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Date post: 17-Aug-2015
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1. Which of the following is true regarding femoral hernia? a. Commonly seen in children. b. It is the commonest hernia seen in females c. usually presents with inguinal swelling d. it is liable for complications e. usually treated conservatively D 2. Regarding the scrotal swellings: a. Haemetoecle is very common b. Hydrocele could be inguinoscrotal c. Solid epididymal swelling is usually tumour d. Transluminant testicular mass is a tumor e. usually examined with the patient lying down B 3. A cystic swelling Anterior to the testis is usually a. vaginal hydrocele b. Epidydisual cyst c. Inguinal hernia d. Encysted Hydrocele of the cord e. Lipoma of the testis A 4. The most common cause of an enlarged lymph node in the femoral triangle is a. Tuberculosis lymphadenitis b. Brucella c. Neoplastic d. Nonspecific lymphdenitis e. Sarcoidosis D 5. The first symptoms of strangulated Inguinal Hernia is: a. Vomiting b. Fever c. Septic shock d. Constipation e. Pain E 6. The most common cause of a pulsatile swelling in the femoral triangle is: a. saphena varix b. Acute lymphadenitis c. Femoral hernia d. Aneurysm e. Infected lipoma D 7. Adult polycystic disease of the kidney: a. Is an acquired degenerative disease b. Is a risk factor in the development of Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the renal pelvis. c. Is a risk factor in the development of renal cell carcinoma of the kidney d. Is always bilateral e. Is an autosomal recessive disease D

1. Which of the following is true regarding femoral hernia?a. Commonly seen in children.b. It is the commonest hernia seen in femalesc. usually presents with inguinal swellingd. it is liable for complicationse. usually treated conservatively D

2. Regarding the scrotal swellings:a. Haemetoecle is very commonb. Hydrocele could be inguinoscrotalc. Solid epididymal swelling is usually tumourd. Transluminant testicular mass is a tumore. usually examined with the patient lying down B

3. A cystic swelling Anterior to the testis is usuallya. vaginal hydroceleb. Epidydisual cystc. Inguinal herniad. Encysted Hydrocele of the corde. Lipoma of the testis A

4. The most common cause of an enlarged lymph node in the femoral triangle is

a. Tuberculosis lymphadenitisb. Brucella c. Neoplasticd. Nonspecific lymphdenitise. Sarcoidosis D

5. The first symptoms of strangulated Inguinal Hernia is:a. Vomiting b. Feverc. Septic shockd. Constipatione. Pain E

6. The most common cause of a pulsatile swelling in the femoral triangle is:a. saphena varixb. Acute lymphadenitis c. Femoral herniad. Aneurysme. Infected lipoma D

7. Adult polycystic disease of the kidney:a. Is an acquired degenerative disease b. Is a risk factor in the development of Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the

renal pelvis.c. Is a risk factor in the development of renal cell carcinoma of the kidney d. Is always bilateral e. Is an autosomal recessive disease D

8. Renal cell carcinoma a. is the commonest renal tumour in children b. is best diagnosed by urine cytology c. is best treated, in absence of dissemination, by radical nephrectomy d. is best treated in absence of dissemination by radiotherapye. it spreads by cell implantation to the ureter and bladder C

9. Nephroblastoma:a. is the commonest renal tumour in adults b. is a benign tumours of the kidney c. is a locally malignant tumour of the kidney d. is best treated by a combination of surgery and chemotherapy e. it never occurs in children D

10. for the management of an adult male patient living in Riyadh for the last 10 years who presented with terminal hematuria and past history of urinary bilharziasi during his childhood in Yemen:

a. no investigations are needed. Empirically give a course of antibilharzial treatment .

b. do a urine analysis. If bilharzias ova are detected give antibilharzial treatment .

c. treat as urinary tract infection complicating old bilharziasis .d. arrange urgent full urinary investigations e. follow up the patient and do the investigations if hematuria recurs


11. The following symptoms are common in anal problems, except: a. Perianal discharge b. Perianal itching and irritation c. Paind. Nausea and vomiting e. Anal bleeding D

12. The following statement regarding Haemorrhoids are true, except:

a. They are dilatation of the inferior haemorrhoidal vein only b. They can present with fresh bleeding per rectum. c. May be caused by chronic constipation d. May develop secondary to pregnency e. May be caused by carcinoma of the rectum A

13. The following statement regarding Anal Fissure are true, except: a. longitudinal tear in the mucosa and skin of the anal canal b. commonly situated at the lateral side of the anal canal c. lateral fissures suggested specific lesions such as Ulcerative colitis or Maligancy d. The chronic anal fissure can form A “sentinel “pile e. lateral internal sphincterotomy one option of surgical treatment B

14. The following are adverse prognostic factors in head injury except: (E)a. Hypertension. b. Poor Glasgow Coma Score on admission.c. Hypotension.d. Age > 65 years. e. Non of the above

15. The Glasgow coma scale (GCS) is dependant upon the following except:(C)

a. response to speech.b. response to pain.c. response of the pupilsd. best responsee. response of the patient.

16. Severe head injury is defined as Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) of:(B)

a. 3 b. 3-9c. 10d. 11-12e. 13-15

17. The outcome of head injuries: (D)a. depends upon the severity of head injury.b. most of minor head injured are able to return to work.c. only about a third of severe head injured make good recovery.d. All the abovee. Non of the above.

18. The adverse prognostic factors for the development of acute subdural haematoma include the following except: (B)

a. old age.b. young age.c. chronic alcoholism.d. skull fracture.e. anticoagulation therapy.

19. The source of bleeding in the subdural space are all except: (E)a. bridging veins into the superior sagittal sinus.b. bridging vein of Labbe.c. cerebral contusion.d. sinus bleeding.e. fracture haematoma.

20. Extradural haematoma, (the following are correct except): (C)a. is more common than acute subdural haematoma.b. is more often associated with vault skull fracture.c. is caused by rupture of bridging veins.d. is more likely to expand.e. is more likely to be arterial in origin.

21. The source of bleeding in extradural space could be any of the following except: (B)

a. diploic vessels of the skull vault.b. the cerebral veins.c. the middle meningeal vessels.d. the dural sinuses.e. the dural arterioles.

