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Transportation Engineering & Management Admission Batch 2020


PAVEMENT MATERIALS, CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENTS Contact Hours/Week : 4+2+0 (L+T+P) Credits : 5.0 Total Lecture Hours : 52 CIE Marks : 50 Total Tutorial Hours : 26 SEE Marks : 50

Course Code : 1RCTM02

Course Objectives: The objective of the course is to introduce the students to different types of pavement construction materials, such as aggregates, bitumen and tar, bituminous emulsions & cutbacks, and bituminous mixes, pavement construction

procedures, equipments, quality control tests, and specifications.

Unit-1 Pavement Materials Aggregates: Origin, classification, requirements, properties and tests on road

aggregates, concepts of size and gradation - design gradation, maximum aggregate size, aggregate blending to meet specification.

Bitumen: Origin, preparation, properties and chemical constitution of bituminous road binders; requirements. Bituminous Emulsions and Cutbacks: Preparation, characteristics, uses and tests.

Adhesion of Bituminous Binders to Road Aggregates: Adhesion failure, mechanism of stripping, tests and methods of improving adhesion.

Modified binders, characteristics, types and applications 15 Hrs. Unit-2

Bituminous Mixes: Mechanical properties, dense and open textured mixes, flexibility and brittleness, (No Hveem Stabilometer & Hubbard-Field Tests) bituminous mix design method using Marshall Method only and specification using different criteria -

voids in mineral aggregates, voids in total mix, density, flow, stability, percentage voids filled with bitumen. 15 Hrs.

Unit-3 Pavement Construction: Equipment in Highway Construction: Various types of equipment for excavation,

grading and compaction - their working principle, advantages and limitations. Special equipment for bituminous and cement concrete pavement and stabilized soil road construction. 16 Hrs.

Unit-4 Subgrade: Earthwork grading and construction of embankments and cuts for roads.

Preparation of subgrade, quality control tests. Flexible Pavements: Specifications of materials, construction method and field control checks for various types of flexible pavement layers.

Cement Concrete Pavements: Specifications and method of cement concrete pavement construction; Quality control tests; Construction of various types of joints. 16 Hrs.


Alternate and Marginal Materials for Low volume roads: Scope for use of alternate

marginal/low cost/waste/stabilized local materials, various alternate and waste materials and their strength requirement for road application. 16 Hrs.

Transportation Engineering & Management Admission Batch 2020



1 Khanna, S.K., and Justo, C.E.G.

“Highway Engineering”, Nem Chand and Bros. Roorkee, 10th Edition, 2014.

2 Prithvi Singh Kandhal “Bituminous Road Construction in India”, PHI, 2016.


1 RRL, DSIR, UK “Bituminous Materials in Road Construction”, HMSO Publication, 1963

2 RRL, DSIR, UK “Soil Mechanics for Road Engineers”, HMSO Publication, 1951

3 Robert N Hunter, Technical Editor

Shell Bitumen Handbook, Thomas Telfort Publishing, USA, 1990

4 Yoderej Witczak, M.W. “Principles of Pavement Design”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2nd Edition, 1975

5 IS codes, IRC codes and MoRT&H

Course Outcomes (Cos) The students will be able to, CO1a: The student will be able to synthesize (PO1) his basic knowledge of material science and

highway engineering with advanced knowledge of aggregate properties and requirements to characterize, analyze and classify aggregates based physical, mechanical and chemical properties and use his critical thinking to evaluate the suitability of aggregates from different sources for pavement applications so as to meet the specifications of MORTH and suggest modifications if required.

CO1b: The student will be able to synthesize (PO1) his basic knowledge of bitumen and its

characteristics with advanced knowledge of modified bitumen binders, cutbacks and emulsions to evaluate the behavior of bitumen and modified bitumen under various environmental conditions and decide on their suitability for different types of constructions using critical thinking (PO2).

CO2: Synthesizing (PO1) his basic knowledge of bituminous mixes and advanced knowledge of

modified bituminous mixes the student will be able to apply critical thinking (PO2) to analyze the behavior under static and dynamic loads in different types of environment and design(PO2) bituminous mixes for different layers of pavements by Marshall stability method.

