The effect of polysialylation on the immunogenicity and antigenicity of asparaginase: implication in...

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International Journal of Pharmaceutics 217 (2001) 215–224

The effect of polysialylation on the immunogenicity andantigenicity of asparaginase: implication in its


Ana I. Fernandes 1, Gregory Gregoriadis *Centre for Drug Deli6ery Research, School of Pharmacy, Uni6ersity of London, 29–39 Brunswick Square,

London WC1N 1AX, UK

Received 21 December 2000; received in revised form 25 January 2001; accepted 28 January 2001


Erwinia caroto6ora L-asparaginase was conjugated via the � -amino groups of its lysine residues with colominic acid(CA) (polysialic acid) of average molecular mass of 10 kDa by reductive amination in the presence of NaCNBH3.Polysialylation using 50-, 100- and 250-fold molar excess CA relative to the enzyme led to an increasing proportionof the enzyme’s � -amino groups (5.8, 7.6 and 11.3%, respectively) being conjugated to CA. Polysialylated and native(intact) asparaginase were used to immunize mice intravenously. Results (total IgG immune responses) indicate thatall preparations elicited antibody production against the enzyme moiety but not against the CA of the conjugates.Moreover, antibody titres appeared highest for the native enzyme and were generally reduced as the degree ofpolysialylation increased. In other experiments mice pre-immunized with native or polysialylated asparaginase, withanti-asparaginase antibodies in their blood, were injected intravenously with the corresponding enzyme preparations.Results revealed that polysialylation reduces the antigenicity of asparaginase thus leading to circulatory half-lives (t1

2b)that were 3–4-fold greater than that of the native enzyme, and similar to those observed in naive, non-immunizedmice. Our data suggest that polysialylation of therapeutic enzymes and other proteins may be useful in maintainingtheir pharmacokinetics in individuals with antibodies to the therapeutic proteins as a result of chronic treatment.© 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Asparaginase; Polysialic acids; Protein delivery; Antibody response

Abbre6iations: ANOVA, one way analysis of variance; BSA, bovine serum albumin; CA, colominic acid; FCS, foetal calf serum;mPEG, monomethoxypoly(ethyleneglycol); MPS, mononuclear phagocyte system; OPD, o-phenylenediamine; PBS, 0.15 M sodiumphosphate buffered saline, pH 7.4; dpm, disintegrations per minute; t1

2b, terminal circulatory half-life; PBS-T, PBS containing 0.05%v/v Tween 20.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-20-77535822; fax: +44-20-77535820.E-mail address: (G. Gregoriadis).1 Present address: Inst. Superior de Ciencias da Saude-Sul, Campus Universitario, Quinta da Granja, Monte da Caparica,

2829-511 Caparica, Portugal.

0378-5173/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII: S0 378 -5173 (01 )00603 -2

A.I. Fernandes, G. Gregoriadis / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 217 (2001) 215–224216

1. Introduction

Asparaginase (L-asparagine amido hydrolase,E.C. is an anti-neoplastic agent, currentlyused in the treatment of acute lymphoblasticleukaemia. The enzyme exploits a biochemicaldifference between malignant and normal cells,namely the inability of the former to produceasparagine owing to a deficiency in L-asparaginesynthetase (Keating et al., 1993). However, be-cause of the high molecular weight of the asparag-inase and its bacterial origin (Ruyssen andLawers, 1978), prolonged use leads to hypersensi-tivity, ranging from mild allergic reactions to life-threatening anaphylaxis (Reynolds, 1993).Moreover, antibodies against asparaginase greatlyaccelerate its clearance from the circulation andthus reduce its therapeutic effectiveness (Petersonet al., 1971; Wahn et al., 1983).

