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Claudia Scorolli...

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CV January 30, 2016 claudia scorolli 1/16 CLAUDIA SCOROLLI PhD in Philosophy of Language, Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences PsyD in Clinical Psychology, Psychoanalytic and Psychodramatic therapies Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies University of Bologna Via Azzo Gardino 23, Bologna www.unibo.it/sitoweb/claudia.scorolli/en e-mail: [email protected] pec: [email protected] Grounding of language in bodily actions Linguistic social tools modifying humans’ way to interact with the world Physical and social affordances Neuro-psychoanalysis: interface between cognitive sciences and psychoanalysis Cultural factors influencing cognitive and emotional processing Interdisciplinary research at the interface between cognitive and clinical psychology Psychotherapy: action methods, psychodrama Sociodrama and methods of creative bodily expression Psychosocial interventions for people with dementia and their caregivers Keywords i : see endnotes. Research methodologies: Behavioral paradigms, as RTs measurements Kinematic methods, as reach-to-grasp movement analysis Electrophysiological techniques, EEG Subjective-qualitative methods, as questionnaires Occasionally brain stimulation (TMS) and brain imaging (fMRI) techniques. Teaching: General Psychology Psychology of Communication Psycholinguistics Neuroscience of Embodied Cognition 2020 -29 > Italian National Scientific Accreditation as Associate Professor. Academic Field: 11/E1 – General Psychology, Psychobiology and Psychometrics (08/01/2020). 2018 Winner of a Senior Assistant Professors position (RTDb, tenure track assistant professor): University of Bologna (UNIBO), Academic discipline: General Psychology (27/06/2018, appointed on September 3) 2015 -24 > Italian National Scientific Accreditation as Associate Professor. Academic Field: 11/E1 – General Psychology, Psychobiology and Psychometrics (extended from 2021 to 2024). 2018 > Tenure-track Lecturer Accreditation issued by AQU Catalunya: Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (06/04/2018). 2014 > Qualification as Psychotherapist, specialized in psychoanalytic and psychodramatic treatments, summa cum laude (Nov.23), Mosaico Institute ii (certified by the Ministry of Education, University and Research: M.I.U.R. D.M. 16/04/2002). 2009 > Ph.D. in Philosophy of Language, Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences iii (19/06/2009). University of Bologna. Dissertation: Language and Embodiment: sensory-motor and linguistic-social experience. Evidence on sentence comprehension. 2018 Winner of the selection for the Psycholinguistics teaching contract (28/03/2018, a.y. 2018-19), University of Bologna (UNIBO). 2017 Winner of the selection for the Psycholinguistics teaching contract (a.y. 2017-18), UNIBO. 2017 Certified training on Emergency Psychology – National Association of Psychologists of Emilia-Romagna, Bologna (20/05/2017). 2016 Winner of the selection for the Psycholinguistics teaching contract (24/07/2016, a.y. 2016-17) UNIBO iv . interests qualifications & honors
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CV January 30, 2016 claudia scorolli



PhD in Philosophy of Language, Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences

PsyD in Clinical Psychology, Psychoanalytic and

Psychodramatic therapies

Department of Philosophy and

Communication Studies University of Bologna

Via Azzo Gardino 23, Bologna www.unibo.it/sitoweb/claudia.scorolli/en

e-mail: [email protected] pec: [email protected]

Grounding of language in bodily actions Linguistic social tools modifying humans’ way to

interact with the world Physical and social affordances Neuro-psychoanalysis: interface between

cognitive sciences and psychoanalysis Cultural factors influencing cognitive and

emotional processing Interdisciplinary research at the interface

between cognitive and clinical psychology Psychotherapy: action methods, psychodrama Sociodrama and methods of creative bodily

expression Psychosocial interventions for people with

dementia and their caregivers Keywordsi: see endnotes.

Research methodologies: Behavioral paradigms, as RTs measurements Kinematic methods, as reach-to-grasp

movement analysis Electrophysiological techniques, EEG Subjective-qualitative methods, as

questionnaires Occasionally brain stimulation (TMS) and brain

imaging (fMRI) techniques. Teaching:

General Psychology Psychology of Communication Psycholinguistics Neuroscience of Embodied Cognition

2020 -29 > Italian National Scientific Accreditation as Associate Professor. Academic Field: 11/E1 – General

Psychology, Psychobiology and Psychometrics (08/01/2020). 2018 Winner of a Senior Assistant Professors position (RTDb, tenure track assistant professor): University of

Bologna (UNIBO), Academic discipline: General Psychology (27/06/2018, appointed on September 3) 2015 -24 > Italian National Scientific Accreditation as Associate Professor. Academic Field: 11/E1 – General

Psychology, Psychobiology and Psychometrics (extended from 2021 to 2024). 2018 > Tenure-track Lecturer Accreditation issued by AQU Catalunya: Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema

Universitari de Catalunya (06/04/2018). 2014 > Qualification as Psychotherapist, specialized in psychoanalytic and psychodramatic treatments,

summa cum laude (Nov.23), Mosaico Instituteii (certified by the Ministry of Education, University and Research: M.I.U.R. D.M. 16/04/2002).

2009 > Ph.D. in Philosophy of Language, Linguistics and Cognitive Sciencesiii (19/06/2009). University of Bologna. Dissertation: Language and Embodiment: sensory-motor and linguistic-social experience. Evidence on sentence comprehension.

2018 Winner of the selection for the Psycholinguistics teaching contract (28/03/2018, a.y. 2018-19), University of Bologna (UNIBO).

2017 Winner of the selection for the Psycholinguistics teaching contract (a.y. 2017-18), UNIBO. 2017 Certified training on Emergency Psychology – National Association of Psychologists of Emilia-Romagna,

Bologna (20/05/2017). 2016 Winner of the selection for the Psycholinguistics teaching contract (24/07/2016, a.y. 2016-17) UNIBOiv.


qualifications & honors

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2014 Acknowledgment as professional Psychotherapist – Register of Emilia-Romagna. N. 6311, Section A. (L. 56/89 – art. 3) psicologi.psy.it/Claudia.Scorolli

2014-23 Italian National Scientific Accreditation as Associate Professor. Academic Field: 11/E1 - General Psychology, Psychobiology and Psychometrics (extended from 2020 to 2023).

2014 Winner of Marco Polo fellowship award for a project Cognitive-social functions in Huntington's disease, Faculté de Médécine de Créteil, Parisv.

2014 Qualification: Expert in the field of General Psychology, Dep. of Psychology, UNIBOvi (01/10/2014). 2012 Postgraduate master degree in Sociodrama & methods of creative expression, Mosaico Institute

(10/11, 256 h): Director Dr. A. Rapaggi, Scientific Supervisor Prof. C. Umiltà.

2012 III level Researcher Qualification at the National Research Council, CNR, Scientific Area O.3: Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences, Code: PD 78/1 – 364.93vii (Mar.1, 2012).

2010 Acknowledgment as professional Psychologist – Register of Emilia-Romagna. N. 6311, Section A. (L. 56/89 – art. 7).

2008-09 Marco Polo fellowship award for a project study on concrete vs. abstract language at the Department of Neurology of Lübeck and Hamburg, accomplished from September to March, supervised by Prof. F. Binkofskiviii.

2004 Degree General-Experimental Psychology, UNIBO. Dissertation: Virtual Reality tools use for psychopathological syndromes treatment (06/07/2004) SV Prof G. Brighetti.

Bibliometrics Scopus N° of publications > 39; N° of citations > 892; H index > 18. Web of Science N° of publications > 34; N° of citations > 827; H index > 17 (only WoS core collection) Google Scholar N° of publications > 59; N° of citations > 1556; H index > 20; i10-index: 26.

2018 Senior Assistant Professor (RTDb, tenure track assistant professor): University of Bologna, Department

of Philosophy and Communication Studies, Academic discipline: M-PSI/01 General Psychology (School of Arts, Humanities and Cultural Heritage) (03/09/2018 - current position)

2018 Teaching and research contract: University of Potsdam, Psychology Department, PECoG group (01/05/2018-31/8/2018). Main topic: Neuroscience of Embodied Cognition. Chair of the research group: Prof. M. Fischer.

