Lectotypications of some American Asplenium taxa (Aspleniaceae -Pteridophyta

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Syst. Geogr P\.78:217-229 (2O08)

Lectotypications of some American Asplenium taxa(Aspleniaceae - Pteridophyta)

Georges Cremers" & Ronald L.L. Vianeb

" Institut de Recherche pour le D6veloppement, Mus6um national d'Histoire naturelle,D6partement Syst6matique et Evolution, UMS 602,

Case postale 39,57 rue Cuvier, F - 75231 Paris cedex 05, Franceb Ghent University, Dept. of Biology, Research group Pteridology,

K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B - 9000 Ghent, Belgium

[corresponding author: ronnie.viane@UGent.be]

Abstract. - Twenty-five neotropical Asplenium taxa with nomenclatural types deposited in the

herbaria B, BR and P are lectotypified.

Key words : Pteridophyta, Asplenium, neotropics, herbaria, typification.


Taxonomic revision is often long and difficult because (l) literature may be scattered among manybooks and scientific papers and (2) the location of historical nomenclatural types is often not known.As a tool to facilitate his taxonomic studies for the Flora of the Guyanas, an "Index of the types ofNew World Pteridophyta" was prepared by the first author. For each taxon information is stored ina databank called "F6e" to honour the botanist who described the largest number of New Worldferns. This databank includes information on: type(s), valid name(s), place(s) of publication, litera-ture references, collection locality(ies), collector's name(s), collection numbers, and the herbari-um(a) where the type(s) is (are) deposited. "F6e" began as an extract of the 'Aublet" databank ofthe French Guiana Herbarium in Cayenne (Hoff & al. 1989).

The fern research group at Ghent University and the second author studied Aspleniaceae, on aworldwide basis, for more than 25 years. In their concept of Aspleniaceae (Kramer & Mane 1990)they now recognize two genera: Hymenasplenium Hayata [including Boniniella Hayata], and

Asplenium L. [including Antigramma C.Presl, Camptosorus Link, Ceterach Willd., Ceterachopsis(J.Sm) Ching, Diellia Brack., Diplora Baker, Holodictyum Maxon, Loxoscaphe T.Moore,Neottopteris J.Sm., Phylliris Hill, Pleurosorus Fde, Schaffneria F6e, and Sinephropreris Mickell.This concept, based on morphological-anatomical and cytological characters, as well as breedingexperiments, is supported by recent molecular studies (e.g., Van den heede & al.2OO3, Schneider &al. 2004, Schneider & al. 2005). The present lectotypifications are necessary for the progress of ourmonographic studies and also include taxa originally described in Asplenium but which are nowconsidered to belong to other genera (e.9. Diplazium), or taxa described in former satellite genera(e.9. Caenopterls), which are now abandoned and included in Asplenium.

Systematics and Geography of Plants is subject to copyright. All rights reserved.@ 2008 National Botanic Garden ofBelgiumPermission for use must always be obtained from the National Botanic Garden of Belgium ISSN 1374-7886

Syst. Geogr PL.78 (2008)

In the protologue of almost 800 Asptenium taxa we found that at least one specimen was said to

be collected in America (North, Central, or South America, or the Caribbean), and consequently

about the same number of neotropical types must exist.

Though only the collections of the "Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-

Dahlem" (B, B-W), the "National Botanic Garden of Belgium" (BR), and the "Mus6um national

d'Histoire naturelle" in Paris (P, P-JU, P-LA, and other historical herbaria) have been studied in

detail for this publication, our more general survey shows that neatly 507o of all neotropical type

specimens is deposited in these herbaria.

Only taxa for which all syntypes could be studied are lectotypified here; those with types based on

illustrations (mostly by Plumier) will be treated in a separate publication. Typification of names

based on unnumbered collections, such as those of Link deposited in the Berlin herbarium and

based on cultivated specimens (ex Hort. Berol., or ex Hort. Lips.), as well as those of L Herminier

mostly preserved in P, remains very difficult. A good taxonomic knowledge of the group, a well

equippea hbrary, as well as careful study ofall the authentic specimens (preferably those studied by

thl author of the description), the collection dates and the handwritings is necessary before typifi-

cation problems can be solved.

As observed by other aurhors (Morton 1912, Stolze & al. 1994), it is difficult to typify Sodiro's

taxa. The museum in Paris (P) is one of the herbaria housing an important Sodiro collection, but

many specimens are without date and/or have only vague localities. An additional problem is the

e^isienie of duplicates also marked "n. sp." Other typification problems were encountered with

material distributed by Rosenstock via his Exsiccata. Rosenstock often distributed (type) specimens

of other collectors using his own labels, usually without giving the original collector's number.