22. Mortality from trauma occurs mostly:a. Immediately at the sceneb. During the first hour from the accidentc. After admission to the hospitald. In the intensive care unit (ICU)e. Just before discharge from the hospital B

23. Which one of the following is a life threatening injury?a. Pneumothoraxb. Hemothoraxc. Head injuryd. Fractured ribse. Compound fracture of the leg C

24. Paradoxical breathing is associated with:a. Bilateral ribs fractureb. Massive hemothoraxc. Tension pneumothoraxd. Hypoxemiae. Pulmonary contusion A

25. A polytraumatized patient who arrives to the emergency department a live but unconscious is best managed by:

a. Adrenalin infusionb. Blood transfusionc. Cardiopulmonary compressionsd. Endotracheal intubatione. Intravenous fluids resuscitation D

26. In hemodynamically stable trauma patient, intraabdominal injury is best assessed by :

a. Clinical abdominal examinationb. CT scanc. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL)d. Four quadrants peritoneal tappinge. Ultrasound B

27. The best method to stop continuous bleeding from pelvic fracture is by:a. Applying mass trousersb. Insertion of external fixatorsc. Internal fixationd. Internal pelvic packinge. Radiological angio-embolization B

28. Regarding ischemic leg ulcer, all are true EXCEPT:a. Are small multiple painful ulcers.b. Occur at tips of toes.c. ABI is < 0.5d. Occur above medial maleolus.

(D)29. The initial step in the management of acute limb ischemia is:

a. Thrombolysis using tissue plasminogen activator.b. Operative embolectomy.c. Thrombolysis using urokinase.d. Heparin infusion.

(D)30. Specific sign for irreversible leg ischemia is:

a. Paralysis of foot short muscles.b. Absence of sensation.c. Pallor and coldness.d. Fixed motling discouration.

(D)31. Lower limb claudication:

a. Occur only in calf muscles.b. Precipitated in long standing.c. Usually occur in the same affected group of muscles.d. Relieved by leg elevation

©32. A 40-year-old lady in her 3rd day post op cholecystectomy developed swollen

left lower limb, which investigation is needed for diagnosis32. ECGb. U/S abdomenc. Arteriogramd. Echocardiograme. Duplex scan


33. In acute ischemia secondary to an embolus:a. Thrombolysis is the best option of treatment.b. Arteriogram is mandatory before intervention.c. The usual site of embolus is middle third of superficial femoral artery.d. Embolectomy without angiogram is the proper managemente. TED stocking is recommended

(D)34. All the following can explain lower limb oedema EXCEPT:

a. Congestive heart failure.b. Hepatic failurec. Deep venous thrombosisd. Severe acute limb ischemiae. Nephrotic syndrome

35. The recommended test for diagnosis of acute DVT is:a. Isotope scanb. Venographyc. Dopplerd. Duplexe. Plethysmography D

36. Regards venous ulcer:a. Occur on the dorsum of foot.b. Treated by heparin infusion.c. Hydrostatic venous pressure of the leg on standing is above

90mmHg.d. ABI is usually < 0.5e. Signs of previous DVT is always absent C

37. Guidelines in management of chronic limb ischemia:a. Angiography is indicated in management of all claudicant patients.b. Exercise training program is recommended in patient presented with rest

pain.c. Estimation of claudication distance by treadmill is important guide for

choosing option of treatment ( Conservative or intervention ).d. Decision for bypass surgery is made upon the results of ABI C

38. Acute ischemia secondary to embolism is suspected on the following conditions EXCEPT:

a. Previous myocardial infarction.b. Absent peripheral pulses in contralateral limbc. History of previous valve replacementd. Presence of atrial fibrillation.e. Rheumatic heart disease. B

39. DVT is expected in following conditions EXCEPT:a. Prolonged bedridden.b. Pelvic tumours.c. Hyproproteinemia.d. Malignancy


40. In the presence of rest pain:a. Pain came in calf musclesb. Pain relieved by leg elevationc. Such pain present for more than 2 weeks.d. ABI is > 0.5

©41. Character of venous ulcer edge:

a. Slopingb. Underminedc. Beadedd. Evertede. Inverted


42. The following are complications of angiogram EXCEPT:a. Haematomab. Renal failurec. Infectiond. Pseudoaneurysme. Acute limb ischemia

©43. The pressure of choice used to maintain pneumoperitomium during

laparoscopy in adult patient is :a. 8 mm Hg.b. 10 mm Hg.c. 14 mm Hg.d. 20 mm Hg ©

44. The best time for laparoscopic cholecytectomy in pregnant women is :a. first trimester.b. Second trimester.c. Third trimester.d. After delivery.

(D)45. Which of the following is used for pneumoperitonium?

a. Oxygen.b. Carbon Dioxid.c. Helium.d. METhan.

(B)46. Absolute contritraindication for laparoscopic choleycystectomy is:

a. Cirrhosis.b. Cholangitis.c. Pregnancy .d. Portal hypertension.


47. Successful reduction of an Intussusception is reflected by:a. Relief of abdominal pain.b. Reflux of Barium in small intestine.c. Complete filing of colon.d. Reduction in intussusception to the ileocaecal valve.e. None of the above.

(B)48. In Pyloric stenosis, the laboratory data reflect:

a. Normal.b. Respiratory acidosis.c. Hyperkalaemia.d. Metabolic alkalosis.e. Respiratory alkalosis. (D)

49. Hirschspung's Diseasea. It is only limited to rectum and sigmoid colon.b. Barium enema is always diagnostic.c. Delayed passage of meconium is the early presentation in full term

newborn.d. It is not due to the absence of ganglionic cell.e. Enterocolitis is not a complication of Hirschprung's Disease.

©50. Inguinal Hernia:

a. Is more common in girls.b. Hernioraphy is the treatment of choice.c. Ultrasound is required to diagnose it.d. Hernia sac may contain ovary, appendix, or omentum.e. Direct inguinal hernia is more common than indirect..


51. Testicular Torsion:a. Can not occur in neonates.b. Radioactive isotope scan is essential to diagnose testicular torsion.c. Treatment is observation.d. Testicular or scrotal pain is the primary symptom.e. The peak age of incidence is 10-15 years.

(D)52. Undescended Testis

a. Is more common in left side.b. Ectopic testis is not a type of undescended testis.c. Treatment is orchidopexy at the age of 6 month.d. It is not associated with hernial sac.e. Laparoscopy is the investigation of choice for impalpable testis.. (E)

53. Acute Appendicitisa. Is more common in children less than 3 years.b. Treatment is conservative with antibiotic.c. Wound infection, Pelvic abscess are the complications of perforated

appendix.d. X-ray abdomen is needed to diagnose appendicitis.e. Most of the patients have high fever at presentation.

©54. Anorectal Malformation ( ARM)

a. Imperforate anus without fistula is the commonest defect.b. The treatment of high type includes colostomy at birth followed by

posterior saggital anorectplasty (PSARP) in 3-6 months time.c. Sacral deformities are always associated with ARM.d. Invertogram must be done within first 6 hours of life.e. Imperforate anus with recto-urethral fistula is the commonest form of low

type in male. (B)

55. The most common cause of neonatal intestinal obstruction is :a. Meckel's diverticulum.b. Volvulus.c. Intestinal atresia.d. Intussusception e. Adhesive bands.

