Lent is Almost Here! - St. Olaf Lutheran Church

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March 2011

St. Olaf Lutheran Church

Soup and sandwiches will be served beginning at 5:30 pm. Grab your dinner and join us at a table in the Fellowship Hall and enjoy good food and dis-cussion. I will begin with a short talk on the topic for the eve-ning and then I will want to hear what it is that you believe. We’ll look at how we might


Faith & Care Group #5 3

Memorials 4

Relay for Life Team 5

Growing Together 6

Council Minutes 7-8

Calendar 9

Inside This Issue

I know, I know, most of you probably don’t much care about Lent. It’s not really a happy time in the church cal-endar, is it? Perhaps you don’t associate a lot of good memo-ries with it. Over the years I have heard more than a few people talk about how Lent is full of dreary music and feeling sad, but it does hold a special place for me. Lent is a time that has been set aside by the church for con-templation and reflection. It’s easy during times like Advent, Christmas and Easter to simply be too busy with all the com-mercial stuff of the seasons to completely forget about God and the things that God has done for us. Many non-denominational churches choose not to observe it be-cause it is too sad. Many of us don’t want to deal with issues like death and suffering – but they are huge, important parts of the human experience. When we seek God only in the good times or the bad, we miss out on all that God is doing for each one of us today. Lent is a time when we have

the opportunity to relate to Jesus in a very intimate way. I love the way we come to-gether in Lent to worship, not only on Sunday mornings, but in the evening on Wednes-days. There is something so warm and personal about worshiping at night. There is a glow from the stain glass win-dows that we might never see during the day. This year on Wednesday evenings we will be singing the Holden Evening Prayer.

Also new this year, I will be leading a book study on the book, What’s the Least I Can Believe and Still Be a Christian? A Guide to What Matters Most. The book is written by a United Methodist pastor, Martin Thielen. It’s an interesting topic that goes to the heart of a lot of what is happening to-day in an age in which so many people are so polarized over so many issues. It seems like a good time to focus in on what it is that really matters to us as Christians. The study will coincide with soup supper on Wednesday nights beginning on March 16.

From the Pastor

Lent is Almost Here!

(Continued on page 2)

Daylight Savings Time

Begins Sunday,

March 13 Be sure to set your clocks ahead 1 hr.

Page 2

January Expenses Sunday School ..............154.26 Church Supplies ..............91.49 Insurance........................765.50 Maintenance.................402.70 Retreat Center Exp.........73.00 Otter Tail .........................587.00 MDU.................................526.00 City of Devils Lake...........94.35 NDTC ...............................208.11 Webhosting......................20.00 Dakota Prairie CAA ........50.00 Lutheran Social Services 66.67 EaND Synod................1,100.00 Contingency Fund........100.00 Office Equip. & Maint...485.72 Office Supplies ..............476.55 Miscellaneous..................48.83 Postage ..........................249.84 Auto Expense ..................40.00 Cont. Ed (Jamie)...........541.86 Payroll Taxes.............. -1,142.98 BC/BS ..............................636.50 Housing Allowance ...2,283.32 Pension/Insurance .....3,276.22 Soc. Sec. Allowance ....308.32 Wages..........................8,457.72 Altar Supplies ...................37.10 Bulletin Exp. ....................166.93 Worship Supplies .............73.25 Youth Activity ................125.43 Total Expenses .......$20,303.69 Income ...........19,655.42


Date January 30 February 6 February 13 February 20

Attendance 160 152 209 176

Building Fund $1,035.00 $595.00 $426.00 $725.00

General Fund $3,585.00 $5,221.00 $4,175.50 $3,940.00

Weekly Attendance & Envelope Giving

Building Fund Loan (March 2005= $361,500)

Balance: $51,345.83

(Note due March 2013)

St. Olaf Women of the ELCA Meet St. Olaf WELCA met on Febru-ary 3. Pastor Jeff presented the Bible study on race and culture. It was very interesting and had some good discussions. Deb-orah Circle presented a pro-gram “Are you winterized?” - dealing with all the winters in our lives and our faith. Princess Party was held Febru-ary 12th, which we furnished the muffins. Jamie is to be com-mended on his excellent effort and be informed of all the good comments on the event. Heartland Birthday Paris is scheduled for March 8th, which is sponsored by us. Each circle to provide angelfood cake, strawberries and Cool Whip. Tom Wade is to provide our en-tertainment. World Day of Prayer is March

4th at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church at 2:00 p.m. We are all encouraged to attend. This year’s theme is “How Many Loaves Have You.” Spring Rummage Sale is slated for May 7. Start getting rum-mage ready! You may deliver your clean and in good condi-tion rummage items to the basement behind the folding doors on east side. Remember: no computer monitors or TVs please! Bring plastic bags to put items in that day. Anna Circle is in charge of pro-gram and lunch on March 3rd - Bible study at 1:00 p.m. and meeting at 2:00 p.m. We en-courage all women to join us for the Bible study, meeting and of course fellowship.

