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.. 0.··ad to hand twice a day [or a year 74c kept in Cannda tloes $144.00 CUI'udl:lII !JUSllW:S...

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.. . .. - . - , . . : " " , 0' G ',0' . . --- ... o o : . j I ,\ " , "'. .' o " Auctioneer IiI1l 110W to handle I fale h:1! ur !-lIIall nnt.! solicit I1r l'atrOI1C1I:C, Will reason· Rlld {!tlarnnter.: eJ. Gi6J1:Jo inS " II , . . . . : ",: ' . , . . o . . o '. . :: e \!) . . . ' . . '. -THE-' '. 0 Q II' .' '. III '. . , , .. .' .. . ' . o .' .r; . . ' . TREHERNE, MANITOBA, FRIDAY. JULY 2ND, 1915. : • e , , .. .. .. " . .. ' .. 0.·· .' " 11. '. of " .. f!. Ua::TfONEEfiUNG f \,.11'11\1' 11110\111 fHIII 'lnlrllll' to\\illulpe Jnt IIl1nlll' 1111 ('tIC n ) 1,t'lltf\., t} 111I£:iJ lt1tl (0I11ltt). .Jts will rCl'f!l\n J If !II1't. 1\I'tlllU1UI, \\1 It '1.'1\'1 nt Ill} 1111""11\ 11 d" I ( .. I" I 'I 1'1 (1111 ::-1 HH I, rr , •• .! 7 011 11 \ til ( 111'r: I, l'rlc(';,. \H l tllul t'.Illtlr.Hltun liuHIUlllcud N. wnSGr:, tV!,l'I • .':., t69 C,anfjsido St., V ... ·ir:r.ipcg. - PER A Call CONFESSION AT WiNSOR PLOT FUllY EXPOSED 'ROUND ABOUT RATHWElL l'('rt'uct aLlulldulwe - L c n nlt Scanow. L) SOIII'ro\\" DUl·is Gill, Allbl'cy Cillchey, Leah VlIlIllel, Ellen Anderson. IN SPITE OF "DEVILTRY" TRADE UNIONS APPEAL GAINS ARE rllMNTiUNED I "It Is Our Duty to I\sslst Our -Great 1101ly 1'>:;ltlon" 1\1, ClInlldll" Gc,ods' (Joous," B\'erYI\ oman or Cun:ul-:c leading women's Jour· en: ta .H.! n unlf}!Ac page or cmc:.t·ytJl C .. Il:lal:ll1 manu[ncturers I'f c'ler, day Ile. '1'he ad· ill fjuestion noto Innorletl by the 'Ncr.!1 \"h!:o Thlnldng About 1'_[;0 shows you, Mrs Shop r, tho Ince!s 01' tra.de marlm you'll goods c,[ tho best or 011 the bGXCS thnt hold 'II. !leads aro mude In 'J'!.Cj aro high quality goods, hon decld!ng your purchnsos It Is to I elllembcr that of overy dol· Silent O:l Uanadlnn boods about gOC3 for Canadian wagcs, 40c for r::'.w rnatel'l:tl, and 20c for Ilronts and :relght charges, Cle sumo Idnl' arliele, "oes 4 Oc for [orelgn wages, fol' foreIgn raw mnterial, llUc for uillu 1l10nt and freight, 30c for dt.ty, and 6c for Canadian t ou t!tut duty. 'fhe lIlade·ln· 00 purchnse you :lGc, besides SlrOB 74r. a[lvnnlago III chculatlon Pusslng from ad to hand twice a day [or a year 74c kept in Cannda tloes $144.00 CUI'udl:lII !JUSllW:S (It which $176,60 \>ngC", rnw material, and proUt All form u $1.00 1mI" aso rlghliy directed a year betoro. goods-keep your J:lCY v, or;dng ror Cunadn-keel> onoy clroulating all the time. Shop theso C:l.I'ndlan llrantls." Night Watchman With Two Others Plotted to Destroy Wlnds:r Buildings Windsor, ,1 une 28-Arter tho pollce hat! grilled blm for hours without re- Bult, Wm. Loller of 5S0 Warren nvenue, Detloll, watchman nt the Tatc Electric plnl1t, IIns made a confes· sian to Cro IVn Altorney !todd tll:tt he. wllh two other Dctloit nvm, con- ilplred to hlow up WII1d80r factories nnd public Imlldm,;o. Il:3idc!3 LoGor, tho tv.o ot\ler mcn wcrJ In !.lt9 plot, "h'eil contc:npl::tcd I'ct or.ly lhe cntlre de·,tlllcllon (;r tho Wln'laJ:' I\rmo1'le8, b1:t of the CnnJd a:1 1'1' rcompany's Jl!ant 1'1 Walkerv I e the Domlnicn GtaJnping Coml any t FJrd, the 1,'nto fa'_tor:'. ns wpll os to', ern oUler Inigo manufacturing II:!n'f1 J10lidllYs are on. ,jllly 1st It II the cars and ami rigs 1J10\'illg alit or tOWII ill nil dh'ccLiolls, S(lIne lo Camp Bc\\'(,II, soma lu PdrLnge 11l1rl oLhcl' points, , nIHI the Imlancc Ollt lo Lho Picnic ilL Thos. Du\\ 1ll1l1I·S. HepOl t hns iL Lhat UIIl' locnl "Jlldge" is hllHY ngnill. '1)\'0 anto londs ,jollrncycd O\'C!' to Camp Sewell 011 Tnosclar or thl!! wcek 1\ III I IIl'l'h'cd hOllll' snfel.\'. DOlI't fru'get the;\ y, P.A. Picllic . ' on Tllesdn 1', .T Illy (jtli. The isscs }lobel'LsolI wel'c pns- I,ellor dcc ' ar('s ho , ns nelecled a3 the \7 I I sell gel S 011 \ C! nesl IIY man ,vIto v.ns tQ plant b"lU') at , , O\,ClIlllg S tllo Tate factolY, bit h's he:lt flLllc'! traill for Lho ciLy. him amI I n did not Ilnish job .'.Ibert K::'.'tschmltlt, who for fall l' Tho Jllnior \V. 1\., of St. Pn.IIJ'n yenrs wan Managcr of the pla!lt. Chmch intcml holding a sltiO of Legcther with n man nume.! Sc ' mlltlt o.re namet! hy L,n!lar In his conLLsiJn homc IlIltrle eookol'y ill SmiLh [\1'08. The con[00510n marlo to t'lo.ln At 0:· 011 Sat IIrrlay aftcrnoon lJ('xl, ney Hodd ytsterday nflpl noo.1 I I tl [J 1 brought about nftcl' Lel1m's wL-o had JII y 3, procee' 'I Lo go to 1e .O( como over [rom· Detroit r.nd h m CrOHS FUlld. Hclp it out" In hifl cell r.t polico ro. '),ho con[esRlon nn relnted by the \V l\ 1I0c<'pL tho 0 pologic!! of tho police, was [!, follows: "1 hJ\c EditOI', Plit ill ill folll til I pJint Inst employed WIth Albert Kaltcchm dt, who wns rf tho Tnto plant In weck 1'0 Lito Imscl>nll. YUill' hUlllblo (i'ord City, [01' raul' yenrs Whon the SOI'\':Lllt got 11 gl·('r.!Il copy, hut can Will' stnrted the plot to blow UJl fal!- . torles "as IIrst Introduce[l to me by hnl'tlly n[l[lrccifllo Lho hish WIt. 0. 101111 whom 1 mot in MI'. I,o't Do 110t I".n·gct Lhe A, y, 1'. A, !Jp,s· PnO)IOTIONS-WITII A III. lo IV. - Winirred Forbes !l.j, li-ene Gill !l0, Kat,hlecn Andel'son 8,1, DIl\ e 82, E\'clynlIlll1lilton80, Cllmn· ngh U:), Lelllm SCIlI'I'OW U2, George CILI'lllltil 50. FI'OIll n, to nL-Doris Gill 93, (\L\cllfluJillu D"y 85, Oli\'c Clnehey 81, FUl'n MOI'I'isoll 79, Mary GOllld 72, Lizzio Cm'lIIltll 70, IClorelloe Gmllt (lO. . [CI'OIIl 1. Lo 1 f.-A linn FfJI·bes 1l5, VOl'lL 91, 1'00\1'l TUl'Ilb1l1l !I'), Leith Vandel 01, AlIbl'ey Chich· l·.\' 8U, ,lohll CIt\·ltllngh 81, Viola Shlll'PO 7S, ]<;lIclI Gn1'llCl' 7 1 1. Ednll 1\joodio GS, NUI'tOIl TIII'lIlnlll (j7, Anderson Gfl, Gordoll Gill 03, Willio Dny (iI, Alicf) GI'alllgor 5!J. H. GUI:.m, T'lltchol', schmidt's olllce, wllO oITered me $200 If I would handle tho dynamIte at tho kct picnic lo ho held nt l\!I'. C: Tnte Jllanl. Scvernl months ago this gl'!)\ c, TlIesrlllY, J lily Ulh. man commencer! to smuggle dynn j\ Cltblo I'ecoh'od roccntlynllllollll- OIlH Llmt Licllt. \Vendoll Stnoey, SOli 01' I ho Rc\·. F. B. Btnooy, ox- (l1'C8irlcllt uf Lho l\[lIlliioba McLh- od isL cOlIl'erellco, lIOW rosid i ng ill Chilliwllck, 13.C., wn>J killed ill ItcLioll ILt the DltrdlLlloJlos. Liont. SLacey \\'os stlldying In\\' in Lhe elLy 01' VnIlCOII\'OI' pi iOl' to cngag· illg at Lho fl'Ullt. mile In tho vault ()f the Tato fnctory. COITIC, brillg yOlll' 1'1 iClldilllllrl olljuy I\nother man name,1 Schmidt was to YOllrsoir. bring onl' the [u'les anr! time cloelr.s nml I \Vas to llupp1y Lhe sult-cnscs. Plttl'iotio SlIndny wns obsol'\'erl I bought two of In Detroit, aud in tho Cnll'in Pl'o!lbytl'l'ilLIl chllroh, Look them over to Wnilwrville with· out any fjlleotlons being ns1te(1 by JUllO 27, by It SCl'\,ice ill tho SlInday the customs olllcers," Snturtlny af· school. Tho subject, "Luynlly to ternoon Lellel' was arrnlgnell bcfore '1 ho HO\. Stacoy's BOil, 1101'- hel't C. SLacey, \\'as wUlIll(jod in thc St, ,J IIliell lLntioll, !tllll is now in I.ho hosllitnl at ClmlilJ', \Vnlcs. Born Although Enemy Are UsIng "Gases" They Are OT No Grc.:t Proph::cy nome, .Tune 28-0n the Trentiu front arWlory dllels hnvo boen In- tensillml. Our Alpine troops havo sue- coeued In dnmaglng tho Tannic power honsll. On Lhc Carnic front the enemy has vainly endenvorod to retako Zol- lenltcfel. ArolllHl 1\lonto Nero during tho most recont engngemon ts the onemy abandonod 2,000 mU9\.ots and 20,000 rouuds of ammunition Alonl; tho !sonzo tho onomy is emplo) ing asphYXiating gnsos w Ilhollt success. Up to date wo Imvo only almcu at positions jlrevontlng an Austl ian in- vasion of Italy, \V'C havo succoeued. Hnd not bnd wenther Intorfere[l aliI aU· vnnco would hnve heen mal'O remark- nble. 'Vo nro sUll in tho 111 ehmln"ry phnso of tho campaign. '),he \\ eathcr hns prevented the transportation or heavy urtillery to tho mOllnt:1in tops but tho time Is not far dlstnnt when the Itallnn nnd nusslnn troops \\ ill loin hands on tlto Huugari.lIl plnins. The Itullans will go to ,!'rlestc via Vlennn. 'rho ammunitiOlf problem hus boen sntlsf[tctorlly soh od hore. Russlllll . Offensive Continues Potrograd, June 28-0n the l\urew front our enomy's attempt to auvanee along tho Omulow Valley cost him heavy losses. In the Orzye valloy on Weunesday night wo ropulsed a It'esll ndvnnco made hy considol'l11Jb fOl ecs, nnd wo enpturml live maclllnc guns On tho loft bank of the Vlstul.1 1\01 tho west of Zavlkhosl one of th'.) enemy's bnttlions ndvanelng toward ollr wire entanglemt'nts was entirely annlhllat cd by our lire. On 'l'hul'scJay in a counter-attncks nenl' Zolltlew nlHl Lem· berg, we toolt about 2,000 'PI isonOl S Including 30 officers and calltlll'ctl 1:: IUnchino guns. On til<' Dnlcster be tween Rutlurol1' nml IInllcz we allli hold In clwclt desperato altaclm iJ? grent Auatro·German fol'cos 011 'M1Ul'sday wo took 1,000 1U00e prison· ers Including 17 Omeal'B unti 17 1\111' chine guns, French Linea Stili Intllct , ' London, .Tl1no 23-rr, I1nlon. lcadcrn have 1(,sucd t\ 1'1:\,1l( fila a(l . dlcssed to their fellow tl,ule ulllon· ists, snylng' "'Ve aro flce,l Illth 1\ great rcsponmhillty, .111(1 ]1' ,<'011le I \\ Ith n nPI oltnlll ,. \\'0 nl'n cnllcd upon to nl)L:i:1l in :-;11' oPT nnllon ,ulll Its nilles, \\ 100 !In' J".Io: In" fOl'dvllw.allon nnd ,,,' 1 '11 )'1,'1 \.\, against barlhl.lHml ,111 lrp'o n \.(' t After calling att, ntll)n t J ,h , ,I, l{ position of the n, It I' 10 1 t It ''', \ armies In lhe nl'lrl 1"1 (I)' ( \1 r l(,' {) the shortago of 11\11 Itll 1, , 110' , n 11 fesla appeals to IlpVl r\ ktll('l h 0,1 mall of tho cnrino'llll"; f"ll llL, trades \\ho is not nt },r' n"ll I 1" 1 lipan war \\orit to (,,01} h 11 11 a volunteer In thlo 110" ·r nc' } and demonstrate to hI'. (nm HI I 1'1 tho trenchcs nml lh' 1'1001 ,orlt! lhnt Drllish tlnd!' no "I "1(\0, for nll thnt Is best in n \t 'on \I lifo, nnllonnl freedom Il"c} III nl: 1 ,1 11 ,tI f,'" cutlty The l\1unl((.I'O I' ,'ne I hy Arthur Henderson, ('10 t1rn"l!\ <1} th" Lnbol' pnrty In Iho Ilou 10 of Com 1101'S and prominent Lr,lde unlon'slH. ITALY FOR DARDANELLES Dul<o of Abruzzl to Commond Shins Allies Beroro accepting any udvertlsement this lln!te, tho publlshcrs socured I.ho Canadlnn manufacturors In lion the :ollowillg pledge: "We, manu[ncturers of the product tor products) II[>IOCIIIOII, and hrlelly described {)n our attached, do horeby do· Mnglstrnto lIIlers of Wnlkrrvllle, He 0111' Killg :t1ll1 OU1' BllIpil'c," \\'nR wns charged with conspiring with dOlllt with \·OI'Y RlIitnbly by Hc\,. others to dentory property nnt! endall ger life. Without being unltad to Nh'pn, of 'Vinnipcg, llifJ [lload, he wus remul1l1ed for eight days rOlllarlts WQro lIIost improssivo Imr1 and was sent to Snndwlch ja 1 ). Convinced Confession Genuino hjs ser\'ico milch approeiltlod Tho pollec belieYe thut I,encr'! tenchol·f.l alld ullicel·s. , Sllgl'lIImu-AL ·Winllipog, on \VeLl· II esr.! ny, J IIno 2::lrr.l, Lo ltnrl ]\f1'S. Erllest Shepiterd, dnllgh· tOI'. Pnris, .Tuno 28-111 tho Argonno there has been some lighting. In the bnttles of tho twenty·slxth at tho trenches of Calonnl1, ,'Cry violent hand.tn-hand lighting occurre(l. The Gormans employed 0. burning liqUid nnd under covel' of tho clouds o[ 011 Sllll- Bmolm advnnced to their old IIIHt line London .Tuno 2R-Thc '!'Il'in COl r'R' pondent of The C'hroni Ie' h • I·lto momentous Ilnnouncl'mc.ll III II H.llv is nbout to shr.,rl' III the "n" [It the Dardanelles cel'w,c'l <,veil tllO stently lllarch of e' ent'1 on thp It l 1 0' Austrilln frontlor3 liS "It,> nctul1lly Is In II life antl dealh <,tllu;"lo with the Dunl illon'lIch\', ant! 'Jcs'libly with Its hip;er ally nl' n, It Ilv I annat nt this monlf'nt 0. IT ,Jr , I to tll,:ooolo oonslderable forceR 11 "'" I h,Il' n1.\ln objectlvc, henco Haly 1111'1t ,ll' ]l.lIe'[ two nrlny COI!)l} to \{rl '11" f'ngl:- tlOOPS In tho () 1111\1011 1'l'nln· suill. Itnly has olfel, rl n, \I, on nlld the free usc of 1'01 t on thu AdrhLtlc 80 ns to nrronl a mOl t' nt!· vnnlagoous bnno llhUl for operations til" D,LI'- dunellcs. Italy h,l'l Ul1dCl loLl,Oll 10 seud to the lJ:lrdallel1r '" 11t1l1"I' tho Dul{[J of AllruzzL \'. ,11 ship" bellel' "daptet! fol' w0l1. in3lrlc lll' sl' fllll tlll1n the 1[0, ('I11[>loy [I thcl'o ant! Drltaln wlll 1\lt'1(II,I\\ II CJU lattel', exc!tnnglnr; the'll II til 11,1\, [01' pollco wOllt in lho A<lllatk chief 10 tho helld of nn organized gan1 Itold- its GerPltll1 spies, and thnt ho ell' .• ot ou goods, knowln!; our lri Crown b ns tho plot was In Da- "Nal.ionltl Ideals !t11l1 How Hoti,e to II right. And In case thero trait, tile eon".lllrators ,"oliid COlno Ull' " 'I "" Missions Prolllote Them. 'I 10 over be any dlssatlsractlon del' tho United Stntes law. "There Is any or our goods 'we '70uld wei. no doubt thnt I.eller's confession il!! (JiscIIssioll wns led by Olivor Masoll. tho cuutomer to tnko lilO mat. genuine, I at-all certainly urge the '£110 YOllug peoplc woro glud to Govornmont to name him as one <lr up In dIrect, so that it mny the principals in Lho plot." Lefler Imvo tho Uc\" Hugh Humilton, I), be aujustcd to the entire snlls[aelion told tho poll,'c yestorday that ho wus J'Ol'IIlCl' }lllsLOI', wiLh Lhelll, wflO on- of tho party concerllod.' born In Wooclstoclt, Ont, of Dutch t I , t t h Id d Inl'i'f'ed U1Jon the OI)porLlIllit" o[)el1 Th e paper Is thus glvln'g real ser. paren s. lor wen y years e re3 e I'> J In the Unlter! Stlltes, hut never tcolt to youllg mell Lo pm,j('y tho political vIce to Uanndlan purchasers and Cnn, nnturnlizatlon paIlel's. Fearing ndlau manufacturers, It Is Insurlug lhat an ntte mpt at reecuo \'lUi be and sooin I lifo or tho comlllllnit,y. lhat nothing hut good goods will be made by acr.olllplices <If Lefler, (Jov- Tho slIbjoct, 1'01' d iSCllssioll 011 Id ernor John Harmon of Sandwich jnil to , IIntlar the "Mnde·ln·Cnnnda" has aslted soldiers to guard the prison. Jllly 7 hJ "Making Lifo \V Ol'Lh In lhls product (or lltbel, nnd thaL, hnvlng In mind price While," quullty, i'. tho principle behind Deny Pontiff is Pro.German UIO wbolo "Modo.in.Cnnnda" move. Sunday, Jllne 27, the sordoe in !!!.gd.u. '...eadlng Romo Newspaper Says Letter the Cnl\'ill chlll'ch wns conduotorl to Von Buelow Exaggeration by 110\', Mr., Nh'en, of tho EJlJlc HOIISO, \Vinllipeg, ONTARIO'S GIFT H.A'l'RWELL I'D BLIC BCHOOL HEPOln' 1 1\1 We beat them back with huge lossos 1II0 27, to 1\1I .. !tllr 1'8, Wo still hold the old German 1I1'st hne tcr;-' .. .. ··"'i"· and soctlons or' tho 'socond line :wllich we had prevlouBly capturer]. least' ot ELmI,ANll-At MoCI'cal'Y, 011 Sun· tho Grando trench on the rldgi on· dny, J uno 27th, to ]\11'. lLnd 1\1I-s. closing tho Senvaud ravine the enemy \ on Friday occupied 0. trench on n 1'1 ant A. H!tl'land, II SOli, of 120 metros, During the night we recnptured it '!'he nrt,Jlol'Y IIgh ting LA FUNNllm-At N.D. dc LOllrr]os, on this front was pal'llcul.trly \iolent UII to 1\11-. and Ln. north of FJlrey and Lnllllie, A Gel' man neroplano throw two bombs on fl'cl1iol', or a IlUIl. 6t. Die killing one woman. \VmGlmH-At N.D, do IJollrtles, 011 Thlll'sdllY, Julylst, to MI'. nlld 1\1I-s, ,J. E. \V oickcl', It flOIl. Por,Lox-At '1'I'OhOI'lIe, on FI'idoy, J 11110 25Lh, Lo I\lItl Mrs. John Pollon, son. Treherne Weather Report Minimllm lLlld m!l.Ximlllll lom· pornLllros 1'01' Lho woek beginning Friday, ,Til II 0 Lhe. 25th I1ml <llldillg J Illy 1st. 52 aho\'o 7,j nbo\'o GREAT BRITAIN'S REPLY Britain Denies Careleosness In Re, gard to American Shipping Rights Washington, June 26-Grcnt Dl'ltnln, In a memorandum transmitted to tho Want "A'liO!l Enemie3" Interned I .. .. ." _.. Many Sign Petition G-y' -a Thnt Grent Dangel' May Rcault to Mining Cobnlt, .Tuno 23-Petlt ;'1ns, \\ I11Clt hnve heen circu 1 at2t1 111 rllJ}tllt t of 'rlmlsltnmlng. anti prlm,1I J1y in Iho towns of Cobalt and Nc" U·,kt"1l1. [or the internment o[ nll III en 011" Iiel, hnvo been very largely 'j h"l'(, aro to date on thl' vanO"'l p tit Ion I conBidernbly mo: [) I hall thouSIlI1,l signntures. nnd 1I0t all havo yet "0:110 In Tho petltlon3 h,wc I' en (' li,,1'so,1 by Ute Cobnlt Ho_\!' I 0, 'l'r HI', un,1 two prominent C.tlZPI1G will \I, It llllcn tho 1I1inister of to urr;' I 1m t" give tho mo.ttol' his o.\lI'(»t all nt l o11. Artel' tho many oull'agclI In (',II1lHln It Is felt that it Is ,lanc;elolls to nllow 0. lnrge numbOl cr men belong· Ing to n:t.Uons with whkh Ihl! l';mlllrll is :t.t wal' rIco to UM enOl UlOUl supplies of explcslves In camps. It Is a featuro, too, that in ;;enctnlly in tho camp, lhat mest ot theso men cnn smuggle expll1gives alit of tho Iulnes and InlOW how to uso thorn \vhen they have them. "Midway" to be Overh.:ruled .' . Offer of Hospital to the Brltllh Government '1'oronto, Juno(! 21-0ntnrlo's Govern· ment Is now In comlllunlcntion 'with the Im\lerlal Government nnd lhe Brit· Ish Wnr Ofllce logardlng dethlls of tho hospItal which hUs beon oITered, on be· half ot tho pooplo of Ontario, as tholr seeund Provlnelnl war gHt, 'l'his In· formntion wns given otllclnlly at tho Parliament llulldlngs last week, but no InfornlUtion as to tho chnracler 01' ex· tent of tho llogo11at!onu can yet bo mnde public. It Is anllcillatcd, how· Pover, lha\! ROme unnouncement \vlll ho 1I1i!.do wlUulI 0. low days, It Is \lI1der· otood tho.t tho 1'1'0,,1001:11 Governl1_ent Is prepared to,llroceod , as soon as the YelLr oll(liug J IIno 30, 11l 1 i.i. School OpOIl 200 clltys. ElIl'ollll"IIL 108, Friday SnLurdny SlIndny l\1ollday 5:1 u 72 " 59 " 7G " " 68 " " 75 " .. 7 9 , - ., " 61 I. United stutes and mado publlc here and In London last weelt, I'eclles Its ei!orts to minlmlzo Inconvenlc uco to neutral cammer co aud llsBerts thal American citizens hnvo no groullds for complaint on account of tho treat· mellt accorded their cnrbc'Cs. No Ilt- tempt Is mado to nnswor tho prln· clples asserted In the American nato ot March 1 InslsUng upon the light of neutrals to I:nrry on legitlmnto commerco wllh eneh othor and to trnde In non·contraband \dth civilians In belligcrellt Colin tries. .MnothCl' noto to Groat BrItain IS no)v In course of preparation aud will \)0 despatched us soon 'as the lIegotintlons with Ger· many over submarine warfaro hnve been cleared up. While this eom- munleatlon probably will mnltll rater· enco to bhe latest memorandum, it Is understood that -tbo mallner at en· forcing the order In Oounell will not bo treated as relovant to tho qucstlon nt ISSU9-whelher, therll Is any war· rant In International law for the Toronto, Juno of tho gxhibltlon al'O not talting any cllunce!! this year of offonding tho t.l!-t" of [he thousands who visit tho 1"ldwa),. IGvery precaut!0/1 Is being laken to get cloan, uttractlvQ shoWS. yenr thero wns aomo complaint rlgarding a frenk 01' two In one of l\te tents, and there were oven eomplulnts 1'0' gnrding a performnnce In front or gl'llndstand thnt r.loplcted tho tlouhles of 0. hUBband Inllicted with a wlto enterta.lnlng cxtremo militant vlows. gl[t hun IlC'm formnlly an the detnlls nrranged, lo necessary supplies lIud 'l'hll1' w!ll be dono by.,ellOtrn(lv ns possible with Ish flrms, As to the 'Olllce!rITlg bospltal nothing bus 1\Yany numos or hayo ot tho 00 with or to Berve selection o'r cd" Is will bo o o o . , . that Grent Britain and her have assumed to exel'clso over the commerce of the world. In Its memo. tho Foreign Offico om· phaslzes tho "varied Bpecial conces- Blons mado lu favor or United States citizens" In forlh that all Brit· _ .•.• __ In eyory casu despatch consistent object In'vlew,. and of show·, <:"'''':1 case BIICh conslderatio!1 .. I ns might be, compatible objoct, ,namely, to prevent n"e"i"',,, I'VOI!scls,; from carrying goods [or,. ai' I (IolIllng· from, . terrltorf." o o Italy PreparIng For Threo nome, Juno 28-ltn.1Ian miilta:y authorities yestorday nssorted thnt nit the nrms, ammunition, nml exploslveu fnetorles In tho Kingdom aro \I orkin,; and night to SOCllre not only wh[lr, be noeeSSl1ry [01' the wllr tllIa Bummer nnd tho coming autumn, bUG [or eontlnuo.nce of tho conflict [ai' three yonrs, Inclnulng tho supplies nrms which It will bo - nOOcs5ary to replnce. Mexican Leaders Arrested JUliO 28-Gen. Vic· dictator at o •• 00 .. : . o o o 0 0 :' . .. .: ... .. .. . .. . o :. . .': . ••• o ' .. t , . . .' . 0 o o . . .0 o o "ill o ..
Page 1: .. 0.··ad to hand twice a day [or a year 74c kept in Cannda tloes $144.00 CUI'udl:lII !JUSllW:S (It which $176,60 \>ngC", ~177.CO rnw material, and proUt All form u $1.00 1mI" aso

.. . ~ .~ ..


