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...and are experiencing hives. Any commercial brand is fine. Essential Oils 5 – 10 drops (Lavender...

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Empower Yourself with these Proven Strategies for Taking Back Your Health Does life feel like a constant uphill struggle? Without your health, every day can feel like a total grind. With over twenty years of experience as a health practitioner, I have seen again and again what empowers people to create health and happiness in their lives. If you are ready to reclaim your health and see your life change for the better, see how many of the suggestions below you can embrace. Abundant blessings, Lilias www.liliasahmeira.com Water Every human function is monitored and attached to the flow of water in the body, so managing this is critical for your quality of life and ongoing health. If you are dehydrated, the body starts to ration water to ensure the essential organs have priority, with the brain coming first. The brain is about 8% of your total body weight, but receives 18-20% of blood circulation. Tea, coffee and juices are no substitute for water, especially when it comes to flushing out toxins and reducing inflammation. Your number one organ (after your brain) that needs water is your kidneys. By ensuring you are well hydrated, you are also boosting your metabolism, supporting your energy and assisting your concentration. So how do you know if you are drinking enough? Check your pee! If it is very pale in colour, you are probably okay. However, if your pee is a dark tan, then you need to up your water intake. Herbal teas are fine, but you need to stay away from caffeinated drinks, fizzy drinks, commercial squashes and fruit juice, and when you can, avoid drinking municipal water. This water is often heavily treated with chlorine and/or fluoride, both hugely toxic for the body, and can also be loaded with contraceptives, potentially causing avoidable fertility issues. The best water to drink is spring water, ideally not out of plastic bottles. Try to get into the habit of drinking your water between meals, and keeping your fluid intake to a minimum when you eat. Detox Baths Taking a detox bath is one of the easiest ways to facilitate your body’s natural detoxification system. Our bodies are subject to more toxins today than ever before, from contaminants in the water we drink to the air we breathe, the creams and lotions we apply to our toothpaste and so-called food sources. The skin is our largest organ and using it to assist in detoxing is fabulous. So go ahead and run that wonderful, hot, steamy bath that you so deserve and see below for some added ingredients to amplify the detoxing effect. For the best results, soak for at least 20 minutes, then wrap up in a warm towel and head straight to bed for a deep restorative sleep.
Page 1: ...and are experiencing hives. Any commercial brand is fine. Essential Oils 5 – 10 drops (Lavender or Peppermint are popular) Essential oils are wonderful for calming the mind, relaxing

Empower Yourself with these Proven Strategies for Taking Back Your Health

Does life feel like a constant uphill struggle? Without your health, every day can feel like a total grind. With over twenty years of experience as a health practitioner, I have seen again and again what empowers people to create health and happiness in their lives. If you are ready to reclaim your health and see your life change for the better, see how many of the suggestions below you can embrace.

Abundant blessings,




Every human function is monitored and attached to the flow of water in the body, so managing this is critical for your quality of life and ongoing health. If you are dehydrated, the body starts to ration water to ensure the essential organs have priority, with the brain coming first. The brain is about 8% of your total body weight, but receives 18-20% of blood circulation.

Tea, coffee and juices are no substitute for water, especially when it comes to flushing out toxins and reducing inflammation. Your number one organ (after your brain) that needs water is your kidneys. By ensuring you are well hydrated, you

are also boosting your metabolism, supporting your energy and assisting your concentration.

So how do you know if you are drinking enough? Check your pee! If it is very pale in colour, you are probably okay. However, if your pee is a dark tan, then you need to up your water intake. Herbal teas are fine, but you need to stay away from caffeinated drinks, fizzy drinks, commercial squashes and fruit juice, and when you can, avoid drinking municipal water. This water is often heavily treated with chlorine and/or fluoride, both hugely toxic for the body, and can also be loaded with contraceptives, potentially causing avoidable fertility issues.

The best water to drink is spring water, ideally not out of plastic bottles. Try to get into the habit of drinking your water between meals, and keeping your fluid intake to a minimum when you eat.

Detox Baths

Taking a detox bath is one of the easiest ways to facilitate your body’s natural detoxification system. Our bodies are subject to more toxins today than ever before, from contaminants in the water we drink to the air we breathe, the creams and lotions we apply to our toothpaste and so-called food sources.

The skin is our largest organ and using it to assist in detoxing is fabulous. So go ahead and run that wonderful, hot, steamy bath that you so deserve and see below for some added ingredients to amplify the detoxing effect. For the best results, soak for at least 20 minutes, then wrap up in a warm towel and head straight to bed for a deep restorative sleep.

