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-Devic Templates Manual

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Devic Templates Manual by Anthony Agee OVERLAYING A DEVIC TEMPLATE S tate out loud , It is now my intent to overlay a _________ Template.” Available Templates Personal Templates 1. Healing Template 2. Attunement Template 3. Meditational Template 4. Instructional Template 5. Emergency Template 6. Dream Template Professional Templates 7. Healing Template 8. Attunement Template 9. Meditational Template 10. Instructional Template 11. Emergency Template Group Templates: 12. Healing Template 13. Attunement Template 14. Meditational Template 15. Instructional Template. Miscellaneous Templates: 16. Attunement Template 17. Energy Clearing Template 1
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Devic Templates Manual by Anthony Agee


S tate out loud ,

“It is now my intent to overlay a _________ Template.”

Available Templates

Personal Templates

1. Healing Template

2. Attunement Template

3. Meditational Template

4. Instructional Template

5. Emergency Template

6. Dream Template

Professional Templates

7. Healing Template

8. Attunement Template

9. Meditational Template

10. Instructional Template

11. Emergency Template

Group Templates:

12. Healing Template

13. Attunement Template

14. Meditational Template

15. Instructional Template.

Miscellaneous Templates:

16. Attunement Template

17. Energy Clearing Template

he personal, professional, group, and other Templates are actually very different. The other class is reserved for those Templates

whose parameters don’ t fit into the concept of personal, professional, or group dynamics. The two Templates listed here were designed to affect non-living things.



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he energy dynamics for a Devic Template are very different when working personally, professionally, or in a group. The Devas have

written each of the Templates to accommodate these dynamics and variables. They are, however, unable to adequately adjust the complex energy dynamic between personal, professional, and groups on their own once a Template has been overlaid by us. It is your responsibility to specify which Template and what dynamics you’ ll need to work with. Whenever you’ re working with anyone other than yourself the Template dynamics are considered by the Devas to be professional. The only difference between a professional and a group Template is the number of people working together. From the Devas point of view, a group is defined as at least three or more including yourself. So when working with three or more people use the Group Template otherwise use the Professional Template.


our Devic Angel will begin setting up the Template for you at that point. A little intent and the desire is all it takes because of the

Devic Template Attunement. It is as simple as that.YThere are a few variables and certain energies that need to be balanced before the Template will be solid and stabilized in the physical plane. It could take anywhere from thirty to forty. If you’ re kinesthetic, you may be very aware of this process as it happens. I always feel a sense of expansion followed by a series of powerful energy shifts with each connection that is made. Don’ t worry, if you don’ t feel things or hear things. These templates work because of the attunement.

Your confidence will grow with practice.

nce the process is stabilized, I can immediately sense the team members presence and a communication link is established

directly with the Template Team members. When I work with a Template overlaid, communication, for me, shifts from being clairsentient, a knowing, to being verbal. This shift is a common one for people working in a Template. The Deva's first priorities are communication, cooperation, and partnership. After everything is stabilized, let the team know what you’ re doing as completely and thoroughly as possible. Follow the guidelines for the kind of Template you’ re using. I know I’ ve said this already. I just wanted to make sure the point hit home. Don’ t overlay a Template any longer than you have to. Leaving a Personal Healing Template overlaid for three days is rude to the Template Team. Occasionally, though, they will want you to leave a Template overlaid for an extended time. They might want to monitor how you react to normal stresses in your day to day life or work slowly over the course of a few hours. This is especially true with Personal Templates. Respect your team, they do a lot for us.



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efore you close down a Template. Ask if they have any information for you. They might have all kinds of recommendations for you.

Also ask if it is appropriate to close down and release the Template at this time. The Template Team will never make you leave a Template overlaid if you truly want to close it.


he Template Teams are working in a completely new manner. Sometimes their work will effect people in a very powerful and

profound way. They will often want you to leave the Template overlaid for a few extra minutes after the session is “over” so they can monitor how the “work” is settling in.


nce you have dealt with all the loose ends and gotten any recommendations they have for you, close down and release the

Template. Luckily, It’ s as easy to close a Template session as it is to open one.


1. State out loud, “I wish to thank all Template Team members for their energies and assistance. I also ask that you continue to assist everyone involved in every way possible for the highest good of all concerned. Is it appropriate to close down the Template at this time? (If not ask how long until you can. Close down after the allotted time.) It is now my intent to close down and release this Devic Template.” At this point, your Devic Angel will break down the connections and energy patterns making up the Template and close down the energy. If your kinesthetic, you could also be very aware of this process. The more practice and time you spend working with a Template the more adept you will become at working in these other realms yourself. Just working in a Template can expand your consciousness and increase your personal growth in unimaginable ways.

Devic Template Descriptions

ach Template has very specific purpose and dynamic. Here are the descriptions for each of the basic Templates, and how to use them.

In some cases, the differences between them are minimal. In every case, the biggest reason to use a Template is so you can work in harmony with the Template Team and benefit from their expertise and input.




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ersonal Templates are by far the most versatile of all the Templates. They were all designed for individual, self work in mind.

In each of the Personal Templates, the Team works on and with you. Please don’ t think Templates are only for fixing things. The whole purpose for developing the Templates in the first place was to assist us in working with these other levels of reality. They want to assist not only in health and balance but in growth and expansion. The more we evolve the easier and more effective our combined work with them will be.


