Detailed Implementation Guidelines for GOOD PRACTICE ...

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Detailed Implementation Guidelines for GOOD PRACTICE OPTIONS for Rainfed

and Upland Agro-Ecological Zones (TCP/PHI/3203)

(Dry Season 2011)

Prepared by


Luis O. Amano, PhD Viola L. Amano, PhD

Angelo P. Candelaria

November 2010

Strengthening the Capacities for Climate Risk Management and Disaster Preparedness in Selected Provinces of the Philippines

(Bicol Region) TCP/PHI/3203



This paper was prepared in compliance with the Terms of Reference of the Bicol University to provide/deliver a written detailed implementation guideline for those GP options selected by Technical Working Group.

This guideline was prepared to provide a systematic and orderly implementation of

the project. Necessary technical inputs were collected from the experiences from similar projects funded by FAO. A number of technical books and papers were also consulted to make the guideline as appropriate as possible.

The technical guidelines hereto presented were taken from the result of technical

review and discussions with the Technical Working Group (TWG), Local Government Units (LGU) partners and National Consultants.

Identification and evaluation of GP options

The identification, validation and approval of the adaptation practices were done by following a sequence of activities:

1. Field visits of the pilot areas were conducted to collect primary and secondary data on the profile of the barangay, past experiences on the damages caused by natural hazards, and local perception on the risk from natural hazards. Data collection tools, such as focus group discussion (FGD), Key informant interview (KII), documentary analysis, consultation and roundtable meetings were used in generating data sets in the project area.

2. Literature and internet research on potential good practice technologies and processes for enhanced DRR was conducted taking into consideration: the relevance of lessons learned from past and ongoing development and research projects in agriculture related to disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness.

3. An in-depth assessment was conducted from a list of potential good practice technologies and processes to identify suitable good practice options to enhance the resilience of the specific pilot site. The assessment of the selected good practices for the specific pilot area adopted the Livelihood Adaptation to Climate Change (LACC) framework designed to increase climate resilience of farming and livelihood systems while contributing to socially, economically and ecologically sustainable rural development. The evaluation criteria and indicators used in the process include:

Criteria for the selected GP option:

Per cent

A. Is there agro-ecological suitability for the selected GP option: 40 1.

2.Suitable under existing and near future climatic status Edaphic and topographic conditions and/or same agro-ecological zones





Farmers’ perception Agro-ecological zone location


B. Is economically and socially feasible: 35 1.

Cost of inputs Yield potential +/-Net benefits Capacity building requirements + / - Employment opportunities for the landless Market potential



C. Increases resilience against impacts of climate hazards: 20 1.


Ease/cost of rehabilitation Recovery potential +/- water use


D. Does not increase GHG emissions: 5 1.


+/- chemical fertilizer use (50%) +/- energy use (50%)


4. The documented GP options were presented to the TWG to validate and extract from the list, the most suitable GP options by agricultural season.

5. The GP options recommended by the TWG as most suitable per municipality/ barangay were presented and discussed with barangay stakeholders for them to decide which GP options they will adopt. Listing of prospective farmers was done in each barangay.

6. From the selected GP options, cost of the inputs was calculated, presented to TWG for endorsement to Project Steering Committee for approval. Similarly, training modules will be prepared and will be conducted prior to actual field demonstration at the farmer’s field.

Criteria for the Selection of Farmer Cooperators

Site validation of prospective farmer-cooperator was conducted to ascertain the suitability of the GP options. Aside from the “must” criterion which is “access to land of at least 1000 m2 for the adaptation of option/technology to be tested”, the following criteria will be applied in the selection of farmer-cooperators:

1. Is a bonafide resident of the identified project area 2. Is there a suitable and available area for the adaptation option to be tested 3. Has interest and time to devote to the project activities 4. Is an active member of a farmers’ organization 5. Has potential to become a farmer-leader and/or trainer 6. Is willing to provide counterpart such as labor for land preparation, day-to-day

maintenance of the techno-demo farm 7. Has not received any or has received minimal livelihood assistance


8. Is cultivating one (1) hectare or less It should be noted that the selected farmer-cooperators will be briefed on the

nature of the on-farm trial and their willingness to participate and cooperate through execution of a Memorandum of Understanding.

Training on the Implementation of GP Options for CCA/DRM in the Rainfed and Upland Agro-ecological Zones

The training is part of the project’s design to strengthen the capability of the

farmer-cooperators in implementing the good practice options to reduce the risk of hydro-meteorological hazards in rainfed and upland agroecological zones of three pilot barangays of Buhi, Camarines Sur, Guinobatan, Albay, and Gubat, Sorsogon. Furthermore, the GP options that will be established in the farmer-cooperators’ farms will serve as demonstration plot in raising the awareness of other farmers on how to reduce the risk of hydro-meteorological hazards in the agricultural sectors.

During the training, the farmer-cooperators will understand a) the objectives of the

project, b) their roles and responsibilities as project stakeholders, and c) to strictly adhere to implementation guidelines of their selected GP option.

After the options have been tested in the farmers’ fields for three cropping trials, an

evaluation will be carried out so as to get an over-all assessment of the acceptance of the technologies at the farmers’ level in terms of their scientific and technical relevance and terms of their potential to increase the climate resilience of their production systems. Observations generated on a per trial basis will also be considered for possible adjustments and for further implementation and replication.

Recommendations for promotion and replication to the similar areas will be done

later on based on the over-all performance and acceptance ratings of the tested adaptation technologies.

In the establishment of adaptation demonstrations in the farmers’ field, a set of

approved criteria will be used. As far as the project objectives are concerned, a farmer-cooperator having the required area of farm land, required resources and manpower will be selected and engaged in the demonstration activities. The technical and monitoring guidelines will be established to act as hands-on guidance in the implementation, day-to-day technical support and monitoring of the adaptation demonstrations.

Information and guidance will be provided by the technical guidelines based on standard and specific practices that match with the site-specific characteristics and hazards experienced in the area. Thus, the implementation of all demonstrations will follow the same principles and processes regardless of location. In case there are differences in the selection of species and technology adopted, computation of inputs will be made per requirement of the area.


The Agricultural Technicians are placed to pay regular visits to the demonstration sites, observe the status of the trial and provide on-the-spot technical suggestions and guidance as deemed necessary and as per need of the farmers. A monitoring register will also be maintained.

Social mobilization initiatives like farmers’ field day, results’ demonstrations,

exchange visits will be arranged and encouraged so that the surrounding farming communities have an opportunity to be exposed to the technologies showcased during the demonstrations. General instruction for implementation and monitoring of the GP option demo-farm

A. General instruction

1. Implement the on-farm testing/demonstration as per the time/duration provided in the guideline. Any required adjustment related to the local conditions and environment may be done with prior consultation with the Project Management Team (PMT).

2. Selection of the farmer-cooperator must be done according to the need of the on-farm testing/demonstration, which is essentially based on the local farmers’ needs and it should be such that the objective of the demonstration can be achieved successfully.

3. Follow the line item budget breakdown, procure the required materials and services, keep necessary documents, and vouchers and proof evidence by attaching photograph during the re-imbursement/adjustment of the project advance.

4. Follow the instructions specified in the guideline regarding the number of replications to be conducted for each demonstration and the related required budget specified in the guideline.

5. Each good practice option for on-farm testing/demonstration should have its own monitoring requirement and accordingly a monitoring guideline and format. Timely and regular monitoring is vital for capturing the effect/impact of project intervention. Therefore it is mandatory to keep timely, authentic and verifiable data and information and prepare the report and send to the Agricultural Technicians in time. Progress report shall be prepared and submitted immediately after the establishment of the demonstration.

6. Signboard for each demo site must be prepared and placed prominently at the demonstration site.

Monitoring Guidelines

1. For each option, the existing farmers’ practice will be used as control variable

and the good practice option introduced as the manipulated variable. Both will be monitored and data and information collected accordingly.


2. Baseline information of farmer/plot will be recorded at the beginning of the demonstration activities which could be used later (preferably at the end of each activity) to compare the results and findings.

3. Soil analysis of each plot/site is mandatory to record the soil condition i.e. the nutrient content and other aspects of the soil as per the situation need and requirement;

4. Monthly rainfall, temperature, humidity and other data can be collected from the nearest reliable sources: in Agromet Station or in the nearest local Weather Station;

5. Monitoring will basically be done to record the quantitative data and appraise qualitative information from the farmers;

6. Monitoring indicators or variables of each option are based on the objective/s of the particular option demonstration; and

7. A farm record must be rigorously maintained at the demo farmer household and the farmer should be facilitated to understand and regularly/periodically record the data and information as per the requirement of the demonstration.


The project initiated the documentation of a wide range of good practices to reduce the risk of hydro-meteorological hazards in the rainfed and upland agroecological zones. The assessment of the selected good practices for the specific pilot area adopted the criteria set by Livelihood Adaptation to Climate Change (LACC) framework.

The documented GP options were presented to the Technical Working Group to

validate and extract from the list, the most suitable GP options for the dry season planting. The following GP options were recommended by the TWG:

1. Small farm reservoir 2. Mulching 3. Tillage practices (minimum

and zero tillage) 4. Coconut leaf pruning 5. Diversified cropping system

(Strip Intercropping)

6. Drought tolerant crops 7. Wide row spacing for rainfall

multiplication 8. Composting 9. Forage and pasture establishment 10. Artificial insemination

1. Small Farm Reservoir (SFR) Technology

Small farm reservoir, an indigenous technology, have been owned and managed by some individual farmers in the provinces of Tarlac, Bulacan, and Nueva Ecija, Central Luzon, for irrigation and fresh water fish production purposes for many years. They consist of an earth dam to trap and store rainfall and runoff. SFRs are much


smaller (about 1,500 m2 pond area and <4 m embankment height) than any other reservoir type, including those used in small water-impounding (SWIM) projects of the Philippines.

Miniponds of 5m x 5m x 2m (length x breadth x depth) are preferred in small

farms. It is also proposed to excavate larger ponds (10m x 10m x 2m) as per requirement and rainwater availability.

Uses of SFRs

In the rainfed areas, SFRs are used to provide supplemental irrigation to rice fields

during wet season (WS), especially during prolonged periods with no rainfall. Water stored in the SFR allows farmers to grow a dry season crop. The water is also used to grow fish, which is an additional source of income for farmers.

Benefits from SFR use Economic studies on the use of SFRs have confirmed their profitability. A study

conducted by Viña et al (1986) has shown that farmers obtained an average increase in annual gross margin of US$258 in 1985 and US$321 in 1986 due to SFR use. The increase was attributed to the use of SFR during the dry season when rainfed farmers normally fallow their fields. Additional income was also derived from fish production.

A study conducted by Guerra et al (1989) of four SFR owners in Tarlac in 1987-88

showed that these farmers increased their annual gross margin by as much as US$180. Benefits are derived from yield increase in the wet season, opportunities for a dry season crop, and fish culture in the SFR. The total benefit represents 60-81% of the initial cost of SFR construction.

Rivera et al (1989) conducted a socioeconomic survey in the same province,

which showed that farmers consider SFRs useful and a stable source of irrigation water. Viña et al (1986) showed that for dry season irrigation, SFRs are at least five times cheaper than other irrigation systems. They also have a comparatively higher benefit-cost ratio and internal rate of return than other types of irrigation systems.

References Guerra L C, Watson P G, Bhuiyan S I(1988) Small farm reservoirs. Technology 10(6): 1-

16. Guerra L C, Watson P G, Bhuiyan S I (1989) Design, construction and maintenance of

small farm reservoir. Paper presented at the 14th Farm Resources and Systems Forum, 26 Oct 1989, PCARRD, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines

Moya T B, dela Viña W C, Bhuiyan S I (1986) The potential of farm reservoir use in increasing productivity in rainfed rice areas. Philipp. J. Crop Sci. II(2):125-132..

Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development. Manual on small farm reservoir. Los Baños Laguna: PCARRD, 1993.


C:\capamano\fao\bu\alley cropping_files\a0100e0n.jpg

2. Mulching

Mulching is the process of spreading

organic mulches from plant residues (leaves, stalks, crowns, roots, straws, woodchips, and sawdust) and synthetic materials (plastic sheets, aluminum foil, kraft paper, and newspaper) over the ground between crop rows or around tree trunks to protect bare soil. Mulches can be classified as transported or in-site and organic or manufactured. Transported mulches are vegetative materials that have been grown and

harvested elsewhere and spread over the ground, while in-site mulches are plants that have completed their life cycle or have withered, because of herbicide prior to crop introduction.


1. Conventional mulching a. reduces soil erosion b. improves moisture retention c. allows buildup of organic materials d. suppresses growth of weed by blocking out sunlight e. serves as insulator that keeps soil cool under intense sunlight and warm

during cold weather

2. Soil mulching a. cuts the roots of the weeds below the ground surface b. cuts soil capillary system minimizing evaporation from soil c. minimizes cracking of lowland rice fields

Limitations 1. Mulches may harbor pests, such as slugs and rodents. 2. May cause nutrient loss deficiency depending on the mulching material used. 3. The amount of biomass of living mulch needs to be regulated, because as it

increases, crop yield decreases, because of competition.

Possible Areas of Application

1. Soil mulches are highly applicable in drought-affected areas. 2. Mulches can be applied in vegetable beds, gardens, orchards and post-rice




Farmers’ Weekly (South Africa). vegetables/120.htm Kabir, Humayun. International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR). Silang

Cavite, 1999. Pangga, G.V. The measurement of residue breakdown rate and its effect on carbon

dynamics and nutrient supply to rice.” PhD Thesis, University of New England, Australia, July 1999.

Rawaswami, P.P.; Kothandaraman,G.V. “Drought management using agro-industrial wastes”. APCC Quarterly Supplement (32):20-26, 1992

3. Tillage Practices (Zero and Minimum Tillage)

Tillage practices refer to zero and minimum tillage that are being done to reduce soil and water losses. It is a land preparation activity done prior to crop planting. Garrity (1998) defines zero tillage as the complete elimination of mechanical seedbed preparation and weed control. It also refers to the practice of sowing crops directly into the residue of the previous crop without cultivation. In contrast, minimum tillage refers to the reduction in the frequency of tillage operation and the degree of cultivation in the crop production systems. Usually, only a single light cultivation of a limited area of the soil surface is used to prepare an area for planting.


1. Lessens the direct impact of raindrops on bare soil, thus minimizing soil erosion 2. Minimizes degradation of organic matter and minimizes damage of soil structure 3. Slows down the mineralization rate leading to more sustained use of nutrients

from the organic matter 4. Lessens labor cost for tillage and weeding 5. Can be practiced in marginal soils that might not otherwise be feasible to



1. Some soils have the tendency to be compacted overtime as a result of no tillage. This is particularly true for soils with low activity and clays that have low organic matter content. Compaction can set in 2-3 years after adopting a no tillage system.


2. Weed growth may overwhelm the main crop thereby, making heavy application of herbicides necessary.


The farmer must consider the nature of soil to avoid problems that may arise, because of no tillage system, particularly the possible compaction that could happen.

Possible Areas of Application 1. Zero and minimum tillage are applicable in both lowland and upland agriculture.

In lowland areas with irrigation problems, the practice allows for moisture conservation.

2. For sloping areas with high risk of soil erosion during intense rainfall, the system provides stability to the soil.

References FAO and IIRR. Resource management for upland areas in Southeast Asia, FARM

Field Document 2. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Bangkok, Thailand and International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Silang Cavite, Philippines, 1995.

Garrity, Dennis P. Conservation tillage: A Southeast Asian perspective. Paper presented during the workshop on Conservation Tillage held in PCARRD, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, 1998.

Hebblethwaile, John F. Conservation tillage: A global perspective. Paper presented during the Workshop on Conservation Tillage held in PCARRD, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, 1998.

Lal, Rattan. “Conservation tillage for sustainable agriculture. Tropics vs. Temperate A Environments”. Advances in Agronomy No. 42, 1984. pp. 183-284.

4. Coconut Leaf Pruning (Source:

Technology Description

Coconut Leaf Pruning (CLP) involves the removal or pruning of coconut leaves to allow adequate sunlight for the normal development and high yield of perennial and annual crops. The technology has several implications on cultural and cropping systems as well as additional income from the sale of pruned leaves and their by- products.



a. Prune leaves of coconut trees from Leaf Rank 19, i.e. supporting the tender “buko” nuts down to the oldest leaf at harvest time using a harvesting pole and scythe. If minimal reduction in nut yield (by 10-15%) is important, CLP from Leaf Rank Nos. 23 or 24 (fronds supporting harvestable bunch) should be done.

Figure. 1. Coconut leaf pruning (CLP) from leaf # 23 (1a) in contrast to no CLP (1b)

b. Maintain coconut leaf pruning every 45 days with about 18 younger leaves left on the upper crown region.

c. Allow about 0.75 cm of leaf fronds (supporting the developing nut/bunches) to remain attached to the trunk.

d. Plant selected intercrops under bearing tall coconut trees with maintained pruned leaves.

Advantages of the Technology

a. It generates additional income from coconut as well as from the intercrops. b. There is a wider choice of marketable short season annuals and perennial crops. c. Higher yields and better growth characters of the intercrops are obtained

resulting in cropping system with high efficiency and higher farm productivity. d. In areas with distinct dry period of 3-6 months with a monthly rainfall of < 100

mm, leaf pruning during nut harvest before the onset of dry season can minimize the adverse effects of drought on the fruit set.

e. In cases where damages of pests occur on lower and older leaves, pruning of these leaves would serve as a mechanical control measure as the operation would likely not affect the physiological activities.



a. CLP is not recommended for very tall coconut trees (about 30 years and older,

about 12 meters and higher). Sunlight transmission under coconut is adequate and difficulty in pruning usually encountered.

b. With long-term CLP from Leaf Rank No. 19 (3 years or longer), reduction in nut and yields by 25% is usually observed, but nut size or copra per nut tends to increase by 10-15%.

5. Diversified Cropping (Strip Intercropping)

Technology Description

Strip intercropping is the practice of producing two or more crops in narrow strips located throughout the length of the field. The strips are wide enough that each can be managed independently, yet narrow enough that each crop can influence the microclimate and yield potential of adjacent crops. Crops are rotated annually.

Advantages of the Technology

Strip intercropping use is normally based on agronomic and/or environmental considerations. Well-managed strip intercropping system results in higher crop yields and greater profitability than monocropping systems. Environmentally, a well-designed system has greater soil and water conservation potential than most monocropping systems.

Beyond its importance as a farming practice, strip intercropping often, offers the possibility of yield advantages relative to sole cropping through yield stability and improved yield. Contributors to yield advantages include; better use of growth resources (Trenbath, 1986) and better control of weeds, pests and diseases (Willey, 1979). It also helps maintaining the soil fertility (Patra et al., 1986), making efficient use of nutrients


(Ahmad & Saeed, 1998) and ensuring economic utilization of land, labor and capital resources (Singh et al., 1996).


Ahmad, N. and M. Saeed, 1998. Resource-use efficiency of some wheat-based intercropping systems at different patterns of wheat plantation. Pakistan J. Agri. Sci., 35: 52–4.

Patra, D.P., M.S. Sachdev and B.V. Subbiah, 1986. Nitrogen fixation by tropical legumes. Fertil. Soils, 2: 165–71.

Singh, G., O.P. Singh, M. Kumar, A.L. Rajput and S. Maurya, 1996. Effect of intercrops on yield and economics, weeds and pest infestation of deep water rice. Ann. Agri. Res., 17: 14–7.

Trenbath, B.R., 1986. Resource use by intercrops. In: Multiple Cropping System. C.A. Francis. MacMillan Pub. Co., New York, pp: 57–81.

Willey, R.W., 1979. Intercropping-its importance and research needs. 1.Ccompetition and yield advantages. Field Crop Absts., 2: 1-10.

6. Drought Tolerant Crops

Drought tolerance refers to the species-specific adaptable capacity of the protoplasm to survive dehydration. Hence, the plant can withstand long periods of dryness or extreme water deficit or drought. There are already drought-tolerant varieties of okra, mungbean, pole sitao, and cassava. Proper planting schedule should, however, be observed to ensure availability of moisture during crop growth.

7. Wide Row Spacing for Rainfall Multiplication

Rainfall multiplication during dry period is the process of maximizing the use of available water for crop production. This involves crop planting with rows spaced three times the conventional spacing, but at higher density within the row. This system enables the sharing of moisture in the adjacent crops and effectively multiplying the rainfall and


conserved moisture through reduced evaporation. Reduced area of planting and planting at higher density enable the maximum utilization of moisture for better crop yield during dry season.

Advantages 1. It enables the farmers to grow and harvest a good crop in a smaller area even

with low rainfall. Limitations 1. It gives relatively lower yield compared with yields with rainfall that satisfies the

total crop requirement. Recommendations 1. Areas with adequate rainfall can also benefit from this technique and increase

their yield, if water is used as efficiently as in this system. Possible Areas of Application 1. Wide row spacing can be done in areas with low rainfall. 2. I can also be applied in areas with a distinct wet and a relatively long dry


8. Composting

Compost fertilizers are plant and animal wastes, which have been degraded through composting. It involves a biological process of rotting organic waste materials, such as rice straws, cogon, grasses, weeds, rice hulls, corn stalks, bagasse, and animal manure to become part of the soil and used as soil amendment or biofertilizer. Compost fertilizers improve the soil’s physical properties that help conserve soil moisture during drought periods. Examples of which are:

1. IBS Rapid Composting Technology ((IBS-UPLB/Dr. Virginia C. Cuevas) 2. Biotech Rapid Composting Technology (National Institute of Molecular

Biology and Biotechnology (BIOTECH-UPLB) / Dr. Bayani M. Espiritu)



1. Contains active microorganisms that help in the degradation of undecomposed materials in the soil thereby, converting nutrients into readily available forms for plant use.

2. Improves the physical condition of soils by promoting soil aggregation and preventing surface crusting, thus, improving water infiltration, plant root penetration and soil aeration.

3. Conserves the nutrients contained in animal manure, sewage sludge, and similar materials.

4. Supplies the plant growth hormones not found in inorganic fertilizers. 5. Increases the buffering capacity of soils and minimizes the adverse effects of soil

acidity and alkalinity. 6. Reduces cost of farm inputs. 7. Lessens the burden of soil tillage. 8. Increases soil porosity and water-holding capacity.


1. Requires large quantities since compost contains low nitrogen, phosphorus and

potassium. 2. Collecting and transporting animal manure is laborious. 3. Lack of water may lengthen decomposition period to 6 weeks or more.

Possible Areas of Application

The use of compost fertilizers is applicable to both upland and lowland agriculture.


Ilao, Rodolfo O. Organic farming through rapid composting technology. Paper

presented during the Muñoz Science Community Seminar Series, CLSU, Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, Sept. 28, 1994.

PCARRD. Make composting easy with Trichoderma. Technology! (10) 5, Los Baños, Laguna: PCARRD, 1987.

9. Forage and Pasture Establishment

Inadequate quality of forage crops is one of the major constraints in a successful livestock operation; especially under backyard condition for it constitutes almost 90% of feeding management derived from roughage feeding. While it is true that small ruminant farming has become an important commodity of the livestock industry, the limited source of quality fodder stock (Rensonii, Desmanthus, Flemingia and Madre de Cacao) hinder its further growth and development.