. -

• , .

. : " " , 0' ~ G ',0'

. .

--- ...

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• o

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• •

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"'. .' o "

~WiI~~·~'l.."Mad Auctioneer IiI1l 110W plt~paltd to handle

I fale h:1! ur !-lIIall nnt.! solicit I1r l'atrOI1C1I:C, Will ~ell reason·

Rlld {!tlarnnter.: eJ. Gi6J1:Jo inS

" II


. . . .

: ",: ' .

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o '. ,~

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. . . '

. .


• • •

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f!. Ua::TfONEEfiUNG f \,.11'11\1' 11110\111 fHIII 'lnlrllll' to\\illulpe Jnt IIl1nlll' tlll)lIl~ 1111 1I1~ ~ ('tIC n ) 1,t'lltf\., t} 111I£:iJ lt1tl (0I11ltt). Cll~tllI .Jts will rCl'f!l\n J If !II1't. 1\I'tlllU1UI, \\1 It '1.'1\'1 nt Ill} 1111""11\ 11 d" I ( .. I" I 'I 1'1 (1111 ::-1 HH I, rr , •• .! 7 011 11 \ til ~I' ( 111'r: I, • l'rlc(';,. \H l tllul t'.Illtlr.Hltun liuHIUlllcud

N. wnSGr:, tV!,l'I • .':., t69 C,anfjsido St., V ... ·ir:r.ipcg.


.~.~~ PER A Call



l'('rt'uct aLlulldulwe - L c n nlt Scanow. L) dil~ SOIII'ro\\" DUl·is

Gill, Allbl'cy Cillchey, Leah VlIlIllel,

Ellen Anderson.


GAINS ARE rllMNTiUNED I "It Is Our Duty to I\sslst Our -Great 1101ly


1\1, ClInlldll" Gc,ods'

(Joous," B\'erYI\ oman

or Cun:ul-:c leading women's Jour·

en: ta .H.! n unlf}!Ac page or nc.lver~ cmc:.t·ytJl C .. Il:lal:ll1 manu[ncturers prJt!\l~.t~ I'f c'ler, day Ile. '1'he ad·

ill fjuestion ~urroulld

noto Innorletl by the

'Ncr.!1 \"h!:o Thlnldng About "'lh,~ 1'_[;0 shows you, Mrs Shop r, tho Ince!s 01' tra.de marlm you'll

Callatll~n goods c,[ tho best or 011 the bGXCS thnt hold

'II. c~c !leads aro mude In 'J'!.Cj aro high quality goods,

hon decld!ng your purchnsos It Is to I elllembcr that of overy dol·

Silent O:l Uanadlnn boods about gOC3 for Canadian wagcs, 40c for

r::'.w rnatel'l:tl, and 20c for Ilronts and :relght charges, Cle sumo Idnl' o~ arliele, "oes 4 Oc for [orelgn wages,

fol' foreIgn raw mnterial, llUc for uillu 1l10nt and freight, 30c for

dt.ty, and 6c for Canadian t ou t!tut duty. 'fhe lIlade·ln·

~l 00 purchnse ~aves you :lGc, besides SlrOB 74r. a[lvnnlago III

ql!m~'y chculatlon Pusslng from ad to hand twice a day [or a year

74c kept in Cannda tloes $144.00 CUI'udl:lII !JUSllW:S (It which $176,60 \>ngC", ~177.CO rnw material, and

proUt All form u $1.00 1mI" aso rlghliy directed a year betoro.

CUllu~iall goods-keep your J:lCY v, or;dng ror Cunadn-keel> onoy clroulating all the time. Shop

theso C:l.I'ndlan llrantls."

Night Watchman With Two Others Plotted to Destroy Wlnds:r


Windsor, ,1 une 28-Arter tho pollce hat! grilled blm for hours without re­Bult, Wm. Loller of 5S0 Warren nvenue, Detloll, watchman nt the Tatc Electric plnl1t, IIns made a confes· sian to Cro IVn Altorney !todd tll:tt he. wllh two other Dctloit nvm, con­ilplred to hlow up WII1d80r factories nnd public Imlldm,;o. Il:3idc!3 LoGor, tho tv.o ot\ler mcn wcrJ cnC:;l~ct! In !.lt9 plot, "h'eil contc:npl::tcd I'ct or.ly lhe cntlre de·,tlllcllon (;r tho Wln'laJ:' I\rmo1'le8, b1:t of the CnnJd a:1 1'1' d~c rcompany's Jl!ant 1'1 Walkerv I e the Domlnicn GtaJnping Coml any t FJrd, the 1,'nto fa'_tor:'. ns wpll os to', ern oUler Inigo manufacturing II:!n'f1

J10lidllYs are on. ,jllly 1st SI~W It II the cars and

ami rigs 1J10\'illg alit or tOWII ill nil

dh'ccLiolls, S(lIne lo Camp Bc\\'(,II,

soma lu PdrLnge 11l1rl oLhcl' points, , nIHI the Imlancc Ollt lo Lho Picnic

ilL ~II" Thos. Du\\ 1ll1l1I·S.

HepOl t hns iL Lhat UIIl' locnl

"Jlldge" is hllHY ngnill.

'1)\'0 anto londs ,jollrncycd O\'C!'

to Camp Sewell 011 Tnosclar or thl!!

wcek 1\ III I IIl'l'h'cd hOllll' snfel.\'.

DOlI't fru'get the;\ y, P.A. Picllic . ' on Tllesdn 1', .T Illy (jtli.

The ~I isscs }lobel'LsolI wel'c pns-I,ellor dcc' ar('s ho , ns nelecled a3 the \7 I I sell gel S 011 \ C! nesl IIY man ,vIto v.ns tQ plant th~ b"lU') at

, , O\,ClIlllg S

tllo Tate factolY, bit h's he:lt flLllc'! traill for Lho ciLy. him amI I n did not Ilnish th~ job .'.Ibert K::'.'tschmltlt, who for fall l' Tho Jllnior \V. 1\., of St. Pn.IIJ'n yenrs wan Managcr of the 'rn~<J pla!lt. Chmch intcml holding a sltiO of Legcther with n man nume.! Sc'mlltlt • o.re namet! hy L,n!lar In his conLLsiJn homc IlIltrle eookol'y ill SmiLh [\1'08.

The con[00510n marlo to t'lo.ln At 0:· ~Lol'c 011 Sat IIrrlay aftcrnoon lJ('xl, ney Hodd ytsterday nflpl noo.1 w~s I I tl [J 1 brought about nftcl' Lel1m's wL-o had JII y 3, procee' 'I Lo go to 1e .O( como over [rom· Detroit r.nd s~en h m CrOHS FUlld. Hclp it out" In hifl cell r.t polico hfo.'h~uarL ro. '),ho con[esRlon nn relnted by the \V l\ 1I0c<'pL tho 0 pologic!! of tho police, was [!, follows: "1 hJ\c b~en EditOI', Plit ill ill folll til I pJint Inst employed WIth Albert Kaltcchm dt, who wns Mon:lg~r rf tho Tnto plant In weck 1'0 Lito Imscl>nll. YUill' hUlllblo (i'ord City, [01' raul' yenrs Whon the SOI'\':Lllt got 11 gl·('r.!Il copy, hut can Will' stnrted the plot to blow UJl fal!- . torles "as IIrst Introduce[l to me by hnl'tlly n[l[lrccifllo Lho hish WIt. 0. 101111 whom 1 mot in MI'. I,o't Do 110t I".n·gct Lhe A, y, 1'. A, !Jp,s·

PnO)IOTIONS-WITII A ygl!.~m:s 1~l'olll III. lo IV. - Winirred

Forbes !l.j, li-ene Gill !l0, Kat,hlecn

Andel'son 8,1, DIl\ e ~Illson 82,

E\'clynlIlll1lilton80, ~ln.bel Cllmn·

ngh U:), Lelllm SCIlI'I'OW U2, George

CILI'lllltil 50.

FI'OIll n, to nL-Doris Gill 93,

(\L\cllfluJillu D"y 85, Oli\'c Clnehey

81, FUl'n MOI'I'isoll 79, Mary GOllld

72, Lizzio Cm'lIIltll 70, IClorelloe

Gmllt (lO. . [CI'OIIl 1. Lo 1 f.-A linn FfJI·bes 1l5,

VOl'lL ~IOI'l'isoll 91, 1'00\1'l TUl'Ilb1l1l

!I'), Leith Vandel 01, AlIbl'ey Chich·

l·.\' 8U, ,lohll CIt\·ltllngh 81, Viola

Shlll'PO 7S, ]<;lIclI Gn1'llCl' 711. Ednll 1\joodio GS, NUI'tOIl TIII'lIlnlll (j7, I~llen Anderson Gfl, Gordoll Gill 03, Willio Dny (iI, Alicf) GI'alllgor 5!J.

H. GUI:.m, T'lltchol',

schmidt's olllce, wllO oITered me $200 If I would handle tho dynamIte at tho kct picnic lo ho held nt l\!I'. C: Tnte Jllanl. Scvernl months ago this \Vil~oll's gl'!)\ c, TlIesrlllY, J lily Ulh. man commencer! to smuggle dynn

j\ Cltblo I'ecoh'od roccntlynllllollll­

OIlH Llmt Licllt. \Vendoll Stnoey,

SOli 01' I ho Rc\·. F. B. Btnooy, ox­

(l1'C8irlcllt uf Lho l\[lIlliioba McLh­

od isL cOlIl'erellco, lIOW rosid i ng ill

Chilliwllck, 13.C., wn>J killed ill ItcLioll ILt the DltrdlLlloJlos. Liont.

SLacey \\'os stlldying In\\' in Lhe

elLy 01' VnIlCOII\'OI' pi iOl' to cngag·

illg at Lho fl'Ullt. mile In tho vault ()f the Tato fnctory. COITIC, brillg yOlll' 1'1 iClldilllllrl olljuy I\nother man name,1 Schmidt was to YOllrsoir. bring onl' the [u'les anr! time cloelr.s nml I \Vas to llupp1y Lhe sult-cnscs. Plttl'iotio SlIndny wns obsol'\'erl I bought two of thes~ In Detroit, aud in tho Cnll'in Pl'o!lbytl'l'ilLIl chllroh, Look them over to Wnilwrville with· out any fjlleotlons being ns1te(1 by JUllO 27, by It SCl'\,ice ill tho SlInday the customs olllcers," Snturtlny af· school. Tho subject, "Luynlly to ternoon Lellel' was arrnlgnell bcfore

'1 ho HO\. ~h·. Stacoy's BOil, 1101'­

hel't C. SLacey, \\'as wUlIll(jod in

thc St, ,J IIliell lLntioll, !tllll is now in

I.ho hosllitnl at ClmlilJ', \Vnlcs.


Although Enemy Are UsIng "Gases" They Are OT No Avall-lt~ly's

Grc.:t Proph::cy

nome, .Tune 28-0n the Trentiu front arWlory dllels hnvo boen In­tensillml. Our Alpine troops havo sue­coeued In dnmaglng tho Tannic power honsll. On Lhc Carnic front the enemy has vainly endenvorod to retako Zol­lenltcfel. ArolllHl 1\lonto Nero during tho most recont engngemon ts the onemy abandonod 2,000 mU9\.ots and 20,000 rouuds of ammunition Alonl; tho !sonzo tho onomy is emplo) ing asphYXiating gnsos w Ilhollt success. Up to date wo Imvo only almcu at positions jlrevontlng an Austl ian in­vasion of Italy, \V'C havo succoeued. Hnd not bnd wenther Intorfere[l aliI aU· vnnco would hnve heen mal'O remark­nble. 'Vo nro sUll in tho 111 ehmln"ry phnso of tho campaign. '),he \\ eathcr hns prevented the transportation or heavy urtillery to tho mOllnt:1in tops but tho time Is not far dlstnnt when the Itallnn nnd nusslnn troops \\ ill loin hands on tlto Huugari.lIl plnins. The Itullans will go to ,!'rlestc via Vlennn. 'rho ammunitiOlf problem hus boen sntlsf[tctorlly soh od hore.

Russlllll . Offensive Continues Potrograd, June 28-0n the l\urew

front our enomy's attempt to auvanee along tho Omulow Valley cost him heavy losses. In the Orzye valloy on Weunesday night wo ropulsed a It'esll ndvnnco made hy considol'l11Jb fOl ecs, nnd wo enpturml live maclllnc guns On tho loft bank of the Vlstul.1 1\01 tho west of Zavlkhosl one of th'.) enemy's bnttlions ndvanelng toward ollr wire entanglemt'nts was entirely annlhllat cd by our lire. On 'l'hul'scJay in a counter-attncks nenl' Zolltlew nlHl Lem· berg, we toolt about 2,000 'PI isonOl S

Including 30 officers and calltlll'ctl 1:: IUnchino guns. On til<' Dnlcster be tween Rutlurol1' nml IInllcz we allli hold In clwclt desperato altaclm iJ? grent Auatro·German fol'cos 011 'M1Ul'sday wo took 1,000 1U00e prison· ers Including 17 Omeal'B unti 17 1\111'

chine guns, French Linea Stili Intllct

, '

London, .Tl1no 23-rr, n,l~ I1nlon. lcadcrn have 1(,sucd t\ 1'1:\,1l( fila a(l . dlcssed to their fellow tl,ule ulllon· ists, snylng' "'Ve aro flce,l Illth 1\

great rcsponmhillty, .111(1 ]1' ,<'011le I \\ Ith n Iha~nlilcent nPI oltnlll ,. \\'0 nl'n cnllcd upon to nl)L:i:1l in :-;11' 111~ oPT

nnllon ,ulll Its nilles, \\ 100 !In' J".Io: In" fOl'dvllw.allon nnd ,,,' 1 '11 )'1,'1 \.\, against barlhl.lHml ,111 lrp'o n \.(' t

After calling att, ntll)n t J ,h , ,I, l{

position of the n, It I' 10 1 t It ''', \ armies In lhe nl'lrl 1"1 (I)' ( \1 r l(,' {) the shortago of 11\11 Itll 1, , 110' , n 11 fesla appeals to IlpVl r\ ktll('l h 0,1 •

mall of tho cnrino'llll"; f"ll llL, trades \\ho is not nt },r' n"ll I 1" '~l 1 lipan war \\orit to (,,01} h 11 11 a volunteer In thlo 110" ·r nc' } and demonstrate to hI'. (nm HI I 1'1 tho trenchcs nml lh' 1'1001 ,orlt! lhnt Drllish tlnd!' 1l·li~TI1. no "I "1(\0, for nll thnt Is best in n \t 'on \I lifo, nnllonnl freedom Il"c} III nl: 1 ,1 11 ,tI f,'" cutlty The l\1unl((.I'O I' ,'ne I hy Arthur Henderson, ('10 t1rn"l!\ <1} th" Lnbol' pnrty In Iho Ilou 10 of Com 1101'S

and otll~r prominent Lr,lde unlon'slH.


Dul<o of Abruzzl to Commond I~:lll~n Shins A~3Isti"a Allies

Beroro accepting any udvertlsement this lln!te, tho publlshcrs socured

I.ho Canadlnn manufacturors In lion the :ollowillg pledge: "We, ,undor3!gn~d manu[ncturers of the

product tor products) II[>IOCIIIOII, and hrlelly described {)n our

attached, do horeby do·

Mnglstrnto lIIlers of Wnlkrrvllle, He 0111' Killg :t1ll1 OU1' BllIpil'c," \\'nR wns charged with conspiring with dOlllt with \·OI'Y RlIitnbly by Hc\,. others to dentory property nnt! endall ger life. Without being unltad to ~fto. Nh'pn, of 'Vinnipcg, llifJ [lload, he wus remul1l1ed for eight days rOlllarlts WQro lIIost improssivo Imr1 and was sent to Snndwlch ja1).

Convinced Confession Genuino hjs ser\'ico milch approeiltlod Tho pollec belieYe thut I,encr'! tenchol·f.l alld ullicel·s.

, Sllgl'lIImu-AL ·Winllipog, on \VeLl·

II esr.! ny, J IIno 2::lrr.l, Lo ~ll', ltnrl

]\f1'S. Erllest Shepiterd, l~ dnllgh·


Pnris, .Tuno 28-111 tho Argonno there has been some lighting. In the bnttles of tho twenty·slxth at tho trenches of Calonnl1, ,'Cry violent hand.tn-hand lighting occurre(l. The Gormans employed 0. burning liqUid nnd under covel' of tho clouds o[

011 Sllll- Bmolm advnnced to their old IIIHt line

London • .Tuno 2R-Thc '!'Il'in COl r'R' pondent of The C'hroni Ie' h '~.l • I·lto momentous Ilnnouncl'mc.ll III II H.llv is nbout to shr.,rl' III the 0,1~1.ll "n" [It the Dardanelles cel'w,c'l <,veil tllO stently lllarch of e' ent'1 on thp It l10' Austrilln frontlor3 1;11~.'~·d liS "It,> nctul1lly Is In II life antl dealh <,tllu;"lo with the Dunl illon'lIch\', ant! 'Jcs'libly with Its hip;er ally nl' n, It Ilv I annat nt this monlf'nt 0. IT ,Jr , I to tll,:ooolo oonslderable forceR 11 "'" I h,Il' n1.\ln objectlvc, henco Haly c· 1111'1t ,ll' ]l.lIe'[ two nrlny COI!)l} to \{rl '11" f'ngl:­I~rench tlOOPS In tho () 1111\1011 1'l'nln· suill. Itnly has olfel, rl n, \I, on nlld I~rnnce the free usc of 1'01 t on thu AdrhLtlc 80 ns to nrronl a mOl t' nt!· vnnlagoous bnno llhUl Alpx~ndrl,\, ~,gypt, for operations 1l[;1ll's~ til" D,LI'­dunellcs. Italy h,l'l Ul1dCl loLl,Oll 10 seud to the lJ:lrdallel1r '" 11t1l1"I' tho Dul{[J of AllruzzL \'. ,11 ship" bellel' "daptet! fol' w0l1. in3lrlc lll' sl' fllll tlll1n the Drca,lnol'~ 1[0, ('I11[>loy [I thcl'o ant! Drltaln wlll 1\lt'1(II,I\\ II CJU

lattel', exc!tnnglnr; the'll II til 11,1\, [01'

pollco wOllt in lho A<lllatk chief 10 tho helld of nn organized gan1 Itold- its u~llftl

GerPltll1 spies, and thnt ho ell'

.• ~~~~,~~t~aJ~~"a~'IL~~ll~;~il~~~~I~~~~~~~~~]~~~%?~t~oia~~~~2!~I~:j~~~0~~~~i~~~~~1!\~Vri~lncs, ot ou goods, knowln!; our lri Crown b ns tho plot was In Da- "Nal.ionltl Ideals !t11l1 How Hoti,e

to II right. And In case thero trait, tile eon".lllrators ,"oliid COlno Ull' " 'I "" Missions Prolllote Them. 'I 10 over be any dlssatlsractlon del' tho United Stntes law. "There Is

any or our goods 'we '70uld wei. no doubt thnt I.eller's confession il!! (JiscIIssioll wns led by Olivor Masoll. tho cuutomer to tnko lilO mat. genuine, I at-all certainly urge the '£110 YOllug peoplc woro glud to

Govornmont to name him as one <lr up -~'1l11 In dIrect, so that it mny the principals in Lho plot." Lefler Imvo tho Uc\" Hugh Humilton, I),

be aujustcd to the entire snlls[aelion told tho poll,'c yestorday that ho wus J'Ol'IIlCl' }lllsLOI', wiLh Lhelll, wflO on-of tho party concerllod.' born In Wooclstoclt, Ont, of Dutch

t I, t t h Id d Inl'i'f'ed U1Jon the OI)porLlIllit" o[)el1 Th e paper Is thus glvln'g real ser. paren s. lor wen y years e re3 e I'> J

In the Unlter! Stlltes, hut never tcolt to youllg mell Lo pm,j('y tho political vIce to Uanndlan purchasers and Cnn, nnturnlizatlon paIlel's. Fearing ndlau manufacturers, It Is Insurlug lhat an ntte mpt at reecuo \'lUi be and sooin I lifo or tho comlllllnit,y. lhat nothing hut good goods will be made by acr.olllplices <If Lefler, (Jov- Tho slIbjoct, 1'01' d iSCllssioll 011

Id ernor John Harmon of Sandwich jnil to , IIntlar the "Mnde·ln·Cnnnda" has aslted soldiers to guard the prison. Jllly 7 hJ "Making Lifo \V Ol'Lh

In lhls product (or

lltbel, nnd thaL, hnvlng In mind price While," ~nd quullty, i'. tho principle behind Deny Pontiff is Pro.German UIO wbolo "Modo.in.Cnnnda" move. Sunday, Jllne 27, the sordoe in !!!.gd.u. '...eadlng Romo Newspaper Says Letter the Cnl\'ill chlll'ch wns conduotorl

to Von Buelow Exaggeration by 110\', Mr., Nh'en, of tho EJlJlc

HOIISO, \Vinllipeg,


• 1 1\1 We beat them back with huge lossos 1II0 27, to 1\1I .. !tllr 1'8, Wo still hold the old German 1I1'st hne

'J:>-.~~~j[:.oLli"u"dt\1 tcr;-' .. ··c~ .. ··"'i"· and soctlons or' tho 'socond line :wllich we had prevlouBly capturer]. least' ot

ELmI,ANll-At MoCI'cal'Y, 011 Sun· tho Grando trench on the rldgi on· dny, J uno 27th, to ]\11'. lLnd 1\1I-s. closing tho Senvaud ravine the enemy

\ on Friday occupied 0. trench on n 1'1 ant A. H!tl'land, II SOli, of 120 metros, During the night we

recnptured it '!'he nrt,Jlol'Y IIgh ting LA FUNNllm-At N.D. dc LOllrr]os, on this front was pal'llcul.trly \iolent

UII TIIC8t1l~y, to 1\11-. and ~11·8. Ln. north of FJlrey and Lnllllie, A Gel' man neroplano throw two bombs on

fl'cl1iol', or a IlUIl. 6t. Die killing one woman.

\VmGlmH-At N.D, do IJollrtles,

011 Thlll'sdllY, Julylst, to MI'.

nlld 1\1I-s, ,J. E. \V oickcl', It flOIl.

Por,Lox-At '1'I'OhOI'lIe, on FI'idoy,

J 11110 25Lh, Lo ~iI-. I\lItl Mrs. John

Pollon, l~ son.

