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INFORMATION ON FOSTER HOMES- Early in the new year (1984) an information night is being planned for those people who may be interested in a Foster Child Program on Tyendinaga. The meeting is being scheduled to be held at the Mohawk Community Centre. There will be speakers from the Hastings County Childrens Aid Society on hand to give a presentation with video tapes and literature.

We are arranging this meeting so people of the reserve can be made aware of the need for foster homes in emergencies, and the importance of keeping Indian children in Indian homes and not having to be removed from the reserve. Future newsletters will give specific times and the date of this meeting.

If anyone is interested in fostering right now, an invitation has been given to the Band office to inform reserve residents that a similar meeting, as the one mentioned above is going to be held at the Belleville office of the Childrens Aid Society on Dec. 1/83, 7:30 p.m., for those interested feel free to attend. Call Band office for futher information.

CANADA WORKS - HOMES RENOVATIONS- The Band has one of three work crews sponsored by Employment and Immigration Canada doing various renovation work to homes both new and existing. As in renovation programs in the past homeowners are required to supply all materials needed to do the work and the Band will supply the labour at no cost to the homeowners. Winter weather is fast approaching so we are trying to line up as much inside work (painting, trim work, drywall, panelling, etc) as possible. This program will run for a period of five months ''(eridip.g March 1984) so if there is any work that you wish to have done please call the Band office.

DAYC� HELP, URGENTLY NEEDED!- People willing to work at daycare, when regular staff are ill or away at meetings. Any person called into work would be paid accordingly. All interested persons please call Daycare at 968-7850 between 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.

125th ANNIVERSARY OF ALL SAINT'S CHURCH- On Wednesday 30th of November the congregation of All Saint's will celebrate its 125th birthday. Former clergy and parishioners have been invited to this special event at which the Bishop of Ontario, the Right Reverend Allan Read will be present. There will be a Pot-Luck Supper at the Guild Hall starting at 5:00 p.m. followed at 7:00 p.m. by a special service of Thanksgiving which will include Confirmation and the dedication of the new Memorial Windows.

CANADA WORLD YOUTH (CWY) HAS ARRIVED IN TYENDINAGA!- The 7 Canadian participantsand their 5 Co!ombian counterparts are living with families and working onboth the reserve and in Belleville. Work projects on the reserve include, Tyendinaga Day Care, Quinte MohawkSchool and the Band Office. The group thanks the communityaafld the Band office for their hospitality thusfar and would be pleased to give a cultural presentation (singing and dancing)to community groups, schools, clubs, etc. The group will be here until late December. To arrange a date for the above,or for futher information on CWY, please call Daniel and Amalia (Canadian &Colombian group leaders), at 962-2750.

• • • + /2

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TYENDINAGA FLYER cont'd -2- November 8, 1983

EDUCATION- On October 22/83 Moira Secondary School held its graduation ceremonies for the 1982-83 school year. A total of 25 students from the reserve graduated, with 21 students receiving their S.S.G.D. and 4 students receiving their S.S.H.G.D.

There were also a number of students receiving awards including Vaughn Maracle and Susan Maracle - $100.00 each presented by Chief Hill, and two students, Tammy Brant and Annette Maracle, who were not graduating but were presented the Native Studies Award for highest marks in the grade 11 Native Studies course.

Along with the graduates, many parents turned out to make Graduation a very special event.

Graduates and their parents were treated to dinner following the ceremonies at school, and many thanks should go to Chief Hill and Councillor Doug Maracle for the part they played in supporting the ceremonies and dinner.

Congratulations go out to all graduates along with good wishes for their continued succf!SS in their chosen fields. Many are continuing into post­secondary programs while others have chosen to work at this time.


S.S.G.D. (Grade 12)

Paul Barnhardt Danny Bernhardt Christopher Brant Heather Brant Lisa Brant Sandra Brant Terry Brant Michael Carr-Braint Garry Hill Verna Johnson

Joseph Kabestra Vicky Loft Carl Maracle Jeffrey Maracle Joseph Maracle Lori Maracle Rebecca Maracle Scott Maracle Susan Maracle Tracy Maracle

Jay Barnhart also graduated from Quinte Secondary School.

S.S.H.G.D. (Grade 13)

Angela Maracle Jamie Maracle

Vaughn Maracle Jeff Futers

Mike Brant

HEALTH AND WELFARE ADMINISTRATOR We the Chief, Council and Staff would like to take this opportunity to welcome Mr. Jim Loft, Health and Welfare Administrator to the staff of the M.B.Q. - Jim connnenced duties on Monday, November 7, 1983.

WANTED- Hand lacers, please contact the 4-B's manufacturing, Carl Brant at 396-3610



Saturday, November 26, 1983-- 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon-- Quinte Mohawk School


Saturday, December 10, 1983--9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.-- Quinte Mohawk School

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TYENDINAGA FLYER cont'd - 3 - November 8, 1983


We would like to welcome Ms. Michelle McQuarrie, to the teaching staff at the Day Care Centre. Ms. McQuarrie commenced duties on Monday, November 7, 1983.

Chief, Council & Staff Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte


As you are aware from articles in the news media. The government of Canada are proposing the issue of self government for Indian people, there are a number of issues that cannot be answered at this time. One of the issues--if the Indian Act, now in use by the bands, was discontinued, with no federal trust respondsibility, what would happen to our land base? So it is necessary at this time to be involved to protect· our Reserve's interest. Attached please find a paper submitted by the Assembly of First Nations on behalf of Indians of Canada, a summary prepared by Chris John. Articles of this nature will be placed in the newsletters from time to time, to keep everyone up to date on the Issue of Self Government.

Earl R. Hill Chief, Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte




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TYENDINAGA NEWSLETTER cont'd November 8, 1983


Land & Research Clerk-1:YE_ist

Applications are now being accepted for the above position. Closing date will be Friday, November 25, 1983 at 4:00 p.m. Applications and Job Description may be picked up at the Band Office.

This is a part-time position (20 hrs. per week), but possibly could work into a full-time position.


Applications are now being accepted for part-time fence viewers. Applications may be picked up at the Band Office. Closing date will be December 2, 1983 at 4:00 .E_,m.

,i • .. I ' 1J ;;J 1


• I ·1 � ·I CSAP'l!ER. l • /' ,..,.fl( �

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'Jlle St2'ming Q:m:mttee a,. Wian �ffairs am in. Omrd.ttee's Manaate Northern DeveJ.q:ment � a sub--c, 11111i:l:ee en Itdian Self Goverrneat.. 'nle sub--, 111,d.l:tee's jc:b -was tc llBke suggestia:m far new' 1aws am better a.cmim.st:rctti af mm g:,vemmmt.s. In 0es,aer af 1982 the • ·carmi.ttee � nade into a Special 0:mni:tteec::aJ led "'Ihe Parliameataiy '1'ask ibtce a:iIndian Sel£-Gove, 101ect". 'n1e a:nmittee's jobbei: a11:e so far-reaebing tbat s:zm wit:Dessestbou;ht that tbe ca:rmittee '"Olld get; in thew,q of tbe 0::cstitutiaml Comere:cce talks.'lbe tw:> are separate, e9m tbal� they dealwith the sama topics.

In O:r:der to get Indian npreseatati.ves en the c:mni :t:t:.ee, the Asserhfy of First Nati.am, t:be ·lilati.-ve Cc:Pmc:i J cf O,nada md the Nativeli:;mm I 8 Assoc:iaticn were asked to seeda:11ea,e to w:irk with tbe o:mm.ttee.

'Ih! Special Cmm :t:tee W!IS created to deal. c:cly with Iniians- Ionit ard Metis pecple were nx within the � of the l:1ll.es � WC1 tbe a::mni.ttee WU ii; Ji lied,

'!he Special 0:mni.tt.ee got its mfclt11e• ia, in three ways. 'll'le first was tbrough what WU said � witnesses at the p,hl.ic metings it beld. 'lhe se:• PA was� written stataueats. � tbird was l:?i' special ffucii.es tbe a:ami:t:tee asked fer when t:heir questiCllS :ceeded � answers.