Proven regional technologies exist whereby animal production per hectare at

ecologically optimum stocking rates from: a) introduced grass pastures can be improved by 25-75% by incorporating a persistent 20-30% legume component; or b) native grasslands in the under 2000 mm rainfall can be increased 3 or 4 fold by establishing the best adapted improved grass/legume suite; or c) native pastures in the >2000mm zones can be at least doubled by replacing, using a range of mechanical and manual approaches with adapted, improved grass/legumes and from d) any weedy pasture can be increased by up to 300% by adopting proven weed management systems. Complimentary Good Practice Options 1. Artificial Insemination

Practical management to lessen adverse effects of hot

weather to reproductive performance should be implemented. It is recommended that swine producers make every effort to keep boars and gilts cool and comfortable during El Niño or hot months to help ensure high conception rates and large litters. Adequate shelter and enough supplemental cooling can also be provided to prevent severe stress. Additional stress must be avoided for maximum animal performance.

Artificial insemination (AI) is a good alternative to

natural breeding, especially during prolonged heat or El Niño episodes. AI was introduced in the country in 1950s and since then it has been widely used by commercial breeders.


1. Applicable even at the peak of heat of the day during El Niño. 2. Less stress on the animals compared to natural breeding.


1. Provide proper ventilation and cooling system to lessen effects of temperature on

the reproductive performance of the animals. Proper ventilation should be provided during semen collection and artificial insemination.

2. Observe the following steps in performing Al: a. Before insemination, clean the genitalia with soap and water, then dry with

tissue paper. b. Use mineral oil or petroleum jelly to lubricate a sterile catheter. c. Grasp the rip of the vulva between the thumb and the forefinger of the free

hand, then pull slightly until it is almost perpendicular to the ground. d. Insert the catheter into the vagina with the point directed slightly upwards

against the superior wall to avoid entrance into the bladder.


e. With a slight thrusting pressure and gentle counterclockwise rotation, thrust the spiral catheter until it locks with the cervix.

f. Deposit the semen collected into the cervix simulating the normal ejaculation process.


Baguio, S.S.; Argañosa. A.S. Technology! Artificial Insemination in Pigs. Los Baños, Laguna.PCARRD, Vol. XVI, No. 2, 1994.

Cabilitazan, E.E. Artificial insemination (AI): Today and future technologies. In: Proceedings 4th Swine Health Short Course. College of Veterinary Medicine. October 11-14, 1995. pp. 116-118.

Fraser, C. M. The Merck Veterinary Manual (6th edition). Management, Husbandry and Nutrition, 1986. pp. 1095, 1091-1092.

Ouconnor, M.L. Dairy heat stress and reproduction. PENpages. Pennsylvania State University , College of Agricultural Sciences, 1998. - (downloaded through the internet).

2. Oyster mushroom production

Bicol Region is a particularly good place for farmers to learn how to grow tropical mushroom. Mushroom cultivation requires low cost of materials and offer quick and higher return of money.

Oyster mushrooms can be grown on

various substrates. Since rice straw is easily available, it can be used. Use fresh, clean, and well-dried straw. Chop the straw into 2.5–5.0-cm-long pieces and then soak them in water for 10–12 hours. Soaking helps to remove surface contamination, and straw absorbs water. After soaking, drain out excess water by spreading the straw on a clean wire mesh or sloping surface.

Chopped straw needs to be sterilized to control mold and for higher production of mushrooms. Sterilization can be done by hot water or chemical treatment. 3. Farm Record Keeping

Farm Record Keeping refers to keeping, filing, categorizing, and maintaining farm financial and production information. It can be accomplished through a variety of methods, from a basic hand record-keeping method to an elaborate computerized system. Developing and using a farm record-keeping system will allow the farmer to make better informed decisions affecting the profitability of the farm. A farmer who


maintains and studies his/her farm records can usually handle farm problems better than one who does not.


1. For easy recall of what happened to the crop even after the season

has ended 2. It facilitates comparison of actual crop results using farmers’ practice

with key checks using best practice 3. It is easier to compute and determine farm income – to determine

whether one is earning or losing 4. It aids in analyzing what went wrong and what went well 5. It provides a basis for future planning

The GP options recommended by the TWG as most suitable were presented and discussed with barangay stakeholders for them to decide the GP options they will adopt. A list of prospective farmers was made in each barangay.

Only two GP options were chosen by the farmer-cooperators for implementation in

the dry season planting. These are coconut leaf pruning and strip intercropping. The options were unanimously chosen by the farmers themselves. The crops to be planted were chosen by the farmer-cooperators. Implementation protocols for the two GP options were developed, translated in Filipino, and were distributed to the cooperators.

A. Coconut Leaf Pruning

Coconut + Root Crop Intercropping

Intercropping root crops under coconut palms is one of the popular CBFS in rural areas in the Philippines, particularly those regularly affected by typhoons (eastern areas facing the South Pacific). Most of these root crop intercropping practices require short period of cropping time, smaller area (vacant spaces between coconut trees), provide additional incomes to coconut farmers and nutritious food for the farming communities.

Among the root crops recommended under CBFS are: cassava, gabi (taro), ubi (yam) sweet potato and ginger under acceptable ages of 1-6 years and 26–60 years-old trees. These intercrops can be intercropped in spaces under the inter-rows of coconut (8–10 m, square and triangular planting arrangements) as well. Spacing followed are: 1) cassava –


0.75–1.0 m (rows) and 0.50–0.75 m (hills); 2) sweet potato – 0.75–1.0m (rows) and 0.25– 0.50 m (hills).

Socio-Economic Benefits

1. Its nutritive value and health benefits are: a) Cassava – rich in carbohydrates

(starch), Ca, vitamin A, C, and energy calories; b) Sweet potato – cheap and excellent source of vitamin A, beta carotene, Ca and P, and moderate source of thiamine and iron; and c) Ginger – food product, as flavoring agent and herbal supplement.

2. More than food products, these root crops can be used for: a) cassava - industrial applications; b) sweet potato – livestock feeds, flour, starch, and pectin. Flour is further processed into fermented products and alcohol;

1. Sweet Potato 1. Variety • SP 15, SP 21, SP 30

2. Land preparation

• Plow and harrow the soil twice or until soil is loose and

friable. • Form ridges of about 30 centimeters high by using a

carabao-drawn mold-board plow with a distance of about 100 centimeters between ridges.

3. Planting • Before planting, soak the vines in Ditane at the rate of 1

tbsp per 16 liters of water. • Plant vine at one cutting per hill diagonally on top of ridges

during the rainy season to prevent the crop from being soaked under water, or in the furrows during dry season so that moisture reserve in the soil can be utilized by the crop.

• Expose 2-3 leaves at the tip at a distance of 25 cms between hills.

4. Fertilizer application • Apply 14-14-4 at the rate of 8 grams per hill at planting time

at 8-10 centimeters from the base of the plant cover subsequently with soil.

5. Weeding and

cultivation • If weeds are abundant, shallow cultivation is done 10-12

days after planting. • Hilling-up cultivation is done at 25-30 days after planting.

6. Harvesting • Most of the recommended varieties are ready for the

harvest 110-130 days after planting (DAP). • Harvesting can be determined by root sampling and if

desired size has been attained, harvesting can be done anytime.

• Before harvesting, cut and roll the vines like a mat, fork, hoe


or, pass a plow below the ridges, then hand pick the roots. Handle the roots carefully to minimize injury.

• Sort out damaged or bruise roots from undamaged ones.

2. Cassava 1. Variety • Golden Yellow

2. Land preparation

• Prepare field by plowing two to three times, followed by

harrowing when there is enough soil moisture. Make ridges with 15-20 cm high and 75-100 cm distance between furrows.

3. Planting • Plant cuttings in furrows one meter apart, each cutting set at 0.75 to 1 meter apart between ridges and 0.50 to 0.75 cm between hills.

• Plant in a slanting position at an angle of 45 when the soil is fairly dry, and in vertical position when planting is done during the wet season, at least 15 cm of the cutting should be buried or covered with soil.

• Replant missing hills 2 weeks after planting.

4. Fertilizer application • Apply 14-14-14 at the rate of 175 grams one month after planting 10 centimeters depth and 20 centimeters away from the base of the plant and cover subsequently with soil. The use of compost or organic fertilizer is highly recommended.

5. Weeding and

cultivation • At least 80% of failed cropping of cassava is due to

inadequate weeding. • Cultivate when weeds begin to grow. Weed the plant within

two (2) months after planting. If possible, do off barring and spot weeding 3-4 weeks after planting to effectively control weeds.

• Then weed the plant 4-5 weeks after planting. Hill-up ridges 7-8 weeks after planting followed by spot weeding.

6. Harvesting • Cassava is a highly perishable crop. It starts to deteriorate

as early as one to three days after harvest see harvest cassava at the right time and in the proper way. To prolong its shell-life, store it properly.

• Harvest cassava at full maturity or 6-7 months after planting. Harvesting too early results in low yield and poor eating quality.


• Do not harvest cassava right after a heavy rain or when the soil is too wet.

3. Squash

Squash is a rich of vitamin A in amount comparable to the degree of yellow color. The young shoots, flowers and fruits are used as vegetables. It is palatable when cooked alone or in combination with other vegetables, fish and meat. Matured can be made into pies and other delicacies. In addition, seeds of mature fruits can be boiled in slated water, dried like watermelon seeds, roasted and used as snack food.

1. Variety • Rizalina

2. Land preparation

• Squash can be grown with minimum tillage. Clear area and

dig holes at appropriate distances. • Under partial shade or when intercropped with coconut, a

wider spacing of 4 - 5 m between hills can be practiced. 3. Planting • Prepare adjacent beds 75-100 cm wide. The double bed

where the vines will be trained should be 5-7 m apart. • Plant either by direct sowing to plots or containers, or

transplanting. In direct seeding, 2-3 seeds/hill at a depth of 2-3 cm with a distance of 2-3 m between rows and 1 m between hills.

• Incorporate decomposed animal manure and other compost materials to the soil to improve soil structure. Apply mulch to minimize weeds and to maintain adequate soil moisture.

4. Crop establishment • Thin the weak seedlings when the first true leaf has developed and leave two vigorous plants per hill.

• Train the vines to crawl in a direction going inside the plot so that these will be evenly distributed over the area. Properly trained vines help prevent growth of weeds in the plot, because the thick leaves will shade the ground.

• To increase fruit setting when insect pollinators are few, hand pollinate by inserting the male flower of the same age to the female flower between 6:00 and 8:00 in the morning.

• Thin some lateral vine near the fully developed fruits. Remove all deformed fruits while still small to avoid nutrient competition. Place 5-6 cm thick of rice straw beneath the good fruits or lay bedding materials made of knitted bamboo if there are available bamboo to prevent rotting of the fruits.

5. Fertilizer application • At planting, apply 1-2 kg per hill of well-decomposed manure or compost. Apply complete fertilizer (14-14-14) at 20-30 g/hill. Side-dress with 10-20 g of 1:1 mixture of urea (46-0-0) and muriate of potash (0-0-60) every 2-4 weeks


depending on plant growth.

6. Pest and Disease Management

• Squash is susceptible to cucurbit beetle and cutworms. To control, spread wood ash or rice hull ash on the leaves. Another major pest is fruit fly.

• The common disease of squash are bacterial wilt, downy mildew, powdery mildew, little leaf, squash leaf curl and watermelon mosaic virus. Bacterial wilt can be minimized through the use of compost and animal manure. Using resistant or tolerant varieties such as Rizalina, and through strict sanitation best controls the mildews and viruses.