Treherne Weather Report

Minimllm lLlld m!l.Ximlllll lom·

pornLllros 1'01' Lho woek beginning Friday, ,Til II 0 Lhe. 25th I1ml <llldillg

Thlll'Rda~', J Illy 1st. 52 aho\'o 7,j nbo\'o

GREAT BRITAIN'S REPLY Britain Denies Careleosness In Re,

gard to American Shipping Rights

• Washington, June 26-Grcnt Dl'ltnln,

In a memorandum transmitted to tho

Want "A'liO!l Enemie3" Interned I .. .. ~""".- ." _.. ~ •

Many Sign Petition G-y' -a Thnt Grent Dangel' May Rcault to Mining

Cobnlt, .Tuno 23-Petlt ;'1ns, \\ I11Clt hnve heen circu1at2t1 111 th~ rllJ}tllt t of 'rlmlsltnmlng. anti prlm,1I J1y in Iho towns of Cobalt and Nc" U·,kt"1l1. [or the internment o[ nll III en 011" Iiel, hnvo been very largely r.i~[\rll 'j h"l'(, aro to date on thl' vanO"'l p tit Ion I conBidernbly mo: [) I hall ,~ thouSIlI1,l signntures. nnd 1I0t all havo yet "0:110 In Tho petltlon3 h,wc I' en (' li,,1'so,1 by Ute Cobnlt Ho_\!' I 0, 'l'r HI', un,1 two prominent C.tlZPI1G will \I, It llllcn tho 1I1inister of ~lIhtLt to urr;' I 1m t" give tho mo.ttol' his o.\lI'(»t all ntlo11. Artel' tho many oull'agclI In (',II1lHln It Is felt that it Is mo~t ,lanc;elolls to nllow 0. lnrge numbOl cr men belong· Ing to n:t.Uons with whkh Ihl! l';mlllrll is :t.t wal' rIco to UM th~ enOl UlOUl supplies of explcslves In th~ camps. It Is a featuro, too, that in ;;enctnlly appr~clo.ted in tho camp, lhat mest ot theso men cnn smuggle expll1gives alit of tho Iulnes and InlOW how to uso thorn \vhen they have them.

"Midway" to be Overh.:ruled

.' .

Offer of Hospital to the Brltllh Government

'1'oronto, Juno(! 21-0ntnrlo's Govern· ment Is now In comlllunlcntion 'with the Im\lerlal Government nnd lhe Brit· Ish Wnr Ofllce logardlng dethlls of tho hospItal which hUs beon oITered, on be· half ot tho pooplo of Ontario, as tholr seeund Provlnelnl war gHt, 'l'his In· formntion wns given otllclnlly at tho Parliament llulldlngs last week, but no InfornlUtion as to tho chnracler 01' ex· tent of tho llogo11at!onu can yet bo mnde public. It Is anllcillatcd, how· Pover, lha\! ROme unnouncement \vlll ho 1I1i!.do wlUulI 0. low days, It Is \lI1der· otood tho.t tho 1'1'0,,1001:11 Governl1_ent Is prepared to,llroceod, as soon as the

YelLr oll(liug J IIno 30, 11l 1 i.i. School OpOIl 200 clltys.

ElIl'ollll"IIL 108,





5:1 u 72 " 59 " 7G "

" 68 " " 75 " .. 79 , - ., " 61


United stutes and mado publlc here and In London last weelt, I'eclles Its ei!orts to minlmlzo Inconvenlc uco to neutral cammer co aud llsBerts thal American citizens hnvo no groullds for complaint on account of tho treat· mellt accorded their cnrbc'Cs. No Ilt­tempt Is mado to nnswor tho prln· clples asserted In the American nato ot March 1 InslsUng upon the light of neutrals to I:nrry on legitlmnto commerco wllh eneh othor and to trnde In non·contraband \dth civilians In belligcrellt Colin tries. .MnothCl' noto to Groat BrItain IS no)v In course of preparation aud will \)0 despatched us soon 'as the lIegotintlons with Ger· many over submarine warfaro hnve been cleared up. While this eom­munleatlon probably will mnltll rater· enco to bhe latest memorandum, it Is understood that -tbo mallner at en· forcing the order In Oounell will not bo treated as relovant to tho qucstlon nt ISSU9-whelher, therll Is any war· rant In International law for the

Toronto, Juno ~8-0fficir.ls of tho gxhibltlon al'O not talting any cllunce!! this year of offonding tho t.l!-t" of [he thousands who visit tho 1"ldwa),. IGvery precaut!0/1 Is being laken to get cloan, uttractlvQ shoWS. Lu~t yenr thero wns aomo complaint rlgarding a frenk 01' two In one of l\te tents, and there were oven eomplulnts 1'0' gnrding a performnnce In front or th~ gl'llndstand thnt r.loplcted tho tlouhles of 0. hUBband Inllicted with a wlto enterta.lnlng cxtremo militant vlows.

gl[t hun IlC'm formnlly an the detnlls nrranged, lo necessary supplies lIud 'l'hll1' w!ll be dono by.,ellOtrn(lv ns possible with Ish flrms, As to the 'Olllce!rITlg bospltal nothing bus 1\Yany numos or IlrlonJ'tnl~11

hayo heellllv~l~~~~!~;!~il:~!~~;~'~~,n~i~~~~!~ ot tho 00 with npllllcal.IUI]~ or to Berve selection o'r cd" Is will bo

o o o • • • . , . • •

that Grent Britain and her have assumed to exel'clso over

the commerce of the world. In Its memo. tho Foreign Offico om·

phaslzes tho "varied Bpecial conces­Blons mado lu favor or United States citizens" In forlh that all Brit·

_ .•.• __ In eyory casu ,Ul,mos~ despatch consistent

object In'vlew,. and of show·, <:"'''':1 Jng.,l~L>evo:ry case BIICh conslderatio!1

.~.-""'·.'· .. I ns might be, compatible objoct, ,namely, to prevent

n"e"i"',,, I'VOI!scls,; from carrying goods [or,. ai' I (IolIllng· from, . terrltorf."

• • • • • o o •

Italy PreparIng For Threo V~ars nome, Juno 28-ltn.1Ian miilta:y

authorities yestorday nssorted thnt nit the nrms, ammunition, nml exploslveu fnetorles In tho Kingdom aro \I orkin,;

and night to SOCllre not only wh[lr, be noeeSSl1ry [01' the wllr tllIa

Bummer nnd tho coming autumn, bUG [or eontlnuo.nce of tho conflict [ai' three yonrs, Inclnulng tho supplies l)~ nrms which It will bo - nOOcs5ary to replnce.

Mexican Leaders Arrested

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JUliO 28-Gen. Vic· dictator at

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Page 2: .. 0.··ad to hand twice a day [or a year 74c kept in Cannda tloes $144.00 CUI'udl:lII !JUSllW:S (It which $176,60 \>ngC", ~177.CO rnw material, and proUt All form u $1.00 1mI" aso

o , ,.

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(1) · . • " . • C!l • • .' •• • • 41 •

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The Merchants Bank of Cana:d~' ~~ StatemeDt of Liabilitiel aDd As.eta at 30th April, 1915..

• , ' r LlABIUTIES, .' , , .t, To the Shareholder.".', Capilal Stock. paid Ie .••••••••••••• , •••• 0 ••• II If I. II f $ 7,000,000.00 Itest or Reserve Fund .•••.•••.•.•••••• "' •••••• ••••••• 7,000,000,00 Dividends declared nnd unptild .................... ,'. 176,710.00 DallUlce of Profits 85 per Profit nnd 1.,0"" Account. •.••. 2~5,140. 70

, $14,420,860,70

2, To the Public. Note.~ 01 the Bank In Circulalion .• , ••••••••• ,'" •••.•• $ 6,20',069.00 Deposits nol be.lring interl-st, ............... ·· .. ·· .. · 12,tl!l2,Otll.44 Deposits benrillg interest (including intereslnccrued to

date of slulenlen\) ....................... " . • . .• .. .. 60,037,101.80 Balances due to Olher Bllnk~ in C'nnudll. •........••.•. 933 ,2()'1. 92 lIulnllCC" due lo Dnnks lIlid hanl.:!ng corre~pondenl5 in

lhe Unitott Kingdom nnd fureign countries ......... , 1,207,076.30 llills lluyublc: ••••••••••••....•••.•.••• to •• •••• ot. to... • ••••••••••

A~r.er.lnnce. nnder lette!" or credit .................. ·,· 601l,100.26 Ll,lhlliUcs nutlllc1udcJ IU the furegulllg .•• , •• ,. •.•••••. , ., ...••.•• ----

~RIl,1 00,-1&4.01


Current Coin held (see also depOSll iu Cenlrni Cul<1 It~ervc), ...•..•..•.•••.••.• , ••.•••••.• , . •• • ••... $ 2,603 ,330.53

DOUliuion Noleg held ••••••••••• ' •• 0'.0 •••••• '0' ••••• 12,7S2,UU.t75 Noles of otber Bunks ..•••••• to •••• O ••• to to •••••• to... 56·\,711.00

I I II k 2,""3,7'8.30 C lcqUe..q 011 ol lcr an 5 ••••••••• ••••••••••••••• Of' • • • ~ ••

ilninne"" due l>y olher Danks in Cnnulla., ., .... " ..... S,1I0.67 DlllancCl\ due by Danks nnU b,lllkin!: correspondents

elsewhere than in Canadll ... , .......••..•..... ,... 2,232,Gli5.!J1 Dominion Bud Provincial Gu\'ernment securities, not

exceeding lllarket valne, .......... ···· .. · ........ , Canadian Municipal ~ecuritics, and Brilish, I'oreigu and

Colonial public securities. other thnn Canndilln, uut exceeui nl{ market vulue .................... ' ...... .

1i83, 997.72


RailwllY 111111 Olher Bonds, DebenlllreS and Slocks, Dut exce",lil1ll111arket value .. , ... , ............ ,........ 4,!J(ll!,196.68

Cull l~JllUS III CllnlLrla on I\onc,". Debenlures IlllU Slock.. 3,6011.342.811 Cull Louns elsewbere tb.llI iu Canaull. ................. IlM,\9S.H ---,32 ,OSll,67 1.0 l

Other Current I,onns and Discounts in CanAda (less ~ I(ehnlc of 111lerC!Ot) .... '... .. .. .. . . • ...... .. ... • .• 47,401,868.68

Olher Current "onns and Discouuts e\sc"'here thun in Cllu.d" (less Rebate of Interest) .. , •...•. , •.........

Li.'hHlties of cuslolllers under letters of credit as per contra ......................... , .... ' ••.•..•.•.• " •.•


696,100.26 118,1116.77

, 144,721.63 Rt'.al g,qlllte other than hank premises ......•.•• , .,. It" Ovenlue dehts, cslinlllted luss provided for ..• , ..•...•• liunk Prcmlses, lit not 1lI0re than cost, 1e511 amounts

writtcn oIT ................... ,...................... ",166,1'7.94 Deposit wllh the Minister ror lhe pUrpOSCli of tbe

Circu lauon Jl'und •..••• , ••.•• ···••••••••••••••••••• Drposit in lhe Central Gold Rele .... e ....... · ... ,· .... • Olber A:;..ci.S not included in the foregoing .••• , ..... .


3.15 ~OOO. 00 1,000,000.00,


t;B6, I 1Itl,464.1i 1

K. W. Ul,ACKwHi,T" Vju·/~esideni.

Jt.. 11. Imnnrm, Gm""ut Iofallarer.

Reperl 01 lilt .. lit ... t. til. ;barohol ..... 01 tit. Merchuh B •• k 01, C"'~l. In accordance with the proyl.loul of .uh·~cllon. 19 and ~ of SC'dlun LG of

the nan,," Act we 1cport to tbe .ha~hotdef!l." (ollo"I1:-We bnvc eXllP1tuffi the nho"c nn'aace Sh('cl with the nooks of AC'C'Ouul and

other record" of the UaDk allhc Chic! Offlcc and willi the sigued rclurlUi from ,the llmuchc5 Qnd A«cllciC!l We have checkl.-d the cash and verified tbe IccuriUe", of the Dnnk at the Chief Office RRalnst lhe eatries iu fCIlOlrd lhutelo in lite book!! of the'! Uuuk "M ou April SJth. 1016. Rud nll\. d~tfrlcDl Lime during the year and (OUIII.! tbeD1 to aKrcC' with INch culrleR. We hnvc nho atteuded at leverul of the nrun~he. durin" tbe year And chcc:kcd the cash and \·C'rlficll the llecurltic:. h~ld at the date. uf our aUena.nee nnd found lbcmtu Il,rec with lhe cntrie. fa tbe book. of the: DaUK. wltb rec


lhcrc:lo. We h"ve obtained "It Ole Inrormatlon and ell:plRl1aliona ",e lun'c reqvlred. In otlr opinion lhe tran!Wctton' or the Iklnk which haye come ultl1~r our notice haye been within the po-wcrs or the nauk,nmlthe above no.1aucc Sheet {. properly drawn up 60 AS to exhibit. tnle and correct "lew of lh~ slAle of lhe Dauk's .00alH pccordlnK tu the best of obr inrorm.liou and the eap1ulUllio~ Kivell to UI aDd •• .bow" by Lb. bootr.8 or lhe n.nk.. ,

VIVIAN HARCOURT, or Do1ollt<, (,lend ... , GriJliUu& co.} A.diUJn. J. 1ll<t1D UVDlt, or Moclnlv.h /;< Hyde. · , '

"ontreal, Ull> April, 1915.


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Future, West' ~ "~l \ I ' '1 t ~! ' '( ~J ~, I ... ~ •• )

,'VI,"."" Have Men With :Strong Ideals Single purp'olie'to Build up

the Community Life Some Stock to Raise, and

Sell For His Own Benefit

. " ,

.: . •

• 0

· . . . . .. ; ' .. '. · . •

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," " • • ~ •• II' . . .. : ',' " .. -........ ':.,' ,,' " ~ ',.'

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... ,' ,

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:." . :':.: : ..

.. :pi~temper Ever hear or thts? Yep, ot courSD you did, but under"

'dltt:ercnt name. You have seen tt In cases whero tho horse was "overtrained," worked a little too rust nnll reG'Ular. The nervous system getH the shock. after tho voluntary muscular system hn:. been laxed too heavily. The trouble starls tn the mucous surface. nnd tho dlgcs­tlvo npparnlus. lOO, must then be tmpnh'cd, lIo bOG'lns to cougb when the glnnds ore mnterlnlly nlYected.

"SPOH N'S" On many or our rarms, all too, many, th'o' owner Is tbls year working with practically' his all staken upon .the harvest. Last year's disappointing harvest and others preceding that again was more than a great many oC our pioneers could flnanclally stand­but tbe demand of seeu grain Cram the government has told the tale oC con· dltlons. At this time then It might appear out of place to discuss nothing except practlcal or economic questlons that will bear directly upon proflts at the end of the J car. 'rhes" ques· tlons we have discussed and will again discuss, but there are other matters that we must also bring up.

What Is your boy wor'.h to you on the, farm? No one can estimaLe,.and yet boys by the scorll leave the farm every yeur for town or city work. Trne, mllny or these boys do hetter ut some oLber occupation thun they would ever do at farming, but mnny others would have made better farm·

Is your tn10 sa1vnl10n. Tl rCRtorr.s thi' npPf"Ute nnd nor .. mnl runctions or the whole system. 'rho nct1on\.~~l slIch cases Is remarkably rnp1a nnd sU1'O (or recovery when you use this remedy necordlng to Instructions with ench

h boll Ie. Sold by nll wholesnle drug houseB, ho,se goo,15

ouseR. or exprCRR pTf"pald by mnnu(nctm'crN • 1

SPOHN MEDIC.At. CO" Chemists and Baete'rlologlsts, Goshen. Ind .. U ,5. A.

'I'hls time' of stross will pass, the experlencos or our "arly pioneers tell us that. 'l'ho agrlcultnral history of the Dakotas,lof Nebraslea and Kansas tell us that they had tbelr crop fall· ures In pioneer days and that tbous· ands of these pioneer settlers were forced to leave tbese states. Yet a survey of these same states today sees them aIpong. tho wealtby agricultural states of the Union with a large pro· portlou of the pioneer landowners now landlords and tbelr farms occu' pled by tenan ts. Time, together with corrections In our farming methods an'd econt/mlc conditions, will make markt;d cbanges for-the better hero. For tIlese reasons and because already our older settlements are past these conditions' we can surely tnrn to the consideration of other matters.

ers thull anythtng else, and with a lit· lie lact and interust would never havo thongbt of leaving the farm. '

'l'ho boy growing Into young man· hood hilS lin Inherent and supreme de· sire lo have somelhlng his very own, It Is Lhls destre, perhaps, more than anyUllng elSe which cuuses him lO seek C,LY employment. He thinks of the money which he can earn anu ha Ve as his own to spend liS he sees fit. In short, he wunlS to do for him· self.

'I'he easiest and most logical way tor the farmer to Interest the bOy In [llrm· lng, then, Is to give him something to be hiS property. It Is not t..;cessury or practicable with yonng boys lo pay II. stated wage, aithongll this Is udvls· able with tho sons lliter they have reached the uge at which they ure known as men. No Carmer shOUld ex· pect boys to work m.W 30 01' :15 years of age for their board and crollics and a few cents speudlng money. Hut the lIIaln thing Is to start when the boys

It Is not enough that tlle farmers of Western Canada should bo money· makers. That Is placing II. very low Ideal. Monoy should be but a means to an end. If the education of tho yOlith oC tlle farm, the creation oC healthy social conditions and the building of comCortablo farm homes Is to be sccondary to money malting, then the high Ideuls of true agrlcul· tural democracy have beeu for· saken.

We cannot believe, though, from the co.operative spirit shown by tho tarmers In western Canada and from the principles as expounded at their 'gatherings that they are a body of mero money·makers for tbe sake of money.multlng. But we beHeve there Is a danger that through being forced Cor a time to devoto thel: entire tlme to making money In putllng their Carm on a flrm basiS that this may become a permanent passion and, long after It were possible to turn the mtnd to bulhll!1g up the community me through tile home, church and school, It will still be occupied In gathering In wealth.

are young to Interost thorn 111 and satisfy them with their calling. Gh 0 the bOY a fOW hens and let him ralso chickens for sale. Do not eat thelll ull In the fall. When sold the money should be the boy'c. Give him a sheep or two, anu allow him to ralso and, dis· paso of the Illmbs as bo sees flt. l\Iake him the I,resent of the best calf on tbe place, or ono or two of tile hest little pigs In thl litter, Never try to be good to him by giving him the "runt" or "crippled" pl,,;s, the puny calf, the sickly lalllb, 0.' the tuber' cular chickens. Let him have the best, whlc:~ w\ll pleaeo blm greatly. Nothing will so dlscourngo the lad as working with the scrubs of the herd or flock, or, after making a suc· cess of his Iced lng, to see tho stocle sold and the money go down Into the bottom of his father's pocket, 'rhere is 1II0re joy lind satisCaction for the boy In brlngtng II. lalllb, pig tor calf to the selling age, making the sale himself, and disposing of the money uccordlng to his own desire or Inclinations than can be measu red In words. Is your boy not worth each year a pig or two, a calf or a pair oC lami:s? If so,' bo shOUld have this consideration, and soon agriculture woult! show a diller· ent [rant. Farm bays would bo more eager to [arm than to do anything else.

Thousands or oUl: .• farms aro now In the making. A llttle time spent In laying out lhe flelds, In placing the Carm buildings 'and shelter belts and tn planning out the buildings w\ll leave, an attractive farm tor all time In place or the chaos we otte'n see. Some time spent In guiding the school work, In assisting the teacher to be prngresslve, wlll give the boys and girls an education and Inspiration that will be more valuable than any

Farm girls should receive lllea con· slderation. poultry ofCers the best op· portunltles to develop tholr talents for she shOUld be allowed to make the most of these. A nice driving or rid· Ing horse Is also a flne thing [or the girl, ami, by the way, the boy apprec· lates a "driver" too. Girls should also have opportunities to del'elop their talents Cor music, and should not be expected to be scrubbing, cleaning and cooking all the tillle. There Is much In farming besides work and worry, and the young people should be ShOWll the brightest side of lhe plcture.­Farmers' Advocate.


DON'T swelter over a hot ranee this summer. The

NEvV PERFECTION Oil Cookstove keeps your kitchen cool and clean and does away with all the ash-pan, coal-hod drudeery of the coal ranee. THE NEW ]'ERFECTION lights like gas, regulate. like gu, and cools like gas. It is gas ,to"e comlorl wilh kerolene oil. NE\V PERFECTIONS arc .oid in 1,2, 3 and 4 burner .izes by dealers evcr)·VThere. II your dealer calUlol supply you, write UI





"Wasted" Time Well Spent

T~e Farmer Who Old Not Take Time to Gain Information

"NOW SllRVINO 2.000,000







Arts Courses only. The word "wa,t.Jd Is here used ad·

vlsedly, as ',Vaste" time according to one may bo tlme well invested uccord· Ing to another. One of the most sloven· Iy farmers we have ever known, whore stacie was always the lhlnnest, crops the shortest, and hulldlngs lhe mosl In need of repair of any In thtl locality, was continulllly tulklng or the time his neighbors were wasting. 'I'he tlmo spent at Furlllers' Instltules, fall fairs, or a&rlcultural demoustratlons, was all classlfled as wasted He fairly bollel! with Indignation IC llny one suggested taltlng u day off to gO to a ptcnlc.








, other wealth left them, while a com· fortable home with modern convenl· ences will stop that longlng'to retire to the village that so many farm women have. Men In cities gather wealth that they may purchase a place In th . country surrounded by nil.' tnre's beanty, while we of the coun· try have the heauty or nature so close at\ hand that we nover so much a3

e:==""_~==_""_~=-"'-"'_"'-=""""=-""""""" _"'--"'=_-""-"''''-======:'''''=="";,='';'''"""'';'''"",,'';''';,,.,,, ~:;.ce a tit are n c!l u rage I t In ~ ny "Unclean" Germany ENGLAND AND FRANCE Western Canada has not generally


It alwllYs str!!!le us as fUllny lhat this mun never noticed that those of his neighbors who wasted the most time In the ways mentlone.· were the most prosperous In the community. lIlld he noticed this ap parent paradox he probably would not have wasted any time thinking 011 the problem. poor .mlsg"lded man! rlud ho wast· ed a little more time Informl g him· self on the problems of his culllng· he might have learned how to farm. Had he found time to mect with his Ce11ow· men, even Lr only at the llnnual Sun· C:ay school picnic, he might have learn· cd something oC how to Hve.-The Busy East.

Brighter Trade Outlook for Canada Commerchlily, lhe worsl seems to le

over tn Canllda; not only that, bnt bot· ler times have llPPllrently bogun. SOUlO months Ulnst eillpsll, perhaps, before lhe prosporlty that Is In slghl will be felt by the mllSS of lhe pea· pie. The crop ontloole Is very satlsfllc, tory; wllr orders, already lurgc, prom· Ise to become stupcndous; the Indica· tlons are that In value th~ will grow from the presen~ Ilguro of $164,000" 000 to . pproxlmately $400,000,000 within the yeur. Unless all signs [ull Callullll will be able lO export BurJllu~ wheut this year to lho I'ulue of ~150,· 000,000; Its totul Murpills crop exports mllY reach $~60,OOO,OOO. Should this be the case, llnd should the prouucl of Cllnadlun factories contlllue lo be call· cd for ubroad In the Sll,ne VOlll11l0 u, Ilt present, Lhe Dominion, for lhe I1rst tlme In Its history, will h.n-e II tmdd balanco In Its favor at lhe end of tho Uscal, year.-Bosto!. 1Ilonltor.

Gel'many boasts tljat she has taught" the natural beauty of many countries. Eugll\nd and AmerIca and all other Who dare disturb the lunds, It does not give the Incentive to build nations, a '·Iesson." Truly, she has. Arming their felon bands, up pleasant, prosperous communities She haA taught the world that ana. Llrtlng their blood·red hands? or' permanent forms. Any Incentive tlon dr,uggcd with the spirit of I,et them advance! particular to pioneer ~ettlers Is to tllrlsm Is a metHlCe not alone to Its Two mighty States combined, g:.ther in wealth and remove to more neighbors, but to all humanity, and Both of one heart and mind, pleasant Ian lis. It Is possible, though. that until thllt mad'dolusion Is swept Combat for humanklnd- to bullli up a comfortable agl'lcultural

'away tbere wlll be no peuce or secur. England and Fra:lCe!. country but we must have men with Ity on this ellrth. Germuny Is no Ideuls and a strong single purpose longer a nallon at war,' tut a nation Friends o[ the rlght[ul cause, and; moreover, their minds must not urged by blind, savagery. She has put Guardians of Europe's laws, turn exclusively to money·maklng.-

Baby's Own 'I'ablets are the onlV medicine for llttle ones, being guar· unteed by a government analyst to be ubsolutely froe from Injurious drugs. 1'11ey ure pleasant to take, act mildly but errectlvely, and always rellove con· stlpatlon, Indigestion, colds and slm· pic fel'ers and Ngulate the stomach and bowels. Concerning them Mrs. Donald Ettinger, Georgefleld, N.S., writes: "Bilby's Own Tablets are the only medicine I can get thal always do my Httle ones good and I always Liniment, Lumbe,'man s

herself beyond the pule of cll'llizallon. Guilt In Its schemes Shllll pause" Farmer's Advocate ·(Wlnnlpeg). I And the llIost dreadful prospect to can' Awed by your glance!

p them In the house." The Tab· I ets are sold by medicine tlealers or by

mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle,

templato Is that even Wllr may not When your twin banners wave, explute hor blood.gulltlncss, but thllt l~reedom shall bless the slal'e; (or a ..generallon the raccs of men Glory shall crown the brave-

They. were,dlscusslng the, war: "In France," said Mr,' Cltyman,

" men are ull expert fencers," Ont 1

Minard's Friend.

The live l>tock commIssioner of the proytnce of Alberta says that not· wlthstan'dlng the high prices pllid. [or

will shrlnlt [rom her namo as at the England anll France! cry "Unclean! .. ..:..PlIliadelphla North American.

