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:, fRANCfSCQ. ' CALIF. labor'- n ; keyv te tor covery … · YQL. TWO, N·U:MBIER ONE SAN' :,...

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. ( / .... \. .. .YQL. TWO, N· U:MBIER ONE ' ' SAN :, fRANCfSCQ. CALIF. labor '- ; keyv te l inl9 .4 · " Senate ·report ·· praises labor's output .rec~rd ' . . . . - . WASHTh;GTON -(FP)..:.:. War workers' role in the succe~s of . the war production program is singled . out for pra ise .in the . not imlicate perfection, but they do evide nce accomplishment of' a. high m:der. ' . ' . "All Americans who have . par- . ticipated can be justly proud,-, bec~use the success is due to the acc umul ate d efforts of the mil-. lions pf people who h ave each ns n tor covery ' By -HARRY METZ, Busines,$ :R~presentative · Welh;m the road! fo il'ecovery, Victoir· S. Swanson, Loca] 3's Business Manager, is exp~cted to pay his first- visit: to the union's office tihis week, make . ;his fastt appearance at the I · Trumari committee's third an~ . · By Federated Press ' nual report to Congress, made Sifns continued · to . aP,J:!CRI' 9l!l public M;arch 5. the labor political horizon indi<!lat- To .fulfi)l the . government's hu· ge . production nee'd s, the re - ing that a guaranteed - fourth term port notes, "our .workei:s· en- for Presiden.'t Roosevelt depends. on o rganized labor's political activity. _ gaged in manufacturin g, min- Chi ef portents are: (1) defeatist irig, a nd agi'iculture ,co/1,tribut ed . n early 45 per cent more man- wooing of labor votes by trying to paint the . New Deal as _ essentially days of work in_ 1943 than in ,fas cist; (2) r esults. of recent public 1939; _ despite the_ Jact that more · th _ an 10,000,000 me n were ,, .,- ith- opi11io11 _polls; (3) reports on t heir cross-co untry tours by Vice- Presi. draw n from the l abor pool for . tbe armed forces. In manufac- . done th eir share rath er than to· a ny miracu~o us . Planning of · a f ew experts . at the . top.· "\Vomen in particular deserve credit for filling the huge ·. gap created by manpower req_ uir~- ments of the armed services. .Older men \;Jio had retired fron~ active ~vork ,have returned to - their jobs ahd' because of their Henry A. Wallace and Republ icaI turing alone, our _workmen con- e;;perien.ce are among the most Presidential aspirant W end ell L. . tr ibuted 89.'6 per cent inore valuap1() of ,vorkei:s. The . ,job Willkie. ' . , man-days in 1943 than in 1939. tha .t has 1/cfen <lone not only as- Republican l eader s \· ~e - ~t . _ od _ .. ,:'\·, 0 0 Pueldd ! "This astounding perf.ormai:ice . , sures that . victory will be · w~n, Roosevel.t,'.s tax bill exceeds ~n~• thing· . of its kind but it assures that it will be won ·.J.mion.~s meeting, in. April. _ · ., . While it. had. been expected that :a,other.Sw;.nson would! be ablie to ·· attend the March meeting, he was unahle to make . . it because of an operation .he had. undergone two days . before. . Bro. Swanson ·has undergone a series of operations with at least two more 'to come : Due · to the · tendemess of new flesh . · and ·skin, it is necessary to wait until thl! preceding operation is ·complete.Jy healed before the doctors can proceed with the next phase. . · · At present, Bro. Swanson is .convalescing at his home '- after78 days in the hospital. · . . · · He sends his thanks to his many frieli!lds _ among the mem• - bets for their kμid· and thoughtful letters--letters that ~me to him from pirad~cally alt ove _ the glohef including the )South Pacific, Italy, New Guinea~ Solomons as well as many parts of this coWltlty. ma)i:.e ·his . nol1}inatio11 · doub . tful. t ever achie ved in· the Iiistory of . more - qμickly :and with fe, ver I . l!l a } Iowever; a~ As~odate1 Pr:ess.su~~i the world. The results obtainell ., casualties.-. Ot1i.-' '';~J;!\Vlf .~fo~~~s j: ,a , e;,rPJ , e, l m1n. 1nn i v,eY made . public · March 1 rnd1 - are . the best answer to the crit- have mort .. _ and~ bett ~~ e quipb-i'~;\t I, f ~~··~ ~ ' ll >'· ' ~ . ·, · '':I l _ ~a'fod . .th, ~t ~~t l1e : Pre~ide~t al i:eady, I · f th J f t Tl d · t.h- an our t'·o. es." · . . ' . I< } · ., ·, __ ·" · . ·t · · · • .+ ,,·b · · r ,,. . --- __ .,,, .... - ., . . I ·_ 1~s -~· -e .. 1011 ).e . J'.OJ1: _• ___ 1e r, }! 6, f, fti PAS UJ/Rlf 1ft C. ,,. ' "' tom<,mo.nt hs ;a,hea'a :,o·f ' the conyen -. -r .~·· .,.,_ .. :-:::,<r.,~- '""""':·--'{ ,,-~--,-- ·'~ - . - .·. -v, '-' O ·v· .. '- 1"11,u · ·'· · Y; · ' · .. ;. · .,.-... ,_ .. ti on , ' )ii~;:,, ¾ of the ne~es~ary con- . . . . . •, . . . - .. ·; .. . . . : . . ~ : ' " : ·,-- . .. . :. - . : · .. ; ,, i ,.·- ,,, / ,Jr· , :;: · . .. .. ' ' vr;ntiOl). _ .. votes · P.V, etty ' well· lined .. up. · workers . he , ld . p'rison er B;B ," s~n - OTTes ·s· Ro e, Ep ,r .. eNEse -n vt·aEtR 1 ·v·e . ·I the West Coast)h9~~d,.~.e - apparen t, . ·A recent · Gallup , poll,, in.clicate.d · · · .. · - . . 1 To acco _ mplish "their · l?J.lr :Posei . genei:al polit i cal sentiment · pret_t~ · by · Ja .ps ·to ·, re·c ·_ 81 ··v· 8 p_ a · .. y-· . Slow progress towa.ril tile .. de- they . control every · gov.ernment .evently di~' ided betw , een the Re- centralfzatio,n· of the nmtiori's steel bo dy that · has. t.o do with minerals; 1 ·p ublican .'. and ·'.Democratic parti es. . imlust . ry is the keynote of t.his th.e U. S. Bur · eau of Mines r the 0 - . t - 1 · t" th 1 . · t• · . Throu gh the untieing ef.forts of-I Longshoreme n's and Harbor · ViT ork- . u s1~ e ,,e :sou,· , 10:weveF, , .us . · . · , . . . rep. ort. R. ·F . . C. the lendiIJ. g agency, :- Metal 11 . h d 52 t f · the California State F ederat10n of I ers Compensation Committee. The · p.o .s owe - per cen · avormg . 1 . . · , . . · . - b h - Reserve Corp. . the . purchasing th .. e Repub_ lt'caiis. -• . . . . Lab __ or a nd the ,_ All}e_ ri c_ a_n Federa- pa) _ r ments h ave been so pi_ti fl!llY _ In order that. yq.u r_ot er _ mem_- . _ I agenc y, etc. We regret that_ Cali~ . _ .. . . . ·. ... tion of Labor, the First Supple- small that they h ave b een m the·, be rs may better , v1_ sualize. wha~ we This sa~pli~g_, _d:d n or' ta k_e mto · mental National Defe nse· Appro pii- most destit ut e circumstances and I are striving for, Brother Vict?r f ornia S ta t:e Divis icn of Min~s, un"." · consideration rnd1 vidual · ca nd1 dates. ations Act 1944, includes legislation in many cases suffering acutely. I S wa nson has suggested that ·this der · Si:a te Mfoeralogfst Walter: Personal popularity, it is agreed, entitling the Construction workers · In March of _1943 Congress passed ,articie be devoted to. a descrtption Bradley, a nd Senator Scrugham of plays an im· portan t part in ·· vci'te · · · · · · · Nevada, Chairman of the · Senate of · Wake Island, _ Guam, a nd the 8: bill which_ t?ok , care o·f the mem-jof the enti re effort · and th e oppo- getting~ a -fact w hich would give Sub-committee on Mining ·. and Rooseyelt a . nd Wi :llki ·e· a ·h ead ·sta rt Philippi nes, now imprisoneq by t he be rs of the armed , fore.es· and the I sition: . , · Minerals, is unde r the · same c on- · Japanese, · to_ r eceive an am _ oun . t of . civilia_ n .em_ plo _ yees of the_ govern-1 A year or mor d ago, a group cif. tr ·ol. over a ny other nominee cho_ sen by money e qual to . the ave rage week- I ment, but· by some oversight these W estern mine owners and mine -~ . In a noth er Gallup sanipling time the1r.:absence began. left out. . . . . they were not getti ng anywhere, they h ave started to do a, good job th eir part,ies. ]~ ' wage . re - ~ei ved by th em at the I , vortny ' con str u ction- work_ e rs were as~ocia. tions were . convinced ,that As for Utah, I frankly fee l that arn.0Jj.g ' Wo1:kers : alone, 11, FL ·m erri- Up to now the families ofthes~ Since , that ti131e. the California so they "fo rmed the · Western Min- at the Geneva plant, but they cer:. · bers voted 94 ,. per ' cent .,a~ .d CIO heroic· workers, 'Yho fought with I State Fed eration of · .Lal.for, · to- kig Council. They set·· up a pro- tainly lack intest inal fortitude if , . . ~emb~rs . 66 . ~er cent _ for a ·. Deino- ev~r.Y . ' weap _ on at :_ their : d! spo!jal t o ~ether wit h tj1e Ah?-erican Fe dera~ gram, . the broad ieat~re of ,vhich they allow their pl a nt to· be ·dis .. cratic ove.r a R epublican _vict ory Tepel the ·Japan ese when , Wake t10~ of Labor; . has fol!ght u nrele nt- is "the proper recogni tion of West- m antled · and ·. sent ·. to Ru ssia/ To ) his fa ,n: The Ne wsp;p~l :_, PM- poll ed and the other islands were at-1 ingly .to _ obtain the inclus ion of rn minerals.'.' - . • allow this 180 m illion 'do~lar plant · top r ~nk_~ng .,. l abqn l~aders, results tacked, h ave · ·b een receiving . drib-· th ese workers unde1: the same le~- , Hov ,re~er," the Gover , nment issu ed to - come unde r any coi1trol but of wluch ::showe d ,the;11 ?2 per cent · bling _ amounts of . money ·from the ·isl ati on. · · - ·a call to ~ll small operators of Western mining men wo uld be f91: . .tne re-election of . Roose?elt. . . · strategic minerals for all-out pro- disastrous not only for Western Upon his re turn fr. om -a nation- ·s . b .. · ·f ·. . L · .,. . · 1 · 3 . " ductioh, but put _ the matter in the miners, . bu_ t the e ntire : · western · wi~e·· sp~aJci .ng t?Uf, ·" : aUace told . ea .. ee . rom .. oca -· . ha nds of · t he War . Pro ' duction states . .. repQrters ; th at hi~ ~rip . convinced 1 ··- . d'.. ' . ' ' ·, ~d. . .. ' . . ( .- Boai·d w'11dse \mcers I described . Th e' three immediate objectiv.es .... ;s him:. thlc't 't, he _ } pe ople were over..: _ . . . . . ·. . ns ! .· . . . . . ·_ '' Q · ·. "U · ' - 'S ·_ U . . · "' DlO.n :..:m _·· . a. . e_ _g, ·u .·.· .. ·- ' 'iri' tile previous i:;;sue of ' the News. of the Westet~ Mining Council ~t It , w helmingly :f o:r -. a- Ji ':, FDR four th . . . . : . , ... '. •... Ho~ever •' to~ th e bene'fit"' of''t:hose the present time are: ,• t~rm. . . . Washingto~ ·~ Higli praise '_ for . ··:r:f 1ti ls a 'n e,v " k_ in'cl : of · war,..- who did 'not- read that'.issue, they I. A. proI}er Scrugham stock- .. >w ' 'illk;e . i-n~de _ ccit de ar · on · his - re-· : · .. . · · ·· · .. - · · ... · ,. · , • ·· · · • - ·1· · b'" · f · t t · · -, .; . . . ·. , eqmpment " turne!1 out by . - um. e<. 1 .Hul _ stro~ said. You , cant wm . It .are. as follows: p1 mg · 1u · · or .. s r-a egic mme.-""""" . ce _n .. t trip '.that .the ·only · chanee :of · · ' · · . -. · · - . · - · • · · · ' · · · · D' 2 Th ., , ' · al' ti - · f th . , . . .. . .·. · . ·workers .' has··· been sounded , by S.e a- with Just guns and slups -a nd 'l. ' Dr . .. John ,- Johnst on,. · 1rector · _. · e . uecen_r 12:a o:n :o e · GOP "s':lccess 1 ts m_ Its ;, a:t>ihty . t~ bee H. _. J. Hi.!lst·ron'i, USNR, · Ma:, :pla nes. ·It . takes bulldozers, trucks, of , Research, U, S. c:S. teiL 1 Corpora- s-teel business, ,,vi.th pl1Uit.s for_ the lu re ~orke~s' ~ates a':"ay . fl'.Offi cJ:iiiiist Mate 1 /c; ~f .Chico; Calif:,' cats> cranes, shqvels;·· ahd _a ll ki~ds tion. · Pa~ific C.oast. -- •. , ... · Ro?sevel t ,. H is •~l:gume nt IS. not th at vetera n of the Afr.ican ·invasion, of .h eavy stuff th at doesn't l o, ok . 2. Jay Jcffrf es of Gen.eraliElec- ' · 3;, Re-opening of ~ the . gold min'es., 1foosev·elt's : policies . are wrong but · · . . · . . · · · · · · · R b- k · b · N ., · .• _s , •• :. - •· • · ·•• ... , .. ··; ;,.vearer of. · the Pu r:ple Heart, and like · 1t -ccrnld :fig ht .. This war t akes tric,' formerly · \Vi.th Alumimim-, Co. efening ac ·.to· ;o Jee 1ve o, that the - ··, Republicans rthat 1s · - ·· .L 3 . · h k' ,., f. · d t ff ti t · - ·. · · · · c · · · ·1 r · t · · d i e ·ous . _- · '. .. ·. _. .- _ · ·· .. \ - ' for m er memb.er - of - oca1· , Intert e mu o. ru gge s u ·rn un101:· He sits : on the omm1ttee , passing . , ·• men 10ne m our pr v1 WiUkie) _- _ would · carry · th em · out. n~tion ai . U nio~. 0 .i; Op~rati1~g · 'E n ~ men". a!.1d·-, ,vome11 · know . . how- · to. on·· ne,v -Aluminum methods, which sue of the News that w.e - wanted petter. .. ·' gi n~;rs· (A.FL) : ·I-te was · a bull- . make.'' · ·,.. ,,, .cori:ipete · ··, vith .Alumin um · Co. . of stockpiles ·of ·. domesti c miner:al~ · :If.,t~e., w:91:k~rs,.- st ay lined .up t'YQ doz:er ·' and .- s hovel . operator , in: ci- Ji1,1Istro_ n1 ··wa ·s · w ounded· by four ·America. Hovje-v~r, ' Senat:01: Scrugham' h as to ·one .. for .. Roosevelt - and .if they vili an li fe; ' .. · pieces . of - bomb fragnien ts · du1: ing 3. l\:f' . F. McConnell and R-0bel".t re-w~itten his bill . three times, u n- ' vote-,-hi~.,,re ~~lectf qn .'is ' ~ss:u r'e!d .. If . H 0 ul st1 :cim :, ,vas ' · g un p~inter and an air raid ·by 'the Germa:ris, but B. Sosman, l]. · S. Steel Corp. til now it is a 1;everse· lend :lease,: "' th ey don't vot~,''_ the r esu lt ls ·_ i ri gun captain . of · oi1e · of the t win despite - his · woi.1nds; he - t~- cik: hi s 4. -R.' S. A. Dougne,ty arid Cha.s. 01 ~ · rath er . "lend-lose" , as far as. douot . Here's wl)y: · ·. 40 mm. gun ··mounts · abroad an L ST · post at his · anti-aircraft gu hs and ·H . Hertz, Jr., Bethl ehem Steel Co. we are · concerned: .,In the :1940 Pr . esidentiaI ,election , in the convoy ,,vhi ch entered Bi, fired .away.a t the raide1:s ui1til t hey 5.. James H .. C:dtchell and A. B. His ,new bill is . for imported whe11 49' million _ people vote _d; ·· the zerf.e. He .s~id th e equipment ta'kerL wit hc;lr .e,;,.. from .the. area. Kinsel of · Union · Carbide· Co. min_e rals .- v Ve do · not wa nt that., ~e~nocrats got 55 - per c ent . In , the a iong w_ o~k ed fin e and _"gave us Hulstrom urged that- - produation 6. Clyde Willia.ms, - director of We' want post -war · employment, ll.942 c!>ng:ressi onl.l<l ele<itioH, ·when ver:y -l ittle ·trou.ble co.1sidering . the of ' equipmen t foe the N -avy be. in- the 'Battelle Memorial Institu te, not eii:ploitation of n atives ih South only 28 mill~on people vote d!, tlli.e beating we gave it." He said the creased by tl fe workers at home: .. w hich is close to most of the big America and Vie Pacific Southwest Republicans got 52 per cent, German · slnd Italian stuff looke _d "Th .e .·s eabees are the 'can - d~' rr ,eta llurgi cal companies. by our large steel COIT\ pani es . When the .worB:e1:s . go · to the rug~e_d _ b~t every time it w~s boy_ s:,: he said. "We do a lot ' of Thes~. men ar.e th e. Advisor_Y Obje~tlv~ No. 2, The steel _ d':"' polls, it would - seem, Roosevel t' pushed , very h ard it had to he working an·d a li ttle shooting. :f3oard ~o Donald Nelson- and then· J centra '. ization movement . Th1_ s is wins. overhau l ed. (Contin ued on Page 2) opposition to any steel ·irydust_ ry on I · (Cont·r me9_ on Page 2) · _. .... .

