

2nd Quarter 'I Jrd :Quartl.'r' I 2015 :htQuarter 4th 'Quarter 'fotal :ls't'Quartl.'r 2nd'Quartcr 3rd Quarter 41h Quartl'r Total

I , 3 • :1;5- , 1=(3+4+5+6) ! • • I

,. ,11 ;12""(8~+J B 114

i I +11

Pilol 'Senlc :St:mdardi'llltion:l - .'Shelf-life of drum'dricd m.,kapuno fl,ikC'S -'Completed \~lidaiion - 'Formulated nnd


(,r¥rodum &: Processes I - ~ProdUClllJlplieai;on 'Or drum,dried fniits nnd mlikapuno studies for mango and cst:iblished'crum dried

trsing ,Drum Drying : banana(J lrials-cach) fruit .na:I;-es~ogcthcr withiTeihnology on Selected - 'E.';13bli!ihcd:pfO(:('SSing other food ingrcdicnls

'Raw Mnteria!s:tMango, conditions .for drum driedBarnma &M;IIG1punol mrikapuno ,lbkes...-on-!oin£,

shclf,lifc siudy I, - Cooducted applicalion Istudicsoflhe 3 produ~ m !


com flak-es,oatmeal.bakery :produt'ts, 'polvoron ,

, !F~ld Tc!;ling and - 'Continue ,shelf-life stud)' - Produced I] .577 pl!t'ks at - Established linbges In I , I

Vnlidation'Study -ofRelon _Continue conduct ofpetforrnatlce evalu:nion ofreton food 200g}'p'k.RTE chicken PSWD .Albny, DSWD !

Food (Arroz Caldo) ~ ! during aerial. land nod 'ilaler distribution mroz caldo fOT commercia NCR • .DSWD Davao for


Disaster Miti.gntionfRdid sterility testing.at Fa,'it thc field teSting Study.

Food using DSWO's and Laboratories - .Ddi"cml 5000 produeLGU's'Distribution lest snmplcs in Albay.

Protocol Cebu and NCR.- A rotal of-sC\'Cnleen (17)

i retort production trialswere conducted at AsnhiResources COlp.

Iproducing '22,000 ,pouches(200gJpouth) dutkennrroz caldo.

Page 14 of 30

'DepartmentIAgencyOperatin,R lJnit'Ofl:lln'i7.alion 'Code,(UACS)

QU;Ul;r,EoRLY P,liYS]C",AI. RE'PORTOt'OPERA:nONA.~tl'fJllnl: '30.:?OI5

lkpartment o-r.scienc(',and T~hnology:Philippine 'Council'(o r ,Inilustr)., ,:Ener.gy,and 'Rmell!:ing 'Tct'hno'lo~' :RcS('arch ,anil ;DcvC!opment


8i\'RJ!"o. I

'~x i C;urh'nt l.ellr\'\lIprollrilldon~: : SUIl,P.lemcn'talA:PPf-Opriltionsi ! Continuinll:,:Appropriatinns

I i Ofl-Bud~et Account

'UACS,Pllp>iealT.argets :Phys'ieal Aecomplb'hm('nts Variance


2nd :Qllortei 3rd QUBrtc1 4tb 'Quarter

as(lr June 'Renl:lr'ks

lst:Qual1cr Tola'i II :hlQuarter 2nd Qua:rt(:r :!r(l'Quarter ; 4th 'Quarter i Tou\!, .2015;

I I 2 J ! , I 5 1 6 793+4+5+6) • • 10 ;'"

1'12,",<8+9:+-1 .13 :t4-+11' i

:Di..••.•cl.oprnenl.ofPlnsma ~ - Develop tteatmenl pm!OC(lls f.orfa.~t:nnd effective plasma il;A\'t'r.l{!.c:Dvnlues - MicmWll.veTcclrno1ogy f('lfthe ' .~u::rili7.a1irm'('If(nod products p:u;kaglnp:. and conlact 'Surfac~ i ncc~forthe Atmospheric 'Plasma Jel

Sterili7.ation of Fond I food :processing establishment 'of t~tmellt {MAP1),has h.igherProducts. Packaging, and I protocols were determined sterili1.3tion .efficacyCuntact Surfaces io 'Food for E.C'cli. :Salm(Jll~fla. compared to Microwave'Proces~ing U~/uia:inA'Pl plasma Atmospheric :PenPlasma

treated coconut waler (MAPP)1• Thc 'MA'PJ trcalmcntsI were:'able '10mincemiaubia:1 population on

Iboth 'Iow<llndhigh:powersettings.



'DcvClopmenlofO}"Slcr -()Jltinii7.c process ill ,the production ofsafc and high qt1:l.lity - Ongoing establishmcnt of • Developed iring 'hrendPowder for 'Use as an o)'SIa cxtrnct powder (OEP) appropriate dilution of noodle crisp andIngredient 'and Condiment - Product 'chMicteristicslspecifications oy~ter mcat to 'water at brcadsticks ,incorporating !- Consumer acceptable products from o)'stcr:powdcr 1:0:5.1:1.1:2 . .1:3 oystet,powdcr(rciduc), I

-1lm:c (3) oystcrpowderpmducl~ was ,processcdand will be -analy'Scd f(lr:iphysica'l and chemicallIttribUles.

Miemhiul colorants and Ria tll'Orontl'

Production, - C(lntinue Oplimi7.l\tionof conditions for !be bench scale - Most vital physical factors that affect:the productioCharacterizalion llJ1d production ofManasC!H pU1prlrt'lLJMHll8 colorant of col.orant by M01lrmu plllpllrnfsM I018 'were:Application of Roo _Continuic clmrocterization of colorant from Monol'cw determined. These factors were subjected to centrolPigment Produced by _Conduct stability and shelf.life studies on the COIOr.lOlproduced i composite design to determine the optimumMonascus Purpurcus by M(}nascus c.ondilions for the production ofthc colorant at theMIOIS highest

possible yield.

Page 15 of 30


.operating 11nit'Organization Codr I(UACS)

QtM.RTERLV IP.lJYSICAI,IREPORT Of; OI'EiR)\TIO~1\:s.nf~unc 30.:2015

!Dcpllrtrnent 'oI Scil'nce aad"ift"ihnol0ro'!Philippint"lCount'U :Cor 'J nituSIr,", IEnerlO'lind iEmcrging ;reiho(ilcgy :Rl'St'2rcb and il)cwlopml'nt



18.Curnot)'urApprllpriiltions; Supp:trmrnlal"'\'l'pro,pnafion~Continuing -Appropriations

Off-Budgel -Account

I r.h~'5ical Accomplishmentslli\:CS

Pb).~iclli Targt'ts Varianct'

"Particulars CODEas"ol June 'Remarks

hi Quarter '2nd Quarter Jrt!'Quartcrl- 4th'Quartt"r Total 1st:Quartc-T "2nd Quartcr ~rd Quarter ,4th 'Quartt"-T Totali


I I 3 • • T • I ;7-o~4+5+6} • 9 :10 n il",,{,,''''q 13 '114IIi I I +11' I

il Pror,ramtm'Tm::hno!o i("nl.sll~ orihl! Uogradillt!,(l [,Dca! Clll"170 and Cocoa !ruJu.urv IProject I. ~mprm;ing the _Establish processing ,par.Jrncu:n fnr solid cocoa1iquor! molde( j . Coordinated with 'CocoaPhii on the Imnsfcr of ! IQuality of Solid Cocoa COOOII'nib,and :improved its hygiene & sensory propen.ies : c:\per1ml..'flWbcans'(5 lOIS)from D:J\.:Ifl:10Manil:! i

,,Liquor including Molded _i[)clenninc p=inI! p::rrumelCfS:ror intermediatelCQC(la • Appmpriate ('lttrnet'ion time: 'Could nOl be cst."lblisfll:;

CoCOOlNibs and products uSlng:the designed and fahricated crn:oa bean as:the difference ~n'Ihc '-alume nfbultCf cxtrncted w '

Devdl'ping theQ;pability processing 'line almost (XjUlll, nf Small :Scale 'Processors • .Appropriate sto~coConditions for de\'elopcdfimpmvcd I


in the Manufacture of produ«s IIntermediate COCOII

,Products ,

Project 2"Microbial _Microbial commtmity profile lin fermenlation of cacao ,using i • iDNA has:hcet1 extnIetcd:fmm:samples and PeR I ICommunity and mnleculll.r ,methods : amplification 'using ycas1-. LAB-unCI :LAB-AAU- I

Biochemical Profiling for -chemical changes octurring during fennentation of cacao spec! ftCprimers arc WlderwIIY1

Miembial Augmentation _Enumcru.tion and isolation of microorganims pn:scnt during _:Fcrmenlcd C::lcaobetln samples from Day 0 10 Imy

:md Developmenl{)f , cacao fermentation from different fcrtllC'Dtarics of:fermenlation were froZCIl:immediatt"ly after

Quality IndicatorsflJr, sampling!!) stabili,..c Illc :samples • D:na on plate com tI

C.'can Fermentation and of yeast, LAB. AAB and orner ,bacteria already

,Processing gathered but still bcingmmlyzcl

Project 4. Design and - ,In-housc testing -anddebugging of chocolate equipment _Continued !he in-house testing and .debugging of

Fabrication of Equipment : - Performance testing. of the unils trnditional cqui.pmenl

for the Production ofl.ocal ,_oc-.'eloped ,process for roil..q.ingCaC,"lObeans in 10

COCOllProdUtts mins" III '120't: and l]O't toa loading capacity of


Dcl''!. ofCompdence of the • OOST flC Food 'Product Del'e1opmcnt teams tl11incdon - Processing of required " No sigJ1ificnnt

OOST Food ,Innovation produtt design and development documents 3Ccomplisbmcnt yel;

Center • Mosl innovati\.e products from regional fiCs C',oltlrncncoo on I April2015

-Page 16 of 30

IBA'RNo. '1

lQUART£RLY :P.HYS1CAl.. nE'PORT'Or OP.ERi\nON:i\s-.onune30"20'1~S

iDl'pllJ1mentA.Renc~"Operaling {JnitO~:lnirntil)n CQde,«(;AQ,l

IDcpartmenl .o'FSc'icnl'e,l'lnd 'j("ee'hnololt\'IPhil ippinl' 'Council ,for :lnduSlf"lt",IE'JIcrK',llnd iEml'r~in~ Teehno'loltv :RcsclInb '!lnd IDc\'f'lo.prnr.JI1


.~x ! Gurrent YrarApproprilliionsi... I Supp'lcmcntaIIA'ppro-priatioo5i ! Conl1nuin~ i/\ppropriations

