The Glenville MerCury - Glenville State College

Post on 15-Mar-2023

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The Glenville MerCury :nom tile commenta rve beard

.... pia,. "'""" In -ly lut - made up ooe ot tile -Uielllbl)' programs we bave had 11115 year. The lltudent body Is IDOft lntereat«< Jn progta:ms wbich te&lllre &Wde.nt..s.. They may JLOt be quite as good as speal<ers fiom the outsldc but pe.l:hapa the atudenls should be g I v e n t1

dwl<.e. Who' \\,., Named

While we are hWld!ng out the orddcla, une eaCh ahould go to the three. sen.i.ors and l wo juniors Wbo were named m the college's Wbu'a; \Yh4l.'s good Jude: to all ol you Knd hopes that your


-• Greotlnp From l'reoldeat I To the &todenta of Gleavillr.

State CoUece go my beat wiAh·l ~• t or a bappy HoUday seuoo, one day of w bleb baa been set ! apart to OOIJU1U"morate the I blrth of a great man.

I 1 onN: read In a bibtvry of

~bUshed lVeekJy

Faculty Members Are Considering Curricula Change

GSC Group To Study General Education

aame 't'1Ji bt. placed in a larger - --------- ----

Wbo"$ ~ c.> ~.ea.... 5 Students Are --o-.- -u-·ncs-Fr_om_Doan_ 1

tlu~ \\ orld a Shlttmtent SOill'f'- ,

j thin&: l ike t.hl~urlllg the ~ 1 reign of Augu.c:tu..c Olesar "ben~ I all Ute W(.orld wa... at peace, ~ . there was bora in a remote pro- 1 ! 'lnc:;r. u f the Roman Empire a. i l man whose teeob.lngs were ; i destined to have a mlchty in- : ! -nee on ruture clvlllmflon. I ' lleprdl- or our rellglou• j

Jn conjunction W1UJ. similar groups tluougbout the coUeges of WesL Vtrglnia, an e.igbt meru­be.r committee comprised of Glenville State C.')llce faculty members ls considering rar-r<AcbiDg curriculum cba.nges

Amoug o~r ways that Helen N d F Wh ' To Stud•ts, Allmllll, a Dd C'.QX wiU be ll"USSed, she Will be arne or 0 s Yucully: j:::-: :,:r ~~lo~: I

, have been a grOI't force iD nn-11

which will etfect the course of ~tucty of every under-graduate L"l West VIrginia. state supported colleges. JBs.&ed &a M editorial writet" OD n The annual boliday .-on

'rHE )IERCURY. She eJ.wayp bR.d Who In Co eges llflngo with It reaowl!d leellaJ I aew ideal. and knew how td ex- for famUy aocl hlta.ds. Tlee ll.Dg lnunan conduct 8Dd bu- :

mao relaUoD5 to hJgber levela. l We shall do well. d uring this i

Under the direction at Pres. D .

preu thtm. \\'e undt:.rsttu\d that kinship a ad bieDd&blp are

- 1a 011 her w .. y to matrimony. Three Seniors Are t•trcugu.ened u d .. roonng "'I' no .ot.aJr wlsll.,. you much hap· Listed, Two Juniors ...... 1ty toward othera ..

_1Jolh1ay ~n to take eo~ j j limo to poador the phlloeophy ' .,. of thl> great Teaeher. I

L . Ha·~ the Glenville com· mit tee wJU study the college cur· ricuJum and then make recom · m.endatlons to the Association of H igher h.ducatian in accordance wiU. a t ... o-rold "'solution adopt­ed as 'ta objective for tbe cur­rent academic year:

p1ne11s. Helen. brougbt into &harper fodiU DoM'a 1brough the ages, men I Ia-· Are or lntrost , . ..... a t aay <•thor period .. , the '

Intramural b&aketball is ln tull Cte.nville Slate coiJege. atudent.s year. staJI of the omce. I awing now and t.Mae fans who and faculty bave selected Fonda ! of 1he: Deaa IIDd. or 1bo Reels- j haw been waltlng s1ru:e 188L Ma.. WeUings. Meredllll Mulnc ! trar at this limo uteuda obi· j Jlarch (wben the ba&keU.U eea- Riddle, the Rev. Tal.bert Nelaon 1 cere pod " '1.111111!8 for a Cbriat- j .., ~d) will ap1n receive the Bennett, ...,lors; and Thelma Lee lraa5 -. of c-1 ch..,r 1111d ' tllrl1l that occun wben they - Ryan. Earl RymeT Stalnaker. 1., New l"oar at _.s romme. !

IM"e bouorecJ and revued Bin• I aad have betrton'l!'d oo Him UM:. great .. , or all tiUe,._''l'riuce 1 of l 1euce..'' Pd.ce! \\ollat a j

-~~f1:: ~~=Land to your l folk" nt bome--'"Gree.ttngs.'"

D. L. Jlaugbt • the r.a11 •wllll UlroUgb the bas· juniors. to be Usted In ''Wbo"• i. ~rt T. Crawford, l bt. For "" evt!lllng or good en· Who AJnoDg Stw!enta In Amm· ·~·

"l. That evuy college in the state set up a committee of the faculty to atwiy the pooolbWt.lea and extent of genen>l oduc:atlorL in the college program•• and

""2. Tba.t .. board program of

general education be set up tor the training of all prospective tea.ohe-n covering a two-year period preceding toecllor-Uain­


joyJnent go tu the gym a.nd can Unl\rersJUe& and Qol.)egf's." elMer your favorite team, It you 'Th1a publication i& a eeml-of-1 .scm·t have too many ~tudles. You fu:lal llst of the leaders on the wdl probably derive more benefit compil of the unlverolUea Olld from them it you v..ill take. an colleges 1n the eounb'y. It ls bour or so lo rela..~. printed at the Universit)! of

'llllngs are beglrullng Lo look bam&. , more Uke Ch.rlittmu every day )fJss Wel.1tngs in tbe da.l.lghter and th05e students who do not ot Ola.rles and Lizelte Wt Ulngs: bf.lleve ln S&.ntt,.. Claus at of Troy. Sbe gra.dualed (rom_ Dod­Jeut doing aU IIley can to please drldge county 111gb School In 194~ tlle r plll'\::D anywuy. Beller re- and is t·ompleUng her eoll~ge

suits are obtained that way. course in three. yea.n. Of CO\l.NiC we w~·t be able to \VA!O lBO Delegate

print an edition til tell about all She has been a delegate: to the Ill~ gtfts tha.1 wae excha.n~ Regional eo~ence o! the Inter­but n would be, to nauona) R.elatl'Jns clubs. Is a eay t.he lc-.ast, to know wbat ls leader tn 4. -H work and has beiTrg I!XJ)eCLE-d of Snnta. t've teaehlng tield.s in Engllft.h. math, beard "' everylhJ!Ig from CUr scclal studies.

