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Prof. Dr. Gülnur Emingil graduated from Ege University Faculty of Dentistry in 1990. She completed her Ph.D at EgeUniversity, School of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology in 1996. She worked as a visiting researcher atColumbia University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Periodontology between 1996-1998. She iscurrently working as a full time professor at the Department of Periodontology. She has routine clinical treatmentexperience in periodontology. She is involved in clinical and theoretical education of undergraduate/postgraduatestudents. She conducts interdisciplinary scientific research activities with various national and international researchgroups. She has received several awards and grants from national and international authorities and has taken partin more than 30 projects supported by national funds. She has published more than 150 papers in well-known scientific journals and author of national and international book chapters in the field of periodontology. has contributed to a wide variety of national and international conferences and congresses. Prof.Dr. GülnurEmingil is a member of national and international societies and acting as an associate editor, section editor andreferee in high ranking journals. Periodontal disease pathogenesis and host response, host modulation, systemic andlocal drug therapies as an adjunctive therapy to control periodontal disease, and the relationship of periodontaldiseases with systemic diseases are her research of interests. She speaks advanced English.

Prof. GÜLNUR EMİNGİLProf. GÜLNUR EMİNGİLPersonal InformationPersonal InformationOffice Phone: Office Phone: +90 388 110 5 Fax Phone: Fax Phone: +90 388 032 5 Email: Email: Email: Other Email: gemingil@yahoo.comWeb: Web: Address: Ege Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Periodontoloji Anabilim Dalı Bornova35100 İzmirEducation InformationEducation InformationDental Specialty, Ege Üniversitesi, Dişhekimliğ Fakültesi, Periodontoloji Anabilim Dalı, Turkey2010 - 2010Doctorate, Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Periodontoloji (Dr), Turkey 1990 -1996BiographyBiography

Foreign LanguagesForeign Languages

Foreign LanguagesForeign LanguagesEnglish, B2 Upper IntermediateCertificates, Courses and TrainingsCertificates, Courses and TrainingsHealth&Medicine, İyi Klinik Uygulamalar Eğitim, Roche Müstahzarları San. A.Ş., 2016DissertationsDissertationsDoctorate, Hastalıklı ve sağlıklı dişetine sahip bireylerin dişeti sıvısındaki aspartat aminotransferaz, asit, alkalen fosfatazseviyelerinin karşılıklı olarak incelenmesi, Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Periodontoloji (Dr), 1996Research AreasResearch AreasHealth Sciences, Dentistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Clinical Sciences, Periodontology, Natural SciencesAcademic Titles / TasksAcademic Titles / TasksProfessor, Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry, Division of Clinical Sciences, 2007 - ContinuesAssociate Professor, Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry, Division of Clinical Sciences, 2002 - 2007Associate Professor, Temple University, Dental Hospital, Endodontics, 2005 - 2005Research Assistant, Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry, Division of Clinical Sciences, 1990 - 2002Research Assistant PhD, Columbia University, Dental Hospital, Periodontoloji Anabilim Dalı, 1996 - 1998Research Assistant, University Of Bristol, Dental Hospital, Oral Medicine, 1992 - 1992CoursesCoursesPeriodontal Hastalıkların Patogenezi ve İmmun Enflmatuvar Yanıt, Doctorate, 2021 - 2022Sistemik Hastalıklar ile Birlikte Görülen Periodontitisler, Postgraduate, 2003 - 2004, 2005 - 2006, 2007 - 2008, 2009 - 2010,2011 - 2012, 2015 - 2016, 2017 - 2018Nekrotizan Periodontal Hastalıklar, Periodontal abseler, Postgraduate, 2003 - 2004, 2005 - 2006, 2007 - 2008, 2009 - 2010,2011 - 2012, 2013 - 2014, 2015 - 2016, 2017 - 2018Dental Plağa Bağlı Olmayan Dişeti Hastalıkları, Postgraduate, 2003 - 2004, 2005 - 2006, 2007 - 2008, 2009 - 2010, 2011 -2012, 2013 - 2014, 2015 - 2016, 2017 - 2018Kronik Periodontitis, Dental Specialty, 2017 - 2018Endo-Periodontal Lezyonlar, Dental Specialty, 2017 - 2018Dental Plağa Bağlı Olmayan Dişeti Hastalıkları, Dental Specialty, 2017 - 2018Kronik Periodontitis,Agresif Periodontitis, Postgraduate, 2003 - 2004, 2005 - 2006, 2007 - 2008, 2009 - 2010, 2011 - 2012,2013 - 2014, 2015 - 2016, 2017 - 2018Gelişimsel Deformiteler, Dental Specialty, 2017 - 2018gelişimsel Deformiteler, Postgraduate, 2003 - 2004, 2005 - 2006, 2007 - 2008, 2009 - 2010, 2011 - 2012, 2013 - 2014, 2015 -2016, 2017 - 2018Endo-Periodontal Lezyonlar, Postgraduate, 2003 - 2004, 2005 - 2006, 2007 - 2008, 2009 - 2010, 2011 - 2012, 2013 - 2014,2015 - 2016, 2017 - 2018Periodontolojide Acil Tedaviler, Dental Specialty, 2017 - 2018Rejeneratif Periodontal Tedavi, Postgraduate, 2007 - 2008Jury MembershipsJury Memberships

Appointment Academic Staff, Appointment Academic Staff, Ege Üniversitesi, October, 2021Appointment Academic Staff, Appointment Academic Staff, Ege Üniversitesi, October, 2021Appointment Academic Staff, Appointment Academic Staff, İnönü Üniversitesi, January, 2021Associate Professor Exam, Associate Professor Exam, Ege Üniversitesi, December, 2020Expertise In Medicine, Expertise In Medicine, Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, August, 2020Expertise In Medicine, Expertise In Medicine, Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, May, 2020Appointment Academic Staff, Appointment Academic Staff, Ege Üniversitesi, November, 2019Appointment Academic Staff, Appointment Academic Staff, İnönü Üniversitesi, May, 2019Appointment Academic Staff, Doçentlik Kadrosu Atama, Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, December, 2018Appointment Academic Staff, Profesör Kadrosuna Atama, Ege Üniversitesi, December, 2018Appointment Academic Staff, Profesör kadrosuna atama, Ege Üniversitesi, December, 2018Appointment Academic Staff, Doçentlik Kadrosu Atama, Adnan Menderes, November, 2018Appointment Academic Staff, Yardımcı Doçent Kadrosuna Atama, Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi, February, 2018Appointment Academic Staff, Yardımcı Doçent Kadrosuna Atama, Okan Üniversitesi, January, 2018Appointment Academic Staff, Yardımcı Doçent Kadrosuna Atama, Uşak Üniversitesi, May, 2017Appointment Academic Staff, Profesor Kadrosuna Atanma, Okan Üniversitesi, May, 2017Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, Başkent Üniversitesi, March, 2017Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, Başkent Üniversitesi, March, 2017Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, Başkent Üniversitesi, March, 2017Appointment Academic Staff, Doçentlik Kadrosu Atama, İstanbul Üniversitesi, May, 2016Appointment Academic Staff, Profesor Kadrosuna Atanma, On Dokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, February, 2016Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, December, 2015Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, December, 2015Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, December, 2015Appointment Academic Staff, Doçentlik Kadrosu Atama, Katip Çelebi, March, 2015Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, Gazi Üniversitesi, September, 2014Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, Gazi Üniversitesi, September, 2014Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, Gazi Üniversitesi, September, 2014Appointment Academic Staff, Yardımcı Doçent Kadrosuna Atama, Adnan Menderes, August, 2014Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, gazi Üniversitesi, January, 2014Associate Professor Exam, doçentlik, Gazi Üniversitesi, January, 2014Associate Professor Exam, doçentlik, Gazi Üniversitesi, January, 2014Appointment Academic Staff, Yardımcı Doçent Kadrosuna Atama, Adnan Menderes, September, 2013Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, Gazi Üniversitesi, June, 2013Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, Gazi Üniversitesi, June, 2013Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, Gazi Üniversitesi, April, 2012Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, Gazi Üniversitesi, May, 2010Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, September, 2009Associate Professor Exam, Doçentlik, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, September, 2009Articles Published in Journals That Entered SCI, SSCI and AHCI IndexesArticles Published in Journals That Entered SCI, SSCI and AHCI IndexesI. Oral health and emotional well-being in premenopausal and postmenopausal women: a cross-sectionalOral health and emotional well-being in premenopausal and postmenopausal women: a cross-sectionalcohort studycohort studyYakar N., Türedi A., Emingil G., Şahin Ç., Köse T., Silbereisen A., Bostanci N.BMC WOMENS HEALTH, vol.21, no.1, 2021 (Journal Indexed in SCI)II. The trefoil factor family 1 (TFF-1) and 3 (TFF-3) are upregulated in the saliva, gingival crevicular fluidThe trefoil factor family 1 (TFF-1) and 3 (TFF-3) are upregulated in the saliva, gingival crevicular fluidand serum of periodontitis patientsand serum of periodontitis patientsYucel Z. P. K. , Afacan B., Ilhan H. A. , Köse T., Emingil G.ORAL DISEASES, 2021 (Journal Indexed in SCI)III. Validation and verification of predictive salivary biomarkers for oral healthValidation and verification of predictive salivary biomarkers for oral healthBostanci N., Mitsakakis K., Afacan B., Bao K., Johannsen B., Baumgartner D., Mueller L., Kotolova H., Emingil G., Karpisek

M.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol.11, no.1, 2021 (Journal Indexed in SCI)IV. Regulation of matrix metalloproteinases-8, -9 and endogenous tissue inhibitor-1 in oral biofluids duringRegulation of matrix metalloproteinases-8, -9 and endogenous tissue inhibitor-1 in oral biofluids duringpregnancy and postpartum.pregnancy and postpartum.Özgen Öztürk V., Meriç P., Sorsa T., Tervahartiala T., Bostanci N., Nwhator S. O. , Emingil G.Archives of oral biology, vol.124, pp.105065, 2021 (Journal Indexed in SCI)V. Evaluation of active matrix metalloproteinase-8 (aMMP-8) chair-side test as a diagnostic biomarker inEvaluation of active matrix metalloproteinase-8 (aMMP-8) chair-side test as a diagnostic biomarker inthe staging of periodontal diseases.the staging of periodontal diseases.Öztürk V. Ö. , Emingil G., Umeizudike K., Tervahartiala T., Gieselmann D., Maier K., Köse T., Sorsa T., Alassiri S.Archives of oral biology, vol.124, pp.104955, 2021 (Journal Indexed in SCI)VI. Local and systemic levels of aMMP-8 in gingivitis and stage 3 grade C periodontitisLocal and systemic levels of aMMP-8 in gingivitis and stage 3 grade C periodontitisYucel Z. P. K. , Afacan B., Emingil G., Tervahartiala T., Köse T., Sorsa T.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, vol.55, no.6, pp.887-894, 2020 (Journal Indexed in SCI)VII. Effect of non-surgical periodontal treatment on gingival crevicular fluid hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha,Effect of non-surgical periodontal treatment on gingival crevicular fluid hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha,vascular endothelial growth factor and tumour necrosis factor- alpha levels in generalized aggressivevascular endothelial growth factor and tumour necrosis factor- alpha levels in generalized aggressiveperiodontitis patients.periodontitis patients.Afacan B., Keleş Y., Paşali Ç., Atmaca İ., Köse T., Emingil G.Journal of periodontology, vol.91, pp.1495-1502, 2020 (Journal Indexed in SCI)VIII. Proteome and Microbiome Mapping of Human Gingival Tissue in Health and DiseaseProteome and Microbiome Mapping of Human Gingival Tissue in Health and DiseaseBao K., Li X., Poveda L., Qi W., Selevsek N., Gumus P., Emingil G., Grossmann J., Diaz P. I. , Hajishengallis G., et al.FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOGY, vol.10, 2020 (Journal Indexed in SCI)IX. Salivary biomarkers in the context of gingival inflammation in children with cystic fibrosis.Salivary biomarkers in the context of gingival inflammation in children with cystic fibrosis.Keles Y., Silbereisen A., Emingil G., Tokgoz Y., Kose T., Sorsa T., Tsilingaridis G., Bostanci N.Journal of periodontology, vol.91, pp.1339-1347, 2020 (Journal Indexed in SCI)X. Salivary Fingerprinting of Periodontal Disease by Infrared-ATR Spectroscopy.Salivary Fingerprinting of Periodontal Disease by Infrared-ATR Spectroscopy.Beyer-Hans K., Sigrist M., Silbereisen A., Ozturk V., Emingil G., Bostanci N.Proteomics. Clinical applications, vol.14, 2020 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XI. Salivary Microbiome Shifts in Response to Periodontal Treatment Outcome.Salivary Microbiome Shifts in Response to Periodontal Treatment Outcome.Greenwood D., Afacan B., Emingil G., Bostanci N., Belibasakis G.Proteomics. Clinical applications, vol.14, 2020 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XII. Dysbiosis of the Oral Ecosystem in Severe Congenital Neutropenia Patients.Dysbiosis of the Oral Ecosystem in Severe Congenital Neutropenia Patients.Zaura E., Brandt B., Buijs M., Emingil G., Ergüz M., Karapinar D., Pekpinarli B., Bao K., Belibasakis G., Bostanci N.Proteomics. Clinical applications, vol.14, 2020 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XIII. The effects of full-mouth disinfection on gingival crevicular fluid levels of calprotectin, osteocalcin andThe effects of full-mouth disinfection on gingival crevicular fluid levels of calprotectin, osteocalcin andN-telopeptide of type I collagen in severe chronic periodontitis.N-telopeptide of type I collagen in severe chronic periodontitis.Afacan B., Çinarcik S., Gürkan A., Özdemir G., Ilhan H., Vural C., Köse T., Emingil G.Journal of periodontology, vol.91, no.1, pp.638-650, 2020 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XIV. Gingival crevicular fluid and salivary HIF-1 alpha, VEGF, and TNF-alpha levels in periodontal health andGingival crevicular fluid and salivary HIF-1 alpha, VEGF, and TNF-alpha levels in periodontal health anddiseasediseaseAfacan B., Ozturk V. O. , Pasali C., Bozkurt E., KÖSE T., EMİNGİL G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.90, no.7, pp.788-797, 2019 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XV. Annexin-1 as a salivary biomarker for gingivitis during pregnancyAnnexin-1 as a salivary biomarker for gingivitis during pregnancyHassan M. N. , Belibasakis G. N. , GÜMÜŞ P., Ozturk V. O. , EMİNGİL G., Bostanci N.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.89, no.7, pp.875-882, 2018 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XVI. Targeted Proteomics Guided by Label-free Quantitative Proteome Analysis in Saliva Reveal TransitionTargeted Proteomics Guided by Label-free Quantitative Proteome Analysis in Saliva Reveal TransitionSignatures from Health to Periodontal DiseaseSignatures from Health to Periodontal DiseaseBostanci N., SELEVSEK N., WOLSKI W., GROSSMANN J., Bao K., WAHLANDER A., TRACHSEL C., SCHLAPBACH R., Ozturk V.O. , Afacan B., et al.MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS, vol.17, no.7, pp.1392-1409, 2018 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XVII. Alarm anti-protease trappin-2 negatively correlates with proinflammatory cytokines in patients withAlarm anti-protease trappin-2 negatively correlates with proinflammatory cytokines in patients withperiodontitisperiodontitisAfacan B., Ozturk V. O. , EMİNGİL G., KÖSE T., Bostanci N.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.89, no.1, pp.58-66, 2018 (Journal Indexed in SCI)

XVIII. Salivary and Serum Markers Related to Innate Immunity in Generalized Aggressive PeriodontitisSalivary and Serum Markers Related to Innate Immunity in Generalized Aggressive PeriodontitisLira-Junior R., Ozturk V. O. , EMİNGİL G., Bostanci N., Bostrom E. A.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.88, no.12, pp.1339-1347, 2017 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XIX. Gingival crevicular fluid and plasma oxidative stress markers and TGM-2 levels in chronic periodontitisGingival crevicular fluid and plasma oxidative stress markers and TGM-2 levels in chronic periodontitisBecerik S., Ozturk V. O. , Celec P., Kamodyova N., Atilla G., Emingil G.ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, vol.83, pp.47-54, 2017 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XX. Impact of implant-abutment connection on osteoimmunological and microbiological parameters in shortImpact of implant-abutment connection on osteoimmunological and microbiological parameters in shortimplants: a randomized controlled clinical trialimplants: a randomized controlled clinical trialOzturk V. O. , EMİNGİL G., Bostanci N., Belibasakis G. N.CLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH, vol.28, no.9, 2017 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXI. Gingival crevicular fluid and serum hCAP18/LL-37 levels in generalized aggressive periodontitisGingival crevicular fluid and serum hCAP18/LL-37 levels in generalized aggressive periodontitisTÜRKOĞLU O., EMİNGİL G., Eren G., Atmaca H., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., Atilla G.CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS, vol.21, no.3, pp.763-769, 2017 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXII. Gingival Crevicular Fluid and Plasma Levels of Transglutaminase-2 and Oxidative Stress Markers inGingival Crevicular Fluid and Plasma Levels of Transglutaminase-2 and Oxidative Stress Markers inCyclosporin A-Induced Gingival OvergrowthCyclosporin A-Induced Gingival OvergrowthBECERİK S., CELEC P., GÜRKAN A., Ozturk V. O. , KAMODYOVA N., Atilla G., EMİNGİL G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.87, no.12, pp.1508-1516, 2016 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXIII. Monocyte chemotactic protein-1, RANTES and macrophage migration inhibitory factor levels in gingivalMonocyte chemotactic protein-1, RANTES and macrophage migration inhibitory factor levels in gingivalcrevicular fluid of metabolic syndrome patients with gingivitiscrevicular fluid of metabolic syndrome patients with gingivitisGÜRKAN A., Eren G., ÇETİNKALP Ş., AKÇAY Y. D. , EMİNGİL G., Atilla G.ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, vol.69, pp.82-88, 2016 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXIV. Impact of aging on TREM-1 responses in the periodontium: a cross-sectional study in an elderlyImpact of aging on TREM-1 responses in the periodontium: a cross-sectional study in an elderlypopulationpopulationOzturk V. O. , Belibasakis G. N. , EMİNGİL G., Bostanci N.BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES, vol.16, 2016 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXV. Evaluation of the gingival inflammation in pregnancy and postpartum via 25-hydroxy-vitamin D3,Evaluation of the gingival inflammation in pregnancy and postpartum via 25-hydroxy-vitamin D3,prostaglandin E-2 and TNF-alpha levels in salivaprostaglandin E-2 and TNF-alpha levels in salivaGÜMÜŞ P., Ozturk V. O. , Bozkurt E., EMİNGİL G.ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, vol.63, pp.1-6, 2016 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXVI. Analysis of matrix metalloproteinases, especially MMP-8, in gingival creviclular fluid, mouthrinse andAnalysis of matrix metalloproteinases, especially MMP-8, in gingival creviclular fluid, mouthrinse andsaliva for monitoring periodontal diseasessaliva for monitoring periodontal diseasesSorsa T., GURSOY U. K. , NWHATOR S., HERNANDEZ M., Tervahartiala T., LEPPILAHTI J., GURSOY M., KONONEN E., EmingilG., PUSSINEN P. J. , et al.PERIODONTOLOGY 2000, vol.70, no.1, pp.142-163, 2016 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXVII. Does smoking affect gingival crevicular fluid LL-37 levels fo llowing non-surgical periodontal treatment inDoes smoking affect gingival crevicular fluid LL-37 levels fo llowing non-surgical periodontal treatment inchronic periodontitis?chronic periodontitis?TÜRKOĞLU O., Eren G., EMİNGİL G., AZARSIZ E., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., Atilla G.ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, vol.61, pp.98-105, 2016 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXVIII. Interleukin-6 Family of Cytokines in Crevicular Fluid of Renal Transplant Recipients With and WithoutInterleukin-6 Family of Cytokines in Crevicular Fluid of Renal Transplant Recipients With and WithoutCyclosporine A-Induced Gingival OvergrowthCyclosporine A-Induced Gingival OvergrowthGÜRKAN A., BECERİK S., Ozturk V. O. , Atmaca H., Atilla G., EMİNGİL G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.86, no.9, pp.1069-1077, 2015 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXIX. Oxidative stress markers in saliva and periodontal disease status: modulation during pregnancy andOxidative stress markers in saliva and periodontal disease status: modulation during pregnancy andpostpartumpostpartumGÜMÜŞ P., EMİNGİL G., Ozturk V., Belibasakis G. N. , Bostanci N.BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES, vol.15, 2015 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXX. The Utility of Gingival Crevicular Fluid Matrix Metalloproteinase-8 Response Patterns in Prediction ofThe Utility of Gingival Crevicular Fluid Matrix Metalloproteinase-8 Response Patterns in Prediction ofSite-Level Clinical Treatment OutcomeSite-Level Clinical Treatment OutcomeLeppilahti J. M. , Sorsa T., KALLIO M. A. , Tervahartiala T., EMİNGİL G., HAN B., Mantyla P.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.86, no.6, pp.777-787, 2015 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXXI. The actin-bundling protein L-plastin: a novel local inflammatory marker associated with periodontitisThe actin-bundling protein L-plastin: a novel local inflammatory marker associated with periodontitisOzturk V. O. , EMİNGİL G., Osterwalder V., Bostanci N.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, vol.50, no.3, pp.337-346, 2015 (Journal Indexed in SCI)

