Report - Swami Sahjanand College, Jehanabad

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One Day National Webinar


Education in times

of COVID-19


Date: Saturday, 6 June, 2020

Time: 11:30 AM IST

© S. S. College, Jehanabad

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Report on One Day National Webinar


Education in Times of COVID-19

A one day National Webinar on “Education in Times of COVID-19” was organized

on Saturday, 6 June 2020 at S. S. College, Jehanabad (A model college and constituent unit

of Magadh University, Bodhgaya). Dr. Sneha Swarup, Assistant Professor of Geography, S.

S. College, Jehanabad welcomed the participants and introduced eminent speakers to all.

Dr. Sudhir K. Mishra, Principal, S. S. College, Jehanabad welcomed Chief Guest, Prof. Rekha

Kumari, Director, Department of Higher Education, Government of Bihar and later on Dr.

Sneha Swrup presided over the webinar. Eminent and distinguished speakers Prof. A. K.

Singh, Head, Department of Education Policy, National Institute of Educational Planning

and Administration, New Delhi and Prof. Khagendra Kumar, Head, Department of

Education, Patna University, Patna outlined the shifting of mode of education in prevailing

COVID-19 pandemic period. They emphasized the need of delivery of outcome-based

education through online platform which have the attributes to reach every nook and

square of the country. However, they also advocated the involvement of government as a

remedial body to address the challenges of post-COVID-19 education so that it could

reached to every poor and resource-deprived students.

Whole world is living in the age of coronavirus pandemic in present time

commonly designated as COVID-19 by World Health Organization (WHO). COVID-19 is

considered as the most crucial global calamity of the century and the greatest challenge

that the humankind faced since the Second World War. It emerged as completely a new

class of viral infection in Wuhan, Hubei province, China in December 2019 from where it

spread to all over the world. Later on, it had been found that it is a new class of

coronavirus, known as SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome – Coronavirus

– 2). The SARS-CoV-2 is genetically more related to Bat and therefore, it was not capable

of infecting human initially but, later on by getting certain mutations, it started infecting

human. The COVID-19 has affected 70 lakh and killed more than 4 lakh people

worldwide in more than 200 countries. It appears to be highly contagious, highly

virulent and dreadful viruses till date which has severely affected the global economy

and posed a threat to the lives and livelihoods of large populations not only in India, but

around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic is foisting enormous health, economic,

environmental and social challenges including human resource development program

and educations to the entire human population. As a result, major part of Government’s

decisions and actions of almost all the nations of the world are intended to slow down

the transmission of the disease by testing and treating positive patients, quarantining

suspected persons through contact tracing, restricting large gatherings, banning

religious cult and rituals that requires assemblage of people’s at religious places,

imposing complete or partial lockdown, etc.

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The prevailing pandemic situation and consequent ascending health crisis and

lockdown state in the country, as described above, are striking the education of the

students with their Schools, Colleges, Universities and other institutions being shut

down and therefore their syllabi becoming stranded until all these activities shifted to

online platform. All educational institutions in the country decided to digitize the mode

and content of syllabi as quickly as possible to prevent students from a major loss in

their studies and academic growth. Though, comprehensive and meteoric

transformation in education in COVID-19 pandemic period had led to a lesser impact

over emerging concern, it also lifted the veil from various issues related to online

education and its challenges. Undoubtedly, by addressing those challenges, we can

expedite the education in remote area of the countries too.


With this context, it has become quite necessary to discuss all these issues and

challenges that are coming in the course of education dissipating through online

platform. It seems certain that this discussion may indicate some of the issues and

challenges in conventional or traditional education also and in addition, it may also

capable of presenting some solutions that can be very useful to the authority concerned.

Target audiences and Participation

The webinar was aimed at reaching those peoples who are directly or indirectly

associated with the education system in the country such as educationists, teachers,

faculty members, NGOs that are working in the field of education, Government workers

that are associated with planning and implementation of Government’s decisions

related to education, and students as major stakeholder. The webinar committee was

successful in reaching those concerned individuals with the aim and objectives of the


Because of wide circulation, more than 230 participants comprising teachers, faculty

members, and research scholars from various schools, colleges and universities from

different parts of the country ensured participation and keenly attended the webinar.

Moreover, a large number of students from different colleges and universities also

actively took part in the webinar.

Description of the Webinar

Inaugural session of the webinar

First of all, Dr. Sneha Swarup, Assistant Professor of Geography, S. S. College, Jehanabad

welcomed all the participants and introduced to the Chief Guest of the webinar, Prof.

Rekha Kumari, Director, Higher Education, Department of Education, Government of

Bihar, Keynote Speaker, Prof. A. K. Singh, Head, Department of Education Policy,

National Institute of Education Planning and Administration (NIEPA), New Delhi, and

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Eminent Speaker, Prof. Khagendra Kumar, Head, Department of Education, Patna

University, Patna. Thereafter, Prof. Dr. Sudhir K. Mishra, Principal, S. S. College,

Jehanabad welcomed and expressed his gratitude to Prof. Rekha Kumari on behalf of

entire college family for giving her consent to inaugurate the webinar as the Chief Guest.

In addition, he presented to the participants her achievements in the field of education

and threw some light on the impact of COVID-19 on the education in Indian context. He,

later on, invited the Chief Guest to inaugurate the session and to put forth her kind

remarks on the topic for the participants.

Excerpt and summary of the talk of the Chief Guest

Prof. Rekha Kumari, in her expression, reminded the participants that Bihar is the land

of learning since the time immemorial and it is the land from where concept of

University as the place of learning displaced throughout the world as is known from the

ruins of Nalanda University and Vikramshila University. She, further, emphasized that it

is also the land of Gautam Budha, Mahaveer, Guru Nanak and many more Saints and

thinkers, and therefore, at this moment, it is very much demanding to rethink about

higher education. She stated that investment in education system has a very high

incubation period and therefore current impact of pandemic situation on the education

system will also have a much longer incubation period, making it very difficult to

measure its impact in the long term, although COVID-19 and reinforced lockdown

period served as a motivating factor for the development of a new learning

methodology using web-based platforms in education system. She urged teachers to

focus on this virtual platform and said by referring its benefit that it enables an educator

to be globally accessible. In her extension, she further said, “As the director of higher

education, it is her utmost responsibility to review the status and pattern of education

in the state of Bihar”.

Excerpt and summary of the talk of the keynote speaker Prof. A. K. Singh

Keynote speaker Prof. A. K. Singh, Head, Department of Education Policy, National

Institute of Education Planning and Administration (NIEPA), New Delhi started his

remarks on the present COVID-19 pandemic scenario most of the countries including

India are grappled with coronavirus, and said that COVID-19 has changed the way of

thinking, working, and survival in the history of humankind. He stated the impact of

coronavirus even in developed countries which is so loud and growing day by day that

every effort of research and innovation is being focused on coronavirus pandemic. He

beautifully described education as the larger responsibility and fundamental rights of

the every mankind that has derived from the rights of life; if right of life is affected then

rights of education is also affected. He emphasized the role of education in order to

protect, promote, and cherish livelihood in the society and called it as symbiotic

relationship between them i.e. between rights of life and rights of education. He drew

attention on the complete lockdown and gradual closure of all institutions from schools,

colleges, universities to other offices and compared it with Spanish flu during the world

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war I period in 1918 in which India too was heavily affected in that colonial period, later

on counties like Sierra Leone and adjoining countries witnessed a new contagious viral

disease named Ebola which also became global epidemic within months which led to

complete lockdown in these countries for few months, but the impact of this

coronavirus is immense compared to earlier virus epidemic. Prof. Singh further threw

light upon the education system in India that had been implanted by the British in

Colonial period but now we are redefining our education system according to our need

and usefulness that are able to address the challenges. He mentioned technological

aspect of education dissemination on the online platform which is able to reach all the

nooks and corners that are remotest parts or unreached area of the country where

students or learner are located. At the same time, he outlined the challenges of online

education in Indian context, in particular, infrastructure such as electricity, availability

of gadgets, etc. He said that education is combination of knowledge, skills and values

and therefore content of the course need to be designed by considering through

integrated approach. Prof. Singh said described that we have learnt to read and write

only through numbers and letters, not through images, but images are itself a descript.

In his extended remarks, he emphasized that the knowledge should be Anthropocentric

or human driven and idea of teaching should be based on learning. In the context of

Bihar where literacy is low, school dropout is high and high rate of poverty is prevalent,

he emphasized the need of developing schooling as a habit and following certain

strategies such as making schooling and learning in school attractive, incorporating

extra-curricular activities, and sensitization of teachers, however, he also stressed the

need to develop certain ancillary infrastructures and facilities to promote education in

Bihar. On the issue of migrant workers returning to home, he said, “They have come to

their root with a lot of expectation that they will survive and they will be protected

there”. He emphasized whether education has any role in this issue? We need to

prioritize our educational focus because in Bihar, there is very low literacy rate, very

high school dropout, very low participation in higher education, lower number of

enrolment, etc., and therefore, it should be a subject of prime focus for the administrator

and teacher to bring back the students to school.

Excerpt and summary of the talk of the eminent speaker Prof. Khagendra Kumar

Prof. Khagendra Kumar, Head, Department of Education, Patna University spoke that

about 210 million school students and 30 to 40 million students of higher education are

searching for new modalities of education or alternative teaching-learning systems

during this COVID-19 pandemic period which ultimately led to sudden forceful shifting

of education to online mode. He said that in this liberal era, education is turning into a

deliverable commodity, and this online education will definitely strengthen the

education system, and it is globally accepted that education can only be possible

through online mode at this time, however use of technology in education sector makes

education a centralized way of teaching-learning that minimizes its utilitarian goal or

approach of education, and ultimately education loses its creative as well as social

character. He pointed out that even before the corona period; about 68% of students

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used to learn learnt through digital system, which has been now increased to 92%,

however, the online education has various issues and challenges in India out of which

most prominent is internet penetration and availability of gadgets. He said that only

36% of Indian population uses internet out of which 52% of people from urban area and

27% of people from rural area, moreover internet is mostly accessed through mobile

platform which is about 100%; only 6% of urban people and only 2% of peoples from

rural background have Desktop/Laptop which makes much difficult for student and

leaving them a greatest sufferer in this pandemic time. He outlined the use of digital

learning material in the form of online learning materials and books through already

existing ODL (Open and Distance Learning) system of learning as in IGNOU which run

Gyankosh and e-Gyankosh as a repository of e-learning materials, and a separate

Gyandarshan channel which relays various educational programs of IGNOU for 24 hrs.

He, further, stated that all policies have stressed the need of ICT (Information and

Communication Technology) in education e.g. second education policy of independent

India came into existence in 1986 and later revised in 1992 advocated the use education

technology for improving education system in India and CABE (Central Advisory Board

of Education) also advocated for the use of ICT in education system, and moreover, the

new education policy, that is still in draft form since 2012, also advocates the need of

technology appropriately integrated in level of education for various purposes like

improving teaching-learning, evaluation, supporting the preparation of teacher

education and their professional development, streamlining educational planning and

management, etc. He said that the use of ICT in education in present corona crisis

increased many fold because of advantages associated with technology.

