United States Department of Agriculture?Agriculture Research Service research on targeted management...

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Pest Management Science Pest Manag Sci 59:708–717 (online: 2003)DOI: 10.1002/ps.633

United States Department ofAgriculture–Agricultural Research Serviceresearch on natural products for pestmanagement†‡

Stephen O Duke,1∗ Scott R Baerson,1 Franck E Dayan,1 Agnes M Rimando,1

Brian E Scheffler,1 Mario R Tellez,1 David E Wedge,1 Kevin K Schrader,1

David H Akey,2 Frank H Arthur,3 Anthony J De Lucca,4 Donna M Gibson,5

Howard F Harrison Jr,6 Joseph K Peterson,6 David R Gealy,7 Thomas Tworkoski,8

Charles L Wilson8 and J Brad Morris9

1USDA, ARS, Natural Products Utilization Research Unit, PO Box 8048, University, MS 38677, USA2USDA, ARS, Western Cotton Research Laboratory, Phoenix, AZ 85040, USA3USDA, ARS, Biological Research Unit, Grain Marketing and Production Research Center Manhattan, KS 66502, USA4USDA, ARS, Food and Feed Safety Research Unit of the Southern Regional Research Center, New Orleans, LA 70124, USA5USDA, ARS, Plant Protection Research Unit, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA6USDA, ARS, US Vegetable Laboratory, Charleston, SC 29414, USA7USDA, ARS, Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center, Stuttgart, AR 72160, USA8USDA, ARS, Appalachian Fruit Research Station, Kearneysville, WV 25430, USA9USDA, ARS, Plant Genetic Resources Conservation Unit, 1109 Experiment Street, Griffin, GA 30223-179, USA

Abstract: Recent research of the Agricultural Research Service of USDA on the use of natural productsto manage pests is summarized. Studies of the use of both phytochemicals and diatomaceous earthto manage insect pests are discussed. Chemically characterized compounds, such as a saponin frompepper (Capsicum frutescens L), benzaldehyde, chitosan and 2-deoxy-D-glucose are being studied asnatural fungicides. Resin glycosides for pathogen resistance in sweet potato and residues of semi-tropical leguminous plants for nematode control are also under investigation. Bioassay-guided isolationof compounds with potential use as herbicides or herbicide leads is underway at several locations. Newnatural phytotoxin molecular target sites (asparagine synthetase and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase)have been discovered. Weed control in sweet potato and rice by allelopathy is under investigation.Molecular approaches to enhance allelopathy in sorghum are also being undertaken. The genes forpolyketide synthases involved in production of pesticidal polyketide compounds in fungi are found toprovide clues for pesticide discovery. Gene expression profiles in response to fungicides and herbicidesare being generated as tools to understand more fully the mode of action and to rapidly determine themolecular target site of new, natural fungicides and herbicides.Published in 2003 for SCI by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Keywords: natural product; insecticide; fungicide; herbicide; allelochemical; allelopathy; pest management;phytotoxin

1 INTRODUCTIONNovel, environmentally compatible pest-control age-nts are needed to replace pesticides that have beenwithdrawn for economic or regulatory reasons orare ineffective, due to the increasing difficulty ofmanaging pesticide resistance. In addition, there areheightened public concerns over synthetic pesticide

use, such as fears about effects on public health andnegative environmental consequences. In the case ofpest controls for agriculture, the withdrawal of the EPAregistration of a number of pesticides has increased theneed for new and effective alternatives. The need forleads for new chemical classes of pesticide is especiallycritical since the number of synthetic compounds

∗ Correspondence to: Stephen O Duke, USDA, ARS, Natural Products Utilization Research Unit, PO Box 8048, University, MS 38677, USAE-mail: sduke@ars.usda.gov†One of a collection of papers on various aspects of agrochemicals research contributed by staff of the Agricultural Research Service ofthe United States Department of Agriculture, collected and organized by Drs RD Wauchope, NN Ragsdale and SO Duke‡This article is a US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA(Received 16 June 2002; revised version received 15 August 2002; accepted 10 September 2002)

Published in 2003 for SCI by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 708

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evaluated in order to discover a commercial producthas increased dramatically. Alternative methods forpest control, including both biocontrol agents andbiologically derived pesticides, are needed. Naturalproduct-based pesticides offer advantages in that theycan sometimes be specific to the target species andtypically have unique modes of action with littlemammalian toxicity. Furthermore, they generally donot persist in the environment.