2017-19 Adjunct Professor - Psycholinguistics - 12 cfu (a.y. 2017-18/18-19), University of Bologna. Teaching activity in Italian; School of Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Heritage; Degree program: First cycle degree program in Philosophy (27/09/2017-26/09/2019)

2018 General Psychology for Psychology of Adolescence class - module 2 - 8 cfu (a.y. 2017-18), UNIBO, Campus Rimini. Teaching activity in Italian; School of Psychology and Sciences of Education (02/01/2018-26/09/2018)

2015-17 Senior Research Fellow*(art.22,240/10) at the Department of Psychology, UNIBO. European JPND Project MEETINGDEM: Adaptive Implementation and Validation of the positively evaluated Meeting Centers Support Program for people with dementia and their carers in Europe. PI: Prof. R.M. Dröes, Supervisor (SV): Prof. R. Chattat. Project: ‘Implementazione adattiva del MCSP in Italia’ (03/12/2016–02/07/2017; 03/12/2015–02/12/2016: 12+7 months)

2014-15 Senior Research Fellow*(art.22,240/10) Department of Psychology, UNIBO. European Project FP7 Rossi: Emergence of Communication in Robots through Sensorimotor and Social Interaction. PI and SV: Prof. A.M. Borghi. Project: Shall we play? Cues of intention in typical and atypical development. (03/12/2014–02/12/2015: 12 months)

2014-15 Employment contract for specific research duties, Department of Psychology, UNIBO: participants’ recruitment, preparation of conferences presentations and bibliographic research.

2012-14 Senior Research Fellow*(art.22,240/10) Department of Psychology, UNIBO. FP7 Rossi. SV: Prof. A.M. Borghi. Project: The shape of a glass, the color of the skin: affordances in linguistic-social contexts. (03/12/2013–02/12/2014; 03/12/2012–02/12/2013: 12+12 months)

professional experience

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2011-12 Senior Research Fellow^(art.51,449/97, renewal) Department of Psychology, UNIBO. FP7 Rossi. SV: Prof. A.M. Borghi. Project: Social Tools and Ownership: body-schema re-coding? (01/11/2011–31/10/2012: 12 months)

2009-11 Research Fellow^(art.51,449/97) Department of Psychology, UNIBO. FP7 Rossi. SV: Prof. A.M. Borghi. Project: Embodied Theories of language comprehension and body space: words as tools. (01/11/2010–31/10/2011; 01/11/2009–31/10/2010: 12+12 months)

2009 Research Fellow^(art.51,449/97) Department of Psychology, UNIBO. FP7 Rossi. SV: Prof. A.M. Borghi. Project: Language comprehension: sensory-motor system and social aspects. (01/03/2009–31/10/2009: 8 months)

2005 Research Fellow on a the Cognitive Ergonomics Project Acta Mentis, SPINNER 2005: Emilia-Romagna Region’s Initiative financed by European Social Fund. PI: Prof. A.M. Borghi, Prof. S. Ghirlanda.

2020 Coordinator and Tutor of the post-graduate professional internship in Psychology, for the AREAS of

Cognitive Psychology and Experimental Neuropsychology at the FILCOM Department. 2019 appointed as Project Monitor by the European Commission, Research Executive Agency (REA), for

assessment of actions, scientific progresses and final project results for an Innovative ITN call. 2020 Scientific Advisor for the Alma Mater Research Institute For Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (ALMA

HUMAN AI), scientific unit "Humanistic AI” (06/03/2020) https://centri.unibo.it/alma-ai/it 2020 member of the AIP Group on Gender Diversity and Disparity (GDG, 15/01) https://aipass.org/node/11512 2020 Examination Board for the final exam session of the PhD Program “Philosophy, Science, Cognition and

Semiotics”, FILCOM, UNIBO (19/03/2020). 2019 Referee for the evaluation of PhD dissertation for the PhD Program “Psychology”, University of Parma

(appointed on 08/10/2019; evaluation submitted on 10/12/2019). 2018-19 appointed as Expert by the European Commission, Research Executive Agency, for the evaluation of the

proposals for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships - MSCA-IF calls, for 7 projects. 2019 Examination Board for Creativity and Innovation projects, coordinator Prof. Corazza, Department of

Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering, UNIBO (22/05/2019). 2018 Board of SeRiC: “Ongoing Research Seminars”, FILCOM, UNIBO (from 01/10/2018). 2017 as Post-Doc, Board member of the panel for degrees in Applied Cognitive Psychology, UNIBO (16/02/17). 2016 as Post-Doc, Board member of the panel for degrees in Clinical Psychology, Campus Cesena (10/11/16). 2016 as Post-Doc, Board member of the panel for degrees in Applied Cognitive Psychology, UNIBO (08/11/16). 2016 Peer Reviewer for the Evaluation of Research Quality (VQR) – National Agency for the Evaluation of the

University and Research Systems (ANVUR, appointed on 02/03/2016).

2020 Associate Editor for Frontiers Psychology - Cognitive Science (appointed on 10/02/2020) https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/8416/editorial 2019 Associate Editor for PeerJ (appointed on 11/12/2019) https://peerj.com/ClaudiaScorolli/

Review Editor for - Frontiers in Psychology - Cognition; - Educational Psychology: Frontiers in Education & Frontiers in Psychology; - Language Sciences: Frontiers in Psychology & Frontiers in Communication; - Frontiers in Neurorobotics. Guest Editor Special Issue ‘Action, Perception and Language’, RIFL, Italian Journal of Philosophy of Language.

Ad Hoc reviewer for the Journals Acta Psychologica; Brain and Language; Brain Research; Cognitive Science; Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology; Experimental Brain Research; Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; New Ideas in Psychology; PLOS ONE Psychological Research; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review; Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology; Topics in Cognitive Sciences; RIFL; Motor Control; Current Psychology.

Recognition as reviewer Elsevier Reviewer Recognition ; Publons

For Conferences CogSci (since 2011); Embodied & Situated Language Processing (since 2011); EAPCogsci 2015.

contribution to academic & research committees

role in scientific journals & European projects

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European projects (for National ones see Notesix)

MEETINGDEM 2015-17 Joint Programming Neurodegenerative Disease, 01/03/2014-01/02/2017. § Clinical assessment of people with dementia (e.g. Quality of Life) and their caregivers (e.g. Sense of Competence). § Assessment of PWDs’ and caregivers’ satisfaction about social support provided in Italian MCs (e.g. focus groups). § Comparative analysis of adaptive implementation of the Meeting Centers Support Program in Italy, Poland and UK. § Realization of dissemination tools, brochures and website.

ROSSI 2008-11 Collaborative project/STREP, 01/03/2008- 31/10/2011. § Behavioral, TMS and fMRI studies to scrutinize the role of the motor cortex in the comprehension of sentences. § Kinematic studies to test language as social tool that modifies humans’ way to interact with the world. § Investigations on religious practices inducing chronic biases towards exclusive or inclusive styles of decision-making. § Studies on affordances to understand if our knowledge is reflected in conscious representations or built online. § Kinematic studies on social intention to analyze human goal-directed actions towards known/unknown conspecifics.

2020 Personal data protection: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Cybersecurity, Personal data in

research (15/09/2020). 2020 Didactics innovation area: Innovate didactics (16/06/2020). 2018 General legal-normative area: General safety and health training (D.Lgs.81/08); Specific safety and health

training (D.Lgs.81/08); New paths of legality (D.Lgs.190/2012) (19-20/09/2018). 2017 Emergency Psychology: immediate and post-immediate psycho-social support. Italian Association of

Psychologists of Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, Feb-May (25h, certified on 20/05/2017). 2017 School and Psychology: a possible strategic alliance. Italian Association of Psychologists of Emilia-

Romagna, Bologna (4h, 16/11/2017). 2013-15 ERPs training through a study on Gender Stereotypes; ERPs study on the effects of specific religious

practice on the electrophysiological responses to errors, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), supervised by Prof. C.Cacciari (164+164h, certified on 27/11/2013; 4/04/2014).

2011-12 Clinical Training: patients with chronic psychoses at S.S.R. La Rugiada, Servigliano (FM), supervised by Dr. M.Alessandroni (164+164h, certified on 28/02/2012).

2010-14 Clinical Training: Infants and children observations (0-18 months; 18-36 months; 3-6 years; 6-11 years) and production of relative reports (100+100+100+100h, certified on 25/10/2014).

2010-14 enrolment to the post-graduate School of Specialization in Psychotherapy - Psychoanalytic Psychodrama, Mosaico Institute: qualification certified by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (M.I.U.R. D.M. 16/04/2002 – G.U. n° 102 del 3/5/2002): Director Dr. A. Rapaggi, Scientific Supervisor Prof. C. Umiltà. (Nov.2010-Nov.2014)

2008 Summer School: The Sense of Body. Department of Psychology, UNIBO, 16-21/06/2008 (48h). 2007/10 Kinematics System training course. Department of Psychology, UNIBO. 27/01/2007; 12/03/2007;

27/04/2010 (8+8+8h) BTS bio-engineering. 2006 Summer School: Methods of linear analysis in psychology with application in R. Italian Association of

Psychology (AIP), Bertinoro, 3-9/09/2006 (56h). 2006 enrolment to the Philosophy of Language, Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences PhD Program - XXI cycle,

academic year 2005-06, Mind, Logic and Language - XXIII cycle, Department of Communication Disciplines, UNIBO, supervised by Prof. A.M. Borghi and Prof. R. Nicoletti. (Jan.2006-June2009)

2005 Summer School: Neural Networks Models of Perception, Action and Embodied Knowledge. Department of Psychology, UNIBO, 13-19/07/2005 (56h).

