TRANSFORMED INDEED - Singapore Khalsa Association

Post on 23-Feb-2023

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WWW.SINGAPOREKHALSA.ORG.SGA Publication Of Singapore Khalsa Association



THIS ISSUEKhalsa Kindergarten begins classes at its new premises at the Association

LOHRI CELEBRATIONS SKA’s Ladies Wing starts the year with Lohri celebrations

ONLINE TALENT SKA organises successful inaugural virtual talent-time competition

VETERAN ACTIVITIES SKA plans several interesting activities for senior members this year

TRANSFORMED INDEED SKA presents improved facilities with enhanced experience for members

MCI (P) 069/11/2021 MARCH 2022

6 In RemembRance - mata mohIndeR KauR JI

6 new begInnIng foR SKa’S KhalSa KIndeRgaRten

5 KhalSa KIndeRgaRten’S YeaR-end conceRt


2 SKa newS



SKA News is the newsletter of Singapore Khalsa Association.For feedback and enquiries, please contact: The Editor, SKA News, Singapore Khalsa AssociationNo 2 Tessensohn Road, Singapore 217646 Tel: 62986206/62981230 I Fax: 62924782Email: All Rights Reserved.No part of this newsletter may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, for any reason or by any means, whether re-drawn, enlarged or otherwise altered, without the prior permission in writing from the copyright owner, except in case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

















14 DIWALIVE 2020



17 LOHRI 2021









maRch 2022

3 edItoR’S note

4 SKa RenoVatIon uPdate: a tRanSfoRmatIon Indeed…

8 congRatulatIonS to SIwec on mIleStone achIeVement

8 YeaR-end chaIR Yoga lunch

9 ladIeS wIng celebRateS lohRI

9 dIwalI fIeSta 2021

10 SKa Really got talent

10 PuPIlS gRaduate fRom KhalSa KIndeRgaRten

11 SKa’S VIce-PReSIdent In new mSSSc team

12 long SeRVIce RecognItIon foR SKa Staff

12 dhol blaStIng tIme at SKa

14 SKa JoInS the ‘StS KonnectS’ netwoRK

14 Sewa healthcaRe SuPPoRtS outReach effoRtS

15 waRm welcome to SSef KIndeRgaRten

15 cateRIng at SKa – gReateR oPtIonS foR all!

15 VeSaKhI and IndIan new YeaR gReetIngS

16 VeteRan membeRS In foR a tReat…

16 new In-houSe audIoVISual comPanY

17 the SIKhS In SIngaPoRe PReSentatIon

17 economIc and Job outlooK foR 2022

18 the SteP tRacKeR gIVeawaY

18 SKa’S female footballeRS In actIon

13 Dance KaRneya PRemIeRe and Panel dIScuSSIon

13 SKa’S 90th annIVeRSaRY booK – comIng out Soon!

19 tIme foR VeSaKhI mela Soon!

19 moRe moVIe PaRtneRShIPS

19 a waRm welcome to ouR new membeRS

PRESIDENTMr Hernaikh Singh

VICE PRESIDENTMr Sarjit Singh s/o Udam Singh

VICE PRESIDENTMr Sarabjeet Singh











CHAIRPERSON, HOUSEMr Tejinderdeb Singh Gill




COMMITTEE MEMBERSMr Jaswant SinghMs Harvender KaurMr Sarjeet Singh Sohal (Co-opted Member)

EDITORMr Ravinderpal Singh

DEPUTY EDITORMr Jagjit Singh Sandhu

MEMBERSMr Hernaikh Singh

Mr Baldev Singh s/o Avatar Singh

Mr Baru Walia

Mr Simar Ghangas

Ms Harpreet Kaur

Ms Resvin Kaur

Ms T Sasikala

SKA’S MANAGEMENTCOMMITTEE (2020-2022) Editor’s Note


his year started with cautious optimism and fewer disruptions and with some easing of the COVID-19 measures. We took these turn of events in our strides and continued to focus on infrastructure development and events to ensure an exciting environment at the Association.

Members will witness improved facilities and have an enhanced experience when they visit the Association. This comes after months of rectifications and renovations which focused on enhancing SKA’s infrastructure. The lobby has been revamped to allow members to carry out their work at standing height worktables or relax at the comfortable upholstered furniture. The transformation has also spanned across to the boardroom to facilitate corporate leases for events; a brand new office with pleasing retrofitting for our staff; and a surveillance control room for enhanced security management.

We also achieved a milestone moment when renovations to Khalsa Kindergarten at SKA were completed in December 2021, and it opened its doors to pupils in the new year. We are also pleased to have the Singapore Sikh Education Foundation Kindergarten conduct its weekly classes at the same premises.

In our continuous efforts to provide attractive offers to members, we have now made it possible for them to engage a wider range of caterers for their functions at the Lee Foundation Hall. Our movie partnership saw members enjoying discounts for two movies in November 2021. Lastly, we have appointed a new in-house audiovisual company with effect from February 2022.

Beyond the infrastructure, operational and promotional efforts, we also organised several notable events over the last few months.

In October 2021, SKA hosted a hybrid graduation ceremony for Khalsa Kindergarten’s K2 pupils. Some 99 graduating students received certificates and they presented a beautiful performance on stage for the in-person and online audiences. In the following month, the kindergarten held its year-end concert at the Association.

In November 2021, we brought back Diwali fiesta, albeit on a much smaller scale, due to the COVID-19 restrictions. The event drew a full-house crowd, and silent games and lucky draws were organised during the event. SEWA Healthcare was involved in several community outreach efforts in recent months conducting free health screening and promoting the fight against diabetes.