XXXII. Are antimicrobial peptides related to cyclosporine A-induced gingival overgrowth?Are antimicrobial peptides related to cyclosporine A-induced gingival overgrowth?TURKOGLU O., GÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., TÖZ H., Kutukcuer N., Atilla G.ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, vol.60, no.3, pp.508-515, 2015 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXXIII. Gingival crevicular fluid interleukin-36 beta (-1F8), interleukin-36 gamma (-1F9) and interleukin-33 (-Gingival crevicular fluid interleukin-36 beta (-1F8), interleukin-36 gamma (-1F9) and interleukin-33 (-1F11) levels in different periodontal disease1F11) levels in different periodontal diseaseKursunlu S. F. , Ozturk V. O. , HAN B., Atmaca H., EMİNGİL G.ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, vol.60, no.1, pp.77-83, 2015 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXXIV. Analysis of YKL-40 Acute-Phase Protein and Interleukin-6 Levels in Periodontal DiseaseAnalysis of YKL-40 Acute-Phase Protein and Interleukin-6 Levels in Periodontal DiseaseKeles Z. P. , Keles G. C. , Avci B., Cetinkaya B. O. , EMİNGİL G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.85, no.9, pp.1240-1246, 2014 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXXV. Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP)-8 and Tissue Inhibitor of MMP-1 (TIMP-1) Gene Polymorphisms inMatrix Metalloproteinase (MMP)-8 and Tissue Inhibitor of MMP-1 (TIMP-1) Gene Polymorphisms inGeneralized Aggressive Periodontitis: Gingival Crevicular Fluid MMP-8 and TIMP-1 Levels and OutcomeGeneralized Aggressive Periodontitis: Gingival Crevicular Fluid MMP-8 and TIMP-1 Levels and Outcomeof Periodontal Therapyof Periodontal TherapyEMİNGİL G., HAN B., GÜRKAN A., BERDELİ A., Tervahartiala T., Salo T., Pussinen P. J. , KÖSE T., Atilla G., Sorsa T.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.85, no.8, pp.1070-1080, 2014 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXXVI. The effect of adjunctive chlorhexidine mouthrinse on GCF MMP-8 and TIMP-1 levels in gingivitis: aThe effect of adjunctive chlorhexidine mouthrinse on GCF MMP-8 and TIMP-1 levels in gingivitis: arandomized placebo-controlled studyrandomized placebo-controlled studyTURKOGLU O., BECERİK S., Tervahartiala T., Sorsa T., Atilla G., EMİNGİL G.BMC ORAL HEALTH, vol.14, 2014 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXXVII. Alpha 2 integrin gene (ITGA2) polymorphism in renal transplant recipients with and without drugAlpha 2 integrin gene (ITGA2) polymorphism in renal transplant recipients with and without druginduced gingival overgrowthinduced gingival overgrowthGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., BERDELİ A., Atilla G.ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, vol.59, no.3, pp.283-288, 2014 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXXVIII. Soluble Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells 1 (sTREM-1) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid:Soluble Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells 1 (sTREM-1) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid:Association With Clinical and Microbiologic ParametersAssociation With Clinical and Microbiologic ParametersBelibasakis G. N. , OZTURK V., EMİNGİL G., Bostanci N.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.85, no.1, pp.204-210, 2014 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XXXIX. Are Proteinase 3 and Cathepsin C Enzymes Related to Pathogenesis of Periodontitis?Are Proteinase 3 and Cathepsin C Enzymes Related to Pathogenesis of Periodontitis?TURKOGLU O., AZARSIZ E., EMİNGİL G., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., Atilla G.BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 2014 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XL. Synergistetes cluster A in saliva is associated with periodontitisSynergistetes cluster A in saliva is associated with periodontitisBelibasakis G. N. , Oztuerk V. -. , EMİNGİL G., Bostanci N.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, vol.48, no.6, pp.727-732, 2013 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XLI. Elevated Oral and Systemic Levels of Soluble Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells-1 (sTREM-Elevated Oral and Systemic Levels of Soluble Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells-1 (sTREM-1) in Periodontitis1) in PeriodontitisBostanci N., Ozturk V. O. , EMİNGİL G., Belibasakis G. N.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH, vol.92, no.2, pp.161-165, 2013 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XLII. Effect of azithromycin, as an adjunct to nonsurgical periodontal treatment, on microbiologicalEffect of azithromycin, as an adjunct to nonsurgical periodontal treatment, on microbiologicalparameters and gingival crevicular fluid biomarkers in generalized aggressive periodontitisparameters and gingival crevicular fluid biomarkers in generalized aggressive periodontitisEmingil G., HAN B., Ozdemir G., Tervahartiala T., Vural C., ATILLA G., BAYLAS H., Sorsa T.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, vol.47, no.6, pp.729-739, 2012 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XLIII. Azithromycin as an Adjunctive Treatment of Generalized Severe Chronic Periodontitis: Clinical,Azithromycin as an Adjunctive Treatment of Generalized Severe Chronic Periodontitis: Clinical,Microbiologic, and Biochemical ParametersMicrobiologic, and Biochemical ParametersHAN B., Emingil G., Ozdemir G., Tervahartiala T., Vural C., ATILLA G., BAYLAS H., Sorsa T.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.83, no.12, pp.1480-1491, 2012 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XLIV. Gingival Crevicular Fluid and Plasma Acute-Phase Cytokine Levels in Different Periodontal DiseasesGingival Crevicular Fluid and Plasma Acute-Phase Cytokine Levels in Different Periodontal DiseasesBECERİK S., OZTURK V. O. , Atmaca H., Atilla G., EMİNGİL G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.83, no.10, pp.1304-1313, 2012 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XLV. Acute myocardial infarction elevates serine protease activity in saliva of patients with periodontitis.Acute myocardial infarction elevates serine protease activity in saliva of patients with periodontitis.Mantyla P., BUDUNELI E., EMİNGİL G., Tervahartiala T., Pussinen P. J. , Baris N., AKILLI A., Atilla G., Sorsa T.Journal of periodontal research, vol.47, no.3, pp.345-53, 2012 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded)XLVI. Gingival Crevicular Fluid Osteocalcin, N-Terminal Telopeptides, and Calprotectin Levels in Cyclosporin A-Gingival Crevicular Fluid Osteocalcin, N-Terminal Telopeptides, and Calprotectin Levels in Cyclosporin A-Induced Gingival OvergrowthInduced Gingival Overgrowth

BECERİK S., GÜRKAN A., AFACAN B., OZTURK V. O. , Atmaca H., TÖZ H., Atilla G., EMİNGİL G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.82, no.10, pp.1490-1497, 2011 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XLVII. Antimicrobial effect of adjunctive use of chlorhexidine mouthrinse in untreated gingivitis: a randomized,Antimicrobial effect of adjunctive use of chlorhexidine mouthrinse in untreated gingivitis: a randomized,placebo-controlled studyplacebo-controlled studyBecerik S., Turkoglu O., Emingil G., Vural C., Ozdemir G., Atilla G.APMIS, vol.119, no.6, pp.364-372, 2011 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XLVIII. A novel p.S34N mutation of CAMP gene in patients with periodontal diseaseA novel p.S34N mutation of CAMP gene in patients with periodontal diseaseTURKOGLU O., BERDELİ A., EMİNGİL G., Atilla G.ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, vol.56, no.6, pp.573-579, 2011 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XLIX. Effect of periodontal treatment on receptor activator of NF-kappa B ligand and osteoprotegerin levelsEffect of periodontal treatment on receptor activator of NF-kappa B ligand and osteoprotegerin levelsand relative ratio in gingival crevicular fluidand relative ratio in gingival crevicular fluidBOSTANCI N., SAYGAN B., EMİNGİL G., Atilla G., BELIBASAKIS G. N.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.38, no.5, pp.428-433, 2011 (Journal Indexed in SCI)L. Acute myocardial infarction is reflected in salivary matrix metalloproteinase-8 activation level.Acute myocardial infarction is reflected in salivary matrix metalloproteinase-8 activation level.BUDUNELI E., Maentylae P., EMINGIL G., Tervahartiala T., Pussinen P., Baris N., AKILLI A., Atilla G., Sorsa T.Journal of periodontology, vol.82, no.5, pp.716-25, 2011 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded)LI. Toll like receptor 4 and membrane-bound CD14 expressions in gingivitis, periodontitis and CsA-inducedToll like receptor 4 and membrane-bound CD14 expressions in gingivitis, periodontitis and CsA-inducedgingival overgrowthgingival overgrowthBECERİK S., ÖZSAN N., GÜRKAN A., OZTURK V. O. , Atilla G., EMİNGİL G.ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, vol.56, no.5, pp.456-465, 2011 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LII. Subantimicrobial-Dose Doxycycline and Cytokine-Chemokine Levels in Gingival Crevicular FluidSubantimicrobial-Dose Doxycycline and Cytokine-Chemokine Levels in Gingival Crevicular FluidEMİNGİL G., GÜRKAN A., Atilla G., Kantarci A.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.82, no.3, pp.452-461, 2011 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LIII. Gene expression of transcription factor NFATc1 in periodontal diseasesGene expression of transcription factor NFATc1 in periodontal diseasesBELIBASAKIS G. N. , EMİNGİL G., SAYGAN B., TURKOGLU O., Atilla G., BOSTANCI N.APMIS, vol.119, no.3, pp.167-172, 2011 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LIV. Gingival crevicular fluid osteocalcin Gingival crevicular fluid osteocalcin ntx and calprotectin levels in cyclosporine A induced gingivalntx and calprotectin levels in cyclosporine A induced gingivalovergrowthovergrowthBECERİK S., GÜRKAN A., AFACAN B., ÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , ATMACA H., TÖZ H., ATİLLA F. G. , EMİNGİL G.J Periodontol, pp.1492, 2011 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded)LV. Antimicrobial peptide hCAP-18/LL-37 protein and mRNA expressions in different periodontal diseasesAntimicrobial peptide hCAP-18/LL-37 protein and mRNA expressions in different periodontal diseasesTURKOGLU O., KANDILOGLU G., BERDELİ A., EMİNGİL G., Atilla G.ORAL DISEASES, vol.17, no.1, pp.60-67, 2011 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LVI. Gingival crevicular fluid calprotectin, osteocalcin and cross-linked N-terminal telopeptid levels in healthGingival crevicular fluid calprotectin, osteocalcin and cross-linked N-terminal telopeptid levels in healthand different periodontal diseasesand different periodontal diseasesBECERİK S., AFACAN B., OZTURK V. O. , Atmaca H., EMİNGİL G.DISEASE MARKERS, vol.31, no.6, pp.343-352, 2011 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LVII. GCF and serum myeloperoxidase and matrix metalloproteinase-13 levels in renal transplant patientsGCF and serum myeloperoxidase and matrix metalloproteinase-13 levels in renal transplant patientsEMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., Tervahartiala T., TÖZ H., Atilla G., Sorsa T.ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, vol.55, no.10, pp.719-727, 2010 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LVIII. Effects of Menstrual Cycle on Periodontal Health and Gingival Crevicular Fluid MarkersEffects of Menstrual Cycle on Periodontal Health and Gingival Crevicular Fluid MarkersBECERİK S., OZCAKA O., NALBANTSOY A., Atilla G., CELEC P., BEHULIAK M., EMİNGİL G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.81, no.5, pp.673-681, 2010 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LIX. Evaluation of Gingival Crevicular Fluid Adrenomedullin and Human Neutrophil Peptide 1-3 Levels ofEvaluation of Gingival Crevicular Fluid Adrenomedullin and Human Neutrophil Peptide 1-3 Levels ofPatients With Different Periodontal DiseasesPatients With Different Periodontal DiseasesTURKOGLU O., EMİNGİL G., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., Atilla G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.81, no.2, pp.284-291, 2010 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LX. Oral Rehabilitation of a Patient with Amelogenesis lmperfectaOral Rehabilitation of a Patient with Amelogenesis lmperfectaCogulu D., Becerik S., Emingil G., Hart P. S. , Hart T. C.PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY, vol.31, no.7, pp.523-527, 2009 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXI. Therapeutic efficacy of vasoactive intestinal peptide in escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide inducedTherapeutic efficacy of vasoactive intestinal peptide in escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide inducedexperimental periodontitis in ratsexperimental periodontitis in ratsGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., NİZAM N., DOĞANAVŞARGİL YAKUT B., SEZAK M., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., ATİLLA F. G.

J Periodontol, pp.1655, 2009 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded)LXII. Immunohistochemical Analysis of Inducible and Endothelial Forms of Nitric Oxide Synthase inImmunohistochemical Analysis of Inducible and Endothelial Forms of Nitric Oxide Synthase inCyclosporin A-Induced Gingival OvergrowthCyclosporin A-Induced Gingival OvergrowthGUERKAN A., EMINGIL G., OEKTEM G., SELVI N., AFACAN B., ILGENLI T., TOEZ H., Atilla G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.80, no.10, pp.1638-1647, 2009 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXIII. Therapeutic efficacy of vasoactive intestinal peptide in escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide-inducedTherapeutic efficacy of vasoactive intestinal peptide in escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide-inducedexperimental periodontitis in rats.experimental periodontitis in rats.Gürkan A., Emıngıl G., Nizam N., Doganavsargıl B., Sezak M., Kuetuekcueler N., Atilla G.Journal of periodontology, vol.80, pp.1655-64, 2009 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXIV. Expression and regulation of the NALP3 inflammasome complex in periodontal diseasesExpression and regulation of the NALP3 inflammasome complex in periodontal diseasesBostanci N., EMİNGİL G., SAYGAN B., TURKOGLU O., Atilla G., Curtis M. A. , Belibasakis G. N.CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL IMMUNOLOGY, vol.157, no.3, pp.415-422, 2009 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXV. Exclusion of Candidate Genes in Seven Turkish Families With Autosomal Recessive AmelogenesisExclusion of Candidate Genes in Seven Turkish Families With Autosomal Recessive AmelogenesisImperfectaImperfectaBecerik S., Cogulu D., Emingil G., HAN T., HART P. S. , Hart T. C.AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART A, no.7, pp.1392-1398, 2009 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXVI. Gingival Crevicular Fluid Levels of Cathelicidin LL-37 and Interleukin-18 in Patients With ChronicGingival Crevicular Fluid Levels of Cathelicidin LL-37 and Interleukin-18 in Patients With ChronicPeriodontitisPeriodontitisTURKOGLU O., EMINGIL G., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., Atilla G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.80, no.6, pp.969-976, 2009 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXVII. The effect of adjunctive chlorhexidine mouthrinse on clinical parameters and gingival crevicular fluidThe effect of adjunctive chlorhexidine mouthrinse on clinical parameters and gingival crevicular fluidcytokine levels in untreated plaque-associated gingivitiscytokine levels in untreated plaque-associated gingivitisTURKOGLU O., BECERİK S., EMİNGİL G., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., BAYLAS H., Atilla G.INFLAMMATION RESEARCH, vol.58, no.5, pp.277-283, 2009 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXVIII. Renin-angiotensin gene polymorphisms in relation to severe chronic periodontitisRenin-angiotensin gene polymorphisms in relation to severe chronic periodontitisGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., SAYGAN B. H. , Atilla G., KÖSE T., BAYLAS H., BERDELİ A.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.36, no.3, pp.204-211, 2009 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXIX. Oral Rehabilitation of a Patient with Amelogenesis ImperfectaOral Rehabilitation of a Patient with Amelogenesis ImperfectaÇOĞULU D., BECERİK S., EMİNGİL G., Hart S., Hart T.Pediatric Den, pp.523, 2009 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded)LXX. Immunohistochemical analysis of inducible and endothelial forms of nitric oxide synthase in cyclosporinImmunohistochemical analysis of inducible and endothelial forms of nitric oxide synthase in cyclosporinA induced gingival overgrowthA induced gingival overgrowthGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., ÖKTEM G., SELVİ GÜNEL N., AFACAN B., İLGENLİ A. T. , TÖZ H., ATİLLA F. G.Journal Of Periodontology, pp.1638, 2009 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded)LXXI. By mistakes we learn: determination of matrix metalloproteinase-8 and tissue inhibitor of matrixBy mistakes we learn: determination of matrix metalloproteinase-8 and tissue inhibitor of matrixmetalloproteinase-1 in serum yields doubtful resultsmetalloproteinase-1 in serum yields doubtful resultsEMINGIL G., AFACAN B., Tervahartiala T., TOEZ H., Atilla G., Sorsa T.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.35, no.12, pp.1087-1088, 2008 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXXII. Effect of MMP-1 promoter polymorphisms on GCF MMP-1 levels and outcome of periodontal therapy inEffect of MMP-1 promoter polymorphisms on GCF MMP-1 levels and outcome of periodontal therapy inpatients with severe chronic periodontitispatients with severe chronic periodontitisPIRHAN D., Atilla G., EMINGIL G., SORSA T., TERVAHARTIALA T., BERDELİ A.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.35, no.10, pp.862-870, 2008 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXXIII. Gingival crevicular fluid transforming growth factor-beta(1) in cyclosporine and tacrolimus treated renalGingival crevicular fluid transforming growth factor-beta(1) in cyclosporine and tacrolimus treated renaltransplant patients without gingival overgrowthtransplant patients without gingival overgrowthGUERKAN A., AFACAN B., EMINGIL F., TOEZ H., BASKESEN A., Atilla G.ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, vol.53, no.8, pp.723-728, 2008 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXXIV. Gene polymorphisms of matrix metalloproteinase-2,-9 and-12 in periodontal health and severe chronicGene polymorphisms of matrix metalloproteinase-2,-9 and-12 in periodontal health and severe chronicperiodontitisperiodontitisGUERKAN A., EMINGIL G., SAYGAN B. H. , Atilla G., Cinarcik S., KOESE T., BERDELİ A.ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, vol.53, no.4, pp.337-345, 2008 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXXV. Gingival crevicular fluid and serum matrix metalloproteinase-8 and tissue inhibitor of matrixGingival crevicular fluid and serum matrix metalloproteinase-8 and tissue inhibitor of matrixmetalloproteinase-1 levels in renal transplant patients undergoing different immunosuppressive therapymetalloproteinase-1 levels in renal transplant patients undergoing different immunosuppressive therapyEMINGIL G., AFACAN B., Tervahartiala T., TOEZ H., Atilla G., Sorsa T.

JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.35, no.3, pp.221-229, 2008 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXXVI. The effect of adjunctive subantimicrobial dose doxycycline therapy on GCF EMMPRIN levels in chronicThe effect of adjunctive subantimicrobial dose doxycycline therapy on GCF EMMPRIN levels in chronicperiodontitisperiodontitisEMINGIL G., Atilla G., Sorsa T., Tervahartiala T.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.79, no.3, pp.469-476, 2008 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXXVII. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha-converting enzyme (TACE) levels in periodontal diseasesTumor necrosis factor-alpha-converting enzyme (TACE) levels in periodontal diseasesBostanci N., EMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., HAN B., ILGENLI T., Atilla G., Hughes F. J. , Belibasakis G. N.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH, vol.87, no.3, pp.273-277, 2008 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXXVIII. Post treatment effects of subantimicrobial dose doxycycline on clinical parameters and gingivalPost treatment effects of subantimicrobial dose doxycycline on clinical parameters and gingivalcrevicular fluid transforming growth factor ß1 in severe crevicular fluid transforming growth factor ß1 in severe generalized chronic periodontitisgeneralized chronic periodontitisGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., ÇINARCIK S., BERDELİ A.International Journal of Dental Hygiene, pp.84, 2008 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded)LXXIX. Matrix metalloproteinase-2,-9, and-12 gene polymorphisms in generalized aggressive periodontitisMatrix metalloproteinase-2,-9, and-12 gene polymorphisms in generalized aggressive periodontitisGUERKAN A., EMINGIL G., SAYGAN B. H. , Atilla G., Cinarcik S., KOESE T., BERDELİ A.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.78, no.12, pp.2338-2347, 2007 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXXX. Toll-like receptor 2 and 4 gene polymorphisms in generalized aggressive periodontitisToll-like receptor 2 and 4 gene polymorphisms in generalized aggressive periodontitisEMINGIL G., Berdeli A., BAYLAS H., SAYGAN B. H. , GUERKAN A., KOESE T., Atilla G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.78, no.10, pp.1968-1977, 2007 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXXXI. Differential expression of receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand and osteoprotegerin mRNADifferential expression of receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand and osteoprotegerin mRNAin periodontal diseasesin periodontal diseasesBOSTANCI N., ILGENLI T., EMINGIL G., AFACAN B., HAN B., TOZ H., BERDELI A., Atilla G., MCKAY I. J. , HUGHES F. J. , et al.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, vol.42, no.4, pp.287-293, 2007 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXXXII. TLR2 Arg753Gly, TLR4 Asp299Gly and Thr399lle gene polymorphisms are not associated with chronicTLR2 Arg753Gly, TLR4 Asp299Gly and Thr399lle gene polymorphisms are not associated with chronicperiodontitis in a Turkish populationperiodontitis in a Turkish populationBerdeli A., EMINGIL G., SAYGAN B. H. , GUERKAN A., Atilla G., KOESE T., BAYLAS H.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.34, no.7, pp.551-557, 2007 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXXXIII. Tissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 gene polymorphisms inn patientsTissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 gene polymorphisms inn patientswith chronic periodontitiswith chronic periodontitisGurkan A., Emingil G., SAYGAN B. H. , Cinarcik S., Atilla G., Kose T., Berdeli A.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.78, no.7, pp.1256-1263, 2007 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXXXIV. Gingival crevicular fluid levels of RANKL and OPG in periodontal diseases: implications of their relativeGingival crevicular fluid levels of RANKL and OPG in periodontal diseases: implications of their relativeratioratioBOSTANCI N., ILGENLI T., EMINGIL G., AFACAN B., HAN B., TOEZ H., Atilla G., HUGHES F. J. , BELIBASAKIS G. N.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.34, no.5, pp.370-376, 2007 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXXXV. Gene polymorphisms of tissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in TurkishGene polymorphisms of tissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in Turkishpatients with generalized aggressive periodontitispatients with generalized aggressive periodontitisEMINGIL G., Berdeli A., GUERKAN A., SAYGAN B. H. , KOESE T., Atilla G.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.34, no.4, pp.278-284, 2007 (Journal Indexed in SCI)LXXXVI. Toll like receptor 2 and 4 gene polymorphisms in generalized aggressive periodontitisToll like receptor 2 and 4 gene polymorphisms in generalized aggressive periodontitisEMİNGİL G., BERDELİ A., Haluk B., Buket H. S. , GÜRKAN A., KÖSE T., ATİLLA F. G.Journal Of Periodontology, pp.1968, 2007 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded)LXXXVII. Gene polymorphisms of tissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 in TurkishGene polymorphisms of tissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 in Turkishpatients with generalized aggressive periodontitispatients with generalized aggressive periodontitisEMİNGİL G., BERDELİ A., GÜRKAN A., Buket H. S. , KÖSE T., ATİLLA F. G.Journal Of Clinical Periodontology, pp.278, 2007 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded)LXXXVIII. TLR2 Arg753Gly TLR2 Arg753Gly TLR4 Asp299Gly and Thr399Ile gene polymorphisms are not associated with chronicTLR4 Asp299Gly and Thr399Ile gene polymorphisms are not associated with chronicperiodontitis in a Turkish populationperiodontitis in a Turkish populationBERDELİ A., EMİNGİL G., Buket H. S. , GÜRKAN A., ATİLLA F. G. , KÖSE T., Haluk B.Journal Of Clinical Periodontology, pp.551, 2007 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded)LXXXIX. Matrix metalloproteinase 2 Matrix metalloproteinase 2 9 and 9 and 12 gene polymorphisms in generalized aggressive periodontitis12 gene polymorphisms in generalized aggressive periodontitisGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., Buket H. S. , ATİLLA F. G. , ÇINARCIK S., KÖSE T., BERDELİ A.J Periodontol, pp.2338, 2007 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded)XC. Adjunctive low-dose doxycycline therapy effect on clinical parameters and gingival crevicular fluid tissueAdjunctive low-dose doxycycline therapy effect on clinical parameters and gingival crevicular fluid tissue

plasminogen activator levels in chronic periodontitisplasminogen activator levels in chronic periodontitisEMINGIL G., GURKAN A., Atilla G., BERDELI A., CMARCIK S.INFLAMMATION RESEARCH, vol.55, no.12, pp.550-558, 2006 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XCI. Gingival crevicular fluid matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-7, extracellular MMP inducer, and tissueGingival crevicular fluid matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-7, extracellular MMP inducer, and tissueinhibitor of MMP-1 levels in periodontal diseaseinhibitor of MMP-1 levels in periodontal diseaseEmingil G., TERVAHARTIALA T., MANTYLA P., MAATTA M., SORSA T., Atilla G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.77, no.12, pp.2040-2050, 2006 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XCII. The influence of diabetes on gingival crevicular fluid beta-glucuronidase and interleukin-8The influence of diabetes on gingival crevicular fluid beta-glucuronidase and interleukin-8ENGEBRETSON S. P. , VOSSUGHI F., HEY-HADAVI J., Emingil G., GRBIC J. T.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.33, no.11, pp.784-790, 2006 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XCIII. Gingival crevicular fluid transforming growth factor-beta(1) in several forms of periodontal diseaseGingival crevicular fluid transforming growth factor-beta(1) in several forms of periodontal diseaseGurkan A., Emingil G., Cinarcik S., Berdeli A.ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, vol.51, no.10, pp.906-912, 2006 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XCIV. TGF-beta 1 gene polymorphisms in periodontal diseasesTGF-beta 1 gene polymorphisms in periodontal diseasesAtilla G., EMINGIL G., Kose T., Berdeli A.CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY, vol.39, no.9, pp.929-934, 2006 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XCV. Epithelial and connective tissue cell CTGF/CCN2 expression in gingival fibrosisEpithelial and connective tissue cell CTGF/CCN2 expression in gingival fibrosisKANTARCI A., BLACK S. A. , XYDAS C. E. , MURAWEL P., UCHIDA Y., YUCEKAL-TUNCER B., Atilla G., EMINGIL G., UZEL M. I., LEE A., et al.JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY, vol.210, no.1, pp.59-66, 2006 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XCVI. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase Glu298Asp gene polymorphism in periodontal diseasesEndothelial nitric oxide synthase Glu298Asp gene polymorphism in periodontal diseasesBerdeli A., Gurkan A., Emingil G., Atilla G., Kose T.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.77, no.8, pp.1348-1354, 2006 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XCVII. Gingival crevicular fluid laminin-5 gamma 2-chain levels in periodontal diseaseGingival crevicular fluid laminin-5 gamma 2-chain levels in periodontal diseaseEMINGIL G., KUULA H., PIRILA E., Atilla G., SORSA T.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.33, no.7, pp.462-468, 2006 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XCVIII. Association of the IL-1RN2 allele with periodontal diseasesAssociation of the IL-1RN2 allele with periodontal diseasesBERDELI A., EMINGIL G., GURKAN A., Atilla G., KOSE T.CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY, vol.39, no.4, pp.357-362, 2006 (Journal Indexed in SCI)XCIX. Gingival crevicular fluid matrix metalloproteinase-25 and-26 levels in periodontal diseaseGingival crevicular fluid matrix metalloproteinase-25 and-26 levels in periodontal diseaseEmingil G., KUULA H., SORSA T., Atilla G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.77, no.4, pp.664-671, 2006 (Journal Indexed in SCI)C. Adjunctive low dose doxycycline therapy effect on clinical parameters and gingival crevicular fluid tissueAdjunctive low dose doxycycline therapy effect on clinical parameters and gingival crevicular fluid tissueplasminogen activator levels in chronic periodontitisplasminogen activator levels in chronic periodontitisEMİNGİL G., GÜRKAN A., ATİLLA F. G. , BERDELİ A., ÇINARCIK S.Inflammation Research, pp.550, 2006 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded)CI. Gingival crevicular fluid EMAP-II, MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta levels of patients with periodontal diseaseGingival crevicular fluid EMAP-II, MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta levels of patients with periodontal diseaseEMINGIL G., Atilla G., BASKESEN A., BERDELI A.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.32, no.8, pp.880-885, 2005 (Journal Indexed in SCI)CII. Gingival tissue proteoglycan and chondroitin-4-sulphate levels in cyclosporin A-induced gingivalGingival tissue proteoglycan and chondroitin-4-sulphate levels in cyclosporin A-induced gingivalovergrowth and the effects of initial periodontal treatmentovergrowth and the effects of initial periodontal treatmentVARDAR S., BAYLAS H., ZIHNIOGLU F., Buduneli N. G. , Emingil G., Atilla G.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.32, no.6, pp.634-639, 2005 (Journal Indexed in SCI)CIII. Characteristics of periodontal microflora in acute myocardial infarction.Characteristics of periodontal microflora in acute myocardial infarction.DOGAN B., BUDUNELI E., EMINGIL G., Atilla G., AKILLI A., ANTINHEIMO J., LAKIO L., ASIKAINEN S.Journal of periodontology, vol.76, no.5, pp.740-8, 2005 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded)CIV. Gingival crevicular fluid monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and RANTES levels in patients withGingival crevicular fluid monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and RANTES levels in patients withgeneralized aggressive periodontitisgeneralized aggressive periodontitisEMINGIL G., Atilla G., HUSEYINOV A.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.31, no.10, pp.829-834, 2004 (Journal Indexed in SCI)CV. Effectiveness of adjunctive low-dose doxycycline therapy on clinical parameters and gingival crevicularEffectiveness of adjunctive low-dose doxycycline therapy on clinical parameters and gingival crevicularfluid laminin-5 gamma 2 chain levels in chronic periodontitisfluid laminin-5 gamma 2 chain levels in chronic periodontitisEMINGIL G., Atilla G., SORSA T., SAVOLAINEN P., BAYLAS H.

JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.75, no.10, pp.1387-1396, 2004 (Journal Indexed in SCI)CVI. The effect of adjunctive low-dose doxycycline therapy on clinical parameters and gingival crevicular fluidThe effect of adjunctive low-dose doxycycline therapy on clinical parameters and gingival crevicular fluidmatrix metalloproteinase-8 levels in chronic periodontitismatrix metalloproteinase-8 levels in chronic periodontitisEMINGIL G., Atilla G., SORSA T., LUOTO H., KIRILMAZ L., BAYLAS H.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.75, no.1, pp.106-115, 2004 (Journal Indexed in SCI)CVII. The effect of adjunctive low-dose doxycycline therapy on clinical periodontal parameters and crevicularThe effect of adjunctive low-dose doxycycline therapy on clinical periodontal parameters and crevicularfluid matrix metalloproteinase-8 levels in chronic periodontitis.fluid matrix metalloproteinase-8 levels in chronic periodontitis.Emingil G., ATİLLA G., SORSA T., LUOTO H., KYRYLMAZ L., BAYLAS H.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH, vol.82, 2003 (Journal Indexed in SCI)CVIII. Characteristics of subgingival microbiota in adult periodontitis patients with and those without recentCharacteristics of subgingival microbiota in adult periodontitis patients with and those without recentacute myocardial infarction.acute myocardial infarction.DOGAN B., Buduneli E., Emingil G., ATİLLA G., AKILLI A., ANTINHEIMO J., LAKIO L., ASIKAINEN S.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH, vol.82, 2003 (Journal Indexed in SCI)CIX. Subgingival microflora in Turkish patients with periodontitis.Subgingival microflora in Turkish patients with periodontitis.DOGAN B., Antinheimo J., CETINER D., BODUR A., Emingil G., BUDUNELI E., UYGUR C., FIRATLI E., LAKIO L., ASIKAINEN S.Journal of periodontology, vol.74, no.6, pp.803-14, 2003 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded)CX. Sister chromatid exchange (SCE) analysis in periodontitisSister chromatid exchange (SCE) analysis in periodontitisEmingil G., SAPMAZ G., BICAKCI N., OZKINAY F. F.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.29, no.9, pp.811-815, 2002 (Journal Indexed in SCI)CXI. Localized aggressive periodontitis in a patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus: A case reportLocalized aggressive periodontitis in a patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus: A case reportEMINGIL G., DARCAN S., KESKINOGLU A., KUTUKCULER N., Atilla G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.72, no.9, pp.1265-1270, 2001 (Journal Indexed in SCI)CXII. Levels of leukotriene B-4 in gingival crevicular fluid and gingival tissue in specific periodontal diseasesLevels of leukotriene B-4 in gingival crevicular fluid and gingival tissue in specific periodontal diseasesEmingil G., Cinarcik S., Baylas H., Coker I., Huseyinov A.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.72, no.8, pp.1025-1031, 2001 (Journal Indexed in SCI)CXIII. Levels of platelet-activating factor in gingival crevicular fluid and gingival tissue in specific periodontalLevels of platelet-activating factor in gingival crevicular fluid and gingival tissue in specific periodontaldiseasesdiseasesEmingil G., ÇINARCIK S., BAYLAS H., HUSEYINOV A.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.72, no.8, pp.1032-1037, 2001 (Journal Indexed in SCI)CXIV. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-8 and-9) and neutrophil elastase in gingival crevicular fluid ofMatrix metalloproteinases (MMP-8 and-9) and neutrophil elastase in gingival crevicular fluid ofcyclosporin-treated patientscyclosporin-treated patientsAtilla G., Sorsa T., Ronka H., Emıngıl G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.72, pp.354-360, 2001 (Journal Indexed in SCI)CXV. Association between periodontal disease and acute myocardial infarctionAssociation between periodontal disease and acute myocardial infarctionEMINGIL G., BUDUNELI E., ALIYEV A., AKILLI A., Atilla G.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.71, no.12, pp.1882-1886, 2000 (Journal Indexed in SCI)CXVI. Levels of leukotriene B-4 and platelet activating factor in gingival crevicular fluid in renal transplantLevels of leukotriene B-4 and platelet activating factor in gingival crevicular fluid in renal transplantpatients receiving cyclosporine Apatients receiving cyclosporine AEmingil G., Coker I., Atilla G., Huseyinov A.JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, vol.71, no.1, pp.50-57, 2000 (Journal Indexed in SCI)Articles Published in Other JournalsArticles Published in Other JournalsI. Salivary Resistin and TNF-α Levels in Different Periodontal DiseasesSalivary Resistin and TNF-α Levels in Different Periodontal DiseasesAFACAN B., YÜCEL Z. P. , YENİSEY Ç., NİZAM N., EMİNGİL G.Journal of Ege University School of Dentistry, vol.40, no.3, pp.177-184, 2019 (Other Refereed National Journals)II. Adjunctive Effects of a Sub-Antimicrobial Dose of Doxycycline on Clinical Parameters and PotentialAdjunctive Effects of a Sub-Antimicrobial Dose of Doxycycline on Clinical Parameters and PotentialBiomarkers of Periodontal Tissue Catabolism.Biomarkers of Periodontal Tissue Catabolism.Emingil G., Gürkan A., Tervahartiala T., Hernandez M., Özgül S., Sorsa T., Alassiri S.Dentistry journal, vol.7, 2019 (Refereed Journals of Other Institutions)III. LEVELS OF LL-37 ANTIMICROBIAL PEPTIDE IN THE GINGIVAL CREVICULAR FLUID OF YOUNG ANDLEVELS OF LL-37 ANTIMICROBIAL PEPTIDE IN THE GINGIVAL CREVICULAR FLUID OF YOUNG ANDMIDDLE-AGED SUBJECTS WITH OR WITHOUT GINGIVITISMIDDLE-AGED SUBJECTS WITH OR WITHOUT GINGIVITIS