Because some (e.g., Buchtien, Daubenberger) apparently collected for Rosenstock in the same area

in consecutive years, particular attention has to be drawn to collection dates or other data (e.g.,

altitude).All type localiries are given in English; journal abbreviations follow Bridson & Smith (1991)'

and books are cited according to Stafleu & Cowan (1976-1988). Author abbreviations follow Pichi-

Sermolli (1996).


l. Asplenium achalense Hieron., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 22: 37S (1896). - Lectotype (designated here):

Argentina: C6rdoba, Sierra Achala, between Tanti and the Rfo Juspe, 12 Feb 1876, Hieronymus 846

(B-20-009946., isolecto-" 9-20-009945, 8-20-009947). Other synrypes: Argentina: c6rdoba,

SierraAchala, N. of Cuesta de Copina, 19 Feb 1817, Hieronymus s.n' (B-20-009949); C6rdoba,

Sierra Achala, between Tanti del Rosario and the Rfo Juspe, 7 Jan 1881, Hieronyntus s.n. (B-20-


All syntypes cited in the protologue are deposited in B and agree with the description. Hieronymus

846 iB-20-009946) is selecred as lectotype because it is a well dried fertile plant with a rhizome,

and was annotated by Hieronymus. This Hieronymus gathering has two isolectotypes at B.

Asplenium achalense is most probably endemic to Argentina and seems to be closely related to

the more widespread A. serra Langsd. & Fisch., with which it also shares the same reticulate

perispore pattern (Viane 1992). This species was mentioned in the literature by Capurro (1940) and

de la Sota (1973, 19'71).


2. Asplhere): ((B-20-(

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G. Cremers & R.L.L. Viane, Lectotypications of American Asplenium

2. Asplenium alloeopteron Kunze ex Klotzsch, Linnaea 20 353 (1847). - Lectotype (designatedhere): Guyana: R. Schomburgk 12O6 (8-20-053504). Other syntypei Guyana: R. Schomburgft I 150(B-20-0s3s0s).

AII type specimens cited in the protologue are deposited in B. Schomburgk 1206 is chosen as lecto-type because it agrees best with the description and includes a plant with a rhizome and leaves witha flagelliform apex. This taxon belongs to the A. radicans L. (= A. rhizophyllum auct., A. rhizopho-rumL.) aggregate, which forms a taxonomically difficult group of species with dark lustrous stipes,flagelliform radicant apices, and fronds ranging from l-pinnate (A. cirrhatum complex), pinnate-pinnatifid to 2-pinnate (A. radicans complex), up to 3-pinnate (A. uniseriale complex). FollowingHooker (1860), Grisebach (1864), Baker (1870) and Jenman (1894) most later authors, e.g., Morton& Lellinger (1966), Vareschi (1969), Proctor (1911, 1985, 1989), Stolze (1981, 1986), Tryon &Stolze(1993),andSanchez&RegaladoGabancho(2003),includedthesecomplexesinA. radicans.However, our studies, based on material from Venezuela and complementing those of Walker(1973), show that several cytotypes exist in this group and we thus agree with Mickel & Smith(2004) to recognize at least some of these taxa as distinct species.

Posthumus (1928), Morton & Lellinger (1966), Smith (1981, 1995), Proctor (1985, 1989),Mickel & Beitel (1988), and Mickel & Smith (2004) considered A. alloeoptero,? synonymous toA. radicans. Stolze (1981, 1986) put it into A. radicans var. radicans, but Hieronymus (1904),Vareschi (1969), and Lellinger (1984) recognized it as a separate variety: A. radicans var.alloeopteron (Kunze ex Klotzsch) Lellinger.

3. Asplenium argentinum Hieron., Hedwigia 60 249 (1918). - Lectotype (designated here):Argentina: Prov. Tucumi{n, Sierra de Tucumiin, near Siambon, ravine on the slopes of the Cuesta delGarabatal, 2l Jan 1874, Hieronymus & Lorentz 811 (B-20-011437; isolecto-: 8-20-011429,8-20-011431, 8-20-011438). Other syntypes: Argentina: Prov. Tucum6n, Siambon, Mar 18'72, Lorentz160 & 720 (8-20-011435); Prov. Tucumiin, 'in den subtropischen Urwdldern von La Cruz in derEbene der Provinz Tucuman', Dec 1812, Lorentz & Hieronymus 5l (B, not seen); Prov. Tucum6n,

Quebrada near Siambon,lT Jan 1873, Hieronymus & Lorentz l04l (8-20-011428, 8-20-011433);Prov. Tucumiin, Siambon,2T Jan 1874, Hieronymus & Lorentz 798 (B-20-011432); Prov.Catamarca: Cuesta de las Caflas, Aug 1875, Schickendantz 63 (8-20-011434);Prov. de San Luis,Casa de Piedra near La Huertita, 11 Mar 1882, Galander s.n. (8-20-011436).

