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-1-...-6- A9.. WAXX RTTRUUCCKKSS All national federations arriving to the event with their own wax...

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Page 1: -1-...-6- A9.. WAXX RTTRUUCCKKSS All national federations arriving to the event with their own wax truck are required to forward all specifications to the Organizing Committee not


Page 2: -1-...-6- A9.. WAXX RTTRUUCCKKSS All national federations arriving to the event with their own wax truck are required to forward all specifications to the Organizing Committee not




AA11.. CCOOMMPPEETTIITTIIOONN VVEENNUUEE Sports Centre Triglav Pokljuka SC Triglav Pokljuka is situated at the high plateau 1340 m above sea level, 20 km from Slovenian famous tourist resort Bled. The whole region is a part of the Triglav National Park, covered with pine trees. All courses are in the woods area the only clear part is the Stadium with Shooting range, Start/Finish Area, Wax Cabins and Ski test area.

Lowest point on the courses: 1333 m Highest point on the courses: 1372 m


AARRRRIIVVAALL TTOO BBLLEEDD By means of transportation: - by plane to Ljubljana Airport * Airport Ljubljana – Bled: 25 km, direction Jesenice/Karavanke Tunnel

- by train to Railway Station Jesenice, Railway Station Ljubljana * Station Jesenice – Bled: 10 km, direction Kranj * Station Ljubljana – Bled: 40 km, direction Jesenice/Karavanke Tunnel

- by car from Austria: * direction Villach (A11) via Karavanke Tunnel – Bled * direction Graz (A9) via Sentilj/Maribor – Ljubljana – Bled

from Italy: * direction Tarvisio (A23) via Ratece – Jesenice – Bled * direction Trieste (A4) via Fernetici – Ljubljana – Bled

OC Pokljuka will organize transport from Ljubljana Airport or closest Railway Stations free of charge, on previous request (date, hour, flight number/train, number of persons). Transport from other airports or locations could be organized on request (in advance) and will be charged accordingly. Please fill in Annex 5 and send it to OC Office not later than November 16, 2018.

VVIIGGNNEETTTTEESS // TTOOLLLL SSTTIICCKKEERRSS Cars and vans with a maximum permitted laden weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes are required to display a vignette (toll sticker) in order to use motorways and express roads in the Republic of Slovenia and the Ljubljana bypass. Please note: special class of vans (such as Citroen Jumper, Fiat Ducato, Ford Transit, Peugeot Boxer, Renault Master, Renault Trafic and Volkswagen Transporter T1-T5) have to pay higher price for vignettes from January 2014 on. Road Karavanke Tunnel – Bled is a toll road!

Annual vignette for motor vehicles up to a maximum permitted weight of 3,500 kg EUR 110.00 or 220.00 Monthly vignette for motor vehicles up to a maximum permitted weight of 3,500 kg EUR 30.00 or 60.00 Weekly vignette for motor vehicles up to a maximum permitted weight of 3,500 kg EUR 15.00 or 30.00


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Vignettes could be purchased at petrol stations in Slovenia and neighbouring countries, at offices of the national motoring organisation and foreign motoring organisations, at post offices in Slovenia and at some newspaper stores. Using a toll road without a valid vignette (i.e. without paying the toll) is punishable by a fine of between 300 and 800 Euros.

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AA33.. CCOONNTTAACCTT AADDDDRREESSSS Address: Organizing Committee Pokljuka (OC Pokljuka) Poslovna cona A 37 SI-4208 Šenčur Slovenia

Phone: +386 4 2791 920, 900 Fax: +386 4 2791 915, 905 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.biathlon-pokljuka.com

GSM : +386 40 484 495 (Tomaž Šušteršič, Vice-president and Secretary General)