Turkoglu O., Emingil G., Eren G., Atmaca H., Kütükçüler N., Atilla G.JOURNAL OF ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, vol.51, pp.15-21, 2017 (Journal Indexed in ESCI)IV. Comparison Of Bone Turnover Markers In Gingival Crevicular Fluid Of Elderly Individuals With DifferentComparison Of Bone Turnover Markers In Gingival Crevicular Fluid Of Elderly Individuals With DifferentPeriodontal DiseasesPeriodontal DiseasesÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , BECERİK S., ATMACA H., EMİNGİL G.Journal of Ege University School of Dentistry, vol.37, pp.148-154, 2016 (Other Refereed National Journals)V. Rezektif Periodontal Cerrahi ve LazerRezektif Periodontal Cerrahi ve LazerNİZAM N., EMİNGİL G.Türkiye Klinikleri J Periodontol Special Topics, vol.2, pp.15-21, 2016 (Other Refereed National Journals)VI. Evaluation Of Salivary IL 1Beta And IL 6 Levels In Pregnant And Postpartum WomenEvaluation Of Salivary IL 1Beta And IL 6 Levels In Pregnant And Postpartum WomenGÜMÜŞ P., ÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , BELİBASAKİS G., BOSTANCI N., EMİNGİL G.Journal of Ege University School of Dentistry, vol.37, pp.126-130, 2016 (Other Refereed National Journals)VII. Consensus paper Consensus paper Non surgical periodontal therapy Non surgical periodontal therapy mechanical debridement mechanical debridement antimicrobial agents andantimicrobial agents andother modalitiesother modalitiesEMİNGİL G., NİCHALOUS L., MAGDA F., CORBET E., DİNG Y., FAVERİ M., HUMAGAİN M., IZUMİ Y., KAMİL Y., KEMAL Y., etal.Journal of International Academy of Periodontology, vol.17, pp.34-36, 2015 (Refereed Journals of Other Institutions)VIII. Matriks Metalloproteinazlara Etkili Konak ModulasyonuMatriks Metalloproteinazlara Etkili Konak ModulasyonuEMİNGİL G.Türkiye Klinikleri Periodontoloji Özel Sayısı, vol.1, pp.9-18, 2015 (Other Refereed National Journals)IX. Post-treatment effects of subantimicrobial dose doxycycline on clinical parameters and gingivalPost-treatment effects of subantimicrobial dose doxycycline on clinical parameters and gingivalcrevicular fluid transforming growth factor-beta1 in severe, generalized chronic periodontitis.crevicular fluid transforming growth factor-beta1 in severe, generalized chronic periodontitis.GÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., Cinarcik S., BERDELİ A.International journal of dental hygiene, vol.6, no.2, pp.84-92, 2008 (Refereed Journals of Other Institutions)X. Periodontal Hastalıklarda Sistemik Antibiyotik KullanımıPeriodontal Hastalıklarda Sistemik Antibiyotik KullanımıEMİNGİL G.. Ege Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.26, pp.23-25, 2005 (National Non-Refereed Journal)XI. Lokalize agresif periodontitis.Lokalize agresif periodontitis.Atilla F. G. , Emingil G., Darcan Ş., Keskinoğlu A.Türk Oral Biyoloji Dergisi, vol.2, pp.177-185, 2001 (Other Refereed National Journals)XII. Phenotypic and functional analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in generalized aggressivePhenotypic and functional analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in generalized aggressiveperiodontitis and chronic periodontitis patients.periodontitis and chronic periodontitis patients.Atilla F. G. , Emingil G., Karaaslan F., Keskinoğlu A., Çoker I.Journal of International Academy of Periodontology, vol.3, pp.87-94, 2001 (Refereed Journals of Other Institutions)XIII. Çeşitli periodontal hastalıklarda HLA dağılımı.Çeşitli periodontal hastalıklarda HLA dağılımı.Atilla F. G. , Karaaslan F., Emingil G.Türk Oral Biyoloji Dergisi, vol.2, pp.121-132, 2001 (Other Refereed National Journals)XIV. Tip I diyabetli hastada lokalize agresif periodontitis.Tip I diyabetli hastada lokalize agresif periodontitis.Atilla F. G. , Emingil G., Darcan Ş., Aksu G.Ege Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.22, pp.79-84, 2001 (National Refreed University Journal)XV. Yeni enflamatuar mediyatörlerden lökotrienlerin periodontal hastalığın patogenezindeki rolüYeni enflamatuar mediyatörlerden lökotrienlerin periodontal hastalığın patogenezindeki rolüEMİNGİL G.Ankara Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.28, pp.153-159, 2001 (National Non-Refereed Journal)XVI. Aşırı dentin duyarlılığıAşırı dentin duyarlılığıEMİNGİL G.İzmir Dişhekimleri Odası Dergisi, vol.1, pp.1-5, 2001 (National Non-Refereed Journal)XVII. Çeşitli Periodontal Hastalıklarda HLA DağılımıÇeşitli Periodontal Hastalıklarda HLA DağılımıEMİNGİL G.Türk Oral Biyoloji Dergisi, vol.2, pp.121-132, 2001 (National Non-Refereed Journal)XVIII. Lokalize agresif periodontitis Lokalize agresif periodontitis Olgu RaporuOlgu RaporuEMİNGİL G.Türk Oral Biyoloji Dergisi, vol.2, pp.172-185, 2001 (National Non-Refereed Journal)XIX. Phenotypic and Functional Analysis of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Generalized AggressivePhenotypic and Functional Analysis of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Generalized Aggressive

Periodontitis and Chronic Periodontitis PatientsPeriodontitis and Chronic Periodontitis PatientsEMİNGİL G., Karaarslan F., Keskinoğlu A., Çoker I., Atilla G.Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology, pp.87-94, 2001 (Refereed Journals of Other Institutions)XX. Periodontoloji Kliniğine Başvuran Hastalarda Sistemik Hastalıkların Görülme SıklıklarıPeriodontoloji Kliniğine Başvuran Hastalarda Sistemik Hastalıkların Görülme SıklıklarıEMİNGİL G.Ege Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.22, pp.59-62, 2001 (National Non-Refereed Journal)XXI. Tip I Diyabetli Hastada Lokalize Agresif PeriodontitisTip I Diyabetli Hastada Lokalize Agresif PeriodontitisEMİNGİL G.Ege Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.22, pp.79-84, 2001 (National Non-Refereed Journal)XXII. Aşırı dentin hassasiyeti tedavisinde potasyum oksalat ve potasyum nitratın klinik etkinliği.Aşırı dentin hassasiyeti tedavisinde potasyum oksalat ve potasyum nitratın klinik etkinliği.Şen B. H. , İlgenli T., EMİNGİL G., Sevgican F.Ege Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.20, pp.27-32, 1999 (National Refreed University Journal)XXIII. Disturbed Systemic Immune Balance in Periodontal DiseaseDisturbed Systemic Immune Balance in Periodontal DiseaseKaraarslan F., Çoker I., EMİNGİL G., Çağlayan S.AUTOIMMUNITY, vol.27, pp.123-124, 1998 (Refereed Journals of Other Institutions)XXIV. Sitrik asit Sitrik asit Tetrasiklin HCL Tetrasiklin HCL Doksisiklin HCL ve Kalay Florür ün kök dentin yüzeyinde oluşturduklarıDoksisiklin HCL ve Kalay Florür ün kök dentin yüzeyinde oluşturduklarıdeğişimlerin SEM ile incelenmesideğişimlerin SEM ile incelenmesiEMİNGİL G.Ege Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.19, pp.82-88, 1998 (National Non-Refereed Journal)XXV. Gülnur EMİNGİL, Gül ATİLLA Gülnur EMİNGİL, Gül ATİLLA Periodontal hastalıkların tedavisi için konak cevabı ile ilgili gelecektekiPeriodontal hastalıkların tedavisi için konak cevabı ile ilgili gelecektekibeklentiler.beklentiler.Atilla F. G. , Emingil G.Ege Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.18, pp.143-154, 1997 (National Refreed University Journal)XXVI. Periodontal Hastalıkların Tedavisi için Konak Cevabı ile ilgili Gelecekteki BeklentilerPeriodontal Hastalıkların Tedavisi için Konak Cevabı ile ilgili Gelecekteki BeklentilerEMİNGİL G.Ege Dişhekimliği Fakültesi, vol.18, pp.143-155, 1997 (National Non-Refereed Journal)XXVII. Amilazın dişeti sıvısına olan kontaminasyonunun değerlendirilmesiAmilazın dişeti sıvısına olan kontaminasyonunun değerlendirilmesiEMİNGİL G., Çınarcık S., Mutaf I., Aytaçlar F.Ege Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.17, pp.92-96, 1996 (National Refreed University Journal)XXVIII. Çeşitli yaş gruplarında CPITN indisi ile periodontal durumun tayiniÇeşitli yaş gruplarında CPITN indisi ile periodontal durumun tayiniEMİNGİL G.Ege Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.16, pp.203-207, 1995 (National Non-Refereed Journal)Books & Book ChaptersBooks & Book ChaptersI. Diş Hastalıkları ve COVID-19Diş Hastalıkları ve COVID-19Emingil G. (Editor)Türkiye Klinikleri Yayınevi, Ankara, 2020II. PERİODONTAL HASTALIK ALKOL DIŞI YAĞLI KARACİĞER HASTALIĞI İÇİN BİR RİSK FAKTÖRÜ OLABİLİRPERİODONTAL HASTALIK ALKOL DIŞI YAĞLI KARACİĞER HASTALIĞI İÇİN BİR RİSK FAKTÖRÜ OLABİLİRMİ?Mİ?Emingil G., Özdemir Periodontal ve Sistemik Hastalıklarda Mikrobiyal Etkileşim, Prof.Dr.Berrin Ünsal, Editor, Türkiye Klinikleri Yayınevi,Ankara, pp.59-67, 2020III. Dişetinin Savunma MekanizmalarıDişetinin Savunma MekanizmalarıEMİNGİL Periodontoloji ve İmplantoloji, Prof.Dr.Gürhan Çağlayan, Editor, Quintessence, İstanbul, pp.143-192, 2018IV. Gingival EnflamasyonGingival EnflamasyonEMİNGİL Periodontoloji ve İmplantoloji, Çağlayan G, Editor, Quintessence, İstanbul, pp.381-386, 2018V. Periodontal Hastalıkların PatogeneziPeriodontal Hastalıkların PatogeneziEMİNGİL Periodontoloji ve İmplantoloji, rof. Dr. Atilla Berberoglu, Prof. Dr. Bahar Kuru, Prof. Dr. Burak Demiralp, Prof. Dr.

Cuneyt Karabuda, Prof. Dr. Fatma Yesim Kırzıoglu, Prof. Dr. Feriha Caglayan, Prof. Dr. Gonen Ozcan, Prof. Dr. GulnurEmingil, Prof. Dr. M. Cenk Haytac, Prof. Dr. Rahime Meral Nohutcu, Prof. Dr. Sule Bulut, Prof. Dr. Tamer Ataoglu, Editor,Quintessence Publishing, pp.193-242, 2018VI. Dişetinin Savunma MekanizmalarıDişetinin Savunma MekanizmalarıEMİNGİL Periodontoloji ve İmplantoloji, Prof. Dr. Atilla Berberoglu, Prof. Dr. Bahar Kuru, Prof. Dr. Burak Demiralp, Prof. Dr.Cuneyt Karabuda, Prof. Dr. Fatma Yesim Kırzıoglu, Prof. Dr. Feriha Caglayan, Prof. Dr. Gonen Ozcan, Prof. Dr. GulnurEmingil, Prof. Dr. M. Cenk Haytac, Prof. Dr. Rahime Meral Nohutcu, Prof. Dr. Sule Bulut, Prof. Dr. Tamer Ataoglu, Editor,Quintessence Publishing, pp.143-192, 2018VII. Gingival EnflamasyonGingival EnflamasyonEMİNGİL Periodontoloji ve İmplantoloji, rof. Dr. Atilla Berberoglu, Prof. Dr. Bahar Kuru, Prof. Dr. Burak Demiralp, Prof. Dr.Cuneyt Karabuda, Prof. Dr. Fatma Yesim Kırzıoglu, Prof. Dr. Feriha Caglayan, Prof. Dr. Gonen Ozcan, Prof. Dr. GulnurEmingil, Prof. Dr. M. Cenk Haytac, Prof. Dr. Rahime Meral Nohutcu, Prof. Dr. Sule Bulut, Prof. Dr. Tamer Ataoglu, Editor,Quintessence Publishing, pp.381-386, 2018VIII. Periodontal Hastalıkların PatogeneziPeriodontal Hastalıkların PatogeneziEMİNGİL Periodontoloji, Prof.Dr.Gürhan Çağlayan, Editor, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara, pp.124-169, 2010IX. Inflammatory Responses in Periodontal DiseasesInflammatory Responses in Periodontal DiseasesEngebretson S. P. , EMİNGİL G., Lamster I. Fundamentals of Periodontics, Thomas G. Wilson, Kenneth S. Kornman, Editor, Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. , Il,pp.144-160, 2003Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in ProceedingsRefereed Congress / Symposium Publications in ProceedingsI. 1. Pre- and post-menopausal GCF levels of TREM-1, PGLRYP1 and IL-1β1. Pre- and post-menopausal GCF levels of TREM-1, PGLRYP1 and IL-1βYakar N., Türedi Alptekin A., Emingil G., Şahin Ç., Köse T., Nagihan I., Silbereisen A.The 99th General Session of the IADR, the 50th Meeting of the AADOCR and the 45th Meeting of the CADR, Alabama,United States Of America, 21 - 24 July 2021, pp.1-2II. 2. Salivary Proteomic Profile of Cystic Fibrosis in Children With Gingivitis2. Salivary Proteomic Profile of Cystic Fibrosis in Children With GingivitisSilbereisen A., Keleş Z. P. , Bao K., Emingil G., Tsilingaridis G., Bostancı N.The 99th General Session of the IADR, the 50th Meeting of the AADOCR and the 45th Meeting of the CADR, Alabama,United States Of America, 21 - 24 July 2021, pp.1-2III. Investigation of gingival crevicular fluid and salivary Activin-A and Interleukin-1 beta levels inInvestigation of gingival crevicular fluid and salivary Activin-A and Interleukin-1 beta levels inindividuals with periodontal diseaseindividuals with periodontal diseaseÖZDEN C., AFACAN B., ATMACA İLHAN H., KÖSE T., EMİNGİL G.İzmir Demokrasi Üniversitesi Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği ve Sağlık Kongresi - İDU-DENT 2020, Turkey, 28 - 29 November2020IV. Candidate cytokine biomarkers of periodontitis in saliva: combining predications from multiple modelsCandidate cytokine biomarkers of periodontitis in saliva: combining predications from multiple modelsÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , WOLSKİ W., AFACAN B., EMİNGİL G., BELİBASAKİS G. N. , BOSTANCI N.Europerio 9, 20 - 23 June 2018V. sTREM-1 is reduced in saliva of patients with chronic periodontitis after non-surgical periodontalsTREM-1 is reduced in saliva of patients with chronic periodontitis after non-surgical periodontaltherapytherapyAFACAN B., ÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , RONALDO L. J. , EMİNGİL G., BOSTROM E. A. , BOSTANCI N., BELİBASAKİS G. N.Europerio 9, 20 - 23 June 2018VI. Peptidoglycan recognition protein levels pre- and post periodontal therapyPeptidoglycan recognition protein levels pre- and post periodontal therapyEMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., ÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , ZWICKER S., BOSTROM E. A. , BELİBASAKİS G. N. , BOSTANCI N.Europerio 9, 20 - 23 June 2018VII. Protein levels pre- and post periodontal therapyProtein levels pre- and post periodontal therapyAfacan B., Öztürk V. Ö. , EMİNGİL G., S. Zwicker S., Boström E., Belibasakis G., Bostancı N.EUROPERIO 9, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 20 June 2018, pp.15VIII. Canditate cytokine biomarkers of periodontitis in saliva: combining predications from multiple modelsCanditate cytokine biomarkers of periodontitis in saliva: combining predications from multiple models

ÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , AFACAN B., Wolski V., EMİNGİL G., Belibasakis G., Bostancı N.EUROPERIO 9, 20 - 23 June 2018IX. Kronik periodontitisli bireylerde cerrahisiz periodontal tedavinin dişeti o luğu sıvısı ve tu ku ru k HIF-1Kronik periodontitisli bireylerde cerrahisiz periodontal tedavinin dişeti o luğu sıvısı ve tu ku ru k HIF-1 αα,,VEGF ve TNF-α seviyelerine etkisiVEGF ve TNF-α seviyelerine etkisiAFACAN B., KELEŞ Z. P. , ÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , ATMACA H., KÖSE T., EMİNGİL G.Türk Periodontoloji Derneği 47. Bilimsel Kongresi, 17 - 18 November 2017X. Farklı periodontal hastalık ve sağlıklı implantlarda aktif matris metalloproteinaz-8 (aMMP-8) hasta başıFarklı periodontal hastalık ve sağlıklı implantlarda aktif matris metalloproteinaz-8 (aMMP-8) hasta başıtestinin değerlendirilmesitestinin değerlendirilmesiÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , EMİNGİL G., TERVAHARTIALA T., ALASSİRİ S., SORSA T.Türk Periodontoloji Derneği 47. Bilimsel Kongresi, 17 - 18 November 2017XI. Effect of nonsurgical periodontal treatment on gingival crevicular fluid and salivary HIF-1α, VEGF andEffect of nonsurgical periodontal treatment on gingival crevicular fluid and salivary HIF-1α, VEGF andTNF-α levels in chronic periodontitis patientsTNF-α levels in chronic periodontitis patientsAFACAN B., KELEŞ Z. P. , ÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , ATMACA H., KÖSE T., EMİNGİL G.The Turkish Society of Periodontology 47th İnternational Scientific Congress 26th Scientific Symposium, 17 - 18November 2017XII. GCF and salivary HIF-1α, VEGF and TNF-α Levels in chronic periodontitis before and after periodontalGCF and salivary HIF-1α, VEGF and TNF-α Levels in chronic periodontitis before and after periodontaltreatmenttreatmentEMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., KELEŞ Z. P. , KÖSE T., ATMACA H.11th IADR World Congress of Preventive Dentistry, 3 - 06 October 2017XIII. Salivary Resistin And Tnf-Α Levels in Different Periodontal DiseasesSalivary Resistin And Tnf-Α Levels in Different Periodontal DiseasesAFACAN B., KELEŞ Z. P. , YENİSEY Ç., NİZAM N., EMİNGİL G.22. Bass Congress, 4 - 07 May 2017XIV. Salivary Resistin and TNF-alfa Levels in Different Periodontal DiseasesSalivary Resistin and TNF-alfa Levels in Different Periodontal DiseasesAFACAN B., KELEŞ Z. P. , YENİSEY Ç., NİZAM N., EMİNGİL G.22nd Balkan Stomalogical Society (BaSS) Congress, 4 - 06 May 2017XV. Evaluation of The Gingival Inflammation in Pregnancy And Postpartum Via 25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D3,Evaluation of The Gingival Inflammation in Pregnancy And Postpartum Via 25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D3,Prostaglandin E2 And Tnf- Levels In SalivaProstaglandin E2 And Tnf- Levels In SalivaGÜMÜŞ P., ÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , Bozkurt E., EMİNGİL G.16th International Biennial Congress of the International Academy of Periodontology (IAP), 27 - 29 April 2017XVI. Th1/Th2 Cytokine Balance Shift in Saliva During and After PregnancyTh1/Th2 Cytokine Balance Shift in Saliva During and After PregnancyGÜMÜŞ P., EMİNGİL G., ÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , BELİBASAKİS G., BOSTANCI N.IADR-95th General Session, San-Francisco, United States Of America, 22 - 25 March 2017XVII. Altered EDC Gene Expression in Hereditary and Drug-Induced Gingival OvergrowthAltered EDC Gene Expression in Hereditary and Drug-Induced Gingival OvergrowthVALERİO M., PATEL A., ATİLLA F. G. , EMİNGİL G., BECERİK S., HART T.IADR/AADR/CADR General Session Exhibition San Francisco, 22 - 25 March 2017XVIII. Differential Altered EDC Gene Expression in Hereditary and Drug-Induced Gingival Overgrowth. ( Altered EDC Gene Expression in Hereditary and Drug-Induced Gingival Overgrowth. ( (Sözlü sunum)417) (Sözlü sunum)VALERIO M., ANKUR P., ATİLLA F. G. , EMİNGİL G., BECERİK S., HART T.IADR, San Francisco-CALIF-USA, 22 - 25 March 2017XIX. Effect of periodontal treatment on TREM 1 levels in salivaEffect of periodontal treatment on TREM 1 levels in salivaPAŞALI Ç., EMİNGİL G., BELİBASAKİS G., BOSTANCI N., 20 - 22 September 2016XX. aMMP 8 Chair side Test in Different Periodontal Disease and Healthy ImplantsaMMP 8 Chair side Test in Different Periodontal Disease and Healthy ImplantsÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , EMİNGİL G., Tervahartiala T., Saeed A., Sorsa T., 20 - 22 September 2016XXI. ’Reduced Salivary Trappin-2 Levels in Patients with Periodontitis’Reduced Salivary Trappin-2 Levels in Patients with PeriodontitisAfacan b., Öztürk v. Ö. , EMİNGİL G., BOSTANCI n.IADR General Session, Seul, South Korea, 22 June 2016, pp.15XXII. GCF and Salivary MMP 8 GCF and Salivary MMP 8 MMP 9 MMP 9 TIMP 1 Levels During Pregnancy and PostpartumTIMP 1 Levels During Pregnancy and PostpartumÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , GÜMÜŞ P., SORSA T., TERVAHARTIALA T., EMİNGİL G., 22 - 25 June 2016XXIII. Adjunctive Effect of Sub-Antimicrobial Dose Doxycycline on Potential Biomarkers of Periodontal TissueAdjunctive Effect of Sub-Antimicrobial Dose Doxycycline on Potential Biomarkers of Periodontal TissueMetabolismMetabolism

EMİNGİL G., GÜRKAN A., Tervahartiala T., Sorsa T.IADR General Session, Seul, South Korea, 22 June 2016, pp.30XXIV. ’GCF and Salivary MMP-8, MMP-9, TIMP-1 Levels During Pregnancy and Postpartum’GCF and Salivary MMP-8, MMP-9, TIMP-1 Levels During Pregnancy and PostpartumÖztürk V. Ö. , GÜMÜŞ P., Tervahartiala T., Sorsa T., EMİNGİL G.Iadr General Session, Seul, South Korea, 20 June 2016, pp.20XXV. Maternity and Periodontal HealthMaternity and Periodontal HealthEMİNGİL G.TDB 22. International Dental Congress, 19 - 21 May 2016XXVI. Farklı Periodontal Hastalıklarda DOS ve Tu ku ru k IL 6 Farklı Periodontal Hastalıklarda DOS ve Tu ku ru k IL 6 IL 23 IL 23 IL 17A ve IL 17E SeviyelerininIL 17A ve IL 17E SeviyelerininDeğerlendirilmesDeğerlendirilmesÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , AFACAN B., Awang R. A. , Nile C., Lappin D., EMİNGİL G.Turk Periodontoloji Dernegi 46. Bilimsel Kongresi, Turkey, 5 - 06 May 2016XXVII. Farklı Periodontal Hastalıklarda DOS ve Tükürük IL-6, IL-23, IL-17A ve IL-17E SeviyelerininFarklı Periodontal Hastalıklarda DOS ve Tükürük IL-6, IL-23, IL-17A ve IL-17E SeviyelerininDeğerlendirilmesiDeğerlendirilmesiÖztürk V. Ö. , AFACAN B., EMİNGİL G., Awang R. A. , Nile C., Lappin D.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 46. Bilimsel Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 05 May 2016, pp.1XXVIII. The effect of periodontal treatment on GCF LL 37 levels in periodontal destructionThe effect of periodontal treatment on GCF LL 37 levels in periodontal destructionTURKOGLU H. O. , EREN G., EMİNGİL G., Azarsız E., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., ATİLLA F. G.Antimicrobial Activity Conference-ZING CONFERENCES, Albufeira-PORTUGAL, 2016, Albuferia, Portugal, 16 - 19 April2016XXIX. The role of LL 37 antimicrobial peptide in periodontal health and diseasesThe role of LL 37 antimicrobial peptide in periodontal health and diseasesTURKOGLU H. O. , EMİNGİL G., EREN G., ATMACA H., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., ATİLLA F. G.Antimicrobial Activity Conference-ZING CONFERENCES, Albufeira-PORTUGAL, 2016, Albuferia, Portugal, 16 - 19 April2016XXX. Farklı Periodontal Hastalıklarda Dişeti Oluğu Sıvısı ve Tükürük HIF 1 alfa ve VEGF SeviyelerininFarklı Periodontal Hastalıklarda Dişeti Oluğu Sıvısı ve Tükürük HIF 1 alfa ve VEGF SeviyelerininİncelenmesiİncelenmesiAFACAN B., ÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , BOZKURT E., PAŞALI Ç., EMİNGİL G.Türk Periodontoloji Derneği 45. Bilimsel Kongresi, Turkey, 12 - 14 November 2015XXXI. Gebelik ve Doğum Sonrası Dişeti o luğu sıvısı ve Tükürük MMP 8 Gebelik ve Doğum Sonrası Dişeti o luğu sıvısı ve Tükürük MMP 8 MMP 9 ve TIMP 1 seviyelerininMMP 9 ve TIMP 1 seviyelerininDeğerlendirilmesiDeğerlendirilmesiÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , GÜMÜŞ P., SORSA T., TERVAHARTIALA T., EMİNGİL G.Türk Periodontoloji Derneği 45. Bilimsel Kongresi, Turkey, 12 - 14 November 2015XXXII. Matrix metalloproteinase Matrix metalloproteinase MMP 8 MMP 8 and tissue inhibitor of MMP 1 and tissue inhibitor of MMP 1 TIMP 1 TIMP 1 gene polymorphisms ingene polymorphisms ingeneralized aggressive periodontitis generalized aggressive periodontitis gingival crevicular fluid MMP 8 and TIMP 1 levels and outcome ofgingival crevicular fluid MMP 8 and TIMP 1 levels and outcome ofperiodontal therapyperiodontal therapyEMİNGİL G., Han B., GÜRKAN A., BERDELİ A., Taina T., Tuula S., Pirkko P., KÖSE T., ATİLLA F. G. , Timo S.Europerio 8, 3 - 06 June 2015XXXIII. Gingival Crevicular Fluid and Salivary HIF alpha Levels in Periodontal Health and DiseaseGingival Crevicular Fluid and Salivary HIF alpha Levels in Periodontal Health and DiseaseAFACAN B., ÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , ATMACA H., KURŞUNLU F., EMİNGİL G.Europerio8 Londra, 3 - 06 June 2015, vol.42XXXIV. Gingival Tissue Expression Patterns of Heat Shock Proteins in Different Formsof PeriodontitisGingival Tissue Expression Patterns of Heat Shock Proteins in Different Formsof PeriodontitisÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , BECERİK S., BOSTANCI N., EMİNGİL G.EuroPerio8 Londra, 3 - 06 June 2015, vol.42, pp.64-442XXXV. Does smoking affect gingival crevicular fluid LL 37 levels in patients with chronic periodontitis fo llowingDoes smoking affect gingival crevicular fluid LL 37 levels in patients with chronic periodontitis fo llowingnon surgical periodontal treatment non surgical periodontal treatment Abs Abs no no P0127P0127TURKOGLU H. O. , EREN G., EMİNGİL G., AZARSIZ E., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., ATİLLA F. G.EuroPerio8, London-UK, 2015, United Kingdom, 3 - 06 June 2015, vol.42, pp.64-442XXXVI. Gingival Crevicular Fluid Soluble Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells 1 Gingival Crevicular Fluid Soluble Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells 1 sTREM 1 sTREM 1 Levels inLevels inthe Elderlythe ElderlyÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , BELİBASAKİS G., EMİNGİL G., BOSTANCI N.Europerio8 Londra, 3 - 06 June 2015, vol.42, pp.64-442XXXVII. Does smoking affect gingival crevicular fluid LL 37 levels in chronic periodontitis patients following nonDoes smoking affect gingival crevicular fluid LL 37 levels in chronic periodontitis patients following nonsurgical periodontal treatmentsurgical periodontal treatment

TÜRKOĞLU H. O. , EREN G., EMİNGİL G., Azarsız E., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., ATİLLA F. G.Europerio 8, 3 - 06 June 2015XXXVIII. Siklosporin A kullanımına bağlı dişeti büyümelerinde dişeti o luğu sıvısı kalprotektin Siklosporin A kullanımına bağlı dişeti büyümelerinde dişeti o luğu sıvısı kalprotektin osteokalsin ve Ntxosteokalsin ve Ntxseviyelerinin incelenmesiseviyelerinin incelenmesiBECERİK S., GÜRKAN A., AFACAN B., ÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , ATMACA H., ATİLLA F. G. , EMİNGİL G.Periodontoloji Derneği 40. Bilimsel Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 14 - 16 May 2010XXXIX. Single Session vs Full Mouth SRP in the Management of Generalized Aggressive PeriodontitisSingle Session vs Full Mouth SRP in the Management of Generalized Aggressive PeriodontitisPAŞALI Ç., KANTARCI A., NGUYEN D., STEPHENS D., EMİNGİL G.93rd General Session & Exhibition of the IADR Boston, 11 - 14 March 2015XL. RANKL and Osteoprotegerin Levels In Peri implant Crevicular Fluid From Short ImplantsRANKL and Osteoprotegerin Levels In Peri implant Crevicular Fluid From Short ImplantsÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , EMİNGİL G., BOSTANCI N., BELİBASAKİS G.93rd General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, 11 - 14 March 2015XLI. Does smoking affect gingival crevicular fluid LL-37 levels in periodontitis? (Abs. no: 264)Does smoking affect gingival crevicular fluid LL-37 levels in periodontitis? (Abs. no: 264)TÜRKOĞLU ÇAKAL H. O. , EREN G., EMİNGİL G., AZARSIZ E., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., ATİLLA F. G.IADR/PER Congress, Dubrovnik-CROATIA, 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 10 September 2014, pp.264XLII. Gingival Crevicular Fluid and Plasma Oksidatif Stress Markers in PeriodontitisGingival Crevicular Fluid and Plasma Oksidatif Stress Markers in PeriodontitisBECERİK S., CELEC P., öztürk v. Ö. , KAMODYOVA N., Atilla G., EMİNGİL G.IADR/PER congress, Dubronvik, Croatia, 10 September 2014, pp.1XLIII. Does Smoking Affect Gingival Crevicular Fluid LL 37 Does Smoking Affect Gingival Crevicular Fluid LL 37 Levels in PeriodontitisLevels in PeriodontitisTürkoğlu H. O. , Eren G., Emingil G., Azarsız E., Kütükçüler N., Atilla F. G.IADR-PER Congress 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 10 - 13 September 2014XLIV. Sosyo-ekonomik düzeyi düşük bir bölgede yaşayan kadınların periodontal sağlık düzeyinin gebelikte veSosyo-ekonomik düzeyi düşük bir bölgede yaşayan kadınların periodontal sağlık düzeyinin gebelikte vesonrasında değerlendirilmesi.sonrasında değerlendirilmesi.GÜMÜŞ P., Öztürk V. Ö. , Eden E., Öcek Z., EMİNGİL G.türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 44. Bilimsel Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 08 May 2014, pp.1XLV. Sinüs yükseltme operasyonuna alternative uygulanan kısa implantların klinik ve radyografikSinüs yükseltme operasyonuna alternative uygulanan kısa implantların klinik ve radyografikdeğerlendirilmesi.değerlendirilmesi.Öztürk V. Ö. , DİCLE O., EMİNGİL G.türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 44. Bilimsel Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 08 May 2014, pp.3XLVI. Aktin-bağlayıcı protein L-plastin periodontitis ile ilişkili yeni enflamatuvar markerAktin-bağlayıcı protein L-plastin periodontitis ile ilişkili yeni enflamatuvar markerÖztürk V. Ö. , EMİNGİL G., OSTERWALDER V., Bostancı N.türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 44. Bilimsel Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 08 May 2014, pp.2XLVII. Non- surgical periodontal therapy: mechanical debridement, antimicrobial agents and other modalitiesNon- surgical periodontal therapy: mechanical debridement, antimicrobial agents and other modalitiesEMİNGİL G.International Academy of Periodontology Conclave, Bangok, Thailand, 11 April 2014, pp.70-75XLVIII. Porphyromonas gingivalis pg0717 correlates with Increased Periodontitis SeverityPorphyromonas gingivalis pg0717 correlates with Increased Periodontitis SeverityChastain-Gross R., Shaddox L., PAŞALI Ç., EMİNGİL G., KANTARCI A., Belanger M., Reyes L., Progulske-Fox A.AADR, Charlotte, United States Of America, 20 March 2014, pp.100XLIX. Short Implants in Posterior Region Short Implants in Posterior Region 1 year Results from Clinical Trial1 year Results from Clinical TrialEMİNGİL G., DİCLE O., ÖZTÜRK V. Ö.IADR/PER congress, 10 - 13 September 2013L. Clinical Clinical microbiological and biochemical comparison of full mouth therapies in chronic periodontitismicrobiological and biochemical comparison of full mouth therapies in chronic periodontitisAFACAN B., EMİNGİL G., GÜRKAN A., ÖZDEMİR G., UZUNOĞLU S., ÇINARCIK S.International Academy of Periodontology 14th Biennial Congress, 31 May - 01 June 2013LI. Clinical, Microbiological and Biochemical Comparison of Full-mouth Therapies in CP.Clinical, Microbiological and Biochemical Comparison of Full-mouth Therapies in CP.AFACAN B., EMİNGİL G., GÜRKAN A., ÖZDEMİR G., Uzunoğlu S., ÇINARCIK S.14th International Academy of Periodontology Biennial Congress, Schenzen, China, 30 May 2013, pp.1LII. Periodontal Hastalıklarda Dişeti Oluğu Sıvısı Proteinaz 3 ve Katepsin C SeviyeleriPeriodontal Hastalıklarda Dişeti Oluğu Sıvısı Proteinaz 3 ve Katepsin C SeviyeleriTürkoğlu O., Azarsız E., Emingil G., Kütükçüler N., Atilla F. G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 43. Bilimsel Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 09 May 2013, pp.1LIII. Yaygın Agresif Periodontitisli Hastalarda Tek Seans Periodontal Tedavi Etkinliğinin Klinik, MikrobiyolojikYaygın Agresif Periodontitisli Hastalarda Tek Seans Periodontal Tedavi Etkinliğinin Klinik, Mikrobiyolojikve Biyokimyasal Olarak Değerlendirilmesive Biyokimyasal Olarak DeğerlendirilmesiPAŞALI Ç., KANTARCI A., EMİNGİL G.

Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 43. Bilimsel Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 09 May 2013, pp.1LIV. Siklosporin-A Tedavisinin Dişeti Dokularındaki Gen Ekspresyonuna EtkisiSiklosporin-A Tedavisinin Dişeti Dokularındaki Gen Ekspresyonuna EtkisiBECERİK S., GÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G. , Patel A., DeFranco C., Hart T. C.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 43. Bilimsel Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 09 May 2013, pp.1LV. Periodontal Hastalığı Olan Bireylerde Ykl-40 Akut Faz Proteini Seviyesinin Biyokimyasal OlarakPeriodontal Hastalığı Olan Bireylerde Ykl-40 Akut Faz Proteini Seviyesinin Biyokimyasal OlarakİncelenmesiİncelenmesiKELEŞ Z. P. , KELES G. Ç. , Avcı B., CETINKAYA B. Ö. , EMİNGİL G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 43. Bilimsel Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 09 May 2013, pp.3LVI. Differential Regulation of the Actin-bundling Protein L-plastin in Periodontal DiseasesDifferential Regulation of the Actin-bundling Protein L-plastin in Periodontal DiseasesÖztürk V. Ö. , EMİNGİL G., Bostancı N.IADR, Seattle, United States Of America, 20 March 2013, pp.30LVII. Differential Gene Expression Indicates Biotic Stimulus Ontology For Gingival Overgrowth.Differential Gene Expression Indicates Biotic Stimulus Ontology For Gingival Overgrowth.Hart T. C. , BECERİK S., GÜRKAN A., ATİLLA F. G. , EMİNGİL G.IADR General Session, Seattle, United States Of America, 20 March 2013, pp.50LVIII. Increased sTREM-1 GCF levels in periodontitis and correlation with P.gingivalisIncreased sTREM-1 GCF levels in periodontitis and correlation with P.gingivalisBostancı N., Öztürk V. Ö. , EMİNGİL G., Belibasakis G.IADR General Session, Seattle, United States Of America, 20 March 2013, pp.40LIX. İlaca bağlı dişeti büyümesi o lan böbrek nakli hastalarında FAS, FAS ligand ve IL-6 gen polimorfizmleriİlaca bağlı dişeti büyümesi o lan böbrek nakli hastalarında FAS, FAS ligand ve IL-6 gen polimorfizmleriBECERİK S., GÜRKAN A., ATİLLA F. G. , BERDELİ A., EMİNGİL G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 42. Bilimsel Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey, 08 November 2012, pp.1LX. Farklı periodontal hastalıklarda dişeti o luğu sıvısı proteinaz 3 seviyelerinin değerlendirilmesiFarklı periodontal hastalıklarda dişeti o luğu sıvısı proteinaz 3 seviyelerinin değerlendirilmesiTürkoğlu O., Azarsız E., Emingil G., Kütükçüler N., Atilla F. G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 42. Bilimsel Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey, 08 November 2012, pp.1LXI. Klorheksidin gargaranın tedavi edilmemiş gingivitiste dişeti o luğu sıvısı MMP-8 ve TIMP-1 seviyelerineKlorheksidin gargaranın tedavi edilmemiş gingivitiste dişeti o luğu sıvısı MMP-8 ve TIMP-1 seviyelerineetkisi: Randomize, plasebo-kontrollü çalışma.etkisi: Randomize, plasebo-kontrollü çalışma.Türkoğlu O., BECERİK S., Tervahartiala T., Sorsa T., ATİLLA F. G. , EMİNGİL G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 42. Bilimsel Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey, 08 November 2012, pp.1LXII. Subantimicrobial dose doxycycline and cytokine chemokine levels in gingival crevicular fluidSubantimicrobial dose doxycycline and cytokine chemokine levels in gingival crevicular fluidEMİNGİL G., GÜRKAN A., ATİLLA F. G. , Kantarcı A.International Conference on Clinical & Cellular Immunology, 22 - 24 October 2012LXIII. The role of calcineurin gene polymorphisms in cyclosporine-A induced gingival overgrowth.The role of calcineurin gene polymorphisms in cyclosporine-A induced gingival overgrowth.BECERİK S., EMİNGİL G., GÜRKAN A., AFACAN B., SULİMA P., ATİLLA F. G. , HART S., Hart T. C.euROPERIO 7, Viyana, Austria, 06 June 2012, pp.60LXIV. The adjuctive chlorhexidine mouthrinse in untreated plaque-associated gingivitis: Effect on gingivalThe adjuctive chlorhexidine mouthrinse in untreated plaque-associated gingivitis: Effect on gingivalcrevicular fluid MMP-8 and TIMP-1 levelscrevicular fluid MMP-8 and TIMP-1 levelsTürkoğlu O., BECERİK S., Sorsa T., ATİLLA F. G. , EMİNGİL G.euROPERIO 7, Viyana, Austria, 06 June 2012, pp.50LXV. Gingival Crevicular Fluid Levels of Bone Turnover Markers in Elderly SubjectsGingival Crevicular Fluid Levels of Bone Turnover Markers in Elderly SubjectsÖztürk V. Ö. , BECERİK S., Atmaca H., EMİNGİL G.EuROPERIO 7, Viyana, Austria, 06 June 2012, pp.50LXVI. GCF Chemokine Levels of Patients with Gingival Inflammation and Metabolic SyndromeGCF Chemokine Levels of Patients with Gingival Inflammation and Metabolic SyndromeEREN G., GÜRKAN A., ÇETİNKALP Ş., AKÇAY Y., EMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G. , KÜTÜKÇÜLER N.euROPERIO 7, Viyana, Austria, 06 June 2012, pp.30LXVII. The effect of azithromycin as an adjunct to nonsurgical periodontal treatment on microbiologicalThe effect of azithromycin as an adjunct to nonsurgical periodontal treatment on microbiologicalparameters and GCF biomarkers in generalized aggressive periodontitisparameters and GCF biomarkers in generalized aggressive periodontitisEMİNGİL G., SAYGAN B., ÖZDEMİR G., Tervahartiala T., VURAL C., BAYLAS H., ATİLLA F. G. , Sorsa T.GORDON RESEARCH CONFERENCES,, Davidson, United States Of America, 17 July 2011, pp.5LXVIII. Gingival Crevicular Fluid Proteinase 3 Levels In Different Periodontal DiseasesGingival Crevicular Fluid Proteinase 3 Levels In Different Periodontal DiseasesTürkoğlu O., GÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., ATİLLA F. G.GoRDON RESEARCH CONFERENCES,, Davidson, United States Of America, 17 July 2011, pp.10LXIX. Menstrual döngü dönemleri subgingival mikrobiotayı etkiler mi?Menstrual döngü dönemleri subgingival mikrobiotayı etkiler mi?OZCAKA O., BECERİK S., EMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G. , BEHULIAK M., Celek P., Teughel W., Quirynen M.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 41. Bilimsel Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 20 May 2011, pp.3

LXX. Akut faz sitokinleri dişeti o luğu sıvısı düzeylerinin farklı periodontal hastalıklarda değerlendirilmesiAkut faz sitokinleri dişeti o luğu sıvısı düzeylerinin farklı periodontal hastalıklarda değerlendirilmesiBECERİK S., Öztürk V. Ö. , Atmaca H., ATİLLA F. G. , EMİNGİL G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 41. Bilimsel Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 20 May 2011, pp.1LXXI. Differential Gene Expression in Cyclosporine Associated Gingival OvergrowthDifferential Gene Expression in Cyclosporine Associated Gingival OvergrowthHart T. C. , BECERİK S., HART S., EMİNGİL G.IADR General Session, San Diago, United States Of America, 16 March 2011, pp.10LXXII. Effects of chlorhexidine mouthrinse on periodontopathogens Effects of chlorhexidine mouthrinse on periodontopathogens randomized randomized double blind double blind placeboplacebocontrolled studycontrolled studyÖZDEMİR G., EMİNGİL G., TÜRKOĞLU ÇAKAL H. O. , VURAL C.IADR 88th General Session, Barcelona, Spain, 14 July 2010, pp.1LXXIII. Gingival Crevicular Fluid LL-37 Levels In Patients With Aggressive Periodontitis.Gingival Crevicular Fluid LL-37 Levels In Patients With Aggressive Periodontitis.Türkoğlu O., EMİNGİL G., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., ATİLLA F. G.IADR General Session, Barselona, Spain, 14 July 2010, pp.30LXXIV. Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37 Protein and mRNA Expressions in Periodontal DiseasesAntimicrobial Peptide LL-37 Protein and mRNA Expressions in Periodontal DiseasesTürkoğlu O., KANDILOGLU G., BERDELİ A., EMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G.IADR General Session, Barselona, Spain, 14 July 2010, pp.20-0LXXV. MMPs and Low Dose DoxycylineMMPs and Low Dose DoxycylineEMİNGİL G.IADR General Session, Bar, Spain, 14 July 2010, pp.5LXXVI. CYP3A Gen Polimorfizmlerinin Siklosporin A’ya Bağlı Dişeti Büyümelerindeki RolüCYP3A Gen Polimorfizmlerinin Siklosporin A’ya Bağlı Dişeti Büyümelerindeki RolüBECERİK S., EMİNGİL G., GÜRKAN A., AFACAN B., SULİMA P., ATİLLA F. G. , Hart P. S. , Hart T. C.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 40. Bilimsel Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 14 May 2010, pp.1LXXVII. Klorheksidin Gargaranın Subgingival Plak Bakterileri Üzerine EtkisiKlorheksidin Gargaranın Subgingival Plak Bakterileri Üzerine EtkisiBECERİK S., Türkoğlu O., EMİNGİL G., VURAL C., ÖZDEMİR G., ATİLLA F. G. , TÜRKOĞLU ÇAKAL H. O.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 40. Bilimsel Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 14 May 2010, pp.1LXXVIII. Deneysel periodontitiste vazoaktif intestinal peptidin proenflamatuvar ve antienflamatuvar sitokin mRNADeneysel periodontitiste vazoaktif intestinal peptidin proenflamatuvar ve antienflamatuvar sitokin mRNAekspresyonlarına etkisiekspresyonlarına etkisiGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., NİZAM N., BERDELİ A., ATİLLA F. G.Periodontoloji Derneği 40. Bilimsel Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 14 - 16 May 2010LXXIX. Lactoferrin Gene Polymorphisms and Aggressive Periodontitis in a Turkish PopulationLactoferrin Gene Polymorphisms and Aggressive Periodontitis in a Turkish PopulationBassim C., Muralidharan R., BECERİK S., ÇOĞULU D., EMİNGİL G., SULİMA P., Hart T. C.AADR, Washington, United States Of America, 03 March 2010, pp.5LXXX. Agresif ve Kronik Periodontitise Sahip Bazı Bireylere Uygulanan Cerrahisiz Periodontal Tedavi SürecindeAgresif ve Kronik Periodontitise Sahip Bazı Bireylere Uygulanan Cerrahisiz Periodontal Tedavi SürecindePorphyromonas gingivalis ve Total Bakteri Miktarlarındaki Değişimin Real-Time PCR İle Kalitatif vePorphyromonas gingivalis ve Total Bakteri Miktarlarındaki Değişimin Real-Time PCR İle Kalitatif veKantitatif BelirlenmesiKantitatif BelirlenmesiVURAL C., ÖZDEMİR G., HAN SAYGAN B., EMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G.XVI. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 13 December 2009, pp.403-405LXXXI. Menstruel döngüde meydana gelen hormonal değişikliklerin dişeti o luğu sıvısı enflamatuvar markırlarınaMenstruel döngüde meydana gelen hormonal değişikliklerin dişeti o luğu sıvısı enflamatuvar markırlarınaetkisietkisiBECERİK S., OZCAKA O., NALBANTSOY A., ATİLLA F. G. , Celek P., BEHULIAK M., EMİNGİL G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 39.. Bilimsel Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey, 28 October 2009, pp.5LXXXII. Farklı periodontal hastalıklarda antimikrobiyal peptid katelisidin LL-37 protein ve mRNAFarklı periodontal hastalıklarda antimikrobiyal peptid katelisidin LL-37 protein ve mRNAekspresyonunun değerlendirilmesi.ekspresyonunun değerlendirilmesi.Türkoğlu O., KANDILOGLU G., BERDELİ A., EMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 39.. Bilimsel Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey, 28 October 2009, pp.4LXXXIII. Şiddetli kronik periodontitis hastalarında üç farklı tedavi yaklaşımının klinik Şiddetli kronik periodontitis hastalarında üç farklı tedavi yaklaşımının klinik mikrobiyolojik vemikrobiyolojik vebiyokimyasal parametreler üzerindeki etkinliklerinin değerlendirilmesibiyokimyasal parametreler üzerindeki etkinliklerinin değerlendirilmesiAFACAN B., GÜRKAN A., ÖZDEMİR G., UZUNOĞLU S., ÇINARCIK S., EMİNGİL G.Türk Periodontoloji Derneği 39. Bilimsel Kongresi, Ankara, 2009., Turkey, 29 - 31 October 2009LXXXIV. Yeni bir mutasyon: Türk toplumunda periodontitis hastalarında CAMP geninin p.S34N mutasyonuYeni bir mutasyon: Türk toplumunda periodontitis hastalarında CAMP geninin p.S34N mutasyonuTürkoğlu O., BERDELİ A., EMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 39.. Bilimsel Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey, 28 October 2009, pp.3LXXXV. Kalsinurin gen polimorfizmlerinin siklosporin A’ya bağlı dişeti büyümelerindeki rolü.Kalsinurin gen polimorfizmlerinin siklosporin A’ya bağlı dişeti büyümelerindeki rolü.

BECERİK S., EMİNGİL G., GÜRKAN A., AFACAN B., SULİMA P., Hogsett V., ATİLLA F. G. , HART S., Hart T. C.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 39.. Bilimsel Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey, 28 October 2009, pp.5LXXXVI. Farklı periodontal hastalıklarda dişeti o luğu sıvısı adrenomedullin ve insan nötrofil peptidleri 1-3Farklı periodontal hastalıklarda dişeti o luğu sıvısı adrenomedullin ve insan nötrofil peptidleri 1-3seviyelerinin değerlendirilmesiseviyelerinin değerlendirilmesiTürkoğlu O., EMİNGİL G., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., ATİLLA F. G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 39.. Bilimsel Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey, 29 October 2009, pp.6LXXXVII. Siklosporin A kullanan böbrek nakli hastalarında dişeti o luğu sıvısı katelisidin LL 37 seviyelerininSiklosporin A kullanan böbrek nakli hastalarında dişeti o luğu sıvısı katelisidin LL 37 seviyelerininincelenmesiincelenmesiGÜRKAN A., TÜRKOĞLU H. O. , EMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., TÖZ H., ATİLLA F. G.Türk Periodontoloji Derneği 39. Bilimsel Kongresi, Ankara, 2009., Turkey, 29 - 31 October 2009LXXXVIII. Elevated GCF cathelicidin LL-37 levels in CsA-induced gingival overgrowth.Elevated GCF cathelicidin LL-37 levels in CsA-induced gingival overgrowth.GÜRKAN A., Türkoğlu O., EMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., TÖZ H., ATİLLA F. G.EUROPERIO 6, Stokholm, Sweden, 04 June 2009, pp.40LXXXIX. GCF adrenomedullin and human neutrophil peptide levels in the pathogenesis of CsA-induced gingivalGCF adrenomedullin and human neutrophil peptide levels in the pathogenesis of CsA-induced gingivalovergrowthovergrowthTürkoğlu O., GÜRKAN A., AFACAN B., ATİLLA F. G. , TÖZ H., EMİNGİL G.eUROPERIO 6, Stokholm, Sweden, 04 June 2009, pp.60XC. Immunohistochemical analysis of TLR4 and mCD14 in patients under immuosupressive therapy and inImmunohistochemical analysis of TLR4 and mCD14 in patients under immuosupressive therapy and inpatients with different periodontal diseases.patients with different periodontal diseases.BECERİK S., ÖZSAN N., GÜRKAN A., Öztürk V. Ö. , ATİLLA F. G. , EMİNGİL G.eUROPERIO 6, Stokholm, Sweden, 04 June 2009, pp.30XCI. The a2 integrin +807 C/T polymorphism in cyclosporine-induced gingival overgrowthThe a2 integrin +807 C/T polymorphism in cyclosporine-induced gingival overgrowthGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., ATİLLA F. G. , TÖZ H., BERDELİ A.EUROPERIO 6, Stokholm, United States Of America, 04 June 2009, pp.20XCII. The effects of adjunctive chlorhexidine mouthrinse on clinical parameters and GCF cytokine levels inThe effects of adjunctive chlorhexidine mouthrinse on clinical parameters and GCF cytokine levels inuntreated plaque-associated gingivitis.untreated plaque-associated gingivitis.Türkoğlu O., BECERİK S., EMİNGİL G., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., BAYLAS H., ATİLLA F. G.euROPERIO 6, Stokholm, Sweden, 04 October 2018, pp.150XCIII. Expression of endothelial and inducible forms of nitric oxide synthase in CsA-induced gingivalExpression of endothelial and inducible forms of nitric oxide synthase in CsA-induced gingivalovergrowthovergrowthGÜRKAN A., AFACAN B., ÖKTEM G., SELVİ GÜNEL N., EMİNGİL G., İlgenli T., TÖZ H., ATİLLA F. G.EUROPERIO 6, Stokholm, Sweden, 04 June 2009, pp.50XCIV. GCF and serum myeloperoxidase and matrix metalloproteinase-13 levels in renal transplant patientsGCF and serum myeloperoxidase and matrix metalloproteinase-13 levels in renal transplant patientsunder different immunosuppressive therapyunder different immunosuppressive therapyEMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., Tervahartiala T., Türkoğlu O., GÜRKAN A., ATİLLA F. G. , TÖZ H., Sorsa T.EUROPERIO 6, Stokholm, Sweden, 04 June 2009, pp.100XCV. The effect of azitromycin as an adjunct to non-surgical treatment on microbiological parameters; GCFThe effect of azitromycin as an adjunct to non-surgical treatment on microbiological parameters; GCFMMP-8, TIMP-1 levels in aggressive periodontitisMMP-8, TIMP-1 levels in aggressive periodontitisHAN B., EMİNGİL G., Tervahartiala T., ATİLLA F. G. , BAYLAS H., Sorsa T.EUROPERIO 6, Stokholm, Sweden, 04 June 2009, pp.150XCVI. The effect of azitromycin as an adjunct to non-surgical treatment on gingival crevicular fluid MMP-8 andThe effect of azitromycin as an adjunct to non-surgical treatment on gingival crevicular fluid MMP-8 andTIMP-1 levels in chronic periodontitis.TIMP-1 levels in chronic periodontitis.HAN B., EMİNGİL G., Tervahartiala T., ATİLLA F. G. , BAYLAS H., Sorsa T.EuROPERIO 6, Stokholm, Sweden, 04 June 2009, pp.100XCVII. Immunohistochemical analysis of TLR4 and mCD14 in patients under immunosupressive therapy and inImmunohistochemical analysis of TLR4 and mCD14 in patients under immunosupressive therapy and inpatients with different periodontal diseasespatients with different periodontal diseasesBECERİK S., ÖZSAN N., GÜRKAN A., ÖZTÜRK V. Ö. , ATİLLA F. G. , EMİNGİL G.Europerio 6, 2009, Stockholm, Sweeden., 4 - 06 June 2009XCVIII. The alpha 2 integrin The alpha 2 integrin 807 C T polymorphism in cyclosporine induced gingival overgrowth807 C T polymorphism in cyclosporine induced gingival overgrowthGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., ATİLLA F. G. , TÖZ H., BERDELİ A.Europerio 6, 2009, Stockholm, Sweeden., 4 - 06 June 2009XCIX. Akut lösemili çocuk hastalarda klorheksidin gargaranın dişeti enflamasyonuna etkisi: Klinik BulgularAkut lösemili çocuk hastalarda klorheksidin gargaranın dişeti enflamasyonuna etkisi: Klinik BulgularOZCAKA O., Özkaya D. C. , Karapınar D. Y. , Balkan C., EMİNGİL G.