Both the lectotype and the three isolectotype sheets deposited in B hold one complete plant and bearHieronymus' annotation (as "Asplenium argentinense"); all of the plants are conform toHieronymus' description, but the lectotype choosen here is the best and most fertile specimen. It isinteresting to note that the order of the collectors as given on the printed labels ("Hieronymus &Lorentz") isoftenthereverse("Lorentz&Hieronymus")of whatHieronymuspublishedin 1918,or of what is present on the handwritten labels.

We agree with de la Sota (1913, 1971) and Ponce (1996) that this species is morphologicallysimilar to the group of Afro-American species related to A. erectum Bory ex Willd. (Africa) andA. pteropus Kaulf. (America); it also shares a similar perispore pattern (Viane 1992). This group isin great need of taxonomical revision.

4. Asplenium auritum Sw. var. rigidum (Sw.) Hook. forma angustisectum Hieron., Bot. Jahrb.Syst. 34: 466 (1904), as'angustisecta'. - Lectotype of the forma (designated here): Colombia:Cauca: near Purac6, on rocks along Rio de Vinagre, 24OO m,3l Dec 1884, Lehmann 34ll (B-20-


Syst. GeoRr P/. 78 (2008)

0ll1l7). Other syntype: Ecuador: on trees in swamp forest near San Florencio, along Rfo Pilaton,

1800 m, l3 Jan 1881, Lehmann 484 (8-20-011718).

Both collections consist of complete plants with two fronds. Because Lehmann 3477 shows the

frond outline as described by Hieronymus better than the other syntype, it is selected as lectotype.

This form was included within A. auritum s.l. by Stolze (1986).

5. Asplcnium chaerophylloi.des F6e, Crypt. Vasc. Br6s. 1: 71, t.16, f.2 (1869). - LectoQpe (desig-

nated here): Brazil: Rio de Janeiro: Serra dos 6rg6os, 9 Sep 1868, Glaziou 2416 (P00219982;

isolecto-'. P00219983). Other syntype: Brazil'. Santa Catarina: 1860, Mors 29 (P00219984).

Glaziou's collections are very well represented in P, many of them were studied by F6e and bear his

labels and handwriting. We choose the sheet with the signature of F6e (P00219982) as lectotype.

Christensen (1905) considered this to be synonymous with Asplenium scandicinumKaulf .

6. Asplenium cuneatum Lam., Encycl .2:309 (1786). - Lectoltpe (previous designation emendat-

ed here): Locality and collector not designated, probably Jamaica as in de Lamarck's description (P-

JU 1255, sheet 1, P00245012).

Though the initial lectotypification of Tardieu-Blot & Ching (1936) was accepted by, inter alia,

Tardieu-Blot (1964a,1964b), Morton & Lellinger (1966), Brownlie (1969), Proctor (1977,1985,

1989), Tryon & Stolze (1993), and Brownsey (1998), credit for this lectotypification usually

incorrectly goes to Morton & Lellinger (1966). However, none of these authors ever indicated the

presence of two different vouchers bearing the same P-JU 1255 number, and no restriction of the

typification was ever proposed. The first sheet without collector or locality is the only authentic

material seen by Lamarck (1786), who clearly stated that his new taxon came from Jamaica and that

he had seen a specimen in the de Jussieu herbarium. The second sheet with the same number inthe de Jussieu herbarium (P-JU 1255, sheet 2, P00245013) contains three loose fronds collected

by Ledru in Puerto Rico in 1798 (duplicate in B: B-W 19933) and cannot be considered authentic

material because neither "Ledru" nor "Porto Rico" were cited in the protologue; moreover, they

were collected after de Lamarck's description (1786). Consequently, we restrict the lectotype to the

first sheet (P-JU 1255, sheet 1, P00245012).

In literature on American ferns A. cuneatum was mentioned, inter alia, in Grisebach (1864),

Baker (1870), Jenman (1894), Urban (1903, 1925), Posthumus (1928), Domin (1929), Lem6e

(1955), Morton & Lellinger (1966), Vareschi (1969), Tryon & Conant (1915), Proctor (1971),

Kramer (1973), Smith (1981), Stolze (1981), Proctor (1985), Stolze (1986), Proctor (1989),

Tryon & Stolze (1993), Adams (1995), Smith (1995), and Sanchez & Regalado Gabancho (2003).

Jamaican material proved to be tetraploid (Walker 1966) but because the second author recently

discovered a hexaploid in Puerto Rico, the 'species' may consist of an aggregate of taxa with

different chromosome numbers. Even more research is needed to establish the relationships

between the neotropical and the palaeotropical-Malesian-Polynesian taxon given the same name

in, inter alia, Blume (182S), Mettenius (1866), Miquel (1869), Luerssen (1871,1874), Baker (1877),

Christ (1895), Raciborski (1898), Diels & al. (1900), Christ (1907), van Alderwerelt van

Rosenburgh (1909), Copeland (1910), Bonaparte (1914, 1915-1924),Domin (1915), Christensen

(1932,1943), Wagner & Grether (1948), Tardieu-Blot (1953, 1955, 1958), Copeland (1960),

Tardieu-Blot (1964a, 1964b), Kunkel (1969), Brownlie (1969, 1911), Andrews (1990), and

Brownsey (1998).
