. ( /

.... \.



labor '- •

; keyv te l inl9 . 4 ·

"Senate ·report ··praises labor's output .rec~rd ' . . . . - .

WASHTh;GTON -(FP)..:.:. War workers' role in the succe~s of

. the war production program is singled . out for praise .in the .

not imlicate perfection, but they do evidence accomplishment of' a . high m:der. ' . ' .

"All Americans who have.par- . ticipated can be justly proud,-, bec~use the success is due to t he accumulated efforts of the mil-. lions pf people who have each

ns n tor covery

' By -HARRY METZ, Busines,$ :R~presentative

· Welh;m the road! fo il'ecovery, Victoir· S. Swanson, Loca] 3's Business Manager, is exp~cted to pay his first- visit: to the union's office tihis week, make. ;his fastt appearance at the

I •

· Trumari committee's third an~ . · By Federated Press ' nual report to Congress, made

Sifns continued · to . aP,J:!CRI' 9l!l public M;arch 5.

the labor political horizon indi<!lat- To .fulfi)l the . government's hu·ge . production nee'ds, the re­ing that a guaranteed -fourth term port notes, "our .workei:s· en­for Presiden.'t Roosevelt depends. on

organized labor's political activity._ gaged in manufacturing, min­Chief portents are: (1) defeatist irig, and agi'iculture ,co/1,tributed

. nearly 45 per cent more man­wooing of labor votes by trying to paint the . New Deal as _essentially days of work in_ 1943 than in ,fascist; (2) r esults . of recent public 1939; _despite the_Jact that more

· th_ an 10,000,000 me n were ,,.,-ith-opi11io11 _polls; (3) reports on t heir cross-country tours by Vice-Presi. drawn from the labor pool for

. tbe armed forces. In manufac­

. done their share rather than to· any miracu~ous .Planning of · a few experts . at the . top.·

"\Vomen in particular deserve credit for filling the huge ·. gap created by manpower req_uir~-ments of the armed services. .Older men \;Jio had retired fron~ active ~vork ,have returned to -their jobs ahd' because of their

Henry A. Wallace and Republican·

I turing alone, our_workmen con- e;;perien.ce are among the most

Presidential aspirant W endell L . . tributed 89.'6 per cent inore valuap1() of ,vorkei:s. The . ,job Willkie. ' .

, man-days in 1943 than in 1939. tha.t has 1/cfen <lone not only as-Republican leaders \·~e-~t. __ od _ .. ,:'\·,00Pueldd ! "This astounding perf.ormai:ice . , sures that. victory.· will be · w~n,

Roosevel.t,'.s tax bill • exceeds ~n~•thing· .of its kind but it assures that it will be won

·.J.mion.~s meeting, in . April. _ · ., . While it. had. been expected that :a,other.Sw;.nson would!

be ablie to·· attend the March meeting, he was unahle to make. . it because of an operation .he had. undergone two days. before.

. Bro. Swanson ·has undergone a series of operations with at least two more 'to come: Due ·to the·tendemess of new flesh . ·and · skin, it is necessary to wait until thl! preceding operation is ·complete.Jy healed before the doctors can proceed with the next phase. . ·

· At present, Bro. Swanson is .convalescing at his home '-after- ·78 days in the hospital. · .

. -· · · He sends his thanks to his many frieli!lds_ among the mem• -bets for their kµid· and thoughtful letters--letters that ~me to him from pirad~cally alt ove_L· the glohef including the )South Pacific, Italy, New Guinea~ Solomons as well as many parts of this coWltlty.

ma)i:.e ·his . nol1}inatio11 · doub.tful. t ever achieved in· the Iiistory of . more - qµickly :and with fe,ver I . l!l a } Iowever; a~ As~odate1 Pr:ess.su~~i the world. The results obtainell ., casualties.-. Ot1i.-' '';~J;!\Vlf .~fo~~~s j: ,a ,e;,rPJ,e, l m1n.1nn

i v,eY made . public · March 1 rnd1- are . the best answer to the crit- have mort .. _and~bett~~ equipb-i'~;\t I, f~~/· ··~~ ' ll > '· ' ~. ·, · '':I l _ ~a'fod . .th,~t ~~t l1e :Pre~ide~t ali:eady, I · f th J f t Tl d · t.h-an our t'·o.es." · . . ' . I<} · ., ·, __ ·" j · · . ·t · · · • .+ ,,,·b · · r,,. . --- __ .,,, .... ~ - ., . . I ·_1~s- ~ · -e .. 1011).e . J'.OJ1:_• ___ 1er , }! 6, f,fti PAS UJ/Rlf 1ft C. ,,. ' "'tom<,mo.nt hs ;a,hea'a :,o·f 'the conyen-. -r .~·· .,.,_ .. :-:::,<r.,~- '""""':·--'{ ,,-~--,-- ·'~ - . - .·. -v,'-' O ·v · • .. '-1"11,u · ·'· ·Y; ~ · ' · .. ;. · .,.-... ,_

.. tion, ')ii~;:,,¾ of the ne~es~ary con- . . . . . •, . . . - .. ·; .. . . . : . . ~: ' " : ·,-- . .. . :. - . : · .. ; ,, i ~~. ,.·-,,,/ ,Jr· ,:;:· . .. .. ' ' vr;ntiOl)._ .. votes ·P.V,etty ' well · lined .. up. ·workers . he, ld . p'rison er B;B,"u·s~n-OTTes·s· _·Roe,Ep, r ... eNEse-nvt·aEtR1·v·e . ·I the West Coast)h9~~d,.~.e -apparent, .

·A recent· Gallup ,poll,, in.clicate.d · · · .. · - . . 1

To acco_mplish "their · l?J.lr:Posei

. genei:al political sentiment· pret_t~ ·by· Ja. ps-·· to·, re·c· _81··v· 8.· p_a· .. y-· . Slow progress towa.ril tile .. de- they . control every · gov.ernment .evently di~'ided betw,een the Re- centralfzatio,n· of the nmtiori's steel body that· has. t.o do with minerals;1 ·publican .'.and ·'.Democratic parties. . imlust.ry is the keynote of t.his th.e U. S. Bur·eau of Minesr -·the 0-. t -1 · t" th 1 . · t• · . Through the untieing ef.forts of-I Longshoremen's and Harbor ·ViTork-

. u s1~ e ,,e :sou,· , 10:weveF, ,.us . · . · , . . . rep.ort. R. · F . . C. the lendiIJ.g agency, :-Metal 11 . h d 52 t f · t he California State F ederat10n of I ers Compensation Committee. The

· p.o .s owe -per cen · avormg .1

. . · , . . · . - b h -Reserve Corp. . the . purchasing th .. e Repub_lt'caiis. -• . . . . Lab __ or a nd the,_ All}e_ric_ a_n Federa- pa)_ rments have been so pi_tifl!llY _ In order that. yq.u r_ot er_ mem_- . _ I agency, etc. We regret that_ Cali~ . _ .. . . . ·. ... tion of Labor, the First Supple- small that they have been m the·, bers may better , v1_sualize . wha~ we

This sa~pli~g_, _d:d nor' t ak_e mto ·mental National Defense· Appropii- most destitute circumstances and I are striving for, Brother Vict?r fornia Stat:e Divisicn of Min~s, un"." · consideration rnd1vidual· cand1dates. ations Act 1944, includes legislation in many cases suffering acutely. I Swanson has suggested that ·this der · Si:ate Mfoeralogfst Walter: Personal popularity, it is agreed, entitling the Construction workers · In March of_1943 Congress passed ,articie be devoted to. a descrtption Bradley, and Senator Scrugham of plays an im·portant part in ·· vci'te · · · · · · · Nevada, Chairman of the · Senate of · Wake Island, _Guam, and the 8: bill which _t?ok,care o·f the mem-jof the entire effort · and the oppo-getting~ a -fact which would give Sub-committee on Mining ·. and Rooseyelt a. nd Wi:llki·e· a ·head ·start Philippines, now imprisoneq by t he bers of the armed, fore.es· and the I sition : . ,

· Minerals, is under the · same con- · Japanese, ·to_ r eceive an am_ oun. t of. I· civilia_ n .em_plo_ yees of the_ govern-1 A year or mord ago, a group cif. tr·ol. over any other nominee cho_sen by money equal to. the average week- I ment, but · by some oversight these W estern mine owners •and mine

-~ . In another Gallup sanipling time the1r .:absence began. left out. . . . . they were not getting anywhere, they have started to do a, good job

their part,ies. ]~ ' wage . re-~eived by them at the I ,vortny' construction- work_ers were as~ocia.tions were . convinced ,that As for Utah, I frankly feel that

~ arn.0Jj.g ' Wo1:kers :alone, 11,FL ·m erri- Up to now the families of,·thes~ Since , that ti131e. the California so they "formed the · Western Min- at the Geneva plant, but they cer:. · bers voted 94,. per ' cent .,a~.d CIO heroic· workers, 'Yho fought with I State F ederation of · .Lal.for, · to- kig Council. They set·· up a pro- tainly lack intestinal fortitude if

, . . ~emb~rs .66. ~er cent_for a ·.Deino- ev~r.Y . 'weap_ on at:_their :d!spo!jal t o ~ether with tj1e Ah?-erican F edera~ gram, . the broad ieat~re of ,vhich they a llow their plant to· be ·dis .. cratic ove.r a Republican _ victory Tepel the ·Japa nese when , Wake t10~ of Labor; .has fol!ght unrelent- is "the proper recognition of West- m antled ·and ·.sent ·. to Russia/ To

) his fa,n : The Newsp;p~l:_, PM-polled and the other islands wer e at- 1 ingly .to _obtain the inclusion of e·rn minerals.'.' - . • allow this 180 m illion 'do~lar plant · top '· r ~nk_~ng .,. labqn l~aders, results tacked, have · ·been receiving . drib- · these workers unde1: the same le~- , Hov,re~er," the Gover,nment issued to - come under any coi1trol but

of wluch::showed ,the;11 ?2 per cent ·bling _amounts of .money ·from the ·islation. · · - ·a call to ~ll small operators of Western mining m en would be f91: . .tne re-election of. Roose?elt. . . · strategic minerals for all-out pro- disastrous not only for Western

Upon his r eturn fr.om -a nation-·s . b.. · ·f·. . L .· · .,. . · 1 · 3. " ductioh, but put _ the matter in the miners, . bu_t the entire: · western · wi~e·· sp~aJci.ng t?Uf, ·" :aUace told . ea .. ee . rom .. oca -· . ha nds of · the War . Pro'duction states . .. repQrters; that hi~ ~rip . convinced 1··- . d'.. ' . ' ' ·, ~d. ... ' . . ( .- Boai·d w'11dse \mcers I described . The ' three immediate objectiv.es

.... ;shim:. thlc't ' t,he_ } people were over..:_ . • . . . . ·. . ns ! .· . . . . .