Previously proposed strategies to reduce im-munological clearance of therapeutic proteins in-clude entrapment into liposomes which preventsinteraction of preformed antibodies with theproteins (Gregoriadis and Allison 1974; Neerun-jun and Gregoriadis, 1976). Drawbacks of thisapproach are the relatively rapid uptake of thecarrier system by the mononuclear phagocyte sys-tem (MPS) and the immunoadjuvant action ofliposomes (Gregoriadis, 1990; Gupta et al., 1993)which can further promote immune responses tothe proteins. Grafting of hydrophilic macro-molecules such as monomethoxypoly(ethylenegly-col) (mPEG) (Nucci et al., 1991) onto the surfaceof asparaginase and other enzymes has provedsuccessful not only in prolonging enzyme presencein the blood circulation (Park et al., 1981) butalso in reducing or abrogating immunogenicity(Wada et al., 1990) and antigenicity (Kodera etal., 1992), with consequent increase of therapeuticefficacy (Fuertges and Abuchowski, 1990). How-ever, conjugation of mPEG to enzymes oftenleads to substantial reduction of their activity(Park et al., 1981). Moreover, the non-biodegrad-able mPEG is expected to accumulate in thelysosomes following endocytosis of the conju-gates, possibly leading to toxicity on chronic use.

We have recently proposed the use of the highlyhydrophilic and biodegradable polymers of N-

acetylneuraminic acid (polysialic acids) as an al-ternative to mPEG in prolonging the circulatoryhalf-lives of proteins (Gregoriadis et al., 1993;Fernandes and Gregoriadis, 1996, 1997). The ra-tionale of this approach is that polysialic acidsmay not only render the proteins more stable andhighly hydrophilic and thus augment their circula-tory half-lives, but also mask immunogenic deter-minants that would otherwise elicit antibodyproduction. Polysialic acids may also stericallyhinder the approach of pre-formed antibodies tothe antigenic sites. However, covalent coupling ofpolysialic acids to a carrier protein may alsoenhance their immunogenicity by converting themto thymus-dependent antigens (Devi et al., 1991).Although low molecular weight polysialic acids assuch (Wyle et al., 1972) or as protein conjugates(Jennings and Lugowski, 1981) are poor immuno-gens, their conjugation to proteins is expected toalter the latter’s net surface charge and, possibly,enhance their immunogenicity by altering theirthree-dimensional structure. Here we have evalu-ated the immunological properties of polysialy-lated asparaginase as compared to the nativeenzyme. To that end, a low molecular weightpolysialic acid (namely colominic acid; CA) wascovalently linked to asparaginase and the phar-macokinetics of the native and polysialylated en-zyme injected intravenously in pre-immunizedmice was monitored. Results suggest that polysia-lylation reduces the antigenicity of asparaginaseand as a result prolongs its circulation in theblood even in the presence of anti-asparaginaseantibodies.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Materials

Erwinia caroto6ora L-asparaginase was kindlyprovided by Dr C.N. Wiblin (Microbiological Re-search Establishment, Porton Down, UK). CA(sodium salt) from Escherichia coli K1 (averagemolecular mass 10 kDa), bovine serum albumin(BSA), Tween 20, sodium cyanoborohydride(NaCNBH3) and o-phenylenediamine (OPD) werepurchased from Sigma (Poole, Dorset, UK).

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Horseradish peroxidase-labelled goat antibodiesagainst mouse IgG and IgM, and foetal calfserum (FCS) were purchased from Sera-lab(Crawley Down, Sussex, UK). Sodium cyanoboro[3H]hydride (NaCNB[3H3]) (2.2 Ci/mg) was ob-tained from Amersham International (Amersham,Buckinghamshire, UK). All other reagents wereof analytical grade.

