Indian Ocean tsunamis: environmental and socio-economic impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia

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The Geographical Journal

, Vol.


, No. 2, June 2007, pp. 103–117

Geographical Journal

Vol. 173 No. 2, pp. 103–117, 20070016-7398/07/0002-0001/$00.20/0 © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © The Royal Geographical Society

Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Indian Ocean tsunamis: environmental and socio-economic impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia




School of Geography and Geosciences, Irvine Building, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9AL E-mail:

Sea Level Research Laboratory, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6316, USA

4 Green Crescent, 11600 Penang, Malaysia


Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang 11800, Malaysia

Humanities and Social Studies Education Academic Group, National institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, 637 616 Singapore

This paper was accepted for publication in September 2006

We report the results of a study of the physical characteristics and socio-economicimpacts of the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 26 December 2004 on the tourist island ofLangkawi, Malaysia. In comparison with many other locations struck by the tsunami, theimmediate physical and socio-economic impacts in Langkawi were relatively minor. Adetailed survey of the watermark and ground elevations was undertaken in the worstaffected area between Sungei Kuala Teriang and Sungei Kuala Melaka. Here, the tsunamireached a maximum elevation of 4.29 m as it crossed the coast, with a maximum flowdepth of 2.0 m and a very consistent run-up elevation relative to mean sea level of 300


10 cm. The tsunami inundated inshore areas for 300 m and penetrated inland along creeksfor 500–1000 m. Structural damage to buildings was confined to within 50–150 m of theshoreline where about 10% of the houses were completely destroyed and 60–70%suffered significant structural damage. Damage was particularly severe in areas wherethere was no engineered coastal protection, but while coastal revetments did provideenhanced protection for houses at the waterfront, the coastline in the study areaappeared to be more heavily impacted than elsewhere in Langkawi because wave energywas focused on the area by offshore breakwaters built to protect the Langkawi port andairport. Emergency response after the tsunami was rapid and efficient but would havebeen improved if the local police station had not been rendered inoperative by the firstwave, and if a mechanism had been in place to ensure that informal advance warningstransmitted between Phuket (Thailand), Langkawi and Penang (Malaysia) by touristoperators could have been more widely disseminated.


Malaysia, Langkawi, tsunami, mangrove, tourism, emergency response, relief, reduction of vulnerability



n Sunday, 26 December 2004 at 00:58:50UTC (8:58:50 am local Malaysia time), thesecond largest earthquake ever instrumentally

recorded, with a moment magnitude of 9.3, generated

a disastrous tsunami up to 25 m high that causeddestruction in 11 countries bordering the IndianOcean (US Geological Survey 2005). The epicentreof the earthquake was at 3.298


N, 95.779


E, about150 km off the west coast of Sumatra in Indonesia,and its focal depth was very shallow (much less


Indian Ocean tsunamis: impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia

Geographical Journal

Vol. 173 No. 2, pp. 103–117, 2007© 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © The Royal Geographical Society

than 33 km – possibly about 10 km). The earthquakewas widely felt in Sumatra, the Nicobar and AndamanIslands, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand,Bangladesh and India (Ammon

et al.

2005a 2005b;Banerjee

et al.

2005; Okal and Stein 2005).The 2004 tsunami left unique and perishable

data that can be used to construct and interprettrajectories of environmental and socio-economicchange in the tsunami-affected areas and to assessfuture risk (e.g. Adger

et al.

2005). We choseLangkawi, Malaysia as a study site because thephysical and socio-economic impacts were typicalof less catastrophic, but more common, tsunamievents. Thus, we aim to assist in efforts to under-

stand better the impacts of tsunamis in general, andto mitigate the impacts associated with futureevents. Observational data, which have now beencollected from several other locations in the IndianOcean since the tsunami, can also assist in therefinement of models of tsunami generation andpropagation (e.g. Narayan

et al.

2005; Yalciner

et al.

2005), and in developing tools for identifyingtsunami deposits in the sedimentary record (Bishop

et al.

2005). This study was conducted in tandemwith similar studies conducted in Penang, Malaysia,50 km south of Langkawi (Horton

et al.

forthcoming)and southern Thailand (Rigg

et al.

2005; Buranakul

et al.

2005), as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Map indicating the position of Lankawi relative to the earthquake epicentre west of Sumatra. Also shown are the study areas of Horton et al. (forthcoming) and Rigg et al. (2005), as discussed in the text

Indian Ocean tsunamis: impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia


Geographical Journal

Vol. 173 No. 2, pp. 103–117, 2007© 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © The Royal Geographical Society

The tsunami in Malaysia

Peninsular Malaysia, including Langkawi, is partlysheltered from tsunamis generated in most parts ofthe Indian Ocean by Sumatra (Choi

et al.