Natural products with pesticidal activity can beproduced by crops. Traditional plant breeders havestriven to enhance pest resistance, often with noknowledge of the chemical ecology that they wereinfluencing. The advent of transgenic technology offersnew tools for designing crops with enhanced levelsof existing natural pesticides or with new naturalpesticides.

This review covers some of the more recent andsignificant natural product-based pest-managementresearch carried out by the Agricultural ResearchService (ARS). We do not discuss the semiochemicalwork of ARS, as this topic is covered by another reviewin this issue.

2 INSECT MANAGEMENTThe glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca coag-ulata Say, is a primary vector of Xylella fastidiosaWells et al, the causative agent of Pierce’s diseasein grapevines. Pierce’s disease has increased, with seri-ous fruit and vine losses, as H coagulata numbers haveincreased, and there is an urgent need to developshort- and long-term management strategies for thelatter that are economically, ecologically and sociallyacceptable. ARS scientists in Phoenix, Arizona evalu-ated natural product-based insecticides from the neemtree, Azadirachta indica A Juss, for control of adult Hcoagulata in grape1 and of nymphs and adults in citrus2

to identify potential components of management pro-grams. One neem product was evaluated in grapes andthree in citrus. Each is a natural product, registeredthrough EPA, and available for use in conventional ororganic production systems. In citrus, a series of fieldtrials was conducted using natural H coagulata popu-lations (eggs to nymphs to adults during a 6-monthperiod). Neem products were slowly (accumulatively)effective against the development of large nymphs.Three applications of the products at weekly inter-vals resulted in 70–100% reduction in the number oflarge nymphs relative to control.2 In grapes, the neemproduct had no efficacy or repellency on H coagulataadults (data unpublished). ARS scientists in Phoenix,AZ, conducted studies on control of silverleaf white-fly (Bemisia argentifolia Bellows & Perring) in cottonwith the neem tree product azadirachtin.3,4 ImmatureSLWF populations in azadirachtin plots were con-sistently lower than in the embedded control plots.Cotton treated with azadirachtin against B argentifoliahad productive yields and was not sticky. The prod-uct is EPA registered and should have a place in

integrated resistance management and integrated pestmanagement programs. Scientists at the BeneficialInsects Research Unit at Weslaco, Texas are also eval-uating natural product-based insecticides for use inconjunction with biocontrol agents.5

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is receiving increasedinterest for insect pest management in bulk-storedgrains and as a surface treatment inside milling, pro-cessing and food storage facilities. Many commercialformulations are available for use throughout theworld. In most areas, DE formulations are considerednatural products, but regulations and certifications forspecialty markets, such as organic foods, vary widelywithin countries and geographic regions. Researchersat the Biological Research Unit of the Grain Market-ing and Production Research Center in Manhattan,Kansas, are examining the various physical and bio-logical factors that can affect the performance of DE.In general, toxicity and efficacy of DE is negativelycorrelated with increases in relative humidity and pos-itively correlated with increases in temperature.6–8

Although DE products can kill stored-product insects,longer exposure intervals may be required to kill insectswith DE compared with conventional synthetic pesti-cides, particularly when relative humidity increases.6

The availability of food material also increases sur-vival of stored-product insects exposed to DE.9 Otherinert dusts, such as kaolinite-based particle films, giveresults similar to those with DE.10

The Natural Product Utilization Research Unit inOxford (NPURU), Mississippi, in collaboration withthe Formosan Termite Research Unit in New Orleans,Louisiana, is evaluating natural sources reported tohave anti-termite activity against Formosan termites,Coptotermes formasanus Shiraki. Biological sourcesinvestigated so far include lichens, fungi and plants,particularly woody species. For example, differentfractions of tarbush (Flourensia cernua (L) DC) leaveswere found to be highly active against termites.11 Sev-eral quinone and essential oil components have beenidentified as having significant anti-termite activity.