2005 postgraduate internship at the Psychology Department, UNIBO. Project on the relation between perception, action and categorization, supervised by Prof. A.M. Borghi. (01/02/2005-31/07/2005)

2004 postgraduate internship at the Psychology Department, UNIBO. Project on atypical sexual preferences from an ethological perspective, supervised by Prof. S. Ghirlanda. (01/08/2004-31/01/2005)

2004-08 Training on psychodramatic techniques: School of Psychoanalytic Psychodrama, Mosaico Institute, Bologna, directed by Dr. A. Rapaggi.

postgraduate education & specific trainings

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technical proficiency - Windows platforms. - Hosting platforms, as WordPress. - Internet research on specific topics. -MS Office: proficient in Word, Excel, PowerPoint. - Experiment design, data collection: EPrime, Presentation. -Motion tracking: SMART Capture,Tracker,Analyzer.

- Statistical analysis: STATsoft, SPSS, Excel. - Image manipulation, graphics: Gimp, Pain.net, Inkscape. - ERPs acquisition and analysis: BioSEMI – Brain Vision. - Transcranial magnetic stimulation: Magstim BiStim². - Bio-electrophysiological data (motor-evoked potentials) collection and analysis: Biopac Student Lab.

clinical proficiency - Psychoanalytic group therapy. -Psychodrama: experiential methods, sociometry, role theory and group dynamics. - Bioenergetic analysis. - Relaxation techniques, as Schultz’s autogenic training.

- Infants and children structured observations. - Activities support and exercise for people with schizophrenia. - Cognitive analysis of anxiety generated by errors. - Neurocognitive disorders, as dementia. - Psychosocial support interventions.

key professional skills - Scientific writing (English/Italian). - Presenting at conferences (English/ Italian). -Teaching: frontal and interactive lesson (e.g. working groups with undergraduate students). - Administrative skills (financial statements, audit reports). - Self-sufficiency and versatility.

- Strong communication and organizational skills. - Ability to proactively work in a team environment. - Competence in establishing effective working relationships. - Experience in managing and prioritizing multiple tasks/projects, as in meeting deadlines. - Strong work ethic.

My profile on scientific networksx # PubMed # SCOPUS # Google Scholar # Frontiers-Loop # Research Gate # Mendeley # LinkedIn

# Academia.edu # ORCID # MEETINGDEM European JPND project # Psychologists’ Register - National # Psychologists’ Register - Regional # OpenScienceFramework

Bologna, November 16, 2020

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detailed works Claudia Scorolli



Refereed Journals’ Articles, Books’ Chapters > databases: Scopus – WOS – Pubmed > *Corresponding Author (24/42)

42] Caravà, M., & Scorolli, C.* (2020). When affective relation weighs more than the mug handle: investigating Affective Affordances. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:1928. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01928. IF2019: 2.067. S,W

41] Scerrati, E., Lugli, L., & Scorolli, C. (accepted on March 20). Quando immaginare gli effetti di un’azione genere compatibilità spaziale: uno studio preliminare. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia. S

40] Evans, S.B., Evans, S.C., Brooker, D., Henderson, C., Szczeniak, D., Atkinson, T., Bray, J., Amritpal, R., Saibene, F.L., d’Arma, A., Scorolli, C. (…), & Dröes, R.M. (2020, epub 2018). The impact of the implementation of the Dutch combined Meeting Centers Support Program (MCSP) for family caregivers of people with dementia (PWDs). Aging and Mental Health. DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2018.1544207. IFy: 2.956. S,W

39] Pesciarelli, F., Scorolli, C., & Cacciari, C. (epub 2019). Neural correlates of the implicit processing of grammatical and stereotypical gender violations: A masked and unmasked priming study. Biological Psychology. Jun 8; 146:107714. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2019.06.002. Journal IF for the year of publication or for the last available year (IFy 2018: 2.627). S,W

38] Scorolli, C.* (2019). Re-enacting the Bodily Self on Stage: Embodied Cognition meets Psychoanalysis. Frontiers in Psychology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00492 IFy 2018: 2.089. S,W

37] Szcześniak D, Rymaszewska J, Saibene FL, Lion KM, d’Arma A, Brooker D, Evans SB, Evans SC, Chattat R, Scorolli C, Meiland, FJM, Hendriks I, Dröes RM, & Farina E. (epub 2019). Meeting Centres Support Programme highly appreciated by people with dementia and carers: a European cross-country evaluation Aging & Mental Health 2019 DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2019.1683814 IFy 2018: 2.956. S,W

36] Lion KM, Szcześniak D, Bulińska K, Mazurek J, Evans SB, Evans SC, Saibene FL, d’Arma A, Scorolli C, Farina E, Brooker D, Chattat R, Meiland, FJM, Dröes RM, & Rymaszewska J. (epub 2019). Does the Meeting Centre Support Programme decrease the experience of stigmatisation among people with cognitive deficits? Aging & Mental Health 2019 DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2019.1683815 IFy 2018: 2.956. S,W

35] Scorolli, C.*, Borghi, A.M. & Tummolini, L. (2018). Cues of control modulate the ascription of object ownership. Psychological Research, 82, 929-954. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-017-0871-9 IFy: 3.119. S,W

34] Brooker, D., Evans, S.C., Evans, S., Bray, J., Saibene, F., Scorolli, C. (…), & Dröes, R.M (2018). Evaluation of the implementation of MCSP: exploration of the effects on PWDs. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33, 883-892. DOI: 10.1002/gps.4865. IFy: 3.018. S,W

33] Van Mierlo, L.D., Chattat, R., Evans, S., Brooker, D., Saibene, F.L., Gamberini, G., Farina, E., Scorolli, C. (…), & Meiland, F. (2018). Facilitators and barriers to adaptive implementation of MCSP in three European countries. International Psychogeriatrics, 30, 527-537. DOI: 10.1017/S1041610217001922 IFy: 2.423. S,W

32] Borghi, A.M., Binkofski, F., Castelfranchi, C., Cimatti, F., Scorolli, C., & Tummolini, L. (2017). The challenge of abstract concepts. Psychological Bulletin, 143, 263-292. doi: 10.1037/bul0000089 IFy: 16.793. S,W

31] Scorolli, C.*, Daprati, E., Nico, D., & Borghi, A.M. (2016). Reaching for Objects or Asking for them: Distance Estimation in 7- to 15-Years-Old Children. Journal of Motor Behavior, 48, 2, 183-191. DOI: 10.1080/00222895.2015.1070787 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222895.2015.1070787 IFy: 1.327. S,W

30] Scorolli, C.*, Pellicano, A., Nicoletti, R., Rubichi, S., & Castiello, U. (2015) The Simon effect in action: planning and/or on-line control effects? Cognitive Science, 39, 972-991. ISSN: 0364-0213 print / 1551-6709 online DOI: 10.1111/cogs.12188 IFy: 2.916. S,W

29] Granito, C., Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M. (2015) Naming a Lego world. The Role of Language in the Acquisition of Abstract Concepts. PLoS ONE, 10 (1): e0114615. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114615. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0114615 IFy: 3.057. S,W

28] Scorolli, C.*, & Borghi, A.M. (2015). Square bananas, blue horses: The relative weight of shape and color in concept recognition and representation. Frontiers in Psychology-Cognition, 6:1542. Research Topic: Toward the Biofunctional Embodiment of Understanding. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01542 http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01542 IFy: 2.463. S,W


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27] Scorolli, C.*, Borghi, A.M., & Tummolini, L. (2015). Visual cues and implicit judgments of ownership: An experimental study. Sistemi Intelligenti, 1/2015, pp. 209-220. ISSN: 1120-9550. Il Mulino. DOI: 10.1422/7969. http://www.rivisteweb.it/doi/10.1422/79695 S

26] Scorolli, C.* (2014). Embodiment and Language. In Lawrence Shapiro (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Embodied Cognition. Routledge, pp. 127-138. ISBN 978-0-415-62361-2. Publisher: Taylor&Francis. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415623612/#contents S

25] Scorolli, C.*, Miatton, M., Wheaton, L., & Borghi, A.M. (2014). I give you a cup, I get a cup: a kinematic study on social intention. Neuropsychologia, 57, 196-204. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.03.006 IFy: 3.302. S,W

24] Lisi, L., Plessi, E., Scorolli, C.*, Meliconi, R., & Rapaggi, A. (2014). Sclerodermic patients: an interdisciplinary approach. Clinical and experimental rheumatology, 32, 2, S104-S104. ISSN: 0392-856X. Accession Number: WOS:000335936400273. IFy: 2.724. W

