Sincerely, Cindy Anderson, PhD, RN, APRN-CNP, ANEF, FAHA ...

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February 17, 2022

Dr. W. Randy Smith

Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

203 Bricker Hall 190 North Oval Mall

Columbus, OH 43210

Dear Vice Provost Smith:

Attached is a proposal from the College of Nursing to revise the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)


The proposed program changes include the following revisions:

(1) revisions to the end of program outcomes (2) core course revisions

(3) pre-requisite course requirements

(4) alignment with general education requirements

We are confident this proposal will meet the needs of our students and the requirements set forth by our national

guidelines and accreditation standards.

On December 8, 2021, the BSN program revision proposal was reviewed and received approval with a majority

quorum (89 yes + 4 yes with minor revision, 4 no) of the eligible College of Nursing voting faculty.

A College of Nursing administrative letter of support is attached.

Please let me know if you require any additional information to review this request.




Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Educational Innovation


• Dr. Wendy Bowles, Assistant Dean for Baccalaureate Programs

• Dr. Amy Jauch, BSN Program Director

• Dr. Margaret Graham, Vice Dean

• Dr. Bernadette Melnyk, Dean

College of Nursing

Newton Hall

1585 Neil Ave Columbus, OH 43215

Phone (614) 292-8900

Fax (614) 292-4535 E-mail


February 17, 2022 Dr. W. Randy Smith Vice Provost for Academic Affairs 203 Bricker Hall 190 North Oval Mall Columbus, OH 43210 Dear Vice Provost Smith: The College of Nursing administrative leadership team is fully supportive of the attached request for a revision of the College of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program. Sincerely,

Cindy Anderson, PhD, RN, APRN-CNP, ANEF, FAHA, FNAP, FAAN Professor Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Educational Innovation

College of Nursing

Newton Hall

1585 Neil Ave Columbus, OH 43215

Phone (614) 292-8900

Fax (614) 292-4535 E-mail


Proposal to Revise the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Traditional Program

College of Nursing Introduction

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is considered the preferred degree for entry into practice as a registered nurse, with a workforce goal of 80% of nurses holding a baccalaureate degree (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2021). The most recent revision to the BSN program was in 2011 with the reconfiguration of courses aligned with the quarter to semester transition. End of program outcomes, established in 2000, were unchanged in the 2011 program revision. This proposal outlining the BSN program revisions is in response to changing national standards for nursing education and the rapidly evolving healthcare environment. Educating nurses for the future requires curricula that is forward thinking in order to promote improved health outcomes. The proposed BSN program revision is aligned with newly released American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) quality standard guidelines for nursing education (referred to as “Essentials”) which outline the necessary curriculum content and expected competencies and sub-competencies of graduates from BSN programs for entry level professional nursing education (AACN, 2021). AACN guidance documents and other standards for nursing education (noted in background) provided specific guidance for the development and revision of the BSN curriculum to better align with the changes needed in nursing practice for the future. Consistent with the national movement towards a more comprehensive and competency-focused approach to nursing education, we propose BSN program revisions that include: (1) revisions to the end of program outcomes (2) core course revisions (3) pre-requisite course requirements (4) alignment with general education requirements

The BSN program meets full regulatory approval status through the Ohio Board of Nursing and full accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). CCNE accreditation includes meeting national standards and competencies in the mission, goals, and expected program outcomes guided by national standards including the AACN Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education (2021). Proposed program credits will increase from 121 to 122 credits in this revised proposal. Revisions to the

curriculum include new courses and updating current courses with revised objectives and course

descriptions. Changes in courses and related credits are a result of alignment with course objectives and

program outcomes. Considering the addition of new courses with associated credits, the proposed

program revisions have been calculated below the 50% program change threshold for the BSN program

in its entirety (see Table 1 and Appendix A).

Table 1: Summary of Curricular Credit Changes by BSN Program Entry Point and Overall Program

Program BSN Program Approved Credits

New Nursing Course (Credits)

Revised Nursing Course (Credits)

Approximate Credit % Change

BSN 121 11 3 12


Recommendations for nursing education are designed to support academic programs in the integration of concepts needed to support health equity, population health and social determinants of health and include the following domains for nursing education: knowledge for nursing practice; person- centered care; population health; scholarship for nursing discipline; quality and safety; interprofessional partnerships; systems-based practice; informatics and health care technologies; professionalism; and personal, professional, and leadership development. The proposed revisions include curricular considerations and/or alignment through curricular mapping to the AACN Essentials (2021), Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), Ohio Nurse Competency Model, Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC), Quad Council Coalition Competency Review Task Force (2018), American Nurses Association Standards for Genetics/Genomics Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd ed (2016), and Ohio Board of Nursing ORC 4723-5. Integrated content will be guided by expert interdisciplinary faculty and guidelines including the American Society of Microbiology in Nursing and Allied Health (MINAH) for microbiology (Norman-McKay & ASM MINAH Undergraduate Curriculum Guidelines Committee, 2018) and nutritional guidelines for health professionals Alignment with the AACN Essentials (2021) are necessary as they serve as the foundation for Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) accreditation standards required for the BSN program. The BSN program revision includes an integrated approach which incorporate the revised general education requirements for The Ohio State University which will begin in autumn 2022. The integration of both lab and clinical experiences in the BSN program were revised to more efficiently promote student learning within the courses. Clinical and lab hours are identified on each of the course syllabi as required by Ohio Board of Nursing regulations. Student, Faculty and Community Partner Feedback:

The College of Nursing collected feedback from key stakeholders, including students, faculty, and community partners regarding the BSN program to inform curricular revisions. Faculty conducted a gap analysis, based upon assessment and mapping of current curriculum. Each of the elements have been threaded or strengthened with this curriculum revision including primary care, palliative/end of life care, public and population health, genetics/genomics, and care coordination. Integration of evidence-based practice integration, nutrition and microbiology is now enhanced across the curriculum. Feedback from our community partners was incorporated including the need opportunities to enhance transition to practice upon graduation and licensure. Student feedback regarding curricular priorities for LIVE WELL (Lead, Innovate, Vision, Execute, Wellness focused, Evidenced based, Lifelong learners and Light for the world) informed the curricular framework and program outcomes. A full timeline of events and communication with stakeholders may be found in the Work Plan and Implementation Timetable located in Appendix B. Proposed End of Program Outcomes with Rationale:

Table 2 below presents the current and proposed end of program outcomes. The proposed end of program outcomes have been updated to optimally align with the most current national accreditation standards and respond to the rapidly changing healthcare systems and nursing practice within those systems. Threads identified within the end of program outcomes and course development include:

Horizontal Threads: concepts integrated throughout the curriculum • Diversity • Current Issues & trends• Population health • Art of nursing

Vertical Threads: concepts are progressive, building as student progress through the curriculum • Nursing process • Communication & Collaboration • Informatics

Diagonal Threads: concepts are integrated and progressive • EBP, Research, and QI • Quality & Safety • Wellness and wellbeing

The LIVE WELL acronym responds to our initiatives at the College of Nursing and reflect student outcomes at the end of the BSN program. LIVE WELL is outlined as follows: Lead; Innovate; Vision; Execute; Wellness-focused; Evidence-based; Life Long learning; Lights for the world (Table 2). The proposed end of program outcomes with sub-objectives for how the student will achieve the proposed end of program outcomes and AACN Essentials (2021) mapping are identified in Appendix C. While many of the concepts from the original end of program outcomes were carried through in the revision, the focus of the objectives and current language used in the proposed end of program outcomes reflect a more dynamic nature in the program.

Table 2: Current and Proposed End of Program Outcomes

Current End of Program Outcomes Proposed End of Program Outcomes

1. Integrate knowledge from a liberal education, the sciences and nursing to address the healthcare of individuals, families, groups, communities and populations across the lifespan in diverse and global healthcare systems and environments.

LEAD - Embody the values and leadership abilities of a professional nurse across the lifespan in a variety of settings.

2. Apply a systematic process for application and evaluation of scientific evidence related to the principles of health promotion, risk reduction, disease prevention and illness management across the continuum of dynamic healthcare environments.

INNOVATE - Serve as an innovative nurse who makes meaningful and unique contributions toward wellness promotion, disease prevention and management, and population health improvements.

3. Apply the knowledge and skills of information management and patient care technologies to deliver high quality nursing care that addresses legal, ethical, historical and emerging issues.

VISION - Practice with vision and leverage one’s own career to transform healthcare to ultimately improve quality and safety.

4. Communicate effectively and work collaboratively with individuals, families, groups, communities and populations and within nursing and with other health disciplines to design, manage and deliver high quality and safe patient-centered care.

EXECUTE - Execute clinical reasoning and evidence-based decision making to practice within the full extent of licensure.

5. Demonstrate a commitment to leadership and professionalism through the delivery of socially, ethically and fiscally responsible care while embracing the concept of life-long learning.

WELLNESS-FOCUSED - Apply a holistic approach to optimal health and wellbeing for self, individuals, and populations.

EVIDENCE-BASED - Implement best practices consistently while fostering an evidence-based practice culture.

LIFE LONG LEARNING - Embrace life-long learning to transform health and improve lives.

LIGHTS FOR THE WORLD - Exemplifying the spirit of caring and service.

Proposed Course Updates and Addition of New Courses with Rationale:

This proposal provides the details for the curricular revisions associated with the degree requirements

for the BSN program and new general education requirements for The Ohio State University. No

requirements for program prerequisite courses have been revised. New course and modified course

syllabi can be found in Appendix D and Appendix E, respectively.

All students will receive content in MINDSTRONG, either as a component of N1100 Nursing Survey required for prenursing students or in Nursing 5115 MINDSTRONG (1) for those students entering the program in the absence of N1100 completion (e.g., transfer students, applicants from other institutions). New courses (11 credits):

Seven new courses were developed after gaps in the current curriculum were identified including:

N2xxx Introduction to Social Justice & Health Policy (1)

N3xxx Motivational Interviewing and Communication Strategies (1)

N3xxx Evidence-based Nursing Care for Patients in Palliative and end of life (2)

N3xxx Population Health Local to Global (3)

N4xxx Synthesis of Nursing Practice and Patient Care in Complex Healthcare Systems (2)

N4xxx Science of Wellness and Self-Care (1)

N4xxx Utilization of Information and Healthcare Technologies to Drive Decision Making

in Nursing (1)

Modified courses:

Twelve current nursing courses have been modified with updated course descriptions, course

objectives, and content that aligns with the 2021 AACN Essentials, Domains, Competencies, and Sub-

Competencies. Courses include:

N2xxx Foundational Knowledge for Nursing Practice I (4) and II (4)

N2xxx Art of Professional Nursing I (2) and II (2)

Revisions incorporate content from current courses N2100 (3), N2410 (3), N2270 (5) and N2460


N2xxx Nursing Pathophysiology & Pharmacology I (3) and II (3)

Revisions incorporate content from current courses N2450 (3) and N2470 (3)

N2xxx Foundational Principles of EBP and Nursing Science (2)

Revisions included content from current course N2780 with a 1 credit reduction. Content is

integrated throughout the curriculum as a supplement to the credit reduction.