2.2. Preparation of polysialylated asparaginase

Asparaginase was polysialylated with oxidizedCA by reductive amination in the presence ofNaCNBH3 and isolated by ammonium sulphateprecipitation (Fernandes and Gregoriadis, 1997).Use of CA in molar amounts of 50-, 100- and250-fold greater than those of the enzyme resultedin preparations (designated here as 50:1, 100:1and 250:1) with increasing number of substitutedamino groups (5.8, 7.6 and 11.3%, respectively).After extensive dialysis against 0.15 M sodiumphosphate buffer (supplemented with 0.9% NaCl,pH 7.4) (PBS) at 4°C, samples of polysialylatedasparaginase were filtered through a low proteinbinding 0.45 mm filter (Whatman Scientific, Maid-stone, Kent, UK) to remove insoluble material.Asparaginase concentration (Bradford, 1976) andenzyme activity (Ruyssen and Lawers, 1978) inthe filtrates were determined in a Wallac Com-puSpec UV–visible spectrophotometer (WallacUK, Crownhill, Milton Keynes, UK). The half-life of native and polysialylated asparaginase inpre-immunized mice, was determined by monitor-ing its enzyme activity (Ruyssen and Lawers,1978) and also its radioactivity following tritiationwith sodium cyanoboro3[H]hydride as already re-ported (Fernandes and Gregoriadis, 1997).

2.3. Immunization protocol

Aliquots containing 200 mg of native or polysia-lylated asparaginase were freeze-dried (EdwardsModulyo, Sussex, UK) and stored at 4°C. Imme-diately before use, 1 ml of filter (0.2 mm diameter)-sterilized PBS was added to the freeze-driedmaterial to obtain a 200 mg/ml asparaginase solu-tion. Male Balb/c mice (28–30 g body weight;purchased from Bantin & Kingman Universal,

North Humberside, Hull, UK) in groups of fivewere injected intravenously (tail vein) on days 0, 8and 15 with 0.1 ml (20 mg of protein) of thesolution and bled from the tail vein on days 7, 14and 21. Blood samples (50 ml) were then placedinto tubes containing 450 ml PBS, spun at 5000×g for 10 min (Biofuge 13, Heraus Equipment,Brentwood, Essex, UK) and the diluted plasma(corresponding to about 25 ml plasma assuming a50% haematocrit) in the supernatants kept frozenat −40°C.

2.4. Determination of asparaginase clearancefrom the blood of pre-immunized mice

Freeze-dried samples of tritiated native andpolysialylated asparaginase were dissolved infilter-sterilized PBS immediately before use. Maleoutbred T/O mice (25–30 g body weight; obtainedfrom Harlan-OLAC UK, Bicester, Oxon, UK) ingroups of four were each injected intramuscularly(hind leg) with the equivalent of 20 mg of proteinon days 0, 7 and 14. Serum IgG titers weremeasured in plasma samples obtained on days 7and 14 (prior to boosting) and on day 28 whenanimals were subsequently injected intravenously(tail vein) with 1 mg of radiolabelled native orpolysialylated enzyme in 0.1 ml PBS. Samples ofblood (50 ml) taken at time intervals were immedi-ately diluted in 450 ml PBS, centrifuged as aboveand the diluted plasma was assayed for residualenzymatic activity (Ruyssen and Lawers, 1978)and 3H radioactivity (Fernandes and Gregoriadis,1997). The terminal half-lives (t1

2b) of asparagi-nase given as a single intravenous dose in thepre-immunized mice, were estimated as alreadydescribed (Fernandes and Gregoriadis, 1997) fornaive animals. Statistical analysis of the resultswas performed with GraphPad InStat version1.15 (GraphPad, Software, 1990) and ANOVAtables were omitted from the text (only the Bon-ferroni P-values are reported). Owing to the non-homogeneity of the variances, circulatoryhalf-lives obtained in pre-immunized mice werecompared by a Kruskal–Wallis test (non-para-metric ANOVA) with Minitab Release 7.2(Minitab, 1989).

A.I. Fernandes, G. Gregoriadis / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 217 (2001) 215–224218