Healing Template

or those of you, working with MAP™ personally this Template is very similar to the MAP™ program. This Template was originally designed to

take the place of the traditional coning once the Solar Angel and the Devas began to collaborate. If you already have a MAP™ team and want to upgrade, here are the steps.


he directions for overlaying and closing a Template can be found later in the chapter. This particular Template is designed for all

personal healing situations and takes full advantage of the Template Technology and input form all Template Team members.



he real purpose of the Templates is to allow many different levels to work with you on your own personal health. Most of the

conventional health care systems are really specialties. They function only in one area or another with no real understanding of the other modalities. As we move from the Piscine Age into the Aquarian age, the gaps in traditional health care are growing. This process is a health care program designed by Nature and other Intelligence's containing the Aquarian dynamics.. If including input from Nature, the White Brotherhood, and Solar Angels in your personal health care package is important than the Personal Healing Template is the easiest way for you to do it.


he Healing Template, allows each Template member to practice within their expertise simultaneously with regards to your health.

The team is capable of altering, adjusting, or working on any level of your being that you give them permission to work on. The issues you



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decide to work on may be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, causal, atomic, Buddhic, or monadic or a combination of all of them.

he Personal Healing Template can be used to establish balance on any level in times of expansion, or growth as well as in times of

illness and stress. The Team will work on any issues you bring before them. They work as a team of professionals seeking your highest good.



ersonal Healing Template sessions should take place in a quiet setting where you will not be interrupted for at least an hour. The

Template Team prefers that you be comfortable and lying down. If you have trouble lying down, relaxing in a chair is okay. The important thing is that you remain relaxed and relatively stationary for the entire session. Once you’ re comfortable, overlay the Personal Healing Template. Tell the Template Team what you would like to work on during the session. I suggest you pick the things that are immediately affecting you plus one issue that is a little more deep seated. Surface issues are usually easy to clear up while deep seated issues may take a few sessions.


ou need to describe the symptoms in detail to the Team. Don’ t just say I have a pain in the neck. A more detailed description would be,

“I have sharp pain located one inch below my ear on the left side. It started two days ago when I was reading a book. It seems to come and go. I took an aspirin yesterday and that helped a little but nothing I seem to do makes any difference. Etc.” You get the idea. Be specific, let them know how the symptoms are effecting you on all levels (Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritually, Etc.).


ot every issue is going to affect you to that extent, but in this program you’ re not limited to only mundane issues. The team is

only able to work on the things you can describe to them. Describing your symptoms, allows them to know where you are now. Their perspective is a little broader, but they will not violate your timing.. When you’ re finished describing the focus of the session, they will get to work.


light session will usually last twenty minutes, however, they can last up to an hour. I suggest you ask them at the twenty minute

mark to see if they are finished with their work. If they aren’t, ask them how long they need.

Aypically Templates will either be twenty minutes, forty minutes, an hour, or four hours long. People are usually aware when the

Template session is over. They feel a sort of winding down.T


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Personal Healing Template isn’t only for imbalances. Your Team can assist you in accomplishing goals and dreams. They can also

help you integrate new experiences. Work on the balanced issues as well as stumbling blocks. Don’ t forget that reinforcing a positive is often much more powerful than removing a negative.


Template sessions are particularly useful during times of expansion. The only limits here are you own imagination. Pick the issues you work on from those things you want to improve in your life. I’ve personally worked on everything from minor cuts to integration of new information.


nce you’ve described the issues you want to work on, the team will get to work. You may feel energy shifts. The Team may press

lightly on different parts of your body. People usually enter an altered state and the time goes by very fast. I find it to be very relaxing. Often the Template Team will want to work without interruption so they will “push your off button” and you will fall asleep. This is especially true if you think to much. They always wake you up at the end of the session so you can go about the rest of your day. I often have conversations with my team about the work they’ re doing. They are very descriptive and explain as much detail as I care to hear. How your personal sessions go is really up to you and the issues you decide to work on.


f you pick a few fluffy issues, not much is going to happen. If you pick a really deep issue, like childhood abuse, you can bet that

things are going to come up for you. I find the Teams to be very loving and supportive in a ways only a few people can be.!!!!!! Rework

IThis Template is not for the timid. If you ask them to work on an issue, they will. Make sure you’ re ready. The insights from working with the Templates are very rewarding but some of the most challenging work I’ve ever had to do has been in a Personal Healing Template.


he most important thing to remember about working in a personal Healing Template is that you are a participating member. Your

ability to participate is dependant on being awake and alert. You’ ll be T


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unable to provide your part of the input if the first thing you do is pass out and go to sleep once you overlay the Template.

he Team needs you to overlay a Template when you’ re fully alert and awake. Now that doesn’t mean that five minutes into the

Template session they wont push your off button. The important thing is that you do your part. Doing a Template right before your scheduled bed time is not only rude but you will very likely fall asleep. It’ s very difficult to close a Template while your asleep.


he last thing you want to do is overlay a Template all night and forget completely about it. Be careful what you work on in a

session. The team is going to work on anything you ask them to. I recommend working only on one significant deep seated issue at a time. A session can be very powerful and thought provoking.


orking on more than one significant issue will very likely produce some rather profound results on many levels. If you overload the

sessions, the Team will be unable to really focus on any one issue and they will have to prioritize them.

Wefore you decide to work on a thousand issues, ask your Team if they already have enough to work on. The issues and topics you

work on aren’t likely to magically disappear, although this does occasionally happen. More than likely you’ll process the information and work the Team did throughout you normal day to day life. I find that the work the Template Team does really just gets the ball rolling but it’ s up to me to find the answers. The answers very often come from unexpected places.


hen you gain an insight, be sure to report it to your Team. It lets them know how the work is progressing. Describe the insight as

fully as possible. Often the insight have several parts and you only received one part of it.