50.Yıl Ege Üniversitesi Peidatri Günleri, İzmir, Turkey, 01 April 2009, pp.1C. Siklosporine bağlı dişeti büyümesinde endotelyal ve indüklenebilir nitrik oksit sentaz ekspresyonuSiklosporine bağlı dişeti büyümesinde endotelyal ve indüklenebilir nitrik oksit sentaz ekspresyonuGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., ÖKTEM G., SELVİ GÜNEL N., AFACAN B., İLGENLİ A. T. , TÖZ H., ATİLLA F. G.Türk Periodontoloji Derneği 39. Bilimsel Kongresi, Ankara, 2009., Turkey, 29 - 31 October 2009CI. Çeşitli periodontal hastalıklarda dişeti o luğu sıvısı TACE seviyelerinin incelenmesi.Çeşitli periodontal hastalıklarda dişeti o luğu sıvısı TACE seviyelerinin incelenmesi.BOSTANCI N., EMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., SAYGAN B., TÖZ H., İlgenli T., ATİLLA F. G. , HUGHES F. J. , BELIBASAKIS G. N.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 38. Bilimsel Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 22 May 2008, pp.4CII. Yaygın agresif periodontitiste cerrahisiz periodontal tedaviye ek olarak azitromisin’ in dişeti o luğu sıvısıYaygın agresif periodontitiste cerrahisiz periodontal tedaviye ek olarak azitromisin’ in dişeti o luğu sıvısıMMP-8 ve TIMP-1 seviyesi üzerine etkisiMMP-8 ve TIMP-1 seviyesi üzerine etkisiSAYGAN B., EMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G. , Tervahartiala T., BAYLAS H., Sorsa T.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 38. Bilimsel Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 22 May 2008, pp.6CIII. Kemikiçi periodontal defektlerinin tek başına trombositten zengin plazma ve Atrisorb® membran ileKemikiçi periodontal defektlerinin tek başına trombositten zengin plazma ve Atrisorb® membran ilebirlikte tedavisinin klinik ve radyolojik olarak değerlendirilmesibirlikte tedavisinin klinik ve radyolojik olarak değerlendirilmesiKarakurum N., EMİNGİL G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 38. Bilimsel Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 22 May 2008, pp.2CIV. Menstrual döngünün periodontal sağlığa etkisiMenstrual döngünün periodontal sağlığa etkisiOzcaka O., Becerik S., Emingil G., Atilla F. G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 38. Bilimsel Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 22 May 2008, pp.3CV. Periodontal Hastalıklarda Konak Yanıtının Düzenlenmesine Yönelik Yeni Tedavi YaklaşımlarıPeriodontal Hastalıklarda Konak Yanıtının Düzenlenmesine Yönelik Yeni Tedavi YaklaşımlarıEMİNGİL G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 38. Bilimsel Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 22 May 2008, pp.1CVI. Vazoaktif intestinal peptidin deneysel periodontitis tedavisindeki etkinliğiVazoaktif intestinal peptidin deneysel periodontitis tedavisindeki etkinliğiGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., NİZAM N., DOĞANAVŞARGİL YAKUT B., SEZAK M., KÜTÜKÇÜLER N., ATİLLA F. G.Türk Periodontoloji Derneği 38. Bilimsel Kongresi, Istanbul, Turkey, 22 - 24 May 2008CVII. Periodontal hastalıkların sistemik hastalıklarla ilişkisiPeriodontal hastalıkların sistemik hastalıklarla ilişkisiEMİNGİL G.. 8. Ege Bölgesi Dişhekimleri Odaları Uluslararası Bilimsel Kongre ve Sergisi, Antalya, Turkey, 16 November 2007, pp.1CVIII. Matrix metalloproteinase-2, -9 and -12 polymorphisms in chronic periodontitisMatrix metalloproteinase-2, -9 and -12 polymorphisms in chronic periodontitisGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., HAN B., ATİLLA F. G. , ÇINARCIK S., KÖSE T., BERDELİ A.JOint Meeting Of The Continental European And Israeli Divisions In Thessaloniki, Selanik, Greece, 26 September 2007,pp.40CIX. Renin-angiotensin gene polymorphisms in generalized aggressive periodontitis. IRenin-angiotensin gene polymorphisms in generalized aggressive periodontitis. IBERDELİ A., GÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., HAN B., ATİLLA F. G. , KÖSE T., BAYLAS H.JOint Meeting Of The Continental European And Israeli Divisions In Thessaloniki, Selanik, Greece, 26 September 2007,pp.20CX. Effect of the MMP-13 genotypes on outcomes of periodontal therapyEffect of the MMP-13 genotypes on outcomes of periodontal therapyPIRHAN D., ATİLLA F. G. , EMİNGİL G., KÖSE T., BERDELİ A.JOint Meeting Of The Continental European And Israeli Divisions In Thessaloniki, Selanik, Greece, 26 September 2007,pp.30CXI. GCF and serum MMP-8, TIMP-1 levels in renal transplant patients.GCF and serum MMP-8, TIMP-1 levels in renal transplant patients.EMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., Tervahartiala T., TÖZ H., ATİLLA F. G. , Sorsa T.joint Meeting Of The Continental European And Israeli Divisions In Thessaloniki, Selanik, Greece, 26 September 2007,pp.46CXII. Renin angiotensin gene polymorphisms in generalized aggressive periodontitisRenin angiotensin gene polymorphisms in generalized aggressive periodontitisGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., Buket h. S. , Haluk B., ATİLLA F. G. , KÖSE T., BERDELİ A.Annual Meeting IADR-Continental European and Israeli Divisions 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece., 26 - 29 September 2007CXIII. Renin angiotensin gene polymorphisms in chronic periodontitisRenin angiotensin gene polymorphisms in chronic periodontitisGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., SAYGAN B. H. , HALUK b., ATİLLA F. G. , KÖSE T., BERDELİ A.Annual Meeting IADR-Continental European and Israeli Divisions 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece., 26 - 29 September 2007CXIV. Matrix metalloproteinase 2 Matrix metalloproteinase 2 9 and 9 and 12 gene polymorphisms in generalized aggressive periodontitis12 gene polymorphisms in generalized aggressive periodontitisGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., Han B., ATİLLA F. G. , ÇINARCIK S., KÖSE T., BERDELİ A.Annual Meeting IADR-Continental European and Israeli Divisions, 26 September 2012 - 29 September 2007CXV. Gingival crevicular fluid RANKL and OPG levels in periodontal diseases.Gingival crevicular fluid RANKL and OPG levels in periodontal diseases.

BOSTANCI N., İlgenli T., EMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., HAN B., ATİLLA F. G. , HUGHES F. J. , BELIBASAKIS G. N.3rd Meeting Of The Pan European Federation, Durham, United Kingdom, 20 September 2007, pp.5CXVI. Böbrek nakli hastalarında dişeti o luğu sıvısı MMP-8 ve TIMP-1 seviyeleri.Böbrek nakli hastalarında dişeti o luğu sıvısı MMP-8 ve TIMP-1 seviyeleri.EMİNGİL G., AFACAN B., Tervahartiala T., TÖZ H., ATİLLA F. G. , Sorsa T.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 37.. Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 23 May 2007, pp.1CXVII. Toll-like Reseptör 2 ve 4 Gen Polimorfizmleri ile Kronik Periodontitis İlişkisinin AraştırılmasıToll-like Reseptör 2 ve 4 Gen Polimorfizmleri ile Kronik Periodontitis İlişkisinin AraştırılmasıBERDELİ A., EMİNGİL G., HAN B., GÜRKAN A., ATİLLA F. G. , KÖSE T., BAYLAS H.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 36. Bilimsel Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 21 September 2006, pp.3CXVIII. Kronik periodontitiste Matriksmetalloproteinaz -2, -9, -12 Gen Polimorfizmleri.Kronik periodontitiste Matriksmetalloproteinaz -2, -9, -12 Gen Polimorfizmleri.GÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., SAYGAN B., ATİLLA F. G. , ÇINARCIK S., BERDELİ A., KÖSE T.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 36. Bilimsel Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 21 September 2006, pp.4CXIX. MMP-1 gen polimorfizmi ile şiddetli kronik periodontitis ilişkisiMMP-1 gen polimorfizmi ile şiddetli kronik periodontitis ilişkisiPIRHAN D., ATİLLA F. G. , EMİNGİL G., KÖSE T., BERDELİ A.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 36. Bilimsel Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 21 September 2006, pp.1CXX. Kronik periodontitiste TLR 2 ve TLR 4 gen polimorfizmleriKronik periodontitiste TLR 2 ve TLR 4 gen polimorfizmleriBERDELİ A., EMİNGİL G., BUKET H. S. , GÜRKAN A., ATİLLA F. G. , KÖSE T., HALUK B.Türk Periodontoloji Derneği 36. Bilimsel Kongresi, 2006, Çeşme., Turkey, 21 - 23 September 2006CXXI. Kronik periodontitiste matrismetalloproteinaz 2 Kronik periodontitiste matrismetalloproteinaz 2 9 ve 9 ve 12 gen polimorfizmleri12 gen polimorfizmleriGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., Buket H. S. , ATİLLA F. G. , ÇINARCIK S., BERDELİ A., KÖSE T.Türk Periodontoloji Derneği 36. Bilimsel Kongresi, 2006, Çeşme., Turkey, 21 - 23 September 2006CXXII. Siklosporin A ve Tacrolimus kullanan böbrek nakli hastalarında DOS TGF ß seviyeleriSiklosporin A ve Tacrolimus kullanan böbrek nakli hastalarında DOS TGF ß seviyeleriAFACAN B., GÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G. , AYKUT b.Türk Periodontoloji Derneği 36. Bilimsel Kongresi, 2006, Çeşme., Turkey, 21 - 23 September 2006CXXIII. The expression of EMMPRIN in gingival crevicular fluid of periodontal diseases.The expression of EMMPRIN in gingival crevicular fluid of periodontal diseases.Tervahartiala T., EMİNGİL G., Stackelberg S., Sorsa T.XXth. Meeting of the Federation of European Connective Tissue Societies & International Society of Matrix Biology, Oulu,Finland, 14 September 2006, pp.40CXXIV. Gingival Crevicular Fluid Laminin-5 2 Chain Levels in Periodontal DiseaseGingival Crevicular Fluid Laminin-5 2 Chain Levels in Periodontal DiseaseKUULA H., EMİNGİL G., PIRILA E., Sorsa T., ATİLLA F. G.CED/NOF/ID IADR, Dublin, United Kingdom, 14 September 2006, pp.20CXXV. The association of Tissue Plasminogen Activator and Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 GeneThe association of Tissue Plasminogen Activator and Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 GenePolymorphisms in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis.Polymorphisms in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis.EMİNGİL G., GÜRKAN A., ATİLLA F. G. , ÇINARCIK S., KÖSE T., BERDELİ A.euroPerio 5, Madrid, Spain, 29 June 2006, pp.200CXXVI. Receptor activator of NF-kappa B ligand and osteoproegerin mRNA expression in periodontal diseasesReceptor activator of NF-kappa B ligand and osteoproegerin mRNA expression in periodontal diseasesBostancı N., İlgenli T., BELIBASAKIS G. N. , HAN B., MCKAY I., EMİNGİL G., BERDELİ A., ATİLLA F. G. , HUGHES F. J.euroPerio 5, Madrid, Spain, 29 June 2006, pp.30CXXVII. Tacrolimus is not related to drug-induced gingival overgrowth in renal transplant patientsTacrolimus is not related to drug-induced gingival overgrowth in renal transplant patientsAFACAN B., EMİNGİL G., TÖZ H., Bozkurt D., KÖSE T., ATİLLA F. G.euroPerio 5, Madrid, Spain, 29 June 2006, pp.50CXXVIII. RANKL and OPG m RNA expression in CsA treated patients with chronic peiodontitisRANKL and OPG m RNA expression in CsA treated patients with chronic peiodontitisİlgenli T., BOSTANCI N., AFACAN B., BELIBASAKIS G. N. , MCKAY I., EMİNGİL G., TÖZ H., BERDELİ A., ATİLLA F. G. ,HUGHES F. J.euroPerio 5, Madrid, Spain, 29 June 2006, pp.20CXXIX. Post-treatment effects of 3-month adjunctive sub-antimicrobial dose doxycycline therapy on clinicalPost-treatment effects of 3-month adjunctive sub-antimicrobial dose doxycycline therapy on clinicalparameters and gingival crevicular fluid transforming growth factor-beta1 levels in severe, generalizedparameters and gingival crevicular fluid transforming growth factor-beta1 levels in severe, generalizedchronic periodontitischronic periodontitisGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., ÇINARCIK S., BERDELİ A.euroPerio 5, Madrid, Spain, 29 June 2006, pp.5CXXX. Gene polymorphisms of tissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 in patientsGene polymorphisms of tissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 in patientswith generalized aggressive periodontitiswith generalized aggressive periodontitisEMİNGİL G., GÜRKAN A., BERDELİ A., han B., KÖSE T., ATİLLA F. G.Europerio 5, 2006, Madrid, Spain., 29 June - 01 July 2006

CXXXI. The lack of association of toll like receptor 2 and 4 gene polymorphisms with generalized aggressiveThe lack of association of toll like receptor 2 and 4 gene polymorphisms with generalized aggressiveperiodontitisperiodontitisEMİNGİL G., BERDELİ A., HALUK B., HAN B., GÜRKAN A., KÖSE T., ATİLLA F. G.Europerio 5, 2006, Madrid, Spain., 29 June - 01 July 2006CXXXII. Effect of adjunctive low dose doxycycline therapy on clinical parameters and gingival crevicular fluid tEffect of adjunctive low dose doxycycline therapy on clinical parameters and gingival crevicular fluid tPA levels in chronic periodontitisPA levels in chronic periodontitisEMİNGİL G., GÜRKAN A., ATİLLA F. G. , BERDELİ A., ÇINARCIK S.Europerio 5, 2006, Madrid, Spain., 29 June - 01 July 2006CXXXIII. Adjunctive low dose doxycycline in severe chronic periodontitis Adjunctive low dose doxycycline in severe chronic periodontitis Effect on clinical parameters andEffect on clinical parameters andcrevicular fluid transforming growth factor beta1crevicular fluid transforming growth factor beta1GÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., ÇINARCIK S., BERDELİ A.Europerio 5, 2006, Madrid, Spain., 29 June - 01 July 2006CXXXIV. Gingival crevicular fluid MMP-25 and MMP-26 levels in periodontal diseaseGingival crevicular fluid MMP-25 and MMP-26 levels in periodontal diseaseKUULA H., EMİNGİL G., Sorsa T., ATİLLA F. G.CED/NOF/ID IADR-Joint Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 14 September 2005, pp.516CXXXV. Kalp-damar hastalıkları periodontitis ilişkisiKalp-damar hastalıkları periodontitis ilişkisiEMİNGİL G.12. Uluslararası Dişhekimliği Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 23 June 2005, pp.1CXXXVI. Periodontal hastalıklarda transforme edici büyüme aktörü-beta1 gen polimorfizmleriPeriodontal hastalıklarda transforme edici büyüme aktörü-beta1 gen polimorfizmleriATİLLA F. G. , EMİNGİL G., BERDELİ A., KÖSE T.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 35. Bilimsel Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 12 May 2005, pp.1CXXXVII. Periodontal hastalıklarda endotelyalnitrik oksit sentaz (eNOS) Glu298Aspl gen polimorfizmiPeriodontal hastalıklarda endotelyalnitrik oksit sentaz (eNOS) Glu298Aspl gen polimorfizmiBERDELİ A., GÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G. , KÖSE T.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 35. Bilimsel Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 12 May 2005, pp.3CXXXVIII. Farklı periodontal hastalıklarda dişeti o luğu sıvısı laminin-5 gamma2 seviyelerinin incelenmesi.Farklı periodontal hastalıklarda dişeti o luğu sıvısı laminin-5 gamma2 seviyelerinin incelenmesi.EMİNGİL G., KUULA H., ATİLLA F. G. , Sorsa T.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 35. Bilimsel Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 12 May 2005, pp.5CXXXIX. Farklı periodontal hastalıklarda dişeti o luğu sıvısı MMP-25, MMP-26 seviyelerinin incelenmesiFarklı periodontal hastalıklarda dişeti o luğu sıvısı MMP-25, MMP-26 seviyelerinin incelenmesiEMİNGİL G., KUULA H., Sorsa T., ATİLLA F. G.türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 35. Bilimsel Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 12 May 2005, pp.4CXL. İnterlökin 1 reseptör antagonist geninin periodontal hastalık ile pozitif ilişkisiİnterlökin 1 reseptör antagonist geninin periodontal hastalık ile pozitif ilişkisiBERDELİ A., EMİNGİL G., GÜRKAN A., ATİLLA F. G. , KÖSE T.Periodontoloji Derneği 35. Bilimsel Kongresi, 2005, İstanbul., Turkey, 12 - 14 May 2005CXLI. Periodontal hastalıklarda endotelyal nitrik oksit sentaz Periodontal hastalıklarda endotelyal nitrik oksit sentaz eNOS eNOS Glu298Asp gen polimorfizmiGlu298Asp gen polimorfizmiBERDELİ A., GÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G. , KÖSE T.Periodontoloji Derneği 35. Bilimsel Kongresi, 2005, İstanbul., Turkey, 12 - 14 May 2005CXLII. Crevicular Fluid EMAP-II, MIP-1alpha and MIP-1beta Levels in Periodontal DiseaseCrevicular Fluid EMAP-II, MIP-1alpha and MIP-1beta Levels in Periodontal DiseaseEMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G. , BASKESEN A., BERDELİ A.IADR General Session, Baltimore, United States Of America, 09 March 2005, pp.25CXLIII. The positive association of IL-1RN2 allele with periodontal diseaseThe positive association of IL-1RN2 allele with periodontal diseaseBERDELİ A., EMİNGİL G., GÜRKAN A., ATİLLA F. G. , KÖSE T.IADR General Session, Baltimore, United States Of America, 09 March 2005, pp.20CXLIV. Transforming growth factor beta1 gene polymorphisms in periodontal diseases.Transforming growth factor beta1 gene polymorphisms in periodontal diseases.ATİLLA F. G. , EMİNGİL G., KÖSE T., BERDELİ A.IADR General Session, Baltimore, United States Of America, 09 March 2005, pp.10CXLV. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase Glu298Asp gene polymorphism in periodontal diseaseEndothelial nitric oxide synthase Glu298Asp gene polymorphism in periodontal diseaseBERDELİ A., GÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G. , KÖSE T.IADR/AADR/CADR 83rd General Session, March 9-12, 2005, Baltimore, USA., 9 - 12 March 2005CXLVI. Proteoglycan and chondroitin-4- sulphate levels in cyclosporine A-induced gingival overgrowthProteoglycan and chondroitin-4- sulphate levels in cyclosporine A-induced gingival overgrowthVARDAR S., BAYLAS H., ZIHNIOGLU F., EMİNGİL G., BUDUNELI N., ATİLLA F. G.CED/NOF/ID IADR-Joint Meeting, İstanbul, Turkey, 22 November 2004, pp.93CXLVII. GCF Transforming Growth Factor-ß1 Levels in Specific Periodontal DiseasesGCF Transforming Growth Factor-ß1 Levels in Specific Periodontal DiseasesGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., ÇINARCIK S., HUSEYINOV A.