N3xxx Nursing care of adults and older adults I (4)

N3xxx Nursing care of adults and older adults II (4)

Revisions include content from current course N3270 (7 credits) with the addition of 1 credit of

content. The course will be delivered in 2 distinct courses that integrate concepts to promote

student learning across 2 semesters rather than 1 semester as is done in the current curriculum.

N3xxx Nursing Care of Women and Families during Reproductive Transitions (4)

Minor revisions to objectives of current course N4280 Nursing Care of Women and Families

during Reproductive with a plan for course number change to more accurately reflect level in

junior year plan of study.

N3xxx Nursing Care of Children and their Families (4)

Minor revisions to objectives of current course N4260 Nursing Care of Children and their

Families during Reproductive with a plan for course number change to more accurately reflect

level in junior year plan of study.

N4xxx Synthesis of Determinants of Health to Address Population Health Outcomes (4)

Minor revisions to current course N4240S Concepts in Community Health Nursing.

N4xxx Nursing Clinical Judgement in the Care of Psychiatric & Mental Health Conditions (4)

Minor revisions to current course N4340 Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.

N4xxx Innovative Strategies in Leadership and Systems-based Practice (2)

Minor revisions to current course N4400 Leadership and Management of Nursing Practice with a

reduction of 1 credit of content, reflecting required content and integration in senior level


N4xxx Practicum for the Utilization of Nursing Clinical Judgement (6)

Minor revisions to current course N4270 Transition to Professional Nursing with a reduction of 1

credit of content, reflecting required content and integration in senior level content.

Non-nursing course revisions include:

Microbiology credits (4000) were reduced by 1, with the revised course reflecting 3 credits with content

aligned with needs of nursing students supplemented by planned integration of content by microbiology

faculty in nursing courses throughout the curriculum (see letter of concurrence, Department of


Human Nutrition credits (2210) were reduced by 2, with the revised course reflecting 2 credits with

content aligned with needs of nursing students supplemented by planned integration of content by

nutrition faculty in nursing courses throughout the curriculum (see letter of concurrence, Department of


Two courses were eliminated including N2420 A Nursing Perspective: Life Span Development of

Individuals within a Family Context and N3430 Cultural Competence in Health Care: US and Global

Contexts replacing outdated content while threading critical concepts in courses within the current

curriculum. Content is integrated throughout the curriculum (N2420, 3430) or included in the general

education theme Race, Ethnic, and Gender Diversity and Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World.

Elective courses: The nursing profession involves a vast range of specialties and complex skills. Each nursing will have specific strengths, passions, and career goals. Our goal for the required elective component is to allow for greater exploration of the nursing roles and specialties. Certain electives may lead to certificates or documented competencies. Students enrolled in the BSN major are required to complete 6 credit hours of elective coursework. The elective work is to reflect both the end of program outcomes and AACN Essentials (2021), which states:

Although all students will have learning experiences across all four spheres of care, entry-level professional programs could in any create opportunities for students to gain additional education (through immersion experiences, electives, badges, or certificates) of the four spheres. Such a path would allow a graduate to have a defined area of emphasis (if desired) upon graduation, and/or to attain a documented area of emphasis in a post-entry level program certificate option” (AACN, 2021, p.20).

Elective courses will account for 6 credits of the BSN curriculum. The learning objectives for the elective track courses will provide students with an expanded world view of nursing roles by addressing current healthcare priorities and/or addressing the domains noted in the AACN Essentials (2021). The approach provides a dynamic process for responding to current national healthcare trends aligned with entry into nursing practice.

Students will be encouraged to complete courses consistent a focus aligned with the AACN Essentials (2021)

Courses should provide academic and practical preparation for entry into practice in an area of workforce need (e.g., primary care certificate)

One course may address several domains of AACN Essentials

Course options recommended for electives in the BSN program are listed in Table 3. Approval of alternative courses will be provided by the UGS committee.

Table 3: Elective Course Options

Electives proposed

HWIH 2110 Health Athlete (1)

Health and Wellness Minor courses: HWIH 2210 Dimensions of Wellness and Resilience (3) HWIH 2220 Wellness in Chronic Conditions I (4) HWIH 3220 Health Promotion Strategies for People with Chronic Conditions II (3) HWIH 3230 Coaching for Health Improvement (3)

HW 4xxx Epidemiology Concepts in Nursing and Global Healthcare (2)

Nursing 2102 Optimizing Personal Health & Wellness (3)

Primary Care Certificate courses: NA 3117 RN Practice in Primary Care (3) NA 3114 Care Coordination and Transition in Care (3) NA 3113 RN Practice in Primary Care and Substance Use Disorder (3) NA 3116 Evidence-Based Health Coaching in Interprofessional Practice (3) NA 3115 Telehealth Assessment and Management in Primary Care (3) NA 3111 Palliative and End of Life Care (3)

Nursing 3200 Failure to Rescue (2)

Global Options Nursing 3431 Global Options Nursing Capstone (3)

Nursing 4110 Nursing Process in the Perioperative Setting (2)

Current and proposed sample plans of study and program coursework are included in Appendix F.


Program and student learning outcome assessments will be addressed through a competency-based approach within each level of the program. Utilization of clinical and lab evaluations in addition to National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) preparation packages allow for monitoring of student throughout the program. The College of Nursing currently has a Systematic Plan of Evaluation (SPE) which guides all assessment and evaluation at the college level consistent with CCNE accreditation requirements and CCNE has provided a timeline of three years to transition to the new AACN Essentials (2021). The Ohio Board of Nursing ORC 4723-5 also has an SPE in which the program is fully approved and this new curriculum meets all standards for the regulatory agency. Curriculum mapping will be accomplished using the One45 database. Direct assessment measures include: annual program assessment utilizing Nuventive Improve, direct evaluation of learning objectives in courses with assignments, simulation-based competency development, and clinical and lab objectives within each clinical course. Indirect measures include: number of applications to the program, quality of the applicant pool (cumulative GPA, diversity), admissions to the program (% admitted, % matriculated), student surveys (program satisfaction during enrollment and post-graduation), SEIs and course evaluations (course satisfaction), student retention and completion rates, enrolled student cumulative student GPAs, time-to-degree, exit surveys at graduation, alumni surveys (applicable employment, use of degree) and employer surveys.

Transition Plan

All current students will continue in the plan in which they have been admitted. If students are out of

sequence, they will be given the option to have a transition plan created into the new program. Each

year will allow for a transition plan to account for any students who did not complete the current

program. Transition plans will be predicated upon student preference for completing the curriculum

plan established upon matriculation or the new curriculum plan reflecting the revised program courses.

We anticipate that courses will be offered through 2025 to accommodate those students who prefer to

remain on their established curriculum plan. The first admission cycle for the revised BSN degree will be

2022-2023, with the first cohort of students in the revised curriculum admitted in 2023.

Appendices: A: Proposed Curriculum Credit Change Calculation and Rationale B: Work Plan and Implementation Timetable C: LIVE WELL Program Outcomes D: New Course Syllabi E: Modified Course Syllabi F: Sample Plans of Study G: Concurrence letters


American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2019). AACN’s Vision for Academic Nursing. American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2021). The Essentials: Core competencies for Professional Nursing Education. American Nurses Association (2016). Standards for Genetics/Genomics Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd ed. Interprofessional Education Collaborative (2016). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: 2016 update. Washington, DC: Interprofessional Education Collaborative. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2021. The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Norman-Mckay & ASM MINAH Undergraduate Curriculum Guidelines Committee. Microbiology in Nursing and Allied Health (MINAH) Undergraduate Curriculum Guidelines. Ohio Nurse Competency Model Quad Council Coalition Competency Review Task Force (2018). Community/Public Health Nursing Competencies. Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)

Appendix A – Proposed Curriculum Credit Change Calculation and Rationale Nursing Courses

Proposed Curriculum Current Curriculum Proposed

changes to course

Credits difference for courses that are


Credits for new courses


N2xxx Foundational Knowledge for Nursing Practice I (4) * Includes updated and redistributed content from N2100 (3), N2410 (3), N2270 (5), N2460 (3) = 14 credits total with partner courses*


N2xxx Art of Professional Nursing I (2) * Includes updated and redistributed content from N2100 (3), N2410 (3), N2270 (5), N2460 (3) = 14

credits total with partner courses*


N2xxx Nursing Pathophysiology & Pharmacology I (3) ** Includes updated and redistributed content from N2450 (3) and N2470 (3)**


N2xxx Introduction to Social Justice & Health Policy (1) New course 1

Nursing 5115 MINDSTRONG (1) or Nursing 1100 Nurs Survey Unchanged

N2xxx Foundational Knowledge for Nurs Practice II (4) * Includes updated and redistributed content from N2100 (3), N2410 (3), N2270 (5), N2460 (3) = 14 total with partner courses*


N2xxx Nursing Pathophysiology & Pharmacology II (3) Includes updated and redistributed content from N2450 (3) and N2470 (3)**


N2xxx Art of Professional Nursing II (2) * Includes updated and redistributed content from

N2100 (3), N2410 (3), N2270 (5), N2460 (3) = 14 credits total with partner courses*


N2xxx Foundational Principles of EBP and Nursing Science (2) Includes content from N2780, reduced by 1 credit Revised (-1)


N3xxx Nursing care of adults and older adults I (4) *** Includes content from N3270 (7 credits)*** Revised 0.5

N3xxx Nursing Care of Women and Families during Reproductive

Transitions (4)

Includes content from N4280 (4 credits) Revised

N3xxx Motivational interviewing and Communication Strategies (1)

New course 1

N3xxx Nursing care of adults and older adults II (4) *** Includes content from N3270 (8 credits)*** Revised 0.5

N3xxx Nursing Care of Children and their Families (4) Includes content from N4260 (4 credits) Revised

N3xxx Evidence-based Nursing Care for Patients in Palliative and end of life (2)

New course 2

N3xxx Population Health Local to Global (3) New course 3


N4xxx Synthesis of Determinants of Health to Address Population Health Outcomes (4)

N4240s (4) course revision Revised

N4xxx Nursing Clinical Judgement in the Care of Psychiatric & mental health Conditions (4)

N4340 (4) objectives updated Revised

N4xxx Innovative Strategies in Leadership and Systems-based Practice (2)

N4400 (3) objectives updated Revised (-1)

N4xxx Synthesis of nursing practice and patient care in complex healthcare systems (2)

New course 2

N4xxx Practicum for the Utilization of Nursing Clinical Judgement (6)

N4270 (6) objectives updated Revised

N4xxx Science of wellness and self-care (1) New course 1

N4xxx Utilization of Information and Healthcare Technologies to Drive Decision Making in Nursing (1)

New course 1

Total credit change Nursing Courses 3 11

Nursing course revised and new credits:

BSN program total credit change (121 credits):


BSN program all course revised and new credits:

BSN program total credit change (121 credits):


Includes credit changes in microbiology (1) and

human nutrition (2)

Note: Total program credits increased from 121 in the approved program to 122 in the revised proposal.

