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...2020/08/19  · City of Ceres City of Hughson City of Modesto City of Newman City of Oakdale City...

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City of Ceres City of Hughson City of Modesto City of Newman City of Oakdale City of Patterson City of Riverbank City of Turlock City of Waterford County of Stanislaus POLICY BOARD MEETING VIA WEBINAR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2020 6:00 PM Important Notice Regarding COVID-19 In accordance with Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) Board Room will be closed to the public. In the interest of maintaining appropriate social distancing measures, members of the public may participate in the meeting electronically and shall have the right to observe and offer public comment during the meeting. The following options are available to members of the public to listen to this meeting and provide comments to the Policy Board members during the meeting: 1. You are strongly encouraged to listen to the Policy Board meeting by joining the meeting from your computer or tablet. Please register for the StanCOG August Policy Board Meeting on August 19, 2020 at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4348230246508018446 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Participants will need to use their telephone for audio. Dial in using your telephone: +1 (562) 247-8422 Access Code: 939-618-129 For participation by teleconference only, please use the above phone number and access code. If you wish to make a comment on a specific agenda item, please use the “Raise Hand” feature in GoToWebinar and you will be called on by the chair during the meeting. If you are participating via telephone only, you can submit your comments via email to [email protected] or by calling 209-525-4600 by 3:00 pm on August 19. Comments will be shared with Policy Board members and placed into the record at the meeting. Every effort will be made to read comments received during the meeting into the record, but some comments may not be read due to time limitations. Comments received after an agenda item will be made part of the record if received prior to the end of the meeting. 1
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City of Ceres ● City of Hughson ● City of Modesto ● City of Newman ● City of Oakdale ● City of Patterson City of Riverbank ● City of Turlock ● City of Waterford ● County of Stanis laus


WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2020 6:00 PM

Important Notice Regarding COVID-19

In accordance with Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) Board Room will be closed to the public. In the interest of maintaining appropriate social distancing measures, members of the public may participate in the meeting electronically and shall have the right to observe and offer public comment during the meeting.

The following options are available to members of the public to listen to this meeting and provide comments to the Policy Board members during the meeting:

1. You are strongly encouraged to listen to the Policy Board meeting by joining the meetingfrom your computer or tablet.

Please register for the StanCOG August Policy Board Meeting on August 19, 2020 at:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining thewebinar.

Participants will need to use their telephone for audio.Dial in using your telephone:+1 (562) 247-8422Access Code:939-618-129

For participation by teleconference only, please use the above phone number and access code.

If you wish to make a comment on a specific agenda item, please use the “Raise Hand” feature in GoToWebinar and you will be called on by the chair during the meeting.

If you are participating via telephone only, you can submit your comments via email to [email protected] or by calling 209-525-4600 by 3:00 pm on August 19. Comments will be shared with Policy Board members and placed into the record at the meeting. Every effort will be made to read comments received during the meeting into the record, but some comments may not be read due to time limitations. Comments received after an agenda item will be made part of the record if received prior to the end of the meeting.


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Board Agendas and Minutes: Policy Board agendas, minutes and copies of items to be considered by the StanCOG Policy Board are available at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at the StanCOG offices located at 1111 “I” Street, Suite 308, Modesto, CA during normal business hours. The documents are also available on StanCOG’s website at www.stancog.org.

Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Policy Board after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection at the address listed above during normal business hours. These documents are also available on StanCOG’s website, subject to staff’s ability to post the documents before the meeting.

Reasonable Accommodations: This Agenda shall be made available upon request in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § 12132) and the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code § 54954.2). Persons requesting a disability related modification or accommodation in order to participate in the meeting should contact Cindy Malekos at (209) 525-4600 during regular business hours at least 72 hours prior to the time of the meeting to enable StanCOG to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.

Notice Regarding Non-English Speakers: StanCOG Policy Board meetings are conducted in English. Anyone wishing to address the Policy Board is advised to have an interpreter or to contact Cindy Malekos at (209) 525-4600 during regular business hours at least 72 hours prior to the time of the meeting so that StanCOG can provide an interpreter.

Aviso con Respecto a Personas que no Hablan el Idioma de Inglés: Las reuniónes de la Mesa Directiva del Consejo de Gobiernos de Stanislaus son conducidas en Inglés. Cualquier persona que desea dirigirse a la Mesa Directiva se le aconseja que traiga su propio intérprete o llame a Cindy Malekos al (209) 525-4600 durante horas de oficina regulares o a lo menos 72 horas antes de la reunión, para proporcionarle con un intérprete.





4. PUBLIC COMMENTSThese matters may be presented only by interested persons in the audience. Discussion islimited to three minutes or at the discretion of the Chair.


A. Motion to Approve the Policy Board Minutes of 6/17/20

B. Motion to Accept Reappointment of a Representative to the Measure L OversightCommittee by the City of Patterson

C. Motion to Approve by Resolution 20-01 the Six Projects from the Second Call forCongestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Projects for FFY 2020/21 and FFY2021/22

D. Motion to Approve by Resolution 20-02 the FY 2020/21 State of Good Repair ProgramProject List


A. Draft Formal Amendment 15 to the 2019 Federal Transportation Improvement Program(FTIP) – Type 5 Amendment and Draft 2020 Corresponding Conformity Analysis


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A. Motion to Accept FY 2018/19 Measure L Oversight Committee Annual Report andMeasure L Independent Audits (Karen Kincy)

B. Motion to Appoint a Representative to the Stanislaus Regional Transit AuthorityAdvisory Committee (Phil McGuire)

C. Motion to Adopt by Resolution 20-03 the 2020 StanCOG Title VI Compliance Reportand Adopt by Resolution 20-04 the 2020 Language Assistance Plan for Limited EnglishProficiency Individuals (Edith Robles)

D. COVID-19 Fiscal Impacts FY 2019/20 (Verbal Report) (Karen Kincy)

E. StanCOG Regional Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety and Education Campaign (IsaelOjeda)

8. INFORMATION ITEMSThe following items are for information only.

A. Administrative Modification #14 (Type 1 Amendment) to the 2019 FederalTransportation Improvement Program (FTIP)

B. Measure L Funds Received

C. 2019 Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) Monthly Project StatusReport FFY 19/20

D. Non-Motorized Transportation Plan Update

E. Executive Committee Minutes of 8/10/20

F. Management and Finance Committee Minutes of 8/5/20

G. Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Minutes of 8/5/20

H. Social Services Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC) Minutes of 8/4/20

I. Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory committee (BPAC) Minutes of 8/5/2





A. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: Pursuant to GovernmentCode Section 54957


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Title: Executive Director

B. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS: Pursuant to Government CodeSection 54957.6Agency Designated Representative: Board Chair Jeramy YoungUnrepresented Employee: Executive Director


A. Report from Closed Session

14. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Executive Director Employment Contract


Next Regularly-Scheduled Policy Board Meeting: September 16, 2020 (Wednesday) @ 6:00 pm


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Minutes of June 17, 2020 (Wednesday) 6:00 pm

Important Notice Regarding COVID-19

In accordance with Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) Board Room was closed, and the Policy Board members and staff participated in this meeting via GoToWebinar. In the interest of maintaining appropriate social distancing measures, members of the public were able to participate in the meeting electronically and had the right to observe and offer public comment via telephone by calling 209-525-4600 by 3:00 pm on June 17th, and by emailing [email protected] during the meeting.

PRESENT: Chair Jeramy Young (City of Hughson); Vito Chiesa, Jim DeMartini (Stanislaus County); Mike Kline (City of Ceres); Jenny Kenoyer, Tony Madrigal (City of Modesto); Ericka Chiara (City of Oakdale); Deborah Novelli (City of Patterson); Richard O’Brien (City of Riverbank); Gil Esquer (City of Turlock)

ALSO PRESENT: Dan McElhinney (Caltrans, District 10); Monica Streeter (Neumiller and Beardslee); Aric Barnett-Lynch, Elisabeth Hahn, Karen Kincy, Cindy Malekos, Isael Ojeda, Josey Oshana, Rosa Park, Edith Robles, Debbie Trujillo (StanCOG); Jen Covino (Simon & Company); Dan Leavitt, Kevin Sheridan (ACE); Gus Khouri (Khouri Consulting); Phil McGuire (McGuire Management Consultancy)

1. CALL TO ORDERChair Jeramy Young called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.




A. Motion to Approve Policy Board Minutes of 4/15/20

B. Motion to Adopt by Resolution 19-42 the 2020 Public Participation Plan (PPP)


Item 5A

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C. Motion to Adopt by Resolution 19-43 the FY 2020/21 Unmet Transit NeedsIdentification and Analysis Report

D. Motion to Adopt Resolution 19-44 to Authorize the Executive Director to Negotiate andExecute a Professional Services Agreement with the University of the Pacific Center forBusiness and Policy Research (CBPR) for Economic and Demographic ForecastingTechnical Support

E. Motion to Adopt Resolution 19-45 to Authorize the Executive Director to Negotiate andExecutive a Professional Services Agreement with the San Joaquin Council ofGovernments to Provide Transportation Demand Management Services for theStanislaus Region for FY 2020/21 and FY 2021/22

F. Motion to Approve Resolution 19-46 to Support the Application to the Senate Bill (SB)1 Local Partnership Competitive Program FY 2020/21 by the County of Stanislaus forthe McHenry Avenue Widening Project

G. Motion to Approve Resolution 19-47 to Provide Concurrence with and Approve theTransition Described in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Cityof Ceres and City of Modesto for the Provision of Public Transportation Serviceswithin the Ceres City Limits

H. Motion to Adopt Resolution 19-48 to Authorize a Request to Conduct an ElectionAmong Employees to be Covered by Social Security Benefits

I. Motion to Approve by Resolution 19-49 the FY 2020/21 Measure L Project Summary –MOVE Stanislaus Transportation, Inc.

J. Motion to Adopt by Resolution 19-50 the Measure L Regional Control ProjectCooperative Agreement with the City of Modesto for the Project Initiation Documentand Project Approval and Environmental Document Phases of the Briggsmore at StateRoute 99 Interchange Reconstruction Project

K. Motion to Adopt by Resolution 19-51 the Measure L Regional Control ProjectCooperative Agreement with the City of Modesto for the Project Initiation Documentand Project Approval and Environmental Phases of the Standiford at State Route 99Interchange Reconstruction Project.

L. Motion to Approve by Resolution 19-52 the FY 2019/20 Local Transportation Fund(LTF) Allocations for Other Purposes: City of Oakdale

*By Motion (Member Vito Chiesa/Member Richard O’Brien), and a unanimous rollcall vote, the Policy Board approved the Consent Calendar.


A. Federal Legislative UpdateJen Covino provided an update on federal legislative matters and an overview of the federallegislative agenda for the next few months.


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B. ACE Ceres-Merced Extension Project UpdateKevin Sheridan provided an update on the ACE extension project. He said the EIR hadbegun and that public scoping webinars were planned for June 25 and June 30.

C. Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) Grant Program UpdateChris Jasper provided an update on the REAP program in the San Joaquin Valley. He saidan RFP had been released for a team to coordinate the San Joaquin Valley’s REAP activitiesand serve as an overall REAP Program Manager. He also said that the next San JoaquinValley REAP Committee would take place on June 26th. Member Jim DeMartini asked forclarification as to StanCOG’s role in regional housing. Rosa Park indicted the RegionalHousing Needs Assessment (RHNA) was a state requirement for StanCOG to develop.

D. State Legislative UpdateGus Khouri provided an update on State legislative matters and priority bills of interest. Hesaid the State budget for FY 2020/21 had been submitted to the Governor as required byJune 15th.

E. Transit Efficiency and Innovations Study Transition Plan UpdatePhil McGuire provided an update on the progress to date and next steps to the transition planfor the Transit Efficiency and Innovations Study. He said that the City of Modesto andStanislaus County would both be considering participation in the Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MOU) at July meetings and Member Gil Esquer indicated that the City ofTurlock would be considering participation in the MOU at its next Council meeting.

F. Motion to Approve by Resolution 19-53 the FY 2020/21 Transportation DevelopmentAct (TDA) Apportionments for Transit and Other Purposes and Approve byResolution 19-54 the FY 2020/21 TDA Allocations for TransitKaren Kincy provided an overview of the TDA apportionment and allocation process. Shesaid that it was recommended that $18,000,640 be approved for transit claims and theremaining LTF funds of $5,048,960 be held in reserves for future transit use.

*By Motion (Member Richard O’Brien/Member Vito Chiesa), and a unanimous roll callvote, the Policy Board approved by Resolution 19-53 the FY 2020/21 TransportationDevelopment Act (TDA) Apportionments for Transit and Other Purposes and Approve byResolution 19-54 the FY 2020/21 TDA Allocations for Transit.

6. INFORMATION ITEMSThe following items were provided for information only

A. Safe Affordable Fuel-Efficient Vehicle Rule Part Two

B. Administrative Modification #13 (Type 1 Amendment) to the 2019 Federal TransportationImprovement Program (FTIP)

C. Measure L Funds Received

D. 2019 Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) Monthly Project Status ReportFFY 2019/20


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E. Executive Committee Minutes of 6/8/20

F. Management and Finance Committee (MFC) Minutes of 6/3/20

G. Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Minutes of 6/3/20

H. Social Services Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC) Minutes of 6/2/20

I. Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory committee (BPAC) Minutes of 6/3/20

J. Measure L Oversight Committee (MLOC) Minutes of 6/2/20

7. CALTRANS REPORTDan McElhenney provided an update from District 10. He said that the final EIR had beensigned for the North County Corridor (NCC) project. He also announced that Ken Baxter wasretiring from District 10 and thanked him for his service. Members offered their thanks for Mr.Baxter’s assistance over the years.

