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ALL MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED IN TRIBUNE IS ......frilia. Magôr-a,d. ' »-.'.'

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¦ h. xTTTTir vn-RTT TRTRTT1VE. ALL MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED IN # TRIBUNE IS GUARANÁ!) S ATURDA Y, NOVEMBER. 1, 1919 * * ? $ 3 Vol. LXXIX KajWIS First to Lmtt.the Truth: News ¦ Editorials Advertisements WEATHER Partly cloudy and cooler to-day and to¬ morrow; fresh west »ind» lull Report <>n P«a;c :<> efe [Copyright, 101», New York Tribun« Ine.l SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1919 * * * * i In Greater New Vork and TWO CENTS j within rnmmutinc <li«tnnr* 1 MM F r ' B.VTI y Iwwhrrl Co^l Miners Strike Against the United States; __ Injunction Fails to Halt Walk-out; Nation Ready "Gun Play' in Liquor Raids Here Barred Revenue Officers Using Pistols Except in Self- Defense Will Be Dis- charged, Says Mager ¡75 Per Cent of Saloons Closed But Thirsty Can Get Beer and Even Whisky if They Know the Waiter H .was announced yesterday at the Custom House, headquarters ít war¬ time prohibition enforcement, that hereafter any interna] reverme agent who displays a pisto! while making » raid, except in self-defense, would be discharged. The announcement was' made hj I!. \V. Mager, chief of all the c uni revenue agents m the United Stales, who came hero ;o relieve Col. D. 1.. Porter, supervising agent in the New York division, who had been -re¬ cree.í to Washington. Mr. Mager said he expected to re¬ main ¡u el ivrge of the New York di¬ vision uni:', next Tuesday. He sa.id thai so far as he knew,\Colone] Porter '«ouul return to New N*ork then. lio denied positively that Colonel Porter liad been removed from Jyew York be¬ tau c of the spectacular raids that Lad been made o> >;\w York ..saloons with Blue Kidge n.-»unfein moonshine raid frilia. Magôr -a,d. '¦»- .'.'<. wr. mal. he »'a making a 'personal Investigation ¦¦.' ;. raid that had been made in he New Yorkr di"ision m which it was" .. 'arms had ticen ;'s nlayed bj t.'v men o? his départirent. ¡ In each i' ='ance that he had inv> --.i- gated, Mi Magi said, he found i'«at i,;; nen id been justified in disr .- rtg th< weapons. He also mad« a dear his n would be oíhci. y back«-' up ¡n th< rformance of t! 75 Per ( \re Closed «eventy-tive r cent of the 5,598 saloons in gn itr New York have closed their doors, according to m. pn rt made o M i d agi r y< sterda.] He refei ed to tin tioi of 800 Hi ooklyn salounkei pei w ¡iu ed al a meet ¡ng to c!i e up and s'ay closed until wartime prohibition on a cohol is removed, and also to 250 Bronx saloonkei pei who dci ded to eiosp uj !. iloonki pers are osing one by one, In aid. The '-.'."> per cent w h n re keep ng open, Mr. Mage said, w ere fo r ¦¦ n ost part :onduct ng pi mati trade in one- half of 1 pei c-i nt I.r and thi ? of food. He xpn ;sed the belii :' hat t hen ven irpi =.ingU fi w \ iolators Nev York "We are look ng for bootleg places,"! Mr. Mager aid, "We shall keep look ng for them, loo We i ealize ; ha t I he i\ en u< agi me ca n't foi ce this iiv will take i-1;';! c sentiment to rio it Po] ee Comm ioner En i ight is cooperating with us, and has placed en at oui sposal, We are \ ery appreciative, fi they are valuable "Thus far there have been about ' h irt\ raids ': New York. Including nesses, n bout fo rt y pi rsons ha ve hi en a rrested There are evera] im portant points that I .¦¦ ant the n ted States Àttoriii y to clear up for us >n he one ion of v hat con ti tutes » violai this law." Customer Ma> Be Guilty M ge r nd cati il that , in a violation might extei ropne- tor !" barti ider to customei once rning the in bei n n \e\\ v ork to ei said "There an about tei or; of ficera and abou dc| in re. ; *i 'icse men are making prtcl ieall\ all J the arrests, and in every rnid J believe one of the ten su perv orj off c< has been pre Karl of he Hi .'¦ ollectors of ii mal revenue in this I «''.;. ¡sion ha en requested rom , Washington to irn over to this work I J*ll the men available. Tins will 1" I elude many who have been encaged it: I ia.\ work. The department of justice men and other government employees arc to work with us. Their el ief wi rk will be to gather information almut violations. The experienced statt' of revenue agents will make practically all ee arrests." Bo< r could be bought without much difficulty in many of those satoong which remained open yesterday, ff fh«,l bartender wn usl about ..¦ a friendly fashion he mighl volunt r toe information that Hi« beer had been diluted until it was of legal weakness. !f the customer appeared doubtful the bartender, in tit least one café, would offer to let them do their own dilut ng There v ere no taker -. Some Hard Stuff To Be Had Whisky and other hard liquor were Available in certain back rooms As a rule the waiters in such places car¬ ried flat botties in the coat pockets and poured the customer's drink In ease of surprise these purveyors were prepared to destroy the evidence by dropping it on the floor. Two hundred saloonkeepers in the 2d Ward of Queens, which includes a part of Middle Village, Cilendalo, Ever¬ green and Ridgewood, closed their places at midnight. ,Beforc the war in Hoboken there were 332 saloons Then the army fixed a dry sone, and all but (07 saloons were clocpr) Early yesterday it was (trape vlned from bar to bar that the revenue agents were on 'hen way to Hoboken. At 8 o'clock in the morning th re were ('«»tinned on page < ig i Grand Jurors Ask Swann to ! I Sign Waiver District Attorney Says He Won't Act on Own immunity Except in Regular Jury Session Justice Weeks Holds Conference Report Says W. R. Hearst Is To Be Witness in I.R.T. Conspiracy Probe The extraordinary grand Jury, which has appealed both to Justice Weeks and Governor Smith to oust District Attorney Swann from direc¬ tion of its inquiry into Mayor Hy- lan's Interborough strike conspiracy charges, asked the District Attorney to appear before '. yesterday. Mr. Swann complied and went to the grand jury room, where the jurors were sitting informally as individuals before going into regular session. There, it was said, the District Attor¬ ney was asked if he would be willing to sign a waiver of immunity if asked to appear as a witness in the investi¬ gation. "¦¦'. r. Swann is said to have replied that he would not answer this question unless it were asked formally by the grand jury in regular session. Where- upon the grand jury, which, through Raymond F. Almirall. its foreman, told Governor Smith that unless special legal counsel outside Mr. Swann's of¬ fice were assigned it a crime complete¬ ly overshadowing Mayor Hylan's Inter- borough conspiracy allegations might "escape detection," promptly convened in its ollicial capacity. Grand Jury Room Secret Mr. Swann was in the room when th" jury began functioning as an of¬ ficial body. Whether the juy then formally renewed its immunity waiver inqu ry is a grand jury secret. Sh irtly after this the jurors, headed by Mr. Almirall, went down to the first floor of the courts building. The jurors filed into the Criminal Trial Term of 'Supreme Court, while Mr. Almirall we'nt into conference with Justice Weeks, who presides over the jury, in the latter's chamber. A few min¬ utes later Mr. Swann and Alfred J. Tal- ley, his chief assistant, joined