CO3: The student will be able to utilize his advanced knowledge (PO1) of highway construction

equipment to select suitable types of equipment for different construction situation and stabilization works and apply critical thinking and decide on quantity of excavation grading and compaction and no. of compaction equipment to be used.

CO4: Using his advanced knowledge(PO1) of construction procedures and specifications, the

student will be able to think critically(PO2) to formulate construction procedure, specifications and quality control measures, tools and plants to be used for construction of different types of bituminous pavement, cement concrete pavements and white topping.

CO5: Using the knowledge (PO1) of requirements of various materials used in pavement

construction, the student will be able to think critically for the selection of alternate construction materials available locally and this formulate economical and sustainable construction practice.

Transportation Engineering & Management Admission Batch 2020


TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND HIGHWAY DESIGN Contact Hours/Week : 4+2+0 (L+T+P) Credits : 5.0

Total Lecture Hours : 52 CIE Marks : 50 Total Tutorial Hours : 26 SEE Marks : 50 Course Code : 1RCTM03

Course Objectives: To introduce basic knowledge of designing of horizontal, vertical

curves, passing sigh distance, and to traffic engineering so that the students can able to deal with issues such as aspects of safety, planning, design, operation and control of various components in traffic engineering.


Geometric design: Introduction, factors affecting geometric design, road classification,

highway alignment – requirements and factors affecting alignment, cross-sectional elements – unevenness, friction, camber, carriageway width, kerb, shoulder, etc., sight

distance – SSD and OSD, horizontal alignment – I, II and III, vertical alignment – I and II. 15Hrs.

Unit-2 Traffic stream characteristics: Introduction to traffic engineering - Road user

characteristics, vehicle characteristics, Traffic measurement procedures - Measurement

at a point – Volume measurement , data analysis, concepts of ADT and AADT, critical

hourly volume and its significance, Prediction of traffic growth, Measurement over a

short section- Speed measurements, 15th , 85th percentile and 98th percentile, speed

distribution, Measurement along the length of a road- Moving car observer method-

Estimating the travel time, Journey speeds, Numerical problems 15Hrs.

Unit-3 Traffic flow characteristics: Fundamental parameters and relations of traffic flow,

speed , density, space mean speed , time mean speed, head way, spacing, Fundamental

relation between speeds, flow and density, Traffic stream models - Green shields model

and Greenberg’s logarithmic model, Vehicle arrival and head way distribution models -

Poisson distribution, Shifted Exponential and Erlang distribution, Shock waves,

Numerical problems 16Hrs.

Unit-4 Specialized Traffic studies: Parking studies - Inventory, Characteristics, On and Off

street parking, O and D studies : Objectives, Methods, Presentation of the data,

Accident studies : Factors affecting accidents, Data collection, Analysis of the accidents,

remedial measures, Toll operation studies : Design, Queuing theory, Queuing models,

Pedestrian studies : Pedestrian volume and level of service, design principles of

pedestrian Facilities, Fuel and emission studies: Consumption models, air quality

models, Congestion studies, Numerical problems 16Hrs.

Unit-5 Traffic Regulation and Management: Principles of Regulation - Regulation on vehicles,

Drivers, parking, Traffic signs - Regulatory, Warning and Informatory signs, Design

principles of traffic signal - Cycle length, Green phase, Red phase, Lost time Fixed and

Traffic actuated signals, Cycle length Webster method, Pedestrian signal design,

Coordinated signal design - Concepts of offsets, common cycle band width, Traffic

Transportation Engineering & Management Admission Batch 2020


management - Restrictions on turning movements, one way streets, Tidal flows,

Exclusive bus lanes, closing side streets, Numerical problems

Intersections: Intersections - Requirements of an intersections, types of intersections,

Advantages and disadvantages of angular types of intersections, Un-channelized and

channelized intersections – Advantages and disadvantages, Rotary intersections - Types,

Design factors advantages and disadvantages, Interchanges – different types and

applications, Numerical problems 16Hrs.

Self-Study: Street lighting and ITS: Street lighting : Factors considered in design , Layout of street

lighting, Intelligent transportation system - Introduction, applications in traffic management, Numerical problems

Note: Field and lab. studies are to be carried out.