Prof. Kumar said that there are numbers of technological interventions which provide

online education in the private institutions as well as in public sector institutions such

as Unacademy, Notebook, KopyKitab, upGrad, Talerang, etc. are the private

institution platform which are paid and provide aptitude based learning for the

preparation of various competitive examinations noted 500% surge in this corona

period whereas education with the help of technological intervention in public sector

institutions through National Mission on Education through ICT Initiative such as

SAKSHAT, INFLIBNET, NPTEL (National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning)

started by IITs, EKLAVYA, E-Guru, E-Outreach, E-Content, E-PG Pathshala, SWAYAM,

SWAYAM PRABHA, etc. where SWAYAM is lately started IT platform to organize highly

structured online learning MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses) where 2000

different courses are being run. He, further, discussed the school-based online learning

interventions such as DIKSHA, E-Pathshala, SWAYAM and SWAYAM PRABHA (some

programs are also designed for school) which are mostly prepared by NCERT, CBSE or

both. He emphasized that although a lot of technological interventions have been

worked out in field of digital education but yet, in a country like India where huge

number of students study in Government’s School and most of the students are poor

that can’t afford private education and even they haven’t heard about these programs,

these programs are not beneficial to them and indicated the need of formulating an

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outcome based curriculum for online teaching and learning and test should be aimed at

improving not only the outcome of the students but should also be aimed at improving

the pedagogy, moreover education should be balanced between humanitarian and

utilitarian purposes and for that NCF (National Curriculum Framework), which is

basically a policy document, advocates constructivism approach by removing teacher

centric learning . He stated that it is constructivism in which students create knowledge

and teachers advocate that knowledge would make students able to contribute

something to the society. He, further, said that the online education seems to be boon in

disguise because arranging devices and internet for a student would be too costly

compared to that of enhancing infrastructures by the government for physical mode of


Discussion session

After the talk of each speaker, there is a discussion session dedicated in the webinar in

which a large number of participants from every background put forwarded their

queries and speakers answered all questions with interest.

In this link, a participant from Motihari, Champaran asked Prof. A. K. Singh that how

to maintain right to education while 70% of the teachers don’t know how to operate

smartphone? In his reply, Prof. Singh said that though only 10% schools have been

followed the compliance of right to education in terms of various amenities and for the

rest of school, a high court in its judgment has directed the government to make

compliance for right to education. He extended his reply and said that teachers already

have smartphones or newer technology, but they don’t use it in teaching and learning,

but on the other hand, when we look on the conditions of students, they lack spaces,

electricity, smartphones, charging points, lights, books, etc. which are need to be

addressed only then we can achieve right to education through on line mode. Upon

calling, Dr. Rekha Kumari, Director, Higher Education, Government of Bihar, in addition

to the reply, said that the government is already serious about strengthening online

education in Bihar, but it is best suited to those students, who are pursuing higher

education because those students grow up and begin to understand things better, but

for lower age child, face to face education is better than the online mode of education.

Dr. Shreenath Sharma, S. S. College, Jehanabad expressed his interest to know that

how can online education be feasible when the purchasing of smartphone or other

useful gadgets seem to be difficult in a state like Bihar? In his reply, Prof. Singh said that

this is definitely a problem, but it is not a big problem if the government wants it. He

stressed the corona crisis where livelihood is going to be a big problem, where

education appears to be a luxury item, increases their pre-existing problem in accessing

these gadgets, which will definitely affect the dissipation of education through online

mode. He stressed out the need of coming of private institutions, non-government

agencies, industrialists, etc. with the government. Prof. Singh pointed out the

establishment of e-Vidya program by Prime Minister of India under which there will be

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a separate class-wise 24 × 7 TV channel from Class I to Class XII. After that Dr.

Sharma further put his query about the practical examination, and asked, “How would

be possible taking practical examination when teaching is being carried out through

online mode?” Prof. Singh said in his reply that some work is already being done and an

attempt is being made to explore the use of technology in this regard, which requires a

policy directed at online education, where some work is done by the concerned

government agency.

Dr. Priyanka Ranjan raised her question about the dropout amongst the children in the

education and asked to Prof. A. K. Singh that what is the reason behind the dropout and

what will be its remedial measures? Prof. Singh said the incidence of school dropout will

increase during and after the corona period, the reasons of which are both external and

internal to the schools. He stated that the earlier reason for school dropout was

prominently internal, but external factors like economic conditions and livelihood of the

family in tis corona period will be becoming more important especially in the

government school. In his response, he outlined, further, similar situations are

prevalent in other countries, where school dropout has been found to increase from

12% to 20% in this lockdown period due to corona and consequent loss of livelihood;

though internal factors are equally responsible for school dropout which may include

converting school as quarantine center and fear of getting their child infected with


Later, Dr. Pramod Ghosh asked Prof. Khagendra Kumar that the use of smartphone by

the students was considered as wrong and now with the outbreak of corona and onset

of online teaching, has mindset been changed and its use is being considered right? Prof.

Kumar said in his answer that no perception about its use has been changed but now,

parents and guardians need to be more vigilant, believing in the fact that online

education is only option in this corona period and therefore, they also need to facilitate

remote education by giving task to the students and show, how to utilize smartphone in

a better and more productive way.

Dr. Chandra Sen asked to Porf. Khagendra Kumar that he considers online teaching as

one-way interaction in which learner or students do not get such platform or space in

saying as the teachers or educators get, therefore, with this respect, how can this

paucity be abridged? Prof. Kumar stated that definitely there is lacking in the online

mode of education and even there are more such shortfalls in which, we are presently

utilizing. He said that there are number of programs that are broadcasted through

NCERT and IGNOU, students watch the program but they are not able to address the

question session. He further said that there are advance versions of e-learning platform

available in which students can send their queries and get their answers, however,

queries can also be addressed to some extent in general online learning platform like

discussion session of this webinar. He emphasized that there is no equal substitute for

face to face learning platform even if all education system will be converted to virtual


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Neeraj Kumar, Assistant Teacher put forth his question to Prof. Khagendra Kumar and

asked that though a lot of improvements have been done in government schools, but

still there are a lot of thing such as recruitment of teacher, low salary to the teachers,

etc. which undoubtedly reduce their efficiency. Prof. Kumar in his reply states that it is

only the state of Bihar, where permanent cadre of teacher has been withdrawn and thus

structured pay and all associated allowances have been automatically abolished, but

that should have been retained. He stressed that this initiative taken by the government

cannot be considered as a good initiative and the life conditions of a teacher should be

better so that they can effectively contribute to teaching-learning process. He further

said that if there is a dearth of resources, then it must be shared by all the departments

of the government, why only the Education Department should bear the burden of lack

of resources; salary of bureaucracy should also be equally cut down. He asked from the

teacher in the state of Bihar, where schools were mostly established by different

Societies, what is the reason that society has been getting apart from the school,

teachers also need to think about it, and need to upgrade themselves, they should never

take their duty aside even in the strike period.

Rabindra Kumar Ravi asked from Prof. Khagendra Kumar that how can activeness of

students be increased in online education, which is already low at this time? He said

that best way to increase the activeness of students is to reach every student through

various ways like reach out through SMS; it will not be feasible in large scale online

education and therefore, only messaging for programs scheduled to be broadcasted on

TV or Radio can be forwarded through the SMS.

Aditya Kumar of S. S. College, Jehanabad asked from Prof. Kumar that while majority

of students go to school only because of midday meal, how they will manage their

participation in online education? He said in his response that if education is to be

imparted, every student needs to come to school made of concrete where face to face

education can be imparted; online education is not an option for long term; in our

country, only the middle class emphasizes the online education while lower middle

class is not in the position to afford it. He said that there are a number of online portals

which are designed for preparing competitive examination, are paid and best suited to

middle class only, but in this mode of education the social characters are disappeared.

He further extended his remarks by saying that the online mode of education results

only in individualistic growth of students, and therefore they are useless for a society in

spite of getting high profiled jobs in along term.

Vote of Thanks

At the end of session, Prof. Anjani Kumar Ghosh gave votes of thanks to honorable Vice

Chancellor, Chief Guest, Principal, eminent speakers of the deliberation and all members

including participants directly or indirectly involved in this deliberation on virtual

platform. He thanked and applauded the members of Organizing Committee comprised

of Dr. Sneha Swarup and Mr. Madhav k. Singh as Convenor, and Dr. Vinod K. Roy, Mr.

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Praveen Deepak and Dr. H. M. Imran as Co-convener who played a pivotal role in

making it marked and noticeable.

Outcome of the Webinar

Evidently, it can be that COVID-19 pandemic has led an immense impact on health,

economy, environment and other domains of society including the education. The

consequent lockdown of educational institutions resulted in complete standstill in

teaching-learning processes in schools, colleges, universities and other institutions. In

due pressure of protecting students education and loss of session, most of the

educational institutions had explored for alternatives and ultimately moved to online

platform and thereby, a new web-based teaching-learning platform established amidst

the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, the webinar gave us an insight into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in

various levels of education in an Indian context where schools and colleges lack large-

scale infrastructure, school dropouts are high, poverty amongst the students is

prevalent, and present day gadget and even internet connectivity required for

facilitating online education are not affordable for most of them, and unfamiliarity with

the technological interventions are also prominent amongst the students and teachers,

etc. In spite of that, a surge of 500% observed in participation in aptitude-based online

learning portal meant for preparation of various competitive examination during

COVID-19 time, however a number of interventions have also been put forwarded by

the government and several public sector units such as NCERT, IGNOU, IITs, etc.

Launching of class specific free-to-air broadcasting channel by the government can at

least partially overcome the hurdle of education percolating amongst the students

where poverty is prevalent.

It is expected by a large number of experts working in the field of education that school

dropout will be increased amongst students during and after the COVID-19 period.

However, by adopting some of the steps like promoting parents and guardians to send

their wards to school with a philosophy of schooling is habit, incorporating extra-

curricular activities, creating attractive learning modalities, escalating interest of

teachers, enriching effective content, increasing basic amenities in schools, etc., the

school dropout can be reduced. Thus, following outcome can be redrawn from this


1. A comprehensive and improved e-content should be made available in different


2. With the use of number and digits, pictorial depiction should also be made in

preparation of e-content.

3. In addition to repository of e-content, class specific FTA channel should be


4. Extra-curricular activities should be promoted in schools.

5. Teachers should be sensitized for taking class regularly.

Presented to Webinar Committee by;

Praveen Deepak

Assistant Professor of Zoology

Co-covenor & Organizing Secretary

(Webinar Organizing Committee)

S. S. College, Jehanabad – 804 408

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collegeswamisahjanand@gmail.comDr. Sneha Swarup 7979850560 Assistant Professor S.S.College Jehanabad relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes no 1HqOD1_YwJU2SLTawJG0rSwZzbEKnx_Di Swarup webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 3 2020 2:57 PM1e12vCQ1MKtaB2rBVfYi4xw071c4nPodM Swarup webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:01 AM

nodalofficersscollege@gmail.comMr. Nodal officer 7838667822 Assistant Professor S,S, College relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 1SucST2mufw72kUc00wksSjYagJORxf6C officer webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 3 2020 10:34 PM1wFIY7ZuIpRnnC6seneUZDiRzRiTv_NH_ officer webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:01 AM

prakashkumar.chauhan5@gmail.comMr. Prakash Kumar Chauhan 8434760457 Students jehanabad relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1aclEEhYd1BuVUKPawXr8ef1D_o3EQYPr Kumar Chauhan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:05 AM1KKXbomw8wLE1_izVleZqfeSstJGMadFj Kumar Chauhan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:01 AM

bhanupriya29k@gmail.comMiss K. Bhanu priya 7995855604 K. Bhanu priya Siddaratha institute of science and technology relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Excellent session 1dK4PHC7HzebEhRmzILosODH9LHW9Dn7H Bhanu priya webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:10 AM1bgZDit62eAOsTJzIFtrRhrGG6_rG4eYN Bhanu priya webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:02 AM

neetusingh.2352@gmail.comMrs. Neetu Singh 9835804333 Research scholar Lalit Narayan Mithila Universityrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1U26Z0Z4GL4o7RpzaJTbvM696sNhl_WXz Singh webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:10 AM1e4KI04l1A8C-wtJm9VFyt8GTfHTbIlMx Singh webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:02 AM