I OIT-'8ud~el ACCQunt

DeIT!lopml'nl <Jj NanobioscTiSON and 'Nanosrntelurcd 'Afoferiols from Agricultural .fJy-produc1s lorEnhan~mt.'nt ojfOoiJ arid ..1grir:uflu,.of Prodlirlin'fJ' andfor.£n,ironmcntol S£'.IlSing and Rrm('(/iotion


iPhys1l:a'l Aecom,p'lishments



:as of Junr2015Tota'14ih'QulIrter

103rd 'Quarter2nd 'Quarter


IstiQuarterTotal I

I '-()+4+5+6)i



4lh'Quarter,31"d 'Quarter


:2nd 'Quarler

I 11i\Cli

, 'CODE, I:I 1st 'Qullrtcr I

2 :3 i


UPLB Project 1. Bench-scale production uf J',illm!for the Remo\'al of Arsenifrom Ccntalriinllltd 'Water

iUsin,g ModifiedtDiopolymer. 'SilicaiNanocompos:ite M ntcrlllis

UPLB Project '2.Bench.-scalc Production of.Nnnosc:nsorsfor ,thcDetect;on 'and .Analysis {If

Ar.scnic ,in ContaminaledWater

UP,LB Project 3: 'Brnch.scale 'Produclion of:Hand.held NanOSCI"lsori forMethane Using Zinc Oxidfilm

UPLB PmjCC1 4: :Bench.Scaling,ofthe ProductionofCdlulosic Nanocrystalsfrom Kawayang-tinik(Bambusa blumcana) andIts Utili7.!ltion forRene\\-ablc NSflQmaterials

_Scaled-up optimized proi'Iu(;tioo ofmodificd 'nanosilicafonnulations and of tyrosine modified ~hilusan ,hydmgc'!s-.Fonnulate and condition ~he field lrillis ofthc'reme(li:nion

P""'"- Rclnth"c ,oncentrntion of As(lll)'1o As(V) in field "''''ater sampl


:r :Optimized conditions for:thc bench-st:l1e production oflhe :~I:nginttml periplasm;c blllding prolein !

_ E .•.•aluatc ,pcrformancc:'ofthc: SPIO- ,immobilized EPllP using i

arsenic contaminated w:ncr:snmpks '-'Conduct 'field ,testing or-the SP,IO-lmmobilized

- ZnO thin film using .optimized materials,and methodology- Characterize thin film using 'Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM) and X-my diffrnction (XRD)

_ Increased production ofccllulosc nanocrystals up to I kg ofCNC per bllte1t• Disp\."fSiblccellulose nnnocrystais- CNC-reinforced, t.'Ovironmc:rll.friendlY!reTlCWllblcnanocomposite materials

Production ofimn-mMificd 'nanosl1ica po ••••.der nndiron-modified ,nanos-iliea beads:and cha!aclm7.lltionusing AFM 'and BET analySis

Rcstilts of:arstrlic binding cxpcrimmls showed tbatthe EPBP nUOfl."SCcncc

decreased with increasing 'arsen'ic concentmtioos .These fmdings, along ••••.ith the purification of theEBPB 'were'presented a.~,anoml paper,at 'the 30lhPhilippincOlcmi!l1I)' Congress held iIll Atento deDavila Univ~ity" DaVlio City" April 15.17.2015

• Fabricated Zno films using :the optimized'conditiofor ,the method of Successi .•.•e Jonic 'Lo.yer Adhesionand Rcaction {SILAR)

No pmgre;s report submincd yet for the quarter

Page 170130


O~ntting'UnllOrganization Code (Ui\CS)

QUARn~RU' pn~'SICi\'l 'REPORT OF OPERATiONA~'or ~une30, 201'5

'Dcpartml:'nt 'of,Science :and 'TechJlO'loro-''Philippihr Council ifor !Indu~lr~". £nllrg,',and,EmllJ"ging 'Tethno'loJ:)-' iRcsl'lln'lI :nnd 'DevClopm(,ht

'19-013 ~

'X i•. CUIT..cnt "'ca. r~\flPropn.'lllion5i Supr!l:mc.tlta! Apprnpriltion~Continuinll Appropriations

Off-Budgrt :i\croulil

UACS ~:Physical Targctl Phrsiral.i\t't1lmplimmenls \'ariance'

Particulars as of June IRemll.riks'com: I ! 201'5

1st Quarter 2ad 'Quarttr Jrd ,Quart('( 4th'Quor'fcr Toln! Jsl'Quartrr , '2ndQuartl'r 3ri1 'Quarter 41tbQuarter Totali ,

t 2 , • 5 • 7"'{3+01+5+6) , • I • i ilO .~ n !1'I2=(8+9H 13 H, ! +n' '

lJPLA Project '5. - 40 'kg ofricc'hl.lll to iProducc 4.(; kg of purewhite'rice hu:U,il! _ The addiiion of.nllnoSilica efTecth-c:ly increased the' 11

Production 'ofNanosilica roe.- 'bnlch mcchanlc31from .Rice Hulls,and ,Rice : - Produce <::100 nm silica strength ('Ifthe thcrmop'lastic film.H!.iHAsh llnd Bench ,Scale j - lOkg per.tJatch ofthcrmD:plllSlic SllU-C:h - Modification ofsll1rch ClInrt.uucc the watc:r uptal;:cVerification orihe _:Impmved propcnics ofthc: packaging film llIld preventProduction of I dislntegrntion of films'Biodcgrndablc Pnckl1g.ing !USlng'Cas:>lI\'lIS1ilrcl1cRHA:Nanosilica

BendI-scale Production of - Plant :set-up.for 11K'produclion of food ,grndt NPCC _'Produced-SOkl,of,food gmdc-Nmoprecipitatc:d

f(lCld~gmdc:Nan(lprt'dpitatcd - :Fcoo :gmde NPCC 'products Calcium ,Carbonate: (.NPCC)Calcium Carbonate from - .Dilarihule NPCC'to pmspcclive usersloclIl Lim~lonc

Microbial,Production'of ' _OptimiR conditions for pre-'Irotmc:nt of com oobs, cern - 'Proc:cssing of - Pl'OCCSSingofXylitol from'the Hydrolysis , stnvC'fS,and sug=ne .bagllSSCand doaning ofhydrol)'Slltcs : neccs:saryfrt'.(juircd necessary-/rcquircdProdUClSofSelcctcd : - Optimize conditions for xy1ito! production using Candida : documents documenlSAgricultural \V.nstes trOpicalis and com .cobs, com S1overs'and sugarcane bagasse:

hydrolysatc:s under liquid 'Cult~ fenncnla1ion• Scientific papers for presentation and/or publication

Large Scale Produclion ef • Cultures or oomplcx of cultures able to pmducc: m<'Irc:lacc:asc - Processing of - Processing of

Lne:case from rramctcs sp. for .'Optimin',d liquid culture fermentation for the production 'of ncct:SS3I)'/requircd necessary/requiredFood and Bcvernge laccllse dc>cumenlS docummtsApplications - Scienlific papers for presentalion undfor pub!ic~tlion

Paee 180f30

Drpal'lrnent:Agent)'Orll:r.ating 'Unil,O~Iln'iZlltion Cod(' '(l1~'CS)

QUARTERLY :P,HYSICA:L :REPonT OFOP,ERAifmN'As {'IH'une 30. '20'1:5

Dqmr1mcnt o'f.Scicnl'(' and TecnmiloJt\,Pliilippine Council'for I1nduslrJ'. 'ElIe~1ll':9nd IEmerglllg Trr'hnology !Researl'h nnd:Del'elopmenl




:x : curr, ('0.1,Y('arAJlP",pri:ltions; ; Supp'lrmrnhlLi'\ppropria"tions, : Continuing Appropri:uions

; Off-8udgel,Aecotlnt .


!UACS!Ph)'slta'i Targets II

Physical ,At::t::omp'lisbmenU V,lIrillDre,Pnr1ltulllf'$ ;as o'fJune Remarks

CODE2nd Quart •.•r I

I i 20lSlsl'Quarter ':lrd Quarter! 4th Quarter Tolal ht Qunrter 2nd f)uortcr 3rd 'Quarier .alh 'Quarter Tolal

1 2I

, • I 5I

, 7"'(3+4-'+5+6) I • ',. :10 :Il .12 {8+9H 13 :14.••U~


Wind Rl".5{lurceAssessment :I~Equipmmt !rdrieval 1.1be 'wind monicorin!! equipment ;in Surigao del ,Sur. ifor Wind Power Systems Pala\\un. and General San'tos !have ibeen ,glllhering'dll13

since their installation,- The data 'logger collects dab ,evel)' :.0 minutes •.II\'m!ges C"cry hour, and l"Ct;:fIros hourly and dailyaverages, !

En~net.'.ri"g Drs; . Mcde1in , Aucssmenl Tools (l1Id De\'e!qvmcfl1 ()fRl'n£wab!e £:neTJlV~I~rl'm 1 IImprovement of:Loeally -lnvCflt(lfy'o(existingMHp,systenl - .Attended tmlning on ,the i1C'\'elopmeru'ofMHP tC!>1.