1 C.Jotin Khisty, B.Kent lall Transportation Engineering; an Introduction,

Pearson, 3rd Edition, (2002)

2 C.S. Papacostas Fundamentals of transportation Engineering,

Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi,


3 Dr. L.R. Kadiyali Traffic Engineering and Transport planning,

Khanna Publishers (1999)


1 James H.Banks Introduction to Transportation Engineering, McGraw-Hill

Education, 2nd Edition, 2001

2 Martin wohl and Brian

V. martin

Traffic system Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1967

3 Relevant IRC codes

Course Outcomes (Cos) The students will be able to,

CO1: Acquire the knowledge of designing the safe stopping and overtaking sight distance, assess the safety of horizontal and vertical curves CO2: Identify road user and vehicle characteristics, predict the traffic growth based on the trends, determine the speed requirements for control and design of the road geometry CO3: Understand traffic flow characteristics to develop flow models that are useful in estimating capacity, delay, congestion, density in a traffic stream CO4: Apply his/ her knowledge to solve the problems related to parking, accident and provide remedial measures, pedestrian. Analyze the ill effect of vehicular emissions on air quality CO5: Use techniques, skills to design the pre-timed signals at the intersection and their phase splits, acquire the information regarding regulation on vehicles, driver, and pedestrians from the point of operation.

Transportation Engineering & Management Admission Batch 2020


CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT Contact Hours/Week : 4+1+0 (L+T+P) Credits : 4.5

Total Lecture Hours : 52 CIE Marks : 50 Total Tutorial Hours : 13 SEE Marks : 50 Course Code : 1RCTME2

Course Objectives: This course aims at excelling in application of project management

in construction projects using structured strategies, tactics, and tools for planning construction projects, scheduling the activities using network diagrams. It also addresses the issue of managing the design and construction delivery processes and for

controlling key factors to ensure the client receives a facility that matches their expectations and functions as it is intended to provide.


Project Planning: Introduction, Project categories, Characteristics of a Project, Project

life cycle phases, Function of Project Management Project Planning: Scope, Planning process and its objective, Types of project plan,

Resource planning, Breakdown structures, duration estimation, quantity take-off, activity based costing. 13Hrs


Project Scheduling: Introduction, Precedence network analysis (A-O-A network, A-O-N network), Logic diagram, Construction Scheduling techniques like CPM and PERT, LOB technique and linear scheduling.

Float and its implication on project schedule. Use of leads and lags in logic diagrams. Resource allocation, Resource smoothening and resource leveling and related problems.

Software in Construction scheduling (MSP, primavera). 13Hrs


Contract Management: Definition, Types of contracts: Classification Based on − Tendering Process, Economic Consideration, Tasks Involved; Main and Sub Contracts,

Features, Merits, Demerits, Applicability of the various types of contracts. Breach of contract: Definition and Classification, Common Breaches by – Principal, Contractor, Damage Assessment, Claims for Damages, Quantum Meruit, Force Majeure

or Frustration. Dispute resolution: General, Methods for dispute resolution − Negotiations, Mediation, Conciliation, Dispute Resolution Boards, Arbitration, Litigation/Adjudication by courts.

13Hrs Unit-4

Safety Management: Construction Safety Engineering and Management: meaning and

scope, Technological aspects, Organizational aspects, Behavioral aspects, Safety rules in Construction, Safety remedies for common hazards, Safety in Use of Construction equipments, ISI Standards for safety for building and Civil Engineering Projects.

Risk Management: Introduction, Risk Management in Construction Industry, key terms

and definitions, Risk Identification, Risk Analysis and Evaluation, Risk Response and Monitoring, Risk Management misconceptions. 13Hrs

Unit-5 Project Quality Management: Introduction, Elements of quality, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Quality planning, quality audit, Quality Checklists, Total Quality

Transportation Engineering & Management Admission Batch 2020


Management: Philosophy (Deming, Juran, Crosby, Taguchi), TQM Tools: An overview of Flowcharts, Histogram, Pareto diagram, Scatter diagram, Control charts, Introduction to

ISO 9000 quality systems, ISO 14001 quality systems. 13Hrs


1 Jimmie W. Hinze Construction Planning and Scheduling, 4th Edition, (2011)

2 Smith, Curie and Hancock Common Sense Construction Law, John Wiley & Sons

(4th Edition), 2009


1 Frank Harris and Ronald McCaffer

Modern Construction management, Wiley-Blackwell, 7th Edition, 2013

2 Denny McGeorge and Patrick Zou

Construction Management: New Directions (3rd Edition), Wiley Black Publication, Wiley-Blackwell,

3 edition, 2012.

