Post on 03-Feb-2023

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. '2tH. IM*.MtiKt ot

•Mft i r p y k U i ^

Weather to-morrow; Probably partly cloudy; warmer. '




Explosion and Fire on Frame Crib, Mile Off Chiago Water­

front, Also Injures 47.


CHICAGO. Jnn. SO.-TwertLy-thvee n i tn lost the ir liven to -day In n Are which ile- Blroyed the Interunadlftto erlb one and a h a l f mllfed from aluire. In Lake Michigan. Forty -aeven, suflerlng from buniB, culh of JmmefBlon In the Icy waters Into whlcli they JunipeU to nave their Uvea, weio res­cued. Thla Btalement of cusuahles waa made by Oeoigc W. Jackson, whuM llrw Tvai construct ing the Intake lunncl under the lake, and for which tha crib served a s a base of oprrationa.

The dead are suppoijeil to be Imprianncd In the tunnel m td tr the crib. Uoatli might have coma ellhof from fire, Bnioko. an explosion of dyiiamlte Rtored there, or llie ehu i t lng off of ;ilr pipes. In the tu n ­nel the men worked under air pressure. lAltile hope was expitjased that any of them escaped, atUiough tlila cannot !»►' known unti l the wreckage blocking the cnlruhce to th e l » r e la rembved. Fire tuga axUnguLsheO the llamos and an a t ­tem p t to en te r the tunnel was begun.

A telephone message from a neighbor­ing crib th is nflernnou s ta ted tha t tw enty bodies iiad been recovered from the tu n ­nel. The report nddod tha t lliore were more bodies a t the bottoni of the shall.

Sixty men, tw enty of them a t work In the tunnel under the crib, a few moving abou t the s t ru c tu re 'a n d others aslet-p In their bunks, were suddenlly confronted with death by an explosion of powder


AUDERHHOT, England. Jan. 20.-Tha > fteroplnno with which tha balloon corps of the Bri ti sh a r m y is conducting exi>cil- menlk again cam e to grief liero to-day

Aftur a couple of short flights Cnptam F, S. Gudy, the American In charge of the exper im ent work, s tar ted on a more nmbUlouH tr ip . He had hardly gone a hundred ya rds a t a height of tw enty ft^el on hla th ird tr ia l when the lifting fn.i buckled an d the machine came down with a thud and w as badly wrecked. Captain Cody was not hurt.


Spectacular Cloudburst in the Philippines a t First Thought

to Be an Eruption.


MANll .A. Jon. 30-LuVt- dl£i!jac'h''w to ­day frnm Tayahua Fruvlm-e, fcXlM'iiie southwf.«tcni pari l.uznii, expresH the Qpmion that wlsat wbh btlleved lo liave been un on tburs i of tha volc.nno of Ijag- iittfl last night was not an eruption, but mcTfly a gri.'at cloudburst over Mt. i-lHnahal

The urru damagf-d by Iho storm la ap- puruntly very wide. The* iJuvt'rimr uf the ^lrf^^lru’r• r»‘p<irt8 Melds ruln^'d, hlglusuysImpassabl*' and brldgea destroyed,

and gasoline, which lmmt;jlhitrly w-rapp'-d I J'e tarhmentB of conatabulary have beenthe wooden s t ruc tu re In fhimes. Those who were not killed or Injured by the first fiery blast s rushed out of doors to find no meuno of eecape.

On every side were the waters of I,ake Michigan, its surface almost covered by g rea t cakes of broken lee. A mile and a iialf d iaU nt near the shore a t rtHveniy- th ird s t ree t lay Uielr only hope, the leg Morford. I t could be dimly seen througi^ ih© haze of fog and annike. On ihe shore a dim black line Indicated tha ga thering of crowds un rac tcd ijy ihu flames. A t the shore olhoe the last word received froro ihe crib was tragic In lla Incomploleness.

"The crib is on fire. For Ood help a t once or we will be burned all The tu g — "

Then the telephone wire broke and ih e men on ahore heard no more. *t

T u g iioem to Ilt>Ncae. '!Captain Edwiird Johnson, of the Ifug,

had a lready boiated anchor and the sturdy little c ra f t was already bucking the Ibg. The firemen In the bold worked desperate-' ' ly ge t t ing up a full head of ateam From the deck nf the boat the crib could be dimly seen. Black spots appeared and then d i s a p p e a r ^ Into the waters below.

Some of the nnprlsoned moii were seek­ing to escape by swimming, A mimbor of them were seen to cling U» cakes of Ice for A Urn©, and then to dl&appear.

The crib la a temporary s t ruc tu re e rect­ed tn th e construct ion of a new ttitee-mllo tunnel Into the lake for Hie ultimate pu r ­pose of adding to Chicago's water sup­ply. The first section uf the tunnel Is be ­ing du g from the shore a t Seveiiiy-third street . T he crib marked the beginning ‘>f th e B«(Mmd section, extending fa r the r Into the l&ke. I t was uaed as the headquar­te rs fo r supplies and men of the second section.

The wooden oiaterT&l used in the crib m ade U a n easy prey of the fire. Powder and dynam ite used In blast ing wore both s to red there. .Ordinarily from s ix ty lo aevcnty-flv© men were employed. They worked In sh if ts of eight hours each, eat ing on th e premise.^ and sleeping In the bunks with which the place was pro­vided. A suspended t ram way connected the crib w i th the shore.

ImmenHo buckets fluspended from heavy wire cable and worked by mljfchlnpry. c a r ­ried supplies to the place. W h e n the fire was first discovered an a t tem p t was made by a few daring spirits to reach the crib In the buckets , but the motive m echan­ism failed to work and tbe a t tem p t wels abandoned.

W hen Gapta ln Johnson, a f te r what ecemed to him an In terminable trip, reached his goal, a soene worthy the brush of Dore greeted hla eyes, Frant ic vic tims of the fire, the ir hair singed off an d their skins blackened, were a tm g- gllng in the w a te r and ice. Borne of them fought against their rescuers only to sink unconscious on deck when forced aboard the tug / W hen everybody In sight bad been ta k e n aboard a second muffled explo­sion was heard, probably m arking the enuffihg out of more lives In the tunnel under the orlb.

"W hen I neared the crib," sold J o h n ­son, “ I s aw a num ber of men, their clothing abta ie , ru n out of the blazing s t ru c tu re and Jump Into the lake. Others rap id ly tw is ted ropes about anyth ing they could find before Jumping Into the wate r lo prevent them from being drowned. O the rs used boxes and pieces of timbers U8 life-preservers. Some of the men found US, and o thers were so cold and stiff f ro m the i r Icy ba th s th a t we had to reach over and d ra g them In. They were t a k e n to th e boiler-room.”

B y th e time Morford had s ta r ted on the re tu rn t r ip throe oUier tugs had pointed the i r noses toward the scene of the t r a g ­edy. There w as desolation and sorrow on th e shore. T he families of m any of the men working a t the crib live in the vic in ­ity, Mon, women and children cried and

p Bobbed hyster ically in frantic anxie ty for those ou t Ip the lake. Several women falDtfd.

Scarcely an y of thoae who were rescued w e r e ,fu lly clothed when landed on ahore % the lug, Sonifi were In paJamaa. some i t the i r undeffelothlng and some were Wrapped in such odd piece© of clothes as were avai lab le on the tug. Char les J, MoDerm ott , one of the scantily clad, de­cla red th a t he came from New York only a week ago to work on tho tunnel.

"1 had taken off all my clothing with th e except ion of my undershirt, and t rous ­e rs when 1 saw a flash,” ho said. "Tho whole place seemed ablaze. J Jumped Into th e Take, and reaching an Ice floe, l perched on I t until taken off by the


flpcAtl C ailt IMmatcA A) Uu NBWB.LONDON, J an . Two s teamers col­

lided to -day off ITamborough Head, one s tnk lnc within a few minutes. I t Is be­lieved th e enti re c rew of th e ship sank

.were io«t.I t w as learned la te r th a t th e lost ves­

sel w a s tho Arctic. Bha was sunk h f tha s team er Haverstoe.^ f' 'F la snborouch B ea d is a high promon­to ry on th e E a s t coas t of England, In Torksh lre.

^00,000 BLAZE IN TOLEDO.TOLEDO, O.. J an . U.—Eevernl Ore en ­

gine an d hose companies th is morning a re s t i l l l ighting fiames a t the scene o t Toledo’s g re k te s t Are In years, which s ta r ted l a s t n igh t a t 10 o'clock In th e Brown, E a g e r A B o l t Book C om pear bulld in it a t E M U Summit s t r e e t

Tw o la rge business U o t ^ were d e ­s troyed a n d o thers dainagtd . T he loss Is esttmaited a t m ore t h a n ttS0,000, s hoo t half

mured. T h e p r ine tpa i t o s e n a re ; Brown, • g e t * H u l l com panr , tm ugo; j . l . tudaea * CPm d ry g«oda t lB ,«o ; u r * . l a r s H ta r la g , owner e t beUdlnga, noo - X: W . K. HeVsddea, Jewelry, m o w ; WiInniLn’a ' I l a l e , t O W i TM nlt r Parish -

e a p t a t a P r e d M r a n an d hia c rew o f B u t m s a w e re oanght b y flames on the W o f t b s H a d e e a boW lag . t Ii^ ea- ieped b y sHdHv -dowa e a e t t a e - t l M o f I kim whiob t k « r atteobefl to th e d e n le a -

o u M a M B a r M « b i n .wsstdr

onlurr'fi to jific&ntl the mounliilu.s lo In- the oausiA s of the (JlsH.Htcr.

First repnrffi wpr« tha t on cutl.ireak of llip volcano had oorurrctl. wUh a "giant cxplufilon of w a ter ."


Red Cross Steamer Bayern Distributed $23,100 Cash and

Supplies Worth $46,000.


F.ONni'iX, Jan . 2 0 ,—An ofTlrlal report of the Amerluuii Rutiiiin relief c‘<nnmlUne, Issued lu-day, sliowa tha t the nteam&hip Raycrn, t ' har iervd to AniurUanrelief to the e a r th q u ak e zune. dislrlljUlt'iJ Hie aum of $SL100 In and suppliesvalued at t4C,lOO.

In addition aufflolent lumber for the conslrucllon of tiventy-flvp iKiuses war purchased and shipped lo Reg rJu.


BALSjM, Ore,. J an . 20.—Governor George E. CbaiDb«rIatn, I>omocrat. was la te yeg^terday elected by the heavily Republican Leglsilature as Gnltcd Sta tes Senator from Oregon, to eucceed Btfuator ilhaHea W. Fulton. Republican.

Inabili ty to bring Influential Stale Sena- to rs Into line lo dlpregard tho popular expression for Chamberlain a t the pri­maries an d elect a Republican blocked the a t te m p t to defeat Chamberlain and re-elect F u l to n —repudiated by the people at ihfl primaries.

The vote fo r Chamberlain in the Houae stood 34, In the Senate 19, a total of 53, or njore than was necessary toelect. ''^The vote In detail in the Houbo was: Chamber la in , 34. Fulton, Republi­can, 12: Cake, RepuMlcnn, 14. The vote In the Senate stood: Chamberlain, 19;Fulton. Republican, 7: Cake. Republican, 3; Bean, Republ ican, 1.

Although Cham ber la in waa the peo­ple's choice for Senator, and enough members of th e Leglfllntur© were plcdgtti by "S ta lem en t No. 1" in their own elec­tion to elect him, a determined effort had been made ever since the prlmar lta to defeat him.


fiprHnl Diflpqfrfc to thtEVESIJ^Q yEWB.WASHINQTOM, Jiin. 20.^The seat of

Governor LiUley, of Connecticut, in tho House of RepreaentatSves, ' was unani­mously declared v a can t by tliat body to ­day.

The - Jud iciary Committee, which has been considering Ihe resolution Introduced Inst week by Representa tive GalUBs to determine th e s ta tu s of Representative Lllley, a s a m em ber of the House, re ­ported to th e House recommending the following resolution aa a substitute for the one In troduced by Represeniatlve Gaines :

"RcBolved, T h a t the seat In this House of George L. Lllley, as a Repreaenltulve from the S ta te of Connecticut, was v a ­cated on J a n u a r y 6, and tha t the clerk be directed lo remove his name from the roll of m embers .”

The reaolutlop w as unanimously aaopted.


SpMtal DlspoftA fo (A« EVSTiiyo^JlEWa, CHICAQO, Jan- M .-F ed e n u ju d g e An-

dereon to -day aet F eb ru a ry 2! aa th e da te fo r the beginning of the retrial of the tH9,«IO,000 S ta n d a rd Oil caae in thia elty.

T he governm ent a t tom eya demanded a n Immediate t r ia l and the Standard oouneei w anted de lay un t i l May. The oouit de ­clared th e case would have to begin be­fore M arch o r the part lea to it muat got ano ther Judge. ________■

NO CAUSE FOR ACTION,Sprolal DtapotcA lo iht E y sm U ff XBWB.

E L IZ A B E T H . J an . 20.—No cause for ao- tlon was th e verd ic t rendered th is a f te r ­noon la th e ault for AlO.OOO damages brought by M iss A nna Magnus against A dam H a r tm a n . T he defendant Is a boss baker of 6S2 E l isabe th avenue. The su i t grew out o f th e death of Miss Magnus 's b r o t h s Emil, a t a r roof worker, who was fa ta l ly In jured by the 'collapse of the roof of H a r t m a n ’s houee, on which be j n a m r k l n g . _______ ■

B A D lTH U R TlN K A C inN ER Y .'-S ■' .. .........

flpMtot DUvatch to the J t fB S m a SBWa.E L IZ A B E T H , J a n , Albert JowJskle

w as badly In ju red , yesterday, a t the g ra s s i i u Chemical Works, la Linden Township. Me w a a caugh t In the ma- chtnory. One o f h is legs -was broken, while U s shou lder w aa cruahed- He waa bra i igb t on th a company 's s team l ighte r to BUaahethport and removed to the AleMan HoapltaL There It was u iU to ­d a y hla condit ion Is serloua.'^ H e ia tw en ty - th ree y a y a old ,and 'aiggie.

iC dE FT S SOUTH JERSEY O L lflrr. J taoT O H O B V , v t , jftu,, •m .-nov.

A. B . Oage, p a s to r of the FIraf B a p ^ O i u t e b h fca , h a s reatgned to accept a csB to t h e l F t t p t Bapt is t C b n rd ^ a g

M. . -5 ■


One Injured by Stove Explo­sion, While Other Is Caught

by Back Draft.


'I'ttrj girls, each llilr!«i'ii yt^ars olii, wertj til' vlt 'ilme of severe Injui’lcs while tvn<.l' lug fires yes lo rJay n,fli‘rnu(ni. An ex-

caused by froavu pipes, nmy nit^>y tho eyealKhl of Htlen Tally, of 13o buuth Te ii lh ztrBct, wliik' Irt'fia Pnrlsl, i f 17 Six th avenue# whs Iniclly burned about the upper part of the Uody. l igh l a rm and shoulder, wlirn li back d ra f t sol fire to he r clothing. Tlio Tully girl la In the I' liy HodpJisil, anil tin Fnrlhl girl is bidrig lr«*aled at her liuniiv

Tho Tully girl hud jJiartM a fire In n k l lc l in i rungf- In ai^ annccuidi'tl (hit on tini hi’Bi floor ill oifji'r lo gel more w;irm!li . 1 1 the house. Tho hIo w Imd not been In u-' e for wome ISniF. and the -v^aier, K-fi tsUtiid- iug In the plpi'8 tiiiil alLuhark ha J frozen Rnlid. IliUm >\ati wai'.hing tb« lire wlum tho oxiiIohIoii, cau.-ifil by expuri.'ilon In tin.- fopts Insld- ihe ranip:.[ rsutli-uliy toro tin stove npnn .

i l u t ushos find f 'kiI were hlowm Irilii Helen a face und she was thrown lo (he aldo uf the room Fnignu-nts of Blove plu lee and HOfllonH of the range wt.rv bli2 wn In all direollojis. One pli-ct- s t ru rk an Iroh w a te r lank with Huffleleiu farce to p o n e t ra le it, whUc niiotbcr piece w-ent th rough a dcKir and tore plaster from live walls. One aJiiall pl- uo "f Iron at rock the g.rl. Infilotlng a sllgSil cm rin the cheek.

T he force of the explosion shook th« house nnd badly frlghtencil tlin [enaiila. An older slMier found Ilolfti I r i jn g to re ­gain h e r feet. The girl woa blinded by tho hot ashei'. ami Hurferliig from burna about tlie foieheud. T h e i-oals set fire to tho floor In ■<% few ptacee. but the flame© were quickly extlngifishod. Thlllp Tully. fa the r of the victim. w liu Is Jartitur of (he Eigh th Htreel School, was NmuLmotied, and an a m ­bulance Vi afl also cnlled to remove her til th e hoaj’llal. The cHld waa said tu b© res t ing comforinbiy to-day

W hile th e Paris i girl was putt ing noal In th e s l o \ e of her fa th e rs store yes te r ­day a f te rnoon a hl;bZ<‘, cau-sed by a biick d ra f t , named uj- ruii| hmi Mri.' t'i her rlntl ili ig Lena did rmt inuif'i’ tiic curl ing flame a t flrsL ami wIu'TI she discovered, tici’ plight shr' 'ivii." unaiilc to IhaH it out. 'Hie li ttle girl ran Into an adjoining Iioumo and was. met by a tinanf, who wrapped his oviTcont about the girl and emother- ed the blaze.

I t . I ’. AI Hcrariliiiolll. of I 'iglifh ave ­nue. Is at te iulli .g the I'urlal girl, atjd be HiivM th a t whUc lu'T oonilUlon Is scrlunH. .mIuj will recoser iiiiltsa coTiipilcullpiiH set in.


Burns whlclt may prove ratal wi.re su f ­fered by F r a n k Newhiirgcr, of Ureoklyn, while a t work In u lingc nietni vat a t th« BalliiiitiiiH cc Co, hfcwory, on r f eenu in street . yi-ptiM'day iiflcmooii. Olio N hw- biii'ger, b ro the r of Frank, v-’ho was wairk iiig in tile VLil with ilu? latter, was al.so burned about the faco uJid bend

Bull: im-n are in Hi J a m e s s i:os])!tal Otto, It Is said, will recover. The tu rn ing of the tw o men was due tu an explofliuri, which was said lo have been cau.«it*d by tha hura t lng of an electric llKht hulu. 'Ihe llg^ t wai3 used to illiiminaie tbv Interior of th e lank.

T h e New burgers were employed ne v a r- itlshers. F a r t of Uiclr work was to shel­lac. th e Intartgr of the large vats at the brewery . A email door near the bo t tom s uf the vata la tho only entrance tu iheiD.

B o th men were vornlshiiig the sides nf one of these yesterday afternoon when the accident occurred. The only light they had was from the electric bulb- It w as protected by wire tn prevent It from being broken by striking somuthing else YVhat caused the hiirsllng of (he bulb is Uicrtiforc a mystery.

W h en tile explosion occurred It waa h ea rd by several other men w’urklng In the building, They ran to the vai In which the N''Whurgi^ra were workhig and had 1 0 d ra g tbcTh from their small prison. Both w pte semi-conscious and Wert- liur- ried to St, Jaij ics’s Huspllal In the Tlilrd P rec inc t ambulance.

P r a n k Newburger wafi burned about the upper p a r t of the body and hla head and face were Beared with the tlamea. li will not be k now n until to-morruw whether he Inhaled any nf tlie flames. Otto la burned about tho face and head, but not eer lously. O tlo ‘8 home la a t 78 Siatihope street , Brooklyn, and F rank 's a t I rv ing avenue and Suydom street, the same borougir

One explanation la that the electric l igh t bulb covering might have been s t ru ck by tlie brush of one of the men. A no the r la t h a t the lieat from the globe possibly caused an explosion of the fumes. The shock of (he explosion miiy have caused the breaking of the bulb, instead of th e la t t e r incident being the p r im ary cause of th e accident.


RRTDGETON, Jan . 20.- T h e Jur% In the case of H e rb e r t Grlgg. the clghteoii-ycar- old you th who la charged, with two other boys, w i th complicity In the m urde r of Wil liam Read, an aged res ident of V'lne- lond, a f te r over forty hmirB, still I0 unable to agree upon a verdict. The caae waa given to the Jury a t 7.30 o'clock Monday evcTTlng.

Jus t ice Trenchard . who presided during tho trial, hna announc'='d his IntenUon of keeping liie Jurors together until a verdict i.s reached. Under Insiruciions from the court, the Jury can only re tu rn a verd ic t i.f m urde r in thfi first degree or acqu i t ­tal.

W hen the ju ry came In yeste rday tvr f u r th e r Instructions Ju-'itlce "rrenchard re ­pea ted the closing part of hls charge. Bay­ing th a t “under the 4aw and the evidence la th e casjLi you. cannot firtd the de fendan t gu i l ty of m urder In the second degree o r m ana laugh ie r . I f you find him guil ty a t a ll I t m u s t be of murder In the flr«t de­g ree ."

O r lg g a t the trial said Kt confeiMed (scmpjicity to detectives under promlee t h a t he would be taken care of. Robbery w as th e motive for the crime.

I t la oald that a majority of the furors , desp i te th e Inatructlona of the court, a re hold ing ou t for a verdict of m urde r Id the aecond degree. Wal ter Zeller, the groDdoon of the man murdered, haa been t r i ed an d founjl guilty of m urder tn the fi rst degree, and the other youth, Cline W hee le r , ia awai t ing trial. The Inatruc- Gone to t h e Seller Jury were the Aame ae In t h e p reeen t case. Counsel for the boys a l re a d y t r i ed pleaded for verdicts o f s ec ­ond deg ree murder.


Woman, Who Qaims He Jilted Her, Has Him Arrested

on Capias.


Sii-phcn Wurnss, of lOO Ferry atreci . ii I'ridi.'griiiim of Ich . than a week. Is -spniul- lug ]>nii 'if hla lii'neyiijO'in In tho couiUy jiiU, Kc waa luckca up on a capias Isaued ar the Instance <'[ Miss Anna Mesterhaae, fwentv-four years ol>i, nf 103 Van Burea Blreel, wlm luis brsjiigtil suit agaitiHt hhn to recover flamagA's for ulU’geabreach t>f pronilae.

WoroPR wns miirrltnl^laBl Hi:nfiny af io r- noun. and OB sotm ns MiMl'-rhazeli'iirned of U sh<* brouglii sail ami got out (h<*» capias. As the lirl'lcgi noiii wuii tmi hIjIo to furnlHli hond?- to insureIlls appearnnci' hi ibc irinl of ilic cawe, Ilf W09 ccunmltieii

.Miss Mcs^'idia-ic nver.® lh:il she mtU ^\'t’»roa3 In I‘>'ft, lit lln lioim- of Mrs.Thun'Ka ' l o k o t , In \ i . hob sir- et, who iulroilnriMj ilc m, 8ln‘ di ' l a r e s tliitl Wiifoss '’AiUcil uiioij lii’i frciiiii-iuly. thi.tlie prupt>“ 'd tnatrlau'*, was occejiii-d and ihelr «‘ngagom''iit aiui'UJnceil. Uli \S'ornya she vlHited strver.il of tile frlendM, and Mls.“i Mt HlerliMZ*' Hllcg'-H th a t hy In Iroduced her as hls hndc-Lo-l)c,

H Ifi a.^ .Kfrted by Nflss M'^sterhaze that the wedding was sei for J an u a ry 10, bui wiiiiG nionihfl ngo Wurt'-ss lNforrnc<l her the enn.isenietu was off urul ihnt he was going liiii k I't Kurupe Miss .Mefiterliazc niaile a trlj) Ld F^urupc hcrselr. and On her reUjrii, she asHerta, WnruSs again decllni’d to m a r ry her.


Mrs. Kaestli, Court Finds, Had Accepted Lawyer's Note

Payable in Day.


Judge ll e r r . In tiic I’uurUi Frcr lnct Court tO'day. <1isihIhh. 1 ihe I’omplulrit nmili? hy fill’s, l.tjoi' ■ Kscstll agnliiKt Rudolph A. Hiaun. a the lawyerof obtain ing $2un und' 1 r.il.>*e |iroti-iiHf Tlio HxamlT^atioii of thr -h frnilant had been Iti prugroe.'i rm ttini un hour wticuMrs. KaCBlIl ni.ah it Known tha l shts liad acocptiKl Braun 's lu.ie In aeUlcruem of the rliilin li r**w Ihmum a f te r <the hail niudt: the fibrin.i| . I Jaii imry 11.

In dlHinlKHm»; tho ru - r .hnlgo Herr told .Mia. KncrtllJ l | i ,u w!im , ,j; I expect lo be ubio to pjiHs ft m 1 1 ..1 I .’luiion In a

that liuil 111.I ll I ,ifi. i Into one of 1 '1^13 rmturi’ Airs K.o'Slli tk-iluitHl tha t p.iyment luid U'lt yrt hi-n-n iii.nh' hy Braun

I 'Uj the notr. w o’- le r 'Uf day, nmlj liie court lh<ui In ronmil li> r she might '■o• Llll tiy suing Ihr ilclfiulaiit In

] . 1 id s tr l f i court.N'l’illiei' Bniuj i nor his eounsi ]. l >;ivld C.

! Dhtl.’ici, Juttl Niride iiiriill'm nf lh« fact ! ilifU tlic initf Itn-ii gl\cji In **i4ile-I meru and Mrs’ KucsHI hml nut tnUl uf

iO’cepllng Uir [mjifi lilh’ tcHiiIjing. It w.iF Wldl«' ijenrgc !•: Kaegl, a snlunu-ki’CiHT. nf II Springfield avenue wan hig xvIm I he knew of ifie t r in^no’i l 'nvshlcti lisulU'tJ hi Brniin's a i r t s ! , ll.Jif Mi'h. Itilt r r id ' l 'd Ihe iv !M"SH andliand-’d lb . iiiTm no te lo tho rmirt. S'lrsaid il !..ol bi-eu In fo r h.v If'Clasvyor In 1 'io hmIooh of l. .r f.iiher. Will- lain Sii’!i.['di, UKl l l u v a r l sn<ri , j i f i r •‘ he h.Ml ntiifTied rrum the l- 'mitli I 'le-


MAY'S LANDING. Jan. 20.-Desplte the fact tha t Juii lc fi Trenchard in hls charge culled ihc rtUenllim of the grand ju ry to ibo ueoil of finding liidlctmciit« ugulin t Sunday llqiuir Bcllciu BmJ BHmblei*s, Ihe luqulfllturs compif ied their work yeetor- day without tak ing any action In lh.iE direction. Thu court s references piirtlcu- larly concerneil ‘AilRidtc City vlolailona.

Tl:ip Jury handed op iwenty-lwo addi­tional I'iUiH making tlilrty-vlghl In all. It did in'll udjourn nh e die ioit holdu Itsr lf 11 1 rtmlliii-SMi to L’oiivwiif! whcnuvtT Hi© court ahall direct.


Explosion at Gibbstown Manu­factory Also Destroys

Seven Buildings.



Special DItpoteh to Ihe E r B d lS B S m t .U N IO N H IL L , Jan . M . - a « e r f « Oabrte l

la a t n igh t wM knoefced from th e belt to w er of Colunibue Hose Company b y th e b ig lover t h a t rings the alarm, a n d though he te l l a d is tance o t e te ty S ^ t he e t c a p M w i th only a ^ h a c r ^ m » e a n d fo rehead . H e live* a t TfO CUnton. a t r e e ^ Hoboken. -. . -

I 'h e r e w aa no o w a t the Hrehomfe g t t h e l im e an d - « U t 'w o rk in g *>• thought It w«g gii he a ta r te d the m ^ a n i a m «ni} re tuaed to ,**^®*® i^o ia r a Mth o -b ig leve r atruck h i p k em ga (h« henfl nnA (ace an d he flropjied to, th e g rauad. H e w«g t a u n d u t w o t i i e l o u i r ^ - h . » . u ^ T o w n Phynlctai) Qalglty, inn> flreaeed hla

- m i s f l a an d than gent h ta t itome. Mo hoocB w e ra brdkaa,

—— ;a . I ' III.I , -■-K' *’ Mneta*<y lapiltaa. aafl Varia.

owffc. itm mouQ »i„i. *dv. .


Reinshagen Also Qaims She Refused to Give Up $8,000

of His Money.


Alleging thill hls wiff- gi\i-s him c^dd food and liii'Ub-nlalis m !'-l lilihhave any pun lon of all i.hni Ik lofinf a CKtiifr whkii ill.’ Ijdi'ultcd fivevt-av.s niL?M. Wlhhiiii 3ivUi.--h.iKi ii. of fiG4 .SotiUi IViilli .slrrct, liiid hls spi>UKo hijmi- iiiaiifd lo S'.iiirth I r- 'Jiifl L'oijrl ildnJiiurhiiig, After licnimK inilli aldoa, Jud*?"' H»‘it referred KHiiMliiii;oii lu llic t.’outl o| t'lUUHl.TJ.

Th*} couiphiliuint the couit t icnmi'cl .Mrg. K ' [ ( . i n ' - n to give hnu aoinc of Ills ninjiiy, oi which she Ih th f cuiilodhin. }Jf! !U"'l:iri'd th.il ho la out of work »ml willioui I'uiLds. ;wul lie I’rliiflzt-tlIns wif t 's melli'id.K nf houaekoeiiuiK. Ho declared thiU ihorc was no Btuve In their rl.it. wlilch la jilw.iys roh! and choorii’sa. l ie addtal (hat in monihs ho baa not hnd n cup of h('L cuffee ot unylhlng else tha t waa palula'ble.

Hi.s liciillh is fiiillng, RMinahriRcn djilthcd, while Mrs. Hein.sluiRun. ho as- Ht'fit’d, Ib All'l^ l Jln her ruLluhs a t flojne plao^ oihor i Ijan huna;.

Mrs, Hi-liiMliatfori party denied anri nf- fliimu) iho Hintomenlii nf hej huHhaial She j iiid thill he had IrihorlU-d l iomtho eatalc of hia fa ther 111 ib rm a i iy ii\o year.H ago and mooii becami* a s[iondlhrJfl. 'J'lny wane, living tn San Fii.iorl.Hui Hitil bad hoen mfiiTled only Two >rarH, Mrs. lii liisliaKHi aald, when h«i liuflbarKr.s f a lh t r died.

The rniiiib- went to Germany, and afL'U’ obtaining llio mom-y HelniiJi ig' ii hrgun tn drink heavil j, hls wife .siiUl Mrs. Itrhis- hrmoii ik-c3Hi't*d tha t Rlie knew of two (K’rashm.H when tier hushiim'l, while iindrr tin? iiiflueni’fi nf nt|ii'>r, t«ive ande m tn women whom he linrdly knew Athol’ living a hie ot e x in u n g i i lu ’C fur a few months, filrs. Relnfhagfui nald. hoi' liiiKhand agreed to ei fi: uver Jx.onfi [n her fiir Biifekecnlnfi. He had a few’ ihmi.Kiuni !eii. she anlri, iind cnnlliiucd hls wild jirae. Uses.

.After remaining In Germany fur more than a year. Mrs. Hrlnshagfri aaiil, iJo-y n-turned lo 13i1m rounlry and siai teil hijusckevplng here.

AdmlLlIng tha t tih'’ haa llie tH.OOO, Mrs. tYrrijiRlmgcn dockired she fntcmlF to kia p l(. Stic said tha t the IntercBf on ihc tncncy Is Imrcly en'ujgh to keep lier.

Mm. RcitiMhftg’nn waa not called upon tu ar.swer la-r hnshand 'a charges afinut t;ir* way slic keppa houHe. Shn dcnlcfl, h>iw- t-viT. his r’iiitm that she obtains her na ala nway fmiTi home.


JffpcriaJ DlspflfiAto E V E \ iyq yEMB.ARUUBY FAHI\. Jan. 20.-^tVhci Ii.t a

mother may verhfdly wlU her Imhy (it another is the queadon tha t the c i i i r is will be asked to decide In a suit brought hy F rank Clayton, of Lakewood, lo gain P'^fisesfilon of hls elevcn-monlJijt-ohi daughte r Margaret. The child |a now In the custody of Clayton’s moiher-ln-Jaw, Mrs, John W. Condrlck. of Sixth avenue^ Brurtley Park . On her deat tihed Mrs^! I 'liiyton willed her baby to hr>r mother and made iior promise th a t she would never give U to Clayton or nny of h;s relatiVGfl. F ight months a f te r Mrs, Clnv- toTi'a death. In February , jnuR. Cluyiou marr ied Ids third coufiln, Mlsg Ohirtvs Cluyton, thvn -sixteen ycare old. Tliough he knew of hla dying wife's wlsliesr re ­gard ing the disposition nf little M argaret and Is siild Iw acquiesced, Clayton now demands the child^

Mrs. Condrick claims Clayton hns not contributed toward" the support of ihe Child. Clayton has re ta ined R. t .Stout to br ing action.

noil, wluTi’ th+‘ voiniihiiiu w.ts

- T"


ATLANTIC CTTT, Jan. M.-HeroJsm and self-fiacrifice were displayed hy a hulf-doaen workmen yeaierduy in their efforts to save Hugh TtllmaQ, forenuin 'of a R>rce of workmen. Tillman was over­come by gas Ifl a sewer trench while searching for a leak in a gas main. As «iuickly as the slz'^men were lowered into the manhole they were hauled out uncot- aclous, Before Tillman could be raised from the death trap he was dead.

Thomas Bailey, who was overcome, Is in a critical condition In the City Hoe- JDltoL Edward Balea Is also Buffering at hls home from the effects of the gas.

. Resideuts In the vicinity were In terror because of ihe frectuant explosions of gas th a t sent* hundred''POutid Iron manhole ebvera flying hr the air. The search for the leak Is to be puraued, but with hesd- drem suppUet^ by air from a pump while the -workmen are In the sewer holes.

citllt made

Mth uiadi* th r <'i>nip!-'iiiU on bo.hall uf her f:it|uT, whe 1 - h' ;\1hk ii yi-if In Uu* i"’iilli-'iiliarv. fhm riipfll was iiro- durcil In o u r t ilds mcrn lag u iah r iJm giiuiLl ij| li k' ’' 'por from ihc i iMwill prlKi'h 11 1 hls lostlimmy hi- rn; 1 nti-Tialfl ih'* Ntiit-tii 'ni uf iiIh ilrtiiijhl'I III lh«* I’ffLi l ili.it lit lijtj [‘iiM iirnuTi, u 'j o wii.K Ills tJMi UTifhT tlio |i>'h'f That111!.' .......... . ivu.s I ’ krt-p him fri'tii fi'il' gti< Jill'. ll<- Slid Hiriiin h.i'l ti'lil rUni lli >t III wiiuM Trt'f t1 .uiiK'ihl v« ,m paid,uii'l h>.‘ th t l . in 'd ttuvl In- ih" inorieiIII !hi- ih fi.’tiihiiii a* I3it. I'iniii hun-.- N..- ’i i i n l u r H, last Ahi.ni :i \\--mK lutcr Sliicmptll W’liB Ki'nli'iu' ll hi Ut - peni- U’MlIary

AftfT Stiifunifll har^ trKfMlni Hr-nm ml- (lrap!m‘'l tlio rmir t and .Kniil llial ouislih-r- iliK tho Hhiii'Nii’iU uf It.!' f rnu-r lit- did nut hcllt'\o Hi;i( ;i ui'i/j't* nf fnlsi- j in - tt-'uso ijju’iluNt lilniKi q r‘.ni|i| h+ oiitcr- laliivii, Kj.s iMtiTprrt.i dun nf Uic law, Uriiim Kiil'l. V i.s 1 1 1 ,It jii urilof to oHtab- iii-h a fiilno pirioiian i! wmild ha i’o to be noro^sari’ fur tho ariiiKoil in have inIS’ ro|>riK«ii(r-il a i Iuiik dial existed iiL llio tlnu- uf tho iTii.sri’pro.'-imlatlon ur hud

priur to ilmt tlnu'. Tho lawyiT Hiil'l lu’ did tmt [>i lli \'i‘ tl cuuld trt‘ rallml falsn pn lons i (n nilsi’epr»’Ki’m a thlrig lliat IjU'1 nut yn! tumf,' pi [>a.ss, as th t’ rv- . iill wnild hi: ' uly si luiitli-r uf B[iycuhi’ lion

A d"luy ’K’fis paused In Ihe oxfimlnslI'm I'v itir iibspin-o uf Knegi thocourt was wuIMhk fur tlin wIUioks to a|i- pvar, Mr. F’ll le i’or jstarfed (' Hiirn up i Iih h'.Kiijiiuny th a l had liotui «;iven, IpliI was pii’Vi-nleil from dolriK so hy JuilKe l io n Mr F it lc rer doplrtmd thfll In his iqttni' n Ihe pane iigainsi Praup •I’as ft plv[] one Ho jsftkl lha l Ihc lawyoj’ bar! etityi-vd liit" a puiititU’l w h h StiK'iTiiifll lu obtain dm InUcr'a freedom for J'All. liTe fiillure iif the eJefetuUmt to do as he iiad apn-edl Mi F’i tterer sJild, was » iLffcmdi 'if uonlract.


Sr e'u'fll DfKpnir?! Uj thf EVEyi\(f SEW8.l-’ATt:HHON, .lull. YD.-Sl. Ktnpherrs

Koniaii CalbolJc Church wins Inully iialtcil liy fire a t li 0 's‘lock tills niamlng. A chnsH of s ix ty children. In seasloti In Ihe basement of Uie ohurrli, marched aulely iml of the hulldliig In rtisjionse to tlio tirn KignaL 'J’he Urn, It la heilpx'ed, wh.hi c a u s 'd by /i liefeptlve Hue. T'lie huret lng of the boiler way a featu re of the hlaz«.

Tlie iusj la i-sliinated ul J7,rwo. partly covered liy Insnranoc.


MEXU'O r iT Y . Jnn. 20.-Ths volcano nonr (he I’ily of C>lmlna la In er'i|itlua, U Is tliruwlng out a Kreat qiiaatlly of ii.Hhoa iiH'l puinlL.’o shine. There 1s no lava (InwinK mid ih" peopU' are ularfn-d S'-veral silMhl ear lhquiilie shocks hiivo been re jvM rd fr'ivrn that re;;luii wllhlu Thu last r«’W ilnys, hm no damage h a ’j ht’(»n ifunH This vuh’uno alw ays emlt.K PTiK'ke and fhimofi from |is c ra te r and iia be Hi-en rv ry idKhL by Phlpn many mlhK ill 8va

Freda thins uf n ore «'^vrre earth(|Uake rthoilcs utP made b$' BidsmoluglstB.

• • ■ ........—


MT-:s FINA, Jnn. 2b - Tin'' anal swept yns- terdny hy fir-, witirli hrnkc out amoriK the ruins U'f' liy the ear thquake. Is etlll Hmoklng lo-da'. All night long a cloee wall h was rn.ilntnln'^'il lin'd the working of the pumps wiis A'untjr.ui’J for fear the Itami's might break out again. A c<irdon of IT'nops Iff still mnlntiiltiud about the huru l distr ic t to be ready in CJiSO of emergency.

RLGGIO, Jan. additionalear th shopks at shuri inu rva ls wire fell here to-day.


OPUTHBUB, 0 „ J»n , Tli« w f r i d ’i ti6wtlll|T Taiotfl to t tournamMit t a m o waa

b r o H a f l ^ th« Sta te Bowlinx T oar- BanoMjl, tl)a XrcUniaii flve-iaaa t e am (hoib CStiu l im atl acerlAB a tota l ot LS31, b e a t ln r the TMMd o f th e BoBfl flve-miin toam of th i t e h f , m ad e a t th e t o u r n e n e n i a t Cin­cinnati laat jrear, by (our pin*.

. i i - ss-s.Hair dMaa patlw of AaNnMr.BiMah Clft.

l b . «A ar p Wihi I'liH f .


ROrilPTSTER, Jan SO-U is annnvituu'd to -day th a t Rev. Philip McPevlu. aiipcr- in tendrnt of the ParuflUal school aystem of the liPchdloceRH of rhlljuleiphia. will deliver the eulogy at the funenil of Bishop M'^Quald on Friday.

HAY BE GRAND JURY PROBE.TRENTON. Jan . Ml.—Deerltc the fact

tha t a coronar'B Jury exonerated Rallun- tine, the a t t e n d an t a t the New Jereey Sta te Hospi ta l fo r the Insane, a f te r !n- VBStlKatlng the dea th ol Henry D. Rue, a prand ju ry probe Js probable, J u i^ e RelUtab, In his eharse to thJ grand Jury tor the J a n u a r y term, yesterday, under direction of Supreme Court Just ice Alfred Reed, who wae unable to ramaln for the eessicn, called a tten tion to the death of Rue, The court pointed out t h a t the dea th had been Invest igated by the proie- cutor'e oHlce, and tha t a coroner’s Jury a f te rw ard found tha t death waa due to Injuries acc identa lly sustained.

T he court, howmver, told the ju ry tha t It waa th e i r d u ty fully to In v ea t lg a l r the death , and b r ing ta an Indictment, should they And 'Ibat a crime bad been cohiRiItted. This waa the only ma tte r to whloji th e ju ry ' s a ttention was caUed.

ELECT ROOT SENATOR.A LBA N T, N, T „ Jan. » . - T h e Senate

and Assamhiy m e t in Joint session a t noon to-day, cofDpared Jounmis and normally d o c l a ^ Seore ta ry of Sta te Bllhu Boot e l e c M to Uh dlftce a t Vnited S ta tM Sena­to r fo r a t e rm of elx years , to eucoeed Thom s* Cl P la t t , whoe* term of ofBoe egp tre i cm H a re h A next.

L a i w * Swator, Ska tea . »r M a ik e i n .glw ttWif l p a tn if la f f l a t u f s i s f f f c e -a t* . '

IIIHUSTOWN Jjin. .All IIIM ' iiilxtiig bulMlng of Ihe D uisulI rI'l-iul liiii’v liijurvii iw tlvc M'-n ;iiul ili- >!iiivi-t] Ntpv’cn small com ign ii ' l hon liulhl-

Thi* 1‘xiiJoKiun oi'rutri'd iii: 7 '.'b k liiitl AMifi f^U wllhin a liidliiK of

thii ly mllfh 'fliii mum serlau.'Aly laliiM’d if* Jot I Lialf.H, an cmplqye, wlio wuk 'tiwtal iii’insK the Ih' lawarf ' Rtvt^r aiiJ luk'-n lo Th'- fh c s t iT Hnaplliil. Tlo' olhorIni'ir-f il nil n w»'ro trc'ttlud at Ihelr t.oru*”' .

■lu,-’'! ht'for ■ till- 1 icplohlun uovum-il It it is a III lilt " dll'' nilxliiK'iTHHii, iiTfl, tllHonv- iy-Ji s ' -mcdtlng wrong, fi- d um1 gavt- warn- III*' to n(iitu crni'Jo.i'Vf' In nearby luulfi- hix", AH (litj m-'ti HitiMt’d lo run fr.imI |:i . LiliU’f, but ............ o ccu rm l br'-f u-' rln^y all voiiM giM tu i\ nafv ilia- l.llirC.

n WAP at first tjoUovT'il Mint ttierfi wiiflNi’ftous loNw of hit , iuul ii?ii’sii‘1atin woroMiiJimuiitMl from KiirTfUinillag tuwriH ht?fnre ;in Invi'KliA-al lull ss,j?i iiLHih', After m3I i!:vngt*r w«jp n\«j ‘ th<' mtiijJoj’ob r<*1 iirn‘ d am] Tomul ri'i onr' kMl 'il m niisiiltig,


Longarelli Was Only Sun^ivor of Three Men in Fight

in Montclair.


Imlir i .’l! f.ir ;i iliinl kllliuK, I 'onm,,KMI-elh. of .Mon:i Ijiij'. ,.jilt i, .| r< |Umi uf guilty III iniinsl.mgli!", Iti huMi Inlhi.‘ (Viiii't of atui Ti-i inlnor to-'lnyLongiirf iJI w.is ii’Qfiioi|lH(,"ly Kent (■ii!‘‘ il lo ton liL Slulv prl.Kon Tiio vlvtlni.s1 1/ ih'- J'Mjbh’ t r i g 'd y wiTt' Mlolnul Cui- d o am-J l ‘a i f r both of M-uiti'lalr.

In rvfoiiiiinuiiJing tu Judgt'^ Ton Kyck tlio ucri’p ta m o of llio pri»uni‘r'» plva I'rosoL'uloi’ Midi aalii

"It w'aa tiurk ivIjfm Mils happimoit. onfl IJToi.’lHoly wfial luippriii'il U Is 1rnpi)»nlbl4!!« dfip rmlue except LIuu there wne a gomni’Hl tight. Till' dor.iirlant WrtS WOiflT J- id hImMolf and nearly iliv,!. The Htyto caiitioi hJjow iLn- ordi’r In whJofl tlH- woiirulH wore InlllcU’il. Kiorn the first JtfendHiil liKH I’lalrniil Mint Jiu wuk ti fl brj-i mull Injurt'fl. Aa It ai-pruiM ttifll J.on- gaiolli whK ujiparcritEy lit-friidlag 3iU own llfi’, I reLtmimcnd Mial a p h a iif tnaii- BlauRhtfr bi‘ «ri.H'ijlod.”

Hofore SfuiUnm- waM tmimpi-d <jn lum- gHii'MI IiIh couiisi-l, h'niiik M. MoMemill, Hcild that (ftp dffCMtlaiiL wnw m>i the ag- gipftsor In tht.j fraAiuH, Mr MvDemiU mmlP a phui fui' i-liMTiancy.

A (iimri’#fl if.sultlng from ri game of cards pinoodod iho killing, l.ongnndh, G ordo nrid Forrolll Wfie pluyliiK LIU' game la Fi'.lor KHloun In Glvrif'.ldge T'ho trto dlragro^’n :as fu wlm w;!« lo pay fur dMnk.s It ih iillcg'd lli fs' ’ were Itie atakc.s. litunlng Mie aoloon llip int-n went along Cilf'ii iPilgr av'-nur Into M' liti’lEilr, where Ml ■li^puie ih I'on- lijiUKl KiUvea W'-iv 'liKWii .in<l all Mn'''i’ i i i ’t 'Ue'l su'v. ri’ iiPlomiuul injurl''H.

F u r* Ill s wuuri'l ruuKi'l hlH oI-tmt-St iiiunPAllHtely aud I'lirrlo illid .lium23. .............. aft '- r Mu- Hiiibhing in llihMuuiiltUtUNl'lc 1 lo.Kpllul. I.origiirdll ni-iili' hla SMiy (u a IjuUNsa In HIvei' HM"'t^ Ihis d lv , nflor the stahhinv, hut waa t / n ’vd and t iJion Into cu9lod>‘.


A ’IMilh a fvw ho'irK a f i r r ho had lalu'nf,HJl a t n u ’oling riTd. pyphilulng Mi’it in-waa t l n d nf ihi- wuy ihlr. .H w t " goinK with him ht’rr . M'olkpr Htiiirii[ lin. a print­er, fell down Ji lllghi of Kt;iir.‘i :n a p r in t­ing e.slalMsIiinf’Tii In M iiih.il’Jin l.r i .u^ni, .KU«tfiln1ng liiJurli’.K fr.'m ulil.jii i,- doU ihi!^ innrhlijg

titirimiilln hn ii iu 'l hi- lint In ( lu* h?;, Gregory H nk[U' i3, In G .d .sin-nt, i.irly Mils MHunlio^ wlthnur I’Haluing run .ur']r«UKni .Ks. It iK hcllcv-il that hla Hltull wii’3 fra' tMi 'iI \\'!r<l t hli dmiih wancoriViynl t.i his who In KmoAcn nvoiiii". Nn\v l{pi!iK\'h'k, and ef;.. BtnriPfl Imno - illal'^l.v Tot N ow Yorl< i;iko diaiKO ofMo- t - ’.lv

r n i l l i-'iti nliiv Hhr in.j liTi was rm - plov''’'i] b\' ll.o Lawh-: I ' r lndng 1 ’uni-1 , ; U LI24 M i i k ' i “in o f fic had benn Hu P' for about ihif* mnnth.K and Khuut (, rloi k hv.Kl iilytii 'Jldani'-d from John If. Inilpy, Kerminry of T’.vrioirriiphkntl I nlOTi l.of'fil No. li«, a (rnvd ing rard Ih: ©»- phdnpd to r.bih'v ihut h - v .ih going to New Ymk, whore he exiiriicfl to get along tiPtlor

Shiimplln fell d'lwm fh-> stnlrs near the entrance of the bnlidlng ni i»i3 North WllUfim Hired, New York, In which ure iocalod . fleveraS printing housoe. U la fiijppoad'^ he wan on hlfl wny to obUln a Joh. From the card found in hla pocknt, Mie police gut Shrlmplln's name and not i­fied the perre ta ry of the M anhat tan prlnttirs' local. ^Vord waa Pent to this rfiy. and John Heun. vlco-pre.'jIdeiU of ,tbe Itjral here. w\vnt Immediately to ISfW UrunsvvlAk Ui notify Mra. Shrlmplis.

Mrs. ShrimpUn was told of he r hua- baurl'a death by a N E W A R K E V B N IN O NE'iA'B reporter. She waa a t the home of her mother, Mrs, George M’leland, In Rpifisen avenue. T h e Shrlmpllns were married April 20, 1900, nt Somerville.BhrlmpUn cam e to this city about four months ago from there.


HURTS TENForcite Powder House Near Landing, Lake Hopatcong,

Destroyed by Dynamite.


.C).fOij to ffir K^7';.^7^(/ yEWB,l.AKi: m>]7\Tl, 'ONU. Jan, 20. FOUT

tio'ii vv'n- kllhal nnd ten oshers .w'oiiiidiii Pj iin i’-x|)lnHlun whli’h drstixiyed "to- i.f till’ hntldliigf of Mu? Forrl te Pow** il'T WorkH. hriv. ihlH iifierautni. The I vplo^ ioiii oi’r n t i ’ftl slioftly before $

|oi KT In ih .u1 i i r r . ’I-'Mjh Horlli, fifty year; uhl. of Ledg«-»

W vkJI'li.iih’s Miuidii’rrton, thirty yum's old, of

N- <I 'uig,Jo:-i*p)i Si'stak, iwcnly-tltrite year# old*

iji Luiulin^^ii’phtui GhiJdcK, iw only-dg lu yeai 'l

old, of N c h ’unfe'Atm.UK t lu’ liijnrial iii’C; ,.Mfn’il Til III lii-r. of Huci iisunnn..ymlti’w U'llkisnii. nf I.akrwnnd.Munhl WllllamH, of Sticrufajiinu.J .injt s Kiiyb'. i)f Huovayunnu.All Mi ’ Injui’i'il wore vtil about the fl|Ce

and bod\' hv flying ghiHH IViylft lA tri'irti fi lajiiKHi, and it is feurftdMl.If lu II] ]> din,

'I'll' III'Ill s ni (he tni'ii will) were klUefl.Vi I rr I IJi 1 . 1 pit’, ^

All Mil' ib',ul u i i i i moirlisl. Bar th l i Hurvi\i-rl hy il widiivv luiil live chlidfen, H ' l id i i s ' in iiiui.s .1 wldnw and ChUd,riir bijiiirH vii'To Ltki-u cuiT (if by ari ^iindvriukri lisifii Hifi'’asiiiinu.

Thn Injuri-il wen* ti ikm Into the ofllcfi uf till’ cuinjiHriv :im! i^cro rarvd for there, iJf II H Nolduii, mI SMminiiio, and .firlni MlHrr, I’f NrU'uuu, vvnro Hummonid and wiTi’ tiu fii’M tn H'niJtiiul with mtd*Iv'il lltil.

11 h I’ftMTUUnd limt tliv |UK.«( will amOOfit Ui J2.' 1.NO

’I’ll' ligddlni; whl' h \v;is dcsiroyod w a i one-sfor-y ffnnir Hlrurluri , nst'd uh u dyna.- triltu lm> kliig-lHuiHc.

Till' --In I'li id' Hj( ('X[ilosiim could bd luvir'l f"i rnilvs urniiml ’i n-' windowi In Mil buu!-i s w .'I'u sliulterod and rliljnawAM In tliv cl ’sriM w.-ro Hhakcn iff Ihv Shelvei,

Tlie p"wdcr i ' lnvmiu' Is engaged In t h e rminiifFii’tiiri' uf tilnsling powder an d • rnn l j ’ulk'd li> ihu I);i I'niK (Jp NfimoUf i^pWll♦‘I• MnttM ’tiiy uf Dover

.\lsuni tiNih yi.iji.H UK" tliiTr WUH an ex^ pPislnTi ui till' p! iTt'. biu iliore was nodam ag i’ ......... av tha t tlmv ur nny loss oClil'K- suff-’i-d.


lujMior G CJndd, furmei’ly an ofTlnlatlB^ Urimbllc Having and Loan Aaeoc*

Mi'ii !jI Uiiij cuy. wuEi divorciMi by hU- ‘ will', Mru Lnufii F. Gufld, I11 Denver yea^ irrday . iJoyerLioii and non-HUppnrt wer*I lie Krmim1» upon which Mrn. Uadd btuuKht lier eiiU. Gndd was not present when the (Icctcc was granted, but bis at* icniieyH made a general denial of the alls*- gariunH.

Undil rind hla wife went to D env tr In Jn imary , UMM, rind lived there "for aQverall;;’i3 moniUa. T hen Uadd went un lo CaU(pf»

L a te r he went back to Denver arKl then rriuvril lo Muyonne, this Btate. l i Is Huid hla wife Hupfmiied hvrself In th« Weal aw a HtcnugiapJicr,

■Jhi* jif tllioni'r In ilio priM’fi'’(lliigR yes- l('T'hiy waw Gud'’rH wciMriJ wife. I t Ih ^ald thul Mitijd and lll < llrKl wife, who w in !i Now Yni’h Juii’CWR, wore also dlvtin-f’il TM h waw biiun" tliufil came to Niw.irk T!u oan.n‘ of !bo Hcpuratloh,il ivti.s Hal':!. iwiK liiu firwt Mrs. Utidd'su\ I'l’wl'ui (u I Ii Ih {'I> y.

Mrs. l.uura I-'’, ijuilii, who lia.s JuRt r€“ ' i i h i ' t i luu dli'uivv, VN'iiw jii uiiu lime em- nlovo'l JiH n t \ i t o r b>' Ginid.

I’riidrt \v'd*i conm uifd wUh th'* '^Wltch llaKii Truwt, ■ which w<nit lo pieces sonm youiH ago. number of NewarkerB were aniiuiK llinwe wlit» Invested In II.

Final divlih'ii'lH nri bring paid hy fo r ­mer (inverivor !''tufler M. V'lorhevB. Who- wa.M reci'lvr r uf Mn. itnpablic As.-^ocluMon.It waw clulnif’d lu hn inwnKi-nt by Btate ('cunnilflHlimer i Iliiiikimf aud Insurance[>a\ld 1,1 W'ullunw almut fiv- y ia re npo. riiiU’i' .xrr “iiliJ to huu: tx-'r, ahmil i;,30D

mTi;i II’hi'lili’r H 111 Ilr.- Iu;m iisSud il I'jfl.


HAY CREATE NEW COUNH JOBFreeholder F r a n k E. "Ward e o b i e i r ^

with Direc tor W allace Ougheltree, of the Board of Freeholders , to-day regarding the need fo r iJie employment by * th e county of a m an to a ttend and keep tho minutes of the various cummiUoe meet­ings of th e fre^hoIdei-B,

' ‘A t the next meeting of the board, on F eb ru a ry l l , ' ' Mr. W ard said, “ I am going to suggest th a t a man be employed fo r the specific purpose of keeping thb oum- mtttee mlttutes in detafl. To a t tend all the meetings and do this work it will re ­quire all of A m an’s time^ and a clerk, ‘n addition to August Soffel, should be em ­ployed.”

I f the new position is created by the board th e appointee would have to puss civil servioe examinations .

COURT CALL TQ-HORROW.T he call ln -(€<i Bapreme Court to-roor .

TOW vU l S r K i s ,


• Di .ilh ii" I n i-'ili ii[ fiiiDfiiiSnc I’uiiHCdh\ lll itniiial I :ia i -u- ' v.:i:« il i ' vv.iy Mill l/i'in" I'U! u 111 uu i'ITum lu l■iucl<lats ■ iiiirg*'*' rn.uji l>y l'( ' l 'r ir li .Sluirfi in tns L N .“it I Ijsi IT' ' < '• uirl

M \v is ,1 Jl .‘<1 111 Iii-iiii;ill by Shjirp III ii.ih.uu''.-' li >111 MU' Dubllr.- .r \ i' . T'.I fiMf.j li'M. J "|- 1 ilf'aih o l .fj/'T -hu'i' 11".'.H in :r"iii nr' lii.i ri^sl-lur,; '- I'l 'Ui.'iUi 'I'lM' lil.iUitltT lie-*.b ir ii l Mu l.uiL ln'ini u r T ' ' ' l ' ' l u yi'Llfax;u !<> I',.' in.ia.l-,' n; KIM Ii'mIij Mi:; t’Oni* Ijuii', M ni.ini .iii'i :udti>" li'ii itrlv iied..Aici' 'b r l l l,i,s I .niMMr . lU e jn p t^I'liir.v n .li>n'; HI ' i .[>'1.; I ■ i;i IJnii lu UtS-VAjlU l' . l.l U.'' [U-"I’'Mv, l>IJI Il.l;- H,M ubjectwl.’.to';!I' ■ l^l!,l!lv I. .Min.ii'il, c'l'ii'Si I (or, .uii|i.iiiy. un Mr M.,ir tlri'rarlatloa"' '- ''v\rt.’* nui Mi’L lip !u I'U ilt'iiinii.l. 'i'Jio Court iu.ljuurii'’i.i Ui' ' iijii- ’Mini a ii r iimf’ was'u i . l i f JU Mu HlUU’ U| UcIn.iIhI In llil ut. Ml’. '.Minati'H ob.l' ' Mon.

UNSETTLED WEATHER COMINGFull’ aiiJ w .i in iu [iniiidit, li i| hos cjiJ by

ill I’v.iblnit I iiul w.jrmlh tu-murlyvv, vmMi pinbiilil;,’ IiJi>-i Mu i 1 woalJlvr bj liliiiil, *!!• tho f'lii 'utJi uf Mjv W.tSh- IngUm burv-’iiu. 'I’bv i-iiiiici utui ij ut 3 o ’oluvk th la moriung vau It deijrtus. A t 7 o'clui k U WiliJ IN.

A l noon the warnif-r wvrulier promised by tb© vvtatlK'r w''i'u vaNi fpit^ fu r Lite t c m p tro iu re rcg in U f J ili-grees. A t I o ’d t ick the humSuiiy w,ik 77 per eent.^ an d a t l i Jjfcl<ick 76 per ' vui. The preVKUllig if lhd n a r th v e s i wfi.h a velocity of fivofftiiles i n hour.

Th9 h lgbea t point reachr-d by the tc it t- j p e ra tu re yeste rday wa.v (Kfcrc&s, the lowest 1 fleirree. nnrl the average 17.2 d e ­grees. T he average hiimiillty was 70 per cent. A no r tbves t wliui ivllli a mnxl- .mum vt iocily of rivi'Ae iniles an h ou r prevailed.

O w y«Ur fig * iu-«l;iy tho hurhest tem- r peraburo waa 47 iTPgrve?*, Mie 3owc-at was '30 and tbo average 3B tUi?ri'« A. The c h a r ­ac te r of th e driy was uloiKly,

CAR HIT WAGON, DRIVER HURTRosooe Rogers, coler'^d, while dr iv ing

a wagon, w as th rown from h th is a f te r ­noon w hen the vehicle was hli by c a r Nn. 1836 of the Orange llna a t I’lunk atroot and Breln tnall place. He wag in ju red about the body and -was seut to the C ity Hospital . A f te r rocolving t rea tm ent hb w e m to h ls home. 211 Newark .street, '■

Rogers w as driving hls horse u p th # htU on th e easibourtil t r a c k and putted tb the westbovmd t r a c k to make way fo r thib.' car . Tfa speed w o j not checked ttooftjt. enough In going down the hlU to avoid colllalon. T b s c a r w a i In charge ' to rm an No. 3.0EO} mfid conductor No. a p ' "

A i y —■■1 *—: to H « y t OaiM.Vio«-Cli«iiceltor Stsvens heurd on

(a.<lar l a Uehulf o t th« dcfondai ctlvorCB ' s a l t b r o u f b t )>y Re* ' a n i i i i i t U ts- Mill AAraln. COUBOel £«r,] lltBt to vtew ot th t .Jtod e e m r a f t d ’peai rofkile nor a bixto, oJEalrB, It did no t flafl toirit w i th h« r * . . .

cMitlntted u n ta to-n:____ _ _ .• --------- ' - -----------------

'w e d f l t o c CvKiMt. Oar S f r a t o U ^ ^ JN. A. HulllB'i (tahlu. 2*1K cwuia «r» •ml.n flMM;|l^pH£l

*trr. iMiy IT t ■' IWI. ipIlwiWUHM . ..a|T**Mr •



FtmakOuriUble Society Hears Reports at Annual Meeting

This Afternoon.

One hnndred and »l* y*ar" °< *"■"MMnDlcted tiy the N ewark Female L Im

. n d the annual m e -held a t the I'ullii-*B» of th< Bocili’iy was ..

Inc. *» Halaey Bifeet, this arii-rn^v £ r e w»“ “ Pf"Sram " " "i ^ t o follow, a» 1» cnalomary at ttie

* 'o m r tp * fa v e reporm for the la»tan addre_ea waa a ^ e n hy K t .


Frederick Jackson Sues Former Manager to Recover $1,241

and Capias Is Issued.

‘‘ T E D D Y ’’ TOKIO OFFERS/y£- f>ifr IT all OlfER t h e " P /^ E P A T O /9 . Y Y S U S T » " !

/ /£ ■ a A v e t h e '"a i a l s e a c tO A S - f f E A T W E A U T H ' A V ^ A E t b P T H A T T H E T ^

W/(?/V> FORC-STi



Dr. William H. Morgan mi tiM A«b. Service.” There wb« al«<' “5 «n w e t poun-d liy si 'vmal mi-mln n . t h t t o c l e iy In ihe parlore lal> r

i b t o m e n N. Wright, m'rreepmidlri*

work She aald ua the population "f le d w increuaed the work of the s .aliiy

- greaier., -''i;;::;;^ e r t poasihif. had b.-cn trained t-'

. thtmtelvea, Thia lad toward “ " * ' , ‘r■ ■■''ofXtemgeirnu and it ro iiger liniml»'" '■

and Iniliiatry- She » tn t« i ‘Ukndry committee wna rn im ped far «rk Of room to do Ita work. Tim t ruiy J

< D«y Ntiraery waa alao banipered _ M ' M r e n c o de Cerke*. It was suited, had

l -v b r tn added to the board, as s ie r r ia ry f the relief coinniltiev, to take the pim U n . Wright, who was made HltB Emmn O. iJ ithrop , who servad m

_ thk early part of the year, is abroad.Mrs. Wright mentioned changes among

^ m w l ie ra and recalled the deulltB of Mrs. Matthtna PrUte »nd MIbh Annie A- Wild- r ick; the former an honora ry vlce-pres- ld«pt and the la t te r ii memlier Mrs Price, when eaecutlve of the body, laid the corner-alone of the present biilldlng.

tti thfi '-rfpnrl of ihf* house committee,' the Kere ta ry e ta led tha t employment for

wemen had been given In easek. In­cluding l.KB days of work. There were ^ fiOlptulUee meetings held, while ll.JlEi was apeni In the work.

h-.,H Ttie relief committee report showed that ^il tB lBety famlltea were re fe rred to t front

■ th» Bnreen of Aasoclatcd t-hiirltles and 'hVwgM attended. There a re a » families now

e n ' th a booka, liirtudtng Blok and autlerlng a ^ o w a , deaerted wives and children, and

" ^ e ' w o r ' l of the freah a ir comhiltire •hhwed tha t 1,S00 women and children were M>t 1 0 the coun try fo r Iwo weeks or

H Kraire last summer. i.COO tickets to Coney [■» l * n d wera dtelrlbuiert. and |C,I!9».4S'was

iSJw W ved and 16,214,77 alabursed, leaving a' I t i t l b e e of tm.71. , .

t h e r e are 137 members on roll In the iMIhere ' meotlnga and W9 gMrtnenls were

i i^ m k d e and given out to the women. 1 he i*®-W«hae was ITS. Of mate ria ls , 96S ysnls

'svigs purcliased and prepueeid. The |aun, 4 l ^ commlttoe reported | ! , 6 !6 ,2 ! rorelved • H i A ia .O I eapended.

ksork of the kitchen gnrden. the MirlBg gnd cooking schools, woe alao de-

leir •ejibed I t Wue Btaled Ml women hud a , g ^ v ed w i th dlnnera, a t an expenseFL,Sr^«0.47, while |U7 was received for thIa,

■ e j m annual meeting la s t year , the t'lirtst- . m gs t e a and m e a ta ten ien t of the auill-

H‘* f r a k y J ^ n e Boc-lety, were also .. t f i a t e d of,■ ! (« ,< Mar lin Dennia, the treaaurer, re-S ted th a t the to ta l receipts for tho year

been M.SIS.T*, and the total diabiirtie i m t n l s lu l l* « , loaving a halance of S3I» S«

f.Vfcb. current ekpensea. She said thore had ‘ bssn any addit ion to the endowment

I during th e year.

ECTION OF WATER PLANTJ p W ale tS upei ln tendB ii t A rthur A. Relmer, F ' - ^ J w k t Uranga, took a parly of vtslturs f e W t h a White Oak It ldge pumping ata-

tS s i yeaUrday a f te rnoon, and showed t i a f g the' newly-dlBcovorod aulphur well,

symther bureau , which waa installed a f te r a autl aga inst the city Drought out

' ttta faot tha t ra infa ll and other meteoric paporda a t the pumping stat ion were vsl- H ^ t e Ihlnga to have, and the place where

‘ the re 1» ohortly to be Installed a new weneralOT and pump, equivalent In ca- ” ^ t y to th e a p p a r a tu s now In uae,

will p ract'eaDy duplicate the pump.

^•^f^i?*«*uiphur well la on a plot to the ' krittt o f the pumping site, about sovenly- ’■".iK acres In extent, on which the city

W u obtained an option. Another well la S S l g driven cloae to It nsw, nr.d It Is ii a i lM toh w hether It will produce clear, p w e water, or, like I ts Immediate prode- •igaor , bo im pregnated wltti sulphur,


Siiprume Court ConimJMlnr\tT W al te r J. Knlgtit hus Unueil u Ci\iAun fur the aftHsl of fliTvcy K- WuodburJi, !n fonn^’CiUm with R civil ftuit In wUlcJi ht? Is df^IeruVint.

The act ion was brouKhl by r*'rfai»*riik JnrkBiin. pfopriotor of lh« Mutual Company. Marked alr««t, of wIiL h WoodhuiTi fo rmerly mann»f"r Jin kBun B«^eks to re rovar ♦l.jJl.tJS, whi.h uMiijiinl lii> cluJmu VVp^Mlbutn obiuiruii

ifpcirtlmt fraudu len t Iouhk I'Ub waii i-Jut'U iiiuir J iu’kmn

HltSdavlts lettlntf forlli the ulleKid fraudulent «ct» by Wood bum. and was gUi-n to Hh^rlff's ct»iiHtnbU-w tu sptv .

As manuHwr. Woodburn h /ndk iJ Ut - l>l]fijUnn for loHH* and iiiadf a | ipri i- i moniB of the property o ffend In Bti lirltv JUf kMnti ulliSft-H Ih tin* paS'^T! lo h:i^ fil'd thn.iiKli Kiank E nriidiiof that lir t<‘- n-iilly dlsi n\t rcd Hint a l:irK^‘ miinlM r of ilctItlouB loons had b»’cn n ‘i><»rtP'l tn him hy Woodburn. U 1 alb-«-d Hj il toi .u't'Ml loan waw nuid^ and In th" papep* It d t - irlarfd "ibBt tho m»nu of HonH* p« ih"M rltlmr won furKtil lo arr *merely nct lt lous name H In '‘n-BfivtPd Ihal fhtrlew In ll»^ bonk? n'KTmllnn the Icmna ori? mnilp In Womlbiini « Pnr'.'l writliitf. Tlie albtRod froudolfiit date from October 1 last (in'l th« aiiimmt of tbr loiins vu rb d fnun J1" l '

W ith tlie piiperf! In tllf fo'it nrt- a f ’ fldttvllrt by Clari-Mt'e K. Keller, 11"' P«’vn- en t m a m i i e r of the .-m.-erii. mid F ru r cr

Hodfld. an Irifljwi bir K cII'T explains tha t Jarkunn kepi nl ?li' l"un fomimny h qfflee la rge Hitma rtf munwy fiom wnlo.ti omounltt lo Ik- lomietl --nt w n n with ' drawn, flu lndu(k-« In hii* am.iavlt *i Ubi of t h f daU-s. am'-oMls and iiunifW <*n- tered In ih^f '’ompfiu' s' ■"'Jjks wliteb a i r Hllpgfd in lie ihe fTiirb-H of MrtlUon* loans. Soflrl'l r im ko adldovti Dial he vlflltiMl vuiTouh pbic’.- !TieTii lam’ll an- could fliul tiM tran- of pMKfMiK r f 'm*"l In the i-Dnipany'e l>i>ihs im liu-i*'


ftperlnf IMfpfjK-* Ui JAc FVh’.Y/VfJ V/HVf:THRNTUN .iHn, 2<i -The I ' n a i ' f

PRrdnnp at nn adj in ir lod mi'Clinji; lo -' t 'y fllHOilfiP'-rl the uiiplinil Ions f"! piiitiln iiiiob' li.'i fi'T-mer Mayor W lilbuu 11 nolcber «nd GfOrge -L Kori. <>( I’at.' i tion. Ueli’hor Is acrvltig a term fnr ornbcizlrment. of whi<'b i l ’iit' he w^uj cmuTcteil In August. term with notninututltm will expln' October. 1^16. Knrr was niie of ibc yoniiK' men ImplIcHind in the lU-iHi Jennie HuaH«-hlebT. la Jonu.iTy, 1!*'!.WHH Hfntenecfl liy tbe la te JnHllce I'ixon Hi a te rm of fifteen years

At a ptHivlnuB aesslnn the eonrt -H? mlKwed the HppllcatloiLfl for parole Ttnob- by Kerr 's HHSOcUitPfl, Andrew J Ciunp- liPll. \V^lllarn A. Heath ami Wnlter «' MoAlllfiler. The dlNinlRfial of ihe Ki-tt ami Relclipr erijies, \tndr>r the roles of ilu* I’oiiiT, will pTf-vcnl any i-oiisiibmi hm "f :i »ul4soflueiil ayi[«llralloii for pwrolr v.it]ilii ono yCAT,

ATnonR- the paroles grantei! t(>-ilay war* one to Gerlniilo Oregler. of Kssex (\oin- ly, rvho was c o m b ’*<-'l of miii'der hi Feb- riiftry, lMi7 . Hnd benlenecrt t«» twenty years. Her term would liave expired In May. IDII. The ar»pl1oatlon I'f I'hllomon B. Crellii. r1s<» of Ea«ex County, whs dls- mt»aed. H« Ih serving a twcnly-yaar te rm fnr murder In the soeojvd Liegiee. leaving been convicted In May, 1902.

The nourt laid over fnr fu tu re cojisiil- al lon the applleutiun of Donato Piiunelbi and Edw ard Glurcb, of EFsex C'ourity, Pannollo was convlr iad of maurtbiughier In March. 1W4, and penK'iii’ed tn ten yeartj. Glaxell la wervlng a lhrcs-y«»r te rm for larceny. Charles Pruce. of Curndeti Cuuniy, aervlug a rtve'j’f'ftr for br-^aklng with Intent, wkb paroled

Paroles wt’i« -tlao granted to WllUs Ap^ nlegatc, nf Mirror , co m lr ted last March of forgery; Char les P Green, of Merrer. convicted last Dooember of receiving Blnleu goods; ChdrlPB MeyerH and T ’o Reynolds, of Esset . Meyera wan sent to tbe R ahw ay Refurmiuory In 1902. and waa paroled fram HuH Inetltullou in IKd. .... l.l_ .iivel TVlia i'llOffh

A DISCLAIMER PUSH JAP ISSUEJapanese Officials Resent Anti-1 Legisfators in California Resent

American Tone of Article in Native Newspaper.


Interference in State Mat­ters by Roosevelt.


SACRAMENTO, Col., Jan. 10.—T b s ef- forls of preaMsiit Roosevelt tf> block . . . i l l -Japanese nieasuiea have not been riM-elved wlih much favor by the leglaja-

TOKIO, Jun. S l . - l t l« believed here among ufllclaU srvJ others tlmi lha In- tru jucl lo i i u t Kiitl-JapsiJiou! blHa in I'm

'C.il lfonila Li'gn,laturB, ..lUl the snbse- hUlsguent a t lem p t to c reate the Impresalon lors InlerssteU In the unssage of the bllla, that Amerlmms and J upon, at- are much | Grove I . Johnson, who haa Introduced

'a roused Is merely a oviiilmmtlnn of a | u ,e meiisme preventing s h u n s tron, act- nlsi, orlKinullv deu-rmlned upon m m»nrs i ing as directo rs of ourporatluns. b openly Rich nnfrlcndUneaa hetween the I nltcd dedartl mid assor ts tha t ho will do all ho SUP'S and .luuan tiuit u l k «l " i i r will | ,.,m to push the a n i l - J ap an es o meaBurns be continued indefin i tes . A,' cm na l of | SanroM. tl.„ mane, of tinthe K'TRign CJftlcc, ypCKking b' fliiUid PrCFfl. Rutd: .

■We nre at .so lniely convinced , lud tn^ . . . . . . ^Hi* alBiJ

Siinford, tins lender of L)eiMjrralJn cupciis. resent* the IntcrfW" ciii-e of the iTcshicnlg calUiig It Imjju- derji. He aHtk-rlji tha t Cullfurnla tft

rvyv*vi* . / ih.. ^if ( 'iillfurnl.i aiiiJ of I capable of taking ra rel-iusri S tn tes vv ulw y» act fairly 1 end will not submit to d leuU on , He also

the l.nl eil h i iuea win j ,i . .cbucd lluit the Fcderu l GoveniniontIi>wnrd

A iiib:iss^i«bir fl'Mri'Mi \mih k H'itioiKii- 111 :l i!i[\n« IIfciter Kciiiiuru lo -day ...........leiigih wliti the Foreign Minlstvi rt-giifd-

, st of 1 h,i,l niM kept the promises It made two tvi n l,v i-ur, inn Ml"- I ve.irB ng '. when the I^eglalsUirB con-

lin.l i:ol.r,iBcl III I seriled to drop the s t i t l -JapanesB hg ia la- ii>*n iti'*n tiofore It.

Aspumblyirmn Drew, who Iniroduceil in., measure forbldillug forclgnfciH to bold

l* nioiv ouncUluiory. but be dc- iu icN mill ill- UAH rv'Tlved l iundm ls of rtHnnnint-iilluna advising blin to litttndII. his bill

Gnvernnr Gll le tt ’fl a t t i tu d e It Ih i.'.-::.-tHllv liellovpil Ih/il ivj anti-JapanCB* log:slnlh'n I ’in pos.?il>ly escape hio veto.

lim hsi’ eiiliie a llualinn Huiti nDt-r- wiird tha t t heir ' Informal I’onvers.^M'jn w iM emiiu-ntly NUt lafiictury. Ainh.isH.m'ii o ' | ! | b'Ji'i* uOlIvlly Is tiuvliig M f n - L i b n

I . ffiT'l In liifliitjnclnft the sltuull'Mi .n Di" idlriifi.in ni fi n mlliia-.sa beiwcvn llin ok > l>Lll I CIK

The Hnold. tme uf Ih® exireinp venoii- tUmal newtipnper*. has udilressjtl an b ll.'T la III*.' AliierU'iiij Ambiihsaii” ! . the fi rn.iK nf ' ' liti-li a re InufCL-iisivi- InJt ihu lane iiiHfilent. All nf iln? beib r cl.iHe i f j tiI'WS'ptiperH (’uruK'inn iht- lIc'-hl'N i iirbe LiiiJ Bptak In llK’ hijrhi st fenns nf .Am- | ba.^sMdnr t»’Drlfn Tho Jij l aaya fhis ijiuriilng' I

"Kuib*r.l tv Ihi AmiTlt'aii pe-iple arti i inislid by unsn-upn'.miH cnrri'spcrnli’t i i I ' n r

Anierli'au ll••wsI)a.p-■r l, Tl\e binUng llimighl <»f vJ.U :»ib b ”w-.’\'«-r, M'es not re- ^ till 11.- K' i"ii nf I f w I"- bn- bi I'lii-

ll|.,;iiLii ,1- !. Mil s.-iiL.iiL,' th<- : '- ' l inliLnle1 ,,r .'Mii-r ' ':ijl'‘r-! nhi " f 'h e rnUf'il istnl'-s.\\ 4- tl.i Vf I'alll icN nf M .ir uwn,"



Champion of champions, but his day’s a-coming



Finance Ccm m lltee of the Eont o r - w»0 a (Tlty Council met Im t night, and dl*- (Miuied the unceremonlouH rertlgniitlun of

- Deputy T a * Collector Albert Huwo, while t ' d o s e n apu llconte ptnod in ihe lullway, irkiUng to h ea r th e reKaJt. No action waa tsken, however, for It 1 » nncieratood by

cemmll tee t h a t Mr. Howe haa had Itgie to regre t hla act ion and wnuld be tlAd to reconsider U.

, Mr. Howe w a lked out Jaiumry 12. w ith ­out saying anyth ing, to any d i y nfllc'ial. t t t e r the City Council had fHltefl lo ralHc blo Bfllary a t a mpctlng the night bif<irc. i t U expected th a t the commUtHn will Iptier him the poeltlon, al though U In nnt known wht'lJjer the aauie aalnry will be fixed or he will be granted an IncreaBe


BifiUh, for ty years old. h cnnndyntl.il book-kceprr fni' Hie W arner Chemteal Company, of ibis i-ity, was urrealed U).* day, chmK«d with a dfifalrntiuTi of up­ward of from tb® lumpany

LucSen (' W arner , presblent of the ek-m- rc-m, In tbe complaint un which Kmlili was firrOHlcd, made ttie Hpet-hb’ rliafg'* tha t the bonb-keeper on DeLemlu-r 31 loHl deposUed bi hip own aci-ouiil In .i b.ioK A ch'-ck tor Jl.DOO drawn to Dm orrb-r of his employer

gnibh was locked up pending a hrsartiig.

Whr-ilHi- eertulii a<‘CinmlM on the books of lie- y tileltjer T runk :iiid H-m Toin- puny 111 Dk Ii-u plreel sbmiUl be cun- , pliTnr<-d IT".id nr bad, was II KUbJilHl ot uiBLimuii in day In Du' UTal of Ihe suU i hrourrhl by Mis. Iscnnti Holir MusMnai! ugaliujl }‘eti-r Hlelj;' r, head of ibc pony, The c.ourt rultid the Jury decide. Mies. Massnum sei-k- H' rrt.-oviu- I flU.lWO The trial Is helng held Ih the SuprvinL* I'nurl Clnadi. Aj'phcatiari for fi iKtunull was made In behnlf of Mr. Stuigei- yesU-iJay aflernnon. lull Judge Adariis r« fuseil to grant the molloTJ.

^Vb''ll Ml Steiger was aHkoil to-doy ■wbethfir ccr la io accounts ware good or bad. Mr. BU’liicr answered:

'•Bad. I tried for a year to collect them, hiji I tHildiiT.''

gueei lons prevloui ly put tu HtelgCT ell'-llcd from lilm ihe PlHtenienl tha t ho ri-gardL-il a* louU losaes a iiiiinl«;r of :ic-

I counts he woj* unable to collec t. Hla views 1 provoked rhe dlstuKsinn.' Robert U. M if 'a i tv r polnled mil tleil

He *^bro!cT iVtr ’paroVft and was caught m i ,.- fu-eounts c-nsldored bad by Uu-iKt^r in an a iu -m ptcd hurgbtry. He wua sen- i were not so ennaiden-d T ^or to Jatoaivy 1. lenced to prison for five yciifs uiid re- ' ifirw, the date the comrrict between Mrs.leased lost October. He wua Uicn re- i Mosaman unit liim wna to go into effecttu rned to ihe nefiiVinatory hecnui-fl nl Hie ' Dhmidler W. RikKr, broken pttrule; but It Is ngulnsi the rule | gu-ig-cr. dnlmerl ihftt If Dm iiccn to accept a l tha t InslUullun S ta te prison , uiivoUei-lable Dicy ahouUl he n-« convicts, The coar l considered that Mey- i lo .^oa.era had been aumcieutly punlBheil. j-jdgp Adama ruled ih a i the chanicie r

Reynolds tnMl tilao been sent lo the a, i-onnls iDmuiI .January 1. l‘Ji \.rkYv.vfnj-v froTn wtiicli lu» was tnketi In ,,,,jy cuuld he told nf tiv thr- di-fendjiiil

Tlie JiHlgi' reifard-rl Ihe qiiesllnn whether ,ir niil ihc ftccnuiDK were gond nr h:tdiiH nne for the Jury to judgment mi

Ja-'-k.-^on WHS arrester! yesD-rduy hy Det'\ '- lives Ryan and F ; i rn l l , and a t Ib'H! de- rl.-ireii ihai tie w-iuM light i xU litltlun. l*iu-r, however, he agrevd to re ta in to

I S'juth Deinllnn. niul word vv.ir sem tu j Sherlft Rrown, wh-i wired b i It Hi.il he ! woijbl Blarl North Iminodlaiely.


HealthComniissioners Elect Him President for Fourteenth

Consecutive Time,


i : : f k k r s h n ' ' n * v . mo.. Jim w d i - I 1 ,1 , 1 1 J lUi'M'- w I re ilev 't 'd t-j-div, to tl,e I rm ie i l St lii'f* 111 a y; m-*Is)ii

,.| M.t Um « h■m>i■ -if the Gen-1 ! ,\,’Si-nibly

Si-iiau'i .- i i i.iL-s ut'i" iH at, 1 .1 -ul ' Uan — <:..\ vrnor Mt-Kinl iy, Ri-pul 11c .n, pioslib'd at the iiroi-«4*dh:gs irui umiu a.«-i-d Di-' ■\.ilr .1 -, f ’ll'OVS. Stoll ' , lil . .MI Ai'i lev. .g

j ri.lN WiiS H PLllrf I 'artv \ le. ill! l>ol -4 In niK illv^olvi d, ami A Adcii -oIvfinsoB L’liy. who 14 ill a t his hunit, 1 “ in-111,' ,in|y HlirviUi'V

Th- "f Die be l’nT oti«D v.!i:!l | t 'in.tl o- IjC a l-nti r slrui^cb- i n D ' I'l o e.

I ’h'Higefl - I f raud In tl ■ Hetiaiori.,1 pjl-Mitiv. svhi' h w.is ru r r l " ! I v Sn-ui nvn Somit-r Git\eriii)V Kolk. biiv*- hif ii fi - • ijueii!:, 1-nl nono of tho diHsaDvhvd nn'iii- ! i- iif Dj-- p a i lv ill III'' mi' lliLi \ fimvo lowaril nn olfb ial liive^ligfllan.

s.M.T I^AKl-'. D r rV . i'T.Di, ,b.n J" 1 i-' yi I .-'glsl.it',Li e III J-.liil S' *4f4i|,;i f:,;.,;., 1 f •. • b ' I .‘I I Ill-'-d HUeMlt. ihp'.il-li' iin, r r i l tad Semitor

INI dY NAD'iU.'^;,.int S' : "f ■'ir, liii.v D'-iij, .:mji t-i Di.= I 'rilli d St:

TILLMAN AND THE NEGRO.w . c . ' l l I I N O T O N . . I a n . a i , — S s n u l o r T U I -

„ i , m t n - d a v < l v n l " < l " " " T ” * " 0 P P " ' " ’ <‘itir . ' iH'iitl ' n I , "» f-'''-'*''

,1, nl -' lv.'t T:,;t U n tm rm rt t,l have said V, .I. T.h.v li A.iBH'.m, I'ia , was Ihe.fa"-'.

„,|(1 h i . w . - M T , h i ' i m ' i l K - ' t ' l a t l "I , ,1... i>..,..,l,ti,-.„, r l " ' i "f "['llf 'l '"« IhB

w i l l , h M i v a n s t h . m l i m t i i m b v m v m

I '"v','" nilmmi a'I'lv'l 'h ■' '' He[,nWI-I w . . , , | . | , . l , a , M l n „ ^ I I : 1B p ! : m h y -' l u g , 1, . ' F l i t , ■ - - m i l A . m ' u d m . n t t h e r - B t i l i

v v , - ; l r l l . i - m K I V I - I t m ™ , t r " ll l i e i r n w i i a m ' ' h m < k ' ' ® ' h e m i m. t n i M t i ' I ' l i t ' ' t b * " i i i - g r o e s l i t il . l a t i i , t v m 11' ' h o y v e r ,

, u , ,1 , h . F m a l l ■ ■ ' ‘ " • ' " ’ " t m I I I 'G o - , m l „ " I 11" i ' l ' ■ • , v I h " 'V,. >,ld -u.iM-' II. "■ 1'"'i i „ . m - u k ; i r . r a .

ROOT TO SENATE COMMITTEE.\\ -^rfllIND I ' 'N. Jii'i St irnl iiry of

iv.l \ > li.d'uyp Die, -I |•‘fl| It-'laltinR

l/**at les

Sin ' f’ U'»ot iipi'*11-. 4-i>mniit If

a r i l tli-'T'issfil in groat Dul.ou-... I, tio- I '-Iiio'l '" I"„„ , | ho,tv. on ll.v |■|,1I"I fkalv-", ■i,|..i,,liiii. tvhl. I- '■..•-■■ m vi-,.\v- tl’ ' . " l i iylll.-Sm rn 'i 'llD'SI'.in.iTiui I'l-'nil *■U k' li !■'' 'be i-iiminiDrcm4-mi'fr.^ lii-'.D Duy d" iml bUlaU-aU o'ly iJirii 'ilty u- obiatnijig itilWiCiDlL-n ul inwrtiin eiiDoiis.

. tiateiJ wiili aIV I I-u: n-\iTs> tielwe 'Ti 11\ L r the rtf'-t'ssl jn I if biniMa. Ni'! a-'lloM was

lu l Ib'iojhU'.1 1)

I 111’ T’r"erHiii of D\- iiii'IvvSnicr grub:- aLinir i-Xfrviytb Ht tho illgli Seluml Fil (hi‘, night will tulce Dm form of a .MiltonI elrliniLlon. H v i in t lo r is "O ttic I'oM h filiiaiiie.ss TkiU bo glvr!i t y Mine MabelAhditJ^-m Selections fsom Huok I 'Dai-idiHe ' will hf- gRen h>’ lOinan" \

ucl Sciiei 1<MUss Mar iet ta Oh'WH will tell of Mil-

ton 'a life wad p-.raoiuiliLy and irllnile'; i lo Da- Furiiaii pofi liy Tenuy^«oii end Wiirtjswoilh kill be revned by Mias Lll- | lUm \\'airt'H. ‘MlUon, ns an Advfn-ate U be r iy .” will bi given by PldUp War- whowBky. Mlw i Klurenco Sears will give un ifilroduetory recita tion on Shaugtv ju-s4.y'a “ Gdi to Poe^ts.”


Ind.. .Innr ItidluiUi

Sliiv !.v ‘i"v Sena 'i ’.

j F i i n o f c A

.11 Al Di" O'll"

..ei. t.'.l Th-' \"oh' 1 1 * 0 1 1 1 lien-

hi:NA'L;it. Did, .fan. Clmrlos J Hughes Ji , cf f'oriver. vum foimany d irla i ii oie, i .,! I'nlird y ntu; Sen

tnr lo Hii-'i-r*''l Hi'lii'V' M T'


eounflol for Mi.unla were c’knned as

fo rmntory frum which lu» the Morr is P la lu s HuspItAl fur llu' In ­sane. He Ih now *ane. The court will hold a no the r adjourned meeting at wlitoh HcvenO whU-h wan. laid over to- |day, will hr rot »id(?rcd-

arrest a WIFE-BEATER.Qhrtiil^ of "Nfurder"' and ' P-dlr’r' '" were „ , , .......

livarrt :,l U>« Slmitrlulr I'hII.'b StiitKii, las, : n ight . cnmlTiR from Hioumfleld avenue. ! oiie-tl.lid t)f 1 Pnllornien Su-wiirt and Mulligan linn-h-d 3 .......

. . . ■ "'• .... .CulTnmt, rffiis' '- ' m.iki- uiij' ,'h;ii'g,'

Dr H-rni.vn C H. Hcrold w;i8 elfi'tvil v.re.sldi.m .if ilu‘ "f Ue.iltli ydsierday :,flt'rn.„jn fur (l>e f.mrtt‘Bmh .'bii- BBcuilvs! ilmi', ho having lu'ltl tha t alHc" unltitf?rr„r,t,'dly fiinca 11166. 'i'hy fligtoB wat. unanimously nia.lo. wlviloviir ot>|u>sl- U,.ii Hint may Inivn brei, cuntomplati'U

l'h« musical p a r t of the r r w r a n i will I cniialat of a chorus r t r id m o a of PlaiiJcl'a

■|I,;8l<‘ Then, Nymph, ' worrta froin Mil- Inn s ■ L 'jMleKro. '

Till- class will h. prc.sfntf.l for i;r»a- nntlun l.v Print'ipnl Wnylanfl E Stearns,I,ml U.lRiir R. Hrnwn. nf the l l ian l of Ffiin-ation. will n w an i the .llploimia. The list Ilf KrudcM lijllow;

OfilH'BO L’ropnrnUiry Course—Carl Ali- iiiMcsf, Mabel Anderson, Uomtliy I.ny A roller, Fred Berry, Orel, Hendrick Uc ry.

Coli.-n, Helen Nnniia Hum- in. ' Joseph K. FiilaOtll,

„t I H i.as, and Scn.il.- In .I'llnt s.sslnn.' G r T I l I U K , llkla. , Jlin J" -ThuniOB F

( P . , - . - I H - i n i i c r u I . W i l e t n - d a y f . i r i n n l l y - i . l , . a i . i i r n U ' . l S f i U i t m - h . v l l u - I . ' - h - jI s l i . M i n . - I n i i . t m s t - s B l o n , T h e v ' . U ; . t l o i . . , '

l i . - n i i l s F l y n n . R . ( . u b l l . a n , 4* [I I A R l U H i i V l f 1. I ’ a . . - l i ' l i - - i n . l i - ' l h I

h n u a l ' s < . r i h c F t - n n s y W i i n l a U . ? i s i a l - m - I n i - - t I n J o i n t . s i - B s h n i a t n n n r i i . i - i l n \ . - - . J i n - i | i , i r i - . l t h i i r t i i . i i - n n l s n i l j . ' * " ' ' ' ‘ 1" I ' - a v m , - f i i r r n l K - i l H l n t e . s F i ' n i i t ' . , ' n " ' l t a r n n n i i v I l e i - b i r e d M i i i e a i ' e n r o s e e l e c t e d f o r t h e | f u l l t o i i n . b e g i n n i i i B i l o r c h I . T h i s w i l l . I n - S i i . u t o r I ' c n i - u s e s t h l n l I c - i i n ,

l l e l i l i j - l l e n - l i y ' " SIIIIUB.WAKHI.V-iT. IN. -inn 'H .-T l.c 'eg-v

Ktoins of III. lic tch.v-llet . hy anil I.nhB i:u-,.nm V.HI-v's ' .■s..-, vo!i- scliunie f'.i' S in Ft am Is,... .llsi'Usscil to-day t.■I,,. liMiil 1.cm Inn l.of-na- H'" House Cnni- mlti .m on I'l,I.lie l.anits. i ’lty A1tor„i-vI (iiiK of San Fi nlicls. o, Iniil of the B'tl'ST.'.k.u; bv Hl.tt .11 V l.i he.-nt;- tnla rcsfi-vnl,

,, hv the i ss:.- m H,.- V..mmU, Valley ' ’ [ Fcili-idl r,'iV'-i-iim. m

fitim thf

vSionryhavliig disappeared prior Uj the cunveii- D;*vld I-. El lnaky. Joavph K.ii.ir ..f ihB linnutil tm-ctliiB of the bonril, I John A. Fnrnmn, I. Benjnmln (Hu.. kticid , ci, u.

FRAZIER ON BROWNSVILLE.W A S il lX H T O N . Jftii. 2a-S . 'n n tn r F r a ­

zier, nf Tcmu-as' 'c, to-day Bpoki- on the llrii'wnsvlUe affair and opposed the paji- s.igv of nny one ot the iien.lliip bills for ,hc ri---f‘n,lBtmfiit of the nemo soldlurs vt the T w enty- l l f th Hcglmcnt who were dLsr-harisetl wlt liout honur by the Rre.sl-

.Mrs Masemnn Is snlnir Sti-l,?cr on „ .-la-lract. •‘shi- owii’-.l I"" -slluris nf Hm I'KtilffSil- Trunk unit Hag ('nmpiiny sto. k St. 'lper npr.-ei'I tn 1-ny It " " ‘I pay far It an.l al.B.i tn Kl'-I- Mrs .Massman "ii"- th lrd the pn.tlia nf the eomi. iny for ti.o year. It wn.s iiHi-i-.-d tha t If tin- conii'.inv

l.iss. Mi.sbi ur

.qti-lK.T Irislsttt til. 1- Miisslium con,. iLils


prmliquakf’ w.iiJ rsp- rl'-nfuil hi-ri- iit ten inlnuiHS pas ' - I'r'lni k DiD m-uTiliig. but no darmign w-ar* d'ltiv,

The Ani^»rl'‘iin b a t ih ’whtps DuTUsiaiia and Vlrginbi utp Klill in tin' hurhor

______ •• -•-


killed yf-tf^rib'y iTivriilng t y jju - xpii-simt In tli4> Dyrluhv h '.mv 'n '’hh! mln'f* tmjtr ChanfAllrir, HvvFru'v mllvs Fuuth nr In-rf-.

Deialli^ are !ii> kli)g, but ihp ni-n art* thought to h a ’.-i hn-n rtallmiH.

Hrot D, Pr »lU**nl «f t .NKW Y(^HK. Jun. FuUn'wliig lii,-- m-

tlrfitncnt uH prifKiii^-ul "f D.** Nl-m I n k C^nlral nnd i'Dn*r fbll l ruatls, \'H Newman ndlrvtl t' -day ar T’' o f the Michigan Cvnnnl Uailroart t:omj'rtny. W C Hruwn. pr* Miivnl nt Do- Nvw York Central, being pU-nod a« UL** i.uo'-.‘asn i. Mr. Brown whs uIko lo-day eb'c-ti-d prtssD dent of th e Rutland Uiillruad (rompony

T h i sIs the trade­mark which is on every gen­uine bottle of

Scott’s Emolsiont o l d i n n e a r l y a l l t h e c o u n t r i e s o f t h e w o r i d .

; N b U i l n i l e q u a l s I t t o b u i l d T i q > t h e a n d w a s t e d

b o d i e s o f y o u n g M i d d d .

aK-iln-‘'l h'-r a.-MKlUint, su both wvrt !o, IlmJ up for thi' nighi.

Wlu-n arriiigio d boforo Hr. nr.Irr V'.st, th is morniTig, M'B Duffman Hold h<-r lius- band b4-at liRT fru'Euoruly wlmn unri^'r Thfi luHutnoc of liuut'r Tt*n [1ul.nr.'4 or iliirty days In ih^' eiuinly Jnll w is Di-' skiiIvu- pDig rotM'i'dcr iiupuaf-d on ttiv iiijin. f'lu! lluf> hus nul yv' T"" " ''Hic w-mmiliWTia TClCliCCd

\V«. S r r r r t a r r -I 'vrntBBn Vi-iirB.ChrlBllAn r , u - m i u , fur Bt-v.-nif-r-u v.-..r-

Bfi-r.'tary uf the Tmitn.vcd Hi.H- li s m .11 ijuii A-BBoi-latbin. r.-Blitni'd th.it is . ' - ' l -" '

a iii.-cimK of Ihc ,is.B,i<-i.,ni.i, In IiiHi- i-nhiiu.’r mill BerKci “ .toll, liisl nUhi. Curl FlRchi-r wus 1-1.-1 - 1 1 1 1 tn puc-ci-i.rt him Tl. fic-.pt Ihc Pflii-.-. .Mr. Fl.sr-hl-r r i- .slpii.-.t from the dir.-. l..rri!c and tim rt-. lirl 'ig !<4inTjiry v. jih rlioKvn lo nil lilw [ihic#* 'in Dif' lioHrrl

iL 1 . -ilmon1:il "t hitv i"i'g Mcrvli'e aaM-cr’da ry . -Mr. LIkuhh wii>< iJiovf.nled wlMi

Vhulr Th.- l-r.,sri,tali' II s])f.H’b m;ub' by Tfiom,i.*< J Dulh’i, il)(i jiRSonall 'M

v,ai*lunsfl for

ID i: r i‘\i' 1''

TrInI vf Mrs, Y>i’dn lJrrk*T llegiiu.The trial of M ' m Fred:; I k - r . ' lUD-gvil

vvUIj kai'plng . 1 dirtoniMl !iIn V •'

(•-'lift nf fi/uoro-r Dii.-i nr I'Mii-g. ,'Mih Rri k'-r w:.’i b-- r' .lo-f’m-’nI laM'frvfil :iiid -itiilfi, ' lo' i'Tr* 1 I'1V-

Ortohfrr 1.1*! ■ iI ik^u KlJ7.ni-111 M'lHiglt. w i " ID.-'I in Do- | lif.iMf i;r..vM ’n1 t' slllb’ii D.iD Dir r.iid jnr' 10‘. kfi 'H laimi W-iw nnult .D,tbt- nil.I Pnihh !m <1 w Drlu'd DH' i ra n t o n D ) f ' i b o v . - n g a f - ' n i p L i i n ' f t m D i p liinii 'T nf :t lutblln sili'^f-l n^nr ilaii-

..... . , _ —nmmiiirrd hy r i rp .

A H]'ark fn m 'h a IgulDon i-nl] nf ,m nu- InmoMI'’ vhU h wny lirh^g n'i.alrc-1 in ihe giiragp ’f William at Rroad

thlp mnrnlng. hTab'd In a run uf Raaollnl'^ whP’h hlnzod np, RPitlng fire to ih f ■woiiillwfirk, of thr- mfi' hha’. An alarm, ^H8 turriPt] !n fm m b'-x tJS, at iv'llevlllp u w n u p and Broad 8tT**nl. The firv w-is p\ji «)ut with I’hfmlnwi’*. 'Fwo niPU whb were a t work mi Dip ra r aefaped Injury. Th4‘ damage to the Rutuinoblle amounted lo ahmH tT>n.

CITY NEWS NOTESThe Gottfried Krueger Einpkjyne fltrk

Brnerit S- d e ty will hold ile tixteentli a n ­nual mas-iueradr ball In the KruegerAu43iTorlmii to-night.

Mass rehcaraulp will begin In the Will­iam Btrppt Turn Hall under th f auar>lces

j of the Untied Singer?, Sunday aflvrnoon,I til preparatJem fur the national Ssenger- I fet-t It) be held In New Y'ork City next ,

suminer. \The Teutonia Mutual S!rk Benefit j

Boclelf laat rnghi eleoied these njfit'rh- presldenl, Theresa GoeUe; vlcr-presidenl, F rederick Aet; corresponding aecrttary’g J ohanna Blchier ; financlaT Kecretary. EllXkbeih K le l t ; iretisurer^ LouJub Vter- hng,

The OefTnanla Matrons and Maldk’ fUck Benefit Society No. 1, has elected officers flji follow?: Pres ident, Mrs. M;irg&rettieyrUz; vice-president; Mr*. Margaict W et ie l ; t reasurer . Mr?. Lena Wteaoinam): recording secretapy, Mr?. Josephine Buefiier; flnani.Har secretary. Mrs. Karr>^ im e W aag ; trvj?teea, Mri. KaroUae Much ler and Mm. B arbara Luta V

M rSU'tK'r. coT.t'mlrLl Dial its Dk- oiisv j laflosl for a:i jidJii.Hliio-iit o| pDilii -iiillo'i.s, it wuh MtU' li'l” <* I'liuiT of i-|iill>',;uiii wan uiii 'f lh< lurlsdl.’tlon of DiC l;iw courts

Mr . M - I t » i '-olialf '>f Dm jtlaiTiiiff, ;,rK’'i" i ' l i l t Dit tlispulL’ W.iH nii«' S'.lrlv ,m ,, t li ' : I D« *.i id h'-*' riirnlH 1 i"mth, ilF-f.-iiiLiiii s wt-rv !n evjd+'nce ehownii^ Di-’ I'ci'tlts so that Di--[i- couM Ik- ri" i- soii fi r lU'i H*'UliriK Dk"’ <3Uosrli>n .Did^f’ Adims. wIDimil iMiumeni, dvidiiu'l i"•,Uio\ i ii,'i,su:t.

Ill'll Mr Sudgrr vrent nn Die .“landI,,- ri,iiTT)i'l ibat despite Ktali-ii" iil> nhoW' Ulk -I pri'fll, Dktv wom n los-' m tlif husl- iiiUN iiw'ng to Du* pr'iiic V'Mr. !ifMi'.l, n.iMiv lO'. iioiiTP I'l-'iveil worthb’Hs,alDi'iiitTh m l!u' stiitemMd Duy witi ' ron-,vM‘ rt d \Hilii;i1’le

■'riiVM ’AiTP eo rPiMi'/ ir»’' ," . iDd, 8Lemer "O Do Kt.itld, Mint I liii'Uk'it the' vtcrUl Vi.is I'-iTnliii; D‘ ''"'1I Si'iH-i' Hi .r[isw''r I'l -| m sDi'O.-; I'Y Mr I j . , 1 , r' til 111. il Dell Mr- M.m-i'- m, pvr- ■ ponall'v or "D.'T'.hD. . • ver D-"l-rod Die

Kii'ik to lilm ITJ ' irrylnw om }i-'i part of Di-' - '-tfit I !itd

Mrs M'lHKin.in li 'd p r - vIookI 1th.il Lewis’s Rternt'erg .ifT'''-eil Die .‘ PaK

iit'-tger, hut Sti liier reritse.l lo ariu-plIt J r )iiakv Di.' poynn ii> of JIo.oai fop ii.Mr Sternherg fOrroboi'afed the V4"iii;lTtuu point,

In^ ul Ihe unnu:il nienilng of All Dm iiMiinlura were in iUteuilanue

fxoi pi TliJiollij’ 1*'. J‘'ui ie, 'wlioae lllnesn Kej)t him ceiilintfl a i hoiiu’. Thtire were Intnuluotl JUS and ctDigratultilioiis when the TiioiiiJjei's dik’d !n llm buhldrooriip4. Tlie new members . Dr. Tlu’udor t V\‘ ‘ ' irwlii, Hr. l‘’rank B. Mueker. J:ime’s A R'jW'e ai)tJ i^huriea W U iker. wvi’O iii- iroiiiiird by HealLh Officer Chamller lo those who wen* given reappuilument.

Mr Dhaiidkr i t iivened l!ie st-aHion and unnouiicfil tlmi thv only bUdkicaa to be transaoD-d was uruiuilzallon utiU llie elvc- Il -n ot' J jirvHiik’uL. Nothing ihut was hi Ihe r7'iie‘U'-;i w.iy suggc-dlh'C of a dlT- ferori ' 1- ul ikelluK oa to a rlioloe for the presldi'iii y *vaa In vvldeiK'c,

fin Di-' eml fur ini elecHon of ii tCTTipo- ra ry - tinirman by Mr, t.'liiiiidltjr, Henry i ' V a i fe waa prop »fsd Ijy Or. \ViiKht*o)i and {3'’k-cD‘d. John M'. I lobblns nomlnut'-d r»r Il 'Told tor i J i 'd i l tn l and Dr. Ce^orge L \\;Lire!i wifonJid It There Were no

I oDu'r ii'iii 1 in:i11-ms ilid tlic houlth "Iflctr,I wlio \t‘ also Hoerf'i.iry, the ballotj Dii boar.l foi I '3' lleroM. All the mono

l>t!H applaiiilHl when Dim la tter aasuim-d Dit. PhHlr.

1 Di Ut-rohl brh 1y relurnc-d Dninh’* i bfsy.iike Ihf r; inn --i ru-i'PCraDon '.if hi- I r'l'lh-ngnr'H In ttie vL,'fk uf Dm ioar, nn'i

li l.-rroil I'P D-e Inii' Mnnce of the dr-puil II.- Id -ITUl Do-' t

uf a't lhn,JunriiPd.

John -lTl.sk’ ihiliJ. N d a n n Hnrria. Gcirgo w. Hlndonhing. VUd<?t t.’. Hoyt. Alfred Kii- dolph Jaymin, Kelwarri H. Jones Jr.. F'Tial- erlok 0. Kiiiper, lliiael May LanlB. Jusyle B Leplie, J an e t K. I-hirunt. <Jlydt- M,jr- lall. Fa imk’ May Mtd'alluin, Doretta wirlielson. A m anda Ij7'ah Mllwitfky, Mll- wiirfl Muchmore, TGllflw.n'th Noble. Wilt- l,-3 rn 0. Park , Helen Blrh . Henry Ratr-n- ihal, Gra<-e Rutnn, Kmma Svli.ir-

Biiutnm l Schf*uk. Ktht?l Gladys «pm- nlag. Clarenve fitevona. Ethel C. Taylor, A v e ld Tabin. Phtt ip Wurshawky, Otto '.Vhllam Wmsbrod. Andrew* Wilson Jr,

tk-neral—Doriiella M. AUl-m, lillrle Bvn- hi-|d, Nellie Hram.s, TlumKis H, (’lark. Madeline ro rk l l l . aVIue H. Craig. H<ihsrt ], L>e Oroft’, LodIha I>ovring, Helen F:ihf‘r (Ul Fiuir, Flo rence Fischer, Eric J b'hanzen, •Marlene Gloss. FIkIc E. Hclshr . Ida M. J'lneK, Mlldrpd II. Llltell, John Lyitk , lo'aile G. MaUhews, Theresa M Dfirmn. Lillian I. Meier. Draco light, Anh<\ Fri'Htnn. ItOfcjln.L Rlne. Isabel [{ti-'kwi 1! Ilolcn lUi.^eelh Mary D. Soun- kin. K1'Tom** S' 'ars, lllhi M H«ller. Mary D. Hmith. Hli'l'* Stophens. William Kollo Waters, Maiel R. Wea'lemaii, BUTnool WeMhk, l.V( lyn \MIlls, Heler E. Wlnboig.

I i .m n u rd a l Ch irlos F. {'onper. Itay- iiiiuitl A. h'liih'V. Dharl'-s Humtiro-’k,

: Ur. I I'i'L lUkki'mi-ii. Wlllhim L-c. HenrUdta“ h „ u : : r l . M n o - i m r , . t v i m , v m j .The niooDna thoTi a J

WOMAN FINDS RUNAWAY GIRL.Minilv a n,mivva> oi'plnu, girl

twi Ivi- ypiirB I.111. w.is ful'iul 111 til-vlvviuh............. I;i,M liiLii niglii by -Mrs. Mnry Fried-rli h . . 1 ms si\;.-r!itli iivemib, uih-I turned cigi-r III.- i-i.lne if Ilie Fourtli Fre- ,.lii, t I'he - lillil .i-ilJ sho timt tnaile her liome -.'ith n i'"U6ln, Mrs, Miirj Blacli- sU'ln. I I .33 S -iiltl Klirlit'-cnth strai-l

I 'p.m liivp'iigdtKin I he pul'b^ Ifiarnfll Ihm 'h- Kb ll’i.l i:OlJ..lbT* li.iin,- prl-lnj-

III, Waj- H c r f •<> Jabkaoii .Itiikih II Hriiwn. ahi-riff -it Ynrkvlllf.

S , ' i.O siilipi's,-d to h, "I. hl3 wn.v to tills .-11V for W al te r Jin-hson, i-"lbi*‘.l- iv.,Mii.l IIK-T,- ft-r tho f.!iri.>ii.iii of '''Kb'",;-' U.'.li|iiz-i[i. also

away from heranil when she re- | i,venue hill th is afleni- . ' .n

tu rned liint iilcln Mrs lil.n-ttateih, iin-onl- :Imt to tie- tH’llce, w.iul.3 not atimll h.-r

I 1 ,) the lii.iiv,-. CiilJlain Vofiel iuni-.1 Mnml" i-i". r to 8i,|H-rinlenf]ent t-Llmlnih.

In f the (.Tolilren'a .-"d Soelety. this morn I InK. J'h- K rt e:.l-l MnU she ran usv.ij ,

b.-.-auKe ln-1 ■ iju.iii tm.l made het -s- i\I Fhil Wfbl I" Ihe li- aii- of an nlK-le In -N- e

Volk, She said. I' l be would mil kec,' lu-r, iind sent her -an’k to this elty e. -

1606: 1 ts rdsy.

M'ilU,r, FrcfU-rh’ R lrp ' f , 1 rf-o S<hwnrtz,Ai di' sv F Spnary. Alb'-rl Vfncntil. Pauli-' 'vV"nT7:el.

l ' ,nKlls li-Ailhur J. L:i1hfim Slv Tivirr; have a chonre by spf’elal ex-


TWO BOYS ON A SLED RUN INTO HEAVY WAGONTtv-i linya norr-iwly esraped serious In­

j u n uhiU' (i.tifitlnc "II the ThirteenthThe sled ti[Kin ]

hirh I In' yont lm were riding i-ollltlei! I with n team of hrir.-i-a a ttaehed to a 1 brewery viagon fit Wiekllfte street. !

IjouIs ItronateJii, eleven years old, of 111 South Ornrigi tivenue, (ina o( the boys will- sIlKblly bur! . He received a s ib Iji

i Mi-.md w lun one of the huraea struck lilm a gliineliiK hlnw In the head whh Us hoof. Solomon t' lkes. of ^ S o i i l h Or- ative KVi-niif. V ho was w l t^B rons le in ,

I wii- iiniujured.

Setinlor F raz ie r was a member of the CninTiilli™ on M il itary Attatrs, whioli lii- v ts t l s a led the Brownsvil le liicldi-nt, liia views were those of the Southerner who liud an In t im ate knowledge ot the negro race.

f-oiiyrtgtbti, ns Proper ty .W A S in N O T O N . Jan . Lfl.-St a hearing

to-d:iy before the Biib-commlttee on covy- rlgh'ts of the Commit tee on Pa tents , of Ihe Hoti.se, Hie (luestlon of common law iirobL-m rights na'aiJiilied to coiiyrlglits wiiH illsi-ussed. A r thu r Kteii.irt. of Bos­ton Bpi-nkliiK In defense of the W ashburn 1,111 an.l Wil liam Jeiinbr, of New York, and Robert Pa rk in son In oppoalHon lo It.

Arti l lm tlOB T r e a t ie s I-’avorefl.W A S I l IN i iT O N , Jan, 20.—-Arbitration

treiittea w i th Costa Rlo.a. Auslr la -Hun- , kcii V nod Chile were ordered favorably

^ I reported to -day by the Senate Comm ttee Ntiugh- ‘ pnri-iKn RelfltlonB. Tho commit tee

also orrlsred favorable reports on an ex- triidlHon t r e a ty wltti ilondurna and a iinlurultznlion t re a ty with Nicaragua.

OuniUi Bitek from Berltn-l iK R LIN, Jan . 20.- T h e Deutsche B ank

h-ts sold k.lKW.™ wortli ot bonds of the W estern M ary lnnd Rallrund Company to 11 syndica te headed by Blair Ik Co„ the New York bankers.

throughout the NATION.N O B F C I .K . V a .—The battleship North

Cnrollmi BMled to-day fur CftarK-ston, fl.C whriK> on Monday rtpxt will lake aTYcutnl Frcstd^Tit-i^lent Taft and pa r ty I'or a Dip to Rtinania.

BAM KItANCISCO—Em m n Goldman, tbe Amirc’hlst leader , and "Hobo” B'lin Rri t - num were arr fsterf aea ln to-day, a f te r thi y had filHcharg^'d on charges ofcon>^pli‘acy to incite riot.


m -iaL IN —At the Invilation' of Pr ince TleniT bro the r nf Emperor 'William, Am- hassHdnr anti Mrs. Hill visited the prince tri-duy, and Mrs. Hill woi presented tothu fU'IOCMS

HF.RI.IN—Pipriano Castm, the former Pres iden t of Veneruala, who ta iderwent an operetion In this city some days ago, Is rnftklnR eftUsfactnry progreis. H e left Ills bed for th e first time to-day.

T H E h a OT’E —J ose de J. Paul , tbe spec­ial envoy to Eitirope of the governm ent ^ Vi-ii.’XVieln, a r r iv ed here . to-dky frotn Pa r is H e believes th a t a se t t lem ent o f the dlfficuttlee betw een Holland and ’Ir tn- effliela sst tlafaclory t o both sldM soon trlH be^reachftd* _

TsONDON-^Thou*and» of *un^mploy«dirtnging sodaUatlc

Ing denuno ia lo r? batinerg, e n ^ e d J ® a

r u s e ” ' Z a & n e , the leader of

Let Me Cure Your Catarrh

T r i a l P a c k a g e o f M y C o m b in e d T r e a t ­m e n t M a i l e d F re;*. N o M o re K ’h a w ­

k i n g a n d S p i t t i n g o r F o u l S i c k ­e n i n g B r e a t h . S e n d Y o u r

N a m e T o - d a y .

(T’firnrrh Ih n"t <iaaF:rtruus, but Unausea bad bivath. uk-Kraliuii, dvath and dpcay of bfnit-s, Uiss uf th inking mid roH' unnitiE isoWKr killH iiijihllinn and energy,often oiuHbs loss «)f upp t t l te . indlg<‘?t on,rivarepaltt. th roa t unti ronaumptlon.It neeilB atlentlun ul Cure It withGiiusB’ C atar rh Cure. U Is a quick radl- pfil nermnneTit cure, heruiise If r.dfi the cjystem of the palsonous germB that oautecatar rh .

‘th* HLoti** o f


mu. )

C. B. aAtSS.In order to prove to gU who are suffer*

lug from th is d a n g e ro u s and t o a t h i o i » ■ ^ease t h a t G au ss ’ C a ta r rh Cure wUl aotuaUy cur# « n » o w e “ f ly. no m a t te r how Jong s tanding or how& a r i 'Sill »#«“ Bfree of a ll <»ft. Send u s your o « M ,address to -dfir »nfl i f T t ^ w mwkm you by r e tu rn malL T ry It. It

iSUIvely cure eo t h a t you be med Insfedd o t shunned by_your W e n ^

W ill iam Lepfe rt . of S2 Cottage s t re e tscoea led to -day to Captain Carroll, o f ..............

detectlTo bureau, to help him recover fem ed InsfeW of “iVtiH’ 'm iV out. i o b t S s knobs and a name pla te stolen i E BL OAUB3, M arshall . Mich. FHl outfrom hlH f r o n t door during the night,

A ieaander Krupowee, of S7 'Walnut i Streat w as commit ted to Jail on n charge ;

, o f c a r ry ing concealed weapons tn'" th e J T h l rd P r ^ c t Coim. 1

coupon below.

IHILBORN O I » T I C I A T « , 1 5 Y I 5 S l " * l 3 d A I v I » ' r

1 9 W . P A R K S T R E E T , » . V » -Maarly Ogpoalt# NtMrli Cut Qtata Ca.

L u l le s o f lOL J a c k s o n stree t, a lle g e d th a t K ru p o w e e a tte m p te d to a t r l l i e ^ m with a t r tnckjaelt

P a t r i c k TVelab,..eighty years old an d homclaaa. w a a oonrmltled to ja il fo r sLgty days from th e TW nl IT ed u c t Court th ia . morn ing. Welab . It was explained. re--j fused lo accept th e bosultalliy a t v a -

' rioua chfcMlable inatltuttoaa ,tai Which h»I had been.

F H B HThis cmilisn Is good l o r e s , trial , ,

of O aun’ Combing fnM bi tilaln -p«cktiK«. SlTTpIl fill nmoo fltid addYew on doUinJ linH b*hi« 4f>d fn«11i ioC, GAUStg M«l«i MK*ctb

M R n h a l i d M tc^e




By Jd y 1 Peoosy and Erie Fdirs May Be Rushed Under

River to Manhattan.

OPPORTW imES m n e w je r s e y


NEW YORK, Jan. 80.-W nt!am O. Mc- Adfxi, pr«ald*nt of the Hudaon and Man­h a tta n Hallway Company^ announced a t th e aacond annual meeUnv of the New Jeraey-N ew York R ati ^Estate B aobanie a t the Board of Trade rootna In Jaraey City yeaterday afternoon th a t there re- tnalna only IM fe ^ to be bored In tha ilu d eo n River tunnel operation! between th e i^nneyivanla terminal In Jereey City and Cortlandt itreet, J^ew York City.

* lt will be only a m atter of a few weeka," he aald, "when both tu b e i will bs cu t through. On July 1 neat the real- dente of Jemey City will have an addi­tional tunnel service to Tw enty-third a tree t and BlJCtb avenue, New York City, through, the branch lube from the Penn­sy lvan ia and Erie terminals. ootmecUng w ith th e liver tunnel running from Hobo­ken. We no longer estim ate dletanoe In fee t, bu t In znlnuteji. It may surprise you to know that when the Cortlandt itre e t tunnel la Iti opera Ion you may go from th e Penney]vanU HuUroad Station to w ith­in one block of Broadway In three mln- utM , and that there will be a tra in every th ree minutes.

“G reat opportunities are presented for northern New Jersey. You are now be­ing put on an equality w ith Brooklyn and the Bronx. Within a few years the te rrito ry In New Jersey within a ten-mile radlua of Manhattan will have a greuter population than Brooklyn. W ith an elec­tr ic aervlce In conjunction w ith the tun­nel system, using the Hudeon Terminal building ae a centre, people as fa r out as Ridgewood, Norton View, Eseex Fells, C ranford, WAstfleld, Rahway and Perth Amboy will be within th irty mlnuiea of New York City."

O ther addresses were made by H. M. 'Woodard, of Manhattan; Willlarn H. Corbin, president of the New Jersey Title G uarantee and Trust Company of Jersey C ity; F. J. Beyer, of Newark: County Judge Robert Care^, and John L. Glaaer, o f New York,

OMceni Re-elected.One woman altcndccl the meeting. Mlea

A- L. Van Winkle, n real estate operator a t Nutley, N. J.

l.« tter of regret was read from F. C Underwood, president of the Erie Rail­road. A committee was appointed to prepare a book on norttiem New Jersey real estate.