Drives Asthma Before It.-The' Imolee or vapor tram Dr. J. D. Kel· logg'S' Asthma RoI' ,ldy gives asthma \ no chance to Unger. It eradicates the cause. Ollr experience \\llth the relief· giving remedy show 'how actual and posltlve Is lIie sllccor It gives: It Is the result of loug"study and experiment

',Ilnd waH .not submitted to tho pubUc until Its lIlakers knew It would do Its ""'ork well. " f ,., ; J I ":':"=-"--'-'-__ " " lilach 'army now, IIghtlng In t;UlrOlpe ~ses a rltle dllterent from lIlat each of' tho others. Tho

Foes o[ our peace and right Tempt not the useless fight, Vain Is your arm of mlght­• Vain, SWOT( .. and lance! True hearts repeat the cry! England anil Liberty! England and Victory!

lilnglan(1 anti France! -Charles Mackay, In 1855. ' :

"bavo tlio longest, rlfte, tho },'ren.,h 'longest bayonet" while the .USllrl~LIlS 1.~!:~~I;~'~'l.lrll.nSl)O uso tho heaviest I. with', tho largest tho French and

Germlln rltle ~~r!i:'~'~'~I~~I~f~~: '&Ie 'velocity. "1 nn'v,," ahortoat rlfte, W 'added the weapon .!a'lOlngEIr.'ilhalli,lthe rlne and' bayonet' of .tnillilallls,

; IJAUltriaol: • l,) 1\~lW '"t I q(

l~;1 . ~~,""~) ~;'::~ :;:~~~;~;~~'~.~S~~~!!~&i~~~~ I ((, 'a iT ,,! the I'.oc,clllllo,n

.' . o • • • • •

"Wall 1 swan!" exclaimed Farmer Meddergress, "Rail or .barbed wire!" -----SHE QUIT; .. ,' .

But It Was a Hard ,Pull , \ :, .. .;.,...,.,..,.-- ,.

It Is .:ard to beHeve thc.t tea corree will put a' persoL.' In' such' Ii condition as It did this woman.. She tells her own story:, ' ..' ,

"I did' no~ believe coffee' caused my trouble,. and fre,quentiy said 1 liked It so well I WOUld, not, and' could not, quit drlnk:ng It; but 1; was a ,miser' aille surrerer trom teart trouble and nervous' prostration for f four )\ears." (Tea Is, as l1.j as" collee, because" health·

• " • • o • •

A Sneeze Is Nature's Remedy grain since tho beginning oC the wllr Sneezlng'mllY bo due to one' of II. there bas been little or no depletion

number or causes. A bright light wHl b! the amount or Hve stock being cause many people to sneez~ as also 'raised by farmers and rllnchers. An tho' pollen ,of certain plants'" while' exception may be made :" the case oC there are few people but will sneeze hogs, which respond very qulcldy to In tbe presence ot dust. I When you market condltlons, but the hog In· bave a cold the sneeztng,ls due to an dnstry also now,shows Increasing im· uttomptlbY'natl,Jre to cure you. She Is portance, All over the province the trying to make you sneeze for' the hors~, cal tie, and sheep Industry Is same purpose that she wants you to continuing to grow In Importance, shiver-to generate heat for warmjng , . the blood I.nd preventing you from tak· Do not keep ducks and chickens In Ing:more Cold,.to help relieve .the cold the same houso or the same runs .

have.' r ~nes does not sneeze Their habits are too dissimilar, one o~ his but with his entire, the. other wlll not do well. Ducks reo

act every muscle quire a different method of feetllng jump, as It we're; and should be yarded aWllY from the

sort at spasm' that fowls, ,eD,ure system.' It Is worth


ml61l1:IOinlO that· sneezing a '

. She-:-I sa:.v, U!e . doctor my: los8 of memory.

He-What did he do? She-Made me pay In ac1vanne.

.I J .~ \.. t!... •

Recognized liS the lellulng speclflc for lhe destrnctlon of worms, Mother Graves' Worm I,xtermlnlllo r hilS pro}'ed a boon to suffel'lng cblldrell

'everywhere. It seldom falis.

As the helld of an Ins'Jrnncc com· pany, he decided to "Islt one or the dlstrlcls which showed Il Culling orr In business and qulet:y Invcstlgate. \"hlle thus engaged ho was asked how h Is company fouud busln~ss, spealdng Cor Itself. . . "Oh, we wll1 be nhout half a million

aheuel the flrst 'lulC oC thlu YOllr," ha replied. '

"Ahead of what?" "WhY, ahead of the undertaker."

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Page 3: .. 0.··ad to hand twice a day [or a year 74c kept in Cannda tloes $144.00 CUI'udl:lII !JUSllW:S (It which $176,60 \>ngC", ~177.CO rnw material, and proUt All form u $1.00 1mI" aso

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Interesting Stories of how the Canning Club Work is Carried on in the United States, and how Substantial Profits Have

Been l\-1ade by Girls in Canning Vegetables and Fruit (From the L!o'llltry Gcntlcman)

Thero wu~ hUI'ulY n lluBH!r gIrl In the wnolo tilutu 01 h'WU lust yeur tllnn ):llolse l'urbond, LUO cnuDllllOU In towa, LO'ClUb worK. Wnen auo wusu't eun, nlUg LOllluwo~ lrom her LuUUl ot an acre allo wa~ glvlUg n euuulllg dOIllOll­titrnlloll belOl~ sOllie conVCUlIOU. Hero Is hur own story:

"lJe[oro 1 11,1<.1 unlshed illY 1913 club worll 1 beguu Lo llIulLe IllUUS lor DCL­ter work III lUB. 1 hud llIadO SOIllO IlIIS­tuke~ uuu llIeau~ Lo prouL by them.

"I dCCIUCU ULUO:.J b oLlier tlllUgS LIlaL 1 ouguL LU llUV~ rtl"l LOllInLUes 101' LIl0 curlY llIurl,cL LU CULC.1 Lho good prices. 1:)0 eurty In l··ullruul·y I IIlUULed un curly vnl'lOlY In throo boxes Lnut 1 pluced In IrunL ,,[ Lne sOULh wlnuows ut a ruom ;u LIl0 hOUEO. In tho IUller llurL of ,\larch 1 transplnnted SOIllO o[ 1Il0 pl,lnL~ LO smull lJWlLclJOurd lloxcs -ono plauL to ouell boX. 'I'hls enablUu IllO Lu IlIUVO tUUIll to Lho open without dl3tUl'IJlIlg tl:u 1'00LS. As SOOll as IL was wurw euougll 1 seL Lho rest In n cold (rame, four Inches apurt oach wuy. In ApI'U I pluutod tho luLo vurlety In tho hotb~J.

'''1'11'' phlnts III the cold [rum a nnd In the pusteboul'll boxes wero very vIg­orous uud had s;:Jmo "loollis when 1 tl'UnsplullLCd L11t:1lI to the 01l'JU 011 t\lllY t wenty-sccouu, In u11, I hud maN thun UUO plants.

"I huod them n[ter each ruin nnd whoncl'el' 1 L1lOughL Lhey needed It. We came to this [arm t:urlng the s,prlug or l~l'I, which gave Ub n garuell rull o[ "ceds. and 1 hud my hunds rul1 Iwep· IlIg theBo posts under ~onll'oI. It wus vcry dry nnd tho plunts did not grow vcry tall. So 1 decldod not to stuke thom. but Iwpt up the hoolng untIl tho tOlllutocs bogun Lo ripen.

ELOISE PARSONS lowa's Champion In Tomato-Club Work

"I plclled my !irst rJpo tomntoes ou July ninth. At IIl'st 1 gQt ten conts n Iluund lUI' them, but sOon tbo prlco brollO lilld a[ter Septomber I conld not bet mero than tWo cents a pound [or tuem.

"A[ter scbool opened 1 wns llept busy picking. 1<'01' severlll weeks It took me threo ovonlngs a weell to get over tho ent!t·o putch. lorton gathored ns muny liS tcu busbels. On tho twelfth nnd 11l1rLeonth ot October 1 hlld to [lick the green tomntoes-ln lIll, 1,083 ponnds, 'l'hel'o wns no slile for tbese. Wo used 1I1l wo could at bome lind gavo many to tbo neIghbors, but stil1 n grllat many went to wnsto. In nll, we usod 3,381 pounds llt home.

"I mlldo a colloction oC fruits lind vegotnbles, cllnned tbem nnd p~~t them 011 oxhlblt at tho sluto [all'. Tho ex­hibit toolt I, IIrst prize. For this ex­hibit lind [or my c.ther club work 1 also won a second und a fourth prlzo. 1 1I1so cnnnod thirty qunrts ot ap­ples, ten qual·ts or goosoberrles, six pints oC b~ans nnll n hunllred quarts ot tomntoes. : "During the stato Calr I holped to record nnd cure Cor tho ox bib Its sent In by tho vllrlous club members. And at CllIrlndli 1 gllve n cllnnlng demon­strllLlon Cor tbe cOl.\n ty tcachors' meet­lug. I usod my owt. cllnnor, tOlllnotes, npllles, (lnd most of my collection ot canned frnlts and vogctnbles to dem­strnto how tho work Is done.

"My expuuses In connection with my tomllto work wero ,$16.61. Illy profits woro $115.57, besides $23 In prizes won nl tho stute fall'. 1 hnve enjoyed tb\ls work; It hlls ,eunbled mo not only ,lo enrn my own spending monoy bu't to pny my expenses ut tho farm cllmp. Thcn, too, 1 hnvo built up n'snug little bnnll nccount." (This girl I\ves Itt Clnf1ndn, Pago county, lown. :fhe club work In her scction wns led by' Mrs. Snrnh Hut­talen, county superintendent •. , When O. H. Benson, In. "rlar'l!ll club work In tbo Northern, nnd \~estorn stntes, over dny nt tho Chomawn school, 1IIurion county, Oregon, a lec-Lure nnd demonstration nlng, ho little tbou.'n, Ito tllught would nr.n.,.. mntorlnllzod' hi'll·t\i;,"·"rf ... ""ir.,J:··:

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The· Farmer's Wage ,System . Worst Enemy


A Crusade of Weed Ext~rnilnarlon Is Needed All Ove~ the DomInion

:n nn open leLler Lo Lhe Manitoba minister or ngrlcUlture, Mr. John Kel· IY, n fnrmer or tuat prOVlllce, has call­ed pUbllc lIttention to the enormons lUSS resulting [rom the crops or Injur-10l!s weeds whlcb cumber ground tnat should be producing Vlllullble gralll, In 1I letter to the \v Innipcg 'l'nuunc, lI1r. I{elly suys:

"I hn ve waited at an elevlltor for IICtecll minutes whllo tlley were §hov­Ing wltb n bOllrd the noxious wcell ~oeds down Into the pit '0 lie cleaned und elevated, and frotL a seventy bush­el load tweu:y-three bushels wns the lImount o[ wheut cleaned out ot L110 load; not my whent mlno Is still clean, tf •

'I'ho extent to whlcb weed pollution hns go no In this caso seetUs almost Incrudl ble; only : wenty-threo bushels of wbent to forty-seven llushels oC weell sceds-nctuully less than one· third o[ the prodnce or the total mixed crop or Lhe farm. It shOUld lie borno In mind thut th" mixed crop Is quite as Impoverishing In Its cllect 011 tho soil as a crop o[ clean whent would be, and thllt the presence o[ the wceds adds greatly to the trOUble nnd ex­penSe of handling and marketing tho grain, apllrt altogether from tbe smnll' ness o[ the grnltl return. 'I'ho land can produce only n certuln amount of seeds, lind It tbo weed seeds are nllolV­cd to mllture they tuke the pilico ot lhose thllt ure moro vnlunble.

'Pto weed Inlllction Is seen and felt elsewhere thlln In Munltobu' It bas sprend nli over tho west, nnd'it Is tllr too prevalent In the ellst; It It Is less acute In Ontnrlo tLlIn It Is In Manl­tobn thnt mny sllfely be nttrlbuted to the [uct thllt n lurger proportion oC the [arming Is "mlxcd" Instead ot being devoted exclusively to grain produc­tion, Whllt Is needed all over the Do­mInion Is a co-operative and sustliined crusllde of weed extermlnlltlon by the most effective methods known to vot­erun and scientific ngrlculturlsts. Mr. Kelly's stlltement lIbovo cltod shows that SUch a crusnde, however expen. slvo, woult! puy tho farmers as n cllles, lind WOUld, of course, corresponejlngly benefit tbe whole community. In the Ilist resort, If the weed plnguo goes on Increuslng, liS the result of n cer­tliin proportion ot careless fnrmers In u locnllty, It muy become necessury to resort to drastic mellsures _Llllllogous to those employed In getting rid at [rult pests. It Is too much to expect the whole community to suffer such lin Inlliction plltienlly forever.-Toronto Globe.

When Submarines Go Under Must SInk SlOWly, TakIng a: Least

Five Minutes for the Process Mnny people have tho idea thllt as

soon nS a submarine secs lin enemy, the officer In commllnd gives 1I shurp order, und nlmos~ before It hns le[t his lips the submllrino' Is diving beneath tbe wnves.

As n matter ot Cact tbe vcry Ilitest submllrlnes of tho "l~" class tllke a elellr live minutes beforo they cun be­como submerged. Many of tllo older submllrlnes took ten minutes to n qunrter ot nn hour to sink •

'I'he reason thllt n submllrlne cllnnot dive quickly, like a fish, Is becnuse tho wllter wblch must be let Into her tllnks to muke her hellvy enough to slnle, must be let In compnrntlvely slowly. It It wero let In with n rush the chances nre the vessel would uot go own on un even lweI, but would heel over nnd be In grellt dnnger ot dlsnster. 11 ,vnter, too, were let In too quickly there Is 1I dllnger of Icttlng In too much lind In tliat cnse the sub­mllrlne would slnlt :Ike 1I stone to tlte bottom of the sell.

The depth at which p. submllrlno trllvels under the sen Is regulnted by horizontal rudders. The wntcr thllt Is let In tile blillast tnnks Is just suffic­ient to "bnlnnce" the vessel In tbe sea, without rising or slnklng.-Penr­son's Mugllzlne.

-'-----"Whllt cllused the coolness between

yOU nnd Jones 1" . "A hoated argument."


.Farming • In

DIfficulties of Securing Required Help < Help In the Busy Seasons

Llibor lJrospCCLS lOr hlU'VUSL nre 1I1-rcndy discussed In Manltobu Alllerln and SlIsk"tehewan. Tue prolllem ot the hour In Untarlo Is to lind opon 01J1.ortunlllus lor men aole anll \I'llllllg LO nugm<lI_L tne \VorlU's wealLlI by labor. In lIIe \\ est Llh;rll IS uneuslness In lIntlclpation at the OpPOSltO dltt!­culty, Or LOo oppostte SIUO o[ what may be regardeu ns the same difficul­ty. It Is pOlllted .Jut Lhat a lurgo num­ber or mcn iormerly u vllilable as hur­vest hunds ure nt the front, and thut there llre prospects or a bIg yield with an InsuI(lclenL [orco ot worlters. On­tai'lo's surplus men will by no mellns be aCCorded opportuniLies to work pro­tlucLll'ely, even with tho demnnd that the ending o[ snmmer brings, so there should be plenty of men available for Wc COIlllllg hnrvest. 'I'bo bnd reputn· tlon estnbllshed when tbo mcn were made to pay ordl!lllry fures on llrunch lines wbero work could be obtained and were refused return prlvllegos If they did not do so hns been llved down. Hurvesters going west lire liS­sUl'ed of fnlr treatment.

'fbero will not b<.l tho fllmlllllr enst­ern complulnt nbout the western ex· curslons. Althougb' tho deulIlnd [or men mlly bo liS pressing In the eust liS In the west, the largo volumo of un­employment should be sufficient to meet nll requirements. From u publlc stllndpolnt lin abundunce oC lll~or shows lin unfllvorable condltlon, but It Is well to feel lIssured tbllt tho hurvest will not be lessened through a scarcity o[ hllnds. l~lIrmlng Is not n stelldy oc­cupnl!on, for It bns its seusons o[ ex­ncting demllnd nnd sensons of leisure. 'fhe t!lrmer expects to olltuln his yenr­ly returns from his times o[ Strenuou~ ef[ort nnd times of relnxlltlon. He ulso expccts to be lIble to obtuln workers for tbo bUSy season nnd lellvo them IdIO! so fllr as his worle Is concerned, d nr nt; lho balhnce of the yellr. '1'he furmer's rcturns puy him [or tho wait­Ing months ns well ns for the busy months, but tho employeo doos not receive suffIcient for his periods o[ work to mlllntliin him during tho months of Idleness. '['his Is one o[ tho obstllcles It_ tho wuy ot fllrm develop­ment under the wage system. J[ farm­ers would becomo employers they must, as [lir as posslblc, adopt meth­ods that wll1 make nl continuous dc­mnnd for tbo services oC tholr em­ployees.

Ern ployers in other occupntions rec­ognlzo this necessity nnd conform to It. Furmers must endenvor to find some menns ot profito.bly, utlllzing the lubor o[ tnelr employees during what Is now the Idle time. Unless this can bo done the wnge system cllnnot bo slltlsfllctorlly Introduced In [lIrmlng. Another obstucle Is the ellsy nccess to unused opportunities. Men will not become employees when they can ob­tain' fllrms lind worlt for themselves. Perhnps It will bo ultimntely nn lid­vnntage I[ tho wnge system cannot be mllde satisfllctory In agriculture lind ench mlln secks his returns by cultl­vntlng Innd to the extent oC his own cliPucity. Tho ultimato prounct would not be less but grenter thnn under the wage system.-'['oronlo Globe.

profits of ·the Farm Be[ore furmlng as lJ, business or pro­

[esslon clln be consIder d successful In the highest nnd best sense, tho proflts lIrlslng [rom production nlHI distribution or fllrm prociucts mllst be shnred by tho household. Good breeds oC live stocle and 1:11) most approvell lind up-to·dllte Ilibor snv!ng lind [urm Implements lire n necoHslty on the fnrm. Likewise up-to-date, sanltllry lind drudgery sllvlng convonlences lire liS lIpproprluto [or the home IlS this mllchlnery Is [or the tarm. Tho wife lind children must net be neglect­ed. The home Is, after lI11, tho thing most deslruble. 'fho gOlll o[ tho suc­cessful farm&r should bo the homo thnt satisfies, the home thllt Is rest[ul, delightful, cnjoynbie-li home such as the chlldl'ln are louth to quit, when they lIrrlve at mnturlty, but lImbltious to prepnre lInother one like It, tor themselvcs op some othcr rlj-rm.-Dr. J. H. Worst.

~HEN all' our

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An English Writer Gives a Graphic Description of the Most Powerful Warship Afloat in any Waters-Nine Huge

Vessels will soon be Added to the Fleet An EngliSh corresOlondent, lIsslgned

to rePort the operations In the Dardu­nellos, descrIbes his lIrrival at the an­chorage or tho nIlled lIect, In the [01-lowing words:

Now we round 1I bend lind como In slgbt oC II portion oC tho !leet. The IIrst sight which greets our eyes llre ths IIghtlng·tops ot tho mIghty Queoll Elizabeth-the mos: powerml warship allout In nny waters. Her hngo bOlly Is hidden by some low-lying 11Inli_ Shndes ot Nelsou! llut suddenly we see a dostroyer dushlng ber wuy to­wurds us and nYlllg tho l"rench lIag. I: Is hard to bellevo thut Within two dllYs' gentle steam lug oC whero tho Buttie ot the Nllo was [ougbt, [l cen· tury nfler '1'rafulgllr, a l"rench de­stroyer Is engaged In protecting Eng­lund's battleships.

Wo give our number. and the de· strayer retires satisfied, and we mndo our way slowly In. Then 1I torpedo­bOllt, this timo !lying llrltish C010I'S, dashes up and lIsks If we know our WllY lImong the rocks and shonls. We do not nnd franltly lIdmlt the snme, so she gives us u friendly leud. lIal[ lin hour lntcr wo lIro amongst the bllttie­ships, cruisers, storeshll)s and destroy· ers. EverythIng It. the nll\'y Is or­ganized dow'll to the smull est detnll. Our captliin sees n cout[ortnblo looll' lng, unoccnpled berth, lind mnltes for It to unchor. On n battleship close !Jy n slillor sits nstrlc!o the brido and stllrls furiously wllvlng 1I1110 nugs. Theso cllnnot be rcad from our brido nnd both officers lind mell lack pruc­tlco at the rnpld rClldlng of signals, so we huve to tUI'll tho ship nnd go bncle. 'I'h. little flnp,'s tell US that 11 berth hlls been assigned for us at the other end or the bny. When wo nro hnl[ WIly across a plnnnco stenms up lind two oITIcers come on bOllnl who tulle chllrel of tho ship and conduct Us personally to our anchornge.

This slime plnl.nce, OllCO wo arc sufely nnchored, tnltes mo across to tho Queen l<:lI7.nbeth. to \'Islt tho nd­mlral. Tbln, th" lutest of our super-

dreudnoughts, Is n revelation. She only clHries eight 16·luch guns, anti u SOc­

olldary armallll.1t of ij·lm:h. !Jut thu,s eight make every other gun ~ 011 na\'o ever seell look rldlculol's alill CUll­

temptiblo. '1'he gunnors say llley call IIlmost land on n penny aL jf),Ul')

yards, ovon wll h three'lluallOl-charges. 'I'bey huve ldro(lliy done SOIUU wonderful shooting rlghL across thll Galllpoll penlnsulll, over the 10w·lYlllg ground ncur Gaha '1'0))0. Tho great sblp has In turll recLived hor baptism of lIrc, and hns bee I strncll by threu shells, ono of which cnmo through tho gUll room, bul fortunately, 11,1 Iho lUid­shipmen wero lit tLelr staliuns, I.IIl! nL ono wns hurt. Another canH) through ht~ Ulll)rotbctcd sIde. high uP. but Lurst without doing allY damalill. Tho thlrt!, I tblnk, hit her funnel.

You get n good it!ea of whnt n com· plete command o[ the' sea we hllve oll­tnlned when yOU :loe how we are al>l13 to sPllre this, our lates ahd 1lI0SL pow­er[ul dreadnought. tor tbe opcrallun9 ngalnst tho Dardanolles, Instead at !turrying her_off, liS soon ns comJllete<.1, to SIr John Jolllcoo somewhero in tho North Sell. Vory shortly tnere will Ull foul' other Queen gllzabeths ready [or uctlvo servlco; thereforo, If the Gel'­Dl ,ns ever Inlend to IClivo the sheltel' or tho Klel cunal, they hall beller llo so noon. 'rhey hnve no ships alloat which can comparo .In gun-power Wll:l the Quoen I~llzubeti,.

A short distance from tho Qu«en ElIz~.bet;1 1103 tho Drelldnought crulsol' Inllexlble. '1'hll ship hlls seen mol'll lighting In tllo Will' th!ln III most IIny other vessel In the lIeel. Sho IV!lS ono ot I_dmlrnl Rl' Dovolon Slurdcc'" squndron when ho put nn en 11 to Von Sprco !lnd hIs sljundron off tho Fall,­land Islunds. The offIcers tell you that thut action WliS chlld's play to wha~ th2Y had 10 fnce on March 181h. whell th~ greuL atlucll wns mnde on tho Dar· danelles. Tho Inllexlblo Huffcl ell l.oavlIy. ller foretop wus hit h\' a shell, whIch hilled or wounll~d ali ai' those up lLloft but tWO sellmen


, •

"Wastc[l" Timc Well Spentils the Slnall The Farmer Who Old Not Take Time I ' Farnl Passing

to GaIn Information The word .. wll1t~d Is hero used all­

visedly, ns -;vasto·1 timo lIccordlng to ono may bo tlme well !nvested accord· Ing to lInother. One of the most sloven­ly farmers wo hllve ever Imown, whoec stock WliS ulwlIYs tho thinnest, crops the shortest, nnd bulldlngs the most In need o[ repllir of uny In tho locnllty, WliS continulilly tulIting of the timo his neighbors were wasllng, 'rho tlme spent lit I~urmers' Institules, ful1 full'S, 01' lI!;Tlculturul domonstrations, was all clllsslfJed as wasted, 110 fairly bolle': with Indlgnlltion If lIny ona suggested lUklng n lIllY olf to go to a picnic.

It 1I1wlIYs stn:"k US liS funny that Ihls man never nollcm' t!:r,t thoso or his neighbors who wlistell tho most timo In the wnys lIlentiono. wero tho most prosperous In tho comnnlllily. Hall he noliced Ihls uppnrent paradox hc probably would not huvo wasted allY timo thinking on the problem. Poor mlsg"ided man! dud ho wnst­ed a little more thne informl g him­self on the problems of his clll1lng ho u.lght huvo leurned how to farm. lIad he found time to meet with bls fellow­men, evcn If only lit the annual Sun­ClIY school picnic, ho might hnvo learn­

. ell I\omethlng o[ how to IIve.-'I'he Busy Eust.

"I'I'e scnt special Invitations to n couple or botnnlsts Cor my party to-night." .

"Why wus thllt?" "I thought they would tnko lin In­

terest In the wullflowers."