The Ladies Wing ended the year with a lunch reception for the attendees of the Chair Yoga session. It began the new year with its flagship Lohri event. The full-house event witnessed the guests enjoying an afternoon of fun, with a sumptuous sit-down tea reception and take-away dinner.

The cultural and social team organised an online talent competition in January 2022 and unearthed several exciting gems, who were duly rewarded for submitting videos of their performances. Across the SKA premises, the sportspersons have been active on the field. The ladies football team organised two mini tournaments towards the end of last year while the veterans have resumed their weekly hockey knockaround.

The success of any organisation hinges primarily on its staff. In this respect, SKA extends its appreciation to Ms T Sasikala, Ms Punitha Sukumaran and Ms Nithya Sundari Chandrasekaran for their long service and we look forward to their continued contributions. We are also pleased to announce the re-election of Mr Sarjit Singh (Sona) as Deputy President of the Malaysian-Singapore Sikh Sports Council from 2021 to 2023.

We have lined up several important initiatives in the months ahead. We will organise a series of activities at the end of April 2022 as part of our Vesakhi Mela. For the senior members, we plan to start balut, darts and lawn bowling. We will also launch SKA’s 90th anniversary coffee table book detailing its pictorial journey since inception. The details of these initiatives will be out soon. We look forward to the members’ support for these plans.

On that note, I wish everyone celebrating Vesakhi and the Indian New Year happy and blessed occasions.

Ravinderpal Singh


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After months of rectification and renovation works, the Management Committee (MC) is pleased to share that members and visitors can look forward to improved facilities and have an enhanced experience when visiting the Association.

Key Repair Efforts

Despite the outbreak of COVID-19, the repair project, which encompassed repairing of water seepages, rendering of cracks and de-bonded areas, replacement of corroded fixtures and fittings, cladding rectification and other corrective repairs, was successfully completed in June 2021.

New Foyer Area

Recognising that first impressions matter, members and visitors can look forward to a stunning new foyer with comfortable upholstered furniture. Apart from accessing available literature in the mini-bookcases at the foyer, members can carry on conversations, take advantage of the standing height worktables or simply relax.

Members and visitors are also encouraged to visit the new trophy cabinet displaying the Association’s sporting trophies, memorabilia, and plaques – a reflection of the Association’s status as a premier sporting organisation.

Newly Renovated Boardroom

The existing boardroom has been modernised, with new finishes, furniture, accent lighting and improved information technology/audiovisual capabilities.

With highly customisable system furniture and high-speed internet connection, the MC has repositioned the Association as a venue provider for executive meetings, seminars and corporate events to develop an additional revenue stream.

Office Revamp with a Surveillance Control Room

Office trends come and go, but one thing that does not change is the impact of the office environment on an employee’s performance and productivity. Bearing that in mind and with inputs from the Association’s employees, the MC successfully completed a comprehensive interior retrofit of the office with new lighting, increased ergonomically crafted workstations and office equipment. We have created additional workstations to allow for the provision of internships and short-term attachments.

The new office is separated from a more visually engaging and welcoming reception area with an access control system.

To implement and enforce security measures, a new security counter and surveillance control room have been erected. Our security personnel can now monitor the entire network of closed-circuit televisions efficiently, and they are readily approachable in an emergency.


Greater Social Interaction Opportunities

In our effort to create a more vibrant environment on the first level of the Association, we have, with strong feedback from the members, brought the lounge down to the rear of the premises. There are an indoor seating area and a patio to cater to both members and guests.

The relocated lounge, Tashan, is elegantly designed with ample seating space and is set for operation. We are just awaiting the clearance from the Singapore Food Agency. We hope to share the good news with our members soon.

Improved Facilities for Sportspersons

Last, but not the least, to enhance the experience of the Association’s sporting facilities, one of the existing toilets (adjacent to the loading bay) has been converted into changing rooms with shower facilities. The selected location is closest to the sports facilities and is easily accessible for the sports facilities users. This will discourage the sports facility users to utilise the toilets within the Association’s premises.

The revamped changing room is meant to be used alternately between the Association’s male and female sport teams. To ensure the continued privacy of users, privacy screens will soon be installed at the entry points.

The MC hopes that its efforts will culminate in the members feeling valued and they in turn will show their appreciation by using the variety of facilities available to them. At the same time, they will continue to support and encourage the MC to make even further transformations at SKA so that it continues to be a vibrant and member-centric association.

Khalsa Kindergarten’s Year-end ConcertSKA’s Khalsa Kindergarten held its year-end concert at the Lee Foundation Hall on 13 November 2021.

The event included some energetic and lively performances by the children from the nursery and K1 classes. The finale saw the teachers joining the children in a dance performance.

The event was streamed on Khalsa Kindergarten’s website and close to 200 parents logged in to view the performances live.

While wishing the children a wonderful holiday, we look forward to welcoming them next year to the kindergarten’s new home at the Association.

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Mata Mohinder Kaur Ji, popularly called Bibi Mendro by her friends, was born in Batu Pahat, Johore. When she was six months old, her father, Mr Hakam Singh, moved the family to Singapore. They settled in the idyllic Kampong of Bukit Panjang, where she eventually met and married Mr Kartar Singh Dalamnangal.

Mr Kartar and his family contributed significantly to Singapore Khalsa Association (SKA) and the larger Sikh community. Those associated with SKA have fond memories of the Dalamnangal family’s generous donations and involvement in the Association over the decades.