3 PATHOGEN MANAGEMENTResearchers at the Food and Feed Safety ResearchUnit in New Orleans, Louisiana, discovered thatCAY-1, a fungicidal saponin (relative molecular mass1243) isolated from the dried fruit of Capsicumfrutescens L, is lethal for the germinating, but notto the non-germinated, conidia of several membersof the Aspergillus genus (Fig 1).12 These fungi canbe pathogenic to some plants. CAY-1 is alsolethal to Pneumocystis carinii and Candida albicans(Robin) Berkhout, which can be pathogens inimmunocompromised humans. This saponin is notcytotoxic in vitro to mammalian cells at fungicidalconcentrations,13 nor is it active against Fusariumspecies or bacteria. However, it has not yet beendetermined whether it prevents diseases, in vivo, inCapsicum sp in planta.

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Figure 1. Effects of CAY-1 on germination of Aspergillus species.

Researchers at the Appalachian Fruit ResearchStation (AFRS) in Kearneysville, West Virginia,are conducting a multifaceted research program todiscover natural alternatives to synthetic fungicidesfor the control of diseases of fruits and vegetables.More than 25% of the fruits and vegetables purchasedby the consumer are lost due to spoilage. Thus,emphasis has been on the control of post-harvestdiseases of fruits and vegetables with antagonisticyeasts, induced resistance, and natural plant- andanimal-derived fungicides.14 Research is also underway on the use of natural plant volatiles as alternativesto methyl bromide for soil fumigation.15

A rapid bioassay was developed to evaluate theantimicrobial activity of plant extracts for the con-trol of post-harvest plant pathogens.16 Through thisassay, a number of essential oils and plant extractswith strong fungicidal activity against the commonpost-harvest pathogen Botrytis cinerea Pers have beenidentified.17 Through a bioassay developed for volatilecompounds, a number of natural products that controlpost-harvest pathogens such as B cinerea, Penicilliumexpansum Link, P digitatum (Pers) Sacc, and P italicumWehmer were discovered. Utilizing an apparatus forrapid fumigant evaluation in soil, benzaldehyde washighly effective against the major soil pathogens: Fusar-ium oxysporum Schlecht, Sclerotinia minor Jagger andRhizoctonia solani Kuehn.15 Benzaldehyde was alsofound to be an effective fumigant for fruits and veg-etables in reducing post-harvest decay. A time-releaseformulation of benzaldehyde with carbon for the fumi-gation of peaches and other fruit has been patented.18

Two natural compounds, chitosan and 2-deoxy-D-glucose, have been found to have good fungicidalactivity and to enhance the efficacy of antagonisticyeasts to control post-harvest diseases of fruits andvegetables. Chitosan, an animal-derived, chitin-basedpolymer, forms a coating on fruits and vegetables

that elicits resistance responses in the fruit.19–21 Thesugar analog 2-deoxy-D-glucose has a strong fungici-dal activity against major post-harvest pathogens.22–25

The efficacy of antagonistic yeasts for the control ofpost-harvest diseases of fruits and vegetables has beenenhanced by the addition of chitosan or 2-deoxy-D-glucose. Patents have been issued or are pending onthese technologies.

Industry has been reluctant to commercialize natu-ral antifungal and antibacterial compounds as alterna-tives to synthetic pesticides because of their usually lowefficacy relative to synthetic compounds and becauseof difficulties encountered in patenting such com-pounds. AFRS scientists have tried to overcome thesetwo problems by developing combinations of naturalantimicrobial compounds that might act synergisticallyto control plant pathogens. Some of the combinationshave provided control of post-harvest pathogens com-parable to that with commercially available syntheticfungicides. Also, patenting of these combinations iseasier than patenting individual compounds. Utiliz-ing this approach, a utilization patent has been filedrecently covering combinations of chitosan and essen-tial oils.

Research is being conducted at AFRS on natu-ral antimicrobial compounds to enhance the activ-ity of antagonistic yeasts for the control of post-harvest diseases and the use of natural antimicrobialvolatiles in packaging to reduce spoilage of fruitsand vegetables.26–28 Both approaches are being pur-sued with industrial partners. An agreement has beendeveloped with the Micro Flo Company (Memphis,TN, USA) to develop a post-harvest product as analternative to synthetic fungicides for the control ofpost-harvest diseases. This product (‘Biocure’) con-tains the antagonistic yeast Candida saitoana and theenzyme lysozyme. It has been tested extensively forthe past 4 years on apples and citrus in West Virginia,Florida and California, as well as internationally. Theproduct has provided control of post-harvest diseasesthat is comparable to that with available syntheticfungicides. Registration of this product is being pur-sued with EPA and it is anticipated that ‘Biocure’ willbe on the market by 2003. Another agreement hasbeen developed recently between the AFRS and theClorox Company (Oakland, CA, USA) for collabora-tive research and development to incorporate naturalvolatile compounds into packaging to extend the shelf-life of fruits and vegetables placed in these containers.