them. At - o'clock Justice Weeks sent out word suggesting that the jurors take lunch. A score, of reporters, court attache« and attendants were in the court room just before ft p. m., when the jurors returned, and Justice Weeks went on the bench. He looked at the crowd and said: "The grand jury has requested cer¬ tain information from the court in re¬ gard to the conduct of its business, and this is a private session of the grand jury. AH those other than grand jurors, their stenographer, the District Attorney and his staff will leave the room." Swann Starts Objection The newspaper men and regular court attachés started for the doors. District Attorney Swann interposed: "J believe, your honor, that the grand jury had tiled into open court"- "Mr. District Attorney, I have stated the purpose of this meeting," Justice Weeks interrupted. Very well," said Mr. Swann. The courtroom was cleared, Alfred J. Talley, Alexander I. Korke, Robert M. Johnstone and William ('. Petty, assist¬ ants to Mr, Swann, remaining with their chief. After a secret session which lasted until 4:30 o'clock the grand jury, which through its foreman had told Governor Smith that Mr. Swann had "seriously impeded" its examination of tho city editor of ''The New York American," Victor J. Watson, and Mayor Dylan, both summoned in connection with the transit inquiry, adjourned until day after to-morrow. Justice Weeks, District Attorney Swat n and Mr. Almirall all declined to discuss the proceedings. It was rumored that the jury was considering calling William Randolph Hearst as a witness. A presentment on the traction situ¬ ation has been expected from the grand jury. It was reported yesterday that tiie jury had decided to hold off this communication, which was rumored to be an arraignment of several prom- inent New Yorkers, because of the fear that if filed before election it [might be construed as done for politi- jcal effect. Laundry Strikers Win In Fourth of Shops Unüon (;et8 Closed Shop and 35 t*er Cent Increase for 7,000 More thfcn 25 per cent of the striking hand laun^y worker.s went back to work yester4av> having won their de- mends, according to an announcement made last night by Vernon B. Smith, -president ot the strike committee of the several New York locals of the I International I-aundrv Workers' Union, It was also announced that one inde-! pendent steam laundry has acceded to the union demands. , \ As a result of the settlement abejut -.000 workers have returned to work. It is expected that the rest of the hand laundry owners will soon reach agree¬ ments with the union leaders. Under the new terms, the workers Win have union recognition, closed shops and wage increases averaging! abovt 35 p(,r ,.(..(, There has been an Increase in prices as a result of the .trike. f. ê "Choose Ye This Day Whom Yr Shall Serve'' (Copyright. I'm:., New \\>r¡< Tribune Inc.) j5 Longshore j Locals Vote To End Strike ,To Return to Work To-day; Insurgent F a o t i o n Is Willing to Go Bark for 85 C e 111 « an IT o u r Striking longshoremen of five locals usually employed in the t'helsea dis- trict, including I.oca! 791, the "key" organisation of the international body, voted unanimously yesterday to re- turn to work a1 o'clock this morn- ing. A committee that conferred with the shipping interests reported the shipowners would grant no further in¬ creases, hence advised the men to re- turn to work until December I, when the National Adjustment. Commission would reopen their case. The return of the Chelsea dockers was taken by marine men to indicate a collapse of the walk-out which has tied up shipping since October S. The end of the. entire trouble is expected by Monciay. The insurgent faction, at a meeting with the Conciliation Commission headed by the Mayor, at City Hall last night, proposed that if the shipowners would agree to give the strikers 85 cents an hour and $1.25 fo- overtime, beginning December 1, the men would go back to work at once. When Mayor Dylan conveyed this offer over the 'plione to Frederick Toppin, vice-presi¬ dent of the. International Mercantile Marine, Mr. Toppin replied he didn't have the authority to accept any offer. The Mayor then advised the men that as he was unable to do anything with the shipping people they should re¬ turn to work until December 1. When told that strikebreakers were getting from 8"> cents to $1 an hour and $2 for overtime he said he would investigate the report. Richard J. Butler, leader of the in¬ surgents, was arrested yesterda^ on a charge of disorderly conduct when lie got into an argument with a detective in a saloon at Thirteenth Avenue and Twenty-fourth Street. He was paroled by Magistrate .McQuade for a rehearing on November 6. Mayor Dylan had informed Butler's men that further parleys were useless, as the shipowners and the United States Shipping Board were determined to employ such men as they could get, union or non-union. The taking of a strike vote by 5.000 freight handlers of Local ti7t> was de¬ ferred yesterday. T. V. O'Conner, president of the International Long- shoremen's Association, announced that about 9,000 men were back at work on the waterfront, and that the situation in the harbor was vastly im¬ proved. The Director of Public Safety in Ho- boken, following the example of the Mayor of Jersey City, refused to per- mit a number of workers to u<> to work, saying they were strikebreakers from Manhattan. Strike Puts Partit Rican Troops on Rice Ration SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, Oct. 31. Because of the continuance of the dock strike at N'cvv York and the con¬ sequent failure of food supplies to reach Porto Rico, Governor Yager has sent this message to Washing¬ ton: "The stock of provision« in Porto Rico, especially flour, rice and pota¬ toes, has greatly diminshed. Unless vessels arrive immediately with pro¬ visions very serious conditions will arise. Soldiers of the Porto Rico regiment have been reduced to a rice ration, If the strike corn ¡nues a transport with provisions, especially rice, flour and potatoes, should be sent to Porto Rico. The price of flour has nearly doubled in the last few days.'' The Department of Justice has re¬ quested the public to report instances of profiteering. Sausage Workers" Strike Shuts Shop Bolshevistic' ' Demands Would Raise Drivers to $245 a If eek\ 9Tis Said Bolshevism has invaded the ranks of bologna artisans and lias inspired them to aim a blow at the foundation of the sausage industry, Adolph Göbel, provision merchant, announced yester¬ day. Mr. Göbel's plant in Brooklyn closed its doors yesterday when 500 employees went on strike. The strikers are composed of those who prepare the pelts in which bolognas make thc-ir ap¬ pearance in the world and those who fill the skins after they have been pre¬ pared. The men demand the closed shop. Rather than give in Mr. Göbel closed his shop himself. Officials of the company said they were willing to grant any reasonable demand" to the strikers. But these, they charge, insist they won't return to work until the driver? of the com- pany and the outside salesmen organize. The drivers and outside sales¬ men, officials say, don't war:' to or¬ ganize. So the plant has been shut dow n. In a lengthy statement, Mr. Göbel charged that the defection of the bologna ¿raftsmen was the first step in a plot to taki' over the plant