2003), butis potentially directly exposed to tsunamis generatedin the Nicobar–Andaman Islands region to the northof Sumatra (Pacheco and Sykes 1992; Ortiz andBilham 2003). One of the strongest earthquakes everrecorded in this region occurred on 26 June 1941(magnitude 7.7), and is known to have generated atsunami that killed 5000 people along the east coastof India (Schiermeier 2005). An archival search of ‘ThePinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle’ over the twoweeks following 26 June 1941 located no referenceto a tsunami impacting anywhere along the westerncoast of Peninsular Malaysia. The occurrence of theearthquake itself was reported the day after the event,based on a wire service report from London alongwith events of comparatively trivial significance fromelsewhere in Malaysia. This suggests that either nowave of significant size travelled southwest from theepicentre of the earthquake, or that any wave wasattenuated to the point where it did not cause signifi-cant run-up on coasts bordering the Straits of Malacca.This further suggests that the tsunami of 2004 was thefirst event to cause significant damage in Malaysiain at least a century and probably considerably longer.

Despite being located close to the earthquakeepicentre, the impact of the tsunami in Malaysiawas substantially less than in areas located furtherafield. As of 9 January 2005, 68 deaths had beenconfirmed, with five people missing and 8000displaced (Asian Development Bank 2005). Signifi-cant run-up occurred over 300 km of coastlinefrom the Thai border south to the state of Selangor,with 4696 people evacuated from their homes inKedah (including Langkawi) and 1600 evacuated inPenang (World Fish Centre 2005).

Fishing and aquaculture are important industries inthese areas and were heavily affected. Across Malaysia,155 fish farmers lost an estimated US$6.3 million fromthe damage to facilities and land and 5200 fishermenlost an estimated US$7.71 million in boats and otherequipment (Aquaculture Magazine 2005; World FishCentre 2005). Despite this, the relative economicimpact on Malaysia was small, with the cost of theclear-up operation reported at US$25 million, com-pared with US$1.5 billion for Sri Lanka, US$600million for the Andaman and Nicobar Islands,US$1.2 billion for India and US$4 billion for the stateof Aceh in Sumatra (Asian Development Bank 2005).

The study area

Pulau Langkawi is the largest and most developedisland (487 km


; 62 000 inhabitants) of a group of

99 islands within the Andaman Sea known collec-tively as the Langkawi Islands. The islands are30 km from the coast of the Malaysian state ofKedah, of which they are administratively a part,near the Malay–Thai border (Figure 1). The islandis mountainous, and spectacular limestone cliffs,white sand beaches and fringing reefs mean thattourism is the main contributor to the local economy.The principal town and administrative centre isKuah, located on the south coast of the island, buttourist development has primarily occurred alongthe beaches of Pantai Tengah and Pantai Cenangon the west coast (Figure 2).

Langkawi was the first location in Malaysia to bestruck by the 2004 tsunami, and we concentrated thisstudy on the area that sustained the most significantdamage, along a confined 1 km stretch of coastbetween the Kampongs of Kuala Teriang and KualaMelaka, north of the major coastal defences protect-ing Langkawi airport and Port Langasuka (Figure 2).

Approximately 3500 people live in these twocommunities and rely on fishing for the majority oftheir income. Sungei Ranggor Besar provides asmall harbour at its mouth for Kampong KualaTeriang at the north end of the study area, whileSungei Melaka provides a similar harbour at itsmouth for the residents of Kampong Sungei Melakaat the southern end of the study area. A mangrovefringe used to stretch along the coast betweenthese rivers, but the coast has been armoured bytwo rock revetments built to 2.7–3.0 m above sealevel, one stretching from the north bank of TeriangHarbour, south in front of Kampong Kuala Teriang,the other stretching north in front of Kg. SungeiMelaka. These coastal protection works do notmeet, and a 50 m stretch of natural coast withremnant mangroves remains between the two.

Single-storey, non-engineered concrete-frame,masonry-infill terrace-style housing, with corrugatediron tiled roofs, has been built approximately 5 minland from the rock revetment along most of thefrontage at Kuala Teriang. A mix of terrace-stylehousing, freestanding wooden and masonry bunga-lows and a single abandoned three-storey hoteloccupy the foreshore at Kuala Melaka, all, ingeneral, built further back from the coast than atKuala Teriang. A main road built at about 3 mabove sea level runs parallel to the coast and about100 m inland as far north as Kuala Teriang, beforeturning inland and crossing Sungai Ranggor Besarat the head of the Kuala Teriang harbour. At thenorthern end of the study area, residences and aboatshed occupy the area behind the undefendedsandy and rocky shoreline on the east–west trend-ing coast west of Teriang Harbour. At the southernend of the study area, tourist resort complexes havebeen constructed inshore of the 3 m high, arcuate,


Indian Ocean tsunamis: impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia

Geographical Journal

Vol. 173 No. 2, pp. 103–117, 2007© 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © The Royal Geographical Society

rock breakwaters that protect Langkawi Interna-tional Airport and Port Langusuka.

The seafloor fronting Kuala Teriang is a very gentlyshelving mud platform, which lies at approximatelymean sea level (MSL) in front of the Kampongitself. Approximately 700 m of mud platform isexposed at lowest astronomical tide (LAT), and2 km from the coast the seafloor is 3.5 m belowMSL. The shallow gradient continues onshore,inland to the east of Kg. Kuala Teriang/Melaka, but,to the north, the land rises steeply to a series ofhills 50 m above MSL.