7. Harvesting • Harvest just before fruits are fully ripe or when the peduncle

starts to dry up. It is best to harvest the fruits with a portion of the peduncle attached to prolong storage life.

• Avoid cutting fruits from the vines if it cannot be marketed immediately.


B. Strip Intercropping

1. Squash-Pole sitao 1. Land preparation

• Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing twice, each plowing

followed by one harrowing. Thorough land preparation minimizes growth of weeds, enhances water retention and ensures good germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

2. Planting Note: One double row of squash and four rows of pole sitao

Squash • Prepare adjacent beds 75-100 cm wide. The double

bed where the vines will be trained should be 5-7 m apart.

• Plant either by direct sowing to plots or containers, or transplanting. In direct seeding, 2-3 seeds/hill at a depth of 2-3 cm with a distance of 2-3 m between rows and 1 m between hills.

• Incorporate decomposed animal manure and other compost materials to the soil to improve soil structure. Apply mulch to minimize weeds and to maintain adequate soil moisture.

Pole sitao • Space the furrows with 100 cm interval

• Sow 2-3 seeds per hill 30-40 cm apart (10-12 kg of seeds are needed per hectare).

• Plant in furrows during dry season and in ridge during wet season.

• Cover the seed with a thin layer of fine soil.

3. Crop establishment Squash • Thin the weak seedlings when the first true leaf has

developed and leave two vigorous plants per hill. • Train the vines to crawl in a direction going inside the

plot so that these will be evenly distributed over the area. Properly trained vines help prevent growth of weeds in the plot, because the thick leaves will shade the ground.

• To increase fruit setting when insect pollinators are few, hand pollinate by inserting the male flower of the same age to the female flower between 6:00 and 8:00 in the morning.

• Thin some lateral vine near the fully developed fruits. Remove all deformed fruits while still small to avoid


nutrient competition. Place 5-6 cm thick of rice straw beneath the good fruits or lay bedding materials made of knitted bamboo if there are available bamboo to prevent rotting of the fruits.

Pole sitao • Construct a side trellis as soon as the seed

germinates. • Layout 2.5m long and 2-2.5 cm wide ipil-ipil, bamboo,

or kakawate poles 3-4 m apart within the rows. • Connect the poles horizontally by wire (#16 or #18) at

the top, middle and bottom portions in every row. • Tie the top wire to the stakes at the end of the rows to

make the poles stable. • Cut abaca twine or synthetic straw and tie them

vertically from the top to bottom wires in every hill.

4. Fertilizer application Squash • At planting, apply 1-2 kg per hill of well-decomposed

manure or compost. Apply complete fertilizer (14-14-14) at 20-30 g/hill. Side-dress with 10-20 g of 1:1 mixture of urea (46-0-0) and muriate of potash (0-0-60) every 2-4 weeks depending on plant growth.

• Use lower rates of urea if the plants are too vigorous. Wood ash and rice hull ash can also be used as source of potassium.

Pole sitao • Before planting, apply uniformly 10 kgs of 14-14-14

and 2 sacks of organic fertilizer

5. Weeding and cultivation

Pole sitao • Remove the weeds around the plants 2 weeks from

seedling emergence until fruiting stage. • Perform spot weeding. • Cut-off the weeds in between the rows by using a

scythe. • Mulch with rice straw to control weeds and conserve

soil moisture.

6. Pest and diseases Squash • Squash is susceptible to cucurbit beetle and cutworms.

To control, spread wood ash or rice hull ash on the leaves. Another major pest is fruit fly.

• The common disease of squash are bacterial wilt, downy mildew, powdery mildew, little leaf, squash leaf curl and watermelon mosaic virus. Bacterial wilt can be


minimized through the use of compost and animal manure. Using resistant or tolerant varieties such as Rizalina, and through strict sanitation best controls the mildews and viruses.

Pole sitao • Use insecticide only when needed and do not use

insecticide with red or yellow lines when the plants begin to bear pods.

• For pod borer and aphids, spray with native hot pepper juice mixed with water (100g of pepper per 16 liters of water).

7. Harvesting Squash

• Harvest just before fruits are fully ripe or when the peduncle starts to dry up. It is best to harvest the fruits with a portion of the peduncle attached to prolong storage life.

• Avoid cutting fruits from the vines if it cannot be marketed immediately.

Pole sitao • Harvest the pods 7-10 days after the flowers have

dried up. • Harvest every 2-4 days to prolong flowering at fruiting

of the plants.


2. Squash-Eggplant 1. Land preparation

• Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing twice, each plowing

followed by one harrowing. Thorough land preparation minimizes growth of weeds, enhances water retention and ensures good germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

2. Seedling production Eggplant • Prepare five seedbed measuring 1 x 1 m each.

Incorporate 1 kg fully decomposed chicken manure and 300 g carbonized rice hull/m2.

• Wet the seedbed and make shallow line 5 in a part. Sow thinly 20-25 g of seeds and cover lightly with soil.

• Mulch with rice hull or chopped rice straw. Provide partial shade during the dry season and rain shelter during the wet season. Water regularly.

• Harden seedlings one week before transplanting by decreasing the frequency of watering and by exposing fully to sunlight to minimize transplant shock. Transplant at four weeks after emergence.

3. Planting/ Transplanting

Note: One double row of squash and four rows of eggplant

Squash • Prepare adjacent beds 75-100 cm wide. The double

bed where the vines will be trained should be 5-7 m apart.

• Plant either by direct sowing to plots or containers, or transplanting. In direct seeding, 2-3 seeds/hill at a depth of 2-3 cm with a distance of 2-3 m between rows and 1 m between hills.

• Incorporate decomposed animal manure and other compost materials to the soil to improve soil structure. Apply mulch to minimize weeds and to maintain adequate soil moisture.

Eggplant • Make furrows 1 m apart. Spread fully decomposed

manure along rows at 1 kg/linear meter or 500g/hill. Apply complete fertilizer (14-14-14) at 10-5g/hill and cover lightly with soil.

• Irrigate area before transplanting. Plant 1 seedling/hill at a distance of 50-100 cm depending on variety.

4. Crop establishment Squash

• Thin the weak seedlings when the first true leaf has


developed and leave two vigorous plants per hill. • Train the vines to crawl in a direction going inside the

plot so that these will be evenly distributed over the area. Properly trained vines help prevent growth of weeds in the plot, because the thick leaves will shade the ground.

• To increase fruit setting when insect pollinators are few, hand pollinate by inserting the male flower of the same age to the female flower between 6:00 and 8:00 in the morning.

• Thin some lateral vine near the fully developed fruits. Remove all deformed fruits while still small to avoid nutrient competition. Place 5-6 cm thick of rice straw beneath the good fruits or lay bedding materials made of knitted bamboo if there are available bamboo to prevent rotting of the fruits.

Eggplant • Provide 1 m long stake to prevent lodging. Irrigate by

furrow every 7-14 days depending on the season and the soil type.

5. Fertilizer application Squash

• At planting, apply 1-2 kg per hill of well-decomposed manure or compost. Apply complete fertilizer (14-14-14) at 20-30 g/hill. Side-dress with 10-20 g of 1:1 mixture of urea (46-0-0) and muriate of potash (0-0-60) every 2-4 weeks depending on plant growth.

• Use lower rates of urea if the plants are too vigorous. Wood ash and rice hull ash can also be used as source of potassium.

Eggplant • Sidedress with 46-0-0 at 10g/hill every two weeks

during the vegetative stage. Use equal parts 46-0-0 and 0-0-60 at the start of fruiting.

6. Weeding and

cultivation Eggplant • Weed two-three times during growing season, or as

necessary. Use plastic mulch to minimize weed growth and maintain uniform soil moisture.

7. Pest and diseases Squash

• Squash is susceptible to cucurbit beetle and cutworms. To control, spread wood ash or rice hull ash on the leaves. Another major pest is fruit fly.

• The common disease of squash are bacterial wilt,


downy mildew, powdery mildew, little leaf, squash leaf curl and watermelon mosaic virus. Bacterial wilt can be minimized through the use of compost and animal manure. Using resistant or tolerant varieties, such as Rizalina, and through strict sanitation best controls the mildews and viruses.

Eggplant • Plant aromatic crops, such as marigold, ginger,

basil, lemon grass and aliums to repel insects. Grow flowering plant like sunflower, cosmos and zinnia as border rows to attract beneficial insects.

8. Harvesting Squash

• Harvest just before fruits are fully ripe or when the peduncle starts to dry up. It is best to harvest the fruits with a portion of the peduncle attached to prolong storage life.

• Avoid cutting fruits from the vines if it cannot be marketed immediately.

Eggplant • Harvest mature fruits which are shiny and still

soft. More frequent harvest can reduce damage from fruit borers. harvest all fruits including deformed and damaged one to prevent spreads of pest and diseases. Harvesting can last for 3-6 months.


3. Squash-Tomato 1. Land preparation

• Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing twice, each plowing

followed by one harrowing. Thorough land preparation minimizes growth of weeds, enhances water retention and ensures good germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

2. Seedling production Tomato • Prepare seedbeds 50 cm in width at any convenient

length in an area fully exposed to sunlight. Pulverize soil thoroughly and add well-decomposed compost or animal manure at the rate of about 1-2 kg/m2. To minimize or prevent damping-off disease and insect pest damage, sterilize the soil by burning rice hull or rice straw on top of the seedbed for 4-5 hours. Alternatively, drench with a combination of fungicide and insecticide following the manufacturer's recommended rates.

• Prepare horizontal rows spaced 5 cm apart. Sow 50-100 seeds/row and cover the seeds thinly with fine soil. A 1,000 m2 requires 15-20 g seeds. Cover the seedbed with a thin layer of rice straw mulch to minimize water loss. Water the seedbed daily or when necessary. Seedlings will germinate 3-6 days after sowing depending on the soil temperature.

3. Planting/ Transplanting

Note: One double row of squash and four rows of tomato

Squash • Prepare adjacent beds 75-100 m wide. The double bed

where the vines will be trained should be 5-7 m apart. • Plant either by direct sowing to plots or containers, or

transplanting. In direct seeding, 2-3 seeds/hill at a depth of 2-3 cm with a distance of 2-3 m between rows and 1 m between hills.

• Incorporate decomposed animal manure and other compost materials to the soil to improve soil structure. Apply mulch to minimize weeds and to maintain adequate soil moisture.

Tomato • Transplant the most vigorous, stocky and disease-free

transplants with 3-5 true leaves. Plant 1-2 seedlings/hill at a spacing of 40 cm between hills.

• To minimize transplanting shock, transplant the seedlings late in the afternoon. Press the soil firmly


around the root. Irrigate water the plants lightly immediately after transplanting. Replant missing hills immediately.

4. Crop establishment Squash • Thin the weak seedlings when the first true leaf has

developed and leave two vigorous plants per hill. • Train the vines to crawl in a direction going inside the

plot so that these will be evenly distributed over the area. Properly trained vines help prevent growth of weeds in the plot because the thick leaves will shade the ground.

• To increase fruit setting when insect pollinators are few, hand pollinate by inserting the male flower of the same age to the female flower between 6:00 and 8:00 in the morning.

• Thin some lateral vine near the fully developed fruits. Remove all deformed fruits while still small to avoid nutrient competition. Place 5-6 cm thick of rice straw beneath the good fruits or lay bedding materials made of knitted bamboo if there are available bamboo to prevent rotting of the fruits.

Tomato • Bamboo or ipil-ipil can be used as trellis posts, while

synthetic straw and nylon can be used in tying and vine training. The use of trellis reduces losses due to rotting of fruits especially during wet season and facilitates harvesting.