The old board of governors wus re­elected as follows: George J. Haylts,M anhattan; F. J. Beyer, Newark; Wllblir F . Brower. Newark; C. Alfred Burhorn, Hoboken; E. A. Cowley, Keansburg B each; Joseph P. Day. New York, Joseph W. Doolittle. New York; Abe Feist. New­a rk ; J. L, Glaser. Newark; Sluard Hlrscli- man, New York; E. R. Holden, Weatheid; S. J, Holmes. Montclair; Philip I. Hover, Ridgewood; William Jeffery. Plainfield; J , A. Kai'et, Hackensack: Otto Kempner, New York; E. H. ijambert, Paterson; ■William A. Lambert. Nutley: David Lipp- m an, Newark; H. A. Rounds, Sea Oirt; Thom as A. Ryer, Jersey City; E L. Sawyer, Jersey City; \V. Irving Scott, New York; Charles Singer Jr., town of Union; Ruffin A. Smith, River Edge: W. R. Squire, Ridgefield P a rk ;F ran k Stovena. Jersey City: F, U Vroomnn, Ridgefield P a rk : F. M. Welles, New York; W. W'. W ltsey, Ridgewood.

OovernopB re-elected: Prealdeni, OUo K em pner; first vke-prealdent, William A. Liambert; second vice-president, William Jeffery ; third vice-president, W. R. Squire, and secretary. George J. Bayles.

These resolutions were adopted;Resolved, TUiil the New

York Real Estate Exchange heartily ap' proves the recommendation made by Gov­ernor F o rt In his annual message to the LrCglfelature, that a water supply commls- alon created by the S tate to consider

ITUACA, N. T., Jui. K -John Bar. rouslu, th« naturalbt, wbo 1* vlatUnf hw t, tMlWvM th«i M ulUloMlrM ar* iw llr happy. II* la quaua In an Intar. flaw aa toUowi:

"1 do not ballay* In th* dootrln* at* trtbutad to John D. Rookafallar th a t It you w ant to mak* your wit* happy all you hav* to do la to ilv* har plenty of money. Woman want love Oral of all. It they a t« proTldad with lb* rlch t In. atlncta.

“1 aat behind Jay Oould In icbool. and one* h* .wrote a compqaltloii on a state to r m a That day be needed u v en ty eeoti, end 1 tav e the sum to him for two old school boolu. I eaw him when ho wae w orth n0iaM,(m. Money Are was blastnf In his eyss, and I ant sura It reached his brain and consumed hie life, tending him to an untimely (rave.

'From whet I have Been of life when one

baa obtained a compatenoy money le superfluous, Just like an skosss of what la not needad to round out tb* flsura and (Ive It a bandeom* sppaamno*. Fil­ing up wealth than heuiumea lUu piling on floah. and g rea t:/ binders the enjoymaot of tb* beat thingi of thl* life.

"I know mltllunalreB, aijd know vary low happy ones. Carnagla aeema to be an exception, because ha la dlSeraiit from many othar rich man,

"But even when one dlipoaee of wealth. If there la the consclousnase th a t In acquiring it the weaker oreaturea have been overcome and saddened, I think there must be a tinge of regret In help­ing others with thte very fru it th a t has been obtained a t such c (^ .

■'Money, of couree, Is necessary to pro­vide the comforts of sxlstenoe, but cul­tured people—I say cultured people, mind you—can. doubtlrea be contented with hooks when they cannot buy automo- lillcs."


acoaptB the naw achadule of lolarles for high oflVclala of the government adopted by the Senate, aa there la reason to be­lieve It will, tholr compensation In the futu^^ will be III follnwa:

T i» President HOO.OCiu a year, malead of ${kl,OQO salary and S2&.0CI0 for tniveiing ox- penses.

The Vice-President I1S.OOO, Increased from I12,0U0.

The Speaker of the House tl6,0Wl, In- craased from 11: ,000.

The chief Justice of the Unlied States HB.OOO, Increased from Mi.000.

anooclate Jusllcos of the Supreme Court of the United States each $14,&0U, Increased froiri 112,500.

The President will hereafter have to pay bie own traveling expenses, und the Vice- President and the Speaker will provide their own horses and carriages.

Two new offices are created: An Under­secretary of Stale, at ST.GOO. and a Fourth Assistant Secretary of State, a t |4,&ou.



landa, of Nevada, Introduced In the Sen­ate yesterday a bill making the office of MUpervlalng architect of the Treasury. k?;uwn hereafter aa the bureau of aria and public buildings, and nominating the supervising architect as director of arts and public buildings. The bJll makes ail the officers and employes of the supervis­ing archltects's office officers and em- ployea of a r ts and publls buildings.

Tlic bureau lu meant aa u nucleus of the bureau of aria. To develop It the l ’n.*aldeoi Is autlinriKed by Ibe bill to Hppoiiu, with consent of the Senate, an advisory counsci. to be known as Iho council of the artH, composed of thirty eminent architects, painters, sculptors, landscape architects and laymen. The bill provides th a t the names of these dl«- tlngulshfd men ehnll be submitted to the President by the American Institute of Architecture. The council Is to get no compensation, but may have expense al­lowances.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-The consiruo lion of a Unooln memorial highway from the W hite House In W ashington to the UitileflelO of Gettysburg In Pehnsylvaniu 1m authorized In a bill Introduced In the House yesterday by R epresentative La- fcan, of (hat fimie. The bill provides that the proponed highway shall be not less thun 150 feat wide and that it shall be constructed under the direcllon of a coin- miaslon to be composed of two members of the Senate, two membore of the House, the SecroUry of State and the Secretary of War. The sum of 125.000 la made avail­able Id defray the cost of a preliminary survey.


Root will resign from the Cabinet some tlnjc this week. Thv setilcnjent of the Venezuela cluEm.s, lino conference on maritime law niiw In progross in London, the Rudowitz extradition caec, the New­foundland flahery and claim treaties with Great Britain and Heveral oilier Im portant m atters remain to b** settled before Mr. Root leaves the State Department. He hopes, however, to complete this work by Saturday

lie will spend soveral weeks a t Hot Springs, Ark., and will return to Waah- Ingion ahortly before (be Inauguration.

LeoTecktoniusT h e E m in e n t P ia n is t

Will Be Heard at



th e p'roblam of State'a ownership of the w aier supply system, and which shal] also co-opstutc with a similar commission to be created by the State of New York with a vlen' to conserving and acquiring the Bources of water supply In the S tate of New York.

Resolved. That the New Jersey-New York Real Estate Exchange, In annual m eeting assembled, urges upon the Legis­la tu re of the Slate of New Jersey the adoption of the proposed plan for the es- tab llthm ent of -a highway system that ehtill link together the coast towns from Bundy Hook to Csi^ May by a continuous boulevard, panineied by an Snhmd road connecting the county seute and Interior tow ns from Newton, m Buaeex County, to Cape May; and It la further

Resolved, That any meiiBure bearing on |h is subject should provide for the nun- ■tructlon and the supervision of both g ran d boulevards by the S tate authorities.

WASHINGTON. Jan. 20.—Representa­tive Qoldfogie, ot New York, would have the treaty of 1S33 between the United States and Russia abolished unless the Russian Government ceases what he de­clares to be a discrimination by that country against American Jews, and he has Introduced a joint resolution bringing about this re su lt The resolution Is pre­ceded by a long preamble. In which it Is declared A a t Russia has, from time to

Jersey-Now I refused to recogulze the paasporta of American cltlscns because they ere of the Jewish faith. In case Russia re­fuses to recognize Ite treaty obUgattons the President Is required to then give notice that he will suspend the treaty, and In case of the persistence of Russia the resolution directs him to declare It a t an end.

JEW ISH FARMERS' GRANGE.N EW YORK, Jan. 29.—T hirty Jewish

farm ers from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetta, im p o s ­ing the first annual convention of Jewish agriculturists, met yesteirday in the Edu­cational Alliance building. E ast Broad­w ay and Jefferson street, and formed a national organization known as the Jew­ish Tfisrmers of America, The gathering resum ed the business of the convention to-day, and to-night there wUl be a re ­ception to the delegates.

I t was decided to hold a Jew ish agri­cultural fair every year on every Suc- coth, the Feast of the Booths, which Is tn October, a month after the. Jew ish New Year, and to offer prizes for exhibitions of agricultural products raised by itiem- bers of the organization.

The Tollowing officers of the Jewish F arm ers of America were elected: Chair­m an, S. P. Beeker, Connecticut; vice- chairm an, Samuel Hein, New York; sec­re tary , J. W. Plncus, New York, and treasurer, Samuel Kleinfleld, of Norma, N. J. .


kett has presented an amendment to Senator Hopklna'e bill changing the per­sonnel of the Consular Examining Board. The Hopkins bill provides th a t tho board of examiners of candldutea for the con- j sular service shall be composed nf the chief of the consular bureau, the chief of tho bureau of munuracturers and the

hief examiner of the Civil Service Com­mission, I t also provides th a t no app<»lint- mentfl shaJl hereafter be made unless can­didates are examined by thin board. One effect of this portion of the bill would ho to shut out from appointment, except through another examination, persons Who passed their examination before the old board and are now awaiting appoint­ment.


em m ea t tjae Issued instroetld tit to the custom* authorlUes to tak e meaeures to BUpprhaa the extetlng boycott on Aye- tr ia n and Balgarlan gXKidi.

This a ta p ' le taken, according to the wording ot the order, becaoe* "A ustria la on the politt ot eettllng her dW erencet w ith Turkey, and a daclelon htw been reached to eetabllah an agreem ent with B ulgaria."


partihan t haa abandoned Its Intention o t building two ot the eight aubmarine boat* Huthurlaed a t the la it seaalon of Ci-ngrem In government navy yarde. The Anal aw ard a t the department, nnnounm d yes. te rday by Sdetetary Newberry, follow*.

.Four to the Electric BOat Com^riny, to be built or deilverad on the west ocaet; tw o to the Electric Boat Company, to ba built on the ea*t ooaet: pne to the Ameri- can Laurent! Cumpany, tb be built a t the worif* of 'WllUaitl ^ a n tp i t Son*; one to the L ake ^^rpeflo Boat Company, to be

It t t* worttn of the NewtMjvt New* Shipbuilding and SyydooUi compamy.


WAHHINOTOK, jjm . Sk-~Vhe''only itemIn tbe urgent 009a.■hmed any dbrniwrito |a tS » Hona* yi te r d w wan the afpeoprln^ah o f M o w fo r t«* punhaaa and tnalnfpwin«* of au . ^ o b M for tha tM * or tlM PM*U«Bf,

Mr; Tawney explihiod. WM .nwdo neueioery beoaoee Fio*td«Bt.«leet 'T att ^ p o o e d to u ia attfaniMMlag tnategdl o t b o r ^ and e t n i t tm . Tito k»m w u oar. riea.-, irv.; ' \M

T e Cheek OfMoB t te g e n e .. WASHINGTON, Jan . I t - T b * bHI law *.


hni just reached the apoetollc d e lc^ te , MonsIgnor Fnlconlo, that Monelgnor John Babtlet Pltavol haa been nominated orch- bishop of Santa Fc, and Monelgnor John Grimes coadjutor bishop of Syracuse, N.T.

Monslgoor Pltaval succeeds the late Archbishop Peter Bourgade. Monslgnor Pltaval has been vlcnr-gcneral of the Santa Fe archdiocese and titu lar bishop ot Sora,

Monslgnor Grimes la rector of the Cath­edral of tbe Immaculate Conception at Syracuse.

$ 2 I H ) i a iY iz e s A w a r d e iSome titne ago we offered to (five

$200 in prize* for the best tdverti*e- ments for Duffy’s Pure Malt Whis­key and in response received 10 many sample advertisements that it has taken our committee several weeks toread them and maketheselections.

The Prizes have been awarded aa follows:

First Prize $100to J. R. Blake of 1141 Myrtle

Ave.. Baltimore.Second Prize $50

to K. C. Countryman of 414 Diliaye I > Bldf., Syracuse.

Third Prize $25 to W. S. Curdy of 73 Journal

Bldg., Boston.Fourth Prize $10

to W. j . Austin of 6 Berwick Park, Boston. ,

Fifth Prize $10 to J. M. Plunket of 7 Doaite St„

Boston.Sixth Prize $5

to W. W. Westerly of 66S% Pulton St., Brooklyn.

So far asweknoweachoneofthe prize winners Is an amateur artist and this goes to show what latent ability we may have stored away in our makeup unknown to ourselves.

The great secret in writing an ad> Y ^sem ent is in knowing what you are writing about, then make a plain atatement of facts tbe same as if you w M tailing a friend of some event.

^ anita a good advertisement about Didfy.'* Pure Malt Whiskey a peraoit, Aoald |wow the effect it hw on weryous and ntn*down c^iea, and in caaes of cold, bron- dhitis and lung trouble.One can then na^ tba atrength- esing eiito it baa'on bodr;i brain and nerve, and tbe aid H gives'to the vital fmwtfc Otna -tn Ung a

W A L L A C E H A LL■Ntiimday IvaaiRt, FaA3

M i S t N E R P IA N O U S E D

Mr. Leo Tecktonlos end the Wissner Plano

W hat oonztituto! a really great piano? Its flialm to ancestral hon* ora? Yaatnesa in num bers pro­duced? Tradition? Sentim ent? Or 18 It merit, pure and simple? We draw no comparisons. We make no compromises with anything outside of genuine artistic quality, We simply olalm that the W issner piano ranks among tho best tha t Ingenuity, broad experience and untiring '”endeavT)r can produce. The many great a r tis ts and m usi­cians who use and Indorse the

verify It, Mr Tecktonlus hkfl choaen^Jihe W issner Plano to be used exclusively on bis tour ex­tending through the United States

.tp B rltlib Columbia W inner pUtfios Are told a t moderate prlcee an d on oonvenlent term s.' Send for new lUustrated catalogue. Mailed free. . . - .. ,■ v - .


Hold! $5 to $7.50 New Cloth Separate SkirtsWhile They Lest. No Mail or Telephone Orders Taken.

D o y o u k n o w o f a n y m o n e y - s a v i n g n e w s m o r e w e l c o m e n o w ? Nearly every woman has use for an extra cloth skirt at this time, and foresighted women will grasp the opportunity to acquire a good skirt even for shirt waist time at so low a price; about ?00 skirts that came through a spe­cialist, who was about to move his factory and wanted to sell stock on hand at one time. We took all and secured a tremendous price conces­sion; g r e a t v a r i e t y m a t e r i a l s , g r e a t v a r i e t y s t y l e s , g r e a t v a r i e t y c o l o r i n g s ; worsteds, chevrons, diagonals, screes, panama, choice novelty materials and many mixtures; black, navy, brown, green, gray, tan. solid colors, checks and stripes; pleated models in wide assortment, some trimmed with self materials—most comprehensive display—strongest bargain incentive of the sort Newark has had in many a day—real, new $) to skirts at 3 . 7 5 .

Extra Value New ^ i t sIf we said $25 you would

not think it too hitjh. Suits not shown before at anything like this price; while some stores are at­tempting to move out-of-style gar­ments, we are showing new frcsli price; suits that are guaranteed for eral satisfaction. Makers grant us big discount because we help them to keep busy between sea­sons; choice worsteds, broadcloths, serges; beau­ties every one, made up in the new spring models, best of finish and satin linings; navy, gray, black, Edison blue, taupe, 17.50.

essmodels at wear aud gen-

Famous $5 Silk Petticoats

3 . 9 8

Thursday only—worth every cent of $7.50, compared with petti­coats about town; for January sale feature we offer for one day only $5 petticoats of new crisp taf­feta silk and messalinc silk; black,•'■white, staple colors and all the new leading shades—pink, gray, brown, blue, lavender, wisteria, tan, many greens, rose, jasper, and more, including many changea- able effects—many styles, deep flounce, some sectional, pleated, bias ruffle; pin tucked, ruche edged, embroidered, best $5 petticoats at 3.98.

......-P S ? .Some of the Fur Neck Pieces

Bfjr- Bflduc-Price fd to

flabl^fox collar, tbaw l ihape........in.M Ifl.ooBlock fox ibaw l, bruMh talle..........05.oo S&.OONatural gray squirrel, fancy collar lX.iW lo.ooNat. a r a j equlrrel, alt fur collar....29.00 lA.OOElenqed cQulrrel collar,lancj tbape 2:; 50 I7>fl0lilua wolf co llar large tails.. ........ l.TDO 10.00NaL Boftern mfnk nhawl collar....7A.00Nat. Koatern mluk collar, all fur.... S7.50 70.00NaL mink collar, pump rndc...,...... no.DO AO.OONaL Eaatern minx faricj collar..... CO.Oi) 00.00N atural mink Edna May Acarfi . . l A. onNatural lulnk acarfc, Batin lined.... 12.1)0 10.00a-ftklu Kudffon Bay aab1(> Hcarlt.....?5.oo 40,00Hable fox collar, tw o hcadE,.,.........85.00 MO.fiOBablc fox collar, animal ihape..... . 10.50

Some of Many Reduced lu ffsR«f,

PriesPure gray iqulrrel pillow mufli......... . 16,008ab)e Fo e rug muff, fanej' lined............. 26,00Large Rquarr krlinmer pillow muff..... L3.00

pillug i

Baum oiartea rug pillow muff..,...... ,.,.126 ,0 0

Heaver muff, popular pfUow ityle....... t8.00Tllrh pnlateiJ lux rug muff.,.................. 7 .0l)Dark natural KoBtern mlakocal'derdR 86.00Natural Koftern mink pillow nintfi....60.00Natural A lnikaiabte Large iquare mufl a&.MPerHlnn lamb mufl. medium curl.... . 66.WPenian lamb muff, pillow ihape...... .. S5.M

s c a r f a n d m u f f s e t sOmy chluctalllB pillow mult and •carfT-.iaofoo Baum marten muif, all fur ecarf.......... tW.OO

S o m e of th e R educed F u r C oats

|0 5 P o o r Ifnr Coat—82.1a.,well naHrted...........................40.60 Foay Fur Cont^O-lo wHl marked........ ..................

itaaw] collar^ eoft ekltiB,

UduaMay collar; eoft,

■85 Ppoy F or CoaU-^Shawl Of Edua May collar; 24>lfi.; SkliiueriatlQ lined............. ................................


fl960 F e r ila n Lam b C oat—2?- B., fine, luetroue, brauiitul curl, ahawl collar^ brocade 2 0 0 .0 0

|SOO Paratao Lam b C oate -^-lQ., medium curl, abawl collar, brocade l i n e d ,•leeTee, DOW.......... iuV*W■ 150 PerBlan Lamb € o a t -tiloufte, broad fiat curl, IRAcollerleiB, now ............ IWvVU■49*50 Pony F a r Coat^AOlU.* doee fitting; Edna May IS fU| tie: beautifully marked... vu*UV ■75 Caracul F a r Coat—4A-ln-, ebawl collar, Skinner/LQ fut eatin lined, now...... ........UV*UV

: 45.00

•90S Caracul F ar Coat—60>ln , fiat•uiooilirurE, black lynx unl- lar nod cuRi, brocade AA lined, wae now... iOwivU■00 Near Meal Coat — 37-ln., iipootb fur ebawl collar. Hkluner eatln lined.■70 Uadsoo final Ooat-TT.iu., eh&wl collar, fiklnner xA AnEHlI ti lined.........................OU.UU■150 Hudeon Seal Coate -One Sfl-lu', ebawl collar, bro- lAA fUlcadalluea: oneWI-ln..... iVU.W• ISO Pony F ur Coat-Ueautl-ful eklim, well uVarlied, ehawlcollar, brocade lined. 125.00 ehawl collar,

eatln lined

SaleFineTeaGowns,LongKimonos,SacqnesMost every womsn can use at least one of these handsome far-

ments, and the selling; shows that many are alive to the opportunity; all the latest styles, most favored materials—albatross, flannel, Jap­anese silk, challles; dark and dainty shades; solid color and Persian designs; elaborately trimmed with fine laces and inserting*, too many styles to describe; to see is to appreciate how beautiful they are, not

, many garments of a kind, save a fourth—Silk Tea Gowus, reg. 19.00 to 24.00, spec. 7.50 to 18.58 Long Silk Kimonos, reg. 0.50 to 12.50, spec. 4.08 to 0.57 Silk Sacques, reg. 5.00 to 15.00, spec. 3.75 to 11.25

) Albatross Sacques, reg. 5.00 to 12.00, spec. 3.75 to 9.37 Challie& Albatross Kimonos, Tea downs, s .4 !oV V il25

See New Lingerie WaistsCustomers Say th a t our asaortinent snrpasse. any in tbe city; we know

how waists should be made and lee th a t they come up to the m ark: and this bar­gain is a ^ood exam ple at our superiority ; variety of models, exact reproduction ot sty let selling in M etropolitan shops at 2.0G and 2 .SO;“ up and dow n" effects, m ade of batistes w ith Maltese lace liisertlngs, w ithout donbt extra fine a t ...................................................................................

S e e T h ese N ew B F k T a ffe ta S ilk W a is t s

1.505 A A S e e H a n d so m e N ew

• l / U N e t W a is ts a t 5 .00Jua t out—acveral models; one has clusters of pin

and side 'tucks tbou lder to bust; trim m ed with straps of taffeta silk , covered buttons, hack clusters of tucks, d irectoirc sleeves, trim m ed wi-h bu ttons, high point tacked collar, open back; another m odel side effect, tucked fron t, dain ty vest centre and braid trim , 5 .00 .

T ru ly beautiful waiats for all occasions, dressy for street or evening; compared with other* generally ours are ex tra low priced; elegant plain o r dotted net, yokes and front and back elabcvately trim m ed with Val. or soutache braid; others tailored, tucked all over; silk lilted; h igh point collars, new sleeves, white or cream .

T h at Willow Plume S a le

The m anufact­urer ju st took inventory a n d found 66 plum es on his liands— these went on s a l e M onday, balance f o 1 - lows Thursday, and as the quan­

tity is dw indling, as a count will show, we ask quick attention to avoid disappointm ent.

7 Black Willow Pinmes6 .7 5

11 Black Willow Pinmes8 .7 5

3 White Willow PinmesAll lu tifi knotted, wil- lowed from stem to tip,18 inebes long, w o rth12»50, a t ............................

3 Black Willow Pinmes11.75

All band knotted, wil- lowed from stem to t i p ; 16 inches Jongf, w o rth 1 0 .00 , a t ............................

All hand knotted , wil- lowed from stem to tip; 18 inches long, w o rth 1 2 .50 , a t ............................

All hand knotted, wil- lowed from stem to tip; 20 inebes long, w orth 16 .50, at

A Fur Sale That Is a Fnr Sale: Just Read............. ............................ ............... ................... _ __________________ 1___________________________________ .

A real fur sale is to sell good furs, stylish furs, new furs at genuine special prices—a union of qualities not every store can muster. We sell good, stylish, new furs all the time, and our policy to do as we say—to really reduce prices—brings this rare sort of a sale; that attendance shows is appreciated. Do not put off coming if you want good choice. There are other items, also, not advertised, as worth coming for at once. Read the list:

IS ;Iw-’

Radae-ad toiflaltO19.50 10.0010.5005.0095.0075.0040.00 10(5040.00 «9s50



■185 Pony F ar Coat — Fln« ■lilrii, b«uutifuUy markml, ilfUln., iijuare collar, brocade AC AA lined...................... 7t).VU■ 100 Pony Fnr Coat^0-1n., 60.]u., black lynx ihawl 7 e AA collar...............................■50 Posy Fur Cobte—44.1a., p4i!nt«d back and frubt, tauejr ttiFfeta illk lined, ibawl qq

•6 5 Pooy F ar Coata—36-lb., fine fur, ebawl collar, CA AASkibber eatln lined..........Ov*Uv■37.50 Ponjr F ur Coate—8iuin.,



ta O A I . NOTICBS..,BT vlrius of a riisitlar nKvtgai* axnatsd by

Pblllp It. Hodge and .ThMUa B- Saska u> M. Mereaiih 0«*n, d*i»d;J5*,,,*!gl>tli ot. FebraaTy, UM. end ja c ^ d a d '^ d lta affies tbf rtattter ot_tlis ea^Q T 'af -ifiBaaic,.,Jn

uary. im . at >0 a'clndt.I.L,,. tb* irandies • J * , 'tn tfc city of ftaapulW.,] a ^ giaia ot. New_..u

awsiating of:Roaok beiiti

u i cooBter shanii

t S e A l . HOTICBS.^loraston do preawBi to tbe bndertifoed teoniver

Ibacaof. and prov* before btm, under oath cr afflttnation, M the receiver ehall direei. fo tb* iatlefaotlon of the said receiver, their asvaml ulalme stud demande sgalnit the Mid oirrDttcattoii althln three monthe fiwn the dn^ ‘eiTasUd order, the imeentb day o( Deoember, ImS, or they will be eaoluded trera the hen- e l ^ Of each dividends ns may ,El*maAi and dectved by tbl* court upon mo IifP04Bi1r aaO offeeti oi the »ald corpora-

'S i M 10. 1905a ______:;a of

BucM4 avenue,HS.TO

LEGAL KOTXCB8,seven d*ar««e ano fifteen iblDuten eaet three cbalna and eeventy-slx Unke to the line ut Tends now tn poeseeilob o( Juba D. Pier; thence 43) south five dexreee and thirty mlouUE weit nine chains end fifty links; thehce (41 south forl7’tlVM dearecB east ou* chain abd thirteen Imks; thence (fi) a northwesterly' cobrM five eholDii and eighty llrtks; thence (0) south eleven ttesrecB west alonK the la ll aouLfa aide Df lot Ko* 2 to the bortheist hoe of lot No. 4; thence (7) alonf the tame south leven- ty-oiie degireea eaet two chattia and ninety I!n1ce; tbetice eleven deareea and thirty mlmitea weet elxat chatue bqo (Ifty-elatat Unkil te the oorfi«r of lot No* 5; thenoe (e) tUouc the eame boitta eeventy-eavea deireea weat e^h t chttlDt end ilx linkt; thence (10) north twontir devrea eo«t seven chaioa; thenct (11) north oevanty-one .deirteea wcet two ebeina and elj|^bEeen,)ihka cq place of

LEGAL NOTICES*upon whom r>iT>c*»a niay be serveil), plied wUh thv reoulremeniR of

ti llhka !kffima e^tMA'aorMt W ihd eaua more

or len* haJbd Ibti No. 8. No. } arid a j^art ( f

hafUBt*' BUbbSpi, balUH as

4bMit Om aaU WM will b* n u *

oM ntaatting.an abafttnsi.

- _ nm356ig

j o u n aa tha gar a t

____ tot No 4t of the man oldivletoa of a . certain lot. u(: 1 ^ . w m ^

tot No. 1* and the

i Hei

vPttbfekL MAflT'Sni'S 8AL1B OF LAND--I»« s : - £ . S 3

a t t te Blate of ShwJcraay 1ft Henrr L Bueh, deoeoaed, w)lM ta b]i six^ a-----D f ^ h e r 1 1905* 4, dauistera, ox by reference to itald map wiU

c one ot tne m u fm \ more futlf kHiear. Belnx the oain* ftimlaeitry of itld i conveyed to Urae! WlUlama by Jeptha irm -to UM hIgbMt W attr. i lAtnf by deed dated November oenond, 1S5S,

day of ^ .w nry , , and roeorded in Book P5, p « m 515-&S5. v£«a -Giia ■Mir of 5 D’rloeir la .{ha i Kaaax Couaty X>erda

- nata hallway..ar aonidef <4 I 3Mond IVart* Beyinffinr to tba Hb« of Aoidb CoBrtttouso to the city of | Van^erbooTa land and at tbe comer

^ "ttMoa Btate oT New I of taftd liTtfah the mud Yanderhoof IR doaudhid tw to «r i .ta \ ootrvoyad m Jw tba AYlUtonie b r 4i

_____ I. to wtt: A certain um i, I O olow rtfifi; ihenc* (U aam tf tird tfacta of landff* altuata, lying [ Vaaferhoora lltw south eleven dw

te {Hw toiVBatbp of Coldwau, 1a the J thirty Mfmiiee west right a«. - a. .JapM#, t.iwo IbdU to tot No. 4. oei air to H


Mb the dtvtotoo of tha toadi whLeh* ............ dartaad'te Wa *1»the nna tff tot Nol

^ L B G A L NOTICES.thence (31 alona the Une of lot No. 2 tiorth el«veb dexre«a east to anoihpr corner ot said lot fold to Jepiha WllUami ae aforesaid; thence (4) aiong the Use ot the eame a aouth- eaaicrly direction two ohalna eighty llnla to loe i»iace of beglnnUig.

ContaJbint three acres, more or Ictf. being i the remainder ot tot No. 1, aaetoiied and let off to Jane, wife of WIlUam Vandexhoof.

Being tbe some premliee conveyed to Mtid larael WUlUma by Wttllam VanUerhoot and wife, by deed dated January 'Hit, iSao* and (luly recorded February third, 1004.

Indudlof tbe estate and Interaal by tha curtesy cl the said defendant. George W.Young, busbaad of Ueilnda Touu, daevABed,In the told premtoes, and (he Inchoate or )b*Utale light by the cufteey of kbe dafenda&L WiUtom f t Maneer. In the same, togetha* with ; oH aao singular the heredltameiite anil oppur- lenoMea to the eoid pretnlOM haionging or iq any wMa i^TMrtaUtlnff. There to a niorigoga of HOa w Inmeat of compialnani and. t&xea tor 1908 of ItLSO.

uqidItlODa mode known on day of Bale.<4X44U> CUARLE5 £3. ROBEftTR.

Jtoedal Uafter in CtUKftoery,W* C. and B. SoUeltorADated ttocambof 28. 19W.________________

5TATB o r NEW JBltoBT-DepaitmeniStat«v-<leftMcate nf Dtoeolatton.

To all to whom tbeos preeeato nay coma.ClreatiDg:

Whereas, it apnatn to my latieCactloiL by dnly anthentloaud reoord of th# procaealnnfor tha voluntary diNalDikm thereof by iF# . -.vt:.-uDonlgioaa coneeat wf all the atocliliDidere. dt- I I'vttn yod MM-giNL pfOUahtr fipaUad la my ihai the Bottary 9uppLi#e ; of Jtoaeyupn, ^ ^WEipeny, a oarporattoa of ihl» State, wnoaa t tjatod Pogi mbe r . ■fteelyA oftca Iratiaatad at No. 148 Atott ■ h raw , Ui tha «4ty of Nawark. off. SnU a^■eiia. Btefe Naw'Jartoy (John B, RoiM [ ' '.v . .' '0 ^hplsf agesk UiacefA hod te oharga thereof. C95M| >'

has com - -- A.n B.CL con*earning corporatlunu (revlaiiin of pro-7

Uminary to tnts laeulng of tbto centficxie of; dlBeoJuilon. ' f

So'x. therefore, I, S. D, Olcklnaoji. aeere-! tary of fitat^ of th# fitato of Kavf Jerasy^ do licnsby certify that the said corporation did,!'■ >-i on me twenty-al.vih ilay uf Deuember, ' '■*file In my offir« a duly executed and, attest'^'- :i conamt in writing to the diaeolution of aaldv conujnLtInn, executed by a(! (be aiockhotoersi-- tbe^iof, which said cahsent sBii the record : tbe proceeOIngB aforviuili] ore now on file 1a^-^ my aaU office as provided by law- Si ^

In teBtlmoDy vvbereof. 1 have baketo^-’' SOL toy band and affixed my offipltlf ■eal, 01 Trentoa. this iwenty-etkihLv^ day of December, A. D. ona sand oiD# bundi’M anj eight,

a. D. DfCKmaoiq.i: .It(110.9(7) fiecraurk'bf

ra c h a n c e r y o f n e w je r s e :^ - to I□urewite.By virtue of an order of the Cuart ef i

eery <j£ New Jeteayr made on the dor..! date hereof. In a i^tuB whoreJb BMOlt L ^ wiu it petlCoatr. and. ypu ore daf^date;:^^ are required to appear and. plead; ahotoW ' detour (a petlUooer'^ oa er-.bafiMW *'twlotythird day nf February naaL'aF.- fli fault therooL such decrea wOl be taken yqu AS tho Chaneeltor ^ tU think «qr*‘ jttiiy Ttee 4hl««t aft eald^Nk to a .» dtei^vltkr the

J A N t T A E Y 2 0 , n o 9 .




TRKNTON, 3to . M - lf *« announo«d her* th a t Use otataclei pl*c*<J bjr Proe*- cutor Croaatoy W th* way of aocepUdf ball bond* n^b> non 'ifM ahla of (h*, bAll bofi4* .... ... ................... ...

T k a V w o m tn a t l fW V T tfn P U P C county hav« r**att*d In abaodonmant of i K U i Q u U u O D W W im C SSC S to •*««« Uw rel*a*a of Will-

lata 1lobr*r. allaa Roberta, and John O'Connor, altea RbovaHa. Th* men are aoouiM of beln i prafeoalonat plokpoohet* onfl are In the county Jell her*. Major

Goes on Befoie the Federal Grand Jury.


SEW TOKK, Jan. A new move by ttao ■ovemment w at mad* to ^ a y In the libel promedlnf* In the federal eourta bare rprawlac « it of tb* crltlclams by the

r, New Tork W orld of tho Panam a Canal patolmie. Two employee of The World, the publlehora of which, the Preea Pub-

'Mlahinc Company, hovu been Dnmed ue the delendanti In the proceedinat, were UrAay eerved with lubpoena*. In which they are eummoned to appear and teailfy In the caae of "the United Btnte* agninet tho Preea Publlahlng. Company and

n'■" otharo,'* Who the other defendant* are 1 warn not Bpeclfled.r Tho two men eo eorvod are Tbomni

Oorooran and William Gull. Oull'a name ’ appeara for the Drat time In the Hat of

fhoee earved with eubpoenaaf, but Cor- c ooran I* one of The Wor^l'# employesi tarred in the nrat Initance under the In-

aaftelte form to which attornoya for The i' World regliterod objertlon and conteeted ' Uio oourta. The vulldity of hla original( nbpoaiw . with th a t of the four other ]: Worl4 anploye* eubpoenaed at the eame

tune, la atill awaiting a declalon by UAIted Statea Judge Ward, Of the UnlUd Matea Clioutt Court

.}' \ V a i t t hie new tubpoena Corcoran ap- Rtaaod to-day In readlneee to teetlfy, but WHb 0 ^ the other wltnona (ummoned,

waa anusueed until to-morrow.■; A sail came front the Jury-room tor

m John under which William J. Demp- w eoy, bond of The W orld'i mailing depart- V m*nr .vaa aubpoenaed, Mr. Dempaey re- - eaonded and teatUled before the grand * Jonr. He remained only a ehort time, but 3 - tt wan nearly an hour afterw ard before r " tha grand jury adjourned until to-morrow. C {htraalty a* to whether O litrle t Attor- f gay W, T. Jerome, of New T ork County, £ w ay take a hand In the oaae waa a ro u a ^

a ponterence between Idr. Jerom e and MUiKii laet night, In whioh the

FaiuuM Canal Ubel oaee waa dlecuaaed. Mr. 3 m m * taJd th a t tha tiuaatlon waa wkethiar thera bad baan Ubai agalnat an IndlTldaal In the oounty and Rtate of

s f - Saw Tork. H r. Jaroino did not make 1' E known Whether ha in tendi to take any

Carl I.renia, of Newark, la aaaookted with J. l,effrrta Conard and John II. K afer aa ccunael for tho men.

There woe a charge that political Influ­ence* were back of the effort on behelfof the men, but thie he* been denied. Major lamt* offered Robert H. Waldron, of an High Btrcft. Newark, and Theodora BrU, of P erth Amboy, aa bondemen. Aftldavlt* aa to Uielr ownerehlp of prop, erty ware enbmllted. Pmeecutor Cruae- ley bad the validity of the bnll bonda tuhmltted to the court, wlierr illrrctlone were given that the euretlee inuai lie brouglit before the court to determine the pneltlvB ownerihlp of the propertle* named.

Orunael for the ecouaeil men, being thus thw arted In th d r endeavor to effect th* relenee of th* priaonera, decided to aban­don the caae for the lime being, The wh'cB of tha alleged pickpocket* have been frequent calUra s t the Jail friun th* lime of tholr irg t commitment.


Tennesseans Throng NashviDe Court to See Alleged Slayers * of Senator Carmack.


' A uihar atop*.



dpecMl JHtpaIcA «o >** B TB SlSa SMW$., KLIEABETH. Jan. » .-C barge4 with I manalBughtar, Floyd Cooper, of Waat- : tlald, waa arraigned bafor* Judge Ab-

w ater and plaaded not guUly lo-dgy. In plalnlleld laat Deotmber be ran dawn Jonathan Itandolph, an aged roaldaiit of th a t d tp , and killed him. Coupar waa In an anto a t tha tlma. Judge A tw ater flnad tha pHaonar'a hull a t flO,O0O and oat down hla tria l for February 4.

Jomaa Alexander, allaa Jam ai RIoa. o f Brooklyn, a young man, pleaded guilty to breaking and entering the raaldeoc* of John H, P . Keat. a n«w*6ap*r man, Aa tha prlaoner had a record of aervlng llv* yeora in S tate prieon for a ilm llor of« tenae committed In Newark. Judge A t­w ater aentonced him to two yeora In State priaon. - - . . .

Stanley Boyd, who pueaed a fraudulent check for ttk.lM on Harry E, Motiger, a bartender In the Man»lon Moua* bwe. we* Hbntenced to *1* month* In the county JalL Alexander Laraon tw erty-four y ca ri old, married, was orralgnoa to-day for a burglary eommllted rcocntiy In R ah­way. Hla eoee wae laid o^ver one week for’ aentence. There are*' alx eitnllar chargea ognlnat him for burglarlee com­mitted In Middlesex County.

Overcoat Money- Save It!


Readins from left to right: National Director John MoCtule; Peter F ianegin, William Weatendorf end Alexander Mo- Henry, vlee-prealdent, trea iu rer and pretident, reepeotivety. of FInleher#' Loeel, Orange; National Preeldent John A. MoflHt, Netlonal Director John Foreythej H arry Foreyth* and John Donohue, vlce-preeldent and preeldent of Maker*’ Loeal, Orange, and Thomai Cull*n» of Flnlohtr*’ LOCdlr OfAUfl**

Death Reveals Identity of Irish Soldier of Fortune Thought

Killed in Paris.

WltcR t reliable firm of fifty yeori'tood ktsstUnf offers reel and ridicsl reductions from the prices of its g ^ s , thsa is the time when yott should ope^. your eyes to opportunity.

You ctn buy.here tud now, an overcoat that will meet your most ezscting require* ments In every way, st s cash savintr of fi4.50 to $7.50 from our usual low. prices.$15 OvercoRts now...... $10.50$15 Overcoats nosir...... $11.75$200verco«ts now...... $13.75$22 OvercoRta now...... $15.75$25 Overcoats now...... $18,75$30 Ovsreoats now...... $23.75$35 Overcoats now...... $27.50

$1.50 sod $1 Shirts,neK%ee a n d stiff bosoms, reduced to W)c; 50c. Neckwear, 35c or 4 lor $1.

$.3.50 Men's Gun Metal Box Calf Bluchers,sate price $2.65.

UnderwMr Speclnl, 30c; former prices 75c. and $1.

m VATSOI & GO,Broi4 ind Mirktt Stt.


WARUtHGTON, Jan . Sl.r-Probliig >U1I fu rther Ibtb tho a U e g tl . Ubelciu articlee la th e New T cik W orld A ad m e radian- epolig New* agglhat 'CbatrleS P. Taft,

i^tlowgRui Roblnaon and WUIam Nelxen Cromwell, tho Todargt (Dratad Ju ry to-day

l' hoard A number of out-of-town wltneeaes. Thooe Included Jamee E. B arry, townahlp osotioafr' A lbert Babm, county auditor, and Oharlei ClarkA a member of the

. cuiAI^O ita « q l The New*, all of In- dlatigpoUi.

HUtsA U. Brown, buolneoi monageri ..JkiwIA a. Ftardlng, forem an of the oom-

, postng-rooin, and B art Fartcer, auditor, aU of the indlanapoOi News, olao ap- poorod gg wltaggOi*.

Tbe/tlSiial orowdg aa tam b M In the vtohilty nf the grand Jury room In order t o o b t ^ g view of the leading figure* In

-y to now tstnoua Inqulgltion. D latrlct At- ' SOtney Bokoi And hto ualatM ita, Heeare. ;j3a^aR U urg end Proctor, w ere oarly in

;;j"4twlr oStoog. wading throogh a m a n of aggumencg bonripg o a tho oatfo.

exatnlnaUoD of wttneeaea won non- dtieted w ith expedition. None teatUled

: toagor -fhoa Sve minutes. So fa r an the ' ladlaggpom K ean employei aaere con- . aoraad, th* oxnaershlp of th e paper,' aad

tb * w l of th str employment by It,immi if tf tb U ih ^

OOttUKr to ih* g e n o t i vatonStM dtng t t smS hTtmght out th a t Th* Nm waatui

paflnorthip and not a dorporatlon.RpoaUng on th li M int, John W.^Terkeg,

fo r The Ne


oottiuel fo r The Near*, g o ld : ." T h e ,In - d tanaM la Newi la not a Oortiorwl^n. T hat the theory the government baa boon I w g on. I t Ig a prlvgt* pgrtner-

NABHVIL1.K, Tenii., Jan. » - W t th th* gtoga oot for the Cooper m urd-r trial, the wUnoaeee present and the prorpeotlve Jurors euramoned. It became known to ­day th a t the State had prepared a aur- prlae for tlie dotene* by having nad the body of Senator tjarjniok exhumed and an autopay held

Following tlie murder. In the eioHement attendan t upon the crime, the State neg­lected to order o post-mortem. It Is ea- Bsntlal In tlio trial that the dlrecllun from which tho bullets came be deter­mined. The defense esoerU that Car­mack fired flraL Tha Stale's th.-ocy la th a t Carmack, with h li hat taleed to greet a lady, waa shot from bebitid, and It appears that, eom* tlma between ibo date of the killing and tho preaent time, the State eecrelly a t night exhumed tho body of the slain editor and couaed a cartfu l post-mortem to be performed. The course of the bullets thus was deter­mined, ond Uie g ta u olatma to have proof that the bullet which killed Carmook en­tered Ills neck from behind.

This,' however, dooi not entirely dis­prove the theory of the defense. Even the defense doos not claim th a t Colonel Cooper flred the Shota. I t maintains that Robin Cooper, bellevlnf his fatherie life waa In danger, fired upon Carmack to protect bis sire, and It Is not contended th a t young Cooper stood elsewhere than behind Senator Cormadk.

The work of completing the new court­room for tho opening of tho trial was rushed fsx Into last n ig h t Carpentarn, sleotrlclano and other workmen labored under o ^ r i of the oIBclals, and a* a ro- suit the big new temple of Justice w sa ready for the opening of court a t day­light to-dgy. Th* sherllf ropertad to Judge H r r t that the summonsea for both Jurors and witnesses had been served, nod th a t nothing except objections of ooansel stood In, th* way Of th* op«n]ng of w h*t pr*ml*«d to b« lb* moat fsmou* qdmtngl tria l In th* history of Tuonesae*.

Both sides announced a readlnew to n r o o ^ and Judg* H art ord*r«d tb* pone) sworn. Tb* courtroom wn* crowd­ed wltMn ten minutes after th* doors were thrown open. Many wom*n were


- ^ o kobki of tb* partnership were pro- -#go*d .tefors the grand Jury.

V b* ;*|g arltnesiea thn t earn* her* from Isrilailapolls left for home on an after- wain) tn in .

® ■ ' ■ — I —

b F m A N K S 'S NAME MENTIONEDnn^U N A F O U B , Jan . Ik -D ae p Interest

bag h*en awakened by diepatchea from g t’ iWoshlngton saying th a t th* Inquiry in-

lAituUd by the governm ent Into the anl- gggg o f idltorlal utteranc*n by th* Indian 'agoUs Nows in the P anam a Canal m atter vatu bring out tha part ownerehlp of The SNw* ' by Vice-President Fairbanks o r AMgnhfTg of his family.

Bv*f since TRs News passed into the . eom nd o t JJelavan Smith, who bought tt . o i g receiver’s sale which resulted from : w digagreement of the ownere, U was ba- Jl*y*d that Mr. F airbanks hod an Intei eet

^t^' tn. tb*. paper, end there ha* been a dlepo- j,: gdtton to hold him retponslble for It*

ttttenwoea,The New* did not n u ^ r t Judge Taft

^ in the recent campaign, and local poll- tloiang said th a t tlie pajmr resented the rood fOUer prooeeM* a t Chicago becante It was not Fairbanks who w as running th* tOIlor.

Moffitt Tells Jotimcymcn that Bosses Seek to Suppress

Union Label.


NEW BBUN3WICK, Jen. » .-H ov . J. Howard Brlnckerholt, ot Jersey City, who waa graduated from the Theological Bcrn- Inary here last spring, has eetllod a t Herkimer, N. Y.. where b« hae become



. lock, tl


preaw t, and for theae Judge H art or­dered ;

n u taU il Belatbnw Oloaelved.EliRABBTH. Jan . The Elisabeth

__places made Inside the bar.Colonel Duncan B. Cooper and bl* eon

Bubla entered th* courtroom arm In arm . John D. 8harp*. the other defendant, fol­lowed them and wa* greeted alleollonately by til l wife and his father. Mrs, laioius Buwh, daughter of Colonel Cooper, m et her father and brother with a cheerful aiulle and seating heraelf between them, conversed Animatedly with thera. Young Cooper wa* fashionably a ttired and seemed in splendid eplrita. H is father w as very quiet end showed the elfeota of prison confinement.

Counsel for the Slate are Attorney-Oen era! Jeff McCann, Captain O. L. F lts- bugh, ot Memphis; Genera! J. B. Garner, of Lawrenoeburg. and General M att W hit­aker, of Winchester. For the defense they wei» Judge W. M, Anderson, General "W, H W ashington, General )l. t t Week*, Judge Edward Baxter, Charles W. Burch, Jam es A. Ryan and Albert Ewing,

Before the panel waa called both stdea asked time to oonter. which wae granted. The defense hss seventy-two peremptory challenges, twenty-four tor each de­fendant, and the Stole eighteen chal­lenge*, or six foy eaah defendant.

JudM H art ordRed GW men summoned for ju ry servlc*, and says ho wtU order the next pone! to consist of LOO®. There are 4,000 qualified name* In the Jury wheel. Should these be eibaueted w ith­out the selection of a Jury the case wtll not go to trial a t all.

The defense reported ready, but the S tate asked for more time, and th e oourt adjourned until 1:30 F. M,

So fa r no overtures have been made by e ither Bld« l!i the ile-up o( the batting In­dustry, and to-day the manufacturer* and the Journeymen seemed as determined as ever to continue the light. National P resident John A. MoflK, of the United H atter* of North America, declared at a rally of Journeymen In Orange Armory . yoalerday afternoon that the action of the N ational AesoClaLlon of F ur Felt Hat M anufacturers suetalnlng th* Quyer Hat Company of Philadelphia In the light over th* price scale Is part o t a plan lo eup- prosa tho union label. More than I.IXW men attended the meeting.

Mr. MefflU made an appeal fur every union liatter to aland by the cause of the organization, because, he added, the pres­ent right was of vital Importance to unionism. Every declaration of the na­tional president was received with ap­plause, and during hie address he was In­terrupted with repeated verbal assur­ances ot support

Alexander McHenry, president of the O range Finishers' Union, presided a t the meeting, and bealdes Mr. MotStt the speakers were John McCauley ahd Jobn Forsythe, notional dlrectorsi Thomas Cullen, eecTstary of the F inishers’ local, and Edward Came run, secretary of the M aker*’ locoL The oflicers o t the H at Trtmmera’ Aseodotton ot Orange occupied eeata on the platform.

At the he^nntng of his address Mr. UoflUt expressed regret because It was Iropoetibls for John Mitchell to be pres­en t a t the meeting. After reviewing the

BLlgABRTH.A Are last evening did ?50 damage Ip a

huqae a t 310 Bond etreet Ellaabethport. The bloM woe oaueed by a defective flue.

John Robinson of Stapleton, Staten tMand, was found by a patrolman a t mid­night lying asleep In a big truck a t Smith and Livingston streets, here. In the vehi­cle were twelve bags of feed. A team of

.horses were attached to the vehicle. The

BURGLAR aU G H T IN aO S T E RBptHal PtspehA lo Ills STSYTYO SE ffS .

CL08TER. Jan. 20.—William Daly waa captured last night os he was trying to get away from the house of Eugene Bteveng on Main s trM t He was com m uted to the county Jail a t Hackensack on e charge of breaking and entering

National Gathering of Hebrew Organizations Takes Up Gvic

and ReHgioiis Matters.


Hew. J . He 0rlB«k«rhofl.

oAUfto ot tho tlo^up Mr. M o tttt oaidi ^ h l l e the trouble with ibo Quyor

pastor of tho R e fo n n ^ church. He began hi# new duliei the flril of the year. HI# mothor and Blator have gone with him,

M r Brlnckcrhoff Is also a graduate of Rutgar# CoUego of tha claKS of D ur­ing his course a t the seminary he toch post-graduate work a t Columbia Univer­sity. A lter groduatton last spring he went abroad, returning home In tne fall


nan was looked up and the rig put In livery stable. In police court tu-day Rob­inson aald toab be worked, for a ArmIn Stapleton, and very early reeterday Ihornlng took a big load of sawdust from there to Newark. He purchaeed the teedIn Newark and then started back. On his return he got tired out and felt asleep. Another driver from the same Arm waa a.bead o t him with a ^eam , but forgotwhen be reached the Ellaabethport and g t^ tw Island , ferry to look back to see

__companion was coming along. Thepolloeman’s . timely discovery probably laved Robinson from fresilng to death H e was discharged by Pmli HiGten, and started with w a | w n j o r ^ t s | i l r i o n

ce Judge hla team and

QualityHas Elevated

P o s tT o a s t i e sA w ay a b o v e c o rn foods.

all toasted

The Exquisite, I r r e s l s t a b l e


l in k e a m s ta n t • n x y p a la te .

a p p e a l to

He carried a blackjack, and In hie pockets wore found about thirty tiokets from New York pawnshop*. Most of them were for Jewelry. Th* police be­lieve tha t ho Is one of th* two men who robbed a number ot houees in Tenafly loot week; An effort wID be made to Identity some of .the property celled for by the pawntlcketa.

H e 1* about twenty-three year* old. H e was employed a t a local hotel as barten* der Bome years ago. Hs had lighted a candle In the dtntng-room and some d the sU'ver on the sideboard bod been m le- placsA So far a* Mr. Stsveni knows, nothing wo* missing.

a b r u z z i s t o r y is d e n ie d .LONDON, Jan. The Duke of the

Abrusll, who has been in London fo r several days engaged In purchasing on oulAt for bis projected expMltlon Into the H im alaya Mountains, left this mornlog for ’Torin.

The Evening News professes to have learned th a t the duke, while In London, met and talked with » representative of the EtklDE family. The paper adds th a t It has reason to believe that th* report* th a t the duke Intends to resign from th e navy and renounced his title In order to m arry Mis* Katherine Elkins, are true.

The Italian Embassy to-day denied The Evening News's story.

The duke I* to leave Marseille* F ebru­ary 23 to r Calcutta. His trip will laat about tour months.

company seems to be the cause of th* presen t Aght [-w ant to assure you th a t th e re Is something more serious; soms- tb ln g which baa not ae yet appeared on th e surface.

T h e Buyer mntter Is merely a subter­fuge. The real obJ» l of this whole move­m ent 1* the annihilation of your label, and eventually the disruption of your or- ganlaatlon. They have hounded yon. as It were, to the laat ditch, and have forced you to Aght. F or you to back down a t th is time would mean complete destruc­tion for your organisation. Do we w ant to go back to tho conditions which are obsoleto, conditions which Afteen years ago In every shop, even those In our own town, were worse than Russian Berfdomi Tf you w ant lo exist. If you w ant j o u r tam ltles to exist, stand your grffund. Then when the people outside ot our or- ganliatton realize that we are right, the m nnutacturera will be forced to capltu- la te ." ' ^

"R esort to no vlolenc*. "With the honest support of every man »nd woman In the c ra f t we wlU surely win."

Mr. Moffltl reiterated hla denial of the eharges against the United M atters of N orth America In the statem ent Issued by the Manufacturers' Association Sunday. H e also denied a statem ent to toe effect th a t two union men had been 'Aned |G0 eacli for working Ave minutes overtime. Mr. Moflltt declared that this was un­founded. as there wa* a clause In th* agreem ent which allowed the men to work overtime under certain condttlene.

Mr. Moflltt cited several inetenoee where, he Btated, the attention of the Manu­facturers ' Association had been called to violations nf the agreement on the p a r t 'of members of th a t organisation, w h ile these violations were admitted by th a manufacturers, they declared, Mr. Moffitt said that no ndjuitraent* would b« m ade until the Journeymen were willing to eubmit to new conditions.

The only development In the local situ­ation to-day was the closing of the fac­tory of tJte Hudson H at Company, a t New and Hoyt streets. The concern Is a mem­ber of the hoBBSS' association, but the o rder to stop using the label was not given until to-day. The hands quit their work following the issuance o t th* order.

The octlon yesterday ot J. B. Murphy A Co., of Danbury, In having tho label rein­sta ted tn Its factory, wa* declared by local and Orange hatters a* a signal vic­to ry for the union, beoause, ft was assert­ed, th* Arm bod to forfeit a bond In o r­der to break away from to* mgiwement w ith the manufacturer*' organlx&Uon.

The manufacturer*, on the other hand, decleire th a t th* Murphy Arm should not bo token Into consideration, as Its out­pu t Is not more tban a tow dozen hats i day, ________ _____________

PITTSBURG, Jan. 20.~'WlllUm Gray Pork, chairm an of the board of directors o t the Crucible* Steel Company of Amer­ica,, died suddenly yesterday afternoon from a stroke of apoplexy. H e had been with his brother, D, E. Pork, la th* Mel- lea Bonk holldtng during th* afternoon, and, feeling bad, he went to hie home, lOffi 'Western avenue. North Side, where he succumbed.

Mr. Park was Afty-nin* year* old, and had been Identlfltd with the Black Dlo.- mond steel plant, which woe sold to the Crucible Steel Company. He reorganized the Crucible Steel Company eeveraj years ago, when It was in bad Anandal shape. Me was a director In the Mellen National Bank. Union Trust Company and the Union Savings Bank. H e wae a member o t leading clubs In New York and P itts­burg.

XVesklBgtoe Negrcs* J ) I « s t 100.WASHJIJQTON, Jan, 20.—Sarah Ellxa-

beth C arter negrass, aged 106. said tohave been the oldest Hvlny reraan In the Dlslrii't of Columbia, died n«re yestorday.Sh« was born in karlborouffh County. Va.. t 'e tru ary H. 1803. Before the war pet free the alavaa the old woman had boen owned by two feneration# of the Pejdon family, of Virginia. She is aur- yl?ed by three eona, all old man. and a large number of descendatit# to the third feneratloti,

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 20.—Conaerva--' j tism and careful deliberation marked the I jaecond day 's proceedings of the twenty^] first council of Union of Amorican : Hebrew Congregation# here. The conald- eratlon of the many olvlio and re,l Igloos ' problems eunfronting the Hebrews in

America occupied, all of to-day's ftesslon. The standing uomtntUeea appolnLcd by Chairman Klelh to copBlder no le.sa than fifteen im portant question# met ihla morning a t tho Mercantile Club to draft resolutiQiia to be presented later to the council.

Some of the more vital questions com­ing up for cjoriaWeratlon were, "W hat can be done to prevent the enactment Of Sunday law#. In so far a# such laws are detrim ental to those who observe the sev< fiTUh day of the week a« their Sabbath?" and "W hat can be done to prevent sec- tartan teaching and praotlses In our pub­lic flchoola?"

Jacob H. Sehlff, of New York, and sev­eral prominent representatives of (he na- ttnnai Jewish organization# will speak on ' ‘lEirael’B Work In An^erlca" a t EoOeph Shalom £^ynagogue to-night.

A epeclal committee of the council rec­ommended th a t th* Hebrew congrega- 'tlon# appropriate fund# for porposea of organUlng Jewish student# In universi­ties and collage# and for arranging for BpeclaJ coutae# on Jewlah Uterdture In smatl colleges. There wa# a lively debate over a recommendation, to establish ohap- lalnihlpfl to<’Vl#|t the univeraitlea, many member# of the council objecting to the nam e chaplain on the groupd th a t tt was not Hebratc and that the name rabbi be used. The council finally decided to adopt the name chaplain. ,

The committee appointed to determine the place of meeting of the twenty-sec ond Council two years from now aalacted New York City.

The special committee to consider what may be done with regard to laws th a t are detrimental to those who observe the seventh day of the week aa their flabbath, recommended th a t proper re­spectful agitation tn the press be de­veloped along the lines of human right and Justice a# a means of preventing dlB<frlmlnatlng Sunday legislation. The GommlUee in It# resolution stated:

"W hen auch law# exist and have been Interpreted by the court# a# to do Injus­tice, appeals to the Legislature#, are of course In order. Like many other quei- tlona of the aame Bori. it la In a larger sense, or should be, an American rather than a specific Jewish question."

RAW HIDE. Nev., Jan. 20.-IuvestIga- tion Into the affairs of Thomas 8. Nib-

the broker, who committed aulclde, _ that 111# real name wae Thomas

Pruob^n, of the WBil-known family of th a t name, of W est Downa, Ireland. Ho icrvod In the House of (i^ommons from Downs, anti In lha height Of hi# career eloped with a celebrated Irish ftoiwly.

Four year# later ho left her In Part# and went to New York. The day he left Pari# ahe was killed In a train wreck, and ft man crushed beyond recognlllou Ih lh« same compartment nf the wrecked train was burlod as Pruoban by the nii^mbbr# of hi# fumlly.

Proobnn read of the affair, but mam- tntrmd filloncc. ojid allowed hla funilly to continue In the liellef that ho waa a vic­tim of the wreck. He came to Nevada snd won an<l lust a fortune before h# committed yulclrte In a fll of dCMponlency.


Sdectioo el le^Uve Hedldae.


W ith advanced age come# Inactive bowel movement and slugglsl^ liver. N ature Is untible lo perform her proper function# and require# aflalstuuoe. Otherwise there Is constant suffering from constipation and It# attendant evils. Old folks should never use phyelo that 1# bareh and Irrita t­ing.

W e have a safe, dependable and alto­gether ideal remedy th a t Is particularly adapted to the requirements of aged peo­ple and persona of weak constitutions who suffer from consLipatlon or other bowol disorder. We are «o certain th a t it will curs these complaints and give absolute satisfaction In every particular th a t we offer them with our personal guarantee th a t they shall cost the user nothing If they fall to substantiate our claims. This remedy I# called Rexall OrderUea.

Htixall Orderlies have a soothlDg* heal­ing, ■trenKthenlng, tonic and regulativeaction upon the dry, relax muscular coe^ of the bowel. They produce a natural.

•The Teste Lingers”

Me ■ad ISc P k ts .

M s d e ^POSIVM t m .

•sttkCrMk. Mkh.


fanatical band of Ladrcme# In nouthwreat Kegros. sentenced to be hanged next F ri­day, haa bsen ’ reprteved by Governor- General Bmlth. Re ba# been convicted o f murder and ladrontsm.

Because of hi# surrender without a fight the officer# who sent to captureblm suggested a c^mmatatloh of bla sen­tence-

S IC K A L L W IN T E RSuffered from M S t o M

and Severe Gough— Doctored Without flenefit — Vormont Man Was Finally


ELIZABETH, Jan. 20.—Wllllatn Mayer, believed to be to* oldest Inhabitant of this city, died late yesterday afternoon a t his residenoe, 2S Atlantic street. He was In bis nlnsiy-sevonlh year. Death reaulted from general debility, caused by old age. He leaves a vrldov, four sons and two married daughters.

He wa* born In Germany, and had Ilveil nearly haU a oentury a t EUiabetlit>ort.


twenty-seven years oltj, repairer a t the No, 4 mill of the Alphft-Portland Cement W orks, a t Martin's Creek, who w a r in­jured there Monday, died yesterday tn the Easton (Pa,l Hospital. HI* clototnit naught lo a gearing, and be was whined Into the machinery. HI* body was man­gled, on* of hla legs being crushed. His bom* was In Jersey City, Where hla wife Uvea.

F n aera l of A snm Seihisrirr.

PATERSON, Jan. 20,—Besides AnJtng a lawyer guilty of embeiilement. Judge Scott yesterday severely leliuked him. The offense of the cenaurt'd mao, Rub- m Goycr, waa the withholding of ROO from hla clleiU, Mra. B arbara Goerh.g, for whom he had obtained a divorce fri>m her husband, EraU Geerlng, the Silk dyer. I t developed that while acting as counsel for Mrs. Oeeflng h* entered Into a w rit­ten contract with Geering to endeavor to have Mrs. Geering waive her dower rights IriTtonslderatlon of cash.

Tha contract placed US,000 a t Geyer’s d is­posal. and set forth that he might keep whatever amount there was left after he had effected a settlement with Mre, Gaer- Ing. A settlement was inade to* $2,400, but of thle Mr. Hunsiker, rreeent counsel for Mrs. Geering, alleged Geyer retained. 2400 as fees, and tkns only $2,400 w as paid to her.

Geyer Insisted tha t he had aiways been ready to turn over the 2400 to Mra. Ocer- Ing, but th a t Hunxtker had refused to ao- cept It, for tha reason that It m eant the release of Mrs. Geering's duwbr rights.

Sentence will be Imposed next Friday, but as Geyer Intends carrying the m at­ter to the Court of Error* and Appeals, he wll', t obably furnish bonds, apd the sentence, whatever It may be, will not go Into force until the decision has been given by tho higher court

In commenting on the case. Judge Scott bald that the evidence In the caae showed th a t the transactions fairly reeked with wrongful Intentlone, and. In his opinion, the defendant could be found guilty, not only of ml-bapproprlatlng the 2400, but

' th a t It might even be proved th a t thp 22,200 left of the 15.000 rightfully belonged to Mra. Geering. and be should have been Indicted for that. In the court's mind there was no question ot guilt on the part of the defendant.

successive contraction and relaxation of the musdular Abers of the bowel walls, generating a wave-like motion which forces their contcnii onward and out­w ard; thus simulating nature In perfect bowel movement. They also remove all Irritation, dryness, eorenees and weak­ness. They tone up and strengthen the nerves and muscles and restore the bowel* and associate organ* to more vigorous and healthy activity. They may bo taken a t any time without inconvenience, do not cause any griping, nausea, diarrhoea, ex­cessive looseness, Aatulence or other dis­agreeable effect Try Rexall Orderlies on o u r guarantee, i t tablets 25c,, and 12 tab ­lets, 10c. Petty 's Fliarmacy, Frudantlat building.


G raduationGift to bny, buy

W a te h o r J e w e l r yG e t I t a t H O L T ’S !


Bhrewabury River ia covered with a fine Oel dof tc«. about thr^e inch## tldcku Th# Lce-yach.tinff course between the raitroad bridge and McClure*# point la aa emooth a# g1a#8. This momlnff some of the Court b-clae# tee yachts were put on the ice and given a epin. If present weather conditions continue a day or #o longer the chance# are th a t there will be racing for the ihlrd-cla#s boat# by the end of the week.

T reatle# Affeeftnc Couad*.WASHINGTON, Jfun. treaty

between the United State# and Qpeat Britain concerning the boundary water# between this country and Cnnafla wa# ordered favorably ro ^ r te d to the Senate to-day a t a meeting of the Commute# on Foreign Belatlona.______

£Mo1ol IHspaich lo 1k4 MY&HniQ VSW8, HACKETT8TOWK* — Th#

Cunerai eervice# of Aaron H . Schuyler.fifty-two yean , were held to ^ a y

from hla late home on the we#t eld# of town, Rev. Dr. W. 8. Roblnaon. poetcr ot tha TF\nt M. E. Church. officlatiUs In ­term ent wa# In the family plot m the Swayee-HUdfbrant Cemetery, near Hope. Mr. Schuyler w ai stricken with heart dl##a#e Sunday morning while attandJng to hie farm work and died In a few mtnnfile# after being asaieted to tha hoUM* H# leave# a vridow, one eon, JebU a fihd two daughterv, Mlie«e May and Aiitm, all a t home.


D iphtheria O utbreak C heck .0.Spsdol JHsIWtoh to a t B T S S n ia SBWS.

TRENTON, Jan. 20.—According to a re­port reoelved to-day by Dr. George B. W ight, S tats commissioner of chariUes and corrections, the autborttles a t the S ta te Village for Epileptics a t Skillnaan •sem tp have the outbrsak of diphtheria well tn hand, wkh the co-operation o f the S tate ' " “ ■$bat

1 Board of Health. DrT'Wight sta tes t ie r s a re eight ellnjcai cate* and

■eventeen oasts In 'which the patU nt has.............................iVto

J _) jbsra expoeed to tnfection, bu t tc which

rth* d lteate ha t not fully developed. Ot to ll Bunibtf, thro* ar* nursep.

"About a year »go I began to run down In health, lost appetite and flesh and Buffered from Indigestion. AJI the Winter I,liad a severe cough. I doctored sidthout any beneflt and Anally my drug­g ist auggeated that I try VInol. I did sc and toon began to feel better. My stom ­ach grew stronger, my food no longer dls- tressed me, my cough disappeared, I be­gan to gain In Aesh and soon felt ilk* a new man. I did nut believe that any remedy could make euch a change In g pgrson." Edw. R. Wooster, Rutland, Vt.

VInol contains tonic Iron and all of th e medicinal body-bulLdIng elements of cod liver oU, does not taste of the oil and Is everywhere recognised ae th* gr**test body-builder and strength cre­a to r known for feeble old people, dsllcat* children, weak, run-down persona after. BU^nee* and for chronic colds, backing cougbe and bronchitis.

"rfy It. If It does no good your nMncgr will be rstarned on demand. That’* your pusjantee, but we Icnow 4t will benefit any eueh case. P etty 's JPharniaoy, P ru ­dential Building, Newark; John B. Festar, Druggist, BcaavlUe and Seventh avrooN , N *w uk.

Rnnsch Line’s Fntore Arouee* Cawmentfipieiat iHaiMtoh to tos ETBmya sm$.

NEW BRUNSWICK, Jan. 20.-F(ir some tho* a naUy record of tickets used on the Millstone Branch of the Pennsylvania {tallrOAd bos been kept, and th e n seems to have been a d e term ine effort to get all * t the tact* ooneerhlng the line tn tabu­lated form. This ha* set the ppople along th e route speculating aa to the future of th e lln*. Some report* have It th a t the raUroad company is going to throw over lb* road, a s I t has been a losing venture ’or y ea ra Another report Is th a t the *0X4 Is to M etectrlAed. In connection

w ith thi*. 2 reported that the line may t tn d r ' " — " -------------be extended to Bound Brook, which would

give th* Pennsylvania another valuable outlet and open n*« passenger and freight traffio,

MaahsIttoB 0*4* BayaiiBe P oster.BATDTfNB, J*n. $0— Rev. Wimau! W.

Barker, pastor of the Bergdn Point Bap­tis t Church. y**terday accepted a can to beoome asscK ^* pastor of Calvary Bap­tis t Church. M anhattan, of which Rev. R. 8. HAoArthar la pastor. Rev. Mr. B arker succeeded three years ago as pastor of th* BayoBtie ohurch Rev, Chsrle* P. ManGf«gor. aftio resigned to become ■ssodate c$ Sev. Mr. UacArthur. Recently Rev. Mr. H acO ngor accepted a call to the poatorat* of tb* F irst Baptist C h u i^ of Ftttsfleid. Mis s .

Constipation CausedBy Indigestion

h Oared by HelpiBg the Stomaeb Do Its Work M It Shonld.

A em sed Urns N et * M cnarr H eFnddsa.HOBOKRN. Jan. 20.—The prisoner

brouftat from Chlcsgo last Monday to t n s v ^ a charge mode by a young woman of th is place wo* not Beragrr H c F a d d ^ bu t Wllllatn B ernard also known aa WSL Mtn McFadden. Tne k i ^ police got a wrong Msa of th* OMn a U enttty and ■ •T t out 2k* «m>D*ou* Fsport.

All forms of constipation, bowel Or In­testinal trouble owe most ot their origin to the Improper digestion ot food. Th* bowels measure th irty feet. The lesld* walls or surfaces ar* wound tightly about with millions of nerves, These nerves give Ilfs and control millions of little mouths or suckers which are supposed to take nourlabroent from the food os It leaves th e stomach and passe* along this tbtrty-toot human canal.

When Indlgrotlon,. dyspepsia or stom­ach trouble occurs, the food b ^ g undi­gested, [uisies over these mlTTlons of nwuths. It Is a tsrm ented, decaying mass

'Asuid holds no nourishment os It should.'I - The little mouth* suck It up, im part

thee* ImpurlUse to the blood. Impregnate the Utile nerves w ith poison and so the work of constlpaOtm and bowel troubt* beglns-

A natural Juloe or secretion belongs normally In the little cells end glands along the mucuous membrane ot th* thirty-foot canal or bowel. When Indiges­tion occurs this juice Is lacking and so the m ass of waste m atter cannot p*a* i lc n s as tt should and Is piled up and oak*d In the bowel, thus bringing pain and misery.

After a while th e 'n e rv e s and nOrr* centres wblch give vigor and Ilf* tb tb* bowel become paralysed, thus forever pro- blbUlng the bowel from pert6rin{il( $*• natural dutlea.

S tuart’s Dyspepsia Tablats, wlMa U3tm after meal*, d l^ s ts the food prapertri even though the stomach la Mek, wnd It passes to the bowels n o u rish to m &i|d Juices, which help the lntestliM«.not ohly to do their work a t once, b a t bntldg thwsf! up rm tores vitality to the nersak, b ringi new secretion to the g|ond* OBd ceUe. helps' bowel action and enrich** th* blood.

The stomach Is tha coug*. CnmitwH senes and srieno* or* on* on th is p o in t You e«e It ybunelL On* ilttlo grdlh of B tnart's DyspepMa Tablet* wtfl perfegtly digest $.000 greina of tood. The aeslml- Istlon of a meal by one o t thebe tablets la an easy m atter end R keep* th e stom^


Harding after twenty years service, has retired os chief of polios ot th is city. Michael O’Connell has been named his succesaor. Harding's resignation was re­ceived a t the meeting of Common Coun­cil lent night. I t came as a surprise, no Intimation of hi* Intention having become public even among tbs members of the force, until the request to Sh placed on th e pension list was read a t tha annual meeting. Patrolm an O'Connel! was chosen by the board on the recommendation of the Police Commttle* to succeed him aa chief. The board voted to accept Chief H arding 's resignation, Harding, by reso­lution retired on half pay, o r 260 re f month. Harding was appointed ohief on January 10, 12«S, and has served contln- ously. H e was not a member of the force wh-en appointed and had not done any police duty prior to his aeleotton. D ur­ing hiB term of office the city has been In charge of both parties. He has served longer however, under the Democrats, Thougii a Demooratlo appointee, the Republican aldermen were unable to re ­move him. The new chief, Michael O'Connell, has .heen a p a tro liu n fo r a number o t years.


seers of H arvard Colleg* to-day oOn- Armed the election o t Prolbesor Abbott Lawrence I-owell as president of H arvard University to succerf Preeldent Charles William Eliot.

The action of the oversaers waa merely formal, as the power of choice virtually rested with the corporation, who gent the name ot Professor Lowell to the overseers last 'Wediteaday. „

-------------- ^ — ,— ,— „

T A H M Y IN AUGUSTA,AUGUSTA, Oa., Jsn . $$t-Thls la T aft

day In Augusta, And th e vreatbsr Is .«•- listing with sunshine m d balm the p««p- 'joratlons for ft U g toUy in the aftarnoon and banquet to-night. The Frd*td*tit-

.*l*ot will apsak from th e eorno corner th a t P r e s e n t McKinley to)khd from ten years A regm ar a r i ^ t f f band ha* M en imported, lollroad fw ee reduced, crowd* av* uomlng In a n d a ganefal hblBtay spirit prevella ^

Proralndat RmthBriMn* nnmborbig over n o wiu porUetpat* In ito-aigbt’s bonqnet. vrliers Mr. T aft is to he tha principal •I*****’C. F . T o ft reashod bore to-day from tVashlngton, .whire he gppsarsd hetors th* federol grand $ui7 bi the Fonania flfael oaso. M sold be could throw ao odffitlonal Oght on the ^rooeedlngo.

Baer ■ n n im te lt PMUeeascB Arums si ,NSW BaUHSWTCK. Asn. 2«— C h a r m

liave been A M with the Polloa GomnUt- 2ge o f C andnw ,^ p » ^ ^ a f f i t ln s t t j ra at

I t wll! posses* style, character, strength And lasting quollttsa- you have big assortment* to choose from, satlsfectlon I* assured and prices are tow.

MAY B Ethe er&duate'fi «y3 # hav# b«com«ImpaTi-^d through arduous study.

The HOIT OPTICIl SERVICEwill right them a t reasonable cost.

FRAUK holt & GO,Trustworthy Jeweler# & Opticians.

Broad SL, cor. AcademyOPP. POSTOFFirai NEWARK.

For the washing of blankets, lace curtains and fine laces;^for the washing of dishes, cut* glass and costly bric-a< _ brae; for the toilet, nur­sery and bedroom, this excellent soap (Ivory) never fails. ^

And the womans who discards all the 'other soaps and uses Ivory, in every depariment of the home has gone a long way# cow^ mak-\ ing housework ft pleas­ure and /ft f pride.—FAa American Homkeeper.

Ivory Soap9 9 B er C en t. PuziSk

S H B T S M A D E T O ^ Y O U R M E A S U R E


1909 MERINO BOOK o r B X C L U B tV E D esiO N S


SMITH tU H E n S K R T H apjjeTotYi 4 9 F r a n k l i n B t .


hnfADRUARTSa* voi$

the looal jAtroUnen, They are W right end L u te Lyons. I t Is allegth a t P o tn d m u W right to gnUty of ooflnjg > in a d iau d e rir manner., and th a t .Patroi- tnoA ty o n s fU-tre*tsd a drunken man whom h* was Dialling under artosL Th* com m ittee will neei; the charge* to-nlcht.

Oar neeapwatoa. Bya*rama»,RED R ii^K , Jan . Rk—BdwiiM ■m -

price SOC. Send u* ytmr name and w* win send yon a tria l . _ mall frsa, Affitoees F, A, S tuart S tuart Bldg., jRarttaall, Mieto

m i i u m e n iE s. . . e o i s o n i u d :

■ I-.. ' ■ ■ ■ ■■-‘i ■ ■■■■■. ! ^

; ABd M# h t i id i rw off. tam m uu u n d





Commissioners Defer Forma­tion Because of Doubt as

to Rigbt'to Act.


of B. doubt a i to their authority to tra iuaq t buetneM unill their bond* word approved, the members of the Flro Board deferred permartent orttanliation when they m et yesterday aiternoon until to-morrow afternoon. Commissioner Burke, who Is slated for the presidency, stated he had received no ofhdal notifi­cation th a t the bonds have been imtlded and his suggestion for a postponement was concurred m by Commissioner S tra t­ton and I ^ a y , the new members, and Conimlsitoner W eber

When the old board had adjourned sine die, Secretary Flaveil W. Sullivan called liB successor to order and Mr. W eber WHS made lem porary chairm an. M r Stratton wae anxious to proceed with permanent organisation and thereupon Mr. burke nominated Mr, W eber for president

"W hat's th a t—me? No you w on't," de­clared Mr. W sbei, '"This meeting will ad­journ until Thursday.'^

In turning over the care of the depart­ment to the now board, President Edward E. Gnlchtel, of the outgoing body, wished It success and the same cordial treatm ent by the executive heads and subordinates th a t was accorded to him during his ad ­ministration.

Charles Logan, who retired with Mr. Qnlchtel, expressed Ms appreciation of the work of his colleogucB and wished the new board success. ‘'1 go out under the 'ripper act' " said he, "and one year before my term of ofhee realb^ explrea It Is my Judgment, the Judgment of my friends and the judgm ent of lawyers that the ’ripper aof does not apply to my case. 1 think 1 could make a good case In an effort to retain office, but l don’t propose to do it. 1 retire with the best of feelings toward all' the memtieiu of the board and the executive heads and staff."

The meeting chamber wns Ailed with flowers and palms when the members of the new and old boards entered. Six- tefiiLb Ward Ilepubiicane sent a palm and Jardiniere to Mr. Gnichtel. Various other organizations with which the mem­bers are connected sent Aoral pieces. Mr. Burke was the recipient of u punch bowl service by a number of frlende. Michael Mcl.<aughlln. in their behalf, made the presentation speech. Engine No. 2 sent a bouquet of roses to Mr. Stratton.


Although there Is not much to boost of In the skating afforded to d a y on the artlAclal pond constructed by the Shmls Tree Commission In the centre of Mlb Itary Park, youngsters arc having lots of fun on the Icy aheei Yesterday was the first Opportunity the children bad to

enjoy the HnlL and despite the fact th a t * As long as the eold w eather continues theIh Ice was lumpy and uneven, scores of l cmiimlsslon wttl flood the pond and at-mUe folk slid, slipped, glided end fell | tempi to obtain a smooth surface so nsl<y thPlr lieurfi rtollght and to the delec- i Ui a itm ct skuiers. Jii the mean time the latlon of Biiectalors. All through Mon^ I yuungsler* will be welcome, for whrther day ntghl a Are hose poured u stream ! rr«nen aulHiieiiily it not there Is no d?in- Into ih- inmixirary ba^iln In the centre of ger to feared, ns the HMIe lake 1h onlytho park und yesterday there was Ice. 1 lea Indies deeep.


Complaint and warning were both con­tained In a report to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds of the Board of Education last night concerning the Are bell a t the Bergen Street SchooL The report was In (he form of a communica­tion from Frlnclpal Morris Bamberger, and the committee referred the m atter to the school engineer for Immediate Inves­tigation.

Hr. Bamberger wrote th a t the bell used to signal for Are drills In his school Is InefRclent, as Its sound does not penetrate the classrooms of both the old and new sections except under conditions that would not be present In time of actual danger.

According to the principal, the bell Is not strong enough to penetrate certain classrooms unless the doors are open and the pupils, DOtlfled In advance, are listen­ing for the sound. In tim e of actual danger. If a Are occurred, Mr. Bafnberger wrote, the result might be disastrous,

The committee disposed Of considerable routine business which will relieve It when the regular stated meeting of th e month Is held. Petitions from school Janitors for increases In aalary resulted In the appointment of a sab-commlttee to In- voBtlgate the salary schedule of Janitors with a view of ascertaining how many are being paid above schedule rates. A request from the Janitor of the Seventh Avenue School for an Increase because of the recent opening of two new classes disclosed th a t this Janitor, even with hia Increased work, la being paid a salary about four dollars above the schedule. Messrs. Taylor and IjeWman were named by Chairman Taaffe as the committee to Investigate.

School Architect Gullbert was Instruct­ed to prepare a sketch of a proposed frame addition of two classrooms to the Alexander Street School, the coat of which 1b not to exceed *500. This addition is (0 replace two portable buildings which are to ' bo transferred to o ther localities, Messrs. Tomkins and Taylor were made a sub-committee to ascertain w hat schools are in need of pianos and how many new instrum ents it will be necessary to pur­chase to equip those schools th a t are lacking in this respect.

Mr. Tomkins reported th a t a settlem ent, satisfactory to both sides, had been reached In the m atter of discontinuing the lease of the Blackmore building in Acad­emy street, formerly used us an annex to the Drawing SchooL The basis of settle-' ment, Mr. Tomkins said, was the pay­ment by the board to J. E. Blackmore, owner, of the sum of SD70. The lease was to tun until September h 1910, and the amount paid represents very little more than w hat the rent would have come to up to the present time. The committee recommended th a t the board concur ^ this settlement. \

Mr. QulTbert's recommendation th a t a better m aterial than was a t first pro­posed be used for the curtain to divide the gyronaeipm of the BaiTlnger High School Into two aectlons when occupied by two classes, was concurred In. The test of this curtain will be made a t the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium about January 22.

City Superintendent Poland suggested th a t a saving of about |1,000 a year may be made by consolidating two classrooms on the top floor of the 6outh M arket Street SchooL Dr. Poland staled th a t lwn small classes now occupy the^e rooms and suggested that by removing the partition one teacher could take charge of the merged class. The m atter wns referred to SwpervlBor Miller to ascertain If the parti­tion In question may be removed w ithout affecting the strength or safety of the building.

VAILSBDRGH AFFAIRS.A party of th irty young pynple of Ih i

upper eeotton wll! have a sleigh ride to the Meeker Inn a t Dnlon to-nfght. John Noll and Albert BelUy have arranged the party.

The aeoond annual tnaaquerade dance of Vaitsburgh Council, Junior Order of Dnlted American Mechanlce. 'wUI be given In Union H all Tuesday night, February It.

De W itt' Paxton will give a humoTOue and dramatio recital a t the TaHsburgh Hethodlst Church next F r t ta y night.

An lUuetrated lecture on "P au l Jonee and the Freedom h t the fk a - will he given by Rev. Dr. Henry R. Boae, of the Churah of the Redeemer, In the A lexander s tr e e t Publlo School aesembly hall to -n tg h t

Peter Lohenberg, of laabella avenue, le recovering from o n .a tta a k a t facial p a . ralyita.

--------- »i ,, Ir Oae-legged Btee aeCe gSitp H era.Sixty dare In the o o u n tr ^11: wae th e

eentenee .Unpoeed upon JobW' X cO arl tn the Third P ra d n e t C hart th ta m orains. MeCart w ar arreeted im, e b a m of va> gfaney h r PatroiiBan ColUti«.< H e baa a wooden leg and, when .aitwMM w n w a lk ine with the a id o f -a broom handle .th place of a ‘m utch, w h l ^ he eald tw kMC.,.


On a motion to compel speclflc perform­ance by Edward T. Moore, a lawyer, of Passaic, Vice-Chancellor Slovens to-day reserved decision In part. The action was to require Mr. Moore to fulfil a contract to assign to the Olume Manufacturing Company a chattel mortgage for *3, 00 In ' exchange for a like amount of stock in th a t company at par. To-day's ruling was made nft^'r argument on a rule to ) show cauBs.

Tlie nmilgiigo was held by Moore as truBlop. Uao Herzfaid, of New York, had a *l,St)0 InlATcal In It. The vlce-chan- relitir held that as to Mr. Hersfeld’e In­terest spet’Vfl ' performance could not be decreed, as ilerifeld hod not given con- aeiU fnr any disposition by Moore of bis InlfTffli ix i’cpt for cash.

Tilt pajx'rB showed that N athan Blume, a ri'iiiil Jtwcler of this city, anqiilrcd title lo all the property of the late Orna- menial Mmnze and I'late Company, a Has.salr inanufiicturlng concern. Hu ob­tained It from the New Era Illustro Com­pany of Connecticut. The New E ra com­pany had recovered a Judgment for *69.20, and gut possession of the bualnesB a t an execution Kale for the amount of the Judgment, subject to the chattel mortgage In dispute In tho present suit.

Mr. Blume at once o rganlitd the Blume Manulaclui Ing Company, with ari autho­rized capital slock of *25.D0b. Of thla £imount Ili.OOO of etdek were Issued to Blume for the Ornamentsil Bronze ami Blale Company’s plant. A contract Incor­porated In the bill Indicated th a t Moore was to take stock at par for his chattel mortgage

For the defense It was contended that this Goniracl was not of such a character as a court of equity would enforce, for several reasons. One was that It wae not flufllclenlly certain afl to Us terms, and another th a t Itn terms were Inequitable, As a further defense It was contended ' that the complainant had an adequate remedy at law. pending a final decision, Mr. Moore was restrained from assign- | Ing or otherwise disposing of the m ort­gage.


Mrs. Mary Knlppw. a midwife, of ! « Springfield avenue, was arrerted by De­tectives Corbally and Pagan this morn­ing on a charge of having performed an Illegal operation. Her alleged victim la Mra. Eatelle Mercy, of IS Ear! atreet, The latter la now In Bt. Barnabaa'a HOipUal In a critical condition.

It la alleged that Mrs. Mercy vlalted Mrs. Knipper a week ago yesterday. Last Friday Mrs. Mercy became 111 and made a atatement to her huaband which led the la tter to aummon Mra. Knipper to the houae. According to the Informatloai the police got, a physician whom Mre. Knipper recommended, was called January 16 and he diagnosed Mra. Mercy's Illness as due to appendicitis. Mercy, it la sold, was not aatlsfled and last Monday sum­moned hla family physician. On the la t­ter 's advice- Mra. Mercy was removed to the hoapltal and a t the same time the physician notllled County Physician E l­liott.

Mrs. Mercy was operated on yesterday In the effort to save her Ilf© and Dr. E lllctt last night obtained a etatem ent from her and then notified police head­quarters. The police are withholding the name of the physician whom Mrs. Knipper recommended to he called, until a fter they have had an opportunity of questioning him.


Additional subscriptions were received hy the NE'WARK EVENING NEW S to­day to be added to the fund to r the relief of the sufferers In South Ita ly and Sicily. Among them was 1304.15. forwarded through Michael Padula. of 379 Bloom­field avenue, with the following letter: '•Enclosed herewith, plesie find check for 3304.15, same for the Itallaji earthquake fund. On the night of January 9. a t the initiative of Court Cavour No., 133, For­esters of America, a meeting w as called a t Serrlbella's hall, In D rift street, where several representatives of different local societies responded, i t was decided to send out a oommlttee to collect what money they could from any willing per­sons for the benefit-of the fund. W

The amount of tho collection was $35.35. Tho Society P a ^ u a le Stanislao Manclnl Arianese responded with $15, Court Cavour No. 133, F. of A., with $200, while a col­lection among the members of the court produced $53.30, the total being $304.U,

"With the hope tha t this will help to relieve the sufferings o f the survivors, I remain, respectfully youra,

"MICHAEL PADULA, treasurer,"Another contribution came from the

F irs t Italian Presbyterian Church. I t was for 125. Altogether to-day's donaUons amounted to $836.15.

The fund Is now as follows:Previously acknowledged................$6,328 08Court Cavour fund ....................... . 3M 15F irs t Itallah Presbyterian Church 29 00,F. C. ................................................. .. EDO....................................................... ............. lOO


Rev. Dr. John H. K err, ofi-199 Bloom- flftd avenu«, was extended a call to (he pastorate of the Arlingtan Avenue Pres- hytertan Church, Brooklyn, at a confre- galional meeting laai night. Mis was the

Rev. Dr, Jo h n H© K err.only nama presented. Dr. K err will preach in the church next Sunday morning, and a t that hme will announce his decision.

The Brooklyn church has been without a paator since laat July, when Rev. Warren H. Wilson resigned to aasume the duties of assistant in the labor depariment of the Home Mission Board of the Presby­terian Church. It was reported a week ago that Dr K err's nam e waa the only one under consideration.

Dr. Kerr, who for five years was publi­cation secretary of the American Tract Society, la a t present actInF pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Rutherford. He Is & member of the P ark Preabyierlan Church, this city.

NEGLIGENT FATHER IScow w rrT E D fo r y e a r

The maximum penalty was imposed oy Acting Judge Vreeland m the Firal Pre­cinct Cuurt this monnlng on WllUani C. Stonac.ker who destirted five young chil­dren at M WebstiT street, two moniha ago. After the court had heard the lee- llmony of Superintendent Jared W, Kim­ball, of (ho Children’s Aid Society, who made the complaint, and Huv, Thomas Travis, of Montclair, a fine of wus impopcfi and In defiudt uf this amount

I Stonacker was committed lo thu penlien- I tlary fur a year.

It developed daring the nrrulKnmenl of [ Stoiiucker that he kldiuippA'd Ium rit'ven- j year-old son John u week ago. while iht' | ! boy was returning from llie home uf on j i Himt in Blooniihdd lo the hendt|imrltTH [ i of the Children's Aid Society In Mulberry !

ftlreet. Tho lud hud been un Inmntn In ! I (ho InalltUllon since the hitler part of I November, when he and the other ohil- j dreri were deserted by their piirt-iits.

Slonacker said lln lad In living with a family at Cjanhury Mr. Kimhall will Invi^Mgiite the address given by the father.

Mr Kimball received from Btonuckcr to-day tlie right to vuslody of the hit­ter's nlne-year-f'ld djjughter. who 1r liv­ing with the fandly of n sivloun-kcepir in Bloomfield- The saloon-keeper Umh re­fused 111 give her up to Mr. Kimball, who

I believen that her j^reeent abode is n<it a desirable cine.

I The complaint was made against Ktnn- ! aker ofler It waa found Dial the latter

liiid deserted his children. Suitable hr invs ' wiM-e found for iill of them but the boy

and girl. Mr. Kimball became awaie of tin- dJatresa of (he children through In­formation given him by Mr. Travjs Ston- aker and hie family formerly lived in Montclair.



The members of the Board of Education were in conference last night with Dr. George J. Holmes, chief nu-dlcal Sn- apecLor, In the conelderullun of rules and regulations for the guvernlng uf that do- I partm ent of school work. Dr. Holmea f had at (he direction of tho board pro- 1 pared a series of regulations not only i for the guidance and control of the mem- | bers of the medical inspection staff, but , also for the Instruction cf principals and teachers. The object is to devise and perfect a system of complete co-operntlon between the Instructors and the phyal- cians.

The new rules are mol as yet In shape for adoption by the board, but as ex­plained by Dr. Holtnes, they met with the approval of the members. It Is un-

Confesslng that he robbed three homes within the last m onth and helped dis­pose of the proceeds of a fourth rob­bery, Jacob Greenberger, eighteen years old, arrested by Detectives Meehan and i deratood th a t a number of chungea fromDanavanyeaterday.lmpUcatedthreechuras ■ ----- — ' '— — — ' —‘- jwho he declared have fied from the city.Greenberger, whose home Is a t 15 Charl­ton street, wns questioned by Captain Carroll this morning and readily told the latter the name*? and addresses of tbe persons he robbed and as to how he got Into each house.

The robbery In which he professed to have had no part fu rther than to sell the property stolen, was tit the home of George J. Gard, 90 S tra tford place, wheie during the early evening of December Si a quantity of silverw are was taken from the dining-room. The homes which Greenberger Is said to have admitted sn- Icrlng are those of Julius Brlnck, a t ttS New atreet; W illiam Wilkie, at S9 Sherman avenue, and John Groeach, at 44 Mercer atreet. In each of these places the booty consisted of jewelry and cash. At the Brink home the loot woe valued a t 1122,

After talking to the prisoner. Captain Carroll declared th a t he was satisfied that he had the leader of a gang which was desponsible for alm ost half a hun­dred robberies sim ilar to those to which Greenberger has confessed.

, r «t. c SAiIm a . ■ ■ ^iUtxai ipAKor m „

Oi$r, MM bM$

Thtrtr-foor MWr eepteff and five

* S 3 S M 5‘ t f f

mtijr. s p f

th« work o l nxtnrxllN H

cwbIm ' cttlMlfl I W i- g t M t, I k * -

• A t

Total . $9,88 23

BOT AIR DISPENSER S' dIFT ,EuBebluii Collier, famlUftrly known u

''Pop” ColHer» ft lumber faleim fta, of 494 Broad street, wae the gueet o f honor a t a baiquel given in the C ontinenul Hotel last night by the Ho* AJj* Dlspenseri* ABBodation. 'Ilie ofgaplBaUon Is composed of pltty-flve commercial travelers, who m ake t h ^ r headquarters whan tn th is city a t the hotel. The occaelon w as m ark­ed by the presentation to M r Collier of a meerschaum pipe, upon w hkh the name o f gaeb member was Inscribed, Charles J ' OoftttiA secretary of the 'association, ftcitsd a s toastm aster. Rohert B, Coryell made tb s presentation address.

the old system of Inspectlnn are Includ­ed In the plane of Dr. Halinefl. These, 1i la believed, will act for the betterm ent of ibis feature of school government. They are dealgned to Increase the oftldency of the system of supervision over the physi­cal c o n d ltl^ of the children of tJie schools u n ^ o extend the work of Inspec­tion bcyoiW what It was when li wae under julnl control with the Board of Health.

It la designed to have the Inspection extend to cftaea of eye, ear, throat and nose aliments and, If approved by the board, the staff of Inspectors may be augmented by the addition of a ruimber of nurses, whose duties will include the vlgiilng and care uf children under quar­antine.

No action was taken In the conference toward the seleellon of memberB of the reorganised staff. All the old Inspootors are ellll In the service and all have filed applications (or reappointment.


In connection w ith th e banquet of the Newark Board of T rade lo-morrow night In the Krueger Auditorium a reception for guests wlU be held a i the Sssex Club, The speakers will be taken there upon their a rriva l in the city. Among them win be United S ta tes Senator Rob­ert L. Taylor, of Tennessee; Repreaetita. live Charles R. Dftvis, Of Minnesota; Rep. resentatlve B. W ayne Parker, Governor John FranlUn ^ o r t and Qeorge A. Post, president of the Am erican Hallway Asso­ciation.

The speakers will a rriv e a t 6;44 o'clock and will be taken to the Essex Club In automobiles. The reception there will be brief. At 6:4Ei o'clock the guests wUt bjftj taken In the m achines to the auditorium.'The dinner will be served there promptly a t T o'clock.

George F, Reeve, president of the Board of Trade, Will preside a t the guest table.Seated there will be Judge Jam es B. Dill,Vice-Chancellor Jam es £ . Howell, WallaceM. fleudder. Rev. P leasan t Hunter, W. j w r ~ \ , r — r L ;'Campbell Clark, Chief Justice William 8. to-day iQ.a suH brouglU ^by^^Meyer Ankln


ROSS AND GUENTHER IIt Is on the tnpis for the Rerublloan i

membera of the COTnmon Council to make ' an effort next Friday night a t the ad- > Jounied meeting of the body to secure the re-election of Robert L. Roas aa tax re­ceiver and Albert T. GueiMher as city ireasuref- Jerom e T. Congleron, Republi­can leader, hue called for a caucus of his side to take place Immediately before the calling of the meeting of the council. The object of the caucus Is to decide upon this qucEllon.

As Messrs. Ross and Ouenther have nl. ready been tentatively Indorsed by their party conference. It Is practically certain they wtll be formally declared the caucus choice. It Is not anticipated th a t any opposition to either will be made.

The Democratic membera have not as yet formally considered the question of the election of successors to Messrs. Rosa and Guenther. They will probably also hold a caucus prior to the council meet­ing, at which they may try to agree lipim candidates or a t least decide upon a def­inite course of action.

Oummere, F ranklin M urphy. Representa­tive Davis, Representative Parker, United States Senator F ran k O, Briggs, Governor Fort. Mr. Reeve, P e te r Campbell, Senator Taylor, Ii #t. Dr. Jam es I. Vnnoe, Fred- eriok Ftellnghuyaen, Mr. Post; Mayor Jacob Hausellng, Jatnea ^rolth Jr„ Prank L. ShsiMird, W. O. Besler, S tate Senator HaytT V. Osborne, S tate Benatof John BlncbUffe, b t P aterson i William T. Hunt and John R. Hardin.

T«ath A d a lta Robbia* Store.C hartes o t breaking and entering afid

carrying concealed weapons were made against Joeepl) Atiatine, eighteen, yeara Qtd, ot 34 H edlaoh etreet. In the Third Precinct Court tb i t ' morning. Sergeant Forsythe and FsErolm an Adubato arteiit- ed him yesterday "oft suspicion of hav­ing robbed H art A UcDoftOiigh’e 'grocery atoro, a t 144 F e rry .s tr e e t . ' A fter admits ting ownership o f . a .revolver, which Wet fonnd In the rear o t H egt & McDonough's store, the police t a p the youth admitted the robbery. A ustins w as released under

hall$268 on each charge;


t* I M Y « w VhTMille ..:.-i'*eiit,'W‘Mh*« Fnr #1 O t H iw ii -

Yhv e a s «at knyttonff' y M r itMgach a r m s ■wtthotu f«|iy o f * sag* e t . laU - ig eMIOn of H n p as ilg , c r | l » t . yonr Rood

t w aWtt o r e m r on V «w g to n w ^ - lf yon * ttt tak e DlaFHieto After m iS fitJ , . .Y bw n e id a win m ate good, , mny'

tkinff FOB ea t wtU be d ic te led ; nothing eea tm b e n t o r t u n Into e ^ « r paltoo or etomeeh geo, wbMi ottieee BelcUng, Dtaabwiaa, g fteung «( fn lnete a f tm eet-

iM d In ateoM b), B iH o e n e j. aa e r tb n tn .Wttaf BMebi piilii te atonasta ant Htaa-

l e r olbar ayhipfwnaL

Headachet from the etom acb are abeo- lately unknown where $hls effective reig. edy Is uied; Hlape'pein rOelhr dose aji the walk o | a h ta ltby ttom ech. I t d<nete your meals whan yo u r a to m e ^ eftn't. Mach triangule will digest dll the toed you can ea t and leave nothing to fe rttea t

aOm ft luge 50-coat tuwe ot Pape'e OMh. pebtla from your f f ru g ltt and eUrt taking to-dfty, and by l*-ft)ormw yaa wiu aetaally brag aboot ytwr healthy, etro^g abnnacb. for yon then oan aot aqrthlng and evtrxtbiftg you want witkinrf. the .d e t e s t dleiMiafert or tmaery. and m r y

lag, Meaaea, ladigwtimi (Uge a lan« iK, .gaMMe of bnpurity and aw that la i>yowl ' itoflandk aii4 ■ to tarts tots tk i

.................. aaagM away irlttkaat the qgh a d l l e t t w * ih ie e ilie r a a a li ta a i*

L Tlut Store. Close* at 5:30 P. M., Except Saturdays.

SUED BY A FORMER EMPLOYE |V ic e -C h a n c e llo r Emery h e a rd le a t lm o iiy

against Wilkinson, Gaddis & Co., tor accounting. Ankin waa a salearnan in the e m p l^ of the concern for thirteen years, In his bill, which was filed by PbilliJ | P, Schotland, It waa alleged th a t he w m j tq rec^ve one-third of the gross rece(i-'i» i on hl8 dales. He chargee that hla prcllu j were not correctly figured, in that t!> i real cost price waa not token as ft bnuj?. |

JullUi Slob, a former book-keeper In the employ of the company,, teetiiWd in | Ankln '0 behalf that he received Instnir- tlons alm ost dally from E, AJvah Wlik- iDOon, president of the company, as to bow much he was to cuter on Ankin ' aatee-alipa as cost price. The cast' waa coi^tlnued for one week.


"Vloe-ChancellOr Howell decided to-day th a t fidwln W. P . Volmef end John N. Ortlelb. o t HolMken, hove no right to canvass to r business among customers of the Hoboken Butchers' Supply Company, of w h ld i.th e y were formerly secretary and treasurer respectively.

I t was charged in the bill that when Vohnsr and Ortlelb left the employ of the company and organised a business of tb s tr oam under the name of Ortlelb & "Vcluer they took with them a list ot cus- tomars of the cotioent and used It In saourlng MMloeae to r themselves.

----------- *^ lavH M ' t* Laetwse I* Callfarnia.

t o * : ?hhft.Mppqw*l!. paator of the Park ^rew ytertan^O nurch, has received an Id- rttaiMtt'ffhCM LhO nattonai board of the Young Y rom aft'w ^hristlan Assoolatloa' to deliver a ooUc m sB n lt lectures a t the con- fa«*Ao« o t the T . ^ . C. A- students of the

-™ Paelfie *oa»t. Ur he held a t dapttola, Cal.. --V.... i]|g la t te r fiart o t H arch. The subjects of

tIM leetorea will pertain to Chtristianity. S r . HcOowril la eonaldering the lftvita>

H e m a e W t e Mrs. B . M. VUIuw.A hrenae tablet placed in the Peddle

Memorial Baptist Church by the coti- .loft Ip memory ot Mrs. Rosa

iJL M lftta, M bs e t tbe nwstor, to y . fir.

[The Greatest Clothing OfferingM ade By A ny H ouse This Season.

M en’s an d Y ouths’ Suits ^ . 5 0 a n d O v erco a ts A ctually / W o rth $12 a n d $15 a t ®

An o f f e r i n g o f t h i s c h a r a c t e r only happens once a year at this store, li ifi made principally to emphasize the Snyder underaollmg

aupremacy in men’s and youths’ high grade clothing.Every suit and overcoat involved is a Snyder standard for carefully se­

lected materials, superior tailoring and exactness in fit.It is the high character of these garments that will astonish those who

know good clothes and will make permanent customers of those skeptical of inlying sale goods.

THE O’COATS1 vi'ry one Is new in mxleriiil, cut and lallor-

Ini; nut a pa.sse sl) Ip among Itiem. They arc inaJe '1 plain lil.ick and pray Vicuna and Novelty .Mixtures, with silli vrlvei collars and a lining ol scritp. Venrti.in or "Farmer" satin. Sires J2tn H diCil,

THE SUITSAre made cl tuperlor grade WorstedB. Velourf

and Caisl meres with haircloth front!, hand pad­ded close fmiiii; collars and cuff slMves. Th« Trousers have French walitbands, side hip buckles anil strap and are cut in regular or peg tops The Coats are lined with mohair, aerge or "Farmer" satin.

P 5 0 Ftvcrt'oat for Men and Youths, actually worth f l2 and $15. No C.* ^ 0. D-, mail nr 'phone orders taken. Only one Suit and Overcoat to a customer.

Sale Starts Thursday Morning. Men'a Clntlilng Dept,, Third Floor.

Two Good Reasons Why You Should See

THESE NEW BLACK SILKSFirst—fift'dirsi’ /bc'i> are our SfiinJarJ Black Stlks, superior in texture and finish to all others, iecoiul - Because ur are offering them at Special Introductory Prices for a limited period.

T ’ HERE ARE over fifteen different weaves in the assortment, every one a rich lustrous fabricthat is matchless Pricings:

in quality at its regular selling price. Here are the Special Introductory

J6-lnch Bfflck Taffeta, 80c. value, at <V0c 36-inch Black Habuta), 75c. value, at SOc

,36-incb Black Messaline, 1.50 value, at 1.25 36-inch Peau de Cygne, 1.50 value, at 1.29

36-Inch Black Messaline, 2.00 value, at 1.69 36-inch Black Satin Duchesse, 1.00 value, at 80c- 36-inch Black Satin Duchesse, 1.25 value, at 1,00

36-inch Black Messaline, 1.25 value, a t 1.00

1 36-Inch Black Taffeta, LOO value, at 79c 36-Inch Block Taffeta, t.2.5 value, at 98c

34-Inch Black Bengaline, 2.00 value, « t 1.69 36-Inch PeaRdeSole, 1.50 value, at t.39

36>lnch Black Taffeta. t.50 value, at 1.29 36-lnch Black Taffeta, 1.50 value, at 1.2S

34-lnch "Moneybak" Taffeta, 1.90 value, at 1.29 36-lnch "Windham’’ Taffeta, 1.50 value, at 1.29

silk Section, Main Fluor. JC oat, Suit an d F u r Econom y W o rth C om ing M iles to S h are

NE-H ALF AN D ONE-TH IRD LESS than marked prices, is the method we have adopted for clearing our entire stock of Women’s and Misses’ Coats, Suits and Skirts, Every garment must go, no matter how great the loss, because we are determined to effect a positive clearance

preparatory to our showing of early Spring models Now is the time to purchase these high-grade Snyder garments at less than the cost of manufacture.

All Furs Have Been Marked Unusually Low.The usual small-profit basis of marking our selected stock of Furs is now bettered by at

• least 25 per cent., and in some cases considerably more.V .i ■ —' " ■' " — — - — I


r.Slip Cover Your Furniture Now25c a yard

PL A C E Y O U R O R D E R N O W a n d w e w i l l m a k e S l i p C o v e r s f o r a n y f u n

w h a t e v e r , r e g a r d l e s s o f s i z e , c h a r g i n g o n l y f o r t h e m a t e r i a ! u s e d . T h e s e

We will measure, cut, bind and make slip covers a t

V .

L A C E Y O U R O R D E R N O W a n d w e w i l l m a k e S l i p C o v e r s f o r a n y f u r n i t u r e w h a t e v e r , r e g a r d l e s s o f s i z e , c h a r g i n g o n l y f o r t h e m a t e r i a ! u s e

c o v e r s w i l l b e m a d e o f Belgian Striped Damask a n d y o u m a y c h o o s e f r o m a s p l e n d i d v a r i e t y o f p a t t e r n s . R e m e m b e r ! — t h e r e a r e n o e x t r a c h a r g e s o f a n y k i n d — y o u p a y j u s t 2Sc. a y a r d f o r t h e D a m a s k u s e d . Upholstery tVpt.. Thin] Floor.


Why Does the Steam-Making Power of Your Coal

Run in Streaks?Sometimes you obtain your requi­

site steam pressure with much less coal than at o thers—conditions bein2 apparently identical.

If you are an owner of a m ill or any kind of a steam plant, your engineer o r fireman will tell you this is true.

W hy is it ?, O ne B IG reason is because the coal

you are buying does no t ru n even.It is M IN E D FR O M D IFFE R ­


You may be paying top price for coal tbe name of which has been standard for years.

Y et constant extensions in the developm ent — opening one seam after another—have been necessary, owing to a long continued dem and.

T he coal from one scam m ay m eet the standard tests, while th a t from a neighboring seam "will develop a lower efficiency.

In tha t case you are n o t really B U Y IN G COAL. You are B U Y ­IN G A N A M E.

T his is the rem edy:


all m ined in the $ame baein, runs practically uniform .

W e m ain ta ina chemical laboratory —em ploy a regular chemist and m echatiiral enj^ncer whose du ty i t is to see th a t ou r cu s to m o i gtet a uniform q ua lity o f c o d . *

T hey arc a t your service, to advise

you concerning the economic m an­agem ent of yom steam p la n t—to r« )d e r you the professional service which is just as N E C ESSA R Y , in m anufacturing your steam as in A N Y O T H E R D E P A R T M E N T b fy g u i business. W rite for {uatkiUatVb

P ennsylvania Coal & C oke CompanyV.ft.WI'IWft, I

,fittnnistr!e VfliiSaliall B atlitaa. Now Yaa4i

' .nentu sEi

' - 3..t-i-A.-

’W ..


Tp i

Itoorlt Jffttt)]?.r * » u M w v . *r rt»

ilfBiiNi HEWS n iH js iin i ce iP itii.IIM17 MARKET $TR8ST,

RBW AUC. «• M,I k . Novu*. * . It. W<M»»

tk lkpbotw UI*--FrtT»t* BrwMh HkobM**coaBMUnc a l l a a p M t m w t a

JIAII. SUBBCRimONR- Tin N m r k B v«ln# Nrw*. o»« iboMb,

Mty ocnti: *1* mcmUli. iwo doUar* a®“ U lr oanta; on* raar, dv* dollara

Pocta« to fora1»n oountrloa addad.Ntw York Otto*, Sl» BruMWlOk BuUd-

RV. •* av*nu*. T*L HH. Wdiion. Cbloaco Ofio*, IM Trlbaa* Btkldln#. WaablaftOD Oaraati. IM Colorado BuUd-

Oranc* Branch Offlo*. NaUov'J Bank BoUdinR. TaL *!t O ra n ta

uocAti BRaJttsii o m o * .HEonbutir ixlIKM' 14 Or»nf« ElnMit, Bllirrill* «v«DU«a 1C

.•fftTMta 260.Inton ivtfilM, ttla •tniUi eiEtn «bMt« 1

WtllEc« Pll^i


TOE E IC I9 E COM M liHOSEH*' BIUImThe eiclM bill aubmlttad to (Jovernor

EoiJ a* n part of tho report of tho ma- ^ortty of the Btal* Raclaa Cominliaton 1*

Ml pofltlon Id th* Blata Board 0* Aa- acaiori objaot to, la th a t b* b « In t t* paat uaad Ua ofludal poalUon to proaota tlM tnU rM ta hia p a itr . H* haa don* tbia opanir Iiind aw arao tty wniwrat a a r compunetlODa a i oanattaiMai S a ttai' aiunm th a t ha d«M not a»»r*eUU UMt there oaa Da anythlttv wrong In tboa uatng Ua piao* a* a aarvant a t tba paopl* to turttaar Ua own ambition* and tboa* o( hi* riiande. I t la thla lack of political conaoicnce tliat la the vital defect In Ifr. Balrd'a charaoter. Probably he bae not been able to appreciate tW* daleot, and will never be able to apprectoU It. I t la a moral obtiiHenea* that le shared by many another politician who ha* been tmlnad In the old aohool of political manlpula- Uoh—th* acbool th a t baa graduated *o many polllloal boame now dlacredlled. Mr. Balrd'a Inability to aee harm In using hit poaltlon a t a Btata aaaetaor to retain political power, a power ooesntuated by the backing of tho rail mad* whoae prop­erty ho taxea, la all the niora baleful be- caute of h it lack of peroaptlun of Its wrongfulneaa.

The NEW S will continu* to oppose I he reappointm ent of H r. Baird by Oovernor Fort. I t will do so tor the raaeon ra te d , and for the additional reaeor that the Camden man Is the eiponent of a politicalreod th a t It foat becoming obaolote.

m fim g w M ogM ad lr ' • « * €matartol far apMulatlDh a t to tb* oM' MU* for not only tba trtdaa nnlona of th* 0 0OT|trT. but for auplorari of labor «■ w«IL fboutd tba moyamaot Utliw ibow dnrty. ua luuadiata Mna*-usanoeg might b* tba ravaraa of (avormbla tiapwdelly ntlgbt tbia ba tru* W tb* Udo of Iteltan* who, It 1* aald, ara pUnnlng •td' aorta to Anoarlca, uovta In force. Rab- wty oonitruotton la at low ebb. Botta bulldlnt Industrie# *r* ralatlvaly activa, but manufacturing a* t whole ha# not gottan anywhere near to former high levali. Bhouia tlie ogtmprdtnary Immigra­tion tide roll acroas our border* and seek for work In the comparatively near future,

re.volt would b* something whichthe

ganarally considered oe too drastic to glTtr with th* approval of th* LeglslaturA 'A aaraful reading of It leave* tb* Im- |M « io n th a t th* eommlsriooer* bav* gia*B»d a lta r a great deal In tb* bop**1 Batting a Uttl*. and alto that they hay* b tm MMlnead, through th* tnaat of ta*> tIBMny httNB, th a t asclt* oondltlona gra M b a d th a t htrolo traatinent la naoettary.

T*t tb* but con ta in t aavaral provlalona whtab ought to M InoorporaMd M th* Mat* law*. I t doM o a t diaturb tb* 'bUhopt* law." I t rooognlias, tba need ,jgt gn aot wtaloh aboUth** ourtalnad dana ggd hSbck room*. I t appruclatao a atatute th a t halp* to enforo* law* that ore artryw har* vk>lat*d with Impunity. It Plrtegtbanr rattie r than weskilUB the •bittaope' law” In every particular, and In thi* raapeot tba axel** oominlaalatier*’ blU M antlrtly oommtndabla., n * bill tlralta tbe numbar of licensat H *M (or *voiT UD population, a pro- fW oa rtooum ended by the Oovernor and by V ayon , proaacutora and oourta In a yu jortty of tba clUet throughout the B u tt , and even advooated by oomt brow- bH gnd aaloon-kaopora. No reasonable ob- iaattoa aan ha u a d o to th is provuion. It bboald ^ m ada the law. Of the eame •laa t I* tb* provbloti fixing the mint-

' g n u UoOBI* f*h a t tZM In towns, etc., W ta*a t ^ populaUou, tUO In places

' ' M avar Afiid and i*a* th an 8,ow, triio for IggalclpaUUat having between ),000 and JA m and H,l)in (or all othsre.' Tba pfovUdon rtau lrln g th a t screen*

.. ^idtoald b* down a t all tlm ea and that bar- i^^ taow s ttiall be conatanlly open to view,

th t U aw ach u ie tt* idea. It la bated ^aa tbe tbaory th a t I t Ibor* 1* no moral

' dUttrano* betw een drinking a g lu t of 'bg tl a n d d r tn k h ig • f ia a t a t toda water ay gating \ plat* of Ico cream, then there

. gbonld b* no soncealm ent and no dlttei- botwaen th e m anner of taking tbe

;dB* end tb* other. Tho** brewer* and Mdoom-kaepera who really w ith to elevat* ^ buatnaw ought logically to be foupd Jhl (X'Oor of th**0 prOvlalops.

f b * m aniteat tnteittlon of th* filU to i^Mrh brewery Inlluanoes by rendering void gB galoon mortgage*, pledget, salsa, as. MllsmentB or license transferji taken by Mdltrlduals or corporation* ongagsd hi o bWWing buaineoB, la baaed upon th* doc. irin * th a t licenses to tell liquor* arc a

■ ' tptrmIUed privilege only, and net a vetted iM lht; a doctrine Ifadoraed twice or three

by,.tho Buprams Court of thla State fttw b r th e United Btatw Suprema

? I t wttl*^bt ootlood by those who study ftb* bill UDd^ couftldemtloD that It docs d g t attem pt to drive tbe saloon out of -buttaeso. The nubllo sentlmefit of this M a te does npt, a s Oovernor Fort says, ia v o r prohibition. There Is no great. (OVarwheJmtng movement such as there |g la Tsnntaae*^ Ooorgla, Alabama and Btataa In the W est, tf) absolutely prevent ■the maputGuiture, sa lt, t r a t tc and use of '^loohulla o r m alt*M iuirs. Tbe tentltuent In New Jersey is agtilnal the wholesaJa, gontlnued, b la tan t dellanca of the law,

i^Md against tbe powerful and always per- ^v. 'Alakiijs InUuonce of the brewere and tlie

galoons In poUtlo*.

T H E FUBLIO C T n.ITT SILLP.The report comes up from Trenton that

there 1* not lo muob Intereil taken tble year In publlo utility legislation as there ha* b**n In th* past ysar or two. The wish, bow*v*r, Is probably father to the th o u g h t Th* assertion may b* bas*d on th* fac t th a t Bveiwtt Colby I* not * mem­ber of the Lagislature now, and It 1* pre­sumed th a t hli *b»ene* will dlioourags those mamber* of tb* Leglslntur*' who are onxloue for the regulation o f publlo servloe corporations. Still, In spite of th* rallrem ent of Mr. Colby, there 1* no like­lihood that the reform agiiatlon In this direction will cease. Already bills have been Introduced for tbe creation of a pub­lic mlllty cnnimlsolon with power, to make rules, end others are to be present- sd later. Some of these come from friends of auoh regulation and others are fa th ­ered by members who a re Inimical to the plan. The la tte r are actuated by the de­sire to confuse th* Isoue and to W d e support among tho varloue measur** In the hop* of defeating them all.

This la tte r plan worked well a t the session last winter, but It Is to be hoped that It will not succeed this year. The majority member* of the Ijoglslature arc pledgtrt by their party plaiform to enact an effective raeaeuro regulating public utility corporation*. Oovernor Fort 1* even more emphatlo than ho wae when he took ollloo In urging that such a moas- ur* be pooled. The great obstacle to carrying out his view* on the m atter will be found In the Senate, s number ol whose member* have let It bo known that they do not oonelder themselves bound by th* pledges of their party. Undoubt­edly some of thee* Senators cannot he moved from their position, but public sentim ent ought to b« strong enough to compel a m ajority of the others to give the people tho relief they are demanding. If the Republicans and Democrats who bollove In carrying out the promises on which they were elected will stand to- g*tber fo r a fair and honest hiU—no^ a counterfeit measure like that propcssd a y ear ago by Senator Bobbins—there can bo placed upon the New Jersey statu te books a law that will be generally sat- Ifetaotory and th a t will plaoe this State In line with other progresslvo common- wesltha.

could he easily conjectured In part, but perhupB not In Hi ultim ate oonaequonce*.

Nearly TB.flOO Immlgranta came into the ttnltcd State* In th* laet fiscal year, half a million lese than In the prseodlng twelve month*. Th* falling away was ex­plained by th* panic and eucceOdlng hkrd time*. There Is little reason to doubt, i t the Italian disaster had not taken plaeo, the total for th* ourront fiscal year would have been almost as large oa' th a t of two yeora ago. This would tndloats th a t In t j e tievt dacaj year the grand total of now- comers to the land of the free may ag­gregate as much oa a million and a hftlf hueb a result would be something prodig­ious. Ajs ntwui four per rent of last yeoFe new arrivals were deatlned to New J tr - ley, on* may lafor tha outcome here, should a like proportion of th* proapeo- tlve flood of forelgnart daalgn to aettle between th* Hudson and th* Delaware, torn* i l i ty thousand of tham. Still, with adequate trod* revival, wore* thing* oould b* thought of.

ataC oa« W tat i to w m tt »•»>»«• •Mpt*eA Ix tb ls 't ta y thar* voiild tw a shack* * * upon th* tendaboy of tba lAgltlar tur* and tb* pablla t« oroal* UW daport- jncnia and naw oiwnmiaalon* <» often b*MiM uBnaoettary or overlap on* another In th# partormano* of th*lr du- tlea." - ,.

Oovernor Stoke* eontldtred thla a tu ffu - tion to Important th a t h* rapooMd U In full In h it final m sttogo to th* Legtalo- tu re of UOA and hi* uttorxBO* on thla point wo# generally prolaod by .h i* party papers and by hi# anpporter* hi th* Leg­islature ae that of a ■tateanoA. Of oourae he had more particular refereno* to prob­ing comm/eslons than he did to bodice having lo do with the Invaatlgation of legislative eubjoata, yel his language In­dicated th a t h* had th* la tte r aleo In mind. It may be aald th a t U r. Stokes woa partly right and that so la Speaker Prince. The oommltalon euthorixed pri­m arily for the purpoe* of perm itting leg- talators lo esesp* from perform ing their duties should not be tolerated, a* It hoe been In the past.




DAVID BAIRD’S VITAL DEFBCT. i. A resldeot of Camden, who has been .prominent in potHloal and o ffice life for i]k number o f yeaye, s^d whose ability and bODMty hAvo 'been recognised throughout ^he State, boa w ritten to the NEWS a jlattar In defense of David Baird. There la oyidonc* In the communication of the tlnceriiy of the w riter In making the aa- aortlon th a t U r. Baird boa been abused and Unjustly attacked. Ho la evidently ooilVtnced th a t with a fuller knowledge of the typo of m an U r. Baird la, thla news­paper would change lie view of the South Jersey leader and advocate bis rcappolnt- mqnt oa a member q t the S tate Board of Asaessora. Speaking as a "friend and neighbor" our eorrospondenl thu i eota forth tho adm irable qualities th a t Mr. Baird poeaeoses:

Mr. Baird is now approaching the a l­lotted threa-Bcore years, and 1 venture to say that lew men iii a personal way havedone more to augm ent tbe sum of happi­ness of those with whom they have coma lo contact than he, There are to-day thousands of his fellow-citizens of all sta- tions In life whu would gladly attest hi* broad sym pathy and mimnerlesa chai'Illvs. In business he has been succobbIuI. • • • His name Is regarded as an Insurance of strict busloesa meiliod ami Inlcgrliy. In polliloa he has been equally succeasful,- nut tba man does not live who would tUiro Insinuate th a t he had ever received there­by a dishonest dollar, and I have no doubt th a t much more tliun tho toial of his ot&clal aalaries has been contributed to his party '* aucceas. Rightly or wrong­ly. he bos boileved thai his party's ad­vancement m eant the welfare of the peo­ple, and he bos devoted himself and his energies to th a t end. During ibe lust decade otpedlBlly he has been highly Influ­ential In the counst'Is of hie party, and In Camden City and County bis Intluence hae


The officials of Camden have this week received official notlo* Dom the State Board of HealUi th a t th a t city m ult cease polluting the Delaware River with aewego a fte r Beptember, 1913. The notice Is simi­la r to othera litued to a number of com­munities th a t have been defiling etrenms and In several Instances the order of the Btat* board has already been compiled w ith and disposal planta established. Such actloq has been taken, however, only In the sm aller communities of the State, where tho problem of sewage dleposal hae not been lo eerlous as It is In the caao ot Camden. In the la tter plaoe a change In the method of aewerago will neeeesltaio tho expenditure of many thooeande of dollara, and besides the removal of the sewage of th a t municipality from tbe Dolaware will not materially lessen tha pollution of th a t stream unless many other communities along Its banka at* forced to oeaao voiding their etwago Into the river. N ot only muet New Jersey towns ch,inge their methods, but also a number of Pennaylvanla places If the objeol aimed nt by the State Board of H ealth In Issuing It* notice to Camden Is to be attained.