Like her husband, Mata Ji will always be remembered for her firm and unfaltering faith in God. She continuously demonstrated a singular spirit of Chardi Kala (Eternal Optimism), especially when she and her young husband lost everything after their first home in Bukit Timah Road was destroyed due of an accidental fire. Though penniless, Mata Ji consoled her husband by stating that they should focus on their unconditional faith in Waheguru as whatever they possessed before was provided by God.

Mata Ji’s faith in God was vindicated when she was unexpectedly given the opportunity to embark on a refurbishing business. Together with her husband, she endured hard work by refurbishing and selling used furniture in Newton. They gradually accumulated their savings to purchase another home.

As a mark of her unflappable nature, she persevered and learned a new trade and related business and marked the beginning of a prosperous real estate business with the creation of ‘Kartar Ghar’, an apartment complex along Thomson Road. She was considered an equal partner and contributor in the growing business. As one of the first female Sikh entrepreneurs in Singapore, she solidified herself as a pioneer trailblazer.

In Remembrance - Mata Mohinder Kaur Ji (1933-2021) A Life Symbolising Care, Concern and Compassion

New Beginning for SKA’s Khalsa KindergartenSKA’s Khalsa Kindergarten began its 2022 term at its new premises on Level 5 of the Association at the start of the year.

On 31 December 2021, members of the SKA Management Committee (MC) and the kindergarten relocation team, and principals and teachers from Khalsa Kindergarten and the Singapore Sikh Education Foundation came together for an ardaas ceremony at the kindergarten.

Pupils and their parents have been extremely excited at the classes being held at the newly renovated premises.

Amaira Singh of K2 Sunflower expressed his delight with being in a new kindergarten, “On the first day at the kindergarten, I was very excited to see my new classroom. It was colourful, bright and huge! It is cool to take the lift to my classroom. I am super excited to come to school every day to see my friends and my teacher.”

Similarly, Diksha Sandeep of K2 Dandelion, loves the corridor which is long and bright. She added that “I can see my friends through the glass windows while walking to my class. Here, the toilets are big and clean too.”

Mdm Sindhuja, mother of Jai Abimanyu from K1 Lily, stated “The new classrooms are spacious. The environment is very eye-catching and colourful. The teachers have been taking the necessary steps to ensure the children’s safety. They have

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In Remembrance - Mata Mohinder Kaur Ji (1933-2021) A Life Symbolising Care, Concern and Compassion

Mara Ji and her husband also started doing sewa (service) at the Baba Karam Singh Memorial. This devotion to sewa and contributions to the Baba Karam Singh Memorial continued even after the memorial was moved to Silat Road Sikh Temple (and renamed Bhai Maharaj Singh Memorial). After her husband’s passing in 2003, she redoubled her efforts to do sewa on his behalf.

Mata Ji will always be remembered as a devoted mother to her four children, whom she lovingly supported throughout their tertiary education. She and Mr Kartar understood the value of education in breaking the cycle of poverty. They also helped the needy pursue education and succeed in life.

Her sense of care and compassion extended beyond her immediate family members to various areas within the Sikh community. She made monetary donations within the community until her final days. With the growth of the real estate business, she fostered 14 children from different races living in the Bukit Panjang locality and sponsored their various needs, including education.

In the true Sikh spirit of Wand Ke Chakna (Sharing with Others), she and her husband even placed the initial deposits for the purchase of private houses for some of her foster children. She and her husband provided the material needs of numerous disabled and elderly people in the community. A regular member of the Singapore Istri Sat Sang, she supported it and other Sikh institutions like the Singapore Sikh Education Foundation and the Sikh Welfare Council.

Mata Ji will always be remembered for her generosity, humility, care and compassion in her numerous contributions to the community. Her indomitable faith in God and her spirit of Sarbat Da Bhalla (Welfare of All) remain a shining light and inspiration to those who knew her.

Mr Bhajan Singh

New Beginning for SKA’s Khalsa Kindergartenalso ensured a smooth transition so that it was easy coming to the new location.”

Another parent, Mr Imran, echoed similar sentiments. He stated, “The classrooms are very neatly spaced for the children and they have a better environment. Also, the toilets are clean and hygienic. We really appreciate the effort taken by the SKA management.”

Mdm Santi expressed her appreciation to the MC and the Khalsa Kindergarten Relocation Committee, stating “They worked very hard to get this beautiful kindergarten running at SKA. We are glad to be in our own home. My team and I are very happy to see the children coming into a much better environment. My wish is to see more children and SKA prospering together!”

Kudos must surely go to the principal, teachers and staff who spent much of their December 2021 holidays managing the move from its Beatty Road premises and ensuring that the new premises were well decorated and ready for the pupils.

For more details on the kindergarten, please visit

Congratulations to SIWEC on Milestone Achievement SKA was delighted to part of the Sikh Welfare Council’s (SIWEC) 25th anniversary celebrations on 4 December 2021.

The event at SKA was graced by President Halimah Yacob. Due to COVID-19 attendance limitations, guests also gathered at the Sikh Centre as part of the celebrations.

In her Facebook post, President Halimah stated that “SIWEC’s development story has been underpinned by the themes of service, renewal, and inclusivity. It is only through the concerted and sustained commitment of pioneer leaders,

staff, volunteers, and community partners that organisations like SIWEC are able to reach out to the most vulnerable members of our society.”

President Halimah added that “I am glad to hear that SIWEC has joined the mental health and wellness movement by recently launching the Theek Thak campaign.”

We at SKA congratulate SIWEC on its milestone achievement. We also wish the SIWEC team great success in all its future endeavours.