sssantoshsuman3@gmail.comMr. SANTOSH SUMAN 9709386288 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SACHCHIDANAND SINHA COLLEGE AURANGABAD BIHAR relevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 1hSuvNuK-YFi-ojDqVCBF_RvekyzJfcIg SUMAN webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:11 AM1hd-2b-E5nZ2Gy6qw28LrEwsWFUa36yx7 SUMAN webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:02 AM Mr. RAJAN SHARMA 8384879495 LECTURER S.J.J.E.I. relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 1-bNuOaZWrr17bb5Es4yiopBZIK47Y8aZ SHARMA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:11 AM1wvQlb9cFnczN4Q-g5wL4vc3QQ802KeC9 SHARMA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:02 AM

shwetasundram@gmail.comDr. Shweta Sundram 9122805724 PGT F N S Academy+2 Gulzarbagh, Patna,Biharrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Always organisation such type of informative session or webinar... Thanks to all organizing member's ...and congratulations for wonderful session or webinar...1qMUuqepV4a7ipOkRDgSelRmVq6aOwALW Sundram webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:11 AM1U5TGO9iuhJq_5eSgmDOXaQsiFZ_g8GSW Sundram webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:02 AM

sanjuktabanerjee88@gmail.comMrs. Sanjukta Chatterjee 8980037114 Assistant Professor Dr. H. R. Gajwani College of Educationrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes Very informative session 1pqIkYOsdQ47yds3FslyceOMsRgogw9d1 Chatterjee webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:11 AM1qQ8M58zf4EmY9mFLrycVAZp_2w0Obhq9 Chatterjee webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:03 AM

shubhodeepsarkar100@gmail.comMr. Shubhodeep Sarkar 6200604530 Student Jamshedpur Co-operative College,Jamshedpurrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes All OK. 1gS2eFh79O_bO7Mv5RTRmKcKw2ITD__B_ Sarkar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:11 AM1UyoSQd1foHDCpxLAMjCr1eqhQ0oziNaw Sarkar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:03 AM

pritambhadani11@gmail.comProf. Rani kumari 8839092882 Assistant professor Govt pg college narsinghpurrelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes No 1Uek4dQYrp9fjs6VLszA2n7Ja40Qjuedo kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:11 AM1NJ86Wap-kFUTRhUqbZgTmKNSOyITORLY kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:03 AM

Dr. Dimpal 8700266818 Faculty SOL, DU relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 1EY2ICepVFglX5ONowpQoemYWksZ13Q0U webinar certificate Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:11 AM15TyDwserV1LqHDguSEBRbhdsrQaIFM2h webinar certificate Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:03 AM

Mrs. DEEPSHIKHA SAMDERSHI 7084923131 Research Scholar University department of zoology, Ranchi university, Ranchi, Jharkhandrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes 1xCikwFbb0thtZmPIW6CSFhhhrfGqnSiR SAMDERSHI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:11 AM15P_0WCZ9FYJZqDbd3qqMLvxg81FUzyMx SAMDERSHI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:03 AM

neerajsingh.pnbe@gmail.comDr. Dr. Neeraj Kumar 8789142743 Assistant Professor Anugrah Memorial college, gaya relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes No 1c2zG2ONmL4hdNEjk_at_fwutsEsPvR4U Neeraj Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:12 AM1wlmmGnza7rxGn-qpeQd2Gc0X-VYkr0ts Neeraj Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:04 AM

Mr. DHANANJAY KUMAR TIWARI 9415101091 TEACHER PD.RAJNAYAN INTERMEDIATE COLLEGE DEORIArelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 12wEF5xzo7ILQnOk33AlWuk-qDGyECEHA KUMAR TIWARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:12 AM1dgRtWiUBPSQqg9v3Mw8rJtolkbOBItM7 KUMAR TIWARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:04 AM

krisnlalnai1234@gmail.comDr. Dr. KRISN LAL NAI 9024412576 Assistant professor Department of history IASE deemed to be university sardarshahrrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Excellent work all of you 1E_nyjpojbYbn-naSkopZv4ubVB51Plgm KRISN LAL NAI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:12 AM17usN2qGb-Ze47YbYzcGwyHTEWJmijsIn KRISN LAL NAI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:04 AM

amitabh.english@gmail.comMr. Amitabh Shahi 7485860150 TGT English Kendriya Vidyalaya, Alipurduar (West Bengal)relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1d90eLqhYNfkenSfnPpwXwhdDIsVzWfBb Shahi webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:12 AM16thRURSoG-gyQA0KjjneftE-58T3o443 Shahi webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:04 AM Mr. VINOD VINAYAK 9525099449 Assistant Professor East N West Teachers Training College, Saharsa,Biharrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Really very nice, informative1d6D3E50hwBqaqw2Yj3RDG_ogjg6dQ3DZ VINAYAK webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:12 AM1xt2HqP3R0czIsF4EG1Kr62-fjFYGEY3_ VINAYAK webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:04 AM

rachna.priya28@gmail.comDr. Rachana Priyadarshani 9835006000 Guest Lecturer Brabu Muzaffarpur relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes more topic should be elaborate1KcMlviFSthc3dzaCjcEqGtTPkOKtZr3v Priyadarshani webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:12 AM1EMKwXqqOFLx5lporYmwtSwpza3KnNRMk Priyadarshani webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:05 AM

pawanrailway123@gmail.comMr. Pawan Kumar 8409974128 Assistant professor Department of education magadh university bodhgayarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Well organized 1vUMpG4YQcxeR64oGjVu0zO3r8yJDtjam Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:12 AM1yONiG-w9KFvi_H-__J-cEALpSJ7DD2JZ Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:05 AM

amanlove.kumar@gmail.comMr. Aman kumar 6202869141 Guest lecturer Ranchi university relevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes The webinar was very nice and learnt a lot from this session thanku1mUzlhjouigp1UpbVDTL5_t3E0LkJ6jgw kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:12 AM183-Ht4R91OVWlyBeV7J50yOKe1rwA1sI kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:05 AM

Mr. Santanu Ghosh 9038660376 Student Satyapriya Roy College of Educationrelevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes Good relative effective speech delivered1qGz9dcdtucNoNH8HTE9nvfScMPm4zzFX Ghosh webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:12 AM1tj-g71UK0-BDslOOwtSjQCjdUkE2ZO0l Ghosh webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:05 AM Dr. DIPAK KUMAR SINGH 9708531301 Assistant Professor Ananda Chandra Training College, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, Pin - 735101relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Quality is a never ending journey.1iHhlfssUjOGmp91Sbhm3zSjWsM4S6hwQ KUMAR SINGH webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:12 AM1pxyYSJsJG_6LgRuY94wrfxlIAzoGn4Lu KUMAR SINGH webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:06 AM

Mr. ANIL KUMAR 9760328242 Research Scholar Bundelkhand University Jhansirelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes No 1mpq62JiUS9fia80xMW_vaI5eKSd5ut36 KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:12 AM17GpKw4SyasIx5_fSm1Mjs3LTbvVUmtBG KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:06 AM

swarnika.Pallavi8@gmail.comMrs. SWARNIKA PALLAVI 9798139665 JRF Department of Education,Patna Universityrelevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Time management 15PlQLXL9EnKP6RhfyF9ZKPypTAvuXMwU PALLAVI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:12 AM120iZK_SL-85JYX2ueLjQHcwPE8czelyn PALLAVI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:06 AM

Anandraushan96@gmail.comMr. RAUSHAN KUMAR 7979939512 PGDCP(post graduation diploma in clinical psychology) Institute of psychological research and service patna relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes Very good informative webinar so again organized same webinar 1A4CbzLZi1HYcHG1XPF0AXt7cwqsAodvB KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:13 AM1x8VxCRXrLiKmbz1nbzWfdmM6f6rWvEFs KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:06 AM

Miss JYOTI PRASAD 9955963702 ASSISTANT PROFESSORG D COLLEGE BEGUSARAIrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Webinar was very informative n fruitful... congratulations to all organising team1jnfPZg_PArWP7eUhYcvAvzj50zUlqLB4 PRASAD webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:12 AM1X5JcoJxfwY9b9Y6lxn8q71la8PnN-moE PRASAD webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:07 AM

simran.jha2011@gmail.comMrs. SEEMA Jha 08179642821 Guest faculty S K M COLLEGE BEGUSARAIrelevant Somewhat satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes If was quite good 1-zYd289j0WrwdRpauY66ksDjtuCx7FgT Jha webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:13 AM1ufoDJ0wSsAqQhWM68atoTB_62OaMHN4k Jha webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:07 AM Mr. Priyesh Rangan 9031008856 Assistant Professor MV College Buxar relevant satisfied satisfied yes no yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Time management of webinar could be better1kgELm337DmNwvZ1HCOJl2yMDB6lJIW0v Rangan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:13 AM1LKDR9Clln1EGGErevkQqhvotzxSTYuvG Rangan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:07 AM

radhika.patel1856@gmail.comDr. Radhika Choudhary 9302171856 Principal H.l. Agrawal college itarsi relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Useful information 1utrA_FV3K9_0c6x5-Ppi5-aPUGpcmAHm Choudhary webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:12 AM1Estr6JNqVhOfhSd5rJ8RRygRWx-dHly6 Choudhary webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:07 AM Dr. Amritanshu 8750742071 Student Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ararelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Should give the chance to all, who asked the question1i0GpziPo7W3wtd6efhAD5lKEezulTupc webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:12 AM1FJvAX0XHt5x86y3ycHv1nEKtNBuMNYrh webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:07 AM

AKHILENDRA.KUMAR04@GMAIL.COMMr. Akhilendra Kumar 09525255036 Student Department of Education Patna Universityrelevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 1Gg1fD30bQClqq7a5Is0f19PwE45Wzl3j Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To: AKHILENDRA.KUMAR04@GMAIL.COM]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:13 AM1-WnRGkd0SfZHFMa26_H8A311pTz7sBod Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:08 AM

Mr. Ravindra Kumar Ravikar 9852471055 M.Ed. Student Mansa College of Education, Bhilairelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes No 17EKBSW02eBmaRF4CmQDwGIBMIt3JBcXz Kumar Ravikar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:13 AM15U60umpHMng8vX9X4sC-tPwBYrx0fD-Q Kumar Ravikar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:08 AM

suneetakumarisona061@gmail.comMiss SUNEETA KUMARI 7654074260 Research scholar Lalit Narayan Mithila University Darbhangarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes A webinar conducted in primary Education in online classes11tpcvHwORVi0qSTU5DF5h9nVQCqgmSbb KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:13 AM1Ek0UvpSAHxBjQrZYeRuj6SmcGyK6Ks2Z KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:08 AM Dr. Madhu Kumari 7488612792 Asst.Professor S.M.College,Bhagalpur relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes We want more webiner 1uoFf3SlLJMFtuTco0PJeWXgT16PT1bPE Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:13 AM1KIDiy34CNn9EIAVa0693MRFw8emIPY7X Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:08 AM