I t may be th a t the Btata Board of h e a lth Is planning to secure co-operation w ith Pennsylvania at an early date to bring aboyt the purlfirntlon of tho Dela­ware, ae has ao long been urged. Tbe Ponn- ty lv u ila Legislature is now In eesBlcn, tuid there wtU be an opportunity to seek legislation th a t will permit of tho desired co-operation. I t would be advisable to move In thla direction without delny. for unless It la aecured It wOTild be a hardship lo enforce upon Camden tho order that has Just been lieued, even if It 1s not to be effective fo r four years and a halt. I t will take ell of th a t time to formulate the best plane for aewag* dlapoenl and carrying th^m Into operation.

THE FEgTIFEBOUi WILLBTT. .In Ih* *ouiTtlou* attack which ho made

upon tbe Pr*»ldent tho other day, Con­gressman W illett h*e not even the poor excuse of sudden passion. There was nothing in the topic twfor* tb* Iloueo to even euggest ''th e Paaatng qf Rooaevelt" —nothing In the previous spe«qhe» the PrealJent to mind Bealdea, the ad­dress wo* w rltte n -an effort carefully Btudlud and therefore a definite eiprca- slon of the Congressm an's views. His anxiety to exprts* those ylcws Ui ihls exact manner Is evidenced by the tact that although the speech wa* prepared tor the debate upon the President's now famouB message, and In no sense relevant to anything before the House on laat Monday, WUleU, Shut off from speech nt- the time when bis epeech would at

■ least have had aoibo sort of pertinence. In­sisted on delivering It on tho very first ocoaelon on which ho could got a hear­ing, There la abaolulaly nothing to tem- aer the condemnation which he Is Justly receiving, therefore, unless It be amaae- ni*nl th a t « Congreasman Is able to make tuch a apeotacle of hlmaelf.

Buch an address has rarely, if ever, been heard In CongreBB, ^ I c h , whatever Its faulta, haa m aintained a show of out­ward respect fo r the Presidential office. Thla Is ’WHlelt'a first term —of course. Hla home, we undereland, la In F a r Rock- away, and perhapa hla methods of epcech have naturally been acquired in tha t none too lavory reaorL Probably he counted upon the preeent turmoil In W aehtngton for a lltllo notoriety. He ha* It: for a Congreesman whom Congreaa al­ienees from An atU ck on « * Preeldent JiJsl rtbvr must c e r ta li^ 'd e o l In a billings­gate that a ttrncta attention. The proba­bility la th a t W illett wae silenced out of no regard for the President or the Presidency. I t was. simply to preserve Its own eetf-respept., th a t the House forced him Into hie seat and stopped one of the moat dtegroceful exhlbltjono pf mudallng- Ing^lhat the eponlnt.luia ever wltneawSd In WaeMngtflgi,i,'(yii,«i^l>«( p u h g e ^ l l i p i A to r ik ^ lt Is to he hoped th a t t h l a , rtllewldtw lifttWin from Far R ockaw ar wlU to fa*, take the hint as to giv* th6:ooi:ntnc^ no fortber pretext for ranvsmbcrinS *Eat he esiste.

LB W H I'A ’n V B COMMISSIONS.Bdmo 'd i ' t t o ia i*aak«r" '^ho have pub­

licly (ndowed the ntiU-dommlselon Idea of Speaker Prinee have not always enter- tatned the view they now bo heartily com­mand. The lam * may be «ald of a num- bor of neWBpapore th a t have praised the stand token by Professor Prince In hla epeeoh accepting the position of presid­ing .hfflear of the -Aawmbly. The Speaker, It srHI'be rememheradl, qpcetloned whether he and hi® fellow lawmakers "are carry­ing our full ih a ra of responsibility If, In tha oaeo of evqry Important propoattlon. we shift the reaponelbimT from our own ahouldor* to thoa* tot *®tt* mission vested with authority and paid fbr by the ta ipayere.’' ' H e al«o pul forward the suggestion as to "whether we ehould not more often exerclee our own leglels- tlve functions delegated to us

ra ther than to seek shelter .f/ora

LOIT AND f o u n d .L o o t-In tha To**mlte National Park,

about 3,700 feet above sea level, th* beau­tiful, emerald Hetehy-Hetchy Valley. The valley le about three and * half miles long and of width varying from one- guarler to three-quarters of a mils. Next to the Tosemlt* Valley, of which It Is an almost perfect duplication. It le, per- lutp*. tha moat beautiful trac t ot land In the people'* pottaatlon.

The valley can b« racognlied •aally by It* rugged gronlt* Bralt* crowned with dom** toirer*, iplr** end battlement* th a t **1*1 to ri*A *tano*l perpeodlcular, upon oU aid** two thousand feet or mo** Into th t olr. W hen lost heard from the Beoratorr of th* Interior wa* pre**nting it to th* d ty of Bon Franolaco a* a reier- votr lit* to r a water supply.

In lOffi Ban Francisco attem pted to ob­tain thla valley from Becrelory Hitchcock, but the efforl waa unsucceaitul. In order that the grant made by Seorotary Gar­field may not be revocable a t the pleas­ure o t any future Secretary of the In­terior. a bill haa been Introduced Into Congress by which th* city hope* to secure the poeeeaaion of tht* valley for­ever.

Foiind-B y the city o t San FTancleco.In nature's wonderland, a rew rvolr of pure water. The water can he protected from contamination by closing the cerap grounds on tho watershed and excluding tourists from not leas than half of the national pork.

The city of Ban Francisco uses 36.000,(100 galloon of water a day. Its pr*seol sye- tem can be developed to furnish 100,000,000 gallons a day. There are fourtaen other sources from which Ban Franclaco can obtain a water supply. Becretary Gar* field does net contend that thla ts "the beat and moat available supply (or the city," as he hud It In the first copy of hla decision. In revletng If, he struck out the worde '"the beet and most," Inserting In pen writing other words to make It road "a desirable and available supply.

The water righti in thla valley are esti­mated by the city's representatives at over 310,000,000, for Which no rental or compcnaatloD la asked. The g ran t aban­dons the enormous and Immensely valu­able w ater.pow er that. If developed and properly utilised, would pay for the m ain­tenance of the park In perpetuity, build all needed roads and erect alt atructurea required for use and beauty. I t leavek the future occupancy of the park Indefi­nite, making iio provision for slghlseera, fisheimea or campers. I t contains no pro- vlilon requiring the city to build a road around the margin of the propoeed reser­voir, which otherwUe will cut off and moke 'ino thoroughfare'' all the many road* leading to, through and from this beautiful valley.

There la a wholesome sentimentalism that reacts against this gift of a beauti­ful tract of the nation's park lo a single city. The nation contributed over HO.OilO,- (lOO to San Francisco In the hour of her adversity, Inspired by a eentlm ent Did It pauperise Ban Franclaco ao that tbe city Is willing to grab from the nation whalaver It can get w ithout respecting the rights of those who were so very generous?

How can the real a r tis t adm it that the Btage la degenAatlng when Professor Johnson, the Afrioan genlue. Is acting tn London and our own and only Jeffries la portraying life and character before the footlights here.

BRU. pbffn r, B«oD pOErniT.‘■ John ,'^ar.""Ta*, lbv*T'" I w u ( to M r *om*thlBB T try import­

an t to yoB tittd t d o n 't s n s i t i t to nuk * you unhappy. Win you pirosviM not to b*cro**F*

"Bura r i l proralso. I t I* ano ol my finest itolM, M you SO ofton ramotfc, that I never let onythlnB ruffio my tem ­per, W h at'i on yoBf tn ln d t"

"I've been th inking about yonr ttrrlM * colds and blllou* apallt, John. Do you reollis that you have been batrlng th*m regularly for nearly (o u r y u n T '

"I bellev* I hove notloed somsthlng, of the sort.''

"Aren’t you ever going to do onythlbg to stop them t"

"1 suppose BO, when wo got rich. I t will give us lom ethtng to ocoupy our old age. We'll roam around tn all the hot iprlnga, and live In tho haughtiest hotel* with the re*t of th e w ealth and fashion of this dyepeptte nation, and you'll not hav* ta cook any mar*. I t wo should grow old without an excuse lo go traveling, you would have lo spend the evening of your life over your kitchen range, so you ought to be glad we've got the eicui*.

I'm not going to watt tw enty or thirty year*. John. 1 Intend to stop oooklng right now,”

"Going to strlkA eh 7 Very wnll; tO' morrow, Inetead of going to work. I'll go bobBlsdalhg,''

"Be aerious, John. Mr*. Hunnh over to-day and told me more *bout health, and hygiene th«n I ever dre«m*d.Do yoo w ent to h ea r th e plain tru th about yotirteU, d e e r f

"I simply dote on tho tru th , you know, "Then John, you ea t too much. We eH

eat too much, We eat enough, you and I and the children, to support three or four famine*. The reason you hav* cold* e ll th* time, Mra. R unn lt *ay», I* thet you keep your system working overtime handling the guperfluoua food you e*|^ She say* you tak e tn Impurltle* faster then your liver can secrete bil*. or *ome- thlng like that. I don’t exactly uadeD stand about It, bu t anyw ay, you pot too much.

''Humph!""You may th ink ih* fioeen't know, hut

she does. Twelve year* ago, ahe sayA Mr. Runnlt wo* Just ouoh a men a* you.He ate three trem endooa meale a day, and between meala he would always be munching cracker* or nJeln* or some­thing, and he never wont to bed without robbing the Icebox, H e had Juat auch siege* *a you have every winter, and nothing the doctor* gave him did him eny good. Then Mra. Runnlt etudled th* thing herself. W hen she found out what was wrong ahe cured him In hall a year by cutting him down to two light meals a day and putting him on hi* honor not to eat dow ntow n/’

"He ehowa It, too. H e oould pot* a* an earthquake sufferer, and the fraud would never be discovered. W hen are you going to heglti to e tarve moT"

"Now, John, don 't be unkind. Too know It’s your beat In terest Tnt thinking of. You know I -would spend the whole day In the kitchen to please you. I do now, In fact; 1 toll and einvo over th* hot atove from morning till night, stewing and baking and fry ing for you, and the more 1 cook to r you tho w orse you feel, and I reap my rew ord In scowling words and gruff looks."

"My dear, I couldn 't look gruff if I tried." _

"Couldn't you? I wlah you oould have seen youraelf th e day after that chicken dinner a t C rysta l L ake las t week with that eating club you belong to. Mra. ' Runnlt says her husband used to bekmg to a club like th a t, too. but he wouldn’t think of going now. T hey 're coming over to-night to talk to you about your food. You’ll he polite to them, won’t you. dear, for my aake? You know th a t If ahe think* It her du ty to help us solve our problems ahe la going to perform that duty, no m atter how rude you are toward her; ao you m ight Juat as well moke It easy for all o l ua by treating her de­cently."

'T l! behave on one condltloa Jane." "Name It.”"That you m ake one of your eholoeet

Welsh rabbits for poor Runnlt before he goes hom a"


tmBM TQN, JM . » - « * Seeeed «*g«- BtDt, NAtionAl 0 u o i« t t Me* J«r**y, reviewed laa t x lilit h r 0* i** iw f I 'o r t T*e Ooveraov preeeotid a *uinl»«r ot msMtunBiistiip medal* and trophie* to tb s sNnnef* *( dUferant oompAUtloa* during tlM year. IR * r*vl*w wa* b*ld U tb* o r s t u r !»r*. PweMUog tk* »*vl*w Oov- ernor F o rt end a iiw nh*r *( o U w men p rou tnen t in S * * J*n«F oBolra wet* *o- tertsteed a t dinner a t 0>* W fndior by ColODtl Dennl* F . Coffin*.

The arm ory w** • orowded with epec- to te n . fully ».<(» b«l»f pre*«“ *- The alDtlr oiixed with a regimen tiJ drill and drea* parade.

Th* *»rvle* medal* and tropWo* pre­sented to th# vrtantra la»t evening by the Oovernor are ■* foUbW*!

F orty geoTA Lleuttnenl-Coloiiel George Ia Form an, Trenton Battalion, and Quar- termomeivBeixeant Jam es M*any, Com­pany B, Trenton; twenty-Mx yeWA Beoona L ieutenant Caleb T. Houston, Company

T renton; twenty years. Sergeant Kenny, Company B, T renton; fifteen jM on. Captain William E- Padrlok; Quar­term aster and Becond Lieutenant Fred­erick V. Drake, Company B, Trenton.

Coillns’a medal for marksmanship, 13W, won by P rivate E sra Q. Bloodgood, Com­pany C. Elisabeth.

N ational RIfla Association medal for markmonehlp, 1309, won by Corporal Ebiton U. Bergen Jr., Company L, Prince­ton.

Columbia trophy, UUI, won by team composed o( Major WUllain B. Martin, Second Battalion, captain; Captain John W. Btevans, Company B, Trenton: Lieu­tenan t Charles F. Bylvtrter, Company L, Frinoston; Q uarttnunater-Bergeant Mar­cus e . F a rr and Corponti Elston H. Bergen J r ,

Hook e o s r t tm fe r . tron by BsrgeontFrederiqk T. H a n w , OblRpany H.

Bolter madol t n ii|arttman*hlp. iK*. woo b r VNIvat* wnUam Kbrvt, Company U

John R o g tn WllllMBaCnp, IMB, won by Company H team. Tba member* t t tba team ; Sergeant O e o w FL MlUt, BergeontFrederick L. Condlot, Bergeant Frederlok T. Homer, Corporal W alter Smith and P rivate H arry Van Dyke.

R egim enta l Irophy (or moriuraanahtp, 1903, won by Company L, Captain Elaton H. Bergen. commaiuUng.

Regimental trophy for higbeat peroent- age of duty, 1309, won by Company B, Captain John W. BtevenA oommandlng.

^ c le ty of th e Bona of tbe Revolution Irophy for the highest figure of m erit to th* State for rill* practiSA won by Com- pauy L, Captain Bergen.

JBXBBT CITT, Jon, K b-Th* n e a b e r t of th* Young W omen's Christian Assooto- tlOD of t h l q ^ t y hav* decided to Adoptth* plan tueiMsafuUy estabUibed In Clave- laad and BoHm to try to Uva oa Jesh*would, and endeavor to moke It a Btat* movitwent. Th* Msoetotion boa ts com- - modlous, wqll-eppoloted bom* to Mercer street. The awmbeth beeame deeply In­terested to the hew code of living started by Rev. C. E. E aton, o t Cleveland; closely watched Its devalopgient, aqd, oonvInoSd q t Its suoeeaA have detrtinlnad to adopt It,

GIVES SITE FOR A LIBRARY.Bpsotol Dtspstelk lo Ae B T S S m e SSWS.

BtTMMIT, Jon. 10.—Tbe Bummlt Rome Land Company, which. Is composed of the Bonnel family, th is c ity 's pioneer aettlera, has donated a trac t o t lend a t . Maple street end Morris avenue to th is city os a a lts 'fo r a free public Ubrary buHdlng. The property has e frontage of 171 feet on Maple i t r t e t and a d ^ t b of 230 feet on Morris avetiua I t It sMd to b* worth 130,000.

I t la known th a t the truateea of the library have been In communication with Andrew Carnegie qnd th a t he will donate a building which is to cost probably 130,090. The only restriction made by the donors of the property le th a t the library building shall not cost leas than 333,000. The properly Is a portion o t the site

.which the Board ot Education endeavpreii to purchase and on which It wae propoaed to locate a public school building.

CMaavrar* Case DeeUloa.NEW YORK, Jan. Another step In

a long-drawn-out cuatoma controveriy waa taken yesterday when Judge Martin, in the United ^ t e s Circuit Court, bondeil down a deelaton to tbe Mavllaad china- ware case* to favor of HaTlland (b Co. The court held th a t the prioea a t which the firm le Invololng Ite entriee are cor­rect. A apecial board Increased the ap­praisal* sixteen end one-hoK per cent. The differences between th* governmentand the Importers began severM years ago, and were tbe sahject of an exhaustive Investigation by tb s Treasury authorities.

P rtoe tpa l TVHncs* to AreeS Cose.Bpsriol IHtpatek lo (to SYNNING VaWB.

NEWTON. Jan, » .-« p * o la l Officer L. Corklne. acting on h itonnatton reoelved by Under-BberUl A. T. Lyons went to Jersey City, yesterday, and secured H arry Wager, principal wltn«*t against Thomas Joyoe. a tram p who Is In the oounty Jail oborged w ith sta rting th* fire In Andover borough, October 6 lost, whloh destroyed tbe Hill bulUlng, the Button building add tbe Lossy building, Involving a loss of nearly 110,000, Wager, who bad been banging around Andoverfor several days, wae In Joyce 's company........................ ■ ■ frithe night of the fire and disappeared from

the town afterw ard. Joyce e case waa before the grand Jury yeeterday, and tlislr findings will bo received by Supreme

■ k.Jam es Mlnturn next week

H ere Sw tteh T estim ony Ja n n n ry SO.PATERSON, Jan. 30,-The Stale Rail-

load Comrolaalon will hekr fu rther testi­mony op January 39 on the application of local shippers to compel ewltcB con­nections between the Erie and Lacka­wanna railroad* here. ConrtderabI# on- dsnoe w ot taken a t the hearing y e ttn - day, both railroads being represented by oounseL



A KentucTiy court has decldcfl that a huaband may whl*tle or elnff while hla wife Is hauling him over the coals, but iJic prudent husband Is not likely to ex­ercise hlfl rights In ihle direction.

twaik both etrong and exceedingly bene­ficial to the public good. In thattime 1 do not believe iherfl was in the "United ' Stataa a more honesUy admln- lite red . tnuolclpal government rhan In thea© two. 1 am referrhig lu tliewe cofril- tlona alniply to make pUln ilmi Mr. Baird'B infiuenc© in public affaira could not have been baleful In churacler.

Tbe K pW S hae no reason lo doubt the Abeolutu tru th of the ataiementB made in thi* le tter aa to Mr. Halrd'a par- Bonal gharacterlstlcs niid hut builnenB reputation. ETv'en his biltereat opponents have tisver accused him of churtlBltnesa, of lack of charity, of failure tn stand by

IMMTGflATIO^f IW POHCE.Word th a t an enormnuB number of ItaU

lane are likely to emigraift to th© Utiltad S tates thlB year makes totals of Immigra­tion for the preceding flacal year of mor© than casual IntercBt. Ab U appears, the trem endous casualty list In Bouthem Italy on account of the earthquake hne so dlsorganl»eri ngrlaultural and other In,- dufitrie© In that Boctlon that many thou- Sandfl are reported niranglng to come to America. Some e»tlmalBB place tbe prob* able h i^ lra at about 150.00&, Others aro th a i 200,000 or more may coma here* In any event the horrible cataatrophs bldi fair to not only eiercise a tremendous In­fluence on the Internal coonomlea of In­dustrial and agrloultural. Italy, one which may well promise to bo radlcalty disor­ganizing, but to ha%-e great potency hers.

It might not be easy at thte time to Analyze the probable cotiBequetioeB to th e United Statea of iueh a moTemsnt. A

hlB friends. All the evldciice from Ws special Influx of from IBO.OOO to 200,000 Ital-SoUth Jersey home, where he is bestknown, has been to Ll^ effect that in bual-

lans. In addition to what the year was destined to bring here on the renewed Im-

crlllclBTa on c/uclal polnti beneath the wings of HU expensive ooniinIseloTi.!' These remark# were undoubtedly called forth by the recent reporla of the State Excise Coramlsalon and the Dependency and Crime CorpmlBftlon, and the Uitlmatlona B.A lo fhe bills to be rendered by them for their Bervlces.. I t Is not to b* won­dered a t th a t the speaker'seem ed con­vinced th a t a m istake had been made In delegating the authority for these Inveatl- gatlons. and th a t others have declared ihelr egreement with him.

Tet In the past some of those who are now §0 firmly convlnoed that the com- mtBsloD work last year was a blunder were moBt active In urging that form of leglelatlon. When the first effort! wore made to bring about the passage of an equal taxation bill. It wyi be recalled how the '*rflgiil!ra” In the Legtelaturo w ith one oogord InaUted that the lubjeot should be delegated to a commission for oonBldermtIon. « id how they were supported in th a t eUind by the party newspapers of the State. They wqn Out, loOv and thus shifted responsi­bility tom porarily from their shbul- dera* ^ d they were highly commended for their stateBtnanBblp in so doing. They aleO wonted to do the same In the m atter of limited franchlsefl, public uUUtlea and o ther .reform lejj^alntlon ibai wob opposed by the corporations and the “rear'lead- erff,” and they eacaped from a bad di­lemma on the Morris Canal abandonment acheme by referring It to a apeglal oom- mlselon. V

however, a rcmnrkable change of heart is In Avidenoe. In 19C7 Ed­ward C. Btokesj In a apecial message \o the liCglBlature, wae. so convinced of the

' neoezBlty of commissions to safeguard the JntcreetB of the State that he rocommend- ed the paseage of a Ikw that would pro-

Mr. Smoot lo ra th er Inclined to believe that he can enter upon tbe dutlefl of his new lerm without touching Off a general overhauling of Mormontaixh

There doesn't seem to be any law to stop this Rlklns-Abruzzl gossip, but the BublectB will be old enough In a few yeoTB to became Immune.

Worerooma open Saturday evenings

Boles Penrose was re-elected yester­day, but one may find some consolation for It In the thought th a t Root will be there to neutralise him.

gtone. of Mtfliouri, may be sold to off­set Chamberlain, of -Oregon, tn any de­bate on the destrablUty of Statewide Benatorial piirnarlei.

Those Who have heard Fighting Bob's lecture say that U falls to glv* anything like an "adequate Idea of hlg vdcabulary.

The B. P, C. As, It la believed, will heart­ily approve, of Mr. T a ft 's determination to Use automobiles Instead of k o n e a

gTATU BTOHlHGSsExcise bills are belttg Introduced In tne

Legislature with a good deal of llccnbc. h u t there Is enough sentim ent among ;i te ^ la v tn a k e n t» preyent any of the iSbd Wdoimlng laws. And this Is a case wh^fe prohibition will prohibit unleea all slgfi»‘ fall.

i m

I ' r t t

ness m itte ra he ha* ulwiy* been upright . m igration Jtopulse sfte r tb# fiepresalon.| vide for the appointment of such bodiesdue to the panic, may well be considered ae portentous to the aotoeatie wage acale for the more rndlm eitary forma of labor a t least. Competition to demand for work promise* to 6# exhibited In a way which may out down rates ot wages in certain lines. As for the thouaanda of Italians already here and who have been busy a t all aorta of labor (or several years, they, to tbe ordinary oourse, srill be shoved ahead Into some of the lower gnffiee of manufacturing,^ perhyisj TYils,In tu rn , m ay have a sensible fnlluetice on the wage average anB, no doubt, stir trades union* u they have not beau agi­ta ted to a like-way for year*.> Bugiestlona whlob will oa tn n iiy toroe thtm selvea ofod o u t from a neofulUon

and above reproach. The NEWS has ao eepted th is testimony from his neighbors and bustoees associates in the full faith and ban never ye t uttered a word deroga­tory to 'l f r . upon these lloat. Those sfbs, Iffis tb* w riter of the communlca^ tidn qioted,*' fall to fathom the 'teasane tor th* opposition to tbe Boutb Jersey leader's oonttouance In official power, tittle understand the attitude of this newb- ptffitr, g n d fo r tt ia t cause refer to It a t

i i- - lo ju s l mAUgotog."g t o HJEWB vrould now make It so plain

lh a t kS can understand that |t haa no oomtitotat to make against Da'rid Baird

' ' B is jn iiin n s i way o r socially.. I t does not 'Miufi'in i tmcaim* h* Is Abtjv* to polities

’ # h a i

T hat "regular" order to go way back and sit down has so far tailed to bind the “new Idea" men c t Trenton.

ORGANIZE T H E KICKS.Blnee tho Public Service Corporation

has eetabllehed a publicity bureau to charge of an expert newspaper man, why shouldn't the rest of the community or- ganiso an O utraged Patrons' Publicity Bureau, along the lines of the People’s Lobby, to m eet th is daring move of the corporation 7 Th* buBlnee* of the Out­raged P atrons' B ureau would bo to focus the complaints and the Indignation ot the riding public so as to gel the groateet poBBible results to Improved service from a given am ount of popular ■wrath. KIcke against the tro lley Interests are now scattered all oYer N orth Jersey. I t they oould be rounded up and timed to be de­livered to bunches, they might accom­pli,h a great deal more good than they do now. Boards o t W orks anA other de­partm ents of lotfal governments ought to attend lo thla, but where they are owned by the corporation Itself, or by the po­litical m achines which the corporation owns, they fall In their duty to the people, of course. T here a re plenty of good men In these parts who would like the Job of editing and expurgating the anti-trolley letters th a t ore now too strong to print In the newspapers. They would save to the cause of th e public much ehkrgy th a t Is now lost to the wastebasket. A maga. 8lne m ight bo started , devoted to the In- tereets of th e trolley patrona Their itor. les of trolley hardship and adventure would make th rilling teadlng. Poems might be accepted, also, shout spitting In th e oars, w alking ufi'A * hill, etc. That much can be gained by going after the street car com pany tn an organised and otherwise up-to-date manner le as plain as day.

It-w ill take a franxled financier to pro re th a t l^ 'veriior F ort's figures in bis special meUdge He.

H arvard having chosen a new preeldsnt at lo s t, ' th e asttronomers on Mart ar* able to report th a t tho E arth has started going again.

It. I s . to be supposed th a t the views uf former Governor Btokee on the latest message of the present Chief Executive a ra unlit tor.publtcatioA

Rev, Dr. -Wight can now read his title clear to another term In office unless tbe fleimtore baekslld* on the Governor.

,*hd la -4 S«FuMlaaa lender,'' What we Ao "Mtilsat to, and wtwt all ihos* who boDstUy 1 of Qwas puMimtoaiy grohabtiitisa, raaeh

by the chief Justice of the Supreme Court. W hen be made this recammcndatlon the Btate had just passed through a commis­sion Investigation th a t wae not pleasing to the Chief Executive. B is Idea waa that by plaolng th* commission appointment to the hands of.the chief Justlcs, the body to created would he Judicial hi charactgr and could not'be Swayed by partisanship. "Be­fore such a commission," said tb* Gov­ernor. "evertr S tate department -wbald stand upon its own merits. • • * . Roth sides o f a questloa would be heard and fairly considered. * * * Such a com­mission * * * would hare a cqmid«te grasp of S ta te affoira to all of their ram i­fications. I t would then be able to reo- ommenf^' w ^ t boarA*; if any, a b o ^ . fad

k w g i w

ii*Vpers o t E llrabeth who

'th b ebwrvaBee''Ot lawffiajf 'tM Mravlag-i to i - '" - ’'<'"' '

In-view of th e gpread o t Ffietcherism, It w as undoobiedly proper to reappoint Chew on the Btate Board o f Health.

Some t lx weeks ago a business m ao said to ns: "C ou ld I but play to stH sfy m yself 1 tfaink I would give b aU o f what I o w n ." H e now ow ns* LAUTER- HUMANA, and play# w ith feeling and expression all classes o f com positions, an d the cost 'wa* bu t $650.

T h e r t a re literally hundreds of sim ilar instances. Because ordinary p layerpianoi th a t are failed

w ith ‘‘ta lk ing p o in ts" an d backed by purchased tastim onisls do not satisfy people of discrim ination, you m ay have tom e doubt t# to th e efficiency of th e LAUTBR-HDMANA. By all m ean# come h ere and investigate for youraelf th is in strum en t th a t i* Ab- tn an -iU e in rendition .

■We gladly m ail beantifutly illn stra ted catalog, on request.

L A U T E R C O .657.669 BBOAD STREET, NEWARKFactory ■ jS, 99 and 99 LsckawaiiBa Avenue, Ncnsik


Professor Lowell m ay congratnlats him- self on his name. If be bad been born a Mcleterman, a Bptooli or a Phelan be could never have landed th* Job.

Captaip Jam** P a rk e r now has quite a ftom btr o t houm to catch up on bis mliiutss Of tba A teem r

' ’jfoxt.B no*.W*' taw tb s toper* fanni

In Ih* borne SO oloae to onrt;But however tm r hwtots m ight yeani,

W e dared not send our flowers.•'He will not tm dentand ," we said."Our loving thought o f his loved doad"

0 Cttyl Tbus you bU* j Th* pity lo every b * m l

Thasif Flio gra a t'o iir M e / ~ ‘ ----- '— — [ft.You sunder a yVorld apai

A Uttla barrier bou t of r t m e - A ndnqr wetdhbof akinet ,

I . , -B m a rt 8eV '

Ninety miles In *«vent**n hours 1* pretty good traveling for a laait with a ll Congresa on b is |)aok. '

Let tn Ml be gay, 1%* WWB l i fall o t consolation prtxa* to r thok* who icadft win the big r e w a rd ii ' Wwra 1# the tptor- collegiate cheat ohamploaaUp. 'I W ’ Yn- stance.

"Young O raager”—W* dSi-litit kNOW of eny such song a* •‘The PngrlTOF.Chorito from Anheuser." T ry a b a tt a wtBSglaaa ol olive oil beforehand. Hn.

•’Stung'’—Tb* tim e to oaU up tfas baid( ta befor^ you oasb th* strangagh ebaffc, not after. OboeQuiouantaB ia expanotva alwajrs. '

A new ktofl of trolley car hlow* poopla off the track w ith a blaot ^ air. Tha iltr In soma a tra t t ca rs i i pawaMot aMOUgh to do iitdoot anything:

to make money than to save it Many plans for savin^arej^ h a z a r d s l e y

b c i system.A Prndential

■ 1

E ndow m ent ^ c y s i ^ e s

a.(dan that is ^re^ystematic and profitable. Inves^ate' it

I«BB 'Feetaiamter R e t in aIONA, Jan. lO .-W ord from Washington

y ^ te rd a y attarnoon announcee the! Joeeph McArthur Jr. has been appointou postm aster here. J. P. Turner, the to-postm aster here. J. P. Turne . cumbents bom Just faltoa hair to likwus aod will boriUr ml©! the sa lary derived from & fourth-class postofflee.

L- 't -ii.:-

,T>' ‘■a-* -:>i

: .f,>


DoabHoflf of Price of Adinissloit Keeps ttie KttauUnoel)ow&

a t tiiA (iai4eiw


' KSWABK EVEJ flNQ NEWS. WEDNESDAY. JANUABY 20. 1909.p n .w m B u „ M.UBjiJj»"i“ i' i' :i i n iw w , ■ .'w n i,uii w g g : y w p p ^ 9 y q a p i i ^ g e ^

Dr. Pierce's Favorite Itescriptlooi)k* M » dll M WMM. It I f ■ ndBUHf

I « U M i p m Ii

ti ft* Iwt ai an ta t l |* aaM a l dlM uat,______ paadUar M WMaa. It It ib«a l Hi kM daWtai I f ■ ndaUHf dndu-

I th a ty tte m . DO aloobol tad w U ah


AttcadtBM w t» ab ao t d th M Itaa ^pa* t t td ty than on Monday a t Uit ntntli na* tlonal autonMAWt eaUWHan a t Hadlaon 8 a u a » OardM, Wiw Toffc In ooaaaqii.oot at doubllna t t a adialt atoo chai«*. II It m a a natation maraly of cat* taonuy, t h m would b« BO araum ant, thartfo rt. o f ((n tt oharata* *l Inattad of i f ty oaatt on two daya of tbo abOW 4 w y n * r , but t h t door money la m tra ly a drop In tli t bucket agatm t tb i oidara- that a f t btlnc aouatiL Undoubtedly m any ptopla at wealth and rednam aot would prefer to pay leveral tim et the regular price In order to eacape the crowd, WhliA m ltltltee age lost aatlafnctory Inapeclloii and trial, hut there la general aentlment agalnut nave the dollar charge lit force more than one day of the mix.

The growth of the Indiiatry, It It de* dared , ia dependent mainly tin new motor utera, and every barrier put up atflket more or leea ^t the cleat of newoomera who are eutlly tcared away. Certain It ta that the bootlia of the accfieury men were not thronged, a t on Monday, al- tboufb the main door wa* comfortably full tU rou^ciut the afternoon. Yeater- day 'e patrona. In abort, were IntanatOd In the new m odela 'of c a n , hut paid leae attention to the accnaeorlea that enter Into to their cuBipoaltlon o r greatly en­hance the enjoym ent of motoring. The morning attendance, loo, w ai decidedly mnaller, which la hard to underetoad, he- oauae deulera predominate a t those boura and they have free entry.

Milder w eather waa halted with Joy, be­en use all binds of tem perature and eur- face conditions are Wanted during ahow week Monday waa a capital day tor olosed cars, and tw o-thlida of tbe vltltora hovered around the llmoualnes, landaulets, town cava and ooupea. The snow and Ice in the itreeta, however, put an end to alt outside demonstration, iC there was wide­spread satlafactlon wlteti the mercury be­gan to rise yeaterday.

The Ice storm also qnlekene<l the Interest In the commercial trucks, for the nneer- inln fooling for horses, with attendant delay In deliveries, proved n strong argu­ment In favor of power trucks and even light business vehicles.

As showing what a light powered car can do In negotiating snow drifts, the l.Vl-ml!e run of a thlrty-eight-hocsepower machine from Mnsaachusetls to the Qor- lien on Monday was notable. The trip was made In seven hours and n half, lacking three or four minutes. The last Ihlrty-odd mllee were made, too. In dark­ness. which was anqjhef handicap.

The bureau at t o i ^ o f the Automobile Club of America Is doing s lot of mlstion- ary werk at Its booth, located tii the .COM- cert hull, there being gpeolat Intwoet lb the new Loa Angelos trip, which furnlshea the flrat transcoptlneptal run. It will bo posalhle to cover tbe distance ht a ehadt leas than 3,700 m itea but wagers gre forthcoming that t.lMO will be nearer the average. By midsummer It Is expected the whole et retch will be slgnboarded.

Tliere la a special eop on duty to guard the battle-Bcarred prlse-wlnnlng cars In the New York to Parla and the Vanderbilt cup event of last fall, aa If It wna feared curio collectors would corry olt the fn- motis ekblblta by piecemeal. To be sure, ho also acts as sentinel over one or two Important tropblea, but It Is hard to see w hat chance any one would have In run­ning off with a giivet' emp as tug r« a water-psll.

Not many o rdsri have yet been placed, but the results of the first two days nre deeldedly better than a t tbe last show. Indeed, the fosllng of confidence Is so gen­eral thot severat m anufacturers pave a l­ready engaged ^ a c e for next year's a f­fair. Some of the oldOf conaem s, wish to be found In the satne spot every seaset) so that they can be ktrated without ef­fort. As m iblettlng 'Is prohibited and ae certain spaces nre encroached, upon every year by the general eeheme of decorations it Is no easy task to secure Just .the right amount of room along with the location desired, and nothing but the Ironclad rules Imposed have prevented wholesale jookeying for tbe most eligible stands.

It's an all-Newark colony at the patent -and enameled leather stand In tho base­ment of George Stengel, the manufacturer, wlio halls from W nverly Park. The pio- prletor drops In every day, being assisted by hiB Bons H arry and Fred and P. J. Cairn;.

Another similar leather exhibit ta that of F. Hlelly & Son. of Newark, located In the balcony. Their booth la In chdrge of William W. Holden, of Newark, general moTinget' for the drm. He has two asalst- ants from Newark, Charley J, Clark and John Caldwell, ft 1s an odd coincidence th a t there are three John Caldwells work­ing for the concern and that a little lur- ther On la the sam e tier another John Caldwell and a Jerseyite, too, Is handling the enhlblt of Uta Voorheaa Rubber Uan- ufapturlng Company of Jersey City,

ABOthwr all-N ew iirk oomblnatloB !• lb* Standard IiSather W asher Manufkcturlng Ownpany, presided over by the Messrs (iray, whose faotory la a t Boudlnot street and Kaw York avenna. One of their InventiODs Is a vtllcanlnlng ontSt for making perm anent repairs, a rubber bumper, a waterproof Ur* band and a gurri for milng 4* tp b llstera

The B uraet Corapouad Spring, Inc,, Is still another of the Newark displays. At the company'* booth may be found L. C. Burnet, and H arold B u rM , clio Thomas H, Rujtwll, all of Nowark. Th* Bnrneta observe th a t ahont the only thing In com­mon between the old road vehldle and the automobile Is Its MRings, which, kew- ever, have not b o w easily adjusted to the new conditions. To secure enough flexibility with tko nscssyary strength has been the g n b ic tn ,#lilob these iniuig- facturers have m et wllh Inner Ibaf springs as shock absorbers.

The Spicer Universal Joint Manufactur­ing Company Is a F la tn M d oon^hutlon to th* snow. There Oan i f lo c a i^ C. VT. Spies*, ■rMtdent a t 'tlw oonesMij Oeok-g* L. Babcock, treasurer, and 8. A. Burdick,

^ h e re Is more prominent ear aralil> tfc t In the Harden than Dt ;lgner Plcmche, o f tha W alter Automobile Company, wbo make* h tt home In Trenton.


He om err ia d re d b n t on *«eH wmllWw S e H i p - W W w dm^ a tta e l to (He treditU B eee a t Ike m m a nadec *«tk .

' I t ia k |r e ^ d lo b e de*lars enecywhere, and any d ia ler who hasn 't It esB f i t I t. I w a 't Wk* a tutmtitute of aakaow a compoiltiun for this m sdiota* o i IMOWK flOMfoemfW. No aoiiBtorfeit b as food a t the feauine end th* d ra d iiit prho *ay* so m e W g i *Im b "|i>et •* food is Dr. P ie rce 's" is slrisif m li t s i s o o r Is ft jila l f d iM e o yM tor h b oM i selfish henefit. Sooh * rasm b ao t to b* t r s s t id . IM is I l i i t i i l with your m ost prioeleM pots***ioa—your h b s llk - ' gMT k* four lifs itsoU. Sm mat jm trt arial you a ii for.


T h e "RepubHc o f C u b aP A llT V I.

Hoip the World-fam7u% Hil fata Ciiars are T laie in SuUdings that are Q^ite Unlikt A-nmean Factories


V w i


Credit Men Propose Ordioftace Retpring Trackmen to R^>ort

Kemoral cf M e rd a fl^


SpsrWI Osfvsspoadeam of ifte SSV8.HAVANA. J*n. 13.—The fame uf the

city of H avana Is the fame of Us cigars. W herever there lu a cigar smoker, the standard of hU deligbt is the aroma of the H avana weed. W hetsver there Is a qlgarmakar. the greatest praise of bis wares Is the boest th a t It approaches the excellence of Havana Poets have sung the praises of the Havana cigar, sogee have been lifted up on the clouds of its ethereality, grave scientists have ana- Igyed Its properties, kings have acknowl­edged Its spell, pontllts have received lt» Incense. Tbe Hnvena cigar Is unique among luxuries.

It Is almost a misnoraer to refer to the "m anufacture" of Havana cigars. They ore made by human hands, of course, hut ao Intricate and dolloato Is the operation th a t tb s mechanic*! feature Is liia't to sight In the artistic. There Is millilng w hatever In the process of m ak­ing H avana cigars which suggests to tbe American mind the Idea conveyed by the word "factory."

One walk* dowh a residence street in Havana, adm iring tbe beautiful Iron grill work whlob bars the windows and speculating upon th* life stories of the people to whom these prison-like palacet are home. In the midst of these houses there is ems finer than the others, larger and mere beautltuL

"W ho lives hsre?" Is the question. "No one," ta Ml* snswer. "T hat le i cigar factory."

Id another section of tbe <dty one finde an Imposbig group of public buildings, and among tbom one more imposing tltai aS th* others. I t h * olgar factory In a business street there are many hand­some houses, devoted to all sorts of trades and dispiaylitg their colors, b y . m eant of grent signs and ndverttslng placardB. H ere one finds a handsomer building th an the others, with no a n ­nouncement of Its oharaoter other than e modest bras* p late on lbs door. That 1s another cigar factory. .

laalde the Paetarlea,Entering one of these factories Is like

nothing else In sightseeing. There Is the pallo, with its garden of palms and flow­ers, Its sparkling fountain and Its easy chairs. There Is the marble-tiled couit and the luarble Stairway, The sun Is ex- .luded and the nJr Is cool. But all Is heavy Wllb the IndefinaMe aroma which Is exhaled by vuella abajo tobacco, and by nothing else in tbe world.

■Entering the g roat warerooma this odor becoipaa so heavy th a t one Is almost oiverpowered. Th* tobeeco la received Into these warerooms from th* plantations In thH provlhe* of Ptnnr del Rio, where the best tobacco, on earth t* grown, i t has

-caxefully cured and mode Into 'hands,'' each with a certain number of

leaves, and then packed in bales, wrapped In the bonvy, fibrous leaves of the royal palm.

The larger and more perfect leaves are reserved for "wrappers." to go on the outside of the cigar and to give It finish. These leaves are packed ten In o "hand" and are cared for as If they were worth their weight In gold—which Bometlmes 1s literally true of the very finest leaves. The Emaller, coarser and broken leaves are tfie "fillers." and they are packed with quite a s muoh care but with less re ­gard for the Individual leaf.

When the bales are unpacked tile

Alonio Church, counsel of the Essex County H |rk CokiniHslon, was directed y ss tc iito g \sHs|rT Si,;'-to lake an a^psal ftom i h l a t l 4 W It ooBHSlsstal *Pt, pointed'to MDdemn property at Eargoeon street and PassaJ* gyenu* owned by Mr*, Edwin Baibnek, MUMh M «*ught tor the proposed Rlversld* Park. In * report filed yesterday th* eonualsslmi fixed th* trnlue a t tW,HS. The park board had of-

_ ^The question of ssourtiig 'th* curbing

a«d pkMflt p r «M kM i4 F aAavenue came up for dlsousMon and the board decldad to have tntrodneed In the Legislature * bm peraltUiig the munlc- tpalitiee t h r ^ h ivhirh the avknu* ex­tends to make the needed'%npr*v*ment. Lest ye*r the boohl bad WAHnlfev bill Introduced, but ft v m IM M A oIhC i-

. The conunlsaton oonliiftt iWw1'iikiilHiy-nr the avenue, but ha* po autboHty to Im­prove th* tld«walk or gutter*. According to Mr. Church, N«ir*rtL East O rann, Orange u d West Orpng*. through wMea the street.-'IBfib'-lMiyt^flO PPfSf (P-eilrt DT p*T« and H I* H H 'd I ilm ’Ot. tb* ^ n -

' po«ed bm to glv* tbsm tbs neosssarr autborltr.

SEVif^ S U R V n W S OF

( X ) i i n a < x . i T f p p » i_ ..A i suTVlww i b f O g o p tig rB , TWr-

tseo th Regbpent, »«w w ith m sm btl* of their famllM* snd


Ivavo* u l»ui them, and all with a care- tvanaes lhai U sublime. Tnnn the care­less look Itavca Ms face. He takes up th* wrapper end becomes Intent and ae- Houa. Garefnlly und alowly the furvul edse of Iht) flat knife outs away thw waste, cartfully the tip vnd ts andmoMed Into tfJiape. Oart^fulty the olgar <e rolled under the flnt knife until It te round and Bmooth. Finally it la flnished, a perfect cigar, and the maker ree^meA blfi onreleaK nden.

The elger«nfuiking room la a great Mght. A half Diousend men are bent over their table*, making clgrtra. They are weJI-fed and weli-ptild workman, bn; they are a motley tTowd, Thoy are of miged racwi. and their facfs present every shade of polor from the p«Ih blond© of the Basque mountains to the ebony uf the Congo, In tbe centre of the un a high plat­form, Htd the "reader," The reader Is the one great Institution of Havana cigar fftctorlea. Havana hns alxteen dntly new»- papera, fourteen publlpbed In Bpanlsh and two in Liugllgh- The reader guea through each of t! e fourteen Spanish papers every day. Ther llfbrij are magaiines and aovela to be read. The object is to keep the men frem gossiping with each other- Tbe reaull la that the men do more work In a day than If they talked to en-jh other 4ind that they get more mo.ney, a© all cigai makers are paid by pie&Hwork, They are also kept well Irfonaed on the news of the day.

The cigars having been mado, they are taken to th© eelecLor'a table, where great akin ta agiijii raqiilred. These tables ure Invariably placed under a high window on tbe north side of the building. The northern lljkht Ls m.ire even and ls-n(»t jiffeinM by the direct sun. But even this Upbi srmst not fall directly on the table, so the high window fIU sends U ubovt. the hend of the selector. He puts the cfgfirs out before him In scorce of little plies, griided according to color To the eye of the novice a dozen pll©s may be just the same, but the expert knows Ihkt th*y are dlffm^nt In color, and, further­more, he knowii that under some condi­tions that differnnoe would l>« perceptlblfl to the Inyman. Por the honor of th© brand, the cigars muat be packed accord­ing to colors without the slightest varia­tion.

After having been aorled by colom, the cigars go to the packer, who carefully arranges them to go In the boxee. With the finer grndr s each cigar Is handled and 6 zamlm>d separately, Any cigar that l« not entirely up to the standanl Is re­jected by the iKieker. Once placed In the M X , made of the famous Hpanish cedar which la absolutely necessary to perfect the aroma of the flniRhed product, the cigars are pressed In and made to fit. Then they are all taken out once more, and the fancy bands are pasted around them by young girls, who work with In­credible rapidity. The clgurs are returned to the box, th© lid mitled down, and then another box of Havanas Is all ready for shipment.

CIgftn W orth |t4 Baoh.Here Is a special box made to hold 6.000

cigarft. It 1b being filled for a fashion­able dub in London. Here Ip a small car­ton of cigars which would retail In the United States for $4 each. The best cigar- maker In the house cannot make more than five or s^x of them a day. They are daslined to regale the Imperial heart of the Cxar. Ilere Is a oonslgnm«nt of short and Ugly bulldog ctgara for a famous W all street magnate. And in this partlc-

For the protsotlon of business 'men against frauduliMt debtor* step* wero taken a t a m eeting of tb* Nftwarlc Credit lien 's Assoetfttlov In the Booird of Trade rooms last n ight to havo pa«o*d * city ordtoance oompolUng th« rdgUsntloii of die removaJ o f oU hoUMhotd orbulky mercliftatflM by public M ckm en. The suUJOct WM dlscuiuped by Curtlfl R, Bunietl, chstlrm&n of the leglslethr* oom- iiiliU'f. With tbe proposed ordlpaate» b*

I Niilii, Li wilt be possible to IrsjQS a t any I time the *^ereabouts of persona or goodi.! '"I'hiB meusuTt*,’' Mr Hurnetl said, **WIU

cnulile credliorH lo Icurn Jn*t whert peo- pU- fly 10 by night. At pn-sent losses are ^

I sufferi-d frequently by tieople wlw skip |I out wllhoul Idling iiriy ime, especially

their c'tedlloiB, wslterv th«y are moving lo. - I The moving man kruiws, but In most i

- asca no one knows ihi* moving mtin The I pjiiital authorities, of course, know the ! otmnge uC address, but under the laws

(they cannot give unv aiich lnfi.>rinstlOD and we are left/dfi th© dark .’* I

Mr. B um stt said LsuUvUto was th* j only d ty In the country with an ordi-

nthce requiring record* kept of luoh re- , movalia Ifa declgfed t l » DMftfUfe •*JJ* great •a M k o iio o to a ll «one«r»A iiiged Ihlfl bearers to uoe tlieir Inftueneg to have tbe prupoaod ordUAlice p su e d h |tA > Bugkeehons w ere abm made tbet tbe 1 Legislature be asked to enact a law that would neoand o r third p u rc h se m ^ | articles' as liable for the payment for euch , rtrticlM ns rhe first purehsser. At prewHit, ] II wuR «old, a creditor of tea finds nothlui u ft to levy ftgalM t when be gnoe after a d c lln q u ^ t debtor because tbe goods bave heen resold.

Through the Cbaoccry Courts, ajtd after much expense Is ejualled. th<Te^ls now ft poseJblllty of recovering goods, U whs©xplfllnsd, from Ih© second of third pur­chasers, bu! only when a large itmount of monvy whs Involved was the cost and j trouble of such proy e dings wafrahted, | This m atter was referred to the LegftU- j tlv© committee.

Th* •nai'im eiit of a Uw th a t would allow business men, where Judgment la Bcoured on o debt, to ten perctiit- of the salary of flny man rcL-rtvlng tli:! or more n week, w as also favored lo a report mad© by the leglslaUve com- mlttee. '

Oharlca K. Meek, serretrtry of the Na- • lloiifll Credit Men's Association, und j Henry V. yulnby, couns<d for ih© orgnnl- i ifttlon. both of New York, delivered sd- i dresses. F rank M. Oettys, of Louisville, the national preeldant. wms to have been given a reception, but he was unable to . be preaoDt because Of tbe death of a [ relative. Collection agencies whloh de- | manded paym ent from credit men before , they began tha collection of debts were [ cond.simied by Mr. QuUiby as undiluted \ fakes, Mr. Meek advised the merchants lo take advantage of the bankruptcy law' In brtngiog about the examination of the books of the debtor whose l>usln«M . affairs were questionable. He said tha t | figures Just compiled by a mercantUs i agency which will be Issued n«^t flatur- I day ehoWB th a t In this country Iher* i were 14,066 failure during the past year, out of which 1.606 are charged to fraud. The total aosets of tbe failures amounted to Mt859.000, while the tlabllitles were 130, 90,000.PROMOTION FOR EX-NEW ARKER

. ,hoir i uloT farto ry Ihs very chenpeat cigar Hintprecious wrappers are taken from their Hpalm leaf n* it. A br*wny workman take* a "hand" In each of his hands nnd Im- moreea the tobuooo In a tub of water. Ho then stands on a cement floor and ox- erclses alm ost every muscle In hie body to shake the w ater off the tobacco leave*. T hat procees leaves Just the right amount of m oisture cm the outetde of th* leal, permits the leaf to absorb al certain amount, and make* It pliable. Tbe "hands" then go to the selectors, who unfasten, titetn end examln* «aen leaf separately, w ith great care and skill. Th* wrappers are sorted according to six*, tex ture ani^ quaUty. This leaf selection I* a g rea t M t, and adept setsetora com- m and h lA wage*. Not Intreqitontlr one may a*e a nilUionair* n a n u ta ttu re r hlm- Mlf a t w o tk a t th* **{eiitfbt tubd.-

In the inaan tim e varlMii gandes of m litn have been Mended uflder (he direc­tion of a n Mtpert who haa learned Just w hat ccunbtBatlon e* dUtorent kinds of fillers win PFO^UO* a particular flavor. That flavor Nnklt h* hPOUght out, for b]r Its virtue a uertaln htund has become f»- mous, and the very reputation of th a t brand 1* Worth more In dallaia and-eenta than th e whole phyetcal property of the factory, building and all.- ..

A fter being laspaoted and passed upon by * h a lf dezen «xp«tti, tbe tobacco la ready for the hand of the artist who ta to mold It Into a cigar. The cigar- m akers Mt at little tablea, made w ith a hood n o t unlike th a t of a rpll-toR’ desk

th M t the roiuofe top. At pttft hand to 1 ' of nilem, d u m :^ Io0kMy on th*

table. In front la a little stack of the priml«*B wrapper*. There I* * ruler with a m oasure out In Its side, by which th* •U e of the c ig ar to ngulated . A little cup o f paste and a peculiar knife, which look* ilka an a r tis t 's p e le ttt out th hajf and sharpened on one edge, completes th* outfit.

Btelldheg a C(g«r.W ith the hom out a k » e of long

praettoe, bu t o t family prtde and a tru* worfctnan'B devotion to craft, the otgarit m aker se lects (he fltler, twisting .th* s a u ti

them untfl (W f Eorflf jupt p * ranfia eur*at oer*. targ*

la turned out would retail In the United Stales for fifteen cent* eaoh. lirH n v en a such & cigar may coat only seven ceuta or ten centa^

Exactly such methods are in use in the factories of Tampa and K ey Wwt. In the great tru st factory In H avana doa- ens of old brands are being made. The trust wont Into Cuba afte r the war and bought up a great many factories from the Spaniards. They abandoned the fac- torlei, kept the more valuable brDnda^ and began to do buslnesfi on the large, American, trust ecale.

StatletlcB might show how much the H avana cigar business means to the trade of the Island, and all that, but It Isn’t necessary to quote figures to prove the quality of Havana cigars. They are deliciously luxurious and IndoBcribabty superior. H avana Is the smoker's para- dlae,

(Copyright, 1909, by Frederic J . Haakin.)

fliR m R E g -i-U WPn**eg B WU*, Goad PviMtd.


.guBst*, *tt«Bdid th* UDiBl H-tmkni of th* ostqpMY « t fill' OoB-tlM BUj HotM liMI flftS t. O tM b W M » |^ vpBp* {aft 1« thtrtjNI**. Aftw -dl»B*r h*d hatoi s w i f t ftapto* « i w m J t t o (tfiriw w ar^dar* >M«lt a i S m tb k h i i S S ^

lEii dlBtafl-Mafb « w deeoiutMt with Aatorlois. flat* m S tnuftint of th* m.- ilMftt oelon, Then** GO**, p m UmN of Eoototp B, th* guolii *n*Ba*ttoi> at th*:M o ib * n t f t * -

fPMMM tB*j%'-t|jllp f lilglt .* frtead In 'h e r motnmsth'lnw,

jokei notbwltlycapdlu, She writes:"It to two irfno* tot *«■*■ f s la t

Postum In our honee. I w«* gnentiy troubled with my storoinh, oomplexlon wen hlotehy and yellaw, After meals I often slitfend sharp pnina and would hnvn to lie down. My mother often told me It to**'the <!••* 1 drank meals. s S l (Hiin q 4 t eo>f«« f ' l * ^i- - ^ - ^ W d a e f a t . ■ -■ ,

"VYhIle vtottlng my motherrdn-law I re­marked th a t she *lwaTe made such good ooSse *n<i asked her to tell me how. She t ^ h e d *ad to}.d me It ws* e«»y to t^rnilSai. 'fSnto toktoi You IMtu"-

t o w itottum a* aoon as 1 got tHDD*, and BOW we have thd same Soad’S iiiiW CrttotoMi) «v**y day, and I K iS i DO mop* twnftl*. Ifidlgaatton to a thing of th* past, raj complexion b*a M aatae top twstiW*llY iniiy frandmothak snflctwd a great deal wfth her atornach. B«r doctor told her to )M«f * « ^ Uto* m i l (**. hutthat to to rJW ■* had. iv-ti

«n«Hy WA* toduoed to toy Poetum. Wfitob «)W]U*M<(kdpr over A7**r. Bhe travatod during U u w later «wMr the i iB i t i r p a r t of Ibw v- v te tttu , •om etktni

(to* h«*D ■imt to (to h» raarii. M vpay*" - the otokd ,B»c.-Hreieirt tosod heafth to to a tu m .” ■ ' '

to tdW*. n S m o n . "Bvar Mgtf tkfl gkotof ifttoff AEfiv

g p y e e is f c w tl s w tH l* . H h t

Knie(eilufitoiiiin“ v f £ i r / J T i

mm sniFmORGIESnU



W. A. Slman^Qn, who tw(>nty years ggo left the employ of the clfl fiacoiid Nft- ilQt;aI Bank, thin City, to become loan clerk In the N ational City Bank, Man­hattan, waa yeatorday ©Ircted |>f©ald©tit of the Second National Bank of New liXirk. The E^cond National te a branch of the City Bank, and for ten yeara Mr. Stmoneon haa held the vice-pr« a Id© nay of tlir hraneb Inatltutlon, H a waa elected to the prflrtldency yaaUrday upon the resig- | niitlon of form er Freetdent Jamee A. | StlUman.

Mr. SUnODBon waa bom lo thta City In166& and received hla education In tbe old | Third W ard Bchod aod tb« local High j School. Ht» first train ing In the banking i bueineaf! was received In the Becood Na­tional Bank of thla city, which waa ■ merged seven years ago into the Union \ National Bank, Mr. Simonson will oon- tinue as \ice-preald©nt of the City B&nk, Of recent yeora Mr. Simonson baa reaMed In New York. _____



DAILV MATINEES. I3c„ Z5c., SOfr'FHOHEfl 1**0 AMD M*.



NKIIITS. 19c.. U c ,, is e ., fOc.. ?9c 1,000 RwervMl Sflgtfi *t 28c.

G R A I B e O l C E I TAND rAl7DBTlt.l.E

S u n d a y C v e " !* « l a n . t 4Bentfll TabwculciU Relttl Woik.

Win. R m l r w & C o.AND AN ALL-*TAR MILL.


““ S " ‘'‘a a B P M i6 i' S m

uMiBSUiiiMaiiieNrsiiiiaiiSceu now on wal* n t Lnuter’s, tot Broad

S i, Mr., nc., pl.M, |t.H , tt.DD,

KRUESBI ADQiniRlimtavft^ ifttfMH, 4m. St, It itsi



_ M e opens a tMl.

■ai<h*A .ear Hi*.*M «M *.


R . Q . K N O W L C SM A B E L . M o K l l l t E Yw „ ’' ' s r i f % a r r i «Ba#aa A WesicwH. HaOert O*

M O N s f i R W N R F I tU xhf |yiili% A rmfi M

— y o u T S t —

tERwuliMsnni' BE. O . » ta x o w t« M

A*d ■ OHmr M v A*tp

im h h w w m m Sm Sh'ODuary H. Hal! orders accom.

o r money ^ e r now r*- . , BtmimtJ'. Th Broad St, ’

Fricce. tlflr. t l l ^ H.lt. tiw . Boxes tosM- ta f te n > * M .«

tottsim PUMO (JBED.


TM f i t t f O h w In t B W uliltHOMnWNO 1* DODIMM'-

Utf't Ml ^ iitliihilw. .ewE. Beak wto'WiBSiUtoi4ee.il*, .i:-■

1*Me*Resem4<Wl»i)tat. «Hbi



VIA W IR E L E SSHA'nmsM*'W*A A M .Nrxt«e*k-CUUAN*BiNrl. ■■ ----- --------d*a>

We*k-CUUAN ABA m iM K )mlth.

HfXRTHKLa " axel Talks

m mf a i a M l

.........................ItoeiMUtoiwVjiiritI Newarit i to w y s ikgi tosStosidet

ofllet rate*; also fn* all artripapers aad >• 4l>LN,S*W KrtM fort A»**AnK5Sv*d to r > . V. appto*; i s th e i VmAiatsigednknel. ,.v,- a

[ iB E r s T H E i r r n t« tc . t% :T fU e w a S K

W toe« W o m a n a n d S ong 1' ; X : UriRU*t CM.

Nexfi lr*Sk-Uraa**arto, by the AothorM. iOr.wto*!'. lu i to a a' ----- --------------------

\i , A l d m a n n 5

CneksfirfiKiilslI'tJ. * A.

U a 4 M ta ta n « « 4 'C to tf t 0«niM i.CHfcsta r ta . a t tiader^pH s**.

aB»8BB a«qith,OraMBe AvtoK ' YetopkaaaHM YMabUsimiltM

P A T R E I L L Y|||ifc-.B[to»tos*-AUa*il«s.B t A - T 0 4 H O m

w s n ,

nalD UmMi nr.,11*.

'E P * '

I-.' '•

6 8 1 M I8 7 f i r o M S t 2 1 W . a

A Most E xtraordinary Sale W inter CoatsI t is OUT intention to clear out every cloth winter

ooEt in the next few days. Prices have been cut so tow they ttmosB leem ridiculous—in most of them we hardly ask more than tbe cost of makinj;. They are cheap enough to buy if only to be used as a storm coet or to wear to business.

A ‘4 I C A m ixture and short covert coats,A l l e v ” were sold a t |H5.00, now 1.50.

A A ^ P A Long coat* of black kersev and diag- A l v * v U onal trimm ed with braids and velvet; some lined throughout with satin , others fancy mix­ture long coats; they were marked $7.98, now 3.50.

4 A Z P A Choice of any of our higher price gar- U * O U meats which were marked from $ 1 0 .0 0

to $15.00. They are of black kersey, broadcloth and thibet; all are lined throughout with heavy satins; some are trimmed with .soutnehe braids and satin, others in plniu effects, now m arked 6 .50.

Tailored 5uits Spscially Priced a t 6.75,8.75, 11.75, 12,50.

Oae Day Sale of B lankets & ComfortablesF o r T h u r s d a y O n l y .

1.95 ComfortableB I.,SO Each.Larg* doable b«d m» , licav-y weight C on-

(o ru U ci, both tide* covered will; fijfurtd lilko- lin*, extra filling of white cotton, fancy * P A stitched, regulxf aelllng price | l , 9 i e*. I ^ 1 1 S«le (or Th«r»iiiy at, each.......................... * w

3.9R Sateen Comfortables 2.79 Each.Covering of the very finelt Frciicli sateen in

brnutiliil Fenian and floral pttterni; large donhie lir<1 «li^ puro Willie nnt'«‘ptk cutlun H|jlu«: luBty atflehed, twit tnenty-IlT* In tlie lot, a»t n one worth less thnn |9.(* rsrh r siti Wlilli: thry luat lor ThuroJay at, eicli........... 2.79

2,95 12-4 Blaokets IA9 Pair.You c a n 't tell them from the fineat a ll wool

Ithid {Dote itte ), 60 in. wide. 65 in . long, w eight s k )b*,| white, with p tnkor bine ho rdert, * ^ t \ sAk bind ing , good value at 62.98 pair; I n U g rea t bargain lor Thursday only a t, pair

T -

1.75 12-4 Blattkets 1.25 Pair.W hite or gray, ex tra large size 12 4 wool

finish hU nketa, heavy weight and w arm , neat pink or b lue border*, regular selling a pr{ce jl.7S pair. Sale for Thursday I only at, pa ir.....................................................

Lace W aistsAaaorted lo t of fine Net Wnlsts in all while o r bu tter color, e laborately trim m ed with Val,. cluny and baby Irish lace in ie r tlo n , in prett.v yoke effects, jap, silk lined, all sizes in th e lot of our regu lar J i snd |4 waists, special price............

Good W arm Underwear a t Sale Prices.cotton, nicely fleeced, full fashion » a-k

m ade draw er* to match, regular price 50c., sale price, while they la s t.................................................................... ...................................^ ^

1,00 men'* anion sails at 2 .t0 . Thev *re

Men’s UnderwearSfJ!f\ '’’"*'’-“”''-"'‘mftde draw ers to m atch, refu lai they l a i t ........ .....................-..............

Mcfl S Union Suits 01 th ree -q a srle r fine ■(w orsted wool yarn , {all fashion m ade, In re g a ls rs iz e s s s d ^ I II s to u t* .......................................................................................................... ^ ^

let’s IJmoii Siiifs-K.'5.‘’ r".lS."JS 2 4590 fine •worsted yarn , lull fashion m ade and finished............... M a a a V

I f a i a ’c A broken lot of m en’s camel ha ir O B*B w H 3 v H U v I n C d l undersh irts and draw ers, regular price fl.OO, while thev last......................................................................

B a v c ’ l l a t r l o r n / f l a r ^ M * '! ' oi heavy cotton, jersey ribbed, fleece O v jr S U l l u v l W v i l l lined, in either undershjrts or d n efk, reg u la r price from 25c. I to-tnorrow at one p rk e , whil

Boys’ and Girls’ Union

lined, in either undershjrts or draw - fl — efk ,'reg u la r price from 25c. lo J5c., according to sizes, all size.s I to-tnorrow at one price, while they la s t..............................................

a a v ^ .^ laiaxs w s a a « w u . u u com otn Egyptianyarn , aicely fleeced and full fashion m ade, regu lar price 5tlc. and 59c., sa le price, while they las t......................................................

Women’s Underwear- ''**‘*'m ade of a fin* aofl finished F rench baud pan ts to match, re

W A f l t a n 'c " *mall lot of w om en's pants; they arefM lQ IC U 3 r a l l l S niade of fine w orsted three-quartar ^ Q wool yarn, Hngliah ribbed style, th e reg u la r dollar grade, sale price,, while th ey lA*t........ ............................... *............ ....... .

sleeves, fine E nglish ribbed, m m ade of a fin* aofl finished combed Kgyptian cotton yarn,F rench baud pan ts to match, regular price 50c., sale p rice........




[C n a rlb o ro u d b to JS len b d rn jU.WAY* DMW ATLAW TIC C IT Y , W. J . capacity i.too

tW* Nbm*.York, LobSwi



whic* would be cm* of Ihslr notable aurjcncms it In Ne»or Paris, bo* al4*d msttrlatly In rreetltiv Ailennr c u y . RrV«( (Did-

Otar aonsoe. Tbe mild ollBMte. sottiHem exposure and i,r«"inx dry boo nlr enm- blne with the o*eii plasa snd hssU* snisrtuiui overVioliin* the oM»n to Insure i!io comfort sna eojoyment at ttw (nssta

IT H E P « a C O t J I M I T I 5 T V I* J « IO , alwsy* a fesiui*, ai*n» » b* mere then tvor ep.pre'.i»i-<i- Onlr eolo »nn n of note

T M K W H I T B C f l t l S H 'V ' l C M StCumprun pIrtis) Lawed iSclUBlvaly to ftO tear flOUni-ronsa iboih

M0it mtlftfactetT'*X B B aOT A U D € O L D S E A V V A T E li B A T H E

laAKKWQOUs N. al.

O A K C O U K T .:iisiiudrmeni. eeleci tuuiUy hniei; b«.t eervloe

; Ibrmicliout. B, E. SPANUENBERO. Nff.

DAVrONA. b'l.A.

to all P r i^ b e ia r o e i i s (<< whir* there ere over W ), besMe. brine 1 ^ 1 .wiiKhtlul f [ TH E PRIN D E G f ( lR G : ,tiftv* e m t ib o ra ^ w lp tomln*i The w ater le biumiw-d r-ii'. M . . . . ’

lit Mttm ftOd ftPMt>6 » fttl 1^ «MnL 't -yaluf. Ths B'uter Ip j.‘umiwd iUrft.'U)' r-ii!

iii othf.-iillt Mttm 1 ^ jpMtftfae fttl it» ««vnU lift rheupafttlo am•«tr« ebarfe for private bftiM January. *

I C O X v X e G R C H i V X R S tT H 9

___ u a sn il -and toi laelsiiwnt sraaflier the amt protssttsand beqefleial.

fUMHW a«v«(|uBlIU B<HLrdwa1k along Oie ocean'i brink nfTnrd K t ^ f am uifl youttir. iick aiKl^eLNiic. in both sndu»a AUomic cirv'«

t n eu(4ftof nem th m _«fWh«r. oM tlftM ffUinin»er» in lIvLvrortd On mfl^Buntijr <1i»rR opEiil cliutre ar« . ------KWClJoiSttU ”Wb" ohatM i?om-_ ___ _____ _ _ _ _ _ ____ afford t

«t)bt ^ botii tlie OMftlL-lAttrn. belnv oe«ftn Air \n tbcmI enjoyahle beiiplliiliftl. Pii>« etreela ojLd ao04 m,df make (cjod moitirl'ig . nd liorifUad'

t e . MM IlM inwt fttl-yeif Ifnlu m AMerka makes xclf a pleasure at all tlmrir. flM irta M en n n Ut tail

Pil>« strsela ojLd ao04 m,df make ffcjod moitirl'ig . nd lioricUadK rl4- tn JkMerka makes |-clf a pleasure at all tlmrir. The

__________ _____ OpMfttlfO.JtTLMnUO «ITV I* flUT fi NOUN* m O M MNW YORK,

JO m iA H W H IT E « S O N S C O M PA N Y


Hllyard A Hoi royd, Props.s a w o i’c.s.

Rams Uanajcsim-m as Hoittl BrUlol. AOtiurt' Park. N. J-

ATUum em nYotf torin (istf Jfiatory , 4 noatil of populfit W l t e w p i i fV i" V w o Tifttow irom^ oil aN<flQ O I W IKHM wWWWfy*

pMN|te Midi Ci$»YB4w«g Snadayw

U U U M M 1 I 0 |]9 E $

nS JF »-*«s«

O A L E N H A L LH O ttoL A m lANATOtolDU.

AtlABlI* « ! • , N. J., Wttli lu (tstoht demlbrt. lie siipertsr (able , I and service oDil EUiatlve uul toslc baths with j

trained altendsnta, fs a t fdetl uliee fbr a long ' or a abort moy-

I f f u TOUira O sM il Uanacar.

CooM' to AtlftOtlo C(tr and etyaf the ef Hm pMMoto. MiMHMl vffF^Ihe ©mplJot a OBd eoQvtfliencef vhich this famout allth4- jroftr Mwrt h«s to ofTor.

T O T E l DENNISik fttoM n dpea ab<] amtotaim an unobetrocLftd ocoMi ammt'SiSjUHOG kovse

DDfcSCTLT ON THfi OCSAIf PHOsVT.Baa vftt«r toitba. Open all Lbe year.

F. p. coom s Sons.

: ItiKNELSeSE. f i iL

j T E A r ^ m p s _ _AS IPBAI, SEA T f tir



s e n s w a. s. "rR iN C E oEOftfiB." TUUIUDAY, JAN. >1, U A. 31..

AND BnfiltY JeoLLOtYliNQ TBURgDA V (iBiiB tTM* Fta* to . N. B.)


KXCBLLtoNT CStSdNE. F t s t s t o — xaBBib-utD (W«. larttwdfisg ■tatoiwin, b rrfk and meaU,

$ 4 0 $ 4 5 ! $ 5 0.A few very ehalee cablna a t ITU. Sulio

da Liuw, ipM*.For rM crvatlac ap p ir at

TK ttMIIMTMNm t. 1 CO.M State Sireet, !f«w Yayk.

A r o u n d’ 1

A dellEbtful three Tork to and vol tmI tbe

at an \a

rio. ; ■ tN wl

nt*To‘f k M W i a t Ovntv and Ppd' JSrKESS. Ito&Miftra

Ptaaia jr m aFinf

X J: - t - VI;--

Genuine Reductions!


KNGUSWOOD. J#n. Sft—Th« friction twM n tba Boord of H n lth nnd to* Borough Council l»d W v lioroui crlt- Iclim of the former body nt la rt night'a ntectlng of tho council. W hat p rodp lu ted tbo orlllclsm wa» the formal notlflcatlon

* from the Health Board that John A. Maneon, of Dover, bad been nppolnled M ilitary Inapector to eucceed Irvington Itlddleton, at a aalary of 11,1)00 a year, an harrcaae of »U0 annually over What had W n paid to Middleton. Middleton haa )e1d the place eight y « ra .

William Conklin, one of the Depioeratle > pembere of council, aeeerted th a t Middle-

ton, who haa been a resident to r th irty I years, ahould have been retained. U r,: Conklin said:* I bsVe alw ays been of the p in io n that,' under the city charter, this council wae 5 the governing body of the oily, but recent

eveilte and actions are beginning to make me believe differently. I aln commencing* to think we are only e eubOrdlnatn body.I On motion of Mr. Currie the m atter wa*' tefarred to the oommittM of the whole i end Bolloltor Weltelee.' A petition w u received rehuaetlng that >' homeopathlo phyelolane be allowed to .T prtotlae a t Shtglewood Hoapitad, In vIeW

of the fact th a t the city donates (4,01H>1 A year to th e Inetltutlon. I t wae alleged < th a t certain taapayera had been refuaed ' the right to enter the hoaplUI and have - u ieir own phyelolane attend them. The 1 petition wae referred to Counollmen ’ OeokUn smd FItoh to confer with the* Uaeplul aeeoclatlon end report a t the '> negt meeting.

iThe eCort to appoint a member of . i ggpnel] to fill the place of Benry C. Wat-

K ada, who died January I. wae Inelleotive. *' Beiaad Vermllye wae nominated, but the ' RepubUoau votee. were all lie could

' r. The two Demooiaae membaia ag^Jnat him.

1 lip M e l JHapefcA «e Me s r a w f v a SMWB.! SuitRlBTOW N, Jan. K.—Upon the ad- ! jMUment of oouTt yeMetday a meeting of

a ti ttm Morris County Bar Aieoolatlon wae ' 1 hiM, with JSltner King dialnnan. The * '^ teilgiieilini of former Vloe-Cbanoellor

i f ''4 K w ry C. Pttnay u preMdent wae ao- l If and Alfred VIU* was eleoM In

' kM place. WTllard W. Cutler end SInwr i “ King were ‘ebocen aa vine-pncldente, C.

f n a n h lln WUeon tecreta ir and Edward 1 K. Hills treasurer.

, . 1 A tboueand volumei of Bnfliah reports, ‘ preeented the aaaociatlon by John O. B . 1 f itn ey , and twenty volumea preeented by

i f ta ta Treasurer Daniel B. Voorheet were a ^ p t e d , and a eommlttee waa v>polnted

- I to a ik the Board of PTseholdera to tu rn 1 the oounty library. In Its entnety> over to

th e aaaocMix*- Da*renoe Da|r, John H,


Expected that Work Witt Be Begtm Shortly Toward loir

proving Property.


the ,east In which eectlon l i a aheet of water known an Fiilr>- Lake. This le fed by eprings nnd can be easily developed Into a useful feature available for boat­ing and ekallng In season. There are also two other emell ponde ted by springe, which have no apparen t outlet, on the property. The land Is In the main free from any ehrub growth and shows evi­dence of fertility. Tho amount of grading will be slight.

The W « t Hudson park site contains tl.Sb acres, wblcb cost |0W.ltn, an average of tl.lW.ill per acre. The purcheie of laud for the park la no t yet completed. Thuae who sold property and the amounts paid follow: Alice Tlchenor, tiaXOCb: Ham­ilton Enterkln, CBO: Charlotte Hiller, n,t60; Jamea O. Undaey, K,TK: John Wntta Kearny. tl9.NO: Edgar M. Baker, MW; Jamea H cK anny, (69; Jim ea W. Harold. ll.OTS.

I and Joahua .0, Salmon are tho The rettuatt for th is ebangegommlBooi

to th e custody of the library was made to r ttie better protection of the hbliuT.

O S B E D CHECK m GOOD FAITHi BllHM lT, Jen . to —Police Justice Htoke

JL geeterday dlamlaead the complalht of ,4 Athlon A. BuoklCy, of th is city, agalnet '* Keuhen O. Llpton, president of the Motor i Car Company, a l ^ of th is city. Buckley ■J oharged Llpton w ith having unlawfully 'I onnverted Into ceeh a ohbok drawn by Mr,

Buckley for a bill of tH which ho had . owed the Bummlt Aulo Company, but

' 1 which he had afterw ard eettled in cash.f h e evidence showed th a t the transac-

; tkm had been In good faith.

The Hudson County Park Commlselon ] Is preparing to begin active work In the development of the W est Hudson Park early this spring. The property which was purchased some time ago by the com- mlstloi^ extends from Bchuyler avenue to Kearny avenue, and from the Harrlion line on the north to the Erie Railroad. The msmbore of the commleilon are; WlllUun J. Davie. preMdent; Palmer Campbell, vice-president: John W. Har- dentiergh, tregaurer, and Eabert Happleye. assistan t treasurer W alter G. Hulrhead is aeoreiory, Prank H , Hall counsel, and Daniel W. Langton londaeape architect.

The W est Hudson lectlon, comprttlng In land a rea more than one-lhird of the entire county and extending from the Haokbhtaek River to the Faesalc River, bes no public playground. The density of the population In Kearny, East New­a rk and Harrison, and the toot th a t lie vocanf lands are lapldly bblng built upon, caused the .cbmmlsekmen to give the m atter of a W est Hudson park Imme­diate attention.

Qt ell the Improvement! contemplated by the .oommleslon, It le said, probably none will be better appreciated or made greater , use of by the residents of sur­rounding territory.^ than th e W est Hudson Park. The property for this recreation place comprlesi nearly fifty acres.

The lend purchased Is almost entirely within the town of H arrison at the inter- tectloD of the three W est Hudson munlc- IpaUUet, Kpamy. E ast Newark and Har- rtfon. I t is bounded, generally speaking, by Bchuyler avenue, Dukee street, Devon street and the E rie Railroad. The dim- cully of the selection of this site was made greater th an It otherwise would have been by the lack of unanimity of opinion among the cttliena of the locality as to the most desirable Mte, and the members of the eommlBslon were forced to make their decision against a strong apirtt of adhersnee to locality which was manifested by many residents.

The site selected Is a ttractive aa to Ita topography, but aside from this It le de- Mrable to r park purpoeea because of Ita aoceasihlllty to localities thickly ' popu­lated by the employes of the several large Industries of the section.

Except along the borders, the park site contains no Improvements nnd such houMS as babe h » n built ere old and of inexpensive construction, Rolling land on the west mergee Into more level ire a s on


So Arttngton IHd Hot H e ^ te to Shoot Neigh-

$1,000 Boll.



Ftill Salary First Honth, Half Pay the Next, Then

Board Will Act.


i i it

As well ask ** Are all doctors auaclcs ?" or “ Arc all law- yers shysters ? ” W e all know mere are ignorant quacks; does that prevent anyone calling in his good, old family physician in c m c of need and trusting him ? There are shysters, but there are also honorable lawyers to whom we confidently trust our lives and fortunes.

There are fake medicines a d v e r tis e ; but they are not fakes because they are advorliMd. A good thing is worth advertising; we all want to know about it. T he more a bad thing IS advertised, the worse for it in the end.

^ Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is no fake; yet It is advertised; it adwrtises itself; and those who nave used it are its best advertisers, and that free of cost.

Lydia E. Pinkham’K V^tablo Compound hasproved its merit by more than diirty years general use. This simple, old-fashioned remedy, maae from roots and herbs, has become the standard medicine for ailments pecu­liar to women, — its fame is world-wide.

Read this plain, honest statement of what the medicine did for one w onun; her own words; if you doubt, write and ask her.

William Allen, of US Chcatnut a tn e t, Arljngtcn, was flned tto and coata by Jua- tk« Karrtaon, of HarrUon, to-day. for •hooting a prlie bulldog, valued a t ll.40t. and owned by Hra. Hoy Menloke, of U1 Cheatnut atreet, Arlington, Jan u ­ary IS. T Iu charge waa oruelty to anl- mala. Mre. Menlcke Uvea with her father, John McWetrlck, who l i the owner of several vacant lota which He between hla home and th a t of Allen. On the day that the anim al w as ehot the dog waa playing In theoe lota, when a dog, owned . by Allen, r ^ to e d In," with the reeult I there wae a Hght. Mr*, lienlcke'a dog ‘ was getting the better of the affray. It Is said, w b w Allen came out of bis house with a revolver and fired two shots a t the bulldog, killing the animal. One shot went in the right breast, the other In the left leg.

The Je raw City branch of the Society for P r e v e n t^ of Cruelty to Anlmale was notified an d Adolph Roede, an officer of the organlm tlon, wee sent to Kearny yes­terday. H e arreeted Allan and took him before Hortlaon, where he pleaded guilty and paid the due and oonta Imposed. Mrs. Menloke Intend* to Institute a civil suit against 'Alien, _

Hellywaod Ctlfk BleeSlemThe Hollywood Club of Harrleon last

night elected the following offlceis for the ensuing year; President, Arthur E. Hafstrom ; Urst vtee-presldenl, William Morrla; eecond vice-president, Arthur W. Rosa; eacretery, Prederlek R. Goldberg; flnanclat oecretary, Amos Field; treas­urer, H arry B Coe...Tbe club will hold an entertainm ent and dance Friday even­ing. February S, a t Bvane'e hall. Kearny. A pinochle tournam ent will begin Tuee- day bight and continue two month*, Frederick R. Goldberg. William MorrI* end William O aseert were appointed a committee to m anage tb* to gn taueh tt

k e a r x y a n d a e l i n o t o nomeera of Ladles’ Auxiliary No. 7, An­

cient Order of Hlbernfnns. Of Kearny, were Installed last night a t Bt. Cecllhi'a Hall by County President Mrs. Jennie Brennnn, of Jersey City. She Wo* assist­ed by all the other county officere. The n«w amcera m r Preftldent* tUlB I ta ry K. Dwyer; vlce-prenldent, Mr*. Araellft Gaddi*; financial aecrat&ry, Mra. B rkifet

I Barry; recording ■*cretarTs MlM Roae M.I Dimn; ireui\}rfr. H lu Beatrlo* J. Mohan;

mlrtrcBB-at-urnifl. MIbh Sarnh Reilly; sen­tinel, Mi** Oanevleve Ijauie. After the Installation - a aoeln] hour was enjoyede during which Mias Katherine Flemmlni;

pre*enle4 w ith a sold emblem o( the order. Bolo* were su iif by the Miaaee Jennie Rodger*, Emma Meekero, flLella Holcomb and Mr*. Josle Pwyer.

The board of trustees Of the Kearny l^nlon Sunday-school will meet for the purpose of reorKanlilng to-morrow niffht al the home or Jam es K. Allen. Davl* avenue. Kearny-

The annual meeting of tho Exempt Firemen’s As«orlatton o f Kearny will held to-night in the Highland Hoee houae. The Invitation of the Newark association to have the K earny firemen fake part In the ceremonies a t the laying of the cor­ner-stone of their new home wlH eleo bo acted upon.

G ^ rg e Gla*tett*r, of Kearny avenue, Kearny, Is confined to his home with a epralned leg, received by falling from n, cnalr wKll«> etanding upon h yesterday. In falling OlasteUer'a leg doubled under him. A physician attended the Injured man.

Chief of Follqe Tolen last night shot a dog o w n ^ by Samuel Wilson, of 35 Tap- pan i t m t , th a t town, which hit Frank Henderson, of W Monmouth street, New­ark. two week* ago- Wilson produced

A resolution wa* adopted by tne Kearny Board of Education last nlghl providing for the payment of teacher* who are kept from school by reason of sickness- A physician's certificate, sent to the sopor- liitendent of Bchoole, stating the inability of ihe teacher to perform her duties be­cause of nines*, win allow the Instructor ta draw full salary for ihe first month and one-half pay the following mouth. At th e expiration of tha t time the case will be brought to the attention of the board for special consideration, should the teacher ^ unable to attend to school duties.

A resolution was also adopted that no Janitor be allowed to leave the school building while the school I* to *e**‘oh.

Trustee Cox called attention to the tact th a t much time was taken up a t meet' ings of the board by the work of tho Finance Committee. He suggested th a t the various committees meet on a night previous tp the board** meeclhg. A mo­tion was adopted th a t all bills be sent to the board before the tenth of the month.

Miss Mabel Wilkinson was named a teacher in place of Miss Gertrude X*. Qan>- merdinger, who resigned.

The Special Instruction Committee re­ported th a t the attendance at night school was IM,

Tho board authorised the purchate ef fifty copies of Llnceln'e Birthday exer­cises for the use of the schools during the celebration of the lOOth anniversary of the blrib of tho m artyred FresldtJit.


PA80AIC. Jan. 20.-T h e w toJlna Oen- w al Bsmuel V. 8. Muxiy, of Paterson, to Mis* M artha Wickham Moore, dauahler of Mrs. Thomas M. Moore, of th is city, took place here a t the North Reformed Church last evening. It was a taaliionable event. A special car attafched to an E .le train conveyed the gueata from Pateioon lo Paseak, and later In the. evening look (hem back. Rev. J. H. W hitehead per­formed the ceremony.

Miss Margaret Moore, of Suaaex, a cousin of the bride, wae maid of honor. Mias M argaret Dench, a niece of General Muszy, waa the flower girl. Henry Musiy, brother of General M oiiy, wna be.L man.

The ushers wore Chauncey M, Moore, brother of the bride; F rank B. Moore, her oouatn. former Senator Robert William-, cousin of the bridegroom; 8. V. 8. Will­iams, of Rochejie Park, also a cousin of the bridegroom; Henry W. Dsach, brothor- in-law of the bridegroom, and Edward H, M u»y. brother of the bridegroom.

General Muxty ha* been among the moat prominent clllteiis of Paterson fur many years. He la a t the head of Mussy B roth­ers' departm ent store, on Main street. He has been p loader In m ilitary circles tor years, and has won many honors In th a t line. The bride la a daughter of the U 'e Thomas Moore, who was one of the best known lovryera of Paasalc Clouaty bar (or many yepre, Bhe t» a alstsp of Aesem- hlyman Edward Thomas Moore.

SALOON-KEETERS' CASES GO OVER FOR ONE WEEKThe examination of saloon owners who

were reported by the Harrison police, charged with breaking the excise law Inst Sunday, which waa set down for to-day before Justice Branegan In the Harrison Police Court, was postponed for one week owing to the Illness of two of the parties reported. They are Joseph Davis, of SOO North Fifth street, and Mrs. Patrick KeiHielly. of 17 Harrison avenue. When the eases were called physicians' certificates were handed to the justice by friends of Mrs. Konnetly and Davis, stating they were too IH to appear In court.

in the ease of Patrick Doherty, Of Harrleon avenue and Flrat street, the other saloon-keeper reported, the court also postponed the hearing for a week.

Justice Branegan, after adjourning the case, sent coplee of the complafht* to Prosecutor Garvan, In Jersey City.

C b M te v , A r k . — n a t f « • t b t a k I h a d m n o e f a r p» t« to « m e d l e l i t M u d w o o l ! R * t n « i | I h e • d T c r t t i m e a u . I t b t a k A o w I f I h a d I w o K ld h lkT « t R lu K L 7 * ih B* P t o k h s a i ' e T e f t t t o U * C o m p o u n d M id M T O d m p o ^ p M m o f ■ n f f a t a f . I h u d t u f f e r e d f r o m f e m jd o t r u n U w f u r I w u t o t r j m n , u a d w h u n C h u i i f e o f L i f e e w e 1 f r u w w u r t u . 1 f u l • « a e r r o i u I c o u l d n o t d e e p n lK h ta a n d c u n l d t a r d l p f u l • F u n d — X n i f tU r a d n c u n lu u .

“ Lrdln S. F tB U m n'i Vucntuhle O w fo u ad m u recom­mended Mbdtt me te alKoh the t I oosttnned Ita nge.and1 »m ee taeU the* 1 fed like * different penen. Mp edrtce to ell gafletiim.ipomeh U te tty Lpdln B. rlnkhnm 'e Vegeuble CempeimdA—Mm. SUn Weed.

T he n u k e n ef L ydb E, Pinkham'i Ve|;etkble Com­pound h tve ^eum nds el such letters — thev td l the truth, else they could not hhve been ebtelned for love or money.

,, This medicine is ne plausible i t r u fe r< ~ it h u stood the i test of years.

No Ch«ag« !■ Gs O* P. OII««r*sELIZA BETiC, J«n. 20.—No Chung* ha*

been mafic In the olficsTa of the Union County Republican executive committee. The following old officers have been rti- electeu! Chairman, F rank H. Smith, PlAlnfield; aecretery, Jam es E. Waring, Cranforfi; sergeant-at-arms, Aasletunt Postm aster Jumes Whits. Elisabeth. Mr. White, chairman of the committee to arrange for Ihf* trip of Ifnlon Couiuy Republican* to ihe Inauguration of Prea- Ident Taft, reported all preparatfotia as h av in i been completsd,

Clisrie* J. Prtgge a Sqlctde*TRENTON, Jan. ao.—CHarte* J. Prlgge,

of 10 Brown Rtreet* committed aulclOe yesterday at Albany, N. T. He was at the home of friends there. He had been to Europe for several months and wa* on his way home. HI* wife believe* th a t lll-heglth und the failure of various ef­fort* to regain phystcal w'sll-belng caused her husband to grow despondent Hs wa* forty-seven year* old and had been in bUBlnesB here tor a number of year*>

the dog after Henderson had made a com­plaint nefoifore Baoordor Kelly,

pneumonia. 1* able to be about again, WilUam Quiney. of South Fifth *t]

BARBKO* BA8T SEW AfiaJohn O'Rourke, o t Scaring avenue H ar­

d top , Who has been dangerously 111 with■ ■ ---- . - . tstreet,

Hardaon, ‘wtio rrte tu red hla r ig h t ' l*> aeveni] weeks ago, while playing fo e tla ir and who is a t a t Michael's HospUnl. la reporter! lo be Improving He expeeti tO be able to leave the hospliel In a short time'- . . ,

The com m lstlonert of adjustment ap­pointed on the Middlesex street Improve- nMnt, will meet a t 8 o'clock to-morrownight a t th e H arrison Town Hall.

^ (e receipts of the People's Building and Loan AsmcUtlon meeting last night

•lllliteet»M l vn d <

), t.-eeMi<Kl**rM kelyfoL

were m ,584.98. Eighty-eight and a half loans, ag g itaaflhg tLi,700. wrre made at a premium ranging ffom one to five und a hMf per cm t. Blxty-ons and a half new shares were subscrlM d for.

The Junior Holy Name Society of lb* Church of the Hnly Cross is arranging for an ent*rialnis«iit In March.

Thoiwt* Pelacy, twenty-four yeare old, of New Tork, wa* arrested to-day by J^U otoun Dblaat. o f Harrison, charged with disorderly eondoct. He will have on oxamlnatlon to*nlght. . „ . . _

The newly-elaeted officers of Ethic Tern- n to Pythian SM er*, ot Harrison, wlU M Installed to-night a t Record HaU. Grand Chief Bobert* and staff will con­duct the cerewonle*. after which th « « wflLbe a, social hour,

W th* o*j# of Hr*. Bslla Wsiford, of Mi Manor avsnu*. Hsfjrison, ag«in*t Ber­nard MoManua: of asv e lan d avenue. Jus­tice B ranegan paroled the defendeSt to await thfLABtton o t th e p a n d Jury, Mra, V alfo rS ffiW es th a t McManus struck her In the n a g a t a dance In a public ball M*9W a l t a l t a M h -

HYOMEITbeOnlyReBiedytbatRciClKstlie Spot and Kills tbe Catarrh Germs

C atarrh is an InHammatlon of the membrane of the nose, throat or mouth.

This Iniisnimailon is caused by germs which dig Into the membrane and cause a MUjstant Irritation. If not destroyed, ca tto rb germs Increase and multiply.

All modern scientists agree that In or­der to drive catarrii from the system the germ s m ust be killed.

■To get an antiseptic strong enough to kill the germs and not destroy the tissue* o t th* membrane at the earns ,tlme, has been a problem which was never solved until the discovery o t liyoniel (pronounced Higb-o-me), the Aus­tra lian dry air cure.

Hyomei la prepared from eucalyptus. the mo*t powerful, yet heal­ing, antiseptic known to maaklnd. Pour a few drops Into the little hard m bber pockej Inhaler, breatbe I t in over the In- flanMd, ajad term-Tidden m atobrane tour or tire |[ sm *4 day, and In a few

: days the germ s Will dts- am eor.

The M fltmsd condition will go, too, and the snuffling, hawbHig and oflenoiyo bteaUi, and tho rllschstge of Inuous and crusts „ln the nos* wul

Then why ahould, *hy oatarrb tufforor hsMtotp. whan all leading drug- fl*t* have aaich Implicit faith In Hyomei th a t they offer to return your money If after % fa ir tria l Hyomol doeen’l cure catarrh.

A complete Hyomei outlU, including the Inhaler, obota tl.oe. and extra bot- tlee. If a fterw ard needed, cost but Si cents. Hyomei also cures asttima, croup, s o n tbrbat, coughs, colds ar grip.

RARE RHJC AS A G in .HACKEN8ACK, Jan, A fragm ent ot

a tree beneath which Christopher Coliim- bus once stood to watch a battle, has been presented by F, A, Obpr to the Knights of Columbus. The authenticity of the relic Is not questioned, It being secured under circumstances th a t prove Us genu­ineness.

When H r. Ober wa* commissioner for the Columbian Exposition In 1891 and 1892, he wee commissioned not only to present the cau se 'In which he was engaged to the rulers of all the Islands ot the W est Indies, but alto lo ferret out every relic and Item ot Information pertaining to the tim ei ot Columbus. The commissioner made several visits to the W est Indies, while exploring them for the government museum a t W ashington. He lived two weeks amid the ruins o t the first city built by the Spaniards In Santo Domingo, and also camped In the Interior of th* Island.

W hile the gusst of a hospital priest, a t Santo Cerro, Santo Donllngn, he had hta attention called to a great tree. |tben Btandlag bear a memorial chapel built to commemorate the great victory achieved by Cplupibua over the IpdlanA In U9C. I t Is called the “Ntspero de Colon." or.'ITre* of Columbus," and tr a ­dition sta tes th a t h* stood beneath It while tbe battle waged In the vate be­low. 'There Is but one other fragm ent o t th is tree, so to r a* known, except one In posBekSlon of Mr. Ober, In th e United States and th a t was presented to the CleorgetoWn Dnlvemlty.


PLAINFIELD, ffan. 30.—Three hundred local buMneis and professional men ga th ­ered a t the Casino last night, when the Flolnfleld Merchants' Association held Its first annual banquet. Form er Mayor t ^ t l a m L, Saunders aotSd as toastm aster.

The Speakers ware Marcus M. Marks, president ot tlis National R etail Clothiers' Aseoclatlon; Peter P. Daly, of New Bruns- wtok; Rev. Bernard U . Bogan, pasto r of St. M ary's Church: Rsy. .George A. W ar­ner, rector of Holy C ro n Cburnb; S tate Sengtor Ernest R. Ackerman, Diatrict Court Judge William N. Runyon, Mayor Charles J. Fisk, Mayor Somuej Townsend, City Judge Wlttlam N. Runyon and ' Fartner-O rator" Jam es K. Martina.

The banquet eommlttee consisted of Councilman Morris V. Van Arsdole, Her. man Bobwed, Frederick A. Duttenhoefer, Theodore J, Shlriey And Robert H. Ber nard. The newly elected offlesrs of the organisation are these; Prealdeut, A. E. Force; flret vice-president, Hemuin Schuldenfrel; second vtce-prcsld* D utlenhoeftt; . seoretary, H. P , Green­wood; treasu re r,: Jbbn 8. Johitston-'-

MORRIS < ^ l5AKE^ (^ ^ eSpecial mipotiA.to tBe B V E S/ttS J /g in .

MORRISTOWN, Jah , 20.-I» ' the ab­sence of Justice. Charles W. POrlfsr.T**' terday Judge Alfred Elmer'BfUIs ojptosd the Jaqimry tArm at cthirt gad.otutrgM the graiSd Jury. This is Nheflff CiUbonn OITb first g rind Jury, the m sB ilm being as follows

Ernest W. Bchoneberger. toTemog,; Mad­ison; William C.‘ Bates, Itottpveft.Jdseph V. Baker, Dover; Wllltam K' Qaoto<'Mor­ristown; Frederick A. Casterltns, Sutler; Abraham Ryeraon, Pequannock; Ch'aTlei Johnson, Chatham; John 8. D lektison, Rockaway; Robert Klllgore, Dover; Ed­win J. Matthews, Rockaway; John Hoff, man, Mendham; Francis Schaffer, H t Arlington: William Jardlne, Roxhury;Gilbert H. Longer, Netcong; M artin C ar- roll, Randolph: D. F a m n d BturglA Mor­ristown; Stephen S. Mltabell, Boomton: W arren J. Langdon, Chestss;. Idose* H Spencer, Jefferson; W illiam R , Thomp- son, Morris; M atthias T. Wejab. W ash­ington: John Husk, MontvtU*; E. F rank Oliver, Fosealo,

The Jury was told tb a t there was noth­ing of a special character to be brought to Us attention nt present, but Judge Mills said th a t the prosecutor has Just become posseseefl of Information th a t may require a fu r th e r charM to them.

Judge Charles C. Black arrived later and called the causes in the Supreme and Circuit courts, a n tw b e r of licenses bslng granted by Judge Mlllt.

Askury P s r i t V. M. C, A. t* OpsSbSpcdal tospokA to Iks BVMlflSa XBWB.

ABBUBY PARK. Jan . 20.~Tbe rorm al opening ot the new h aad q u artsn at. the Young Men's Christian Asaoctotfoa wtlientertainment Is now imrtatU E arly In the fa ll the AsbrnK House, In Bewail avenns^irasl the aesodattoB, and- d * ’ weeks extenslv* altei made. The aigbclatloii bersbtp. A m ato the ft log will be to T ltli

of NSSl ’ JeL Scott, of N em rk , boys, which sn R 'n Ing picture, anf ' nousewarmlng night next. A , th* ladles Tutadky SU

Tcaehefs ta ' R M l KblPLA JN riBLD , JW . to-

O. R. Woodley, of tha ! will deliver an addrer " flsId-North Plainfield tloti At- the. SesM teOlTsw afterntwk. _'PrUfesslona) Growth,'

N o fogelinR with facts ever occurs In our advertising 1 N o m lutatem tot of values or catch^seimy devices to boost trade! O ur re­ductions are as real a t our clothing Is superlorl A ndCelebatlon W eek brings the best bargains of the seasonl

Men’s SuiU Reduced$12 Suits to 9.75 $15 Suits to 12.50 $15 Suits to 15,00

All Fancy Suits

$20 SulU to 16,00 $22 su its to 15.00 $25 Suits to 20.00

Overcoats Reduced$12 Costs to 9.75 $15 Coats to 11.50 $18 Coats to 12.75

$20 Coats to 15.50 $28 Ctarts to 19,50 $30 Coats to 24,00

Fancy, Oxford sad Black

The bulletin of bargains tempting itenis lor.w ia men;

Manhattan Shirts(Seconds)

85c. a n d 95c.Fancy bosom ahittie all sixes

sod pisin white negligeta 15^ to f/H . $},50 and & tcgularly

Thousands of $4.50 ' Sale of $2 Wash

is s long one; here are a few

$3.50 and $4 Shoes 2 .8 5 '

The best shoe sale in all Newark! Fewer styles, but values ai high asever—highet than you can find eiacwhere.

and $4 Trousers aS $3 Waistcoats at 95c

To hear the Victor is to want one.

We can tell you about the wonderful musical qualities qf the Victor, but mere' words can't do justice to it.

The Victor must be heard to be appreciated. Ten minutes spent in listening to the V^or will convince you quicker than anything can say.

Go and hear the Vicior-—let it tell its own story. Any Vict(g dealer will gladly play it for you.

A Victor for every purse—$io to $300. Easy payments if desired.

Victor TaUdiig Machine Co,, CaundenjN. J.3b tet belt reiultSi Gm only Vktor Needle* on Victor Heconb

Celebration Week

Special SaleId Per Cent Disconnt from Factory Prices on AH

Weeqoahic Cot Glass During Ttiis Week.

S a l e o f A r t P o t t e r y a t H a l f P r i c eEvery article of the .beautiful A rt Pottery which

we have been handling Is being sold th is week at |u s t h a lf p r ic e . Excellent opportunity to 1)uy Vases, Pedestals, Jardinieres and Um brella S u n d s a t less than cost to m anufaetpre. - ‘

Weeqoaliic Cut Glass Works857 BROAD STREET, (South)

On the 0« at M*lta Why.

t o H e H e a M ato l .PATERSON, Jan. t o —WkCe of

in a renndrT le Btrslgbt ebW *Anthonr ExHu sn u bed lj burned to maUen metal, wltlch n la tb a d wie*i him, esiUng Its way throuim W* bbeta t o . m flesh. He was taken to • Iwetotal ta r tN atm eet.



■ i f





SBc. TO I1 .2 T PER YARDfc'


341^ M m i aS B k A M tiA SH| A r a r . Mm 1 « l .


I i n m r i i ^ b v k ^ o v B i m . w s d n e s d a t . j a n c a b t 20. i m

, ChndfWii O y - >U<1» <4.* vct- v«t, CUna «»i poplio aukr, Ibm sfupes; triniinea wtti rtbboa roMttM, tom and flowers; our regular $tJKi (0 ^ 1 JOO $4, for

C h ild re n 's Warm C o a t s —Madeof ladies’ cloth, cheviot, astrakhan and chfn» chilla, also corduroy: in red, brown, navy andgray; sires 2 to 4years; while lot S I . S l l lasts, regular | 2.s6, $3 and $4, for

Sale ofContinuing ttui

Heawy W eight Suits Dresses- W i t h L o w o r P r i c i ^ I h a n E v e r

WCVd rfe-disslfied our stocks of T allortdFancy P rw iS s U w e r ls P reM i sa d Ssy ir i teSkirts and cut th t prices still lower to keep the'sMlAg going at the same speed as we kept up all last week. Bigger bargains than ever, tho the choice is somewhat narrowetl.

‘ the lot includes beautiful gowns in a wide variety ofmaterials—Lingerie^ linen* Lawn* Mull* Qiaminrmy* Lacs»

Nel^ Rnlah, SUk, Velvet* Taffeta* VoUe M emaline, Satin EHichesee* Cr^>e de Chine*

Peau 4 e Cygna* Crepe Meteor.We will npt attempt detailed description. You must

come and pick out the sort of suit or dress jmu can make use of now or later. The values are almost unbelievable, but this is a sale conducted with the sole purpose of clearing out every suit now here before inventory. These prices should turn the stock into cash;

' $ 4 .9 9 for Suits worth up to $ l d . 6 0$8*49 for Suits w orth up to $ 3 9 * 8 0

$ 1 2 .4 9 for Suits w orth up to $49XX> $ 1 7 .9 9 for Suits w orth vqp to $ 6 9 . 0 0 $ 2 1 .9 8 for A il Suits o f Finer Grades

4 4 4 4In conjunction with our Clearing Sale of Suits, Dresses, Skirts and

Coats, we offer these two new arrivals which we are sure will set a new pace in early spring selling. ' ‘

N e w C o a t S u i t sBeaufiful suits of broadcloth in the

fashionable directolre coat sty le w ith gored skirt; coat made with large pockets; trimmed with satin covered bu ttons; skirt also trimmed with large satin- covered buttons; in popular shadtis as well as black; 3ll.si?gg, at 9 1 * 8 0the exceptionally low price

L i n g e r i e D r e s s e sThese dainty and beautiful dresses, just

taken from the boxes and placed on sale, will win your favor at the extraordinary price we name. These dresses are in white, blue, pink and lavender; have exquisite lace yokes with medallions; new sleeves with lace insertions; full skirt; all $ > |.0 S w anted sizes; the price is only “

P t i e o r f t t « d A m a r i e j i n

« i | d B u t t e r F U t e a . P i e

ESSL^TISl 'cCnpet Nv. iBc.

B e n e

prlc*a HndM tIlM W flM qniely itM |y . . . r C

ShavtogM ugsPine Attierlesn Porcelein

While a|)4 Qeld l>eaamted SKevInd Mum ntuUily...zSc., ...... XQC

T um blersC l e e r G Iu m T u r n -

b l e i e of uodluD ttilckne$f, very tin t; n s ilu tr *oU at JOc. « doten; tpocUl prtcid Mdi.............. MC

T ea C ups. . . - - T e e C u p s a n d

j |T " — S a u o e r e ot fine thin Qsrmin ChiDs; pl»ln

' S H g a g B ^ *Mte; ngQlsrty eold St SSc. a down; — —

................. ......... 7tSC

TeapotsP r ^ Wth J tap en *

e e e T e e p w e - s TvM y d d M lf U i very e e c U

17c ind 2 3 c^ %Stove Brushes

Oeod quality S t o v e I r u e h e e w lth ^

dauber, l i t , kind X t-tC

W ash T ubsl O O C e d e r W u h j

T u b e - out aalactod , vhlU eadar with no knota; dadric waldtd koopa gHTMtaad not to cene off; retularly ate.; a apairow, at only.

apadtl feitqya to-eor- 4 5 c

Where Can Yon Buy- Good Coats for So litide?It is easy enough to throw materials together in a slipshod Way and make them low in cost, but it

Is q u ite another thing to use worthy materials, tailor them property aid sell them at such prices m we are asking for these, ^

It’s clearing-out time, you know—that accounts for the price-cutting here.Six great lots of coats will be presented to-morrow.

L o t 1 . W o m e n 's B la c k B ro a d c lo th a n d H a n d s o m e C o v e r t CoatM lengths 25, 21 and 32 inches, lined with taffeta or $ 0satin: handsbmely tailored; values up to $12.50. special af.....................

B ro k e n lo ts a n d s iz e s 3 6 ,3 8 * 4 4 ^ 4 2 a m d 4 4 b u s t o td y .L o t 2 . W o m e n ’s E ra p tr e * L o b s e a n d S e m i4 i t t to g C o a ts

—In black and colors; long and three-quarter lengths; values up to $ 0 . 8 0$15, special at only........................... .......... ................................... ^

G ro u p 3 . W o m e n 's L o n g E m p ire S e m i-f itte d G o a ts o # B ro a d c lo th and C h e v io t; trimmed with braid and satin; also $ P '9 J K )36-in. length Caracul Coats; values running to $ 2 2 .8 0 ; choice #

G ro u p 4 . W o m M s's L o n g E m p ir e L o o se F U lh ig a n dS e m i-F ittin g C o a ts ; made of handsome broadcloth, Cvacul Cloth and Cheviot; richly trimmed with braid; values running to $ 28 ; Chinee $ A J 5 0of the lot at................................................................ .................. ”

G ro u p 8 . W o m e n 's H a n d s o m e B ro a d e to th a n d C a r a c u l C lo th C o a ts in black and evening shades; values up to ^ j p j . 8 0$ 2 6 .5 0 ; choice of any of theip at.,.*...................... ........... • <n

G ro u p 6 . W o s |ie n 's 8 0 4 n . I m p o r te d Canund*Veio«arand f o o a d b lo th C o a ts ; handsome styles; values opto $36; pick • 1 5

Furnaoe ScoopsLong Hiuidle F u r n a c e

B e S o p e (ot (vouithotii vs«, niiida to tit el fqriuew; S»c. kindat.*.......................... 4 9 cR oast P ans

S q u a r e C o v ­e r e d R o a e tF a n e ; black, snootb sh«et-lron: raguUrly J9c. and 49c. each; your

at n AaiUy..... 2 9 c

Ash SiftersC aJvu n fa a ed A a h S i f t e r * ( will

fit o n r u y barrel or ash can; no dust;

# 2 .9 8s t o v e .

T Im C r « 8 t C y l in d e r S t o v e s of tBMMth iheet- Irott; bridi luad Srapot; aiu 9, regularly S4.S4; spedat prlc*d

$3 .7 8 Coal H ods

O e h r e n le e d O p e n C o a l H o d a ; heavy vei(tit; til** IT and IS; rec- uUfly J9C. and 4 ic .;

ebslci of oither alae...........

$ 6 , 0 0 0 , W o r t h o f f B o o k sS a v e d f f r o m t h e H a r p e r B r o s .

T o B e S o l d a t O n e - F o u r t h P u b l i s h e r s * P r i c e s T h e B i g g e s t B o o k E v e n t i n Y e a r s !

in the adjustm ent of the fire losses in the H arp er Bros, fire the insurance companies made a gerwrous allowance for these damaged books. Thus we were en­abled to buy them at a price that m erely covered the salvage, and we are going to sell them at just about oqe-foUfth their value.

Books puLUshed 4t 8 0 c. to 6 0 c. a re to b e p riced a t ISc.'' B o (^ p u b lfB h e 4 a t 7 S c .to $1 w i l lb e s o ld a t2 5 c.

Books pub lished a t $ 1 .1 5 to $ 1.50 will b e sold a t 3 5 c.Bcx>ks pub lished a t $ 1 .7 5 to $2 .2 5 will go a t SOc.There will be slight variations in the pricings. Those most damaged go for much

less than the better ones, but all at prices that will make them rich finds for book-lovers.T h e re a r e s o m e c o m p le te s e ta in th is lot.M a n y a r e S u m p tu o u s V o lu m e s , beautifully bound and splendidly illustrated; others

are bound in standard styles familiar to readers of modern fiction. There are many children’s books, large and small, lavishly illustrated by noted artists. ,

T h e B o o k s h a v e b e e n d a m a g e d b y w a te r , but in many cases scarcely any tract of soil is apparent; some of the covers are merely spotted; in others there are slightly water marked pages: in almost any case they are no worse, perhaps, than many books in your library at the present time which have tieen freely handled; and when you see at what ridiculously little prices you can buy them you will readily overlook the damage done by the water.

To give you an idea of the wide field of literature covered by the books in this sale of the Harper Bros.’ damaged stock, we quote a few of the titles picked out at random from the piles and piles of books that will be offered:

T w a in ’s In n o c e n ts A b ro a d T w a in ’s J u m p in g F ro g T w a in ’s A d v e n tu re s o f T o m Sawyea* T w a in 's T o m S a w y e r A b ro a d T w a in ’s C o n n e c t ic u t Y a n k e e T w a ln ’e P u d d in ’ H e a d W ilso n T w a in ’s T h e M a n th a t C o r r u p te d

H a d le y b u r g T h e G e o rg ia n s T h e S o w e rs T h e A c c o m p lic e A S tu m b U n g B io c k T h e L a d d e r o f S w o rd s M e m o irs o f a B a b y T h e R e d H o u s e C ru ise o f S h in in g L ig h t

B e n -H u r, I l lu s t ra te d B is m a rc k —T h e M a n a n d th e S ta te s ­

m a nH is to ry o f th e G e r m a n S tru g g le fo r

L ib e r tyG ibbons* R o m e O b s e rv a t io n s o f M r. D o o ley S c o tt’s W a v e r ly N ovels C o m p le te W o rk s o f T h a c k e r a y F a ll o f F e u d a l is m in I re la n d In te rn a t io n a l M o n e ta ry C o n fe re n c e s H a e c k le ’s R id d le o f th e U n iv e r s e O n - lo o k e rs ’ N o te B ook G r e a te r A m e r ic a N a tu re ’s C ra f ts m a n

2 9 c

any you tike. I **•**♦*»€♦•***•*•••• •**•’***•■

^ ■‘i.d

Extra Feature Wash Boilers

8 0 0 W a s h B o ile rs ofhsavy tin with genuine coppef bottom; well soldered seams; Strong r iveted. haTidles;guaran- teed not to leak;Mies, 7, 8 and

Regularly $ 1 .8 0 ( $ 1 .0 8 *$ 2 .2 8 y o u r c h o i c e to- mor r ow at 8 1 . 2 9onlyl..................... X

C o m e T o - m o r r o w f o r H a m s !We place on sale to-morrow m orning an immense lot of Armour's Best

H elm et Brand Sugar Cured Hams* made from young corn fed pigs ryn-. ........................................

Bone-1 2 * ’

ning in weight from 8 to 12 lbs,, at the extraordinary special price forall orders received to-m orrow , the l b ............................. ......................................

Armour's Best H e lm e t. Brand Sugar Cured Lean less Bacon, weighing 3 to 5 lbs. each; special priced to-morrow, the l b ....................................................................................................... .................

Otber Specials in the Grocery StoreC C R £ A 1 J S - -G r a p « N u t* , per

pack,, S O c .W h e a t B e r r ie a , p«r pack., 8 c .M a a A l l , per pack., O c.H e c k e f ' a C r e a m O a t M e a l ,

per pack.. S c .Q u a k f ir a ’ B r e a k fa a t B ia c u lt * ,

per peck., 8 c .M o t h e r '* O a t* , per pack., 8 c .C k u n J u i c e D o x le * , No, i u n ,

B e .

C o f f e e —T h * B u c k r o m a n s * C o f f e e , a coffee beyond cwnperfMn; fine aroma and splendid drinking n rm quality; 5 lbs. S l . a O ( lb........ a O C

C o f f e y t h e B o u r b o n S a n ­t o * C o f f e e , this coffee tastes like Mocha; sold as high as dSc. lb. and needs no Introduction, tb„. 1 5 c

N. f i.—We roast and grind all our coffees on the premises, thM Insures you getting fresh coffee only.

T e a * .r ' Formosa, Oolong, Young Hyson, English Breakfast, C^lon or Blended Teas, J lbs. for B S o . , lb.......................................... 3 3 c

This Tea is good ralite at SOc, Ih,

T e a * —The finest and choicest Chop of Formosa Oolong, Ceyloo, Youi^ Hy­son, Gunpowder, Japan Pan Fired, Japan Baaket Fired, Hyson, and English Break­fast Teas. These are garden pick­ings. Three lbs. for „•B.20............. # Ib.

These Teas are good value at Jl.OO Ih.

P e a * . Castle Haven Brand No.2, regular 10c. can*...............

S t r in g B e iu i* ,C u t AlgormtBrand No. z.............................

T o n s a t o e a , D. C. BrandNo, 3..........................................Limit 1 case of 2 doi. to customer.

C l a m J u i c e D o x ie a , No. 2 can, 1 5 c .

V e g e t a b l e a , lor soups. No. 2, Everybody'S Brand (inlsed vegetables), l O c .

S p i n a c h , Btakely's Luxury BranJ fancy garden Spinach, No. 3, I B c .

L i m a B e a n * , Brakeiy’s small tiny beans, Warwick Brand, No. 2, I B c .

P e io * , Queen quality, No. 2, extra sifted, very tender, 1 5 c .

T o m a t o e * , red ripe, cold packed, gallon cans, 2 5 c .

T o m a t o e s , extra fancy Jersey cold packed Rob Roy Tomatoes, No. .1, l i e .

V a n i l l a E ;x tra c t (May flower brand)—small slie bottle, 1 0 c .( large sire bottle, 25c.

B a k i n g P o w d e r (Comet brand i Hie reliable Cream Tartar Baking Powder, for good bread and cake—

5-lb. can, 8 1 - 3 5 . 1 -lb. can, 2 9 c . >i-lb. can, 1 6 c .

S a l a d D r c * * ip g —Sinder's.spedalprice, pts.. 2 0 c . ; 'i-pts., 1 2 c ,SundriesDutch Cisatiser, per b oa....... )Scrub Easy, per box.................. ] ^Stain Otf, excellent cleanser, > # 4 ' '

per box..................................... ( Rogular price 0 0 these, pack 9c. J Enamellne, liquid, pollahing

stove.s......................................Dixon Stove Polish..................F,alrhank's Scouring Soap........(jold Soap, Procter ft Gam­

ble’s Soap...............................

S t a r c h Cornet Laundry Slarch, in (■-lb. wooden boxes, 3 9 c . box,

S ta ir c h —Empire City Brand, In 4. Ib, cartons, I S c . bo*.

C r a c k a r s —U n a a d a B is c u i t U n a a d a M ilk O y s t e r a t t a *L e m o n *Z u 'Z u

i s s s : - . 'A n i t n a t s

S a r a t o g a C h ip * -Favorite Brand, 1 O c . pack. (

M a c k s s r a l—Fancy Irish No. 2 slat, '-lb. palls, 6 6 c .

H e r r i n g —All .Vlllclmor, best Hol­land Herring, .per keg, 6 6 c .

D r e s s T r i m t o i b g lH alf Price k ii4 U ita

' ' rTHis is a clearing sale of the season’* srtds and ends of dress trimmings bringing to you a cfifflce for/mdney saving rarely, If ever, equaled. Just see how the prices are cut that we may elose these at once: ' .

12H e. to 2$4b. D re s s T rim m in ffs at, Sck 2 8 & to '3 8 c . D r ^ ’T r im m in g s at lO e .8 0 c . to 7 5 c . D re s s I r im m in g s at 2 8 c .$ 1 to $ 1 . 8 0 D re s s IV im m in g s at SO c.

’ ' j^ o u ra jm e rs , D i tw ^ O rn e m e M ta P irogs and L o o p s ; 80cre will be sold at B e . and lOie.

G a rn itu re s , R e v e ra and C o lla r i are marked at h a l f re tc o la r p r ic e s . ' <

Women’s $ 3 Welt Shoes $ 2 F o u r E i b i b o n F e a t u r e s.5-':

■ ;

\ ; " '■ ■%,


A 34ktay O ffering Thpd W ill D elight YouWe are just as glad to be able to offer such good shoes af such a

little price as you will be to get them. There are certain joys in niaking a good trade turn beyond the mere money-making end of it, and in this purchase of shoes our shoe man finds great delight, for he knows he ckn offer you something better than any other store has offered hi many a day.

These are excellent shoes, every pair; Goodyear welt; newest styles; Vici kid and gtmmetal calf; all sizes in B, C, D, E widths.

CMamsMtal C a lf B u t t o a S h o e « Goodyear \ $ 3

. . . . . . . >r Joodyear welt;kid tips; slipper foXed; new Pota toe; Cuban heels. (

V iel K id B uH oflS h O ^tjo o d y ear welt; matt ]1 B u t to n S h C ^ (joodyear welt; matt calf t<v; patent teaflier top; new Pota toe.

Choice of any nf'ffiese styles tirthis big lot of $ 3 S h o e s for t h r e e d a y s at only $ 2 .

$ 2 a h < $ 1We offer in this sale the popular nukes 4 American Lady, K

N,. Flora and j. B. Corsets, in the medium u d Dlrectoire modelst good materiafs, prettily trimmed with iaces and ribbrnts; two 8 1 j sets of hose supporters; exceptional values for._...,....,;.. X i

B ra a s la re Bust Supporters,yoke trimniedjWWi ,8 ^ * : dons of embroidery, finished with lace, value $1.15, ‘8 ?

H'. ^ D r o s t o s '

J W m I lL S S n ^ ^ S I ^ O Bbk » M e at Price


J e tArid Othar MdiiliilBry

Jet Hatsand a very pretly one burning turban -and toque shapfu ufhi.di dM can wew,^d Ihere is quite a vari-,

$ a 7 8 olMIiata for $8.87.^.$8 ..Jet M^>for $ 3 3 7 . ^

San flwir asses vp to $18ie nbfhere in man]t <

w r« w-w»w - - w w ** oaquMBa*. - - - - *|**

F b ^ F e R I

atlfl^^FalieFto dtok»aiiM|Eiitia

of excellent inu0y percale stripes of blue and white, pink

1 * ! a«d frWto, and Mack aiK made ‘ fsnerotisly jhdl;. perfect in fH and finish,

best of woHutianship th rif t; sizes 34 t o H vdiff to be sold

*4l*l*« «**f

ili eW pleaolSitoediPercale and Checked Oing-

9 S ‘

* New StrtWHate torbeaut^ styies^fttf c ^ o M

S l h k y e M l i i l i

! and Clm ^ t n colors; some itQf dtom open back;

of excellent qual- Peralaa.designs; ootois; titiule i^th atteiies; 0 ^* :

Sk stripes, but faltffcs iseful silin, to letcec

A p r o n sG in to u m * A p r o n # ' ' - ”’

blu« UwcMd CHoghui......j....... Aa IC

A p r o i w —L*it9 wuiU. riU)Uhl wtUiont Mbs, squ«* and ratind eJ- fccM, (rtoniri ^llb WDkrDldery In c va­riety of patterns, bemstitctilng . i „ ■Dd tucks; for................ ..............