G. Cremers & R.L.L. Viane, Lectotypications of American Asplenium

7 . Asplenium denticulosum Desv. var. oligosorum E.Fourn., Mexic. Pl. 1: 108 (1812). - Lectotypeof the variety (designated here): Mexico: Cordova valley, Bourgeau 2009 (P00367197; isolecto-:P00367194, P00367195, P00367196, P00367198). Other syntypes: Mexico: slopes of the CordilleraOriental, 1000-5000 ft, 1839, Linden s.n. (P00367199); Maninique: Sieber 164 (P00222074;is osyn-: P0022207 5, P00361 193, B -20-046666).

Though Fournier published this variety without description, the name is valid because he gave an

indirect reference citing the effectively published names of Asplenium auriculatum Mett. (1859), as

well as Diplazium acutale F6e (1852).

Linden s.n. and Bourgeau 2009 have the indication "var. oligosorum" on their label. TheBourgeau material contains several sheets with plants having a rhizome, while all other materialconsists ofloose fronds. The sheet (P00361191) representing the plant best is chosen as lectotype.The type material is heterogeneous as the lectotype itself belongs to Diplazium lonchophyllumKunze, but Linden s.n. and Sieber 164 are Diplazium cristatum (Desr.) Alston. Sieber 164 is also asyntype of A. auriculatumMett. (1859), non Swartz (1817).

Fournier's variety was not mentioned in modern Mexican floras (Mickel & Beitel 1988, Mickel1992, Mickel & Smith 2004).

E.Aspleniumescragnollei F6e,Crypt.Vasc.Br6s. l:62,t.15 (1869). -Lectotype (designatedhere):Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Serra dos 6rg6os, S. Luis, 9 Oct 1867, Glaziou 17'74 (P00219915;isolecto-:P00219976,P00219977,8R991073,8R991086). Other syntypes:Brazll: Rio de Janeiro:Serra dos 6rg6os, Glaziou 2815 (P00219978 isosyn-: BR991083); Rio de Janeiro: Serra dos 6rg6os,8 Sep 1868, Glaziou 2816 (P00219972; isosyn-: P00219913,P00219914, BR991096, BR991099).

We choose Glaziou 1774, consisting of two well pressed leaves with part of the rhizome attachedto one sheet, bearing F6e's label and signature as lectotype; the two isolectotype sheets each hold a

single frond. All the material agrees well with F6e's description and a pinna was illustrated byDomin (1929).

We agree with Baker (1870), Christensen (1905), Capurro (1940), and Sehnem (1968), and con-sider this taxon to be synonymous with A. oligophyllum Kaulf . One of the syntypes, Glaziou 2815 ,consists of three (probably juvenile) plants (on two sheets), two of which have simple leaves whilethe third is pinnate with one set of pinnae. Juvenile plants with simple leaves are also known fromother pinnate or more compound Asplenium species, e.9., A. juglandfolium Lam. (plant with sim-ple leaves described as A. hastatum Hook.) and A. ruta-muraria L. (simple leaved plant describedas A. suborbiculare Ching).

9.Aspleniumgastonis F6e,Crypt.Vasc.Br6s. l:70,t.19,f.2(1869).-Lectotype (designatedhere):Brazil: Rio de Janeiro: Serra dos 6rg5os, S. Luis, 28 Apr 1868, Glaziou 1773 (P00219968;isolecto-: P00219969). Other syntype: BrazTl: Santa Catarina: 1860, Mors 40 (P00219970; isosyn-:P00219971).

We select Glaziou 1773 beaing F6e's label and signature as lectotype, it agrees well with thedescription. This name has been almost forgotten. The group of Asplenium rigidum Sw. - A. diver-gens MetL ex Baker - A. auritum var. obtusum F6e, to which this taxon belongs, is in great need ofmonographic study (all types are from Rio de Janeiro). However, A. gastonis is most probably con-specific with and thus an earlier name for A. divergens Mett. ex Baker. According to Sylvestre &Windisch (2003) it is endemic to the southern Atlantic coastal area of Brazil, and neighbouring areas

in Paraguay, Argentina (not mentioned in Ponce, 1996), and Uruguay.