and run it for the benefit of the workers. "Preposterous as it may seem," he said, "the present strike in my plant, if I yielded to its demands, would mean that my drivers would receive up to $245.50 a week. To their credit, they fully realize the folly of these demands and are opposed to them. "Other details of the strike are just as impossible of consideration and I have determined, therefore, in the in¬ terest of sound citizenship to close my plant until such time as its operations are no longer dictated by Bolshevist agitators.". Warned Berlin To Beware U. S., Savs Hoi I weg Prolest Against < nileresti« mating America if She Entered the War IuiíIímI ifter Hindenburg's Pira BERLIN, (Jet. Ill (By The Associated Press) Von Bethmann-IIollweg, Her¬ man Chancellor during the greater part, of the war, spent nearly two hours in the witness chair to-day be¬ fore the National Assembly sub-com¬ mittee which is investigating what had been the possibilities for bringing about, peace during the war. The former Chancellor said ho sharply condemned the submarine war¬ fare, but admitted the influence of Ad¬ miral von Tirpitz, General Luder.dorff and Field Marshal von Iiindenburg was so strong that the German people were absolutely convinced of its justifica¬ tion and followed their generals blindly. His voice almost broke with emotion as he related his responsibility to the people,at, home and the soldiers in the trenches. When he tried to oppose the submarine war, he said, General Ludendorff telegraphed the Foreign Ornee after an inspection of the West front and von Hindenburg wired that Germany would lose the campaign and that she must have the submarine war. Confident of Handling United States ¡t was considered finally, according t.. the former Chancellor, that eve/i America, should she enter the war, could he handled, and the army au¬ thorities threw down the gauntlet to political figures who opposed the sub¬ marine campaign. Warnings not to underestimate America, which the former Chancellor said he issued, failed of their put- pose bi cause, he declared. intense hatred of America ruled solidly in all political circles owing to the delivery of ammunition to the Entente by the United States. The committee requested answers from Dr. von Bethmann-Holweg, who was Chancellor when the war began and held office until July 14, 1917, to the following three questions,: "First Why did Hie ('(Mitral Powers make their peace offer on December 12, 1916, when action by President Wilson for peace had been suggested by Ger¬ many and a certain prospect of such action was held out, at tue iatest, for the end of December'.' Conditions of Peace "Second Why were concrete peace conditions not communicated to Presi¬ dent Wilson ? "Third Why, instead of pursuing the idea of action tou'ird peace by President Wilson, did Germany assent to ruthless submarine warfare if she knew it would lead to war with the United States ?" Dr. von Bethmann-IIollweg acknowl¬ edged that the facts e tablished in the course of the proceedings were correct Continued on page aeren Gompers and Stone Side With Lewis Federation and Railway Unions'' Heads Deeline to Help Avert Tie-Up ; Critieize Court Order New Disturbances By Labor Predicted War Priority Rules on Coal Shipments Are Re¬ vived by Government New York Tribune Washington ll-irm-i WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. Organized labor of the United States virtually decided to-night not to use its good offices to avert the bituminous coa! strike set for midnight, or to induce the striking miners to submit their diff.'ronces with the operators to «urbi- 'ration through a Presidential com¬ mission. This became apparent after confer¬ ences nt the Department of Justice to¬ day between Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer and Warren S. Stone, of the Brotherhood of Locomotive engineers, and other leaders of the railroad employees und between Mr. Palmer and Samuel Gompers and othei officials of. the American Federation of Labor. Late to-day Mr. Stone and his col ¦leagues and Mr. Gompers and othe: officials of the federation who saw Mr Palmer talked over the situation fo two hours, discussing the Attorney General's suggestion that these labo leaders might be able to clarify th' issue by advising the miners to cal' the strike. Criticizes Injunction Alter the conference Mr. Gomper issued a statement in which he showe clearly the federation's sympathy fo the miners, made ijo reference to cali ing oil* the strike and predicted that th injunction granted to-day bv a Federa court in 'ndianapolis against the lead ers of the mine workers "can only re suit in creating new and more disturb ing issues, which may not be confine' solely to the miners." Mr. Stone refused to say whether h> and his colleagues indorsed the Gom pers statement, but when asked if h had tried or would try to get th' miners to arbitrate and call off thi st rike, he said "1 do not believe we will." Although the details of the confer ence between the labor leaders were no disclosed, it vas believed to-night tha i or the present there is no grea clanger o) a general strike, or of om involving the brotherhoods. How fa this feeling may change, if the strike be comes a bitter warfare and the govern tuent is forced to use drastic means ti protect itself and the people of tin country, no official here would predict Precaution Decided Upon The failure of the most importan branches of organized labor, however to try to stop the strike left offkia Washington convinced that about all ! can now hope for is to take every pos sible precautionary measure to pro tect the nation from profiteering, dis tribute available coal and see that al miners who want to work are protectei in so doing. The other principal developments to day were : Director General Hines of the rail¬ road administration issued an order to his regional directors providing for the distribution of bituminous comí to the railroads and other indu«- tries in detailed order of precedence. President V\ il: on issued an execu- tive order reestablishing price fixing and control regulations governing bituminous coal. Fuel Administrator Harry A. Gar- field signed an order reviving the dis- tribution ami diversion orders under which the old list of priorities goes back into effect immediately. He in- timated anthracite coal would be in- eluded if anj attempt at profiteering were observed. The House by a heavy vote adopted the Senate resolution pledging sup- port to the Administration in the ef- forts to meet "the present industrial emergency." .Injunction Is Criticized The conferences at the Departmei: of Justice between the railroad brotl erhood officials and Mr. Palmer, an between those of the American Federt tion and the same officials, continue most of the afternoon. There was n disposition on the part of any of tii labor leaders to tii reaten the Attorne General with a strike by the brothei hoods or by the organizations men hers of the Federation, but labor plair ly stated its views of the seriousnes of the crisis, and there was some tall at least on the part of the brothei hood chiefs, about the possibility c their not being able to hold their me if the strike goe.? into effect arid th government resorts to drastic measure to break it. Both the brotherhood chiefs an those from the federation criticize the use of the injunction in the miner ensp, but Mr. Paiiner made it clea that he regards it as an exceptions ease and entirely different from on in which an employer of labor use this process of the courts to prever a strike. In the railroad brotherhood confpi ence besides Mr. Stone and the Attoi ney General were L. E, Shepperd, r the conductors; Bert M. Jewell, of th shopmen; J. J. Forrester, of the rai road clerks; L. J. Ross, of the ra'lwa telegraphers, and T. J. McMamara, c the firemen. With Mr. Gompers wer Continued on page three Baker Transfers Troops to Meet Strike Emergency General Bullard Sent to Governors Island to Take Full ('Iwrge of tlie Eastern District New York Triïun* XVanhii>o1on Burea WASHINGTON, Oct. 3] W li movements of troops are now way for the purpose of concentration in the coal area. Can .