Corset CoversC o r g o t C o v a n o f csmbrlc; fun

front with. beastltclMd w lac* , . . ruffles; good styles for.............. * O C

C o m a l C o v o n of dsutric; trla- ned front snd bsde «fUt niedstUons of eyelet eubroldery; finished with a m embroidery *dfe: 4#eO«t iMko-i. a S to C

Shlrtm dae SUpa of <Mn* silk; long sleenti lMtl*B‘baGk; in *>Mie. pink, blue and bltck, for. $ 1 . 7 5

S h l i t w a l a t S l tp * la tu u ik : .* ■■white sad sU dssfralde c o lo n ____ t o X->l - ' . -l. i.-f.i ■ >- IS -/:-'

V r m w m W rito taI d o o l t ii# u ftd W .I h n v ir < f

V u M s f t r c b k uiU 'kg^ in ^ p en d er t iu sad tans jS'H.im; I

. . . 8 ® ^ 'U tll$

E m b r o i d e r e d R o b e s2 5 C h a r m in g W h i t e L in g e r i e R o b e s , semi-

made : fresh from the makers, lace and embroidery trimmed, enough material with robe for waist and sleieves; just ar­rived, and will go on sale to-morrow at the pleasing and s t f r i popuier price of................. ............................................ **^#3

WuMsftr cbk uiU 'taybr-tniFMfil*' back lor bgyst ■ » » •# frait sad tare trlmiMd (W'gfris; sire* i to H .y u r t ; f.i M tokrly S ^ , iH d S W k M


'884#cosknU eabrsM ssy iM ta n l ksn<F>.^

-long U)d short SttVM,rfwek. Ms* swing sb'tss; ‘

*t • — ' •' ■ .i'“ ^ r t o 8 i a

Do*fttp;o«|in4i h l^ * D iW 9 ^

In a Sale for ThursdayS a t in T a f fe ta R ib b o n s — inches wide, in a nice

assortment of colors; regular price 3 9 c-; special to-morrow at 1 9 c .P la in a n d F a n c y B e ltin g — various weaves and pat­

terns; regular price 3 5 c , a yard; an extra special at only IS c -T a f f e ta R ib b o n s 5'< and 4 inches wide, in a large range

ot colors; regularly 2 5 c . a yard, special priced 17c.S a t in T a f fe ta and P la in T a f fe ta and S a sh R il>

b o n a ; 6X inches wide; all desirable colors; regular value 4 5 c . a yard; special at only 2 1 c .

M o r r i s C h a i r sThis cut represents an elegant Morris

Chair. It fs made of solid oak, quartered, in golden finish, highly polished; also in mahog­any fififeh.' Has shaped arms, fancy turned

.spindles in the sides and fancy shaped legs with daw feet; back is'adjiislable with brass rod and can be changed to 3 different posi­tions, from a straight chair to a lying position, (JiVtiig ease and comfort.

The cushions are filled with short hair; ''coverings are plain Ted, plain green and a two-color figured pattern; they are nicely

'tufted.and.yvelt made in every respectRegular price $ 1 0 3 5 , extra special price for 3 1 7 .S O

Thursday and Friday.... ............................................... #

L i b r a r y T a b l e sT,hese tables are brand new ones,

especially designed for us, 100 just received are going into our Jan-, uary sale at a remarkably foyf price.

They are rnade of nicely figured' oak golden finirii, also tnakogwi finish: tbp is iStfiches WUeaj*''*

‘ • ipches long; have fe t^

a-HberriTlipy are , of first-clas,s cotistrurtOTTB^^iil^

every detaiku Regular fvice is $2^0 0, thethe.flpc^ 11 w tn .b e .....

■ i':"


• • i i i p * « p * * a s ! « e a S S S S C 5 5 C S f l W S B 2 5 S S S S 5 S S I S ! ^ ~


ON P O ^ JOBS3dltnB cC onunitttt Defers Ap*

pointiDe&ts-Tilk of D til with RepobticaQs.


BM9 .UM ot lh « r I»J1UK to upon • •M tlo n i. llw Be)l«vlll« Pollen Committee iM t night poitponwl action a i to the two •ppotntreent, to be made to the P® fore*. It ta not lllielT that the m attererlH he a«uf» t*''*® “P *!!““ ■m lttee’B n e it regular meeUng In Pebru- gry. There wna oo dieeoaalon In regard to the appolntmenla a t the open meet- iBg. hut prior to that the oommlttee had an eaeoutlve leialon, at whioh the mem- h e n tried to agree upon two ol the can-

*V?hlle there are el* “I ie r the poaltlon, It la aald that the n « ^Of only (our of there, Chancemen •ulllvan. William Graham, nallo and Perdlnaad "Sr*•red by the committee.SMneUo are Democrate end the other

**,? W X * 0 ( I t . committee, which hcom pueed ot threeKaDUblloane to appoint one tnomber o(

, £ ?h “ pa« y to the loh-. « ^WHabera agree they can maho the M le^

> : W b f regardleea of their•(her party but It they (all to oome to an

iSndentandIng th* vote, of the ■ mambere will figure largely In the ap

‘ iTaaJetoiMd a t theth a t tha Demoeretlo roembera agreea

O nhaiii. but could not agree on a Oemoorat two of them tavorin i Bon-

^ S hoT ^ ' b* the third waa f « H®**^*” *'w The Bepublloan ooiomllteamen were r « o y

- te vote for Bonnello, but were W*?**^^® S ^ h .m An Oder wae made by tha Re- BubUonn membera. H ta daolMcd. •*for gumriui. It the Democrat who m o ^ ^ for that candidate would agree to wot* with them for Oilman, thereby mah- l E r n majority. The olfer waa o « »o-

' oapted, but It 1a thought by “ taey ^aol of thla kind may aventuaJly tetoe tha lllAtt0r«

The quaitlon of tha appolntmont* ta #*-- •Uinc n great dw l of te le r i it wnon# IM

cUtaeni of the towiuhlp.« to probable tha t three o t tho q h a n t^

men of the police force will bp a t the qommlitee'a neat meeting, aa C h m f jy a n reported that they had been guilty Of unbecoming conduct. He did not men* tton any namea and the oommlttee 1 ^ Srooted blir. to prefer chargee ag a ln tt them In writing neat month.

OiM of th6«o inoiJa th t obiof iwfl, fo t Into a fight a t BUvar Lake and loat hto helmet. Another elarlled the reildente B the locality of Joralemon a m e t and Waahlngton avenue, by dlioharging hie r*-

aeveral ttmee, early <me to lo are an automohlllit, while tha third w ai Been running away w ith a « ro M of •Jiaipabootan th a t had been obaaed. Thee» tUaged ottenaea ooourred a t varloua timea

^ A tttng the laat yaar. the flhtof aald, and ^ W o a u a e of the a e tto u he gave the men

; : M further work,


« ' l ire , Oatherine Crane, of B eat Orange. 4 eetabieUng her nlnety-eeoond birthday

1 9 a fAmllV gathering a t tha raal- loe of her daub iter, Mra. Blohard J.

of Booth Grove e t r e e t . 'th e t city, foie la a native of Falrllald, an d balonga

■' to 'a loBt*Uv«d family.- t ‘ ifo l* . Crane ta in good health, atlll ao-

five end full of Intaraat In the datalla " W eryday life. Bhe h a t aaven children

g nuinfwT of grgfld gfig t-gfiD d- in. H er brother, Btopben Courter,

j te n o n , baa reached hto nlnety- ■ g ^ year. _____


ru r th e r And ooavlnolng proof of the fouroee of foontelair to p w ^ Ita o ^ mualoel dlveralOB wae afforded^Montotalr Oratorio e o d e tf e of Blr Edward Elgar'e c a n ta ta KIJWOUf," in tho r i ie lIn tha t place, iMt night,Hgent direction o t Conductor Mark Am drewa and with the aid of forty mualclaiw and of Mfa. C arb ine Ulhr-Hardy, eoprano; Cecil Jf™**: “J tend Brio Goodwin, baiao, <hj ®*>olr of ninety ringera put to lie c r ^ l t an ,d - rolrable Inierprrlatlon of the a<n«i ,n compoeer'e worh. The eudlenoe. which teeted the Mating cape city ®* *"* ape- clout church, ahowed lie appreciation qf the meritoriona effort by hearty applauM^

Elgar baa barn oalled the W agner Of oratorio, and not without reaaon. The m antle of Handel bae fnllan upon him, but he hea remodeled the garm ent after the Vl'agnrrian faehlon and m-day he occuplee the unique poaltlon In tha fimo or oratorto that tha Bayreuth m aater hoWe In the world of opera. But If E iger ha ■ drawn much of hie Intplratlon from Han- dettan writinga and If h* haa been anM t- ed by the W agnerian Infiuenca In tha wedding of t u t and mualcal eetllng, he oannot ba regarded roaroly aa an Imitator.H e haa aohooled hto Inventive faculty In the contm punlal etodlee of John Sebae- tlan Bach. Ho haa attuned bla tyre 10 the modem harmonto ear and ilnga with the daring of Richard Btrauie. It may b« H andera cloak that he la wearing, but It to a coat of many arttatlo oolora. In “ King O laf’ he ahowi the Imaginative faculty and the aound and broad mu- alelanabtp th a t are more fully and ef- feotlvely diacloted In loeh of hla larger worha aa "The Dream of Oerontloa" and ■The Apoetlea,'^ which rank Him among tha toremoat of oratorio eompoiera to- day.

In ravlewUi# Ih* parformane* It |a dlfll- cuU to alnflo out particular Inslancaa In which the choir wee moet eucoeeaful In dtoUngulahlng lUelf by artful or engaging effort. In the oddly controated effecta orented In the number. '*Aa Leap the Idgbta of W inter," the elngere beet Indi­cated their ability In preeervlng tonal balance and In the command of dynamlo g rad itlo o a One would Mek fa r for a be tte r eaample of euetatned volume than they gava In "Receive Oe, King: We Kneel to Him." For eheor beauty of tone and olearncM of eieoullon the unacoom- pABled Ohorui, "Ae Torrente In Bummer, waa vary appealing. For artlitlc elan of emotional agitation It compelled admiration In tho number announmng O tofa death. Ability in part-alnglng n a rk e d all that It eeeayed and left ^ doubt In the minde of thoae acquainted w ith Ita prevloua performanrea of Ita oon- i ta n t growth m arttatlo aUture.

Conductor Andrewa. o mualclan to the tip of hie baton, dlreoted the work With authority and akill. An arliol h lm w ^ he tntmad both chorui and orcheilra w ith the aplrit of the mualc and revealed lU Inherent charm, 1« pootla Im ^o ry and l u itrength In a m anner to which OTly the moat blunted eenelbllltlee could have remained Irapatvloue. The o t the eolo work fell upon the ehouldere of M ra Mlhr-Hardy, who readily mol the demande made upon her ‘voealtat. Btie poaseaMi a eoprano a g w - abto In gualtty and rich In range and ahowed a aklU In both the lyric and dee- lamattng paaaagae th a t eecured admirable raeulto In the mnatcal oipreeelon of noetlo and dram atic Miitiroenl. She waa p ^ o u la r ly pleaaing In the finala In whteb bar volra rang out w ith gtlrring effect.

Mr. Goodwlo'e beat effort waa undoubt­edly hto elnglng of the teoltatlve in the Introduction to the eiilogue. In meUow baaa tonoa were heard to *1^'® ' advantage Mr. Jam ea waa not alwaye equal to tho more dram atic "the vocal acore, B ta voice la lyric In quality and unaulted to vlgoroua eiprea- elon ot heroic feeling.


Evcq Tiwugh They Occtir ia the Isolation H osi^l-O ffi-

d a l Objeds.

H O R T A L in RATE U IN 1,000


Bhggeathrae aa to foe uagdhe ^ ahOiEaof tiM 110.000 which « m h*

ot the OnMga poof form

w n in G H T iFT A IffiSA R E O rr

Complftlnt fogaJn"t hav ln i the death i *l the county Uolfttlon HoeplUl In Soho cwdUed 10 the townehlp of Bellrvme w»* made t t a meeiin# of the Biwird of Health of the lownihlp leat night by Henry W, fnderwood. reirfeier «f vital etatlillci. There were two death* «t the InitUutlon la ji month. Hr. Under­wood mid. and he had to add them to the number of other deethe In the lownihlp, making fifteen In all. lo report to the Stale bureau of vUul atatlallce- They all will be recorded agalnal the township. Ur. Underwood aUled. although ihoae who pawwcl away a t the laetllullon were reeidentj of thU cuy.

While the number of deatbe at Baho laat month waa amall. »*ld the reglater, It would likely be large aa time went on and the number of patienla increftard. There were already five death* from the | infliltuilon reported to him for Ihia month, ' he Blated, If tuberculoels patlenta are received «t the hoapital. added Mr. Utider- wood. thfo death rate of the townahlp would be greatly Increaeed. which con- dlilon. he thought, would have a bad effect upon the growth of the munlcl-pkiiiy- . ^Mr Underwood elated that he kept the hoaptlaS deaths aeparaied from the other* In the townahlp In hla own record, but , he iflw no way of doing thla in Stale reporia. No action wae taken.

The number of m arrtagci In the town­ship la it month was two. There were thirteen Wrtha for the same period. ™ number of death# In the townahlp for la it year w** 113. this being an averaga of twelve out of every ihouaand. The birth average for Ike year waa nlnetgeji out of every thoueand.

The board reorganl***d for the year, re­electing Dr. Edward 0, Cypher# preal- denl. GfOfge WllUftmaon waa iileoted again for health Inepector.


M m th* --------- — ,are Invited from nem h eri of the Civlfl CHib of the OrgQggg lA « clrgolar out tO‘day. It t* the belief of the or- ganliatlon th a t the action of thoee who bgy# ebarfe of the oily’# affair# may be largely Influenced by the auggertlong re­ceived,

t t 1* ita ted In the circular that about $»,0e0 will be required to create a now ( plant for caring for the poor. I t I# #ug- I geeied th a t lb# foDowlng gpplJcatlona of Die flO.OOO balance can be mede:

‘T h* city ca jrle i vanou* debta among them debt* for aewere. waterworka, l o i ^ l building#. etr.,» tog ither with #m ajl« | Item# of lnd#btedn«i#, in the ahap* of tem porary Icniu# on note*; the money m ight be applied, in whole or part,, to the tlquldstlon of th ii Indebtodnai#.

’T h e money might b# applied In part to the etilurgemenr of old ecbool building# and 111# oonetrucllon of now one#,

" I t might be, In whole or In part, uaed (o build a new municipal lighting plant, which, deaplie alt oppoaltlon, 1# a prac­tical and rcvpftue-produoing venture.

" I t m ight be. In whole or In part, uaed to Improve and to enlarge the aoope of tbe Board of Health, Are department, police depurtmenl, or road*. The water departm ent la net mentioned here be­cause It hiJj Just been enlarged, and I# nuw in perfect oondUlon.'*

IrvingtiM wiitiQ KS^

Dedsioii on the Appeal of Rrs. OQemar.


DEAD AT AGE OF N lN E n .V-Ei- ■' ■ " —ifiJA I Jen .ee 'W alter Dearing died a t the home

Alta aon, George B. Deartn*. W Cheat- f 'iV lUit hvenue. Weat Orania, yaaterday. from c? t|to raault o t a itroke of apoplexy, which

tto euffared Buaday mornlDt. Ho w«a bom Outobeea County, N. T., ninety yoara

e(|tt And waa a deiceiutant of one of th e i iy!' oldeet funlUee In th a t p erl of the Btate.

W hen A youns man he embarked In the A:’foetl‘ eetete btulnem In Brooklyn. In i- M ileh-he continued tw over fifty y«h®*- ^ ^ 'io u r yeora ofo he retired from active

end oome to 'Weat Orange, w here ^ .S T m a d e hla home with hto eon. who ta ■ enly aurvlvlng child. B lity -th rw ^ ® ra

Ago ho married Mlos Phoebe Sudd, of B h it Newark, who died a num ber of

ago. F or many y ea r , ba w an r-it 'e lder In the F lra t Dutch Reformed Church

Brooklyn. Notwlthatonding hto ed- V hnu^ yeore he waa active mentally, a t

, -taeff ee pbyaically.i^be funeral aervloea will 6* bold a t the

K- Some of hla ion to-morrow morning and ' I tlll be cenducted by Rev, George K.

itew ell, paator of the B t Cloud Preeby- fortoh Church. Weat Orange. The Intar- foent will he In the family p lo t In Green-

.fouod Cemetery.

p l u B e te l te r Kegveea,A movement ta being agitated to or-

Snlw a hotel company and build a atelry In Montclair eipeololly for the tored race. The leadera amona tto M graea oay that euch an Inatltullon la

g m t ly needed and that It would pay ti-oni th e ita r ti __________

< OIrele Abaedoni Ball.Lyceum Circle, Companions ot the For-

Mt' o t Orange, haa Jeetded to poatpone - ’ • ■■ which It wae pro-

Orange Armory on


a t the tcom# of the Es#ex Commiaolon yeaterday afternoon, wae dla- appolnted In not finding a oommtafloneri on hand. I t wae arranged JSITt thTiwaldento of the a u b u rh ^ town ehall present their ®"t« °®™‘mleslon Tuesday, F eh rm ry I.. Mr. Crawford aald thla morning th a t the Object of tha call waa to aee If the P erk Commlaalon would aaaume the **- penae of m atauln lng two of Monictolr a recently acquired parka. The ed th a t In addition to tha heavj ®*P*®’ * put on the town for tha municipality had in v a a l^ liberally In park lands on Ite own Inlltotlvo.

A# th# county m slntaln# but one public recreation ground. A n d e w n InMontclair, the annual coat (or the mam- tenanoa of which does not exceed ftOM, jair. Cntwford declared, he thought tn# leaat tho oommlaaton can do for . Mont­clair wpa to convert the town e property Into beauty epota.

The Montclair people ■were supplied with a maae of atatlaUeal da ta regarding the money the town had already paid for county park purpoeee ® "f J,*’* the rounlolpatlty haa received from the oommlaelon. According to the atatem ent there remalna a large balance In favor of tbe town.___________

lUVllHk'roN AND HILTONW ith a vlew jojollow ln^^ o u t^ th e jla M

Thomaa Clements, prealdent of the Sec­ond Word Association of Nutley, expeoli a large attendance a t the meeting which ha haa oalled to bo hold In the F o rt­nightly Club bouee to-morrow night "to protest any Increase In th* town’s aalary Hat sQd the fu rther Increases contem­plated.*' Bpeoklng of the meeting Mr. Clemente aald to-day;

"I t It merely to dlaeiisa and perhaps protest against the fu rther raising of the aeaeasor'a aalary. The other lelarlea have been already poaoed and will not bo touched upon."

At the tome time Mr. Ctamenta said the whole aalary Hat m ight come up. and thAt In hla opinion tho majority of the

I member! were opposed to what had al- I ready been done.

"How#v«r,*’ h# oonllriu*di vv# will c#r- ttln ly prote#t against th# further r»J#lng of the oaieaaor'e pay. The memlwra think a rales upon a raleo le too much.

The original aalary wos tS». and B w®* raised recently to 1660. Aaaeaaor Whit- Held did not think the Increase eufflclej^ and protested. Bubaequently ha realgned, declaring that hla health irould not ^ r - mlt him to retain the offlee, Now, It la underalond. the council w ant! to Increase tho salary to (760-


Fir# Chief Bernard F. Hlgglni. of Blooninf*^. flubmitted hi# aenond annii*l report for th# year #ndlng T>#cvinb#r to the Town CounCli la#t night. Tha fore# conelsl* of one chief, three a#sl*t- flniH, lire foremen and five a#Blat#nta,

1 together with the following memberihlp In each company; Essex Hook^and-bad- der, two officer* and itvenleon men; PboenlK Ho#c, two offloers »nd nineteen men; Active Ho##, two offleeri and nlne- i##a ineiD Bgcelslor HoaSi two offleen and eighteen men; Montgomery H oa^ iw o utlleera and aeventeen men, a total of ten officer# and ninety men.

During the year the departmvnt re­sponded to forty-one bo* alarm#. I t was on duty thlrty-flve hour# wid fifty minutes.

The loase# by fire during the year were 182,600, with Inaurance paid of W6,Tni.

Aa to the water supply, the report leys: "The supply on two occasions was un­

satisfactory owing to the small main* In th# street#; otherwise It he# been fair. I would recommend that larger mains be laid In BlreeU where factories ^ lo­cated. There was on# lo## of U®-

The Chief recommends the purchase of. . 1. . ---»_1 _._M Waaa raaavAihrne cniet recoinmeiluo --„ corablnaHon chemical and hoa# wagon and l.OQO feet of. ho#e and that the per­centage of Are duty be seventy-flvB to sixty. There are 2# hy­drant* In the town.


Although no defInUe plan baa been agreed to pending the actlOR ta be to-morrow by th# Btate Board of EqutU - aatloa of Tax## on th# appf*l ¥ r a EUaabeih CMIenur, of fttttagfield avanu#* Irvington, for a reduction In Uw a w i ^ roent# on her pfoparir ? .* •a fact th#i the Town Council will take the m atter Into court, If th# asaeaknianU are reduced. Thl# much was deddad by ih# hoard la#t night, when all the m «u- bera declared It wae ”Um* the council found out whether or not th# tow n 1# ruled by the State Board of T a x a ll^ ."

. The question was hfoughi up by Mayor GlorJeux, who, In referring to Mr#, Olle- m ar'a appeal, siild there was no doubt that the State Board would again reduce tho aaoeeaments mad* by th* town •• - eeaaora on the Ollemar properly, the tam e aa In previous years- The town a legal odvloera. b* staled, held th a t view, too, and h* asked. In view of this, If It would not be wise to take the rnatter Into court and find out whether the State Board could reduce the taxes on certain trac ts to a point lower than eurroundlng prop­erties were aaseaaed.

"The same condllton has prevjilled for ten y e a rs ," aald the Mayor, "and J believe we would be wla* In taking the 'ease Into court and ascertaining Juat where we stand We should aleo find out whether the State board can override our osaeeaora ae well OS the County Board of T eiatlo ii,

I which examined the property and refueed the reducllon asked for by Mrs. Ollemar.

In onewer to a query from one of hto I colleagues, who eeked If U would I be a cose of spending »W to anve |Eft

Councilman Cheene declared, ' L Wr one would vote to apend 11,000 If "•®**J®*'f* simply to find out whether tbe s ta re board can ride rough shod over th is town. I think the time has oome (or ue to call a halt and I am In favor o t carry­ing the m atter Into court "

Councilm an Lacombo agreed w ith n u colleagues and declared th a t the b o ^ ough t to uphold Ita asseaaora, even going so far ae lo a tta ck the ru lings of th e B tate bourd In the courts.

"Everybody know* th a t In thla case the party hae been dodging her taxes for eeveiBl years."

The m atter waa Anally referred to the Tax and Aaoessment Committee, with full power to a c t

The appeals ot Mra. Ollemar, which will come up before the State board t^ m o r- row a t Its meeting In the cHy hall, are for a reduction ot *9.606 on one trac t and a reduction of M.00O on another. In the nrat case the Irvington aesesaore fixed a val­uation ol *49,000, which Mre. Ollemar w ants reduced to *42,a». and on tire other she w ants the aaseaamenl ol ^ .000 f i ^ by th* local authorltlee lowered to iW.OeiO. Appeals were taken to the County Board of Taxation for reductlona lest fall by M r^ Ollemar, but her requeel w as de­nied by th a t body which decided th a t tho valuattone fixed by the Irvington aa- teasora were too low, il anything, ra ther th an too high. ,

----------- 1—e--------------

VERWA UIERARY CLUB , HAS ANNIVERSARY DAYfora. John W. BtoyiMk enrertolged the

lMb«U|k. Literary Olufo at-VenuiA, yve- tfofo iyra her uaw hdihe on VtaNM Ave- atw. I fn . John ContraU, of NewnHi, saghlkfolAtjDg bpeteea, Thd evtuit ttorked tbe etiteentb onnlvereary reception ot the club.

The pragrani Included a leelura on Anerieah literature by t J s ^ Coreon, »•- xlstAat iwerintendeiit of Ngwork Aohooto; vocsl sMM by Mra. Mdlth Mareb AJ- etytae, ot Newark, and piano aetooUani by M n, Jesele Woltb, also of that city.

The Alfolr woe largely attendsd, adI gueiite wet* present from tho Woman • Club ot Arlington. Traveler’s caub of RoeevUle, p»y Palmer And Clvto cluho of Newark, Wonten’e Club at Roratood, and the f tn and Point Circle and Boraugb Improvement AssoclmUon ot C ^ wML

Letters of gresUng were read trom former membere of the VorodA Boetoty now residing In the Middle W « t end Poclflo atates.

A social hour followed the rendering of the program, when refreshments were served by the hoeteee.

^ e next meeUng will be held February A at the home of Ulae Jennie Rich, of Grove avenue.



Pennsylvania R.RF tbruary 12g 1909

tm i $ 3 2 . 8 0riiOM NEWABK

Pwporllonfott R*tM from Oth« PolnU.OBVtr* nm#4-trtp tf*n*p#rt*1lon, jmod ui^l

le tn#Iu*lv«: Bleoplft# w ttid dtimor tn Dinlnf C*r on koln# I r ^ #nd iM^t Moommodfotloo* for two ana thr##'#ua.rt«r day*.

Dfoterlptiv* Itlaaraiic# flv lnf^M Inform#- tloD and r«t«t fumlkbtd bi Tlok#t Acfnii.

15 doses 10c.ie e ie b R evraU d JfetblAg.

George Thdmpeon, of IM North Nlne- (eeiitta etreet, Eaet Orange, complained to th e p ^ c e of that city to-day th a t Mrs.

Mon hod tnleaed th r

I_____- ______ 1 tnleaed three dreaeea .wholetotal value he placed a t ME. He thought

stolen about November M,Thompeontotal -----they miASiwsi geuuua as w a vt*. —■'t

)Mti di#ctiarffcd ft colored_ .ie asked for porralaslon

, , _____ -jer house. Recorder N ott la-Bued a esATCh w arrant and BergMnl H enry Hector made the search, but tailed to discover the clothes.

when Mrs. Tbqmpe domestic, and he to aearch her hoi




Lyceum Circle, com set. of Orange, has

. iadefinltely the ballBSSAy“ f e t,‘“

of Couneflmen Laoombe. Os- _ _ Boerger, to devise meana tor

•roPerly celebraung the event, 'The com- m tlw e will report to the oounetl a t Ita

conatattng botae AM

* £ n d ^ E d w a r d H arris, of U dge- wotid road, Hilton, are In Phitadolphla.

T?e Fellows Club of Irvington held A •ofllal gathering Monday night, a t the

jl Frederick M. w l__..'llaon,, In Myrtleavenue. The next meeting will be heldhome o: avenue. February


P latt the annual mlnetrel performance of Orange Lodge ot Elke will be held next Monday and Tueaday ntghta In Bijou Theatre, th a t city, The eololsta will be Byron Q- Harlan, Irving GlUette, W. Stan- ley Qrlnatfldv Albert Campbell, Stephen Forlor, Edwin Vanhome, John H. Cooper a'hd George Kenney.

The end men will Include Edward , Meeker Clifford J. Werner, Henry A.' O’Httga'n. Arthur Colllna John J, Cowen and Bernard Flnneran. H arry J Crowley will be the Interlocutor, and Mr, W erner and Mr, Meeker wilt comprlire the otto. In which they will alng several original song*.

Other muilcal number* will bo rendered by the Peories* Q uartet, and the pro­gram will close with a eketoh entitled •’The Dog House," In which H arry Crow­ley, Mr. O’Hagan and Benjamin Ftn- neran will take part. Andrew Kelly will be the stage managei^

J . H, CONDH'S 87TH BIRTHDAYJotham H. Condlt. of 8 Prospect street.

East Orange, who was taken 111 with pneumonia December 6 and had a hard elago ot It on account of his advanced years, was well enough yesterday to re­ceive hla children In a quiet celebra-Uon of hla eighty ••eventh birthday. Present a t the celebration wore hie three sons, Her­bert J. Condlt, Building Inepector Ed­ward I, Condlt and F rank P. Condlt. and hto daughter, Mre. F rancis W. Lawson. There are fourteen grandohlldren and three great-grandchildren, moet of whom called during the day and paid their re- speots to Mr. Condlt.

Reports submitted by the vartouk de­partm ents of the Hawthorne Avenue Bap­tist Church, E ast Orange, Inst night, showed the congregation to be In a flour­ishing condition. During 1*06 forty-three new member* were received, bringing th* to tal memberahlp to the highest point In th* history of th* church. In the m atter of finances th* year was a highly pros­perous one.„S;r;."5SLr5'Si.S"™m *a Wimti) pouce job.Of th* total amount the Ladle*' Mission- among tha children Who were w gularaI ry Boclety contributed 8606, the Men’s ' a t the Eaet OrangeLeague 133 and the Sunday-school ECa,». ! mor, waa told to-day by Miss Grace B. The various sfilHated orgsnlsatlons, not- Bmitb„ In Oherge of tb6 girls and F®«“ *® ably the Sunday-school, ahowwl gains In , children. She soys In membership, and the pastor, Rev. Elmer ,),at tpe plan was remarkably/ euoresefui, B. Forrle, Is planning to make 1M6 an although th* ’’Mayor and ,o u ^ u , even more eucceoiful year. ! more Interested In the Jobs they *JJ^,**.

The following ofllcere were elected: ' to a number of “poltcemen, decided rea r Deacon. Fnuicla G. Allen; trustees, John ; ,hey preferred to act In that capacity tn an I-I U a.n in tf HavlA R JohOJOtl BOd John Virtlil Vhfllr offlclal Doaitlons.

L a s t 10 D a ys

Annual SaleAt “The Linen Store”For the last ten days of our Annual Sale we are

able to offer a very complete collection of Table Linens, Bed Linens, Bed Coverings, French Lingerie, U d ies’ Hosiery and Ladies’ Outer Garments at greatly reduced

prices. . , ■ uW e have just opened a fresh shipment of Irish

Table Linens of unusually beautiful and serviceablequalities, which w e offer at

33s9& D isco u n t■ N a p k in s (per dozen.

9.50. 10.00. 10.25, 10.75, 11.50, 12.50, 14.75 f4:00,"l5.00. 15.50, 16.00, l^.W, 22.00

T a b le C lo th s .

I Three-quarter size... I Reduced from........

..... 4.75. 5.00, 6.00, 6.25,_ 6.75,__7,25,_aS0....7 .00, 7.75, 9.00,'9,50, 10.00, 11.00, 12,50 6,00, 6.50, 7.50, 8.25 7.50, 9.00, 1QJ5

tfiVAJUe r arareawsre ■ i . • -D. Manning, David E. Johnson and John T. Babbage; treasurer. Eugen® Hedden; clerk, George A. Garfield.

1, a t the home of Allan Tal- mng« In Maple avenue. . . _ _

Cornelius HesBfeld, of Springfield ave­nue, irvington, Is confined to ms home by^^The^rvlngton Board ol H ealth will meet

B B L L J C V I L L E .The annual election of offloera of the

’Women's Missionary Boclety of the Re­formed church win be held at the home of Mrs- Btephen E. Sargent, 11 Van Rensselaer sireet, to-morrow afternoon at I O’elook. Mlaston work In China will be dJsouescd, and after the meeting there Win be a tea.

gk special meeting of the Board of Trade will bs held Friday night, when action will be taken toward changing the regular meeting nights of the organtxatlon from th* first lo the fourth Friday of each month. Other business will also be taken

w#r« 156 arre ita In the townahlp ifojt year, according to a report mad# by IPallc# Chief Flynii a t a meetln# of the Police CommitlOfl 1«pI night, The num- tf ir of ArrefttB last month was iB.

Fltifll action on tht proposed contract vtilh th# Public afirvice ^?o^p<.^rftllon for llchUnfE the atreeta of the townahlp for in# next five ycara will t»f taKen by ih« Townahlp Commute#- F’«bru<iry 16. Ob- -locilonB by citlacna to tin* algnlng of tho cpntrart may l># ftl#d with the com m it' .te# on or bpforo that tlmp It I# pmpoft(»a io furnSih ilght. ne told In thla pain-r, at the rate of ,il5 per year fur each lamp. Tho oreieni ruL# le tl2 per year.

■ The bond# of ConFlabieM w m iain Pnd- MT Oeorge W. Daniels. O#orgt* Gorham Snfl' rw afnand GUmati w#*re filed with th e Police Committee laat nlght-

A petition for the curbing ana flagging of New Bridge ®tr#«t. from vviifia»n street to the northern ifrfminu*. was r t- eelved by the Township (.ommlttei® last night, and Townahlp Counael Andrew K. ^ y l a n wae InatrucUd to draw an ordl- BftOO# providing for the work.

Unmorrow night* . « *.B ru c h IriTugton, Socialist Party, willmeet to-morrow night.

Mis# Clara.M unn* of Vl«w, ts

THIRD REQUEST FOR AUfO.The th ird of E ast Orange's city officials

lo oak for on automobile ts W ater Su­perintendent A rthur A. Relmer. who de­clares th a t the frequent trips he Is com- pi'Ucd to make to the watershed Justify his request for such a vehicle. He says th a t the tra in aervlee to Short Hills Is such th a t he Is often put to great tnoon- venlence to get a train and much valuable time Is olwaya lost In tho trip. No action has yet been taken on any of the requests for automobiles, and It Is not thought anything will be done for some time a t least. All three requests are regarded as reasonable, notwithstanding the automo­bile propoeltlon ho* become a joke In the city hall.

The general opinion among counollmen Is that Chief Bell's Idea of having one in readiness to convey a number of men to burglarised house* 1s a good one, and no one haa yet bean found to erlllclxe Chief Morkwltb. ot the fire deportment, for his requisition lo t a combination of gig on^ chemical engine,

e a s t o r a n g e c o a s t in g z o n eTh* Police Committee of th* Eaet Or­

ange City Council last night named H am ­ilton and William etreete and Elmwood avenue e* public highways on which coasting may be enjoyed, and policemen on past were at once notified to g ran t permission to all who wonted to u*e those streets. Elsewhere tho eport Is to be forbidden. Policemen will be etatlon- efi a t all Intersecting streets wher* coast­ing ta going on to protect both coasters and the general public.

to hoM their official positions.Before the summer was over the enOre

'*clty govemmcrAt" consist#*! of tn# po- He# force" end many arteet# wer# mad#- One boy wab even incarcerutefl lOf “ tim e lo lb* little house on the grounds, while one or two offenders were «J®®‘®® from the groutid*-they called it banish­ing thero-for longer or shorter pwlods. MJi* Smith hope* the plan may be fol­lowed out again n®»‘ . the Mayor end council may bo Induced to "mind their own business."

[ 2 x 2 yards, a t......Reduced from.......

12 X yards, at.... j Reduced from.........

L ^dL e^from !!!*"T T ^: 12!oo', 13.50; 14.00; 1 5 :^ 3 .0 0 , 19.00 \ 2 } i x 2 f i yards, a t... 8J30j_ 8.25, 8.50, 9.75, 10.25, 10.50, 11.25

Reduced from.....12X X 3 yards, at...

9.00, 10.00. 11.00, 12,50, 11.50, 13.50, 16.00 7.25, 7.75, a?5, 9.5q 9.75, J0.50, 12.75

. a p p e a l in RAH) CASE.Thomae Ash.“ colored, who was among

the crowd arreeted by metnbers o f the Belleville police a few weeks ago In a raid upon a crowd In end a ^ u t a k®®® S i on Belmont avenue, Sllvur Ltake. has appealed from the action of JuMIce Connell, ot the townehip, by which he

■ to D#y a . AW ke.liA#n blalm# tnai he wa# passing the halla tT h e time of the raid and WM token n with the crowd, TM corn# upbefore Judge Ten ^ e k Friday. -----------

j270^iW ,'l3T0b, 14.50, 15.50, 16.00, 17.00........ 9.50, 10.00, 10.50, 11.75. 12.50, 16.00, 23.00

Reduced from......... 14.50, 15.00, 16.00, 17.50, 19.00, 23.50, 34,50Larger sizes at proportionate prices.

I James McCutcheon & Co.Sth Ave. & 34th St., wgiSAstongj N* Y.

M I L L B U K H .About one hundred sleigh riders were

•BterUlned et the V ain Hall Inn Monday s ig h t and last night

The first and second teams of the Short Bill* High School besketball team will slay the first and *econd teems of the Carteret* of Orange, In the pariah house this afternoon.

The dlreflnrs of the MUlburn Bank laat sig h t re-elected the following offleBra: Freeldenl, William Plemer; vlee-pres- Ment. William HoCoIlum: secretory end treojurer. Jonn B. Bunnell.

Auguet Wlttkop, of H obart avenue, Bliort Hllta, and Ferdinand Schneider, of Morris avenue. Onion, will leave to-day tor a two months’ trip to Jacksonville.

______ — Volleyvtaltins friend* in loing Island Citym. . ■■ --- ' ■— O f o l r D W S L L A N l> V E B O f o A .

A euchro and dance will be held In A sso c ia tio n H alt Caldwell. Thursday evening January JS, for the benefit of the Ho(y Nam* Boclety Of Bt. Aloyslue’a'^^MiT'and Mre. Henry Fronek. of Balti­more, are stopping in Caldwell.

Aspirants for bobsled hooora apent sev­eral hour* practising on Mountain ave­nue, Caldwell, lest night. I t Is hoped lo . have th* races Saturday afletnm n.

Ralph Baldwin, of Pomeroy. W ae^ . ta vlaltlng Mr. and Mra. Edward H. M d - wln of Mountain avenue. W est ca id -

'*T he annual lurkev dinner dies’ Aid Society of tbe Loldwell Pree- hyterlan Church will ba held In l e ^ ture-room to-morrow. Dinner will b*“'B en jam in 'F Howard, of Grove avenua Verona, haa returned from a t lait In Btroud»burg, Pa. _________

S P R I N G F I E L D .The Chrtatlan Endeavor Society of the

prrabvierlun church Imi been Invited to the nineteenth annlverrap- of the

Connecticut Fnnrns i ®‘®®W lday night. The Springfield ..Endeavor- AFs will Ipftve on th# 7i45 car.

Mure Alice Thom, of Brooklyn, sialer of I Charles A. Thom, has returned home, uf-

t i r a two vreeka' visit to Mr. and U n- ■ Charies A. Thom, on Westfield avenue, . ,

Many of the young people of S p r in t e d 1 ^ ere coasting on the hill ay John L._p*n- | man’s house yesterday and laxt n ig h t '

Wilson H H offm aa who has 1 ^ vielt- !n* his uncle. Joseph Astle, a t YltielaBd, foe a week, returned home last n ig h t

Mrs H W. Addison, of Windsor, Conn., is th* guest of her mother, Mre. Ellen Daniel, on Proffitt avenue.


w ill L e c tn n oa fiaakes.Professor Raymond 0. Dltmera, ot the

New York Zoological Owden. will leeturu tn the ohapel of Brick Freebyterlsn ChurclL Eaet Orange, on Friday evening. Hie subject will be 'Harmlee* Snakes and Reasons Why They Should Not Be Mo­lested”

SPECIAL FOR THURSDAYScotch NUfo. lb..................Ai40Vti9<I CbocolfttM, lb .,.s**19c




o f' O rawB'^alTey^haV eieotaS the loltow- Inff offleari: P f# ^ # n t, Henry Tord#U|vlc®-pr#ftldenL MJsb Paniiy Becyer; i# ^ retary and ireaaunr, Ml## Baran A. Kaufmftn^

m a k e r s o f s w e e t s1ST M ftrM 9 t911 Broftd i ts , ---- -

Lower Store; 951-953 Broad Street(On th* Qr*gt Whit* Way)

U |p Sign: G79-89lln n il StiNt«*r. W**t Farh # t. North


Lyon# to m a r-1Th# annadl ^TTormfl W hUt C ub will b#

' !q Wftldorf H a lt ,Mr* Jam es Farrington, of Chlc«Q, 1*

idVltlng Mrs. H arry Lamaon in Bergen]* N ^ h e'ondford and IJi^lly, of HIllMd* j ftvrtu# LiVon# Farm s, and Lthnn Tuttl Snd family, of Hlllild* avenue, have]"’’Ibe 'new C l f S * HUl B o ilin g Club vriU I oil to-ntght. on t t a w a ^ r f The

s a .’ The MlUburn Pinochle Club will meet ■ the home of Daniel Taylor, on Bprlng

•<reat, to-morrow n igh tfha saw b an t U now t ^ ln g o n ^ bu#l

fl'iVn NBUVWA *•*• ..Mra .,016tefdbr, Tm« GoUector QaorwL _ _ ------Cl oocupytBS hli roocQs and th# Town*

■ look- FoUc# Justice ’WUHam £ Sum-. . .-i------- ofllc# Ihope y«f-mt U. Clark

' XI'W AOOfo- Jrouce gufouw 1 fi‘#ra moved loto hi# new■« oocupyuw OiN hwuAs raggqa asfv *v»*i*i-M b (M M tta s 's oew quarters b a re been Bssiontod store tk* first of th* year.

A n m b e r of roung folks ore anjaylng“ ■ -----“ —■ down the great- to n g n lll of

“ “ rood to Mainof Ht. Etna A. M. E.


oditiniMd this week.T------ jy. sJoodfrey, of Bloebanlc

h u b##ii to tb# Oranfo Ma> Bfli0ua for trsatm ant

roll lo-n ifn t <ju !.•»= v “*i^V members will entertain their wives ladles’ night._______ ________ _

n c t l e i .Dr. William H. E'OokweU. of the En-1

closure, 1a home, a f is r a ten days visit to trlenda In Brattleboro, Vt, ■

Mre M. French, of B sltlin o ^ , Is a guest of her slater. Mra. W, H . R o sw e ll, of Passaic svenue. iI fr i . Arthur B, Gladsrtn, of Hlgbfleld Un*. and Mias Gladwin are homs, after a vtotl to friend* s t Englewood.

Pdtoehas *afi Nsweglgto tn an C*Me- Itoxatiss Bromo Qulnlns, tb s world-

• id s cold and Grip rsa sd y . rsraovs* OOUM B*s stgnature B. W. O rova Ms.—AdT.

CENTS for three tall cans of Borden'g Peer- letf Evaporated Milk.Reg. 10c. can, spec. 9 c .

White Label Prepared Buckwhgat, | C - nothlnE finer made, gpectal.pt... Iv w

W hite L abel P re p a ra d F lou r,pa . U c . n a p o l e o n f l o u r ta here and we

ire ready to supply your want*. P*r hbl. 7 .2 S l 24>4-lb. bsg, 93e-

P rU * of th * F a a iily F lo o r—Per bH ., 6 .9 8 , bag, »9c .

HYQEIA Baking Powder is ab­solutely pure and finest made; our price very low; 1-lb. can, 35c. M’s 18c.

Im peria l P o ta to C M pi, )4-lb. box,15c. AlQOBd M a c a ro o a t, per box, IQc. O lng*r d e m a , psr box, ISc>J tte d la r 'i B u t te r S ao p a . tpscl 17c. lb.Kufittoy & Poltasr't BrsakJaxt Blscnitg,

pa., lOc.CENTS per lb. for t Tsnr •p tciil M I X e D T B A . 3 IlM.. 1.00.

Our SOc. Mixed Tm ta excsptioaal value—I lbs.. 2 .1 5 .

D o lg y lad l* -C * y lo n T * a ,ip |b .a u ,3 8 c .B lg W o o d e r M * tc h * i- i ,o o o tp tbe

box. Just tU nkl 3 b n Iw 10c. Sertd) E -Z , reg. We. ekke, sp 'l Sc. Trip-o-iss, ref. St. can, *|tatlal 4c.

CENTS for a pound of our famous Maracaibo Coffee.5 lbs. for 88c.

Royal Banquet Coffee, 1-lb. Unt, ipe- dal 3Sc.

Java and Mocha Cofiee, 30c. lb.; Ilbd*.

Java^and Moricxtbo, ZSc. Ib.> SL x fo

Lafon French Peas—note tpsdol p ft^ : Superfine, re*. JOc. can, sp«d*l 2 8 c .i

■*90 dwi.b ir a fine, reg. Wc. cui.ipaclai 22c.}

2 .8 0 dot.MsdluiB No. 1, reg, 14c. can, ip*flal

13c.; 1.4S doi.Royal Arch Aeporagui. Z )4^ . m m .

reg. JSt., tpedal 3Sc,t 3.W dot. CaUfornla White Atparigna, 1 lb. lafj*

cans, reg. JOc., sp«. 27c . can.Extra Selected Swost Peoa, rec- «»«.

can, spec. 18c.; aex., 2 .0 0 .W hite Label Csmdensed Sobaeb. reg.

Uc, ram spec. 13e.| Jt-d * d o t French gtyle iJraa Beane, reg. 2fc.

ooni spec. Itev o*»: *l.T*,do*.L afou iasiuaeo . Ju s t recslred

shinment of thee* tomoue Boneless Sardines. Largs cans, sec.| gSM das.; small, I5e.( SRS# do*.

Latour Sardlass, large coas. IBcvi small, ISe. . , _ „

Carmen Imported b rd ln es . H e. eon. Blue Label Hutton Broth. BMf or .

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Tb« Diur a trM t UonM Btt4 tebool A.M* olattsB o( O ram * wtU nuMt to<morrow kttcniMD, for tti* first Urn* alno* bafor. tlM bolMnyi. Th« prailfiM t, Mr*. William B. Bartholum ar, will prMlfi*. A mualoal proftwin will b* r«pd*r*d b r Mr*. (H o rn dro**, ot W«*t OracK*. aolotat, and Mr*. WoodmaBi o( Oracf*, itlatilat. Tbara will b* bo ■peaklnc, but a Doolal hour will fol­low tb* muiloal*. T^a and oraokara will b* atrrad. Mr*. Rlubard WlUlatui will pour. Th* uiothara a t th is aobool have ahown apaolol liltcraat In th* work and It I* a k ^ t a d th a t th* attandano* will b* lOrta.

Tb* High Bohobl Bom* and Sohool Aaao- olatlon will mast to-morrow afternoon, when Mr*, Amoa C. Van Qaaaheek, of Centr* *tr**t, will giv* a talk to the raotbara on h*r trip through Perala.

In th* Klffh Buhool. on Friday night, will be given an llluatratcd laoturo on “A Trip to the Ptolflo Coaat." the fourth In tbe a*rl«a by Robert a . Weyh Jr.


Recital Given a t Residence of Mrs. Graves by Singer

and P ianist


Bloomfield Board Had No to Appoint Sfkorter a

Police Sergeant



The fflduoaUonol T heatre fo r ChUdiwn and Toung People In Boat Broadway,New Tot*, w oi deaurlbad y*it*rday after- nooB b f It* fouadar and aaoratary, Mlaa HI... Mtaal* Herat, a t • moating of ihu (ouia) aolana* dapartm ant of th*Woman’* Club of Orang*. Mlaa Marat *x- pldload th* aoop* and aim o< the Inatltu- Uon, in d enphoaliod m any benefit* ra- ■ultlng from Ita oourae of training whloh daytlopa th* dram atic Inatlnot latent In evary phlld and through It, th* mantol and moroL

’’Only two of our puptia have gone to tb* profaaolonal atage," aold Mlia Herat,■'and on* of the*^ afte r a abort Ome, retum od to law work. Tha other had tuob mnrkad ta len t th a t there wo* no guaaUon a* to We life work." . . .

As Istom uil dl*oui^oD foUoww the talk and the hop*, wo* eipreaaed that vfiM H erat oould be Induoed to give one of the Bduoatlonal Theatre play* before th* W oman's Club. The departm ent of aootol aaletioe, of whloh M ri, A. D.Obondler la ohairman, had already bad undftr ooTMlderatlon tha bringing oi tt pitjf to Orange, n.nd tho Interant m ini- faeiad jroawrdriy aeeroed to w arran t fur­ther oflort tow ard th * t end.

"Wa aro putting into use. Mtid mifla The second of two reclialB given by Herat, **the Frobel prioclpai of child | H arrletta Cady, plaulat, of New play. Utility of all education should be York, al the home of Mrs. Edward H. baeed on the ahap ln j of > . Grjues. Scotland road, South Orajige wasr ' ^ t o ^ a “ r w n b : — Ing before a large and en-for youth A m ature person frequently | thuelaellc audience. The program was forget* youthful e*pertanoea. No ayslem | a modern one. In contrast to that given of religion or ethic* 1* effectual unless I a week ago. Miss Cady was assisted by It rouae* feeling. A potential force, a , jjija Charlotte Elliott, soprano, of New method. He* ready for this, *[)'* ! York, daughter of Bishop Elliott, ofImaginative faculty of the ohUd- | Teias, who sang two numbers, "Chaafeonmoat iponlaneouB effort of youth la evl- provence " bv Hell Aaua and - F i- danced In the offort to depict characters ^S, fioHon. All o laisei of children love this Pectancy," by La i urge Mias Blllott and will work harder for this than for pOBeesses a strong, flcilble voice of wide anything elaa Youth has dram atic In- range, and sang with much froling and

^ und€ralanding. MIbh Cady a ntimbare In­cluded two by PadorewakL I’Y Bussy. Brahma’s "Rhapacwly;” Gavotta, by lyAlbert: nilnuot by Vanilla, and two concert etudes; one by MacDoWotl and one by Schocer. Among thoie present were: Mr», Henry P. Kirby, Mri. Henry A. Puliford, Mrs. Alfred Leet. U ri. puana Phllipa Cobb. Miss Julia Schnei­der, ' Mrs, F rank Arnold, Mrs. Ed­win A. Bayiea, Mrs. J. Hammond Brad­shaw, Mrs. William N, Stevenson, Mrs. William Runkle. Mrs. Robert A. Franks, Mrs, Charles H athaw ay, Mrs. A. D. Smith, Mrs. Frederick W* Tolley, Mrs. Mranton B. Metcalf, Mrs. Thomas A. Edlaon, Mrs. Alexander King, Mrs. Gturge Enger, Mrs. WllUam B. Oould, Mrs. Edward D. Duffleld, Mrs, Andrew 8. Mnrrhj Mrs, Charles H. Burke, Mlsir Woodhouae and Mrs. W. Connett.

The action of the Bloonflsld Town Council on January 1 in i^polnting L«w- rence Sborter. sergeant of poUee to suo* ceed Sergeant John R. Bayllaii waa re­scinded by th a t body last night, a fter Town Attorney Charles F. Kocbsr had | given an opinion which declared the ec- tlon of the board contrary to a law of UK)]. Thla act, according to the counsel,


Th* b*aHi of th* W «jt Orong* youth w*r< mod* glad loot night, wb*!! tb* Tpwn CoUDoll paaMd a motion granting them th* right to coait on Haa*l and Undslay av*nu*i *ud High *tr**t up to 10:10 o'ciook a t night. W ith a whoop * •eor* of cr*»tfvU*n lad*, who fo'und that th* coavtlag had b*en itoppad by the pc- Uo* aft*r th* accld«m of th* day before, and who had beard that the council would tok* (ctlon, a ro n from their eea ti and mode a da*h through the crowd in the council room to take advantage of the three-quarter* of an hour"* aport 'h a t re­mained tor Ihoiii.

Councilman fteven* offered a mo­tion th a t the coaettng hour* on the three hllla be trom Ji until 10:B0 P. M. A aiori.i of proteat broke from all guarters of tha room. Thu argument wae th a t with th i«e hour* the younger children would be pro­hibited from cuasllng at all. even on a Suturday. It was then auggefl'uu ihut tha change bo made to , o'clock, and I hie, thb. brought forth a prola«t!

Mr. Blavena elated that. In hie uplnlnn, coaettng ihould not be pernillied pn HaeelBays th a t no policeman or other police ..... — .......... -

uftidal ^hall_ be dlem lued _ u tU ^ i ^v'^nVi'e"during” the afternoon, becauee ofthe danger to the young rhlldruii who


West Orange Fixes $400 Rate, tboogb Members Are

Equally Divided.


cause. The law was poaoed aome time before the town ordinance creating th* office of aergeant was adopted.

Mr Bayllaa, through hla attorney, Hal- •ey M. B arrett, brought the m atter to

leave the Haael Avenue Bchool. The irnf- llc on the other streets, he snld, made coaetlng dangerous on those hills In the daytime, hut he finally accepted the sug

itltiot. A large percentage of crimes of childhood or youth are due to the repree- alon of thla dram atic Instinct.

"Blmotlon PUtB Into motion the move­ment Of the mind. The untrained Imagi­nation leads to crime and Irresolution; the trained Imaglnnlton to good. tVe found In our work that the outreach on the port of the musses cuuid be reached In a sure and certain way. As the work pro­gressed We saw tliat the desire to act was a finding of an Initiative on which we oould work- Our plays are chosen with a view to the mentnl, moral und physical growth of the player. We work­ed through the desire of the children In order to reach our desire. Requirements of the characters to be played made them work. Dramatic Instinct Is a com­mon heritage. Children and young peo- pi* sought and found In this work a human education which no textbook had dv ea them. The study of a debased Character la of the greatest value, It j 1v«i the pl9y« r8 a chance to work hu certain sOmulu*.

One m ust see a play from the wings as well as from the front of a theatre In order to reallxe the dlBcipItne th a t haa been brought about by th is movement. It touches the Ideas of respecting the right* of others. To understand the other man's viewpoint Is to realiss the true reaponalbuitles of cltlsenshlp, which be­long W all. I t it Is stirred from within any child can be led to develop feeling and sympathy. Thla educational move­ment does not Influence those who act in our plays to the stage. It is the most co-operative means of keeping them off the stage, ' i t has great results. It tends to do away with racial prejudice. The actors play many parts and this in U- eelf broadens the education. The' lines are not learned by heart, they are ab­sorbed from constant study of character. We do not pJlow a child to play a grown­up part. The age of the child Is usually the ag« of the role *he act*. Huipamtlea *r* all shaped the same. The urge of deelre may Just ae well be to the good as to the bad and th is I* w hat th is move­ment brings about. I t ha* been proven.’

Mis* H erat described the story-telling elaese* which meet every Sunday In the Kdueatlonal Alliance building and rend & lit te r from Jciaob A,. Riitf, ■•inphMiKBffth* vain* of th* work.

• • •Mr*. Thom** W hitney will b* a t home

to the members of th* New York State Chapter, B aughter* of the Founders and P a tr tp ti of America, on Monday. In her ■tudJo, ™ Oamegl* Hall, Tnvtutloni ^ v s (sen extended to member* of th* New Jemey Boolatr of th* DaugSiter* of the RcrolottOD.

• * •Mr*,' Thoma* A, Edison, of TJewellyn

Park, will give a luncheon to the mem- U r« of the W oman's Guild of th* Orange M. E- Churol* on Monday afternoon, Inthe Miller Chapel.* « •

The Political Study Olub m et ye*terday afternoon, a t the home of Mr*. Frederick a . U andtl, 6fi S tate itre e t, B ast Orange. The. p reildsnt, Mr*. Msuila* 8. Decker, was In the chair. Several Interesting paper* w*r* read. On*, w ritten by Mrs, Edward W. Chamberlin, wo* read t>r Mr*. Eugene G. W est, on "ImnitgTatlon turn E orlleit Ttaiee to To-day." This wo* fol­lowed by on* on 'T h * Sootoh-Irlsh Iraml-

Sante, the P uritans of the South," by ri. F rank Q. Coughtry, and "The Puri­tan s In England In EJigabeth's Time," by M ra Frederick H. Oolvin, "New England

period" wa* treated by Mr*. Loul* M. Sander*, and "Quaker Ihvoelon of Motio- ihusetti," by Mrs. HandSl. There was a org* ottendanoe. Tbe clnb will m eet on ''ebruani' 3, a t the home of Mr*. W. B. Donnell, n High street, when Mr*. Albert Inowden, of Ro*elle Fork, will ipeok on*TnduatrIal Education."

* * sTb* tenth onnlvneary , d n m atlo and

n u slo e l m atinee consisting o f tw o pday* f o W in CailMOB. wilt b* glv*o Friday, January ffi, in th* Aetor gnllary of th* WolfloTf-Astoria. New York, for tb* ben­efit of tbe Mary Fl*b«r Bom«v of New deney, In whloh many w o m n from the Orange* ar* Interested.

• • •Th* Crescendo Club held a muilcAl re­

hearsal yeateiday afternoon a t tbe home of Ur*. J. Guyton Bosttm, Meeker stTset, South Orange,

Mr. McK*e«’e F tw e ie l.The funeral servtcee o f Richard W.

UcKeon, who died suddenly a t bis home, U Etngm on rood, Sclith Orange, Monday night,, erm im held At "the tee red Heart Church, 'F a l u b a i ^ where a lOlemn high m o(i wUI be ofl& M by Jam** Mc- M a n y , the pgjto r. _

Mrs. Fam ham Yardley, of LlewBlIyri Park, will give e luncheon Tuesday n.t her home In honor of Mlea Florence Walton and Misi Carol Douglaes.

* * *•

MIbb Phoebe Reynoide, of Munn avenue,East Orange, sailed thla morning by the Red S tar Bleamer Finland for Antwerp,A number of MIbb Reynolds'e friends , called Informally yesterday to wleh h fr Bloomfield avenue cara did not dlB

the uttenhon of the council two weeks i^Qritlon that comitlng be permitted a t all ago. and declared the action of the board < houre,lllegnl. , I Councilman Meeker Btnted that ample

Rather than have litigation In the 1 protection would be afforded by the police oourU ihe councU, after Mr. Kocher'a a t dangeroua Blreet croafllriga. opinion had been read by Chairman Mur* I ray of the Law Commllteo. rescinded ttfl j action. Now Mr. BaylUt, who huB been ' doing patrol work, will again perform tho * dutiei of aergeant with back pay for the ; time ha ha& been off ae sergeant. '

Following ihe reading of Mr. Kochw'a opinion Councilman Unangvt said:

■‘Ian’I Mr, Shorter a sergeant, loo?" .To thU Mr. Kocher eald he could not I

he apEKdnted to an ofilce where a vacancy i did not exlat. Thou the motion lo re^ 1 sclnd the rouncU'ij former action waa put j and carried.

The eatnblishtiient of the boundary line | between Kutlev and Bloomfield, which , hns been hanging fire for *iume time, waa > aguated again. Councilman Hummel pre* | sented a communication from Frank T. I Sheppard, an engineer, to the effect that the work would nut exceed |6W- Arrange­ments will be made to have the wjrK done, the coat to bo axaeifiad upon tx)th munlclpalltleB.

Coundlman Fnrrand said that, ob a re- Bidt of the line not being properly ea- tnbllahed, a number of paople, who claim to railda tn Nutley* refused to pay taxaa In Bioomflald, altho\igh the collector of taxes In the la tte r town was led to be­lieve they ware rosldenu of Bloomfield.

"This will soon be rectUledt" snid Mr.Farrend. "oa will also the rcBponoibLllty attending the caae of a poor family, which Bloomfield Is caring fo r but which. It thought, belongs to Kutley."

Mr. M urray announced the appointment of John W. Burke aa conBultlng cnginaer on the proposec railroad Improvamantii.

An ordinance fixing the salaries of the town officlalB had Its first reading, but H IB said That It will be radloally changad when It cornea up for final passage a t tha next meeting.

The ordinance as read fixes Balartes asfollowB. Town collector, II,SOD; town clerk,11,200; town attorney, IGOO; town phyalclan,1200: fire chief, 1300; overseer of the poor,|4 ^ ; town treasurer, 1600; auperintendant of public works, 11.300; recorder, |260; town engineer, $1,600; councUmen, $L50 each; chief of police, $1,030; sergeant of police, $900; regular policemen, |S40; board of asseHsarB. |G0O each ; clerk of oaseBSors,1200.

Counclloian SValker complained of the trolley service on the Bloomfleld avenue and crosBtown lines. He also said th a t

'bon voyage." months.

Bhe will be away several


Irving Bacheller will give a lecture : this e^'enlng a t the home of Mrs, Archer | Brown, Munn avenue. East Orange. I

Mrs. Eugene V. Connett Jr. has cards out for a bridge a t her home In BcoUand road, South Orange, on Monday after- ntKHi, February S,

« e *Miss IJlIlan I. Flatier, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs, Charlea Fisher, of Whittlesey avenue, East Orange, whose engagement has beep announced to Edward Flloton SmUh. of Newark, wHl be tbe gueet of honor a t ajuncheon given by MIbb Edith Kollmer, of Belmont avenue, Newark, on Saturday.

• p •The Five Hundred Club had an enjoys

able meeting yeeterday afternoon a t the home of Mrs. Carl Clark. 212 Academy street, South Orange. Tea waa served by the hostess at the close of the play. The table decorations were white carna­tions, Those present were Mrs O. K. Badger, Mrs. Otto Oakes, Mrs. William Harris, Mrs. George G orrabrant, Mrs. Downs, Mra. Weston. M ra L. K. Hardy, Mrs. August BrouLlgan, Mrs. Joseph Graves. The club will meet next Tues­day a t the home of Mrs. H arris, Fair- view avapue.

• • ^A talk waa given last evening at the

home of Mrs. William Pierson. Hillyor street, Orange, by Mias Georglana King, of Bryn Mawr, on "The Soul's Inher­itance." The talk was illustrated by a number- of pictures* among them several from the Boston Museum, which showed ChtneBe paintings and carvings. Miss King will give the fourth lecture of the series on February 19, when her subln.t will be "The Emerge o f BomaDce."« ■ •

A club dance was fflven on Friday nlsht a t tbe home of tha Mtsiee Sherwood. 168 Park avenue, E ast Orance. Among th* gueit* were Miss A nna Cox, Miss Elsie Morrill. Misses Grace Julian, Miss Iren* Jullau, Miss Edith Burger, Mies Marlon Doty, Miss Nell Hom beak, Mias Bestle Hornbeak, Miss Beth Hotrnes, Winfield Brooks, George McCloud, Arthur Brown, Ilvlngston Burger, Oscar Eherle, Charles Hornbeak, F rank B eck^, Merman Hahn, and Victor Brown, of tlw Oranges, while from out of town were Mlse Grace Burgh, of Broolflyn: Miss Bthet E rnst, of Pltts- fisld, Maas, I Mis* Lioulie Nobs, of New­ark; Miss Josephine Evan*, of New ICOrk; Pennington D eW ltt Richard DeBevolae, WllUajD Baffinan, Robert 'rniooL August Beuoke, and Charlea H o n , of Newark; Rlohand DeMott, of Tenaftir; Doremus Mills of Montclair; Inputs Wood and Frank Kstcham, of BrooKlm. The guests ware recMvsd by H its K en iis tta Shsr- wood and Miss Beatrioe Sherwood, tha fornitT wsartng green m enaltne and the latter tn pink katltt.

JOHNSON WILL NOT STAY.Town Clerk W lltlam h . Jobnaon, of

Bloomfield, who raelgned January 1, after ■evanteen ysars’ servlb4 lu u dsMIned to reconsider bis aotlort,. although much pressure has been brought to bear upon him to do sq. Mr. Johnson will glr* up hU position a s aotm a f te r t&* first td F eb - m r y as poeilbla

The oouncll has been unable to agree upon a *aoce**or, b u t It I* expected an agreement will be raaph«d a t tb* first regular session next month. In tbe mean time there wilt be consKlerabl* wire pull­ing by the friends of tb s candidates, which now number fourteen. ,

«^T0RY HOUR" ON HOLLAND.Mrs. William J. Kinsley spoke a t th*

••itory hour" hi tb* Park Sebool, Nut- lay, yestarday afternoon on her axp irl. «nc**'wldl* OB a TB M t trip to HeUsnd. ■he ai*o exhibited m any laavanlrt, wbteb •he gathered white abroad.

E ijiia lil lr eoifigilete waa Mr*. 'Etnalay'a oofiaettaba ad ■ (ibiUren'a bata and ooata tyoaa Hdit'and: An a m y of postoarda a b o w te VtawB waa also among her as- WBlIll.'i*..' '

play th<;lr Ucensea oa the ordinance re­quired. Tbe clerk was directed to com- iti'unlcate with the Public Sen'lce officials In the m atter.

Councilman Farrand aaJd the town should take preliminary ftepe soon toward the eBlabliahment Of playgrounds. He then made a motion that the m alter be referred tu the Public Grounds Commit­tee lo confer with the Board of Trade and report back to the council the am ount of land th a t will be requl^d , aa well' as. the probable coat. The motion wbI carried.

The police were Instructed lo see th a t protwrty-ownera cleaned their walks of Ice and srow.

WUllam M erti, a special policeman, waa made a " re g u la r" beginning February 1.

CANT INCREASE F O R a, BUT MANY WANT PLACESFollowing tha annouDcamant that the

Police Committee of the Boat Orange City Council and Chief Ball were both de- Blroue of adding men (O the force, there were a number of appllcftnte before the comtnlltee last night a t Ita regular meet­ing. No action was taken because of the fact th a t nothing can be done in the d lr« tlo n of Increasing the force a t thla time under the law which itmlta the num ber of policemen to one to every 700 of populetlott*

Several chancemen, it wae stated by the chief, had failed to report for duty on the nights when they should and he


In renewing acquaintance with the Hope Lodge Glee Club, the large audience attending the concert given by that or- ganiaatlun In the asaenibiy hull of the W oman's Club. In East Orange, last night, derived such enjoyinym from the vocal and instrum eiual performuiices heard as results from arUetic ucoomplleh- raent, varied In character and pleasing In effect. Since thla male choir came Into existence four years ago, It haa steadily enlarged ita membership, and wliJlu llius goliilitg lji vocal resource, U has coiillnually Improved in Us knowledge of parl-slngtng until now li ranke with the best of similar bodies In this section. Us rapid pTogreas In acquiring the essen­tials to artful, refined and persuasive Uiterpretatlon of sung Is due to Its own ambition to develop Its talen t for the mutual profit of its members and by the exercise of It to please the community to which It appeals, as well aa to the In­struction and dlsolphne to which 11 bus been subjected by A rthur D. Woodruff, Its m uilcsj director, and an adept in choral Gaining. W^hlle the choir's de­velopment season afte r season haa been a cause for congratulation on the part of all Interested In lu well being, ha i been rioted with gratification and pre- par«d its old frlands for Indlcaitons of fu rther Improvement In the command of the niceties of singing* y«t the manner In whjch it acquitted Itself on this occasion surprised and delighted those In the audience who were most familiar with Us ability. The certainty, freedom and fliUah of Us performances were hardly ex­pected, and the results secured evoked from its patrons the liveliest enthuHlasni they have shown at any of the nine con­certs marking Ita career.

The society was assisted on this occa­sion by ^ le s Pearl Benedict, contralto; John Barnes Weils, tenor, and the Dann- reuther Quintet, and with Ihelr aid presented a program that was agreeably free from monotony The choral composi­tions were Grieg's lotting of BJoernson's poem, "Land Sighting:" Van Der Stuck- en's fine arrangement of Foster’s "Old Black Joe," Dudley Buck's setting of "King Olaf's Christmas," from l>mg- fellow's "Saga of King Olaf;" Richard Uenee's whimsical and humorous ‘Tlailan S alad/' a tra^^esty on old-fashioned grand opera, and Debois's lender "At Evening." In moBt choral organisations the tenor section Is the weakest, and because of that fact an accomplished conductor la required to preserve the balance of tone demanded for equable and yatlefactory performance. The Hope Lodge club is fortunate, however. In the birength and quality of Its tenors, and a t no time last night were the la tter overweighted or ob­scured by the bassos. In consequence of this deslrabte balance, the harmonies voiced by tne different sections were clearly outlined and had their due value In ^be euphonious scheme. Furthermore, the choir showed a skill in the command of Its vocal resourcee th a t enabled it to amlt a pure, sniooth. rich and mellow tone, and to create very pleasing con­trasts and effects by careful modulations. In the more delicate piBnlsslml, the tone was firm and finely carrying, and tn the more vigorous of ciiinaterlc passages It was splendidly sonorous and sweeping, with never a suggestion of the harshness th a t Bometlmes disturbs enjoyment of the work of male oholrs. In vocal technique it has acquired a facility and surety, and in phrasing, precision of a ttack and ac­cent of rhythm 11 revealed an Intelligent regard for the significance of the text and the content of tbe score th a t com­bined to give authority* beauty and charm to Us sliiglngi Bo delighted was the audi­ence ihoJ all its perform ances were recog-

With pvery member present, the Repub* llosns standing solidly for and the Demo­crats as solidly against, the W est Orange Town Coimcll last nlgbt passed on final rending an ordlnaoce to raise the liquor license fee rrom $2tVk to |400. The deciding x'ote was cast by Mayor W alter A. Flint, the councilmen being equally divided. The council cham hrr waa packed with people of differing Oiilnlons, Including sev­eral saloon-^keeperi, An imsuccessful a t­tempt nt comprfimlsc wiia triAde by Coun­cilman Fenialeff, who offered an amend- m^nl making the fee $3tw.

"The pfople Vuie<l lo have the license fee ra ie ^ ." said Mr. Ph ntElHlT. "and It 1* our duty to raise ll. l.ni‘ T Ihluk that $400 in an excessive nnu)unt to demand. Doubling the llcennc Isn’t fair to the sa­loon-keepers. It certainly i? not fair to drive a man from a i^^gltimate business. The Fourth W ard dl dnoi vote for an In­crease and 1 would like to know If that ward could be conaldered apart from the real of the town?"

Town Attornoy Howe Informed Mr. Fenlxlaff Mint, In hla opinion, n munlcltifti- liy could nut bo divided Into licensing dia- trlots.

"Then I rrvov© to amend the ordlnanns t«i rend $.TOj and that tiie Fourth Ward he coiisidfreil separutel)' If It can be done legally. " said Mr. Fentxluff.

The unifiidinenl whh freely dlsrusMid by members of the council.

"The Mmc la pasl ," doolnred rounrU- m;^^ Stevans, "when ihls body cun dicker j


The members uf Essex Hoes Company of BellevlUe will be reUsved of the trouble of drawing their apparatus to fires by hand In future, sa the use of a hurso for this purpose has bean given them. Through Fire Chief Mewes M. Hyno, the Fir# Board of the township wna Informed of an offer of the superintendent of the Bolgel-Cooper Company's stables, which are located a short distance from Essex's headquarters, to loan the company a horse with whloh to answer alannn. Tticre are always a number of horses in the stables, day and night ,as well as n.1 least, one man to take care of them When an alarm came In, It was said, one' of the horses could be ImmedliAtely takni lo the Essex house and quickly atiached to the apparatus. The board voted to aoccfu the offer with Thanks.

A r ra n g e m e n ts w ill be murte tn havo an a la rm gong p b ic fs i at f iu ' u tiib lv s . The E sse x com pKii.T n il) purr!m .»i‘ harnosa II iia s one o f the tw o new tire w agons re­c e n t ly p u rch a sed by t iie F i r e Hoard.


Orange Memorial Encouraged by Response of Public

to Its Appeal.



Irvington Council Provides for Their Needs and Also

Doubles Pay.


Increase in the number of new sub ftcrihers ag well ae contrtbutUma from cburches, Italians, orgnnlxatlons and lodges are shown In # report of the flrmnce cornmUtce and ireaaurer of ih-’

with tin* ho»?riee question. The j Oranga Memorinl Hospital, mad# publicvoted for Jin Ineronee, kikJ they under- | lo-dny by the uommltiee on printing and

publication of tha t InatltutloD. I t costs more than $4.ouo u month for the running expojiSas of tiie UospUai. Th# committee

stood ilm t It w a s lo ti<* iCouru'llmnri Prodesw r added lluU pell- '

lions hud tfcnn. received, aulilng lhat IlOO j be the flgurw, und It was generally un- dei-8loi>d tlmt ihe new couri' ll wfn !d mine the fee lo ihai umount. He muiniulric-l that the people had practically lakon the m atter out of the hands of the «.'ojjic11.

C o u n c llh in n K e n n y , how ever, d n U r u l th a t the am o un t w as le ft e n t ire ly w Uh the cou n c il. T h e v o te rs asked s lin p ly it io t the fee be ra ised , he sa id .

C o u n c ilm a n F re y e m a ln ta ln iK l h b stand a g a in s t a n y Increase, on th e g round th a t a s he had been re-etected, Im co rs ld e rcd th a t h is con e t ltu e n la w e re c o n 'e n la d w ith the p re sen t fee. ^

Som e am uaem nnt w as c ren ted by Roger F la h e r t y and Jo h n C o x , b o th iw lo o n -ku p * ers, w ho , p u ll in g eaoh utli»»i' a^ldt- ua the o th e r Bpoke. a tre rnp tod in supp lem en t tlx* re m a rk s o f the o th e r F la h e r ty , b o cu m ln j p e raona l In d en tin g w U li thu se w hi. fa v o r ­ed a h ig h license , w ound up w ith a s to rm o f fcbuse. T h is e voked un a t le n ip t on tb# p a rt o f C o x lo apo lo g ixe fo r h im . F la h e r ­ty becam e a n g ry w ith C o x , w ho tr ied to pu rsuade h im lo le a ve the room , und lu a Joud vo ice shou ted th a t he m i un t n il th a t ha had su ’d, and th a t he w o 'ild not at<ologlxe, a nd w o u ld not let any one r ip o lo g lie fo r h im . F in a l ly M u y o r F l in t th re a tcn i'd to ha ve the p a ir e jected, u iid they (]Uleted down.

F la h e r ty sa id he c o n s id e re d the snloon- keepers o f W c fit O ra n g e to bt. the w o ik - Ingm e ii's best fr ls n d e The> g ive L inn - i-i c h u r i iy . he d e c la re d , th h n any ohurch or o rg a n lia d o n .

C o x rm ^ in lalned th a t no't m o re t lia n five O ran ge s a lo o n s lire on a pa^ .jg

hnftlH. I f rever.u# is need-^d. he ftwkcfk w hy not t i ix the g ro c e r and the t iu tc lie r; o r i f the a im Is to c le a r ou t the j^ulonus. w hy no t n n ik e tho fee $1,000’ " I f y. ii w an t to pu t a m an ou t o f huRlnehH. put h im p u t ," he re m a rk e d . A f l t r th is tho vo tes w e re taken .

f«lt thAt h# ockulfi not rely upon thorn.The committee decided to have all th#i nixed by generous applause, which be

afi•lie t#______r o x v

SfSlBSt sn .SMilllTlA.

~ ssfisekotiot,;;^ > i u r y w - . w *

tM* naad ^ seetatee *2' asR-" “ W s T S S ir iii

sal. fir m e w fe ^ S r —



I"L t V l k » S 9 ? O S .

K n , John W aiam ^ n tun isd te bar hgm* In New York tIsHJim tier rieter,' Mrs. Oeisr.O srtp', ' ^ __

men before It at the next meeting, when they will be told that It they cannot be relied upon their positions will be left vxcent.

CcninollmAn Horace A. Bonnell, wbo bod b*en saslfned to find out what the trsfBo rules ar* In othar eltl«a, In order that the oommltt** m ltbt bav* a basli tor a oeds tor B ait Orange, reported that be hod not seoored enough data and wa* told to report at tbe next meeting.

Odd Fellew *' Bell.The annual reception and dance of Bast

Orange Lodge No. I, O- 0. F.. will be held In Berkeley Hall. Harrieon street, that city, on ToMday night.

S O t J T H O R A .M A E .Wflbur V- Knopip and family, of N Riggs

place, will spend tha next two week| Inthe Sooth.

p iarlsa B. Yinltteiir, o t If Kingmanroad. Is lerloM ty til.

The S rs dewKinent wae ealled out leet night Eor a etdmney Are a t the lasidwue of Hla* Helen B. Page, to Ridgewood road. Ths'hlaaa was extlngii^ed before the apparatus arrived.

R l c h ^ Foley, of tJtIca, N. T., lx xteit- ing hi* uncle. Jeremiah BMley, ot Chnroh etreet '

Anajogemeata for the annual ball ot Booth Orange Divleion No. d Ancleat Or. der of Htbernlans, which 'WtU be held in the vlUage hall VtlmiaiT fl. were oom«

came so Insistent a f te r tb* Von Der Stuchen and Genes composition* that those melodious numbers had to be re­peated to atilt the demonstration.

In addition to assisting the choir In "King Olaf* Chrlotmas" and Uw "Italian Salad," Mr. Wells c o n tr ib u te to Uis pro­gram such lyric* a* BecchT* "Love Me or N o t,’ Young's "Phylll* H ath Such Charming G races," and B a rrls t War*'* “Boat Song" and "To L ucesta," aa well ae an encore number. Since he wa* last heard In concert here Mr, W ells's voice, a tenor always notable for Ita purity, wafmth and charm, ha* - developed u sonority, w ithout any loss of Its lovely and distinguishing quality, th a t aston­ished and delighted hi* old adm irers and enablad him to produce more drainatic and


li] lUt report soys"Every public institution must con­

stantly keep two objects distinctly in mind. Flr«t. to Incrouse In every potel- ble w ay the scope of Its usefulness and the efficiency of Us edmliiistratlon. and, secondly, to see that in absolute propor­tion to this Incrcjise of service there Is u steady enlargement of Ite Income; rc- BDurcts.

"The report of ih« ireusurfr. recently given. Shows n.n encoumglng Increase Jti new aubsorlbers. due pertly as a result of a special appeal sent out by the chair­man of I be finunce committee, which a l­ready has added $3iS to the hospitiLl from new subscribers, und i^ rtiy to the exer­tions of the financial secretary, who has succeeded In Interesting various societies in the need# of the hospital. Orange Is offering th# means of livelihood and the benefit of cUisenship to thousands of for­eigners.

"Too often are benefits received with­out a sens# of responsibility It is a mat­ter o( civic outisfuctlon when proof Is shown th a t the foreigner cheerfully nc* copts Ills rightful responslblltllns and thus becomes a valued citizen. This has rc- centJy been proved In nur city During the post month our Italian rlllzr-ns have proved that they value Mcrm-rlal Hos

The Irvington firs deparunent cam# In for a good share of attention last night a t the meeting of the town council wii#n sixteen recommendstlons submitted by the Fire and Water Commltlse wsr# approved One of them provided for Ifi- crenalng the permanent force by anoth#r man and this was made effective a t ones by appolntinent of w tlbur H. Tim-brook, one of the call men, who anUf#d upon ills duties tu-duy. Analhsr ot th# reconuiienildtiohs which is calculatod t'O iniTHufle the eificiency uf the department- vs.IN 4bt* rulHlng of th# pay of the cuilmetl III a year wltii the provision that thry arr tu answer sixty per cent, of lha alurniB. Heretofore thes** men liavo been [iiild tiiMiO pt-r unmim and were required to unsw#i- ilfiy per cent, of nil the niartni In order to receive the full salary. Fur­ther recognition of the regular flr#m#n w;in Htmwn by Hie gnuiilng of a ten-day siiLuilon to each man with pay, und an iiNowancu of one day off In ten, the som# OH In tit# i>oli<*p department.

i>iher recoinmendstlons of the oommU* U« which received the approval of tha board were uh follows; InilalUng a slid­ing pulf U) the (own hall fire bouse: lb' ntnbnihiTv of al trlcplioue; removal of the hirgc gujig In the M anhattan Park tec* tlon tu a fKFlnt in the westerly «nd of the town: iniprovemcnii In tb# n#n'ff HletpliiB qunrterM, placing of a Wftt#r giLge In the inwn hAtU; new equipment fni' the Hiiiiv tri;rk, and supplies for d#- piirlriicnial unes. Al the sum# Ume th# cuininitti'o wan Authorised to obtain bids fur one thousand feel of Are ho#t; fur a Hme cUick. register and indicator* and also for (he reniuvtil of the fire al#Tm wires lot-uind oil I'nlon avenue to Au­gusta sLrvut. T)>e ouinmiUee WA# #m^ jHiwered to draft rules lo govern the df- partmont and to revise the ordlH#ilC^ under which i\ wus organised. i '

It was the first time in many mOfitht that recummendations were made on tiKdi a broad scale. Heveral in#mber# of th# Board of Trade were present a t the niMt- Ing and they were loud In Ihelr pralR# Of the action taken by the council.

Another long deferred step w#e tlk e n when Chairman Btatee, uf (he Flnaue#' Committee, presented a reoomtnendOtlott to establlBh a sinking fund to take o#r# of the outstanding bonds at th#lr IBa* turlty. This, too, was approved and fbffi referred to that commute#, wixloh I# t# present a report at the earliest jeg^b i# moment.

At the suggestion of CouneUman L#- combe the Public Buildings Commltt## was empowered to obtoJu ths services of an architect, a master c#rp#nt«r and i miLstar mason, for the purpose of havtnif (hem draft ' h building ordlnanoe. Ur. Lneombe stated that the board had hftd a buUdbig measure drawn up. but It did not tho requirements. CounollinanWills, whu is a master carpenter, wlU b# Added to the Building Commltt## t#tn*

I p iirttp lly .j The Police t’nnruTJlUs# recommended th#

LL[)poltitmtini of the fclJowlng special ^D-pitfll and wish to share In ihr burden of | cerB without pay: H arry Camp. Frank its HUppurt- The following N>i«;leaes have \ IClllotl, Georg# Canfield, Edward BatgUlep subscribed to the hoapitiii: Alhornell l K. F rank Meeker. WlMlam Castles, Otto

Reconsidering Ihelr declHlon to reduce Bularlea of a num ber'of offlclnla, the West Orange Town Council Iasi night laid on the table an ordinance previously Intru- duced to accomplish this. The councLl also restored Lawrence A. O’Nellt to his place as superintendent of the sewer pumping plant and dismissed Wllilam K Mongry, named two weeks ago No ap- pointnients were made of street comnils- iloner, overseer of the poor, town treas­urer or recorder.

Councilman Keld apparently struck a popular chord by saying:

"I believe tn paying a man what he i* worth, and some of the salaries are nut a bit too high,"

In Mongry's cm# the semlment was not one-sided. Wlt«n Councilman tiro- desser reported the cA nge. Mr. Held ex­pressed himself as being dissatisfied whh a change made before the man had had a fair trial- Mr. Brodesser explained that the position required a capable elec­trical engineer, th a t new machinery had been Installed since Mongry had the }uh a few years ago.

Councilman Me«ker moved to place the m atter of confirming the appolnlment back Into tbe hands of the Bower Com­mittee, but Mr. Brodessur declared tlijii that committee was determined and that It was up to tbe council and tbH: he hoped the members would stand by him. They did. and th# appointment was con- flrmed.

An ordinance establishing a sinking fund commission passed first reading. It provides for five mi-mbers. the town treasurer, the chairm an of the Finance Commluee and three oihera to he ap­pointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the coiincSl- The members will serve for three years, wilt receive no salary, and must give bonds of $6,000 each.

Following tha plans of tbe new regime to have tbe hooks of the town audlte<l,

Italian Society, fiO; Italian colony, $3 70: Itollan fioilfiy Dlnlornl, $25 "

After Htulliig that the cff'irtu of 'lio rolured clllSrnH will be shown In un early report, new Huhaortptlons are unnuunLfld UB fullows.

Orange Carriage Compony. $!&; E&wx County Coal Company, $10-. flpofdF.woude- Cusack Company, $1WJ, Honsler Brewing Company, $26; CTowc, (Quinlan & Moore, $13.30; OMingts Council, Dnughterp rf Mti- erly, $6. Orunge Lodge of Elk?'. $2j, Jidm F. Morse Lode'e, I. O. O. F., $o/C!.m Druinnumd, JIO; Court Llasvellyn, l''urBnt- C3'8 of America, Ii; F irst Genimn l^reeliy- terlun Churdi, |7, W oman's S'u u ty uf Firm OermiUi l-’resbyierlun Church, iiO; Thanksgiving offering union MirvUe Bethel FruBlty'tcrlan Church, $16; Bilck I'rtabyterlan Church, IW64: SUTiday-scIhuil First PreahyterlLin C’hurch uf Orungc, $t)<i. Sunday-Bcliool Hurlbnl &iree» Chapel, $2.31; Munn Av»>nue Presbyterian Church,

North Orange BapUai Church, lo compiote bed. $100; Churrh of the liciy Communion. South Orange. $SS.90i Orange Valley Congregational Church $13 fiu-

"This 1b (in encouraging showing," the report continues, "but the list of cHy churches Is not yet exhausted, The llus- pltiU Auxiliary Society has given $l.l®4.aK, and from th# mite box came $iH3.

"While all these expreeslonB of Inlercal &nd proofs of flnuncJal support are infinite ehcouragernom to the board of

?!ovornorB, the stern fuel remalnw to be need by them and by the public that it lakes over H.OWi every month tu puy running expenses.’

L n rrn n e r H arry fl(4dA, leOuld CmeOj William While, William Rupple, ^IVilUam Finnegan, Harrv Rushtnn and Chori«i i'felfer, al) of whom were confirmed. Tb# namos of five men who were on th# roll of specials last year were not r#ootp* mended for reappointment, namely* Will­iam B. Vllet, George H. Romalne, John H. Wolf. OenigH Baker Hnd David Rubin, The iippnlniment of (lire# rhancemen wa# deferred rpon Mr. luiconihe'n motion th# Police i.'oTiimUleo wiih ordered to r#port tiuck to the hoard (he riainee of th# msn Uiey prop<ifl»‘d to I'hiiiictJmen b#forothe appointnicnts arc acted upon. Th# ronimlitee wue authorized to appoint a dog catcher.

PROMINENT G. A. R. HAN HURTFust fllatfi Department CornmondSf

Baraurl Q. Haytf-r. of (he Q. A. R„ whd lives In Fnimuiit street, Bloomfield, puslaiued painful Injuries last night, When the end of tl e small linger uf IUb left hand WAH rut off by V>elng caught in th# door (if a pay-Rs-yuu^enter cur.

Mr. Haytcr boarded the car at Bloom- fickl Centre lo go (n MontchUr to Install till! uflti'era-eleci of John M. Wheeler Post. O. A. R. As he Btaried to enter th# car

"i the door flvw bark and rammed the Injury. Mr. Hayter was attended by Dr. Morgan

Hughefl, after which he repumei! his Jour­ney to MoiUcUdr. wliere he Installed th# officers.


stlrrlox eSecti thaji oould be commanded i tae Mayor was autborissd to have tbeni


P « luui b een ,- matlam, 1*

J lte * last 1 . Oburab strM > bia hoto* irit!

A enrvHee party on ^[oeeM foB c t ^

Me J4»l^ o tm . W* ra n

New ■ fe rii..e iem e eenpw on the l6 e B n O W fW ,b * R id tew e o i > M .re M M « y

. D. W aM teR MMe J d » ' and X re. 4*O hri l^owe*.

Md*Sr:A lerpe tkndtore *aa M ieu la t to •

---------- ■----------eenpwti^ .bveke dowi> ^ . yeeftwey^*IMntoee.^«t*

driysr w w .ihm n) M esd eeeerxi pleoiii of tb* fWrilttlMft W ta wiitth UM vaii wae

of « e IM asbbm__etsd efBoere N*i«

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and take A bf WW .'eecb

jtoy GftSS ewpty tuteb l»-to Ita asreiri,keaN W nhi«iR# 1 ^ s*I«b -

Mheta wtS fewenrit

tbe . a n t. few


ey him In aeaaon, p a s t In his staging now thsre are the ripsnsa*, authority, re- flnement and grace of the matured and thorough artist, a s well aa the puissant charm always aaaoolated with bis tones. In Miss Benedlot, tb* aodtenc* waa In­troduced to a tslepw d oontralte, whoa* unusual merits w*rs promptly neognlssd and hsartlly appiovyd. H «r volo* ha* tbe true oontralto timber, Snd bar copious, widely ranging, warm and ingratiating toivM flow filfsiy and a re controlled by Intellhieno*, and good taste . She hns plenty ef tem peruosot, and she imparts to bar singing tb* color reoiitsite to Just proetanistlans of mood and feeling In t* g t end music. Songs by HenscheJ, Bur- Islgh, Cowen, d 'H srdelot, Park , Bond and otbere enabled her to display h«r ad­mirable qualities a s vocalist and Inter­p reter In a favoring light. In s couple cf obilgetoi tn the Giiog and Buck number*, C, C. JaofcBOc, a member of the club, wbo Is gifted with an excellent baritone, acquitted htmeelf well, despite the ner- vouinesi occasioned by U s debut as s solotst.

N ot the IsaSt enjoyable developments of tb* concert were the perforoiance* by tb* UatuiTMitber Q ^nteL

LoetgM •« Mtaos's Uf*.'Rev- John McDowell, j*eto,f . “f tb*

P a rk Pr«»bytm ah Chnren, will deli™- a ft** lecture to-morrow night tn the yir*t RbArmed Ohurch, BaW O ranga ''«»* Man Whe W otka w ith a Pick Betow Oreund" wUl be bis subiect, th* iK tura Srtiig perecmai remtniscenc** of bis Ufa

e#n yfiy i . ^ _______ _

'7 lM ^ ’'s* te a a m A s W eM M *.itsr of for-

___ ___ _ and M ra Adofph Ho(f-e r J t McCheoney street, Orsny*.

wfll b* m*rri*g to Imido S . I * ig e . ^Us swo ThumWty eM otag, M n x a iy U. Tb*

Ku b . pastor e l m* Iktuigm 0 *r- a i S r K S ^ItsrisB e m tr* . offlotaang.

AwadSNt Mallxiiadra H e*N e.tow members of tb s Glen RUge Bor-

b W b Oeoaelt held a eonlirene* at the " 01 Mayor George C. ’While last

te.dfpetim reUfOm} Iw-*s ■ ■ ”

i n - '—

HoffaaxWk < n « r JuMnaua^

examined tor the past flv# y«#r» by ex pert#.

Th# Board of Tax AdJu#tment came under the fire of Mr. Brodesser, who de­clared that, from appearances, the harJ- #Bt work th# members are doing is to draw their #&larIeS' They meet every Monday. h« lAld, but nobody seems tu know what they are doing. He laovwd th a t they b# instructed to turn I# # re­port to the council 6n February a, and his motion prevailed.

W lffwain B rook PoUutioB AiatB.ff h# 'WiffW#m B ri^k pollutinn wan again

brought to the attention of t)ie West Oi* ang# Tow$l Coupci) last night, this tlmt In th# a communJcatlon frum^ Is k a r M. aufm* health officer of Orangu. The pollution of Ih# ftream , whlcli forms the dividing lin# between the two munlcl- paiUlOfl. endanger# tit# health of reai- denla who live iMarby* and the polluttun by W#«t Orange tbou ld be stopoed, th« letter stated- Tn# m atte r wa# referred to th# geww Commltt## w hhout comment.

C«#tly D » # l a c Ov#u#*Ab Itatlan t#am #t#n w ith th# name of

Michael IDoolay* v m a rra n ed this morn- iBg lb S ea t Orang# ,od oomplalnt of Dr. wThtbrop D. ICIIoImU* who had oaugbt him dumphig d irt from a oefiar on prop­erty o f h u to ContnU av eau a near Twen- Ueth ftr##t. Dooley, who .1# emplored by Hichoii# B«m§, a eontraotor, aomlucd th a t b« had dumped the earth tb«r#* but did Dot th ink It wa# wrongs Reoordcr Nott fibid him IS6 under th# disorderly acL w ith tho understandlnir th a t if the y ir tip ro m ^ td th# fin# w if l l^ romltttd.

The (.‘aldw’rll Horough ImDruvpmpnl Ah- Boclation meeting yeyl^'irdoy afternoon ai the hurne of Mrp. Chftrlfs Sias'^r, fT Oould placf^. rtecldei) (u hold benefit ''ut' r- lainm ents as folluwn; ARs<imbly danc© at Aesoclatlnn Hall V>bruikry & and an jfler^ noon whlBi at Ih© home of Mrs \Mlfr<!d Maxwell, th# date to b© decldod later, n c k e ta to attend the Mary Flshf'f Home reception al Iti© Waldorf Asiorl'i Fpt>- ruary 29 were preaenird ii. .Mrs Filnmnd R. Lain*- ?fhd sMr»<. G l.t- Roy W l;ifi

The following memtierH w tlcrii''! in attend th<* P«mi and Fulnl C'ln'lt* rpi e;.'- liun. whit'h wm be; h.H.I Friday i j i t r - noon al ihr honif nf .Mi-n Stfiihi-n J. Si;Hi©r, of Ko*(f|and ©vi'iuh- Mrs Isalne. Mrs Frank Hiihwaid, .Mra Miin ui« Hii^h and Wm. John M. Mead

0 :0 :0Oj.T >000:0J. 1.0£®T J t Y THIS FOn >

- Y o u n c o u g HOOT7oX> 0:0 O 0:0

U s twe OUDM* <X Styeerisk with » bsif-W bos of Vlrgla OP of M ae dots- peraDU pm * sbd s b e lt pliM, of sttwlghl m ilU y . 8bske w U . U 4 t t t e In dos«s of s tesMiMHmful mreor bcurt. th ism ts ta n pew **M> Yiep Hng, bssitbfui priwertls* of tbe n n e e , u id iffll break * coU In twebty-fetbr bours sod cure any oangtt Ib a t I t euroM*. In b s r i^ - tb ls ftm nokt pu t W . be sur* t b u your e re s s W >■•* tbe genuine v irg in OQ of r a » oemgoor* p u n . prepared and gusr-

ly tbo Lescb CbeniesJ Co.,lU, 0 .

M O N T C L A I K .A fir© alarm yesterday afternuor called

Iho department to the shoe store of Glaii- na tta Brothers, 279 Bloomfield avonue. where a piece of stove pipe used a« a chimney had s«t fire to th« roof The hlAXfl wae soon extinguished.

'Fh# fencing team of tho Montclair High School will meet the r’oluin(>la Lnl- verslty fr##hm«n (earn In a mai< h r\t th# High School gymnasium Wedneathiy. Feb­ruary 10-

Albert Wrensi'h, of Hloumfield avenue. Grand Chief Wasblngtou of ihe Brother­hood of America, vUiti'd Ihf I'lrcl# at Fembsrton last night. Ho will make hov- Bral other official viaUa before returning to Mootolbir.

The first team of th# Cro#c«iit Sporting Club will meet (he Ellxnheth five In a baskatball gam# on tho High Sciv>ol gym- Ra#tum courts Friday nignt. As a pre^ llmtuftry. the Junior Crracshts will play th# Junior team of the Jefferson CJuo of Orgnge.

W alter Foster, who took charge s# gen­eral ntcretary of tbe Colored Branch Y. M. C, A. on Batur4#y lAst, has arrungL'd for a ap#cla1 meeting on Saturday for the purpoa# of reorganizing Ih# boys' de­partment.

The D ebatiiif Club of th# Colored Branch T. M, U. A. will huid a mock trial In the aaaoclfttlon rooms Tueaday, Feb­ruary 2. t

Mrs, £m1ty WUliamaon, of Elisabeth, will n m ik to memtrtra of the Wom­an’s Club th li afternoon at the home of Mr#. Clgranoe Rapkln North Moud- talb BV«bU<. Mr*. WlilLamaoq'i topic will b# ’'Detective and Delinquent Children." ih # will speak on the sam# eul^dect at tbo wotM n's conference on child atuuy to be held In W ashington later In tb# ttLonth.

A congregational ma#Ung wfil be held In th# m m Methodist Church next Tues­day ittftLt. Tn# program wUI Include sev­e r ^ musical numSera end a combjned report covering ev«rv pha«e of church wore. rOUgfoui, SDOigl activities aod finan­cial eonStlon. Hefreshments will b# s o m d by tha lAdle#’ Aid Boclaty.

Hix nurses a t the laountatnsld# Bo«- pitfti who h#va bean lit w ith diphtheiila. w ^flb they oofktnut«d wh$la caring for a boy ay^nttted s s v m l week# a g ^ will p robab lj re tu rn to duty to-day. During ^ titt# of their llktesiL which was very Ui%t* they were quarantibed In the nurses' horn# e p ^ i i e th* hosp ltai The regular work e f ih# institutton was not intensrsd with.

Charles V w - 7«tre#^ wa# A&cd $8 by Recoider Tost ihl# morttUig for e rra ting a dlsturoar?# last night on Gl#Bridge aTeaua. In default of th# parra«nt ef th e tos.-tiefor# S o’clock tkiii oxtenwoo tm ey will be ##ht to th#

B L O O M F I K L D .The Hoard of Aasessarw has organised

for ihd >t-ar with Robert Rawson aa uhulrman aml William R Uaab secrelary.

Ailir'rt K. Hrew hftd resigned os aspPL'Iiil

A 1"' of Uloomflidd IrOdge of Elkswill !m* heiiJ in rc iitra l Hall. March 4.

Th»‘ Keiiiibllciui r-xi’t-mlv© commitiee or- gusiUi-rl f ir the year In';! nlfflU wt(h these iiflo'iTM « halrmiiJi, Sfyiiiour H, Gilbert; vlri-I'toilrmaii. Walter Fllor, secretary, irn .d i'r l. k H tnn n . ir fa n u r f- r , F d g u r D. A c k - fniia n , riimniltR^f^rimn-ai-larga, Charles!'• Ki’ilier

A ritjMiiier of mf’mberH of Bromley Chap- I'T Fpworth I^-aftuc. will go lo Cedar iin is f III-inorroiA' niKlit <hi d tilelgh ride.

Ati nverheaU-il Mlovt waa redpoll Jbl# for ■1 l>lu7-i: lif.inlfsji on ()»# third floori-f ii hrlr'k tiii1Ullii« 111 [;(31Witn Mtrvel, OC*, i:;>li'i) l y ll.il' iMS The budding and u'-Tidwriik n.'-an-o Ignltv'd. The damageVriiH ahouf

A fhiirJtv iJiiniP will b# hfld in the ^'atholll Jniniary 2«. under thehiiepli-es of iiui women of Ihe Church of tliH Pairrftil Ilf-rirt. __ ______ _' ’


CASTOR IAFor Inasta uid OhiUnik

Thi Kind Yea tUie Alwaji Beoftit

ofB e a rs th e


ten OaY*. H* wa* Hn-**t- t n lennon .

Orange Branch Offiee,nEWARK EVEnine nEws.


Advertisements received until 11:1$ A* M. for Insertlpn on the sam# day*



Advtrtlaemcaii also r*eelr#d la me OrSAgsaby tb« folio Kin# ageais: oast

Uax NiLiDon, 23 Wftihlngton place (Briril Cbureh). TeL 3TQBR

W. H. Plumlsy. Si* Muin s t m t . T tl. kU I, V J, F. ChrlsUu., lOT HsiO StnW,L E. Tiacer, MU Mala a tm t (BtWl

CliUKb).Harry tardBall. ilT Ctotral •T**1t*. V*),

WML. Eail Oniws. ‘ j*OHAHOB VALUST- :

u r^ J. J m*si»ae A-aeua 0tea-tlm> . . . .

MoBtraaa Plunu*^. J. *. WScotland atrMt. CIraiia*. TtL M R ,

•ouTH oR A ijait-_____ . "II. k . WallHf, ana*«**l*r. » Bratk Oie iw .;

enSM ,

m m i mTH* KFTW TOUNajgBO

AMD P i / J i a ------------o r a Kg s , i :. 1.



Among Women*s OrganiJS thns

' lA* M IowIbc afflccrt'W cn a ttb# luinual maatln# of Kova Caeaarta CW Pirr, D. A. VL. tottd a t U u honw «( th« MiOBt, Mr». Everard B. Hopwoud,» Thftd BVwue. ymUrdajF aft.'rnonn-.

, Refont. Mr* K«B»na«; ■rat Tlo».r**enl.■ Mrt. AtWtMi H. MflGrwer; ••oond vlr*-

|«K»at, Mrs. Jonath ln H, H untlnaton; neordlng secrolant, Mrs. WilUam A, Bbrra: (rrasurw , Mi», E dt^ t ■caiTMliaiidInc »cr*tAti., Mrs. Ch»r!»« u Jones; realsirar, Mrs. J. Merrill FiKjte; felstorinn. Miss Ada fl. ToUoo; audllor, Mrs. Osoar H. CondK. Th« new ofllcera

. will b» Installed a t the rafu lar meelln* May.

FoUowIn# the bualnesa meeiln* an In­formal lea and social hour vnm enjoyed The rooms were decorated with streuiners Of the national colnrs and ropes of sml- la i. and flowers made of red, wr.ile and tdue rlbtsms adorned the table. Mrs. Edward E Wor! gave humorous reuii- inga. The nest social mestln* of the chapter will hr held at the hrme ol Mis IMerre V. A. Brett, SSa Main etract, llelle. wQto, Tuesday, February t. The bourd Igitdlrectnrs will meet In the Free F'lilillc

. j jh tw ry Wednesday, February 17. llcniy ^ iOlitpSley. orgarlst of Trinity Church, gcssestsd to the chapter tweniy-tlve cop- Im of a new national hymn book, cou- tAlblnd a complete list of patrlu'.lc hymns, Tbe bonks were used tor the tlrsl tlnie y«terday.

A general dlsruBSlon on "Points of In- fareal In Kelallou to Music," uwlt place a t the tneeilng of Sesame, yesterday, at tto home of Miss Isola P. Sluiielake, Si Walnut street. There was a large at- tandanoe of mcnilM^re, Each comrlbuie.1 to the program Durlni? the eaecutlve

^yjAeasloii mattera |»rtal»lng to the depart- work of thie club were dlscusaed.

aoclal hour fillowcd the meeting. The tSOMtnlUee In dbarge was MlfM Emma L. Bloharda, Mias liola H. Stoorlake. Mra. F raneu J. Swayie and Mrs. B. Boswellward. » * «

Routine report H were received a t ft neetlog of tii« Newark Exchanfft for .W w u n 'i Work yeeterday. U was au> flOttiMed tiik re w ae an Inoreaied demand | for bondsume arllcka a i well an for Uie finpk tr pieces of fancy work.

HtMfeTH of tbe ChrlitLan Refuge oon- iMerad reports there yesterday eftar-

DOOQ, Tbero are twelve young women in ^ borne how, Mans were dlftouased for m tilpk funds. No ofbeial aimouncement b u made y«i of legacies left the

,k tp ' « • •Lootl nem bers of tha Woroan'a C hrlt.

(iga Tgnipernnrn Cnlon at E t i r x County will giUnd the mld-wlntar confarenoe In

W atieialrg Methodist Episcopal ' Ctwroh, Dodd and Lawranc* atreota.

.WftMMlng, to-morrow. The aesalona will . M n tl tn the afternoon a t 1 >0 o'clock.

»fe'r'Hr'P'glellc*'' ’HU *>* subject a t the

[o f the Friendly Vlaltotw* Confer- th« Bureau of A asodated Chari-

held In the Free' Publlo U- ' to-tnoTTOW morning at Id o'clock,

j^s. * • »Approximately (800 was reatlned from

' I 'g tcao t theatre benefit .perform ance . ^ Beblea' Hospital. This was aev-

tw M tmodred dollars less than the hoe- il'llilAl Noaireil tram a Ilka performanne

U st wtater.

j Society""Ho^ng Interests -Women $Jiems of Interest

(0 SocietyMrs. Harold A. t>od**, of WT Clinton

avenue, was linstcss at ten yesterday ef- teninon The affolr was planned In honor of Mrs. Charles F. HIcholson, one of the seaedti's bfldes, but. owing to lllneM. she was unable to attend. Becelvlng wfth Mrs Dodge were Mrs. Paul Cook Down­ing, Mra. Jam es Oordon Taylor, Mra. Jasper F.. Crane. Mrs. Edward W. 8cud- der, Miss Irene Hlgtite, Hiss Eleanor Mo- Carter. Miss rxjrothy bee, Miss lU tlld a Dodd, Mrs. Fmnklaiid Briggs and Mrs. Andrew Van Blaroom. In th e tea iw m the urns were presided over by Mra. Zachnriali Belcher and Mias Florenrd D. Murphy. The table was adorned w it" ® large centre piece of pink roses and Tif­fany glass candles.

« » *Mrs. Arthur Ja rv is Blade has sent out

invitations for a bridge Wednesday af- ternmin, February A a t the residence or her mother. Mr*. Bllas Halsey. » Central uvenue.

« * «Mr#. Edward H. P«tcTi, o f 240 Mi. P ros­

pect Bvsmi^s has s« ii out cards for hrtoge on Thuruday. Fsbruary 4. s i which licr mol her. Mrs. O* WUUb Pstsr#, the guost o f h<mor.

Origin of Some Wedding Casioms j________________ __ MAMa

1 . h . . . - - i. tniii III those rolunins the the two hereafter would ‘Share all thlnga Aa has been toM 111 those I mum . th e ,c a k e wae madeuse of the wedding ring us a -.>m ' 1 .he bride and groom,of enduring affection goes hack to " 'r s gueji* at the ceremony partookancient times. The origin .if oitu-i ,customs asBUCloled with weddings lak es , throwing of the shoe or slipper

after the brhle Is said to signify, 111 Itsone In very remote daya To the Angin-Baions. It Is said, Itie urtglii, the relinquishing of all uuthortty

will be

A number of thk younger married Mt were entertained Informally at bridge by Mrs. Albert H, A tba at her reaideucc. -IS Ml. Fraspeol avenue, tbla afternoon. Teu was gerved a t the close of the games rhe dpcorntlons In the dlnlng-rn.ini were of pink. Mrs. Atha will ..nlertulii again to­morrow lor the dehutantns und young aoHgl set.

Mrs. Charles Bradley will entertain at hei realdence, 19 James itre rt, to-night, when Mrs. Milord Clould, who recently came to Ibis oouBlry, will give recitations with musical accompaniments. Mrs. uoulu will recite 'T h e Erl King” In (lerniun. Other selections will be In Ttnliun snd English. Alauil Billy guests will be prefc ent. A supper will be served nt small tables during th- evening.

Mri. U lllcton Klrkpiilrlch #t*nt out card# for n brlflgi* pRriy nl her home, 543 5jt_ prospet’t ftv^-nue, ne*l Wt-dneaday afternoon « • •

Cards have been Issued by Mrs. F rank­lin Conklin, of 97 Johnson ovenue, for aluneUeon, February 1.* • •

The Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club had Its first meeting of the season a t the home of Miss Mary Campbell, M Jam es street, to-day Tea was served at the close of tile gomes. M ra Archibald Mercer presided at the urn. The cluh Hit this year Innludes Mrs. A rthur H. MacKie. Mrs, George B. Emory, Mrs. Wallace M. Bcudder, Mrs, 0*lbert PotU, Mrs. Rotwrt Cummlng. Miss Isabella Ballantlne, Mrs. John W. Howell. Mrs. Louis Pennington. Mrs. Edward H. W rtght Jr.. Mrs Charles A. Orummott and Mre. Martin Dennis.


wedding veil may bo traced. With th.'oi i py tier parentstour of the tatlsst men of the bridal pair's ncqualmanco held over the hrldi- 8 head, Ilurliif the ceremony, a s.tuarr of cloth draped like a canftpy Fr.>ui aucti a crude Iwglimlng bas beta evtilved the twaiutltol wedding veil of Ic-d.iy

As to the orange bloBsoms. srt often used to fnsten the veil, '.he Buracens thougtit ttwHe flowers the only ones f.u a bride i.. wear. From them the cutluin spread to niher peoples

For many oenturles the cueloin of throwing rice after the brtdo ond gioopi has prevjtllcd among the Hindus. TliM It undoubtedly closely assoclaied with InC custom, amnng the Ronlans. of throwing whfUll fur goisl luck lifter the bride and groom.

The wtkldlng cake Is believed to have urlglnnted ainotqr the Romuna This enke had most humble beginnings. At first |It was hut a small barley cake, half of | which wan eaten by the bride pud half . by the groom. This act was a token that

Related to these old-time custoioa a te the sayings as to the time of year and even to the dky of the week s u p p . ^ i y . favored by fortune for mnprlsges There Is almost alwaye comfort In thea*Inge, tor If one tvartrig upon a certain lime la discouraging, search le Pretty certain to reve.tl another, I'e^rlng on the samp time quite the dppostte tenor. So there Is really no for alarm. For example, H'''''* J " * lugubrious prophecy about mJnmihfy, hut it may be iflatclied withthiH: ,

MnrrY w!i«n the year I#Alwnr# lovine. kind and true.

n# in thfl dtiy# f>f njn«: -

The Ld Rue Holmes Natuft Lovers' League

The Robin,Wrtitsn by Alice Plekslsy, of the O ss^ ru -Rue

The old Jingle week for weddings

llouday tor heaUh,Tniedsy for wealth,Wednesday the best day of an. Thursday for loseeB,Friday for crosses.Haturduy no luck at all

COFFEE ABD CREAH STAIBS.If coffee, which has cream In It, lias

bw.n spilled on silk ur woolen fabric*, tha stnln may be removed by wetting thor­oughly with pure glycerin. Then WMh with tepid water and prejjs the material on the wrong aldp wllli a warm Iron. The virtue of the glycerin Is that It a b so r^ the stain of the coffee, ns weU a« the grease from the cronjii.

THE SENSIBLE INKSTAND.In selecting nn Inkstnnd see tlin t one Is

chiiBcn sufflch-nlly heavy at the base to preclude all danger of Its bBcomlng over­balanced when iho lop of the wall Is open.

CHILD'S SWANSDOWN OUTHTOccuBlonally the swsnsdown coat* and

legglns ar^ seen on the small boy or girl These com* from Russia and m r te the wearer look like an anim ated snffwball

FOR LUSTROUS STOVE FOLISHIt Is said If the stove blacking Is

moistened with either coffee or tea In- . . . .S T w a te r , a higher m eter will be I labels, for the p a ^ r n.arklngs always are Imparted 10 the stove. , hecumln* loosened or discolored

TO OAIN EFFECT OF HEIGHT.| ( Iho tiny pew jn would riffvct helgiil

phe TTimt nflvt-r have her ooiiun e In uny l)Ul (itic iune. A bloiwe of dlff^ieru rolor from Uh; Pklrt ilctractii r : '‘tn theappoTPht ^Utture. Tln’ ono lune In dr^ss li quite fls erwentlnl Tor thi' pereort who w-outd look la)t ft# I# the avoldwncf- uf the roujfh wwivea iind hirgc pattern# In the material Ueelf.

CRETONNE EFFECTS IN GLASSThe pnpiilarltT of cremnne Is evidenced

In sonic of the stunning new gliiss lump shades. From n distance In tha da.vtlme I! Is poeltlvely dlftlcult to distinguish the glass shade from a shade made of the cotton talirlc. Of course, when the lamp la llglitcd Ihe dlfferon.-e la quite dii.-cernlhlc.

m ien uy awh-c i wwia*A« •‘r*Uorow ChApier tfJr*nire», V*.***^J*

MoltriM Kattirt tsOTen lie#**#.Ohp thiy u" I wa» ilttlng on th 4 front

porrh I aolierd TWi» l>Irda (n (A fnafjle tree, Kkch 0# the bird# word a brown oott,

with a b^niJtlful rnrt ve»t. The birds were □tjoui Bt'v#n iiiche* lung, I noticed how Bhnrt thtfir bllU wore.

The rtJbine, for such they were, were vfiy livvty. (tnd they eoon flew away. AbdUl ten. iTilniitea lau-r one of them re- rurneJ, bearing two' or tt^ree plecea of »U-aw ill |L» benk. I wfttchtd clontT and soon m w thut It waa butldttig a neit. In n IltlU' wlilh; lE away ft^aing but soon rciuriu*«l wllh Its mate. And aoma day I ihlnk you could nee from four to #lx little bitif! egpi lying In the cosy neaC' of straw und down,

The robins come to us In March and stay IIU lihout the lust of November. I have always loved the robin-

In un article, “The Jeraoynwn VVho Pound Quid,” printed In ihla column last week, tUe nnMie of the Callfomlu pioneer^ John A, (Sutler, wau given aa Jamaa W. Butter. Attention is called to the tnl»- idke by Joneph Kvuna, of 1S4 BcllaviUo uvenue. one of the few m^n w> u can speak with authority of the old C^KfornU tluyH. lie wag tn California when gold wae found thej^ by Marehall. Mr Evunu ulso makes the pi?int that Mu)'sh#ire dis­covery WftB In the ruce of Suitor's MlU. on Ihe American River, In Kb Dorado County, rjMiny miles from fluEter'ai F'9ri. 'i h t fort wufl ihc l»cifhin:ng of the city of i^ocia- inenle. Mr. Kvuns sayg llml Mun%ball was given ii life petjalon by the Uvate of California, and made hl»* home at a way " ftKle Inn on a highway from CallfcrnlQ lo Oregon. He, therefore, think# ih i mate* tnewt th a t Miirehnll died tn ihe Sun D run* tlavQ roorbouBo ie open to correc.^on.


MEDICINE BOTTLES.Gliis^s bottlca a re now m ade for the

home medicine cbeet with tlie nnnie of the content# etmnped on the rf'^ceptarln, Uht- lie# of ihip k ind a re much alm pler to keep d ean looking than ili«#o w ith paper

M 1# a good ptRh In making feather pillow# to hhvt? the fottlherH firgt put In a cBxc or hajj of cheesecloth Then the ticking cover can eartlly he laundered. If one wlshoa to wash the faalhor#, JC j will he found a simple procees. If they lire left In their choeKedolh covering.

j4s the Poets Sing

Their noonday iigver knows W hat names Immortal arc:

'Tie night alone that shows How s ta r aurpssseth star.

-^ o h n B. Tabh.

. Logoi nt ember* ot the M a rr Flaher E' .#009* Agiociatlon have noelvet) Invlta- I , tio n i for a dram atic and kijlsical mall-

At tha Astor Oallery at tha W stdoif- ^ A M oHa Hotel, HanhattAfi, .Friday alter- V iH gA , January M, a t >:M o'clook. The ^RFAIw ” 1U eonunemoraCe the tenth annl- 'iaw igliry e t the home. Two plays hy Wilt

will be pressntsd, "The Burglar ■“sAWtot*" And "Arnold and Talleyrand."

HR llFTtle Corey will direct the dram - eat^onnance and Jam es C. Brad-

" M will be musical director. Miss Ce-


An Improvised wood bosket for use In b r in in g the lo»s from the cellar to the open fire may be •aelly fashioned- Take B piece of heavy soli cloth a yard and a B oartar long and a trifle wkjgr than the leng ths of wood; a short piece of cord, mot over two feet, and two flat pieces , i f wood half un Inch thick, two Inches ?wtde and as long aa the canvas is wide. [ Hem the Ion* sides of the oanvus. Into A double hem a t either short end *Hp AuSIctent cord to make a handle of con­venient al*e, Stitoh back and forth into

'B radford wirinTThniourToioi^ i p ? » . . “r ! 'Ponalcl Chalmera, baritone, WillThere will also be an orchestra.

--r . - . . .T ^ in * Mtiort HUU Political Study Ctah JRAI bold Its second open meeting In tho HHMRbly room of the Ulllburn Public

Ef^WWOdt to-Diorraw night a t 8 o'clock. Ed- Il'iKard Ki Bumerwell, of ik ist Orange, 'Will

Apsak oh "New Jersey's Opportunity,'' . . .

. Representatives of the local women'* gh b s will meet In the Free public L1- hmcy* tO-iifl«rrow to devise ways and

i;j|M M for holding a union club lecture, .:'and*r Ml* auspices of Ihe club eomun.

as to r the lecture m ature It will .Ably be held In March. An effort i | j * made to have Professor Charles

speak on "Bavin* and Bpendlng," H enry A. Haussllny, president ot

will preside a t the meeting.brfv.,;. • # A

f l l i muzUlftry of the Hflghth Av«nu# D^iy Ifoinigry arul Buby ^hoKi’V Tmt at tho iKMt Of Ml«a Nolito Oftrmlctiael, In Bum-

. f lm AVonue, yesttrday, wh«n plan# w«r# n M il for a hDni«-mail4 enke und cniidy (Hit ftt th$ nuraory Saturday, M^rch 6.

I Carmlohael will bo In chiirge of thH toblti. w ith Mis# Euth KingMon an

I fir M lfiU nt. Miss EllKulHith Gi»v£r will cluirgo qC the ##l« of CAndy. Her

ftdgiBtoiit will be Miss Sarah WonUotl. It d g c ld ^ to hold a-dAno» for tho bvne-

fli o f tbi! auxillory In Oraton flail durlnit &q9te r wftok. The date Aiid lh« oame# of OOmmlUvttB will 1>6 anoounced luirr.

• t *HIM Joairlsetto Eckert, of 300 Verona

flLyottpe* untortalncd the members of t|ie ^/AttxlKsry of th« Ho^plUl for and' ChUflreii e t bti Informal luncheon yes-

Ufflgy. Tbote present were Mr#. Bldnoy C ttreh , Mm. Wiliiatn M. Halsf^y, Mi's. F rank Stoecker, Mr#. Jamee Mcldnim. MIm Jeaim ette Haaelmeyer, Mi#> Kldo THeuei** Mia. Honry Hot# and Miss La- violir flbflLrwoll. Tlie annual meeting will

huld At the howplial next Tuesday.« k «

9 T Th« annual reception of the Irving Club will be held Friday afternoon a t tha

A jHoniA of Mra. Nathaniel Drake, 971 Clln- ton ATWue. Members of local club# txave >Mn Invited, and the hnates# will be AMlstwt.by the preeldent, Mr#. Lnura A. Smitli, and the vlce-preflldobt, Mr#. WaJ- t t t C. Head.

either end sUich on a pleoe of the cuu va# Juat wWo enough to make a fulee pockst for slipping In the flat pieces of wood. The wood tn position will serve to keep the basket open. When not In uec the bag or bosket can be hung out of eight. I t occupies little space In c ro w d ^ quarters.

FOR THE CHILD'S TOYS.One of the large covered backets, such

ae eve quite common in the W est Indies for carrying oranges, and which find their way to tho States frequently, is a must excellent sdjunct to the nursery. Tha IIUIB one’s playthings can be kept In It, and so carried about from room to room.It will save any amount ot clutter, and will solve the question where to keep many of the plaything* most sallsfac- tortly.

A PRETTY WAIST HANGER.A very attractive waist or coat hanger

la mode by covering the m etal ones ordi­narily In use with raffia. One simply crochets or bullonholes the wire and then Mils In the larger spaces a t either end of Ihe lienger with some fancy sUtchos, A large bow on the hook and one o r more tiny sachet bags suspended from either side complete the decorations.

HAMMERED BRASS FAD.The fad for hammered bra#t grow#

upuco. Buckle#, hatpin#, blotting pftd i cbfTiera and mounting# for tli# d^gk pod ! are among aomei of ih« article# being ' fashioned by the clever woman. Borne I onthu#la»t8 are working diligently wuh vaHotif acid# hoping lo give dMlrablc L-olorlng to the t'aeclnatlng metal.


KNITTED BABY BANDS.A Bcrvlceable gift for the new baby Is

a pair of the knitted band#. For the#e Ihe Ihreefold Saxony worsted Is beat. They are. of ciwrie. knitted on three needle# so a# to avoid a aeum.


More than flfteeti hundred person# p «r- liclpated In the fburteenth annual bull given in the Kruoger Auditorium by em­ploye# of S. Bc'heuf.T & Hons last night.For the occasion, hrnh the hall and the mage were decorated with pjilm#, smilsix I and floral dralgup. Incandescent gu# lamp# above th»’ erntre of the nlugH n rre \ arranged Into the word “8<-tieuer> '' I

About 160 couple# lo o t part In the grand marcb, which wrb led by Mr and Mr#Martin J. Cassidy. Boxes were occupied , by Mr, and Mre. Albert Bcheuer, Mr uml .Mr#. Frederick Bcheuer end l/ 'o Bcbeuei ! with Irtond#; Mn#e# Mendel and family,Mr. and Mr# Albert rodr-rson nml piirt,v,Mr. abd Mr#, CusHidy, J*'»oph Oa»id>Ml## Agnea Agnow and Mr.i.’ i*nfl Mr^ , CGsrlaa Nathan

Murk Heller wuf chatrmiHn i»f the ilonr ; committee He wna nssluud h>' Irvitig I cludeU Jacobs. Julius GallogVier. Mark Bulllvnn.Charles Hertsch. '* Adum Ruthri fnrd,TbenBAS ArmHtroug, IjouI.-® Qaodinnti.Charlss Range. John Murphy. Theodore Appcnxellar Cjllberi Smith and Waliei Kan^sU. Anthony C. Roih was chaii- man of the reception comnilltee, und wrts g#sl«t#d by fijghUien others On the a r­rangement coinmllter. of which Mr <7:1#* lldy was chalrraan. were Mr Jacnhs. E.B. Walker. Churlep Peterson, Louis Froudontha). Henn' LfChman. MSchsml Oarrlgan, Alork Bitrkalow and David Me*Mahon.