'lhe meetings wem 'held tbr0ugb::,ut C>nade J

JICSt often en \!mat is seen to l:e •Indien b:.ilegfuJCtls•, such as reserves, fd.ecdsbip eeat.:ces er Imi an Offices.

'lbe w:i =esses were selected with the idea of baarlDg � frrm as mmy binds, o:trni:rations am� cf Canada as possible.

Ex Off:tc:i.o 8J'lC I•ieiscn Meua ers

� with other Al:criginaJ Peoples

'l'he Sr:e:i al 0:mn:ittee P.t, cess


. .

'lhe c, 1111dttee carn:x,fo- make laws er bring t:bei% ideas .into being.. 'lhe o::mni ttee am ally Jmke re\ iiiiEOOaticrs to the B::JJse of O:1011:UlS

m::d ask them to reply t.o their �-

"Inihn:i First Natims .. was USeQ instead cf "Indian Self�• in tbe repxt. hecanse mmy witnesses c:all 1:bemsel.ves ue ,e er:s cf Pirst Natims.

P:,wers cf 0:rrmittees

Ternd rclo;r(

C'BAP'lm 2

-satia:J.• is a � taken :fran early treaties, tbe k,yal Prcx:lanerticc mJd. legal deeisiCJ'lS. :tt am stand fer tbe � pecples \'4:10 am D"E•ft e:r:s af First Natims-

.. li !'iJ:st Natia:is people can c:we:c:ai:e the igroz: Mi.A of :ccn-Indi ans al:loat Imi m:z 'histc:::y, all sides will ag:ee tbat Pirst � g:::,YermDeats are able to la:k after tlJen-. CWQ people.

'lbs pres 11L fc:m af g:>verIme1t. bas resulted in m:f se:ry fa: Fil:st. Nati.rm penpl e, in all. aspects cf life.

G:wer1 we, 11 pco;i:aaa 210d the Irrli an Act lave not scl.ved the problems - of First Na.ti.ml people. Often, they gee :in the wsy-.

:tt takes mmy � depa.Iiue11s just to gee. msic services to !'int Nati.rm pec:pie. 'lhese act slcwly recanse eadi bas its rules am . requiremeats tc fol lo,r �

Im1 zm First Natirm

0:nfJ i cti:lq Views af E!istary

Sod·al 0,,C,itims

a:st:acles mx! Limi:t:aticas


G::Ne:r1 ,,e 11 al Ca:nol.e:dt;Y

'lb! Irxtim Act

� rn:,,; en Act bas too Dlldl a:.uw.01. CNer

Indi an life. '!here is 1l:) rm a a local goueJ I A&eat to exercise p::,,,etr, so b!md goee, I IIIH•t.-J c:b ally �t the Irdian Act •llon.

When Bands try to c:b things mt taken into al"XXXlnt in tbe Irdi an Act, they are subject

. to a· large J'U1l0et" af fedml acd pcovinc:ia1 iaws. 'nlese la'IIS a:e a:nsi derei st::ca:qii::r than bm:d cy-1.aws.

At:tmtpts to c:mnge tbe Inii an Act lave mver dlarlged it er:o,gh. 'D::19 Min:i..ster is left. with great. p:wers •.

When tbe Depart:meat of Indi•n Affam gi-ves l:am cpvex ■ 01eots resp:rsibili:ties, it 'kee;a too mch • 1:ub:cl..

'Die � of Tmizm M::fairs believes 1:1mt tbe Imi at1 Act coes not al lo, amd.

gctYEI I Ihle

'n1e Depa:ctmemt ms offered a pc� it believes '1d.ll pass ala,; 8m.lgh � p::MerS ext.em to n:any areas. Wltmsses a:c.· tbe O 111,d.ttee bearings said tbat this prorcsa] was tlOf:. e::r:ngh. '!hey said that it c:cly aJlo-1!1 tbe ha1ads to� old rel i ci es, t10t make mw cces.

Besb.L:tica ai Band and Bam Oxmcil Powers

!'It:! to Bevise

'Im Polley of �

'n1e Band Govemmmt Ptq.vsal.

• I



Witnec:ses· state tbat :in arder to su:rviw as First artia:is, their g::Jve.LJIIIPtlt DllSt m.-v9·

a:at.rcl over three c:rl ti ral areas educati.czi, c:bi l d ,..., fare, m:d beal.th.

In tbe peR tbose in d1arge of EducatlDg Indians attetpted fi%St to "de-Im:bmi m•

them. ']hey were :moved £ran Indian envi.ralmmts. Whm tbe reside:d::i al schxiJs closed, no real local Incu en coat::cl of 'Jca,1 sdx0l. b::erds resulted. Prorincial sdloola were paid wi:t:b Indian £nods tc e::!ucate IDdian stmem:s, bat the v:heol s were mt accc:nntahl e to l:aDa g::,yec::m:ents. 'lbe aeb oJ s � net under m:ur pressu:e to teach Indi·m l.aD;aages, bistcries, c:r cul.t:m:a. 'l1le scb:nls Indians went tc aid a:it ·see tbe meas .af Indians. First Bat.:i.alS pec:ple mst ba"8 tbe p:MeZ:" _tc make educatim .suit tbair own peq,1.e,,

I.t is trae � a ccubt tmct a large a 1118 m:' of Imi am chl.ldrea 'ha- bem seima � p.:o=:L,ei•l sx:ial serv.ices. Imians see tbis as =. m::tack a:i tbe I.mi an fand Jy.. Welfm:e ageccies do IXJt umerst:a.d tbe Imian � of :fmni 1¥ mxi disrupt what �- do mt u::oderstm:l. Witha: set::t:iJ:q alt tc a:, so,

they am practi.sm; ass:imilaticc. '1m best thing tc do fer all •IV t'el:Jled w,uJ.d be to al lrw First •ti.rm govemnmt ir:p.: and adm:inistratica ewer- d,i l c1 ....:, fare.


llzt _pz:o;i:ams er cl c:sses .w:,,,c, yaiwaattaught.7

O:d ld Wel:fare

lblt facili:ties w:-1ld yo: l:m:I! med tc tala over c::tri l d wel:fm:e?



I - o• -

It' is� questiai 'that fer Indians, heel.th is a :aajcr problem. In spite of blge m of m:::r:iey sies rt en tbis � govw:1 me 1'21 pto;:tans ba.ve d:ce very l.it:tla. 'l!Je ce,,sras of tbe pt'0blem a:e such a:eas as p;ve.z:ty, p:or 'hcusir:g, lack of clean W!tter, saege m:Jd. gau±age dis!x&'tl, p:xr ai.et.. � solut:im to the �em w:a,Jd .involve Fi:st -Nm:ims gove:c::aents in ta1wJ; a::::at:ol. OYeJ:'all these areas.

First. Nat:i.alS people am mly l::e beal.thy in aheal.thy a:::mnmit;f.

All Three crf 1:mse problem areas rcint to tm :ceed of First Na.tia::ls �el I Piel ,ts to o:czU'Ol what bappecs to their people ai t:beir land. 'niis is the ccl.y wq each reserve C!lll � a· re:sixx,sive p:co;i.am imce to �ve the pccblmes pec:nJ i z,r to itae-1.:f..


Bee.1th care

Wt'la::t. m:e tba m.jcr problems QQ


bl am ttley be solved?