¦- in the Eastern and Central departments of the arm are particuiarly affected by order1 sei t from Washington directing t le mi ment of many units from po:::*«; where they are not needed to strategic mobil ization points near the mines. Secretary Baker declined to-day to say how many troops had been moved closer to the territorv of the bitu minous miners. He withheld the actual strength of tiie troops ava strike duty. Lieutenant General Robert T. P larri, the new command! r of ti e !' partment of the East, was dispatch« I to Governor's Island yesterday Secretary of War to direct tl ment of troop-- that may be service in the Pennsylvania and Mai land coal fields. General Bullard was given full authority by the War Do part to respond to any calls fro state officials. Major General Leonard Wood mander m' th» Central Department likewise has been given wide o ". tionary powers by the U ar Depart to act in any emergency tl at ma> ai ¦¦< "There have beet, some ove ni of troop- to the Centra: Department and to the Eastern Department." Sei tary ¡taker admitted. "Some additional men have been sent to Camp Grunt, at Rockford, and other camps in General Wood's territory, and understand ome men have been garrisoned ¦.' ('amps Upton and Meade, and p Camp Dix, in the Eastern Department. The War Department will not ai n the number of troops at any camp not give details of any movements of forces." HUNTINGTON, W. Va.. Oct 31 Four hundred soldiers arrived here from Camp Taylor, Ky., a" 6 p strike duty in the West Virginia coal tields. The men were not permitted to leave the cars, and it was -..id their disposition would not be knowi (tie remainder of the battalion, now o the way, was here. A second troop train and a Bupply train arrived here a' 7:23 o'clock. Major Charles L. Coulter, intelligence officer, said the troops would remain in Huntington pending further orders from General Wood. The men, ;t was stated, would remain in the cars until such orders had been received. Later it was officially nnnounced Colonel W. II. Harrell, command:ng the battalion, would proceed at nee to Charleston, where headquarters would be established. He was to be accompanied by the machine gun com¬ pany, while one company of infantr> was to be sent to Beckley, and another to Clothier. Beclfley is an iihportan mining center in the mountains Raleigh County. Clothier Boone County, on . ua! River. DENVER. Oct. 31. Three companies of state troops, mobilized,- at Goldei to-night, were ordered to proceed im- mediately to the coal tields at Freder ick, Co.. They are to entrain at 11 o'clock. Troops mobilized at Trin dad will proceed to the BOUthera coal tields to-morrow, it was announced at the Capitol. KNOXVILLE, Oct. 31. Major Gen¬ eral E. M. Lewis, it was announced here to-night, has ordered three panies of Federal troops to Kno\< to be ready to enter the coal fields East Tennessee or Eastern Kentucky in event trouble arises follow :r., strike of miners. The men are to be sent from Camp Cordon. SPRINGFIELD. tier .;¦ !.. soft coal miners, who went on strike late to-day, were encouraged ii r culars prepare! to-night by Frank Far rington, district miners' president, to pay no attention to threats that In would be used. «AMP SHERMAN. hillicothe, O tio, Oct. 31. Military officials at < amp Sherman said to-day they were pre¬ pared to hold troops ready to entrain for coal strike regions Thej declared a battalion of 5'JO men drilled in ¦¦.¦.-; and riot work could be entra ned an hour after receipt of order- Of>erators Indorse U. S. Strike Inquiry Heady to Submit issues to Tribunal Appoint¬ ed by the President CLEVELAND. Oct. 31. The first step toward a possible arbitration of differences between soft coal operators and approximately 600,000 minei in the threatened coal strike, scheduled for midnight, was taken here to-day at a conference of the executive com¬ mittee of the central compel tive coal field by the adoption, unanimously, ol a resolution welcoming an investiga tion of the strike by a tribunal wl ich President Wilson may appoint. Fol¬ lowing this action the conference ad¬ journed. In the resolution 'he operators ré¬ affirme«! acceptance of Preside..« Wil¬ son's proposal of October 24 and wel¬ comed an investigation by a tribunal appointed bv him with a view to an early settlement of the question at issue. Possibility of the mines being worked seems remote, according to some of the operators, who said some states require an examination of ail mine workers and there might not be enough men to pass this examination. At the sama time, however, they declare they will keep the mines open and do all in their power to continue them in operation, if tha government so order*« Federal Writ Is Defied as í n ion sOuiO Operators Watch Battlojj From Side Lines ¿yf Government Prepar I to Keep Mine-. Runni* Garfield is Given Full Power to \c, Welfare of Public Alad Main Issue as 100,000 WOrker« De-crt Shaft« Bj I heodore M Kna] ¦.>.'¦ aga midnight dn ..:¦!. K11 o r . » B. A e r s o n, . . trict Co govern ment ' V\ \ attacker ii t ri ke t h e mines virtu principals in the trial ¦... e that su its to ai bor, but ... bor, rei>r< ia I < all Vnswered bj 100 Lai >t reports or.1 ( oloi -ter and C'hri^tia ai d in a numbei v ere ¡emptod u I . was cp ned except men we; 4 der £f tions" ii ' il» cernei 01 ¡igned agreement j not dei -- .he P Ï: Interest Involved order | ,,: tin ting M V. carrying 01 any 01 t . ! '.ai ly suppose d to '.. essent PUCCI .' ' v legal repre I ffi aga;i ».el fare peopl Li e Le v e 1 :. road admin .* ral court acted ...¦- fl ".'¦ > B Aim -, A . 1 ai - : ;..¦ again .: pn » Cl 1 0 v. ceed '¦¦ ho strain tig order I tive ores- :at m 1 ¦if. si 1 nlun 1 < .-.der-. « ¡ted B 9 rail g and :. and distrii of the I Mine Workers of An . ' * cia! apa I bei>¦.-.' biding, ci and all othe pers * ever "a re . leii mi a ge a t i ! and n ne rkers .1 id de fendant? take effect at n ; .: ¦. o be « * . need or ot erw 4 .. and refrain from don - . .-, i irt ..-r m'* what so« ver to c «Wt. : he above d< scribed it *- tion from » ork 1. pari -.e m iners and n ine worki mino ¦.- from .' r.e ¦¦!'.!¦ me rs of lo< al I union -, for the puri strike :n effect, or for the supporting such strikr by bi about or maintaining anj other Btrikes; from issuing any ins ictiol .. or oral, covering or arranging f . la details of enforcing ch sti dered to begin at n ht on >>¦?.,', SI, 1919; from issuing any tnostgj« ^J
Page 1: ALL MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED IN TRIBUNE IS ......frilia. Magôr-a,d. ' »-.'.'