(C)56. Abdominal x- ray of a newborn infant demonstrate a " double-bubble" sign

and a small amount of scattered gas in the mid-abdomen. Which of the following should be performed next?

a. Upper GI barium study.b. upper GI gastrograffin study.c. lower GI barium enema d. lower GI gastrograffin eneme.e. Laparotomy.


57. A 28- days old male newborn presents with nonbilious vomiting. One week ago, he weighed 4 kg; his current weight is 3.6 kg. On examination his anterior fontanelle is flattened and his mucous membranes are dry. Between episodes of crying an olive-sized epigastric mass is palpable. Laboratory data include Na 133. K 3.6 CI 93, CO2 28, and capillary pH 7.51. The most likely diagnosis is :

a. Meningitis.b. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.c. Antral web.d. Intestinal atresia.e. Hiatal hernia. (B)

58. In children under 2 years of age, with acute appendicitis, the incidence of appendiceal perforation noted at appendicectomy is:

a. Greater than 80%.b. 50%.c. 30%.d. 30%e. less than 20%. A

59. Congenital hydrocelea. Tran-illumination is a reliable method to differentiate hernia from

hydrocele.b. Clinically presents as tender scrotal swelling.c. Communicating hydrocele is treated by needle aspiration .d. Associated with many complications.e. in 90% of cases spontaneous resolution is expected before two years of


60. The most common cause of duodenal obstruction in the neonate is:a. Duodenal atresia.b. Doudenal web.c. Malrotation.d. Annular pancreas.e. Duodenal tumor. A

61. Which of the following is an absolute indication for operation in an infant with necrotizing enterocolitis:

a. Pneumatosis interstinalis.b. Portal vein gas.c. Pneumoperitoneum.d. Erythema amd edema of the abdominal wall.e. Progressive thrombocytopenia.

©62. Intussusception

a. Colic abdominal pain, vomiting, palpable abdominal mass are the common clinical features.

b. Secondary intussusception is more common than primary intussusception .

c. Ba enema is only used as diagnostic tool.d. Colo-colic is the commonest type.e. Laparotomy is required in all cases.


63. The most common cause of rectal bleeding in infant is:a. Ulcerative colitis.b. Fissure in ano.c. Rectal polyps.d. Meckel's diverticulume. Intussusception.


64. Basal cell Carcinoma:a. Metastasis is usually to Lymph nodes before systemic Metastasis.b. Metastasis is usually systemic before lymph nodes Metastasis. c. Metastasis is usually to both lymph nodes and systemic Metastasis at

the same time.d. Metastasis is usually to skin as " Satellite " Lisions.e. Does not develop Metastasis.

Answer (e)

65. Patients with Gorlin Syndrome are known to develop:a. Basal Cell Carcinoma.b. Melanoma.c. Squanous Cell Carcinoma.d. Bowen's disease lesions.e. Dysplastic nervi.

Answer (a)

66. Squanous Cell Carcinoma of the skin:a. Is Radio Sensitive.b. Is best treated by Chemotherapy.c. Surgery is done with 5cm skin margin.d. Usually seen in children.e. Its Metastasis is usually systemic before lymph node metastasis.

Answer (a).

67. Melanoma.a. Nodular melanoma has a better prognosis than all other types.b. Acrol Melanoma is known to have the best prognosis .c. Is Radio sensitive.d. Usually develops metastasis to lymph nodes before systemic

metastasis.e. Is more common is black populations.

Answer (d).

68. A melanoma with Clark level "2"a. Reaches the epidermis.b. Reaches the Basal layer.c. Reaches the Reticular Dermis.d. Reaches Junction of Reticular and papillary dermis.e. Reaches the papillary Dermis.

Answer is (e)

69. Majolin ulcer:a. is a type of basal cell carcinoma.b. Is a type of squamous cell carcinoma.c. Is a type of Melonama.d. Is a type of ulcer is a blue nervus.e. Is a type of an ulcer in a dysplastic nervus.

Answer is (b)

70. The junctional nervusa. is flat in appearance.b. Is nodular in appearance.c. Has a flat centre and elevated edges.d. Has and elevated center and flat surrounding.e. Is also known as the dysplastic nervus.

Answer (a).

71. Neurofibromatosisa. type I is Autosemal receive b. type II has a defect in chromosome 22.c. "café au lait " spots are only seen in type I and not type II.d. skin neurofibromas are only seen in type II and not type I.e. a caustic neuromas are only seen in type I and not type II.

Answer (b).

72. In Cavernous Vascular Malformations, the abnormal is :a. in the cappillaricy.b. In the arterioles.c. In the veins.d. In the arteries.e. In the lymphatics.

Answer ©

73. The following are important steps in the management of strangulated hernia except: a. Nasogastric tube b. Antibiotics c. Conservative treatment till obstruction is relieved d. Intravenous fluids e. Consent for possible bowel resection

74. The above figure shows :a. Double lumen tubeb. Armoured endotracheal tubec. RAE tubed. Combi-tubee. Laryngeal mask airway E

75. The most sensitive tissue for ischemia is:a. Muscleb. Nervec. Skind. Fate. Bone B

76. The prefered treatment of a patient with painful thrombosed haemorrhoids is:a. Excision of the haemorrhoidb. Incision and evacuation of the blood clotc. Use of stool softener and sitz bathd. Injection with sclerosing agente. Rubbber band ligation of the haemorrhoid


77. The proper treatment of a patient with a peri-anal abscess is;a. Incision and drainage as soon as fluctuation developsb. Incision and drainage with excision of the internal openingc. Prompt incision and drainaged. Use of antibiotics and sitz bathe. None of the above C

78. The differential diagnosis of an inguinal swelling could include all of the followings except:

a. Lipoma of the cordb. Indirect inguinal herniac. Encysted hydroceled. Undescended testise. Varicocele E

79. Immediate life-saving attention is required for a trauma victim who suffers any of the following conditions except:a. Airway obstructionb. Fracture of the femoral shaftc. Massive flail chestd. Open pneumothoraxe. Tension pneumothorax


80. The most common chest injury is:a. Pneumothoraxb. Hemothoraxc. Sternal fractured. Rib fracturee. Pulmonary contusion D

81. In laparoscopic procedures:a. CO is used for insufflationb. The umbilical trocar is commonly used for the camerac. Bowel perforation occurs more commonly with the open method for trocar

insertiond. Diathermy is not used because of risk of explosione. The pressure in the abdomen can be raised safely up to 35mmHg B