(Conti.nUetl on SIX) ).{iss Riddle g-raduated !rom 1" Ta:Oner high school In 1944 and

I lis the daugbler at J . Leo and Lu-

\ .NotJce cille Glen P..1ddte. She fs a me.m-.~-\11 \ f'Lil.ran who plaa tL ber Qf the \VAA of' lhe colleges,

ldlaatt • in eJther ooun;e or Lo- belongs to the Woman's c.lub of f.tltutJon IJlU5t ha\'e a 5J1Pple- GJenVllle and the PylhfM S1sters menlary certiJI""le or eUglbll- lodge. • 1\y from Vd'.erana Admtabtra· Mr. Bennett Is the BOn or tfon. Charles and Fannie Bennett or

(Continued on Page Four)

----------College Hist:ory Reveals St:ruggle For Exist:ence In lt:s Early Years

----·------+ L _., Preeldent I Stanford Offers Christmas Party Is Writers' Awards Slated For Thursday DeaD crawford Named

'I'!'Its. annual Chrtstmaa party At an initial meeUng of Ute How ls your money holdinl' will be. be.1d Jn the college gym.· GJenvUJe General E4Ucation com­

out! would you U);e to n asium Thursday trom 8 to 10 p. mitlee, Dean R . T. Crawford was. your banJt account-? If so, be~ m. The party, which is being named chairman ot the group. ls an opportunity for students ln- 11ponsored by the social commit- Members presenl were Pres. D.

tee. Is Wlder llle rliro<:Uon of L. Haught. Dean R. T. Ctawf<>rd. Wre:sLed !n writing, ~·fary Katherlne Shumate. Dr. c . L. Underwood. Professor&

Dr.:amal.Jsts' allfanc-e of Stan· Games n.nd dancing will furnish H . Y. CJa.rk, Hunter ford Univer!;ity o.trer.s four tbe entertainment for lhe eve- ~rtha E . Olsen, A. H. Ant:ler.Jon. awurtls l:l drama.Ue writlng ln ning. Belly J'.l Simons and Kalh· Mn. H . .P. Scott, a.nd Espy W. lhe t.wel.Ctb annU3.1 compeUtions. ryn Elliott haw• bee.n appointed Mille>r, secretary. Tbe STEVENS Award of one chalmu::n of re.freshmenl6 and Should such a program appear hw1dred dollars ts offered tor decorations. rensible and when translated into serious plays or: full length 1n a pracUcal cuniculum, It would either prose or verse: lhe ETB· mean that shJdent.s enterlng state

EREGE AWard of one hundred Chorus, Band Are colleges preparatory Lo teaching dollars wiU go to the writer of would be given a. br:oad and gen-

tile best full length comedy sub· Set For Chapel eral twc yeaTS of WOTk in the mitled. humanities and other allied· fields

prJor l c commencemen. t of pro­fesslcn.ol lrai.uing in the spec:taJ­izPd field ot edueat1on.

Chapel program for Thursday, Brief' p lays of one a c t in trwo

shOl't unified scenes may compete tor the ALDEN Award of fttty Dec. '9, will be conduc ted by th'! dollars, The GRAY Award of Muelc department of G1envil1(' !eventy·five dollars is otrered for S tate college under the sponsor· dramatic criticism concerning ahlp Cf Bertha E . Olsen. stage, c.inerna, or rad.Jo, written. The mixed chorus of 30 mem-

Players Present Two Dramas In Assembly

in luc-id, vigorous style. bers wUI be a coompa.rtied on the Two OJ&e-act plays were pre-The most produceable of the. piano by Jean Nottingham. This sented Jr, assembly Ja.qt week to

plays ~m'lng these compet itions Js tbe mixed chorus or the , the umuemenL o! a large per-Will be staged In t.he of college for several years, centage of the student body. 1947 durlng OrnrnaUsts' ASSimlbly T his is lbc first formal ap- "FtCdiers of tl1e Fore.:il," was

By J..u:r.on ce.sto During one year whUe M.arsh.a.ll !n th(' University town. pear..utce of the college band this the tiUe of c•ne of the plays On Feb. l9, l872, an act was was prlnc1pal no appropriation Cunlc~Jts are open fo all per- year. whlc.h hail its settmg In Canada.

Paa&ed by Lhe legtst.a.ture provld- was 111ade for the Institution by sons wr1tU1g in ~lish. regard· Stage decorations W lli be turn- Its cast was comprised of Ruth ins for the ~bllshme:nt bf a the legislature but .he continued less of traimng or experience.. iJI;hed by Roy Fitzpatrick, super - Mrarns, Eleanor Mnl~ Alfreda bran.dl of the norma.l school a.t the school, and a.t times he. him· Final <late of this season's oom· intendent of buildings an ll T aylor and .James K eeney. GlenvtUe on condit ion that the se.ll. wou.ld dig and u nTy lhe coal petitions Is .February, 1947. grounds. ~ :he otbe"r one--act roles were citizens ~~ the t.oWn would furn- that was used tor rueS. Address communications and ln- The program is as follows; played by WIU1am Rexroad, Eu-frrh suiUt.ble bUDd.ings w1Ulout ex- But the growth of the school, qulries tot" registration fonns to Christmas SelectvJn, band: The gene Bartlett, Betty GtUner, Alan penae to the &ta.te. though slow, was s teady and the DRA.MATI.STS' ALLIANCE, Box F irst zifoe.J. audience; The Birth- Fout t}·, Marle. I·\~u. Kathryn

Lou.l• Ben:netl was oppolnted outlook gradua.Jly became more f7o0r0nlza •. Stanford University, Cali- day of a King, women's chorus; WUfoug, and Betty \\'aybright. !irat principal and F . M. Manball .hopeful. In 1885 the legislature first a.als.tant prtnclpa.l. nppropriated $51000 for building ~~~~reN!!!~~:m;:. ~.0~

The Gdwol oril-ne.d Jan. H, 1873, purposes. :uad a substantleJ brick. ~,-------- .. .. .. -·r r-· f 111 . - Haught; LoTd"s Prayer. ell; AI· Betty Lee Tel8, ot LinD, was 1D the old court hDU.Ie on the site s'xu!!ture t.ook the p~ 0 e HEROURY Take~ Hollclav lelula·u·nedicb·-. rnbced -•orus·, ell nuw occupied by the pr'esent 1rome building, and il ls today " ~ vu.o:o .,.., operatea upon tor appen cltb court h?WJe bul1dlns . known as thE Old Admlnis tra.Uon 1 ~ o( O'lristmat. boll- The Losl Chord, mixeia chorus; r ecen.Uy in the W-eston City hos-

'~da~·a Ulel'f! wUJ bf- no MER- - Deck Lhe Hall, audience; "The and is convalesctng at her Tht& waa used for two years, buildlng. ClJIU .' prlnt.f'd until lao.~.~A.rY J Cbnstmas carol,'' Hunter Whit- home.

when a. two story frame butld.ln.g. The school oontlnW"d to grow known aa the ' ' .aouae.•· wu and In 1903 a new building was 1, "194'7. Otrlsb.m8 ~ be-ling; canta.t.a "Cbilde .Jesus,'' She plans to res\Ulle' ber c:l.aa9es bought by the citiZens of Olen- constrUcted and joined to th.e I gtn& F rJdny, Dec. 20, at 5 P· mixed chorus; announcements; \.his week-------v1)1e and given t.o lhe achool. one built 1n 1885. lm., uud ud.8 1\of')llday, .faa 8, Silent Night, audience; Wh1te.

Kuch credit ls due Prot. T. M. Acts Of the legislature up to &1 8 L m. The edJron of '1."1-ml Christmas, audience. Frances Henry a.nd Ruth ~tanball for hle unUrlng_ tabors and including 1911, provldecl ap- MERCURY wish :roU one aod Mearns spent the week-eDd. at for the adu>ol under moot tryiDjf propnat.Jona to complete the ad· all • MERRY VBBL.~S ~ Mia& Rosamond AUen spent their bome In Tioga. BDd Camaea. and .a-actnc condl-. I mlnla-tlon building and w dl· Md • H APPY NEW l'EAB. \ the weck·Oild In Olarleaton and Joan Croll! -' Saturda)'

...._. ._ IIMMipJ t.onum u u..e,. ..., at pi"I!Hllt. --------... W-. ehopplllg In Clark.tlur&'.