SATURDAY, NOVEMBER. 1, 1919 * * ? $ 3

Vol. LXXIX KajWISFirst to Lmtt.the Truth: News ¦ Editorials Advertisements

WEATHERPartly cloudy and cooler to-day and to¬

morrow; fresh west »ind»lull Report <>n P«a;c :<>

efe[Copyright, 101»,

New York Tribun« Ine.l SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1919 * * * * i In Greater New Vork andTWO CENTS j within rnmmutinc <li«tnnr*1 MM F r ' B.VTI

y Iwwhrrl

Co^l Miners Strike Against the United States;__

Injunction Fails to Halt Walk-out; Nation Ready"Gun Play' inLiquor RaidsHere Barred

Revenue Officers UsingPistols Except in Self-Defense Will Be Dis-charged, Says Mager

¡75 Per Cent ofSaloons Closed

But Thirsty Can Get Beerand Even Whisky ifThey Know the Waiter

H .was announced yesterday at theCustom House, headquarters ít war¬time prohibition enforcement, thathereafter any interna] reverme agentwho displays a pisto! while making »

raid, except in self-defense, would bedischarged. The announcement was'made hj I!. \V. Mager, chief of all the

c uni revenue agents m the UnitedStales, who came hero ;o relieve Col.D. 1.. Porter, supervising agent in theNew York division, who had been -re¬cree.í to Washington.

Mr. Mager said he expected to re¬main ¡u el ivrge of the New York di¬vision uni:', next Tuesday. He sa.idthai so far as he knew,\Colone] Porter'«ouul return to New N*ork then. liodenied positively that Colonel Porterliad been removed from Jyew York be¬tau c of the spectacular raids that Ladbeen made o> >;\w York..saloons withBlue Kidge n.-»unfein moonshine raidfrilia.

Magôr -a,d. '¦»- .'.'<. wr. mal. he»'a making a 'personal Investigation¦¦.' ;. raid that had been made inhe New Yorkr di"ision m which it was"

.. 'arms had ticen ;'snlayed bj t.'v men o? his départirent. ¡In each i' ='ance that he had inv> --.i-gated, Mi Magi said, he found i'«ati,;; nen id been justified in disr .-

rtg th< weapons. He also mad« adear his n would be oíhci. yback«-' up ¡n th< rformance of t!

75 Per ( \re Closed«eventy-tive r cent of the 5,598saloons in gn itr New York have

closed their doors, according to m.

pn rt made o M i d agi r y< sterda.]He refei ed to tin tioi of 800Hi ooklyn salounkei pei w ¡iu edal a meet ¡ng to c!i e up and s'ayclosed until wartime prohibition ona cohol is removed, and also to 250Bronx saloonkei pei who dci ded toeiosp uj !. iloonki pers areosing one by one, In aid. The '-.'.">

per cent w h n re keep ng open, Mr.Mage said, w ere fo r ¦¦ n ost part:onduct ng pi mati trade in one-half of 1 pei c-i nt I.r and thi ? offood. He xpn ;sed the belii :' hat

t hen ven irpi =.ingU fi w \ iolatorsNev York"We are look ng for bootleg places,"!

Mr. Mager aid, "We shall keep lookng for them, loo We i ealize ; ha t I hei\ en u< agi me ca n't foi ce thisiiv will take i-1;';! c sentiment to

rio it Po] ee Comm ioner En i ightis cooperating with us, and has placed

en at oui sposal, We are \ eryappreciative, fi they are valuable

"Thus far there have been about' h irt\ raids ': New York. Including

nesses, n bout fo rt y pi rsons ha vehi en a rrested There are evera] important points that I .¦¦ ant the n tedStates Àttoriii y to clear up for us>n he one ion of v hat con ti tutes

» violai this law."Customer Ma> Be GuiltyM ge r nd cati il that , in

a violation might extei ropne-tor !" barti ider to customei

once rning the in bei n n\e\\ v ork to ei said

"There an about tei or; officera and abou dc| in re. ;*i 'icse men are making prtcl ieall\ all Jthe arrests, and in every rnid J believeone of the ten su perv orj off c<has been pre Karl of he Hi .'¦

ollectors of ii .¦ mal revenue in this I«''.;. ¡sion ha en requested rom ,

Washington to irn over to this work IJ*ll the men available. Tins will 1" Ielude many who have been encaged it: Iia.\ work. The department of justicemen and other government employeesarc to work with us. Their el ief wi rkwill be to gather information almutviolations. The experienced statt' ofrevenue agents will make practicallyall ee arrests."

Bo< r could be bought without muchdifficulty in many of those satoongwhich remained open yesterday, ff fh«,lbartender wn usl about ..¦ afriendly fashion he mighl volunt r toe

information that Hi« beer had beendiluted until it was of legal weakness.!f the customer appeared doubtful thebartender, in tit least one café, wouldoffer to let them do their own dilut ngThere v ere no taker -.

Some Hard Stuff To Be HadWhisky and other hard liquor were

Available in certain back rooms Asa rule the waiters in such places car¬ried flat botties in the coat pocketsand poured the customer's drink Inease of surprise these purveyors wereprepared to destroy the evidence bydropping it on the floor.Two hundred saloonkeepers in the

2d Ward of Queens, which includes apart of Middle Village, Cilendalo, Ever¬green and Ridgewood, closed theirplaces at midnight.,Beforc the war in Hoboken there

were 332 saloons Then the army fixeda dry sone, and all but (07 saloons wereclocpr) Early yesterday it was (trapevlned from bar to bar that the revenueagents were on 'hen way to Hoboken.At 8 o'clock in the morning th re were

('«»tinned on page < ig i

Grand JurorsAsk Swann to!

I Sign WaiverDistrict Attorney SaysHe Won't Act on Ownimmunity Except inRegular Jury Session

Justice WeeksHolds Conference

Report Says W. R. HearstIs To Be Witness inI.R.T. ConspiracyProbeThe extraordinary grand Jury,

which has appealed both to JusticeWeeks and Governor Smith to oustDistrict Attorney Swann from direc¬tion of its inquiry into Mayor Hy-lan's Interborough strike conspiracycharges, asked the District Attorney toappear before '. yesterday.