Summary of changes in curriculum

Title Change Summary

Overall 1. New curriculum alignment with new general education requirement for Ohio State. 2. Human nutrition (spring) and microbiology (autumn) courses are using a collaborative approach with

those respective departments – nutrition will offer a 2 CH health science specific course and micro will offer a 3 CH health science specific course. The departments have been partnering and will continue to collaborate with the College of Nursing to integrate content throughout the program. This was in response to feedback related to needing a more integrated approach so nurses are able to apply the concepts from nutrition and micro. The partnership will continue to integrate and map these concepts to include ongoing collaborations with each of the departments. Both departments helped establish a curricular mapping and revision of a course specific to health sciences.

3. Every course was revised to meet the new AACN essentials, national standards, and revised end of program outcomes.

4. Seven new courses were developed and 12 courses were modified with updated course titles, course descriptions, and course objectives. Modifications address gaps identified in the program including: basic care and comfort, pharmacological concepts, genetics/genomics, ready to practice synthesis of knowledge, resiliency / role development, writing across the curriculum to include embedded literacies from the new general education requirements, population health, determinants of health, evidence-based practice and research concepts throughout curriculum, application of nutritional concepts and micro.

5. Two courses were eliminated from current curriculum (N2420 Lifespan; N3430 Cultural Competence). N2420 was integrated in every course where “across lifespan” integrated in course objectives. N3430 is addressed with the new general education theme (Race, Ethnic, and Gender Diversity and Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World) and integrated within the courses throughout the curriculum.


1. No change to the program pre-requisites

Sophomore 2. MINDSTRONG is offered to pre-nursing students currently in the nursing survey course. For students who do not take pre-nursing, this course will now be required in autumn of sophomore year. This will provide an evidence-based program that reduces stress, improves mental resiliency and builds protective factors that improve overall health, well-being, and academic performance. There are no proposed revisions to this course

3. N2100, N2410, N2270, N2460 previous courses have been transitioned to Foundational Knowledge for Nursing Practice I/II and Art of Professional Nursing I/II thus streamlining the content and creating a more cohesive build in the program to include alignment with national standards. The basic care and comfort was an area our students were deficient in on NCLEX test plan reports and this will address that concern by integrating assessment in lab the first 7 weeks in autumn of sophomore year and then allowing students to practice those skills in the clinical setting in the 2nd 7 weeks of sophomore autumn semester. The students in the current curriculum do not go into the clinical setting until spring of sophomore year so this will allow for more experiential clinical time.

4. N2450 and N2470 previous courses have been transitioned to Nursing Pathophysiology & Pharmacology I/II and updated to include genetics/genomics standards. The courses were combined prior to the transition to quarters to semesters and the faculty agreed the combined courses were more effective as the topics more effectively delivered as integrated content. The inclusion of pharmacological concepts over two semesters will address some of the areas of improvement in this area identified by assessment data.

5. The N2780 course was revised with content integrated for reinforcement throughout the program as evidenced by the end of program outcomes and integration of EBP competencies throughout reflective of AACN Essentials (2021).

Junior 1. N3270 previous course was being offered in one semester in junior year thus only allowing medical surgical clinical for one semester. Under the current course structure, that created a gap of medical surgical clinical for some students of almost an entire year. To solve this concern, the medical surgical content will now be delivered in both autumn and spring semesters (Nursing care of adults and older adults I/II) providing a more cohesive approach to content. The objectives were updated reflective of national standards and AACN Essentials (2021).

2. New 6 credit hours of nursing elective tracks were integrated to address the need for focused education in content areas that address workforce needs for entry into practice. Students are required to successfully complete Foundational Knowledge for Nursing Practice II to take elective courses included in the revised proposal.

3. N4280/N4260 objectives were updated to meet national standards. 4. New courses were added – Motivational Interviewing and Communication Strategies addresses

behavior change and motivation of patients as the basis for personalized health promotion and disease prevention. Evidence-based Nursing Care for Patients in Palliative Care and End of Life addresses a gap in program content needed for entry into practice. Population health including global concepts addresses entry into practice required content for nurses entering the workforce.

Senior 1. The 4240s community health course is 7 weeks in current curriculum and did not include a clinical experience nor have a way to evaluate and address nursing care in populations. Student feedback received was this course included too much content in 7 weeks. The new course – Synthesis of Determinants of Health to Address Population Health Outcomes will incorporate an outcome- based approach to addressing population health concerns in the community over 14 weeks.

2. N4340 psych mental health / N4400 courses were renamed (Nursing Clinical Judgement in the Care of Psychiatric & Mental Health Conditions and Innovative Strategies in Leadership and Systems-based Practice, respectively), with course objectives were updated to meet national standards.

3. New courses added – Synthesis of Nursing Practice and Patient Care in Complex Healthcare Systems and Science of Wellness and Self-Care were developed in response to practice partner feedback, with a focus on the education of a more resilient, ready to practice graduate. These two courses were added to address enhanced focus on system-based thinking and synthesis of knowledge in addition to building resiliency in self-care through evidence-informed wellness-based approaches. Also added the Utilization ofIinformation and Healthcare Technologies to Drive Decision Making in Nursing which addresses both the embedded literacy of technology in the new general education requirements and meets Ohio Board of Nursing requirements to expand student thinking about technology in healthcare.

Appendix B

Work Plan and Implementation Timetable

Date Description Responsible


August 2016

Review of clinical hours and Ohio Board of Nursing (OBN) requirements; integration of make-up hours and streamlining processes for students meeting hours

Bowles, faculty, Undergraduate Studies Committee (UGS)

December 2016

Analysis of undergraduate policies and pedagogical practices to include review of literature; Feedback regarding potential changes from faculty and administration

Bowles, faculty, UGS

January 2016

Configuration of faculty OBN task force to strengthen current processes and write the OBN self-study

Bowles, Anderson


Summer 2017

OBN document collection Crosswalk updated and SPE re-aligned for current curriculum


September 2017

OBN site visit – full analysis of regulatory items in current curriculum Bowles, Anderson

January 2018

Curriculum Analysis - faculty teams developed for end of program outcome evaluation using a backward design process

Bowles, PL faculty

February 2018

Crosswalk developed with gaps identified in current curriculum Bowles, PL faculty

April 2018

Faculty teams provided feedback for end of program outcomes Bowles, PL faculty


Gap analysis of curriculum; results presented from 4 main subgroups

Bowles, faculty, UGS


Summer 2018

Curricular crosswalk refined with current curriculum BSN course descriptions, objectives, and crosswalk of objectives to AACN BSN essentials (2008), national initiatives, QSEN, and BSN Program objectives

Bowles, summer curriculum team

Summer 2018 – January 2019

CCNE task force completed self-study and document collections CCNE task force

August 2018

Program evaluation and curriculum groups developed to assess and evaluate current curriculum. Development and planning for curriculum revision within the curriculum group based on gaps identified

Bowles, Baker

September 2018

LIVE WELL end of program outcomes developed Curriculum team

December 2018

3-5 objectives created for each of the LIVE WELL end of program outcomes Curriculum team

January 2019

Level related outcomes created for sophomore, junior, senior levels Curriculum team

January 2019

Qualtrix survey #1 to faculty regarding LIVE WELL end of program outcomes and objectives

Curriculum team

February 2019

CCNE site visit CCNE task force

February 2019

Vertical, horizontal, and diagonal threads created Curriculum team

February/March 2019

Dean and CON Executive team feedback on LIVE WELL, end of program outcomes and framework

Exec team, Dean

March 2019

Decisions regarding pedagogy – reviewed concept-based, competency-based, and evidence-based and decision made for evidence-based curriculum structure

Curriculum team, PL faculty

May 2019

LIVE WELL end of program measurable items document created by faculty PL faculty


May 1, 2019

LIVE WELL end of program outcomes and framework given to UGS for feedback Bowles, UGS

May 6, 2019

Big ideas presented to faculty for course structure and feedback elicited via Qualtrics survey #2

Curriculum Committee

May 13, 2019

Curriculum meeting to review feedback of survey and UGS All faculty invited to the curriculum team to review results and provide feedback

Curriculum Committee

June - August 2019

Course outline, descriptions, and objectives created for first year Summer curriculum task force

August 2019

Curricular team #2 established (with specialties and each level represented) Bowles, Baker, faculty

August 27, 2019

Retreat - Course outline, descriptions, and objectives draft developed Curriculum team

September 4, 2019

UGS discussion and update Curriculum team, Bowles

Autumn 2019

Course outline, descriptions, and objectives for sophomore year draft Curriculum team, faculty

October 23, 2019

Faculty Forum 2:30-3:30p faculty listening session #1 – focus on LIVE WELL Faculty, Curriculum team

November 2019

Competency-Based Education (CBE) Meeting with Jeff Rosen (Higher Learning Commission) as visiting guest at the University Faculty have reviewed all CBE information and determined how competencies will be integrated as framework when indicated and not a full CBE curriculum. Reviewed the AACN’s Vision for Academic Nursing (2019) Executive Summary

Curriculum team, Bowles, Anderson, Baker, Jauch

Spring 2020

1) Student and practice partners listening sessions 2) March 2020- Faculty Forum 2:30-3:30p faculty listening session #2 3) General Education integration *Pandemic related issues for current curriculum shifted attention at this time

Faculty, curriculum team, UGS/GSC chairs shared 1/9/20

February 19, 2020

OSU WMC stakeholder feedback – DNP workgroup Bowles, Buck, Brinkman, OSU WMC

March 5, 2020

A task force is working on informatics integration of concepts. Recommendations will be provided to curriculum team and we will decide how to best integrate.

