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הרות ישמוח השמח · 2020. 4. 23. · she becomes tamei (ritually impure). Since the...

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mılsteın edıtıon תורה חומשי חמשה וירושלמי בבלי ליקוטי עםWITH THE teachıngs of the talmUd מצורע- פרשת תזריעParashas Tazria - Metzora ArtScroll ® Series Rabbi Nosson Scherman / Rabbi Gedaliah Zlotowitz General Editors Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz ז״ל, Founder Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

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חמשה חומשי תורהעם ליקוטי בבלי וירושלמי


teachıngs of the talmUd

פרשת תזריע-מצורעParashas Tazria-Metzora

ArtScroll® Series

Rabbi Nosson Scherman / Rabbi Gedaliah ZlotowitzGeneral Editors

Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz ז״ל, Founder

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

זריע .2 ה כי ת אל לאמר אש בר אל בני ישר Speak to the — דChildren of Israel saying: When a woman conceives.

� Not Just the Childrenגיורת אל. ישר בני א אל לי אין ה. . . אש לאמר אל ישר בני אל בר ד

ה“ (יבמות עד: כריתות ז:): ר ”אש �למוד לומ �ין? ת �ה משוחררת מנ ושפחOur pesukim tell us that when a woman gives birth,

she becomes tamei (ritually impure). Since the Torah ad-dresses this topic to Bnei Yisrael (אל which literally ,(בני ישרmeans the Children of Israel, one might have thought that this law applies only to a woman who was born Jewish, but not to a woman who converted to Judaism or to a Canaanite maidservant who was freed.1

Had the Torah meant to limit these laws to a woman born a Jew, it would have used the phrase bas Yisrael ki sazria ( �זריע �ת כי אל ישר ת � the “daughter of a Jew” who ,(בconceives; instead, it uses the general term ה ,woman ,אשto teach us that this law applies to any woman who was Jewish at the time she gave birth, even if she was not born a Jew (Yevamos 74b; Kereisos 7b).

ר כ ה ז לד זריע וי ה כי ת When a woman conceives and — אשgives birth to a male.

� Boy or Girl?ת �ע �זר �ה מ ה אש ה יולדת נקב זריע� תחל �ר. איש מ כ ה ז לד זריע וי ה כי ת אשר“ (ברכות ס. נדה לא.): ה ז כ לד זריע� וי �ה כי ת ר ”אש �ר שנאמ כ ה יולדת ז תחל

The word sazria ( �זריע � can mean both conceiving and (תseeding.

Our pasuk can be read, if a woman seeds and she will give birth to a male. This hints that if, during relations, the woman releases her seed2 first, she will bear a male child. If the man releases his seed first, the child will be a girl (Berachos 60a; Niddah 31a).

� A Benefit of Sanctityין וי �שמיש ה �ת ת �צמו בשע �דש את ע �מק �ל ה ר. כ כ ה ז לד זריע וי ה כי ת אש

קדשים“ והייתם דשתם �”והתק מד) יא, (לעיל ר �שנאמ רים זכ נים ב לו “ (שבועות יח:): �זריע �ה כי ת מיך ליה ”אש וס

Toward the end of the previous parashah,3 the pasuk says, you are to sanctify yourselves, and you shall become holy. Our pasuk speaks about a woman giving birth to a male child. The Torah places these pesukim close to each other to teach that if a person sanctifies himself and acts modestly when having relations, he will merit to have male children (Shevuos 18b).

� Unusual SituationsThe word sazria ( �זריע � can mean both conceiving and (ת

seeding.ה וימי יו ימי טומא ל ר. יוצא דופן אין יושבין ע כ ה ז לד זריע וי ה כי ת אשבי �ר ר �מ לוד. . . א בי שמעון אומר הרי זה כי �ן. ר רב יו ק ל יבין ע י �ה ואין ח הר טה לד זריע� וי �ה כי ת א ”אש ר קר �מ ן? א נ ב �ייהו דר �עמ �אי ט �טיש מ �ר פ �ני ב �מאפילו לא �היא ד �בי שמעון? ה �ת. ור �ע �זר �קום שהיא מ ד שתלד במ �ר“. ע כ זעמיה? �אי ט �בי שמעון מ �ה. ור ה ליד ה אמו טמא א כעין שהזריע ה אל לד י

בות יוצא דופן (נדה מ. כריתות ז:): �א תלד לר ר קר �מ קיש א ר ריש ל �מ אבי �ן: ומודה ר נ בי יוח �ר ר �מ מי א �בי א �ר ר �מ ר. א כ ה ז לד זריע וי ה כי ת אשך ל א סבר �א מי �א בי �לר א ב ס הוא �ה ר �מ א ה. ליד ה טמא שאמו שמעון ר“ אפילו לא כ ה ז לד זריע� וי �ה כי ת א ”אש ר קר �מ ן. דא נ בי יוח �א דר עמ �ט

ה (נדה כז:): ה ליד ה טמא א כאין שהזריע ה אל לד יOur pesukim tell us that when a woman gives birth, she

becomes tamei (ritually impure) and must purify herself and bring certain offerings. Based on our pasuk, there is a disagreement as to whether or not this applies to a woman who gave birth by caesarean section.

One opinion is that the Torah wrote the word ה לד ,ויand gives birth, immediately after �זריע � ,[she] conceives ,תto teach that these rules apply only when a woman gives birth through the place where she had conceived, but not to a caesarean section. The other opinion is that this tumah does apply, since a later pasuk4 has an extra word, she gives birth, to tell us that these laws apply any ,תלדway she gives birth.

1. A Canaanite (non-Jewish) slave or maidservant who is owned by a Jew must undergo a partial conversion. If the slave is later freed, he or she becomes a full-fledged convert. 2. See Schottenstein Edition, Berachos 60a note 24. 3. Above, 11:44. 4. Below, pasuk 5.

ר ח� א� אדם של שיצירתו כשם אי: שמל� בי ר� ר אמ� זריע. ת כי אשה (ב) ת תור� ר ח� א� נתפרשה תורתו כך בראשית, עשה במ� ועוף יה ח� בהמה כל תו ילד� שאפילו בות לר� זריע. ת כי א): יד, רבה (ויקרא ועוף יה ח� בהמה ת נד כימי כז:): (נדה לידה טמאה אמו ע, זר� כעין עשה ונ� שנמחה מחוי,

ת בטומא� מאה מט� בנדה האמורה טומאה כל כסדר תטמא. דותה לשון מגופה. זב ה� דבר לשון דותה. דם: בלא קבר ה� ח נפת� אפילו ו� לידה, ואבריה וראשה תחלה, שלא דם רואה אשה שאין וחולי, דוה מ� לשון חר, א�

כבדין עליה:

פרשת תזריעי אל־בנ� ר ב ב ד� לאמר: ה אל־מש� יהוה ר ב� א ויד� [יב] ה �מא �וט ר כ! �ז ה לד$ �וי יע� זר ת� י כ( ה �אש ר לאמ אל �ישרג וביום א: �תטמ ה דות$ ת נד4 י כימ5 ים מ �י ת שבע6

אונקלוסעם לל �ב מ ר: למימ משה עם יי ליל �א ומדי �תע ארי א אתת ר למימ אל ישר בני יומין א בע �ש א ב א מס ותהי ר דכ ותליד א א: ג וביומ ב א ה תהי מס �כיומי רחוק סובת


פרשת תזריע יב / א־ג 290 / ספר ויקרא



Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

PARASHAS TAZRIA 1 HASHEM spoke to Moshe, saying: 2 Speak to the Children of Israel, saying: When a wom-

an conceives and gives birth to a male, she shall be contaminated for a seven-day period,

as during the days of her separation infirmity shall she be contaminated. 3 And on the

12The laws

of human


5. See previous discussion. 6. See below, pasuk 5, “Male, Female, or Anything Else.” 7. See below, 15:24.

This opinion understands our pasuk to be teaching that this law applies even if the child that she gave birth to was crushed and became like the seed that made her conceive; that is, there was a miscarriage, and she “gave birth” to “liquid” (Niddah 40a; Kereisos 7b; Niddah 27b).

� It Depends on the Birthלמוד �ה ת �ר“ מ ז כ ה לד וי �זריע �ת כי ה ”אש ר. כ ז ה לד וי זריע ת כי ה אש �שמיני ימול“ שומע �יום ה �מים. . . וב ת י �ה שבע מא ר ”וט �ר? לפי שנאמ �לוממת ליוצא יין �מנ ה, ליד ת �טומא אמו את מא �מט שהוא י �ח ביוצא אני ר“. כ ”ז ה תור ה מר א ך לפיכ ה?. . . ליד ת �טומא אמו את מא �מט שהוא

מת (ירושלמי פסחים ב, א): �בות את ה �לרOur pesukim tell us that when a woman gives birth, she

becomes tamei (ritually impure). It begins the discussion by telling us that if she gives birth to a boy she is tamei for seven days, then it interrupts to tell us, in the next pasuk, that the child is to have a bris milah (circumcision) on the eighth day. The fact that the Torah mentions the mitzvah of milah immediately after this tumah seems to imply that this tumah applies only when a child is born alive, and would require a bris.

To teach that the tumah applies even to a stillborn, the Torah added the word zachar (ר a male. This tells us ,(ז כthat any child that is born, even if it is not alive, causes tumah (Yerushalmi Pesachim 2:1).

� Unformedית �וברי תוך ח שאינו גוף ית �ברי פלת �מ �ה ר. כ ז ה לד וי זריע ת כי ה אשה כי ר ”אש �למוד לומ �ה ת ה ליד כול תהא אמו טמא תוך, י ראש שאינו חה אוי לברית שמנ שמיני ימול וגו‘ ” מי שר �יום ה �ר וגו‘ וב כ ה ז לד זריע� וי �ת

ה (נדה כד:): ן ראויין לברית שמנ צאו אלו שאינ יOur pesukim tell us that when a woman gives birth, she

becomes tamei (ritually impure). It begins the discussion by telling us that if she gives birth to a boy she is tamei for seven days, then it interrupts to tell us, in the next pasuk, that the child is to have a bris milah (circumcision) on the eighth day. Although a woman becomes tamei even following a miscarriage,5 the Torah mentions milah after this tumah to teach that the tumah applies only if the baby is developed enough to have been somewhat fit to live eight days. If a woman gave birth to an unformed mass, or the head is like a ball with no features, she is not tamei (Niddah 24b).

� Only With Certaintyף �ר, א �מ א א בי �ב שר �מים. ר ת י ה שבע מא ר וט כ ה ז לד זריע וי ה כי ת אשה מא ר וט כ ה ז לד זריע� וי �ה כי ת א ”אש ר קר �מ ה דא ה ליד אין אמו טמא

ה (בבא בתרא קכז.): ת ליד �ר משע כ ד שיהא ז �מים“, ע ת י �שבעOur pasuk, regarding birth-tumah (ritual impurity), be-

gins by telling us that if a woman gives birth to a male, she

shall be contaminated for a seven-day period.It was suggested that a woman who gave birth to a tum-

tum (a child whose private parts are covered by a thick membrane, making it impossible to know if it is a male or female) is not subject to birth-tumah even if the mem-brane tears and we determine the child’s gender. That is because our pasuk says that tumah applies only when she “gives birth to a male.” In this case, she did not give birth to “a male,” because the gender was unknown at the time of birth (Bava Basra 127a).6

מים ת י ה שבע מא She shall be contaminated for a — וטseven-day period.


ת יולדת ן טומא� ת עני� מצוה קסו: מצו�Mitzvah 166: The Obligation Regarding the Tumah of a

Woman Who Has Given BirthWhen a woman gives birth, she contracts tumah (ritual impurity) that lasts for a specific length of time, depending

on the gender of the child.

א ה תטמ ת דות As during the days of her — כימי נדseparation infirmity shall she be contaminated.

� Not Just Herה (נדה לה:, לז:): בות את בועל �א“ לר ה תטמ א. ”דות ה תטמ דות

Our pasuk tells us that when a woman gives birth, the tumah she contracts is similar to that of a niddah who had her normal monthly cycle. Now, the pasuk could have written, she shall be contaminated for a seven-day period, as during the days of her separation. The phrase, infirmity shall she be contaminated (א תטמ ה -seems unneces ,(דותsary.

In addition to its being forbidden, if a man has relations with a niddah, he also becomes tamei.7 The Torah added the phrase, infirmity shall she be contaminated, to teach that this law also applies to a man who has relations with a woman who has given birth (Niddah 35b, 37b).

� Nighttime Tooלילות (נדה לה:, לז:): �בות ה �א. לר ה תטמ דות

Our pasuk tells us that when a woman gives birth, she becomes tamei (ritually impure). The words ת �שבע ה מא וטמים literally mean, she shall be contaminated for seven יdays. This would seem to indicate that she is tamei only during the day. The word ה infirmity, literally means ,דותflow, which emphasizes the similarity of this to a niddah,


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

a woman who experiences the blood flow of her monthly cycle, and it teaches that, like a niddah, a woman after childbirth is tamei at night as well (Niddah 35b, 37b).

� Double Jeopardyמים נקיים ה י ה שתשב שבע יולדת בזוב שצריכ �בות ה �א. לר ה תטמ דות

(נדה לה:, לז:):A woman who is a zavah8 must wait to immerse herself

until she has seven clean days without any flow.The word ה infirmity, literally means flow, and it is ,דות

used in our pasuk to compare a woman who has given birth to a woman experiencing blood flow. This teaches us that if a woman gave birth while in a state of zivah, she retains the zivah status, and cannot become tahor until she observes seven clean days (Niddah 35b, 37b).

תו .3 רל ר ע שמיני ימול בש יום ה ,And on the eighth day — ובthe flesh on his foreskin will be circumcised.

� Not Just Circumcisionבי �דברי ר ת, ב �ש �את ה דוחין כשירה �ל מ וכ ה מיל ימול. שמיני יום ה ובת ב �אפילו בש �תו“ ו רל ר ע �שמיני ימול בש �יום ה �א ”וב ר קר �מ אליעזר. . . דא

(שבת קלב., סנהדרין נט:, ירושלמי ג, ט):Our passage just said that a woman who gave birth to

a boy shall be contaminated for a seven-day period, so our pasuk could have said “on the eighth”; the word u’vayom יום) � ,on the…day, is extra. According to one opinion ,(ובit teaches us that not only is a bris milah (circumcision) itself permitted on Shabbos, if that is the baby’s eighth day, but even the preparations for milah — such as car-rying the knife through a public domain — are permitted on Shabbos if necessary (Shabbos 132a; Sanhedrin 59b; Yerushalmi Nedarim 3:9).

� The Milah-Tumah Connectionנימול ה ליד ה טמא שאמו כל סי �א בי �ר ר �מ א ימול. שמיני ה יום ובה ר ”אש �ה שנאמ ה אין נימול לשמונ ה ליד ה וכל שאין אמו טמא לשמונתו“ (שבת רל ר ע �שמיני ימול בש �יום ה �ה וגו‘ וב מא ר וט כ ה ז לד זריע� וי �כי ת

קלה.):The Torah (in our pasuk) states the law that bris milah

(circumcision) is performed on the eighth day, immedi-ately after it tells us about the tumah (ritual impurity) of a woman who gives birth. According to one opinion, this teaches that the obligation to perform bris milah on the

eighth day applies only in a situation where the tumah applies. If the tumah does not apply, one may do milah immediately. For example, according to some, if a woman gives birth through caesarean section, there is no tumah,9 and therefore the milah may be done immediately after birth. Similarly, if a non-Jewish woman gave birth and then converted, there was no birth-tumah because she was not Jewish, and according to this opinion, her son may have a bris immediately (Shabbos 135a).

� Only During the Dayשמיני ימול” (מגילה כ., �יום ה �לין. . . דכתיב ”וב שמיני ימול. ולא מ יום ה וב

ירושלמי שבת ב, א, ירושלמי מגילה ב, ה):Our pasuk says regarding a newborn boy, And on the

eighth “day,” the flesh on his foreskin will be circumcised. It makes the point of saying “day” to teach that milah (circumcision) may be performed only during the day (Megillah 20a; Yerushalmi Shabbos 2:1; Yerushalmi Megil-lah 2:5).

� The Entire Dayשזריזין א אל ה למיל שר כ יום �ה ל שכ מד �מל ימול. שמיני ה יום וב

מצות (פסחים ד., יומא כח:) �קדימים ל �מOur pasuk says regarding a newborn boy, And on the

eighth “day,” the flesh on his foreskin will be circumcised. It makes the point of saying “day” to teach that milah (cir-cumcision) must be performed during the day, and since the Torah gives no other time limit for this mitzvah, it may performed at any time during the day.10

However, it is best to perform a mitzvah as early as pos-sible. Therefore, people who strive to do mitzvos in the best possible way circumcise their sons early in the morn-ing (Pesachim 4a; Yoma 28b).

� Postponed Milah Must Be During the Dayיום. �א ב א נימול לשמיני שאין נימול אל שמיני ימול. אין לי אל יום ה ובר �למוד לומ �ר? ת ש ר לשנים ע ש ד ע �ח �ה לא ר עש �ה ל בות לתשע �ין לר �מנ

יום“ (יבמות עב:): �”ובOur pasuk tells us that milah on the eighth day must

be performed during the daytime.11 But if the milah was postponed until after the eighth day, must it still be done during the daytime? The prefix vav, and, of the word יום � ובteaches us that even then, the milah must be during the day (Yevamos 72b).

8. A zavah is a woman who experienced blood flow during the days of her cycle when bleeding is uncommon. See below, 15:25-28. 9. See above, pasuk 2, “Unusual Situations.” 10. See Megillah 20b. 11. See above, “Only During the Day.”

שת ים יום ושל תו: ד ושלש8 �ר ערל י ימול בש4 שמינ> ה�ע �א־תג ל ל־קדש �בכ ה הר! �ט י Aבדמ ב Bתש ים מ �י

א ת תין ותל רלתה: ד ותל א דע ר בסר �ה יגז א תמינב �א תקר א ל ל קודש ם דכו בכ �יומין תיתב בד

פרשת תזריע יב / ד 292 / ספר ויקרא

תשבו ”ו� כמו כבה, ע� לשון אלא ישיבה] לשון [נ“א: ”תשב“ אין תשב. (ד) מרא“ (בראשית יג, יח): בדמי טהרה. ישב באלני מ� בקדש“ (דברים א, מו), ”ו�פיק ה‘‘א, והוא שם ל פי שרואה [דם] טהורה: בדמי טהרה. לא מ� ף ע� א�ר שלה: בכל קדש. פיק ה‘‘א, ימי טוה� ר“: ימי טהרה. מ� דבר כמו ”טוה�

לסוף שטבלה ארוך, יום ת טבול� שזו לפי (יבמות עה.), תרומה בות את ה� לר�רבעים, שלמחר מה של יום א� ח� ת ה� ד שקיע� הרה ע� עריב לט� שבעה ואין שמשה מ�ששנויה כמו וכו‘, לאוכל זהרה א� תגע. [לא טהרתה: ת פר� כ� את תביא

ביבמות (שם):]


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

eighth day, the flesh of his foreskin will be circumcised. 4 For thirty days and three

days she shall remain in blood of purity; she may not touch anything sacred

12. Devarim 23:22. 13. Tzaraas is an affliction of one’s skin (or clothing or house) that renders the affected person or object tamei (ritually impure); see below, Ch. 13. 14. Devarim 24:8. 15. Nowadays, halachic authorities consider premature babies to be potentially viable.

� Definitely Maleע �שנקר טומטום ימול. שמיני ה יום וב ר. . . כ ז ה לד וי זריע ת כי ה אשה א ”אש ר קר �מ ה דא ף אינו נימול לשמונ �ר: א �מ י א �ב שיזב �ר. . . ר כ א ז ונמצה ת ליד �ר משע כ ד שיהא ז �שמיני ימול. . . ע �יום ה �ר. . . וב כ ה ז לד זריע� וי �כי ת

(בבא בתרא קכז.):Our passage begins by telling us that if a woman gives

birth to a male, she shall be contaminated for a seven-day period, and it continues with our pasuk, And on the eighth day, the flesh on his foreskin will be circumcised.

Generally, a bris milah (circumcision) that takes place on the eighth day is performed even on Shabbos. How-ever, if a woman gave birth to a tumtum (a child whose private parts are covered by a thick membrane, making it impossible to know if it is a male or female) and the membrane was then removed, revealing that the child is a boy, the milah may not be performed on Shabbos, even if it is the eighth day.

We learn this from our pesukim, because our pasuk’s directive to do the milah on the eighth day follows the pre-vious pasuk’s discussion about a mother who “gives birth to a male.” Since in this case she did not “give birth to a male” — since the child’s gender could not be known at the time of birth — the bris cannot override Shabbos (Bava Basra 127a).

� Prohibition for Delayed Milah?ימול“ שמיני �יום ה �כתיב ”וב ה: בי יוס �א קומי ר ימול. בע שמיני יום ה ובלא אלקיך ה‘ �נדר ל תדר ”כי כג, כב) (דברים ליה ר �אמ ל? ולא מ ר �ב ען נית שאינו זה א צ י שלומין �לת ן נית שהוא ר ב ד למו“ �לש חר �תא

שלומין (ירושלמי ראש השנה א:א): �לתIf someone vows to give a contribution — either an offer-

ing or charity — the Torah forbids him to delay the fulfill-ment of his vow.12 Does one also violate that prohibition if he delays circumcising his child until after the eighth day?

In teaching us that prohibition, the Torah writes, You shall not be late in paying it. This tells us that the prohibi-tion applies only to something that can be paid. Circumci-sion involves no form of payment, so the prohibition does not apply (Yerushalmi Rosh Hashanah 1:1).

� Paternal Responsibilityלבנו עשות �ל יב י �ח ב א שה מצות תו. רל ע ר בש ימול שמיני ה יום וב

תו“ (ירושלמי קידושין א, ז): רל ר ע �שמיני ימול בש �יום ה �מולו. . . ”וב לIt is a father’s obligation to circumcise his son. Accord-

ing to one opinion, our pasuk is the source for this obliga-tion (Yerushalmi Kiddushin 1:7).

� Milah Outweighs Tzaraasשלא בין ה נ �בזמ בין ת �ע �ר צ �ה את ה דוח ה מיל תו. רל ע ר בש ימול ל פי שיש �ף ע �תו“ וא רל ר ע �ן ”ימול בש נ ב �נו ר ני מילי? דת ה ה. . . מנ נ �בזמ

קוץ (שבת קלב: יומא לד:, ירושלמי נדרים ג, ט): הרת ו �ם ב ש

Our pasuk speaks about the mitzvah of milah, circumci-sion, and says, on the eighth day, the flesh of his (ר � (בשforeskin shall be circumcised. The word ר � ,the flesh of ,בשseems extra; the Torah could simply have said on the eighth day, his foreskin shall be circumcised.

It is teaching us about a person who has tzaraas13 on his foreskin. Although it is generally prohibited to cut off tzaraas,14 we are required to perform milah even if the tzaraas affliction will be removed thereby (Shabbos 132b; Yoma 34b; Yerushalmi Nedarim 3:9).

� No Questionsפק ת ולא ס ב �ש �ה את ה אי דוח �ד �תו ו רל תו“ ע רל תו. ”ע רל ר ע ימול בשנדרוגינוס דוחה �ת ולא א ב �ש �ה את ה אי דוח �ד �תו ו רל ת. ע ב �ש �ה את ה דוחשות שמ �ה בין ד �נול ולא ת ב �ש �ה את דוחה אי �ד �ו תו רל ע ת. . . ב �ש �ה את הול ד כשהוא מ �ת ולא נול ב �ש �ה את ה אי דוח �ד �תו ו רל ת ע ב �ש �דוחה את ה

ת (שבת קלה.-קלה:, ירושלמי יבמות ח, א) ב �ש �דוחה את הOur pasuk is the source that it is permitted to perform

milah even on Shabbos when it is the baby’s eighth day. By using the term תו רל his” foreskin, the Torah indicates“ ,עthat there are limitations to this, and milah may not be done on Shabbos in situations where there is some type of doubt.

There are several such instances: C In earlier times, if a baby was born during the eighth

month of pregnancy, it was unable to survive. If there is a doubt whether this baby was born during the eighth month, milah may not be done on Shabbos.15

C If the baby was an androgynos, who has the physical features of both a male and female, milah may not be done on Shabbos.

C If the baby was born during bein hashemashos, twilight, either on Friday night or Shabbos night. It is unclear whether this period, between sunset and nightfall, be-longs to the previous day or the incoming day. Since it is not certain that the birth was on Shabbos, and, there-fore, that the baby’s eighth day is Shabbos, we may not perform the milah on Shabbos.

C If the baby appears to be born circumcised, but there is a possibility that the foreskin is really there but is concealed (Shabbos 135a; Yerushalmi Yevamos 8:1).

ה .4 הר מים תשב בדמי ט For thirty days — ושלשים יום ושלשת יand three days she shall remain in blood of purity.

� All in a Rowה �ר יום מ �למוד לומ �רין. ת כול בין רצופין בין מפוז ושלשים יום. שלשים י

ף שלשים רצופין (כריתות י.): �צוף א יום כולו רOur pasuk tells us that when a woman gives birth to a

boy, she has seven days of tumah (ritual impurity), fol-lowed by a 33-day tahor (ritually pure) period. During these tahor days, even a flow of blood that would ordinarily


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

make her tamei does not do so, and she remains tahor.Had the pasuk simply written, מים -thirty ,ושלשים ושלשת י

three days, we might think that the 33 days need not be consecutive; if during those days she had a miscarriage, making her tamei, she would interrupt her counting of “tahor days,” and would continue counting them after the new set of tamei days are over. The Torah added an extra word יום, day — thirty “days” and three days — to teach that just as “a day” is uninterrupted, so too, the “tahor days” extend for only 33 days from her seven tamei days. If the woman has a miscarriage and becomes tamei during some of those days, they are still counted as part of the 33 (Kereisos 10a).

ה הר ד מלאת ימי ט בא ע ש לא ת מקד ע ואל ה ל קדש לא תג She — בכmay not touch anything sacred and she may not enter the Sanctuary until the completion of her days of purity.


שים קד� מא מן ה� ל ט� מצוה קסז: של א יאכ� Mitzvah 167: The Prohibition for a Tamei Person

to Eat KodashimAny person who becomes tamei (ritually impure) many not eat kodashim (sanctified foods) until he has immersed in a mikveh and waited until nightfall, and, in the case of tumos that require the person to bring an offering, he may

not eat kodashim until after bringing the offering.

� Terumah Includedה (יבמות עה., תרומ �בות ה �ע“ לר ל קדש לא תג ע. ”בכ ל קדש לא תג בכ

שבועות ז. ירושלמי שבת טז, ג):Our pasuk says regarding a woman in a state of tumah

(ritual impurity), she may not touch anything sacred (קדש).Although the word קדש, sacred, usually refers to ko-

dashim, sanctified foods, such as the meat of an offering, the extra word ל -anything, teaches that this prohibi ,בכtion includes terumah16 as well (Yevamos 75a; Shevuos 7a; Yerushalmi Shabbos 16:3).

� No Touchingא, פק �א נ כ ה מה ה דתרומ בא. נגיע ש לא ת מקד ע ואל ה ל קדש לא תג בכר �למוד לומ �. ת �א לנוגע ה לאוכל, או אינו אל ר זה �ע, א ”בכל קדש לא תגה �מ ש למקד קדש קיש �מ בא“ לא ת ש מקד �ה ואל ע תג לא קדש ל ”בכה מ ת נש �ר שיש בו נטיל ב ף קדש ד �ה א מ ת נש �ר שיש בו נטיל ב ש ד מקדר, �מ א ק כי ה ה נגיע בלשון פקיה �דא אי �וה א ליכ ה מ נש ת �נטיל ה ובנגיע

ה (יבמות עה.): אכיל �ה כ נגיעOur pasuk discusses the tumah (ritual impurity) of a

woman who gave birth to a boy. After waiting seven days and immersing in a mikveh, she must still wait another thirty-three days (and bring certain offerings) before eating

terumah17 and kodashim, sanctified foods. The beginning of the pasuk warns tamei people not to “touch” sacred things, while the next phrase cautions that they not enter the Sanctuary.

Entering the Sanctuary while tamei carries the penalty of kares,18 while touching kodashim when one is tamei does not carry that penalty. The Torah mentions entering the Sanctuary together with “touching” kodashim to tell us that the prohibition against “touching” actually means that the tamei may not eat kodashim, because that act — like entering the Sanctuary — makes one liable to kares.19

But if it refers to eating, why did the Torah use the term “touch”? It is teaching that anyone who is forbidden to eat kodashim is also forbidden to touch them20 (Yevamos 75a).

� Three-in-Oneקדש. . . �ל את ה �כ מא שא בא. ט ש לא ת מקד ואל ה ע ל קדש לא תג בכע �ג מא שנ ע“ ט ל קדש לא תג קיש אומר ”בכ ין? . . . ריש ל �ה מנ ר זה �א א אלקדש אתקוש לאוכל ה ר זה �א ה. נגיע בלשון א נ חמ �ר פקיה �מדא בקדש ר �ל בש �כ מא שא עי ליה לט הוא מיב �א? ה ת כי הוא דא תי לה �כ �ש. וא למקדא (מכות יד:, זבחים לג:): פק �ל קדש“ נ היא מ“בכ �מים. . . ה ת ד �קדש לפני זריק

Our pasuk says that a person who is tamei (ritually impure) may not touch anything sacred (ע ל קדש לא תג (בכand she may not enter the Sanctuary. According to one opinion, this phrase teaches three lessons about a tamei person and kodashim (sacrificial foods):

C The punishment for entering the Sanctuary while tamei is kares.21 Since the phrase she may not touch… is mentioned together with the prohibition against enter-ing the Sanctuary while tamei, it actually forbids eat-ing kodashim while tamei, which is also punishable by kares; merely “touching” kodashim does not make one liable to kares.22

C Since the Torah chose the word ע touch, it indicates ,תגthat besides the prohibition against eating, a tamei person is also forbidden to contaminate kodashim by touching them; if he transgresses this prohibition, he is liable to malkus (lashes).

C The extra word ל anything, teaches that if a tamei ,בכperson eats the meat of an offering before its blood was applied to the Mizbe’ach (Altar), although the kares penalty does not yet apply to the meat, he is liable to malkus23 (Makkos 14b; Zevachim 33b).

� Sacred Food, Sacred PlaceThere are three transgressions that call for a korban

oleh veyoreid, a variable chatas (sin) offering. This offer-ing consists of either an animal, birds, or flour, depending what a person can afford.24 One of the transgressions is

16. The portion of one’s produce that is given to a Kohen. It may be eaten only by a person who is tahor. 17. See previous note.18. Bamidbar 19:20. Kares is premature death; a fuller discussion of kares can be found in the General Introduction to Tractate Kereisos in the Schottenstein Edition of Talmud Bavli. 19. Above, 7:20-21; below, 22:9. 20. For example, a “tevul yom” — a tamei person who has immersed himself, but must wait until nightfall to eat kodashim. Our pasuk teaches that such a person also may not touch kodashim. 21. See note 18. 22. See previous discussion. 23. See Schottenstein Edition, Makkos 14b note 36. 24. See above, 5:1-13.

♪ ה: �הר �ט י ימ� את עד־מל א ב �ת א ל ש �מקד ה: ואל־ה� �כות ם יומי ד �ד משל �א תעול ע א ל ולמקדש

פרשת תזריע יב / ד 294 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

and she may not enter the Sanctuary, until the completion of her days of purity.

25. See previous discussion. 26. See note 16. 27. Pasuk 8. 28. See note 16. 29. Below, 22:2. 30. Below, 22:7.

unintentionally eating kodashim (sacrificial foods) when one is in a state of tumah (ritual impurity).

קודש ת �טומא ן שכח �א בא. ת לא ש מקד ה ואל ע תג לא קדש ל בכש לא מקד �ע ואל ה ל קדש לא תג א ”בכ ר קר �מ ן? א ל ש מנ ת מקד �טומא

ש לקודש (שבועות ז., ירושלמי פסחים ט, ד): ש מקד �בא“, איתק תIn discussing a person who is tamei (ritually impure), our

pasuk says, she may not touch anything sacred (ל קדש בכע and she may not enter the Sanctuary. The phrase (לא תגע תג לא קדש ל she may not touch anything sacred, is ,בכa prohibition against eating kodashim while in a state of tumah.25 Since it is mentioned together with entering the Sanctuary, we learn that just as eating kodashim while ta-mei is liable to a korban oleh veyoreid, unintentionally en-tering the Sanctuary while tamei makes one liable to such an offering as well (Shevuos 7a; Yerushalmi Pesachim 9:4).

� Partial Entryלפנים דו י שהכניס מא בא. ט לא ת ש מקד ואל ה ע תג לא קדש ל בכה נגיע ה �מ ה לנגיע ה ביא קיש �מ ע“ תג לא קדש ל ”בכ ר �שנאמ לוקה

ה (זבחים לב:): ה ביא ת שמ �ה במקצ ף ביא �ה א ה נגיע ת שמ �במקצWith regard to a person who is tamei (ritually impure),

our pasuk says, she may not touch anything sacred and she may not enter the Sanctuary. The Torah mentions “touch-ing” together with “entering,” to compare the laws of one to the other. Just as one touches objects with only part of his body, such as his fingertips, so too, if one extends any part of his body into the Beis HaMikdash (Sanctuary), he is considered to have “entered,” and a tamei person who does so receives malkus (Zevachim 32b).

� Through the Roofר �שנאמ טור פ ל היכ �ל גין �ג דרך ס �שנכנ מא ט בא. ת לא ש מקד ה ואל

ה (שבועות יז:): ה תור סר ה א בא“ דרך ביא ש לא ת מקד �”ואל הIf forbidding a tamei (ritually impure) person from en-

tering the Beis HaMikdash, our pasuk says she may not enter (בא בא the Sanctuary. The word (ת enter, indicates ,תentering in a usual manner. Therefore, a tamei person who enters the Beis HaMikdash through an opening in the roof does not receive malkus (Shevuos 17b).

ה הר ד מלאת ימי ט Until the completion of her days — עof purity.

� Pure and More PureIn general, after a person who is tamei (ritually impure)

immerses in a mikveh, he assumes a state of quasi-tumah known as tevul yom (“immersed on that day”). Although he is tahor in most respects, he is prohibited from eating terumah26 or sacrificial foods, and from entering the Beis HaMikdash until nightfall.

In the case of a woman who gave birth, if the baby is a boy she immerses on the seventh day, and if it is a girl, on the fourteenth. She then has the status of a “tevul yom”

from the night after the immersion, until nightfall on the fortieth day (for a boy) or eightieth day (for a girl) after she gave birth. מיה לאו י ן שמ ה“ כיו הר ד מלאת ימי ט �ה. כתיב ”ע הר ד מלאת ימי ט עאן ה כ אן לתרומ ד? כ �א כיצ ה“ ה הר כהן וט �ליה ה ה וכתיב ”וכפר ע הר ט

שים (יבמות עד:): לקדRegarding a woman who gave birth, our pasuk says, she

may not touch anything sacred and she may not enter the Sanctuary until the completion of her days of purity. This seems to indicate that once her “days of purity” are com-pleted, on the 41st night for a baby boy or the 81st night for a girl, she is permitted to touch “sacred things.” That seems to contradict a later pasuk,27 which says regarding her offerings, the Kohen shall provide atonement for her and she shall become purified, implying that she is not fully tahor until after bringing her offerings!

Our pasuk is saying that as soon as her “days of pu-rity” are over, she is considered tahor with regard to eating terumah. However, she is still mechusar kippurim (“lack-ing atonement”) and is therefore prohibited from eating kodashim (sacrificial foods) until she brings her offerings (Yevamos 74b).

� Before the OfferingsIn general, after a person who is tamei (ritually impure)

immerses in a mikveh, he assumes a state of quasi-tumah known as tevul yom (“immersed on that day”). He is pro-hibited from eating terumah28 or sacrificial foods, and from entering the Beis HaMikdash until nightfall.

In the case of a woman who gave birth, if the baby is a boy she immerses on the seventh day and if it is a girl, on the fourteenth. She then has the status of a “tevul yom” from the night after the immersion until nightfall on the 40th day (for a boy) or 80th day (for a girl) after she gave birth.

ני שמש (להלן כב, ז) ה �א ה א ”וב נ חמ �ב ר �ת ואי כ ה. הר ימי ט ד מלאת עב �ת ה, כ ר פ �ייתי כ �דמ ד �א ע אימ ה ר פ �ר כ �דב ל ה אב ר פ �ר כ �או ב �דל מילי א אפילו ה אמינ ד מלאת“ הו �א ”ע נ חמ �ב ר �ת ד מלאת“. ואי כ �א ”ע נ חמ �ר

ר“ (יבמות עה.): ד אשר יטה �א (להלן כב ב‘) ”ע נ חמ �ב ר �ת ה, כ בלא טבילAt what point may a tamei person become permitted to

eat terumah? There are three pesukim in the Torah regard-ing this:

One pasuk says,29 [A Kohen who is tamei] shall not eat from the holies (that is, terumah) “until he becomes puri-fied.” This refers to immersing himself in a mikveh.

Another pasuk says,30 And the sun shall set and he shall become purified, indicating that after immersing himself, he must still wait until nightfall.

With regard to a woman after childbirth, who is required to bring atonement offerings, our pasuk says that she may not eat terumah, until the completion of her days of purity. This teaches that although she has not yet brought her required offerings, she is permitted to eat terumah at the


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

“completion of days,” which is the night before the offer-ings can be brought31 (Yevamos 75a).

ה תלד .5 .If she gives birth to a female — ואם נקב

� Male, Female, or Anything Elseנדרוגינוס �וא טומטום בות �לר ליה עי מיב אי �ה ן, נ ב �ור תלד. ה נקב ואם ולא אית ד �ו ה נקב אי �ד �ו ר כ ז כתיב ה ונקב ר כ ז א אמינ ך עת �ד א לק �דס

ן (נדה מ.): ע ל �שמ �א מ נדרוגינוס ק �טומטום ואAfter discussing the laws of tumah (ritual impurity) that

apply to a woman who “gives birth to a male,”32 our pasuk continues and says, and if she gives birth (תלד) to a female… Since we were speaking about childbirth all along, our pa-suk could have simply said, and if to a female… The extra word תלד, gives birth, teaches that even if she gives birth to a child who is not a definite “male” or a definite “female,” such as a tumtum (a child whose private parts are covered by a thick membrane, making it impossible to know if it is a male or female), or an androgynos (who has both male and female features), these laws still apply (Niddah 40a).

ה ת ים כנד ה שבע מא She shall be contaminated for — וטtwo weeks like her niddah-tumah.

� Two Weeks or Seventy Days?A woman who gives birth to a boy is tamei (ritually im-

pure) for seven days, followed by a period of thirty-three days, during which any blood she discharges is tahor (ritu-ally pure). If the child is a girl, she is tamei for fourteen days, followed by sixty-six “tahor days.”

א ה בן רועץ אקר בי יהוד �למידים את ר �אלו ת ה. ש ת ים כנד ה שבע מא וטטימא הן ר ל �מ שבעים א ה ה טמא נקב יולדת תהא כול אני ”שבעים“. יף �ים, א �ה כפל נקב �ר ב כ ז �ה כשטיהר ב �ה, מ נקב �ר וטימא וטיהר ב כ ז �וטיהר בר �מ חריהם א �חזיר א �א ומ צ צאו י ר שי �ח �ים, לא �ה כפל נקב �ר ב כ ז �כשטימא בא (סנהדרין ד.): מקר �ן ויש אם ל רינ יים ק �ך ”שבוע תם זקוקים לכ �הן ”אי א ל

Our pasuk says that if a woman gives birth to a female, she shall be tamei for “שבעים”. This last word is spelled like the word שבעים, which means seventy [days], but is pronounced like the word יים � which usually has two ,שבועyuds, and means two weeks (fourteen days). Which is it?

At first, one of the Sages taught that we know the pa-suk’s intent because we compare a female child to a male child: Just as the mother has double the number of tahor days when she gives birth to a girl (66, instead of the 33 for a boy), so too she has double the days of tumah days — fourteen instead of seven. He then reconsidered and

told his students that this comparison is not necessary, because the way a word in the Torah is pronounced has priority over the way it is spelled (Sanhedrin 4a).33

� Shall We Compromise?A woman who gives birth to a boy is tamei (ritually im-

pure) for seven days, followed by a period of thirty-three days, during which any blood she discharges is tahor (ritu-ally pure). If the child is a girl, she is tamei for fourteen days, followed by sixty-six “tahor days.”

הני �א וא הני קר �ים” א �ה שבע מא ה ”וט ת �א מע ה. אל ת ים כנד ה שבע מא וטה (זבחים ת ם דכתיב כנד ת אני ה �ב? ש �א למית עי עים ותרין ב רב �סורת א �מ

לח.):Our pasuk says that if a woman gives birth to a female,

she shall be tamei for “שבעים”. This last word is spelled like the word שבעים, which means seventy [days], but is pronounced like the word יים � which usually has two ,שבועyuds, and means two weeks (fourteen days). Which is it?

It was suggested that we should take the average be-tween fourteen days and seventy, which comes to forty-two days, However, our pasuk adds the word ה ת like ,כנדher niddah-tumah, indicating that her tumah is similar to that of a niddah.34 Just as the tumah of a niddah is one week, so too the tumah of a woman after childbirth is referred to by the pasuk in terms of weeks. It therefore means two weeks, not seventy days (Zevachim 38a).35

� Labor ExemptionWhen a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle,

she becomes a niddah and is tamei (ritually impure) for a period of seven days. Bleeding during the eleven days fol-lowing the seven of niddah is unusual, and a woman who bleeds during that eleven-day period is a zavah.

A woman who gives birth to a boy is tamei for seven days, followed by a period of thirty-three days, during which any blood she discharges is Biblically tahor (ritually pure). If the child is a girl, she is tamei for fourteen days, followed by sixty-six “tahor days.” לך יש ”תשב“ א קר ר �מ א קיש ל ריש ר �מ א ה. ת כנד ים שבע ה מא וטא זו קושי בימי ה ואימ חרת שהיא כזו ואיזו זו זו קושי בימי זיב �ה א ישיבל �ה מכל ת ה“ ולא כזיב ת א ”כנד ר קר �מ ר אבוה� דשמואל א �מ א א ה אל נד

ה (נדה לו:): הור ואיזו זו זו קושי בימי זיב ה ט ת דזיבבי שמעון אומרים: אין קושי יותר �בי יוסי ור �ה. ר ת ים כנד ה שבע מא וטה מא ”וט דכתיב ן נ ב �דר ייהו �עמ �ט אי �מ שמואל ר �מ א תות, ב �ש משתי ה מ �וכ ה טהור ה ת דזיב ל �מכל ה ת כזיב ולא ה ת כנד ה“ ת כנד ים �שבע

ים (נדה לח:): �שבוע

31. See previous discussion. 32. Pasuk 2. 33. See also next discussion. 34. A niddah is a woman who experiences her monthly cycle. She is tamei for one week. 35. See also previous discussion.

שת Aים יום וש ה ושש8 ת! �ים כנד Dה שבע Fמא �ד וט ה תל Gה ואם־נקבה לבן או �הר �י ט Aאת | ימ ה: ו ובמל �הר �י ט ל־דמ� ב ע� Bים תש מ �יאת ט! ר לח� ה או־ת Fה ובן־יונ �תו לעל �בש בן־שנ Lיא כ ב �ת ת לב�

א ב א מס ותהי תליד א נקובת ה ואם א יומין ה ושתין ושת �ר כרחוק �ה עס רבע �אה �כות ם יומי ד �ם דכו: ו ובמשל �ל ד �תיתב עתה �ר ש �ר ב יתי אמ �א ת ת �א או לבר לברא את ט �א לח פנינ �ה או ש ר יונ �א וב ת על �ל

פרשת תזריע יב / ה־ו 296 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

5 If she gives birth to a female, she shall be contaminated for two weeks, like her niddah-

tumah; and for sixty-six days she shall remain in blood of purity.

6 Upon the completion of the days of her purity for a son or for a daughter, she shall bring a

sheep within its first year for an olah offering and a young dove or a turtledove for a sin offering,




36. See also below, pasuk 7, “Tamei Blood on a Tahor Day.”

If an expectant woman goes into labor during her eleven-day zivah period and experiences bleeding, she does not become a zavah. It was suggested that we learn this from our pasuk, which says regarding the “tahor days” of a woman who gives birth to a girl, and for sixty-six days “she shall remain” (תשב) in blood of purity. The Torah could have simply said that for sixty-six days her blood is tahor. The extra word תשב, she shall remain, teaches that there is another case where she “remains” tahor — namely when she bleeds from labor pain during her zivah days.

This source is inadequate, because perhaps תשב is teach-ing us about a woman in labor during her niddah days.

However, our pasuk says, she shall be tamei for two weeks “like her niddah-tumah.” Since the Torah emphasizes that a woman who gives birth is tamei as during her niddah tumah, it implies that she is not subject to zivah tumah.

According to one opinion, being in labor prevents her from becoming a zavah for a maximum of two weeks; if she is in labor for longer than that, she can become a zavah. We know this because our pasuk says, for “two weeks” like her niddah-tumah — implying, as noted, but not like her zivah tumah. This teaches that the zivah exemption can last for no longer than two weeks (Niddah 36b, 38b).

ה הר מים תשב על דמי ט -And for sixty — וששים יום וששת יsix days she shall remain in blood of purity.

� All in a RowA woman who gives birth to a boy is tamei for seven

days, followed by a period of thirty-three days, during which any blood she discharges is Biblically tahor (ritually pure). If the child is a girl, she is tamei for fourteen days, followed by sixty-six “tahor days.”ר ”יום“ �למוד לומ �רין. ת כול בין רצופין בין מפוז וששים יום. ”ששים“ י

ן רצופין (כריתות י.): ף ששים כול �צוף א ה יום ר �מר �למוד לומ �רין. ת כול בין רצופין ובין מפוז מים י מים. ”וששת י וששת י

”ששים“ (כריתות י:)Regarding the “tahor days” after the birth of a girl, our

pasuk says, and for sixty “yom” (literally, day) and six “yamim,” (days), she shall remain in blood of purity. Since the Torah uses the singular form of the word yom, day, it teaches that just as a single day is one uninterrupted period of time, so too the first sixty tahor days must be consecutive. If she has a miscarriage or she gives birth to a second baby (a twin to the child who began this count) during the sixty, and thus becomes tamei for some of the days, they count as part of the sixty days.

The same is true if she has a miscarriage during the

last six days. Although here the pasuk says six yamim, days (plural), since the six are mentioned together with the sixty, the same law applies to all the days, and the six tahor days are also counted together with the sixty, without interruption (Kereisos 10a, 10b).

� Purity in LaborA woman who gives birth to a boy is tamei for seven

days, followed by a period of thirty-three days, during which any blood that she discharges is Biblically tahor (ritually pure). If the child is a girl, she is tamei for fourteen days, followed by sixty-six “tahor days.”

מים שהיא ל ד ה שכ ה בתוך שמונים של נקב ש �מק �בות ה �תשב. תשב לרד (נדה לח:): ל ו �ד שיצא ה �ה טהורין ע רוא

Regarding the “tahor days” after the birth of a girl, our pasuk says, and for sixty-six days “she shall remain” (תשב) in blood of purity. The Torah could have simply said that for sixty-six days her blood is tahor. According to one opinion, the extra word תשב, she shall remain, teaches that any blood she sees is tahor during these days, Therefore, If she has a miscarriage or she gives birth to a second baby (a twin to the child who began this count) during the sixty-six days, the blood that comes during her labor is also tahor, and she does not become tamei until she actu-ally gives birth36 (Niddah 38b).

ה ובן .6 תו לעל ביא כבש בן שנ ת ת ה לבן או לב הר ימי ט ובמלאת את ט לח תר או ה Upon the completion of the days — יונof her purity for a son or a daughter, she shall bring a sheep within its first year for an olah offering and a

young dove or a turtledove for a sin offering.


ן יולדת רב� ת ק� מצוה קסח: מצו�Mitzvah 168: The Obligation Regarding the Offering of a

Woman Who Has Given BirthAfter a woman who has given birth completes the desig-nated days of tumah (ritual impurity) and taharah (purity), she must bring certain offerings, and only afterward is she

permitted to eat kodashim (sacrificial foods).

� Multiple BirthsA woman who gives birth to a boy is tamei for seven

days, followed by a period of thirty-three days, during which any blood that she discharges is Biblically tahor (ritually pure). If the child is a girl, she is tamei for fourteen days, followed by sixty-six “tahor days.”

On day 41 for a boy or day 81 for a girl, the mother brings offerings to complete her taharah (purification) process.


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

כול לא ביא י ביא תוך מלאת לא ת ה. יום מלאת ת הר ימי ט ובמלאת מלאת ר �ח �שלא ה ליד ל �ע ביא ת ל אב מלאת שלפני ה ליד ל �ע ביא תביא ה. ביום מלאת ת הר ר ”ובמלאת ימי ט �למוד לומ �טר משתיהן? ת ותיפ

ביא (נזיר סד:): תוך מלאת לא תOur pasuk says regarding a woman who gave birth,

Upon the completion (ובמלאת) of the days of her taharah for a son or a daughter, she shall bring [her offerings]. This teaches that if she has a miscarriage once her days of taharah are already “completed,” that is, on day 81 for a girl,37 she must bring a separate set of offerings for the second “birth.” However, if she miscarries before the taha-rah days are over, one set of offerings is enough for both.

Additionally, if the miscarried child was also a girl, and she has yet another miscarriage before day 81 from that second “birth,” she may bring one set of offerings for all three. The third birth is also considered “within the completion” of her tahor days, even though it is past the completion of her first set of tahor days (Nazir 64b).

� The Night BeforeA woman who gives birth to a boy is tamei for seven

days, followed by a period of thirty-three days, during which any blood that she discharges is Biblically tahor (ritually pure). If the child is a girl, she is tamei for fourteen days, followed by sixty-six “tahor days.”

On day 41 for a boy or day 81 for a girl, the mother brings offerings to complete her taharah (purification) process.ן רב ק �אי פוטרין מן ה �מ �ד, בית ש פלת לאור שמונים ואח �מ �ת. ה לבן או לבאי: הרי הוא אומר �מ �הן בית הלל לבית ש מרו ל ייבין. . . א �ובית הלל מח

ד (כריתות ז:-ח.): בות אור שמונים ואח �ת לר �”או“ לבOur pasuk says regarding a woman who gave birth,

Upon the completion of the days of her taharah for a son or a daughter (ת � she shall bring [her offerings]. This ,(או לבteaches that if she has a miscarriage when her days of taharah are already “completed,” that is, on day 81 for a girl, she must bring a separate set of offerings for the sec-ond “birth.” However, if she miscarries before the taharah days are over, one set of offerings is enough for both.

According to one opinion, if she miscarries on the night before the 81st, that is still before the “completion of her days,” since she is not yet able to bring the offerings un-til the next morning. Therefore, she may bring one set of offerings for both. Another opinion notes that our pasuk

could have written ת �ת but instead wrote ,ולב � to teach ,או לבthat she is obligated to bring separate offerings even for a miscarriage that happened on the night of the 81st day (Kereisos 8a).

� The Law of a Son or DaughterA woman who gives birth to a boy is tamei for seven

days, followed by a period of thirty-three days, during which any blood that she discharges is Biblically tahor (ritually pure). If the child is a girl, she is tamei for fourteen days, followed by sixty-six “tahor days.”

On day 41 for a boy or day 81 for a girl, the mother brings offerings to complete her taharah (purification) process.

ל מכ ת �לב ת“ �”לב קום מ ל מכ לבן ”לבן“ אי �ליו ר �ב ני ת ת. לב או לבן ת �ב ל כ ל �ייב ע �ולח ובן בן ל כ ל �ייב ע �לח ליה עי מיב אי �ן ה נ ב �ור קום. מ

ת (נדה מ.): �ובOur pasuk says regarding a woman who gave birth,

Upon the completion of the days of her taharah for a son or a

daughter (ת � she shall bring [her offerings]. Since ,(לבן או לבwe have been discussing the birth of a son or daughter all along, the phrase ת � for a son or a daughter, seems ,לבן או לבunnecessary.

According to one opinion, these words teach that even if she gives birth to a child who is not a definite “male” or a definite “female,” such as a tumtum (a child whose private parts are covered by a thick membrane, making it impos-sible to know if it is a male or female, or an androgynos (who has both male and female features), the laws of a “son or a daughter” still apply.38

According to another opinion, the extra words teach that she must bring a separate set of offerings for each son or daughter to whom she gives birth, even if she became pregnant with the second child before the completion of her tahor days for the first, as long as the second one was born (or miscarried) after her tahor days39 (Niddah 40a).

ה תו לעל ביא כבש בן שנ She shall bring a sheep — תwithin its first year for an olah offering.

� A Year to the Dayעקב: �ר י �א ב ח �ב א �ר ר �מ ן? א ל שים מנ ד ה בק אמור ה ה נ תו. ש כבש בן שנם (ערכין ן עול �ה של מני נ תו שלו ולא ש תו“ שנ א ”כבש בן שנ ר קר �מ א

יח:, בכורות כז:, נדה מז:):

37. If the first child was a boy, this law is not applicable because the unborn child must have at least forty days to develop before the miscarriage can be considered a “birth.” 38. That is, since we do not know the gender of the child, the mother will have fourteen days of tumah in case the child is a daughter, but will have only until the 40th day for taharah, in case the child is a son. 39. See previous two discussions.

קדשים אלא אחד מהם, ואי כבה מלאכול ב� מדך שאין מע� (ז) והקריבו. לל�וטהרה“ (להלן פסוק ח), מי כהן עליה ה� ”וכפר ר שנאמ� טאת, זה הוא? זה ח�

טהרה תלוייה (תורת כהנים תזריע פרק ג, ה): וטהרה. פר, בו ה� שהוא בא לכ�ד כאן קרוייה טמאה (זבחים יט:): מכלל שע�

ר Nי יהוה וכפ ן: ז והקריבו לפנ� Qכה ד אל־ה� Bהל־מוע ח א ת� אל־פ�ה: �נקב ר או ל� ז�כ$ דת ל� ת היל יה� זאת תור� Vמ �ה ממקר ד הר$ �יה� וט ל �ע

רבנה א: ז ויק הנ �ת כ א לו ן זמנ �שכ �ע מ �לתרא ה ת דמ �ה ותדכי מסואב �ר על �פ �ם יי ויכ קדא: ר או לנוקב �א לדכ לדת �א די ית �א אור ד


פרשת תזריע יב / ז 298 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

to the entrance of the Ohel Moed, to the Kohen. 7 He shall offer it before

HASHEM and atone for her, and she becomes purified from the source of

her blood; this is the law of one who gives birth to a male or to a female.

40. Below, 9:18. 41. Below, 15:25. 42. Above, pasuk 4. 43. See also above, pasuk 5, “Purity in Labor.”

With regard to the offerings of a woman who gave birth, our pasuk says, she shall bring a sheep within “its” first

year (תו for an olah (burnt offering). Had the Torah (שנsaid ה נ a” year, it may have been interpreted as the“ ,שcalendar year, which ends on Rosh Hashanah. Since the Torah says תו its” first year, it indicates that the year“ ,שנis counted from the day the animal is born until the same date one year later (Arachin 18b; Bechoros 27b; Niddah 47b).

את ט ה או תר לח And a young dove or a — ובן יונturtledove for a sin offering.

� No Preferenceה לבני יונ בי שמעון אומר. . . תורין קודמין �ר את. ט ה או תר לח ובן יונה או תר ר ”ובן יונ �למוד לומ �רים מהן ת כול מפני שהן מובח קום, י ל מ בכ

מד ששניהם שקולים (כריתות כח.): �את“ מל ט �לחOnly two types of birds are acceptable as offerings: torim,

turtledoves, and bnei yonah, young doves. Generally, the Torah lists turtledoves before young doves, which would seem to indicate that if one has a choice, the turtledove is the preferred species. Our pasuk deliberately mentions a young dove first, to show that there is no preference; they are equal choices (Kereisos 28a).

מיה .7 ה ממקר ד הר ליה וט He shall — והקריבו לפני ה‘ וכפר עoffer it before Hashem and atone for her, and she becomes purified from the source of her blood.

� Five Shadesחור ש �וה דום א ה ה אש ב טמאים מים ד ה חמש מיה. ד ממקר ה הר וטבי �ר ר �מ א לא ותו דום א א אימ זוג. . . מ �וכ ה מ אד י �וכמימ רכום �כ וכקרן ן �א אנ ה. וה ע רב �אן א �“ (להלן כ, יח) הרי כ מיה “ ”ד מיה א ”ד ר קר �מ הו: א ב �א

ה (נדה יט.): ק א של דום הוא אל חור א א: ש בי חנינ �ר ר �מ ן? א �ה תנ חמשבי �ר ר �מ ה? א תור �מים טמאין מן ה ה ד חמש �ין ל �מיה. מנ ה ממקר ד הר וטה ממקר הר מיה ”וט ה את מקור ד יהושע� בן לוי (להלן כ, יח) והיא גלת

“ (ירושלמי נדה ב, ו): מיה דWith regard to a woman after childbirth, our pasuk says,

she becomes purified from the source of “dameha” ( מיה ,(דliterally, her “bloods” — in the plural, indicating two types of blood. The same word is used with regard to a niddah,40 a woman who bleeds as part of her monthly cycle. This teaches that there are only four shades of red that render a woman tamei (ritually impure). Additionally, black blood is tamei as well, because it is actually red blood that has deteriorated to the point that it appears black (Niddah 19a; Yerushalmi Niddah 2:6).

� Tamei Blood on a Tahor DayWhen a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle,

she becomes a niddah and is tamei (ritually impure) for a period of seven days. Bleeding during the eleven days following the seven of niddah is unusual, and a woman who bleeds during that eleven-day period is a zavah.

A woman who gives birth to a boy is tamei for seven days, followed by a period of thirty-three days, during which any blood that she discharges is Biblically tahor (ritually pure). If the child is a girl, she is tamei for fourteen days, followed by sixty-six “tahor days.”ולא ה צמ �ת ע �חמ �מיה מ “ ד מיה ממקר ד ה הר ”וט מיה. ממקר ד ה הר וטא (לעיל ר קר �מ וא ה ה טהור זיב בימי ה נד ה נד בימי א ד. אימ ל ת ו �חמ �מ

ן (נדה לח:): ת לכול �ח �ה א פסוק ב‘) ”תשב“ ישיבWith regard to a zavah the Torah says,41 And a wom-

an — if a discharge of “her” blood (ה מ flows for many (דdays… The word ה מ her” blood, teaches that she is“ ,דtamei only if the blood flows because of her. This tells us that she is not a zavah if the bleeding is caused by child-birth or labor.

According to one opinion, since our pasuk also says, re-garding a woman who gave birth, she becomes tahor from the source of “her” blood ( מיה it teaches that only the ,(דblood that flows because of her is tahor on her tahor days, but if she goes into labor from a second pregnancy and bleeds during her tahor days, she becomes tamei.

And since the Torah says42 that during her tahor days, “she shall remain” (תשב) in blood of taharah, it implies that there is one status — either tamei or tahor — for any labor-related blood she sees on these days. Therefore, if labor causes bleeding on days that would have made her a zavah, she becomes a zavah even though it is during her “tahor-days”43 (Niddah 38b).

ה נקב ר או ל כ ז ילדת ל ת ה This is the law of one — זאת תורwho gives birth to a male or to a female.

� Even Insaneל �ע ן רב ק מביא ם ד א שכן ה שוט בין ת �ח �פק בין ילדת. ה ת תור זאת

ה (נדרים לה:): אשתו שוטAfter describing the offerings of a woman who gives

birth, the Torah (in our pasuk) says, this is “the law” of one who gives birth, indicating that the same law applies to any woman — even if she is insane. Although an insane person is exempt from all mitzvos, in this case an offering is required, because it is not she who brings the offering, but her husband who must bring it for her (Nedarim 35b).

� One for Each or One for All?A woman who gives birth to a boy is tamei for seven

days, followed by a period of thirty-three days, during


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

which any blood that she discharges is Biblically tahor (ritually pure). If the child is a girl, she is tamei for fourteen days, followed by sixty-six “tahor days.”

On day 41 for a boy or day 81 for a girl, the mother brings offerings to complete her taharah (purification) process.מד �מל ה“ נקב �ל או ר כ ז �ל ילדת �ה ת �תור ”זאת ילדת. ה ת תור זאת שלפני ה ליד �ה ל �ע ף �א כול י רבה. . . �ה דות ול ל �ע ד אח ן רב ק ה שמביאר ”זאת“ (כריתות ט:, נדה �למוד לומ �ר מלאת? ת �ח �ה שלא ליד �ל ה �מלאת וע

מ.):After describing the offerings of a woman who gives

birth, the Torah (in our pasuk) says, “this” is “the law” ת) �תור ,this ,זאת of one who gives birth… The word (זאת indicates that this is the requirement for each birth that a woman has. On the other hand, the word ת � ,the law ,תורimplies that there is one law for every woman, and that one set of offerings is enough even for a woman who had more than one birth. Which is it?

It depends. If she gave birth to a girl, and then she had a miscarriage or she gives birth to a second baby (a twin to the child who began this count) during the sixty-six tahor days, she may bring one set of offerings for both. If the second baby was born on day 81 or later, when she is has already been required to bring offerings for the first birth, she must bring separate offerings for each birth (Kereisos 9b; Niddah 40a).