Mr. Swann complied and went to thegrand jury room, where the jurorswere sitting informally as individualsbefore going into regular session.There, it was said, the District Attor¬ney was asked if he would be willingto sign a waiver of immunity if askedto appear as a witness in the investi¬gation.

"¦¦'. r. Swann is said to have repliedthat he would not answer this questionunless it were asked formally by thegrand jury in regular session. Where-upon the grand jury, which, throughRaymond F. Almirall. its foreman, toldGovernor Smith that unless speciallegal counsel outside Mr. Swann's of¬fice were assigned it a crime complete¬ly overshadowing Mayor Hylan's Inter-borough conspiracy allegations might"escape detection," promptly convenedin its ollicial capacity.

Grand Jury Room SecretMr. Swann was in the room when

th" jury began functioning as an of¬ficial body. Whether the juy thenformally renewed its immunity waiverinqu ry is a grand jury secret.Sh irtly after this the jurors, headed

by Mr. Almirall, went down to the firstfloor of the courts building. The jurorsfiled into the Criminal Trial Term of

'Supreme Court, while Mr. Almirallwe'nt into conference with JusticeWeeks, who presides over the jury,in the latter's chamber. A few min¬utes later Mr. Swann and Alfred J. Tal-ley, his chief assistant, joined them.At - o'clock Justice Weeks sent outword suggesting that the jurors takelunch.A score, of reporters, court attache«

and attendants were in the court roomjust before ft p. m., when the jurorsreturned, and Justice Weeks went onthe bench. He looked at the crowdand said:"The grand jury has requested cer¬

tain information from the court in re¬gard to the conduct of its business,and this is a private session of thegrand jury. AH those other than grandjurors, their stenographer, the DistrictAttorney and his staff will leave theroom."

Swann Starts ObjectionThe newspaper men and regular

court attachés started for the doors.District Attorney Swann interposed:

"J believe, your honor, that the grandjury had tiled into open court"-"Mr. District Attorney, I have stated

the purpose of this meeting," JusticeWeeks interrupted.

Very well," said Mr. Swann.The courtroom was cleared, Alfred J.

Talley, Alexander I. Korke, Robert M.Johnstone and William ('. Petty, assist¬ants to Mr, Swann, remaining withtheir chief.After a secret session which lasted

until 4:30 o'clock the grand jury, whichthrough its foreman had told GovernorSmith that Mr. Swann had "seriouslyimpeded" its examination of tho cityeditor of ''The New York American,"Victor J. Watson, and Mayor Dylan,both summoned in connection withthe transit inquiry, adjourned until dayafter to-morrow.

Justice Weeks, District AttorneySwat n and Mr. Almirall all declinedto discuss the proceedings.

It was rumored that the jury wasconsidering calling William RandolphHearst as a witness.A presentment on the traction situ¬

ation has been expected from thegrand jury. It was reported yesterdaythat tiie jury had decided to hold offthis communication, which was rumoredto be an arraignment of several prom-inent New Yorkers, because of thefear that if filed before election it[might be construed as done for politi-jcal effect.

Laundry Strikers WinIn Fourth of Shops

Unüon (;et8 Closed Shop and 35t*er Cent Increase

for 7,000More thfcn 25 per cent of the strikinghand laun^y worker.s went back towork yester4av> having won their de-mends, according to an announcement

made last night by Vernon B. Smith,-president ot the strike committee ofthe several New York locals of theI International I-aundrv Workers' Union,It was also announced that one inde-!pendent steam laundry has acceded tothe union demands., \

As a result of the settlement abejut-.000 workers have returned to work.It is expected that the rest of the handlaundry owners will soon reach agree¬ments with the union leaders.Under the new terms, the workersWin have union recognition, closedshops and wage increases averaging!abovt 35 p(,r ,.(..(, There has been anIncrease in prices as a result of the.trike. f.


"Choose Ye This Day Whom Yr Shall Serve''

(Copyright. I'm:., New \\>r¡< Tribune Inc.)

j5 Longshorej Locals VoteTo End Strike

,To Return to Work To-day;Insurgent F a o t i o n IsWilling to Go Bark for85 C e 111 « an IT o u r

Striking longshoremen of five localsusually employed in the t'helsea dis-trict, including I.oca! 791, the "key"organisation of the international body,voted unanimously yesterday to re-turn to work a1 o'clock this morn-ing.A committee that conferred with

the shipping interests reported theshipowners would grant no further in¬creases, hence advised the men to re-turn to work until December I, whenthe National Adjustment. Commissionwould reopen their case.

The return of the Chelsea dockerswas taken by marine men to indicatea collapse of the walk-out which hastied up shipping since October S. Theend of the. entire trouble is expectedby Monciay.The insurgent faction, at a meetingwith the Conciliation Commission

headed by the Mayor, at City Hall lastnight, proposed that if the shipownerswould agree to give the strikers 85cents an hour and $1.25 fo- overtime,beginning December 1, the men wouldgo back to work at once. When MayorDylan conveyed this offer over the'plione to Frederick Toppin, vice-presi¬dent of the. International MercantileMarine, Mr. Toppin replied he didn'thave the authority to accept any offer.The Mayor then advised the men that

as he was unable to do anything withthe shipping people they should re¬turn to work until December 1. Whentold that strikebreakers were gettingfrom 8"> cents to $1 an hour and $2 forovertime he said he would investigatethe report.

Richard J. Butler, leader of the in¬surgents, was arrested yesterda^ on acharge of disorderly conduct when liegot into an argument with a detectivein a saloon at Thirteenth Avenue andTwenty-fourth Street. He was paroledby Magistrate .McQuade for a rehearingon November 6.

Mayor Dylan had informed Butler'smen that further parleys were useless,as the shipowners and the UnitedStates Shipping Board were determinedto employ such men as they could get,union or non-union.

The taking of a strike vote by 5.000freight handlers of Local ti7t> was de¬ferred yesterday. T. V. O'Conner,president of the International Long-shoremen's Association, announcedthat about 9,000 men were back atwork on the waterfront, and that thesituation in the harbor was vastly im¬proved.The Director of Public Safety in Ho-

boken, following the example of theMayor of Jersey City, refused to per-mit a number of workers to u<> towork, saying they were strikebreakersfrom Manhattan.

Strike Puts Partit RicanTroops on Rice Ration

SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, Oct. 31.Because of the continuance of thedock strike at N'cvv York and the con¬

sequent failure of food supplies toreach Porto Rico, Governor Yagerhas sent this message to Washing¬ton:"The stock of provision« in Porto

Rico, especially flour, rice and pota¬toes, has greatly diminshed. Unlessvessels arrive immediately with pro¬visions very serious conditions willarise. Soldiers of the Porto Ricoregiment have been reduced to a riceration, If the strike corn ¡nues a

transport with provisions, especiallyrice, flour and potatoes, should besent to Porto Rico. The price offlour has nearly doubled in the lastfew days.''The Department of Justice has re¬

quested the public to report instancesof profiteering.