Year-end Chair Yoga Lunch The SKA Ladies Wing marked the end of the year for the Chair Yoga ladies with a lunch on 23 December 2021.

A total of 37 ladies, comprising the Chair Yoga participants, volunteers and the Ladies Wing members, attended the lunch at Moghul Mahal Restaurant. The ladies enjoyed the sumptuous spread amidst the bonding among themselves at their respective tables.

The lunch reception was the first post-Chair Yoga activity after almost two years. The attendees certainly appreciated the effort of the Ladies Wing.

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Ladies Wing Celebrates LohriSKA's Ladies Wing started the new year with Lohri celebrations at the Lee Foundation Hall.

Held on 8 January 2022, the event was an afternoon of celebration of newborns and marriages in the community. Several families, comprising three generations, attended the event, together with SKA’s members and well-wishers.

A sumptuous tea and take-home dinner were served to all the guests. Montages of the newborns and newly-weds, table games, contributions of traditional songs by individuals seated at their respective tables and a quiz kept all entertained throughout the event. The Organising Committee took great effort to ensure that the safe management measures were adhere to during the function and at the bonfire at the SKA car park.

The SKA members and guests were appreciative of the effort by the Association to celebrate Lohri. Mdm Manjeet Kaur, who distributed Lohri on the occasion of the birth of her grandson, thanked the Ladies Wing “…for the excellent function. All of us enjoyed ourselves. Special thanks to [the Ladies Wing] for the organisation of the event.” Similarly, the ladies from Table 16 stated that they thoroughly enjoyed themselves, adding “…the tea and food were sumptuous and plentiful.” Mdm Kirpal Kaur also congratulated the Organising Committee on “…a job well done.”

Ms Harbinder Kaur, Chairperson of the Ladies Wing, was delighted with the response from SKA’s members and guests. She stated, “The Ladies Wing looks forward to organising more of such events with the continued support of the Sikh ladies.”

The Ladies Wing is delighted to start the year with a fun and exciting event.

Diwali Fiesta 2021 The annual Diwali nite had to be cancelled last year due to the COVID-19 restrictions to combat the pandemic. Many members were left disappointed by the event not being held but they understood the reasons and rationale.

On 27 November 2021, SKA organised a Diwali dinner for its members and guests. The event saw close to 90 attendees enjoying a pleasant evening at Moghul Mahal Restaurant.

In accordance with the safe management measures, all efforts were taken to ensure that the guests followed the rules and guidelines in place while enjoying themselves.

During the evening fiesta, several silent lucky draws were held. These were the beverage and grand lucky draws and the best dressed male and female guests. Prizes were given to the winners at their tables. The guests also enjoyed the sumptuous spread of northern India delicacies for dinner at their respective tables.

The attendees appreciated the effort of SKA’s organising team to put together the event despite the various restrictions and doing a great job.

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SKA is delighted to announce the successful organisation of the inaugural ‘SKA Got Talent’ competition in January 2022.

As a result of the severity of the COVID-19 situation in Singapore, we decided to find and feature talent online. It was a great idea as the virtual talent show witnessed the submission of several video performances by some talented participants from different age groups. These included singing, dancing and storytelling, among others.

The top three entries received prizes sponsored by Parisilk and Riverwalk Tandoor. The overall winner of the competition was the talented Ms Samikha Girish. She sang a melodious ‘Sun Raha Hai’. In the first runner-up position was a young contestant, Ms Shanaya Kumar. She performed a Garba dance entitled ‘Danica Dance’ to beat of the Mehndi song. And the evergreen Mr Amardip Singh, who sang the ever-melodious Bollywood number, ‘Aye Meri Zohra Zabeen’, took home the second runner-up prize. The winners were selected by members of the SKA Cultural and Social Committee.

The winning entries can be found on SKA’s social media platforms. The talent show was also picked up by Vasantham. The winners were interviewed by the India Beats team and the programme was aired on 11 February 2022.

SKA was pleased with its first effort at a virtual talent hunt. It would like to thank everyone for his/her participation and support.

SKA Really Got Talent

Khalsa Kindergarten held its K2 graduation ceremony on 30 October 2021 at SKA’s Lee Foundation Hall. SKA's Vice-President, Mr Sarabjeet Singh, was the Guest-of-Honour for the ceremony.

In view of the COVID-19 restrictions and safe management measures in place, the event witnessed the in-person presence of the pupils and teachers. Parents, family members and friends participated in the event via the online platform.

During his address, Mr Sarabjeet expressed Khalsa Kindergarten’s delight at being able to support the pupils in these crucial early years of their growth and development. He stressed that the kindergarten strikes the right balance between work, play and important social interactions through its robust pre-school programme. He added that because of this balance, the kindergarten’s “…pupils are confident, intelligent and grounded in the values that both the kindergarten and parents have instilled in them through partnership.”

He also applauded the effort of the kindergarten’s principal, Mdm Santi, and all the teachers, stating that they adapted, adjusted and never once compromised on the needs of their pupils as they encountered, and continued to experience various challenges and disruptions due to COVID-19. He added, “Through all of this, your care and commitment to each of your pupils is visible and felt by all of us, in your day-to-day interactions with them and especially so today, on their graduation.”

Mr Sarabjeet also shared the good news that Khalsa Kindergarten will operate in a brand-new purpose-built environment at SKA at the start of next year. He stated that this has been made possible, in no small part, through the tireless efforts of the principal and the teachers who worked together and closely with members of the Education Committee.

During the event, Mr Sarabjeet presented certificates to the 99 graduating pupils from five classes and then he witnessed some beautiful performances by the pupils.