Scientific field survey

We made measurements of local topography,tsunami flow depth and flow direction along cross-shore transects at Kuala Teriang (IOC 1998; TsunamiTechnical Review Committee 2002; Schiermeier

2005). The concrete slab base of a telephone boxprovided a temporary benchmark (TBM; Figure 3)and the height above local sea level of the TBMwas determined by staff and autolevel. This rawelevation was reduced to MSL by reference to thetide charts for Kuah for the time the measurementwas taken. MSL is 1.64 m above the chart datum inuse on Admiralty Chart 3485 and repeat measure-ments suggest the elevation of the TBM relative toMSL is accurate to


20 cm. The location of eachTBM was determined using a Leica SR530 GPSsystem to a horizontal accuracy of better than


5 m.From the TBM a series of levelling runs was

conducted in order to establish the elevation of themajor geomorphic features and the elevation ofwatermarks above local ground level and above MSL.Other features (roads, coast, vegetation) were mappedusing a Trimble Geoxplorer XT GPS, or digitized fromAdmiralty Chart 3485 and Aster satellite imagery.

Watermarks defined by a thin film of mud andorganic debris on trees and poles were taken as

Figure 2 General location map for Kampong Kuala Teriang and Kampong Kuala Melaka showing coastline, bathymetry and the orientation of the first wave as it approached the coast. Inset map shows Pulau Langkawi and the main areas affected by

the 2004 tsunami

Indian Ocean tsunamis: impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia


Geographical Journal

Vol. 173 No. 2, pp. 103–117, 2007© 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © The Royal Geographical Society

direct indicators of maximum wave height. Theinterpretation of watermarks on buildings is lessstraightforward, as the height of watermarks onwalls is dependent on the orientation of the wallrelative to the direction of travel of the wave, with‘leading walls’ facing the direction of wave attackbearing the highest watermarks and internal wallshaving the lowest watermarks (Horton

et al.

forth-coming). Watermarks on the outside walls, parallelto the direction of flow, provide the most reliableestimates of maximum water depth, as demonstratedby Horton

et al.

(forthcoming) and we report onlythese measurements where possible. While thesedimentary record of the tsunami was mappedand sampled as part of this project, these resultswill be presented elsewhere.

Social science field survey

We carried out this research using an interviewapproach that lies closer to the interpretivist end ofthe spectrum (e.g. Bryman 1988; Brannen 1992;Neuman 1997). This approach is typically used whenthere are specific research objectives, but it facili-tates flexibility to enable exploration of unanticipatedissues (Thomas 2003). Interviews were conductedwith the aid of local representatives fluent in Malayand Penang Hokkien. The following core researchquestions acted as guidelines during interviews butdid not inhibit the flow of conversation:

• What were the experiences and recollections of eyewitnesses to the tsunami?

Figure 3 Detailed map of the Kampong Kuala Teriang study area with surveyed water marks indicated. The first number at each survey point represents the maximum height of the water above MSL in centimetres, the second gives water depth in

centimetres. Ground elevation can be calculated by subtracting the second measurement from the first. Maximum penetration is indicated by a water level of 0 cm


Indian Ocean tsunamis: impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia

Geographical Journal

Vol. 173 No. 2, pp. 103–117, 2007© 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © The Royal Geographical Society

• How were the livelihoods of different groupsaffected and how did they respond?

• What were the immediate, medium-term and likelylong-term effects of the event?

• How did institutions respond to the event (state,NGO and community organizations)?

• What was the response cycle over time?

We conducted formal interviews with 15 key inform-ants, ranging from government officials (DistrictOfficer, emergency services, welfare and touristdevelopment officers) to fishermen, business owners,NGO representatives and local residents. Identifica-tion of informants was carried out using a bottom-upapproach leading to referrals. The fishermen of thevillages associated with the study sites congregatedat beach shelters at times when they were not outat sea. We used these meeting places as an oppor-tunity to talk both informally and formally with the

fishermen about the tsunami. The fishermen referredus to other key informants within the villages, suchas village leaders, who, in turn, recommendedothers who had been most affected, and/or whohad played a prominent role in the events follow-ing the tsunami.


Tsunami timeline

The conditions on Langkawi immediately prior tothe arrival of the 2004 tsunami were calm andclear, with the tide close to its maximum for theday at 2.2 m relative to LAT (about 0.5 m relativeto MSL). Photos taken from the Langkawi cablecar,500 m above and 20 km WNW of Kuala Teriang(Plate 1), indicate that the first wave approached thecoast from due east, arriving off Telaga Harbour at

Plate 1 View looking ESE from the Langkawi cable car at 12:25 pm as the first wave approached the study area, which is just out of view in the top left. The wave has already entered the Telaga Harbour Marina in the centre of the picture, and is in the process of sweeping away both moorings and boats. The breakwater protecting the Langkawi Airport and Port Langasuka is

visible across the top of the pictureSource: Photograph taken by an unknown individual and posted at


Indian Ocean tsunamis: impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia


Geographical Journal

Vol. 173 No. 2, pp. 103–117, 2007© 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © The Royal Geographical Society

12:18 pm, 193 minutes after the earthquake,suggesting an average speed

en route

of at least240 km/h. After passing Telaga Harbour, the waverefracted around Tanjung Belikit, aligning parallelwith the coastline in the study area and travellingnorth-eastwards at 25–30 km/h through progres-sively shallowing water. A single, approximatelylinear wave crest was 2 km from Kuala Teriangat 12:25 pm and struck the coast approximately4 minutes later, progressively constricted betweenthe steep natural coastline to the north and theartificial breakwater that protects the airport to thesouth (Figure 2). The approach of the wave resultedin a drawdown of sea level that exposed a substan-tial proportion of the Port Langasuka breakwater700 m offshore (Plate 1).

