Pre Depearture Project Project ) (1)

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Pre Departure Project Project

Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez


My Mexican Family, The BernabeRosa Maria Bernabe



He is mi little brother Roberto Bernabe , he have 15 years old, he is a funny boy I really love him. He go with me to every where always, he love the sports like basketball and tennis.

• She is my little sister Evelyn Bernabe she is polite and kind. She have 17 years old, she born before time but she have almost perfectly healthy. When she born I was 5 and I took care of she always! We have a good communication, we are good friends.

She is my mom! He is housewife, his name is Maria del Pilar she worked in a care of childs before I born but she give up because of me, she likes go to the church group and go out whit her friends.

This man is my dad Roberto Bernabe he is tennis´s professor, he's so smart and worker, he likes gardening. I learn to him many things about life, and the acctitud with the others.

• This is me, Rosa Bernabe, I have 23 years old, I studied internacional management bussines i´m humurious and I love walk and listen to music, I want to go to USA to improve my english and learn about the culture because it is important in my professional carrer.

Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez


Area: 71,815 km2Population: 7,643,194 habitants Climate: tropical and subtropical

Founded on April 22nd, 1519. Following enactment of the 1824 Constitution, the state receives the name of Veracruz, and was officially incorporated as a Free and Sovereign State of Veracruz-Llave, as a result of the name of the first Spanish colony of Villa Rica “Ver(dader)a Cruz”, name established by Hernán Cortés. And in honor of the governor Ignacio de la Llave. Veracruz's climate varies dramatically. It has warm moist areas and throughout the year peaks of the mountains are covered with snow. Most of the territory is located in the tropical zone, so that during the summer the weather is hot and humid and the annual average temperature is 25 °C.

Veracruz de Ignacio de la LlaveRosa Maria Bernabe


In Veracruz, home of "La Bamba", the “Son jarocho” and the “huapango”, and others like “voladores de papantla” dance. Tourism represents an alternative to economic and social development. It's definitely a great opportunity for local and foreign investment. The natural beauty of the state, biodiversity, archaeological sites, colonial cities, and especially the joy and friendliness of Veracruz, are your best resources.Veracruz is also known for its great diversity in beaches located throughout the state for a total of 24.

Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez



My countryMEXICO

Area : 1, 964, 375 km²Population: 119, 426, 000 Lenguaje: SpanshClimate: Tropical and temperateCurrency: Mexican peso

Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez


Mexico (officially called the United States of Mexico) is a country located in the southern part of North America.The seat is the City of Mexico, whose territory has been designated as Federal District. Mexico ranks thirteenth place in the world's population.The Spanish and 67 native languages are national languages , but there is no officially recognized language.Human presence in Mexico dates back to 30,000 years before present. After thousands of years of cultural development, emerged in the Mexican territory the Mesoamerican, the oasisamericanas, and the aridoamericanas cultures.

Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez

Olmeca Head




Mexico is also one of the countries with the greatest diversity of climate in the world, considered one of the 12 megadiverse countries in the world

Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez

Sumidero canion.Cierra sur,


After nearly 300 years of Spanish conquest, Mexico began the struggle for political independence in 1810.

Tulum Samayuca DunsBaja California Desert



The origin of today's Mexican food is set during the Spanish colonization, being a mixture of meals Spain and Native Indians .That meeting of two culinary traditions thousands of years old, born on pozole, mole, chiles rellenos, tamales and barbecue in their current forms, chocolate, a variety of breads, tacos, and the wide range of Mexican dishes. The foods we eat are of indigenous origin such as corn, chili, beans, squash, avocados, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, cocoa, turkey and many more fruits and spices.Similarly, some cooking techniques that are used today are the heritage of prehistoric peoples, as nixtamalization corn, cooking food at ground ovens, grinding molcajete and metate.

Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez






Pozole RecipeINGREDIENTS1 1/2 lbs pork shoulder2 Garlic cloves, peeled1 Tablespoon cumin powder1 Onion, chopped2 Garlic cloves, chopped2 Tablespoons oil1/2 Teaspoon black pepper1/2 Teaspoon cayenne2 Tablespoon california chili powder1 Tablespoon salt1/4 Teaspoon oregano4 Cups canned white hominy, drained and rinsed3 -5 Cups pork broth, from cooking pork shoulder1 Cup canned diced green chilis (optional)Salt2 Whole fresh jalapenos, chopped (optional)3 Whole ancho chilies, seeded and stemmed(garnish)(optional)

Total Time: 1 hrs 25 minsPrep Time: 15 minsCook Time: 1 hrs 10 mins

Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez


1.- Prepare the onion, peel the garlic, chop the onion, peel and chop the 2 garlic cloves, chop the green chilies and jalapenos if you are using them and get the hominy drained and rinsed.

2.- Boil the ancho chilies in a separate small pot for the garnish part(read below).3.- Place the meat in a large saucepan and just cover with lightly salted water.4.- Add 1/2 chopped onion, the 2 cloves peeled garlic, pepper, cumin, and oregano.5.- Bring to a boil over medium heat, skim off any foam that rises, reduce heat, cover for 45 minutes.6.- Remove meat and broth, reserving both.7.- Saute the remaining chopped onion and garlic in oil until translucent.8.- Add the remaining spices, stir for a minute.9.- Cut the reserved pork into 1 inch cubes and add to the pan.10.- Stir in the canned hominy, pork broth (if there is not enough pork broth, add chicken stock, I like to add it anyway for flavor, about 2-4 cups, eyeball the amount you like), green chilies and jalapenos (optional).11.- Cook at a simmer, covered, for 45 to 60 minutes until the meat and hominy are tender.