Dr. Prashant Astalin 8081903509 Assistant Professor Department of Education, University of Allahabad, Prayagrajrelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes It's very interesting session. 1iHmHGolg-IsH5dUiJR8J0aFoxICt-AFQ Astalin webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:13 AM1p9Nb1PWh-Rv0-pdV3DCijrNdZNw15-hR Astalin webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:08 AM

vidyasagar888@gmail.comDr. Vidyasagar Yadav 6393575576 Ex Researcher Faculty of Education , B.H.Urelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes If webinar can take more time span then it will more fruitful.1I4JVpe2XV24_DeBLrxbPffVsH8HfrTj9 Yadav webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:13 AM15t60qEgGfeWFyk1Eih8JBdMAD1M77obJ Yadav webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:09 AM

priyanka174raj@gmail.comMrs. KUMARI PRIYANKA 9472448859 Guest Teacher L.N.J. College, Jhanjharpur, Biharrelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Please answer all the question who is asked in the chat box during the session.1ztsUnY_z03o6RPROkPLjcL4ku-CCebHx PRIYANKA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:13 AM13unaZz6bAS8dQrP6eVn6xE7xO4LTK0as PRIYANKA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:09 AM Prabhat Kumar 8757458700 Assistant Professor, Political ScienceBRM College, Munger University, Mungerrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes 1-cFZnWKrrmxJ3yPjfDPyWrhBg9My-MHC Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:13 AM1iOS7UGlcVzvcfTf1klks96hVwvQj_Y4z Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:09 AM Partha Pratim Das 7607481169 Assistant Professor Magadh University, Bodh-Gayarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes It will great if you conduct two day seminar or two session seminar in future19M7K7boTZ00746anyqun1bTxvLRe_c-A Pratim Das webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:14 AM1FwSuYDHYOxgo1wIZirKuCU1zQIwGB_i1 Pratim Das webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:09 AM

sharvankashi2013@gmail.comDr. Sharvan Kumar 9334241472 Assistant Professor Nalanda College , Biharsharifrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes No 13zQRWVDchDxfM7rar57hrJ1u4kHSDRxQ Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:14 AM1Gn7L7ZFncjUBfjqF_gamNqOF_rpU5AdX Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:09 AM

nehalpu.ahmad@gmail.comDr. Nehal Ahmad Ansari 7001773539 Assistant Professor MANUU College of Teacher Education, Asansolrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Keep up 10gSNL96MFSNnssjqsrGkbkFx_mAOeBYD Ahmad Ansari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:14 AM17Cta0-RGk1b56-I9rv-uiGRfLOy0Wnuf Ahmad Ansari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:10 AM

vineetaverma555@gmail.comMiss VINEETA ANAND 7631818941 POSTGRADUATE STUDENT OF EDUCATION, PATNA UNIVERSITY PATNAPOSTGRADUATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, PATNA UNIVERSITY PATNArelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Congratulations to the whole team. The session was very nice and the theme that was covered was very relevant. Thank you to the whole team. No suggestions needed. The session was awesome in each and every aspect. 1jRbQ5CSqTMB16lNb75oD8YOsLH54RDms ANAND webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:14 AM1UCJ5x1m8EEg8yGvy5uD80yW6kBQ-LahM ANAND webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:10 AM

shantidipser123@gmail.comDr. Shanti kumari 7979819935 Associate Professor Dev sangha institute of professional studies and Educational Researchrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes Such webinars should be organised in the future 1uyLRPhs7yxcdztcX1_4IubfvQXcxCP8T kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:14 AM1luxO55PnMAOOYWswpvje5_PT5Nkmyv8p kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:10 AM

Dr. CHANDRA SEN 7004603053 POST GRADUATE TEACHER (ENGLISH)JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA BARAHIYA LAKHISARAI BIHARrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 09/10 POINTS. 1WJGJzXer3p4MCuURkrOFhKfEPgja35Cr SEN webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:14 AM1fTGa_xP7y5WraaihuXDxUdQr2aKedP7a SEN webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:10 AM Dr. Jyoti Jyotsna 8210131351 Research scholar Education Department Lnmu Darbhanga Lalit Narayan Mithila university Darbhanga Biharrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Its satisfactory....pls organize also in future1TPf2ZkGeul2MlF6xuvdnruW2OMmrlSRv Jyotsna webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:14 AM1ZEwiRmtGI1dVYDe-V7JsAyyc2Js87Fln Jyotsna webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:10 AM

Kumari.manisha748@gmail.comDr. Manisha Kumari 9123443181 Assistant Professor S. B. College (V. K. S. Univ.), Ararelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Very nice and informative sessions, keep it up.1FiTrn3m42tFIXt4kurcZtpnJkDyz3dmM Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:15 AM1P276C3RmgVqTY9T9vPgISXsptxZagBPd Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:11 AM

pummysinha29@gmail.comMiss SMRITI SINHA 9162799103 RESEARCH SCHOLAR MAGADH UNIVERSITY , BODHGAYArelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes NO, IT WAS A NICE SESSION1egF2n1GIkRmzAE6yOA4N1jxRqSYFtpGc SINHA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:14 AM1kTDdq9SedVmEz5qyAOWLRGjCXejoW9XT SINHA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:11 AM

Dr. RAJBALI PASWAN 9852556711 Assistant Professor B R A Bihar University, Muzaffarpurrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes No 1_XSlZMhlVTqMPVhz7KWR2zdKdwc6j6_A PASWAN webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:14 AM1-EfVxicDUZZAitRQ3L3zDdRBY1njJR7G PASWAN webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:11 AM

beherahemalata94@gmail.comMiss HEMALATA BEHERA 9861096828 lecturer in Education(B.Ed)DIET,Dhenkanal.odisha relevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1hy2VoBRoEEf8EghRbNmPv4USKP75xS6L BEHERA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:14 AM14LLoGhqeS77UrF_A6KtPrrxzWx_VYrkj BEHERA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:11 AM

kameshwarpaswan.1975@gmail.comDr. Kameshwar Paswan 9334415495 Assistant Professor of EconomicsM K College Laheriasarai, L N Mithila University Darbhanga Biharrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes Not suggestion but humble request that such as knowledgeable webinar should be continue1lv_zmWkWSlxOh-NOod2Ba_HOQrNXdr_N Paswan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:14 AM10tQSsifonKqIZ9TWV55EphixiMo3jPew Paswan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:11 AM

shekharshashi2706@gmail.comMr. SHASHI SHEKHAR 6202062982 STUDENT DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION , MAGADH UNIVERSITY , BODHGAYA (BIHAR) relevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Nice improvisation. But little trouble of voice. 15WiNfNqFcBMJPmg_rzIwkdCFtaw9T2fK SHEKHAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:15 AM1VIzfWOspLsF-wu_ncohzNIxWp-ClmUNQ SHEKHAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:12 AM

Mrs. Nahida Jamal 8579816486 Assistant professor Islamia Teacher's Training B. Ed college, patliputra university relevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes Minimise technical issues 1dguHpdm7tAsZChKi4WGXRxV9eCcm9IeJ Jamal webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:14 AM1Y9M9hct6dKQDnQ01yMfGegWR-6Mt5267 Jamal webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:12 AM Mr. SANTOSH KUMAR UPADHYAY 9955814519 ASSISTANT PROFESSORSHYAM SAI INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION SIWAN.BIHARrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 1oXZjdBAZIf5J-DcwvyilUcHfra_jIQjg KUMAR UPADHYAY webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:14 AM13iNSI54SP4lvD1AfV4kY3B6HcicJ6bYs KUMAR UPADHYAY webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:12 AM

pammiroy.roy88@gmail.comMrs. PAMMI KUMARI 7909082450 ASSISTANT TEACHER HIGH SCHOOL MATHILA BUXARrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes E -learing topic discuss after session1Mg0mq88F_UFV21DEFK5Kw09wIB8YvMo1 KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:14 AM1tQfv7q82CAnzHahkIetgyeMp2jQLjrNl KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:12 AM

shafayatahmad@gmail.comDr. Shafayat Ahmad 7091490018 Assistant Professor MANUU, College of Teacher Education, Darbhangarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1nF3hc4ho-Z3nZb3P3wlVlsi6KCmbcuhb Ahmad webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:14 AM1CmeS8anmhDfY5CUVC5K7xJee6jd2TKq3 Ahmad webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:13 AM

Dr. Bipin Kumar Mehta 9931966932 Associate professor Dr. Ramji Mehta Aadarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya Muzaffarpurrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Wonderful and meaning full session .1gbM24Vkc4OSknIIsbT-oELuTQPmkrTTN Kumar Mehta webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:15 AM1Ih925wQR-YrXfgScDEsOs3b4U8KDNOSA Kumar Mehta webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:13 AM Dr. Debendra Nath Dash 7416417852 Assistant Director MGNCRE,Ministry of HRD, GOI, Hyderabadrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes NO 1a1WlMuvtspEzjvblgKEAvT2pF6H_XVdv Nath Dash webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:15 AM1G-eYmMytaS102oES4OeXzISCmJw0e_S2 Nath Dash webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:13 AM

Mr. Chandra Mohan Prasad 09122389670 Research Scholar Regional Institute Of Educationrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes It was nice thought provoking webinar.1nYxg3k8nHhiRgt6ewX5i6BKHJGXcnDy- Mohan Prasad webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:15 AM1MwiSY-S1TNakHIpboxe_WzURmISlscCB Mohan Prasad webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:13 AM Dr. DR MANISH RAO AMBEDKAR 9560445205 Assistant Professor Greater Noida Institute of Management Greater Noidarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Please inform me for your upcoming events1EMLR2S55FhpmHkzZsh0YwJzpnpvvIYWN MANISH RAO AMBEDKAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:15 AM1n6CSj0KmCbEwUzkhN4PBOyF69IJORON_ MANISH RAO AMBEDKAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:13 AM

Mr. Bhrigunath Chaubey 8840635789 Assistant professor Rajedra Kishori B.Ed . college sughari.Siwan Bihar relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes No 1G7cZ-tPVwVshtsxgjH5zd_QMtRzyQVph Chaubey webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:15 AM1AvCBqJIi9pCAWOxtsWSegXHpttqKA16_ Chaubey webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:14 AM

kumar.gaurav553@gmail.comMr. Gaurav Kumar Paswan 8083025591 Research scholar Department of education,L N M U DARBHANGArelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes The session was very informative knowledge,i think there should be more time and more speaker1JY02TOExIqQF1g0QLdgJoaVffmywlY8T Kumar Paswan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:15 AM1z_4nlaM0Dvwku0lMT6tPfrwURhCzh3Gr Kumar Paswan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:14 AM

mamtapandeych@gmail.comMrs. Mamta Kumari 8651474111 Research scholar (dept.of Economics)Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur Universityrelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes I prefere google meet .because it is better than zoom1og4W145H0uuDca7zpoaySsqTov7GntxT Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:15 AM1YD5rlSQEMEZIhj6OCJeKzB2M1OlHYEdI Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:14 AM

Dr. Nikahat Parveen 9470160050 Assistant Professor J. J. College, Jhumri Telaiya, Koderma relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Excellent, keep it up 15dMYDaunB8N_tVDCQZoiI_BRntGMf1vn Parveen webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:15 AM1s0-fLm-g2psg_4B39IOw4DBudl4VVdgY Parveen webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:14 AM

kumarvinodlaw@gmail.comDr. VINOD KUMAR 9650564451 Supdt. Legal Govt. of India relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1WuMm-tr4g6K8QQWFc1152EECWsJQCsuU KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:15 AM1lHWNYR6G_qt93kGjsAUb1s1zI0f4nSj5 KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:14 AM

Mrs. Sujata Ranjan 7762820071 Sujata Ranjan Department of Education,Patna University relevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Time management was not proper.Disturbing voice was coming from the back ground. Overall it was good session. 1v5hzZmntfweVJoJv3IzYpVZV-4a8WbLH Ranjan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:15 AM1PUJlXrzslEHzOwK0wsHwS3FTa-eHTMHf Ranjan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:15 AM