ד .8 ה אח ה שתי תרים או שני בני יונ קח ה די שה ול ד א י ואם לא תמצאת ט ד לח ואח ה ,But if she cannot afford a sheep — לעלthen she shall take two turtledoves or two young doves, one for an olah offering and one for a chatas offering.

� When You Take Them or When You Make Themאו א אל רשות מתפ קינין �ה אין א: חסד ב �ר ר �מ א תרים. שתי ה קח ולא עמ �אי ט �שי מ �ר א �שימי ב ב �ר ר �מ כהן. א ית �עשי �לים או ב ת בע �בלקיחאו ה בלקיח או טו) טו, (להלן ה“ ש ”וע ה“ קח ”ול דכתיב א, חסד ב �דר

יה (עירובין לז., יומא מא., נזיר כו:־כז., כריתות כח.): עשי �בA woman who gave birth, and certain other tamei (ritu-

ally impure) people, do not become completely tahor (pu-rified) until they bring two birds as offerings. One bird must be designated as a chatas (sin offering), and the other as

an olah (burnt offering). This designation can take place only at one of two times:

The first opportunity is at the moment that the owner “takes” them as offerings, as our pasuk says regarding a woman who gave birth, she shall “take” two turtledoves or two young doves, one for an olah and one for a chatas.

The second time is when the Kohen is actually perform-ing the service, as the Torah says in a later pasuk,44 The Kohen shall “make” them one as a chatas and one as an olah (Eruvin 37a; Yoma 41a; Nazir 26b-27a; Kereisos 28a).

ה הר כהן וט ליה ה And the Kohen shall provide — וכפר עatonement for her and she shall become purified.

� Three-Stage Processן? דכתיב א ל שים. מנ ד ה אוכל בק ר פ �ה. הביא כ הר כהן וט ליה ה וכפר ע

ה“ (יבמות עד:): הר כהן וט �ליה ה ”וכפר עA woman who gave birth, and certain other tamei (ritual-

ly impure) people, become tahor (purified) in three stages:One pasuk says,45 he shall not eat of the holies unless he

immersed his body in water. As soon as the tamei person immerses in a mikveh, he or she may eat maaser sheni.46

The next pasuk says, And the sun shall set and he shall become tahor, and thereafter he may eat from the holies. At nightfall, after immersing, he may eat terumah.47

Finally, our pasuk says regarding a woman who gave birth, and the Kohen shall provide atonement for her and she shall become tahor. When she brings her offerings she becomes completely tahor and she may even eat ko-dashim (sacrificial foods) (Yevamos 74b).

� Still Tameiה] [דבמית ן ל מנ [ששימש] ה ר פ �כ ר �מחוס ה. הר וט כהן ה ליה ע וכפר ל מכל ה הר ט ה“ הר וט כהן �ה ליה ע ”וכפר א קר ר �מ דא א הונ ב �ר ר �מ א

ה (סנהדרין פג:, זבחים יט:): מא ששימש במית ר ט �ר מ �מ ה וא שהיא טמאRegarding a woman who gave birth, our pasuk says,

and the Kohen shall provide atonement for her and she shall become tahor (purified). This teaches that tamei (ritu-ally impure) people who are required to bring offerings are still considered somewhat tamei until the offerings are sacrificed.48

44. Below, 15:15 45. Below, 22:6. 46. Maaser sheni (second tithe) is a portion of one’s produce that is separated and eaten in Yerusha-layim. It may not be eaten in a state of tumah. 47. Terumah is the portion of one’s produce that is given to a Kohen; he is not permitted to eat it in a state of tumah. 48. See previous discussion.

כתוב אלא למקראה, אבל טאת. לא הקדימה ה� (ח) אחד לעלה ואחד לחתדיר (צ.): (ב) שאת טאת קודם לעולה. כך שנינו בזבחים בפרק כל ה� קרבה ח� לה�

ת. שמות נגעים הם, ולבנות זו מזו (תורת כהנים נגעים פרשתא א, ד; שבועות ח פ או סשחקים“ (איוב לז, כא): רבורות, טק“א בלע“ז, וכן ”בהיר הוא ב� הרת. חב� ה:): ב

י Aים או שני בנ י־תר Qה שת Gקח �י שה ול Aה ד �א יד Gא תמצ ח ואם־ל

ה: ♪ פ �ר Qה �ן וט Bכה יה� ה� Zל �ר ע את וכפ� ט! ד לח� Gה ואח ד לעל$ Fה אח �יונם �ב אד לאמר: הרן ואל־א] ה אל־מש� יהוה ר Aב [יג] א ויד�ה Fוהי רת ה ב� או ת ח� פ� או־ס� ת שא� בעור־בשרו ה Lהי כי־י[

א ת אמר �ה כמס �ח יד �שכ �א ת ח ואם לה פנינין או תרין בני יונ �ין ש ב תר �ותסה �ר על �פ �א ויכ את ט �ד לח �א וח ת על �ד ל �חליל יי עם משה ועם �א ותדכי: א ומ הנ �כך �יהי במש ש ארי �ב אנ ר: הרן למימ �אא ויהי הר �א או ב די �א או ע מק �בסרה ע


פרשת תזריע יב / ח — יג / ב 300 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

8 But if she cannot afford a sheep, then she shall take two turtledoves or two young

doves, one for an olah offering and one for a chatas offering; and the Kohen shall

provide atonement for her and she shall become purified.

1 HASHEM spoke to Moshe and to Aharon, saying: 2 If a person will have

on the skin of his flesh a s’eis, or a sapachas, or a baheres, and it will become


49. See also Schottenstein Edition, Shekalim 9b notes 16 and 17. 50. Pasuk 44. 51. See Bamidbar 31:35. 52. See Yeshayah 2:14. 53. See I Shmuel 2:36. 54. See previous discussion.

Therefore, if a Kohen was required to bring offerings for his tumah and he has not yet done so, he may not perform the avodah (Temple service) in the Beis HaMikdash, even if he has already immersed in a mikveh. If he does perform the avodah, it is invalid and he is liable to death at the hand of Heaven for entering the Beis HaMikdash while he was still tamei (Sanhedrin 83b; Zevachim 19b).

� Up the Ladder”וכפר דכתיב: ה הר ט לידי ה מביא נקיות ה. הר וט כהן ה ליה ע וכפר

ה“ (ירושלמי שבת א, ג; ירשלמי שקלים ג, ג): הר כהן וט �ליה ה ע

Regarding a woman who gave birth, our pasuk says, and the Kohen shall “provide atonement” (וכפר) for her and she shall become “tahor” (purified).

The word וכפר, provide atonement, can also be trans-lated as cleanse.

We learn from the words of our pasuk that on the lad-der of spiritual growth, once a person has achieved the trait of neki’us (“cleanliness” from the desire to sin), this leads to the next level — taharah, spiritual “purity,” which is repentance of his earlier sins49 (Yerushalmi Shabbos 1:3; Yerushalmi Shekalim 3:3).



הרת .2 ב או ת ח פ ס או שאת רו בש בעור יהיה כי ם ד If a — אperson will have on the skin of his flesh a s’eis, or a

sapachas, or a baheres.

� Pre-existing ConditionThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

ך (הוריות י.): דבור ואיל �ם כי יהיה. מן ה ד אOur pasuk introduces the laws of tzaraas with the words,

If a person “will have” (יהיה) on the skin of his flesh, in the future tense. This teaches that only a tzaraas affliction that appeared on a person’s skin after the Torah was given ren-ders him tamei; if the affliction was already on his skin before that time, he may disregard it (Horayos 10a).

� Regardless of AgeThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

תויי �אי? לא �תויי מ �עים לא מאין בנג �כל מט �רו. ה ם כי יהיה בעור בש ד אקום (ערכין ג., נדה מד.): ל מ רו“ מכ ם כי יהיה בעור בש ד ן. . . ”א ט ק

Our pasuk introduces the laws of tzaraas with the words, If “a person” (ם ד -will have on the skin of his flesh… Al (אthough the Torah later50 uses the expression, He is a “man” with tzaraas, which seems to imply that these laws (איש)apply only to an adult, the word ם ד person, that is used in ,אour pasuk, indicates that any person can become impure through this affliction,51 even an infant (Arachin 3a; Niddah 44a).

� Four Shades of WhiteThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

הוא וכן �בוה ג א אל שאת אין ”שאת“ הרת. ב או ת ח פ ס או שאת אות“. נש �עות ה ל הגב ל כ �מים וע ר רים ה ל הה ל כ �אומר (ישעיה ב, יד) ”ער �מ ה וכן הוא אומר (שמואל א‘ ב, לו) ”וא א טפיל ת אל �ח �פ �ת“ אין ס �ח �פ �”סא תנית �במ ן?. . . ל מנ הרת �ב �ה ל טפיל שאת. �ה ל טפיל ן שכח �א“ א נ חני ספה ר לך כשם שטפיל �הרת, לומ �ב �ת“ בין שאת ל �ח �פ �ס �תוב ל כ �א: הטיל ה נ ת

הרת (שבועות ו:): �ב �ה ל ך טפיל �שאת כ �לOur pasuk introduces the laws of tzaraas with the words,

If a person will have on the skin of his flesh “a s’eis, or a sapachas, or a baheres.”

A baheres is a white spot that appears “deeper” (that is, lower) than the surrounding skin because of its light-er color. The word s’eis means elevated;52 this is also a white spot, but not as white as a baheres, and therefore it appears a bit “higher” than a baheres does. Sapachas means secondary.53 The Torah places the word sapachas between the s’eis and the baheres, to indicate that for each of them there is a shade of white that is “secondary” to it in intensity. Thus, there are four shades of white that are tamei — s’eis, baheres, and the sapachas of each of them (Shevuos 6b).

� White as WoolThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

ן (שבת נד., שבועות ה:, ו:, נגעים א, א): ב שאת. שאת כצמר לOur pasuk introduces the laws of tzaraas with the words,

If a person will have on the skin of his flesh “a s’eis, or a sapachas, or a baheres.” This refers to discolorations of the skin in various shades of white.54

S’eis, which is dimmer than a baheres, is an affliction

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

that is the shade of white wool (Shabbos 54a; Shevuos 5b, 6b: Negaim 1:1).

ת ע ר ע צ רו לנג ה בעור בש י And it will become a — והtzaraas affliction on the skin of his flesh.

� Diverse, but UnifiedThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

א אן. אל יו אין כתיב כ בי בון: וה �בי יוסי בי ר �ר ר �מ רו. א ה בעור בש י והרפין זה עם זה (ירושלמי שבועות א, א): ן מצט מד שאינ �ה“ מל י ”וה

ת �ע ר צ ע �לנג א אל כתיב אין ת �ע �ר צ לנגעי ה: חזקי ני ת ת. ע ר צ ע לנגרפין זה עם זה (ירושלמי שבועות א, א): מד שאין מצט �מל

A nega (tzaraas affliction) is not tamei unless it is at least the size of a gris (a split bean).55

Our pasuk introduces the laws of tzaraas with the words, If a person will have on the skin of his flesh a s’eis, or a

sapachas, or a baheres, and “it” will (ה י become a tzaraas (וה

affliction on the skin of his flesh.After listing the various shades of white that are tamei,56

our pasuk concludes, and “it” will (ה י become… in the (והsingular, rather than, and “they” will (יו -become, indi (והcating that all the shades of tzaraas are one. According to one opinion, this teaches that the various shades can be

combined to form the minimum size that makes a person tamei.

Others say that we can learn this from the phrase, a tzaraas “affliction” (ת �ע ר צ ע �-which is singular, as op ,(לנגposed to tzaraas “afflictions” (ת �ע �ר צ Yerushalmi) (לנגעי Shevuos 1:1).

כהנים יו ה נ ד מב ח כהן או אל א הרן ה א אל א He shall be — והובbrought to Aharon the Kohen, or to one of his sons the


� Lone JudgeThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

דת שאפילו �מ א ל כהנים. ה יו ה נ ד מב ח כהן או אל א הרן ה א אל א והובעים (סנהדרין לד:, נדה נ.): נג �ד רואה את ה כהן אח

Our pasuk says regarding a person who discovers a discoloration on his skin that may be tzaraas, he shall be brought to Aharon the Kohen, or to “one” of his sons the Kohanim. One may have thought that if three judges are needed to decide cases involving a person’s money, cer-tainly three judges are needed to rule on a person’s own status. Our pasuk therefore highlights that one of Aharon’s sons is enough to determine whether a person has tzaraas (Sanhedrin 34b; Niddah 50a).

55. Regarding the laws of tzaraas, a gris means something the size of a split Cilician bean, which is a fairly large bean (Mishnah, Keilim 17:12). 56. See above, “Four Shades of White.”

ל פי ת נגעים וטהרתן אלא ע� כתוב הוא שאין טומא� ת ה� הרן וגו‘. גזיר� אל אך ך לבן. מתחלה שחור והפ� ע הפ נג כהן (תורת כהנים שם ט): (ג) ושער בע. ומעוט שער שנים (תורת כהנים שם פרק ב, ב-ג): עמוק מעור נג� ללבן בתוך ה�צל (תורת כהנים מה עמוקה מן ה� ראה ח� ראה לבן עמוק הוא, כמ� בשרו. כל מ�ן תה, ששער לבן סימ� ר לו: טמא א� פרשתא א, ד; שבועות ו:): וטמא אתו. יאמ�

עתי ראה [מן העור]. לא יד� כתוב: (ד) ועמק אין מ ת ה� טומאה הוא גזיר�ויוכיחו שבוע, ד סוף ה� יראה ע� ית אחד ולא פירושו: והסגיר. י�סגירנו בב�ראהו ובשיעורו הראשון: והסגירו, שנית. סימנים עליו: (ה) בעיניו. במ�הוכהה (ו) כהה. ג): ג, (נגעים טמא מוחלט ראשון בשבוע� פשה אם הא ע טהור: ת. שם נג� ח ראיתו או פשה, טמא: מספ ד במ� ראיתו, הא אם עמ� ממ�

או ן כה ה� הרן אל־א] א �והוב ת ע� צר! ע לנג� בעור־בשרו ע בעור־ נג� ן את־ה� Aכה ה ה� Gא �ים: ג ור הנ[ כ יו ה� נ$ �ד מב ח4 אל־א�מק מעור �ע ע ג� נ ה ה� ן ומרא� �ב �ך ל פ6 �ע ה ג� נ ר ב� �ר ושע �ש �ב ה�א אתו: ד ואם־ ן וטמ� Bכה הו ה� Fא �ת הוא ור ע� Dע צר בשרו נג�מן־ �ה Nין־מרא Qא מק �וע בשרו בעור וא ה ה �נ �לב רת ה ב�ע ג� fנ את־ה� ן כה5 ה� יר gוהסג ן ב! �ל ך פ6 �א־ה ל ה *ושער$ עור �הע ג� נ ה ה� והנ� שביעי ביום ה� כהן הו ה� Gא �ה ור ים: מ[ �ת י שבע4ת ן שבע4 כה5 עור והסגירו ה� �ע ב ג� fנ ה ה� Fש �א־פ יו ל �ד בעינ מ6 �עשביעי שנית ן אתו ביום ה� כה ה ה� �א �ית: ♪ שני ו ור ים שנ[ jמ �יכהן ה� הרו וט[ עור �ב ע ג� fנ ה� ה Fש �א־פ ול ע ג� נ ה� ה Gכה והנה

* לא מפיק ה’

ת ויתתי לו ש סגירו �כת �ך בסרה למ �במשא: י �הנ מבנוהי כ ד �ת ח א או לו הנ �הרן כ �אא ך בסר �א במש ש כת �ת מ א י הנ �ג ויחזי כומחזי ר למחו אתהפיך א ש כת �ר במ ושעש �כת �מ בסרה ך �ממש מיק �ע א ש כת �מתה: אב י א ויס הנ �ויחזנה כ א הוא סגירותבסרה ך �במש היא א ור �ח א הר �ב ד ואם א א ל ר א ושע שכ �א מן מ מיק לית מחז ה �ועא ש כת �ת מ א י הנ �ר כ �סג �ר וי אתהפיך למחוא ביומ א הנ �כ ה ויחזנה יומין: א שבעא ה ל ד הו �ם כ א ק ש כת �א מ ה וה א שביעא הנ �סגרנה כ �וי א שכ �במ א ש כת �אוסף מתה י א הנ �כ ו ויחזי נות: תני יומין א שבעא ש כת �א מ מי א ע נות וה ה תני א א שביע ביומא הנ �כנה כ �א ויד שכ �א במ ש כת �א אוסף מ ול


פרשת תזריע יג / ג־ו 302 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

a tzaraas affliction on the skin of his flesh; he shall be brought to Aharon the Kohen,

or to one of his sons the Kohanim. 3 The Kohen shall look at the affliction on the skin of

his flesh: If hair in the affliction has changed to white, and the affliction’s appearance

is deeper than the skin of the flesh — it is a tzaraas affliction; the Kohen shall look at it

and declare him contaminated.

4 If it is a white baheres on the skin of his flesh, and its appearance is not deeper

than the skin, and the hair has not changed to white, then the Kohen shall quarantine

the affliction for a seven-day period. 5 The Kohen shall look at it on the seventh day,

and behold! — the affliction retained its color, and the affliction did not spread on the

skin, then the Kohen shall quarantine it for a second seven-day period. 6 The Kohen

shall look at it again on the seventh day, and behold! — if the affliction has dimmed

and the affliction has not spread on the skin, then the Kohen shall declare him pure,

The basic

tzaraas and the

procedure to



57. See above, 12:7, “Five Shades.” A niddah is a woman who experiences bleeding as part of her monthly cycle. 58. See above, pasuk 2, “Four Shades of White.” 59. If, however, the discoloration also covers two hairs that turned white or surrounds an area with unaffected skin, it is immediately declared “confirmed” tzaraas.

� Only the OriginalThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

כול כשם שהיא כהנים. י יו ה נ ד מב ח כהן או אל א הרן ה א אל א והובהרן �אל א א ”והוב ר �למוד לומ �עים. ת נג ראות �תהא מ כן ה כתמ ה רא �מ

כהנים“ (ירושלמי נדה ב, ז): �יו ה נ ד מב �ח �כהן או אל א �הOnly certain shades of white are considered tamei with

regard to tzaraas. Similarly, only certain shades of red are considered tamei with regard to the blood of a nid-dah.57

If a woman is unsure if the blood she saw was a tamei color, she can show something else with that color to an authority and the determination is made based on the other sample. Our pasuk teaches that when it comes to tzaraas, “he shall be brought” to Aharon the Kohen, or to one of his sons the Kohanim. This means that the person himself must come to the Kohen and show the actual affliction; the Kohen cannot rule based on some-thing else that has the identical color (Yerushalmi Niddah 2:7).

כהן וטמא אתו .3 הו ה א ת הוא ור ע ר ע צ It is a tzaraas — נגaffliction; the Kohen shall look at it and declare him



ע ת מצר� ן טמא� ת עני� מצוה קסט: מצו�Mitzvah 169: The Obligation Regarding the Tumah

of a MetzoraA person who notices a discoloration of his skin that may be tzaraas must appear before the Kohen, who will deter-mine if it is tamei (ritually impure) or tahor. If it is tamei, the afflicted person must follow all the procedures associated

with this tumah (ritual impurity).

ה היא .4 נ הררת לב .If it is a white baheres — ואם ב

� Whitest of AllThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

א ר קר �מ יי. א �ב �ר א �מ ה היא? א ז �הרת ע �ן דב ל ה היא. מנ נ הרת לב ואם בה (שבועות ו:): נ חרת לב �ה ואין א נ ה הוא“ היא לב נ הרת לב �”ואם ב

There are four shades of white that are considered tamei with regard to a tzaraas affliction. The whitest of them all is the baheres. We know this because our pasuk begins, If “it” it, indicates ,היא is a white baheres. The extra word (היא)that only “it” is white; the other shades are not “white” when compared to a baheres (Shevuos 6b).58

כהן .6 ה וטהרו עור ב ע נג ה ה ש פ ולא ע נג ה ה כה And — והנה behold! — if the affliction has dimmed and the afflic-tion has not spread on the skin, then the Kohen shall

declare him pure.

� Dimmer and DimmerThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

When a person notices a discoloration on his skin that may be tzaraas, he must show it to a Kohen. If the Kohen determines that it is the color and size of a nega (tzaraas affliction), the person is “confined” for one week, after which the Kohen examines the nega a second time.59 If the nega has developed signs of being a definite case of tzaraas, the person becomes a “confirmed” metzora.

(ירושלמי הור ט כהה �ה מן כהה �ה ל אב מא ט כהה �ה ע. נג ה ה כה והנה שבועות א, א):

There are four shades of white that are considered ta-mei with regard to a tzaraas affliction. There is the baheres (snow white) and the s’eis (wool white), which the Torah


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

mentions explicitly, and one less-intense shade that is sec-ondary to each of those.60

Our pasuk says that after the Kohen inspected the nega for the first time and confined the afflicted person for a week, he inspects the nega again, and — if the nega “has dimmed” and the nega has not spread on the skin, then the Kohen shall declare him tahor (ritually pure). This indicates that if the nega did spread, it is tamei, even if it has dimmed by one level. However, it also implies that if the nega has dimmed by two levels, that is not a tamei color at all.

According to one opinion, this teaches that the dimmer shade must be one that is still a tamei shade, and that while baheres and its secondary shade combine to be a tamei affliction, and s’eis and its secondary shade also combine to be a tamei affliction (as do baheres and s’eis), baheres and its secondary color do not combine with the secondary shade of s’eis (Yerushalmi Shevuos 1:1).

הר יו וט ד He shall immerse his garments and — וכבס בגhe has been purified.

� Pure in the PastThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

א: ”וטהרו ב הונ �מיה דר �ק ק ר יצח �ב שמואל ב �ני ר הר. ת יו וט ד וכבס בגא. ר ה דמעיק ה ופרימ הור מפריע הר“, ט יו וט ד ת היא וכבס בג �ח �כהן מספ �ה

פרע� (מגילה ח:): �ה למ מא בביא �א מלט שת �הור ה א. . . ט ב ר ליה ר �מ א

When a person notices a discoloration on his skin that may be tzaraas, he must show it to a Kohen. If the Kohen determines that it is the color and size of a nega (tzaraas af-fliction), the person is “confined” for one week, after which the Kohen examines the nega a second time. If the nega has developed signs of being a definite case of tzaraas, the person becomes a “confirmed” metzora.61

Regarding a nega that did not develop signs of definite tzaraas, our pasuk says, he shall immerse his garments and

he “has been purified” (הר in the past tense. According ,(וטto one opinion, this indicates that he was tahor (ritually pure) all along. That is, even though he is considered ta-

mei during his confinement, he is still “tahor” in compari-son to a confirmed metzora. Therefore, while a confirmed metzora must tear his garments and is not permitted to cut his hair,62 a confined metzora has no such require-ments.

Another opinion disagrees about what we learn from our pasuk. When a confirmed metzora enters a house, he causes everything in the house to become tamei. If after the Kohen releases a confined metzora and he immerses himself, the nega then spreads, it proves that he had “con-firmed tzaraas” after all. According to this opinion, the past tense of the word הר teaches that if he entered a house וטafter his release and immersion, but before the affliction spread, the contents of the house remain tahor, since he

“has been” purified (Megillah 8b).

60. See above, pasuk 2, “Four Shades of White.” 61. If, however, the discoloration also covers two hairs that turned white or surrounds an area with unaffected skin, it is immediately declared “confirmed” tzaraas. 62. Below, pasuk 45.

טבילה: וצריך טמא נקרא להסגר ק ונזק� הואיל וטהר. בגדיו וכבס ת ח� כהן. ומשטמאו הרי הוא מוחלט, וזקוק לצפרים ולתגל� (ח) וטמאו הת הוא. ע ת זאת תהיה (להלן יד, א-לב; מגילה ח:): צר ולקרבן האמור בפרש�ת. ומחי (י) זכר: לשון ע“, ”נג� נקבה. לשון ת. ע צר זאת: ה� ת ח� מספ� ה�ף הוא ראה בשר, א� שאת למ� לובן שבתוך ה� ת ה� ך מקצ� שנימינ‘‘ט בלע“ז. שנהפ�

ל פי שלא ף ע� סימן טומאה. שער לבן בלא מחיה, ומחיה בלא שער לבן. וא�ראות ותולדותיהן הוא סימן טומאה מ� ף בכל ה� שאת, א� נאמרה מחיה אלא ב�היא ישנה כה מ� הוא. נושנת ת ע צר (יא) א): ג, פרשתא כהנים (תורת חתיה מלאה לחה. שלא עלה ות� בורה זו נראית בריאה מלמ� מחיה, וח� ת ה� ח� ת�גליו: ד ר הרנה: (יב) מראשו. של אדם וע ר הואיל ועלתה מחיה אט� תאמ�

ה Lתפש שה �ז ואם־פ ר: Qה �וט יו בגד$ ס וכב� וא ה ת ח� מספ6ה Fתו ונרא �הר �ן לט Bכה אתו אל־ה� �י הר kחר עור א] �ת ב ח� מספ� ה�ת ח� Dמספ ה� ה Fשת �פ ה והנ5 ן כה ה� ה �א �ח ור ן: Qכה אל־ה� ית jשנ

וא: פ ת ה[ ע� ן צר4 Bכה עור וטמאו ה� �בן כה ה ה� Gא �ן: י ור Qכה א אל־ה� ם והוב$ ה באד! fהי י ת[ ת כ8 ע� ע צר� ט נג�

ר Fש �ת ב lחי ן ומ[ ב! �ר ל Gה שע פכ$ �יא ה עור וה �ה ב �נ �ת־לב Qה שא והנ�ן nכה נת הוא בעור בשרו וטמאו ה� Lת נוש ע� ת: יא צר� Qשא י *ב� Dחעור �ת ב ע� צר� ח ה� pא הוא: יב ואם־פרוח� תפר Bמ �י ט נו כ8 סגר א י� לל־ �יו לכ גל! ראשו ועד־ר� Qע מ ג� נ ל־עור ה� �ת כ ת א ע� צר� ה ה� Gוכסת

* הש' רפה

וידכי: לבושוהי ע �ב �ויצ היא א עדיתא שכ �במ א עדית א תוסף פ ז ואם אוסחזי �כותיה וית �א לד הנ �חזי לכ �ר דאת �ת בא וה א הנ �כ ח ויחזי א: הנ �לכ נות תניא הנ �אבנה כ א ויס שכ �א במ ת עדית �אוספא ארי ש סגירות �כת �א היא: ט מ סגירותא: י ויחזי הנ �ת כ א ויתתי לו ש תהי באנא והיא שכ �א במ ור �א ח מק �א ע א וה הנ �כא ית �א ח ר ורשם בסר ר לחו ת שע �כ הפך �א היא במש תיק �א: יא סגירות ע מקת �בעסגרנה ארי �א י א ל הנ �אבנה כ בסרה ויסא א תסגי סגירות ב הוא: יב ואם מסג א מסך �ל מש ת כ א י חפי סגירות �א ות שכ �במל לכ גלוהי �ר ד �וע מרישה א ש כת �מ


פרשת תזריע יג / ז־יב 304 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

it is a mispachas; he shall immerse his garments and he has been purified. 7 But if the mispachas should spread on the skin after it had been shown to

the Kohen for its purification, it should be shown to the Kohen again. 8 The

Kohen shall look, and behold! — the mispachas has spread on the skin;

the Kohen shall declare him contaminated; it is tzaraas.

9 If a tzaraas affliction will be in a person, he shall be brought to the Ko-

hen. 10 The Kohen shall look, and behold! — it is a white s’eis on the skin,

and it has changed hair to white, or there is healthy, live flesh within the

s’eis: 11 It is an old tzaraas in the skin of his flesh and the Kohen shall de-

clare him contaminated; he shall not quarantine it for it is contaminated.

12 If the tzaraas will erupt on the skin, and the tzaraas will cov-

er the entire skin of the affliction from his head to his feet, wherever


63. See also above, 1:1, “Inappropriate Use for a Pasuk,” which also cites a third opinion. 64. See below, pesukim 40-44. 65. See below, pesukim 40-44.

כהן .9 א אל ה ם והוב ד ת כי תהיה בא ע ר ע צ If a tzaraas — נגaffliction will be in a person, he shall be brought to

the Kohen.

� No Nameלוי בן �יהושע בי �ר ה. . . כ �מ �ה ל �ע לוחש �וה ם. ד בא תהיה כי ת ע ר צ ע נגחלק לו אין ורוקק. ם“ ד בא תהיה כי ת �ע �ר צ ע �”נג ר �מ א אפילו ר: �אמ

בא (ירושלמי סנהדרין י, א): תיד ל לעIt was a common practice to try to heal a wound by first

spitting on it and then pronouncing an incantation over the spittle. We are taught that if someone uses a pasuk from the Torah as the incantation, he loses his share in the World to Come.

According to one opinion, this harsh consequence ap-plies only if the phrase contains the Name of Hashem. According to another opinion, it applies to any pasuk that speaks about healing, even if it does not have Hashem’s Name63 (Yerushalmi Sanhedrin 10:1).

ן .10 ב ר ל ה שע פכ עור והיא ה ה ב נ It is a white — והנה שאת לבs’eis on the skin, and it has changed hair to white.

� Spelled With a Yudה. . . ”והיא תור �ת עשרה ”היא“ כתיב ביו“ד ב �ח �ן. א ב ר ל ה שע פכ והיא ה

ן“ (אבות דרבי נתן לד): ב ר ל ה שע פכ הGenerally, the word Hebrew היא, meaning “it,” is spelled

hei, vav, aleph (הוא). Our pasuk is one of the eleven times this word is spelled hei, yud, aleph (היא), the way it is pro-nounced (Avos DeRabbi Nassan §34).

יו .12 גל ד ר ע מראשו וע נג ל עור ה ת את כ ע ר צ ה ה And — וכסתthe tzaraas will cover the entire skin of the affliction

from his head to his feet.

� Spread Over the HeadThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure).

The afflicted person is known as a metzora. The laws for an affliction that appears on his scalp or beard area, where hair usually grows, are somewhat different than those for an affliction on other parts of the body.64

ח �ר ן פ ב ך ל �פ ן כולו ה ל �ה לה �ש ראשו לרגל. מ �יו. איתק גל ד ר מראשו ועהור (זבחים מט:): ח בכולו ט �ר ן פ ב ך ל �פ אן כולו ה ף כ �הור, א בכולו ט

If a tzaraas affliction that has made a person tamei later spreads over his entire body, he becomes tahor (ritually pure). Regarding this law our pasuk says, and the tzaraas will cover the entire skin of the affliction “from his head to his feet.” Since the Torah mentioned his head together with his feet, we may compare them to each other: Just as tzaraas on one’s feet (or any other part of his skin) be-comes tahor when it spreads over the whole body, so too tzaraas on the hair of his scalp becomes tahor if it spreads over that entire area (Zevachim 49b).

� From Head to Feet — Not InclusiveThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora. The laws for an affliction that appears on his scalp or beard area, where hair usually grows, are somewhat different than those for an affliction on other parts of the body.65

יו גל �ל ר יו“ ראשו ולא ראשו בכל גל �ד ר �יו. ”מראשו וע גל ד ר מראשו וענים מסימ דגופו נים סימ אני �ש א אימ עית איב ן? ל מנ ל בכל יו גל �ר ולא

כהן“ (ערכין יח:): �ראה עיני ה �ל מ א ”לכ עית אימ דראשו איבIf a tzaraas affliction that has made a person tamei later

spreads over his entire body, he becomes tahor (ritually pure). Regarding this law our pasuk says, and the tzaraas will cover the entire skin of the affliction “from” his head “to” his feet (יו גל �ד ר � ,from” his head“ ,מראשו The word .(מראשו ועindicates that the head is not included, and the phrase ד � ועיו גל � .to” his feet, indicates that the feet are not included“ ,רThus, if the affliction spreads everywhere else, but not over the area of the hair on his head and his feet, he is still tahor.

One explanation for this is that the head is not included


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

because tzaraas of the hair-covered areas of the scalp has different rules than tzaraas on the rest of the skin.66

Another explanation is that since the end of our pasuk says, wherever the eyes of the Kohen can see, the head and feet are excluded, because the Kohen cannot see the part of the head that is covered with hair and the part of the feet that is between the toes67 (Arachin 18b).

כהן ראה עיני ה ל מ Wherever the eyes of the Kohen — לכcan see.

� In Full SightThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

מאור ה ה שכ או יו מעינ ת �ח �בא א סומ �ה כהן כהן. ה עיני ראה מ ל לככהן“ (נגעים ב יג, �ראה עיני ה �ל מ ר ”לכ �עים שנאמ נג �יו. לא יראה את ה עינ

סנהדרין לד:, נדה נ.):א פק �א ליה? נ א ליה מנ ה מנ יל �ל �יום ולא ב �א ב ב כהן. ור ראה עיני ה ל מ לכא עוטי סומ �עי ליה למ הוא מיב �יי ה �ב �כהן. וא �ראה עיני ה �ל מ ליה מן לכ

יו (מועד קטן ח.): ת מעינ �ח �באOnly a Kohen has the authority to examine a tzaraas

affliction and to determine whether or not it is tamei.With regard to an affliction that spread over the me-

tzora’s entire body, our pasuk says that the tzaraas covers all of his skin, from his head to his feet, wherever the eyes of the Kohen can see (כהן �ראה עיני ה �ל מ .(לכ

The phrase כהן �ראה עיני ה �ל מ can also be translated, for לכthe “entire sight” of the eyes of the Kohen. It was suggested

to learn from this that a tzaraas affliction may be exam-ined only by daylight, when the Kohen can see it with his eye’s vision alone, and not at night, when he must rely on candlelight. However, this is rejected because our pasuk is needed to teach a different lesson — that a Kohen who is blind in one eye and thus does not have his “entire sight” is disqualified from examining tzaraas.

The fact that tzaraas must be examined by daylight is derived from another pasuk68 (Negaim 2:3; Sanhedrin 34b; Niddah 50a; Moed Katan 8a).

הור הוא .13 ן ט ב ך ל פ Having turned completely — כלו הwhite, it is pure.

� Widespread AfflictionThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

ך �פ �ד שנתה �א ע וד ב ק: אין בן ד בי יצח �ר ר �מ הור הוא. א ן ט ב ך ל פ כלו ההור הוא“ ן ט ב ך ל �פ א? ”כלו ה אי קר �א: מ ב ר ר �מ לכות למינות. א �מ �ל ה כ

(סנהדרין צז.):Our pasuk tells us that if a tzaraas affliction that has

made a person tamei later spreads over his entire body, he becomes tahor (ritually pure), as it says, having turned completely white, it is tahor.

With this statement, the Torah is hinting that there will come a time that the “affliction” of heresy will be spread over the entire world, and at that point Mashiach will arrive and the world will become purified (Sanhedrin 97a).

66. See Schottenstein Edition, note 11. 67. See ibid., note 13. 68. See below, pasuk 14, “Not Now,” and 14:35, “Daylight.”

ך מאורו (שם פרק ד, ד): (יד) כהן. פרט לכהן שחש� ראה עיני ה לכל ממחיה י. אם צמחה בו מחיה הרי כבר פירש שה� וביום הראות בו בשר חרבעה ראשי איברים ע באחד מעשרים וא� נג� ן טומאה. אלא הרי שהיה ה� סימ�ששופע� כאחד, כולו ע נג� ה� נראה שאין לפי מחיה, משום מאין מט� שאין שהבריא כגון שומן, ידי ל שפועו ע� לה ונתג� האבר ראש וחז�ר ך, ואיל� ך איל�א): ה, פרק (שם מא שתט� כתוב ה� למדנו מחיה, ה� בו ונראית רחב עשה ונ�שאין יום ויש בו רואה תה שא� יום יש מד לל� ר, לומ� למוד ת� ה מ� וביום.

לו משתה ה� ימי ת שבע� כל לו נותנין חתן אמרו: מכאן בו. רואה תה א�קטן (מועד הרגל ימי כל לו נותנין ברגל וכן ולביתו, ולכסותו ולאצטליתו שחין. (יח) זכר: לשון ”בשר“ הוא. ה� בשר ה� הוא. ת ע צר (טו) ז:): ת האור כה שלא מחמ� ת מ� בא לו מחמ� בשר בלקוי ה� מם ה� לשון חמום, שנתח�ובמקומו ארוכה העלה שחין ה� ונרפא. ח.): חולין ו; ו, פרק כהנים (תורת לבן ע נג� ה� שאין מדמת. אד לבנה הרת ב (יט) או חר: א� ע נג� העלה ראות, לובן ואודם (נגעים א, ב; שבועות ו.): חלק אלא פתוך ומעורב בשתי מ�

ת את־ ע� צר� ה ה� sה כסת ן והנ כה ה ה� Gא �ן: יג ור Qכה י ה� ה עינ� Bמראהור הוא: יד וביום �ן ט ב$ �ך ל פ4 �ע כלו ה ג� tנ ר את־ה� Dל־בשרו וטה �כי Dח ר ה� Fש �ב ן את־ה� כה5 ה ה� uא �א: טו ור �י יטמ Dר ח Fש �אות בו ב �ר Qהשוב �י י ת הוא: טז או כ8 ע� א הוא צר4 מ� �י ט lח ר ה� Fש �ב וטמאו ה�ן כה הו ה� �א �ן: יז ור Qכה א אל־ה� ן וב$ ב! �ך לל ונהפ6 י Dח ר ה� Fש �ב ה�הור הוא: פ �ע ט ג� fנ ן את־ה� כה5 ר ה� vן וטה ב! �ע לל ג� fנ ך ה� ה נהפ4 והנ5ה �יט והי א: �ונרפ ין שח> בו־בערו ה הי� כי־י[ ר �ש �יח וב שלישי

מת מד! אד� ה Gנ �לב רת fה ב� או ה �נ �לב ת Aשא שחין ה� במקום

ת �א חפ א וה הנ �א: יג ויחזי כ הנ �חיזו עיני כא ש כת �ת מ כי י �ל בסרה ויד ת כ א י סגירותא ר דכי הוא: יד וביומ כלה אתהפיך למחוב: א מס יהי א י �ח א בסר בה חזי �דאתאבנה ויס א י �א ח ת בסר א י הנ �טו ויחזי כב הוא סגירות הוא: טז או א א מס י �א ח בסרר למחו ויתהפיך א י �א ח ארי יתוב בסרא וה א הנ �כ יז ויחזנה א: הנ �כ ת לו וייתי א הנ �כי כ �ויד ר למחו א ש כת �אתהפיך מיהי ארי ש �יח ואנ דכי הוא: א ש כת �ת מ יר �את �סי: יט ויהי ב �א וית שכה שחנ �בה במא מק �א ס ור �א ח הר �א או ב ור �א ח מק �א ע שחנ


פרשת תזריע יג / יג־יט 306 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

the eyes of the Kohen can see — 13 the Kohen shall look, and behold! — the affliction

has covered his entire flesh, then he shall declare the affliction to be pure; having turned

completely white, it is pure. 14 On the day healthy flesh is seen in it, it shall be contami-

nated. 15 The Kohen shall look at the healthy flesh and declare him contaminated; the

healthy flesh is contaminated, it is tzaraas. 16 But if the healthy flesh changes again and

turns white, he shall come to the Kohen. 17 The Kohen shall look at it, and behold! — the

affliction has changed to white, the Kohen shall declare the affliction pure; it is pure.

18 If flesh will have had an inflammation on its skin, and it will have healed, 19 and on the

place of the inflammation there will be a white s’eis or a white baheres, streaked with red;


69. Devarim 17:8. 70. Below, pasuk 39. 71. Pesukim 2 and 9.

� Pure Afflictions?There are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora, and the tzaraas affliction is known as a nega.

ן ב ך ל �פ א ”כלו ה א? וכי תימ הור מי איכ ע ט �הור הוא. נג ן ט ב ך ל פ כלו הק מקרי (נדה יט.): �הוא בוה �הור הוא“ ה ט

When the judges of a lower court have a disagreement over a certain law, they must present their positions to the Sanhedrin, the high court in Yerushalayim. Regarding this, the Torah says,69 If there be hidden from you a matter of judgment…between “nega and nega”… This means that the judges have a dispute regarding one of the many types of tzaraas.

The pasuk cannot possibly mean that they are dis-agreeing about whether a specific “nega” is tamei or tahor (pure), because, by its very definition, a “nega” is tamei.

Even though our pasuk says that when a nega that has made a person tamei later spreads over his entire body, he becomes tahor (ritually pure), at that point it is no longer called a “nega,” but a bohak,70 which is a skin condition that is not tzaraas (Niddah 19a).

א .14 י יטמ ר ח ש אות בו ב On the day healthy — וביום הרflesh is seen in it, it shall be contaminated.

� Not NowThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

רואה ה ת �א שאי יום ויש בו רואה ה ת �שא יום יש בו. אות הר וביום לו משתה �ה ימי ת �שבע לו נותנין ע �נג בו ד �שנול ן ת מרו ח א אן מכ בו ע? �שמ �אי מ �רגל. . . מ ה ימי ת �שבע לו נותנין רגל ב וכן ולכסותו. ולביתו יש ה מינ ע �שמ ”וביום“? אי �ביום, מ א נ חמ �ליכתוב ר כן אם יי �ב �ר א �מ אא ה קר ר כול �מ א א ב ה רואה בו. ר ת �ה רואה בו ויש יום שאי א ת �יום שאה ע מינ �אי ”וביום“ שמ �אות, מ א ובהר נ חמ �א הוא דאם כן לכתוב ר יתירעי הוא מיב �יי ה �ב �ה רואה בו וא ת �ה רואה בו ויש יום שאי א ת �יש יום שא

ה (מועד קטן ז:־ח.): יל �ל �ליה ביום ולא באות בו“ (סנהדרין לד:, יום, דכתיב ”וביום הר �עים ב אות בו. נג וביום הר

נדה נ.):Only a Kohen has the authority to examine a tzaraas

affliction and to determine whether or not it is tamei.Regarding a tzaraas affliction that became tahor (ritually

pure) by spreading over the entire body, our pasuk says, And on the day (וביום) healthy flesh is seen in it, it shall be tamei. The Torah could have written “when” healthy flesh is seen; the word וביום, and on the day, is extra, teaching that there are certain days when a Kohen does examine afflictions, and there are other days when he does not.

If an affliction appears on the skin or clothing of a bride-groom during the week of his wedding celebration, or an affliction appears to any person during one of the festivals, the Kohen does not inspect it until the days of celebra-tion are over. Those are times that a person is required to rejoice, and if he is declared tamei, his rejoicing will be disrupted.

According to one opinion, the basic word וביום, and on the day, teaches that a tzaraas affliction may be examined only by daylight, but the letter vav (and) at the beginning of the word is extra, and that letter teaches us the above lesson (Moed Katan 7b-8a; Sanhedrin 34b; Niddah 50a).

א .18 ר כי יהיה בו בערו שחין ונרפ ש If flesh will have — ובan inflammation on its skin, and it will have healed.

� The Humble Are HealedThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

של תו תפיל אין ה: חזקי ר �מ א א. ונרפ שחין בערו בו יהיה כי ר ש ובר“ ש ”ב א זיר בי �ר ר �מ ר. . . א ש כב לבו משים כן אם א אל ת �ע �נשמ ם ד אא (סוטה ה.): ם“ (לעיל פסוק ב‘) לא כתיב ביה ונרפ ד א“, ”א כתיב ביה ”ונרפ

With regard to tzaraas that appears on a healed inflam-mation, our pasuk begins, If “flesh” (ר ש -will have an in (בflammation on its skin, and it will have “healed”… The word ר ש ,flesh, is used in connection with healing. In contrast ,בthe earlier pesukim71 speak about an “adam” (person) who has an affliction, and there is no mention of healing.

This teaches that if a person makes himself as soft (humble) as flesh, his prayers are answered and he is healed, but if he makes himself as hard (arrogant) as earth (adamah, which is similar to the word “adam”), his prayers are not answered (Sotah 5a).


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

ה .21 .And it is dim — והיא כה

� Spelled With a Yudכהן �ה ה ה. . . ”ואם יראנ תור �ת עשרה ”היא“ כתיב ביו“ד ב �ח �ה. א והיא כה

ה (אבות דרבי נתן לד): [וגו‘] והיא כהGenerally, the word Hebrew היא, meaning “it,” is spelled

hei, vav, aleph (הוא). Our pasuk is one of the eleven times this word is spelled hei, yud, aleph (היא), the way it is pro-nounced (Avos DeRabbi Nassan 34).

ה .23 ת ש הרת לא פ ב עמד ה חתיה ת But if the — ואם תbaheres remains in its place without spreading.

� In Its PlaceThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

The owner of an animal offering is forbidden to desig-nate another animal as a substitute for his offering. If he attempts to do so, the original animal retains its sanctity

and the “substitute” becomes designated as an offering as well. This act, and the “replacement” animal, are known as temurah (substitution).

י �תפוס �דא א לישנ ה ל ת �ח �שכ �מ ת“ �ח �”ת הרת. ב ה עמד ת חתיה ת ואם (תמורה הרת“ �ב �ה עמד �ת חתיה �ת ”ואם דכתיב ה] קדוש ת �ס תפ �[ה

כז.):With regard to a tzaraas affliction that remained un-

changed after a week of confinement, our pasuk says, But if the baheres remains “in its place” ( חתיה �-without spread (תing. We see from this that the word חתיה � in its place, does ,תnot mean only a “replacement,” but it can also refer to an item that occupies the “same place” as something else. Therefore, if someone places an unconsecrated animal next to his offering, and says, “This (unconsecrated) ani-mal shall be ‘tachas’ (ת �ח � ”,in place of — my offering — (תit is a valid expression of temurah, and the second animal “occupies the same place” as the first — they are both sanctified (as opposed to a “replacement” for the offer-ing, which would mean that now only the second animal is sanctified) (Temurah 27a).

בנוניתו הוא נראה שפל משו שפל, אלא מתוך ל� ראה שפל. ואין מ� (כ) מזאת או שאת ה� ע הוא. ה� צל: (כב) נג מה עמוקה מן ה� ראה ח� ועמוק, כמ�”רושם רגומו כת� שחין. ה צרבת במקומה: חתיה. ת (כג) הרת: ב� ה�ת רגיע� לשון ”צרבת“ כל בשר. ב� ניכר ה� חמום ה� רושם אלא אינו שיחנא“, ג), כא, (יחזקאל פנים“ כל בה ”ונצרבו כמו חימום, ת מחמ� נרגע ה� עור

מכוה. ת ה מחי (כד) בלע“ז: רייטריאמנ‘‘ט צרבת. בלע“ז: רייטרי‘‘ר חלקה. לבנה הרת פתוכה או נהפכה לב� מכוה כשחיתה ה� שנימינ‘‘ט בלע“ז, ר שאין מצטרפין כתוב, לומ� וסימני מכוה וסימני שחין שוים הם, ולמה חלקן ה�כגריס ידונו לא מכוה ב� גריס חצי ו� שחין ב� גריס חצי ד נול� זה, עם זה

(חולין ח.):

עור �ל מן־ה Gפ � ש �ה ה מרא ן והנ� כה ה ה� Gא �ן: כ ור Qכה ה אל־ה� ונרא$ין שח8 ב� וא jה ת ע� ע־צר4 ג� wנ ן כה5 ה� וטמאו ן ב! �ל ך פ6 �ה ה ושער$ה Fל �ן ושפ �ב �ר ל Gה שע �ין־ב Qה א ן והנ� כה ה ה� �נ Nם | ירא ה: כא וא( �ח �פרים: מ[ �י ת שבע4 ן Bכה ה� והסגירו ה כה! יא וה( עור �מן־ה ה �נ xאינוא: ה[ ע ג� yנ אתו ן כה5 ה� א kוטמ עור �ב ה fתפש שה �כב ואם־פ

ין jשח בת ה� ה צר� �ת �ש �א פ רת ל ה ב� עמד ה� יה� ת] חת כג ואם־ת�

ר כי־ �ש �ן: ס רביעי (שני כשהן מחוברין) כד או ב Qכה הרו ה� וא וט[ ה>ה Fנ �רת לב Zה ה ב� �מכו ת ה� חי6 ה מ[ �ית �ה zש ו nת־א ה בערו מכו� הי� י[ר �ך שע ה נהפ� Aן והנ כה ה ה� Gה את Gא �ה: כה ור �נ �מת או לב fמד אד�ה מכו$ ב� וא ה ת ע� צר6 עור �מן־ה מק �ע �ה ומרא רת ה ב� ב� ן �ב �לה �נ Nם | ירא וא: כו וא( ת ה[ ע� Dע צר ג� yן נ כה א אתו ה� ה וטמ� �ח פר!עור �ה מן־ה �נ xה אינ Fל �ן ושפ �ב �ר ל Gרת שע ה ב� ין־ב� Qה א ן והנ� כה ה�ן Bכה ה� הו Fא �כז ור ים: מ[ �י ת שבע4 ן Bכה ה� והסגירו ה כה! וא וה(אתו כהן ה� א וטמ� עור �ב תפשה שה �אם־פ י שביע> ה� ביום

א וה א הנ �כ כ ויחזי א: הנ �לכ חזי �ויתה �ר ושע א שכ �מ מן כיך �מ א מחז הש �כת �א מ הנ �אבנה כ ר ויס אתהפיך למחות: כא ואם �א סגיא א היא בשחנ סגירותר ר חו ה שע �א לית ב א וה הנ �ה כ �יחזנא מי א והיא ע שכ �א מן מ ה א לית כיכ �ומכב ואם יומין: א שבע א הנ �כ סגרנה �ויא הנ �אב כ ויס א שכ �במ א תוסף פ אוסא ה תר �כג ואם בא א היא: ש כת �תה מ יא ת רשם שחנ �א אוספ א ל רת �ת בה �מ קש ארי יהי �א: כד או אנ הנ �כנה כ �היא וידה א ה דנור ותהי רשם כו א שכה כו �במא: כה ויחזי ור �א או ח מק �א ס ור �א ח הר �בר חו ר שע אתהפיך א וה א הנ �כ ה �ת יא שכ �מ מן מיק �ע א ומחז ה א הרת �בבאב ויס ה סגיא ה א בכו א היא סגירותא היא: כו ואם ש סגירות �כת �א מ הנ �תה כ יר א שע הרת �א לית בב א וה הנ �ה כ �יחזנוהיא א שכ �א מן מ ה א לית כיכ �ר ומ חויומין: א שבע א הנ �כ סגרנה �וי א מי עה אם א א שביע א ביומ הנ �כז ויחזנה כתה א י הנ �אב כ א ויס שכ �א תוסף במ פ אוס


פרשת תזריע יג / כ־כז 308 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

it shall be shown to the Kohen. 20 The Kohen shall look, and behold! — its appearance

is lower than the skin, and its hair has turned white: The Kohen shall declare him

contaminated; it is a tzaraas affliction that erupted on the inflammation. 21 But if the

Kohen looks at it, and behold! — there is no white hair in it, and it is not lower than the

skin, and it is dim; the Kohen shall quarantine it for a seven-day period. 22 If it spreads

on the skin, the Kohen shall declare him contaminated; it is an affliction. 23 But if the

baheres remains in its place without spreading, it is the scarring of the inflammation;

the Kohen shall declare him pure.

24 If flesh will have a burn from fire on its skin, and the healed skin of the burn is

a white baheres that is streaked with red or is all white; 25 the Kohen shall look, and

behold! — hair has turned white in the baheres, and its appearance is deeper than

the skin, it is tzaraas that erupted on the burn, the Kohen shall declare him contami-

nated; it is a tzaraas affliction. 26 And if the Kohen looks at it and behold! — there is

no white hair in the baheres, and it is not lower than the skin, and it is dim; the Ko-

hen shall quarantine him for a seven-day period. 27 The Kohen shall look at it on the

seventh day: If it has spread on the skin, the Kohen shall declare him contaminated;


72. See above, pasuk 2, “Four Shades of White.”

ה .24 מכו ת ה ה מחי ית ת אש וה ר כי יהיה בעורו מכו ש If — או בflesh will have a burn from fire on its skin, and the

healed skin of the burn. . .

� Assorted BurnsThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

ה באש. א שנכו ת אש“ אין לי אל �ה. ”מכו מכו ת ה ה מחי ית ת אש וה מכואור א מן ה ב �ר ה ב ל ד חלת ברמץ בסיב רותח� בגיפסיס רותח� וכ �ה בג נכו(פסחים ה ריב ה מכו ה מכו ר �לומ למוד �ת יין �מנ אור ה מי �ח יתויי �לא —

עה., עה:):One type of tzaraas is an affliction that appears on skin

that was burned and is now partially healed. There are special rules for this type of tzaraas, that differ from the rules of tzaraas on healthy skin.

Regarding tzaraas of a burn, our pasuk begins, If flesh will have a burn from fire (אש ת � on its skin, and the (מכוhealed skin of the burn (ה מכו �-Since our pasuk specifi . . .(הcally speaks of a “burn from fire,” we would apply this rule only to afflictions on burns that were caused directly by a flame. Our pasuk therefore repeats the word ה ,burn ,מכוteaching us that even a burn caused by something that was heated by fire is also included in these laws (Pesachim 75a, 75b).

� Partially HealedThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

ר �למוד לומ �כול מוררת, ת ת אש“ י �ה. ”מכו מכו ת ה ה מחי ית ת אש וה מכולקת �ד שה שתע ד �ע כול י ה מכו �ה ת �מחי אם ה“. מכו �ה ת �מחי ה ית ”וה

ה (ירושלמי פסחים ית ה ולא ח ית ד? ח �א כיצ ת אש“. ה �ר ”מכו �למוד לומ �תז, ב):

One type of tzaraas is an affliction that appears on skin that was burned and is now partially healed. There are special rules for this type of tzaraas that differ from the rules of tzaraas on healthy skin.

Regarding tzaraas of a burn, our pasuk begins, If flesh will have a burn from fire on its skin, and the healed skin of the burn. . . The term “burn from fire” implies a fresh burn that is still oozing, while “the healed skin of the burn” im-plies a burn that is already healed, and only a scar is left. Which is it?

In fact, the Torah is discussing a burn where the healing process has begun, but is not yet completed (Yerushalmi Pesachim 7:2).

עור .25 מק מן ה ראה ע הרת ומ ב ן ב ב ר ל ך שע And — והנה נהפbehold! — hair has turned white in the baheres,

and its appearance is deeper than the skin.

� Deep WhiteThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

מק מן ראה ע �ה וכן הוא אומר ”ומ הרת עמוק �עור. ב מק מן ה ראה ע ומצל (בבא בתרא פד., שבועות ו:, חולין סג., �ה מן ה ה עמוק מ �ראה ח �עור“ כמ ה

בכורות מא.):There are four shades of white that are tamei with re-

gard to a tzaraas affliction.72 The brightest of these is the baheres, of which our pasuk says, its appearance is deeper than the skin. This means that because of the white color of the baheres, it has the appearance of being lower than the surrounding skin, just as a patch of ground that is lit


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

by the sun appears lower than ground that is in the shade (Bava Basra 84a; Shevuos 6b; Chullin 63a; Bechoros 41a).

ן .29 ק ע בראש או בז ג ה כי יהיה בו נ A man or — ואיש או אשa woman in whom there will be an affliction, on the

scalp or in the beard.

� In Her Beard?There are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

ריס שהעלו ס �ה וה אש ן ה �ן. זק ק ע בראש או בז ג ה כי יהיה בו נ ואיש או אשת �א: לטומא ר זוטר �ר מ �מ א? א אי הלכת �ל דבריהם. למ ן לכ ק ר הרי הן כז שעע בראש �ג ה כי יהיה בו נ א: ”ואיש או אש א כתיב עים בהדי ת נג �עים. טומא נגה כי יהיה בו דים כתיב ”איש או אש א לצד ך אמינ עת �א ד לק ן“. . . ס ק או בזלה:): (קידושין ן ל ע �שמ �מ א ק לאיש אן את ר �ד ה ן“ ק בז ”או בראש“, ע �נג

One type of tzaraas is a nesek, which is an affliction on the hair-filled area of the scalp or beard, that causes the hair in that spot to fall out, and golden hair to grow there instead, while the surrounding hair remains.

When an affliction appears on the exposed part of one’s

ע ע שבמקום שער לנג� לק בין נג� כתוב לח� (כט) בראש או בזקן. בא ה�שבמקום בשר, שזה סימנו בשער לבן, וזה סימנו בשער צהוב (תורת כהנים ך שער שחור שבו לצהוב (שם פרק פרשתא ה, ה): (ל) ובו שער צהב. שנהפ�ע שבמקום שער: (לא) ושער שחר כך שמו של נג� ח, א): נתק הוא. אין בו. הא אם היה בו שער שחור, טהור ואין צריך להסגר, ששער שחור ח בו וגו‘ ” (להלן פסוק ר ”ושער שחור צמ� ן טהרה הוא בנתקים, כמו שנאמ� סימ�לז; תורת כהנים פרק ח, ט): (לב) והנה לא פשה וגו‘. הא אם פשה, או נתק נתק: ואת ה סביבות ה� לח. והתג צהוב, טמא: (לג) שער היה בו

פשה אם ניכר שיהא כדי סביב, לו סמוך שערות שתי ניח� מ� לח. יג לא חרי גילוח: (לה) א שערות ויצא למקום ה� (נגעים י, ה), שאם יפשה י�עבור ה�ראשון שבוע� בסוף ף א� ין מנ� פטור, ה� ר ח� לא� פושה אלא לי אין טהרתו. ר ”פשה יפשה“ (תורת כהנים פרק ט, ט): (לז) למוד לומ� ובסוף שבוע� שני, ת�ר ”ושער“ למוד לומ� ירוק והאדום שאינו צהוב, ת� ף ה� ין א� ושער שחר. מנ�זהב (שם פרשתא ה, ה). ”צהוב“ בנית ה� (שם יד) ולשון [נ“א: ולמה] צהוב דומה לת�כהן. הא טמא שטהרו כמו זהוב, אורפל‘‘א בלע“ז: טהור הוא וטהרו ה

כהן לא טהור (שם פרק ט, טז): ה�

ה sשת �רת לא־פ ה ב� עמד ה� ת] �יה חת וא: כח ואם־ת� ת ה[ ע� Dע צר ג� yנבת י־צר� ן כ[ כה הרו ה� וא וט[ ה ה> מכו$ ת ה� ה שא� �וא כה עור וה( �ב

וא: פ ה ה[ מכו$ ה�ה �א �ן: ל ור �ע בראש או בזק ה בו נג� הי� ה כי־י[ �חמישי כט ואיש או אש

הב �ר צ Fעור ובו שע �מק מן־ה �הו ע ה מרא ע והנ� ג� נ ן את־ה� כה ה�ן הוא: זק$ ת הראש או ה� ע� vתק הוא צר Nכהן נ א אתו ה� ק וטמ ד!מק �הו ע ין־מרא Qה א תק והנ� נ ע ה� ן את־נג� כה ה ה� י־ירא לא וכ[

תק fנ ע ה� ן את־נג� כה5 יר ה� gין בו והסג Aחר א �ר ש Fעור ושע �מן־השביעי והנה ע ביום ה� ג� נ ן את־ה� Aכה ה ה� �א �ים: לב ור מ[ �ת י שבע4ין תק א� נ ה ה� Aהב ומרא �ר צ Gה בו שע �י Fתק ולא־ה נ ה ה� Gש �א־פ ליר והסג ח� nל א יג� תק ל fנ ח ואת־ה� �ל תג� עור: לג *וה �מק מן־ה �ען את־ כה ה� ה �א �לד ור ית: ים שנ[ jמ �ת י תק שבע4 Zנ ן את־ה� kכה ה�

הו עור ומרא �תק ב נ ה ה� sש �א־פ ה ל הנ י ו שביע תק ביום ה� נ ה�ר: Qה �יו וט ס בגד$ ן וכב� כה ר אתו ה� pעור וטה �מק מן־ה �נו ע אינ�הו �א �לו ור תו: �הר �י ט Bחר עור א] �ב תק fנ ה ה� Zיפש שה �לה ואם־פ

הב �צ ר ה� Fשע ן ל� כה5 ר ה� kא־יבק עור ל �תק ב fנ ה ה� Fש �ה פ ן והנ5 כה ה�ח־ מ� �צ חר �ר ש �ושע תק נ ה� ד מ� �ע לז ואם־בעיניו הוא: א מ� �טן: ס לח ואיש Qכה ה� הרו וט[ הוא הור �ט תק fנ ה� א Fנרפ בו

* ג' רבתי

א ה תר �א היא: כח ואם בא ש סגירות �כת �מא והיא שכ �ת במ �א אוספ א ל הרת �ת ב �מ קא הנ �כנה כ �ויד ה היא א א עמק כו מי עא ר או אתת �ה היא: כט וגב א ארי רשם כון: א או בדק א בריש ש כת �ארי יהי בה מא מחזוהי א וה ש כת �ת מ א י הנ �ל ויחזי כק עד �ק ד ר סמ א ובה שע שכ �מיק מן מ �עא הוא סגירות א נתק הנ �תה כ אב י ויסא הנ �ארי יחזי כ �א הוא: לא ו א או דקנ רישמיק �א לית מחזוהי ע א וה ש נתק �כת �ת מ יר �סג �ם לית בה וי ר אכ א ושע שכ �מן מיומין: ת �א שבע נתק ש �כת �ת מ א י הנ �כא ביומ א ש כת �מ ת י א הנ �כ לב ויחזי

א ול א נתק אוסף א ל א וה ה א שביעא לית נתק ק ומחזי ר סמ ה בה שע הוא ני נתק חר ח ס �ל �א: לג ויג שכ �מיק מן מ �עת א י הנ �ר כ �סג �ח וי ל �א יג א ל ודעם נתקלד ויחזי נות: תני יומין א שבע א נתקא ה וה א א שביע א ביומ ת נתק א י הנ �כומחזוהי א שכ �במ א נתק אוסף א לתה י כי �ויד א שכ �מ מן מיק �ע ליתוהי לה ואם וידכי: ע לבושוהי �ב �ויצ א הנ �כר �ת ב א שכ �במ א נתק יוסף א פ אוסאוסף א וה א הנ �כ לו ויחזנה כותה: דר א לשע הנ �קר כ �א יב א ל שכ �א במ נתקם ה ק ד הו �לז ואם כ ב הוא: א ק מס סמסי �את בה ח �צמ ם אכ ר ושע א נתקר �א: לח וגב הנ �כנה כ �א דכי הוא ויד נתק


פרשת תזריע יג / כח־לח 310 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

it is a tzaraas affliction. 28 But if the baheres remains in its place, not spreading on the

skin, and it is dim, it is a s’eis of the burn; the Kohen shall declare him pure, for it is the

scarring of the inflammation.