Plant pathogen management research at theNPURU in Oxford, Mississippi, focuses on the dis-covery and development of new natural product-basedfungicides from plant and marine sources for usewith minor crops. Two bioassays were developedfor natural fungicide evaluations: a two-dimensionaldirect bioautography assay29 and a high-throughput96-well microbioassay.30,31 The bioautography assayprovides a format to study lipophilic compoundsthat are poorly soluble in the 96-well aqueousmicrotiter assay. Numerous pure natural compounds

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and extracts from terrestrial, marine and aquaticplants, as well as from sponges and algae have beenevaluated.31–34 Two promising natural fungicideseffective against benzimidazole- and dicarboximide-resistant B cinerea and one broad-spectrum compoundactive against B cinerea, Colletotrichum acutatum Sim-monds, C fragariae Brooks, C gloeosporioides (Penz)Penz & Sacc, and F oxysporum have been discov-ered with these methods. These three compounds arein the early stages of the patenting process.

Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Poir) is a geneticallydiverse species, and genotypes with high levels of resis-tance to soil insects, fungi, bacteria and nematodeshave been identified. These resistances have beenincorporated into several varieties developed at theUS Vegetable Laboratory in Charleston, SC. Ongoingresearch is directed towards elucidating the biochem-ical bases of pest resistances. The resin glycosidesare moderately inhibitory to insects and pathogenicfungi, but other root components are more active inbioassays.35,36 Components isolated from sweet potatocortex are highly inhibitory in insect feeding bioassays,suggesting that they may be involved in insect resis-tance. Preliminary evidence indicates that they arecomplex esters that are not similar to periderm resinglycosides. Phenolic compounds also contribute tosweet potato root defense. Sweet potato genotypesvary in periderm caffeic acid content. Levels rangedfrom undetectable to over 1% dry weight, with indica-tions that levels may be affected by environmental andgenetic influences. Caffeic acid is inhibitory to root rotfungi in Petri-dish bioassays at concentrations similarto those found in some varieties, indicating that it mayfunction in disease resistance and allelopathy. Otherphenolic compounds found in sweet potato rootsinclude p-coumaric acid, scopoletin, scopolin, chloro-genic acid, isochlorogenic acid and other caffeoylquinates. Levels of these compounds also vary betweensweet potato genotypes and environments. Currentefforts are directed toward determining the role ofthese compounds in the complex chemical defensesystems in sweet potato and characterizing the compo-nents of cortex tissue that may confer insect resistance.

Research at the Plant Genetic Resources Con-servation Research Unit in Griffin, GA, determinedthat dried tissues of semi-tropical leguminous plantsreduced the number of root knot nematode gallson tomato when added to nematode-infested soil.37

Tissues of Canavalia ensiformis (L) DC, Crotalariaretusa, Indigofera hirsuta, I nummularifolia, I spicata,I suffructicosa Mill, I tinctoria L and Tephrosia aduncawere effective in reducing galling on tomato by80–90%.

4 VEGETATION MANAGEMENTThe ARS research on using natural products for weedmanagement can be put into two categories: naturalproducts as herbicides and allelopathy.

4.1 Natural products as herbicidesResearchers at the NPURU are evaluating knowncompounds and extracts of organisms for phytotoxi-city.32,34,38 Some of this work involves biosassay-directed isolation and discovery approaches. Forexample, preliminary work on extracts from roots ofallelopathic rice variety Taichung Native 1 (TN1)resulted in the identification by GC-MS of twopeaks found to be present in two fractions that werephytotoxic to barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli [L]Beauv).39 Work is continuing to characterize furtherthe allelochemical(s) from TN1. Minor phytotoxicconstituents were isolated from the root exudates ofSorghum bicolor Moench and were determined to beanalogues of the major allelochemical sorgoleone.40

The biosynthesis of sorgoleone is being elucidated,and incorporation of the labeled substrates has beenestablished using 13C-NMR. Biosynthetic studies arebeing integrated with studies to genetically engineersorgoleone production.