8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORTRosa Park reported that due to the COVID-19 state restrictions, the StanCOG office continued towork remotely and was fully operational.

9. MEMBER REPORTSChair Young reported that Stanislaus County had requested a letter of support for a grantapplication for the North County Corridor project that was due before the next Policy Boardmeeting. Monica Streeter asked that any member that opposed sending a letter of support shouldnotify the Executive Director by email; otherwise there was consensus that staff provide a letterof support.

10. ADJOURNMENTChair Jeramy Young adjourned the meeting at 7:52 pm.


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Next Regularly-Scheduled Policy Board Meeting: !August 19, 2020 (Wednesday) @ 6:00 pm

Minutes Prepared By:

~u1igµToJ-11li&A---Cindy ~ e/kos Manager M Administrative Services


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TO: Policy Board Staff Report Motion

FROM: Cindy Malekos, Manager of Administrative Services

DATE: August 11, 2020

SUBJECT: Reappointment of a Representative to the Measure L Oversight Committee by the City of Patterson


By Motion:

Accept the reappointment of a representative to the Measure L Oversight Committee by the City of Patterson.


Measure L was passed by voters in November of 2016. Measure L includes strong taxpayer safeguards to ensure that the projects and programs approved by the voters are funded and delivered. A Measure L Oversight Committee (MLOC) was created to provide an enhanced level of accountability for expenditures made under the Plan to ensure that all voter mandates are carried out and that the financial integrity and performance of the program is maintained. The MLOC includes one representative from each municipal agency, selected by the agency.

The City of Patterson appointed Peter P. La Torre, Jr. MD in June 2017 to represent Patterson on the MLOC and the Policy Board accepted that designation for a three-year term. This is a volunteer position and no monetary compensation is paid to committee members. The MLOC meetings are open to the public and subject to the Brown Act.


Peter La Torre, Jr. MD has served as an active and engaged member of the MLOC for the past three years as the representative for the City of Patterson. At the June 16, 2020 meeting of the Patterson City Council, Dr. La Torre was reappointed to the MLOC for a three-year term through June 30, 2023.

Advisory Committee Action

This item is presented only to the Policy Board for acceptance.


Item 5B

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Should you have any questions regarding this staff report, please contact Rosa De León Park, Executive Director, at 209-525-4600 or via email at [email protected].


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TO: Policy Board Staff Report Resolution

FROM: Debbie Trujillo, Assistant Planner

DATE: August 11, 2020

SUBJECT: The Second Call for Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Projects for FFY 2020/21 and 2021/22


By Motion:

Approve by Resolution 20-01 the Six Projects from the Second Call for Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Projects for FFY 2020/21 and FFY 2021/22.


The purpose of the CMAQ Program is to fund transportation projects or programs that will contribute to the attainment or maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5). All projects eligible for CMAQ funds must be: (1) consistent with the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), (2) identified in the Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) (3) a transportation project, (4) generate emissions reductions, and (5) be in or benefit a nonattainment or maintenance area.

On November 20, 2019, by Resolution 19-22, the StanCOG Policy Board approved a distribution methodology for $9,353,448 in available FFY 2020/21 and 2021/22 CMAQ funds. Staff released a Call for CMAQ Projects on November 21, 2019 and subsequently evaluated sixteen applications, which resulted in the approved programming of $6,190,043, leaving an available balance of $3,163,405 for a second Call for CMAQ Projects.


Staff released the second Call for CMAQ Projects on April 21, 2020 and evaluated five applications totaling $1,742,500, still leaving $1,170,656 of CMAQ funds for both FFY’s for use. The Regional Telework Program proposed by StanCOG ($1,170,656) is intended to help Stanislaus Region employers with long-term telework solutions and assist with achieving greenhouse gas emission reductions required in the next update of the RTP. Staff is recommending the approval of six projects detailed on the next page. These projects will be programmed in the FTIP via Draft Formal Amendment 15 and an upcoming Administrative Modification.


Item 5C

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Advisory Committee Action

This staff report was presented at the August teleconference meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Management and Finance Committee (MFC) and Citizens Advisory Committee. The recommendation was unanimously approved. No comments were made.

Should you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Rosa De León Park, Executive Director, at 209.525.4600 or via e-mail at [email protected].

Small / Medium Size Agencies FFY 2020/21

FFY 2021/22

Total CMAQ Funds

Requested C-E$/lb

Agency Project

28.63 Waterford

Yosemite and Pasadena Signalization Improvements $ - $ 500,000 $ 500,000

Large Agencies / Transit Operators FFY

2020/21 FFY


Total CMAQ Funds

Requested C-E$/lb Agency Project

5.07 Modesto Radio Communication Upgrades $ 122,500 $ - $ 122,500

10.34 Modesto Purchase of Travel Time Bluetooth Devices $ 150,000 $ - $ 150,000

26.54 Modesto Purchase of Video Detection Cameras $ 550,000 $ - $ 550,000

72.15 Stanislaus

County Purchase CNG Street Sweeper $ 420,000 $ - $ 420,000


1. Resolution 20-01


2020/21 FFY


Total CMAQ Funds

Requested C-E$/lb

Agency Project

25.28 StanCOG Regional Telework Program $ 983,458 $ 187,198 $ 1,170,656

Total of Six New Recommended Projects $ 2,225,958 $ 687,198 $ 2,913,156


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WHEREAS, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) is a Regional Transportation Planning Agency and a Metropolitan Planning Organization, pursuant to State and Federal designation; and

WHEREAS, federal transportation legislation provides states and Metropolitan Planning Organizations with funding from the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program for their region; and

WHEREAS, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) Policy Board adopted the methodology for the distribution of CMAQ funds for the FFY 2020/21 and FFY 2021/22 CMAQ Call for Projects as identified in Attachment 1 at its November 20, 2019 meeting; and

WHEREAS, StanCOG staff released a Second CMAQ Call for Projects on April 21, 2020; and

WHEREAS, local agencies submitted competitive applications for funding pursuant to the CMAQ eligibility requirements; and

WHEREAS, StanCOG staff reviewed and ranked submitted applications from most to least cost effective, using the $45 per pound cost-effectiveness threshold; and

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) recommended projects as identified in Attachment 2 for FFY 2020/21 and FFY 2021/22 is hereby approved.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program for FFY 2020/21 and FFY 2021/22 will be included in the current and future StanCOG Federal Transportation Improvement Programs (FTIP).

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Director is authorized to make administrative changes as needed, to ensure that the program is implemented in the most efficient and cost effective manner possible.

THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was introduced at a regular meeting of the Stanislaus Council of Governments, on the 19th day of August 2020. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried and the Resolution was adopted.

MEETING DATE: August 19, 2020

_____________________________________ JERAMY YOUNG, CHAIR


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__________________________________________ ROSA DE LEÓN PARK, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR


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Estimated Apportionment Available $4,522,728Rideshare (Off the Top) $400,000Available for Call for Projects $4,122,728


Small/Medium Size Agencies

Hughson, Newman, Oakdale, Patterson, Riverbank, Waterford

Large Agencies & Transit

Ceres, Modesto, Turlock, Stanislaus County

Estimated Apportionment Available $4,830,720Rideshare (Off the Top) $405,000Available for Call for Projects $4,425,720


Small/Medium Size Agencies

Hughson, Newman, Oakdale, Patterson, Riverbank, Waterford

Large Agencies & Transit

Ceres, Modesto, Turlock, Stanislaus County

$3,319,29075% of CMAQ Balance after Rideshare Apportionment ($1,200,000 Project Cap)


25% of CMAQ Balance after Rideshare Apportionment ($500,000 Project Cap)


75% of CMAQ Balance after Rideshare Apportionment ($1,200,000 Project Cap)


Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program (CMAQ)FFY 2020/21

Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program (CMAQ)FFY 2021/22



25% of CMAQ Balance after Rideshare Apportionment ($500,000 Project Cap)

Attachment 1


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C-E$/lb Agency Project

28.63 WaterfordYosemite and Pasadena Signalization Improvements -$ 500,000$ 500,000$

C-E$/lb Agency Project

5.07 Modesto Radio Communication Upgrades 122,500$ -$ 122,500$

10.34 Modesto Purchase of Travel Time Bluetooth Devices 150,000$ -$ 150,000$

26.54 Modesto Purchase of Video Detection Cameras 550,000$ -$ 550,000$


County Purchase CNG Street Sweeper 420,000$ -$ 420,000$

C-E$/lb Agency Project

25.28 StanCOG Regional Telework Program 983,458$ 187,198$ 1,170,656$

2,225,958$ 687,198$ 2,913,156$

Stanislaus Council of GovernmentsCongestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ)

Second Call - Recommended Projectsfor FFY 2020/21 and 2021/22

Large Agencies / Transit Operators

Total of Recommended Projects

Small / Medium Size Agencies FFY2020/21


Total CMAQFunds




Total CMAQFunds


StanCOG FFY2020/21


Total CMAQFunds


Attachment 2


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TO: Policy Board Staff Report Resolution

FROM: Edith Robles, Assistant Planner

DATE: August 11, 2020

SUBJECT: FY 2020/21 State of Good Repair Program Project List


By Motion:

Approve by Resolution 20-02 the FY 2020/21 State of Good Repair Program Project List.


The State of Good Repair Program (SGR) is funded from a portion of the new Transportation Improvement Fee on vehicle registrations due to the California Department of Motor Vehicles on or after January 1, 2018. A portion of this fee will be transferred to the State Controller’s Office (SCO) for the SGR Program. SGR provides approximately $105 million annually for transit maintenance, rehabilitation, and capital projects that keep the public transit system in a state of good repair.

The SCO publishes annual estimated SGR funding levels per Public Utilities Code (PUC) Section 99313 and PUC Section 99314 according to population and farebox revenues, respectively. Allocations per PUC 99313 are distributed to the Regional Transportation Planning Agencies (RTPAs) and allocations per PUC 99314 are distributed to the local transit operators.

The 2019 SGR guidelines are accessible via the following Caltrans website:



For Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 StanCOG, as the RTPA, will receive a total of $775,208, as shown on Table 1, and the transit agencies will be allocated a total amount of $47,484 provide by the SCO as shown on Table 2.

In December 2017, the Policy Board approved the initiation of a Regional Bus Shelter Cleaning Project for one year with the option to extend for two additional years. During the May transit


Item 5D

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managers meeting, all operators were in support of continuing the regional Bus Shelter Cleaning Project and extend the contract with Guarantee Janitorial for an additional year. Staff is proposing all regional funds for FY 2020-21 be allocated to the Regional Bus Shelter Cleaning Project shown in Table 1.

Table 1: FY 2020-21 STA-SGR PUC 99313 Allocations to the Regional Entity

Agency Project Amount

Stanislaus Council of Governments Bus Shelter Cleaning Project $775,208

Total $775,208

It is anticipated that this project will be continued next fiscal year. Due to the decline in ridership and loss of fare and local tax revenue associated with COVID-19, StanCOG will allocate all PUC 99313 funds ($775,208) to this regional project. Should there be any remaining funds after the SCO releases its next FY allocations in January, StanCOG will propose a new regional project and bring it to the Policy Board for further approval.

Table 2: FY 2020-21 STA-SGR PUC 99314 Allocations to Transit Agencies in Stanislaus County

Transit Operator Amount

City of Ceres (Passes funds to the City of Modesto) $731

City of Modesto $35,069

County of Stanislaus $8,187

City of Turlock $3,497

Total $47,484

The transit operators will each submit their individual projects for PUC 99314 allocations using CalSMART, Caltrans online project progress reporting tool, based on the amounts above as published by the SCO.

Staff concurs with the proposed allocations and proposed project shown in Table 1 and finds that they are in agreement with the SGR program goals and guidelines.

Advisory Committee Action

This item was presented to the Social Services Transportation Advisory Committee, Citizens Advisory Committee, Technical Advisory Committee, Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee, and Management and Finance Committee. The committees unanimously concurred with staff’s recommendation.

Should you have any questions regarding this staff report, please contact Rose De León Park, Executive Director, at 209-525-4600 or via e-mail at [email protected].


1. Resolution 20-02


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WHEREAS, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) is the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) and Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Stanislaus region, pursuant to State and Federal designation; and

WHEREAS, the State of Good Repair (SGR) provides additional revenues for transit infrastructure repair and service improvement projects in order to maintain a state of good repair; and

WHEREAS, StanCOG is a direct recipient of the SGR funds for transit projects and has been allocated $775,208 for FY 2020/21; and

WHEREAS, StanCOG has reviewed the project submission and allocations contained in Exhibit A and finds it to be consistent with the requirements and goals of the SGR.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the StanCOG Policy Board approves the FY 2020/21 SGR project list presented in Exhibit A.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Director is hereby authorized to submit a request for Scheduled Allocation of the SB1 State of Good Repair funds and to execute the related grant applications, forms and agreements and make administrative changes as needed to the ensure the project list are completed in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible.

The foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the Stanislaus Council of Governments, on the 19st day of August, 2020. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried, and the Resolution was adopted.

MEETING DATE: August 19, 2020





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Exhibit A

FY 2020/21 State of Good Repair Proposed Project List

Recipient Project Title Project Description 2020/21 Estimated

SGR Allocation Amount


Regional Transit Bus Stop Cleaning and Maintenance


Cleaning and maintenance of all transit stops in the region to help attract and retain ridership by bringing the transit stop facilities to a state of good repair.


Total $775,208


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TO: Policy Board Staff Report Public Hearing

FROM: Debbie Trujillo, Assistant Planner

DATE: August 6, 2020

SUBJECT: Public Hearing for Draft Formal Amendment 15 to the 2019 Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) – Type 5 Amendment and Draft 2020 Corresponding Conformity Analysis


Consider information presented.