Informatics task force (Grad and UG) Lyn Hardy and Randee Masciola

April 15, 2020

Communication with nutrition department and shared with UGS Curriculum team, UGS

April 23, 2020

Executive Leadership Team (ELT) update and feedback provided Bowles, ELT

May 1, 2020

Survey distributed to faculty about microbiology, nutrition, wellness & community health content and opportunities in your course.

Bowles, Curriculum team


Summer 2020 1) Curriculum Implementation planning 2) Continuing to develop the curricular framework draft 3) Integration of population / public health concepts / determinants of health

Faculty, curriculum team (smaller summer team), UGS/GSC chairs shared 1/9/20

August 2020

UGS update Update on summer progress and implementation planning

UGS, Bowles

December 2020 UGS update UGS, Bowles

Reviewed faculty forum results

May 2021

UGS update Reviewed the “why”, new AACN essentials (2021), curricular mapping, elective tracks

UGS, Bowles

May 2021

Faculty listening session #3 Bowles, curriculum team

Summer 2021

Small expert workgroups finalizing objectives – population health, patho/pharm, nutrition, micro, med surg, genetics/genomics

Bowles, Anderson, Jauch, Kolcun, selected experts in CON and outside of CON in nutrition, and micro departments

September 2021

Faculty forum – AACN essentials curriculum mapping presented Bowles, Curriculum team

October 2021

Faculty forum - New curriculum presented and feedback provided Changes updated based on feedback

Curriculum team

December 1, 2021

UGS approved curriculum Bowles, Jauch, UGS

December 8, 2021

Full faculty approval UGS

The Ohio State University College of NursingBSN Curriculum

We have high aspirations for our students as healthcare professionals. We support them in pursuing their personal and professional success through a simple philosophy:

College of Nursing

BSN CURRICULUMThe College of Nursing implemented a new strategic plan for the next five years

spanning from 2017-2022. The strategic plan was reviewed and was taken into consideration with the analysis of the current BSN curriculum. The faculty have embarked on a 3 year process of assessment and evaluation of the curriculum and the re-writing of the end of program outcomes.

The BSN curriculum revision is underway to reflect the 2017-2022 strategic plan in addition to the current national initiatives and accreditation standards. The faculty had a deep desire to create a curriculum that was both dynamic to respond to current trends in healthcare and reflect the core standards of a BSN generalist education.

The BSN curriculum has been under a complete review since 2016. • 2016-2018 - The faculty assessed the current curriculum and found the following

• End of program outcomes and conceptual framework not revised in over 20 years• Faculty recognized inconsistencies in the curriculum and not cohesive curriculumwith objectives that were not measurable• National initiatives in nursing

• More emphasis on population health• NCLEX changing• Nursing education needs to keep up with the practice movement• Practice to full extent of licensure

• Care coordination• Proposal* for the new curriculum began in 2018-2019

*Included in this proposal are the threads integrated, end of program outcomes, sub-objectivesto meet the end of program outcomes, and level objectives based on sophomore, junior, andsenior class rank. We invite you to review the framework for the BSN curriculum revision.


College of Nursing

BSN THREADS Horizontal Threads: concepts that are pervasive throughout the curriculum.• Diversity• Current Issues & trends• Population health• Art of nursingVertical Threads: concepts that are progressive, building as students progress through the curriculum.• Nursing process• Communication & Collaboration• InformaticsDiagonal Threads: concepts that are both pervasive and progressive.• EBP, Research, and QI• Quality & Safety• Wellness and wellbeing

End of BSN Program Outcomes


Embody the values and leadership abilities of a professional nurse across the lifespan in a variety of settings.

INNOVATE Serve as an innovative nurse who makes meaningful and unique

contributions toward wellness promotion, disease prevention and management, and population health improvements.

VISION Practice with vision and leverage one’s own career to transform

healthcare to ultimately improve quality and safety. EXECUTE

Execute clinical reasoning and evidence-based decision making to practice within the full extent of licensure.

WELLNESS-FOCUSED Apply a holistic approach to optimal health and wellbeing for self,

individuals, and populations. EVIDENCE-BASED

Implement best practices consistently while fostering an evidence-based practice culture.

LIFE LONG LEARNING Embrace life-long learning to transform health and improve lives.

LIGHTS FOR THE WORLD Exemplifying the spirit of caring and service

LEAD Embody the values and leadership abilities of a professional nurse

across the lifespan in a variety of settings

SUB-OBJECTIVES •Lead improvements in healthcare and health for diverse populations •Demonstrate leadership abilities in the provision of care in a variety of settings for diverse

populations •Demonstrate effective communication techniques to foster professional relationships •Engage in the decision-making process of healthcare policy, finance and regulatory frameworks •Advocate for healthcare access that is equal and affordable

Level 1 (sophomore)

•Describe effective therapeutic communication and conflict resolution techniques •Identify legal implications and ethical values of a nurse •Explain the decision-making process of healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory frameworks •Define the professional nurse’s role in advocacy for diverse populations

Level 2 (junior)

•Demonstrate effective communication •Apply legal implications and ethical values as nurse leader •Identify areas in need of improvement in healthcare and health •Illustrate nurse advocacy for diverse populations

Level 3 (senior)

•Engage in decision-making process of healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory framework •Develop plan to improve healthcare and health •Advocate for healthcare access that is equal and affordable for a diversity of populations

INNOVATE Serve as an innovative nurse who makes meaningful and unique

contributions toward wellness promotion, disease prevention and management, and population health improvements

SUB-OBJECTIVES •Integrate personalized goals for patients in a variety of care settings •Engage in innovative care •Synthesize evidence-informed innovative ideas for widespread change in the delivery of

healthcare across the lifespan •Develop innovative professional goals for personalized growth •Explore innovative technologies to enhance care across the healthcare continuum

Level 1 (sophomore)

•Develop professional goals unique for self and vocational discernment •Describe patient-centered goals that promote healthier lifestyles •Identify evidence-informed innovative interventions to promote wellness, prevent & manage

disease and improve population health •Discuss technologies available to enhance care across the healthcare continuum

Level 2 (junior)

•Implement professional goals that encourage growth •Apply evidence-informed innovative interventions to reach personalized goals to improve patient-

centered outcomes across populations •Utilize available technologies to enhance care across the healthcare continuum

Level 3 (senior)

•Evaluate and analyze goals for self and patient •Analyze evidence-informed innovative interventions that promote wellness, prevent & manage

disease and improve population health •Synthesize evidence-informed innovative ideas for change in the delivery of healthcare across

the lifespan •Apply innovative technologies to enhance care across the healthcare continuum

VISION Practice with vision and leverage knowledge to transform


SUB-OBJECTIVES •Envision one's future career and recognize the impact that could be made in healthcare and

population health •Appraise healthcare issues and policies with a world-view perspective •Utilize interprofessional collaboration to transform healthcare •Explore evidence-informed ideas for improving the quality and safety of care with the

interprofessional team •Formulate a plan to overcome barriers in pursuing one’s personal and professional vision

Level 1 (sophomore)

•Recognize the importance of creating personal and professional goals •Examine current impact of healthcare delivery •Identify the roles of interprofessional team members •Create a vision of personal and professional goals

Level 2 (junior)

•Analyze healthcare issues, trends and policies •Collaborate within interprofessional teams in various healthcare settings in the provision of

nursing care •Demonstrate the pursuit of personal and professional goals

Level 3 (senior)

•Formulate a vision of improving quality and safety within an interprofessional team •Differentiate world-view perspectives in relation to healthcare •Develop a plan to achieve personal and professional goals

EXECUTE Execute clinical judgement and evidence-based decision making to

practice within the full extent of licensure

SUB-OBJECTIVES •Appraise how the scope of nursing practice applies to the role of the nurse in a variety of settings •Justify clinical judgement in the provision of care to individuals and populations •Impact healthcare delivery by practicing to the full extent of licensure •Relate concepts of systems thinking to various practice settings

Level 1 (sophomore)

•Identify scope of practice and the role of the nurse in practice settings •Define clinical reasoning in relation to scope of nursing practice in a variety of settings •Define concepts of healthcare organizations for systems thinking

Level 2 (junior)

•Distinguish nursing roles in a variety of settings •Determine scope of nursing practice in relation to the nurse practice act •Employ clinical reasoning to provide safe and effective nursing care •Integrate systems thinking into clinical practice

Level 3 (senior)

•Model clinical reasoning within scope of practice •Demonstrate ability to practice at the full extent of licensure in order to impact healthcare delivery •Synthesize the integration of systems thinking in healthcare outcomes

WELLNESS-FOCUSED Apply a holistic approach to optimal health and wellbeing for self,

individuals, and populations

SUB-OBJECTIVES •Employ evidence-based techniques to engage in healthy behaviors to ensure personal wellness

and resiliency •Utilize teaching/learning principles to improve outcomes when caring for others at varied levels of

health and wellness •Demonstrate wellness-focused interventions for individuals and populations based on the

dimensions of wellness

Level 1 (sophomore)

•Assess personal wellbeing using dimensions of wellness •Identify and employ evidence-based self-care techniques •Determine individualized patient learning needs •Provide basic patient education to optimize health

Level 2 (junior)

•Maintain personal health, self-care, and wellness focus •Demonstrate understanding of patient teaching/learning principles •Deliver individualized patient education and interventions to enhance health and promote optimal


Level 3 (senior)

•Employ evidence-based self-care techniques to ensure optimal personal health and wellness •Synthesize teaching/learning principles to improve outcomes when caring for individuals and

populations at varied levels of wellness •Demonstrate protective, enhancing and preservative wellness focused interventions for

individuals and populations

EVIDENCE-BASED Implement best practices consistently while fostering an evidence-

based practice (EBP) cultureSUB-OBJECTIVES

•Implement evidence-based care to improve individual and population outcomes •Utilize the steps of evidence-based practice to improve quality and safety of healthcare •Evaluate research methodologies and their application to evidence-based practice •Synthesize best evidence to engage in evidence-based practice change •Sustain strategies that support inquiry and decision making based on evidence, patient

preference, and clinical expertise

Level 1 (sophomore)