5. Fertilizer application Squash

• At planting, apply 1-2 kg per hill of well-decomposed manure or compost. Apply complete fertilizer (14-14-14) at 20-30 g/hill. Side-dress with 10-20 g of 1:1 mixture of urea (46-0-0) and muriate of potash (0-0-60) every 2-4 weeks depending on plant growth.

• Use lower rates of urea if the plants are too vigorous. Wood ash and rice hull ash can also be used as source of potassium.

Tomato • One to two days before transplanting, apply 1 tbsp

(10g) per hill complete fertilizer 914-14-14). Mix thoroughly with the soil.

• The first side dressing can be done 30 days after transplanting by mixing two parts urea (46-0-0) and one part muriate of potash (0-0-60). Apply 1 tbsp (10 g)


per hill of this mixture 6-8 cm away from the base of the seedlings in bands.

• Side-dress using the same mixture and rate two weeks later.

6. Weeding and

cultivation Tomato • Weed two-three times during growing season, or as

necessary. Use plastic mulch to minimize weed growth and maintain uniform soil moisture.

7. Pest and diseases Squash

• Squash is susceptible to cucurbit beetle and cutworms. To control, spread wood ash or rice hull ash on the leaves. Another major pest is fruit fly.

• The common disease of squash are bacterial wilt, downy mildew, powdery mildew, little leaf, squash leaf curl and watermelon mosaic virus. Bacterial wilt can be minimized through the use of compost and animal manure. Using resistant or tolerant varieties, such as Rizalina, and through strict sanitation best controls the mildews and viruses

Tomato • Plant aromatic crops such as marigold, ginger,

basil, lemon grass and aliums to repel insects. Grow flowering plant like sunflower, cosmos and zinnia as border rows to attract beneficial insects.

8. Harvesting Squash

• Harvest just before fruits are fully ripe or when the peduncle starts to dry up. It is best to harvest the fruits with a portion of the peduncle attached to prolong storage life.

• Avoid cutting fruits from the vines if it cannot be marketed immediately.

Tomato • Harvest tomato fruits at mature green or breaker stage

preferably early in the morning. Place the fruits in bamboo crates (kaing) lined with banana leaves or used newspaper to prevent mechanical damage


4. Squash-Snap bean 1. Land preparation

• Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing twice, each plowing

followed by one harrowing. Thorough land preparation minimizes growth of weeds, enhances water retention and ensures good germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

2. Planting Note: One double row of squash and four rows of snap bean

Squash • Prepare adjacent beds 75-100 m wide. The double bed

where the vines will be trained should be 5-7 m apart. • Plant either by direct sowing to plots or containers, or

transplanting. In direct seeding, 2-3 seeds/hill at a depth of 2-3 cm with a distance of 2-3 m between rows and 1 m between hills.

• Incorporate decomposed animal manure and other compost materials to the soil to improve soil structure. Apply mulch to minimize weeds and to maintain adequate soil moisture.

Snap bean • Space the furrows with 75-100 cm interval

• Sow 2-3 seeds per hill 30 cm apart • Plant in furrows during dry season and in ridge during

wet season. • Cover the seed with a thin layer of fine soil.

3. Crop establishment Squash • Thin the weak seedlings when the first true leaf has

developed and leave two vigorous plants per hill. • Train the vines to crawl in a direction going inside the

plot so that these will be evenly distributed over the area. Properly trained vines help prevent growth of weeds in the plot because the thick leaves will shade the ground.

• To increase fruit setting when insect pollinators are few, hand pollinate by inserting the male flower of the same age to the female flower between 6:00 and 8:00 in the morning.

• Thin some lateral vine near the fully developed fruits. Remove all deformed fruits while still small to avoid nutrient competition. Place 5-6 cm thick of rice straw beneath the good fruits or lay bedding materials made of knitted bamboo if there are available bamboo to


prevent rotting of the fruits.

Snap bean • Construct A-type or fence type trellis using bamboo

sticks or wire #16 and plastic twine for vine development.

4. Fertilizer application Squash • At planting, apply 1-2 kg per hill of well-decomposed

manure or compost. Apply complete fertilizer (14-14-14) at 20-30 g/hill. Side-dress with 10-20 g of 1:1 mixture of urea (46-0-0) and muriate of potash (0-0-60) every 2-4 weeks depending on plant growth.

• Use lower rates of urea if the plants are too vigorous. Wood ash and rice hull ash can also be used as source of potassium.

Snap bean • Before planting, apply uniformly 10 kgs of 14-14-14

and 2 sacks of organic • Sidedress 15 kgs of 14-14-14 30 days after planting

6. Weeding and cultivation

Snap bean • Pull out weeds regularly up to 3rd week.

• Hill-up after 3-4 weeks to cover the sidedress fertilizer and to suppress weed growth.

• Spot weeding is recommended.

7. Pest and diseases Squash • Squash is susceptible to cucurbit beetle and cutworms.

To control, spread wood ash or rice hull ash on the leaves. Another major pest is fruit fly.

• The common disease of squash are bacterial wilt, downy mildew, powdery mildew, little leaf, squash leaf curl and watermelon mosaic virus. Bacterial wilt can be minimized through the use of compost and animal manure. Using resistant or tolerant varieties such as Rizalina, and through strict sanitation best controls the mildews and viruses.

Snap bean • Spray appropriate insecticide for bean fly, aphids and

leaf hopper.

8. Harvesting Squash • Harvest just before fruits are fully ripe or when the

peduncle starts to dry up. It is best to harvest the fruits


with a portion of the peduncle attached to prolong storage life.

• Avoid cutting fruits from the vines if it cannot be marketed immediately.

Snap bean • Snap bean can be harvested 60-70 days after planting

and can be handpick 3-5 days interval up to 10 harvest.

• Harvest early in the morning (6-8 am) before the heat of the sun becomes intense to avoid weight loss.


5. Hot pepper-Tomato 1. Land preparation

• Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing twice, each plowing

followed by one harrowing. Thorough land preparation minimizes growth of weeds, enhances water retention and ensures good germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

2. Seedling production Tomato and Hot pepper • Prepare seedbeds 50 cm in width at any convenient

length in an area fully exposed to sunlight. Pulverize soil thoroughly and add well-decomposed compost or animal manure at the rate of about 1-2 kg/m2. To minimize or prevent damping-off disease and insect pest damage, sterilize the soil by burning rice hull or rice straw on top of the seedbed for 4-5 hours. Alternatively, drench with a combination of fungicide and insecticide following the manufacturer's recommended rates.

• Prepare horizontal rows spaced 5 cm apart. Separately sow 50-100 seeds/row of hot pepper and tomato and cover the seeds thinly with fine soil. A 1,000 m2

requires 15-20 g seeds. Cover the seedbed with a thin layer of rice straw mulch to minimize water loss. Water the seedbed daily or when necessary. Seedlings will germinate 3-6 days after sowing depending on the soil temperature.

3. Transplanting Note: Four rows of hot pepper and four rows of tomato

Hot pepper • For small areas, make plots 75-100 cm wide for two-

row/plot planting. • Apply basally 12 g of complete fertilizer (14-14-14) in

each hole. Application of 250 g of compost per hole is also recommended. This will maintain the good texture and condition of the soil aside from supplementing its fertility.

• Transplant during cool weather or in the afternoon when the sun is not too hot to avoid seedling shock. Transplant at a spacing of 40 cm between hills.

Tomato • Transplant the most vigorous, stocky & disease-free

transplants with 3-5 true leaves. Plant 1-2 seedlings/hill at a spacing of 40 cm between hills.

• To minimize transplanting shock, transplant the


seedlings late in the afternoon. Press the soil firmly around the root. Irrigate water the plants lightly immediately after transplanting. Replant missing hills immediately.

4. Crop establishment Hot pepper • Use mulch to control weeds and promote better

growth. Rice hull, rice straw or plastic may be used.

Tomato • Bamboo or ipil-ipil can be used as trellis posts, while

synthetic straw and nylon can be used in tying and vine training. The use of trellis reduces losses due to rotting of fruits especially during wet season and facilitates harvesting.

5. Fertilizer application Hot pepper

Sidedress 1 part urea and 1 part muriate of potash at the rate of 10 g/hill, 10 days after transplanting. Sidedress 1 part urea and 1 part muriate of potash at the rate of 10 g/hill, 30 days after transplanting. Repeat application of 1 part urea and 1 part muriate of potash, 50 days after transplanting at the same rate.

Cultivation between the plant rows when the weeds are just starting to emerge. Three to four alternate off-baring and hilling-up are recommended to attain maximum yield control.

Tomato • One to two days before transplanting, apply 1 tbsp

(10g) per hill complete fertilizer (14-14-14). Mix thoroughly with the soil.

• The first side dressing can be done 30 days after transplanting by mixing two parts urea (46-0-0) and one part muriate of potash (0-0-60). Apply 1 tbsp (10 g) per hill of this mixture 6-8 cm away from the base of the seedlings in bands.

• Side-dress using the same mixture and rate two weeks later.

6. Weeding and

cultivation Hot pepper and tomato • Weed two-three times during growing season, or as

necessary. Use plastic mulch to minimize weed growth and maintain uniform soil moisture.


7. Pest and diseases Hot pepper • The major insect pests of pepper are thrips, mites,

armyworm, fruit fly and shoot borers. Thrips is a problem during the dry season and can be managed by overhead irrigation. Removing damaged fruits and shoots can manage shoot and fruit borer.

Tomato • Plant aromatic crops such as marigold, ginger,

basil, lemon grass and aliums to repel insects. Grow flowering plant like sunflower, cosmos and zinnia as border rows to attract beneficial insects.

8. Harvesting Hot pepper

• Harvest mature green or fully ripened red fruits. Pack in plastic crates, cartons, or bamboo crates lined with banana leaves.

Tomato • Harvest tomato fruits at mature green or breaker stage

preferably early in the morning. Place the fruits in bamboo crates (kaing) lined with banana leaves or used newspaper to prevent mechanical damage.


6. Snap bean-Tomato 1. Land preparation

• Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing twice, each plowing

followed by one harrowing. Thorough land preparation minimizes growth of weeds, enhances water retention and ensures good germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

2. Seedling production Tomato • Prepare seedbeds 50 cm in width at any convenient

length in an area fully exposed to sunlight. Pulverize soil thoroughly and add well-decomposed compost or animal manure at the rate of about 1-2 kg/m2. To minimize or prevent damping-off disease and insect pest damage, sterilize the soil by burning rice hull or rice straw on top of the seedbed for 4-5 hours. Alternatively, drench with a combination of fungicide and insecticide following the manufacturer's recommended rates.

• Prepare horizontal rows spaced 5 cm apart. Separately sow 50-100 seeds/row of hot pepper and tomato and cover the seeds thinly with fine soil. A 1,000 m2

requires 15-20 g seeds. Cover the seedbed with a thin layer of rice straw mulch to minimize water loss. Water the seedbed daily or when necessary. Seedlings will germinate 3-6 days after sowing depending on the soil temperature.

3. Planting/ Transplanting

Note: Four rows of snap bean and four rows of tomato

Snap bean • Space the furrows with 75-100 cm interval.

• Sow 2-3 seeds per hill 30 cm apart. • Plant in furrows during dry season and in ridge during

wet season. • Cover the seed with a thin layer of fine soil.

Tomato • Transplant the most vigorous, stocky and disease-free

transplants with 3-5 true leaves. Plant 1-2 seedlings/hill at a spacing of 40 cm between hills.

• To minimize transplanting shock, transplant the seedlings late in the afternoon. Press the soil firmly around the root. Irrigate water the plants lightly immediately after transplanting. Replant missing hills immediately.


4. Crop establishment Snap bean • Construct A-type or fence type trellis using bamboo

sticks or wire #16 and plastic twine for vine development.