SKA and Khalsa Kindergarten wished the pupils the very best on the next stage of their educational sojourn.

Pupils Graduate from Khalsa Kindergarten

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SKA’s Vice-President in New MSSSC Team

The Malaysian-Singapore Sikh Sports Council (MSSSC) elected a new team in December 2021 to run the seven-decade old organisation from 2021 to 2023.

SKA is delighted to announce the re-election of Mr Sarjit Singh (Sona) as MSSSC’s Deputy President. He is Singapore and SKA’s representative on the Council.

Mr Baljit Singh Randhay of Negeri Sembilan has taken over as president from Mr Gurjeet Singh Rhande of Perak. Apart from Mr Sarjit, the other deputy president is Mr Amarjet Singh of Selangor. Mr Keshmahinder Singh of Johore and Mr Sarban Singh of Kedah have been elected as Secretary and Deputy Secretary respectively while Mr Jagvinder Singh of Perak is the Treasurer and Mr Sarban Singh of Kedah is the Deputy Treasurer.

The MSSSC’s was established at the Malayan Sikhs Sports Council in 1949 by a group of enthusiastic sports-minded Sikhs to further enhance the sporting activities of Sikhs in Malaysia. In 1968, it was renamed MSSSC, and its inaugural meeting was held in December 1968.

The MSSC’s signature event is the annual Gurdwara Cup, a sporting carnival involvingw the Malaysian states and Singapore. The inaugural Gurdwara Cup hockey tournament took place in Perak in 1952. Other sporting activities were included over the years. These included football, badminton, netball and golf. Today, the sporting carnival is called the Gurdwara Cup and Sikh Festival of Sports.

We wish the new team the very best. We look forward to Mr Sarjit’s contributions to the promotion of MSSSC and SKA’s objectives and programmes.

Long Service Recognition for SKA StaffThe Management Committee would like to congratulate three staff for their long service with SKA. They are Ms T Sasikala at the administrative office and Ms Punitha Sukumaran and Ms Nithya Sundari Chandrasekaran, both teachers at Khalsa Kindergarten.

Ms Kala, as she is affectionately called, received her certificate and a cash award for completing 20 years of service with SKA this year. Over the years, Ms Kala has handled a diverse range of roles and responsibilities at the Association. In addition to human resource management, she has been actively involved in organising various events and programmes. She has shown herself to be a capable, responsible and committed member of our staff. She carries out her work diligently and professionally and is always willing to go the extra mile.

The two decades of service are a milestone occasion for Kala as well as the Association. Following Mr Gurbachan Singh, SKA’s manager, and Ms Sukhwender Kaur, the finance executive, Kala is the third longest serving member of the administrative team at the Association. We are indeed delighted to have a dedicated team of personnel with us.

Ms Punitha was presented with the 10-year certificate and cash award at the kindergarten’s year-end concert on 13 November 2021. She is a soft spoken and hardworking person who performs her duties well and is a good team player. She has taught the Nursery and K1-level pupils. Ms Punitha has been the Mother Tongue teacher for Tamil for the last four years.

During her journey at Khalsa Kindergarten, Ms Punitha has learnt and grown with the school. She not only teaches the pupils, but also shows great care and love for them. She willingly takes on responsibilities and completes the tasks assigned to her.

Ms Nithya has been with Khalsa Kindergarten for five years, having joined the kindergarten as an experienced teacher. She has taught at K1 and K2 levels. She is well respected by parents and her colleagues. She is patient and loving towards all the pupils.

Ms Nithya is also a talented person. She helps to prepare the dances for the kindergarten’s annual function. Her performance is always appreciated and well received by the parents. She has leadership qualities and creates a positive learning atmosphere. She initiates and carries out tasks beyond her scope of work.

SKA’s dhol classes are back in action! We started the first class on 10 January 2022.

We are delighted to have the one and only Lightning Dholi Rajay conduct the highly educational classes again this year.

Past students have only good things to say about Lightning Dholi Rajay and his teaching techniques.

Please contact the SKA Office at 62981230 or if you are keen to learn the beat of the drums from a highly experienced teacher.

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The dedicated service of these three staff is highly valued, and the Association and kindergarten look forward to their contributions for many more years.

Dance Karneya Premiere and Panel discussion

SKA’s 90th Anniversary Book – Coming Out Soon! SKA marked its 90th anniversary in 2021. However, the unpredictable situation arising out of the COVID-19 restrictions during the year made it difficult for us to organise an occasion to celebrate this momentous occasion in the Association’s history.

Well, our spirits remain high. We have plans to celebrate SKA’s 90th anniversary with our members this year.

A major undertaking is the SKA 90th anniversary coffee table book which will dive through a pictorial journey of SKA since its inception in 1931. The publication is a documentation of its journey of an idea being transformed into reality. It also highlights the contributions of the people and community to sustain the Association over the last nine decades.

This unique publication has been carefully divided into nine parts. Each category is spearheaded by the word, ‘WE’. The word ‘WE’ is geared at reminding and reminiscing the readers as they flip through the initiatives, programmes and events that they contributed to or were an intrinsic part of at the Association. Every sporting and cultural event and competition highlight sportsmanship, oneness and camaraderie and we hope these values will be passed on to our younger readers as the pictorial journey displays the emotion and feeling of unity of the community.

The coffee table book will serve as a reminder to our members and the broader community of a dream that became reality. It will also be a reminder of the importance of social integration, sports cohesion, cultural unity and educational achievements, among others. At the same time, the book is a show of appreciation to the wider Sikh community and society and those who have contributed to making SKA a vibrant social, cultural and sports-centric institution.