As the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Stanislaus Region, StanCOG is responsible for managing state and federal funds through a document called the Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP). The 2019 FTIP contains the entire list of transportation projects for which state and federal funds have been awarded through StanCOG, Caltrans, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, or other grantor agencies for Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 18/19 – 21/22. Occasionally, the FTIP must be amended to add or modify project descriptions or funding amounts, change program funding year, or delete existing projects.

The FTIP is a short range, four-year, program that implements the long-range Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) to accomplish improvements in mobility and air quality. The FTIP is a financially constrained program that identifies the current and pending uses of federal and state transportation funds. Pursuant to federal legislation, no project may receive federal funding unless it is contained in an approved FTIP. Through collaboration with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), the California Transportation Commission (CTC), StanCOG's ten member agencies, and the four public transit operators within Stanislaus County, StanCOG updates the FTIP every two years.

The Federal transportation conformity regulations specify criteria and procedures for conformity determinations for transportation plans, programs, and projects and their respective amendments. The Conformity Analysis demonstrates that the criteria specified in the Federal transportation conformity regulations for a conformity determination are satisfied by the 2019 FTIP and 2018 RTP/SCS.


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The 2019 FTIP Draft Formal Amendment 15 (Amendment 15) and Draft 2020 Conformity Analysis can be viewed on the StanCOG website at www.stancog.org in the Featured Information section.

A 30-day public review and comment period began on July 22, 2020 and will conclude on August 24, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. A public hearing will be held via GoToWebinar at the StanCOG Policy Board meeting on August 19, 2020 to solicit comments. Instructions on how to participate in the public hearing on August 19th for Amendment 15 and Draft 2020 Conformity Analysis are provided as Attachment 1. The final document will be presented for recommendation to the Policy Board at their regularly scheduled meeting on September 16, 2020.

The Draft 2020 Conformity Analysis incorporates new 2006 24-hr PM2.5 standard conformity budgets and EMFAC2014 adjustments developed by California Air Resources Board (CARB) to account for Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule impacts.

Programming updates in Amendment 15 include the following fund sources: State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) Bridge Preservation and Roadside Preservation listings per Caltrans update; Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ); Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP) and Measure L funding.

Projects included in Amendment 15 are provided below.

Existing Projects

City of Modesto CTIPS #11400000206 – Pelandale Avenue Added CMAQ and Local Funds

Various Agencies SHOPP Grouped Projects for Roadside Preservation CTIPS #21400000697 Added additional funds to the grouped listing per Caltrans update

SHOPP Grouped Projects for Bridge Rehabilitation and Reconstruction CTIPS #21400000704 Added additional funds to the grouped listing per Caltrans update

CMAQ Grouped Projects for Intersection Signalization CTIPS #21400000594 Updated grouped listing with a new project

CMAQ Grouped Projects for Traffic Control Devices CTIPS # 21400000678 Updated grouped listing with new projects


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New Projects

City of Modesto SR 99 at Briggsmore/Carpenter Road CTIPS #21400000717 Programmed Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP) and Measure L Funds

SR 99 at Standiford/Beckwith Road CTIPS # 21400000718 Programmed Local and Measure L Funds

Stanislaus County Purchase CNG Street Sweeper CTIPS #21400000719 Programmed Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) Funds

Various Agencies - New Grouped Project Listing CMAQ Grouped Projects for Ride-Sharing/Van-Pooling, and Telework CTIPS #21400000720 Programmed Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) Funds

An updated Financial Plan is included in Amendment 15. English and Spanish public notices per StanCOG’s adopted Public Participation Plan are also included in the Amendment packet.

Amendment 15 to the 2019 FTIP meets all applicable transportation planning requirements per 23 CFR Part 450 and 40 CFR Part 93 and conforms to the applicable State Implementation Plans (SIPs).

Advisory Committee Action

This staff report was presented at the August teleconference meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Management and Finance Committee (MFC), and Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC).

Should you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Rosa De León Park, Executive Director, at 209.525.4600 or via e-mail at [email protected].


1. How to Participate in the Public Hearing


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How to Participate in the Public Hearing on August 19, 2020 for the

Draft 2019 FTIP Formal Amendment 15 and Draft 2020 Conformity Analysis

In accordance with Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, the StanCOG Board Room will be closed to the public during the August 19th Policy Board meeting and Public Hearing. In the interest of maintaining appropriate social distancing measures, members of the public may participate in the meeting electronically and shall have the right to observe and offer public comment during the meeting.

The following options are available to members of the public to listen to the Policy Board meeting and Public Hearing and provide comments to the Policy Board members during the meeting:

Option 1: To listen and speak, join the meeting from your computer or tablet. Please register in advance for the StanCOG August Policy Board Meeting on August 19, 2020 at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4348230246508018446

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Participants will also need to use their telephone for audio purposes. Dial in using your telephone: +1 (562) 247-8422Access Code: 939-618-129

To make a public comment during the Public Hearing, please use the “Raise Hand” feature in GoToWebinar and you will be called on by the chair during the meeting.

Option 2: To listen to the meeting by teleconference only, use the above phone number and access code.

If you are participating via telephone only, you must submit your comments via email to [email protected] or by calling 209-525-4600 by 3:00 pm on August 19. Comments will be shared with Policy Board members and placed into the record during the public hearing. Every effort will be made to read comments received into the record, but some comments may not be read due to time limitations.


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TO: Staff Report Motion



Policy Board

Karen Kincy, Manager of Financial Services

August 5, 2020

SUBJECT: FY 2018/19 Measure L Oversight Committee Annual Report and Measure L Independent Audits


By Motion:

Accept the FY 2018/19 Measure L Oversight Committee Annual Report and the Independent Auditor’s Policy Board Report.


Measure L provides for the implementation of the Expenditure Plan, as approved and adopted by the Local Transportation Authority, which provides funding for countywide local street and road improvements, arterial street widening, signalization, pedestrian, bicyclist, and driver safety improvements. These needed improvements are funded by Measure L, the one-half of one cent retail transactions and use tax established for a twenty-five-year period, April 1, 2017-March 31, 2042. The revenues are deposited in a special fund, used solely for the transportation projects, improvements and programs described in the Expenditure Plan which is considered a part of the Ordinance passed by voters in November 2016, and incorporated into the Measure L Policies and Procedures.

The State Board of Equalization began collecting the Measure L sales tax on April 1, 2017 and the initial distribution of funds was received by StanCOG in June 2017.

In accordance with the Ordinance, a Measure L Oversight Committee has been established to review the independent fiscal audit of the expenditure of the tax funds and issue an annual report on its findings regarding compliance with the requirements of the Expenditure Plan and the Ordinance to the Board of the Authority. The Measure L Oversight Committee is responsible for oversight of the proper use of sales tax funds and implementation of the programs and projects set forth in the Expenditure Plan and making recommendations to the Board of the Authority.

As required by the Measure L Ordinance, Section 18.01A, an Annual Independent Financial Measure L Audit must be prepared for each agency receiving Measure L Funds in conformity with


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generally accepted accounting principles issued by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. These financial statements must be audited by an independent certified public accounting (CPA) firm.

A comprehensive compliance report was provided to the Measure L Oversight Committee at their meeting on November 5th, 2019 by Karen Kincy. The report concluded that all jurisdictions were in compliance and that all requirements of the ordinance have been met for Fiscal Year 2018/19.


The Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firm of Hudson Henderson & Company Inc. completed its independent auditor’s reports for Measure L for year ending June 30, 2019. Brian Henderson was present at the Measure L Oversight Committee’s June meeting to present the audits. Within the reports are the Basic Financial Statements and Compliance Reports. The audits indicate that all the entities were found to be in compliance with the Measure L Ordinance, however, there are two findings worth noting pertaining to incorrect reporting by two jurisdictions.

1. City of Oakdale - On Page 16 of the report for the City of Oakdale, it is noted thatexpenditures were misreported by $172,000 because they were accrued in the prior yearand were also reported as expenditures in FY 2018/19, thereby over-reporting. Thisfinding required the City of Oakdale to make a prior-year adjustment to correct the report.

2. City of Ceres - On Page 16 of the report for the City of Ceres, it is noted that $40,000 oftransit expenditures that were accrued by the City of Ceres in the prior year were notreported to StanCOG, thereby causing an under-reporting by the City. This findingrequired a prior-year adjustment to correct the report.

In both cases, this has been corrected in the StanCOG financial reporting system.

Copies of each report can be reviewed at:

Ceres Hughson Modesto MOVE Newman Oakdale Patterson Riverbank Turlock Waterford County StanCOG

Pursuant to the Measure L Ordinance Section 18.01A, the Measure L Oversight Committee as required, has reviewed the audits and has issued an annual report on its findings regarding compliance with the requirements of the Expenditure Plan and the Ordinance to the Board of the Authority, the StanCOG Policy Board (Attachment 1).


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Advisory Committee Action

This item was presented for Discussion at August 2020 meetings of the Executive Committee, Management and Finance Committee, Citizen’s Advisory Committee, Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Social Services Transportation Advisory Council and the Technical Advisory Committee.

Should you have any questions regarding this staff report, please contact Rosa De León Park, Executive Director at 209-525-4600 or via e-mail at [email protected].


1. Measure L Oversight Committee Annual Report


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TO: Policy Board Staff Report Motion

FROM: Edith Robles

DATE: August 10, 2020

SUBJECT: Appoint a Member to the Stanislaus Regional Transit Authority Advisory Committee


By Motion:

Appoint a member to represent the cities of Oakdale, Riverbank, Waterford, Hughson, Ceres, Newman, and Patterson to the Stanislaus Regional Transit Authority Advisory Committee established through the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by and among Stanislaus County, the City of Modesto, and the City Turlock for the implementation of the Stanislaus Regional Transit Authority.


The Transit Efficiency and Innovations Study, which assessed opportunities to improve transit efficiencies throughout Stanislaus County, was accepted by the StanCOG Policy Board on October 23, 2019. The study recommended the formation of a Joint Powers Authority to consolidate all four transit operators in Stanislaus County. A Joint Powers Authority would provide a central governance with a transit focus.

In November 2019, at the direction of the Policy Board, StanCOG staff formed an adhoc committee, the Transit Study Implementation Working Group, to review recommendations from the study and determine next steps. The working group is comprised of five Policy Board Members representing each of the current transit systems and one small city, one Transit Operator and MOVE’s Chief Executive Officer. The Working Group initiated several actions, including the adoption of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will initiate the planning efforts between the three transit agencies intended to be a party to a new Stanislaus Transit Joint Powers Authority; Stanislaus County and the cities of Modesto and Turlock. The County and City of Turlock took action to adopt this MOU on July 14, 2020, and the City of Modesto did so at their August 5, 2020 City Council meeting.


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The key provision of the MOU is the appointment of an Advisory Committee to prepare the actual JPA agreement for adoption. The Advisory Committee will consist of two elected representatives of each of the three jurisdictions and one representative who shall represent all of the other cities in the County. Stanislaus County and the City of Turlock have selected their representatives and the City of Modesto will be making their selections shortly. Deliberations of the Advisory Committee will begin immediately following the selection of the City of Modesto’s representatives and the appointment of the representative for the remaining seven cities in the County.

The Advisory Committee will meet as necessary to complete its deliberations and prepare a JPA Agreement for recommendation to the jurisdictions by mid to late September. StanCOG staff will facilitate all meetings and provide support throughout this process to assure a smooth transition.

In parallel with the Advisory Committee, the MOU also establishes a Staff Working Group. This group will consist of the transit managers, StanCOG’s staff, and other jurisdiction’s technical staff, as necessary, who will work to prepare necessary documents and other materials in order to establish the administrative and technical functions of the new Authority.

The appointment of a representative for the cities of Oakdale, Riverbank, Waterford, Hughson, Ceres, Newman, and Patterson for the Stanislaus Regional Transit Authority Advisory Committee is needed at this time.

Advisory Committee Action

This staff report was presented to the Executive Committee at their August 10th meeting. By motion and unanimous vote, the Executive Committee recommended that the Policy Board appoint Member Richard O’Brien as the representative for the cities of Oakdale, Riverbank, Waterford, Hughson, Ceres, Newman, and Patterson on the Stanislaus Regional Transit Authority Advisory Committee.

Should you have any questions regarding this staff report, please contact Rose De León Park, Executive Director, at 209-525-4600 or via e-mail at [email protected].


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TO: Policy Board Staff Report Resolution

FROM: Edith Robles, Assistant Planner

DATE: August 11, 2020

SUBJECT: Draft 2020 StanCOG Title VI Compliance Report and Draft 2020 StanCOG Language Assistance Plan for Limited English Proficiency Individuals


By Motion:

1. Adopt by Resolution 20-03 the Draft 2020 StanCOG Title VI Compliance Report; and

2. Adopt by Resolution 20-04 the Draft 2020 StanCOG Language Assistance Plan for LimitedEnglish Proficiency Individuals.


StanCOG, as the Metropolitan Planning Organization and a Designated Recipient of federal funds, must establish and execute a program to ensure that all operations and activities do not discriminate against minority individuals or communities. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) allocates funds to the Stanislaus region; therefore, StanCOG is required to file a report to the FTA demonstrating its adherence to Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (Title VI). Title VI states,

“No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

In addition to complying with Title VI, StanCOG also strives to serve all community members in its region, including limited English proficient (LEP) individuals. The language assistance plan (LAP) was developed to examine the MPO’s services so that they can maximize their utility for persons of limited English proficiency.

Discussion: StanCOG is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in the conduct of its business, including its Title VI responsibilities, and to the delivery of equitable and accessible transportation services. These documents reflect StanCOG’s compliance with non-discriminatory methods and equality


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through public involvement processes, including the translation of vital documents into Spanish and/or other languages as needed by request.

