Cross-border flexible working - EY Switzerland

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Cross-borderflexible workingOur Approach to support you

August 2020

“The rapidly accelerated shift to flexible ways ofworking across the global workforce presents

multiple opportunities for operationaltransformation but also presents key peopleand regulatory risk. It is critical to address

these now, as temporary ways of working takeon permanency.

Hugh DochertyIntegrated Mobility Leader, Switzerland

Now, Next and Beyond – current metrics

of respondents expect amoderate to significantreduction in the use of

business travel

of respondents expect amoderate to significantreduction in the use of

short-term assignments

of respondents expect amoderate to significantreduction in the use oflong-term assignments

66% 52% 58%

of respondents expect amoderate to significant

increase in the use of virtualwork and assignments


Our EY and The RES Forum research of June 2020 Now, Next and Beyond:Global Mobility’s Response to COVID-19 predicts the following:

Now, next and beyond

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Now…With physical moves broadly on hold until travel restrictions are lifted, Mobility functions are being askedto consider new scenarios:

• Assignees who have temporarily repatriated, or moved to a third location — but continue to work

• Existing employees or new hires whose relocations are pending, are starting their host country rolewhile still in the home country

• The discovery of cross-border working arrangements without the necessary complianceinfrastructure

Next…As restrictions lift it is anticipated that moves will once again be undertaken as employees leave locationswhere they have previously been stuck, action on-hold assignments, or consider where they will spend asecond lock down.

Beyond…Requests for remote working are expected to increase as employees, and often businesses, assume it is possibleto work from anywhere. Consideration is needed as to what support will be given, if any, to existing employees ornew hires who perform an overseas role remotely (by personal or business request).

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What are your Business drivers?

Flexible remote working has been a topic already for several years. However, Covid-19 has brought this into ourattention more than ever before.

What does your Business need to strive for success?

Mobility Transformation – multidimensional topic

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Will cross border working open newopportunities for organisational design(global/local/regional roles)?


Could you expand D&I by allowing cross-border remote working and would youattract the best talents, no matter thelocations?


How can you make data flow in the process of creating efficiencies, mitigating risk andcontribute to the cost consciousness?


How is performance measured in case ofremote working? Hours vs results?


Can your current technology solution adaptfor cross-border remote working? If not,what would you need?


Designing policy is one thing, butimplementing it and ensuring adherence torisk management policies needs companywide efforts


Can you activate automated trackingthrough IP address? How does the datasupport you for compliance?

Transform to protectAcknowledge human circumstances and concerns. Avoidreplacing old risks with new ones.

Transform to thriveEmployee listening is key to enabling your workforce todrive value for your business. Look at your global workforcemore holistically. Use data to get ahead of trends.

Transform to reimagineCapitalise on this moment to reimagine your globalworkforce and mobility strategy. Approach this as aninflection point to redefine the way your organisationoperates, embracing your strategic role.

Plan, communicate and operationalise

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Compliance and employee experience

Workforce riskRisk


Employment TaxCompliance

Regulatory risk

Regulatory risk

Tax, social security, health insurance

Consideration of breaking tax residency,especially when working from country ofnationality, may trigger continued oradditional liabilities, not forgetting socialsecurity rules.

PE and applicable laws

Remote working, when exceeding riskthresholds per country, would create a PEexposure.


What is safe, feasible and preferred? Balance all factors to reach the right value equation foryour business and your global workforce in the new normal.


Remote coaching, feedback /advise andremote performance management requirestrong leadership and common values.


Reshaping and reskilling the organisation tomeet future business capability needs anessential wellbeing of individuals, e.g.resilience/adaptability

Legal and right to work

Labour law regulations per country need tobe considered to ensure that youremployees are covered with the relevantemployment rules contractually.

Payroll and employment tax

Shadow payroll may be required to meet theadditional employer reporting liabilities, fortax and social security.