23] Paglieri, F., Borghi, A.M., Colzato, L.S., Hommel, B. & Scorolli, C.* (2013) Heaven can wait. How religion modulates temporal discounting. Psychological Research, 77, 738-747. DOI 10.1007/s00426-012-0473-5 IFy: 2.462. S,W

22] Paglieri, F., Scorolli, C.*, Borghi, A.M. (2013). Modelli evoluzionisti e differenze religiose: Alcuni problemi. Sistemi Intelligenti, 2, 359-366. Commentary on Adornetti, I., & Ferretti, F., By-product, exaptation e nicchie culturali. Un modello adattativo della religione. DOI: 10.1422/75359. S

21] Borghi, A.M., Scorolli, C., Caligiore, D., Baldassarre, G. & Tummolini, L. (2013). The embodied mind extended: Using words as social tools. Frontiers in Psychology. 4:214. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00214 IFy: 2.843. S,W

20] Sakreida, K., Scorolli, C., Menz, M.M., Heim, S., Borghi, A.M., & Binkofski, F. (2013) Are abstract action words embodied? An fMRI investigation at the interface between language and motor cognition, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7: 125. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00125. eCollection 2013. special issue: What does neuropsychology say about the role of sensorimotor processes in conceptual knowledge and abstract concepts (editor: B. Tomasino) IFy: 3.209. S,W

19] Tummolini, L., Scorolli, C.*, & Borghi, A.M. (2013). Disentangling the sense of ownership from the sense of fairness. Commentary on Baumard, André and Sperber, A mutualistic approach to morality, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36, 101-102, doi:10.1017/S0140525X1200088X IFy: 14.962. S

18] Gianelli, C., Scorolli, C.*, & Borghi, A.M. (2013). Acting in perspective: The role of body and language as social tools. Psychological Research, 77, 40-52 (special issue on Vision, Action and Language Unified by Embodiment). DOI 10.1007/s00426-011-0401-0; Print ISSN 0340-0727; Online ISSN 1430-2772. IFy: 2.462. S,W

17] Scorolli, C.*, Jacquet, P.O., Binkofski, F., Nicoletti, R., Tessari, A., & Borghi, A.M. (2012) Abstract and Concrete Phrases Processing Differentially Modulates Cortico-Spinal Excitability, Brain Research, 1488, 60-71, doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2012.10.004 IFy: 2.879. S,W

16] Borghi, A.M., & Scorolli, C.* (2012) Words as tools that extend our body. Sistemi Intelligenti, special issue on Extended Mind, 24, 117-126. S

15] Ambrosini, E., Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., & Costantini, M. (2012) Which Body for Embodied cognition? Affordance and language within actual and perceived reaching space, Consciousness and Cognition, 21, 1551-1557. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2012.06.010 IFy: 2.027. S,W

14] Scorolli, C.*, Miatton, M., Wheaton, L.A., & Borghi, A.M. (2012). When a glass calls: anatomy of a toast. Cognitive Processing, Special Issue, 13, pp. S69-S70, Springer Heidelberg, Germany. IFy: 1.754. W

13] Borghi, A., Flumini, A., Cimatti, F., Marocco, D. & Scorolli, C.* (2011). Manipulating objects and telling words: A study on concrete and abstract words acquisition. Frontiers in Psychology, 2:15. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00015, special issue on Embodied and Grounded Cognition (editors: A.M. Borghi, D. Pecher). (IFy: no available) IF2016: 2.321. S,W

12] Scorolli, C.*, Binkofski F., Buccino G., Nicoletti R., Riggio L. and Borghi A.M. (2011) Abstract and concrete sentences, embodiment, and languages. Frontiers in Psychology, 2,227. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00227 (IFy: no available) IF2016: 2.321. S,W

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11] Hommel, B., Colzato, L.S., Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., & van den Wildenberg, W.P.M. (2011). Religion and action control: Faith-specific modulation of the Simon effect but not stop-signal performance. Cognition, 120, 177-185. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2011.04.003 IFy: 3.162. S,W

10] Costantini, M., Ambrosini, E., Scorolli, C. & Borghi, A. (2011). When objects are close to me: affordances in the peripersonal space. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18, 32-38. doi: 10.3758/s13423-011-0054-4. IFy: 2.606. S,W

9] Borghi, A.M., Gianelli, C., & Scorolli, C., (2010). Sentence comprehension: effectors and goals, self and others. An overview of experiments and implications for robotics. Special topic edited by Angelo Cangelosi, Action and language integration in cognitive systems. Frontiers in neurorobotics, 4, 1-8. (IFy: no available) doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2010.00003 IF2016: 2.486. S

8] Borghi, A.M., Caligiore, D., & Scorolli, C.* (2010). Objects, words, and actions. Some reasons why embodied models are badly needed in cognitive psychology. In V. Capecchi, M. Buscema, P. Contucci, B. D'Amore (Eds.), Applications of Mathematics in Models, Artificial Neural Networks and Arts. Mathematics and Society. Berlin: Springer, chapter 4; pp. 99-112. Doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-8581-8_4. S,W

7] Scorolli, C.*, Binkofski, F., Buccino, G., Nicoletti, R., Riggio, L., & Borghi, A. (2010). Abstract and concrete sentences in German and Italian. 4th International Conference on Cognitive Systems, CogSys 2010. S

6] Colzato, L., van Beest, I., van den Wildenberg, W.P.M., Scorolli, C., Dorchin, S., Meiran, N., Borghi, A.M., & Hommel, B. (2010). God, do I have your attention? Cognition, 117, 87-94. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2010.07.003. IFy: 3.708. S,W

5] Scorolli, C.* (2010). The role of primary motor cortex during abstract and concrete sentences processing. Sistemi Intelligenti, 3, 397-406, Il Mulino. DOI: 10.1422/33539. S

4] Borghi, A.M., & Scorolli, C. (2009). Language comprehension and dominant hand motion simulation. Human Movement Science, 28, 12-27. DOI: 10.1016/j.humov.2008.07.002 IFy: 2.148. S,W

3] Scorolli, C.*, Borghi, A.M., & Glenberg, A. (2009). Language-Induced Motor Activity in bi-manual Object Lifting. Experimental Brain Research, 193, 43-53. doi:10.1007/s00221-008-1593-4. IFy: 2.256. S,W

2] Scorolli, C., Ghirlanda, S., Enquist, M., Zattoni, S., & Jannini, E. A. (2007). Relative Prevalence of Different Fetishes. International Journal of Impotence Research, 19, 432-437. doi:10.1038/sj.ijir.3901547 IFy: 2.059. S,W

1] Scorolli, C.* & Borghi, A.M. (2007). Sentence comprehension and action: Effector specific modulation of the motor system. Brain Research, 1130, 119-124. doi.org/10.1016/j.brainres.2006.10.033 IFy: 2.218. S,W

Journals’ Articles, Special Research Topics, Books’ Chapters 7) Scorolli, C. (2012) (Ed.) Special topic on Action, Perception and Language. Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del

Linguaggio - Italian Journal of Philosophy of Language. ISSN: 2036-6728, 5. doi: 10.4396/20120301 http://www.rifl.unical.it/index.php/rifl/issue/view/8

6) Scorolli, C. (2012). Introduction to the special topic on Action, Perception and Language, edited by C. Scorolli. Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio - Italian Journal of Philosophy of Language. ISSN: 2036-6728, 5, 1-6. doi: 10.4396/20120301

5) Ambrosini, E., Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., Costantini, M. (2011). Experiencing objects. The role of the body. In: Kokinov, B., Karmiloff-Smith, A., Nersessian, N. J. (eds.) European Perspectives on Cognitive Science. © New Bulgarian University Press, 2011 ISBN 978-954-535-660-5 (Eurocogsci, paper 235, pp. 1-5). (best student award).

4) Scorolli, C. (2011). Our Words Have a Weight. Motor and Perceptual Resonance through Language Grounding, pp. 136-157. In R. K. Mishra & N. Srinivasan (Eds.), Language-Cognition Interface: State of the Art. Munich: Lincom Europa. ISBN 9783862880010 http://www.lincom-shop.eu/shop/article_ISBN%25209783862880010/LSTL-44%3A-Language-Cognition-Interface%3A-State-of-the-Art.html?shop_param=cid%3D1%26aid%3DISBN%25209783862880010%26

3) Scorolli, C. (2009). Language and Embodiment: sensory-motor and linguistic-social experience. Evidence on sentence comprehension, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Filosofia del linguaggio, linguistica e scienze cognitive, 21 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/1608.

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2) Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M. (2008). Language and Embodiment, Anthropology and Philosophy, A&P, 9, 1-2, 7-23.