82. The third postoperative day following thyroidectomy, a patient c/o tingling of her finger tips and is found to have serum calcium of 1mmol/l. The next step in the treatment should be

.a Careful observation until the calcium level increases

.b Administration of vit. D

.c Administration of dihydrotachysterol

.d Administration of 1, 25(OH) 2D (calcitrol)

.e Administration of calcium gluconate by slow intravenous drip E

.83 A 24 years old man brought to the ER after a fall from a height. His breathing was laboured and he was cyanotic. No breath sounds can be heard in the right lung field, which was resonant to percussion. The first step in the management will be

a. Cricothyroidotomyb. Obtaining stat chest x-rayc. Passing an oral endotracheal tubed. Starting oxygen by maske. Tube thoracostomy E

84. Medullary thyroid carcinoma:a. Is a tumor of the Para follicular C cellsb. Produce thyroxin as the principle hormonec. Are TSH dependantd. Can be treated by radio-iodine ablatione. T3 act as a tumor marker. A

85. The following necessitate admission to the intensive care unit except:a. 3% burned patientb. Head injury victimc. Bilateral multiple fracture ribsd. Post-operative respiratory failuree. Near drowning patient A

86. Sungstakin tube:a. Has two lumensb. Possess a single balloonc. Used to treat bleeding esophageal varicesd. Is 20cm longe. Should stay in the patient for at least 5 days C

87. Which of the following is correct?a. Foley’s catheter is typically triluminalb. The artery forceps is used as a hemostatc. The subclavian catheter is inserted through the subclavian arteryd. Silk suture is used in vascular anastamosise. Vicryl is non absorbable B

88. Parents of an infant with a unilateral undescended tesis should be adviced that:

a. Correction of the problem should be carried out immediatelyb. Spontaneous descend may occur after the age of 5 yearsc. Orchidopexy should be performed to prevent malignancyd. Orchidopexy may prevent infertilitye. Orchidopexy should be done if the patientpresents at the age of 10 years or

more D

89. A patient with enlarged cervical lymph node, which of the following is unlikely to be the primary site:a. Bronchusb. Stomachc. Colond. Mouthe. Laryngopharynx C

90. Which of the following is true concerning traumatic pneumothorax?

a. Needle aspiration is the treatment of choiceb. The commonest type of chest injuryc. Definitive treatment by intercostals tube drainaged. The main factor causing respiratory distress in flail cheste. Present with stridor D

91. L4-5 disc prolapse the patient will have:a. pain in front of the thigh and groin. b. weakness of the dorsiflexors of the foot. c. absent knee jerk. d. hypothesia around knee. e. muscle fasciculation in the calf muscle. answer b

92. The best radiological investigation in a case of spastic paraplegia with sensory level at T10.

a. Myelogramb. CT myelogramc. Spinal angiogramd. CT Scan of the dorsal spinee. Magnetic Resonance Image Scan Answer e

93. All of the followings are external hernias except:a. Obturator hernia b. Hiatal herniac. Femoral herniad. Lumbar hernia B

94. Two hours post Rt subclavian central venous catheter insertion, patient started to complain of Rt sided chest pain, shortness of breath, taccypnea, and he is tacchycardic. There is decrease air entry to the Rt side. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. Hemothoraxb. air embolismc. line was inserted in the arteryd. pneumothorax A

95. The proper management of the previous patient is:a. Chest tubeb. Removal of the linec. Intubationd. Aspiration of the gas from the line A

The end

1)   With regard to Meckel’s diverOculum, which is true:


a. They are present in 50% of the populaOon

b. They are true diverOcula.

c. All can be visualized by Meckel’s scan.

d. Most complicaOons occur in the elderly.

e. DiverOculiOs is the most common complicaOon.



2)A definite increased risk of colon cancer is associated with :


f. Diet high in fiber.

g. Diet low in animal fat and protein.

h. Diet low in fiber.

i. UlceraOve coliOs

j. Prior cholecystectomy.


3)With regard to colorectal polyps, which of the following is considered precancerous :


k. HyperplasOc polyps.

l. Hamartomatous polyps

m. Adenomatous polyps

n. Lymphoid polyps

o. Inflammatory polyps.


4)Which of the following is the main chemical component of pigment gallstones:


p. Cholesterol.

q. Calcium bilirubinate.

r. Calcium carbonate.

s. Calcium palmitate.

t. Calcium oxalate

= = = = = = 1. In the evaluaPon of the paPents with ureteric colic. Which of the following statements is true:


a. Absence of gross or microscopic hematuria does not rule out urinary stones

b. Plain KUB can idenOfy the stone in 70% of paOents.

c. Ultrasound is the invesOgaOon of choice for paOents with ureteric stones.

d. Emergency IVP should always be carried out.

e. DTPA renogram has no role in evaluaOng pregnant women with ureteric colic.

2. Factors that should be considered when evaluaPng the treatment opPons for paPents with ureteric stones include:


a. Size of the stone

b. Site of the stone

c. Sex of the paOent

d. A & B

e. A & c

Best answer:Thiopentone induces mainly:

SedationHypnosisDeleriumHangoverHypotension B

(2) Spinal analgesia is commonly used for:Upper abdominal surgeryLabor Chronic pain reliefAnal surgeryThoracic surgery D

Blood transfusions may cause all of the following except:Microcirculation thrombosisTransmission of malariaAllergic reactionBronchospasmIncrease platelets count E

The most common chest injury is:PneumothoraxHemothoraxSternal fractureRib fracturePulmonary contusion D

Successful reduction of an intussusception is reflected by:Reduction of intussusception to the ileocecal valveRelief of colicky painRelux of barium into the small intestineComplete filling of the colonNone of the above C

Regarding varicose veins all are true except:Primary type include healthy deep systemPrimary type include diseased superficial systemSecondary type include healthy superficial systemSecondary type include diseased superficial systemSecondary type include diseased deep system C

A patient known to have rheumatoid arthritis on steroid therapy and he is going to have elective surgery, which of the following is true regarding his preparation for the surgery?