·_ ''Q· ·. "U· ' - 'S ·_ U . . · "'DlO.n :..:m_·· . a. . e_ :·_g, ·u .·.· .. _· ·- ''iri' tile previous i:;;sue of ' the News. of the Westet~ Mining Council ~t It , whelmingly :f o:r -.a-Ji ':, FDR fourth . . . . : . , ... '. •... Ho~ever •' to~ the bene'fit"' of''t:hose the present time are:

• ,• t~rm. . . . Washingto~ ·~ Higli praise '_ for . ··:r:f1ti ls a 'ne,v" k_in'cl : of · war,..- who did 'not- read that'.issue, they I. A. proI}er Scrugham stock-


>w' 'illk;e .i-n~de _ccit .·dear ·on ·his -re-· : · .. . · · ·· · .. - · · ... · ,. · , • ·· · · • - ·1· · b'" · f · t t · · - ,.; ~ . . .· . ·. ,eqmpment "turne!1 out by . -um.e<.1 .Hul_stro~ said. You , cant wm .It .are.as follows: p1 mg · 1u· · or .. s r-a egic mme.-""""" . ce_n .. t trip '.that .the ·only ·chanee :of · · ' · · . -. · · - -· . · - · • · · · ' · · · · D' 2 Th .,, ' · t· al' ti- · f th . , . . .. . . ·. · . ·workers .'has···been sounded ,by S.ea- with Just guns and slups -and 'l. ' Dr . .. John ,- Johnston,. · 1rector · _. · e .uecen_r 12:a o:n :o e · GOP "s':lccess 1ts m _ Its ;,a:t>ihty .t~ bee H. _. J . Hi.!lst·ron'i, USNR, · Ma:, :planes. ·It . takes bulldozers, trucks, of ,Research, U, S. c:S.teiL1 Corpora- s-teel business, ,,vi.th pl1Uit.s .·for_ the

lure ~orke~s' ~ates a':"ay .fl'.Offi cJ:iiiiist Mate 1/c; ~f . Chico; Calif:,' cats> cranes, shqvels;·· ahd _a ll k i~ds tion. · Pa~ific C.oast. -- •. , ... ·Ro?sevel t ,. His •~l:gument IS. not that veteran of the Afr.ican ·invasion, of . heavy stuff t hat doesn't lo,ok . 2. Jay Jcffrfes of Gen.eraliElec- ' ·3;, Re-opening of ~the . gold min'es.,

1foosev·elt's : policies . are wrong but · · . . · . . .· · · · · · · · R b- k · b · t· N ., · .• _s , •• :. - ,· •· • · ·•• • ... , .. ' · ··; ;,.vearer of. ·the Pur:ple Heart, and like ·1t -ccrnld :fight . . This war takes tric,' formerly · \Vi.th Alumimim-,Co. efening ac ·.to · ;o Jee 1ve o, that the - ··,Republicans rthat 1s · - ·· .L 3 . · h k ' ,., f . · d t ff t i t · -·. · · · · c · · · ·1 r · t · · d i e ·ous· 1·s . ,· _- ·'. .. ·. _. .- _ · ·· .. \ - ,· ' former memb.er - of- oca1· , Inter- · t e mu o . rugge s u ·rn un101:· He sits : on the omm1ttee ,passing . , ·• men 10ne m our pr v1 • W iUkie) _- _would · carry · them · out. n~tionai . Unio~ . 0 .i; Op~rati1~g · 'En~ men". a!.1d·-, ,vome11 · know . . how- · to. on·· ne,v -Aluminum methods, which sue of the News that w.e -wanted petter. .. ·' gin~;rs· (A.FL) : ·I-te was · a bull- . make.' ' · ·,.. ,,, .cori:ipete · ··,vith .Aluminum · Co . . of stockpiles ·of ·. domestic miner:al~ · :If.,t~e.,w:91:k~rs,.-stay lined .up t'YQ doz:er ·'a nd .- shovel .operator , in: ci- Ji1,1Istro_n1 ··wa·s · wounded· by four ·America. Hovje-v~r, ' Senat:01: Scrugham' has

to ·one .. for . . Roosevelt- and .if they vilian life; ' .. ·pieces . of- bomb fragnien ts · du1:ing 3. l\:f'. F. McConnell and R-0bel".t r e-w~itten his bill . three times, un-' vote-,-hi~.,,re~~lectfqn .'is ' ~ss:ur'e!d . . If . H0ulst1:cim :, ,vas' · gun p~inter and an air raid ·by 'the Germa:ris, but B. Sosman, l]. · S. _· Steel Corp. til now it is a 1;ever se· lend:lease,: "'

t hey don't vot~,''_ the r esult ls ·_i ri gun captain . of · oi1e · of the twin despite -his · woi.1nds; he -t~-cik : his 4. -R.' S. A . Dougne,ty arid Cha.s. 01~· rather . "lend-lose", as far as. douot. Here's wl)y : · ·. 40 mm. gun··mounts ·abroad a n LST ·post at his ·anti-aircraft guhs and ·H . Hertz, Jr., Bethlehem Steel Co. we are· concerned:

.,In the :1940 Pr.esidentiaI ,election, in the convoy ,,vhich entered Bi, fired .away.a t the raide1:s ui1til t hey 5 .. James H .. C:dtchell and A. B. ~ His ,new bill is .for imported whe11 49' million _people vote_d; ··the'· zerf.e. He .s~id the equipment ta'kerL withc;lr.e,;,.. from .t he .area. Kinsel of · Union · Carbide · Co. min_erals.- vVe do ·not want that., ~e~nocrats .·got 55 -per cent. In ,the aiong w_o~ked fine and _"gave us Hulstrom urged that- -produation 6. Clyde Willia.ms, - director of We' want post-war · employment, ll.942 c!>ng:ressionl.l<l ele<itioH, ·when ver:y -little ·trou.ble co.1sidering .the of ' equipment foe the N-avy be. in- the 'Battelle Memorial Institute, not eii:ploitation of natives ih South only 28 mill~on people voted!, tlli.e beating we gave it." He said the creased by tlfe workers a t home: .. which is close to most of the big America and Vie Pacific Southwest Republicans got 52 per cent, German · slnd Italian stuff looke_d "Th.e .·s eabees are the 'can -d~' rr,etallurgical companies. by our large steel COIT\panies .

When the .worB:e1:s . go · to the rug~e_d _b~t every time it w~s boy_s:,: he said. "We do a lot' of Thes~ . men ar.e the . Advisor_Y I· Obje~tlv~ No. 2, The steel_ d':"' polls, it would - seem, Roosevelt' pushed , very hard it had to he working an·d a li ttle shooting. :f3oard ~o Donald Nelson- and then· J centra'.ization movement. Th1_s is wins. overhauled. (Continued on Page 2) opposition to any steel ·irydust_ry on I · (Cont·rme9 _ on Page 2) · _. .....

~ -


Mar-in. waits ·on weather


'AR.NI.NG! ·wa:nted:-· W·eather· TOD~~~ t~r;~t;~tie~fIONS AND COU!"CILS dredgemen ·;h; o:.· Id-.. :S,_' ·· u·, -.p-"

A most sinister. threat is being aimed at labor in California and at ·the By JACK· FOSTER peopl_e as a ,yhole. Ju,st at the time when the-war is shift.ing to th·e Busi,ness Representative Pacific and when Ca;lifornia's war industry ntust assmne an even more - s J: • b vital role, a group _of irresponsible labor-haters are going to petition the The Dr.edging Companies are ; " ·· I o · · s voters of California to amend the Constitution by adding Section I (a), in ·· need of ·men,·· particularly ·' ~ • ~ ~., which is reprinted· 6elow. Deckhartds. 'this · office . ·can

This proposed Constitutional Amendment would nullify every existing By ~ . O. FOSS union agre·ement. Ninety days frQm the time: of' receipt of its title, the place at leaSt thirty ·men on By P. E. VANDEWARK

Busill'ess Representative petitioners will nave to obtain ·178,764 si.gnatures in 01;d_er to ·place the the-se jobs at ·"!$1.lO: ·per · Ji.oti'l, Business Representative s_AN RAFAEI,--:Teichert & Son measure on· the ballot. It is up to labor to make' this as diUicult as poss · plus '0'11erti:me; also . SU1.1ccfay: r ' .•

-on Hamilton .Field moved too fast sible, if :riot "actually · impossible, · by exposing · this ·effort to disrupt the . -work: The ,work is steady ·and· _ SAN FRANCISCO-Work. in ·the .. harmonious ,relations now prevailing between lal:)or and ·man;igement ih. .'with ·g·ood· companie's. . - ... , ,. ,.San ·Francisco· Area .has.lieenra_the •'

for the U.S.E.b.: had ·to shut down California. . . . · · · .. r . . one shift on tne 6th of .this month. . Unless· we sto·p this· dastardly iti'o\'.e, our entire ,var ·production is ~n ;_- .:SMtifd-. any ·of . our . members .. , sl'ow tn'¢ la'st· month, due mostly,:tq T " ' • • '. dangered. W_ e Ca_ hnot 'afford fo ·g· O 'th'i·ough. an6ti\e1: c· amp' aig· n s1'mi·]· ·a·r ··t· o-·· .. ,fiav.e ·friend's tha(:want. to•· WOl'k,·:· .h wet " reather_ COJidit}ons, . aithough

ue1r J<>b at Men<iocino has ·been - the· "Hot Cargo" issue of two years ago: Ine'vitably, it ,;.,ould' divert: the . ·please ;se·nd th'em in- to thfa· .of- ,,: sevehil s~all jobs ai,e_ in: progr.ess sub-l_et to Carlin Construction · f h Company. / ~~~~1tst o t ~ workers_ and definitely -.de.stroy the unity on the home fice. · about town. , .. /;

.- One dragline· and trenching ma- We must point. out to our friends and to all other voters in our com- ' The Union,'. and the·· Dre·dgi1i'g · ·• · ·Eaton and Smith-are doing-street 'l <;hi_ne is abou·t all that'.s on the .job mtinfty tliat,rioW is n'ot the tifue 'to set"tfo i1,s1:1es of [email protected]. :Today every Companies, will aprecaite yoUl; ,work0 0!1 · the . Metropolitan housing , until such time as the weather man's time, effort and energy ·are requh·ed for his job. Ifwe can stop this ·, efforts. project with . seveFabmembers -em

threat liy prevent.ing.·.thc obtaining of"enough ·signatures, ·then we will These . jobs "are . local, f_igli.t -ployed . . Also they are· removin J clear.s. Mauer job on finish end on have done a great service tQ the war effort, Iabor,;and'. the entke Ameti- · g ~

· ·_Albi'on River .·bridge. Several small can people. It is frnpe:rativ~, therefor, that evfayone iini1'le'd.iateiy ·become -here ·in · the Bay ' .and · not far ·St reet ·car tracks along Guerrero · ~ · 1.·oad jobs being let in Mendocino, alert to this menace and comba't it with all· his strength and !es.oufoes:- · from · 'home . . ··W.e ·naturally . ex- · ,Street, and · ·have a sewer job -on J

Marin and ·sonoma Counties. Tl.'ew- The Ga-lifornia State Federation of Labor is ni.aintaining the clos.est · 1;i:~ct som~ results if the . mefu- Twenty.-fifth Street. . conta:Ct with all development~ and will ,keep the _unioris informed as the 'hers wiJi· help ··J·ust ·a little in , H · · ·t ·11 k' J

ett, Shields & Fisher removing by- _occasion Tequires. • arney 1s s 1 ,var ui.g· on the~' : pass .on . Napa River, practically Yours fi'a~i.'rtally, · theii' efforts ·· to get . the men ' :streets at Hunters Pobi.t · and - on • :finished. C. J.. HAGGERTY, Secretary. to fill the·jobs; · · · · :the :Army · Warehouses on Sixth . · ·. C~sson & Ball will take off again Owing to ' the fact that Cort- Street . Piombo Brothers have

· .· PROPOSED INITIATIVE PETITION t · d on Napa·-Va_llejo Hignvvay about RIGHT OF JjJ~iPLO~NT. Initiative Constitutional Amendment ' s ructrnn work is'. very·· slow, · starte · excavation .. work on the ,, April i st, if ,veathe1: pei·mits. . . . Aclds section ll\ to Article I. Declares right of employinent free·from · surely some of. you members DeHaro Housing . Project which 1 Qu'ite a l0t ef work coh1ing up in interfe~·ence because eiuployee d'oes or does not belong to or'pa.y money ·should :~ willing to take· -these · should employ several of our mem Vallejo District, in fact seems more to a· labor organization. Declares interference with' sucit right unlaw- jobs ·until the dirt niovihg ·con- -bers. .. than . last year's total (Fede'ral, ful and provides r(!medy by court aetion. Defines labor org~niza,tion tracts .get started. You all real- .' .. Pacific Bridge . Company is still

Declares section self executing, and authorizes legislation to· facilitate County and State-). its operatimi. · i.ze that the- weather- conditions . doing a small amount of construe- J

· Few · members are idle a1·ound have slowed the construction . ·t}on work at Hunters Point aion~ Santa Rosa out with the season 's A new section 1-A is hereby added ·to Article I of the Constitution of work to a 'Stand0 still. ·,vith their testing of floating dry- I big rains now behind . us, I fed th.at the State of California to read as follows : . So come and take a ··Dt:edge . d'ocks, upon which tliere is quiJe a .1

Section 1-A. ;Every person has the right to work, and to seek, obtain all will be working by the fir~'t of ahd h'old employment, without interfei'ence with or impa1rment · or · job to cafry you along until the .number of members working. the month-. . . . Parisn Bros. of abridgiu-er-it ot-.said right because he doe~ or .does not oelong to or pa); other work ' gets started. Low1·ie Paving Company and Pa- l

! Benicia are fixing up equipment, money to a labor organization, Any one over 18 years of age cific Pavements have several sh1all , recentl-y returned from below the Anything done or threatened to be done which interferes·with im- can d·o the work.. jobs. around town, which have mari- i

pail_·s, or a_ bn_._dges, . or which is intended to interfere with, impair or d t k .border. They have their pencils b d d age o eep the steady members a n ge sa1 right, 1s unlawful. Relief against or on account of anything so don~ or th~'e~~ened _to be done shall be granted in a civil action, legal s M f working. or equitable, u11tiated m the superi'6r court of any county in which any- an · a eo Ben C. Gerwick job at Huntei·s I thing, so done or threat ened to be done shall occur, upon the complajnt Point is still in progress with a

pointed down . . . figuring new work!

of any person 01; upon complaint of the district attorney of such county., .wor·k s'ow........ large crew of our members em The term "Labor Organization" means any organization of any kind g -

or any agency or employee r epresentation, committee or plan which ployed. The job should la:5t quite

Basalt Quarries and Shi-pyards are -going a long steadily. Healds­burg plant has "walking drag,line" -out of river, waiting for high water . . . keeping ordel's filled from stocl· pile. Hutchinson. Quarries · at Gr eenbrae ar e trying to keep up . e with orders, but a re - behind at

exists for the purpose, in whole or in p~rt, of d·eaiing with err{ployers • f a while yet. ·Barrett and Hilp also ~~ncc

0e~~iin~n!r~r!6~:~'.)ab,gfo.isg1}Frf•} ate~ of pa;:d1oui·s of employment rCUftS 1 00 is doi~g a small amount of: cbn

• ~ • 1 struct10n work at Hunters· Pointt_' 1

~i ·, This'· s'ecliorC is ·s~'lf-'e'x@cuti'ng' arid sha:11 supersede all provisions in ., By PAT CLANCY At least three new Housing Proj

conflict therewith; legislation may be enacted to facilitate its operation but no law shall _limit or restrict the provisions hereof. President arid ects are in the ·process of stattihg '

Busfness Representative which should' furnish en'lployment present.