AA44.. OORRGGAANNIIZZIINNGG CCOOMMMMIITTTTEEEE ((mmaaiinn ppoossiittiioonnss)) OC President: n.n. (in procedure) OC Vice President and SG: ŠUŠTERŠIČ Tomaž [email protected] OC Vice President: FARČNIK Tim Chief of Competition: KORDEŽ Matej [email protected] Competition Secretary: KOVAČ Matevž [email protected] Chief of Media: RAŽEN Antonija [email protected] Chief of Accreditation: SERŠEN Samo [email protected] Chief of Accommodation: MERLAK Martin [email protected] Chief of Transport: HUDJEK Darko Chief of Shooting Range: MIKLAVČIČ Igor Chief of Courses: ZUPAN Branko Chief of Stadium: BEGUŠ Sandi Chief of Timing: MIKLAVEC Peter Chief of Security: POR Jakob

AA55.. AACCCCRREEDDIITTAATTIIOONN From November 30, 2018 on the Accreditation Office will be situated at the Logistics Centre – Bled. ACCREDITATION OFFICE Bled Festival Hall (ground floor) Cesta svobode 11 SI-4260 Bled, Slovenia Company PLARAS / LOC Mr. SERŠEN Samo Contact: [email protected] Opening hours during the World Cup Week: Friday, 30.11.2018 09:00 – 19:00 Saturday, 01.12.2018 09:00 – 19:00 Sunday, 02.12.2018 08:00 – 17:00 Monday, 03.12.2018 09:00 – 17:00 Tuesday, 04.12.2018 09:00 – 17:00 Wednesday, 05.12.2018 09:00 – 17:00 Thursday, 06.12.2018 09:00 – 17:00 Friday, 07.12.2018 09:00 – 15:00 Saturday, 08.12.2018 09:00 – 16:00 Sunday, 09.12.2018 09:00 – 14:45 Upon arrival in Bled/Pokljuka all teams have to report to the Accreditation Office immediately. Car passes will be issued there as well or the latest at first TCs’ meeting.

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AA66.. IINNSSUURRAANNCCEE // LLIIAABBIILLIITTYY The organizer will not be held liable for any injuries to persons or material damage including those of third parties. All participants must have an adequate accident and health insurance. With the entry by names the National Federation confirms the existence of the required insurance for all persons entered.



All participant nations may import and export rifles and ammunition into and out of Slovenia with valid “Weapon possession license” of the respective country of origin. IMPORTANT! Only athletes or teams whose first destination when travelling to European Union (Schengen countries) is Slovenia has to announce rifles and ammunition to OC Pokljuka – please fill in Annex 1 and send it to OC Pokljuka office not later than November 16, 2018. Please note that dry shooting is not allowed in public areas in hotels. Ammunition and rifles must bo stored separately. During the competition week police authorities could control national teams if they are respecting the laws.

Radio devices can be imported and exported into and out of Slovenia. Usage of non coordinated

radio frequencies in Slovenia is not allowed. Teams have to announce in advance the type of radio device and frequencies (for all programmed channels on radio device) that will be in use during the competitions. Please find enclosed form (Annex 2) that has to be filled in and send it to the OC Pokljuka Office not later than November 16, 2018. Frequencies check will be made at the venue according to “Day to day” programme.

When entering Republic of Slovenia the teams have to prove needs for medicine (for personal

use) if required by Customs or Police authorities.

AA88.. VVIISSAA RREEGGUULLAATTIIOONNSS Visas for Republic of Slovenia (Schengen Visas) can be issued by Slovenian Consulates responsible for the countries named bellow. When original Invitation letter (Letter of Guarantee) with names of athletes and officials is needed, please fill in the enclosed form as soon as possible (fields marked yellow only), so we could send it back in time (via post). All information about Visas for Slovenia you can find at following link:


List of third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and/or stay in the Republic of Slovenia: ALGERIA, ARMENIA, AZERBAIJAN, BELARUS, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA*, CHINA, FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA*, GEORGIA, INDIA, KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, MOLDOVA*, MONGOLIA, MONTENEGRO*, NORTH KOREA, PAKISTAN, RUSSIA, SERBIA*, TAJIKISTAN, THAILAND, TURKEY, TURKMENISTAN, UKRAINE, UZBEKISTAN etc. * The visa exemption applies only to holders of biometric pasports.

