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forumeco.ru...2020/06/23  · Cherepan A.Ya., Minister of Energy, Housing and Communal Complex and...

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Page 1: forumeco.ru...2020/06/23  · Cherepan A.Ya., Minister of Energy, Housing and Communal Complex and Urban Environment of the Ulyanovsk Region Pertsovsky O.E., Operations Director of
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Draft program of March, 16, 2020



Priorities for Russia's environmental development - improving legislation and implementing the national Ecology project


On the strategic objectives of state policy in the area of environmental protection

National project "Ecology": implementation, key areas and projects

On the implementation of the mechanism of “regulatory guillotine” in the field of environmental protection

Improvement of legal regulation and legislation in the field of environmental protection

Formation of a model of sustainable environmental development in Russia

The interaction of government, business and society in solving environmental problems

PANEL SESSION 12:30 PM – 14:00 PM

“Creation of the SMW Management Industry”: the role of federal authorities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Public not-for-profit organization “Russian Environmental Operator”, regional operators


On the mechanisms of financing and allocation of funds for the development of infrastructure for the management of SMW

The interaction of key subjects of the development of the waste management industry

Creating a federal waste management scheme

Key issues of the activities of regional operators in SMW management: tariffs, financial support, interaction with individuals and legal entities

The role of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the development of the SMW management industry

Mechanisms for monitoring activities in the SMW management industry


Ismailov R.A., Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization for the Protection of Natural Resources “Russian Ecological Society”

Makrushin A.V., Deputy Director of Russian Ecological Operator


Bik S.I., Executive Director of The Concessionaires & Long-Term Infrastructure Investors National Association (CoLTI)

Gazdarov M.Kh, General Director of Eco-Alliance LLC

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Gubaidullin R.Kh., Executive Director of the Association «Clean Country»

Klimenko T.L., директора департамента природопользования Правительство Владимирской области

Korolev V.G., Deputy Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service

Osipov R.A., General Director of TKO-Inform

Rumyantsev K.N., Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

Sedov A.V., General Director of the Big Three LLC

Timofeeva O.V., Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Trembitsky A.A., Deputy Minister of the Fuel and Energy Complex and the Housing and Communal Services of the Krasnodar Territory

Tykuchinsky M.A., Director for Development of the Energy Efficient Technology Cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation

Vergun P.V., Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Clean City GC

Zaretsky A.G., Head of the department for supervision of the implementation of laws on the protection and use of subsurface resources of the Main Directorate for Supervision of the Execution of Federal Law of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

PANEL SESSION 12:30 PM – 14:00 PM

Energy of life: building a green energy system


Improving the regulatory framework for creating an environmentally safe and reliable energy system in Russia

State RES support mechanisms

RES development results: achievements and new challenges

Activities of companies of traditional sources of generation to reduce the environmental burden

Promising projects in the field of renewable energy use

New sources of generation and technology for the development of an environmentally friendly energy system


Barkin O.G., Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Association Market Council

Bobylev P.M., Deputy Director of the Department of Electric Power Development of the Ministry of Energy

Cherepan A.Ya., Minister of Energy, Housing and Communal Complex and Urban Environment of the Ulyanovsk Region

Pertsovsky O.E., Operations Director of the Energy Efficiency Technology Cluster, Skolkovo Foundation

Sonin M.S., Director of the Department of Competition, Energy Efficiency and Ecology, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Yesyakov S.Ya., First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy

Zhikharev A.B., Director of the Association for the Development of Renewable Energy

Zubakin V.A., Head of the Department of Renewable Energy, Russian State University of Oil and Gas

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WORK SESSION 12:30 PM – 14:00 PM

On the implementation of the mechanism of “regulatory guillotine” in the field of environmental protection


On excessive requirements of control and supervision regulation in the field of environmental protection

Proposals for the formation of new regulatory structures in the field of environmental protection, eliminating excessive business requirements

Finding a balance between redundant requirements and nature conservation


Ministry for Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, industrial companies, industry associations, representatives of expert, academic and scientific communities, development institutions, public organizations.