• •••


• • " -., e' .e. '.: •

The Banker ShOUld Assist In Helping the Small Farmer to Succeed

Somo students o[ the [lruulLlll nuvo coucluded that the <lilY or tlie smuil [armer Is cndell, and that llUrealLcr WO lIIust iepen<l upun thu large CllP­ltnllBt [urmer or the [annlng coq)OI" ation. '1'ltnt would bo a plty. \vlllno the LWO hnve ellual olJllOrtlllllllcs. tllU slllllll or mlddlc·slzell ltlrme:' llllH alwuys benten tho \JIg fllrtner alll\ tho I'armlng corbonl lIoit In COllq)l!CL· 11011. Thoro nro only I wo cond I t 10m' under whiCh lho big cul)ltallst fUl'llL' er hus \\'01: out. ':ho ilrst Is' whell} he hus hud a Inrge SUPilly uf cheall lallor, such as sill ves, or gangs ot coollo lallorcl's, w!.ich be coul,l til, I'oct nnd control. 'I'ho ltlllopendent: smull furmcr who wurl!: WIth his, OWII hun<ls hilS thcn found 111 Illh " I 1 compellell to competo WillI til!!.",. ehellll laborers, ilnd he has hat! I(

"hard row to hoc." 'I'he othcr condl­tlon Is whel e the big farmel·. 01' tlto big [armIng ,corporllLlon has hall somo udvnntngo In bargalnltlg. If ho can buy his SUP1)'les to !Jetter ud­vantnge, If he can secure cupltal 011 moro favorablo terms, I[ he can Hein. his produco to better udvantuge. ho' muy succced In l'ompctillon w,th tho small farmer. (Jut when It conle>!' to tnt) real ,~orll of prolluctlon, u..,!. distinct frolh bnrg:.Inlng-thnt is a,,' distinct from 'hiring lubor, borro\i'in.,; cllpltlll, bnylng supplies, or selling produce-the small fllrmer elln heat him und eventt:lIl1:' run hIm Ollt or businoss. 'fhnt Is, todny, as a pro­ducer, tho small farmer hus no equal. As u wtrgliiner, he Is ort~n lit u dla ud vlIn tllgo.

Hero Is wbero tlto banker llIlIY como In and amply justify hIs exhv tcnco. It I. not enough thut ho sit ill his offlco nnd scrutlnlzo the sccur­lty nnd collateral o[ tbe would·bo borrower. Thllt Is tho joh oC u cash lor, or somo 01.0 without discre­tion, who must follow IIxed rIItes. I; Is the bllnllcr's jab to sco thnt th~, money which Jones borrowed Is so used liS to protty suroly Ill'ovldo blm with tho money with which to \lIlY his dobt when It Is duo. By thIs Is meant tbat tho banker's function Is to IInunce \lroductive enterprlseB, and his first qunil!iclltlon Is tho nbllity to decldo whut Is and whllt Is not 1I productlvo entorprlse. 'rhat Is whllt a good l11vestor Is. Tho bllnlter, especlully tho country bnnll­er, ought to bo 1I good judge ot In­

l,vesllments. Thero lIIlIY be room for a d I frer'l11 tllItlO!! or fu nctlons In

n city, where somo llllnller~ mny bo flnnnciers, nnd others mero custod­Inns oC. :unds, to recelvo deposits 011 the otber hlilld, anI. lend them oul on good security on the "thor. But IJ,

country bllnl{cr mUFt bo both.

\ Make Yourself a Nelohborhood Leader

- Tho call Is for leuders. Tho call In Cor plnln tllrmers Illld (nrlllers' wlven nnd farm boYS lind farm girl to make themselves lellders In their neIghbor­hoods-leaders [Or new methods ot farming, lind lenders also In now metheds oC fllrm liVing.

The old Indlvldunllstlc un·ChrlstlOIl wny or living must be forever dono away With. Tho old doctrine o[ "Every . man Cor hlmsolt and the devil tnko the hindermost',' must give way to tho now doctrine, "Benr YO ono anotper's burdens.' Co-operation Ill.. tho master· word ot tbe new contury. Whole nelgbborhoods must lenrn to work to:. getbcr.-Tho Progresslvo Flirmer:

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Page 4: .. 0.··ad to hand twice a day [or a year 74c kept in Cannda tloes $144.00 CUI'udl:lII !JUSllW:S (It which $176,60 \>ngC", ~177.CO rnw material, and proUt All form u $1.00 1mI" aso

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o o

TRE'HERNE w. K GITtAIlD, EDITOR DEVELOPING, PRINTING' ",~,~IJHCltl,l~rION ItA'l'I'::-OIiU YUill'; III lid, LICENSED U ~,c, $\,(K). six lIIonth., We: till'CO 1II01llh. ::"c' ----,\ XIJI---- I EMBALMER' FOR MANITOBA

" ,11111 fOI'C",II, PCI' YOIlI', $I.:,{) , ENI.ARGING OF FILMS . All IIC\\'~ 11I1~'lIfl'l ( 1 '

I ""ch, thl" 0111 en '110 \',"lel'°~1I1~1'1,I'\~~I~~;.'. SlIoul,l FUNERAL DIRECTOR ",,;),',I'UI'Li"11I1( 1'lIloH 11111110 I'"OWII Oil "r'I,l/en; Thoso wiHlJing \\'ol'k dOllo in nllY

YClll'I,,'colllract nd"cl'll i '1 I 01' Iho abol'o linm! CIlIl" got pl'ices PIHI'lrCndllll(JIllh. li'ollr~l,:!'t,u~t:~ \lalcl (urnt, l)v UPl)b .. iu" Lo Iliollth, uXLI'a iliHUCi wllll,u' . .1 (' JUKUt uto 1\ ,J .I l"I , I J' - .: .1IlrU'cu r'or .

• oh WOI'k ot nUv dO"CI" 'I" J R Scott Harnessmaker Treherne 11I'(JIIII'lIy execuled,' 0 ,]I- 01, IIC1llly IIl1d ,., ,

~r.r, aud l\l rs. ,) oh, I Corbett and falllllv of \T"II""1 \ .. '

J. .. '"" I 'I ~r, alc VISitors to town, '

T C 8t' 'I "I" . "Inson ;"'lnl • oe Stinson 1ll0lored t S II \ , ? ,ew, ~ ycslcrday; ~tU, H, SpInks lIlis, 0 journcyed to

Sewell to take ilJ.lLbi e sport;; held at • ha t place,


Providing Caskets are pur­cbp.sed froOi me, Embalming ,ami E earse will be supplied Free of Charge in 'l'reberne d:stricl, same asat Holland.



-A first,c1ass Lh'er)' and Feed Bu~incss; good Reliablc I:orses; 5l Y.' !ish rigs; e\'erylhillg

lip' to-date,

Prompt and service,


Drnyillg and Teaming

Special atteu tion Commercials,


Automcbile for Hire.

-J. H. Snlith

Phone 17



~------•. ----~-----

Flour Mill Returns from No, I NOIliIcrn Wbe~1 :

l~uri.ty Plltcnt, 36 IbS, flollr pl r uushel, 6 11 s, ~h(rt~, 12 Ibg, bran t1llolght Glnd~, 40 " " 6 •. 12"

Returns flol1l No, 2 NortheTn \\,1, nt : I:lIli,ly Pnltnt, 3SIbs, flol1rper umhel, Ii Ib~. ;11(,11';, /311 s bran Slrnlght Grade, 39 .. .. 6 .. 13"



Purity Patent Flour Stays ,\ .... ith the Leaders

'Vo do noL lIS0 Blcnching l\1:u:iIillC'I'Y, tllcri"'I'OI'o Olll' li'\oul' is nalllro's 0\\,11 PI'l1dlll:li(lI1,

---------------------'-~.----.---------c. Wiechman ~-~-.----.' ! ." and Mrs, \-;V', H, Darling lRLtlERNE. MANITOBA ,

Mr, icd b}' ~Ir. and Mrs, G, accolllpab. 'ld Miss'] .;un Swnnson, ,--_______ ~ ___ _

V, Hannah a. "oro::l' :stenlay, molorell to Gleu ..

, t nnlcrtaincd


,,' ; , "


. " , ~- ".' "'.:' . .'~ 1 •



"., , .;

:" 1 ". " '.[;: , ~\!

Mrs. 1'. C, StinsOh 'clhodist the mem ber,~ of. tIl.e /~ Sunday schoo\'. cHoir. at a beld' at Stnplcs'"'grovo y,es,\e. Lu ncll was servcd and an.c))j,o.))~ t fn1i'!'spcn t.

picnic "da \'.


FOR SALE - North balf of 30 ,8'10, 8 1·2 milCh north·west of 'l~rehedle, 220 acrcs under cultiva­tion, fair buildings, good: waleI', 20 acres 'poplar, 70 acres morc' con Ii'e broken', Particulars frolll" R .. r~, r.;ounsbury, 'l'rebcrne. P·39·,,2

Notice To Creditor.s'

All parlie:'fhaving c1aill,Js against F. Sinclair DickiIl50n," late of the "Ontario House,!'" 'F~ellerne, are requested to lodge the gallle', with

the lIudersigne(V.

The Lombard



Flo wers Comes the need of n SUlllmer n ·'at... You can gct l-!:ooo." satisfac· , lio)) at

Miss Eo McC. '!'eary -


LU1\I[BER Lath Shingles Mouldi.ngs. Etc.

Froin U FJ

I'rice" ~nrl Qnnlity " G uaran tood

A Fine Lot of Samples of Wall Papcr always on himd



Automobile and Carriage Painting a Specialty

Broadway: Treherne, Man.


We cater especially to Travellers.




S. E. Pollon

'rJIONE 61

FRUITS' Confectionery

Ice Cream

F ult Stock of T obaccoa. Cigar5. ,

Cigarettes and'

Soft Drinks

------------------'R.,' A. ,Phone 109

SANDERSON - I Treherne ,




But they can't bcat this:

Special Sale of Canned Vegetables-

] Cnn Corn } For 1 CUll Sal mOll

1 Cun PCIIS SOC 1 CUll Benns 1 Clln 1\illllllo

Primo Beef for I'1·imo People. Fl'esh V l'geLnblcH

nl wnys Oll hand

I'hollo U7

CHAS. ROUX Wholesale and Retail Butcher


) ,)

- )

" I,

Now is the Time to ;/have' y'otir - Harrows

and Seeders repaired'

Not at the !last mo-. ment when you need them. We are ready now. Come' early

. and get your work




TREHERNE .". MAN. .;.. .

= =- c. .. caa

__ .. _______________________ . ___ • ______ . __ ._. _ .. __ ~ _____ " __________ .~ _____ E_.

Renew your Subscription for 1915 •. '·,n",' 'YBiIiOiUQ



(jJ TRY f]J



J tIUleS' Fill tOll" SoUcHel'· '.I;'rehernc. - ========~=,~==============~. ===============================

'" ' . ,

'to .. , ~

:',,"i \. ;

<" .

-------,~=================== . ---'-

~~_ ............ _ :~ ........ ,-: -w __ ~

i w. s. KtrkpatrIc~, ~ R. F. Steele


Bwadway , • Trehernp ~ Agcnt for ~ :. Sterlirig 'T ailoring ~;~,; ~~~-~~;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;::~;::~ ~ ': COmpany ~ ·1,"""" ____ ~------.....;...;. ~ I II ~ $ \ :reh erne High School I Sterling Clothes ' I Shidellls '1)repared for Third ' $ $ aud' Secolld Class Teacbcr1i" ~ ,],OUOXTO ' ~ Certificate;;, and ", Uliiversi,t'v ~ ~ Mntriculatf.oiJ _Ex'nmiuatio.l1s.

$ ,1\ gcnt fOl' ~ Low r~les nnd special inc',ucc-: 1 Canada Stock Food Co, ~ ments' , for 11011.resi,dmltSIt1~ ~ ~ , dents; ",",: '" ~ ]~~ll'r.oYl\lEXT AClBN'l'- '~, ~,~rite .f~!' ~lIustrate~ hoo,klct

~ IIelp ol'nll kinds , ~,R.JI,MIlls .'J.Fruich' I; Jl'nl'lilHolp,'DolllesLic,' Ell',' ~,' Sec, Seh<!lor.,BoardPdocipnl /. I' " '. , t~ _.' ~.,;,".<:.,-.... -:"~·,;,,.'v·'-'~' + -,~~ ="=" .. _,," ,--" "------ .. --=----'"'-" ..... --.. -.""--,---..... --."----~-"-... --===~

, "',' '''1'''_ ••. WfA , •. '. - . " ~ •.. -1' " .' ,'~ r.t' ~ ... ;-'t, (' " • ~ ~

'7'_11 ..... 1.'.

I. H. CII Agen~y, .. . '! ~ .' .J I

r?tore Clo~es 7 p.m. , Except. Sa llirday, 'STAPLES AND ANDERSON'

: .' .

Store Closes Each Wedne~day Afternoon

__ ----~---~--------------~5.-------------.----------------------------'\I./e Quote: Here a Few Prices on Seasonable ·M¢r9'tloo.aise;~hithMean a Saving to You

~ • " ...,..' '. ~ .' 1 ' , " -~.-.~~~--~~~~~~----~---~-----------------­

.,:.-.... :'.,.:'<, .. \':.) .. - ;~ .. ::: .. ··j'Sl:·, .~ ..... ,

': 25c,per:'y~ ,.Bungalow :Curtajn " ,:,' ,.' Scrim"' ,: ., '. • .. •.

'. . '." - 't. ' , ,. .

' .• ~" Rog. 350 per yd, C~rtooll SOl'itJ1.'·Se';'ol'~l\'el·Y '.:~'prctty:,dcsign6, ,fll!J'-36 in .. wido and fast coloi's .

. Spcoiu125c pel' yar']. " , ',' ",,"""" ,;">:",:,,'": "' I "'" ". ' ___ ,,"' ... ' ....;";,,..;.. ___ ...;.....

.".-: - ,'.' -,'

Tomatoes, lOCo High grullo canned Tom­

uLnos, jusL I~ fcw . CIlSOS nt " Lho pl·i.eo, . Pel'.Lin 100. ,.

. ,Mens Fine Balbrig.' . g~nUnde~~ear'~

Biz'os 3,lLo 40, Rogulnr' prico $],00.·. Spcclal.'JOo!~ gnrmont, ' . '

'"' '.:U nderw';ar •

35c pr. W omen' s~ Silk Hose . ~Vomcn'ATnn Lislo, with Silk Anl~loB, full

fushioncd, with oxtl'a splicod hcel nnd too, Tun .ollly, ,SizOFJ 8 1·2 to 10, 35r, pI'.

:" 'Summer Wash Goods .. ; Of nit closoript'ions" inolJl(ling Voiles, Ct·opes. .. Muslins, 1!'olllIwds. Ench CIOUI·illg' ont nt spccial

pl'iocs, ] 50 lino 120. 180 lino 15c. 250 line 20~. '350 line 250 ..

19~ Lace Tri~med C~rset Cov.ers _, .; . '. t~

.' :Mndo of fino qllnlity CoLton with 'r:Jt'chon "' LltCc ~L'ilil1ning, SizoH:3<1 to ,(2. . \Vol'Lhmol'c,

bliti going at IOo cnch. '" • , ' . .' '. I ., . ,

85ci'''Chiidren~s White .. Oxfords· Canvas ", .


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Page 5: .. 0.··ad to hand twice a day [or a year 74c kept in Cannda tloes $144.00 CUI'udl:lII !JUSllW:S (It which $176,60 \>ngC", ~177.CO rnw material, and proUt All form u $1.00 1mI" aso



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... ~ -_._----_ .. --_ ... ------

-----------------.. ----.-.. -------------.----~--------~

ASpringT onie Nyall's Digestiye Tonic

This Tonic Lonc.'! uplhe Slnnllwh IInrl DigcsUI'o Flll\cliollS, pl'olllpLly OI'CI''''Hllillg thaL reelillg or Unrest, Slceplessncss, N UI'I'OIlB ll'l'i l:t1Ji lily, Loss ul' ;\ ppl.'li Lt·.

A Bracer Price SOc and $1.00 -= -


-' "- .- _. --_. - --- -------- ----_._---I = ....

JAMES FUJ~TON SucceSipr to Anrlrrw. and Andrew.



Leadillg nlHI 1{(Jlillhle COlllp:tIIi('!'; reprcscnled by Lho IIlldorsigncll J..i~L yUill' apuliellliolls

. Money, Loaning Resumed The IIIl1llll',;igllecl Ims heIJII illstruoted by lhe TorollLo CenCl'nl ''j'rllsll-l CUI'porlLlioll to ac(!opt aplllicnLiolls I'Ol' Loalls 011 well

illl(lrol'cd \'111'111 pl'opcrLies ill this disLrieL ILt


James ~F ulton.· ... , Trcherne, Man. -- .... -

-' ---_. - - --BUY YOUR FLOUR NOW -Wheat ·prIces continue to go up and Flour will follow suit.

., 1,;;-

NOW is Lhe lime to lay in a stock cf that

well known brand




~ _____________ ~ __ --__ ---------__ -.".--------UOM----------------

Ship Your Stock THROUGH ME

---------------... ----~~~-------------, ... --------... -------", I Pay Best. Prices

,. Ship Regularly PHONE No. 110

.. ----

T. C. Stinson"


-.----r------, ---

~i.lf you buy this 10c brush .

r\We ~,give" youl

, FREE >~ our. regulat'20ccan of ~~\; ,

: , , I;

• o

and "



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~-__ -u----~---,------~-----------------. IN AND' OUT ',OF l~OWN

. Items of Special Local Interest ,t.o Treherne and DiSlri~,t

For buaine •• and other announcement. comlOng within the category or . aJucrtidng appearinll under thi. headinlI a charlie or

Ten Ccnll per co"nt linG i. made

T. C. Stillson will ship ~attleallJ . James and Gordon Delgnt" spent hogs on Wt:clncsday next. luly 7tll, tbe week·cud in \Vinllipeg.

Rev. W. III. and Mrs. Fee' are Mrs. II. A. Snowdon and family city vitiiton; tbis week. left for Ontario on Tuesday.

lIliss Stella Hayward and Mar- Ted 8yer is \'isit:ng ill S',CI:1ude gery Clalk ldt for tbe city on this \\'e~k. . Tbursday.

Miss Mildred Delahunt is visit­ing friends here this week.

~lr. A. 'rroller, of Odessa, Sask was a Treherne visitor this week.

• M. n, Staples returned froIU the

city 011 Saturday accoUlpanied by l\Irs, Bradburn.

Mrs. G. V. Hanuah rclul'lIcd from the city all Saturday with her :.ister, M iss Ella S\vansou.

James Delgllty returned from V. i1eox, Sask., on Friday last to spend lhe holidays with his parents :-'lr."aud Mrs. T. C. Delgaty.

u<:,:u" Mis~ 1.. Rooney, who has visiting her parellts here, returned to the city all Saturday.

M;. and Mrs. Roy Darling, of Willllipe){, are 'l'reherue visitors this week.

J. \\7, Morrison, L.L.B., of Mac· don;:ld, Craig nnd Co" Barristers, etc" will be at Staples Bros.' office 'rreherne, from the 3rrl to 5th of July. .

Lest we forgel! 'l'reherne Fnir, Julv 30 and 31. Get your mem· bership ticket from R. J. Mills, Secreta r)' Treherne Agricultma I , Societ y.

Throng-h a tumble, a child of Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Hird, of Ar­broath, received this week painful injury, requiring Illlmediate medi­cal a:ten tioll.

Rev. W. J. McIvor, B.A., of Carman, will ~ake hoth ser,cices".i.p Chalmers' Presbyterian cllurch em Sunday ; al~ci the Olive service in

" . lhe afternoon.,

Miss Winifred Lamont returned frolll the city OIl' Monda,·,

Mrs. H. J. Barkwell, who has been visiting her sister in Edmon­ton, returned IlOl11e on SatUrday"

H. Morrison was at Cannall fair yesterday and played ball 011 the side (,f a Carmall aggrt:gation.

Lizzie a.nd I~1.11ra Willett left for Restol), Mall., on Tuesday, to I'i"it their sister, Mrs, Kendrick.

Allau Robson, of \\. inllipeg, is visiting friends here thb we<:l;:,

. Misscs Margery and Glndy!; Wil­lellldt for Glenboro ou \Vedilcs­day.

Ethel Palmer en tel [nined a num­ber of her school friends on Friday in honor of l~lellnor Robson.

AI£.. Sandell, ollr pbotographer, spent the week ill the city, return· ing with a new lot of 'photo' sup· plies.

Miss Mae Ross spent the week­end in Rathwell visiting friends.

The monthly .nl"eeting of lhe BOllle lkolloruic Society will be held on Saturday, July 3 in the school. E\'eTybody welcomr.

• I

Members of the Loyal Orange Lodge will attend dil'ine service at S,t. Mark'E! church on SUlluay even­ing, 4th Jnly, at7 p.m. All breth­ren arc cordially invited.

1'lie rain of the past few weeks has made an uFpreciable difference , . to tlie growing crop, a large per-cent~;;e of which i~ now flllly henqc~\ Oll t. Reports are coming Lo b~litl of small hail showers, bllt with no damage to crop.

The membership fee of the ' ReI'. C. W. Morrow will conduct both services in the :V,Iethodist Agricultural Society is one dollar,

which entitles you to compete for prizes offo::red, besides privileges whjch i nc~ude free ad mission to the 'groundS.

The Olive congregatlou w.i11 hold their annual picnic at the church grouuds on the 7th July. E\'ery effort is being Ulade to make it'one of the best picnics of the season. There will he baseball· and other sports, Bverybody welcome.

church on SUJ1dIlY : The morning snbject, "Flowers," is of special intere~t to children, Eyenilll: sub­ject, "'a great rOlllmane! and a glorious COUlmerCe."

The' annual meeting of lhe Tn­heme Farmers' Elevator CompallY is to be held in M y1e"s' Hall on \Vednesday, July 14th, at 2 30 p.m,. Business: 'ro receive the report of the Directors, which is said to be a favorable one from a finaucial st,IIl,dpoint. an:! deal with other ponald l\IcCoig was a visitor to Uln'tters in general.

Winnipeg on Weduesday night. There being n shortage of' feed in Lnvenham Baseball Club will the district, Mr. McCoig's .int"n- hold a picuic ane! ball at Lavenham tion is to secure'a carload of oats, on Tllursday. July 8. Prizes are which should helpmnlerially to re- olTered for' baseball and other Heve the situatioll. sports and everyone is extcllded ,a

The ,boys who frequent the \ '

swimming hole say "the water's fine," ,and inVIte all the other boys to bike "the cure.", A costume they say. should be worn, , forpeo­pIe liave eomplaiued of their ap­pearnnce in tile' unconventional garb of ']!;ve. ' '. "

welcome. '. The first ball game is timed to start at 2.30 p.m. Tables \ViII be laid for supper at 5 o'clock auda request is made to, help out by britlgitlg baskets.

,qlenboro held its allnualfair yesterday, quite a number of 1're­hernevisitors attend ing . III the lennis tournamtnt, which w·as. a

John Harvie, Dick Sanderson, feature of, the da)'s lipori. Mr. Geo .. S~'ers',Wat. .. Smith, jr,;' ane! and Mrs;· G .. V. Ha'nnah wnll,first G. S~ Graham Illotored· to Carman priz~ for mixed doubles; alld Mrs yestet:duy. 'I'bey speak in glo\~ing Hannah ll:i1d Mrs. Slra u be second terms of. the fair heldthere'and all 'for'ladies' ,doubles., Other \'isit~rs doubtless 'Ilad a ,go(,dtilUc,.; Glenboro hicl uded Misses U Iliac

'. .: . . .

'.The'Glenbor~ I'r~s1:yt~rywi1l hoid a Sl;nday Schooli " , ,

, Cllaltilers' .

~ • • 0 0


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Eastman Amateur Photo Supplies Natura is ~no,\vc lookillg" her best. 'Nhy Hot llllyn smnll

Camera 01' Kodak and Imvo ,j], nico collcclion of YOIlI' 0\\,11 vicw'R ILncl phoLos., 'Ya 111\\'0 Cameras n t $l,2Ii, $2.00, ~a, 00, $1).00 $;.00, $9.00 allel lip to $21).00. '

'Ve IV ill gila mlllco Lhnt, YOII en n luko good piclll rcs II' i th any 01' thesu OVOI! L!to lowcst priced oamcru IIIllI wu will show ,YOII how.

'Ve hnvc a fllllllSGOrtmcllt of Enstmall's N OII -Clll'1illp; FilmA, Pl'illting Pupers amI el'cl'ything tho nmuLellr rerplit'cR to stIli'\' hinl in busillcss al1l1 aL t\to 81,1110 "rico us YOll call huy theso goods UIlYWhOl'O in Cunadn.

,Lea\'e YOlll' cXJlosed fill11s wiLh liS and \\'0 will hlLI'c thC'111

del'cloJled :tml sllmplu pl'inLs nlndo 1'01' YOIl.

J. R. SCOTT PHONE No. 60 Treherne

-- .. ------.-~------.------ .. -----... ------ --- ---_._ ..• --------._-_. -.-.... '- .. -~ ._-.

Just Received! New Stock of Summer Styles in Headwear

PlLlIltll1n, UILLiue, llnd I,inllu ill 'Whito Also TOllnis 11lId Outing HltLs Prices Lo fit o\'cry l)ockcLbook

Mrs. A. E. SMITH, Railway Avenue Phone No. 94

Milliner and Dressmaker

Treheme, Man.