A series of photos taken in the Telaga HarbourMarina (see Figure 2 for location) provides a usefultimeline for the arrival of subsequent waves in thestudy area. These photos indicate that mud-ladenwater associated with the first wave surged into themarina at 12:24 pm over a period of 2 minutes.This wave caused considerable damage to boatsand moorings in the marina but did not overtop themarina wall. The water was running out by 12:27pm and by 12:42 pm water levels were anoma-lously low. A second wave entered the harbour at12:52 pm, after which time water levels fell byabout 2 m in 4 minutes and stayed low until 13:27pm. A third and final wave entered the harbour at14:04 pm.

Eye-witness accounts

Due to its comparative proximity, the earthquakethat generated the tsunami was widely felt bycommunities in Langkawi, where eye witnesses statedthat the floor moved, vehicles swayed, standingwater became unsettled and doors and windowsrattled. None of the interviewees connected theground shaking with the possibility of a tsunami.

Eye-witness accounts of the tsunami itself variedconsiderably. This was almost certainly the result ofthe general confusion that surrounded the tsunami,but it was also at least partially the result of eachunique experience of the event (Hyman andNeisser 2000; Dengler and Preuss 2003). Most ofthe interviewees did not witness the tsunami firsthand, and of those that did, the reported number ofwaves varied between three and five, highlightingthe difficulty in interpreting such accounts withoutcorroborating evidence. All confirmed that thewaves arrived between 12.00 noon and 1.00 pm,with most saying that the first wave arrived at12:15 pm, with 3–4 minutes between waves,although the timing appears to vary dependingupon the location of the witness at the time. The

third wave was most commonly considered thelargest, with a height of approximately 2 m. Onewitness in Kuala Teriang said this wave washeavily laden with mud. Another reported that thiswave ‘ran well inshore and took three or fourminutes to recede’. However, a witness from thePelangi Beach Resort near Pantai Chenang, southof the study area, said an additional fourth wavewas the largest and most destructive. He reportedthat this wave ‘swept far into the resort complexand it picked up anything that wasn’t fixed down.It damaged all the air conditioning units in therooms on the lower levels, and it filled the poolswith seawater and marine debris’.

Tsunami hydrodynamics

While a substantial clean-up and rebuilding hadoccurred in the study area during the five monthsbetween the tsunami and this survey, it was possi-ble to determine the general form and extent of thetsunami from watermarks and physical damage,although it was not possible to recognize individualwave events separately. Figure 3 shows the water-marks surveyed for this study and locations wherethe maximum extent of inland penetration could beidentified. The simple geometry of the offshorearea, extending onshore as a comparatively simplecoastal plain with an onshore gradient of about1:100, means that the geometry of the tsunami wasalso comparatively uncomplicated. As the wavecame ashore along the NW–SE shoreline, the crestof the highest wave was 120–200 cm above landelevation. Despite a variety of local obstaclesincluding seawalls, road embankments and variablehousing density, the wave ran inland for 280–320 m,to an elevation that was in all locations 289–313 cm above MSL. Yalciner

et al.

(2005) reportthat the tsunami caused inundation along the riversof Sungai Teriang and Sungei Melaka for 500–1000 m upstream. We did not survey these creeksinland from the coast, but such penetration wouldbe consistent with our observations from elsewherein Malaysia (Horton

et al.

forthcoming). A roughindication of the response possible by individualsbetween the first warning that a tsunami wasapproaching and the arrival of the first wave isprovided by the observation that an elderly fisher-man at the seafront could move inland by about150 m between the time the warning was givenand the time at which he was overtaken by the firstwave, at which point he could safely wade tohigher ground without losing his footing.

It was more difficult to determine the wavecharacteristics west of Kuala Teriang Harbour ashouses were completely demolished in this areaand hence watermarks were not preserved. The


Indian Ocean tsunamis: impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia

Geographical Journal

Vol. 173 No. 2, pp. 103–117, 2007© 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © The Royal Geographical Society

information that was available suggests that thewave was of a broadly similar size, based on thecomparability of water depths with those in KualaTeriang at a similar distance from the coast, and onthe similar maximum elevation of inundation.

The longitudinal profile of the wave as it crossedthe coast suggests that it was highest towards thecentre of the northern revetment (Figures 4A and5), with a maximum elevation of 439 cm above

MSL, while north and south of this maximum thewave height was uniformly around 300 cm aboveMSL. Yalciner

et al.

(2005) report ‘maximum flowdepths’ at Kuala Teriang of 2.9–4 m, which arebroadly similar to the values for maximum waveheight (not flow depth) reported in this study. Thetransverse profiles along the direction of flow(Figure 4B and 4C) indicate that maximum waveelevation was attained as the wave crossed thecoast, after which point the tsunami shallowedrapidly to less than 100 cm in depth within 100 mof the coast, with the momentum of the wavecarrying the shallowing water ‘uphill’ over the last50–100 m of its run.