Brother John Evola of Pittsburg w t' • B • • working in the Vallejo pistl'ict .. es s m!1nera1S, m1n1nn cleaning up Barrage Balloon an- '"3 chorages, prbbably have three more k.ey· to P .. ,. ost-wa_r _ ·iob. _ s _

to a few of our members. Thete is SAN F&ANCISCO- Work in San . the prospect of a larger pier and

Mateo County has been slack due I do'ck job materializing which will to weather. The Pan-American Air- extend out to old Mission Rock

weeks' wo'rk . . .. Brother English - base job has had a few membel's

interest an a1' ticle in the March wm'king 'there tnrough the bad is in t he District also, with Harry (Continued from Page i) L ee's rig from Burlingame, doing h . · headed in .the House by E ngle, issue of the Westel'n M1'n1·ng Jou1'- weat her. 1s pressure . water main installa-tion. Welch, King, a ff of California, nai, and I quote. Bela ir Shipyard laid off a num-

Boykio:'1 of Alabama, Coffee of · Brother .E. E . Hill still ih Mary's "T!ie item below· is tak en from her of our engineers and opera-


The State Harbor Commis·sion now has the funds available and if no oppositi0n is met froni. government. age1i.cies th·e j'ob is sure to be let; Also, only a rumor at the · present time is that another dry dock may be built at Hunters Point. Her e's Help Hospital, San Francisco. Washington Slate, and many tors. However, I do not believe

· others who have· formed a Western t'he November 28, 194.3, issu·e of . Brother Hill tried to ride an Amer- there wiii be any mote lay-offs hoping that the rumor materializes kan Crane to the bottom of the Mineral bioc, headed by Senator the , veekly Guardla.n,. Manchest~r, now, throughout tne completion of into being. Graving Dock at Basalt Shipyards. McCarran of Nevada. The War England. 'Egyptia1i ·banks began tne contract. ' ·· The shipyards are about the same Didn't have his sµurs on as he was Production Board big shots im- on l\:Ionda.y morning to self gold Guy F . Atkinson Company's yai:d as of our last month's news issue thrown clear. He would like some. mediately challenged the West t S t h S F with· the exception tha t every day barG freely to private pu rchasers a ou an rancisco · is · pro-of the brothers to visit him. with t he statement that we did d' "dl begin~ to look like Valentine's day

· not l1ave suff1·c1·e t · r The gold is solcl, accorclinir to R,eu- cee mg as rapi Y as possible, · Brother E. A. Rader, mechanic 11 iron ° e. · = wading around in mud. with most of the fellows r eceiving

for C. M. Syar, says his legs only This led to. oui' iron ore survey ter, in ing·ots of 996 / 1000 fineness, "Greetings" from Unde -So».,! <~-W estern Pipe and Steel is going bend · one way. He t r ied to make after a $2,750,000.00 appropriation weighing 18.69 dirkems or 33 Egyp- about t he same as . usual. The two * * * one do different but it broke off was passed by Congress in juJy, tian pounds eacJ1, which is eq~al le~dermen are getting along O.K. ST. LOUIS- (FP)- In an action ... he is home at 141 Hogan 1943. (Th is movement is not culy to £El7.73 per fine ounce, or, at ·the present time. The members which may r esult in t his dty's be-1 Street, Vallejo, and will be for 30 for steel, but for a luminum plants, roughly £19 sterling. This amounts named for these places were Scot- coming a testing ground · for fed­days. At the present writing copper, lead and tin smelter s, etc.) to $70 92 per ou11ce · that · f" eral employment cutback policies, . · , · ' is, 1gur- tie Moore, as graveyard leaderman, B rother Philpott is very low and This money is being spent by the ing fire Englisl'i pound at $4.00.' " and Smoky DeRay as ieader man oh the United Labor Committee of St. is home at Windsor . ... Brother U. S. ·Bureau of Mines, and is di- l.!nquote. / the swing shift. That is about all Louis askad Mayor Aloys P. Kauf-P hilpott has sure been one sick vided proportionately among 26 With the many ideas of how the for the W estern Pipe and Steel at man to appoint a committee to go 11111

member! Brother Bacon, who was western states. N . to Washington to seek m or e war "I at10nal Debt ,is to be reduced the_pr.esent time. There has been a critically burned several months E · contracts for local plants. ach state has a liaison agent one can r eadily see what will hap- lit tle construction work going on a,go, is now home but w ill still be · t d b G appom e Y t_he ovel.·nor · and pen to gold- at least $75.00 an ther e but. not amounting to m uch. in q1e hills Jor t he city · and cminty so·metime before .complete r ecov- paid out of the E mergency· F und. ounce ,vith a $25.00 Federal Tax There are several big .jobs in of San Francisco. ery. Bro~her Badger is in the So- (Tha t is, each state. except Cali- It a ll makes fo r employment, wi.th line for San Mat eo County. There That is about all I have t o re-n6ma · Hospital with serious back f · ) c 'f ailment.

orm a . ah ornia is so hard up a decent p'rofit to the mine owner are rumors that there is to be a port at this time. The weather per-

* * * local 3. Seabee

that its Liaison Agent, a mining and a decent wage to the· cat skin- $4,00Q,000 ·construction job at Ta-n- n:iitti:ng, I hope to have .a better engineer named Captain · ·John ner, sh?vel runuer,di·ag line oper- foran· for Naval Personnel. Also a -report on working·conditions ih the, Hubbard, pays h is own expenses a tor, -e.tc, · t unnel .ancl pfpe lin~· job back. :UP area in my next report.

lauds unionists and get_s no salar,y from the State. It therefore behooves all readers

( Continued from Page 1) These m en assist in _speeding up to contact y.our Congr.essman and \1\T.e're iike the folks in the , fac- these surveys and act for the Go_v- have him get behind _Congressman tories only we do our work a emor as .contact man to the _ U. S. Clair Engle; _ge,t after yo1;1r local l ittle closer to the actual fi ghting. Bureau of Mines. W e. are not ·assemblyman and -State Senator to W e cah see . 'wha t they need ' up asleep on this matter, but we think stir up the Governor to ·put Cap­there next· to t he front lines. And the Governor has be.en iH-advised. t ain Hubba,rd 011 a salary and .e~-t hey n eeci everything the workers Objective No. 3. Our third -ob- pense· · ac·count and · to set up . a ca n give them." jective is the reopening of West- S.tate Bur eau of Mines.

ENG.IN.EERS' 'NEWS For~erly. ·M{n:1thly News Lett-er

, publi~h~d ead~-m~nth by ·LOCAL·'UNION 'No. 3

bf the International Union of Operatin-cJ .Engineers

·Northern California, Northern Nevada State of ,Utah -· .

H ulstrom's wife enlisted in the ern _gold mines, or rescinding of You br others in Nevada and Army Nurses Corps when he joined W. P . B. Ordei: L-208. W. L . B. Utah .. should · do likewise. It y0li t he Seabee·s. Prior to joining the now admits that the closing or der need further information, contact N avy he had served three years in did not accomplish its purpose, your local business agent or con· the Army, a year in the Marine but yet it is very slew to recall tact me direct. Subscription price:· $2.-50 per yeat Corps, and about ·three year s in the o'rder . One ~t a t ime they are W e hope in OUl~ ne,it issue t o - Office: 1161 Market Street t he Califoit 1ia National Guard. allowing . certain mirie's to reopen, show some definite progress . in . San Frandsco, 'California :. ©~,

H ulst ro~ took . out a service but c..1ly a selected ·few. the right direction. And a t . that ,.._., ~ E ntered -as:Secorici Class M.attef September 9, ·,1943, at the Postoffic'e withdrawal. card from Local 3 in Alt:hough ·goid is : still $35.00 an time, · -Brother Vic Swanson ·may · of ·San ···Fran'Cisco, California, under· the · Act ·"Of ·:August':24;' 19.l.2. ; December, 1942. · ounce in :.this country, ' I note with J be able to ta,ke -a more· active part; . . .. · .__ ___________________ ....;., ______ ...,...;.. __ ...J.··'



r.Utab recognjz~s ·· . ,,. .

1 Jf lhis is·:·]5ori:ng ,you,,<_ .. _·. I, pqy you-r : d1:,1es on time • • I • I ,unllJn~pay sea .e

' ' , I T. M. BYNON

Financial Secretary By SCOTT :LEDJ;N:(¼}IAM Bu~iness )l~p'rew:1tative

,boi;is and -Reed Co, /l.Fe underway on their projects ·at the A. S: F.

During the past month, several hundred members· have been :sus­pended for non-payment of dues. Some of these members have not been intentionally lax about their dues, but ·have neglected to apply

OGDEN 11,r'- ·t, h b Depot, they int~nd running two 0 for serviee withdrawal or regular withdrawal cards when they.leave · ~ · -m.~ny r1p,s ave een . . . ,, • _" .. Lab t th Ut "" ten· hour shifts until complet10n. the trade. , - - · · By,·E . A. HESTER ,n.,,..e·-..,y .· · · or ·groups O • e ,a\, ·R~ynold·s Constru~tion Co have ·a' · For the ·informatio'n a:n.d benefit of the membe_rship, this is the B,usine.ss. Re_p· res_.e. ntative .... · State . -Road · GoID:mi~,siQn, asking ·; · , · . ·. . .· procedure you should follow: . that : the prevailing w~es ·of ea{lh '.ob at the· Og.dei:1 A,rse~a,J-ip._Sta!l. · If you are going in the service, you are entitled to a service REDOING-:-- P.rospects .for addi· ·, ft b · · ·· d mh • mg canopys over - loadmg docks. withdrawal card, if your. dues are paid for the month. in which_ -the . · -tio~iai· consti·uctfori '. W!>rk ·· in this c1·a e recognl.Ze • -" e co~11n1s- . . . . . , · · . · ,, . . . . . h f · . ·t II .,, Chytraus Construction Co., has a ·card is to be issued. Yo~r request should be made directly to the ,a,re~ IJavc not cha_nge"d. Wind;)1ail,

s10n · as or years m .1 s Cl!, s ,_or . · · ' ·s F · ff' t 1161 M I t St t t t· b . d. . tr t· · k t t d Ioadmg dack J0b . .µ ·,the Arsenal, . an rauc1sco o ice a . ar ,e ree , s. a mg your name, reg- ·l'\t~ll .~µd snow are still - batteri~g 1 s .. on cons. uc ion woi; , s ll,Jl ·,.b ·t h b h Id. f · fg ;ister num~er, date of -induction, your beneficiary's name _and a-<1- at t_his d_istric_t. · ·

th t ti · · · f I u av.e een -e up. -or re 1 • dr·ess, and vour soc_ia_ 1 security or draft number. · ·.;: '" . a 1e n:pmmum . or common _a- · ·· ., h u:r.ing. If you are no longe1· worJi:in,." at a ·trade under.· the J·urisdiction of The P . G. & E ., Hanrahan & Con-. bor be paid fifty cents per onr.

Contemplated P,rojects for spring the Operating E~gi~ieers, yoq are entitled to a ,yithdra\\:al card. nelly, twenty-on_e· million 9_ollar Semi . s k ~ 11.e d-,,-:sixty cents and s h · · are many, and . it is ·-apparent that Your request should be made to the an Fra cisco office, ac- . ($21,000,000) . ' electr)c ·projecf · fa . i,kiUed labor-eighty cents. :companied by· f ive dollars -to ·cover the withdra,wal card.fee. Dues ,.

Early in . Janu?,ry of this y~ar, .fhere wili be ample work to ta~e ·1uust also be paid 'for the month in which_ the ca.rd is issued. nearing complet~o_n-aml is expected the contra_ctoi:s af\d li,,qor groups care of ali' construction men in vVe also wish to advise any member who has a trans~er card but- to start . producmg power next ·

Utah. has not deposited it in another local that, until he is accepted .in an- month. Thi_s has been a . good . job met· w ith th,e commiss_ion and re- · The Carl Nelson Compa.ny still ~tiler focal, he _must continue to.pay dues to the local that issued him ' and we hope tha_t ' they will do it q~ested the Industl_'ial Commission the card to· determine the general prevail- refdus~s to .dtehal Uwnfith. thLe_-tu11:1T·ohns · · We h0ave been sending notices· each month to those m_embers. whose again, there is . a rum,or that theY. • · · . , an is on e air 1s , e dues are delinquent so that two notices shoul,d be received before sus- will. · mg rate 0f wages per hour for : · . . . Sh t D 1 · h ft . Ut h -.co,mpany has a road Job to ·fmish pension. Unfortunately, we do not always have the corre<;;t ap9,I_"e3s,and as a ~m a so 1s expected to ,eac -qa · m · a · t T I Utah d t ta t the member is suspended without n9tffication. · If -you will_ .-keep \lS start _producing. p0wer ·next mo.nth, · Th·e· -c;,mmiss. 1·ons finding and .a; . ooe e, · · ~J,l one O s .. · i; · · dd '11 k t d b · t d ·

v Elk N ad E ff t posted about your l!. . ..ress, w.e . ,. _ ~ep y9u _pose a 9,u your. ·_ues. qut this project is a long way from ord~rs was the -best news that U~- -A~ar o, ev . a. . ;ery e or L------=-----...,..-------,,---..--,-----,,---........ being coi;11pleted. Water in . the ion', men have· ever had in · this wi).l be n1a4e ~o ~ave th1s Company · · • I •

. . . U. C t t w k t· ues-· s· ow lfl Shasta Dam · rese"rv0ir -today was Sta .. te: Our Union rates are to · be -~1~n a . ruon on_rac. o•· ;~An ,1n · . ' . ~ . r ,. ·I ~ ~~)lli# · -· · . , · · , ,, ·, .._ . · · · laJ?pii;i~ at · the base of the .; head pa_i.d :by cities, -counties, Sta,te of * ··* * : . . • -tower.

Utah ,and all-other nolitieal qr pub~ C • • •. s_·._·. ·.· . . a-n. Jos.e-_.· ,t.e'nr._ ,,1:to_-,.ry·: .. '-· The ' l!);~e .behin_cl Sh~sta -!)anll lie ·bodie~. agents-01:-c9nt1:aetors, or 'l!a· .. m· . l·e-,,..der c.oyers-ag.o.~t .. seven th,Q,U$aI~(J. (7;0,QO); sub'-contraet0rs -etc., : perfoqn:ing -·r ~. ·1_L;J ·t, .. ,._.~ . . By,:.M,, G. ,l\UJRJ;'~Y Had. quite a niGe ·little githering 11C1·es ,.,.of..I1omd . .. '('he water in ·, ~h;, i,,vork for them -.where wol'k · -iri . .· · · ,· • .:ht · · , .. U"-t.tes 1ft ~usiness Representative -at our l.~st meeting in ·S!l,n Jo.se -reser.vo.ir :is ,- risi1,1g -1!-t th.e -1-ate ot whole Qr. in · P~I't ·is paid ~>Ut 0i ·<. l':jf ·· :-· ·,_ ~;:':I '., "· a,fter .whjch refreshments . .were bet~.er than a foot;- per. day. pubti.c.·fun(ls. . . •· . . · ··,· TI1is, I .-.11m .. ~_fr?-id, .. will. be_ 9,ne 0 ~ .served. Enjoyer;I visiting with the Th,ere ·- ,are sever.al boats a,nd ·: 1:'.Iµ~ -ord~r-li,a.s .op~Jied· up. a ta.:g~ ~on '/C'.8 rte ·S. --my shqrtest reports, broth,ers, as_ br0~l;J.ers a.1)'d hqpe we ca)_l ,ql).pl~~ J,?arges · .0-J?~ratihg _0~1 - .t~h-e Sh~sta

fteld -. for LocaJ ··No. 3 to organize~ ., · "• 0 ., · ·· • . ... · th.ere has· befill·,,pi;actically no n~w,- -ca~e .the· 0cc;u_;ion ' SQmetime in th_e -1~eservoir · "'!hich are tr1;1nsp9t.ting ·TJi~- ~tii-~e, ·.C~,uil~es,, aud City O:wrt .. · •WAS~GTON ~ fFP) ~Major developments · on .. anY'· of the woFk n~ar . :f\1t1;11:e when . more . o~ ·· the .fro_n; ore ·from the Carrico &· Gau .. .and operate ~-, great :n_umb;er . of . · . . ~ . ' · " 'll· 1·ch.·., I . na"e me· nt.·1oned· 1·n .: 'my .bJ10th. e.r.·s . c __ a_. n at_t_e_.n_d._. • tier: . Ir.o. n_ m_i_ ne. J~sue. befqre tl;J.~ .· peqp.Ie toyay .-is " , , ~ts thijt _sho~ld ·. be .opera~ed:" by· riQt· J;io.w tq· prqye ·, the' "ecgi:io~ic previo,~s. reP,orts. I;J;ad , another, letter from ''~and- B.rother ha Corbip. emerged from U~on · ~ll~eers. The -~eales ;1!,0 : · .jntergep~ndei:ice of l!ll p~Qple"· but · I've :cl.Q~e i;ny _utmost, to ... try to so.rri_e --B)-g., Bill" Crosson i_n Cam_p ·the l;J.ospi_tal today mim;s a . foot. pa.id; are far below t'he prevai_lm,. )i.ow . 19_ fori;n,u\a.te-tl;te :m>li~ies ,anq gain sQn:ie en<;ou_ra_ging i;i~ws. ~or Clairb.orne. :Wi_sh I coul_d p'ublish it ¥.\s left foot ~i;is amp_utated ab.ove rates.. 1 metJ:ioqs {or Sl!<!h c9.o_perl!tion, .p~\li y;q.u i_n reg~rqs t0 .1•• the . proposeq in tl;J.e "News" ~-s it is. one of the his ankle. 13.rc;>ther Corbin is look-