Wt’ s important that you keep you team informed of what’ s going on around you. Stress in your environment might be very significant. If

you’ re whole family is sick, there’ s a good chance your balance is going to be adversely effected by the illnesses. Letting your Team know could save you from getting the illness or least make you feel better quicker when you do get it.



his Template isn’t only for once in a blue moon use. It was designed to assist people on a regular basis. We live in an

accelerated time. People are growing and expanding much faster than their bodies are able to. These expansion experiences used to only



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happen to a few isolated people. Not any more. More and more people are expanding.

his Template was designed by Nature to assist people through this expansion and growth but also to assist in any way possible. For

this program to be effective you have to use it. It’ s like a membership to the gym. If you don’ t go to the gym how are you supposed to get the exercise or your moneys worth. You will want to have a regular schedule when working with a Personal Healing Template.


he Devas recommend that anyone doing or receiving regular energy work to have a session at least three times a week. During

periods of intense expansion, sessions could be scheduled as often as every day. Periods of intense expansion often occur right after attunements and because of cleansing cycles. This is true whether you're the practitioner or the student.


ccasionally, you will work on a significant issue during a Template session that will require several follow up sessions. After your

regular scheduled session, ask if you need to do any additional follow up sessions not included in your normal schedule. They will let you know. If the answer was yes, ask them when they want to meet next. Continue to work on the same issue until you've exhausted the follow up sessions. Remember, a follow up session isn't simply committing to work on an issue, it is a session where the Template Team will continue a process started in a previous session. The last thing you want to do is half start working on something.


or those people who aren’t doing regular energy work, follow a twice weekly schedule. No matter whether you do energy work or

not. The Team may want to adjust your schedule. They may suggest more or even less sessions a week depending on your personal needs. The number of sessions a week or month doesn't indicate a state of illness or disease. Everyone is different. Some people can accomplish a lot in one session, others will take two or more sessions for the same thing.



ommunication with your team is more of an art form than an ability. It takes a great deal of practice. In the beginning you’ re

likely to feel a little awkward talking to people you can see. That is a perfectly good issue to bring up to your team right away. The first things I worked on were my resistance to the whole program and better communication. My ability to talk to my team grew exponentially from then on. Of course, I worked on these issues for a few session. The easiest way to begin communicating with your team



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is to pretend you’ re seeing a therapist. Tell them everything, your fears, hopes and dreams.

he Devic Template Team’ s first priority is establishing clear lines of communication with you. It may take a little while to really open

you up but I have yet to know anyone who has used these Templates that couldn’t’ t “hear” their team after a year. Most of the people I’ve worked with were able to “hear” their teams after a month.



he personal Healing Template includes expanded energy dynamics designed to work exclusively with Nature to come up with

innovative solutions. If you ever feel stuck, you’ve tried everything, and don’ t have any idea how to proceed, just let the Team know that you need to work with Nature to come up with a creative solution. Describe the situation as completely as possible and ask for creative solutions.


he Team will activate that part of the Template dynamics and get to work. This process can be used to help you personally move

from one dynamic to another. In my life I used this process when I went from being a Reiki II to a Reiki Master. I wanted to move easily from the student dynamics to the teaching dynamics. I had several sessions before I had my Master class. I found that I was able to learn things much easier and I felt more comfortable with the idea of being a Reiki Master. I was able to feel confident enough to teach a class a week later. I know that I couldn’t’ t have done it without the Template Team.



personal Healing Template is an adjunct to other healing modalities. If you’ re seeing other health care providers, overlay a

personal Healing Template during your appointment. Inform the Team of what’ s going on and what role you would like them to play. The team can assist in several ways: Assist you in integrating the work being done. Assist the other practitioner in the work they’ re doing on you.


ontinue the work they start in the office, later. Provide information on what the other practitioner is doing as well as provide

commentary about the procedures as a whole. Help relieve anxiety, and generally balance you with respect to the other professionals work. Your Team is often more than capable of performing a lot of the work your other practitioners are performing. They have no ego when it comes to other health care providers. It is courteous of us though to keep them informed. When you overlay a person Healing Template and see another practitioner, the team will assume you want the other



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practitioner to do the work and simply watch. That’ s why it is so important to let the Team know what their role is. Are they observers or do you want them to participate.

re you Reiki? If you are, you can Reiki yourself while doing a Template Session. Ask your Team if it is okay and go. Because of

the Solar Angels input, any energy you’ re attuned to can be provided by your Solar Angel. You do have to specify that you would like them to use Reiki or any other energies on you during a Template Session.


Attunement Template

his Template is only available to a Reiki Master. A personal Attunement Template is used for receiving attunements. We

designed this Template because an attunement, in general, doesn’t’ t fall underneath the jurisdiction of the Overlighting Deva of Healings. So, it isn’t technically a healing experience. I know, I can hear you arguing now. Yes, attunements very often do produce a healing result, but the attunement itself is not a healing process. It is an initiation into a system of energy. It’ s the new energy that produces the healing not the actual attunement.


ore often than not an attunement causes a great deal of expansion and growth. This growth can and does sometimes

really push people beyond their limits. I have seen people receive an attunement and spend a great deal energy resisting the whole process. This Template assists you in receiving an attunement in several ways. First it stabilizes the environment, you’ re in so that the attunement can take place easier. Like every Template, Nature and the White Brotherhood are present to adjust and provide their input within a Template.


he Overlighting Deva of Initiation and Attunement understands everything there is to know about an Attunement including every

possible nuance. The Nature Spirits understand the energies behind the process of attunement and can adjust them perfectly for you. Every member of the Template Team can assist you during an attunement. Together they make sure your attunement is precisely adjusted to your individual needs and doesn’t violate your timing or free will.