1) Borghi, A.M., & Scorolli, C. (2006). Object concepts and mental images, Anthropology and Philosophy, A&P, 7, 1-2, 64-74.

Refereed Italian Journals’ Articles 7. Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., & Tummolini, L. (2013). Il proprietario è più vicino ed il primo a scoprire l’oggetto.

Embodiment e proprietà. Atti del Nono Convegno Annuale dell'Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive. Cruciani M. e Cecconi F. (a cura di). Editore: Università di Trento, pp. 330-341. ISBN: 978-88-8443-452-4. E-book corner. www.aisc-net.org/home/2012/11/24/atti-aisc12/

6. Costantini, M., Ambrosini, E., Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M (2011). Quando gli oggetti sono vicini: agire nello spazio peripersonale. CNR Highlights Publications, 18, 32-38.

5. Scorolli, C. (2008) Effetti del linguaggio sul sollevamento bi-manuale di un oggetto, in Cervello, Linguaggio, Società, Atti del Convegno 2008 di Codisco, A cura di Valentina Cardella e Domenica Bruni, CORISCO, I linguaggi delle Scienze Cognitive, ISBN 978-88-88325-15-6. Roma: Squilibri. (p. 355-367)

4. Borghi, A., Gianelli, C., & Scorolli, C. (2008) Cognizione embodied e simulazione motoria: studi sul linguaggio, in Cervello, Linguaggio, Società, Atti del Convegno 2008 di Codisco, A cura di Valentina Cardella e Domenica Bruni, CORISCO, I linguaggi delle Scienze Cognitive, ISBN 978-88-88325-15-6. Roma: Squilibri. (p. 37-47)

3. Ghirlanda, S., & Scorolli, C. (2006). La sessualità atipica in prospettiva etologica. Rivista di Sessuologia, 30(1), 58-65.

2. Scorolli, C., Zattoni, S., & Ghirlanda, S. (2006). La sessualità atipica su Internet. Rivista di Sessuologia, 30(1), 31-47.

1. Scorolli, C., &Borghi A.M. (2006). Comprensione di frasi che implicano azioni: rilevanza dell'effettore e dello scopo. Proceedings of the III National Conference on Cognitve Sciences, AISC (october, 26-27, Genova): 'Scienze Cognitive e Robotica', edited by Greco, A., Penco, C., Sandini, G., & Zaccaria, R. Erga Edizioni. (pp. 195 - 197)

Tutoring for post-graduate professional internship in Psychology Cognitive Psychology and Experimental Neuropsychology

4- 2021 17/10/2020 – 16/4/2021 Alessandra Polino 3- 2021 28/9/2020 – 27/3/2021 Antonella Gori 2- 2021 21/9/2020 – 21/3/2021 Laura Bertagnolli 1- 2020 16/4/2020 – 15/10/2020 Anna Russo

Didactics 2019-20; 20-21 Psychology of Intercultural Communication, Bachelor in Communication Sciences, School of

Literature and Cultural Heritage, UNIBO. 2019-20; 20-21 Applied Cognitive Psychology class, Bachelor in Communication Sciences, School of Literature

and Cultural Heritage, UNIBO. apppsychologycore.wordpress.com ; psicologiacognitivap.wixsite.com

2018-19 Psycholinguistics class, School of Literature and Cultural Heritage (a.y. 2018-19), UNIBO. 2018 Supervisor for the Erasmus Plus, Staff Mobility for Teaching: Prof. Gohar Harutyunyan, Yerevan

State University (Armenia): Sociolinguistics (November 12-16, 2018). 2018 Supervisor for the Erasmus Plus Staff Mobility for Teaching: Prof. Ruzanna Arakelyan, Yerevan State

University (Armenia): Psycholinguistics (November 5-9, 2018). 2018 Neuroscience of Embodied Cognition lecture, Master and PhD Programs on Cognitive Science –

Embodied Cognition, University of Potsdam (a.y. 2017-18).

2017-18 Psycholinguistics class, School of Literature and Cultural Heritage (a.y. 2017-18), UNIBO. 2018 General Psychology for Psychology of Adolescence class - module 2 - 8 cfu (a.y. 2017-18), UNIBO.

Teaching activity in Italian; School of Psychology and Sciences of Education.

teachings & supervisions

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detailed works Claudia Scorolli


2016-17 Psycholinguistics - CDS Philosophy: winner of the selection for the teaching contract (July 24, a.y. 2016-17), UNIBO. Renunciation of the contract due to the extension of the Post-doc contract.

2015-16 Methods of psychodrama for self-development in a group setting, School of Psychodrama, Bologna, Director Dr. A. Rapaggi.

2015 Psychology of Communication class. C.d.L. Philosophies and Sciences of Communication, a.y. 2014-15, March. Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Calabria (Arcavacata di Rende).

2015 Cognitive Processes Lab: Examining committee member. C.d.L. Communication Sciences, a.y. 2014-15 (18/02/2015). Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, UNIBO.

2014 Cognitive Psychology: Examining committee member for Cognitive Psychology Courses, C.d.L. Philosophy, a.y. 2013-14, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, UNIBO.

2012 General Psychology class, C.I. C8 Rehabilitation and Learning, C.d.L. Rehabilitation Sciences, a.y. 2012-13, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Trieste.

2011 General Psychology class, C.I. C8 Rehabilitation and Learning, C.d.L. Rehabilitation Sciences, a.y. 2011-12, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Udine.

2010 General Psychology class, C.I. C8 Rehabilitation and Learning, C.d.L. Rehabilitation Sciences, a.y. 2010-11, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Trieste.

2009 USL Bologna, Servizio Sanitario Regionale Emilia-Romagna: Seminar “From action to language thorough gestures: the role of co-verbal gestures in typical and atypical development” (27/11/2009).

2009 Kinematic Lab. Applications of kinematic method to the study of motor system activation during language comprehension. Feb.-Mar.2009, Cognitive Psychology Course, Professor A.M. Borghi. Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, class of Sciences of Communication, UNIBO.

2008 Kinematic Lab: Summer School ‘The Sense Of Body’ (20/06/2008), Dep. Psychology, UNIBO. 2008 Psychodramatic methods for professional training and business at Mosaico Institute (12/05;

26/05/2008), Bologna, Director Dr. A.Rapaggi. 2008 Seminar: “Soma, Psiche e Intersoggettività in Psicoterapia”, Natura Sive (10/02/2008), Department of

Psychology, UNIBO.

Dissemination 2011 Scienza in Piazza: Arte e Scienza insieme per vedere di più e capire di più - in collaboration with

Marino Golinelli Foundation. Incorporating the artificial. Bologna, Palazzo Re Enzo (Feb.3-13). 2010 Scienza in Piazza: Arte e Scienza insieme per vedere di più e capire di più - in collaboration with

Marino Golinelli Foundation . Self, Body, Mind lab. Bologna, Palazzo Re Enzo (Mar.2-11)

PhD’s, students’ & trainees’ supervision

For the theses from 2019 onwards see the institutional website, Assigned Dissertations.

27- A. Pedretti: Il rapporto tra linguaggio e mente dopo la caduta della torre di Babele. a.y. 2018/19. UNIBO. 26- G. Massari: Apporti di risata e umorismo all’evoluzione del linguaggio. a.y. 2018/19. UNIBO. 25- N.B. Estrada: Il bilinguismo: vantaggi cognitivi e esperienze emotive nelle due lingue. a.y. 2018/19. UNIBO. 24- G. Palumbo: Sordità e acquisizione di concetti astratti: uno studio pilota sulla LIS. a.y. 2018/19. UNIBO.

23- G. Verzelli: Musica e linguaggio: prospettive per un approccio interdisciplinare. a.y. 2018/19. UNIBO. 22- B. Furini: Teorie Embodied e linguaggio: evidenze neuroscientifiche e contributi alla robotica evolutiva. a.y. 2017/18.

UNIBO. 21- Supervisor of PhD Katharina Kühne (PhD project and thesis): Whoever talks, let listen to her: Investigating differences

in human and robotic voices’ perception (2018). University of Potsdam. Not completed due to the appointment to the University of Bologna. 20- I. Centomo: Meeting Center Support Program (MCSP): efficacia del supporto integrato. a.y. 2016/17. UNIBO.

19- C. Ripa: MCSP in Italia: November,2017- No completed due to contract expiration. UNIBO.

18- F. Mazzola: Interventi psico-sociali nella demenza: la prima sperimentazione del MCSP in Emilia-Romagna. a.y. 2016/17. UNIBO.

17- V. Rosi: Interventi di supporto al caregiver per la gestione dei sintomi psicologici e comportamentali. a.y. 2015/16. UNIBO.

16- F. Pacetti: Prolonged Grief Disorder, stili di attaccamento e burden nei caregiver di persone con demenza. a.y. 2015/16. UNIBO.