Miss Rakhi kumari 8544321731 Student S.S College Jehanabad general Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1oi5nL8w7yfPAo96xn4cJynPS0qrcjZqD kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:16 AM12EDubIrIVg9hBFoeX29w6e95jCJ4C4G7 kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:15 AM

tripti.wish0888@gmail.comProf. TRIPTI MANISHA TETE 9709167682 ASSISTANT PROFESSORST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE relevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes Great experience it was. fruitfull session.1or9A2JhZcD8MKhiJYBYVYymMY6620-d3 MANISHA TETE webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:16 AM1XxPlKCLxMJ5yUt3yeWosPrDEqLaUW5Ye MANISHA TETE webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:15 AM Mr. Ravi Kumar Gupta 9473135108 Research Scholar Samastipur college, samastipur. L. N. M. U. Darbhanga. relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 19gbnQn_TCBZJAZNCLn6tbgMs5JPfpUXs Kumar Gupta webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:15 AM1rHvncCicptHSoRPHcZkoKQAn1oFWmpbX Kumar Gupta webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:15 AM

shilpigbbanerjee@gmail.comDr. Shilpi Banerjee 8637391841 Assistant Professor G. B. M. College, Gaya (Magadh University)relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Please organize webinar on Moocs1u-I8zFXdZe9ZIb7NCSXEfGhv0TzB1aNy Banerjee webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:16 AM1fP53-WvcRsADKLI4A60cKft6zbSPOD6E Banerjee webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:15 AM Miss Swati Shilpi 7011707177 Student PG Department of Education, Patna Universityrelevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes The sound was not clear at times.1dgY5mXzaNMl6oPTV0jkqJXXILWvH60cH Shilpi webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:16 AM1Xt0w2dBy1R71luFT8ehHAh75HZv84-Hz Shilpi webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:16 AM Mr. Vinay Kumar 7870303541 Director Laxmi Residential International Public School, Fatwah, Patnarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Excellent session 13N-Qu56rj_C0a0AXq0AINp5Gd5rAkevU Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:16 AM1QmwkhNAc01H3QEUKi7iFGvtQV4_ZmbPf Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:16 AM

Mr. MD ZEYAUL HAQUE 7737430558 Ph.D ( Research Scholar) , MBA , MA PsychologyLalit Narayan Mithila University Darbhanga Bihar Indiarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes A good webinar was organised by S.S College . I am very thankful to Mr. Madhav sir , Prof. Rekha Kumari and all organising team. I wish and hope to your your team will organise again good Webinar .This is first Webinar which is based on ground problem of 1-1yol6k2MRjHAg1vezuMRZHo8sbPgxdh ZEYAUL HAQUE webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:16 AM15Bx_RByDnKxp_x6Qm9JEL_5Yhycuujj0 ZEYAUL HAQUE webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:16 AM

vandanaroy@rediffmail.comDr. Bandana Kumari 9771495632 Assistant Professor Patna Training College, Patna University Patnarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Thanks 1qCdTlJA6LKijv_xQvlxRv_-ntuWTSJPs Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:16 AM1m3NuvRP8hPN1bnJoFMwpEPp6RUmLlsdd Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:16 AM

Miss MONI KUMARI 7780097740 College student S.S.COLLEGE, JEHANABADrelevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Ye webinar bhut achha rha 1OBr3Kp51hcdHdVKtl4UmwqDVNaYcQ2qC KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:16 AM1qcpdlZw5vpBiQt_l2JiSoVhNHoe5lvc7 KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:17 AM Mr. Jaymangal Chandra 9321248115 Doctoral Research ScholarInternational Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes It was very informative session.1dgez2oTZslQXZjiqLVP6OA863aMTT8aa Chandra webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:16 AM1jy9OfO03VGThDOngTf72kRItzeMAhM3G Chandra webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:17 AM

deepakkumarjha9798@gmail.comMr. DEEPAK KUMAR 9798491043 RESEARCH SCHOLAR CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH BIHARrelevant satisfied Very satisfied yes no yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Thank you 136IBifgDCcKwAO21zZ2fHgryFyKorn0o KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:17 AM1lDCPPCqpy3rLQmvUYyrN4IheYGGXrltl KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:17 AM

Mr. Ketan Kumar 9709043573 Assistant Professor G D College, Begusarai relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1afp2LKAs8ms95eeJ7yZXLKvvlldfjQ-z Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:17 AM1tdeSmt6RCYS_BN94ovV69AEN_C6FnSK5 Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:17 AM

mukeshguptamdnr@gmail.comDr. Mukesh Kumar Gupta 9759647730 H.O.D Shiva Educational Institute relevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 18GCY1DaVcQK5gQ8ep-MNNvKxJd969gwA Kumar Gupta webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:17 AM1rue7PeJ22WlmlIEhznukRKl6y34lb034 Kumar Gupta webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:18 AM

jaiswalsuman1991@gmail.comProf. Suman jaiswal 8540001685 Assistant Professor Department of education, Magadh University Bodhgayarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Bahut hi behatrin session tha1dCX5AYSipKlWHcG_0rm8VLIxsmaJZmx7 jaiswal webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:17 AM1z9sELcZGFn_Y1qD7qRsoY0kumXSpfGtb jaiswal webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:18 AM

shakila84nigar@gmail.comDr. Shakila Khatoon 7983432279 Assistant Professor SMSG College, Sherghati relevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes My Suggestion would be regarding inaugural session and introduction of the speaker. I think it should be shorter and the speaker should be given more time 1XQKPbwbmNeaCG-MPGQS9z4KVPEdBlyY- Khatoon webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:17 AM1tHpTPwOhCOQBcF_zHAGkeXuQRPvqZzRm Khatoon webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:18 AM Miss SWATI KUMARI 9507247969 Student Department of education , Patna universityrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes It was very nice to know about knowledge and i am very thankful to webinar organization1K7VcquF4FGH0tag0KIOAi3sYdF3nd0Tw KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:17 AM1WCFYBC2aM6D9Wc-lAq9MZwEm__D4479O KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:18 AM Mrs. REKHA RANI 9109773154 RESEARCH SCHOLAR ,DR. HARISINGH GOUR VISHWAVIDYALAYA SAGAR M.P.relevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes No,it is valuable and knowledgeable session.1vN5nWGex4XxH3qU7wFjZVRUIAwPlMQax RANI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:18 AM13xHG7CZfZCo-ZJHVo6ig6G0V2BmcB8qy RANI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:18 AM

Mr. SARFRAZ ANWAR 8210374636 Ph.D Research Scholar Aryabhatta Knowledge University,Patna,Bihar-800001relevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes If possible organise time to time webinar on educational issues.1onCGPedua9rgXns_dDSe7CvRavcIq13j ANWAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:18 AM1Ll1A1pc6DOUG57yCySLSX7pRtg0lyJgW ANWAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:18 AM

rahulnayan1993@gmail.comMr. RAHUL NAYAN +919576478704 Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic College ,Bhaga, Dhanbadrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1MfL2De0OAJxgOi2C-AxtmDSdUa-F9bC0 NAYAN webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:17 AM16eTDDae9Cg9FymiWsIs_GGHFiIhXkJSV NAYAN webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:19 AM

sudhasingh.ss2000@gmail.comMrs. Sudha Kumari 8709919502 Assistant Teacher UMS Dhamapur, Modanganj, Jehanabadrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes No 1WIJV95SblaTLRqcGxGAfRq0Tl4u75ND3 Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:18 AM1AUMns_97Sjv8b6DJFLoBvYnuaZsW2OyJ Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:19 AM

Mr. Ravindra kumar 9963062321 Assistant professor Narayana Group of institutions relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes NA 1ttKVuNEpzJLmhnou8-ijK6QSRQzI1svB kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:17 AM1Rqdw_8cGWau-lKTh4U30MhqIZNjCFXPe kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:19 AM

alamgufran910@gmail.comMr. GUFRAN ALAM 7091384433 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR WOMEN'S TRAINING COLLEGE, PATNA UNIVERSITY ,PATNA relevant Very satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Discussion session was good 1i1SD2x43nXaKp7rtOIWrUrTTDrVt7ChW ALAM webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:18 AM1gX5KJn9aLBUl55qQoNLxK5uL1oa6jLON ALAM webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:19 AM

mukeshnisthula@gmail.comMr. Mukesh Kumar Gupta 9489594925 Doctoral Research Fellow International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai-400088, Indiarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Session was too good for me.19FUyQRmFFoA1yREgraO9-CynaftXZR04 Kumar Gupta webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:18 AM187ysi-6KHYOzsFpWMKqCKDxEzfL2LQl3 Kumar Gupta webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:20 AM

Dr. Pooja 8051874199 Assistant Professor Gautam Buddha Mahila College, Gayarelevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Good Work! 1aX3FJg2jRVuedV6c85ljNZ4Gq8iD7-ME webinar certificate Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:18 AM10GlJ7KeM9o6vEP-k6dZ6nuaZa6ibNfsk webinar certificate Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:20 AM Sandhya kumari 9525948993 Assistant Teacher B. R.A Bihar University muzaffarpur relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Govt. Should be focused on Government schools in Bihar. 1lSSQoZyqOU_6iDYzSTsJg7D6SwC1HnjA kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:19 AM1QfqFOyb_e1ixfM8GHeA3MQrNk6ytXVCg kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:20 AM

amriteshkr1994@gmail.comMr. Amritesh Kumar 9431438626 Student M.Ed IV semester Department of Education, Patna Universityrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Finally, It was very wonderful webinar arranged by SS College Jehanabad on recent topics like Covid_19 . prof A K Singh, and Prof Khagendra Kumar well delivered the topics and it is quite easier to understand the recent scenario of Online education. Thanks1iTRqNwHVRhhPwMYsK84SxOOg8SRPq2YH Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:19 AM1ulMCE73aRv94uc0DMNqcLa_9UDj8sLlz Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:20 AM

sandipkumarpu@gmail.comDr. Sandip Kumar 9852014673 Academician Patna University relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes No 1JT2U0QBfH2iQ30WHtta8zfgzFKiTf96R Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:19 AM11D70KCV1EyQQBx3CyvNXMPlKnPQ59B5J Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:20 AM

jaymangalchandra1@gmail.comMr. 7667557084 7667557084 Student National Institute of Open School (NIOS), Ranchi, Jharkhand, MHRD, Govt. of Indiarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredMaybe Productive session 1ZKgKHm8HTI4GKZS2RekoarrPaUzKl9Tp webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:19 AM1UF11W-9n9n13fmMuPj7GsKVYYeYc8oW2 webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:20 AM

aashishgupta356@gmail.comDr. डॉ. आशीष कुमार गु�ता 9753022339 सहायक �श�क शासक�य उ�चतर मा�य�मक relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Government should feel all vaccant sit then online classes will be success.1KQR-DhhLbSJ15Waa4yBqzuA5dU-ZWOqFडॉ. आशीष कुमार गु�ता webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:20 AM1eRTT1-OfMH8BiseOA4tei_cPkq4jKjg_डॉ. आशीष कुमार गु�ता webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:21 AM

callmeharshraj@gmail.comMr. DEEPAK KUMAR 9123289221 ASSISTANT PROFESSORACHARYA SUDARSHAN B.ED COLLEGE,AKU PATNArelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes The session was very nice and relevant to the today's scenario. No suggestions needed. Hope to hear again about these types of webinars.1LQKDDVkMFmk-gQ2RtjOEYJBxFpsJ2kMx KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:20 AM1di5tucIdQjolMduYNMBBCj7Zd_lJ76oV KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:21 AM

barnwalrajesh007@gmail.comMr. RAJESH KUMAR 8340670057 STUDENT POST GRADUATED DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PATNA UNIVERSITY PATNArelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes This was wonderful session1xuS_g7JH22NxMyqq1F2imZARzwRUzzxT KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:20 AM1qHpjmkYhL4VqA5hSxDuzpW34EK32VgxW KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:21 AM

shilpishiwanimuz@gmail.comMrs. SHILPI SHIWANI 9835509590 Research scholar B.R.A.Bihar University Muzaffarpurrelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes No 1G7TbzKXb5YI-J6XHaKOHAveWP8PD1sln SHIWANI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:20 AM1Y6NwwQFqu3S8yrrnjq-e7Hg4kZ3c8-FZ SHIWANI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:21 AM

ajaychoudharykte@gmail.comMr. Ajay Choudhary 9179755583 Research Scholar(PhD course work student in political sciencePG DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE VKSU ARArelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes Very knowledgeable speech.1aQV5r2O6siZ9TU09yCF9_ANcczJQQ6DP Choudhary webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:21 AM1Kc-wT2CAxbDzYT84iJIsrVVGfFQ8FVGc Choudhary webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:22 AM

aroobparween@gmail.comMrs. Aroob Parween 9955142371 Research Scholar P.G.Department of Education, Patna Universityrelevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes well organised session 1h8C5cm7I51ftrGtuiJxanD8SgaNgCPE2 Parween webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:21 AM1g_uqpO6iD2waD52Dm00dtF0pTy4gDtNM Parween webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:22 AM Mr. ANSHU KUMAR GUPTA 9015277564 Assistant Professor East N West Teachers Training Collegerelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes impressive 167XCc-BsB8id7B6OkmPxX2Wt6Xxg2Oa9 KUMAR GUPTA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:21 AM1Q-4InFF7EDk3QVs7NyXcT2M-eJ3lWyov KUMAR GUPTA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:22 AM

sharadkumar854@gmail.comProf. Sharad kumar yadav 9931375729 Prof:- sharad kumar yadav Royal heritage college of education, rajasan, vaishalirelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes I be happy... With today webinar... Thanks1e9tBRpyZn_0BlnSABWQPtsp_OkxmcjCu kumar yadav webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:21 AM1vKt_oT0a0cVEv7sA10TMWrInQB8Zk1VO kumar yadav webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:22 AM