typically find that attunements received in a Template are at least twice as powerful and usually have no physical side effects and the

cleansing cycles seem to be a lot less intense. This is especially true if you overlay a personal Healing Template after the Attunement Template. The most significant application of this Template, is that it enables you to self attune into other energies. There are many other energies out there that are useful to be attuned to. With this Template,



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you can be attuned to almost any energy with a few limits. Most energy systems have safeguards to keep unqualified people from self initiating. A few systems with safe guards are Reiki, Sacara, Angelic Light, Sophi-El, Mari-El, and Seichem to name a few. In addition to the energy systems mentioned here, most Magickal Orders have safeguards to protect their energy currents as well.

don’ t mean to discourage you from trying to tap into new energies but the safeguards are there for a reason. A second degree Reiki

student with the help of an Attunement Template isn’t going to be able to receive a Master Reiki Attunement. If you’ re already a Reiki Master and want to tap into another energy current your chances are much better. Reiki is very universal and gives you a pretty nice Master Key. But unless you have a good feeling for the energy already and a lot of luck you aren’t going to be able to tap into another energy current that has protection built-in. Persistence is the key. If you keep at it you might get lucky. You never know. The only drawback to self attunement is convincing the world of your certification. If you don’ t care about certification than don’ t let it stop you.


here are, of course, a lot of other energies you can easily tap into with this Template. You can readily tap into any archetypal

energies. Archetypal energies include the zodiac, runes, the planets, power animals, societal energies, the Tarot, etc. I’ m not necessarily saying that any of these energies would make good attunements, that’s up to you to decide. I just wanted to give you an idea of the type of energies you could work with.


hen you look at the world, everything breaks down to energy at some level. Take skills for example, at some level every skill is

really just an energy. What determines how well you learn a new skill? If you look at the dynamics, there are a lot of considerations. When you learn a new skill you basically attune yourself to the energies behind the new skill. The more easily you can attune to the new skill the faster you’ ll learn. How well the teacher is attuned to the skill is also important. If the teacher can’ t hold the energy for the class than the students never really learn the new skill.


ome people have an innate ability at attuning to new skills, we call this intelligence. In actuality, intelligence and learning are abilities

themselves which can be learned and practiced. The next time you are trying to learn a new skill use

S2 Sacara, Sophi-El, and Angelic Light are currently only taught by Kathleen Milner. For more information on these energies, please refer to her book, Reiki and Other Rays of Touch Healing. Mari-El and Seichim are Reiki based energies. For more information refer to the current Institute for Reiki Studies newsletter.. this


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ttunement Template to attune yourself to the energy behind the new skill. I bet you’ll be amazed at how much quicker you pick it



1. Overlay this Template the same as any other Template.

2. Tell the Template Team exactly what’ s happening. They need to know exactly what’ s happening. Let them know whether you are receiving an attunement from someone else or you want to perform a self attunement. If you’ re receiving an attunement, describe in detail what attunement your planning to get and what role you want the team to play. Ask them to amplify and multiply the energy as appropriate for your highest good and to assist in any way possible.

f you’ re asking for a self attunement, than you need to let them know the type of energy you want to be attuned to. You’ll also need

a sample of the energy. Here is were things get complicated. The purer the sample the more likely you’ll be able to attune to it. The name for the energy is not enough unless it is truly archetypal. Samples of the energy can be attained the same way you would get any radionic witness. The witness can be a photograph, or a tape recording, etc.


e creative. Once you have the sample, I suggest that you specifically request that the Overlighting Deva of the energy you

wish to be self attuned be present and a part of the Template, as well as any Devas, Angels, and masters associated with the energy. There are five questions that need to be answered before any self attunement.


1. Do I have a pure and untainted sample of the energy?

2. Is this energy free of group energetics?

3. Is this energy appropriate for me to be attuned to now?

4. Do you presently have all the information you need?

5. Can you successfully perform the attunement now?

f the answer was NO to any of the above questions, you have more work to do before attempting the attunement. It is our policy at the

Institute for Reiki Studies to stay clear of any energy or current that is group energetic. This issue is discussed in detail in the, Complete Guide to Reiki Volume I, by Jeffrey Martin.. A pure and untainted sample of the energy is the single most important part of this



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procedure. It would be very unfortunate to attune yourself to an impure energy. If you have what you think is a good sample of the energy but it doesn't check out, ask the Devas if it can be cleared or purified. Sometimes an energy will get tainted by ambient energies and a simple clearing will purify it perfectly.

he other questions are self explanatory. If they need more information, find out what they need to know by asking them

questions. If the energy is not appropriate trust your Solar Angel’ s and your Higher Self’ s judgment. Remember “now” is a pretty specific time. The attunement might be appropriate next week or next year. Ask them when it might be appropriate for you.


nce you’ve received a "yes" to all of the above questions and you have your energy sample, you’ re ready to perform the self

attunement. State, “I now wish to be attuned the highest and most pure aspect of energy represented by this energy sample. I ask that this attunement occur now.” Wait for the attunement to finish or give the team twenty minutes. Be sure to check and make sure they are finished with the attunement before you go on, or release the Template. It is also advisable when finished to release the Attunement Template and overlay a Healing Template to assist you in integrating the new energies.


Meditational Template

his Template was designed to assist anyone who wants to meditate. It assists your meditations in several ways. Here are a

few: Stabilizes the environment, provides a stable place to meditate in. Adds the Template team’ s input into your mediation. Assists you by helping you go further and deeper in your mediations. Provides protection during your meditation.


