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Western !mpact WINTER 2013 ISSUE NUMBER 17 Experiential learning offers unexpected treasures for students and professors UNEARTHING HISTORY
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Experiential learning offers unexpected treasures for students and professors


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01 What makes a university extraordinary?

02 Building excellence in business law

03 Making sense of big data

05 Unravelling the mysteries of the brain

06 Exploring honour and loyalty

07 Faculty Focus: Science

08 Between a rock and a rocky place

09 Unearthing history

11 Campaign progress

13 Donor support, extraordinary impact

14 Thank you to our donors

Combining vision and philanthropy can be transformational. We know that to be true at Western. Two decades ago, our reputation as a leading academic institution was slipping as our entrance average for students

lagged well below the provincial average. Western’s leaders were determined to change course. By combining

a bold strategic plan with a successful fundraising campaign, Western expanded its capacity to hire exceptional faculty, improve academic programs, create great learning spaces and provide better student amenities.

Today, our student experience is second to none, as evidenced by 11 consecutive years of achieving the highest marks for student satisfaction in The Globe and Mail Canadian University Report among the country’s large research schools. With a first-year entrance average among the highest in Canada, our academic programs are attracting bright young minds from across the nation and increasingly from around the world.

In this edition of Impact Western, you will discover how your generous support is leading to extraordinary achievements. You will read about researchers who are making remarkable discoveries and students who are excelling inside and outside the classroom.

While we are proud of what we have accomplished, with your support we can do better. Through Be Extraordinary: The Campaign for Western we have embarked on an ambitious journey to take Western to the next level. This campaign will allow us to build on our strengths and reach out to the world – to prepare the next generation of global-ready leaders.

We invite you to join in our campaign to make Western stronger. Together, we will be extraordinary.

Amit Chakma President & Vice-Chancellor

Impact Western is published by the Department of Communications & Public Affairs, in partnership with the Department of Alumni Relations & Development, to inform alumni, corporations, foundations and other friends of Western about the donations, priorities and progress of the University’s current fundraising initiatives as well as the impact of gifts already in action.

If you would like to receive this publication electronically, and/or you would like more information, please email [email protected]

What makes a university extraordinary?

“While we are proud of what we have accomplished at Western, with your support we can do better.”Amit ChakmaPresident & Vice-Chancellor

On the cover: Lauren Flynn, BA’12 (left), participated in an archeological dig through the Vindolanda Field School in England – an international learning experience co-led by Beth Greene (right), assistant professor of classics at Western.

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Professor Christopher Nicholls knows what he would want from a law school if he were a student today. “I would want to develop the soundest technical legal skills and

knowledge, and an informed perspective on the role of the corporate lawyer, nationally and internationally,” says Nicholls, the Stephen Dattels Chair in Corporate Finance Law.

A leap toward fulfilling that wish list, Nicholls says, is the establishment of the W. Geoff Beattie Chair in Corporate Law.

A $1.5 million gift from Geoff Beattie, LLB’84, and Torys LLP has been matched by Western to create a $3 million endowment to establish the Beattie Chair and support the Torys LLP Corporate & Securities Law Forum.

“I am pleased and privileged to make this gift to Western,” says Beattie. “By partnering with Torys LLP and Western Law alumni at Torys, we are building a cluster

in business law excellence that is unmatched in Canada, and will be essential to attract top business law faculty to Western.”

Deputy chairman of Thomson Reuters, Beattie serves as campaign chair for Be Extraordinary (Western’s fundraising campaign). His philanthropic support of Western also includes the Beattie Family Speaker Series in Business Law.

“Western Law is extremely grateful for this generous gift, which will allow us to recruit or retain an outstanding faculty member in the area of corporate law,” says W. Iain Scott,

Western Law dean. “It also sustains our extremely successful Torys LLP Corporate & Securities Law Forum, which prepares our students for the business law field.”

“Great students and faculty come to where other great students and faculty are, and our hope is that this gift will act as a catalyst to build a sustained business law capability in Canada,” adds Beattie.

Building excellence in business law

Matching Chair Program As part of the Be Extraordinary campaign, Western has set its sights on becoming a world-class leader in research by creating 100 new endowed chairs by 2020. The W. Geoff Beattie Chair in Corporate Law is the sixth chair announced in the campaign. Others include:

“Our hope is that this gift will act as a catalyst to build a sustained business law capability in Canada.” Geoff Beattie, LLB’84

Ian O. Ihnatowycz Chair in Leadership,Richard Ivey School of Business

Cecil and Linda Rorabeck Chair in Molecular Neuroscience and Vascular Biology, Robarts Research Institute, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

J.C. Kennedy Chair in Orthopaedic Surgery, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

Ray and Margaret Elliott Chair in Surgical Innovation, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

Wolfe Medical Research Chair in Pharmacogenomics, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

A gift from Geoff Beattie (centre) and Torys LLP will help attract top business law faculty to Western.

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Making sense of BIG data

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When Mark Daley talks about data being a huge commodity today, he has data from popular culture to back him up.

“Every second, the amount of data that is created on Twitter’s public timeline is at least the equivalent to the entire Harry Potter series,” says Daley, a principal investigator at The Brain and Mind Institute at Western. “That’s a colossal amount of data.”

Carry that example over to Daley’s neuroscience research and the data collected is astronomical. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), Daley investigates changes in the oxygen levels of blood in the brain, and how the flow creates activity in the brain. From the millions of bits of data generated from a scan, he creates computer models to see how the brain evolves and changes over time. These models can help researchers understand large-scale aspects of complex brain disorders such as autism and schizophrenia.

“For one research subject, I could have a terabyte of data (one trillion bytes),” says Daley. “There’s so much data generated that it takes weeks to analyze results from a single test.”

Now through a landmark $65 million contribution of computers and software to Western by IBM Canada, Daley is able to make sense of large-scale data more quickly.

IBM is providing Western with leading research tools, in the form of analytics software that accelerates the processing capabilities of its revolutionary hardware to drive a research cloud platform. The investment will help Western researchers extract relevant information from large data sets and turn the data into easily interpretable metrics to advance the critical questions that researchers are asking.

For Daley, this means he can receive real-time data as he is conducting an fMRI scan on a research

subject, permitting him to adapt his work in the moment. “Because of the IBM software and hardware, I can see what’s happening in the brain in real time and then go to Plan B, if what I’m trying to do is not working,” he says.

Mining data for better answersDaley is just one researcher who will benefit from

IBM’s gift. “Almost any discipline across Western can use the resource that IBM has provided,” he says. “Today’s researchers – from science to humanities

– have access to a colossal amount of data and we need to make sense of it.”

“From fMRI scans and watershed monitors to seismic readings and wind patterns, supercomputing holds tremendous promise to help us make complex research decisions more quickly, while mining data for better answers,” says Western President Amit Chakma.

Michael Bauer, a computer science professor at Western, agrees. “In many, many circumstances, data will become the core problem of the next decade, not in terms of generating data but in terms of what you do with it and how you actually glean

useful information from it,” says Bauer. Western will not only receive a system that

researchers can use to examine the data problem but also significant software contributions from IBM, which are necessary to extract this kind of information on a large scale.

“This remarkable investment will provide Western researchers with the tools to explore the infinite possibilities of agile and cloud computing,” says Chakma. “IBM is recognized as a world leader in technological innovation and infusing their intelligence into our systems will no doubt produce exciting results.”

Making sense of BIG data

“Together, we are supporting fundamental research and developing new techniques to increase the speed of high performance computing systems to better capture Internet-scale data and apply analytics to tackle critical challenges with our cities, water, energy, and health-care systems.” John Lutz, PresidentIBM Canada

An investment from IBM Canada will advance critical research questions at Western

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Unravelling the mysteries of the brain

As a young boy, Henry Dunn held an intriguing fascination,

at least for most children. He was curious about the brain and how it worked.

“I loved thinking about ‘mind over matter’ as a kid, and wondering to what extent the mind can control things,” he confesses. “I’ve always found anything about the brain to be endlessly interesting.”

This boyhood curiosity has definitely prepared Henry for his current research as a PhD student

in physiology at Western – exploring the molecular mechanisms that underlie stress, anxiety, depression and other mood disorders. “The more we understand the brain, the better we can understand depression and anxiety and how to provide better treatment,” says Henry, who is the first recipient of the Jonathan and Joshua Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Mental Health Research.

In the lab at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Henry is focused on G protein-coupled receptors, which have a role in regulating all aspects

of physiology, including mood and behaviour. These

receptors are the targets of almost half of modern

pharmaceuticals. Henry’s research group has

demonstrated that a “stress receptor” in the brain is capable

of enhancing the activity of an “anxiety and depression receptor.”

Interestingly, they found that the cross-talk between these two receptors was

abolished when interrupting the interaction with a special subset of proteins.

His current work explores how these specific proteins can regulate particular receptors in the

brain. “By better understanding the molecular mechanisms behind mood disorders, this research

can pave the way for new drug design – potentially limiting the unwanted side-effects of modern psychiatric

drugs,” he says. Ultimately, research conducted by Henry is advancing

discoveries to improve the treatment of depression and anxiety. That goal makes his student award for mental health research particularly meaningful.

“I’m grateful to the donor for making this award possible,” he says. “There is limited financial assistance for students conducting research, so this scholarship provides great support to my work.”

Receiving the scholarship has also connected Henry to the benefits of his work. “I spend my days in the lab and can miss seeing the effect of what I’m doing,” he says. “So to meet the donor and know of his desire for mental health research creates a full picture for me – what I’m doing may better people’s lives.”

Henry Dunn’s research will help advance treatment of mental health.

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For Tim Compeau, an unexpected find led to a lifelong fascination. After graduating from high school, Tim took

a job at a museum in his hometown of Gananoque, Ont.

Rummaging through the museum, he discovered a suitcase filled with hand-written letters. Flipping through them, he found correspondence from the 1780s penned by Joel Stone, the loyalist founder of Gananoque (in eastern Ontario).

“For the rest of the summer, I got to explore these 200-year-old letters, put them in order and archive them,” says Tim, who was 19 years old at the time. “That was a formative experience which left a lasting impression on me.”

So lasting that Tim is now completing a PhD in history at Western. The inaugural recipient of the Eleta Britton Graduate Scholarship in History, Tim focuses on the British loyalists who left the U.S. after the American Revolution and moved to Canada.

“I’m exploring the loyalists through a cultural lens and how they perceived their exile from the States,” he says. “Those loyal to Britain faced a concerted campaign of humiliation in the press and on the streets. They were insulted for their

political views and had land and rights taken from them – they were politically deceased.

“They lost everything, their sense of honour and duty and their status as men, which goes to the heart of how they identified themselves. My research fleshes out these men as three-

dimensional people, and will hopefully shed some light on how their experiences influenced the cultural development of new settlements in Canada.”

Thanks to the scholarship he received, Tim went to the University of New

Brunswick to explore the archives of loyalist history. While there, he

searched through reels of microfilm and found the last key documents to complete his dissertation.