~ Betty Nygren

From the Pastor (Continued from page 1)

agree or disagree with this au-thor and what he has to say. It will also be an opportunity to think out-loud about the ac-tions of many other churches (both local and nationally) and some of the key figures in Christianity today.

There will be a sign up sheet in the Centennial Room or feel free to call or email Darci

about ordering the book (stolaf@gondtc.com). If you pre-order your book the price is $9. After the 16th, the book will be $15. I am so looking forward to wor-shiping and studying with you this Lent! Pastor Jeff

Faith & Care Group #5 - March 2011

Faith & Care Group #6 For April 2011 Heath & Annie Alexander, Brandon, Rachel Mark & Penny Armentrout, Joshua & Kayla Larry Anderson Gary & Cynthia Axtman, Danica Linda Bachmeier Eric & Amy Berg, Hannah, Lawson, Isla Curtis Bloomquist Darren & Jane Briss H. Raymond & Evelyn Bryn Marion Dahl, Darrell Alex & Sandra Dettling, Jamie Silvia Ebertz, Christopher, Justin, Shane Irene Eng Carol Fenner Kenneth & Sandy Forsberg, Lisa & Lucas

Gerald & Vivian Gilbertson Michael & Lisa Grafsgaard, Jaydon, Nathaniel, Jennica Jeff & Diane Halvorson Armen & Connie Hanson, Callie Deloise Haugen Jerry Idland Ray Jemtrud Francis & Delores Johanson Mike & Sara Kenney, Kaitlyn, Cooper Tom & Mary LaMotte David & Angie Larson, Paige & Ben Jeri Larson David Lee LeRoy & Delores Lunde Ernest & Evelyn Nagel Betty Ness Roberta Odden

Dean & Betty Petska Rory & Charlotte Riggin Erik & Kayla Samuelson Marilyn Schall, Brent & Natasha Schall, Evan, Natalie, Bella, Mercadeez, Sandra Ilene Schemionek Diane Togstad Janice Tungland Peter & Marlys Wang Albert Wood Steve & Erin Wood, Madison, Zachary & Christopher

Nursing Home Residents

Doris Aasmundstad, Odd Fellows Cecilia Hegge, Odd Fellows

351-6972 .............. Tonya Teel, Thomas 662-4681 .............. Jeff & Terri Alexander, Matthew 294-3317 .............. Rhonda Allery, Jace, Olivia 662-8819 .............. Richard & Sharlene Anderson, Heidi 351-3416 .............. Joey & Teresa Armey, Alexis, Ava, Kylie 662-3213 .............. Jeremy & Tammi Beck, Kali, Kamden, Karsen 662-6296 .............. Amy Bertsch, Jordan, Sage, Shelby, Mya 662-8058 .............. Richard & Nancy Blake 393-4378 .............. Mark & Mary Jane Blanchfield 393-4462 .............. Gary Bryn 662-5322 .............. Della Danielson 662-3714 .............. Curtis & Linda Ehnert 662-5258 .............. Ron & Judy Faleide 662-2317 .............. Lee & Sue Feickert 662-3525 .............. Elsie Halvorson 662-4012 .............. Daniel Haugen 662-8971 .............. Rodger Haugen 665-2770 .............. LeAnn Heisler, Denton, Nevon 662-8453 .............. Danielle Hawn, Bailey & Megan 662-4455 .............. Jean Ivesdal 766-4356 .............. Fred & Helen Jacobs 662-2446 .............. Al & Margaret Jallo 662-3594 .............. Duane & Ann Johnson *662-2463............. Gerald & Carol Johnson *662-2398............. Lawrence & Irene Johnson 662-2691 .............. Sherene Kraft, Christopher 662-7304 .............. Pamela Kraft