Designed Micro-Hydro - 'Plnnning and Des"ign OfJ:CSfing f.'lcility rig wherein they h.we developed a tcsl.rig 11aborolttry


Turbines and Eslablishmcn - 'ConSlrUCtion'offncility designofMHPTest Rig - Design and,development of high dJidcm:y turbine • Visited vanous,MHP labomtory facility for'betltr


Tidal Current Energy - Tidal current re:;ource ,maps - Condueloo bathymetric :survey in Com:gidorfntcgratro ResouIU ! - Site'suitability assessment forthc development ofT:idal Cum ( • Processingfeonverting of government data intoA$scssmenlaml Spatial m"ID' An:GIS layer and mapsPlanning Tool • Web GIS-based marine ,spnlinl ,plnnning tool for tidal CUfTellt - bunched 'the website online with ,Philippine b3SC'

rn"ID' map "and web pages

Smnrt Grid for Filipino HouseholdsProject L Design and - Deploy the smnrt 'home platfonn in 20 homes in P,l!awan - InstallcdJdeployed 20 • SuccessfullyDe\'Clopment ,ofa Sman - Conduct SUI"\'CYSupaln deployment mid aner 1-3 .mon(hs an~ Sman Home System in dcmons1rn1ed SmartHome Plalfonn deployment Kalil:asan Homes Homc System in

Subdivision. Palawan KalikasarJ Mulual Hnmesin Puerto 'PrincC5a. !Pal3wan

Page 190130

QeART:ERL\' .rHYSiCA'L RErORT OF OP:ERi\"nONA'ScofJune-30, 2m'S

!Departmenhif,srieDce and ;reclbnolog:rif':hilippint' fCounr11 'for !lndus:t'1', Ent'QO' :and ,Emerging 'TecbnololQ' 'Research ;.nd ilkvClopml'n1



\~nri:,"Cl" IIDS :nr,juntl20t5 I



! Currtnt'YltlrApprepriations: ' , SUPPlrm(,Dta'1APJl.rOflria'tion~: : Continuing.Approprialinn~

OIT-Budget ncalunl


'to~ril 'Qullr1l'r




1st 'Qunrter1:otal

rh}'slca'i Targets

•1st 'Quarter 2nd'QuartCl" 3n1'Qullr1.er 4th'QuarU.'r:







Qperating UnitOQllni:taiion ,Code '[UAl.'S)

Project 2. Design mldDevelopment Qf:anAdvanced'McteringInfrastructure {AMl)Emulll.tm P,!atfnnn

Project 3. :Prepaid Meteringtlnd Sman Home S}'Stem :T ecbnology Aeeepianet:and Technology fealurcsStudies

- Testing and 'l;Oftwure debugging- :Dcploy AMI 'cmtilalnf with prepaid mctcring

- Survey with :Distribution Utilities roUs)

• 'Completed testing and • SU'CCe!':sfullysoftwart:,ddnlgg'ing denu'm.<;tratcdSmall, ~lnst.llkdldcploytd 20 AMI Home System in: cmulaior ~'ith Prepaid Knlika.~ MutunlHomesMetering in Unile(! Home. in Puerto Prinecsa,Subdhi!titm. '~ala\!..an ; Palawom

iSun ..cy i -('.ornpldril ,the lasl SCI{)

Distribution i suntey!interview wlih'llIeUtilities(DUs) are :bclng i prepaid meu:ringconducted, clJlTtt\tly with! respondents {hosfing30% return rute : smart mders}

- 'Ongoing 'Dnalysis of theresull" of interview

Smart Wi" Pro ramProject 1; Energy EfficientData ,Acquisition and !

!Condilioning. for theSmanW.ire Sensor '!'\odeProject

Project 2: integratedEnergy Ilarvesting. Storageand Regulation for theSmartWire Sensor Node

- 'De\"Clopand implement an 'integrated dnt.l acquisition andsigtUll condilioning subsystem with n 4-channel vmabIe limingDAQ

- Develop:md implement an inlegratcd power line and Rt-': Energy harvesting SmallWire sensor node

-on going 'design {)f PCB :for testing ,(Deve1opmenl (lthe lest protocols underway)

- The regUlation subsystem is composed of voltageregUlators, whieh ,nrc used to eOflvert the noisy IVCflergy harvester output to" elem and. 'regualted 0.5supply used:[O po ••••-eTthe rest of the Smanwirc node. I


Page 20 of 30

iDc:.partmt'nlA~eh~'()per:ltinl:,lInitOl"gllniz.ation ,Codl' :(lJA'CS)


Departmento"fSiien«'and Tec:)mu'IQID-'!Philippine ICouncil lor :lndu~t'1" 'Energ)' 'Dnd EmeriinR; 'Teehnolo~' Re!it'sreh ,anil :DevclQpment


:B)\RiNo. I


cu".~nl \'u.r IA:ppropriaiions; , Supp~tm..tntal i\pprtl~r~~tign5! ' Contlnulng,Approprlatlons

! Off-'Bud~et Accounl

IPh~'sic"l T.IIr~ets iPhy~ical AceD nlpIisbrnentsI

,UACSI Vannnte

PlIrticulliln ,CODE,uofJune :RemBrlts

1st Quartt'r :2nil QunrtC'r I, Jril 'Quarter:l ,4th'Qulrtet 'Tota'l 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter I 3rd 'QUlrter 4ih Quarter Tolal I 2015, ' ,

:1I , 3 • I , I • ',-<3-+4'!'5'1-6) ! 8 '. I '10 11 U"(8+_9'flU " n

+]p IProjcel 3: 'Energy 'Ullnl. ~1lI:\'<iltlP nnd 'implement nn intcgrnlcd computation and i • The -design 'Of(be 'COmmunication 511b~'Sttm:hM,al~o;ll;ow Power Computation communication sumyst('ffi for power line and Radio :frcqocncy been done. i

ano,Communication for the tommunic:nion • 'The node m:mngemenl isUb!;ystem forthe SmortWi ISmartW,j~ SCnsor Node


: sensor node:pcrt'onns the following ul.~ks: ,Projec:t Synchronization. pnckd ,n.".<;f!JTlbly,:md,diSllSsembly.


I power cyCling :and Jl'Irnmclo-mellsurements,

Project 4: 'SmanwiR - Design 'and dC'\-clop:iheMAC protocol ond'Cmss-1..8yer module _ 'Improve hnrvesling model to consider l'CalisticResilient Uata Tr.msport for a llarge-scale Smro'tWire ,~sor :netwftrl,; components


- ]mplcmonai.jon,ofContlkifCooja~plutrorm wirel~simtilation sensor node

Pro n~m on Fud :Ethanol Produr/ion romL' oct'lIuIosic FeNstochQptimi7.ation 'of - Optimum -prtltess and optimum conditions for henCh-scale • 1lJC:sacehllrificalion,reacior increases lhc,mtlount n'Sace'harificatian.Fermentat ethanol.fcrmentation solids incorporated, 'impro\'es substrate-enzymeon ,nnd Purification • Scalc-up-dc:sign from bench ~:ilc data for future pilOtsl:alc COnlnetand impm,,~ mixingprocCS5CSfor:Pilot Seale studies - The l1.'ieof the saccharification Reactor:improved th:Ethanol 'Production from performance oflbe .cnzyinatic saceharificatinnLignocellulosic Malerial.••

Page21 0130

IDepartmentA~tne)'OperlitinR ,Vlill10rgonization -Code :(tiAtS)


JDroportment ,of,Seiencr and 'TKhnolog)'IPlIilippint"l'ou nC'i1'igr JnduSl!') .•,Ener~'a nd IE'mersiinj;;'if«bnolog)' Rt'St'arch :nnd Dn'C"lopmenl



.8' Cur","1 Year~\Jlpropri2tiOnJl!.. supp. 'I••mtnlal i\pproprilltions! Continuln~ i\ppropriations


IUACSPh)'s'ic:al Targl'U :rh)'sical ,l\(':(omp"lishmronts Varian«

,Partir'u1.ars 'CODEluofJune Rem.arks

htiQullrter :2nil 'Quarter i '3rd 'Qu.arler 4th Qllartcr Total ht Qual'tl:'r il 2nd Quarter '3rd 'QUDrlt'f '4t1lQUIlr1l:'f Total 2015

it ! 2 3 4 S • 19)'+-4+5+6) : 8 I • 10 Il '2-(81~+1 l3 :14 ,

+11 j

SynthesisorCnrhon - :~ristine, hlgh-dcnsity nnd predominantly semiconducting eN ~IOO~'orEM:, xrs fmd ArM 'Werc:done 1o,analYLNanotubes CCNT). 'Silicon film thc.struCtun: and composition of the CVD-gm\\ll em

IHeterojunetion for the .'Optiniil"M hct~iunction charnctm>Jit'S for solar cdl filmsF.abiealiofl and Assemhly of applications • ,A1n::ldygroWll CNT using Ihe new CVD fUl1\ll.ceSolar .Pane'! - :Solar Module ,Prototype system. Cu~tly optimizing ,the grt'i\\1hClfthc c....•'T

p:miculaily in the Cl\'1. yield i,i A Grnphene-Based


-,Superior quality l.nser..scribed Graphene - The laser 'scriber is a:tn:ady prepa.n:d .and jEloctroeberriical , • Optimize iLnser~Scribro ,GmJihCllCEh:ctrochcmlcal-eell sct:up, as ""CII.Supercapacitor for SolarCcU: (J.SG.:EC) - The synthesis and the characterization of LSG were


i- 'Energy :storage cell done

! -,Solar:modulc - The synthesis and 'thcduunelcnzation of LSG.'Ec.sI ••••-ere done.and are being ,optimil"cdI

Synthesis ofMelal N:mowircs ; • Simple and low,cost s)'Ilthesis method for .melal mIDowircs by • Nickel 'was'successfully Coaled on Cu 'Oanowircs:anlind Their Application in ' chemical reduction at low tanpernlUrc was confirmed by SEM. XRD, and EDXFoldable Tnmsparenl - Generall;(>ncept .for the oxidation-statc control metal -.silver nnd Copper n:mowires were spin-l;oated onConducting Electrode InanOpartich: glass and polyma- substrntcs.

- Chellp and efficient 'metnl nanowire printing process,at low • :Fabricated glass -electrodes with a Sheet ,re:;islancc {I

tcmperntun: <IOOohm/ sq.at n trnnsmittancc of>80%


Dl"pari:mentA~~cyOperating UnItOrgani7.alion Code ,(UACS)

QUARTERl;\" P.nYSICALiRErOR1'OF'OP}:RA~IO~As of June 30.,20l'5

:Dep:artmenl ,of,sclence -and '1T«'hnDIDJl\'P,hilippine 'C()uncil 'for 'Industry, IEinerID'land :f;meriing T eChnDID~' :RC51"nrt'h,and 'Developmcnt



x : (JulTC'nl \'carA'ppropriatioos

~ i suPP. Icmeo.tll )\pproprialionsi ConlinuinR,npproprialions

1 : Off-BudRd Account

UACSPhysical Targets Ph)-sical Accomplis'hmeuts I Vot1ance i

!IiPnrtkulan CODE

BS()f Junco Remllrks

ht Quarter Inll'Quarter 3rd "Qullrter I 4th Quarter: Total list QUllrll'r 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Qunr1C'T Total 20t5

I 1i, • • I '. :7-=(3+4+5+6) '8 • 10 , II 12••(8""9+1 .u ••, i +11~\ i

:Flexible Nanoh,ybrid Prep:lrnlicm and cl1:uactenn:uinn o'fsolid electrolyte - 'Synthesis :o'fPoly ••.'inyl - 'Syn-lhes'iud f'nni-'ES.