Teler Uodugoeo Operation


· T wo

Efficiency Versus Liberty


On The Local Screen

There isn't much to be said of the moVIe (are scheduled Cor the Glenville cinema houses this wc.ek. The programs are sa.dly lacking in the better type or movies although one or twu

The United States, faclng Its of consumer g·oods. might be we.ll worth your time. second pos twar Chris tmas, is A large porUon of bumps on Tonigh t Joan Da\·ls nnd Jack st tl1 s truggling [or return to nor- the road Lo ha rmony a nd plenty Oakie will have the SJtuation well malcy. The norma lly h igh living are caus ed by Americans (ollow- in h and at the PT in "She Wrote s t andard Is high In some phases, ing lhetr custorn of doing what The Bo.ok.'' If you'1·e m the mood muCh Lowe-r than prewar stan· they please. Many of these could for a few gO'Jd laughs it might dnrd.s in o thers. be e:liminat.'t!d by increased exe- , be well for you 1..0 see this pix..

Production of civJl lan goods is cutive powers in the governmeJlt. From Utis columnist's point of insufficlett to meet t.he demands The American Way is not effi~ view, .roan is jw.t abou.t the beSt ot lncreaSf:d buying power , or cient ! As long as it continues as co.median in the business, e_\'en nonnaJ buylng power. Th.e a r epresentative re·public i t never On Thursday and Friday, '"1\he government is in a period of w ill be. Bachelor's Daughters·· will oome

----------·? I • I

eomt .. 1 l JE I >r 1 'rUESDAV-:00: -l-R club i I mt.:eling. 7::30: Ouistma.fl JmrlY i

I in Ve:.rona iU.aile.l lla U. I

\VEDNESDAV -7:00: Holy !toller Court meeting. 6:06-8:00 :! Ot.en in Yerona Mapel •

ltoUDj;l:'. ! I THUJI!ID!\Y-10:00: Ghrist-! } mos assembly: CoUegc Glee! i c.lub and o rchetitra. 8:00:! -1 Ch.ris lm.88 party in Louis Ben- j -,nett lounge for aU students J

and t

1----------l Meet Your l\Jjnisters

transition, s tili bureau-ridden and liowe\·er, wh en faced with a to us via the projection booth. In topheavy with executive power. choice between efficiency and the more imptJrtant roles are love· granted in wa.r· tJme to ex:pedjte liberty the America.n peopl.e have ly Gait .Russell 8Jl.d AdiJiphe Men · prosecut1on or the war. chosen Uberty c~istenuY. There jou. This is one of the most re-

Labor troubles, coupled witlt seems to be little Indication that cent movies to be shown oo the t 0~ev. o"i· ci':~e-::!:'~t= shortages of materials burned at they intend to sell their birth- local screen. Methodlst circuit, which be has a turlous pace during hostUlties. right for a bee!roast or a new Double Feature To Play served for four years oonsecu-cause production laga, which re-· automoblle now. Amen.- by Rlch- come saturday, there'll be an- tlvely, was re-named for the flttb sult ln scarcity and high pricf's ard Workman. other double feature. Number one year Jast OCtober.

19 ' 'SmooU\ As Silk," starring Reverend McKee has rc.sided in Kent Taylor and Virginia Grey. Glenvtlle where he ba& been a.t.-

Raised Eyebrow Greets Russian Move The clnef asset of tbla produc- t ending Clenv!Ue State college

Eytbl"OWS we-re raised aU over ly second to none, a.ocepts this tlhon lies in the ~7pe~ al- from whJcb he expects to re· principle ot disarmament and m- t ough comparative Y 7 ' ceJve an A. B. degree with the

the world by the re«nt surprls-5

ectlon as aasura.nce that she cast. In this murder story, Tay or cl&ali of l94:?. He plans to qontin· lng Russian proposals for d is- . p portrays the part ot a han~me ue" hia profe.ionaJ trai.nin by

mtends to carry out her part Of1 criminal lawyer who .bumpe o1! g armament. The SOviet govern- the agreement. another guy wbo hAS been beat- entering aeminary.

ment has In effect proposed a . More astonJshin,g is the fact ing hla time and then bies to lead Re-verend attended the system of United Nations in· that she has even gone so tar the D. A. to beUeve the gal friend pubUc schoola in hi 8 native spectto·n of member nations to aa to suggest that she mlg:ht be was resporulible. I county, Calhoun, ~ was gradu­determlne their progreee toward willing to rorego use of the veto Although this is not a blg'b ated from Grantsville high school disa.rmanlalt, all or wbjch is very In such matters, whJcb right she quality movie, the plot Ia in- with the class ot 1935. encouraging, in view of the fact has clung· to stubbornly these trlgulng. The second feature of He married the former Ml&s tha t it is almost a complete several months. , VIe evening will be "Ru•Uer 'a Eupha Hicks, or Minora, W..t about-faee from the 11tubborn and Certainly for the sake of a Roundup," another one of those. Virginia, who graduated in 'the atht .. tiMonoesscoc~I~~C:. I fOreign iJ>Olicy or lastln.g peace and the .bettlerment gun alingin• atrairs in which the a~e ~gh sChool claas at Granta-

... - of relations among Ule nations of outlaws are eventually brought VI e. efore entering the min­A. a ftrat step, Soviet F oreign the world, thla principle is very to juatlce. istry, Reverend McKee was em·

Mlnlst er Molotov has proposed worthy, but the American people ''In Olci Sa.aamento," a. glort- ployed at the state hospital In that tbe Un.lted States serap its wlll yet rcmaJn skeptical until fled we.sten1 will be the center of Spencer. atomtc bomb, and 1n return Rus- words are turned into action. Our a ttraction on SU11day, Monday, A member of the Odd Fellows sin would make a proportionate brief encounters with the Rus- and Tuesday. BUl Elliott (o! the lodge of Glenville, Reverend :Mc­Teduc tion in armaments. sian foreign policy bas given to Red Ry~ series, and Constance Kee ls a member of the Woods-

\Vba t has happened is this. American m.lnds that ' 'that's aJJ Moore are the more important man lodge or Spencer. His favor· Soviet Russia, next to the United v.ery well attitude" which can characters. lte sport 18 bunting. Stat-es, is the most powerful na- only be augmented by real as· Marco Polo Booked Aplo tfon In tbe world, and certainly surance and deeds.- by .Tack

On The Campus

By Janet B<l!:P

With the strains o! music by C. Ha.llls Wal.Jls (whoever he isJ still going through our mlnd.S, we finds our~elves deep in the midst of t.he w~ek Ot;.1 0re Ch.nsLmas and a ll OVL~ the campus student.~

arc bu~y hw~.ging hoUy and mist­le toe for deeora.Uve and other purposes.

Wltb oJJ the parties awl things Uwre shouJd he plenty o.f infonnatinn for any gotialp w lumn-reet ? But ·who are w e to ny rf'adJng into e.veots yet to come! Retter 5tick to the past and \\•hat " ·e know. 1.s il t he begmnlng of something

new, or wha_t gives? Bob Galford tak!ng Joanne Gardener- to the dance ,i'ri<lay night.

Mostly we tl.nd It ww.s just tbl! same steady couples who were dancing in the candle-light, though-such as Harry Pritt and J oan Cross, Mary Lou Law and Bob Bennett, EVelyn Finster and Allan Foutty, Peg Adama awl Ralph Fazio, Bob Wh!Ung and Margy J'aek--oh, you know who they are. ;

Now look \l·bo'e CODe aDd doae It! Cox, we're PJDIIa mJ. y.ou arollDd here, bot J.l. Dlek BerkJ¥nl~ 18 more Important to you thao we are--well, we bope you're awtaUy happy.

Sue Carroll and AU- Tay­lor bave. been finding campu.. Ute sc atrlcUy taacinatlng that tbey retuae to leave the ~ua eft-n to go to town. Won't you all teU ua what's keeping you ao cloee h ome--buh? Or f.s i t a aecret '?