Page 2: ...and are experiencing hives. Any commercial brand is fine. Essential Oils 5 – 10 drops (Lavender or Peppermint are popular) Essential oils are wonderful for calming the mind, relaxing

Detox Baths

Suggested Bath Ingredients:

Epsom salts (about 2-4 cups)

Epsom salts can ease stress, assist in muscle and nerve recovery, and support your ability to concentrate, as well as reducing inflammation pain and muscle cramps. They also help to regulate around 325 enzymes and can assist in making insulin more effective, while also flushing out toxins and improving oxygen uptake, assisting in the absorption of nutrients. Their benefits really are endless!

Bicarbonate of Soda (1-2 cups)

When you have those irritable feelings, or just feel out of sorts this ingredient may be your best friend. It helps to draw toxins out through your skin, which can be very useful if you are having an allergic reaction and are experiencing hives. Any commercial brand is fine.

Essential Oils 5 – 10 drops (Lavender or Peppermint are popular)

Essential oils are wonderful for calming the mind, relaxing the body, and soothing and healing the skin. Always make sure to use therapeutic quality oils. Many oils are not suitable for direct absorption in this way, so do a little research before just grabbing something that smells good! There are many good online aromatherapy resources to peruse.

Apple Cider Vinegar (2 cups)

Apple cider vinegar is a great overall detoxifier, especially for muscle aches and pains brought on by physical exertion, as well as candida issues that are affecting the skin. ACV is also useful for returning the skin to an optimal, slightly acidic pH, which is a difficult environment for candida to thrive in.

Uric acid is created when the body breaks down purines (a substance found in certain food and drink) and is eliminated via the kidneys in the urine. For people with excess levels, such as those with gout, ACV in the bath can help draw this excess uric acid out of the body. An ACV bath not only cleanses, but can also provide much-needed relief for those with joint problems, arthritis, gout, bursitis and tendonitis. It may also assist with body odour issues.


If you are pregnant or very ill, please consult with your healthcare practitioner before using any of the above bath ingredients.


Sleep is imperative for restoring the body, a time when the body goes into its natural cycle of repair, regeneration and recovery.

To ensure proper sleep, you need to sleep in a clean environment and

by that I mean without EMFs. Do yourself a favour and turn off your router before you go to bed. Sleep in complete darkness so that your pineal gland produces melatonin. Any form of light will detract from this. Melatonin is essential for your immune system and for maintaining the optimum health and your brain.

Another secret weapon for your sleep is to be found at www.inclinedbedtherapy.com. Yes, you read that correctly: try raising the head end of your bed by 6 inches. As far back as the Ancient Egyptians, it was known that sleeping on a 6-inch incline was incredibly good for your health. I have had many a client who has tried this and experienced extraordinary results. Huge benefits have been experienced by people suffering from MS, Parkinson’s, heart problems, swollen ankles, back problems…the list goes on and on. Do check out the website.


Page 3: ...and are experiencing hives. Any commercial brand is fine. Essential Oils 5 – 10 drops (Lavender or Peppermint are popular) Essential oils are wonderful for calming the mind, relaxing

Clean Food

Are you eating real food or heavily processed and packaged “food like objects” with a long list of strange sounding ingredients? Your food should be delicious and nutritious. Where possible be aware of your food source. Try and eat organic food or from local farms where you know they do not use pesticides etc. Ensure your ingredients are pure. By that I mean if it is advertised on TV or comes in a packet with ingredients you neither understand or know - you should probably not eat it. Eat foods that are pure and unadulterated. Meat, green vegetables, fruit, and nuts. Do not eat pre prepared or convenience foods, with added ingredients you have never heard of with chemical names and E-numbers. Avoid all grains if you can. They tend to promote huge inflammation in the body, leaky gut and leaky brain. Avoid sugar at all costs including high corn fructose syrup. Sugars feed, bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses and most of all cancer LOVES IT.


Glutathione is one of the most important molecules you need to stay healthy and prevent disease. It is the secret to preventing aging, cancer, heart disease, dementia, and more and is necessary for treating everything from Autism to Alzheimer’s Disease. It supports virtually every function of the body. It helps your brain, your immune system, your metabolism, can assist in fighting infection and is paramount in helping to excrete toxins.

If anyone has a compromised immune system they will no doubt be deficient in glutathione and should supplement it. Bulletproof Glutathione Force is an excellent product.