� RJR lNDDN F.i.&:."1' }a'rtCJ5IS

lllea � first ame to No:tb Ame::ic:a, Need for a New �OMbip they ao:epted tbe s::werei.gaty en tbe sel.f-g::nernin; mtiocs they eacomtered. '1be � sho1ld ale g:.,vei;1iiie1t wnt it:,yaJ. P:oclamatiai of 1763 aid � presume t0 to make laws.� m:ct:her aa? goYeC1 them - it 'WaS Da!Dt to 90Wrt1 Zurcpeans in ,..., a:ti a,s with First Hat.ials. en \Gt msis did Omada. ded.da Sl.cMly tbis attitude of the &1rq-ens it. m11d l:Ule tNer W:Jena? d,a?'XJf1'ds By the tiJre tbe Btitisb Ncxth 1merica Act cf l867 am the Indi = Act, 1880., -were Dade, the Omadi2m g::,va101eot. felt justi:fied in t-1d r:g ewer Eirst Nat:i.ocs gov'Ei IYIHit:al p:MerS• 1lhe msult WU a,]Jed "a legacy of injustices, exploitatiai, bureaucratic insensitivity ar:d n::c-X')di an sal£-interest.•. &lc:h gc,ve, z11ent:s wxked well. far �, mt; we::e lm:mful to First Nrtims people. All evidenat poim:s to -the need. far a 'DIN reJmmsbip betem Omersa am the Fi%'St Naticm.

H:w is a� time to 5:zz:m-eu.s DIM nl.atialsh:ip. � cc:a.wti1:llt:i.cn am m:x!em politicians aoJe,G,t. tbe sped.el status of first Nati ens- While a::nstitutia:ml. tellr.s are in p:o;x:esa, full •llc:w,mces far a mv g:,,:e1 1 u■e, 1L rel.a.ti rnship C!lll be aisa,ssed, ag:ee::1 up::a atx1 mL.te cbed m the �tutico

'!he 'Dl!M relatialship 1011 d be g:x:d for all c:1:ocea:ned. !b:c' C>nada, it 1A01Jd elimimte tensimq, waste af federal rra,ey mxl the poor sod.al a:nditims which keep F.irst Nat:i.ocs pec:pl.e frrm a:atr.U:,ating ml.ly 1:0 C>nadian li£e. Pc::r Pi:st Nat:i.ocs, iaproved acx:ial o::mitims 101ld foster pride am political �-

B:M mlCh effect "°'ld a First · Nati0m govcrnecct baw en the

life of a mi-Imi en in a Jll!!ljcrcity?

� aholld sach a pe:sa1 *jec=t·to Pi:st Na:tirns cpoe, ,aned..?

What '013d be the effect en 1:118:ural 0eighl:n1rs of a Pi:stNat:Jm?

-g -

· tibile ct:ber :catiais bave %lOt devel.c:ped t:uesel:f-gcveament fer their abxigmJ. �.tbe attitude af the United States iseDCOll:a9lJl9• 'Ihey acee;,t t:be idea afeJ:rd g:i nal sovereignty, al:t:lr:u;h FirstNat.ialS people there are hardly l::et:ter off1:llm1 tbcse :in Canada- Let Canada shew tbeworld tbe wtr:f to li£e alongside st.Lwg�ueming First blatia::m.

In ecd:i.tim to � gire,J �. theree:i.sts a legal tight to !'i.rst :saticcssel£-gc,YemDt \rm.Ch sbculd .. be reax;ni zed.,'lbat the P.oyaJ. Pro:l.amt.icn re:c:g,,; zed tberight was a:::nfi.rned � ±&a Denning in bisdeci si en al tbe cal.der V, Attccney GPneral ofB:d.tish Col1:m:ibi a ( l973 r:- 'Ihe CcnstituticoAct, l982 afnrined existizJ; al:x:rig,ml am�ty tights., Nevertheless, it. w:,nld bebest to bave tbe tight.. to self--9cueI meut:.stated m:d eut:1:e1x:hed in 'the 0::Dst:i.tDtia1

'1m &lp:eme o:xnt cf Omeda ref lave to :aleen tbe questiai cf �, 1:ut: accmrt:i.t:atia:al an:enioe u w::,,J d be faster mxlserer' af si 11 cess.

ADotber possible r0Ute to e::rplore 'Cll2ld be dired:, negoti.atiai with tbe fedeml. 9oum:IOIe1t. Treaties are witress to a bistacy crf 90VW:lilidlL-w--gcNet1DIW:::u L mJ.atia:ls. Discnssicns c:orild define � eveat:ml new rela.ti.aJShip, E:d.st:m.ig:,0w,uIe11L p:wers co2ld provide fer� ocacrete actial tcMam �ell Aleut. far �Nat:ims-

'?be Minister of Imian Affeir- pz:eserzt:ad a r-ret' called 'Die Al'le11etiw of 0£'!:km-? Indi m, &ma. LegJ slatim. Mim.ster wiil:-----dstill bave waLrcl. tl:lroajh di sri:Pti a,ary p::wers. !me to t'he p:drrt, Imi•n mnds bave diso,sse:! this idea. fer'�, ars:!. m ag:c e: cmt with them W!m ever madled-

InterTMati onal Ex I erlea:e

If a Fi%st Natioc. always bad the rlght to self�, 'Cf bave \lie :a:,t been cerc:ising tbat. right all ala19?.

'l!ie Ccur.ts

'fhe Bila.tm:al P.J.:ocesa

Legi sl¥ive � Pio ,:,sea J s fer !«p Sl!;iai P.rmt:,.4 to the Ccmiattee

Sevez:d bmis am acgaaizatiaB imcle · suggest:wcs to i=:rease the p:1ift!r of mndgr:,verme:its. Yet these ideas left the 1'.mi m,Act. still in pl aea. Wmt is needed is t0 athe Indian .k:t am b1i Jd a '1m0l.e new� N:> suggestim 'WU far-�nqea:nJ3h to meet tbe needs of all Pi:rst.Nati.aw. 'Ibey deal.t with ail.y o» par: afIrdi an life.

. -

l;f a· law :b 1= \102:k mxl 1::e accept:ed l:!' allPirst. Hati.als, it JlllSt. l:e w am flexibl-e.It mst. be useful to any mxl all FirstNaticDs am a;pJ.y to all F.i%'St Nat.irm needs�M:>st �y, it DllSt be imde jointly 1:¥represectatives of First Naticm ·am tbefederal goyemmect.

Ia rs:, slatia1 Neeessm::, er Useful?

'l'be 0::cstitutim Ac::t, 1982, :e:i:igoizes !Jl'le New 0::llte%t =- I:'5'! sl�..ic:c. e::istlii; ercrigi naJ am treaty tights. 'lba .• 0:aJsti.t:atialal Acco.eel c:pe,s tbe W/!l';/ to tal.k8CC sel£�e, liiEill.. Self� tightscan -am should be eauecchec! in tbaCoc.st:itutim as so:c as poss:ihte. tlatilthm, all roates 1= self-govE41hle1t. sbc:nld beused.

• .·

CSP'rEa 5

S'l:i<l.X.!l\lR ANO � a? mens liliSr � �

When settlers began to take large mmts of lam, large groups af First Nati.am people ,-,ie:e 'brc:km up. 'lb:)se which stayed to;etner bat:ane 1axMn and 't:!mds. 'lb! l:errls are rot1

- am nust always be tbe first:. political unitat Indian p!Ople - each C%l9 ·a �li!tt:i.m. • 'lhese F.i.rst 1irticcs DlllSt ded c» fartberM.lW:S � fa:m of gc,Ye:mneat theywm:it.

ril:st Ratials mlSt m:xt:col tb=ir om �- It. must:. 1:e q, t::, thml to decide who is m:d is z:ct a me18 er- 'Dloee '1tx) bi!.-va bem e:rclrrled frm � � t:be Irdi-an Act libculd baw a '1Cli.ce in deciding =ii ersbip rules. � mlSt:. 1:e tbe fi:stsup :in fnrnri:n; tbe 'aJM ti:s:. Nationgo;,e, ,111e1 rt.--

'b pttX-edrt.T"t c:o1Jd l:e like t:bis:

1 •. B9;in witb tbe 1::lmi list:. � t0 1:'helist those \Ibo were ezclnded mder tba Indi•n Act:..

2. 'Ihese people� s.aggea.t ne,e er'I \ffl0might bave l:em mi sac er \fflCll � mightwish to join tbe Fi:st Ne:Hoo.

3. '?bese pecple "10lllc:! thm agree en theml.es :fm- joining tbe amd c:r hei ng takenoff the Jll!!Di:ersbip list.

� Startin;Point:.