793-5757.............. Jim & Tabitha Lang, Alexandria, Bailey, Rebecca *393-4336 ............ Harriet Horner Larson 398-3610.............. Kenneth Larson 662-4270.............. Rolf Lindgren 662-1120.............. Jay & Stacey Lilleberg, Jessica, Amanda 662-4313.............. Douglas & Linda Martin, Matthew 662-3291.............. Harold Nilep *662-5288 ............ January Johnson Obenchain 662-2637.............. Jerry & Marilynn Peters 393-4497.............. John Peterson 662-5277.............. Gerald & Linda Schmidt 662-8022.............. Alvin & Debra Schroeder, Amber & Ryan 662-3154.............. Mae Soper 662-2435.............. Jeremy & Jennifer Steinhaus, Casia, Nate 662-5297.............. Ronald & Mary Jane Stubbe *662-4643 ............ Myrna Unger 662-2325.............. Julie Wagenman, Ashley *662-4805 ............ Paula Windjue

* New members of Group #5 - 2010

Page 3

Sharon Simonsen from Edna Vrem; Robert & Phyllis Dahl; Nancy Mosbaek from Edna Vrem; Florene Rogne; Carl & Alta Bloomquist; Kermit & Glenna Garske; Olga Pulst Wendell Haugen from Edna Vrem; Larry & Betty Nygren; Carl & Alta Bloomquist; Judy, Chris & Karyn Ovre; Merrill & Linda Krueger; Walter & Helen Hanson; Beverly Grieve from Larry & Betty Nygren; Morgan Walford; Florene Rogne; Carl & Alta Bloomquist; Bob & Helen Weed; Livonia Crane; Edna Kenner from Beverly Lee; Marilyn Pederson; Livonia Crane; Jay & Mavis Gerrells; Duane & Irma Carter; Merrill & Linda Krueger; Alta & Carl Bloomquist; Armen & Connie Hanson; Janice Breakey; Judy Ovre; Walter & Helen Hanson; Ray & Evie Bryn; Irene Eng; Duane & Ann Johnson; Florene Rogne; Morgan Walford; Gary Bryn; Robert & Helen Weed Sam Martinson from Marilyn Pederson Isabelle Svidal from Armen & Connie Hanson; Walter & Helen Hanson; Edna Vrem; Livonia Crane; Alta & Carl Bloomquist; Duane & Irma Carter; Irving & Janice Thomp-son Ruth Allery from Tom & Stacie Wade Muriel Paré from Livonia Crane

Robert Kitterman from Kermit & Glenna Garske; Byron Soper from Mae Soper

Carpet Fund In Memory Of:

Wendell Haugen from Marlene Young; Isabelle Svidal from Rodger Haugen Edna Kenner from Duainne & Paula Bourcy; Marlene Young Maurice Heisler from Marlene Young Sharon Simonson from Marlene Young Beverly Grieve from Marlene Young

Window Fund In Memory Of:

Eugene Ensign (Kirk Sweeney’s stepfather) from Kirk Sweeney Wendell Haugen from Newton & Karen Lindseth; Lloyd & Carol Hints

Radio Fund In Memory Of:

Donna Mae Pledger from Mrs. William (Jeannie) Groves; Gordon & Darlene Nelson; Ar-vin & Jeanette Rohrer Edna Kenner from Ann & Fran-cis Schemionek; Beth & Gordon Berg; Vivian Gilbertson; Jerry & Daria Miller; Steve & Sharon Kensey; Duane & Pam Armstrong Robert Kitterman from Kent & Marci Larson Isabelle Svidal from Beth & Gordon Berg

Pew Bibles Fund In Memory Of:

Ruth & Lyle Harrington, Kim Breakey, Roger Breakey from Janice Breakey Loved Ones from Joe & Nan Yager Norah Slupe from Barbara Wal-den Elmer & Faye Olson and Emil & Esther Pearson from Russ & Lynda Pearson Ruth Lindquist Anderson from Carl & Alta Bloomquist Gavyn Nygren, Larissa Olson, Alayna Olson from Larry & Betty Nygren Kenneth Vrem from Edna Vrem Leland & Millie Oleson from Louise Oleson Jerry Wood from Cleo De-plazes Paul Deplazes from Cleo De-plazes Palmer & Lois Foss from Allan & LaMae Bergan Loved Ones from Duainne & Paula Bourcy Don Lee from Bev Lee Emil Marotzke from Lisa Bach-meier Herbert & Mayme Schindele from Livonia Crane