Things have been very ·quieJ for- ~ifto'n, N:a~ion.c_l.l , Fa,~n:ie:rs U~ion projec,ts tor tJ1is territ0ry, ~~ut . I most interesting ..letters that I've ing and feeling well but the doctor the past '.si~ty day.s as fap as. n ~w ~_pokesn:iaji,: .\iec~~r~d lfylarch. 4_ n:iust a.qrn,it -tl;la.t to \late my efa. rece_ived in a lo,ng time. Bill wishes . sa_ys it -,v.ill _be abc;m~ July -1,· 1944, consti~ucticin is· concerned. But this_ forts .hav.e been in--vain: tb be . remem~ered to all 9f .his before- he can return to w.ork. ·

·c;;mdJti~n is nqt_hing new to. a. con- .A,cl.dcressfing,a meeti:i;i;Ig qf the _Citi-1 . A ~~_-upie.,'.of .. sri'ui.fr J:~bs were 'iet friends and would li,ke to hear . The ' cl,l~irman'". ~f the Shast.$ , · . · zens· ,.Of\ _erei;ice ot1 _r)ter:qat~QT\a sti,~ction ma,;:i. Whe,n t1'Ie snqw Ecoi;iomic · Union, Siftc;>n l?!lld . the ill Wat~o-ny\Iie ;~c~~tly but are of frbin some· of '.~!~~}1\,- . it· :,, i• · County Cliapter of"t_he Red Cros~. starts Jallipg, h,e P.raeticaQy . g9~~ most difficult task in th.~ post-~ar little value to us .. ·.,,?·i,K,ing (i;ity· is-, 1_,. ~9b _Rol;l~r-tsqi;i 0.,v~s. ir~A hi:C?ther ·super,i91• Judge A:}hert F . ~oss,,says

f. ~ntp ~,h~bernp.ti2_I} ;. _fc;>r_ Jhe winter; WQrld . will l;>,e "to . .Qrganize, co.qrdi- showip.g a: litqe ~ctiv·ity--on_ ihe . e-x- _q_ay. with h_i_s son who · has just 'the . ~dve is on .~gain . and SJ:11~st~ We ,are n.ow . lc;>okip.g forward tq nate, .an,d Il}Qbilize tre _people's tre- pansiq_n qf tl~e; ?,ir gi;ise ·•but there· come back from a "Ti:n Fis!1 Cam- Qounty's q_uota is twenty. th.o.us}i11-d

. Spring whjch ,will l;lrlng with it mendous. potential ·stre_l}gtl;J. tc;>, qe-- i? not much work- left on it for us. -paign" "in enemy water-s ana .is dis- and thi,ee humlred,dollars ·($2Q,:WO)~ nevv·. project~ a11d more· -\1C>rk in feat the entren.ched_power. of the The same can· be . said of Camp playing an emblem any Americari ·come on in, lay it down, ·get this .ar~fl- .blaqk -i~ter.na~io~?-1s,;, his , (l~~cr~p- Hµnter · Liggett which has about would .,J;ie pr9u~ to Y-{e~_r ... i.t your recei~t. There has never been

The Navy Base will _have._ pla;m; tion of cartels. ,six miles of road work to ):le com- means. tp.Jtt the1~· cawp~qgn ·w?,s a_n argument .a-rrioi:i,g_ the -Engineers ready ,yv.ithin thirty days for · ba.r- The · P.~~iie will _!}ave to ~qb~ti- plete(l. outsicl.e of that I'm un- successful and that . they hit their ·as to who .will assist in paving th~ racks b,uilq~ngs ·.to house a, thou- tute l or the p_o~t-~i;ir plai:i,_ning: Qf . decided as to .. which ·-mortician to m?,rk. road to TO~YO. sand_· men · whic_fr . _cons_ists . \">f five the car,.t~ls ''su~h; polj~ie!f and}n~th7 c;all- .. to . _dispose . of . the remains. This is .all for now, brothers. . * * * barrack . ):Jqil~ings,. bacJ}elor quar- od_s, a~ .will in~ure full .\!!le of , all Wor k is s.t,ill , g_otng on at Moffett Will try to :\Tic_l.ke J:I1Yd 1ext ·report WASH~NGTON -(FP)- The ,$..'.il ters : for ·fifty officers, :mes~ . hali. humin ?,I\d nia.ter\al resources-:- fie~d, al~o Moss ~anding i;ind there a ljttie more interesting ,and I hope l;>illioi:i tax bill_, . hit /by Preside_nt and gallery, adml.nistration, build~ f11ll production, .ful( employme_nt, I.is a small· job to be let sogn in San to ha~e some good.news for you by R,oosevelt as "relief not for the ing; · ~;eif?,r~ · -l?~il_dlig; · i€1,\l~d~.y, . ;fair distr-tbution. of inco:ine, , trad~; Bent to County· <U. S. Government); then. needy but for the ·greeqy,'.' became tailor and c9bl;>ler $h9.P. ii;nd:- I1ei;it- a11d servi~es;. !l,nd full cqnsumption The Army has. a small- bridge j0b * * ·* law as the Senate voted 72 to .14 ing , P.lant-sidewalks, rqad_s ~u\q -nq.t only-_.with . the USA, but ·. ex- in progress thirty milesbelo.wMon~ CINCINNATI-(FP.)-Indep,en- q.nd the Uouse v0ted 299 to 95 ti) jailho_4s~ . . I ,?.i;ll \p.c~ined to b~li_eve ,tenqed rlJ.pidly inlo. and U11:qughout -1;erey an,d, the. Kiss C,1::;,me Compa_ny qent unio11s. represented by S\ICh ·o".etriqe the .Presidept's veto. this :<.vill 1_1ot be the E!ntii;:e ~xtent al~ the nc_l.ti6.ris ind c.olqnies of the has, its · h?,nd in t_hat.: . Other than leaders ~s Sec. · Matt.hew $m.ith of * * · * .. · pf work tq b.e done in tp.is. area. world," he sa.id. · " · tp.?-t, the.re is npthini in iv!onterey the .M~~hanics B4i,rci;ition·aI Society NEW YORK - CFP) - Inter11.a•

\Ve -have everY: r-e~so~ to l.J!~lieve Sifton .110ted '-'w:ith dismay and County. of America and Donald F. Gamero11 tional \mions and city and state la .. "that . lite . O~tl101ic · ilo~pital will be gro,wing in<;Iign~tio,n , r;ecpnver-s:ion It .' :really is exceptionally quiet of the Associated Unions. of ..Amer- bor ,bodies all over th e count:J;-y- de·.·

...;staJ.:Jkd.wj.t.lwJ.,.sl1'ty ~ys. · an;d post-.war. propQ'ials that . wo.ulci in this territo_1~y, probably due to ica l'evived the Confederated (In- nounced _Congress' acti0n in over-W .. Clyde. will .be. starting up his .fav.or .big .business in the .peace· tli.e ti:!c!J!lendous amount of rain de"pendent) Unio.ns of .America and ridirig the tax bill veto and \\'.,ireµ

road construction agai~1 on the t conomy even more than it has whic_h we have had · in the past 'a~thorized. warti~e. strikes- in a their emphatic s_upport to President "Riverda~e., and· Uintah road§ . . Gib- b~en favored •during the war.'' m~nth, .~lso to the · time ·.of year. convention- .here. Roosevelt.

REP. JOHN M. COFFEE (D., GOV. JOlli°'I W. BRICKER (R., REP. CL~E HOFF M A.N (R., Wash.) suggested -that unions Ohio) made' his bid for presidential Mich.) denounced QY W~lter .'\,Vin­maint:ain a research . bur~au. in nomination last month·. ·Bricker is chell . for his prop_osal that the Wash.iI):gto.n "to , equip la,bqr ~.nd . . . . . . . . . Aln?rica,n people p.ut B,n end tc:, liberal ;Sp9kesme1~ with, facts_ h an- deail..set -agamSt the_-federal solcµer "p!l!,Y,~ng· .at WQ,r". by;, a "ml!,rch op. s,ver )'rguments. of. rea(ltiona:ry in- vote, ·SUb~id,ies lllld fe_4.eral . ho.us-,. W;~~hi~gtOJJ. or. u~e.,of .. ar1:ned ,forC1_)S ten·ests. (·Federnted PJctures}. ing. ~F()de.nated Pictures) if neoessa:ry, (Fede1·ate'd Pictures.)


REP. HOWARD ~MITH (D., Va,), SCJ;?,EEN .STAR VIRGIN!~. co-n;uthor of vicious Smith-Cc:,_nnal- ~RUCE, ine1riber of Screen· Actor,s ly !,ill,.who_askl_ld Congress to strip Guild (AFL) who announced her, W~B qf its a,uthority tq_ .order .. . . . . :w,aintena,nce qf. jµ_en!bershi_p.clau~es . candidacy for the Cahforma leg1~ in, unlon cont.r~{'~S. (Fedex:ated,Pic- lature on the Democratic ticke~

. . .. . ~

turf s) .. , (Eetler~tei;l.Pic~ures) ..-:.-l


Fow· · ENG~~'.:.NEWS


Even:. ' em up!' . ~~ . -~.~-l!:f2~~~7 ~:.-~ • •

. ~~;:~-~,

: ;lflA~tt':.~?~,. i ~~ ~~ .. :- .> .. . i .. ..,. ,1

~. ~· . . . :: ...

· · Match" 17.,. -19'44·


Heroes, "in .. Deni!J\ ··Four .- months on.· a raft

Record · for time sp~t ~n a raft so .. far · in the war is · held by Poon ' Lim, Chinese seaman. He dr,ifted for 133 days after his ship was tor~ pedoed, more t h a n f O U f months. .

His story was recently broadcast as part of ~obert Ripley'.s Believe It" Or Not program.

o'clock, -when the plant's ·-reg­_illar -~,ving shift c~me on, ma.k­ing more:·· At 4 · they finally: . "quit, ·. p~nch~drunk but tri.um· phant. Before they 'left, to sle¢p a~ound. the clock, ·. they picked up the fore~an-. -· they didn't even know his nam~and car• ried:· him . around -the plant . on tlieir shoulders, cheering;· The i\avy ~ad its .gadgets.

Unionist cited . for 83-day orde<;ll

Seaman . First Class Basil Dominic Izzi · of South Barre, Mass., former member of Unit-


ed Textile Workers· (AFL) ~ l This is the kind of story it's and Textile Workers Union l

a real pleasure to print. { CIO), ha,s been awarded the Recently in Sunnyvale, Cali-. navy and marine corI?s me~al

fornia, the· Joshua H endy hon for the gallantry a_nd m?(mu1ty 'Works was notified that 250 he displayed dunng his . pro­models of a war instrument so longed ordeal of 83. days on a secret its nature could not even life raft.

An answer to labor:..bai ters

/ . ,·

be hinted at were needed: An For the past nine months emeraency force of 31 O skilled Izzi has been touring war plants men °mostly welders had to be under the auspices of the navy's borr~wed from othe; plants. industrial incei:itive division. He

A ll they knew was t h a t. has .been t e!lmg war workers something important was need- of his expe:1ences aboard the ed in a hurry. They started r~f t and urgmg gre~ter produc­work on a Saturday morning tlon· for the_ navy m or?er to

.. and worked straight through speed the dnve toward victory.

until the next Friday at 4 p .m. H d 1 t Literally, the work n ever stop- an S · OS , now ped. W!ien a i;nan had to leave. -back l·n school for a mmute, the forem an took . · .. over. Wh~n he grew so groggy · he cbuldn't see, the foreniari Because his hands we're took over ~gain . w r i l e he shof . off . during his .. l i th : snatch~d an . h~ur' s. sleep on. a . bomber raid'·,over .Germany, . , ~ nearby ·cot· .or. spJas~ed .some . 19~year-dld Lt, .BrW'lo Goa- ~

Id. · · · L · · · ·• 1·f · d · t Je-wski·. of . the . Free Pe>llsh : co water 'on nimse an wen Army, ·..n· ow_.· liv_-. i~g with · Ii.is · back to work.

OW! reports '' tb k ,, on.'._ · cu .· ac -s - After a while . wives b egan family in Chicago, is forced . coming out to the ,plant with to find some way of making hot coffee-, and razors. The a living . . plant was feeding the men, of Tiiis means study, 1µ1d his course-· at their work. But a family has no mopey. So ~o­drink of ho~e~ade coffee, a lish-American . workers col· shave or perhaps just the sight lected $t3;ooo to deEray ex~ . of their wives, w as a s good as pe.nses. Under th~ .Jaw, the a night" s sleep, courts were compelled to ap;

· · · Wasl1.ington-.· - Effects upon is a great · demand. for more · decreased orders. Ofteri _Jhe ~var workers and communities workers _ to ·man . the .key war company is · able to absorb

. of the cancella tion of curta il- plants of that city, had an a t- these workers to fill : shdrtages . m ent;,. of war contracts a re i ~a<;_k ofthese )itters' \ "accor_d - in other d epartments . ~f the

When the · foreman himself point trustees c:>f the fund .. ' sho~ in a report presented by mg to ·OWL when a rumor cu- same plant.