Syst. Geogr PL.78 (2008)

10. Asplenium haenkeanzm (C.Presl) Hieron. var. angustifolium Hieron, Hedwigia 47: 233(1908), as 'angustifulia' . - Lectotype of the variety (designated here): Peru: Amazonas, betweenPacasmayo and Moyobamba, above Tambo Mayo, 3200 m, Stiibel1043 (B-20-015755). Other syn-

type'. Peru: Amazonas, between Pacasmayo and Moyobamba, near Cuelap, 2900 m, Sttibel l0l9b(B-20-0157s5).

Sttibel 1043 consists of eleven loose fronds, and Stiibel 1019b of one single frond; both gatheringsare on a single sheet and agree with the description. We select the more ample Stilbel 1043 as

lectotype.The sole contemporary authors mentioning this taxon, Tryon & Stolze (1993) erroneously cited

thisvarietyasA.cladoleptonF6evar.angustifolium,and,treatingitunderA. haenkeanum(C.Presl)Hieron., did not give it any status.

ll.Asplenium harpeodes Kunze var. glnziovianum Hieron., Hedwigia 6O:236 (1919), as

'Glazioviana'. - Lectotype of the variety (designated here): Brazil: Rio de Janeiro: Fazenda delItatiaia, T Jun 1871, Glaziou 53ll (8-20-015832;isolecto-'. P-2 sheets). Other syntypes: Brazil: Riode Janeiro: Glaziou 1336 (B-20-015833; isosyn-: 8-20-015834, P00220345); 56o Paulo: RioGrande, Feb 1905 [Herb. Rosenst. 26], Wacket s.n. (B-20-0158291, isosyn-: P00220346,P00220347); Minas Gerais: Pedra Branca, l5 Jul 1854, Lindberg 628 (B-20-015831).

We choose Glaziou 5311, annotated by Hieronymus and agreeing well with his description, as


12. Asplenium harpeodes Kunze var. incisum Rosenst. ex Hieron., Hedwigia 60: 238 (1919), as

'incisa'. - Lectotype of the variety (designated here): Bolivia: N. Yungas: Unduavi, 3300 m, Novl9l0, Buchtien 101 (B-20-015839; isolecto-: P00220129,P00220130, BR991093). Other syntypes:

Bolivia: without locality, Bang 2233 (8-20-015837); without locality, 1863, Mandon 63 (B-20-015838); without locality, Roezl s.n. (8-20-015840); Larecaja, 1890, Giinther s.n. (8-20-015840);Sorat6, 1893, Gtinther s.n. (8-20-015840).

Lellinger (1971) indicated Buchtien l0l in US (with duplicates in B) as the lectotype of this name.

Unfortunately, Buchtien 101 (US00066851) cannot be considered original material despite the

handwritten addition (not in Hieronymus'hand), on the collector's label: 'Asplenium harpeodes var.

incisum Hieron. Isotype." However, this specimen comes from an altitude of 3200 m and not from3300 m, and it was collected in February l9l4 and not November 1910, as stated by Hieronymus(1919). -A duplicate with label and data as in US (except for the handwritten "... Isotype" addi-tion) exists inBR (Buchtien l}l,8R991093) and cannot be qualified to be type material for thesame reason.

In addition, Hieronymus did not annotate the duplicates in B (8-20-019974, 8-20-050000) bear-ing the data adopted by Lellinger, and may never have studied these. Fortunately, both in P, B and

in BR other Buchtien gatherings numbered "101" and collected in l9l0 at 3300 m are present.

Buchtien l0l in B (8-20-015839) and annotated by Hieronymus is chosen as lectotype.Most recent authors (Morton & Lellinger 1966, Sehnem 1968, Vareschi 1969,Lellinger 1977,

Proctor 1977, Smith 1981, Stolze 1981, Proctor 1985, Stolze 1986, Mickel & Beitel 1988, Tryon &Stolze 1993, Adams 1995, Smith 1995) did not mention this variety.

13. Asplenium harpeodes Kunze var. majus Hieron., Hedwigia 6O: 231 (1919), as 'major'. -Lectotype of the variety (redesignated here): Venezuela: Caracas, Funck & Schlim 246 p.p. (B-20-015845). Other syntypes: Venezuela: Caracas, Gollmer s.n. p.p. (8-20-015846); Colombia: forest


G. Cremers & R.L.L. Viane, Lectotypications of American Asplenium

between Tacueyo and San Domingo, near Mr. Huila, 1800-2500 m, Stt;bel168 (8-20-015844);Mt.Tolima, Mar 1882, Schmidtchen s.n. (8-20-015843); Mt. Tolima, lower forest zone, Stiibel l8 p.p.(B-20-015842).

