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Copyright © 2017 Nutra Active Pte Ltd

All rights reserved.

Published by Derek Evans.

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Healthy Weight Management ....................................................................................................... 4

The Struggle ................................................................................................................................. 5

The Pitfalls ................................................................................................................................... 6

Proper Nutrition Is Key ................................................................................................................. 7

Managing Portions ....................................................................................................................... 8

What Is Protein ............................................................................................................................ 9

The Role Of Protein In Healthy Weight Loss ................................................................................ 11

Has A “Thermic Effect Of Food” (TEF) ............................................................................................... 11

Protein Will Boost Your Metabolism ................................................................................................ 11

How Protein Helps Regulate Appetite To Support Weight Loss .................................................... 13

Appetite Reducing Hormones .......................................................................................................................... 14

Good Protein Choices ................................................................................................................. 14

Poultry ...................................................................................................................................... 16

Lower Fat Pork Chop Cuts ........................................................................................................... 17

Fish............................................................................................................................................ 18

Seafood ..................................................................................................................................... 19

Dairy ......................................................................................................................................... 20

Legumes .................................................................................................................................... 21

Nuts & Nut Butters .................................................................................................................... 22

Seeds ......................................................................................................................................... 23

Soy Foods .................................................................................................................................. 24

Grains ........................................................................................................................................ 25

Vegetables ................................................................................................................................. 26

Fruit .......................................................................................................................................... 27

Snack ......................................................................................................................................... 28

Miscellaneous ............................................................................................................................ 29

Final Thoughts ........................................................................................................................... 30

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Healthy Weight Management

Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is crucial if you want to lead a healthy life.

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute notes that if you’re obese or overweight, you

are more likely to suffer from numerous health problems, including high blood pressure, type

2 diabetes, breathing problems, heart problems, and even certain types of cancer.

There are many different factors that can contribute to an individual’s weight, including

genetics, metabolism, eating habits, environment, and more. In order to lose weight, people

often choose either to go on an extreme diet or to go on a milder diet, but engage in physical

activity as well.

To make sure you lose weight consistently, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn

on a daily basis.

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The Struggle

So, if the whole secret behind losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume, why

is it so hard to lose weight?

First of all, most people don’t even realize the dedication you must have in order to live

healthy or simply aren’t prepared to start leading a healthier lifestyle.

They expect to lose a significant amount of weight in a very short period of time, which is why

fad diets are such a huge part of the multi-billion dollar weight loss industry. However, if you

want to succeed in losing weight, you can’t expect major changes to happen overnight, and

they will never happen with fad diets.

Secondly, eating habits are difficult to change. If you were used to consuming 3,000 or 3,500

calories every day, you’re going to notice the difference when you start eating only 2,000

calories a day. Even though the science behind losing weight may sound simple, it isn’t. You’ll

go through a lot of struggles and temptations.

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The Pitfalls

Here are a few reasons why most people find it very hard to lose a significant amount of


A calorie isn’t just a calorie. For example, eating a hundred calories of candy isn’t the same

as eating a hundred calories of vegetables. You need to make sure you always choose to

consume foods that both contain few calories and will make you feel full at the same time.

Eating foods that won’t make you feel full will lead you to potentially overeat, eventually

leading you to your old eating habits, thus stopping you from losing weight (as well as

reversing the effects all that you managed to accomplish up to that point).

An overly sedentary lifestyle. Some people simply don’t like exercising and are much more

comfortable going on an extreme diet instead. However, if you’re one of those people, then

you need to know that just because you don’t want to start exercising doesn’t mean that you

should lead an overly sedentary lifestyle. Instead, try walking for an hour in the morning

and/or at night, as well as standing more throughout the day.

Emotionally driven eating. Many people turn to food whenever they’re in a stressful situation

or when they’re sad or even angry. In most situations, these comfort foods aren’t really

healthy (some of the most popular comfort foods include chocolate, ice cream, and potato

chips). Emotionally driven eating will make you not care about the amount of food you’re

eating, and will most likely make you overeat.