Are there my n:n-Indians �l10l "°''" cx:ns:i der far mane e, wltip?

What rigbt:s, within tbe Pirst Natia2S cpYet::oa:a:tl;, 101] abelon; to tzenben? � Respc•.sihili�.ies?


· 4. 'lhen thf¥ w:,uJ,d wctk out. the px:oeessesfer jni ni ng mi J::e:h:,g e,;,ell ed.

S. 'lm full. final 9JXllP w::,,Jd decide c:ctheir bm of g:,ve 1111e11L am 21pp1y :15::rrecrr;tii:ticc.

Those -� bad 1::em takm of£ a zrere ersbip list .,.,...,, d � a means to :eta:in their Indian rights. A u.o-t:ier system was . � Sam Irdi ans ·'Olld be c:iti?'«W of First Naticcs, mx! attached to a � list. 'lhey 102ld recei:ve their Indi m rights 1:brc::uah their 'First Haticc. ot::bers "°''" be p: CZl a geoeral list af Trdi am �+l:n:Tt mmil ez: ship in my First Nati.al. '!bey w,n]C, nceive Imim:i rights � the fer3eral. gc:M-Ki I OietJL.

First Ha.tiais 9->ve:x I a1e1� will need to be flexibVa. While the cam, er First Natiai will be the b1i ldir,g hloe� of the 9:wez:uaeat., other • lJ i mx,es a::uld. often pco...e u.caefnl. First Natl.ms with a ◄J 11111:11 locatial, t::aditicn or idea o::uld fam alli•n • fer 1l1llrr:l pJl;LC Bes" 'lbe structure af g:,uw I Ille its JIUSt el lo,, fer tbis.

lb2ld them m a prccert icnm:y peric:d?

·w:,,,c, 1:be:e be ,my maama tatake � � fmllaarecr.e?

lfbat aa,,eal pcocel1.11'9 ·•honUJ ba·naeaan

Pl exihle A;c:ap;eaut.

. l4hat errimnge of. :eights ard pz::ivileges w::,,Jd be fees:ible 8111 I tJ First matia:m?

WOuld ell i anees 1:e :fi:n oe:l c:n t:eclitimal tdl:al. lines? H:lal4 migbtcuri:a; Pil:at l1aticas a..,e ri ne fer effi ctemcyof sm:vice pcograms?

- - -

rust � pecple m2St des;gn their gcveo111e11t. to 'l!Crk t:he way they wm::t it to. Still, these gove1 illle<tf:s reqai.re reccgniticn frrm the � g:,ver1we11I. 'lbe canad:tan goverrmmt w;,1ld nee:! to be assured that the First Natims ?eum:eat. was respoosi-ve to its people. An Imi an Fi=st Nati= Becognit:ia:1 Act w:,,J d set. cut tbree 't:esic points Deeie:! fer self--geNei i PIE It,

l. A_vast imjoz:±ty of� people JlllSt. sh::wSUfpOtt fer tbs govM I lliEIJt makingapr"liceti OQ �

2. sane system af aocomtahi J ity.

3. A 1il!llb!rship c:de, with all c:wanca farappeal•

Ot:ber t:ban the:sa p:ov.lsions, t:'he m&!ral go;e I nIeI1L smtld. � a:> role in c, 11111n11ty dedsia, ab:ut.. self.-g:,t1ec1111e1L.

P.imrt. Batic:n g::,vet I PIH ILA need aeo:rmtahi] iey. 'lhis means tbat the people ml& m sm:e tlat 'their� om cm:I. does c:perate fi:r their good. sane :features en acco.mtable �bas are:

1. Annnal 1efOl. � al. b::w 1ma1 m::ziey bas bee_spem:.. These 1DlSt 'be aw,; J able am easyto 1.mde:rstam.

2. Certain kceas in \fflicb the g:,ve, illi&ILcannot Dake laws wi� tbe c:nsent oftbe people.

3. A system to £ire� HP�c:ns 9JVetill&lt.

. .

4. A w,q to appeal decisiaw m nay feelt:o 1:e un:fai r-

s. Prctec::tial af imi v-j dnal � o:)].lectiw ::ights.

Cccstitutin; Imi cm FiDt Nat:i.m�

Irdi m First Haticc. Re<x:t.:,, d.tim Ac:


Phre" are mmy ways tbese rules c:mi be mde, as well m:ire rules \fflieh rmy be o:r,s;der-d. Each First 1llatial mist write their c:,c to suit thes:m-� ves.

Gncmlly the federal � will nlee• its bold en Pirst 1iletticcs people amw.i:tbdmw the i;ateraalist:ic am. 'lm mdeml. gcwexI0IeI1L w:,1]d vacate tm field m arw :m� Fi:st. Natiais 9=Wez I IIIH gt, take a:.at:t'0le 1q:reene11l;:s-woa1ld 1:e Dada bmlem 1'i%st Hltia,a 9JYe11■11e1t:.s ard. tba fadez:al g0Uei I DEi ii t0 detail the p:M!C' to Jmka laws in givm areas. 'lhat W!rf each Irdian tint Btt.ic:n w:-,ld take (X1 cnly as mlCl goFm:in; p:::iwer as it felt it con] d bardl e. 'l!le

· federal gove1141e11t. w:,1Jd exm:cise its�p::we:s in all fields, then tm:n them � to Tt:rl:fans to run. 'nat Wtr.f them w:-.,Jd be DO questicn CRetr � er =t Imi•n �Nati ms goce1 I OiteClf:s bad the at:t:b::ity to Jmkalaws. in tbat a:ea. tJatil then tbe fedcal. x=J iez sb:wd 1:e to m:M1 tcMard I� m Pirst Batials �CIIIIEII! as 1Dldl as pz:esz IL la\m J:EI 10I t.

!'irst �tic:cs people lave a certain aur,,at afdist:wrt toward the Depbt I ilE! •t of Irdim Affairs and. ?ilorthem Oevel.q:mmt. ''lhese 90VetWILal people also have laq P1:and:f D;attitlldes towards Ind1 ens am Indi en govm:ment. � t:han break tbrough :esistance en C0t:h sj des, a De11, me l l erminist:y sb:a1ld be created, a Mim.st:y of State frr I.ndian Pi.rat NPt:la,• Iel.aticm. It'°11.d be like tb1 Pedeml-Pl!ouirr:i•l lelatic:cs Offi oe. I,in'k:ed diractly to tbePrl.vy O:::orr:i J Office, this na, Mimst::y' <Dild�epreseat tbe federal g:,ee 1111e1t in the bilatm:al pro:esa am fi seal au::auga,e ,ts.

ID wich areu ..,..,,,, yo:- P.b:st Nrt:ltrt £UYW 111ent lleek 1:0 take a:::ut::ccl .�

� of State :fer IndianNatialS Relatials

- .... -

'Ibis Mi.idstey w•,nJ d OV'erSee tbe rea:v,i ti.en � Inaian First Nations g:,vemments. A sreJ J co:md.ttee app:wited jointly� tbe Mi.ni.stJ:y of Indj an First Nations \CUld na.mielld rea,gr,i+.ial to the Govemor General., maintaini.ns the link 'between Indian tirst Nations ana the ercwn. Cbce the First Natim membership \raS aec:::i.ded, tbe First lilaticn would:

l� Dec:i&! upc:a the :fx:xcm of goYeCml!1ltwanted.

2. W;:,rk a2t ttie full framewca:k aca get theai;:proval of the people.

3. Seek recx,grdt.ial of the £acm ofg:,ve:mment set forth.

4. Se1ect leaders � the :form of .9,)YetWWWLset. faz:th.

5. Agree with the federal. SPYe:ameaL '4:1:idhg:.,vet 1ue1II bas tbe pc:Mer to make laws in\michereas.

6. Begm tc g:,vem.


B::w scxm c:,,Jd such a a:nplex jcb be CCDpleted ATJCI tg � pecple?

In crder fer Indian First Naticrw to ac:tcWi:fu 8P:5'al ,a-rmc,;pg the many JDeetings needad to organize a gcvemmmt, the federal g:,vex:uweaL mJSt

extend JD::Dl!{ to the First lilatia:s fa: that i:,..c:poae.