The much-anticipated book is now in its final stages of publication. We have plans to launch it with pomp in the second quarter of this year.

Do look out for more details on the launch of the publication! maRch 2022 13SKa newS

SKA and Young Sikh Association (Singapore) jointly organised a music video premiere and panel discussion on the migrant worker community in Singapore on 20 November 2021.

Mr Vikram Nair, Member of Parliament for Sembawang GRC, was the Guest-of-Honour for the event.

Filmmaker and songwriter, Mr Jagraj Singh Wasan, produced and presented Dance Karneya, a highly entertaining music video on the migrant workers in Singapore.

Following the launch, the panellists, comprising Ms Debbie Fordyce of Transient Workers Count Too; Mr Tan En of Ray of Hope; and Mr Jagraj, shared their perspectives on ‘Migrant Workers in Singapore: Improving Lives; Ensuring Dignity’. The session was moderated by Mr Martin Tan of The Majurity Trust.

The key discussions focused on three important points aimed at creating a caring and inclusive society. The first was awareness and understanding. This relates to understanding the migrant worker community, the challenges they face and to better connect with them by reaching out to them through volunteerism and advocacy. The second point was policy implementation which is aimed at ensuring that the migrant workers’ rights, welfare and well-being are protected, and employers adhere to rules and regulations in their dealings with their workers. Lastly, through exposure via different platforms, such as the video by Mr Jagraj, we can highlight and showcase the migrant worker’s community as well as build the bridge between Singaporeans and these workers, and in the process, create a more empathetic society.

The presentations were followed by a frank and highly engaging discussion session. The attendees certainly enjoyed the music video and the enlightening discussions.

SKA Joins The ‘STS Konnects’ Network On 6 November 2021, the Singapore Telugu Samajam (STS) launched ‘STS Konnects’ to raise awareness about the well-being of the people living in Singapore, enhance the various technology skills among them as well as to promote national integration through such programmes.

SKA is delighted to partner STS and some 20 Indian associations and groups on this important initiative. We were also pleased to participate in the launch of the event.

The launch of STS Konnects saw Mr Piyush Gupta, Chief Executive Officer and Director of DBS Group, graced the event as the Chief Guest. Then, he participated in a fire-side chat with the online participants. The session examined various aspects of technology in reaching out and connecting people as well as in the working space, among others. Mr Gupta’s address was followed by a lively discussion between him and the participants.

During the last few months, STS Konnects has been organising regular sessions on a range of pertinent issues. They included cyber security and awareness by Mr Phoram Mehta, Chief Information Security Officer, APAC, PayPal; and data science by Mr Muni Vinay, Regional Head of Data and Enterprise Intelligence, Lazada.

We thank STS for inviting us to be part of this collaborative effort.

SEWA Healthcare Supports Outreach EffortsSEWA Healthcare was part of the community outreach effort at Pasir Ris Elias CC on 20 November 2021.

Attended by close to 400 residents from Pasir Ris GRC, the event was a significant event demonstrating the war on diabetes by Singaporeans in the East. During the event, the attendees received free diabetes screening.

Mr Teo Chee Hean, Senior Minister & Coordinating Minister for National Security Organisations, graced the event. He toured the various health screening stations and met with partners who work with Diabetes Singapore on the event.

On 8 January 2022, volunteers from SKA’s Sewa Healthcare were busy helping with Diabetes Singapore’s free health screening at Kebun Baru Community Club.

SKA sincerely appreciates the efforts of all the volunteers from SEWA Healthcare who came forward to support the two initiatives.

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SKA’s Khalsa Kindergarten moved to its new premises at Tessensohn Road at the beginning of the new year.

The move also witnessed the Singapore Sikh Education Foundation’s (SSEF) Kindergarten beginning its 2022 classes at the same premises.

Like the Khalsa Kindergarten’s teachers and pupils, the kindergarten’s team and pupils as well as parents were also delighted with the move to the new premises.

Ms Inderjit Kaur, SSEF Kindergarten’s principal, stated, “The beautifully designed classrooms and thoughtfully curated learning environment at SKA will provide the teachers with the space for interactive teaching and learning of the Punjabi Language. The SSEF Kindergarten expresses its heartfelt appreciation to the SKA management for allowing it to function at the new premises which is a safe, secure and conducive learning hub.”

K2 pupil Karanveer Singh was “over the moon” with his new classroom. He stated, “It is a neater and cleaner learning

Warm Welcome to SsEF Kindergartenplace, which is also spacious. He added that he looks forward to his Punjabi Language learning journey at the SSEF Kindergarten at SKA. Janya Kaur Chopra, a K1 pupil, echoed a similar view. “I like the new school. Everything is very nice and new”, she said.

Similarly, parents expressed their appreciation with the move. “I am very happy that my children are experiencing this new learning environment. The classrooms are brighter and children-friendly, making the learning more fun and with air-conditioning it makes it easier for children to focus and enjoy their lessons”, Mdm Kiranjeet Kaur, parent of a K1 pupil, stated. Mr Dalwinder Singh, another K1 pupil’s parent, mentioned that “The SSEF Kindergarten’s decision to move to the new premises is very much appreciated. Parents like me are delighted that the new premises are conducive and cater to the needs of our little learners.”

We at SKA are delighted to have the SSEF Kindergarten with us at our premises.

Catering at SKA – Greater Options for All!With effect from 1 January 2022, members and guests have greater options for catering services at the Lee Foundation Hall on Level 2 at SKA. Previously, the exclusive rights for catering in the hall were with Moghul Mahal Restaurant.