2.5. Determination of antibody titers

Antibody titers in immunized Balb/c and T/Omice were measured by an indirect enzyme-linkedimmunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Catty andRaykundalia, 1989). Polystyrene microtiter plates(Immulon 1 and 4; Dynatech Laboratories,Billingshurst, W. Sussex, UK) were coated with60 ml of the native or polysialylated asparaginasesolution (2 mg/ml in 0.05 M carbonate-bicarbon-ate buffer, pH 9.6) and kept at 20°C for 1 h orovernight at 4°C. After washing three times withPBS containing 0.05% v/v Tween 20 (PBS-T), 60ml of 1% BSA solution in PBS-T was added toeach well to prevent non-specific antibody bind-ing. Appropriately diluted serum (60 ml) wasadded into the top well and doubly diluted downthe plate. After incubation at 20°C for 2 h, plateswere again washed three times with PBS-T andtap dried. Then 50 ml of diluted (1/10 000 inPBS-T supplemented with 5% FCS and 1% BSA)anti-mouse IgG and IgM goat antibodies conju-gated to horseradish peroxidase were added toeach well and the plates incubated for 2–3 h at20°C. After washing three times with PBS-T, theplates were again tap dried. Citrate-phosphatebuffer (200 ml), pH 5.0, containing OPD and 30%H2O2 as the substrates of the enzymatic reaction,were added to each well and incubated again at20°C for 30 min. The reaction was stopped by theaddition of 25 ml of a 1.5 M H2SO4 solution andthe absorbance read at 492 nm in a microplatereader (Titertek Multiskan® MCC/340). Antibodytiters were estimated from the serum dilution re-quired to obtain absorbance readings around 0.20and expressed as log 10 of that dilution. In everyrun, control wells containing only coating buffer,blocking protein solution, secondary antibody so-lution or diluted plasma from naive mice wereincluded.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Immunogenicity of polysialylatedasparaginase

In initial experiments the immunogenicity (IgG

and IgM) of native and polysialylated asparagi-nase was studied in Balb/c mice injected intra-venously with the enzymes three times, at weeklyintervals. Results (Fig. 1), especially important inthe present work because of their relevance to

Fig. 1. Immunogenicity of native and polysialylated asparagi-nase (50:1, 100:1 and 250:1 polysialic acid to enzyme molarratio in the coupling reaction). Balb/c mice were immunizedintravenously with 20 mg of native or polysialylated enzyme ondays 0, 8 and 15 and bled on days 7, 14 and 21 (primary,secondary and tertiary responses respectively). Serum IgG (A)and IgM (B) titers were estimated by ELISA in plates coatedwith the corresponding antigen. Results are mean9S.D. offour or five animals.

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chronic intravenous therapy with the enzyme,show that after the third injection sera IgG andIgM titers for the native and polysialylated as-paraginase are, respectively, similar indicatingthat, at least at this level of polysialylation, theimmunogenicity of the conjugates on chronicusage is not reduced. Since the secondary aminebond formed between CA and asparaginase ischemically stable (Gray et al., 1978) and notsusceptible to enzymatic hydrolysis (Francis et al.,1996), premature cleavage of the conjugate in vivois unlikely to account for the failure of polysialy-lation to reduce the enzyme’s immunogenicity. Amore plausible explanation is the low degree ofpolysialylation achieved (a maximum modifica-tion of 11% of amino groups for the 250:1 prepa-ration). For instance, it has been reported that theability of mPEG to reduce the immunogenicity ofproteins (Abuchowski et al., 1977; Sasaki et al.,1993) is dependent on the degree of pegylation. Inthe case of asparaginase, its immunogenicity wasreduced when either 56% (Kamisaki et al., 1981)or 70% (Park et al., 1981) of the enzyme’s freeamino groups had been pegylated. It is thus con-ceivable that more extensive polysialylation ofasparaginase would reduce its immunogenicity.

3.2. Effect of the coating antigen on antibodytiters

In order to establish the antigen specificity ofthe antibodies formed in the immunization experi-ment (Fig. 1), antisera were tested by ELISAagainst CA, native enzyme and polysialylated as-paraginase (50:1, 100:1 and 250:1). This wouldalso allow us to evaluate antibody cross-reactivityand its relation, if any, to the degree of polysialy-lation and also to predict as to whether polysialy-lated asparaginase can be an alternative to nativeasparaginase in the therapy of patients alreadyimmune to the latter enzyme and thus resistant totreatment.