Tomato • Bamboo or ipil-ipil can be used as trellis posts, while

synthetic straw and nylon can be used in tying and vine training. The use of trellis reduces losses due to rotting of fruits especially during wet season and facilitates harvesting.

5. Fertilizer application Snap bean

• Before planting, apply uniformly 10 kgs of 14-14-14 and 2 sacks of organic fertilizer

• Sidedress 15 kgs of 14-14-14 30 days after planting

Tomato • One to two days before transplanting, apply 1 tbsp

(10g) per hill complete fertilizer (14-14-14). Mix thoroughly with the soil.

• The first side dressing can be done 30 days after transplanting by mixing two parts urea (46-0-0) and one part muriate of potash (0-0-60). Apply 1 tbsp (10 g) per hill of this mixture 6-8 cm away from the base of the seedlings in bands.

• Side-dress using the same mixture and rate two weeks later.

6. Weeding and

cultivation Snap bean • Pull out weeds regularly up to 3rd week

• Hill-up after 3-4 weeks to cover the sidedress fertilizer and to suppress weed growth.

• Spot weeding is recommended.

Tomato • Weed two-three times during growing season, or as

necessary. Use plastic mulch to minimize weed growth and maintain uniform soil moisture.

7. Pest and diseases Snap bean

• Spray appropriate insecticide for bean fly, aphids and leaf hopper.

Tomato • Plant aromatic crops such as marigold, ginger,

basil, lemon grass and aliums to repel insects. Grow


flowering plant like sunflower, cosmos and zinnia as border rows to attract beneficial insects.

8. Harvesting Snap bean

• Snap bean can be harvested 60-70 days after planting and can be handpick 3-5 days interval up to 10 harvest.

• Harvest early in the morning (6-8 am) before the heat of the sun becomes intense to avoid weight loss.

Tomato • Harvest tomato fruits at mature green or breaker stage

preferably early in the morning. Place the fruits in bamboo crates (kaing) lined with banana leaves or used newspaper to prevent mechanical damage.


7. Snap bean-Eggplant 1. Land preparation

• Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing twice, each plowing

followed by one harrowing. Thorough land preparation minimizes growth of weeds, enhances water retention and ensures good germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

2. Seedling production Eggplant • Prepare five seedbed measuring 1 x 1 m each.

Incorporate 1 kg fully decomposed chicken manure and 300 g carbonized rice hull/m2.

• Wet the seedbed and make shallow line 5 in a part. Sow thinly 20-25 g of seeds and cover lightly with soil.

• Mulch with rice hull or chopped rice straw. Provide partial shade during the dry season and rain shelter during the wet season. Water regularly.

• Harden seedlings one week before transplanting by decreasing the frequency of watering and by exposing fully to sunlight to minimize transplant shock. Transplant at four weeks after emergence.

3. Planting/ Transplanting

Note: Four rows of snap bean and four rows of eggplant

Snap bean • Space the furrows with 75-100 cm interval.

• Sow 2-3 seeds per hill 30 cm apart. • Plant in furrows during dry season and in ridge during

wet season. • Cover the seed with a thin layer of fine soil.

Eggplant • Make furrows 1 m apart. Spread fully decomposed

manure along rows at 1 kg/linear meter or 500g/hill. Apply complete fertilizer (14-14-14) at 10-15g/hill and cover lightly with soil.

• Irrigate area before transplanting. Plant 1 seedling/hill at a distance of 0.5-1.0 m depending on variety.

3. Crop establishment Snap bean • Construct A-type or fence type trellis using bamboo

sticks or wire #16 and plastic twine for vine development.

Eggplant • Provide 1 m- long stake to prevent lodging. Irrigate by

furrow every 7-14 days depending on the season and the soil type.


5. Fertilizer application Snap bean

• Before planting, apply uniformly 10 kgs of 14-14-14 and 2 sacks of organic fertilizer

• Sidedress 15 kgs of 14-14-14 30 days after planting

Eggplant • Sidedress with 46-0-0 at 10g/hill every two weeks

during the vegetative stage. Use equal parts 46-0-0 and 0-0-60 at the start of fruiting.

6. Weeding and

cultivation Snap bean • Pull out weeds regularly up to 3rd week.

• Hill-up after 3-4 weeks to cover the sidedress fertilizer and to suppress weed growth.

• Spot weeding is recommended.

Eggplant • Weed two-three times during growing season, or as

necessary. Use plastic mulch to minimize weed growth and maintain uniform soil moisture.

7. Pest and diseases Snap bean

• Spray appropriate insecticide for bean fly, aphids and leaf hopper.

Eggplant • Plant aromatic crops such as marigold, ginger,

basil, lemon grass and aliums to repel insects. Grow flowering plant like sunflower, cosmos and zinnia as border rows to attract beneficial insects.

8. Harvesting Snap bean

• Snap bean can be harvested 60-70 days after planting and can be handpick 3-5 days interval up to 10 harvest.

• Harvest early in the morning (6-8 am) before the heat of the sun becomes intense to avoid weight loss.


• Harvest mature fruits which are shiny and still soft. More frequent harvest can reduce damage from fruit borers. harvest all fruits including deformed and damaged one to prevent spreads of pest and diseases. Harvesting can last for 3-6 months.


8. Eggplant-Pole sitao

1. Land preparation

• Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing twice, each plowing

followed by one harrowing. Thorough land preparation minimizes growth of weeds, enhances water retention and ensures good germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

2. Seedling production Eggplant • Prepare five seedbed measuring 1 x 1 m each.

Incorporate 1 kg fully decomposed chicken manure and 300 g carbonized rice hull/m2.

• Wet the seedbed and make shallow line 5 in a part. Sow thinly 20-25 g of seeds and cover lightly with soil.

• Mulch with rice hull or chopped rice straw. Provide partial shade during the dry season and rain shelter during the wet season. Water regularly.

• Harden seedlings one week before transplanting by decreasing the frequency of watering and by exposing fully to sunlight to minimize transplant shock. Transplant at four weeks after emergence.

3. Planting/ Transplanting

Note: One double row of squash and four rows of pole sitao.

Eggplant • Make furrows 1m apart. Spread fully decomposed

manure along rows at 1 kg/linear meter or 500g/hill. Apply complete fertilizer (14-14-14) at 10 -5g/hill and cover lightly with soil.

• Irrigate area before transplanting. Plant 1 seedling/hill at a distance of 50-100 m depending on variety.

Pole sitao • Space the furrows with 100 cm interval.

• Sow 2-3 seeds per hill 30-40 cm apart (10-12 kg of seeds are needed per hectare).

• Plant in furrows during dry season and in ridge during wet season.

• Cover the seed with a thin layer of fine soil.

4. Crop establishment Eggplant • Provide 1 m- long stake to prevent lodging. Irrigate by

furrow every 7-14 days depending on the season and the soil type.


Pole sitao • Construct a side trellis as soon as the seed

germinates. • Layout 2.5m long and 2-2.5 cm wide ipil-ipil, bamboo,

or kakawate poles 3-4 m apart within the rows. • Connect the poles horizontally by wire (#16 or #18) at

the top, middle and bottom portions in every row. • Tie the top wire to the stakes at the end of the rows to

make the poles stable. • Cut abaca twine or synthetic straw and tie them

vertically from the top to bottom wires in every hill.

5. Fertilizer application Eggplant • Sidedress with 46-0-0 at 10g/hill every two weeks

during the vegetative stage. Use equal parts 46-0-0 and 0-0-60 at the start of fruiting.

Pole sitao

• Before planting, apply uniformly 10 kgs of 14-14-14 and 2 sacks of organic fertilizer

6. Weeding and

cultivation Eggplant • Weed two-three times during growing season, or as

necessary. Use plastic mulch to minimize weed growth and maintain uniform soil moisture

Pole sitao • Remove the weeds around the plants 2 weeks from

seedling emergence until fruiting stage. • Perform spot weeding. • Cut-off the weeds in between the rows by using a

scythe. • Mulch with rice straw to control weeds and conserve

soil moisture.

7. Pest and diseases Eggplant • Plant aromatic crops such as marigold, ginger,

basil, lemon grass and alliums to repel insects. Grow flowering plant like sunflower, cosmos and zinnia as border rows to attract beneficial insects.

Pole sitao • Use insecticide only when needed and do not use

insecticide with red or yellow lines when the plants begin to bear pods.

• For pod borer and aphids, spray with native hot pepper juice mixed with water (100 g of pepper per 16 liters of



8. Harvesting Eggplant • Harvest mature fruits which are shiny and still

soft. More frequent harvest can reduce damage from fruit borers. Harvest all fruits including deformed and damaged one to prevent spreads of pest and diseases. Harvesting can last for 3-6 months.

Pole sitao • Harvest the pods 7-10 days after the flowers have

dried up. • Harvest every 2-4 days to prolong flowering at fruiting

of the plants.


9. Eggplant-Okra

1. Land preparation

• Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing twice, each plowing

followed by one harrowing. Thorough land preparation minimizes growth of weeds, enhances water retention and ensures good germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

2. Seedling production Eggplant • Prepare five seedbed measuring 1 x 1 m each.

Incorporate 1 kg fully decomposed chicken manure and 300 g carbonized rice hull/m2.

• Wet the seedbed and make shallow line 5 in a part. Sow thinly 20-25 g of seeds and cover lightly with soil.

• Mulch with rice hull or chopped rice straw. Provide partial shade during the dry season and rain shelter during the wet season. Water regularly.

• Harden seedlings one week before transplanting by decreasing the frequency of watering and by exposing fully to sunlight to minimize transplant shock. Transplant at four weeks after emergence.

3. Planting/ Transplanting

Note: Four rows of eggplant and four rows of okra

Eggplant • Make furrows 1 m apart. Spread fully decomposed

manure along rows at 1 kg/linear meter or 500 g/hill. Apply complete fertilizer (14-14-14) at 10-5g/hill and cover lightly with soil.

• Irrigate area before transplanting. Plant 1 seedling/hill at a distance of 50-100 cm depending on variety.

Okra • Apply 1 kg/m2 fully decomposed chicken manure.

• Soak the seeds in the warm water overnight to the hasten germination and air dry. Sow 2-3 seeds/hill, 1 cm deep with a distance of 20 cm between hills and 25 cm between rows.

• Maintain only 2 seedlings/hill. Pull out excess seedling and replant missing hills.

4. Crop establishment Eggplant

• Provide 1 m- long stake to prevent lodging. Irrigate by furrow every 7-14 days depending on the season and the soil type.


5. Fertilizer application Eggplant

• Sidedress with 46-0-0 at 10g/hill every two weeks during the vegetative stage. Use equal parts 46-0-0 and 0-0-60 at the start of fruiting.


• At planting 19 g/hill 14-14-14 as basal fertilization. Thirty days after emergence, sidedress with 10 g/hill 46-0-0.

6. Weeding and

cultivation Eggplant • Weed two-three times during growing season, or as

necessary. Use plastic mulch to minimize weed growth and maintain uniform soil moisture

Okra • Cultivate and hill-up by hand-hoeing in between

furrows at 14 days after emergence to suppress the emerging weeds.

• Finally hill-up at 42 days after emergence or one month after. At such stage, the profuse foliage cover of the crop is enough to suppress the growing weeds.

• Uproot the remaining weeds (spot weed) that were missed during the previous cultivation.

7. Pest and diseases Eggplant

• Plant aromatic crops such as marigold, ginger, basil, lemon grass and aliums to repel insects. Grow flowering plant like sunflower, cosmos and zinnia as border rows to attract beneficial insects.