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detailed works Claudia Scorolli


15- F. Mangiaracina: Challenging The Definition Of Health And Transcending The Dichotomy Between Health Care System And Welfare. a.y. 2015/16. UNIBO.

14- Y. Giuzio: Meeting Center in Emilia-Romagna: gli effetti del supporto combinato sulle persone con demenza e i loro familiari. a.y. 2015/16. UNIBO.

13- L. Dari: MCSP in Italia: November, 2015. No completed due to the change of thesis project. UNIBO.

12- A. Gilli: MCSP: Adattamenti nell’implementazione di tre Centri in Emilia Romagna. a.y. 2015/16. UNIBO.

11- C. Granito: Alice in Legoland: how we acquire and represent concrete objects and abstract relations. Trainee: February 2013 - January 2014. UNIBO.

10- F. Masuero: Il colore e la forma nel riconoscimento di oggetti. a.y. 2012/13. UNIBO.

9- L. Mengoli: Tasso di sconto intertemporale e religione. a.y. 2012/13. UNIBO.

8- F. Rossini: Tu l’hai scoperto, ma io posso prenderlo: di chi è? Un approccio embodied alla proprietà. a.y. 2011/12. UNIBO.

7- M.Palestrini: Guardare chi danza: effetti di risonanza motoria e familiarità visiva. a.y. 2011/12. UNIBO.

6- C. Catania: Immagini, forme e colori. Uno studio sui processi cognitivi. a.y. 2011/12. UNIBO.

5- M. Miatton: Soggetti-oggetti-ambiente, ménage à trois che prende corpo: uno studio cinematico sull’intenzione sociale. a.y. 2011/12. UNIBO.

4- A. Flumini (collaboration in the supervision of PhD project and thesis, supervisor Prof. A.M. Borghi): Language’s role in concepts: Concrete and abstract words acquisition. 2010-12. UNIBO.

3- S. Bigatti: Ownership: E’ mio ciò che scopro io! Un approccio embodied alla proprietà. a.y. 2010/11. UNIBO.

2- Cognitive Processes Lab: discussion of students’ experimental projects. Cognitive Psychology Course (Prof. A.M. Borghi). January 27, 2011, Bologna. UNIBO.

1- I. Mattheudakis: Influenza del linguaggio sul sistema motorio. a.y. 2006/07. UNIBO.

Talks, Posters & Symposia speaker first name

77 - Scorolli, C. (2020). Embodied Simulation: Language in Action through the Social Dimension. CICE 2020 - VI International Congress on Psychological, Educational and Health Contexts, Madrid, November 25-27. Invited speaker.

76 - Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., Nicoletti, R., & Liuzza, M.T. (2020) Quanto dura? Effetti di risonanza motoria sulle stime temporali. AIP sperimentale, September, 2-4, Zoom. Talk.

75 - Scorolli, C., Pesciarelli, F., Borghi, A.M., Colzato, L., Hommel, B., & Cacciari, C. (2019) Religious practice and anxious response to error. A comparison between Catholics and Seculars. ESCOP 2019, Tenerife, September 25-29.

74 - Scorolli, C. (2019) Abstract and concrete language: The challenge of sign language. Invited keynote lecture at the workshop: Abstract Concepts differ: Numbers, Emotions and Dangerous Things. March 29, 2019, Rome, Sapienza Uni. Of Rome.

73 - Pesciarelli, F., Scorolli, C., & Cacciari, C. (2018) Neural correlates of implicit processing of definitional and stereotypical gender violations in a gender-marked language. Association for Psychological Science (APS), May 24-27, 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA. Poster.

72 - Scorolli, C. (2018) Embodied language: referential and extended views. Invited keynote lecture, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, January 18.

71 - Scorolli, C. (2017) Not just words: Embodied and extended views of language. Invited keynote lecture, University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, December 28.

70 - Scorolli, C. (2017) Intersubjectivity and bodily self: the embodied cognition perspective. Invited keynote lecture at the Conference: “From social to personal scene”, organized by Mosaico Institute (M.I.U.R. D.M. 16/04/2002), for the residency training program in psychology. Bologna, November 25.

conferences and keynote lectures

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detailed works Claudia Scorolli


69 - Brooker, D., Chattat, R. (…), Scorolli, C., Orrell, M., Knapp, M., & Droes, R.M. (2017). MEETINGDEM: Implementation, Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of the Meeting Centres Support Programme (MCSP) in Three European Countries. GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, November 14-18. Poster.

68 - Brooker, D., Chattat, R. (…), Scorolli, C., d'Arma, A., Gamberini, G., Hendriks, I., Rehill, A., Orrell, M., Knapp, M., Dröes, R.M. (2017). Adaptive implementation and evaluation of the MCSP in Europe: results of the MEETINGDEM project. Amsterdam Public Health Annual Meeting 2017. Amsterdam, November 23, 2017. Talk.

67- Scorolli, C., Chattat, R., Evans, SC., Brooker, D. …, & Dröes, RM. (2017) Results and impacts of the MCSP on people with dementia and their informal caregivers in Italy, Poland and the UK. X Convegno Nazionale di Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento, Fano, May 19-20. Talk in a symposiumxi.

66- De Carolis, S., Celli, M., Ciacci, C., Citarella, M., Garruti, A., Graziani, M., Scorolli, C., Silingardi, E., & Chattat

R. (2017) I centri di Incontro di Rimini e Riccione: risultati preliminari. 17° Congresso Nazionale di Psicogeriatria, Firenze, March 30-April 1. Poster.

65- Rymaszewska, J., Szcześniak, D., Katarzyna U., Meiland, F., Evans, S., Saibene, F., d'Arma, A., Scorolli, C., …, & Dröes, RM. (2017) Users’ Satisfaction of the MCSP in Italy, Poland and the UK. Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC), London, July 16-20. Poster.

64- Brooker, D., Chattat, R. (…), Scorolli, C., Orrell, M., Knapp, M., & Droes, R.M. (2017). MEETINGDEM: Reporting on the Implementation, Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of the Dutch MCSP for People Living with Dementia and Family Carers in Three European Countries. AAIC, London, July 16-20. Poster.

63- Henderson, C., Rehill, A., Knapp, M., Evans, SC., Brooker D., Evans SB., Atkinson, T., Bray, J., Farina, E., Rymaszewska, J., Szcześniak, D., Chattat, R., Meiland, F., Saibene, F., D’Arma, A., Urbańska, K., Scorolli, C., …, & Dröes, RM. (2017) Costs and Cost-Effectiveness of MCs in Italy, Poland and the UK. AAIC, London, July 16-20. Talk.

62- Evans, SC., Brooker, D., Evans, SB., Atkinson, T., Bray, J., Farina, E., Rymaszewska, J., Szcześniak, D., Chattat, R., Meiland, F., Saibene, F., d’Arma, A., Urbańska, K., Scorolli, C., …, & Dröes, RM. (2017) Outcomes and impact on people with dementia and family carers in Italy, Poland and the UK. AAIC, London, July 16-20. Talk.

61- Dröes, RM., Meiland, F., Evans, SC., Evans, SB., Saibene, F., D’Arma, A., Szcześniak, D., Urbańska, K., Scorolli, C., …, & Chattat R. (2017) Aims, methods and results of the MCSP for people living with dementia and their carers and the MEETINGDEM adaptive implementation research. AAIC, London, July 16-20. Talk.

60- Meiland, F., Evans, SB., Saibene, F., D’Arma, A., Szcześniak, D., Urbańska, K., Scorolli, C., …, & Dröes RM. (2017) Factors influencing adaptive implementation of the MCSP in four European countries: results of the MeetingDem project. AAIC, London, July 16-20. Poster.

59- Scorolli, C. (2017). Meeting Centers for people with the dementia and caregivers: building context and developing staff competence, adapting training course and toolkit for personnel. Symposium on Meeting Centers: a comparison between Italian and European experiences, Milan, Fondazione Don Gnocchi, January 19-20, 2017. Talk.

58- Chattat, R., & Scorolli, C. (2017). The implementation process of MCSP in Emilia-Romagna. Symposium on Meeting Centers: a comparison between Italian and European experiences, Milan, Fondazione Don Gnocchi, January 19-20, 2017. Talk.

57- Chattat, R., Scorolli, C., Mascagni, P., Graziani, M., De Carolis,S., & Farina, E. (2016). Meeting Centers’ implementation and adaptation in Italy: the project MeetingDem. X Conference on Contributions of the Centers for Cognitive Impairment and Dementia for the integrated management of patients, Rome, November 25, 2016. Talk.

56- Scorolli, C., & Chattat, R. (2016) organization of the Pioneer Workshop: “Adaptation and Implementation of the MCSP”, Forum on non-self-sufficiency. Bologna, November 16, 2016.