Keep the patient on the same dose of the steroidsIncrease the dose of the steroids preoperatively and give it intravenouslyStop steroid therapy before surgeryShift steroid to aspirin and other NSAIDCancel the surgery. B

Preoperative antibiotics should be given to the following patients exceptA patient who is going to have thyroidectomyA patient who is going to appendicectomyA patient who is known to have mitral stenosisAn obese patient undergoing cholecystectomyA patient who going to have right hemicolectomy A

Strawberry hemangioma in a newborn in the cheek

Best treated by surgical excisionBest treated by steroid injectionBest managed by observation for 4-5 yearsNone of the above All of the above C

All of the following are used to assess the nutritional status of the patient except:

Platelet countLymphocyte countBody weightSerum albuminTriceps skin fold A

In laparoscopic procedures:CO is used for insufflationThe umbilical trocar is commonly used for the cameraBowel perforation occurs mosr commonly with the open method for trocar

insertionDiathermy is not used because of risk of explosionThe pressure in the abdomen can be raised safely up to 35mmHg B

TPN is indicated in a patientWith severe diverticular disease of the sigmoid colonFor conservative treatment of appendicular massFor treatment of perianal fistulaWith enterocutaneous fistula having a daily discharge of over 600ccWith 25cm of small bowel resection D

Which of the following types of intestinal obstruction does not need an emergency surgery?

Mechanical obstruction in the early postoperative periodColonic obstructionClosed loop obstructionStrangulation obstructionParalytic ileus E

Commonest cause of antenatal hydronephros isVesicoureteric refluxPosterior urethral valveUreterocele associated with refluxPrime belly syndromePelviureteric junction obstruction (PUJ) E

Features of Dumping syndrome include all of the following except:TachycardiaSweatingPalpitationsConstipationDiarrhea D

In a jaundiced patientVitamin C absorption is impairedAlbumin is always lowCoagulation defect is correctable with parentral vitamin CMore prone to infectionKidneys will have pathological changes if hepatorenal syndrome

developes D

Which of the following conditions is an absolute indication for surgical exploration in renal trauma?

Large perinephric hematomaPresence of hematuriaInjury of renal vesselsExtravastion of urineInjury of a solitary kidney C

Regarding the treatment of duodenal ulcer:Most duodenal ulcers are treated medically with no need for surgical

interventionArteriography in bleedind ulcers is a useful diagnostic modality but has

no place in therapyEndoscopy in bleeding ulcers is a useful diagnostic modality but has no

place in therapyWhen a vagotomy is performed only one vagus should be divided in order

to preserve the pyloric functionA Billroth 2 gastrectomy is more physiological and anatomical than highly

selective vagotomy A

(19) A patient with enlarged cervical lymph node, which of the following is unlikely to be the primary site:BronchusStomachColonMouthLaryngopharynx C

Patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) Patients would require surgical treatmentMost of them will respond to medical therapyBPH is a precancerous conditionThe usual age of presentation is between 35-45Painless hematuria is a leading symptom B

بسم اهللا الرحمن الرحيم

السالم عليكم ورحمة اهللا وبركاته

هـ1427\1426هذه أسئلة دورة اجلراحة للبنات

هذا االمتحان النهائي وقام بتجميعه مجموعه من البنات وهذا االمتحان كان عبارة سؤال وهللا احلمد74 درجه جمعنا منها إال 20 سؤال عليهم 100عن

بس فيه مالحظات على االمتحان انشاء اهللا تقدرون تتفادونها و جتيبون درجات tutorialsاألسئلة كانت من

وليست لطلبة لدرجة ان ما احد قدر يتذكر أي سؤال residentsكانت خارج جميع املصادر وصعبه لدرجه ان احد الدكاترة قال انها مستوى breast ca-اسئله 1

ركزوا على املحاضرة (كالم الدكتور) اكتبوا معه brain ca-اسئلة 2

اسئلة عجيبة اسئلوا الدكتور عنها laprascopy-محاضرة 3

االسئلة تتكرر- 4

Best single response

1‐aBer curable resecPon of ca. pancreas the expected 5 year survivals:



➢ 20 %

2‐ CholestaPc jaundice means:

– ObstrucOon of the bile ouNlow.

3‐ 20 y/o male will have lip surgery but you find his BP 160/120 your next step is:

‐console the surgery

4‐in obstrucPve jaundice you will find:

‐increase in ALP

5‐best Pme to do laparoscopic Cholycystectomy for pregnant women:

‐1st trimester

‐2nd trimester

‐3rd trimester

‐ ABer delivery

6‐ Absolute contraindicaPon for doing laparoscopic cholecystectomy:


‐portal HTN



7‐ Lady presented with lower abdominal pain, on ex. She has +ve rebound best TX. Is:


‐ Laparatomy


8‐common site for fistula between gall bladder & intesPne is:




‐ascending colon

9‐common organism found in brain abscess is:

– Streptococcus

10‐Dx of perforated viscous 

11‐In the evaluaPon of ptn with acute pancreaPPs during the 1st 48 H, all true except:

‐amylase 3500 (NOT part of Ranson criteria)

‐drop of HCT by 10%

‐BUN increase (>5) from 6 to 11

‐AST 2500 (?)

‐O2 saturaOon < 60 mmHg.

12‐ca. esophagus:

13‐ Tx. Of achalasia is by:

‐balloon dilaPon or heller

14‐ Scenario of a business man diagnosed to have large pepPc ulcer by endoscopy, medical TX is started by H2 

blockers but it didn't work so your next step is: 

‐give bismuth + claythromycin+ tetracycline 

‐truncal vagotomy +antractomy

– truncal vagotomy+ pyloroplasty

15‐ TPN is indicated in all ptn. Except:


‐post gastric surgery 

‐high output colocutaneous fistula

‐short bowel syndrome

‐sever necroOzing pancreaOOs

16‐regarding CHO:

‐consPtute 60% of the daily intake

‐1g of CHO = 6.7kcal

‐CHO can provide the body with energy for 1 week in case of starvaOon 

Stored in the muscles

17‐pre OP anPbioPcs given for all except:


18‐which doesn't cause nipple discharge:

‐Paget disease 




‐duct ectasia 

19‐excellent way for doing spleenectomy is by:




20‐ptn. who develops ca+2 <2 aBer thyroidectomy  give her:

‐ ca+2gluconate by slow infusion

‐observe unOl spontaneous raise occure

‐infuse DOH2( dihydroxycholecalcefrol)

21‐ IndicaPons for TUBP in ptn. With BPH:

‐recurrent UTI 

‐irritaOve & obstrucOve symptoms in BPH

22‐ Calcium oxalate stones can be Tx. By all except:

‐medically to dissolve the stone 




23‐in incomplete kidney obstrucPon, the kidney will be damaged aBer:

‐4 weeks

‐2 weeks

‐6 weeks

24‐common cause of antenatal Hydronephrosis is:

‐pelviurertric juncPon obstrucPon

‐posterior urethral valves 

‐25‐ Common cause of Hydronephrosis in female neonate is:

– Ureterocele

26‐best gas used for insufflaPons in laparoscopic surgery is:




27‐the pressure of the gas inside the abdomen in laparoscopic surgery is:

‐ 20




‐28‐the concentraPon of electrolytes in Ringer lactates:

‐Na: 130   K:          cl: 110   lactate: 28   k: 4   ca: 3 

‐Na:135    K:          cl:       only 

29‐pain due to appendiciPs is:

‐relived by leaning forward 

30‐a man with Hx. Of progressive dyspnea over 3 y & regurgitaPon, mass on the Rt side :


‐zenker's diverPculum

‐caroOd body tuomer

‐branchial cyst

31‐hypertrophic scar:

‐grows locally at the side of the original injury

‐vascularity ……..