Muff# made of flowers are the latest roncrlta for the elaborate wedding. They are carried by brldesmaldt or maid of honor In place of the usual bouquet of dowers.

BOWS ON SLIPPERS.Manuish bows flnlshed with fascinating

buckles Instead of the custom ary loop uf the ribbon Itself are among the amagt- est trimmings fur the eveulng slipper.

tlrs . T- F. K eauedy'a Gar* P a rty .Mrs. Thomiia F. Kennedy g iv e 8 bridge

unity for a number of young people a t her home, 255 Graftiwi uvenue, this ufter- minn. The looms were ormunented With clurtcrs of scarlet carnotlons and while inirolasiie Intelspersed with greener)'. Re­fresh manta were served e t the olpse ot the games. Mra. Komiedy'a m est* In- diijert Mrs. Andrew \V. McCahe, Mls» May McCormick, Mrs. George Kahn, Mis*





has the most refreshing mother-in-law a man could wish—at least if you can judge by what she writes in the Februar}' W o m a n 's H o m e C o m p a n i o n . Her first advice to her marriageable daughter is a gem of shrewdness. '* Choose a healthy one," says she. And she has other sane ideas—practical sedatives for this valentine season—kvhich will interest evciy mother and laughter, to say nothing* of prospective and practio-

' ing husbands. In fact,

This Special Valentine NumberIs filled to the covers with features for all the femily. From the “ hefirtof hearts" cover design, by Howard Chandler Christy, lo the flour advertisement on the last page, it is brirafull of charming pictures, strong helpfnl articles, and page after pge of practical dejttrtmenLs lor women—all and more in the February

W O M A N ’S H O M E C O M £ ^ I O N

At All News-stands

r.A1 - V '



Eauliifil Upiiglil Piano.G uaran tod for 10 Years.

These pianos are sold in many of the stores at $275. Don’t buy a piano until, yoif have seen this upright You wilt save at least $120 on your purchase.

EASY TERMS IF DESIRED.A call to our warerpoms will convince you of the saving

we offer.

STEGER & SONSp lA .N O A lP O . O O .,

81 Market Street, Newark.

kO NOT FORGET that we are still offer- iug the “ O W EN DAVE NO” at a saving of 20 p e r c e n t on terms ta suit


A handsome imported Bread or Cake Tray, ia otir special for thin week. Handsomely decorated in various colors and made of blocked tin exactly like il­lustration. Only two to a customer. 9^ in. wide, 13J< in. long. Thursday only...................

If yim are in need of an Iron Bed. this is your op­portunity to save over half on your purchase. We have in stock 40 different styles of Beds, only one of a kind, that will positively sell at less than # P half, This style Iton Bed worth $5.00, this | entire week will sell at................................... # •

69-71 M A R K ET ST.

TheFknrqf Pour Generation -ji '■.'it •

I IStliel Lynn*. Mlsii Gertrude L ln m t, Misa ilUgun, Mlsi ‘ — •

Mlssev Nellie andMay MiilUgun, Miss K atherine Ford, th* Mlssev Nellie and Emily qainn . Miss Katherine Cnnlon, Miss Vleiqrlu fJea-


Harte, Mine Grso# CallAghan, Mias Mfldfr- Hne Daly. M lu Fanny MoCormtek, M1«f

Harrlsiin. Miss M«ry McDk»iald. the Mierse# Hhoda and Fran^ta# Geoflroy* Ml## Klliabelh Crowley. Ml## Be##W Cook# and Ml## Millie Bryce.

jAt A aeettoff cf th# New Jeremy Fir#*.Atfl Society. heW fit the Fro# Public Library lft#t !l was the

I iplayBround CommlBBlon had asked the _ .........I lootety to coa^< ir the establishment of <3 asilslanls.

clft#### at a playground eentre In this oltY*

Jki A prctlmlnary, the society wit* ^Ive a public Ifcture In & few weeks and will

arm itge for th t cl###, whiefa wlU ^ j ts^ s t ly be started a t the Hood Recrea- .-ttfin Centre, on prince street. I t was re- ' ported b j Wllltam F. Cone th s t a clsaa t s d sow been started in the Trenton

Men's Christian AssoclatloD wttb . loartM fi me miter*.

St, B rld ae t's SenlBB Clrele Ball.Six ot th* boxes have been token a t

the Krueger Auditorium for the annual ball at -Rt. Bridget's Sewing Ctrete, to be held next Tueadaj’ flight. The bux- htdder*. all of whom will en tertain jpar- tlee of guests, include Bernard M. Snan- Icy. who IB also chairman of the recep­tion ooramlttee; Mr*. Terence MoManus, prealrteni ot tlie Sewing Circlet Mia* Joeephine Oarrigan. Mrs. Sdw ard H. Mri''onn!ck. Mra, Peter Beory and Joeepb V. Lupo. Dr Ueo J. UcKfinus -win act oa floor dlroctor. H e will have a large oorpa

Plain Shirt W aist 62S0,

To Be Made with Regulation or Plain Sleeve*.

The plain sh irt w aist Is one which every woman needs. This one can be made as Illustrated with regulation aleevea or with plain onea th a t extend tn pointa over the bands and can be utlllaed for the simple, mannish, tailored waist or as a foundation for daintier onea that are either tucked to suit the fancy or cut from olrw dy tucked m aterial. In this case butcher's linen is simply stitched and the w aist Is one of the plain, useful sort. H It were cut ffhm tucked m ate­rial and made w ith the ptsla sleeve* shown In the back view. It would take on iw entirely different aspect, yet the same model Is correct for both. F or tb* plain waist regulation sleeves are held slightly the sm arter and there a re a great many women who prefer the plain ones and there Is a cbolc* allowed.

The waist Is made with fro n ti and back. It I* finished with a cegulaUofi^ box plait and with a neckband, and can be worn with the turned-over ofrtlor lllue- tn te d or with a separa te itoCk a s liked.Both the regulation and tho plain eleeves are cut In ono piece each, but th* regu­lation sleeves are flnlshed with openings and overlaps a t the lower edges and g a th ­ered Into straigh t hatida.

The. quantity of m aterial required for the medium a iu k JH yards t l or H.35k yards 82 or 1% yard* 44 inches wide.

The pattetfi ^ ' ’’f *82. 84. 88, 38. 4b, 4t, 44 and 44 InCb bust measure.

m a t MANTOW fATTEKHS—Xhe.ltoy ICtnlsn pAthffh fflustrated on this page can be hod In hll st**s fpe Itc. sodi. MMI Sfdtr* gsomptly nUed. MAT MANTOK p a t t e r n CO. <N. N.). « * -l4 l Wegt Tw M ^-anM tli fltreet. New York. A com­plete Has at May Montvn psttstne Ig sanlgd b r I S # flOERKE CO.. Brood andM arket t t rw to . H gim rk. .. ' . ■ .:

■ " ".......

V i i




A Table Suggestion

Citwrefa'a Ab b s*I Mectlwjr,.J lb* Bimual aae tln g ef the membwe

the f t r k Presbyterian Church last- - • ■ - • 1 ^ church parlors. H. A.

.rm kia Busseti. Frsnk R. ' Otfines U. Wolfe were elected

_ to r o term of thiwe years, and Dtekenah. Robert Oetatr.ril and J if, OSopor were chosen t« merober-

I H the board of deacona

SWEET POTATO AND HAM.A luncheon dish, which w ill use up the

left-overs. Is made off sweet potato**, w hether baked or boiled, and a Uttt* cold boiled bam or corned b e e t Mlnee the meat, seeelng that there Is m goBeraus portion of fat, and put a layer In tb s bot­tom of a buttered baking dlsb. Cover with * layer of tbe sweet potado ciA Into dice, and season with pepper. ConUntH till tbe disb Is fined. Sprinkle the with battered bread orumbe, add mttk suAclent to moloteo tbe m tzture wet), cover and bake for half an hour. Than uncover and let the crumbs brown.

M i l i e c I f r o mc r e a m

No*^UierF L O U Rh a s ih oQ u a l i t v


a s t o p l a ^ ^

'S t s



u S m i m '''Iw^iadi Sicnimr-':

■AOtC MAUI tU IK v .

W - L '

. i . .






^ ,


Dover M an's Appiiation {or Dismissal to New C htird

Provoked Discusston,


MOR1U8TOWN* J « t lO.’ -Thn AppUca- ttoQ of % m tm bor of Hoagland Memorial pM brt«T iftn Church of I»vep for h li lAttwr of d lim lu a l to a ChrtaUan Science chUTOh gave the Preibytery of H orrli u id OraQfo A proOTem to §olve &t yeater- flf y tftem oon'B aeaaion. There wae coa- tldereble dleoueilon aa to the proper eeuree to pureue. The church lair cov- • l in f th e f ra a tln v of lettera of dlamlaaal did not aeem to provide a clearly defined ooutte. Ko decleloa wae reachedi and it waa decided to refer the m atter to the oommtttee on eeaelonal recorda to report a t the April meeting of preebytery.

One of the Important act# of th e prea- bytery w as to appoint a committee to aoneldar the m atter of eatabhehlng new ohurohea. The point wea made th a t no new ohurohee have been eatabllahed w ith­in the preabytery'a Jurladictlon In many year*. The Orangea were mentioned aa a section offering new flelda The applica­tion of th e oommlttee'a aotlvltlea la to be f a n a n ^ The Btatemeot wae made th a t Nawaiy Preebytary would like to hear th a t the Morris and Orange Presbytery had to oohilder ipeelalty the work In the Oranges,

A resolution was adopted providing for an overture to the general assembly re ­questing th a t body to appoint a com m u­tes to prepare a deliverance to ^'express tha thought and purpose of th is church regarding the moral^Queatloua arising out 9i the Industrial and coamnerclal life of the people." i

Jo in e d New F ah h ,The discussion on Phrlitlan Science

oame when the chairman of the commit­tee on seaslonai records. Rev W, F. Keeler, announced that the Hoagland Churoh member had applied in proper form for hla letter, but a question aroae a s to w hether It could be laaued. C hris­tian Science not ^ In g recognized as an evangelical churoh by the Presbyterian denomination.

Rev. Robert H. Nichols, the sta ted clerk, read the n ils In the case, which saya that the churoh to which the mem^ ber la to be recommended must be named.

Rev. Alexander MaoOon said the way to dispose of such a case was to put the gppiteant "upon the reserved roll, where be win be conveniently burled for the time being-''

Rev, David J. Burrell, of Orange, did not think th is a satisfactory eolutlon of the question, and said that there seemed no way for a member of the P resbyte­rian denomination to go to the Christian Bcientlst Church except by excommunica­tion or expulsion.

Mr. Nichols said tbs rpserve mil has to do solely with non-resident communi­cants, who have failed to act with the church fo r two years, and who have not applied for a letter of dismissal, the charge being "prolonged absence without excuse,"

To a question as to whnt bad been done w ith the case, the reply was th a t the flame was dropped from the church rolls.

"T h ln b a He Hee Jo ined.”D r P atterson replied th a t no church

baa the tigh t to drop a name from the rolls unless the communicant has Joined another church. To Mr. MacColl's sug­gestion th a t "he has Joined another church,*' Mr. Patterson raised a laugh by retorting "he thinks he has joined an­other church."

The question of extending the church work having been raised. Mr. .Klchole asked fo r a committee of three to con- alder the m atter of eatabltehing new charges—"a committee on church exten- alon. If yon please," he said. "There has not-been a new church established In this

f)resbylery slm-'e I have been a member of 1," he asserted, and Dr. Patterson added. "No, pot In fifteen years-" Mr. Mac- Coll reisarked that this "la on© o f the

moat extraordinary facts brought to my e t te n t^ j^ ln c e I came Into New The iSstora representing the Oranges said there 'were numerous delda In th a t section where new churches should be establlah- ed. but Mr. Nichols asked for a commit­tee th a t should cover the entire presby­tery, "a continuous committee with a continuous policy."

CoodltlQM fn O rsage,Some one suggested that the m atter be

referred to a committee of pastora of the Orange oburches, but Dr. Patterson as­serted th a t "we don't want It eald th a t thla Is to refer to the Oranges, alone. T hat Is ju s t w hat the Newark Presby­tery wish to hear~ that we had to ea- l ^ la l iy bonalder the work In Orange— and we don 't want tha t Idea to go out unices," he said. laugblnglTr "you want us to go. too."

A committee o f five, composed of Mr. Nichols, Rev, Dr, O, Douglass Adame. Rev. Dr. John F. P atterson. and Elders Edw ard T. Holden, of Madison, and A. W . Kltlgore, of Dover, was appointed wUh power to act untU the next meeting of p m b y ts ry and report as to the desira­bility of making such a committee per­manent.

The special committee appointed a t the las t m eeting regarding an overture to the general assembly tn relation to Indus­tr ia l conditions reported the following resolution, which was adopted;

Inasm uch as the Presbyterian Churoh has already by 'the estabUahmbnt of th e departm ent of church and labor In the Board of Home Missions recognised th e fact th a t the gospel of Christ Is in­separably bound up with the urgent

“ — * the.present time, the


i m M \tf ae


between Newark and Buffalo and Weetvie Nlatara Palls is equipped with block signals, affording the most complete pro* tection to the passenger known to modem scientific railroading.

Then, too, the admirable road-bed of the Lehigh Valley is a further fuerentee of safety.

These are Important factors to be eon- sidered by the traveler In ehoosing a route; and It should be remembered that between the points named the Lehigh Valley is ths great Scenic Highway:

Letiigh Valley Ticket Officet t 1 a ie r k * t N e w a r k

S T A T I O N - M tr k e t « t r M t


PATERSON, Jan. 20,^Bewldes electing offleers and going on record as favoring postal savlngN banks, the local Board of Trade consMored a nttraber of other Im­portant m atters at last night's meeting.

Communloatlone were received from the l^ckaw unna Rallrood promising InveRti- gallon of complalntB of poor freight ser­vice and from the Erie asserting that U could noi afford to laeue school tickets.

The po<ir condition of s idewalks about tho Broadway Sta tion of the Susquehanna was coYiwIdereil. ab were other eldewHllt Bhortrnnilngs. T he t ro l ley company was Hcolded for fa ilure to keep Its cars prop­erly heated. T h e ’nulSHnce tif Junk dt»\lers whose wagons a re equipped with bt-lla came In for a Bconng. Tha experience of* Newark and O runse was quoted to show tha t an nntl-bell ordinance could be enforced w ithout Injustice to rag dealers.

A committee w as named io take up the work of securing th » modlllcutlon of the State automobile law. Th<r' ooramltlee ta composed of Robert Ueattle Jr., Charles D. Cooke, peter 0'Blen.Ia, W. Q. Nor­wood. F, R. Reynolds. Ralph Rosenheim. August A. Fischer, Jacobus Hengoveld, A. A. Cardinal and I.’Yauc liasch.

The only change th a t was effected In the election of officers and iruslees was the election of two new iruBtoes, Fred­erick J. Buckley and John R. Wilson. They lake the places of John Bradley and Joseph E. Crowell, who aaked not to be renominated.


Bpteial Dispatch io the ISVS}}ISQHIGH BRIDGE, Jen . K .-W hlle coast­

ing here yesterday Lester Phllhower, twelve V oats Tdr. and Mrs.Peter Phllhower. of E ast High Bridge, waa Instantly killed.

He was coasting on Academy Hill, when he collided with a sled on which was seat­ed Prank Latim er's son, who was riding down aa opposite incline. Both were going a t great speed and struck head on. The Phllhower boy waa lying on his eleA He was carried to the home of Mr. Meade, nearby, and s physician and his parents notlAed.

Coroner Jacob K, N aughrlght viewed the body and. Issued a burial permit. The lAUmer boy escaped Ifijury." Both httli are considered dangerous, and the authori­ties have issued an order prohibiting coast­ing.

Earlier in the day Leslie Hann, eleven years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Me]^1n Hajin, collided w ith a tree and was taken to his home In an unconscious condition. H e was badly cut, bruised and hurt In­ternally.



North Jersey Omcem's Ph)iect- ed Line to Soffern, N. Y.,

lied Up by lajtmctioii.


j}y to tak e a further etep tn the line of the policy thue begun, by the ^ p o ln t-

eoclal probleme ut P resbytery of Morris and Orange re ­spectfully overtures the general aasein h ly to h ■the poll-, ___ _____ . - ______m enf of a ecinunlttse of ten ministers and teA lajtnen* to prepare and subm it to th is an w n h ty a dellveranoe which shall e x p re ss 'th e inongbt and purpose of this ohuTob, regarding the m o n l duestloni a r le ln r o u t of the Industrial and eommer- Olal life of the people.

And It respectfully urges th a t th is de­llveranoe concern Itself, besides other things, w ith the application of the Oospel to the acquisition and use of w ealth and th e relations between employers and the employed and between capital and labor, add to th e existence Of unnecessary poverty in a land where there Is more th an enough for alL

The w ithdraw al of Rev. Jam es T, H om e from the church a t Whtppany, to date from Jan u ary tl, and of Rev. Dr. Jam es l i . Ludlow, from Munn Avenue Church, O ranga to ^ t e from December SI, 1S08, and the resignation of Rev. DavM O. Irving, a s sta ted clerk, were accepted. The m oderator, Mr. Newell, waa elected to fill Mr. Irv ing’s place, and to assum e hla duties a t the April meeting, when a new m oderator will be chosen.


vent his sled frqni crashing Into a pars­ing wagon a t the foot of Weiss street htlt, John Reilly, seven years oM, was terribly cut about the head, and now Ilea In St. Joseph's^ Hospital. He will recover, but will be disfigured.

The ohlld half rose from his sled when he saw the danger, wUh the result that hl9 face struck the sharp edges of the iron ring which binds the hub of the wheel. The little fellow managed to get home, and bore hla suffaringa bravely. His forehead sustained a big gash, hla nose waa nearly split In two. while hla mouth and lips were badly c u t

Dispatch to tAi EVBNiyO NEWB-BUTHEHFOUD. Jan. 20,-T h e fight that

iB being waged by Mayor WlUpenn, of Jersey City, against the reappointment of David Baird ae a n;iember of the State Board of AaBeesors, whose terra wlU- ex­pire tn April, haa reached Bergen County.

Prominent Repubtlcane have noi only decided to Join the opposition against Assessor Baird, but yesterday at&rted the boom fur former Postm aster Charles Bur­rows, of thle borough, for the place. Strong pressure will be brought to bear upon Governor Fort to recognise Bergen County's appeal.

The Hepublicen leaders who bav© the Durrowa boom In charge claim th a t not only 1b ih r lr cajidldate fit for the office, l>ut the county should be given recogni­tion on the hoard.

Louring "Mr. Buitowb' b twenty-six years’ residence In Bergen County he haa been foremost In th s ranks of the Republican parLy. Coupled w'lth the faot that he served nearly four years In the Civil Wiir are claimfl that it li thought will have weight in his campaign for a place on (he S tate Board of AsBeaeoTB.

Mr, Burrows nerved two terms a© post- moBter of Rutherford. He was a candi­date for the nomlnollon of Congress last fall, and was defeated by a email margin by Thomas Foxhall, of Patereon.


TRENTON. Jan. 20,-A decision Of Judge Lajmlng In the United States Clr- GUlt Court yesterday sustained the prin­ciple th a t telegraph, telephone or similar companies have no right to erect poles without obtaining the conBenl pf prop- erty-owTiera. The decision woe rendered In dlemlRslng a bill of the Western Union Telegraph Company, aeklng that Abror ham H. D. Polheraus and others, resid­ing on the Larabertvllie and Neahajiio road, be restrained from cutting down the company's telegraph poles on their prop­erties.

For many years prior to the com­mencement of the suit, the telegraph line along the LambertvlUe and Ke- ehanlc road conatsted of a single line of poles 150 feet apart. From time to lime in the paat o ther poles were erect­ed seventy-five feet apart on the lands of the defendants, who cut down' these poles. The telegraph company sought to restrain the defondantB from cutting down the e x tra poles, but Judge Larmlng decided that the company must acquire property rights or gain the consent of the owners to erect additional poles.‘ John H. Backes and Henry D. Esta- brooK represented the telegraph corn- many and W illard C- Parker and H. I* Stout were counsel for the defendants.


N9 . C hie to Lodi Ontxage.PATERSON, Jen . M.—Neither ths

Butborltles nor Joseph Petn illa have been able to fix the responFlblllty for the -ex­plosion a t P etru lla’H home and hotel In Lodi, Monday. The building was totally destroyed by flames, but no one was In-

iured. Black Hand agents are suspected, 'e tn tlla and his fam ily say they were thrown out of bed by toe explosion. Ths location of the hotel Is in the centre of

an Italian settlem ent. Petrulla denies having any known enemies.

Cleveland Hom e Not ob M arket.PRINCETON. Nov. JOi—Mrs. CTlevelandt

Widow of Grover Cleveland, denied the report th a t the local home of her late husband w as being advertised for sale. She asserted th a t a form In Rocky Hill formerly owned by her hueband was being advertised for sale by Its present owner as the VGrover Cleveland farm ," and she believed this caused th e rumor th a t the homestead was tb be sold.

Sprciol DispoltA io Vie SYBUINQ NEWS.RUTHERFORD, Jan. 20.—The annual

budget of the borough was presented by the Finance Committee, Councilman George fi. Edgar, chairman, to the Bor­ough Council a t He regular meeting last night and adopted. It shows an increaae over last year of 110,000. It follows; Light­ing, $9,000: police department, $9,600, Are department, $4,600; oare and Improvement of the street, which includes price for new steam roller a t a cost of $S.800. $14,000: hydrants, $900; Interest on bonds, $16,000; sinking fund, $1,500; eelartea of borough offlelaJs and collection of g ar­bage, $12,000; sew er maintenance, $600; public buildings, $4£0; Free Public Library, $1,T0Q, and Shade Tree Commission, $860.

Rev. Henry M. Liadd, president of the Free Public l ib ra ry CommlBslon, sub- mltted his annu&j report, showing th a t during the year the expenditures were 11,798.76, leaving a balance of $448,24. There were £6,128 volumes loaned to 6,3^ per- Boni. The addition of 8^ new volumes during the year makes a total of 6,327 volumes In the library. One librarian and three assistan ts did the Ubrary work during the year.

PATERSON, Jan. JO.-InlernaJ strife haa broken out lu the North Jemuy Trol­ley Company, the corporation th a t has undertaken to construct a high speed trolley line between this d ty and Buftem, N. T. i t la a branch of the North Jersey Rapid T ransit Company, which proposes, some day, to build on elevated line from Paterson to the metropoUs.

Malcolm R. McAdoo, vice-president and general m anager of tho North Jersey Trolley Compajiy, Is a t odds with the re- tnulnder of the directorate, and In his flght against the directors yesterday hod his counsel secure from the Court of Chancery an Injunction restraining the board of directors from carrying on fu rther business. This Injunction, ofcourse, Is only temporary, but It will likely to have the effevt of tying up work on the new line for some time to come.

The directors were assembled yesterday afternoon when the Injunction wua served. This pu t an end to buslnesa on the part of the directorate and adjourn­ment had to be taken.

While all thoas direcUy concerned in the controversy are reticent In dlecuesing the cause of th s strife. It Is praettcaiiy adm itted th a t m atters have come to such a pose th a t either Ur. McAdoo or the di­rectors will have to retire.

On the one bsjtd the general manager asserts th a t the directors have hampered him In hla work and that bills that should have been paid on hla ”0 K " have been sent to the directorate. Oh the o ther side It Is alleged that Ur. Uc- Adoo has failed to secure rights of way th a t should have been gained long ago and on th is aooount has retarded progress In building the road.

It is understood th a t ths North Jersey Construction Company, the concern that has the contract for tb s building of the 8uffem road, has gone about as far as It can on the work, and that It would have been a m atter of only a few days before operations would have had to be discontinued, regardless of the legal w ar­fare In the operating company.

Trouble In the directorate of the com­pany has been brewing for some wooks,

' but, so it ts now rumored, It did not come to A head until last week, when Mr. McAdoo had a clash with two or three of his colleagues over the payment of bills.

I t Is said th a t Mr. MoAdoo informed 'Vt''liliam 8. Qourley, counsel and a di­rector of the company, that he had been dropped from the directorate. Mr. QoLir- ley absolutely declined to discuss the case las t evening.

lOBHOLDERS ARE ANXIOUS.flp^47 al IMapfltrit to tts BVEMnu NBW8 .

NEW BBITNSWICK, Jan. 20.-The Dem­ocratic m ajority In Common Council last night drafted a vaguely worded resolution, which h as caused much uneasiness among Republican offlcoholders, appointees of ths old regime. I t provides that the term of of office of all employes, however engaged, by council or Its su^ rd ln a to commissions or com raltteea be terminated forthwith. The roaolutlon excludes, however, ttiose whose term of offioe haa not yet legally expired.

The very vagueness of the resolution makes every city employe, down to the men on the streets, consider hituaelf des- Ignated. Between the late election and the organization Of the new council tho Republican m ajority In control lUlod all offices-and adopted a civil service ordl- nanoe. The Democratic council ot once rep«Lled this ordinance, and on February 1 the 8upr(?m© Court will hear argument ae to the validity of Uie repealer.

Action wae expected on the buJget last night, hut the Flnan.je Committee had not yet got the necessary data In ha.id. He declared the Republican board two yeaia ago had made loo big A reduction In the tax rate, from $2.23 to $L90." They wore able to keep the rate down ttTat year througli the freeholders adopting a bud­get for only » half-year. The city last year only rnade a three-quarter-year bud­get through a change In the fiscal year, and they w'ore agaih able to hove a low tute. This year the freeholders had raised their budget to $300,000, and there was a Ukellhood of the State giving them a serious blow In the m atter of the school ta x and the possiblhiy of a State tax. As he e x p re ss^ It, "we are up a tree'’ In the effort to make needed Improvements and keep the tax ra te down to what It was las t yeox. Action on the budisel was postponed until January 28.

'— -----------------» ------------------ -—


R«t . Enim brtfe P ad ch am la H aapllat.Rpwliil DKpatak to ETBSma KBWB.

BUTHEBFOUD, Jftn. J0.-Bev. Ellaa- beth Padgham , pM tor ot tho Church of Oiir Father, B utherfora, waa taken to tha Paaaaio Q en en l Hoapital ytatarday auf- ferfnff with appaadtUcltlB. I t la fcarah th a t an oparatrem will har« to be per­formed, aitbouFh everr ellort will be made to a tta in a core without taking aiieh a step.

S t. A caaa’a Day a t L ittle F alla , fpsstal DWpatok to Oo BTESniO HBW0.

L IT T IJ: FALLS, Jan. » .-A s to-m or­row will be Bt. AgneFs Day In the Cfarls- tlan church calendar, It will be observed w ith appropriate services by the name­sake obim lL BL A cnes'i P rotestant Eipla-

S . tn th lsp laee . Bev. Dr. S tuart Ham- of St. m u l 's Church, Paterson, will

olatar bear commitnion and preach a serm on a t U A. I t A t t P . U . there will IM a -Bonaar-aoheel and robbB people's s ^ l o o b r the rector, B ar, Kobert J. T b o m a ^ A t 7 :« o'cIoM-the sv tn ln c a a r- vice will be conducted b r B ar. JtopletonOrannia, rector AbostlsA N inr ' win rendw cram. r a n I

the C t ^ o h o f tM H olr. k . TheTlill veatM Choir teU llr fine mualoal prov

I mS m , - ‘'I ' ' 'MsoMI iNMolcS ta IBs V T B lfa V W n n f^ ..

^ O T iw S A C K ^ 7aaJ Mi-^0«1SS to «fui t ^ ^ _ S l j t t t t t _ cou rt,

KVUh• r r - l T a Z d to U o b id e * th e 'b q ro o ^ «( t a W I n m th n in s the RaMUottotL o f t h sSaeond Jwdlclal................rtiiiF’tlMlt Ihat lurhMeUea latars Asapto tha tatast o f the iMr olu4s U, Thswsre, f^r Jmtwhom, are 0trt7tac.cn thilr v______p>e aacM at ww tew prior to the mcu w n t ^ ^

t e r aat <tfiooM D lm k B I

wawToa. 3i• ^ r ^ i u i

ta a t


I- A m VamI jircirJM sjnrs.

rounmitu o t

T o D e a r s * O ravM bM tnrew.cpasiai JHetefctaSN wrnnv 1Omrea IwtaiMi a t tbs ' a i r here d u ta c the '« M y - . . . .

sees'reyr--:-e -V?: ->~T»

M arsha ll AJ a n u a ry

,a ,—


A host of mothers have profit­ed by the savtng on Boys* Suits provided ^ is Orest Jiuntary Sale, and ttie 'i^ a fld contliuies.

There is the suite tone of ele­gance and exhibit o f ^ s ^ in M (& Qarmente^for b t^ th a t ' is embodiedtin ‘o u i 4 j ^ e s for w , ■

These sie Fancy Mixedtrcaaers; Mail,7

to 17" yean. ^

AU $4 to $7 S u ^ $9,7% An.|S to $12 Suf«b;$?.^

V ^ type o /

607 - &09 * dll> 616

Bptcinl DIspalrh Io (fte BVEtirKO J'BWS.NEW BRUNSWICK. Jan. JO.-The Ath-

letlo Association of Rutgart College haa arranged an entertainment'eoure© of four numbers for the winter ieoaon. The first of theae will b© ^4yen on ’Wednesday evening, January 27, will (SodbIbI of a vocal concert by Mr. '^nd Mrs. A. Ho­bart Smock. Mr. Bmoti, who was a member of th© claaa f i t 'B3> hai been heard tn this city s ^ e r a l times In th© past. Mrs. Smock tor a gifted singer.

Th© aeoond w lll/T» held on February TO. Thla wll) com lst of a reading from h«r own workaY by Mrs. M argaret Dc- land. Mrs. Dela^d to well known as a reader and looturer, as well as an author of wide repute, whose "Old, Chester Talea" a re long-e,tending Tavorites. This city has n peculiar Interesc In Mra. Deland on ac­count of the fact her unola, the late Dr. Campbell, was ^ l o n g president of the college. On F eb n a ry 24 an tllus- ira ted lecture of travelXwlll be given by Rev. LicwIb Qoston Leary, of the class of ’87, Mr. L eary won considerable reputa­tion as an orator during his college days. Since then be has traveled extensively and haa become well known as a lecturer, A recltaJ by Professor B, livingston Bar­bour, of Butgani, assisted by his daugh­ter, will be given on March 1


IM dnsilew n,C l e a i l n g

S to ra O p t s 5 a t u r 4 «jr B v f• la te TIH NiM a'Claok.

0*P. M H kat and B a liey Sta., Mewarli.-'ir. J .

Oceataat elothleg baslaeaa In onr htatary waa dma hara tba lift three manthn. But (tUt wa ara not aatlsIM —4iet cootant.

We caonet aflord to atop. The verr Hfo'a blood of ©lb Croat te- atltutlon dopoitda upon tha ••push” and <‘onorKX""of front taloa—

upon dofitf bottor—aach day—aach wook and oaoh 90*'.i

Our Marking-Down Clearing Sales

' 6 0 , 0 0 0WHTN irilST




dan,Jan. 22, at

•2 . R .

b ecauae-w ben It cornea to m a k in f pelcea io theae c lea rin g moTem etita wo b tv e no resenra- tio aa , a n d no m ercy on o n ra e t 're t . W e alm ply ab u t o u r eyea a n d a laah— th e reau lt i t a

fe n e ro u a re tp o n se o f th e paW to a n d a th o ro u g h d e a n - o p of o a r atock.

’ See Our Window Display. Note Our Prices Below'M en’s S u its

(Mih a« t* aa, fS.OOand Salta,

D O W .................................................

fiZOOaad I1S.09 sotti,new .........................

Sld.00 a a d -m 00 Salta, now................................

S is.00 and IIOUIO Sutta, now...............................

$A6S 7.90 9.80

12.50M en’s O vercoats

(S tm a» t* t t fS<0,00 and0k3,«« Over

ceatf, naw..........$14.00 and $14.00 Over-

CMta, new....................$)$.00 aai $13.04 Over-

coata, new............... .$34.00 and $2S.OO Ovei-

coata, now....................$32.00 and $40>00 Over

coaU, new ........

: $5.50 7.50 8.90 11.65

• 15.00

Young Men’s Suits(Mm la te te,

$7.00 and $a.04 Suita, now................................

t t M Q and $I4.M Snlta, now................................

$l».00and $17.40 Swlla,n ew ............. ..................

$14.00 aad $as.M©iiitB.now................... .


Yonof Mes’s Orerceatola te a«)

$4.00 and $ t» .00 OvoKMia, now...

4U .00 and $14.04 Ovapceata, now ...

$18.00 U d $17.00 Ovareeata, now...

ill.OOaad $30.00Ovarcaata, now.'..


H en ’s T rou sers(•1m . ai tata)

•4a.$4aii44$.00Traneeat, now...........

$$.80 ana $4.04 Trouaera, n e w .. . . . . , . , ,

$4.70 tad $1.00 Trouaera, now...............

$9.80 ana $0.84 Trouaera, n o w .. , . . , , . . .


Boys* 3 u i t s• to l a x«ar*)

$$.n0 ana 14,00 Beya' Suita, now ...................

$4.8$ and $8.00 Beya' 3uUt, now....................

$8.80 and $6.00 «aya’ Suita, naw...................

$6.80 and $7,80 Beya’ 5tilta, now..................

$9.80 and $10.00 Beya' 3uUa, new...................

.S1.65 2.50 3.00 3.70

. 450


$40.-D0 P n r Coats, n e w ................. 1 6 * 0 0$50.00 P u r C oats, n o w ................. S l a O O '$60.00 P u r Coata, n o w ............ .. S S e S o O O

M TFive Hiinilr$il Men's Separate Cleth Vests at 29c & 57c,Worth$2 & $3" W lElofiit LIbo of CriTOiettoi, Tiiedts, Poll Dn» Satti iid Prtice illirt Suits at Uis TAaa Halt Pomir frioa

Selling clothing it not a tide line with at, it li our mala iafue Clothing I* our bnalnau, im are exclusive clotbleri, doing one thing and doing it well. In King't colotaal clothing flaon ia ns- htbited more good cletbing and a greater variety than ia affarded by the combined atock of any atlier five etarea tn ^ w ork .

■ yP O N T M ISS THIS S A L E ^Cor. Market and Halsey Streets

- -

RallrouA Fan Allowad to Out-of>T$wn Purohasira. Show Your Goupon to Ciihlor.-----


Bptrlal Ditpolett io IA« STSU lBa XEWS.JBBSSY C3TT. Jan. 10— A t the reault

or a eolllslon between the Erie ferry- boats Qoihen and Buffem, both due tn the E rie slip a t T;(t o’dock thle moTnlna. William Fleralns, of, I4t Fifth street, thin city, was severely hurt. B e wae taken ta a hospiiAl. BoKi haata were y in out of eommieglon and trafHo waa blocked fo r several hours.

The Goshen was swept into the slip too fast by th e tide and the pilot sought to back the boat. The fiuffem was di­rectly behind ana could not atop. The shook when the boats struck dsmollslied an th e wlndowa on one side of ssc.h fetryboid, tore away fuard rails and knodted down many hones attached to ▼ehlelas.

Ftemlna, who was on the upper deck of th e Goshen, was knocked down and his head cut. Both boats were laid up fo r repairs, crippling the transportation service. The station, was soon crowded with commuters, and a l o ^ Une of loaded wagons blocked Pavonla avenue for sev- eiKl bouts. The reserves from the Bev- euth Btreet Police Statloo were caUed out to keep order.

— ----------------

.te tu ep C euple te .K Ita la M aatls. BpocUi Ditpoici to tho BVSStH a KBWB.

HACKBTTBTOWN, Jan. SO.—Mr. and Ifrs , Charles B. Salmon left hers to-day fo r tb s lr future home In Manila, Phlllp- n lae Is lan d s They wilt go by easy ita a sa to Vancouver, B. C., steppina on roo ts a t MontrtaL Quebec and other petals a s they cross t l^ continent. They srlU arrive rta V anooum by January ST. They have enyaaed M stase on the BtaaiBahlp Etinprsas of Ihdta and expect m reaeh th e ir home ta the Tar E ast by th e ia r t of February. Mr, Salmon has sg iu t taif years ui the PhOlnPtnee, te - tarntaar uud October to wed Hiss Mary B, W a te only dauahter of Hr. and Mre. 9 m w V. W aM , of this place. The cere- n c i t f WM h.t tae b riar’s homeo e iD w e A e r n i MV ' - ■ W 4HM"- sgiB .....■■■Hill

. FlWMsas 'C te fh am H aa a fn leiae.jryfKJX0 X iir s .

-Word has been ith by ruldde at


E n e s t H . Lons- a n ago bs lived m tnsnths before ieav-met with was



U sed 5 te iq w a y , C h ick erin g , B radbury a n d other good P ia n o s are here to select from .

If you ever txpec t to buy a piano th is is th e p lace— now is th e tim eto buy a piano ch eap .

Wc are determined to clear out this immense stock of exchanged planes, ren t ptaasu, odd and last year's designs (the la tter are neiv p.anos ), liefore February ist, Not a single m ike wdtl be withheld. A customer who comes this week will hav-e a choice from the best make* of plejios sold in this country. This stack just now n very large. There are Uprights, Grands and Plhytir- piauos galore—and what is beat, every piano is in the best condition. Tha buyer who comas now will save money. He can save big money.

Note These Great Bargains:Rose wood

SizeSteinway EJ.’Hallet & Davis - Chickering S 'bS - - Chickering £ °.r£ ■ - Hensei, Qorden, Weser,


Bush & Oerts Bradbury Kimball

Makogany Full Sira

Mahogany Full Size


$1-55 $210 $200 $135

$35 up to $125

8lia, NeN ew M ahtw any Csa«Full Size, Goca Tons

PLAYER-PIANOS1 Playola Mahogany . - $J35 Bowen Mahogany « . - $425

Hallet & Davis • - $475

Cabinet Piano-Players, Lyraphone, PianistA Etc $75 ti^fl60We ara bammerltig and hammering on the one {mint. W etm it sell tbaae piaoos^A'ivMto

'the next lo days. Jttat take lo minntes to Investigita—it wilt be worth yenr svWe. m gnet i a- tee every instrument. If at the end of a year the laitrunant you may bny does not ^love satis- factoty and you feel t ^ t you have not received yoiff money’s worth, we sreuid ^ e w ewst^ oeat you have paid toward any sew instrument we carry to atook.

Yau can make ,4 small deposit u your initial payment, a«d>fr'om fia.oo to tt^roe arnaTUy. Handoome atool and scar^ with etch kistmmeiit. *D^ la a fair preposition—aot quickly -aa4 get one of these btrgaiiU.

HALLET & DAVIS PIANO CO.» te * r i> u t i l — w n x « 8 o .



r‘- lin '*• %

'Af• £1


- •. • » 7 • -m -n

N E W A R K E V E S iy O S E W S . W E D N E ^ A Y . JA S T T A B Y 20. 1909.


Inter-Ret aod Amalgamated Copper Weaknesses Acted as

Stock Market Dampers.


NTW YORK, J«n. SI.-0(i»nlnK prloet Of w em hlghsf but (bewwfc .m ull w ith ft te * exi'pplbuui N " Vorlt Centriil nnJ A m eduan UiUiin Oil rose 1 ftJid K auafti C ltf

WlMMinlii Ceiuml ftnd H oople'tyni larf» fraettont. Amiillffiimituil Copper f«l< »■ Tho dPiiUnBft were In moderate volume.

U A. M .~Frar’lkuial addition* were made to (be opening tfulna in liie active tUicki, mill tberv wm u good Imiulry for NurriiUt iinil \t Oftiei n unit utber minor (tocki that have been coneplcuoua re- oontly III the dealliis*. Wall uperatom Itftil difficulty In holding the market on the Iidvnin-e. There waa a new outbreuUOf weftkneNs In Interboroiigli-MeiropuH-lan preferred whlrlj lowered it twii point* and affected the other tractlun*.

Noon—The m arket fell Into neglect, a* hat become uiiual after the flrW hour.Interbor«ngb-Metro|Kdltvn preferred re­covered U« lot* and Norfolk and Weitern reacted l. Brio flrat preferred roie IH, W eitinghouie Bleclrlo 2. l.’nlon1H> and Clicaapeake and Ohio 1. Chicago Oreat Weetem, the preferred 8, Wlecon- ■Is Central preferred and National Bia- otilt declined 1. Bond* were Irregular.

j p 11.—Traction stock* were the m oit aolivtiy dealt In. the tupport around mid­day for Interborough-Motropolltan pre­ferred ralting It nearly a point above yae- terday‘* Anal figure*, and the W per cent, bond! Hi- Northern I'aolfic, Third Ave- hue and Colorado and Houiharn flret pre­ferred also advanced 1 and I’hlladelphl# Rapid Tranilt 114- Chicago Great Weet- era preferred A rnee 8 point# In contr.ml to the wenkneia of the other laeuee. Ad­am* Eapreaa «old a t l» , o(ij)npared with HI last July.

j p, M.—A further rlae to fitb-tn Ch»*a- peake end Ohio and a gain of a point In Kansu* and Te»a». llllnole Central and Colorado Fuel were the only features of Interest of the mid-atiem oon market. Union Faclflc and gome of the other ao- tlve stocks were heavy a t i o'clock,

j p, M.—The m arket closed heavy and very dull. Anialgamated Copper tell to

* lU below last night, and Brooklyn Transit and New Haven a point, A rally «uo- eeeded, but did not go far.


S S Jk e t » NKWa bykpM t t FlaCf, 1* given belowt'Qpan-Ulgh-Liow-Clos-

Init iwt. es Car ft F . Co... . <*'u J i t o Do., pr. « « « *»Wneeed Oil, pr » •

t e X f i f c t s ’iii; a i s *Am, iLooomMIvo ... U

i '- jU a . B m tltla f ........ 9A

nda C. « . Oo, « ft B. F . . . . . . .

r, ft 8, F.. pr— Rll i o m 111'Blebem Steel.......oklyn R. T ........ ]1% 'IJi‘ A P I C o..... IS ■ IfiH

f l i s c -eather, lOLI ft A lton.— , egja

..sa t West...... , KS. N orthw est.... IR L, M tt ft 5t. P aul IW

' ft Ohio...... ... *1:ruel f t Iron Co.Ida Boutbern..

_outhern, 1st pr vn Southern, 2d p r M" amoUdated G as .... 128

I Produots ....... J8Ku Product#, p r ... 78

— Securities......... 37\alaware ft Hudson 118

B. S. f t A tlan tia W , B.; B. ft At., p r.. WW

f t Rio G rande... 88%. ft Rio Grande, pr“ .......................... 81

1st pT............

BAHOHAL BOARD O f TRADE.gpeeioi 8i*e*i** »o «** B r s t i iy a hSV 8.

WAaUlNOTON. Jftn. M .-T b r Niitlon*l Bourd of Tradn *t H i ftnftual tnoetinf to- duy dtacu»*ed th* propoaed 1600.000,000 boi^

fur tlie improveipent of country'*wul«irwuy> und Indo^wirt tho Pw ildfflt •advocacy cf tb* plao fof tha cobaarra- tloq of natural reaourctia. In the After­noon visited the White HoumIn a iMidy and were reerWed by President Roos+ivelt. The effort made John fl- lidKWtell, uf wnm lnfV«i. to eacurethe board's Indorseiwent ol a reaolutlonlo Increnirt the meidbariblp of the Mone­tary Comnilailon by eighteen members to be selected by the president of the United Blairs from among the banklnit, manu­facturing and cotmuerclal interests, was not succeesful.


Spngul iHseelcA lo the eW S/N O SfffiPff. -WABHINQTON, Ju t . The discovery

by the Agricultural UcpurlrneiH of a new outbreak Of fool and mnuih disease In lAhoaster CotflWy. Pa., ha* caused to be held up Indcmiltely a general order which was to have Iwen Issued to-day retimvtug the cattle quarantine In all uninfected counties of Michigan. New York. Penn- lylvanla and ■Maryland. ^


€h*rler of the New York New Haven and H artford Hall road I* dvclared to bo subject to fnrfeUure, m Hie annual re­port of Atlnniey.Gcnernl Malone to the Msssachuacits le-glslsiure. presented to­day, because of Uo- acHan of the railroad In m er^ng with the ('onsolldated Railway Compiiiiy (’.innrcllcut and Increasing Hn cnpltul siQclf.

NEW YORK COTTON MARKETNEIV Y'fmic, Jan. J4.-The cotton m ar­

ket opened steady B1 o decline of


It 1* a m atter of surprise that eome of the enterprising publloa- Hons which pose as purveyors bo the public of everything In general, as well as occasionally something m particular, do fiot put their enor­mous factlltlos a t work and tell u i ail of the eatent to which general trade haa revived. There Is ilw - gether too much Indlfferencn to g«t- tlng at the fact* In this d ir e c t ly on* nawapapar annuunoee, a* with authority, tha t business has reco ^ erF'd s i l ty p^r cent, of whAt II lost during the iranlc and In the suo- rcc ding dcprtJMltm. Another itAtes ihAt tM fa in is fully seventy-five j>er c e n t Neither produ'ces dttA on which to baso w> vltml a conelumon.

Then come the modem tjrpea of magasinee. thOn* which undertake tti udl the people whet In reality Is the m atter with aintost anything not 111 sa tisfactory shape, through the aid of a class of special wrltars who have come to bo recognised ft* con- stltuUng a fpeole* of cult. These, too, have given out. as by authority, (heir decision* a* to the ostent to which busines* hae again ap­proached the level a t which U ™ said to have *>«*“ several m onthi prior to the convulsive coltapae In October In l » f . Btrangely enough, those Institution* which are popu­larly suppirsed to be endowed with almost miraculous powers for learn­ing all about such questions as this, B radstrael’t and Dun's, have re­

mained ss mum as oysters on the one great topic trvor which the rest of the pres* have In so many In­stances been floundering without bases for their Orphic utterances. Be that as It may. It is time some o f th* specially equipped publica­tions got busy sn a went Into this subject to the sad that the question may be settled, qr we may have lo do It ourselves, One tire* of hear­ing th s i Hook market prlcce, for In- iianCB, have regained nearly all they loat after the panic, and that th is I* relatively Buoh-and-auch a runaway from the much more modest Im­provement In Industry and com­merce.

According lo bank clearings re­ports, wo have almost recovered the lose In trade Incident to the panic and the depression, yet we know we haven't, According lo totals fur foreign trade, we have done nothing of the kind. If one Judges by ra il­way eamtnga, the sllaatlon Is still further mixed. Beoauac of (iiforced econotnlaa, those obtained under the operation of the law of necoaslty, railroads have begun to show net ♦iirflltisi which ought to give rlae to much more optimlatic feeling* with respect to the future of busi­ness than theiB business critics a l­low. Neither do the la tter explain 111 th li connection how It le that the better earnings shown by Atchison than by Louisville and Nashville, or by New York Central, aU roads pay­

ing five per cent dividends, are a r ­gued out ao th a t (ta* Brat uam eisells twenty-live points below the B4-oond named and th irty points lower than the Vanderbilt road. T hb has a bearing when It comea to talk-, iiig of average ahar* prlosa.

Then comea the unexplained re- liirn of confidence shown In th* freedom with which good bonds ere scUliig and ere likely to continue to sell, and th* cnormou* total* ol excess wealth produced on farms and at the mines last year. I t only remains to be added It Is time some 111 those who really know how It should be done ought to go Into t*- tlrement long enough to take the exact meftsure of the recovery fn tiftde at ihle time, compared with one yeer ago, and a t other periods wliloU would naturally suggest them- selvea

No more valuable compilation could be made In th e Intereet of the general public, by any one who le competent end hae the machinery and funds requisite, Suoh an ex­hibit followed by a drag-net sum ­mary of the situation In leading line* of trade now, In oontrnat with other period* which have been referred to, ought to have appeared three weekt ago. From which sU iem ent It Is an open inference th a t there are lust two Institutions In particular which might wake up end get to work on this suggestion, w ithout tho loss of a particle of prestige.


SUMMIT, Jan. M.—Til* l*su* of W.OOO Of school bonds has btm t sold a t pHval* j ale to Emanual P arker ft C a , bankers,

Of New York, a t IM and lnUr*at. This announeament w ^ mada ky Frealdent Adana, ohalrntan of th* Ftnance Oom- mltta* of CoiuiDon CotincU, a t last night's seiston of th a t body, AcpOndlBg to P res­ident Adame, the Bivlng lb SidvartlBlnt and oUi*r legal eipenees through the sale of the Issue In th is way rsaUy netted tlMoilty a prlc* of 810$. 18 for tba Issue.

Wiggles ft Ebbeli, expert accounUnts, w art engaged a t a fee of tiOO to audit the account! ol the city ofllclsis after Febnisry 1, and the salary of Miss Theuror, stenographer In th* d ty clerk's office, waa Increaaad from 140 to ttO per moBth.

RELDEN* BANK PRESIDENT.PATKRaO^•, Jan . » .-B o b e r l J. Nelden

was yesterday elected president of tho Paterson Savings Institution a t a meeting of the board of directora of the bank, this being a promotion from the position of cashier which he has held for about a year. Ho was torm erly end for many years eashier of tbe F irst National Bank, here, which la closely affiliated with the s a v ^ s iDstUutloo.

The directors also elected William H. Menkle to the poelllon of secretary and


— ----- r— •

Final ArKaments in the Con test hy Eighteen Railways

Over 2-cent Role.


KANBAB e r r r , Mo., Jan. SO— Final atgum ents in th* cases of th* alghteen Missouri railroads th a t a re contesting the S tate two-cent passenger and minimum freight act* on the ground ttiat tlwy oru eonflscatory were begun in the Federu: Court h*r* to-day before Judge eniltli McPherson.

^ a n k Hsgerm an, who opened the a r ­gum ents tor the railroad*, deofared that three companies have shown an actual loss in carrying passengers a t two cents, while the reiunts from the other rallwliy# show pronts qf only two and vim-haJf lu five par esnt.

Sanford B. Ladd, of Kanoas City, who followed Mr. Hagerman, opening for the Htate, asserted that one road, the Bur- lingtun, whoso pfllcltils asserted It had lost $$t0,0W tn 1ti S late freight business In IIMR. had, as u m atter of fact, shown a prollt of about $880,000.

The coae lias a ttracted wide attention. For many month* expert* for both aides gathered tcsilmuoy lo uphold their non- lentluns, and a m ass of figures was pre- seined during November and DacetulH,rnamed Justue G. Botbyl aa oetditant aec- . _

retary and traaau rer,, It wui decided I last. 'The atuiua of the cose la Utlsi 1 not to fill the vseamey In the ofltoe of 1 The mllroada tom* time sgo_ obtatired

treaaurer, caused by tb* eluvatloa of Mr. Nelden, a t this time.

points th response to lower cables end a




continuation of the reslliln i movement noted yesterday, hut quickly rallied on bullish national glimlhg figure* snd ruled about 4 to k point* net higher during h* middle of the morning with July leading the advance and selling at practically the previous high record. The national glnners' report fives ginning to January 18 fii' 12,828,800 bales.

Tho m oiket continued very firm late In the forenoon, with prlee* at midday about 8 to If points net higher end a t the hlgbeet level of the eeimon (or May, July and Ootober eontructi.


NEW YORK. Jan, 20.-Money on rail easy, 1%®2 per cent.; ruling rale, 1%; oloilng bid, 1%. offered at 2. Time lunns dull anftflrm : sixty days, 2%©8H per cent and ninety dayw, 2%W I*r months, f®*% per cent.



tkeirti jpr. i«%^ Ikr.-MsL ......... ■■■. .Paper C o..... Steam Pumpila Central...... H!

Central.......... !$>Central, p r ... . 'W City Southern, 4fi

. City South., pi lie. ft Nashville' 121fl4

obB Island .............. *t.“Tt. f t T ................ f• K. ft T.. p r ........ 7;

_jSOurl Paolfic....... 72iexlcan Cent. R. R. 2$% l i f t - F. * S.BGcM. Itt

Hational Btocult:..National Lead Co.

Y, Air Broke...Chi. f t R L.

- C entral..........IM'Obt, f t W est 4'

k f t W est. .. «„ „ Amer. Co...... 74tbptMm Paolo........ IfflSbttSylTaitla ......... IfJ'bclHc MMl.............. M

-PM plc s G as...........103SFWsed 8. C. C o... 41'

' By. Steel Springs.Beading .................

-..Reading, let p r ...,/ Rdek lalimd ■ 'Rock lolnnt

Rep, I, ft 3. _ _ . .Soutirern Paolfic...... 120% 121Roulhern Hallway.. 28

yuthern R'y. p r— 82%1. L, ft 8, F .,2d pr a»% ;qs*-8het.B.& I-Co. 78

Texas ft Pacific...... 35%v H rd Ave. R, R . ... «

St, U ft W est... 62%St. L. ft W,, p r.. 72

'win City R. T,Union Pacific R.

Isinnci, p r ......(JO., pr.




l1 ^20


The following quotation* by Van Schalck ft Co.i

in d u s t r i a l s , nose

yesterday. Bld.Aaked.

American Tobacco.. 83S 346Am, W riting Paper. J%Am. W rit. Paper, pr 13Bey S tate Gas ....... JHHavana Tobaeco.... 8% '{Bvaiia Tobacco, pr 17.Touiton O i l .....................Houston Oil, ijr' .. - ■ International S a lt .. , 16M anhattan Transit. 1%Otis E levator....................Dtl# Elevator, pr. .. ■Standard Oil............ 688 6®

HAILROADRAmer. Light ft T r .................Amcr. L. ft 1.. pr..Chicago Subw ay.... 26Seaboard Co.....................Seaboard, 1st p r . ............Seaboard, 2d p r...............

m i n i n g .Bonansa Creek Boston Copper 18% British Columbia C. 7%Butte CoallGon ... 24%Butte ft N. y . . . . ; . I; Cumberland-Ely M. 3'Cobalt Central ...... 61Da vie-Daly E st...... *Dominion Cop . new %El Riiyo Mining.............Greene Con. Copper ....Greene Gold.................. ■ ■Giroux M illing....... 3Ouggwnhalm E- to , 19-%Ijl Rose C. Mines.. 8 ,-18 8%McKinley-Dnrragh . ID »7 MIcraac Gold Min.. 2 2%Mine# Co. of Amer

were turnlabsd

li'JO P.M. ro-duy.

Bid. Asked 331) 846




NEW YORK, .lain $*.—Transfer of contr!il of tile Wisconsin Central Railway Company took place to-dSy at th* Carne­gie T rust DCompany. Newman Erh and associates, who eome tlm* ago acquired options on a majority of th* company b stuck, paid for tbose aecurltlee lu-dsy. The deal Involved between |4.#WI,()00 and f6,000.000,

Dlrortora of th* Wleconstn Centnil road will m eet to-mo(TOW. and a t that lime euverai of the board. Including Preeldunt W. A. Bradford Jr., will tender their resignations Their place* will be taken by men friendly to th* new owner*. It is nnderstood th a t the Wlsoonstn Cen­tral will hereafter be nperated In the In­terest of the Minneapolis S t Paul and Bault Bte. Marie road, which In controlled by the Canadian Pacific Railway.


10.WI6; sales, 3,000; firm, with a light de­mand.

W heat—Receipts, S.600; sales, 800.000; active covering In cqnneetton with bull support and small Northwest receipts gave wheat a strong undertone to-day, prices advancing % to %C- In the first luiur. May, tlO%®Dl 8-18.

Uyu—Dull; No. 2 Weetern. 31, nominal, f o. b., New York.

Corn-Hecelple, 24.875; eales. none. Heef-Btoady.Purk—Steady.l.a rd —Easter, Western. 9.90i910.00. Sugar-R aw , dull; fair niflnlng. 817®

3 21; centrifugal, 86 test. $67®3.71; mo­lasses sugar, 2.92;b2.96; refined, steady, crushed. 6.J6; powdered. 4.76: granulated. ♦ 6K*

petroleum —stead y ; refined, all ports, 9.45®8.50. „ .

Coffee—Firm ; No, 7 Rio, 7%67%; No. 4 BnntuA 3%.

Molasses—Firm Butler—Steady;







His Annual Address Read at Indianapolis T(nlay—W as

Awaited with Interest.


INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 20. - PreMd™' Lewis's annual tuesroge to the Intorna- llniial Ctfnventlon o( Mine W orkers a t­tracted the attth llon of delegatee during the morning session to-day Every word of It was liaiened il> iDteriUy.

P ra l4 c B t UevrU^B A4dre««e President Lewis Introduced lila repiirt

by reviewing the teeults of the BPeetiD tesehm of th* representattves of the or­ganisation, held in Indianapolis last March. He then recounted that on Mareh 30 laat he asked the district organIxaGun of th* central oompetltlve field to Juln In an effort to estahileh an Interstate wage contract by calling a Joint convention of miners and operators, th a t hie propositlou wus not approved by the Pittsburg dis­trict then in convention, but that a t

CHICAGO, Jan. 20.—Trunlepu of th« TTnlvor lty of *Chlrago announci'fi nlffhl tliHt John D. Rockefeller had turn­ed over 10 ihe university 11,000,000 tn four per cent, bonds* the Income of K*O,O00 a year to he used for general espenaes. *

ThlB maUoB a tolnl 0 * 11*000,000 that Mi*. Rockefeller hna given to the unlvereilR , tills yyar, Htid ft grand total of |25,aWl,G6L0fi 1 In the pa«t twenty years. |

In oddlilon lo the C,090,000 Ju»t an­nounced, Mr. Rockefeller gave 1500,000 thl« year toward the Harper memorial fund. There were other conlrJbutlrmi lo that fund* iubacrlbed on the promise of Mr. Ri>ckefeller tn give triple to the total of all other BUbscriptlons. The Harper fund in now above WOO.OOOs aod ?flll be used Iti the conatructlon of a ntemorlul library.

\ F « r M tk a Ijak##* DETROIT. Mich., Jan. MA—Vetael men

' from all over the Great t^kee to the i number of about one hundred were pres- : ent to-day when Prealdent WUUam Llv-

ingatone, of Detroit, called to order the annual meeting of (he Lake Oorrlera' AsecK’lalion. Oiffleers of the avaoclRUon stated that one of the mattere to come up li the plan which embodfet the enforce, meni of the "open sh o p ' principle on siilpa enrolled In the aa^oclation.

on Injunction restrn lh lnf the StatO offt- (ilrila from enforcing the freight law which reduced cfttetlng freight ratea abotit twch- ly-flve per cent. The rallroade demurred lo the Iwo-oeni but agreed to give It a trial, and !( hue been In force since June. 190;, The piesent liofirlng wa* not on tl^f iipplloutlon for u tem porary In­junction, however, but w ai intended in be a flnul OlKPoniilon. so far as Iho United

j S tate! rHslPli't Oourt le concamed, of the i quofition of holfi the freight and piiaaengcr I ratee in Alleeourl. Judge ICcPheraon haa

promised a decinlon parly in Pehruan '.

New Orleani. unchanged^ receipts,

U tah ( o[ip4iU . 8 U. A H.V. s. fllt-el...............U. B. RLi-fl. r r .........TL S. Rubber.........U. S. nubljcr. lal pr.Tenne»FUMs i ($p < n. Va.-t.’rtr. t hem. (. ti. WahaPliWalMiBh. pr..............Went I n. Tcl ......Wesilnghouae ........Wliiconaln Cent . . W1ecoti?iln T'ert

*Kx. dividend.

17^MV* 44>i

NEW YORE BOND MARKET.Op'-n-HlRh-Liw-nos­ing <'.■1. ejiit

02 4AUlM-rimlTiiers Ten...Am. T. A T fun ■1/Am. TobiiCfd 4h.. .A., T & 8. 1'A., T & fl.F.f-jnv. -isHetb StPftl .......... MHall. & Ohio 48 . . lBrooklyn R. T. r»s..

South IsiC. of O 5a............. l^ S<vm Letiiher 59— -7C. & O, ...........C. A A. 3»............... Tbr . B. & u. 4s........C., R. 1. & P. old 4a y -


y:H',S 7V

I'O'"*loatS ud'-*


J'^7^ IWVft ICHi

Cheeee—F inn, unchanged: rwelple. LWS- p;,jgH_Ea»y; reecIptB. State, P«m -

Isy lvan la and nearby ' while, 86; do iBir to choice, 83®86; brown

and mixed fancy, 32@33; do fair to 29®J1: W eatern flraU. 2814: aeocnds, -8®^.

Poultry— Drcflsed, ortaler: Weatern chick- tne. luig>21; fowl*. H@16; lurkeya. 19@»*


of Edward L. Jelllnek, a Bufluli. a tto r­ney, that hie client, P. J. Kleran, preM- dent of the defunct Fidelity Funding Com- | pany, would appear a t any time he aa* wanted, a hearing here to-day before Referee Peter B. Olncy, In the bankiupicy proceedings against the Fldeilly Funding Company, was adjourned after one wit­ness liad been examined

Mr. Jelllnek declared at the hearing that Mr. KleVan. who was In Buffalo yester.

lenvth In Aurll a miners' conference I following hie unexpected appearancewnf held in Indlanapolle, which resulted ' ------ - ------ ro ,..K .„ . th . ,i,.vIn appointing a Joint conference lo oe held In Toledo, O.

At the Toledo convention It was pro­posed that a two-year contract on the buel* of th* then prevailing wage ecale IhoQTd be submitted to referendum vote oil the miner*. The outcome by a grrot majority was the *ccepUnce by Ihe miner* of tbe conventlon’e recommenda­tion and the Joint agreement was re-cs- tnbllsbed In western Pennsylvania. Ohio atul Indiana,

'*11 La worthy of your attention, con- tinned Mr. Lewis, " tha t In our Joint con

In and departure from f^ltsburg. the day before, would probably be In New York wllhtn a week to look u tter IdB Interealfl there. Referee Olney. howevw. lel tin Aiext licarmg for February 10, to give the former prcHldent of the Fidelity Funding Company lime to look U?to the maitera that have already boen under Investiga­tion before the f ^ e r a l referee.

BUFFa IjO, Jan . 20.-F. J. Kelran. who gave himself up to the Pittsburg police Monday night w ith ball bonds ready to Insure his appearance there on the charge of grand larceny, did not go to New York, as expected, but came here with his

Directed and Financed^ By Newark’s Leading Business M e n !

LO UIS V . A R O N S O N , of A rt M etaTW oric!

WM. A, CRAWFORD,-wltli Pti. J. Bower* * Co.

J, CONSTAM.Practifilng Public Accountant,

Since 189S.


A. C. COURIER, of A. C. Courter & Co.W . a . F A H N E S T O C K ,

of Hooton Cocoa & Chocolate Co.

S. MAYBAUM.•i A lUybaom

sT E ft Som.


and rtarp or

Certified Public A ccountants,UNION BUILDING* NEWARK. N. J.

D. 'P h o n e 4 7 0 2R e ie n a e n t D an o r B rad a lrr* !’*.


on the part of the operators to have pen ally Claus** Inserted In tbe wage ag re^ ment*. The principal reason assigned la that If eonlract* are of any practical use there should be no atrlke* during the life of the contract. tVe should also present some method that demonstrates ih st we are sincere In our desire to respect the terms of the contracts.

"You know that the aw ard of the strike commission expires April 1 of this year

!8 lo this convention consider such plana aa

etrengfl, In tlm wheat "maTket herV to- I w m ‘b e .rp ro tec t the Interests of the an- etrength ^ workers,S erre tsry B yan 's Beport.

ference* there la a growing dliposltlon i attorney, Moses Bhlre, of Bhlre ft Jei■ ' ------- imok. Buffalo Since then he has dls-

K leran denied himself to

LEADING GRAIN MARKETS,CHICAGO, Jan, M.-Extremely light re-

celpta In the Northwest offset the effect j and tbe delegates ol lower cables and caused moderate i ehoiild carefully

Mitchell Mining......Nevada Con. Cop., 13%Nevada D lah ........... 2 ;6-16Nevada Smelting-..Nllrfsalng Mines Co Old Hundred M!n..Silver Queen............'Tonopah Belmont..Tonopah Extension.Tono. Min. of Nev..Union Copper Co...,United Copiier.........White Knob ............Wh. Kn, Cop.Yukon Gold .

Am, Steel Fdy. ('[ ns. S. S. 4.S

BOSIOK stock MARKET.Xbo following (luouiloni w«re fumUbed

by W. B. Simlh ft Co.:tO-<iay. iJiiiiFt.. I

Acivfmlure .......................... ..........AimiUninnU'J ......... ....................AiLuiili- ............... ......................Arciuil.iii ......... ............Boston O. A 0 ......................UuiU i”' il.........................( laJiiiiu-; it A, iz .................. ' ■ • • iCeJiLeiuiUl ........ ........................

day. At . lilgher to ^ lower at 10ff% to lOBTt lo IW- The price aoon lulvanceU to 107%.

May corn fip^nt*d unchanged to a ehade higher a t til'll lo and advanced to

U ay oata opened a shade higher a t 5L% and Bold a t

ProvlslOfia opened tiigher to 6®YV4lower*

The following quotations were fumlahed by W. B. Cmlih & Co.: ^ ^

At the Chicago Hoard of Trade.Open. Hl^b

appeared again callers, but his atto rneys talked for him.

His attorneys have filed an answer to the bankruptcy proceedlnga in the United Stales D istrict Court of New York and demand a trial by Jury on the queatlop of the Insolvency.

Kleran said he was advised to stay under cover by his former attorneys Shire & Jelllnek say they expect to prove hlB solvency to the sattafactlOD of the Federal and S tate oourtB,

Kleran dlsappsared to-day Just aa quietly os he appeared hers.



Low. Clope.Cloe*.- ----- KIT



57.30 17.38




a 51517.27 n.OTH 17 »17.00


0.92 9.67^ 10.06 9.97

97104 I0i''|3 79 7DHDTU (Si

1004 lOflUjTfi Tfi





Ft. I. & P- 4s .. Tfi 76U C.i R. 1- P.Col. Ind. Ss.............. 7+HCol. & Bejulh. t s ......

and South A^s.I>is- Co. of Am. Gf«. 7IJ4 Interborough . . 7?Ts Inter. M. A M. I'/jS 73i>i K C, Ft. S- & M.4" MLake Slifjre 4b........... WM anhattan El. 4h--<M K & T .'4 'i^ ......MiSBOurl Pacific 4s. RON T Central I ^ b-- >3%N T. C. & L. S. 4b S4t* Rift;N. Y.. Onf. & W, 4a iWNor. Pnrlflc -'Ss........ “4'V& 7#\Nor. Pacific 4s........103 103Nor. & West. con. 4# 9714 977 Pennsylvania conv,. SW* ••• PennsylvatiU 1R16b. . 96%Heading gen. 4s...... loo^ luo^S tU A I. M.Q«n. 6» im i ........................Bt. L. A I. M. 4b ....... W ............................8t. L a 1s t 4a........ tsoifit. L. a w *«......... w .........................St, L. fl. conv........... 78%• A, A A, Pe 4b....

4 uppci }t..ngHi.ialy W est.....................FruT'klin ......................Grunby ............................Orctjie ........................IbU* Puyiih’...................MaRHachLTiUs ............MltMfJunMfj,h:i\ik .........................Ki'vntiaNorth ...............Uid Dfiuiiiilon.............Osceoh* .......................p jirfn t .......................Uulncy ................rtbodu Isluiid............Siuinnon .......................Tfimurnck ...................Trinity ...r 8, S m elting ............l \ 8. BmeJtlng. pr.. rh ili Conwolldntrd ..Wolverine ........ .........Afii Ag. Chem. Cu. MuMSseTuiwliB Elec., MussaLiv'liust.‘ii:s Enec., Mafl*Bchujelt« Oae..

hiiBcUH Oas, L’hltfd Prim .............I'litteii Shoe Miichine.. Uniltd Shoo Machine,





. 79 65

l . S

i : .

•/.Vi!<■y %


9.95 10,06

At the Ndw York Produce Grchanae:Ytdy's

W heat— OppTi Close, Close.May .............................. IIOV 111July .......................................

C<.>rn-May ........................................July .....................

Secretary Ryan the membershipof the organlMatlon had increased from

I HJOO In December, ISRH, to 294,746 In Decern- iv, ri *3»i !*.. a# inbw IW* ‘and called attention to the large TRENTON, Jan . 2a-Certincate* of In- decrease In me funds of the o rg o n ii^ corporation were yesterday granted to t!on. On April 1, I90fi, It hud on baud followTng companies:

I J931.99G and on December 1, *^73&. *^6 ■ R ealty Improvement Com-i decrease he Recounted for by showing Aflbury P a rk ; capital, tlSO.WW. In-1 ; ^ r r a i d „ T r h e r o X r e h , r a n f t i a 5 I corporators, E d w a ^ C Clar-

r . " a i d i n g I ' n h l n g Company, N ew ark; capital, IM.OOftThe total amount ^ S luoorporatoro, Barclay J. Quinn J r , Allen

™ D u Z r be X h t ffionths ; Do Bow Balluntloe and William J, Rink.

. r a r . ; " . s : , ^ v s r ”- •“

s r . . = A - s . - - “ •™ "& l n g I pma*,'’ca .^en“ *5raplS“ M 2 V '^ ^ ^'w r R y l n r e r o m " r t ^ the Bock I tore, Janoc. 8. M erritt. F. T. Magee and Stove and Range Company ehoiild be ! Smphen taken off the unfair list and th a t Ihe In-

OLartered 1822

The Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company,Noa, 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street.

Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue,New York.

WNDOVi18 BUhfiptgftt* flt. WitMo.

Btatamant »f Jumtij lit, 1809.

PABI9'41 Biml*Tard S t t u i m u

RESOUaOEB.Bimdi Md Stookt.......... 420,738,480.60Beftl E itfits.................... 2 ,394483 .83Bfindfl and Mortffifffii ■ * 3r304|010.72

.................63,997,243.80^ ................................. 41,891,928.90loom ed la t w o i t .......... 1609,461.83

|1 3 2 ,2 3 7 ,6 e 3 .3 7

Consolidated 'W ater Companies of Al-lose, Close. ! takW) off me unia.r . . . auu County. AtlantlO City; capital. (250,.. A P*™*“ *‘‘ *° coo, Idferporaiors, Samuel H. Hloka. Elll « lo w : use their J'"'**” *"*!,,, h ,, H. Chandler and Richard H, Eobartaon.






13036 131 23Mi ISt41 M


,. 44i. 44

. 12W








LONDON Jan. &0-Amfrican Bseurltles chpentMJ Qiilct and steady to-day, and dur­ing tile rtisi hour prloe# hild within a Hmiill fniction of yesterday's New York closing,

New York support of Mtftsourl Pacific and Norf'dk and Wefitern hardened tbe riwt of the list, aad the market dosBii lirm, but Itfelass.

NEWARK SECURITIES MARKETThe following quolaUuns to-day were

' fum lahed by J. B. Rlppali ^ ^I Bid-Askeii Celluloid ....................................... I®1 CunsoUduted Traction................ 7S4

•(..'on. Traction 5*................... IMS•E lia, Plain, ft Can. Jersey 6a.. gEshbi ft Hudson Gas Co.^...... JM

, Gas ft Electric of Berwo Co.... 61 1 •Ons & Elec, of Ber. ?«. I** 6». 1®





The following quotations wure furnished by Elsele ft Klug: g;],, p. M,

Gtd. Asked.Am. Railway C o., ............ H 46Cambria Iron . .. ................... 46 47Cmubiia Steel .............................. 53^ 39Storage .................. tJ**Elec, Co. of America ............... lli iE. ft P. 4s ...................................Lehigh Valley ............... •,........... U'aLake Superior Corporation....... 143aN J Con. T rac t......................... 7!N. J. Con. Tract. 6a.

SM4 BiV. S9-H idsvi iw "

ItHii 104i 1«4H 104 103^ 103%

■ S, ... _ .South. Foolfic

■ '^Botith. By. 6e..South. Ry. ® ..

P. 1s t ia...'U, P. ooov. 4s

' U. a Steel a. F. 6e 104 W .P . Ter id 4s.... 12WiOaeh 1st*............ HI?Wabash 4s 73'Western URlon 6# WisconslB 4t ....

■ •aro** lY t tk a n m a**rhm tl«a .CINCINNATI, Jan. Sk-Governor Jud.

i.sOb iHarmoB, whose reslgnatlofi as re- "utlviir of tb s ClnelDnafl, Hamilton and

i Wlifton Railroad wae presented before hla ' ' oUKuroilni a* OpTerpor of Ohio, has

HMfFira tbe roainaUaii, a t tbe urgeat o l United WMa* d n n iU Judge

-Lbtton and wtll retain oontrol o f the aajtroad tmOl May L imless the receiver

ut |U M pito r to th a t da i*

Philadelphia, com........i .............. 42Philadelphia, p r ..........J.............. 43Phliadetphlu Elec............Philadelphia Elec. 4s.... Philadelphia E !« . 5e.. ■.Philadelphia T rac t...........Reading 4s........................U. G. I ..............................Union Hallway 4s..........

74. 106% 106M



l ia iSI

100 K 74

•Gas ft Elec, of Ber Co, fen. 6*•Hackeijeack W ater 4a...............Hudson County Gbs Co..........•Vludoon County Gas Co. 6s..•J C., H. ft P. i t ................Newark Con Gas C o ...........•Nework Con. Go* Co. 6e.,..•Nework Pas, R. Co, 6s..........'N ew ark Gas Co. 6s.................•North J, 8t. RailwayP ut ft Pa*. Q. A K- Co.......•Put. ft Paa. Gas ft B, Co. Ba...Public Sen'lco Corporation........Pub, Bor. Corp. certlfleates........• I^ b Ser C. 0 p.c. coll, noloa..

, •Pub! Ser. C. 5 p. e. con. notes.. -aji I Boutb Jersey 0 . ,E . ft Tr. Co... 74% i •Bo. Jersey G.. E, ft Tr. Co. 6s.16 •United Electric Co. 4s...............

•And Interest.



m '


1161047 ^»4





81U710672941i««132. nlOj"US76%SS12sw71%

Vlce-Preeldent John P. White, In hi* nd dresi, declared that something should be don* to atop puhllolty of the Internal af­fairs of the orgnnliatlon

All of the reports claimed that, not- wlthstanilliig lea* than half-time work for the roan, the organlaallon has malutalned Its strength. Against a membership of i»u,0(l0 at the lust convention. It has 294,746 this year.

In organising the eonventlon th# miners decided to meet a t 9 o'clock each morn­ing and with the excepUon of an hour and a half recee* at noon, continue a t work unril 6 o'clock. The report of the national teller* waa moved up, ao th a t It will be reached the first of next week. This will give time for tho convention to elect a vice-president and a aecretary- treaeurer, the national election having, It I* aald. failed to give any of the many caiididatca for those oBlcea a necessary majority.

I t was found In seating delegates that John Mitchell Is not accredited to the oonventloD as a delegate by any local union. Former Secretary-Treasurer Con- gresaman tv. H Wilson, though bearing tbe c i^ e n tla ls of a local union a t Bloss- burg Po., waa not seated In the first report of tbe credentials committee. _HIs |

The Inquirer P rinting and Publishing Company, Hoboken; capital, 1100,0(10. In- ; corporators. W illiam N. Baxter, Philip Deal) and Dennla J. H. Long,

ALBANY, Jan , 20.—The American Aeso- clatlon for International Conciliation, with principal office In New York City, was Incorpursted yesterday to record tho history of erganixed effort* for prom®- Ing international peace and relatlona Of comity and good fellowship between itg- tlona. The directors are: Nicholas Mur­ray Butler, Lyman Abbott, Jam es Speyer, Richard W alson Glider, Seth Low, ol New York: R ichard B artho ld t of Bt. lAJuls; Stephen H. Olin, of Bhlnebcck: Andrew D. W hite, of Ithaca, and Rob­ert A. Franks, of Orange, N. J.

STEAMSHIP ARRIVALS.OLABOOW, Jan . 39.—Arrived, steamer

Carthaginian, Boston.Ll'YERFOOU Jan. M.-Arrtved, eleani-

er Campania, Now York,

The Sabst Place ta Pat Tear Money la la the Sailags Dankr E R E may be investments paying » higher rate of totereat but there a

no safer place in which to put your money than *he Dime I— — — I S ftv in n Institution. W hat's mote, you can withdraw

Tonr money any time. There'* no delay; there 's no waltmg for a marketable price on sin investment; your money can always be found here, and it doesn’t shrink in value, but always grow*, by earn ing In teract gt th e ra te ol four p e r cent, pe r a t tm im .------

The Dime Savings InsUtuUnn,776-778 Broad StreeL ^ ""fromlfT* *ge. **

TBEUDGGE J . UBBTB, T te asa re t.Hew A ecaanU

goUeltcd,JAMIES L. HATS, Prosldeut.

salng from waat lo east of the planet, owest o r fo rthaat south.


G ates’s N rir M lolsg V tafor*.EL PASO, T*x., Jan. 2fl.-Juhn W,

GateB, passing through here yesterday, admitted th a t he w si In on the newly formed AriaSna ConiDlldated Mining Company, but declined to give any 1»- formatiou. H e will take up the m atter when he gets to Basadena. Cel., to vtstt hi* son. He was, advised here tha t h* had beeu w ritten fully ccncerniisg the company. It ta believed this is tho myeterious company which It b a t been said would take over the Greene proper- tlee In Sbjbaufaau. Although the Greene oonoeaMons bar* expired the Mexican Goveniment refuses to allow (11 Inga on the properties and it la certain th a t aotne company Is aR *r then .

74'., ,I The reorganlxer* of th* Chicago Grant

31ii I W estern. It is said, propoie to ral*e In 100'„ connection with the plan for the rehabtll-

tatlOU of the property between 3S.000.W0 “ and 3S».t»6.0® to meet the road’s obllga-

' tions and to provide for betterraenta and Iroprovementa »,

’The new organlxallon of Ihe Weatlng- hous* E rtectric and Manufacturing Cota- pany waa complated at the dlrectoi^ meeting yesterday by U»e •lecGon of Rob- ert M ather, preatdent of the Rock Island Company, a chairman of th* board.

change* In th* dliactorata of the New York Contihe New York Central ore balng dttcusaad » Ukely a t th* annual m attlag In A pril Besidea the e h a e n of S. H. Harrim an going on the board. It waa reported y*n- terday th a t J. Ogden Armour, of CblcaM* would p rubaU r b* mad* n dtrontoiv

apeopte ' tbia oountry."

Aatranomlenl Evewla—To-jilght and To-mnTWW Moralag.

.......... Bun Beta, 4:8»; rfaee, 7:16. Moon rises 7;1Tcredentiale it 1* understood, were held up | A, M. Moon'* age S o ^ a ^ W that he Is not actively *n- I P. M . moon In conjunction with Uranue,gaged M * m it 'c 'i"* i *Soorgfh'***'""- 1 ^* qualifications Mo n hfor delegate eilglblilty. But It Is said the floor wl« nut be denied Mr. Wilson when- | ev*r he ipoeka. |

IQNERS W aCO M ED BY KERN.nriMAMAPOLia, Jan. » .-Joh n W.

Korn was tb* principal welcoming speaker at tb* opeotug of tbe convention of United ICtn* Wutkor* yesterday. Hla reference* to the eobvirtlim of Mitchell, Qompers and MoWtoWt by tb* Federal Court were Interruptod ftequmitly by applause.

He deplored tbe ^ c t that under the present ajr*t««> of procedure auch men os Mltebrtl. Gcmpera and Morrlaon could b*’ aen tto JMI without * trial by Jury.”Wbat ortme Itave they eommlttedT" he asked “They bav* been committed to Jail ■Imply for atondliw for that right of free ipeeclr and a fr*a press for which hun­dred* of patriot* have died. 1 believe that their oonunttmahl will prove to be

m'fhty bleaalttg to the masses of the la

M u tu a l B e n a f i t U f e l n s u r a g c e C o B p i n yFrudarleh Pr«llii|tiuy««n, MBWirll* M. A

P»id Policy-Holders since organization in 1845, Two Hundred Sixty-one MillJon DolUfS. Our policie# con­tain specictl and peculiar advantages which are not combined in the pdicle* of any other comptny.

Day & G on isliy D enw al A s e a ts . f* K a w irk , K. J ,

Winter Vqyagssto SayMrlaitdsBeimwaau FtorMa. Wmrt QMlig w thaOrlast.a s E iis Foi a u s m M M F u k kInunedlnte B«w«rv*a*w fg IMUMU*■erths Same u tn ITn* Y*|ik OrnioHb

G B N E A A L ISaC lIl& llC H B .

J O S . M . B Y R N E O QTTS BBOAD ST„ X B W A N It |K> A„-

R*t*tl D ragglat* a t B aaqaet.gpeelal ptsaotril lo Ibt EFBVJ.VO FglTg.

pLA IH FraLD , Jan. Followquartorty meeting the Plainfield _____Orugglata' Aofoelatioo lost night held *

PLAINFIEHDl jffi".! d ie t to o r d ^. nnehlac or « g t H

imiuiimimiHi!trk, N. J.. with a graattr espertgUuui their preoent r ig t l r tg g M ! , I g


banquet a t Truell Hall. Speeches war* 'Ad* by 'Thomoa B. Anuatrong, Lawrenc* < b ^ o o n . r ^ e r B. Hodge and Dudley E ' _Juw. L, W, Raudolpb acted a t toast- | Awe. omd

Biaater. 11 f t i i t i BSh

worl >• I

_____ _ COw_______________klym, E . ’T.i PWMwEbanwM£ % i & r a R ^ *

^ ■

Post & FlaggMambor* of tba M. T.

t a WaH a « ^ <NwBHABON. ■;«

m D r w d A L i i n n r t , A . A iLHSD U IQH1& PirtiJt

< I N V M T f A i l ^ S .

B, J. Q t ju w J i t i n * , a . QUINN.

B . J . Q u m i i 4 i t & c aMemban «w fdlM aM SUek Exebanga

YolkGround i M l l Scheuer Building.

' 7 9 0 JMKhU> BTBEET, _N l 't o o S c m * B o r x c Y a * , 7

Z ^ o o c s l N t e o u i r l t l e N iTELEPHOItK ^ ood m i.

, -Ji: <niaEie. « » a . #, ' -ft'F. t . iTOiE a ca


ra M d to r « « n s h t M % -V L o n 4 B nciA L f I

" li.

fi]p l»oi«iM 9P* Blroet Alt TrtlMOai

LIABILITIEB.Oanital 8t«o't ■ .......... $1,000,000.00Undividfid Profit!....... 7,027,948.17Depoiit! ................... 123,745,980.42latenst. Dividends, «to. 463,699.71


E I S E L E & U N CMsmbeni *f tb* N«w York owd PkOmlalpbl* no*fc Exebaagim.

7 f M i l i n w i U n t lcoturail BAHK.

W . a S M I T H d t O O .- j a w f i i f muAU-^^^H-

■ssmugaim to ' C O t io i^ 4 Y « P > «TOOK' iw or sMW ve»|L

----------------------------m l .

1 tem ro tod te r O ^ .g E

Gieiift StNfim $. E s w i i a tn rru c n N Ef n h u t S m t 'lM iik f ik

\ , '■<







IN ATHLETICWa Two Gjunes from EH a-

beth and Improves Its Por­tion in L e i ^ Race.

JERSEY OTY MAKES BIG JUMPMore ebltte In the Athletle BowUnf

liMtnie eumdlBf reeulted Iron) two Hflee rolled iMt night. Ifewark Bay, by Uklng a oouple of (am«a at Ellaabetli, moved Into aecond place, only a game each way belilad New York. Jeraey City made a Wg Jump from ne*t to laat to a Ue with N artli End for (ourtls poattloa.

BtaadlaiB o t the T w iaa.I W.U.HJI.I W .U H .a

New York. 16 i ^ N o r t l i ftod. 10 U MO N aw 'kB ar U 1 KX^CpIumbla .. MO *00E U ttbetb . U U 1007 Montclair . 8 W Wi rtoaevllle . 1110 lOlljPaaialo .. . . OH 0(1 Jeraey City 10 U 10661

It never ralna bat It poura la an old aaidng which appilea to the Ellaabein team about thia ume, Tha champion quin- tel w anted to make atnenda lor the triple defeat received from New York a week ago, bu t Newark Bay aatd nay. After^ — ---------- whlcbEUaaheUi won with

tt% home team failed to

Jaecey ... Ill M M Bo m _^ ■ l » m 111 R. W ert

1811» ifilA. WeetSrtStL ;;i 5i Si iS r, ^eii jg }sDwyer . . . 1811» Ifffli. Weet ••

ro ta leT *» MS M6 Totale.,. OS* OM IM

I T a t* ia l >n the V

Jeraey lied toPaasalo u ted elx men

City Ja a t n l r t t , but even make any Impreaalon on oomblaatlon, which W n tl.--- Bowman and Schteretn did the beat In­dividual work. The acorea were;


. __ rlaltlnain three atraigbt.

, 'L u n a te r . IH M SoElereth.Bowman Bllaaard Meyer ..

'1^Nelaon______ Heuaer .

2Z1 fSO Ell Du Boll 181 IKlMl Ball ......

m iIMcArthor

208 ITS 1« . 1<8 E l , 161 183 183 . 1<« 180 188

188 m 300 .........jeo

T o lg lg ... w aw too il' Totala.... Irt 83J 888


New Bm ncirtck Is making ^ strunf ef­fort to overhaul Jersey Cltv for the honor of heading the second division in the Na­tional In tersta te League, and lost night won the odd game In the aeries, snd la now hut three games behind.

Team SlaBdlng.W .U H 0. W.L8.H

New Tork.23 6 10G2 Jersey Clty.17 22 il B tookijn „21 12 1078 N. Bni'aw’klS 23 1061


JOHN BBOBLL.John Bedell waa the hlgbeat point win-

ner In the open racea held ot Boaton, with N orm an Anderaon second. Ditve MackAy, the local boy, topped the list of winners In th e handicap eventb.

„ ®CycHata a re moomlng the destruction of

the P a rk Square Oorden track a t Boston by Are. The game there waa ^ p u lu r and It provided racing for the riders In the off eeason. L. w . Bowen, one of the ownera o t the losal Velodrome track, woe th e promoter, and he la aald to have lost heavily by the Are,

®T be Botton (Ire waa oortly for the

rlaerSt ga they loat all tbelr wheels and riding outfits In the blase. Floyd K reba Who waa more fortunate than the others, M ved hla hondlebara as be had them In hla room a t the hotel.

®Foreign pycllets gave Pleyd MacFar- land and ‘'Jackie" Claike a rousing re- oeptlon upon their arrival In Europe two weeks ago. They have taken up their realdence with W alter Butt In Paris. Both "Mac" and Clarke were to have ridden their first races last Sunday.

All the rideie gathered In the East, In­cluding Natlonrt Champion F rank L. Kramer, the Bedells, Anderson, Hoot. Bardgett, HIIL Kreba, Maoky; and about a doren othere. will leave Saturday for K ansas City, where they will take part In the Mx-day race to bo conducted there

DAVE MACKAY.early next month under the m anagem ent of John M. Chapman. After K ansas City the riders will move on to St. Louis for a sla-ilay grind In that city, and thence to Atlanta, Oa., in which city Bobby WrI- thour and others have lust completed a track. The oyellets will remain m At­lan ta until roclng begins a t the Velo­drome In this city In April.

N at Butler's long9lst of vlotorloa was broken In Parle a week ago S u n d e r when he met detest a t the honfla of A, 8. P a r ­ent, s Frsnebman in straigh t heats, be­hind the motors. In Justloe to Nathaniel Hawthorne, however. It may be sta ted th a t the heats were a t five miles each, Butler being a t bis beat a t longer dla- tanoea

®Frenoh tire and wheal m anufaatureri have decided upon hanging up big puraea for the profeestonal cyolleta on the fo r­eign tracks during the coming outdout Hcaeon. It being their scheme to boom ths sport. They have set apart 18.400 for track com p^ltfon knd for ronfl racp>B.There are to be fifteen races In vaHoua cities for each class, a n i thtf money will be divided ^ccordiTtK to the ^ t n i system In each class. ICach race will be composed of three^separate heats, and th is money wll! l<f In addition to the regular purse money and appearance guarantees put up by the vanoua pro- motere. The sea.4on will extend m>m March I to October L


iDTindble Away from Home They Register Q eaa Sweep

Over the Northerns.



One series wae rolled ID the Buburben League laet night, the Belleville quintet taking three straigh t games from the Northern RepubUoan Club five on th s la tte r 's a lleys

Standlsig of tke Teataea.W.L.HS.t W .U H 9

Bay View...13 8 8771 Krueger ....17 18 1M3 West End. .S) 18 lUlBI F irs t W ard. 18 17 MS -■ - ----------- -- rlcSo. Orange.80 18 WE Park A. A.18 13 SW Celluloid . .18 13 3M Nallonul ...18 U M6

N ew ark ...... 13 18 8*0BellevlUe ...13 iO S6E Hueevllle ... 8 23 lUbS Northern ... 7 a 888


dyn. .11 U 1098 Trenton .18 12 10S7


Paterson.10 2«

..10 28877Newai

E lisabethNEW BRUNSWICK, Jen. JO.-New

Brunswick bowicrs rolled Bome clever ten­pins last night in an Interstate aertea here, and captured the odd gome of a close ae- Tlea from Jersey City. The home Cun- tlngent did Its beet work In the first con- tesl, recording 1,021. The acorea;

JER .IB T CITY. ( N. BRUNSWICK.Vogel .......182 183 165 Hording ,, 230 108 107W arner .. .182 169 I68J Carberry . 210 167 HOC Flels'hb’r r 172 2J8 1671 Oreenow'd 150 180 165Alcee ........m ISO-lBaiHarklni .. 368 181 198

■Weller ....18* 203 1T2|Burton ... 163 139 138

Totala . ..831 853 B30[ Totals ...1021 886 871



IN TOURNEYL o a ls Are Second in the Race

and Grecnwald Leads the Individuals.



Win with 1,008 Score and Then Drop Two to the

Krueger Bowlers.


gpeclol Diapatek lo (»< E V S y tsa NEWS.BALTIMORE, Jan. 30.—Joe Gans, the

former lightweight champion of the world, a fter a long conaultatlon" with Billy M cCorney,.. matchmaker of the W lrtngBfrur'giiDrflng-Club,’ o f Pmlaodl- plUa, hoa accepted a guarantee of (2A00 for nls end for meeting tn a llx-roond boxing contest With Young. Erne, conald-

‘ ered the best lightweight In the Quaker city. The weignt agreed upon was 135 pounds, weigh. In a t 6 o'clock on the night of the contest.■ The show will figure as n epeelal a t ­traction on Wednefday night, February 10. I t w as the Intention ot the d u b to put on the bout one week earlier, but Gans Insisted on more time to prepare. The bout meane much to the pair of men, oa the winner will be In Une rtor many dates of Importance. Both fighters have posted a forfeit of 8500 as a guarantee of weight and appearance.


BOSTON. Mm s .. Jan. a .- J e m Driscoll, the clever little fighter from EIngkand, who las t n igh t had all ibe bette r of a ge wUh Grover Hayes, ot Philadelphia, Is going afte r th« scalp of Abe Attefle the feather* weight champion. Driscoll believes th a t he can trim the shifty Coltfornta fighter, and has in s tru c t^ his manager to try and a r ra o ra a match betweeivll

I t .was Drtscoir

Newark Lodge bowlers are well up in the E lks' League, the team represenilng th is city being In second place with a rcc-

of nineteen vIcIotIpb And eight de­feats. The quintet of New Brunswick Lo<^e. which Is the same tlml represems New Brunswick in the National Inter- s ta te Lfeague, Is showing the way In the competition, having won fifteen gainea and lost three.

Three members of New Brunswick LrOdge a re first, second ond third In the Individual average list. Greeowuld is on top with u m ark of 19I.D for eighteen rumesL H arkins Is next with 189.9 foj- eev- ; M^tlonel enteen gameiBy while Burton comes next . posovllle w ith 188.3 for eighteen games. Pop Hells- ( “ ■oseviue man has done the best work among the f

Knipger howlers srn marching' on In the Newark League race, eJmply tending to their knitting, winning the m ajority of games In every series and holding to a gojiK) lead. They now have a three-gam e advantage each way over the Park A. A- conUngent, which la second. The pin knlght.4 of tho Republican Indian Leagu© team have fallen back into last place.

Tram Htaixcllng,W.L-Ha.l W .L.Ha.

K rueger ..20 7 1064'First W ardU 18 ^3 P ark A. A.ITIO m l Belleville .-10 14 m W est End..lij 9 1085 N orthern ... S 16 919 ' ' ' ..15 9 989j Celluloid ... 9 IS Mi

..18 11 964i Indians . . . . 8 19 1008

Winning form was displayed by Rellc- vUle bowlers aw ay from home last night when iliey marked up a triple vTetoiy over tho Northern Hepubllcan Club'y pin knig liu on the la iters' "drlvew" in a 8ub- lirbaii League ssries. Only In the first game did the politicians put up any kind of a flghtv ano in this contest the Belle- vllleu managed to eqvecM through vic­torious by a m argin of twenty pins, 861 to 841. T d« locals were swamped In the remaining two contests by scores of 863 to 77J and 864 to 726. The scores:

BELLEVILLE.J&ckson ..178 161 m Leonard ...171171161

...IT? 173 164 "Mutob Hltohie ...178 166 m K a rr ........IfiB 3W 178

n o h t h b r n .

MoConoe .144U1184M eyer....... 166 146 146Park ........193 IM 160

Vermsufe .118 167 M, TerwUllg^r 1«7 18I1M TotoU ...Ml 861164 Totsis .. .Ml 778 711


Regtilars Victorious in Exotiof Battle for Officers in the

L oal Association.


MOGUL ADVOCATES LESS PU Y ER S AND MORE PAY‘1 believe In big salaries for first-class

m en /' said one big league club owner re­cently. " I t ought to be plain to every one th a t a team w ith only sixteen men on fTB roster coutd afford to give them much better wages than could a team with iwenty-flve lo forty men on Us pay roll.

"Moreover, It la manifestly unfair to the extra players and to the minor league clubs to keep from 160 to SOO surplus men In the majors.

' I t ts unfair to the minor leagues bo> cause they need those players and need them sorely.

"U 1b unfair to the extra players be­cause they get little or no chance to prove their worth. Some of them are carried around year afte r year with only kn occaslonuJ opportunity to play. By- and-by they arc released and they « into retirem ent unwept and unsung, sole­ly because some club found It necessary to fortify Itself against somo other club th a t was also c a n i n g a doien or twenty ex tra men."

CRISS, STAR BATTER, IN PECULIAR PREDICAMENTThe fu tu re of Dode Criss, champion

slugger of the American league and catonar of tho St. Louis dub, Is in


BALTIM Oni;, Jan, 19,-Joe Kellty fii - tiles th a t hl8 dlflerencet with Geoi’se Uovey, Dresidetit of tho Boston N'ttllonul Leayue buseball team, have been eettleJ. ■. Acoortllng to Kelley, the , m atter will !>e Ih rM heJ out before the National Com- mlsalon a1 a meeting In New York, anO | Kelley bellevee he will innke gootl on hie ; cUilm for 35.00(1 for one year s eolary_ an , m anager of the Iloaton team. In New . York and Huston Mr. Dover haa given It I out th a t Kelley and he have oomiin. mlaed and th a t the afialr will net he heard from again,

"The only thing that I have done In the m atter. " eald Kelley yeslerflay, "Ir to wlUnlrjiw lliu propOE-ed civil solion In ton, and to leave the m atter eniirely lo Ihe hands of the Nollntiai Cemrnlael’in ^•^Qaldent Pulliam Bald Hint the Na1loo!il Commle.Hlun would have nothing lu do with the inatiur If 1 shunlil jieitlal In my elvil suit, and ivli plans for the olvll suit have been dropiied. I have been ap- proaohod hy a repri’sentailve of Mr. Dow-y with prolects fur a BeUIemeot, but we have tnaoe 710 tigreement lo that end. If th is representative has reported to Mr. Dovey th a t I havr ayrned lu hla propo- Bltlona he has simply mlasUiied the caro.I Hin Htundlng pal, end H R up tu Uovey to m ake good to me or take up the m atter w ith the National Commission''


N ew arkera and rank* fourth In the aver­age list, having a mark of 18.5.U for twenty-seven games. The team standing and Individual averages follow;

T e u a g taadtng.

New Brunswick ........... 1!N ew ark ............................19Hoboken ...........................17

w. 1.. Av. H .a.16 3 926.1 964

. 19 6 m .u 9HGID 870.20 10149 SS6.14 m

.. 13 U 842.4 3t>3IG 8f£2.9 949

8 JG 822.4 943.. 6 l3 819.14 928.. 2 19 804.3 920

a match between-the two. •coil’s fight all the way. In

only one round did Hayes show to any advantage, and this was tn the second, when the Philadelphian sent lo some good blows, but Driscoll returned the compli­m ent In the next round, and near the finish o t the bout had such a targe lead oyer hla opponent that be eased op.

jm n Y B R in TO box JOHNNY SUMMERS AGAINr tn g iy B ritt, the Oallfsmta lightweight,

who is touring Great Britain, and who re . oently gained a decision over Johnny Sum­m ers befqrs th e National Sporting Club In London, has-signed artlolea to meat the Briton again In the arena of the sam e club on February 8Z, .

Following th is bout B ritt will Journey to Paris, where be will fight plain Adolphe, th s leading French lightweight. B ritt nad ene-{natch am w gM with the FreaclifiiaiL hu t h e w as obliged to call It oS, b srtw to tha N&tlonrt SM itlng Chib kavtog tir r t call on h is servloee..______


John W ine, ot Chicago, banded Oeoige f a t h e r , th e Aastralta]] a tmd lacing a t th e Douglas A. C. In Fblladelphto las t n ig h t Gunther was groggy several times bu t the bout U sted the six rounds.

P atsy Brannigaa, the Pittsburg bsn- tam w elfh t, wilt box Charisy Harvey, the P l l^ d d b h U hantain. in the Smoky a t i

AJaok Query, the ’Wilmington lighter,

who was knodtad out by Jack Weldon. In t h e f o r o e r d ty i a s t week, l i In a eerlous

the Bmmopathlo

Jersey City R utherfordPaterson ........................ HK earny ........................New YoiTt ..................Rahw ay .......................... 3

In d iv id u a l A v erag es .Grecnwald New Brunswick....... 18H arkins, New Brunswick.............. 17Burton, New B runsw ick ............ I*Heltsm an, Newark ....................... 27Kessler, New York ....................... HQueeney, Paterson ....................... 2*H arding, New B runsw ick ........ 7Corydon, Jersey City.................. 24M cCartney, Rahway .............. Z1Bell. Newark ................................... 27H irsh, New Brunswick............... 17Coffman, Jersey City.................... 24B rands, Hobokeh .......................... 27Ohler, Newark .................... 27BuUivan, Jersey City.................. 24Schneider. Hoboken .................... -7Keller, Ilobokea ........................... 27H art, New Brunswick ............... 12W right, Jersey City......................34WerrolL Newark .......................... ISCurt. Ziegler, Rutherford............. 24-Btendel, K earny .......................... 24Dennis, K earny ........................... 34Abbott, Rutherford ..................... 16Duffy. Hoboken ........................... '37Buck, Jersey City ....................... 18


Xld W tlsM are Psarlsas A. C.

la U r night.

MqAndtews, Paterson ............... 2*E rn s t, Paterson ........................... 27Brsckleln, Paterson............ ; .......27Lang. New York............................. 17Babctelll, Hoboken .........................24Gifford, Newark .......................... 2VlJla, Paterson ............................ 24Frlnfer, Rutherford ......................28Seboonmaker, Rutherford........... 9Lela, Newark ................................ 26Pollack, New York....................... 16Charles Ziegler, Rutherford...... 18Clarke, Rutherford ....................... 23NewlUer, Paterson ...................... 6Smith, New York........................ UBurke, Kearny ........................ 24Elsenhauer, Kearny ........... 24Samuels. Paterson .......... 3Ogden. Ytotbertord ............... 1Graves, Rahway ................... 21Phillips, Rahway ...........................a

II, New York......................n 14Kearny ........................ 24Jersey C ity ........................ 3

Fyfle, Rahway ............................... 21BTater, Rahway ............................... 21Fay, New York............................. 2Perogallo, Hoboken .................... 3plrkkenhauer. N ew ark...................8Van Bodea, R utherford...... . 1Moran, Newt York............................2Kessler, Rutherford .................... 1Koch. N ew Y o ii ................ 7Galland, New Y ork,.................... 8Sukw onh, New T ork ...... ........... 1

191.9m a188.3 ' 18u.U 1851183.18182.3 18Q.9 ira.IT 170.L3179.9179.3178.1 177.23 177.16m.2,1176.18 17d.Sm .u175-9176.7174.22174.6172.4m .ia171.9m .s171.4179.19170.4 IT0.4170.1m169.9m.8167.6167.4167.4 15G.S 1^.6 IfiO.l158.23158.23 IBS 168167.12157.12 167155.1 165 I64.il154.4 164 162151.1 14t.l148.1 148 143 142 13Q 116

Althoui^h the Rcpubllciin Indian bowlers lo^t the odd t^ame of a Newark lyeA^ue series to (he Kruegers last night on the loiters' alleys, their defeat was nut without honor. TnU» was due to the faot that In the first game they regla-

' tered a big total of which Is thetrhigh score of the aea^un and places them In the “charmed clixle" In the league, a claiis In which there are but two other

.te-ama.This big tally enabled the Indians (o

r<imp off with the victory in the c(jnt«*St and It was their only win of the night,. In turning the trick three of the Indiana only had double century counta. These were Edwartls with 219. Berman with 216 and Van NoBtrand with 211 This score had the effect of putting new lift into tho Kriiegerft, who came back with 1,008 and then clinched the series with a count of 971. The Indiana fell helow’ the 900 m ark tn the last two games. The scores:

L ast season Criss walloped the horsehlde a t a .341 dtp, and yet ne is slated to go to the minors. Cries finds himself In this unusual predlram ent solely because he le B slow player In other departments of the game. He Is slow behind the bat an<L, not fast enough for the outfield.

Jimmy McAleer. manager of the Browns, is In a quandary over the player. L ^ t season Criss proved a valuable piayep owing to hl» sticking abilities. In scores of InsUtnces when the Browns were In a tight pinch and a bingle was needed to send a run acroes the plate. CriRs was delegated to fill the role, and he waa generally “Johnny-ofi-tho-spot" with the willow, i


ThsuJurs S. Miller.For Vlw-Presldenti.John B, Uusenborry,

J. W. Van Oleson.Dr. tvillliim Ulmun4.

For Treastiror,Fr*d A Ostman.

For Rarmfilng Hficretary.Jamoa M. Beldon.

For Financial Sscrvtery, James Lovatt.For Counsel,

Edward Kenny. ,For Boat'd of DlreotoiA

W. H. Loftuk W, H. Bennett, ,Bnmuel Decker,W. B. Atwater,

Dr. H. Vender Roert.

BDWARU A. BRgl. Only oendldate on the oppoiUl'

who was etecled.Ueket


orge T. Jeraee, Csptain B. V. Geger,

Colonel B. a. BdweMi. Andrew Nlcoll,M. A, Sawyer, John BleantA

S. A Zttrt.

The rtfu lA r nominee* of the BoaS H orte Assoctetlon of New J e m y tri­umphed over the opposition a t the sn n tiil elecllon held last night «t th e roome a t the Republican county committee, though It was a decidedly oloae fit- Theodora K Miller won out over George Stengol for president In the principal flght o t the night by a majority of tw enty-ita votoo. on a.to tal of 171 to I4C. Mr. Millar o trried all of hla (silow-regular* to vlotory 'Opith the exception of Ildward A. EutL thO high man on the opposition ticket for member of the board ot dlreotore. U r. Zual de­feated P, M. Hunt, the low man o t tho regulars, by two votes—184 to 188,

The Intense Interest In the eloetlon brought out a large attendance a t fho moating, which waa the ninth annual ***• slon, and the contest wea the elosoat m th* history of the organisation. Tta* ten­sion under which the membprs had bean laboring tor the past few weeks Wagi added to by the speeches In support o f ' the respective tickets, and espeelally Uotl iiuida by John P. Dexhelmer, of Orongt, In support of the Btengel i»nrtdaoy.

When the balloting, wmeh was givoa precedence over all other buslnesi, s ta rt­ed It was evident that the workera -on

, both sides had been doing some stronuoW eleetluneerlng. Thle was shown to have been tho case when the counting began,, ns the two tickets ran a dose raoo throughout. The regular tloket loomed up strong a t the start, and on the first idO votes out of the box Miller hod a total ot sixty, to forty (or Btengel. On th* second hundred, the opposition mode

slightly better • bowing, getting to ity- ju r to fifty-six for ihe regulars, iM

count on the head of ticket then nalwg

Mike Spring, the professional long-d is­tance runner, who will be One o f the men to run sgalnRt Tom Longboat, th e Indliii). In tlic icri-nille race al the Essex Troop Armory, Hoaevllio avenue, city, next a-.uurdsy night,

BASEB A U YARNS.r a r ls e h to P lay wffh gt. FauL

Fred Cartsch. who caught a part of last seaeon for Newark, and who wae subse­quently releeeed by Chief Btalllngs. has signed to play w ith the St. Paul team of the American Association.

INDIAN.%"n No'fd212 571 170 Edw ards .218 185 206 Rerman ..216 148 184 M'W rIght 176 191 170 Hobbs .,..184 181) 537

h - —' — Totals .1008 875 867

KRUEGER, Coghlan ..198 223 173 Denneb'm 318 211 ISOLdok ........166 177 179St. John ..IH 191 244 Schott ,.. .IBS 206 21S

Totals ...SMlCOgtYl


Stevens ........151152P ra tz .......... 158


STAG.Livingston . . . 160 IK Plum .............. 223 194

I 39il| Totals ........ 383 389STERLING.

160 1681 Stevens ..........177 176C. Klclhor... 156 US P ra tz ............ 218 17®MONDAY NIGHTS, t M. Kleiber

MrUlBizitr In DemanAThere Is a great demand among minor

league clubs for tbe servlcas of "Iron Man" McGInntiy. Yesterday Hugh Duffy, maneger of Providence, offered the New York Nationals 32,600 (or the veteran twlrler, Baltimore, Buffalo, Indtanapodfs and K ansas City have also put In bids for the pitcher.

Knowlee G ets ■ Tnoatlea.Secretary Fred Knowlw, of the New

York National League Club, i e f t . the metropolis to-day for Florida, whore he will enjoy a two weeks’ vacation. Knowles expects the Southern trip will put him In trim for the 1908 eeason.

Moaivosa Goes th e Ladder,Smiling Jimmy Montross. the Plainfield

boy, who played with the 'Washingtons of this city fur th e las t three seasons os pitcher and general utility man, will re­ceive a trial Tn league company next eeo- eon. Montrose has signed a contract to play under the veteran, Malachl K ltt-

at W ilkes-Barre, in the New Yorkredge.S tate League.

Boost to r In rto .A rthur Irwin, the "Peerlesa Scout,"

the New York Amerlcansi received a pro- I P i m U


Totals ...... 316 316iMONDAY NIGHTS M. Kleiber... 176 .. C. Kleiber... 219

Totale ....... 396 ...

motion a t tlie hands of President P rank I Farrell yesterday. Irwin, who has been

Indefatigable tn digging up promisingTotals ........ 396 345 I youngsters In hlS duties os scout, will go

s t a g . 1 South with the Yankees, and while on theLivingston ... 1(8 IBI I training trip he will coach tbe youngPlum .............. 150 212 players. W hen the season begins the

--------I ''Peerless Scout" will assist In lookingTotals ........ 313 403 | after the financial affairs of the club.

this______ _ ha* been a

promlnenl athlete for several years and one of the Irading long-distance men as­sociated wllk the game In the UnlteO States. He has to hfs record sevaml per- formances of exceptional merit and Is looked upon as one of the best runners th a t could he secured to go against Long­boat In a race of this kind.

Spring le a t present engaged as the profeasTonal coach for tho siddler ath- le tesof the Fotirleenth Roglmentof BrooS- lyn, and he is preparing himself there for ^ tu rd a y 's race. His best work has been dons a t five miles and the faot th a t ho


NEW YORK, Jan. 20.—"Bump-tho- bum ps" ts tbe latest plan ot the Long Island Railroad Company to force auto- moblllsts to check the speed of their c a rs a t crossings. If the proloct Is n suc­cess hammocks will he erected on each side of the tracks ot all crossings of the road on Long Island,

No exception Is lo be m ^ e where crossings are already protected by gates or flagmen, as it 1» said that some of tho more reckiese drivers even attem pt to dash oast despite the flagmen’s warnlni;. The bumps will be five and one-half Inches high.

BUFFALO MAY GET BARRY.Jack Barry, the youni' outfielder pur-

c hated by tho New York Olanto from 8t. Louis loot teatoo, It elated to go to Buffalo. B airy woe helled a t a ''phenom " when he Joined the CHants, but he failed to come up to expeclatlona iu fa i t company.


will run that dlatanca agalnat Longboat will be to hU advantage. He le ». rangy chap, built of eteel and nerve^ atid be- Bides having ^ world uf endurance he puflaeBROH u Btroi|g Bprlnt, which Will serve him in good stead for a hard finish.

Spring litis another object Itj making pood against I.ninghua.t. Thle canie about through a dispute between him and Rol>ert y*. Katien, who will be his partner against the Indian. They met recently In d handicap race ai Madison Square Garden, New York, and Spring was dodured the winner, though Hailen ^ s e r te d th a t he had gotten a lap nn ihe^Porroer and that the Scores had ijecome mixed up In their rount, thereby robbing him of a victory, f^prlng is now anxious lo make better time than Hailen In th© race here Satur- day night to show that he U the better man.


PABADENA, Cal., Jab, 20,—Mis* May Sutton, world's champion woman tennis player, Is plarinlng to play In the natlo iw championship tournament, which will bo held a t WlBsahlcken Helghte, near Phila­delphia, early In June,


116 (or Miller and eighty-four (or BUn- gel. Un the last string of 116 the u p ^ sltlon received elxty-one ballots to h n y ; five for the regulars, making th* granfl, total 179 far the regulars to 137 (dg th« opposition.

Cutting was Indulged In pretty (rorty all along the line, though .that on tha pfesldency was rather light, Btengel ' colvod nine credits and one cut,Miller was cut nine times on the r . ticket and received one volt on Um < sltlon ballot.

Next to th* flght (or th* prestdager came that to r secretary, and here o u o | tke aurprisca of the night was devaloyofi In the vole tor James E. Beldon, th s togu- lar nominee, who wo* re-elected, >e- cetvlng the largest vate ot any of th a candidates. He got S to tal of 360 to US Cor Jam es L Dexter, hts opponent. Bel­don was shown to have a nuratwr f tfrlsnds among the opposition ticket hy J tac t th a t he received Iwenty-tliree and woe only cut twice, Dexter, og

las Sutton for several years has not competed for the championship g( the United States, but has played (or the world's chaiiiplonshlp, winning this honor twice. I t Is said w e may decide to go to England this year, to take port In the next Wlmhleton contests for the world’s championship again.

. ■ .*---------------

POOL AT SPRmGFIELD.Opening gAme© In a pw l tourney a t

Kt>f»dy'a parlors, BprlriKtteld. were piayofi ianl night. Thor© are twelve ©ntrles In the competition and each man will play the others once. Pour m atches were de­cided a t the opening, William Tompkins d©f©nted Dagobert Mos»ner. GO to 30, t.'harles Woodruff won from H arry Biel- wise, 50 to IS; Joseph Gavin triumphed over’ Fred Hoescr. 6o to 36 and W alter H©eve§ lowered the colors of John Con­ley, 50 to 41.


College defeated tlw University of Penn- | Hylvanlft at basketball here laet night by i ifie Bcore of to 21. I

Joe Conrannon, of P erth Amboy.......................nfght by


SMALL FIVE. \ PRODUCE.Senfeldor ........... ISOiSerrari ................. 19BEiiasell ............... ]47iKSpln .................... 170Meir .................. 2S4ICoogan ................. 163 |Schmauder ...... 177| M etringer ..............225G. Then©

if? M etringer , 1881 Frans ..................144

Total .............. 91SMAIXi FIVE.

Benfelder .........904Rufifletl ..............2^Meir Schmauder G. Theite .

Wendel Kelly ..

251 Mnier .. 160

193 SchJaflBl

Total ..............1002COMMERCIAL.^^

HART TO FIGHT BARRY.HOT SPR JN O a A r t . Jan . » ._ T h e

V apor City Athletic Club yesterday m atched Marvin H art and. Jimmy B arry (o r a twsDty-rouad matah, th* limit per­mitted; bare, a t'oa tch rrM Utta the mwi to m eet on the ev ea ttg e ( F A hiW y 11 B arry 1* here train ing fb r th e eran t, and H a r t «1U I ..................

Wendel Kelly ... Miller .. Beck .... Schlagel

... 161

Total .............. 842



179 186

.. 163 — 164 .. 173

Total ...............PRODUCE.

Serrort 148163 Klein ..................... 161

Coogan ................. 196Metxinger ........... ITSFran* ................... m

'Total ..................870


CORItEa TAKES TALE'S P U C EspsoM iMsfotek ih «u in w e ,

BOSTON, fan .. n.-:OocB*ll w in tak eTale’s place In the raloy roc* with B or- vari. to be decided a t th e B p ^ Ath- lelic Ajsoodatlon'* m»*t m W u m o ry 1. The New Haven lad* ooula flht agree “ the distance oaah man wo* to tw i, and


imm anagem ent then . , —w ith the Ithacans, Each man In the will ru n 8» y * r^ q .

SCHOOLBOY MAKES RECORD.A n . n .—Wintom MlUer It t m Inchss in the high

a t W Okan-Bom nojct Moi

lh a in ttw 'g dorth. isf

Elizabeth Bowlers W 0^M set ; tR Eastern L e a ^ Series

0 0 ,1 0 * o g d ^

NATIONAL,Btoetsel .......... IGO r a r t ................. 99Merklln ............ ItfiHprrlngton ...... I3lK rause ................177

Total ................ 714m LC M B IA .

Ouinthar .........IHSohotiel *a4aee**v 104Qrsnm k 118Golden 115W urrter .......... U9

COLUMBIA.Gunther ..............Bchatxel ............Greusch Golden ..W urster

Total' ..................774CINNAMON.

W. Trelber . . . . . . U6Cook .................. 1«Henning 166Radke ......... IMH. Trelber . . . . . . . 1S8

Total 687raNNAKOH.

■W. TrelberCook ....... . . . . . .H eenliH. Tri

l a s a s T O N ,^^ i J ^ e EhA S o h ^ oompetltlon"^

- ------------- alum jreaterdw .record for th*

second In tM ope Inch, ol-

■ t - U

„ gymnoali J ^ o o r t t

’ haiidioiu BtakUT 1

T o ta l .............I ..n a t io n a l .

Rtoetjnl . . . . . . . i . ,tfraet .............. .MerkUn

_ H arring tbhl i t K toos* ................




The best scores rolled in localleague and tournsy flames lootnight rolJovriHarkins, Interstate................... 268Qlsichman, Junior Order.......... 2468t, John, Newark League........ 844fistsohherr, Interttate.............. 238Pferson, Jersey National.......... 236Melr, L* Qllia.....................E31 234Crum, Jeriey National.............. 234Harding, Intarstste................... 2SOWorrell, Rabenstoln................... ssoBachraohfl Maaonlo............ . 227Killian, Arcanum...................... 226Kugelman, Oxford...................... 236Qrlnrted, Oxford........................ 236Jaegsr, Athlstic..... ................... 226Metxlnttor, Le Gils*................ 2ZSRuatall, Le Gltae....................... 224Zatt, Jeraey National.............. 224Coghlan, Newark Lesgii*....... 223Bury, Oxford............................. 233Buchtenklrk, Oxford................ 223Hubert, Arcanum....... ............ 222Taylor, Junior Order............... JOOSherfanberg, Junior O rd tr.... 222Bovmnanr Athlstic..................... 220




Oewald ................. tySchuHe .................163Bohoenleber 166

a*m w

SUBWAY.B u rr ............. I*G r in n e a d ........... I tW ard ............ . . . . I l l

... 1ST

IH Biritk u i f r a p h i t f e ,E4 i t t M a ^Ut 164 BouC . ..............a iB i iB ra w ir . . . . . .m i

Totfilg .,..«M1|8,T>7


KUlton ...,l86Ult2S|Twyf*r . H ubert . . , .1 6 1 » W B atflu s . Glever..,v..l75 UtUKCobn .iL ..,* a o U 'U a ...H T 118l i l t w k w «Pta»m .„ .a» u t . i | ^ B ^ *

- 167

Ylofat ........... . .IM PER IA L

Morphy . . . . . . . . . .B y im I......* ..

Buebtottklrit ....


w S rte n d ';; ; ;" .;! W ard TmtwkdM F m mm oi *»«SA*6k

m i T o ta l........... 187KRUEGER B. „

Oswald ................. lUSohnlt* ............... WSdioenlebof . . . . . . 178Kugetman......«*

ilStnmn ..............171Total ................. m

IM PER IA L iurphy . . . . . . . . . . J6f

CREaCENT. Kull ....................

I HELL. ISHlliarrPlt ................. 161

Cotier .....T ........ Zareniba ........... 1.53Foote .................. imiKHIlv ................. 143('orhet ................ mZuU .................... :ili4|She<?hfin ............ 161

Total ............... 933 Total ................ 639CRESCENT.

Kull ................. i JROSEVILLE

Pierson ..............f’njm ..................

]79Colter ................. m 234Fof)b‘ .................. 17*; IVoiid ................. £12Corbet .............. SWIVlin NtJSfl .......... 201Katt .................. lfi>lMRytT ................. !iU9

Total ............ - IW5| Total ............... 1035ROSEVILLE

Pierson .............. 236BELL.

Barrel 1 .............. 196Crum .................. 191 Zarrmba ........... 165Wood ............... 182 Reillv ................. mVan Ness ......... 177 Glrtanner ......... H9Mey«r .............. miShcchnn ............ lis

Total ............... ft>7 Total ............... iit;9


J . H alpln............ leriacbJil ................. 1S2W ittleh .............. IIOIa . Brenauor........ 145Herold .............. IKIiHeoht ................... IllISesch ................. ItSIEgercr ................ 163T. Hnlplu............ IUoIb . Brenauer....... 162

Total 812 Total .................7?tDAUNTLESS.

Sell .................W errsll ......... ... iseiwittich ........... .. 191C om te.............. ...JOi;Herold ........... .. 193Scheohterle . ... 171 Besoh .............. .. 168Sacd^'Ts .......... ... 19! T. H alpln......... .. 167

Total ......... ... 693 Total ......... .EQUITABLE A. ST. BENEDICTS.

ftrthrtll .. 108W errell .......... ... no A. Brshkueri <. .. HOComte ........... .. 164Schechterl* . ... IM Egerar ............ .. 138Bandera ......... ... tw B.. Brenauer... . . . 183

Total . . . . . . .