'the OWt Information was se- culated that a ·local airpi;:i.Ile f~- Sometimes contract cancel-! .. · gave o~t, navy inspectors, in

cured horn other government tory was losing a contract that lations are mere Y paper cut- grimy . overalls, took his place. · agencies and thro~gh local sur- would .cause . . 10, 000 workers to b acks." A plant anticipating an Navy planes and motorcycles ;veys. b e b id off. ord er tha t would require the stood by to run errands or get

So~c.aUed " cutbacks" t h a t According to W M C reports;. hirina of additional workers o r any tools o r ma te rial need ed .. · lhave aheady occurred have re- th e workers laid off could have with 0 an order that would 1 in- At .2 p.m. Frid~y the 250 leased! ,datively few of the na- , been quickly p laced in other volve adding to its labor force, somethings were finished. But t ion 's . l 0, 500,000 mumt1ons Baltimore war plants had the loses the contract, thereby elim- t he men worked on until 4 w orkers, according to the re- rumored cancella tion occurred. inatino- an expected d emand p ort. fl'll most cases the con- Instead, however, the plant did ·for m: npower. O r p lans to con- ·. tracts were cancelled in areas not lay off a single worker and struct a new p lant are aban·

· w h ere there was a d em and for actually increased · its working d oned. 1abr suHicient to ab sorb the force by 4,000. The·Maritime Commission :workers d isplaced . · Where it In some instances, · OWi reports many ·of its contract ,was· found necessary or ad vis- reports, · t h,e procurement changes .are merely shifts able to ermina te ? contract in agency has g iv,en co nsider- from one type of production a labm· surplus area, the p ro- abie advance warning of a to another, such a s the shift c urementt agency involved had cancellation. Where the plant from Liberty ships to land,. made a lil\ effort · to provid e management h a · s a ct e d ing craft and the shift now a nothen contract tha t would quickly in taking its em- occurring from Liberty ship _contim1e the p lant in operation. emp!oyees and focal WMC output to V ictory ship pro-

M(l)st: o f the workers laid officials into its co nfidences, duction. Sometimes contracts off a.s, a. result of production rumors have been alm ost, are cancelled a t a yard to shifts, ba.ve been qu i c k 'l Y non-existent and confusion p ermit it to concentrate . on shiftall to other essential minimized, OWi says. repa ir work. In such case., worrY,v accord ing to USES. In. In contrast, where no ad - workers are merely shifted acute Ilabor shortage areas . vance notice was given by th e from one type of prod uction t here lhias been considerable procurement agency or where to another with no displace• den:na11mdl for the workers r e- management has not b e e n ~enl except for certain skills leased!, fo labor surplus areas, frank with its employees a nd needed on one type but not USES\ offices have also re- local placement peop le, rum ors . on its successor. JPOr11:edl more requests for and confusion have b een wide- O cccasionally, as recently woirletis than t here_ were dis• spread. occurred on the W est Coast, p laced! workers ayailable. T h e contract terminations sh1pyards and o ther large

Rumors about impending tha t have already cccun:ed re- plants were ord ered to reduce contract changes have proved, veal the varied nature o f so- their working force in order to in m os · cases, more confusing called " cutbacks" , O Wi as- increase manpower utilization and dlisrnp tiv e than have the serts. Sometimes p lants are and free w orkers for other key actual changes, accord ing to closed comple tely and all jobs in a locality where they OWI. fo many area, W MC a nd. workers dismissed . Sometimes are vitally n eeded. L· 870

But, the court warned, the: trustees are not fo interfere in the youth's private life. "A man who has shof down eight German planes is able to·· take care of himself," jt said; ·Godlewski ·is entoHing in a commercial -school--:-: ~_;'-

;\VPB officia ls reported in- a p lant with several contracts M ost of the production stances o f :what workers called has one·expire without renewal shifts reported to OWl by the "c utback jitters '" a s a result of n ecessitating r elease o f certain Navy are similar to those re~

- such n.11rnors. ·workers, or is forced -to-. release ported by the Maritime Com~

11A11 ·right! You're savin1 shoe·leather! And ya ain't travellin' and ya ain't usin' the phone.aAd._ ya ain't .wastin'. fats- But

. Ba ltimore, Md·., where t here part of- its fo rce· befat.ise o f m1ss1on. , ya ain't winnin' this war either 111 •



· " . - ·i-ENGINEERS~.NEV{S ..


·News. of me.mbers and· iobs'ftc>:1n Eas·+ .Bay f ' • ,,,.

·Bv Al Clem, Ed': Doran arid Joe Walthers - Busiri.~ds, · Representatives ·

Brother ,Jack Libya, who is .. ori Fr~m . men in ·s.ervice: .. the ·sick list committe'e-, is liappy •. to report finding- the following in an f' 1 t. h ·· · d ~ .! ·· imp,·oved conqition: . 1 rs --_ · _ a·n · re port 1: r Orrl Moore Dry• Do'ck Company l the Albany Race Track. A small

Bi·other J. w. Johnsen, wl!o suf- · · · · Crane Dispatch office re.ports that dock job will be startlog in the fer.ed ·a broken Jeg while worldng former local 3 membe·r tW:o of our- members have - had near futUTe; on- .. the, Wm: , p_. Nei-1 - jo.b, entered ad\:litions~in their families~Br-other ._

. Pro~j~~tiJ\! .. i ¥£d$~ilJ1l ' ~ri. Ja_nuar:y. 13· ' · .We would like to ta:ke this-oppcirtunit~1:iX~i~1:t{i?e f;llowih'g ·int~r- 9ea. Bousliey, · 'Swit.chtriari _, a .t · . Be_th_leheri .~t~el Company ·. have. an4 ,-_cjn: my :vi~[ t · ,Mirch . :6 · \.'\,':as up ·es ting Jetter received by'.Brother:Bm "Wi-utey11'~0.i·letit' fa:o:m.· hi's brot1i~'i·;. ]\f~ores;:: l:ie<;:ame: . me ' fath·e~ ()~ ''four ·cra'nes' wprlying ..on· their' ~te~l for , t he . first . time: ·-We ·; expect Sergeant C: T: Collett; .wlio is stati'oned .. :;o.mew.here:-iri-'the' Sotith ,Pa:cific: "J"eri'y· Boushey, ·bdrn ·Fel'irtra'ry 1f. job in Alameda. · '.,. B · h ' · J·; ·"~ ··' -,- b ·. · · · · - · --- <'f <· -" .' ' ;. · -· ·Brother .Ed Hoffma·n Who:is em-rot er·". 01.u,soµ ·· to e .: released · -· .. , · -·- - · · ' f -- · · t'h' '·fi ... ,,t ·i ,_-, .. -· · b · 'f Dear Whitey.: · . · _ .. :·\·;,!\ :·<·· . . · -' ployed in·the .Crane Dispatch 'offic.e J. H. Pomeroy have t-hr.ee. crews

.. Mroa._m_r'- c:·-,h. ·._·_-_25e_.;··' :._·_ os ___ :P ____ .1 . .a_:_-_\·,'._9_,r __ -_· o-r __ : 3,-, .. o_y _ Received, . your Christmas package Y_ ~..!_i r'd.ay,: a11d· hereby ·, ex~end became a- grandfathe,r. Janua~y -21. ·- of Eno-ineers 'emp.lo;ect'.· ''erectin _ - hearty thanks to you; and Thelma and Carol..A lot of-the boys received H · ·-'. ·:• - . -· di · t ·t• - · b .. · t . 1 "' · ·- ·. ·, . - g

Er-ottie1>"Georg~ Greenc:nigl\ .wl1'o p,ackage·s. arid I was more or less surpriseq, to. get _one; as ·mail is 'not one _ e very.. prou Y repor s . 1 s a oy s ee . · on· the Prefabica_tion job in· . was . ,york{~g ·011 .con,stru'ction ·.iri ·_ of my str<?ng _1;>oints. I hear quite ofteli:d';;oih,the· State Income ~ax_ and has . b_e_en narii~d Donal.ct. Yard II, Richmond. ·" Richmdnd,'':'.(.ahf II- is n~w nursirio- Board, something or other ·about t_axes -f!J.1{ i?··-Do ,you· ·know anythmg . ___ _

. • . . - ·, • • ' , · . ·. • 0 . about such mu·ndane, matters? : --:;_ ·· . .c B · th· Gus "Red" M k · an injur.ed:t~ot, btit .exp_ects to ·re- . . _ . . . ''./ i ·c"· ·, · a-·· • • _ · ro er • atze ·is · There is conside1:able ··disc·ussiori . ~ . ·. , .; ., -. _, .. . . . . . , -Wel!, as I sa_1d once bef_ore, I receivedJJW,:,pac)rn"e.' retirep _tp a .dis _ able to : be up an'd · around· ag;:tin ab_out . ·work __ picking' . up·· s~_·_:oi-i, .:but

turn :0 0.,wor_k m -a sho,rt tim_~- creet distance and opened it. Then drOPPEl!i .my· underJaw and mformed . : ·. . , , _._ _ __ the himgry ·looking GI's aroupd, ·"Stationef3f again.'' I-then n0ncha1antly- -after, 11;_ recent_ illness. we do not anticipate an~i"'ri:ew jobs

. . - . . · .- . strolled away; ·in the direction of my ·prE)sent happy ·home, commonly ~-· · op.erring up ·for the next 30 or · 40 I- frnc1 the" foll~Wll\g brothers-suf~· ·known to . the ·Privates, Corporals · and Supordinate Sergeants-- here, as · · Brother E: Jarvis, who has been days. ·We have ·quite a.-nuinber of

·!ering: from ·:nlO'ken arms: Brother Gremlin ~~rner. Sto.p~ing ·on the way, ·r "borrowed" a small 'Gas~line Supe;i;intei;l_dent.Jor_ Mackson Con- members r tgistered as out o{ work: James·- Ccioki -- G •. Henwood, and D. stove, retired to Gremlin Corner, opened a -can _of powdered ~offee, a can_ . - - · . · . , · ; ' , : -~- of p_owdered milk, and so.me sugar cubes, and soon had as vile a mess as struct10n Company at_ Camp Parks, in the .two ·counties. We are. short V . . <;_r_een. _A1! ~xpec_,t . to :etur~ to ever you or I sampled in the -jungles of K.C. or Texa-rk!l.na. rep.arts that his portion of ·the job ~f. oiler s (~r shipyard jobs. the· -JO~ \.V1tlun a very short time. . Naturally the other coinhabitant of my den, commonly known as has' been complete~. 'Brothers _Art Bratset · and ·Herb. Staff ·sergeant, Isadore Gebo, showed up, and I _ had·. to· bribe him :to si~ ---

. ?uddeth . are recovr ring from ap- lence about th? cake by giv.ing him a portion. Gebo .isr to' my experience,: ~rother Bay, Tarver, Equipment --pendectomies. Brother ·Bratset re- one of the maJor horrors of war. He 1s known to our Brother Curt. S : . t d t Y d III . _

-- · · · · · · · -d f · t b' I · t d t t th other to- uperm en en , ar , sacn-turne"d home on March 6 wh.ore he The cake an cof ee wen_ over ig, 1ri en · 0 go ea e_ . f' d f h , 1 · - nio-ht when Gebo is on shift. He don't know I received two. I. cunningly _ice a ew ours seep -recently

wili spend the next two weeks re- hid the other in one of my. shoes, and camouflaged it with one of ~Y to pay the Local office a v_isit. cuperating. Brother Suddeth was socks, to keep t he i'ats and land crabs out. That -fruit c~ke looks_ l_1ke operated on March 3 and expects tl1e woman's touch and was the nearest thing to the Christmas sp1n t I B

Brother· Earl Hart, -who has ·been employed· on th·e Y~rd I Construc­tion. job, left , recently for San Ber­nardino where he will t ry out spring training with the Oaks Ball Team, Lots of luck 'Earl!

• r

F · k rother Jack Lloyd is Assistant to return home about March 10th. have encountered this year. Thank Thelma most heartily. rmt ca e . . .

beats c Rations, J. Rations, and K. Rat ions all to hell. . Labor Co-or.dmator m Yard III, The cake arrive.ct a couple-of months after Christmas, but no mat~er, ·Richmond· B_rother Lloyd formerly

· r" am sorry tO' r eport finding for if my memory serves me right, I was very busy .indeed, on that day was employed k1 __ Yard I. Brqther Lonnie · Thompson in a of peace on ear~h, Goo_d will to men! do_dgil;lg _shrapnel, bombs, _bullets, and_ __

Brother Norma,:1 (P ete) ·MoCuan, ' Yard III, Crane ope1:;ator, had the misfor~une to he one of the un-

.· · d"t' · H'- . . . · _other sundry d1stract10ns, hurled md1scnmmately by . our llttle brow~ . Brother· Jack McKenny is in t he seuous con 1 wn. is mJunes were b. t h . I d 't th' k l 'ttl brown brother knows· much · about Xmas. . ' · ·

- . . . 10 er. on m l e . Tnal Crew -Yard III Riehm· d caused by _a · fall from a bndge ·owing .to .the paucity of printable news in this area, I must -resort t o - . ' , ' on · crane on March 3, breaking his bi-agging over my ·possessions like -a hen nest· on union meeting night. __

lucky occupants of an apartment house which was destroyed .by fire · !ecently in Richmo_nd. Brother McCuan lost all of his; hou~ehold goods. leg·in two places, numerous lacera'- My: most notewor.thy·property, at the present, consists of part interest · We have two----new Stewards in

tions en his right leg, and a ·pain·- in Gremlin Corrier, and a nice new foxhole adjacent. ~reml~n Corner is the Yards in Richmond. Brother ... ftil back injury. While talking .to cunningly constructed ~f shelte~: ~alves, boar·~s, tin cans and _assorted Bol:i° Algood is Steward in Yard II, We welcome back Brother Clif-

junk, most of the material used in- its construction, true enougli, -beloi:igs day h "ft d B th R G R the nurse on duty, I learned that to a neighborhood outfit. Gebo and I remov·ed it over to our own locat10n s . 1_ ' an_ . ro · er · · oes-·Brother Thompson will have to to keep some low minded person from _stealing it. - . · b:rry 1s · Steward-, day shift, in spehd quite some time in the hos.- . We have one Foxhole between us. Gel:io would rather be hit with a _ Prefab. pita), proba_bly tmtii the middle of bomb any day than work a couple of_liours digging a foxhole._ ~ither of .

ford A. ·snveria, who has r~turned as ·a Civilian, on an Honoi·able Discharge, after _ s p e n d i·; ·,g 15 months in the Army. - --·

Ju_ ne.·_ ... _.·. . ·- '_ the tw~ would)d~l h~in 'probabI:y,'_but -he_ h_as·:heat d of guys hvmg over_ - 'I:_t1e Operating Engineers in Yard . near . tmsses. When Isad0re don t· beat me to my foxhole, he beats a~ ' . . _ ,·· . - : ·"·:

. "T thin~. a .n_art1!f . tl;fat>snolj,ld -~lso . adjacent redhead: When he dnn't' beat t,he· redhead or. ine ~itlier 1:-e beats' :I,I, ,;~ .l~hl:-Q~~-g'. ,~ent over · th~ top :., F~neral Se_rvi·ces,·:w~re: copd_ucted . 'be . rnerition~d ,. at-' thls •''time is the someone_ else. When he _beats me I be,~t th~_ :r,:~d_p.ead_ or ot_her neig_h.bors .. 9,2%/ 1P:. }l,e t ~ecert, ·- F_ourt_fi. ' Wa_r: ,~eJg·_µ,afr.: ).9,/ J>y"<,t~e- ' Sor,Ei'nson

::::~n~~;~~i? tt:':~:·J:::~:~-~t?t~ tlleGr~~i:tt-i!. ~~~~J~~f~~~i ;:!~~~;Jf~,~J;:1;~fa~f :~w.tti~1fttt?1:t: ::Eh!r~I::~~:;.·:t' ::\,;:_::::/.~~~~:-,;,{;~~.:,:::?( :lrit~t,~~~t~t~~11¾!tit~t~ . wh6 b_)ri, ::t_-11:e_.) _, l;6Yid~bcif;·Hosp: ital _th~P have sla1-:1ghte.red any . ~\lmb,er <?f. Jap~;,~biJ:t ~!~s:;) get ·9ff e~~tly,: !' . We' .1.hd~rst_and' J hat -;~~ ' I;,iperfy' it : ~ ,.1/ : . "•- d '. ".: .. ;'. ., .. __ -· ..