The new arrangement will see SKA working out a list of preferred caterers who will provide a wider range of catering options for members and guests. At the same time, such an arrangement is geared at increasing the bookings of the hall.

Interested hirers may contact the SKA office at 62981230 or for enquiries and bookings.

SKA’s Trustees, Management Committee members and staff wish Sikh members a God-blessed and happy Vesakhi and Indian members an equally splendid New Year in 2022.

May you be blessed with peace, harmony, love, good health and prosperity!

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The Management Committee set up the Veterans Wing at SKA in late 2019 with much fervour and expectations. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 outbreak forced us to only organise limited and selected events for the seniors, given their vulnerability during the pandemic. These included a couple of brisk walking sessions, together with the Ladies Wing, a mini quadrangular hockey tournament during Vesakhi Mela in 2021 and the weekly knockaround hockey sessions at the Premier Pitch.

Well, things are now starting to look up and SKA has plans to introduce several interesting social and sporting activities for the senior members this year. These include the following:

• Balut–Thisisadicegamewhichinvolvetherollingoffivedicesuptothreetimestomakevariouscombinations,whicharerecorded on a scorecard. We aim to start quarterly sessions in April 2022.

• LawnBowling–Inthissport,theobjectiveistorollbiasedballssothattheystopclosetoasmallerballcalleda‘jack’or‘kitty’.It is played on a bowling green. With the support of the Lawn Bowling Association, we plan to start the game on a trial period for three months in March 2022.

• Darts–Thisisacompetitivesportinwhichtwoormoreplayersthrowdartsataroundtargetknownasadartboard.Wehopeto start this activity in the second half of the year.

In addition, we have planned a telematch for the seniors during the Vesakhi Mela at the Association at the end of April 2022. What’s more, we are looking to restart the brisk walking sessions on a regular basis!

Please contact the SKA office at 62981230 or for enquiries and/or if you are keen to be part of these activities.

We are really excited about these activities and we are looking forward to catching up with our veteran members.

New In-house Audiovisual Company SKA is pleased to announce the appointment of Fizzy Production Pte Ltd as the in-house audiovisual (AVL) company with effect from 1 February 2022. The contract is for an initial three years.

The process for the appointment of an in-house AVL company started in early October 2021 with the Invitation to Quote (ITQ) being placed on all SKA’s social media platforms. The ITQ was also widely circulated via WhatsApp messaging.

SKA received proposals from six parties as a show of interest in the project. A site visit was organised on 15 October 2021 for all six companies. At the close of submission, SKA received quotations from three companies.

A sub-committee was set up to assess and deliberate on the three quotations. Among others, the sub-committee assessed the companies on the criteria of meeting the specific needs of the Association, retainer fee and pricing for members, and the sub-committee ranked them accordingly. The sub-committee then met the top two ranked companies to better understand what they could offer and to ensure they were clear with the scope required by the Association.

Based on the submission and meetings with the two shortlisted proposers, the sub-committee decided on Fizzy Production Pte Ltd as the preferred choice as it met all the requirements set out by the ITQ as well as by the sub-committee in the subsequent meetings. The Management Committee unanimously accepted the proposal of the sub-committee.

We are delighted to have Fizzy Production Pte Ltd on board. Members and guests may contact Mr Kushal at 93899694 or for their AVL requirements at the Association.

We look forward to working with the team at Fizzy Production Pte Ltd.

Veteran Members in for a Treat…

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The Sikhs in Singapore Presentation SKA was invited by the Singapore Fine Arts Society (SIFAS) on 4 December 2021 to make a presentation on the Sikhs in Singapore.

An initiative under SIFAS’ ‘Unity in Diversity – Exploring Cultures, Building Communities’, the event was a unique platform to share, interact, seek and imbibe the myriad cultures that form an essential part of Indian art and civilisation.

Ms Harveen Kaur, Chairperson of SKA’s Young Khalsa, took the opportunity to share about the tenets of Sikhism and the journey of the Sikhs in Singapore.

The more than 30 attendees included representatives from the various Indian groups such as the Malayalee Association, Singai Tamil Sangam, The Assam Association, The Sindhi Association of Singapore and The Parsi Zoroastrian Association of Singapore. Over 200 SIFAS members also tuned in to the livestream on SIFAS’ Facebook.

Mr Simranjit Singh, Executive Producer of ‘The Saint Soldier’ and Council member of the Central Sikh Gurudwara Board, also shared on the conceptualisation of the story of Bhai Maharaj Singh and why it was important for it to be shared in a new medium for generations to come. He also added to the discussion the importance of music in Sikhism.

Following the presentations, there was an engaging discussion. Members from the other communities also shared about their positive personal and professional experiences in engaging with the Sikhs.

It is a wonderful initiative by SIFAS and SKA was delighted to be a part of it.

Economic and Job Outlook for 2022What does it take to get 40 early to mid and senior career workers to stay home on a Saturday afternoon and participate in a Zoom event? Well, it is the opportunity to find out more about the economic and market outlook in the coming year.

The Singapore Sikh Professional Network provided that opportunity with its year-end flagship event on ‘Economic and Job Outlook for 2022’ on 11 December 2021. Senior industry leaders covered topics ranging from health technology and data science to the gig economy, digital marketing and advertising in a fun and interactive session.

The panellists had a lively discussion with the attendees on self-advancement, personal branding and choosing the right career path for young professionals. They emphasised the importance of being inquisitive and open to honing different skills to remain relevant and marketable to future employers.