Scorolli, C.: Implementation of Meeting Centers: methods and adaptations. Talk. 55- Scorolli, C., Pesciarelli, F., Borghi, A.M., Colzato, L., Hommel, B., & Cacciari, C. (2015). Effects of specific

religious practice on the electrophysiological responses to errors. International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Amsterdam, 12-14 March 2015. Poster.

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detailed works Claudia Scorolli


54- Scorolli, C. (2015) An extended view on words. Kinematic evidence. Symposium: Embodied Cognition and Embodied Understanding: What Do They Mean and How Are They Different? Iran-Nejad, A., Behzad Mansouri, B., Gärtner, C., & Kiverstein, J. International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Amsterdam, 12-14 March 2015. Invited keynote lecture at the Symposium.

53- Granito, C., Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M. (2014) Alice in Legoland: a study on the acquisition of novel abstract concepts and words, XI Congress AISC: BODIES, TOOLS AND COGNITION, Rome, December 2-5. Poster.

52- Scorolli, C., Pesciarelli, F., Borghi, A.M., Colzato, L., Hommel, B., & Cacciari, C. (2014) Effetti della religione sulla risposta neurofisiologica all’errore. AIP sperimentale, Pavia, September 15-17. Talk.

51- Granito, C., Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M. (2014) Alice a Legoland: come acquisiamo concetti e parole astratte. Tra le neuroscienze e la glottodidattica: ponti in costruzione, Parma, April 28. Poster.

50- Lisi, L., Plessi, E., Scorolli, C., Meliconi, R., & Rapaggi, A. (2014) Sclerodermic patients: an interdiscipilary approach. 3rd Systemic Sclerosis World Congress. Rome, February 6-8. Talk.

49- Paglieri, F., Borghi, A.M., Colzato, L., Hommel, B. & Scorolli, C. (2013) Il paradiso può attendere? Symposium: Scegliere il futuro: prospettive interdisciplinari sulle scelte intertemporali, Bellagamba, F., De Petrillo, F., Paglieri, F. (2013). AISC, Napoli, October 20-21. Symposium.

48- Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., & Tummolini, L. (2013). Questo è mio, quello è tuo: giudizi impliciti sulla proprietà. AIP sperimentale, Roma, September 16-19. Talk.

47- Granito, C., Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M. (2013) Alice a Legoland: come acquisiamo le parole astratte. AIP sperimentale, Roma, September 16-19. Talk.

46- Scorolli, C., Granito, C., & Borghi, A.M. (2013) Learning abstract words: The key brick of language. Embodied & Situated Language Processing, University of Potsdam, Germany. July 29, 2013 – July 31, 2013. Talk.

45- Scorolli, C., Miatton, M., Wheaton, L.A., & Borghi, A.M. (2013) Giving a mug to you, when your coffee and your eyes ask for it. 5th Joint Action Meeting, July26-29, 2013 Humboldt University, Senatssaal, Berlin, Germany. Poster.

44- Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., & Tummolini, L. (2012). Il proprietario è il più vicino ed il primo a scoprire l’oggetto. Embodiment e proprietà. Convegno AISC, Roma, December 3-6. Talk.

43- Scorolli, C., Miatton, M., Wheaton, L.A.., & Borghi, A.M. (2012) Semantic relations between objects in a social context: a kinematic study on social intention. Kanizsa lecture and the Trieste symposium on perception and cognition; Cognition and Language: Research conference in memory of Patrizia Tabossi. Trieste, November 8-9. Poster.

42- Scorolli, C., Miatton, M., Wheaton, L.A.., & Borghi, A.M. (2012) Ti porgo un oggetto, prendo un oggetto: Uno studio cinematico sull’intenzione sociale. AIP sperimentale, Chieti, September 20-23. Talk.

41- Scorolli, C., Miatton, M., Wheaton, L.A.., & Borghi, A.M. (2012) When a glass calls: Anatomy of a toast. ICSC 2012, 5th International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Rome, September 4-8. Poster.

40- Scorolli, C. (2012) Words as tools: an extended view. Kinematic evidence. Symposium: Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Human Linguistic Behaviour, Myachykov, A., Scheepers, C., & Shtyrov, Y. The Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Science, Kaliningrad, Russia, June 19-23. Invited keynote lecture at the Symposium.

39- Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., & Tummolini, L. (2012) The owner is closer and is the first to discover objects: Exploring the embodied nature of object ownership, Concepts, actions and objects: functional and neural perspectives (CAOS), May 24-27, Rovereto. Poster

38- Paglieri, F., Borghi, A.M., Colzato, L., Hommel, B. & Scorolli, C. (2012) Heaven can wait: how religion modulates temporal discounting. Intertemporal Day, CNR-ISTC, Rome, 24 May, 2012. Talk.

37- Scorolli, C., Daprati, E., Nico, D., & Borghi, A.M. (2011) Catching objects through words. 17th Meeting of The European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP) ESCOP 2011, Donostia - San Sebastian, September 29 - October 2. Talk.

Scorolli, C. (2011) Chair of the session on Language Comprehension. 17th Meeting of ESCOP 2011, Donostia - San Sebastian, September 29 - October 2.

36- Scorolli, C., Daprati, E., Nico, D., & Borghi, A.M. (2011) Comprensione del linguaggio e rappresentazione dello spazio: le parole come strumenti. AIP sperimentale, Catania, September 14-16. Talk.

35- Gianelli, C., Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M. (2011) Parole e azione in prospettiva. AIP sperimentale Catania, September 14-16. Talk.

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34- Scorolli, C., Jacquet, P.O., Binkofski, F., Nicoletti, R., Tessari, A., & Borghi, A.M. (2011) Does catching a concept differ from catching a flower? Embodied and Situated Language Processing. August 25-27, Bielefeld. Poster.

33- Scorolli, C., Flumini, A., Cimatti, F., Marocco, D., & Borghi, A.M. (2011). Language’s role in concepts: A study on concrete and abstract words acquisition, CAOS, May 20-22 2011, Rovereto. Poster.

32- Scorolli, C., Daprati, E., Nico, D., Borghi, A.M. (2011). Language comprehension and space representation: words as tools. BCCD11 Budapest Conference on Cognitive Development, January 14-16. Poster.

31- Ambrosini, E., Scorolli, C., Borghi, A., & Costantini, M. (2011). Experiencing Objects: the Role of the Body (best student award). European Conference on Cognitive Science, EuroCogSci 2011, New Bulgarian University in Sofia, May 21-24. Talk.

30- Pellicano, A., Scorolli, C., Rubichi, S., Castiello, R., & Nicoletti, R. (2011). The Kinematic Simon Effect, Exbodied Mind, Aachen, April 8-9. Poster.

29- Scorolli, C., Jacquet, P.O., Binkofski, F., Nicoletti, R., Tessari, A, & Borghi, A.M. (2010). The role of the Primary Motor Cortex in the processing of Concrete and Abstract Sentences: a TMS study. 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP2010) Melbourne, July 12-16. Talk.

28- Scorolli, C., Binkofski, F., Buccino, G., Nicoletti, R., Riggio, L., & Borghi, A.M. (2010). Abstract and concrete sentences. Embodiment and Languages. ICAP2010, Melbourne, July 12-16. Talk.

27- Scorolli, C., Pellicano, A., Nicoletti, R., Rubichi, S., & Castiello U. (2010). L’effetto Simon nella cinematica del movimento. AIP sperimentale, Bologna, September 2-3. Talk.

26- Scorolli, C., Jacquet, P.O., Binkofski, F., Nicoletti, R., Tessari, A, & Borghi, A.M. (2010). La corteccia motoria primaria nell’elaborazione di frasi concrete e astratte. AIP sperimentale, Bologna, September 2-3. Talk.

25- Scorolli, C., Jacquet, P.O., Binkofski, F., Nicoletti, R., Tessari, A., & Borghi, A.M. (2010). Involvement of Primary Motor Cortex in Abstract and Concrete Sentences Processing, CAOS, May 20-22, Rovereto. Poster.

24- Scorolli, C.,Binkofski, F., Buccino, G., Nicoletti, R., Riggio, L., & Borghi, A.M. (2010). Abstract and concrete sentences. The Representation of Abstract Words. CogSys2010, Zurich, January 27-28. Poster.

23- Scorolli, C., Binkofski, F., Buccino, G., Nicoletti, R., Riggio, L., & Borghi, A.M. (2010). Abstract and concrete sentences, embodiment and languages. EPS Workshop, London, January 8-9. Poster.

22- Costantini, M., Ambrosini, E., Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M. (2010). When objects are close to you: object manipulation and use in the peripersonal space. Workshop: The Embodied Mind: perspectives and limitations, Radboud University Nijmegen, October 27-28. Poster.