Makes sure the meditation is balanced for you.

he Team actually assists you accomplishing your meditation goals. Meditation is a very powerful way to evolve yourself. I know most

of my serious growth spiritually came about because of an image or a contact I had during one of my meditations. When you meditate normally, the first five minutes are used just to set your energies into a meditative state. This Template allows you to get there twice as fast. Don’ t forget that a Template connects you with five other levels of reality. Most people who meditate are trying to get in touch with the very levels of reality, you’ re already working with. I’ ve personally found that a ten minute meditation in a Meditation Template is equivalent to thirty minutes of normal Meditation.



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his Template wasn’t in the original package. We designed and created this Template at Irving’ s suggestion. As it turns out, this

Template is quickly becoming one of my favorites. Thank’ s again Irving.

TInstructional Template

Personal Instructional Template was designed to be used in any situation where instruction is being received. The Instructional

Template assists you in learning by making sure that you’ re integrating the new material as well as working with the Template team. They are often times are very knowledgeable about things you’ re learning especially your Solar Angel. They will often organize the energetic aspects of learning so you can more easily process the information and store it.


friend of mine started studying Massage Therapy. In Ohio, we have one of the toughest programs in the whole country. She

started working with Devas and other members of the Template team whenever she studied and when she went to class. The results were outstanding. She found that the material she needed to know just sort of jumped out at her when she studied. Incidentally, her grades improved with no extra work.


o use the Template, overlay it as usual and let you team know what’s going on and that you would like them to assist you in any

way possible. Make sure the team knows whether your studying or sitting in a class room. Be specific about what’ s going on. What are you learning? Why are you learning it? How important is it in the grander scheme of things? Etc. I can’ t stress this enough. Communicate with your team as completely as possible.


Emergency Templatehe Emergency Template is designed to be used in place of a PersonalT

Healing Template under emergency situations. The dynamics within anemergency are completely different than in a normal session. The first hour, primary the first twenty minutes of any shock or sudden illness are critical. During this time the tissues of the body are very susceptible to storing the trauma neuromuscular. When a human body stores a trauma in a tissue, the body’ s self healing abilities are greatly diminished and recuperation time is increased.

his Template includes all of the codes and parameters of the regular Personal Healing Template plus it includes the Devic and

White Brotherhood Trauma Team. They are the real miracle workers in an emergency and insure that the traumas and shock are stabilized so



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the body can begin it’ s healing. The trauma teams have been especially trained to deal with every type of emergency. This Template doesn’t’ t only apply to physical emergencies either. Emotional and Spiritual energies are just as threatening to your healing. When a situation arises that needs this Template, overlay it the same as every other Template.

nce the Template is overlaid state the nature of the emergency. The Team will take it from there. Leave this Template overlaid

until the emergency has passed. If you need to go to the hospital, leave it overlaid the entire time you’ re at the hospital. This Template is designed on totally different parameters and can remain overlaid for extended periods of time. It could be overlaid for days or weeks depending on the nature of the emergency. Once you are stabilized and in a state of recovery close the Template and work with a Personal Healing Template to finish your recovery. I sincerely hope that no one needs to use this Template but it’ s there in case you do.


PROFESSIONAL TEMPLATESll of the professional Templates are designed to be used when you’ re working in a professional capacity with one other person. If you’

re just a participant than use a Personal Template. When more than one person is present and you are acting in a professional capacity than you need to use the Group Templates.


Healing Templaten this Template, the Template Team is working with you as practitioner. They form a partnership with you to assist you with your

sessions. The Template can be overlaid an used with any type of healing work from counseling to foot reflexology. The entire resources of the Template reality and all it’ s members are at your disposal.


The team's assistance falls into several areas. They can assist you increating new and more efficient procedures and processes as well as help you make any alteration in procedure that might improve your practice. The overall focus of this Template is to shift your work into the Aquarian dynamic. Like the Personal Healing Template, this Template is not for the timid. The team requests and forms a complete partnership that includes your participation. They are some of the most challenging partners I have every had. I was completely amazed at the voluminous amounts of information they were willing to provide for me.. MAP™ professional users can upgrade here as well. Follow the same procedure as before.


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1) Overlay this Template.

2) In the first meeting you will need to describe the type of work you’ re doing in detail. Let the Team know about every nuance.

3) Ask the Template Team if they would like to meet with you on a scheduled basis. If you have a regular practice, they will likely want to meet with you on either a weekly or monthly basis to discuss aspects of your business and the clients you have. I usually meet with them on a monthly basis to discuss client adjustments, office procedure, education, etc. Close the Template.


verlay this Template every time you have a session. It is best to Overlay this Template prior to the clients session. This gives you

time to discuss the clients history and any other pertinent details with the team. The thing to remember here is that you are working with a team of professionals. Treat them just like you would treat a friend that was helping you work on a client. The Team needs to know everything you know about the client, their symptoms, history, etc.


uring the actual session the team will work with you to help you be aD

better practitioner and also work on the client. They will help primarily by providing insights during the session. Don’ t be surprised by the intuitive insights that will just pop into your head. You’ll also have the full benefit of both Nature and the White Brotherhood to provide information about the session and how it is progressing.

he team, as full partners, can and do work on the client. They work primarily through you, however. A client is not receiving the same

kind of attention they would if they were in a Personal Healing Template. If they have received the Devic Template attunement, overlaying a personal healing Template at the same time would be perfectly fine.. After the clients session be sure to discuss the session with the team. They can provide information on how effective the session was, as well as when the client should meet with you again.


Close the Template as usual.