Mindless eating. Wolfing down food while watching a TV show or while working has become

a very widespread eating habit, even though it is an extremely unhealthy one. Remember that

you should be eating until you don’t feel hunger anymore, and not until you feel like you’re

completely full or about to explode. It can be extremely hard to control how much you eat on

a daily basis if you’re a mindless eater.

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Proper Nutrition Is Key

If you’ve never been on a diet, then you need to know one thing – counting calories is

incredibly boring. However, if you stick to eating real whole foods, including fresh vegetables,

meats, fish and fruit, you won’t need to do any counting (as you’ll most likely feel full way

before you hit the calorie limit for that day).

If you eat the right way, you won’t find it hard to lose weight; actually, you’ll most likely enjoy

the process! The common misconception is that when people go on a diet, they should start

eating foods that aren’t tasty, and that they must force themselves to eat it just because they

want to lose weight…This is true for most fad diets that eliminate one thing or another, and

have dozens of rules that have to be followed.

However, effective weight loss that brings lasting results means making profound and lasting

changes in your diet habits and lifestyle choices, and not using some temporary fix that can

never bring lasting results.

This means you can choose which healthy foods you want to eat, you can experiment, as

you learn to make healthy choices, and you will not have to limit yourself to some diet’s rules.

It’s as simple as that.

There are so many healthy foods out there, you will find many that you can enjoy.

Remember that eating healthy shouldn’t feel like a chore, even if it may feel like one. It’s

perfectly understandable to feel that way when you suddenly make the switch to healthier

choices, especially if you’ve been making poor food decisions all your life – it’s not your fault

that processed foods and fast food restaurants are so prevalent nowadays.

Without the proper motivation, plan, and support, you’re most likely not going to succeed in

overhauling your entire lifestyle. Which is why it’s important to find something that helps you

overcome these obstacles.

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With this natural solution, many have found it easy – and almost effortless – to shed their

extra pounds and get their health in check. This helps them with transitioning to healthier

eating habits, because the results are clearly evident and they become extra motivated to

keep it that way. Click here if you want to find out more about this inexpensive trick that’s

helped many regain their confidence in their body.

Managing Portions

In order to lose weight, you’ll need to start eating in moderation. In order to make sure you

do that, you’ll have to start managing portions. Making sure you put smaller portions of the

food you eat on the plate will prevent you from overeating.

By serving your food in modest portions, you will not only help yourself lose weight, but you

will also spend less money on food. However, remember that you can also consume a lot of

calories when you eat snacks, which is why it’s also important to manage your snack portions

as well. Start using small plates for all your meals, and eat a small meal every 3 hour that you

are awake that consists of a protein, a carb, and a healthy fat.

Eating Real Whole Food, Eating Clean

Finally, the most important thing to remember when it comes to altering your diet with the

goal of losing weight is to consume only real whole food.

Avoid any type of unnatural, processed foods that contain artificial chemicals. Some of the

foods that you need to start avoiding today include vegetable oils, products that contain a lot

of sugar, artificial sweeteners, or trans fats.

Also, make sure you avoid any type of product labeled as ‘Diet’ or ‘Low-Fat,’ as they usually

contain a huge amount of artificial sweeteners or sugar.

Eating real food makes life simple and your weight much easier to manage.

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What Is Protein

Way before it became known in mainstream culture for helping you lose weight and making

your body look great, it was known as the most powerful nutrient in the world in the

bodybuilding and strength training world.

Protein is one of the three macronutrients (the other two being fats and carbohydrates), and

it has the ability to reduce your appetite, boost your metabolism, and change a number of

weight-regulating hormones. Proteins are essentially long chains of amino acids (essential

organic compounds).

There are numerous sources of protein, but they are most often found in animal products.

However, certain vegetables, legumes, and nuts also contain considerable amounts of the

macronutrient. In addition, there are the vegan sources, like tofu and tempeh.

There are two primary types of protein – complete and incomplete.

People are able to produce certain amino acids, but need to get others from food. There are

nine amino acids that we can’t produce, which are considered to be essential amino acids.