3 Saurav Kumar Soni Construction Management and Equipment, SK Kataria

& Sons, 1st Edition, 2015 Course Outcomes (Cos) The students will be able to,

CO1: Relate to the elements of a project and determine the phases of project life cycle and applying project management principles perform estimation of duration, activity based costing, develop WBS for project. CO2: Develop schedules with the help of different scheduling techniques and network diagrams, even under conditions of uncertainty in a project. CO3: Identify relationship between time and cost and will master the art of controlling the cost of the projects using cash flow. CO4: Select materials, vendors and participants according to contractual terms and often set the project timeline and also to help develop the client proposal and identify breaches of contract. CO5: Identify scope of safety management on site and therefore reducing the construction injuries & Analyze statistical quality control process of a construction project

Transportation Engineering & Management Admission Batch 2020


ADVANCED HIGHWAY MATERIALS LAB Contact Hours/Week : 0+0+4 (L+T+P) Credits : 2.0

Total Lecture Hours : 52 CIE Marks : 50 Total Tutorial Hours : Nil SEE Marks : 50 Course Code : 1RCTML1

Course Objective: The student is introduced to characterization of materials used in pavement construction, bituminuous and concrete mix design and pavement

evaluation techniques. 1. Testing on paving materials like aggregates, bitumen and emulsions. 10Hrs.

2. Tests on soil classification like sieve analysis, Atterberg’s limits, free swelling

index and compaction tests. 8Hrs.

3. Resilient modulus on subgrade soil. 4Hrs

4. Rheology of bitumen (VG 30grade). 4Hrs

5. Bituminous mix design by Marshall method. 4Hrs

6. Concrete mix design (M40 and M50 concrete). 4Hrs.

7. Pavement evaluation – Riding qualities by using Bump Integrator, Benkelman

Beam Deflection, Skid resistance. 18Hrs

Course Outcomes (Cos) The students will be able to,

CO1: Characterize the materials such as soil, aggregates, bitumen and emulsions, assess their suitability and make a recommendation keeping the codal guidelines in background for use in pavement construction.

CO2: Carry out bituminous mix design, characterize the mix through Marshall test,

assess its strength and volumetric properties and make a recommendation considering the desired performance.

CO3: Carry out concrete mix design, analyze its strength through compression test and make a recommendation considering the desired performance.

CO4: Evaluate the pavement condition through field test and classify the pavement distress level.

Transportation Engineering & Management Admission Batch 2020



Contact Hours/Week : 4+2+0 (L+T+P) Credits : 5.0

Total Lecture Hours : 52 CIE Marks : 50 Total Tutorial Hours : 26 SEE Marks : 50 Course Code : 2RCTM01

Course Objectives : To impart the knowledge of types and functions of different types of

pavements, factors affecting the performance – load factor, ESWI, VDF, subgrade characteristics, material characteristics of pavement layers, climate and drainage effect,

determination of stresses and strains in flexible and rigid pavements, design of pavements by IRC, AASHTO and Asphalt Institute methods, design of rigid pavements by IRC method including design of longitudinal and transverse joints and design of

continuously reinforced cement concrete pavements.


Pavements and pavement layers - types, functions, choice. Factors affecting design and performance of flexible and rigid pavements – Pavement design factors, loads – axle

load distribution, ESWL, EWL,VDF due to varying loads and CSA , Subgrade support - CBR and plate bearing tests, Resilient Modulus, fatigue tests. 15Hrs.

Unit-2 Permanent deformation Pavement material Characteristics, climatic, drainage and

environmental factors, their effects and evaluation. Factors affecting design and performance of airport pavements.

Stresses and Deflection / strain in flexible pavements: Application of elastic theory, stresses, deflections / strains in single, two and three layer system, multilayer theory. Concept of ESWL: ESWL for single and two layer system in flexible pavement.

Equivalent load factors. Applications to complex problems in pavement design using relevant software. 15Hrs.