‐regress spontaneously over Ome 

32‐cushining ulcer (repeated Q from previous exam).

– Stress ulcer (pepPc ulcer) caused by increased intracranial pressure that will lead to increased vagus 

sPmulaPon and gastric acid secrePons.

33‐K+ level (repeated Q from previous exam)

34‐osmolarity of blood (repeated Q from previous exam)

35‐ The major mortality in trauma ptn. :

‐with in the scene

‐ With 24H

‐in ICU

‐by gePng out of the hospital 

36‐in papillary ca. of thyroid:

‐TSH dependent 


37‐the most common cause of urinary stones in developed world:


‐recurrent UTI 

– …..PH

38‐medullary ca:

‐arise from parafollicular cells (Calcitonin‐producing cells)

39‐benign tumors of the large colon include all except:

‐ carcinoid



‐familial polyposis coli 

‐villus adenomatous polyps 

40‐duodenal ulcer:

‐most of the cases respond to medical Tx.


‐interinsic factor is secreted in the stomach 

‐cuQng one of the branches of the vagus is good in prevenPon

‐antraum contains G cells

‐gastroenterostomy without vagotomy is ass. With high recurrence rate of ulcers

42‐management of breast ca. includes all of the goals except:

‐saving the shape & funcPon 

‐prevenOon of complicaOons

43‐ in urinary bladder trauma:

‐extraperitonial occurs in case of pelvic fracture 

‐cystoscopy in the ER is enough to detect pathology 

– treated by primary suturing

44‐indicaPons of IVP include all except:

‐Gross haematuria 

‐contusions in the flanks

‐microscopic haematuria with systolic BP of 100

– Microscopic haematuria with mulPorgan failure

45‐indicaPons of exploraPon in renal trauma:

‐penetraPng injury 


‐signs of mulOorgan involvement

46‐mild renal trauma includes all except:

‐laceraOon of renal cortex

‐laceraPon of corPcomedullary juncPon 

47‐complicaPons of TPN through central line all except:

‐subclavian inury




‐air embolism 

48‐the best way of feeding ptn. For long Pme post CVA who is having dysphagia:




49‐preopraPve prophylaxis anPbioPcs in valvular heart D:

‐gentamycin + amoxicillin 

50‐symptoms of the ceacal ca. include all except:


‐mass in RT iliac fossa 

‐occult blood 


51‐ The metabolic abnormality in hypertrophic pyloric stenosis:

‐respiratory acidosis 


‐ Respiratory alkalosis 

‐metabolic alkalosis

52‐the cause of dysphagia in ptn. With GERD :

‐moOlity disorder


53‐renal colic typical features include all of the followings except:

‐pain in costvertebral angel

‐frequency & dysuria

‐flexion of the hip causes referred pain 

‐radiaOon to tesOs


‐ptn. Who are given prophylacOc heparin should have coagulaOon profile every hour 

‐monitored by parPal thromboplasPn Pme 

‐ptn. Who are totally on heparin should be given 2500 IU every H 

55‐ in laparoscopy:

‐camera trocher should be put at umbilicus 

‐pressure should be kept at 35 

‐wide incision for the trocher is associated with perforaOon of viscus 


‐ptn. Who are receving 3 units of packed RBCs should be given ! unit of FFP

57‐complicaPons of blood transfusion :

‐microcirculatory thrombi



– Increase in platelet

58‐intrcranial tumors can present with:

‐deterioraOon in the level of consciousness

‐focal neurological deficit

‐all of the above

59‐cholycysPPs without stones is best invesPgated with:



‐HIDA scan


‐in children occurs in……….

‐metastasis in adults is uncommon 

61‐cleB palate:

‐occur in the 16th week of intrauterine life 

‐can be uni\bilatral

‐can be associated with recurrent oOOs media

‐ can be associated with URTI

‐best treated by 2y of age to avoid nasal speech 

62‐pressure sores 

‐changing the posiPon every 2 hours should be included in the Tx.

‐treatment by debridment 

‐the only soluOon is to replace it by skin flap or gra? 

‐develops on bony prominence

63‐caloric intake per day:

‐ 30‐35gm/kg(may be 25‐30)

– 40‐45

64‐ Meckel's diverPculum:

‐composed of colonic mecosa 

‐present 2 feet away from ilioceacal valve 

65‐complicaPons of diverPculiPs include all of the followings except:



‐fistula formaOon

‐malignancy transformaPon 

66‐LFTs in ptn. With obstrucPve jaundice :

‐elevated SGOT ast

‐ elevated SGPT

‐ elevated alkaline phosphatase 

‐elevated undirect bilirubin

67‐ acute pancreaPPs all true excepte:

the most cause ‐ is obstrucOon by stones

‐caused by lymphoid hyperplasia in children 

68‐X‐ray of the cervical spine is perforated pre OP "

‐rheumatoid arthriOs 

69‐ KUB will diagnose urinary tract stones in :

‐90% of the ptn.


70‐ the invesPgaPon o choise in aptn. With perforated pepPc ulcer is:

‐upright abdominal X‐ray  cccccccccccccxr

71‐truma ptn. Come unconscious but is…… what is the next thing you want to do:

‐infusion with adrenaline 


‐intravenous hydraOon 

72‐ Paradoxical breathing causes:

‐lung contusion 

‐flail chest  

73‐ On of the following is an emergency :


74‐ Monitoring of fluid in a ptn with…..:

‐swan Ganzcatheter  

Best single response

1- k+ in blood : 3.5 -5.5

2‐ infant born with strawberry nevus on his cheek :best tx:– observation for 4-5y– steroid injection– excision– layer

3‐ neurofibroma:– type I autosomal dominant– chrosome 22 – caffe ola skin manifestation appears only in type I– acoustic neuroma happens only in type I

4‐ clark grading in malignant melanoma grade III means: - involving papillary _ reticular junction

– papillary layer

5- basal cell ca . metastasis :

- not metastasize

-metastasize to lymph nodes before the body

-To the body before the lymph node

– to lymph nodes+ To organs in the same time

6- most common chest injury is:

- pneumothorax

- rib fracture


7- ptn. With pneumothorax tx. Is by:

– chest tube

8- in flail chest the respiratory distress is caused by:

- lung contusion

- exuhation and pain only

– Multiple segment fracture

9- Common site of metastasis in neck lymph node in the anterior 1\3 of sternomasroid muscle is from:

– lung - nasopharynx - breast - GIT

10- branchial cyst:

- lined by squamous epithelial cells

- comes from 1st branchial clet

– in the posterior border of srenomastoid M

11- investigation done for carotid body tumor except [un helfull]

-CT - angiogram - FNA

12- cystic hygroma .all true except

- posterior triangle of the neck.