29 A man or a woman in whom there will be an affliction, on the scalp or in the beard: 30 The Kohen shall look at the affliction, and behold! — its appearance is deeper than

the skin, and within it is weak, golden hair; the Kohen shall declare him contaminated;

it is a nesek, a tzaraas of the head or the beard.

31 But if the Kohen looks at the nesek affliction, and behold! — its appearance is not

deeper than the skin, but there is no dark hair within it; the Kohen shall quarantine the

nesek affliction for seven days. 32 The Kohen shall look at the affliction on the seventh

day and behold! — the nesek had not spread and no golden hair was in it, and the ap-

pearance of the nesek is not deeper than the skin — 33 then he shall shave himself, but

he shall not shave the nesek; and the Kohen shall quarantine the nesek for a second

seven-day period. 34 The Kohen shall look at the nesek on the seventh day, and behold!

— the nesek had not spread on the skin, and its appearance is not deeper than the skin;

the Kohen shall declare him pure, and he shall immerse his clothing and he is pure.

35 But if the nesek shall spread on the skin after he has been declared pure, 36 the

Kohen shall look at it, and behold! — the nesek has spread on the skin: The Kohen

need not examine it for a golden hair, it is contaminated. 37 But if the nesek has retained

its appearance, and dark hair has sprouted in it, the nesek has healed, it is pure, the

Kohen shall declare it pure.

Tzaraas of the

head or face

skin, one of the signs that it is tzaraas is the presence of white hairs. In contrast, with regard to a nesek, it is golden hairs, not white ones, that indicate tzaraas.

Regarding a nesek, our pasuk begins, A man or a wom-an in whom there will be an affliction, on the scalp or in the beard… One might think that “the beard” applies only to a man, not to a woman or a saris (a male who never devel-oped the physical characteristics of a mature male), who do not usually have beards. However, this is not so. When our pasuk says a man or a woman, it is telling us that if a woman grew a beard and developed an affliction in that area, it is a nesek, and it will be considered tamei based on golden hairs, not white ones (Kiddushin 35b).

לח .33 נתק לא יג ח ואת ה ל Then he shall shave — והתגhimself, but he shall not shave the nesek.

� Halfwayין של פסוקים (קידושין ל.): ח. חצי ל והתג

Our pasuk marks the halfway point of the Torah’s pesu-kim (Kiddushin 30a).


נתק ר ה� לח� שע� מצוה קע: שלא לג�Mitzvah 170: The Prohibition to Shave the Hair of a

Nesek-AfflictionWhen one has a tzaraas affliction known as a nesek, he may not shave the gold hair that grows in the afflicted area.

הור הוא .37 נתק ט א ה חר בו נרפ ר ש נתק ושע ד ה מ יו ע ואם בעינכהן But if the nesek has retained its — וטהרו הappearance, and dark hair has sprouted in it,

the nesek has healed, it is pure, the Kohen shall declare it pure.

� It Is Pure and He Says It Is PureThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

ר �למוד לומ �טר וילך לו, ת כול יפ הור הוא“ י כהן. ”ט הור הוא וטהרו ה טהור ט מא ט ל �ע כהן �ה ר �מ א אם כול י כהן �ה וטהרו אי כהן. �ה ”וטהרו פסחים (ירושלמי כהן“ �ה וטהרו הוא הור ”ט ר �לומ למוד �ת הור, ט יהא

ו, א):One type of tzaraas is a nesek, which is an affliction on

the hairy area of the scalp or face, which causes the hair in that spot to fall out, and golden hair to grow there instead, while the surrounding hair remains.

If dark hairs sprout in the bald spot, it is a sign that the nesek is tahor (ritually pure). Regarding this our pasuk says, the nesek has healed, it is tahor (הור הוא the Kohen“ ,(טshall declare it tahor.” This teaches that it is not enough for the tzaraas to heal; the Kohen must also verbally declare that it is tahor. At the same time, the phrase הור הוא it ,טis tahor, indicates that the Kohen’s declaration has effect only if the affliction has indeed healed (Yerushalmi Pesa-chim 6:1).


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

ם .42 מד אד ן ב ע ל נג ת ח ב ג ת או ב ח ר ק יהיה ב And if in — וכי the posterior or frontal baldness there shall be a white

affliction streaked with red.

� A Widespread LawThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

Tzaraas may also appear on one’s clothing or on the walls of his house.

ר �נאמ ה. טהור שהיא דים בבג ה לפריח ין �מנ ת. ח ב ג ב או ת ח ר ק בת“ �ח �ב �”וג ת �ח �ר ”ק ר �ונאמ נה) פסוק (להלן דים בבג ת“ �ח �ב �”וג ת“ �ח �ר ”קהור (סנהדרין ח בכולו ט �ר אן פ ף כ �הור א ח בכולו ט �ר ן פ ל �ה לה �ם מ ד בא

פח., זבחים מט:, נדה יט.):One type of tzaraas is an affliction that appears on a part

of the person’s head that has become completely bald, ei-ther the back of the head, karachas, or the front, gabachas. Such an affliction is treated like an affliction on exposed skin, with one difference: in this case, white hairs are not a sign of tumah.

A form of the words karachas and gabachas is also

found in connection with tzaraas of garments, in the pasuk that says,73 it is a penetrating affliction in his worn garment (b’karachto) or in his new garment (v’gabachto). A gezei-rah shavah74 teaches that just as tzaraas on one’s body or head becomes tahor (ritually pure) if it spreads over the entire body or head,75 so too tzaraas of the garment becomes tahor if it spreads over the entire garment (San-hedrin 88a; Zevachim 49b; Niddah 19a).

מא הוא .44 רוע הוא ט ,He is a man with tzaraas — איש צhe is contaminated.

� Young PersonThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

א לק ס ן. ט ק תויי �לא אי? �מ תויי �לא עים בנג מאין �מט כל �ה רוע. צ איש ן (ערכין ע ל �שמ �א מ ן לא ק ט “ כתיב. איש אין ק �רוע א: ”איש צ ך אמינ עת �ד

ג.):Regarding tzaraas on a bald area of the head, our pasuk

says, He is a “man” (איש) with tzaraas, which seems to imply that these laws apply only to an adult (a “man”).

73. Below, pasuk 55. 74. One of the rules used in the Oral Law to understand the Torah’s intent is gezeirah shavah: Where similar words (or sometimes words with similar meanings) appear in different places, the reference links the pesukim so that they shed light on one another. A gezeirah shavah must be based on a tradition handed down from Sinai. 75. See above, pasuk 12, “Spread Over the Head.”

ז, ע� שלהן לובן שאין לבנת. כהות (לט) רבורות: חב� הרת. ב (לח) בין רו“ש שקורין אדום אדם ר בבש� נראה ה� לובן כמין ק. בה כהה: אלא בהיק עדשה מ� דשן שבין עדשה ל� ק“. כאיש ע� דמימותו, קרוי ”בה� רבורות א� חב�נתקין, ת מטומא� טהור הוא. טהור הוא קרח (מ) ח: צ� בלובן בשר ה�שאינו נדון בסימני ראש וזקן שהם מקום שער, אלא בסימני נגעי עור בשר, ואם (מא) י): י, ו; ג, נגעים א-ב; יא, פרק (שם ופשיון ו)מחיה לבן (בשער צדעין שמכאן ף ה� ת“, וא� ח� ב� פי פניו קרוי ”ג� ת פניו. משפוע� קדקד כל� מפא(תורת כהנים פרק ת“ ח� פי אחוריו קרוי ”קר� כל� קדקד ומשפוע� בכלל, ומכאן ר למוד לומ� ראות, ת� מ� שאר ה� ין מנ� פתוך. מדם. ע לבן אד נג (מב) ז): י,

ראה כמ� בשר. עור ת ע צר ראה כמ (מג) א-ג): יא, פרק (שם ע“ ”נג�ת עור בשר ”אדם כי יהיה בעור בשרו“ (לעיל פסוק ב). ת האמור בפרש� ע� צר� ה�ראה ראות ונדון בשני שבועות. ולא כמ� רבעה מ� מא בא� ומה אמור בו, שמט�ראה נתקין של ת האמור בשחין ומכוה שהוא נדון בשבוע� אחד, ולא כמ� ע� צר�דתה] הרת ותול� דתה ב� ראות [שאת ותול� רבעה מ� מאין בא� מקום שער שאין מט�אלא לי אין נגעו. בראשו (מד) שם): נגעים ג-ו; יא, פרק כהנים (תורת בות לר� מאנו“, יט� מא ”ט� ר לומ� למוד ת� מנוגעים, ה� שאר בות לר� ין מנ� נתקין, יהיו פרמים ל כולן הוא אומר ”בגדיו את כולן (תורת כהנים פרק יב, ב-ג). ע�

וגו‘ ” (שם ה-ט):

נת: �לב הרת wב הרת wב ם בעור־בשר$ ה הי� כי־י[ ה �או־אשנת �לב כהות הרת wב ם בעור־בשר� ה kוהנ ן כה ה� ה Gא �לט ור

כשהן (שלישי הוא: ס ששי הור �ט עור �ב ח פר4 הוא בהק הור הוא: מא ואם �ח� הוא ט ט ראשו קר� Bי ימר יש כ8 מחוברין) מ וא

ה Lהי הור הוא: מב וכי־י[ �ח� הוא ט ט ראשו גב� Bיו ימר �נ �ת פ מפא6וא ת ה ח� ת פר� ע� pם צר מד! ן אד� Gב �ע ל ג� fת נ ח� ב� ת או בג� ח� בקר�ע ג� נ ת־ה� Qה שא ן והנ� כה ה אתו ה� �א �חתו: מג ור ב� חתו או בג� ר� �בקת ע� Dצר ה כמרא� חתו ב� בג� או חתו ר� �בק מת מד אד� ה Gנ �לבנו Zמא יט� א kמ ט� הוא א Aמ �ט הוא יש־צרוע� מד א[ ר: �ש �ב עור יו �בגד ע ג� נ ה� אשר־בו צרוע� מה וה� נגעו: בראשו ן Bכה ה�

בסרהון ך �במש יהי ארי א אתת או א וה א הנ �לט ויחזי כ ן: ור �ן ח הר �ן ב הר �בא הק ן ב ור �ן ח מי ן ע הר �ך בסרהון ב �במשר �מ וגב הוא: דכי א שכ �במ גי ס הוא דכי הוא ח �קר רישה ר �שע ר �ת �י ארי ר �ר שע �ת �פוהי י �קבל א מא ואם מל הוא: ארי יהי �רישה גלוש הוא דכי הוא: מב ור חו ש �כת �מ בגלושותה או חותה ר בקחותה או ר א היא בק גי מוק סגירות ס �סא וה א הנ �כ תה י מג ויחזי בגלושותה: חותה ר א בק מק �א ס ור �א ח ש כת �מיק מ �עך �מש א סגירות כמחזי בגלושותה או הוא ב א מס הוא סגיר ר �מד גב א: בסרשה: כת �א ברישה מ הנ �אבנה כ א יס אב סלבושוהי א ש כת �מ בה די א מה וסגיר


פרשת תזריע יג / לט־מה 312 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

38 If a man or woman has spots in the skin of their flesh, white spots; 39 the Kohen

shall look, and behold! — on the skin of their flesh are dim white spots, it is a bohak

that has erupted on the skin, it is pure.

40 If the hair of a man’s head falls out: He is bald at the back of the head, he is pure. 41 And if his hair falls out toward the front of his head, he is frontally bald, he is pure. 42 And if in the posterior or frontal baldness there shall be a white affliction streaked

with red: It is an eruption of tzaraas on his posterior or frontal baldness. 43 The Kohen

shall look at it, and behold! — there is a s’eis affliction that is white streaked with red,

in his posterior or frontal baldness, like the appearance of tzaraas on the skin of the

flesh. 44 He is a man with tzaraas, he is contaminated; the Kohen shall declare him

contaminated; his affliction is upon his head.

45 And the person with tzaraas in whom there is the affliction — his garments

Baldness at the

front and back

of the head

The metzora’s


76. Above, pasuk 2. 77. See Bamidbar 31:35. 78. Below, 21:10. 79. When an ordinary Jew who is not a Kohen Gadol loses a close relative, he is required to tear his garments and he is not permitted to cut his hair. With regard to a Kohen Gadol, the laws of mourning do not take effect, and the same is true for an ordinary Jew during a festival. See also above, pasuk 14, “Not Now.” 80. If, however, the dis-coloration also covers two hairs that turned white or surrounds an area with unaffected skin, it is immediately declared “confirmed” tzaraas.

However, the Torah introduces the laws of tzaraas76 with the words, If “a person” (ם ד will have on the skin of his (אflesh… The word ם ד person, indicates that any person ,אcan become impure through this affliction77 — even an infant (Arachin 3a).

� The Difference Between a Man and a WomanThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

�רוע צ �ין? כשהוא אומר ”וה �ה מנ א איש אש רוע. ”איש“ אין לי אל איש צן �ר איש? לעני �למוד לומ �ה ת �ים אם כן מ �אן שנ �אשר בו“ (פסוק מה) הרי כת ופורמת (סוטה כג:, כריתות �ע �ה פור ה איש פורע� ופורם ואין איש ט �של מ

ח:, ירושלמי סוטה ג, ח, ירושלמי נזיר ד, ו):Regarding tzaraas on a bald area of the head, our pasuk

says, He is a “man” (איש) with tzaraas, which seems to imply that women are excluded from this type of tzaraas. However, the very next pasuk says, “And the person with tzaraas in whom there is the affliction” — his garments shall be rent, the hair of his head shall be unshorn… Since we are speaking about the metzora, that pasuk could have started with, his garments shall be rent. The opening phrase, which seems unnecessary, teaches that there is an additional metzora to the one mentioned in our pasuk — namely, a woman..

The reason our pasuk says איש, a man, is to teach that only a male metzora is obligated in the requirements men-tioned later — tearing his garments and leaving his hair to grow (Sotah 23b; Kereisos 8b; Yerushalmi Sotah 3:8; Yerushalmi Nazir 4:6).

ע .45 נג רוע אשר בו ה צ And the person with tzaraas — והin whom there is the affliction.

� Even a Kohen GadolThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

דול (מועד קטן יד:, טו.): בות כהן ג �רוע. לר צ והOur pasuk says with regard to a metzora, And the per-

son with tzaraas ( �רוע צ � in whom there is the affliction (וה— his garments shall be rent, the hair of his head shall be unshorn… The word �רוע צ � ,and the person with tzaraas ,והseems unnecessary, because the previous pasuk said we are discussing a metzora and the next words again say, in whom there is the affliction.

The extra word teaches that although the Torah says regarding a Kohen Gadol whose close relative died,78 [he] shall not leave his head unshorn and shall not rend his gar-ments,79 if the Kohen Gadol becomes a metzora, he is ob-ligated to tear his garments and to leave his hair growing, like any other metzora (Moed Katan 14b, 15a).

� It All Depends on HimThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

א אל ט ע מוחל למצור ר ע מוסג מצור בין אין ע. נג בו ה אשר רוע צ והבו אשר �רוע צ �”וה א כ מה א: ב ר ר �מ א מילי?. . . ני ה מנ ה. . . ופרימ ה פריעבגופו ה תלוי עתו �ר צ שאין זה א צ י בגופו. ה תלוי עתו �ר שצ מי ע“ �נג �ה

מים (מגילה ח:): א בי אלWhen a person notices a discoloration on his skin that

may be tzaraas, he must show it to a Kohen. If the Kohen determines that it is the color and size of a nega (tzaraas affliction),80 the person is “confined” for one week, after which the Kohen examines the nega a second time. If the nega has developed signs of being a definite case of tzaraas, the person becomes a “confirmed” metzora. If the nega has not changed, he is confined for another week, and if the nega is still unchanged after the second week, he is tahor (ritually pure).


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

Although both a confined metzora and a confirmed metzora are tamei, only a confirmed metzora is required to fulfill the requirements of our pasuk — tearing his gar-ments and allowing his hair to grow. According to one opinion, the source for this is in our pasuk, which says, And the person with tzaraas “in whom” (אשר בו) there is the affliction — his garments shall be rent, the hair of his head shall be unshorn… The phrase אשר בו, in him, indi-cates that we are speaking about a metzora whose state of tumah depends on “him” — that is, his body. This refers to a confirmed metzora, who will become tahor only if his body is healed, as opposed to a confined metzora, who may become tahor simply by waiting two weeks, provided that his nega does not become worse81 (Megillah 8b).

א מא יקר מא ט עטה וט ם י פ ל ש רוע וע יו יהיו פרמים וראשו יהיה פ ד בג— His garments shall be rent, the hair of his head shall be unshorn, and he shall cloak himself up to his lips;

he is to call out: “Contaminated, contaminated!”


ם ד� מאי א� ל מט� ה וכ� ה ופריע� ע בקריע� מצר� ת ה� ג� נה� מצוה קע“א: ה�Mitzvah 171: The Obligation Regarding the Metzora’s Conduct in Rending His Clothing and Letting His Hair Grow, and [the Similar Obligation of] All Those Who

Can Convey Tumah to People.

� TornThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

עים (מועד קטן טו.): יו יהיו פרמים. שיהו מקור ד בגOur pasuk says regarding a metzora, his garments shall

be “ferumim.” This means that the garments of a metzora must be torn (Moed Katan 15a).

� Uncut or Uncovered?There are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

אליעזר. בי �ר דברי ר שע גידול א אל ה פריע אין רוע. פ יהיה וראשו ה י הו ה �מ בבגד, ה י הו ה ונאמר ראש ב ה י הו ה נאמר אומר: א עקיב בי �רר שחוץ מגופו. . . ב ה בראש ד י ף הו �ר שחוץ מגופו, א ב ה בבגד. ד אמור ה

א (מועד קטן טו.): ר א וסוד כומת �אOur pasuk says regarding a metzora, his garments shall

be (יהיו) rent and the hair of his head shall be (יהיה) “parua” ( �רוע .(פ

According to one opinion, “parua” refers to growth of hair, and the pasuk is saying that the metzora must allow his hair to grow and not be cut.

According to another opinion, since the expression “shall be” is used both with regard to his garments and with regard to his head, a gezeirah shavah82 teaches that just as the garments are not part of his body, so too the word parua refers to something that is not part of his body. Thus, the Torah is not referring to his hair, but to his head covering, and it is saying that the metzora’s head should be left uncovered83 (Moed Katan 15a).

� GreetingsThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

הו �מ ע מצור ראש. . . ה ת �עטיפ �ב יב י �ח שהוא ל מכל עטה. י ם פ ש ל ועקות זו יו מדוב עטה“ שיהו שפתות �ם י פ ל ש �ע ”וע �א שמ לום? ת ת ש �בשאל

לום (מועד קטן טו.) ת ש �סור בשאל ל וא ב ה וכא זו, שיהא כמנוד בOur pasuk says regarding a metzora, and he shall cloak

himself up to his lips (עטה �י ם פ ש ל � which means that ,(ועa metzora is obligated to wrap his head. The words ל � ועעטה �ם י פ can also be interpreted, his lips shall be pressed שtogether. This teaches that a metzora is forbidden to extend greetings to other people or to inquire about their welfare (Moed Katan 15a).

� What Happened to Shevna?There are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

יז) כב, (ישעיה א כ ה כתיב ת, �ע �ר צ בו ה רח שפ מד �מל עטה. י ם פ ל ש ועעטה“ (סנהדרין כו.): �ם י פ ל ש �ם ”וע ת טה“, וכתיב ה ”ועטך ע

During the reign of the righteous King Chizkiah, Sancherev, king of Assyria, besieged the city of Yerusha-layim. Chizkiah, for his part, fortified the city and urged the people to put their trust in Hashem. However, there was an influential and evil official in his government, named Shevna, who betrayed Chizkiah and sent a message to Sancherev that the people were willing to surrender, but that Chizkiah was preventing them from doing so.

Our pasuk says regarding a metzora, and he shall cloak himself up to his lips (עטה �י ם פ ש ל � Similar wording is .(ועused in reference to Shevna, when the navi (prophet)

81. See also above, pasuk 6, “Pure in the Past.” 82. See note 74. 83. See Schottenstein Edition, note 24.

(שם): ע] פר� [נ“א שער ל מגוד� פרוע. ו): (שם קרועים פרמים. (מה) בלע“ז: גרינו‘‘ן שפתים, ה� ר שע� שפם. ז): (שם כאבל עטה. י שפם ל וע

קטן מועד (שם; ממנו ויפרשו טמא שהוא שמיע� מ� יקרא. טמא וטמא ה.):

א | מ� �ה וט Vעט ם י� פ$ �ל־ש ה פרוע� וע� Nהי היו פרמים וראשו י[ י[א הוא Aמ �א ט ע בו יטמ$ ג� yנ ר ה� י אש ל־ימ �א: מו כ �א יקר Bמ �ט

א אבל �ם כ פ ל ש �זעין ורישה יהי פריע� וע �יהון מביקרי: אבון �תסת א ול אבון �תסת א ול ף ט �יתעב הוא א ב מס א א בה יהי מס ש כת �ל יומי די מ מו כ


פרשת תזריע יג / מו 314 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

shall be rent, the hair of his head shall be unshorn, and he shall cloak himself

up to his lips; he is to call out: ‘‘Contaminated, contaminated!’’ 46 All the days

that the affliction is upon him he shall remain contaminated; he is contaminated.

84. Yeshayah 22:17. 85. If, however, the discoloration also covers two hairs that turned white or surrounds an area with unaffected skin, it is immediately declared “confirmed” tzaraas. 86. See also above, pasuk 6, “Pure in the Past.”

tells him,84 Behold, Hashem will throw you around with great force, and cause you to fly away (טה Since .(ועטך עthe same root word, עטה, is used in both pesukim, it indi-cates that Shevna was punished with tzaraas (Sanhedrin 26a).

� Pray for MeThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

בים, �ר ל ערו �צ �להודיע ריך צ א“, יקר מא ט מא ”וט א. יקר מא ט מא וטחמים (שבת סז., מועד קטן ה:, סוטה לב:, חולין עח., �יו ר ל קשים ע �בים מב �ור

נדה סו.):A metzora is obligated to warn others that he is tamei, so

that they should distance themselves from him. Regarding this our pasuk says, he is to call out: “[I am] tamei! [I am] tamei!” (א מא יקר מא ט But why does the pasuk mention .(וטhis announcement, “I am tamei,” two times?

This teaches that the metzora tells others of his plight for another reason as well: so that they should sympathize with him and pray to Hashem for his recovery (Shabbos 67a; Moed Katan 5b; Sotah 32b; Chullin 88a; Niddah 66a).

� GravestonesThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

ה תור �רות מן ה רות. . . רמז לציון קב קב �יינין את ה �א. מצ מא יקר מא ט וטלו ה קורא ה טומא א“ יקר מא ט מא ”וט א: כ מה ר �מ א הו ב �א בי �ר ין. . . �מנירושלמי שקלים ירושלמי מעשר שני ה:א, ה., (מועד קטן פרוש לו ואומרת

א:א, ירושלמי מועד קטן א:ב, ירושלמי סוטה ט:א):A metzora is obligated to warn others that he is tamei, so

that they should distance themselves from him. Regarding this our pasuk says, he is to call out: “[I am] tamei! [I am] tamei!” (א מא יקר מא ט .(וט

This supports the practice of clearly marking graves, so that people who wish to remain tahor (ritually pure) will keep their distance (Moed Katan 5a; Yerushalmi Maaser Sheni 5:1; Yerushalmi Shekalim 1:1; Yerushalmi Moed Ka-tan 1:2; Yerushalmi Sotah 9:1).

� The Poor Get PoorerThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

א זל �א א ני �ע ר �ת ב אינשי מרי דא א מילת א ה א מנ א. יקר מא ט מא וטא“ (בבא קמא צב.): מא יקר מא ט א?. . . ”וט עניות

A metzora is obligated to warn others that he is tamei, so that they should distance themselves from him. Regarding

this our pasuk says, he is to call out: “[I am] tamei! [I am] tamei!” (א מא יקר מא ט .(וט

Not only must the metzora suffer his tzaraas, but he must also embarrass himself by publicizing his condition.

This is a Torah source for the well-known proverb, “The poor get poorer” (Bava Kamma 92a).

א .46 ע בו יטמ נג ל ימי אשר ה All the days that the — כaffliction is upon him he shall remain contaminated.

� Confined Versus ConfirmedThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

א (להלן פסוק ע בו יטמ �נג �ימי אשר ה ל א. כ ע בו יטמ נג ימי אשר ה ל כיו מ ה בספירות י תו תלוי א זה שטומא צ ה בנגעו י תו תלוי מ“ו) את שטומא

(ירושלמי מגילה א, ח):When a person notices a discoloration on his skin that

may be tzaraas, he must show it to a Kohen. If the Kohen determines that it is the color and size of a nega (tzaraas affliction),85 the person is “confined” for one week, after which the Kohen examines the nega a second time. If the nega has developed signs of being a definite case of tzaraas, the person becomes a “confirmed” metzora. If the nega has not changed, he is confined for another week, and if the nega is still unchanged after the second week, he is tahor (ritually pure).

Although both a confined metzora and a confirmed metzora are tamei, only a confirmed metzora is required to fulfill the requirements of the previous pasuk — tearing his garments and allowing his hair to grow. According to one opinion, the source for this is our pasuk, which says, All the days that “the affliction is upon him” (ע בו �נג � he shall (הremain contaminated. The phrase ע בו �נג � the affliction is ,הupon him, indicates that we are speaking about a metzora whose affliction depends on “him” — that is, his body. This refers to a confirmed metzora, who will become tahor only if his body is healed, as opposed to a confined metzora, who may become tahor simply by waiting two weeks, pro-vided that his nega does not become worse86 (Yerushalmi Megillah 1:8).

� All the DaysThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora, and one of the laws of the metzora is that he was banished from the entire encampment in the Wilderness. In the times of the Beis HaMikdash this meant he was forbidden from being in the


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

city of Yerushalayim, as well as in any city that was walled when the Jews entered Eretz Yisrael under the leadership of Yehoshua.

When a person notices a discoloration on his skin that may be tzaraas, he must show it to a Kohen. If the Kohen determines that it is the color and size of a nega (tzaraas af-fliction), the person is “confined” for one week, after which the Kohen examines the nega a second time. If the nega has developed signs of being a definite case of tzaraas, the person becomes a “confirmed” metzora.

ר לשילוח� (מגילה ח:): ע מוסג בות מצור �ל ימי“ לר ל ימי. ”כ כRegarding the law that a metzora is banished from all

three “camps,” and is not permitted to be in a walled city, our pasuk says, “All” (ל the days that the affliction is (כupon him…his dwelling shall be outside the camp. The To-rah could have simply said, The days that the affliction is upon him. The seemingly unnecessary word ל all” [the“ ,כdays], indicates that the metzora is banished even during the days of his “confinement” (Megillah 8b).

בו חנה מוש מ ד ישב מחוץ ל ד ;He shall dwell in isolation — בhis dwelling shall be outside the camp.

� Just Passing ThroughThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, which render a person tamei (ritually im-pure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora. One of the laws of the metzora is that he was banished from the entire encampment in the Wilderness. In the times of the Beis HaMikdash this meant he was forbidden from be-ing in the city of Yerushalayim, as well as in any city that was walled when the Jews entered Eretz Yisrael under the leadership of Yehoshua.

Tzaraas afflictions may also appear on one’s clothing or the walls of his house.

הור ט �וה ן איל ה ת �ח �ת עומד מא ט �ה בו. מוש חנה מ ל מחוץ ישב ד ד בד, �מ ע ואם הור. ט עובר, מא וט ן איל ה ת �ח �ת עומד הור ט מא, ט עובר, א א מילת לי �א ת ם בקביעות ת ך: ה ר ל �מ א א ב ת. ור �ע �מנוג �מא, וכן באבן ה ט

בו“ (ברכות כה.): חנה מוש �מ �ד ישב מחוץ ל ד דכתיב ”בRegarding the law that a metzora is banished from all

three “camps,” and is not permitted to be in a walled city, our pasuk says, All the days that the affliction is upon him he shall remain tamei…his “dwelling” (בו shall be (מושoutside the camp. This teaches that the metzora transmits tumah (ritual impurity) to all people, utensils, and food that are in his “dwelling” — that is, under the same roof as

him. Similarly, the stones of a house stricken with tzaraas transmit tumah this way as well.

The word בו ”,his dwelling, implies “permanence ,מושand therefore the metzora does not transmit tumah to oth-ers in the same room unless he is standing in one place. If a metzora is merely passing under the branches of a tree that form a “roof” over him, but he does not stop, he does not transmit tumah to anyone else who is under the branches (Berachos 25a).

� Do Not Come In — Go OutAs a general rule, a person who actively transgresses

one of the Torah’s negative commandments is liable to malkus (lashes). However, if there is a positive command-ment that remedies the transgression, the sinner avoids malkus by fulfilling the positive commandment instead.

There are various types of unnatural skin afflictions, called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora. One of the laws of the metzora is that he was banished from the entire encampment in the Wilderness. In the times of the Beis HaMikdash this meant he was forbidden from being in the city of Yerushalayim, as well as in any city that was walled when the Jews entered Eretz Yisrael under the leadership of Yehoshua.

ס לפנים �ע שנכנ א: מצור ב חסד �ר ר �מ בו. א חנה מוש מ ד ישב מחוץ ל ד בד ישב“ ד בו“ ”ב חנה מוש �מ �ד ישב מחוץ ל ד ר ”ב �טור שנאמ תו פ ממחיצ

עשה (פסחים סז.): �תוב נתקו ל כ �בו“ ה חנה מוש �מ �דו ישב, ”מחוץ ל �לבRegarding the law that a metzora is banished from all

three “camps,” and is not permitted to be in a walled city, our pasuk says, All the days that the affliction is upon him he shall remain tamei…he shall dwell in isolation (ד ישב ד ;(בhis dwelling shall be outside the camp.

If a metzora enters one of the camps, he transgresses the prohibition,87 they must send from the camp any metzora…and they shall not contaminate their camps. However, he is not punished with malkus, because he can rectify his sin by leaving the city, fulfilling the positive commandment of our pasuk, ישב ד ד he shall dwell in isolation (Pesachim ,ב67a).

� All AloneIn Yerushalayim, there were three zones, with differ-

ent levels of holiness. These corresponded to the three “camps” in the wilderness.

The innermost (and holiest) area was the Camp of the Shechinah (Divine Presence). In the Wilderness this

87. Bamidbar 5:1-3.

ה בותינו: מ� (מו) בדד ישב. שלא יהיו שאר טמאים יושבים עמו. ואמרו ר�איש בין הרע בלשון הבדיל והוא בדד, הואיל לישב טמאים משאר נה נשת�

חנה. חוץ מ יבדל (ערכין טז:): מחוץ ל ף הוא לרעהו, א� איש ובין לאשתו חנות (תורת כהנים שם יד; פסחים סז.): לשלש מ�

גד ב בו: ס מז וה� �מוש ה fחנ מ] ל� מחוץ ב יש ד Gבדים: פשת[ גד בב� או מר צ גד Nבב ת ע� צר! ע נג� בו ה הי� כי־י[

א שרית �למ א ר מב ייתב בלחודוהי ש �כת �א ארי יהי בה מ מותבה: מז ולבושן: כת בלבוש או ר �עמ בלבוש סגירו


פרשת תזריע יג / מז 316 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

He shall dwell in isolation; his dwelling shall be outside the camp.

47 If there shall be a tzaraas affliction in a garment, in a woolen garment or a linen garment, Afflictions

of garments

88. Pasuk 59.

was the Mishkan and its Courtyard, and in Yerushalayim it was the Beis HaMikdash and its Courtyard. In the Wil-derness, the second zone was the “Camp of the Leviim,” the areas surrounding the Courtyard, where the Leviim were camped. In Yerushalayim, this was the Har HaBayis (Temple Mount). In the Wilderness, the third zone was the rest of the Jews’ encampment, and, in the times of the Beis HaMikdash, the city of Yerushalayim. Cities that were walled when the Jews entered Eretz Yisrael with Yehoshua also have some level of sanctity.

There are various types of unnatural skin afflictions, called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.דו ישב שלא יהוא טמאין אחרים יושבין עמו �ד ישב‘ לב ד ד ישב. ”ב ד ב

(פסחים סז., זבחים קיז:):ה תור ה מר שא ע מצור ה נ �נשת ה �מ בו. מוש חנה מ ל מחוץ ישב ד ד בבו“ הוא הבדיל בין איש לאשתו, בין איש חנה מוש �מ �ד ישב מחוץ ל ד ”ב

ד ישב“ (ערכין טז:): ד ה ”ב ה תור מר ך א לרעהו, לפיכMost people who are tamei are forbidden to enter the

innermost camp (the Camp of the Shechinah), and some are forbidden to enter the Camp of the Leviim as well. However, with regard to a metzora, our pasuk says, All the days that the affliction is upon him he shall remain tamei…he shall dwell in isolation (ד ישב ד This teaches that he .(בmay not even be in the same camp as other tamei people; he dwells “in isolation,” outside all three camps (Pesachim 67a; Zevachim 117b; Arachin 16b).

Tzaraas comes to those who speak lashon hara (slan-derous speech). With his irresponsible gossip he caused friends and married couples to quarrel and separate, and therefore he is punished by being separated from all others (Arachin 16b).

ת .47 ע ר ע צ בגד כי יהיה בו נג If there shall be a — והtzaraas affliction in a garment.


דים ן נגעי בג� ת עני� מצוה קעב: מצו�Mitzvah 172: The Obligation Regarding Tzaraas-

Afflictions on GarmentsIf tzaraas appears on one’s clothing, there is an obligation for him to follow all the procedures outlined regarding

this tumah.

� What Sort of Garment?Tzaraas of garments are certain unnatural discolorations

that appear on one’s clothing. The affected garment is ta-mei (ritually impure).

א ני �דת ן? ל מנ עים בנג מא �מיט ופשתים בצמר לש ל ש �ע לש בגד. ש והבגד“. . . �ר ”וה �למוד לומ �ין? ת �לש מנ ל ש �לש ע א בגד ש ”בגד“ אין לי אל

א ”בגד צמר ר קר �מ דים? א ר בג ה בשא ל שלש �ה ע בות שלש �א: לר ואימא כי אימעוט חריני לא. ואימ �ופשתים“. בגד צמר ופשתים אין מידי אמא. תרי מיעוטי כתיבי �ה, מיט ל שלש �ה ע ל שלש לש אב ל ש �לש ע משי �עוט �ד למ �לש, וח ל ש �לש ע עוטי מש �ד למ �”בגד צמר או בבגד פשתים“ ח

ה (שבת כו:): ל שלש �ה ע משלשOur pasuk introduces the laws of tzaraas of garments

with the words, “And the garment” (בגד � if there shall — (והbe a tzaraas affliction in it, in a woolen garment or a linen garment… The Torah could have simply written בגד, a gar-ment. The extra letters vav and hei, “and the” [garment], teach us that even a small piece of wool or linen cloth — the size of three fingers by three fingers, the smallest size used by poor people — is considered a “garment” with regard to the laws of tzaraas.

The pasuk goes on to say, in a woolen garment or a linen garment. This teaches that cloth made from other materi-als is not subject to the laws of tzaraas.

However, perhaps the pasuk is singling out a piece of wool or linen fabric only if it is so small, but larger pieces of cloth — three-by-three handbreadths, which is used even by wealthy people — is subject to tzaraas tumah even if it is made from other material? It is for this reason the To-rah mentions wool and linen a second time at the end of the passage,88 to highlight that only these materials are subject to tzaraas-tumah, regardless of size (Shabbos 26b).

� Sheepish-Looking GoatTzaraas of garments are certain unnatural discolorations

that appear on one’s clothing. The affected garment is ta-mei (ritually impure).עים בנג מא �מרו מט �כל מודים שאין צ �ה בבגד צמר או בבגד פשתים. ף �א ה נ �נשת שלא פשתים ה �מ פשתים“ בבגד או צמר ”בבגד ר �שנאמ

ה (בכורות יז.): נ �צמר שלא נשתRegarding tzaraas of garments, our pasuk says, in a

woolen garment or a linen garment, which indicates that only cloth made from lambs’ wool or linen is subject to the laws of tzaraas. Since the Torah mentions wool and linen together, we may compare one to the other: Just as linen is the product of something that is never different from the norm, so too we are speaking about lambs’ wool that is not different from the norm. If a goat-like animal gives birth to a lamb, the wool of the offspring is not subject to the laws of tzaraas (Bechoros 17a).

� White WoolTzaraas of garments are certain unnatural discolorations

that appear on one’s clothing. The affected garment is ta-mei (ritually impure).ופשתים צמר א אל עים בנג מא �מט אין פשתים. בבגד צמר או בבגד מאין בין צבועין בין �כול יהי מט דכתיב ”בבגד צמר או בבגד פשתים“. יה פשתים �ר ”בבגד צמר או בבגד פשתים“. מ �למוד לומ �ן צבועין. ת שאינ


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

ם ולא אוציא ד בוע� בידי א צ �יתו. אוציא את ה ף צמר כברי �ה א ית כבריה �מר“ מ צ �פשתים ול �ר (פסוק מח) ”ל �למוד לומ �ים, ת �מ בוע� בידי ש צ �את ה

ן (ירושלמי כלאים ט,א): ב ף צמר ל �ה א נ פשתים לבRegarding tzaraas of garments our pasuk says, in a

woolen garment or a linen garment, which indicates that only cloth made from lambs’ wool or linen is subject to the laws of tzaraas. The Torah mentions wool and linen together so that we may compare them:

Linen, in general, is not dyed. Therefore, the wool gar-ment listed in our pasuk is made of undyed wool; wool that is dyed is not subject to tzaraas.

The next pasuk mentions wool and linen together a sec-ond time, to teach that not only is dyed wood excluded from these laws, but so is naturally colored wool. Only white wool, which is similar to linen, is subject to tzaraas (Yerushalmi Kilayim 9:1).

ל מלאכת עור .48 Or in leather or in — או בעור או בכanything fashioned of leather.

� Unkosher Animal / Post-ExaminationTzaraas of garments are certain unnatural discolorations

that appear on one’s clothing. The affected garment is ta-

mei (ritually impure).(שבת כהן ד �בי ה ק ושל ה, טמא ה בהמ ה עור ריב בעור“ ”או בעור. או

כח.):Our pasuk says that a tzaraas affliction may appear in

wool or linen, or “in” leather (בעור) or in anything fash-

ioned of leather. The Torah could have simply said או עור, or leather. The seemingly extra prefix ב, “in” [leather], teaches two lessons:

Although leather is listed along with wool, which comes from a kosher animal, leather from a nonkosher animal is also subject to the laws of tzaraas.

Additionally, although the Torah first says,89 If there shall

be a tzaraas affliction in a garment…, and only then,90 it

shall be shown to the Kohen, if the affliction appears after it was handed to the Kohen, it is also tamei (Shabbos 28a).

� Some of EachTzaraas of garments are certain unnatural discolorations

that appear on one’s clothing. The affected garment is ta-

mei (ritually impure).

89. Pasuk 47. 90. Pasuk 49.

זה עור או בעור. צמר: של פשתים או של צמר. ול פשתים (מח) לבו עשה שנ� עור זה עור. מלאכת בכל או מלאכה: בו עשה נ� שלא מדם. אדום שבאדומים (תורת ירוקין: אד ק. ירוק שב� קר מלאכה: (מט) יר(יחזקאל מאיר“ מ� ”סלון לשון מארת. מ ת ע צר (נא) ב): יד, פרק כהנים כח, כד), פוינינ“ט בלע“ז. ומדרשו, תן בו מארה, שלא תהנה הימנו (שם יא): פשתים. של צמר או של פשתים, זהו פשוטו. ומדרשו, צמר או ב (נב) ב

באש הוא ר לומ� למוד ת� עמו, וישרפם פשתן אניצי ו� צמר גיזי יביא יכול צמר או ר ”ב� למוד לומ� ה ת� חר עמה. אם כן מ� תשרף, אינה צריכה דבר א�חר (תורת כהנים פרק טו, פשתים“, להוציא את האימריות שבו שהן ממין א� ב�ע. יכול נג א-ג). ”אימריות“ לשון שפה, כמו ”אימרא“: (נד) את אשר בו הבגד כולו ע“. יכול כל ה� נג� ר ”את אשר בו ה� למוד לומ� ע בלבד, ת� נג� מקום ה�ה): (שם עמו בגד מן ה� בס יכ� ד, כיצ� הא ע“. נג� ר ”ה� לומ� למוד כבוס, ת� טעון

ל־ �מר או בעור או בכ צ! ים ול� jפשת רב ל� שתי או בע מח או ב[

גד או ב ם ב� �מד ק | או אד� ע ירקר6 ג� נ ה ה� �אכת עור: מט והי מל�ת הוא ע� Dע צר ג� yל־כלי־עור נ �רב או בכ ע �י או־ב שת� עור או־ב� �בע ג� fנ יר את־ה� ע והסג8 ג� tנ ן את־ה� Bכה ה ה� Fא �ן: נ ור Qכה ה את־ה� והרא$ע ג� נ ה ה� sש �י־פ י כ[ שביע ע ביום ה� ג� נ ה את־ה� �א �ים: נא ור מ[ �ת י שבע4עור �ה ה ש� �ע Qעור לכל אשר־י �רב או ב ע �י או־ב שת� גד או־ב� ב ב�ף את־ א הוא: נב ושר� מ� �ע ט ג� fנ רת ה� Zמא ת מ� ע� vה צר אכ! �למל

ים או פשת מר או ב� צ רב ב� ע �י | או את־ה שת( גד או את־ה� ב ה�רת מא ת מ� ע� pי־צר ע כ[ ג� tנ ה בו ה� הי� עור אשר־י[ �י ה ל־כל( �את־כע ג� נ ה ה� Gש �א־פ כהן והנה ל ה ה� Nף: נג ואם ירא Qש תשר Bא �וא ב הן כה ה ה� �ל־כלי־עור: נד וצו �רב או בכ nע �י או ב jשת גד או ב� ב ב�ית: שנ[ ים jמ �ת־י שבע� והסגירו ע ג� tנ ה� אשר־בו ת א� בסו וכ

א מר �א ולע נ א לכת רב �א או בע מח או בשתי

ך: מט ויהי ת מש �ל עביד א או בכ שכ �או במאו א בלבוש מוק �ס או רוק י א ש כת �מאו א רב �בע או א בשתי או א שכ �במא הוא סגירות ש �כת �ך מ אן דמש �ל מ בכא ש כת �ת מ א י הנ �א: נ ויחזי כ הנ �חזי לכ �ויתת יומין: נא ויחזי �א שבע ש כת �ת מ ר י �סג �ויארי אוסף ה א א שביע א ביומ ש כת �ת מ יא רב �א או בע א או בשתי א בלבוש ש כת �מא שכ �מ יתעבד די לכל א שכ �במ או א ש כת �מ א סר �מח סגירות א לעבידת א או י ת לבוש נב ויוקיד י ב הוא: א מסא נ א או בכת מר �א בע רב �ת ע א או י שתיא ש כת �ך די יהי בה מ �אן דמש �ל מ ת כ או יד: א תתוק א היא בנור סר �ארי סגירות מחא ש כת �א אוסף מ א ל א וה הנ �נג ואם יחזי כ

ל א או בכ רב �א או בע א או בשתי בלבושת די ורון י �א ויח הנ �קד כ �ך: נד ויפ אן דמש �מנות: ת יומין תני �סגרנה שבע �א וי ש כת �בה מ


פרשת תזריע יג / מח־נד 318 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

48 or in the warp or the woof of the linen or the wool; or in leather or in anything fashioned

of leather; 49 and the affliction shall be deep green or deep red, in the garment or the leather,

or the warp or the woof, or in any leather utensil: It is a tzaraas affliction, and it shall be

shown to the Kohen. 50 The Kohen shall look at the affliction; and he shall quarantine the

affliction for a seven-day period. 51 He shall look at the affliction on the seventh day: If the

affliction has spread in the garment or in the warp or in the woof or in the leather — for

whatever purpose the leather has been fashioned — the affliction is a malignant tzaraas;

it is contaminated. 52 He shall burn the garment, or the warp or the woof, of the wool or of

the linen, or any leather utensil in which the affliction may be; for it is a malignant tzaraas,

it shall be burned in fire.

53 But if the Kohen shall look, and behold! — the affliction had not spread in the garment,

or the warp or the woof; or in any leather utensil, 54 the Kohen shall command, and they

shall wash the area of the affliction; and he shall quarantine it for a second seven-day period.

91. See above, pasuk 47, “What Sort of Garment?” 92. Below, pasuk 58.

ר �למוד לומ �ין? ת �ת מהן מנ �ח �ה א ש ן וע ץ מכול �צ ל מלאכת עור. ק או בכל מלאכת עור“ (שבת כח.): ”או בכ

Our pesukim tell us that tzaraas may appear in a gar-ment made of wool, linen, or leather. Then our pasuk adds, or in anything fashioned of leather. This seemingly unnecessary phrase teaches that if one takes pieces of all three — wool cloth, linen cloth, and leather — and sews them together, the “garment” that he has made is subject to the laws of tzaraas (Shabbos 28a).

בגד .52 ף את ה ר .He shall burn the garment — וש

� Destined to Be BurnedTzaraas of garments are certain unnatural discolor-

ations that appear on one’s clothing. The affected gar-ment is tamei (ritually impure). Even a small piece of cloth — the size of three fingers by three fingers — is considered a “garment” with regard to the laws of tza-raas.91

א ר קר �מ תהו. . . דא �הור, טמא ית ט �ה לב ס רוב �ן שנכנ בגד. כיו ף את ה ר ושרוי בגד (יבמות קג:): ה ק ת שריפ �בגד“ אפילו בשע �ף את ה �ר ”וש

Our pasuk says regarding a garment that has con-firmed tzaraas, He shall burn the garment. According to one opinion, anything that must be burned is legally con-sidered as though it is already destroyed. That being the case, an afflicted garment, which must be burned, should no longer be considered the minimum size of a “gar-ment” (three-by-three fingerbreadths). Yet, we are taught that when the majority of such a garment enters a house it transmits tumah (ritual impurity) to everything in the house! How can that be?

A garment with tzaraas is an exception to the rule. When our pasuk says, he shall burn “the garment,” it is telling us that in this case, although he must burn it, it is still con-sidered a “garment” and can therefore still transmit tumah (Yevamos 103b).

ע .54 ג נ כהן וכבסו את אשר בו ה ה ה -The Kohen shall com — וצוmand, and they shall wash the area of the affliction.

� Intentional ImmersionTzaraas of garments are certain unnatural discolorations

that appear on one’s clothing. The affected garment is ta-

mei (ritually impure).וכבסו“ כהן �ה ה ”וצו ת? �ע �לד ה ראשונ שה יין �מנ וכבסו. כהן ה ה וצו

(ירושלמי שבת ב, א; ירושלמי מגילה ב, ה):When an affliction that may be tzaraas appears on a gar-

ment, the garment is brought to a Kohen, who examines it and confines it for seven days. Our pasuk says that if the affliction did not spread at the end of the seven days, the

Kohen shall command, and they shall wash the area of the

affliction. Then the garment is confined for another seven days.

At the end of the second confinement, the garment is examined again. Regarding this examination, the Torah says92 that if the affliction has left the garment, it shall

be washed “a second time” (שנית) and it shall become

pure. This second “washing” refers to immersion in a mikveh.

It seems unnecessary for the Torah to say [washed]

“a second time”; our pasuk tells us that the garment is washed, so obviously that pasuk is discussing a second washing!

According to one opinion, this teaches that we should compare the second washing to the first: Just as our pa-

suk says regarding the first washing, the Kohen shall com-

mand, and they shall wash, which indicates that the first washing is done intentionally, at the Kohen’s command, so too immersion in a mikveh must be done intentionally; if the garment fell into the mikveh accidentally, it is not a valid immersion (Yerushalmi Shabbos 2:1; Yerushalmi Megillah 2:5).


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

בס .58 עור אשר תכ ל כלי ה ערב או כ שתי או ה בגד או ה But — והif the garment or the warp or the woof or any leather

utensil has been washed.

� Laundering LeatherTzaraas of garments are certain unnatural discolorations

that appear on one’s clothing. The affected garment is ta-mei (ritually impure).

ת, �ע �ר כין. . . צ �א [פוסק]... בר א: קר ב ר ר �מ בס. א עור אשר תכ ל כלי ה או כא לחל �ה מח רח א פ ן דמגופיה ק שה מועיל בו כיבוס] כיו [בבגד מעור ק

ך (זבחים צד.): �וי לה ר �עור] ומש פה את ה �ליה [מרWhen an affliction that may be tzaraas appears on a gar-

ment, the garment is brought to a Kohen, who examines it and confines it for seven days. If the affliction did not spread at the end of the seven days, the afflicted area is washed and the garment is confined for another seven days.

Our pasuk refers to this washing and says, But if the

garment or the warp or the woof or any leather utensil has been “laundered” (בס �…(תכ

The term כיבוס, laundering, applies to fabric-like materi-als, not to hard, solid materials like wood.93 According to one opinion, hard leather is also in the category of “solid materials,” yet our pasuk still refers to the leather utensil being “laundered.” The reason for this is because the tzara-as affliction itself causes the leather to become soft in that area, and it can therefore be laundered (Zevachim 94a).

הר ס שנית וט It shall be immersed a second time — וכבand it shall become pure.

� Second WashingTzaraas of garments are certain unnatural discolorations

that appear on one’s clothing. The affected garment is ta-mei (ritually impure).ר �למוד לומ �ה ת �ס“ מ �ן בן יוסף אומר: ”וכב ת בי יונ �הר. ר ס שנית וט וכבה ה תכבוסת ראשונ �ה מ ה לתכבוסת ראשונ קיש תכבוסת שני �שנית, מ

93. Accordingly, even though “laundering” is forbidden on Shabbos, one is permitted to wash a wooden table, for example.

ע את עינו. לא הוכהה נג ך ה בס. לשון העשות: לא הפ חרי הכ (נה) אך ולא פשה טמא, ואין ענו שאם לא הפ� ע לא פשה. שמ� נג ראיתו: וה ממ�למוד יעשה לו, ת� ה איני יודע� מ� ולא פשה ך ך ופשה. הפ� ר לא הפ� צריך לומ�ת ימים שנית“ (לעיל ע“ (לעיל פסוק נ), [”והסגירו שבע� נג� ר ”והסגיר את ה� לומ�כדאיתא וכו‘ אומרים חכמים ו� יהודה. בי ר� דברי מקום, מכל נד)], פסוק ל אופניו: פחתת היא. מקרא ע� זתיה כאן לי�ישב ה� ת כהנים (שם ז). ורמ� בתור�ע נג� היא, שפלה ר כלומ� יז, ט), (שמואל-ב פחתים“ ת ה� ח� לשון גומא, כמו ”בא�רגומו, ”בשחיקותיה חתו. כת� ב חתו או בג ראיו שוקעין (שם ט): בקר שמ�ך לגזרה מדרש שהוצר� חתו. שחקים, ישנים (שם). ומפני ה� דתותיה“: קר או בח�באדם ת“ ח� ב� וג� ת ח� ”קר� נאמרה טהורה, שהיא בבגדים לפריחה ין מנ� שוה: ח בכלו טהור לן פר� ה לה� ת“ בבגדים, מ� ח� ב� ת וג� ח� (לעיל פסוק מב), ונאמרה ”קר�

לשון כתוב ז ה� אח� לכך יט.), (נדה טהור בכולו ח פר� כאן ף יג) א� (לעיל פסוק ישנים, ת“ לשון ח� שמעו: ”קר� רגומו זהו מ� ת“. ולעני�ן פירושו ות� ח� ב� ת וג� ח� ”קר�ת לשון ח� קר� דמותו“, שה� חריתו או בק� ב ”בא� ת“ לשון חדשים, כאלו נכת� ח� ב� ו“ג�ת פניו וגו‘ ” (לעיל פסוק ת לשון פנים, כמו שכתוב ”ואם מפא� ח� ב� ג� יים, וה� אחור�ת כהנים חריו. כך מפורש בתור� קדקד ולא� ת כל ששופע� ויורד מן ה� ח� קר� מא). וה�בגד וישרפנו (שם פרק טז, ע מן ה� נג� ע מקום ה� ע אתו. יקר� (שם): (נו) וקרבגד: חוזר וצומח: באש תשרפנו. את כל ה� ת היא. דבר ה� ח ב): (נז) פרע נג� ל פי כהן סר ממנו ה� תחלה ע� ע. אם כשכבסוהו ב� נג (נח) וסר מהם הרגום של כבוסין שבפרשה זו לשון לבון ס שנית. לשון טבילה. ת� מרי: וכב לג�ע“. וכן כל ב� רגומו ”ויצט� ור“, חוץ מזה שאינו ללבון אלא לטבול, לכך ת� ו� ”ויתח�

ע“: ב� כבוסי בגדים שהן לטבילה מתורגמין ”ויצט�

ע ג� נ ס את־ה� Aב י | הכ� Aחר ן א] כה ה ה� �א �שביעי (רביעי כשהן מחוברין) נה ור

הוא א Aמ �ה ט �ש �א־פ ל ע נג� וה� את־עינו ע ג� נ� ך ה� פ� �א־ה ל ה הנ וה Gא �חתו: נו ואם ר ב� חתו או בג� ר� �וא בק תת ה Nנו פח Vש תשרפ Bא �בגד ב ע אתו מן־ה� ס אתו וקר6 Aב י הכ� Bחר ע א] ג� נ ה ה� Gכהן והנה כה ה�ה א �ר Qרב: מפטיר נז ואם־ת Qע �י או מן־ה jשת עור או מן־ה� �או מן־הת ח� Dפר ל־כלי־עור �בכ או רב ע �או־ב י שת� או־ב� גד ב ב� עוד י שת גד או־ה� ב ע: נח וה� ג� �נ ת אשר־בו ה� נו א� ש תשרפ Aא �וא ב ה>ע ג� tנ ה� ם fמה ר Fוס ס ב תכ� ר Nאש עור �י ה ל־כל� �או־כ רב ע �או־המר | Nצ גד ה� ת ב� ע� ע־צר� ג� wת נ את תור� ר: נט ז Qה �ית וט jס שנ וכב4הרו ל־כלי־עור לט] �רב או כ ע �שתי או ה ים או ה� פשת או ה�

מאו: פ פ פ ס"ז פסוקים. בני"ה סימן. או לט�

א ש כת �ת מ רו י ו �ר דח �ת א ב הנ �נה ויחזי כ

ה הו ד �כ מן א ש כת �מ א שנ א ל א והא ב הוא בנור א א אוסף מס א ל ש כת �ומא היא בשחיקותה או בר �תוקדנה תא וה א הנ �כ חז א נו ואם תותה: ד �בחע �תה ויבז רו י ו �ר דח �ת א ב ש כת �א מ מי עא או מן שכ �א או מן מ מן לבוש תה יתתחזי נז ואם א: רב �ע מן או א שתיא רב �א או בע א או בשתי עוד בלבושא א היא בנור גי ך ס �אן דמש �ל מ או בכא א: נח ולבוש ש כת �ת די בה מ תוקדנה יך �אן דמש �ל מ א או כ רב �א או ע או שתיא ש כת �מ מנהון ויעדי ר �ו �יתח די א ית �א אור נות וידכי: נט ד ע תני �ב �ויצטא נ ר או כת �ש סגירו בלבוש עמ �כת �דמך אן דמש �ל מ א או כ רב �א או ע או שתי

אבותה: �כיותה או לס �לד


פרשת תזריע יג / נה־נט 320 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

55 The Kohen shall look after the affliction has been washed, and behold! — the affliction

has not changed its color and the affliction has not spread, it is contaminated, you shall

burn it in fire; it is a penetrating affliction in his worn garment or in his new garment. 56 But if the Kohen shall look, and behold! — the affliction grew dimmer after it was

washed, he shall rip it from the garment or from the leather, or from the warp or from the

woof. 57 If it appears again in the garment or in the warp or in the woof, or in any leather

utensil, it is an eruption; you shall burn in fire that which contains the affliction. 58 But

if the garment or the warp or the woof or any leather utensil had been washed and then

the affliction left them, it shall be immersed a second time and it shall become pure.

59 This is the law of the tzaraas affliction, a garment of wool or linen, or the warp or the

woof, or any leather utensil; to declare it pure or to declare it contaminated.

94. Pasuk 54. 95. See above, pasuk 14, “Not Now.”

אן ף כ �ת כהן, א �ע �ן ד �ן בעינ ל �ה לה �ת. אי מ �ע �ה לד ף תכבוסת שני �ת א �ע �לדירושלמי (חולין לא:, קום ל מ מכ הר“ ”וט ר �למוד לומ �כהן? ת ת �ע �ן ד �עינ ב

שבת ב, א; ירושלמי מגילה ב, ה):When an affliction that may be tzaraas appears on a gar-

ment, the garment is brought to a Kohen, who examines it and confines it for seven days. The pasuk94 says that if the affliction did not spread at the end of the seven days, the Kohen shall command, and they shall wash the area of the affliction. Then the garment is confined for another seven days.

At the end of the second confinement, the garment is ex-amined again. Regarding this examination, our pasuk says that if the affliction has left the garment, it shall be washed “a second time” (שנית) and it shall become tahor (pure). This second “washing” refers to immersion in a mikveh.

It seems unnecessary for the Torah to say [washed] “a second time”; we know from the earlier pasuk that the gar-ment was washed once, so this is obviously the second time it is being washed!

According to one opinion, this teaches that we are to compare the second washing to the first: Just as the Torah says regarding the first washing, the Kohen shall command, and they shall wash, indicating that the washing is done intentionally, at the Kohen’s command, so too immersion in a mikveh must be done intentionally; if the garment fell into the mikveh accidentally, it is not a valid immersion.

However, even though the Torah says regarding the first washing that it must be done at the Kohen’s instruction, with regard to this immersion our pasuk says, and it shall become tahor, teaching that the garment becomes tahor even if the immersion was done without the consent of the Kohen (Chullin 31b; Yerushalmi Shabbos 2:1; Yerushalmi Megillah 2:5).

מאו .59 הרו או לט To declare it pure or to declare it — לטcontaminated.

� One or the OtherThere are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

When a person notices a discoloration on his skin that may be tzaraas, he must show it to a Kohen. If the Kohen determines that it is the color and size of a nega (tzaraas af-fliction), the person is “confined” for one week, after which the Kohen examines the nega a second time. If the nega has developed signs of being a definite case of tzaraas, the person becomes a “confirmed” metzora. If the nega has not changed, he is confined for another week, and if the nega is still unchanged after the second week, he is tahor (ritually pure).

ק �ה נזק ת �חמיר שאם א �קל ולא לה בי יוסי לא לה �מאו. ר הרו או לט לטמאו“ כתיב (מועד �הרו או לט �ר ”לט �ב חמיר. . . ס �ף לה �ק לו א �קל נזק לו לה

קטן ז.־:):If an affliction appears on a person’s skin or clothing

during one of the festivals, the Kohen does not inspect it until the days of celebration are over. Those are times that a person is required to rejoice, and if he is declared tamei, his rejoicing will be disrupted.95

According to one opinion, the Kohen may examine a nega after the second week of confinement even during a festival. If he finds that the person is tahor, he will say so; if not, the Kohen will not declare him a confirmed metzora, but will remain silent, and the person’s joy will remain un-affected.

According to another opinion, this is not an option, because our pasuk says, This is the law of the tzaraas

affliction…“to declare it tahor or to declare it tamei.” This teaches that once the Kohen examines the nega, he does not have the option of remaining silent; he must declare it either tahor or tamei. Therefore he may not examine it during a festival (Moed Katan 7a-b).

� Which Came First?There are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, that render a person tamei (ritually impure). The afflicted person is known as a metzora.