An Intergcve:rmceutal COnference Sec:retariat Paci l i tating Negoti.ati.aw shculd be set up to service First Ncttia,s meetings with other g::wazmetrLa.1· 1:odie.s. 'l!le Secretariat "'101.lld fac:i] i +.ate the neetiDg aDd keep reo:xds. '!he Sec:retaria.t '011d l:e fllnded. and 8B)Oim:ed l:.'?f the federal � and First Nitti a,s �ws.

• '.?!le i.mxwative g:,vm:mneat structme be;in:i.D; 'Die li:rt:h designed in the North, though exreJJ�, areseparate £rm other First �tia,s pJX'Ce9S aa:!1designed far the special situatim of tbeHortbemers.

-15 -

Indian 1"i%st. Satirm GoYe1IA1wil.s Dll8t be reaay to DBke laws in every area, ccveriDg ·t!!YC'z part of their ne•il ers· liws. I:f thisc ,., ,, ct take pl ere right. W:f, the g,vaz:t 111e 1Lamat always be m:m::g tcwam sxh ezercia ofp::Ml!r• 'lbree tbitr;:s are z:ec:pindl

l. � ability to Jmlca 12MB -1:ne11d19 �NatiCZlS people md lands ...

2. A negotiatin; process wii:h otbar9='W£I-I #IIFilf 9..,

3. A gua:antae tbat First Nati.cm law wLlll:e respecte:! m:d obeyed � ot:bcg,ove, I PIH ii ...

libile DBk:mg laws in such. vast areas as 101ld be necessary, First ?ilatirm gc.ww niieata mst. be able to set p,l; cy. 'Dias tbe laws � land, scx:i •J services, cul.tm:al deyel.q:mect., educaticn, taxes, es:1,111lc deYel.opD!mt. - all aspeeta af life - �d be directed by tbe needs af tbe people enacting them.

-4 ,_. with per i!IMI Jt..s � P.i.rse mrtiaw 11111e1ts will 'be neceaam:y. WbeD P1rst. Hatirm acticns influence - ar are inflrnm ei by - ded si ens af faderal., p:cxsh,d•J, mm:ic:fpal er f!'1m ot:be:' Pirst. 1l1aticcs gouei 111e cl s, diso1ssi ens will :e=,weaL frictkn. Pm.haps joim. projects er joim. a::ub.ul. ,eri]d l:e &iii c 9 90l.uticm fom to be satisfacto:y to all ancei:1 ae4.

Sop crf �

Y� J:10 ,g0Wii iiiiPilt � igu:zre ml:{ other with inpmi:ty. Pede.ml gove:cm:ents DllSt =t a:> as tbey please in spite af ptooJuci•l g:,vev,mersts. Mlmicipal c;,:,n-1101e1t:.s uust nx igwz:e federal ar pcov.L:>ci•J points af via,. 'WtlS1 First 1� � are at cdds with other govermem:s, neither side mlSt act UX,�.ly. 'It, lessem. gcwe; ,u,e■t.-t:o­� frict:ia:i, a � •l trihmal DI.Wt be in pl ace to bear l::oth sides 1' 'l!us

. in-Fnnrel .a:mt cx:uld l:a desigmd jaintly 'by First Nat;ms m:d otber � p,ople ..

Fer a variety af reasons, there ue a m ui er of Iroi ans 'Who are mt rr111 asscx::i ated with a mm md \t0Uld :cot 'bec:ate part af a !"int. !la.ti.al right away. :It is the resp:r,sihi Ji ty of the federal s,ove1 1 Ale 11 tD see tbat tt:ese pecple get full Imi •n tights, 89m whc Fi:st Sat:irm go�et101e1t:s are put:. m place .. St:eps mst be taken tD see t0 tbllir D! I a .

Sped al 'l:ibmal

Nc:D--fks1ff ecs Living Away Pl:all BesetveS

�m joine:i a ttade system in wid1 the FiJ:st. Natim bad already pit m place. Treaties grmtl:ing E'.J:tpoem1 settlme st rigbca -eroded tbe 8:'Cikliif.' J.md mse of Efrs: ll1!lt.iccs. Far this -re.-sc::a, pz.0v i si a:,s wem made in the treaties to sastain !'i:rst Hatiam et,,, 1oies·. � incJ,Ji9' btmt:iD;, fishing am t2:aEPin9 rights: gum ard mmmi:t:iar. am. livestock m:d famin; i:n:plements. 'b lbyaJ. � of 1763 set lJmi.ts to the erosia1 of the lam base. 'When interpreting treaties, it sh:,uld be kept in m:im tbat tllei:' � was to suaca:t Dxlirm e:,:aa:11d.es.

']!sat is not '1mt barpe, ,ed- Fi:rst Haticm e 1:1 ,:11d.es ba?a g:cwa. depe, CleJ::tt.. 'DB 1lm:l hue severely ftldneed. capital 80"'Ctmts lave ba:c1■e meller-. . !cteo9er, goverruseul al il'ltet fere:x:e bas bindered First. Nati ms e:,:1¥:aole �

J.. Laws mde m spite of t:cee:t.y ri gt,ts 1:o hmt, fisb, tDp er gather - ·liJce 't:ba Mi91at1 ey Bi:ds Act.

2. T-rd:f·p,n mms a,n1 cit :f n:1!lc:;.cu:ata- witboatbeing taxed.

3. P.rc:w:1D::ial laws am l!P,i?ly to sud1a::u:p:wat J a,s.

4. G:we.:cJ HIAI LL prcgra!DS C !'ii itQt provide eaoughm::ney ar ezpertise.

s:. 'lbe mllti-ageacy � a,,,ses c:musicn am rm tape delays.

6. Wel..me, t'm>;h a large am well.1Nnin;e &fif!P'djtm:e, fostm:s depen:'lenqf & tbeprice of�.

'rresties ard Pi:rst Haticn Bir,, +nies

C!n El.f g:».»ti I EIWJt am:vi"8 witboat l•nd?

Om ·aay e, eaqy � witb � lam base?

Obstacles ·to pevelyp■HIL G0vemmeata1 IDterfermce

a=e gove,11oad i:nterfe.cecce step;, what m:::a:a d:, Pb:-at Nrt:f aw med Jn cccler to � a sUa..g e1:an11r?

. .

. .

. - , .. -


!'ISCN'., �

Imhm First �..irm g.,oe1 1P1e11bl DlSt net. be narq;ced � the lack of a:atro1. of fims.Beczmse this area is a:, :5 ntai:: t.&: to �. the 0:mni ":tee bi.rec! tba aoo:utiD; firm, Ccopers and � to ao a stuay c:al,J.ed "Federal Eqe ditures � � fa: their 'l%am:fer to Wians•.

Indi m, First Nations 'have m:md fJ:cm l:ei ns � of the Presmt. System self'-su:ffi.ci t0 being utterly depement m o?tside govermi:ects h their l::esie 1:leEds. As t:bings are r,o,,, D1i!1%J¥ First Nerti a,s administer pm;rmm md :tep::a: I. 1:ack to t>:tmm. owm believes tbi.s rep:rrti:a; to be necessary beainse, in their cpinia:i, Fi=st Nations g,,.Net , o;e 1La are tmahle to aaminister t:be ptogJ.dAS ptopacl.y. 'lhls 1:m rep:rrti:a; prooess is seen to l:e DOt ally slew md ccstly, bit also a. reca aw of pat:enmlism, flbe result is .t:bm: First -Natic::m �. wi'tbct: c:::at:ol. af their· fnnding, bave JX) rmi dec:i si0l:-"'Z'Akin; pc:Me:'

DDWP cait.:tul. 09er l'i::st:. Nati.a. :mcds cbes Defi ei-em:ies of Pmsent: a,t: "1%k. Even :in c,se::s \lbe:e P'i=st:. Nations Au!+tJ!Mil s nms · a p:o;x:am. it a::,es n= � well becaase the First Hatim can not make m:aey dec:isims,

'Iha policy or � las amsed CIM! grem. problem - tbe DIANI> admirusuative structme. DIANO requires lengthy mporting p:ccern:ir-s which c:ccsume lots of tm ameffc:c t.. .?nming negoLiatia:is a:me = �m:i rnNO decides � itself � gets bt:M mldl rrt::l:Je';/• Evm "4lm arrangemmts are readled, tbe .detail in reportin; "1ud1 DD?ilD wmn bas cm'!Sed lm3 delays in ·sending a: 'tll%Jl!!!f. 'lhis am. C0St tbe First Natic::m a lot of :m::ieay in :mterest •\mm they JlllSt b:Jcxcw :in cu:de'r to keep a p:o;:am g:,i rg,.