- could be bilateral

- compressible

- decrease in size when child cries

– pulstie

13- tx . of bleeding esophageal varices.

- best treated by porto – systemics shunt [TIPS]

- somatostatiens

- sclerotherapy

- B2- blokers only

14- massive lower GI bleeding is caused by

- carcinoma - ulcerative colitis

- diverticulitis

- hemorrhoids

– polyps

15- in GIT bleeding

- Angiogram is sensitive

- Angiogram can detect bleeding 0.1mh/min

- RBC scan is localize bleeding site

– RBC scan is more sensitive in detecting bleeding while angiogram is more specific

16- in lower GIT bleeding investigations all can be used except.

- colonoscopy

- angiography

- RBC – scaning

– barium enema

17- question on sutures.

– silk sutures are commonly used in vascular surgery

18- cat-gut sutures.

- made from cat-stomach

- absorbable

– excellent for hernia repair

19- commonly used in surgical sterilization

- autoclave

- alcohol 20%

- ethylene oxide

- che ….xidide -phenol

20- microscopic haematuria which is found many times in 55y old man:

- not important unless ass. With pus cells

- always significant

– not imp. Unless ass with +ve cytology

21- ptn . know to have bilhariziasis came from Yemen, complaining of terminal haematuria.

- treat with antibilharizal antibiotics

- assure the pth.

- it means ca. bladder

22- ca. bladder caused by bilharziasis is:

- squamous cell ca.

- adeocarcenoma

- transitional cell ca.

- renal cell ca.

23- commonest tumor in the kidney.

- renal cell ca.

-Transitional cell ca.

24- ptn. Treated by nephrouretrotomy is likely to have.

- transitional cell ca.[renal pelvis ca.]

- renal cell ca.

- squamous cell ca.

25- cushing ulcer.

- neurological

-In pth. With burn

26- sliding heria.

- more common in females

- contain retroperitoneal structures

- recurrence rate is high after Tx.

- anterior abdominal incision

27- Mcburn's point.

- point of maximum tenderness caused by pancreatitis

- lies on deep inguinal ring

- lies on the junction between ileum & cecum

- 1/3 between A.S iliac spine & umbilicus

28- cardinal sign of hernia.

- cough impulse

- painful swelling

29- inguino-scrotal swelling, all true except:

- vaginal hydroceal

- indirect inguinal hernia

- epidedmal cyst

- Torsion of the cord

30- Femoral hernia

- more common in males

- treated by surgical excision

- not prone to strangulation

- above & medial to pubic tubercle

31- Thiopentone.

- induces sedation

- induces hypnosis

32- MAOI are contraindicated to be given with.

- cocaine - procain - morphrine

- prilocainen - pethidine

33- early sign of local anesthesia Toxicity:

- Tachycardia

- circumoral numbness

34- pain:

- transmitted through 4 order neurons

- NSAI are usefully

- can be acute or chronic

- can radiate to another site

35 - pulse – oximetry measures:

- o2 saturation

- pulse

- b+c

- all of the above

36- malignant hyperthermia early sign

- tachycardia

- increase body temp.

- increase ET-co2

37- complication of endotracheal intubation:

- Tachycardia &hypertension

- Tachycardia &hypotension

- bradycardia &hypotension

- bradycardia &hypertension

- no complication to CVS

38- Functional residual capacity is

- tidal volume +aspiratory Reservoir

- tidal volume +exp . Reservoir

- tidal volume + exp. Reservoir +insp. Reservoir

- non f the above

39- in spinal analgesia the needle pass through

- Supra-spinous ligament

- Intra -spinous ligament


- posterior longitudinal ligament

- ligmentum flavum

40- C.S.F is found in:

- between dura &arachnid

- between dura & pia

- between arachnoid & pia

41- folly's catheter

- typical type is tiuminar

42- in pth . with acute subdural haem. The prognosis is bad in all except.

- old age

- anticoagulation

- young age

- smoking

43- lower limb edema occur in all of the followings except.


- hepatic failure

- nephritic syndrome


- sever acute limb ischemia

44- ptn. Who develops venous ulcer.

- ABI <o.5

- venous pressure when standing >50

- occur in the dorsum of the foot

45- acute limb ischemia all true except

- ABI<o.5

- happens on medial malleuols

- multiple small ulcers on tip of the toes

- painfull ulcers

46- ptn . have disc prolaps in L4\L5 he will have

- lost knee jerk

- weak in the muscles that do dorsi flexion

47- factor which indicate irreversible leg ischemia:

- fixed mottling of the limb

- paralysis

- sensory loss

-Cold & pale

48- 10y old boy weaks from sleep at midnight complaining of lower abdominal pain what you will examine:

- testis


- rectum

- non of the above

49- last modality will be lost in lumbar spinal anesthesia:

- motor


– pain & touch– autonomic

50-The most killing in polytraumatic pth.is

- neurologic defict

- bleding

- respirarory failure

51- junctional nevus:

- also called dysplastic

- elevated edge & flat center

- elevated center &flat edge

- Flat


52- 40y old female present wit spastic paraplegia & sensory level at TI0 best investigation:


- CT

- myelography

- CT+ myelography

53- Diabetic ketoacidosis:

- only in insulin dependent diabetes

- give high doses of long- acting

- resuscitate intravascular compartment

- non of the above

54- PTN. With iliocecal intussusception treated with contrast enema ,sucssful treatment will show:

- colon filed with contrast

- colicky pain is relieved

- barium enema of small intestine

-non of the above

55- treatment of cerebral edema except:

- manitol

- dexamethason

- hyperventilation

56- complications of subclvian vein catheterization:

-air embolim

- pneumothorax

- haemothorax

57- Treatment of hyperkalemia all true except:

- B2 agonist

- ca+2 supplement

- insulin shift k+ into the cell

- haemodyalesis

58- pulmonary embolism investigation:

- VIQ scan [ventilation perfusion scan]

- angiogram


- electrocardiogram

59- rest pain

- pain in calf M

- relived by elevation

- more than 2 weeks

- ABI<0.5

60-in perforated appendix common organism

- E. coli

- bacteriods

- E. coli+ bacteriods+ others

61- cardiac temponade:

- mediasetinal emphysema

- tachdycardia

- high JVP

62- case of haemothorax initial treatment:

- chest tube

- o2 mask

63- body response to lactic acidosis

- compensated by hyperventilation

- compensated by retention of Hco3 in the kidney

- metabolized in he liver

- given bicarbonate

64- pre-op preparation for ptn. Emboli:

- do embolectomy without angiogram

- angiogram is mandatory

65- O2 dissociation curve shift to the left:

- acidosis

- sickle cell anemia

- 2_3 DPGs

-storage of blood

- sepsis

66-increase O2 delivery to tissues by:

- anemia

- cardiac out put

- hypovolemia

67- in 5 leads ECG changes in lead II indicate

- anterior MI

- posterior MI

- latral MI

- anterolatral MI

68- commonest infection acquired in hospital:

- lower respiratory treat


- orophoyngeal

- wound infection

69- angiogram complications all true except.