“Receiving this generous award provided extraordinary help when I needed it most,” says Tim. “I’m grateful to be the first recipient,

knowing that this award will help historians do more in the future.”

Established by renowned historian Allan Bogue, the Eleta Britton Award

honours his mother and supports graduate research in Canadian and

American history. A graduate of Western (BA’43, MA’46), Bogue received an honorary degree from the University in 1973.

To discuss establishing a student award, contact Carole Stinson at [email protected] or 519.661.2111 ext. 85696.

Exploring honour & Loyalty

Award recipient Tim Compeau brings new understanding to the lives of British Loyalists.

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Q & A An interview with Dean of Science Charmaine Dean

In 2011, Charmaine Dean began her tenure as the Dean of Science at Western. We sat down with her recently

to talk about the strengths, challenges and priorities of faculty and students. Here’s part of the conversation.

Q. What do you consider to be the strengths of Western Science?A. What the world needs are leaders and innovators who can work across disciplines – from geology to arts to medicine – to bring about answers to global problems. No longer can we function in isolation; we need to collaborate across boundaries to advance solutions. Western provides an ideal environment to foster this kind of collaboration.

Q. Why do you say that? What does Western offer that fuels cross-disciplinary learning?A. We attract stellar students and give them flexible options in choosing a number of combined programs that promote interdisciplinary study. If a student wants to take a combined degree in geology and business or in computer science and humanities, that’s possible at Western. Because of our quality teaching and experiential learning, students are well prepared to deliver solutions and excel as leaders. They have an edge when they graduate.

Our professors also participate in a range of ongoing, productive collaborations that enhance research for faculty and result in funding for Western. Among our notable research programs are the Centre for Planetary Science & Space Exploration and the Centre for Environment & Sustainability. These

interdisciplinary programs provide superior training for our students and set the stage for the research that’s needed in years to come.

Q. What are some notable research projects that highlight the Faculty’s activities?

A. Researchers have discovered critical mechanisms by which plants sense and respond to changes in their environment. This has led to major discoveries related to climate studies and provided breakthroughs in agriculture and health – such as breeding plants with increased resistance to freezing and intense sunlight.

Our experts in computational and mathematical sciences have made an impact in diverse fields – how to apply financial mathematics to energy issues, how to use models to predict the spread of disease, and how to apply data modelling to biological problems.

The work in earth sciences – from understanding how planets form and evolve to developing techniques for exploration in harsh environments to creating technologies to analyze satellite data – has led to major discoveries by our researchers. These advances have made a positive impact on industries in many sectors of the Canadian economy.

Q. For the Be Extraordinary campaign, how can donors support the Faculty’s goal of raising $50 million?A. Our fundraising goals are critical to our future success. We want to secure research and academic chairs in mining and exploration studies, planetary science, medical imaging, and computational and actuarial sciences. These all link to scientific development that will foster discovery that responds to needs in society. We also want to invest in exceptional training and skill development that distinguishes our graduates as being at the forefront of solving major challenges and realizing advances in research that will have a real-world impact.


“Our modular structure offers opportunities for students to design their own path based on their interests – giving them the skills they need to make their mark in the world.”Charmaine DeanDean of Science

Faculty Focus: Science

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Ask geoscientist Robert Linnen what his research is about, and he’ll hold out a rock that fits in the palm of his hand. The rock looks non-descript enough, until the light hits the

surface edges. That’s when the gold flecks sparkle. “I’m interested in trying to find innovative ways to discover

more gold,” says Linnen, associate professor of earth sciences at Western.

That may sound easy, but it’s not. The miniscule flecks are trapped in the rock.

The same challenge is found for other natural resources. “Most of the surface deposits for natural resources – from minerals to petroleum – have already been discovered,” says Linnen. “But world demand continues to rise while exploration success rates decrease.

“We now have to be smarter as we look deeper to explore and uncover resources. We need to know more about how natural resources are concentrated and formed, and take that knowledge to find out what’s promising. That will take smarter geoscientists to find the natural resources of the future.”

To meet this challenge, Western and the Department of Earth Sciences launched Resource Geoscience Western (RGW) in 2007. For more than five decades, Western has mentored some of the most successful geologist-explorers in

Canada and around the world. Now, to meet the growing demands for a new generation

of field-ready geoscientists, the RGW program is raising $8 million for research chairs, fellowships and resources. “A core part of RGW is to prepare students to be critical thinkers and problem solvers,” says Linnen, “who can use their research skills and professional training to find and develop new resources.”

One critical component of the program’s success is its field schools. From trips to northern Ontario or to overseas destinations (such as Spain, Turkey, South Africa and the Philippines), students learn outside of the classroom. “They need to see the rocks and formations firsthand, and apply their classroom experience to real-world problems in the field,” says Linnen.

These field experiences, plus on-campus workshops, also connect students to industry partners. “The mentoring our students receive from professional geoscientists gives them the training they need to succeed,” says Linnen.

To learn more about supporting Western Science, including Resource Geoscience Western, contact Paula Luchak, Alumni & Development Officer, Faculty of Science ([email protected] and 519.661.2111 ext. 86642).


Robert Linnen and his colleagues at Resource Geoscience Western prepare smarter geoscientists with a rock solid education.

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In an unforgettable moment, Lauren Flynn touched something time had forgotten.

As she pulled apart a clump of soil dug from an archeological site in northern England, she discovered a nearly 2,000-year-old boot. Or more accurately, she found the sole of a large boot once worn by a Roman soldier.

“I was almost in tears to be able to touch something from the ancient world,” says Lauren, BA’12, “and to see the footprint of the Roman soldier on the sole, that was a phenomenal experience that I will never forget.”

Experience is what the Vindolanda Field School at Western is all about. In the summer of 2012, Lauren and seven of her classmates dug through mud at the Vindolanda site in northern England to unearth artifacts at a first-century Roman fort near Hadrian’s Wall.

“The ancient world can be a distant subject to some, but when students venture out of the classroom and participate in archeological digs, history comes alive,” says Beth Greene, assistant professor of classics at Western. “They experience where people lived, ate, worked and even threw

birthday parties – and how these people are quite similar to us.”

While giving students the chance to practice excavation techniques such as how to hold a trowel and how to take environmental samples, the School offers evening lectures and weekend field trips that ground the hands-on archeological experiences, while also teaching life lessons.

“At Vindolanda, the students quickly discover they are outsiders who need to respect the cultural significance and sensitivity of the place and people,” says Alex Meyer, assistant professor of classics at Western. “This awareness can translate into so many different areas of their lives.”

Fourth-year classics student Sarah Taylor agrees, saying she became more confident in her studies through her Vindolanda experience.

“Every day I woke up grateful to have such an amazing adventure as a student – learning what it means to be an archeologist and realizing this is something I want to do,” says Sarah, who’s now exploring options to attend graduate school.

When some Western students participated in an archeological dig, they found more than they expected.

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Making it possibleFor Lauren and Sarah, getting to

Vindolanda was a team effort. Part of that team included donors such as Audrey Amo, BA’69, MA’70. She contributed to the Global Opportunities (GO) Awards program, which provides scholarships for Western students to learn outside of Canada.

“My heart belongs to the ancient world,” says Amo, a retired teacher and principal in Toronto, who once took her students on field trips to Rome. “Knowing what going to Vindolanda could do for students by offering them concrete learning, I knew I wanted to help them experience the wonders of art, history and archeology – and make a difference.”

Every day during the Field School, Amo followed their adventures on the student blog. “I watched them blossom as they discovered the Roman world coming alive right before their eyes,” says Amo, whose GO Award made it possible for Lauren to hold history in her hands.

“That scholarship meant everything to me,” says Lauren, who hopes to volunteer at Vindolanda in the future. “Because I could go, I’ve become more sure of myself and I realize now how much I want to work with artifacts.”

For Greene and Meyer, the Field School’s co-ordinators, contributions to student awards are epic. All of the students who travelled to Vindolanda last year received a scholarship.

“They were acutely aware of the generosity that made their experiences possible,” says Greene, “Having someone

standing behind them, supporting them in their studies is priceless.”

As priceless as holding an ancient shoe in your hand.

To read firsthand accounts of students at the Vindolanda Field School, go to westernclassicalstudies.wordpress.com


Hadrian’s Wall

“Every day I woke up grateful to have such an amazing adventure as a student – learning what it means to be an archeologist and realizing this is something I want to do.” Sarah taylor

About Go Awards

Global Opportunities (GO) Awards provide scholarships for Western students to experience learning through international field schools, exchange programs or study abroad semesters. These awards support one of our Be Extraordinary goals: to enable 10 per cent of students to spend part of their Western education outside of Canada. In recognition of the value of international learning to our students, Western is offering matching funds to alumni and friends who support GO Awards.

Learn more at giving.westernu.ca/go-awards

Western students dig through the mud in northern England to unearth artifacts from a first-century Roman fort.

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The Be Extraordinary campaign will enrich our student experience, advance our leadership in teaching and build on our focused research strengths.

Through our campaign, we will enhance The Western Experience, preparing our students to be the next generation of extraordinary leaders who will transform society. Our leading faculty will drive discovery and advance collaborative solutions that will tackle some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

Our campaign target of raising $750 million by 2018 will support four key areas.

Develop Leaders: $273 millionWe will substantially increase support for our students, ensuring the most promising minds, regardless of financial means, have the opportunity to thrive as they pursue an education at Western.

Ignite Discovery: $172 millionWe will focus on strategic themes to advance important discoveries in our research strengths and create new opportunities for students to learn from leading scholars.

Campaign Progress

New undergraduate student awards


Students will have an international learning experience while at Western

1 in 10

New endowed chairs, going from 17 to 117


New graduate student awards


Students come to Western from outside of Canada, and another 10 per cent come from provinces outside of Ontario


$ 0

“Be Extraordinary reflects our intense commitment to continually enhance The Western Experience, transforming high-achieving students into tomorrow’s leaders. Our donors are essential to help our students, faculty and staff pursue their passions and be extraordinary.”Geoff Beattie, LLB’84Campaign Chair

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Inspire Learning: $215 millionWe are committed to recruiting and retaining the best researchers and professors to teach our students and to address some of the world’s most pressing issues.

Build tomorrow: $90 millionWe will enhance our learning environment, improving campus spaces where students and researchers can excel in what they do.

Be Extraordinary Campaign target:

$750 million

To learn more about Be Extraordinary, visit extraordinary.westernu.ca

Toward Research & Academic Programs

23%Toward Student Awards & Programs

36%Toward Chairs & Faculty

29%Toward Infrastructure & Facilities


Academic Programs $127M

Ignite Discovery

Inspire Learning

Develop LeadersBuild


Chair & Faculty Positions $215M

Student Programs $109M

Student Awards $164M

Infrastructure $90M

research Programs $45MFunds raised

($384 million as of Dec. 31, 2012)

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tuning in to create music

Elaine Adair, BMus’73, MA’78, credits her time at Western for deepening her love of music. “I had some of the most inspiring times of my life at Western,” says the musicologist turned lawyer and now Supreme Court of British Columbia judge. “I hope to give music students the opportunity to experience the same.”