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

ן ב ר ל ואם שע מא, ן ט ב ר ל ה לשע דמ הרת ק �מאו. אם ב הרו או לט לטה? כיה אי �מ ה, כיה ר: �מ א �יהושע בי �ור מא. ט פק ס הור, ט הרת �לב קודם ר �מ ה א ב יהוד �ר ר �מ מא א ה וט א כיה הור. ודלמ ה וט ה: כיה ב יהוד �ר ר �מ אה הר בט תוב כ �ה בו ח �ת ופ הואיל מאו“ �לט או הרו �”לט א קר ר �מ א ב: �ר

ה (נזיר סה:): תחילIf white hairs sprout in a nega (tzaraas affliction), that is

a sign of definite tzaraas, and the afflicted person becomes a “confirmed” metzora. However, if the white hairs grew there before the affliction appeared, they are not a sign of

tumah (ritual impurity).What if we are not sure which came first?Our pasuk says, This is the law of the tzaraas affliction…

to declare it tahor (ritually pure) or to declare it tamei. The pasuk mentions taharah (purity) first, to teach that in cases such as this, where we are in doubt if the affliction came first and he is tamei or the white hairs came first and he is tahor, the person is tahor96 (Nazir 65b).

96. See Schottenstein Edition, note 22.

פרשת תזריע יג / כ־נט 322 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

פרשת מצורע �Parashas Metzora

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

ע .2 מצר� ת ה This shall be the law of the — זאת תהיה תורmetzora.


ת שתהיה במינים ידועים ע� ר� צ� ה מן ה� הר� ט� ת ה� מצוה קעג: מצו�Mitzvah 173: The Obligation Regarding Purification

From Tzaraas, That It Be Performed With Certain ItemsAfter the metzora is healed of his affliction, he must un-dergo an eight-day purification process to remove his tumah (ritual impurity). The process involves many details,

as described in this passage.

� Rich Man, Poor Manן רב� ק� שהביא ני ע� ע מצור� בות לר� ת“, “תור� ע. מצר� ה ת תור תהיה זאת ף ר ”זאת“. וניל� למוד לומ� ני, ת� ן ע� רב� שיר שהביא ק� כול אפילו ע� שיר, י� ע�(יומא מא:, כריתות ל הוא“ ”ואם ד� (להלן פסוק כא) א נ� חמ� מיעט ר� ה! מינ�

כח.):There are various types of unnatural skin afflictions,

called tzaraas, which render a person tamei (spiritually im-pure), as described in the previous parashah. The afflicted person is known as a metzora.

Once the metzora is healed, he must go through a puri-fication process, which includes several offerings that he must bring. Among the offerings is a chatas (sin offering) and an olah (burnt offering). If he is wealthy he brings two sheep for these two offerings, and if he is poor he brings two birds instead.

Our pasuk begins, “This” shall be “the law” (ת of (תור�the metzora on the day of his purification. “The law” of the metzora indicates that there is one law that applies to ev-ery metzora. This teaches that if a poor metzora chooses to bring the offerings of a wealthy person, he fulfills his mitzvah.

However, the pasuk also says the word “this” (זאת), which teaches that the purification must be done in a spe-cific way. Therefore, if a wealthy person brings the bird offerings of a poor person, his mitzvah is not fulfilled.

Below,1 when the Torah describes the offerings of a poor metzora, it says, If “he” is poor… The pasuk could just as well have omitted the word he (הוא). The Torah writes it to teach that only in the case of a metzora do we say that a wealthy person does not fulfill his obligation with a poor man’s offerings. In the case of a korban olah veyoreid, a variable sin offering, where the Torah requires one of-fering for a wealthy person and allows a poor person to bring a less expensive one,2 a wealthy man who brings a poor man’s offering has fulfilled his obligation (Yoma 41b; Kereisos 28a).

� Minor Metzoraובין דול בין ג� ע“, מצר� ת ה� תהיה תור� “זאת ע. מצר� ת ה תהיה תור זאת

ן (נדרים לו.): ט� ק�When describing the purification process of a metzora,3

our pasuk begins, This shall be “the law” (ת of the (תור�metzora on the day of his purification. “The law” of the metzora indicates that there is one law for every metzora. This teaches that even if the metzora is a minor, he must still bring the required offerings in order to be permitted to enter the Beis HaMikdash or to eat from the meat of an offering (Nedarim 36a).

� So Shall It Beא ע, דכתיב� אני הלכות מצור� א: ש� פ� ב פ� ר ר� מ� ע. א� מצר� ת ה זאת תהיה תורה ית� י� הו� ע“, ”תהיה“ ב� מצר� ת ה� תוב ”זאת תהיה תור� כ� ר ה� מ� יה, דא� י� בהו הו�

תהא (מנחות ה., כז., יומא סב.):ה, וחוק� ה תור� ר שנאמ� קום מ� ל כ� ב: ר� ר מ� א� ע. מצר� ה ת תור תהיה זאת ה ע� רב� ן: א� ה, ותנ� א תור� א כתיב ביה אל� ע דל� הרי מצור� כב. . . ו� א לע� אינו אל�ן דכתיב ”זאת תהיה ם, כיו� ת� אני ה� כבין זה את זה! ש� ע מע� מינין שבמצור�

מי (מנחות יט.): ה ד� אן דכתיב ביה חוק� ע“ כמ� מצר� ת ה� תור�Once a metzora4 is healed from his tzaraas affliction, he

must go through an eight-day purification process that in-cludes many steps, as described in our passage.

Our pasuk begins, This “shall be” the law of the metzora on the day of his purification.

As a general rule, it is only where the Torah uses the

1. Pasuk 21. 2. See above, 5:1-12. 3. There are various types of unnatural skin afflictions, called tzaraas, which render a person tamei (spiritually impure), as described in the previous parashah. The afflicted person is known as a metzora. Once the metzora is healed, he must go through a purification process, which includes bringing several offerings. 4. See note 3.

ילה (תורת כהנים מצורע פרשתא א, ג): ל� הרין אותו ב� מד שאין מט� מצרע ביום טהרתו. מל� ת ה� (ב) זאת תהיה תור�ח שם בימי חלוטו: ל� חנות, שנשת� חנה. חוץ לשלשה מ� מ� (ג) אל מחוץ ל�

פרשת מצורעת היה תור� ה לאמר: ב זאת ת� ר יהוה אל־מש� ב� �[יד] א וידן כה �ה א צ$ ג וי$ ן: כה& �אל־ה א והוב' תו הר$ ט, ביום ע מצר$ �הת �ע צר1 �ע־ה �ג א נ5 ה נרפ7 ן והנ; כה �ה ה א$ ה ור$ חנ= מ@ �אל־מחוץ ל

אונקלוסתהי א ב ד� ר למימ� משה עם יי� ליל א ומ�ת כותה ויתתי לו� א דד� א ביומ� א דסגיר� ית� אור�א שרית� א למ� ר� א למב� הנ� ג ויפוק כ� א: הנ� כ�א סגירות� ש כת� סי מ� א את� א וה� הנ� ויחזי כ�


פרשת מצורע יד / א־ג 324 / ספר ויקרא



Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

PARASHAS METZORA 1 HASHEM spoke to Moshe, saying: 2 This shall be the law of the metzora on the day of

his purification: He shall be brought to the Kohen. 3 The Kohen shall go forth to the outside

of the camp; the Kohen shall look, and behold! — the tzaraas affliction had been healed

14 The first stage of the

metzora’s purification

5. See note 3. 6. See note 3. 7. See note 3. 8. Tzaraas is a specific skin discoloration that renders a person tamei (ritually impure) as a metzora. 9. See above, 13:4-6.

word chukah (ה -decree, that we say the law is essen ,(חוק�tial, and the service is invalid if a detail is omitted or done improperly. Here, however, although the word chukah does not appear, the term “shall be” (תהיה) indicates that the process must be done in the exact order and manner that the Torah commands; otherwise, the purification is not valid (Menachos 5a, 19a, 27a; Yoma 62a).

� What Causes Tzaraas?תהיה ”זאת דכתיב אי קיש: מ� ל� ריש ר מ� א� ע. מצר� ת ה תהיה תור זאת ע (ערכין טו:, ירושלמי תו של מוציא שם ר� ע“, זאת תהיה תור� מצר� ת ה� תור�

סוטה ב, א):Our pasuk begins, This shall be the law of the metzora5…

The word metzora (ע -can also be understood as an ab (מצר�breviation of the term motzi shem ra (ע which ,(מוציא שם ר�means a person who defames another Jew. Thus, the To-rah is hinting that one who speaks negatively about other people is punished with tzaraas (Arachin 15b; Yerushalmi Sotah 2:1).

� All-in-Oneן? דכתיב ל� רבה מנ� עים ה� ע נג� ג� ע שנתנ� ע. מצור� מצר� ת ה זאת תהיה תור

רבה (כריתות ט:): עים ה� ת למצור� ח� ה א� ע“, תור� מצר� ת ה� ”זאת תור�Once a metzora6 is healed from his tzaraas affliction, he

must go through an eight-day purification process, which includes three offerings that are brought on the eighth day.

Our pasuk says, This shall be “the law” of the metzora, in the singular, to indicate that a metzora is required to bring only one set of offerings (one “law”), even if he had suffered through several tzaraas afflictions. For example, if the first affliction healed, but another affliction appeared before the metzora brought his offerings, he must wait until the second affliction is healed, and then brings one set of offerings for both (Kereisos 9b).

תו הר� .On the day of his purification — ביום ט�

� Day Jobתהיה ”זאת דכתיב ע, מצור� ה� ת הר� ולט� שר. . . כ� יום ה� ל כ� תו. הר� ט� ביום

תו“ (מגילה כא.): הר� ע ביום ט� מצר� ת ה� תור�Once a metzora7 is healed from his tzaraas affliction, he

must go through an eight-day purification process that includes many steps.

The purification process of a metzora begins with a procedure involving two birds, a stick of cedarwood, a crimson thread, and hyssop grass. One of the birds is slaughtered over a vessel containing spring water. The live bird, together with the other items, are dipped into the

blood and water mixture, which is then sprinkled upon the metzora.

Our pasuk begins, This shall be the law of the metzora on the “day” of his purification. This teaches that the bird procedure is to be performed by day (Megillah 21a).

כהן והנה .2-3 ה ה א� חנה ור� מ כהן אל מחוץ ל א ה צ� תו... וי� הר� ביום ט�ת ע ר צ� ע ה א נג On the day of his purification... The — נרפ�Kohen shall go forth to the outside of the camp; the Kohen shall look, and behold! — the tzaraas affliction

had been healed.

� Who Needs Birds?בי שמי: א בשם ר� ר דרומי� ז� בי לע� יין? ר� ת וצפרים מנ� ח� תו. תגל� הר� ביום ט�ד, הר ביום אח� מא ומיט� ע ביום“, את שהוא מיט� מצר� ת ה� ”זאת תהיה תור�

ד (ירושלמי מגילה א, ח): הר ביום אח� מא ומיט� א זה שאינו מיט� צ� י�ת. ע ר צ� ע ה נג א נרפ� והנה כהן ה ה א� ור� חנה מ מחוץ ל אל כהן ה א צ� וי�וצפרים. ת ח� א תגל� הור מתוך החלט אל� הור מתוך הסגר לט� אין בין ט�כהן והנה ה ה� א� חנה ור� מ� כהן אל מחוץ ל� א ה� צ� א ”וי� ר קר� מ� יי: א� ב� ר א� מ� א�עתו ר� א זה שאין צ� צ� ה ברפואות, י� עתו תלוי� ר� ת“, מי שצ� ע� ר� צ� ע ה� א נג� נרפ�

מים (מגילה ח:): א בי� ה ברפואות אל� תלוי�When a nega (tzaraas8 affliction) first appears, it is ex-

amined by a Kohen. If the nega does not yet have any of the signs that would make it “confirmed” tzaraas, the metzora is “confined” for one (or two) weeks and then re-examined. During the confinement period, the metzora is already considered tamei (ritually impure), but there are a number of differences between a confined metzora and a confirmed metzora.

A confined metzora who becomes tahor (that is, the nega did not spread or develop signs of confirmed tumah9) does not need to do the bird procedure that is detailed in our pesukim, nor to shave his hair.

According to one opinion, we learn this from our pasuk, which begins the description of the bird procedure with the words, This shall be the law of the metzora “on the day” of his purification. Now, even if the skin discoloration of a confined metzora heals right after he is confined, he still is not reexamined until the end of his week, and it is only then that the purification process can begin. On the other hand, if the skin discoloration of a confirmed metzora heals on the day he was confirmed, his purification begins on that very same day. Since our pasuk uses the phrase on the day of his purification, it indicates that the bird proce-dure is needed only for a metzora who can be purified on the same day that he became tamei.

According to another opinion, we learn it from the words,


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

the tzaraas affliction had been “healed” from the metzora. The confined metzora does not need to be “healed.” As long as the nega did not get worse during the confinement period, he is tahor. Therefore, the bird procedure is needed only for the confirmed metzora, who can become tahor only when his nega is healed (Megillah 8b; Yerushalmi Megillah 1:8).

.Two birds — שתי צפרים .4

� Two of a Kindר ”שתי“? למוד לומ� ה ת� ים. מ� שתי צפרים. “צפרים“ מיעוט צפרים שת�למוד ת� כשרות? וות ש� ן שאינ� פי ל ע� ף שא� ין ומנ� וות. ש� שתיהן שיהיו

ה (יומא סב:): ר ”צפר“ (פסוק ה) ”צפר“ (פסוק ו), ריב� לומ�The purification process of a metzora begins with a pro-

cedure involving two birds, a stick of cedarwood, a crimson thread, and hyssop grass. One of the birds is slaughtered over a vessel containing spring water. The live bird, to-gether with the other items, are dipped into the blood and water mixture, which is then sprinkled upon the metzora.

Our pasuk says that “two birds” are required. Now, the word “birds” is plural, so we would have known that he must bring two birds by the Torah’s saying simply “birds.” Why was it necessary for the Torah to say “two” (שתי) birds? This teaches that ideally, the two birds should be identical in appearance.

However, if the procedure was done with birds that do not look alike, it is still valid. We know this because the following pesukim say, the one “bird” shall be slaughtered — and — As for the live “bird”: He shall take it. The Torah could have simply said “one” shall be slaughtered, and “one” shall be taken. The word “bird” is mentioned regard-ing each procedure to teach us that the procedure will be valid with any two birds, even if they are not identical (Yoma 62b).

� Behaving Like a Birdה ה תור� מר� ע שא� ה מצור� נ� ה נשת� ה בן לוי: מ� בי יהוד� ר ר� מ� שתי צפרים. א�עשה רוך הוא: הוא עושה מ� דוש ב� ק� ר ה� מ� תו? א� הר� י�ביא שתי צפרים לט�

טיט (ערכין טז:): ן פ� רב� ה י�ביא ק� ה תור� מר� ך א� טיט, לפיכ� פ�The eight-day purification process of the metzora10 be-

gins with a unique procedure involving two birds, as de-scribed in our pesukim. Why birds?

Tzaraas comes as a punishment for speaking lashon hara (harmful or negative talk about other people). Since the metzora was afflicted because of his continuous chattering, he brings birds, which also constantly chirp. This will help the metzora understand what he must correct (Arachin 16b).

יות .Live — ח

� All Thereהן (חולין קמ.): רים של� אשי אב� יין ר� יות. שח� ח

Our pasuk teaches that the purification process of a metzora11 begins with two “live,” kosher birds. The word יות live, teaches that the limbs of the birds must all be ,ח�“alive,” with none of them missing (Chullin 140a).

.Kosher — טהרות

� Strictly Kosherא ב� ר� ת. . . ח� נד� ה� עיר צפורי עוטי למ� ק: יצח� ר ב� ן חמ� נ� ב ר� ר מ� א� טהרות. ר: מ� א� א פ� פ� ב ר� . . . שלוחיה� קודם חרת א� ה ל� ווג לז� שלא עוטי למ� ר: מ� א�ן סקינ� ע� אי במ� א כ� ה� ר: מ� א� א בינ� ר� ה. . . ר� ז� ה עבוד� ב� ן שהחליפ� לצפורים

נפש (חולין קמ.): ג את ה� ר� בעוף שה�Our pasuk teaches that the purification process of a

metzora12 begins with two live, “kosher” birds. There are a number of opinions as to what we learn from the word :kosher ,טהרות

C If the majority of the residents of a city in Eretz Yisrael are persuaded to worship idols, the city is designated

10. See note 3. 11. See note 3. 12. See note 3.

(תורת טמא לעוף פרט טהרות. קמ.): (חולין לטרפות פרט יות. ח� (ד) ל לשון הרע (ערכין טו:) שהוא נגעים באין ע� כהנים שם יב; חולין שם). לפי שה�טפטין שמפ� צפרים לטהרתו לפיכך הוזקקו דברים, פטפוטי טיט] עשה [פ� מ�סות הרוח� ל ג� נגעים באין ע� תמיד בצפצוף קול (ערכין טז:): ועץ ארז. לפי שה�צמו פא, י�שפיל ע� ויתר� קנתו ה ת� ת ואזב. מ� ע� (תנחומא מצורע ג): ושני תול�ת. ע� תול� שני ארז: של קל מ� ארז. עץ (שם): וכאזוב ת ע� כתול� אותו מג�יים. נותן אותם תחלה בכלי ים ח� ל מ� לשון של צמר צבוע� זהורית: (ה) ע�

מה הם, רביעית (תורת כהנים פרק א, ה; ם צפור ניכר בהם, וכ� כדי שיהא ד�מד שאינו אוגדה עמהם ח אתה. מל� יה יק� ח� צפר ה� סוטה טז:): (ו) את ה�זהורית, כענין ד בלשון ה� צמה. [אבל העץ והאזוב כרוכין י�ח� פרישה לע� אלא מ�ת ח� ת ואת האזב, קיחה א� ע� תול� ר ואת עץ הארז ואת שני ה� שנאמ�למוד טבילה, ת� ל בכל� תהא כן לא ל אגודה בכל� שאינה כשם יכול לשלשתן.] צפור לכלל טבילה יה, החזיר את ה� ח� צפר ה� ל אותם ואת ה� ר וטב� לומ�

(תורת כהנים שם ו):

חיות ים Cי־צפר שת& ר ה; �מט �ל ח Eולק ן כה �ה ה ד וצו$ צרוע: �מן־הט את־ ח1 ן וש$ כה �ה ה ת ואזב: ה וצו$ �ע י תול1 Cרז ושנ ץ א Gטהרות וע

ה חי$ צפר ה@ �ים: ♪ ו את־ה ים חי� Iל־מ �רש ע Kת אל־כלי־ח Lאח צפור ה, �הל �ב אזב וט$ ת ואת־ה, �ע תול1 �י ה Cרז ואת־שנ Oא ץ ה$ ה ואת־ע� ח את$ Qיקים: חי� ים ה@ Iמ �ל ה ה ע1 שחט$ �צפר ה �ם ה �ה בד חי$ צפר ה@ �ת | ה Gם וא אות$

כי ב למד� א ויס� הנ� קד כ� א: ד ויפ� מן סגיר�א רז� א דא� ע� ן וא� כי� יין ד� רתין צפרין ח� ת�א הנ� קד כ� ה ויפ� א: ואזוב� זהורי ע וצב�ל ף ע� חס� אן ד� א למ� א חד� ת צפר� ויכוס י�ה ת� ב י� א יס� ית� א ח� ת צפר� : ו י� בוע� מי מ�ת ע זהורי וי� ת צב� א וי� רז� א דא� ע� ת א� וי�א ית� א ח� ת צפר� תהון וי� א ויטבול י� אזוב� : בוע� ל מי מ� א ע� א דנכיס� א דצפר� בדמ�


פרשת מצורע יד / ד־ו 326 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

from the metzora. 4 The Kohen shall command; and for the person being purified

there shall be taken two live, kosher birds, cedarwood, crimson thread, and hys-

sop. 5 The Kohen shall command; and the one bird shall be slaughtered into an

earthenware vessel over spring water. 6 As for the live bird: He shall take it with

the cedarwood and the crimson thread and the hyssop, and he shall dip them and

the live bird into the blood of the bird that was slaughtered over the spring water.

From arrogance

to humility

13. See note 3. 14. See Schottenstein Edition, note 33. 15. See note 3 16. Eizov is needed for several other mitzvos as well; see Shemos 12:22, and Bamidbar 19:6, 19:18. 17. See note 3. 18. See note 3.

as an ir hanidachas. The idolaters are killed and all of their possessions become prohibited for benefit. Our pasuk is teaching that one may not use birds from an ir hanidachas to purify a metzora.

C The live bird may not be used for more than one metzora. That is, if another metzora approaches the Ko-hen before the bird was sent away, the Kohen may not simply pair it with one more bird that will be slaughtered, and then send away the live bird for both metzoras. The second metzora must bring two birds of his own.

C The term kosher excludes birds that were exchanged for an idol. It is forbidden to derive benefit from such birds.

C The term kosher comes to disqualify a bird that killed a person; such a bird is also prohibited for benefit (Chullin 140a).

ת ע .Crimson thread — ושני תול

� Reused Dye”ושני ר שנאמ� משום שר, כ� ה שב� שני ראה מ� אפילו ת. ע תול ושני

ת“ (מנחות מב:): ע� תול�The purification process of a metzora13 begins with a

procedure involving two birds, a stick of cedarwood, a crimson thread, and hyssop grass.

The crimson thread is called sheni tolaas (ת ע� תול� ,(שני and the word sheni can also be read sheini (שני), which means “second.” This teaches that a batch of dye that has already been used one time may still be used a “second” time to color the thread, even though this dye will no lon-ger have its full strength.

The garments worn by the Kohanim in the Beis HaMik-dash require techeiles — wool that is dyed blue with a unique dye. We learn through pesukim that techeiles may be compared to the sheni tolaas,14 and therefore one may produce the techeiles with used dye as well (Menachos 42b).

.And hyssop — ואזב

� The Ordinary Typeת אזוב, לא אזוב יון, לא אזוב כוחלי, לא אזוב רומי, לא אזוב ואזב. מצו�

י (נגעים יד, ו): ל אזוב שיש לו שם לו� רית, ולא כ� מדב�Eizov (אזוב), hyssop, is required for the purification of a

metzora,15 as described in our pesukim.16 When the Torah says that we must use “eizov,” it implies ordinary eizov —

not Greek eizov, Roman eizov, blue eizov, or any other type of eizov that has an added name. The added name (“Greek,” “Roman,” etc.) indicates that it is not standard eizov, but a separate variety of that species (Negaim 14:6).

ים .5-6 מ ה ל ע ה שחט� ה צפר ה ם בד יים... ח ים מ ל ע חרש כלי אל יים ח -Into an earthenware vessel over spring wa — הter... Into the blood of the bird that was slaughtered

over the spring water.

� Pristine Water, Pristine Vesselת אח� צפור ה� ט את ה� ח� ן? דכתיב: ”וש� ל� יים. מנ� ים ח ל מ אל כלי חרש עה, אכ� הן מל� ה ב� יים שלא נעשת� ים ח� ה מ� יים“, מ� ים ח� ל מ� אל כלי חרש ע�

ה (סוטה טו:, ירושלמי סוטה ב, ב): אכ� ה בו מל� ף כלי שלא נעשת� א�The purification process of a metzora17 begins with a

procedure involving two birds. One of the birds is slaugh-tered, and its blood is allowed to flow into spring water that is in an earthenware vessel, as described in our pasuk.

Our pasuk calls the spring water יים ים ח� ,living” water“ ,מ�which indicates that it has never before been used. Since the earthenware vessel is mentioned together with the spring water, this teaches us that the vessel also must be a new one that has never before been used (Sotah 15b; Yerushalmi Sotah 2:2).

� Blood and Waterיים. ח ים ה מ ל ה ה ע שחט� צפר ה ם ה יים. . . בד ים ח ל מ אל כלי חרש עבי ה; משום ר� מ� יב� ורוק ה, ר� ואפר פ� ה, ר סוט� או: עפ� צריכין שיר� ה שלש�ל ב� עאל? דכתיב ”וט� בי ישמ� א דר� עמ� אי ט� ם צפור. מ� ף ד� מרו: א� עאל א� ישמ�למוד ים, ת� מ� ם ולא ב� ד� כול ב� ם“, י� א: ”בד� ני� צפר וגו‘ ”, ות� ם ה� ם. . . בד� אות�א ם“. ה� ר ”בד� למוד לומ� ם, ת� ד� ים ולא ב� מ� כול ב� ים, י� ים“. אי מ� מ� ר ”ב� לומ�הוא ן? ה� נ� ב� ור� רביעית. ה? מ� וכ� הן, ר ב� ניכ� ם ציפור ים שד� מביא מ� ד? כיצ�עאל? אם כן, בי ישמ� ים. ור� ם ובמ� טביל בד� א: א� נ� חמ� ר ר� מ� א� כי ק� לגופיה, דה�ן? אי נ� ב� ר. ור� ה לי? לניכ� מ� ים“ ל� מ� ם“ ו“ב� הם, ”בד� ל ב� ב� א וט� נ� חמ� לכתוב ר�ב ת� אי לחודיה, כ� אי לחודיה וה� א ה� ה אמינ� הם, הו� ל ב� ב� א וט� נ� חמ� ב ר� ת� כ�א חרינ� א� א קר� ן רב� לע� עאל, ישמ� בי ור� ן. רב� לע�� ים“, מ� ו“ב� ם“ ”בד� א נ� חמ� ר�

ת וגו‘ ” (סוטה טז:): אח� צפור ה� ט את ה� ח� כתיב, ”וש�ר א: שיערו לומ� זעיר� בי ר ר� מ� א� יים. ח ים ה מ ל ה ה ע שחט� צפר ה ם ה בדאת טל מב� ה גדול� ציפור ם ד� ולא ברביעית, טל ב� ה נ� קט� צפור ם ד� אין ים ”מ� ר לומ� למוד ת� אי, ד� ו� ם בד� כול י� ם“, ”בד� ני, דת� א ד� כה� רביעית, ה�א ם“. ה� ר ”ד� למוד לומ� יים, ת� ים ח� ן מ� כול שיהו כול� יים י� ים ח� יים“. אי מ� ח�מים רביעית (ירושלמי הן, שיערו חכ� ר ב� ם ציפור ניכ� יים שד� ים ח� ד, מ� כיצ�

סוטה ב ,ב):The purification process of a metzora18 begins with a pro-

cedure involving two birds, a stick of cedarwood, a crimson


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

thread, and hyssop grass. One of the birds is slaughtered over a vessel containing spring water. The live bird, to-gether with the other items, are dipped into the blood and water mixture, which is then sprinkled upon the metzora.

One opinion is that we know the blood and water have to be mixed together from our pasuk, which says, the one bird shall be slaughtered into an earthenware vessel over spring water, meaning that the blood is allowed to flow directly into the water.

Another opinion is that our pasuk might have been in-terpreted differently — that the bird should be slaughtered over the water, but then the blood should be allowed to flow into an empty vessel, and not mixed with the water. However, the next pasuk says, he shall dip them and the live bird into the blood of the bird “that was slaughtered over the spring water,” to tell us that the blood and water are indeed mixed.

According to the first opinion, the second pasuk is needed to teach us that only a small amount of water (one revi’is) should be used, so that both the blood and the wa-ter will be noticeable in the mixture (Sotah 16b; Yerushalmi Sotah 2:2).

דה .7 ש� ל פני ה ה ע י� ח צפר ה ח את ה And he shall set — ושלthe live bird free upon the open field.

� Free for Allר מ� א: דא� נ� עאל ת� בי ישמ� דה. דבי ר� ש� ל פני ה ה ע י� ח צפר ה ח את ה ושלמי נ� אי ף ה� דה מותרת, א� ה ש� דה, מ� דה“, כש� ש� פני ה� ל ח. . . ע� ”ושל� א קר�פו בי� עמוד י� שלא דה“, ש� ”ה� א: ני� לכדת� ליה עי מיב� הוא ה� מותרת. . . ה ויזרקנ� עיר עמוד חוץ ל� ושלא י� ר, מדב� ה ל� ויזרקנ� ת ב� ם, בג� י� ה ל� ויזרקנ�אם ך? ואיד� ה. חומ� ה חוץ ל� ויזרקנ� עיר שעומד ב� ל א כ� אל� עיר, בתוך ה�ר: לא מ� א א� ב� רתי. ר� ה ת� ע מינ� דה“? שמ� ש� דה, מאי ”ה� א ש� כן, ניכתוב קר�

ה (קידושין נז:): ל� ק� ח לת� ל� ה ש� ה תור� מר� א�The purification process of a metzora19 begins with a pro-

cedure involving two birds, a stick of cedarwood, a crimson thread, and hyssop grass. One of the birds is slaughtered over a vessel containing spring water. The live bird, to-gether with the other items, are dipped into the blood and

water mixture, which is then sprinkled upon the metzora.Once this has been done, our pasuk says that the Kohen

shall set the live bird free “upon the open field.” This means that the Kohen brings the bird into a walled city,20 and sets it free in the direction of a field. If the city borders upon the sea or the desert, the bird may not be sent in that direction; only toward a field.

The Torah could have written דה a” field, without the“ ,ש�prefix ה (“the” field). According to one opinion, the extra letter teaches that the bird is compared to the field; just as one is permitted to derive benefit from a field, so too one may derive benefit from the bird after the mitzvah of send-ing it out has been done.

According to another opinion, we do not need a pasuk to tell us that the bird is permitted, as it is logical: It cannot be that the bird is forbidden, for the Torah commands us to set it free, where someone might find it and eat it (Kid-dushin 57b).

הלו .8 ב מחוץ לא� ש But he shall dwell outside of his — וי�tent.

� In the City, Out of the Tentסור א� שיהא מים“ י� ת שבע� הלו לא� מחוץ ב ש� “וי� הלו. לא� מחוץ ב ש וי�ר (דברים ה, כז) ”לך אמר א אשתו, שנאמ� הלו אל� ה, ואין א� מט� שמיש ה� בת�

הליכם“ (מועד קטן ז:, טו:, חולין קמא.): כם לא� הם שובו ל� ל�ב ש� ר ”וי� ה, שנאמ� מט� שמיש ה� ת] מותרת בת� ע� הלו. [מצור� ב מחוץ לא� ש וי�

ה (כריתות ח:): הל� מים“ ולא מחוץ לא� ת י� הלו שבע� מחוץ לא�ר, ת מות� ע� ב עם מצור� א ז� ה, ה� ב� ז� ב עם ה� ז� ל ה� הלו. לא יאכ� ב מחוץ לא� ש וי�

ה (ירושלמי שבת א, ג): הל� הלו“ ולא מחוץ לא� ב מחוץ לא� ש� ”וי�A metzora21 is not permitted to be in any walled city in

Eretz Yisrael as long as he is tamei (ritually impure). Once his tzaraas has healed, he must go through an eight-day purification process, which begins with the bird procedure described in the earlier pesukim. After that procedure has been done, our pasuk says, Thereafter he may enter the camp (that is, the city); but he shall dwell outside of his tent for seven days.

19. See note 3. 20. See pasuk 53 below. The purification process itself must take place outside of the city, because a metzora is not permitted to enter any walled city before he has been purified. 21. See note 3.

מטה (תורת כהנים פרשתא ב, יא; מועד קטן ז:): שמיש ה� מד שאסור בת� ב מחוץ לאהלו. מל� (ח) ויש�(ט) את כל שערו וגו‘. כלל ופרט וכלל, להביא כל מקום כנוס שער ונראה (סוטה טז.):

ח Wהרו ושל Xים וט Yמ ע פע$ �ב Zת ש �ע צר1 �ר מן־ה ה; �מט �ל ה Eז והז$ה ע

את־ ר ה �מט �ה ח וכבס ה: שד5 �ה י ל־פנ� �ע ה חי' ה@ צפר �את־הבוא ר י$ ח1 �ר וא ה ים וט$ �מ �ץ ב aח ל־שערו ור$ ח את־כ$ יו וגל� בגד$ה ביום ים: ט והי$ מ� ת י$ Iהלו שבע ב מחוץ לא, Wש ה וי$ חנ= מ@ �אל־הואת נו ואת־זק$ את־ראשו ל־שערו את־כ$ ח ל� �יג י שביע �ה

ע שב� א סגירות� מן כי דמד� ל ע� די ז וי�א ית� א ח� ת צפר� ח י� ל� כנה ויש� זמנין ויד�ת י� כי דמד� ע ב� ח ויצ� א: קל� ח� פי א� ל ע�ויסחי ערה ל ש� ת כ� ח י� ל� ויג� לבושוהי א שרית� ר כן יעול למ� ת� א וידכי וב� י� במ�יומין: א בע� ש� שכנה למ� א ר� מב� ויתב ת י� ח ל� יג� ה א� שביע� א ביומ� ט ויהי ת וי� דקנה ת וי� רישה ת י� ערה ש� ל כ�


פרשת מצורע יד / ז־ט 328 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

7 Then he shall sprinkle seven times upon the person being purified from the tzaraas;

he shall purify him, and he shall set the live bird free upon the open field. 8 The person

being purified shall immerse his clothing, shave off all his hair, and immerse himself

in the water and become pure. Thereafter he may enter the camp; but he shall dwell

outside of his tent for seven days.

9 On the seventh day he shall shave off all his hair — his head, his beard, his The second

stage: shaving

22. Shemos 19:15. 23. Devarim 5:27. 24. See note 3. 25. Below, 19:27. 26. Below, 21:5. 27. See note 3.

“Dwelling outside of his tent” means that he is forbidden to have relations with his wife. We know this because the Jews were forbidden to have relations with their wives for the three days prior to the Giving of the Torah,22 and after the Torah was given, Hashem told Moshe, Go say to them, “Return to your tents.” 23

On the other hand, a woman who is a metzora is not for-bidden to have relations with her husband during the seven-day waiting period. We know this because our pasuk says, he shall dwell outside of “his” tent — in the masculine; it does not say that she shall dwell outside of hers (Moed Katan 7b, 15b; Chullin 141a; Kereisos 8b; Yerushalmi Shabbos 1:3).

נו .9 רו את ראשו ואת זק� ל שע� ח את כ� ל He shall shave — יגoff all his hair — his head, his beard…


שביעי יום ה� ע ב� ת מצר� ח� ת תגל� מצוה קעד: מצו�Mitzvah 174: The Obligation of the Shaving of the

Metzora on the Seventh DayOn the seventh day of the metzora’s purification process,

he must shave off all the hair from his body.

� Conflicting Commandsר? לפי למוד לומ� ה ת� נו. “ראשו“ מ� רו את ראשו ואת זק� ל שע� ח את כ� ל יגע כן, ף מצור� ת ראשכם“, שומע� אני א� קפו פא� ר (להלן יט, כז) ”לא ת� שנאמ�

ר ”ראשו“ (יבמות ה., נזיר מא., נז:): למוד לומ� ת�ר? לפי למוד לומ� ה ת� נו. “ראשו“ מ� רו את ראשו ואת זק� ל שע� ח את כ� ל יגזיר ף נ� כול א� ל ראשו“, י� עבר ע� ר לא י� ע� זיר (במדבר ו, ה) ”ת� בי נ� ר ג� שנאמ�

ר ”ראשו“ (יבמות ה., נזיר מא., נח.): למוד לומ� ע כן, ת� מצור�ר? לפי למוד לומ� ה ת� נו“ מ� נו. “זק� רו את ראשו ואת זק� ל שע� ח את כ� ל יגלמוד ע כן, ת� ף מצור� כול א� לחו“, י� ם לא יג� נ� ת זק� ר (להלן כא, ה) ”ופא� שנאמ�

נו“ (יבמות ה., נזיר מ:, מא., נח.): ר ”זק� לומ�As part of the metzora’s24 purification process, our pasuk

tells us, On the seventh day he shall shave off all his hair — his head, his beard… Once the Torah has said that he must shave off “all” his hair, why was it necessary to specify the head and the beard?

There is a prohibition for a man to remove his peyos (the hair at the sides of his head),25 or to shave his beard with a razor.26 Likewise, there is a prohibition for a nazir (one who undertook the vow of nezirus) to cut his hair at all. Our pasuk is teaching that in the case of the metzora, his obligation of shaving off his hair overrides all of these prohibitions (Yevamos 5a; Nazir 40b, 41a, 57b, 58a).

� “All” His Hair?ח ל� יג� שביעי ה� יום ב� ה י� “וה� נו. זק� ואת ראשו את רו שע� ל כ� את ח ל יגט, ”ואת יו“ פר� בת עינ� נו ואת ג� ל, ”את ראשו ואת זק� רו“ כל� ל שע� את כ�כעין א אל� ן ד� ה ת� א� אי ל וכל� ט ופר� ל כל� ל, ל� וכ� ר ז� ח� ,“ לח� יג� רו שע� ל כ�ל מקום כינוס ף כ� ונראה, א� ר ש מקום כינוס שע� ט מפור� ה פר� ט, מ� פר� ה�שחי אי מיעט? מיעט דבית ה� ים, מ� גל� ר� ר ה� בי שיע� בי? ר� ה ר� ר ונראה; מ� שע�

ודכוליה גופיה (סוטה טז., ירושלמי קידושין א, ב):ה, ”את רו“ ריב� ל שע� ”את כ� נו. זק� ואת רו את ראשו ל שע� ח את כ� ל יגה, ר וריב� ז� “ ח� לח� רו יג� ל שע� יו“ מיעט, ”ואת כ� בת עינ� נו ואת ג� ראשו ואת זק�אי ה דכוליה גופיה, ומ� ה? ריב� אי ריב� כל. מ� ה ה� ה, ריב� וריב� ה ומיעט ריב�

חוטם (סוטה טז:): ר שבתוך ה� מיעט? מיעט שיע�One of the rules the Oral Law uses to understand the

Torah is kelal u’frat u’chelal (ל ט וכל� ל ופר� -When the To :(כל�rah teaches a general law, then specifies something that was included in that general law, and goes on to repeat the general law, it is telling us that the general law applies only to cases similar to the one specified.

The eight-day purification process of the metzora27 in-cludes shaving off all of his hair two times — once on the first day, and again on the seventh.

Our pasuk begins with a “general” statement: On the seventh day he shall shave off “all” his hair. This implies that all the hair of his entire body should be removed. Then the pasuk “specifies:” his head, his beard, his eyebrows. Finally, there is another “general” statement: and “all” his hair shall he shave off.

According to the rule of kelal u’frat u’chelal, this teaches that we shave only the parts of his body that are similar to his head, beard, and eyebrows; that is, only those areas where many hairs grow close together and the hair is vis-ible (as opposed to hair that grows on hidden parts of the body, such as under the arms).

Others do not use the kelal u’frat method to understand “general” and “specific” statements of the Torah, but rather the method of ribbah u’me’eit (ה ומיעט According to this .(ריב�method, the “specific” term comes to somewhat limit the general law, so that it applies only to cases that are similar to the specific law. When the Torah then states the general law once again, it is telling us that the law applies to all cases ex-cept for one — the case that is most unlike the specific law.

Those who apply the ribbah u’me’eit u’ribbah method to our pasuk say that all of the metzora’s hair must be shaved off, and we exclude only the hair that grows inside his nose, which is not visible at all (Sotah 16a, 16b; Yerushalmi Kiddushin 1:2).


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

ים מ רו ב ץ את בש� ח .And immerse his flesh in water — ור�


ה לטמאים ת טביל� מצוה קעה: מצו�Mitzvah 175: The Obligation of Immersion for Tamei People

A tamei person must immerse himself in a mikveh to become tahor.

� Direct Contactץ ח� ”ור� דכתיב נינהו, א יית� דאור� חציצין ים. מ ב רו בש� את ץ ח ור�מי נ� רו שע� ים. . . מ� ה� לבין בינו חוצץ ר ב� ד� יהא שלא ים“, מ� ב� רו בש� את רו, לבש� פל ט� את ה� ים“, מ� ב� רו בש� את ץ ח� ”ור� דכתיב נינהו, א יית� דאור�

רו (סוכה ו., בבא קמא פב.): אי ניהו, שע� ומ�After the hair of the metzora is shaved off, he immerses

himself in a mikveh. Our pasuk says that he shall “immerse his flesh in water.” This teaches that his flesh (that is, his skin) must be in contact with the water of the mikveh; nothing that creates a separation (chatzitzah) should be attached to his skin.

The pasuk also adds the word es (את), to include something that is secondary to his flesh — his hair. This teaches that, for an immersion to be valid, his hair also must be in complete contact with the water; there should be no knots in the hair, or anything stuck to the hair, both of which create a separation (Succah 6a; Bava Kamma 82a).

שמיני .10 יום ה .On the eighth day — וב


עתו ר� פא מצ� ע כשיתר� ן מצר� רב� ת ק� מצוה קעו: מצו�Mitzvah 176: The Obligation of the Metzora’s Offering

When He Is Cured of His TzaraasOn the eighth (final) day of the metzora’s purification pro-cess, he must bring three offerings — an asham (guilt of-fering), a chatas (sin offering), and an olah (burnt offering).

� But Not on Shabbosה, מחוסרי ת� א מע� ן: אל� נ� בי יוח� קיש לר� ר ליה ריש ל� מ� שמיני. א� יום ה וביום“ עי ליה: ”ב� הוא מיב� ת? ה� ב� חו ש� מי דד� כי נ� יום“ ה� ה דכתיב בהו ”ב� ר� פ� כ�

ה (שבת קלב.): יל� ל� ולא ב�Regarding bris milah (circumcision) for a newborn, the

Torah28 says, And on the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised. The Torah could have simply said “on the eighth.” The extra word “day” teaches that milah is performed on the eighth day even if it falls on Shabbos.

Our pasuk also says, “On the eighth day” the metzora29 shall bring his offerings to complete the purification pro-cess. Here too, the word “day” is extra. Nevertheless, the Torah is not saying that the metzora’s offerings override Shabbos; the word “day” teaches us that the offerings must be brought by day and not by night. In the case of milah, a different pasuk has an “extra” mention of “days,” to teach us that it must be performed by day, whereas metzora does not have such a second mention (Shabbos 132a).

שים ח שני כב� .He shall take two male lambs — יק

� Look-Alikesר ”שני“, שיהיו למוד לומ� ה ת� ים, מ� שים שנ� שים. מיעוט כב� ח שני כב� יקר למוד לומ� וין כשירין? ת� ל פי שאין שניהן ש� ף ע� ין שא� וין, ומנ� שניהן ש�

ה (יומא סב:): ”כבש“ (פסוק יב), ”כבש“ (פסוק יג) ריב�On the eighth (final) day of the metzora’s30 purification

process, he must bring several offerings.Our pasuk says that “two male lambs” are required.

Now the word “lambs” is plural, so we know that there are two of them. Why did the Torah need to say the word “two” This teaches that ideally the two lambs should be ?(שני)identical in appearance.

However, if the procedure was done with lambs that do not look alike, it is still valid. We know this because the later pesukim say, The Kohen shall take the one “lamb” and bring it near for a guilt offering — and — He shall slaughter the “lamb.” The Torah could have simply said, The Kohen

28. Above, 12:3. 29. See note 3. 30. See note 3.

כבשים שלשה לנסכי עשרנים. ושלשה טאת: לח� ת. ח� בשה א� וכ� (י) אחד ולג צא.): (מנחות נסכים טעונין מצורע של אשמו ו� טאתו שח� ללו, ה�(יא) בהונות: ן ת� ומ� אזנו תנוך ל ממנו ע� וליתן ע, שב� [עליו] זות לה� שמן.

צמה ר נקנור (תורת כהנים פרשתא ג, ו; סוטה ז.) ולא בעזרה ע� ע� לפני ה‘. בש�לתוך י�קריבנו לאשם. אתו והקריב (יב) כפורים: ר מחוס� שהוא לפי

העזרה לשם אשם:

ץ Eח ור$ יו את־בגד$ ס Zוכב �ח bל �יג ל־שערו ואת־כ$ יו עינ$ בת �גשים י־כב$ ח שנ& dשמיני יק �ר: ♪ י וביום ה ה& ים וט$ מ1 �את־בשרו בה עשרנים fה ושלש Lה תמימ ת' ת־שנ$ �ת ב Wח �ה א בש7 �ם וכ תמימן Gכה �יד ה עמ מן: יא וה5 ד ש, ג אח' מן ול ש �ה ב fה בלול סלת מנח$הל ח א �ת Kי יהוה פ Gם לפנ Lר ואת jה �מט �יש ה Cא ת ה$ ר א; ה �מט ה@ם ש' יב אתו לא$ Cד והקר אח$ בש ה, Zכ �ן את־ה כה �ח ה �ד: יב ולק מוע&

ע ב� ח ויצ� ל� ערה יג� ל ש� ת כ� גביני עינוהי וי�א וידכי: י� ת בסרה במ� ת לבושוהי ויסחי י� י�אמרין תרין ב יס� ה א� תמינ� א י וביומ�א א שלמת� ת� ת ש� א ב� א חד� רת� למין ואמ� ש�א א דפיל� ת� א מנח� א עסרונין סלת� ת� ותל�יא ויקים א: דמשח� ד ח� א ולג� ח במש�תהון וי� כי א דמד� בר� ת ג� כי י� א דמד� הנ� כ�א הנ� ב כ� א: יב ויס� ן זמנ� שכ� ע מ� ם יי� בתר� קד�א מ� אש� ל� תה י� רב ויק� א חד� א אמר� ת י�


פרשת מצורע יד / י־יב 330 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

eyebrows, and all his hair shall he shave off; he shall immerse his clothing and im-

merse his flesh in water, and become pure.

10 On the eighth day, he shall take two unblemished male lambs and one un-

blemished ewe in its first year, three tenth-ephah of fine flour as a minchah of-

fering mixed with oil, and one log of oil. 11 The Kohen who purifies shall place the

person being purified along with them before HASHEM at the entrance of the Ohel

Moed. 12 The Kohen shall take the one lamb and bring it near for a asham offering,

The final

stage of



31. See note 3. 32. Pasuk 20. 33. See note 3. 34. See note 3. 35. See Schottenstein Edition, note 2.

shall take “one” — and — He shall slaughter “it.” The word “lamb” is mentioned an extra two times to teach us that the procedure will be valid with any two lambs, even if they are not identical (Yoma 62b).

ה ה עשרנים סלת מנח� Three tenth-ephah of fine — ושלש�flour as a minchah offering.

� Nesachimבר. תוב מד� כ� ח ה� זב� ה עם ה� א� ב� ה ה� ה. במנח� ה עשרנים סלת מנח� ושלש�ה בפני א� ב� ה ה� א במנח� ח, או אינו אל� זב� ה עם ה� א� ב� ה ה� ה אומר במנח� ת� א�ה“, מנח� ה ואת ה� על� כהן את ה� ה ה� ה? כשהוא אומר: (פסוק כ) ”והעל� צמ� ע�

בר (מנחות צא.): תוב מד� כ� ח ה� זב� ה עם ה� א� ב� ה ה� הוי אומר: במנח�On the eighth (final) day of the metzora’s31 purification

process, he must bring three korbanos (offerings): a cha-tas (sin offering), an asham (guilt offering), and an olah (burnt offering).

Most animal offerings are accompanied by a minchah (meal offering) and nesachim (libations), collectively re-ferred to as minchas nesachim or nesachim. Two excep-tions to the rule are the chatas and asham offerings, which generally do not require a minchas nesachim.

However, in the case of the metzora, all three of his offer-ings must be accompanied by nesachim. Our pasuk says, three tenth-ephah of fine flour as a minchah offering. This does not mean a separate minchah offering of three tenth-ephah of flour, but rather that one tenth-ephah of flour is to be brought along with each offering. We know that from a later pasuk,32 which says, The Kohen shall bring the olah offering and the minchah offering up to the Mizbe’ach, in-dicating that the olah and minchah are brought together. Since one tenth-ephah is used as nesachim for the olah, it is logical to say that the other two tenth-ephahs are used as nesachim for the chatas and the asham (Menachos 91a).

הר .11 מט כהן ה The Kohen who purifies — והעמיד הshall place.

� At the Thresholdהר“ מט� כהן ה� דכתיב ”והעמיד ה� מי עין נ� מצור� הר. מט כהן ה והעמיד ה

(סוטה ח.):On the eighth (final) day of the metzora’s33 purification

process, he must bring three korbanos (offerings): a cha-tas (sin offering), an asham (guilt offering), and an olah (burnt offering).

The blood of an asham may not be taken out of the Middle Courtyard (Ezras Yisrael) of the Beis HaMikdash, yet the blood must be applied to the right ear, thumb, and large toe of the metzora, but he is not permitted to actually enter the Courtyard until he is completely puri-fied.

Therefore, he must stand at the Nikanor Gate, which is the main entrance to the Courtyard. From there he can extend his ear, thumb, and toe into the Middle Courtyard without going in himself (Sotah 8a).

ם .12 ש� ד והקריב אתו לא� אח� כבש ה6 כהן את ה ח ה ק The — ול�Kohen shall take the one lamb and bring it near

for a guilt offering.

� Only Oneן: נ� יוח� בי ר� ר מ� א� ם. ש� לא� אתו והקריב ד אח� ה6 כבש את־ה כהן ה ח ק ול�תחיל חר וי� ר י�ביא א� מ� בי מאיר דא� טו שלא לשמו, ר� ע ששח� ם מצור� אש�א וה� א: חסד� ב ר� ליה תקיף מ� וישחוט. . . חר א� י�ביא מי נ� א כ� ה� ה, תחיל� ב�

”אתו“ כתיב! (יומא סא:):One of the offerings that a metzora34 must bring on the

eighth day of his purification is the asham (guilt offering). If an asham is slaughtered for the sake of some other type of offering (shelo lishmah), it is still valid, but the owner must bring another offering to fulfill his obligation to bring an asham. If the metzora’s asham was slaughtered shelo lishmah, must he bring a second asham offering to fulfill his mitzvah?

With regard to the offerings that are brought on Yom Kippur, there is a disagreement between R’ Meir, and R’ Elazar and R’ Shimon. R’ Meir holds that if the blood spills out before all the sprinklings were completed, then whatever sprinkling was already done is disregarded; a re-placement animal must be brought and the process starts over from the beginning. R’ Elazar and R’ Shimon hold that whatever services were done are valid; a replacement ani-mal is brought, and the sprinkling, using the blood of the replacement, continues from the point at which the Kohen left off.

Here too, according to R’ Meir the asham that was brought shelo lishmah is disregarded, and it is replaced with another. According to R’ Elazar and R’ Shimon, the first asham is not disregarded.35 However, the metzora cannot bring a second one, because our pasuk says, The


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

Kohen shall take the “one” lamb and bring it near for a guilt offering — he may bring only “one” asham, not two (Yoma 61b).

ה ם תנופ� מן והניף את� ש� ם ואת לג ה ש� And bring — והקריב אתו לא�it near for a guilt offering, with the log of oil; and he

shall wave them as a wave-service.

� Together or Separately?ה. ”והקריב אתו ם תנופ� מן והניף את� ש� ם ואת לג ה ש� והקריב אתו לא�ד. ה כאח� מד שטעונין תנופ� ה“, מל� ם תנופ� מן והניף את� ש� ם ואת לג ה� ש� לא�ר ”והקריב אתו למוד לומ� א, ת� צ� צמו י� צמו וזה בע� ין שאם הניף זה בע� ומנ�ולא ה“ ”תנופ� ר לומ� למוד ת� ניף, וי� חזיר וי� ניף י� כול י� והניף“, ם. . . ש� לא�

תנופות (מנחות סא.):The final stage of the metzora’s36 purification process in-

cludes bringing an asham (guilt offering), along with a log of oil. Before the asham is slaughtered, the Kohen waves it, together with the log of oil. However, there seems to be a contradiction in our pasuk:

The pasuk says, ם את� ”,and he shall wave “them ,והניף implying that the lamb and the oil should be waved togeth-er. But instead of simply saying ם the Torah breaks ,והניפ�it into two words (ם this tells us to also join the ;(והניף את�word והניף with the previous phrase, and to read it: the log of oil and he shall wave — meaning that the oil should be waved separately from the lamb. Shall we wave them to-gether, separately, or perhaps two times — once together and once separately?

Ideally the two of them should be waved together, but if they were each waved separately, the mitzvah has never-theless been fulfilled.

Since we may think that the Torah worded this pasuk as it did to teach that the Kohen should wave them together and again separately, the pasuk clarifies by saying ה a ,תנופ�wave-service, in the singular, indicating that only one wav-ing is required (Menachos 61a).

ה לפני ה‘ ם תנופ� And he shall wave them as a — והניף את�wave-service before Hashem.

� Where?ח (מנחות סא.): מזר� ה לפני ה‘. “לפני ה‘ ”, ב� ם תנופ� והניף את�

The final stage of the metzora’s37 purification process includes bringing an asham (guilt offering), along with a log of oil. Some of the oil and the blood of the asham are applied to the metzora’s right ear, thumb, and big toe.

Before the asham is slaughtered, our pasuk says that the Kohen should wave it together with the log of oil “before Hashem” (‘לפני ה). The Middle Courtyard (Ezras Yisrael) of the Beis HaMikdash is considered “before Hashem,” and therefore the waving procedure is performed on the east side of the Mizbe’ach (Altar), which, although farther from the Sanctuary, which is to the west, is still before Hashem (Menachos 61a).38

כבש .13 ט את ה ח …He shall slaughter the lamb — וש�

� Slaughtered in the Northאת ט ח� ”וש� כתיב, א חרינ� א� א קר� ן? ל� א מנ� כב לע� כבש. ה את ט ח וש�

כבש“ (זבחים מט.): ה�As a general rule, when the Torah repeats a require-

ment regarding a sacrificial offering, it is indicating that the detail being repeated is an essential requirement and the offering is valid only if it is fulfilled. Our pasuk says that the Kohen shall slaughter the asham (guilt offering) of the metzora39 in the place where he would slaughter the chatas (sin offering), and the olah (burnt offering). This means that the asham must be slaughtered on the north side of the Courtyard in the Beis HaMikdash, just like a chatas or an olah.

The same command was given earlier,40 where the Torah says, In the place where they shall slaughter the olah shall

36. See note 3. 37. See note 3. 38. See Schottenstein Edition, note 42. 39. See note 3. 40. Above, 7:2

להניף. שהוא טעון תנופה חי (מנחות סב:): והניף אתם. את האשם ואת ל ט וגו‘. ע� לוג (תורת כהנים שם ז; מנחות סא.): (יג) במקום אשר ישח� ה�ת ת אשם בפרש� ר בתור� הלא כבר נאמ� ר, ו� למוד לומ� ה ת� צפון. ומ� מזבח� ב� ירך ה�מכלל זה שיצא לפי צפון. ב� שחיטה טעון שהאשם ב) ז, (לעיל הרן א� את ו צ�ר נאמ� לכך עמדתו, ה� במקום שחיטתו תהא יכול עמדה, בה� לידון אשמות טאת. כי ח� ט וגו‘” (תורת כהנים שם ח): כי כ� ט . . . במקום אשר ישח� ”ושח�

כהן הושוה תלויות ב� כהן. בכל עבודות ה� זה הוא ל� טאות, האשם ה� ח� ככל ה�ל ר הואיל ויצא דמו מכלל שאר אשמות להנתן ע� טאת. שלא תאמ� אשם זה לח�ר ”כי בי מזבח, לכך נאמ� ן דמים ואימורים לג� ת� תנוך ובהונות, לא יהא טעון מ�ר למוד לומ� טאת, ת� ח� עלה כ� כהן”. יכול יהא דמו ניתן למ� טאת האשם הוא ל� ח� כ�(שם פרק שבאוזן אמצעי (פרק ג, א): (יד) תנוך. גדר כהנים ת וכו‘. בתור�פותרים קורים לו טנדרו‘‘ן: בהן. גודל: ע לי, וה� ג, ה). ולשון ”תנוך” לא נוד�

ט ח� י יהוה: ♪ שני יג וש$ ה לפנ� ם תנופ' kיף את Cמן והנ Lש �ג ה ואת־לה על' את ואת־ה, kט �ח ט את־ה@ Eר ישח מקום אש ב בש כ �את־הים nש ד$ ן קדש ק, כה �ם הוא ל ש7 א$ את ה, ט$ �ח י כ@ במקום הקדש כזן ל־תנוך א �ן ע כה �ן ה �ת ם ונ$ ש$ א$ ם ה, כהן מד� �ח ה Qהוא: יד ולקית: נ� גלו הימ$ �הן ר ל־ב �נית וע ל־בהן ידו הימ$ �ית וע Yנ ר הימ$ jה �מט �ה

א מ� תהון אר� א וירים י� א דמשח� ת לג� וי�די ר את� א ב� ת אמר� יג ויכוס י� : יי� ם קד�ר את� ב� א ת� על� ת וי� א את� ט� ת ח� י� יכוס הוא א מ� אש� א את� ט� כח� ארי דיש ק�ב יד ויס� הוא: קודשין קדש א הנ� לכ�ל א ע� הנ� ויתן כ� א מ� אש� א ד� א מדמ� הנ� כ�ל אליון א וע� מינ� כי די� א דמד� רום אודנ�א: מינ� גלה די� ל אליון ר� א וע� מינ� ידה די�


פרשת מצורע יד / יג־יד 332 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

with the log of oil; and he shall wave them as a tenufah before HASHEM.

13 He shall slaughter the lamb in the place where he would slaughter the chatas offer-

ing and the olah offering, in the place of holiness; for the asham offering is like the cha-

tas offering, it is the Kohen’s, it is most holy. 14 The Kohen shall take from the blood of

the asham offering, and the Kohen shall place it on the middle part of the right ear of the

one being purified and on the thumb of his right hand and the big toe of his right foot.

41. See note 3. 42. One of the rules of the Oral Law is that when unique laws apply to one item that is part of a general category (such as the asham of the metzora from the category of asham offerings), we assume — unless the Torah specifies otherwise — that this case does not share any of the laws that apply to the other members of the category.

they slaughter the asham. Since the Torah says it twice, if an asham is slaughtered anywhere else but in the north of the Courtyard, it is not valid (Zevachim 49a).

ם הוא ש� א� את ה� ט� ח For the guilt offering is like the — כי כsin offering.

� Unique, but Alikeה ומ� ם“, ש� א� ה� את ט� ח� ”כ� ר לומ� למוד ת� שאין הוא. ם ש� א� ה� את ט� ח כ כי ר ב� לידון בד� ע ם מצור� א אש� צ� לפי שי� ם“? ש� א� את ה� ט� ח� ר ”כ� למוד לומ� ת�מים ד� ן ת� מ� עון ט� יהא לא כול י� נית, ימ� ה� רגל ובהן ד י� בבהן ש ד� הח�ה מ� הוא“, ם ש� א� ה� את ט� ח� כ� ”כי ר לומ� למוד ת� , מזבח� בי לג� ואימורים ן ת� מ� עון ט� ם ש� א� ף א� , מזבח� בי לג� ואימורים מים ד� ן ת� מ� ה טעונ� את ט� ח�

בי מזבח� (יבמות ז., זבחים מט.): מים ואימורים לג� ד�The final stage of the metzora’s41 purification process

includes bringing an asham (guilt offering). However, the asham of the metzora is unlike any other asham offer-ing. The blood of a typical asham is applied only to the Mizbe’ach (Altar), while the blood of the metzora’s asham is applied to his ear, his thumb, and his big toe.

Because this offering is so unique, we may think that its blood is not applied to the Mizbe’ach, and its sacrificial fats are not burned on the Mizbe’ach at all.42 Therefore, our pasuk adds the words, for the guilt offering (asham) is like the sin offering (chatas) — to indicate that the blood and fats of this unique asham are put on the Mizbe’ach, just like those of any other asham (Yevamos 7a; Zevachim 49a).

ן .14 ת ם ונ� ש� א� ם ה� כהן מד ח ה ק The Kohen shall take — ול�from the blood of the guilt offering, and place it.

� Taken in Handן“ ת� ר ”ונ� למוד לומ� כול בכלי, ת� ח“ י� ק� ן. “ול� ת ם ונ� ש� א� ם ה� כהן מד ח ה ק ול�מזבח� ף ל� כול א� צמו של כהן, י� ה בע� ף לקיח� צמו של כהן, א� ה בע� ה נתינ� מ�את ט� ה ח� ם הוא“. מ� ש� א� את ה� ט� ח� ”כי כ� יג) (לעיל פסוק ר למוד לומ� כן, ת�ע שני ם מצור� ה אומר: אש� ת� עון כלי. נמצאת� א� ם ט� ש� ף א� ה כלי, א� טעונ�א לו ד בכלי, זה שקיבלו בכלי ב� ד ואח� ד בי� מו, אח� בלין את ד� כהנים מק�

ע (יומא סא., זבחים מז:): א לו אצל מצור� ד ב� , וזה שקיבלו בי� אצל מזבח�The blood of most animal offerings is received in a ves-

sel and then applied to the Mizbe’ach (Altar). However, with regard to the asham (guilt offering) of the metzora, our pasuk says that the Kohen shall “take” the blood and “place” it on the ear, thumb, and big toe of the metzora. The Kohen uses the finger of his own hand to place the blood on the metzora, and since the Torah mentions the

“taking” together with “placing” it, we learn that the blood is also received directly from the slaughtered animal into the Kohen’s hand.

However, the previous pasuk said, for the guilt offering (asham) is like the sin offering (chatas) — which indicates that the blood is received in a vessel like any other offer-ing.