Foods that contain all of these nine essential amino acids are called complete proteins.

Most complete proteins come from animal products, including:

• Yogurt

• Cheese

• Meat Fish

• Milk

• Poultry

• Eggs

• Seafood

People who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet must make sure they consume enough complete


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Consuming insufficient amounts of protein on a daily basis can lead to certain health

problems, including low immunity, muscle, bone, and joint pain, mood swings, poor

concentration, low energy levels, diabetes, a sluggish metabolism, and more.

Of course, it won’t be too hard to find plant-based complete protein; you just need to be

aware of them and to make sure you consume them regularly.

Some of the most notable plant-based complete proteins include

• Hemp And Chia Seeds

• Quinoa

• Spirulina

• Buckwheat

According to the Food and Nutrition Board, 10 to 35% of your daily calories should come

from protein.

How many grams of protein you need to eat daily depends on your daily caloric intake


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The Role Of Protein In

Healthy Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, protein is without a doubt the most important macronutrient

that you can consume.

Has A “Thermic Effect Of Food” (TEF)

When you eat food, a portion of the calories you consume get used for metabolizing and

digesting it. This occurrence is known as the thermic effect of food.

And when it comes to protein, this macronutrient has an incredibly higher thermic effect

compared to fat and carbohydrates.

So, by consuming a lot of protein, your body will already start burning calories!

Protein Will Boost Your Metabolism

Protein feeds and preserves lean muscle mass, which can be lost during weight loss and which

increases metabolism even when the body is at rest. An increased metabolism means that

you’ll get a chance to burn more calories throughout the day (even while you’re sleeping).

According to the Departments of Nutrition of the Arizona State University East, following a

high-protein diet can help you burn as much as 80 to 100 calories every day just because of

the boost it will give to your metabolism.

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Here are some of the other things protein can do for you:

• Digests slowly to keep you full longer so you eat less

• Fuels fat burning

• Promotes muscle growth and repair

• Increases levels of appetite-reducing hormones, such as GLP-1, peptide YY and

cholecystokinin while also reducing levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin

• Studies show protein helps reduce out of control cravings and late night snacking

• It can lower your blood pressure

• Protein will improve your mood and balance hormones naturally

• It will help stabilize your blood sugar levels

• Protein is known for promoting healthy brain function, as it is needed in order to build

neurotransmitters, hormones, and enzyme

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How Protein Helps Regulate

Appetite To Support Weight Loss

One of the main advantages of protein is that it reduces your appetite. This will prevent you

from overeating and will definitely make it easier for you to consume fewer calories on a daily

basis. By consuming a higher amount of protein, you won’t have to put so much effort in

managing your portions or counting calories.

A study published by the American Society for Clinical Nutrition found that people who

followed a diet that consisted of 30% protein were able to start eating 441 calories less every


And you don’t need to be a nutritionist or a health expert to know that that’s a huge difference

in calorie intake.

By regulating your appetite, protein will also help you in cutting your cravings and reducing

your desires for late-night snacks. If you’ve ever been on a diet, then you probably know how

junk food cravings can intensify over time and reverse all your progress.

More often than not, it’s these junk food cravings and late night snacks that make people give

up on dieting and trying to lead a healthier life.

However, when you consume more protein, it will make it easier for you to forget about your

cravings. In order to make sure that you don’t overeat during the day, it’s probably best to

load up on the macronutrient when you eat breakfast.

1 http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/82/1/41.abstract

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There’s also another effective way to help you stay on track and not lose all your progress,

even if you end up having a self-proclaimed “cheat day”. This method gets right to the root of

your problem, and gives you everything you need on keeping those pounds off. Don’t believe

me? Click here to see it for yourself.

Appetite Reducing Hormones

Your weight is actively regulated by a part of your brain called the hypothalamus. The

hypothalamus is able to do this thanks to the fact that it receives signals from certain

hormones that have the ability to change in response to feeding.