•Recognize the relationship between EBP, research, and quality improvement (QI) •Explore the language of EBP, research, and QI •Identify the steps of EBP process •Discuss how the organizational culture has an impact on EBP implementation and sustainability •Differentiate basic research methodologies •Engage in guided use of EBP process

Level 2 (junior)

•Apply strategies to differentiate language of EBP, research, and QI •Identify a problem within a clinical practice setting •Engage in supported use of EBP process to identify best practices related to real world clinical

inquiry •Articulate findings of an EBP initiative

Level 3 (senior)

•Utilize the language of EBP, research, and QI •Engage in independent use of the EBP process to identify and address real world issues across

healthcare •Disseminate findings of EBP initiatives

LIFE-LONG LEARNING Embrace life-long learning to transform health and improve lives

SUB-OBJECTIVES •Use liberal education as a foundation for life-long learning •Develop self-awareness of educational needs and professional learning goals •Engage in ongoing pursuit of knowledge and life-long learning

Level 1 (sophomore)

•Identify personal learning goals •Explain and apply concepts of biological, psychosocial, and cognitive development that impact

learning across the lifespan Level 2 (junior)

•Apply components of liberal education integral to achieving personal and professional learning goals

•Demonstrate commitment to learning outside of the school setting

Level 3 (senior)

•Incorporate components of liberal education into long-term learning goals to tackle complex and diverse challenges in healthcare

•Formulate professional learning goals to transform health and improve lives

LIGHTS FOR THE WORLD Exemplifying the spirit of caring and service

SUB-OBJECTIVES •Explain the importance of a spirit of caring and service in the nursing role •Model a spirit of caring in all aspects of nursing care •Value service and advocacy in the role of the nurse to achieve equity among diverse individuals

and populations

Level 1 (sophomore)

•Describe the spirit of caring in the professional nurse’s role •Define professional values and value-based behaviors that are important in nursing practice •Identify the actions that embody the spirit of caring and service

Level 2 (junior)

•Demonstrate value-based behaviors in all nursing care •Examine the spirit of caring and service in the nursing role •Identify opportunities to serve and advocate for the health of individuals and populations

Level 3 (senior)

•Model a spirit of caring through service to others •Advocate for healthcare equality across populations

Appendix D

New Course Syllabi


College of Nursing N2xxx

Introduction to Social Justice and Health Policy XX Semester 20XX

Credit hours = 1 (1 didactic) Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program or permission by instructor. Course Description: This course is a basic overview of health policy, health care systems and the determinants of health and the effects of the health of populations. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Identify local, state, national and international agencies in the public health system and its interface with clinical healthcare in addressing population health needs.

2. Describe the principles of social justice ethics on the health of individuals, communities and populations.

3. Discuss health policy and its relationship to health inequities and determinants of health. 4. Identify best evidence to support policy development and advocacy for health equity.

Content topics:

Overview of the role of different agencies (HHS, Joint Commission, WHO, Health department, HHS, CDC, EPA, state boards, etc.) through a social justice perspective

Defining micro, macro, and meso health system and local state and federal public health systems

Structural racism

Overview of payment/insurance in the healthcare system and how does it relate to social justice Health policy


N3xxx Motivational Interviewing and Communication Strategies

XX Semester 20XX Credit hours = 1 (1 didactic)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program or permission by instructor. Completion of all courses in sophomore level BSN traditional curriculum. Course Description: This course will explore theoretical and evidence-based approaches to motivational interviewing which addresses behavior change to improve health outcomes. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Apply the principles of motivational interviewing 2. Discuss client cultural perspectives, values, preferences, beliefs, and ethnic considerations

involved in the conduct of motivational interviewing 3. Apply the communication skills involved in engagement, information exchange, and initiation of

behavioral change action plans

Content topics:

Setting the stage for change

Strategies for motivation for behavioral change

Application of evidence-based approaches to motivation interviewing

Cultural and ethnic perspectives in behavior change

Extending motivational interviewing to enact change for clients

Motivational interviewing within practice and community settings

Develop skills for addressing ambivalence to change

Theoretical perspectives for behavioral change


N3xxx Evidence-based Nursing Care for Patients in Palliative and End of Life Care

XX Semester 20XX Credit hours = 2 (2 didactic)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program or permission by instructor. Pass all sophomore level nursing courses. Course Description: Foundation for palliative care through exploration of individual, family, and loved ones’ needs at the end of life. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Discuss the need for family-centered palliative care for seriously ill patients that can be integrated across settings.

2. Explain assessments of pain and other symptoms pertinent to the patient’s illness, as well as common end of life concerns.

3. Evaluate one’s own ethical, cultural, and spiritual beliefs surrounding serious illness and end of life issues and implement self-care strategies to support coping with loss and compassion fatigue.

4. Assess psychosocial, cultural, spiritual, and diversity care needs of patients and families while providing respectful, sensitive care for diagnoses of serious illnesses through the end of life.

5. Implement evidence-based pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic symptom management interventions for patient and family throughout the palliative care experience to enhance quality of life.

6. Discuss common ethical dilemmas related to end of life and palliative care (nutrition and hydration; life-sustaining treatments).

7. Evaluate state and federal laws related to end of life and palliative care (informed consent; advance directives).

Content topics:

Principles and philosophy of palliative care

Communication with patients and families

Assessment and treatments for pain and other physical and psychosocial aspects during palliative and end of life care

Grief and bereavement

Palliative professional organizations

Financial aspects

Caregiving demands

Cultural, spiritual, and ethical aspects

Compassion fatigue and self-care

Pain assessment and comfort care


N3xxx Population Health Local to Global

XX Semester 20XX Credit hours = 3 (3 didactic)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program. Completion of all courses in sophomore level BSN traditional curriculum. Course Description: Study of the concepts of community health nursing, global health issues, policies and strategies that positively influence health outcomes local to global across individuals, communities, populations. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Compare public and global health systems relevant to factors influencing the health of populations.

2. Explore the concepts of community-based nursing including the roles and responsibilities of the nurse across community settings.

3. Analyze data to identify health risks and needs across populations. 4. Describe a holistic perspective with emphasis on social justice, cultural humility,

environmental factors, and collaboration in the provision of safe, high-quality population-focused care.

5. Use evidence informed strategies to improve population-based health outcomes to address health disparities local to global.

6. Explore technology and informatics in public and global health. 7. Incorporate evidence-informed disaster preparedness strategies to respond to public health

emergencies. 8. Describe the interconnectedness of population health across cultural and geographic

regions. Content topics:

Community/population health assessment

Impacts of economics and policy on population health outcomes Determinants of health

Settings for nurses in communities (ie. schools, ambulatory/primary care, public health, faith based, occupational health, home care, prisons, etc)

Roles for nurses in community settings (ie. Care coordination, case management, advocacy, health education, health screenings)

Population health frameworks Disaster Preparedness Prevention levels Public health science Transitions in care (acute care and community)

Types of public health agencies and community-based organizations/interrelationship with healthcare systems

Informatics in public and global health Ethics, cultural humility, social justice, and collaboration in community and population

focused care Holistic perspectives of interactions between individual, communities, and environmental

health Communicable/Noncommunicable diseases local to global Global Health Care strategies for improved population health Epidemiology principles Global health priorities


N4xxx Synthesis of nursing practice and patient care in complex healthcare systems

XX Semester 20XX Credit hours = 2 (2 didactic)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program. Completion of all courses in junior level BSN traditional curriculum. Course Description: This course will address transition to professional nursing in the last year of the nursing program. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Evaluate the impact of nursing clinical judgement and evidence-based approaches in practice settings.

2. Explore system-based effectiveness to include care transitions and payment models. 3. Synthesize whole person data to provide high quality nursing care within multiple health care

systems. 4. Apply top of licensure practice to address complex patient care needs. 5. Critique healthcare system's impact on health disparities and racism in relation to patient and

population outcomes. Content topics:

Clinical judgment and decision making

System-based thinking

Multiple settings for care delivery and transitions in care

Top of licensure practice with complex patient care including managing chronic care

Address health disparities and racism in healthcare


N4xxx Science of Wellness and Self-Care

XX Semester 20XX Credit hours = 1 (1 didactic)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program or permission by instructor. Completion of all courses in junior level BSN traditional curriculum. Course Description: This course is designed to help the student explore evidence-based strategies and resources that enhance wellness and professional growth. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Articulate the value of self-care initiatives and life-long learning and relationship to professional practice.

2. Analyze strategies to cope with the complex stressors associated with the transition from student to practicing professional nurse.

3. Develop a plan to address individualized professional role transition. Content topics:

Professional plans include self-awareness, anti-discrimination, implicit bias, resilience, values, ethics, personal responsibility, and legal aspects of nursing

Evidence-based wellness interventions

Value of self-care

Life-long learning

Strategies for coping

Peer feedback related to professional growth and wellness

Role models for wellness and self-care

Character builders in nursing role development


N4xxx Utilization of Information and Healthcare Technologies to Drive Decision Making in Nursing

XX Semester 20XX Credit hours = 1 (1 didactic)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program. Completion of all courses in junior level BSN traditional curriculum. Course Description: This course will provide a synthesis of informatics processes and technologies that are used to manage and improve the delivery of safe, high-quality, and efficient healthcare services in accordance with best practice and professional and regulatory standards. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Describe the importance of standardized nursing data as it relates to creating information and generating knowledge to impact public and population health.

2. Examine information and communication technologies that support the nurse-patient relationship to prevent and mitigate error, and support patient rights, and clinical judgement.

3. Explain the interrelationships among health information technology tools and interoperability of healthcare data at all systems levels.