In Honor Of: St. Olaf Choir from Betty Kalha-gen

Page 4

Memorial s Building Fund

In Memory Of:

Page 5

Our Members In The Military

SSgt. Sherri Read & SSgt. Barry Read

Cpl. Jeffrey J. Olson Sgt. Jesse S. Olson Grant Thompson

Orville Wang Justin & Jill Johnson

Derrick Owens Jonathan Pearson

Tyler Halvorson Matthew Martin

Sgt. Major Brian Soper Nevon Heisler Ben Halvorson Brian Pederson

Cory Schall Brent Schall Cory Hagen

Please let the church office know if you

know of others serving.

Our prayers for God’s peace and

consolation go out to the families of:

Phyllis Sailor Edna Kenner

Isabelle Svidal

Sponsoring a radio broad-cast of St. Olaf’s 11:00 a.m. Sun-day Worship Service would be a great way to honor a loved

one. The cost to sponsor a broadcast is $70 and an an-nouncement of the sponsor-ship would be printed in the

bulletin. Call the church office at 662-4911 or send in your


St. Olaf’s Relay for Life Team Update WOW ST OLAF!! Thank you for the attendance and support at our Rootbeer Float Rally. We earned enough to pay our registration fee and still have $117.00 to go toward our fundraising goal. Re-member, you can still join the team or help with a fundraiser or lend us your creative ideas. Our team is still in search of a name and theme. Team members include: Rhonda Allery, Lisa Bach-meier, Connie Jorgenson and Michelle Fritz. Assistance is needed with the following: Survivors - Can someone help us with gathering a list of survivors from St. Olaf? This event is all about the survi-vors and we want them to join us in the survivor lap. Luminaries - this is a beautiful tribute to those fighting, survi-vors or who have suc-cumbed to cancer. The cost is $5.00 a luminary. If we could find someone to coor-dinate volunteers who are willing to sell them between services, it would be a huge help. We must also find a place to display all the lumi-naries up to the event. Ash Wednesday, March 9 -

Soup and Sandwich Fellow-ship proceeds will go to the Relay for Life. We need do-nations of all fixings for sand-wiches and volunteers to help set up, serve and clean up. Poor Man’s Lobster - Torsk for Lunch fundraiser is being planned. We will need help sellling tickets and other vol-unteers to help with the event. Watch the bulletins and Spire for the date. Next Relay meeting is set for Sunday, March 6th at 10:00 a.m. in the fellowship area at St. Olaf. All are welcome.

Minutes from the February Council Meeting St Olaf Church Council Meet-ing: February 8, 2011 The regular congregational council meeting was called to order by President Judy Thomp-son at 8:00 p.m., February 8, 2011. Present: Judy Thompson, Joe Hoiberg, Jim Helgeson, Kim Hatten, Janice Breakey, Darci Gilbertson, Pastor Nicla, Jamie Travers, Cara Mitzel, Stacey MacDonald, Ray Sletteland, and Chuck Olson. Absent: Helen Armstrong and Mary Jane Blanchfield January minutes were read and approved as printed in the February Spire. Treasurer’s report was pre-sented by Jim Helgeson. Jim H moved to pay bills. Ray S sec-onded. Motion carried. Pastoral Staff Communications: Pastor Nicla reported: On Wednesday, January 12th I pre-sided at the installation of Ra-chel Johnson as diaconal minis-ter/chaplain at Heartland Care Center. This past month we had two funerals. On January 15th, I presided at the funeral of Phyllis Sailor and February 8th, presided at the funeral of Edna Kenner. The St. Olaf annual meeting occurred on January 30th with a potluck dinner pre-ceding the meeting. Both were well attended. The meet-ing was exceptionally quick. In some ways, I still can’t believe how quick! In the past three months I have begun a Spiritual Direction led by Pastor Helen

Beth Kuhens (Interim pastor at Fordville Lutheran Church). It has been well worth the time and effort. I will be continuing this for the next year. Bible do-nations continue to come into the office. I have had a num-ber of people ask if we might consider purchasing the Mes-sage modern English translation instead of the NRSV. I will be looking into finding a possible source for that and checking prices. This month I have spent a lot of my time visiting those in the hospital and their homes. I will be continuing that empha-ses this coming month. I will be gone from Friday February 11 – through February 13th attend-ing the Synod’s, first call theo-logical retreat. Jamie will be leading worship for both ser-vices on Sunday, Feb. 13th. Jamie reported since the Janu-ary council meeting: preached one time & helped lead service each week – met with the Christian Ed Board and Youth & Family Ministry Board – at-tended the annual meeting – met with the Safe Communities Coalition, Lake Region Ministe-rial, Family Resource Network, and Disaster Resiliency & Re-sponse Coalition – attended the Devils Lake Pastoral Confer-ence – attended a meeting at Fort Totten about youth ministry