cED/NOF/ID IADR-Joint Meeting, İstanbul, Turkey, 22 November 2004, pp.440CXLVIII. LDD and GCF Laminin-5 gamma 2 Chain Levels in Chronic PeriodontitisLDD and GCF Laminin-5 gamma 2 Chain Levels in Chronic PeriodontitisEMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G. , Sorsa T., SAVOLAINEN P., BAYLAS H.CED/NOF/ID IADR-Joint Meeting, İstanbul, Turkey, 22 November 2004, pp.448CXLIX. Gingival crevicular fluid TGF ß1 levels in spesific periodontal diseasesGingival crevicular fluid TGF ß1 levels in spesific periodontal diseasesGÜRKAN A., EMİNGİL G., ÇINARCIK S., BERDELİ A.Joint Meeting of the Continental European Division (CED), Scandinavian Division (NOF) and Israeli Division (ID) ofIADR, 2004, İstanbul., 19 - 29 August 2004CL. The Effect of Adjunctive Low-dose Doxycycline Therapy on Clinical Periodontal Parameters andThe Effect of Adjunctive Low-dose Doxycycline Therapy on Clinical Periodontal Parameters andCrevicular Fluid Matrix Metalloproteinase- Levels in Chronic PeriodontitisCrevicular Fluid Matrix Metalloproteinase- Levels in Chronic PeriodontitisEMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G.81th. General Session Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), 7 - 10 July 2003CLI. Farklı tip periodontitis hastalarından alınan dişeti örneklerinde toplam proteoglikan ve kondroitin-4-Farklı tip periodontitis hastalarından alınan dişeti örneklerinde toplam proteoglikan ve kondroitin-4-sülfat seviyelerinin saptanmasısülfat seviyelerinin saptanmasıVARDAR S., BAYLAS H., ZIHNIOGLU F., EMİNGİL G., BUDUNELI N., ATİLLA F. G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 30. Bilimsel Kongresi, Muğla, Turkey, 15 May 2002, pp.1CLII. Yaygın agresif periodontitiste dişeti o luğu sıvısı MCP-1 ve RANTES seviyelerinin incelenmesi.Yaygın agresif periodontitiste dişeti o luğu sıvısı MCP-1 ve RANTES seviyelerinin incelenmesi.EMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G. , HUSEYINOV A.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 30. Bilimsel Kongresi, Muğla, Turkey, 15 May 2002, pp.3CLIII. Sistemik düşük doz doksisiklin kullanımının periodontal tedavideki etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesiSistemik düşük doz doksisiklin kullanımının periodontal tedavideki etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesiEMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G. , Sorsa T., LUOTO H., KIRILMAZ L., BAYLAS H.Türk Periodontoloji Derneği 11. Periodontoloji Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Turkey, 30 November 2001, pp.1CLIV. Siklosporin A Kullanan Hastalarn Dişeti Oluğu Sıvısı Matriks Metalloproteinaz (MMP) ve ElastazSiklosporin A Kullanan Hastalarn Dişeti Oluğu Sıvısı Matriks Metalloproteinaz (MMP) ve ElastazSeviyeleriSeviyeleriATİLLA F. G. , Sorsa T., RONKA H., EMİNGİL G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 30. Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 27 August 2000, pp.2CLV. Periodontal Hastalık ile Akut Miyokard İnfarktüsü Arasındaki İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi.Periodontal Hastalık ile Akut Miyokard İnfarktüsü Arasındaki İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi.EMİNGİL G., BUDUNELI E., ALIYEV A., AKILLI A., ATİLLA F. G.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 30. Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 27 August 2000, pp.5CLVI. Erişkin Periodontitis ve Akut Miyokard Enfarktüsü: Mikrobiyolojik Bulgular.Erişkin Periodontitis ve Akut Miyokard Enfarktüsü: Mikrobiyolojik Bulgular.DOGAN B., BUDUNELI E., EMİNGİL G., ATİLLA F. G. , AKILLI A., ASIKAINEN S.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 30. Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 27 August 2000, pp.1CLVII. Farkl Periodontal Hastalklarn Patogenezinde Karde Kromatid Deiimlerinin (SCE) ncelenmesiFarkl Periodontal Hastalklarn Patogenezinde Karde Kromatid Deiimlerinin (SCE) ncelenmesiEMİNGİL G., Sapmaz G., BIÇAKÇI N., ÖZKINAY F.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 30. Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 27 August 2000, pp.5CLVIII. Farkl Periodontal Hastala Sahip Bireylerde Periferik Kan Lenfositlerinin Fenotipik ve Fonksiyonel AnaliziFarkl Periodontal Hastala Sahip Bireylerde Periferik Kan Lenfositlerinin Fenotipik ve Fonksiyonel AnaliziEMİNGİL G., Karaarslan F., Keskinoğlu A., Çoker I., ATİLLA F. G.türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 30. Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 27 August 2000, pp.5CLIX. Periodontal disease as a potential risk factor for Myocardial Infarction in Turkish populationPeriodontal disease as a potential risk factor for Myocardial Infarction in Turkish populationEMİNGİL G., BUDUNELI E., ALIYEV A., AKILLI A., ATİLLA F. G.). EuroPerio 3, Cenevre, Switzerland, 08 June 2000, pp.100CLX. Farklı Periodontal Hastalığa Sahip Bireylerin Dişeti Oluğu Sıvısı ve Dişeti Dokusu Trombosit Aktive EdiciFarklı Periodontal Hastalığa Sahip Bireylerin Dişeti Oluğu Sıvısı ve Dişeti Dokusu Trombosit Aktive EdiciFaktör Seviyelerinin İncelenmesi.Faktör Seviyelerinin İncelenmesi.EMİNGİL G., ÇINARCIK S., BAYLAS H., Çoker I., HUSEYINOV A.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 29. Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 09 May 1999, pp.2CLXI. Siklosporin-A Kullanan Böbrek Nakli Yapılmış Hastaların Dişeti Oluğu Sıvısında Siklosporin-A Kullanan Böbrek Nakli Yapılmış Hastaların Dişeti Oluğu Sıvısında Lökotrien B4Lökotrien B4veTrombosit Aktive Edici Faktör Seviyeleri.veTrombosit Aktive Edici Faktör Seviyeleri.EMİNGİL G., Çoker I., ATİLLA F. G. , HUSEYINOV A.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 29. Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 09 May 1999, pp.1CLXII. Periodontal Hastalığa Sahip Bireylerin Dişeti Oluğu Sıvısı ve Dişeti Dokusu Lökotrien B4 SeviyelerininPeriodontal Hastalığa Sahip Bireylerin Dişeti Oluğu Sıvısı ve Dişeti Dokusu Lökotrien B4 SeviyelerininİncelenmesiİncelenmesiEMİNGİL G., ÇINARCIK S., BAYLAS H., Çoker I., HUSEYINOV A.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 29. Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 09 May 1999, pp.2

CLXIII. The Role of Lipid Mediators in the Pathogenesis of Periodontal DiseasesThe Role of Lipid Mediators in the Pathogenesis of Periodontal DiseasesEMİNGİL G., ÇINARCIK S., BAYLAS H., Çoker I., HUSEYINOV A.IADR General Session, Vancouver, Canada, 08 March 1999, pp.60CLXIV. Laboratory Markers to Evaluate Therapy in Early-Onset Periodontitis PatientsLaboratory Markers to Evaluate Therapy in Early-Onset Periodontitis PatientsEMİNGİL G., Lamster I. B. , Herrera-Abreu M., Celenti R., Grbic J.IADR General Session, Nice, France, 25 June 1998, pp.50CLXV. Erken Yerleşen Periodontitisli Bireylerde Tedavinin Değerlendirilmesinde Laboratuvar MarkırlarınınErken Yerleşen Periodontitisli Bireylerde Tedavinin Değerlendirilmesinde Laboratuvar MarkırlarınınRolüRolüEMİNGİL G., Lamster I. B. , Herrera-Abreu M., Celenti R., Grbic J.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 28. Bilimsel Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey, 20 May 1998, pp.1CLXVI. The Use of Capillary Blood Samples to Measure the Humoral Antibody Response to SubgingivalThe Use of Capillary Blood Samples to Measure the Humoral Antibody Response to SubgingivalPeriodontal PathogensPeriodontal PathogensSinha R., EMİNGİL G., Herrera-Abreu M., Celenti R., Grbic J., Lamster I. B.Journal of William Jarvie Society, Birnberg Research Da, New York, United States Of America, 23 April 1997, pp.21CLXVII. Sitrik asit, Tetrasiklin HCL, Doksisiklin HCL ve Kalay Florür’ün kök dentin yüzeyinde oluşturduklarıSitrik asit, Tetrasiklin HCL, Doksisiklin HCL ve Kalay Florür’ün kök dentin yüzeyinde oluşturduklarıdeğişimlerin SEM ile incelenmesi.değişimlerin SEM ile incelenmesi.ÇINARCIK S., EMİNGİL G., Aktaner O., günbay Ş.Türk Periodontoloji Dernegi 25. Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 21 May 1995, pp.2Supported ProjectsSupported ProjectsEmingil G., Project Supported by Other Official Institutions, Cerrahisiz periodontal tedavinin, yaygın agresif periodontitislibireylerin dişeti oluğu sıvısı hipoksi ile indüklenen faktör-1ɑ, vasküler endotelyal büyüme faktörü ve tümör nekroz faktör- ɑseviyeleri üzerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi, 2017 - 2018Emingil G., Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions, Konjenital nötropenili hastalarda periodontal tedavi öncesi vesonrası klinik periodontal durumun değerlendirilmesi, 2015 - 2017EMİNGİL G., Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions, KONJENİTAL NÖTROPENLİ HASTALARDA PERİODONTALTEDAVİ ÖNCESİ VE SONRASI KLİNİK PERİODONTAL DURUMUN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ, 2015 - 2017EMİNGİL G., Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions, FARKLI PERİODONTAL HASTALIKLARDA DİŞETİ OLUĞUSIVISI ANEKSİN-AL, KARBONİK ANHİDRAZ VE ELONGATİON FAKTÖR-1 GAMA SEVİYELERİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ, 2014 -2017Emingil G., Öztürk V. Ö. , Atmaca H., Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions, Farklı periodontal hastalıklarda dişetioluğu sıvısı aneksin-a1, karbonik anhidraz ve elongation faktör-1 gama seviyelerinin değerlendirilmesi, 2014 - 2017Sonugelen M., Emingil G., Günbay S., Ministry of Health, Bölgemizde implant gereksinimi olan hastaların implant endikasyonlarıve tedavileri için gerekli alt yapının kurulması, 2013 - 2017Emingil G., Gümüş P., Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions, Gebelerde periodonta sağlığın değerlendirilmesi,2013 - 2015EMİNGİL G., Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions, YAYGIN AGRESİF PERİODONTİTİSLİ HASTALARDACERRAHİSİZ PERİODONTAL TEDAVİSİNİN KLİNİK VE BİYOKİMYASAL PARAMETRELER ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİNLİĞİNİNDEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ., 2013 - 2014Türkoğlu O., Emingil G., Azarsız E., Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions, Değişik Periodontal Hastalıklarda DişetiOluğu Sıvısı Katelisidin LL-37, Proteinaz 3 ve Katepsin C Seviyelerinin Değerlendirilmesi, 2012 - 2014Azarsız E., Türkoğlu Çakal H. O. , Eren G., Emingil G., Kütükçüler N., Atilla F. G. , Project Supported by Higher EducationInstitutions, Değişik periodontal hastalıklarda diş eti oluğu sıvısı Katelisidin L1-37, Proteinaz 3 ve Katepsin C seviyelerinindeğerlendirilmesi, 2012 - 2014EMİNGİL G., Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions, YAYGIN AGRESİF PERİODONTİTİSLİ HASTALARDA TEKSEANS CERRAHİSİZ PERİODONTAL TEDAVİNİN ETKİNLİĞİNİN KLASİK CERRAHİSİZ PERİODONTAL TEDAVİ İLEKARŞILAŞTIRILMASI, 2012 - 2013EMİNGİL G., Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions, SİNÜS YÜKSELTME OPERASYONUNA ALTERNATİFUYGULANAN KISA İMPLANTLARIN KLİNİK VE RADYOGRAFİK OLARAK DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ, 2011 - 2013Atilla F. G. , Emingil G., Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions, Agresif periodontitisli hastalarda cerrahisizperiodontal tedavi ile birlikte uygulanan antimikrobiyal tedavinin DOS IL-1B, IL-6 seviyeleri üzerine etkisinin


Project Supported by Other Official Institutions, Ege University, Turkey, May 2021JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, SCI Journal, April 2021CYTOKINE, SCI Journal, April 2021OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY, SCI Journal, April 2021JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, SCI Journal, April 2021CONNECTIVE TISSUE RESEARCH, SCI Journal, April 2021JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, SCI Journal, March 2021Journal of the international academy of periodontology, Other Indexed Journal, March 2021JOURNAL OF APPLIED ORAL SCIENCE, SCI Journal, March 2021TURKISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, National Scientific Refreed Journal, February 2021COMPUTATIONAL AND STRUCTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL, SCI Journal, February 2021Journal of internation Academy of periodontology, Other Indexed Journal, January 2021BMC ORAL HEALTH, SCI Journal, January 2021JOURNAL OF HERBAL MEDICINE, SCI Journal, January 2021Journal of ınternational academy of periodontology, Other Indexed Journal, January 2021JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, SCI Journal, January 2021JOURNAL OF APPLIED ORAL SCIENCE, SCI Journal, December 2020JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, SCI Journal, December 2020JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, SCI Journal, November 2020BMC ORAL HEALTH, SCI Journal, November 2020CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS, SCI Journal, November 2020EXPERT REVIEW OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, SCI Journal, September 2020JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, SCI Journal, September 2020FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY, SCI Journal, September 2020JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, SCI Journal, August 2020JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, SCI Journal, August 2020JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, SCI Journal, July 2020JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, SCI Journal, June 2020LIFE SCIENCES, SCI Journal, May 2020VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY, SCI Journal, May 2020BMC ORAL HEALTH, SCI Journal, April 2020Saudi Dental Journal, Other Indexed Journal, April 2020JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, SCI Journal, April 2020PEERJ, SCI Journal, March 2020Journal Of Clinical Periodontology, SCI Journal, February 2020ORAL DISEASES, SCI Journal, January 2020Journal Of Periodontology, SCI Journal, January 2020Journal Of Periodontology, SCI Journal, December 2019Oral Diseases, SCI Journal, December 2019Ege Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, National Scientific Refreed Journal, December 2019JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, SCI Journal, November 2019ACTA ODONTOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA, SCI Journal, October 2019SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, SCI Journal, October 2019journal of investigative and Clinical Dentistry, Other Indexed Journal, September 2019Journal Of Periodontology, SCI Journal, September 2019JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, SCI Journal, August 2019JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, SCI Journal, August 2019ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, SCI Journal, August 2019BMC Oral Health, SCI Journal, August 2019ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, SCI Journal, July 2019BMC ORAL HEALTH, SCI Journal, June 2019JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, SCI Journal, March 2019ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, SCI Journal, January 2019

Journal Of Periodontology, SCI Journal, January 2019Oral Diseases, SCI Journal, January 2019BMC Oral Health, SCI Journal, January 2019JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, SCI Journal, December 2018Archives of Oral Biology, National Scientific Refreed Journal, October 2018BMC ORAL HEALTH, National Scientific Refreed Journal, October 2018ORAL DISEASES, SCI Journal, May 2018BMC ORAL HEALTH, SCI Journal, May 2018JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, SCI Journal, April 2018JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, SCI Journal, February 2018JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, SCI Journal, February 2018BMC ORAL HEALTH, SCI Journal, January 2018BMC ORAL HEALTH, SCI Journal, October 2017JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, SCI Journal, July 2017JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, SCI Journal, July 2015JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, SCI Journal, June 2015CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS, SCI Journal, February 2015JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, SCI Journal, October 2013Oral Diseases, SCI Journal, May 2013JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, SCI Journal, April 2012JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH, SCI Journal, March 2012Oral Diseases, SCI Journal, September 2011JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, SCI Journal, February 2007JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, SCI Journal, January 2007ORAL DISEASES, SCI Journal, January 2006Oral Diseases, SCI Journal, August 2005Scientific ConsultationsScientific ConsultationsTUBİTAK, Project Consultancy, Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry, Division of Clinical Sciences, Turkey, 2017 - ContinuesTUBİTAK, Project Consultancy, Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry, Division of Clinical Sciences, Turkey, 2019 - 2019TUBİTAK, Project Consultancy, Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry, Division of Clinical Sciences, Turkey, 2018 - 2018TUBİTAK, Project Consultancy, Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry, Division of Clinical Sciences, Turkey, 2018 - 2018TUBİTAK, Project Consultancy, Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry, Division of Clinical Sciences, Turkey, 2015 - 2015TÜBİTAK, Project Consultancy, Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry, Division of Clinical Sciences, Turkey, 2014 - 2014Edit Congress and Symposium ActivitiesEdit Congress and Symposium Activities1st International Academy of Periodontal Research Meeting IAPRC, Attendee, Frankfurt, Germany, 2018Türk Dişhekimleri Birliği 22. Uluslararası Dişhekimliği Kongresi, Panelists, İzmir, Turkey, 2016International Academy of Periodontology Conclave, Attendee, Shenzhen, China, 2014International Conference on Clinical & Cellular Immunology., Invited Speaker, Illinois, United States Of America, 2012IADR meeting, Invited Speaker, Barcelona, Spain, 2010Türk Periodontoloji Derneği 38. Bilimsel Kongresi,, Invited Speaker, İstanbul, Turkey, 20088. Ege Bölgesi Dişhekimleri Odaları Uluslararası Bilimsel Kongre ve Sergisi, Invited Speaker, Antalya, Turkey, 200712. Uluslararası Dişhekimliği Kongresi, Panelists, İstanbul, Turkey, 2005CitationsCitationsTotal Citations (WOS):2658 h-index (WOS):29

Invited TalksInvited Talks1st International Academy of Periodontal Research Meeting IAPRC, Workshop, 1st International Academy of PeriodontalResearch Meeting IAPRC, Germany, October 2018Non- surgical periodontal therapy: mechanical debridement, antimicrobial agents and other modalities, Workshop,International Academy of Periodontology, Thailand, April 2014MMPs and Low Dose Doxycyline , Seminar, IADR, Spain, July 2010Periodontal Hastalıklarda Konak Yanıtının Düzenlenmesine Yönelik Yeni Tedavi Yaklaşımları , Conference, Türk PeriodontolojiDerneği, Turkey, May 2008AwardsAwardsEMİNGİL G., Kronik periodontitisli bireylerde cerrahisiz periodontal tedavinin dişeti oluğu sıvısı ve tükürük HIF-1?, VEGF veTNF-? seviyelerine etkisi, Uluslararası Meandros Dişhekimliği Kongresi, November 2018EMİNGİL G., aMMP-8 Chair-side Test in Different Periodontal Disease and Healthy Implants, The IADR.CED Visiting ScholarStipend, October 2016EMİNGİL G., Menstrual Döngüde Meydana Gelen Hormonal Değişikliklerin Dişeti Oluğu Sıvısı Enflamatuar Markırlarına Etkisi,Türk Periodontoloji Derneği Colgate Bilimsel Araştırma Ödülü, October 2009EMİNGİL G., Şiddetli Kronik Periodontitis Hastalarında Üç Farklı Tedavi Yaklaşımının Klinik, Mikrobiyolojik ve BiyokimyasalParametreler Üzerindeki Etkinliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi, Türk Periodontoloji Derneği Colgate Bilimsel Araştırma Ödülü,October 2009EMİNGİL G., Do Mentrual Cycle Periods Influence the Subgingival Microbiota, The IADR.CED Visiting Scholar Stipend, January2009EMİNGİL G., Vazoaktif intestinal peptidin deneysel periodontitis tedavisindeki etkinliği, Türk Periodontoloji Derneği ColgateBilimsel Araştırma Ödülü, May 2008EMİNGİL G., The effect of adjunctive chlorhexidine mouthrinse on clinical parameters and gingival crevicular fluid cytokinelevels in untreated plaque-associated gingivitis, Procter & Gamble, January 2005EMİNGİL G., Banat Bilimsel Araştırma Ödülü, Banat Bilimsel Araştırma Ödülü, May 1999EMİNGİL G., Colgate Bilimsel Araştırma Destek Ödülü, Colgate, May 1998EMİNGİL G., Eczacıbaşı Procter&Gamble Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Bilimsel Araştırma Destek Ödülü, Eczacıbaşı Protecter&Gamble,April 1995