By consuming a lot of protein, you will increase the levels of hormones such as cholecystokinin,

GLP-1, and peptide YY (all of which are known to reduce your appetite). On the other hand,

you will also be decreasing the levels of a hormone called ghrelin, which is a hunger hormone.

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Good Protein Choices

The following list of foods will help you find a way to incorporate more protein in your diet. It

doesn’t matter if you’re a vegan or not, as the list contains both great plant-based protein

and protein that comes from animal products.

Lean Red Meat

Grass-Fed Beef – Even though it’s pricier, know that eating grass-fed beef is a must if you

want to include more protein in your diet. Grass-fed beef is not only an incredible source of

protein, but it also contains fewer calories than conventional meat. It also contains a lot less

fat. 100 grams of grass-fed beef contains 19 grams of protein.

Bison – Although it doesn’t contain as much protein as ostrich meat, cooked grass-fed bison

meat is one of the best sources of the macronutrient. It contains less fat than grass-fed beef,

while it packs 25 grams of protein per 100 grams of the meat.

Eye Of Round

Sirloin Tip Top & Bottom Round

Top Sirloin 10% Or 15% Fat Ground Beef

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Chicken Breast – Popular among bodybuilders, chicken breast is known for being an awesome

source of protein. Just 100 grams of this meat will provide you with 31 grams of protein!

Ostrich – Although it may not be so popular, ostrich meat definitely provides you with

numerous health benefits. Not only does it have less fat than a chicken or a turkey, but 100

grams of ostrich meat contains 28 grams of protein! Not to mention that it will also help you

lose fat. In case you never tried it, don’t worry about finding it, it has become increasingly

widespread during the last few years, so it’s available in many supermarkets.


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Lower Fat Pork Chop Cuts


Loin Chop Sirloin Chop

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Wild Salmon – If you eat salmon regularly, you probably know that wild salmon can be quite

pricey compared to farmed salmon, but it has such a high price for a good reason. It is much

healthier, and will offer you more protein. For every 100 grams of wild salmon, there is 25

grams of protein.

Cod – This fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B-12, and protein. There

are two types of cod – Pacific and Atlantic. Pacific cod is known for having 15 grams of protein

per every 100 grams, while the latter contains 18 grams of protein. It’s also worth noting that

cod contains fewer calories than salmon.

Tuna (Fresh and canned)

Herring Trout

Swordfish Whitefish Sardines Mackerel Haddock Flounder Halibut Tilapia


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Crab Clams

Oysters Lobsters Mussels


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Greek Yogurt – This delicious and creamy treat contains 10 grams of protein per every 100

grams, and is even packed with certain good bacteria that are able to help you lose weight at

a faster rate. Know that Greek yogurt contains more than twice as much protein than regular

yogurt. You can consume it either on its own or you can add fruits to it.

Milk – When you’re buying milk, make sure you buy either the 1% fat or the non-fat kind. Cow

milk has 3.4 grams of protein per ever 100 grams, and will provide you with a huge number

of health benefits. Milk is known for boosting the immune system, preventing diabetes,

promoting bone health, protecting your heart, and helping you burn fat.

Boiled Eggs – Boiled eggs can be a great snack if you’re on a protein-rich diet. One large egg

contains roughly 6 grams of protein, and will also get you loaded up on antioxidants and iron.

Make sure you buy organic eggs whenever you can, as they hold much more nutritional value.

Low or Non-fat Cottage Cheese

Low Sodium Skim Mozzarella Cheese Parmesan & Romano Cheese

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Beans – Beans are not only great meat substitutes because of their taste, but because of their

protein content as well. 100 grams of boiled lima beans contains 8 grams of protein. On top

of that, they digest incredibly slowly, which will surely prevent you from overeating

throughout the day.

White beans – most protein of all beans

Lentils – 100 grams of boiled lentils contains 9 grams of protein, and only 0.4 grams of fat.

Lentils are great sources of iron, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B-6. However, know that

they also contain a good amount of calories (116 calories per 100 grams), considering that

they’re a plant-based food.