Ecology of urban space: from transport systems to green infrastructure


Legal regulation of the formation of environmentally friendly urban spaces

The impact of environmental factors on the state of the urban population

The main environmental problems of Russian cities

Integration of environmental development projects into the original urban structure

City water resources management

Issues of improving the biotic environment of the city

Projects for the development of environmentally friendly transport systems in the city

Actual issues of urban waste management systems


Telichenko V.I., President of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering


Alekseev S.M., Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources and Ecology of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

Benuzh A.A., head of the REC “Green Standards” at Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Beneslavskaya N.V., Head of the IKEA Sustainable Development Department in Russia

Khakhanov Yu.M., Director for Acceleration, Head of Urban Technologies, Skolkovo Foundation Energy Efficiency Cluster

Peshkov A.A., General Director of Tikkurila.

Rakhmanin Yu.A., Chief Scientific Advisor of the FSBI Center for Strategic Planning and Biomedical Risk Management of the Federal Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Soloviev I.S., Head of the Department of Information Systems and Services, Skolkovo Foundation

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PANEL SESSION 14:15 PM – 16:15 PM

Integrated environmental permits as an essential element of a new environmental control system


Regulatory framework for an integrated environmental permit - is the procedure sufficiently regulated?

Integrated Environmental Permit Requirements

The algorithm of actions in the provision of services for the issuance of IEP

Opportunities for improving the procedure for obtaining IEP


Sokolova N.R., Chairman of the Management Board, Scientific Director of ANO «Equality»


Alekseev S.M., Chairman of the Committee on Nature Management and Ecology of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

Anufriev K.A., Deputy Head of the Environmental Department of Vodokanal Expert

Chernyshev V.V., Head of the Department of State Supervision in the Use and Protection of water objects, atmospheric air and land supervision of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources

Lakhtikov Yu.O., Chairman of the Management Board of Bumprom

Latonova O.B., Head of the Department of Environmental Assistance and Best Available Technologies, Department of Strategic Development and Corporate Policy of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Representative of the Federal Service for Supervision of the Consumer Rights and Human Well-Being (Rospotrebnadzor)

Representative of FSBI UralNII “Ecology”

Representative of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel

WORK SESSION 14:15 PM – 16:15 PM

Environmental responsibility of the forest industry and forest protection


Regulatory framework in the field of forestry and forest industry

Forest status information: data collection and monitoring systems

Measures for the protection and restoration of forests

Sanctions and benefits: combating unscrupulous forest users and encouraging responsible forest users

Stimulating the introduction of BAT in the timber industry


Nikolaev N.P., Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Natural Resources, Property and Land Relations

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Kozlov S.M., Head of the Forest Control, Protection and Recreation Department, Federal Foresty Agency

Kuzyurov R.A., Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan

Maslodudov D.A., Minister of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region

Markov R.B., Head of the Forestry Department of the Vologda Oblast

Mishunkina M.N., First Deputy General Director of the publishing house "Arguments and Facts"

Moskaluk E.A., Chief Ecologist at Arkhangelsk Pulp & Paper Mill JSC

Petrenev D.V., Acting Minister of Irkutsk Forest Complex

Shchegolev A.A., Director of the Forest Program WWF Russia

Shmatkov N.M., Executive Director of FSC Russia

DISCUSSION AREA 14:15 – 16:15

Youth and clean country. Development trends of environmental youth movement in Russia



What hinders the development of youth environmental volunteering in Russia? What legislative steps should be taken to remove these obstacles?

Creation, support and promotion of youth environmental projects in the Russian regions


Is there a need today to highlight the direction of environmental education in a separate federal target program «Environmental Education» and its inclusion in the National Project «Ecology»?

How can the Federal Target Program “Environmental Education” contribute to the development and support of Russian public environmental organizations, the formation of environmental culture among the younger generation of Russians?

The involvement of young people in environmental activities and the development of “green universities” in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation


What is the experience of implementing environmental projects in business involving public environmental organizations? How to spread the experience of cooperation

How is environmental corporate volunteering developing in Russia?