�'-- .:..: .-..-�- �,_- ::"::::::::: . --....: - of™ :ll0 ,�, loll: 8'C!!!!JDl-,:::...._g,� pr-.... cg1:---ans- a:>St First Natials a lot of m=ney fer DIANO eam:i.nistnt:i.crl - m::mey w.c:h conld be spend m programs. 'lhe 1::ureaucraey awsed by watchc:!og watd:liDg watchcc; g:Ow'S each year. Yet � the DIANO admini.suatial bu::!get g0eS UJ?1 the Fll5t Nation IS does not. First �t;a,s mlSt a:, the same � DIANO aid before with less nr:JOeY, 1ess staff am m:xre rir:aey wast.ea at DIANO offices. � &11euds m First Na:tia:ts I program am greater tban Treasmy B:ard' s CD DIANO ..

Lack cf c:ant:rol aver n:ccey at the First !iations level saps the m::ral of 't:he "WOrkers. 'lh0se with initiative am n:,t exercise it.

0::at.rih?ticxl ag:ree11e1t.s ere not i:ea1 agree:nects - the¥ are i1lp.')9Ed cx:n:li.tions \fflic:h mist be accepted in ceder to get:. local a::atrol cf progi:ams. 1Ihf¥ do not al]011 far new ideas cutside the cxxviH·_ia,s.

First Natia:,s cmJD0t. set their CWll priorities. Welfare J'lOOe'f mlSt l:e spect en we] f2'1re. It can IICt be spe1 JI CD q:,portimities to develop w:,rk ptogi:ams wi.dh 'AO!lld elimi na:te the need f:s:r welfare.

S::me w.i.tnesses vai.oed suspic:ials about the reasm far DIANO a::ntrol.. Sale suspected DIANO used the c:ontl:01 to 1:enefit political favorites. Another reasCD 'll2';/ be tbe sillple desire tc keep First Natials dependent, assm:ing the o:atinuanc:e of DIANO jobs.

Here. am be seen two sides hl aming the other for p:ro;zam failures. 0ocpers ana Lybrmxl stndi ed the way First Natiais ma DIANO each were hand] ing the devolut:i.al pol; cy.

can pi.o;raus be run wit'hoat. a a bureauc::racy?

With a reduced scx:iel service structure?

iJl.terl.or Motives

Cccclusia:i cf Beseardl Rec.art


- 7.3 -


� and � :fam foe:' key :fact.9:

1. 'lhere was dcplic:atim of effc:a: t. at ·mmmam 'bebil !n DIA!liZD ar.d Pil:st lllatia:ls.

2. First SatiaJs take tbe smza em:,,=. orm::re m:D!:f to :cim pro;rams, mld. DIANOadcls to tbe =st wi-t:h :m::aitczciD3 andadvisoey costs.

3. Pirst Ratia:is :l.nvo1. �Em!t· ii m :unni n; t:hep:o;:tam inc:reasai their .. �ec:t:L�iedS I

4. It is wart:hi.fflile to give satisfyi%lg� to First &rtia:IS mem::ers whobave advanced educ::atial eki J ls-

� imd �- drar tl:lese o::nclnsims:

1. Imam> cbes � believe there bas beme:ru;h planning pat into m-aolnti a,,

2, MAND has gi-vm the Firs: N!rtims ccl.y Cllties, n::st o::at:::uls er tbe pcwe:c- to Jl8ka dec:i si ms fer t,,,_,,P.lws.

3. Staff at the mg:iamJ. leYel asnnot:. re:!J2cecosts 'lfflel'1 beadquarte:s adcs Dal

. respoosibi , it.ies all the time.

4. 'lhere is tc:o JIUC'1 dupl.icat:im cf effortw.i.thin DIANO mld. l:etw:m DIA?I> and 'tbeJ1rst. Nat.ia:m.

S.. Keeping a:ut:J:0l c:wer- JICD!Y' in the l:ems of a ffM pecple cz:,ses ala,�

6. Acco.mtabi 1 i+:y to higher· levels bucaused� am effort tom spent aireco:cd keeping iDstead of staff aDd fnndsfer pro;µ:www.

An area af ,ca:k w.:i.ch cm be elimnated,

Ela- »ell ers af year .'!'Jnt !latial been m:wiD; off reazc: at0 get jc:m in these m:eu?

Onderlyipg O,jec:t:i:ws of �Process

av,!9'!! in Mm:i.nis.tz:ative 0:st:s


, •• mAm> sta££ ncr,.r advise am m::m.tar instead of givillg services.

8. First Nati a:,s sta£f do net trust a DIANOw:::ker who both af£ers aavice as well asreport:a m their per£arnence.

9. First NatialS programs suo::eed throl.Jghtlle efforts af their o,m leadersbip.

10. \then First Natims effcrts fail, DIASOcces not succm upca taki.D; tbe 14-o;i:amback.

11. MANO is n::,t set up to develop blmimresOJrees.

12. First Natials cn,Ja do a better job thanDIAND. Sam are al.ready da:ing so.

A DIANO study bm:

l. Prcblems between DIANO and First Satia:lSa:e caused � adm:inistratiw p:ooess-

2. DIANO is ?Dt keeping _up w.i.tll Fi.mtNati.� aarnini su:a:Live prog:cess.

3. DIANO mr:ierestimates First Natials1eadersbip. a:x,pers am � deci&dthat a re,, fiscal a.rrangemeat is neededin which First Naticcs \Qlld bave CDlUolaver their 0liri1l ef:fisi rs.

DIANO's Di£ficul.ty in� withQmnge

lblt is the meaning of tm o:oclusim arawn l:!i' 0:0pel:S am�? br a, they reflect en the idea of sel:f-govet I iiiSXt ::c:r !'irst lllatiacs?

- 7.5 -

· O:x:pen am � were asked to tzy to£igtire cut the a)St of :nmni rg thel:areaucracy of DI.AND. � ci:■ • euuat.ai mthe ID"li en ana Inuit Af:fain pco;tam, tbeDepubDeaL's biggest. 'lm figu:es tbey'a:rived at \llere: $25,000,000 to acmim.sterit (am:t a quarter af tbe 1:u5get) r$39,102, 000 m general adrnin� st:catim ferDlASD: ccsts cf rust Saticm repa:tiD,;p%ooesa • 'WCllld imke tbe total. evm higber.

'lb! p:,licy of de901.atioa has n,nse! m iJX:reUe in r,m;m staff to C7lea:see Fi:s't 1iatia:m c:peratim cf pi:cg:aus. Co:pers am� suggest dispecsi:lg wi1:h. this � :flmi:t:icm.

'Im system for �ty is a a:stple.x chd n- M:ae:i' ape ii 0Q First Nat:ia::m �ject:s is c:hee'lted by DIANO at my leYels all -t:be way l:ac:k t0 beadquarters. � md � were set to study 'Cle'tber c:: � tbis -. a necessary step mxi to deteca:im tbe cost. of t:bis pt.1 oess.

� cocl1:de:l 't:hat tbi.s nomtzsin cf i;arer w::k ·'O,Jd 1Xlf:. :te nece9Sarf• "Iba ·a::tst af .st:a:ff is 1:::cetEI bOlB• Sml J C X:& tren'8 like r.irst. Hi!lticDs CTXJJ d take � abcll:t-cats if they needed to J.efC'L a:Jy tc tbeir 11+18 ....