Bobllemlett,wethlak­posten you made lor tbe daDoe were jut too cute for wvnla. Who'a: conua take ovu aad make poaten wbem J'OU leaftf

Let "Myrt" do'D keep -bUlly wblle y,•"re not bere.

Verona Mapel Cook Is Severely Burned

with an army which 11 numerical- Rader. It looks as if "Adventures of Beth Curry Marries Marco PoJo" will be evenb.lally ·Ruby Carr, head COOk of Ve-put 1n its appearance at tbe x.yrlc Joe Wade Of Boston rona :r.tapel hall, received .. v~

Bulletin Bo.ard, Notices Or History? a.s i t is again booked !or Thun- burns on the face, necJt. and anna day and Friday. Gary Cooper 's Mr. and Mrs. Forest Curry of Friday when an explosion oc-lhe star Of this picture and wiU Walkersville have announced the curred in tht- kitchen.

The bulletin board ln tile Ad- more than two days. be a movie worth seelng lf It is marriage of their daughter, Beth, Miss carr was taken to a bo•

rnanlstration buildlng b.a1J (Peside If a student does not have a shown. a former student, to Joseph N . ~~~n tr':::Oennt ~:;:er ~ the entrance to Lhe a uditorium} etas~ in the building for two "'Down Missouri Way," featur- Wade ot Bostcn. She remliined in the hospital

is always filled with material days then it is quite possible that ing Martha <YDriscoU and Eddie The wedding look place ln Bos· tiU Monday evening then returned 1:hat is outdated. Upon inquiring he will not be there at any time .. Dean is schedu1ed for the Lyric t on on November 16. to Glenville. Miss Carr will not a bout the subject It was . round so why leave it longer ? A few Sunday and Monday. The. other Mrs. Wade spent three years be able to resume her duties !or

notices should and wilt have to Pix will be ''Sons o! the Desert•• Jn the U . S. Coast Guard Women's some hme. th~t whoever places a notice on remain longer but these s hould with Laurel and Hardy. This is Reserve and after h er dJscharge 'the board is also responsible for be kept to a minimum. - one at the zaniest movies they was a ttacbed to the Veterans BUt Linger spent the \Veek-end taking Lhe same notice down. When an organization pasts a .have yet rncdc and <iliould bring Administration. visiting in Morgantown.

notice i!. shoUld del~atc some laughs from a ll the p~trons. I b --------------------------This mfor-ma.tfon is passed o-n, so tho t when you read the same nOtice Cor the n ext two weeks thal. .. there will be a meeting to­

person to remove the ruJ>tlce allel' colum.nlst wan to w s Th Gl II M everyone hos had ample time to all the r<oaders a Merry Cbri'W"as e en vi e ercury ha.\·e read lL This would eliml- and a Happy New Year.

night." you will know who Is to nate the necessity of spending blame and il Is hoped pressure is many minutes scanning over old brought to bear upon the lnd i- mater ial to see ll "anythlng new" vidual who placed the announce- has been posted. U organizs.Uons me.nt there, to remove i t . would do lhis it would seem that


8 tutlent \ Veekly Ne wspaper or Gtem>ille S t-ate College

w e learned as freshmen to mo·re )Jersons woUld !'ee notices r ead the bulletin board (that is tha t are posted as the student until the student councll saw fit could tell at a glance if anything t o re)!)ove most of the freshmen concerning him has been posted rules whJch seemed to be the go -recently. ahead signal (or a O.agrant dis- Do you ttUnk the bulletin board regard for the rules) should be a place for posting no­and it should not be necessary tlces, or a place Cor recording for o. notice to remain there for history ?-by Robert. Reed.

Kees Gives Chapel Address Thursday

as c.Jassroom tests.

The speaker, who was i ntro-

duced by Rev. CorneUus ~

~rend Robert J . Keu, who Block, pastor or the First Bap· tist ch.urch, received hla training at the Moody Bible Institute in


just completed a. two-weeks evangelical meeting at the First Baptist dlurch of Glenv'Ule, de· Uve:red the chapel a.ddreos la8t, K ees 1.1 a former member Thursday. He .advlsed prepara- of the JotcrnaUona1 Marimba t an tor the te&ts or Ute, a.s well Sympbor.y orchestra..

South America has a varia tion of the North American story ot Johnny Appleseed, but ll1 Para­guay R was oranges rather than a pples that were planted. During the Paraguayan "\var, General Lopez commanded that on.nges be planted on all estates. He also c:ncouraged p eo pI e, whenever they ate an onnge anywhere in Paraguay, to plant the seed. In Brazil. large !cale cam.mercla.l production of or"Bl\ges has de-­·.reloped. and to a. lesser- extent In CUba. Mexico and Argentina.

Pasture gras~es need rutrogeo to give their best growth, but a good legume crop wUI provide tt more effectively and economJcal· ly than will commercial n itrogen.

For changing tll'es bn the road at night, a manutact.ufler t.'Omc up with an e.xte.naion oord that will plug into tho cigar ltghte.r socket- Of your car.

Published each Tuesday during the acaeitm.~c year except on boli • days by tbe classes in J ournalism In Glenville State College and en­tered at the poat office, Glenville, W. Va., as se.cond·class matter.

StJ'bs.trlt,Uon, P er Year, 'l All communlca.tions should be addressed to The Editors, The Glen­

ville Mercury, Glenville, W, Va.


R.obert Reed . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . Elditor Leona WWiams .. ... __ . _. ____ _ . . _ ..... , _ ... . ,, __ Managing Edltor Blo.ndena Fitzpatr ick, J ean Notllng,hom .. .. . . Co-Bu.aJ.nesa ~ Rlcha.rd. Wor.kman .. . . . . . . ... . ..•. , ....... , ... • .. .•. , , l!;d.ltor:lals Jack Rader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • Spor-ta Jtditor


J anet Boggs, Talbert Bennett, Claude Casto, Ev,elyn Finater, Gladya Foster, Betty Lydick , Hayward RoWb, Betty Way­


Eopy w. Miller .... . ... . ... . .. ..... . .. ..... .. .. . . .. ....... AcMoer

NationaiAdwll'liiiii&Senicl,llc. c.a.,.,__!"""""

420 MADteoON Ava. .... 'YCNIII, N , Y . c.- . ...,... . ...,.~ . , .. ft-.


n.e.Jay, Deot'mber 11', lHe

Community of Sand Fork, Layopolis, Is Not Teeming City Predicted 1903

By Emeot Gvntt writer of this letter walked Bom .of the river and nurtured through Sand Fork and remem·

by the gas, oU, and coal wh.leb lie bers an iron bridge and flve beneath the earth surrounding it, b o u s & a scattered lonesomely the town of Layopolis, or Sand aboul the river bottom. There Fork, as tL ts today called. for were two stores and a poet of­r~Oll::l accountable only in the. fice. The p!.iobllc 3Chool wa.s so warp of tim e, failed to become small Ulat there was at. dis· the thriv ing m etropolis that wu a nnulling the MJne."

p1ed1cated near the turn of the I.Ayopolh 1f1M 40 0\velll.nce eentury by a traveling reporter "F our yean Later," the writer •.vbo vl.c;i ted th1s peaceful vUJage. cvntinue.s, " Utere are forty

Many ot the atudent.s of Glen· dwe.lltnga in lAyopoh.a and the vi.lle State college likely never population 1.s tully 200. LoU are heard ot LayopoUs, or Sand being sold a.Lmost daily and more Fork . bt!ore they came here, a housee are soon to be erected. qwet and u.nas.suming town l ying There are three general stone, seven mUes up L ftUe Kanaw ha a g::rocery store, blacksm.Jt.b ahop, river trom Gle.nvllte. b&..mee~ abop, 8Jld a tumiture

Ofllclal N......, b Laropolllo comp&ny located here. For liD-Few people know tbe oft'ic!a.l telB, there 8re tbe Stwnp botel

name o f S&nd Fori< Is L&.y:opoltl. &nd l.he Trevelers' Inn. There aloo The Oral syllable was tJ\e name are bo&rd1ng bou.les and of the first uaista.nt treaJrure_r other busine.M pl.&oea of leas lm· ot tbe Sta.nd.ard OU oompan;y porta.nce." ' while the J.a.iit eyUable The reporter wenL on to pre· city. diet that I..ayopolls will ~



P~e Threft

Bv Ed Nofzi,er Helen Cox Showered By Dorm Residents

Residents o r Verona. Mapel hall were guests a t a mittcellan· eoua shower for Helen 1()0%. Satur­day night In the dormi tory.