Okra • Major pest of okra are green leafhoppers,fruit and stem

borer, jassid and stink bug. • Grow aromatic crops such as marigold, ginger, basil,

lemon grass and, allium to repel insects. • Grow flowering plants kike sunflower, cosmos, and

zinnia as border rows to attract beneficial insects. • Spray pesticide to recommended rates.

8. Harvesting Eggplant

• Harvest mature fruits which are shiny and still soft. More frequent harvest can reduce damage from fruit borers. Harvest all fruits including deformed and damaged one to prevent spreads of pest and diseases. Harvesting can last for 3-6 months.


Okra • Okra pods are ready for harvest when these about 10-

12 cm long or while the pod is young, tender and snappy. Use sharp knife or pruning shears during harvesting. The young pods should be gathered everyday.

• To facilitate harvesting and control, prune all the leaves below the lowest fruit at regular intervals. A well manage okra can be harvested 40 - 45 times in one cropping season.


10. Glutinous corn-Pole sitao

1. Land preparation

• Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing twice, each plowing

followed by one harrowing. Thorough land preparation minimizes growth of weeds, enhances water retention and ensures good germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

2. Planting Note: Four rows of sweet corn and four rows of pole sitao

Glutinous corn • After the last harrowing and when there is adequate

moisture, lay-out furrows at 75 cm apart at a depth of approximately 8 cm.

• Plant two (2) seed/hill at a distance of 25 cm between hills at about 3-5 cm deep when the soil moisture is just right for planting, then cover the seeds with soil.

• Thin seedlings to one plant per hill about 7-10 days after emergence.

Pole sitao • Space the furrows with 100 cm interval.

• Sow 2-3 seeds per hill 30-40cm apart (10-12 kg of seeds are needed per hectare).

• Plant in furrows during dry season and in ridge during wet season.

• Cover the seed with a thin layer of fine soil.

3. Trellising Pole sitao • Construct a side trellis as soon as the seed

germinates. • Layout 2.5m long and 2-2.5cm wide ipil-ipil, bamboo, or

kakawate poles 3-4 m apart within the rows. • Connect the poles horizontally by wire (#16 or #18) at

the top, middle and bottom portions in every row. • Tie the top wire to the stakes at the end of the rows to

make the poles stable. • Cut abaca twine or synthetic straw and tie them

vertically from the top to bottom wires in every hill.

4. Fertilizer application Glutinous corn • Mix 2.5 kgs urea and 20 kgs 14-14-14 and broadcast

uniformly before planting. • Apply 5 kgs urea in narrow band 4-6 cm from the base

of the plant at 30 days after planting


Pole sitao

• Before planting, apply uniformly 10 kgs of 14-14-14 and 2 sacks of organic fertilizer

5. Weeding and

cultivation Glutinous corn • Do inter-row cultivation 15 days after planting (DAP) or

off-barring to control weeds between the rows. • Hill-up at 30 DAP to control weeds within the rows. • Control subsequent weed growth by handweeding.

Pole sitao • Remove the weeds around the plants 2 weeks from

seedling emergence until fruiting stage. • Perform spot weeding. • Cut-off the weeds in between the rows by using a

scythe. • Mulch with rice straw to control weeds and conserve

soil moisture.

6. Pest and diseases Glutinous corn • At 45-53 DAP monitor and spray any recommended

insecticide if necessary to control corn borer (2x if needed) 1st spraying at 10-20% flowering then follow-up at 80-100% flowering.

• Detasseling 75% of the corn plants may be done to reduce incidence of corn borer.

Pole sitao • Use insecticide only when needed and do not use

insecticide with red or yellow lines when the plants begin to bear pods.

• For pod borer and aphids, spray with native hot pepper juice mixed with water (100g of pepper per 16 liters of water).

7. Harvesting Glutinous corn

Glutinous corn can be harvested 75-80 days after planting.

Pole sitao • Harvest the pods 7-10 days after the flowers have

dried up. • Harvest every 2-4 days to prolong flowering at fruiting

of the plants.


11. Glutinous corn-Squash

1. Land preparation

• Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing twice, each plowing

followed by one harrowing. Thorough land preparation minimizes growth of weeds, enhances water retention and ensures good germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

2. Planting Note: Four rows of glutinous corn and one double row of squash

Glutinous corn • After the last harrowing and when there is adequate

moisture, lay-out furrows at 75 cm apart at a depth of approximately 8 cm.

• Plant two (2) seed/hill at a distance of 25 cm between hills at about 3-5 cm deep when the soil moisture is just right for planting, then cover the seeds with soil.

• Thin seedlings to one plant per hill about 7-10 days after emergence.

Squash • Prepare adjacent beds 75-100 cm wide. The double

bed where the vines will be trained should be 5-7 m apart.

• Plant either by direct sowing to plots or containers, or transplanting. In direct seeding, 2-3 seeds/hill at a depth of 2-3 cm with a distance of 2-3 m between rows and 1 m between hills.

• Incorporate decomposed animal manure and other compost materials to the soil to improve soil structure. Apply mulch to minimize weeds and to maintain adequate soil moisture.

3. Crop establishment Squash

• Thin the weak seedlings when the first true leaf has developed and leave two vigorous plants per hill.

• Train the vines to crawl in a direction going inside the plot so that these will be evenly distributed over the area. Properly trained vines help prevent growth of weeds in the plot because the thick leaves will shade the ground.

• To increase fruit setting when insect pollinators are few, hand pollinate by inserting the male flower of the same age to the female flower between 6:00 and 8:00 in the morning.


• Thin some lateral vine near the fully developed fruits. Remove all deformed fruits while still small to avoid nutrient competition. Place 5-6 cm thick of rice straw beneath the good fruits or lay bedding materials made of knitted bamboo if there are available bamboo to prevent rotting of the fruits.

4. Fertilizer application Glutinous corn

• Mix 2.5 kgs urea and 20 kgs 14-14-14 and broadcast uniformly before planting.

• Apply 5 kgs urea in narrow band 4-6 cm from the base of the plant at 30 days after planting.

Squash • At planting, apply 1-2 kg per hill of well-decomposed

manure or compost. Apply complete fertilizer (14-14-14) at 20-30 g/hill. Side-dress with 10-20 g of 1:1 mixture of urea (46-0-0) and muriate of potash (0-0-60) every 2-4 weeks depending on plant growth.

• Use lower rates of urea if the plants are too vigorous. Wood ash and rice hull ash can also be used as source of potassium.

5. Weeding and cultivation

Glutinous corn • Do inter-row cultivation 15 days after planting (DAP) or

off-barring to control weeds between the rows. • Hill-up at 30 DAP to control weeds within the rows. • Control subsequent weed growth by handweeding.

6. Pest and diseases Glutinous corn

• At 45-53 DAP monitor and spray any recommended insecticide if necessary to control corn borer (2x if needed) 1st spraying at 10-20% flowering then follow-up at 80-100% flowering.

• Detasseling 75% of the corn plants may be done to reduce incidence of corn borer.

Squash • Squash is susceptible to cucurbit beetle and cutworms.

To control, spread wood ash or rice hull ash on the leaves. Another major pest is fruit fly.

• The common disease of squash are bacterial wilt, downy mildew, powdery mildew, little leaf, squash leaf curl and watermelon mosaic virus. Bacterial wilt can be minimized through the use of compost and animal manure. Using resistant or tolerant varieties such as


Rizalina, and through strict sanitation best controls the mildews and viruses

7. Harvesting Glutinous corn

Glutinous corn can be harvested 75-80 days after planting.

Squash • Harvest just before fruits are fully ripe or when the

peduncle starts to dry up. It is best to harvest the fruits with a portion of the peduncle attached to prolong storage life.

• Avoid cutting fruits from the vines if it cannot be marketed immediately.


12. Glutinous corn-Hot pepper

1. Land preparation

• Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing twice, each plowing

followed by one harrowing. Thorough land preparation minimizes growth of weeds, enhances water retention and ensures good germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

2. Seedling production Hot pepper • Prepare seedbeds 50 cm in width at any convenient length

in an area fully exposed to sunlight. Pulverize soil thoroughly and add well-decomposed compost or animal manure at the rate of about 1-2 kg/m2. To minimize or prevent damping-off disease and insect pest damage, sterilize the soil by burning rice hull or rice straw on top of the seedbed for 4-5 hours. Alternatively, drench with a combination of fungicide and insecticide following the manufacturer's recommended rates.

• Prepare horizontal rows spaced 5 cm apart. Separately sow 50-100 seeds/row of hot pepper and tomato and cover the seeds thinly with fine soil. A 1,000 m2 requires 15-20 g seeds. Cover the seedbed with a thin layer of rice straw mulch to minimize water loss. Water the seedbed daily or when necessary. Seedlings will germinate 3-6 days after sowing depending on the soil temperature.

3. Planting/ Transplanting

Note: Four rows of glutinous corn and four rows of hot pepper

Glutinous corn • After the last harrowing and when there is adequate

moisture, lay-out furrows at 75 cm apart at a depth of approximately 8 cm.

• Plant two (2) seed/hill at a distance of 25 cm between hills at about 3-5 cm deep when the soil moisture is just right for planting, then cover the seeds with soil.

• Thin seedlings to one plant per hill about 7-10 days after emergence.

Hot pepper • For small areas, make plots 75-100 cm wide for two-

row/plot planting. • Apply basally 12 g of complete fertilizer (14-14-14) in

each hole. Application of 250 g of compost per hole is also recommended. This will maintain the good texture and condition of the soil aside from supplementing its fertility.


• Transplant during cool weather or in the afternoon when he sun is not too hot to avoid seedling shock. Transplant at a spacing of 40 cm between hills.

4. Crop establishment Hot pepper • Use mulch to control weeds and promote better

growth. Rice hull, rice straw or plastic may be used.

5. Fertilizer application Glutinous corn • Mix 2.5 kgs urea and 20 kgs 14-14-14 and broadcast

uniformly before planting. • Apply 5 kgs urea in narrow band 4-6 cm from the base

of the plant at 30 days after planting.

Hot pepper Sidedress 1 part urea and 1 part muriate of potash at the

rate of 10 g/hill, 10 days after transplanting. Sidedress 1 part urea and 1 part muriate of potash at the rate of 10 g/hill, 30 days after transplanting. Repeat application of 1 part urea and 1 part muriate of potash, 50 days after transplanting at the same rate.

6. Weeding and

cultivation Glutinous corn • Do inter-row cultivation 15 days after planting (DAP) or

off-barring to control weeds between the rows. • Hill-up at 30 DAP to control weeds within the rows. • Control subsequent weed growth by handweeding.

Hot pepper • Cultivation between the plant rows when the weeds are

just starting to emerge. Three to four alternate off-baring and hilling-up are recommended to attain maximum yield control.

7. Pest and diseases Glutinous corn • At 45-53 DAP monitor and spray any recommended

insecticide if necessary to control corn borer (2x if needed) 1st spraying at 10-20% flowering then follow-up at 80-100% flowering.

• Detasseling 75% of the corn plants may be done to reduce incidence of corn borer.

Hot pepper • The major insect pests of pepper are thrips, mites,

armyworm, fruit fly and shoot borers. Thrips is a problem during the dry season and can be managed by


overhead irrigation. Removing damaged fruits and shoots can manage shoot and fruit borer.

8. Harvesting Glutinous corn

Glutinous corn can be harvested 75-80 days after planting.

Hot pepper • Harvest mature green or fully ripened red fruits. Pack

in plastic crates, cartons, or bamboo crates lined with banana leaves.


13. Glutinous corn-Eggplant

1. Land preparation

• Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing twice, each plowing

followed by one harrowing. Thorough land preparation minimizes growth of weeds, enhances water retention and ensures good germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

2. Seedling production Eggplant • Prepare five seedbed measuring 1 x 1 m each. Incorporate

1 kg fully decomposed chicken manure and 300 g carbonized rice hull/m2.