Workforce risk

Our methodology

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With increasing pressure on Mobility teams to have a robust approach and understanding of complex riskareas, we have created a methodology to help create a framework and decision tree to establish urgentcontrols that can then be tested and refined in practice.

Establish the facts Design workshop Policy development

• Explore and define xborder remoteworking/virtual assignments andunderstand the intended purpose

• Establish relevant scenarios andwhether differing treatment will beappropriate for some/all

• Document qualifying criteria forcandidate selection

• Draft matrix of terms and conditions forvirtual assignments covering:

• Guiding principles

• Compliance

• Employee experience

• Identification of relevant internal andexternal stakeholders

• Draft process flow to support ‘Go-No Go’decisions

• Finalise the framework and process flowfollowing live testing

• Draft policy documents and supportingmaterials

• Determine governance structure (ownership,approvals and exception management)

• Implementation planning (includingcommunications and training requirements)

Design DevelopDiscover

Our outputs

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Workshop Agenda

Sample agenda for a 2-hour workshop: Following the workshop, you will have:

1. Frameworkconsideringbusiness vs.employeedrivers

2. Decisionprocess flowto support‘Go-No Go’decisionsbased on theframework

Activity Detail

Setting the scene Context for the discussion andunderstanding workshop objectives

Define thepurpose

Agree and document the intendedpurpose of cross border flexibleworking approach

Identify potentially supportedscenarios

Design theframework

Overview of framework for crossborder flexible working to agree:

Guiding principles Compliance Employee experience

Identify further considerations tofacilitate roll out, implementationand adherence

Workshop Outputs

Cross-border flexible working

Other mobility offerings

Page 10

EY Mobility Navigator™ uses the EY 7 Drivers of Mobility to help businessleaders think differently about mobility and collaborateto achieve ambitions.

An EY Mobility Navigator™ session will provide you with:

► An assessment of your company’s present positionand capabilities versus your future aspirations,across the EY 7 Drivers of Mobility

► Insight into the innovative practices of the world’s leading companies,across the EY 7 Drivers of Mobility

► A clear vision into your strategic prioritiesand challenges, in a format that can be sharedwith your leadership team

► A prioritized action plan to help you to accelerateand achieve your mobility ambitions

► The session is facilitated by an EY professional, butyou are always in control, tailoring the conversationto meet the needs of your program and exploringthe success drivers most relevant to you

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Your contacts

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Hugh DochertySwiss integrated mobility

Riikka Virtanen SchwitterMobility transformation

EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory

About the global EY organizationThe global EY organization is a leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisoryservices. We leverage our experience, knowledge and services to help build trust andconfidence in the capital markets and in economies all over the world. We are ideallyequipped for this task – with well trained employees, strong teams, excellentservices and outstanding client relations. Our global purpose is to drive progress andmake a difference by building a better working world – for our people, for our clientsand for our communities.

The global EY organization refers to all member firms of Ernst & Young GlobalLimited (EYG). Each EYG member firm is a separate legal entity and has no liabilityfor another such entity’s acts or omissions. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UKcompany limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For moreinformation, please visit

EY’s organization is represented in Switzerland by Ernst & Young Ltd, Basel, with 10offices across Switzerland, and in Liechtenstein by Ernst & Young AG, Vaduz. In thispublication, “EY” and “we” refer to Ernst & Young Ltd, Basel, a member firm ofErnst & Young Global Limited.

© 2020 Ernst & Young LtdAll Rights Reserved.

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This presentation contains information in summary form and is therefore intended for general guidance only.Although prepared with utmost care this publication is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research orprofessional advice. Therefore, by reading this publication, you agree that no liability for correctness,completeness and/or currentness will be assumed. It is solely the responsibility of the readers to decide whetherand in what form the information made available is relevant for their purposes. Neither Ernst & Young Ltd nor anyother member of the global EY organization accepts any responsibility. On any specific matter, reference shouldbe made to the appropriate advisor.