DIRECTIONS: Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez


12.- If necessary, cook for up to an additional 60 minutes until the chilies and onions are well blended into the broth.13.- Degrease the stew, taste for salt, and serve in soup bowls.14.- Garnishes that are always served with are:.15.- lots of lime/lemon wedges.16.- sliced radishes.17.- Shredded cabbage(not red).19.- When the ancho chilies are soft from boiling(takes about 15 minutes), then i put them in the blender ith 1 1/2cups of water, 1 clove of garlic and about 2 tablespoonsdiced onion, and about 1 tablespoonsof salt and pepper. I blend this thin, then strain it to get the liquid separated from its "pulp". I throw the pulp to the soup for the flavor i like but you candiscard if too spicy for you. The remaining liquid you put in a serving ish for guests to add in their own bowl, if desired. Beware! It's HOT! Eat with fresh/ packaged fried corn tortillas.

Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez


We find the typical Mexican beverages: atole of champurrado, milk chocolate and fresh fruit waters.Desserts like the citron and the full range of crystallized candy, eggnog, Cajeta and wide range of delicacies created in convents all over the country. Some Mexican drinks have overrun their borders and are consumed daily in Central America, USA, Canada, Spain and the Philippines; such is the case of water Jamaican, horchata rice, water root, daisies and tequila itself.

Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez









Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez

01st New Year06th Epiphany

30th Children's Day in Mexico

12 th Discovery of America Day

05th Day of the Constitution 24th Flag Day of Mexico

10th Mother's Day 15th Teacher's Day

04th Parson Day15th Assumption of the Virgin

01st Commemoration of All Saints20 th Day of the Mexican Revolution

19 th Carpenter Day

11 th World Population Day20 th International Friendship Day

16 th Independence day of Mexico

07 th Lost child day24th Christmas Eve 25 th Christmas 31 th End of year

16 th Feast of the Virgin of Carmen


Day of the lost childOn December 7th is celebrated on the day of the

missing child. This tradition was born in Tuxpan, and occurred simultaneously in several places. The tradition is based on a biblical passage from the Gospel of Luke indicates that Jesus was 12 years old when they traveled to Jerusalem at the feasts of Easter and at the end the party was left without them knowing, and thinking he was in the camp , they went a day's journey, they returned to Jerusalem, where they found three days later in the temple, sitting among the teachers of the law, where spoke to them and they were astonished at his answers.

This passage from the Catholic tradition is the basis for this custom of lighting candles all over the sidewalk and young children pulling out a pricier yarn made of cardboard, with a candle, simulating find the lost child each year, which has become tradition by religious meaning and symbolism of light.

Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez


Indepences day

Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez


Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez

This celebration is a true celebration of color, where household altars with cempazuchitl flowers and oranges are prepared, the ritual of lighting the candle is used to fumigate and before the altar, tamales and chocolate are a must, with mysticism that live and share our bread, in memory of the dead.

The food is shared with generosity, modesty regardless of home, atole, homemade bread, sweet coconut, papaya and pumpkins with brown sugar it´s prepared. It coexists equally between rich and poor, because in death there is no distinction.

Day of the dead

CandiesAltar Altar


Christmas On December 24 is Christmas in Mexico

is property that families make a special dinner, and meet with relatives or close friends to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus, put a pine tree in the living room which is decorated with lights and spheres, and the birth of the god child and we usually give gifts.

Rosa Maria Bernabe Martinez


SayingsRosa Maria Bernabe


In Mexico there is always a saying for every situation because in them also the verbal folklore of our country also experiences, fears or popular witticisms refflect, in a sentence, but always with a touch live teaching. Some of the most popular sayings are:

Spanish English Meaning

Zapatero a sus zapatos Shoemaker in his shoes It means keep focus in thirowns

business, o in the others

Al nopal solo se le arriman cuando

tiene tunas

At nopal only bring does when it have


As regards mocking those who come to other just when they need.

Más caro el caldo que las albóndigas

Costs more the broth than meatballs

It refers to those occasions when the needless sale costing more expensive than necessary

El que con lobos anda, aullar se


He who walks with wolves, howling taught

This saying refers to the customs that come to acquire the environment which an individual develops

Hecarle mucha crema a sus tacos

Put lot of cream to their tacos

Applies who boasts of his merits. Exaggerating.


Spanish English MeaningEl que nace pa

´tamal, del cielo le caen las hojas

who tamal is born, the sky will fall leaves

Saying which roughly translates as follows: if you have a predetermined destiny, life will take care of all means to get it.

Ni tanto que queme al santo, ni

tanto que no lo alumbre

Not to much to burn the saint, and no too

much no to alum

This ensures that it is best not extreme things, it is so bad as to err on failure.

Dime de qué presumes y te diré

de qué careces

Tell me what you brag and I'll tell you what

you lack

It refers to people who usually wins or invent things that are lacking.

Árbol que nace torcido, jamás su tronco endereza

Tree born crooked will never straighten its


Means that a person can not change his way of being or thinking if it has not been educated or formed from early times.

El hombre pone, Dios dispone, llega

el diablo y todo descompone

The man set, God dispose, the devil

comes and everything break down

Points out that however planned which is a situation, the end always seems to happen that changes the scenario or rules

Al buen entendedor, pocas


The good listener, few words

With a person who understands quickly is not necessary to go into details.

Rosa Maria Bernabe Martínez