The Funck & Schlim material deposited in B consists of two sheets. Sheet 8-20-015845 has a labelwith Hieronymus' annotation indicating "var. major' ; this sheet has a handwritten and not an orig-inal Funck & Schlim label (as on the majority of these collectors' specimens in BR), while a stampon the sheet indicates that some material was taken off. The second sheet (8-20-015812) containsone single frond (most probably separated from sheet 8-20-015845), a label with the transcriprionof the 8-20-015845 label, and Hieronymus annotation "A. harpeodes". This sheet (8-20-015812)cannot be considered type material of var. major as it was not indicated as such by Hieronymus, andbecause it does not agree with the description of var. majus. Consequently, we restrict Lellinger'slectotypification (1985) to 8-20-015485. Moreover, due to the relatively uncertain origin of thiscollection (no original label) it is not sure that "Funck & Schlim 246" material in other herbariarepresents this taxon. This variety was not mentioned by recent authors (Morton & Lellinger 1966,Sehnem 1968, Vareschi 1969, Lellinger 19'77,Proctor 1977, Smith 1981, Stolze 1981, Proctor 1985,Stolze 1986, Mickel & Beitel 1988, Tryon & Stolze 1993, Adams 1995, Smirh 1995).

14. Asplenium humile Sodiro, Anales Univ. Central. 22(16O):99 (1908); Sert. FI. Ecuad. 2: 22( 1908), nom. illeg. non Sprengel (1822), nec Blume ( 1 828), Baker ( I 867) . - Lectotype (designatedhere): Ecuador: in subtropical forest of the Tanlahua volcano, 1904, Sodiro s.n. (P00222114;isolecto-: P00222115). Other syntypes Ecuador: vulc. Pululahua, near Yanaurco, Feb 1908,Sodiro s.n. (P00222112; isosyn-: P00222113).

Sodiro s.n. of 1904 is chosen as lectotype because it fits the description best.Christensen (1913) considered this to represent a new species of Diplazium and published it as

D. taulahuae C.Chr. [a misspelling of "tanlahua"e]; Stolze & al. (1994) reduced it to a synonym ofD. melanosorun (Sodiro) C.Chr.

15. Asplenium leptophyllum F6e, M6m. Foug. 7: 50, tab.l4, fig. 2 (1857), nom. illeg. non Swarrz(1791), nec Lagasca (1802). - Lectotype (designated here): Colombia: Norte de Santander, Ocafla,Paramos de San Pedro, 10000-11000 ft [3300-3630m], Jan 1851, Schlim 328 [often annotated as

Voyage de L. Schliml (BP;' isolecto-: BR-2 sheets, P00219988, and probably also 'Morirz'328 fromMerida (Venezuela) B-20-Ol82l9). Other syntypes'. Colombia: Norte de Santander: Ocafla,piiramos, 8-10000 ft. 12640-3300 ml, Feb 1846-1852, Schlim 479 (P00219987; isosyn-: B-20-018221, BR-2 sheets); M6xico: Real del Monre, 8000 fr [2640m], 1840, Galeotti 6446(P00219989; lsosyn-: BR).

Because all specimens agree with the description we choose Schlim 328 as lectotype as it is the bestoriginal gathering containing complete plants with rhizomes.

F6e based this taxon on spurious characters, and we agree with Christensen (1905), Morton &Lellinger (1966), Smith (1981), Mickel & Beitel (1988), and Mickel & Smith (2004) that it is asynonym of A. monanthes L' with which it shares the same perispore type (Viane 1992).

16. Asplenium nervosum Mett., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., s6r. 5,2: 235 ( 1864). - Lectotype (designatedhere): Colombia: Distrito Capital, Azeradero, mountains near Bogota, 2500-2600 m, 1862, Lindig293 (B-20-048612, isolecto-: P00338201 ,P00338202, P00338203, P00338204, POO3382O5). Othersyntypei Colombia: Tolima, Mariquita, 1200 m, Jan 1843, Linden 1015 (BR; isosyn-: P00338206).


Syst. Geosr. PL.78 (2008)

The Lindig 293 material in B, used by Mettenius and bearing his identification labels, is chosen as

lectotype. It agrees well with the description and has several duplicates in P. This name is the

basionym for Diplazium nervosum (Mett.) Diels (Christensen 1905), a taxon rarely mentioned in the

literature (e.g., Murillo & Harker 1990).

17. Asplenium ovalescens F6e, Crypt. Vasc. Br6sil l: 12, t.18, f .2 (1869). - Lectotype (designated

here): Brazil: Rio de Janeiro: Serra dos 6rg6os, 8 Sep 1868, Glaziou2Sl4 (P00219963, kept on twosheets; isolecto-'. B-20-019374, BR-2 sheets, P00219964, P00219965). Other syntype: Brazil: Riode Janeiro: Serra dos 6rg6os, 12-16lul1868, Glaziou2474 (P00219966; isosyn-: BR, P00219967).