4. Discuss professional, ethical, legal and regulatory standards related to health care data and information management.

Content topics:

Health Information Literacy and system access

Telehealth and remote technology

Decision support tools to impact clinical judgement for individuals and populations

Technological tools that support safe quality care

Utilization for technology to improve patient communication on interprofessional team

System processes and mitigating errors in patient care

Ethical, legal and regulatory standards with technology

Interrelationships with technology and nursing practice, administration, education, research, and policy

Innovative technologies that enhance care across the healthcare continuum

Synthesize the integration of systems thinking in healthcare outcomes in relation to technology

Appendix E

Modified Course Syllabi



Art of Professional Nursing I XX Semester 20XX

Credit hours = 2 (2 didactic) Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program or permission by instructor. Course Description: An introduction to professional nursing emphasizing personal, ethical and aesthetic concepts for evidence-informed decision-making. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1. Define caring and compassionate behaviors in nursing practice. 2. Explore the concept of emotional intelligence with emphasis on self-awareness, moral courage,

personal values and bias. 3. Demonstrate skills for effectively communicating with clients, populations and within the

healthcare team. 4. Identify health promotion strategies for the optimal level of wellness for self, clients and

populations. 5. Describe personal and professional values and ethical standards in nursing practice. 6. Explore the process of providing person-centered care 7. Examine integrative healthcare and how it relates to person-centered care. Content topics:

Nursing presence

Communication Skills

Self-awareness to include how personal behaviors impact practice o Mindful self-awareness

Basic psychological needs Emotional regulation Goals, motivations, values

o Styles o Types o Therapeutic Communication skills

cultural humility, mutual respect, and compassionate care o Documentation o Empathy/caring/emotional intelligence o Awareness of bias/bias impacts/implicit bias

Professional relationship o Collaboration

o Boundaries

Values/Ethics/ethical decision making o ANA code of ethics o Professionalism o Using technology in a professional manner (social media)

Nursing decision making o Assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation o Incorporating whole person care o Evidence-informed decision-making

Wellness o Health Promotion/Disease prevention models of care

Including Change Theory o Healthy People Framework and population-based strategies o Self-care and coping strategies o Optimum levels of wellness focusing on 9 dimensions o Environmental factors affecting patients and personal well-being (weight, cultural

considerations, health literacy, food insecurity) o Evidenced based strategies for improving/maintaining wellness o Stress: Cause, Impacts, Management skills

Integrative Healthcare o Standards of practice in complementary and alternative medicine o Utilizing complementary and alternative medicine to promote a healing environment



Art of Professional Nursing II XX Semester 20XX

Credit hours = 2 (2 didactic) Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program or permission by instructor. Completion of Art of Professional Nursing I. Course Description: Application of professional nursing emphasizing personal, ethical and aesthetic concepts for evidence-informed decision-making to include person-centered, interprofessional, and population-focused care. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Apply client participatory and engagement approaches 2. Explore the individualized beliefs, values and cultural aspects for the care and educational needs

of clients, families and populations 3. Describe evidence-based technological care strategies. 4. Demonstrate communication techniques to enhance person-centered and family-centered care

with emphasis on vulnerable and diverse populations. 5. Identify evidence-informed strategies aimed at population/global health and health equity. 6. Use evidence-based patient teaching materials, considering health literacy, vision, hearing, and

cultural sensitivity. Content topics: Patient Engagement/Partners of care

Patient/Family-Centered care Socioecological Model Behavioral Change Model Trauma informed care Ethical decision making Literacy Needs Patient Education Strategies

Motivational Interviewing Skills Patient participatory engagement

Technological Care Strategies Telehealth Electronic Health Record Virtual and augmented reality Patient care technology

Communication Skills Interprofessional communication Situational awareness Team building/teamwork/Team STEPPS Conflict Management

Strategies for diverse and vulnerable patient populations (language, lifespan, culture, LGBTQI, mentally ill, substance use and end of life care...)

Population/Global Health Concepts Definition of population/global health concepts Strategies to improve population/global health Global Health Goals

Self awareness

Intellectual curiosity leading to clinical inquiry

Peer engagement when discussing clinical inquiries


N2xxx Foundational Knowledge for Nursing Practice I

XX Semester 20XX Credit hours = 4 (2 class; 2 clinical / lab)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program. Course Description: The foundational concepts of professional nurse role with emphasis on nursing’s distinct practice perspectives in the provision of nursing care across the lifespan and care settings. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Apply interview techniques to complete a comprehensive health history including genomic transmission of health and disease.

2. Obtain objective data on the health status of a client using the techniques of inspection, palpation and auscultation.

3. Accurately document assessment and interventions utilizing appropriate technology. 4. Differentiate between normal and abnormal findings of client through objective and

subjective data. 5. Apply fundamental and quality improvement principles in creating a culture of safety. 6. Apply the concepts of assessment to identify client needs and provide nursing

interventions to promote client health and well-being. 7. Examine nursing history, theory, and practice, and the role of the nurse in a variety of

care settings. 8. Ensure privacy, confidentiality, and client autonomy in all situations.

Content topics:

Levels of prevention Genomic principles

Construct a pedigree Fundamental Concepts

o Safety o Skin/hygiene o Infection control o Nutrition

Mobility Health assessment/basic skills

o Physical o Environmental awareness – inpatient to home to community o Diagnostic testing o Competency-based o Holistic Health History to include cultural and spiritual assessment o physical and mental aging assessment

Psychomotor skills o Vitals

o Isolation precautions o Aseptic technique – wounds, tubes/lines o Specimen collection o Mobility mechanics – patient and nurse safety awareness


N2xxx Foundational Knowledge for Nursing Practice II

XX Semester 20XX Credit hours = 4 (2 class; 2 clinical /lab)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program. Completion of Foundational Knowledge for Nursing Practice I N2xxx, Nursing pathophysiology and pharmacology I N2xxx; Art of Professional Nursing I N2xxx Course Description: This course is designed to build upon the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired in Foundational Knowledge for Nursing Practice I, with a continued emphasis on nursing's distinct practice perspective. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Provide appropriate nursing and collaborative interventions to promote client health and well-being across the life stages.

2. Describe the physiological changes and cognitive/psychosocial development across lifespan and the effect on client care.

3. Demonstrate nursing clinical reasoning and decision-making in the provision of safe and ethical care for the individual while incorporating micro, macro, and meso-systems perspectives.

4. Incorporate best practices in the use of appropriate technology for the provision of nursing care.

5. Provide point of care testing to include assessment of lab results, assessment tools and education associated with the results.

Content topics:

Safety Fluid and Electrolytes Mobility Sensory perception Activity/rest/sleep Pain/comfort Cognitive/sensory Stress and coping Growth and development intro with Erikson Technology/informatics

Applications, mobile health and social networking. Care management of Chronic illnesses (Leading causes of morbidity/mortality)

Cardiac Diabetes COPD

Oxygenation/gas exchange Circulation/perfusion

Glucose regulation Psychosocial Health promotion/care management Sexuality Loss/grief/death

principles of palliative care and end of life Introduction to medication administration Nursing practice

Systems thinking - Meso, micro, macro systems Clinical decision making to include clinical reasoning and clinical judgement

Genetics / Genomics


N2xxx Foundational Principles of Evidence-based Practice and Nursing Science

XX Semester 20XX Credit hours = 2 (2 didactic)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program. Course Description: Introduction to and application of foundational concepts, skills and competencies of evidence-based practice (EBP), to support implementation to improve practice and outcomes. Includes overview of research methodologies, concepts and ethics to build critical appraisal skills. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Discuss the use of evidence-based practice and its relationship with quality improvement and research in healthcare.

2. Analyze organizations for the presence of a culture that supports inquiry and decision-making based on evidence.

3. Explore evidence-based practice models and trends in the implementation of evidence-based practice in healthcare.

4. Describe methods for building the scientific base of nursing practice. 5. Utilize the steps of evidence-based practice to address issues in healthcare. 6. Describe research methodologies and their application to evidence-based practice. 7. Promote the ethical conduction of scholarly activities.

Content topics:

Introduction to EBP

Foundational knowledge, constructs (i.e. models of EBP, EBP competencies, etc.)

Organizational Assessment and Readiness

Identifying your problem (clinical inquiry)

Creating searchable questions

Searching for and managing external evidence

Review of research methodologies and other types of literature

Review of statistics

Rapid Critical Appraisal of research, other types of literature and clinical practice guidelines

Evaluation/Summary and Synthesis of evidence

Integrating clinical expertise

Integrating patient preferences and values (including shared decision-making)



Nursing Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I XX Semester 20XX

Credit hours = 3 (3 didactic) Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program or permission by instructor. Course Description: Study of introductory concepts in pathophysiology and pharmacology as a scientific foundation for nursing practice.  The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Define introductory pathophysiological and pharmacological principles from cellular to systems levels across the lifespan.

2. Describe the pathogenesis of states of altered cellular regulation, tissue integrity, inflammation, immunity, infection, genetics/genomics, fluids and electrolytes, endocrine, metabolism, and nutrition.

3. Identify the clinical manifestations, genomic profile, and diagnostic studies as the basis for pharmacologic treatment.

4. Relate pathophysiological and pharmacological principles pertinent to client care management. Content topics:

Basic Principles of pathophysiology and pharmacology Cells/Tissues Inflammation/Tissue Repair Immunity Infection Genetic/Developmental Disorders Cellular Proliferation/Differentiation Fluid/Electrolyte Balance Nutrition Metabolism



Nursing Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II XX Semester 20XX

Credit hours = 3 (3 didactic) Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program or permission by instructor. Completion of Nursing Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I. Course Description: Study of applied concepts in pathophysiology and pharmacology as a scientific foundation for nursing practice.  The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Apply introductory pathophysiological and pharmacological principles from cellular to systems levels across the lifespan.

2. Distinguish the pathogenesis of states of altered cognition, oxygenation/gas exchange, perfusion, sensory perception, elimination, mood and affect, acid-base balance, and reproduction.

3. Analyze the clinical manifestations, genomic profiles, and diagnostic studies as the basis for pharmacologic treatment.

4. Integrate pathophysiological and pharmacological principles pertinent to client care management.

Content topics: Respiratory (ventilation) Cardiac (perfusion) Neuro (Sensory) Gastrointestinal / Genitourinary (Elimination) Mood/Attention/Behavior Acid-Base balance Endocrine

Reproduction Function

Lifespan considerations


N3xxx Nursing care of adults and older adults I

XX Semester 20XX Credit hours = 4 (1.5 class; 2.5 clinical /lab)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program. Pass all sophomore level BSN traditional curriculum. Course Description: Nursing knowledge and clinical practice essential for the care of the adult and older adult with acute and chronic health alterations. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Apply the nursing process, nursing knowledge, genomics, knowledge from other disciplines and clinical judgement in the provision of care of adults and older adults with acute and chronic health alterations in all settings.

2. Assess barriers for adults and older adults in receiving, understanding, utilizing, and communicating health and health-related information.

3. Implement patient and family-centered evidence-based interventions to manage acute and chronic health alterations.

4. Analyze legal and professional issues involving care management of clients with acute and chronic health issues.

5. Apply concepts of ethics, cultural competence, compassion, collaboration, and respect in the provision of safe, high-quality care.

6. Apply principles of information and communication technologies to the care management of acute and chronic health alterations.

7. Identify economic, societal, and political influences on the health of clients with acute and chronic health alterations.