Supercapacilor Based on - fabrica.t'ion ofnanooomposite materials based on'conducting a:!ctlhol.:PVA t1S:solid Pnni-EB, :rcfb~ CuD. 'and

Conducting 'Pril)'mers und pOlymers and metal ()xides electrolyte Mn02 will be further,,

Mcta'illiides - Reaehetl60% ,in c••.O:lulllednod nna1yzedchracterization for - 'Characterized !heCompositional : t'Ctlymc:rs& metal oxidennalysis. Strueturnl I.Chnrnctc:rized'm!: PYA

IAnalysis. ,& 8l;:C1IO 1 and PVA-ECI! EBr basedchemicallmpedancc ' on ,its ,moTJiholc"gy.Mcasuronent mechanical proJ1Cl1ic:s.

i - S}'tilhcsis of compoSite molecular :inleraetion. 'an, conduCling po1)'mC'fand thennal,properties I, ,

! metal oxides I

Dcve!opmenl 'of Ink Using - Method of ink fcrmu'lation and further charncte-riznticm of _ Design and fllbriClltion of,home-buill fuma~ for

Carbon 'from Slrllighl carbon properties , larger scale pyrolysis of gl)'ccml

P)'rolysisofGlycerol as _Charaelcri7.ation of hydrodynamic. -drying properties nf~: _ High resolution Transmission E1cclron Microsoopy

ElCClrtJdes,in Printed ink fonnulations on different :substmtes ' (rEM) of earholl from pyrolyzed glycerol

Elcetronics _Explomlory tests on potenlia'l applications of the carbon ink .


Devclopment offunctional - Tcchnical and tboorelical researcll implementations - Micro~"ll\'e induce • Finali7.cd the

Nanocarbon+Bascd Catalysts _Synlhellis,ofQ\'1' using microwaVe induce :t'la.~maCVD plasma CN1" production methodology for

for Biomass Conv~on apparalu.,> equipment undergOing thc funclionalizalion of

Processcs thorough checking.:re- CNTs which.also includesstarting. and tunc up. !he design of


Development ofa low+ - Fabricate oomponenl ready forllssembly - Chamber deign and -Integratedehamber, ion

Energy Ian Soum System fot • Laborntory that will house the ion source system drawings source: and support s)'slc:n

dte Synthesis af Dillmood-like ' • Plasma and ion bcam,ehtlrncleri~iesCnrbon Films

Page 23 af 30

:Dt'partmenlA,groe,'Operating :UnitOrgsniulioo<:ode (lJ.l\CS)

'Ql:lARifiERL V'iPHVSICA'L REroRTOF OPERA T10"N,A'S'(I'fJune'30.201S

Dcpartmml 'of Sdcnct' 'snd TechnologyPbHippine 'Colluril 'for Ilndum:r, 'Ener~y snd iF-merging ~t'ChnoloID' Research and'De\o'dopment


iB,1\'R NO.]1

.~x CUITt'ol \'car:,i\:PJlropriulolls: SUPrllt'm.rnllllAPPf'OPri/ltioD5! I Conlinllin}!;Approprlati:005

! OlT-BlId~c:t A«ount

I ! \'AriaDCl.'l i:UACS

:Physiea'l T.rgMS i P:bysieal A('('omp'lisbments

,PaTtit'Ularsas or June Rt'mark$


, CODEIst,Quarter I 3rd Quarter I '4ih 'Quarter I 'I

1015 ! i, 'lnd Quarter Total hi Quarter 2nd 'Quarter :~rd Quartet" 4th 'Quarter Total

I, , :3 4 ,


'. 7"'(3'1-4+5+6) IS '. ,. II J200(81~+I " :1'4+]1,

,Fabriemion orn 'Solid-Slate _Raw rnattri:lls and tpClwdern-ofLi7Ul3Zr2012{LLZ) :scilid - LLZ solid electrolyte b~ - Analyzed thermnl I

Rt'Chnrgeab'le iLi~ion:Battery 1 C1ectrol}1e been synthesized using : j'Il'tlper1ic:s•.morpt101og)'. i,

u5ingU7La3Zr2012 'as solid _Cryslalline LLZ with about '50.'100 nm groin sile solid Slate rc:J~ion 'lUld and .mhO' s'tUeturnl

electrolyte for :Encrgy 'Stor:Jg stroctarnll)' charar;;teri7..od char3cteriz.,tion,nf U2

Applicationsusing X-ray diffiaelion

Nanostructured _Met:!l oxide pmmnted Pt- and Pd.bascd &lode elll:llysts - Synthesized ,anode ! . '$ynthcsi7.cd antlde i!F.leclroclltaJyst'Gomposiles [0; l:Ilmprosilcs C3lalysts'matcr1:1ls ca1ilysr.s materials i

Oircct Ethanol Fuel Cell: : -'slfUC1ural and • $truaUrnl nnd

:P:rcparation. Ch<lrnetertzalion,

morpnological morphological

land Performnntt Evaluationi

tharaeterization Ch:Irnttcrizationofthcmate:rials of the ,m."Ilcrials- Electrochemical - Electrochemicalcharoclcr1l'.alion 'using chllr.lCl.eriTnlionu.~inllcyclic voltammctry cyclic vnllammd1y ,

Fabrication of _ Tatilc.has~ composites with I;onducling 'polymers. ,tnrbon - No significant , • No significant !

SupeJUJpaCit01SUsing malt;rillls and metal oxides accJ'mplishmClt ,yrt; ; accomp:Iishment yet

Indigenous T~xli1ts as _Comprehensive batlCl)' tcsting in\ool\1ingsupercnp:lcitnr full Commenced on l March

Electrode Materials cdls 20lS_ Presentations 'in tnlemationalfnational scientific confo-enccs,and 'publications in 'internationally peer-rcviewcdjoumals

Page 24 of 30

:DepartmentAg,eney.opefllting UnilO~lniznlinn Code,(UI\'CS)


IDeplrtment 'of.sdcncl' And Techno'log)':J>:h'lIlppinl"Coundl ,for !Industry, IEnl'r~Y\llnd Emer:ging T~bnololtv Researeh'and Ucn'lopmcnl



:x ' curl'tnt. Yur.Approp. rilliQn~: Supplemeota'i i\llPrtlflriationsI Gontinuing,4\ppr-opf'iations

: Off-'Bndgf'C ,"'-ccounl



Ph),;lcal Targcu Ph~'licnl Al'complishmcnls !I Variancl';

irartitulars CODE1 ,as of June. IRemarks !

II ,lst'Quarter 2nd QUlIrtl'r I 3rd Quarter 4tll 'Quarter Total ht Quarter ! 2nd 'Quarter 3rd 'Qunr1cr 4tb Quarter Total 2015

• 1 II 3 • , 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6)"

• II 10 11 12""f8.f'9+1q n ", +lP I


11lIelliJ,:t.'ntJri1nsnon System (ITS) Proe,ramI Development ora _ D:llab3sc :for:the flood 'S'CD.'iOfli for,com:laling trnffic with on- " The scrv~ for,the PhilMAllS w.as de1ivcrcdlast !

Philippine Mctropolit:m strcct ilood.ing alonl! Espa.o.aBoulevard i January,28. 20'15

Ad,"anccd Tr.weler -On-going !Infonnat'iQn Syl:lcm adjustmcnt.vproccssin1! ofibl' Ihe d:JL1lbcing,rctric,'c

!(philMAT,IS) , to make

5 'minules interval for.tlJe datn transmission

,Ad\'<lnet:dTmffic &. _ Analysis. design. ocvclopmcnt aad deploymcnt<lfuaffic _ :De1ivered IOO-GPS units wllerein 72 ofwlJieh 'WCf"C IPcil!ulion :Mooitoring ,and prcdict'iol1 model already installed,in taxis


I\mllySi~ :System Based on • Analysis. design.,dc\'dopmcnl and ,deplo}'1ncnt,ofincidatt an:GPS -Data, Air Quality Data accident detection model& EngincStatus Data. fron

Trueked Taxis in MetroManila

Intcgnttoo Optimal - Inventory ofthcoexisting :public'lTnnSflOrt~")'Stem{ciIYbuses} _ Roadsidc:24-bour volume count (2 days and 12

Scheduling (If Public and dClcrmioc1heir serviee (lperating ebarncteristics hOUfli)

Tl1UISpOrtSystem along n _ Pilot lest tOI':proposed scheduling sCheme of-city bu~sRoute (PUB fix) (whether by simulation or actual teSting) along Epifanio de los

Santos AVl'Tlue{EDSA) to dctcnnine its effectiveoess• Wcb-based Public Trnnsport Information System for theexisting dry bus'opcr:lIio-n in Metro Manila.

Development ora • ,Agent-basro 1mffie models _ Enhancements on user intm1.ee to create link:and

Customized Local • 'Calibr.!tttl 'lnllTie simulation mudd node nelwotk 'using'QT and Visual Q++ {panl.!kl

Simulator(LocalSirri) - lotegJated ITS database platfonn exploration)• Inilial codes wrillen for user interface.to build linkand node reprdent:uion of road network

Simulation and Evaluntion 0 _ Modified functional safet)' test protocol to fit the new system - lnslalled tmOie signaling • Installed traffic signaling

lUIAGT System Pa.~sengeJ • PcrfolTlmnce testing and functional safety test runs system system

Stations - Pha.~e2 - Demonstration run - Fine tuned and tC::Sted - fine tuned and testedAGTUP AGTUP

• Approved extension

Page 2501 30


Opl.'rnllnp: UnitOrganiZJItion Code'(llACS)


iDl!partment ofSdenre ,.nd~ec:hnolo~''PhilipPine 'Council'for iblduslr)', 'EnerjO' ,and 'EmeTRin~ Tec:hnolog,v :R('sellreb lind n('\'clopment



"8X cur.rl'DI."1ur,'APIlTOPii.Ptions: Supp'lcrnttltllJ A:ppropriations

ICOlltlnuinp: Appropiialions


IPbJ~ica'l Targets! PbJsienl Accomplishments

! Variance!lJACS j


j 'Porticula":ll.I:o:rJune~ IRemarks


,1st'Quarler ,2nd'Quarter 3rd 'Quarter '4th 'Quarter irota'i 1st QUllner 2nd Qunrter I Jrd,Qullrter 4th Quartrr 'irotal lOIS

, 2 3 4 5 '. I 1=(3+4-1-5+6)"

• 10 U n (8~+:1 13 .14.HI I

Test ,Ilnd Evaluation of 120- _'Mcmorandum'of.ngreemertl and Trained LGll per.;annd - Request for extco!'ion - Approved eJ\tcnsion

Passenger:per Cooch Capacity _"Test'protocol forpnfonn:mcc and endurnnce lest i from 1 Jul}'2015 - 31 II

Automated Guide-way Transit _Datu gllll1ered on AGT ,during iL~pcrformanec:and'endurnnec I Dcecttiber 2015

System. :rha!'e 2 test ,runs during wet Sea5l:>nI


! !