Initially, antisera to polysialylated asparaginasewere tested for anti-CA antibodies. As effectiveadsorption of substrate (antigen) on the microtiterplate is essential to the success of ELISA, Immu-lon 4 plates known to adsorb hydrophilic macro-molecules optimally, were also used in addition to

Immulon 1. Absorbance readings with both typesof CA-coated plates were low and similar to thoseobtained with negative controls (results notshown). Although covalent coupling of poor im-munogens to carrier proteins can increase theformer’s immunogenicity, this did not appear tooccur with CA, in agreement with work by others(Jennings and Lugowski, 1981) on polysialylatedtetanus toxoid. On the other hand, the linkagearea of the polysialylated construct (also preparedby reductive amination) was found (Jennings andLugowski, 1981) to be a strong determinant forthe production of antibodies in mice. However,our results do not support the presence of anti-bodies specific for the linkage area in the polysia-lylated asparaginase: antisera against the threeconstructs did not crossreact with polysialylatedcatalase prepared (Fernandes and Gregoriadis,1996) by the same method (results not shown).

Subsequently, the antibody titers of antiseraraised against each of the asparaginase prepara-tions (native, 50:1, 100:1 and 250:1) were deter-mined by ELISA on plates coated with each ofthe antigen preparations. Results (total IgG) fromplates coated with native asparaginase suggestthat all preparations elicited antibody productionagainst the enzyme moiety of the constructs (Fig.2A–D). Moreover, judging from the IgG titersfrom plates coated with each of the enzyme prepa-rations, there was cross-reactivity with antiseraobtained with all preparations. However, titersappeared consistently highest when plates werecoated with the native enzyme and were, gener-ally, reduced as the degree of polysialylation ofthe coating antigen increased (Fig. 2A–D andlegend). A similar reduction in the antigenicity ofthe enzyme with increasing degree of polysialyla-tion was also apparent for IgM (data not shown).

A possible reason for the lower anti-asparagi-nase antibody titers seen in ELISA plates coatedwith the polysialylated preparations is that thepresence of polysialic acid interferes with the abil-ity of these preparations to adsorb onto theplates. This, however, was deemed unlikely sincepolysialic acids per se do adhere onto polystyrenemicrotiter plates (Jennings and Lugowski, 1981).Results thus suggest that polysialic acid chains onasparaginase sterically hinder the binding of IgG

A.I. Fernandes, G. Gregoriadis / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 217 (2001) 215–224220

Fig. 2. The effect of coating antigen on IgG titers. Antisera raised in experiment of Fig. 1 against native (A) and polysialylatedasparaginase prepared with 50:1 (B), 100:1 (C) and 250:1 (D) CA:asparaginase molar ratios in the coupling reaction weresequentially tested by ELISA in plates coated with each of the antigenic asparaginase preparations (shown in the abscissa). Resultsare mean9S.D. of four or five animals. Statistics: antibody titers for each preparation in A–D were compared by ANOVA andP-values were corrected by the Bonferroni method. For clarity, only the significant differences (tertiary response) between each ofthe coatings with polysialylated asparaginase to the coating with native enzyme, are presented. *PB0.05, **PB0.01 and***PB0.001.

molecules to the relevant antigenic sites, leadingin turn to reduced enzyme antigenicity. This isconsistent with the finding (Roitt, 1994) that im-mune complexes are formed by spatial comple-mentarity and that the forces that bind antigenand antibody together are weakened by an in-creased distance between the two entities. Anotherfactor that may have contributed to the reductionof antigen–antibody binding could be the genera-tion of repulsive forces due to the negative chargeof the enzyme-bound polysialic acids. In agree-ment with our results, Marshall (1978) and Miy-ata et al., (1988) were able to lower theantigenicity of dextran-conjugated a-amylase and

superoxide dismutase, respectively, although im-munogenicity was not suppressed.