– lead Sunday School Music – taught 7th & 8th grade confir-mation classes – helped lead the last Confirmation Family Night for the year – met with the Sr. High Youth at “Fuel” Fel-lowship – held an activity for the Jr. Disciples here at St. Olaf – used four days of continuing education to attend the ELCA Youth Ministry Network Extrava-ganza in Kansas City – have been preparing for the Princess Breakfast on February 12th – various pastoral visits with youth and other duties including prep work for coming events and activities. Christian Education Board: Pre-sent: Cara Mitzel, Kory Boeh-mer, Guests: Joe Hoiberg, Ja-mie Travers, Absent: Lori Stubbe, Brenda Langerud, Eric Berg, Tammy Riggin. Jamie presented the group with an explanation of a booklet found in the periodical stand located in the Centennial room. The booklet “Spark Family” is in conjunction with our curricu-lum. Board discussed the toy bag’s kids use during church service. Discussed – Historical perspectives on Goals of Chris-tian Education and Adult Edu-cation. Sunday School: Sun-day Feb. 13th will be bring a grandparent or relative day. Relay for Life group will serve root beer floats. The students will be singing at the 11:00 ser-vice with kids and family help-ing to lead the service. Confir-mation will be concluding Wednesday, March 2nd. Fifth grade confirmation is tenta-

Continued on page 8

Page 7

February Council Meeting

tively planned for Friday, March 25th. Youth Bible study: Jamie is interested in starting a youth Bi-ble and book study. “You were made to make a difference” is the possible book. Kory will be contacting a person to fill the open spot for the Christian Edu-cation Board. Next meeting will be Tuesday, March 8th at 7:02 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m. Youth and Family Ministry: Pre-sent: Becky Lang, Kim Pederson, Cole Boehmer and Stacey MacDonald. Absent: Kris John-son and Beth MacDonald. Wel-come Becky Lang. Jr. Disciples will be having a February break-fast and bowling in March. Royal Princess Breakfast (Saturday, Feb. 12th) has 68 signed up so far. Help is still needed for both Friday evening and Saturday morning. The Lent soup and sandwich schedule has been set: March 9th – Relay for Life, March 16th – 3rd grade (Becky Lang, Chairperson), March 23rd - 5th & 6th grade (need chairperson), March 30th - 7th & 8th grade (need chairper-son), April 6th - 9th – 12th grade (Stacey MacDonald chairper-son), April 20th All Grades (need chairperson). The Community Fair will be February 27th from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at LRSC. Wii games will be played. Full Circle Team will start March 20th. Church Properties: All present: Chuck Olson, Roger Knutson, Lloyd Hintz, Newton Lindseth, Joe Yager and Kirk Sweeney. Old Business: Carpet – Newt

moved to get a carpet esti-mate for the offices and library. If funds are available these rooms will be added to the pro-ject. Roger second, motion carried. Carpet samples will be given to the Decorating Com-mittee (DC) for their considera-tion. The DC will also be asked to pick out coordinating paint colors for the hallways and then submit their recommendations to the Church Properties Com-mittee for final approval. New Business: Roger moved to form a task force for Phase 2 of the Master Plan for the Education Building. The task force would create a renovation plan for, but not limited to, the first floor education building. It would include the offices, bathrooms, upstairs kitchen, etc. The Church Properties Board would like to be ready with recom-mendations when the current project is completed. The Church Properties Board pro-poses the task force include five members: one staff and four members from the congrega-tion. Motion carried. Retreat Center: No Report Congregational Life: No Report Lay Ministry: Present: Florene Rogne and Ray Sletteland Ab-sent: Delores Johanson. The Board reviewed the responsibili-ties of the Lay Ministry Commit-tee. Men’s Club: Will be serving breakfast on February 20th. WELCA: No Report Outreach & Evangelism: No Re-port