· thirteen· shots -smce· we moved m next to ,.o~r. Asiatic-netghbors,-tJ-prteen, Sh(·., -,_ · :· ,_ .· .c · - ... \ -- -· , · .. : : ·, ~1.,.--'~- ? :-,p_~sse ., 1i_lw.a_y ,is __ a. __ ,r~s~lt. for. observatio::i. "if ' ·is· t he shicere must be unlucky, I haven't _had another. Some war. Of ·course, my fox- ps .:aild l , Victory ship · is of an accideht near Sunnyslop.e wish of · the executives and mem- hole has .all t_he ' latest .improvements, a streamlined version, complete· sched_uled_ .- to __ ~~ave, the wa!s of :Orive, . Hayward on F°ebniary .. is. bers of. IAcal No. 3 · for a speedy with centipedes, rats, land crabs, Gebo, and running -~at.er. .Yard II; during the month of · · • rec·overy of all the ·above named. And to add.things might inter·est you, I.,vas tauglit.how to pl~y-craps March. The C p B M t ' · · by my well me_aning buddies a couple of paydays ago. I wa!\ 'somewhat · · annon 1 or µ!!.l'Y had

_ ,,__ Ieary of the ganie .. having h.eard .()f shC~p I~d: to the-slaugh_ ter, t_he simple c-:.l charge of the Funeral services -ior -· - · - 'k Bec4tel _-- McCone & ·' Patsons is B · - · · -- ···-~ ' ·

Brother:". R; -c_. .:Burgess, oile-r' in country boy, started on t_he path that·I.eitds o!}lY downward and stuff li e rother _ John W. Haywarg, ' ::i .. B - - · that there; I invested'a ·half·pound ($1.50 Cir thereab.o_ilt), and Won forty- pouring :footings and doing ·con- m __ ember· _w·ho passed a"'a· y ·r· ec· en·t·1·y. . ,,-Yard IV, _ ha!i the misfortune to - · ' " --,- .. . - - .. · - - eight; ($~50, or thereabout):. -I intende_d to learl!- t<,> ·Pl.,y .poker t~s pay- crete _-wor.k :. cin their job -·_ at . the Brother Hayward . ·was employ~d have tin acdderit in wli-ich several day, but 'Ji.one·was interested, for some reason .. Such IS hfe. Standard_ 'rn'1, Refiner.y, in Rich~ fingers .. \V~'re sev.ered from his' . . / . by Moor.e Dry Dock Company, . As a Union man you may be. interested to learn that labor co~ditions mond.: They are also doing a little · hand: - are appalling in this Local: I have worked any number of hours in the piledriving. - , OaklaTid.

Brotl;er Geci_rge Greenough, Yard few montl).s, the rate -is nothing .and one-half for overtime. The over-II; construction ·worker, is reported time, often as not, is considerably more than the time honored eight _ Four branches of the .A,rmed

- . - - ·hours. As a member of Local No., .3, in good standing, I demand this T.est Piles- are being driven at (Cont_inued on Page 7) ill. . ·· situation be investigated. ,---------:---------_,.,....:. _______ .....:.,.~ . Brother Art Bratset · has been I shall wait with baited breath, the appearance here of a Business confine<,:l to _the Merritt Hospital in Oakland, '·as the result or° an ap-· pe~"ldectomy .. We understand it will be abo,µt the middle or' March be­fore he will be back on his job at Pacific Bridge.

Representative, if I can't get Vic Swanson himself. They al$O might look into the safety factor, a person car · easily _b.e hurt around here, even la id · up for a month or so. Our · Union demands ·the maximum standard. of safety, and you may· t ell our I=tepresentative to be_ on the lookout-for safety hazards,. Well, I have done my duty .by .my focal, so it is, up to the boys in th"e-office. . ·.. . .

Well, Whitey,. r expect to see you in a year or so, keep the home fires btirning and give a hello to Family and Friends. -- . (Continued on P age 7)

- · CHARLIE. t--------'-------------------i

I . Interesting ~ews comes .of Wayne

Schlos~er, former crane operator at· Yard No. 2, now in the Merchant

The ans-wer t-o this·-Her ~ are s; mples and examp1~s .· .

SMITH-CONNALLY ANTI-STRiKE BILL J. H. Tolan, D emo_. of O akland Voted FOR Labor

, T : Rolph,' Rep. of S. F. - Vo'ted FOR Labor R'. J. Welch, R ep. of. S: F. Voted AGAINST Labor A. E. Carter, R ep. of O aklan d ABSENT~ Sen. Hiram W: Johnson ABSENT~

- · Sen. S heridan Downey · AaSENT~ >!·Voted for labor in overriding president's veto of the

Sm_ith-Connally Anti~Strike · BilL · . PROHiBITING FUNDS·FO.R PRICE ROLL-BACK .

Tolan Voted FOR Labor Rolph Voted AGAINST Labor Welch Voted ACAiNST Labor ·Carter Voted AGAINST Labor J ohn'son ABSENT Downey VotedSOR Labor

LIFTING ·$25,ooo· CEILING ON SALARIFS Tolan Rolph Welch C~rter Joh ~son Do,Yney

Voted AGAINST Labor. Voted AGAINST Labor

Voted FOR Labor Voted-AGAINST Labor Voted AGAINST Labor

Voted FOR L abor

. . T he$e samples" were taken :from a table compiled by Un'iied Labpr'. s L egislative Committee. titled "Labor Recor.cl of_. ~a_lifor!l!il : Del~gation in- Con g;e~s .. ' · ·:

Marine, La:st June the young A.B. seaman made:his first voyage stop- ·

· ping-at ·To.nga Tabre, New Caledo­

. nia and· ·the New . Hebrides,_ then· turning back. For t hirty days the

big vessel was out of sight of land and steaming up to Buena

Ventura in c"olumbia, South Amer­ica, was ahy seaman's delight!

Through the Panama qanal to New York City completed the long sea · t rip, and .young Schpller -crossed the

country by train, . arriving in Ber­keley in time to welcome - Wayne Scholler _IL :..:.. After a . brief fur-. lough Seama·n Schlosser made · a round trip to Pe'arl Harbor, being lucky enough to arri~e home in time for the Xmas holidays. He is now on ·his third. voyage, having shipped· to "Parts_ of the World" early in January of this year.


* * * Gerald . Prince, · 'who_ has been

. training with · .the Merchant Ma­.rines · in-. Catalina, is h~me on a month's · leave. · · ·

Is this-REGISTER NOW . This is an important year in the lives of us ·-who work .

with _o_ur hands for ·a living.- As many of our Brother; are in the Armed Forces, fighting the fioht for freedom -we on ­the home front have a two-fold purp0ose to perform,' to pro­duce the w eapons · of w a r arid see that we hold Labor's

·gains <;>n the home front. And, .one of the ways of winning that figh t is to see th'at the proper people represent you in the L egisla tive and Executive branch es of your Government.-

In ·order to do this, we must- ·make sure that riot _ only ~mrse'lves, but our wives, neighbors, · aI).d friends are . reg­istered for the coming National' and State elec tions so that w e

· may return our friends to office and r;tard our enemies. _ The followi1,1g are R egistrars and Deputy Registrars of

Voters: •

EL CERRITO Angelo Bertollo, 1637 San Pablo. .Dorothy Burtin., City HalL Mrs. Laura W. M cNeil, 6407 Fairmont Ave. Mrs. Lavona J. Stinnett, 7 5 2 2-L e,visington •A .;e .

RICHMOND · City Cl~rk. City, Hall. W._ H. Roberts, Jr., Canal D~rm. D2 Room L 41. ,

MARTINEZ . . Mrs. Edna Murray, :I3ldg. Trades! Labor T ~iriple. · Mrs. Robe:ts, Painters_ Local, Labor T emple, -

OAKLAND Operating Engineers,Locar3. Union Hall, 2221 Webster

Street. _ City Clerk,_, City Hall.

HAYWARD City Clerk, City Hall.

SAN LEANDRO · · City Clerk, City ·H a ll.

A LAMEDA . · -

City C lerk, C ity Hall.

PIEDMONT . C ity Clerk, City Hall.

EMERYVILLE City Clerk, City Hall. :,.

ALBANY . ' C i ty Clerk , City.Hall. -­BE:RKEL.EY . . ., "

City ,Clerk, City Hal,!. ·

Ufiah: Me1tal-· J1rades body shows gai:ns

Ely A. H. fET~~S~N AFL Organizer .

A.FL· supports . su.bsidies

By /OHN DE µ.GRANGE nnd,. AUSTIN .B . WADMAN · Business Representatives


. ' . : ~ .,_. .

. " · -,, ,

·project · at Honey. Lak~. E. T . .

Haase, •has the utilities -fol' '·-tl1e : ... ,

company. We have seven of ·our SA\ILT LAKE CUY, Utah.- The

J tah '.l.etal Trades Council, wi.th

3rother C. L ; Casebolt, acting as

;ecrei.a:ry, has been functioning

Ju~te '\ ·ell cturrng the past six !r!Oni.hs.

RENO- L a ·r g -e _stripping · aud members working on t his project. ·

minin.g project will o).)cen up at .Brother Paul A. Smith, is the :· ' Virginia · City, Nevada. This con- Master Mechanic, -· for · J ames I. sists of stripping of gold and silver Barnes, and is keeping his job in '; ·

prodpcing ore at .Gold Hill Nevada,· A,l shape. Th€' Cquncil has jurisdiction over Is p e 1 t Constructic,;1 Company,

:ndustrial operations in the S.tate, about 3 miles from Virginia City, was awarded a Diversion Dam, on · ~ove:rjng a great many of the on the "Old Comtock Lope." Wf: .the Truckee River at Nixon Neva-Building a nd Const ruction ··Trades we.re informed that Morrison & da. This contract is· for $50,000, : r ~ft · ni ts and is Working hand in Knudsen -had the job and that it and will start soon. He is · also han<'l with t he 13,uilding Trades At a press conference following the· first se~sio~ !Ji the ·quart~;ly n~~t- wo.uld consist of approximately 30 stock ·piling hot material in his Counci s to secure the collective ing of the AFL -E~ecutive . Council in ~iami, Fla., President Willi!l<!ll million yards of'str.ipping and min- yard at South Virgniia Street, in bargainln.g rights in the industries Green tells reJ>orters that the council' pledged s.upport of Preside~t ing. · This is subject to aproval by Reno, Nevada. Mining . an·d strip· · •stabli~hed fo tl e A F of L Roo.!;i~velt'.s.suhsidy p1·ogr~m. " - • •· · r· 1 · · · the War Pro"duction Board. ping job at Kimberly Nevada ,is

At 1.he·, pres.en t time the Council l}fr. Fraqk Geqrge is opening a progressing ·nicely.

~! ic::~:.ti~~e1:!~~!l:~~:\~:!~s, ~ 1:I ·Neven ·sa~·S _·n,ews ~ooc1 new quick silver mine eleven mil~s The Navy Department, was in ,J - ~ north of Virginia City. Our ver;y Re,;10, February 2-8, to P,urchase erma.·er.s and Blacksmiths units in R d d E · • w getting up and. present.ing a uni- .Elp . _ ".e,<wo .. o.. -.· ... :ffl.p -1,P,e :· .. . ay. good friend and olclstand-byBroth- bombing range land east of Fallon,

liWI I ' er Larry Walker is operatk1g a Nevada. They .contemplate . on cq.n• . form labor agreement for their _ · .shovel for this company. They will str.ucting .an ajr fligh t strip be-typ,~s of WOl'k at the Bingham ,By OTTO E;. ,"'11,l"w.VER Iro,n (::gm_pany have in excess · of · ~,~ also have a dozer man on this tw.een Fallon and ·Austin as .well. Mif<?S, t o the Utah Copper Com- :I31,1~in~~s . R;~pres.entatiye 180 memb.ers working . . We are con- .job. . . . as an .ail'port at :f'yramid Lake. , J,: .

pany. EUREKA- The news in t he Red- tinually . jn ne~d 9f welding .ma• Contacted· Mr. ,Allen, D.ep1J.rtment recei¥ed .'iJ1fot'mat.ion t hat the ' Utah Copper Company has been wood Empire is good, .although no · N · h d · · · ordere,o t o · meet-','(ith the represen- c!)i_ne operators .at.$1.20 an,d ventt- of · Int~rior ··BL1Feau . of Mines, .as .to ·. av:y ·: a 1•eoeived ·2 · mil!Jon doJ·

tatives of these 1,1nion$ in collective new jo·bs have started as yet. latioi1 perators at $1.:?0;· ;;ilso ,oilers f'l'evada's Pqst-War P~a,nni11g:, in Jars for ,·extensions at . .t]J.e Jrallo.n Brother George Hardwick . is still lation oper.ators at .. $,1.2,0;, also oi~ers the Il1ir:Jin,g in,dµ,stry aJ!d n9pe to Naval -Flight Tra,j9!_n,g . Station.

bai;-gruning and secut,e an .agree-running mainta.iner 'for ·:t,1:arshall this wot•k ·write or wire-me. .r~cei.ve · the inrqrmation. this ,month, : The .. new .Pijle li,ne to ·l;/e c~m- _

m ep.t by A,pril 1, 1944, by the War La_p,or Boar.ct. In, the ev~nt _such an Hanrahan in Del Norte County. .We )w.ve a rral).ged with the· U. S. an.d to be .able to xnake .a st~te- structec;l betw.e~.n Reno- and· the ..