What are the trends in the development of environmental charity by the Russian business?


Afanasyev S.M., Minister of Ecology, Nature Management and Forestry of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Budilin S.N., Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Information and Analytical Center for the Development of the Water Economy Complex”

Bugaev A.V., Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs

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Gigel T.A., member of the Committee of the Federation Council for Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management

Grachev V.A., Chairman of the Central Council of the All-Russian Public Organization “All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature”

Kinebas A.K., Head of Public Relations and Professional Organizations, Vodokanal of St. Petersburg

Mennikov V.E., Acting Director of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Continuing Education «Federal Children's Ecological and Biological Center»

Metelev A., Co-Chairman of the Council of the Association of volunteer centers

Plyamina O.V., Executive Director of the Non-Governmental Environmental Fund

Radionova S.G., Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources

Zasursky I.I., Head of the Department of New Media and Communication Theory, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University

PANEL SESSION 14:15 PM – 16:15 PM

Waste sorting and treatment as a first step in circular economy approach. International experience and ways of implementation in Russia.


Separate waste collection as a necessary tool for involving waste in recycling and reducing burial and disposal volumes of waste

State policy in the area of stimulating separate waste collection. Involving the population in separate waste collection through financial incentives and environmental education

Successful experience of backbone companies in implementing separate waste collection. Experience of McDonalds pilot project for separate collection and recycling. “A good example should be contagious.”


Valuev N.S., First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Ecology and Environmental Protection


Carena M., McDonald's CEO in Russia

Korshunova I.A., Senior Director for Quality Control and Sustainable Development, McDonald's in Russia

Kulbachevsky A.O., Head of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow

Makrushin A.V., Deputy General Director of PPK Russian Environmental Operator

Nagorskaya T.P., Association in the sphere of ecology and environmental protection “Separate Collection”

Rumyantsev K.N., Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

Tyurkin A.M., Minister of Housing and Communal Services and Civil Protection of the Population of the Republic of Mordovia

Representative of “Russian Environmental Operator”

Representative of Huhtamaki

Representative of Develeys

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WORK SESSION 16:30 PM – 18:00 PM

Apple of Discord: Environmental Aspects of Agriculture


Promoting organic agricultural products

The formation of green brands in the agricultural sector

Environmental certification in the agricultural sector

Environmental issues of chemicalization of agricultural production

The ecological situation in livestock enterprises and ways to improve it

Ecological consequences of environmental pollution by agricultural facilities

Processing and disposal of agricultural waste


Dankvert S.A., Head of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision

Fedorenko V.F., research supervisor of the FSBI “Rosninformagrotech”

Korshunova I.A., Senior Director of Quality Assurance and Senior Director for Sustainable Development, McDonald’s

Lisovsky S.F., First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management

Sarattseva E.A., Deputy Head of ANO “Russian Quality System”

Startseva O.P., Chairman of RPO “Ural Ecological Initiative”

Pichugina N.A., Head of the Industrial and Environmental Safety Department

Uvaidov M.I., Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

Representative of Miratorg

Representative of Cherkizovo Group

WORK SESSION 16:30 PM – 18:00 PM

New technologies and solutions for water treatment, wastewater treatment and rehabilitation of water bodies


The use of environmentally friendly technologies in the field of water and sewage utilities

Issues of updating the BAT manual for wastewater treatment

Wastewater sludge treatment and disposal in the field of water and sewage utilities:problems and solutions

Import substitution in the field of water and sewage utilities

Technologies of water and communal services in Russia: regional aspect


Bordyugov R.V., General Director of Ecoprocessing LLC

Efremov I.V., General Director of Lipetsk Pipe Company Svobodny Sokol LLC

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Gogina E.S., Vice-Rector of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Lobanov F.I., President of KNTP LLC

Mitin S.M., Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Council of the Federation on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management

Nikonova S.V., Director of the Department for the Development of Housing and Communal Services of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation

Platonov M.M., Head of Industrial Equipment Department, Ecoinstrument LLC

Zhigun E.B., General Director of Flottweg Moscow

PANEL SESSION 16:30 PM – 18:00 PM

Waste Management: Recycling and Incineration


Legal aspects of waste management: regulation of waste recycling and thermal processing of waste

Prospects for attracting investment in the waste processing industry

Creating a system of eco-technology parks: regulatory, financial and social aspects

Experience of enterprises in the inclusion of waste in the production process

Technological solutions for the incineration industry


Dudareva A.E., Chairman of the Commission for Ecology and Environmental Protection, Public Chamber of the Russian Federation


Burmatov V.V., Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Ecology and Environmental Protection

Filatkina Yu.E., Executive Director of the Russian Ecological Society

Galagan D.V., General Director of Charter LLC

Morgunov B.A., Director of the Institute of Ecology, HSE

Petrov V.O., Head of the Project office of the Federal project “Clean Country”

Rudas P.G., Executive Director of the Association of Manufacturers, Importers, independently implementing the standards for the disposal of waste from the use of RusPRO goods

Serebryansky D.A., Head of the gas purification laboratory of NTC Bakor LLC

Shirokov A.V., Chairman of the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation for Entrepreneurship in the Field of Housing and Public Utilities

Sokolova N.R., Chairman of the Management Board, Scientific Director of ANO "Ravnopravie"

Representative of Intertechelectro

Representative of LafargeHolcim Russia

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WORK SESSION 16:30 – 18:00

Ecology of the oil and gas industry: prevention and elimination of negative environmental impact


Legal regulation of the environmental impact of oil and gas companies

Processing and waste management of oil and gas industry: the role of the state and companies initiatives

An effective monitoring system for environmental damage caused by oil and gas companies

A system for informing about the state of the environment in the areas where companies operate and about emergencies caused by production activities

Technologies for elimination and prevention of water pollution by oil and oil products


Zhigun E.B., General Director of Flottweg Moscow


Knizhnikov A.Y., Programme Manager for Environmental Business Responsibility WWF of Russian Federation

Mazlova E.A., Professor of the Department of Industrial Ecology of National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University»

Polshvedkin R.V., Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Komi Republic

Puchkov M.V., Head of the Department for the Protection of the Population and Territories from Emergencies of the Department of Civil Defense and Protection of the Population of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Management

Vasilenko A.B., Member of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on ecology and environmental protection

Veselov A.K., Chairman of the Union of Ecologists of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Vladimirov A.V., Head of the Sustainable Development Department of Yamal LNG OJSC

Zaretskiy A.G., Head of the Department for the Supervision of the Execution of Laws on the Protection and Use of Subsoil Resources of the Department for the Supervision of the Implementation of Legislation on the Protection of the Environment and Nature Management of the Main Directorate for Supervision of the Execution of Federal Legislation of the Prosecutor General

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PANEL SESSION 10:00 – 11:30

Modern processing system in Russia: new technologies to improve the environment


Stages of creating a high-tech recycling system in Russia

Priorities in building a unified state information system for industrial waste management

International requirements and environmental standards when creating an industrial processing industry

Closed-loop economics require the restructuring of industrial processes, taking into account new technologies

Will Russia take a leading position in a closed-loop economy?


Demicheva E.A., Development Director of Rusatom Greenway LLC

Korolkov M.V., First Deputy General Director for Environmental Projects FSUE RosRAO

Lebedev A.V., Director of the implementation of state and industry programmes in the field of ecology of Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation

Nikitin A.K., General Director of Environmental Rights Center Bellona

Orlov A.Y., Director of the Department of Chemical-Technological Complex and Bioengineering Technologies of The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Shadyuk A.V., Deputy CEO of Ecopolis Corporation JSC

Veselov A.K., Chairman of the Union of Ecologists of the Republic of Bashkortostan

PANEL SESSION 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Let’s give green light to the Green Investment


Government green investment policy

Tools to attract investment in environmental projects

Financing of projects for the development of waste management infrastructure

Domestic development institutions and integrators in the field of green investment