Performance -;resting 'of Five- -Test Protocol (CRT/I.CRT) I, 'Completed NDT Testing 'and performance Testing

Coach 'Centnilly ,Powered - Public Demnn5lmtinn of CRT as per protocoL,

lIybrid Electric 'Road'Trrrins 2. MCI1lOl1lndumorUndetStanding (MOU) with wet !

fod.DClI.lApplications - P:hllSC Government ••fCcbu City was ~signcdlast'06 MIlY !

2 2015.,

1. On..go'ing 'the lntcgrntion Jar me Automation Systcrr!

or:LJCRT.4. 'Procurement for the New Variable Frequency Ori ,(VFD's) to CRT 'and 'LCRT Me'already ,awnrded (0DAC lndustrial Electronics. Inc.5.Launching orCRT I1tCDC :Pampanga la.~t:25 June2015,6. Hybrid Eh:<:tricRoad Tmin was highlights inNational Science Technology Week (NSTW). PmjccTeam togeihcrwilh PMEPSOwas condU1;led a Free

.Demo Ride .

Page 26 of 30

'Ol'p:n'tmenti\.grDry<Operating :UnilOrganlzatinn Cndeo(UACS)

Qlit\R~ERI;Y :P,HYSiCi\LIREPORT'OF or,ERATION.A"S'l'Jnunc '30, ;!015

Department nr:Sril'nct'lllnd Tol"c:hnolog~':Philippitll"CouncilJor lnduSIl')', :Encrg..l. .and :r.mefll:ing Teehno'log:\' ,Rr5C.'archun(l IDevoe!opmrni


'8;\'R :1\'0. 1


x Currcnt'YearA'ppffJprillliGns

.. '.SdPP.ItmenlllH\ppropr.illtiGn5: IContinuinll:Appropriatlons

I Off-Budll:et Account

UACSlP:h,'sir.a1Ta~g('t~ Pb)'siCllI Accomplishments \'arian('c t

.1PAnku'laTS lls'Of.Junt"i Rrrilllr'ks

CODE• 'I 201S :1


ht Quarter I .2nd'Quarter 3rd QU:l.rttr ,4th 'Quarter I Total ht Qtlartcr 2nd Quarter 3rd'Quartcr 4th Quarter TOlal !

I ,I

, • 5 '. I '7•••.3+4+5+6) • 'I • 10 II 11248~+1 '13 14

, ! +]'1'

KRA :No. 5 _ Inte rit 'of the Environment ,and Climate 'Chanl!e Miti.l!ation and Adal)tion I'ENV]RONMF."".,CLl:\1A'tE CHI\NGE & DISASTER RISK REDUCTION IMolet:u'larly Imprinted _P'reparntion of MIPs for isolat'ioI1'of frncti(lns-ofpurc: _SignifiCllnt nmount~ oflagundi mi'll'km WCTC !

Polymers (MIP) forthc compounds{lagundi. banaba and tlfTlplaya) extrnetoo and purifioo- 200 rng ofagnusidcood 20 IT

:rargctoo 'Pw1fil;:ltlon'of ofimoricntin

Naturnl Prod\1C1Compounds - Dcgrnd.llion studies of agnU!i'idemarl-er ~iJl befurthcroonducted. As,it was observed that agnus'idebeeomes unstable at 70 dcgrc~Ce1sius for 24 hOUffil\ll'ich ~s-tnecondition for Mlr production


Design. fabrication and • Documented perfmmance cllal'3ctai!>'lics for (hcdn-lce _No progress ,report robmined as ofthc,qu3l1.Cf of

Evaluation of MOlTitoring an - Functional pro1l.1typcs(bcta-gmdc) 2015 i

Sampling ,Dc\-ices f(lrParticulate MallO-


Radiation-induced gmfiing 0 : • Optimum:absotbed ,dose and monomer a:mecntrnliooobtaioC1 50% oftbe gmfiing >txperiments for optim'i7.ation

nonwovC:tl fabrics fOTwastc _Dlrta for,ch;mp;teri7.ed grafted nonwo\'en fribric nnd results fo were fmischro during the fIrst semester ofprnjcct

watcrtreatlnCIII '10 meet CIllSS initinl batch ndsolJ)(ion li:Sl implementation.

C 'i:ffiucnl heavy 'metal - FTIR spectrum of gmficd PP-NWF showed peaks

rum"""" l;orresponding to the bonds from both pGMA and 'PPindicating that the IliOdifieation of-the l'P surfnce bygrafting WItSsuccessfully performed.-On-going Analysis ofmctal ionconcentrntion of•••.":lStetibtained from Chclsi Lcathcr and Services. In

Design and Development of - Resc3rCh report/conferencc paper on fmdings • .Attmdcd n week long training about GIS through It

Aerial Mapping and Imaging _Successful deployment and data gatehring on experimcntalsit s National Mapping and Resource Infonnation

Systems and Standards Authority (NAMRlA)

Proj«:l c-Bayanihan: A _Design, build web based and IOObik versions of PINOY - Conducted simulation • Created reports for inpu

Nationwide Wcb- Mobile PATROL 2,0 activity of the s-)'Stemin in'SHEREPO

Based SYSltm for - Capacity buUding Atenoo, Tacloban, and - Visuali1.ation of

Partieipatoty Disaster DILG Exhibit SHEREPO

Management - Attended the JrapidConference

Page 27 of 30

Uepartmenll'\gent'~'O~rating 'UnitOrl:anization C.oCle(UACS)


Departmcont o'f,SCicoDce:andTethnolog}'IPhilippi"!;' 'CODDdl :Cor:Industry, !EnerlO' :and Emt'rging 'Y«hno'log.v ~Resl'areh ,:and ,Development


iBi\R,No. J


, Supplcmt'DtllAppropriltiooliContinu'ing Appropriations

Orr-Budget Account

liACSPhysical T:a~gets P:h)"Sienl At't'omplishmmts Variance

:Partieu'lars'as of Jnne IRemar'ks


20151s1'Quarter 2nd 'Quarter 3rd 'Quartt'T i '4th Quarter TotOl ht Quarter '2nd 'Quarter 3rd 'Quarter 4th 'Quarter , Tottil


I ,1

3 • 5 I '. 7"'<3+4+5+6) i' " il :10 " ' iI2.,8+,9+1 13 .14

! +:I.t' ,UlIdCF$lulIdinp And Communicalin Risk or Comrmmi1.)l-bnscd.DRN PrU}~ram

Voices ofY('Ila.ndl1: ' - Ethnography 'ordj~1:'T - Currently on d::1ta '. Thestuc1y:revcaled1hal

Nnrrntives o(Risk'and -Risk rn3ps ' OJgMi7.ation:rmd 'anlitysis responses 10 typhoon

Cop'jng Among SUl'vj\.or$ Yo'land3., Jlanicutarly in

(lfTyphoon 'Yolanda in relation l(l;(.alls for

Tncl6b:m City. 'Guiuan C",.acUlltionhad 'been !&stem Samar and San shapt'd by peoplc's

Frnnciscc. Ccbu 1 expericnces with previo~,

typhoons. !

- Providedrecommendations ,about

'Ithe study ,

Page 2601 30

:Ocpnrtmrnt.hgenc~.O,,('rDlin~ 'Unh'Organizution C-odr (UACS)

QHJL\Rl":fjRLY :PJlYSICA'L IREPORT OF'OP.ElV\ TIO~,As,oflune:30.201:S

!Dl'partmcnt '(If Sclcntt,aild Te('hnoloJt\.:Philippinr 'Co"undl ifo"r:Industry, :r.nclJ:y .•nd ,Emerging T~hnolog'y;Research 'Iud Dei."dnpmenl


'Bl\'R iNo. ~


. X :.Curnnl 'Yl'Dr,;,'\.'JIpro". r.iaiion~: SupplfmtDII.I~i\pprllprililion~

:. , CGtf1inuln~ Appropriations

: Ofl~nudget Account


1I1\C's:Ph)"sidl Tar.grts Physicnl Atc:Omplisllmcnts Varinllc(" :

:rnrticu'lan'DSof,Junc :Remnr:k"

CODE 1."1 . I~,

!ht 'Qunrtcr II 2nd Qunrter 3rd Qunrtcr ,4th 'Quar1t'r ! 'Tolll ht Qunr1er 2nd Qunrtrr Jrd Quarter 4th ,Quarter Tetal 20J5

, 2 ,!I • ~

5 '. :7:(1+4'1-5+6) • • ,. II.l 12.a{8+9~:J nil "I

i +.1'1','

DRRlCCA .ProofinR ojCrilicaiitl/raslnJc1utcJ IDevelopment ofTemJlOnl~' --I: "f<:clmical ,repon cn proposed temporary 'shelter system - iEvalwutil. the temporary - PrQposed a :OCSign

Shelter System for Dis.,Sl~ • Prototype ItmpOn'lt)' .sheller shelters oos.:d '00 c;\isting scheme for the slruclurnl

Stric.l:en Arca~ , standards ,and ,guiddine.~ system ,& conneclinn! - Achieved preferem:c of ' details

materials to be used in !hedesign of,!hc tcmpClrtlry !