StanCOG’s Draft 2020 Title VI Policy Compliance Report goals are to:

• Ensure that the level and quality of transportation services are provided without regard torace, color, national origin, age, gender, or disability;

• Identify and address, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health andenvironmental effects, including social and economic effects of programs and activities onminority populations and low‐income populations;

• Promote the full and fair participation of all affected populations in transportation decisionmaking;

• Prevent the denial, reduction, or delay in benefits related to programs and activities thatbenefit minority populations or low‐income populations; and

• Ensure meaningful access to programs and activities by persons with limited Englishproficiency (LEP).

This report has been updated and meets the requirements of the Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and FTA’s Circular 4702.1B. A link to the Draft 2020 Title VI Compliance report and Draft 2020 Limited English Proficiency Plan is provided below.

The Draft 2020 Title VI Compliance Report can be accessed via the following link:


The Draft 2020 Limited English Proficiency Plan can be accessed at the following link (and can also be found as Appendix G of the Title VI Analysis):


Staff is recommending the Policy Board adopt by resolution the Draft 2020 Title VI Compliance Report and Draft 2020 Limited English Proficiency Plan.

Advisory Committee Action

This item was presented as an information item to the Citizens Advisory Committee, Technical Advisory Committee, and Management and Finance Committee. This item was also presented to the Social Services Transportation Advisory Committee and the Executive Committee, members unanimously agreed with staff recommendation and the motion passed.

Should you have any questions regarding this staff report, please contact Rose De León Park, Executive Director, at 209-525-4600 or via e-mail at [email protected].

Attachments: 1. Resolution 20-032. Resolution 20-04


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WHEREAS, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) is a Regional Transportation Planning Agency and a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), pursuant to State and Federal designation; and

WHEREAS, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states, no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance; and

WHEREAS, as a recipient of Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration funds, StanCOG is required to adhere to all provisions established in Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act; and

WHEREAS, StanCOG is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in the conduct of its business, including its Title VI responsibilities, and to the delivery of equitable and accessible transportation services; and

WHEREAS, any person who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination under Title VI on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, gender, or disability may file a Title VI complaint with StanCOG within 180 days from the date of the alleged discrimination.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the StanCOG Policy Board adopts the 2020 StanCOG Title VI Compliance Report.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Director is authorized to make administrative changes to the scope or budget of the executed contract, as needed, to ensure that the project is implemented in the most efficient and cost effective manner possible.

The foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the Stanislaus Council of Governments, on the 19th day of August 2020. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried and the Resolution was adopted.

MEETING DATE: August 19, 2020




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WHEREAS, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) is a Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) and a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), pursuant to State and Federal designation; and

WHEREAS, Executive Order 13166, “Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency(LEP),” directs Federal agencies to examine the services they provide to ultimately develop and implement a system by which LEP individuals can meaningfully access those services; and

WHEREAS, as a recipient of Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration funds, StanCOG is required to adhere to all provisions established in Executive Order 13166; and

WHEREAS, StanCOG is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in the conduct of its business, including its Title VI and LEP responsibilities, and to the delivery of equitable and accessible transportation services; and

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the StanCOG Policy Board adopts the 2020 StanCOG Language Assistance Plan For Limited English Proficiency Individuals

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Director is authorized to make administrative changes to the 2020 StanCOG Language Assistance Plan For Limited English Proficiency Individuals as needed, to ensure that the programs contained therein are implemented in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible.

The foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the Stanislaus Council of Governments, on the 19th day of August 2020. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried and the Resolution was adopted.

MEETING DATE: August 19, 2020




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Item 7D

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TO: Policy Board Staff Report Discussion

FROM: Isael Ojeda, Senior Planner Chris Jasper, Assistant Planner

DATE: August 11, 2020

SUBJECT: StanCOG Regional Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety and Education Campaign


Consider information presented.


In November 2019, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) began the development of a Regional Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety and Education Campaign that is being deployed across the Stanislaus region. Funded by the Active Transportation Program, the purpose of the project is to promote transportation safety through a targeted advertisement campaign that reaches a broad range of communities throughout the Stanislaus region. The project also includes a virtual “open street” events webpage, a regional transportation safety summit, the development of a local planning and implementation toolkit, and a final report to document the findings and outreach activities conducted throughout the campaign. Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates is providing support on technical tasks associated with the project, with AIM Consulting and Wallrich Creative Communications providing public outreach and advertising campaign services, respectively.

StanCOG began the project with an existing conditions analysis that examined regional demographic, health, and transportation safety data and reviewed local and State transportation planning documents. The draft existing conditions analysis was completed in February 2020. StanCOG also launched an online survey in February 2020 to capture residents’ attitudes about transportation safety in their community.

In March 2020, StanCOG completed a series of stakeholder interviews with local agency staff, school district representatives, local business representatives, community based organizations, bicycle and pedestrian advocates, and other stakeholders. The stakeholder interviews were used to help develop the campaign’s themes, logos, and messaging. StanCOG also convened and has regularly met with a project advisory committee that has provided guidance and input on the


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project’s approach, insight to local bicycle and pedestrian safety issues, participated in bicycle skills training activities, and shared project updates and resources with the public.

The campaign was originally scheduled to take place in May 2020 to coincide with the region’s annual Bike Month and Bike to Work activities. The project initially included both a series of in-person “open street” events demonstrating safe traveling behaviors and a regional safety summit that convened local, regional, state, and federal stakeholders to discuss transportation safety challenges and share best practices. Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis and subsequent restrictions on public gatherings, StanCOG is transitioning these activities to virtual events.


Due to social distancing guidelines and public gathering restrictions in place as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the planned “open street” events will be replaced with a series of interactive online modules available on a new, standalone project website. The website will feature three phases of activities and information. The first phase, which began in July, included the official web page launch, a road rules quiz, and information for upcoming activities. The second phase, which is anticipated to begin in early August, will include information about “Safe Systems,” an interactive map where residents can input and track local road safety concerns, and activities, such as a scavenger hunt and road safety poster contest, designed to engage and educate participants. The third and final phase, expected to launch in late August, will include community-generated stories and vignettes and a wrap-up of the campaign’s activities and outcomes.

The advertising campaign is planned to be deployed for four weeks from mid-August through mid-September, and is expected to include:

• Print advertisements placed in the Modesto Bee and Vida en el Valle;• Wraps placed on Modesto Area Express and Turlock Transit buses;• Digital advertisements played on Stanislaus Regional Transit buses;• Digital advertisements displayed on popular smart phone applications;• Billboard advertisements placed in seven (7) locations throughout Stanislaus County;• Radio advertisements played on KATM Kat Country 103.3 FM, Capital Public Radio, and

KMIX – La Tricolor 107.1 FM; and• Video advertisements played on Facebook, YouTube, and local PBS stations.

The regional safety summit is anticipated to be a half-day event held in the late summer or early fall of 2020. The summit will consist of discussions on existing safety conditions and presentations on contemporary best practices. The event is expected to feature speakers and attendees from local, state, and federal agencies as well as law enforcement officers and bicycle, pedestrian, disability, and environmental advocates, and others. The goal of the event is to discuss bicycle and pedestrian safety, innovation, and infrastructure and identify safety-oriented opportunities for collaboration.

The final report and implementation planning toolkit are anticipated to be completed in October 2020.

Advisory Committee Action

This staff report was presented at the August teleconference meetings of the Technical Advisory


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Committee (TAC), Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC), Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), and Social Services Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC). Positive remarks were received from the BPAC, CAC, and SSTAC.

Should you have any questions regarding this staff report, please contact Rosa De León Park, Executive Director, at 209-525-4600 or via e-mail at [email protected].


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TO: Policy Board Staff Report Information

FROM: Debbie Trujillo, Assistant Planner

DATE: August 6, 2020

SUBJECT: Administrative Modification #14 (Type 1 Amendment) to the 2019 Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP)


As the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Stanislaus region, StanCOG is responsible for managing state and federal funds through the Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP). The FTIP contains the entire list of projects to which state and federal funds have been awarded through StanCOG, Caltrans, or other grantor agencies. The Policy Board adopted the 2019 FTIP on August 15, 2018.

Occasionally, the FTIP must be amended to add new projects, modify project descriptions, change funding amounts, modify program-funding year, or delete an existing project.

On November 10, 2011, with the acknowledgement of the StanCOG Policy Board, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) delegated to the StanCOG Executive Director the authority to approve Administrative Modifications to the Federal Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (FSTIP) and the Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP). This delegated authority is in accordance with the revised FSTIP/FTIP Amendments and Administrative Modification Procedures dated June 3, 2011 and allows for the execution of administrative modifications without the need for state or federal approval. This streamlines and shortens the process of revising the FSTIP/FTIP.

These modifications include Type 1 Administrative Modifications. Type 1 Administrative Modifications are minor changes to the FTIP that must be consistent with the following FHWA criteria:

1. Revise a project description without changing the project scope or conflicting with theenvironmental document;

2. Revise the funding amount listed for a phase of a project. Additional funding is limitedto the lesser of either 40% of the total project cost or $10 million;

3. Change the source of funds;4. Change a project lead agency;5. Split or combine individually listed projects; as long as cost, schedule, and scope

remain unchanged.


Item 8A

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An Administrative Modification can be processed in accordance with this criteria provided that: 1. It does not affect the air quality conformity determination, including timely

implementation of Transportation Control Measures (TCMs), and2. It does not impact financial constraint.


Programming updates in Administrative Modification 14 include the following fund sources: State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) Mobility and Mandates listings per Caltrans update; Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ); Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP); and State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) funding. Additionally, it updates the project description of two Federal Transit Administration 5310 projects. Projects included in Administrative Modification 14 are provided below.

Stanislaus Council of Governments Planning, Programming and Monitoring CTIPS #11400000014 Programmed STIP funds in FY 20/21 through FY 24/25.

Planning and Monitoring Activities CTIPS #21400000303 Programmed STBGP funds in FFY 20/21 and 21/22.

City of Modesto Purchase New Buses CTIPS #21400000706 Updated project description. No funding changes.

Various Agencies Grouped Projects for Intersection Channelization CTIPS #21400000565 Updated back up list.

Grouped Projects for Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility CTIPS #21400000567 Updated back up list.

Grouped Projects for Safety Improvements – SHOPP Mandates Program CTIPS #21400000662 Programmed additional funds per Caltrans Update.

Grouped Projects for Safety Improvements – SHOPP Mobility Program CTIPS #21400000669 Programmed additional funds per Caltrans Update. Howard Training Center - Vehicles CTIPS #21400000715 Updated project description. No funding changes.

United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) of Stanislaus - Vehicles


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CTIPS #21400000716 Updated project description. No funding changes.

StanCOG staff submitted Administrative Modification #14 to Caltrans on July 2, 2020. Administrative Modification #14 is accessible on StanCOG’s website via the following link.


Advisory Committee Action

This staff report was provided as information at the August teleconference meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Management and Finance Committee (MFC). No comments were made.

Should you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Rosa De León Park, Executive Director, at 209.525.4600 or via e-mail at [email protected].


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TO: Policy Board Staff Report Information

FROM: Karen Kincy, Manager of Financial Services Stephanie Mora, Financial Services Specialist II

DATE: July 31, 2020

SUBJECT: Measure L Funds Received


The Measure L revenue projection per the expenditure plan is $38,000,000, annually. Measure L funds are received monthly from the State Board of Equalization (BOE). Monthly estimated allocations are made by the BOE using methodologies to estimate sales tax revenues based on past reports for the region. The actual amount for sales tax revenue is calculated in the month following the end of each quarter, at which time the BOE will deduct their administrative fees for the quarter and issue a final quarterly payment for the net amount based on the actual quarterly revenue received. Distributions made to jurisdictions for FY 2019/20 are based on receipts from August 1, 2019-July 31, 2020.


As of June 24, 2020, StanCOG has received $41,000,684 for FY 2019/20. The attached schedules show the status of the Measure L receipts for the first eleven months as of June 2020. Attachment 1 provides the total monthly allocation to date as compared to the total estimated for the Fiscal Year. The YTD comparison for eleven months in FY 2018/19 reflects a decrease of Measure L revenue of $519,057. With one month left in the reporting cycle, the revenue is currently exceeding the annual estimate by $3,000,684.

Attachment 2 reports the allocation of Measure L funds by category and jurisdiction. Attachment 3 identifies the total breakdown by jurisdiction and/or project.

Due to COVID-19, a verbal report was provided to the Executive Committee at their August 10th meeting to an overview of year-end revenue information that was not available at the time of this report. The update will also be provided to the Policy Board at the August 19th meeting.

Should you have any questions regarding this staff report, please Rosa De León Park, Executive Director, at 209-525-4600 or via e-mail at [email protected].