The zones of damage to infrastructure are notsimply correlated with maximum wave depth,although the single death that occurred in Langkawiwas within the area of maximum water depth inthe study area, towards the southern end of thenorthern revetment (about 200 m along profile A inFigure 4). While rebuilding made it difficult toaccurately estimate the extent of damage to housingand infrastructure, it was clear that structural damageto buildings was confined to 50–150 m of the coast.Within this area, around 10% of the houses were

Figure 4 Cross sections of ground elevation and water depth (in cm above MSL) for the three transects indicated on the inset location map

Figure 5 Detailed elevation profile on a transect from the TBM indicated on Figure 2, perpendicular to the coast across

the coastal revetment and down to the shoreline

Indian Ocean tsunamis: impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia


Geographical Journal

Vol. 173 No. 2, pp. 103–117, 2007© 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © The Royal Geographical Society

completely destroyed (two or fewer external wallsstanding), while around 60–70% suffered signifi-cant structural damage to one or two external wallsand/or the roof, with the extent of damage decreas-ing rapidly away from the coast (Plates 2 and 3).

Two areas of severe damage were apparent(Figure 3) and both areas were outside the areaprotected by revetments. The area of maximumdamage between the revetments fronting the coastwas behind a 20–30 m thick mangrove fringe.Other studies have suggested that mangrovesprovided some measure of protection from thetsunami in other areas (Dahdouh-Guebas

et al.

2005; Danielsen

et al

. 2005; Horton

et al.

forth-coming; Kandasamy and Narayanasamy 2005). Inthis case, while the mangroves may have moder-ated the force of the wave, it seems that theengineered coastal defenses were more effective inproviding protection. This conclusion should betempered by the observation that most of the

houses in the ‘severe damage’ areas shown inFigure 3 were free-standing cement and woodbuildings, whereas the houses behind the northernrevetment in particular are terraced brick andwood structures, which may therefore have derivedadditional structural support from their attachmentto adjacent properties.

It was not possible to apportion damage defini-tively between wave run-up and backwash. It seemslikely that the combination of revetments at theshoreline and the road embankment inland meantthat water that penetrated inland was effectivelyimpounded and could recede only slowly throughengineered drainage channels and culverts, suggest-ing that negligible damage was caused by backwash.

Socio-economic impacts in the study area

According to the Headman at Kuala Teriang, whowas given responsibility for managing the victims

Plate 2 Looking north at a watermark recorded as 383 cm (elevation of water above MSL), 160 cm (water depth) in Figure 2, in the zone of maximum damage between Kuala Teriang and Kuala Melaka. This is the only wall of this brick house that was left standing. The wall is oriented perpendicular to the flow, which was from left to right. A brown watermark slopes irregularly

upward from 140 cm above the ground to the left (marked by an arrow), to 180 cm to the right. The main road through the Kampong is visible in the background


Indian Ocean tsunamis: impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia

Geographical Journal

Vol. 173 No. 2, pp. 103–117, 2007© 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © The Royal Geographical Society

in the three villages on the coastal stretch betweenKuala Teriang and Pantai Chenang, a total of 250houses were badly damaged, initially affecting aroundat least 1500 residents. Human casualties wereminimal in Langkawi, with one reported death in theKg. Kuala Teriang of an elderly disabled womanwho lived in a house close to the shorefront. Twopeople were hospitalized because of their injuries.

The villages in the study area are economicallydependent upon fishing, so the most significantimmediate livelihood impact on the residents ofthese villages was from damage to their fishingboats, which were 4 m or less in length and madefrom fibreglass, with outboard motors providingpower. The nature of the damage to boats has beendescribed by Horton

et al.

(forthcoming) for Penang,but, in essence, moored boats were tossed inshoreby the wave front, equipment onboard the boatswas lost overboard and some boats were thenwashed out to sea as the wave receded. The

typical cost for a hull was RM5000 (1 MalaysianRinggit = US$0.26, GB£0.15) and RM6000 for theoutboard motor. Fibreglass is a relatively brittlematerial and the shocks involved either cracked thehulls, or, in the more severe cases, the boats werebroken completely in two. The motors were alsooften badly damaged either by seawater or mud.According to the chairperson of the local fishingassociation at Kuala Teriang, about 120 fishingboats were damaged and, of these, about 40 weredamaged beyond repair. However, he also saidthat in total, 375 fishermen had lodged claims fornew boats, suggesting that many more vessels werelost across Langkawi as a whole.

Impacts across Langkawi

Much of the Langkawi coast exposed to the tsunamiis steep and thinly populated, hence damage acrossLangkawi was comparatively limited. The main

Plate 3 Damage in the immediate aftermath of the tsunami looking south from the main road at 6.3629°N, 99.7111°E, across Sungei Ranggor Besar (marked by rock revetments just exposed above the retreating tsunami water) and out to sea

Indian Ocean tsunamis: impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia


Geographical Journal

Vol. 173 No. 2, pp. 103–117, 2007© 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © The Royal Geographical Society

areas affected, apart from the study area, were thetourist and beach areas of Pantai Chenang in thesouth and Tanjung Rhu in the north, as well asthe marinas at Telaga Harbour and Pulau Rebus (Figure2). No detailed physical survey was undertaken inthese areas, but Yalciner

et al.