1542.chandeshwari@gmail.comMiss CHANDESHWARI KUMARI 7273860686 Research Scholar P.G. Department of Education ,Patna University,Patnarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Very informative . 1TYgCtAMJS_G8_7-3mgd55Qb26eLL13MG CHANDESHWARI KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:22 AM11ZITtlI8xIwCvweioYgYhbsUyZ01113b CHANDESHWARI KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:23 AM Dr. Sangeeta Chauhan 9935266721 Assistant Professor School of Education, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknowrelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Session was very interactive.17KDlZz9c6WqhSQH_oK4G-K4o5eXlCQhx Chauhan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:22 AM1lQESy31KtLF9fsdtmkBBz6Lk_5mYGCgf Chauhan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:23 AM

pushparaj0001@gmail.comMr. PUSHPARAJ KAUSHAL 8988444449 M.ED STUDENT SAI NATH UNIVERSITY RANCHIrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Heartiest congratulations to whole entire team for organising such an excellent excellent webinar. And thank you so much for giving me opportunity to learn something new for COVID19.18HQmodOHecuJSZtWtp-E_W8_gRPG2Ah3 KAUSHAL webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:22 AM1baQzjM9sOc5dfC1xeEJgN_gphVXVEMSh KAUSHAL webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:23 AM

kumarmrityunjay92@gmail.comMr. MRITYUNJAY KUMAR 9973717512 Student Department of education Patna Universityrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes No 1MwWAz8YR6dzqYl00j0MSDR2__03735kt KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:22 AM1uvxVlH0KY8VdFFsIPogL0cpaHrybsrGU KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:23 AM

nisha1998raaz@gmail.comMrs. Nisha Kumari 7762021223 Quize Mahtama ghandhi central University Bihar motiharirelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Nice imperative lecture 1B5rCTLpaiYsg1ii_YRXfUVCrY5utHtfs Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:22 AM1cjnX2vWEE4cI6vysoNPKO5STohvCX-QO Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:23 AM Miss WAEZA AFSHAN 7870819435 Student Department of Education Patna Universityrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes No. It was a wonderful session1pe1MEPgyTk6obzAxQoIY7GpiDobj1KF6 AFSHAN webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:22 AM1DICfajIajZWv-gpfCF12Xpo0tqxTTbZo AFSHAN webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:24 AM

surajkumarsingh031194@gmail.comMr. SURAJ KUMAR 8207782793 Research scholar B. H. U relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes These kind of session should be continued in future also.17N9XudMb292vHqohh8nwn8-5Bt5MbzEo KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:22 AM1hm8R4J0K6FWiMI1XMysieRERhk8_Jw4J KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:24 AM

Mr. MD SHAHID ALI 8084058149 Yes Department Of Education, Patna University, Patnarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 1rMClBD85YPY7Em1Zzjk4OYEj8CKKTBzO SHAHID ALI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:23 AM1Np3_z2c9qCDQuO_TZIckRHjMgKijcdly SHAHID ALI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:24 AM

Mr. VIDYA SAGAR ORAON 7667557084 Student XII STD National Institute of Open School (NIOS), Ranchi, Jharkhand, MHRD, Govt. of Indiarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredMaybe Very Productive session 1lno85RYsX0HIHMkcdiagCZbP6ogbY-1y SAGAR ORAON webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:24 AM1aoDack5EKh_pX058ai3mVtjGGg6zhlw_ SAGAR ORAON webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:24 AM

Dr. Dr. Akash Kumar 7004315664 Assistant professor Rajendra college chhapra relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Covid-19 has forced universities across India, and the world indeed, to suspend physical classrooms and shift to online classes. In India, while this transition has been smooth for most private universities, the public ones are still adapting. There have a1bUwz2Vturg0bpzNB2G20EsMI_UyQVxg3 Akash Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:24 AM1vzrqUmgVe3B2YX4QX1ilIJG5PZu3oAU9 Akash Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:24 AM

abhay.bittu2008@gmail.comProf. Abhay Kumar Bittu 9835282653 Assistant Professor relevant Very satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1YIYhQiNC0uRMb1OukGoE0E5iiCAzvPyS Kumar Bittu webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:24 AM1PkB95NeDVh3OYiqxFZO5L3SCzfbLc2Rz Kumar Bittu webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:24 AM Sanjeev Kumar. 9431457878 Assistant professor College of Teacher Education,Turki(Muzaffarpur).Bihar.relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes In Question answer session any questions raised by the participants should be topic based or speaker lecture based. In this webinar question was on low salary of teachers in Bihar. I think this shouldn't be in this session1ugikyyZbNzjoHiwSKXuqiP5F496j25W7 Kumar. webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:24 AM1KWOuJg-RtJzVDWBRVsZEr8-rYGkpjNrV Kumar. webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:25 AM

anupakumarianu2659@gmail.comMrs. ANUPA KUMARI 8340548392 Student Central University of South Biharrelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredMaybe No 1_1t6rXokPPinjaIKDiGBFd6Vu4JfulAu KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:25 AM1UNVH02lf2njyWeUQUy1YoHrweuzfPuXX KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:25 AM Dr. Dr.Priyanka Ranjan 9608058570 Resource person at University Department of Commerce and Mangement B.R.A BIHAR UNIVERSITY MUZAFFARPUR BIHARUniversity Department of Commerce and Management,B.R.A BIHAR UNIVERSITY MUZAFFARPUR,BIHARrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Too informative session...cover some more relevant topics specially related to covid19.1oMCZJ9-9gsOvoCmOliAx4yjPR7euSGtK Ranjan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:25 AM11rOlY24--kRWGVsWC16J3ux6oFubxkFc Ranjan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:25 AM

Miss KUMARI BHARTI 8851880557 ASSISTANT PROFESSORMAHATMA BUDDHA TEACHERS TRAINING COLLEGErelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes NO 1Xn1G2Zehkvelyudg4jVH9oVgNUDq6Fl3 BHARTI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; Emails Sent: [To:]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:25 AM1LtD9_FnSQ18Cz-0AQHifSwF1qMrpVsVE BHARTI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:25 AM

Miss PRITY JHA 8676837176 ACADEMICIAN PATNA UNIVERSITY PATNArelevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Thank you so much very informative session1kNxKSzMYMbQWwolpE6BHHJfk5LQ0fUAj JHA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:25 AM1VAavWz0NtuC0Q1Zcyv6Ve6puioWDIYJw JHA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:25 AM Mrs. Anupama Dipti Lakra 9973299006 Ph.D Research Scholar Aryabhatta knowledge University, Patna, Biharrelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Today’s webinar was very informative. I think this webinar should be more than 1 day.1ZjCD9oylU92tFgGZEyKAc54L9rcfrzcP Dipti Lakra webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:26 AM1O0me1fOJw3DXjbN_IOTqmzvycl9LmO2n Dipti Lakra webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:26 AM

sweety.oraon13@gmail.comMiss SANJU KUMARI 9969240606 M.Ed. Scholar Indus College of Education, Asthal Bohar, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, India relevant Very satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredMaybe Informative sesson 1ex7CQu3Jw3iJ7ZupbVkiDJcfLYRKoLmR KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:26 AM1FkyQXW2CGCvaUPDHk5OH8A-Z96Wbb8RB KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:26 AM

Mrs. Sarita Kumari 8303251260 Research Scholar Department of Education, Nehru Gram Bharti University, Prayagrajrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes It is very important and informative for me.17IpJ7WwF7dHvYyl4qvPPO4OgbMgx-m_C Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:27 AM1pqieRcC1U0IiVVxBmvjnk6okqj--Se2X Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:26 AM Mrs. KM ANJALI KUMAR 7011003280 MEd Scholar Lloyd Institute of Management Greater Noidarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Please inform me for next event1jOqb4n6LPtvnBvW71RWmwsxcm8taTH2j ANJALI KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:27 AM1Da4mj7pSvm7_dRa7Y-AFZxVHnY06H-OK ANJALI KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:26 AM

rahulrajhse1990@gmail.comMiss JUHI KUMARI 8988444449 M.ED STUDENT MODERN COLLEGE OF EDUCATION NAWADArelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Thanks to organizers for organizing such informative,knowledgeable and interactive sessions in this Webinar . It was worth Learning for us. Thanks to all team members.1DA9CbQXre0fYB5xpc-3JesPn3DdqlfPq KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:29 AM1BZbZkrtueUR-Zxf8UYZHoWjk63wAVQL9 KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:26 AM

akshaykumarltr@gmail.comMr. AKSHAY KUMAR VERMA 9110984282 Bachelor of Arts (B.A) SS Memorial College, Ranchi, Ranchi University Ranchi, Jharkhandrelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes Pls, Continue this type of Informative session1fVl9Xt3Aa327iX9e9zuHW2FiXOSCC_J7 KUMAR VERMA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:29 AM1gSalfoe81SLxE-BaH9kyWN89RpYbffbJ KUMAR VERMA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:27 AM

arayan.amitarayan@gmail.comMr. Amit Kumar bharti 07488319981 Student Vinoba Bhave University relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes Discussion on similar topic.186WNRlGnNmziyhsDz6_qtVYIKVTd44Lz Kumar bharti webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:29 AM12DyvcXSdmRZNghi4x4OVoDF8lZ9Y1a4Z Kumar bharti webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:27 AM

Mr. PINTU RANJAN PRASAD 7717770990 RESEARCH SCHOLAR DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, LALIT NARAYAN MITHILA UNIVERSITY, DARBHANGA (BIHAR)relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes This webinar was good , contents are qualitative and informative. I wish you will organise again this type of Webinar.13RmxjXF9vfvAaipU7wksgrMRWgNoVAgP RANJAN PRASAD webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:30 AM1VdNKgMhZzHi2xGtAIGxW6L6y0d_giqrm RANJAN PRASAD webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:27 AM Mr. Aman patel 7903293119 Student Central University of South Bihargeneral satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 1617oz-X41eyNe43GmlGTJsDB5Q-S_CLu patel webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:30 AM15s4tNPORbDqY4DUtBviE7BpSyg2XPEne patel webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:27 AM