Miss Cox. former sen.Lor , with­drew hom the college last week to g~ t o he r home a.t West Unioo. Fl"'m there she. plana to go to Loa Angeles. where she will be married to Richard Berkbouoe.

Mlsa Erma Diwards spent the week-end !n Clarluburg.

John v . While apent a few daya tne put week i.n a Parkersburg hospital as a piLUent.

- aolo. "Clair de June," a.nd Hunter Whiting read Dickeno ' 'ChrlstmiLB Carol"

L-1-G-H-T Solid F orlt, M rno5t people CILU be a l.brtvtng clt;y. o.1, oil, and

lh1a town, ~ the name of the pa found ln tup qU&D.Utlee JIO't olfice, publlc sc:booll, and around LayopoUs were sup~ tho e.roolt wh ich empUeo Into the to be lltratetrlc !n tho -p­I.Jttle river at this ment at Weet. Vtrctn!L He \lr'niiU,

.,.,......._o. e. ~•·....,_

"Gooo - ,.., ""'"-·boot.-_."'-::'.:;:!;!-...-..... .... -.-.. ...... . ... ou <II. '" tint -

ftleu8 ~tioaa .t ... potnt. 'lbo llicn oulalcle of the "With coel &lid pa. town evm rada Sand Fork. . why may not thia valley become With The Book

Reviewers Tbe~ have been three RAC'e• on a am&Uer .cUe an Lndu.strial

In the JITOWlh o( lbts Utlle town. region-like the M:o~ with 'Ibe followtnc two ~ lu buoy towno, oomelim .. wtlbln teD Of the ftrat two st&«a or lU 81«ht of on.e another." p-owth u told In a nowllpiLper Today, S...d For11, ILe I ~ clat.ed February 6, 1903. The ~- call 11. Ia not tho booming dly portu, 0 . F . Morton, waa known i t wu auppoeed to be ILOd hu u • traveliDc repreoentaUve ot made UlUe pracruo toward be-tbe: newapaper and lraW'led oo comlnc cme. In tact, the popula... "AU 1n all, the mDre I .tudy f-. ~ and by rive<- uon today 1a only abo\ll ~ and the democrat tndtUon, the cnat.­-t. 'nle cllocovery of oU CILuaed there Ia DOt an ~ In town er OloUMl- for faith and hope." tbe reporter to write the tollow· providing W'OI"k: tor tnOR than However American we the In(. tw of tu clllzcl& faith ILOd !In within ""· however

"Dunng the .xt'remely cold It 1tUJ hiL8 a -t omce, two vital to America !n Ume of war. apeU in Febrw.ry, 1.a. the cenen.t atorea, and GUmer coun· they are &1m & p&rl of the ,.re.t


PICTURELAND Tuea.-Wed. Doc. 11-18


Joan Davis - Jack Oa.kie

Tllur.-Frl. Dec. 19·20


Gall Ruuell, Adolpll M:enjou

Sat. Dec. 21

"SMOOTH AS SILK" J[mt Taylor, VIrginia G""7


llwl.-Mon.-TuH. Doc. 22, 23, 2t


Coaatanee Moore, B1ll Elltott

LYRIC 'nlur.-l!'rt. Doc. 18-20


Gary CoopeT, !lull Rathbone

Sat.· S ilD. Dec. 21-22


llartha O'Drt.eoU, Eddle De&n ptuo


l.eW'OI &lid Hanly

ty's ol~eot prep &1111 Ita oldeot t:redllloo of the put, o( oil l!lnl­htgh ochool. LayopoUa Ia also l.he 11&11-opealdng naUona. acond l&rgut town In GUmer It Is l.he Importance of thla county, m&lnly bec:&uare GlenvWe contlnulty from age to age that ls the only other tncorpon.ted g ives strength to F..l.iz, lack­t own in Ulls county. son's treat:mfll.t at Arn.ertcan

Ohnim.gohow __flayers Accept New Members


nat Raymond etap·per is a dt· rect descendant Of S1r FrancJ.s Bacon, LeeUe HDW1Lrd of Sir

The Ohnlmgobow playera ae- PbUip Sidney, Henry WaUac.e o(

cepted s1x new membue to thelr Mtlton and Cromwell 1a soon a.p· organlz.atlon a.t a. special meeting Wedneaday. The book • peal<a for today aa

In t ry-outs studente were re- well u for yest.erday. Ita ideas qu!red to present a pantomime. the ldeaa of America at a.ny

The students a.coepted ~: time, now given new impetus by Mary Lou Law, Betty Waybrigbt. the war. Mise Jack.oon'• Is " very Albn F a ulty, J&ek Garcia, Ja.tnH peroonal credo, but It Is unmla-Kee.ney, and Charles McElwee.. takably American.

For aJd to weary housewivea, a 1 i ma.nut.act.u:rer produces gravy· proo( tablec.lotha. llllpoooen 1m- 1

1 A Merry Christmas

mune to lnk, draperies that can be w iped clean w ith a. clamp j to the ! cloth. 1 1 ~;::;;=::::::=====.-;'!' I Faculty and Students I