Glaziou 2814 is chosen as lectotype because it agrees well with the description and is the best

original material, bearing the original label and handwriting of F6e. In P the specimens are dividedover four sheets. The lectotype itselfconsists oftwo sheets glued together, the first holding the basal

part of a frond attached to a rhizome, and one loose frond; the second sheet holding the upper part

of the frond from which the basal part is attached to the rhizome on the first sheet, and also one

loose leaf. These sheets were glued together and form a single gathering (specimen in the sense ofICBN Art. 8.2, McNeill & al. 2006) originally deposited in the E. Cosson Herbarium, later obtainedby E. Durand who donated them to P.

Notwithstanding their rounded marginal teeth Baker (1870) cited both Glaziou 2414 and

Glaziou 2814 under A. pseudonitidum Ptaddi (the type of which has sharp teeth). He was followedby Christensen (1905) with whom we agree. Hooker (1860) included specimens with crenate mar-gins in A. pseudonitidum var. crenatifulium Hook., for which Sehnem (1963, 1968) later created the

superfluous combination A. pseudonitidum var. ovalescens (F6e) Sehnem. Baker (1874) raisedHooker's variety to specific level as A. crenatifuliam (Hook.) Baker.

AspLenium pseudonitidum is rarely cited and is considered an endemic of south-eastern Brazilby Sylvestre & Windisch (2003) and Pichi Sermolli & Bizarri (2005).

18. Asplenium pteropus Kaulf. var. majus Mett., Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges. 3(l): 164 (1859). -Lectotype of the variety (designated here): Venezuela [as Colombia]: Aragua: Colonia Tovar, inshady, wet forest, Moritz23b (B-20-012138; isolecto-: 8-20-012231,8-20-012239,P00220276).Other syntype:Yenezuela: Caracas, Galipan,4500 - 5000 ft. [1485 m], Jan 1846, Funck & Schlim249 (B -20 -O I 223 6 ; i s o s y n - : P 0022027 7, P 0022027 8, P 0022027 9) .

These two collections are present in various herbaria. We choose Moritz23b,the best original mate-

rial, as lectotype. This specimen is also the type of Asplenium fernandezianurT, sensu Klotzsch(1841), which Mettenius cited as a synonym of A. pteropus var. majus. This variety is not mentionedin recent floras, probably because the whole complex to which A. pteropus belongs is very variableand needs monographic study. It may be closely related to the largely African A. erectum Bory ex

Willd. group, with which it shares a very similar perispore type (Viane 1992).

19. Asplenium radicans L. var argutidentqtum Hieron., Hedwigia 47: 229 (1908), as 'argutiden-tata' . - Lectotype of the variety (designated here): Columbia: Cundinamarca prov., Muzo, Stiibel536a (B-20-014288). Other syntype: Columbia: Cundinamarca prov., Sthbel536 (B-20-Ol429l).

We choose the best specimen, annotated by Hieronymus, as lectotype. It belongs.to the pinnate-

pinnatifid to 2-pinnate complex within theA. radicans aggregate (see above underA. alloeopteron).This bipinnate variety, based on spurious characters of the leaf margin and veins, is not mentionedin recent floras.



























G. Cremers & R.L.L. Viane, Lectotypications of American Asplenium

20. Asplenium schiedei Mett., Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges. 3(1): 209 (1859). - Lectotype (desig-

nated here): Mexico: Veracruz: Jalapa, May 1829, Schiede s.n. (8-20-047289; isolecto-:P00338207).

Asplenium schiedei was needed as a substitute name for the Mexican Diplazium lonchophyllumKunze (published 1839) because of the pre-existingAsplenium lonchophyllum (Kunze) Mett. (1859)based on Kunze's later (published 1848) homonym Diplazium lonchophyllurn described from Java.

Mettenius cited two other collections from Mexico (Leibold, and Sartorius) but Schiede s.n., the

type of the replaced name, becomes the type of Mettenius' new name. Because the holotype in LZwas destroyed, we select the sheet in B as lectotype.According to Christensen (1905), this is synonymous with Diplazium denticulosum (Desv.) C.Chr.,but we agree with Smith (1981), Mickel & Beitel (1988), Mickel (1992), Palacios Rios (1992),

Adams (1995), and Mickel & Smith (2004), and retain D.lonchophyllumKunze as a species of itsown.

21. Asplenium sessiffilium Desv. var. guatemalense Hieron., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 34: 461 (1904), as

'guatemalensis'. - LectoQpe of the variety (designated here): Guatemala: terrestrial in humidwoods, Vulcan de Agua,2500m, 3l May 1882, Lehmann 1480 (B-20-022904). Other syntypes:

Guatemala: Santa Rosa Dept., Mataquescuintla, ("Zamororu" on handwritten label in P), 1700-1800 m (5000 ft in B - 4500 ft in P), Feb (Apr on handwritten label in P) 1893 lDonnell Smith46711, Heyde & Lux s.n. (B-20-022906; isosyn-: P00219891); Zamorora, (4500 ft in P; 5500 ft inB) 1800-1900 m, Apr 1893 lDonnell Smith 46701, Heyde & Lux s.n. (B-20-022905; isosyn-:P00219890); Costa Rica: hazu,15 Apr 1857, WendlandTlO (9-20-022908).