Item 8B

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1. Measure L Funds Received2. Measure L Allocations Year to Date3. Measure L Jurisdiction Allocations


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Fiscal YearMeasure L Estimate

*Advance JuneAug

*Advance JulySept**

*Advance AugOct

*Advance SeptNov

*Advance OctDec**

*Advance NovJan

*Advance DecFeb

*Advance JanMar**

*Advance FebApr

*Advance MarMay

*Advance AprilJun**

*Advance MayJul

Total Received

Balance of Estimate

2016/17 $4,636,849 2,326,549 2,310,300 $4,636,849 0

2017/18 $38,000,000 3,080,400 4,816,568 2,406,400 3,208,500 5,375,999 2,727,300 3,636,400 4,541,240 2,622,200 4,385,509 3,234,554 3,515,464 $43,550,533 (5,550,533)

2018/19 $38,000,000 3,164,285 3,601,301 4,776,715 3,874,998 3,877,031 3,889,364 4,010,825 3,723,523 3,841,238 3,087,567 3,672,893 4,255,627 $45,775,367 (7,775,367)

2019/20 $38,000,000 3,688,980 3,778,330 4,528,919 3,750,070 3,731,211 3,800,255 5,056,882 3,272,027 3,277,683 2,928,768 3,187,560 $41,000,684 (3,000,684)

Total 9,933,665 12,196,199 11,712,034 10,833,568 12,984,241 10,416,918 12,704,107 11,536,790 9,741,121 10,401,844 12,421,555 124,882,043

Fiscal YearMeasure L Estimate

*Advance JuneAug

*Advance JulySept**

*Advance AugOct

*Advance SeptNov

*Advance OctDec**

*Advance NovJan

*Advance DecFeb

*Advance JanMar**

*Advance FebApr

*Advance MarMay

*Advance AprilJun**

*Advance MayJul


2018/19 $38,000,000 3,164,285 3,601,301 4,776,715 3,874,998 3,877,031 3,889,364 4,010,825 3,723,523 3,841,238 3,087,567 3,672,893 $41,519,741

2019/20 $38,000,000 3,688,980 3,778,330 4,528,919 3,750,070 3,731,211 3,800,255 5,056,882 3,272,027 3,277,683 2,928,768 3,187,560 $41,000,684

DIFFERENCE 524,694 177,029 (247,796) (124,928) (145,821) (89,109) 1,046,056 (451,495) (563,555) (158,799) (485,334) 0 (519,057)

** One advance payment is made each month, and the quarterly reconciliation and payment (cleanup) is distributed in conjunction with the first advance for the subsequent quarter.



FY 2016/17 - FY 2019/20



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FY 2019/20 Year To DateJune 24, 2020

Total Allocation from BOE  $41,000,684

Less StanCOG Administration 1% 410,006.88 

Remaining Allocations 40,590,676.95          



Percentages Jurisdiction Categories/Funds TOTAL CATEGORY TOTAL JURISDICITON


6.36% Ceres ‐ Local Streets & Roads 1,290,783.53 

1.26% Hughson  ‐ Local Streets & Roads 255,721.26 

35.79% Modesto  ‐ Local Streets & Roads 7,263,701.64 

1.26% Newman  ‐ Local Streets & Roads 255,721.26 

3.86% Oakdale  ‐ Local Streets & Roads 783,400.07 

4.55% Patterson  ‐ Local Streets & Roads 923,437.90 

3.42% Riverbank ‐ Local Streets & Roads 694,100.58 

15.26% Turlock ‐  Local Streets & Roads 3,097,068.65 

1.26% Waterford ‐ Local Streets & Roads 255,721.26 

26.98% Stanislaus County ‐ Local Streets & Roads 5,475,682.32 

100.00% 20,295,338.48                 


6.36% Ceres ‐ Traffic Management 258,156.71 

1.26% Hughson  ‐ Traffic Management 51,144.25 

35.79% Modesto  ‐ Traffic Management 1,452,740.33 

1.26% Newman  ‐ Traffic Management 51,144.25 

3.86% Oakdale  ‐ Traffic Management 156,680.01 

4.55% Patterson  ‐ Traffic Management 184,687.58 

3.42% Riverbank ‐ Traffic Management 138,820.12 

15.26% Turlock ‐ Traffic Management 619,413.73 

1.26% Waterford ‐Traffic Management 51,144.25 

26.98% Stanislaus County ‐ Traffic Management 1,095,136.46 

100.00% 4,059,067.70 


6.36% Ceres ‐ Bike and Pedestrian 129,078.35 

1.26% Hughson  ‐ Bike and Pedestrian 25,572.13 

35.79% Modesto  ‐ Bike and Pedestrian 726,370.16 

1.26% Newman  ‐ Bike and Pedestrian 25,572.13 

3.86% Oakdale  ‐ Bike and Pedestrian 78,340.01 

4.55% Patterson  ‐ Bike and Pedestrian 92,343.79 

3.42% Riverbank ‐ Bike and Pedestrian 69,410.06 

15.26% Turlock ‐ Bike and Pedestrian 309,706.87 

1.26% Waterford ‐ Bike and Pedestrian 25,572.13 

26.98% Stanislaus County ‐ Bike and Pedestrian 547,568.23 

100.00% 2,029,533.85 

Regional Projects ‐ 28%

Distribution By 

Project 11,365,389.55          

StanCOG Undistributed ‐ Regional Projects 11,365,389.55                 

Local Streets and Roads ‐ 50%

Traffic Management ‐ 10%

Bike and Pedestrian ‐ 5%


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FY 2019/20 Year To DateJune 24, 2020

Total Allocation from BOE  $41,000,684

Less StanCOG Administration 1% 410,006.88 

Remaining Allocations 40,590,676.95          



Percentages Jurisdiction Categories/Funds TOTAL CATEGORY TOTAL JURISDICITON


Point‐To‐Point Services for 

Seniors, Veterans and Persons 

With Disabilities ‐ 30%

StanCOG Undistributed ‐ Point‐to‐Point 


100.00% Move 852,404.22 

Community Connections ‐ 30%

Distribution By 


StanCOG Undistributed ‐ Community 

Connections 852,404.22 

Ceres ‐ Community Connections

Hughson  ‐ Community Connections

Modesto  ‐ Community Connections

Newman  ‐ Community Connections

Oakdale  ‐ Community Connections

Patterson  ‐ Community Connections

Riverbank ‐ Community Connections

Turlock ‐ Community Connections

Waterford ‐ Community Connections

Stanislaus County ‐ Community Connections

Transit Services ‐ 20% 568,269.48 

StanCOG Undistributed ‐Transit Services

7.00% Ceres ‐ Transit Services 39,778.86 

52.00% Modesto ‐ Transit Services 295,500.13 

8.00% Turlock ‐ Transit Services 45,461.56 

33.00% Stanislaus County ‐ Transit Services 187,528.93 

100.00% 568,269.48 

Rail Services ‐ 20%

Distribution By 


StanCOG Undistributed ‐Rail Services 568,269.48 


Total Allocations 41,000,683.83           41,000,683.83                 

Transit Providers ‐ Other Transportation Programs and Services ‐ 7%


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Jurisdiction Category Amount

StanCOG Administrative Fees 410,006.88 

Ceres  Local Streets & Roads 1,290,783.53 

Ceres  Traffic Management 258,156.71 

Ceres  Bike & Pedestrian 129,078.35 

Ceres  Transit Services 39,778.86 

Total Ceres 1,717,797.45               

Hughson   Local Streets & Roads 255,721.26 

Hughson   Traffic Management 51,144.25 

Hughson   Bike & Pedestrian 25,572.13 

Total Hughson 332,437.64 

Modesto   Local Streets & Roads 7,263,701.64 

Modesto   Traffic Management 1,452,740.33 

Modesto   Bike & Pedestrian 726,370.16 

Modesto  Transit Services 295,500.13 

Total Modesto 9,738,312.26               

Newman   Local Streets & Roads 255,721.26 

Newman   Traffic Management 51,144.25 

Newman   Bike & Pedestrian 25,572.13 

Total Newman 332,437.64 

Oakdale   Local Streets & Roads 783,400.07 

Oakdale   Traffic Management 156,680.01 

Oakdale   Bike & Pedestrian 78,340.01 

Total Oakdale 1,018,420.08               

Patterson   Local Streets & Roads 923,437.90 

Patterson   Traffic Management 184,687.58 

Patterson   Bike & Pedestrian 92,343.79 

Total Patterson 1,200,469.27               

Riverbank  Local Streets & Roads 694,100.58 

Riverbank  Traffic Management 138,820.12 

Riverbank  Bike & Pedestrian 69,410.06 

Total Riverbank 902,330.75 

Stanislaus County  Local Streets & Roads 5,475,682.32 

Stanislaus County  Traffic Management 1,095,136.46 

Stanislaus County  Bike & Pedestrian 547,568.23 

Stanislaus County  Transit Services 187,528.93 

Total Stanislaus County 7,305,915.94               

Turlock  Local Streets & Roads 3,097,068.65 

Turlock  Traffic Management 619,413.73 

Turlock  Bike & Pedestrian 309,706.87 

Turlock  Transit Services 45,461.56 

Total Turlock 4,071,650.81               





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Jurisdiction Category Amount




Waterford  Local Streets & Roads 255,721.26 

Waterford  Traffic Management 51,144.25 

Waterford  Bike & Pedestrian 25,572.13 

Total Waterford 332,437.64 

MOVE Point to Point Connections 852,404.22 

Undistributed Community Connections Project Based 852,404.22 

Undistributed Regional Projects ‐Project Based 11,365,389.55             

Undistributed Rail Services 568,269.48 

Total Undistributed Funds  12,786,063.24             

Total Year-To-Date 41,000,683.83


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TO: Policy Board Staff Report Information

FROM: Debbie Trujillo, Assistant Planner

DATE: August 6, 2020

SUBJECT: 2019 Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) Monthly Project Status Report FFY 2019/20


As the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Stanislaus Region, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) programs federal and state transportation funding and ensures that those funds are being secured efficiently. Failing to meet project delivery dates for any phase of a project may jeopardize federal funding to the region.

The 2019 FTIP programmed the region's projects over a period of four federal fiscal years (FFY 18/19, 19/20, 20/21, and 21/22) and is a comprehensive list of transportation projects that receive federal funds, require a federal action, or are regionally significant. StanCOG closely monitors the status of all projects programmed in the FTIP through close communication with the local jurisdictions.


The 2019 FTIP Monthly Project Status Report for FFY 2019/20 demonstrates that, as of July 27, 2020, the Stanislaus Region has obligated 48.56% of its FFY (October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020) federal apportioned funding (see Attachment 1).

Advisory Committee Action

This staff report was provided as information at the August teleconference meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Management and Finance Committee (MFC). No comments were made.

Should you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Rosa De León Park, Executive Director, at 209.525.4600 or via e-mail at [email protected].

Attachment: 1. 2019 FTIP Monthly Project Status Report for FFY 2019/20 (Dated: 07/27/2020)


Item 8C

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Attachment 1 July 27, 2020

AgencyFunds Obligated


Amount Apportioned in


Funds Obligated per Amount in FTIP by


Funds Obligated per Total Amount in


Ceres $246,000 $717,210 34.30% 1.63%

Hughson $112,956 $112,956 100.00% 0.75%

Modesto $4,057,000 $6,137,464 66.10% 26.88%

Newman $0 $1,909,735 0.00% 0.00%

Oakdale $648,795 $943,795 68.74% 4.30%

Patterson $99,000 $403,465 24.54% 0.66%

Riverbank $500,000 $500,000 100.00% 3.31%

Turlock $620,516 $3,323,948 18.67% 4.11%

Waterford $21,000 $21,000 100.00% 0.14%

Stanislaus County $200,000 $200,000 100.00% 1.33%

StanCOG $823,258 $823,258 100.00% 5.45%

TOTAL $7,328,525 $15,092,831

2019 Federal Transportation Improvement ProgramMonthly Project Status Report for FFY 2019/20

Unobligated Percentage Remaining 51.44%

Percent Obligated 48.56%


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July 27, 2020

2019 Federal Transportation Improvement Program Monthly Project Status Report for FFY 2019/20

City of Ceres


Program Location Phase

FFY 19/20 Amount in

FTIPLocal Match


Local Measure in


Date of Last Federal/State


Federal/State Funds

ObligatedLocal Match


Local Measure


Federal/State Funds

RequiringObligation Status of Funding Obligation

21400000672 ATPBike/Ped ImprovementsCitywide Active Transportation Plan CON $131,000 $27,000 $0 12/5/2019 $104,000 $27,000 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

21400000672 ATPSafe Routes to SchoolMorgan Road Corridor Improvement CON $115,000 $44,000 $0 12/5/2019 $71,000 $44,000 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

21400000565 CMAQTraffic Flow ImprovementsRoundabout at El Camino Avenue and Pine CON $471,210 $54,048 $0 $0 $0 $0 $417,162 RFA submitted. Awaiting E76.

ObligationTotals $175,000 $71,000 $0

City of Hughson


Program Location Phase

FFY 19/20 Amount in

FTIPLocal Match


Local Measure in


Date of Last Federal/State


Federal/State Funds

ObligatedLocal Match


Local Measure


Federal/State Funds

RequiringObligation Status of Funding Obligation

21400000567 CMAQ

Bike/Ped ImprovementsInstall sidewalks and Class III bike lanes on Whitmore Avenue CON $112,956 $12,956 $0 4/2/2020 $100,000 $12,956 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

Obligation Totals $100,000 $12,956 $0

City of Modesto


Program Location Phase

FFY 19/20 Amount in

FTIPLocal Match


Local Measure in


Date of Last Federal/State


Federal/State Funds

ObligatedLocal Match


Local Measure


Federal/State Funds

RequiringObligation Status of Funding Obligation

21400000510 CMAQ Rideshare Program CON $65,000 $0 $0 1/16/2020 $65,000 $0 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

21400000672 ATP

Bike/Ped Improvements Paradise Road Area Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Improvements CON $392,000 $4,000 $0 11/25/2019 $388,000 $4,000 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

21400000594 CMAQ

Upgrade Traffic Signals - 2019Blue Gum Ave/Carpenter Ave, I St/14th St, I St/17th St, G St/12th St, and G St/17th St CON $1,050,000 $0 $0 4/2/2020 $1,050,000 $0 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

21400000678 CMAQTraffic Control Devices Upgrade the ATMS software and Traffic Signal Controllers CON $1,050,000 $0 $0 7/21/2020 $1,050,000 $0 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

21400000566 STBGPPavement RehabilitationPelandale Avenue from Dale Road to Detroit Lane CON $300,000 $0 $0 3/2/2020 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

21400000566 STBGP

Pavement RehabilitationParadise Road from Sheridan Street to Carpenter Road CON $2,080,464 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,080,464 RFA submitted. Awaiting E76.