Sausage Workers"Strike Shuts ShopBolshevistic' ' DemandsWould Raise Drivers to$245 a If eek\ 9Tis SaidBolshevism has invaded the ranks

of bologna artisans and lias inspiredthem to aim a blow at the foundationof the sausage industry, Adolph Göbel,provision merchant, announced yester¬day. Mr. Göbel's plant in Brooklynclosed its doors yesterday when 500employees went on strike. The strikersare composed of those who prepare thepelts in which bolognas make thc-ir ap¬pearance in the world and those whofill the skins after they have been pre¬pared.The men demand the closed shop.

Rather than give in Mr. Göbel closedhis shop himself.

Officials of the company said theywere willing to grant any reasonabledemand" to the strikers. But these,they charge, insist they won't returnto work until the driver? of the com-

pany and the outside salesmenorganize. The drivers and outside sales¬men, officials say, don't war:' to or¬

ganize. So the plant has been shutdow n.

In a lengthy statement, Mr. Göbelcharged that the defection of thebologna ¿raftsmen was the first stepin a plot to taki' over the plant andrun it for the benefit of the workers."Preposterous as it may seem," he

said, "the present strike in my plant,if I yielded to its demands, wouldmean that my drivers would receive upto $245.50 a week. To their credit, theyfully realize the folly of these demandsand are opposed to them."Other details of the strike are just

as impossible of consideration and Ihave determined, therefore, in the in¬terest of sound citizenship to close myplant until such time as its operationsare no longer dictated by Bolshevistagitators.".

Warned BerlinTo Beware U. S.,Savs Hoi I weg

Prolest Against < nileresti«mating America if SheEntered the War IuiíIímIifter Hindenburg's Pira

BERLIN, (Jet. Ill (By The AssociatedPress) Von Bethmann-IIollweg, Her¬man Chancellor during the greaterpart, of the war, spent nearly twohours in the witness chair to-day be¬fore the National Assembly sub-com¬mittee which is investigating what hadbeen the possibilities for bringingabout, peace during the war.The former Chancellor said ho

sharply condemned the submarine war¬fare, but admitted the influence of Ad¬miral von Tirpitz, General Luder.dorffand Field Marshal von Iiindenburg wasso strong that the German people wereabsolutely convinced of its justifica¬tion and followed their generalsblindly.

His voice almost broke with emotionas he related his responsibility to thepeople,at, home and the soldiers in thetrenches. When he tried to opposethe submarine war, he said, GeneralLudendorff telegraphed the ForeignOrnee after an inspection of the Westfront and von Hindenburg wired thatGermany would lose the campaign andthat she must have the submarinewar.Confident of Handling United States¡t was considered finally, according

t.. the former Chancellor, that eve/iAmerica, should she enter the war,could he handled, and the army au¬thorities threw down the gauntlet topolitical figures who opposed the sub¬marine campaign.Warnings not to underestimate

America, which the former Chancellorsaid he issued, failed of their put-pose bi cause, he declared. intensehatred of America ruled solidly in allpolitical circles owing to the deliveryof ammunition to the Entente by theUnited States.The committee requested answers

from Dr. von Bethmann-Holweg, whowas Chancellor when the war beganand held office until July 14, 1917, tothe following three questions,:

"First Why did Hie ('(Mitral Powersmake their peace offer on December 12,1916, when action by President Wilsonfor peace had been suggested by Ger¬many and a certain prospect of suchaction was held out, at tue iatest, forthe end of December'.'

Conditions of Peace"Second Why were concrete peace

conditions not communicated to Presi¬dent Wilson ?"Third Why, instead of pursuing

the idea of action tou'ird peace byPresident Wilson, did Germany assentto ruthless submarine warfare if sheknew it would lead to war with theUnited States ?"

Dr. von Bethmann-IIollweg acknowl¬edged that the facts e tablished in thecourse of the proceedings were correct

Continued on page aeren

Gompers andStone SideWith Lewis

Federation and RailwayUnions'' Heads Deelineto Help Avert Tie-Up ;Critieize Court Order

New DisturbancesBy Labor Predicted

War Priority Rules on

Coal Shipments Are Re¬vived by Government

New York TribuneWashington ll-irm-i

WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. Organizedlabor of the United States virtuallydecided to-night not to use its goodoffices to avert the bituminous coa!strike set for midnight, or to inducethe striking miners to submit theirdiff.'ronces with the operators to «urbi-'ration through a Presidential com¬mission.

This became apparent after confer¬ences nt the Department of Justice to¬day between Attorney General A.Mitchell Palmer and Warren S. Stone,of the Brotherhood of Locomotiveengineers, and other leaders of therailroad employees und between Mr.Palmer and Samuel Gompers and otheiofficials of. the American Federationof Labor.

Late to-day Mr. Stone and his col¦leagues and Mr. Gompers and othe:officials of the federation who saw MrPalmer talked over the situation fotwo hours, discussing the AttorneyGeneral's suggestion that these laboleaders might be able to clarify th'issue by advising the miners to cal' oíthe strike.

Criticizes InjunctionAlter the conference Mr. Gomper

issued a statement in which he showeclearly the federation's sympathy fothe miners, made ijo reference to caliing oil* the strike and predicted that thinjunction granted to-day bv a Federacourt in 'ndianapolis against the leaders of the mine workers "can only resuit in creating new and more disturbing issues, which may not be confine'solely to the miners."

Mr. Stone refused to say whether h>and his colleagues indorsed the Gompers statement, but when asked if hhad tried or would try to get th'miners to arbitrate and call off thist rike, he said

"1 do not believe we will."Although the details of the confer

ence between the labor leaders were nodisclosed, it vas believed to-night thai or the present there is no greaclanger o) a general strike, or of ominvolving the brotherhoods. How fathis feeling may change, if the strike becomes a bitter warfare and the governtuent is forced to use drastic means tiprotect itself and the people of tincountry, no official here would predict

Precaution Decided UponThe failure of the most importan

branches of organized labor, howeverto try to stop the strike left offkiaWashington convinced that about all !can now hope for is to take every possible precautionary measure to protect the nation from profiteering, distribute available coal and see that alminers who want to work are protecteiin so doing.The other principal developments to

day were :

Director General Hines of the rail¬road administration issued an orderto his regional directors providingfor the distribution of bituminouscomí to the railroads and other indu«-tries in detailed order of precedence.