3.3. Pharmacokinetics of asparaginase in immunemice

Antibodies raised against protein drugs can beneutralizing or non-neutralizing (Working, 1992).Neutralizing antibodies lead to the loss of biolog-ical properties of the protein, including its thera-peutic action. This is effected either by thebinding of antibodies to the protein’s active site orto a different site but altering the protein’s tertiarystructure. With non-neutralizing antibodies the

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therapeutic efficacy of the protein may also beimpaired as a result of rapid clearance of theimmune complexes formed (Working, 1992). Inview of such findings, it was of interest to studythe pharmacokinetics of native and polysialylatedasparaginase in mice, previously immunized withthe corresponding enzyme preparations. At first,T/O (outbred) mice were immunized by the intra-venous route (tail vein) on days 0, 7 and 14 withnative or polysialylated asparaginase. However,granulomas appeared in the tails of the animals,regardless of the treatment. After the course ofimmunization, the tail veins appeared collapsed,thus preventing the withdrawal of blood at timeintervals and the study the enzyme’s blood clear-ance (interestingly, no adverse effects were ob-served on intravenous immunization of Balb/cmice with the same preparations). T/O mice were,therefore, immunized intramuscularly, accordingto the schedule described in Section 2.4. Althoughthe development of immune responses is knownto depend not only on the animal species (VanRegenmortel, 1992) but also on the strain (Work-ing, 1992) as well as the route of administration,(e.g. asparaginase is more immunogenic in hu-mans by the intravenous than the intramuscularroute (Keating et al., 1993)), antibody levels(Table 1) for T/O outbred mice immunized intra-muscularly were not different than those (Fig. 1)seen in intravenously immunized Balb/c mice. Asobserved with animals immunized intravenously,after the third injection, differences between IgGtiters obtained with the unmodified and polysialy-lated asparaginase (Table 1) were not significant.

Animals sensitized with a given (native orpolysialylated) asparaginase preparation (allgroups of animals had similar antibody titers,regardless of the preparation used; Table 1) werethen injected intravenously with 1 mg of the cor-responding tritiated preparation. Similarly towhat was observed previously in naive animalsinjected with identical preparations (Fernandesand Gregoriadis, 1997), both native and polysialy-lated asparaginase exhibited a biphasic clearanceof tritium (Fig. 3A) and asparaginase activity(Fig. 3B), consistent with a two-compartment dis-tribution model. Immune clearance probably con-tributed to the initially faster removal of the

enzyme from the circulation (a phase) of pre-im-munized mice, since all animals had significantantibody titers against the homologous antigen.For example, 30 min post-injection only 28% (Fig.3B) of native asparaginase was present in thecirculation of immune mice compared to a valueof 37% (Fernandes and Gregoriadis, 1997) innaive animals. Immune clearance was less markedfor the polysialylated enzyme and decreased withincreasing polysialylation. Thus, 30 min after in-jection, values of enzyme presence in the blood ofimmune animals (Fig. 3) injected with prepara-tions 50:1 and 100:1 were 31% and 42% respec-tively, as compared with corresponding values of46 and 51% in naive animals (Fernandes andGregoriadis, 1997). Preparation 250:1 howeverdid not appear to suffer immune clearance, asascertained by the same percentage value (48% at30 min) in naive (Fernandes and Gregoriadis,1997) and immune (Fig. 3) animals. The pharma-cokinetics of enzyme clearance is summarized inTable 1: mice immunized with native asparagi-nase, cleared the same enzyme from the plasmamuch more rapidly (t1

2b=7.04 h) than did naiveanimals (t1

2b=15.27 h). Moreover, blood enzyme

Table 1Terminal half-lives of asparaginase injected intravenously intopre-immunized micea

Log IgG t12b (h)Preparation


Immune mice Naive miced

7.04 0.413.98 0.38 15.27Native3.88 0.2950:1 22.28 0.60 23.46 1.32

100:1 3.88 0.15 24.91 1.97 27.19 3.0527.50 3.043.51 0.25 37.76 1.39250:1

P=0.013c PB0.01n.s.bSignificance


a T/O mice in groups of four immunized intramuscularlywith native or polysialylated (50:1, 100:1, 250:1) asparaginase(3×20 mg) were injected intravenously with 1 mg of thecorresponding enzyme preparations. Results of IgG titers (af-ter the third injection) and terminal half-lives denote mean9S.D.

b ANOVA (native vs. other groups).c Kruskal–Wallis (native vs. other groups).d Data from Fernandes and Gregoriadis (1997).