The Torah is teaching that two Kohanim are needed to receive the blood of the metzora’s asham — one receives the blood in his hand (to be applied to the metzora himself) and one in a vessel (to be applied to the Mizbe’ach) (Yoma 61a; Zevachim 47b).

נית ימ� דו ה ל בהן י� .And on the thumb of his right hand — וע

� Missing Partsה הר� נית, אין לו ט� ד, בהן רגל, אזן ימ� נית. אין לו בהן י� ימ� דו ה ל בהן י� וע

מית (נגעים יד, ט): עול�The final stage of a metzora’s purification process in-

cludes bringing an asham (guilt offering), along with a log of oil. Some of the oil and the blood of the asham are ap-plied to the metzora’s right ear, thumb, and big toe.

According to one opinion, if the metzora is missing his ear, thumb, or toe, this step of the process cannot be done, and the metzora remains tamei (ritually impure) for life (Negaim 14:9).

� Getting It Rightנית“, ימ� ”ה� נית ימ� דכתיב ן מ� ת� יוסי: בי ר� ר מ� א� נית. ימ� ה דו י� בהן ל וע

כבת (ירושלמי יבמות יב, ב): מע�Our pasuk says that the Kohen shall place the blood of

the metzora’s asham on the middle part of the “right” ear of the one being purified and on the thumb of his “right” hand and the big toe of his “right” foot. According to one opinion, since the Torah clearly spells out that the blood must be applied to the metzora’s right side, he is not puri-fied if the blood was applied to his left side (Yerushalmi Yevamos 12:2).

נית ימ� גלו ה ל בהן ר And on the big toe of his right — ועfoot.

� Foot, Foot; Ear, EarOne of the rules used to understand the Torah’s intent

is gezeirah shavah: Where similar words (or sometimes


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

words with similar meanings) appear in different places, the similarity links the pesukim so that they shed light on one another. A gezeirah shavah must be based on a tradi-tion handed down from Sinai.

There are three types of gezeirah shavah: Where the common word is “mufneh, free” apparently “unnecessary” in both pesukim; where the word is “extra” in one of the pesukim; and where it is not “extra” in either pasuk. A gezeirah shavah that uses words that are mufneh in both pesukim is strongest.כשיר. ר מ� ז� בי אלע� ה, ור� ה פסול� ת� נית. בשמאל, חליצ� ימ� גלו ה ל בהן ר וע”רגל“ ט), כה, (דברים ”רגל“ ן לפינ� י� א: עול� ר מ� א� ן? נ� ב� דר� א עמ� ט� אי מ�ליף רגל רגל ר לא י� ז� בי אלע� מין. ור� אן די� ף כ� מין, א� ן די� ל� ה לה� ע, מ� ממצור�נית? ימ� ה שהיא באזן ה� ין לרציע� ר אומר: מנ� ז� בי אלע� א, ר� ני� ת� ע? וה� ממצור�ף מין, א� י� ן ל� ה לה� ”אזן“, מ� ן ל� ר לה� ונאמ� ו), ”אזן“ (שמות כא, אן ר כ� נאמ�ה. שיט� ה� מוחלפת ן: נ� יוח� בי ר� ר מ� א� יוסף ר ב� ק יצח� ב ר� ר מ� א� מין! י� אן כ�ם לא תיפוך, אזן אזן מופני, רגל רגל לא מופני (יבמות ר: לעול� מ� א א� ב� ר�

קד., ירושלמי יבמות יב, ב):If a man dies without children, there is a mitzvah of

yibum; that is, for the dead man’s brother to take the wid-ow (his sister-in-law) as a wife. If he does not wish to do so, they must perform chalitzah in order to release her to get remarried to someone else. The first step of the chalitzah procedure is for the widow to remove the shoe from her brother-in-law’s foot. According to one opinion, the shoe must be removed from his right foot; if it is done from his left foot, the chalitzah is not valid. This opinion is learned from our pasuk, through a gezeirah shavah:

With regard to chalitzah the Torah43 says, she shall re-move his shoe from on “his “foot” (גלו The word “foot” is .(ר�used in our pasuk as well: The Kohen shall take from the blood of the asham offering, and the Kohen shall place it…and on the big toe of his right “foot” (גלו Just as the blood .(ר�of the metzora’s offering may not be applied to his left foot, so too, chalitzah cannot be performed with the left foot.

A Jewish bondsman44 generally goes out free after six years of service. If he wishes to remain after the six years, he may do so after undergoing a procedure known as retziah, during which the master drills a hole through the servant’s ear against a door. Only the right ear may be

used for retziah, and this too is learned through a gezeirah shavah from our pasuk:

Regarding retziah the Torah45 says, The master shall bore his “ear” (זנו with an awl. Our pasuk says, the Kohen (א�shall place it on the middle part of the right “ear” (אזן). Just as the blood must be placed only on the metzora’s right ear, so too retziah may be done only to the right ear.

According to one opinion, only those who agree with the first gezeirah shavah (regarding chalitzah) will agree with the second (regarding retziah). According to another opin-ion, everyone will agree with the second gezeirah shavah, because the word “ear” is extra, both in the pasuk of retziah (since it is also mentioned elsewhere regarding a bonds-man),46 and regarding a metzora (since it is repeated later in our passage).47 The word “foot,” on the other hand, is extra only in our pasuk, but not in the pasuk regarding chalitzah, and therefore, there is an opinion that this gezeirah shavah may be refuted (Yevamos 104a; Yerushalmi Yevamos 12:2).

אלית .15 שמ� .Left — ה

� The Other Palmשמן ה� מלג כהן ה� ח ק� ”ול� אומר: כשהוא מילי?. . . ני ה� א מנ� אלית. שמ� הר שנאמ� קום מ� ל כ� א ה� אלית, שמ� אן כ� אלית“, שמ� ה� כהן ה� ף כ� ל ע� ק צ� וי�

מין (מנחות ט:): א י� ם] אינו אל� ף“ [סת� ”כ�The first avodah (service) of a minchah (meal offering)

is kemitzah. The Kohen bends his three middle fingers over the palm of his hand, to scoop up a small portion of the flour (or baked pieces), which will be burned on the Mizbe’ach (Altar). Which hand does he use?

Regarding kemitzah the Torah48 says, He brought near the minchah offering, and filled his “palm” from it. With regard to the log of oil that a metzora brings on the eighth day of his purification, our pasuk says, The Kohen shall take from the log of oil and he shall pour it into another Kohen’s “left palm.” Since the Torah found it necessary to specifically mention that the left palm is used, and it mentions this three times in our passage,49 it indicates that wherever it does not specify which palm, it means the right one (Menachos 9b).

43. Devarim 25:9. 44. A Jewish “slave” is actually a bondsman, a servant whose services are purchased for a period of six years. 45. Shemos 21:6. 46. Devarim 15:17. 47. Pasuk 25. 48. Above, 9:17. 49. In our pasuk, and below, pesukim 16 and 26. If the

כב (מנחות ה.):] שמן, ולע� דם ל� קדים ה� ם האשם. שי� ל ד� קדשים (שם ט): (יז) [ע� (טז) לפני ה‘. כנגד בית קדשי ה�

ל aב ית: טז וט$ אל� שמ$ �ן ה jכה �ף ה Iל־כ �ק ע Wצ מן וי$ Lש �ג ה ן מל jכה �ח ה tטו ולקית Yאל שמ$ �פו ה �ל־כ �ר ע מן אש� ש �נית מן־ה עו הימ$ כהן את־אצב$ �הי יהוה: יז ומיתר ים לפנ� nמ ע פע$ �ב עו ש� מן באצב$ vש �והז$ה מן־הנית הר הימ$ �מט �זן ה ל־תנוך א �כהן ע �ן ה wפו ית �ל־כ �ר ע Zמן אש ש �הם: ש, א$ ם ה, Iל ד ית ע1 Yנ גלו הימ$ �ל־בהן ר �נית וע ל־בהן ידו הימ$ �וע

ל א ויריק ע� א דמשח� א מלג� הנ� ב כ� טו ויס�א הנ� א: טז ויטבול כ� אל� א דשמ� הנ� א דכ� יד�ל א די ע� א מן משח� מינ� ת אצבעה די� י�א באצבעה די מן משח� א וי� אל� ידה דשמ�א די ר משח� : יז ומשא� ם יי� ע זמנין קד� שב�כי א דמד� ל רום אודנ� א ע� הנ� ל ידה יתן כ� ע�ל וע� א מינ� די� ידה אליון ל וע� א מינ� די�א: מ� אש� א ד� ל דמ� א ע� מינ� גלה די� אליון ר�


פרשת מצורע יד / טו־יז 334 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

15 The Kohen shall take from the log of oil and he shall pour it into another Ko-

hen’s left palm. 16 The Kohen shall dip his right forefinger into the oil that is in

his left palm; and he shall sprinkle from the oil with his finger seven times before

HASHEM. 17 Some of the oil remaining on his palm, the Kohen shall put on the

middle part of the right ear of the one being purified, on the thumb of his right

hand and on the big toe of his right foot; on the blood of the asham offering.

Torah had written it only once, it would obviously be teaching us the basic law that the oil should be poured into the Kohen’s left palm, and that would apply to all such oil applications of a metzora. Had it mentioned it twice, we would apply the rule that when the Torah writes an exclusion twice (in this case that only the left palm is used), the second exclusion (like a double-negative in English) tells us that this is not truly an exclusion, so we would learn that the Kohen can use even his right palm. The Torah’s repeating left yet again tells us that the left palm is used only when the Torah specifies it. 50. One of the rules used to understand the Torah’s intent is gezeirah shavah: Where similar words (or sometimes words with similar meanings) appear in different places, the reference links the pesukim so that they shed light on one another. A gezeirah shavah must be based on a tradition handed down from Sinai. 51. Above, 4:25,34. 52. Pasuk 14.53. Below, pasuk 28. 54. Pasuk 14.

נית .16 ימ� עו ה כהן את אצב� ל ה ב The Kohen shall dip — וט�his right forefinger.

� The Kohen’s Right Fingerן: נ� בי יוח� ר ר� מ� ה א� נ� ר ח� ר ב� ה ב� ב� ר ר� מ� נית. א� ימ� עו ה כהן את אצב� ל ה ב וט�ח ק� ”ול� כדכתיב מין. . . י� א אל� ה אינ� ה וכהונ� ע אצב� ר שנאמ� קום מ� ל כ�כהן את ל ה� ב� ע דכתיב ”וט� ליף ממצור� עו“, וי� את באצב� ט� ח� ם ה� כהן מד� ה�ה (זבחים כד., מנחות ע או כהונ� א: או אצב� ב� ר ר� מ� א א� נית“. . . אל� ימ� עו ה� אצב�

י.):The Torah says that on the final day of the metzora’s

purification process, he shall bring a log of oil, and the Kohen shall pour some of it onto the palm of another Ko-hen. Our pasuk continues, The “Kohen” shall dip his right “forefinger” (עו into the oil that is in his left palm; and (אצב�he shall sprinkle from the oil with his finger seven times before Hashem.

According to one opinion, this teaches a gezeirah sha-vah:50 wherever the Torah mentions the word “Kohen” or “forefinger,” it refers to the right forefinger (or hand); for example, with regard to the chatas (sin) offering, where the Torah51 says, The “Kohen” shall take from the blood of the chatas offering with his “finger” and apply it to the horns of the Mizbe’ach (Altar) (Zevachim 24a; Menachos 10a).

אלית שמ� .Left — ה

� Two Left Handsאידי: ב בריה דר� א ב שיש� ר ר� מ� א? א� ת� אי א� אלית“ למ� “שמ� אלית. שמ� ה

ע (מנחות י.): ליפסול ימין דכהן במצור�The previous pasuk told us that some of the metzora’s

oil shall be poured into the Kohen’s “left” hand. Why was it necessary for our pasuk to repeat that the oil is in the left hand?

Had the Torah not repeated it, we would have thought that the left hand may be used, and certainly the right hand, since it is the preferred one in most cases. Our pa-suk is teaching that the oil must be in the Kohen’s left hand, and not in the right (Menachos 10a).

נית .17 ימ� גלו ה ל בהן ר נית וע ימ� דו ה ל בהן י� On the thumb — ועof his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot.

� On the Sideל נית וע� ימ� דו ה� ל בהן י� נית. “ע� ימ� גלו ה ל בהן ר נית וע ימ� דו ה ל בהן י� ועכשיר לה� ד לי? ח� ה מ� (כאן ולהלן פסוק כח) ל� דכתיב נית“ ימ� גלו ה� בהן ר�

דין (מנחות ט:): ד לפסול צידי צד� דין וח� צד�The final step of the metzora’s purification process in-

cludes an asham (guilt offering). Earlier,52 the Torah said that the blood of this offering shall be applied to the ear, thumb, and big toe of the metzora. Regarding a wealthy metzora, our pasuk continues and says that some oil is also applied to the same areas, including, on (ל the (ע�thumb of his right hand and on (ל the big toe of his right (וע�foot; on the blood of the guilt offering. The exact same thing is repeated53 below, with regard to the poor metzora.

Why did the Torah mention the thumb and the toe an-other two times, instead of simply saying to place the oil on the blood of the asham, which is on his thumb and big toe?

The word ל on, can also mean “near.” One of the extra ,ע�phrases teaches that the oil does not need to be directly on the top of the thumb or toe (that is, the side where the nail is), but it can even be placed on the sides, “near” the top. The second extra phrase teaches that the oil cannot be placed on the bottom of the thumb and toe, because that is not near the top (Menachos 9b).

ם ש� א� ם ה� ל ד .On the blood of the guilt offering — ע

� On the Blood or on the Place?א ה אמינ� ל מקום“ (להלן פסוק כח) הו� א ”ע� נ� חמ� ב ר� ת� ם. ואי כ� ש� א� ם ה� ל ד עם ד� ל ”ע� ן ל� ע שמ� מ� א ק� ה, חציצ� וי ה� א אימ� איתיה ל אב� , נח� נתק� א וק� ד�

ם“ (מנחות י.): ש� א� ה�The final step of the metzora’s purification process in-

cludes an asham (guilt) offering. Earlier,54 the Torah said that the blood of this offering shall be applied to the ear, thumb, and big toe of the metzora. Regarding a wealthy metzora, our pasuk continues and says that some oil is


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

also applied to the same areas, “on” the blood of the guilt offering (ם ש� א� ם ה� ל“ ד� ,With regard to the poor metzora .(”ע�the Torah55 repeats this command, but adds one word, and says that the oil shall be put “on the place” of the guilt offering’s blood (ם ש� א� ם ה� ל מקום“ ד� Why does the Torah .(”ע�phrase it two different ways?

Our pasuk is teaching that the oil may be placed directly on the blood, and the fact that the blood separates be-tween the oil and the skin is not a problem. The later pasuk teaches that even if the blood has already been wiped off, the oil needs to be put only on the “place” where the blood had been; it does not have to be put on the blood itself (Menachos 10a).

� The Rights of the Torahל מקום ם“, ”וע� ש� א� ם ה� ל ד� ר דכתיב ”ע� ח� א: מא� ב� ר ר� מ� ם. א� ש� א� ם ה� ל ד על ”ע� וכה), יד (פסוק ם ד� ב� נית“ ”ימ� א וכתיב� כח), פסוק (להלן ם“ ש� א� ה� ם ד�שיר ע ע� נית“ דכתיבי בשמן דמצור� ימ� גלו ה� ל בהן ר� נית וע� ימ� דו ה� בהן י�ד“ (לעיל ט, ז) ד“ ”י� א: ”י� ב� ר ר� מ� א א� ה לי? אל� מ� ני (כאן ולהלן פסוק כח) ל� וע�ה, ”אזן“ ”אזן“ (שמות כא, ו) חליצ� ה, ”רגל“ ”רגל“ (דברים כה, ט) ל� לקמיצ�

ה (מנחות י.): לרציע�The final step of the metzora’s purification process in-

cludes an asham (guilt) offering. Earlier,56 the Torah said that the blood of this offering shall be applied to the right ear, right thumb, and right big toe of the metzora. Regard-ing a wealthy metzora, our pasuk continues and says that some oil is also put on the middle part of the “right” ear… on the thumb of his “right” hand, and on the big toe of his “right” foot; on the blood of the guilt offering. Since the oil is put on the same place as the blood, why did the Torah have to repeat that it is put on the right side?

The right “ear” is mentioned for a gezeirah shavah57 to retziah:

A Jewish bondsman58 generally goes out free after six years of service. If he wishes to remain after the six years, he may do so, after undergoing a procedure known as retziah, during which the master drills a hole through the servant’s ear against a door. Regarding retziah, the Torah59 says, The master shall bore his “ear” with an awl. The gezeirah shavah teaches that it must be the right ear.

The thumb of the metzora’s right “hand” is mentioned for a gezeirah shavah to kemitzah:

The first avodah (service) of a minchah (meal offering) is kemitzah. The Kohen bends his three middle fingers over the palm of his hand, to scoop up a small portion of the flour (or baked pieces), which will be burned upon the Mizbe’ach (Altar). Regarding kemitzah the Torah60 says, He brought near the minchah offering, and filled his “palm” from it. The gezeirah shavah teaches that it must be the right hand.

The big toe of the right “foot” is mentioned for a gezeirah shavah to chalitzah:

If a man dies without children, there is a mitzvah of yibum, for the dead man’s brother to take the widow (his sister-in-law) as a wife. If he does not wish to do so, they must perform chalitzah in order to release her to marry someone else. With regard to the chalitzah procedure, the Torah61 says, she (the widow) shall remove his (her brother-in-law’s) shoe from on his “foot.” The gezeirah shavah teaches that it must be the right foot (Menachos 10a).

שמן .18 ר ב נות� .And the rest of the oil — וה

� The Remaining Procedureא משום א אילימ� עמ� אי ט� כבות, מ� ראש אין מע� תנות ה� שמן. מ� ר ב נות� וה(לעיל ה“ מנח� ה� מן נותרת ”וה� ה ת� מע� א אל� שמן“, ה� מן ר נות� ”וה� דכתיב ם דכתיב (לעיל פסוק יז) ”ומיתר. . . ת� אני ה� כבי? ש� מי דלא מע� כי נ� ב, ג) ה�

ר“ (יומא סא.): נות� וה�כהן ה� יו ל� ע� וכפר וגו‘ ף כ� ל ע� אשר שמן ה� מן ר נות� “וה� שמן. ב ר נות� והבי א, ר� בי עקיב� ן לא כיפר, דברי ר� ת� ן כיפר, ואם לא נ� ת� לפני ה‘ ”, אם נ�עלין ן כיפר ומ� ן בין שלא נית� ה הן, בין נית� רי מצו� ן בן נורי אומר: שי� נ� יוח�

יו כאילו לא כיפר (זבחים ו:): ל� ע�Our pasuk says that after the oil has been sprinkled sev-

en times toward the Kodesh HaKodashim (Holy of Holies), and applied to the ear, thumb, and big toe of the metzora, the “remainder” (ר נות� of the oil that is on the Kohen’s (וה�palm, he shall place upon the head of the one being purified (that is, the head of the metzora).

Since the Torah calls it the “remainder” of the oil, it indi-cates that this procedure is not so important. Nevertheless,

55. Below, pasuk 28. 56. Pasuk 14. 57. See note 50. 58. See note 44. 59. Shemos 21:6. 60. Above, 9:17. 61. Devarim 29:9.

ת נסכים של בהמה (מנחות צא.): מנחה. מנח� (כ) ואת ה�

ל־ראש �ע ן jית ן כה �ה ף ל־כ� �ע אשר מן ש �ב ר נות$ �יח וה

כהן �ה ה xש יט וע$ יהוה: י לפנ� ן jכה �ה יו kל ע$ ר וכפ� ר bה �מט �הט Iישח ר ח1 �וא תו מטמא$ ר jה �מט �ל־ה �ע ר וכפ את ט$ �ח את־ה�ה מנח' �ואת־ה ה על7 את־ה, ן כה; �ה ה yעל כ וה5 ה: על, את־ה,כשהן (חמישי ר: ס שלישי ה& וט$ ן jכה �ה יו kל ע$ ר וכפ� ה ח$ bמזב �הד אח7 בש Zכ ח �לק ו גת ש �מ ידו ין Gוא הוא ל כא ואם־ד� מחוברין)

א יד� ל ע� די א במשח� ר א� יח ודאשת�

ר פ� ויכ� כי דמד� ריש ל ע� יתן א הנ� דכ�א הנ� עבד כ� יט וי� : יי� ם א קד� הנ� עלוהי כ�כי מסובתה ל דמד� ר ע� פ� א ויכ� את� ט� ת ח� י�א הנ� סק כ� א: כ וי� ת� ת על� ר כן יכוס י� ת� וב�ר פ� א ויכ� דבח� א למ� ת� ת מנח� א וי� ת� ת על� י�א וידכי: כא ואם מסכן הוא הנ� עלוהי כ�ד ח� ר אמ� ב ויס� א דבק� מ� ידה ולית


פרשת מצורע יד / יח־כא 336 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

18 And the rest of the oil that is on the Kohen’s palm, he shall place upon the head of

the one being purified; and the Kohen shall provide him atonement before HASHEM. 19 The Kohen shall perform the chatas offering service and provide atonement for the

one being purified from his contamination; after that he shall slaughter the elevation-

offering. 20 The Kohen shall bring the olah offering and the minchah offering up to the

Mizbe’ach; and the Kohen shall provide him atonement, and he becomes pure.

21 If he is poor and his means are not sufficient, then he shall take one male lamb

62. Above, 2:3. 63. In the previous pasuk. 64. See Schottenstein Edition, Zevachim 6b note 3. 65. See also Tosafos, Zevachim 6b .Above, 5:8 .66 .ד“ה לא כיפר

we find the same expression with regard to a minchah (meal offering), where the Torah62 says that after a small portion of the flour (a kometz) is removed to be burned on the Mizbe’ach (Altar), the “remainder” (נותרת of the (וה�minchah is for Aharon and his sons. In that case, however, even though it is called the “remainder,” it is essential, and if some of the leftover flour gets lost before the kometz is burned, the offering is not valid.

Here, however, the procedure of placing the oil on the metzora’s head is not essential. The reason is because the Torah already said earlier63 that the Kohen shall place some of the oil “remaining” on his palm onto the metzora’s ear, thumb, and toe. After that, our pasuk says, the “re-mainder” of the oil shall be placed upon his head. While the flour of the meal offering is a “remainder,” this oil is a “remainder of a remainder,” and the metzora is therefore purified even if it was not placed on his head.

According to another opinion, placing oil on the head is essential, because our pasuk continues, and the Kohen shall provide him atonement,64 which indicates that without this step the metzora has no atonement, and the entire oil procedure must be repeated65 (Yoma 61a; Zevachim 6b).

את .19 ט� ח כהן את ה ה ה ש� The Kohen shall perform — וע�the sin offering service…

� With the Right IntentionsAn animal offering has four critical “blood services”:

slaughtering, catching the blood in a holy vessel, bringing the blood to the Mizbe’ach (Altar), and applying the blood to the Mizbe’ach.ן שנוי שכח� את, א� ט� יו לשם ח� ל עשיות� את. שיהו כ� ט� ח כהן את ה ה ה ש� וע�הר מט� ל ה� הר“, ע� מט� ל ה� א ”וכפר ע� ר קר� מ� ליה? א� לים מנ� קדש, שנוי בע�

הר חבירו (זבחים ח.): מט� ל ה� זה ולא ע�ה: בי ירמי� ר ר� מ� ין? א� לים מנ� את לשם בע� ט� את. ח� ט� ח כהן את ה ה ה ש� וע�תו“ (ירושלמי פסחים הר מטמא� מט� ל ה� את וכפר ע� ט� ח� כהן את ה� ה ה� ש� ”וע�

ה ,ב):With regard to the metzora’s chatas (sin) offering, our

pasuk says, The Kohen shall perform the “chatas” service. This teaches that all the avodos (services) must be per-formed for the sake of a chatas; if any one was done for the sake of a different offering, it is disqualified.

The pasuk continues, and provide atonement “for the one being purified.” This teaches that the avodah must be

performed for the sake of the metzora who is being puri-fied. If it is done for the sake of a different metzora, it is disqualified (Zevachim 8a; Yerushalmi Pesachim 5:2).

ה .20 על� כהן את ה� ה ה The Kohen shall bring the — והעל�olah offering.

� Out of Orderה“ את ראשונ� ט� ח� א ”והקריב את אשר ל� ני� ת� ה. וה� על� כהן את ה� ה ה והעל�אות ב� ל עולות ה� אות שיהו קודמות לכ� ט� ל ח� ב לכ� ה א� נ� (לעיל ה, ח). . . זה ב�כהן את ה ה� ר ”והעל� מ� א א� נ� חמ� ע דר� ת מצור� אני עול� א: ש� ב� ר ר� מ� הן. . . א� עמ�

ר (פסחים נט.־:): ה כב� ה“ שהעל� על� ה�With regard to someone who is required to bring two bird

offerings — a chatas (sin offering) and an olah (burnt of-fering) — the Torah66 says, and he shall offer the one that is for a chatas “first.” This teaches that in general, whenever a person is obligated to bring a chatas and an olah, the chatas is offered before the olah.

However, with regard to the chatas and olah offerings of the metzora, after the Torah instructs the Kohen to offer the chatas, our pasuk says,ה על� כהן את ה� ה ה� The Kohen ,והעל�shall bring the olah. The word v’he’elah (ה is actually (והעל�past-tense — the Kohen “brought” (as opposed to yaaleh עלה) which is future tense). This teaches that in the case ,(י�of the metzora, even if the olah was already brought before the chatas, the offerings are still valid (Pesachim 59a-b).

שגת .21 דו מ ל הוא ואין י� If he is poor and his — ואם דmeans are not sufficient

� Paid for by a Friendשיר נותן ערך ני שהעריך את הע� כין ע� ער� צינו ב� ל הוא. לפי שמ� ואם דעוטי בי. . . ”הוא“ למ� ל הוא“. ולר� ר ”אם ד� למוד לומ� ף זה כן, ת� כול א� ני, י� ע�הואיל א: אמינ� ך עת� ד� א לק� ס� שיר, ע� דירו ומ� ני ע� ע מצור� עוטי למ� אי? מ�

ן (ערכין יז:): ע ל� שמ� א מ� ן, ק� זלינ� א א� בר� א דג� ר חיוב� ת� בי ב� ר ר� מ� וא�ני ע ע� ה מצור� י� י, ה� ל� ע זה ע� נו של מצור� רב� ר ק� מ� שגת. הרי שא� דו מ ואין י�דו ה: ”ואין י� הב� ר א� א ב� ד� ב א� ר ר� מ� ני. . . א� דירו ע� ה מ� י� ני. . . כשה� ן ע� רב� מביא ק�

נודר (ערכין יז.): בות את ה� שגת“ לר� מ�On the last day of a metzora’s purification process, he

must bring three offerings: an asham (guilt offering), a chatas (sin offering), and an olah (burnt offering). If he is wealthy, he brings three lambs to be used for his offerings. If he is poor, he may substitute two birds for the chatas and olah offerings, instead of lambs.


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

We also find a difference between a rich person and a poor person with regard to arachin (fixed valuations). An erech-vow is where a person promises to donate some-one’s erech, his fixed value, to the Beis HaMikdash. These fixed values are based on the person’s age and gender.67 If the person who made the vow is too poor to pay the full amount of money that the Torah sets, he is obligated to pay only what he can afford.

If a poor man vows to give the erech of a rich man, the one who made the vow still has to pay only what he can, not the full erech of the rich man.

However, if a poor man takes upon himself to bring the offerings of a wealthy metzora, he must bring three animals (not birds), in order to satisfy the obligation of the rich metzora. We learn this from our pasuk, which says, If “he” (the metzora) is poor… Only when the metzora himself is poor, may he bring bird offerings.

Rebbi says that we know this without the pasuk, because the rich metzora already had an obligation to bring three animals before his poor friend pledged to pay for them. This would be comparable to a rich man who made a vow to donate his erech to the Beis HaMikdash, and then a poor man took upon himself to pay the pledge; the poor man would certainly have to pay the full erech-amount.

According to Rebbi, the word “he” in our pasuk teaches

that only the poor metzora himself is entitled to bring the less-expensive bird offerings, but if a rich man pledges to bring the offerings for a poor metzora, he must bring three lambs.

Our pasuk continues, and his means are not sufficient. Once the Torah said he is poor, what did it add by saying, his means are not sufficient? This phrase teaches that there is a situation where someone other than the poor metzora

brings birds as an offering: If a poor person, whose means

are not sufficient, pledges to bring the offerings for a differ-ent poor person who is a metzora, he, too, may bring the less-expensive offerings (Arachin 17a-17b).

יו ל� פר ע� ה לכ For a wave-service to provide — לתנופ�atonement for him.

� Does Waving Provide Atonement?פר“, ה לכ� א: ”לתנופ� ני� א? דת� כב� א מע� ן דל� א ל� ה] מנ� פר. [תנופ� ה לכ לתנופ�יא) יז, (להלן ר שנאמ� ם, ד� ב� א אל� ה ר� פ� כ� אין הלא ו� פרת, מכ� ה תנופ� וכי פר“? שאם ה לכ� ר ”לתנופ� למוד לומ� ה ת� פר“, ומ� נפש יכ� ם הוא ב� ד� ”כי ה�וכפר תוב כאילו לא כפר, כ� יו ה� ל� עלה ע� ה מ� רי מצו� ה שי� ה לתנופ� א� עש�

(יומא ה., מנחות צג:):Our pasuk says that on the last day of his purification,

the metzora shall take one male lamb as an asham (guilt

offering) “for a wave-service to provide atonement for him.”

67. Below, 27:1-8. This is different from a person promising to donate someone’s actual monetary value.

(כא) ועשרון סלת אחד. לכבש זה שהוא אחד, יביא עשרון אחד לנסכיו: כתוב ק ה� מנחה לא הוזק� בהונות. ושמן של נסכי ה� ל ה� ולג שמן. לתת ממנו ע�

ארז ת עץ זא� צפרים, ולה� שמיני לטהרתו. שמיני ל� יום ה� לפרש: (כג) ב�דם. ה� ח נ� נתק� אפילו האשם. ם ד� מקום ל ע� (כח) ת: תולע� ושני ואזוב

לול ב$ ד אח$ לת ס ועשרון יו Lל ע$ ר Gפ �לכ ה לתנופ' ם kש א$ה יונ$ י Gבנ שני או ים תר י Gכב ושת מן: ג ש, ול ה למנח' מן Oש �ביא ה: כג והב ד על, אח' את וה, ט$ �ה אחד ח xיג ידו והי nש �ר ת אש�הל־ א ח �ת אל־פ� ן bכה �אל־ה תו הר$ לט, י zשמינ �ה ביום ם את$ואת־ ם ש' א$ ה, בש את־כ� ן כה; �ה ח Eכד ולק יהוה: י לפנ� ד jמועט �ח כה וש$ י יהוה: ה לפנ� ן תנופ' כה; �ם ה yוהניף את מן Lש �ג ה לל־תנוך �ן ע Wת ם ונ$ ש$ א$ ם ה, כהן מד� �ח ה dם ולק ש$ א$ בש ה, Zאת־כגלו �ל־בהן ר �נית וע הימ$ ל־בהן ידו �ית וע Yנ ר הימ$ jה �מט �זן־ה אית: אל� שמ$ �ן ה jכה �ף ה Iל־כ �ן ע bכה �מן יצק ה Kש �ית: כו ומן־ה נ� הימ$פו �ל־כ �ע ר אש� מן ש �מן־ה נית הימ$ עו באצב$ כהן �ה ה xכז והז

מן־ ן כה �ה ן �ת כח ונ$ יהוה: י לפנ� ים nמ פע$ ע �ב ש� ית Yאל שמ$ �הל־ �נית וע הר הימ$ �מט �זן ה ל־תנוך א �פו ע �ל־כ �ר ע Zמן | אש Zש �ה

ם: ש, א$ ם ה, Iל־מקום ד �ית ע Yנ גלו הימ$ �ל־בהן ר �נית וע בהן ידו הימ$

א א עלוהי ועסרונ� ר� פ� א לכ� מ� אר� א ל� מ� אש�א א ולג� ח למנח� ד דפיל במש� א ח� סלת�תרין פנינין או רתין ש� כב ות� א: דמשח�א את� ט� ד ח� דבק ידה ויהי ח� ה די ת� בני יונ�א ביומ� תהון י� יתי כג וי� א: ת� על� ד וח�ע לתר� א הנ� כ� ת לו� לדכותה ה א� תמינ�ת א י� הנ� ב כ� : כד ויס� ם יי� א לקד� ן זמנ� שכ� מ�א וירים א דמשח� ת לג� א וי� מ� אש� א ד� אמר�כה ויכוס : יי� ם א קד� מ� א אר� הנ� תהון כ� י�א א מדמ� הנ� ב כ� א ויס� מ� אש� א ד� ת אמר� י�כי א דמד� ל רום אודנ� ויתן ע� א מ� אש� ד�ל וע� א מינ� די� ידה אליון ל וע� א מינ� די�א יריק א: כו ומן משח� מינ� גלה די� אליון ר�די א: כז וי� אל� א דשמ� הנ� א דכ� ל יד� א ע� הנ� כ�א די א מן משח� מינ� א באצבעה די� הנ� כ�ם קד� זמנין ע שב� א אל� דשמ� ידה ל ע�ל ע� די א משח� מן א הנ� כ� כח ויתן : יי�א מינ� די� כי דמד� א אודנ� רום ל ע� ידה אליון ל וע� א מינ� די� ידה אליון ל וע�א: מ� אש� א ד� ר דמ� ל את� א ע� מינ� גלה די� ר�


פרשת מצורע יד / כב־כח 338 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

as a asham offering for a tenufah to provide atonement for him; and one tenth-ephah of

fine flour mixed with oil for a minchah offering, and a log of oil. 22 And two turtledoves

or two young doves — for whichever his means are sufficient — one shall be a chatas

offering and one an olah offering. 23 He shall bring them to the Kohen, on the eighth

day of his purification, to the entrance of the Ohel Moed, before HASHEM.24 The Kohen

shall take the asham offering lamb and the log of oil; and the Kohen shall wave them

as a tenufah before HASHEM. 25 He shall slaughter the asham offering lamb and the

Kohen shall take some of the asham offering’s blood and place it on the middle part of

the right ear of the one being purified and on the thumb of his right hand and on the

big toe of his right foot. 26 From the oil, the Kohen shall pour upon the Kohen’s left palm. 27 The Kohen shall sprinkle with his right forefinger some of the oil that is in his left palm

seven times before HASHEM. 28 The Kohen shall place some of the oil that is on his palm

upon the middle of the right ear of the one being purified, on the thumb of his right

hand and on the big toe of his right foot — on the place of the asham offering’s blood.

The offering of

the poor


68. Above, pasuk 10. 69. See Schottenstein Edition, Menachos 89a note 21. 70. Pasuk 14. 71. Above, pasuk 17.

This means that before the Kohen slaughters the asham, he performs tenufah, by picking up the live animal and waving it.

Although the pasuk says “to provide atonement,” the atonement actually comes only when the blood of the animal is applied to the Mizbe’ach (Altar), and atonement comes even if the animal was not waved at all. Our pasuk means to say only that if a person treats the waving as if is unimportant and does not do it, his offering is somewhat defective, “as if” there was no atonement, even though there really was (Yoma 5a; Menachos 93b).

מן ה ולג ש� שמן למנח� לול ב ד ב� רון סלת אח� And one — ועש�tenth-ephah of fine flour mixed with oil for a

minchah offering, and a log of oil.

� How Much Oil Does a Minchah Need?ע במצור� ן: נ� ב� נו ר� ת� מן. ולג ש� ה למנח� שמן לול ב ד ב� רון סלת אח� ועש�דברי לוג עון שט� רון עש� ל ע� לימד ולג“, לול. . . ב� רון. . . ”עש� כתיב ני ע�של ה מנח� אפילו אומרים: עקב י� בן אליעזר בי ור� ה נחמי� בי ר� מים. חכ�מן“ (מנחות ה ולג ש� ר ”למנח� ה, שנאמ� א לוג� ה אל� ששים עשרונים אין ל�

פח., פט., קו.):With regard to a poor metzora, our pasuk says that aside

from his other offerings, he must bring one tenth-ephah of

fine flour mixed with oil for a minchah offering, and a log

of oil. It seems unnecessary for the Torah to tell us that his minchah (meal offering) requires one tenth-ephah of flour, since we already know that measurement from the minchah of the wealthy metzora.68 According to one opin-ion, the extra words are there to teach that all menachos require one log of oil for each tenth-ephah of flour.69 For example, a minchah consisting of sixty tenth-ephahs of flour will require sixty log of oil.

Another opinion disagrees, and points out that it was not necessary for our pasuk to mention that the flour is “for a

minchah offering,” because by definition, every flour offer-ing is a minchah. The Torah is teaching that one single log of oil is enough for a minchah of any size (Menachos 88a, 89a, 106a).

ם .28 ש� א� ם ה� ל מקום ד On the place of the guilt — עoffering’s blood.

� The Blood Placeה הו� יז) (לעיל ם“ ש� א� ם ה� ל ד� ”ע� א נ� חמ� ב ר� ת� אי כ� ם. ש� א� ם ה� מקום ד ל ע

ל מקום“ (מנחות י.): א ”ע� נ� חמ� ב ר� ת� נח� לא, כ� א איתיה אין, נתק� אמינ�The final step of the metzora’s purification process in-

cludes an asham (guilt) offering. Earlier,70 the Torah said that the blood of this offering shall be applied to the ear, thumb, and big toe of the metzora. It then told us,71 regard-ing a wealthy metzora, that some oil is also applied to the same areas, “on” the blood of the guilt offering (ם ד� ל“ ”ע�ם ש� א� With regard to the poor metzora, our pasuk repeats .(ה�this command, but adds one word, and says that the oil shall be put “on the place” of the guilt offering’s blood (ל ”ע�ם ש� א� ם ה� Why does the Torah phrase it two different .(מקום“ ד�ways?

The pasuk by the wealthy metzora is teaching that the oil may be placed directly on the blood, and the fact that the blood separates between the oil and the skin is not a problem. Our pasuk teaches that even if the blood has already been wiped off, the oil needs to be put only on the “place” where the blood had been; it does not have to be put on the blood itself (Menachos 10a).

� Same Spotsאת נותן הוא ם ש� ם, ד� ה� את נותן שהוא מקום ם. ש� א� ה� ם ד מקום ל ע

ם“ (נגעים יד, י): ש� א� ם ה� ל מקום ד� ר ”ע� שמן, שנאמ� ה�Our pasuk is teaching that after sprinkling the oil toward

the Kodesh HaKodashim (Holy of Holies), the Kohen re-turns to the metzora, who is still standing at the entrance


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

to the Courtyard, and dabs oil on the metzora’s right ear, right thumb, and right big toe — on the same spots that the Kohen had dabbed the blood of the asham (guilt offering) (Negaim 14:10).

תו .32 הר� דו בט� שיג י� Whose means are not — אשר לא תsufficient — for his purification.

� Change of Statusוהעשיר, ני ע� יו רבנות� ק� שהביא ע מצור� תו. הר� בט� דו י� שיג לא ת אשר ה אומר: בי יהוד� בי שמעון, ר� את דברי ר� ט� ר ח� ח� כל הולך א� שיר והעני, ה� ע�כל הולך עקב אומר: ה� י� בן אליעזר בי א ר� ני� ות� ם, ש� ר א� ח� כל הולך א� ה�רשו, ד ד� א אח� מקר� ן שת� ושל� ב: ר ר� מ� ה א� יהוד� ב ר ר� מ� צפרים,. . . א� ר ח� א�אי ניהו? פר, מ� מכ� ר ה� ב� ר: ד� ב� בי שמעון ס� תו“, ר� הר� דו בט� שיג י� ”אשר לא ת�בי אליעזר ם, ר� ש� אי ניהו? א� כשיר, ומ� מ� ר ה� ב� ר: ד� ב� ה ס� בי יהוד� את, ור� ט� ח�אי ניהו? ציפרים (ערכין יז:, כריתות ט:): ה, ומ� הר� גורם לו ט� ר: ה� ב� עקב ס� בן י�

On the eighth, and final, day of a metzora’s purification process, he must bring three offerings: an asham (guilt offering), a chatas (sin offering), and an olah (burnt offer-ing). If he is wealthy, he brings three lambs to be used for his offerings. If he is poor, he may substitute two birds for the chatas and olah offerings, instead of lambs.

If the financial status of the metzora changes (he be-comes wealthy or loses his money) at the time that he is undergoing his purification, what type of offerings shall he bring?

According to one opinion, it all depends on the chatas; if he was poor and brought a bird for his chatas, he brings a bird for the olah as well, even though he is now wealthy. If he was wealthy and brought a lamb for his chatas, he brings a lamb for the olah too.

A second opinion is that it depends on what his financial status was when he brought his asham, the very first of his offerings.

A third opinion holds that it depends on his status when

he first began the purification process, one week earlier, with the bird procedure on the first day.

All three opinions are based on our pasuk, which says that the bird offerings are for a metzora whose means are not sufficient — “for his purification.” According to the first opinion, the phrase “for his purification” refers to the chatas, which atones for his sins. According to the second opinion, it refers to the asham, which technically changes his status from tamei (ritually impure) to tahor (pure). Ac-cording to the third opinion, it refers to the bird procedure on the first day, which begins the purification process (Arachin 17b; Kereisos 9b).

ית .34-35 ב א אשר לו ה ה. . . וב� אחז� …As a possession — לthe one to whom the house belongs shall come.


ע ית שיהיה בו נג� ת ב� ן טומא� ת עני� מצוה קעז: מצו�Mitzvah 177: The Obligation Regarding a House With a

Tzaraas AfflictionWhen a tzaraas affliction appears on the walls of a house, we are required to render it tamei (ritually impure) and to

perform all of the procedures outlined in this passage.

� Your Land, Your Houseה (יומא יב.): ד שיכבשו אות� ה. ע� אחז� ל

טים שב� טים, חלקו ל� שב� ה ולא חלקוה� ל� בשו אות� ית. כ� ב א אשר לו ה וב�כיר את שלו, ד מ� ל אח� בות ואין כ� בות, חלקו לבית א� ולא חלקו לבית א�א אלו שאין צ� ד לו, י� ית“, מי שמיוח� ב� א אשר לו ה� ר ”וב� למוד לומ� יין? ת� מנ�

דין לו (יומא יב.): מיוח�At times, a tzaraas affliction — a specific discoloration

that is tamei (ritually impure) — may appear on the walls of a house in Eretz Yisrael.

The passage begins, When you arrive in the land of Ca-naan that I give you “as a possession.” This teaches that the

ע נג� תי ונת� (לד) י.): (מנחות גורם מקום ה� אלא גורם דם ה� שאין למד (תורת כהנים פרשתא ה, עליהם באים נגעים שה� להם היא בשורה ת. ע� צר�

רבעים טמוניות של זהב בקירות בתיהם כל א� ד), לפי שהטמינו אמוריים מ�ית ומוצאן (ויקרא רבה יז, ו): ב� ע נותץ ה� נג� ל ידי ה� מדבר, וע� שנה שהיו ישראל ב�

ל־ראש �ע ן jית ן כה �ה ף ל־כ� �ע אשר מן ש �מן־ה ר נות$ �כט וה

מן־ אחד את־ה, ה xש ל וע$ יהוה: י לפנ� יו ל' ע$ ר פ� �לכ ר bה �מט �היג ש �ת אשר־ת Gיג ידו: לא א nש �ר ת אש� ה מ& Lי היונ Gים או מן־בנ תר �הר vה וכפ Lמנח �ל־ה �ה ע ד על' אח7 את ואת־ה, kט �ד ח אח7 ידו את־ה,ע �ג נ{ אשר־בו ת �לב זאת תור יהוה: י לפנ� ר jה �מט �ל ה Iן ע כה; �ה

תו: פ הר$ יג ידו בט, Cש �א־ת ר ל Oת אש �ע Lצרואל־ ה אל־מש� יהוה ר Gב �לג ויד מחוברין) כשהן (ששי רביעי

ן נת� י zאנ ר אש� ן �ע �כנ רץ Zאל־א באו ת$ י לד כ~ לאמר: הרן א@ם: תכ5 �אחז רץ א� ית jבב ת �ע �צר ע �ג נ{ תי �ת ונ, ה Lאחז ל@ ם Kכ ל$

א ל יד� א די ע� ר מן משח� א� כט ודישת�

א ר� פ� כי לכ� א דמד� ל ריש� א יתן ע� הנ� דכ�מן ד ח� ת י� עבד ל וי� : יי� ם קד� עלוהי דבק מדי ת� ה בני יונ� מן א או י� פנינ� ש�ד ח� ת י� ידה דבק ת� די ת לא י� ידה: א ת� ל מנח� א ע� ת� ד על� ת ח� וי� א את� ט� ח� : יי� ם קד� כי דמד� ל ע� א הנ� כ� ר פ� ויכ�סגירו ש כת� די בה מ� א ית� א אור� לב ד�

ליל כותה: לג ומ� דבק ידה בד� א ת� די ל�ר: למימ� הרן א� ועם משה עם יי� די ן ע� דכנ� א רע� לא� תעלון לד ארי

ש כת� א ואתן מ� נ� חס� הב לכון לא� א י� אנ�נתכון: חס� א� א רע� א� בבית סגירו


פרשת מצורע יד / כט־לד 340 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

29 And the rest of the oil that is on the Kohen’s palm, he shall place upon the head of the one being

purified; to provide him atonement before HASHEM.

30 He shall then perform the service of one of the turtledoves or of the young doves, for whichever

his means are sufficient. 31 Of whichever his means are sufficient — one is a chatas offering and

one is an olah offering — along with the minchah offering; and the Kohen shall provide atonement

for the one being purified, before HASHEM. 32 This is the law of one in whom there is a tzaraas af-

fliction — whose means are not sufficient — for his purification.

33 HASHEM spoke to Moshe and Aharon, saying: 34 When you arrive in the land of Canaan that I give

you as a possession, and I will place a tzaraas affliction upon a house in the land of your possession;




72. See Schottenstein Edition, note 28. 73. See II Shmuel 24:24 with Rashi.

laws of tzaraas of houses were to go into effect only once the Land has been conquered, and the Jewish people have taken it as their possession.

The next pasuk continues, the one “to whom the house belongs” shall come… This teaches that even after the Land has been conquered, the laws do not go into effect until the Land “belongs” to specific individuals; that is, after it has been divided among the tribes, then among the families of each tribe, and finally among individual members of each family (Yoma 12a).

ת ע ר ע צ� תי נג ת .And I will place a tzaraas affliction — ונ�

� Evil Tidingsבי דברי ר� אים עליהם, עים ב� הם שנג� ה היא ל� בשור� ת. ע ר ע צ� תי נג ת ונ�

סין (הוריות י.): ט לנגעי אונ� בי שמעון אומר: פר� ה, ר� יהוד�At times, a tzaraas affliction — a specific discoloration

that is tamei (ritually impure) — may appear on the walls of a house in Eretz Yisrael. If the affliction persists, the house will eventually have to be demolished, as this pas-sage goes on to tell us.

Our pasuk does not say, “if” there will be a tzaraas afflic-tion upon a house, but rather, and I (Hashem) will place a tzaraas affliction upon a house. According to one opinion, the Torah is foretelling that this misfortune will surely oc-cur.72

According to another opinion, the pasuk uses this ex-pression to teach that the law of tzaraas of houses applies only when “I,” Hashem, place the affliction upon the house — but not if it came through a different extra-natural force, such as through a demon or witchcraft (Horayos 10a).

תכם Upon a house in the land of your — בבית ארץ אחזpossession.

� Any House in the Landמאין ה מט� אש� פין ובית ה� שות� כנסת ובית ה� תכם. בית ה� בבית ארץ אחז

תכם“ (יומא יא:): א ”בבית ארץ אחז� ר קר� מ� עים. . . א� בנג�With regard to a house that has a tzaraas affliction, the

next pasuk says, the one to whom the house belongs shall come… Based on this wording, we might think that the laws of tzaraas apply only to a house belonging to an individual

man, but not to a synagogue, or to a house belonging to partners, or even to a house belonging to a woman. How-ever, our pasuk simply says, upon “a house” in the land of your possession, without specifying who owns it. Accord-ing to one opinion, this teaches that the law applies to any house in the Land (Yoma 11b).

� The Communal Cityמא ים מיט� ל� עים, ואין ירוש� מא בנג� תכם מיט� תכם. אחז� בבית ארץ אחזד (יומא ש בלב� קום מקוד� א מ� עתי אל� מ� ה: אני לא ש� בי יהוד� ר ר� מ� עים. א� בנג�

יב., מגילה כו., בבא קמא פב:, נגעים יב, ד):Our pasuk says that the law of tzaraas applies when an

affliction appears upon a house in the land of your posses-sion.

According to one opinion, the city of Yerushalayim was not divided among the tribes, but it belongs to the entire nation. As such, it is not considered “the land of your [pri-vate] possession,” and therefore it is not subject to the law of tzaraas of houses.

According to another opinion, the city was, in fact, di-vided between the tribes of Yehudah and Binyamin. There-fore, if a tzaraas affliction appears on a house in the city, the laws do apply. According to this opinion, only the site of the Beis HaMikdash, which was purchased by King Da-vid on behalf of all of the Jews,73 and belongs to all of us equally, is exempt (Yoma 12a; Megillah 26a; Bava Kamma 82b; Negaim 12:4).

� Living Roomית“ כתיב א ד“ב� עמ� אי ט� עים. . . מ� מא בנג� ואין מט� תכם. בבית ארץ אחז

בהו (סוכה ג:):Our pasuk says, I (Hashem) will place a tzaraas affliction

upon a “house” in the land of your possession. Wherever the Torah uses the word bayis (ית -house, it refers to a struc ,(ב�ture that is fit to live in. If the area inside is less than four amos (cubits) by four amos, it is not considered a livable house, and is not subject to the law of tzaraas (Succah 3b).

� Secondary Parts of a Houseאת בות לר� ”בבית“ , ציע� י� ה� את בות לר� “בבית“ תכם. אחז ארץ בבית

יה (נדרים נו.): עלי� ה�Our pasuk says, I (Hashem) will place a tzaraas afflic-

tion upon a house in the land of your possession. The word


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

-upon a house, is mentioned several times in our pas ,בביתsage,74 telling us that these laws apply also to an affliction that appears on the balcony75 or the upper story of the house (Nedarim 56a).

� A Jewish Homeארץ תכם“, אחז� ארץ בבית ת ע� ר� ע צ� נג� תי ת� “ונ� תכם. אחז ארץ בבית עים בנג� מאין מט� בים כוכ� עובדי תי ב� ואין עים, בנג� ה מא� מט� תכם אחז�

(גיטין פב.):Our pasuk says, I (Hashem) will place a tzaraas afflic-

tion upon a house “in the land of your possession.” This means a house in Eretz Yisrael that is in the possession of a Jew. A house owned by a non-Jew does not become tamei through a tzaraas affliction (Gittin 82a).

ית .35 ב א אשר לו ה The one to whom the house — וב�belongs shall come.

� The Miser Is Exposedיחד ביתו לו, שאינו רוצה מי שמי� לי? ה מ� “לו“ ל� ית. ב א אשר לו ה וב�ביתו, את נה כשמפ� רסמו. מפ� לו, הקב“ה שאין ואומר יו, כל� שאיל לה�שות מדר� תי וב� כנסיות תי ב� יהיו כול י� אחרים. . . ל� יו כל� שאיל למ� ט פר�לו, ד שמיוח� מי ית“, ב� ה� לו אשר א ”וב� ר לומ� למוד ת� עים, בנג� מאין מט�

דין לו (יומא יא:): צאו אלו שאין מיוח� י�ל ן: ע� ת� יונ� בי ר� ר מ� ני א� חמ� נ� ר ב� שמואל בי ר� ר מ� א� ית. ב לו ה אשר א וב�לו אשר א ”וב� דכתיב ין, ע� ה� רות צ� ל וע� אין. . . ב� עים נג� רים דב� ה שבע�

ד ביתו לו (ערכין טז.): עאל: מי שמיוח� בי ישמ� א דבי ר� נ� ית“ ות� ב� ה�With regard to a tzaraas affliction that appears upon the

walls of a house, our pasuk says, the one to whom the house belongs (literally, the one whom the house is “his”) shall come… Why does the Torah stress that the house is “his”?

This teaches that one of the reasons tzaraas may come upon a house is because the owner is a stingy person, who keeps his house “to himself.” That is, when people ask to borrow items from him, he claims that he has none, and he does not allow anyone into his house to see what he owns. Accordingly, Hashem causes a tzaraas affliction to appear upon his house, so that he will be forced to remove his possessions from the house for all to see.76

According to one opinion, we also learn from this ex-pression (the one to whom the house belongs) that only a

house that has owners is subject to the laws of tzaraas — not a public building such as a synagogue or a study hall (Yoma 11b; Arachin 16a).

� Yerushalayimים שהיא ל� ט לירוש� ית“, פר� ב� א אשר לו ה� ן ”וב� מ� ית. ת� ב א אשר לו ה וב�

טים (ירושלמי ערלה א, ב): שב� ל ה� לכ�With regard to a tzaraas affliction that appears upon the

walls of a house, our pasuk says, the “one” to whom the house belongs shall come… This teaches that the law of tzaraas applies only to a house that is owned by an indi-vidual. According to one opinion, the city of Yerushalayim was never divided among the tribes, and it belongs to all Jews. Therefore, houses in Yerushalayim are not subject to tzaraas77 (Yerushalmi Orlah 1:2).

ית ב� ה לי ב ע נרא� Something like an affliction has — כנגappeared to me in the house.

� Daylightולא לי ית“, ב� ב� לי ה נרא� ע מ“כנג� ליה א פק� נ� ית. ב� ב לי ה נרא� ע כנג

לאורי (מועד קטן ח.):Our pasuk says that when a person notices something

that looks like a tzaraas affliction on the walls of his house, he must go to a Kohen and report, “Something like an af-fliction has appeared ‘to me’ (לי) in the house.” The word to me, indicates that the owner of the house saw the ,ליaffliction completely on his own, by daylight, without the assistance of candles. When the next pasuk continues and says, the Kohen shall come to look at the house, it is telling us that the Kohen’s examination also occurs during the daytime. According to one opinion, this is how we learn that a tzaraas affliction may not be examined at night (Moed Katan 8a).

� Expressed With Humilityוהגיד ית ב� ה� לו אשר א ”וב� ית, ב� ה� ת ראי� ד כיצ� ית. ב� ב לי ה נרא� ע כנגע ם ויודע� שהוא נג� כ� למיד ח� ית“ , אפלו ת� ב� ה לי ב� ע נרא� כהן לאמר כנג� ל�ית“ ב� ה לי ב� ע נרא� א ”כנג� ית, אל� ב� ה לי ב� ע נרא� ר נג� אי, לא יגזור ויאמ� ד� ו�

(נגעים יב, ה):Our pasuk says that when a person notices a tzaraas af-

fliction upon the walls of his house, he must go to a Kohen

74. See Schottenstein Edition, note 5. 75. See ibid. note 6. 76. As the Torah commands in the next pasuk. 77. See also discussion above, pasuk 34, “The Communal City.”

ע נג� שהוא שיודע� חכם למיד ת� אפילו בית. ב� לי נראה ע כנג� (לה) ע נראה לי” (תורת ע נראה לי, אלא ”כנג� ר נג� אי, לא יפסוק דבר ברור לומ� ד� ו�כהן שאין ן זמ� שכל כהן. ה� יבא בטרם (לו) ה): יב, נגעים י; שם כהנים בית. שאם לא ת טומאה: ולא יטמא כל אשר ב� נזקק לו אין שם תור�

ל יטמא. וע� ה שבתוכו וכל מ� להסגר, נזקק ע, נג� ויראה ה� כהן ויבא ה� נהו יפ�שקין, ל אוכלין ומ� ל כלי שטף, י�טבילם ויטהרו, ואם ע� מה חסה תורה, אם ע�להם שאין חרס, כלי ל אלא ע� תורה חסה ה� לא הא בימי טומאתו. יאכלם

טהרה במקוה (שם יב):

י nל ה נרא7 ע �ג כנ לאמר ן jכה �ל יד Cוהג ית �ב �ה אשר־לו א לה וב$

כהן לראות �בא ה רם י$ ית בט �ב �ן ופנו את־ה כה �ה ה ית: לו וצו$ ב, �בן jכה �ה בא י$ ן כ; חר Iוא ית Lב �ב ר Zל־אש כ$ א יטמ' א ול ע �ג נ �את־ה

וי ויח� א בית� דדילה לה וייתי

אתחזי א ש� כת� ר כמ� א למימ� הנ� לכ�נון ויפ� א הנ� קד כ� לו ויפ� א: לי בבית�א הנ� כ� יעול א ל� ד ע� א בית� ת י�


פרשת מצורע יד / לה־לו 342 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

35 the one to whom the house belongs shall come and declare to the Kohen, saying: Some-

thing like an affliction has appeared to me in the house. 36 The Kohen shall command; and

they shall clear the house before the Kohen comes to look at the affliction, so that every-

thing in the house should not become contaminated; and afterward shall the Kohen come

78. Therefore, if a person undergoes a difficulty, he must know that it is not because Hashem does not care about him. He should realize that it is for his own benefit, even though he may not know what the benefit is (Tiferes Yisrael). 79. Below, pasuk 46.

and report, “Something like an affliction has appeared to me in the house.” Only a Kohen is authorized to rule on a tzaraas affliction, and therefore, even if the owner of the house is a Torah scholar and he recognizes the affliction as one that would be tzaraas, he still may not say that there is a tzaraas affliction in his house; rather, he must say “some-thing like an affliction” is in the house, and then it is up to the Kohen to decide its status (Negaim 12:5).

ית .36 ב כהן ופנו את ה ה ה The Kohen shall — וצו�command; and they shall clear the house.

� Not Nowימי ת שבע� לו נותנין ע נג� בו ד שנול� ן ת� ח� ית. ב את ה ופנו כהן ה ה וצו�רגל. . . ה� ימי ת שבע� לו נותנין רגל, ב� וכן ולכסותו, ולביתו לו משתה, ה�ר לדב� לו מתינים מ� אם ית“ ב� ה� את ופנו כהן ה� ה ”וצו� אומר הוא הרי

ה (מועד קטן ז:): ר מצו� ל שכן לדב� רשות, כ� ה�When there may be a tzaraas affliction on a person’s

house, he calls the Kohen to come and examine it. Once the Kohen declares that the affliction on the walls of the house is indeed tzaraas, everything in the house becomes tamei (ritually impure). Therefore, in order to avoid a loss to the owner of the house, our pasuk instructs the Kohen to have the house emptied out before he arrives to examine it.

If we postpone the examination to prevent a monetary loss, how much more so should we do so for a mitzvah purpose. Accordingly, if a tzaraas affliction appears to a person during the seven-day celebration of his wedding, or during a festival, the Kohen allows him to enjoy the cel-ebration or festival, and does not inspect the affliction until the festivities are over (Moed Katan 7b).

� Punishment for Theftן: ת� בי יונ� ר ר� מ� ני א� חמ� ר נ� בי שמואל ב� ר ר� מ� ית. א� ב כהן ופנו את ה ה ה וצו�כהן ופנו את ה ה� גזל, דכתיב ”וצו� ל ה� אין. . . וע� עים ב� רים נג� ה דב� ל שבע� ע�מונו (ערכין זר מ� כהן ויפ� מון שאינו שלו, י�בא ה� א: הוא כונס מ� נ� ית“, ת� ב� ה�

טז.):When there may be a tzaraas affliction on a person’s

house, he calls the Kohen to come and examine it. Our pasuk says that before the Kohen examines the afflic-tion, The Kohen shall command; and they shall clear the house, thus spreading the homeowner’s property out in theopen.

One of the sins that cause tzaraas to appear on a house is theft. Because the owner of the house took the property of others into his home, he is punished by having his be-longings spread out publicly (Arachin 16a).

� The Torah’s Compassionבי ר� ר מ� א� ית“. . . ב� ה� את ופנו כהן ה� ה “וצו� ית. ב ה את ופנו כהן ה ה וצו�ן טביל� יו, מ� תכות� יו ומ� ד� יו ובג� ר כלי עצ� מא לו? אם תאמ� ה מט� מאיר: וכי מ�ל טפיו. אם כו, וע� ל פ� רסו, וע� ל כלי ח� ה, ע� תור� ה ה� ס� ל מה ח� והן טהורים. ע�ל ך ע� ביב. אם כ� מונו הח� ל מ� חמר ע� ל ו� זוי, ק� ב� מונו ה� ל מ� ה ע� תור� ה ה� ס� ך ח� כ�חמר ל ו� ע, ק� ש� ל של ר� ך ע� יו. אם כ� יו ובנות� נ� ל נפש ב� חמר ע� ל ו� מונו, ק� מ�

דיק (נגעים יב, ה): ל של צ� ע�When there may be a tzaraas affliction on a person’s

house, he calls the Kohen to come and examine it. Once the Kohen declares that the affliction on the walls of the house is indeed tzaraas, everything in the house becomes tamei (ritually impure). Therefore, in order to avoid a loss to the owner of the house, our pasuk instructs the Kohen to have the house emptied out before he arrives to examine it.