The second largest cause of economic losses tochannel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus Raf) producers inthe USA is off-flavor problems. The most frequentlyencountered off-flavors are musty and earthy, causedby the absorption of 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) andgeosmin into the flesh of the catfish, thereby renderingthem unpalatable and unmarketable. These com-pounds are produced by cyanobacteria (blue–greenalgae) that can form blooms in the catfish ponds. Theapplication of synthetic compounds (copper-basedproducts and diuron) to catfish ponds is currently themost frequently used management approach by cat-fish producers to prevent the growth of cyanobacteria.These synthetic compounds have several drawbacks,including low selective toxicity towards cyanobacteria,the public’s negative perception to the use of syntheticcompounds in aquaculture ponds, and environmentalsafety issues. The discovery of environmentally safenatural compounds that are selective in killing theundesirable cyanobacteria would greatly benefit thecatfish industry.

A rapid bioassay41 has been used over the past5 years to screen hundreds of natural compoundsand thousands of extracts from plants to discovera safe, selective algicide for use in catfish aqua-culture. Of the compounds screened so far, severalquinones have been found to be the most selectivetowards the MIB-producing cyanobacterium Oscilla-toria perornata.42,43 Anthraquinone, one of the mostpromising quinones, has been found to inhibit pho-tosynthesis in O perornata.44 Promising natural com-pounds are also undergoing efficacy testing withincircular enclosures (limnocorrals) that are placedin catfish production ponds.45 A quinone deriva-tive found to be effective in selectively killingO perornata at 125 µg litre−1 in catfish ponds is cur-rently being patented.

At the AFRS, the use of crude essential oilmixtures for weed management is being studied.Phytotoxic essential oils are extracted from plants

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and thus may be useful as a ‘natural productherbicide’ for organic farming systems. Laboratory andgreenhouse experiments determined the herbicidaleffects of plant-derived essential oils and identified theactive ingredient in one oil with herbicide activity.46

Twenty-five oils were applied to detached leavesof dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Weber) in thelaboratory. Essential oils (1% v/v) from red thyme(Thymus vulgaris L), summer savory (Satureja hortensisL), cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Nees) andclove (Syzgium aromaticum (L) Merr & Perry) werethe most phytotoxic, leading to cell death. Theseessential oils plus two adjuvants (nonionic surfactantand paraffinic oil blend at 2 ml litre−1) were sprayed onshoots of common lambsquarters (Chenopodium albumL), common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L) andjohnsongrass (Sorghum halepense (L) Pers) growing inthe greenhouse. They caused shoot death within 1 hto 1 day when applied at aqueous concentrations from50 to 100 ml litre−1. Essential oil of cinnamon, richin eugenol (2-methoxy-4-prop-2-enylphenol) (84%),had high herbicidal activity. Dandelion leaf disk andwhole-plant assays verified that eugenol was the activeingredient in essential oil of cinnamon.

There are many potential target sites for herbicides,but commercial products are directed toward only afew molecular targets. For several reasons, there isa pressing need to develop new weed managementtools that affect new molecular sites. Natural productsoften have unique mechanisms of action.47 TheNPURU has discovered two new molecular targetsusing physiological and biochemical approaches.48

Asparagine synthetase was found to be the target sitefor 1,4-cineole and related structures (Fig 2A).49 Astructural analogue of 1,4-cineole, cinmethylin, is acommercial herbicide. Cinmethylin was found to bebioactivated to become a potent inhibitor of asparaginesynthetase. The phytotoxic Fusarium solani (Martius)Sacc product, 2,5-anhydro-D-glucitol, has been foundto be an inhibitor of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatealdolase, once it is bioactivated by phosphorylation(Fig 2B).50 The phytotoxic lichen component, usnicacid, was found to be a potent inhibitor ofp-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD).51,52

Many natural phytotoxins inhibit HPPD,52 with usnicacid and sorgoleone being the most potent.