- haematoma

- renal failure

- psudoanyrusm

- infection

- sever acute limb ischemia

70- Treatment of sinus bradycardia:

- atropine

- lidocain

71- osmolalityof blood 280-290 mosm

2nd Written Exam of surgery 451 – 2007 ( 2nd cycle females )

There were 100 questions , I only remembered these , MOONTI6.

Primary fistulotomy can be done in which one :IntersphinctericTranssphinctericLateral suprasphinctric Extra sphincteric from Chron's disease

Which patient will have the first priority in a triage for a bus car accident :

Cervical spine injuryAirway compromiseMultiple fracturesPelvic fracture??

Gallstones could be all types except :MixedCholesterolPhospholipid stonesBlackBrown stones

Which one of these parameters do you have to have in order to diagnose shock?

HypotensionDecreased tissue perfusionTachycardia

All surgeries need prophylactic antibiotics except :Thyroid surgery

What is Dercun disease

Multiple lipomasMultiple nevie

What is the best way to assess for proper tracheal intubation?Auscultation of the chest bilaterally and the epigastriumVisualize the chest risingPresence of fog or vapor on the endotracheal tubeEnd tidal CO2 monitoring

A woman who has aortic stenosis, came with lower GI bleeding , the most likely cause is :

Ishcemic colitisDiverteculitis

Rodent ulcer is Basal cell carcinoma

All can be a scrotal swelling in a male infant except:Sebasous cyst of the scrotumInguinal hernia

Barratt's eosophagusCaused by AchalasiaMost commonly in the middle thirdHighest risk of eosophageal cancerOnly if dysplasia not metaplasiEarly resection if metaplasia

Regarding TPN : It should be

Calcium oxalate stones can be TX. By all except:only ESWL ESWLPNLOpen surgeryalkalinization

Most common cause of urine retention in a male infant is :Posterior urethral valvesBilateral pelvic ureteric junction obstruction uretrocele

Percentage of water in body of a male is 40%50%60%75%

Mickel's diverticulum :composed of colonic mecosa present 2 feet away from ilioceacal valve

Regarding Men1 all are true exceptAR pattern of inheritanceAffects both sexes equallyAffects 90% of parathyroid40% of pancereasUsually affects the pitutaty gland

Regarding Cushing's syndromeIt’s a synonymous of cushing's disease

PheochromocytomaAlways associated with weight gainOnly located in the adrenals

A 3 week old healthy baby girl , suddenly starts to vomit bilious vomiting .The most likely cause is :

Pyloric stenosisMalrotation and volvulousDeudonal atresia

A patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis , going to surgery , the following should be done regarding her steroids :

Stop the steroidsIncrease the dose and give it IVStop then replace by aspirin or other NSAIDs

LR is used for:Plasma expansionCorrecting metabolic abnormalitiesIntracellularextra cellular

intracranial tumors can present with:deterioration in the level of consciousnessfocal neurological deficitseizuresall of the above

Which factor increases intracranial pressure?MovementFeverPainValsalvaAll of the above

Synactyl is :Complete cleft of primary palate is :

A 50yr old man with a history of right hemicolectomy, presented with colicky abdominal pain which became constant, N, V and abdominal distention. the most likely cause is :

Small bowel obstructionLarge bowel obstructionParalytic ileusClosed loop obstruction.

what is the next step after an X-ray in a trauma patient showing air under the diaphragm :

LaprotomyLaproscopyCT abdomenUS abdomenDPL

Regarding acute peptic ulcer all are true EXCEPT:Can be drug inducedCan occur anywhere in the stomachCan occur anywhere in the duodenumCushing's ulcer can happen post-trauma

Definition of Coma is:

In a trauma patient what should u do before introduction of a urethral catheter :

Examination of the rectum and perineum

Pattern of appendicitis history :

Regarding Flail chest:

Most common presentation of Renal cell carcinoma is :HeamaturiaPainIncidentalMass in the abdomen??

Regarding testicular carcinoma , All are true except:Mostly are malignantRequires scrotal insicion for biobsy

Which one of these measurements indicates malnutrition (or gives the diagnosis of malnutrition ) :

Albumin <29 g/lBMI = 22

Anal cancer treatment

Anal cancer is not associated with :SmokingHIVHPVAnal intercourse

Hirshsprung's diseaseParkland's formula :

half of the fluid is given in the first hourthe urine output is 10ml/min

Split thickness versus Full thickness graft???

One of these skin lesions is pre-cancerous to squamous cell carcinoma :

Keratocanthosisseborrehoic keratosis actrickeratosis skin tag skin wart

According to Clark's classification invasion of papillary layer in malignant melanoma is :

Clark 1Clark 2Clark 3Clark 4Clark 5

Regarding Diaphragmatic hernia:rolling type is most commonboth have GERDherniation is through the central ligament of the diaphragm

Most common organism cultured from brain abscess is:Strep milleri

Varicocele :Is an exclusive condition of adult maleAbdominal ultrasaound should be done if they are bilateral or not reduced by lying down

What is the best initial management in a patient with neurogenic bladder and spina bifida?

Clear intermittent catheterization with anticholinergicsPylostomyCystostomyUretrostomy

Best investigation of choysistis whithout a stone is PTCERCPHIDA scanCT scan

Vertical banding gastroplasty has lost its famousness and not used anymore because of :

Increased number of complicationsLess maintenance of lost weight in the long term

Most important factor causing failure of the surgical reduction of weight is :Sweet eaters


Do the surgery of a boy having bilateral pelviureteric junction for all except :

Because of recurrent pain

All are complications of thyroid surgery except:

A tracheo-eosophageal fistula or atresia or H type in a baby wih Tumors of the brain can present as

All of the above ( ICP , seizures , headaches ...)