Bik S.I., Executive Director of the National Association of Concessionaires and Long-Term Infrastructure Investors

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Arslanova M.T., Director of the Department of Investment Policy and Enterprise Development Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Babenko M.V., Director of the Green Economy Programme WWF of Russian Federation

Ivashkovskaya I.V., Head of the HSE School of Finance

Kabir L.S., Chief Scientific Officer of International Finance Center at Financial Research Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Klevakina M.P., Deputy Director of the Department of Agricultural and Environment Statistics at Russian Federal State Statistics Service

Sokolova N.R., Chairman of the Management Board, Scientific Director of ANO "Ravnopravie"

Vyalkin A.G., Director of the Department of promoting investment and innovation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

Zemtsov R.G., Director of the Department of financial and economic support of the Ministry of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation

Zvorykina Yu.V., Deputy Director of the Vnesheconombank Institute

PANEL SESSION 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Life Cycle: Issues of Extended Responsibility of Manufacturers


Environmental tax: regulatory issues

About the «Concept of improving the institution of extended responsibility of manufacturers and importers»

On different approaches to the development of the infrastructure for the implementation of the extended responsibility of manufacturers and importers: the creation of a recycling fund or independent implementation

Stimulating the participation of manufacturers and importers in the development of the waste processing industry


Filatkina Yu.E., Executive Director of the Russian Ecological Society

Fokin A.I., member of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on ecology and environmental protection

Ivanova O.A., environmental manager of Tetra Pak JSC

Makrushin A.V., Deputy Director of Russian Ecological Operator

Melanevskaya L.A., Executive Director of the Nonprofit Association RusPEK

Petrishchev A.V., Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Sphere of Production and Consumption Waste Management, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

Podoynikov S.A., Executive Director of EcoTyresUnion

Sergeev A.A., Executive Director of SOA Association “League of recyclers of waste paper”

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PANEL SESSION 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Project “Ecology”: from elimination of accumulated environmental damage to leap into the future


What can be done in the remaining 5 years of the national project?

What acute environmental problems can’t be solved within the framework of the national project?

What federal projects should be added or removed after 2024?

In the development of which new systems, governing waste management, emissions and discharges the business is interested?

What foreign experience is worth using?

Are scientists ready to plan a solution to cope with existing problems and predict the emergence of new environmental problems until 2050?

How can the public formulate an environmental agenda for State development?


Ermachenkov I.O., Head of the Ecology Department of the “Future of Russia. National projects” organization


Danilov-Danilyan V.I., supervisor of the Institute for Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences Danilov

Khlynov A.Yu., coordinator of the thematic site of ONF Ecology in the Moscow Region

Khramov D.G., First Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, Administrator of the Ecology National Project

Nagibin A.N., Executive Director of the All-Russian Public Organization “Green Patrol”, Member of the Public Council of Rosprirodnadzor

Samarina L.V., Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the State News Agency of Russia TASS

Stetsenko A.V., President of the Center for Environmental Innovations, employee of the Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov

Valuev N.S., First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection, co-author of the bill

WORK MEETING 12:30 AM – 14:00 AM

Dissemination of the experience of the Federal Target Program “Recovery of the Volga River” and “Preserving of Lake Baikal” for the conservation and rehabilitation of Russia's largest water bodies


Interim results of the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Recovery of the Volga River” and “Preserving of Lake Baikal”

Sources of funding for the federal targeted program

Issues of construction and reconstruction of treatment facilities

Ecosystem recovery: flora and fauna of water bodies

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Liquidation of objects of negative impact on water bodies of Russia

Ensuring shipping with minimal environmental impact

Application of BAT for the conservation of water bodies in Russia


Bychkov I.V., Scientific Director of the Irkutsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Danilov-Danilyan V.I., Scientific Director of Institute of Water Problems, RAS

Egorov M.B., Deputy Minister of Construction Industry, Housing and Utilities Sector