Members of the Plant Protection Research Unit atIthaca, New York, in collaboration with RosemaryLoria of Cornell University, have taken both ascreening and a genetic approach to characterize thefamily of thaxtomins in order to evaluate their potentialusefulness as commercial herbicides. Thaxtomins area family of modified non-ribosomally synthesized,dipeptide phytotoxins produced by plant pathogenicStreptomyces sp that cause ‘scab’ diseases on potatotubers, sweet potato storage roots and expandedtap roots of radish, beet and similar crops.53 Toxinproduction occurs in diseased tissue and can alsobe elicited under appropriate culture conditionsin vitro.54 All of the pathogenic species produce

Figure 2. (A) Inhibitory activity of (ž) 2,5-anhydro-D-glucitol and (�)2,5-anhydro-D-glucitol bisphosphate on spinach Fru-1,6-bisPaldolase. (B) Kinetics of spinach aldolase activity in the presence of(�) 0, (�) 100 and (ž) 200 µM 2,5-anhydro-D-glucitol. FromReference 45.

one or more members of the thaxtomin family,while non-pathogenic species lack toxin production.55

Concentrations of less than 1 µM of thaxtomin Acause cell swelling, necrosis and growth inhibitionin monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous seedlings.56

Effects of thaxtomin A are similar to injuries caused bythe commercial herbicides dichlobenil and isoxaben,known to be cellulose synthesis inhibitors.

Nucleotide sequence analysis of the thaxtominsynthetase genes from S acidiscabies 84.104 identifieda putative P-450 monooxygenase gene, txtC, adjacentto the 3′ end of txtB.56 Thaxtomin A has twohydroxyl groups on the phenylalanyl residue, oneon the α-carbon (C14) and one on the phenyl ringcarbon (C20) meta to the juncture with the β-carbon.

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This suggests that a functional monooxygenase isa component of the synthetase gene cluster, andcontributes one or both hydroxyl groups to thaxtominA. A series of P-450 mutants were generated viagene disruption experiments and were screened forproduction of thaxtomins. Thaxtomin D, a 14,20-didehydroxy derivative, was isolated in high yield asthe principal thaxtomin produced by these mutants.57

Both thaxtomin A and thaxtomin D, at equivalentdoses, have marked activity as pre- or post-emergentherbicides. Biological activity was assessed by addingconcentrations of thaxtomins prepared in 1 ml ofacetone to 5.5-cm filter discs, air-drying the filters,and then placing 20 lettuce seeds onto the filterpre-wetted with 1 ml of water. Although there wassome seed germination at doses at 1 µg ml−1 andlower, roots remained short in length, with browningof the root tips (less than 5 mm), at applied dosesas low as 0.5 µg ml−1 (R Loria and DM Gibson,unpublished observations). Although thaxtomins donot act systemically, they may provide useful leads fordevelopment of novel herbicides.

4.2 AllelopathyAt the US Vegetable Laboratory, corn spurry (Spergulaarvensis L), a winter annual weed in the southern USA,was observed to greatly suppress the growth of colecrops despite its ‘non-aggressive’ growth habit. Field,greenhouse and laboratory studies indicated that thesuppression was largely due to allelopathy.58 Cornspurry leaves are covered with trichomes that containhigh levels of a number of phytotoxic sugar–fattyacid esters commonly called sugar esters.59,60 Sugaresters have been reported in wild tobacco relatives,and have been developed as insecticides against soft-bodied insects.

The ability of some sweet potato varieties to sup-press weeds led to investigation of the allelopathiceffect of sweet potato on yellow nutsedge (Cyperusesculentum L) and other species at the US VegetableLaboratory. Field studies demonstrated that sweetpotato was highly suppressive to nutsedge, and green-house studies showed that the suppression was not dueto light, water or mineral nutrient competition.61–63

The inhibition of yellow nutsedge by extractable com-ponents of the sweet potato periderm was mostlyattributed to a group of partially characterized com-ponents called resin glycosides.64 These are complexfatty acid–sugar esters with high molecular weights,similar to compounds from sweet potato and Ipomoeatricolor characterized by researchers in Japan and Mex-ico. Sweet potato genotypes vary greatly in peridermresin–glycoside contents, and glycoside contents werehighly correlated with the relative inhibition of yel-low nutsedge by fourteen sweet potato clones in thegreenhouse.65