Your armpits are situated directly over some major lymph glands. Whatever you put on your armpits is going to be absorbed into your lymph. There are a number of deodorants based on essential oils that provide very good protection from odour and do not pose a risk to health.

Please be aware that regular antiperspirants and aluminium-based rock crystals need to be put immediately in the bin as they seriously inhibit the normal release of toxins from the lymph system. This has major implications and threatens future health by increasing the risk of illnesses such as breast cancer and dementia. In addition, they will constantly add to your toxic load and compromise your immune system.


Page 4: ...and are experiencing hives. Any commercial brand is fine. Essential Oils 5 – 10 drops (Lavender or Peppermint are popular) Essential oils are wonderful for calming the mind, relaxing

Oil Pulling

The health of your mouth is really important for the health of your whole body. Your mouth can harbour huge amounts of bacteria and spyrochetes, which can be massively detrimental to your body and especially your heart. People are more likely to have a heart attack if they suffer from poor gum health and mouth bacteria.

Oil pulling, with its antimicrobial properties, is a great way to promote health in the mouth and help restore your gums to good order. It could not be simpler. Take approximately one tablespoon of either coconut oil or sesame oil and swish it around your mouth for ten to twenty minutes. You can do this anywhere, any time, walking the dog, in the shower or watching TV. Once you have swished, you need to spit it out! A word of caution: not down the sink as it may harden and cause a blockage over time, so if you are inside use a bin. Some people make up blends of oils to swish, which you can do your own research into.

Coffee Enemas

These are awesome! They are hugely detoxifying, cleansing, safe and can seriously improve your health. Whether you are just feeling off colour and need a bit of help to bring your system back into balance or targeting your abdominals to support your body or bringing it back from cancer, the extraordinary effect of the palmitic acid in “enema coffee” is hugely beneficial.

So, in the privacy of your own home, it’s time to take a big breath and drop those panties/boxers to the floor. You will wonder why you never did this before when you are done. Coffee enemas are so easy, they are not uncomfortable, they are not messy and, afterwards, you should feel very shiny, new and hugely energized.

Frequency depends on whether you have a compromised immune system and are very unwell or whether you are using them as you are a bit out of sorts or constipated. For health maintenance, once a week is a good regime. For serious health issues, contact your health provider for advice.

Castor Oil Packs

Castor oil packs harness the anti-inflammatory and lymph-stimulating benefits of castor oil, using it externally. A 1999 study had this to say:

With a minimal 2-hour therapy period, this study found that castor oil packs produced a “significant” temporary increase in the number of T-11 cells that increased over a 7-hour period following treatment and then returned to normal levels within 24 hours.

“The T-11 cell increase represents a general boost in the body’s specific defense status. Lymphocytes actively defend the health of the body by forming antibodies against pathogens and their toxins. T-cell lymphocytes originate from bone marrow and the thymus gland as small lymphocytes that identify and kill viruses, fungi, bacteria, and cancer cells. T-11 cell lymphocytes supply a fundamental antibody capability to keep the specific defense system strong.” (source)

Castor oil packs have been said to help improve liver detoxification naturally, support uterine and ovarian health, improve lymphatic circulation and reduce inflammation.


Page 5: ...and are experiencing hives. Any commercial brand is fine. Essential Oils 5 – 10 drops (Lavender or Peppermint are popular) Essential oils are wonderful for calming the mind, relaxing

Castor Oil Packs:

So how do you do them? Take a muslin pad and soak it in castor oil, place it on your liver (front right-hand side of your ribcage to support liver and digestion). To ensure you do not drip caster oil everywhere, lie on a

towel and put one round of cling film round yourself to hold everything in place. Then place a hot water bottle on top of the pad,and settle down with a good book or your favourite TV programme and allow the magic to happen.

Other uses for castor oil packs are as follows:

• On strained joints or muscles (not as a substitute for medical care but to speed healing of minor injuries that don’t need medical attention)

• On the lower abdomen to help with menstrual pain and difficulties

Get Moving

Unless you had not heard “Sitting is the new smoking”. In work most people sit between 8 – 12 hours a day. This has a huge impact on our muscles, organs, immune system and musculoskeletal system. We were not designed to stagnate, we were designed to move and be active. Not moving can shorten the quality of your life. Your life is

worth living and enjoying - so please harness what your body can offer you and get MOVING! Start by walking, get a fit bit, join a class, take up a challenge – it has the potential to hugely change your life for the better – it is worth it – you are worth it?