Kirillov D.M., Head of the Federal Water Resources Agency

Korolev B.I., Deputy Head of the Department of Geological Foundations, Science and Informatics of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use

Luhtanov V.T., General Director NPO «Algiobiotechnologia» Ltd

Minukhin R.B., Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Field of Water Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

Niskin A.V., Communication consultant of non-profit foundation Clean Hands, Clean Rivers

Pleshakova G.V., Head of Federal State Budgetary Institution “Weather control & environmental monitoring”

Shestakov I.V., Head of the Federal Agency for Fisheries

PANEL SESSION 12:30 AM – 14:00 AM

BAT implementation: how companies cope with technology implementation


Events of companies from the “list of 300” for the implementation of BAT

Subsidizing BAT implementation projects

BAT implementation: system of benefits and sanctions

Implementation of a system for remote monitoring and accounting of pollutant emissions

Mechanism for updating BAT directories


Abramov A.V., Head of the Federal Technical Regulation and Metrology Agency

Butovsky R.O., Head of the Scientific and Methodological Center «Technology» «VNIIEcology»

Erkenova S.K., Director of the National Center for Cleaner Production, UN national expert on industrial development, Advisor to the Director of the UNIDO Center in Russia

Lakhtikov Yu.O., Chairman of the Board of RAO Bumprom

Latonova O.B., Head of the Department of Environmental Assistance and Best Available Technologies, Department of Strategic Development and Corporate Policy of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Skobelev D.O., Director of the Federal State Autonomous Body Research Institute “EIPC”

Titchev I.P., Head of the Environmental Protection Department, Shchekinoazot OJSC

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PANEL SESSION 12:30 AM – 14:00 PM

Percentage of oxygen: implementation of the Federal Project “Clean Air”


On the implementation of the Federal Project “Clean Air”: interim results of work

Creation of an effective system for monitoring and control of air quality

Measures to reduce air pollution in large industrial centers

BAT for enterprises of cities-participants in the federal project


Appalonova I.V., Chairman of the Committee for Environmental Protection of the City Hall of Cherepovets

Gartvik M.A., Head of Environmental Protection Department of Ministry of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk Region

Grachev V.A., Chairman of the Central Council of the All-Russian Public Organization “All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature”

Ivanov D.E., product manager of industrial filters, SovPlym JSC

Korchashkin P.E., Minister of Ecology and Environmental Management of the Krasnoyarsk Region

Ordynts V.V., Deputy Director of Technical for Industrial and Environmental Safety of JSC Shchekinoazot

Pankov E.A., General Director of IMC Systems

Panov A.A., Deputy Governor of the Kemerovo Region for Industry, Transport and Ecology

Peshkov Yu.V., Head of the Department for Monitoring the Status and Environmental Pollution of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring

Vlasov A.S., Head of the Clean Air Project Office

Yuranets V.Ch., Head of the Engineering Center Department of the Research Institute “EIPC”

Zhuravleva T.A., Head of the Center for Urban Competencies of ANO «Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects»

PANEL SESSION 14:30 AM – 16:00 PM

Development of the infrastructure of the water and sanitation sectors of the Russian Federation: improvement of legislation and modernization of systems in cities and rural settlements


State financing and modernization of wastewater systems in cities and rural settlements

Improving legislation in the field of waste management of water and sanitation sectors

Legislative regulation of standards for permissible discharges of pollutants and limits for discharges for objects of centralized drainage systems

Problematic issues of the implementation of concession agreements in the field of water and sanitation sectors

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Legal regulation of relations regarding the establishment of legal liability for negative impacts on water bodies during wastewater discharges that violate established standards through centralized wastewater systems

Legal regulation of the procedure for establishing areas of sanitary protection of drinking water supply sources (drinking water supply) and conditions for carrying out economic activities within the boundaries of the second and third zones of such area


Chernyshev V.V., Head of the Department of state supervision in the use and protection of water bodies, atmospheric air and land supervision of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources

Gilev M.S., Director of the Department of Strategic Projects of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation

Grishina G.Yu., General Director of Vodokanal Expert LLC

Gogina E.S., Vice-Rector of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Matyukhin A.G., Head of the Department for Regulation in the Sphere of Housing and Communal Services of the Federal Antimonopoly Service

Sambursky G.A., Head of the Department of Environmental and Industrial Safety, MV Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies Lomonosov RTU MIREA

Representative of the Group of companies Rosvodokanal

Representative of LLC RKS-Holding

PANEL SESSION 14:30 PM – 16:00 PM

Generational Responsibility: Accumulated Environmental Hazard Management Program


Priority project “Clean Country” as the basis of state policy in the field of elimination of accumulated damage

Updating environmental legislation in the field of eliminating accumulated environmental damage

Measures of economic incentives for the elimination of accumulated environmental damage

Elimination of accumulated environmental damage from industrial and military activities in the Arctic. Experience in attracting volunteers


Alekseev S.M., Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources and Ecology of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

Afanasyev S.M., Minister of Ecology, Nature Management and Forestry of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Bely A.V., Acting Director of the FSBI «VNIIEcology»

Filatkina Yu.E., Executive Director of the Russian Ecological Society

Gilev I.J., Acting First Deputy Minister of the Chelyabinsk Region

Pushkarev V.A., Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Regional Policy and Problems of the North and the Far East

Sheptunov A.V., Head of the Ecology Project Office, Quantum Technologies LLC

Page 19: forumeco.ru...2020/06/23  · Cherepan A.Ya., Minister of Energy, Housing and Communal Complex and Urban Environment of the Ulyanovsk Region Pertsovsky O.E., Operations Director of

Representative of Rosneftegaz JSC

Representative of JSC Holding Company SDS-Ugol

Representative of GC Corporation “GazEnergoStroi”

PANEL SESSION 14:30 PM – 16:00 PM

Building responsibility: building with minimal environmental impact


State policy to promote green building

Construction standards with minimal environmental impact

Green building projects

Materials used for the construction of buildings with minimal environmental impact

Disposal of construction waste


Ismailov R.A., Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization for the Protection and Protection of Natural Resources “Russian Ecological Society”


Berezutsky D.Yu., Chairman of the Board of GreenStroi Association

Eames G., Chairman of Ecological Construction Council in Russia (RuGBC)

Gracheva J.A., General Director of Ecological union, Member of board of directors of The Global Ecolabelling Network ( GEN), Head of the Vitality Leaf Label

Kostenko A.I., chief expert of environmental protection, NIPIgazpererabotka JSC

Zhukov V.V., member of the committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation for environmental management and ecology

WORK SESSION 14:30 PM – 16:00 PM

Natural gas motor fuel as a priority for the environmental development of transport


Positive environmental impact of the use of natural gas motor fuel

Creating incentives for the use of natural gas motor fuel in vehicles

Expansion of gas station infrastructure

Experience and economic efficiency of the use of natural gas motor fuel

Measures to expand the range of cars with autogas system

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Abramov O.V., Deputy Governor of the Belgorod Region - Head of the Department of Economic Development

Bakirey A.S., Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Road and City Passenger Transport, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

Khramagin S.N., General Director of “State Transport Leasing Company”

Kosarev A.Yu., Deputy Director of the Center for Economics of Transport and Underground Gas Storage LLC NIIgazekonomika

Lukashuk A.G., Head of the Office of Land and Property Relations, Federal Highway Agency

Lyadov A.S., Head of Sector No. 1 of Petroleum Chemistry, Petrochemical Synthesis Institute RAS

Panov F.S., Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation

Tikhonov M.M., Deputy Governor of the Rostov Region

Tribunsky A.L., Deputy Director of the Department of Project Management and Support of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

Zimenko E.V., Minister of the Fuel and Energy Complex and the Housing and Communal Services of the Krasnodar Territory

Zinin V.L., Executive Director of the National Gas Engine Association

Representative of Gazprom Gas-engine Fuel

Representative of the GAZ Groups

Representative of JSC ISUZU RUS