Two key takeaways from the session could be summed up in the words ‘upskilling’ and ‘networking’. These actions could potentially be the answer for successful mid-career transitions and taking on advisory roles within the same industry or moving to a whole new sector. The panellist also discussed the role of reverse mentoring within the workplace and how the new technology-savvy generations have a wealth of knowledge to contribute to the legacy industries.

During the session, healthcare technology and innovation were highlighted as two industries that may appeal to employees for their growth prospects. There is a rising demand for professionals to occupy roles in product management, sales, marketing and research, among others.

SKA was delighted to support such an important initiative – one that enabled the attendees to better understand and appreciate the changing economic landscape and job market.

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The newly formed SKA female football team had a busy holiday period late last year.

On 30 November 2021, it organised a mini 2 vs 2 tournament. The internal tournament was a befitting reward for the players’ hard work during the year. The evening tournament provided the opportunity for the ladies to experience some competition while developing match fitness.

Medals were presented to the top four teams and a trophy was also awarded to the most improved player in the SKA ladies’ team.

On 21 December 2021, the SKA football section organised its second women’s tournament. The 2 vs 2 tournament was held in partnership with the ladies from Hilderinc Sports Group.

The event saw the participation of 14 teams, seven from each club which provided the ladies with much-valued exposure and confidence.

The final pitted both teams from the SKA side. Medals were presented to the top four teams by SKA’s Vice President, Mr Sarjit Singh (Sona). The winner's shield will be placed in the SKA trophy cabinet at its foyer.

The Sports Committee is thankful to Hilderinc Sports Group for its support and participation.

The SKA football section looks forward to organising more such events in 2022 and beyond.

The Step Tracker Giveaway

SKA’s Female Footballers in Action

The SKA Ladies Wing and the Sikh Welfare Council (SIWEC) were delighted to support the community challenge of the Health Promotion Board (HPB).

Over a period of four days from 16 to 19 November 2021, a total of 304 men and women, ranging from young adults to senior citizens, registered for the challenge and collected their step trackers at SKA. It was an impressive turnout. The ladies from the Ladies Wing and SIWEC’s staff were involved in the publicity and promotion of the challenge to the members of the Sikh community. They were also on hand

during the distribution exercise to explain the activity in Punjabi to the elderly who were not fluent with the English language.

As part of the exercise, a box of disposable mask and an umbrella were presented to all who collected the step tracker. The masks were generously sponsored by Mohar Medical and the umbrellas were from HPB.

The challenge was an important effort to promote a healthy lifestyle and the Ladies Wing was pleased to be part of the initiative.

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More Movie PartnershipsSKA was delighted to be a supporting partner for the Punjabi hit movie, Paani Ch Madhaani, and the Hindi blockbuster, Antim – The Final Truth. Both hit the screens in November 2021.

The Punjabi comedy, which starred Gippy Grewal, Neeru Bajwa and Karamjit Anmol is about a flop singer, Gulli, and his group which focuses on shortcuts (jugaad) to gain success. However, one of the group’s new members, Sohni, outshines the rest. In frustration, the group buys a lottery ticket, and they were lucky to win. However, they misplace the winning ticket. So, they start searching the streets of London for the missing ticket and to finally learn the lesson that hard work pays, and easy shortcuts do not.

In conjunction with the screening of the movie, SKA organised a quiz for its members with a question on the last movie that Gippy Grewal and Neeru Bajwa acted together in. Five lucky SKA’s members walked away with two passes each to watch Paani Ch Madhaani or any movie in GV for the following six months.

Antim – The Final Truth is about a man from humble origins who works his way up to an influential position within organised crime. Nothing seems able to stop him until he runs into a police officer who takes his job of upholding justice very seriously.

Similarly , SKA organised a quiz on Antim – The Final Truth on Salman Khan's screen name in the movie. The first five SKA members with the correct entries won two passes each to watch the movie.

SKA would like to thank Vision Discs Pte Ltd and Zee Movies for the partnerships.

A Warm Welcome To Our New MembersSKA’s Management Committee and the Membership Committee warmly welcome the following new members:

December 2021 February 2022

Mr Darshan Singh Ms Simmranjeet Kaur Dhaliwal

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Time for Vesakhi Mela Soon!In 2021, the Management Committee innovated in the face of the COVID-19 restrictions to organise a series of social, cultural, sporting and health-focussed activities as part of the Vesakhi Mela. The members and attendees enjoyed the range and diversity of activities over three days.

Well, we plan to have greater diversity and a wider range of events for the Vesakhi Mela this year. Themed ‘Together in Diversity; One in Harmony’, the festivities will take place at SKA, Stadio Futsal, Premier Pitch and Civil Service Club on 30 April and 1 May 2022.

This year’s events will include the customary sports carnival (football, hockey, netball, badminton, pool and golf tournaments) and possibly lawn bowling and dart competitions; raunak time for children; telematch for the seniors; cultural show and award ceremony; iron man challenge; Punjabi poetry competition; intellectual and professional development activities; health screening; mass Bhangra performance and heritage exhibition, among others.

Mr Gurpreet Singh Rikhraj, Vesakhi Mela 2022 Organising Committee Chairperson, stated, “This year, we aim to present a similar Vesakhi Mela spirit and experience that we have gotten used to pre-pandemic. Although organising a mela during a pandemic is challenging and often at odds with what typically constitutes a mela (think crowds and zero social distancing), we will use this year’s event to celebrate our resilience and unity.

We look forward to the support and participation by the members and the wider Sikh community and Singapore society in these activities.

Do look out for more details! Out soon!

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