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xpect very different results. The healing sessions done in a Template work much deeper, the results are much more profound,

and more immediate. It is very important that your clients know you’ re working in a new and different way. Their sessions are going to completely change. The last thing you want to do is instill fear in one of your clients because their sessions suddenly impacted them in a different way.


our clientele is likely to change as well. You will be working in an Aquarian dynamic and clients who need that dynamic will seek you

out. Also, clients who need Piscean dynamics may need someone else. Give them a way out and have no fear, I find that the increase in clients more than makes up for any loss.


he Template Team will do anything in their power to assist you in expanding your practice, your healing methods, or anything that

would help you in a professional way.T

Attunement Templatehis Templates is used when performing attunements on someone other than yourself. When you perform an attunement overlay this

Template and inform the Team as to what you're doing. Once again, be specific. What attunement are you doing? Is this attunement appropriate for everyone present, etc.


he Template Team can provide a great deal of support and information about attunements including information from chair

placement to the exact moment the attunement would be most effective. Your attunements will have the full benefit of Nature’ s input as well as assistance from the Solar Angels and the White Brotherhood. The results gathered from the research team were staggering. Attunements were at least 50% or more effective. Attunements were substantially easier to perform from a practitioner's point of view and easier to receive from the students.


very attunement was much more refined and matched the clients energetic needs better.. The incidence of “special” additional

attunements increased for the students. Attunements as a whole were better balanced and much more powerful. I personally use this Template or its Group version whenever I perform an attunement. I can’ t tell you how much better it is. If in doubt try it yourself.


he last point here is that this Template is especially effective for use in distant attunements. Because your Solar Angel is present in

every Template your are assured of not creating a group energetic current. The Institute for Reiki Studies has done some excellent



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research on safe ways to perform distant attunements. If you want the latest information please read

Meditational Templatehe dynamics and purpose of this Template are designed to assist you in facilitating a meditation for one other person.T

Instructional Templatehis Template takes the dynamics of the Personal Instruction Template and shifts them to the teaching aspect. It is useful for any

kind of teaching work you may do. What this Template really does is help you work with the individuals you’ re teaching. When you teach, it is very important that the dynamics of what you’ re teaching be adjusted to fit the people being trained. This Template allows you to do it quickly and dynamically often times on a totally unconscious level.


I use this Template every time I teach a Reiki class. I always feel soconnected to the group and can feel when they start to drift or don’ t understand what I’ m saying. The purpose of this Template is to provide support for you as a teacher and to help you be a better teacher. The Template Team isn’t going to show up and teach the class for you. If you aren’t prepared or don’t know the material, this Template isn’t going to magically make you the best teacher around.

he Template team assists you as a teacher also by guiding you as you teach. Sometimes small things make a very big difference.

Teaching the material in a slightly different order could make all the difference. Remember, Piscean teaching methods are different than Aquarian teaching methods. A Template will help you work in the new dynamics. Just overlay the Template and let the Team know what is happening in detail. Leave the Template overlaid until the class is finished..


GROUP TEMPLATEShe group Templates provide a great deal of group support. There are many processes out there that assist an individual, but few

processes that support group work. These Templates allow a group to function on the highest levels as a coherent unified team without forming a permanent group current.


verall, these Templates bring together the group's strengths and create a space that allows everyone present to participate at a

level best for them. Every time we form a group, it has the potential to grow beyond the sum of its parts. It is through group expansion that we gain the greatest and most substantial growth. These group



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Templates assure that we get the most out of every group. In the group Templates there are two additional levels of Intelligence thatare added to the Template Reality.


he group Solar Angel is an extremely powerful being that is the integration of all the individual Solar Angels in the group. It is

through this being that all high level group communication takes place. When we consciously, include this being in a Template we form a coherent group connection that is in a sense anonymous.


ormally when someone attempts to organize a group’ s energy, it is up to the leader to knit and focus the group’ s energy. If the

leader is clear in their intent and they are skilled at working with group energy than the group will be very effective at working together. Let’ s assume though that perhaps the leader’s intent is not clearly focused. In this case, the whole group will suffer to some degree. It goes without saying what would happen if the leader were simply not skilled at working with group energies.


he group’ s energy as a whole is also tied to together on a very personal level; this forms a group current. The more often the

group meets the stronger the current will be. Group energetic currents are inherently a risk to those using the current. Every member is tied together on a karmic level and share each others karma.


y working with the Group Solar Angel this group current is not used at all. The groups energy is linked through a network of Angels

starting with their personal Solar Angel which is in turn linked to the Group Solar Angel. The Group Solar Angel represents the blended group energy but each individual is not directly connected to it. Through the individual Solar Angels, each person is linked to the group energy. The personal Solar Angels make sure that each group member only receives and participates in the energy aspects that are appropriate for them..



his Deva holds the architectural patterns and blueprints for the group itself. Every dynamic that could happen is part of this Deva’

s responsibility. It has a great deal in common with the Solar Angel only it functions on a Nature level.



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ithout the Overlighting Deva of the Group present no group could ever be formed. We work with this Deva to insure that the group’

s dynamics are in accordance with Devic plan of the group.W

Healing Template group Healing Template is overlaid any time you are working professional in a group setting with three or more people including

yourself. The Template focuses and aligns groups energy with Nature and the White Brotherhood. When the groups energies are aligned and work as coherent team, every member of the group can benefit from the expanded group energy dynamics. All of the guide lines from the Professional Healing Template apply here.


Attunement TemplateUsed for larger group. It allows for the higher group octave.

Meditational TemplateUsed when you are facilitating a group meditation.

Instructional TemplateSame as the Professional Instructional Template except larger group.


Attunement Templatesed for attunements on non-living things. Just fill in the name of whatever you are attuning in place of the word “other” when you

overlay the Template. Anything that is living has a definable consciousness. Plants and animals are treated just like people when it comes to performing attunements.. Crystals, property, cars, and spaces don’ t have a definable consciousness. They do, however, have an Overlighting Deva associated with them. This Template allows for the Overlighting Deva of Crystal, the Car, or Property to have its input in the attunement. Plants and animals can provide their own input. In other words, when performing plant and animal attunements they are treated just like people.