There is really no need to take out most materials, be-cause even if they become tamei they can be made tahor (pure) by immersing them in a mikveh. It is only earthen-ware utensils that cannot be purified and would have to be broken once they become tamei.

Now, tzaraas comes upon a person as a result of his sins, and earthenware utensils are very inexpensive. If the Torah is concerned about earthenware, how much more so about his expensive belongings, and how much more so about the lives of one’s children! If the Torah is so concerned even about a sinner, how much more so about a righteous person! (Negaim 12:5).78

ית ב� ל אשר ב א כ� So that everything in the — ולא יטמ�house should not become contaminated.

� Stepping Backית, דכתיב ”ולא ב� ע מכלים שב� ר� ית. כולו לא ג� ב� ל אשר ב א כ� ולא יטמ�

ית“ (שבועות יז:): ב� ל אשר ב� א כ� יטמ�Regarding a house that has a tzaraas affliction, the To-

rah79 says, Anyone who comes into the house…shall be tamei (ritually impure). The term “comes into” means that the person enters the house normally. Therefore, if he walks into the house backward, as long as he is not yet completely inside — even if only the tip of his nose remains outside — he is still tahor (pure).

However, if his entire body comes in, even backward, he is tamei. We learn this from our pasuk, which says that before the Kohen examines the affliction, all utensils should be removed from the house, so that everything “in the house” should not become tamei. This teaches that all the utensils that are (completely) in the house are tamei, regardless of how they came in — and a person who is completely in the house is no different (Shevuos 17b).


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

ית .37 ב .In the walls of the house — בקירת ה

� Four Cornersעם ית [ב� טריגון ויות], ז� שני עם ית [ב� דיגון גול, ע� ית ב� ית. ב בקירת העים, בנג� מא מט� אינו ויות], ז� מש ח� עם ית [ב� פנטיגון ויות], ז� שלוש נו דת� מילי? ני ה� א מנ� עים, בנג� מא מט� ויות] ז� ע רב� א� עם ית [ב� טטריגון ה (פסוק לט) אומר ”קיר“ ט� ים, למ� ה אומר ”קיר“ ”קירת“ שת� על� ן למ� נ� ב� ר�

ע (נזיר ח., בבא בתרא קסד:): רב� אן א� ים, הרי כ� ”קירת“ שת�In discussing a tzaraas affliction of a house, our pasuk

says, the affliction is in the “walls” of the house. A bit later,80 the Torah again says, the affliction had spread in the “walls” of the house. In both cases, the plural word “walls” is used, which means at least two walls. And since the word is used twice, this teaches that only a house that has four walls, and four corners, is subject to tzaraas. If a tzaraas affliction appears in a house that is round, triangu-lar, or pentagon-shaped, the house is not tamei (ritually impure) (Nazir 8a; Bava Basra 164b).

� Two Walls or One?מא ית ט� ב� ם אין ה� בי שמעון אומר: לעול� ר בר� ז� בי אלע� ית. ר� ב בקירת הרכו וית, א� לים, בקרן ז� נים, בשני כות� ל שני אב� אה כשני גריסין ע� ד שיר� ע�בי שמעון? כתיב ר בר� ז� בי אלע� א דר� עמ� אי ט� ריס. מ� חבו כג� כשני גריסין ור�”קיר“ וכתיב ”קירת“, איזהו קיר שהוא כשני קירות, הוי אומר זה קרן

וית (נדה יט.): ז�With regard to tzaraas of houses, our pasuk says, the

affliction is in the “walls” of the house, using the plural form of the word “walls.” Then the pasuk continues, and says, and their appearance is lower than the “wall” — in the sin-gular. According to one opinion, the Torah means one wall that is like two — that is, a corner of the house, where two walls meet to become one continuous wall. Thus, the house is tamei (ritually impure) only if the tzaraas afflic-tion appears on two stones that meet in a corner. Since the minimum size for any tzaraas affliction is one gris (a type of bean), in this case it will have to be two gris al-together — one gris on each of the two stones (Niddah 19a).

ית .38 ב ית והסגיר את ה ב� ח ה ית אל פת ב כהן מן ה א ה צ� The — וי�Kohen shall exit from the house to the entrance of the

house; and he shall close off the house.

� Exit to the Entranceכול ילך ית“, י� ב� כהן מן ה� א ה� צ� ית. “וי� ב� ח ה ית אל פת ב כהן מן ה א ה צ� וי�כול ית י� ב� ח ה� ית“, אי אל פת� ב� ח ה� ר ”אל פת� למוד לומ� סגיר, ת� לביתו וי�מן שיצא ד ע� ית“ ב� ה� ”מן ר לומ� למוד ת� סגיר, וי� שקוף מ� ה� ת ח� ת� עמוד י�

סגיר (נדרים נו:): שקוף וי� מ� ד ה� ד עומד בצ� א כיצ� ית כולו, ה� ב� ה�סגיר, אינו הולך לתוך ביתו ומ� ית. ב� ח ה ית אל פת ב כהן מן ה א ה צ� וי�ית ב� ה� ח פת� ל ע� עומד א אל� סגיר, ומ� בתוכו ע נג� שה� ית ב� ה� בתוך ולא ית“ ב� ח ה� ית אל פת� ב� כהן מן ה� א ה� צ� ר ”וי� סגיר, שנאמ� ע בתוכו ומ� נג� שה�

(נגעים יב, ו):ת ח� ת� ד מ� שע� או והסגיר, לביתו ך ל� ה� שאם ין מנ� ית. ב ה את והסגיר ית“ ב� ה� את ”והסגיר ר לומ� למוד ת� ר, מוסג� שהסגירו והסגיר, קוף ש� ה�

קום (נדרים נו.): ל מ� מכ�When there may be a tzaraas affliction on a person’s

house, he calls the Kohen to come and examine it. Our pasuk says that once the Kohen has determined that the affliction on the wall of the house is the color and minimum size of tzaraas, The Kohen shall exit from the house to the

entrance of the house; and he shall close off the house for a

seven-day period.The phrase “exit from the house” teaches that the Kohen

must leave the house completely when he closes the door; he may not stand under the doorway. The phrase “to the

entrance of the house” teaches that he must stand just out-side the entrance to the house when he shuts the door; he may not attach a long rope to the doorknob and pull the door closed from a distance.

Even so, if the Kohen did close the door while stand-ing in the doorway or he closed it by pulling it shut from afar with a rope, the “closing off” is still valid, because our pasuk concludes, and he shall close off the house, which indicates that as long as the house was closed off, even if it was done incorrectly, the closing is effective (Nedarim 56a, 56b; Negaim 12:6).

80. Below, pasuk 39.

עלו“ (דברים כה, ט), לשון הסרה: לפון“, יטלום משם, כמו ”וחלצה נ� רגומו, ”ויש� ראיהן (שם פרשתא ו, ה): (מ) וחלצו את האבנים. כת� ערורת. שוקעות במ� (לז) שק�

ע בקירת �ג נ �ה ה wע והנ �ג נ �ה את־ה fא ית: לז ור$ ב, �לראות את־הל פ' ן ש$ מת ומראיה� �מד �ערורת ירקרקת או אד ית שק@ �ב �היר Cית והסג Lב �ח ה �ת Zית אל־פ ב1 �ן מן־ה כה; �א ה yצ יר: לח וי$ מן־הק�ה א$ י ור$ Yשביע �ן ביום ה jכה �ב ה ים: לט וש7 מ� ת י$ Iית שבע ב1 �את־הן וחלצו את־ כה �ה ה ית: מ וצו$ ב, �ע בקירת ה �ג Kנ �ה ה ש7 ה פ$ והנ;

יר ע יכו אתהן אל־מחוץ ל$ ע והשל~ �ג נ� �ן ה jה ר ב$ נים אש� אב$ fה

די ל ב כ� א� יסת� א א ול� ש� כת� ת מ� למחזי י�ת למחזי י� א הנ� כן יעול כ� ר ת� א וב� בבית�א ש� כת� א מ� א וה� ש� כת� ת מ� א: לז ויחזי י� בית�ן מק� ס� או ן רק� י� חתין פ� א בית� תלי בכ�א הנ� א: לח ויפוק כ� תל� כיך מן כ� ומחזיהון מ�א ת בית� ר י� סג� וי� א ע בית� א לתר� מן בית�א ביומ� א הנ� כ� לט ויתוב יומין: א שבע�תלי א בכ� ש� כת� א אוסיף מ� ה ויחזי וה� א� שביע�א י� בנ� ת א� לפון י� א ויש� הנ� קד כ� א: מ ויפ� בית�א ר� תהון למב� וירמון י� א ש� כת� די בהון מ�


פרשת מצורע יד / לז־מ 344 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

to look at the house. 37 He shall look at the affliction and behold! — the affliction is

in the walls of the house, depressions, deep greens or deep reds; and their appear-

ance is lower than the wall. 38 The Kohen shall exit from the house to the entrance

of the house; and he shall close off the house for a seven-day period. 39 The Kohen

shall return on the seventh day; he shall look and behold! — the affliction had

spread in the walls of the house. 40 The Kohen shall command, and they shall re-

move the stones that contain the affliction, and they shall cast them outside the city

81. Below, pasuk 44. 82. See note 50. 83. Devarim 25:9. 84. Yeshayah 58:11.

� Chazakahן אוקי נ� ב� מור ר� א דא� א מלת� א ה� ית. מנ� ב� ח ה ית אל פת ב כהן מן ה א ה צ� וי�א ר קר� מ� ן: א� ת� בי יונ� ר ר� מ� ני א� חמ� ר נ� בי שמואל ב� ר ר� מ� חזקיה? א� א א� מילת�מים“ ת י� ית שבע� ב� והסגיר את ה� ית ב� ח ה� ית אל פת� ב� כהן מן ה� א ה� צ� ”וי�ן אוקי מרינ� או משום דא� א ל� א, אל� ר ליה שיעור� צ� א ב� ת� פיק וא� דנ� א א� דלמ�

חזקיה (חולין י:): א�We have a general principle that we presume that the

status of a person, animal, or object remains the same unless there is reason to believe that it changed. This is known as chazakah. One source for this principle is our pasuk:

When there may be a tzaraas affliction on a person’s house, he calls the Kohen to come and examine it. Our pasuk says that once the Kohen has determined that the affliction on the wall of the house is the color and minimum size of tzaraas, The Kohen shall exit from the house to the entrance of the house; and he shall close off the house for a seven-day period. But how can the Kohen be sure that the affliction remained the minimum size, and did not shrink before he finished closing the door, the moment the af-fliction was out of sight? The answer is that he relies on chazakah (Chullin 10b).

כהן .39 ב ה .The Kohen shall return — וש�

� Always Try Replacing Firstה זו היא כהן“ (פסוק מד), זו היא שיב� א ה� כהן“, ”וב� ב ה� “וש� כהן. ב ה וש�ה (ערובין נא., יומא ב:, יבמות יז:, נזיר ה:, מכות יג:, הוריות ח: מנחות ד., מה:, ביא�

חולין פה., בכורות לב., נדה כב:):When there may be a tzaraas affliction on a person’s

house, he calls the Kohen to come and examine it. We learned that once the Kohen has determined that the tzara-as affliction on the wall is of the correct color and minimum size, he closes off the house for one week. Our pasuk con-tinues and says, The Kohen shall return (כהן ב ה� on the (וש�seventh day; he shall look and behold! — the affliction had spread. At that point, the contaminated stones must be removed along with the surrounding plaster. New stones and plaster are put in their place, after which the house is closed for a second week.

If the affliction returns by the end of the second week, the Torah81 says, then the Kohen shall come (כהן א ה� and (וב�look, and behold! — the affliction had spread…He shall de-molish the house.

However, if the affliction remained the same size after

the first week, and did not spread by the end of the second week, then the new stones are removed and replaced. The house is not demolished unless the affliction returns during the third week. We learn this through a gezeirah shavah:82

Our pasuk says that at the end of the first week כהן ב ה� ,וש�The Kohen shall return. At the end of the second week, the pasuk says, כהן א ה� the Kohen shall come. Even though ,וב�these two phrases are not identical, their meaning is the same — that the Kohen shall come back to the house — and a gezeirah shavah therefore links the two pesukim. Just as the stones are removed and replaced at the end of the first week and we then close off the house for another week to see what happens, so too, if we have not done so earlier, we do this at the end of the second week, and if the affliction returns after the stones are replaced, the house is demolished a week later (Eruvin 51a; Yoma 2b; Yevamos 17b; Nazir 5b; Makkos 13b; Horayos 8b; Menachos 4a, 45b; Chullin 85a; Bechoros 32a; Niddah 22b).

נים .40 אב� .And they shall remove the stones — וחלצו את ה�

� Off or On?גלו“ (דברים כה, ל ר� עלו מע� ה נ� לצ� אי ”וח� אי דה� ממ� נים. אב� וחלצו את ה�א א ה� ע“. . . אל� ג� נ� הן ה� נים אשר ב� אב� ף הוא, דכתיב ”וחלצו את ה� ט) מישל�ה זו מעול� ר ז� אלע� בי ר ר� מ� וא� יא), (ישעיה נח, חליץ“ י� צמתיך� ”וע� דכתיב ע כי. . . שמ� ע ה� שמ� כי ומ� ע ה� שמ� רמי? אין! מ� א זרוזי ג� ב� ר ר� מ� כות, וא� בר� שב�

ף הוא (יבמות קב:): ה מישל� מינ�If a man dies without children, there is a mitzvah of

yibum, for the deceased man’s brother to take the widow (his sister-in-law) as a wife. If he does not wish to do so, they must perform chalitzah,

With regard to chalitzah, the Torah83 says, she shall “per-form chalitzah” (ה לצ� .with his shoe from on his foot (וח�

The word “chalitzah” can have two opposite meanings: It can mean to “remove” the shoe, as we find in connection to a house that gets a tzaraas affliction on its walls, where our pasuk says, And they shall “remove” (ve’chiltzu, וחלצו) the stones that contain the affliction. It can also mean to “strengthen,” as we find in the pasuk84 that says, and your bones He will “strengthen” (yachalitz, חליץ it seems that ;(י�the Torah would be saying that the yevamah (sister-in-law) should strengthen the yavam’s foot by putting on the shoe. The Gemara proves that in the case of chalitzah, the first interpretation is the correct one, and she removes the shoe (Yevamos 102b).


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

85. Pasuk 40.

ית .42 ב� ח את ה ח וט� חר יק ר א פ� And he shall take — וע�other mortar and plaster the house.

� Do It Yourselfאת מביאין שניהן קוצעין, שניהן חולצין, שניהן ית. ב� ה את ח וט�ח ח וט� חר יק� ר א� פ� ר ”וע� ר, שנאמ� פ� דו מביא את הע� ל הוא לב� נים, אב� אב� ה�

ה (נגעים יב ,ו): פל עמו בטיח� ית“, אין חברו מט� ב� את ה�When there may be a tzaraas affliction on a person’s

house, he calls the Kohen to come examine it. We learned

that once the Kohen has determined that the tzaraas af-fliction on the wall is of the correct color and minimum size, he closes off the house for one week. If the affliction spreads at the end of the week, the contaminated stones must be removed along with the surrounding plaster, and new stones and plaster are put in their place, after which the house is closed up for a second week.

Regarding the first steps of the replacement procedure, the Torah says, “they” shall remove (וחלצו) the stones85

כתוב שהאבנים משות שם. למדך ה� אל מקום טמא. מקום שאין טהרות משת�קצע. רוניי‘‘ר מאות מקומן בעודן בו (תורת כהנים פרק ד, ד): (מא) י� ללו מט� ה�סביבות מבפנים (שם ה): סביב. ית. רבה: מב� יש ה� משנה ובלשון בלע”ז, ע: נג� ה� בני א� שסביב טיח� ה� שיקלוף (שם), כן ש נדר� כהנים ת בתור� ע. נג� ה�לשון (מג) הקצות. סביב: ע נג� ה� בקצות קצעו אשר קצה, לשון הקצו. לשון אל האדם שחלצן, העשות, וכן ”הטוח”. אבל ”חלץ את האבנים” מוסב ה�ע. יכול חז�ר בו נג� ל לשון כבד, כמו ”כפר“ ”דבר“: ואם ישוב ה� והוא משק�ה כהן“ (לעיל פסוק לט), ”ואם ישוב”, מ� ר ”ושב ה� למוד לומ� יום יהא טמא, ת� ב�ף שיבה האמורה כאן בסוף שבוע� (תורת לן בסוף שבוע, א� שיבה האמורה לה�כהן וראה והנה פשה. יכול לא יהא כהנים פרשתא ז, ו): (מד) ובא ה�ר מארת” בבתים (כאן) ונאמ� ת מ� ע� ר ”צר� חוזר טמא אלא אם כן פשה, נאמ� ה�ל פי ף ע� חוזר א� לן טמא את ה� ה לה� מארת” בבגדים (לעיל יג, נב), מ� ת מ� ע� ”צר�ל פי שאינו פושה. אם כן ף ע� חוזר א� ף כאן טמא את ה� שאינו פושה (שם נז), א�ץ את ר ”והנה פשה”, אין כאן מקומו של מקרא זה, אלא ”ונת� למוד לומ� ה ת� מ�ע“. ”וראה והנה פשה“, הא לא נג� ר ”ואם ישוב ה� ח� ית“, היה לו לכתוב א� ב� ה�ע העומד בעיניו בשבוע� ראשון, ובא בסוף שבוע� שני ל נג� מד אלא ע� בא לל�עלה (פסוק לט) כלום בעומד בעיניו כתוב למ� ומצאו שפשה, שלא פירש בו ה�בר אלא בעומד בראשון ופשה בשבוע� ראשון, ולמדך כאן בפשיון זה שאינו מד�ר למוד לומ� ית“, ת� ב� ץ את ה� ך לו ”ונת� עשה לו, יכול יתצנו כמו שסמ� ה י� שני. ומ� ב�ה שיבה ד ביאה משיבה, מ� כהן“ (כאן), נלמ� כהן“ (לעיל פסוק לט), ”ובא ה� ”ושב ה�ף ביאה חולץ וקוצה וטח ונותן לו שבוע, חולץ וקוצה וטח ונותן לו שבוע, א�ד בזה ובזה חולץ וקוצה וטח ין שאם עמ� ואם חז�ר נותץ, לא חז�ר טהור. ומנ�מה ר [”ובא“,] ”ואם בא יבא“ (להלן פסוק מח), [ב� למוד לומ� ונותן לו שבוע, ת�שני, הרי בר, אם בפושה בראשון, הרי כבר אמור. אם בפושה ב� כתוב מד� ה�

בסוף שבא את אלא יבא“ בא ”ואם [”ובא“,] אומר אינו הא אמור. כבר ה שבוע� ראשון, ובא בסוף שבוע� שני, ”וראה והנה לא פשה“. זה העומד מ�ר למוד לומ� בית“, ת� ר את ה� עשה לו, יכול יפטר וילך כמו שכתוב כאן ”וטה� י�עשה לו, ביאה אמורה ה י� רתי אלא את הרפוי, מ� ע“, לא טה� נג� ”כי נרפא ה�ה בעליונה חולץ וקוצה טה (להלן פסוק מח), מ� עלה (כאן) וביאה אמורה למ� למ�חתונה כך וכו‘, ת� ף ב� ר לה זהו שיבה זהו ביאה, א� וטח ונותן לו שבוע, דגמ�חוזר ע ה� נג� ת כהנים (שם ד-ט). גמרו של דבר, אין נתיצה אלא ב� כדאיתא בתור�מקראות כך הוא: חוזר צריך פשיון. וסדר ה� ר חליצה וקצוי וטיחה, ואין ה� ח� א�מו), (פסוק ית ב� ה� אל בא וה� מה). (פסוק ץ ונת� מג), (פסוק ישוב ואם והנה פשה (פסוק מד). כהן וראה בית (פסוק מז), ובא ה� והאוכל ב�כתוב בעומד בראשון שנותן לו שבוע� שני להסגרו, ובסוף שבוע� שני ודבר ה�ונותן לו שבוע, עשה לו, חולץ וקוצה וטח ה י� וראהו שפשה, ומ� להסגרו בא חז�ר נותץ, לא חז�ר טעון צפרים, שאין בנגעים יותר משלשה שבועות: ואם בא יבא (פסוק מח). לסוף שבוע� שני: וראה והנה לא פשה. מקרא זה שמעו הרנו, כמ� עשה לו, יכול יט� ה י� שני, מ� מד בעומד בעיניו בראשון וב� בא לל�ע, לא נג� ר כי נרפא ה� למוד לומ� ית, ת� ב� כהן את ה� ר ה� של מקרא וטה�ע, נג� ח ולא חז�ר ה� ית שהוקצה והוט� ב� רתי אלא את הרפוי, ואין רפוי אלא ה� טה�מקרא נדרש: ואם בא אבל זה טעון חליצה וקצוי וטיחה ושבוע שלישי. וכן ה�וקצוי. ואין טיחה בלא חלוץ שני וראה והנה לא פשה, יטיחנו, יבא ב�ית, אם לא חז�ר לסוף ב� כהן את ה� ר ה� ית וטה� ב� חרי הטוח� את ה� וא�חוזר שטעון נתיצה ל ה� ע. ואם חז�ר, כבר פירש ע� נג� שבוע, כי נרפא ה� ה�ף שקל� ימים ולא ימי הסגיר אתו. ז, יב): (מו) כל (תורת כהנים פרשתא ר ”כל ימי“ למוד לומ� ף את נגעו, ת� מוחלט שקל� את נגעו. יכול שאני מוציא ה�

(שם פרק ה, ד):

פכו וש, יב Yב ס$ ית מב1 �ע Cיקצ ית Wב �מא ואת־ה א: מ& ט$ אל־מקום א: מ& ט$ אל־מקום יר ע ל$ אל־מחוץ הקצו ר Zאש פר ע$ את־ה5ר פ7 ים וע$ Yנ אב$ ת ה, �ח יאו אל־ת� nים אחרות והב Xנ קחו אב$ מב ול,

ית �ב �ח ב ע ופר� �ג נ �שוב ה ית: מג ואם־י$ ב, �ח את־ה ח וט7 ר יק1 ח; �אי חר� ית וא@ ב1 �י הקצות את־ה חר; ים וא@ Yנ אב$ ץ את־ה, Gר חל ח1 �את �ע �ית צר Lב �ע ב �ג Kנ �ה ה ש7 ה פ$ ה והנ; א$ ן ור$ כה �א ה הטוח: מד וב$ניו ית את־אב$ �ב �ץ את־ה ת� א הוא: מה ונ$ מ� ית ט$ ב1 �וא ב zרת ה מא� �מיר ע ל$ אל־מחוץ והוציא ית Lב �ה ר ל־עפ� כ$ ת jוא יו ואת־עצ$אתו יר Xהסג י jל־ימ כ$ ית �ב �אל־ה א ב$ �מו וה א: מ& ט$ אל־מקום

א בית� ת מא וי� ב: א� מס� ר את� א ל� רת� לק�ת י� וירמון סחור סחור יו מג� לפון יק�א רת� לק� א ר� למב� קליפו די א פר� ע�נין חר� א א� י� בנ� ב: מב ויסבון א� א� ר מס� את� ל�ב ן יס� חר� ר א� עפ� א ו� י� בנ� ר א� את� יתון ב� וי�א ש� כת� א: מג ואם יתוב מ� ת בית� וישוע� י�א י� בנ� ת א� לפו י� ר דש� ת� א ב� בבית� ויסגי ע: ר דאתש� ת� א וב� ת בית� לפו י� ר דק� ת� וב�א ש� כת� א אוסף מ� א ויחזי וה� הנ� מד ויעול כ�

א בבית� א היא סר� סגירות מח� א בבית�ת י� א בית� ת י� ע ר� מה וית� הוא: ב א� מס�א ר בית� ל עפ� ת כ� עוהי וי� ת א� בנוהי וי� א�ב: א� ר מס� את� א ל� רת� א לק� ר� פק למב� וי�תה ר י� סג� ל יומין די� א כ� מו ודיעול לבית�


פרשת מצורע יד / מא־מו 346 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

onto a contaminated place. 41 And the house shall be scraped on the inside, all around;

the mortar that they have scraped they are to pour outside the city onto a contami-

nated place. 42 They shall take other stones and bring them in place of the stones; and

he shall take other mortar and plaster the house.

43 If the affliction returns and erupts in the house after he has removed the stones, after

he has scraped the house and after plastering; 44 then the Kohen shall come and look,

and behold! — the affliction had spread in the house: It is a malignant tzaraas in the

house, it is contaminated. 45 He shall demolish the house — its stones, its timber, and

all the mortar of the house; they shall take it to the outside of the city, to a contaminat-

ed place. 46 Anyone who comes into the house during all the days he had quarantined

— and — “they” shall take (קחו other stones, implying (ול�that these steps are done by more than one person. Yet, our pasuk says, and “he” shall take (ח other mortar and (יק�plaster the house, which makes it seem that the owner of the house must do it himself.

The Torah is hinting at a case where there is a wall that is shared by two houses are side-by-side. If the affliction appears on one side of the wall, both neighbors are obli-gated to remove the stones and the plaster, and to bring replacement stones; but the owner of the afflicted house is the one who must bring fresh mortar, and plaster in the new stones himself (Negaim 12:6).

מארת .44 ת מ ע ר .It is a malignant tzaraas — צ�

� Forever Cursedלו ר ע� מ� אן דא� ן סיד. . . אפילו כמ� א� עות שעש� נים מנוג� מארת. אב� ת מ ע ר צ�ה מארת“, תן בו מאיר� ת מ� ע� ר� ן, הרי אלו אסורות, דכתיב ”צ� ת� מידי טומא�

נה ממנו (ירושלמי ערלה ג, ג): ל יה� וא�When there may be a tzaraas affliction on a person’s

house, he calls the Kohen to come and examine it. We learned that once the Kohen has determined that the tzara-as affliction on the wall is of the correct color and minimum size, he closes off the house for one week. If the affliction spreads at the end of the week, the contaminated stones must be removed and replaced, along with the surround-ing plaster. These stones are tamei (ritually impure), and we are forbidden to have any benefit from them. The same applies to the rest of the stones if the affliction returns, and the house must be demolished.

If the tamei stones are changed into lime (which is done by heating them in a furnace), they are no longer consid-ered tamei, since they have taken on a new form. Even so, one may not benefit from them. We learn this from our pasuk, which says, it is a “mameres” tzaraas. Literally, the word mameres means accursed. The Torah chose this word to teach that the stones are “cursed,” in that no one may ever benefit from them (Yerushalmi Orlah 3:3).

ית .45 ב ץ את ה ת .He shall demolish the house — ונ�

� Confined Versus Confirmedיו, ט מתוכו ומאחור� מא מתוכו, מוחל� ר מט� מוסג� ית ה� ית. ב� ב ץ את ה ת ונ�

ן בעינ� א וה� מי, ד� ת ת� כדמכ� ך עת� ד� א לק� ס� ואי ה, בביא� מאין מט� זה ו� וזה ץ את ת� א ”ונ� ר קר� מ� ם דא� ת� אני ה� א, ש� וליכ� ית“ (פסוק מו) ב� א אל ה� ב� ”וה�

ית (יבמות קג:): רוי ב� ה ק� ת נתיצ� ית“ אפילו בשע� ב� ה�When there may be a tzaraas affliction on a person’s

house, he calls the Kohen to come and examine it. We learned that once the Kohen has determined that the tzaraas affliction on the wall is of the correct color and minimum size, he closes up the house (“confines” it) for one week. If the affliction spreads at the end of the week, the contaminated stones must be removed and replaced, along with the surrounding plaster, and the house is again confined for one week. Finally, if the affliction returns, then it is a “confirmed” case of tzaraas, and the house must be demolished.

The house is tamei (ritually impure) both when it is confined and when it is confirmed, and therefore anyone who enters the house becomes tamei. There is one differ-ence, however: If someone touches the wall of a confirmed house, he becomes tamei whether he touched the outside of the wall, or he reached in and touched the inside. A con-fined house, however, will make a person tamei only if he touched the wall inside the house, even if he was standing outside and reached in to touch the wall.

According to one opinion, anything that one is required to burn or demolish is considered as if it is already demol-ished. If so, it would seem that one should not become tamei if he enters a confirmed house, since it should al-ready be considered a pile of rubble. However, our pasuk says, He shall demolish the “house,” which indicates that although it must be demolished, it is still a “house,” and therefore all agree that one who enters it becomes tamei (Yevamos 103b).

ית .46 ב א אל ה ב� .Anyone who comes into the house — וה

� The Common Way to Come Inאפילו כולו חוץ ו� יו דרך אחור� ע מנוג� ית ה� ס לב� נכנ� ה� ית. ב א אל ה ב� והה תור� ה סר� א� ה ביא� דרך ית“, ב� ה� אל א ב� ”וה� דכתיב הור, ט� מחוטמו

(שבועות יז:):Regarding a house that has a tzaraas affliction, our

pasuk says, Anyone who comes into the house…shall be tamei (ritually impure). The term “comes into” means that the person enters the house normally. Therefore, if


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

he walks into the house backward, as long as he is not yet completely inside — even if only the tip of his nose remains outside, he is still tahor (pure).

However, if his entire body comes in, even backward, he is tamei. We learn this from an earlier pasuk,86 which says that before the Kohen examines the affliction, all utensils should be removed from the house, so that everything “in the house” should not become tamei. This teaches that all the utensils that are (completely) in the house are tamei, regardless of how they came in — and a person who is completely in the house is no different (Shevuos 17b).

ית .52 ב .He shall cleanse the house — וחטא את ה

� Clean Cutר (לעיל א, ה) אר שנאמ� ו� צ� ה שהיא מן ה� ין לשחיט� ית. מנ� ב וחטא את הא טהו לישנ� אי ח� אי דה� טהו. ממ� ח ח� קום שש� ר“, ממ� ק� ב� ט את בן ה� ח� ”וש�

ית“ (חולין כז., נדה לא:): ב� כויי [ניקוי] הוא? דכתיב ”וחטא את ה� דד�How do we know that shechitah (kosher slaughtering of

an animal or bird) is performed by cutting the throat of the animal?

The Torah87 says, He shall slaughter (shachat) the bull. The word ט ח� :slaughter, is a combination of two words ,ש�

shach (ח ט) and chat (ש� Shach means to bend, and .(ח�chat means to cleanse, as we find in our pasuk, which says, He shall cleanse (וחטא) the house. Hence, “shachat” means: from the place where the animal “bends” (that is, its neck), you shall “cleanse” it of its blood (Chullin 27a; Niddah 31b).

דה .53 ש� עיר אל פני ה ה אל מחוץ ל� י� ח צפור ה ח את ה He — ושלshall set the live bird free toward the outside of the city

upon the open field.

� Free in the Fieldלח� א לו לש� דה. ב� ש� עיר אל פני ה ה אל מחוץ ל� י� ח צפור ה ח את ה ושלר, מדב� ל� ולא עיר, ל� ולא ם, י� ל� לא יו נ� פ� הופך אינו ה, י� ח� ה� צפור ה� את דה“ (נגעים ש� עיר אל פני ה� ה אל מחוץ ל� י� ח� צפור ה� ח את ה� ר ”ושל� שנאמ�

יד, ב):When there may be a tzaraas affliction on a person’s

house, he calls the Kohen to come and examine it. We learned that once the Kohen has determined that the tzaraas affliction on the wall is of the correct color and minimum size, he closes up the house (“confines” it) for one week. If the affliction spreads at the end of the week, the contaminated stones must be removed and replaced,

86. Pasuk 36. 87. Above, 1:5.

בכדי שהה אפילו יכול בגדים. מא מט� שאין מד מל� הערב. ד ע� יטמא מז). (פסוק בגדיו“ את בס יכ� ית ב� ב� ”והאוכל ר לומ� למוד ת� פרס, ת אכיל�אוכל אלא לי אין שכב“. ”וה� ר לומ� למוד ת� ין, מנ� שוכב אוכל, אלא לי אין

אם ריבה. בס” יכ� בס, ”יכ� ר לומ� למוד ת� ין, מנ� שוכב ולא אוכל לא ושוכב, (תורת כהנים שם פרס ת אכיל� כדי שיעור ליתן ושוכב, ר אוכל נאמ� למה כן


ל Gאכ יו וה, Lס את־בגד jב �ית יכ �ב �ב ב Gשכ �רב: מז וה ע, א עד־ה$ יטמ'ה הנ ה ו א$ ן ור$ כה �בא ה יו: מח ואם־בא י$ ס את־בגד, jב �ית יכ �ב �בכהן �ר ה aית וטה Lב �י הטח� את־ה jחר ית א@ �ב �ע ב �ג נ �ה ה xש א־פ$ לי Gית שת ב1 �א את־ה ט� �ח לח ע: מט ולק� �ג נ, �א ה י נרפ' Cית כ �ב �את־הצפר �את־ה ט ח1 נ וש$ ואזב: ת �ע י תול1 Cושנ רז א ץ Gוע ים Yצפררז א ץ־ה$ ח את־ע& Qים: נא ולק ים חי� Iל־מ �רש ע Kת אל־כלי־ח Lאח ה,ל ב� ה וט$ חי$ ר ה@ צפ �ת ואת ה �ע �תול �י ה Xת | שנ Gאזב וא ואת־ה$ית ב1 �ה אל־ה ים והז7 Yחי ים ה@ מ1 �ה וב שחוט$ �ר ה צפ �ם ה �ם בד את$ים Yחי ים ה@ מ1 �צפור וב �ם ה �ית בד �ב �א את־ה Gים: נב וחט מ� ע פע$ �ב ש�ח �ת: נג ושל �ע תול, �י ה Cאזב ובשנ רז וב, Oא ץ ה$ ה ובע� חי$ צפר ה@ �ובל־ �ר ע ה וכפ� שד= �י ה Gיר אל־פנ nע ה אל־מחוץ ל$ kחי צפר ה@ �את־ה

תק: נ, �ת ול �ע צר1 �ע ה �ג ל־נ� ה לכ$ Lתור �ר: חמישי נד זאת ה ה& ית וט$ ב1 �הרת: בה, �ול ת �ח פ1 �ולס ת שא� �נו *ול ית: ב, �ול גד Kב �ה ת �ע Iנה ולצר

* הש' רפה

א א: מז ודישכוב בבית� מש� ד ר� ב ע� א� יהי מס�ע ב� א יצ� ת לבושוהי ודייכול בבית� ע י� ב� יצ�א הנ� ל יעול כ� מח ואם מע� ת לבושוהי: י�א א בבית� ש� כת� א אוסיף מ� א ל� ויחזי וה�א הנ� כ� כי ויד� א בית� ת י� ע דאתש� ר ת� ב�ב א: מט ויס� ש� כת� סי מ� א ארי את� ת בית� י�א ע� רתין צפרין וא� א ת� ת בית� ה י� א� כ� לד�ת א: נ ויכוס י� ע זהורי ואזוב� א וצב� רז� דא� : בוע� ל מי מ� ף ע� חס� אן ד� א למ� א חד� צפר�ת א וי� ת אזוב� א וי� רז� א דא� ע� ת א� ב י� נא ויס�

ויטבול א ית� א ח� צפר� ת וי� זהורי ע צב�ובמי א דנכיס� א דצפר� א בדמ� תהון י�כי ע זמנין: נב ויד� א שב� די לבית� בוע� וי� מ�בוע� מ� ובמי א דצפר� א בדמ� א בית� ת י�א א ובאזוב� רז� א דא� ע� א ובא� ית� א ח� ובצפר�א ית� א ח� ת צפר� ח י� ל� ע זהורי: נג ויש� ובצב�ל ר ע� פ� א ויכ� קל� פי ח� א לא� רת� א לק� ר� למב�ש כת� ל מ� א לכ� ית� א אור� א וידכי: נד ד� בית�א א: נה ולסגירות לבוש� א ולנתק� סגירות�א: הר� א ולב� די� א ולע� מק� נו ולע� א: ולבית�


פרשת מצורע יד / מז־נו 348 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

it shall be contaminated until evening. 47 But one who reclines in the house shall im-

merse his garments; and one who eats in the house shall immerse his garments.

48 If the Kohen is to come and look and behold! — the affliction has not spread in the

house after the plastering of the house; then the Kohen shall declare the house to be

pure, for the affliction has healed. 49 To purify the house, he shall take two birds, cedar-

wood, crimson thread, and hyssop. 50 He shall slaughter the one bird into an earthen-

ware vessel over spring water. 51 He shall take the cedarwood, the hyssop, the crimson

thread, and the live bird, and he shall dip them into the blood of the slaughtered bird

and into the spring water; and he shall sprinkle upon the house seven times. 52 He

shall cleanse the house with the blood of the bird and with the spring water; and with

the live bird, with the cedarwood, with the hyssop, and with the crimson thread. 53 He

shall set the live bird free toward the outside of the city upon the open field; thus he

shall provide atonement for the house, and it shall become purified.

54 This is the law for every tzaraas affliction and the nesek; 55 and tzaraas of the

garment and of the house; 56 and of the s’eis, of the sapachas, and of the baheres;


of the house

88. Yeshayah 3:17. 89. Ibid. 2:14. 90. I Shmuel 2:36. 91. Yeshayah 14:1. 92. The Rishonim offer several explanations for this teaching; see Schottenstein Edition, note 39.

along with the surrounding plaster, and the house is again confined for one week. If the affliction does not return, the tzaraas is “healed,” but the house remains tamei (ritually impure) until it is purified.

The purification process of a house involves two birds, a stick of cedarwood, a crimson thread, and hyssop grass. One of the birds is slaughtered over a vessel containing spring water. The live bird, together with the other items, are dipped into the blood and water mixture, which is then sprinkled upon the house.

Once this has been done, our pasuk says that the Ko-hen shall set the live bird free toward the outside of the city

“upon the open field.” This means that the Kohen sets the bird free in the direction of a field. If the city borders on the sea, or another city, or the desert, the bird may not be sent in that direction — only toward a field (Negaim 14:2).

ת .56 ח פ ס שאת ול .And of the s’eis, of the sapachas — ול

� Defining a Wordבי ר ר� מ� יז), א� ג, (ישעיה ציון“ בנות דקד ח ה‘ ק� “ושפ� ת. ח פ ס ול שאת ולח“, וכתיב א ”ושפ� כ� ת, כתיב ה� ע� ר� הן צ� ה ב� רח� מד שפ� א: מל� בי חנינ� יוסי בר�

ת“ (שבת סב:): ח� פ� ס� שאת ול� ם ”ול� ת� ה�In our pasuk we find that one type of tzaraas affliction

is called “sapachas.” Thus, when the navi88 rebukes Jew-ish women for behaving immodestly, and he warns them, V’sipach — Hashem will “afflict” the heads of the daughters

of Tziyon, it means that they will be afflicted with tzaraas (Shabbos 62b).

� The Message Hidden in the Wordsר ת, שנאמ� נפח� רוח� לסוף סות ה� ם שיש בו ג� ד� ל א� כ� ת. ח פ ס ול שאת ולל כ� ל ”וע� ר שנאמ� , בוה� ג� לשון א אל� שאת ואין ת“, ח� פ� ס� ול� שאת ”ול�

ה, טפיל� א אל� ת ח� פ� ס� ואין אות“, נש� ה� עות גב� ה� ל כ� ל וע� מים ר� ה� רים הה�חם“ ת ל� כהנות לאכל פ� ת ה� ח� א אל א� חני נ� ר (שמואל־א ב, לו) ”ספ� שנאמ�

(סוטה ה.):At the end of the passages dealing with tzaraas, the To-

rah concludes, This is the law for every tzaraas affliction…and of the s’eis, of the sapachas…

S’eis means “raised up,” as in the pasuk,89 and upon all the high mountains and upon all the raised-up hills אות) נש� עות ה� גב� It refers to skin tzaraas that is whiter than .(ה�the surrounding skin, and therefore appears to be higher. Sapachas means “secondary,” that is, something that has no importance of its own, but attaches itself to other things, as in the pasuk,90 Attach me (חני please, to one ,(ספ�of the priestly divisions to eat a morsel of bread. This type of tzaraas is called sapachas, because it is a subcategory of the primary tzaraas afflictions.

The Torah discussed both of these types of tzaraas earlier. They are mentioned here again, to teach us a les-son: Someone who is haughty (s’eis — “raised up”) will ultimately become secondary (sapachas) to others (Sotah 5a).

� Risky Undertakingת, ח� פ� כס� אל לישר� גרים שים ק� חלבו: בי ר� ר מ� א� ת. ח פ ס ול שאת ולעקב“, כתיב ל בית י� גר עליהם ונספחו ע� ה ה� ר (ישעיהו יד , א) ”ונלו� שנאמ�

ת“ (קידושין ע:): ח� פ� ס� שאת ול� ם ”ל� ת� א ”ונספחו“ וכתיב ה� כ� ה�In our pasuk, we find that one type of tzaraas affliction

is called “sapachas.” A similar term is used in connection with geirim (converts), in the pasuk,91 The convert shall ac-company them, and they shall cleave (ונספחו) to the House of Yaakov.

This teaches that geirim can be as harmful to the Jewish people as sapachas92 (Kiddushin 70b).


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

� Avos and Toladosה טפיל� ת ח� פ� ס� ת“, ח� פ� ס� ול� שאת ”ול� ר מ� א� א נ� חמ� ר� ת. ח פ ס ול שאת ול

א (שבועות ו.): א מיניה טוב� חת� ב דמנ� ל ג� ף ע� שאת, א� ל�There are four shades of white skin that are considered

tzaraas. The brightest is the shade of snow, and is called baheres. The shade dimmer than that is called s’eis, and it is the color of wool. These are the two primary shades that are mentioned in the Torah, and are therefore called “avos,” fathers. Additionally, there are two more, less in-tense, shades of white — the color of lime and that of an egg membrane — which the Torah calls sapachas, mean-ing “secondary,” because they are subcategories, or “tola-dos,” offspring, of the two primary shades.

A tzaraas affliction is not tamei (ritually impure) unless it is at least the size of a gris (a type of bean). A tzaraas affliction (the size of a gris) that consists of two different shades of white is also tamei, but only if the two shades are either one degree apart from each other in whiteness, or if one of them is a toladah of the other.

According to one opinion, since our pasuk mentions sapa-

chas (the secondary shades) after s’eis, it is indicating that only s’eis has tolados, but not baheres. Therefore (according to this opinion), both of the secondary shades are actually subcategories of s’eis — even egg membrane, which is two shades dimmer — and can therefore combine with s’eis, but neither of them can combine with baheres (Shevuos 6a).

אל .2 ברו אל בני ישר� .Speak to the Children of Israel — ד


מא מא ומט� ב להיות ט� ת ז� ן טומא� ת עני� מצוה קעח: מצו�Mitzvah 178: The Obligation Regarding the Tumah of a ZavWe must regard a zav as being tamei and having the ability

to convey tumah to others.

� A Jewish Conditionבים כוכ� עובדי ה� ואין ה בזיב� מאין מט� אל ישר� בני אל. ישר� בני אל ברו דל דבריהם (שבת פג., נדה לד.): בין לכ� זרו עליהן שיהו כז� ל ג� ה, אב� מאין בזיב� מט�

A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure) through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. Our pasuk introduces this subject with the words, Speak to the “Children of Israel” and say to them… This teaches that only Jewish men are subject to the tumah of zav; non-Jews do not become tamei at all.

However, the Sages decreed that all Jewish male idola-ters should be considered zavim from the age of nine and up (Shabbos 83a; Niddah 34a).

.Any man — איש איש

� Young Manבות תינוק בן יום ר ”איש איש“, לר� למוד לומ� ה ת� איש איש. “איש“, מ�

ה (ערכין ג., נדה לב:, מד.): מא בזיב� ד שהוא מט� אח�

A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure) through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. The Torah (in our pasuk) begins, Ish, ish (איש איש, literally, a man, a man) who will have a discharge from his flesh… The word ish (a man) is repeated, to teach that even a newborn infant becomes tamei if such a fluid comes from him (Arachin 3a; Niddah 32b, 44a).

רו ב מבש� Who will have a discharge from his — כי יהיה ז�flesh.

� Outside Influenceת רו“ ולא מחמ� א ”מבש� ני� מא באונס. . . דת� ב לא מט� רו. ז� ב מבש� כי יהיה ז�

אונסו (כריתות ח:):A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. The Torah (in our pasuk) begins, Any man who will have a dis-charge “from his flesh” (רו רו The word …(מבש� from his ,מבש�flesh, means that the discharge was caused by his flesh, the body itself, not by an external cause, like overeating or drinking, or carrying a heavy load. If he did something that caused him to emit this fluid, he does not become a zav (Kereisos 8b).

� Upon Exitingן ת� ד שתצא טומא� מאין ע� ן מט� אינ� קרי ל ע� ב וב� ז� ה� רו. ב מבש� יהיה ז� כי רו (נדה מג.): ד שיצא זובו מבש� רו“, ע� ב מבש� ב דכתיב ”כי יהיה ז� חוץ , ז� ל�

מאו: מט� יום ואיזה הרו מט� יום איזה וגו‘. טמא ה� ביום להורת (נז) ר מבשרו למוד לומ� יהא טמא, ת� (ב) כי יהיה זב. יכול זב מכל מקום בזב טמא לדין: זכיתי לבשר בשר בין כתוב ה� שחלק ר ח� א� בשרו. כל ולא מאה מט� נדה, לה, ק� טומאה מאה מט� שהיא ממקום זבה ה בזבה, מ� וטמא מא לה, קרי, מט� מא טומאה ק� זב ממקום שמט� ף ה� טומאה חמורה, זיבה, א�

למד טמא. זובו ג-ה): א, פרשתא זבים כהנים (תורת זיבה חמורה, טומאה ודחוי, שעורין, של בצק למי דומה זוב ט). (שם מאה מט� שהיא טפה ה� ל ע�ע קשור כלובן ביצה שאינה מוזרת (נדה ת זר� מוזרת. שכב� ודומה ללובן ביצה ה�ריר כמו בשרו את זובו. שזב ז), ו, (ע“פ איוב ריר לשון (ג) רר. לה:):

שיוצא צלול:

ת: פ �ע צר, �ת ה הר זאת תור1 ט$ �א וביום ה jמ ט$ �ת ביום ה נז להור

ברו אל־ �הרן לאמר: ב ד ה ואל־א@ ר יהוה אל־מש� Gב �[טו] א וידב מבשרו fהיה ז י י� יש כ~ יש א Xם א ם אלה= Kאמרת ל ו@ א י ישר$ Gבנר בשרו את־זובו fתו בזובו ר ה טמא$ הי� א הוא: ג וזאת ת� מ� זובו ט$

א כי� א ד� א וביומ� ב� א� א מס� א ביומ� פ� ל� נז לא�ליל יי� עם א: א ומ� א דסגירות� ית� א אור� ד�לילו עם בני ר: ב מ� הרן למימ� משה ועם א�ר ארי יהי ר גב� אל ותימרון להון גב� ישר�א ב הוא: ג וד� א� איב מבשרה דובה מס� ד�ת דובה ר בשרה י� תהי סובתה בדובה ר�


פרשת מצורע יד / נז — טו / ג 350 / ספר ויקרא


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

57 to rule on which day it is contaminated and on which day it is purified; this is the law

of tzaraas.

1 HASHEM spoke to Moshe and Aharon, saying: 2 Speak to the Children of Israel and say to

them: Any man who will have a discharge from his flesh, his discharge is contaminated. 3 Thus

shall be his contamination when he discharges: whether his flesh runs with his discharge


93. Below, pasuk 16. 94. Pasuk 8. 95. Below, pasuk 14.

A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure) through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. Our pasuk begins, Any man who will have a discharge “from his flesh” (רו The Torah’s description that the fluid …(מבש�comes רו -from his flesh, tells us that he does not be ,מבש�come tamei until the fluid actually leaves his body.

The same applies to the tumah of keri, a seminal emis-sion, where the Torah93 also says, A man “from whom” there is a discharge…and therefore he is not tamei (ממנו)until it completely leaves his body (Niddah 43a).

תו בזובו .2-3 מא הוא וזאת תהיה טמא� His discharge — זובו ט�is contaminated. Thus shall be his contamination

when he discharges.

� Body Fluidsלמוד ה טמאין, ת� מ� א� יוצא מפיו ומפי ה� ם ה� כול יהא ד� מא הוא. י� זובו ט�ה מ� א� ה� ומפי מפיו יוצא ה� ם ד� ואין מא ט� הוא הוא“, מא ט� ”זובו ר לומ�

הור (יבמות קה., נדה נו.): א ט� מא, אל� ט�מא (נדה לד:, נה.): זוב שהוא ט� ל ה� מא הוא“ לימד ע� מא הוא. “זובו ט� זובו ט�ה (נדה נה:): יו לטומא� גל� בות מימי ר� תו בזובו. “וזאת“ לר� וזאת תהיה טמא�

A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure) through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. The fluid itself is also tamei, and conveys tumah to anything that comes into contact with it. Likewise, the saliva of a zav is tamei, as the Torah clearly says later in this passage.94 What is the status of other body fluids that come from the zav?

Regarding the tumah of the zav-fluid itself, our pasuk says, his discharge, “it” is tamei (מא הוא ,הוא The word .(ט�it, indicates that other body fluids that come from a zav are not tamei. On the other hand, the very next word (in the following pasuk) is וזאת, and this, so that we can read, his discharge it is tamei, “and this,” which indicates that there are other body fluids of a zav that are tamei!

The answer is that body fluids that are similar to saliva, in that they gather before they come out (just as saliva gathers before it is spit out), are tamei. On the other hand, fluids that just flow out are not tamei, even if they come from the same place as the saliva or the zivah discharge. Therefore, a zav’s urine, which first gathers in the body, is tamei, but blood is not (Yevamos 105a; Niddah 34b, 55a-b, 56a).

� The Zav Versus the Zavahה ב� ז� ואת ה� בראיות, ב ז� תוב את ה� כ� ה ה� ל� ת� בזובו. תו טמא� תהיה וזאת

מים (בבא קמא כד.): בי�

A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure) through certain unusual fluids coming from his body.

When a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle, she becomes a niddah and is tamei for a period of seven days. Bleeding during the eleven days following the seven of niddah is unusual, and a woman who bleeds during that eleven-day period is a zavah.

The zav and the zavah have many laws in common. However, with regard to the zav, our pasuk begins, “Thus” shall be his contamination “when he discharges”… The word וזאת, thus, teaches that the following law applies only to a zav and not to a zavah:

In the case of a zav, his level of tumah depends on the “discharges” that he experiences (as the pasuk says, when he discharges): one discharge makes him tamei for just that day; two discharges make him tamei for seven days; and if he experiences three discharges, he must bring two birds as offerings when he becomes tahor. All this applies whether the discharges occurred on the same day or on different days.

A zavah, on the other hand, increases her level of tumah only if she sees blood on three separate days in a row; she becomes tamei for seven days and brings offerings only if she has discharges on three days in a row (Bava Kamma 24a).

רו את זובו .3 ר בש� :When he discharges — בזובו ר�whether his flesh runs with his discharge.

� Third-Degree Tumahזובו“ ”את תרי, רו“ בש� ר ”ר� א, חד� “בזובו“ זובו. את רו בש� ר ר� בזובו

ן (נדה מג:): רב� יב בק� י� לש ראיות שח� ל ש� ע� ב ב� ל ז� ת, לימד ע� תל�A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. With regard to a zav, his level of tumah (ritual impurity) de-pends on the number of “discharges” that he experiences: one discharge makes him tamei for just that day; two dis-charges make him tamei for seven days; if he experiences three discharges, he must bring two birds as offerings when he becomes tahor.

According to one opinion, the source that a zav must bring an offering for three discharges is our pasuk, which refers to three discharges: (1) בזובו, when he dis-charges; (2) רו ר בש� זובו his flesh runs; (3) ,ר� with his ,את discharge — after which the Torah goes on to say95 that he is obligated to bring two birds as offerings (Niddah 43b).


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

תו הוא רו מזובו טמא� Or it becomes stopped — או החתים בש�up because of his discharge, that is his contamination.

� Stopped Upריך ב צ� עאל: ז� בי ישמ� ן אומר משום ר� ת� בי נ� רו מזובו. ר� או החתים בש�ר מ� דא� עאל, ישמ� בי דר� א עמ� ט� אי מ� לו, הודו ולא ה מ� א� ה� פי ת חתימ� כ�מא ואינו ח מט� עי ליה ל� הוא מב� ן, ה� נ� ב�� רו מזובו“. ור� א ”או החתים בש� קר�

א (נדה מג:): פק� ר“ נ� הוא מ“ר� עאל, ה� בי ישמ� מא י�בש. ור� מט�A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. Our pasuk tells us that a man becomes a zav when his male organ becomes stopped up because of his discharge. Ac-cording to one opinion, this teaches that he does not be-come a zav unless enough fluid came out to fully stop up the opening there.

According to another opinion, even the slightest amount of fluid that comes out will make the man a zav. Our pa-suk says, it becomes stopped up because of his discharge, to teach that the fluid itself contaminates other items only as long as it is in a liquid state, when it is capable of “stop-ping up” the organ. Once the zav fluid dries up, it no longer causes items that come into contact with it to become tamei.

The first opinion agrees that the fluid makes other ob-jects tamei only when it is still a liquid, but learns it from the earlier words of our pasuk: his flesh “runs” with his discharge (Niddah 43b).

� Second Sightingל ע� ב ב� ז� ל לימד ע� מא, זובו ט� ת מקצ� מא“ “מזובו ט� הוא. תו טמא� מזובו

ב (נדה מג:): ב ומוש� מא משכ� שתי ראיות שמט�A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. In the case of a zav, his level of tumah (ritual impurity) depends

on the number of “discharges” that he experiences: one discharge makes a man tamei for just that day; two dis-charges make him tamei for seven days; at this point, he also will cause the chair or bed that he sits or lies down upon to become tamei as well (even if the object does not make contact with his skin); if he experiences three discharges, he must bring two birds as offerings when he becomes tahor.

According to one opinion, the source for the second level — that he is tamei although he does not bring offerings — is our pasuk, which says, from (because of) his discharge, that is his tumah. The word מזובו, “from” his discharge, can be understood as “part of” his discharge. That is, even though he has not yet experienced the full three discharges that obligate him to bring the bird offerings, the pasuk says, that is his tumah — meaning that, with regard to tumah, he is already on the level of a full zav (Niddah 43b).

א .4 יו יטמ� ל� כלי אשר ישב ע� ל ה And any vessel upon — וכ�which he will sit shall become contaminated.

� Made for Sittingה פ� כ� , ליה� ע� ב ש� וי� ה סא� ה פ� כ� כול י� א. יטמ� יו ל� ע� ישב אשר כלי ה ל וכ�ד יו“ מי שמיוח� ל� ר ”אשר ישב ע� למוד לומ� מא, ת� , יהא ט� ליה� ב ע� ש� ב וי� רק� ת�אכתנו (שבת נט., חגיגה עשה מל� ונ� זה שאומרים לו עמוד א צ� ה י� לישיב�

כג., נדה מט:):A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. Any utensil upon which a zav sits, lies, or stands becomes ta-mei (ritually impure), even if it did not come into direct contact with his skin. For example, if he lies upon a stack of mattresses, all of them will become tamei — even the bottom one. This is known as midras tumah.

ת זובו. ונסתם בשרו מטפ� מה, פי הא� וסותם את או החתים. שיוצא עב ר ים וקראו טמא, שנאמ� כתוב הראשון ראיות שת� זהו פשוטו. ומדרשו: מנה ה�שני ראיות שלש וקראו כתוב ה� ”זב מבשרו זובו טמא הוא“ (פסוק ב). ומנה ה�מזובו בשרו החתים או זובו את בשרו רר בזובו ”טמאתו ר שנאמ� טמא, (מגילה לקרבן זקיקתו מ� שלישית וה� לטומאה ים שת� ד, כיצ� הא הוא”. טמאתו חרת, משכב. הראוי למשכב. יכול אפילו מיוחד למלאכה א� ח.): (ד) כל ה�מיוחד ב”, ה� ר, אלא ”אשר ישכ� ב” לא נאמ� ב”. ”אשר שכ� ר ”אשר ישכ� למוד לומ� ת�פרק כהנים (תורת אכתנו מל� עשה ונ� עמוד לו שאומרים זה יצא לכך, תמיד

במיוחד זב”, ה� עליו ישב ”אשר אלא ר נאמ� לא ב” ”יש� ישב. אשר ג): ב, ל ע במשכבו. לימד ע� לכך (שם ד; שבת נט.): (ה) ואיש אשר יג� תמיד מא לט� אדם מא לט� טומאה ה� ב א� עשה נ� שזה גע, מ� ה� מן שחמור משכב ה�אלא מא מט� ואינו טומאה, ה� ד ול� אלא אינו משכב שאינו גע מ� וה� בגדים, ע, אפילו עשרה כלים כלי. אפילו לא נג� ל ה� ישב ע� שקין]: (ו) וה� אוכלין [ומ�במשכב: וכן ג, א), (תורת כהנים פרק מאין משום מושב זה, כולן מט� ל זה ע�שא במ� מא מט� שהרוק נשאו, או בו ע ונג� טהור. ב� זב ה� ירק וכי (ח)

(נדה נה:):

ר ב אש משכ$ �ל־ה וא: ד כ$ תו ה� ים בשרו מזובו טמא$ או־החת~א: יו יטמ, ל' ב ע$ י אשר־יש� zכל �ל־ה א וכ$ Lב יטמ ז' �יו ה kל ב ע$ Iישכא עד־ מ� ים וט$ מ1 �ץ ב Iח יו ור$ kס בגד ב� �בו יכ ע במשכ$ ר יג1 יש אש� ה וא

יו kס בגד ב� �ב יכ Lז �יו ה ל' ב ע$ י אשר־יש� כל �ל־ה �רב: ו והישב ע ע, ה$ס ב� �ב יכ Lז �ר ה ע� בבש� jנג �רב: * ז וה ע, א עד־ה$ מ� ים וט$ מ1 �ץ ב Iח ור$הור ט$ �ב ב ז' �י־ירק ה רב: ח וכ� ע, א עד־ה$ מ� ים וט$ מ1 �ץ ב Iח יו ור$ kבגד

* חצי הספר בפסוקים

ל תים בשרה מדובה סובתה היא: ד כ� או ח�ב א� א יהי מס� נ� א די ישכוב עלוהי דוב� משכב�ר די ב: ה וגב� א� א די ייתב עלוהי יהי מס� נ� ל מ� וכ�א י� ע לבושוהי ויסחי במ� ב� ב במשכבה יצ� יקר�א די נ� ל מ� א: ו ודייתב ע� מש� ד ר� ב ע� א� ויהי מס�ויסחי ע לבושוהי ב� א יצ� נ� ייתב עלוהי דוב�ר ב בבס� א: ז ודיקר� מש� ד ר� ב ע� א� א ויהי מס� י� במ�ויהי א י� במ� ויסחי לבושוהי ע ב� יצ� א נ� דוב�א כי� א בד� נ� ארי ירוק דוב� א: ח ו� מש� ד ר� ב ע� א� מס�


פרשת מצורע טו / ד־ח 352 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

or it becomes stopped up because of his discharge, that is his contamination. 4 Any

bedding upon which the person with the discharge will recline shall be contami-

nated, and any vessel upon which he will sit shall become contaminated. 5 A per-

son who will touch his bedding shall immerse his garments and immerse himself

in the water, and he remains contaminated until the evening. 6 And one who sits

upon a vessel upon which the man with the discharge will sit shall immerse his

garments and immerse himself in the water, and he remains contaminated until

the evening. 7 One who touches the flesh of the man with the discharge shall im-

merse his garments and immerse himself in the water, and he remains contaminated

until the evening. 8 If the person with the discharge will spit upon a pure person,

Zav and

baal keri/



96. See Schottenstein Edition, note 4. 97. Pasuk 4.

However, our pasuk says regarding this law, and any ves-sel upon which he “will” sit (ישב) shall become contaminated — in the future tense. This teaches that this stringent tumah applies only when he goes onto a utensil where he can con-tinue to be, something that is mainly used to sit, stand, or lie on, such as a chair, stool, or bed. If the zav goes onto an overturned pot, box, or basket — an item he would have to get off of so that it can be used for its proper function — it becomes tamei only if there is direct contact with him, not by his being “on” it (Shabbos 59a; Chagigah 23a; Niddah 49b).

בו .5 ע במשכ� A person who will touch his — ואיש אשר יגbedding.

� Bedding That’s Like Himה: ר חזקי� מ� הור, א� ן דט� ל� ס כלי חרס מנ� בו. ומדר� ע במשכ� ואיש אשר יגה הוא אית בו לו, מ� קיש משכ� בו“, מ� ע במשכ� א ”ואיש אשר יג� ר קר� מ� דא�

ה במקוה (שבת פד.): הר� מי אית ליה ט� בו נ� ף משכ� ה במקוה א� הר� ליה ט�בו“, וכתיב (פסוק ע במשכ� בו. כתיב ”ואיש אשר יג� ע במשכ� ואיש אשר יגף ד? יש במינו א� א כיצ� א“, ה� ב יטמ� ז� יו ה� ל� ב ע� ב אשר ישכ� משכ� ל ה� ד) ”כ�

בו לו (שבת פד:): קיש משכ� ה במקוה, אין במינו מ� הר� ב דלית ליה ט� ל ג� ע�A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure) through

certain unusual fluids coming from his body. Any utensil upon which a zav sits, lies, or stands, such as a chair, stool, or bed, becomes tamei (ritually impure), even if it did not make di-rect contact with his skin. This is known as midras tumah.