That desire led Adair to support a master class for music performance and piano technician students at the Tune In to Western V Piano Conference hosted by the Don Wright Faculty of Music. During the master class, Ulrich Gerhartz of Steinway London, a world-renowned authority who understands the piano inside and out, worked with John Perry, a musician and teacher, to demonstrate what happens to make music on stage.

“I was impressed by Ulrich’s skills in analyzing the personality of the piano, listening to the needs of each musician and bringing the two together in perfect harmony,” says Adair. “By supporting this master class, that’s exactly what I wanted students to see – a world-class technician working with musicians to prepare an instrument for a concert.”

Adair is no stranger to supporting Western. She has created the Philip Downs Scholarship in Music History to honour her mentor at Western.

“As a student, I learned so much from Philip, whose passion for classical music was infectious,” she says.

Investing in environmental solutions

In the next five years, Newalta Corporation will contribute $1 million to Western to discover technologies that protect the environment and create value from perceived wastes generated by industrial sectors such as oil, gas, mining and manufacturing.

An additional $125,000 will support the Newalta Corporation Ontario Graduate Scholarships for graduate students in the Faculty of Engineering who focus on environmental engineering research.

“We are thrilled to be partnering with North America’s leading provider of resource-recovery solutions,” says Janice Deakin, provost and vice-president (academic) at Western (pictured above, right). “We will be able to provide unique learning opportunities for our students and researchers, while working to bring innovative, environmental technologies to market more quickly.”

As a industry-leading company, Newalta is committed to novel research. Harry Wells, vice-president of technology development (pictured above, left), says working together with Western will yield significant results. “This partnership is an excellent opportunity to support the leaders of tomorrow,” says Wells. “The leading-edge research here will help increase technologies we can evaluate and offer customers in future.”

Supporting First nations students

Peter Baldwin, BA’62, and his late wife Margery, BA’63, have a long history of giving to Western. That commitment grew in 2012, when Baldwin contributed $600,000 to support First Nations programs and indigenous study initiatives.

“This gift continues our commitment to Western and celebrates my wife,” says Baldwin (pictured above, second from right). “It also reflects our desire to help address an ever-increasing need.”

Part of the gift will provide entrance bursaries for First Nations students who are pursuing undergraduate studies, as well as support an Ontario Graduate Scholarship.

Other funds will be devoted to First Nations resources at Western Libraries, including the acquisition of rare materials that will support research and teaching across many academic departments. Additional monies are committed to the Indigenous Services Centre to help break down educational barriers for First Nations students.

“When I learned how Western provides a summer camp for First Nations youth, I was blown away by the idea,” says Baldwin, of the Access Transitions Program, which brings 11- to 14-year-olds to Western for a week. “This program is a great way to inspire young people and show them that attending university is possible.”

Donor support, extraordinary impact

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the 1878 SocietiesThe 1878 Societies, named for the year of Western’s founding, honour Western’s most generous donors.

The listing below recognizes individual members of the Societies who have given $25,000 or more cumulatively, as well as corporations, foundations and associations that have given $100,000 or more cumulatively.

In addition, the Helen M.B. Allison Legacies Society, Western’s gift planning program, recognizes alumni, friends and members of the community who have made a commitment to Western’s future through their wills, life insurance policies and gifts of residual interest.

Many members of The 1878 Societies also make annual contributions to a variety of programs and projects across the University. We would like to thank all members of The 1878 Societies for their vision and leadership. We also wish to thank those donors who have chosen to remain anonymous. This listing reflects membership in the Societies as of January 31, 2013.

richard and Beryl Ivey SocietyDonors of $25,000,000 or moresociety named in honour of former board Chair and Chancellor emeritus, richard ivey and outstanding female philanthropist and volunteer, the late beryl ivey.

The Richard M. Ivey Family and the Ivey Foundation

Seymour Schulich, O.C.

IBM Canada Ltd.Western University Students University Students’ Council Society of Graduate Students MBA Student Association

Isaac Hellmuth SocietyDonors of $10,000,000-$24,999,999society named in honour of Western’s first Chancellor from 1878-1885.

Dr. Henry ChengMr. Arthur Labatt, O.C. and Mrs. Sonia Labatt

The Corporation of the City of London

r.m. meredith SocietyDonors of $5,000,000-$9,999,999society named in honour of Western’s first Chair of the board of Governors 1908-1914.

Mr. Aubrey DanThe late Mrs. Beryl M. Ivey, C.M.

Dr. Richard M. Ivey, C.C.Mr. Pierre L. Morrissette

BMO Financial GroupCompaq Canada Inc.Divestco Inc.Great-West Life, London Life & Canada LifeThe Krembil FoundationLabatt Breweries of CanadaLassonde Family FoundationLaw Foundation of OntarioMerck Canada Inc.Multiple Sclerosis Society of CanadaThe Ontario Legal Aid PlanPower Corporation of CanadaPower Financial CorporationRBC FoundationThe Richard and Jean Ivey FundRoxar Inc.Royal Bank Financial GroupScotiabankTD Bank Financial GroupTD Canada Trust

a.t. Little SocietyDonors of $2,500,000-$4,999,999society named in honour of Western’s longest serving Chair of the board of Governors from 1919-1954.

Judith Rachel HarrisPaul and Carol HillIan Ihnatowycz and Marta WiterJon Love, HBA’76 and Nancy Yeomans

Love, HBA’76David Patchell-Evans, Good Life

Fitness Clubs

Joseph Rotman, O.C. and Sandra Rotman, O.Ont.

Mrs. Marjorie Russell and the late Dr. Earl S. Russell

John and Melinda Thompson

3M Canada CompanyAssociated Medical Services, IncorporatedBell CanadaCanadian Imperial Bank of CommerceGeneral Motors of Canada LimitedHand and Upper Limb Centre SurgeonsHydro One Networks Inc.Imperial Oil FoundationING DIRECTMicrosoft Canada CorporationNovartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.Packard Bell NEC Inc.Paul and Lea Reichmann FoundationPeopleSoft Canada Co.R. Samuel McLaughlin FoundationReuters Information Services (Canada) Ltd.Rotman Family FoundationThe Salamander FoundationSun Microsystems of Canada Inc.

n.c. James SocietyDonors of $1,000,000-$2,499,999society named in honour of Western’s first President from 1908-1914.

The Mitchell & Kathryn Baran Family Foundation/Trudell Medical

Ralph M. BarfordDr. Keith BarronE. Scott BeattieWilliam Bell

Bill and Anne Brock FamilyAlexander F.L. ChanAndy ChisholmThe David S.H. Chu FamilyBrendan R. CloustonDavid W. CornhillThe Crooks Family Mr. Stephen DattelsMrs. Mary Alice Davis and the

late Glen W. DavisJohn and Mary Beth DrakeRay and Margaret ElliottDavid and Kirsten FearJohn A.K. FrancisPeter Godsoe, O.C. and Shelagh GodsoeWilliam HodginsRichard and Donna IveyRosamond IveyJennifer Ivey BannockSuzanne Ivey CookDr. Donald K. Johnson, O.C.Richard H. KonradArkadi KuhlmannMarianne A. Larsen, Western Heads EastMr. Paul R. MacPhersonLori and Eugene MelnykDr. Katherine L. MorrisonG. Scott PatersonDr. Cecil Rorabeck, O.C. and

Mrs. Linda RorabeckLarry J. RosenC. John SchumacherJohn A. SchweitzerDonald L. TriggsKathleen and Bill TroostGraham and Gale Wright

“ Great students and faculty seek out other great students and faculty. My hope is that The W. Geoff Beattie Chair in Corporate Law and The Torys LLP Corporate & Securities Law Forum at Western act as catalysts to build excellence in business law in Canada.” – W. Geoff Beattie, LLB’84

e.e. braithwaite society

thank you to our donors

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Albert and Temmy Latner Family FoundationThe Blackburn Group Inc.Canadian Diabetes AssociationCanadian Tire Corporation LimitedCanWest Global FoundationCorus Entertainment Inc.Donner Canadian FoundationEcho - Improving Women’s Health in OntarioE. I. du Pont Canada CompanyThe EJLB FoundationErnst & Young LLPFord Motor Company of Canada, LimitedFPInnovationsGE Healthcare CanadaGeologic Systems Ltd.GlaxoSmithKline Canada Inc.The Globe and MailHeart and Stroke Foundation of OntarioIonSpec Corporation Ivey Alumni Association Toronto ChapterThe Joe Weider FoundationJ.P. Bickell Foundation (National

Trust Co. Trustee)The J.W. McConnell Family FoundationKPMG EnterpriseThe Lee FoundationThe London Free Press and Bowes

Publishers LimitedMaplesoft Inc.Newalta CorporationNortel Networks LimitedOlympia & York Properties Inc.Pharmacia & Upjohn Inc.Physicians Services Inc. FoundationPurchasing Management Association

of CanadaR. Howard Webster FoundationThe Ralph M. Barford FoundationRogers Communications IncorporatedRoyal LePage Shelter FoundationSchlumberger Canada Ltd.Siemens Canada LimitedSuncor Energy FoundationTD Waterhouse Group Inc.Thomson Reuters CorporationTim Horton’sTorys LLPT.R. Meighen Family Foundation,

Michael & Kelly MeighenThe Whitaker Foundation

e.e. Braithwaite SocietyDonors of $500,000-$999,999society named in honour of Western’s second President from 1914-1919.

John AdamsonPeter J.B. BaldwinW. Geoff BeattieJohn and Dotsa Bitove FamilyJacqueline BrienMr. and Mrs. Grant and Alice BurtonThe late Dr. W. Glenn CampbellJack and Sharon CowinStephen R. CoxfordG. Mark CurryJ. W. Lynn FordhamMr. Aaron GestetnerNona Heaslip and the late William HeaslipDonald K. JacksonMichael M. KanovskyDavid Kassie and Susan HarrisDr. and Mrs. William and Katharine KostukMr. Daniel LamDonald G. Lang

Allan and Donna LansingHeather and Fraser LattaAnne McKenzie and the late Bill McKenzieBrenda and David MurphyPaul and Lea ReichmannThe late Dr. Jim RothPaul SabourinRichard SalaRichard J. SchmeelkLarry A. ShawWilliam ShurniakDon SmithAndrew and Helen SprietJim and Beverly ThompsonGeorge B. Turnbull and the late Mary TurnbullFred and Linda WaksMr. Lionel WeberDavid Weldon, C.M. and Ina WeldonDrs. James and Margaret Whitby

The Estate of Keith M. and Winifred Shantz

Atkinson Charitable FoundationCAE IncCanadian Friends-Hebrew University

of JerusalemCanadian PacificCanon Business Solutions Canada Inc.Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLPC.H. Stiller Memorial FoundationCisco Systems Canada Co.CMA OntarioCounselling Foundation of CanadaCPI Canada Inc.Department of Anesthesia &

Perioperative MedicineDofasco Inc.Eli Lilly Canada Inc.Georges Lachapelle FundGoldman Sachs GivesH.S. Management Property Co. Ltd.Imperial Life Financial CompanyImperial Tobacco Canada LimitedInsurance Bureau of CanadaJ. Armand Bombardier FoundationKraft Canada Inc.The Kresge FoundationLGS Group Inc.MacLean Hunter Publishing LimitedManulife FinancialMax Bell FoundationNobel Biocare CanadaNovo Nordisk Canada Inc.Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPThe Oticon FoundationPetro-CanadaPfizer Canada Inc.The Plunkett FoundationPublic Service Alliance of CanadaQuanser Inc.sanofi-aventis Canada Inc.SGI CanadaShaw CommunicationsStarkey CanadaStraumann Canada LimitedSun Life FinancialThe W. Garfield Weston FoundationW.K. Kellogg FoundationZimmer

a. peache SocietyDonors of $250,000-$499,999society named in honour of Western’s second Chancellor from 1885-1900.