Dr. Dr. Amit Kumar 9801176099 Assistant Professor Kamla Rai College, Gopalganj, /Jai Prakash University, Chaprarelevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 1JjxvrxWZmJWtQPvIgwCDxP_gzAz27R5W Amit Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:30 AM1GBS6KYT13Z49PHXuVxlasH6_9lAtJyJK Amit Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:28 AM

talk2manishajha88@gmail.comMrs. MANISHA KUMARI 9472291926 Student M.D.D.M. COLLEGE relevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Nothing , thank you very much.1E10ntuUinsVoFkSr08JDNcI0PJC-8UR1 KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:30 AM15bULHLgC92-ktaykrXPygXHu4Bcoy9nl KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:28 AM

Mr. NIRAD RAJA 7004070167 Research Scholar Department of Education, LNMU, Darbhangarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes NO 1vIVhImd2pvsuaoD2luNpl3SU7DXB7d1P RAJA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:30 AM1g85eYpfZwY1MY0Hjwx8OG587QY97ODQh RAJA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:28 AM

kumarishikha.081285@gmail.comMrs. Kumari Shikha 8409192444 Research scholar Lalit Narayan mithila universityrelevant Very satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes V nice to us 195Njr1s6PtxAfXWZCPQgNREhFjur_R5V Shikha webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:30 AM1MFigYFvSa-szVnSSF5Zy5eO1T8GgVrOv Shikha webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:28 AM Dr. Monika kumari 9771100883 other Department of Geography ,Patna University ,prelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes how we make our online classes interasting and attractive1U0bGNFTmLMeA-fRpAwYdOYszECVIldUp kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:31 AM1FlXEjDCK0_1pIbcDQtPhz-TGda5kDbYS kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:28 AM

Mr. CHHATHU KUMAR SAHU 8340424806 B.A. / B.Ed. /M.A. Chatra College, Chatra, Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag, Jharkhand, Indiarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes 1hQu68lhsM7hQnKPl7SVhhYkRVLxlEknH KUMAR SAHU webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:32 AM14xtAtTaPgWBD_UG3zxX-sfKACI9TYjI- KUMAR SAHU webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:29 AM

poojakumari11185@gmail.comMrs. POOJA KUMARI 9771133105 RESEARCH SCHOLAR DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY, LALIT NARAYAN MITHILA UNIVERSITY, DARBHANGA (BIHAR)relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes This webinar was good , contents are qualitative and informative. I wish you will organise again this type of Webinar.1NVEHfHan-eaNcLGqNgUAWl-vFtrCyNzP KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:32 AM1ySy8tsE9ek6oIUUpyxmU0fd4hkWJwRYu KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:29 AM

dhananjay1050@gmail.comProf. Dhananjay Kumar +919986400400 Training & Placement HeadEast Point College Of Engineering & Technologyrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 1Xzk0LkbAeKZSRwgh9uO9utOfo9PpNJus Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:33 AM1QfXd6S0idfR27whq108Bu-5UzHz4wzwC Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:29 AM

talk2harshraj9798@gmail.comMiss KUMARI HEMA 9123289337 TEACHER HAPPY PUBLIC SCHOOL, SAMASTIPURrelevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes thank u 1YfH7x_9Gl3W-lIyaylFDgZO6v4wGjW9Q HEMA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:34 AM1fBMG5RfKYwKeqAj_ET78F8QpQqHu6Bbu HEMA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:29 AM

jaymangalchandra@gmail.comMr. VIDYA SAGAR ORAON 08355964154 Student XII STD National Institute of Open School (NIOS), Ranchi, Jharkhand, MHRD, Govt. of Indiarelevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1Sxr8Fq6vly3Wa7HAVG3nFeB_YVVxg5Fs SAGAR ORAON webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:35 AM1Fd06GEYq9dhWOLJdMhmGN0EqRR5D_1oV SAGAR ORAON webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:29 AM

jairamkumar18694@gmail.comMr. jairam kumar 9852577640 Student S.S. College jehanabad general satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 1mrTRfoHc3MPk256OrV_tNZvsm_jnW8IJ kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:36 AM1IFA1XJ-O185zncIZbafOCVPmR5DM_xlN kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:30 AM

indukumari20132014@gmail.comMiss Indu kumari 8084352967 Research scholars B. R. A. B. U. Muzaffarpur relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes No 1AF_OIxW6J3uX0RA_3wK0g6ImkRJPrv3O kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:36 AM1zShdZJkuXFNM35f10ODbVPr_tiJ7Ntvj kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:30 AM

Miss BINITA KUMARI 9709707417 PURSUING B.Ed RAMADHAR SINGH TEACHER'S TRAINING COLLEGE, EKMA, SARANrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Covid-19 has forced universities across India, and the world indeed, to suspend physical classrooms and shift to online classes. In India, while this transition has been smooth for most private universities, the public ones are still adapting. There have a1-DXavd7_otxoeH62StdowJ3H7ugRCNtq KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:37 AM11nTfS9Og-8cHdaTt1jwY4HKdx1-QiEac KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:30 AM

Miss Nishat Afshan 9771722045 Student Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchirelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes No 10vSxpDMQOUPRZCYANj_w2X7JlYXRlbkR Afshan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:37 AM1b8J_8GjBI_o7q2-p9AipH83s0xSEBI4u Afshan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:30 AM

kumarmrityunjay92@gmail.comMr. MRITYUNJAY KUMAR 9973717512 Student Department of education ,Patna university relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes It was very nice 1Wq_MNgCFGIpEA6HuAKfltQsjzAj6mVuc KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:37 AM1RIvg1kWK12EenOBzV5HZlfOLNC_YIfXL KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:30 AM Miss KUMARI NUTAN SUMAN 6203289021 Student Patliputra teacher training college relevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Not now 1MvgcyoamXgSU8N2hEZT3A8g4ZYXqr2sL NUTAN SUMAN webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:38 AM1ObtTQxzAVNgGbdFV01d3_p0lTWVgWSX6 NUTAN SUMAN webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:31 AM

sumaaan198905@gmail.comMiss Kumari nutan suman 9162006275 Kumari nutan suman Patliputra teachers training college relevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Not now 1ocEUw9pE40bLKkDrVY_EjBLyK9p6qhFc nutan suman webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:40 AM15TApEU6Bx198mRb7_VyB99k2nxKx_4Ot nutan suman webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:31 AM

Mr. CHANDAN KUMAR 7903716972 SALES OFFICER IFFCO E BAZAR relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Gud 1RA1c9YjOhNG1BFbg6mEvGis-dPnbbIhS KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:41 AM1iCVVk_8ehgmlj7N387EBYlnSuNV5jMVX KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:31 AM

deepika.kumari2508@gmail.comMiss DEEPIKA KUMARI 8840739031 PG STUDENT CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH BIHARrelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 11TdnveTGMJSVMwt437wFhQJUpMc96IPz KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:43 AM1QVUybZtiwfbXYGYA5C4-hdanpIvLMa9W KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:31 AM

bindukumari20132014@gmail.comMiss Bindu kumari 9430528052 Research scholars B.r.a.b.u.muzaffarpur relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Yes 1vHXL0b4erkuC_Rr5PTpr06HbarVioa_F kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:44 AM132CAPTrq4vjW5ZxlNWphPlaaRkrgYCHV kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:31 AM Kumar Ambarish Narayan 9473131111 Assistant Professor Dept. of Business Administration, Gaya College, Gayarelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 17I4k7d408mGf_fpY0A1DuL3ybPQHqcl1 Ambarish Narayan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:44 AM1fLHcThSR4gChVfTuoA77l8lqF1nc9t9q Ambarish Narayan webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:31 AM Mr. Pankaj kumar 8409995757 Research Scholar Department of Education,Patna university, patna-05relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes Quality Education & Niyojit teacher in Bihar, If passible then please take it as the next topic for webinar.Thank you very much.1HszxfC-s6Z3ZCkNr_0C4H4ltoV5RahUB kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:53 AM1PPxxFEOhjGXGVn_K8LWYmZpFfOeO0vho kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:32 AM

Miss Shweta 7765991619 Student Bibi aasia begum teacher's training college general satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes No 1o4iqLWOCn9j9Ru5BxUyzFYmHNOA7X2Gp webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 4:58 AM1kEGrHaM7Y0A6meuJboK2xMvBeee-OyLV webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:32 AM

Miss Shruti Sinha 8789844731 Student P.G. Department of Educationrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes No 1fkvAsgz_iQCr-hhV4HP783CMOrFTBDUO Sinha webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 5:00 AM1uYz2GmV3eyG3F3O89DH8rVzMDl8Nvd3w Sinha webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:32 AM

talk2harshraj9798@gmail.comMrs. MANJU KUMARI 9798491068 PRINCIPAL BASIC SCHOOL TANRA, SAMASTIPURrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Thnk you 15rOXbdtafoMnlC6yiNxJUoA8p96votAk KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 5:03 AM1PW5o-vQlQ1ltiC01sF9KqpOoaUFvznND KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:32 AM

Mr. Awadhesh Kumar 9430256405 PGT(Geography) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Piprakothi (East Champaran) relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1Qz8QvUkTE5ZZTyZzBY8DGZZ4McXKRhod Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 5:11 AM1Xf_iyCCRLb4oFNCTeFNTZsY3BYRCUr99 Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:33 AM

kr.abhaykumar@gmail.comDr. Abhay Kumar 9891342550 Alumni Department of Geography, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhirelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes More webinar on burning issues like socio-economic development & applied science that is important for our country in making of Atmanirbhar Bharat.1edCHIYQCVZBAitaFD0Y_4GGuD2YmGbvx Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 5:15 AM14M_yLhEsTUiQjDJ_sl3MIBu7PmiZHd7O Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:33 AM Mr. Sanjay Kumar 9454886393 Assistant Professor SD College, Kaler , Arwal relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1jo8q1n1YOD_TcB1Yst2rhvZJwUOQ-Ya- Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 5:18 AM1JMet-0C-17psBe8GNSLHh4q5s9lG2mbZ Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:33 AM

mahtabimam445@gmail.comMr. MAHTAB IMAM 8935840187 Student (M.Ed) P.G Dept of Education patna university, patna relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes Educated person awareness of society 16YhIcCjVr8kEKk1GEresT-giY6IGUGmZ IMAM webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 5:25 AM1C_9gwkUZIgQ_2fFF71ANskq0fLta6CWX IMAM webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:33 AM

Miss DIMPLE DIANA MINZ 8051479398 Assistant Professor GOSSNER COLLEGE RANCHI JHARKHANDrelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes No 1IA3XJgBQ41G1WTGA2ZqCXbFj0o8M1xqn DIANA MINZ webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 5:30 AM1h2aoRMFMehl9CnIZzP58XFBjR7mKLMDH DIANA MINZ webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:33 AM

Dr. VIJAY KUMAR 7004949547 RESEARCH SCHOLAR PATNA UNIVERSITY relevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes More advance app should used1osd9aJW8BdQ708bkfDTzQlnWXCTjmYdw KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 5:31 AM1d8YfmnMGb0G6K7yRUcnL8WuLtZJAO8Cl KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:34 AM

mailopratimakumari@gmail.comMiss Pratima Kumari 9122428011 Assistant RBI relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 16QAV1CW_qStXb333SpR11TN9hUCUmGMi Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 5:32 AM1ulqBbkeDm5CnirptTHO-MvEhvRMIsKRQ Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:34 AM

vnsharma2211@gmail.comDr. Viveka Nand Sharma 9430055225 Associate professor S. S. S. S. College Jehanabad relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Another Webinar should be held. 122YQ3qkDu85AiKsKeyl_-noDu4pQbT1Z Nand Sharma webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 5:33 AM1yQapw7z2EVxOBe2fDdcWxOn20SrX_qGo Nand Sharma webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:34 AM

kalpanarani.sanju@gmail.comMrs. Kalpana Kumari 8809098283 Assistant professor Dev Sangha institute of professional studies and Educational Researchrelevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes Try international seminar 1ZIan_s4ZXuTQmzHCUVFMdJ4l_F_2AVr0 Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 5:34 AM1_AX2vMLxGbfRF8MPqsxqcK3LrgYeX-56 Kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:34 AM

sabirkhan78654321@gmail.comMr. Md.Sabir Ahmad 9472397612 Assistant professor department of EnglishMirza Ghalib College,Gayarelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes No 1uAGb2ParzY1YHIUTariM8O7WEcvFOnyA Ahmad webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 5:38 AM1iBcdC2UfjgA72BqyBH9vyc0fImB-J1Eg Ahmad webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:34 AM