(2005) report maximumflow depths of 2–2.6 m at Pantai Chenang andinundation for 500 m inland along creeks behindthe beach. Photos taken at Pantai Chenang in theaftermath of the tsunami show considerable debris,including wooden construction materials, wreckedboats and cars accumulated in Sungei Chenang,but structural damage to buildings, even immedi-ately behind the beach, was comparatively slight.

The main socio-economic impact across Langkawias a whole was felt in the tourism sector as itemploys 90% of Langkawi’s workforce, either directlyor indirectly (LADA 2005, personal communica-tion). Tourism arrival data reveal that the numberof tourists visiting Langkawi in 2005 was down byaround 25% compared with 2004 (Table 1). Themost dramatic decline occurred in January 2005immediately following the tsunami; cancellationsresulted in a drop of visitors by more than 60% inthat month. Numbers started to recover in Februaryand March (down by 20 and 25%, respectively),but then fell again by 30 and 40% on the previousyear in May and June, probably the result of thesecond earthquake that hit the region on 28 March2005.

Most hotels on the affected west coast continuedto operate their businesses as usual after thetsunami, although many of the 21 most notablehotels reported damage to beach facilities and theloss of free-standing equipment such as sunbedsand small boats. One of the most severely affected

hotels was the Pelangi Beach Resort near PantaiChenang. Of most concern to the manager of theresort was the worry expressed by guests at thetime. Without any information about the severity ofthe tsunami and whether or not it was an isolatedincident, he felt obliged to move all his guests tothe local school as a precaution. No other hotelmanagers felt it necessary to do this and the nextday, the guests moved back to the hotel, althoughmany cancelled the remainder of their stay. Themost significant impact, in the opinion of this hotelmanager, was the high number of cancellations inthe days that followed the tsunami, resulting in hishotel operating at just 30% of capacity when it hadbeen full prior to the tsunami. The pattern of visita-tions to this hotel in the months that followedreflected the pattern discussed above for Langkawi.The income of the Pelangi Beach Resort Hotel wasseverely affected, partly because of low occupancy,but also because management chose not to makeany hotel staff redundant in the months that followedthe tsunami.

Marinas such as Telaga Harbour were alsodirectly affected by the tsunami. The infrastructureof this marina suffered RM7 million in damage andits capacity was reduced to just 27 berths (a quarterof its original capacity). Most repairs had not beencompleted by summer 2005. The 78 yachts berthedin the marina also suffered significant damage, withnine sunk and three of these damaged beyondrepair (worth RM650 000 each). It took management2 days to recover all the yachts and none of theboat owners were covered by their insurance fordamage as a result of the tsunami. There were alsoindirect economic impacts associated with thedamage as local businesses in the marina areaestimated that turnover was down by approximately75% in May 2005 and was proving very slow torecover.

Emergency response

As there was virtually no official warning of thetsunami, the emergency response first operated in abottom-up manner. The manager at Telaga HarbourMarina received a call from a colleague in Phuketat midday, less than half an hour before the firstwave struck, leaving little time to warn those inand around the marina. The manager at the PelangiBeach Resort also received a call from a colleagueat a hotel in Phuket at about 12.30 pm telling himthat they had been hit and to expect the same inLangkawi. The first wave arrived about 10 minuteslater, again, providing very little time for themanager to evacuate the beach area at the resort.The senior police officer at Kuala Teriang policestation received no advance notification, but once

Table 1 Total tourist arrivals to Langkawi, 2004 and 2005

Month Total arrivals 2004 Total arrivals 2005

January 173 780 107 943February 159 238 133 136March 172 892 142 205April 156 378 120 478May 195 977 139 538June 207 961 172 592July 165 284 152 100August 194 767 174 504September 157 079 151 221October 130 756 101 720November 185 401 –December 280 136 –

Source: Langkawi Development Authority (2005)


Indian Ocean tsunamis: impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia

Geographical Journal

Vol. 173 No. 2, pp. 103–117, 2007© 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © The Royal Geographical Society

it was realized what was happening, the policeheadquarters was called. Instructions were to movelocal residents to higher ground, but this washampered because the lines of communicationwere down.

As the police station was inundated by the firstwave, the officer in charge moved his operations tothe local school, which had become a temporaryshelter because it was further inland and on higherground. At around 2.30 pm, 2 hours after the firstwave, the District Officer arrived in Kuala Teriangfrom Kuah and took control. The primary roles ofthe police force were to ensure that the roads werekept clear of onlookers so as to allow the freemovement of emergency vehicles, and to ensurethe security of evacuated property. According tothe officer in charge at Kuala Teriang, looting didnot become a serious problem in any of the affectedareas of Langkawi.

Additional help from the Malaysian mainlandarrived within a day of the tsunami. The vastmajority of the emergency response focused onclean-up activities, organized primarily by thepolice with help from one of the local villageheadmen, and on providing food and water forthose located in the temporary shelters. The officerwas able to move back to his police station 4 daysafter the tsunami.