'iBodr ............ ...........IRiejUPr ............ . IMI BuohtaBkkk . . . . . W

. . j i U d i e i l T rtg M u :v .ja m • > * « •» Total .........,— ■

i n

A. o. u. A. M. LBAem.3JOCK.

SharTberg 2U IH 1Eypor .....IMlTBM s h teW . rrey-.-UB S 5 B h m I

'^5-irlrw A M M 'G H im cB u b a 6 u &SOUTH PARK. J

TetPia TOUIP . . . l U n t M YottM

t b i l u m i n a kKnecht ....IttZB llTKlein ........l a 154 118O r a e f ...... A » U 6163Btchrndi..Ul W ZI3BtPlnar

Totnla . . m w o 9

UNION. Boldwh) ....166 189 171Casd ...... ...1B U 4 mSanderw>n..m 160 13 W erner ..,,166 164 168 Morgoo ..,.166111186



I Murphy ........ 598 mTlwwton ..........131 206

. Cavanaugh ...118 168WoBt .............m 187Kinney ........179 UO

. Pe I m Total* . . . . . . . n t M

I S J I F l e a g u e .T K R S or o m r . k e a r n t

BuBlvoa ...H ! u t I8« ( te a

w ^ t

n tp M i M i b m I TotPi* . . . . Y i r i i i i

.476118 M

. i i o t n i t t l E t k a

holdto hlB Btring of vlntorlt** laat fi wlo over Edwflr(3 O 'Brien, of Soroer* v'lle, In the Blate poof tourney, at the I'JlJte Academy, thle city. The score waa l&O to 78 and the game marked the foiirih victory for Concannon.

The oonteatanta to-night will be Of^orge Flynn of this city, and John Dahl, of Paaaalc.

SHUFRERS TO MEET.The Frt'd Ihiv fbufilr-rfl arul tho Bchmer-

ber Aesof'lHtion wi-lght puwhiM-R will play their second h:ilf of a nhutli'iboard match on the Day ixmrd, 1-S9 Hiil-iny Blreel, this city, to-morit'A night. Tli« Schmerbers ralnpd a lead of forty-nine pointa in Ihe first half.


arest. liu* former world's am ateur lilllard champion, defeated Edward McLiUiifblln, of New Yorks In the fourth gaihe nf the rnatvh aeries a t Alllngor'e Academy last night. Hy winning made It f'^urstraight, the totals tyring 1,200 fur the W estern player and 70S for McLuGghlin, L'^emarest aUo won the aftom oon game.


Thirty and forty pound team s wUhing to arrange games with the Fox Juniors of the Newark Boys’ Club may do so by pending challenge's to M. Blrn, 42 CharT-* ton street. The Fox team defeated the Kagles of Keamy, on the form er's court, Monday night, by the score of ft) to IB.

At Quincy B all li Club^B first team dji F. C. by the score 6

a t n ight the Union leated the Woodstde ' 44 to 11.

other hand, was out tWeotjr*9t)iMif|i. 1 reaajvlng one credit. ■'

Indicariona were apparent early th a t h determliird effort was being made la be­half of Zusl, one i f the opposition candJ- datea fo** the board of directors, and even some oi th« stanchest suppurtera ot the regulars were noticed working for him. The vote showed Zusv ae getting tvgn ty - seven credits, While Hunt, on whose ttiine most of the Zusl pasters appeared, ifKl cut eighteen times. Colonel E. 0, s d - wards, anoUver of the regular nominees, received fourteen debits, and he was th s next lowes* man to Hunt on the regulnr , ticket, with a total 3f 164, sufficient to elect him by two votes.

Twelve of the men on the regular ticket had been Indorsed by the oppotl- '' tlon, and most cf these got the full # strength of the vote. Four of them, Jam es Lovatt, for financial aearetaYyi Fred A. Oatman, for treasurer; Sdm trd Kenny, for oounsel, and John Steami» for board of dlrectom, got the entire BIB bal^ lots c a s t After tho vote wae announced t^r. fitenget, the opposition candidate (or

a resident, moved th a t tho elccdon of Ur.[Iller be made unanimous, and this w U



The Xavier C. C, basketball quintet won a hotly contested game from the Mel­bourne Separates o f Hoboken a t Casino Hall last night bv tbe ecore of 24 to ft).At the and ot (he first half the score stood 11 lo to In the visiting team's-fiivor.In the final period tbe locals excelled iheir opponeoLB and finally landed the ’lcto^y by a margin of four points, Th©

Itne-up:Xavier. Melbcurnes.

Rnurh............Right forw ard......... H. Fyf©petrlck .......... Left forw ard............ OraneUlDciyle.................. Centre . .C, Bullwlnkl©Curley...............Right guard ..J. Bullwlnkl©

(Harter)Cummings.........Left guard.............F. FyC©

at end of first half—Xaviers lOl Meibournes ll. Final ecore—Xaviers 24, Mellioumes FIrld goals—By Hauch ^Curley 3s Petrick ^ 'L'oylo Z, H arter I, H.

8, Uranelll 8, J. Bullwlnkle 2, C. BuUwlnklc 1. Time of halveo-Twenly mlnutee. RefcToe^Smlth, of Xaviers.

The preliminary gaina between th© Xavier Boconda and Bay VUw stconda ended In a dispute In the second h a lf . ' The Xaviers were leading a t the time by the score of 14 to 14.__________________

10 M Y TILL C » E iOnly apeciAlitta in tbo SUt«

ffrith practloe limited ttflctly to: the disease* of men, and all a e rr- ' ous and urinary diseases.

SlOO reward for a man we falti enre.

ASA MEIICAL IMST.24 Tcert In one place.

184 ORANGE ST., NEWARK(oDe block above H i(b stree t)

H < m »~ 9 to 10 A. M .; 1 to J and t to f P . M. Sondsya 1 to 3 P . M.

The Newark E asle A A. baa oixantied a quintet that will play under the name of the Easle Separate Five. The team would like to arranae Kamea with the U ar View Whealmen aecond team. Inter- Seals, Xavier C. C., Spalding A. C., and Tankeee ElUabeih. J. Rhior, 269 Nsw York avenue, la the m anager.

U an o fer John Newman, of Uio Meroury Five o f Hew York, I* desiroui of book­ing games with flrst-clasa teams, the B ntre Noua, Acme* sud InstJtutoi pre- ferrefl, and sleo with otxtv-lKnind t« in u for tbe Seeervee oL the Merci Hla oddnoe le 1)8 New Y ork City.

f the M erca rr Club, E ast Houston otroat.



IT S I m d SL, O m r C tf lA VTwentj rears' sipsrienM sa a sreMsUst *•

oU Cluoele Dlussss o( HEN AND WOMXK.Nerrans nissssea Dliissis _e lCstsrril.

R w t;' iCHiie™ Stomach. U *sr oT Wsdllfr Rnsiunatlsni, urtnarr and all I.mif Dtseossa

aOTICB-Ofltoe k e a n , S te 4 P . Mb

St t a 4 -''D . a e t fe isr t smsae. pkosa ekd a


tZ U tlH O T O t). LUtAMMT* mCUMWI NrtIa

N B W A fk ff ,I U -

53? &

N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S . W E D N E S D A Y . J A N U A R Y 2 0 . 1 9 0 9 .

d x a t h h .O n o tt, H. 1; litB<*nv 1*.

i t *

tlW o BT., la a « /-1L' *• '• ! yV)- hi* FtW«T. ■

7&lh A. I l C.

a a U > W A 1IT «D -1«B » . p m l.P W AICTB1»-W 0M E!*._ H B L P W A i m m —W OMBB.

A c « U >A o n r r » - t nwl* |lla,CPD0 la Bw T«»n ••

mall onlm’ bualM ii; Iwaaa «IUi B i aD|i <»a nan in tb i worti a t homa la «»»• Uma: a*o4(or my Ir*a bookloCi talla bo« to.BK atart**- HVACOtX. Uoi }u8, LO'^tort.

OFERATOBB-Uat aaotatoit tanaria iH ^ on m ^ a « » « ; ^

aaaisni aU .' ItaHiani promptly.' a. liOIiA A 00: M Otdan at.

N. T.


AOtlNTH to Mil our iiaalth an<l arclilrtii poll- <IM (ur pi, U an,! Ill par yoar; olnapar man

fraunm l onlar Iniuranoa; aaay Mller. Jiioll Oelilr In huatlari. Apply NortU Amanca. KaaiairalSiir Co., lU Markat at.


attaaA. IniariMnl In * ''* 'i^ “£lK„^a \h a ^ P -

n M a .% " J .,‘ » ^ . 4 a y , Januaryi r a n i w p- «■

CB08A-On January 1». brstbar ot Moa* amj, ’rum^aiiia m an’ih Volu'nafra.

fca wapou'NOly

AlITOMonll.B BCIIOOIr-PoaUlona, lloaM t auaturltai'J. froa trial i ahop. r'^d an 'a ^

fu»fT»B. pBWhfBciloh wHrtantrii Bquttf*Uaroff aiO VVe*i 05(h *1., Nkw York

APPUFNTI'.'F- FiilrmiJtini av*

wanted ar*Mrnaking

HO»K ■ K K EPK R -W an;^.

liuY—ln ffttucr}’ a youni tH>y t* run «r*randa e.nA maka ¥wn<^r»ny_^ui'‘fula

to twcin. |fta AddraM# B . Iloi 3». Wawi otlivt. ___

1)0*1'<-iiiur*6 In N>wtirk Bunlrw)** rullaw,

r.tiar lYiH-tori: Itrln** cataJoir.

1, t4k* aynik III.,

buy. wlUi n*o or tbrao yoam’ axparlanoa, on lailiBB and flittpar iD a inichlno Biiop- dill

WiiKlilnuiijn It ________

ftuMral pATlor, 300 Bank uroai- 9'%tnxk>ufit CantfUry.

Xnt*rin«nt In

v S i* 2 S '? '1 r ‘ ^

SaSSaiy^'B **“*

F10V want^tl «'xiM)rl«nc»Kl In the hutchw Lull- mill. Ai>ijJy FiNQblH A CO.i b-W Mul

berry iiiiuif wanted. a«jm® exprrlHiri on 14 carat 3ei

aiIAN-1-.tY JH. CO., II-IS GtVel IT. D. rnior *i

2 p. U. fntertnent____ Holy iJipiilflhre.

Iii*CT."i?n“ rav.nu..a S S a N jT T hiraaay , January VI. at

A- I t. (;fel*blMd Ave Station.»wmaUMMONB-Buddenly.

#flMi Uarv A. baJQved wife of ianieas i s " « ? . k : e s M

StMet- oh Thuraday, Januiry 21. at b-eo a . m_, a* Cathedral wbere a Hlirh Maa* of R IJ l tM wttl be oHerad for ih*Oeinet*nr of

L ’t i S n u l L ba '»!: '^a r»P«»t a T i w l “ tamiant In iha C.matary

B olf Bapalohra

iKrtfH wanted for Htrhl preei work, on met.»l rood*. Addrom rj*«i Worlf? Ho* 8,

OfllM.UQY—Wanted, amall bojr to work In foundry

13 KKDOKB 4 in to , lil Kallroad pluuy wanted in arncerr. i>lth nferancea.

W. DUNN, 207 Hbermail »va. _____bOT to drive email wMbit'

avf,Call a t 4 Second

BOOK DBM VERER-An Al eerlal book de- Uvarar wanted: full route; hiiheit blnamu

Mkmmlealoni paid; only experianfed men need aniwar. Addree* Rare rhaiice, Box 82. New* ortice. _____UARTiQNDi®—Wantad. food, ■-----JIIY WALl>f!EIU,roreet

reliable maniateany poiiUoa. HENRy" WALDHEIM,Fur«

Hotel MUUiAd aVfi., oor Fbreit ei , ArllnftoD W. J,_______ ______i ir [c k i .a t b r A a i bricklayer* and hod-

Muriwii iddrea* with refJTrneee and price. Addr«M Bhop, Dux 31. N*wi omce-BUTCHNP^-Toun* man wanted, w u h ^ m e ex­

perience. Addraai Dulcbor. Box 10. NewepalofflriBXITCHBI^-Oood butrher

at., corner MoWborn*r •(wanted- ftd EJm

lanttaiT I®. IW>. Catherine, be- d .u ,fc u r of

ua). u a d B jreara 2 m o n t^ r f r l « d a « tbe

^ n< tha Holy Bapulchra.

C L E H K E -^ iw ny mull, cuatoma clarlU jat W aibinftoni commefu'cment lalary a«w;

many H ^ h examinatlMD*. common education idfflelent; prepared Free; wrUa immediately, rranklln Inelltut*. Horh«*ter. N. Y _______

w m rw A i RahwiA.. iOD, I

K. J.. Jam iarr 'Bj. the late \VbltteA K

FucieTai aarrlcea


3 A ^2andd . a«»d To yeara. Funert CiSl »• S3d 4 reeWence of «r. Thon^ S S t iw i , $28 WMt MlitoD ai'anua. on Wednae-

CLERK wanted lij' maiiufucluflng rcmifany muit ba yulck end nccuraie at hfuree and

wtile naal lealbla hand, etate reference, prevloui eiperlciH * *md ialary dexlrea. R. liox A2. New* offlt * ___________

,.eil«ncM d 'uh .f entry bookdw '^^ edire t*f eiermfraphy ifa?tni cx-ferred. but not J j J i i r " UciMrl^iice anil Halary expected. Book k* pe .Vl. New* rtflee. _______________ —COoic^WunlfO. aipartaocaO oooV anfl lauo^

Jrraa, aliU-. family - T 'lT(»). I'nll w-iilalU or aarly ThuriJiy, HI Ml.Pleaeent * i \ e - __ _____________ _______-—OoUK-O. I2.V wairr«Ma;. Wi.

IM iaundrj-BB*-K. (2ft: houe««oTkHr* m Bit Houie Agfncr. Tb l _

^K~amTlaundrex* wanted In *inall family,N'irweflar. Herman or rtwedo

wtafti lie 86 Bark nve geetwhite, .Bwedlih.

preferred, EliijA t>ranfe. __^

OPEHATOHH.N ''r ? 5 " s § T ^ W ^ rR l> O a T N " fc lT r“ BBOH IIAN CU., IV CB5NTRB ________________OPERATOHfl WANTED. BXFGRIBNCED '^UaiNQ BKWlNd MACH IN J » -rnPOWER. CLINTON H- SMITH ft CO.. 7®OHANQfi BT __________ _OPEHATOlt—OixkI oprralor on ladle#' neck­

wear on WUIco* ft Clbbi tnoebine.ITIvale, Bo* HI. New* efllca. ____ _


POUHHI-rri Tborougbly e*perlenr»d on rlnfi.hrpe^-hei, e<arf pine, e tc .: eteady work, itate

experience end waiee. Addree* Jeweter,24. Newe citfli^


'HS—Several women « .l ic l t^ •rullv made, pay every dev.

MuU'rrry it. betwoeii 4 -Sj and d c. mbJNi:M i:TEJi. ___ _

iAar-. *2 i<yCall I t M

M. E


COOK. (lf»* aii*a. !■ »U hnmciM: aouM, baAlflc. aUo O onou ooakliir. tW to l » lionk at, ______________ _______IM-

OOOKU AJiJ UuluAftaaw. « y n ^ youn* irlrl; rafaroneo. Brick Clitircb. tal,

tfcll., Eaat O r a n i , . ______________________cook-w i.tron MTlahaa a poirltlon aa unJ

lauudraaa lu a aittaU (aioUy. Ill BloomflalA ava. _______COMBAMON-A *oaiao •lal'ai • Boaltlou aa

eonipAnlon; would tntvat IK Bf. Plaaaaut ara.. .Nawark.



n m a o w A k

BY w m . Araik B ona, baatnii Ian v r bad and board' wtUoat ]ua« aaaaa. I will not bt

raaiioatlMa for aay dabu cwiraolad by bar.MR. RICHARD BDRNA

P. 8.—Bribe ot aand laUara to dVd PnUnabur- BCn ara. and raealva raward. M. CAI^RBY

Iratbay Co.




w tlitf, chUdren'edreieee, a t home or JjrtO^~ T., 44 WArd iLf OfAUfe.Able. rafereacM,



DIlEtWMAKER would Ilka m rk to do al l.oma. Apply to) Olabf at.. Qtaadt._______

H, iLU 'ITnll—W anlcl, a woman aoucltor ba- iwrcn a t and 40, rood talker: ram Ur aalary.

AJdraa, Hualnaaa, Dor M, Nawa olbca.S T lT rii WUllKKRtl—Uaparlernfd .

•tlUih w,.rkera on Infant aacka. • ' Poulh cull ail weak aicepl

Lnkwta, Miaavw, ua , . a I «.lnrnnea. kwd wa*aa for Cora^taOl *lrl.L Ti<> Hiirlnfdale ave..^A *l Qranfe. __


'o<>K-WAn!-HJ A food OermAii or ctiJnred f 1 j in dfl (ookldf end eielet In wamhlnf K‘i-

Summer uve,. take _rAT_______Otk.lKS.

fonarA)Ceiiii-e i

nenkT uurar......buueeworkera.

QTAnfft-,'^kiK.—wtniod. A eom^i

<enk and wAltreAe. SI Offtntfe. ______

itent white flr l Pi^>iP#ci it., B

,fxVKH nn.l oJ:wtirkefR at unue.

(•D uK -'lo^ women to cook *P"* uf dlnlim rtiom and Kltehen. M Hoievllli Ave.U'enied, A food woman cook; tio other

317 MlCCX)K m-btl Apply

Uth el., near Avim eve.;N'ednexdey.

BTKNCX>ltAPHan wanted, muet be ex^P- iBiu'ed; ila li' reference! end ealery eipecleii-

Sieniifrerher. lUiX 01. News nfUi e.__________BKJHT PKAl^ER wanted

walit and aleeve hahd*.Ornn»e, near Prove it. ______________SILK "wfNnEHft-W ented. fo«->d *llk

BXi>erlmiced; end BO Suw^x IVI.. ,Ea*(

Apply Rurfly Hllk Co., ■ti . steady work.

HesBxu and Sbsllleld

t u c k e r s .LACE THIMURRS.


J A M . COHN, __ ,CORNER o r a n g e AND HIGH STB

IMY'S WOBK-Wonian wraia daYa uiirk In p rira it family, In dty. Call

ummSi 'WTiie 140 Summit city.DAV-a WORK (It any kind wantad,

ih iNNBT, m Warrtn at.MRS. Mc-

llLiLSEEEEI-EIt-Rrllotd youn* Gwraan uumari. wilt, ohUd Y«»r ®iJ. deatraa

altuuiKm aa houaakoeper or irnaral houao- workrr In .malt family; ohlld v«fY r|W l; no triiuble al all, W rilt MRS- D L-. 0 Hraaknl rU*e trrniM, I r v l b l t e n . _____H oi aEWORK-IlaSnod aoman with dauahlcr

i:i yeiwa old. wania pMlUon aa working hounfki.apar; capatilo <i( taking full o b a ff ':,™ waalisiif ur IromniT. best r« to I2U MU8. CO.. Verona,Mun(> lair.

MONBT to loan on bond and hbiiMin# shii loan nru>oey for A lla ire wot HNOVER, 273 MoiMrrr w»i

bulldinc ahd loan m<>Qe;fAfcr. F. W ------ --W alnut el.(Sno.OOO TO LOAN on bond rad '?

auna to autt. a t » bomiaiume lu sun. ai ** s,wai»j. .EDWARD a. BLACK. counselor.ttOPnideptlALMONBT t o LOAN on

lioatis required. FR. «oun#eh>r>et*law. TW Bruad

r ' o E n f c K T ' f f ^iroad ft.. M ew iik N. J>

AN eslats ' mortfAirs:

t-nly. Addrea# Tniitro,

111 Uien money on Aral bond ffid conaervitlve W iper cent, valusa

- Dnx 4L Nawi officeWe have money m loan on bond and wort-

fa te , flr»l or second. J, J. MATZ ft lO., Union Blrtf . V Clinton it. Room OOL_______

N al. Tal.

HOUHEKEEFER-Amerlcan.fined, i-apable. desire* poelUon. houaekeeper.

mulher's helpor orLs kept Best lUferences. IdT Milford a v a ,CJt)', _________ _


HRS. JU1NBR8,(. AN HUN _GEm NG_X* S J ” ™Wllij


c a n v a s se r s to IntroduM ouloh aalllM m l - turv fiHvlce; DleajAUt work, liberal oominin

, l ‘m 7 O. lifttPPARD. r» mw*), ’llube htilldlnf. _______ ________


TUCKttRfr-Wanted, okpeflsnced tuokers on Infants* and children'* white dreeae*. BROU'

MAN CO., 19 Centre it.THEATRlCAL-AtrtrPia wanted, ameiour flrl.

tnr L-Kiiitiivnu akstch. AdoIv H95 Market.for vaudeville sketch. Apply 3 to 4 P. M . BRENKBN.

C'.tHljLK—pearl button carder huKFMAN DROB.t 73 Harelltop et.

tenced on ladlee**uli*. lo inks work ho.fn*.;. *t*ie ^erms,

r>KK:s»* MAKER.Auliii. to taks

ili-pHi Cfimpetent,

tperUTK hiBox 4h, Sews office.


bUp'pHMAKlNO-Improver* and munis wanted at dree*nnLkliif,

ton St. ____

tperlenced m Washing-

■ K » ! 5 i :_ J a b ;^ _ » .„ “ |« In- C*met«T»Bt IB^'lamtlT ploi Graani

jHIr.Oa January 1», IW . Barab W. BalA- wlSra bf Bmltb Ksbl. Funaral aarvluaa bThTw al Nr UtU bnma « WaNlar

aiiggl an IWBay artarwoon, Jabuary Tl. at T ifflSoaL RalaUvaa and frltnda aia kindly In- astad. lotamiant at Ml. Pltaaaftt CaioBtary.

x /w nw -oa Monday, Jatmary Id. ISO*. f»bn ■ huaband ot Carollno togog

a i ^ S6 foara and 6 month.. Mala- . M « 3 w. a l» * b o F W l« n T O n a ^ -

! S B g r 7 S T S ? ^ j a S i f J * « f . t T i ? I?,*MB Ug lata n ^ o n o o , 43 M araolla atrooL R tam oot a t Uio W oodlud Coraotcry.

at Otanwa, N, J„ J u tia ir IT. IW , lOMl bwbuid Ralattraa

CLEIlKfl-Wanted, railway mall clerka; oom- nianMDirm aninry jSoo; Moroh aiaminatlona;

OWldldaW. prepa,-lfor schedule. Krunklln 1CLBftRB-fLillwQy mxll, customs at

Waihlngtyn: c^Mmsucement salary l»w.many March eykrtibiiallons; prepared /re*- " • ■ ■ Frankiin InJtllute. Rochester. N. Y.Schedule._________ ___CLKRK—Eipe/lencftd HRlot Flabef bill clerk^

Orant* ilai

■ «YUbWW#*M xrwarawaww#-

traa and triaoda of 4 o » ^ y . go Local Ml, Dnitad Bnitbor-iTora and Jolnara. arc raapooi

to attend tbo tiaiormt from hlar J S S ^ ' ffii25yM !TS)>.‘^ - "oioJiil . k XatoniMiit ^

AlIn RoaodtlO Oiinctory.

.J ® 7 X n S “ - ef**oS?erlne T :JTM and Wanda arc kindly In

.and tbo ■. Bootlud a t T!» 0 ■

tho funoiil from bla la to '™ i ‘ ‘ on Thurgday,. Jan

irflanpftd ElWpt FInliYr u... annitrala anu unlok at HKuroo; knowirnga of

OamiAn prrfiwrtd; atalr ug» aM talnQf wum- - ■ - — 3o. Nowi olllco.ad. Artdrcao P .'K .. Boa Now.OLKRXB-R^iway mall ciorki ara waniod; m -

■ In tSowark Hay lb; i*nlcuSara Boliool for Mall Byrvlra,SnJlDAtlQll

free. Sprlusfleld leld, MmdprturfleK



^RS»Tb* New York CMob* went* iilenced canvissera: Wf monsy to

Call, a to to-morrow nv'mtng. ulldlng, 109 Market *t.. room 2B.

ENAMELEft wanted; eipsrieooed girt for rharglns "O fine KoU Jewelry; steady work.

EWALU DIKTZ. 4(f Oliver ______________ _


WOMAN—Ambitious, reflned woman, not under 23. to qualify for position of tniat «*oep-

Uonal chance for advancement, musl hare a i references; write suU lnifP ll partloulars a* to irevlous experience. Address Amhltlous. Vox &, News ofRcs. ___ _____

WOMAN, reliable, not afraid of work. b> conc*ntrst#d non-alcoholic flavorlns In •

selary (2 per day or oommlaaloci, J- S. ZlElj- LER Compeny, Chlcayo. ____________

„ r .’WAITRESS—WanUd. young whlta wultmaa and nhacnbrrmald. family of tnrnoi

nxyprl.-nond, with refnrennel; wagna |ls . AU- uly IMI Harrlaon at., Eaat Qrnngu.YOUNG O IBI, IBlIahrr apprantlco, wanlwl onfold jrwnlry; ona witli aomo rrprrlrTic* F

RC'llENllAUBR, B2 CtilunibU at.

llorSEKHF-PER-RtBnad yount nlahM iKwlilon aa houaakaeiKr. or would aa-

alat aa mother'a Iialiwr: vnry .fAddrra, A. B.. lk» BT. Nnwn ofbee.would like hnmr

or countryHOMti: wr)HK-Priv*le party . ..

work: flrraaiDaklng or children ■ rloihee. alwflnr sewlnx and embroidery. Reasonable. Dot M. New# vffles.

Addresa Very

MONEY to loan on second first mortja*«. MAX II HOftWiTZ. B29

Broad it. Tel. U f l f - . _______________IBMONEY to loan on bond and

•urns to suit BAMUEL W QKBHY ft CO.. BOO Broad #t. _________ _lljM W TO loan on first mortyraffe^

FjftN, counsenor-a»-law, 7fl4 Broad atj.

M O ttTG A O eii, l o a n s — PB RSO N i ^ kONEY TO LOAN

MbbIm b m r «


a in t in g . r o a in b ip b a nd o u tbum_*A1NT1MG UBE OUR PURE LEAD AND XINC FAlNTi FAINT AT lloM IWB GAL­LON. FOR YOUR ftOOPi tW O U R PURE PHINCBBS M R A LU C PAINT AT II PER gallon . f o r YOUR WAlJ-0 MUHEBCa 40C. A 9-LR. PAOKAOJK



DR. MANDEVILLB, spMlanst, OTB Broad at, over CkUds's; twenty ysari' exparlaasy as t

•psclsllst on all Cbroaio Dlssassa of mao ami women; CMtairb, Narrous Dtssasaa. Dlisaiaa of Hiartg K idnap Btotnaoh, Uyer or Biaddar; Hheumatiai^ Urinary and all Lunr Dlsaasaa.

NoUoa—Offlea hour* I to 4 P- M* and S to I p. M. OOlea cloaad Wadnaadays and Buodays. ADVICE FREE. Do act forfst noma, plaoa and numbar.


Manlcuriof. taca sod acaifS masMCS. ^ I n g and IjalrdrsMiitc, with a full

goods.tban -



HOL'yEWOftK-Oebatal housewkirk by young woman In private family; no .faorMhrita. Aildrcas Hsfereao*, Dux U7. New#reference

offlee.HOUSEKEBPER-Young woman «>■•'?• K S ''

Hon u houaokoyynr for wiaowrr MABEL JGHNBON, Bn WMt Grand it.. Habwgy, N. J.HOUBEKEEPEH — Young Qeraian-Aiponnan

woman wouW llkn uoilllon n , hounekMfwr, riMl, homt. 73 Warren at.. eeconJ floor._____HUUBEWOHK—Girl wiehej general bouejwork

for two In family; In oily: good reference, Coil 97 Newark at., aeound no.oeound Boor.lioUaBKEEPBR—Tniatworlby. Mpable wm” :

aa as housekeeper or caretaker. Address 32h Ml Prospect eve. ___ _______________ _HOUSEWORK—Colored girl wlehee poiltlon al

general hooiiiewcrk. I3b ifta rren ^ , rea l.__

On FuroUtirs or E’lan* without Plsiurblng IL OVR WASy PAYMENTS.

If you borrow 110 you pay back .v> a *««* il3 you iwy back .W5 a week iu you pny back I.lkJ • w«ak ;aa you bay tack i.W a week 130 you pay back l-bO a week i-UJ you pay back 2.h0 a wwk IW you pay back I BS a waak

upward- We aasur# you pri­vacy, as ws conduct our bua!n«ni In a moet confident^! manner. KxpUuatlona coat QOth- ini. Cull or writs before going elsewhar*. Wa wni save you money.

HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO-,Bacopd floor. Room 201. Metropolitan bulldmi.

Ovar Kaufman's Mat Btora.Entrance on Washington sL. oor. M arket

If you borrow If y)u burrow If yiwi borrow If you borrow If you borrow i t you bqrrow

Loan froni |10

9100 REWARDfor a man wa fall to cure, aad bo pay till oured Is opr ofTer; nervotta dliaMsa, all uriaarr Irottbla, all dlsaasaa «f mark ABA Radical In- itUuta (H ysara In ena plaoaL 194 Oritaga a t <1

Nfwarlblock above High at.). Nawark. H oura.9toiD A, M.. 1-8 and 0-0 P, U ,, Sunday, | to I P> M.

SUPERFLUOUS HAIR,R srts, Moles and Birthmarks ramotad foravar by electricity; S\ yaart* aaperienoa.

MME. W KhTim yELT BOMMlOI. t l9 WashlBgtoB ft.

|io , no, ISO. t«i, IGO. Cheap

HOl'tthJWORK—Colnred girl wishes position i geiuTul houMWOrker. Hf» Tlh ave.

HOr.iEWoHK- emull family

•Woman wlftfies270 Hajsey

housswork In


GIRL, flMUgartan. to woi'k lo gfn.rnl hounnworker; apaab

t>f J. J. 8 PPAR, top flcKir foot of Warren at.. Harrison; call a t onos- .GIRi.B wanted for all deparUneBts. **'®^*"J

cent Lamp Werka Apply at employmwt ofllce, General Kl*ctrlo Co., 4th a t , Harrison, k A. M-

CANVASBER-Wanied. iood book canvasser;• • chance for right

QIRLH-larxe oommlsaloii; good chance for

party. GEIO. Aa HARDY, §72 Broad s t^

want atrk Uualnesa College. P— ** postal bring* oaialog-

- I f you WJfcn% *coursB In Newark ^ “

lOHF ProatoFi ' " '

CANVASSERS—Wanted, tbrat good canaan -------on Annlj S A. U., IS Meahanlo ii., tu CiUlery Win-ki.

M. J. t o m p a n b .

OIRL wanted In flur Inaoectlon d e i» « ™ "'i •leadT ncrl'; lake Pateroon can. Ironerlal

— Jivondale.

AGENTS wanted for iravclers' door lock; men or women; can ho put oo In a few seconds

and not a acratoh on dofir; H o™Sion given: send II for sampla. M. D- MKH- FllNG, Box 893. East tjlroudsburg, Monroe <_'u.. P*. _________ ________AGENTS--nral-olaii

agenU*. apply between KBMOE a McMANUfl. »27 Broad it


COOK wanUKl for lunchroom and restaurant;must be all-around immediately.

HOLTZMAN. Id Belleville avo.__ Iron-

Inx- man for housework, waking and driving, ■■ ■ ---- Address, with references, Lou-

MAN and wife wanteii; cooking, washing, iniT- man for housework, waking ami drl

76HEI.P: don’t be without. Home Agetmv Centre si.. Orange. ■ tel. 232: hours 0—5 only.

LA I :N UR BSM—Elx perlc need colored laundresa dtaln'M vsLirk, hojno or out, liOH BloomU'^ld

third fluor leftLjVt:KDRI-:SB wants first day of the week or

lake home; references- 13 West Klrmey pl.LAL’NDltBSS <o.>lored). flret-cieas.

W'lrk oul: references. 14 Camfield nt,MASiiRUftE. Bwedbh. would llk« ft few more

ratlents. LINA PIHRBON. 185 Harrlaon it.. Eiiai urange. __ ____________ ____


: ro . w , no . 9 1 0 0 .St ami best place to

^^RROW MONEY. ___••a b s o l u t e l y no BBCURnr.**

l o w e s t r a t e s , e a s ie s t p a t m e n t s .HEMEMBEft.


OONFIDBNTULLT.Open from 8 A. M. to fl P. M,

Wed. ard Rat. eves, ta 9. c a l u t e l e p h o n e o r w r it e .

NEW JERSEY FINANCE CO..'kulte S13-U % h,™ r_b^lld ln^^

RBOAD AND COMMBRCI Oppoalta pOstoflScs. Tel, sob, N aw in ,

famlli' of two, pic, Box 47. New* nfflee.MEN and woman agenla wanted lo sell our

household ap«f1altTi huick sale*; big nitmey easily earned; no experience nwpBssry. Call manufacturers* agents, 102 MArkgt_s^

runCHAUFFEUIL-Capabl* man for euto truck;

on# used to hard work; nauit be sober; ref­erence required. Address Auto, Box 6h. New* oflUce. ___

OIRL In hook hlnden'L numbering machine. BAKElR Printing C ., 261 Marksi etOIRI-8-TWO g irl.; on. (or gtneral hou««ork .

for upstaJra and waltrea*. 800

IT *b*w A Bo ^ h U Mom

x E . « . M s s r t i

(W. to St. John'; :igh H u t ot Bo- ‘ rapoa. of h i.


«* l U ^ i■ Ineltwl tL ___ — - -

19 KlogmoB

fo ji otm <sw IUu4on). R a U ti tu and ktadlr IwrtWI *«•««?« U» fratrol

U t. to H d ;^ U K lu » w , » a 4 on ThniHor, JwoaiT. Tl. at 8 S u m HMit Churoh, oorntr ItrMt and South O n w avuu., n s h Mm ot Rnnlfm wUi h oSatM noou of Uo «>iu. IntwM it tin tb. r M tlia tbAr lainlillir*.

_ _ wodawdor, Jam ia ir Ufl*.■Smrd, halona ooo ot Jaooh

1th. Kon«r . ( » •rad t moBthi. lUla-tm klDdlT Inrttfd to

___I. from thoO n m Avrau*.

« t t F. H. ^ t w m t a t t b . S H r ~

iirvifea lurMld«ne* ot

ott Baturdoy. n m t tn Um

_ j a - s a ^ r w r a

I ijB E vsriteta Cemetery-OrODge. Bauli ot Hr. and "


ivllie. Va., tfe p ^ e d tbl* __r. JoD ury ^ 1M9. Fu- firom her aoB t'i rsitdence,

ol p iuA Orang*. January privota lo tenntn t ttoMdal#

MOIIT H >B MIKD.Mind Boiotn^, High

________ offered for the r*-■OUl of the late Mary Hunter, on Joauaiy 91. a t 6 A. M-, a t Bt.

JU latlvu and Menda are Bitead.

CuirrER^W anted, flret-cloM _5««ir end lultcaaos. HAHN ft AMBBRG, 6UU-DTI

Broadway, New York City.

the other Mulberry st-GIRLS wanted on foot presa a l the u in i^ . . -------- gg areen il., secondtaney

CUTTER—Bog and fultcage cutter wonted. Addreee Cutter Box 69, News omce._______

metal goods factory, floor,

CARRIAGE PAINTER wonted i oH'Oroand mn. lift E*Bek »ve.. Orange. _________ _

OTRL8 wanted, M (o |I2 par week;■itinM. K lent-ill Hfg. Ca. 12 BloomfieldMltloni.


steady po-

DRIYBR wanted: eober.man. Apply JAMES

Crosa flL

eisady and reliableCROWELL, H

aiRLS wan tod to r tight work on toner m*lal good!. AflOreM M.lal, Ron t. New. oltica

DBtVEB—Goal driver: marrlad tiiAO prof«T»d. 7 UtUiton av*., cor. W oir.ii, ________

OIRL waotod (or MW plarolng on gold. B. M. BHANLBY JR. CO., n - ia Govomor .1.

DBtlO (a-BRK-Wwilod. •drug clerk; i AreM Menthol

flrtt-aiooe registeredAd-

OIRL wmaied. shall at.

HOWELL'S laundry, 30 Mar-

EM PLO YM EN T W ANTED— M B ^ACCXIUNTTNQ by Certified AccounKinta.

Hook, oliencd. cloird. .y.Wm.11*^^ Invretl- gations. Cost lysiems- CONHTAM AL U ii CO (Mercantile Audit Co.), H Clinton st. Phone 4702.

NURflB- German woman withe* poslllon nurse In confinement caeet or go out wkh

d<*ctor; best referenu*. Addreea Nurse, Box 01. News ofllce. __ ______________


Toat you own elih.r FUKNITURBI or PIANO U all lhal U B««“ kry to ««uw * k iu .

OUR DOW RATB5tnablo ™ •“ '.Ither WKEKJ-T or M Oim iLT.

MANY NEW FEATUM B uw to be hail here; II will e .ru ln iy w » «

CONFBCTIONBRY, MAtlonwT. ClgOM M d no- Uon itors, also large newspaper route and

periodicals; near bcHoqI; rscelpti ITS lo liOU weekly; price 9760. Addreei Clgon, Bog 6 8 , News office.MASSEUSE, who boi eaeoeeetulTr treated peo­

ple for nervous trouble, poor ofanblatlotir oen- sUpatlon and IrTerulfjrltlea, vlU |^ ra liberalmassage and alo^*^ bathe, a t 70 coJuj^MABSAQE-Erpnt

Idenoibest reference*.

Swedish moasenee. treatladles a t realdenoea; M y walB^ond

irnwncM. lIlB8 tllORAtoolAl n,____ _HSILSKOV, 708 Clifton a n . T.l. IK*;- B. B.REIFINIBHINQ chandctlon and b rou b<d>,

Btck.l-platlng knlvM, fork., .tovot, and oiydHlng; 'phon. 2U41-, Wavorly. National Stair Traod. 7* Pnwpoot pl-, n « r I6tb nv.,


s t . N. T .: two mtnutee* walk, from ferry.PIANO music furnished by experienced (dayer

for dancing clasoee. private dances, ate.; term* moderats. L lL L ^ N U. BROWN. 2r Mitchell pl.. Eoat Ounge.__________________MIDWIFE—Private Durslng. ci.->aflB«ments;

adoption: mothers oore. I^DWIO, 661 L6th ave., ooroer R>tb i t . ; toko Springfield or Plonk rood cor to 90tb it.

to iBveatlgBt'? bVfore going elsewbei PETiPTjft WHO

NrRBE-SBAMRTREafl; a competent woman wunte position In good family, good tofer-

erKc; wllllug. Address Nurse. Box 28, Ne^'s□fflee. _____________dTENOGRAPHER, experienced, with knowl­

edge of book-keeping, desires position; best references; morterate salary.FBATK. 228 Hunterdon sl ___

Addreu M.

BOOK-ElisfPEIl AND ACrOlTNTANT. Experienced, all lin«. seeks temporary botm opened, closed, audited, wrllion up. diS" ^ t S w l * T .^ . t .M _ 1nitall.d; ipwlal arrora*-menGT'miila'wtth (In™ nol o«nt book-ICMfwr. AccuunUnU Tw Brood ol-l'phone gggou Newark.BDOK-KEKUER. experienced, with Xnowledge

ow typewritten and elenography, desire* poil- tljb , Mlory •!«. Addresa Books, Ilex M, Newt office. ________ioOK-KCEPEH, corrMpondenl and

office man. aged 27. J. N. HARKINB, 3M Bergen ave., Jersey City. ________

8TKNOQRAFHER and typewriter, experienced.desires position; best reference*; moderate

salary. Address Biperlencedj Box 04. New*offioo. _________STENCXJRAPHER; 10 month*' eiperience;

also willing lo usslat with office work; mod- erate salary. Address Steno, Box 81. News office. ______. ______8TBNOQHAPHKR, beginner, wishes ix

salary $0. Address IHeno, Box 44, ofllce.

f>0 8 klon;News

SOPRANO soloist would lllie position l o churoh choir, either Newark or Oronses. Ad-

dreen Sololet, Box 78, Nows olflce.

-drug clerk; gw>d-po*It4on to right porty- ■ -- hoT, Box ai. News oftce-BMCllKn TUBNS® on ellver and gold not™i-

ties; one who has hod exporisnoe on that d u s of work rad no other need rapi^y: eteody Job. Newntli ang. and Ktoli. Co., 870 Bioad et,, oUy.

HOUSEWORK—Bipcrleneed Bnglleh speaking girl for general tausowothj referencM re-

oalred; pey 120; o i l ' eiperaon, morning or evonlng, IT North 2 tit at.,East Orange.

BOY Ifl. would like position In law office or real estate office; can furnish best refer-

soce. Address V. MATTlA. 66 Bummer ave-


HOUSEWORK—Warned, a neat girl (whIU) for housework: no upataira or Ikunda j jo jj .

refarenoe. Thursday A. M.. 00 North

bo y . with lalent for drawing, would like to Isom irodo or bualnees. Address Talent,

Box 29, New* office. _______


. WolmitPERIEN CK D _________GARTEN BROB.. I l l HIGH AT.

Cost Cfrgpge. Goon won

BOY rifi) withesor machinist

12814 Prospect at.tstrade-

liilon to learn loolmoKer Address E. SPEICKE.



HOUflHWORK—Ooold woman to do general houaewofk: one who underatainda cooking.

AkPly J- J ' MAQO\’EIRN. care FsrrU Bros. Co., 100 Shipman pL_____

BOY Ufl) wishes poaltloD as errand boy; un- deritande New York. Address 82 Spring si..


JANITOR tor *partmem-h€»uae» married man preterred. no eWUiren; porter, salootij singlesiMfiti- wa.lter gcman. care 'automobile', 'uaefui; waiter

banquet; other Tacancie*. K Cedar at.^_^

HOURBWORK—Wantsd, a rMpccUbIc, rellnbls woman, whlta or cclorod, to ossin with

h o ^ w o rk In small family. Addwsi luilabla, Box sa, Maw, offlea.

CARPENTER, «xpcrlenMd, by day m con- trac t; ofllce partitions, shelving, floor*, *twrs

or alieratlona, eettlng machinery, Addreas Ehnp.. Box 71y New# office.______

WASHINO—Snowy, rainy and slushy washdays lifi.vo no terrors for our patrons; th*'lr clothes

an? washed, all the bd aiul tat-le linen irorn'rt rfftily for use and everj’thlng rough dried for ihiim to finish 1« their warm kitchen or laun­dry'! no piece*, not weighing over 3» pounds, for 715 cents: overweight. 4 per pound;

2 perns a piece extra. Rough Dry ■ ket

starching. Laundry Co., 413 Matfeot Bt ; 'phone 5211H.WABHlNO—Stop iweatls^_over the x SLShrob,

■ the UNEEDA WKTlet the UNEEDA WKT WASH LAUNDRY, 221 High it-, do your entire family wash for flOc,; returned within 24 hours ready for ihe line: (dv« u# a trial. Tel. IIQTW, B. B. _WASHING—Young widow, cnlored, wants

plops Wednesday and Thursday; ****«? e-’SBher and Irtmer’. willing, obliging; work In an doul city. 161 Broome st.

. ........ WATWstrictly private loan will see us first,

MUTUAL LOAN COMPANY, 24'26 Wood bulldlDf.

U8<122 Morkst SLMONET I MOMBTt



16 b a n k bt ., 2D FLOOR.

President, Anson A, Carter.Vice-Presidents. J. William Clark, treasurer

Clark Thread Co., and Lalhrop Anderson, proa- Idem Elsaex County Tax Board.

Treasurer, David H. Merritt. preeldSDl Na­tional Newark Banking Company,

The total Interest charged on $26 for ten rnomli* 1, J2.33; on ISO, M-82; on 1100, I8 .W, and cm |20u, 11840. Payment* made monthly.

WANT to be married quietly, without riee, hoodlums, etc. 7 There Is Justice of the Pear*

HOPWOOD, 8fl Clinton g t.; open eves, uutUlO.TALENT, musto furnUhed churohflo, lodges.

■moken, danoee, e tc .: reasonable terms.Acme Vaudevllls Agency. 62 Bpringfiald ave.ANY ONE wanting to take out life Insurance

will leom something to their Interest. Ad­dress ^D us, Box 64, News office.HIQHE8T nrioes paW for RAW FURK mink.

skunk oaa muskrat, etc. M. KlRBt^BAUMy 976 Brood iL , Newark. N. J.DOE8 your sewing machine need repalriOgT If

— - ‘ — — ^HLU 40 13thsend postal to MH. MITCHBl ave. He repairs oil makes.MRS. KABBH, 241 E. i l 8tb St., N. T.; private

nursing; connnemeats; mctheir'i core; adop- rion; 4b years* experience._____________ ___

MONEY tc loan on household goods and per- ione-l properly, without removal! our ra tsi

are the lowest in the city; quick. conflde»l»l aM reliable. Coma and get our torma ana be' ‘' ’’'" 'M n'C H ELI.'a, U« MARICBT BT-.

Room 22, over Grand Union Tea Btore.PRIVATE party will rasks loans on furniture,

horses ana wagons, pianos and other securiW;[lUiDca »uu r r x v f l ....... -------- .salaried employes of good alaridlng may aioo secure money on their own signature; a^iotiy confidential. VV. R. NORWILa S. room 911. 9 Clinton Bt.. Newark. _________

MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy payments: offices In 63 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. D. TOLMAN, room 6l2, 238 Washington e t


b a n k b o o k lost, No. 1B279I, Issued by lh« Howard Savings Institution: paymeut has

been stopped. FlndM is requested to leave same at bank. T06 Broad at. ________ ____BANKBOOK—Lost. No. 18M«, Issued by the

Howard Bavings laemullon; payment boa been stopped. Finder Is requested lO leave same at oank. 766 Broad st-_______ .BANKBOOK—Lost, In Orange, bankbook No.

21607- Finder please return to Half Dime Savings Bank. Orange. __________ ____ __BLANKET—Loftt one full-alxed blue horse

blanket on or near Bsrkeloy ave., Orange. Will finder inquire a t office of A. F. BURTT. 834 Main at.. O r a n g e ? _____________ _BROOCH—Lost. In Newark or South Orange, a

wishbone brooch; valued for Us associations: liberal reword. 16 Academy at., South Orange.BEADS—Lo#t, Monday aftemood a double

atrlng ol Jot beads; 12 reward If returned to W7 Vabyan pl. MRS. J. J. MAIN.

WASHlNtl—Wanted, family washes to taka home. L. B.. aiT Warrvn at., Newark.

jHWELBttft—Toutig men w1 gold ewlvels. Addreee Jeveb


with experience on Box 4ft, News

BOUBBWbiUf-Naal wtiHo fifl. *>«ln.-Qok, itaaoral houaawoTk: tour id family,

mod hpnn; food w*»b«. 18 North ilapla »« •. Coat Dronga.

CARPENTER; aml-olooi Mnwnt conllruoUOJi;w llllnf to do OUT hind of work. Addreg. hy

iBlltr, PETER AIXEfl, Johnaon ave,, Hoch- onafick, N- J - _________________________

WASHING and Ironing wantsd for Tuoidaya, Addroai Tueadoy. Box 10. Nawa offleo.____




CIGAR BOXES—Loat, bundle of empty cljor boxea, marked "Q. Courter, L e x ln * ^ ave..

Manic lair;" lost on Market at. Colt 2B2 Mar­ket at,, care of BMlTtPS Expreaa.__________

m a n , Amertoao. not uhder 90. *«' *]“'* HDU8 BWORK—Neat white glfl to do the■peelal natural must furnish unqueattoi^le In a omall family: plain cooking: good

rsferencee aa to ebametsr aud ability and be ^ ^ Deiavan ave., Woodslde, near HuTn-sgtremsly neat 1b appearance; e i^ llo n t mer ave.tunlty for panton wlfilog to work;^ rnemlw of Protestanl church preferred

CARPENTER—Jobbing and alterations wanted: rw fs shingled. DONKEWlLOAT ft WILL­

IAMS, 96^ BaakeL

WASHING—Woman woud like to take home or go out washing. TT Prospect el. _________

WASHING—Woman wishes washing, city suburbs. 10 Hoyt it., Newark__________

CARPENTER and palnler wants work; reason­able. Addreas C.. Box 29, News otfleo.

W ASH ENG"Woman would Uko to lake wash­ing home, ISD Pennington st _____

j u m m n i f t B T iiA fts .. Aftotvenorr Belema Hig ill bs oelebratefl l& 9t. '

on ^ u rw o y , January 91, M lKlves a ^ are kl&dlly iQ-otteud.

OAAD OW THAIVKflft e i B t a t It ImpoMlbte to thank all in person,

ve td e i to la means of expreeslng our slnoere..felt thanks to our many relatlvet and also employea of sales ds

view betwseh 9:30 GLASfl. liS Markut

Call for intsr- and n-.8d A. M.. MR. at., room 60.

MAN wantad. who look* ltk« a *»ntl»maj oM aoU Ilk# on,: oon obtain a prodtabia

Doaltlon on a aulclly oommlmlon tMH. Nona tud such, who nova the w ‘ PproMhcorporation^ hstd apply, from lO-l* A. Jd.. a t 1162 Broad ite. Newark. N. J.___________

HOUSEWORK—Wanted, white woman for geh- eral houaowork in family ot three.

betwwui 2-4 P. M. 1117 Montgomery sL, Bloom­field. __________ ---

COOK—Colored man wants to do entire work of private family, good cook; or will do day a

work; references. BADE, 89 Edgerton race, EuSt Orange.

WASHING, at home or by the day. C. WALKER. T9 Livingston st

ter- WASHING—“Woman to do washing or cleaning. MRS. YOUNG, 34 Vesoy *1 ___________

m a n wwaled to make himself generally ■wkund ■torace warehouse and office In Eastaround aiorage warehouse and office In East

Orange: roust be of good address and furnlah good referenuBs; state age and w ag» expect­ed. Address Uaefni. Box 00. New# offloe.

department and A raeoi„ J department of General Eleotiic Com-

itetani of Holy Cross Convent and Chll- of Mary, for tbrir kind eympathy and

floral offerihgi a t tb# fitheral of our I daugbler o&d ilstcr, B. Louise Mueller., thanks to the Rev. M< P< O'Connor, of

I Ciiurch, Harrison, N. J., for his I of oomfbrt and eonaolatlam, and to

f ^ his very efflolant aarvlaei.aan iR B a n d b r o t h r r &

D trD B R T A K S l^ .WB ruENIBH FOR |7fl

Moeli Sroodeloth, White Brabo*e#d PItiMi or llBlWtoB OAJi CiJket, lined with satla lining; landiM and ttgravsd name p la te r outside IMS bf ptna

Brnteimlng, notloss In paper, chairs, ues of spe« rug and Mdettsi# and servloe# of a m i dlreotoro, dsllverlng box to cemetery, nearae and three oosoh<js to any city cems-



'Phone 867. a B.We belong to no Aseoclstion or Trust.


WARElROOMfl oomplotoly stocked for public tlQVaoUon. EstlmateB furnished Private Uv lotp. ^ u e rftl

MAN wanted, with egperlsnoe handling staWs and horaea; ona not kriald to work and whn

can be generally useful: good wages and proM peots. Address Stableman, Box 17, News

MEIN wanted to become roechanlool droftiraien;experience not required; our courao of short

m elito^ copnplefa In four month*. Write promptly for term*. P. 0 Pox 4Sa, Newijk.MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN wanted for tWo

or three weeks' work. Address Draftsman. Dux 40, News offios.OFFICEI WORK—Young man with knowledge

of book-keeping and typewriting, for fsPerol ofllce work. Apply with referenoes. sxikuUve Officea. ROTH * CO.. MriropcHian building. Orange. _____ ________________PATTER'EEN MAKER-First-claas paltem maker

gold rlnfi. Apply, statln j experience, OOTBY ft BARTON CO.. 116 Richmond it., provldaoce^ R. I - ___________PLUMBER'S HELPER, flrst-cla#a; only th<»o

with referenccB need apply Tlie Plumbing. Haating and Electrical Repair Co., 188 Market ■t.PLATER wanted, expfrtanoed on

gold, with guoU referenco. M, SMITH ft CO,, tea Oliver rt-

Sllver end T. OOLD-

PLAlTiR and melter. experienced, for filled coses. Address Plater, Bt»x 12, News office

HOUSDJWOflK—Rwp«cUble white girl fof fun­eral housework in family of apart­

ment; refereno# required- Apply 486 Buounersve. ____________________


CABINET MAKER. FTench-Pollsh, want* po­sition; has own tools, KATO, 106 Spruce

WASHING—Woman wants washing, out. 300 South 20th st.

h o u s e w o r k —Wanted, woman for _ housework, underslandlng plain oooJdng.

FRANK MASON. Si Bridge st.

DRUGGIST <unrsglatered).' ail-*aroun<J experience,

■leap home.

young roan, four years’ aii-orouno e*pcrie»ce. highest ruler-

encu. would accept a good posUlpn with short houri. at a moderate salary. Addresa alentnol, Box 112. Nows >ffirr.

WOMAN—Refined American woman. 50. seeks iTOSltlon to Bitend old lady. Address H.. tn

care MRS. FISHER, 127 Fatrmoum ave.. city.

h o u s e w o r k girl In small American family, adults. Central ave. car to Whittlesey ave ,

walk south to 17 Wllloox pl.. East Orange. _DRUGGIST ns rrllef ’elerk; three days open.

Address Relief. Box 20. News office.

WOMAN would like to care for elok MRH. 0 . JACKBON. 207 Elmwood ave.


pBM)le.i„ East

HOUB13WORK—Wanted. respectable whit*woman ( « e 26 40), general housework.

No. t Railroad pi.. East Orange.

ENOINKBR—M»n would llk« position glneer or firerrun; good reffireoce- L- HOFF­

MAN, 63 Kutgerri st

YOUNG WOMAN, exparlenoed, desires positionto care for Invalid or elderly pereon. or os

rootheria helper; Chrlstlan^_ faroUy^ preferredAddress Refined. Box 25. News office.

iioUSBW(MtK-WUimf girt for work, in npttrinjont- thrw In f^amlljr, refer

enrea required. P R If^ . 47 South sL __^HOUSBWORK-Wanted,

for general housework references required

a Oerroan or Swede In family of three;

694 Clifton ave.HOirSBUYORK-Gin wanted for gener^hous'^

work in family of three aduits. C^H 106 Union sve., Irvington: carfare paM.HOUflCW'^ORK-Wanisd, a young white

for general housework in apartment. Quitman st., MRS. W. R. BOYD.______HOITBEWORK—Warned, a aernkSJi girl to os-

Blat with housewortt In family of two. Ad- diNifs German. Box 6, News offioe. _^

s Ilo l’SBWORK—White girl wanted.good wagea * no washing. 6 Oariicjc pl., fftasl Orange: oftCentral ave car at Hawthorne pl.HOUHEWORK—Gin wanted to asalit In t# lse-

work: must sSeep al horns and Wing refer- snee. Apply a t 4P0 Clinton a v e .__________HOl’SBWORK—’White girl for general

work, one who can sleep at home preferred. BHaBERFELD. 5*6 Hlght #t.________ _______

FIFRFITTZR wanted office General Electric

eon, S A. M.

Apply employmanl Co., 4th bL, Harri-

. parlor. Bid Uroad st.. 'phone 169



BMrrH ft aw m i. lucotisorn to J. A. LofXiL ITAKERB a n d EMUAIJ

Coach Owners 12H. 944 Brood

a . H. BTONAKER* Undertak«^r.

lyjjC w rttiJith Bt. Telephone I64TJ,

997 Worn


Warren st. Tel. 1 laa. Branch Brook.


PRESSMAN—Gordon pressman: wages 110 par we**k. Aonerlroti Tag t'o , J#0 Cortlaudl st..

BellJ^vIlle.RlGGER.'t—Two flnit-claiB rlggera lo work un­

der crane Address Ulxbfcri, Box 77, News office. ___________6ALKSMEN—Three active men Of good ad­

dress ajiil aiipeartince to seM •oiiUAry spec­ialty; hl(fh grade iiu-n can have liberal ter- rltorv w- nrliv >r surety req\Hreil W. O.BllEI’r.'LRP, iNonj Globa building._______

handle entirely ot as side

HOrBEWT>nK.^ompetent O erm ^ cook, wash and iron, c in Highland ave.,

Morristown, carfare pa id .___ _____________llnrsE W O R X —Young girl to assist In gweraJ

houicwork in an apartment; sleep borne. HOIv-ZNEH. 94 Brood *U

g r o c e r y CLiEHK^Man, 30 yoara old, would like position as clerk; capable of taking

Ohargo; 16 years’ experience, references, drean Grocery, Box «IH. News offles-

Ad-YOUNO WOM.^N wants day’s work of any

kind. 42 Bergen s t

’WANTED, about 912,000 on first mortgage, for purpose of Increasing facilities of ptwi-

growing, established buslneaa; therr-gh invosttgftUon granted to principals mcftn-

Ing business. Address W. F. 8. M.. Box 05,

WORTHY but unfortunate party would IHre ga.fWO first mortgage; property cost 96,600.

Address Reference. Box 52, New office.WANTED. 95,000 on property worth |8,00fl;

best residence .section of Newark. AddressC- E.. Box 05. News o f f i c e . ______________

Address11,000 w a n t e d on second mortgage. MPrtgage, Box 80, News office.

DVfltNBSS KOTICDS*s a v e rauney by having us raflnlsh your silver­

ware, chandeliers and bric-a-brac, makingthem llkB new; anything In the motal line re- flnlshed and lepalred; a superior silver polish always ob haivl, Write or 'phone U54T.

NEWARK NICKEL Pf^T IN Q CO.,Rear 38 and 40 Walnut st.

CROHB—Lost, gold cross. January 12, ISO®.Please return to sisters or E. GRAHAM, 103

Grove st., McPlclalr, between Fullerton and Walhui ats^______________________DOG—Lost. Tuesday noon, a t Belleville ave.

and Broad si., fox terrier, whits with broem head, dim brown spots on body, red harnoe* with blue ribbon; answers lo name B ^uiy. Reward If returned lo W BARBER, 44 Cloy st.DOG—Loat. fox terrier, white with black and

brown head, black spot on left hind quarter and on tail; lost Monday evening. Reward If returned to 18k Plane st. _ _____ _DOO—Lost, Scotch collie dog, answers to name

of Tubby. Finder return to DR* J. L. WHITE, 6 Evergreen pl.. East Orange; reward.DOG—Lost, Saiurlfty evening, a black span­

iel: white mark on breast; tall cut; answers to name Nigger: reward. 40S South iQth st.DOG-'Lost. fox terrier pup; reward,

avo.028 18th

GARDEN KR~Truck and Er**enhouse gardener desires posltlc^n 0, DEL W., Box lOOi Post-

office. Houth Grange. N. J.


MEJCHANIC. practical, with 16 year*’ ------- — —nail........... .- sxperi-e ^ e « su'perinicndenl on small and medlura

duplicate manafacluring. desires positionhandling 60 to 100 men: can design fP«c *1 tools for cheap and rapid production; hustlerand orlglnalof] salary moderate. AdoressPractical. Box U. News office.

COUPLE, Gerroan roan, wife, strong, willing couple, desire employment, c ltj or country,

housework; moderate wages. Cedar at.

MA.N wishes position In factory; I* handy with tools. urKlrrstarnU care of machines; Is Will­

ing to make contracts. Address oontract. Box W>, New* office___________________

MAN and wife, QoJorad. wish pooltion in prts'ato family, city or country; woman to

do general housework, man useful around house' go<^ reference*. Write or oaJl, J. HOPKINS 22 Boyden rt.. c i t y , _________

MAN. aged 38, dewlres a position at anjrt^ng requiring a fair e-luoatlon. HENRY MEL-

CHOIR. S4 Union av«., BslIevlHe. N. J.M A N “ Mid d 1 e -a ged, fKJbef,

wishes a jKisltlon of a i^ dustrlous. Box I, New* offl<

Industrious man kind, Addresi In-



h o u s e w o r k —English nia«i girl Lo assist

iVftehing Third _ftTe.

speakingforoily three

young G adults;

Ht>TTSEWORK--Young flrl wonted, to w u t with light housework: must eleep at nomn.

65 l8ih ave , lop f l o o r . _________________

RALEfiMENline ouf It '-•‘•I policy, pay* |1,00U

dftftth and ffi weekly h<'n<-flt for yosriy: easy eellor; llbernl i-iimmlaalons. Nurth American ReglStrail-'n Oo . UW Markbt st


PHONE a n o j . _____________

s a l e s m a n -'W anted, by large corporation, apaU'sman to represent them In Ibelr \ir\nlty:

steady puslUun and go<id salary t'> right party Address Gerard Tu.. Suite 818. IW Broadway, iiinger Bldg., New "York. _______ ________


CE M ETER Ii:k . ARLINGTON CEMifTBRY,OftnetarT ArlJnpton. N. J. Phoae IT.

^ctnresque hsauly >'f mi-darn park planting, tb perpetuel care withnui cbargei Kearny

assn *0 Arlington Dei^il. tlien by red trolley to ff iro tu t ave ■ and 2 minutes’ walk to oemetery.

BALEPMa n—Cigar aalesman wanted. In yonr localUy. to r e p r in t ua; experience urmto-

eeaary. tUO per tnonih and expeiiMs. wrlto for portloulare. Monsj^h Cigar Oo., St. Loula Mo _______________

CTM BTBRYiS o R G B BROW ^ft CO. BstabJLshed lUO.

Daalgners and minufactur«rs of MONUMENTB. MAUSt>LEUJdfl ANDo Un b r a l c e m e t e r y w o r k inORANITE. m a r b l e a n d BTONE.

8T0-874 BeUevmo av«^Wppoglf rotraneg ?twAant CsmetSffy.

KA CH IH EBY FOHf e t f ^ ^ T f ia p h i^ . for Immediate deUvtfTi

ond-hASd machinery, as follows: l2-in, x 1-ttond-hASd machinery.......... ....................6'ri.-24-tn. X 12 ft -24-ln. x 14-ft

X 19-fL, screw cutting lathes. F ou r-f^ t ffrj^.,ra| 4 rUI, 6-ln. pipe threading machine; IC I n ” fiUnttt ebap'T, ii-ln. friction shaper. Ho-

ohaarOt vises. 6'ln. stroke drawing preoa [iWilsi i ' rmis, hammers, plating and ^1*

SALESMEN wanted: only real ealeemen. who are willing to work and looking for advance*

ir.eni. need answer. Addreae Balesmeh. Box 3 , News ortlc* _______ ___s a l e s m a n and eollcltor, outside, amuag tb*

bitslnww hf'uses, good praposlilon,- MARK­HAM Sign Cf-.. 2T8 Washington si.BOLlClTORfl 12). neat api>earlng roan quail-

HOlJHEWOKK—W’anted, German or Swede to do general housework; three In family. V.

M BKST, 2B Halsey tt.________ ___________HOI'aiC'W'OUK—Girl (whlta) tor general house­

work- Apply MRS- BBITMAN. apartmsni No 1. 1166 Broad s t . _____ _________HOUHEVVORK-Wamed. young white girl for

light housework: no cooking flrtO Washing­ton st ; ring top bell. _____HOUSE WORK'-Genersl housework, reliable

girl 64 South U th sL. between CJentrol and Orange cor line*-_____ __ ___________

.. . tniddle-ftiredwoman; keep bottse; plain cooking;

HOU BEWORK—W o i ^woman; keep

464 Orange at-


m a n (colored) desires position where he can be generally useful; good referenca. Apply

103 Farrow it , Orange,____________________MAN l96) wishes position in fw low of outslds

work. Address tlanrly, Box 0, News office.

TRADING STAMPS. *11 kinds, bought and sold; loose or books; coupons and labels for

cash prices. New Jersey Coupon Co., 828 Plane rt.. near Market.

PAHEIR-HANOBR, first class, wants work hanging paper, 12'>4c roll. Address Paper-

Hanger. Box 3. News office. ___________eipetieneea. warns work,

aLLISTER. 4m Van Buren a t, olty.S lL V F J tS m m flrst-Qlass, wants

(^rge and smell work. Address H. 40 Bedford at.


STABLEMAN, experienced. 81 Railroad avATWLMAKBR-Young man (20)

lion; hmr years' eaperleno*. Box 61, Nrw* offlea.

wishes TOSI- Address trtea

UPHOLSTERER-Slxpert upholstering don* at TOur restdancft; Dorlor furniture, leather work.your resldencn; parlor furniture, leatl

Qouohe# repaired; raateriftl# supplied: reason­able rates now Address Reliable. Box 42, News office _______ __twORK—Wanted, some kind of work by young

man. w yror* old, with High School educa-tOMti. 10 yeur* ..................... —--r-tion. Address WETTER AN. 26 Bathgate pl.

1 WILL buy tor cosh Mueller's atlas of the Oranges, printed about 1064. Send porilcu-

larR to C. K, MALON, 802 Main at.. East<^Qg«.


BOUGHT; (’ASH QUICK: CONFIDENTIAL. & SOUTti ORANGE AVE.; 'PHONE 2071.WHY not apply a metal celling over the

ermckeJ plaster in your kitchen, tiaiiii atorex. etc. 7 HENRY C. TRAUTWBIN, Metal Celling Contractor, lOQ Peshlne ave.FOR SALE—Cement blocks,

gravel a t Little it., Belle TBO PARISI, office 62 l*tJi K. J .; tal. 2177L. Waverly,

oeroeni, sand and ................ . MAT.


CARPENTER w ort ^ m ] ’


all kinds lobbing, eta.,iDtly attended to. Call, writs or 'phone

BURNETT, 40 Iftwrenae St,Newark. ' ew■ftr .

LOCKET—Lost, on January IT, gold necklace ami locket, between Llltlelon avA. !6lh ave.

and Tlh et. and Magnolia. Return to FRANKS. 985 Littleton ftvo.; iultablfl reward.LOCKET—Ijost.

as keepsake, legf* 8t., city. ,

looket: Jilghly treasured ward If retailed to 24 Cot-


MUFF—Ix»t. Saturday, at Hahne's or Bedstl’i store or on Broad st., a fox sable roufl. Re­

ward olterenl If roturoed lo W. H. PALMBN, 836 l^ftrk ave.MUFF—LoBt. pillow muff. brown» either on the

Broad street car or office at 11 o'clock. Please return to MRS. CHARLES, 46 Spring »t.PIN-Loft.

warddiamond ohlp stickpin; Uberot re-

Address Liberal. Box 6. News offioe.

m a so n w o r k —Chimneys repaired, rebuilt:

PLUMBlSo and beating done for owners and00. __.tall siaa BTt*AA'fl

RING—IX),1, Tu*id»T avaDlnr. mlshborliood of Halaey and Academy »«., ilmrte .tom , mr

pant pattotn. diamond rln*. R em ri_J( turned to THE r , I. KABTNBH Lewis st.SEALSKII^ GLOVE, January JO. J P. M.

gents at a tow figure Call or addresB H

_. all work M. FRENCH. J

[uaranteed. Court at.

CHIMNEYS thathake, repaired; guoranloed. B. SAMUEL, 160

Charlton «t-; mall ordera promptly attended. PA T EN TS.CKMBNT ELOOBB-Work la ,lock, can jlY ,

aloo moaon work, eoktlpt,very low ftfot A. SMITH. 06 Elm It. Tei. oonneotlon.

EXCELSIOR Wire. Iron and Brew Woita. F. J. KEMP, PROPmBTOR.

SOUTH OHANQE. k . J . ; TEL. 208J S. O.

CHA8. P. CAT, m e c h a n ic a l e n o in e b r .

General drafting, patent offloe drawtnfo, opa- elal machine deelgnfng, nine printing. ,» n n s ll Bldg., IDS Market iL , room, M-iT; tel. MSW.


OLU GOLD, ellver and eerope of Jewelry, dlo- monde and platinum bought for coeh. 7Pfl

Broad st., over piano store. 0. G. QONZALEZe

METAL CEILINGS. ^jIHRRITT Meifti Celling Co., W-91 Academy

si. i 1(W designs for all classes of building*.

GOLD AND SILVER, PLATINUMr diamonds, pearls and pawn tickstl for roonds only, bought. N. RLUME. 807 Broad sL

h ig h e s t cash prices paid for contents of ■tores: buslnsM done confidentially. Send for

■ ■ corner Bonk *t.PERRY. SSI Plane st.,PTtAENTZELft SICHABDa, Pattn t L fti^ l

liSlors of U. 8.

HIGHEST irkee paid for ladies’ and gents' oAst-oiT Clothing, ehoes and feathers. Send

postal to J. BKCKKR. 66 Montgomerya u t o m o b i l e ^

1006 D. a . He first cosingQOLli. silver, platinum, diamonds, rubles, aop^

phlrea, pearls, emeralds, pawn tickets, valua­bles bought. JOHN DALEY, OM Gtb tV fCASH paid for old gold,


OLD and new hooks of all kinds and d*- ecrlpilons for cash; whole Hbrarle* purchased.

CHARLES H, DRESS EL, 660 Brood St.HIGHEST prices paid fot cast-Off ulOtWbg.

Tel. 1148J or send postal. J- BROTZKY. 2lProspect p) . East Orange.

_*«r7” 'r«SIoMbli'‘* AMrC, ' OUirgold, .llv.r,ReosofMble. Box 8T. News office.

HOUREWORK^Wanted. giri tor geenr^ housewerwk: fie waibing. 62 Btate #1,. EAet

DBKSaMAXrKG _apPT«"t while iramtng. 977 Main


itloe wanted: let bell. a

HOU6 BWORKr“ Wanteft young whits girl lo ’ ■vritb housework.assist

ave.Apply 822 flumroef

fled by education and experience to representpnjpoallian; lilwrat compensetlontahlato rlasB ------ -------- - ,

A ^ ly Ib-6. T, F BOWE6, third floor, Hahce ft Co., Uroad and New s t i . _________ _SOLICITOR-COLLECTOR, experienced, about

30 years of age and preferably m arned’ aalary ojid commission to a classy man. dresa P V. 8 ., Box 66 , Newi office.

HOUeBJWORJt-Olrl for no cooking or washing.

general housework; Y7 Centre at., «lty.

HOUBBWOHK—Young . housiwork; no woahlng.

girl to stBlat with M Shanley av*.


BOLSerrORS—Threa live msD for Newark and Jersey City: steady work: Mbsral pay.

Address Ilfclioble. Box 24. News office.

rop h l-fl. Bheora.rottflta •quarlngBo cottar msohine; root, sernw and power

jeftyw numpsu bollure and mglnea A rz i-. 0f woodworking machinery: power HSLniertOfi material a "peciaity. All itlnd# of

b0« h t . Newark B w nd-H ojd Ma- S S S S ^ C o .r w Cheetmn s t ‘Phone S08L

9, 1W:_3* *1®'■ch T, 9J Herix ft Weis* .. ,•H T ,i WiMt puTvarltlng blMl. bawj

ftiaftlnx hongcie. ^THOKAft ^\ qOt, n Ward st

dl*^ eio.:oiiHQCtAL maehJosrjr tnodsla, tools. .a l w r e J Ita* o* roaeWne work;L « v l« rr. DAVIS * ROTH.

AillnstOB it-. IWK WllUam.

SPUTTER wanttfl lo wort oo ^ h y r - lo ^ L'aJon machlM. ^ Apply QEO. BTENQEl.Union ----------

Inc.. Waverly. NBMIRT IHONETRS on stock wanted.

CLINTON H. 6MITH CO.. TB Orange at.BINGBR wanted at the fleoabeH Moving Plot-

ure Theatre, 280 Market at.t in sm it h , foinJlIar with furnace jw k . AJk * ray O’cdNNBLL Ot)., Blocroflrtd ave., Verona, N. J.__________ _TURNER-Pearl button

at 7 3 HaiuUtoo it., DORFMANwonted.


aMe-bodisd.WAITTED. for U* ^ ■;p i ^ ^ l y foT*^3RarMMment; xp e^ lly ?o ^ u n g men d*alrous__ot eiftSoor life

orrny.18 to

aoUSBWORK—Good glri work: no cooktug. 858 BSailevUre avs.

HOUSEWORJC-Woman t® do *«n«raj worki alMp homo. S14 North 7ih hl

HWtfHWORK-Compotnit girl (or g u im l boUMWork. 477 SumroMOVO____________

HOUSEWORK—Wantad. girlhousework. 722 CUnton ave.

tor gsBifaJ

h o m e WOWC—ExpsrieOoed hajod hsmstttch* «ra. fBotkgnttteben end embroider«-s for

steady work. Coll ’norsday. 10^. STILL, ift) Ridge w c o d o ra __________ _______________

W A fraR —Ehqperienced ootored man wont# sltuatlorL Addresa S. T HILL, 4!8 Main #i.,

Bast Orange. W. J.________________________

bru(^t ^or cash. The Jewylry EitohangB, 128Market #t.. room 206. j.*’;

heee pricesCasing- Tubes.12.2D 8.26JAIO 8.6010.80 4.7520.00 4.00,90.60 6.0022.36 R.2627.06 6.7528.06 fl.0020.00 e.ifl80.00 0.25ai.06 0.50S&06 7.7540.S0 8.1040.66 0.60

Tire Cover*. 1.60 l.flO 1.60 1.90 1.60 1.6Q 1.16 1.7B1.76 l.Tfl1.76 2.00 2.00 2,00

her of Market e t.; telepkopt Wo.

MB and M7 HoJoey a t , Bfutalrg.

- „ ta­co ,, IB

CUnton'ave, N;ar, b^woeii HUialda ova. and Lincoln Park or In pork. Return to room 7H Prudential building: rev.mrd. ______flPECTACLES-Lool. gold-flUod jpMtMlM and

eaao. Jannary lit; liberal regard. Addreaa Qlaieea. Boi w , Newa oIBce.

C0UNSBL0R8-AT-UAW,7** b r o a d s t .. NEWARK. K. I.

oenerol pActtoe in all State andtedoral coorta. Patent. oopyTlglit and tradematlt cauaee.

RUSSELL M. StVERETT. Patokl t m n t n dSolloltor: t r a d e m ^United Hta^^and abroad^ T ^ S f u ^ ^ . t»r-

i t p h o l » t b b t ~»<3AIi f b t . ^ B A irn fo .

A, b b r n h a r d t r CO., U P H O I R T E I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ R U O R A T O R S .

y o u n g m a n (2S). cnnnftoted for three years with Broadway wholesale hou*e. desires posi­

tion to sfiii goods iiy sample on oomroUslon basts iB New Jereey and nesxby lanitory- AddreM V - C. F.. 704 Broad sL____________

C4RH RBQISTSR (national), * Wife and roll­top desk. PERRY'S Bxehaajree 2«l plane

st.. cor. Bank it.

y o u NG m a n wiihei position In engine or boiler rdfun; .used to pumpa boilers, eaglfios,

oompreoior*; or would ooespt a poeillon as w o^& nae; W. H. D., 8 Waverty et., Jersey CMty. ___________________ _____________TOUHG MAN wtibex position in private house.

rAtaitrofit Of on farm; do a&ythtng; good boraeroafi' SEBOK. 89 ^Llnqoln at.YOUNG MAN, 22, married, would like to have

woA al anytWdfl <0® furnish best refer­ences. A. MATTIA. 80 Crane st.__________TGtlHG Ma n wants twaftlen for any kind of

w o ii' QBderttfifidi core of horsM. T. BUTT, UO We«t I t


MF-RCIiANMBB. E N T ^ CONTENTS OF ■tores, houses and flats or anrthing you have to seli bought for cash; ooftsult us before sell- Inx: eailmaie* cheerfully given; send postal or 'phone 2023. REID Auction Rooms,


\ .............. . — -----rozNAK -feUTa ALL KINDS OF GOODS; CASH QUICK AND CONFIDENTIAl* SOUTH nRANGD AVE. i 'PHONE 2071,ANY kind of hoUMhPld goods frotti house* and

fists, and antiqueia. et^, bought for eiwi by ------------ * tend poetat or coU.F. BIMON. 73 Academy st.

Tel esHL.

YOTtNG MAN would tike position In roaehlna *S m»P. lESiSPH POKPEO, 6J4 Market st•hop.ro v ;mat

NO MAN wonts position In rertauroiit i BARb I lT. 110 West stta________

HTQ’HEST pricM paid tor #iQqnd'liind i ture, carpets end tosthen: paMl> X.

......... ............ V s t { L. D. ^Pboo*PCTTkP. 229 tyrat Kif.ney i

LOZIER |700:

fonledroods! -w, T—V. ..---------- -fiteveas, Autooar. CadUloo; mafi>' makeoT WO lo ij-OOft in to I t o h a ^ Halsey st.: you ore not tJbrouifti till you bMU W t<

f h a k k l in b t ., a t broad,^ ^ O F P . e m r HALL.

Antloue fijnilture rapolfsd and reflnlshed. H air Mot>y**ito4* Wlfiiow BhodM, Awnings Sid C irpett cleaned and laid.

Loose OM^ eS S l H a U m at^

auto TIHR8 VULCAWiraV. . ■■■Hava Jrow Wr*' and.mbaa vt»1b*<u««°..

a i« la l auring dgU aw iil^AOBTIN. M SnSga » " *•••*


«hJor anil RBHO.

_____ i* C A ^ !^ ‘ ^ jiN n S cra > T "*Both 'niioa*a « U ._________M8 BROAD BT.

Nawa olHtaB « jtt! w a l l p a f i s b j j r o PA w cH aA itB iinli.

JjARGB aovon-Mi IS par hour. Tib s & s b k « : A “ ”

. s r s s s RranUUi.AOTqMOBtLB_WhKWp!_^;^n^ or tearing v-Qtd or any gMd loaicfi n iaao w « w r mM s r I ' f s n u s

SPIECIAL BALE IN WALLPAPBR.1 nUa aUa S o t oaltlaa, 30 yrarila a t igtaln.

nordar. (Ho.; varalah tlUi. te ,| wa popar a room ior l» ang gUjW K a fw *Mh: lO R b il a i law prtooai aataMMnd U St

U, HOTHQUBK. > Ihwtli Ortaga aa*.Bslnont are., ^ pap*/ paper: work g u m i t M :


LAUNDRT—tiwwT to iron bodies and sleevea of shirts. Superior Laundry 0>., 6g Nortk

I0th it.. BJoit Orange.______XAUNDREBB-Wahted,

North n h *t._______oopoMe loundnsa 66

: Davla 15x6. taper fit< 14s£ toper atuemenM flSaJnch. PINNER. 121^ S8<inch.

fork City

rS U 'S m £ “ »»wa ««<»•

IlM hlB caT 'W li> ta« .\

B « l |.arOUUJ RUT for oaok two orf u S m , M n w Hiiv K. j„


u cxSfclMa excellent ogipottunttlse to ebsnoe to obtain mecbonloal and e l ^

tiical trolDtag fre^: expen*## paid:sS mSsss i l :quire *6S Mirkjt ft.,

PataraoD. or Stt fitatg at.. Forth Amboy. H. J.TOUNQ MAR, abOBt t7 yaart of a«a. aa citrk

In .tore, BatarJlayai oMortunlty for o t n ^ t- Bohoql

ri- ’ ■

elUe ftYi-a KtiraiTu K. J*

learn baker trade. 1 Bakery, 111 Setie*

MOTHKH'S h e l p e r —fteUahle person to oa* ■ist w lth ^ jjm ^ ^ ^ ld re n and^sewlng; $15 '

_____ ____ __ . East Orange; O raMcar to Greenwood ave.; call evenings after T:»,monttu 120

KUftflS g in wanted to go along to dikiitio City for two weeks. 1i»l Uttleten ave.

OPBRaVoBB wonted on fine shlrtwaigt# and eblrtwofst eolta; new hlgb-ipeed Blngiir mo*

cbines; steady work all year round; oxperi band* coA have weak wofft or piece work.McClfTCHEQN-ADATR CQ.. Ti Kechania it.

WAirTfit>MP.WOBfBIf.a w p i / o n i A H TA<vrt*iaNDAMT—Young Danish woman wishes ! reading ti * S S u o B M i l a X n t or hoaaakMw far BrooA Ot., aU w tr aaoDla or Invalid; ipoalre l^gllM i ref-pogitlon u aUkrly ireopl* orggatkoes axebonged.Kews offioe.

CONSULT PROFESSOR LK R O t. AmtUoa’d greatest Life Render; dlffeiont froxa oU

others, hli advice wlU belp you; epeetil rending this week, 6 0 o .th is addresa oo^» (W

‘ Bext door to gas oOeo.A d ^ s e E. Q., ^ x 60, a b s o l u t e l y reliable

edged to have do rect advice, all

stlable tUe'readoTf adknm l-

a i» ru,WE>ANTi'^A widow Wishes a position as satisfaction guaraD te^ . ANOLA* *7 .flefttk — -j-w— a —P— Orongtt era , boura 10 to 0 dollyattendant for any tieknesa; best reference

coll U0 New Torit nre.______________

OPBRATOltflaWant experienced oparotoia eo OhtrtM M i

tot bodlM. steerea end toacy work; elean, Hgtit workroom; /good wages oad e to ^y werti to fo ^ glftSv ■ The WoU Qg. 216 High etOPBRATOBB wanted on® a. r . * CO.. »*


COOK-LAURCRIMR atroog, plcaaaat-faood, bealthy Gwnon girt desires housework.

pHa*k* little EngHeib: otker oapable molds on o w ^w o ltln f lift; m n y capacity, city or eauntvy- OaTaiaB.Aiiaarieaa AgOBoy. M CoAar a tCPOlf Omiinfl wtuttoa wishes poeltiim

PROF. PRITCHARI>, ph aelepeei; also bookt on the

twentieth centory; prise tflo.UMB. NUGENT boa returned

naiunltatien od bmtoeee oftMrib near postonce;.-bouTt 10 to 8,

f f v i a r s

eijak; w taandry work; eapoble of taking |» ll d a « B ot bokMJKiM in out at inargoBcy. jIIH ri~ UotnpaUBt. Bok *7. Raw. oIBca.OOOXS. k m aw o iiu n : aormam Bnngarlon and ^ f ir to tlo n a U tlo a SCHOOS** _Em£toyni»ntAgoBor. <•» Waafclngtoo *>■: tak fllMVcfXJK—MJMlreagnl obtooBd w s a a : good Book,

can gr aJanpa M VaitOB gL

PHRBROLOGT and OOwr i d r USleo OBly. H ta ( telly. Bo

47 Oroliard iL, noat-glty nalLPRIXCEM AMARUiA; nBin (mUiBr .BOlM •

BradSnd *L, tnlwaga ’WaahlagMa aod AMae; VoM Onag* oar. _________

Ui til. IW . B. E.aato*

rJiaSKg ’ halnA alLptioaii ootliBabaa cItbo. ’Pluna JOdOl

g»ira«#a«;w ; iBwwrt OR, Vayoriy.


M. J. ffofWTNcm H wotn, a u c t io s o t r b ,AT T H S SAXSSROOlia, US.1M mJLBBRRT tr.ta THURSDAT MOKR(Ra, AT I I O'CLOCK, A LASOB tU r a OF FURRITIJBB, M R .

PAlM TIRa t« 4 la p a r te m la s a ttow agy au iwcltBBWioMwdi m a W rt

M i ■ tea t I4««a*M J

ly iH ^ iB A K O r e , * y p g n U M B ttV .

. ATB.Rti<», BseDonfa, fia r o b , b tc

part: Farter. Ckambor and otBlng-roomaniM and odd pltea* aiaMfaiit«ra('g oam- K BalMA SldJ&Md*.: preotma fijo lm hi ■

MXB. M AT, ptaoBkcUit. M KltUb a**.Mat Bread i t

iien R m a ^ a idand Surer i l ^ i 'L l a ^ m i , C ^

pat* Baddtag aad abiialiaiMeu n te *

MlJf. '

s t a ti


m v A T B i « u . ^ m lreiBt£ He. up; mate, 7®e. up; aalaat at mUllMry or n o r nwi reataatlal

f t _____ ' . - 1 ............ .................... , "iBreireCOAI. j u r o WttOD.



*“ ALSO MON., TraS. AND M ._ l(iABiMLjaM gB, ST»

ViPmfaU* J


i ■k

I retMitSa tve

^TSnmABK UVEIONQ NEWS, WEDNESDAY. JANDAKY » . 1008. 17r o B u o j b r o « u j A


YdK CBUUH * •am .

t«a« Bho« 1*1# Hwit— _______ _Puiula

»Jiw*rlt. ......... —Loot u t i u m pboa>

‘ fiSuJl-SSiS? -ffiS

.ALt m ■' ‘ITUD.

rUB8 ju fp 7 m a boaglit U hlitiail PrtoM!n in remodeled m A repaired; jpeclal e w 8ft{

«MQi« at emaliMt wpeoMi «c»rfc f u i n f l e t u t w M ti below ocmI^ to «leaa up.UTtI b rU E HEOF. dioem rt tt.

f etasdays-Special Real E state Days-si<«i^DISTRU CnOIl.

yitare; l«|tpboiMi 09b8l«.

dulired. Addr«H tUrleiu.

AIX bliKl* 0* •*®’S i K ’ b « 3 l!^ * n d r 'p i2 S

bouebi etid rem«jea- ^ V ; 00^ Honiwoofl •*«.. Ot%ag9i W, J ‘»'DbODe asiBM. ,. - --------- -

trt.mu Meb. Hittde, ioitK trio, h ■term deott. hotbed eeih. PAUl#^ te n S V e b , iterm

^ ’1I«X. 40 tawrenqp »t.. Newer*.aii'TIHTIC elflii of kliidej letterlOd OR Ollolotb. muello. eW,. •!

^O B U ). m Market et.g lu i. wood* lowMt prlcep.a n tiq u e breve electric flelRRi f®** *** ^ibiinlt-room or library; R har*einillRlog-rBoeevlne



^onr* flOTO PHfcni “P.JI,IJAItf> »nJ poo' t»W" boMht. t»W.' i l l iJpSrrfi [>•» u d «onf.(i»nd; •huB^ b<i>i^ArcAW »Ell>. W# MAftart: trt. TSUiUB15TCHBR und ttof* fItnirM'. MW mmJ Mcond-

hajldl OOVihti B lM ll^tllr^.EfiSS-k A o f t « 4 j l ^ a , 91 M l ■ FMfry m.

Uf«d>. IJ * cm*. PMtml w phoP«..PABgT^ iflOL WAVWiT.Dtpoc., MtwAilt, M. J ;

kind: krT furnilur*. lAdW dM**. NtwnrilDOOKCA8E8. •Mtlonnl.

kind: *rt Airnltun. 1, Iiuk Co., 9dl Mnrket n.


BABY OKTlM* fur P5j£?*L“J?ol‘lion; ortfluil rort MO- 'Phaan, OiwK* U*-CASH REOiSTER (NAllonAl). •ultAbl* tor W

butlnkdk, hAJ a oMok and m U ^dar,»3M. will aall tw laa»and lar»a *al« chaaP’ PERRY 8 Exi-banca,

Plane at-i cor. Baok et_clrCuUref label* B»Uy

avoiopee. intehei vleitlng cards. 35o. )00. WTCKQFF*CAKDS. bin*.

75c. 1,000 up:

CARDd aod prl&UDfprice: card*. jBc. up. — r-----

Iw Mulberry, ground noqr.


e^ppy work.

l i .» ;Plane.

Press.COUbTTHT FRODUCB. sbiOlulely Jooey,

5 Iba for BOo.. delivered free.Orange Mountain Bee Farm. WentDESKB, CHAIBfl. TABLES, PlUNQ CABI-


DOORS and trim of cypree*, birch, cbeetnirt. N. Caro, pine, etc. Woodetoek Co., Jersey City.

EDISON home phonocra^ reoordei cheap. Call afte

for sale, with 100 'ter 9 P. M - IB Pat­

erson st.. OranR!«.EDIBON’fl gold molded records; flue oonditlon;

cheap. B8 Elm et., OTwnge. __________ _FIX TO^B and safes for sale. GOLDBERO

BBOfl., tailors. Broad end Market sta____

IFOR BAlS-dO lens of ICNsee hay: bargain.

Addres* J. fi. KBLLT. SB Bell et., OrangeFOB SALE, four 12-bum«r

■ Phone 41^, Newark.gal

EN CT (TLOPED J A, half UuMls cost 1120;

i mik ter n a tio n a l edition, 21 votumM,

absolufely never unpacked; give me a r e e n ­able offer. Address Books, Bo* M, Newn office. ‘INCUBATOR—24fl-egg laeubator. new. "hot

air:*' two Cyphers kOO-chlck sanitary brood­ers; cheap, franklin ave. and Cheatout st.. Nulley. ____________ ______LADIES’ long and abort coats, sties 82 to 3^

to close put at a great sacrlflcs; regular IS coats for 18- 90 New s t ______MANHATTAN

OFFICEp a r t it io n CO.

148 Front s t , New YotIi City.Tal. 17T3 Jobn

OVERCOAT—Black winter overcoat 88,14.00' winter suit, 81-96, |4. a t , Esst O ^ g e . _ _

.. S ;147 North 16th

OtTIHCOAT—OeDtlsman'l hM.TT00,1 tSO; will toll reawnAhlA Ai

Ro, 60, N««e offleo.

overcoat; ddresa Coat.

T u i

f i n OB eradlt; par ^ eonfldSBttal; BO refsreim ................ ‘ Boa

wa* i r ; aWotir or awotltT ra­i l , Nawa s a c .

ChtclMiubConk«Y’8 I#ytac Tonto folnr laat at J- P.

NOLL * CO/R; poolurawi Uha adrasUfa It t m oOar. 411 HulbanrlOR baU I—Prtaa wlDhiDi cookarala^^^ .

lata. Blioja .Ittaad I M Dua Lachornapul.

nyiBDuUi Boota and Whlta Im Iu m . D WATKINA. OiMBwood road, h.irth Oaldwoll


"INl'IlNdlV* poshiT kB*pln«;" o r to a l w,- t m for farm or cltr lot: ohlekon fl«

Mata p n hn#nli writ, tor oiroulat. Poultry. 14, trrtBdion. H. J.

WANTBD, a Maun or Humptu*r.,latMt mndrl, boo, outtar; atata oondlttoa and prlo*. Bo*

U i, Orania.


ol tha public Khnsli wUt And Colatnan ready with atrona (aoulty and thotwah oouraac Every d.paiinitnt la oomplet*. coltman la alwaya ready with tb, vary b*aC Inoludlna


nrSlNESB COI.LBOB. MS*. Phona tiuleman, *148 Nowarb, lorContMirni ofllM Help. Book-k»»p«*

I filrnoarapbar*.and IW rit, to-day for Oataloi and Bohool LlUra-

tur«.Tbt Nlabl Bchool ia now In aiaalan. No bat-

Mr plan, lo aprnd your tvaninfa. Btudanta tu p entar any ilma.

coriirr Aradetny and HnlaM ata..On. blork waat of PoatutAQai

NEWARK. N. J, ____


BtTWB HEAD COMI IW -4»7--------


IM1B8IDIKa N. 1.



For okr euotlon svery TueeiW kkd FrJtey hAvu s Isrgs loleetlon of horteo; people Ia

• ■• wul eer*need of horse of any dsscrlotion wul lAUily And II to tbelr sdvuiuig* to tee oCerlDgs. wblcb we out. sAil cheaper tben j o«e In th ^E sst 1 hove l&e lArgesi '■table in the East, end the moil jrelteble I

respectfully call tbs aitcntlon of buy

FOR BALE-Er * frorn my te rn prise win­ning heevr wmtsr laying buff Orpingtons; |8

p4r dttlng. W. B. DURUBR, 2Al> DavU ave. A rlt^en .BTRlCrLT fresh efg t told f t Tbo. » dosen.

6 Elmwood AVSa, uvlDcton.

DotfOdFOR BALE—Slsguu oolite pup

cl^mplon stock. DR. 8. C. a. WATEi Nb. North Fullerton avs.. Montclair, or ran be •sen at form. Greenwood rood. North Cald­well.


f i n e celUe pup (or sale; price reasonable; call Thursday, 4 |, Watson g v , __________

berry:U1NR oucksr eponlei for sale, IM

bouif brokea; sold cheap. Call r M.rNew*rk.

yearsI UuU

TWO flnti young, targe St. Bfcoard dogs for sate, at lO.Brool^le aro.. Vgllsburgh. Cal)

any time this wsei

W ateliM oad Jew etir*EE^JAMIN j . MaVD, Importer and appralMT

,0T dis./D0Dds and precious stonei: dtialer In watches, jewelry, starling silver and best silver plater ws repair watches and Jswalry, and pair and replate cobleware. Room 902, ark ArCOds; 'phone 2909L.


dia m o nd Tiffany ring, One can t; perfect, brUllant and Ane color; a rare bargain (or

1100. BUSCH, lha .leweisr, Bprlngfteld avA, comer High it.




Belleville. Is'. J.

t-OWSaIth calves by tbelr side far

Little, cor. Mam st.

TOUNO Jersey BMlTflF. a

oow (or solS; good condktioa. 898 Broad s t. Bloomfleld.

ilVAIha r tistic HlGNfl, BROW CARDS, L Eri ItR-

INQ. BEN-A-TAR, Tkfi Broad s t , cor. Uor> ket All tP lleyl pass the door, 'Phone 8QQB.



Don't pay Brood or Market et. prloes for a plofio. We ore out of Lbs HIGH RENT DIB- TRICT. Our expenses ore lower, so are our □rlcSA You save fSO to |150.

JANUARY SPELTAL SALE.New Uprights flTO: others charge New Uprights llBtt; others efargs 127flNew Uprights 1228: others char^ (SCO


BAUER. WO UP.leiweet prices and ter^mi In the city,

41 A WEEK UP.JOHN BPUROB, Cor, High i t

66 Springfield OVA___________ Open svenlng*-


OVER fiO.OOO IN USE.Sold direct by the manufacturers at factory

prices.UPRIGHTS FROM.............. •2S0 to fUM.PtAYER PIANO-FROM ..J500 to 1760,


d r a k e COLLEGE.Boms reasoTM why you should enter Drake

Ccllegn: H.-LauM for M yean progrsesivt andup-lo-datu, because refined teacbsrs lu:^ stu­dents. nU'S rooms and equipment are A Im­portant pert In your education: beoouM Ike ctjursi's are thorough and complete: because for best ik'Hi Ichs Dmlte Graduates srs se­lected; beesusQ the managsraent and siondlbg ore respoDdible; beoausa rates srs reoeunabla end J^ t; because you vlU bs pleased and be a sucerM se tbouMonds of others area Coll. L'hone or write, Metropolitan Bldg-. Orange} Hi ---- - -Brt*ad and West Park ots., Newark.

NEWARK BUH1NEB8 COLLVOA "Newark's Leading Bustntn Bobool.'*

Eitabllsbed ifiSL ^Courses: Commsrcisl. fibortband (wd Type­

writing. English Hranchea CIvU Bervloe. Doy» hsK-day and evening sesslona Enter at s ^ time with equal advaatAfsa IndlvIdlW m- structlori mainly. UooJ poilllon* secureu-.wnop qualtfled. Uaukwsrd itudenu given s p e ^ at­tention Id our Academic department. Coil w write for catalog, W-92 w k pi.. Newark. J. KUGLER JH-, Prlnolpal.THE BOBEVILLE OOMMERCIAL ^BCBOOU

IbT Second st., near Orongs st., Nevora.L. BLAHHKR. Principal.

A high grade private school of limited ttoii" bershlp (or ihe eiudf of stenography, type­writing, book-keeping; English branches; no clotses; day ajrid evening leMloiii. Catalog onapiUiestlon, Telephone

ig seat S64L Branch Brook


ITS CLINTON AVB. BBTABU8HED 148t an n a FRANCES WHITMORHI PrlnclM. All departments. I^pl la enter leading eollMM

every year on certlfloate. Oytofiasltim, Igima- tory, Ubrarj. Catalog. .

NEWARK ACADEMY. Founded 1792.

WILBON FAHRAND. Head Mootbr. - Thorough iweparailon ^tof_ any

oclentlfic! school or (or busineas oD apfiUcatlon.



BOOK-KEEPING, penmanship, commercial arUbmetic, private Instruction glveii Ifi

alv>ve branches at pupil's residence, or 27 Mitchell pi.. Idlest Orange, N. J-: tflrms mod­erate. Lt D. HHOWN, formerly head tnaater commercinJ departmeni. Hrooklyn PQlytsohnie.

CHEAPEST.Will teach ihortbaod. typewriting and book-

kee^plng In three months and And you a poil- llOQ; civil Bsrvlce, English, arhhmefUo, Oer- Dion. BOWDEN'S Private Builnssa Collage. 98 Centre st.l weekly payments; no cloosea.

M1H8 TOWNSEND'g Boarding and Dty School for Girls, 64 Park pi., Newark, Thorough In-

ftructlon m all depaiimvnta: well eqtilppsdgymnasium and laboratory; certlillcats admits to leading collrgea______________________1W58TON TKCHNICAL INHT., 922 HellevJlJe

ave.; merhonlca.1, archlteoturoJ drawing; eleotricai studies, mathematics, backward stu­dents. law, medloai. High School coursoo.INSTRUCTION lo algebra and jeumetry given

_ ip*Address Preparation, Boi 80,- - - f<also preparation for Pratt or Cooper Inetlcute.

News oflloe.THE Montelth Bchooi for Girls, South Oranife,

N. J. AM departments. Home boarding. Beautiful surrotindlngs. Booklet.


tifiUHlieapliwi nawl* t»na«4t-a; -TO- '“T partjoulaia. Xddraaa X. B.. 86, N—aofflea. ____________FLOBI8T 8TOHB: - t)l

all y«afa; *oo4 reaaona 1..0« aganta AAdraia Bax *1.

MUlpp«)i a for ttlltnc; 1 Bax a Naa

rOH SAU^-Oiriiv Bor«; cmtfcllonecr. ol«a,.euilonftrjr *n4 acUuna; g w l Looatlun. A6-

4ICH UaraalB. Bo* W, Na—a atHx._________OOOD BUtIKHSa PH0PO81TION.


■■A*. W T A T S r o m B A U k > O fn

m r o I t PBow a f i t


jA V O A- B n n r .

liA IN *FU £a bbS r46 q^NTON t r .

Bax IM , Aoaa MBB. B. BOND * 00,. '



b u i^ ns, iOYici.KTa. o rum m etb a nd dsmoniiratlon of the kind we eell at the Mali's i a l l bpRCIALTIKS MADE OF Bead Btablss. Ws give all ptreons the ^ v l - METAL. HAVING DRAWING® OF T H ^ » logs to take the horse boras sod try blBi fey j MACHINES. AND IB THOttOUGIILT two day«; If he la not as repressaud ws do in.>t i'f k t e n T TD TAKE FULL t'H A lta t OF A

FINE UU01NEBB PHOPKHTT.Rrirk building on Buuth OraHkge avs-. near

the junetlcm. kit HalOfi; Isrge stora: taro rooms In rear end two fiats ak^ve; traprovemenls; this pTwetOy. on account of )U location, will rapidly iRcraase In value, and at the oiic« ws uficr It Is a genuine bargain. PHILIP J- HoWLKb e CO-. 189 Market st

K m * B ftA T K B « a B A U t« .C IT r.DwollUigWi

▲ F » w o r OCR MAirr b a r o a m .lA W i iRletRUdlr ocbstiweted two-tomily

^uses lb fine secllnn: houses will sU mthe qtoseat inopecllun; first Qoqy bos five reotts and bath; seooi:4 fioor bos sU rwoiusand bath; fieor has two fioishsd rooms,ogs for eooh Boor; tiled bathfouiB floors withmetlle wolaaeotlBf; bitohsns iliilBbed In «ao1- tUs; ttted veotlbulea. bird woodtUs; ttted veotlbulea. bird wood trliiunad; l^rohes ooroos tbs satire fpoat of M seai dlnlag-rooma have plate roLli and beamed oelllngs with large hanging dome gas tad

itrfo f —---- ------ .................* -eleetrto flktare: near trolleys and autloa; srery reoia deeoraUd.

|8M down wUl buy tl-room two-faoiRy boust^ ceavealent to Rooeville Builon aS'l irollej^; house has sU modern improvemsniji the house is a bargain and should he eeea by any one esekiog a first-class two-fsnlly bouse at « tow figure.

18,900: bine-room one-ramlly house Id klgtlclass residential section of East Orange; tteera

and slsctrlc lights, doubleSlK U tT coTB.r pm twty, Imjirr.anifpta, prle* I JJ,',,,;:?Il.auo caaA, balanc. to auU 8u)f»r, n„niaoea. ha

o*k you ^ kesp biqi, os my motive Is lo ploaM ibe nublio; any ganiLsman, who boa not boufbt a boree at our auction or private naie need not hsaltaie. as a trial has oonvlnoad uthars: we also have horses at private sola or aachoogs every di^ . _

THOMAS H. HOT. Pr<#- J. B. MOROHOUfl, Boise man.

J. B. w il l ia m s , Auctlomasr.ROTB FUONEB.


— scs:

74xh7, curnn, all Impfovamenta. with houa* oi nliip riHims, bath end furnace heat, bam In rear, price M.BiW. mortgage fa.fiOu; two-iot cernw. OuxUin. improveinems, gi-od looatlon for

RM ^rgalns. Bos TA News officegiucer. AddresiKstsbUsbed I8B1 U D. Fbone tMT-




GROCBUY and oonfectlqnery More (or ..great bargalTi. ownrr sick and must sell;

^'aluable comer, plot HOoIOm: building, sto^k of groceries and oopfectlonery. stalilc, shed, borte, wagon, bamess. etc.; Jurt the pw'e for butcher and baker. Address Barge In. Bo* 2L Neo'e officeOHOCKUY and oonfeollonsry store (or a le :

rent gltt, with one living room, price f&OO; call quickly. 480 South iTth at. _____ ^



- __ hard_ on first and second floors; open

flreplaoos, hard wood trim throughout; large perches and vestibule; "well built," will not

I convey any correct Impressloa of the core I and consclenltiue effort put forth on these

houses, ws Went to show you the houses and you owe It tn yourself to look them w w be­fore going eleewhere.

CALL AND 8EEB UB.We will be glad to

suit your convenience.make appointments to

. F. ARNOLD BEACH. Mansier L A T lia^ ^


NEWARK. N. J.We will have at ouoUoh oa Thursday, Janu­

ary 21. 210 head of oil the dUtarent typea ol borses

All the above are good fresh country horteo,

OnoCKUY BTOHK for sals. Apply on prem* isee. W3 Bergen i t , Newark



flth st., Newark, N. J., opp. Blatlon D., L. A W.


CLINTON HILL REAL ESTAT*. Handsome oeaire hall, 12 rooms; stsam.

electricity; ausiiertd ooli trim; parquet floors': and kitchen • * •

brought rtgiu off the farm by coro|>eteot judges, and woula advloe any one in need of a horse

GOOD corner groci QARLOCK A

Bloomflsld Centre.

ary store fnr eale Inquire MlBKELL'3 News Stood.

to attend this sole, Aka «H the above will be sold wicboul reesr%'e to highest bidder.

Bale will oommettoe at 10 A. IL, with fifty bead of home that nave been used onmnd tbecity.

Alwaya on bond, eight or ten pairs •( good strong mulas.

Hegulor auotlon amiss every ^Monday —^

HOTEL, 'veetsurant and biiardlng-houee: 34 furnished rooms; rent |180, long lease, price

14,BOO with llcsnss. 120 Trumbull tt.. Kllss- iMlhport. ______

FREBH FROM kELLBIL Wgeklg lelter. latest onennge;

mailed every Thursday. Send oame.GEIBER A PLUM,

449 BROAD 8T., OFF. C. R- R.


tile tmth and kitchen; 90*111, room (or sUbls or garage; near Cllmon svs. DCARD&LBY. IKM Clinton ave,Ifl.OOO—Eleven rooms, one-family; all Improve,

nsniii KOslOO; e bargain, with only Mm sh; Clinton pi. RBARDBLCT, 904 ClCiioion

Thursday, cootmenclng at IQA' H.----- )|IZG

I MADE 190,000 in five years 1u tbe mall order bustuese; began with 99; any on* can

do the work at bom* In ipare time; tend for free booklet; tells how to get etarted.

FINE high land. In most desirable eectio^ suitable for homss: would be sold In single

lots or in plots to auU #wtsha»eiTi si si- ireinely rras4*nabl* urioeo. ALFRED T. UECKWITH. 828 BfOad St. __

|4.900—0m-(am])y. B rooms; steam, slsctrlo- By, burlsp dcHviraUona; mortgage V.Sfih;

aulek sale; finest of tocatloni. BEARD-------)4 Clinton av«. RD8LBT,


Newark phone HAL. L. P. Phone IflJA.

myaSACOCK. Bo* TO. Lookport, N. Y*.


M-6U0 UjUud b lte .4 4-IA C^tOB s t TsL M4J.

NAIRN rL -N in c rooms' fleam, eloctrlcltr.hardwood trim, iiarquet floors, bieautlful dec­

orations; S0il09; asking K.OOfl; room for stable----------ilbt: r - •or garage. BEARDBLl 904 Cllntoa ave.


lT*di B a m a i mWARK. M* J.


I WANT to buy for cosh a smaU restaurant quick luncb businesi on Markvi st.

Mulbss^ It., nmu- Market st.. or som^ i*ther good street or location. Answer ^vuh full par­ticulars, location, etc., to Oonfldentlal, Ho* 18. News office.

TBBLING (EUfioeesor to AKbur Oe- Ad Ineuroaoa brefiter; oom-jam eb j .

viBe). rval estate a n d ---- r- i . .mlssioner of doedi (ojr New Torki N* J-i P«on. Conn., Msm snd Col. Room lOfi, T74_Bro»L

Bat. ISfifl

|5.flOO—Thirteen moms, two-family; all sep­arate Improvemonts; fine eondition; brick

pavement; near CIlntoB ave.; 11,000 ooah. I1EARD8LBT. 904 Clinton are.

Esl. 1099 BALLWANT to Inveel fll.OOO or l*.Ono cash In

some light manufacturing buslnvM, wh«-re I can be Inside or iiutside man. Addrsas iQursl. Doi 20. News office.



HANDSOME two-fomlly; 14 rooms; all sep­arate Improvements: every room decoratea;

burlap, plate rail, grills work; 40-foot lot; ( W-MO- B E A ^ S r— ■Ing BEARDBLET, 004 Clinton ave.

oopstobUy « hind (n sslset troaa. Juot osiyed, g mixed load «( PeBngylyabteOlid mules, ooollmated andwork, and a t piipap to suit

number of ssco]havepiioM.

_______ d r S m *■sQOQd-bitbd horoot

MANUFACn'UER wants or more, fur rnl

Ohancs for a sniesman ftj. NewH office SJiner with ll/ioo

e busIriHie; gix.'d Addn


drees Busluees, Ho*RENT COLLEUTIONfi. ^

400 HHOAD BT.. ROOMl afil-80R

ALL KINDS OF WORK HORSBS TO HIRE.Both phonsA 444. Newarii. _____

MEMOERHIHP CARD In Newark Jobbing Candy Aeaoelatlon. with horse anil wagf'n;

price right W A HEWTIT. W BellovlUa ave.

w aur oafl paved,■ taih “

THREE-FAMILY: all host Improvements: fiO* 1011; next to Clinton ave., this Is ■omethlng

nice; asking tT.OUh; want to show same and get an offer UEAUDBLET, 604 Cllntoa ave.

SurTIl HI., 126-Large lot, . ------ecvrrr. 3iixl09. two minutes (fOlB fioiltn Sb

Stiillim. AilJress F. J. GAAAT Bsute. 47 Bjldge B(., cUy.


Buy here and oave money. .ABCHENBACa SELLS CHEAP^WBTT

Because—We buy direct froiiv the mllla Because—Ws buy In lorts qtfkbtlUeo. Bsoause—W* sen at pnc«s usually paid by

■maU dealers and small kaodlars. Tnlnk It o w - When three or four dealers oil get i profit out of It, where do you come InT

ASCUENBACH'S BlonJset Bargain Mouse.70 Market at., near Plane.

OFFICIALB needed with paplul; for large suburban land trart, bungalow and hotel

sites; 600 per cent profit. Address I’apttal, Bo* G, News office. Orange.

INVEHTMENT I'ROPEIiTY—Academy irt., iral, good Income, |W,000; Brood iU, | i J

both enaps, PanLculort. C. J* KIERAJNClinton sVSOUTH itTH BT.-Few hundred from

(union Rve,: musi nesirauie pKu, uv**w, -»i4 1*11 reasonable. Adflrees Anxloua, Box S. Nsws office

OLD-EBTAHUHHEli milk roBte Ihmugh the Oranges for ealr; telling 240 quarts dally.

cent CxXh trade. »U11 Mund thorough Invmlgu- tlon. Addresa Route, i ux 4, Nek'i ofiloe

WE dc a isnsra) real esute puslnsaa: woso* licit your tfode and guaionte* satUfadlo^

.................... -I Broad ft., oor. M*rk4tF. F. MATO A CO., T8S 1

COLUMBIA EXPRESS AND TRUCKING CO.Must sell surplus stock on account of lo*t oon-

tract; pair black mares, 0 and 7, 2,804 Ibs-. 4229; pall' black hones, T and B, AT60 Ifia., 4100; one chunky ^ y , 6 years, l.(Vw lbs.. 4300. pair QLiras. sore, will come aound Ui country. IIUO: te y horoc, 7 r«kn. 1.900 lb* , |fi0; others for reoasnabie offer; stoidi guaranteed; ten days' trial_given; trucks, hornsss and two half

IV ^N tuburbssuburbs uf Newark, wonted to buy; give

partlculmra. how long eetabllsheil. h« w many men employed, Rroflii amount of buslnees d'l: throughout the y-rar, tax'n or closed ahoy. Ad­dress Decorator. Box T, News office.

JOHN J. gUlNN, 80S PBfiUlN^ AVB., Real Bstato. lAiani-


Real Fkute. Im-, Loans and A p p ra ts^

MnativEMIL MOFbLANN. reiurned from tour. &10

Broad, NaL Slate Bank bldg.; late baritone Grau-Ssvage Opera: TEACTIER OF 81NGIN«J (rem rudimems of tone placing to artistic finish, for ]wi>f, cnRagomerus; op.>n dolly and eve. 7-8,

BCKCKjL OF MUSIC ’BANJO, MA.VDOLIN, OITTAR, VIOLIN, Private levsgna, 50c. laBtruraPuls for sale.

^ « w FIxnM ot other meke* £rr>ro 1180 08.i per moDth.


PRINTINOw-Eimisade, Itetemenu, mled etui printed bs BprengeFe electrujraPl* Prooeee.

fl S6 per 1.000; we loUclt sour polroneie. WM. o. SPHKNOHal, 18214 Oliver et_______




a n d o q d b n s m ________________


RUBBER STAltM. ink P ^ . i etencile. etc. M. A. OEIOEB.

at., s t Broad. ________


81 MARKET 8T.9 Mecbanldi PIANO—The F. Cennetr, noted (cr lU deep,

the celebrated

SHOW OA8B»-Lot of food eho« t ”'. -1_ .V— we.*k,er AWY4 ftC XSa*

rich tone and wearing quall^; < MUtop. ^OQ, sold slsewbers $850,,

•onaL..__and 479 Broad st.BIX office roil and flat t » P J J 5 ?

four safsA ail alsee; dellvetea. REIIN- HARD'B Express. 887 Halsey gt

upright, 7 1-1 ootavsv . . . .keys, flSfi. ffi monthly; all pianos wamntw (or tan years: stool, scarf or cover, one years

free, slightly used uprights on bi ficed: open evenings.tuning free, ____

square.'planet sacrificed:

BCHOLARSHIP fw Bale la one of tbe lo^ln* eoileFea. Adareee College, Bo* . E. New,

office. Orange.

SPITCLAL FR1CE8 for Jaiuiory on beautiful used Upright Pianos taksn in sauhange (' r

BILBNT oelo»6»n ebowcMee tor regalar price H i a foot; si halt prloe. JAYB, BMT

Ibricst et. ______________ __TWO yloUna: o»er T6 years oW: om ^ p f , one

Stradlvarlae n.o8el; aleo one gener iliae IrcmbotM (brassl, almost new; vgili sen at sacrifice on account of of Ad­dress J. A- DUNN, 68 Biwad f t , Bll«bsth. N. J- 1.

players st prices from |111new; square pianos, L - . __ , . .

A fine mltror top organ, f8&; a beautiful Cabi­net Player, 4196. with. 13 rolls ^ music. MATHUSHGE & BON Plano Co., 607 Brood St., next door to Habne'i,

TWO gas radiators and one largo oil s t ^ cheap; have no fur^Sr use for some. 813

Main it., Ouonie. __________________

BXCEPTIOKALLT fine mahofony up rl^ t piano, placed In local storage three weeks

ago on account of boarding; piano la six months OMi; rathei than continue same In siDroge, will soespt auy reasonable cash offer. For parUou- 14re address Plano, Box 43, News office._____

TOOLS—Wilt s»U cheap, good set machlnttt'i tools. 46 Bast KlnnftY p*-_______________ _

WE Ota offering a full tools at ‘lowest prices.

line o t mechanics*

Brown A Sharps and Struck oataloguea for tree distribution.

BANIBTSR * P 0 K 4 J ^ CO., UMpfiOB Msrlnt it, Tel. 8489 N tw ott.

600 ACCOUNT UcCaskey register, in perfieet oondlttmii cost 1150 a year ago; oaa be

bought for 160. iT J. Ga H'^NSY, hoo Nmtk Third s i. Harttson.

H ow tho ld Ckioda ii&d F an sltn r* .ATTfiNTIONt—Sig reduction sate; brass beds.

10.88: Iron beds. 41.48: Iron sprlnn. 41.48; alsnsion tables, ta.M; veesers, 16.^; sliding DOuAbits. 0.48; kltohen stovsf, _ f8 .^ jfhqnc-

phs flT<OOlMbtS, -___ _ -I, jr-__-ftaj^hs flvea away free. MAX f l UsbS)^ I6fl fiprlngfield Ave., behvan BFoome and Hew-

BABGAIHB In sample ruga, 9x18: velvet Ax- minster and Brussels, UO to SS p a ^

■“ “0; parlorBrussels supst. 416.60; parlor suid llOf oak sideboard, tU ; parlor stove. |4. flfl william s tCUAN6B (or borgeJn seeksim: bureaus, 41;

itovee. M.16I beds, f l ; mottrassea Jl; sprlttfA Tifc; ehawA Mo., which a n a r w of OUT maay barttlns In seoend-hino (umUura 974 Wasotagton s t . dlrsotiF oppotlia BlaB«ar*s Theatre- ___________________CHBRRY

^ards sta lIO; eldeboerd, $18 Rleoee cheep. Ml

lor rtore, ($.5irr velyet ra t . TO

r».Ml Y1 yard, etelr CMJwt, $i.«0; W l 10' eldeboerd, $18: oAk bedtonm enR and ntlw

yard, etalr CMJwt,■ “ 6: oak bedn

’$ Orance nL

_ . eak Oiwer. AO: ^,arlor 'mit.

c A ltr a r ynnr «#or tor H ; ISf!<b»utlfal dert*n*LBam,a,, O rt« tal% Jtin- alniton r ftt . u i QWnktea a-a>. aaatli Otam*.

SUDNBT M OTt 4Tt Main f t , QrangS.

roM flAIA ITve geese (eatbar bed-^lM North iTt^ *tf Best Oroiige, seoend floor, after

g:40 P. Me. a good luitehen stove; will sell Oran^ ave.. Irvington, I t J

rCA 8Aoneap,________ ____________

r a T S ® l u 5 p i ~ N f c & tfl; !rw bad sad t o S ^ ' DONAHUi:, 88S 8o>tb

aea.; teL BDIL,

® ? 8 !S { S .S £ S ?n « ta iw Mia akaap. Hatr.



U k f i i M t n c mAuhlMgr M v iH l T^eslsr « WQset>; talUff a stove oMl t t i lS ;

aoMitiaa; $ttea' n t t f c n r r tE l*ttna- n t t

BRA1%KEW N*. i H a d a n n w t n a n ^ ,__ treewmsn*


elegant new real mabogODy. i^ory

“ ---------‘ed

illghtiy used uprights on__ sacrificed: open evenlngrHENRY HORN’S E8TATE,


51 South Orange ave., corner Howard st,

to 4185: all are good ^ 459, |45 to 1^ ;

498Washington st', oor. W.Kinney. UD-'pCone,HARRY LEVY,

c o n c e r t v io l in is t .VtoltD tnetructiun Joachim method. Tem­

porary stud In. 134 Wlckllffo sL Tei. 2758915.PIANO—Thorough, systenutlc Instruction,

teresUng. rapltl. succansful methud; b nere or advanced: competent instructor: Address Professional, Bo* 22, Newt offiew.

vans, N Y.

347-151 East dad st., comer 1st ave.,

p a r t n e r wanted, with capital, to be Invest- ei1 In an putubllshfli i'em<'nt and concfote ron-

cem. airictest 1nve«ilgat1on allowed, Address Partner. Do* M, Newt office

BAUaAlN&-|5Q buys sound sorraJ mare, 466 buys fort paolDg horse; M5 buyi gray horeo:

|95 buys bay boree; |68 buys CanadUc chuuky built bay horse; 4125 buys pair of sorrel boreeg.

PAItT.NER wanted, wllh capital, in establish factory making chain f$'iiouna. lavaitares.

Me AdtlPftns ConfldenMal, Box 4. News affice.


loulh ofIghsst point fn the city, willOHijU'E building lots oil RUlge st

Purk ave., the n'sell ttl a bargain. Qwpst. IT Central ave.

suit any business; |69 buys, black cob pony: $25 to flSfi buys ohoios of ten young horses and muttf out of expresi bttitfiess; two weks' trial with written guarantee given, fiee man-

cr Military Ebtprsaskind Livery Stables, rear East Pafg It., city.

PHOTO BTirDJO for oale; will sell reasonable;party leaving olty. Address Photo, Box 69,

News office.

FOR BALK, lot 48x215: good location for sa age; ahewreom; manufacturing and repolrlni

CONDIT. room I: manufacturing i

Prudentlai building.

agci 14 1IT you have horsM with scratches, mud fever

or any kind o | CDib sores, try our soralehei cimment, and If not satisfactory money re­minded ; letersfices of breweries, ooniractora, farmers, etc.; lend pcital card, we deliver oar 90c. boxes of charge lo all parts ot tb t country. Hors* Prltnd Ufg. Co.. MantoLiJr, N. J,

BHOS MAN. 1? yearn' experience In the reUll sboe business, dpslrcs to Invest or put up

Security tn shoe buslnees, where he will be given position os manager or head of stock. Address Up-to-date Ideas, Box 72, News offles.

builness property; rents for prios on 0 hne; J[args lot.

CCRNSByear; prius si,aw, vu ..*4 iteAn, .»«•

drssi BailMW, Box 41, Nsws office.4610Ad-

SAIXX3N and furnlfhed room htniee connected;14 room*, due bar, stock, license, etc.; free

ind clear, independent from any brewery; central Io€satloo: irap, 1800. C- J- KIERAN, 22 Clinton tt.