I I or ! Tires and Chains

Come In and Get

Your Car



i I

11 Glenville State College

! I ll G:::: !

~~~~~----- ---- ~-· I ·--·-. -.. --..


EXQUISITE CUISINE L:g Cabin Restaurant

Choral Group Sings Garden Club Recital

'nle Coll<l'e c.barsl croup p~ sente4 to the memllera of tha Glonvllle GardoD club • ~~ Chriotmu music pt<lCfUD. lut week at 8 p. m . lD the mu.l.c ,_, under the dlrectloll o( .a.o.o Bertha E . m .. n ...s Hra. Jolin E. Arbucllle.

Group ~ ln<ludecl "Jay to the World," "Oh Little 'l'owD of Bethlehem,'' "It Came Upon &

M:Jdnlcht Cleu," o.nd "~ lbe HliJl."

The choral croup aang "The Birthday of a Kine:• "O Holy Nlibt." "Cherry Treo Carol,'' &nd "Palap&n.''

Anna Jol&rie I..Dvejoy, pta~ a

tridty Ia lltlll -- ..,__

tnt from ebildhooll '- aid

.... 14ttt protecta ., ..

clilpella rloom. ~ -k.

joJabM . .. ~' or Mr·


FOR QUICK ST~·;;~;---·~ Always Use


1 Texaco Service Station I


We Have An Attractive Selection Of Toys

And Gifts For Everyone

!\'lake T ins The Best Xmas Ever




Six Americans Win Nobel Prize Awards

Sbt Ame-ricans recen tly have been named winners of the 1946 Nobel P r izes !or peace, physics, and chemistry. Selections were m ade in S tockholm, Sweden.

Th e list or aw.a.rds !oUows: P.El.ACE : Dr. J ohn R . Moll. of

Or lan dv. F lor ida : Prot . Emily Greene Bolch of Wellesley, Ma .. •o~.

CHEMISTRY: Prof. James Batcheller Sumner, Cornell Uni­vers ity: Prof. Wendell ~{. Stanley, and Prof, J ohn Howard Northrop, both or lhe Rockefel ler Institute f or Medictal Resear ch, Princeton, New J ersey.

P H YSICS : P ro!. Percy Wll­liam s Bridgman, Harvard U n.i· versit y.

LIT ERATURE: Herman H esse o f Switzerland.

Mra. M.ildt:.ed Beaver spent the w:cek-end with her husband ln Jeanette, Pa.

Renowned Author Leaves Fortune

When H . G. Wells, wor ld fa med author ot ' 'The OuWne ot Know· ledge,'• died Aug. 13, at the age ~t 79, h e left a substantia l <:!state worth !>9,811 pounds, (abou t $24.0,000) his att orney:1 recently disclosed

Mr. W ells g ave all ri,ghts in " The Outline of History'' and "The Science ot Lite" to his son, George, and other rights to his son, Frank, and hJs daughter-in­law, Mrs. Marjorle S. Wells.

In h is will the late author named his daugh ter-In-law as an e..""tecutor "because she is espe­cially acquainted wi th the con­du ct of my a!fairs."


Tueaday, Decem I~ t;, l 9C6

Old Songs Rated Over Recent Say Students In Poll

By Leona Wllllolm "What are. your impressions of

the latest song hlts?" When thla question was naked , it wa.a f ound that. in general, students prefer the older songs to Ul.e latest ones. Comments heard from various s tudents WCTe:

MarJon Reed, "1 like the latest ones, but like old ones 'mixed tn: "

J o Ann F oreman, " I think they're al1 aUke-who not more , ·ariety ?"

Bill Luzader, "The newer SCUJt-i are deftnllely of poorer quality.''

' 'Rusty" SI.Alna.ker, ••t haven't heard a g ood ~ong tor a toog time. Even .f!f.)ag'y CarmJcbael Ls getting 'naty.' ' '

Maxine Wright, "I like the old unes bet ter ."

Other bequests ln t he will we re 1,000 pounds to Anna J ane Davi~. "at p resent in Government em­ploy at the Hotel Cecil, Delh1," and 1,000 pounds and an additional 3,000 pounds with which to pur­chase an annuity to "My dear

II . Gh·es lluge S UJD8

Five Can Travel A friend recenUy expla1ned that

IJ As Cheap As One the late Mr wells had given

· awa.y most of his fortune earned See U11 For Rata tD Games. from his Utirary ettorts.

&•ldenc::e of the 1tl8 competition for 1946 All~~ hoa.on P'J• up ln the otllce Qf D. 0 . C"Tuu") McLau&JarJ. leCI"ettUJ''"''I'eaiUI'• ef the American Football Co acbH Aeaodat loa. Here McLa u&hf'7, Dvtmoutb head coach, an•lll• eecretvy, MJN Mtanle ero.h,, etu4f7 aome of the ba.IJote cut ~J tbe 475 m embwl of tbe A.MOctatioa. The Coocheo Ali-Americaa oolectloaa wUJ ,.. p11bllalaod Ia the Dee. :Jtat S.tunloy E<MJD& Poat 111 o <:Op711jlbnid ortlch bJ' Coocb ._ Bulow, of Hanvd, pr•fdeat ol t be ANocl8tlea.

- "I friend," Marla .Baroness Budberg.

·Tripe I the British writ er a ttained world 91,000 pounds ; Jobn GaJsworthy , renown are: " 'lbe OuU1ne of 88,000 pounds; and Sir Arthur j

Dllllceo, and Oulo-of-'l'owll Among tM works for , which l SS,OOO pounds ; 'lbomaa Bl!.rdy, Mr. Bennett ts ma rried and has two sons.

Ella Mae Ssott, "They're okay, but nothing beats 'Stardust'.''

J oan Cross, "I'll stick with ·scot ty ' for ·stardust\ "

Lou !'trader , "I ilke the old Sl)ngs better than the more re­cent one.e ...

H arry P ritt. "They wOil't laat foreveT; I prefer 'Sta.rdu8t'."

Seasonal Hazards Are Cited By Kidd

StA&In&keT Is V~t......,

Glenville Taxi HIStory," "'The Science or Life ," Conan Doyle. 63,000 pounds. Mr. S talnaker is f rom Glen-

1 ' tMankind in the Making," '"The vofUJ,Wohr1~-~h Wscharco!I.l anRde ~s d::lerasonn State F ire M anb.a.l Robert a.

Call 2911 story of a Great," 5 Students - Kidd ha4lzln that "'l'he work, Wealth and Happl- of J 1elbert and Edna Stalnaker ~ ·b:~ to ~th em:;• ~

-- .. neB& ot Mankind/' "Men Like ot Glenville. He is a m embe r uf ctmber than 'during any ot.b• Gods." an.d "The King ~ Was (Continued f rom Page One) lhe Holy Roller court, the Ve ter· month. uiced wen Virgln:Jrana

Look Your Best


Vacation T ime I

Vis1t Our Shop


Dry Cleaners

a King."

B equests of other famous 'llrrlters tvtalled! Halt C&.lne. 260. · 000 1pounds; Sir .James Barrie, 173,406 pounds; Rudyard Kipling ,

Philippi, 16 pastor of the Evange- a.ns club and G club. Saturday to be "partiWJ&rly cau· Ileal United Brethren_ church. He Miss R yan_ Js ..from. Spencer and Uous'• during the boUday period. Is a past 11'\&ster of the Glenville haa taught in Walton high acbool Thlrty~t.hree: penons, 1.2 o! Masonic lodge arul is Orand HI.Kh In Roane county. Sh.e is a past them children, lost their lives in P,riesl of the: Grand EDcarnpmenl pres ident of WAA. a member ot fires and similar ha.z.nrds during or Odd F'ellow9 of W eBt Virglnla. the Cante r bury clu b, YWCA, and December, 194.5, and. 34 peri:!hed

l r lhe choral club. Sbe teaches bl· s imilarl y December. l 944..

I• r-- ology, E nglish and physicaJ edu· 'i:i. ~~ d~ ~t do::':Oth ~

l Cdl Us for Building ' calion. • tor any other month.

Materia ls . Merry Christmas J S he ia the past worthy Advi .. r Kldd blamect the rush or p re-·1 I o·f Ratnbo\v, a Masonic organi- ~aring f or the holldays, and the

' '" e Can Supply zntton for girls. llre tuunrds or Christmas tr..., and She i s the gTand-daughler oC 9Jld inflammable decora tions, as

- ~ YOUr Needs I Mrs. Thomas P . Ryan. Sr ., or we!t as the mcr easing need for

TURN. ER BROS. Happy New Year S pencer . :~~:': .. ~~ttr,g, tor the O.cember

b Co · C Thelma Rya n spent the week·1 to becc.m c tess cauti'>US dUring a I

~ ------- He said people IJave a tendency

1---L_u_m er ___ · __ .!'· R_._B .. ST. ORE 0. end in Charles ton and Spenoer . rush period. when caution is

l Bob P ickens spent lhe week- most necessary.

-==================~_±==========~; ______ ::::::.-_--_-_- _-+- end ~~home in Letter Gap. +-l .,.,,-err-y·--c----hr--i·S--t-.m.---a-S .1 ~---·-----·-.. ---·-.. ----·-r 1 m and. !

! We Have a Big Line of I - Happy New Year I I Beautiful Cbristriias Gifts l II NOTTINGHAM 1

l CH EN YU PRODUCTS I Gf RRf TT'S 1 l l 1 P JR ; I CARA NOME SETS 1 ____ ., _,~_ •• oorn i I DRESSER SET S I --------1 For a Complete Line of

AND I Christmas Gifts









I "Auto Pairlting iiria Welding"


Glenville Midland

C'onipany _

T - "'OR ""- ' I

Good Dinner i

I Plate Lunch J qr ' J

j Sandw,i~h f

t , ~TOP, AT


R~taurant I


~u~. D«:annxr 11, 11148 Page nv.

-Wiehl, Anderson Conduct Clinic, Interpret Rules

I From The Sidelines I By Jade Rader

It's Pioneers vs. Cataq:tounts

tomorrow nJght a.t l<eyger and

we look tor a . close c:ontest.. FrankJy, even atter three weeks

of obse.r,·tng the Pioneers in

pracUce, we oan't as yel rorm o.

Site Of Pioneer Cag-e Tilts Pioneers Oppose Potomac Quint In Cage Opener

Ba ketball Changes Shown By Players

Ratliffmen To Face Shepherd Thursday

N~wt. Ande.rsan and ''ChJck'' f,rm opm.lon u.s to lhc1r succ::ess \Vaehl, two ?f the betler known or (allure this season. So wtth T ?rr.orrow nJght will find the

ba.Skett,all otftCl4Js or this 3ec- that In mmd, wt:'ll have to string Plon~rs at l<e.yser Cor their sea-tio.n. ccnducl.Cd. a rules C'llnic la.crt o.long with the Polctf'\ae lads, who ~:on's opener against Potomac tn ll•e Pioneer gym ~ :u.rea.dy have ~JJme ~e cx~r- state, wilh U1e Lough-coached {OJ ta.n tnthusJastie tandem, in- tence. _p 11010 by ur c t- nd" rwQOd quintet fAvored l.o trip the 1ocal3 clud.ulg Coocb Carlos RatliJr and As lo wllo w1U lomort'(lw A (nrn.liiBr stgbt t o oiJ Ciii!.T~\ lllc. Stut e coUrgc.. !itudcnt" iq the conece on Ule basts uf ha' ing had some t I members 0! tUs PJonee.r mght, ren:w.ns some un~ gymf4:1SJum pkturr.d abtl\'t, Itt• for reue\"'8.1 ut hardwond clas8Ju an~ game& already under their belt, wbo helped dernorutra~ lhe, ce.rt.afnty. It ~peara that Bee.eb- tlclpated ror the St.&86n whtch opens a.t. .home this year wttb the whlch experien ce is like!y to .and coaches of t.ea.m.. ln sec~ er Reed, Jesse UUy and Bob ' '• unled o·.n•l.,. nnd t:Jk·ln'i • \!Oators, January 7. prove the deciding margin in tJon along \nth t.helr ~qu.ad5. \VhJ.Ung ho\•e the lnsade on what is otherwise a contest be-