All material seen agrees with Hieronymus'description, and all sheets in B bear his annotated labels.Lehmann 1480 is a particularly well dried specimen and is chosen as lectotype.

Smith (1981), Stolze (1981, 1986), Mickel & Beitel (1988), Adams (1995), and Mickel & Smith(2004) treated this variety as a synonym of A. sessilifuliumDesv.

22. Asplenium sessiffilium Desv. var. minor Hreron , Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 34: 461 (1904). - Lectotype(designated here): Ecuador: neighbourhood of Quito, 1833, HaIl s.n. (B-20-O229OI). Other syn-types: Colombia: Cundinamarca, Facultativa, 2600 m, 28 Jan 1883, Lehmann 2462 (8-20-022899);Cundinamarca, Andes mountains near Bogota, 2700m, Triana s.n. (8-20-022895; isosyn-:P00338208); Bolivia: sine loco, 1863, Mandon 63bis (B-20-022893); Ecuador: Andes of Quito,Sp ruc e 5621 (B -20-022893).

Hall s.n. is the best original material and consists of two complete plants, the other syntypes are onlysingle fronds.

This variety was not mentioned nor recognized in recent floras (Smith 1981, Stolze 1981, 1986,

Mickel & Beitel 1988, Adams 1995, Smith 1995, Mickel & Smith 2004).

23.Aspleniumtomentosum Lam.,Encycl .2:308 (1786). -Lectotype (designatedhere): Brazil: Riode Janeiro: Dombey s.n. (P00219960; isolecto-: P-JU 1030). Other syntypes: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro:near Rio de Janeiro ('Sebastianopolis') and adjacent islands ("Ile aux Chats"), Jlul l'767,

Commerson s.n. (P00219361, P00219962).

Dombey s.n. is selected as lectotype because it is the best original specimen. Other possibly authen-tic material in the de Lamarck herbarium (P-LA) consists of a leaf fragment collected in Brazil butwithout collector; this gathering was studied by C.V. Morton in 196'7.





Syst. Geosr PL.78 (2008)

This taxon does not belong in Aspleniaceae but is a cheilanthoid fern with naked linear sori.

Angely (1963) and Sehnem (1912) recognized this taxon as Gymnopteris tomentosa (Lam.)

Underw., which Tryon & Tryon (1982), Tryon & Stolze (1989), and Ponce (1996) treated as

Hemionitis tomentosa (Lam.) Raddi.

24. Asplenium trichomanes L. var. herbaceum Sodiro, Rec. Crypt. Vasc. Quit. 144 (1893). -Lectotype (designated here): Ecuador: in woods near Pasochoa, Sep 1890, Sodiro s.n. (frond l,P0021993r).

The type sheet contains two different taxa, the left hand frond corresponds to the description and is

selected as lectotype, the other frond is Asplenium castaneum Schltdl. & Cham.

Stolze (1986) recognized this variety at species rank, naming it Asplenium oellgaardii Stolze

because the epithet "herbaceum" is preoccupied at the species level. Consequently, Sodiro s.n.

(frond 1 , P0021993 I ) is also the type of the substitute name A. oellgaardii.

25. Caenopteris achilleifulra M.Martens & Galeotti, Nouv. M6m. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles 15: 63,

t. 16 (1842). - Lectotype (designated here): Mexico: Veracruz, dark forests of Mirador, 3500 ft[155m], 1840, Galeotti 62'79 (BR; isolecto-: P00220112). Other syntype: Mexico: Veracruz,

Zacuapan (on label in BR), humid rocks at 4000 ft 11320 ml, Feb 1840, Galeotti 6293 (BR;

isosyn-: P002201 l3).

The lectotype specimen in BR is the only voucher with a rhizome and fits well to the description.

We agree with most later authors, e.g., Liebmann (1849), Conzatti (1946), Smith (1981), Stolze(1981, 1986), Mickel & Beitel (1988), Mickel (1992), Palacios-Rios (1992),Tryon & Stolze (1993),

Nelson & al. (1996), and Mickel & Smith (2004), and recognize this taxon as Asplenium

achilleifulium (M.Martens & Galeotti) Liebm.

Acknowledgements. - We thank the Directors and staff of all institutions that welcomed us in theirHerbaria and libraries. We are grateful for the help received from B. Zimmer (B), P. Bamps (BR),

F. Badr6 (P) and F. Rakotondrainibe (P). We also thank J. Prado for his critical remarks on the



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Manuscript received October 2006; accepted in revised version September 2008.