Donald F. ArchibaldC. Jane Banfield and the

late Dr. Robert H. HaynesMr. Ron BennerWilliam BlairRobert Bourne, C.M. and Donna BourneTom and Sandra BrentRobert V. BrouillardSylvia D. ChrominskaLisa ColnettBarry E. CunninghamJohn R. Currie, HBA’60George S. DembroskiLisa and Darin DeschampsDaniel and Leonard DrimmerBill and Barbara EtheringtonMargaret Fleck and Jim Fleck, O.C.Dr. Geno F. Francolini, C.M. and

Mrs. Joan Francolini, O.Ont.James and Eva Good, Good Foundation Inc.Debra and Brian HealdMr. and Mrs. Ernest HerzigLana and Tim HockeyNora A. Jeffery and FamilyMarilyn and Brent KelmanClaude Laberge, C.M.Louis Lagassé, C.M.William E. and Ruth LardnerSuzanne Legge and R. Jeffrey OrrStephen D. ListerDr. Carolynn Lund-MeadPeter C. MauriceStephen D. McDonaldDonald and Marion McDougallJean C. Monty, C.M.Mr. Wilfred NgKevin O’LearyGilles G.G. OuelletteRobert PoirierWilliam R. Poole and Nancy Geddes PooleBruce H. ReidLoretta Rogers and the late Ted RogersRichard E. RooneyThe Shlesinger FamilyMaria Smith and Eric TrippW. Keith SmithBud and Joanne TaylorSusanne and Martin ThrasherJohn (Jack) and Frances VitaliMr. Dale Evan WallsterArnim K.A. WalterThe David and Ina Weldon FamilyMark R. WellingsMr. Tom WhealyMr. and Mrs. John F. and Barbara WoodMary J. WrightMr. David Wu, The London Athletic Clubs

AbitibiBowaterAltera CorporationAlzheimer Society of London MiddlesexThe Asper FoundationAstraZeneca Canada Inc.BCE Inc.Birks Family FoundationBlake, Cassels & Graydon LLPBrasseler USACanada Trustco Mortgage Co.Certified General Accountants Association

of Ontario

Coca-Cola Beverages Ltd.Columbia Sportswear CanadaConn Smythe FoundationCorel CorporationCounty of MiddlesexCTV twoDavies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPDell CanadaDeloitte & Touche Foundation CanadaDentistry Canada FundEllisDon Construction Ltd.EMCO LimitedEnergy Navigator Inc.Farm Credit CanadaFasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPFekete Associates Inc.Fugro-Jason Inc.GE CanadaGE Digital EnergyGeorge Weston LimitedGraduate Orthodontics ClinicHarold Crabtree FoundationThe Henry White Kinnear FoundationHong Kong Pei Hua Education FoundationHSBC Bank CanadaIHSInco LimitedInvestor Education FundIsomass Scientific Inc.The John Dobson FoundationKarl Storz Endoscopy Canada Ltd.London Community FoundationLondon Music Scholarship FoundationThe Lyle Shantz Hallman Charitable

FoundationMagna International Inc.McCarthy Tétrault LLPMcMillan LLPMihealth Global Systems Inc.Minto Foundation Inc.The Molson FoundationNational Bank Financial MarketsNicolaas & Regina Veenboer FoundationNordion IncThe Perrier Group of Canada Ltd.Photon Technology International Inc.Platform ComputingPricewaterhouseCoopers LLPProcter & Gamble Inc.Ramius CorporationRichardson FoundationRogers Cable Inc.Roman Corporation LimitedSchweitzer Engineering LaboratoriesThe Scottish Rite Charitable FoundationShell Canada Products LimitedSiemens Hearing InstrumentsStelco Inc.Syncrude Canada Ltd.TELUS CorporationThermo CRS Ltd.TransCanada Corp.Trojan TechnologiesUltrasonix Medical Corp.Union Gas LimitedValleydene Corporation LimitedThe Walter J. Blackburn FoundationWaters LimitedWyeth PharmaceuticalsXerox Canada Ltd.

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W. Sherwood Fox SocietyDonors of $100,000-$249,999society named in honour of Western’s third President from 1927-1947.

A. Ian AitkenJohn AkkermanDr. and Mrs. John and Shirley AlbinsonGwen Anders and the late Ben AndersPaul AtkinsonNora Aufreiter and Lawrence PentlandDr. Terence BaileyTom BaileyThomas K. BarberDr. Henry Barnett, C.C. and

the late Kathleen BarnettGuy and Carol Belisle, Tornado

Insulation LimitedMr. Tom Benner and Ms Pauline F. McHenryJohn and Zena BesterdStephen, Peter, Susan, Douglas and

Patrick BeynonElaine Bjorklund PhilbrickAllan G. BogueWilliam BraithwaiteMr. David BraleyMr. Ron BreslerMr. Jim L. BrookDr. Adalsteinn BrownMurray and Judy BryantThe Honourable J. Judd Buchanan, O.C.Professor Bob Buck and Lucy BuckChristopher M. BurleyStewart C. BurtonDavid R. CampbellLaurie G. CampbellJay A. Carfagnini and Karen E. TrimbleMeena and Amit ChakmaPierre ChamberlandC.Y. Alexis ChengDr. C. Howard ClarkPerry Barrio-Garay Clouston and

John CloustonKevin J. ComeauJudi Conacher and the late Lionel ConacherDavid and Marilyn ConklinScott and Allison CooperGeorge A. CopeDr. Robert M. CoryBea and Purdy CrawfordCarolyn M.H. CrossSimon Tin-Yin CuaMrs. Pat Cuddy and the late A.M. CuddyMark L. CullenMr. James B. CummingMrs. Sheila K. CurnoeRichard J. CurrieDan FamilyDuncan de KergommeauxJanet De Silva

Barry A. DeatheJeanne DeinumPerry N. DellelceFrance Desmarais and André Desmarais, O.C.Paul G. Desmarais, C.C.Daniel A. DevlinMr. and Mrs. Alan and Lori ElliottDr. Kenneth J. FaberAnn and Bill FlemingIan and Barbara FraserMrs. Marilynne F. FullerThe Gilmour Family/Endla and John Gilmour

FoundationThe William and Nesta Gordon FamilyRobert J. GormanSerge Gouin and Denyse ChicoyneMr. Donald P. GraceyB. Lynn GrahamGregory and Tracy GuattoPeter Gudewill, Nick Gudewill, Sam Gudewill

and Geoff GudewillLaura and Jon HanthoDr. and Mrs. Lewis W. and Barbara HerseyThe Hewitt FamilyEdwin A. and Judite HolderLonsdale HollandTom and Verna HowardMr. Michael HoweThe late Mr. Colin L. HublingThe late A. Margaret HughesJames L. and Heather A.T. HunterMr. and Mrs. Cliff and Diane JamesWilliam J. JandrisitsDr. and Mrs. Donald and Christina JollyY. L. John KaoRoland T. KeiperArlene KennedyJoanne and Peter J. Kenny, MBA ’57Dr. and Mrs. Graham and Denise KingDr. Thomas J. KirbyGerald L. KnowltonChantal LabergeAlain LamoureuxNicole and Gilles LamoureuxDr. Henry J. LapointeMr. Pierre LapointeChristian and Jennifer LassondeMr. S.W. Eddie LawDr. Michiel R. LeendersSimon LeungTom and Betty-Anne LindsayRobert and Amanda LitchfieldGordon LoveTerry A. LyonsSteven and Karen MacDonaldTim MacDonaldFred and Emmy MacLachlanChris and Carolyn MatthewsJack H. MatthewsDr. and Mrs. W.E. Barry and Helene Mayo

Scott McCain and Michael McCainThe Honourable Margaret McCain, O.C.David and Marg McCannRon McCullough and

the late Lilian McCulloughBrenda McCutcheon and

the late James McCutcheonDean McDonaldMrs. Ruth L McFeatJoan McGeachy and the late Don McGeachyJoyce McKeough and Darcy McKeough, O.C.Robert McKinnonMark and Andrea McQueen and FamilyMichelle and Patrick MeneleyMr. James F. MilesMarjorie Stevenson MillerElizabeth Moore and the late Jake MooreSarah Morgenstern and Todd HargartenMr. John MulvihillKeith and Mona MunroGlenn MurphyMr. Michael J. NeedhamNesbitt FamilyLinda Netten and Timothy HodgsonThe Estate of Marjorie and Albert K. NorthThe late Dr. Earl H. OrserB. Jeffrey Parr and Clairvest Group Inc.Mrs. Anne Pattison and

the late Dr. Fred L.M. PattisonJim PattisonMichael and Margot Phair/Phair Family

FoundationMs Jane PlasPierre PomerleauC. James PrieurThe Purchase FamilyDipak K. RastogiRobert S. RawlingsRob RichardsHartley & Heather RichardsonMr. Michael RollandHarry and Evelyn RosenRandy B.M. RoyerKishore K. SakhraniThe late Mrs. Helen SawyerJohn SchuchtMr. Joseph A. ScottThe Family of Ruth and Aryeh Segall z”lLorraine ShuttleworthJohn and Maria SimpsonShelly and Robert SiskindMr. and Mrs. Ley S. and Lois M. SmithPaul B. SpaffordDouglas E. SpeersStaffen FamilyCarol Stephenson, O.C.Ms Barbara G. StymiestMr. Kevin SullivanRichard and Glenna TalbotChris G. Tambakis

Howard and Diane and Lindsey TaylorMichael G. TevlinBarb and Jens ThielsenGordon and Louise ThompsonJohn and Patricia ThompsonJohn and Dorothy TiedjeHeather and Whit TuckerMr. Serge TurkoHank and Anne Vander LaanMario Vello Golf TournamentMr. and Mrs. F. Peter von Muralt-LoAnthony VysniauskasDavid J. WalkerDr. Dennis M. WalkerJohn E. and Helen M. WalshMr. Robert P. WaresAdam WaterousD. James Watkinson, Q.C.Mrs. Sheldon H. WeinsteinBill and Gale WhiteDr. and Mrs. Kevin R. WillitsLibby and Charles WinogradRoss and Marion WoodmanRonald and Judy YamadaMrs. Cecilia Yau