Coopers md L:t\,u:cmd mn:.d tbat DIANO aecxxmtal:ri lit¥ processes "'1e:e ta, a::nplex, too cften c:mmged, to:) a::cstant an activity mx!, beamse of this, tee great a strain cc tbe time m:ld e£fac.t of staff "4l0 a,rild be pit to 'better me a:i other dl.tties.

'lt, c:aiti:me with tbe prae nt ftming a:aa:ooe 1e:zts w:,,J d be t0 oxrtin:,e to waste :., '

'JlaYqe � is the soJ.utial t0 this problem acd new fundi rg · a%nn9emmt:s are necessary for self--goow I me: 1�. Coopers 801! � stated: "'n1e p:tU 1!.. depar1 11e1l•l rules m:e df!Pl-opd.ate 1i:r ageat:s, IXJt fer 90Vlf#I NIEtlts•, ar:d

AdnrinI sb.ative CDsts

Size of Decel.bDaXU!l St:m:f

Ccsts of PJ:eswt Aca,rmtah:i li¢Y P.cooesses

lb, "Cltl]C, your' P'il:st Nat::im gowti I AIPI ;t LepotL 4b:) i-ta people?

�ect of Ac:ccuctebi, ity P.tcx:es.ses en Baros

Beed far: Hai Fnmiry; Ai:Lc:w9E!IE •Ls

- 7.6 -


"Flm::lirq mechanisms are the key to reducing amrlnistnitive and aa:nmtability l:urdecs.• finaJly, .. If accow,tebiJity is to be %educed, Par.] j l9D:el IL' S expectatialS af the Minister llUSt also be changed." Self� DllSt be fumed in a different way than before. First Nati.ens acc:outabilit,y to their we11ft ers m.lSt be af key mportarlce.

Inpi an· First Natials gover.aueut;. nust be free to :nake tbeir 0r.t1 oeci sicm Bl:oLlt hew to speed their rrooey. 'lhe,y DllSt,, b:Mever, be acc:untable to their members fer tbe ways this p::Mer is used. 'lhe :federal g::wernmmt's ehi li +:y to call First. Na.tia:s govermer.it t0 aeo:,.mt mlSt l::e .rem,wd.

In order far ture self-gc,venmect to exist, First Natials g:,vez:nments mJSt be free of eo:di ti.ClllS i npoeei by outside gc,'l'ernments• A grant £can a federal agericy, Oltlining brcadly the governmeut. functiai it is to be spent ai; a,u].d l::e the solutiai. 11m Minister -c.o1ld not. l::e resy,osih'Je to Parlimoect fer xi:aieys granted.

'Ibe financial �t of First latials gove=meat will o:me frail mmy di.rect:i.am. F.iJ:st. Na:tioos bave made a treoen:ious �= to O,nada by the resources exploited by all 0,nadi ans• 'nus � to ecti.tle them to aid in setting up 'their gc,w:mments. CJ aim settlemeats, developnmt. of First Nation<IJ land l::ase m:d new :ceveaue­sbarin; agreement:s sbould suffi t'2 to take ca:re of long-range financial needs. First Nations gc,veI:r.lDE!ll 'Olld l::e entitled to federal equaliz.aticn payments and other fuming SaJrCeS given to provincial govemments. SUc:b i;ayments "'1CUla c:ate in tbe form of direct grants.

Direct transfer payments to First Nati.cmcs govemments i«:,1Jd not be mrked :fer ,my set p.:p:,se by the federal gove:noe11t.. First Naticos g:,yemmeots w:w.d aec:i.de in Wlat. areas to apply the rrr:sney. 'll1e one exception WOl1d be funds set farth fer the pw:pose of catch-up fmxlin; to o:n:rect def:ic::ienci es in. First Natia,s o::mn,rri +-.y infrastruc::tur.

Basic · of NewFnndipg

Bow 'Olld :yell a:craoge to oversee sperd1 D3 at your P±rst.Da.tiai?

• Establishing Ao:omlt.ability

Solr0e of!'mm.

\tblt. other' sources of J."eVeDUe m:e po!'Sihl.e?

Pmding Principles

. ' .

tJWities m:d roacls m,Jd ba pat in a:repaiied. 'lhe t:a.uliDg af First NaticDS n:rrmmi ty neroer s tc administer px.o;:z:w w:ul.d 1:e of exca iiq:or1 c:mce in the &-st fzN yea:s • .

With c:c:csultaticn l::etue m tbe federal govermmmt am First Nati.a. :epz:aaeata.tiwa a m:zre or less per capita :ti::n,,,1J• c:o1Jd be ',0TXed 01:. to detecmim tbe anamt of dizect t:msfer paymm;t to each Fi:cst Hatim. Ot:be:r ideas 1C11Jd bave a Osmda/Pint S&tim Piscal A::rangemmts 0mm ssi en ded de cc t:he aro -nt a£ nmi ng to ce trans.Ec:ed.. Certainly a mim.ster - perhaps the Mim.ster af State far Peden.1./Fint Nat.ices 'Ael etima - a:s1ld mg:,ti.ate a glct-l anr-mt of :fnmi"3-. 'lbm the glo1::el anr-mt w:,1Jd be divided aca::dirq to the percem:ages to be directed to � l»:c:acl � areas. � each !'i.rst Datial c:ould receive its d:i.sb..ct&e11e 1L f:ccm the resultm: p::,ol. t!{ a snell federal ageocy. In arde:r to nake lalg-te:cm p]ams, Indizm .First Hatiacs goyawe:xts W'?l]d Deed -BSBm'!IJ:108 af lcog-raoge ·funding-. Pe:baps & five-year plm far mvems disb:semant.a wculd l:e best. Izrlmng mild take into •• ,,., ,, 11: 1nfl aticn m:d � i=:ease.

Spec:iel funding· ax:1.aogamat.s abolld be zmde, em a percentage af m:my set aside, fer l::ems wi.ch m,,,.,e tcMarc1 self� malCMl.y. '1be:ir :Ji:i:ndin; 'CSUld be used to bi.re the gove::meataJ. services :equirerl.

'lba key to arq :Jimirg � is r:aegotiatim. First Nati.cm rpve:trmeuta mst reach ag:ree,re:c11 with federal am prcwilx:ia.l gooecxa1ecrt.s in an o,going process. 'nlis Pfocess nust l:e put ill place quickly, bcM!Yer, so that :Jimds am nech u far as possible.

Sew Jllld1 '4,9tading dces l'0U%' First !m.tia:1 need t0 :each tbe level of � a:ammit.ies?



... c:m.PTm 8


It requires a deep umentamiTJJ of Imi.an people to get to laXM 1x:w they feel about the land. 'lhey do llCt a:plcit it to live - they' live in barm:ay with it. 'Ibey a:, mt ti:y to o,.n it - t:bey t:cy to live en it. 'lbe lmx:l tnnsferred in treaties end meuders wu not. 1:ei TJJ gi vec up - it was 1:ei TJJ shared. I.ams reserved were mt g:::,vm:nmerrt grants, they were lands which were agreed up:n as bPJa:,g:i ng CZll.y to Indiam.

N:r::t-Indian ideas bave dan:bv,-t-..ec! laws, sud1 as the Indian Act, an::i legal deci si cm such as the St. catherine' s Mi l Jing case. 'lhis is D0't suprisin; since suai laws were made by am fer n:n-Ind:ians. PrcYi%x:ial am f'eaeral 90'1e:tlltleUbJ CCllte:cd with 0De another fer l.ams witbcat. a thought as to � er mt there m:,,y be alx:riginal ·title or rights attacbed.