8. Explore the nurse’s role in care coordination, transitions in care, and quality improvement for practice change in the management of acute and chronic health alterations.

Content topics: Care management of

Fluid and electrolytes alterations Mobility alterations Immune alterations Tissue integrity alterations Sensory perception alterations Chronic and acute pain Cognitive alterations chronic health alterations Oxygenation/gas exchange alterations (Asthma, COPD, etc) Circulation/perfusion alterations (HF, CAD, etc) Endocrine/Glucose regulation (DM) Neurological alterations

Psychosocial needs for adults and older adults with acute and chronic health alterations GI/GU/Elimination alterations

Primary care and nurse’s role in chronic disease management and operating at top of licensure/ Care coordination and transitions in care

Genetics / Genomics with acute and chronic health alterations. Technology/informatics in the management of acute and chronic health conditions Principles of safe and effective care in caring for adults and older adults with acute and chronic

health conditions Systems approach to chronic disease management


N3xxx Nursing care of adults and older adults II

XX Semester 20XX Credit hours = 4 (1.5 class; 2.5 clinical /lab)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program. Completion of all courses in sophomore level BSN traditional curriculum and Nursing Care of Adults and Older Adults I. Course Description: Nursing knowledge and clinical practice essential for the care of the adult and older adult experiencing acute and critical health alterations. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Apply the nursing process, nursing knowledge, genomics, knowledge from other disciplines and clinical judgement in the provision of care for adults and older adults with acute and critical health alterations.

2. Assess health risks in adults and older adults, including abuse and neglect, and provide anticipatory guidance and education.

3. Apply clinical judgement to implement patient and family-centered evidence-based interventions to manage complex acute and critical health alterations in adults and older adults.

4. Critique legal and professional issues in complex acute and critical care situations 5. Integrate concepts of ethics, cultural competence, compassion, collaboration, and respect in

the provision of safe, high-quality care. 6. Apply principles of information and communication technologies in the management of

acute and critical health alterations. 7. Discuss economic, societal, and political influences on the health of clients in acute care

situations in the management of acute and critical health alterations. Content topics: Perioperative care

Care management of Fluid and electrolytes alterations Mobility alterations Tissue alterations (burns) Sensory perception alterations Cognitive alterations chronic health alterations Oxygenation/gas exchange alterations (ARDs, pneumonia) Circulation/perfusion alterations (shock, dysrhythmias, MI) Endocrine/Glucose regulation (DKA, etc) Neurological alterations Psychosocial needs for adults and older adults with acute and chronic health alterations GI/GU/Elimination alterations Trauma clients


Principles of failure to rescue

Interprofessional collaboration in the management of acute and critical health alterations

Labs and assessment tools for acute and critical care alterations

Economic, social and political factors to acute and critical care alterations

Use of technology in acute and critical care


N3xxx Nursing Care of Women and Families During Reproductive Transitions

XX Semester 20XX Credit hours = 4 (2 class; 2 clinical /lab)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program. Completion of all courses in sophomore level BSN traditional curriculum. Course Description: Nursing knowledge and clinical practice essential to caring for women and their families during reproductive transitions. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Assess the health risks in women and their families during reproductive transitions and provide anticipatory guidance and education.

2. Apply clinical judgement to implement evidence-based interventions to women and their families during reproductive transitions, to include health promotion and disease prevention.

3. Analyze legal and professional issues related to women and their families during reproductive transitions.

4. Apply concepts of ethics, cultural competence, compassion, collaboration, and respect in the provision of safe, high-quality care.

5. Identify economic, societal, and political influences on the health of clients in acute care situations.

6. Explore the roles of the nurses involved in providing care to patients during reproductive transitions according to the nurse’s scope of practice.

Content topics:

The Newborn

Labor & Birth Processes

Female Reproductive System

Overview of Genetics and Genetic Disease / Screening

Conception, Embryonic and Fetal Development

Anatomy & Physiology of Pregnancy

Physiologic and psychological changes in pregnancy

Prenatal Testing, Antepartum Assessments & Care

Maternal & Fetal Nutrition

High-Risk Conditions of Pregnancy

Intrapartum Complications

Cesarean Delivery

Postpartum Physiologic Changes

Postpartum Mood Disorders

Postpartum Complications

Assessment & Health Promotion

Reproductive System Concerns

Infertility, Contraception, & Abortion


Menstruation and Menopause


N3xxx Nursing Care of Children and Their Families

XX Semester 20XX Credit hours = 4 (2 class; 2 clinical /lab)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program. Completion of all courses in sophomore level BSN traditional curriculum. Course Description: Nursing knowledge and clinical practice essential to caring for children and their families. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Assess health risks, including genomic risks, in children and their families and provide anticipatory guidance and education.

2. Apply clinical judgement to implement evidence-based interventions for children and their families in all settings, including health promotion and disease and injury prevention.

3. Analyze legal and professional issues related to children and their families. 4. Apply concepts of ethics, cultural competence, compassion, collaboration, and respect in

the provision of safe, high-quality care. 5. Identify economic, societal, and political influences on the health of children and their

families. 6. Demonstrate competency in the assessment of growth and development in children.

Content topics:

Growth and development

Overview of Nursing Care of the Sick Child

Health Promotion of the Child and Family

Nursing Care of the Child with Alterations in the Gastrointestinal System

Nursing Care of the Child with Alterations and Genitourinary System

Nursing Care of the Child with Alterations in the Respiratory System

Nursing Care of the Child with Alterations in the Endocrine System

Nursing Care of the Child with Alterations in the Cardiovascular System

Nursing Care of the Child with Cancer

Nursing Care of the Child with Alterations in the Hematologic System

Nursing Care of the Child with Alterations in the Neurological System and Musculoskeletal System

Pediatric Psychiatric & Sensory Disorders

End of Life Concerns in the Pediatric Population

Roles of nurses in pediatric settings


N4xxx Nursing clinical judgement in the care of psychiatric and mental health conditions

XX Semester 20XX Credit hours = 4 (2 didactic; 2 clinical/lab)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program. Completion of all courses in junior level BSN traditional curriculum. Course Description: This course will apply nursing knowledge in the promotion of mental health and recovery of individuals with psychiatric diagnoses and their families. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Analyze the mental health needs of individual clients, families and groups 2. Discuss the relationship of genetics with mental health care 3. Apply nursing clinical reasoning using evidence-based approaches to the care of clients with

mental health and substance use disorders 4. Apply the concepts of mental health promotion, relapse prevention, recovery, and resilience in

the nursing care of clients and populations 5. Apply advanced therapeutic communication skills when providing care and education with

clients, families, groups and within interprofessional teams 6. Engage in strategies that address patient and population health inequities using a social

determinants approach 7. Incorporate concepts of ethics, cultural humility, compassion, collaboration, and respect in the

provision of holistic and integrative care 8. Apply principles of information and communication technologies (remote) in the provision,

documentation, and evaluation of biopsychosocial nursing care for clients Content topics:

Taxonomy systems used in psychiatric diagnosis (Omaha, DSM, ICD)

Technology use in nursing care (apps, telehealth)

Site-specific care needs (primary care, home care, rural, in-patient and out-patient mental health services, and underserved areas)

Screening tools used for psychiatric and mental health assessment

Nursing and other discipline theories related to mental health

Nurse-patient relationship to include self-awareness, boundaries and therapeutic use of self

Anxiety, stress management, sleep, and coping

Nursing management of psychotic disorders and crisis interventions

Nursing management of substance use disorder

Nursing management of personality, anxiety, mood, and eating disorders

Mental health issues across the lifespan

Co-morbidities in relation to mental health concerns


N4xxx Synthesis of the Determinants of Health to Address Population Health Outcomes

XX Semester 20XX Credit hours = 4 (1 didactic; 3 clinical/lab)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program. Completion of all courses in junior level BSN traditional curriculum. Course Description: This course provides an opportunity for students to synthesize the concepts of population health to influence health outcomes. The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

Synthesize assessment data and policy implications that inform community, population, and/or global health.

Utilize evidence-based and policy driven strategies to provide equitable care in addressing community, population, and/or global health.

Explain the use of innovation between the community, population, and global health and healthcare.

Incorporate evaluation strategies for community, population, or global health initiatives. Content topics:

Develop a CH project that influences healthcare policy, service delivery, economics and health disparities, SDOH, equity, inclusion, diversity issues within a population of choice/assignment

Participate in health program planning/implementation/evaluation

Create innovative and evidence-informed interventions in the community, population, and / or global health


College of Nursing


Innovative Strategies in Leadership and Systems-based Practice

XX Semester 20XX

Credit hours = 2 (2 didactic)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program. Completion of all courses in junior

level BSN traditional curriculum.

Course Description: This course will address leadership and management concepts as applied to

nursing practice and system-based approaches in a variety of healthcare settings.

The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide

course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Analyze leadership concepts, theories, skills, and decision making in the

provision of personal leadership development.

2. Analyze the impact of healthcare policy, financial implication and regulatory

requirements from a leadership perspective.

3. Demonstrate inter- and intra-professional identity in nursing. 4. Examine concepts of quality and safety using structure, process, and outcome

measures to identify clinical questions, ambiguity, and process for changing

current practice. 5. Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate delegation of nursing tasks.

6. Apply principles of workplace safety, ethical comportment and cultural

competence in the nurse leadership role to foster an organizational culture of


Content topics:

Nursing leadership and management concepts Leadership and management concepts Organizational structure and directional strategies

Professional development

Top of license/scope

Nursing leadership and management processes

Leadership and management processes Approaching change in health care organizations

Collaboration in intraprofessional and interprofessional teams Promoting a healthy workplace environment

Quality, safety, and personalized health care Quality and safety: Concepts and processes Oversight of and accountability for quality nursing care

Personalized health care, including genetics and genomics

Financial considerations in an evolving health care delivery system Business principles

Impact of institutional finances on health care delivery Attention to government requirements and guidelines in health care financing

engaging in professional organizations fostering negotiation, moral courage, self-efficacy conflict resolution


College of Nursing


Practicum for the utilization of Nursing Clinical Judgement

XX Semester 20XX

Credit hours = 6 (0.5 didactic; 5.5 clinical/lab)

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the BSN traditional program. Completion of all courses in junior

level BSN traditional curriculum.

Course Description: The transition to professional nursing practice integrates a full practicum

experience in the last year of the nursing program.

The AACN Essentials for Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education (2021) were used to guide

course development. AACN essentials ____ are met in this course.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Apply clinical judgement and therapeutic nursing interventions. 2. Utilize knowledge, technology, and skills to practice independently and collaboratively

with the healthcare team. 3. Integrate policy and evidence-based information into decision making of professional

nursing practice.