However, this law does not apply to earthenware utensils. According to one opinion, we learn this from our pasuk, which says regarding this tumah, A person who will touch “his” bedding (בו -By saying “his” bedding, the To …(במשכ�rah is referring to him (the zav) along with the bedding, telling us to learn lessons of one from the other. Therefore, just as the zav himself can become tahor (purified) by im-mersing himself in a mikveh, so too, the only type of utensil that is subject to midras tumah is a utensil that can become tahor by immersing it in a mikveh. Earthenware can be made tahor only by breaking it, not by immersion.

On the other hand, a mat made of reeds also cannot be purified through immersion, since it is a wooden utensil that has no receptacle.96 Even so, we are taught that a mat is subject to midras tumah, because the Torah said earlier,97

“Any bedding” upon which the person with the discharge will recline, without specifying that it is “his” bedding. The word “any” tells us that midras tumah applies even to some objects that cannot be purified by immersion.

Why, then, do we apply this to the reed mats but not to earthenware vessels? Perhaps we should include earthen-ware in this tumah and not the mats?!

In the case of the mat, since there are other wooden utensils that can be purified in a mikveh, the wooden mat is also considered somewhat “similar to the zav.” Earthen-ware, however, is completely unlike the zav in this regard, since no earthenware utensils can ever be purified in a mikveh (Shabbos 84a-84b).

� Stolen Beddingזול (בבא קמא סו:): ג� בו“ ולא ה� בו. “משכ� במשכ�

A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure) through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. When a zav sits, stands, or lies down on something which is made for that purpose, such as a chair, stool, or bed, that item becomes tamei (ritually impure) with a stringent tumah known as tumas midras.

With regard to tumas midras, our pasuk says, A person who will touch “his” bedding (בו Since the Torah …(במשכ�specifically says that the bedding is “his” (the zav’s), we learn that if the zav steals a bed and lies upon it, it does not become tamei, because it is not his (Bava Kamma 66b).

הור .8 ט� ב ב ז� רק ה If the person with the discharge — וכי י�will spit upon a pure person.

� Spat Uponב ז� רק ה� א נינהו, דכתיב ”וכי י� יית� ב דאור� שקין דז� הור. מ� ט� ב ב ז� רק ה וכי י�

הור טמאתי לך� (שבת יד:, נדה נה:): ד ט� ה שבי� הור“ מ� ט� ב�הור“, ט� ר ”ב� למוד לומ� ע, ת� ג� ל פי שלא נ� ף ע� כול א� הור. י� ט� ב ב ז� רק ה וכי י�ין? מנ� שלו ף א� ה� ומי וניעו כיחו רוקו, א אל� לי אין הור. ט� ב� ע שיג� ד ע�

רק“ (נדה נה:): ר ”וכי י� למוד לומ� ת�A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body.When a person comes into contact with a zav, both

he and his clothing become tamei (ritually impure). Our


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

pasuk adds, If the person with the discharge will spit upon a tahor (ritually pure) person, he shall immerse his gar-ments and immerse himself. That is, the saliva (and certain other body fluids98) of the zav also cause a person and his clothing to become tamei.

The word הור ט� -upon a tahor person, in our pasuk, liter ,ב�ally means “in” a tahor person. This teaches that even if the saliva landed only on something that was “in” the tahor person’s hand, and the person did not touch the saliva but merely carried it, he still becomes tamei.

Another lesson we learn from the word הור ט� upon the ,ב�tahor, is that the saliva must actually come into contact with the person or something he is holding. If the zav spat at him, and the spittle landed on the ground, the tahor per-son remains tahor (Shabbos 14b; Niddah 55b).

� Only When Wetב“, כעין רוק ז� רק ה� הור. כיחו וניעו ורוקו, דכתיב ”כי י� ט� ב ב ז� רק ה וכי י�

(נדה נו.):A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body.When a person comes into contact with a zav, he and his

clothing become tamei (ritually impure). Our pasuk adds, If the person with the discharge will spit upon a tahor person, he shall immerse his garments and immerse himself. That is, the spit (and other body fluids, such as urine) of the zav cause the tahor person and his clothing to become tamei.

The term “will spit” indicates that spittle transmits tumah only as long as it is still moist, as it was at the time that the zav spat. Once the spittle dries up, it no longer contaminates things; the same hold true for his other body fluids (Niddah 56a).

א .9 ב יטמ� ז� יו ה ל� ב ע� ב אשר ירכ מרכ� ל ה Any riding — וכ�equipment upon which the person with the discharge

will ride shall become contaminated.

� The Curse That Came Backוד את לות שקילל ד� ל קל� כ� א. יטמ� ב ז� יו ה ל� ב ע� ירכ ב אשר מרכ� ל ה וכ�

יח) יב, (מלכים־א דכתיב ם, בע� מרח� ב ז� וד. . . ד� של רעו בז� יימו נתק� ב יוא�ל ים“, וכתיב ”וכ� ל� נוס ירוש� ה ל� ב� מרכ� עלות ב� מץ ל� ם התא� בע� מלך רח� ”וה�

א“ (סנהדרין מח:): ב יטמ� ז� יו ה� ל� ב ע� ב אשר ירכ� מרכ� ה�Yoav, the commander of King David’s army, was guilty

of killing two righteous men, Avner and Amassa, as well as supporting David’s son Adoniyahu when he attempted to take his father’s throne.

When David heard that Avner had been murdered, he cursed Yoav, and said, There shall not cease from the house of Yoav a zav, a metzora,99 one who grasps a cane, one who falls by the sword, and one who lacks bread.100 David also instructed his son, Shlomo, that upon becoming the new king, he should see to it that Yoav be put to death.

When Yoav heard of the plan to kill him, he warned King Shlomo that if he carried out the execution, all of David’s curses would come to rest upon Shlomo’s descendants instead of Yoav’s, and so it was.101

One of the curses was that Yoav’s descendants would be zavim. This was fulfilled with Shlomo’s son, Rechavam. We know this because our pasuk says with regard to a zav, Any “merkav” (riding equipment) upon which the zav will ride shall become contaminated, and a similar word is found in reference to Rechavam, in the pasuk,102 And the king Rechavam exerted himself to climb into the ”merka-vah” (chariot) to flee to Yerushalayim (Sanhedrin 48b).

יו .10 חת� -Anything that will be be — בכל אשר יהיה תneath him.

� Beneath Him or Beneath It?A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body.מ“ואיש ב, דז� יו חת� ת� א אילימ� יו? חת� ת� אי מ� יו. חת� ת יהיה אשר בכל ב ז� ה� יהיה אשר ל בכ� נוגע� ה� א אל� א, פק� נ� ה) (פסוק בו“ במשכ� ע יג� אשר

ב (נדה לב:־לג.): אי ניהו, עליון של ז� יו, ומ� חת� ת�With regard to a zav, our pasuk says, whoever touches

anything that will be “tachtav” (יו חת� shall become tamei (ת�(ritually impure).

98. See above, pesukim 2-3, “Body Fluids.” 99. A metzora is a person who suffers from one of several specific skin afflictions discussed above, in Ch. 13. His purification is discussed above, in Ch. 14. 100. II Shmuel 3:29. 101. Because Yoav’s execution would serve as an atonement for him, the continuation of the curse would be undeserved, and such a curse turns on the one who made it (Maharal; see Schottenstein Edition, note 34). 102. I Melachim 12:18.

רגא שקורין תפוס של ס� ב עליו, כגון ה� ל פי שלא יש� ף ע� מרכב. א� (ט) וכל ה�ת ארצו‘‘ן, טמא משום מרכב, והאוכף שקורין אלוי‘‘ש [נ“א: סיל“א] טמא טומא�חתיו. של זב (תורת כהנים פרק ד, א). נגע� בכל אשר יהיה ת� מושב: (י) וכל ה�

נוגע� בו טמא ואין טעון כבוס בגדים, והוא חומר מרכב שיהא ה� ל ה� בא ולימד ע�ת זב, זובו ורוקו ושכב� נושא אותם. כל האמור בעני�ן ה� במשכב מבמרכב: וה�מא בגדים (שם ד): מא אדם לט� שאן מט� מרכב, מ� משכב וה� גליו וה� ז�רעו ומימי ר�

ב מרכ$ �ל־ה רב: ט וכ$ ע, א עד־ה$ מ� ים וט$ מ1 �ץ ב Iח יו ור$ kס בגד vוכבה Zהי ר י� Zבכל אש �נגע �ל־ה א: י וכ$ ב יטמ, ז' �יו ה kל ב ע$ Iר ירכ אשיו kבגד ס ב� �יכ ם אות$ א Gנוש �וה רב Lע עד־ה$ א יטמ' יו חת$ �תז$ב �ה ע־בו �יג ר �יא וכל אש רב: ע, עד־ה$ א מ� וט$ ים מ1 �ץ ב Iח ור$

ב א� ויהי מס� א י� ויסחי במ� ע לבושוהי ב� ויצ�א די ירכוב עלוהי ל מרכב� א: ט וכ� מש� ד ר� ע�ב בכל די יהי ל דיקר� ב: י וכ� א� א יהי מס� נ� דוב�א ודיטול מש� ד ר� ב ע� א� יהי מס� תחותוהי ויהי א י� במ� ויסחי לבושוהי ע ב� יצ� תהון י�א נ� ב בה דוב� א: יא וכל די יקר� מש� ד ר� ב ע� א� מס�


פרשת מצורע טו / ט־יא 354 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

he shall immerse his garments and immerse himself in the water, and he remains con-

taminated until the evening. 9 Any riding equipment upon which the person with the

discharge will ride shall become contaminated. 10 And whoever touches anything that

will be beneath him shall become contaminated until the evening; and whoever carries

them shall immerse his garments and immerse himself in the water, and he remains

contaminated until the evening. 11 Whomever the man with the discharge touches

103. Pesukim 5 and 6. 104. The article that was on top of a zav is known as elyono shel zav, and it has the status of a rishon (first-degree tumah), which transmits tumah to food and drinks, but not to people. 105. Below, pesukim 32 and 33.

The word tachtav can be translated either as beneath “him” or beneath “it.” However, if the pasuk means be-neath “him,” then it is telling us only that the chair or bed that the zav directly sits or lies upon is tamei and transmits tumah to others — but we already know that from the ear-lier pesukim!103

Therefore, the correct way to understand the word is beneath “it,” which means that if the zav is beneath “it,” that is, any item, that item becomes tamei even if it did not touch his body, and it transmits tumah to other items104 (Niddah 32b).

ם נושא אות� .Whoever carries them — וה

� The Placement StoneA zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. A niddah is a woman during the first seven days of her monthly cycle.

ה מא� מי מט� ה נ� דו� ף מ� א, א� מ� ה באבן מס� מא� ה היא מט� ם. אי מ� נושא אות� והם“ ”אות� ם“, אות� נושא ”וה� א קר� ר מ� א� שי: א� ב ר� ר מ� א� א, מ� מס� באבן

א הוא (נדה נה.): מיעוט�Any utensil that a zav or a niddah sits, lies, or stands

on, such as a chair, stool, or bedding, becomes tamei (ritually impure), even if it did not make direct contact with his or her skin. Even if there was a large stone placed on the bedding (known as an even mesama — a “place-ment stone”), and the zav was on top of it, the bedding becomes tamei.

Our pasuk says, whoever carries them shall immerse his garments and immerse himself in the water. This re-fers to a person who carries the bedding on which the zav had previously sat. Here too, even if there was a large stone on top of that person, and the bedding was on top of the stone, the person underneath would become tamei.

With regard to a niddah, the Torah105 says, This is the law… a woman who experiences a flow (of blood). Since the Torah mentions the woman and the blood together, it teaches that just as something that comes into contact with the niddah herself becomes tamei, the same is true of anything that comes into contact with her blood. Even so, the law of the niddah herself and that of her blood are not identical. Our pasuk says, whoever carries “them” (ם (אות�shall immerse… The word ם them, teaches that only ,אות�

the bedding of the niddah or zav, and the niddah herself, transmit tumah through an even mesama; her blood does not. Therefore, if the blood of a niddah is on the stone and there is bedding underneath the stone, the bedding will not become tamei (Niddah 55a).

ז�ב .11 ע בו ה Whomever the man with the — וכל אשר יגdischarge touches.

� On the Tip of His Tongueה, ן טומא� שון, לעני� כל מודים בל� א: ה� ר עול� מ� ב. א� ז� ע בו ה וכל אשר יגאי א, וה� נ� חמ� ר ר� מ� ע בו“ א� א? ”אשר יג� עמ� אי ט� שרץ. מ� לוי הוא אצל ה� דג�

ה הוא (קידושין כה.): ר נגיע� מי ב� נ�A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. Our pasuk says, Whomever the zav touches without having rinsed his hands in the water shall immerse his garments and immerse himself. This seems to say that all a zav needs to do in order to become tahor (ritually pure) is to “rinse his hands in water.” That is certainly not so — he, like any other tamei person, must immerse his entire body in water! What, then, does the pasuk mean?

The Torah mentions “hands” to teach that the zav trans-mits tumah only when he touches another person’s hands, or other parts of the person that, like his hands, are on the surface of the body; if the zav touches the inside of the person’s mouth, for example, that person does not become tamei.

Nevertheless, if the zav touches a person’s tongue, the person will become tamei, because our pasuk says, Whomever the zav “touches.” This teaches that the zav’s touching any place outside the body — such as the tongue, which can be extended outside the body — will make the person tamei (Kiddushin 25a).

� Touching and Movingב, שלא ב“ זהו הסיטו של ז� ז� ע בו ה� ב. “וכל אשר יג� ז� ע בו ה וכל אשר יג

ה (נדה מג.): ה כול� תור� ל ה� ה בכ� צינו לו טומא� מ�הור. . . הור, ט� ט� ב והסיט בו את ה� נה בקומטו של ז� ב. ק� ז� ע בו ה וכל אשר יגם ת� ה ה� יו, מ� ד� ה כי� א דהיסט ונגיע� ה למימר� נגיע� א בלשון נ� חמ� פקיה ר� א�

אי (נדה מג.): ר� ב� א מא� כ� ף ה� אי א� ר� ב� מא�A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. Our pasuk says, Whomever the zav touches without having rinsed his hands…[shall become tamei (ritually impure)].


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

The pasuk seems to be teaching that a zav transmits tumah by touching people or objects. The problem is that the Torah has already told us this earlier,106 and there is no reason to repeat it!

Our pasuk is actually teaching that a zav (and those like him, such as a niddah) can transmit tumah in a unique way — by moving another person or an object, even with-out touching it (for example, by pushing a wagon or mov-ing an object with a stick). This method of transmitting tumah is called heset (moving).

Even though the Torah is speaking about heset, our pasuk refers to it as “touching” and mentions it in connec-tion with the word “hands,” to teach that the heset must be done with the zav’s hands or another part of his body that, like hands, is exposed; if, for example, the zav does the heset by holding a stick in his armpit (which is not an exposed part of the body), whatever he moved will not become tamei (Niddah 43a).

ים מ� ף ב ט יו לא ש� ד� Without having rinsed his hands — וי�in the water.

� Wash Before Eatingמים חכ� מכו ס� אן מכ� ך: ער� בן ר ז� אלע� בי ר� ר מ� א� ים. מ� ב ף ט לא ש� יו ד� וי�ע, דכתיב שמ� אי מ� ן: מ� חמ� ב נ� א לר� ב� ר ליה ר� מ� ה. א� תור� ים מן ה� ד� ת י� לנטיל�כי ה� א אל� עי? ב� ה טביל� א ה� הור, ט� ף ט� ש� א ה� ים“, מ� ב� ף ט� ש� לא יו ד� ”וי�

מא (חולין קו.): ף ט� ט� חר שלא ש� ר, וא� מ� א� ק�A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. Our pasuk says, Whomever the zav touches without hav-ing rinsed his hands in the water shall immerse his gar-ments and immerse himself. This pasuk seems to say that if a zav made someone tamei (ritually impure), all that person needs to do in order to become tahor (ritu-ally pure) is to “rinse his hands in water.” That is cer-tainly not the case; he must immerse his entire body in water, like any other tamei person! What, then, does the pasuk mean?

The pasuk is an asmachta, forming somewhat of a ba-sis for a later enactment by the Sages. It is saying that a person who touched a zav is tamei, and so too, to some extent, is a person who did not wash his hands. The one who touched a zav must immerse in a mikveh; one must wash his hands ritually before eating bread (Chullin 106a).

ב מזובו .13 ז� ר ה When the man with the — וכי יטהdischarge becomes cleansed from his discharge.

� Finished Flowingב מזובו. לכשיפסוק מזובו (מגילה ח.): ז� ר ה וכי יטה

A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure) through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. Our pasuk says, When the zav becomes “tahor” (literally, cleansed) from his discharge, he shall count for himself seven days. . . That is, he must have seven clean days with-out any discharge of zav fluid, and after that he immerses himself and his clothing in a spring.

When the pasuk says that he becomes “tahor” from his discharge, it does not mean that he has to immerse (to make himself “tahor,” pure) before beginning the seven clean days. Rather, it simply means that he has become free (“cleansed”) of the actual discharge (Megillah 8a).

ר פ .From his discharge, he shall count — מזובו וס�

� Twice Tameiר. ולא מזובו ונגעו (מגילה ח., נדה לז.): פ מזובו וס�

A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure) through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. Our pasuk says, When the zav becomes cleansed “from his dis-charge,” he shall count for himself seven days. . . That is, he must have clean seven days without any discharge of zav, and after that he immerses himself and his clothing in a spring.

The word מזובו, from his discharge, teaches that to begin counting his seven days, he needs only to be clean of zav

106. Pasuk 7.

ק פס� אפילו ו� מטומאתו, ל טב� שלא בעוד מים. ב� ף שט� לא (יא) וידיו שהוציא וזה טומאותיו. בכל מא מט� טבילה, ר ומחוס� שבעה ר וספ� מזובו סתרים מדך שאין בית ה� ים, לל� ת יד� ת גופו של זב בלשון שטיפ� כתוב טביל� ה�וכלי חרש (יב) ה): (שם ידים כמו ה� גלוי אבר ה� אלא ים, ת מ� ביא� טעון

ת בתור� כדאיתא וכו‘, מאחוריו בו ע נג� אפילו יכול זב. ה� בו ע יג� אשר פרשתא (שם היסטו זה אומר הוי בכולו שהוא געו מ� איזהו ד: ע� כהנים, ת שבע� לטהרתו. ימים ת שבע� כשיפסוק: ר. יטה� וכי (יג) א-ב): ג, ת זיבה שלא יראה זוב, וכולן רצופין (שם פרק ה, ד-ו): ימים טהורים מטומא�

א מ� וט$ ים מ1 �ב ץ Iח ור$ יו kבגד ס vוכב ים Lמ �ב ף ט� א־ש$ ל יו ויד'ל־ וכ$ ר bב יש$ ב ז' �ה ע־בו �אשר־יג רש Oיב וכלי־ח רב: ע, עד־ה$פר וס$ מזובו ז$ב �ה ר aי־יטה יג וכ� ים: מ, �ב ף jט יש$ ץ כלי־עבשרו ץ Eח ור$ יו Lבגד ס Zוכב תו הר$ לט, ים zמ י$ ת Iשבע לו ים י תר Gח־לו שת �שמיני יק �ר: יד וביום ה ה& ים וט$ nים חי Iבמ

ע לבושוהי ויסחי ב� א ויצ� י� ף במ� א שט� וידוהי ל�ף חס� אן ד� א: יב ומ� מש� ד ר� ב ע� א� א ויהי מס� י� במ�ע אן דא� ל מ� ר וכ� ב� א ית� נ� ב בה דוב� יקר� די א מדובה נ� ידכי דוב� ארי א: יג ו� י� ף במ� ט� ישת�ע ב� ויצ� כותה לד� יומין ת שבע� לה וימני וידכי: בוע� במי מ� בשרה ויסחי לבושוהי פנינין רתין ש� ב לה ת� ה יס� א� א תמינ� יד וביומ�


פרשת מצורע טו / יב־יד 356 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

without having rinsed his hands in the water shall immerse his garments and immerse

himself in the water, and he remains contaminated until the evening. 12 Pottery that the

man with the discharge will touch shall be broken; and any wooden utensil shall be

rinsed in water.

13 When the man with the discharge becomes cleansed from his discharge, he shall count for

himself seven days from his cessation, immerse his garments and immerse his flesh in spring

water, and become purified. 14 On the eighth day he shall take for himself two turtledoves

107. See note 3. 108. See above, pasuk 11, “On the Tip of His Tongue.” 109. See discussion above, “Touching and Moving.”

discharges; he may begin counting even if he is otherwise tamei (ritually impure). Even if he is also a metzora,107 he may still begin his count of days to become free of his zi-vah. Of course, he will still remain a metzora, and he there-fore will not yet be able to immerse himself and become tahor (ritually pure) until the tzaraas is also healed and he goes through the purification procedure for that (Megillah 8a; Niddah 37a).

� Two and Countingת עון ספיר� ל שתי ראיות שט� ע� ב ב� ל ז� ר“, לימד ע� פ� ר. “מזובו וס� פ מזובו וס�

ה (מגילה ח.): שבע�A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. His level of tumah (ritual impurity) depends on the number of “discharges” that he experiences: one discharge makes him tamei for just that day; two discharges make him tamei for seven days; if he experiences three discharges, he must bring two birds as offerings when he becomes tahor (ritu-ally clean).

According to one opinion, the source for the second level of a zav — that he is tamei for seven days although he does not bring offerings — is our pasuk, which says, When the zav becomes cleansed “from his discharge,” he shall count for himself seven days. The word מזובו, “from” his discharge, can be understood as “part of” his discharge. That is, even though he has not yet experienced the full three discharges, which would obligate him to bring the bird offerings, the pasuk says he must count seven days (Megillah 8a).

ים רו במ ץ בש� ח And immerse his flesh in spring — ור�water.

� Tovel the Tongue?ה טביל� ן לעני� שון. . . בל� מודים כל ה� א: עול� ר מ� א� ים. במ רו בש� ץ ח ור�רו ה בש� א, מ� נ� חמ� ר ר� מ� ים“ א� רו במ� ץ בש� ח� א, ”ור� עמ� אי ט� מי, מ� מון ד� כט�

אי (קידושין כה.): בר� ף כל מא� אי א� בר� מא�A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. Our pasuk says that as part of his purification, the zav shall immerse “his flesh” in spring water. The word רו his ,בש�flesh (that is, his skin), teaches that the entire outside of his body must come into contact with the water — but not

the inside, because that is not similar to his “flesh.”A person’s tongue can be extended partly outside of his

mouth, but never completely outside. Therefore, as far as immersion goes, it is not considered something “outside” of the body,108 and there is no need for the water to come into a person’s mouth and touch his tongue when he is immersing himself (Kiddushin 25a).

הר .And become purified — וט�

� The Count Is CanceledA zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. A niddah is a woman during the first seven days of her monthly cycle.זי, לא ר ח� ד� ב דה� ל ג� ף ע� מא כלי חרס בהיסט א� א מלט� שת� הור ה� הר. ט� וט�

פרע� (מגילה ח:): מא למ� מט�We learned in the previous pasuk109 that a zav (and

those like him, such as a niddah) can transmit tumah (rit-ual impurity) in a unique way — by moving another per-son or an object, even without coming into direct contact with the zav. This method of transmitting tumah is called heset.

Our pasuk says that once the zav’s discharge has ceased, he must count seven clean days, and on the morning of the seventh day, he shall immerse his flesh in spring water, “and become purified.” However, if he experiences another discharge of zav fluid on that day, it will turn out that it was not a seventh clean day after all, and he must begin the seven-day count all over again. Therefore, anything that he touched or sat on, even after he immersed him-self, will turn out to have become tamei, because he never really became tahor (ritually pure). There is, however, one exception to this tumah:

The word הר and become purified, in our pasuk, can ,וט�be understood in the past tense — and he “has been” purified. This teaches that even if the zav has another discharge after immersing himself, he already “has been” purified with regard to the heset tumah discussed in the previous pasuk. So if a zav immersed himself, then moved something without touching it, and afterward had another discharge, the object that he moved is not tamei (Megillah 8b).


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

ח אהל מועד .14 א לפני ה‘ אל פת He shall come before — וב�Hashem to the entrance of the Ohel Moed.


מא מא ומט� ב להיות ט� ת ז� ן טומא� ת עני� מצוה קעט מצו�Mitzvah 179: The Obligation of the Zav’s Offering When

He Is Cured of His DischargeAfter the zav has had seven clean days with no discharge and has immersed himself in a spring on the seventh day, he must bring two birds as offerings on the eighth day to

complete his purification.

� Not Until Sunsetל ב� ן שהוא ט� בזמ� א? י הוא ב� ת� אימ� אהל מועד. ח לפני ה‘ אל פת א וב�

ה הערב שמש לא (נזיר מד:): ש� ל וע� ב� ה הערב שמש אין, לא ט� ש� וע�In Yerushalayim, there were three zones, with differ-

ent levels of holiness. These corresponded to the three “camps” in the Wilderness.

The innermost (and holiest) area was the Camp of the Shechinah (Divine Presence), in the Wilderness this was the Mishkan and its Courtyard, and in Yerushalayim it was the Beis HaMikdash and its Courtyard. In the Wilder-ness, the second zone was the “Camp of the Leviim,” the area surrounding the Courtyard, where the Leviim were encamped. In Yerushalayim, this was the Har HaBayis (Temple Mount). In the Wilderness, the third zone was the rest of the encampment, and, in the times of the Beis

HaMikdash, it was the city of Yerushalayim.A zav is forbidden to enter the inner two camps as long

as he remains tamei (ritually impure). After he has im-mersed himself on the seventh day, he is a mechusar kip-

purim (“lacking atonement”) and is still forbidden to enter the innermost camp until after he brings his offerings, on the eighth day.

Our pasuk says, On the eighth day he shall take for

himself two turtledoves or two young doves; he shall come

before Hashem to the entrance of the Ohel Moed. That is, on the eighth day — but not before then — he is permitted to enter the Temple Mount (the second camp) and come up to the entrance of the Courtyard. This teaches that even after his immersion, he is still forbidden to enter the

Temple Mount until after sunset of the seventh day, when the eighth day begins (Nazir 44b).

כהן .15 ם ה ה את� ש� .The Kohen shall make them — וע�

� When You Take Them or When You Make Themלים או ת בע� א או בלקיח� רשות אל� קינין מתפ� כהן. אין ה� ם ה ה את� ש� וע�יה (יומא עשי� ה או ב� ה“, או בלקיח� ש� ה“, ”וע� קח� ית כהן. . . דכתיב ”ול� עשי� ב�

מא.):A zav, and certain other tamei (ritually impure) people, do

not become completely tahor (purified) until they bring two birds as offerings. One bird must be designated as a chatas (sin offering), and the other as an olah (burnt offering). This designation can take place only at one of two times:

The first opportunity is at the moment that the owner “takes” them as offerings, as the Torah110 says regarding a woman who gave birth, she shall “take” two turtledoves or two young doves, one for an olah and one for a chatas.

The second time is when the Kohen is actually perform-ing the service, as our pasuk says, The Kohen shall “make” them one as a chatas and one as an olah (Yoma 41a).

.From his discharge — מזובו

� Some Do, Some Don’tא ה� ן, רב� ק� מביאין אין בין ז� ת ומקצ� ן רב� ק� מביאין בין ז� ת מקצ� מזובו.

ים אינו מביא (מגילה ח.): לש מביא, שת� ה ש� א� ד? ר� כיצ�A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. His level of tumah (ritual impurity) depends on the number of “discharges” that he experiences: one discharge makes him tamei for just that day; two discharges make him tamei for seven days; if he experiences three discharges, he must bring two birds as offerings when he becomes tahor.

According to one opinion, the source that offerings are required only after three discharges is our pasuk. The To-rah here says that the bird offerings shall be sacrificed, and thus the Kohen shall provide him atonement before Hashem “from” his discharge. The prefix “from” teaches that only some zavim require offerings, but not others. We there-fore know that zavim who had only two discharges do not bring an offering, while those who had three must do so (Megillah 8a).

110. Above, 12:8.

ד מוע הל א ח �ת אל־פ יהוה י Gלפנ | א fוב ה Lיונ י Gבנ י jשנ או את ט$ �ח ד fאח ן כה �ה ם את$ ה xש טו וע$ ן: כה& �אל־ה ם נ' ונת$י יהוה מזובו: ס ששי ן לפנ� כה; �יו ה yל ר ע$ ה וכפ Lד על אח' וה,ע �ר ת־ז� �שכב נו Kממ א י־תצ� כ� יש טז וא מחוברין) כשהן (שביעי

ל־ יז וכ$ רב: ע, עד־ה$ א מ� וט$ ל־בשרו את־כ$ ים Wמ �ב ץ Iח ור$ים מ1 �ב ס Iוכב ע �ר ת־ז� �שכב יו ל' ע$ ה הי� אשר־י� ל־עור וכ$ גד Zב

ע ם יי� לתר� ה וייתי לקד� או תרין בני יונ�עבד טו וי� א: הנ� ויתננון לכ� א זמנ� ן שכ� מ�א ת� ד על� א וח� את� ט� ד ח� א ח� הנ� תהון כ� י�מדובה: יי� ם קד� א הנ� כ� עלוהי ר פ� ויכ�א רע� ת ז� ארי תפוק מנה שכב� ר טז וגב�ב א� ל בשרה ויהי מס� ת כ� א י� י� ויסחי במ�ך די ל מש� ל לבוש וכ� א: יז וכ� מש� ד ר� ע�א י� ע במ� ב� א ויצט� רע� ת ז� יהי עלוהי שכב�

פרשת מצורע טו / טו־יז 358 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

or two young doves; he shall come before HASHEM to the entrance of the Ohel Moed,

and give them to the Kohen. 15 The Kohen shall make them one as a chatas offering

and one as an olah offering — thus the Kohen shall provide him atonement before

HASHEM from his discharge.

16 And a man from whom there is a discharge of semen shall immerse his entire

flesh in the water and remain contaminated until the evening. 17 Any garment or any-

thing of leather, upon which there shall be semen, shall be immersed in the water

111. Above, pasuk 13. 112. Approximately 88-152 gallons.

.And a man — ואיש .16


מא מא ומט� ע שהוא ט� ת זר� ת שכב� ן טומא� ת עני� מצוה קפ: מצו�Mitzvah 180: The Obligation Regarding the Tumah of

Shichvas ZeraWe must regard shichvas zera (semen) as something that is tamei and renders tamei the person from whom it comes, as well as other people and articles with which it comes

into contact.

� And a Boyלמוד ין? ת� ד מנ� נים ויום אח� ע ש� א איש, בן תש� ואיש. “איש“, אין לי אל�

ר ”ואיש“ (נדה לב:): לומ�Our pasuk says, And a man (ואיש) from whom there is a

discharge of shichvas zera (semen) shall immerse his entire flesh in the water and remain tamei (ritually impure) until the evening.

The word איש, man, implies a full-grown adult. However, the Torah added the extra prefix ו, “and,” to teach that even a boy as young as nine is subject to this tumah (Nid-dah 32b).

ץ ח ע ור� ר ת ז� A man from whom — ואיש כי תצא ממנו שכבthere is a discharge of semen shall immerse.

� Dried Upת מאין יבשין. . . ”שכב� חין ואין מט� מאין ל� ע. . . מט� ת זר� ע. שכב� ר ת ז� שכב

זריע� (עבודה זרה סח:, נדה נו.): ה לה� א, בראוי� נ� חמ� ר ר� מ� ע“ א� זר�Our pasuk says, And a man from whom there is a dis-

charge of shichvas zera (semen) shall immerse his entire flesh in the water and remain tamei (ritually impure) until the evening. The fluid itself is tamei as well, and transmits tumah to anything that touches it. However, since the To-rah calls it zera, which literally means “seed,” it is tamei only as long as the seed can still be productive; once it dries up, it is no longer considered “seed” and it does not transmit tumah (Avodah Zarah 68b; Niddah 56a).

� Not Until It’s Outד שתצא מאין ע� ן מט� ל קרי אינ� ע� ב וב� ז� ע. ה� ר ת ז� ואיש כי תצא ממנו שכבע“ (נדה מג.): ת ז�ר� ל קרי דכתיב ”כי תצא ממנו שכב� ע� חוץ. . . ב� ן ל� ת� טומא�

The literal translation of our pasuk is, And a man that it will “come out from him” (ממנו shichvas zera (תצא

(semen)… This teaches that he is not tamei until the shich-vas zera leaves his body completely (Niddah 43a).

רו ל בש� ים את כ� מ .His entire flesh in the water — ב

� No Interruptionsים את מ� ץ ב� ח� א נינהו, דכתיב ”ור� יית� רו. חציצין דאור� ל בש� ים את כ� מ בים (עירובין ד:, פסחים קט., מ� רו ל� ר חוצץ בין בש� ב� רו“, שלא יהא ד� ל בש� כ�

סוכה ו.):Our pasuk says that the tamei person shall immerse his

entire flesh in the water. This teaches that when a person immerses himself in a mikveh, his entire body must be in contact with the water; there may not be anything on him that prevents the water from touching any of his skin (Eruvin 4b; Pesachim 109a; Succah 6a).

� The Standard Mikvehגופו ל ים שכ� רו“, מ� ל בש� מקוה. ”כ� במי ים“, מ� “ב� רו. ל בש� את כ� ים מ במים מות, ושיערו חכ� לש א� ה ברום ש� מ� ל א� ה ע� מ� ה הן, א� מ� הן, וכ� עולה ב�

ה (עירובין ד:, פסחים קט., יומא לא., חגיגה יא.): עים סא� רב� מי מקוה א�The Torah tells us111 that a zav (a man who became ta-

mei [ritually impure] through certain unusual fluids coming from his body) becomes tahor [ritually pure] only after he immerses himself “in spring water” (יים ח� ים ,In contrast .(מ�our pasuk says, And a man from whom there is a discharge of shichvas zera (semen) shall immerse his entire flesh in “the water.” This teaches that one who had an emission of shichvas zera can immerse even in an ordinary mikveh of rainwater.

The phrase “his entire flesh” teaches us that there must be enough water in the mikveh for an average person to immerse his entire body at once. Therefore, in cubic mea-surements, the mikveh must be at least one amah (cubit) by one amah, by a height of three amos. Three cubic amos of space can contain forty se’ah of water112 (Eruvin 4b; Pesachim 109a; Yoma 31a; Chagigah 11a).

ע .17 ר ת ז� יו שכב ל� Upon which there shall — אשר יהיה ע�be semen.

� Unspoiledה (שבת פו:): ע שהיא סרוח� ת זר� ט לשכב� ע. פר� ר ת ז� יו שכב ל� אשר יהיה ע�

Our pasuk says, Any garment or anything of leather, upon which there shall be shichvas zera (semen), shall be immersed in the water and remain tamei (ritually impure) until the evening.


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

Shichvas zera literally means “a deposit of seed,” and it makes things tamei only as long as the seed can still be productive; spoiled shichvas zera cannot make anything tamei (Shabbos 86b).

ה .18 .And a woman — ואש�

� Young Ladyד אח� ויום נים לש ש� ת ש� תינוקת ב� ה, אש� א אל� לי אין ה“, “אש� ה. ואש�

ה“ (נדה לב.): ר ”ואש� למוד לומ� ין? ת� ה מנ� לביא�Our pasuk says that “a woman” (ה -who has rela (ואש�

tions with a man becomes tamei (ritually impure) and must immerse herself in a mikveh to become tahor again.

The word ה -woman, implies a full-grown adult. How ,אש�ever, the Torah added the extra prefix ו, “and,” to teach that even a girl as young as three is subject to such tumah (Niddah 32a).

ה .With her — את�

� Only With Herלשלא ט פר� אומרים: מים חכ� ו� ה. יהוד� בי ר� דברי ה, ל� לכ� ט פר� ה. את�

ה (יבמות לד:): רכ� כד�The literal translation of our pasuk is, And a woman, if a

man will lie “with her” [with] a “discharge of seed” (shich-vas zera), they shall immerse themselves in the water.

The term shichvas zera (“discharge of seed”) implies that it is possible for them to produce a child through this act.

The word ה -with her, indicates that only she, an or ,את�dinary wife, becomes tamei through having relations. Ac-cording to one opinion, a bride having relations for the first time is not subject to this tumah, since the act (generally) cannot result in a child. According to another opinion, the pasuk is teaching that if the act is performed in an un-natural way, which cannot produce children, the woman is not tamei (Yevamos 34b).

ע ר ת ז� .A discharge of seed — שכב

� What Causes the Tumah?ה (יבמות לד:): א� ער� ט לה� ע. פר� ר ת ז� שכב

The literal translation of our pasuk is, And a woman, if a man will lie with her [with] a “discharge of seed” (shichvas zera), they shall immerse themselves in the water. If one only began relations and there was therefore no discharge of seed, the man and woman are not tamei (ritually im-pure), and need not immerse themselves (Yevamos 34b).

רב ע� ד ה� מאו ע ים וט� מ חצו ב -They shall immerse them — ור�selves in the water and remain contaminated until

the evening.

� Internal Contactן נוגע� מדנו? אם לעני� א זה לל� ה ב� רב. וכי מ� ע� ד ה� מאו ע ים וט� מ חצו ב ור�א מפני ה (להלן כב, ד) ”או איש”, אל� ט� ר למ� ר נאמ� ע, הרי כב� ת זר� בשכב�א ה, אל� מא� ה מט� רים אינ� סת� ת בית ה� רים היא, וטומא� סת� ת בית ה� שטומא�

תוב הוא (נדה מא:): כ� ת ה� שגזר�We learn from another pasuk113 that shichvas zera (semen)

that touches a person makes him tamei (ritually impure). Why, then, was it necessary for our pasuk to say, And a woman, if a man will lie with her [with] a “discharge of seed” (shichvas zera), they shall immerse themselves in the water?

In general, a person becomes tamei only when the tumah touches the outside of his body, not if it touches the inside. Our pasuk is teaching that the woman becomes ta-mei even when the shichvas zera did not touch the outside of her body (Niddah 41b).

� Three-Day Delayמאו ים וט� מ� חצו ב� א ”ור� נ� חמ� ב ר� ת� כי כ� רב. ע� ד ה� מאו ע וט� ים מ חצו ב ור�ה מים אסור� ה י� ל שלש� פכת, כ� ל במתה� פכת, אב� ה מתה� רב“ בשאינ� ע� ד ה� ע�

ה שלא תפלוט (נדה מב.): ר ל� ה, שאי אפש� לאכול בתרומ�With regard to a man and woman who had relations,

our pasuk says, they shall immerse themselves in the water and remain tamei (ritually impure) until the evening.

Once they immerse and evening arrives, they are tahor (pure). However, any shichvas zera (semen) that leaves the woman’s body and touches her skin within three days will make her tamei again. She can avoid this by walking around before immersing herself, or by lying on her back throughout the three days (Niddah 42a).

113. Below, 22:4.

ם ע� ט� ת מלך היא שתטמא האשה בביאה, ואין ה� ים. גזיר� מ� (יח) ורחצו ב�י): ו, פרק (שם הוא סתרים ה� בית ע ג� מ� שהרי ע, זר� ת בשכב� נוגע� משום ר ”והיא גלתה למוד לומ� (יט) כי תהיה זבה. יכול מאחד מכל איבריה, ת�(תורת מקור מן ה� בא ה� אלא מא מט� דם אין יח), כ, (להלן דמיה“ מקור את

מא, כהנים פרשתא ד, ב): דם יהיה זבה בבשרה. אין זובה קרוי זוב לט�אלא אם כן הוא אדום (נדה יט.): בנדתה. כמו ”ומתבל ינידהו“ (איוב יח, יח), ע כל אדם: תהיה בנדתה. אפילו לא ראתה אלא ראיה ג� שהיא מנודה ממ�

ראשונה (תורת כהנים שם ה):

ת־ �ה שכב יש את' zב א Iר ישכ ה אש רב: יח ואש$ ע, א עד־ה$ מ� וט$רב: פ ע, מאו עד־ה$ ים וט, �מ �חצו ב ע ור, �ר ז�

מים ת י$ aה שבע Lה בבשר ה זב' הי� ם י� kה ד ה ז$ב$ Zהי ה כי־ת� יט ואש$

ר רב: כ וכל אש ע, א עד־ה$ ה יטמ7 ע� ב' נג� �ל־ה ה וכ$ ת$ ה בנד$ Zהי ת�

די א יח ואתת� א: מש� ד ר� ב ע� א� מס� ויהי ויסחון א רע� ת ז� ה שכב� ת� ר י� ישכוב גב�א: מש� ר� ד ע� אבין מס� ויהון א י� במ�ה ם יהי דוב� א ד� יב� א ארי תהי ד� יט ואתת�

ל ה וכ� א יומין תהי ברחוק� ה שבע� בבשר�א: כ וכל די מש� ד ר� ב ע� א� ה יהי מס� ב ב� דיקר�


פרשת מצורע טו / יח־כ 360 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

and remain contaminated until the evening. 18 A woman with whom a man will have

a discharge of seed, they shall immerse themselves in the water and remain contami-

nated until the evening.

19 When a woman has a discharge — her discharge from her flesh will be blood

— she shall be in her state of separation for a seven-day period and anyone who

touches her shall remain contaminated until the evening. 20 Anything upon which

Niddah and

zavah/ Female


114. See below, pasuk 33, “The Woman and the Flow.” 115. She is, however, tamei by Rabbinic law.

ה .19 .And a woman — ואש�


ה מא� ה ומט� ה שטמא� ת נד� ן טומא� ת עני� מצוה קפא: מצו�Mitzvah 181: The Obligation Regarding the Tumah

of a NiddahA niddah is tamei and transmits tumah to others.

� Even a Newbornין? מנ� ה לנד� ד אח� יום ת ב� תינוקת ה, אש� א אל� לי אין ה”, ”אש� ה. ואש�

ה“ (נדה לב., מד.): ר ”ואש� למוד לומ� ת�Our pasuk says that “a woman” (ה who experiences (ואש�

a discharge of blood becomes a niddah, and is tamei (ritu-ally impure) for a seven-day period.

The word ה -woman, implies a full-grown adult. How ,אש�ever, the Torah added the extra prefix ו, “and,” to teach that even a newborn girl can become a niddah (Niddah 32a, 44a).

ה ם יהיה זב� .Her discharge will be blood — ד�

� Wet or Dryמאין יבשין. . . י�בש חין ומט� מאין ל� מת מט� ר ה� ה ובש� נד� ם ה� ה. ד� ם יהיה זב� ד�

תו יהא (נדה נד:): י� הו� א ”יהיה“, ב� ר קר� מ� ק: א� בי יצח� ר ר� מ� ן? א� ל� מנ�A woman who experiences a discharge of blood as part

of her monthly cycle becomes a niddah and is tamei (ritu-ally impure). The Torah compares the blood to the niddah herself, teaching that the blood itself is tamei as well, and transmits tumah to anything it touches.114

Most other tamei fluid substances convey tumah only as long as they are still moist, but niddah blood remains tamei even after it dries. We know this from our pasuk, which says, her discharge “will be” (יהיה) blood. The pasuk is saying that it will be — it continues to be considered as blood even after it dries (Niddah 54b).

ה ר� ה בבש� ם יהיה זב� Her discharge from her flesh will — ד�be blood.

� Blood Versus Bloodstainsם ד� ה צא� ומ� ליה� ע� ה שב� וי� ם עול� ע רק� ק� ה דק� ב� ה. ר� בבש� ה זב� יהיה ם ד�

ה (נדה נז:): ר� רגיש בבש� ד שת� ה“ ע� ר� ר ”בבש� ה, שנאמ� ליה� טהור� ע�ם“ ולא כתם (נדה נח:): ה. “ד� ר� ה בבש� ם יהיה זב� ד�

With regard to a niddah, our pasuk says, her discharge from her flesh will be blood. This teaches that she is tamei only if she feels the blood coming “from her flesh” (that is, from her body). If she merely discovers a bloodstain on

her clothing or skin, she is not tamei by Torah law.115 The same holds true if she sits on a clean part of the ground and then, when she stands up, she discovers a bloodstain on the ground; if she did not feel it coming out, she is not tamei by Torah law (Niddah 57b, 58b).

� No ContactWhen a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle, she

becomes a niddah.בי בשפופרת. . . ר� ולא א נ� חמ� ר ר� מ� ה“ א� ר� “בבש� ה. ר� בבש� ה זב� יהיה ם ד�ירושלמי (נדה כא:, ה חתיכ� ב� ולא פיר בש� ולא ה“ ר� ”בבש� אליעזר אומר

נדה ג ,א):With regard to a niddah, our pasuk says, her discharge

“from her flesh” will be blood. According to one opinion, the word ה ר� from her flesh, teaches that she becomes ,בבש�a niddah only when the blood flows out from her flesh, touching her body. Therefore, if she inserts a tube so that the blood comes out through the tube without touching her, she is not tamei (ritually impure).

If blood comes out encased inside a solid mass of “flesh” or something similar, according to one opinion, since the blood is enclosed in some flesh, she does become a nid-dah. According to another opinion, “from her flesh” teach-es that the blood itself must actually touch her flesh as it is leaving her body, and if it comes out of her inside of a mass, even one that is flesh, she is not a niddah (Niddah 21b; Yerushalmi Niddah 3:1).

� Internal BleedingWhen a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle,

she becomes a niddah and is tamei for a period of seven days. Bleeding during the eleven days following the seven of niddah is unusual, and a woman who bleeds during that eleven-day period is a zavah.

ם ר ”ד� חיצון, שנאמ� ית ה� ב� מאות ב� שים מט� נ� ל ה� ה. כ� ר� ה בבש� ם יהיה זב� ד�ה“ (נדה מ.): ר� ה בבש� יהיה זב�

חוץ. ואין ה בפנים כב� מא� מד שמט� ה“, מל� ר� ה. “בבש� ר� ה בבש� ם יהיה זב� ד�ע ת זר� ה“. פולטת שכב� ר� ה בבש� ר ”זב� למוד לומ� ין? ת� ה מנ� ה, ז�ב� א נד� לי אל�

ר ”יהיה“ (נדה מא:): למוד לומ� ין? ת� מנ�With regard to a niddah, our pasuk says, her discharge

“from her flesh” (ה ר� will be blood. The word bivsarah (בבש�ה) ר� literally means “in” her flesh. This teaches that (בבש�the woman becomes a niddah even before the blood leaves her body, while it is still “in her flesh.”

A zavah also becomes tamei before the blood actually leaves her body. We know this because our pasuk chooses


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

the word zovah (ה to describe “her discharge” and then (זב�says bivsarah, which, as explained, translates literally as “in her flesh.”

If shichvas zera (semen) flows from her after relations, she again becomes tamei before it comes out. We learn this from the extra word יהיה, will be, which teaches that any tamei substance that “will be in her flesh” will cause her to become tamei (Niddah 40a, 41b).

ה ת� מים תהיה בנד� ת י� She shall be in her state of — שבעseparation for a seven-day period.

� Seven Complete DaysWhen a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle,

she becomes a niddah and is tamei for a period of seven days. Bleeding during the eleven days following the seven of niddah is unusual, and a woman who bleeds during that eleven-day period is a zavah.

ר למוד לומ� כול תהא טובלת מבעוד יום ת� ה. י� ת� מים תהיה בנד� ת י� שבעה (פסחים צ:): ל שבע� ה כ� ת� ה“ תהא בנד� ת� מים תהיה בנד� ת י� ”שבע�

With regard to a zavah, the Torah116 says, If she ceases

her flow, she must count seven days for herself, and “after-

ward” she may be purified. This teaches that “after” she counts her seventh clean day on the morning of that day, she may immerse herself and become tahor (purified), even before the day is over.

A niddah, however, is different. Our pasuk says, “she

shall be” (תהיה) in her state of separation for a seven-day

period, which means that she shall remain in her state of tumah for the full seven days, and she may not immerse until after nightfall following the seventh day (Pesachim 90b).

� Rekindling the Passionה מר� ה א� בי מאיר אומר: מפני מ� ה ר� י� א, ה� ני� ה. ת� ת� מים תהיה בנד� ת י� שבעה טמא� תהא ה תור� ה מר� א� ה, ב� ץ וק� ה ב� גיל שר� מפני ה לשבע� ה נד� ה תור�ה (נדה לא:): ה לחופ� ת� ת כניס� ה כשע� על� ל ב� ה ע� מים כדי שתהא חביב� ה י� שבע�

Why does the Torah (in our pasuk) say that a niddah must separate from her husband for seven days?

If a man would be permitted to be with his wife con-stantly, he would lose interest. Instead, the Torah forces them to be apart for seven days so when this separation is over his desire for her will be renewed, and it will be as strong as it was on the day they got married (Niddah 31b).

יו .23 ל� .Upon which she is sitting — אשר הוא ישבת ע�

� Refined Speechאו ב קר� ה, שהרי בז� שון נקי� ם בל� ד� פר א� ם יס� יו. לעול� ל� אשר הוא ישבת ע�

ב (פסחים ג.): או מוש� ה קר� ב ובאש� מרכ�With regard to a zav, who is a man, the Torah117 says,

Any riding equipment upon which the zav will ride shall become tamei. In contrast, our pasuk, which is speaking about a woman who is a niddah, does not mention “riding” equipment at all, but only says, the utensil upon which she is “sitting.”

This teaches that we should always try to express our-selves in the most refined way. It is not delicate to speak of a woman riding, because she separates her legs to straddle the animal. Therefore, the Torah refers to her “sitting” rather than “riding” (Pesachim 3a).

� Seats Are for Humansם ד� מא א� לט� ב ומוש� ב משכ� ה היא עוש� ה אי מ� יו. ל� ישבת ע� הוא אשר מא ם ולט� ד� מא א� ב לט� ב ומוש� ה משכ� מי עוש� ה נ� מ� ף ד� דים, א� מא בג� ולט�

ה (נדה נד:): מ� יו“, היא ולא ד� ל� א ”אשר הוא ישבת ע� ר קר� מ� דים. . . א� בג�

116. Below, pasuk 28. 117. Above, pasuk 9.

ל מושבה, ל משכבה או ע� יושב ע� שוכב או ה� משכב הוא. ה� ל ה� (כג) ואם ע�מקרא העליון, ף הוא בדת טומאה האמורה ב� ע בה [נ“א: בו], א� אפילו לא נג�מרכב (שם טו): בנגעו בו בות את ה� כלי. לר� ל ה� שטעון כבוס בגדים: ע�בו ”בנגעו כלי”. ה� ל מ”ע� בה שנתר� מרכב ה� ל ע� אלא בר מד� אינו יטמא. מא לט� אדם מא מט� געו מ� אין מרכב שה� בגדים, כבוס טעון ואינו יטמא“,

גלה, שאם בא עליה בגדים (שם): (כד) ותהי נדתה עליו. יכול י�עלה לר�”וטמא ר לומ� למוד ת� כמותה, ימים שלשה אלא יטמא לא לנדתה חמישי ב�מאה מט� היא ה מ� עליו”, נדתה ”ותהי ר לומ� למוד ת� ה ומ� ימים”. ת שבע�ג; ז, פרק כהנים (תורת חרס וכלי אדם מא מט� הוא ף א� חרס, וכלי אדם

נדה לג.):

א: יטמ, יו ל' ב ע$ וכל אשר־תש� א Lיטמ ה ת' בנד$ יו kל ב ע$ Iתשכא עד־ מ� ים וט$ מ1 �ץ ב Iח יו ור$ kס בגד ב� �ה יכ Lב ע� במשכ$ jנג �ל־ה כא וכ$

יו kס בגד ב� �יו יכ Lל ב ע$ Gי אשר־תש nל־כל נגע� בכ$ �ל־ה רב: כב וכ$ ע, ה$ב הוא או משכ$ �ל־ה �ם ע רב: כג וא ע, א עד־ה$ מ� ים וט$ מ1 �ץ ב Iח ור$רב: ע, א עד־ה$ געו־בו יטמ' יו בנ$ ל' בת־ע$ וא יש5 Cי אשר־ה zכל �ל־ה �עת א שבע� jמ יו וט$ ל$ ה ע$ ת$ י נד$ ה ותה~ יש את$ ב א �כב ישכ ם ש$ כד וא

ה א: ס כה ואש$ יו יטמ, ל' ב ע$ Iב אשר־ישכ kמשכ �ל־ה ים וכ$ Yמ י$

וכל ב א� יהי מס� ה תשכוב עלוהי ברחוק�ב ל דיקר� ב: כא וכ� א� די תיתב עלוהי יהי מס�א י� במ� ויסחי לבושוהי ע ב� יצ� ה במשכב�ל ב בכ� ל דיקר� א: כב וכ� מש� ד ר� ב ע� א� ויהי מס�ע לבושוהי ויסחי ב� א די תיתב עלוהי יצ� נ� מ�ל א: כג ואם ע� מש� ד ר� ב ע� א� ויהי מס� א י� במ�א תב� די היא י� א נ� ל מ� א הוא או ע� משכב�א: מש� ד ר� ב ע� א� עלוהי במקרבה בה יהי מס�ה ה ותהי רחוק� ת� ר י� ב ישכוב גב� כד ואם משכ�

ב ל משכ� ת יומין וכ� ב שבע� א� עלוהי ויהי מס�א כה ואתת� ב: א� יהי מס� ישכוב עלוהי די


פרשת מצורע טו / כא־כה 362 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

she may recline during her state of separation shall become contaminated; and anything

upon which she sits shall become contaminated. 21 Anyone who touches her bedding

shall immerse his garments and immerse himself in the water, and he remains contami-

nated until the evening. 22 Anyone who touches any utensil upon which she will sit shall

immerse his garments and immerse himself in the water, and he remains contaminated

until the evening. 23 Or if someone is upon the bedding or the utensil upon which she is

sitting, when he touches it, he becomes contaminated until evening. 24 If a man lies with

her, then her state of separation will be upon him and he becomes contaminated for a

seven-day period; any bedding upon which he may recline shall become contaminated.

118. See discussion below, pasuk 33, “The Woman and the Flow.” 119. Kares is premature death; a fuller discussion of kares can be found in the General Introduction to Tractate Kereisos in the Schottenstein Edition of Talmud Bavli. 120. See Schottenstein Edition, notes 5 and 7.

A woman who experiences a discharge of blood be-comes a niddah and is tamei (ritually impure). The Torah compares the blood itself to the niddah, and the blood itself is therefore tamei, and it conveys tumah to anything it touches.118 However, there is a difference between her and her blood:

If the niddah sits or lies on beds, chairs, or the like, those objects becomes tamei even if they do not make direct contact with her body (for example, if she lies on a stack of mattresses the entire stack will become tamei). These ob-jects then convey tumah to any person that sits upon them.

Regarding this tumah, our pasuk says, if someone is upon the bedding or the utensil upon which “she” is sitting… This teaches that only the utensil that “she” sits upon becomes tamei to the extent that it can also make another person tamei; a utensil which her blood is on cannot convey tumah to a person, only to foods and liquids (Niddah 54b).

יו .24 ל� ה ע� ת� Then her state of separation will — ותהי נד�be upon him.

� Marriageableמט:, (יבמות קידושין ה ב� פסי ת� ה ת� נד� ת בשע� אפילו יו. ל� ע� ה ת� נד� ותהי

קידושין סח.):When a man and a woman are forbidden to each other

because of a kares119 prohibition, marriage between them cannot take effect.

The exception to this rule is the niddah. Although there is a kares prohibition against having relations with her, if a man marries a niddah, the marriage does take effect. We learn this from our pasuk, which says, then her state of separation (that is, her state of niddah) “will be” upon him. The word ותהי, will be, is a word that is often used to mean “becoming married” (Yevamos 49b; Kiddushin 68a).

� A Time to Delayנטמאתי לו ה מר� וא� ה טהור� ה� עם מש למש� ה ר� זה� א� יו. ל� ע� ה ת� נד� ותהי יו“ ל� ע� ה ת� נד� ”ותהי א קר� ר מ� א� ה: חזקי� ר מ� א� ן? ל� מנ� ד מי� ניפריש דלא

יו (שבועות יח:): ל� ה תהא ע� ת� ת נד� אפילו בשע�If a man and his wife are having relations and she sud-

denly becomes a niddah, he should not separate from her immediately. We learn this from our pasuk, which says,

then her state of separation (that is, her state of niddah)

“will be upon him.” This teaches that under some circum-stances they are to remain together even when she is in a state of niddah (Shevuos 18b).120

� Down to Her Levelמא כול לא יט� יו“? שי� ל� ה ע� ת� ר ”ותהי נד� למוד לומ� ה ת� יו. מ� ל� ה ע� ת� ותהי נד�ם ד� ה א� מא� ה היא מט� יו“, מ� ל� ה ע� ת� ר ”ותהי נד� למוד לומ� ם וכלי חרס, ת� ד� א�

ם וכלי חרס (נדה לג.): ד� מא א� ף הוא מט� וכלי חרס א�Our pasuk says that if a man has relations with a woman

when she is a niddah, he becomes tamei (ritually impure) for seven days, like the niddah herself. Additionally, the pasuk says, then her state of separation (niddah) will be upon him. This teaches that his level of tumah is similar to hers: Just as she conveys tumah to people to the extent that even their clothing becomes tamei, and just as she conveys tumah to utensils by moving them even without actually coming into contact with them (for example, if she uses a stick to push them), so too, the man has that level of tumah (Niddah 33a).

מים ת י� מא שבע And he becomes contaminated for a — וט�seven-day period.

� His Own Sevenת שבע� מא ”וט� ר לומ� למוד ת� ה, גל� לר� עלה י� כול י� מים. י� ת שבע מא וט�

מים“ (נדה לג.): י�Our pasuk says that if a man has relations with a woman

when she is a niddah, her state of separation will be upon

him. One may misunderstand this statement to mean that since he gets “her” tumah, he is tamei only as long as she is. Therefore, if they had relations on the sixth day of her tumah, he will be tamei only until the end of the next day, just like her!

Our pasuk therefore clarifies, he becomes tamei for a

seven-day period from the time he becomes tamei — even if his seven days go beyond hers (Niddah 33a).

א יו יטמ� ל� ב ע� ב אשר ישכ משכ� ל ה Any bedding upon — וכ�which he may recline shall become contaminated.

� Reduced Tumahה חמור� ה מטומא� תוב כ� ה� נתקו א. יטמ� יו ל� ע� ב ישכ אשר ב משכ� ה ל וכ�


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

שקין לין ומ� א אוכ� מא אל� ר לך� שאינו מט� ה לומ� ל� ה ק� והביאו לידי טומא�(נדה לג.):

Our pasuk says that if a man has relations with a woman when she is a niddah, her state of separation will be upon him, meaning that he is tamei (ritually impure) just as she is. However, there is a difference between his tumah and hers:

If the niddah sits or lies on beds, chairs, or the like, those objects becomes tamei even if they do not make direct con-tact with her body (for example, if she lies on a stack of mattresses the entire stack will become tamei). These ob-jects then convey tumah to any person that sits upon them.

With regard to the man who had relations with her, had the Torah said nothing about his bedding, we would have assumed that his tumah is exactly the same as hers. But our pasuk does mention the bedding and says, any bed-ding upon which he may recline shall become tamei. There-fore, the Torah must be telling us that his bedding is not as severely tamei as hers is — it does not convey tumah to people and utensils, only to food and drinks (Niddah 33a).

ה .25 .And a woman — ואש�


ה מא� ה ומט� ה שטמא� ב� ת ז� ן טומא� ת עני� מצוה קפב: מצו�Mitzvah 182: The Obligation Regarding the Tumah

of a ZavahWe must regard the zavah as being tamei and having the

capacity to convey tumah to others.

� Ten Days OldWhen a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle,

she becomes a niddah and is tamei for a period of seven days. Bleeding during the eleven days following the seven of niddah is unusual, and a woman who bleeds during that eleven-day period is a zavah.

למוד ין? ת� ה מנ� מים לזיב� ה י� ר� ת עש� ה, ב� א אש� ה“, אין לי אל� ה. “אש� ואש�ה“ (נדה לב., מד.): ר ”ואש� לומ�

With regard to a zavah, our pasuk speaks of “a woman” ה) .who experiences bleeding (ואש�

The word ה -woman, implies a full-grown adult. How ,אש�ever, the Torah added the extra prefix ו, “and,” to teach that even a newborn girl can become a zavah, if she first be-comes a niddah, and, after seven days have passed, she ex-periences bleeding for another three days (Niddah 32a, 44a).

בים מים ר ה י� מ� זוב זוב ד� If a discharge of her blood — כי י�flows for many days.

� No Flowח אין א, ל� נ� חמ� ר ר� מ� ה“ א� מ� זוב זוב ד� הו? ”כי י� ם י�בש מ� ה. ד� מ� זוב זוב ד� כי י�ם א היא ולעול� א דמילת� ה“ אורח� מ� זוב זוב ד� אי ”כי י� א ה� י�בש לא, או דלמ�

מי (נדה כב.): אפילו י�בש נ�A woman who becomes a niddah or a zavah is tamei (ritu-

ally impure). The blood itself is tamei as well, and it conveys tumah to anything it touches.121 Most other moist tamei sub-stances convey tumah only as long as they are still moist, but niddah blood remains tamei even after it dries up.122

What about blood that came out of her body dry? Our pa-suk begins, If a woman’s blood “flows.” Is the Torah saying that only liquid blood, which “flows,” is tamei, or is dry blood tamei as well, and the Torah uses the word “flows” simply be-cause that is the usual way blood comes out? (Niddah 22a).