21400000706 CMAQ Purchase 2 New Buses CON $1,200,000 $0 $0 3/9/2020 $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 Funds ObligatedObligation

Totals $4,053,000 $4,000 $0


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July 27, 2020

City of Newman


Program Location Phase

FFY 19/20 Amount in

FTIPLocal Match


Local Measure in


Date of Last Federal/State


Federal/State Funds

ObligatedLocal Match


Local Measure


Federal/State Funds

RequiringObligation Status of Funding Obligation

21400000567 CMAQPedestrian Improvements Yolo Avenue between Real Avenue and R Street CON $347,094 $39,812 $0 $0 $0 $0 $307,282 RFA submitted. Awaiting E76.

21400000567 CMAQPedestrian Improvements Fig Lane between Lucille Avenue and Yolo Street CON $216,875 $24,875 $0 $0 $0 $0 $192,000 RFA submitted. Awaiting E76.

21400000566 STBGPPavement Rehabilitation Main Street CON $248,266 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $248,266 RFA submitted. Awaiting E76.

21400000663 STBGP/HIPHighway 33 & Inyo Resurfacing/Reconstruction Project CON $1,097,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,097,500 RFA submitted. Awaiting E76.

Obligation Totals $0 $0 $0

City of Oakdale


Program Location Phase

FFY 19/20 Amount in

FTIPLocal Match


Local Measure in


Date of Last Federal/State


Federal/State Funds

ObligatedLocal Match


Local Measure


Federal/State Funds

RequiringObligation Status of Funding Obligation

21400000672 ATP

Bike/Ped ImprovementsHigh School G Street Bike/Ped Corridor Improvements CON $45,000 $0 $0 5/13/2020 $45,000 $0 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

21400000567 CMAQBike/Ped Improvements Cottle's Trail - Multi Use Trail CON $295,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $295,000 RFA submitted. Awaiting E76.

21400000566 STBGP Maag & E Street CON $313,925 $36,007 $0 2/27/2020 $277,918 $36,007 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

21400000566 STBGPPavement Reconstruction First Avenue - F Street to G Street CON $289,870 $0 $0 5/28/2020 $289,870 $0 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

Obligation Totals $612,788 $36,007 $0

City of Patterson


Program Location Phase

FFY 19/20 Amount in

FTIPLocal Match


Local Measure in


Date of Last Federal/State


Federal/State Funds

ObligatedLocal Match


Local Measure


Federal/State Funds

RequiringObligation Status of Funding Obligation

21400000672 ATP Citywide Active Transportation Plan CON $99,000 $0 $0 10/9/2019 $99,000 $0 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

21400000566 STBGP Las Palmas Avenue: East of HWY 33 to City Limits CON $304,465 $34,922 $0 $0 $0 $0 $269,543 RFA submitted. Awaiting E76.Obligation

Totals $99,000 $0 $0


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July 27, 2020

City of Riverbank


Program Location Phase

FFY 19/20 Amount in

FTIPLocal Match


Local Measure in


Date of Last Federal/State


Federal/State Funds

ObligatedLocal Match


Local Measure


Federal/State Funds

RequiringObligation Status of Funding Obligation

21400000566 STBGPEighth Street: Patterson Road to Kentucky Avenue Overlay CON $500,000 $0 $0 1/10/2020 $500,000 $0 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

Obligation Totals $500,000 $0 $0

City of Turlock


Program Location Phase

FFY 19/20 Amount in

FTIPLocal Match


Local Measure in


Date of Last Federal/State


Federal/State Funds

ObligatedLocal Match


Local Measure


Federal/State Funds

RequiringObligation Status of Funding Obligation

21400000594 CMAQTraffic Signal West Monte Vista and Fosberg CON $620,516 $0 $0 7/24/2020 $620,516 $0 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

21400000594 CMAQTraffic SignalTuolumne and Tully CON $594,157 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $594,157 RFA submitted. Awaiting E76.

21400000566 STBGPGolden State Boulevard between Marshall St. and Fulkerth Road CON $2,109,275 $1,180,242 $0 $0 $0 $0 $929,033 RFA submitted. Awaiting E76.

Obligation Totals $620,516 $0 $0

City of Waterford


Program Location Phase

FFY 19/20 Amount in

FTIPLocal Match


Local Measure in


Date of Last Federal/State


Federal/State Funds

ObligatedLocal Match


Local Measure


Federal/State Funds

RequiringObligation Status of Funding Obligation

21400000672 ATP City of Waterford SRTS Crosswalks Safety project CON $21,000 $5,000 5/13/2020 $16,000 $5,000 $0 $0 Funds ObligatedObligation

Totals $16,000 $5,000 $0

Stanislaus County


Program Location Phase

FFY 19/20 Amount in

FTIPLocal Match


Local Measure in


Date of Last Federal/State


Federal/State Funds

ObligatedLocal Match


Local Measure


Federal/State Funds

RequiringObligation Status of Funding Obligation

21400000254 CMAQ StaRT Transit Fare Subsidy CON $96,000 $11,011 $0 5/12/20 $84,989 $11,011 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

21400000672 ATP

Connectivity and Safety Project Airport Neighborhood Active Transportation Connectivity and Safety Project

CON $104,000 $0 $0 1/30/2020 $19,000 $0 $85,000 $85,000 Funds ObligatedObligation

Totals $103,989 $11,011 $85,000


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July 27, 2020



Program Location Phase

FFY 19/20 Amount in

FTIPLocal Match


Local Measure in


Date of Last Federal/State


Federal/State Funds

ObligatedLocal Match


Local Measure


Federal/State Funds

RequiringObligation Status of Funding Obligation

21400000672 ATP

Safety and Education CampaignStanCOG Regional Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety and Education Campaign

CON $372,000 8/14/2019 $372,000 $0 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

21400000479 CMAQ Regional Rideshare Program CON $218,484 $25,060 3/6/2020 $193,424 $25,060 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

21400000303 STBGP Planning and Monitoring Activities CON $67,774 $7,774 3/17/2020 $60,000 $7,774 $0 $0 Funds Obligated

11400000014 RIP Planning, Programming and Monitoring CON $165,000 12/5/2019 $165,000 $0 $0 $0 Funds ObligatedObligation

Totals $790,424 $32,834 $0


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TO: Policy Board Staff Report Information

FROM: Isael Ojeda, Senior Planner Chris Jasper, Assistant Planner

DATE: August 11, 2020

SUBJECT: Non-Motorized Transportation Plan Update


The Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) launched the development of a comprehensive Non-Motorized Transportation Plan (NMTP) for the Stanislaus region in September 2019 with consultant support from Toole Design. The purpose of the NMTP is to identify opportunities to improve travel facilities used by bicyclists and pedestrians, increase access to safe public transportation systems, and address the unique active transportation needs of residents across Stanislaus County and its incorporated cities. The NMTP update is funded by Caltrans’ Senate Bill 1 Sustainable Communities Formula funds.

As part of the NMTP update, StanCOG has coordinated with local agencies to collect data on existing and planned bicycle and pedestrian facilities and gathered public input regarding existing non-motorized travel patterns, perceived safety issues, existing infrastructure, accessibility, connectivity, and other topics via an online survey and an interactive mapping tool that was available from December 2019 to February 2020. StanCOG has also analyzed regional demographic and transportation safety data, reviewed local, regional, and State planning documents, drafted an Existing Conditions Report, and held four in-person “pop-up” events from December 2019 to January 2020 in the cities of Ceres, Turlock, Modesto, and Oakdale.

In May 2020, StanCOG completed eight stakeholder group interviews with public health officials, local agency staff, community based organizations, bicycle and pedestrian advocates, local school district staff, and major employers using video and teleconferencing software. The feedback received from the interviews and initial public outreach have been reviewed in conjunction with the results of a technical network analysis to identify local gaps and barriers to safe bicycling and pedestrian facilities and to identify routes of regional significance. The information is being supplemented with data gathered during a needs analysis that includes field reconnaissance to evaluate bicycling infrastructure conditions and potential safety concerns. The needs analysis will also identify opportunities to improve access to non-motorized travel in the Stanislaus region. The


Item 8D

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needs analysis will then be used to develop a draft list of prioritization and implementation strategies for bicycle and pedestrian improvements that will be presented to stakeholders for additional feedback during the next phase of public outreach.


Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, the project’s remaining outreach strategies have been shifted from in person to online virtual activities. StanCOG will coordinate with local agencies and community based organizations to conduct six (6) “pop-in” presentations and two (2) virtual “dialogues.” The “pop-in” presentations, which are anticipated to be conducted in September of 2020, will be one-hour virtual outreach meetings that provide an overview of the project, share project findings to date, and describe how the community can join a more in-depth discussion at the virtual community “dialogues.” The virtual community “dialogues” will be 2-hour online events that will delve deeper into the project’s findings and will provide opportunities to discuss the details of the proposed countywide improvements. The “dialogues” are anticipated to start in October 2020.

Information regarding these events will be distributed to local agency staff and stakeholder groups via email, posted on StanCOG’s social media accounts and the StanCOG’s NMTP webpage, which can be accessed via the following link:


Following the outreach activities, StanCOG will develop project recommendations for the top corridors within Stanislaus County and will prepare a list of prioritized projects and project planning-level cost estimates to be included in the Plan. The draft NMTP is anticipated to be completed by winter of 2020. The Draft Final NMTP is projected to be presented to the StanCOG Policy Board for consideration of adoption in early 2021.

Advisory Committee Action

This staff report was presented for discussion at the August teleconference meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC), Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), and Social Services Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC).

Should you have any questions regarding this staff report, please contact Rosa De León Park, Executive Director, at 209-525-4600 or via e-mail at [email protected].


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Draft Minutes of August 10, 2020 (Monday) 12:00 pm

Important Notice Regarding COVID 19

In accordance with Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) Board Room was closed to the public. In the interest of maintaining appropriate social distancing measures, members of the public were able to participate in the meeting electronically and had the right to observe and offer public comment during the meeting.

PRESENT: Chair Jeramy Young (City of Hughson), Vice-Chair Terry Withrow, Vito Chiesa (Stanislaus County); Bill Zoslocki (City of Modesto); Richard O’Brien (City of Riverbank)

ALSO PRESENT: Elisabeth Hahn, Karen Kincy, Cindy Malekos, Josey Oshana, Rosa Park, Edith Robles (StanCOG), Monica Streeter (Neumiller and Beardslee); Phil McGuire (McGuire Management Consultancy)

1. CALL TO ORDERChair Jeramy Young called the meeting to order at 12:08 pm.




A. Motion to Approve Executive Committee Meeting Minutes of 6/8/20

*By Motion (Chair Jeramy Young/Member Vito Chiesa), and a unanimous roll callvote, the Executive Committee approved the Consent Calendar.


A. Motion to Recommend the Policy Board Appoint a Member to the Stanislaus RegionalTransit Authority Advisory Committee


Item 8E

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Phil McGuire explained that a member was needed to represent the cities other than Modesto and Turlock to serve on the Stanislaus Regional Transit Authority Advisory Committee.

*By Motion (Chair Jeramy Young/Member Bill Zoslocki), and a unanimous roll callvote, the Executive Committee recommended that the Policy Board appoint Member RichardO’Brien to the Stanislaus Regional Transit Authority Advisory Committee.

B. Motion to Recommend the Policy Board Adopt by Resolution the 2020 StanCOG Title VICompliance Report and Adopt by Resolution the 2020 Language Assistance Plan forLimited English Proficiency IndividualsEdith Robles provided an overview of the draft documents which were required to be updatedevery three years. She reviewed the goals of the plans and reported that the draft documents wereavailable at http://www.stancog.org/pdf/titlevi-compliance-report-2020.pdf andhttp://www.stancog.org/pdf/stancog-lap-plan-2020.pdf.

*By Motion (Member Vito Chiesa/Member Terry Withrow), and a unanimous roll callvote, the Executive Committee recommended that the Policy Board adopt by Resolution the2020 StanCOG Title VI Compliance Report and adopt by Resolution the 2020 LanguageAssistance Plan for Limited English Proficiency Individuals.

C. FY 2018/19 Measure L Oversight Committee Annual Report and Measure L IndependentAuditsKaren Kincy stated that the Certified Public Accounting firm of Hudson Henderson hadcompleted Measure L audits for the year ending June 30, 2019. She reported that there weretwo findings pertaining to incorrect reporting by two jurisdictions, the City of Ceres and the Cityof Oakdale. She reviewed the findings and stated that both cases had been corrected by theagencies and in the StanCOG database, and that neither jurisdiction was cited for complianceissues. She reported that the Measure L Oversight Committee had reviewed the audits and issuedtheir annual report as required.

D. COVID-19 Fiscal Impacts FY 2019/20Karen Kincy reported on the fiscal impacts of COVID-19 for the year that ended June 30th. Sheindicated that impacts on Local Transportation Funds (LTF) and Measure L were minimal andthat final State Transit Assistance information had not been received yet.

E. Draft August Policy Board Agenda ReviewCindy Malekos reviewed the draft August agenda. There was consensus to move Items 7A and7C to Consent for the Policy Board meeting agenda.

F. September Meeting ScheduleCindy Malekos indicated that the next Executive Committee meeting was scheduled forMonday, September 14th instead of the usual first Monday of the month due to the Labor Dayholiday. There was consensus to keep the meeting scheduled for September 14th.


A. Measure L Funds Received



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8. MEMBER REPORTS Member Richard O'Brien announced that an electronic sign was being installed in Riverbank that would be available for public service announcements.

9. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION The Executive Committee adjourned to Closed Session at 1 :02 pm.

A. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Title: Executive Director

B. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 Agency designated representative: Board Chair Jeramy Young Unrepresented Employee: Executive Director

10. RECONVENE FROM CLOSED SESSION The Executive Committee reconvened from Closed Session at 1 :56 pm.

A. Report from Closed Session Monica Streeter reported that there was no reportable action.

11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Jeramy Young adjourned the meeting at 1:58 pm.

Next Regularly-Scheduled Executive Committee Meeting: September 14, 2020 (Monday) @ 12:00 m

Minutes Prepared By:

Cindy Manage of Administrative Services


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Draft Minutes of August 5, 2020 (Wednesday) 3:00 pm

Important Notice Regarding COVID-19

In accordance with Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) Board Room was closed, and the Management and Finance Committee (MFC) members and staff participated in this meeting via GoToMeeting. In the interest of maintaining appropriate social distancing measures, members of the public were able to participate in the meeting electronically and had the right to observe and offer public comment during the meeting.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Sean Scully (City of Riverbank); Vice-Chair Ken Irwin (City of Patterson); Raul Mendez (Stanislaus County); Tom Westbrook (City of Ceres); Merry Mayhew (City of Hughson); Joe Lopez (City of Modesto); Kathryn Reyes (City of Newman); Mike Pitcock (City of Waterford)

ALSO PRESENT: Elisabeth Hahn, Karen Kincy, Cindy Malekos, Stephanie Mora, Isael Ojeda, Josey Oshana, Rosa Park, Edith Robles, Debbie Trujillo, Trey Wadsworth, Lydia Worden (StanCOG); Steven Martinez (Caltrans)

1. CALL TO ORDERChair Sean Scully called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm.




A. Motion to Approve Management and Finance Committee Minutes of 6/3/20

*By Motion (City of Patterson/City of Hughson), and a unanimous roll call vote,the Management and Finance Committee approved the Consent Calendar.


Item 8F

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A. Motion to Recommend the Policy Board Approve by Resolution the Six Projectsfrom the Second Call for Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Projectsfor FFY 2020/21 and 2021/22Debbie Trujillo reported that a second call for CMAQ projects was released on April21st and five applications were evaluated in addition to a proposed regional TeleworkProgram. She highlighted one of the projects in which the City of Waterford wouldinstall a traffic signal on State Route 132 at Yosemite Boulevard and Pasadena Avenue.

*By Motion (City of Waterford/City of Hughson), and a unanimous roll call vote,the Management and Finance Committee recommended that the Policy Board approveby Resolution the six projects from the second call for Congestion Mitigation and AirQuality (CMAQ) projects for FFY 2020/21 and 2021/22.

B. Public Hearing Announcement for Draft Formal Amendment 15 to the 2019Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) – Type 5 Amendment andDraft 2020 Corresponding Conformity AnalysisDebbie Trujillo reported that there would be a Public Hearing at the Policy BoardGoToWebinar on August 19th to receive comments on the Draft Formal Amendment 15and the Draft 2020 Conformity Analysis. She stated that a 30-day public review andcomment period was underway and would conclude on August 24th at 2:00 pm. Sheprovided information on how to participate in the public hearing, and said theamendment could be viewed on the StanCOG website at www.stancog.org. She alsohighlighted one of the projects in which the City of Modesto would reconstruct theexisting roadway at Briggsmore/Carpenter Road, over State Route 99.

C. Motion to Recommend the Policy Board Approve by Resolution the FY 2020/21State of Good Repair Program Project ListEdith Robles provided an overview of the State of Good Repair Program. She statedthat staff along with the transit operators proposed that all regional funds for FY2020/21 be allocated to extend the contract with Guarantee Janitorial for the RegionalBus Shelter Cleaning Project which was initially approved by the Policy Board inDecember 2017.

*By Motion (Stanislaus County/City of Patterson), and a unanimous roll call vote,the Management and Finance Committee recommended that the Policy Board approveby Resolution the FY 2020/21 State of Good Repair Program Project List.

D. Draft 2020 StanCOG Title VI Compliance Report and the Draft 2020 LanguageAssistance Plan for Limited English Proficiency IndividualsEdith Robles provided an overview of the draft documents which had been updated.She indicated that they were required to be updated every three years and reviewed thegoals of the plans. She said that the draft documents were available via the followinglinks: http://www.stancog.org/pdf/titlevi-compliance-report-2020.pdf andhttp://www.stancog.org/pdf/stancog-lap-plan-2020.pdf.


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E. FY 2018/19 Measure L Oversight Committee Annual Report and Measure LIndependent AuditsKaren Kincy stated that the Certified Public Accounting firm of Hudson Henderson hadcompleted the Measure L audits for the year that ended June 30, 2019. She reported thatthere were two findings regarding incorrect reporting by the City of Ceres and the Cityof Oakdale. She reviewed the findings and said that both cases had been corrected bythe agencies and in the StanCOG database, and that neither jurisdiction was cited forcompliance issues. She indicated that the Measure L Oversight Committee hadreviewed the audits and issued their annual report as required.

6. INFORMATION ITEMSThe following items were provided for information only.

A. Administrative Modification #14 (Type 1 Amendment) to the 2019 FederalTransportation Improvement Program (FTIP)

B. 2019 Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) Monthly ProjectStatus Report FFY 19/20

C. Measure L Funds Received

D. Local Transportation Funds (LTF) Received

E. Policy Board Minutes of 4/15/20

F. Executive Committee Minutes of 4/6/20

G. Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) Minutes of 4/1/20

H. Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Minutes of 4/1/20

I. Social Services Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC) Minutes of 3/31/20

7. CALTRANS REPORTSteven Martinez provided an update on programs and projects occurring through Caltrans.He said that Dennis Agar had returned to District 10 to serve as the Interim Director. Healso congratulated StanCOG for being awarded two Sustainable Communities grants.

8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORTRosa Park reported on the fiscal impacts of COVID-19 on Measure L and LocalTransportation Funds (LTF) for the year that ended on June 30th. She said the impacts wereminimal on LTF and Measure L but that the final report on State Transit Assistance (STA)funding had not yet been received. She also introduced new Principal Planner TreyWadsworth who would be working on Long-Range Planning and Measure L.


10. ADJOURNMENTChair Sean Scully adjourned the meeting at 3:31 pm.


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Next Regularly-Scheduled MFC Meeting: September 2, 2020 (Wednesday) @ 3:00 m

Minutes Prepared By:

Cindy ~lekos Manager of Administrative Services


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Draft Minutes of August 5, 2020 (Wednesday) 6:00 pm

Important Notice Regarding COVID 19

In accordance with Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) Board Room was closed, and the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) members and staff participated in this meeting via GoToMeeting. In the interest of maintaining appropriate social distancing measures, members of the public were provided the opportunity to participate in the meeting electronically and had the right to observe and offer public comment during the meeting.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Lee Adams (arrived during Item 5C), Elizabeth Claes, John Dinan, Zach Keller, Lana Moore, Sue Stevens, Stephen Qualls

ALSO PRESENT: Carla Alviso, Chris Jasper, Karen Kincy, Cindy Malekos, Josephine Oshana, Isael Ojeda, Edith Robles, Debbie Trujillo, Trey Wadsworth (StanCOG)

1. CALL TO ORDERChair Zach Keller called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm.




A. Motion to Approve Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Minutes of 6/3/20

* By Motion (Member John Dinan/Member Elizabeth Claes), and a unanimous rollcall vote, the Citizens Advisory Committee approved the Consent Calendar.


A. Motion to Recommend the Policy Board Approve by Resolution Six Projects from


Item 8G

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Second Call for Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Projects for FFY 2020/21 and FFY 2021/22 Debbie Trujillo reported that staff released the second call for CMAQ Projects on April 21, 2020 and evaluated five applications totaling $1,742,500 in addition to a proposed regional Telework Program that would reserve the remaining $1,170,656 of CMAQ funds for both FFY’s. She highlighted one of the six projects in which the City of Waterford would install a traffic signal on the busy State Route 132 at Yosemite Boulevard and Pasadena Avenue. She stated that all six projects would be programmed in the Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) via Draft Formal Amendment 15 and an upcoming Administrative Modification.

* By Motion (Member John Dinan/Member Lana Moore), and a unanimous roll callvote, the Citizens Advisory Committee recommended the Policy Board approve byResolution the Six Projects from Second Call for Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality(CMAQ) Projects for FFY 2020/21 and FFY 2021/22.

B. Public Hearing Announcement for Draft Formal Amendment 15 to the 2019Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) – Type 5 Amendment andDraft 2020 Corresponding Conformity AnalysisDebbie Trujillo reported that there would be a Public Hearing at the Policy BoardGoToWebinar on August 19th to receive comments on the Draft Formal Amendment 15and the Draft 2020 Conformity Analysis. She stated that a 30-day public review andcomment period was underway and would conclude on August 24th at 2:00 pm. Sheprovided information on Amendment 15, the Conformity Analysis and how to participatein the public hearing. She highlighted one of the projects in which the City of Modestowould reconstruct the existing roadway at Briggsmore/Carpenter Road, over State Route99. She also stated that the final document would be brought to the Policy Board at theirSeptember meeting, and that the amendment could be viewed on the StanCOG website atthe link below.http://www.stancog.org/pdf/ftip-amendments/2020/draft_formal_amendment_15_and_draft_2020_conformity_analysis.pdfThere was a short conversation and a member had her question answered.

C. FY 2020/21 State of Good Repair Program Project ListEdith Robles provided an overview of the State of Good Repair Program which wasfunded from a portion of the new Transportation Improvement Fee on vehicleregistrations paid to the California Department of Motor Vehicles. She reviewed how thefunds were allocated to StanCOG and the transit operators. She stated that staff alongwith the transit operators proposed that all regional funds for FY 2020/21 be allocated toextend the contract with Guarantee Janitorial for the Regional Bus Shelter CleaningProject which had been approved by the StanCOG Policy Board in December 2017. Adiscussion followed and members had their questions answered.

D. Draft 2020 StanCOG Title VI Compliance Report and the Draft 2020 LanguageAssistance Plan for Limited English Proficiency IndividualsEdith Robles provided an overview of the Draft 2020 StanCOG Title VI ComplianceReport and Draft 2020 Language Assistance Plan for Limited English Proficiency


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Individuals which must be updated every three years. She reviewed the goals of the plan and provided the following links to the draft documents: The Draft 2020 Title VI Compliance Report http://www.stancog.org/pdf/titlevi-compliance-report-2020.pdf The Draft 2020 Limited English Proficiency http://www.stancog.org/pdf/stancog-lap-plan-2020.pdf

E. FY 2018/19 Measure L Oversight Committee Annual Report and Measure LIndependent AuditsKaren Kincy provided background information on the Measure L Expenditure Plan andstated that the Certified Public Accounting firm of Hudson Henderson had completedtheir auditor’s reports for year ending June 30, 2019. She reported that there were twofindings pertaining to incorrect reporting by two jurisdictions, the City of Ceres and theCity of Oakdale. She reviewed the findings and stated that both cases had been correctedby the agencies and in the StanCOG database, and that neither jurisdiction was cited forcompliance issues. She also reported that the Measure L Oversight Committee hadreviewed the audits and had issued an annual report that would be brought to the PolicyBoard at their August meeting.

F. Non-Motorized Transportation Plan UpdateChris Jasper provided an update on the development of the Non-MotorizedTransportation plan. He outlined what had been done to date and stated that informationfrom public input would be used to identify local gaps and barriers and identify routes ofregional significance. He reported that due to COVID-19 and social distancingrestrictions, StanCOG had shifted its public engagement process for the remainder of theproject and reviewed the upcoming public input strategies. He stated that moreinformation would be shared via email and the project website as it becomes available.He also stated the draft plan was anticipated to be shared in winter 2020 and wasexpected to be presented to the Policy Board in early 2021.

G. StanCOG Regional Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety and Education CampaignChris Jasper provided an outline of the StanCOG Regional Bicyclist and PedestrianSafety and Education Campaign which was funded by the Active Transportation Programto promote transportation safety. He reviewed what had been done to date and stated thatdue to the COVID-19 public health crisis, StanCOG was transitioning to an online formatfor all project activities and reviewed those activities. He also reported that a targetedadvertising campaign would be deployed across the Stanislaus region for four weeks,from mid-August through mid-September, that would include billboards, radio spots, buswraps and digital ads on smart phone applications. He stated a half-day regional safetysummit was expected to be held virtually in late summer or early fall of 2020. He alsostated that the project was expected to end in October 2020 with the production of theimplementation and planning toolkit and final report. Vice-Chair Claes provided praisefor the job that was done, and had her question answered.

6. INFORMATION ITEMSThe following items were provided for information only.

A. Policy Board Minutes of 4/15/20


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B. Executive Committee Minutes 4/6/20

C. Management and Finance Committee Minutes of 4/1/20

D. Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BP AC) Minutes of 4/1/20

E. Social Services Transportation Advisory Council (SST AC) Minutes of 3/31/20

7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT On behalf of Rosa Park, Cindy Malekos thanked members for participating in the GoToMeeting and stated the CAC meetings would probably continue to be held virtually through the end of the year. She also introduced Trey Wadsworth, the new StanCOG Principal Planner who would be involved in long-range planning, programming and Measure L.