At the Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Centerin Stuttgart, Arkansas, hundreds of rice germplasmlines have been identified as giving various degrees ofsuppression against rice weeds.66 Allelopathy appears

to contribute significantly to the suppression in someof these lines. PI 312 777 was originally produced atthe International Rice Research Institute in Manilafrom the cross, T65∗2/Taichung Native 1, (Taiwanparentage) (GRIN 2002).67 Taichung Native 1 is alsoin the parentage of the weed-suppressive cultivar, PI338 046, and is, itself, suppressive to barnyardgrass(Echinochloa crus-galli [L] Beauv) (Plate 1).68 In fieldstudies, a number of foreign weed-suppressive riceentries reduced density and growth of barnyardgrassand produced about 20% more grain yield comparedto non-suppressive rice cultivars.69 Weed suppressiveactivity in Arkansas field trials was found in412 rice accessions against ducksalad (Heterantheralimosa [Sw] Willd), 145 accessions against redstem(Ammannia coccinea Rottb) and 94 accessions againstbarnyardgrass.70

Some weed suppressive cultivars can even mod-erately suppress red rice (Oryza sativa L). In areplacement series study, tiller production, leaf areaand relative yield of Kaybonnet (commercial rice cul-tivar) were greatly reduced by a short-statured redrice (suspected commercial rice–red rice cross) andby a tall red rice ecotype, while those for the weed-suppressive cultivar, PI 312 777, were similar to bothred rice types. These results indicate that Kaybonnetwas much less competitive than PI 312 777 againstred rice and that high tillering capacity may be auseful trait when breeding for weed suppressive ricecultivars.70 Teqing, a Chinese indica type cultivarwith barnyardgrass suppression similar to that ofPI 312 77771,72 controlled both propanil-susceptiblebarnyardgrass73 and propanil-resistant barnyardgrass(M Lovelace 2001, personal communication) aloneor with reduced rates of thiobencarb better than didUS cultivars.

Recent studies in Arkansas and Japan haveindicated that allelochemicals may contribute toweed-suppressive activity in certain rice cultivars,including PI 312 777.74,75 Probable allelochemicalswith varying activity have been obtained from leaves ofrice.74,75 One QTL on chromosome six and five QTLoverall have explained 16% and 37%, respectively,of the total variation in ‘allelopathy’ observed whena mapping population (PI 312 777 × Rexmont) wasassayed against lettuce root growth.76 The degree towhich allelopathy may or may not contribute to weedsuppression in the field is not known. Anatomicalcharacteristics, such as root biomass and tillering,probably account for much of the weed suppressionobserved in these cultivars. Weed suppressive cultivarshave produced several times the root biomass andtiller density of non-suppressive cultivars66,77 and candeplete soil nitrate nitrogen levels more extensivelythan can commercial cultivars during the extendedperiod between seedling emergence and applicationof the permanent flood (DR Gealy, unpublisheddata), suggesting that aggressive competition for soilnutrients may play a role in the success of some weedsuppressive cultivars.

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The most effective use of weed suppressive ricecultivars may ultimately be in combination withreduced rates of existing herbicides. In a 3-year studyin Arkansas, PI 312 777 and other Asian cultivarssuppressed barnyardgrass more effectively and at lowerpropanil rates than did commercial US cultivars,indicating the potential economic benefit of usingsuppressive rice cultivars in combination with reducedherbicide rates.70,71 A rain-free period of more than1 week after planting has increased weed-suppressiveactivity of PI 312 777 and other rice cultivars in thefield,78 suggesting that post-planting soil moisturemanagement could be key to the optimization ofnatural weed suppression.

The ultimate application of molecular biologytechniques to weed science might not be thedevelopment of new herbicides or herbicide-resistantcrops. Instead, it could be used to engineer crops withproperties that would make them more competitiveor more allelopathic against weeds.79–81 Currentresearch at the NPURU emphasizes the allelopathycomponent of interference. Although allelopathyhas been extensively studied for almost a century,little effort has been focused on the manipulationor introduction of known allelochemicals in cropplants—despite the identification of several potentiallyuseful allelochemical targets. This lack of effort isperhaps not surprising, given the current emphasisplaced by industry on the development of herbicide-resistant crops. This situation is also a reflectionof the fact that the use of synthetic herbicideshas been extremely cost-effective in controllingweeds. Nevertheless, allelopathy might be moreenvironmentally friendly than the application ofherbicides and would be very beneficial for countries orsocieties where the use of herbicides is cost-prohibitive.