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Fig. 3. Clearance of asparaginase from the blood circulation ofpre-immunized mice. Animals were intravenously injected withradiolabelled native () and polysialylated asparaginase pre-pared with 50:1 ( ), 100:1 () and 250:1 (�)CA:asparaginase molar ratios in the coupling reaction. Plasmawas assayed for residual 3H label (A) and asparaginase enzymeactivity (B). Results are mean9S.D.; n=4 animals. Nativeasparaginase (3H and enzyme activity) was not detectable after24 h.

native enzyme (P=0.013, Table 1), with half-livesof two of the preparations being almost identicalto those in naive animals (Table 1).

The presence of anti-asparaginase antibodies inthe blood limits the chronic use of asparaginase inantitumour therapy (Goldberg et al., 1973) eitheras a result of allergic reactions or because ofreduced (in direct relation to the antibody titers)residence of the injected enzyme in the bloodcirculation (Wahn et al., 1983). For instance, as-paraginase coupled to poly-(DL-alanine) wascleared rapidly (as immune complexes) from theblood of highly immune animals whereas in micewith low antibody titers, the modified enzymecirculated for extended periods albeit not as ex-tended as in the naive animals (Uren and Ragin,1979). Native asparaginase in immune mice wasshort-lived, independently of the level of antibodytiters (Uren and Ragin, 1979). As already dis-cussed, immune clearance can account for theinitial faster removal of the polysialylated enzymefrom the blood of pre-immune mice. However, itis of interest that, in the presence of similar seraIgG titers (Table 1), native asparaginase is re-moved much faster than any of the polysialylatedpreparations (Fig. 3). This could be explained bythe reduced antigen-antibody affinity anticipatedfrom the ELISA assays for the latter prepara-tions. It is conceivable that the chains of CAgrafted to the protein, prevent anti-asparaginaseantibodies from interacting with the antigen effec-tively. In vivo, this would lead to blood clearancelevels that are more similar to those observed innaive mice. Moreover, once formed, circulatingimmune complexes of polysialylated asparaginasemay escape interception by the MPS due to ashielding effect of the CA chains, similarly towhat is believed to occur with the polysialylatedasparaginase in naive mice (Fernandes and Gre-goriadis, 1997). Since asparaginase activity (atleast 50% of the activity of the intact enzyme)appears to be maintained in the immune com-plexes (Peterson et al., 1969, 1971), these could bythemselves be therapeutically effective.

Although immunological response to both na-tive and polysialylated asparaginase was devel-oped, allergic reactions upon repeated challengewith the antigens were not observed. The lack of

levels were undetectable beyond 24 h post-injec-tion in immune mice (Fig. 3) whereas in naiveanimals, 3% of the injected asparaginase activitywas still present after 48 h (Fernandes and Grego-riadis, 1997). Polysialylated preparations, on theother hand, circulated in the blood of immuneanimals for longer periods of time (3–4-foldgreater half-lives (t1

2b)) in comparison with the

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success in abrogating the immunogenicity ofpolysialylated asparaginase is probably due to therelatively low degree of polysialylation. Thepresent results are, however, encouraging in thatthey suggest a decrease in antigenicity on polysia-lylation in vitro (ELISA) as well as in vivo. Sinceboth half-life in the circulation and antigenicityappear to be related to the degree of polysialyla-tion, it is legitimate to expect that a greater degreeof enzyme polysialylation will further increase theformer and reduce the latter. The enhanced bio-logical properties shown by the polysialylated as-paraginase, particularly improved resistance toproteolysis (Fernandes and Gregoriadis, 1997),extended half-lives in naive (Fernandes and Gre-goriadis, 1997) and immune animals (Fig. 3) and,as Table 1 and Fig. 3 suggest, reduced antigenicityin vivo, could contribute to improve therapeuticefficacy. Investigation of the anti-tumour efficacyof the polysialylated constructs is thereforewarranted.


This work was supported by a PhD studentshipgrant (BD/2158/92-ID) from Junta Nacional deInvestigacao Cientıfica e Tecnologica (Portugal)to AIF.


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