'l!'le £ederaJ. �, tbrought tbe Imian Act cJ aims tbe rigilt to mmage reserve ) •nds. 'Ibey justify this with the fear tbat Imiencz might� p:x:r dispositions of Imi?Vl J.mxl. Yet the 0:Jnnittee' s sb.:dy sh:Med that the federal goverrnenL disposed of large anamt:s of land w.i.thout. keeping in m:i:ad the a:oc::erns of Imiarn;. 'lhe federal goveno1e11t is either a poor land nana.ger or a reluctaot Indian advocate. 'Im c:mni.ttee believes that control of the lam l::ase is needed for Indien First Natia1s to achieve self�

Indian First Nations should exercise the ld.m of full o::rrrtrcl r:Ner t:'helr lands tbat other govm:::ameats a:,. Wi an First !lations 'CUld CXZlt::rcl whatever miey was Dade � use af the land and :resoorces. 'Ibey woi,, a use the m:oey in ways fer which they \tCUld be aca:xmtable to their people. '!here is a great deal of


1am ::or makin; m:my - 1easm oot. far a,t:t.a9es, golf courses, er.rd like mterprises. First Naticcs would have full a.mu.cl over this m:ney ..


What l,ZCDlems a:,uld be aol.ved en your re:su:e il yai bad coauoi af the land am resources?

Imfan First Naticcs I.ands am BesaJrCeS

A:ce arq of yr::11% w ;e lams r:o,, gecerating revecue?

- 20 -

V i • l\n:nteresu.:cg feat :1ze cf gave, IoceI1 al

ouex ship af lm:d is tbat title D&Yer am be 801.d. � cm sell o:- lew lam am � ret:ain ·tba t.itla. A imm � mys pz:q:e:c t.,t mMmitci:a bas m: m9"t it ""8f f:m tm goue1 IIOE/1... J:t. is Mmitcl::a lm:d acd O,ned:len lard DWert:belesa. Wie:a Pi:st. Hat:icm lam Ales will � tbis Wirf• 'l'o keeJ:, nc:acda st:night, tbe:ce Dllst 1:e BD official iegist::y'

· · cf Ind:hm F.il:st atti ms Ia:nd•.

Imi an wi+nesses p: :5%th tbe ldM that.Indian ·Jams did ax step at t:be resenelx::cler. Sane me, r,e:, \1m'8 ictended cclyt0 sba:a l mis fer: settJ.emeat. F1. sb:tng,bnntirw;, m::1 uarrd.ng :x::tgra � �all lands, incl11diT"9 tm,e JXlt. cx:,:,,;ded-Ind; an !'i:st. 5aticcs ma:! to bava a � :mt?8 0:1,Uol of such latd areas. Wben la:gaseal e pz:ojec:ts affect:. tbeir mnt:ing, ff sbing,c:: U4$d n; rights a:rz:pecsatim mlSI: be paid1:0 EL:st N!ttims- 'Wbe!l. mtm:al reeou:cces mtbe9e- arms am-1a;n.� ri::si: liltia:m sb:oldiiba:a in tbe ::ce;:es ,,,...

'b.. nm. in tba· lio:cai. a:a w::ickmi cat.. u+&qfflPI d • t0 etMl.& t1m: tmtr peep] e­

. beef•,� f:crm t:be reso:'01111 fom tbm:a.

An esp•n7'ac! res:xa:01 l::e:sa a,1Jd pcuoe t0 be a moesait;y. fer 11Sl!ID:f F±:st. Nsti ms�. Pi rst: 1\lat±cas mst bave en:nJb m:m far tbeir na,a era. "i-11@ e I s ma, livizl; off reaec 96 'IBY wish to ret:mn t0 P'irst: Hatiam- '!h::11

re.imtated er added � man;• in tba Imi an 11c: md Dll!M Jte1a e, sup c:rnes c:culd put. pressure en tl:a space cf p:ces 2t. :eserves. Ta!p in m:im tbat livin:; 8£8{,e is mt all t1::m: wx,Jd be raqai:ed. '1m lm:d base. JmSt ba atale t0 &1£!' ttt. •,,,ode •

Im:f am Interest in 0t:har t.mxt

A:a tlm:e scd:l. lands imiolwd with 'yo: l:::end?

B:w ,c:nld a fa: eettlareJI be:

'rhe 1l:lrtb

E11e,1cicn of LIID! aacl Resx.:ree Baae -

B:w imx:ll' reimtm:ea me,z:ers v:,1Jdyo31:bsmbave? If there were rrx:m, b:lw mm.y 11e,Lers r:o,, c:f:fw2!-e:.se: ...e WOlld l:a li1cely t0 m::ma l:ack en? Ebr md:l more z:o:m '"Oild yoa Dllllld t0 ao 1:111 s:39:f-.a them al.U

� best � to provide First Nati0DS with JX0? l2md is to settle land claim;. '1hese mst be settled as SOCD as possible so tbat. n:mmmi ty pl.arming am start. ;pr,] fi l ling· debts m:d 0bligati.alS to First Nati.ens a,uld be d:De 'l:!z' getting them 'DEM grams to take the place of disputed lards. 'Ihls 11i1t:nld be Jl0St necessary for those rands \rA'l0 a:, =t bave reserves at pi:want.

Another way t:bat First Nations might expmd their territaey is l:?l' buyiD3 op ] ands ard adding them to their holdingg. Includi-ng thEID in the Iegist::y o£ Imi an First Nation Tends "°'' d extend. full Fllst Na.tials a:atml aver them.

. ' ...


It is N" iesRr::t fer a mw lm:.d claims Httle1e •t. rel icy to be cna1:ed. tam cl ainw is m 11Zpo:c t&Jt era hec:m1• it is tba � to t:ba 931-111i,: lztae af � Hatia:m -1!­govet iii& 1� ID spite af its itlpt:ic t b1'081 tbe ·pcHI ii 8! IB to slew pcog:esa if a:a.i' a: all.

'n. pres nt rel :fry st::es es el aim =t. � in. lll'pl1:1.21ent. of Imian ◄1ff'airw1 am tbe 0:ffi ce cf lila.ti\78 Cl aims p:ts the cam m &st R!Et:irm to present tm cl rim Be:h:r; ums of tbe federal g0YE3 IIIIAIL, tba a:11: m:d m1 � made deci sim l:ese:! m fedeAl. aelf-im:et e.� 'Jbe � g:N&i I IIIF JL DCW is Cefe ►,m:rt. juc:ge, jary, m:d eze 5 I I I I cf all claims.. A o:z,£1:fct cf im.etMt JlllSt. ba 1=a :asal.t.

S1Ch m m:fair claims pc, -:m• ama •boat l:w:m,se : was a l'mi J a.tet::al. gc:,ue I I GI& ,t ded idco. F:t::st ?ilatiam pec:pl e 'W!ft a:,c C # PtsnJ.tm ..... 80 J1:s: Bat:fnns• C:l!■Jlu,el 16 «= n:,c. &ii PC'. im:o tne- pee I 519• 'Iba pt1 H PSS "11!19 D:lt: �-by' law- so r:c jr:dicial eye to :fai:mee■ was �ver:! m its zmkiD;. A � nekes m ctxi.t:a:y 'deci s:f·m.

� ◄¥ 1111,i-ccee re, uoeds a i:.w p:,J:fcy m:d a na, pz:a:esa. 'l!ll! n&' ICliry mst:. be a:a � Nltle1e;t. 'b Dl!W pi::o:eaa imst be des:fgc,ed thtcu;b t:wo-sided di soissia,s bet::ue m F.1:st:. 5atl.ccs m:d � Gove, ,,,,a,r. M::11 :Sz,;nrtantly, the 'Dl!l,1 pro:en � be oonfh:nd in law so tbat P.5.rst: B-tk:n•· am rely cc tbe pco es• m spite cf a c:9:vrn;e a:f gtJ\IEI I PIH J t..

� CI iiii!J--1:f:ee is ala:, ccitic:e] of tba i=Jicy � all i:l;hts am title m:a olcm --.Y. in l2m:! sw:ze-3C"S. A;zM'TA1ts ahonld be limf-ted ta aily +mae nett-es spe:::f fi cal ly stated m s=ee ders.

Cm lam cl •irr:e eet:tleme1 rt be be 1lllm to e,:perd l'Q1:' rascve?

B:w ,a:zld Y0fl st.rue• 111 •·a 't1llll1

cl aims pco:ew■?