21- Costantini, M., Ambrosini, E., Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M. (2010). Quando l’oggetto è vicino: manipolazione e uso di oggetti nello spazio peri-personale. AIP sperimentale, Bologna, September 2-3. Talk.

20- Tessari, A., Anelli, F., Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M. (2010). Verbi e oggetti relati all’azione: elaborazione linguistica o motoria? AIP sperimentale, Bologna, September 2-3. Talk.

19- Scorolli, C. (2009). Il Ruolo della Corteccia Motoria Primaria nell’elaborazione di Frasi Concrete e Astratte. AISC 2009, Napoli, November 25-26. Talk.

18- Scorolli, C., Binkofski, F., Buccino, G., Nicoletti, R., Riggio, L., & Borghi, A. (2009). Embodiment e linguaggio: uno studio su frasi astratte e concrete. AIP sperimentale, September 24-26, Chieti. Talk.

17- Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., & Nicoletti, R. (2009) Embodiment and language: cross-linguistic evidence on abstract and concrete sentences. ESCOP 2009, Cracow, September 2-5. Talk

16- Colzato, L., Scorolli, C., van den Wildenberg, W., Borghi A., & Hommel B. (2009). Losing the big picture: How religion may control visual attention. ESCOP 2009, Cracow, September 2-5. Talk.

15- Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., & Nicoletti, R. (2009) Abstract and Concrete Sentences in German and Italian, CAOS, Rovereto, April 22-25. Poster.

14- Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., & Glenberg, A. (2008). Le parole hanno un peso, AIP sperimentale, Padova, September 18-20. Poster.

13- Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., & Glenberg, A. (2008). Effects of language on bimanual object lifting. Summer School ‘The Sense of Body’, June 16-21, Bologna. Poster.

12- Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., & Glenberg, A. (2008). Attività motoria indotta dal linguaggio nel sollevamento bi-manuale di oggetti. CODISCO 2008, Noto, June 4-6. Talk.

11- Scorolli, C. (2008) Soma – Psiche – Intersoggettività: due approcci psicoterapeutici, Natura Sive seminar, February 14, Bologna. Talk.

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10- Scorolli, C., Bruno, N., & Borghi, A.M. (2007). Visual and visuomotor size constancy. Coackroaches to culture: current controversies in cognition, November 24-25, Trieste. Poster.

9- Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., & Glenberg, A. (2007). Effects of language on bimanual object lifting. Coackroaches to culture: current controversies in cognition, November 24-25, Trieste. Poster.

8- Scorolli, C., Glenberg, A., & Borghi, A.M. (2007). Effetti del linguaggio sulla percezione e sulla produzione di un’azione di sollevamento, AISC 2007, Roma, November 28-29. Poster.

7- Scorolli, C., Glenberg, A., Borghi, A.M., & Setti, A. (2007). Effetti del linguaggio sulla comprensione e valutazione del peso, AIP sperimentale, Como, September 17 - 19. Talk.

6- Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M. (2007). Comprehension of sentences implying actions: relevance of the effector and of the goal, ESCOP 2007, Marseille, August 29 – September 1. Poster.

5- Scorolli, C., Glenberg, A., Borghi, A.M., & Setti, A. (2007). Effects of language on weight perception and evaluation, ESCOP 2007, Marseille, August 29 – September 1. Poster.

4- Scorolli, C., Glenberg, A., Borghi, A.M., & Setti, A. (2007). Language comprehension influences weight perception. CAOS, Rovereto, June 20-23. Poster.

3- Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M. (2006). Comprensione di frasi che implicano azioni: rilevanza dell’effettore e dello scopo, AISC 2006, Genova, October 26-27. Poster.

2- Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M. (2006) Comprensione di frasi e sistema motorio: modulazione in funzione dell’effettore, AIP sperimentale, Rovereto, September 13-15. Poster.

1- Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M. Comprensione di frasi e sistema motorio: effetti di interferenza specifici per effettore (2005). AIP sperimentale, Cagliari, September 17-20. Talk.

Published Proceedings 10) Rymaszewska, J., Szcześniak, D., Katarzyna U., Meiland, F., Evans, S., Saibene, F., d'Arma, A., Scorolli, C. (…),

& Dröes, RM. (2017). Users’ Satisfaction of the MCSP in Italy, Poland and the UK. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 13(7): P1174 DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2017.06.1734 IFy: 9.478

9) Brooker, D., Chattat, R., Evans, S.C., Evans, S., Farina, E., Henderson, C., Meiland, F., Rymanszewska, J., Szczesniak, D., Urbanska, K., Atkinson, T., Bray, J., D’Arma, A., Gamberini, G., Hendriks, I., Rehill, A., Saibene, F., Scorolli, C. (…), & Droes, R.M. (2017). Reporting on the Implementation, Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of the Dutch MCSP. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 13(7): P1560 DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2017.07.707 IFy: 9.478

8) Meiland, F., Evans, SB., Saibene, F., D’Arma, A., Szcześniak, D., Urbańska, K., Scorolli, C. (…), & Dröes, R.M. (2017). Factors influencing adaptive implementation of MCSP in four European countries. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 13(7): P1147 DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2017.07.461 IFy: 9.478

7) Scorolli C., Chattat R., Evans S.C., Brooker D., …, & Dröes R.M (2017). Risultati e impatto del Meeting Center Support Program sulle persone con demenza e i loro caregiver informali in Italia, in Polonia e nel Regno Unito. X Convegno Nazionale di Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento, May 19-20.

6) De Carolis, S., Celli, M., Ciacci, C., Citarella, M., Garruti, A., Graziani, M., Scorolli, C., Silingardi, E., & Chattat R.

(2017) I centri di Incontro di Rimini e Riccione: risultati preliminari. 17° Congresso Nazionale di Psicogeriatria, March 30-April 1.

5) Scorolli, C., Daprati, E., Nico, D., & Borghi, A.M. (2011) Catching objects through words. Proceedings of the XVII Meeting of The European Society for Cognitive Psychology, 46.

4) Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., & Nicoletti, R. (2009). Embodiment and language: cross-linguistic evidence on abstract and concrete sentences. Proceedings of the XVIth meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, 35.

3) Colzato, L., Scorolli, C., van den Wildenberg, W., Borghi A., & Hommel B. (2009). Losing the big picture: How religion may control visual attention. Proceedings of the XVIth meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, 111.

2) Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M. (2007). Comprehension of sentences implying actions: relevance of the effector and of the goal. Proceedings of the XVth meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, 93.

1) Scorolli, C., Glenberg, A., Borghi, A.M., & Setti, A. (2007). Effects of language on weight perception and evaluation. Proceedings of the XV meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, 119.

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Bologna, November 16, 2020


i Cognitive neuroscience, Embodied cognition; Psycholinguistics, Language comprehension; Concepts and categories, Semantic memory; Perceptual categorization and identification, Object recognition; Spatial cognition, Motor control; Social cognition; Cognition and aging.

ii Director Dr. A. Rapaggi, Scientific Supervisor Prof. C. Umiltà.

iii Supervised by Prof. A.M. Borghi and Prof. R. Nicoletti. iv Renunciation due to the extension of the Post-doc researcher contract.

v Supervisor Prof. A.C. Bachoud-Lévi - not carried out due to the time overlap with data collection for the ERPs study at the Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neurological Sciences, UNIMORE (see above, on section Education and Specific Trainings).

vi ‘Cultrice della Materia’ - Exam committee member for Cognitive Psychology Courses, C.d.L. Philosophy, a.y. 2013/14,

Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Bologna. vii ‘Idoneità al ruolo di ricercatore di III livello’. viii Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein in Lübeck and Universitätsklinikum, Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE, in Hamburg,

to conduct a behavioral study and to work to the paradigm of the related fMRI study. The fMRI study was conducted after the end of the Marco Polo project.

ix Participations to National Projects: Scientific Role > research fellow; Tasks: language study through behavioral, TMS

and kinematic experiments: RFO, ex-quota 60%, ‘finanziamento alla ricerca di base stanziato dall'Ateneo, 2011’ (12 months). RFO, ex-quota 60%, ‘finanziamento alla ricerca di base stanziato dall'Ateneo, 2009’ (12 months). PRIN 2008 ‘Fare, osservare e fare insieme: influenza dell'altro su cognizione e azione’ (24 months). PRIN 2006 ‘La compatibilità visuo-motoria influenza la percezione e la rappresentazione dello spazio e degli oggetti’ (24

months). x Membership of Scientific Associations: The European Society for Cognitive Psychology, ESCOP 2007-11 – 2019-20;

Italian Association of Psychology AIP 2005-15 / 2020; Association for Psychological Science 2015-16; Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences, AISC 2006-2014; International Association of Applied Psychology, IAAP 2010-11. xi Presented by coauthors due to certified health problems.