The Estate of John Duncan JohnsonThe Estate of Mrs. Helen E. Loughlin

Abitibi-Price IncorporatedAccentureAdobe Systems Canada Inc.Air CanadaAlcan Inc.Algoma Steel Inc.ALS Society of (Windsor) Essex CountyAngiotech Pharmaceuticals Inc.Argosy Hearing SolutionsThe Audrey & Donald Campbell FoundationBain & Company CanadaBasics Office ProductsBaton Broadcasting IncorporatedBayer CorporationBeltone CanadaBernard & Norton Wolf Family FoundationBiogen Idec CanadaBiovail Pharmaceuticals CanadaBirch Hill Equity PartnersBlue Circle Canada Inc.The Boat Store Inc.Borden Ladner Gervais LLPBoston Consulting Group of Canada Ltd.Burgundy Asset Management LimitedBusiness Families FoundationCadillac FairviewCampbell Soup Company Ltd.Canadian Institute of Steel Construction

Ontario RegionCanadian Women’s FoundationCerum Ortho Organizers

“ Western is committed to creating a global learning context for students. Through international awards, we’re pleased to provide opportunities that will better prepare them to become future global leaders.” – president amit chakma and meena chakma

W. sherwood Fox society

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Charles H. Ivey FoundationCiba-Geigy Canada Ltd.Citibank CanadaCitiFinancialCitigroup FoundationCNCNW GroupCohen Highley LLPConocoPhillips CanadaConor Pacific Canada Inc.The Corporation of the City of WoodstockThe Corporation of the City of London on

behalf of the London 2004 Ontario Winter and Summer Games

County of ElginCounty of OxfordCrown Life Insurance CompanyCTBR Bio-Research Inc.Cystic Fibrosis CanadaDentsply Canada Ltd.Dow Chemical Canada Inc.Drake Goodwin CorporationEdco Management Ltd.EK3 Technologies Inc.Electro-MotiveEpson Canada LimitedERA FoundationExport Development CanadaFidia Pharmaceutical CorporationGeorge Cedric Metcalf FoundationGilead Sciences Canada Inc.GN OtometricsGoldman Sachs & Co.Goodmans LLPGreen Shield Canada FoundationHal Jackman FoundationHarris Steel Ltd.Harrison Pensa LLPHarry E. Foster FoundationHarry Rosen Inc.HBA AssociationHicks MorleyHilton LondonHudson’s Bay CompanyHusky Injection Molding SystemIBK Capital CorporationImasco LimitedIMI International Medical Innovations Inc.InnoSoft Canada Inc.Institutional Cooperation & Development

ServicesInternational Development Research CentreInternational Lead Zinc Research Org., Inc.Interprovincial Pipe Line Inc.Invensys-TriconexIS Retail Inc.The Jarislowsky FoundationJenal Investments Inc.Juvenile Diabetes Foundation InternationalKellogg Canada Inc.Kiwanis Club of RidgetownThe KPMG Foundation Lafarge Canada Inc.Laidlaw FoundationLandmark Communications FoundationLanxess Inc.Lerners LLPLoblaw Companies LimitedLondon Conference United Church WomenMandel Scientific CompanyMaple Leaf Foods Inc.Masonville PlaceMasterCardThe Maurice Price FoundationMcColl-Frontenac Inc.McKesson Canada

McKinsey & CompanyThe McKnight FoundationThe McLean FoundationThe Medics GroupMemorial Funeral Services Cooperative of

London and DistrictMerrill LynchMical Equities LimitedMolson Inc.Multi-Media ImagesNancy’s Very Own FoundationNational Bank FinancialNatrel Inc.NBCUniversal CanadaNelson Davis Trust FundNesbitt Burns Inc.Nestlé Ice Cream CanadaNickle Family FoundationNoranda Inc.Norcen Energy Resources LimitedNorman & Margaret Jewison Charitable

FoundationNorthwaterNorton Rose LLPNOVA Chemicals CorporationOld Oak Properties Inc.Ontario District Association of Chapters

of SPEBSQSAOntario Medical AssociationOntario Professional Engineers FoundationOrion Software Systems Ltd.Oxford Learning CentresPaul & Louise Johnson FoundationPelmorex Inc.Phonak CanadaPicchio International Inc.Pizza PizzaPollock NationaLeasePow Laboratories Inc.Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc.Praxair Inc.Protek SystemsQNX Software SystemsRBC Capital MarketsThe Rea Family Foundation FundReader’s Digest Foundation of CanadaRio Algom LimitedThe Rockefeller FoundationRon Joyce FoundationRotary Club of Port ElginRotsaert Dental Laboratory Services Inc.Royal Arch Masons of OntarioRoyal College of Dental Surgeons of OntarioRoyal Trust Corporation of CanadaRTDS Technologies Inc.S.C. Johnson & Son LimitedThe Schmeelk Canada FoundationSears Canada Charitable FoundationS M Blair Family FoundationSmith & Nephew RichardsSonova Holding AGSoutham Inc.StationPark All Suite HotelSunstar Americas Inc.TMX GroupToronto Blue Jays Charitable FoundationTotal Network SolutionsTremayne-Lloyd Partners LLPTulsa DentalUWO Senior Alumni ProgramWarner Home VideoWittington Investments, LimitedYMCA-YWCA of London, Woodstock

& St. Thomas

c.r. Somerville SocietyDonors of $50,000-$99,999society named in honour of Western’s second Chair of the board of Governors from 1914-1919.

Betsy and Sheldon AaronThe Honourable Elaine J. AdairMr. Wayne AdlamDr. and Mrs. Alan K. AdlingtonNed and Alison AmendolaGuy AmireaultRoss and Yvonne ArchibaldStephen and Sandra AssalyDr. George S. AthwalMuriel and Eric AtkinsonAuburn Homes Inc.Mr. Alfred AvanessyWalter R. BadunDr. and Mrs. Christopher BaileyRichard and Shelley Baker Family FoundationMona Bandeen and the late Robert BandeenMr. Brett E.B. BarakettMs Joan L. BarfootDoreen and Mike BartlettPaul Beeston, C.M. and Kaye BeestonEgon and Carol BeilerMr. and Mrs. Leif and Karen BennerDr. Dietmar Berger and Dr. Heidi BergerMichael Bernstein and Nan DasGuptaMr. Robert G. BertramMr. Stanley BorensteinDr. Clement W. BowmanMr. Tom Bradley and Ms Lori LothianDr. Francesco BragaJohn BraggJames BrodeurMr. Craig BrownMrs. Ruth BrownBruce C. BurgessCameron H. CalderColleen R. Campbell and Stuart MacGregorDavid and Vivian CampbellYolanda and David CampbellMargaret and James P. CarrMr. James CarsonMr. Don CharterDr. Joseph L. ChinShody ChowEleanor R. ClitheroeKathleen and Ron CloseThe Berdie and Irvin Cohen Fund for Doctoral

Business ScholarshipsMr. Dan CoholanBob and Mary Fay ColcleughMurray E. CoultesMr. Mark CowieDavid and Mavis CrawfordRobert D. CrockfordKenneth D. CrossMr. Patrick G.C. CrowleyZoë CurnoeDonald I. Darroch and Sandra L. WoodDash for Diabetes - Team CDNTim Dattels and Kristine JohnsonMr. and Mrs. William and Cecilia DaviesGillian H. Denham and Stephen O. MarshallSteve Dent and Janet MaclarenStephen and Mary Ellen DewisBill Di NardoAlexandra and Camillo Di PrataDino A. DiCienzoJeff and Sue DossettMrs. Ruth Drake Alloway and the

late Sam Alloway

Dr. Darren DrosdowechDr. Andrea DustMrs. Winona E. ElliotCharlie FairbankJack and Peg FairsKirsten J. FeldmanRoly and Ann FenwickMrs. Mary E. Ferguson and

the late Dr. Gary G. FergusonRobert E. FergusonJohn and Sabine FindlayBrian and Patricia FloodJean-Louis FontainePete and Libby FowlerDr. Lillian FullerChristopher GaffneyBruce R. GallJames and Pamela GallagherJoyce C. GarnettStewart P. GeddesDr. Douglas E. GerberRobert W. GibsonDr. C.R. Giddings and Mrs. Florence GiddingsDrs. Dawn and Robert GiffinChristopher GoodwinTariq Hassan GordonMiss Muriel GrantWilliam & Lynne Gray FoundationSheldon GreenspanHarold A. GretzingerDr. Ruby GrewalJanet C. Griffin and Jock W. MacDonaldPeter GrosskopfEdward J. GudaitisDr. Kevin R. GurrHelen Guthrie and the late George GuthrieDouglas Guzman and Sheila BrownKeith R. HalpennyMr. R. Keith HarfieldDr. M. Daria HaustMr. Craig D. HenshawMr. Michael Hill and Ms Wendy Gibson Hindmarsh FamilyAnthony and Peggy Wong HoDavid C. HolmesThe Hopper FamilyDr. James HowardMrs. Velma HowieMr. Horst E. HuenikenJohn L. HunterJohn G.W. InchLarry and Patricia InnanenMr. Douglas G. Irwin and

Mrs. Margot M. JonesBoris J. JackmanJ. David JacksonFranklin G. JacobsLyse and Dieter JahnkeDr. Gordon JaseyGillian JohnstonMrs. Mollyann Johnstone and

the late Mr. Thomas W. JohnstoneMr. Edward J. KernaghanMr. and Mrs. Eric and Helen KintsLou and Hedy KoebbelGary E. KoreenDr. Andrew KuchtarukTim, Jane and Brian KwanDr. Geoffrey Kwitko and Ms Paula KwitkoDr. Alan Kwong Hing and Dr. Matthew KaravosWilliam LaceyMr. Frank LamannaDr. Abdel Rahman LawendyMr. D. Michael LayDr. Marie-Eve LeBel

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“ I had some of the happiest and most inspiring times of my life at Western. I hope to give Western’s music students the opportunity to experience the same.” – the Honourable elaine J. adair, Bmus’73, ma’78

C.r. somerville society

James Leech and Deborah BarrettMadeline LennonMark and Cristina LewisJeffrey LipsonKaren G. LivickRobert W. LubaAnne and Jay MacAulayClaudette C. MacDonald and

Donald J. MacDonaldJohn A. and LuAnne MacDonaldNatalie MacLean and Andrew WaitmanWilliam J. MacLeodMr. R. Kelly MancariMr. Donald MatthewsCraig P. Mayor, General Atlantic Group Ltd.Dr. James P. McAuleyDr. Richard W. McCaldenPaul and Lynne McCreaMrs. Pat McFarlane and

the late Dr. Robert M. McFarlaneRobert McFarlaneThe late Dr. William P. McGrathDoug McGregorHugh D. McKellarJean McKenzie and the late Angus McKenzieDiane Mendes de Franca and

Kevin GoldthorpPaul J.D. MillerDr. Paul and Mrs. Barbara MilosPhilip MohtadiMr. Jearld MoldenhauerPhilip F.D. MoorcroftJohn Moore and Christine CromartyMarti Morfitt and Patrick WeberLenny L.Y. MoyPaul E. MoynihanRobert G.E. Murray, O.C.The Nash FamilyThe Dr. Max Taylor Nathan FamilyDr. Doug NaudieMr. Lloyd R. NeedhamMr. Archibald J. NesbittElla Norton and the late James Hall NortonRobert and Alexandra NourseDr. Richard J. NovickWade Oosterman, MBA’86 and

Wendy A. Adams, HBA’82, MBA’86Gordon R. PerchtholdPaul K. PewMr. and Mrs. Norm and Sharon PuhlDr. James H. PurvisMr. and Mrs. William and Cynthia QuinnDr. Peter A. RechnitzerMr. Jeff Regan, in memory of

Dr. Suzanne Bernier, PhDDr. Grant L. Reuber, O.C.Mr. J. Alexander RichardsMr. John D. RichardsonJane RiddellBarbara Ritchie and Cedric Ritchie, O.C.