As described in Horton

et al.

(forthcoming) forPenang, the immediate concern following thetsunami in Langkawi was the provision of food,water and shelter for the 1500 residents madehomeless. These people were temporarily accom-modated in the local school at Kuala Teriang andother community buildings in the coastal villages.The main government agency involved in support-ing these people was the Social Welfare Depart-ment (SWD), charged by the Disaster EmergencyCommittee (headed by the District Officer) withensuring sufficient supplies of food, water, beddingand clothing for the victims. Support of this kindwas also provided by a number of NGOs, perhapsmost notably the Tzu Chi Buddhists. In due course,the SWD also had responsibility for registeringvictims’ claims for compensation as a result ofproperty damage.


In Langkawi, 250 houses were badly damaged ordestroyed by the tsunami. The SWD immediatelyprovided RM500 to each affected family. Mostfamilies stayed in these emergency shelters for nomore than 10 days, after which they were moved

to temporary housing, with many able to stay withrelatives and friends while their houses were beingrepaired. Unlike Penang, the government of Langkawidid not build ‘long-term temporary’ housing(Horton

et al.

forthcoming), but rather embarked ona building programme of permanent housing.When we interviewed the District Officer in May2005, 27 of an intended 40 housing units had beenconstructed and were already occupied bydisplaced families. The District Officer quoted thecost of this housing at RM80 000 each (not includ-ing the cost of associated infrastructure such asroads and utilities); however, the victims wereasked to pay a lesser amount of RM18 000 to gainoccupancy, through an interest-free loan amount-ing to either RM50 or RM100 per month, depend-ing upon how the occupants were assessed asvictims by the SWD. The houses are of a relativelyhigh design standard with two large bedrooms, akitchen, a lounge room and a bathroom (Plate 4).However, the standard of construction for much ofthis housing is suspect, with clear evidence ofsubsidence in at least one of the houses and,according to its residents, theirs was not the onlyhouse to have major cracks appear in the wallssince they were constructed. No family in Langkawireceived compensation for the loss of electricalequipment or furniture, but families whose houseswere destroyed did receive RM5000, while thosewhose houses were badly damaged receivedRM2500 towards the cost of repairs.

Compensation was also paid to the affectedfishermen and details of the compensation structurewere almost identical to arrangements in Penang(Horton

et al.

forthcoming): where boats weredamaged beyond repair, compensation of RM1000was paid to owners of small boats and RM3000was paid to owners of medium or large boats;additional funds for repairs were supplied by thegovernment, with owners required to pay back50% of the loan where the loan exceeded RM2500at 0% interest; other loans, such as those made byfishing associations, must be paid back in fullgenerally over 8–10 years; and all fishermen(owners and crew) received RM500 each to helpthem cope with the period when they could notearn a living from fishing as a result of boat damage.

The hotel manager at the Pelangi Beach Resorthotel reported damage to the beach side of thehotel complex with a total repair bill of RM8million, much of which was covered by insurance,with repairs complete by May 2005. However, asthe hotel manager emphasized, ‘what cannot beinsured against is the impact the tsunami has hadon tourist arrivals’. He felt that part of the reasonfor the slow recovery of the industry in Langkawirelated to the publicity that surrounded the tsunami,

Indian Ocean tsunamis: impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia


Geographical Journal

Vol. 173 No. 2, pp. 103–117, 2007© 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © The Royal Geographical Society

much of which centred on Thailand, and Phuket’srecovery in particular. He believes that this drewattention away from Langkawi, and, as a result,Phuket actually recovered better than Langkawibecause tourists that had planned to go to Phuketdid so in order to support recovery, while the samelevel of support did not manifest itself in Langkawi.

The Chairperson of the Malaysian Association ofTour and Travel Agents told us that his own localtourist business had seen a massive drop indemand for tours – down from around 35 personsper tour before the tsunami to just two or three inMay 2005. Like many other small operators relianton tourists, he was not able to absorb the loss ofincome without retrenching workers. Most retrenchedworkers were from mainland Malaysia and mosthad to return to the mainland to seek employment.For the businesses that have survived, all they cando is hope that there is a resurgence in touristnumbers before they too are forced to close. Clearly,the tourist industry in Langkawi has been severelyaffected, more by the image of disaster, than thereality of the tsunami, and it seems likely that itmay take the industry many years to recover fully.

Discussion and conclusions

In comparison with many other locations impactedby the tsunami, the effects of the tsunami inLangkawi, in terms of physical damage and socio-economic disruption, were relatively minor. In thestudy area, three separate waves had a maximumflow depth of 2 m and a very consistent maximumrun-up elevation of about 300


10 cm, inundatinginshore areas for 300 m and penetrating inlandalong creeks for 500–1000 m. The physical damageresulting from a tsunami of this size was limited toboats and to infrastructure within 150 m of theshoreline; the only loss of life resulted from excep-tional circumstances. The scale of damage in thestudy area appears broadly consistent, or slightlymore severe, than damage reported from otherareas where the tsunami was of similar size. Run-up of 2–4 m along the coast of Tamilnadu in Indiaresulted in ‘partial collapse of walls and minordamage to few structures . . . little damage to fewboats’ (Narayan

et al.