Stewardship: No Report Worship & Music: Present: Russ Pearson, Janice Breakey, Lynda Pearson and Carol Johnson. Absent: Mary Jane Blanchfield and Irving Thompson. Minutes were approved as written by Lynda, Russ second, motion car-ried. Jamie asked how long we will be using Setting #7. He is considering buying conga drums. It was decided to use Setting #7 through the summer. Jamie will be notified. Thursday Fellowship will stay at Park Place 2. Irving and Pastor Jeff went to last Thursday Fellowship and talked with the others there. Irving picked up the introduc-tion tape of the 11:00 radio broadcast service and gave it to Pastor Jeff. Pastor Jeff is re-viewing it. The need for one more member on Music and Worship was discussed. There was a general discussion on pew Bibles and which transla-tion to use. Meeting adjourned – Janice B Unfinished Business: None New Business: Installation of Of-ficers will be at both services on Sunday, Feb. 27, 2011. FYI: Princess Breakfast is sched-uled for Saturday February 12th

Respectively Submitted Kimberly Hatten

Council Secretary

Continued from page 7

Page 8

March 2011

GUITAR SERVICES 8:30 & 11:00

-9:40 Bring a Friend to Sunday School -12:00 Noon Meal & Spring Auction

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31

-Quilting -11:00 Pancake Lunch

-7:00 Church Boards -6:00 Pancake Supper

-8:00 Church


-7:00 Boy Scouts

-8:00 AA & Al-Anon

-7:00 Compassionate Friends - 8:00 AA

-1:00 WELCA Bible Study

-2:00 WELCA Mtg. -7:00 Boy Scouts



-2:00 Worship at Odd Fellows

-7:00 Boy Scouts -5:30 Soup & Sand-wich Supper (Served by Relay for Life Team) -7:00 Worship Service with Communion & Imposition of Ashes -8:00 Choir

-8:00 AA & Al-Non

-Quilting -8:00 Al-Anon

-9:45 Altar Guild -9:45 Meeting for F&C Group #6 -3:00 Full Circle Meeting

-9:00 Quilting -4:30 Executive Committee -8:00 Al-Anon

-3:45 Wed. School

-5:30 Soup & Sandwich Supper & Book Study

-7:00 Lenten Worship Service

-8:00 Choir

-Quilting -12:00 Ministerial Assoc. Mtg. at LRSC -8:00 Al-Anon

-7:00 Boy Scouts

- 8:00 AA & Al-Anon

-9:00 5th Grade Confirmation -4:00 Deadline For SPIRE -8:00 AA & Al-Non

- 8:00 AA

- 8:00 AA

- 7:30 Prisca Circle

- 8:00 AA

-3:45 7th Grade Confirmation AND Wednesday School -5:00 8th Grade Confirmation -7:00 9th Grade Confirmation Class -7:15 Choir

Ash Wednesday

-9:30 Breakfast (Served by St. Olaf Men) -10:00 Cong. Life -10:00 Relay for Life Team Mtg.

-9:00 Spire Assembly -7:00 Boy Scouts

-3:45 Wed. School

-5:30 Soup & Sandwich Supper & Book Study

-7:00 Lenten Worship Service

-8:00 Choir

-3:45 Wed. School

-5:30 Soup & Sandwich Supper & Book Study

-7:00 Lenten Worship Service

-8:00 Choir

-Quilting -8:00 Al-Anon

Sunday Schedule: 8:30 Worship Service 9:30 Coffee Fellowship 9:40 Sunday School 10:30 Choir Rehearsal 11:00 Worship Service

Communion on the 1st & 3rd Sundays

March 2011

St. Olaf Lutheran Church 

601 6th Street NE 

Devils Lake, ND  58301‐2525 

Phone: 701‐662‐4911 

Fax: 701‐662‐4820 

Email: stolaf@gondtc.com 



Pastor Jeffrey S. Nicla 

James W. Travers, Family Ministry Coordinator 

Darci Gilbertson, Office & Financial Secretary 

Kirk Sweeney, Custodian 

Lynda Pearson, Organist 

Non-Profit Organization

U.S. Postage Paid

Permit No. 17

Devils Lake, North Dakota

Address Service Requested SS P R I N GP R I N G

AA U C T I O NU C T I O N Sunday, March 20

At St. Olaf

Tatertot Hotdish Meal served at Noon

Followed by Auction of Services

Donations of services are needed for the auction. The proceeds from this event will be used for various pro-jects of the church.