LAiTB, 50 or 60 foot, on Parker si., near Beoond avs.; ^ a p to a quick buyer. DR. EDWIN

BSTTS, dsntlal, 4S6 Broad st«


HILL flKAP-TwelfUl It., near


Pupil of josef^. Concerts laitruotloa. 11 Gouverneur si. ^

TONS SPECIAU8T and linrlng llos,_ , teacher,

Douglas I«ne, baritone, studios, 19 West Park st. (Monday and Thursday), and 75 West 59th at., New York.UlSH CLARIBEL JEFFERY, teacher o( man-

doIlD, guitar and banjo, 7 West Perk st., Mondays and Tkursdeya, Mootelalr studio. 4M Bloomfield eve.FLORENCE ARTHUR, voice production, rloHn

for three yean atand piano tuition; teacher the London Conservatoire, 68 Thomas st.PIANO LE880NB: beet Instruction; thorough

:1at attentiOQ wand competent teacher; beginners; 90o. per hour, srreo st.


Ri'slidenGe-itudlo, 6 Eighth ave.HARRY FISCHER, HI Oliver s t , teacher of

‘ lo, mandolin, guitar and violin, lassons up-4v<-date raethois used.

honjo, KV*PIANO LEIB80N8, 29 cent^^artlcular atten­

tion given to beglnnen. KALB, 68 Rutgete et.

1 or writs. MJ8S

4145 BUYS a new Gaylord upright piano; guaranteed (or ten years; these planoe are Md in many of tbe stores at 1276; call at onoo

and you will save at least 4120 on your pur­chase, STEGER A SONS Plano Mfg. Co,, 51

- ■' rk, N. ‘Market st., Newari J.WIEBN&R factory clearing sale; foots. nothlDg.... . . . . ----else, makes this the greatest sale of new am Pied pianos, uprights. Including the most amout makes. |6s t o t ^ ; rented, }3; squaroe, 10, 42 monthly. WIBSKEH, manufacturer, 103 Broad SL

INTERIOR player; latost style; floe order; li­brary subsorlptlon; bench and full guaraoteei

| 8 ^ PBASB, 10 New st.; open Saturday eve.

UPRIGHT piaao, la perfect condition; mahog­any wood; Uut4m pedals; looks like new

owner has oo use (or It; will sell cheap 'ciAddrses Plano, Box S2, News ofllca

m ahogany upflfht piano; none better made;exceptional bargain to party destrUig a fine

Instrutneot; oash or part Instalments: call day or evening,. I9 Howard s t , block wset of eourthouss.PLATBR’FIANO—Faotory Mpressntaiive. in

need Of monsy, wtli sell new 4680 player- piano at 1299: send (or eatalqgue and full partloulort. Addresa Factory, Box 86. News offles. ___________________ ___TKB biggest mousy saver, small upright piano,

. “ " " ■" at 4150:imade especially for us, sold at 4l50; easily worth 4260. flAUEB 44 C0-. 117 BouUi Orange avt., near Norfolk s tpia n o , upright tn vsrv An# ocmdlUon, mahog­

any wood, threo p<4a1s, full ootavsj wUl sml cheap to cosh buyer! Address Plano, Bos 48, News offleSrMY uprtgbt platio at a great

Raaonabl* cash offer will b« aooeptod:sacrifice; any

fBHUIuraie VHHU uuor triu uv Kwwc veu,dsalsrt* FX1EI8HBR. fids Hunterdon st^Nsw* ark, M. J. _____TUNptO and rspolring nutow SKptittI

■Ipfirats srtoss. M iim m H in f * n » N Piano Co., fiffr Broad a t, nest to iialwa * Co.

LIGHT PtANG Wlamor moka; oast I65CL 41 fsU flar IIW, tf sold a t ones. CaU 1»

Bouth Ofovs a t , Post Orange, near Csntral nve.

C. MANGOLD, Instructor; brass bandi, drum, fife, bugle corps. 101 B ^ o n st, near ^ u th

Orange ava.


leo william Bt. N. J.French, Germarf', Spanish, lUllan,, etc.; day

and evening teislons; at icbooi or resldsoce. a . P. CAMBRELENG. Proprietor,

D rnm stjc.Q.C. OLH8TEIAD. formerly with Modiaska. piv-1 ,. -------- “ ,6c u tio n ,.V,. <_>LJ«U.a 1 UAJ-.'i lUI Kmii; vriLiL iXiLru

paras itudentj for tbe STAGE; BL all branches, ^la^s staged; aniateurv ooaohed;makeup] 1 to 5; 7:90 to 8. Btudlo. 801 Arooda

flhovtHandl a n d T ypw w rltlns*gHORTHAND.

Women's Cbrtsti_. __st. Apply at school f^m 9

■ ‘ ---------NB—

ty^wrttlng school tfU^Toung ilka AssoafatloD, 14 Eiast Park

principal, t C. KBNNBDT,» la l2 A. ;

tt s t

A«ademlD and Collogdats Stndle*.PRIVATE Instruotlon tn ths oboya 21 Mt

Pleasant ave., student’s horns, or ffi Mltubail pL. BaM Orange. 8, D. HtUiMAN,A.M,,Ph.D.

las trao H o a Waatwd»WANTED, EngllBh eonver^lona! lessons,

evenings; good pronunciation; lady preferred; exchange for French or state price expected. Addi^ie Rarls, Box 75, News office.


Our stock Is the largest.Prioso the lowest. Terms moet rsaootiable.

THE CENTRAL WAGON WORKB,- CENTRAL AYS.. THIRD AND FOURTH STfl.SNOW and plenty of It; are you readyf fiuM-


8ALOON-We have a good saloon, In excellent huelnera loosllon. lo offer to good man; lit­

tle money required. Inquire HEN6L£K Brew­ing Cv.BALOON for sale cheap: doing good whisky

trade: must be sold on account of sickness. Address Opportunity. Box 81. News office.

BUBfiEB TIRES.We put on sDd repair solid asd ousbloa

vehicle tires; ws use Hartford rubber they a n the W t: prtoss low; work dons ira li you wait.

JOHN G. MERKEL 00.. 25 Prince s t

SALOON for sale on account o( family trou­bles. 581 Mulberry sL

SALESMAN, sxperlenesd, wants 4200, light . ...manufaetunng business; big profits, ego: gu&raiitesd results;

525-650 buys choice two good horses; suit grocer or peddisr; $45 buys small bronco;

$50 buys go< light buslnass horse; two run*

slve control, _Address 4200, Box 27, News

m. half Interest, ifflee.

abotits |20; choice six ssu of light and heavy Livery Stable, fibhamens; two cutters cheap.

South Orange ave.

TWELVE-ROOM HOUBH: nicely furnished; all Improvements; rant 142.50; fins nelgh-

xmI tor boarding; grand opportunity; price1000.borhood tor boarding; grand opportunity; 1

Address B. B.. Sox 4T, Newt office.

GENTLEMAN'S pleasure horM OBd sMgh (ot sale, worth fS8, will tell (or M5; a bargain

for some one; good horse, Is afl sdueated one, has a record, I t well broke for all hankeia, m oe S560, a bargain, 55 Wasblagton a,vs.> Bloomfield.

grooery and confectlon- try store, with rooms: reoemts 4l_29 weekly.

WANTED, tn subflrhs,try store, with roon.-. -------- .

Address M. F , 46 Maple s t , BlocmfieldWB have some flrsi-class cemef Saloons for

sale cheap, l^u lre at 20-40 Hayes st.

BLACK Hcfee, harness and wagon. wtR Iss sold for K». Xnquir* M. fllABEB * iON,

£86 Springfield ave,___


TRUCKS—For sale, two thrse-hortM.coadltlCD. ^MARCUa SATSB OO.,

Centra s t , dw-FiRffT-OLASS top suitey. also flnfl dellvory

wagon, tn best condition, Addross 803 Mt Prospect avaLADT will oeU her horse fer ISO, worth tdO:

must be sold at cnce; needs the money. 548 Orange st.

Notice Is hereby given that the partnership lately eubalsUng t>elween Mlohael J. Degoan and Ferdinand F. Scharabach. uMer ths (lm> name of Newark Pcsrl Works, situated 128 GUrer sMeet, Newark, N. J., was dissolved on October 2 l 1806. by mutual eonssm, Ferdi­nand F. Bchambach assuming all ItabliUlei of the said buiinrss and the future control thereof.


STOBAOn.BR3- horse for sale cheap for want ot t

suitable for heavy work, fifl Burnet gt.STORE your household goods

light and airy rooms,•59 BITYS good big gray horse; also faoF mniw

for $90. uduire 5s4 Springfield a rak ^ ; b r i ^ building; low rooms, s | per month and M u ^ t st. RQBINBOK'S,

with us; Kpa* under lock and

iDiurance rates: upward, 198-201

TWO hOfSfts i^d truck and . cb«oi>. 54 eterllnt s t , O u t

bamsts I : Ovaaga,

for sals.

RACING SLEIGH for sale cheap. fiONS * CO., Clay aad Ogden sts.


NATIONAL BTOttAGB CO.,854-508 plane it., first-cisos storage, furniture and general memhandiM: general trucking-

ONG top wagon for sale c h s i^ aiM bsjh> «; no deHers. 84 Houston sL


HANDSOME pole. 180. 878

cutter, new shafts* Mt rProepeot ava.

teaiaAIX>LPH GRBBNFnCLJ^ tbs w»U-knowrv

hardware dealer, of 85 Sprlngflold ava^ has .............. ----- ' Plan-

6LBIGH-'For lalc. flrst-tiass sieffh. iS2A Clinton ave.


PQl r BALE oheap, tww slsigks. B. BTBN- :ii, 1078 Broad st.

removed to 61 Market s t , oomsf TbanklJif my oustonien for their post patron- OM an ^ hoping to receive their busineas Id the future as In the past. Respeotfully, A. GRBEWFimP.

Cilnlon ave.. li-rooiu* two-raroUg houee, on steam neateri andexira wid* lol. - — ..............entrances; electric lights; large pantries and

closets'. hShdMrasly oeooraied: dome lights; a thoroughly well bplll, lUbsUmJal house; a bargain at I6.TOO. Address Easy Torms. Box 25, News office,■VAILRRURGH—Bargsin; etght-TOom one-fara-

liy residenos: all improvements; stsatn heat; B roinutei to Bouth Orange tr<4ley: comer lot. lOfl feet on each street; owner moving away;

rW oash wlF buy this fins jproperty; balance par cent, mortgage; price I5,flw: answer by leiier. 0. KANOU8R W1 Broad st.. city.

m arsh a ll bt.. near Rroad--Thrte-stofy brick, 8 rooms, all improviments, all In flrsi-

condltipn. barth^ini Baldwin st, nsarcle^sW^hington. 10 rooipa* gas and water, lot S8x iiki, Park ■» . three-story brick, all Im-

For other desirable bargains seejroveraants..'HOBBY, 104 Halsey it.n o r t h iIXTR BT.. near fleventt a v e .^ o d -

em, high grade, 8-room, de tach^ oos-(am- l ramfi dwelling on 55%iisi00, m fine

' and easily aocesfible to both *.jlley’ Inducsmant prlo# If sold

now. Full partioutaffp of JOHN D. TOFI'IN, Orange d.iid Seventh sts. _________

ilyneighborhood trams and trolley'

SOUTH END AND CLINTON HILL properties of all descriptions, ono-famlly boosea fritn 45.000 up: choice iwo-f*mlly, an wide lot, $9 000; wc have a number of fine Investments biliXN & LJNNETT. 221 CJInton ave., just at the "Five Comers,'■tw o -fam ily house: Rotsvlllo; near trolley.

tbirteon rooms; saparato steam healers; all Improvements: wide lot; all rooms sunny and light- seldom find anything better for the price. W.90U. GREGORY. 22 CUnton st.. room 70.TWO-FAMTLT house; Clltiton Hill: fifteen

rooms; all Improvements, ccwnplete- wide lot; finest section; rents for |tt8 per month, har- EBln for quick sale, others in sarou sucUon, 44 800 up. GREGORY, 22 CUuion iL. room 70,ONE-FAMILY house; Hofsvllle: seven rooms

and bath; all ilgtit: large alllc; all Improve- mont* except h«at: larga grapevine; conven­ient lo train and Lrollay; pleasant home, price mxxlftrato. GRFiTORY, 22 CllaKm st.. room 70.SNAPS—Three-family bouse, rents for 4496,

price 44.000, subject to offer. |600 CMSh; six- room house, all improvements, steam heatj prloe la.lfM). only |2<J0 cash, balance month. Addrevfl Snap. Box 18, News office,

HERE is B bargain; iwo-famlly; IS roQUis; all Improvements cir^pt hfat; 90x100; 44,000;

J1.0UO rash mCARDBLEY. 604 CIlmoB ava

BAROAIN.LY a pa r t m e n t





-Two-familyehli; bwai

OTl'O A CO.. 674 Bergen st-CHADWICK AVE. at Cllnton-Two-famtly.

1ft rooms: alt_ijnprovemehli|_ b^arate beat; fins coadltlon.44.KO; ffaymour ave . near CUnton; ons-fairt*

Ily, nine rooms and bath: tteam heat; bass- mint laundry; lot SfixluO, iiUls oath lequired, OTTO 4h CO., 974 Bergen st-LESLIE BT.—Handsome one-fofflf^. nine roomit

and bath; heat. Inlaid lloors; 90x106; roomfor garage: laake an offer. Bergen it.

OTTO k GO., 514

FOR SALE—Hunterdon st.;house; 19 roumi; three biths; stsbls for thre*

horses; tUo caxrlage-blusej two rooms and uls, yard

price only 47,900; owner wanU_to Ifavejthystorage-rooms over ecaulfIhle Is u bariguln. JOHNIt,

aaphaited; .*.>■ VM i«av« olty; MEIEH, 782 B rc^

FOR BALE—Camden i t . ; boune. nine rooms; good

nlca two*(anilylocation i dan balll*ie 4UV«kiUtli U«IJ Lf«

bcuHht for 12.800; vary cheap for this price. --'HN MEIER. 782 Broad lUJO-BEAUTIFUL home in Roseville oeatlou. of-

f«r*d for oale by owner who Is going out of city; 14 rooms; every modorn oonvealencs and Irnurovement; eight bsdrooras; separata bath and throe toilets: steam hsat; finely doaoratodi burlap, hardwood floors, mission flnish In chestnut: one mtuuto to two trollwi and four minute* lo Roseville fitstum of Laokawamia Rsilrood; In best nsJthborhood. Call any time, 12 Myrtle ave.MT. PROSPECT AVE.; stone dwelling. .482,606

Lincoln Park; briok dwelling.'. CUnton ave.I brick dwaning....Clltiton ave.; frame dwelling.,Waverly ave,; frame dwelling ..........Monmouth j t ; modern dwelling......Astor at.; 8-storv frame dwelilog.. Wakenian ave.; 6-room dweiJing. FrellnRhuysen avs,; 6-rcoro dwtiling.... - 'rcoiu U WVIlllia . ■ ■ ■ •,iFWJ. WARD SMITH A BON. Prudsotlai bulldiog.APARTMENT-lf&USE—One of tbe most de­

sirable aparlment^hoiise properties In New­ark; wall loi-atiMl oorner property; modern in all its appointments; stoam heat, eloctnc lights, etc.; thoroughly well built; all rented

good paying toils; low ^01 required; only centrally located, unencumberedNewark property Qonsidered for qxohangs. Ad­dress H. C. BUiTH, 164 Mldfikna ave., Arllng'- ton. N. J.


BLBZOHfl for sals rbstii 351 ‘Washlagton n.



Fax Bnln Kictthstmga.^AOONB, eaniages, hamiss, cheap, or trade * for work horses. REINRARD*S ffitpreai, 287 Halsey «t.

l a r g e slevated acreaga; fine Improvemente;luttabls for Institutional purposes; naor eU^

do*. m*lB llM D., U W. Il»llK»d; oti« hour Kbw Yorli. LENT. Beroydtvlil.. W. J.

B o n e s , C srr ism a , B te., W asted .WANTB1>—Uglit oiu.bon« donip.esrt. wltA

ttosa tlws, Mt Ctrl buness: s ts t, jn1». r . 0. BMtTH, 8W i t . BloooiflsH.



from,, Bradley Hoach. lake, .1 cents by

BUflllfEUS O F F O R T m iT lB I.

ness sleds cheap, neat and substamisl: sulto- ble for grocer, bvtohST, milkman;, dealer innew and tecond'-hand wagons end carriages of aU klodA (tot Clay H. R U. OLIVER-


OROOniEB. SHOE BTOAEfl AND llER- CHAMDIBI OP ALL DEflCRtPTlONi; MA­CHINERY AND ENTIRE FLAKTIS BOUOttT ------ --t---------------------------- ;im A IFOR CABH; ICS AND CONFmSNy j ^ gbtnH^qgAjTO^^AVH*PHOKB 4071 vaRK. SE5

till reoetwe Januair If a oartosd of van- sileotto Ptansirtvaiira htosee to be oMd M

iowest market prtce: fair trtai ftven. Comer Iprlagfleld and Bbaron area, — —

p ^ te the Speedway. L.J. WILLIAM PINS,


g-U LOMBARDY FT., near BthaA ft TEU 888.


GOOD FROPOBlTtONB ALWIt I w S iTBD. Bewmn of sgtats asklnf money (or adrertlsltig.


ATLANT7C OCEAN COAffT.Beautiful ffummer and winter place;

Asbory Park. O c ^ OiAvon, Belmar end BprlL, • . • .trolley; one square la the place: ahon walk to ocean and bsthlng grounds and Btork Bay: like Lakew<K>d. amoog green pine grove of tree*; fine drinking water and pure air Isden with health bo Invlforar.lng: pr venil«Tn is far better than oure; no arreeu n»r deaths patit ten yeara: 400 lots, 4100 up; bungalows, oct- loges, 4900 to 13,006. and tenia FHEDICRICK B. RRUEN. real eslate. 186 Market st.: I* H HELLER JR-. 7 Beach s t.; EDWARD N. wnffjJCR, 84 SfloPtfoniery s t , Newark. N. J,

BANK ST., two blfioki above High—Three- atory frame; Btoro and four families; month­

ly rent |77; gJ.OOO ijfteh. balance mortgage: price |7,a00 Houfle Owners' AsstK-latlon. MM- ropoMiar. Bldg . Market and Wasbingtop sis.

robevilIjE r e h id e NCRI^!Bons-fldp forced sale: great chance for bar-

(ratn; eight-room home; uonjpl'Hie Improve- n*ents; near Lackawanna fltationj to quiok pur­chaser. M W», FEIHT ft FEIST. 7B8 Broad _fo r est niLL^Bargaln for quick sale, beau-

ilBil rotlage, eeven rooms and t»ath; all Im- pr^vemenls; ateam beat: hardwood trim and flt>ora: Int 86xl!12: ITOO hash. lialsAcs can re­main JORALEMON, 27fl Washington ave.

FORItBT HILL RBBIDENTTAL BNAF'I Tieautlfttl home, deokabljr located: nine

rooms, bath, parquet floors, cleeirlpity. large plot, private mortgage tfliWOi rare snap: 47.900. FEIST ft FEIHT. T3H Bros l.NORTH SIXTH ST., Between t.Jrange at and

Sussex ave.—fine of the inratlons InRoseville; ll-room frsmi^ dwelling with all Ini’ iirovetiienle; lot price $tI.t.Nki. JOHN’b, TOPPIN, Orange end Seventh ule.


OuM (M&ll wna, ww*.

U aH T n « s » (U . SMilr a««.DM, t«n tk rn

ildw pfautoa (emv* mw), • MeoBd-huid WMsai t t nctll K O ^ BpriniifltU.

VMeffit I n bon* UMii

AIX kind, of vwohfeBdJti.oeWonU of ____

Ipr wwult n I . —B| OonfABT, W A^yniny i

ANT Idnl o( iMHhald r » n ( n n ho«Mo u < ' nwshtiM M boubt

' Ao*4onqr M. f S dinoofc A v Ttl. iM i.

7th sfc. sscd^fco r, yfgik

115 buys alslfb; 456 buys sstg BUn^ap* body nuabout; |15 buys rubber UrM nmataoirt; $10

l|M>iinsottof bOQSi*. "boardlnf, r*nt, liQj *L ■ - -



Mts ilfigle expresi bameso. sarrsy am about baraoss; blankets cheap for Bast p a rt s t , alty.

MV. A«u* out tu perfoot raBBlng from basihsss worth Urnttlga- isttor only, 547 West l44h s t .

Pastr o « S A m n a w . f a s a o w a ■onmiv

K. J„ *)«(taa of *11 KTio*. Ilfht *d4 boavr - ■ cou*o Rocktwty. *b4 bo, *

n g n t u o n o H ..bob lltA , cou»o Bookom,* *>4 Ho, 'Wt* oboMn tad *jl itrlo otniMroti ’Pboae w -

X u d . TOfoUblt nano* In Onagi; bod ton Tonti oomor otom Wotdy « r u t i owner nU rlnt: o*ffii;

AMiwoo Oppenanltr, Bo* “ ”Opperfanltr, ^ Now.

OjUtoT .b*n«m In too ooeoBMiuO v^otao;

D A 'm BCBOOL OF OAMCIKa, _ DAVta HAlU „ m .

K n . Btlon D t m MCf. i n t o . F . mTOnv IM .^ ------ . 'A U iM O N i. W tllA M

almort ftiw; twa saiTsys, two stattoM, ■eupi^ P6a^g|^^bylti*ie c*iTta#w mpi wtg*

BBTCfellB PUB1NE88—Elsgftnt e t ^ tu n ^ to

Tito.. 80 Can0 s o id ^ qttkk

good OrtTfEt,

dviidi buysr; a good ossh eonisc kasat market m nfTt reagonahio to quick bay^. Inquire ^ flomnMr are., candy stcro.

f « ¥ b o * - i P ' D ^ 1 ^SS a

f i r w o n tt lo s . T tn u oi^

. extra Ittlom ‘ On-

buror, tood waib horeo,*1)1 loS n r tr.M; ileo nie t«r» m «on. pr>o* Itbm . Cnittodl Ft!.. BelI*rUI«

nSABOXlii *M|[b* for nla, tAO a s ) «b ; luirdet baisMa u etote; oonie one, cento ilL

BurktoKR era___ . rOtUL old oftnbltotiod, fur u l t,0b«Mi; ouoe, n^rttw;. TM W m BI4o ova.

' City. doHoktoooon otqn.

BoclctClnnaluw wWlo or

. - call.. M WbOblniion ava.. [A one door tfom Centn.


T W head of work and tnictoen hi of bard work; ate* wavoot and

bakar'i »»» ““(loiab. can

TUTCSBR badnm : w*irt*d to b«F *r will roM otOH: otat* parthruJara tp ilriii Moat,

8o* W, Sow* frffioo. %_________________' m i c x ItFtii: n ^ aM T ^ F l^ RALS._To clan oototo; tw ta tn re oulek barer.

rd work; alco wafoot and hi wagon u teed u now andcan ba aoOB 111 H l« h ^

hSSiwi VWffia- )|«rttoiiilM«. Bn* tW, bUtawan. N.rwin h U ctMop m aoeoant of tta*-

I T ^ ocaffiUoe. -Addrea B.,■BUKT

— >ND w m ,

Ml"???T in s W I9K, ■

CAKU3AD of aieltba at im rr i no.to.data dcMoo Is odor

'hurtdajr and oornor Broad

bt mM recudM t ot WotWv M O inW a) awa

<X>aklilt''«n;;c;T''';nd deli »to<w~i^..................... ..... .

iffi* BaB .. ___ _ .___: otaaoai. bedmur,Bafttfdar afnrwtopa &aton

cO W nN A noN laddla u d ditwhtn ta M ; low talh tafe lor W »i tijcaddle tSU" —'— *

tBlA oa acocant ot otoknoini food8 ^ ’™ !n°eS ea*

OMWao In Borfcoln Mall,

' itaent

oMl CDU <er want ofB bdtf.at-

OOBWm OROCaBT, cWto and eonfoettoRery Mgr* tor a c ^ Mon and dVo noni*; m t

------------ l l i ddeca av*.

OBI a d t t ^ o r iFOB IAUMMn. two and tbno ton ___s p 7 I S § £ i rSBga.


•PiBotieelir MW. fenr __ _ aoi

storo*MTSft years, r-r-

~ K M rti

« w r o t iM N ra e n d i ts i t r . a w t a m a*

■al* clnM *A daoMBl a t oOMr 1 B ahaaat Mra

balwT fcr> ■MUM *0*

^ S T a d X md u ^ m lM a. Hb-BaywraoM. toiii Bobr. ^

S S T A a l S“ — 1 oOm . , . . _

FLtaflHB, Wd ontiaro and a » iq^aupongw alatnb; atoo taam b a r n ^ mltabi* f i k b u #

MM wadoa. M dontt Owitns* ar*.'C i t^ o n m that wtu MBt an laMnMiij;

O tf^^M A 'm . alMlA. h r " ^ tn foMTotMt. ■rrABUKBBD Im r bottUntta la can UT W unw M.

di w Nt MML*ni

BEAUTIFUl. roaldonoo. half hoar from Now.ark, two oor Unoo; forty trotno nor day;

levon roomt and baih; ana doable oleaplng room; oioam boat throughout: *ai and m tor; roomo nloolr dooooatad and ; fine g llar :lot tOtalM: onto born 18*«; tool bamSfrulttr«o and ohrmthoj m a t bt ftHEdOKT, t t

(woekod'Otone drlva and roJn, M.500: tonns to suit, inion ft., room 70.________

FOR IA I.B OH HJCCHAKOB.CUNTON H U i-llD dnti 2i*-otory, Prirot*

residsiicc; n*sr Clinton ave.; U r^m s and bath, all Iraprovemeate: hanfisomsiy fie<inratea; exteoslve view from three porches: convenient to three trolieyi. stare* anfi school. Address u L., Bo* » , NOW! olBiio.ELBSAKT e-famlly hauioo, gOwIn*..

c ^ , ; oinaJl ooah Myment;______ 1 1 ptr

...... ... ...........aqutty 43.9iXi Wis dw i’for 1, 3 or i fo ilir i tovora! good prop- nilttono, VAN HORN. Dnlon building.I-STORT brick houoe, 13 roomo Md hath, all

ImprovamMit*: aloo *•—d*i, b-bt_paftBoiOTlUo; lot Al*ll»i pneo I1S.OOO. BUACK-LOCK, Morkot »t. ______THilia6-rAMn,T: boated A IT, W ; m l n«8;

mo«.*gr. M,«4; RoootUW ok-famllr Eli-rnertgage, (med in exol 155 Markst s t

14.066;:>1uiw ettor sxcbftfffM

NRR two-fftmlly house: all modsra Improve- msbts: equity ttflOO; (or lots » monfoge.

--------00 !Address Faniltf. (10, News offlo*.BEYMOVR AVB.. near CllBton-^W-fool KK;

„,,1 trod* for flwtlflTig ih fAofl aelghiMr- hood. GILLEN OO., 18ft Mailtot s t^

b s t a Yb r o m u o f U N O P o■UPALJi]ivB'*l*-faiBn» brick o n t u m t ; mmoi: Ml ^ p ro ro D a n ta ta RoanUja, t W i wont lo u e lm fo far eorser huilna« oad Oat propattr- Addiwa BKohaaia. Bo* H MOW oOlco.TWO-FAMHAT houMi 18 tool

rooBUl Wo o t< ^ baffieta- C b fita a J^ i a a a b ^Quick. Box *8, Nowo

tdfo gtora.________ . ____ ...mvaniAtg;ibonva m oorwar lOM. Addmo 8«w OMoe.

I KAV* on MMw M C;»f8 ^ th p aH Jia^ hmoe: VUna IaW ; wonld tOe ta uabangw

mono for bulUta* tel and mom aoMi. AddiwMMono for bttlMtaf Mead, Bax Mk .««BUIUIERI AtTTOIlON—Here fraa and

elaor lota to trade tor ■Ma-fOMllr honaa*;r ^ i W i AddiWH (tPiok Deal,

: *>• »***, offiea.

■ R A tM FO R B X O U X Q R .OVT OF T o w n .

OPPOl T -w mm i fsebonM <**ftF t lOMmi I; I t nonta; ol M l Mtuaiad wiAm 48

noa of Maw YoHl ettr. on tbe f tta Han.™™, gscftUBgs nw f im cfiMT property f wtot

.J to oOort lu t* portinlata. B a U. Ha«a oOaa.


AlOAlfCnotMMaMarA tana aottaai anmbor S im a Icealad WMo letiiiMprooed, wul a ,

for HaAbMMHMbtnd H«Mth tM.I «««..

TWO-FAHILT, GREAT BAHOAIN. cloo* to cilnlon ovp.: large houae; H roomo;

two baths; separate heaters: eiectrtcliy; senl-

m plumbing: rentals fTfifl; boi’galD, 47.260. ST ft FEIST, 788 Broad. ^ ^

BK1R®’8 a bargain for a quick buyer; Forest Hill section: plot 80*160: ll-room, new

driveway: garage .gs.


ni41 R«CIIO». t'J'J*' ** .wvui.,house: every Improvemetii: driveway: garage only U,D00 cash required. Address Raragi Box 72, News officeBAROAIN^two good business nropertlss for

Bale; on Bergen sCo between fSth svt. and Clinton ave., will sell (or 41LS60. If sold at oncet rent 4L866. Address No Agents, Box 69, News office.

broad st , THREHNrAUILTlIl North end; neay IdSckawann*; IT rooms;

tb'rw toihs; every improvstnent excepting heat easy terms: anap; to«540. FB&BT ft FEIST,TBd Broad.

tw o-fa m ily , o f f CTnlNTON AVE. Besulifully located mtoern home; 12 raoras;

two baths; separate steam heaters; rare chance for bargain; tfikNO. FEIST ft FBIST. 7Sft Broad.

RESIDEKCB w it h STABLE.OS Clinton ave.; modern ten-room residence;

plot fiOxUfl: PTDIBT. —

reception kaU; bath; steam best, fToet snap; 110 006. FEIST ft woad.


NEW two-famlly house; ell modern Improve-i ' 9 ste

lot;men;*, leparate steani beaters; electric light;

fsree lot; uear trolley; price |9,9(i0; Address Cash, Box 58. Nsws

slate roof easy terms office.CLINTON TllLLr->-Modem reslfisnce: every­

thing flnt'Clsss; elsctrle Hghts; parquet flows; plot 5M10O; t8,506; mortgate, 16.600. send for

AJaFBSD T. BBCKWAS S » Broad sLphoto,M.lMK 'Roeevllle, tiTo-f^aiUy, 12 rooms; se|W'

rat* entrance: two steam hitoters; two bstbs; near Roseville SUtloh and trolleys, little ca^. MENZEL MUTCHLER CO., 16fl Roeevllla sv*.FOREST HILL, near Heller parkwayw-Modern

reeldsnce: stoMsAeat; parcMt Soon; lorg*plot; ^,866; easy tssms; decir *ALFRED T. BICKW ITU,------

tim a ; decided bargain, ------- 888 Broad *l.

CLINTON HIIX. near Clinton ave.—Two-^ml- ly, 15 rooma ssm a tsH tean ; One residentlil

Deighborhood; la w loti driveway; sacrifice: |S,W6. GtSTQRD. r -------- 'TI4 FndMtial.SOUTH BKIITTS t r . , BOW Strath Onnga avo.

TWO attMwUn boum. f&(M8, MTOO; South — 1 bnaOH, (8,080 » r both. FHKD

StKMoBold. N. J.Swrootb M., two to ttiwi B. CONKUM, ~CUPTOH AVm. JT8. w ar Third atta.-Two-

fatnflri m a ra tt onawDca: Meant heat: mod­em improvemeim: One neighborhood. ‘ VAIf MOUTTOt, owner, eetmad Sow.TAntSStmaH-Htnoe for eol*.h £ ; i r s g

dS Haletbodn u ( tor IMW.

Ml;lU 'Oao AVI,, u o r Olatpa ae». Hooei: Ml oomo. b*% etc. I OH Impid'iMuentli hMt.

Inqbtn. m ea Tg PrideaUal bnflong.IMS CASS,

eight8S8. bakuHf (IS nwwttb: nriee |1M0'.

PeihiiH a n . o e u O ISM are.; O S iw .lS t Stop*. It V P«U i M.

lO-tlOOH tw«.faulMr btraao; tRljtaelwieiita;

BAMOAJN-Ho«je, two H a sp" s . : 2

. • n .Hwn 0»r Hm.

TWO-FAMILY bouse; restricted stroet;pTOWttientB, electric light, easy

44,600; Doar Weeauohlc toke. Addi fltrlctsd, Bex 76, Newe ofOoe.


4800 CABH, balance menthly, (or d room cottage; steam heat; electric 11

noxlOO, ceor trolleys Address Home> News oflloe.B a tso n av e .,

11.166, $400 esshi fLOBO: bargain day dantial.TENTH

Iff roo|fC3».offloe.

ST., near CeuUal aTe.-o-Two-f ma, two steam heatere; reat Address Central Ave.« Bog 0g

BAIRN 71.,—Tea-noa rteUanea;Owoar*FOB ifls UiwolB sva ; pHvats

: oaa to sssa any time; awasy tto V


fine throft-(amJ)|^


little cash

HOftEVlLLE APARTkBNT-HOUflE.In splendid rondltloo; contalni QU rooms aad

balhs, all Improvements, lnalud.lng steaffi heater; apartments never vacani; close to rail­road station and two trolleys; (or a quick a«l« will Buerthee at a very low price; this offers an exceptional opportunity either as an iitv«Btmen( or Bpsculalion. PHILIP J. BOW- i::rts ft CO.. 150 Market st.

JU0T OFF CENTRAL AVENUE, Two-fuinUy hums, direct from builder, buUt

OD lot 53x195: 14 rooms and two baths; beau­tifully docoratsfl: all modem ImprovoaienU, metuding separate entrances and steam heat- ert(, rent of one floor practically pays sx- poiises o( entire building; get our price oo It. PHILIP J, bo w ers ft CO., m Market st.

T in s PATH 80 PER CENT. f*4x-fBn;l|y house, only thr«H years old, new­

ly painted Inside and out. 30 rooms and six Listto; aU newly decorstsd, oontalDH ail Icu- prtfvemetitB, clo»a to three trolley lines, every aparlme^t rented and always rented; wiil sell (it n sacrillre un ufiy reasunablr terras. PHILIP J. fu tw a m ft CO., ibU Market st.TlCHENOR BT.-Dargaln; 2-famlly house. H.066

Houth It -'ll-mom houflo; al) Impti.........ftft.OOOTJoBfnn *t — lO-roem homr; all Impts., . .M,000 Oranl st.-^ 15-rouTn, 2 fiimlly house; impts.16,060 4ih st.. Hari-lwjfi—li>-room house and

Btnre . . ...........................................44.500Wfp UB you hoy

WADE Ac 54 Bank st.srEF.DWAY and RtKiwell ave. houp« and ICl,

'lUxUiu, price IS (MX). Ml. Pleasant ave., near I'Sork. hnune and lot, prlre 43.1^’; Ml. Prospect ave . hnuM am) lot, I’Tlre |3.500; State at.. fuLir houses, price |10.5.10; Oriental tertace, two two-fainUy hounea. each; WrightBC . .one f.-«iTii!y house, price 4ft.40Ch all bar- tfnlns. HHELOON, 222 Market st.KXTUA \100L> Tucjiiorn twu-fnmily houses; 1ft

riN-n.B Twi) bnthB, two eteaia, combination lights Fiirett HIJI, fd.Rifi: nnnther similar, off tTlnton ave.. 15,200, |A,0u0; only 4606 cash;same without heat. 44,00(i, big snap: Improved ■ircet; many others. VAN HORN, Unloa BldgRoSEVlLLFr-Bargntns, chref-fomlly bouao, I t

r;ioma, three batns, |5,&(>0; two-fainllj bdUM,14 n>oTns. steam heat, cm Third oL. 45.400: two-ramlLy house. 11 ronois, 12,500; all near Central ave.; also vacant lot, 25x115 feet, Third, ntou* Russe* ave.. 41.100. DONLEY, 133 Norfolk et.

u r ^ ; la Re-

COLORKD p e o p l e , Att*aHoa!-l500 cash.balance rnoriffaxe; large houie; all Iraprove-

mcnis; steam neat; low price. Address Csn­tral. Box 18, NewB office.CHADWICK AVE.—Nice two-famlly house.

near Clltiton ave., on ooenunt of sichnesi. will seU at big bargain. Coll any time U rtiodwlck ave.BIX'ROOM house no the outskirts of the city;

lot fiOxiOO ft ownsT needs money; price 12.000; i asy t«rms. W. O. MILLER. Inc.. 740 Broad Bt.. cityBFVTKNTH 9T'. near Central ave.—Thro*-fam­

ily, 17 ToomB. three steam heaters: ell tm- irrjvemente: big bargain. 47.6(H). GlFFOItD,

Pnidentiei.etX-FAMILT house; ,70 rnomi; six baths; Im-

prowmenis; growad 3l(exl00; rooms all light; price lO.ROO. Address Opportunity, Box 5^ News office.KENT ST., near 10th st.^TWo-fomlly; tl

rooms; Iroprevsmenis; Urge tot with shed: |S.5fK to quick buyer. Address Owner, Bow 45, News ofBoe.PESIUNE AVE.-'-One-family bouse. S rooms,

near Clinton ava, win eocilflce for t5,200> 45iH> ooeb. See ownes’, 14S Ctofiwtok ava, after Q P. M.

near EUiabeibr-IQxlOIX Mt. Prospect eve.. 26xl4<*.

G irrORD, 784 Pro-

M m

TWO-FAKTLT bouse on WtwM ave.;;,,aU tan- fTovemeau: attic finlibad: very dselyable;

caab tfl,«00. Address TAYLOft, Box 74, NMsft____ ■. ___ _____ ■

dabbing AVB.. St.-N«w l«a-t»i9ltT h o M Dsix TOO cu b nci«i»<l: nuibiiaklA BWJHT

J. BHUtT, m Bta*d, conw HkMtM; ftWB* 4 t8 lPBABODV RI.. eotsor In * * ;

Jaht roam*; *n haprmiMBt*: jh m M* U*. lB«oM nunfatca ot OMtMr, W ^ * * M r

TWO-rA8Pt.T ligR f «U l«i»»iJUW**lj^ aiR.L |8 m ii» M'llMMMVto toe H M nlh

1 8N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S , W E D N E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 2 0 . 1 0 0 9 .


A S f i i~ S S 5 4 S 5 .rO B CITT.

Kill; ITDwelUax*-

Tmxtl-rA M lIiT taMH, Clintonprio, H ,W l a iu S N coMI'ANr.

u i lUlIlM It.VATLMIDRaH BBCTION, aS Bnnford •

Miy bocu*; w«ll con-Mtwtad VI l» .t mnurliu w«l " ‘" J i l ! : ibTM room, nnA r«,»Uon hnll on flr.t tfcr** room* Had Mth on i«on<l fl«r.Mat; cllnr; fin. potoli,n « t (or hi, own rmHUiuT: loinfn iwr ,dlalnln( lot, nt HW toth. Pt|o* Z b m ; ooolil not pDuIhlr b, duplicu.o lo-

untUr tl.OOO; ml, l« roninrhnlil, oppor- tunlty to Mour, u a **'1^*" terznt lo tult purcJiMW- OIUJSN cuiJiA N i.

M trtti m.e r r Ollntoti *vt.. t aiuu.-h«d hou*^.

Mid to olOM d i »nd bMDin •kcb; Itaprovememn: In txrt'llent lon dltlon; prtc« 17.000; r*ll»Wfl HtDLSM COMPANY. J8» Market «O rr CIlntOD AV«., Mveral Am up-to-

S te two'fumUy »M thw-e-family ha^ ri nn P«ahln« and Baymnur aves.. Hutiiprijon. Ifllh n th and Ifith ati. and Fabyan pi.. e*oeptl'‘ial iir«alni. OIlA*EN COMPANY. Ih3 MarUei

O^T^Clinton ave.; anlly houa*, U rooma and two batha; twi'- t n ^ itratn heat*m: all10,000, our price lfi.500. QfT.LEN » «'M- PAKY. 109 Uarkei at.a pa r tm en t HOVBE, in heart of Nnwafh,

Mfht apartnienta^ all Imnrovemania^annual hi P . ^ ; price |2,'i.lVK>: cm v »T.00O_CMhItfBl

baottaaryon four baraaln tnia PANT, m Market at

. b«y thia ppoiierty and makn baraain thia aprina. OfLI..EN t-Oif-


ArltbgioB.I/yrf^-4l80 to WOO. eaay terms, winioui In-

tewil ur ta*to; twanty mlmufta from Uroad and Market ata. AddrtM Lota, 00. Nfewa offlee. _______ ____________ARLINGTON—Good barjaln; hopia 0 rpoma

all Improvaqiantii prlca fS.TOO; lot IWxlOO: Itky tarma. R. AtLKN, liS MidlandlUliOiUN—N*w bouM. aeven rootna and baUi;

all lataal Itnprovemanta: your own tainia. Apply ownar. i Proapect pi.. ArlingtonARLINOTON-^ building lota will aell on aaay•rty

terma or wJt! oachange for Improved prop- Addreat Ownar. IT Central ava.

b m a l ■ s t a t u e o n s a l s —o ir r o rTOWN,

UIlMiMtIb,l,bt, nlB, room, *li it,,™

Iicml ll WHT caah: prioca low. Addraaa JOE lIA u k llk m aH . » • ctaih Jl.. Kllwb»ih, N }■

HUT’SSS, ijA |l,6«rCl

o i n nidB>.OU6N muOK-^o,«

reftiiairicnt.rfkimn; infaJlU>l« locailotn am'»na „on Un KlOalW. only n,iM» member, for lha better .-laaa U* la<-knwnnn<L Ktatlon *** C'HATtLKM LUKfi. 7t> l‘«*rk avenue. <mn Bldge.OLI'IN nil^OK: only ir.,rk>0. i*'room hnma. «»pen Hr** i>lft<'ra. n'>oka and coay

.nIeTs Nil modern Inn-rovemenl., mean; .eat. health and aunahlne, e.,lld If nolrl thiB week you -avti ’u'ea LiM'kuwanna Hiatlon, very high ground. i'nrlU?ulars C’HAllLKW n<‘KB. T0 r»Tk ave­nue, Olei; UMge _________ _______ _____

lUee; aaven rouma and aieam heat. elerirlc llghla, openhath.d ie , 'bmm.a cMlln*,, c,n 't b« fur

ijlw), II, S. niSNOlJ.T a TO.. opi",«ll'- - Uloomfleld, N. J.[.aokawanna B ta t lo n ,__

Ml'ST be BOid, centrally located dwalllng, o n Ulning nina roorttn. reception hall, bath, 'U'vn

Hr,|il.cM, pint 7Sll3«. I'"'?*?'*'*, i;,,VI0. Adrtr,,, NATTIAN fUJHHBU.. mf;

LiH< h

Wednesdays=Special R c a l E s ta te D a y s - S a t u r d a y s

rA I TOIlIB* TO LET.Full tiKNT-On the orw.1 While » ,y ; l»rfr

hirhl fli«r «iJli»Mr (tir cilBi.-e of H,hl man- ularlunnit: heat rurnuliwl; .nu*'. a!*i.ulr« oil premia,, ol J, J- lltJ*K2U llTiiaJ el . lie i ll.'H. A..4A-IIA Hiiulh Temh at


TO'l.KT-.*inr-it„rv roctory, fur.ni'rly orc-uplwl !,>■ i!ii, i'r.cluri.. (Ml I'l,.; itan Le rrniwl Kim

all ihe n.T.-«»r,' Inalallallona lor (,|i II ili-llri-,1 Further |mnlculsr« ,1 lo ll,* '■ t null ,N J_ ll St av c___________ ____Tl\T, 11x010” iTlrk tiuSWlrg rear 43 ollnt'.n ’ ll (rni.tltiK im ..n..y lo MulhcriT el ^mllfl'l" a -1..,^.^- .,. Ill/ht hllAinCSJI. JOHN t .lor »h',li. ,l"r»ae T light liualnc, iHUilvh. ■ill ‘'ilnion at'Iia I.KT Mrirk taemry. four RtorWi and •’W '

Irani, »m let M-parate ..J?"ikk iffivnir Inyulro M. A M ".I MMiNGfi LO-. 1.2 Muraliall at- ____ _

tS.aOO-Natiii houae: eight large rrn>mN ’ electric llghta, ateam beet, hardw^.d milah- H. B. rrONNOLLt A CO., opposite iJt'kn-wannu Htatlon, Uloninflald.______________


NEW dwalling. for Immediate pnxmeaal' n rtnyiTiM, bath, ImprovemeiUB, loi hiri.H">

|7,W,iU. Addraaa NATHAN Itt.'HBKUW>:LL~locRt^ dwelling. !! rorua b«C!

provemetUi. alablc, lot HOslttO, ITJAfJ droai NATHAN urSHKLL. Ino,


BlooniAeltLBLOOMFJBLD-Only |3.00b: AbaoluUly naw

Mvan*room houae; nice deep lot; aewar; WAiar; fgg; gtona tuba; toilet; two atnAll fAoUUea oiin irat glong very nicely hare; the other femlly tigya aJl eipeiiaee for you; plenty room for

Irrtnftd ji*inoo CAiU will buy handanme iwi>-fiin,||y

ail improvemvnla bum In ;bnn»-nd, n ,l Invnllmciil (If ^ l, ''7 „n " i r , , ; ! « ,y , p,nl«l; gin'll locu'l'y ,hi’i mn i„m tu Inn iddrou Own,r, jiciJli. N ,''* i'*c«,_OKwTf AMILY hoUM, ,1, rrujni,. l-iinlry."" iihprovcmcnt,. mpludtftg h „ t, Kith iii,''l«, trr,M. « c , . corner K'l buyer, Iiwulre CHBAPi ■l-fni'llr hr,111, a rra'ro«,

(nentt but hrtl. | *p rlc ta,9O0. Mtl'DNOl'flH, 77a Hroau.IKVIMaTON—Twc'fanillr houw. for Mir. 12 ' ™ lS , two h.l)„, "l,em beet; oil toprove-m.nu, m Tw.iiir-.ecoiul ,1.

I.'VT')HV. 2.H tna 23 Hucknll. iie»r TlMie.It.rur «l.,rr-linJ-l.»Mliicnl hrlrk bulllllii*. J.

F IIAVIH IB4 Murkut JT."llJ_hWI-_______I fKT f^l'.'I'OFlT iWicc in Ni werk for cent.

II J KMOHY A TO.. Bherm»n av*. andHuJD'Ati ______ ■

|,’A('Tt>IllKN TO I,BT—O l'T OK T O \ ^vViii lU NT-KacF.ry hulldlng In Pa,Mlc. N ■' f J l wS.l* eij.l 711 reel d-ep; with iwu

n., :,-. „n.l hewnwni ,nd 11'In, »l»nm ,nt ii "«,hn! well iocalcd 'in.l In. g.jod, condmoo. r*-iii ri-Hsnuahle. Addroaa Kf r frtloe. ____

OKKICIIiS, BTC.. TO L B l-hTOHiatiimfiAU ST„ aOi-HU larf,. lnhi « « » nni*

hath; aU improvemenU; three-family houae; ’KWT A P'KUIT, IM Uruka.icNi lls. KEUIT A P'KUIT, TM Iiru*a

MASEMENT m iut] Ana ahow wiAdow; g/M builneaa JrKAllty, tO Jonea

RUOit. FrlDtcra and HUiionary. SUd'Setl Bpiing-iiflij av«HKI.MOKT AVE,, 4(K-4-riv, l a r » llghl

r'e.iii* nniJ 1-alh, all Iiiipruvement,; 114 r-arh.FBI8T * FEIHT. 73k U r o a d ___________J fn 'tUhV milLDlNC?^OPPOSITE B**inEH-

a i‘7R'H. 142 Market ,1.L irP , ohMrfnl ,,1711:, lu IH; Offrrlnf e n r r

ftuloern rynvenleni'«>. ut a reuaopable rental. KlEULttll'S, rnanagirtg aginta, Mcund floor fronl.


BERGEN kT.. T48-Second floor, alk rooma.Uoh and parttry; hkndaomely pwperad. all

Improvemania hut heat; rant |10, CURIBTIAN riJNN. 48 Ingraham pi.BKUUEN BT.. Five ruumi] all Im-

prevementa; rent |19. Ihqulra of KELLrELbM UTQUteijia I ivijA «av. »,nBRODY, tOb Brooma at.

li}i.iEGAN'T two floora aullable for photugraph galUiT. meetlnga. light manufacturing nr

almubi any baalneea, Udl Bprlngflald ava. quire I'uurthouaa place. ______


FLOUU TO LET, 513x90. for light miftuCaciur- Itig. oUl eB to let, flrat floor, corner. 40xa1.1.

IT will divide; ateam heat, paaeengar »r\d neiglit eirvaiura. Ramharvli Bldg., cpp-i«ltd new viiy hall, Franklin ami Broad ata.LOFTB In new A-»tor>- building,

rente »t., with power, heat aim i

W J. Box d.

lilQAL ESTATE WAMTKIJ.MY WCUNICBBAY to aend on oUf Weekly Llsia

to ( vtr aotl proapetllve buyara. The beat re- .,,11. .v,r: th,y »,i H‘1* ittrrrully foll.rKed up. Try It. OEIShR ft 1LI:M. Mb Buikd ,l-. Qpp. C. R. B.________

Ilf proapectlve huypra forhiriten ehedn, Bull

7dxUK>. lerina lo sutiItHlitf "ve.

KlnK"l*tnd,CORNER HltCiT, mur hsta. I'T lert frqntagi-.

■a^en and ohlckena; handy to echootti trolly a Ad tnlna. Parllculara, CHAR DUKS, T0 Mirk ava., Bloomfield-MLOOMFIBLD—Naw ali-rooin hotiee, with

two acraa: all for N.OflO. thia place can Aaver May here at thia price; handy to evenr*

partlcuiara, CUAB. DUKE. TP Park C^., Bloomfleld-MLOOMF!BLD-New atven-room houee; all

Imarovementi; ham and aUhie; lot flOxlDQ; «fUy 13.900. ParUculara. CUAB> DUKE. Tb Mg k ava.. Dloomfleld.iriNTER BARGAIN»-|2,T00. two-famny

bouae, JO rooms, watar. gat, toilet; 18.000. eight roomi and bath, bear atatloD: heuee, luna rooma and bath, larg* lot;

. in«w two>famlly haute. lO roPiva and IV «alhi, ateam heat, oonvaiuant locfatlon. H

CONNOLLY A CO., oppi^ta ~Bloomfleld.


MI9LROOM dwelHfit: oonw lem ly looaltd. " 5 B i BOaUO? ■laaia naalad; open flt^ leea; lae

kput; poroelaln plumhlngi fd.ooo; ttnru it buyer. Coxy bonae; elx roome; city

MkJ80; Immodlata poateaalon; onlyfi 4w*jwu-: tui«uwhs»is» potmeaO', wR) MU on rantal plan HO pet month.


ODiMrti; Ui'ki'iK'Hii,. Hlntl'iii: .IrMW uurti.-.l, Ita«lirj. .ulliihle ("r ,tori>. an.lUttered anri

iwellinga. VS M Newark.

II i^taTLKP. 10 Bute si..

t.fike Hopnlcung.PfiWTABl.r h'lnKftliiw for BBla, Lake Honat- FORTABi.l . • i ]inx 11. Newa omc f.

cong. AdJTKSd

Montclair.HUME. ronlamiTig eentTp hall, reoeptlon-

?!om library, open flre|vlacp, dining'T.H.m. ponlrr m‘J kllchi-n <m flrrt Hiwt; fuut cham- KSi lilth Kith ..|»n pllimhllH on McoiiP fln..r f io 'n io , roiim, apfl ,l<ir«*. on 111 1yd ""or. emonted cellar: eiMm heel; cfoohery wMh- lrS5 ,ltr» toilet, .vamlehed floore Urol tto^,

end eleetrlc Hlht; ,11 Improvement,: Im-ifrrH rN 'nW fiE iX riN i:;, Bluomheld

am! Glen Ridge.

MAVR largM lial of .faruis ami country honies tr PhBaalc. anu

f^mnllra. Ownftrescnd iiartlcuKrB. C f . iLt NIKI-..*?, Country R^al I**ftate fipecleJlsi, l.litk Kalla. N J ____________WANTED, to buy , elj nr ilven rootn hmiM;

TnndJ-m IrflproveTnenta; rioi more than lb me. from Lincoln Park; price "ol '«Hox 32, Newa office.Addrraa ItusIneBn.FHK.K and clear Iota In eachange for lncon;e

[•roperly; ola«' atlaa of i liy uf Newark and itilaH of the CtraiigeB, Addreaa. elating price. Allas. Box 82, News ofllie .........................w a nted , private house, between Broad,

lElRh. Cefiiral and Eighth avea; ilk ^ and Cull parUculara. Addreaa Houae. Box SO,.Ni wa offli'c. ____ _______________ _

lfl-23 Law elevatoia for

taaMngrrs' and frelgbl: seimraie enlierw.e m f'llnlun Bl. Eatate uf S. H. CViNDlC ,LaWtince ii.



LC)FTfl 10 let: light on all a±d4 e; alcam heat.' ' &A;BA, 15-Ib Spring al-. Now-

NICHOLS JBi llruokrteldinquire of S

ark. or THOB ave., NuilKy.I..OFTS to ]et, with power and ateam haai;

good light. Apply engineer. Allai building. 73 Hamilton at __________ _MULIIERRY HT., 161. near Markfit-l>arxe

Flore. 30x129; rent vary rwaaonahle. P KELLER, 'i'i I'lliUon at., room EW.MfLBEHKY HT.. 204. m-ar I.Bftiyfll(e—I.A«ht

glore, formerly oocuplod bj bfirtwr shop. H E. Bl.WVAKZ. Vi riTnton a(NEW BT., l»-Stofe and cellar; excellent lo­

cation for any mercantile bualiieie; rent |7fl. WILUAM E. LRilMAN. 738 Uroad at.

HKItGEN ST., TTT-S«cond floor, Rve rooraa.bath: all Improwntenta except heat; to email

fatniJy; |16.


fOUTH 14TK 8T.. ««. B *r *4h_ __L a V L t* W ft • . K——* ™ ^ M, V ■light rooma; bath mad all improvemeou; |15, •dultm

r E a m i B m M o m t o u t *

»OUTM ORANOE aV».. llfthbIn r « r with w u ,r : rm t |ft. liUttlr, Cl«mr


^ ORAEN BT,. TS-Lart* ooammttng rbOttg wlUi aloovei flioaiy funaMbed; bmtfi U 4 fa a | aew-

OBd flodf.^ ira H W.. n - i ^ n « w i~ n .» ~ '^

wtalL Md apward.

SEYMOUR AVE.. **"**«<>«<*.11 ii,ht

ournta except heat; rant |18. No. St).fiPRINOFtELD AVB,. 79, near High at.—ElkL

ilk large, light roomm; ail Improvementa.Iniiillr, liSind W H. K'BtUtWltfDRBPRINOPIUILD AVE.-l»rge .ttlc K»m Klll>

----- 67 Blnm aa.water; |3.60.blX large roomt. third floor; all Jmprove-

inortta, with electric lUrhla, pteem heat fur* b07 Clinton ave.niehad; rant |24.

HELMONT AVE. m —UeautHul eix-iwm apaninmi. ihreb^family houae; all im j^vc- lenu except Iii<at; reul tl7; frue to Febru­

ary 1.

SECOND rUK>H: very light;■quare feel; heat, power and light fumlahed,

(M rotden at.

liELMONT AVE., l8a~Thlrd floor, throe mums; rent |h JOHN C. UROEL 48 Clin-

um al.

STRATFORD PL.. CO-RH light butleFa pantry, ateam heal* all improve- mente; near Avon ave. Inquire flimt floor.

BALSEY ST.i IBS—T m aeaneetlsf khmm» fur* nlalHd lor bowaglMplPf; nuoMngi water;

t t t t ; tlao front aioMy (rnmUbed forMtMkeepiBg. H U .RALBSY BT.. lofh'Pkrlor or Moomfl Soor; S

epflatctlng roona; m to r . dr«MnuUiar br khyHflU kMlnewi nioe boiiM mad looaHon,HALSpnr ST., 880-Tw o larga rooma* water,

g u . OM front vliwj eonsleto for L ^ t ItoaM-kctpiag.m O H BT,» 48S-Slngle mad ootUMOtlng vooma;

miao three-room flat for U H t haUfuaeplag;Improvamentg.MIOR BT*« tfl>488—Large Magle ooAneot<‘

iDg ruomiA bglu houeekMSlnf} all Inprove-

BIQH BT„ flOl. near DOiut-Fttrnlabed room for two; prlTgle boo.ee.

BROAD HT. 250—Flat, aecond floor, eoulhem rxpoai^; seven rooma and bath; ateam


SECOND FTAiOR l!al: flve light roomi I mil Im- provemiiHa. 124 Lltlleion avA

mlnuiM' Walk to Hmhno'a.BTATE AND HlOH STS-FIv* ™ "’^. i ‘1'

John D. TOPPTN. orange and Beventh aimItHOAD BT., 1—Set'ond and third fUt>5 mil Im-

pr ivementB; rent and 134. jnqtilrii SWUr:'»d Bt. __________ ____

TO LET—Three room#; rent SIS, Inquire H. C. R05X 18 Cedar et.

UAltCLAY 8T., 186, comar Roe*—Flat. flTi rooma; hnth. all improvomanii; private RmU.

Inquire liwntr. eecond floor.UUrCK 8T.. 12, naer Dank

arwl bath, h]I Impruvemenia, family: rent |13.

c At.—Five ruoin > I, flrat floor. emkU

TO LET-rine flat, elx rooms and bath; ateam heat, goa. electric: rent J23 per month. 8 »

13th ave.

mXJOMFlELD AVE.. +—Four rooma On MC- flom: gaa range and bath, |14. Inquire

5-1 Fulton ai

TO LET. 87 Bleecker at . fiat four rooma, with use bath; rant February 1. Apply 88 Hal-

My bL __________one doorTWO data to let; 130 Arlington at..

from Court at.; all Tnudern Improvementa. Inquire 128 Arlington at.

p.\NK BT * 22-*i. near oourthouee—Four rooma and bath, |14. Inquire Jmnliar or L. BL4-

WIBE, ________

TWO room< to let; water and gaa. BUTTH, 821 Springfield mve.


DEVliIHLV BT-, 32—Three large rooma and bath; heat furnished; adulta. ^

UIU'CE BT, Five roortii, aacond floor; rent fl2.

THIRD HT., 48—Five rooma and bath; all Im- provemanta; t i l '

VAILSUURoH. Halated et., 48-Second flat tit); fix rooma; eeparate entrance; all Im-


JAMBS ST.. 07-Lmrge room, nloaly furnlebad;all Improvetneota; largo oloeet; alma email

from room; A«ar Lackawanna SUUon.______






LDUOARDT BT., 18-Nloely famlibed front room; all Irngrovementi; for one or two gen­

tlemen: la private femlly. _______LAROE^ roam, two gentlemen, two eingle

bade, |8; alao one nnmll room. |2. 848 UlgU •t. MACCURBIN.MULBERRY 8T.. » -T w o connecting rooms

for light houMkaapIng; alio rooma for one or two gentlamen.MULBERRY BT*. 878-Oae or three rooma to

let; colored,NtHAT'and very ootnfortible warm itwm wUh

bath, In the central part of the olty, with private famliy: lady ornntlem an, JUdrasB Refined, Bok 88, Newe oflloe.NORTH UTH 6T„ 8S»Two oormaetlng roome.

- of ktl •pleaMntly lUualed. prlvUega uee of kitchen; moderate ranut; three mlnutea Boaevllle Sta­tion. BAUDER.NORFOLK 8T., 2A9. near Bank •t.-Larme

COURT HT., 20, near Broad, and 78 Court.oppoeltu Plane al. Nicely furnlehed alngle

and cufiriofllng riwma, complete for light hfjuaekeeplng: mil smprovoment#; price fl.oU up; heat funilabed. _ _ _CHADWICK AVE. 823-^Four and live hand-

WAVERLT AVB„ 74-80. four room*. W. ^ and 110; Prince et.. 253-7. four rooma each.

flO, rultafal* for dealrabl* colored familjea; Arlington at., 48* four rooma, |10: Ruifera

< at., w-0914, three rooms each, |8. FEIST A \ F^18T. 78s Broad,

Vomeli dfcoraled rooms, bath and pantiy; all improvainenta but heat: rent |14 and |15.

Rl'YlfiiKS Al.w.\Y)t fnr genuine bargains inTPal sjitalp i)f #vfrry ilpacrlpUon; always

- VAN HORN, Unionwjmirc iloul; try huatler, buIhUuFHa\ K ii i*ijrrhijH 'f for (wfA-famlly. Rant Or-

Biiftf* ur UtfR*\Uk-, eleo one for CUnt-^n HIU hv; fnnMly. wrue li>-day. OIFKOHI), T34 Ki i-

rif.nl _____ __________ __TWO Milldlijg Jots In Newark In grujd lo

4Aliiy; price aboul $600-1600 each, wiU pay cash. Addreafl RITTE3R. Box T7. News omce.\VK do a geneiai real esUta Oufllneaa. we so­

licit your trao* and gnarmnUa sallafactlon. F. F MAYO A CO-. T88 Broad at., cor. Market

HOUBK. 10 rooma, two ba>hroom_a floon

*y*y„,», - living hall;hardwood Aoori; fli^ and second floora; ateam

heal gaa, electric: all Improvemente, nark acc-

10 Broad at.. Bloomfleld

i-PAUlLT. M> tooma ' and tnUey, M .W ,

lot 80x180, near ODB-fatnliy, nine

rooma all Improvemknta, gaa and coal o r d ^ three mlnulM Train or trol-uruvr. utraa minuua irmiii vi i«v4-m e b H. CONKLIN. Oloomn,ld.

■LOOHfTILD. K. n>fiil«ni •lx tonlii* n o n b M ^ , all UnpronnanU, itoani

ka tt. ew itm ltr l ^ t M , M.OOO to NS.OOO euti MOD, HlUto* atay. or will rant; op«o tor la- Miartlaa. Owtw, 23D Nawarlt aya__________ntiKN-IlOOU bouia, tH a«ru ot Mkiund, Im----------------- -------------- ]■laaMata pamMlOB, r ta u l IMOi torf, hoiM, mM attfel« n aoraa; poaiMUloo Manib U. tHO. AftajaM NATHAN ROMMU.. Inc._________ _MJMa—N,w honni nliu rooma.

'Mat; *I*otrlc liftitai coiwrato aarag,; want 8. CtWNOLLT ft CO. ---------

m t a 8. CtWNOLLT ft awapna ttalto". Bloomflaia,


baflr, ataam e; want opposite

;|BfttfYOftT apartmem, fnolodtng ktore, 16 8 battM, steam beat, lot 84xl3A ilae “ t« T « iIY ifWO. AddrM* NATHAN

IhOim icoatalDlna U rooma, ahop,

Doltk aala M.ftD0. AdOrami ino.'

N s t la r -BPBCIAL BAROAIN-Flv,-room houif; larg,

krt; rwar uollw anil atotlon; aaermi-o tor 12.000; atnall amount Oown. balano, on mort- m , . MUTCH, 18* Marks! rt.

OmnBT.BAROAIN In n-i-oom bou.s In Oranxe; all

modem Improv.menta; •>*.jnlnn’" . , , lAckawanna Station: value* 110,CHX); will ene- mice- terme aaey'. no reaeonable oftor refuMd, Addreia fl.. Box H. Neiw, oIHue, ^ m te .

e, aepa»4 IKK>—No* two-family houee, aepamlo eienni heater#, oentral location, a ton-room moilern

houae and etahle; lectlon of at. John’a Church price ta.600- ARNOLD, 273 Matn at.. OrangeFOR BALK—The moat prominent liuimee*

property In Oranxe: under conelderalloo by aiwernmenl tor poatolDoe alte; eacrinoe price. IrO N ft MABTER8. UW Markel et._______RBAL KBTATE, Iniutanoe, loam, ranilna and ™ l« t ln t . W. L, orh lB B lilN , Mutual Tniat, Hlfhland Station.________________

iVEMwRQOM hoiMS la Bfltovllls: lot 87.6 b7 m ; all lmproatm«DU; fMain h«at„ beautl-

deeonitsd, flue loetUoo,0. t iw l^ and railroad; must be smu to

.jclatad; vfiT ehMp. Nawk oSea.

con^vBtsQt. ..ist be sssb Addrass Chup,

iMtirmnb*. loaas. J.-ItBAL SBTATB valUM. M..M..xavw, ..‘ J T cqNNEIX, 118 WaahlngtQii av*., Belle- v f ii; M u b iisb eH m I

€h«thaWftCHATHAM. Naw JsrM y-Urta. plot*,

lEdft, aorsagea and auhurhan homsa; h ln . MiS S R iI aacitlon: to r rsrldsnoa or profltablf lU'

kSSlf^mmutailon low;nM i Ndwark; --v---.- - .o m U ttr^ lgh t tratae dafly: near station: at K a llv s >6W pricas and tartni. 8ss or writs S r OKAW. Chatham, N. T.. or tflO Broadway. K w Torfe.

r Ibal EBTATE. Insurance, loana, renting andS)U«3jiig. W. L. OTTBRBBIN. ifutual

Ttiiat, Highland Btatlon.

WANTED, cheap for cash, two or three famHy houae, wKli tuable; itaie price and location.

Addreei Lncatlnn, Uox 26. News offlee ___

HICHAHDBQN BUILDlNt.T-Th* only itriCtly ;flrfprouf tnanufaclurlDg building In the city

of Newark; rooma to real for any light manu­facturing purpoiK. oltvotor service, slfomo light. corm>rf-aaod air, electric power, ateam heat, hot and coUl water, all furnished and In­cluded in real- Further Inforrnntlnh can be had of W 0. TUUKER. chlpf engineer. pH premleea, corner Green end Columbla etahT'TUEI-Uj BT.. fitt—fltur* and rear room; good

location for grociT or dollcatioien store; rent |in. FEIST A FElflT. 73B liroad-__________

CHRISTIAN BINN. 48 Ingraham pi.

WAflHlNOTON ST.. *32—Sir large, light rooim; Improvements: rent UT. F^IST A

f e is t . Realty and Ihauratice Brokers, 788 Broad,

(’HADWICK av e .. T» and 81. corner of Madison--Five large, light rooms, all ln>-

provemsnts; rent JRl. Inquire on preinlsM or DR. B. (ILT CK. 22 Clinton a t . _______CHADWICK AVL-. Ifr-four r^m s; newly

(It-cnruted: Jmprov#*mcnts: rent low. Inquire 42k Bouih lielinom av e ._______ _________

WAamNQTON 6T-. 40S-8ev*n large. lightrooms and bath; atearn heal; all lmpro\e-

FEIBT A FEIST,menta; rent vary low Broad


WASHINGTON ST.. 3*2—Five large rooms;five nilDulea from Broad and Market ata.;

rani very low. FEIST A FEIST. 7H8 Broad-

t^ma for light bouMkaepliut; $1.80 up: con* “ — H yp, rooDoa, t l ; all Ini-nactlhf room, provemanta; ateam hast.NORFOLK 8T., 347—t<arga ilogls and con­

necting oewly furntahM rooms for lighthcusekeeplng: also ball rooma: steam beat; all ImprovemenlB,NORFOLK ST„ ai-Oue furnlihsd room In

Btricrlr private family; lecoad Aoer: rsntreoeonsblo.NEW 8T-, 45—Very nicely fumltbsd room for

one or two genltenwu; second floor; thor­oughly heated: oath; very central^__________NEL80N PL.. 31, abov* the courthouse—Neat­

ly furnlrhad heated front room for one or two gentlemen; firtt Acer right._____________NEWTON ST-. 100—To let. light furnished

room: private family; rrtoe |1.___________


lo lei. 8x21- inquire QOLDBERQ Broad and Market ai.

TO LET. stnre. directly ad.lolning our alnre nnd Immcdlatolv opposite the Brond tU Btn.-

i|on of thM <■' It B Co., now in:cui,»led aa a itfWfIry sUTe For terms, etc , apply tci tha \V, H. BHl’ltTS CO., prlniere and slalloners. 847 Broad at

(’UNTON HlLL-SIx rooms and hath; every Imi.iraii'menl; electric llBluo; , team heaie.^:

onc-hjill I'lock to trolley: rent $23. IIIIL H J. BOWERS A CO.. IW) Markel ____________(.'HESTER AVE., comer ii)rati>n t i .—Flrat flat,

Jive n-'»tn*, rungc. water, gib. lollet. 113. JOIIALEMUN, 278 WaBhingtigi ave. ______

W a r d e n BT. 444. junction of central ave., facing the Park—Six rooms. Improvemeats;

new hogae; reasonable. HENRY J. BERRY, 7U2 Broad, cor Market: 'phone 4142,WARREN ST.. 17M—Three largo, light rooma

lu let. rent $7. Inquire In butcher shop or the owner, 64 Batik at.. In the barber shop.

I'UMMEKCE a' T., m —Second fluor: five rooins;all light; special Inducement for balance win­

ter H. E. St’HWARZ, 45 OUnion._____

TO LET—Fine store at 363 Broad ai. Apply ' n. OODBN, 713 t ^oad i

COl'IiT AT..water; rent |i l

ton et.

ldO"Hrlck dwelling, four rooma; JOHN C. GROEL. 43 Clin-

W’\lUtEN BT-. 4.'i8—Five and alx large, light ii'oma and bath, all Improvements: cera at

hand, nice location: rent 120-______ 'WOODSIDE aeetloii; ntoe flat in tw b-fan^

brick houae, five rtoms and barh; rant $38. aJU ^N COMPANY, IW Market sL

to any broker or C.

LitTH In Roseville or Baal Orange for bulMlng {'uriHewa; state loc;atlon and price. Adtwfsa

iqjllilei-. Dux 48, N«wa nfllce.___ *___WANTED, one. two and three family houaea,

lots and acreage: Hat now- FRANK A. MAN- LET. 830 Broad at-

TO LET. etable. 61 Shipman at. High at.

Inquire 360CENTRAL AVB-. aW-Three nice rooms, with

watpr and collar, for small, quiet family.

VERY dealrohle corner itorn; rear eturanco fur aldn Jlre+!l dellvciy; 4u7 l^'aahlngton el

H. P (I3BOHNE. CS2 High al-

KXCEPTIONALLY’ fine light floor uf ril piomtv; impruvementa: rom $13: corner build­

ing, 8BS High at,, norner W'arren at. Inquire upBtaIra on premlaes,

WU7KLIFFE BT-. UB™Three r.lce, light, airy rooms, also two rooms, cheap rent. Ring

bell on premises.

WANT to buy Fulton st. property; ful tleulars only. Address Fulton. Box 84.

1 ^ r - Newi


VOUNQ HARRIED eouple fteelree to purchaoe A one-family houee, Ot*ni;e or Enet DranAe;

within IK minutes ot D., L. . “ il " '•/ P™tie,<l00 In Sin.OCO: no a ^ n i J, Newe ofllce, Oeanfte.

ill. Addreee A., Doi

BMAl-L home; near DeiivlUo; price not to oi- te«l (2,(Xj«. AJdreM, itatln* Incatlon, ilee

ot plot, etc., N. B. B.. Box 6. Newe ofllce.WANTED, to buy at once, one or two family

hones: modem Improvementa; Eaot Orange. Addreee Iluelneee. Box 32, Newe PfBoe ______I HAVE eeveral cllenta lor all kind# Of eub-

urban property. E. "W. McDONDUOH, real ceiate, Ineurance, loana, 773 Broad at.


MKNT, 30x100. WITH C'ONNECTINO OF- riCE RtMM, 16*20. ALL WELL I.IOHTLl'. DESIRABLE; EXCELLENT I/IOATION: RENT REASONABLE J. F- DAMS, I'MMARKET BT., ROOM 808._______________ _WALNT'T Ht T <0—Store and rear rraun. ault-

able tor any btialneee: rent |12 FEIST AFftIBT. 7.KI Broad.

STORES. OFFICES, BTC.. WANTED.WANTED to rent, eome einall place no aome

aood aireet or iia'ailon, suitable for quick lunch bualneaa, A^dreoa Lunch, Box IT, Newe OfflCB.



WANTED, two-family houae In Orange or BaatOrange; price not to exceed 17,000. Addreae

P. 0. Box (M7, Orange.

g a a th 0 rant r e .LARGE O'room houee; city Improveraenta;

•feam heat; reception ^11; lot SOxIhO; uneur- mountaln ylew; open flreplacey pidee

,000; bargain to quiolt buyer. Owner,South Orange, N. J-



La r g e U-rcom houae i olty ImprovemenU;lot ISOxIftO; good bam; high and Awaull-

ful; three mlnutei from trolley anil etallon; n.oOO; liberal mortgage. Owner, Box 204, South Orange, N. f .BHAUtiFTIL Montroi* Park realdenoe. two

iloidoi'and attic; plot 100x200; Stanley road; may conalder a term leaao. J. WARD SMITH

Lackawanna road; atUoinIng Buni-___ jutallon low! iwenty-ftye mlmteei ^ r k ; flftr-ili mlnutoa from New Tork

. O U w a lL . BAUD In tIouM pl„ aiwul 440 f e e t ^ m ramlleld ave. trolley line, dealrable bulld-

"lot, AOxlU ft,; ilMwalk “ O A&mai J. TokftON VAN D U TN a ad-

■Ing lot.


■andeoma new fwo-famlly dwailingi. ve^ fctSt - ........... ...........fi.la<t and moat baautitui awiolntod apartmenle

f any two-family dwetllnga In the wiMndt: atrictly reatrleted roildenllal lott^l- Vm ; coDvanleot to etaUona, troUoye. ohuronee Add aohoole; we can’t go Into deutli «ncern-

IBuT the nwrlti of tbeae ofletlno tn thia ad., lu l thli aectlon of Beat Orange haa proved wmid a doubt to ehow the Sneet opportunltloe |S ?“ mM ?r InvoatB-nl a w offarod; gel on lha ground floor; valuea continually advancing, b lo H and tirm i to iult the moot oontervatlve bToaton: theae propertlea miwt ^ eean to he aspiaclated; call and ha MOeloced « make m agipolntment and our iwiwaantatt« will cml S i ] ^ . ■( ao daMrad, and ^dva you toll partlou- 2W ; t^ lc l ia »lwaya a t ^ a d lip o aa l^ ourUlSDtS- R»I88 * R*!09.i ^ t n ] Av%, wid Ski. Clinton s t, B*St Orsofs.

Tslspbons 608 OmngSa

A BONy Frudsntlol bldg.. Newark.aOUTH ORANOB—aix-room house; stegm

heat; large lot; $8.£80; wiil sscriflee; moke Offir. WAd I j. ANNJN 4k KBRNAN CO-, Sooth Oratifi. ____AT South OraDgs; for BSlip l«n acres.

DtTe room 687 rrudentlal bulldl&g .C»N-

Verom*aNOW is tho lime to buy country property cheap.

I have large list farms, bouees with Improve

Unroln Park, elegant private dwelling..|1,800 ifigh et., hundaome brownstone dwelling 1,300

Monmouth st.. deuched frame dwelling...- ^ Monmouth dI, brick dwelling


BAST ORANOK—money MAKING CORNKB more to let: best buslneis corner in the eec-

tion; right In the centre of a big. rapidly grow­ing. family neighborhood: eutiabli! for almost any buBlneesr directly opposlle the Ampere auUon; immediate possession; flxrft?ptlon*l op­portunity for some live hustness man: oppor­tunity knocks but once; this is your chance; terras, keys, etc., at _



EARL BT. 12-26-’Chnice aparlraenls; five rooms and btlh, all Improvements: rent $16.

Apply .laniter 18 Karl st. ___________ _ELEGANT parlur Ockh- and basement, five

rooms and hath, hot and cold water. 44 West st. A. ROSIN.

UTH AVFi.. near I3th si.—Choice flat; five A»d six rooms and bath: Improvements; r ^ l

113 per month. PHILIP J. LIOWERS ft CO., Market at.


fo r est HlLLr-Btx rooms and bath; electric lights; steam heat and Janitor service sup* {

pli<kd' two mlnutBi to trolley: rent r *aBonable. PHILIP J. BOWERS ft CD., 1B» Market at. i

aPARTMKNT—SIi or seven rooms: improve­ments: centrally located: rent not lo exceed

$20. Address T. C.. Box 22, News ___WANTED, two unfurnished roonts, conirally

located, hy young married loupie. with prl’

ORCHARD ST., 11. hear new city hall, con­venient to evetywherfr-Nlcely furnished sin­

gle or coimeellng lomni; steam heal: gaa. hath; fui-nlihod completo for housekeeping;

up. _______ORi’IIARL 3T,. 42. near city hall--Neatly fur-

nis hed rooms for one or two; steam heated; all improvements. _______________ORCHARD AT.. 44—Front room, nicely fur­

nished; heal: all ImprovemenU: rent rea­sonable. PARK PL,. 1»> three doors trom Proctor's—

Two very desirable, noatly furtklehed rooms, with heal, lor g e t i l l e m e t i . _________ ____BPRINUKIELD AVE.. 18, opposite coqrt-

liouse, over Hassenger paint store—Two oio- nectiiig front and rear rooms; compute for hdusukceplng, tubs and running wa^r^___BPRHroriELb"livE,. fl^Two 'large. 1. .t

rooms; furnished complete for housekeeping, gas; bath; range: reasonable. BLOODCKX>d .bduth'





ORANGE AVE.. 264-Elegant front 4 floor.light room; private family .. ---- second

gentleman only: reference. GARD-

FLAT, t’oriier. *li rojins, hands- innely decor­ated, tiled hathrooms; all In,pf0vement9;

half block from cars Inquire OlLEtS. Hawthorne ave.

______ ^__ ______ , or]vats fftmllyr Address K., Box V>. News offlee


FLATS—129 Parker st,; five and six large.light room* atjd bath; all improvements:

handsomely decorated: tl8*|22. InquireBM-ITH.fl a t—Hunter s t. 16, four large room* and

bath, second floor, |14; free to February 1. Inquire BRATHWAlTE. 14 Hunter sL

tVB have numcrom calls for flats In Hosaville: I>Oital cai-d may bring good tenant, try us.

HGPPEN. fil2 Oi-ange st. _______YOUNG COUPLE desires three or four roomu

In focatloa near centre of city and trolley.Address Couple, Box D. Newe offlee.

SUMMER AVE., 100—Clean, nicely furnished, ht-ftlr-d room; all Improvements; $2.26 per

It. 60 each for two.Week to ube persun.BTATE BT.. 22—Two mlnulee from Lack­

awanna Station: nootly furnished, itearnheated rooms, ll.fiO up. ___SITMMIT ST . 107—Nicely furnished, well heat-

eil rooms; Improverueivii; terms moderate.TWO or tbreo furnished or unfurtilabed rooms

In Rosovllle; light, bath, steam, gas range, comjjleia lor housekoeplng. Address Roogon* able, Bor SO, Newe office.

YOUNG LADY would like medlum-slse<l un- • pL„ iia—Two flne sunny frontfumlahed room: centrally located.

Rofm. Box 46. Niws oflice. _

STORE for rent In Mltlbum. DAVIS, ChMter* N. J. ___

Apply to E.

.X.X w,.. .. .ilory brick dweiring ..... UDghuysen ave., fnvme dwallfngs, Impts 216lyette at., 163

SON. I^dentiai bldg.part of frame dwelling.•

YARD SMITH ft ............................STORCSi OFPlCESt BTCe, WAKTBD.


BROAD AND ORIENTAL aTSe-Blegant new bfirk residenoe. 12 rooms, riled bath: has

oehtM ball: parlor, dinini-room. library,kitchen and pantry on first floor; best part of Broftd s t.: ready for iprlng occupancy; look It

— .UITT, 70 Mill

PHYSICIAN desires accommodatlona for offles hours two days a week. 14k Scotland et..

Orange. '

up early. 'Phone PRUITT. 70ncy;

dllford ave.THREE-STORY’ and basement brick house;

12 rooms and bath; can be used private nr boarding houHii near South Bt. Station. 8ST Mulberry *t. Inquire at 76 Tlchenor st,bummer AVF..X 877—Ona-fomlly house, ten

rooms, hath and laundry; all modern Im- pravemontH; lent reaHonable. PHILIP J. BOWERB ft CO-, 180 Market st.

nnhti and choice building sites; baat locailoiii CLINTON D. BALDWIN, Bloomfleld and l.«fceaide avas.IN VERONA, two lota 2Bx20O each, on Elm

road, for sals; also force pump. Addresa u. F,, ifl Mapje_aLj_Jfltggmfleld:^_^__^_,^___^

$7,900.Beautiful one-fatnUy residence, flouth Clinton *"■— — ten rooms


NEV. sIz-Tooni house; all Improvements ex­cept hast, large barn, chicken houaaa. flne lo­

cution for poultry raising; rthl $80 per month with privilege of buying. Call or address $7 John at.i Bloomfleld.

ELEGANT teeiilenca on Johnson ave.. oil Im- provements, steam heat, large lot, stable and

garage; low ront with long lease. J. U. SAYRE, 24B ainton ava.

LODGEROOMS TO LET.LODOEROOM, with connecting clubroom; lo­

cated 66 Market it. Inquire JAYS, 68-8T Market et. _______________ _

FLAT to let, first floor, Improveroents. In­quire B98 Ferry el Rooms lo let, Ferry and

Lexington Sts. Inquire 308 FerryFLiATS—HUlslde ave,

ruoros and bath, $14, x.-,-. vx. quire VAN ORDEN. fli^l floor. 167

J67-I71, five elegant


CAIJ>WKLU Hatfield at., kecond house from Mountain ave.’-Second floor; five roonirt;

WILLIAM E. CAP­TAIN. _______ __

fl a t -B igelow sL 84. four elegant, large rooms and bath, second floor. $14. Inquire

D$:aN, 86 Bigelow *t.. first floor.fl a t—Sherman ave., 219; four Atte. light, . „ d x ,

newly iiapered rooms and bath: only $13; free I ________;to February 1. BtiRNS. 2lT.

EAST ORANGE. North J8th st.. near Eaton'pl.—aik rooms and bath in two-family house:

steam healer and all Improvements; rent rea- sr.nable, PHILIP J. BOWER9 ft CO.. 169

FLAT of five large, light rooms, bath: steam heal; also pantry; excellent location; rent

sii. 347 Bank st. ___ _____FLAT to let; flve rooms and bath: all Im-

proveroentH’ except steam heat: rent low. 556 fiouth 12lh s t ___ _ ____FLAT to lei,

ments.45 Front at., with all Improve-

EAST ORANGE. Elmwood ava.. 192—Second fiat In two-family house; all Improvements;

Ftenm heat; rent free until February 1. In­quire 136 South n th si., cr on the prernlaes.

rooms, furnished for housekeeping: healed; Improvement a; telephone service; two blocks from Hahne'f.w a r r en PL-. 29—Large front rcftom. neatly Jurnlshed: also three connecting rooms fur­

nished for housekeeping: central; rent |3 and $4.2fi, _____________WARREN PL.. 39—Steam heated furnished

rooms; all ImprovemenU; very central: rentmoderate: gentlemen preferred.Wash in g ton st .. ua, near New st.—Nina

large rooms furnUhed for light huusekesplng; seme Improvements: from $2 week up.______

EAST ORANOE—flevan-rooro apartments; all Jmprovoments; three minutes to Brighton

Ave. Staiion, Erie; twelve to Lackawaima; SlU to $22. 010 Dodd et.. comer Glrarfl

North 15th Bt.,


WOODSIDE—House; six rooms: bath: eleclrk;lights; 47 Bryant st., near Washington ave.;

122. Address H. ZIMMERMAN# 47 Harrison st., liEnevllls. __ ___

a l p in e s t ., 15—fiecood floor; five large. light rwimsi bath, butler's pantry, tubs, range;

r0i)ms newly decorated; haSlB funitsbed and cleaned; near three trolley llncB; 12 nJautes' walk from Broad and Market, flve mlnutea from ^ u th Bt. Btatlon; select nelghborhctod; rent $16; poss^Bslon February 1. Inquire MR8. KNOX, Mcynd floor.

FIVE rooms; all Improvements; new house;separate healer and entrance; monthly al­

lowance In rent for careioker, Inquire 62 Far­ley ave.

1 BABT ORANGE, North 15th st.. 186-Flys large and beautifully decorated rooms; bath;

all Improvements; ateam heat furbished; Jan- ; Itor; m . OlhES, ______________

FIVE rooms, M Willooe St.; Improvements: rent $14: between Bank st. and VJth ave.

54 Wallace st.; central located.Apply

EAST ORANOE. Halsted et., SS^-'Flve rooms: all improvements; large attic: near Central

ava.; «□. H. AUSTIN, owner, 81 Orange st.. Newark. _

FIVE large, light rooms and bath and all other Improvemenia; rent Ittl; aecono floor. \

413 South Eighth Bt., cor, ave. !

FOUR-RiJOM flats; gxa. wa»et, toilet; $» to $11. Inquire -610 Dodd> at., cor Girard ave.,

Ekut O r a n g e . ________ _ _

FIVE rooms; bath and linprovenicnla: ne v y ' 23 Orange ftve.I IRVINGTON—To let, five rooms; adults otfly.

PLANE fiT.. 350—Low rent to dealrable tenant;reasonable improvements »nd repairs will he

made. FRANKLIN F. MATO ft CO., 768 Broad st.Mo n tcla ir a v e .. tu. first house west of

Washington nve.—Six rooms and bath; all Improvenirntfi; $36 JORALEMON, 278 Woeh- Ington avD.


HUNTERDON ST., 477—Houae, with stable for three horses and shed; good for any business,

especially fur boitllng; rent $28. Inquire 4C Wlnons ave

flACRiFTCE—This big farm will nxake proper owner rioh» 176 *cr*s, 26 a c ^ woodland,

880 oppl4 trees, pear, plum* peach trees; large stone houee, cdher aeoeesarr outbuildings in

BOYD BT.. 182—Ftv« large room* for colored family; win make all nvci-esary repairs for

right party; rent low, FEI8T ft F ^8T , 766 Broad.

• t near Central ave.. Bast Ormngs. ten rooms and bath; steam heat: electric light; dnyble ftcors; every modern gon^Uon

improvetnenti elegantlot 40*160,

REISS ft BB18B, ^ ____saentrol ave. and So. Ctlnton st,. Host Orange.

Telephone t ^ Orange,BBAUnPUL EBBIDENCB.

Cb0te«*t location m Boat O r a ^ : iboflw. reception h^l. butlm* ■ pantry, 4ho par-

*■ oil Improvements; tile bath; parquet i 80x166; driveway end Mto ferogs; eha« Ml and shrubbery; will sacrtlTce. es owner

CoB. write or 'pbone toREISS ft RKI88. _ ______

lOsDkral av*,, cor. Bo. Clinton st.. Bast Orooga •pelephnne 600 Orange^_________ _

m u st b e l l .A buslneei firm had to take thle property m

eaytnent of a note: will aaoriiloe to get what- ^ e r oosh they can out of It: high war* -real-

neighborhood, cimvenlent to eohools, m nnS-fFimtlV dweillllf.to offer tt

r^ r order; excellent dairy end market gar­dening farm; land very fertile; three mile* town, potmlatlon O.fiOO, 12 miles city, popula­tion 100,000; farm lays high, dry; beautiful scenery: 60 mltei New York; only $4,500; from non-pssldent owner. If sold this moinh. 0&- qoODBY Farm Agency, 50 Church s t, Nuw York.

ORirNTAL BT. 14» Goo5*W ub six Urge rooms. 115. roni free in Fobruary 1; might

rent coli red. BIRLSALL, 545 Orange it.WASHINGTON ST., 414, near Marshall-Five

rooms, eater and gas; Immediate possession. FRANKLIN F. MAYO ft CO., 788 Broad st.

fa r m otf 125 acre*, near Clinton. N. J-: ha* H5 acres vuluable ilniher; worth more than

12 0(10; ninety acres tillable; flne (or grass, grulii. stock and fruit; water In every field: □Ice large house and large bam buildings; best Of water; fruit for home use, one mile lo rail­road depot; price |4,0W; terms lo suit. Ad­dress i2 S tD V. S. CONOVER. Clinton. N. J.

TO LET. May 1. 12-r«o{)m house; limirov*- inenlB; near Lincoln Park; rent $1,D7S per

,\dflresa Horn«, Box 28, New* offle*.

APAHTMENTS-The Ridgewood, Clinton av*., cor. Ridgewood ave.; eight minutes from

Broad and Market ats.; fins building: choice direction and ride on Broad car; flve room* and bath; heal, hot water and Janitor Includ- eil for Yeifl per month. Inquire on premises ; or MeCX'RDY. 805 Broad st, '

decorated; rent $13. Inquire top floor, 474 \ South 12ih strrVB rooms, bath; steam heat and Janitor

servlca furnished; $20. Apply Janitor, Ml Wallace st.

ORANGE, Centre *1,—House of nine rooms, flve rooms, four room*; OnkwtiOd pi., five

rooms and ham If w am ^; Central ave., three MULUCri, 111

FOR RENT—Two nice large connecting rooms;one as kitchen, other a* sleeping room-poxior;

113 Elm Bt. Inqulro 87.a pa r tm en ts .

STELLA AND RUDOLPH.West Kinney, corner Halsey; beautiful seveo-

roitm aparlmente; shower bstb, heat, janitor; special Inducements offered desirable lenante. FKI8T ft FK18T. 738 Broad,

FS5UR light room* at 117 Warren st.. $H;gas and water. ROBE, the butcher. High and

Warren sts.FAIhMOUNT AVB.

improvements.37Q_Fiv* rooma. bath, all

rooms. J. J. East Orange.

Chestnut st.

ORANOE. Taxtor el,, 30, 3S. « -F Ia t. four rooms; all irnprovemenla oxcrot heat; $Io.

HERllERT AUSTIN, owner. 81 Orange Bt,, Newark. _____

WASHINGTON BT., D7»—Nicely furnishedrooms; central location; all conv«riemces;

ilao basement. ______ _WALNUT ST., fle-Nlcely furnlahed sUigle and

connroting room; all Improvements for houwkeeplng.___________________________WALNUT ST., flfr-One or two neatly furnished

roomsT, suitable for light housekeeping; home comforts. __________ _

FURNISHRlil ROOiMS WANTtUD*COUPLE desire two room*; light houseiie«plDg.

Address Respectable, Box 61, New* cfBoe.TYANTED by man and wife, well *teom

heated furnished room; private family; somep^rivlleges; near Habne'e; reasonable. Addreos Refereiiee, '* "" 'Box 24.'^eWB ofTlca.WANTED-One cr two rooms or use of rooms

for sbout hour twice a week, vicinity of Lafayette and Elm st*. Address T.. Box 15. New* office. _____________WANTED—U|b Of room about eight hour* a

week on the Hill, vicinity of South Orarife ave. Addrera T., Box 15. News office. _YOUNG MAN (27) requires fu rn l^ ^ *wm

Brood and Washington ite; i2_an_d_M

APARTMENT CECIL. Third and ficllevlUe avea.; Choice corner seven and nine room

epartments; possession immediately; hand­somely decorated and containing all up-to-date Itriprcvementa. Apply to Janitor or FULLER Land Ca. xVrJlngton, N. J.

APARTMENT, DEL MONTB, at 48T-4H5 Bevcjith avp., near Raseville Ave. Station; to rent, six rooms asid hath; steam heal and hot water furnished; Janitor servli:©. inquire .'18 North Seventh st., or any agent.

On^LET'rE apartments: six large rooms; tiled bath Janitor service; telephone: excellent

hou«; rent low. iJJUIS SCHLESINGER. Union building. Clinton st._____ _____ ____GREEN ST\ 36. near Broad—Six large rcHims

and bath: all Improvements: $20. FRANK WigiJOHN. 741 B r o a d .__________


t h e COLONIAL.755-187 Central ave., Eask Orange, near Haw­thorne ave.. eight lerg^ light, all nutslde rooms; all Improvements; very desirable. In­quire of agent, on premiers ___________

' TO LET_Six or *Bvett rooms, for odult* only,! wUh bath, steam heat, lUI ImitrDvemenlfl;

healthv location; one block from trolley, eight mlnulee to D., L and W. I>epol. Inquire J6 , Laurel si., comer Llticoln_ftve., Grange,____ _I TWO or throe rooms to let. B^^ITorence eve.,I Irrlngton, _______ ____________


yearPRlS't'E HT.. 2ft'i-Flv

ftTiiaii$U. FEliiT & FEIHt

large, light rooms: olnrcd faniilv: gnoa condllloTi: rent

-------- Broad.

POULTRY AND TRUCK FARM.Five and a half aores. excellent two-stori',

•even-room houae, uecseaary outbulldirige;

Surest spring water supply, quantity fruit, V* mlnutae” walk R» depot: good railroad service; 87 miles out on Jersey Central, bar­gain: Jl.WO"' balance e‘« sy terms,

PENNSYLVANIA AVE . 141L-Ten rooms and all trnprovciiiiinis; in good condition; pos-

stoMloii at once Key next door.HOl'SK to let. suitable for one or two fami­

lies. 923 Ekiulh l^th at., near Clinton ave. Inquire S4S South Orange a>je ______________

FRANK BECKEH. Hampton Junt-tlon, N J.WAI.NI.'T f<T,. 44—Ten large, tight rooms.

suitabiv for select boardlng-bouBe; rent $32 F 1ST ft FEIST. Brtiad, _

tarimi, ^ * V ” lfi*-room on*-family dwelling; Mortgage $4,000; we are authodeed to offer U at iTdw. which Is $400 1ms than It co«t the

Ksient owners; absolute borgliiD; only $1,600 *h required. _

CXlNNOLLT ft CONKCa-LT.IStb st. and 4th ave.. opposite Amper# Btorion*

e a s t o r a n g e , n . j .^ ,8 0 ^ n«w two-famlly housk d4*lT*lrtY h>-

ettad, 14 rooms; •team beat; •atlnly bmo-

WILL LEASE unusually handsome country residence, modem conveniences, perfect

der, good ouibulldlng*. choice fruit and b ties; Bln* a ^ s good sBll- lawn, b 'evitiful tha«Se' near Burlington; tmmedlatB poeseeslon A w DRESSER. Rurllngton, N J.

I ahTOR pT 224—Houbi* six rvmus, water, gas. lollf't. gfK>d ordpr; tin; key at 224. JORAL-

2TEMCiN, 278 Washington ave.

farm ba rgains—1» acres, fine property, j vp 49- lni,ear station; 13.1, 'JOHN D7TbPPtN. Orange andothers, 10 acres. 11.700; 45 sores full# stookH.

M 000 : 00 aoree. extra good gentlemanfarms Ifl.OUO; some exchanges. VAN HORN. Union Dldg.

HIGH ST,. ft2l. corner Morton—Fine steam hi Ated house*: Immediate poiwosSon: low rent.

Inquire WARD. fi2 H1U *1. _________possession.; nlna

------- TN ~

APARTMENTS In the modern and up-to-date PrfWf>eci snd Grafton apartmetit-housns, most

select oecllun i>f Forest Hill; six room* and baih; rent, WH to $42; rtferences required. PHITjIP j . BOWERS A CO., 180 Markol st.

irUNTEHDON ST„ OM-Bll .roome, etwm I oHANnE-Ready FebniaiT 1, -heat. aJl other Improveijenie. $20; live rOTtoa, | 4ecorate<l; separate porchee,

US, ateam heat, all Iraptovementa. BEARDS- , ; . ro.ivonlent: !2D mocth; taUe SouthLET, rex Clinton ave.___________________ ; Mai'Iewond trollay, kH oit Cheat-HDNTBHDON BT., 725^Flat; flv* larBS rooma ] hut at. MAl’lNTUSH. ‘phone tSSSL OranBe. ,

aiiiJ hath; all Improvements eicept heat; rent | $14. Inquire first floor. MARKION. (

APARTMENT LAUREL-Hlgh-claas apart­mem at 101 South 7lh sl-i near ISlh ave.;

fln4i> location: ali up to dalo; beat and hot aatnr furniahi^d, Jsrltnr; auto accommoda- Ilona, tel. 4R23J. Newark.

HUNTERDON 8t.. !1N). between I7th and, 18th avcfl.t-Plat to let: flve rooms and bath; laun- |

dry and all Improveraenta.

f u r m s h b d f l a t s t o l b t .

HILLSIDE AVB., J18—Six light rooms and bmh tin first floor: sletmi heat and eteclrtc

light: all rooms to be decorated. ___

room apartments; _ llor servtoe; fur*

Dished or unfumlshed. for light hous-f-keeping. BUYER agent, 782 Broad or 117S Broao,

BKGAJp ST.. U82-2 and p r l \ ^ bath;

Dear«r week; Immediate answer. 3nx 28. News office.

Address SMITH,


EA8T ORANOE. Mala et.. a20-Dellghlful eteam heateil. large a'ad «ma!l furnlehea

rooms; Oral-class location; small private fam­ily: gentleman preferred; references; near sta­tion. ___________________east ORANOE, Nerlh 10th « t, Wl-Two

laige. connecting rooms: also one large single room, gas, bath, sleam heal; two minutes to Ampere Station. _____________TWO furnished rooras to Ist at Briek Church,

three rnmutee' wallt to rtjjt™ ; h ^ tAddress by letter only. Box 40, TBAaEB 8 Adv. Agency, East Orange._________________TO LET—Furnished room.

Clinton st.. Bast Orange.Inqulrs 24 North

f v h n is h g d b o o m s WAMTBD—Ot)TOF TOWJf.

APARTMENTS—Ml. Prospoot ava.; six rooras and bath; every improvement; separate en­

trances; ftleamera; one month’s rant free; rent reasonable. FKIPT ft FEIST, T88 Broad.

H1LTJ3IDE PU, 31—Two rooms; Improvemenl*, rent $5 and $6; tour rooms. Improvement.

rent tti. L. 20LLMANN.

BROAD ST Bt. near Third ave.—Three nf four nicely furnished large rooms: improve­

ments: adults: reference required; $15 pef month.

W O or more furnished rooms for light h d w - , keeulRtf. COLLARD. 192 Palisade ave#, Ws*t ( HobokcB, N. J. . - -

APARTMF^TS. 253 FatrmoUht ave.—Five and six looms and bath, with or ■without steam

heat; fine location; 10 minutes from Broad and Market; near Orange ave. cars#

h ig h st .. 4B8—Single and connecting rewms;also Lhree-room flat for light housekeeping;

Improvements. _____ _______________

1 FuB RENT-A modern apartm et^ eight‘ toomirfunitehtd, (Ine h-cottop. JTO per month;

1 tef'srences required: no children. X>K. M1 BTRAUSaHERQ. 585 High St#

a pa r t m e n t . 147-140 New st.—Six and ««ven r«im apartni4'iits; al) light rooms; nicely

decnraiod QOERk E, Metropolitanblil ., * Market and Washington sts.

HAMBl’RG PL.. 215—Six light corner rooms; giLS and water; $10. Inquire Fulton at. FUH^ISH U D FIftATS

HOWARD PT . 5»-Rooma to tot. Inquire &;* puRMigHED apartment j;^smal1South Orange ave.

APARTMKNTK, comer Hill and HolMy—Six large aienm heated rooms and flne b a tf^cm ;

sullioblo tor doctor or dentist; first floor; jani­tor •er'»’lc«. Inquire WARD, 82.

nx«; prlvsoy of a single dwsLimg; An* •msd for irt'er $B00 s year lo flrst-QlsM

Jwsn'tV "close lo trolley and'train: this Bwner Is deeirous of making a quick sals; larga ■Baount can remain st 8 per cent.


NEAR ARLINGTON AVB.east o range sa c r ifr^ .

PrAeilfally new twr>-fam!ly houM. in T*-gtrlcied msldentlsl serUun. only three roln- Utoa to Grove St. Stollon ahd tfollsy, lAUtAs to Grove St. SltiUon ahd tfollsy, lA beau tl fully decorated reomi and two baths: all modern improvements, including *epsnne

!tsam heaters, make us sn offer and w« will rrsnse terms. PHILIP J. BOWERS ft CO., IfiO rfarkri Bt _____ _______

rrVB sersi for $100 (18 moottilY);aoU for fruits, bsrrte*. ve#«taW«, squabs,

poultry: n*ar AtUntlc O^ty; rtellghltol oUmato. W * tnsiLrsd; booklet free- FRAZIBB CO., fil5 Baltfy b^alDfi PhUodelphta, Pa.OAJjDWfiU* TOWNSHIP: 13-aore farm: slgflR

ream hou**; born, hennrrv. fruit and ehsdi trSMl buildings In good repair; Caldwell Sta­tion and trolley, 8 miles; |3.WV». Particulars, Owner. Box B. LtiOe Falls. N. j

rooms, $35, Bcvcnih sts.HAl.r.'?ET RT., l2+*-l2’n-oro house, suilataie for

buanllng-bouae: rant $4& Apply H. C. ROB, IS Cedar st.COZY A'e-roora house; newly reimvntod; ejs-

gant oulghhorhood- 0. J MORRIS, 316 Elm st.(.'LAY ST —Suitable for two families fw boord-

Ing-hnuse: rent cheap. Inqulrf- 3<M Broad st.

APARTMENT In Roseville; flve rooms end bath; strarn heat; ionttor servlet and hot

water supplied; rent $16. PHILIP J. BOW# EHS ft CO , 180 Market *t.Ai^ARTMENTS, 1158 Broad sL—Ftva rooms

and bath; at) improvcmsnto; oaar South st. Station; one month's rant fiwa to dsslrxblo tonants. Apply Janitor.

JAT BT., 18. near Orange at. and Mckawanna Btatlon—Five light room fiuta; modern Im

orovements. separate piii’chea; Janitor aer- nce. Inquire 2H Orange st.; $14.50'-$15.LAf^YFlTTE ST.. 339. corner Polk-Four

rofin^ on second flour; large and light; with Improvements: rent $12. Inquire 171H Polk st.LITTLETON AVE:,, 8fl-«lx light rooms; bath:

pADtry; all Improvements. Inquire 64 Stir­ling n.

e<l InI sirabln,

.wark or iSnsl Orwige.

.Qjt Jwi. News office-. _________WANTED a furnished aparttn^ht of threa^or

four rooms, bybe located in a respectable location, give full Information atid terms- Address Terms, Box M News office,_______ _ . ____

OXFORD P T , 07—Nice house, with ssvenrooms; large yard, $K>. Inqulh' S4 Fulltm at.

__ _______ _______________ ' HnrBK lo lot,, six roomn. Ilf0 >UNTRT raal estate of avpry kind anywhere I iTi East Kinney st.

rvnt. Inquire

In New Jersey; state wlsh<is; Usts sent fre-«, | PAUI. F. WILUAMB. New Unmawlck, N, J. I IIO L 9E S WANTEUI.rrV'B-AOBlfi poultiT and truck forma near j RANTED In vicftlRy of 12th . r 10th ava.. be-

Atlantic City; easy terms. s<>iiil for booklet. 1st and R)th st . houae or a store withAdrtrcM Poultry. Box 67, ______i rormecting w m s . Address T , Rox 15. News

effleo, __ ____ ___ ____________

BUY THIS TWO-FAMILY iwelllng; evw7 possible convsnlence; completedwelling; every pot

improvemaois; 15 rooras; two baths, separate |Mtora; hanoaomelj* decorated: slate ropfs;

Nl'TLETY—BIX acres; oM-fsshloned eight-room houee near trolley and elation, only 14,500.

! m utch . 1^ Market n. TO LET—OUT OF TOWN#

porchMi big plot: butt lot; IT.UOO; easiest - • PElBt ft FEIST.»n»s; estate mortgage.

■ Broad.ffAKEN through fortolomirs. will he sold for

price of mortgage, fl-elory frame house, 16 footns, all improvements; 3H-story barn 4 litallB Shd coachman's qu&ners; lot tOOxsl ; MdentleJ sactiOD East Onmge; price $10,660. BLaCKLu(;k , 168 Market s t


ITNE home for sale. 18.500, big mi)rtgag» can ramatt, 10 rooms and bath, all Improre-improve-

nents; must be seen to be appreciated; this Emiserta worth $7,500; it would be wise to act ftt once. -CHARLE0 H, HALGN. 883 Main

Bsat Orange.CROICK LOCATION In East Orange; flue 18'

room bouse: iroproTemeots; two minutesf l ^ Brick Church Butlon: owner must sell; fwiy 8L600 cash required. Address Brick Cbarch, Bca $1, News ofTloe.

FARM of $D acres on Joralsraon et.. Uellevtile;poseeBsion February I- J. II- FRANClfiCO,

T51 Broad st.

SOUTH ORANGE—Elccnrt Btcme residence, seventeen rooma three baths, stable: twelve

ar-res Of land In gardefi. shB.li* trpcs and shrub­bery, near Ridgewood rd J. WARD SMITHA flON, Prudential bullciing Nrwark,

ATARTMHNTS—Qultmsa s t , flS; sbe nice, benuuful rooms, ttle bath, private balls,

lanliijr service. Inquire DEAN ft LINNh^TT. S21 rilnton ave.APARTMENT—Sevan rooms, batti. til mridern

improvements, including steam heat and elec­tric- light; coDvenietit to trolley llneH. use foulh luh sLAPARTMENT fllx rooms: all Improiements

excepting heat, Jajxltor services; cvoryihlng new: convenient to Broad And Market nte. i l l New el.

MURRAY 8T„ 47-Westerly half; air rooms;good lopstion; $16, Inquire L. B. HSATH,

19 Hillside ave.MILFORD AVE., 55—Five large, light rooms;

al! Improvements; steam heat nirmshed; ref- erancB reqalred.

p r u N is i iE D nooM S t o l e t .ATLANTIC 8T., 11—Cosy, heated room. 11.60;

large for two, »a.26; ai! Improve-mente; near Broad and Bridge et».________ _

BOA.RDINO.a t t h e h o te l KENSINGTON

yon get every modem Improvement and hotel Mrvloei rates about the same aa tha ordlnaiy boardlng-houee; eulteo and elngly; family and Iranelent. Eaet Park and Mulberry ate._____AN airy, large room with board; aleo two

.mailer room#; convenient looallty; refor- encee eaohanged. Addreae A.. Box w. Newa cflice. ......... ... .......... ..........BROAD BT.. 8n»-00l-asiM t pvlvats boarding

for famlUos and psrmansnl iptost#; hsv« traiilde exposuift, tanmag ao^ri• 1 1 ^ and air; also tshis bosM. wttbottt m m ft Jrao dfstrtjd; rotes modarata.BROAD ST.. OlBi opposlls d tp haJI—Iftfftb

room or two, wltn board; stsani BsoteDEAtmrUL targe eMOdappolnltnent: SLReaeonable, Bax L <™"’

DROAD HT.. 040 fistoot furaith^ room* for genllcmcn; also largs, light kitchen with im­

provements.* for light houoekseptng; steam heat; reforeflcs*. ____ _________ .

NEW BT., ast—ArM nlM roomel tS lo _____email,family. HENRT J. BERRY, 7W | v „ „ w . wllh running water and gae rangei.

Broad, oftr. Uaricet; 'phone 4112. --------- —----------- ^

liKOAD ST,. S72—Two and thTM MnnKllng front roomi. furnlehed complately for houeo-

irniil tSmia heated, all ImBTOTBmenti: ex­cellent table; heme* cooUlng: unle hoard, ja.50.b r id g e 8T„ S8. naar Broad-Uerge. heated

room wUh board, lor two gontloraen or man end wiferwrmi reaeonable.________________

ONE MONTH'S RENT FREE; BBAL’TIFCL , „„„„ _____ _ ________.MByEN-aooM -APABTMINT. IN EXtn IJ. | g(“ ,ru ';n d imileye; private family. S ira RESIDENTIAL SBCTIOH " -----' ----r-----------------

BliOArj 8T-. IIW—Deetrahio ( a rn le ^Impts.; telephone; t!<invenls;dl to South st.


APAHTMENTH, flats and housea in the Bouth £ud section; rent $16 up. DFAN &

LltfNKTT, 221 Cllntoh ave., Just at the Ftve CoriMTS,APARTMENT In modern

ssntraliy located ISftltor service. GLLLE

nent house.aportim : nest,

CO.. 168 Market utrent |80; hest, hot wsier,

N Cf — •

FAHM8 TO LBT.fa rm to let: 2fi ocroe; neof Ca1dw«U; 11

miles f r ^ Newark; fl-room house, boroi and w&gon house-; good condition; eultabto for truck raising. Adaross Form, Box 69. News office.

MAN und wife, having larw * h-juse In Bloom- fi-'ld. desire to r‘‘nt po-rrnlwH fur ihelr rasaU.

AddreHS, with reference, Houae'holder, Box 6, Nrw'H offioa.

a pa r t m e n t . 2W) Peshlns ave.. aear CllnicTi ava; six rooms, bath, steam beat, hot water

furnished; second floor; $27. Inquire IsnJror

CALDWEM,r-House of six r*'iini with water and gas; one minute'e walk from troHOf. 8.

B. HFeNNION, Caldwell

AP-ARTMENTS—Central and flustiex; corner Dickerson and Third sts.; five rooma and

bath; Janitor service; rent rsatonabtoe

KINOSLAND—Truck farm. sLk acrei: larga houae. Improvemofits: possosston Fehroary 1,

next; would sell on easy terms. WILLIAM H.filX-ROOM ^ouec! water, gas and tc4lst 186

Orange gve.. iT^ington,______________

APARTKSNTti. Model, Avon aVA, Bergen ft,— FI-riv e Koma bath; all linproveraents; Janitor.

0&T8ER ft I^LUM, $45 Broad at-

CASTLEB, 10 Stale w., Newark.


FU R !V IiH £0 HOl'f4ES TO LBT.

APARTMENTi flve rooms, flnt floor, all Im­prove moots; convertient to D.. L, and W.

fltaticn. Inquire 26T Broad st.rOHEPT H ll-I^J^rnSshed. 13-roofn dwellingi

• ■ --in dt

laAROB double house; tot 60x136; twenty-twoi s i ^ rooras; iMthe; pantries; all Impro^ev

. . ocradltlon every way; good 1n-___ two Dilnntas to Ampere Station.

Worth Iftth st.MOO CASH BtTTi

Mgv boose, roves brontlfal rocnis sAd both; froo#ft unpfoveaiemo; plot_ I; plot ShalOO; room fat

tnttey ana etatlim. TIUBT A

ilidM liLiiii ta tdeaaeiit tacalttr: tw> mhiutea ■ T S , amiam Biatlaa; nlaa rooma; eteem Owoar. IH North

WANTED with optloa to buy, place .boat flve aoren for pcuUnr boelnoei; email hottee.

aome bnulkHogl; near rallroaO; low rent. Au­drey a . W. J., Watpaok Oenlre, N. J.

Juel painted anff decoiated throughout; every Imiirovemvnt: Immediate pceeceeion. inquire Ifi Mt. Proepoci pi.

aPAATNENTB, Hven room# and bath; Bec- ond ave.. oamer Ridge et. DE, EDWIN

BETTS. 48S Broad at.. Newark.

d a te lUPROVBllENTS AND JA.VITOR BROAD ST,, 298—Bmalt room: eteam h M t^ SERVICE; CONVENIENT TO TROLI.EY;' all Improvemeute; eulUble for nne; t i pet ONLY TEN MINUTES FROM BROAD AND I week, m ar k et -

YaRKER ST., 278, near Second avt. tnirauco ' keeplag; oil Iraprovainents; fteam heati rang* 10 Branch Brook Park-First floor s])ariraetit for irooklng; rent ressohfthite . . —

In two-family bouse, with owner’s family, coo- i fm lsksd rofifllWilitlag of thrae adult.; loven light, airy room.; ^newly decorated; all Improvcmenta, eeparate 'ooTSteam heaters, etc- inquire on premises.FF.NNflYLVANlA AVE.. 1G2-New flats, six

ixtoms and bath; all Improvements; 1100111 htai; private entrance; on flrat flour. Inquire P U'. GlaARIC 38 Hhoman ave.FiFaRCE 6T-, 68—Four rooms, wash tuba Ulft

gas. r«nt $10: half month's rent free. Ownar, 276 South 11th si.PLANE ST.e ITS-Cannot be doplicolefl OT tb*

price, (toe the Unitor.ROSEVILLE, North Fourth st., W-?Ww

rooms; sll light; bath; »M IrraMwajasats;lire URa. lO N O IA t m floor

WANTED, Cheap fonro and icreage, wlthlo 60 miles New York; give all partleiaan.

EKNNBDY, J06 Fulton st.. New York City.D-AIRY f a r m wanted.^with

In work OD eharas. AWross Jt- ■OS Lake s t. Nrwarii.FARMS, acreage w plots onywhirs Id tbs

viclBlty of Neworlt Address Aj»«age, Box 65, Kowi i^oe.


TO 1.ET, house, bflii High st.; furntshsd unfurnished. Inquire or prt-mises.

a p a r t m e n t of five rooms and bath; sieam he*t sad^^ogtor s^ lo e ; to tot. Apply on

j^m toes, 886 High s t


APARTMENT cf stx light, bath; all lap ta but brot. . -wa --------Apply >0 ygJsbp pj.

rooms sad Summit st.

WELL furnished 10-room house to Isi. BOtf Brick Chusrh Rt*U'>n Address Owntt, 18

East Orange.____________proepsqt st-.

ASTOR s t ., corner FrsUngkiiysen avs.—Keven large rooms, gas and water, 116; Sherman

av«e> $08f six roroosy tioth, range and tubs, tlS. J, M. SAYRE. S48 CUaton av«.

flTOEKS, OFFlCEfle ETCa* TO LMT,academy bt.—Larare stable; aceomt&odott 40

bersss; itorog* and living spartmsbts at- tsebed; now vacant; m t tow. KJEHAN, M CUntro I t _____

ASTOCL APABTMENTfl. new five rooms and bath. OU IvpfovoflientB, steam heat and hot

water fnmlshod. Apply 81 Aster s tALPINE ST.. l#e oflf SUsabeth sts.-F Iv*

DlOfCE'-ftCofleru li-rrora grourouLn's ■cobto: Mrgn grotwds; railroad nrtkm lon forwarded or coll FREY, tat.K ew ailt.


IK tttK WTH tT,, am z WBUam-Two-lKnilT, U n a w ; a m ta t . e tw e : all modeni; large

tet; MfWNai/KMR «brFORD. lU Pru-

UROa-aTeawHn bMM: 100; frail tn r - ■ '

A. lUHLCT, Iemeau; Int Mac

n u N x

near three f.Mnedii, 30.000 eqaare fret, hrlehBiui <50

_ OadS, rev.--- ---— ------ - -Bim coostrocled. boiler. enBlne. JpOJi*

$18.0 0 0Lrentols eacriflro $»,«».

ACADEMY ST., m -lA rg s store and bOM< meot; now vacant; possession si oricej rest

$4I> per month. RtEKAN, 22 Cilntra st.

Todttia oBd batlL dambwoRer. Janitor airrvice; ol] rooRs ro tn lorgs and Ilgbi; nieriy deco­rated; root i n .

786 Bread.


dedk Ufopsrti with siding: SCO foci on river■airi divide: Msg tontft ft

ASTOH st .. 81—Store. Ottllahte for dry goods and notions, with or withoul room. Ap­

ply on premlSTfl.

ACADEMY 8T.. IT and |8 —Aportinsata to lot!•lx rooras ood bath; Mkun beat and Janitor

Bsrrioc. S . a DEMjSiE6T. 7flS Brood xL. Newark.

BRO-VD AND BELLRVIIXE JtJHCTIOK- Elegant oiOTs, suitable lor any IUhi c4> buri-

ness: rents reasonable. Inqulra at rroting offlee on pramlNa «r DR, B. OLUCBi t t C3Uh tM PL t*r :

ARCB 6T„ 18—Two neot^ fwnlsbod eon- 'ncctluf roeroo, complete for housekeeping:

I3-80 per weak; Iraprovemeato.ANN BY,, la ieoond floor; nil improvasonto;


TPTll 111,left liuiull

wliEFikROSE 8T-. 21-28-FOUr 1arg« ,re _ ~ provementi; flve mlnutea ftaao Braaa t in

Merbet. iiiuult, fStet floor, BRODY. MB BtooW.ROOMS <u Irt In aintofr BtU. Bofler lRe.amt

Wo«iaide eertlon, live la atgbt FoOifli} paUj l i t up. GILLEN COKPAWT. l»8 MMlat at.


handsome rooma,tfemen or coupleiS ovorythlng MiiMno**

gx fa r toil-

site pork.

front riMn, ja5 jf» rt.,* ” w ^ f 7 S f l^ h r other ™ a » ; aMam neat. ■««> — "-slR"W ah aooma fun light houee-

iS m S . *»»tt WMflhg N e t" . <»u m iree wrekeep lug. wm aeuna 7 ' - . ‘ ' 1 ■ iZS.,.t a tv S e m n U f : **■» R*t.ne7;tW lN' Mr:, H — l'gl>i ™«"e- ">® to ia S ta S a ^ 'enrtaa and » a ; «*at rea»n-

n tA m RK.: lfr-4Iloeiy laralahed roam for Ugbt b e5 1 S w * S i Aii iBiprovcaKiitai Motnl

-loeatiafl, ""BT.. 'I»-tlooma ruralehed for light

‘Y sS S eS itig ; ^ tree for aooklng aafl l ^ t - ti»: hot and «»ld bath emaanlencaa; prto«

BRBINTNAU., oourthouae-Board and nloehr furnished room, suitablo

for one or two*r^isaiFRQAL HOTEL, 200 Waehlngtozi st.—>

4ritb board; rates reasooable;air^rtA K TtM BTei 4l» block from Brood—

brotva fraiit room, for one or twogentf«ftwhf i l l p Bl'«» t t —Desirable double and elngle ^oSSiai 8 ^ table: refined surroundltigs: r*f>

COURT iTa, 2—DfErabie roome, wlih boojH!l: ftaara hoatr table bbard. __________

lOLBOANT Urge rdera for «tks or two, 1A Mrlotiy nrivats family: e i t c i ^ lights: otrora

; on ITMiro t: on iTBpxwettsots: flve isiovtai to eevit- hQuMj booira If doslred. Addroro HowdlkSi Box a). News offlee.EAST PARS BT., 17—Elegant liq-fe fiwnt W -

Ipr and ototr nloe rooms,, with llrot*<nMi board: aleo table board.EMMET 0T„ tt-D eatrtiile front rtkMBi oil ito-

prcpretnenU; good t»b^ board i in itfltBto Bra- iiy. • _________________________ _QARfllDE BY.« S 8—Nlrofy fnrfllsM room, for

two lAdUe t f getthraeo; PdFOtl ftniliY-EtLL 9T.\ liroWeU : tamiiked large

rocos: eouthedr roM w e; heroed: teti, alt Iraprovomettro liiro :,rofuettlftg rooiita;Milent iftMe

front; heated: totdphmi -------

HILL m .,

RENT frw to March L for Stt. a u U i rroewahte.5 newly papered rooms, N a 8A BoftUi Mth

at., near Gould avs, "BAYRE 8T„

Four rooms; aU ImptoviMor

111. Inquire Joali comer Howard, ot

iriBgflili ave.—* ,js: roitt n o and

Jtoc, ro idS ftpriofflold avt . oUoloth SUM,

flOUTH ifiTH ST.e «2-Seo0rid 08$ raodontwn-fsniiiy howro. seven rootofti.^ SWESK”

ractns, steam hrott rrait $& JOHN IX TOF* PIN, Orange and 7th ^ _______________

COURT BTee iSfl Rvt dhovs lone? front room; rtsam h s ^ i u ^ «B*

vUSScAoi seathM sflVOtVt: BA* WlHI frrlvqfs ttmihf'

BOUTH IITR 8T„ S68-F)ct !■ V bouse; scMiwe Steam b e a ^ ; oH

nents. JOHN MSNTZ, SI M havo.'