6.4 YA!\'lHANETS: Sui/din Ronust und Smtu;nubfe ,Con-----;;;;~li\"l~,Qlmnumitl' Nm'oOO i

Dc'\.'clopmenlof-a "l ~:P:rol(lcoldesign and simulation modulc :Processing 'of required - No,significant I iMu'llipmTransport ~T~tbed design and component doc:uIIl(tlts nr:complishment yet; I

Protoco'l for Coopel"ll.ti••.e i - Operational emulation testbed I Commc:m;cd on ,4 June

Community Netwo-iks ' - Vlllidation resull<;from emulation 2015

ARC: An Application - Applicntion frome-work • Pmces!iing nfrrquired - No s.ignificanl

Framework for Robust docummts nccompli~ment yet:

Communications T~~ Commenced on 4 June

overComnnmil)' NClwo . 20lS

,Development ofRoming • High Ihmughpul 'routing metric and congestion free routing - Processing of required. • No significant

Metrics lor High metric doeumenL~ accomplishment )lel;

ThroughpUi DndCoogtslion Commenced ,on 4 June

F.r« Rou1ing over Wire1e:;: 2015

CommuniI)' MeshNctworks

Marine Weather Forecasting _Two (2) High Frequency Doppler Radar (HFOR) systems ~Processing of required - No significant

using High Frequency installed in NETC & Masinloc. zambales doeuments accomplishment yet;

Doppler Rndnr Commenced on 4 April2015

Page 29 of 30

DepartmentI'\f;l:enr)'Oprratin~ IUriilOrgnniz.ation Codc'{1JACS)


Dcp.rtmenl (l'r.siien« and 'Tcc'bD(ilo~'fbilippine:Council !rOr!Ind,utry'. :Energy and IEmrrJiing'Tc.;hno'loJt." Rcsea("('h and Development


BA'RiNo. :1


"X I OUfITn' Yrar Appropriations, " snpp, I,m, ",1111 A'ppropriations

I CorUlnuinR Approprialions

1 ; OIf-B(Jd~rlAc~nnl

UACSJ'h}-sic:al Targets Ph,l,'siral Arl'Omplishmmh ".n'"':,1 ,

Particulars CODEIIsorJunt: Remarks

, Isl'Quarter 2nd'Quant'r 3rd Quarter i :4ih 'Quant'r Total lstQuarter 2nd Quart"f 3rd Quaner 4lh QuanC!f Totlll 1015 II

I 2 3 4 5 I • 7=(3+4+5+6) I • '. " n Il-(S~+J '13 I :Ill,


flood Sensor. 'Development. • 'Test ofinstrnmenUltion and scnsors • Conducled indoor:stress - Testing ofsCfl.'iorsl

installation llIIdmoniloringo( _Assembly,and inslallation of monitoring Silltions test anddislance .image'te instrumtnll1lion and I,

Uman 'f.looding in Metro _:Information education and,communication 'campaign • Coordinated with the eleetron'ic: components ro I

Manila tGUs for the in!>talllltion nctual deploymentof the monitoring ,stalions - l!lSt<llledflood

, • :Prtl\'ided projcct moniloring stBtions

"""h""" (enclosure in Quezon i

; City) j

TON\' SF.C. TUM liNGPlanning. PCMD

D,,,,, 0 11/03/1>

,In l'Oordinatlon l'I"ith:

~sQMR.iSiDV QUERUBIN JRBudget Officer


Page 30 01 30

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

Part A

I. Operations

MFO 1 - Industry, Energy

and Emerging Technology

Research and Development

Policy Services


Performance Indicators

1. No. of policy advisories


16 - - - 16 16 - - - 16

2. Average percentage of

policy advisories rated

satisfactory or better

90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% - - - 90%

3. Percentage of policy

advisories that have been

updated, issued and

disseminated within the last

three (3) years

90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% - - - 90%

MFO 2: Research and

Development Management

Services for Industry,

Energy and Emerging



Performance Indicators

1. Number of proposals


62 63 63 62 250 32 - - - 32 218

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Page 1 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Percentage of projects

recommended for approval

that subsequently received

funding through the



90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 100% - - - 100% -10% Percent


includes release

of DOST funds




Percentage of Project

proposals acted upon

within 4 months

90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 100% - - - 100% (10%)

2. Number of ongoing

projects monitored

50 50 50 50 200 244 - - - 244 (44)

Percentage of projects

completed within the past

four years that are

published in recognized

journals or utilized by


90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 93% - - - 93% -3%

Percentage of monitored

projects reviewed within

the year

90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% - - - 90% -

Page 2 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Part B

Major Programs/Projects

Electronics Industry

Operation and Improvement

of the Electronics Product

Development Center

- Rehabilitation/

Construction of EPDC

Building is almost done

- Conducted software

training for Altium

Designer and

Solidworks (Design and

Flow Simulation)

Establishment of the Advance

Materials Testing Laboratory


- Generated income of

P953.3K & added

fourteen (14) new

customers in Q1'2015

- Meeting/Marketing

Roadshow with the

Association of SEIPI

Purchasing Managers



- Increased revenue by 50%

- Increased number of clients by 50%

- Market ADMATEL services across other Industries and


- Set-up infrastructure, tools and equipment for the elctronics

product development center

- Conduct human resource development workforce

KRA No. 3 - Rapid, Inclusive

and Sustained Economic


Page 3 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Establishing the Philippine

Institute of Integrated Circuits

- Trained 156 trainees

- Developed four (4)

training modules


Integration of Testing

Services for Rubber and

Rubber-based Products

- Started the renovation

of the selected rooms for

housing the equipment

- Two (2) ITDI Staff and

two (2) PCIEERD

staff participated in

the Benchmarking

activity in Malaysian

Rubber Board (MRB)

Physical Testing

Laboratory, Rubber

Products Exhibition

Centre (IRPECM) and

Standard Measure

Rubber (SMR)


Photocatalytic Multi-

functional Natural Fiber

Blended Technical

Textile and Materials

- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

(Monitoring is done on a

semestral basis)

Smart Textile Biopolymers R&D Program

National R&D Program for Natural Rubber Processing and Rubber Products Manufacturing

- Renovation of laboratory facility

- Conduct of training

- Method validation and uncertainty measurement

- ZnO, TiO2 and ZnO-TiO, nanofinished pineapple, pineapple

silk and abaca fabrics with enhanced UV blocking property

- Technology on the application of nano ZnO nano TiO, and

ZnO-TiO, nanocomposite on pineapple, pineapple-silk and abaca

- Efficiency and durability evaluation of the ZnO, TiO, and ZnO-

TiO, nanofinish

- Faculty immersion

- Training modules and trainess

Page 4 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Durable and

Regenerable Biocidal


Polyester and


containing Textiles

- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

(Monitoring is done on a

semestral basis)

Assessment of the

Terrestrial Biodiversity in

the Selected Key Mining

Areas in Mindanao

- Completed the wet and

dry seasons surveys

- Completed

preservation of the

voucher flora and fauna


- Organized 100% of the

flora and fauna data sets

- 85% done with the data


Assessment of the Aquatic

Biodiversity in the Selected

Key Mining Areas in


- Consolidated results on

aquatic biodiversity

assessment in freshwater

and marine ecosystems

- Completed dry and

wet data collection

- On-going Laboratory

works and consolidation

of year 2 data

Mining and Minerals Industry

S&T Program for Responsible Mining in Mindanao

- Hydantoin-grafted natural fiber-blended textiles

- Technology on the grafting, charging and recharging of

hydantoin on natural fiber blended textiles

- Prototype hydantoin-grafted natural fiber-blended textiles for

technical apparels and functional materials

- Disseminate and validate project findings

- Draft of scientific articles for publication and paper


- Terrestrial biodiversity and monitoring plan

- Identify riparian flora in identified study sites

- Hematology description of bioindicator species

- Identify plankton and macroinvertebrate specimens

- Information, Education Campaign

Page 5 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Monitoring, Assessment

and Profiling of Artisanal

and Small-Scale Gold

Mining in Selected Areas

in Mindanao, Philippines

- Introduced alternative

processing of mined ores

through the application

of Integrated Copper-

Gold Pilot Processing

Plant Project.

- Over one hundred

(100) leaflets on Health

and Safety and Chemical

Handling were

distributed during the


Contamination Pathway

and Pollution Management

of Mining in Selected

Areas in Mindanao,


- Gathered climate data

on precipitation,

temperature, humidity

and rain fall data at PAG-

ASA Hinatuan

- Identified

environmental hotspots

at Surigao City, Surigao

del Sur, Agusan del Sur

- Digested water samples

and analyzed heavy

metals and Cyanide


- Design Intervention, Programs and Policies (IFP) attuned to the

Mining Act and other relevant laws for the sustainable

development of the ASGM sub-sector in Mindanao

- Provide topographic features and climate data on precipitation,

temperature, humidity, etc

- Identify environmental hotspots

- Assess impact of ASGM on the environment

Page 6 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Rehabilitation of Areas

Affected by nickel Mining

in CARAGA Region

Towards Eco-restoration

- Developed an

engagement with

Platinum Group Metals

Corp (PGMC) and

another potential partner

is San Roque Metals Inc


- Conducted soil and

litter analysis of samples

from the field of HMC

and TMC (in both

rehabilitated and Ecobelt


Alternative Technology for

Processing of Chromite and

Laterite Ores: Fe-Ni-Cr-C

Alloy Production

- Mass and energy

balance comparison

between the existing

technology and the

proposed technology

Development of an

Alternative Technologies

for Small-Scale Gold

mining in CARAGA and

South Cotabato Region

- Ore crushing and

milling of ore samples

were conducted

- Analysis of data is

almost done. The team is

still waiting for the other

results of the analysis.

- Optimal Iodide-iodine

concentration is already


- Information on gaps between recommended rehabilitation

program and the implemented program

- Population re-establishment of keystone species through

assisted natural regeneration (ANR) in mining areas

- Establish the optimal conditions for reduction smelling of

chromite and laterite ores

- Assess the feasibility of the alternative technology for

processing of chromite and laterite ore mixture

- Physical and chemical analysis of samples

- Reports and graphs on the effect of different parameters

- Comparison of gold recovery of the two (2) leaching methods

Page 7 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

ICT for Responsible

Mining: Use of GIS, DSS,

Datamining in Selected

Areas in Mindanao

- Setting up of online

interface for user's


- DNS is change to


- Launching of the

mining portal

Bench Scale Metallurgical

Testing of Selected

Philippine Iron Resources

to Determine Most Suitable

Ironmaking Technology for

Value Adding

- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015 (Being


Profiling of Black-sand in

the Philippines

- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

(Recently approved last

April 28, 2015)

Proj. 1 - Conservation of

Native Metallophytes,

Phytochemistry of Nickel

Hyperaccumulators and

Phytostabilization and

Restoration of Mined-Out

Areas in Palawan, Surigao

and Zambales

- Discussion regarding

the proposed pilot setup

in MMC, together with

the representatives of


- Nursery visit and

survey of possible sites

for the pilot plantation.

R&D Program on Copper, Nickel, Iron, Gold & Chromite for Industrial and Emerging Applications

- Demonstrate plots of restored mined-out area using native


- Phytostabilization technology

- Policy paper and IEC materials

- Phytomining protocol

Program for Rehabilitation and Restoration of Mined-Out Areas Through Phytotechnologies

- Explore the possible establishment of an ironmaking pilot plant

in the Philippines

- Partner with identified ironmaking technology providers in

bench sclae tests for locally available iron ore concentrates

- Mineralogical and sedimentological characterization of selected

black sand deposits in the Philippines

- Quantify Fe, Ti, Zr, V and other trace elements in black sand


- Economic valuation of other trace elements that will be

identified from black sand deposits

- Web-based Information system for the different project


- Application for feedback mechanism and in-situ attribute/

information submission to the system

- Data collection, processing and normalization

Page 8 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Project 2. Metal Bio-

Indicator Plant Species of

the Philippines

- Plant propagation set-

ups were established in

the 5 sites in

collaboration with our

institutional partners

- Completed

hydroponics experiments

for 5 species of ferns to

monitor effects of

varying concentrations

of copper on rhizome

and rhizoid growth and

on a tuberous crop plant.