Flexible pavement design: Empirical, semi empirical and theoretical design approaches, principle, advantages and applications. Design of flexible pavement as per

IRC, ASHTO and Asphalt Institute methods using relevant software for specific highway projects for high volume roads and low volume roads. 16Hrs.


Stresses in rigid pavements: General principle, stresses in rigid pavements, types of stresses, factors influencing the stresses, computation of stresses due to wheel loads

and temperature variations, frictional stresses, stresses under worst conditions using relevant software. 16Hrs.


Design of rigid pavements: Types of joints in cement concrete pavements and their functioning, joint spacing; design of CC pavement for road and runways using relevant software, design of joint details for longitudinal joints, contraction joints and expansion

joints. IRC method of design for high and low volume roads. Design of continuously reinforced concrete pavements, whitetpping. 16Hrs.


1 Yoder and Witczak “Principles of Pavement Design”- Wiley India Pvt Ltd., second edition, 2011.

2 Huang “Pavement Analysis”- Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, 2008.

Transportation Engineering & Management Admission Batch 2020


3 Khanna S.K. and Justo, C.E.G.

“Highway Engineering”, Nem Chand and Bros. Roorkee, 10th Edition, 2014.


1 Yang “Design of functional pavements”- Mc Graw Hill Book Co., 1972

2 David Croney Paul Croney, “Design & Performance of Road Pavements”, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1997

3 W.Ronald Hudson, Ralph

Haas and Zeniswki

“Modern Pavement Management”, McGraw Hill and Co., 1st Edition, 1994

4 Relevant IRC codes.

Course Outcomes (Cos) The students will be able to,

CO1:Synthesizing his basic knowledge of soil mechanics and highway materials with advanced knowledge of factors affecting highway and airport design, various types of

laboratories and field tests and vehicular characteristics, the student will use his critical thinking, to determine the CBR/Modulus of sub-grade reaction, resilient modulus,

stiffness of bituminous mixes and fatigue characteristics from laboratory and field test data and account for effect of climate, drainage and environmental factors on CBR, MR and compute vehicle damage factor, ESWL and EWL.

CO2:Using his basic knowledge of Boussinesq’s and Westergaard’s, theory of stress distribution in homogeneous masses and advanced knowledge of Burmister’s theory and

multilayer theory, the student will be able to use his critical thinking to compute surface and interlayer deflection and stress distribution in two and three layer system under

multi-axial vehicles using relevant software like IITPAVE and KENLAYER and interpret the results.

CO3:Using his advanced knowledge of pavement design, the student will be able to provide solution to design flexible pavement systems as per IRC-37:2011, asphalt

institute and AASTHO methods for specific situation based on materials characteristics and traffic survey data and carryout checks for safety against rutting and fatigue failure

modes using relevant software tools wherever necessary and apply critical thinking and independent judgment to carry out checks for safety and compare the designs by different methods.

CO4:Using his advanced knowledge of Westergaard’s theory and IRC charts, the student

will be able to compute load stresses in rigid pavements at critical locations, warping stresses and frictional stresses. He will also be able to determine ESWL in rigid

pavements by LCN and FAA methods and use appropriate software to determine the stress distribution under multiaxial loads in multilayer cement concrete pavement systems and apply his critical thinking and independent judgment to assess the effect of

joint location, flexibility and types of foundation layers on the stress distribution.

Transportation Engineering & Management Admission Batch 2020


CO5:The student will use his scholarship of knowledge to provide complete solution to the problem of design of rigid pavement for roads and runways including cement

concrete mix design, thickness of CC Layer and composition of thickness of foundation layer, design of longitudinal and transverse joints and use critical thinking to evaluate the fatigue life from traffic survey data as per IRC methods using suitable software.

Transportation Engineering & Management Admission Batch 2020



Contact Hours/Week : 4+1+0 (L+T+P) Credits : 4.5

Total Lecture Hours : 52 CIE Marks : 50 Total Tutorial Hours : 13 SEE Marks : 50 Course Code : 2RCTME4

Course Objectives: To make the student exposed to the various types of pavement

distresses, causes, enable to him / her to evaluate the present serviceability index, planning the maintenance program through repairs, rehabilitation and overlay,

programming the prioritization by different models, for flexible, rigid pavement and included with bridge structures.