Mr. AMAN KUMAR 8271109996 RESEARCH SCHOLAR LALIT NARAYAN MITHILA UNIVERSITYrelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1oDArP3OYqbHHMaaJD_bLv-MBjBFPnYju KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 5:38 AM15s9ZqjMPuDdpDAZQB4WSIyWajj4v3qCS KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:35 AM Mrs. BEAUTY KUMARI 7543031527 RESEARCH SCHOLAR LNMU relevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes Keep it up 197nYeD-z7zVMAoeDdJ4GI1prseejUfvK KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 5:42 AM1UcIwdFobYAPvcbB0DJBmFr92PpFUB5z_ KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:35 AM

shahinaayaan726@gmail.comMiss SHAHINA MATEEN 8228090048 RESEARCH SCHOLAR DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION,L.N.MITHILA UNVERSITY,DARBHANGA,BIHARrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes congratulation to the organizing team for organizing webinar on such important and relevant topic.1ArPnyUtJlK37dacwZKTeWn0QCrD0sioR MATEEN webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 6:03 AM1DS61tC8lOJna46Ud7FipzHaGKZSfgYmP MATEEN webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:35 AM

DRANISHCMISHRA@GMAIL.COMDr. Anish Chandra Mishra 8825145228 Research Fellow Department of Commerce , B.R.A.Bihar University, Muzaffarpur,Biharrelevant Very satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes No 13z1NVViXVO5Pvncw-IdFR3B_JxIm5-Hw Chandra Mishra webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 6:13 AM1-1zYeAnDIghNJAMuGtT_EHAglBnmrhzt Chandra Mishra webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:35 AM

ravindra91077@gmail.comDr. Dr.Ravindra Kumar 7903896243 Assistant professor K.P.College Murliganj : BNMU Madhepurarelevant satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1RH-dLAL88lEbJl-q91k97tMDIjZaKHNq Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 6:19 AM1tWcnanPa251EAc_1xVPJpiiYf6nE_dbX Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:35 AM

kumarimanisha220391@gmail.comMiss KUMARI MANISHA 9576959684 Research SCHOLAR University Dept. Of Economics B.R.A.B.U MUZAFFARPUR BIHAR relevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Na 1-BMZT1oZO8eY1HxE1MNG8alcXLgG0XLe MANISHA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 6:20 AM10cx5GMpN7iloKUYjqeMLHaoRP4Vcp_HZ MANISHA webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:36 AM

Mr. Rahul Kumar Yadav 8210079336 Ph.D. Scholar University of Hyderabad (HCU)relevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes NA 1d7V3i0ffh273ECpT5KKvaRSv_FUZLgRz Kumar Yadav webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 6:23 AM1knEEeTwFOeEpTKXZm3Xlmhitcx3fqP5j Kumar Yadav webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:36 AM

Mr. Raju Kumar 8797037111 Assistant professor Women's training college patna university general Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1h1A3KYn7ujHNLaKNujg9ei0krAwwuh9Z Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 6:27 AM1qWmdDBjlnd6M-rc6Sg4XZOM4SK2lzSIB Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:36 AM

shanu28sourabh@gmail.comMr. SOURABH KUMAR 9097919625 RESEARCH SCHOLAR VEER KUNWAR SINGH UNIVERSITY ARA BIHARrelevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes Everything was perfect there is no need of any improvement1HDSatAQgqs0-UFCx281QvIyO7shLGYPd KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 6:28 AM1K1qJyDe8M65vm6B07M3mboAfcO3crph7 KUMAR webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:36 AM Miss SUSHMITA KUMARI 7488551451 STUDENT SURESH GYAN VIHAR UNIVERSITY JAIPUR RAJASTHAN relevant satisfied 17X-Ie47Idcdg-x2jnQj470wR9-omLbjS KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 6:31 AM1mIYbO9RTkodDKmDdvRmzPVpoQ1Dj4DdA KUMARI webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:37 AM

kumarinutan249@gmail.comMiss Nutan kumari 9079552194 Student Suresh gyan vihar university, jaipur, Rajasthanrelevant satisfied satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes No 1e17hwNAwgG6SBVIcuYNhMldr0TMs3CfU kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 6:33 AM1wblSjm1MxSTEYp0VhLs-Joj9HVjzFtit kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:37 AM

Miss Nidhi kumari 7633922392 Yes Department of education (D.S College Katihar) relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 1i-M1JaiXGr4pEDujmISza7mcZmPfI7iM kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 6:35 AM1d15hKpJ1Zj94XbL7wIDhsh6l_xBol0sA kumari webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:37 AM

Mr. VIVEK SWARUP 9473042108 ASSET RBI relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Interested in hearing from the speaker(s) who ran the webinarYes 1GEKUaUyQA21jt7DK4oyPA8bZB5mZQ3PV SWARUP webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 6:36 AM1_8Zs456PwgxE0Z1Fovap2Xvx854G80IM SWARUP webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:37 AM

Dr. Umesh Kumar 9931215941 Assistant professor SGGS College Patna City relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Professionally interested in the topic coveredYes During this lockdown these kind of webinars should be conducted.19_RUF8IXhftIh7S4uswvZzE_eYJcg1PZ Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 6:46 AM1fvy1ZjwTzPavxV0z7lM35Y7GpYtLzV-Z Kumar webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:37 AM

Mr. Nitish Kumar Singh 9718435661 Advocate Supreme court of India relevant Very satisfied Very satisfied yes yes yes Personally interested in the topic coveredYes 1GaZOTexqQtp5SzrX4cA7PpAy8XOCU-tu Kumar Singh webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 6:51 AM1GzJ-OToMlXSbtvLTVJQDVhyIf5A-4FEL Kumar Singh webinar certificateDocument successfully created; Document successfully merged; PDF created; !!Error Sending Emails: Service invoked too many times for one day: email.; Manually run by; Timestamp: Jun 6 2020 8:38 AM

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6th June 2020

Time : 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Link of Registration : Date of Registration :04 June -05 June

Organised By-


NAAC Accredited - Grade ‘B’

A constituent Unit of Magadh University, Bodh Gaya

(Website :



Department of Education

NIEPA, New Delhi

Prof. Khagendra Kumar


Education Department

Patna Training College, Patna

Patna University


Prof. (Dr. Sudhir Kumar Mishra)


S. S. College, Jehanabad CO-CONVENOR

Dr. Vinod Kumar Roy,

Mr. Praveen Deepak &

Dr. H. M. Imran


Dr. Sneha Swarup

(Nodal Officer Digital Library)


Mr. Madhav Kumar Singh

(Nodal Officer IT)


The nationwide lockdown following the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a burst of activity with regards to

online education. The HRD Ministry’s platforms such as SWAYAM and the National Digital Library have

seen a five-fold increase in daily traffic during the first week of lockdown. The HRD Minister, Shri Ramesh

Pokhriyal, has encouraged educational institutions to embrace online education to the extent possible. In

the metros, private schools appear to have taken the lead in switching over to online classes. However,

many teachers and students are still grappling with the digital transition. Universities too have pointed out

that they are not ready and that many of their students do not have access to the Internet. Teachers are

using several e-learning platforms to communicate with their students for curricular transactions. At the

same time, students are trying hard to cope with the unprecedented situation and respond to their teachers’

call. E-learning is not a buzz word today but most often it has been used as an adjunct to classroom

transactions in the past. Academic exchange when teachers and learners occupy the same physical space

undoubtedly leads to holistic and positive development of both.

The infrastructure for online education in India — connectivity, platforms, and content, has been growing

steadily since the 1990s. However, its spread is largely incumbent on Internet penetration through

affordable data plans from the telecom sector.

It is with this purpose that what has been the experience gained so far from the sudden transition to online

classes in India that S. S. College with the Technical Department of IT and Digital Library is organizing a

One day Webinar on “EDUCATION IN TIMES OF COVID 19”.


Christened after Swami Sahjanand Saraswati, S. S. College, Jehanabad is a premier institution of Magadh

University, Bodh Gaya imparting quality education in General as well as Vocational or Professional

Courses in both Graduate and Post-Graduate level in the region. Vocational courses in the college include

the courses like B.C.A., B.B.M, and Bio-Technology and also recognized as a study center of Nalanda Open

University. The college has lush green vegetation and is sprawled over about 24 acres of land on the bank

of sacred Dardha River. The College has housed well developed Science laboratories, rich central library

with annual subscription of journal of different subjects, and highly equipped Gym for both boys and girls.

Organising committee Prof. (Dr.) Rajendra Prasad - Chief Patron



Prof. (Dr.) Sudhir Kumar Mishra - Patron



Madhav Kumar Singh - Convenor and Coordinator

(Nodal Officer IT, & Head Department of Physics)

Dr. Sneha Swarup - Convenor and Coordinator

(Nodal Officer Digital Library & Head Department of Geography)

Dr. Vinod Kumar Roy - Co- Convenor and Organising Secretary

(Nodal Officer EBSB & Head, Department of Sanskrit)

Mr. Praveen Deepak - Co- Convenor and Organising Secretary

(Head Department of Zoology)

Dr.H.M. Imran - Co- Convenor and Organising Secretary

(Head, Department of Urdu)

Advisory Committee

Prof. (Dr.) Surender Kumar Dr. Siyasharan Sharma

Prof. (Dr.) Krishnanand Dr. Sharmishtha Mukhopadhyay

Dr. Vivekanand Sharma Dr. Srinath Sharma

Dr. Sachidanand Sinha Dr. Balbhagwan Sharma

Dr. Shyam Kishor Sharma Dr. Upender Kumar

Dr. Shyamakant Sharma Dr. Ramesh Kumar

Dr. Anjani Kr. Ghosh Miss Kumari Nisha Rani

Dr. Arun Kumar

Through Zoom App Contact details - 06114 - 2290100

Email– id -

Address: S. S. College,Jehanabad, 804408


Cordially invites you to the ONE DAY NATIONAL WEBINAR ON


6th June 2020 : Time : 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Link of Registration : Date of Registration : 04 June - 05 June

Organised By-


NAAC Accredited - Grade ‘B’

A constituent Unit of Magadh University, Bodh Gaya

(Website : )



Department of Education

NIEPA, New Delhi

Prof. Khagendra Kumar


Education Department

Patna Training College, Patna

Patna University


Prof. (Dr. Sudhir Kumar Mishra)


S. S. College, Jehanabad


Dr. Vinod Kumar Roy,

Mr. Praveen Deepak &

Dr. H. M. Imran


Dr. Sneha Swarup

(Nodal Officer Digital Library)


Mr. Madhav Kumar Singh

(Nodal Officer IT)


Zoom App

Media Coverage of the Webinar

The webinar on “Education in times of COVID-19’ organized by S. S. College, Jehanabad (A

model college and constituent unit of Magadh University, Bodhgaya) has been widely

covered by reputed local as well as state media houses as evident from news clip published

on Sunday, 7 May, 2020 edition.

S. S. College, Jehanabad, Bihar, PIN: 804 408