Please note that written invitation must be requested on time with the OC Pokljuka Office. In principle, a visa application (Annex 3) should be lodged at least 15 calendar days before the intended visit (as this is the normal processing time) and cannot be lodged earlier than three months before the start of the intended visit. It is the applicant's responsibility to take the necessary precautions to respect the deadlines where an appointment system is in place. Visa can not be issued at the Slovenian border crossings and late arrangements of Visas will not be possible!

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AA99.. WWAAXX TTRRUUCCKKSS All national federations arriving to the event with their own wax truck are required to forward all specifications to the Organizing Committee not later than October 31, 2018. Please fill in Annex 4 and send it to OC Pokljuka office. Late arrangements of parking space and electricity requests will not be possible!

ELECTRONIC TOLL FOR TRUCKS On 1.4.2018, the Republic of Slovenia has implemented an electronic tolling of vehicles whose maximum permissible weight exceeds 3.5 tonnes.

DarsGo is a modern electronic tolling system in free traffic flow, which applies to vehicles whose maximum permissible weight exceeds 3.5 tonnes.

Tolling is made possible with the help of a special DarsGo unit, which is installed in the vehicle. The entire motorway and expressway network with the total lenght of 618 km is divided into 126 toll sections. Each section hosts a tolling gantry above the motorway, through which a vehicles passes. The gantry detects the DarsGo unit installed in the vehicle as it passes, which serves the basis for charging toll for the travelled section. Tolling is completely automatic, and the price is based on the distance driven.

Toll has to be paid for each toll section travelled. Its amount is based on the length of an individual section and the characteristics of the vehicle, e.g. the number of axles and the EURO emission class.

MMoorree oonn wweebbssiittee DDaarrssGGoo

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BB11.. LLOOGGIISSTTIICC OOFFFFIICCEE Logistic Office (Info office, Accreditation, Competition and Transport Office) will be situated inside of BLED FESTIVAL HALL – Ground floor (“Festivalna dvorana”):

BLED FESTIVAL HALL Cesta svobode 11 SI-4260 Bled Slovenia

BB22.. AACCCCOOMMMMOODDAATTIIOONN All accommodation needs will be arranged via:

KOMPAS BLED Travel Agency (official OC Agency) Mr. MERLAK Martin – Chief of Accommodation Ljubljanska c. 4 SI-4260 Bled, Slovenia Phone: +386 4 5727500 Fax: +386 4 5741518 E-mail: [email protected] www.kompas-bled.si


Category A: 105,00 EUR Category B: 90,00 EUR

Price includes full board per person per day in a double room.

Supplement for single room per day per person is 20 EUR (cat. A) or 15 EUR (cat. B).

The hotel costs have to be paid directly to the hotel prior to departure. They accept cash or credit cards (there are no extra charge on credit cards)

AACCCCOOMMMMOODDAATTIIOONN OOPPTTIIOONNSS Category A: A 01..... RIKLI BALANCE Hotel (ex-GOLF hotel), Cankarjeva 4, Bled LINK to website A 02..... Hotel PARK, Cesta svobode 15, Bled LINK to website

Category B: B 01..... Hotel SAVICA, Cankarjeva 6, Bled LINK to website B 02..... Hotel JELOVICA, Cesta svobode 8, Bled LINK to website B 03..... Hotel ASTORIA, Prešernova cesta 44, Bled LINK to website B 04..... Hotel KRIM, Ljubljanska cesta 7, Bled LINK to website B 05..... Hotel RIBNO, Izletniška 44, Bled-Ribno LINK to website The required number of rooms have to be requested to official OC Agency when submitting the entry by numbers – IBU-Online-ENTRIES BY NUMBER. All reservations become binding by sending the ENTRY BY NAMES. In case of no-show reservations not cancelled before November 16, 2018 the respective federation will have to pay the hotel´s cancelation fee.