Project 3. Copper and

Arsenic Recovery as a Post

Mining Activity Using

Indigenous Plant

- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

Bridging the Competency

Gap Phase 2

- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

Coils in Gels: Developing

Capability to Investigate

gel composite


- Assembled and aligned

the optical tweezer system

with fully functioning dual-

optical traps: AOD

inserted for manipulation

of drive laser (1064nm),

QPD aligned for detection

of 830nm laser.

- Collect plant propagule

- Nursery experiments (in-situ/ex-situ)

- Growth chamber experiments

- Field testing (in-situ)

- Plant nursery in Ateneo de Manila University with plant

hyperaccumulators growing as stock for mining areas

- Workshop with partners in CSU, XU and Dr. Doronila with

Melbourne University

- Support 12 capability building activities

- Support 12 R&D projects

- Micro rheology protocols using optical tweezers

Support to Industry Competitiveness

Developing Capabilities for Biophysics (Coils, Cells and Gels)

Page 9 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Flow to Gel: Developing

Capability to Implement

Optical Tweezers with

Microfluidics for

Homogenized Gelling

- Improvements to the

coupling of the

microfluidic device to

the twin optical tweezer


- Rheometry experiments

were carried out and

gelling time of fibrin

gels has been


Cells as Gels: Developing

Capability for high

Throughput Cell Elasticity


- Prepared round

suspended fibroblasts

with pre-attached

fibronectin-coated bead

for elasticity

measurements of living


- Developed particle

identification LabVIEW

program for semi-

automated trapping in

microfiuidic chamber

PCIEERD Human Resources

Development Program

- Provided Support for:

Conduct of Seminar - 4;

Paper presentation in

conference and training -

14; Balik Scientists

Program - 8

- Semi-automated cell viscoelasticitymeasurement system using a

twin optical tweezerand microfluidic chamber system (TOT-


- Support research attachment/faculty


- Support researchers to attend/ present research work in

conference and training and PCIEERD Staffdev

- Balik Scientists

- Twin optical tweezer and microfluidic chamber system (TOT-


Page 10 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Support to S&T Competition - Top 5 finalists for the

"Outstanding R&D

Award" from Energy

and Emerging

Technology sectors were

already chosen and will

present their project on

May 2015

Enterprise Center for



- Identification of


universities, schools and


- Exploratory meetings

with deans, faculty and

possible mentors

Establishment of a Green

Technology Business

Incubation (GTBI) facility

in West Visayas State

University (WVSU)

- Creation/Launching of

GTBI Website

- Coordination with DTI,

LGUs of Iloilo (they

were able to get a pledge

of commitment from

Iloilo City local


- Applicants have

presented to Steering


- Processing/evaluating of the entries received

- Announcement of new S&T Competition

- Dissemination of competition mechanics

- Identify participating universities, schools and stakeholders

- Exploratory meetings with deans, faculty and possible mentors

- Create/Launch GTBI Website

- Coordinate with DTI and Identified LGUs

- Recruit interested TBI incubatees

Institutionalization and Strengthening of Technology Business Incubation

Page 11 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Support for the

Establishment of the DOST-

UP Cebu TBI at the South

Reclamation Project (SRP)

campus of the University

of the Philippines Cebu

(UP Cebu)

*in coordination/tie-up

with BOI’s Industry

Development Program

- Joined and market the

tbi on 23 events

- 7 virtual locators

accepted (more than

target, 5 locators)

- Conducted 7 trainings

for staff and TBI


Information Dissemination

and Promotion of


- Coordination meeting

with DOST agencies for

the 2015 NSTW

Support to Policy

Development and R&D

Management Activities

- Received and evaluated

32 project proposals

Support to Regional S&T


- Continue R&D related

workshops with

Consortia members

- Review and update S&T policies

- Evaluate incoming R&D project proposals

- Review/monitor the proposed plan of each division if it is being


- Planning workshop

- Call for Proposals

- Monitor ongoing consortia projects

- Capacitate consortia members in R&D

Policy Development, Planning and Advocacy

- Market, advertise, promote and attend to tbi related activities

- Disseminate virtual locators

- Conduct trainings for staff and TBI locators

- National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) & National

Biotechnology Week (NBW) Exhibits

- Attend on media interviews

- Conduct press conferences

Page 12 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter


Development of a Dipstick

Assay Format for Detection

of Salmonella in Food and


- DNA fragments were

generated from

amplifieds products of

200bp to 300bp

- Prepared 20 dipsticks

with absorbed probes

stored at room


Pilot Scale

Standardization of

Products & Processes

using Drum Drying

Technology on Selected

Raw Materials (Mango,

Banana & Makapuno)

- Completed validation

studies for mango and

banana (3 trials each)

- Established processing

conditions for drum

dried makapuno flakes,

on-going shelf life study

- Conducted application

studies of the 3 products

to corn flakes, oatmeal,

bakery products,


- Produce amplicons and label as probes accordingly

- Establish dipstick concept assay protocol

Food Safety and Quality Program for MSMEs

- Shelf-life of drum dried makapuno flakes

- Product application of drum dried fruits and makapuno

Development of Industrial Intermediate Food Products and Ingredients from Local Raw Material Sources

Page 13 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Field Testing and

Validation Study of Retort

Food (Arroz Caldo) as

Disaster Mitigation/Relief

Food using DSWD's and

LGU's Distribution


- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

(Recently approved


Project 1. Development of

Plasma Technology for the

Sterilization of Food

Products, Packaging, and

Contact Surfaces in Food


- Average D values

necessary for the

establishment of

treatment protocols were

determined for E.coli,

Salmonella, Listeria in

APJ plasma treated

coconut water

Development of Oyster

Powder for Use as an

Ingredient and Condiment

- Ongoing establishment

of appropriate dilution

of oyster meat to water

at 1:0.5, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3

- Three (3) oyster

powder products was

processed and will be

analysed for its physical

and chemical attributes.

- Continue shelf-life study

- Continue conduct of performance evaluation of retort food

during aerial, land and water distribution

- Develop treatment protocols for fast and effective plasma

sterilization of food products packaging, and contact surfaces in

food processing

Development of Innovative Food Products from Local Raw Materials (based on current product trends)

and Improvement of Existing Local Food Products

Development of Plasma Technologies for Non-Thermal Sterilization of Food Products, Packaging and

Contact Surfaces, and Enhancement of Food Packaging Properties

Program on Enhancing market Potentials and Competitiveness of Oyster and Oyster-based Products

- Optimize process in the production of safe and high quality

oyster extract powder (OEP)

- Product characteristics/specifications

- Consumer acceptable products from oyster powder

Page 14 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter


Characterization and

Application of Red

Pigment Produced by

Monascus Purpureus


- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015 (Started

its 2nd year of

implementation last

March 1)

Project 1. Improving the

Quality of Solid Cocoa

Liquor including Molded

Cocoa Nibs and

Developing the Capability

of Small Scale Processors

in the Manufacture of

Intermediate Cocoa


- Coordinated with

CocoaPhil on the

transfer of experimental

beans (5 lots) from

Davao to Manila

- Appropriate extraction

time could not be

established as the

difference in the volume

of butter extracted was

almost equal.

Project 2. Microbial

Community and

Biochemical Profiling for

Microbial Augmentation

and Development of

Quality Indicators for

Cacao Fermentation and


- DNA has been

extracted from samples

and PCR amplification

using yeast-, LAB- and


primers are underway

- Fermented cacao bean

samples from Day 0 to

Day 5 of fermentation

were frozen immediately

after sampling to

stabilize the samples

- Establish processing parameters for solid cocoa liquor/ molded

cocoa nib and improved its hygiene & sensory properties

- Determine processing parameters for intermediate cocoa

products using the designed and fabricated cocoa bean

processing line

- Appropriate storage conditions for developed/improved


- Microbial community profile in fermentation of cacao using

molecular methods

-Chemical changes occurring during fermentation of cacao

- Enumeration and isolation of microorganims present during

cacao fermentation from different fermentaries

Microbial colorants and Bioflavorants

Program on Technological Support for the Upgrading of Local Cacao and Cocoa Industry

- Continue optimization of conditions for the bench scale

production of Monascus purpureus M1018 colorant

- Continuie characterization of colorant from Monascus

- Conduct stability and shelf-life studies on the colorant

produced by Monascus

Page 15 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

- Data on plate count of

yeast, LAB, AAB and

other bacteria already

gathered but still being


Project 4. Design and

Fabrication of

Equipment for the

Production of Local

Cocoa Products

- Continued the in-house

testing and debugging of

traditional equipment

- Developed process for

roasting cacao beans in

10 mins. at 120oC and

130oC to a loading

capacity of 10kg

Development of

Nanobiosensors and

Nanostructured Materials

from Agricultural By-

products for Enhancement

of Food and Agricultural

Productivity and for

Environmental Sensing and


- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

- In-house testing and debugging of chocolate equipment

- Performance testing of the units

- Bench-scale production of Filters for the Removal of Arsenic

from Contaminated Water Using Modified Biopolymer- Silica

Nanocomposite Materials

- Bench-scale Production of Nanosensors for the Detection and

Analysis of Arsenic in Contaminated Water

- Bench-scale Production of Hand-held Nanosensors for

Methane Using Zinc Oxide Thin Film

- Bench Scale Verification of Nano-Encapsulated Plant Growth

Regulators for the Production of High Value Crops

- Hemicellulose Extraction, Process Development and

Toxicological Evaluation of a Hemicellulose-

chitosan/tripolyphosphate (polyphosphate) Nanocomposite

Coating for the Postharvest-life Extension of Papaya (Carica

papaya L.) Fruits

- Optimization and Bench-scale Preparation of Pectin-

Gelatin/Nanocellulose Biocomposite Coatings from Mango Peel

and Nata de Coco for the Postharvest-Life Extension of Mango

(Mangifera indica L. cv Carabao) and Bell Pepper (Capsicum

Page 16 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Bench-scale Production of

Food-grade Nanoprecipitated

Calcium Carbonate from

Local Limestone

- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

Wind Resource Assessment

for Wind Power Systems

- The wind monitoring

equipment in Surigao del

Sur, Palawan, and

General Santos have

been gathering data

since their installation.

- The data logger

collects data every 10

minutes, averages every

hour, and records hourly

and daily averages.