Both Ande:l"30n &nd Wieht who Ulr<!e pusillons, but who \vUI .slllrt outftts- West Liberty and Fair- tn pracUce an.d are expected to ~::~. two rather evenly matched

are ee.rtJftt'd me:mbers ot the at the other two is something oC mont-didn't fare .!0 W'!ll ln the hove another outstandlng outfit. P otorna• re•enUy up-t a high-Northern Board or OtticiaLt, in- a puzzl~. }Of! Mai'T:l and Harry " "' _.. ta]lll"f!ted eome or the rule cba.ngea f-"nlt have shown up ~u.. but ao three-&) tourney at Wayne!- With se.ven lettermen !rom last ly-touled Salem College five, and ,_ th1.a aeaaon. and then &n.swer- has Jack Lumde.r. bw-g,, but Mar- y«:ar, they seem ready to up with Simms and Montgomery ed que.t..ian& ln regard to these 1t the ca.ta succeed an whJpping shull's Thundering Herd, west where tbey len oft' lasL season in (Continued on Page Six) ...we.. the White Wave, It w!U aetUe vtra;lnla University, and MorT[II another at state honors.

A.moO« the chang• t.n rules some old. acoru and heal Harvey all opencc w.lh con- Troy's Tro." and tbe Gaasa· .are: old wounct.. lett by pre-war Glen- vmclng ,. 1e·torle~. W'!th ~U Hnll way Elks ~ to "have lt" too

1. 'I1lt. seuon there wlll be ville quintets whlc:h roUed rough. . hi tUng the hoop tO!' 27 polnts, and may ~me tough op· cme otflcia.l G.nd on.e omct.aJ shod over State competition. M.arabaJJ romped over Kentucky poeltlon before the. season la over . PUT WAR BONDS ..,._, In oonl.nUit to tlle two BatUtr Not Sa~ Wesleyon: wvu ......,.pod FaJr· --=-d _pn:vloualy. Thua Car, Co&Ch!' b not monL 85-4.5 and M·H dropped AOO~nM»n Speala& at Taftllel'

2. Koro Ul><raluna In ti!CVd to atlalled w1th the _._ made IILUe Cedarville (Ohio) College. A. H. Ancleraon, Instructor In On Your

...a..tit.utlon ln. lut. rou.r mJ.nutM and has been hia men Bed Tenors l..ook Good mat..'lematJes an d biological of game. hard ln a.n etron tD get tbem Clenvtlle's B.l'a lte4 Turon !ICienee, apoke to the atudenl

SHOPPfNG LIST 3. OD jump balla &ttor gotng ready ML only In good phylllcal wUI likely gh·e 100&1 fana 10me- body of Tanner high sobool the

- ot b<Nnda ak>~ olde.llnoo, tho conclltloo, & department In which thing good to look &t thla _..,n put week. In bla talk he clio· jlmps wtu t.:.ake P'.ac:e at leut siS they were noUceably la.ck1ng lut beaide. the Pioneers. Nlck Murln"o c.uaaed factors concc:mirw: the .le!t. ln &om t.he 8dd1De. eeaaon. but ln bU.ket.b&ll Pl'OW'f• La.dJt have been ~ up well choice ot a voeaUon.

4.. OelJberal.e or unn~ fo:r a hard. Khtdule. foula to be called with mon The Pioner-r mentor recetved a strtc.t aclheftnc:e. jolt to b.1J c-.u.e week wbe.n

5.. A boWlCe pua may be UKd Davfd ".Jake.. Ji'ltzpalriek , one of t:-mn unde~buket playa by ot- tbe main.sta.ya of Lut ....-on, re.· fawlve team under opponenta• ligned. r.rom the aquad be~

coal to team.mat.e. 1n courL of a heavy scbedule, but the lm~

a. SulNitltutes may not enter prove.ment ot aome. o! the new~

came Wlt!l beckoned by the ret· oomero bu belpod to lll&U up for

A Very Merry. Merry Christmas. No Holiday

Is Complete Without a Treat of Something

Sweet. Get Your P ies and Cakes for the

l-1 C1l1day Season at the

ADd -· tMt -:r--·-- ·- )'OU ..., d&-peadu- W.­for penoll&l consklw. alton. All ...., t-

will> -adeaoe.

G lenvi lle Banking

and Trust Co. (Oool::lmle<l "" Page SIX) b1a lou, noticeably C~tt, !'urn ·

men, &nd. Hl.ley. By mld---..on we ve.ntuft to say t.hal theM three, along with """"' othon, will make their p~oe ~lt.

KANAWHA BAKERY Frleodl:r, Ellldent Sentoe

MembeT Fe<lenl ~& eor-Uoo

The !IIEBOUIIY re«ftl<l the onw appearill& em l2le r.o..t .-ce ot laa1. w."fllf'k'• ltMue l.o

-kh Sb.,..._ - ..... _,W; u U.e P1o'Deen' opea~

'-& pme oppoarnt. P.­State, M Sheplw.rd, will be

- ,__...., Dlpl, Olld - ! latter on Thunday. ! -- T

I l t

Get Your Shoes


I at

i ! l Maynard Shoe Shop~

H ome of Delicious


CONRAD'S Restaurant

c?lenvillt's B u t

Lilly's Home And

Auto Supply

Sweat Shim, T ires

Tubes, Radios

Hot Plates & Lusgage Mala 8t. -

Two We.ot VIrginia coll~ate




. Leon Restaurant . . -


: Wishing You a M·erry Christmas ! and a • I HaJ>py New Year i I

L Bess's Barber Shop








For Christmas Events

THE HUB .. -+









-p -It


l'llrc .·· ·

Pioneers Oppose

(Oonl.lnued from Page Five) leading the way should trim the Pioneers.

particularly by Bob Whiting, Joe Marra, and Beecher Reed, who ls JUSt now hitting his stride. A dis­a ppointment thus far, Lilly is expected to be In the guod rorm that made him a mainstay of


Wiehl, Anderson

( Continued rrom Page Five) eree.

In closing, Anderson, a .tanner

Reedy Is Leading In Aerial Darts

Out Of The Files l UISii

katJJI'tmen Work Kard

Coach R.atll!l' has been keeping

h1s charges hard at work in preparation for this game and the Shepherd State game the "follow· tng night. Thus ta.r, U\e Pioneers ha \"e been slov.· and unimpressive in practice sess!ons, passing es­pt:!ciaJJy has been ragged.

two pre·war sea.son.s.

tD :::t N~rn~; s~:UU:~ ::n ~~ Sbepberd, too, Is expected !umtsb. worthy opposition on Thursday. The Rams held Salem to a five-point victory,

Two of the most interesting games of vOucyball were played .1\o! onday C\'Cnang m \\-AA w•Lh scores ot 17-15.

DenzU Carrell, jwuor, -membe.r o1 tlle Muc::ury staff. was ~Jected prealdmt ot Wellt. Vu·glnla lntercoUegiate. preee u­soclatioo.

Shooting however, has been surprisingly good at thts stage,

P res. D . L . and Coa<!h Ca.r10s Rat.JiJY a t tended the Col· lt:giate Athletic conference Sat­urday fn Clarksburg.

Subscribe to THE MEROUR\' !

CAROL LYNNE Foacinating Premiere Ballerina

of tfro Sliver BlodO&


bute tn wlla.t he termed "some of the. basttet.ball in the state' ' as in this section, which, he said, was developed to that level by A. F . "Nate" Rohrbough , vet· ernn mentor of 14. years at the P ioneer helm who resigned lhJs year alter returning !rom Naval service.

Lou Strader's Wldetee.ted team played a see.-saw game with Maxine Riddle's team with a soon or 17·15. Strader took an early lead, but Kiddie's team played hard m the batUe back and forth con teat.

Outstanding fer Riddle were Betty Lydick and Helen Marks. Strader headed her team w1th Wanda Ber'khwner and Ethel Mae Radcd,tr playlllg ex.celJent ball.

~Lary Helen Furr's Learn won over J~ Foreman's hotshots by a score or 17-15. Foreman tO?k an early lead but Furr s girls were able to capture lhe lead and win.

e etty Hot:.-(! Hardman's team easil y de-feated Verna Dean EUis by a score of li-2. Thelma Rytt.n &lid Betty Hardman played out· s t.andl ng bal l {?r the winners.

St.ra.der ~till holds the lead in WAA, with Foreman, and .BA.ld mun coming in close Cor a tie !or second.

In the first game of a.enal darts Helen Marks won over Grace Palmer by a score of 10-0. Marks und Hannah Lou Garrett were out.stan~ for the wi nners

Betty Lydick's team d.e.feated

1BS7 The third a.nnua1 G Club miD­

is b 'el was presented in the col­ audltonum before a ~ crowd.

J9S8 A h .. "<:t.ure d.esc::rib1ng a tancl of

tropical heat, head·hunling tri­bal fEuds and \•torshlp of eriJ sp{J"lts Wit.S given In asaernbly by the Reverend H.ennan Dlxon of Warren, Oh1o, who spent fiVe. years ln Borneo as a missionary.

19Sg Brenice and Marjorie

Harden, &ephonwres, were elected to membership in lhe COllege camera clu.b,

The., nnnua.l Christmas dance, to be held in the gymnasium Thura­day, December 19. beginning &t 8 p. n •. will feature music by tbe campus Cats, ne~~o·ly organized coU~ge dane.:= band.

1940 'Iwenty·one letters were award­

eel l-'1uneers at the close of Use football season. Eighteen wne­n,embers of the football --~ and lhe other three went to tbe managers 8J\d lhe senio"l" "Pio-nee.r.''

Jewell Cain's l-e&m by a score c.f UMl .10 -'5. S etty Hardman pLayed ~II Isadore Nachmu\, tonner ~

!1or the winners. cury &porta ecbtor and a son oC Gay Reedy's team won over Mr. and Mrs. Max Nachman oL


.. \lfa.rinn Reavenc.c by a J:;core . or this city, ;::.ccepted a position oa 10-4.. Gny and H azel Reedy were the newa slaff ot the Chlcaco outs tanding f?r the winners. sun..

Reedy's t eam holds Ule lead Jn JDC


aerial durts wilb Lydick and catn, Marte Ellyson, 37, has aD

as second. a rt1clc, •· Are Your Regi~ Ready to Read,'" published In Ule

Musings Nuvernber 158\Je or the West Vlr-1 .;IDfo Sctlool J ot:.rnal

RIIW!Ir I (Continued ttom Fage one::) 19 , 8