� Birth Pangsאומר ה ת� א� ד. ל� ו� ת מחמ� ולא ה צמ� ע� ת מחמ� ה“ מ� “ד� ה. מ� ד� זוב זוב י� כי זוב זוב ה כי י� ת אונס, כשהוא אומר ”ואש� א מחמ� ד או אינו אל� ל� ת ו� מחמ�ה צמ� ת ע� ה מחמ� מ� ה“, ד� מ� יים ”ד� ה אני מק� א מ� מור, ה� ה“ הרי אונס א� מ� ד�

ד (נדה לו:): ל� ת ו� ולא מחמ�ה הן ז�ב� ראויין להיות ב� מים ה� א י� הר אל� ד מט� ל� ו� בים. אין ה� מים ר ה י� מ� ד�

בים“ כתיב (נדה לח.): מים ר� ה י� מ� א? ”ד� עמ� אי ט� ה. מ� גדול�When a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle, she

becomes a niddah and is tamei for a period of seven days. Bleeding during the eleven days following the seven of nid-dah is unusual. A woman who does experience bleeding for one or two days during those days is called a zavah katanah (a minor zavah), and she is tamei until she has one clean day. If the bleeding occurs again on the third day in a row, she becomes a zavah gedolah (a major zavah), and she must have seven clean days in a row before she can become tahor again.

With regard to a zavah, our pasuk says, And a woman — if a discharge of her blood flows for many days outside of her niddah period, she is tamei. The word זוב, discharge, teaches that any discharge of blood during the eleven days will make her a zavah — even if it was caused by an external factor, such as strenuous exercise or illness.123

On the other hand, the word ה מ� her” blood, teaches that“ ,ד�she is tamei only if the blood flows because of her. This tells us that she is not a zavah if the bleeding is caused by childbirth.

121. See discussion below, pasuk 33, “The Woman and the Flow.” 122. See discussion above, pasuk 19, “Wet or Dry.” 123. A man

עת בלא ט-י): ה, פרשתא כהנים (תורת ימים שלשה בים. ר� ימים (כה) עב. נדה א-ב; ח, פרק כהנים (תורת נדתה ימי ת שבע� שיצאו ר ח� א� נדתה. מנדתה נדתה. מופלג ל ע� ללו: ימים ה� שלשת ה� את כי תזוב. או -עג.): נדה, שזו יום אחד, זו היא זבה (שם), ומשפטה חרוץ בפרשה זו. ולא כדת ה�

שבעה ת ספיר� טעונה אינה נדה וה� וקרבן, נקיים שבעה ת ספיר� טעונה ת ימים תהיה בנדתה“ בין רואה בין שאינה רואה. ודרשו נקיים, אלא ”שבע�רצופין שלשה שכל נדה, ת לתחל� נדה סוף שבין יום עשר ד ח� א� זו בפרשה שם): נדה ב-ד; שם כהנים (תורת זבה תהא ללו ה� יום עשר ד ח� בא� שתראה

י־ כ� או ה ת$ עת־נד$ בלא ים ב �ר ים Xמ י$ ה מ$ ד$ זוב זוב י־י$ כ�ה kת נד$ י כימ� ה ת$ טמא$ זוב י ל־ימ כ$ ה Lת ל־נד$ �ע זוב ת$

א בל� גיאין ס� יומין ה דמ� דוב ידוב ארי ה רחוק� ל ע� תדוב ארי או ה רחוק� ן עד�ה רחוק� כיומי ה סובת� דוב יומי ל כ�


פרשת מצורע טו / כה 364 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

25 If a discharge of her blood flows for many days outside of her period of separation, or if she has a

flow after her separation, all the days of her contaminated flow shall be like the days of her separation;


does not become a zav if his zivah comes because of an external factor. See above, pasuk 2, “Outside Influence.” 124. As noted in the chart, we learn that she can become a zavah on day 11 from a different phrase in the pasuk.

Therefore, if she is in labor during the eleven-day period, and that causes her to bleed, she does not become a zavah.

According to one opinion, the labor pain prevents her from becoming a zavah gedolah only if she bleeds three days in a row; in that case, she does not need seven clean days, but she still is tamei until she has one clean day, like a zavah ketanah. We learn this from the phrase בים ר� מים י� ה מ� her ,ד�blood for many days, in our pasuk, which indicates that the leniency of childbirth applies only to the zavah gedolah who sees blood for “many days” (Niddah 36b, 38a).

זוב ה או כי ת� ת� Outside of her period of — בלא עת נד�separation, or if she has a flow.

� Seven Elevenה נד� ת בתחיל� מים י� ה שלש� ה רוא� כול ה� י� זוב. כי ת� ה או ת� נד� עת בלא ואין ה. ת� לנד� מוך ה“ ס� ת� נד� ר ”בלא עת למוד לומ� ה, ת� תהא ז�ב� רצופים ר ”או למוד לומ� ין, ת� ד מנ� ה יום אח� ת� ג לנד� ה, מופל� ת� מוך לנד� א ס� לי אל�ר למוד לומ� ר, ת� ש� ד ע� ח� בות א� ין לר� ד. . . מנ� א יום אח� זוב“. אין לי אל� כי ת�

ה“ (נדה עג.): ת� ”בלא עת נד�When a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle,

she becomes a niddah and is tamei for a period of seven days. Bleeding during the eleven days following the seven of niddah is unusual, and a woman who bleeds during that eleven-day period is a zavah. If she bleeds for three days in a row during that eleven-day period, she is a zavah gedo-lah (major zavah) and she requires seven clean days in a row before she can become tahor again (Niddah 73a).

We learn all this from our pasuk; see chart below.

ה ת� ל נד� .After her separation — ע

� Day or Nightל א ”ע� ר קר� מ� ה. . . א� א תהוי נד� ה בלילי� א תהוי ז�ב� מ� א בימ� ה. אימ� ת� ל נד� ע

ה ה ז�ב� רי ל� א ק� א וק� וי, בלילי� ת ה� ה אימ� ת� מוך לנד� ה, ס� ת� מוך לנד� ה“ ס� ת� נד�(נדה עג.):

Our pasuk introduces the subject of the zavah with the words, If a discharge of her blood flows for many “days” out-side of her period of separation (that is, her niddah period)…

From the word “days,” it would seem that she becomes a zavah only if she experiences bleeding during the day-time; if it happens at night, she will only become a niddah again. However, the pasuk adds the words ה ת� ל נד� ”after“ ,ע�her niddah period, which indicates that as soon as her seven-day niddah period ends, which is at nightfall after the seven days, it is possible for her to become a zavah (Niddah 73a).

ל ימי .All the days — כ�

� Three, Two, Oneר ”ימי“. למוד לומ� ין? ת� מים מנ� מים, שני י� ה י� א שלש� אין לי אל� ימי. ל כ�ב? ב ומוש� ה משכ� ין שהיא עוש� ל ימי“. . . מנ� ר ”כ� למוד לומ� ין? ת� ד מנ� יום אח�ין? מים מנ� מים, שני י� ה י� א שלש� ה“, ואין לי אל� ת� ב נד� ר ”כמשכ� למוד לומ� ת�

ל ימי“ (נדה עג.): ר ”כ� למוד לומ� ין? ת� ד מנ� ר ”ימי“. יום אח� למוד לומ� ת�When a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle,

she becomes a niddah and is tamei for a period of seven days. Bleeding during the eleven days following the seven of niddah is unusual, and a woman who bleeds during that eleven-day period is a zavah. If she bleeds for three days in a row during that eleven-day period, she is a zavah gedo-lah (major zavah) and she requires seven clean days in a row before she can become tahor again.

A zavah is similar to a niddah, in that any chair or bed that she sits upon becomes tamei, even if she does not make direct contact with it, as the Torah tells us in the next pasuk.


בים מים ר� ,י�many days

To become a zavah gedolah, a woman must have three days of bleeding: days (plural) is two days, and many adds a third day

ה ת� ,בלא עת נד�outside of her period of separation

This adds an additional day that she can see zivah blood, day 11 after her niddah days.

זוב ,או כי ת�or if she has a flow

The zivah bleeding need not begin the day after the niddah days; it can begin on any of the ten days following the niddah period.*

ה ת� ל נד� after her separation ,ע� The days of zivah follow her seven niddah days.

* Because the Torah does not specify how many days there can be between the niddah days and her bleeding, we know that there can be at least a one-day break between them. Therefore, if she bleeds on days 2,3,and 4 of the zivah days, she is a zavah. Now, if she began bleeding on the first zivah day, the three days she sees blood would be days 1,2, and 3; day 4 would be the first day she could be counting as a “clean” day. Since day 4, which can serve as a clean day, can also be a day that she sees blood to make her a zavah, the same holds true for all the other days that can serve as clean days for bleeding that occurs on days 1-3; those are days 5-10 of the zivah period. Therefore, she can become a zavah by seeing blood on any of those days.124

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

With regard to a zavah, our pasuk says, “all the days” of her tamei flow shall be like the days of her separation (that is, her niddah period). The word ימי, the days — using the plural form — indicates two days, and it teaches that even if she experienced bleeding for only two days, she is a zavah ketanah (minor zavah). Her tumah has the same severity as that of a zavah gedolah, although she requires only one clean day — not seven — and does not require a korban. The word ל all [the days], teaches that even if ,כ�she saw blood on only one day, she is still a zavah ketanah.

The next pasuk discusses the bedding of a zavah. That pasuk also uses the phrase ל ימי all the days, teaching us ,כ�any bedding that a zavah ketanah sits on is tamei, just as that of a zavah gedolah (Niddah 73a).

ה הוא She is contaminated — טמא�

� Tamei Wife, Tamei HusbandWhen a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle,

she becomes a niddah and is tamei for a period of seven days. Bleeding during the eleven days following the seven of niddah is unusual, and a woman who bleeds during that eleven-day period is a zavah.

ה. ”הוא“ היא כנד� ה ה את בועל� מא� מד שמט� ה“, מל� “טמא� ה הוא. טמא�ה שהוא בועל (נדה עג.): מא מ� ב מט� ז� ה ואין ה� ה את בועל� מא� מט�

We learned earlier125 that a man who has relations with a niddah becomes tamei (ritually impure) for seven days, like the niddah herself.

Our pasuk compares a zavah to a niddah and then adds the seemingly unnecessary phrase, ה הוא .she is tamei ,טמא�The word temei’ah teaches that, like a niddah, a man who has relations with a zavah becomes tamei for seven days. The word הוא, she, is exclusionary. It teaches that only “she,” a female zavah, transmits tumah to one who has relations with her, but a male zav who has relations with a woman does not cause her to become tamei (Niddah 73a).

ה יהיה .26 ת� ב נד� ה כמשכ ל ימי זוב� יו כ� ל� ב ע� ב אשר תשכ משכ� ל ה כ�ה Any bedding upon which she may lie throughout — ל�the days of her flow shall be to her like the bedding of

her state of separation.

� Earthenware ChairWhen a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle,

she becomes a niddah and is tamei for a period of seven

days. Bleeding during the eleven days following the seven of niddah is unusual, and a woman who bleeds during that eleven-day period is a zavah.ב א: ”כמשכ� נ� עאל ת� בי ישמ� ה. דבי ר� ה יהיה ל� ת� ב נד� ה כמשכ ל ימי זוב� כ�ף ה במקוה א� הר� ה ט� ה היא אית ל� ה, מ� ה ל� ב� קיש משכ� ה“, מ� ה יהיה ל� ת� נד�ה הר� פוקי כלי חרס, דלית ליה ט� ה במקוה, לא� הר� ה ט� מי אית ל� ה נ� ב� משכ�

במקוה (שבת פד.):Any utensil upon which a zavah sits, lies, or stands, such

as a chair, stool, or bed, becomes tamei (ritually impure), even if it did not make direct contact with her skin.

However, this law does not apply to utensils made of earthenware. According to one opinion, we learn this from our pasuk, which says regarding this tumah, Any bedding upon which she may lie throughout the days of her flow “shall be to her like the bedding of her state of separation.” The Torah connects the zavah and her bedding, telling us to apply the law of one to the other. Just as she can become tahor by immersing herself in a mikveh, so too, her bedding must be made of a material that can become tahor by immersion in a mikveh. Since an earthenware utensil cannot be purified in a mikveh, it is not subject to this tumah (Shabbos 84a).

� One Clean Dayה, דכתיב בל� צי ט� א לא מ� מ� בימ� ה. יהיה ל� ה ת� ב נד� ה כמשכ ימי זוב� ל כ�

ה“ (מגילה כ.): ה יהיה ל� ת� ב נד� ה כמשכ� ל ימי זוב� ”כ�למוד ד? ת� ד לאח� ין שסופרת אח� ה. מנ� ה יהיה ל� ת� ב נד� ה כמשכ ל ימי זוב� כ�ה“, ר ”יהיה ל� למוד לומ� ים. . . ת� ה לשנ� כול תספור שבע� ה“. י� ר ”יהיה ל� לומ�

ה (נדה עג.): א יומ� ה סופרת אל� אינ�When a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle,

she becomes a niddah and is tamei for a period of seven days. Bleeding during the eleven days following the seven of niddah is unusual, and a woman who bleeds during that eleven-day period is a zavah; if she experiences bleeding for three days in a row she is a zavah gedolah (a major zavah), and she requires seven clean days in a row before she can become tahor again.

If she sees blood only one or two days, she does not re-quire seven clean days by Torah law, but she does require one clean day.

We learn this from our pasuk, which says, all the days of her flow shall be to her. . .

The phrase ל ימי all the days, indicates that our pasuk ,כ�is discussing a woman who saw blood only one or two

125. Pasuk 24.

ליו ע$ ב aאשר־תשכ ב משכ$ �ל־ה כו כ$ וא: ה� ה טמא7 ה Kהי ת�ר Zאש כלי �ל־ה וכ$ ה Lהיה־ל י� ה ת' נד$ ב Iכמשכ ה זוב$ י Gל־ימ כ$ם ב' �ע נוג� �ל־ה כז וכ$ ה: ת, נד$ ת כטמא1 היה י� א Gמ ט$ יו ל$ ע$ ב Gתשרב: כח ואם־ ע, א עד־ה$ מ� ים וט$ מ1 �ץ ב Iח יו ור$ kס בגד vא וכב Lיטמר: תטה, ר Iח �וא ים nמ י$ ת Iשבע ה kל ה פר$ וס7 ה Lמזוב ה הר' ט,

די א ל משכב� כו כ� א היא: ב� א� תהי מס�ב ה כמשכ� ל יומי דוב� תשכוב עלוהי כ�תיתב די א נ� מ� ל וכ� ה ל� יהי ה רחוק�ה: רחוק� ת כסואב� יהי ב א� מס� עלוהי ע ב� ויצ� ב א� יהי מס� ב בהון דיקר� ל כז וכ�ב א� מס� ויהי א י� במ� ויסחי לבושוהי ה מדוב� ת דכיא� כח ואם א: מש� ר� ד ע�ר כן תדכי: ת� ת יומין וב� ה שבע� ותמני ל�

פרשת מצורע טו / כו־כח 366 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

she is contaminated. 26 Any bedding upon which she may lie throughout the days of her

flow shall be to her like the bedding of her state of separation; any vessel upon which she

may sit shall be contaminated, like the contamination of her state of separation. 27 Any-

one who touches them shall become contaminated; he shall immerse his garments and

immerse himself in the water, and he remains contaminated until the evening. 28 If she

ceases her flow, she must count seven days for herself, and afterward she may be purified.

126. See discussion on previous pasuk, “Three, Two, One.” 127. Unlike a male zav, who requires seven clean days after only two dis-charges of zav. 128. See note 3. 129. See Schottenstein Edition, note 31, and discussion on pasuk 26, “One Clean Day.”

days.126 The word יהיה, shall “be,” teaches that if she sees blood one day she requires an additional “state of being” — that is, she must count a clean day on the day after she sees blood. Therefore, she may not immerse herself in the mikveh on the same day that she experienced bleeding.

The extra word ה to her, teaches that even if she sees ,ל�blood two days in a row, she still needs only one clean day, not seven127 (Megillah 20a; Niddah 73a).

� Like Niddah, Like ZavahWhen a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle,

she becomes a niddah and is tamei for a period of seven days. Bleeding during the eleven days following the seven of niddah is unusual, and a woman who bleeds during that eleven-day period is a zavah.

ב ה משכ� ה] עוש� ין שהיא [ז�ב� ה. מנ� ה יהיה ל� ת� ב נד� ה כמשכ ל ימי זוב� כ�ה“ (נדה עג.): ת� ב נד� ר ”כמשכ� למוד לומ� ב? ת� ומוש�

A zavah is similar to a niddah, in that any chair or bed on which she sits becomes tamei, even if she does not make direct contact with it. The Torah teaches us this in our pasuk, throughout the days of her flow (her zavah days) shall be to her like the bedding of her state of separa-tion (her state of niddah) (Niddah 73a).

ה .28 .Her flow — מזוב�

� Flow Ends, Count Beginsה (נדה לז.): ת� ה“ ולא מליד� ה, ”מזוב� ה“ ולא מנגע� ה. “מזוב� מזוב�

Our pasuk says that when the zavah ceases “her flow,” she must count seven days for herself, and afterward she may be purified. That is, she must have seven clean days without any bleeding, and after that she immerses himself in a mikveh.

According to one opinion, the word ה ,from her flow ,מזוב�teaches that to begin counting her seven days, she must be clean only from any further bleeding. Even if she is also a metzora,128 or is also tamei due to childbirth, she may still begin her count. Of course, this will give her only the seven clean days, but she will not be completely tahor until she also purifies herself from her other tumah (Niddah 37a).

ה ה ל� פר� .She must count for herself — וס�

� You Can Count on Herת ה שבע� ה ל� פר� ר ”וס� ה? שנאמ� צמ� ה שסופרת לע� ין לנד� ה. מנ� ה ל� פר� וס�

ה (כתובות עב.): צמ� ה לע� מים“, ל� י�

When there is a question regarding monetary or mari-tal matters, two male witnesses are needed to resolve the question. For ritual matters, one witness or a woman is sufficient.

Our pasuk says that the zavah must count seven days “for herself.” This teaches that she is trusted to report that she has counted seven clean days and immersed, so that she is now tahor (ritually pure) (Kesubos 72a).

� One for Oneמד מל� ה“, ל� ה פר� ”וס� כתיב א ה� יום, כנגד יום שומרת ה. ל� ה פר� וס�

ד (הוריות ד.): ד לאח� שסופרת אח�When a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle,

she becomes a niddah and is tamei for a period of seven days. Bleeding during the eleven days following the seven of niddah is unusual, and a woman who bleeds during that eleven-day period is a zavah.

If she bleeds for three days in a row during the eleven-day period, she is a zavah gedolah (major zavah) and she requires seven clean days in a row before she can become tahor again. If she sees blood only one or two days, she is a zavah ketanah (minor zavah) and she requires only one clean day by Torah law.

According to one opinion, we learn the law that a zavah ketanah needs one clean day from our pasuk, which says that the zavah must count “for herself.” This teaches that if this particular zavah saw only one day, she counts one clean day129 (Horayos 4a).

ר ר תטה� ח .And afterward she may be purified — וא

� After What?When a woman bleeds as part of her monthly cycle,

she becomes a niddah and is tamei for a period of seven days. Bleeding during the eleven days following the seven of niddah is unusual, and a woman who bleeds during that eleven-day period is a zavah.

פסקת ביניהן. ה מ� ן, שלא תהא טומא� ר לכול� ח� ר“, א� ח� ר. “א� ר תטה� ח ואמים מרו חכ� ל א� ר, אב� עשה תטה� ר מ� ח� ר, א� ר תטה� ח� בי שמעון אומר: א� ר�

פק (נדה לג:, לז., סז:, סח:): בא לידי ס� א ת� עשות כן שמ� סור ל� א�Our pasuk says that once the zavah has stopped bleed-

ing, she counts seven clean days, and “afterward” she may be purified.

According to one opinion, the word ר ח� ,afterward ,א�teaches that she may not be purified until after all the seven


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

clean days have passed in a row. If she experiences bleed-ing on one of the days, she must begin counting over again.

According to another opinion, “afterward” is not speak-ing about the actual days, but about the previous phrase, she must count seven days for herself; once she has count-ed “day seven” on the morning of the seventh day, she may immerse herself in the mikveh immediately.

However, if she sees blood later that day, she loses the seven clean days she counted, and she must begin again. This means that even if she immersed herself, it is now known that she was actually forbidden to her husband and anything she came into contact with after her immer-sion became tamei. The Sages, therefore, enacted that she must not immerse herself until after nightfall, when she knows for sure that the entire seventh day was clean (Niddah 33b, 37a, 67b, 68b).

ה שתי תרים או שני בני יונה .29 ח ל� שמיני תק יום ה On the — ובeighth day she shall take for herself two turtledoves

or two young doves.


ה פא מזוב� ה כשתתר� ב� ן ז� רב� ת ק� מצוה קפג: מצו�Mitzvah 183: The Obligation of the Zavah’s Offering

When She Is Cured of Her DischargeAfter the zavah gedolah has had seven days with no blood discharge, and she has immersed herself in a mikveh on the seventh day, she must bring two bird offerings on the

eighth day to complete her purification.

כהן .30 ה ה ש� .The Kohen shall make — וע�

� When You Take Them or When You Make Themכהן וגו‘ ”, ה ה� ש� ה שתי תרים וגו‘ ”, ”וע� קח� כהן. כתיב (יב, ח) ”ול� ה ה ש� וע�

ית כהן (כריתות כח.): עשי� לים או ב� ת בע� או בלקיח�A zavah, and certain other tamei (ritually impure) peo-

ple, do not become completely tahor (purified) until they

bring two birds as offerings. One bird must be designated as a chatas (sin offering), and the other as an olah (burnt offering). This designation can take place only at one of two times:

The first opportunity is at the moment that the owner “takes” them as offerings, as the Torah130 says regarding a woman who gave birth, she shall “take” two turtledoves or two young doves, one for an olah and one for a chatas.

The second time is when the Kohen is actually perform-ing the service, as our pasuk says, The Kohen shall “make” them one as a chatas and one as an olah (Kereisos 28a).

ם .31 ת� אל מטמא� רתם את בני ישר� You shall separate — והזthe Children of Israel from their contamination.

� Grave Situationין. . . ה מנ� תור� רות מן ה� ם. רמז לציון קב� ת� אל מטמא� רתם את בני ישר� והז

ם“ (מועד קטן ה.): ת� אל מטמא� רתם את בני ישר� ר: ”והז� מ� א א� ר זוטר� מ�Jewish graves are marked, so that people should not

accidentally step over them, or pass under a tree branch that passes over them, and become tamei (ritually impure) without realizing it.

One hint to the requirement to mark graves is from our pasuk, which says, You shall separate the Children of Israel from their tumah, by marking the graves so people stay away from them (Moed Katan 5a).

� Time for Separationם“, ת� אל מטמא� רתם את בני ישר� ם. “והז� ת� אל מטמא� רתם את בני ישר� והזר מ� ה? א� מ� ן. וכ� מוך לוסת� אל שיפרשו מנשותיהן ס� ה לבני ישר� ר� זה� ן א� מיכ�

ה (שבועות יח:, נדה סג:): ה, עונ� ב� ר�מוך ס� מאשתו פורש שאינו ל כ� ם. ת� מטמא� אל ישר� בני את רתם והזרתם את בני הרן מתים, דכתיב ”והז� נים כבני א� ין לו ב� וי� ה, אפילו ה� לוסת�מיך ליה (להלן טז, א) ה“ וס� ת� ה בנד� ו� ד� ם“. . . (פסוק לג) ”וה� ת� אל מטמא� ישר�

חרי מות“ (שבועות יח:): ”א�Our pasuk says, You shall separate the Children of Israel

from their tumah (ritual impurity). The simple meaning of

130. Above, 12:8.

מא כרת של מט� רתם. אין ”נזירה” אלא ”פרישה“, וכן ”נזרו אחור“ (ישעיה א, ד), וכן ”נזיר אחיו“ (בראשית מט, כו): ולא ימתו בטמאתם. הרי ה� (לא) והז�ל קרי, ע� ע. הרי הוא כב� ת זר� אשר תצא ממנו שכב� הו תורתו: ו� ל ראיה אחת, ומ� ע� זב. ב� ת ה� מקדש קרוי מיתה (ספרי חקת קכה): (לב) זאת תור�

ת ערב (תורת כהנים שם ח): טמא טומא�

ה Lי יונ Gי בנ jים או שנ י תר Gה שת ח־ל$ �שמיני תק �שביעי כט וביום ה

ה xש ל וע$ ד: מוע& הל א ח �ת Kאל־פ ן כה �אל־ה ם אות$ ה xביא וה&כהן �יה$ ה �ל ר ע$ ה וכפ Lד על אח' את ואת־ה, ט$ �ד ח fאח כהן את־ה, �הל jא י־ישר$ ם את־בנ& ה: מפטיר לא והזרת� ת, י יהוה מזוב טמא$ Gלפנר י אש� nנ ם את־משכ$ מא7 �ם בט ת$ תו בטמא$ מ א י$ ם ול Lת מטמא$ע �ר Kת־ז �נו שכב Oא ממ ר תצ� אש ב ו@ Lז �ת ה ם: לב זאת תור1 בתוכ,

רתין ת� ה ל� ב תס� ה א� תמינ� א כט וביומ�

תהון יתי י� ה ות� פנינין או תרין בני יונ� ש�עבד א: ל וי� ן זמנ� שכ� ע מ� א לתר� הנ� ת כ� לו�א ת� ד על� ת ח� א וי� את� ט� ד ח� ת ח� א י� הנ� כ�ה: ם יי� מדוב סובת� א קד� הנ� ה כ� ר על� פ� ויכ�תהון אל מסואב� ת בני ישר� פרשון י� לא ות�

ת בהון י� א� תהון בס� א ימותון בסואב� ול�א ית� אור� א לב ד� ביניהון: די י משכנא רע� ת ז� ודי תפוק מנה שכב� א נ� דדוב�


פרשת מצורע טו / כט־לב 368 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

29 On the eighth day she shall take for herself two turtledoves or two young doves; she

shall bring them to the Kohen, to the entrance of the Ohel Moed. 30 The Kohen shall make

one a chatas offering and one an olah offering; the Kohen shall provide atonement for her

before HASHEM from her contaminating flow.

31 You shall separate the Children of Israel from their contamination; and they shall not

die as a result of their contamination if they contaminate My Mishkan that is among them. 32 This is the law of the man with a discharge, and from whom there is a seminal discharge,

131. Pasuk 33. 132. Below, 18:19. 133. Pasuk 33.

the pasuk is a warning not to enter the Beis HaMikdash in a state of tumah. However, since the Torah put this pasuk just before the pasuk131 that mentions a niddah in her state of separation, it is also a warning that a husband and wife separate themselves from tumah, refraining from relations during the night or the day that her monthly cycle is ex-pected to begin.

The very next passage begins with the words, And Hashem spoke to Moshe after the death of Aharon’s two sons. This teaches that if a person does not observe this separation, his children will die at a young age — even if they were destined to become as great as the sons of Aharon (Shevuos 18b; Niddah 63b).

� Positively Prohibitedה?. . . ת עשה שבניד� ם. אי זו הוא מצו� ת� אל מטמא� רתם את בני ישר� והז

ם“ (ירושלמי הוריות ב, ה): ת� אל מטמא� רתם את בני ישר� ”והז�A husband and wife may not have relations when she is

in a state of niddah. This is forbidden through a negative commandment132 as well as a positive commandment.

According to one opinion, the positive commandment is in our pasuk, which says, You shall separate the Children of Israel from their tumah, followed by the pasuk133 that mentions a niddah in her state of separation (Yerushalmi Horayos 2:5).

ע .32 ת זר אשר תצא ממנו שכב ב ו ז� ת ה This is the — זאת תורlaw of the man with a discharge, and from whom

there is a seminal discharge.

� Same-day CleaningA zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body.יום, ל קרי טובל ב� ע� ה ב� ע. מ� ת זר אשר תצא ממנו שכב ב ו ז� ת ה זאת תור

מי ליטבול ביומיה (מגילה כ.): אי נ� ה�Our pasuk begins, This is the law of the zav, and from

whom there is a discharge of shichvas zera (semen). Since the pasuk mentions the word zav only once, it indicates that it is referring to a man who experiences only one dis-charge. The Torah mentions such a man together with the man who experienced a discharge of shichvas zera, to tell us that we should apply the laws of one to the other.

Just as a man who discharged shichvas zera may im-merse himself in a mikveh that same day, so too, a man who had only one discharge of zav fluid may immerse that

day, and he is not required to have a “clean” day (Megillah 20a).

� Without Consentה, ר� פ� ת חוץ ממחוסרי כ� ע� כל צריכין ד� ן: ה� נ� בי יוח� ר ר� מ� ב. א� ז� ת ה זאת תורת ר ”זאת תור� נים שנאמ� קט� יו ה� ל בנות� יו וע� נ� ל ב� ן ע� רב� ם מביא ק� ד� שהרי א�

ן (נדרים לה:.): ט� דול בין ק� ב“ בין ג� ז� ה�A zav, a zavah, and certain other tamei (ritually impure)

people do not become completely tahor (purified) until they bring two birds as offerings.

As a rule no offering may be brought without the owner’s consent. However, our pasuk says, This is “the law” of the zav, which indicates that the same law applies to any zav, even if he is a minor. Therefore, if a young boy becomes a zav, his father may bring the offerings on behalf of his son even though the son himself is not able to give legal con-sent. This teaches that the offerings that make a person tahor may be brought by others, even without the owner’s consent (Nedarim 35b).

� From “Him” or “From” Him?חוץ, ל� תו טומא� שתצא ד ע� “ממנו“, ע. זר ת שכב ממנו תצא אשר ו

מי (נדה כב.): ם נ� אפילו בקיס� ו�Among the tamei (ritually impure) people mentioned

in our pasuk is a man “from whom” there is a discharge of shichvas zera (semen). There are two possible ways to understand the word ממנו, from him, in our pasuk:

It is unclear whether this means that the shichvas zera must come out “from him” in the normal manner, but if one inserts a reed [or tube] into the opening and the fluid comes out through the reed he would not be tamei, or if it simply means that he is not tamei until the shichvas zera comes completely out of his body (Niddah 22a).

� Minor Dischargeבין ב“ ז� ת ה� “זאת תור� ע. זר ת שכב ממנו תצא אשר ו ב ז� ת ה זאת תוריה ראי� ן ט� ק� ף א� מא מט� שלו ה ראשונ� יה ראי� דול ג� ה מ� ן, ט� ק� בין דול ג�

מא (נדה לד:): מי מט� ה נ� ראשונ�A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. Such a man may immerse that day; it is only if he sees at least two discharges that he becomes a full-fledged zav who is tamei for at least seven days.

We know the law of a person who saw zivah only once from our pasuk, which says, This is the law of the zav, and


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

from whom there is a discharge of shichvas zera (semen). Since the pasuk mentions zav only once, it refers to a man who had only one discharge. Our pasuk compares one zivah discharge to a discharge of shichvas zera, which causes him to be tamei only for one day, and is a lower level of tumah.

A boy under the age of nine cannot become tamei through a discharge of shichvas zera,134 but if he experi-ences two zivah discharges, he does become a zav. We learn this from a later pasuk135 that says, concerning a zav who has his flow (ב את זובו ז� .whether “male” or female ,(וה�The word ר male, includes all males, even minors, and ,ז�כ�the pasuk mentions zav two times, to tell us that it dis-cusses two discharges.

So we know the law of an adult who saw one zav emis-sion and that of a minor who saw shichvas zera or two zav emissions. But what about a boy (under nine) who has only one discharge of zav fluid? Should we compare his one emission to shichvas zera, as we do in our pasuk regarding an adult, and he does not become tamei, since shichvas zera does not render a young boy tamei? Or per-haps we say that since two zivah discharges do make him tamei, the first one must be tamei as well?

Our pasuk (which speaks of one discharge) says, This is ת the law of, the zav. The term toras indicates a law ,תור�that applies broadly, and here it teaches that there is one law for every zav, young or old. Therefore, even a boy un-der nine becomes tamei with one discharge (Niddah 34b).

� The First Discharge Versus The Secondב ה של ז� יה ראשונ� ע. ראי� ת זר אשר תצא ממנו שכב ב ו ז� ת ה זאת תורע“, ת זר� אשר תצא ממנו שכב� ב ו� ז� ת ה� ר ”זאת תור� ה באונס, שנאמ� מא� מט�ה באונס מא� ב מט� ה של ז� יה ראשונ� ף ראי� מא באונס א� ע מט� ת זר� ה שכב� מ�

(נדה לה.):A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. A man does not become a full-fledged zav, to remain tamei for seven days, unless he experiences at least two zivah discharges.

We learned earlier136 that a man becomes a zav only if the discharge was caused by something within his body and not by an external cause, such as excessive eating and drinking, or carrying a heavy load. However, that limi-tation applies only with regard to the second discharge, which actually makes him into a full zav.

This opinion disagrees, based on our pasuk, This is the law of the zav, and from whom there is a discharge of shichvas

zera (semen). Since the pasuk mentions zav only once, it refers to a man who had a single discharge. Our pasuk then compares this to a discharge of shichvas zera. This teaches that just as shichvas zera makes a person tamei even if the discharge was brought about by an outside influence, so too the first discharge of a zav makes him tamei even if it was the result of something external (Niddah 35a).

� Three-Day LimitA zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body.אשר ב ו� ז� ת ה� ע. “זאת תור� ת זר אשר תצא ממנו שכב ב ו ז� ת ה זאת תורת ת שכב� ף תור� מים א� ה י� ד שלש� ב ע� ז� ת ה� ה תור� ע“. מ� ת זר� תצא ממנו שכב�

מים (ירושלמי שבת ט ,ג): ה י� ד שלש� ע ע� זר�Our pasuk says, This is the law of the zav, and from

whom there is a discharge of shichvas zera (semen). The zivah and the shichvas zera discharges are mentioned to-gether to apply the laws of one to the other.

A zav who experiences one discharge is tamei just for that day; if he has two, he requires seven clean days; three discharges require bird offerings, as well. All this is only if the three discharges occurred within three days or less, even if they all occurred on the same day.

If a woman has relations and some shichvas zera is later discharged from her body, she becomes tamei. However, according to one opinion, we learn from our pasuk that just as the tumah of the zav must be within three days, so too shichvas zera makes the woman tamei only if it comes out within three days of her having relations; after that the shichvas zera spoils and no longer conveys tumah (Yerushalmi Shabbos 9:3).

ה ה ב� מא� Through which he becomes — לט�contaminated.

� Not All Is Lostה יומ� א אל� סותרת ה שאינ� א, נ� חמ� ר� ר מ� א� ה“ ב� ה מא� “לט� ה. ב� ה מא� לט�

(נדה סח:):A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. If a zav experienced two or more discharges, he cannot be-come tahor again until he counts seven clean days in a row. If he has another zivah discharge before the seven days are over, the clean days that he counted so far are canceled, and he must start over again.

Our pasuk mentions a discharge of shichvas zera (se-men) together with the zav discharge, teaching us that

134. See discussion above, pasuk 16, “And a Boy.” 135. Below, pasuk 33. 136. See discussion above, pasuk 2, “Outside Influence.”

ל שלש ראיות, שתורתן מפורשת למעלה (שם ט): ע� ל שתי ראיות וב� ע� זב את זובו. ב� (לג) וה�

ה Lנקב �ר ול כ' ז$ �ז$ב את־זובו ל �ה וה ת$ ה בנד$ ה: לג והדו$ ה־ב, מא$ לט$ה: פ פ פ צ' פסוקים. עיד"ו סימן. ב עם־טמא, ר ישכ1 יש אש� ולא

ה לג ולדסובת� ה: ב� א ב� א� לאסת�ר לדכ� דובה ת י� איב ולדד� ה ברחוק�א: ב� א� ר די ישכוב עם מס� א ולגב� ולנקב�


פרשת מצורע טו / לג 370 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

through which he becomes contaminated; 33 and concerning a woman who suffers

through her separation, and concerning a person who has his flow, whether male or

female, and concerning a man who lies with a contaminated woman.

137. If, for example, the zav saw shichvas zera on day three of his “clean days,” that day does not count as a “clean day.” The zav resumes his count the next day, and that day is considered his day 3. 138. See discussion above, pasuk 2, “Outside Influence.” 139. See discussion above, pasuk 25, “Birth Pangs.”

they are connected: Just as a zivah discharge cancels the zav’s clean days, so too a shichvas zera discharge during the seven days will make that day “unclean.”

However, the pasuk says, a discharge of shichvas zera, “through which he becomes tamei.” This teaches that just as a discharge of shichvas zera makes a man tamei for only one day, if a zav discharges shichvas zera during his seven clean days, it will cancel only that one day, and he continues his count the next day137 (Niddah 68b).

ה .33 ת� ה בנד� ו� ד� And concerning a woman — והwho suffers through her separation.

� Ruling Reversedמרו שלא תכחול ולא תפקוס ולא ראשונים א� ה. זקנים ה� ת� ה בנד� ו� ד� והה נ� ה מג� ת� א ולימד אם כן א� בי עקיב� א ר� ד שב� שט בבגדי צבעונין, ע� תתק�ה“, ת� ה בנד� ו� ד� ר ”וה� למוד לומ� ה ת� א מ� ה. אל� רש� ה מג� על� א ב� ה ונמצ� על� ל ב� ע�

ים (שבת סד:, ירושלמי גיטין ט ,יא): בא במ� ד שת� ה תהא ע� ת� בנד�Our pasuk can be translated, and concerning a niddah

in her state of separation. Based on this, the early Sages decreed that a niddah (who is forbidden to have relations with her husband) should be in a state of “separation,” where her husband does not find her attractive. She there-fore should not apply makeup or wear pretty clothing.

R’ Akiva later canceled this decree because if husbands found their wives unattractive, this may lead to divorce. He explained that the pasuk does not mean “her state of [intentionally imposed] separation,” but merely “her state of tumah” (ritual impurity) (Shabbos 64b; Yerushalmi Gittin 9:11).

� The Woman and the Flowא ר קר� מ� מאין יבשין. . . דא� חין ומט� מאין ל� ה. . . מט� ניד� ם ה� ה. ד� ת� ה בנד� ו� ד� והה (נדה מא� דוה מט� ף מ� ה א� מא� ה היא מט� ה מ� דוה כמות� ה“ מ� ת� ה בנד� ו� ד� ”וה�

נד:):Our pasuk, which speaks about the tumah (ritual im-

purity) of a niddah, can be translated, and concerning a woman who experiences a flow (ה ו� ד� in her period of (וה�separation. By mentioning the woman together with the “flow” (that is, the blood), the Torah is teaching us to ap-ply the laws of one to the other: Just as the niddah herself conveys tumah, so too, her niddah blood conveys tumah to anything with which it comes into contact (Niddah 54b).

ה נקב� ר ול כ� ז� ב את זובו ל ז� And concerning a person — והwho has his flow, whether male or female.

� Does “Es” Count?The Hebrew word את/את (es/eis) is usually not translated,

but it can also mean it, him, or with. There is a disagree-ment if, when the word is not grammatically necessary, it teaches something.

א, ”זובו“ ב“ חד� ז� רשי אתים, ”ה� ן לא ד� נ� ב� ה. ר� נקב� ר ול כ� ז� ב את זובו ל ז� והריש ד� אליעזר בי ור� ה, לנקב� א נ� חמ� ר� קשיה א� שלישי, ב� ר“ כ� ז� ”ל� רתי, ת�א נ� חמ� ר� קשיה א� רביעי ב� ת תל� ”זובו“ רתי ת� ”את“ א, חד� ב“ ז� ”ה� אתים,

ה (נזיר סה:, נדה לה.): לנקב�ה ה ניד� ב את זובו“, מ� ז� ה וה� ת� ה בנד� ו� ד� ב את זובו. ”וה� ז� ה וה ת� ה בנד� ו� ד� וה

מא מאונסין (ירושלמי נזיר ט, ד): ב מט� ז� ף ה� ה מאונסין, א� מא� מט�A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. A zav who experiences one discharge is tamei just that day; if he has two, he requires seven clean days; three discharges require bird offerings as well.

If a zav’s second discharge came about because of an external cause, such as excessive eating and drinking, or carrying a heavy load, it does not make him into a zav.138 However, there is a disagreement about his status if the third discharge was brought about by something external. One opinion is that the third discharge will obligate him to bring offerings regardless of what caused it, and a second opinion is that the third discharge is like the second, and it does not increase his tumah if it was caused by something external.

The dispute centers upon the word את, es, in our pasuk:According to the first opinion, es is not an extra word,

and it cannot be used to teach any laws. Therefore, the pasuk reads as follows: concerning a person who has discharged (ב ז� whether male or ,(את זובו) his discharge (ה�female. After mentioning two discharges, the pasuk says, whether male — to indicate that these two discharges have the rule unique to a male zav, that they lead to zav tumah only when they were caused by an internal cause, not by an outside force. Then the pasuk says, or female, to teach that the third discharge has the same rule as a female zavah,139 and it increases his tumah regardless of its cause.

The second opinion does derive a lesson from the word es. Therefore, the word ב ז� who has discharged, indicates ,ה�one discharge, and the phrase את זובו, “es” his discharge, counts as two more discharges. Therefore, discharges two and three both have the rule unique to a male. It is the fourth discharge — which interrupts and cancels his count of seven clean days — that is considered a zav discharge even if it was caused by something external.

Talmud Yerushalmi offers another source for the first opinion:


Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

Our pasuk says, and concerning a niddah in her period of separation, and concerning a zav who has his flow. By mentioning the niddah together with the zav, the pasuk indicates that it is discussing a zav who already has seven-day tumah like a niddah, which is a zav who experienced two discharges. Now, his third discharge (his “flow”) is compared to the discharge of a niddah. Just as she is ta-mei regardless of what causes it, so too the third discharge obligates the zav to bring offerings regardless of what caused it (Nazir 65b; Niddah 35a; Yerushalmi Nazir 9:4).

� The Zav and His Flowבין קת� ה הוא לא חל� קיש זובו לו, מ� ב את זובו“ מ� ז� ”וה� ב את זובו. ז� וה

ף זובו כן (נדה נה:): דים, א� מא בג� ם ולט� ד� מא א� או לט� ש� עו למ� ג� מ�A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. Our pasuk says, and concerning a zav who has his flow. By mentioning the “flow” (that is, the zivah discharge) togeth-er with the zav, the Torah is telling us to apply the laws of one to the other. Therefore, just as a person who touches or carries the zav himself becomes tamei to the degree that his clothing becomes tamei as well, so, too, if a person touches or carries the zivah fluid, he and his clothing will become tamei (Niddah 55b).

ה נקב� ר ול כ� ז� .Whether male or female — ל

� One Day or Threeמים (בבא ר בי� כ� ף ז� מים א� ה בי� ה נקב� ה, מ� ר לנקב� כ� קיש ז� ה. מ� נקב� ר ול כ� ז� ל

קמא כד.):A zav is a man who becomes tamei (ritually impure)

through certain unusual fluids coming from his body. His level of tumah depends on the number of “discharges” that he experiences: one discharge makes him tamei for just that day; two discharges make him tamei for seven days; if he experiences three discharges, he must bring two birds as offerings when he becomes tahor. This applies even if the discharges all occurred on the same day.

A zavah, on the other hand, increases her level of tumah only if she sees blood on three separate days in a row, not if she sees three times in one day.140

What if the zav experiences his three discharges on three separate days? Does that also make him tamei, or must they all be on the same day?

Our pasuk says, and concerning a person who has his flow, whether male or female. The Torah mentions male together with female to apply the laws of one to the other. Just as a woman becomes a zavah when she sees blood on three separate days in a row, a man, too, becomes a zav whether his emissions are all on the same day or on three separate days (Bava Kamma 24a).

� Which Male or Female?ה“ נקב� ”ול� יו, עינות� למ� ע מצור� ה� את בות לר� ר“ כ� ז� “ל� ה. נקב� ול ר כ� ז� ל

עינותיה� (נדה כח:, לד:): ת למ� ע� מצור� בות את ה� לר�One of the stringencies found by a zav (male) and a

zavah (female) is that certain body fluids, such as their saliva and urine (known as maayanos), are also an av ha-tumah (prime source of tumah), and they convey tumah to anything that comes into contact with them.

In concluding this passage, our pasuk says, This is the law… and concerning a person who has his flow, whether male or female. The words whether male or female seem to be unnecessary for the laws of zivah. They teach that a male or female metzora141 also has the stringency of maayanos (Niddah 28b, 34b).142

� Never Too Youngן, ט� דול בין שהוא ק� ר בין שהוא ג� כ� ל שהוא ז� ר“ כ� כ� ז� “ל� ה. נקב� ר ול כ� ז� ל

ה (ערכין ג., נדה לב:, מד.): נ� ה בין קט� ה בין גדול� ל שהיא נקיב� ה“ כ� נקב� ”ול�When the Torah (in this chapter) introduces the law of a

zav and a zavah, it uses the terms man143 and woman.144 We may think that these laws apply only to adults. How-ever, here, at the end of this passage, our pasuk says, whether male or female, clarifying that, regardless of age, any male can become a zav and any female can become a zavah (Arachin 3a; Niddah 32b, 44a).

� When in Doubtף אי א� ד� ו� ל ה� ן ע� רב� מביא ק� ר כ� ז� ה ר, מ� כ� לז� ה נקב� קיש מ� ה. נקב� ול ר כ� ז� לה נקב� ף א� פק ס� ה� ל ע� מביא ר כ� ז� ה ומ� אי, ד� ו� ה� ל ע� ן רב� ק� ה מביא� ה נקב�ל ע� מביא אי ד� ו� ה� ל ע� מביא שהוא ממין ר כ� ז� ה ומ� פק, ס� ה� ל ע� ה מביא�פק (נזיר ס� ל ה� ה ע� אי מביא� ד� ו� ל ה� ה ע� ה ממין שהיא מביא� ף נקב� פק א� ס� ה�

כח:־כט.):A woman who gave birth — like certain other tamei indi-

viduals, such as a zav or a metzora145 — does not become completely tahor until she brings two birds as offerings, one as a chatas (sin offering) and one as an olah (burnt offering).

One may bring a chatas to atone for a sin only when he knows for sure that he is obligated to do so, not when he is in doubt. Nevertheless, with regard to the bird chatas that is necessary not for a sin but to become tahor, the Torah allows one to bring it even when he or she is in doubt. For example, if something came out of a woman’s body, and she is not sure if it was an unborn child or some other mat-ter, she may bring her chatas just in case she is tamei. We learn this through our pasuk:

Our pasuk says, and concerning a person who has his flow, whether male or female. The Torah here mentions the male and female together, telling us to compare the offering that is unique to a female (the bird chatas after childbirth) to offerings that are brought even by males.

140. See discussion above, pasuk 3, “The Zav Versus the Zavah.” 141. See note 3. 142. One of the rules used in the Oral Law to understand the Torah’s intent is im eino inyan legufo, teneihu inyan l’davar acheir (חר ר א� ב� ן לד� ן לגופו תנהו עני� This means that if .(אם אינו עני�a certain law cannot be applied exactly as written in the Torah (because, for example, the Torah already taught the law or if other pesukim taught us differently), we apply the law to a similar case. See Schottenstein Edition, Pesachim 24b note 34. 143. Above, pasuk 2.144. Above, pasuk 25. 145. See note 3.

פרשת מצורע טו / לג פרשת מצורע טו / לג 372 / ספר ויקרא 372 / ספר ויקרא

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

Now, a male (or female) who is unsure whether or not he committed a sin that calls for a chatas brings an asham talui (a guilt offering of doubt). We therefore compare a woman who is unsure about a childbirth to that situation, and she brings an offering.

Additionally, an asham talui is the same type of offering as the chatas that would have been brought if the person

was certain that a sin had been committed — they are both non-birds; so too, a woman’s chatas offering when she is in doubt is of the same type as the one she brings when she is certain; in either case she brings a bird.

The same applies to any other person who is in doubt regarding his tumah and who needs a bird chatas as part of his purification process (Nazir 28b-29a).


28 9A nd on the Shabbos day: two male lambs in their first year, unblemished, two tenth-ephah of fine flour for

a minchah offering, mixed with oil, and its libation. 10 The olah offering of each Shabbos on its own Shabbos, in addi-tion to the continual olah offering and its libation. 11 On your New Moons, you shall bring an olah offering to HASHEM: two young bulls, one ram, seven male lambs in their first year, unblemished. 12 And three tenth-ephah of fine flour for a minchah offering mixed with oil, for each bull; and two tenth-ephah of fine flour mixed with oil, for the one ram; 13 and a tenth-ephah of fine flour for a minchah offering, mixed with oil, for each lamb — an olah offering, a satisfying aroma, a fire offering to HASHEM. 14 And their libations: a half-hin for each bull, a third-hin for the ram, a quarter-hin for each lamb — of wine. This is the olah offering of each month in its own month for the months of the year. 15 And one male of the goats for a chatas offering to HASHEM. In addition to the continual olah offering shall it be made, and its libation.

ם Lתמימ ה Mנ י־ש� Nבנ ים Oש י־כב� Nשנ ת ב� ש� ה� כח ט וביום ונסכו: מן Sש ב� ה Tבלול ה Uמנח סלת עשרנים י Xושנה: Yונסכ יד Zמ ת� ה� ת ל־על\ ע� תו ב� בש� ת ב_ ש� ת י על\ים ר פ� יהוה aל ה Mעל יבו Oקר ת� ם דשיכ ח� אשי יא ובר�ה Mה שבע Uנ י־ש� Nים בנ bש ד כב� יל אח� cים וא ר שנ� dק י־ב� Nבנה eבלול ה מנח� סלת עשרנים ה eיב ושלש ם: gתמימה eה בלול י עשרנים סלת מנח� Xד ושנ hאח Yר ה Mפ מן ל� ש ב�ה מנח� סלת רון עש� רן יג ועש� ד: Yאח Yיל ה א_ מן ל� ש ב�ה Sיח� ניחח� אש Xה ר ד על� hאח Yבש ה Sכ מן ל� ש ה ב� eבלולת bר ושליש פ� היה ל� gהין י י ה� lם חצ יהוה: יד ונסכיה aלת חדש ין זאת על\ mבש י Sכ ין ל� nה ת ה� Oיל ורביע א� ין ל� lה ה�את Mט ד לח� Uים אח Oיר עז ה: טו ושע Yנ ש� י ה� oדש דשו לח� בח�

ה ונסכו: Sש ע� Nיד י nמ ת� ת ה� pל־על יהוה ע� aל

MAFTIR SHABBAS ROSH CHODESH / מפטיר לשבת ראש חודשBamidbar 28:9-15 / במדבר כח:ט־טו

66 1S o said HASHEM, The heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool; what house could you build for

Me, and what could be My resting place? 2 My hand made all these and thus they came into being, the words of HASHEM — but it is to this that I look: to the poor and broken-spirited person who is zealous regarding My Word. 3 He who slaughters an ox is as if he slays a man; he who offers a sheep is as if he breaks a dog’s neck; he who brings up a minchah offering is as if he offers a swine’s blood; one who brings a frankincense remembrance is as if he brings a gift of extortion; they have even chosen their ways, and their souls have desired their abominations. 4 I, too, will choose to mock them and what they dread I will bring upon them — because I have called, but no one responded; I have spoken, but they did not hear; they did what is evil in My eyes and what I did not desire they chose. 5 Listen to the Word of HASHEM, those who are zealous re-garding His Word; your brethren who hate you and distance themselves from you say, ‘‘HASHEM is glorified because of my reputation’’ — but we shall see your gladness and they will be shamed. 6 A tumultuous sound comes from the city, a sound from the Sanctuary, the sound of HASHEM dealing ret-ribution to His enemies. 7 When she has not yet felt her labor,

י hגל רץ הדם ר� Mא י וה� ים כסא cמ ש� ר יהוה ה� cמ סו א כה א�י: gת מנוח� קום מ� ה sואי־ז י תבנו־ל ר tאש ית ב� ה sאי־זנאם־ לה oל־א כ� היו gי ו� ה ת� ש� ע� י lד י� לה ל־א ב ואת־כ�ל־ ע� ד oר וח� ונכה־רוח� ני אל־ע� יט ב א� ה tואל־ז יהוה ף vער שה ה� ח� wזוב יש כה־א מ� שור ה� ט ג שוח י: gר דב�ון hך א vר eה מב Mיר לבנ Oזכ ם־חזיר מ� ה ד� ה מנח� wעל aלב מ כה: צ� Nפ ם ח� Tפש ם נ� Sם ובשקוציה רכיה חרו בד� Yה ב מ� ם־ה ג�ם ה יא ל� lב ם א� ם ומגורת� ליה xעל aר בת cם־אני אבח ד ג�ע ר� עשו ה� aי עו ו� zמ א ש� רתי ול ין עונה דב_ Xאתי וא ר� ן ק� ע� י}ר־יהוה רו: ה שמעו דב� Yח צתי ב� פ_ א־ח� ר ל sאש aי וב בעינ�ם דיכ ם מנ� נאיכ ם ש מרו אחיכ Yרו א ים אל־דב� Zחרד aהשו: ם יב vם וה Sתכ ה בשמח� sד יהוה ונרא cן שמי יכב ע� למ}ם גמול vל ל קול יהוה מש� hהיכ Nיר קול מ און מע ו קול ש�ה Mבל ל רם י�בוא ח| ה בט ד� hל יל י� Zח רם ת� sיו: ז בט Yיב לא

HAFTARAS SHABBAS ROSH CHODESH / הפטרת שבת ראש חודשYeshayah 66:1-24 / ישעיה סו:א־כד

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd

she will have given birth! When the pain has not yet come

to her, she will have delivered a son! 8 Who has heard such a

thing? Who has seen its like? Has a land gone through its labor

in one day? Has a nation been born at one time, as Zion went

through labor and gave birth to her children? 9 Shall I bring

[a woman] to the birthstool and not have her give birth? says

HASHEM. Shall I, Who causes birth, hold it back? says your God.

10 Be glad with Jerusalem and rejoice in her, all who love

her; exult with her exultation, all who mourned for her; 11 so

that you may nurse and be sated from the breast of her

consolations; so that you may suck and delight from the

glow of her glory. 12 For so said HASHEM, Behold! — I shall

direct peace to her like a river, and the honor of nations like

a surging stream, and you shall suckle; you will be carried

on a shoulder and dandled on knees. 13 Like a man whose

mother consoled him, so will I console you, and in Jerusa-

lem will you be consoled. 14 You shall see and your heart

will exult, and your bones will flourish like grass; the hand

of HASHEM will be known to His servants, and He will be

angry with His enemies. 15 For behold! — HASHEM will ar-

rive in fire and His chariots like the whirlwind, to requite

His anger with wrath, and His rebuke with flaming fire. 16 For

with fire HASHEM will judge, and with His sword against all

flesh; many will be those slain by HASHEM.

17 Those who prepare and purify themselves [to storm] the

gardens go one after another to the midst [of the fray]; to-

gether will be consumed those who eat the flesh of swine, of

abominable creatures and rodents — the words of HASHEM. 18 I [am aware of] their deeds and their thoughts; [the time]

has come to gather in all the nations and tongues; they shall

come and see My glory.

19 I shall put a sign upon them and send some as survivors

to the nations: Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, the bow-drawers, Tu-

val, and Yavan; the distant islands, who have not heard of

My fame and not seen My glory, and they will declare My

glory among the nations. 20 They will bring all your breth-

ren from all the nations as an offering to HASHEM, on horses,

on chariot, on covered wagons, on mules, and with joyful

dances upon My holy mountain, Jerusalem, said HASHEM;

just as the Children of Israel bring their offering in a pure ves-

sel to the House of HASHEM. 21 From them, too, will I take to

be Kohanim and Leviim, said HASHEM.

22 For just as the new heavens and the new earth that I will

make will endure before Me — the words of HASHEM — so will

your offspring and your name endure. 23 And it shall be that,

from New Moon to New Moon, and from Shabbos to Shabbos,

all flesh shall come to prostrate themselves before Me, said


24 They shall go out and see the corpses of those who rebel

against Me, for their worms will not die and their fire will not

go out, and they shall be a disgrace for all flesh.

And it shall be that, from New Moon to New Moon, and

from Shabbos to Shabbos, all flesh shall come to prostrate

themselves before Me, said HASHEM.

לה א כ� ה א� ר� י מ~ זאת כ� ע cמ י־ש� gח מ ר: Yכ ז� ה יט� Oוהמלת hאח ם ע� cפ גוי לד Tאם־יו ד אח� ביום רץ א ל היוח�יר nשב א� י Oאנ aט ה : יה� נ� את־ב� ציון ה Tלד Yם־י ג� ה ל� Uכי־חרתי צ_ וע� יד nמול ה� י bאם־אנ יהוה ר cיאמ יד Zאול א ולל־ כ� ה Mב ילו Oוג ל� ם את־ירוש� י שמחו יך: Yאלה ר מ\ א� : יה� ל� ים ע� Zבל מתא� ל־ה� שוש כ� ה מ� ישו את� יה� ש~ הב� אן ע� pלמ יה� נחמ� ת� משד ם עת ושב� ינקו gת ן ע� יא למ}ר cמ א� | יב כי־כה ה: Yכבוד יז Oמז ם Sגת נ� והתע� מצו ת�ף שוט| ל ח� pוכנ לום ש� ר ה� כנ� יה� ל ה־א נט� י lהננ יהוה ים ל־ברכ_ וע� או ש תנ� ד ל־צ� ע� ם קת� ינ� gו ם Zגוי כבוד נכי Yא ן wכ נו חמ� aתנ אמו ר sאש יש יג כא עו: Yעש Yתשש eוש יד וראיתם מו: Yתנח ל_ ם ובירוש� ם חמכ cאנד־ י� ה ונודע� ה חנ� תפר� שא tד כ� ם Sצמותיכ וע� ם לבכיהוה ה wי־הנ gטו כ יו: Yיב את־א ם וז�ע_ יו ד� את־עב� יהוה פו ה א� יב בחמ� ש~ יו לה� hרכבת ה מ� Mסופ ש י�בוא וכ� Xא ב�רבו ט ובח� אש יהוה נשפ� י ב� ש: טז כ~ Nהבי־א aתו בל ער� aוגים דש מתק� יז ה� יהוה: י vלל ח� בו ור� ר hש ל־ב� את־כ�וך ת� ב� כ'] [אחד ת ח� ר א� ח} נות א� ג� אל־ה� ים הר aמט וה�פו ס� י� ו Tחד י� ר hכב ע� Yוה קץ Sש וה� חזיר aה ר cבש כלי אה א� ב� ם חשבתיה ומ� עשיהם aמ י נכ Yיח וא נאם־יהוה: את־ או ור� או Mוב לשנות וה� ם Zגוי ל־ה� את־כ� ץ vב לק�

ים ליט ם | פ tי מה lחת ם אות ושל� ה י ב� מת י: יט וש� gכבודן mו ל וי� cשת תב Sיש פול ולוד משכי ק רש גוים ת� אל־ה�א־ ול את־שמעי מעו Yלא־ש ר אש ים רחק Yה ים lאי ה�יאו lם: כ והב gגוי י ב� Zידו את־כבוד Oי והג או את־כבוד ר�ים סוס יהוה ב� aה | ל eם | מנח lגוי ל־ה� ם מכ� tל־אחיכ את־כ�י nדש ר ק� ל ה\ cרות ע כרכ� ים וב� ד פר� ים וב� ב צ� כב וב� ר וב�ל את־ א� ב יאו בני ישר� ר י� tאש aר יהוה כ cמ ל_ ם א� ירוש�

ח ם אק� sם־מה ית יהוה: כא וג� vהור ב י ט� Oבכל ה Uמנח ה�ים cמ ש� ה� ר tאש aכ י lכ כב יהוה: ר מ\ א� ם Zלוי ל� ים Oהנ כ ל�ים Oה עמד י עש� Oר אנ ה אש ש� חד� aרץ ה א� ים וה� ש חד� aהה י� ם: כג וה� ושמכ� ם Sרעכ עמד ז� aי ן נאם־יהוה כ| י נ_ לפ�ל־ כ� בוא י� תו ב� בש� ת Mב ש� י vומד דשו בח� מדי־חדש או ור� צאו Yכד וי יהוה: ר מ\ י א� נ_ לפ� חות aלהשת ר Uש ב�א ל ם עת� תול� י lכ י Lב ים Zשע פ ה� ים ש אנ� Yה בפגרי ר: Yש ל־ב� לכ� און ר� Nד יו וה� ה תכב א ל ם ואש� מות ת�י�בוא תו ב� ת בש� Mב י ש� vומד דשו בח� מדי־חדש ה י� וה�

ר יהוה: מ\ י א� נ_ חות לפ� aר להשת Uש ל־ב� כ�

374 / הפטרת שבת ראש חודש

Reproduced from the Milstein Edition of Chumash With Talmud with permission of the copyright holder ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications Ltd