Much research must be done to develop usefulallelopathy in crops. In many cases, a plant is knownto be allelopathic, but the specific compound hasnot been identified. In the few cases where anallelochemical has been identified, there is limited orno knowledge of the biosynthetic pathway. Additionalproblems that need to be addressed include the lackof basic information regarding the sequestration andsecretion of allelochemicals, and the identificationof gene promoters which direct expression of thecorresponding biosynthetic enzymes to the appropriatecell type. While these pose significant challenges tothe development of allelopathic crops, genomics-basedapproaches such as mining of expressed sequence tag(EST) data sets should accelerate the discovery ofgenes involved in allelopathic pathways. Additionaltechnical aspects concerning the development ofgenetically modified crops with these traits have beenaddressed in recent reviews.79–81

5 BASIC PESTICIDE RESEARCHThe Ithaca, New York-based ARS Bioprospectingand Exploration Research Team, in collaboration

with Olen Yoder, Gillian Turgeon and Jon Clardyof Cornell University, is probing entomopathogenicfungi for polyketides with potential as pesticides. Theprincipal source materials are from the USDA ARSCollection of Entomopathogenic Fungal Cultures(ARSEF), the world’s largest germplasm repositoryfor fungal pathogens of invertebrates. This uniqueresource is also the principal source for screeningefforts to identify and characterize novel polyketidechemistries for biobased, environmentally friendlypesticides. Growing many of these genetically andecologically diverse fungi in sufficient amounts toisolate compounds is a daunting task. Little is knownof the chemistry profiles of many of the isolates ofthis collection, which includes fungi in parasitic orsaprophytic associations with insects, nematodes andother fungi. An alternative approach used by this grouphas been to identify genes for polyketide synthases(PKS) from these organisms to determine those thatmight have unique PKS, and therefore are more likelyto produce unique and interesting polyketides.

Lee et al82 described the use of a degenerate PCRprimer approach to detect and characterize PKSfragments in a genetically diverse group of insect-and nematode-associated fungi for which the capacityto produce polyketides is largely undescribed. Out ofa starting group of 157 fungal isolates representing73 genera, they were able to detect a putative KSdomain in each of 92 isolates. Thus, the PCR-basedscreening may be a rapid, efficient technique to identifyPKS fragments from among a wide distribution offungi. Sequence analysis of the fragments derivedfrom the highly conserved KS domain of PKS genesindicated groupings of fungal genes distinct from thosealready reported in Genbank. This work showed thatPKS genes are widespread and diverse among insect-and nematode-associated fungi. The clustering of theentomophagous fungi within clades hints that theymay have a distinct grouping of PKS genes. Relatingthe PKS-encoding genes to polyketides produced bythese organisms is now in progress.

A novel antimicrobial, akanthomycin, was isolatedfrom the entomopathogenic fungus Akanthomycesgracilis Samson & HC Evans; direct application ofakanthomycin (250 ng applied to a filter disc) onto anagar plate containing Staphylococcus aureus Rosenbachwas sufficient to inhibit growth. This activity isslightly less potent than that of a related analog,8-methylpyridoxatin.83 This study is the first step indetermining whether these novel PKS genes and theirpolyketide products are functionally dedicated to thespecialized activities of these organisms.

Discovery of molecular target sites by conventionalmeans is a time-consuming and costly part of biocidedevelopment. It can take anything from several monthsto years of intensive research to determine a givencompound’s target site. The NPURU is developingcDNA microarray systems that will aid in determininga natural product’s target site. The medical professionhas been able to use cDNA microarrays to fingerprint

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Plate 1. Suppression of barnyardgrass in (A) PI 312 777 rice versus lack of control in (B) conventional Kaybonnet cultivar.

Published in 2003 for SCI by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Pest Manag Sci 59 (2003)

ARS research on natural products for pest management

certain illnesses, resulting in more effective treatments.A similar technique has been used to characterize theresponse of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae Meyer exHansen) to anti-fungal compounds and one herbicide.The NPURU group is using a similar approach tofingerprint natural anti-fungal agents and phytotoxins.If an organism is treated with a specific sub-lethalconcentration of a biocide it will respond by alteringthe expression of its genes, thus creating an expressionfingerprint for the compound. By creating a fingerprintdatabase for all known modes of action, it will bepossible to test a new biocide with an unknown targetsite to see if its expression fingerprint is similar to thatof a herbicide with a known target site. While thisprocedure does not determine mode of action withcomplete assurance, it provides information that candirect physiological and biochemical studies to identifya target site more efficiently, leading to significantreductions in time and research costs.

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