For any special requirements or requests address them directly to official agency KOMPAS BLED – Mr. Martin Merlak. They will also confirm all your accommodation requests. Please do not forget to announce in advance dietary needs, allergies or other food restrictions.

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AACCCCOOMMMMOODDAATTIIOONN CCOOSSTTSS FFOORR BBEESSTT 2255 MMAALLEE AANNDD FFEEMMAALLEE AATTHHLLEETTEESS Following the IBU Rules OC Pokljuka will cover the accommodation costs (in category B hotel, price for double room) for 25 best-ranked male and female athletes based on relevant World Cup Total score. Amount on your final invoice will be reduced for accommodation costs for them.

GGUUEESSTTSS AACCCCOOMMMMOODDAATTIIOONN All information about accommodation for NF’s guests and also about other tourist possibilities or programs is provided by official partner of OC Pokljuka: KOMPAS BLED Travel Agency (Mr. MERLAK Martin)

Ljubljanska c. 4, SI-4260 Bled, Slovenia Phone: + 386 4 5741515, Fax: + 386 4 574 1518; E-mail: [email protected]

BB33.. VVEENNUUEE TTRRAANNSSPPOORRTTAATTIIOONN OC Pokljuka will organize all transports from hotels to the competition venue Pokljuka and back free of charge. All reservations should be made at the Transport Office at Logistic Centre in Bled the latest till 19:00 hours for the next day.

BB44.. SSIITTEE OORRGGAANNIIZZAATTIIOONN - COMPETITION OFFICE Biathlon stadium Pokljuka, Hotel Center Pokljuka - MEDIA CENTRE Biathlon stadium Pokljuka, Hotel Center Pokljuka - TC's MEETINGS Bled Festival Hall, Cesta Svobode 11, Bled - ANTI-DOPING CONTROL STATION Biathlon stadium Pokljuka, Hotel Center Pokljuka

BB55.. FFIITTNNEESSSS CCEENNTTRREE Hotel Park, Hotel Jelovica and Hotel Astoria have their own fitness facilities. All other could use (previous reservation is needed, use of fitness will be charged according to the price list): No.1 Fitness centre (in Bled Ice hockey hall) or Samson fitness Club Ljubljanska cesta 5, 4260 Bled Kolodvorska cesta 9, 4260 Bled Phone: +386 31 773264 Phone: +386 41 618319 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

BB66.. PPRRIIZZEE MMOONNEEYY To get prize money wired to personal bank account every single athlete is responsible to provide Competition Office with: a) name, surname, address and VAT/tax number of the recipient,

b) full details of bank account information (name and address of the bank, account number, SWIFT‐Code, IBAN), b) sign the receipt for the prize money in person at the Competition Office (not later than Sunday, December 9, 2018, till 16:00 hours). The prize money will only be wired to the account of the respective athlete after providing all the information details required – please inform your athletes in advance! Money transfer is not allowed without requested data.

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Competition Zeroing Training Meetings / Side Events

Arrivals Cross Country Skiing 08:00 - 18:00

12:00 - 15:00 Material Distribution

(Festival Hall, Bled)

Arrivals Training Men + Women 08:00 - 18:00

12:00 - 15:00 Material Distribution

(Festival Hall, Bled)


TC's Meeting

Juries election

Information SMIR + MIXR

(Festival Hall, Bled)

Official training SMI R

10:45 - 12:45

Official training MIX R

13:45 - 15:45

12:00 11:15 - 11:45

Single Mixed Relay SMI R

6 km / 7,5 km

14:30 13:45 - 14:15

Mixed Relay MIX R

2 x 6 km / 2 x 7,5 km

Training Women Partner/Supplier meeting

10:30 - 12:30 time TBC

(Festival Hall Bled)