Improvement of Locally

Designed Micro-Hydro

Turbines and

Establishment of MHP Test


- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

- Plant set-up for the production of food grade NPCC

- Food grade NPCC products

- Distribute NPCC to prospective users


Engineering Design, Modeling, Assessment Tools and Development of Renewable Energy System

- Inventory of existing MHP system

- Planning and Design of Testing facility

- Construction of facility

- Design and development of high efficiency turbine

- Equipment retrieval

annuum L.) Fruits

- Production of Nanosilica from Rice Hull Ash

- Bench-Scaling of the Production of Cellulosic Nanocrystals

from Kawayang-tinik (Bambusa blumeana) and Its Utilization

for Renewable Nanomaterials

Page 17 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Tidal Current Energy

Integrated Resource

Assessment and Spatial

Planning Tool

- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

Project 1. Design and

Development of a Smart

Home Platform

- Installed/deployed 20

Smart Home System in

Kalikasan Homes

Subdivision, Palawan

Project 2. Design and

Development of an

Advanced Metering

Infrastructure (AMI)

Emulator Platform

- Completed testing and

software debugging

-Installed/deployed 20

AMI emulator with

Prepaid Metering in

United Homes

Subdivision, Palawan

Project 3. Prepaid Metering

and Smart Home System :

Technology Acceptance

and Technology Features


- Survey


Utilities (DUs) are being

conducted, currently

with 30% return rate

Project 1: Energy Efficient

Data Acquisition and

Conditioning for the

SmartWire Sensor Node


-On going design of

PCB for testing

(Development of the test

protocols underway)

Smart Grid for Filipino Households

Smart Wire Program

- Tidal current resource maps

- Site suitability assessment for the development of Tidal Current


- Web GIS-based marine spatial planning tool for tidal current


- Deploy the smart home platform in 20 homes in Palawan

- Conduct surveys upoin deployment and after 1-3 months after


- Testing and software debugging

- Deploy AMI emulator with prepaid metering

- Survey with Distribution Utilities (DUs)

- Develop and implement an integrated data acquisition and

signal conditioning subsystem with a 4-channel variable timing


Page 18 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Project 2: Integrated

Energy Harvesting, Storage

and Regulation for the

SmartWire Sensor Node

- The regulation

subsystem is composed

of voltage regulators,

which are used to

convert the noisy 1V

energy harvester output

to a clean and regualted

0.5V supply used to

power the rest of the

Smartwire node.

Project 3: Energy Ultra-

Low Power Computation

and Communication for the

SmartWire Sensor Node


- The design of the


subsystem has also been


- The node management

subsystem for the

SmartWire sensor node

performs the following

tasks: Synchronization,

packet assembly and

disassembly, power

cycling and parameter


Project 4: Smartwire

Resilient Data Transport

- Improve harvesting

model to consider

realistic components

- Implementation of


wireless simulation

sensor node

- Develop and implement an integrated power line and RF

Energy harvesting SmartWire sensor node

- Develop and implement an integrated computation and

communication subsystem for power line and Radio frequency


- Design and develop the MAC protocol and Cross-Layer

module for a large-scale SmartWire sensor network

Page 19 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Optimization of


on and Purification

processes for Pilot Scale

Ethanol Production from

Lignocellulosic Materials

- The saccharification

reactor increases the

amount of solids

incorporated, improves


contact and improves


- The use of the

saccharification Reactor

improved the

performance of the



Synthesis of Carbon

Nanotubes (CNT) - Silicon

Heterojunction for the

Fabication and Assembly of a

Solar Panel

- 100 % of EM, XPS

and AFM were done to

analyzed the structure

and composition of the

CVD-grown CNT films

- Already grown CNT

using the new CVD

furnace system.

Currently optimizing the

growth of the CNT

particularly in the CNT


- Optimum process and optimum conditions for bench-scale

ethanol fermentation

- Scale-up design from bench scale data for future pilotscale


Program on Fuel Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Feedstocks

- Pristine, high-density and predominantly semiconducting CNT


- Optimized heterojunction characteristics for solar cell


- Solar Module Prototype

Page 20 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

A Graphene-Based


Supercapacitor for Solar Cells

- The laser scriber is

already prepared and

set up, as well.

- The synthesis and the

characterization of LSG

were done

- The synthesis and the

characterization of LSG-

Ecs were done and are

being optimized

Synthesis of Metal Nanowires

and Their Application in

Foldable Transparent

Conducting Electrode

- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

(Monitoring is done on a

semestral basis)

Flexible Nanohybrid

Supercapacitor Based on

Conducting Polymers and

Metal Oxides

- Synthesis of Polyvinyl

alcohol, PVA as solid


- Reached 60% in

chracterization for


analysis, Structural

Analysis, & Electro

chemical Impedance


- Synthesis of composite

conducting polymer and

metal oxides

- Superior quality Laser-Scribed Graphene

- Optimize Laser-Scribed Graphene Electrochemical cell


- Energy storage cell

- Solar module

- Simple and low cost synthesis method for metal nanowires by

chemical reduction at low temperature

- General concept for the oxidation-state control metal


- Cheap and efficient metal nanowire printing process at low


- Preparation and characterization of solid electrolyte

- Fabrication of nanocomposite materials based on conducting

polymers and metal oxides

Page 21 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Development of Ink Using

Carbon from Straight

Pyrolysis of Glycerol as

Electrodes in Printed


- Design and fabrication

of home-built furnace

for larger scale pyrolysis

of glycerol

- High resolution

Transmission Electron

Microscopy (TEM) of

carbon from pyrolyzed


Development of Functional

Nanocarbon-Based Catalysts

for Biomass Conversion


- Microwave induce

plasma CNT production

equipment undergoing

thorough checking, re-

starting, and tune up.

Development of a

Philippine Metropolitan

Advanced Travelers

Information System


- The server for the

PhilMATIS was

delivered last January

28, 2015

- On-going


of the the data being

retrieved to make

5 minutes interval for the

data transmission

- Database for the flood sensors for correlating traffic with on-

street flooding along Espana Boulevard

- Method of ink formulation and further characte-rization of

carbon properties

- Characterization of hydrodynamic, drying properties of carbon

ink formulations on different substrates

- Exploratory tests on potential applications of the carbon ink


- Technical and theoretical research implementations

- Synthesis of CNT using microwave induce plasma CVD


Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Program


Page 22 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Advanced Traffic &

Pollution Monitoring and

Analysis System Based on

GPS Data, Air Quality

Data & Engine Status Data

from Tracked Taxis in

Metro Manila

- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

Integrated Optimal

Scheduling of Public

Transport System along a

Route (PUBFix)

- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

Development of a

Customized Local

Simulator (LocalSim)

- Enhancements on user

interface to create link

and node network using

QT and Visual Q++

(parallel exploration)

- Initial codes written for

user interface to build

link and node

representation of road


Molecularly Imprinted

Polymers (MIP) for the

Targeted Purification of

Natural Product Compounds

- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

- Preparation of MIPs for isolation of fractions of pure

compounds (lagundi, banaba and amplaya)

- Analysis, design, development and deployment of traffic

prediction model

- Analysis, design, development and deployment of incident and

accident detection model

- Inventory of the existing public transport system (city buses)

and determine their service operating characteristics

- Pilot test the proposed scheduling scheme of city buses

(whether by simulation or actual testing) along Epifanio de los

Santos Avenue (EDSA) to determine its effectiveness

- Web-based Public Transport Information System for the

existing city bus operation in Metro Manila

- Agent-based traffic models

- Calibrated traffic simulation model

- Integrated ITS database platform

KRA No. 5 - Integrity of the Environment and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption


Page 23 of 25

Department Department of Science and Technology X Current Year Appropriations

Agency Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development Supplemental Appropriations

Operating Unit Continuing Appropriations

Organization Code (UACS) 19-013 Off-Budget Account

2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8 9 10 11 12=(8+9+1


13 14

4th Quarter1st Quarter


4th Quarter

As of March 31, 2015

Physical Targets

Total Total


as of



Physical Accomplishments

3rd Quarter2nd Quarter2nd Quarter


1st Quarter

BAR No. 1




3rd Quarter

Design, Fabrication and

Evaluation of Monitoring and

Sampling Devices for

Particulate Matter

- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

Radiation-induced grafting of

nonwoven fabrics for waste

water treatment to meet Class

C effluent heavy metal


- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

Design and Development of

Aerial Mapping and Imaging

Systems and Standards

- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2015

Project e-Bayanihan: A

Nationwide Web – Mobile

Based System for

Participatory Disaster


- No progress report

submitted as of 1st

quarter of 2016

Voices of Yolanda:

Narratives of disaster

among the survivors of

typhoon Yolanda in

Eastern Visayas and Cebu,

the Philippines

- Currently on datqa

organization and


- Ethnography of disaster

- Risk maps

- Documented performance characteristics for the device

- Functional prototypes (beta-grade)

- Optimum absorbed dose and monomer concentration obtained

- Data for characterized grafted nonwoven fabric and results for

initial batch adsorption test

- Research report/conference paper on findings

- Successful deployment and data gatehring on experimental sites

- Design, build web based and mobile versions of PINOY


- Capacity building

Understanding And Communicating Risk for Community-based DRR Program

Page 24 of 25

DepartmentAgen~.Operating UnitOrgrmization Code (liACS)


Department of Science and Tecbnolog~"Philippine Council for lndu~try, Ener~" llnd I:merging Teehnol0!n" Re\earch llnd Dewlopment


BAR No.1


x Current Year Appropriation!Supplemental Appropriation!Continuing Appropliations

Off-Budget Account

Ph~"sical TargelS Pb~"sical AccomplishmentsVariance

OACSa\ of

Particulars CODE'lal'ch


l~t Quarter 2ud Quarter 3rd Quarter -Ith Quarter Total 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total 201!'

1 2 , 4 ; 6 7=(3+4+:;:+6) 8 9 10 11 12 (8+9+1 13 140+11\

DRRiCCl Proofing ofCliticullnfrosrrllrt/lresDevelopment ofT empornry _Technical repon 011proposed temporary ~lleller -"ystem _EqIJunted the

Sheller System for DisfiSler _Prototype tempornry she her tempowf'.'."~helters bnsed

Stricken Areas on existing ~lalldardsflud guidelines_Achie\"ed preference ofmaterials to be used inthe design of thetempowry shelter

Prepared By:

OSEPH R ESCORIAL\"idng SRS and Ole.Chief SRS, porn ~

Date: Date:

Page 25 of 25

Approved by:

/!:tR~*L C. SABliL..-\RSEDeputy E. ecuti~'e Direttor andOle, Office of the Executive Director