Pierre Rivard and Catherine PaquetMr. and Mrs. E. RobinsonIn Honour of Dr. John RobinsonDr. Martin L. RobinsonThelma RosnerCharles and Seanna RossGretchen and Donald RossMrs. Jean RothPete Samson and Cathy WilliamsonDr. David W. SandersCarl and Agnes SantoniSapunjis FamilyScott SarjeantLawrie SavageMr. Alan G. SelleryPeter SharpeMr. and Mrs. Lino (Lee) Sienna and

Anne SiennaDavid and Elizabeth SimMrs. Barbara Simmons and

the late Dr. Ralph G. SimmonsPeter SimonDr. Samuel SiuDr. and Mrs. Eddy and Zorka SmetMr. and Mrs. Craig and Cathy SmithMrs. Judith SoltysPatrick A. SpenceMr. Raymond StantonDavid J. StenasonMr. and Mrs. Janis and Lilija StrautsPeter Sucharda and Cynthia DevineRosslyn Kelly SwansonKaren J. TaylorRobert TaylorSergei and Olga TchetvertnykhMr. Emil TelizynMr. Bill TengPatrick and Muriel ThibertPaul and Penny ThomasMr. Darren E. ThompsonMr. Wesley D. ThompsonMr. Merle R. TingleyFred and Vicki TomcykDavid and Dorothy TorontowFlora and Ian TrippGareth N. TurnerMr. Randy TurnerDr. Irene Uchida, O.C.Mr. Uldis UpitisRonald Van HorneLuc VannesteAnthony von MandlThe late Brenda WallaceDr. Robert L. WaltersDr. Simon WeinbergThe Westeinde FamilyMr. Michael WexlerMs Margot E. WhiteMr. Judson D. WhitesideMark Whitmore

Dr. Gerald WisenbergDr. Terrance M. WitzuDr. David WolfeProfessors Albert R. and Vivian WoodDonald P. WoodleyMs Jean WuenschLarry and Jessie WynantRay G. YoungThe Zaifman Family

G. edward Hall SocietyDonors of $25,000-$49,999society named in honour of Western’s fourth President from 1947-1967.

Mark A. AboudStephen N. Adams, Q.C. and Linda AdamsMrs. Susan Agranove and

the late Dr. Larry AgranoveJames R. AlexanderWilliam D. AndersonG. F. Kym AnthonyDavid AnyonDr. Jerrold Armstrong and

Mrs. Laurie BruvallMr. Nikolaos AroutzidisDr. and Mrs. George and Maria ArvanitisBarbara AstmanHugh D. BabowalMr. and Mrs. W. Mark and

Cynthia J. M. BarberBruce C. BarkerDavid and Susan BarnesGary R. BarnesAndrew W. BarnickeDr. Paul W. BeamishDiana J. BeattieHelmut J. BeckerJalynn H. BennettRobert H. BeriaultJames and Ann BertrandMr. James D. BestThe Besterd FamilyMr. and Mrs. Austin C. and Nani BeutelAsha BhardwajMr. Lyle B. BlairDr. Douglas Bocking, C.M. and

the late Vivian BockingMr. Richard BonderenkoBourne Family Fund of the London

Community FoundationAndré M. BoysenLloyd W. BracewellMr. Christopher J. BradbrookMr. and Mrs. Rob and Joline BrantDouglas G. BrockCharles W. BrownDavid and Karen BrownThe Family of Dr. E. Earle BrownDr. and Mrs. Mitchell and Amy Brown

Robert A. BrozdowskiMr. Perry CaiccoIan R. CampbellPaul F. CampbellChristopher L.B. CannyDr. and Mrs. Tim and Madeleine CareyDr. and Mrs. Serge and Irene L. CarriereJohn and Barbara CarrollThe Carroll FamilyDr. Lois ChampionAgnes C.M. ChanDr. and Mrs. Tommy and Anna ChanDr. Graham W. ChanceRonald D. CharlesW. John CharmanPackianathan ChelladuraiEarl A. Cherniak, Q.C.Sanjib ChoudhuriS.K. Wilson ChoyMr. and Mrs. John B. and Nancy CieslakC. David ClarkGreig and Carolyn ClarkMr. Mike J. ClarkMr. W. Edmund Clark, C.M.Alan Cohen and the late Phyllis CohenOttavio and Patricia ColosimoJohn and Gloria ConnellyMr. Robert Copeland and

Dr. Catherine CopelandLeroy CoulthardPatricia N. CourtrightJohn D. CrabbDr. Robert H. CramDale and Marion CreightonMr. Patrick P. CroninDr. and Mrs. Donald CroninMr. Robert A. Cuddy and Ms Jane DupereMr. Galen CurnoeDann CushingProfessor Mary CyrDave Dal BelloDr. William S.A. Dale and Mrs. Jane DaleDominic D’Alessandro, O.C.Dan DaltonKevin and Kelley DaltonDr. Regna DarnellPaul Davenport, O.C. and Josette DavenportJohn DavisMs Martha DavisGail Ann DelaneyDr. Liliane Delaquerrière Richardson and

Professor R. Alan RichardsonMr. and Mrs. Steven and Bruna DenglerMrs. Kathryn DensmoreDr. John DenstedtMarnie Denyes, Elizabeth McInnis, Kate

McInnis and Sara McInnisMr. Paul W. DerksenMr. David E. Des LauriersMurray Dewis

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Ms Karen A. Dewis and Mr. Richard MolyneuxMr. Navjeet DhillonRandolph J. DietrichDouglas K. DittmerDr. Suresh Viney DograStephen and Loretta DonovanElizabeth T. DornerStan DraglandDr. Wesley J. DunnMichael DurhamThomas W. EbbernMerrill W. and Barbara L. EdmondsSharon and Stephen EdmondsonLaura Elias and the late Norman EliasIzzeldin A. ElkhazinDr. Robert W. Elliott and Dr. Francine M. LoJames and Marianne EmmertonBrian Empey and Darlene MelansonMrs. Shirleyan EnglishDr. Brian Evans and Mrs. Jane Garrod-EvansSarah Abell EvansRhys T. EytonDr. Robert O. Farley and

Mrs. Lois C. (Fulton) FarleyTerry and Peter FarmerDrs. Tom and Cathy FauldsMr. William FeldzamenMiguel FernandezHillel M. FinestoneMr. John R. FinlayJohn L. FinniganMr. and Dr. Jeff and Lisa Fischer & FamilyDr. and Mrs. Kent and Francine FloreaniThe Flynn Family and Friends, in Memory of

Ailbe C. Flynn, LLB’97James E. FordyceTony and Angie FrancoliniJames M. FranklinPat A. FraserDr. William H. FrenchFriends of Wind OntarioSteven Yaron GarmaiseTed GarrardMr. David GilliesDavid and Beth GirvanMs Maria Zora GittaJeffrey L. GlassAlain GoldschlagerMr. and Mrs. R.A. Gonder and

Mr. and Mrs. N.G. BurdickGerald I. GonserNikolai GourianovDr. D. Michael GraceMr. Alexander E. GrahamMr. Bruce GrahamDavid R. GrantBrian K. GrasmuckMr. and Mrs. Douglas and Sandra GreavesDrs. Donna and Jeffrey Green and FamilyPaul Greenberg and Marla ChoslovskyDouglas G. Gunn, Q.C.Mr. Edward Glenn HaddenMr. Jean-René HaldéJon HallGavin and Beatrice HamiltonMichael and Irena HamiltonDr. Robert R. HanseboutDr. Lesli Hapak and Dr. Tim McManusRonnen HararyDr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.J. HarriganDr. K. A. HarrisDavid Hass and Mary FederauDaniel B. HebertMarnix E. Heersink M.D.Jan and Mark Herman

Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. HicksRona J.E. HicksonMr. Gerald J. HippleAsiff S. HirjiR. W. HodderDr. and Mrs. Ronald L. HollidayDorothy HollingsworthDr. and Mrs. Philip HooperTony J. HorakJamie HorneSusan and Steven HorvathMrs. Jane HowlettRobert E. HublingMiss Tineke HuitingDr. Sarah HullandDr. Dennis HumenDr. and Mrs. John A. HumphreyElspeth Fordyce HumphriesMr. John S. HunkinDr. Lawrence N. HurstDr. Richard InculetCam and Randi IveyTerry A. JacksonEllis Jacob and FamilyRaj K. Jain and Dr. Sushil K. JainDr. Alfred JayThe late Katharyn Jefferies KarrysDarlene and Perry JefferyMorris R.F. JennerCatherine JensenMr. Michael P. JohnsonDavid and Carol JohnstonBrian R. Jones and Karen L. Weaver-JonesDouglas and Diane JonesGlenn JonesHarry Joosten and Kathleen MurphyStephen KaganovPeter J. KarrysThe late John and Suzanne KaufmannPatrick and Barbara KeenanThe Kennedy FamilyEdward and Stella KennedyJohn C. KennedyJames and Maria KnowlesRichard L. KnowlesMurray Koffler, O.C., O.Ont. and

Marvelle Koffler, O.Ont.Dr. Stan KogonMarisa KwokDr. Peter KyleLouise-Marie LabergeDr. Michel LacerteGordon Lackenbauer and Joyce TrappDavid and Antje LaidlerDouglas M. LambertClaude and Lorraine LamoureuxChristopher H. LangMr. and Mrs. Guy N. LaunaySteve LearSabine and Raymond LeducBarbara L. LegateDr. and Mrs. William and Alison LennardFrederic Lesage and Anne McMasterDr. and Mrs. Glynn A. and Judith I. LeyshonDr. and Mrs. Charles and Carla LinMr. and Mrs. William LitchfieldAnthony and Betsy LittleClive O. LlewellynFranklin D.Y. LoThomas A. and Rosemary LoganDavid K. LowryDr. and Mrs. Perry and Rita LuiTim LukendaJohn A. LuskDr. Brian Lyttle