4. Demonstrate caring in practice decisions that encompass values, ethics, and legal aspects.

5. Demonstrate professionalism and accountability in the provision of client care.

Content topics:

Nurse practice Act and state boards of nursing

Effective communication/team building

Organizational Quality Improvement strategies

Policy development

Evidence-based decision making

Caring in practice

Values, ethics, and legal

Respecting patient rights and dignity

Accountability and accepting responsibility for one’s behavior and self-care

Appendix F Current and Proposed Sample Plans of Study

Current Sample Plan of Study

Time Period

Coursework Time Period


Year 1

Autumn * Chemistry 1110 (5 credits)

* Sociology 1101 (3 credits)

* Biology 1101, 1110 or 1113 (4 credits)

* Psychology 1100 (3 credits)

**Nursing 1100 (nursing survey) (1 credit)

Year 1

Spring * English 1110 (3 credits)

* EEOB 2520 Human physiology (3 credits)

* Anatomy 2300, 3300 or EEOB 2510 (4 credits)

# HUMNNTR 2210 or 2310 Human Nutrition (3 credits)

Gen Ed

15 - 16 credits 16 credits

Year 2 Autumn

Nursing 2100 (Intro to Prof Nursing: Concepts & Practice) (3 credits)

Year 2 Spring

Nursing 2270 (Nursing Care of Adults & Older Adults I) (5 credits)

Nursing 2410 (Health Assessment) (3 credits) Nursing 2470 (Intro Pharm for Nurses) (3 credits)

Nursing 2450 (Pathophysiology for Nursing Practice) (3 credits)

Nursing 2780 (Scholarship for Evidence Based Practice) (3 credits)

Nursing 2420 (Life Span Dev of Ind within a Family Context) (3 credits)

Nursing 2460 (Intro to Therapeutic Communication for Health Prof) (3 credits)

# Microbiology 4000.01 or 4000.02 (4 credits)

16 credits 14 credits

Year 3 Autumn

Nursing 3270 (Nursing Care of Adults and Older Adults II (7 credits)

Year 3 Spring

Nursing 4260 (Nursing Care of Children – Pediatrics (4 credits)

Nursing 3430 (Cultural Competence in Health Care: US & Global) (3 credits)

Nursing 4280 (Nursing Care of Women - OB / Women’s Health) (4 credits)

GE Course (3 credits) GE (3 credits)

GE course (3 credits) GE (3 credits)

16 credits 14 credits

Year 4 Autumn

Nursing 4240S (Concepts in Community Health Nursing) (4 credits)

Year 4 Spring

Nursing 4270 (Transition to Professional Nursing) (6 credits)

Nursing 4340 (Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing) (4 credits)

Nursing 4400 (Leadership and Management of Nursing Practice) (3 credits)

GE course (3 credits) GE course (3 credits)

GE course (3 credits) Open Elective (3 credits)

15 credits 15 credits

Total Minimum Credits = 121

* Pre-requisite for the BSN major. These courses must be completed with a C+ or better to be considered for admission. Students

taking prerequisite courses at institutions that do not award grades on a +/ -scale must earn a B or higher in each prerequisite course to be eligible for admission.

**Nursing 1100 is reserved for pre-nursing students

# Human Nutrition 2210 and Microbiology 4000 are not required for admission, but must be completed by the end of Year 2

Proposed Sample Plan of Study

Time Period

Coursework Time Period


Year 1

Autumn * Chemistry 1110 (5)

* Biology 1101, 1110 or 1113 (4)

* Psychology 1100 (3)

Historical and Cultural Studies (3)

GE Launch Seminar (1)

**Nursing 1100 (nursing survey) (1)

Year 1

Spring * English 1110 (3)

* EEOB 2520 Human physiology (3)

* Anatomy 2300, 3300 or EEOB 2510 (4)

* Sociology 1101 (3)

Race Ethnic and Gender Diversity (3)

16 credits 16 credits

Year 2 Spring

N2xxx Foundational Knowledge for Nurs Practice I (4) N2xxx Nursing Pathophysiology & Pharmacology I (3) N2xxx Art of Professional Nursing I (2) N2xxx Introduction to Social Justice & Health Policy (1) # Nursing 5115 MINDSTRONG (1) # Microbiology XXXX (3)

Year 2 Spring

N2xxx Foundational Knowledge for Nurs Practice II (4) N2xxx Nursing Pathophysiology & Pharmacology II (3) ***N2xxx Art of Professional Nursing II (2) N2xxx Foundational Principles of EBP and Nursing Science (2) # HUMNNTR XXXX (2)

Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World (4-6)

14 credits 17 credits

Year 3 Spring

N3xxx Nursing care of adults and older adults I (4) N3xxx Nursing Care of Women and Families during Reproductive Transitions (4) N3xxx Motivational interviewing (1) Nursing ELECTIVE REQUIRED track (3) Literary, Visual and Performing Arts (3)

Year 3 Spring

N3xxx Nursing care of adults and older adults II (4) N3xxx Nursing Care of Children and their Families (4) N3xxx Evidence-based Nursing Care for Patients in Palliative and end of life Care (2) ***N3xxx Population Health Local to Global (3)

15 credits 13 credits

N4xxx Synthesis of Determinants of Health to Address Population Health Outcomes (4) N4xxx Nursing Clinical Judgement in the Care of Psychiatric & mental health Conditions (4) N4xxx Innovative Strategies in Leadership and Systems-based Practice (2) Nursing ELECTIVE REQUIRED track (3) GE Theme: student choice (4-6)

***N4xxx Synthesis of nursing practice and patient care in complex healthcare systems (2) N4xxx Practicum for the Utilization of Nursing Clinical Judgement (6) N4xxx Science of wellness and self-care (1) ***N4xxx Utilization of Information and Healthcare Technologies to Drive Decision Making in Nursing (1) ***# Stats 1350 (3) GE Reflection (1)

17 credits 14 credits

Total Minimum Credits = 122

* Pre-requisite courses for the BSN major. Courses must be completed with a C+ or better to be considered for admission. Students taking prerequisite courses at institutions that do not award grades on a +/ -scale must earn a B or higher in each prerequisite course to be eligible for admission.

**Nursing 1100 is reserved for pre-nursing students ***Embedded Literacies for advanced writing; data analysis; technology # Human Nutrition, Microbiology, & Stats 1350 are core major requirements – Human nutrition and microbiology must be completed

by the end of Year 2; MINDSTRONG is a core major requirement that may be met by either Nursing 1100 (nursing survey) or Nursing 5115 MINDSTRONG course General education in blue

Appendix G Concurrence Letters

3 December 2021

Dr. W. Randy Smith, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

Office of Academic Affairs

203 Bricker Hall

190 N. Oval Mall

Columbus, OH 43210

Dear Vice Provost Smith, The Department of Microbiology supports the proposed changes to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program from the College of Nursing. I have reviewed the changes relevant to the Department of Microbiology and agree to the following:

• Remove Microbiology 4000/4000.01/4000.02 as a core BSN program requirement.

• Create a new 3-credit hour core Microbiology course that aligns to the Microbiology in Nursing and Allied Health (MINAH) curriculum guidelines. This course will be offered each Autumn Semester, it will require one general college-level biology prerequisite (e.g., Biology 1101, 1113, etc.), and 166 seats will be reserved for BSN students.

• Microbiology will be open to providing additional instruction to the College of Nursing, with appropriate compensation, to integrate microbiological concepts throughout the curriculum. Specific arrangements will need to be made well ahead of each academic year. We applaud the College of Nursing for creating a new framework for interdisciplinary delivery of microbiology for health sciences and we look forward to our continued collaboration on the BSN curriculum.


Kurt Fredrick Professor and Chair

Department of Microbiology

105 Biological Sciences Building 484 W. 12th Ave.

Columbus, OH 43210

614-292-2301 Phone

1/15/22, 8:11 AM

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Bruno, Richard <>Wed 1/5/2022 5:19 PM

To: Bowles, Wendy S. <>

Cc: Porfeli, Erik J. <>; Jauch, Amy S. <>

Hi Wendy, I hope you had enjoyable holidays. Sorry for my delayed response --- I took the ‘break’ literally(mostly) and disconnected more than usual, but I back in full gear. A short update with good news,and Erik will be in touch again soon. At its December faculty meeting, the Human Nutrition facultyvoted in support of collaborating with CoN to (1) develop a new 2-cr ‘health professionals’ coursewith an HN prefix (~125 students; spring semester only), and (2) to provide embedded instructionalsupport over a 2-year junior/senior nursing curriculum (at the equivalent weighting of 1 credit hourper AY per student). Erik and I will proceed to prepare the MOU for your consideration to document allactivities/responsibilities for the Human Nutrition Program, the Dept of Human Sciences, and theCoN. Sincerely,Rich

Richard S Bruno, PhD, RDProfessor and Chair, Human Nutrition ProgramDirector, Bionutrition Core Laboratory (website)Director, OARDC in EHEEditor-in-Chief, Nutrition Research (website)

College of Education and Human Ecology | Department of Human Sciences325 Campbell Hall, 1787 Neil Ave, Columbus, OH 43210614.292.5522 Office I I My Homepage From: Bowles, Wendy S. <> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2021 3:24 PMTo: Bruno, Richard <>; Porfeli, Erik J. <>Cc: Jauch, Amy S. <>Subject: Re: MOU

1/15/22, 8:11 AM

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Thank you for a great meeting today!I have attached a draft MOU. It would be great if you could provide any edits and then I willsend to my administrative team to create a more formal document and approvals within mydepartment. As soon as I receive your edits, I will move this through on my end which Iwould anticipate taking just a few days for the final signatures to be established on a moreofficial document.Thank you so much for your partnership on this!!Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!Wendy

Wendy Bowles PhD, APRN-CNP, CNEAssistant Professor of Clinical NursingAssistant Dean for Baccalaureate ProgramsPediatric Nurse PractitionerCollege of Nursing 364 Newton Hall, 1585 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH 43210614-292-4928

From: Larabee, Katherine E.Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 8:36 AMTo: Larabee, Katherine E. <>; Bowles, Wendy S. <>;Bruno, Richard <>; Porfeli, Erik J. <>Cc: Jauch, Amy S. <>Subject: MOUWhen: Tuesday, November 23, 2021 2:00 PM-3:00 PM.Where: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 975 2270 3993Password: 571152