80UTU 6TH 0T.a 148-fltxbath and poairy: private

pi hrot; realratals excepttt fooeft traprove-

SOUTH 17TH 8Te stx

H M T o -E tM flat! t t M ( i; oil iHtcflhtiMBtoi t o t

TOURf d toflhoustheeplag; batbj Mft food MifelklKW!)K>p4»

eeataaUy loaatefl; wa chtldjaa.m n ttO N jt^ ^ T O T ta h a d naata. alea n a a u

far Ught !EAST PARR «Te, “ t

fy toniaiiad rooro*. ooaocotlag lif d o r i i ^ : ^ cnftmleooia: fdo® IM » api^Sepkow oouftto-linne . . a -----

knnm x: OlTO rOWBTO fOV gOmlSBiea, Uro ■«keeping;laimdrr*


rRANKl at- »-«■* *51 "«e;dftteS;

m MTOM erith beoidi I M ogftirerodtp halU

HUliBOLST 8T., 16—Funtariiftd roora, «itb

Bag II, K a w a e to e .___^gx» M, near Sliaahatti av a~ L arA

flHMRt. inU lOTlefrad rauin, eillii flnt-OieiUMRtt weu Eurpiewsa n n aa wiui a tw h n u f l . Iieel. »*tli, gaai a p lau an t feoma

hotneORe l e f Jaaaeaahla.n o r t h SWTH bt., s* -p m ala bcuglag-

acheol lar Bbtiflna tr im .g.Taaaa la U.fjS S 'p iZ ^ -

T»a aiNtaa al aaoaut • vKb prtvaAa lath ;

“ “ ■*»»*<- m fra a e a ia v ..

hOfrRVlLLS, North Yltth . (MBifrr «aaU take aha-M tMh at irttlKaat M f« ;

at.. »-*Privala ...kwa j^ t te iM a .

y '

N E W A R K E V E N n ^ G N E W S . W E D N E S D A Y . J A N E A R T 20. 1909. ' 19



BHEHMAN A\'K.. room withtK ttnl. barndy lu (foUty*! fu« iil*o

4tiuU)»r roum, AultabI* lor (wo.

The “Unkfritten” LakfV a rio u s T h a se s o f I t a n d W h y th e S u b je c t S h o u ld be

S tu d ie d a n d D is c u s s e d b y th e C le rg y .


"SUp and Down

the State

STATE RELIEF PLAN IN DOUBT.Many Lawmakers Not Disposed to Take Cash from the

Public Schools-Forfs baugural Remedy.

kIx leuiM uUl h> 111 ttiift tiTt«‘rt^uoi)In tl)M Kcfumiri l olnirch ot MW .lK■t^u^b• ItftV. J. A. Tli'im son. tlie ntit-

A . A re ,u l t p( A rw .nlly_ r» tu rh . , 1--H,n,a t. !y ta«Ml upon th l . j clalod^ I;;:!* u 'e ,;

NUHi' ll ITht: lunurul of ElliHh M. Huff, gev tiily - Bv frnm a Hiaft Vnfrfsitnndfnl

T H K M O N Jan -Guvonuir au*£H'’i'tfInri In lljn llirsu len i'd du-rtcii In ih. S taa- in^aBurj t>y withliuidm#*

P'Lrthrular Ktnuiiil.1( Is n«t III.' (ipti^nl tn thf* iinw rlttrn

Tlf’HZNOIi VT., la. ns*r Br oad— . ed by B jury In it m u n le r tr ln l m uch Ih

----------------------------------------------- r . : -------u n w ritten Inw." upon w hich the 1 ,TWO or tu r n rMB... ' ‘™'* " , Juf l gment In t i n t c a .e l i KansrAlly sup- whi.-h w,- cull tin- "Ailmlnl.t-

, pu .cd to h .v e been h « c a . Befom neo to , .................. .j th is uhwrltl**n luw la (ffowlng m ore and tin. uiisli.it i i

more frequent. I t ja beJnir re fe rred to | ton law I ID oflfln th a t m any persona fe a r th a i the ; P'''l>‘il'‘rBOARD '5 ^ 5 3 ^ 5 5 : BOARD-Touna lady w^ahaa room wUh board

i?mi..h*yed during day. Addreas II.. Bo* 7u, News ufJlce,

' (he Jud^^1• BlaraLs fm und pow er <.f tla* « ih -

Avh:h' the ju ry eland»= ff'C Ha? ii[;ment hivolved In Iho

ihitfa leaidi'Ul of eS.iiiii'i sei t.'ii'inty und H nurnhiT "I In this Kectloii

Ht.-s VN IIluiii ItL'i-• JI an. uf Knrniii, N. V . hiiH la rn a gia-Rl of hlS fa ther. H '’v. ,)9>hn H an , ;ii (!u' itf lb au n tjI hu n li al > • t'li.iiili',PK VIM ti :( .l»—

Tl;w tu fi 'i.j] .S'-rvlriH of Ml’S. C lm i’cs I ClfniL'iii (.'.unit!'. 11, wl>u died nu tiutiiUi/

lifter flON’t'': ai j i . i rn ' llinK-», took hhu#

uhiMit IhtX'OjWO annually fn u n th»* puldk' echitul fuad revt'uuea, Is in>t likely to benuiti* fKVorahly rr*crlved thiin It w.iH t»l'| <*ach LloUnr >'f salua tlon "f ’ ntulii ‘ll•m" Hiv U at L*.‘gl*iluture. 'J’hu t l« ih t opinion on ip fily in adum oii in itio • averagw ru le" .■vm-sHcJ by Sci'flinra am t A is c m b ly - | nt wM. t. th is ebrnn r.llrn n il p ro riT ty l»

liuu .tR.Hl SHtid

I | f L B l N T ? r O T B ? r *I The BniTtan T u w nih lp Com m ittee, a { lie meetinip here , announced the following ' iiiiiHilnltnr'rls of niitd overscera for the I tw enty-five d ifferen t (Uatrlcta: Jacob T.

llu d tiu lt. O eiirso F tnk . T h u tm a llam p- ton, w ilUnin Leonard, W llllaiii Duyd,

: Robert T lia icber, W llllm n Y. Holt, la-m- uel 13uchun..n. Chtirlea SIpler, Wllltum 1,. Elok, Joseph T rlitm ier, 1.. V. Stmidlford, M. T, S liy k er , Chiirlea H ayw u-u. Jehu B w liit, Kr HM Jonea, John V. Hletftna,

hitHcd (Ml n true vuluatlcin. To uccoinpHeh \ t ItlUin M el hereon, John II, U.Litman. ItilH porpnw , ev. II If the "m iln a lrin " ' W, A ru ri.e , Jm-nh G. Kiirlun, Wlllliun v.i'.u, iii.M l« Old .liMilili-.l 111 lu-ilr 11 (lile i *> ll.U'Mni, K. .M, U U h, John Elzol. lU'ol.oi'il.Mi 1‘f Ilii' ll|■T(■lm'■ll wilu.Mloii .’f , The llourd o t VUliipc T rueteea a t Ita III! Ollier I.r.p .-iiv , tl.i l .w n iek e is Imvu nicellng M ondhy evening appolrilcd iin.Ml or pl.i.i I'hut ie, Pi ndiJ for Mtiite Ooorgu Vo«el jn iillu r of the Ore aepari- uei'S a tnX i-r Miii--liMlf of one pet le n t. <in i hmnt hulklliiH

The men niPinbera ot th e F lra t Biiptlal tT iurch will aervu u wiilPe aupper In the

HnMIC for an eld gantleman naedlng a man'i care. Adflreaa Home, Boa 85. Newa othoo-

MIDUI.K-AGED WIDOWER dealrea pormenent .ti.jin Willi hreaklaat only: plain anil home­

like' wllh widow or amal! family preterral. Alii If Ilia Haaaonable. Doa <H. Newr office.____WANTED flrat-daaa funilabod room and bed-

roimi, wllh hoard, for young couple; within mile of Brood and Market aU. Aadteea Room, Rnx B5, Nowa oHtea _____ _________________ _YUUNQ LADY wlahcB riiotn and board In

Riraeyllle aectloii. prlmia family preferred. Ad lreia K.. Bo* H, Newa iiHirc _

frmiuent reference to It m.ay dlm ltilah re- ' h ''h ( I'l'ml rpeinbers of th e Jury bring ' inoniina- nnil [tic im em ie tn w ill IjOkoeot for the w rllton law end th a t n ; " " the peraotial factor of I nn Thiirediiy. .siioI* . . . . . I , ' n-nia while, I ' ' ’lewe, which In general a re I Jj euyvlvod by u luiHtKiiid. win, la m an.i-

slflto of anarchy may reault. Tbt , h view's nf the pupulnr or tiiniiB mind. | gar of the lam ibm olllce ,,f ilie Stnndnrdquite true In a aonae, !■ no t • lio g e th e r Th...v two ihlnga a re untlllietlonl. N either 1 Oil Ooinpiiny. and a bmii. C L. Camp* tru e In the aeiise of s tan d in g alone ua ii , is Irn rrnm . Jiidgm enta of Judge* have « da lighter, Mlea Theodore 13.re».aon for dlareipoct fo r th e law, W hiit- I fr-guvotly been raversed . and a Jury m ay ■ realdentever there may be of thle, d1»r*ipeot haa , ” 0' al all repreaeo t the u n w ritten law , ,,n.g UutTiilo, N. Y ,sevarnl *ourc«a nnd the appeal to the I "'' ' 'hhai upplJcjible form ehiee th e F r ij„ y , w.is burled In thn t c ity yi.--

i.w . I . of Ih .m iinivrltten l.iw In the case of u tynehlng ' lerday . Ho w as s e ie n iy years of iig«unw ritten Saw Is only one of I am. | i.lls fi.r tlie exocutlon of the crim inal, , Iiru't hl» rteiith w as due lo goiiunil di - Dlareapect for the law grow s from die- j ,,, , m ih j. He wae o im tii.' of Trey. At the

regard fo r the law, both hy the l iii l i- j- i '; , , It i.alLs for Ilje exiict opptislle.

BOAJttDiMd—OUT OFAMI'EKE. N j .—Tm.j Bn-l board for

lAO atiults; TiMi* Am]<br« Htutlua. Uo* HO, Ampere, N J.UlilCK rHl^RCH, Aouth C-llmon i t - W -Larga

flnJ NDiall room, wllh rettned private famtlj': giiiiil home table; convenirnt to all cars.

rnaion st.. it—Largs(l.'uhle and slriRlo room with ti'ara, in dfislr-

Mmk- r Ms lif'ftth, Mr wng vlrvldual and the aggregate. E very ilme ] This In Itself Is aum elent evidence for ;'."^r;,;,';i,,||'^“ ‘;S p a n r '^&n iDtUvldual w ith Hmi ’‘pu ll’' netfl i th f siiiienioiit iliui (he TinwrlltPii law w ^vifi . ilvi- H .n.H and oua dft:iglit».'f siirslvogHldo a Ufw fftr the purpns^' of u tta lnn ig .tn .k uiuI f.t' t , luii w hether jury or ii him Th-' ilMUghtcr 1« Mih . ArUusr M. a eertulh ImnicUintc tind ii.'juoUy a khikII j'liU* Ih tin In-si nnd (no.'H o«iuipftl«‘nl fX- I ’r.'iu', u.*' iliJs city*

]ii h( nt Ilf (I, it ;,iw, or wh^ihpf liotli or i l-‘’au< i< .1 Uliil?., ro'inAf l Mr lifo-

rp.iTK (.'RriiQ’ii* bouth cimion »\ (Ixuhle and slriRlo room with ti'ar

ablu kx-aiion; convenient lu aJl (.ars.

liLl-LRVlLLE, Ralph st

and solflah end, giul every itm ? a eur-poratlon dnea ihe wain.- thing, tlif e*tl-mailoii In w idth th« low is held by those who lire UHually cullijd Iho 'IgnntH nl nmfifles*' le lowci'i-d to nn m 'preriHhl.' e*- (eni, and m any such ai-Uune tunii to tie- fltruy entirely the rtfspeci th a t men Iiuvh f(tr thu luw.

W hen Leglalaturen grind aul hnphiicard Inw's and i i l- i i lg is i^ Ihw'h und dk-tory lawn, whiclt thi-y m ubt d' I_ _ 1.14-Uuardere want- | uutll provisions urn iitii-lt' Horm-wli.il re- | call t r m^roy for t tio prlunnr r, U :i 'I M i

r'L two Vir* four^genllemen; room gmJ home ' Hembllng thdee nbfulning In 1he Knpll:^ii [ rernml.v Ii l« a fiuIlluMvc- ami an cxc-el- |

ii 'llh c r niii\ It-- HUJ'h :in extn>ncnt. are iH ih tly U'lii.!.-s:! li- jivoTxtdliJ'tnK Fgr tlie JUtlLp iu» li< n Hlands flU' IhfiwnEt^ti law, tlM Jury for i>uV>lk‘ nu-ir, n ^ itl: 'i , UuTt-ftn-t . »h|.uu1b fur tho utiw r i i t f ’i i,,w 'I'lu t*' h In this an tl-th f l l 'n l K( "III' Ilf [»cr-i'!is, i h«‘i I'fi'1 f, no ariij il t-Ypniii III nf t!]i unw ilU 'i i htw. iieiut; tne llu'Ught it^ccntly \ iiIc(h1 Ituii i th f Jtiry ill Eiioii «tAs>»a aln^uid Irnlt' i. hut ,

itH'u will/ huVf carefully conaUkri'd Hiv rni\ I rii'>i > Ikinn .'liil ninasAgt blm.0 Iho

rtdjuvirnnn-ht w-i>l«.-i".luy.'lints •-ci-iiisi II till* lileJt I't ii nirijorlij'

of ih f I iVMi.Hk.TJ!, n - 'tw lihstun illng th»9 livk iM-rafiU y.i llK* I'lan Uy tin* tiliiie ] 1-in.tid ul VMucrilh.n. Thftl in'ily Ir imi ro iifl UM huviim mi olijccd n lo a fwluc-lUm n!' .irmijt iiic ftnbuini TuitTif-l Th-?

iUH_ U Is pclutY id out, W‘'u iJ tuil mlH-i lil t! iinKMint from the ni incomorr-iiii ••tiuiIti ntt*m ■ ruliwuv If Ui« in, fum<> frum ihi4 soufco, nainf’il hy tinv* iTTiiu* l''orl fur (ho cLipront cur-re t.

Thi- Hovcriioj, IriadvcrtcnUy, no doubt. In hl.LlltiH thi t-."I of till* i ' .iti; fur the Vi'ur erirttisK Ju ly 1. next. tixfS tho uTTuv.ail re> d li Jin ih '' ‘ :i < i; striiitux ut ’I'liul ui' iild I" u|ipr»'X-

u< I-. I taiit/^ iMiituse. ......... . Irnait ly uotnud If '.i*' ‘ fal i.i..Mit'ljml-till, i v i ' e n h i " n f l e r , . d ' r n r \ ‘,i,;iv,i,i‘''n'. f.'.re Itb « hii.i r c ’viv,.,! iby ruil .,iii'n,i,i ' luv un Hdrro^.ilc i 'u fm t the will ' f (ii- lat*' M

This. U It: CiMiiondetl would he oiinlht- hlf Mtid niil Ul vurlanro w\\): \hv N.ug-g is lk io of tiir lk>vcni'>i > liM'.(."II .li ay|- drt-M M'hn "uvt'i'Hgo liiK " ut vx|i|r|( Hui ’■jiiniii nI’ . ii' w.i;; - -i .1 Ltr.'. > c.iv \v:iH

(III!:! on i-j ih *1'" viihuiEliin. Tiic “u v it .I ug-- t i i \ iH oil ;i I iiilu r [irt fu fly,

Ini'liiditiK I'UMd iihii thk il I I in < win n iilin I > -1S\ - pt ' lulU r Is luoaUti, WiiH M IJ. '1 lit.wo I'ltlt*’

and (ill iivx ruleNti’VMil k. J1 t**1. .h i *■1 liMr, jMMi,!! M); H.dmkcn. tl

Jl.lsj. J 1 '•

leuture-rooni o f (he church to-morrow l i Vi-nlMg

Tim Kulthfiil C l’clr of K ing 's daugh ters I i»t llio L'lrst i*resb,\ liTl.in (Ji»uit.'ii will I lioki iL breud* pie und cuks sale :il liiu ! liiinu* of sMi'g. A bram ti. Ua.ie i-'iulay ul-j U'riiiHjn

Mrs. Johneon L sMInor. wife ni Hip ivia*I ( f iT Uie H upilsl church , u vlsliing

iHH I'allro-id ' 'ti Brifiiklyii.. I f IK .b .ihetl.- b ItlllenhouM and Miss

iir'iii III till* i.:ii/iiti,.[ ti I ‘aiM- iiuv'o been spcruliug muv- i.il iln>:i viitij Ml and Mrp 1-alward A.

I l< ill t'! s K.l I ul'tj•>■ ' ' i 'v , 5 :’.'i'X M.iy- II. Ti 7 . I'ii'iiili u.I'ft 'lion. $l (i2. iKllglk-

H ' 1 1 [' \ a III 11 i< 111 uf

I Hnuae of PfullalriPiii for i ■iftlng of iho > 1-nf nin . Iiul ji Is n-it a rpTiutlyJ Arllnatoft *ve aiul I Iniperfecl fruni tiro piTliad. I ho roHpect | T)u* nonwly ik-a an 'l inu.Hi 11c tn (in

William ai.—HaiidAOTtfrlvfttf tiled ‘bulhrcotn ihj' twfi. 115 Id tltf ptr wuek

*^^l^la^l^^H*^laAOTOily furn^iSieJ ro^ the conution m an b jr the law Is ap- j t ihor dln rih in . And dlrofiL jn h.TPprlvfttf tiled ■bulhrcotn. irtrHuJIng table board px^clably ICA'crt'd. Ivvery tim e L fiagrflJit I 1-ertn .‘luspi rted l»y .somo. einrp n rri'eni

j-irJor, tredroiun. - - . U'lr. ,,ant] prlvaie tiled bathroom, uicludlng tablia bMttnJ fgi twi), t24 tu |2k ppr week: pa,rlor. llhrarv. iHHlfoom and prlvats Itled hathf'.Hirri, inriudlng table board fat two, S27 to $B*Z per week, all tlip luxuries itud conxeiilencea or a flrpt-olnea fanilly h<titpl. befturtfully located.

crime la oniidojied, ih** rc:^peci of ilio cum iiion Hiiin fur llte luw Ik diEliucUy luwcred Kvery tlm« mi-n n 't "ii lb-: HcnUiK.', ',’li is not t i niininll u crime U\n holng c.iLi^hl ihnt la ilungerotiH ” thh

thrpa nilnuiM from the ILast Hraiige Alatlon, i rudpvul uf Lliu uuuimun man fur U*e lawR" ? T v M a r l b u r c u g h Apanrusnt i j j Intwrad Kv>ri Uw*? u k-gli^l.iior tiHl.s i rtgfil."- I'lM'd up' n I inn'lih

----------- -------------- -------------- --------------- Mo 'riuikr *fuotl' on hln prti-t’lei tiun j : Hia rn ufah cniukutKAriT DhANiiK, t'bpstn'it st . 2&- ETuubo Ih t • promist .h i. htpfc't. uf thi^ rumtu-m tii in

' uj:hh renovated, nuwly fund»hed: Very tl-- for (ho hiw Ib Inwf-rcd horausc his n - klcHMB „alkhb.Mh,„,<l. [,„u n,l,iiit,-k to »lall„ri, f,rcuBijnabJe. refereiiLeB aichangod , f , . , . . . v ' #Mhv law Is It-weied. Hence th e fanr en

(pn a ilu d UluL tliu i-xclcLaet uf uiiy h gu1 Jii.;Cl!i.!i l.isifil lipuii ijM uriw i-ltl'ii kiw wlii fi'ul<- iin iivh j niiiBt b*' muoiili-'i i

KAJ^T ORAN’iii: rrverKrP'ai ph. I*- lArge front room, ngkr-ond wlUi rul,,ol-ilfiit r'-nir.H If

aeslrptl: vpry ibiHlriti )p , wtih ur witliaut rgarO, teriiiP very rtaikjiiaNft.

Ka . T OKANOE. tkjuih t linom at., b2 -Ijarje(I iilile *md single well hfiitel rnotiis; best

rrsl iontlHl sertloTi, hi'ard i-i tliin.i!, iioar rb-tili (’hill I h Si a 1 li>n

EAt^T <‘>ItANA«iE. Nnrth l4th Ht..fr'itu riMim, HUltahlf. far nup nr !wm.

tififc-hfiorhuod. npfir ItusevUle and Amj''-! linns.


LAHT UKANGE. Ntirtli ii lh fit. 42—pIpHsanl rrnirn, with bnard fJtrHlI.-ni lahle, deBlmli.-

FiClKtiKnrli'Tnd: ftv«. iiilruh-M or Ift-lliy

KAKT f'llAN'Il'?. The lU. 4 ' Marri.'»on m .- Neur SluUifll, two dt .■‘U hI'Ii- r. I.ima. wtLh ex-

cetlsiit biMPd.

EAST OH.\NiJJ-', 'llnllltl jst , 40-\i>rydcplrable room tifi ePcuntl iluir; exrRdont


newAiitiper pfforl Ims dthcloAoil tho f;><l Mat there hitii been iiultc an fiuTu th' <.ill f«jr iJic 'olcr^ry" i" ct nir« m ihb res- ■ ilp. It ij' thlti ixdnt. whit h hiJB ulwd>H been malm iln»;d in i M.h column Thi' Hiulpi coiicm.- ' li.- iir wPii a.11 nialUTb uf

ii urifiu'l.)!wilti

alt ri,ulii-rs of ri^hf ui' ii m-i^t il,eplrUuul. Jrjimiupri:il, IntMiipul 1 ihlngs 'Lhc n lisMnrishlii in 1 bI.uiH In lb"p(3r*j‘.inul pn 'i ier iy of rny nri^TblHir, bis it'iilv. Ii1h h'tiiBP. hL« lot, Mb tn 'iVN', Ifl n iiMlti-i’ of .Slilo cure and u\ vij rinht. bur

| it ,p rih.tU'U in whi h inv uunh Bkiud.'H lo .illi'W for niHiij uLi;ur L-ouiJitlunii \vhiv.!i his, my ri- i - c l i.r cliBr»-fti'> t for him. nr

to c fe i i ic . aniirchy, auch ihoao for the b c lv of Ifit. s wliti h he has wi'lt-li‘Ti .4di1iiCod pnd morn than a ilujtcn tfip d iwu ;:i pfutute f^r >tlm*i If,"'hi IB. I m (hf Mpliil'ins Up Ii hS-K or rho ....... ...

\ « f r i inrtncd To Woiivnn. 1 ht* n-ollos nr Ibi ostlm.irp nf ll^p ondAiiolhur feature of tho ob;ccllun to Uie i thlrurA Hfti-i ik-uth a.11 U" «‘

npi'tiii tn imwrltUui hisv, ly liutt ih.-ic la ' f 'u t i r rF f'f >idrll-tal Impmt liU iiui.li body of iuw. This iJujuK-Umi ly hup'dl lid vallii, I hlB urilcl'- ib in nuMjj.«e ii de/cnCf of un npiuril n. the un*

■f Tnontnl I'l V a 'id u I >

rlrin- li

ij'iten Liv., ae will appear hafore it In IMi]:shi‘d, il mufit yet umphu.sl*n Lhn a.'lijai txiHiencc of puch u bmly of uii- Avntiin iiiw, ond of a very lingo body I I -ij-.ii law Th<’ irimt lu xsiih ti geijerla I'-nu IS aiwayu Its uiilhte!iu:l>l[U>‘. v. h-;u s*umhHK iiiuKi;. T h u t if i a.iy, u Koncrl':' term, 1 may nieuri any jui if a lijiidreil vtii’lQtJOS af oil. ranging Iruin jiyiruk'Urw lo tho ii\. Ji icub’a vniieiy, oni> uijo of which KTi'iip Ciiu bi. used fur

mi 11i lull ly wli l.ln th' i.i''ni:i ill I The ”i ill! fur thn r h ■ a,v I" ci'ur.t.-^ACl I • '

liicvalilng ami g-uwlni; itiHusi'P' ' fur the luw I.-: a pi'iJiH'i' "M' .Hid ' " 1" tl 'i i s>t; li'l

’ be h ' ’dnri, Citpi.ijlly by tliuHC 'l-rffvm-i; W'ho have pKSiajd "UT from nmler 11'? , palpable dniiiiJi.iiTi and C'.'iitnd ‘ f 'hl.s u' thill H'l'rleBiiiB'i ■ b.vbIoIm r "T ih* lr wmmI |and exAhiplf la " f tremcause It;

imp 'ri, he

M.iry T’liUl She <UtHl f h ag-> ,il;hi nifran>-e«] age. a t M'ilili'i,h< ig llusi ll il. b aviiitf t.uM,'Ire. Fa lhvi lh>t;.iii ari-i iK d ' lor th' funornl,

Amn-iii!'-? itieiit Ih mmh- 'if (h'.- W' iMi--g ■ r MlAs M.irtlM M. I’.r 'w n "f till-* 'H v, .i-iil ih'iU'ue A. Herm iiii, "f W utirinil , I m . Ihc l'o|^ul^.rl^ having luknn pi u - .M'Hu r. ihiy :tl W'llkoy-HatTc.MMV m t r ^ H W U K —

John M. .Su'vviii i, une u! i hr ciiy h "hi. hI niiT 'ha iitH. huB jus! reUiriu'it f p ’iTi a \i.-ll In ].BjnK Iliamth. where ini li..id a nurii''.v cS'-'iipi* fri i:i :i hm! I'-'rhii-nt Il^'JirnJ Ida wife were in n iwui-Ht^aied w iguii wUii Mr. ami NIru. Wil liam F Mai.i--y, wiiin an I't-n wa^nn collided wiih ihotr velii.hu .Mr lU.inley was ll.ruwn mil, hut It !d la.-Fi I'l the Ji*lnb aiid Ihu htiibeiji madi nu tjffid I lu tiBcape. *

JoHi-j-h l>oulsch, thfl fpnnnr I ’erih Am­boy hiijiki r. who siiem m iM>' Iwu \ e.o’S In Jail wlion Jm lge ti<»oi.u-in pmoUal Miti un l!ie cuiivuhlor: «I ap]'rnprlu ltn« i,.rnN fli'pt'Sllcd In IiIb Innikltig bunlnoMj lu hit o\\ii uKo, liitk rii 'W 'l her* .ih'l in imw a 't - ing .Hi l"i- K-k« t-i-'U- III it o .Mil hoMii lire worlis In ilic Fn-ni-ti depu iti iirif HOHiH'L'S ro w \ —

The I'l lawHin Rlvi i froui I 'l 'fiilun d ‘Wnu ...... .... !ho Nm\v Ji'!'^u\ I"1 ho I enn^s A n nj.i .k):"t i

I'h;.i i h s I ,i T1 }J, ,1 ■ ■ I Ilivm in of' i 'iIliadeli'idii, da d ....... u. Hiat c i ' v "iiM uplay tilithi. He wuP j« b ru i l a r "iHi 1 f'eri W l.A-lt?' , jj.uiHt-nyi'r ajn nf .it 1“ ,-. iiijii, .iii'l wh'i foiitn'i 'h ticket.Lui-ni ut \\)iii.- IJill, imi? ! ■:'ienl'isx n. ‘ 'liireii 'i I.iuih IS aTiulii-i hi ihi'i, anil Ih :i vst'll knowri tua.-n ' ■ i’ ajiil Is liTcuvnum ilic "HunPhuT F F .1 Ilia par. nl.s ii .d il \ \ III t"WH, N. J n \H W A v~~

F ir" yeelordav ilcsIi'A '-d Hk- iious" andd M i - Joseph Holland on

WcHtflrdd HV'-nii In lijiHrof chafi.ng t i 'I K lim- III "nuy. Tt'" insuraii e wna nli^ihl;1. (" la l A d oT i'live It ia tJ i ' i^ihl.‘J iaitcd t Im conflagration M —

M is . W illiam H. Jack.‘<rin, Wlfo uf Ib'V

dm ;lie luw 01' ri-fi. Ht Tli-- ' ' h I voir of ){iit accunlliig tn Hm St.iii trens-

urei'H leporl the .\i’rto'.ihl pnid !• t ic tou-' nit Ipullt.ea W.is L ' 1. '-h.' bahmee

of S.MITIWft'* has 1 t-.-ii rvee

nil llie ptupirl.e P. l iu - liO'H 1 X liiHlve (T iinihi j U in, i ' \ . ' ' ds >: Ik-'.U"'- o i' Thai of hU (Im "t il . in S'.rm in the Stull' WSSI Px.il bj- tho l l ' l l 'd "I Si S.H.O B at 1JJI'N I

A.M I" | l - l"Kah-\ 'd III" I ! op. soil In | iTeasu. H ' liiueiii 'T ' la his in.i'iMUial |salt!. Ill [>.' 11 ;

piupt^rty lias lie.-h '.. .. L , ; . . n ,| [ a Ml' a I" , a ii.| 11|. I'-gls-ItiiUun SI pli 'iltlod has l.i'Ml SAKaliu'd Uf

I by tlif ’ ,-i.|\si 11 lib- K 1 And ilH.** eln.s.s iif priip-U’c;i.si,in r niai in hoM ic ’lo' r ' l tlii of i lc fsl.;ii fund 'I hf cu inptruht : mil iioi or- iJei Ms d.stilbiiil"H wMiio'd h iii lit \a ui- thoiil;.. aii'l a bill fur llml inu'i” ‘e'‘ W'jih liiH"'luc< tj hy Smiati 'r LvinlU Mi'iiil.iy | itmj Ainighi

A Hlrnll w riiiirpe wnis fnlJ.'Wod la-t v+ar. bin wluic T o rnfiii^v wwh o i 'h 'i ' " l p.d'l on M,iv 1, Ha’ inw prnvideti U .shouid .»til> he US'd Tim t' l' n 'l'l \ i ’ »r hriikiTi'iUt -bflt' 1, lO'S That i. l 'p i in i l every ach"ol 'bsi:l<l In till S lab if lit sharci of n b n i t $ l i , " H i n I loti Ih' law ul lif'ii paid whonl-1 b< .bs Irdi'jlcd lur Hii- v lnml y m r nf ImiT-iiS

,'.M HR lo tllO l''gulllV of 'I hukllng up the money i i r,.;, nt

F, laHlilonihlr rl tills prr.i'eed 111 liiiH hern c*p !•Ho' naeu i i wii\ fha HdkiJjXiu 11 ih" fitepcjil I- 'ei ' Bio 11 1 lUat 1 lu- u Ha HI lioul Voai "flAiiMul.h- f"!' T tin- siniia-' diiik. y .ir

Ah a l•■llli‘dy fur fund re. I'fiij' .s H, ,|iI, Ijii llrioil 1 . 1 ;i' i ■ pi

cln.H.sn t s m u rn i h'hii'd t > Oinn.hilr tlmt,n ia l j ' " , ‘ 1.1 n.i sltlo Its l. la'*S i- ■i-s''‘‘Bi dupon Riium djiTeitHl h.tsisi uf vahi«' or nveu tindm iil iioi'M :,nv.H fioin Hiui m uhr n id th 11 l> .1 '•HiKtl The CTnji'i of KrrnrH

,•■ 1111 liAS aftltm ed LhliJ priueiiiiu! . ...S I'.I HCS.ii'ti.iiM oilriirnstajn*pa It rniahl 'Si in i llml Ih^ IftXn-

] iiip.Mt\, rj ,iap|-pi.ihllP In Imf- iiil u Ml h is L "M'uUe carnlnK. aiul M i l ' ho I'lil'Mi , by ft I IglM aJid I ' hufgcB. ii iilructly pays the l|! 1 h.< <']1 Hltl'h U bll^lf.

•1 J g tiB I m e vahif'. HP lo rt'bfVe ... . . . Id I,'I I'T'-pu'iy Hum uxa t l i i in U "liAe )j! ' ,als idlnilililUHl nil iHXIitloil Of InhvUioi: lo i.p .i lv f'-r WUlle- [Mi]jnHu.s as

Nf' on*! ImK

III linn rm l 'T

' ho buth l"ll -if

I .,i 1 Mr. a....... VpnShen,; I a h1 '

. 'i"i , \

iiMSw' i>' [a N Ft linn,1, anti tliat i" ! ij lint Is I

Hovernoi (munlB "h nni . ha''0 asknini''l fh:it ' i-t.Liure will take llm '

.:-i iipinoprl.ilisl f it \f " ‘'IH 0(1 shii'ild bo rn.nl'' a - ,. 1 1 and riol held iuf , i ' \

,, I 'Incr.malriK li e Sliilc.if II," li'Hl-l .. . ,■■' Iiijvoi nuj p'lii t s 1

r \ , r l i io ' 1 1 iiietl (he UiPliee I'f tillsI |. I L' .IH lire MX ivlll' Il m.'iy I'furtU'T'e

il iK foMdl Is Itu'ieil on II b isls wh Ch i1u*’b ti I ox •• 'I lie Hue 1 'vl ue " f Hio raFVI I 1 p! trj . I ' ' nd f h>- I iH' hs ll'l' 1"

r. n Ik Just iiix iHsjii S 'ind>, no onets I ihl I I II'' Il If wa ! .' iii.i-Hildi' ny .lusi

!,.i, ". .o il riMihliiM r c i e ’iik' I'fom I ilu ' m- ,' r d ' «1 hi r p d h. ' ijlIIH v c i -

poi.1 d'liiB M relievo ihu tiiU ena f*uin Lix- . il ,n Hill thlH wCiilrl bn an unitwlr ttble

ORAN(JR. riHvplftnfl st . Tio Hffiulirul lar,if nann, whh (inii i !u*s biHtnl, . oiigvitlul, al-

Irsetiv^ anil sjeled; threy mniutea i.Qekswajina Jitrpol, nic«]er»U, I------ ------------- — ------------- - _ salmJ-drebBiiig parin>sOP. LndOHjrauli'’BOUTH ORANUE. RcutlHad ■!.. 1J7—Fine room • m ndlllons wuuid jm rnediatPly fuliow. tor

and bath, with Lxcelkni tubl^; prt‘.al« JiiSla.nt.e, the use nf nhph(h« for salad-— ' dresBlng mr llte ph Hi.a It Ib M l. ' i>f

* 1 CijUPBO U Ifi oil, but f 'T ihU purpose 11

eppp UiUv speak i lu

Hp'le'! tvelKhl

I' J.l'kMi'/., baH K'jTm lu a BrooklynMnklna hu 'i ;wB tn undi'rji'F an ujii-ralinn f"i ,'i»*



No. [] n ty Hoi!.Newark. N. .1 . Nnvemher J. UMI8

T'l IhM Honuftiblf; T'anmon Council of ih» c.liy of Newark. New Jersey.

Oantieiiiea--1 n caiaillanoe with the act uf th^ Lt-glRtHiuie eiiilrlsd ' A further euiipk-mant uf the iii:\ entltlert 'An hot to nnietid and rfilBe thtr charter of the miy of Newark,’ " approved February 22, IKIHI, I nei''' ' 'llh prf?Pebl a alHle- meriL i f (he lash tranMUcUuns uf ihe city fur the month gf umuher. IDOH.

RECEIPTS.Tauh bahmeo Octo-

Is thi' wrung kind ul ml. bu v.li(i t-vory nr lake Hudi' i' lil 1tM't ?'SI In II to rihil nutgeneric li-rtn. It iruisl be Insh in iiy ijuiiii- wbi''thi'r l r has ;-:iId a vnlnaMf Hnnff orii'.'tl, flti Uiul lly meuniiig m ay prune avail- a uk*1*'am ore- A Hlrf'ipR irinn In the fci-ublu fu! the purpuiseB liil'iiideid. Again, mer pcFslTl n Is sfrotii; \ sti-oiiig iniin inHie fncl thul I term used In certain the Inttcr \MKLk Tb'=’ b' regarded

nenplo .iiul tlm |r wortl Is thierofurt nf rmii- j i " ' dh'ltjp. Mry, Jiickann hiiiS hten 111 I'li ‘ -- M V I :■ I \Vi ckB.

I Thi funeral p 'm \ h n of \V. H Sho'c l.s was held ycsleida.? a f lc rnoon fli ilm " -1-

iinlhlT’iking pewf. and pCii'B never j t p i . .if hl-i dai.;«hier, Mr? I']llls Id -e-fur a innmciU dtiulii wluH h" flHvg, |p mjin, on F.'lgfir Hi I'. Mr HhmiriH lii.Ki aijo pi-,T,.->,irur tn n R»rU-.. of Mlf-urlnK »"J , w r y smliT iil.v „ t hvan fallur,' a l il" .■[- .Mi'll. A J. (;iir,lM..r I.,, wr.rinvd tc, O-r

. 1 , 1 . TG-vai: iinnh-ihlv do nf)t tciatlng w rocepHtiii In New \ ui H i Ity bed nl her Imme in ‘/ i ' t i <oirdnnr wllhnniliinkUM pews. wliUh p.obah y do j,, wal six I v-f<ji;r y a r s of ag<i. la imdle- ..ml h. r liril, ' litnfihMr l.s .slMiTTi the nlhi r t.ard, holU .e whiit he Biijs, • -

g'sliuM i.H made In hiB Irn n g tn a l lul dr•1 ' .> I i1! '!• then 111 Hu- mcpfage uf M ui d:iv nlM-it III in.i m-’iiriil nddioBH. Hi i l3"Nerri"r ’•uiyg+slcd Hml iha ralli'o.ul.s miuh! I'.’ i ixrd 1" -b fra v r.l! the expetisc nf ihv Si.ll.' g j \ .1 Miiciit, If Hit! til* wan

Ihr nni 'ii - hla "** 1 tneii bcCFillsf uf hisr.i!riics‘ II. . I'fiiliic'" Ji'i'i suhil ly, The b. . |, w I • Mkmi t.i I'em isM vaiila lo-da> l"i' lrt> MIC nl

.Mr? .\ rirv Tpeto nnd In f d.nii^hter,Ms.vv t ' ' !s, "f \li' i'l!i i"V.u. .\ V ,HI. vFM 1’lg Ml' ,'111' i 'd I ■ h-liXi ' I ! I ih.h-ii ill I b 'lrch ■ Hi r«-.-t. -M r - 'I ' '-M I., Mi- ll.d 'le ii s rdsti'i-in-ln w, whom ho had O' I si-1 n In I hh I y .v« nra III \T i : iU >l»> * <)l M 'V —

lo.-^cph H. Higginn. nf KlHrlun, hiiR Rolsl In'-' lioiiae an.1 h-T, i c a r llnil phu i-, 1" Mrii Kii"n l.aiklei ,1 lie, i.if FhmniHbin , who will ■.■f > 'jpy It.

Riiii'. IV irpui JI ihuu' -tn- th^' e r ra tu r^a I'f Mo- S ta b , anil for Hi" i rlvIl.gMB con* firtoii Hi'- pcopii' n n v PE ac Hurh ju s t und rn r Ihxi '.h f: nm Hio!r iirnt’nj'ty iiHH i l ia p.'riiillfi, iiii'i H i ' \ Tintv n -t enm- ].| iln lii'CauPC IhC properly of ftir people u n n iln u ll.'-rn HiHr iilvlIcgeH is asBeHwnd ul jn nic dIJT'rcnl baais.








andn -







i. for


II rtf-




ber 1, llWk- Lri fired fruni comp*

tiiiiler ffilrwa:F lt slre^t Improve-

mems .................. t^.OTfl #BK{ii tiix t erinicatea to

credit of lax bi ndH. 821 A8Fur street cleeiifiiK . * 7 OOF it ndfin|att«jai,ii.ac't. 2.7D2 05For Toeerve fund ac-

Luunl .................. D.822 k8For lemcKtrarr loans. WtI-'or mRrkets............. 6,U2J!l 7HFur lloenfles............... 4ti.l2* 17For jioUcit.................. 702 66For lirfi daparlnient., 127 OUFor fire ctepartment

pfiialuuR ...... lW6 00For dlBirlrt courts, . 2.S27 33Fi'r Blreets und hi&h-

<Au>s an.] slre«t ro- calrs -... B£5 60

For public lighting .. 1 fK>For sewers und drain­

age ........... ............... 106 09Fur water rents ....... hi*Fur RtGrage reservoir 26 00For public baths........ 48 40For poor and Klme. ,. IBS 50Fur l.uhlh; buildings, 8 ft)Fnr r i ty Home ........ MS 68For school boncta...... 1,272,038 MFur refalriUK iiaphall

sireeiB . ................... 165 00Fur repairing sirts-

vaika ...................... 12 18For ahado t rew .............. 2.453 71Fur hiKise sewer con-

nCL'tlims .................. 2.2fl7F'nr wharves.......... . . 72 50Fur altcratlnn ncc't . 1.346 OoFor water service. -, ThW flOFur city hH.ll comTrlla-

aintiers .. ... 00Fur city clerk'?' fpea 125 4.'iFor pu'woruf attorney

fi-es ................. 66 00For RMtn fines.... 50 00F'Tir lavcfl for

f;nm receiver. 1.B08.464 42F'T nrreare nf tejEee,

IIH)7 real estate...... 70,262 61For ftirear# of tiaea,

1!K)G r«ai estate....... B21 33t'or arrears uf Iftxes,

prior to 1U05 roa)estate ............... S TI

For 'urears of taxes,1W)7 personal... . . . . . 2,783 80

Fur rkrreurs of taBSi,Uk)6 personal........... 203 67

For arrears of taxM,Uk)ft personal............ 876 14

For Interest, varloassources .................... 11,484 02

For cc-ntingent, vari­ous sources..... 1,018 72

(061.382 31

C’Oimhja'llonB gives il a value, ■which It uthei'wlse does not have, If, In a ina chine shop u man calls for Thti oil,' IL is iLssuitted tliat hu iiietins niac.hiiie oil.So if 111 legal mallurs mem appea l lu Hiu unwi'lUcn law, il usunUy means tl‘a( they refer lo a case in wlik’h the chnaiky of woman and therefore the sanclUy uf the home has been at tacked or viuha-'d. 'i Inin the op?'n a re n a of thoughi^^ this •It Is this one appeal t h a t peri 'Orts Hic , added ciuiil n: M one iu h" hcoilcd; ‘Anur value of the appeal itself, since it g ive s , people Hdnk. Be r-urcfti] hew \uii respect Hio impression th a t all unwriueri law or rihrpRpect the l:nv. Or> r1 mw in the concerns thei ehnsHiy of woman and lUo ! oxprtsaion of a i>'M'H''nn] view', which aaneiJly of hume. I while cmltv^ntly ri«bl in the case to

Afi a m a t te r uf fact, the u n w r i t t e n ' which you arr- cfy lying It. Is going tohe applied hv a dnvi'n o r a hundred por- srn. who liM1rv(» In j ui, In a <ln^cn or ci h imire.l diffcrcrit w ays,” t t iR brm ly [losaibb- th a t the ■'"ufuBlon rrcalCil h\- uvcrcmiilnilh- stuK menLis from H)c llb(^r.il

■ years or ;igo.!t \ R ! T 4 > —*

Mra iH-rbert I'avlB. who ■a-n m irrMd loBt w«- k li> Xui-ilstuwn, I'n . f- a dniigh- HM" nf i: H. Tillinaii, of rtsirli'in, a n ! hleHuher in the R ihWHy ru l i l l r fHcho'-L Mr. mill Mtn. Dn-.lfi will reside in Sonier\lllc S 4 n iK i i \ i M . i : —

C hain 's Hori'nian. of Pluckcm ln, hafi Bicif' lu N-\v Yui k for the rem alridur uf lh" wfntcr

Ml^fl JaMry IJ, Tlllninn. of R ariliin and Th’iliir t I. T>a\i-?. nf S'»iniTclllc were m iJ ih'd on SiiUjJ'iluy of fast vn.-t-k by U<-v. L'hfirlya Fl^ke ;tl Norriaiuwn, I’n. 'I’lie brldf-, who rcRldcl vrtth her gTAndirmthor.

jiiuihur, fTum

HH fin I mill-III H.-hcilfir. ns o fine ujilor aa a coni'iiu'lng s-pcalKer. hut his views are nut ' T m i M i ' - K l t l i + v ah s!n " t ,phlhiAfiplnc C'.iii I on I ionA ami dl-HS»-rt a t loud, as the pewH cunslJur tlii-m; good Ulcru- luH’. but Ta t ' i' iisln' 'sy.“ riut "p ia r l ica l ,"Tini "opplii'Olih-."

Hut -VN-lth the puiptt ■which hnn emergedhas I'lcen n l e i r h T for Rcveml years In Hie Haliwii\‘ puMlo schools Mr l>nvSft is a son of Mr. and AJes L, c I m v Ih. After i\ short wedding in p Mr, and Mrs. Davis W'lll rt'Sldo In 8omervllle. B IjALJIKTUWN'—

Mrs In i France , of McAfee. Bmbsuxla'W, ft'lili:!! lifeu baok nl llie w rfiten law. I"- aPT'IK-tl ^ J '" " ' i H 'lniim i par- Cnunly, is lior.- on a visit anuiiiB liei'

i as ttioiiKlit Ufa liufk uf epeech is i sn i, wlin ln'llrvn in " '1, In a dnaen or a rnrnmt iii ia'hl),,: .r .tiiil fili ti.ls. Sli" name: vast body enibra .'tiis an Innunifiab lv Ivimlrn.l difTBr.-nt w ays,” Tt If han-ly n. im -t .i sp.'clal p.-ii.slon vM m h„-r InI li.jst ot laws, .Til thorouehJy fam iliar, .',11 ; I'oaslW" U -st Ihv f,,nfnsli>n rn .a tvd hvj eiitorcea, all rooognlied ami moat uf ,.vi-rfni|ihai,r staif mvnis fi,>m th f lll.ar.il j. , ili1n>'-f,.ur ,. vars affu. imt1 Them Inipl ldtly obeyed. Thus a ge tu lc - j pidpit h>Hl her m:urJag« rurLilicaie In lli- Mre. man t\lll avoid annoying hla nelebbor

\iy iinnecesriary noises; u healthy, brawny imin will not 6trlko a cripple; a Cnihuli '' ht(i will lift bis rap in the clergy, and Ihc imereat uf Hie individual is setaaida for tbfl InU-tfst uf th* agBi'csal.r j , , , , law ih a t tirowB outThere Is an uuwrilieri Ihtv upon wtuch | _ . * , .. ,t.vu.

with scarlet fever. Her .\i lA’nrk. !« nvirHlng tlT^m W IN i F lIO t ’ i:—

l:n'c.‘d WAfki'fT. ’Aha h.-m beon ppendiiiK pe? '-tnl nv'iiHu9 vv[Hi hh’ p an iits. Rev, aii'l AlrH. B. \ H W>ckn1T. at the l b - funni'd rhurch parsonage a t llejirtlngtiiTi, huB gc'ie t'l Newark , wliore he has luken apunii i"[j

\[ i.s reported tha t M organ Dailey huApia.-luisi-d Roiif-rt P liu lley ’.s hoiiee and lie 1(1 iitiM piyco and that he Will move Ih rrc fH"'Ul April 1

A W Hall has pu n ’luiwcd a plot of land from Hu- Robblnn 4-Biate. adjulnhig hln farm nt UoaillnK^m und will convert il Piio M pasturu lli'M

In WlilP'iiouse «rnl v ld n l iy yesterday moniiiiK 'ho mercury hi dlT 'r^’nt plnres

; ranged from 6 lo H degn'OR below xern It Ip I'.xijeott'd that the wi-rk of Ice ciiUlng

: win bo HtHfied lo-morrnw.CiKH MAX V I. IsK V— < 11 KS'I'ISK—

i'lno nine-inch Ice ie being hnrvcsled frmn Benator tdUiB C. DmUe's prlvgiu luk’ near Chenier. I

Pine Rri>nk.

puny in Frml A. Dibhlu. Mont' lair, . H I'l inoi Ion pi H*Vi It # ■'i- P-irk-»i|ih- ..........................

i.iillv S Untt'"Ti and hiiHi'Hiid lo i -ik l.iiio K m l t j ’ Cn , MunP l ' I r ii “i I .;i M :T»i ft w li- I 'ii ' l .M i'I '■ , l"xM!i

I'.dM tiJ .y. \'■Ulkl rlS e.’i ' , m al t ' .I'll.ii \ 'l1llftIT|P, \ ’eiurin u H ' f a ni-vv slie« I inrm igh liviidcs .1 »y. PrU'Rl. n fr (.!Ui'tojonl :iv , r-oxlTS . . . . . .

William Liimnils «d ox to ]-;iir,Mliuih Fos l t r , South Orange, h i- s C h iiriu n a \ fl h w fr H;iv-mond av. IKixJiHi ,. . . .

F ran k II Wommer h- tu i lff; t" I'l rd- erlck Df-hmi'h ItvJngion. w* h l.ln- d'-ii HV ;xi ft o fr Until st. r-uvl'u .

Heuboard Really C". lu Heytnour Tin ker e| III, Ornngn. h cur TTp- caJn av and lU rw h l i wi, UTixiad, and fiH'1-r li uH

................ lu^.k'T I’l Jil I" N'uiHii'niIijip]' i \ ' merit I'u.. *>raiig'-, suiuc'pi'fijuTty ................................... ..........

SoHliuiril lU'iiliv lu Kumr. i')r-ii ng'K .-a111' p ! ' ' I 'd ’l y .......... ..

Wolf", .liiR'Tll. i C o to Joseph F MndliiUy i-i iix B'l.ith O rong ' . s vv s lllckui.T dil\ 'u 2111 fl H y fr Uonaeielt rd, ............

ib-/Hui iM. Adam.** oi 'l bus lo \Vulftt, Jll.'^un, r>oiiglns- Cu Siuitii Orniiffe, M '■ R C iicHhs I'l il H e fi Hootfi' \ '.ll Td, 'f.'jXlfiJ.......................................

Piilllp J, Bowith (u HiHviUnfe l-'cr- rnni. B-llevilb w U'ashlnptop fl V S4 f! « fr Ciirmnr uv. 2'ixi4;!..

Sinivari Hnilflhurn "i UK tP JiimcH \y Fl lsworth. Mlllliura, nt ti trc Illplihiiifl riv ami Kiist lime, ftOv lHf» .................. ...............................




M OUTHAaRS.The f-dluwMK murig'rigi'S were itnurdud

dim-epect for Ihu law. ns here given. SnifKewtliins f o r th e Cle rgy.

The llhrral pulpit, howi'vcr, C-in alan rlaim tli* meri t of being the cfiiisn of lidB i\i>i)pai to the r l f rgv lo fakA hold of

i f the appeal lo the iiTnvrln'=^n law. T!'e liei’gj' can aud should anti douiitlcHS will do sn. FPtl wbi^ii It dues so, it will l>u i-t'eU lo give a tlcpHon lo the entire suii- jr r ( of Hn utiWT!tl’-ri Iimv. aoiklng tlie one featu re f-nni-itnTitly emphasized In court trials but ai: I 'lcldanta! point in the Invesitgntion. It ti’.h> la- w:-ll to get 1 1 u few fisnclamentM faol.’J Hint undei-

the right of emlncDT domain rests and !s based, .as also the right of procedure by uundemnatlun: an unwi'liten law, upon which cumpul.sory erlui at lon laws, truajit laws and so forth, are bneeii; tiici u are kj wa of avefiigCR, of perf eni 4i( eB ahd of corn* mutation, nnd unvvrlth’n law& beiiau.se iii- terly unlnieiUgible In their abstrac tfmiiisi upon which nil of oui' flnatichU. r ,, , ■ , , , , n , „ , ,■ a, .tt 5 I T I I f the r ehlH uf mori jmd wcmimour credit, our fiduciary and our Insur ; taiice Kyatcma are biised 'I'lie Hiiulus moa*. of all puupl* on ea r th hn,v* . oauglU a d m B ImrR* o thia vaat mas.,of uhwrlUen law, Under It a deld r„ rh faran"v . "f miilMal hidi,of linoo,' inu*t he paid; under !t Ben- lempernniuiilal intlen.cji do not smok* In the nreern.-e , m ^ r l n d e to thenf ladles. There Is also a hnst or uthiT ' uiiwrlueii lawe, not m uch tuifurced in Amerli’fi, but much In furn* In oilier

lu^nTnl find nri phvs lrol ernuridw. It ma\’ also In- wl.HC to cuusi'l '‘r Hip marrlut:

Total .................. • • •DISHURBEMEKTS.

.QenAral •warrabU...... (93.138 86FoUee w arrant!.........Fire wajiranta............Temporary loam ........Refiomptlon arooimt..Purehaaar'* anrplu*

(Uartln act)............Temporary I o a fi

bondB, Interest.......Beard of Rireat and

'Wat«r Cotnralsaion-era ............................ SS2,7Sl 72

c ity Horn*...'.............. d.lST'l li>Btiarcl of Hcalih nitjr

Hospital ........ n.72rv 90Board of HeaRh, aanl-

tary department__Bhade Tr#e CotnJhle-

eionere ....................Now City Hall Com-

mlasloo ...................Playgrotmd Comnil!-

alon ....................

04,A2S 84 44.ft.ft0 80

876.500 00 2.230 60

782 4023.144 44

11.366 63 2.816 04

6,7ft> 50

1,680 TOBy balance October

81, 1908....................1.62S.S8S 2t 3.900.8S1 T9

Total .......................Reapectfullr ■uhmltted,



iliiu burtivd her liuinp T hcrr a rc ii" utlm r rciiordH c f (hP m arriugp. and the w li-

runJ niliii.“lM' arc dead, iiev 11- F. Klnii, pustLir uf the M< H."d-

lel ibiurt'.h, corirtiu Md tlir fiinHi-:il purvtco f.f Mls.s Surah Srnttti ycsierdiiy,uwliig in (hv IIIiujss uf 111" rreH bvtcrlan I-iiabJi*. Tlu* tiiirlnl luck TdiiCv In Ihc ui-metary iiAhr H ip K ti uvllun ITusby^erlan Hhiircli, 'll w p iili M iss iSmlHi Wftb Ii:r- rijt rly r nu ml»f-r.

Hr r j i fu iu s \ ail. a RurgAon In SI. l.iiku 's I|iiviih.nl, In New Yurk. is v lsiliag his uncle and mint, Mr ;ind Mrs. J"lili 11 \hili .([ tiu’ Imrni ^Ucii'i l ! f Is h b -ii uf Jir WihhiTn II Vail uf Newark.

Frank «]P = hs. 9*m nf Ahrmn HihbH. a fu in iir lu.Miiriu nf i | i1h 1‘>\vu, lias rP turm 'd hare an 'l la pivp 'i ring upon nn<1 m m ngp a inn.i: i.i.irUul m ida i is low n fm u >.'i'Wlur. linn.W AUnHN rt l l 'fVTV—

The Jtduir'.mSn.i g Hutf?, run pt prc'^'-nt midct a hai.- e hy i P urge Al.iln.R, luis l'♦■•■n said liy .Mi' ’i'lau g e r u, Jupji H Kl e;whu will lake p'.."S'-BSlon Hie rtrsi uf Aptil. On iul'uUuI ul’ ihi' l''iililltig ' 'f di-<'

kaw nm ui cut-off IJiiuugh tlio upi't'i' u'lid ul ih ■ cuuni>. ihfl ht"'-] liuj-iiiass lina Lh'Cuuic \fery iiiu ih Muro p run iiih li. and these Rtandn liHve iTicreuRca In vnlua

IV C. M' MmtrlA will b iiV- his f iThrr’B f.ir;n, h-.Li S 'lU htnw n, "u the hrn. nf April Ill'll muvsj Ml II liiilry fiirra ii'\ir' Sprlii.u' Vall-y. N. V. 'I'he M cM urir!- r irrii 1,'1-j ijf i-ii l« fisc.l to F n in k M cM utli l'-. of Al:'!"Var

Mh'<R ^1aud Tlnsman, of Horlland and Frui k Aten, -il’ Mi J'-bihel. Fa. w- reniuriu-jpiti s■'V'. York a f''W' dJiya ago.

HiJiii.l Van Syckul has 5obl hH p d - RMinl priiputi', ,ii Hope where he hay ilv'ii m.iiiv v u r . - . and m a few H li • .ntii Mrs S 'ck e l will .4tart fur HicfrnrW h' luo In < »klnlioniii.

F rank Oio'>er l a s sold lUg friim ne.ar l li ir rii\ !lS', and will move t<j> Nh'-wton tnhs u eek.Fl .AMHHH^ . IS D V IC I\ ' ITV —

The th'-'i-Jiiometerj rf'glstered yp'^ipnhiy iiiui'iihjki; III th is Ifjcnlltj iis follows. Sucoa-

! aunna, 7 o'clock. 6 di gn-i s bcluw zi'in, n I Ml. Olive. Ci 30 M'' li'uk. degrees bi low

! zero, and FU r.dpra. 7 o’clock. 4 di gree-s below H.' : 'J.

il r . ni 'l Mrs. i I n r h s 3 -hrer have ru- jTmvt'd H'mi n-m!dyiiian IJS'ur H Bniltli's f irm ■•m '.ht Hartley romJ, Fi lU- ders, t" I.'.•■il rewoi 1.

Ji.'p iia I V c'J iiiii i'"rnni'';.'I'd 111 C.mi' Btye ito rduy muriuii;^ ui I 'land i'ts , l'"r the llrsl ihlT! iauR'Uh WlllhiTTi .\InI.raughJinC\lllLtlg le t I I"" 'I'd H'M PnllPS Hlh k OHhis juiiiri ill .Vm 'Ai ru.ul, KlmuJi rs.I L S.»?F\ t HI > JA —

The Infant sun uf Mr. and Mra. W ill­iam H um-> . of HruiK'hvlIli'. died yesn-r- duy ttfu-r a bm i-jus wuli tm a.- j.-.s.

Kll Ml-Pl- 1;, III' hiiggag^nui.'^r'-r a t Ihu Nuwluti B isii 'ii. i;us ! < 'tj fur. ' I to j f Sign ills pt^. iHoii < n :«ii:'umii of pnur health . H e has served the H ackawnnjia Kallrt»ad for f^ rty iwn si-ars li: v u i 'l 'uh pusUlijns. and la'par: w li'ii a tiuy. ll<'

. *1 worked up to cnnduci-T, hut w as for''Uiithe ir lodgercioniii ihlH evening i g|y,> aumc juarM ago on dc

The an n u al m eeting <»f C baiham Cnon- ' count tif ru iu r blindness, J. , daugi tei

of M r iiiid Mrs. John NcwBaitie, "fThoiiuls R. 'W ooiiey Is p re s id e n t 'o i the I P tonee r W. R. Hi>nc of Jersey EUzahttHi. to Wililnm II, AyL-rw, fn rnvrly

City, presided. Officers fui the enmiiltig l^ew lon, la an tiu jn - ''il. Mr. A y 'r> is A*rurVabl6 school building to reUeve the bow euporltUtFiUeni uf a lau ia iry In Fi,7.a-

., _ .,* iiig fi a ad QfainiHftr t MowA.nll S, H ek k ain p , vice-iHo- beth.. t r « r i idw ard J. y a ln n . m anager of the sf'ir'-

of H. P. Tul ly, (luthier, bprlng sti'-ui, N ewton, has announced thAi tv fur Mai'''h ' ' will a ssum e ctuii’ge of the busMi-i^

T«Uy fiaa idpDtlfiod w ith thuclothing husinods in jN'ewlon for forty years, an d only rellrea on account of hns health.

Til-' new Bchu.ilhaUHi* a t ........ _ ..........................Mnn i.H (.'i;junly, Iirh br-*n cqiilppcd -with a ;il (ho cuui Hi mi-=■ yt .■ 11 i ihi v ;Kl' im heaior plant. j NKWAitK. 3

l,:,k|,.v II I WilH.Lm iHk.liil .1 UI. I,' AUMUkl '.i.nriiu,piuijy bargained for ihr- Duffurd farm. | Suvunuei. th hi 14H H ii Jr Clin-ni'nr I ’u rnian \ alley, hua cancduil tnu |i,LMrpui -hiisi' ' .h,1,11' fH her H UK ( 0 Suc'LJj'liy Siivlngn

A u . iinig Klttlinn will booh he buili at ,, Rubi'uii ai 180 fl w fr Hergi-tnT.an hhw hy the M urrla hourily TnirHun jt ‘"ni|iany ____ \ |.;vu Wolpei and hmshand to Harr la

_ ------------- ^ I Wuitiyj', w a Priiii'i M 7h It 11 fi Kinney1 ft,MOlllUSTOWN*

juinc.R M T' dd, uf \Vetmore avenue. ' s t . i r u lur Ciihiinut Mluh . J anua ry 27.t(i h'- ahj^ei.l milll Jmp'

j | " - i " i l Ha^, ut’ Uidhfedalft tivemu', BlLirii'-i i-T S' lu I'i a ri'i» '’'J. Fal , yustur- (la hiK y h'jUHinrn Pm'ifh Uab-J tJ.l'l

II' r.i-v G Riitloy, eextiin of ihp SouthSir- I 1 I'MuH'Lylurlan i.Tuiruh. Ivtti purrli ! ‘. d the Jidm TnliEjidh;i! iluBiU* IlMid--. sTf'Pl-t. fnr tn.ii.i. The lot lui.H lirtyff.-i f[-<lllli4K,i ctiid thu Louse* Ihf* m>*dujii

countrieH. 'rhnn there Js the law of panic, whereby men scramble fur a door imlvas stopped by some cool-hctuled per­so n , the law cif panic, whereby men scramble for a bank or a savings institu- tUm as gooii fta cer tain, f requently hnag- Innry, changes of credit lake place; a law which was utilized In an Rbaolutely c r im ­inal way In the art ificial panic through which Wf have Just pasaed. If my infor­mation is correct; these and an ulmopt Inflnltfl number of o thers aunsl l tu ie llie vast body of unwriHen law'. W’hlch, aw 1 said, lies buck of w ri t ten law. ae thought lies buck of speech. Hence when

8,894.892 63 an appeal is made to the unw ri t ten law. I 4 aoa ' 'a oa ' buBQti upon the one ground only.

98 j which reference hna been made. It dis to rts the [Mrspecilv© of thought and createa In the mlnda of men a fear, which

I huriin, (u Hu- Btnlu, tu iui.'=*inPi R. Hip iHt!- 1 tilde nf pAr^-nnl ami mhtrps?; in 1 he I ht uL. 1 . thi ijui-.“ili''i3 '''f dlvnri'u and olh- r I variants of ihi murr loge llr, the "soiial I evil" and Ita resultan ts , and the - k- [a.'ipernMng Imlr'p-'v lu w a f l iii-ti und JI a •

rfpiiilly £;k.aR|"Ti-ling iBvk "f .sympathy tuwar'i Tvorm'n under tlm sami- rlrniin* strdiuua.

These ri;nd n TnultlHide of other quHS- tluna ahuiild be m ade staples of tilHciis- sluri hy the ri. rgy for some time, at first in the s ludy nr in the mlnieterlal HHsoclallun nnd h i t r r Sc surni-pnhilf mue!- Ing?. and m x t In th ' press. ThH will give tn the world a body "f nn'wrltlt.-n law ■we’l defined and cOTKcqnunlly 'A'Cl] definable, whir'h could bn iitfed for the baalc ■?(i"M'k uf trlqlH in la U r days .nml which \vu\ild teni3 to set aside much that la now unwise nnd dangerous In nn ap- pi-al to the so-called “higher, ur uriwrll- l len law."

U.' ',.11-d )l.and W [, [!:im

1, r.u-'iliil -.V.iE'l F

8U|'I ‘:• 1& hri I, LAr

nneii tsi] H. IVTiipRcy, W illiam R rem nn

Whilii li.ive Kline in be ,M rii:iHf dui-k liuntlTig l-iarrett, n in im ber of Mm ol Hi«' N* w Yurk Hiw i>f'un e le rled Ui tho class

iTIiM-.{. I'l y Hlnf')iman and Mi.hn Belle Mu- 1, -.ii of this uiiy, w^ru m .irrleii a t Mm ji.ui.^Kc uf Hu' 1'reHbyti-r.,iu I’buruh,

i.ll^rin. bv th- jihsIut. Il'-v, William j ;i.. Kee|+jf J an u a ry 18 'u tiim r HuveiiiL'i HeurK'- T. Vft'crta w.ts

1' Kuusi uf r.iim er V k r'-n ian e td io r ' I ry F Fltney. tu-dny, b being Ihn :,[vi*rF;:iTy uf Mi" P i tn ey ’rt uighly-

-.'CO birHiL.luv Mr Tilnuy waw first vin--r!i:icf I'll.-r by Mr WertK.

l-'iiij" t , tl K«»«i vllle..Mi»n .\elUu Hi lils hiie rriUTTu-d from a

vihit (il her slstur, M rs SVilllaio Sperliug, III R'uiml Hriiok

Hiiund View M range presi-iiied "Mrs, IbvHH of tha P o u ltry Ydrcb' iii tlielr ball li'^r '-vrnlng T hose who iihsIhIvJ m th« I'l 1 1 "l•n1illlct^ w ere Mr. and Wllllainli 'ini', Mr. and Iktre. L'liarli-s Hnydt--T, Mr. .iii-l .Mra I'hK rluf Ourlu-H. Mr. ami Mrs. A .h iil M ivllini-y M lu M ary Fisher, AI,: h UeasIc i-'iabor and Mins VUOfi Tiiiiiiner.

U"S. Wtiilpm P Townsend, of French*! lown, will ihvui y Hm pulpU Of lli« Ser- I f.ii'.iiit'-vllli'' hJothoUitd VjplBcopal i?hurch

lu'M Suiidiis. U' will m nka both the III iiilug umi evt tiing udfireases.

and Mia. X urum n l.»undls onter'>I i.<-'l III d ihuer tlie othr^r evening.

Mr aiid Mrs. iim ja m in F. Dewey have i'ii.u'ne-l iruMi a visit to Mr. iJewey'SMiuHll'T' .it WV.st p llls tiiti. Pft.

J dill Foian , of thin place, coinmunder '.( iht- fii'.w Je rsey (5. A. R ., has ap-

' ( m 'rd tin following rom m ltiee to ru3t Tl I iinuvHnn w ith l.a r tih rrt Boeman P o lt

' N ' ul. A. i'l , in npiT uprintoly (ihserv- ni^ ilic reiitf-nnbil HTinkvcrsary uf the

' TKii,i|,iy of A biiihatn Llnouln: Jam ea IQ.' lirudjic'iid, 11. M. Voorhoea, .Sonmm Lon- I di- i.iiil A U idelier.' I.'ii.it U'M H W ood, o f T hree Rrldgei,

ii.ii'uwl(i ('Huii|it-u Baphyxlatl'm by as* plug goH llu wa.H working' upon an

nu'ry ■kvh"Ol 1 in b.v a giisulim ' engine,I Hu I'Xiiduat f#-ua|,ing in to Hie room. Mr.

........ . d ls i'riM i'il h lm v if being iivercumeMl' lunies lid Kiiri'oudvd in reayh-

[ II K Mil du-'P. will'll he I'. l! UMi'unBiduja.I | | . ' \i..i I't-rvi'ii f«d III !dn liu h o and a phy*I -I'l. f; u n l'k iy Hiin.iiirhiivd. Ho ifcuvered

w 11 Ibiii I wli'il't H'lirl b '’ King’".'' Vii;,l,i!ii Su,li-(y will hold

II-' 'UmimI iiH'.'Hhu ll.N i-'vurilMK-I'bv .im ujal lilt I Mug ul th<- (’nhinibki

Fir* ( ’i>iiil'un\ S ' I “ f l*am biTl\lll« ]gui vb-uhMl tlioK** ulhi'i' ie Preelilfnt, l,<ewls 1\

Vlr'i'-presJdeiK. T.iivlim T, Kdg- hu , l l i r i ) ' M IdllM; M^aHiirer,

T liiiiiii.iii, (.Unuli-R M. r»lll.'s;llrst uBSii't.int furcm aii, J T Atwood; .m c I'jiid .,SR5siJini foruman, J. M Lambert ; «'0gliit-pr I- F Funru’er; assls iaiii en- gliM'i't. Filw.ird I 'l j l l i ig . diri'i-tnrw, L. P. Ilodhio, 11. M. DUIm and D. Oobover.

D O V r.R ANI> 4 i r i ^ l i ’V.The Wuniert'a MhalouHry Suolely nf (he

ML'diot'ial I ’rceb) U'l'bin (.'hun.-h ' vlil hold ft gperlal TUreHne lu Ihe chapH of that ohuroh lo-nlgJii.

'I’ha H oagland G uard ! haKkr-HaiH loam nnd a learn fruri St. Mary a (.’hiirch will play a gnmo In hi. Mary 'n H ah (u-nlght.

l.e.i jli' i' .msHy. uf liiiJil fiHf'f'l. "IkiVer, Is hi Id lip a t 1 1 1* home witfi a fractured hip ojui oHmr liiJurloH, Hie result of a peculiar m'lKltrit which befvll him while a t work on Ihti new bulkldiKa of the ItichardHOfi ^ lJuyiiluii H(i>vu W oi'Uh jihim, Monday.11'-iiijuHffy und u fotluw-luhojcr wore vn- gtign! In rnlulng a Imrmw loaded with rimlorlnl tu Hiu tup uf a lu.tiding by mean! uf a bloc k and tiu kle. 'I'lie ulliCT man liiiidv(‘rlr iiHy h i go of Uio ro()o wflh the reHull tha t llviilioeHy, whu hold utl, WilM 'll.IV. n n]> h.\ Hit- harT'iw, whlrli priivcfi a lu’nvlri’ Tourj I (, I w'i'ig III Hiuiii 'KRy and f'M haii'/U' iiii’i' III uiM.iii with suilj force 1 1 1 .It ] len lu s iiuM on Uid rupu was hr(-kon and bu fi'li tn Iho ground.

St. A'hny'H hnskotbull u?nin wlH play e li'-.iMi rcprr'^i-ijMng (he Wiirron County AHduUc v’lub a t Wueliliigioii Friday cveii- Icg A largi' ilulpgatlon from fiover willg'j li) WasbiJigtuii in suu till gatnij.

']‘he 'Y. H. V " wHI Jiiort a i tb r borne of Hh' MIhm'h Lhivey, on Hudsijii etreet, to*

’ulgM.Mch ilunrg'^ Hickf , 'whoHc home is near

Gi iimiy e £ji uuU. In Duvur. Kavt'd Juhn (Am y. ih** hiUo son uf a neighbor, from di'iiwnlng Munilay. 7'liu bijy was cuuallTlg down a hill am] ncruee Hio bruok 'whcti Hu' ire lu'uk'- inidi*r his hIuiI When Mr*. Mh'ks hoard ihu erteu of the boy's coin- piiiiluiiH Bhe a«deed an axe and with It hruko tlio ic»i t’ran i tlie bank outw ard until bihe WiiH able to reach the ImperlEeti lad anil lir'lng him safely ashore.

MIrh t'nHiKrJiio Hitchens, 0 / Canal ^Mel t. U 'harrun . Is apenUing u few days wlHi ^rl^ul-l^ In Newark ,

Cliaricii Will iams, of Fiiterson, Is vHlt- It.g Ills mini. Mra. T hu m .u Lewis, otl ‘uppt -11 hiiHun Hi ruel, Wliivri i)n,

MiftB L‘ls;u L" r,(W hiiK n-higned her imb[- Hnn aa ti'iiGb' t tn !hi- Hoxbury Tqwiialilp Huhuol nnd will rpmuve to Newark.

Mrs. A M Major, of ISenex airiiet. Hover. Ik miH itiifnliig Mlse Sarah isfilt, uf S-:Vt Y'M'k I 'l 'y ,

Mrs Thuml'O* Woodhull Ims rc-luiurH to her holiit: li. I'himlprft afl'O a fm rrn.L;firH visit tu ?i<! dnught* :. Mrs \Vill;amWimr. of I->o\rr

L shr l''l '>'!. «'!' New V'.j K C i[> Ii.ih. I'C- lu rnfd hoJM*- u l i ' i . 1 \ Isii ' f HV.iO «' 'I i \n lo T M. b'hiMi')'. ui IHohiirds uv-nuellu’.T-l

Mr and M ih Mai y, of H iV't s ie viMilliLg a t ilu hunu? of Mr, ,M u'lu y's fiiMi' i', iH'iir 8« IiuuIcv'h Mf'unlalii

.Vi«. F. N, H"11iimu1-.. uf J e r s o r'lty, in vlsltlMg h*■ BlBtor, Mrs. T. M. [''lariey, 'f I: ' lUi r <lS :i V'MIUI', I ■' l\ i'T

\'i'lllliim PhllUpft bus rvfuriif'd lo Howr ' n hlfl

idiii v M HariJ'-r tiii'1 hvisband b Gemge L. W.irivii, V s SuuHj B ixteenth ki ft n fr Olhiiun -tv. ?l,.'iuu.

Alb* n M l.yii-b i-l iix lu I'tiiji U-uriLli Vi*nnl itu!hlini4 and Loan Arr't I m I'T, n ri M.i|-kJm11 -I -''7 fl w lr lii'i.ul , i. J-.-iAj

Samufl I (S li.- uii L" AibMn IHk i i , \v s Hu.ilh 'Iv-i'inU Hi 33d fl n (r CiiiTuii uv,iLTuO.

k VVrt'bku to ynnif. w R'lUthTniiUmmi. St >ij H n i'r (;llnbi|i nv,

Julius iM. li'*iniiK‘k fit ox In ]I 'imlJiun(Hi.bilUig .LKij 1. uih At*.s'M'hi Unn. <• h .s. , i io l'I ivcITHi T4.i U s fr Springtiwld av, *:kr.i I ------ - . t « 1

iiti'HiJi KI •; . 0 l.'-iui lo Wililaiii .‘Dj.-ubbu', | i S-slt o. hi m t o IK H fliiiitli S,-v.,:ilh m »J0 ft ;i r. J'ili.M.iilh ' horrii' In Kimininn, I Hn i.Liu\ |i> uOc 1 Al(ln Dormaij Iuih g iv in nii lu.'« p i s u o n

.M.iiflH I I' ( 11 I't Ml lo H'-.-iirliv HiilliliiiK ! ■w'ilt' II"' I,ai 'kuw;,r,n , R.illri.iiil iii l' .ii.‘r- i iiij l.o.ii, As^iii JMIloh. H B I'-f‘i ry in Ij. 1 u I """ Hurt hits i',-l unn'rt to Job Iinru-i in , II M, SI ; " 'I iii’ton.

Kj, .iii.i li ij' ii" ii.Kl linthiiiHj l.i (Joii- I '1'Ii"I''HB Jaini's.ututlii llclldin;; mid JjOiiii A hs*.. i.i 1 ji.n

ri f : 4 L KHT A I R T R .4 \ H F C H 8 .

N.ii-v '"'I -1 i’Ti'r ft H f r Ablng"! :*l,S.iiii*' !" A.iidiJ C'.JtnpMiiy. same

pruii' rH . Lr- i.lb- 1 , 1 V S lj;'';injiJi-lb.*r ut ns lu (icniiim

Hiiviiir. - hank, i? h Hcvuiileenlli av IMfj ft w 11 Jiurgi-n St, JP;."UlI.

. \ il,l-i I'i Id l-'raijZH i t nx to Ibu co Iji , . [ liX. s "w cur Khelhuirj and Lunmn

hM. siHuMiii' I I''. I^uhur to (Jiinrnii(f‘t> Building

* and l.i'iin -i iiiHuii, w a Ib-rKi i. st jikij It II fr uv,■ I .

. r \\'llku juh-im '. IhvipUlng lii-r ibiiiKhlur. W ih ThiuniiP L'.wla, of f'ijpp*-iil.' Sun Rtre^‘1. W'liarlon.

l o n g b r a n c h .The tax budget for 1909 am oun ts to over

82s:i.0(xi» which is a s ligh t increjise ov^r

CHATHAM .Thu fu r .'in l of CliarteH I'.'irae. f-»urf*-cii

y ta rs old, ‘">n of Air. and Mrs. Johnlast year. Se'veral of Ihe approprla itona , Parse, nf ^ 'a s liin g trin avenue, was li^Jd u • lower th an last year, Ad app ro p n a- I from the C ungicgationnl rh u reh yestr-r- tlon of jy.OlKJ was made fo r m usic. I uay afleniTon. U whs v’ury largi-ly m-

Tlie tum ual reception of th e senjora and tended. Mcm^>ora of bLs i Ihfs uI tho pub-

F riday A very In ie resilng p rogntm le r^eHenl In n hudft. R*-v. C. k . Hassol- beiiyj prepared, which ^'lU include rec»U- grave ufllclut^'.h Rov. M. D. (. Iiuroh, ims- tloiis an(J readings, to conclude-w ith the | to r of the M ethixilst Fplsropnl Churcli, serving of refreahm entfi, | asaiatlng. In te rm um wan in F airm aunt

A hofso belongJiiK to Jolyi H cid t, a but- Oemetery. 'riie young m an was tukv-n Ui Her. had to be ifto t yeste rday . A barking . . . i^riinv and r*n Sundiiv It tvns fuuiifl dog'wHB I

do« tiuna operation waa p irk irm ert a i (he aum m itand had to be ■ h n F ^ 'T ^ i S HoW Ual Sunday n fle i nooi,, bm pfiriumills

M.««,2T4 M , "x®he a n n u afm o e tm g of tbe board o tg o v , u 1 ? ' F " 'inan iow i t the M amnoutli MemoriiU. fic*-' - ™ C h^than i l^ rt.,e . I. O, O. t . , In p ltal will be held to-m orrow . A nnual re-narlB will bo aubm iited. New Boaeriiors ;a1.*'’bi:“ ‘‘“‘c= o n eJ i L" *he*1?* f TbL3l'n77rns-. ^ottlcPir* will tak e place. Coinpwoller I I'hoiinis R. W oolley is hoEiiltnl

A port..congvstiun both a l the

n m n e r t f In Mo^ e i f will ' TTomas S co tt: IreasB rer, <J. Vernon hum ;i -h to r vi^*“'r r“ t'fSccn i^of"l^Ps”lfr^ C o ^ o t i S * . ( V»n W ert; ijuldfe TV 'R ow land Kelley; i m ,-, XuU; l a R o ^ f Arcanum , were Inatalled fn Odd 'n » l^ C- ’Trowbridge; outside ■ d n lh ln e

nst n iv h i by Sopervl*«i*'l B p. W . J . _ W olfe; eaecu tlveK iln iv ’ rirnnd Jam e^R ® R ' u ’ keTle^J J . J , lln ch ity re and

. . . . A num bw a t vl. lt .- -. n w . PTweat-1 the 9 u « p lM ot th« en te r ta inm en t com-

KElfOSLAND— LYNDIH/RSTa \ mltt4e q< th e gfieodatlpn. Guests were the reeent- I present from Morr is town, Madison, Sum^

____________ j m lt^ eGrand Officer Glasfl in sta lled t h i recent-rrana ivoicer l*mBO vns; t-evc-et ■ ” . y,**.-- rtlartoa

hr elected officers o t Y an tacaw Coiwcl!, [ jRoyal AnU k ' night. W*» Pi “ “ ^ ta lli

|„ n,!rt s-Piiowa' H all I A rrn n se in ta t* * re now com plete fo r the i S a J a W D I re rita i an d oonoeM to b e .g iv e n by

▲ vogjftl i M innie R iY iat com rgltp , o f NewYflfic, and o th e rs . In th^

Mr. a n d Mr*. H arvey Snook, of B rund i- vUle, have gone lo Lna Apgult??!. Ckl.

Mis* A nna Kv&rett, of baae iisag ed '0 teaeli the F ran h fu rd

P la in s ^ h o o l <*unpg th e [llnvss uC the

M h a

US'H vstf

■ j

Your M It a wglc WailW U b D e v ^ t tdW * em t X h n M a t e

Won d*n trmtttfisrm old a n d unelghtly ___ _______ , ....... ... ...........toom e In to t r» U e iia A ttree tlv o living I Camp Union, M odern W oodmen ottdm te. by p e ln tlp g S o o n , w « lir« # d

J . M eCarthy: c le rk . JohK jD ubey; banker. i , J.. ScItiM der: cecort, Jam o s U cB rlde; ■entry, Sam uel A ndereon; board o t m an- a M ri, F-rank P . Palm er.' lou

¥' .m. P ra n k SelS ild t ■ iw™, “ BO ocnerB, to i w u o n g R g n tl h U L tn 'J ^ k e ^ S a r r ' ' ohnw** IW* e ro iln g . The proceeds of

'b red l i v , caused by a ?all on t ln n .B .u i, Clumlaln, u n . —.n r - .PhlUp T houlaci w arden. W arren Jorale. nuw : e w tcK baiQ taM i ^

FoilcM ten M ichael M cIntyre, R obert- ............................... lavo their


aritli Ylieaa conyenlent an d "Jigiidr I pa ln la . P o r s a l t by

L I p x B iJ o s ea ,\6180 i ^ a d

MmAM, a A 'I

aS ' ta a l ih In- srd^f htaltb arf CAi4r tit:


o v s t ail th a p a ra p h a t iu lla o f b l l oA M to b is awoof or, Iw n tf o J i D iu u k

1 '

white 4 b H ttp g ..

frac-th e !c€

SUMMIT*Mra. F a ttJe W atk in s L tndsay , w ith tbh

V olunteers o f A m erica, will conduct Gospel aorvlce in th e M ethod ist ED lW D al otairoh to -m o M # a v a n % b t 8 .

D r. H . W r R ym ati h a s gone to Peimeyl*> vanlft, w here he wtU rem ala ab o u t one m onth.

The second an n u a l m eeting for th e etet* tiOQ .ot a te b t tru s teaa o f the fiuimnU HotpK&l A oineteilon Srill bo held ftu ra* ' 4ky aTfthlig* Jawoary ta Matonid lUU-

Thft T oubtr I fN i 's C S ir i f ^ n A s a o ^ t io n te a r ra n g ty L ta r th e o rfaa ti9 tte& e | k vfiiMaeb' € W > /’ ib e 'taea faa ra of i t ^

reg u la r teacher. Lucille A, Dennl.^.C A L IF O N ^

Profeaaor W. K. Johnson, form erly p rin ­cipal o f the CuHfun Pubitc BchuoL h a t bcea elected principal of the WoodbrldiiQLubHc ^ b o o t . ___,

Mr, M rs. H en ry Hoffm an, of LaJ- Ifon, who w ere revftntly b ia rrled , l>eKan 'n o u s e k ^ b titf n t ' T celefiow n lo-day- 1 ^ baa t a k t e d poaltton "with A. W. NauKh- rlght.h o c k a w a v a n d v i c i N r r v —

Hfltnstfff w are g rao ted hy ^itege •• " Bitting In O

The fnlluvkini^' fii r-rts w- t.- r r r .- rd " l a t Ihf uoiii'.l> n-wlsM-r'K ulfiuc yL'etcrclay;

NFV\ AKKM iriiiiiui .1 I'- -V' Mli Hli'*

jn iu t'l ’jv , I '-nl r-= I'.'Hi RTull'»'ii^'7 - -

AiJKMst Ciiaf.kU ul UK (u liUanil)H-r k* r ' ' liX. w >• S ITtti f t 1 ill fln t'l- ' ’iiiii''ti ;u , J.'Xi'T

l-^>•l;-l t!( UX \>i l>ut:i}uui]Hliick. 4 > ’amden ki ii fr byilng-iwitj :iV. ....................................;■ ■ ■ ■

Al'tjiu ■) Itu —t II 1" .|i tini'- \i Mui ki-i" ill. V ‘ -M'oii pi iH) U 5 f!" Wa-

rr l\ 1'*, iiid ' h''i Hi" iSiiiu''-' I'l saiT '. V. J'(.-uiisi h 'aijju uv ' ll'l fi a La H iu i.k'' pi. .‘xk'. ..S:,rm» l.i s.iii!*'. II f’l'nv.-rur.l „,r,

n li fr H ;u! I .s(, JJJ V • •K (I La I'ur.i H ux lu Atik.-Io hi

I': iTl2u UT i.X K V. > ' 1‘ Shvlfit'hl .*iulI .■•jiiuri bt.'-, L'tlxlUi...................................

AI'':Lhftni Mi.jl-t i t 111 L* J '.b ii F M-. g"iy , u s R llih 111 ft n fri; ,nk st, ........................

lUkur *-i MX In Fw a S i;ith si :hu ft n fr

' hiU"iT nv ......... .......lu Frl'-.lrlch (Vlubke. -w s S

I III fl SFUt ft Tl fl- Cilnl'iii !iv. 7.ixf* .‘.1 .'Id it* nitv Company lu Fnim a

If lyna, e b Nurwodd fit Jf7ft H a fiU iinncr I'i, T .\10fl............... •

M''-almni «'.wip'i i.ii h f t ux ’u I.uim Mird liuhrjH . u » IJurgL-ii a t luii ft f fr W arrun si. i'ixlOO .......... '•........

F F " 'T :>r. liu^ri-.h, I.i I I ur Htiu-t!'I' *1 uv *■ S nth •‘*1

ji '1 s fr i:.r!i u ' . ‘-ixl'"'F 'MnMur ' r u c k ' r *'l hk lo S'-:il.u;ird

k. iHy Company, w fi n i H - n ftv ivi fr n fr Heller pa rkw ay , yxl6Q .

n l'T S lD K OF N K W A iiK . Gipyluck luanri Lom paiiy to John B.

Si'-irliH Bi lleviil''. vv h Prurtl jii n Ji It Uvtrl'.H*k av. .'-lyxKt!

Hidtivwu'ifi laumi Com pany lu bun»e,' 1'N1 UK' ' '*1 ftfl lUiJUKC nv. ..................Filli p i\;i'l-^bru ttr el u \ l" F trd -

iM-iiid IvhrlJclij B as t Orunge. s a H 'll l uTii av 250 ft 8 fr N o rth T arkSI. yjxlOO............................................. .

Chjirlca A. K eyter e t ux to John D. I'lump. Hlo<tmneid. w a W ahru t »i ‘■ii5 ft 6 f r M ontgom ery st. 86x100..

Fi'uderlck Vogel e t ux lo George F. Garwood, Irv ing ton , w e Llnflen a . SW fl n f r p ro p erty Jaco b dkJn*k.\c 25x111...................... . -■ ..............

Irvington L end an d Im provem ent ('om pany to Kime. n w a Lindenav cor. W oodlawn pl» 50x112........

Llewellyn R ea lly Com pany .to John R FrankG, W est O ranae. fourlotii map E ag le R ock te ira o e . ......

E lm er Ffttiike J r et u s lo .'R ohert J. SHUwell, W est Oraiigp. s tv en lots nuj.li Eagle Rock te rrace . :TkXlOO,.

MA niHON.TViv M'Uidny Afleniuou MlH«luTiflTy

[ iLiil'l uf Iij- f 'ri Kli.v [i rlan ' in n ' li <a .11 1 uirlII Ciik.- Nii'l '.iiul> s.'jJu at ll;i l.iU;.- of Mrs W ll'biiii VV'l'lj l>iivis, ur- M.i.n ‘-tru'-l.I II l-'-i !„! i > .1 r i ' I III" .1 .iiiuui \ L”.'

IP \- Hr II 'nii-r i ' .Hiuni/, will I - ujo H,H rVI IllriK ll 'l Im [iiuri' w - vurPi IJI

nuTu,x,i A roiiiK’lly tu Frun kiln Su \ ir.fi jj t '•hupui • il 1 ' w I I'i, nlupl' al h* ru: I'l^yI i t.HI Hill lull. V s S'*u\ii T trilh st ft'i'j li | .u 7 u' i'jmi k Jiis sukjuc-t wmII Hu ' H n i-::''Ui-nU3 :iv. L'.uo'i. , i ;"M' imj ]•. ('.insiublo Funl'-f-Ili* ul u \ I" M--i-hniilu-**' ; Mr fu 'l ' Bui-Obig and l .u in A.*<si-''I.M l"ii, \v ■ .V--rlji ■ M'du hH'I I'kubib Hi -Ik t'l H 11 1 'lu '^t' l ,1 •, ‘ 'I Albert W MuukHdxr et iix U'- .1 luj A. •

n ! liuniJiard. HuhU".-| a h riLlii';."r i'l .'«1 fl w \


A lfred E lm er Milla. Efitln* 'n C tm m on , n '“ l' « ux to Adete SladlRleae C ourt a t ' m'cvei' Irv ing ton n a Rdoecvr ltto G eorce H . pirooilui. of R ocksw ay, and i n o - i - - i* ,k*y, vi„i t,t WM-ii-n

a r l i . 2 . m 1C^a.rl«» a n d George Meloskl. of H i­

bernia. have jua t bought a Bltcc of prop­erty s t W hartoB from HonVy Engleman for f4T9- 'I l I s ' said, jo sep b W harton_ lifts be- i|uea*bed IS J » -Ut E dw ard KsUy, sv iw rtnu-ndant «f th e furoaoas a t 'V har- Wn-

____ . . .J l lg tC . .. ---------- ,Frnrih R(. t l r a y s t ux to Qsorge H,

KriirincT, .W est O range, n s Rlrob . t IK f t n w , f r tUTiKtlssey av,axIOl :...................... ......................■■

New .renraj' TIome Coffipany to Miiry Gibbs, O isn Rid**, lo ts B, I t “ U. 19. block A. m ap M ontclair

i fr Raliroftd av. Jh'w I AliffHiUin k'l.Hi i.hk, M ut jx tn I 'l 't 'iu n

i ' HuiMlll.^ tlll'i i-l II. S "liUKlIi'1,. * s ;•<: si f l ]i fr i?i»('Uf.:;!' Ill a \ , J.'Sf"!, C ;i'li 'J ijio H-'binM’ b '''k Fr*

1 I liijj.'^':i, TV -V HiXlh Bl I7fi ft .s tr.Sixti ciiMi A\

I* u r 'I S I l ' l ' . UF .VEWAHK' I Ji.hll l; .■<. .Ill l l ' l IIS I'l HiilM., ' iiik iiiul k< jiu'. 111'-. \v a i'u'.'Jtuli st ' Ji'.' H 11 II U--.k ii\. J.S.uO.)

j Suiiii' Lti jvutii', H 'lie s lll ', H 0'VfrIuf>k I Ht .-k IT v\ lr I -M',

I Sam" t" Haiti". I l f l lu \ 1 1 1", s H Overlook, I a t ''R 11 'A 1: i uitin uvH y.in.i lr. H..I1.* , Bf’Uf vlll'-, vs H BrefitOii

I «l ‘ ' '■'criouk :i»,, ; S;,uie \ | | naiui , 11 ' V i , H -H ila'Jrrun'rj I f*i ‘k.'i ft V. rr t JKinKQ .r., L,2yi" j Sattu- Up hamc-. l r . lufJitun, n h S 'rren i'i

fli k'I H V. fr uiarjfcj" .iv. U.'jfXi. j Sriiiu 1" fiiime, IrvliiUt'-n. n « SoiTunlu

. SI iliki 11 'V j r 'jr.iiiK*- u ., i-.’.L'i'O Sariu Hi si.mi , 1 rv iiiKtun. n s S tirrfm ./

■ p( J7,'i f( w fr Orciug'' '! ■,S. nu' I" lytiiR*. IrviiLT^t'iTi, n n Surreiito,

fit ;k‘ II w- fr OrfiiiK'* 31VI'l buni", ij .H rfurrt'tUij

fit ];li I't w fr ortinii':' av, iipiku.,i u , U ’fi'-tZ" ‘ I I" lU'UJp J

|si-ui>. 11 vkiff(.nil. n e s VVcllaiiil <iv iioH w ( e I 'litsu-i :i\, und S">ihm1 Iruv".

M. ., A O arlur and Niisliatul lo Fred- eri*'‘k ' i ai'lfy. iU llhurn , a a Borlngrtc-id iiv 17" fl If USaiiK' »i. I

Jiil.ii i\ uHHmcf ul ux tu il vliiKUm B, und . L . irv lnitlun. n c$ Clin ion av Wcist KC ft s\ f:' SmiHi s ' .

(k .m '-Ji H DenuireHt el u* tv:> T htila n. B. illll, hluomnoJd e s M orton et 315 ft s fr iioilevllle uv, $2,&W.

Aii.i S Huyt and husbiind Ui yaviners lisw .Hii;.’ I i iind T iubI Co.. Oruiiis-:-,ri F su ri 'u at 121 ft e fr B nifh ic ii av.H.'itu!

J mHp [ih M listeln et ux to Oranffp B. and L U'uai O range, n s F reem au st w $ Hlui kniao .fit. ll.OTO.

Frt'dni'ick A Tdbble el ux tn MnntcliH;’B ari'l T.,, M ontcialr, e a Prlnc^'ton pi 300 fT b fr ParksJdc, rJ.lw.

Ls'fij.i fi M inor to . \ r th u r J). Crane, Kfiftl Or.-ingp, t» ” 8 South Grove bL 200 ft n " K 111h nv.

Jaftius SliLink?ii c l UX u> RofinviUc B. and L.e E ast Orange, e b N orth laih s i t « fta fr pal k AV, ^,CW. ‘. l^awr«nce K elly et ux tn Blnotnfteld

Savings InsH tullon. licUevUlu, n a BrU?h- ton av 'dS2 f t n fr Hnrrl.'ron hl |7ft).

P e te r Uroderaort ct ux to U u rrle t C ar­ter. Ei?.st Orange, e a W ceI a l 143 ft n fr Linden av, t3.5^,

Joseph P. M cOlnity et ux to W olfe. Jil- Bon, r>oug]aa Co.. South O range, h w *4 H lckorj' d rive 230 f t 4 e f r Rooaeveit road. SL3M.

i .Mj-jfUuiif.1 Mulil'i'- <'i:iiTl«"n, nf' i'i-( fl / MiurH.luIn^' Miss

r i,r \- - llil UU'I .Mi-.-« 1';hI. ji-- l.aim -I'lind, "f .N'l '.k "I'lU'k ( ‘II \ ,

A1 UjI- "■ ' • 'Mil Ifj"- r "f B,-' T ■')! l-liiilJitli JiiiiiitP, lo hf- lu'lrf OH J 'iii.iy J, ;'r 1 111'" n, I bu i 1:y of i '' jii'n u V. I, lu,' r-1 ,ii I'l I U r Ulinil! !■ '■ " ill'H!* '.vill1" .Ml.'. iT’.ilvin And'CHi'ii. Mi-siti.i W ii.li J i'd d en Krid .Mi-. 'rU '[>fO ’'’.'ar-i ' il I 'ase.

II V ^KIM - U1UM7.V. i:u :I, 1 '1 - 'U v I ''I I

liiiliul ui 1 :u' HlKhup .Ittiir.1'. ■ \ "iii'v.;.

Il' ill1, M'Hi.)-i'lU i ' 9'lll

I T .H-rrac* ...................... .............. ........ .M fttico Cagvluno e t s i to Aogclo■ ilisc ia , M ontclair, w s B ay stO peration* ■ In the 'SoCkaway BolllBg

mil -were wmondsd l«»t night for twon- atisciu, a jon io .^ .. " r jy4bttt hoow ftn hondr o fU h s m en orr i J* » » * * » * '* * BJooaifieidJ Elassr Htmler, whose funeral was held f Rottitsy. W t W - - - " - ; - ; ; ' ; * - ' . - - - ; - -. .... m/VB*- kwsnii_ i nn*4B*ditf TMINtfl And RuLtdllUZwill InduJgs in Ion* walks'tbrouebout this ot Htmler, whose funeral was new aiutway.

S bUm oT U m o o S to j:, , , _ 7 ,jiu t nJlUt. ftm iiw had been most | w *»-1 Godfrey Land and BuUdin* C oa-1


Epeciol JWsiHitci to tie ETAA/WB NEWS, JE R SE Y C U T . Jan . » -—T h e following

deed n f iw tlh f p ro p erty In W est Hudson w as racordsd yeat^uJsy;

HARRISOK tX lH V ETA K G E. G ustave B aurteuJlste l e t U i , to Ereder-

^ I X BgckjMtffi, e a

mm Mt US It « 2r BuTiMii av,

'El'- ' 'lilii' k....... II.' j, fll iJ'dL'JI i Jirtti41-.Hi:.

.Mr, ai:.! .Mis. J'J. M M'ir 'iui , 'd i.yuiiH, \\ MI K" I. ' n I ‘a rill III .4 : u - ■ ‘i !i" j aMis WaJilrou i-xpuuVb (u s;j«ad (Lu wLi- tvr

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Ki t .li'lui T Hjuve lilT-Eid'-d i|,u. iTi.-ci-lr:^ >f I j I / iI -T! f '|•>’- 'hy t .-i v in i ju Mi.-y-

iToHhvHr'nri Ch’j rvh lu KIi/:iL 'l.ii y slurd.i V

A piiriy - T vri'iHK' pi'HTh' v. "u un a Birii'w rid*.' .MtiM'Liv iil ’ht. lukliiL' i.dv in- limti (if ilif u'lU'i 'li-lrhlnL''

Thu Timi I'd "I l l t ' d i b will iiim.i ;hie nf urn i'K Ell tJu- M ' M fl' ■■!

Thu Lndlnh' Aid Sui lu'.y ui :l..- I'h dn- lurlnn rhiirufi U'UI i'.i*i*i r<i-in'irr"W ..'ii'i'- ln.Hiji ,ii ii.' '.'-i '■ ' T .*'L '.-..irEi'ji I li'luh, fH' Bv Bi l dai d- \ li I" re id

1 Mil !i I ,:iliu\ . 'i.ui,: iH i- "f Mr . f d .Mi g. J Lull' V Who III! wun' il. "r- B in fu" 'ijxm ritllclU.''? 5'.f All Huidbf' , mMon lfib'^ Fi'i'E iy, Ifi Im pp 'v i- . ;___

Our Aim Is

Your Personal ComfortTliB greet daily Angelas Limited

from L'liltiago via the

Chicago & Northwestern, Union Paeific

and Salt Lahe lonteIS famous for its appointments. Electric lights, books, raagaalnea and oolite per­sonal service wlillo en route. Enjoy your loui-ney. Take the

Los Angeles Limited

E le c t r i e L ig h te d' InQuire of

J . B . D eF-B lBST . G. A i -K? Broadway. rfew York, N. T .

Send lae, ■—ta* e forboek, '“Tbe OvmN ind Bnnfe” to the Road of n “TheaswM

:r "SIten d R o n te 'Woadcr****

.ar AT

' E • fL'm * - ktfW 'h«»'* .Vs.im <


WBATHBK TO-MOKROWi p r o b a b l v p a r t l y CLOVDY; w a r m e r

store Cbtes at S:30 P. M., Saturdays Excepted.


MA R K E T . H A L S E Y S B A N K S t &

Ever Try Our Mail or 'Phone


r 22.50 for New 35.00 Suits


SeverpLl PN tinctly New Etfecta that You Will Fall in Love with

A large New York designer of women’s apparel, in order to wind up his season's business, disposed of to us at a tremendous loss a smali but exceedingly choice lot of tailored suits which we shall place on sale to-morrow in our third floor department at a price you can’t.help being interested in. bine broadcloth plenty of black and blue; also new shades of gray, green or taupe. Perfectly tailored. Cut full. Skinner satin linings. All positively $35 garments

Fur Lined C oa ts -Fo r women. — — Good Sus- lika lined. Made with shawl

Tailored Suits 15.00—Reallyexcellent

suits made of good quality broad­cloth In black, blue, gray orgreen; also neat striped worsteds. Re ------- . - - ^Regular $25.00 and $35.00 garments, specia l...................Women’s Dress Sk irts— Made

of anexceptionally good grade Pana­ma cloth in blue and brown only. A variety of styles— reg­ularly $5.00 and $6.00 each, on sale Thurs­day special................

collars of sable or natural squir­rel and opossum. These coats sell regularly at $25, our special Thurs­day price................FineCaractil Coals— Handsome

coats, lullfifty inches long, lined through­out w ith gray or black guaranteed satin. Regular price $27.50 each, Thursday we will offer them spe­cial at.....................

Sale of Soiled UndermuslinsIn order to effect a speedy clearance of all odd, soiled or mussed garments left from our recent half yearly sale, we will place on sale Thursday on aisle tables in our muslinwear department five big lots at figures which do not begin to cover even the cost of making, to say nothing of what we paid for them originally. Sale starts

romptly at 8:& and continues while tots last No mail, phone or C. 0. D. orders. :orae early for first choice.O

Lot 1 condsti ol chlldrtii’s c a n to n tUond drawera In iwwly all 8 l*e*. Of load quality—foriftor price 25c., a p ipectalat

L ot 2 con ta in* d r a w e r * , ([bwns,. aklrti, conet cover* and combination jar- inent*—former prlcei 50c. to 69c. ^ F ^ each, spatialat

L o t 3 contatna cownc, corlet coven, drawers, aktrts and com b in ation tar- menls—former prices 79c. to each, spe­cial at. -50c

Lot 4 contain* iklrts, gowns, draw­ers, corset covers and combination gar­ments—former prices

S “ - 1 . 0 0spedil.

L o t 5 c o n s is ts of in odd lot of skirts, made of fine materials and prettily tr im m e d — former

I S - 2 . 0 0

W aist Clearance Boys’ Overcoats- $ 2 .0 0 and $ 2 .2 5 waists for

$1.25^, Quite a reduction, is it not^' They’re s l i g h t l y s o i l e d , however, but of course this does not impair their usefulness in the least One good washing and you

I liave a brand new waist White and colored linen and madras. Nice fine goods. Pretty m od e l s . Plain or striped and figured, just as you choose. Taken directly from our regular $ 2 .0 0 and $ 2 .2 5 lines and espec­ially reduced to...

Our own regular $3.98 and $5.00 overcoats and reefers for 2 .80. Much less than they cost us and much less than you’ll ever buy such nice coats for again. Sizes 3 to 16 years. Made of all wool materials in plain blue, i oxford and brown; also sev­eral handsome fancy mix­tures. Cut on new, stylish models. Hang and fit cor­rectly. Good linings—well tailored. Regular $3.98 and $5.00 l i n e s special Thursday.........

Sale of New Spring White Goods1! vou need white goods now or expect to six months hence, see to it that this big Thursday sale does not escape you. Such values as these are not every day occurrences, we 11 assureyou, and you certainly owe if to yourself to lay in a supply of white goods while they re to / “ > . < . nn rnntro fahips Salp faiftS at 8.30.

12 Yds. Whitebe had at such prices. Five 'tremendous lots on centre tables. Sale starts at 8.30.

White Madras W aistingsThese w»lstlnes are

excellent q u a l i t y - shown In a few neat and pretty styles— good* that were made to sell at 19c. per yard,our speclalThurs- day only price, per yard......

White Nain- 'to in.Batiste White India

sook, and L a w n LinonFine qualllv white

nainsook — 36 Inches wlde—nlce soft finish —used for women’s and children's under­w ea r . This grade s e l l s ^ | regularly at | P IZfic.peryd. | 7W —specl»l at... “

Several thousand yards of fine mercerized fin­ished batiste and dalii- ty, sheer lawns. Very fine goods-many worth ZSc.peryird — on sale | ^ | Thursday 1 / P only, spe- clal, yard., “

This Is a nice fine grade and usually sella for lZ>ic. a yard. Sheer and evenly wov­en. Jl inches wide— nicety finish- ed. For shirt ^ 1 waists a n d ! P dresses—spe- | clal, yard...... *

Long Cl o t hHere la a fine jrado

of white long cloth, in pieces of 1 2 yds. each. Excellent lor women's and children's under- g a r m e nt*.J u s t 100 pieces—while they last to­morrow, pl ce

Here’s a Millinery SensationSample Lines of Flowers and Sprays at Half and Less

A characteristic offering and one that will surely appeal to every woman who is mter- esfed in beautiful hat trimmings. We liave just secured at a telling sacrifice a large New York imoorter’s sample line of late Winter and early Spring flowers which we shall p ace before you to-morrow in our millinery section at from half to two-thirds less than you would have to pay under ordinary selling conditions. This is one of the best offerings of its kind that we have ever made and we want every one to take advantage of the opportunity. Large, beau­tiful sprays of roses, foliage, grapes, violets, lilacs, poppies, pansie^ etc. Finest materials. Rarest colorings. Silk or muslin. Positive values $2, ^.50 p . Special while lot lasts. No mail or 'phone orders. (Sale starts at 9'30 o'clock)................

Sale of Lamps and Lamp ShadesWe are going to hold a lamp

portable or even a lamp shade thisQlaas L a m p

Shade* at rediic-

sale in our basement store to-morrow. If you need a lamp, is your chance to save a good round sum.

ed priees. These gbadei can b* used on any la m p , whether oil, g u or electric. Made In mottled green irt glass, brass frame

woflt. Our regular prices for these shades have bMn from f | i .Z 5 to (a . 9 3 each, special at... * *


' R aadiac Lam ps—Theselamps are nickel plated and fitted with be»t tentre draft boinert. Complete iocludinc opal glaj* dome, ibade and glass chimney. Wa sell them ttc . for ^ . 0 0 each, but for Thursday'* speclai | ■mrt aelUng the price I

‘ will be....... ............

Paper S h a d e s—Japan­ese paper sh a ^ s In twelve to fourteen In. widths —the ac­company­ing picture represent* the style, to retail according to size at from $1.9S each. No malt, 'phone or C. O. D. order*. While they last........................................... ........

Mission PortabiM—fit- 'tad for gas or eloctrfdtye sioi- Uar to picture. Made of select- •d woody vrttb haadtome areen glM* domey

lorllbruT*i * W- -— — —*,hall or llTlBf room, TiIhartdaj- 2.98

T h e G O E R K E * ^vp..»-D*te o «d . M a r k e t a n d B r o a d S t s .A l L ew Prices*

T h r e e C n t r e n o t i*

Thursday O nly Curtain Swiss

R eg. tOc. q u ality a t 6 c .Yard-wide curtain »wii», in atripe*, y no u u ll or 'phone ordera: Thura- n P day only, yard.....................................

sn l Tlootp O pholitory Storo.

T h e G r e a t e s t o i A l l W a i s t S a l e s

Imported fl.49 to

lamp. Set! regular-L 4 0 h ty (or |J .9 6 each.

to-motroV, a t .

Beyond describing these waists and quoting the special prices, it seems utterly impossible to begin to give anidea of the importance of this sale. So we urge you to come here and see for yourself. See the thousands and thousands of new, stylish waists—note the prices asked—and you’ll agree with us that this is the greatest of all waist sales.

t M W aists at 69c.One of the stir bargains of this

big sale. 800 brand new waists, made of good riuality white lawn and lingerie, prettily trimmed with embroidery; open front or back; new sleeves; value $1; for this sale ...:....................House Waists

in m in c a


\ 'Jlii"

1.25 While W alsis 79c.

of colored lawn*, with figure* or polka dot*; whild 1 0 dozen last, lim it to two —each.......... 15c

89c. Waists at 49c.

5.00 Silk W aists at 2.50100 rich silk taffeta waists, in

black, brown, navy, etc.; front with hand-embroidered effects; not more than two to a customer; value $5 ; while they last, a t.............................

Soiled Waists2.5«

Made oi good white lawn; front with five panel* of broidery;S9c. waist* at

of cm- 1 1 * rv; regular

of ^ ^


Odd* aud - end* ol waists, somewhat soiled from handling; lawna; prettily trimmed; value 79c„ at.................

student Lamps—The 11-luitratlon show* the style. Complete tnduJmg g reen glass dome shade and glass chimney. They're n ic k e l plated lamps of good quality -nothing better lor a study

Worth every cen to ! fl.Z5, made ol fine lingerie and lawns, 1 0 , different styles, elaborately trimmed, new sleeves; value jl.2 5 , at.

High Grade Silk Waists


Messaline Waiata in navy, gray, toque, brown and black; also rich silk black Taflela Waists; have hand-embroidered front,with tucked back and front; val­ue (7; lor this sale.................

f^oileil Waistsft.98 and $2.50 Waists ai $t.00

These are made of finest lingerie*, lawns and batistes, bnt the most of them are a trifle soiled or mussed from h.tndling; all are elaborately trimmeil with lace and embroid­eries; new long or short sleeves; i\1so N et W aists, lined; were |1 ,98 and f2.50; sal* price..... 1.

Lace W aists

Net WaistsBacli front and alwres handiomcly

1.29iTlmioeii wUti proall tDCdalsome finished wKb laceF^^^i

Tiklue a t ....................

Kandsome modela, made ol imported Bruasela net, lined with china silk; Duchesa yoke, with pretty Venise med- alliona; lapels of m eisatine and cluny insertion; tucked blouse with cluny in­sertion, edged with Val. lace sleeves oi small tucks; in ecru or white; walati worth $4; for this sale..............

37cJap. Silk W aists

1.98I g.1 1*11 *ii~

1.90Women’s Sweater CoatsDouble or single breasted;

value f l , $1 ,2 S and 11.50; for clearance, e a c h ...............

In black or white; front trimmed with lace Inscrtiodt; others with fine embroidery; value $2.50; for this sa le ......

lingerie W aistsOf fine batiste or lawn*; yoke, back

and sleeves trimmed with rows of good Val, lace; others w ith yokes of embroidery and lace; and many other styles; valne fJ and $4; for this s a le .....

wa ui1.951.75 Waists a t 98c

Lliig-prle walitB, el«l)oriLt«l7 trim-mrd Trltii lacf and ei

for this saia.taL 98c

Women’s Coats and Suits Reduced

i... Vyf'-

la styiisn coat



A "Big Bargain List for ^harsday-AU Alterations Made FreeWomen’s Long Fur and Long Caracul Coals Sacrltlced

Here’s « great special that en a b le s you to get a high-grade and stylish^co^t at a low price. T h e y are rich Fur-Lined Coats, made of black b r o a d c lo th , and have collars of fur or astrakhan; alto Long Caracul Coats, 5o inches long, lined with rich satin. The Fur-Lined Coats are worth up to $35; the Caracul Coats are worth to $25. To-morrow

Long Coats at 2.98 Women’s Suits Coats1 ^°c<»t** f e ^ h °*** '’ *1!' i A n Broadcloth Coats, satincloth Cokta, 54-m. Icnytli merges, cheviots, J I I W .■*. .i. «;o

—prettily trimmed with etc., in plain or striped ef- A ^silk braid; *pe- 7 A Q fecU; val. t8 to 1 1 2 , reduced to V duced F QOcial to-morrow at ■*— iJ ....... ................ *

Women’s Suits Reduced

Hair Goods

Single Hair P uffs, all shade*,special a t................................................. t jL

Pin Puffs, *1! shades, 4 ot 5 in iQ r> 1 set, nt per se t................................. ‘I 7 L I

Strictly man-tailored, made oi fine broadcloth aod chevron serge* a n d velvet*; lined throughout with Skinner *atin, trimmed with braid. Coat* n » r lengths and leading shades, also black; value f l5 and {IS,

Ilf. iixwT

9 98l , . t V . v o

Extra Morning Sates from 9 A.M. to J P.M.Women’s Skirts

Panamiui. chevLots and broad­cloths, In S ol th* neWMt itylea, iDriiirlIng ths m 0 0 h lavorcd button dlreetotro sBect , with doublelolfli,worth!11.50; from 9 A. M. to J P. M. only............. —

Women's Coats Broken line* of taa covert*

and broadcloths, in black and colors; formerly |» n marked f2 .98& 13.98. y j j gfrom 9 to I, only.,

59cHair Puffs, all shades, 6 in *set, at per set...........................

Hair Puffs, 8 in a set, special per set................................................... •

Hair Puffs, large aingle pufis, 39cNet Covered Hair Puffs, in a

special at, each.Net Covered

large assortment, to-morrow at...Straight or W avy Hair Sw itches, at

1.25, 1.49 and 1.59; one-third lea* than regular.

gceoBd Floor, Broad St.

Big Gearing in GiovesBuy Now at Reduc­tions ol

For Thursday Only!

W o m e o ’ a Kid Qlove* of selected akina in white, black, tan, gray, brown and other colors; valne ( 1 pair, clearance p rice ...............

W om en’s Olovea, two- clasp, of fine cashmere, Bilk lined, all sizes, value39c. to 50c.; clear- 25 c

lieW om en ’s O lovea, in

black only, caehmerette, fleece lined, value 25c, p4ir, clearance price................... 12c

Children's Qolf Gloves—strictly all wool, ft splendid MSOrt- ment, Vklue 25c. pair, choice..

ftoys'OauntletGloves, principally in gray Mla- mandcr s k i n s ; linedthroughout; value 59c

Men' s M o c h a Qlove* and Mitt*—Some silk lined, oth­ers unlined'- the mitt* are wool lined, priu' cipally in brown; values 5l.00and|l.S0( pair.......


Children'* C ashm ere Qloves, silk lined, in all colors; one and two clasp styles; all sizes, value

5 1 .0 0 , choice.

M en’* Q lovei, leath­er palms, with aatrakhau backs, heavy weights,flannel lined; val. 59c

39c. and 50c. pair; 25cclearance price....

M en'aW orkingQlovesof horsehide salamander and saranac; a splendidlot ; value 49cJl.oo, clearance...

5 1 .0 0 , choice,

M en’* M itten*, ^ d eof hdraehide, wool lined, m ost desirable for driv­er*; value 11.50,choice

U p to $1.50 C o rs e ts 39c.January Clearing Sqle, Thursday

special, regular up to $1.50 Corsets at 39c. It's a great variety you’ll find on our bar­gain tables—various kinds and styles—

Maker’s lots, salesmen’s samples, broken lines from r e g u l a r stock

■ bunched in one lot for ^ speedy clearing, Thurs­

day at this exceptional price. They’re all good perfect corsets. Come in coutil and batiste, whichever ^ou prefer. Richly trimmed with lace and

ribbon beading. All sizes.Every pair will go. The best will go first; so be early for youf-s.

Women’s Queen Quality Shoes$3, $3.50, $4 Shoes and Bes at $2.19. Sensation o f the Dap I

The name of “Queen Quality” tells the quality of the shoe, and we have all sizes and widths, insuring a perfect fit for everybody. Every pair is absolutely perferf, with the “Queen Quality” stamp on the soles. Shoes and Ties m about sixty different styles; the leathers include patent colt, Russian calf, ideal, vici, French kid and other leathers; military and Cuban heels; lace, button and blucher styles.This is the greatest shoe sale Newark has ever k n o w n — $ 3 , $ 3 . 5 0 and $ 4 Queen Quality Shoes to-morrow at, per pair ...............................................

N o t i o n s

military and

2.19Sale ol “Guernsey” Cooking Ware

Sale Starts in the Basement a t 9 A. M. To-morrow. Come Early. There’s Bound to Be a Big Respon,se to This Sale.

VJe have secured at a great concession in p r ic e andther folld carload of thi* famoua, high grade and strktly fire-proof ‘‘G u e rL y ’' Cooking Ware. It i. light in weight has a rich brown body and rspotles* white interior. Some in the lot may be the least bit chipped, bat all are otherwise perfect,

L o t C o n s i s t s o f 6 5 .0 0 0 P i e c e s - V a l n e s u p t o 1 .9 8 -- ' raCINE ORDERS

Specials From the Big Jan- uarp Sale.

Oowf Q n » 111 JW hits » a r l But-toDS—Lins 16, 1 1 M, reg. price I n C 8c„ »p«l*l at..

Je t Headed Fins —Astorted slisa <In a box, regular I G price Ic., apeclal

Keswiok Sewingftltfc—llM.;d. epools, n black and white, regularlj- sold p at Sc., special

B one C o lla r B u t­to n s —High aud low shank, reg la r price sp ec ia l,

at.AU-Ovar lu v la lb l*

B a i r Meta — B x tra large slss, In all shades, regu- * A , , lar price l» c .- | U C ■pedal a t ......

Hat and Cblftoti G o o d Q o a l L t g VeatharbODe Col­lar Fo n n d a t l o n a

Oval Covered CaS' seroles, 3, 4 or B q u a rt size..............

Round C o v e r e d Casserole*, 3, 4 or 5 q u art size

Oval Covered Stew

Choice «f Aojiten

Pots, 3 « , 4>4 or 5>i III'q u a rt aiie .

Handled Cocottea,!4 to 5 inch............

Pie Plate* 9 or 10,incli.......................

Mixing Bowls, S'sizes .........................

OvalBaker*,3 sixeaj Covered Tea Pots,

Z sizes..... ............Petite Mannitee.-.J

Choice of Aoj Iten


Covered Oval Cas-\ tero les, 9% inch size

Been Pots w ith cover, large size..

Round C o v e r e d f Casseroles, 8 in. size!

Tea Pots, 3 ,4 or 6;cup size.......................

Oval Baking Dlah-aa, 10 inch size .........

Round Bowls, 9% inch size ................

Ooice Of Aiy Item

lOcRftitwIdfWe 3 or


cu^ird c«i«e 4, i j h a j Keu or to ox.— I A •

Cecottae, 6, « orf 3 fOT10 ................................PUMIH Otate*. »l■taas............ ...........

Au'drstlii DlMwa.

MiMurooin DUhaa.gwoafxaa..........

W o m a a ' a f a d Belt G arter* -E x­tra Sue qnalitr rlaa- tie, In olsch, bine,w W ta ^ la r J Q c

n ip Plaa—Hkkrladand '*«**■ 7 I / .K*'a5SfiT.

■eeolClottea—9,404 yard — Nlaatlc, aatt aad allkUhtah, sIm* M aid T», rsg- | W „

—WftAhftbtft, Bo^and ittff, Id ill] hftlfthta: Id btftetc ftnd u-hltt,from la ^ . to

UlDTM; rajculiT AhcpiioeTc.. spec.

NHikftiad Sufety riut-Bii«ft 1 , 3, 8, r«ffu l» piicft 8e. A doiBD, oar ipBcIftl prtcft— '

3 t Sc

A WSfe«»U—

- ............

Shoe lisoes—Black tu b u la r . 44, 6-4 l•ueth*, r e g n I a rSrYce Tt a ^1,-------- --r .o«n,ep^at '3oC

Wbiu, AhoakiV^^ ^ HalrptBt—Straighta n d ' crimped; 'alt •IM*; regnlar prlH I t apaperMp*. & „ ctn], 1* paper* MC lar-------------^

f ,2 '4 c

ragalu prize Te.,■pedal.

Baiting O -tloa—Black and white; aumbart tron 8 e ^ to M, reg. price i r fc.,ip»el*l. spool**

BteeUag OBrnaie —Black caaaial- • d ,f » g ^ p r le * £ C 4e., spMal.— .. ■**'

W asstad X k l r tBraid-C jard plecaa, n ^ a r i pile*Se.,ip«en

W Uia C e t t a a . ----------------- ---V u e —Fine qaallW. teaa, corered withH m. tridc, » rarda lavltible net, goodE‘»!if:6c s»»“21c•ptdal. a roU- matcb,r*g.*le. * * * '

Linen r io U h a d T h n ad —IW yard; black an d white; reg . price he, apec'l

D an U u Ootton^s 46 rardi; taa, whita

f - - and black, on wood- an apooli; rag.

f U8W Priw >i!,» »p^ S ct apse, 4 ipoota...Bitbr Bella—>4 Is.


x y A I I e - Y C I R O U I v A . i : ! ' I O K O B '