~~~~1LS ~~~:~::~~~s c:~: ~e:; A candleligh t sa-vice was bekl would be gethng into "On I!le- Wednesd::ty In Ute lo~

for vlt.dgcs of the y w. c. A_ campus COlumn" and that would- Helen Taylor, presh.lent, led n' t do. !! rouowing g:roup s[Jlgtng..

I Utwc\! To Be B ig AfT31r

Spea.klng uf thln,.s looking like, that poste r lho dal1ce tn lhe hall really has

, '.Jriginallty and I Wnk ~e ere~ a tor sh ouhl have sagned .h1s nrune-. Luoks IJkt a big time will be had

I by a 1 t • I 'm still wondering whc.lher Lhe higher price sel for

j lh£' n lumni i& because: they ~h.culd be able to pay more or beeause " l the alumni set the sti1I price for Ule Home-c?ming dance. Just wondering, mfght not be ellher,

Merry Christ mas I 1 uncl~rstand tha t a Christmas

I dinner Is belng planned 'I11at s

.( l II ~lcrry an~h.ristmas .

1 H"PPY New Year

to the

1 Studcuts ot G . S. C. j


rioal1y ~11 .1ght.. com.Jng j ust be­fol·e the ll-?hJe.ys 1t \\-111 causo mauy s tudents to !orget the un­favorable Wng~ U\e)' were goin.S" to le11 when they got home..

.. \.nyw:~y, stnce Is the edition unUI next year,'ll wU!hlng you n Me.ny Christ:ma.s :md u ,happy New Year.

Ddicious Fruit Cake

Packed J n Tin

Keeps Fresh Always

Can Be hipped


The Grill Dial Glenville 289 1


-----= ...... -.:;~!F------., I LOOK LIKE NEW I O LE VILLE .

1 For That After Show i

Snack-Go to il Shoe Shop

T .. ooldnr ForwiU'd to XmaoT 1::: 'Kuy Yot!lr N ut. aDd Fndt Here

·---------= Central Restaurant _Murphy's Store Co.