_________ .. L

:"" ... ~ •• ,.J;'~" I, w....... .r· ., ~ "1"

The New York Watchmaker & Jewelry Co., of Winnipeg, -236 Logan Avenue

Best Cleaning, 75c Best Balance Staff, $1,25 "Best Maiu Spring, 75c Best ~!!FJll1 JeVlel, 75c

Call and give us n Trail

M. Cohen, Mgr. T reherne, Man. First 'door cnst of Polloll Bros. Furniture Store

• .' '. fV , • ". • ... ~, ,

Have you renewed your subscription to The Times

WI.! will ha\'o al\ kinds of

Preserving Fruits in ns thoh: sonsoll comes 011. Prioes us usual Lho lowcst to bo hJt~l. '

, '

Apricots f ,{vill bo ill ill about 10 days.

gotLing 11 Blipply . Book your order to· COBUrQ


" " ,Tel'nis Oil fruit is eMit., ". ,

. i "


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Page 6: .. 0.··ad to hand twice a day [or a year 74c kept in Cannda tloes $144.00 CUI'udl:lII !JUSllW:S (It which $176,60 \>ngC", ~177.CO rnw material, and proUt All form u $1.00 1mI" aso

g 0°. . ' : "

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The Island I,


The Stairs By Cyrus Townsend Brady Coprrl~ht by Cyrus Townsend


I Continued) Now, as I 8ald that 1 luld my hund

on tho breast of my CaUl, und as I bent uwk\\ardly enough towurd her-1 could not even bow as grucefully as the IIttlo uttorney just depurlod-I relt tho paper which 1 had tuken from Sir Geoffrey's hand and which I hud entirely forgotten In tho hurry and confU810n of tho duys that hud follow· cd his deulh. I stood 'open mouthed "Ith surprise und shame at my cnre less forgctfulness, and stared ut ber

'Whut Is It?" she usked, Instnntiy noting my umuze.

"I 11In n fool, madam, a blundering fOOl," suld I, druwlng forth the paper, "hero Is a lelter addressed to you 'I hlch I should have delivered at onco," I continued, eXlendlng Il to· ward her

Sho tore opon lhe envelope as she spoko und drew forlh u lelter, un· folded It and thero dropped from It a lIltio picco of parchment which I In· slnntly plclted UP und extended to her, but sho wus sa engrossed In the letter that sho did not seo my uctlon und paid no attention lo my outstretched hund

I looked ut tho parch mont I held In my hand It was oVldontly the hulf of a larger sheet which had been torn In l wo 'rhe right hul[ wus In my possession A glunco showed mo that It was II. purt of II. rudely druwn map, allpnrently of un Island, although lack. Ing tho other half of th>1l I could not he qulle certuln It was lettered In characters which were very old und quaint, und some figures In tho upper loft hand corner guvo a latltudo 'I'he outlines of the mUll and the leltors und figure& WelO all VOl y dim and fuded '

i\ly Indy's letter was a short ono, for she loolled up from Il presently, her eyes 1I11ed wllh tears, tho first I hnd seon there, and for thut reuson 1 was glad she should cnjoy this rcllef I SUllPOBO tho fact that she was so ulone and IlILd no one elso Induced her to conndo In mo. A UIlY rato she extend· cd tho puper to nle

"Reud It," she said " 'Tis my fathOl's lust word to me"

I toolt It from hor, and this Is whut I read:

My Dear Lncy,-As un ancient king of I~ra'!lco onco said, "Everytblng Is lost but bonar," and that trembles III lho balanco I havo speculuted, gum bled, tempted fortuno, IIrst be· causo I loved It alld nt lust hoping to win for you But everything has gono wrong You aro penniless I!lvell your mother'S fortuno, of \\ hlch shd foolishly mado me trusteo, hus fol· lowed my own, Mastor 1~lcklin may savo somothlng from the wrock. I hope SO I cnn do no mOl 0 and por· hnps-nny, certuln:y-the best thing ) cnn do for you Is to leavo you Muy God help you slnco I cannot Your slHunod and unhappy futher

GEOFFREY WIlJBgl1FORCE Post SCllptum -Tbo last thing that

I possess Is thla scrap of purehmont It has heen handed do\\ n from ruther to son for fivo go;u:rutlons. The truIll· lion of It Is lost, but there hus 0.1· ways bcen ultached to It u singular valuo Per~aps some day tho missing purt muy tUrn up. At an" Tute, of ull lance bad this Is what Is left Shouhl you marry a)ld haVL child ron, puss It lo tl1<Jm, A foolish requegt, but I am moved to mnke It as my fathor mudo 111 to mo G W.

I read It slowly. It was not a brave man's loller. 1 liked Sir Geo!l:rey les8 then thnn ever bofore \ Sonie of tho nnclent awo und reverenco I felt [br the famlly went out of my henrt then

"lIero," said I, "Is the enclosure to which your father rofers" ,

Sho took It listlessly, but as her glunce fell upon It her fuco brlgbt· ened

"\V11Y," she exclaimed, brushing aside her tears. "I. have the other half It camo to mo from my molher \Vhon sho dietl, fivo yotlrs ago, she gavo It to,mo with much the sumo ac· count as my fathor gives. I have never shown It to any' one-nover mentioned It oven"

"Why not 1" I askod. "I scarcol,. know It was "alue'

less I attached no speclul Import· ance to It. But now, now-"

"It 'Is II. miracle." 1 said: "that the two pieces should havo come togother tn your hands."

"I don't yet understand what It all Incnns," sho snid,'" 'fbut-" A

"Moanwhllo," said I, "may Ire, spectfully suggll6t that you get the olher pleco and let me look at It."

"You I " sho fiashed out In one of those sudden changc& of mood, some­times so d"lIghtCul and somctlmes the 1 e\·erse.

"I am a seafaring man as you know, mistress," Bald 1 humbly, "and I am Ilccustomod to study maps and charts. Porhaps this may contain Information 'Itnl to your fortunes which I can dc­clphor more easily than anothor."

She nOlhled and wont rJopldly out at tho room In II. fow mom"nts she came hack with anotho:- piece of parchment I plucell tolem side by sldo, II'nd the torn and jagged odges fitted Into each Qlher perfocU,.. I had laid the'm on


"Ami you can find It'" "H It Is there \\ here the figures

say I can as easily as I can find the parle gate yonder"

She looKed at ~e with a certain amount of awe "Why, that Is won· derful''' she exclaimed

"Not at a~ It Is dono by seamen every day"

"l!ave you ever been there?" "No," said I "I have crossed the

south seus several times, but 1 hu~e never chanced upon that Island or In fuct, sailed unywhere neal that I'atl· tude or longitude"

'But you Itllow where It Is?" Exactly, and If I had my great

chart of the south seas here 1 could put my finger upon It and show It to you II

"What," sho asked, pain ling with her own dainty finger In her turn, "Is that ring around tho Island?"

"That wlll be a coral reef, I take It They usually are broken at somo point so thut ships can sull within, but hore Is a complete circle Inclos· Ing the Islund 'rhere seemJ to be no entrunce anywhere 'Tis unusual and most slrange"

"PerhuPB the man that drew It made a mlstaltc "

"I think not The map has been made by a se:tfal !ng man, that Is plain"

"I see, and the Island Itself Is a circle," sho said, b,JndlnL to Inspect It more closely.

"Yes," salll I, "and It Is 111te no Is· land lhat I havc evcr seen, for here bo two great rings lIte II. glganllc wall and a hlll or something of the sort In the middle" I bent lower over It In my turn My eyes r.rc unusually keen, and I saw u word written on the out· sldo of the Island proper uud between It and the coral roef "Sce," said I, "lho word 'Stairs""

"Stairs'" exclaimed tho girl In amuzement "Did you evel sec sta all an Islal!d?"

"No, I have not, but theso may bo some nl}tUl al means or uscent"

"It Is most strungo :lnd meaning· less," she said "You have been a faith ful, de~ oted servitor, \\laster Hampdon, und I have no hesitation In lolling yOl~ ull I know My mothor and falher were dlstunUy related­thu t Is, they were descendants In tho fifth generutlon from two brothers"

"gxuctly" said 1 "Your futhor's nato SIIYS this parchment has been In his possosslon for fivo generutlons, and evldet.t1y It was In the posses· sian of your mother's people for the sume time Who wus \~he father of these lwo brothers?"

She thought II. momcnt "Sir Phil II) Wilberforce '" as his

nume lIo was-" "A sailor," I exclaimed "Yes, he voyuged In distant seas In

Queen Ellzubeth's time Geoffroy and Oliver, his sons, quurrelled over his Ilroperty after his death, and-"

"'I'here you have It 'I'hey divided his fortune and tore the pal chment upurt, It being thought valuable for s.me reason und ebch I(ept hul["

"That Is tho tradition us regards tto fortune, anll It may account for the parchment"

"'Vhut next, madam 7" "The families drlftcd apart and

grudunlly died out until Sir Ge<1l'frey and my mothor wero alone left of their respective lines, and without knowing tho rolationshlp they met and marrlml and I"-she falterod und put her hand ovor her fuce-"um the only one left of tho family of either blanch"

"Now, hero," sale I, devoutly, for 1 fnlly helleved "hat 1 said, "are tho worldngs of Divine Providence The parchment came from old Sir Philip, It was torn by his sons and tho pieces cumo not together until In you tho ancient lines were united"

"Yes, but whut (.oes It mean 7" sho asked, turning to tho ,table again. "There Is writing on thl) back"

(To be \Contlnued)

Care of Cattle . --..,. -As Much Attention Should be Paid to

Yeilrllnos as Older Cattle, or all lhe cattle kind upon the

Curm, the yearling s lot Is USUa aoout tho Iworst. This Is too orten truo when tlffios uro ,good When prlcos uro high, aud whet. fcod Is cheap When this Is tru J, then It Is II. cuse of force tho feed upon the older anlmuls and get thom Into marketable condition Let the yoarl. Ings take cure of When thc opposite Is trno, too ten a cuse oC malting stand tbe worst of It. When high, It Is a caSe of forctl the cow s:arvo the yearlln~.

'rhls is one oC ihe biggest kind mlstukes. All oxperlment goes to stow lhat gains muy be more economl· cally mado upon ye:trllngs than with other catllo It costs less to food II.

onough to keep/It alive to bile , and the rest goos lo make

ef or growth. It doesn't pay to gloct tho (aU when It Is II. ever expecting to mak'. It up again the calf 01' ,to yourself.

a tablo arlll we~t.:~~~:r~~t~!:~t~h;~e~m~~~~'1 great excltemen on ~"' .... ". llart caused by her 10.eeISllon: ItlshclUlll· than by the faded,

"It Is an Island I" ''Y os," said I, , "Whero Is It?" sho !",,,,,u, .. , I polntod with my hugo

er to tho figures In the hand corn or and the upper corner marked respectively and longitude.


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The Alberta Liquor Act

this act during the time the porson so \\ Ith this acl, where lhc qlJanlll~ Is es"enllal, IIlld

convicted occupies the said house or Provided no such com Icllon or oldcr then It shall he snl(\clonl to ullcgc l' I

any purt thereat. as u!oresald shull be relUoved b~ cere a.dc or dlsposul of Illore or 10"" til ,,' 3D. \Vhene~er any person has drunlt tiorall exccpt upon the groullil th,ll such IIllantltv

liquor lo excess und while In II. state or an appeul to lhe courl lo wlHch un ,Ill' 4; In IIny prosecution for lhe vlo!a' Intoxication from such drlnltlug has peul Is by law pro\lded \\ould nol uf lion of any of Ihe provlslong of lh,'

Full Text of the Proposed Act for the come to his deatu by sutclde or Oro\\ n· ford an adequate remcdy ,\ct, In lho e\ pnl of any \ urlnnco I,' Suppression of the Liquor TraffIc lng, or perishing (rom cold or other And provided further thut no \\ rlt lwccn the Infollllallon antl the C\ lit

to be Voted on July uccldent cuused by such InlQxtcatlon, at certiorari shall ISSUe for the pur· ence IIdduced In support thereof, tht the pc~son or persons who furntshed pose of quashing uny conviction [or Justice 01 justices hearing the c,lse may'

21st, 1915. or guve the liquor lo such person any vlolutlon or contra\ ontlon o[ ully IImeml sUCh Informntlon uud IUlly suh. (Continued Cram Last Week) \\ hen lu u state oC IntOXication, or on of the provisions or this nct unless the stltute for the offence chnrl,(ell thert'

32 Any physician \lho Is lawfully whose premises It "as obtained by purty applying tberefor slmll prodUce In any olher offence a":alnsl the llrO\i and regulurly enguged In tho placllae such Intoxlcuted porson "hlle Inloxl· lo lhe judge to ,\hom the applicutlon slons oC this ucl, bUl If it uppears lhat of his proiesslon, and ,~ho shull deem cated, shall be lIuble to an action for Is mude nn ulTlda\lt that he dtd not by lhe pcrson charged has boon maler",l. any Intoxicating liquors necessar) (or II. "rongful uct und us II. personul himself or by his ugent, servant, ally misled hy 8uch vurl,lnce ho shllli tho heulUl of his putients, may give \\rong, und the amount which muy be emplo)ee, or any other pcrson wllh be gllinlell un ulljolllllment of tI", such pallent or IJ!Lttents u \\Tllten or recovcled as damnges shull not be less his knowledge or consent, commit lhe hoarlng It he applies thelo[or printed prescrlplton thorefor, or may lhun one hundred dolluls nor male offence charged In tho Informatton, I IG Any persou summollell II" a p Ir lulmlnlster the liquor himself, for lhan fI!teen hundred dollars und such an:ldavlt shull negultve tho ly to, 01 II witness In, an\ proceed Inc; which pUlpose he may have liquor In 40 FOI every o[fence agulnst this churge In the lerms used In tho InfOl· lIllIlel lhis act ma~, by tho summons, his possosslon not exceeding In quant. uct or uny of the provision thereOf, mlltions und shall further negutlvo tho be reqult cd lo prodlH e al lhe lim .. Ity t\\O quurts ut nny one time when for which a penulty has not been Silec commission of lho offence by the and plnce UI)I)olnled fOI his ulli ndun" In the dischurge at his professloDul lally provided by this act, lhe preson ugent, sel vunt or employec or the uc· 11\1 hoolls ,lIltl uny pupers, ,ll cOlin Is' dulles, but no such prescrlptton sh~1l committing the offence shull be liable cused, or uny olher person \llth his deeds anll olher docllmenls In hl8 be given or liquors udIIIlnlstCled, ex. on summary conviction to a penully for kno\\ledge possession, custody or conlrol relat ceilL In cuses or actual need, und when the filst offence of not less thun fifly (D) An appeul by an Inspector, 01 Ing lo IlIlY maller connoctell wilh lh,· In the judgment of such pbyslclun the dollars nor more than one hundred other proseculor, shu\l 110 to tho sup. sulll proceelilng, untl .hllll be liable to use or liquor Is neccssury And evclY dollulS, und In dotuull of Immedlute reme court at Alberta en bunc flOm the Slime penultl,," for non plolIlICtitlll physlclun \Iho shull give such pre· puymcnllo Imprisonment for a period the decision, judgment or oriler oC uny of such hooks, pllpel8 or dOllllllcnl" a_ scrlpllon or administer SUCII liquors of not less than thirty duys nor more judge of a dlstrtct court upon un ap he \loulll IncuI b~ retllslll or nl'glol t til In evuslon or vlolutlon of this uct, 01 than t\\O months, unyl for the second poul from an~ conviction or order uttond plIIBuant lo sllch sllmmons or wllo shull give lo 01' wrllo [or any offence lo u penulty of not less UUUl Illudo In u caso urlslng out of or undel lo be sworn or ans\\er any qllcslloll person a presCllptlo I [or 01 Inclndlng $200 nor mora lhan $500, und In de this uct In \\ hlch convlcllon or ordel touching lhe casc Intoxlcutlng liquor Cor the purpose at fuult of immedlute puyment lo 1m· hns been quushed or set aside upon the i7 In any prosecution or pro"!'!'tl en,lbllng or usslsling uny person to prlsonmenl for u term of not less than glonnd dlrectl} and Indirectly or the Ing under this ,ICt, In \I Ill< h prool IS

evade uny of lhe plO~lslons of this two months nor maIo thun lour IllYulllllly of ally ordinance or of uny requltell of lhe aulhOlit\ 01 Ihe '1I' uct, or for the purpose of enubllng 01 months, und for any subsequent of uct or ncts of the legislature of this dOl lo sell Iiqllor u cCIlillcute untl" usslsling any parson to obluln liquor fence to Imprisonment fOI not less province or of uny purt thereof Ol the hanll of the chief inspeclor or ,It for use as u beverugc, or lo bo sold 01 thun tllIee months nor mOle than six [rom the deCision, judgment or order tOlne) gonelul shall h~ IlIim,l fll'" dlspLsel1 oC In any munner In violation months, without the option oC u fine of lhe judge 01 u dlstlict court In I\I1Y proof of the suld lIuthorlty ,11111 Ill' of tho provisions of 11lls act

l shall be ,11 In u1l cases of prosecution for other cuse arising out oC or m1l1er this ilrolillction of such cel tlficnle sh,lIl lot'

guilty of un oitonce under tnls IIct uny offence ugulnst uny provisions of act, such uppeal shu1l be had upon sufficient pllln,l fncle eVl(lcnc" of t'", (2) Any dentlsl \\ho Is luwfully nnd this act for which any penully or pun notice thereof lo be gl\cn lo lhe oppo. lacts therein slaled, UIIiI of lhe n1llil

regularly enguged In the pructlco of ishment Is prescribed, u conviction or 3il2 pnrly of his Intention to uPllenl orlty o[ the chief inspector Dr aIV'I' his llrofesslon, und wh:J shall deem It order o[ the justice, justices or police \\ Ithln eight du~s after such judge ney general \llthout 1\1l) proof of his necessary for any patient being then magistrates, us the caSe DIUY be, ex ment, decision or order has been lIlucle, uPilolnlment or slgnatUl e under lreutment by hIm n,at such put· cept as herelnufter mentloued, shull und In the cuse of SUCh uppcal, the 18 Any hOllse, shop, I Dam or oth I lent should h,we II. drink of liquor, be flnal und conclusive, und, except as clerk of tho district court or such plllce In whiCh it Is plo\ed thnl Ihen' may hiinselt udmlnlster to such pat. herelnufter DI~ntloned, against such olhel person us may under the provl. cxlsls a hllr 01 counlel 01 heer Jltllnp~ lent tho liquor thus needed, unll for conviction or ordel there sha\l be no stalls of any luw order, rule or regu. or kogs, jIll B or decanters or lumhlpI8 such purposo he may keep In his of· appeul. lutlon be exercising tho functions o[ usually found In holels und shops whpl' flce II. quuntlty oC liquor not exceeding (2) Subject to the provisions can· lho clerk of lho 11Istrict court shall liquors nrc nccustome(1 to be solil 01

one pint ut any oue time, und every talued In the [allowing sub section cCltlly the judgment, convictions, 01. lr,lfllckell, It 8h,lll be deemo I to hr L

such dentist who shall administer such hereof, un appeal shull lie lo a jUllge Ilers und ull other proceodlng to the pll~o in which liquors III e i,ept or hn I liquor In evuslon or violation at this of the district court of thd dlslrlct In roglstrur of the supreme conrt of AI. fOI the purpose of being Rol,l, harler uct shaH be guilty of an offence which the conViction Is made, wllhoul bert.1 for usc upon uppeul 'rhe sahl ell or lr!ttlp.d In in contra\cntion 01 against lhls acL 0. jury In all casos where the person COUlt shull lhereupon heur nnd deter lhls .let ulliess the conll,ll\ Is prov('d

(3) Any velerlnary surgeon la" ful· convlctell fs II. vendor or druggist, or mine the said appeal, und shull mal,e by tho defenllillll In ,In\ prosccutlon Iy and regulurlY enguged In the pruc· the conviction Is for uuy offence com· SUCh order for curl ylng Inlo cffecl the and the occupunts of sue h house, shop tlco of hia profession, unll who sl1o.ll mltted on or '11th respect to u ven judgment of the caUl 1 as the CaUl t room 01 olher pillec shall he lalll It deeDI liquor necessary fer the hellith dar's or druggist's III emlses, provllled shall. to he lhe pel son who hus or keops of dumb animals, may have ,In 111s pas· a notice of such appeal shull be given (10) No appoal shull lie by uuy per. there In such liquors far sllle, lrafflC or soaslon liquor for such purpose, not to the plOsecutor or compluinunt \\Ith son convicted of un offence undet the barler thelcln exceodlng, however, In quuntlty one In fiVe dl\Ys after the dute of lhe suld provls'ons of lhls acl unless the party In In ploving tho sale 01 dlspoQnl gullon. conviction uppeullng shall, ,~Ithln the limo limit. gl\lng plllehnsing 01 leccl\l!lI; graill1t

33 No person shall soll or give (3) The person convicted, In case ed for giving notl<!e of such appeal, ouslv or other\\ Ise, or consulllptlon or liquor to any person und~r- the age of he Is In custody, shull either remuln In mako 1111 uffldavlt beforo.,the justice or IIquol fOI purpose at UIIY procoedlll ~ t\lenty·one years except u vendor or custody until the heurlng oC such ape one of lhe justices or police magis rel!lt\ve 10 nny offence under thIs o. I

futher, mother, guurdlan or Ilhysl· peul before the suld judge, or (where trates'who tried the cuuse thut he did It shall not he neel'"S,try 10 show Ih"l clun of such minor, and these only for the penulty of Imprisonment with or not by himself or by his agent, servant unv monel' IIctually pnssed or IlIl V

medlclnul purposes and pursuant to II. without hard lubor Is adjudged) shull or employee nor did uny othcr IJur lI'1 uol \\.lS I\( tUlllly consumPI! II lit" prescription from II. physician. entel Into II. recognlzunco with two son "\th hi's Imowledgo or consent judge 01 IllngiRtrale or justicc or jus

34. A vendor shull sell for cash only sufficient sureties In the sum of $200 commit the offenco churged In the In. lice" henrlng Ihc cnse Is or nrt' RIllS. 35. If any vendor harbors~or enter· euch, before the conVicting justice, fOlmatlon und such nffldnvlt shull ned tlmt u tr,lIlsa('tlon In Ihe llllnTel

tains, or Imowlngly sUiters to remaIn justices or police nluglsllutes cOI\(I1· negative 'the commission or lho of. of n snlo or other IJispoMl gil In!! on his premises wi)ere such liquor Is tioned pelsonally to uppear before tlte fence hy the agents, servant or em. pUlchuslng or receiving ndnlllly tal<" sold or Itept for sale, uny constuble said ju<lge and lo try such uppeul and ployec of the accused or uny other place or thnt nnv consuTllptton or or peuco ol~lcer during any part of the abldo his jUllgment thereupon, und lo person "Ilh his knowledge or consent, lICJuOl wns ulJout lo llim 1)lace nn.1 time during which such constable or puy such costs us he may order, und which urrtdavlt shnll bo trunsmlUed proof of consumption or inlmHlecl eon· peuce officer ought to be on duty, un· In case the appeal Is -agulnst II. can vic· wtth tho conviction to the court to sumption of lIf1uor on PI cmlACS on less for the purpose of Iweplng 01 re· tion wherolJy only u penulty or sum of which the uppeal Is gtven. which such consnmptlon is prnhlhlt eri storing ordel', or In thet oxecutlon of money Is ailju(lged to be \laid, the up· (11) Any justlco making II. convlc. by some jlOlson not autI"ll l1.od 10 (on· his duty, or suppllas any liquor or reo pellunt may (ulthough the order dl. tion for Ilny vlolutlon or conlruven. sume liquor thereon, shall be C\ Itlel\(" freshment whntever, by way of gift or rects Imprisonment In dafault of pUye tlon of uny of the provisions of lhls fhut such lIf1uor wus sold or gl\'en If) sule, to any constuble or police officer ment) Insteud of remulnlng In cuslol1y act shnll not tlunsmlt tho conviction tho perSOn consuming 01 being about on duty, he shall be guilty at un of· as aforesuld give such locognlzunce Us to the court to which un appeal Is to consumc or carrying n\\nv Ih' fence against this act. aforesuld or may Ileposit with the saId gtven unless and unlll the uffl(luvlt Ie. SUIlle, as agnlnst tho occupuut of the

36 If any porson pormlt drunlten Justice, justices or police muglslra/ls qulred by lhls section hUs been mudo suld prem Ises ness or any violent, quurrelsome, riot· convicting, the umount of the penaf'ty und deposited \\ Ilh such justice 1\ Ithln (To be Continued) ous or dlsordorly conduct, arising from and costs, and II. further sum of $25 the time IImltecl by this section; uny drunkenness, to take placo In tho to answor the reapondont's costs of ap· notlcc of uppeul or other plocaodlng ---- -- --- ---....

hoUso or on tho premises of which he peal. lespcctlng uP peal "Iuch may be glvon NEW RUPTUDE I1UH"I1~ Is owner, ten.lnt or occupant, or gives (4) Upon such recognlzunce being or tuken shall be absolutely null and n UIUIfAi,;, aUY liquor to any Ilrunlten person, 01 or deposit made, tlto said jus· void and of no effect whutever, nnd permit or suffer uny drunken person justices or pollco maglsll utes the justice shull proceed In respect to consume any liquor In said house lIberato such persons, If In cus· of such conviction us If no such no· or on suld premises, or permit or suf· and shall forthwith deliver or lice of ullpeul hud been gtven or pro fer drunken persons to meet In said nLlll.,IIIIL.by roglsterod lettO! postpaid, ceedlng lul,en house or on st.lld premises, ho shall be tlte doposltlons and papers In the case, (12) Upon notice being given of guilty of un offence a\lllinst this act, with the locognlzance or deposit, us up peal from II. conviction Cor un In· and, In addlUon to any ther punish· tho cuse muy be, to tho clerk of tho fructlon oC this act, consequonce of mont provided by law, be lIablo to tho dtstllct court of the dlstIlct wherein which conviction Is thul the person Is penalty provided by this act thel efol such conviction was held, or lo such disqualified frolll seiling liquor for