Highway Condition surveys and serviceability evaluation: Introduction, types of pavement distress and their identification, measurement and reporting of pavement distress data, methods and equipment for pavement condition survey, pavement

condition indices, serviceability and roughness measurement. Structural Evaluation of Highway Pavements: Approaches of structural evaluation of

pavements, equipments for non-destructive deflection test, back calculation of rigid pavement properties, back calculation of flexible pavement properties, overlay design. 13hrs.

Unit–2 Highway Maintenance: Introduction, description and definition of highway

maintenance, description of defects an appropriate maintenance actions, planning and management, maintenance criteria, remedial maintenance activities, preventive maintenance activities, dust suppressants, design and construction of surface dressing

and slurry seal, winter maintenance. 13hrs. Unit–3

Pavement Management System: Introduction, network level versus project level PMS

functions, data needs, decision support systems, GIS, data base design, traffic data history and environmental data needs, pavement condition monitoring and evaluation

technologies, pavement condition deterioration and performance models, pavement LCC analysis and user cost models, maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction policies and analysis, priority ranking and prioritization methodologies. 13Hrs.

Unit–4 Asset Management: Introduction, highway asset management framework, tools for highway asset management, asset valuation, implementation and system sustainability

issues, asset financial management, efforts and challenges, conclusions and other issues. 13hrs.

Unit–5 Bridge Management System: Introduction, components and functions of bridge management system, bridge condition data collection and management, bridge

performance analysis and prediction, cost analysis an needs assessment , bridge project selection and system optimization 13hrs.

Field-study: Pavement Skid Resistance Management: Measurement of frictional resistance,

measurement of texture, international friction index, maintenance treatments to restore frictional resistance.

Transportation Engineering & Management Admission Batch 2020



1 W Ronald Hudson, Ralph Hass and Zeniswki

Modern Pavement Management, Krieger Publishing Company, Original Edition, 1994

2 Yang H Huang Pavement Analysis and Design, Pearson Education; 2 edition, 2008

3 E.J.Yoder and M.W.Witczak Pavement Design, Wiley India Pvt Ltd; Second edition 2011.

Course Outcomes (Cos) The students will be able to,

CO1:Identify different types of distresses in both flexible and rigid pavement, calculate

present serviceability index, and propose overlay design to enhance the structural stability of the pavement.

CO2:Provide maintenance program and solutions to the various types of distresses, defining them as emergency, routine, preventive based upon the their severity level such as low, moderate and high

CO3:Understand, PMS as an systematic approach that provides quantifiable engineering

information to help administrators and engineers manage highway pavements. CO4:Understand as a strategic approach to manage transportation infrastructure,

develop performance measures for effective allocation and use of resources to address preservation, operation, and improvement of transportation infrastructure.

CO5:Develop regression models to predict the performance of the different bridge components. Also can carry piece wise linear regression analysis with age as an

independent variable.

Transportation Engineering & Management Admission Batch 2020



Contact Hours/Week : 0+0+4 (L+T+P) Credits : 1.5 Total Lecture Hours : 52 CIE Marks : 50 Total Tutorial Hours : Nil SEE Marks : 50

Course Code : 2RCTML1

Course objective: The student is introduced to planning, analysis and simulation tools for use in the area of transportation.

1. Traffic related software – VISSIM 10Hrs

2. Geometric design and Highway – MX Road, Civil 3D 20Hrs

3. Pavement Engineering software – KENPAVE, IITPAVE 4Hrs

4. Road Embankment Stability Analysis Software – Geo Studio 8Hrs

5. GIS and Remote sensing Software – ERDAS 10Hrs

Course Outcomes (Cos) The students will be able to,

CO1: Simulate the vehicle interactions at microscopic level.

CO2: Prepare the design drawings of a roadway including alignment, cross-sections, material quantity etc.

CO3: Analyze the stresses and strains developed within a pavement structure necessary for performing stability analysis.

CO4: Model the roadway embankments and analysis its stability considering varying circumstances such as water table level, inclusion of reinforcement, soil nailing etc.

CO5: Collect process and understand the geospatial data (Photogrammetry, LiDar analysis etc.)