Official Training Men

13:30 - 15:30 Athletes committee meeting

and all athletes meeting


Training Men 17:30

10:30 - 12:30 TC's Meeting

Draw for IND M

Official training Women Information all competitions

13:30 - 15:30 after TCM

Coaches meeting

(Festival Hall, Bled)






































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Training Women 17:00

10:30 - 12:00 Draw for IND W

14:15 13:15 - 14:05 with Jury presence

Individual Competition Men (Sports Centre Pokljuka)

Men 20 km

Training Men 17:00

10:30 - 12:00 Draw for SPR M

14:15 13:15 - 14:05 with Jury presence

Individual Competition Women (Sports Centre Pokljuka)

Women 15 km 20:00


(Club Stop Bled)

Training Women 17:00

10:30 - 12:00 Draw for SPR W

14:15 13:15 - 14:05 with Jury presence

Sprint Competition Men (Sports Centre Pokljuka)

Men 10 km 20:00


(Rikli Balance hotel)

Training Men

10:30 - 12:00

14:15 13:15 - 14:05

Sprint Competition Women

Women 7,5 km

11:45 11:00 - 11:30

Pursuit Competition Men

Men 12,5 km

14:45 14:00 - 14:30

Pursuit Competition Women

Women 10 km

































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CC22.. CCOOMMPPEETTIITTIIOONN RREEGGUULLAATTIIOONNSS –– PPaarrttiicciippaannttss aanndd SSttaarrtteerr QQuuoottaa The competitions will be conducted according to the IBU Rules as in effect. OC Pokljuka respect the Team Staff Quota as it is written in IBU Competition Rules. In case that some NF's requires more Team Staff Personnel it should be announced in time to the OC Pokljuka and IBU Race Director WC for final decision.

CC33.. TTAARRGGEETTSS At the shooting range HoRa 2000 E target system will be used.


Technical Delegate ZICHACEK Michal, CZE

IBU Referees

o Material ZWAHLEN Robert, SUI o Shooting Range VOYER Bernard, CAN o Start/Finish PITKÄNEN Jaana, FIN o Course ŠIMOČKO Radovan, SVK



The Media Center is located in the cellar of the main building in Sports Centre Pokljuka (Biathlon Stadium). Opening hours during the World Cup Week: Friday, 30.11.2018 09:00 – 16:00 Saturday, 01.12.2018 09:00 – 18:00 Sunday, 02.12.2018 08:00 – 19:00 Monday, 03.12.2018 09:00 – 16:00 Tuesday, 04.12.2018 09:00 – 16:00 Wednesday, 05.12.2018 08:00 – 19:00 Thursday, 06.12.2018 08:00 – 19:00 Friday, 07.12.2018 08:00 – 19:00 Saturday, 08.12.2018 08:00 – 19:00 Sunday, 09.12.2018 08:00 – 18:00

Chief of media: Mrs. RAŽEN Antonija Phone: +386 40 233099 E-mail: [email protected]


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Mobile: +43 676 84149815 E-mail: [email protected] IBU Photo Manager: Mr. MANZONI Christian E-Mail: [email protected]

DD33.. PPRREESSSS CCOONNFFEERREENNCCEESS Press Conferences of best three athletes/teams at each competition will be held in the Media Center after every competition.

EE.. EENNTTRRYY DDEEAADDLLIINNEESS - VISA Application by name (where needed) Annex 3 .............................. as soon as possible - Wax Truck registration Annex 4 ..................................................................... 31.10.2018 - Registration by number (men, women, officials) via IBU on-line system ................ 31.10.2018 - Radio frequencies announcement Annex 2 ........................................................... 16.11.2018 - Entry by name via IBU on-line system ..................................................................... 16.11.2018 - Application for Import of rifles and ammunition (where needed) Annex 1 .......... 16.11.2018 - Transportation request Annex 5 ..................................................................... 16.11.2018

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