37 Every society, ILSsoclation or other persons us muy bo under tho uny period of time, nnll upon tho uITI· club horetofore or hereafter formed or provisions of uny law, ordel, rule or davit reqniIed by lhls section bolng Incorporated, and every unlncorporut· regulation be exercising tho functions made und deposited us provided, tho cd society, assoolution or club, and of clerlt of the district court altorney·genarul may npply to lhe every member, oUleer and sorvant (5) Tho appelant shall puy to such court to which such uppeul Is made thereof, or p~rson resorting thereto clork for his attendance and servlcos lo expedite the heurlng or tho snld who solls or barters .or therein gives In connection with such appoal tho appeul, and to fix the lime und plnco liquor to any member thereof or snm oC $100 und lho same muy bo for the disposal of the suld up peal as uny other person, ami every person taxed as costs In the cause. to It may seem proper who dlTectly or Indirectly keops or (6) An uppeal shall 1\0 to lho judge 42. Severul churges of contraven maintains by hlmee\! Or by assOjllating of the district court of tho district In tlon of this uct commlttC!l by the saDle or combining with any other or others, which an order of dismissal Is made, person may be Includo(l In one und and who In any manner aids, assist without II. jury, In al) caSQS In which an tho sume Information or complulnt, or abets In keeping liquor In any club' order has been made by II. justice, 01' provided lhat such Informutlon and house, club or association room or hall justices dismissing an Informutlon or complulnt and the summons or wnr· or other place for tho purpose of use, complulnt laid by an Inspector or uny rant Issued thereon contllln the time girt, burter or sale as a beverage, or ono on 111s bobulf, for COI.travontlon and plnce of euch conllaventlon for distribution or diviSion among the of any of the prOVisions of this uct, 43 The description of any offence members of any sOCiety, club or assoc· provided 'notice of such appeal has under thlsl uct In the words of lhls latlon by any mC.!1ns whatever, and been given to the defond:lllt or his so· act or In \\ ords of like efTect, shull bo

person who barters, sells or IIcltor within fifte~n days ufter tho sufflclont In law; and uny exceplion, away or ILsslsts or abets of such ardor of dismissal. exemption, proviso, excuso or quail fica· In bartering, seJllng or giving (7) Within ten duys after service tlon, whether It does or does not ac·

away any liquor ~o received and of tho notice of appeal lhe judge shall i·c1om,pa.ny tho doscrlptlon of the offence kept, shall bo hold to have ,Iolated grant II. summons call1ng npon tho do· In act, may bc proved by lho de· soctlon twenty·throo (23) of this act. fendant and the justice or justlcos fendant, but need not be lIpeclfied and shall Incur the penalties provided muklng the order to show cause WilY or negutlvell In the Informutlon, but, for tho unlawful sale of liquor, the ardor of dismissal should not be If It be so spoelfiell or negntlved, no

(2) The Iteeplng or having any reversed and tho case Upon proof In relation lo the matter so, liquor In the house, hall or building, tho the s judge, fied or negativCi\ shall be I equlr· or In any rOOm or pluco oceuplod or 1","M" either tho parl of the In[ormunt or control1ed bY uny snch club, assocla. he t.' tlon or society, or by uny persons as' In describing offences respect· soclatlng or' combining together as the sale or keeping for aale or aforesald"shali be a vlolution at sec' disposal of liquor, or the having, tlon twenty·four (24) of this nct. Keloplng, giVing, purchasing, reeolvlng

(3) roof of consumption or .nn'irrnlrill!lor consumption at liquor, In any dod of Informutlon, summons. conviction,

warrant, or proceeding under this act, It shall bo sufficient to stuto tho sale, or keeping for sale or disposal, having, kooplng, giving, purchuslng, receiving

• • • 0 •• • • • • ,

" o. 0

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hall~,I~~i,~~,~i:;~~:fl or consumption of Jlquor simply, with·

il~;~~:~ri:r;~f~~l}~!~~~·i" stating the numo or klnil of such or tho price thereof, or the any person to whom It was dsposod of. or by whom It

• • •

• ••• • ••


'.-,.~- or consumod, or tram whom .~ ... " ~,~ ':!~tl:r~~~a:~~\~~:o:~r:n;riecel"ed, and II IC to state the

~};.~~~j~~:. sl~~s:?tIU'l!k~:e~~p~~t for sale, i!~I~~:6t'I~~'~'CI~ri= I or can·

• • • •

• • •

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• • •

• •

DON'T WCAR A TRUSS. 11rook~' A IlPHnnce- Nc'V' .. Ul~" (hscQ\:cry ,"oIHltrful No

OhnOl::101l5 N prill ~ ~ or pnds Automnlic Air ell Al110n~ Hind. Itnd drftw .. the broken parla tORr.lh\!f" ft. ),ou would n broken 11mb. NOMtve5 No hln~­h:1S No lies ])urllhlt' chcnp 8cltt on trlill to

vrO\e it Fu11 information "lui hooklet FREE .. C. E BROOKS. 2063 Sial. SI , Marah.n, Mich.

Mr. Knagg-You must admit I hUVQ some horse sonso

Mrs KllUgg-Just ubout that Hurd· ly humun Inlelligence

"What cuused thb coolness yon and Jones 7"

bel \\ ocn

"A heutod urgumen t "

How's Thia? w. allOT Oce Hundred Dollara R&­

ward for any C(LH of Catarrh tlIat cannot be cured by Hall'. Catarrh Cure

F J cnr.Nl':Y ~ CO • Tolrdo O. We: tha undel Rigned. hn\ e known r.

J Chenoy for the In. 16 yenrs nnd be­lI~vo him perfect ly h nel. In an bUBlncBlI1 Iran"aCllon. nnd flnllnc1nllY abln 10 ctlr1'Y1 out anv obllo,,,tlon. mado by hI. Orm.


Hall'. Catnrrh Cure 10 'nken'lnternally, actlnt: dtrectly upon the blood and muo-, ouo oUrfnbe. ot Ihe syolem TestimoniAls! pent tree Prlcn 76 centa por bollle'l 80111 by RII dru<trrt·'o.

Tlllee Hall', FamilY I'ULt '01' oolllllpa­UOD.

A Junketing Refrigerator Ono of lho mo~t pructlcal junkets

lhuL Uncle Sum Ims over sponsored Is lilo specially Illtod refrlgerulor car lhuL hus been started uround Lhe counlry to domonstrute proper meth· ods or hunullng ,'g~~' und poullry for shipment.

'1 ho cur Is a complt;te refrigerating laborntory, whiCh carries Its own on· glne to operute tho cooling apparatus.

Is dlvilled Into two rooms. 'I'ho first Is of a lemperuture sllgbtly be­low 1101 • [or the gradual cooling at the pouitry beCo:e It Is placed In the othol' 100m, Wllll:'1 IU 110 retrlgerator.

illxper~s r am tho depart' ,,, 1'1

culturo I_ake th demonstrations wllh poultry anl\ eggs supplied by tho local Ile;llllrs. 'I he'~e, ntll. candling of eggs und their ski\: In paeltlng for long shipment U. ulso ,"-monstratod.

• •

• • .. "

. .



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Page 7: .. 0.··ad to hand twice a day [or a year 74c kept in Cannda tloes $144.00 CUI'udl:lII !JUSllW:S (It which $176,60 \>ngC", ~177.CO rnw material, and proUt All form u $1.00 1mI" aso

• . .



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Th~ Far.mer's· I . ,. Worst Enemy


Just what you have wanted for Cakes, Waffles, Puddings, ... Soups, etc. . , , ,

"CASCO" is the refined' Potato~ Flour - unequalled for purity .and flavor, ' Be sure to ask your Grocer "CASCO" Potato Flour,



liZ' :111 I~[tj i.j~1 WATERPROOF COLLARS AND CUFFI SomethlnK bellor than linen and Itll

laundry bills Wuh It willI ~o,p and ... Ier All ~Ior", or dlrecl Sial. alylt and lite For i~': \lie wtlJ mall YOli


II FraN' Avenue, Toronto, Ontarle

MOTHERS! Don t Jilli to nracure


, , of Weed Extermination Is

Needed All Over the Dominion :n an open letter to the Manitoba

minister or agriculture, Mr. John Kel· iy, a farmer or that prOVince, has call· ed pUblic attention to tho enormous loss resulting troUl the crops or Injur·

weeds which cumber ground thnt Id be producing valuable grain.

In a letter to the Winnipeg Tribune Mr. Kelly says: '

"I have waited at an elevator for fifteen minutes while theT were shov· Ing with a bOllrd the noxious weed

,down Into the pit to he cleaned elevated, and {ron. a seventy bush·

load twenty·three bushels wa. the ount of wheat cleaned out of the

not my wheat, mine Is still Cie,an,".

.'rho extent to which weed pollution has gone In this caSe seems almost Incrodlble; only twenty·three bushels of wheat to rorty·seven bushels ot weed seeds-actually less than one· third or the produce ot the total mixed crop ot the tarm. It should be borne In mind that the mixed crop Is [julte as Impoverishing In Its e/{ect on the soil as a crop ot clep.n wheat would be, and thnt tho presence ot the weeds adtls greatly to the trouble nnd ex· p~se ot handling and marketing the grnln, apart altogether trom the small· ness ot the grain return. 'rhe land cnn produce ouly a certnln amount ot seeds, and It the weed seeds are allow· ed to mature they tnlce the place ot those that are moro valuable .

For Your Children Whll. Te.thlng It 000lh08 th. Chlld, Batlens tho Oumsa AlIn)'s Iho Pain, Dispois Wind Colle, nn

,. Iho lIesl Ilemcdy Cor Intnnlllo Olar· .. hoea...



" " . ' ,

• , . · , •

• • · .. • • • , ' .. ,

• \

, . , • , , , "

, , • ,

" ..... '0 .. .. . , • •

• •


Fish Culture iI\ Canada

Artificial Propagation Necessary for Re.stocklng Our Inland ~ake.

Artificial Ilsb culture Is a necessity In connection with some ot Canada's best food and game IIshes. This Is


Lightni~g Losses Gentle Pirates' ,

Pr~tectlon of Building. by Lightning Women Pirates Were Not Unknown In • Rod. Greatly Reduces Losles

, It Is an old and doubtful saying the Old Days that "lightning never "trikes twice In Women pirates aro not unlmOWll. the same placo," Whon I~ does strike, The most remarkable ot these was however, It causos destruction and Mary Read, who, born about 1690, was death. DurIng the month ot April, brou!;ht, up a8 a boy by her mother throughout, central and eastern On. tor the purpose of deceiving a relative tarlo and westorn Quebec, no fewer trom whom sbe had expectations. than 61 huildlngs were destroyed or By a remarkable coincidence, on the damaged by lightning, It 18 doubtful vessel which Captain Raclcham, a not· any ot these bulldlnls were protected orlous pirate, commanded was another by lightning rods. woman who posed as 0. man-Anne

Isolated and exposed as they are Booney. It Is said that theso two, t

th d I I Mary and Anne, were among' the 0- e anger or I.ghtn ng, t bravest and most resolute fi"'htera or

remllrkllblo that ~o tew farm UUllUlD S " are equipped with this cheap and tho wholo crew, and that when the ficlent protection. vessel was taken by a British war·

Lightning rods havo proven their ship these two heroines, along with ertlclency. Many buildings owe their 8.notb'er ot the pirates, wero Ihe last protection entirely to tho fact that three on deck, and that Mary, having they were roddeu, and losses on theso In vain endeavored to rouse the cour· buildings have been reduced to a. age ot the crew, who had lIew below, m:nlmum. According to W, H. Day, discharged a pistol among them, kill· Professor of Physics, of Ontario Agrl. Ing one and wounding another. -cultural College, "out of every thous. Mary died In prison after being sen· and dollars' worth ot damage done to tenced to death; Anne was reprieved unrodded buildings, by lightning, nine ancj was ultimately released. hundred a.nd nlnuty.nlne dollars' worth mdward 'l'each-'Blacltbeard' Teach would bO saved Ir thOSe buildings were -the Bristol seaman, was the simon' properly rodded." This opinion Is pure articlll In pirates, and during tho u~8ed on data compiled from Invesll. I """""d deca,10 of tho elghteonth cen· gatlons and reports covering ten tury he was_ a veritable wasp to tho years and Including a record at 599 American 'colonists. Ills vessel, the l>ulldlngs that were struck by light. Queen Anne's Ilevonge, lilted with nlng. ot these 317 were burned or forty guns, was a matcb even for the 53,6 per cent. Of the 699 buildings British man-of·war that encountere,l only 18 were rodded, and of these, him In ;1,717. lie would lie outside of three were burned. cr 16.6 per cent., as Charleston, N.C., nnd swoop down against 63.6. upon ng or outgoing ,'essels.

When It Is understood that the So 'fear did his prowess nnd losses to ~he InsuranLe companies In&plre that whole lIeets ot In Canada, • by lightning, approxl. Ing vessels were (or long periods mates a hair million dollars annually, tied liP In the harbor, afraid to yen·

ture out of It. and that this represents probably less Ills cruelty to. others-marooning than halt of the total loss, the neces· slty ot more adequate protection to ot prisoners, burning of ships with farm buildings Is apparent. of the crew stili abonrd, compell·

S d f II I t I d rrl ng recalcitrants to walle the plank,

orne recor s 0 gIn ng ro e c· and the other trloks ot the pirate who lency follow: In Ontario [or 1912, 941h per cent.; for 1913, 92 per cent.; tried to lIvo up to a relJl1tation (or In Iowa, for eight years, 1906.1912, teroclty-was matched by a great en· 98.7 per cent:; In Mlcblgan, Inspected durance of JlDrdship himself, though rods showed an efficiency ot 99.9 per It was displayed mostly In the way cent. for four years, 1909.1912, Inclu. ot braggadocio, Half mad with drln:t slve, TheEo figures are wort!Jy ot the on one of Ills voyages, he determined careful consideration of the residents make his crew bolleve that he was ot the Tnral dlstr.cts of Canada, devil Incarnate.

Further Information on the subject "Come," he cried, "Iel's makJ a hell f 11 It I I I I I of our own, and sec how long we cltn

o gIn ng ro' s and tIe l' ef[ clency stand It." with several others he went may be 'obtalned In Bulletin 220 of the down Into the r hold, clostn .... the Ontario department of agriculture, "

" . ~ .. , '. , .. '. .' . . " .

• ; ". '0 '. ..


HARNESS OIL is manuf~ctured ex­pressly for harness. That's why ie pre­vcnts crackin\! and makes the leathcr 60ft and pliablc. 0 ne rubbin\r with Eurcka makes an old set of harnell look like new.





If J'uu ... I'OUT _I "(Uti I 'ItUM DOW"' '00 r tbt .Lua," .. urraut fr •• ItIUHay, ILAPPIlJII., JUI.RVOUI III.AIII, oCt! kOHIC YfU.':"llal,ULCIl1il5,SKIH IlItUrTIONII.rILIl., write 'or ,.,..1t1E CLOTH IWUHD u~DIC"1. aoo.: OH 1he .. dliUlel and WOl<4DKIt,UL CUItI.» .Ihcld ~, THE NEW ,.RI£NOH RKMEDY, .lh1r..2. N.a

Tho weed Infliction Is seen and felt elsewhere th8.n In Manitoba; It has spread all over the west, and ItTs far too prevalent In the east; It It Is less acute in Ontario tl an ,It Is In Manl· toba that may sdely be attributed to tho tact that a larger proportion or the farming Is "mixed" Instead ot being devoted exclusively to grain produc· tlon. What Is needed all over the Do· minion Is a co·operative and sustained crusade of weed extermination by tho most effective mothods known to vet· eran and scientific agriculturists. Mr. Kelly's statcment above cited shows that such a crusade, however expen· slvo, wouhl pay the farmers as a class, and would, ot course, correspondingly benefit tho whole community. In tho last resort, It the weed plague goes on Increasing, as the result ot a cer· taln proportion ot careless farmers In a locality, It may become necessary to

to drastic measures .malogous employed In getting rid or

In the Ilrst place to over fishing. Then many ot the feeding and spawning grounds In the :akes and rivers have been ruined by the careless deposition ot Industrial and other wastes. These conditions apply with especial force to such lake species as the whitefish, one of the finest ot the food fishes, In 1916, approximately 281 million white· fish fry were distributed In the Great lalces, During the present season three neW hatcheries are In oporatlon, Ono ot these, situated ncar KenOrlt, On· tarlo, was designed for tho propaga· tlon ot whitefish and has a capacity of 70 million eggs. A second, at Thur· low, neo.r Belleville, Ontario, replaces a smaller one that had been In opera· tlon In former years at Newcastle. It will accommodate eight million sal· mon trout and over ,60 million white· fish, and the third, 1\ Qu'Appollo park, has a capacity ot 60 million egss. 'rhe Kenoro. hatchery however, will be used for pickerel as well as whitefish, although the latter will, be the fish chiefly handled, the Cry being used In stocking the waters In the Lake of the Woods district. " '

The government Is to be commen ed for assisting so materially In malntonance of Canada'~ fresh water Ilshbrles, 'I'hese have an annual value of about $4,000,000 and, It' wisely con· served, are capable~r,;.~reat expan· slon. Besides, In districts such

supplies free to those interested,- hatches nnd, ~flllIng' severnl pots wllh Conservation. bJ'imstone and other combustible mat· ~=====:=.==.~:=:i====~~ erlnl, .set It on lire. The mnjorl

the men were suffocatod, but """Ilel"

THERAPION nd eClder.r , WORRY (AND WEAKNESS' ~ia;g:;u~~~O~;~d In' his special powe yaurlicoU H It It tnll urnI'd, lor YOU It OWN .U .... nt. A~ •• I .. t.I' ,. .... No·,.I1.", up clrc.ul.n th .~III1.lIo .. DIt. LII:CLII:ICO M r: D CU.ItAVIlItSTOCK RU,li" .. Pill K"D LO"POH.atl.

, "K WANT TO raovlI: TWKU",OM WILL 0'" 1.'.-

t pests. It Is too much to expect tho wbolo community to sufter such an Often Indicate Over-work,

and a Run Down Nervous 'A'Comprehensive Map


, ,

WhcJ1, Eubmarines Go Under

Infilctlon patiently forever,-Toronto Globe. the Lake of tho Woods region, keeping

the waters stOCKed with- game 'and h'O~::,P Minard'. Liniment In food fish will serve to further enhance System

C.P,R. Has a Railway Map of Huge Dimensions

are, and have been for more

than Si:cty Y ~ars,_Leaders and

Standards of Canadian Trade

and all. thinking Canadians

will continue to always

Must Sink Slowly, Taking a: Least their valuo as tourist resorts. Canada Five Minutes for the Process E Is certain to be visited by an AVAr.ln. xperiments in Horticult creasing number ot tourlst~

,Many people have the Idea tbat-as next few years, . and ber .6oon as a submarine sees an enemy, "sportsman's paradiso" will do ~ho orrlcer In command gives a sharp Government Bulletin Gives Some to Incre8.se'tho number.-A.D" In Con· ~rder, and almos'. before It has left his Valuable I nformatlon to the servatlon. . Hps the submal'lne Is diving beneath Farmer .-;,....;;:.:.;~..:...='--. the waves. : Director J, n. Grlsdale ot the Do. A Household 'Medlclne.-They that

As a matter oC fact the very latest minion Experimental Farms, express. are acquainted with the sterling prop· submarines ot the "F" class ·talce a es the hope In 0. leller to the minister erties ot Dr, Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil In clear /lve minutes beforo they can be· or agrlculturo that Bulletin No. 82, of the treatment of Ulan) aliments would come submerged, Many of the older the division of horticulture, just Is. not be without It In the house· It Is submarines took te~ minutes to a sued, will be oC material aid to the trUly a household medicine and as It Is quarter oC an hour to slnll. . > • aanadlan 'farmer, The contents cer. errectlve In dealing with many ordin·

'I'he reason tlmt a suumarlno cannot t I Itt tl • f lfil ary complaints It Is cheaper than a divo quickly, like a fish, Is bocauso the any warran expec a on OL u • dodor. So keep it at hand as the call u;atcr which must be let Into .her ment ot the bope. Tho Bulletin Is . .. one of 88 Iln;'es and lIas been pre [or It may come most unexpe.ctedly, lnnks to malce her heavy enough to " , • pared by Mr. W, T. Macoun, sink, mu'st be let In comparatively Ion horticulturist, and the Long before the war, the Kaiser slowly. , I( It were let In with 0. rush tendeutij of the brnnch experimental toolc a bold stand agaInst the exees· the chances nre the, vessel would not fo.nns and stations. It tells the story slve use of intoxicants, and sald'the go own 011 an oven l;eel, but would of results experimentally received In beer drinking habit \of Germany lIeel over and be In great danger of all parts of the conn try, and under badly Injuring It overy way. He earn· disaster. J( wnter, too, wel'Q let In varyhlg 'conditions, In the cultivation eslly commended total abstinence for too [(ulckly there Is a dunger of leltln of every species of vegetable every the stndents, the officers of his navy In too much and In that case the su variety or fruit and of many descrlp. and army and ,others. , In add,jresslng Ilmrlne would sink :Ike a stone to the tiona of trees, plants and lIowers, At the young naval ollicers he said: "I bottom of the sea, j t 'It I I t tl k want young men In my navy who can

'j'he deplll at which r. sUbma'rlne' unc ure s n eres ng to 100 I'u .. aclt at conllltlons In the d. my ships straight: 'It you use travels under .the seu Is regulated by period of last year. Wh e un can not s~eer them straight: llOrlzontul rudders, The water that Is e [or'early crops, 1914, we alone! , I war.t mon to aim my l~t III the ballast tnnks Is just wasl on lho whole (nvorable. guns In such a way that they will hit lent to "bnlance" the vessel In the III d J d I the ship In a vital' place and sink It. sea, without rising or. slnklng,-Peal" ar. an une were ry nnd t Ie con· von's Magazine, . dltlons 'ponslJquently, were not good, If you drlnlt beer, you can not'o.lm my

Indee'd, some vcge(ables had to be guns nor hit the ships of the enemy, ,}I!reElowni Potatoos ultimately yielded Let beer alone! I would advise 'yon

• These Pills Cure. Rheu Apples nlso recovered take a pledge d total abstinence the llIany who surrer from rhe Strawberries would strong drink." As 0. war mea· a trial of Parmelee's Vegetable Is failure but l'Aur, •. he has materially repressed the recommended.\ 'l'he" have pronounced for water. .~ •• ~_facture, sale and use, of intoxi. nctlon npon the liver and kilineys and I Results ot as well as out·

i Overwork and worr), have an evil eftect on the system and often give rise to nervousness and' sleeplessnllss. Other signs Include a weak back, headaches and Indigestion. 1n time Ir matters are neglected a complete brealcdown of tljli nervous system [01-lows, On "very .'han.!. one can obsOl'Ve Ivlctlms . of thiS Bta ~e of nervous ex· haustlon who ,are at a loss to know :what to do ·:wlth ·themselves, their nero 'vous debilitated state having baffled all ordinary treatment. ' i If you' are, a victim of exhausted nerves, If your symptoms are as de· 'scribed above, you need Dr, WlIllams' Pink Pills because they are a po\Verful nerve tonic. 'rhelr strengtheulng ac· tion on wealc nerves Is due to the tact that, they enrich and bu .• d up the ,blood through which the nerves are red. Under the toniC Influence of Dr. 'Williams' pink Pills all traces of· ncr· 'VOllS 'y-eakness dlsallpear together 'with the hendaches, the Insomnia, th

IIl1g of Intense 'weakness and 'de· Ion of spirits that mark the vlo·

nervous ailments, Here Is the Mr. Henry Marr, Port l<'ellx,

"It'glves me greatest plen· rn.r.II.V· as to the value ot Dr.

PI Pills. When 1 began I ,vas a physical wreck; my

:norv' •• ··were all' unstrung, I' s\lt'feretl frequent headaches and .baclc·

,acnes, and \vas almost wholly unfitted I had tried several remedies

success,' when' I· finally 'decld· give ·Dr. ,Williams', Pink Pills a I 'took six boxes and they made

a well' man." . . I ';j

l,y reguh.tlng tho action of these or· door exnerlmonts are detlllled, Pomol· gans act as un alternative In prevent·, ogy lis 'mace a prominent feature, the In!; the ahmlxture ot uric acid and l chapter on' the new varlotles ot ~J!ood that causes this paInful disorder pies thit.,had been tested at the Cen· 1 hey must be tallen according to dl· tral' Elx'perlmental Farm being one recllolls and used steadily and they that Is worthy special attention, As a will speedily give evidence ot their Dllltter P~ jract the Bulletin covers so benefiCial errecta. - - --' wldo a'range and Is so thorough In Its

Rankln-Beanbrough has a terrible cold in his head trom raising his hat to the ladles. .... ' / , Phyla-That's an altogether new ,torm oC tho' evil. '

, . What', the{!e Pills did for Mr, 1rIa r.r ltbey ~vIlLdo. for every other weak ,!nd Inervous'man, It glven'a fair trllli. Sold

IbY iill'med!clne dealers or sent by mall at! 60 ~ent~, a, box or six boxes, for '$2.50. brf,.wrltlng, '1:he Dr" Williams' IlI1ediclne 'Co.,' Brockvllle, Onto ' '.