2005), although damage inthese areas was being judged against other areas ofTamilnadu where a run-up of 10 m had caused

Plate 4 New housing adjacent to Sungei Ranggor Besar in Kuala Teriang, constructed to replace housing destroyed by the tsunami


Indian Ocean tsunamis: impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia

Geographical Journal

Vol. 173 No. 2, pp. 103–117, 2007© 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © The Royal Geographical Society

catastrophic damage. Punching shear collapse ofmasonry and masonry infill walls due to thepressure of debris-loaded water (Ghobaraha

et al.

2006), and collapse due to the failure of uprights inwooden buildings, was commonly observed, butcomparatively little damage appeared to havedirectly resulted from debris loading in the water.

The distribution of damage in the study areasuggests that the hard coastal defences provided asignificant degree of additional protection to coastalbuildings and infrastructure in comparison to areasthat were either unprotected or were protectedby a mangrove fringe. This is somewhat ironic, inthat it also appears that most of the damage inLangkawi was concentrated in the study area as aresult of a shallow offshore gradient coupled withfunnelling of the tsunami between the steep coastto the north-west of the study area and the arcuatebreakwaters protecting Langkawi International Airportand Langasuka harbour to the south (Figure 2). Inthe absence of the breakwaters, the energy of thetsunami would likely have been dissipated over amuch greater length of shoreline and so damagewould have been significantly reduced.

The response to the tsunami in Langkawi wasrapid and well coordinated, partly because theimpacts were not catastrophic and hence did notoverwhelm the emergency services, and partlybecause the main administrative centre in Kuahwas not itself affected by the tsunami. One factorthat slowed the immediate local response was thefact that the police station in Kuala Teriang wasitself inundated by the tsunami, degrading theeffectiveness of local communications and coordi-nation, and necessitating a time-consuming moveto new premises.

A noteworthy observation is that informalwarnings were received by several tourist operatorsfrom counterparts in Phuket prior to the arrival ofthe tsunami. Horton

et al.

(forthcoming) likewisefound that similar warnings were passed on bytourist operators in Langkawi to counterparts inPenang. The lead time was around 15 minutes inLangkawi and up to 1 hour in Penang, allowingindividuals to evacuate some coastal areas in bothplaces. Thus there was a chain of warnings propa-gated ahead of the tsunami from locations thatbore the first impact of the wave, but there was nomechanism by which this could be widely dissemi-nated to areas potentially in the path of the tsunami.

There is some evidence that the people ofLangkawi are now better prepared for tsunamis inthe future. This is not so much because the Malay-sian and Langkawi government administrations arebetter prepared, but because people on the coasthave themselves taken initiatives to reduce theirvulnerability. The managers of 32 hotels and resorts

across four sectors on the west coast of Langkawihave come together to develop a ‘Tsunami–earthquakeemergency action plan’. Each sector has one hotelthat is responsible for collecting and disseminatinginformation about an earthquake and/or tsunami assoon as there is an indication that a wave may beapproaching. The management of Pelangi BeachResort has taken this initiative even further andinstalled a siren warning system along the hotel’sbeach.

Given the fact that the Indian Ocean regioncurrently has no top-down tsunami warning systemin place, this bottom-up approach could prove tobe enormously useful in the future. Paradoxically,one factor that may reduce the likelihood of aninformal warning ahead of a future tsunami is thegreater public awareness that ‘a tsunami’ is likelyto consist of several waves. This means thatindividuals who experience the first wave of atsunami may be more inclined to evacuate immedi-ately, in the expectation that there will be furtherwaves, than take the time to call other locations.

The non-tsunamigenic earthquake that took placein the region, on 28 March 2005, and was felt inLangkawi, serves to demonstrate how aware citizensin Langkawi now are of the link between earth-quakes and tsunamis. The deputy head of the policestation at Kuala Teriang told us how, after theearthquake, a number of villagers came to the policestation to seek information. The officer contactedboth his Headquarters and the MeteorologicalDepartment for information, and was told thatthere would probably not be a tsunami. He passedthis information on to the villagers who were satis-fied that there was no need to evacuate to higherground. The officer in charge at the local fire andrescue station was given similar information by hisheadquarters and told to be ‘on alert’. Representa-tives of all the emergency services said they feltmore confident about handling a tsunami in thefuture because of their recent experience.


This research was carried out under a special topicaward to B. Horton from the National ScienceFoundation (SES-0522133) and equipment loan794 to M. Bird from the NERC Geophysical Equip-ment Pool. Special thanks to the staff and studentsof the Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies, UniversitiSains Malaysia for assistance with the fieldworkand translation: Kumaradevan Saminathan, MahadiMohammad, Sazlina Md. Salleh, Cheah Wee, YeohChee Wooi, Izwandy Idris and P’ng Huey Juin. Wealso wish to acknowledge Jonathan Rigg, Lisa Law,Carl Grundy-Warr, May Tan-Mullins, Ruth Robinson,Alistair Dawson and Jonathan Nott for their help

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and advice. G. Sandeman assisted with the draftingof figures. This paper is a contribution to IGCPProject 495 ‘Quaternary Land–Ocean Interactions:Driving Mechanisms and Coastal Responses’.


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