Wendy MacKinnon-KeithMaxine MacLureDonald and Leone MacnamaraChristine A. MageeDr. Sumesh MahajanPeter T. MainMr. Nicholas A. ManciniDr. Sue (Pacsuta) Marinovich and

Dr. John MarinovichMr. Peter J. MartinOleh MaryniakMrs. Lara Masur-LeitchDavid L. MayhewMs Armandina MaziarczykWayne P. McArdleCarol McAulayMr. and Mrs. Ronald J. and Ann McClatchieMs Rosemarie McCleanMJ (Marty) McConnellMr. and Mrs. B.C. McConvilleRaymond L. McFeetorsTimothy McGuireJames G. McKeeMr. and Mrs. Roy and Ann McKenzieIan A.N. and Stephanie McLaganProfessor Richard H McLarenRoderick M. McQueenJames R. McSherryDr. G. Edgar MeadsL. Jacques Menard, O.C.Dr. and Mrs. Alan and Karen MenkisThe Mikalachki Family Glenn A. MillerProfessor James MillerDr. Thomas MillerJohn and Maggie MitchellLawrence and Nancy MokDavid MontaneraGwyer Moore and Diane ArsenaultJohn MooreHugh MorrisMrs. Florine MorrisonCatherine MorrisseyJane and Roger MortimerGary and Karen MottersheadDr. Dwight MoulinGuff MuenchSean C.V. MullinThe late Mr. J. Dean MuncasterDawn MundayWendy MurdockDr. Michael F. MurphyPaul L. MurrayDr. Douglas W. MuzykaDr. M.L. MyersRobert NashPaul J. NathanielszDr. Tatiana NazirovaDr. Emilie NewellMr. Tom NgFiona E. Nisbet and John C. JacksonMs Marie NixonMr. and Mrs. Alan NoonMr. Alexander NormanDr. and Mrs. Brent and Julie NortonAndrea and Kevin O’BrienMrs. Marion O’Donnell and FamilyLarry and Theresa OehmRobert C. OlsenAllan OlsonAlberta O’NeilJohn P. OrmstonMr. Anthony G. OstlerMichael OstroMr. N. Paine and Ms S. Bent

Mrs. Ina Pakkert MigneronDr. Manu PanwarCarol and Filip PapichMadeleine PaquinJohn C. Park and FamilyJay R. ParrBob Paterson and Pat JentzNigel and Diane PatersonDr. and Mrs. Carlo G. PavanBob and Sandra PearsonGerald and Deborah PedrosNeil and Leanne PetroffLee Alexander PettigrewMr. Michael PhelpsRon A. PlashkesProfessor Howard N. PlotkinDr. Patrick J. PotterProfessor Paul PotterDrs. Jeremy Pridham and Gillian PetersRoss Pritchard and the

late Audrey Brown PritchardChristine J. PrudhamMr. Michael W. PunWilliam QuinnAnton R. RabieCecil and Robert RabinovitchBradley RadinMalcolm RainsChellappa and Bhama RajgopalMs Kelly RansomAnne Elizabeth RasmussenElinor Gill Ratcliffe, C.M., O.N. LLD (hc)David and Tasha RawlingsDouglas M. ReidW. Donald ReidDonald G. RiceJennifer and Phil RichardsJ. Richmond and G. PanopoulosJean Paul RivardRussel C. RobertsonWilson and Judith RodgerJames C.V. and Lisanne RogersBrenda RolfeMartha and Dan RossBruce and Lisa RothneyMr. John A. RothschildJames and Leslie RourkeJeffrey RubinoffJan A. RubyMr. Steven RucchinMr. Charles F. RuigrokMr. and Mrs. Thomas and Jane SabourinMr. David G. SamuelDr. Harinder Sandhu and Harpreet SandhuDr. Kuldeep SandhuHarolde M. SavoyDr. David J. ScarfoneMr. Rob R. SchlegelMr. Ron SchmeichelMr. Donald B. SchroederMr. Michael S. SchwengerR. Luke SeabrookGary S. SegalBrian and Heather SemkowskiC. Richard SharpeDr. and Mrs. John R. SharpeDr. and Mrs. Michael and Julie SharpeKen ShaverHeather A. ShawDonald SheldonErnest F. SherrardBruce M. ShirreffDr. Meboob SidhuDuncan W. Sinclair M.D.Alastair W. Sloan

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“ Our son aspired to be a doctor and loved helping others. By establishing a student award in his memory, we are creating a lasting legacy that will honour his passions and benefit Western students for years to come.” – Sharon edmondson, mBa’00 and Stephen edmondson

G. edward Hall society

Mr. John SloanMr. Daniel C. SmithKeith SmithBob SolomonMr. David G. SouthenDrs. Ann and David SpenceDr. Charles Spurgeon and

the late Mrs. Sybil SpurgeonMrs. Gail StarkDr. Margaret M. SteeleMartha Steers and the late Barry SteersRichard StephensonBrian G. StockMary Ellen Strath-SimonVladimir StriteskyPriscilla Shih-Hwa SuffelStephen A. SuskeGabriel, Helen & Neville SuskinTerrance and Thecla SweeneyDr. and Mrs. David and Margaret SylvesterDr. Nabil Tabbara and Mrs. Julia TabbaraThe Tamblyn FamilyLawrence TanenbaumDonald Tapscott and Ana Lopes, C.M.Dr. Brian TaylorRonald E. TaylorDr. and Mrs. Robert and Stella TeasellAlan ThickeMargaret ThielsenTracey Tremayne-LloydJoseph TseDr. Jacqueline Blanche TuckerMr. and Mrs. Jean TurmelThe Barbara Turnbull Foundation for

SpinalCord ResearchThe Turnbull Family in Memory of the late

Mary E. (Gregory) Turnbull, BA’48 and in Honour of George B. Turnbull, HBA’49

Wesley R. TwissDr. John E.A. TysonMark UhrynukMary and Barry UllettTony UrquhartDaniel Van HoutteDr. Robert VanHuysteeJohn and Theresa Vander HoevenBen VaradiDr. Catherine VetranoDr. Paul VezinaBernice VincentDr. Donald I. WakehamColin and Julie WalkerWilliam and Diane WallTimothy, Deborah and Jeffrey WallaceMr. Bjorn WalterMs Nadia J. WalterMr. Roger WangSeng Wee LeeDouglas WeldonAnnette and Michael White

Mr. Tim WigganJoseph WileyMr. Jeff WillmoreScott and Jacqueline WilsonMs Lara Witter and Mr. Curt SigfsteadDavid Tat-Kee Wong and FamilyDr. C. Allan WooleverDavid J. WrightLincoln YuMing-Kong YuDr. Sek-Cheung YuenMichael S. YuhaszMr. and Mrs. Edward and Clara Zelenak

The Estate of Lorne Stone

Helen m.B. allison Legacies Societysociety named in honour of Western’s first female registrar 1947-1962.

Bassem N. AboumradAlan AdlingtonJanet A. AllinsonStephen D. AndersonMrs. Theresia Andrews-MaasCallie ArcherDr. Diane E. ArcherMargaret N. Archibald and Frank C. SyselEstelle ArlowChristopher M. ArmstrongNeil and Marjorie ArmstrongMs Ellen AtkinsonBrian AuldWilliam and Deborah AzizGermaine Bader and the late Max BaderWalter R. and Jean L. BadunStewart I. BaileyRonald W. BarehamRalph M. BarfordDr. and Mrs. Blake BarlowDr. Henry Barnett, C.C. and

the late Kathleen BarnettAlfred BauerAnne M. BaxterGerald E. BeasleyMary Glenna Calder RN BScN edKirsten BennettDr. Janice J. BestJohn Robert Birkett ’65The Blazak Family Diana BlosdaleChristopher Bogart and Elizabeth O’ConnellDr. Tracey Bogue and Ms Elizabeth HaydenTed and Karen BossenceLeslie BowdJohn and Susan BoweyDr. Lillian BramwellRobert A. BrattiThe Brederlow Family

Thomas H. and Sandra E. BrentDoug BrockAndy and Leslie BrockwayR. Geoffrey and Nancy B. BrowneDr. Charles and Daisy Bell and

Ruth Bell BuchanLorne A. BuckLucy Anne BuckDrs. Robert and the late Carol BuckPaul M. ButlerNeil and Heather CampbellRoger S. CarpWendy CarriereMr. Daniel CarrollDr. John S. CarruthersPhilip CerconeBosco Chan and Shashi UniyalDr. Jan CioeGregory ClarkWarren and Shirlyn ColemanRoss and Laura CollishawMarilyn Ernest-ConibearDr. John “Peter” ConleyJoyce M. ConnElaine ConnerJohn D. CoombsJames P. CooperKenneth CooperJ. Fredrick CornhillMichael CosecLinda and Randall CraigDale and Marion CreightonHalina Czajkowska-Robinson and

the late Dr. J. R. RobinsonClaude F. DamianiDr. Ronald and Miriam DavidsonDonna DeakenDr. Jeanne DeinumGeorge P. DeKayMarie-Anne DesjardinsDenis and Debra DevosDennis and Janis DixonJanet Gail DonaldMr. Donald DorityWilliam E. DuffieldDr. Dale Virginia EdwardsW. Donald R. and Jean E. EldonCatherine Elliot ShawGeorge and Margo EnnsDr. and Mrs. David and Mary ErbFrank J. ErleJames A. ErskineMs Carol EvansJohn (Johnny) FansherJoan R. FaulkMrs. Mary E. Ferguson and

the late Dr. Gary G. FergusonRobert E. FergusonSusan (Ross) FinleyConstance FitzGerald-Heringer

Douglas L. FlandersBrian and Jennifer FosterBrian R. FosterPeter and Libby FowlerD. W. FranksDr. John R. FraserMorna J. FraserJohn F.A. FreiburgerTed GarrardAnne Marie GeddesDouglas E. GerberDr. C. R. GiddingsGraeme and Dawn GilbertFrances Gillard HarveyJeanne Gillies and the late Donald GilliesJames and Eva GoodD. Michael GraceDonald P. GraceyBarbara Baker GrahamBillie D. GraingerDouglas A. GrantMuriel GrantBrian K. GrasmuckNancy and Bill GrayBurdge F. Green M.D.Ms Jane GrierLee and Inez GuempleKathlyn J. HagermanJon HallBetsy K. HamiltonJohn and Helena HamiltonJohn W. HamiltonEve HarpNanci HarrisJohn E. HastingsDouglas P. HayhurstMark and Kathleen HenningCarol Pearl HerbertRona J.E. HicksonDr. and Mrs. J. Stanley and Muriel HillWilliam L. HodginsRonald and Susan HollidayCharles A. HolmeSteven and Susan HorvathThomas P. HowardRobert and Velma HowieJ. Richard HuntJ. Brad HunterDr. Richard M. Ivey, C.C.Jean JanesMr. Randall JangRobert A. JenningsPeter T. JohnstonEvelyn Phillips KaplanJohn E. KearseyBarbara E. KeddyPaul A. KeeryMargaret KelchDr. Marta C. KellyNancy P. Kendall