Adzuki Beans

Pinto Beans Kidney Beans Black Beans Navy Beans Lima Beans

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Nuts & Nut Butters

Cashews – These nuts are a great source of copper, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and

protein. There are 18 grams of protein in 100 grams of cashews. However, know that the

same amount of these nuts contains 553 calories!


Pistachios Almonds Pine Nuts

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Chia Seeds – Just like cashews, chia seeds also contain a lot of protein but are packed with

calories as well. Nevertheless, these seeds are extremely easy to incorporate into your diet,

as you can include them in almost any salad, smoothie, or dessert. 100 grams of chia seeds

holds 17 grams of protein.

Pumpkin Seeds – If you’re looking for the perfect protein-rich snack, then you don’t need to

look any further. A hundred grams of pumpkin seeds is packed with 19 grams of protein. They

are also an amazing source of fiber, healthy fats, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Sunflower Seeds (Dry Roasted)

Sesame Seeds Flaxseeds

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Soy Foods


Soy Nut Butter Tofu

Tempeh Soybean Sprouts

Edamame Soy Cheese

Soy Milk

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Wheat Germ

Wheat Wild Rice

Spelt Quinoa

Amaranth Buckwheat Rolled Oats

Hulled Barley Bulgur

Sorghum Millet

Rye Brown Rice

Soba Noodles

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Artichokes – Artichokes are known for having the highest antioxidant content out of all

vegetables. This food is a good source of magnesium, vitamin C, fiber, and protein. There are

4.2 grams of protein found in a medium-sized artichoke. Since the vegetable also contains a

lot of fiber, it will make you feel full for a longer period of time.

Spinach – There’s a pretty good reason why Popeye was such a big fan of spinach. Not only

does this vegetable contain a lot of iron, folate, vitamins, and antioxidants, but it also contains

3 grams of protein per every 100 grams (when it’s boiled). Although this may seem really low

compared to grass-fed beef, remember that spinach contains fewer calories. In fact, 100

grams of spinach contains 23 calories, while 100 grams of grass-fed beef contains 192 calories!

Green Peas – Legumes are generally very protein-rich, and peas are no exception. 100 grams

of green peas packs 5 grams of protein. On top of that, they are also a great source of dietary

fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin A. It’s a great idea to start including more green peas into your



Broccoli Asparagus

Sprouts Mushrooms

Brussels Sprouts Collard, mustard & beet Greens

Bamboo Shoots Squash

Sugar-Snap Peas Pak-Choi

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Guava – It’s hard to find fresh fruits that contain a good amount of protein. However, guava

is the perfect high-protein fruit. It contains 2.6 grams of protein per every 100 grams of the

fruit. Not to mention that guava also packs a huge amount of vitamin C (just 100 grams of

guava contains 380% of the daily value of this vitamin).

Passion Fruit

Avocado Pomegranate

Mulberry Blackberries

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Bean Chips

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Whey Protein Powder - Add to smoothies as meal replacement

Page 30: ©YourFatDestroyer.com | 2s3.amazonaws.com/Mentis/FatDestroyer/UltimateFatBurningSecret.pdfwant to lose weight…This is true for most fad diets that eliminate one thing or another,

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Final Thoughts

Protein will without a doubt support your weight loss efforts and this macronutrient is able

to provide you with more health benefits than you can count. However, remember that you

need to choose your protein wisely, especially if you’re a vegan or a vegetarian. Eating

complete proteins is essential for your health!

By following a high-protein diet, it will be much easier for you to lose weight, as the

macronutrient helps in regulating your appetite and boosting your metabolism, which will

help you burn calories at a faster rate.

For those of you who are satisfied with changing your diet and losing weight at a gradual pace,

that’s absolutely fantastic. You’ve now learnt the secret to shedding those pounds with

healthy eating, and giving your body the protein it needs.

However, if you’re one of those who simply don’t have the patience and want to take your

weight loss one step further, you’re in luck. This comprehensive solution details all the factors

that go into weight loss, helping you to accelerate your results – click here to check it out, and

I guarantee you won’t regret it.

Stay well and take care!