• Wet the seedbed and make shallow line 5 in a part. Sow thinly 20-25 g of seeds and cover lightly with soil.

• Mulch with rice hull or chopped rice straw. Provide partial shade during the dry season and rain shelter during the wet season. Water regularly.

• Harden seedlings one week before transplanting by decreasing the frequency of watering and by exposing fully to sunlight to minimize transplant shock. Transplant at four weeks after emergence.

3. Planting/ Transplanting

Note: Four rows of glutinous corn and four rows of eggplant.

Glutinous corn • After the last harrowing and when there is adequate

moisture, lay-out furrows at 75 cm apart at a depth of approximately 8 cm.

• Plant two (2) seed/hill at a distance of 25 cm between hills at about 3-5 cm deep when the soil moisture is just right for planting, then cover the seeds with soil.

• Thin seedlings to one plant per hill about 7-10 days after emergence.

Eggplant • Make furrows 1m apart. Spread fully decomposed

manure along rows at 1 kg/linear meter or 500g/hill. Apply complete fertilizer (14-14-14) at 10 -5g/hill and cover lightly with soil.

• Irrigate area before transplanting. Plant 1 seedling/hill at a distance of 50-100 cm depending on variety.

4. Crop establishment Eggplant • Provide 1 m- long stake to prevent lodging. Irrigate by

furrow every 7-14 days depending on the season and the soil type.


5. Fertilizer application Glutinous corn

• Mix 2.5 kgs urea and 20 kgs 14-14-14 and broadcast uniformly before planting.

• Apply 5 kgs urea in narrow band 4-6 cm from the base of the plant at 30 days after planting.

Eggplant • Sidedress with 46-0-0 at 10g/hill every two weeks

during the vegetative stage. Use equal parts 46-0-0 and 0-0-60 at the start of fruiting.

6. Weeding and

cultivation Glutinous corn • Do inter-row cultivation 15 days after planting (DAP) or

off-barring to control weeds between the rows. • Hill-up at 30 DAP to control weeds within the rows. • Control subsequent weed growth by handweeding.

Eggplant • Sidedress with 46-0-0 at 10g/hill every two weeks

during the vegetative stage. Use equal parts 46-0-0 and 0-0-60 at the start of fruiting.

7. Pest and diseases Glutinous corn

• At 45-53 DAP monitor and spray any recommended insecticide if necessary to control corn borer (2x if needed) 1st spraying at 10-20% flowering then follow-up at 80-100% flowering.

• Detasseling 75% of the corn plants may be done to reduce incidence of corn borer.

Eggplant • Plant aromatic crops such as marigold, ginger,

basil, lemon grass,, and aliums to repel insects. Grow flowering plant like sunflower, cosmos and zinnia as border rows to attract beneficial insects.

8. Harvesting Glutinous corn

Glutinous corn can be harvested 75-80 days after planting.

Eggplant • Harvest mature fruits which are shiny and still

soft. More frequent harvest can reduce damage from fruit borers. harvest all fruits including deformed and damaged one to prevent spreads of pest and diseases. Harvesting can last for 3-6 months.


14. Glutinous corn-Tomato 1. Land preparation

• Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing twice, each plowing

followed by one harrowing. Thorough land preparation minimizes growth of weeds, enhances water retention and ensures good germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

2. Seedling production Tomato • Prepare seedbeds 50 cm in width at any convenient length

in an area fully exposed to sunlight. Pulverize soil thoroughly and add well-decomposed compost or animal manure at the rate of about 1-2 kg/m2. To minimize or prevent damping-off disease and insect pest damage, sterilize the soil by burning rice hull or rice straw on top of the seedbed for 4-5 hours. Alternatively, drench with a combination of fungicide and insecticide following the manufacturer's recommended rates.

• Prepare horizontal rows spaced 5 cm apart. Separately sow 50-100 seeds/row of hot pepper and tomato and cover the seeds thinly with fine soil. A 1,000 m2 requires 15-20 g seeds. Cover the seedbed with a thin layer of rice straw mulch to minimize water loss. Water the seedbed daily or when necessary. Seedlings will germinate 3-6 days after sowing depending on the soil temperature.

3. Planting/ Transplanting

Note: Four rows of glutinous corn and four rows of tomato

Glutinous corn • After the last harrowing and when there is adequate

moisture, lay-out furrows at 75 cm apart at a depth of approximately 8 cm.

• Plant two (2) seed/hill at a distance of 25 cm between hills at about 3-5 cm deep when the soil moisture is just right for planting, then cover the seeds with soil.

• Thin seedlings to one plant per hill about 7-10 days after emergence.

Tomato • Transplant the most vigorous, stocky & disease-free

transplants with 3-5 true leaves. Plant 1-2 seedlings/hill at a spacing of 40 cm between hills.

• To minimize transplanting shock, transplant the seedlings late in the afternoon. Press the soil firmly around the root. Irrigate water the plants lightly


immediately after transplanting. Replant missing hills immediately.

4. Crop establishment Tomato • Bamboo or ipil-ipil can be used as trellis posts, while

synthetic straw and nylon can be used in tying and vine training. The use of trellis reduces losses due to rotting of fruits especially during wet season and facilitates harvesting.

5. Fertilizer application Glutinous corn

• Mix 2.5 kgs urea and 20 kgs 14-14-14 and broadcast uniformly before planting.

• Apply 5 kgs urea in narrow band 4-6 cm from the base of the plant at 30 days after planting.

Tomato • One to two days before transplanting, apply 1 tbsp

(10g) per hill complete fertilizer (14-14-14). Mix thoroughly with the soil.

• The first side dressing can be done 30 days after transplanting by mixing two parts urea (46-0-0) and one part muriate of potash (0-0-60). Apply 1 tbsp (10 g) per hill of this mixture 6-8 cm away from the base of the seedlings in bands.

• Side-dress using the same mixture and rate two weeks later.

6. Weeding and

cultivation Glutinous corn • Do inter-row cultivation 15 days after planting (DAP) or

off-barring to control weeds between the rows. • Hill-up at 30 DAP to control weeds within the rows. • Control subsequent weed growth by handweeding.

Tomato • Weed two-three times during growing season, or as

necessary. Use plastic mulch to minimize weed growth and maintain uniform soil moisture.

7. Pest and diseases Glutinous corn

• At 45-53 DAP monitor and spray any recommended insecticide if necessary to control corn borer (2x if needed) 1st spraying at 10-20% flowering then follow-up at 80-100% flowering.

• Detasseling 75% of the corn plants may be done to reduce incidence of corn borer.


Tomato • Plant aromatic crops such as marigold, ginger,

basil, lemon grass and aliums to repel insects. Grow flowering plant like sunflower, cosmos and zinnia as border rows to attract beneficial insects.

8. Harvesting Glutinous corn

Glutinous corn can be harvested 75-80 days after planting.

Tomato • Harvest tomato fruits at mature green or breaker stage

preferably early in the morning. Place the fruits in bamboo crates (kaing) lined with banana leaves or used newspaper to prevent mechanical damage.


15. Glutinous corn-Peanut 1. Land preparation

• Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing twice, each plowing

followed by one harrowing. Thorough land preparation minimizes growth of weeds, enhances water retention and ensures good germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.

2. Planting Note: Four rows of glutinous corn and four rows of peanut

Glutinous corn • After the last harrowing and when there is adequate

moisture, lay-out furrows at 75 cm apart at a depth of approximately 8 cm.

• Plant two (2) seed/hill at a distance of 25 cm between hills at about 3-5 cm deep when the soil moisture is just right for planting, then cover the seeds with soil.

• Thin seedlings to one plant per hill about 7-10 days after emergence.

Peanut • With a carabao drawn implement, set furrows at a

distance of 60 cm Peanut is planted as soon as the furrows are made, probably early in the morning or late in the afternoon. For convenience and relative ease of weeding, cultivation and spraying without significantly affecting yield, 60-cm row spacing is recommended.

• Manual planting is accomplish either by drill method (sowing of seed singly and evenly on shallow laid-out furrows or by the hill method at a distance of 25 cm between hills.

4. Fertilizer application Glutinous corn

• Mix 2.5 kgs urea and 20 kgs 14-14-14 and broadcast uniformly before planting.

• Apply 5 kgs urea in narrow band 4-6 cm from the base of the plant at 30 days after planting.

Peanut • In the absence of soil analysis, apply 10 kg of 14-14-14

at 14 days after planting near the base of the plant and cover with soil.

5. Weeding and

cultivation Glutinous corn • Do inter-row cultivation 15 days after planting (DAP) or

off-barring to control weeds between the rows. • Hill-up at 30 DAP to control weeds within the rows.


• Control subsequent weed growth by handweeding.

Peanut • Weeding should start as early as two (2) weeks and

not later than six (6) weeks to maximize bean yield. • Hilling up done 35-40 days after plant emergence or

just before flowering results in higher than hilling up after flowering.

6. Pest and diseases Glutinous corn

• At 45-53 DAP monitor and spray any recommended insecticide if necessary to control corn borer (2x if needed) 1st spraying at 10-20% flowering then follow-up at 80-100% flowering.

• Detasseling 75% of the corn plants may be done to reduce incidence of corn borer.

7. Harvesting Glutinous corn

Glutinous corn can be harvested 75-80 days after planting.

Peanut • Peanut should be harvested at the right stage of

maturity. Harvesting is done manually by pulling the entire plant or passing a native animal-drawn plow or both sides of the row to loosen the soil.

• The maturity of peanut can be determined by the following indications; (a) gradual withering and yellowing of the leaves of majority of the plants which are more noticeable during dry season planting; (b) expected maturity date of variety ranges from 90-110 days depending on the planting season; (c) maturity is indicated by hardness of most of the pods, darkened veins of the inner portion of the shell, vascular strands on the shell becomes more distinct and plump pinkish full grown kernels.


Table 1. Number of farmer-cooperators that will implement the GP options


GP Options

No. of Cooperators

1. Masarawag 1. Strip intercropping a. Squash-Pole sitao 2 b. Squash-Eggplant 2 c. Snap bean-Eggplant 2 d. Tomato-Hot Pepper 2 e. Tomato-Snap bean 1 f. Squash-Tomato 1 2. Mauraro 1. Strip intercropping a. Glutinous corn-eggplant 5 b. Glutinous corn-tomato 2 c. Glutinous corn-pole sitao 3 3. Minto 1. Strip intercropping a. Glutinous corn-squash 1 b. Glutinous corn-pole sitao 2 c. Glutinous corn-hot pepper 2 4. San Ramon 1. Coconut leaf pruning a. Squash 2 b. Sweet potato 3 2. Strip intercropping a. Eggplant-Okra 2 a. Squash-Pole sitao 1 a. Squash-Snap bean 2 5. Igbac 1. Strip intercropping a. Squash-Pole sitao 1 b. Pole sitao-Eggplant 2 c. Snap bean-Eggplant 2 a. Squash-eggplant 1 2. Coconut leaf pruning a. Cassava 2 b. Sweet potato 2 6. Rizal 1. Strip intercropping a. Pole sitao-Eggplant 2 b. Eggplant-Okra 3 2. Coconut leaf pruning a. Cassava 3 b. Sweet potato 2


7. Bagacay 1. Strip intercropping a. Pole sitao-Eggplant 2 b. Glutinous corn-peanut 3 2. Coconut leaf pruning a. Sweet potato 2 b. Cassava 3 8. Ariman 1. Coconut leaf pruning a. Cassava 3 b. Sweet potato 2 2. Strip intercropping a. Squash-Pole sitao 1 b. Eggplant-Pole sitao 2 c. Eggplant-Okra 2 Total 75