President V\ il: on issued an execu-tive order reestablishing price fixingand control regulations governingbituminous coal.

Fuel Administrator Harry A. Gar-field signed an order reviving the dis-tribution ami diversion orders underwhich the old list of priorities goesback into effect immediately. He in-timated anthracite coal would be in-eluded if anj attempt at profiteeringwere observed.The House by a heavy vote adopted

the Senate resolution pledging sup-port to the Administration in the ef-forts to meet "the present industrialemergency."

.Injunction Is CriticizedThe conferences at the Departmei:

of Justice between the railroad brotlerhood officials and Mr. Palmer, anbetween those of the American Federttion and the same officials, continuemost of the afternoon. There was ndisposition on the part of any of tiilabor leaders to tii reaten the AttorneGeneral with a strike by the brotheihoods or by the organizations menhers of the Federation, but labor plairly stated its views of the seriousnesof the crisis, and there was some tallat least on the part of the brotheihood chiefs, about the possibility ctheir not being able to hold their meif the strike goe.? into effect arid thgovernment resorts to drastic measureto break it.Both the brotherhood chiefs an

those from the federation criticizethe use of the injunction in the minerensp, but Mr. Paiiner made it cleathat he regards it as an exceptionsease and entirely different from onin which an employer of labor usethis process of the courts to prevera strike.

In the railroad brotherhood confpience besides Mr. Stone and the Attoiney General were L. E, Shepperd, rthe conductors; Bert M. Jewell, of thshopmen; J. J. Forrester, of the rairoad clerks; L. J. Ross, of the ra'lwatelegraphers, and T. J. McMamara, cthe firemen. With Mr. Gompers wer

Continued on page three

Baker TransfersTroops to MeetStrikeEmergency

General Bullard Sent toGovernors Island toTake Full ('Iwrge oftlie Eastern District

New York Triïun*XVanhii>o1on Burea

WASHINGTON, Oct. 3] W limovements of troops are now

way for the purpose of concentrationin the coal area. Can .¦- in the Easternand Central departments of the armare particuiarly affected by order1 sei tfrom Washington directing t le miment of many units from po:::*«; wherethey are not needed to strategic mobilization points near the mines.

Secretary Baker declined to-day tosay how many troops had been movedcloser to the territorv of the bituminous miners. He withheld the actualstrength of tiie troops avastrike duty.Lieutenant General Robert T. P

larri, the new command! r of ti e !'partment of the East, was dispatch« Ito Governor's Island yesterdaySecretary of War to direct tlment of troop-- that may beservice in the Pennsylvania and Mailand coal fields. General Bullard wasgiven full authority by the War Dopart to respond to any calls frostate officials.Major General Leonard Wood

mander m' th» Central Departmentlikewise has been given wide o ".

tionary powers by the U ar Departto act in any emergency tl at ma> ai ¦¦<

"There have beet, some ove niof troop- to the Centra: Departmentand to the Eastern Department." Seitary ¡taker admitted. "Some additionalmen have been sent to Camp Grunt, atRockford, and other camps in GeneralWood's territory, and understandome men have been garrisoned ¦.'('amps Upton and Meade, and pCamp Dix, in the Eastern Department.The War Department will not ai nthe number of troops at any camp notgive details of any movements offorces."

HUNTINGTON, W. Va.. Oct 31Four hundred soldiers arrived herefrom Camp Taylor, Ky., a" 6 pstrike duty in the West Virginia coaltields. The men were not permitted toleave the cars, and it was -..id theirdisposition would not be knowi(tie remainder of the battalion, now othe way, was here.A second troop train and a Bupplytrain arrived here a' 7:23 o'clock.

Major Charles L. Coulter, intelligenceofficer, said the troops would remainin Huntington pending further ordersfrom General Wood. The men, ;t wasstated, would remain in the cars untilsuch orders had been received.

Later it was officially nnnouncedColonel W. II. Harrell, command:ngthe battalion, would proceed at neeto Charleston, where headquarterswould be established. He was to beaccompanied by the machine gun com¬pany, while one company of infantr>was to be sent to Beckley, and anotherto Clothier. Beclfley is an iihportanmining center in the mountainsRaleigh County. Clothier BooneCounty, on . ua! River.

DENVER. Oct. 31. Three companiesof state troops, mobilized,- at Goldeito-night, were ordered to proceed im-mediately to the coal tields at Frederick, Co.. They are to entrain at11 o'clock. Troops mobilized at Trindad will proceed to the BOUthera coaltields to-morrow, it was announced atthe Capitol.

KNOXVILLE, Oct. 31. Major Gen¬eral E. M. Lewis, it was announcedhere to-night, has ordered threepanies of Federal troops to Kno\<to be ready to enter the coal fieldsEast Tennessee or Eastern Kentuckyin event trouble arises follow :r.,strike of miners. The men are to besent from Camp Cordon.

SPRINGFIELD. tier .;¦ !..soft coal miners, who went on strikelate to-day, were encouraged ii rculars prepare! to-night by Frank Farrington, district miners' president, topay no attention to threats that Inwould be used.

«AMP SHERMAN. hillicothe, O tio,Oct. 31. Military officials at < ampSherman said to-day they were pre¬pared to hold troops ready to entrainfor coal strike regions Thej declareda battalion of 5'JO men drilled in ¦¦.¦.-;and riot work could be entra nedan hour after receipt of order-

Of>erators IndorseU. S. StrikeInquiry

Heady to Submit issuesto Tribunal Appoint¬ed by the PresidentCLEVELAND. Oct. 31. The first

step toward a possible arbitration ofdifferences between soft coal operatorsand approximately 600,000 minei inthe threatened coal strike, scheduledfor midnight, was taken here to-dayat a conference of the executive com¬mittee of the central compel tive coalfield by the adoption, unanimously, ola resolution welcoming an investigation of the strike by a tribunal wl ichPresident Wilson may appoint. Fol¬lowing this action the conference ad¬journed.

In the resolution 'he operators ré¬affirme«! acceptance of Preside..« Wil¬son's proposal of October 24 and wel¬comed an investigation by a tribunalappointed bv him with a view to anearly settlement of the question atissue.Possibility of the mines beingworked seems remote, according to

some of the operators, who said somestates require an examination of ailmine workers and there might not beenough men to pass this examination.At the sama time, however, theydeclare they will keep the mines openand do all in their power to continuethem in operation, if tha governmentso order*«

Federal WritIs Defied as

ínionsOuiOOperators Watch BattlojjFrom Side Lines ¿yfGovernment Prepar I

to Keep Mine-. Runni*

Garfield is GivenFull Power to \c,

Welfare of Public AladMain Issue as 100,000WOrker« De-crt Shaft«

Bj I heodore M Kna]¦.>.'¦


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