Energy Clearing Templatehis is also an add-on Template. I realized when I was finishing up the original manuscript for Devic Templates that this process was

missing. I debated for a long time about whether to publish this procedure or not. I decided that people would benefit so I included it here.


Overlay this Template


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tate, “I wish to perform an energy clearing of____ . Does _____ contain unqualified, ungrounded, or inappropriate energies that

need to be cleared at this time. ”S

ou will need to describe in detail the thing you intend to clear. Is it a crystal, a property, your house, your car, etc. I suggest you make

sure you have a pretty good visualization of what you’ re clearing or have it in front of you. If you’ re clearing an area you could even draw a diagram. If the answer was NO trust that the area is sufficiently clear at the moment and close the Template. If the answer was YES, go on to step three.


tate, “I now ask that any and all entities, energy patterns, thought-forms, or any and all energies that are unqualified, ungrounded,

inharmonious, or inappropriate be released completely and permanently from ___. I as owner or custodian of ____ give permission for these energies to be released to the next highest level from transmutation.”


t is important that you are either the owner of the thing/object/or property to be cleared or have conscious permission from the owner

before you use this Template. If someone has a dirty apartment, you wouldn’t just clean it up without asking. This is the same thing. Give the Team a few minutes for the process to happen. If in doubt give them fifteen minutes..


sk the Team if this process is complete. Sometimes there are multiple levels of energy that need to be cleared and the process

may need to be repeated.A

Close the Template when finished.

his Template can safely remove just about anything if your intent is clear. I have successfully used it for clearing entities from spaces

half a dozen times. The important thing to keep in mind is that the Template Team is doing the clearing so you are afforded a great deal of protection. Don’t be a cavalier.


f you’ re going to use this Template to clear out entities, just get a picture of the house or property and do it at a distance. Every one of

the Template Team members can work at a distance. There’ s no since being present and putting yourself at risk.


he exact wording of step three is up to you. It doesn’t have to be exactly what is written here. That was just a guide. Use whatever T


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wording you are most comfortable with. Make sure, though, the types of energies you want to clear are included in the types you ask to be cleared otherwise nothing is going to happen.

User Defined Templatesefore you can design a new Template you’ re going to need to do a little research on your own. There are a whole series of questions

that need to be answered before you can completely design the template.


Template is more than just knowing who to call. There are literally thousands of variables that need to be considered by the Devas

and other team members. As I stated earlier, a Devic Template is designed and created for Inter-level work. If you’ re not doing Inter-level work then there’ s no point using a Devic Template.


f you just need information from a Deva then ask that one Deva. Don’ t call in twenty other Devas. Devas are a lot like specialists.

They are very adept in their area of expertise but completely unknowledgeable in any other areas. Have I scared you away yet? Sorry! It does get easier.


Designing a Template is an involved process and needs to be donecarefully. A vindictive Deva isn’t going to come after you and take your first born child if you don’ t do your research but the Devas can’ t create a stable well balanced Devic Template without the proper information. All of the Template Team members are very loving and will do anything in their power to assist you in creating a Devic Template or for that matter assist you in anyway they can.

ust put a little thought into what you’ re doing before you start the process of developing you own Templates.. Below are a few sample

questions, outlining the kinds of information the Devas need. They should give you an idea of the types of things you should consider in a Template design.


on’t worry If you don’ t have answers for every one of these questions, they are just something to get you thinking. What kinds

of work are you doing? What are the dynamics? Is it already covered by one of the pre-defined Templates Why do you want to use a Template in this situation? What is it you want to accomplish with the Template? How do you want the Template Team to assist you? What is their role in the work you’ re doing? If you’ re able to hear you team you’ll be in pretty good shape throughout this process. All you have to do is ask what they need to know and go from there.



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ell unfortunately, not everyone can communicate verbally with theW

Template Team and it isn’t really necessary. When I first started working with MAP™, I couldn’t “hear” my team either but with persistence and determination I still managed to get my point across. Being able to “hear” your team doesn’t necessarily make you any better at communicating.

early everyone on the physical plane can hear everyone else, yet communications still get fouled up all the time. Follow the steps

and remember kineseology is a perfectly acceptable way to communicate. It is just as accurate if not more accurate than verbal communication. It just takes a little more thought, practice, and persistence. I’ll use my business as an example here to show how to create a user-defined Template. I wanted to incorporate Nature’ s input into my business.


hink about it, a business is a living growing thing. Nature certainly understands growing things. Look at the questions. Well, a lot of

my business comes under the Healing and/or Instructional Template. But what about advertising, marketing, billing, scheduling, or networking. I also do personal and corporate readings. Readings are kind of like counseling (which would be underneath healing) but decidedly different in practice.


y healing sessions and Reiki classes themselves are already covered by existing templates.(Healing Template, Instructional

Template) What about my readings? I decided that I needed a separate Template for them since they didn’t quite fall underneath counseling and weren’t exactly a healing session either. I do use Reiki when I’ m doing a reading but the focus is much more on clairvoyance and finding insight into problems as well as answering personal questions.


arketing, sales, scheduling, etc. fall underneath general business so a general business Template could be very useful for the

business aspects. With a little thought I found out that I really only need two Templates to cover the rest of business. For this example, I’ m going to lead you through creating a General Business Template. Let’ s look at those questions and see what answers come to mind for that business Template.


hat are you doing? I would like to create a Template to oversee and help integrate Nature’s input into the general aspect of my

business. What are the dynamics? A healing and teaching business is W


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nothing at all like running a restaurant. I usually working with people one on one in a session.

also work with people in large groups for classes. So a personal touch is critical. I’m also working a little off the main stream so that

creates some special consideration at least from a Devic point of view anyway.


echnically my sessions whether they be readings, classes, or Healings are all part of the overall business and do need to be

considered when working with the general business aspect. These are just a few of the dynamics that I considered when researching this general business Template but you get the idea.