'l0n(ents'that the best advice that can , be given Is that application be at once

made ' tor It to the Publications branch, Department ot Agriculture, ottawa; ,.v.:hence , It will be forwarded tree. 1.""0 f ~


• •

\ J d.. ~ t J I _.' ...

i :;;~'~"l~~~~tio~s Exi~tin~

• • , ~ ...............

The biggest and the· best railway map In Canada Is thnt which hnngs In the directors' roolll of the C.P,It . general oC(lce-a map 100 feet long lly 10 feet high and which toolc the com· blned efforts of three of the cleverest Iilen In tbe drawing department of the company eighteen 1II0nths to COlli· plete. This map Is minute and compre· henslve to the I!\~t detail. Ev':ry Inch of railway, every tiniest Islet, rearing its head In the lake or river, every city ancl town and village, It might be said, In the whole ot the Dominion, 11 limned In chnracters! which, however minute, are entirely legible.

'I'he donble trnclclng Is shown; the COUTEe ot each system fr,lIIl Its com· mencement to Its_ ending set lorth; nothing had escaped the faithful and able chartographers 01' mapographers, If one lIIay use the words, so that at a glance the high officers of the com· pany may see the course of the sys· tem, the river, the lalcc, the mountain. the stream, In any "art or the Dominion. ,

.' "Safity First"

" , "

The' M otto ~f the Merchants B'ank Canada

• Insist Upon. Having

None but


TYPHOID t. no more nece.s.<y than Smallpox, Almy experience bas demonstrated the "hnest miraculous ern­

cacy, pod barmlcslIIncut of Antityphoid Vaccination. Be VAccinRted NOW by your physlclant you Rnd ~r family. Ills more vltallhan hoUlo Insurance.

I Ask your physJclnn, drucclst, or lend for "Have: 'au had TyJ)huldlu tcllln2 of Typhoid Vaccine. results from usc, and dancer from Typbold~Carrlc:rl. nle (UneR'LAtlORATOIV, tlUlifleV. CAl.. ,aODUCUiI. VAcelfllil. ,uU'U UHDU U. I •• OV ... Ie ......

, • p ~ •

The st~teinent ot llie Merchants Banlc or.Canada which Is ll.ubllshed In 'thls'lssue, and whlc Is woll.worthy of clollil study, shows clearly that the management have strained every eC· fort'to preparo this Institution [or any Chocolate Soldiers sudden call, and now with over twen· Captain Benn of the Commissary ty.one millions of actual cash assots, bral.ch of the 13~ltlsh army In I·'mnce and'''an Increaso ot one·thlrd .mf",'·1 reports, says llio\Vestmhisler Gazette last year's good showing of "quick aa· (hat 'I'OI\lUly Atkins. Is striving "'Ith ltd sets," It faces any temporary tlnanclal his might to live 1111 to George Bern· disturbance y;lth ullruirled front, ard Sha 's "Chocolate Soldier."

Yet this has b~en done without Chocolate weets and, In fact, swect· allecti commercial loans meats ot all kinds are In such great

considering the demand that British candymakers oro business, cannot busy night and day. ,

a serious drop, From Cairo comos the report thnt about 10%- the Australians stationed t:lOre have

no'··" ... si(;ck8~ show r, absolutely eaten tho entire chocolato 11~ ... g!!lreaBe, a de· supply.' J'

<'re'1I8'" Ide Captain Bean's orrlclal report Bays:

• , • • o

"Our 'call teen has live times the de· mand for sweets and soft drinks t1mt was' expected an.. one-fifth the do· mand [or bcer.\ "

-~-~- , ' I ,

Is thlt for at my, store

keep for sale. All the people use It. 1: '~;:")i~~f1' :1 HA~LIN FULTON., Pleasant' Day,' C.B, \ '

• .. • •

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Page 8: .. 0.··ad to hand twice a day [or a year 74c kept in Cannda tloes $144.00 CUI'udl:lII !JUSllW:S (It which $176,60 \>ngC", ~177.CO rnw material, and proUt All form u $1.00 1mI" aso


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• '11 m :'1 T1 11] 1 } .. l· '1": 11 J fi ~========~~==~========~~~======~~~~====~--~~~~".~-'-~.'~~~'~~ .. '~

,-_._._. -:,:,'----~,------~---'-. :UBERAL ORGAN ' WAR TAXES ALMOST. 'fW{} •


'Vo 1I0W closo SnLIll'llny.

am' sLoro nL G p.llI. C\'cry 11 igh t oxcopL

,Yo slillll/WIl limo lo Rhow 0111' fJlIRlOIlHlI'S OUl' goolIs. qualiLy wo guarallleo and l'l'ices aro right,


, Cash ollLiLle!! yon to lhe <1iscollllt,.lllld 011 Im'go OI'UOI'S whol'o

wo lIomi IIUt hroak bulk you will lilld 011\' prices equal La tho mail ordol' houses.

Otll' goods al'C! nil lIOW, Special YHlnes 011 (lill'ul'cnL Iincs. ,,, IJ cluTi a\1 excellellL Yal'ieLy ur 00111.'1'1 )i'lIl'lIishillgH, Ladies' Sumlllci' Dross Goods, 110\l'Iy Ill·l·h'od. Call IIlId prico thelll,

Y01lrs 1'01' hOllosLy,

SMITH BROS. Succcssors to D. G. McGowan •.


Telephone No, 39, - Rathwell, Man,

Mayflower Talcum Powder Nyal's Mayflower Talcum is an ex­

perience to every first time user. Its touch is sof~· soothing and refreshing. Its distinc­tive Mayflower perfume, delicate, i~oividual, elusive, Ideal for every use to which you can put a Talcum.

, IS HIS DEFENCE MILLIONS TO JULY ~ Sf: I'n Ontario ~onservatlvo ~ellcs on the Brantford ,"Expositor" to Support.

: Han: Mr. White Calculates Special'

Revenues and War Outlaya of

Cilpl~;'ll t .. uthorl=ctl $5,Ca~,Ooo C<lplt.:l1 P.1;t1 up a 0 ~3,aOO,OOo Gurplu:; ... • ~3,750,OOO MEN OF {fO~MORROW

Hlo Position on "Made·ln·Canada"

Tho "Made·ln·Canada" movcmcnt camo In for conslderablo discussion during the Budgat Debato In tbo roo cant session of the House at Commons. Ono or two mombors criticized tho movemGnt as being ontlrcly scillsh and tn the Intorost J' tho mannfac, turers ulone. III lho course of thl) dclmtc Mr. 1~lsher, lhc member for North Drallt, (.uotcd lho I3rantrord "Expositor," ono of tho Icadlng Liberal papers tn Western Ontario, In cupport ot lho "~~ade·ln·Canada" movement. Aftcr referring to the criticism of lho "Madc.ln.Canada" 1Il0v<lmcnl, whlcn had [lrcccdctt his speoch, 1I1r. l"lsher stalod lhat In hln soc lion of lho Provo Ince of OntariO, which constltuled an Important Illduolrial, as well llS farm· lng, ccnlrc. the pcople all !lrmly be· !leved In thL mov'~ment.

. Dominion Government i. , IT r' Oltawa, .Tuno 14-'The Minister oi ,Flnanco, Mr. ~ T .. Whlto, cstlmatod lin a, statcment given out lust nlght,\ that from ,Informatlon eom)llled by of·, !lclals' of tho deparlment, the speclnll I war revenue act passed Inst Resstop I ,wm bring In $1,865,000 In revonuo up 'I

The child of to-day is the bus­iness man of to-mQrl'OWo He should learn early to econo­mize and invest b;s r cwings. A Savings Accollnt [or each t h:IJ ~hould be opened wilh thiG Bank ..

to .july 1st next. Dank nolo elrc\!· latron, ho states, will bring In $248,,\ 000; trust ,ami loun companies. $55,.\ 000; Insuranco companies, $77.0e~, 'whllo stamp tal' os generally, Itw:t,:'

G. Vo HANNAH" Manager.

ing stamps on liegollablo Inslnlltlc " money orders, lellers and )l03lca\'\ls, patent medicines, perfumeries [lntl wines, wlll bring In H.48u,OOO. 'raxc,l on railways and tclegraph companlc:1 wlll lIot bc ascertalnablo until later.

Outlay to Fall Short

Trchcrnc, IVlnni:oba

Mr. White staled thut lho total _--,_.,.,...~-=======:!"""==""'===~======~=== amount or Interest which wlll !Javo ~ .. .., _._ .. -.- .-- --

"Not lllol\" Iho urtlsans of Ham· man. U\!I1.1.13, llranlford, Paris, Guo\])lI. U<,rltll, Galt. Walerloo, WoodSlod(, 1'1 eaton and olhcr manu· facturing ~entr'~s, but tlle mcrchantH and furmers as Willi rcallzo tho 1m· portance o~ the "l\lade-ln·Canada" movement. The artisan Imows thal Increasc'l tlt·mand fol' Canadlan·madc goods meanfl ballet: \Vorle and wages for himself, l'I'tl consequently more comfort for hl,\ fnmlly; thb merchant knows It meuns lUorc anellbetter bust· ness, while tho farmer/lIaB learned thc value of the home" marlcot and' ImowB thut It meuns 0. batter marltet for everything ho hus to Bell. '1'hiB vtew Is shared by LlberMB nnd Can· servatives n!i~.e. I should !lko to road

bcen )laid and accrued hy .Tuly 1 at on accoullt of money borrowClI fro\11 lho British Government for war Ollt· \ lays slnco August 1st lasl Is $1.100,000, If lbo tolal amounl of $130,OOO,OUO al· F 1':lI,l; \\".I~·, tl I' III aZl.'lIod, Snsk., ready ap)lroprlated hy Parliament en i~ viSil iw! Id" pnl'clIlH. ~J 1'. IIlId "\val' account Is expended before i\!ur,'h ' 31st nuxl, there will bo an additional ill I', .. ,I, l'. \\'ay. amount or Intercst payable nfter July 1st approximating $3,150,000. There Is overy IndlcalloD, says, the Minister, tJbat the amount aIll1rOprtaled wlll not

It"bl. ,L,d illlt·I·. aecolllpnllieci hy

~II·H. St 1I1'11l1I, I r. Sllll'toll 13. Pal­IIlel' l\IId J. Dobbill motol'eci lo

bo sufficient to provide [or tho wa,' Qxpendlturo up to March 11. 'rile 8,,\1'<:1\ "II \\',·oII1Psrla,l', Lo Yisil. special approllrlallon of two mllllon:l !\ II"'. ~: III :'[lIl1' S ~()II. Percy. for pensions Is being drawn upon and In the Mlnlsler's opinion, w1ll be iu· &ufficlont.

WILSON'S NOTE MILD President Leaveo Method of Relieving

Intolerablc Conditions to Gcrmany

J. Htllltol' allci ;\r. Smilh leI'L f)1I \Vdlil" d.l;,' 1Iltllllilig rtll' Kill'.'sota.

:'11', IIl1d ~II'K. ,/. C. TIil'(i alld

!\II'. ,lllri ;\lls. D, T. ]I i I'd wero

1,'1\'('111,"111 \'i:,itUI'H 1'1'0111 It·l·irlIlY In Salnrriay, I\:(' gll~sIH()I'~r\,H, ;\11I1'8i1

Washington, Juno 14~Thcro was a 8I1g('I·.


'111:' 'I' .1. LA~IO;\"I' M.D,. C.1\1., Uuln'ltilty of :\lullilulm.

gllHlunlc. Honor

Phollo ~L UnJt:o nlllll'et<illt:Il(,I', BOYlll' titICl'!.

----------_. DU •• f. A, CIIIlISTILAW

l'hytoii('inll I\lul ~UI·I-:'I'UIl. 1'Ilnllllt,lll\ ~IClllcnl Collt·J.tl! 1I1Ulttlllll'.

• UIllccf:I eo I', Lir1llin alili I't'll ie. l'hUlIl1 101.

W. ,\, ,\1 OTT, lit. n. Coruner

DronclwlIY • Il:llhwoll. MUll.

fl. A. 1IU\\':\I,\;\', \'.S., \).\'.S(1. Nyal Quality preparations can bc obtaincd only in

Nyal Quality' Stores. Ask onc of them for frec copy of Booklet entitled II Your Complexion," giving full par­ticulars of best methods of massage. 128 n fClv short articles on thls11l1ovemont

talten from the Branl£ordll~xpoBILor, tho Icndlng Liberal organ, in jtho sec·' tion from which I como, and I I would commend thcso exlracts to/tho bon. gentleman V:1l0 has just4-talecn 'hIs'

coneral feeling of relle[ hC1'e itlSt ,.,..,,....,----.-.,....--,.,,.,"'-=.-"'-"'.,,, .. ,,,."".,,,,.. 'week when 1J1){) nature of the Unlled ,Slates note to Germany becamo ,known. Tho nato Is less nggreRslvo In Ils language than lhc note of May 15. Thero aro no sucll phras'zo In It as "strict accounlablllly," or "omit 'llllY word or act necessary" such ,w gave tbo nato at May 15 0. menacing character. But lhero Is no abalcUlont ot lho'lnslstcnce on the princllllcfl of tlto law whleh the President sought to upholdJn his previous commission. He still contendS that the sacred rights of humanity wero vIolated by tho sinking of'lho Lusltanta, and thut all the 'Qucstlons raised by Germany as to the chamcter of tho vesscl aro Irrolevont. • Ho asserts lhat "upon this prlnclplo of humanity" as' well as upon the law founded upon thlH principle, the United States must stand. , He declares that the United States "very earneslly and' very solemnly renows tho repre3entnllons

1"()I: :-;.\LE --(;ht'IIP, 2 011 I.\', 8"1'111,10\"','\;"11'. Ilili .. Johll Del'l'o; I ,,"11'. \\'::l!.iIJg Pll)\\', Hill. - J\. D. ;\1·,·lnl.\'I'I'. Halliwell., e-;')O-II I

Vl';1·gnl~r\HY RIII'J.!I!fllI lind J)flUtiHt.. OIltO() In Smit.II't\ I.h"I), :-;tnhlptlo. I1rUlulW(1)'.

Oll1eo l,hollo No.li l III~hl pliutlH, ~n. 3:1-







There are also a large number 'I who are still in arrears and: we

m " ask them .t~ favor '\1S .with "a I rn remittance.' '

m '~I========~II~I========:JI\I=======:=n~==~.II~======~II~I========:Jhl======~-II iii .. ::::rs ____ .:5

• I, •


Ford':·Tburin~,:;,Cllr,. Pri,ce $59P ·,,~1

~.~ ~---I:-'::)~ •

, . 2 - passenger

seat. Crecd For Canadians

On October 13, tho; Expositor pub­lished an artlclo with' tho (header "10: good creed for CanadlanB,"las follows:

"I be!levo In Ca!lltda. I love liar aB mylhome. I \1onor lier InBtltutions. I rejolco In, thol abundance of'ber

resources. , I have unbounded \ con!ldonca/ln

tbe ability and ep.teTprlsa at her people, and I cherish 'oxn.lted Idmia of her destiny among'tbe 'nations of tbe world. of, Its 'uoto transmitted ,to lho 1m·

Anything that is producod', in' Canada, from Canadian materials; by tbe npp!lcatlon of Canadian brain a~d labol', will always 1lUve first

,call with mo." , , On NIovembor 4, 1914, It publlsh'ea'

another article, from ,which the {fol. lowing IB an extract:

"To keep prosperity InfCanada.nml the, spoetre of hard times out,/just' means that from now ant the people of Canada w\ll conBlder:' their )own business of nrst Imporitance, will spend thoil' money for \ tho goods made In Uanadlan factor/os. It's tho importance of malntalnlngl Canadtan pay.roll that puts us all on',tho same, leve!." Again on January·30:

"The reople are, anxious to, give prefereuce In tholr purcnases to goods 'that aro the product of,'Can· adlan Industry, but thoy must be made more" fam!l1ar \wlth: tho natUre and 'extent of t1lese \ articles.' . An od::catlonal camp~lgn ~ baclqadJ, up 'by

., " I

frequent oxhlblts In, overy:1 city I and town In the country' of ; "Mado·ln·

j , If ' Canada" goods ,will do much ·to'ln, croaso tho' activity of tbr,\ manuflle· turing establishments' at' thelDomln· Ion:" '. ," ' ,.:""

l; ," .'". Economic' Epigrams'

, .. Gorman Government on Lho of May." He re·assorts· that

citizens bound on lawful havo a right to travel on mel"

chn.nt ship:. of bolllgcrent nn.tlonallty wltbout being placed In jeopardy by Germali suumarln'e wurfare. Alld he concludes: "'I'lle Govenlment of the United Stalcs therefore deems It rca· I sonable to expect that the Imperial GcrUlnn Goverment will adopt lhe measures necessary to pnt theso prln· clples Into practlco In rcspcct of thc safoguardlng of American llves nnd Alnc}:lean sh,lps, and asks [or assur· ance lhut lhls wl\l bo dono."

." Germany to Find Method nut there Is noted' a vcry decided

6hango In 'spirit. In his !lrst nolc, President Wilson In effect said thnt lho United Stutes expected Gei'many to eoase submarino warfaro. But now he leaves It to Germany "to adopt Lho measures necessary to put UlCSO principles' (of Internntional law) Into pmctlce' In the safeguarding of American lives and American ships," Hc Is no longer determined lo regulato Gorman submarine warfare exceJlt to bhe extent that It'may aftect American IIvca and Amorlcan ships and he lellvcs It to Go,'many to dceldo upon Ul0' meUlod. All Uie Presldcnt aslm on t1lOt point Is assuranco that It will be donc. He adds: "Tho Governmont of lho 'United Slatos cdimcit admit lhat the prcclamallon of a war zone froin which neutral sblps havo been warned to. keep away may ,bc an ab,

Sun1n1er Excvrsions

From T rehcnle Vt.iccuvcr Victoria W ctlnlin:.t~r S,attle Porlland Tacomn

5.0 Franci.co' \ Le, Anee\e.

Daily '(' 0 N Oyelll bel' aD

$50.50 $83'.00 '

HoLm'lI Lill1i~ Tlll'co :Mullths, hut no[, IatCI' LJlIllI Deocmbcl" :11, I!J l:i. 8t.0\1·0\·01·S Illlo\l'ed

011 all Lickols.

Toronto $53.85 011 Salo (ildly Montrcn1 ~;5S.95 JUliO 1 1.0

~t~r.~~hl\ ~~~:~; Sop. 80, l~imi~ !ltlifax $74.45 eo uays

Tit·b:tH aJ'o gaol I oi thol' OliO

OJ' Lot h ways betweell I"ol't Willilllll nllcl J'nl't McNicull \'in UroaL LIlIa·s Htl'lIll1Cl'~, ill­I,Judil:g llH'tdfl and hel'Ur, all ]la.Ylllt·" I "r ~~!l.OO IlrllliLiullltI. Four magni1icent steamers wcG!{[y, (eave Fort William 2 p.m. Sunday, Tuesday, Friday and Satuillay .

CtllT('splllleting 1'11J'es rrom nil Rlati(lllB ill i\£fllIiloba fillet S:u;j,nlcho\\'11I1 allCi. Lu 1Il1llly

nLh"I' puillls. FilII p:11'Lieulul's 11111.1 tiolwts'

I'I'C)\II 1111\' Cllnllclillll Pllcific Tit.k\:!. j\"gl'1I1, f)1' \I'l'ile-

J. A. McDONALD, , District Passenger Agent,

Brandon, Man.

'm E It l':U N I':. ~I A N'

---- - _.---_._------ ------------1) 1'~~'1'.\ 1,

JJ It. ,\. \\'. ~I Y U::.;

))ollli.l. ]).IJ.S .• I,.D.!'. IIttleo IlIlIl)'los llIode 'l'I'cllUl'tIC.

lIolll'H: 11 tn I~ n.III.: 1.::t1lo n I'.m, ; 1~\'ol1ll1L;,"l. nlld ~\IIHlIlYR by UlJlloinlmcllt.

------,_. 1I1ISCt~LI.ANEOliR

,JA~II~H 1'1:1.'1'1)" tiIlCCOE!t:lH'to


OJl'P'ICES Hnflwuy ,\\,0" 'l'roherno. Ainnitobn SullCltors for.Lho Cnundiutl Hllnh uf Com

mereo,Uuuit 01 HumliLou. nuLl 10.' Muulol,.nllt 01 tlolttil Norlolk.

l~, II. 1\1 rTUJIHLI:, B.A.

ATTOllNEY A'r LA W. Ollleo u~ A. Mnrtln BR'OucY',Uroutlwny,1'(ohoruo

.... H1::-:N & WALI,Alt

AttornoYR. Eolieitol'Fl. I~tc. l.onnA nc"oLitltcd 11Iltl li:l"tntt'R hnl.lUuJ.

1I01t'tI"I, Mau·.

.1. W. JlIOnHISON, [,.1..11.


or l\lnCtlOllnhl. ('mire IlIuI Cn .• Bnl'l'ietcl', Rolh:1 tnr. 1\otnl'), PHillip, ch'. (Jnko nL f::1n.1J1('~ Lkuf. '1'l'ohcl'lIo. 'Allpoint II It'll h.; l<.:fl, with SlnpicK BI'OH. wUll'ccul\'o 11I'o1ll1lt ntllllllloli.


Hcn.1 I~fltl\tOt l\lorh~ng-n nrui Iml11rnnco Allont. Hcpl'c,,:olitlnJ( IW\"'l'td ot t lIu IWI"l l.onll ,\1](11" Rllrn.IH.~O GUlJIllHlIlct-i. - COIII1II1RtlloIlCr, umco Brol,,11I "Y.

'rHElIlmN1~ T.OJ)cm NO. 51 A. F. &. A. M.

~lcotR Fl'hlny on (H' hl!forc' the tull moon lho .:\tnNonic 1 Inll. 'l'l'u1lUl'liu. V hilUm: I.n'ot h1'OI1 cordll\lI\~ \\'OJcUIIIO.

\\'or, 111'0 •• 1. e. PtnJllo~. ,,'.:M. It. \\'. lJlO •• luhn co\.ltcr. Sccl'otmy

On February 9 tbo, Expositor con· talned a mi:nbor' of economlo:eplgrams,

brevlatlon of' tho, rights of American shlpmasters, 01' of Amorlcan clt1ze bou!l~ on .. lar/ful errands as' passcn· ~~~ .. ~.~_~. ~,~._~ .. ~.~_~_~~~~~~~~~~. gers on mer'cbant ships 0[' bell1goront :: ... natlonallly. ',It" undorstands Germany ~Fl{) , .," '. '.

ot which r ;wlllr.-rllad two or threo: "Now th~t" Ulo,\rcal os tate . soap· ~., •• " I

. bubblers' are out of buslllGss·ln ilils country \VI! are again estimating :tbe valuo, of, land' . by ,tbe.' number at

" ~'r". 8in.ol~lis~ackB:.

to recogniZe bbe obligation to talcll surnet-mt 'bl'll$Jnutt'ons to ascertain whethor' 0. ,suspecle'd" merchanlman Is '/ In tact.of belligorent, natiollallty or Is III ' fact ,:carrylng ,contl'abaild of war under, n'; 'noutral 'nag."

, '

SAFETY FIRST Is the Farmer's Move by Insur­ing against Loss


. .~'i\

, It h~ no Ill''' cl'yin~ about your lOtiiN trom . Imlll"l()l'nl~ I\fter 1 hu (iallungo, hU.H boon \ linin.', . ,

6) " .,


Fur !tlli' 1)C~r nr!I'IJ, wo will IlUml'o )"onr ('I'Opr;--lI p I 0 ~(U~I JIl'I' IlCl'u-nH" IUHt IOml. 'l'hl, i" 1'0;';1'1'1 \ I, 1'1101'1'.0'1'10:-/ lit . II V 1m y 1,1) \\' (;O~J;:;, .".,"

, ., h ;' .. ; .. &1. by ,

• o o •


o 0 0


'C6~' . %.-J' I::-:D. OHnrm, 01' ODI.Wli:r,LO,\VS

, " 'rl'chol'ne l.;Oth!'o N"o, II II)cutH in t.110 :\ll\.8onlo

11u11 l1\·01')· 'l'hul·t'IIII), c\'tmlnu nt, 8 II.m. All OlltlrollowK In f'u(ltl Nlnllilinu nro wolcomo •

J. PlLI'le, N. U. 11. A • .I\dl\lr, Hoo. SOOt •

]lOYNI~ 'hO.f,.

No Ij:lO, IIIcctH UJ) 'ruflt;dny ovonlnp: on 'or be rol'~ tho rull ur tho 11111011 in Pollon'M nl\lI. Visit lug IJrothrlUi {\Iwl\y~ WOlr.OIllU," - ..

. \\'. 1,00, II'.~I. ,H. J)olnhunt, Seo. .' " ,

: ..... "::,~~ ~ ':' , I •• ,' " I

, O.O:F.U?9UR'l" 'l·n.~IIE,~!'.E ;I[ootllill lIltll!ouI6n"IUlollllnl'.01l or boCoro rult moou. n~ 8 jI.lII. VI"ILlulI'1J~1 hr.ou nh\'1I1'9,lVol· C\.1II0: ,~hlot Itnll"?r •. 'U,o~., 1':', ~LllplO.~ ';~~

" • " 1 ' .," (,.{;; 'l


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