9. ADJOURNMENT Chair Zach Keller adjourned the meeting at 6:46 pm.

Next Regularly-Scheduled CAC Meeting: SeP.tember 2, 2020 (Wednesday) @ 6:00 m

Minutes Prepared By:

Carla Alviso~ ministrative Assistant


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Draft Minutes of August 4, 2020 (Tuesday) 10:00 am

Important Notice Regarding COVID 19

In accordance with Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) Board Room was closed, and the Social Services Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC) members and staff participated in this meeting via GoToMeeting. In the interest of maintaining appropriate social distancing measures, members of the public were provided the opportunity to participate in the meeting electronically and had the right to observe and offer public comment during the meeting.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Adam Barth (City of Modesto); Carol Bowman (Catholic Charities); Stacie Morales (MOVE); George Sharp (Individual Transit User); Carla Strong (Howard Training Center)

ALSO PRESENT: Angela Swanson (City of Modesto) (arrived during Item 5B); Wayne York (City of Turlock); Steven Martinez, Tom Dumas (Caltrans District 10); Carla Alviso, Elisabeth Hahn, Chris Jasper, Karen Kincy, Cindy Malekos, Isael Ojeda, Josephine Oshana, Edith Robles, Trey Wadsworth (StanCOG)

1. CALL TO ORDERChair Stacie Morales called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m.




A. Motion to Approve Social Services Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC)Minutes of 6/2/20


Item 8H

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* By Motion (Member Adam Barth/Member Carla Strong), and unanimous roll callvote, the Council approved the Consent Calendar.


A. Motion to Recommend the Policy Board Approve by Resolution the FY 2020/21 State of Good Repair Program Project ListEdith Robles provided an overview of the State of Good Repair Program which was funded from a portion of the new Transportation Improvement Fee on vehicle registrations paid to the California Department of Motor Vehicles. She reviewed how the funds were allocated to StanCOG and the transit operators. She stated that staff along with the transit operators proposed that all regional funds for FY 2020/21 be allocated to extend the contract with Guarantee Janitorial for the Regional Bus Shelter Cleaning Project which had been approved by the StanCOG Policy Board in December 2017.

* By Motion (Member George Sharp/Member Carol Bowman), and unanimous roll call vote, the Council recommended the Policy Board approve by Resolution the FY 2020/21 State of Good Repair Program Project List.

B. Motion to Recommend the Policy Board Adopt by Resolution the Draft 2020 StanCOG Title VI Compliance Report and Adopt by Resolution the Draft 2020 Language Assistance Plan for Limited English Proficiency IndividualsEdith Robles provided an overview of the Draft 2020 StanCOG Title VI Compliance Report and Draft 2020 Language Assistance Plan for Limited English Proficiency Individuals which must be updated every three years. She reviewed the goals of the plan and provided the following links to the draft documents:The Draft 2020 Title VI Compliance Reporthttp://www.stancog.org/pdf/titlevi-compliance-report-2020.pdfThe Draft 2020 Limited English Proficiencyhttp://www.stancog.org/pdf/stancog-lap-plan-2020.pdfA brief conversation followed and Chair Morales provided praise for the job that was done on the updated plan and also provided input.

* By Motion (Member Carla Strong/Member Adam Barth), and unanimous roll call vote, the Council recommended the Policy Board adopt by Resolution the Draft 2020 StanCOG Title VI Compliance Report and adopt by Resolution the Draft 2020 Language Assistance Plan for Limited English Proficiency Individuals.

C. FY 2018/19 Measure L Oversight Committee Annual Report and Measure L Independent AuditsKaren Kincy provided background information on the Measure L Expenditure Plan and stated that the Certified Public Accounting firm of Hudson Henderson had completed their auditor’s reports for year ending June 30, 2019. She reported that there were two findings pertaining to incorrect reporting by two jurisdictions, the City of Ceres and the City of Oakdale. She reviewed the findings and stated that both cases had been corrected by the agencies and in the StanCOG database, and that neither jurisdiction was cited for compliance issues. She also reported that the Measure L Oversight Committee had reviewed the audits and had issued an annual report that would be brought to the Policy Board at their August meeting.

D. Non-Motorized Transportation Plan Update


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Chris Jasper provided an update on the development of the Non-Motorized Transportation plan. He outlined what had been done to date and stated that information from public input would be used to identify local gaps and barriers and identify routes of regional significance. He reported that due to COVID-19 and social distancing restrictions, StanCOG had shifted its public engagement process for the remainder of the project and reviewed the upcoming public input strategies. He stated that more information would be shared via email and the project website as it becomes available. He also stated the draft plan was anticipated to be shared in winter 2020 and was expected to be presented to the Policy Board in early 2021. A brief discussion followed and members had their questions answered.

E. StanCOG Regional Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety and Education CampaignChris Jasper provided an outline of the StanCOG Regional Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safetyand Education Campaign which was funded by the Active Transportation Program topromote transportation safety. He reviewed what had been done to date and stated that dueto the COVID-19 public health crisis, StanCOG was transitioning to an online format forall project activities and reviewed those activities. He also reported that a targetedadvertising campaign would be deployed across the Stanislaus region for four weeks, frommid-August through mid-September, that would include billboards, radio spots, bus wrapsand digital ads on smart phone applications. He stated a half-day regional safety summitwas expected to be held virtually in late summer or early fall of 2020. He also stated thatthe project was expected to end in October 2020 with the production of the implementationand planning toolkit and final report. There was a discussion and members’ questions wereanswered.

6. TRANSIT MANAGERS/MOVE REPORTAdam Barth with Modesto Area Express (MAX) reported that the free fare rides had beenextended through August and possibly further. He stated that ridership had been down, but theywere operating on a full schedule with social distancing. He provided an update on a new routeto Stockton and also on the rebranding of Ceres Transit.

Angela Swanson with MADAR reported that they had also extended their free fare rides throughAugust and possibly further. She stated that ridership had increased, that most trips were solo,and they were maintaining sanitation and social distancing. She also reported that through anagreement with the Office of Emergency Services, they were providing transit services for thehomeless, and that they had a pilot program starting in South and West Modesto targeting theLatinx community to provide trips to the Marshal Medical Center for COVID testing. She alsoprovided an update on their contract with Storer Transportation.

Stacie Morales with MOVE reported that their office reopened in May for appointments only.She stated that for the safety of their clients, they were modifying ADA eligibility requirementsby providing six months eligibility and starting in September would switch to telephoneinterviews. She provided an update on their VetsVan and Bridges programs to provide serviceduring the current COVID-19 situation. She also provided an update on Unite Us, a web-basedreferral program.

Wayne York with Turlock Transit reported that ridership had gone up since their 86% drop atthe beginning of COVID-19, Dial-a-Ride had been slower to pick up because of the healthconcerns of the most vulnerable population, and that they were maintaining single ride trips forsocial distancing purposes. He also provided an update on other COVID-19 safety procedures


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used on all transit rides. He stated that they had also extended their free fare rides through August and possibly further which may include a fare reduction strategy that could be regionally applied. He reported that they were being funded by the CARES act which had allowed them to partner with United Samaritan Foundation to assist in food delivery to a designated list of people. He also provided updates on their existing contract with Storer and also enhancements to their digital rider alerts.

7. CALTRANS REPORT Steven Martinez reported on several things that were happening in District 10 that included an action plan to increase walking and bicycling statewide, a statewide climate change vulnerability assessment, plans for a more efficient and sustainable freight system, approval of more than $146 million for 166 public transportation projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, upcoming road repaving using recycled plastic bottles, traffic advisories and construction. He reported that Dennis Agar had returned to District 10 as the Interim Director following the retirement of Dan McElhinney, and that StanCOG had been awarded two Sustainable Communities grants totaling $486,550.

8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT On behalf of Rosa Park, Cindy Malekos thanked members for participating in the GoToMeeting and stated the SSTAC meetings would probably continue to be held virtually through the end of the year. She also introduced Trey Wadsworth, the new StanCOG Principal Planner who would be involved in long-range planning, programming and Measure L.

9. MEMBER REPORTS Carla Strong with Howard Training Center reported they were working on a plan to reopen and bring back a limited number of clients after four of their programs had been deemed nonessential due to COVID-19. She stated they were having challenges trying to provide services remotely because of their clients' lack of internet or computers. She also reported that their kitchen was running with minimal staff, but they were still able to provide three meals a day to four of the mental health facilities in Stanislaus and San Joaquin counties. She also stated that they were providing drive-by visits to clients' homes and group homes, and that next year's CrabFest Fundraiser would be a drive-through event.

Carol Bowman with Catholic Charities reported on their transportation program which provides door through door trips for seniors who have no other options for transportation and the safety precautions being used during COVID-19.

10. ADJOURNMENT Chair Stacie Morales adjourned the meeting at 11 :14 a.m.

Next Regularly-Scheduled SSTAC Meeting: Se tember 1, 2020 (_Tuesday)@ 10:00 am

Minutes Prepared By:


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Draft Minutes of August 5, 2020 (Wednesday) 10:00 am

Important Notice Regarding COVID 19

In accordance with Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) Board Room was closed, and the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) members and staff participated in this meeting via GoToMeeting. In the interest of maintaining appropriate social distancing measures, members of the public were provided the opportunity to participate in the meeting electronically and had the right to observe and offer public comment during the meeting.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Shivaugn Alves, Kari Casey (departed during Item 6D), Jim Dosenbach, Kyle Fliflet, John Gerling, Ann Strahm, Minn Thein, Larry White

ALSO PRESENT: Yvette Davis, Christine Haruta (Dibs); Carla Alviso, Elisabeth Hahn, Chris Jasper, Karen Kincy, Cindy Malekos, Josephine Oshana, Isael Ojeda, Edith Robles, Trey Wadsworth (StanCOG)

1. CALL TO ORDERChair Kari Casey called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.




A. Motion to Approve Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Minutes of 6/3/20

*By Motion (Member John Gerling/Member Minn Thein) and a unanimous vote, theBicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee approved the Consent Calendar.


A. Dibs Program Report and Bike to Work Month 2020


Item 8I

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Christine Haruta provided a presentation highlighting the services that Dibs offered and the results of their virtual Bike to Work Month. Yvette Davis provided information on a survey that Dibs had distributed to local employers regarding the programs and how they were working, and answered a member’s question.


A. FY 2020/21 State of Good Repair Program Project ListEdith Robles provided an overview of the State of Good Repair Program which was fundedfrom a portion of the new Transportation Improvement Fee on vehicle registrations paid to theCalifornia Department of Motor Vehicles. She reviewed how the funds were allocated toStanCOG and the transit operators. She stated that staff along with the transit operators proposedthat all regional funds for FY 2020/21 be allocated to extend the contract with GuaranteeJanitorial for the Regional Bus Shelter Cleaning Project which had been approved by theStanCOG Policy Board in December 2017. There was a brief conversation and a member hadhis question answered.

B. FY 2018/19 Measure L Oversight Committee Annual Report and Measure L IndependentAuditsKaren Kincy provided background information on the Measure L Expenditure Plan and statedthat the Certified Public Accounting firm of Hudson Henderson had completed their auditor’sreports for year ending June 30, 2019. She reported that there were two findings pertaining toincorrect reporting by two jurisdictions, the City of Ceres and the City of Oakdale. She reviewedthe findings and stated that both cases had been corrected by the agencies and in the StanCOGdatabase, and that neither jurisdiction was cited for compliance issues. She also reported that theMeasure L Oversight Committee had reviewed the audits and had issued an annual report thatwould be brought to the Policy Board at their August meeting. A brief discussion followed and amember had his question answered.

C. Non-Motorized Transportation Plan UpdateChris Jasper provided an update on the development of the Non-Motorized Transportation plan.He outlined what had been done to date and stated that information from public input would beused to identify local gaps and barriers and identify routes of regional significance. He reportedthat due to COVID-19 and social distancing restrictions, StanCOG had shifted its publicengagement process for the remainder of the project and reviewed the upcoming public inputstrategies. He stated that more information would be shared via email and the project website asit becomes available. He also stated the draft plan was anticipated to be shared in winter 2020and was expected to be presented to the Policy Board in early 2021. There was a discussion,Isael Ojeda provided some input and members had their questions answered.

D. StanCOG Regional Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety and Education CampaignChris Jasper provided an outline of the StanCOG Regional Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety andEducation Campaign which was funded by the Active Transportation Program to promotetransportation safety. He reviewed what had been done to date and stated that due to theCOVID-19 public health crisis, StanCOG was transitioning to an online format for all projectactivities and reviewed those activities. He also reported that a targeted advertising campaignwould be deployed across the Stanislaus region for four weeks, from mid-August through mid-September, that would include billboards, radio spots, bus wraps and digital ads on smart phoneapplications. He stated a half-day regional safety summit was expected to be held virtually inlate summer or early fall of 2020. He also stated that the project was expected to end in October


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2020 with the production of the implementation and planning toolkit and final report. Chair Casey stated that she had seen some of the advertisements and thought they were very good. She indicated that she then had to leave the meeting and passed the gavel over to Vice-Chair Gerling. There was a conversation and members had their questions answered.

7. MANAGEMENT REPORT On behalf of Rosa Park, Cindy Malekos thanked members for participating in the GoToMeeting and

stated the BPAC meetings would probably continue to be held viliually through the end of the year.

She also introduced Trey Wadsworth, the new StanCOG Principal Planner who would be involved in

long-range planning, programming and Measure L.

8. MEMBER REPORTS Member White stated he was very happy to see all of the Measure L roadwork around the County. He requested information regarding a schedule of upcoming projects so that bicyclists could avoid those areas during construction. Cindy Malekos referred him to the Measure L pages on the StanCOG website (www.stancog.org) where information on projects and a contact person for each of the jurisdictions was listed that could provide the information.

Vice-Chair Gerling reported that he was also happy with the roadwork being done and gave praise to the Stanislaus County Public Works Department regarding their response to requests for repair.

9. ADJOURMENT Vice-Chair John Gerling adjourned the meeting at 11 :34 a.m.

Next Regularly-Scheduled BPAC Meeting: October 7, 2020 (Wednesday)@ 10:00 am

Minutes Prepared By:

~~~&~ Carla Alviso, A inistrative Assistant