Emotions – Can Be Toxic Too

Anger and upset are ultimately aimed at a person, or an organization. It brings about stress, toxic emotions, such as fear, aggression, depression, worry, isolation and so much more. To hold these emotions you have to hold a focus in a particular direction. The possible damage to your health and well being is enormous – is it worth it? Does the person or organization deserve so much of your energy or your attention? Whilst held in the grip of these emotions it is difficult to move forward in life. Do not allow yourself to get held in this grip. Find solutions to move forward. Arbitration, take the moral high ground, look at breath control, go for a run. Put your energies into something more worthwhile and trust in karma. There always has to be balance, and as ye sow, so shall ye reap. To quote a line from The Revenant : “Revenge is in God’s hands not mine” Revenge is often a hollow victory – what is there afterwards?


Page 6: ...and are experiencing hives. Any commercial brand is fine. Essential Oils 5 – 10 drops (Lavender or Peppermint are popular) Essential oils are wonderful for calming the mind, relaxing

Remove The Grains

There is so much peer-reviewed literature regarding the detrimental effect of grains now that it cannot be ignored. Grains are not good for us. They can cause leaky gut, leaky brain, they are associated with so many disorders, such as diabetes, dementia, massive inflammation in the body, allergies, and many auto-immune disorders such as Hashimoto’s. Most grains on offer today bear virtually no resemblance to the grains eaten over 100 years ago. Grains have been hybridized to feed our addictive receptors in the brain and add to the wealth of the food manufacturers, regardless of the cost to our health. Bottom line, grains turn into sugar when digested and the sugar causes a myriad of problems. Many people find their health improves dramatically when the grains are removed. They lose weight, have more energy, their brain fog disappears and they effectively get their lives back. Why not give it a try?

Fermented Foods

If you have digestive problems, it will be almost impossible to permanently eliminate them unless you improve the beneficial bacteria that exist naturally in your gut.

One of the most effective ways to do this is by eating traditional fermented foods rich in lactic acid-producing bacteria. These bacteria are what naturally make milk products go sour and vegetables ferment.

Traditional fermented foods help balance the production of stomach acid. Fermented foods have the unique ability to ease digestive discomfort related to having either too much or too little stomach acid. When the production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach is low, fermented foods help increase the acidity of gastric juices. On the other hand, when the stomach produces too much acid, fermented foods help protect the stomach and intestinal lining.

Traditional fermented foods help the body produce acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses. Within the context of digestion, it helps increase the movement of the bowel, and can help reduce constipation. It also helps improve the release of digestive juices and enzymes from the stomach, the pancreas, and the gallbladder. So, by helping your body

produce acetylcholine, fermented foods act as potent digestive aids.

Traditional fermented foods are beneficial for people with diabetes. In addition to improving pancreatic function, which is of great benefit to diabetics, the carbohydrates in lactic acid–fermented foods have been broken down or “pre-digested.” As a result, they do not place an extra burden on the pancreas, unlike ordinary carbohydrates.

Traditional fermented foods produce numerous unknown compounds that destroy and inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Many pathogenic forms of bacteria are sensitive to acidic environments. Recently, German scientists were working with a strain of lactic acid bacteria found in sourdough bread, and discovered


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Fermented Foods

that it seemed to be more effective than other strains at killing microbes. In early lab results, it quickly eliminated the super-bugs currently resistant to most antibiotics.

Sour milk products and lactic acid–fermented foods have been dietary staples for thousands of years. Early writings show that Chinese workers ate acid-fermented vegetables while building the Great Wall of China. The Japanese have routinely served a small serving of pickled vegetable with their meals. Centuries ago, the Koreans developed kimchi by acid-fermenting cabbage and other vegetables.

In fact, lactic acid-fermented cabbage has been revered as one of the most beneficial healing agents since early humans.

Before Christ, the Greeks wrote about the health benefits of fermented cabbage. The Romans used sauerkraut to treat and prevent intestinal infections. Captain Cook used sauerkraut and lime juice to prevent scurvy on his three-year journey around the world. Throughout Europe, Russia, and the Balkans, sauerkraut and other lactic acid-forming foods (kefir, yogurt, buttermilk, kapusta, kvass, borscht, etc.) have become entrenched in the diet after centuries of use.

Why not try your hand at making or trying fermented foods and see how your health changes.

Contraindications for Fermented Foods: If you have Irritable Bowel, I recommend you get a test for SIBO and seek out your health practitioner’s advice before you embark on fermented foods.

The information contained herein is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to be medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute therefore.