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“ Mature students inspire me. They are determined to reach their goal of an education, and new possibilities open up for them. My intention in leaving a planned gift is to provide bursaries so more mature students at Western can fulfil their dreams.” – Donna moore, Ba’76, med’86

Helen m.b. Allison Legacies society

Arlene M. KennedyCharles and Margaret KimballRhonda L. KingMary Lou Kingham in Memory of Arthur

and Lillian KinghamSaulius J. KizisR. J. KulpergerChris and Sonya KwiatkowskiStephanie LachmanLouis Lagassé, C.M.Genevieve C. LalondeDouglas M. LambertSally E. LaneChris LangB. LangillAllan and Donna LansingMarjorie E. LanthierAndré LaquerreThomas LaughlinHeather LernerChico M. LevyJune LevyPat Lightfoot-CrossAnn McColl Lindsay and David LindsayAndrew G. LonsethDavid K. LowryDr. and Mrs. S. Brian LucasJohn A. LuskJohn LutmanGary and Susan LyonCorinne M. MacDonaldConstance V. MacDougallDuncan MacGregorDonald and Leone MacnamaraGary J. Maier M.D.Roderick MajorDr. William J. MallonOrville H. MarshallPeter J. MartinDr. Paul MaxRonald May Ph.D.Ann and Ron McClatchiePaul and Lynne McCreaDorothy F. McDadeMichael McDonaldDrs. Ross and Frances McElroyJohn McFaddenTeresa McFaddenDavid McGregorWilliam G. McHughBruce A. McIntoshDonald J. McIntoshDonald A. McKellarJoyce McKeough and Darcy McKeough, O.C.Richard S. McLachlanKathryn McLeanMark R. McQueenG. Edgar MeadsJohn E. MellottJames F. Miles, P.Eng.

Mary and Ian MillerDr. D. Keith MillsConnie Lou MooreDonna MooreDawn Munday and Paul CarsonKeith and Mona MunroMurray - McMurtry William E. MurphyMargi and John NashMark K. NealeJan New and David LoweEmilie NewellFiona E. Nisbet and John C. JacksonMarie NixonJeff and Tara O’HaganDr. and Mrs. Thomas and Kathryn OperJay R. ParrDr. Janice PasiekaT. Michael PaylorRichard Gordon PearceBob PearsonMary L. Penny (nee Zimmerman)Claude Pensa and the late Elaine PensaB. Gail PerryBruce J. PetersGaylanne Phelan and the

late Richard ChenowethG. Christopher PhillipsAudrey PickardStan PiskorowskiJane PlasMark PoznanskyDorothy Ruth and David Oliver PrestonJohn F. PsutkaIn Memory of Lyla C. RainfordHubert A. RamollaDr. Marjorie RatcliffeMira RatkajBeverley J. RawlingsRobert S. RawlingsDouglas M. ReidSusan Marie ReidW. Peter ReidReginald W. RichterRosemarie I. RiedmannKerry RitzPierre Rivard and Catherine Paquet-RivardSkip and B.J. RobinsonVictoria and Sherwin RobinsonJ. Wayne RogersAinsley Bernard RoseDeryck A. Ross, MSc ’66Barbara Roth and the late James H. RothWilliam A. SaundersPatricia SavageBrendon SaxtonJohn SchuchtJohn A. SchweitzerJessie M. ScottPerouz Misakian Seferian

Frederick W. SherrinRuth E. ShillingtonSteven and Janet ShillingtonDr. William G. ShipmanWilliam ShurniakConstance Sibbald and the

late Dr. William SibbaldRonald SimpsonRobert G. SiskindDavid R. SmallElizabeth L. SmithMarcia C. Smith, Meds ’57Barbara Bethune SouterDavid G. SouthenMariann and Randy SouthenDonald R. SpeirThe Staffen Family – Rob, Sharon, Julia, Matt

and CandraKeith and Joan StaintonMichael Steele and Tracy JollymoreCarol Stephenson, O.C.Carole and David StinsonGrant Stirling and Rena SheskinPeter R.C. StoryRobert and Eileen StuebingFelice SuarezPriscilla SuffelAnn H.P. SutherlandCarl E. and Janet G. SwansonGreta T. SwartGeraldine SweetLloyd C. SwiftFrances E. TaylorRobert TaylorMr. Klaus H. ThielWarren ThirskHugh ThorneMrs. Agnes (Nan) TimbsTracey Tremayne-LloydGerald J. TrutwinGeorge B. Turnbull and the late Mary TurnbullDr. P. Van der BorchJan Van FleetDr. Paul WalshJohn C. WarrenGisela WasseDr. Ron WatsonJanice Waud LoperRichard and Jean WeickDr. David B. Weldon, C.M.Clare Wesley Maurice WestmacottRosa Weston and the late Ken WestonThomas G. WhealyCathy Whelen and the late Warren WhelenMary Elizabeth WhitakerJudson David WhitesidePaul Lloyd WilliamsR. Baxter WillisDr. Terrance M. WitzuRonald J. Wonnacott

Donald WoodleyMary Langmuir WrightDr. Mary J. WrightMr. and Mrs. Maksym and Anna Yakovishin

and Dr. and Mrs. Vladimir and Jean Yakovishin

Doreen Chester and the late Harry C. Young

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Abbott Laboratories Ltd.Aeroplan Inc.AGF Management LimitedAmerican Barrick Resources CorporationArclinAspen DentalAutomotive Industry AssociationBayer Inc.Bell Canada Employee Giving ProgramBennett Jones LLPBlackburn Radio Inc.Brookfield LePage Johnson ControlsBusiness Development Bank of CanadaCanadian Chemical ProducersCanadian Council of Aviation and AerospaceCanadian Dental Protective AssociationCanadian Venture Capital AssociationCarlson Wagonlit TravelCement Association of CanadaCenovus Energy Inc.Centre for Addiction & Mental Health

FoundationChanging Ways (London) Inc.CIBC World Markets Inc.Clinical Research Dental Supplies

& Services Inc.Colorcon Inc.

ComputershareDavis & Henderson Ltd.Dental Student Society of UofTDentsply Tulsa DentalDiagnostics Biochem Canada Inc.Digital ExtremesElementary Teachers’ Federation of OntarioThe Embassy of the United States of America

OttawaEMC CorporationEnterprise Rent-A-CarFields InstituteFilion Wakely Thorup AngelettiG4S Cash Solutions (Canada) Ltd.General Dynamics Land Systems -

Canada OperationsGoldman SachsGrand & Toy Ltd.H.W. Wilson FoundationHart Publishing Ltd.Heenan Blaikie LLPHome DepotHonda Canada Inc.Hotel Association of CanadaHoward and Diane Taylor Family FundHuman Resources Professionals of

London & District

Imperial Capital GroupIvanhoe CambridgeIvoclar VivadentJ.D. Irving LimitedJackman FoundationKingSett Capital Inc.Koskie MinskyLenczner SlaghtLondon Jazz Society Inc.Major DrillingMaple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Ltd.Mattamy Homes LimitedMcKenzie Lake Lawyers LLPMiddlesex-London Health UnitMITACS Inc.Morgan Stanley Canada Ltd.Newport Partners Holdings LPOMERSOntario Dental AssociationPirie FoundationPolar Securities Inc.The Randy Gillies Family FoundationSamuel, Son & Co, Ltd.SAP CanadaSapientSECOR ConsultingThe Sedbergh Foundation

Selwyn Resources Ltd.Shelley Medical Imaging TechnologiesSisters of St. Joseph of the Diocese of LondonSleep Country CanadaSoftchoice CorporationSourcentric Inc.Southwest Sun Inc.Steelcase FoundationSupportive Hearing Systems Inc.Synergeering GroupTakeda Canada Inc.TD SecuritiesTeknion CorporationTem Cell Therapeutics Co.The Toronto Crown & Bridge Study ClubTubular Steel Inc.UWO Faculty AssociationUWO Staff AssociationUWO Undergraduate Engineering SocietyVictoria Marathon SocietyWarner ChilcottWaterloo Law AssociationWestern Parking ServicesWilliam J. Spence ICD Memorial FoundationWomen in the LeadYork Barbell Co. Ltd.Zavitz Insurance

Corporation, Foundations and Associations May 1, 2011 to April 30, 2012

We would like to thank the following corporate, foundation and association partners for gifts of $10,000 to $99,999 made between May 1, 2011 and April 30, 2012. We would also like to thank donors who have chosen to remain anonymous. Corporate, foundation and association donors that have given $100,000 or more cumulatively are recognized in The 1878 Societies.

Leaders’ Circles May 1, 2011 to April 30, 2012

Donors of gifts of $1,000 or more to Western between May 1, 2011 and April 30, 2012 are recognized through the Leaders’ Circles. There are four levels within the Leaders’ Circles and we would like to recognize the following donors who have given or pledged one or more new gifts of $10,000 - $24,999 to Western during the year. Donors to the Leaders’ Circles are recognized on our website and in Alumni Hall. Individual donors who have given $25,000 or more cumulatively are recognized in The 1878 Societies. We also wish to thank those donors who have chosen to remain anonymous.

chancellor’s circleDonors of $10,000 - $24,999

Michael and Sandra AndradeMr. Shaun T. ArnoldDr. Constantine AthanasopoulosDr. Paul E. Cooper and Mr. David J. HiebertDr. Anne CroyMr. Jim CuddyMr. Rumi FaizerPeter Green

Stephen G. KennedyMr. Michael J. KilleenMr. Thomas KrizsanMr. David LittleIgor LukacMr. Michael McKennaRichard S. McLachlanMr. Michael Matthew MicsMr. Kim MoodieDerek J. MurphyMark E. NewmanRobert S. Novak

Mr. Bryan E. PearceDr. Peter RendekDr. Jeffrey RichmondMr. Jeffrey RussellMrs. Christine A. SangsterMr. Eugene SchoentagRobert and Theresa ScullionMr. John ShannonDr. William J. SischekDr. Tom T.Y. SongKaren L. SpauldingAndrew L. Szilard

Mr. Nattapol TammachoteDr. David C. TaylorMr. and Mrs. John Tikkanen and

J. Porter-TikkanenIan R. WilkinsonMr. Kevin S. Williams

The Estate of Mr. Robert O. StonerThe Estate of Ms Dorothy M. MonteithThe Estate of Helen M. Yemen

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diana Cunningham director (Alumni & development Communications)Communications & Public Affairs e. [email protected]

t. 519.661.2111 ext. 88467 f. 519.661.3921