Why do I want to use a Template in this situation ? There were several reasons for choosing to use a Template with my business. The most obvious reason is so that my whole business can move into the Aquarian Energy. I know that I would like to work in an energy pattern that promotes balance, harmony, and partnership with all things. Also, Nature knows how to create a thriving growing thing a lot better than I do. She’s been doing it for a few hundred thousand years. I don’t presuppose that I can do it any better than her. I know that input from Nature can certainly help me create a better business. One that is in harmony with Nature.

How do you want the Template Team to assist you? What is their role in the work you’ re doing?. Personally with my business I’m willing to give a lot of the planning and direction over to Nature. Timing, Organization, and Form are Nature’s specialties. Purpose and Direction are the White Brotherhood’s. I’ve always wanted to let Nature and the White Brotherhood share equally in all the decisions involving my work and concerning my business.

fter you’ve considered all the angles, you need to come up with a name for your new Template. In my example, I choose Business for

the name. That is after all what it is a business Template. I could have given it the name of my business if it had a specific name.


DEFINING THE TEMPLATE1) State out loud, “It is my intent to overlay a Master Devic Template

and I wish to work with the Overlighting Deva.” Now is where the fun begins. You now have full assistance of the Devic Realm including the Overlighting Deva because of the Master Template.

2) Begin by stating you would like to create a new Devic Template. Give the name you’ve decided and describe in detail everything you


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know about the subject your working with. List all the techniques, variables, issues, skills, anything and everything you think might be involved with the new Template. In essence, pretend you’ re writing a detailed thesis about your new Template. Now you see the reason for the research. It would be very difficult to come up with the information on the spot.

3) This information is important. Your description doesn’t’ t have to be 100 pages, just detailed. What is important here is that you’ re letting the Devas know where you are right now in your personal development and where you’ re at with respect to this new Template. They need to know what dynamics to use, and where to start. Believe me, they will expand and adjust the Template as necessary but they have to have a starting point.

4) For example, in the Business Template ultimately all aspects of the business should be considered that include growth and expansion. They may perceive that my business could expand in directions of which I’ m completely unaware at this time. If they write the Template at these expanded dynamics, the Template would be very ineffective and inefficient. It would also put a strain on me. It would be like trying to run a marathon without the proper conditioning.

5) The Devas would never violate our timing by writing such an expanded Template but you might not get all the benefit you could either.. Give them a few minutes to organize the information you gave them. They may need anywhere from thirty seconds to five to assemble the data. You could even ask them how long it will take for them to compile the information. The more organized you are the less time it will take to compile the information.

6) Now ask, “Is there any additional information you need from me at this time?” If the answer is "yes", there are a few ways you could proceed. You could ask them what they need to know and “listen” for impressions. Then write down you impression. Ask if the impressions you received were correct. Then all you do is provide the information based on those impressions. If you received several impressions use the sequential kineseology method to determine which impression they would like to know about first. Take it slow and be patient. Look over your data. You can usually see exactly what they need to know because you will have forgotten something really big. They aren’t testing you.

o, it isn’t going to be some nit picky thing. Generally if you’ve done your research completely they will be more than informed. That is S


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the reason for the questions. Those questions represent what the Devas need to know most.

ery often, the Template team will want to monitor you for a while and get a “first hand” look at your work and the new Template

before they completely write it. They will want to make sure you are adjusting to the Template, and make sure it’ s working for you alright. Things can change very fast, where you are today could be radically different than tomorrow. This holds true for your clients as well.


f for instance, one of your clients is dealing primarily with emotional issues, but the rest of your practice is entirely different. The Devas

wouldn’t want to write the Template just based on his/her level.I

sk, “Do you wish to monitor this Template before writing it?” The answer is usually yes. The Devas may only want to monitor a few

sessions or they may want to monitor things for a week or so. It doesn’t really change how you work with the Template. It just means they need more experiential data to work with before they can write the Template completely.


he last thing you need to do before closing down and releasing the Template is to thank the Master Template Team and the

Overlighting Deva. Then close and release the Master Template the same way you close and release any other Template. From this point on you have created a new user-defined Temple. I would then use the new Business Template at any point where I would be doing those general business matters including any meetings, planning sessions, and bookkeeping.


t any time, I need to make a business decision I would overlay the Template and consider their points of view. I could also brain storm

with the Team to come of with new and fresh approaches to things like marketing, or advertising. The benefits are only limited by your imagination..


eep records of the Templates you create. Try to keep it to a minimum, most of the work you do will already fall underneath one

of the pre-defined templates. There is no reason to create separate Devic Template for a massage session and a Reiki session. The minor differences are already accommodated within the Healing Template. If in doubt about whether your work is already covered by one of the Templates, just overlay the Template you think applies and ask the Template Team. They will be more than happy to converse with you. I would be more than interested in hearing about any Templates you design or if you think the Devic Template Attunement is missing some



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key Templates let me know. We’ve tried to come up with a pretty complete package

hese Templates are very powerful and they have many application well and beyond those listed here. I am currently researching how

to create Devic Templates for specific purposes like treating cancer, manifestation of goals, and regeneration of damaged tissue, etc. I’ve already started a second manuscript detailing my results thus far. When I’ve accumulated enough material, I’ll be sure to publish it.