This · job should start at · Red Hen E.mp~qyment De. partm~1t for r.e- me-at . 'in. o.ur neX;t . news ·Jetter .of R en.a /1.:r:m . ..Y :!',. ___ ir 1;3a~e , will .... s.tar. ·_ t .. a gr~~ment is not secured, th~ · ,._, -Board r eserve_s the right to hol.d an and Smith Rivet' about ·April 1· leases for brothers .·emp.lqyed ~ri .April. ai~o@d ;Ap:ril l ~t . ·T? dat~ t.h.e .cqn,-ope::i. hearing and write the con- The U. S. Bureau of Roads is shipyards .here in otder that they · We~t Bt:ook & ;Bing, ts ba!!k ,\lt tf?(!toi· J:i.as !'!Qt been 1;uuneq. T:tlJ.~ t ract themselves. This is the first expectin.~ to let. a' l2-mile road lllay be employed in oonstrnction Lemo,1 -:Valley, to complete , thefr is 71/z Wil~s of eight a,ncl tvve.ive tlrflB Dt~h Copper has been forced there up into the timber. Just wot~k .on higl1wa,js during summer contract· which was shut down .lai;t inch steel w:ater plain. · · ·: t o . go a)ong with governmental whm the job will start, no one mol).th,s. _ I . winter on account of bad weather. ~rotl.1er Glen A. qev:ela,nd, laws, orders and policies in the seems tq know .. The intentions; Eureka .Shipbuilding has qe- We h:we i,ix of our Brothers !lOW passed · away Sunday, F~l,)ru.ary ·~7 . nearly fqrty years of its existence. however, are to hav.e · it ·started livered two tugs to the British 0,1 tl'\\s . job. They also .exp~ct to .at the Washoe · General :gcispi{al,

'the s·tuation at Geneva Stee) is and completed this . summer. Gov~r1;,ment. Two more will be receive some aq(iitional work th\s and ,vas buried March 1 at the sti!J i3's and 7's-, but we ·feel confi- Tom FJ;ull still is running his ready ' shortly. We expect bi g spring and summer. The Reaqy Mountain-Vie,; Cemete;y in R·en~. der:it '\.~at :he Af F_. of I,,,, .~ n :.1?. e..: gr rel pl~l'\t ~r~: R~s:l,Wf?~·L~r'e~k. at things from this yar-d . in the ne~r Mix Concrete . CO!Ilpany of Reno, is ;Brother members of the Operating successrul 111 defeatmg the <:::IO ·fn· Ouc!):. Underg,round .,.Gonstmct10n future. ·Brother ·Pat Orr, fohnerly also wor]:dng at Lemon V~lley now Engineers ac~ed. as P.al!l:!el,\rt!t;s, . E. an ' ele<::tion, w·henever it can le- have .. ·finished up at the Arcata wit_h Western Pipe and Steel is pouring co.~crete. · G. L c:werne,--~· J{ ,E,;eIUJ,egy, iFii·-gally 'be ~.ought for. W e certainly Airport, but as additional work is doing an excelleiit job here as E. B. Bjslwp, received a new min Bruner, Fr:a'hk )Ierhard, A. B. can o'tii.ain this result if all unions coming UP here, they may r eturn Port Engineer. contract a t the Sien'a . Ordnance Wadws1_11 .and John RJJ1,agrange. involved work towards one objec- :n the neat' future. At any rate, <;::arlin Company . are rea dy ·to Depot, at Honey · Lake for 200 0011- The i:nembers of this district are tiv'e and that is: every. vote for the we hope so. Their super, Tony start tneir job at Fort B1:agg. crete loading platforms, . a,pproxi- very ple~sed· 'to ·hea/ th~(Brother 'A.; F'. of L., even though we m ay Ma drid, certainly has done every- Heinie F oss at · San Rafael will mately $200,000. They .are a lso Swans9n, · i~ progres~i.r.g ve;y nice­h ave our private differences on thing in his power to cooperate handle the dispatching of men to war.king on the .streets .and roads, ly,,_gnd we all hope that h_e ,~ill be jurisdkHon. with the Engineers. ' this job. We dc;m't know how soon for Dow Construction Co., on the aqle to visit .l\S in .this :district_ in

* * ·* Mercer Fra,ser are still busy and Close will sta,rt his job .at _Layton: ho.us\ng project a, t Honey Lake. th,e very near future. · CHlCAGO - CFP )- For lack of hav.e two pile driving rigs in the ville. Any brothers coming Jtp. into Bmther Oscar :t',fayhew, is the ATTENTION members of

50,000 workers needed in war bay district. ·L. H. Hansen and Son this t erritory · to work must bear shift.et· and . Bmthei· B . L. Smith, Northern ·,Nevada and · North east-· plants the world's premier ind us- a re still plugging away . at the in rriio.d tha t they ""ill h ,:J.ve to is · still -oper a ting the shovel and ern Californ ia, if you have changed tri.al city, ·Ghicago; ·was shifted into housing project ·and manage to have a d ear;:U;1ce before going on dragl'ine; addresses since tne last efectio;; or Class I critical la bor area by the keep several brothers busy there any job. Otherwise p1ey may lose James I . Barnes, is pro~ressing did not · vote a t the last_ .election, Wins Manpower Commission. all the time. Chicago Bridge and (Continuec;l on P.age 7) very rapidly with their hQµsing please r egister as soon as p9ssible,

so that- you may vote at ·rne . co·m.

lbuate.s ,of :March 4 ,mee1Hn4 ing election.

j izby C: ~ · MATHEWS : _ J. to Boys Town. Received a_nd filed. 5. Harry W. Metz ............. : ... :2671 Loden, Wm. 0. Sims wer e r epor t ed R ecordmg Secretary I From the Howard C. Sperry Post 6. Ed-Doran ............................ 2661 dec~.ased.

Mt:e-bng of Local 3 was called to .No. 3570, Veterans of Foreig·n 7. C. F . Mathews .................... 2633 It was r eported . tpat Brother order at.8:10 p.m., March -4, a t the Wars, •letter of appreciation for 8.· F. ·A. Lawre11ce: ........ , ....... . 2l552· .Swanson· was m akii;ig sati-sfactory BuikJ.i:ng T rades Temple, San Fran- gr eeting placed in progr am. R e- 9. P . ·E. Vandewark ............... 2296 progress at the St. · Fra ncis ·Hos-cisco, President Clancy pr esiding. ceived and filed. 10. E . A. Hester ........................ 1992 pita!. R.011 · call showed Vic,e-Pr esiden t F rom Bay City Metal · Tr ades 11. Thomas Bynon .................. 1938 Brother Hess repor ted on an un-FQss, Conductor Riley ahd Guard Council referring to petition signed 1~. H. L. Spence ........................ 1762 _official meeting held in E ureka, 0:Brie:o absent.. by m embers in the shipyards re- 13. W m. C. Waack. ................... 1692 California , stating that ther e were· i.\£..t:°N'lU'.n:'ES garding wage r aises. Received and 14. C. L. Casebolt ...................... 1573 180 m ember s present . Brother Van-

The m inu tes of t he r egular m eet - filed; 15. T . · D. Bryson ..... -................ 1393 d k - 1 ewar - supp ementeci the r eport of [ng of Feb1'uary 5 were· by motion F rorn Building and Construction 16. J ohn DeLagr ange ............ 1380 B . th . H -· r o er ess. ~pproveq .. as printed in the Engi- Trades -Council of. San . Francisco 17. B. R. Paulson ............... : ...... 1083 · -nee:rs' ·ews. - draw.in. e: · at_tention of all organized 8 Cl d M · 925 :tt was r egulai;ly moved, seco11ded - l . y e aI'10l1 .......... ~......... · and carried . that a committee of · '· A Fynopsis of the Executive labor· to the proposed initiative pe~ 19. Lester M. Collet t ................ 831 Beard , .inutes of February 19 were tition and r equest ing its defeat. 20: George Sin-ion ..... : .. .' ........ .' .. 812 t'ead and .the acts and r ecommena .Received a~d filed. 21. Lee D. Patters .................... 783 faUon£ of t he Boal'd were by mo° From Central ·Labor Council of Returns shgwed-tion approved as reacL Alameda County . a r esolution. per- 400_.:_No address

A i•::y11opsis of the Executive t ain ing to the flimsy const ruction 308- Returned, wrong . address~ 80.ard rn inutes of March · 4 were of ·dormitories· built by the · F ed- I - Blank ~ead r.1.ml the acts and recommen- eral Housing Authority. ·_Regularly _ 202- Void fatiom: of the Board were by mo- move,d a nd seconded to concur in 5,389- Total Returns tion approved as- r ead. r esolution . Carried. 9,376- Stamped on Postal Meter,

thr ee be appointed to go · to · the Richmond Shipyard and int erview t he m anagement on an article p1·inted in t he Yard Magazine detri­mental to t he engineer s· and t o .re­port back at t he next r egular meetir-tg. - President Clancy ap­poi'nted Brothers Walther, Rich­ardson and Nelson .

DOM1l.1J'l[l~ICATIONS . Card f~·on1 Brother ~-Iibb~rd who ,1-15-44. '. fz·,o:r.o Navy M9t1{eri; Clubs. of is in Egypt. Rec.eived a nd filed. AUDITOR'S REPORT T here followed a discussion on

~111.erlca, -Sacramento, expressing Cards of thanks from ·Mrs. Ro- 'l;'he following repor t was made incr ease in wages. It was r egu-h ., f · larJy moved and seconded t hat t he : an,,s . or the help given· by Local land .Haney and. family, . Mrs. by the Auditors : "We, the under-\io .. 3 i:i t,he opening of t heir serv- Kitchel and daughter, Mr. a.nd Mrs. s\gned auditors, haxe examined t he subject matter be r efei:l'ed to t he '' 1 · R E xecut ive Boa1,d to repor t back a t ce cub. . eceived and filed. H . A. Mallory. and Mrs. J. C. Ticer certified public accountants r eports· From the San Francisco Labor and _child1·en. Received and filed. and as far a,s we know they are in t he nex t r egula r m eeting.

'.:ouncJJ enclosing let t et"' from Ccih- REPORT OF 001\'IMITTEES · order." Signed: ·E d Doran . The1:e was a discussion .on lead-

~ressman Richa rd W elch regarding Minutes a nd results of the elec- REPORT OF SICKNESS, erm en in the Bethlehem Steel Company shipyar ds. Brother Van­dewark reported t l;at the ·Metal

1is st and on legislation befor.e Con- tion of delegates to the Interna- ACCID~ NT 0 1:t DEATH ;ress. ;Received and filed. · F'1.·om Father F lanigan's Boys•·

'I me, ~ oys Town, Nebraska, letter if. 'thmiks fo t· donatio_n and coh­'e:n;jng \.!PQll -Jhe Operating E ngi-1ciirs ::ie title o( .!lonorary citizen:

tional · Convention r ead, .showing Brothers Greeno, James J ohnson, the following r esults : J ames Reid a nd L. J. Nardi were Trades Council was .making prog-

1. Patr ick Clancy .................. 3070 r eported injured a nd ·Brother G: F . r ess on this subject. 2. H . O. Foss .... ......... -.............. 2857 Knox was repor ted ill. T here being no f ~r th,er pusiness 3. Al~Qn )VI. Cl~m : ................... 2857 · Bmthers :J. V. Barker, J. W . ·t o come before the meeting, it ad-,'!,. M. G. 1'4urvh,y, .... , .................. 2702 . B.iyward; Gle.n Clevela nd, .Anton I jolll'ned.

Visitors at the American Services . ~rt !!I1ow in Loudon.flocli!ld to this .. sJcetc~ o.f .,an . Americ.\!,n , g ir\ di;awu b }' ,()pl. ~ lfred .J . ~J:'RS~~i ·~l ~~s_, -. tou, ·lUass. Who wouldn'·t ?:--

. "




Salt take office establlshe·s prevqHing, .wag;e . By c : L. CASEBOLT I !)tali, as set up by the' 'Ut,ah lit- These were all good meetings and if it is impossible for you to be\ Trades agreement .. Tl\.ere -a r e a

:nld T. L. ('.)LARK 1· dustriat· Con11'11ission, help'cd to solve 1i1arty of our lo· with us at this time, we will cor- number of Brother' Engineers ·Busin_ess Representatives . Its main feature establishes the cal problems. At them ~vere out- 'dially welcome your delegate." working for them at presen t and

SALT -LAIIB CITY UTAH-TI~e eight hour day, on all contract lined orgaJ1izing procedute wl_tich "The G:ommittee ·Jias announced ther.e will soon• be work far quite ·, ·wprll: ·through February :ha~ been work, · wh·ere previously we have. ·is being carrie_d· on· extensively in· the dance will . be held in the Ro_se a , few more on this project,

·very slow for Engineers but we .liad many. battles over the forty Utah. at this time, not only by Room of · the Newhouse Hotel, In the P rice · district; we have ,have, i,un across many interesting hour law as set up· ·by the wage t_he- crafts affilia ted, with tfie ."Saturday n ight, Ma-rcli• i's, 1944. . Ryberg, · Strong and Grant employ-

. ·;, items; · and hour division• of the Depart- Building : Trades· 0 o u n·c i l, · but ~, Uurtt and Frandsen are· just ·g~t- ing twelve Engineers. · ·.,In .. the . communications r,eceived . . ment of Labor.. throtigqt the- Uta.Ji- Metal •- Trai;les tfug stra,tted good on tlfieir job· be- The Vincen t K Jones · Company

, -1 ····.- at .this ·_office we have had:.reports ·,- It further sets up the .wage sca:li:! dou\lc~, -and tiitly -are brihgirtg .re- tween Wendover air<l Iinowles, We have ten .engineers. , --i rom•many sections of the court try. ,clearly for the Operating Engi- s11its. have eigl1t · engineers on the job at The B1,6wn Cc,1struction Com-

.. :,··:: ,pe1·.h;ps o~e of the · most •,velcoine· neers an.d includes · a-JI- classifica- .. Our -next meetfr\gs for th·e · En~ present- aJid 'there will be work pany have a contract to ·chan ge ,.. .· coinmunicati~ms receive·d was from tior1s that. · your- Business · Agents girte·~rs will be · h'eid· as · ·foriows: for · many more before· long. the course of the Pri~e · rivet· with

.~:Bi'othet' 'Joseph ,E. Riley, who -is in had to -offer, and-. it fur~her. states -SALT LAKE CITY, Labor -T¢mpLe; · Floyd Whiting is getting his the Denver & Ri'o Grand; Railroad · t he .arme'd forces, He still hasn' t .that these · rates shall be· paid for . 151 So. 2nd East; April· ·8,- 1944, at equipment ready to r esuine work Company, This is a -union job and

decided whether he is, an ·Engineer City and County, State .of Utah, 8 p.m. PROVO, UTAH, 45· North at Dougway. may be a long job. , ,._, :.,:"·or .a ·--So1clier, and for those that a,:1d .. all . other p.olitical subdivision. University Avenue, April 15,,-·19i4, Gibbon_s r& Reed are starting to Enoch Smitl1 --iptd SoM, llia.ve

_,.,•·,would like- to ·:write Brother Riley, or- public .bodtes, agents or corttrac- at 8 ·p.m. OGDEN, · UTAH, Lal;>or . repair their equipment at Tooele three of our Brothers workiing at · .. ·-,_., ; .·,we-rnre :-printing his ·address-in .this- tors, e_tc. performing work for ·Temple, 261 25th Street,· April 22, and are hiri,.1g crews to remove Hiawatha and \Vattis, Ut11h, .

1. •· · ·issmF: of . .the paper. You niay ads them where work in whole or . in 194'4, 8 p.m. the equipment from Salt Lake The Olsen Construction Com-! , ·dress him as follows: part is paid for out of ·public f.unds. •\Brothers please Ji o t e these City t,o their new job. pany have a raiiroad job a t West~. ) ·Pvt;. Joseph 'E. Riley, 39141737 We - will ·secure a -certified copy dates and keep them open", as · Ace Thorn reports he will be water, where three of our eiagi•

Batt .. O.; Bldg. 6308 .of this ruling as soon, as it -is avail- it is only through our meetings ready to . start his road job be- neers are employed, ( .• 56th Bm; 12th F. A. Regt. ab).e and' see that it is sent to the that we reach a better understand- tw.een Stockton and Dougway The W. W. Clyde Company, ·....;. · C~mp ·Roberts, . Calif. Department of Labor in Washing- ing of our problems and that· many about the 15th · of the month. state they will soon be sta r ting

{ .-., ·We sincerely .. hope that all ton, D. C. , of our benefits are derived. "I:he North West Construction their road job at Cofutnbia . T ltis r1' · Brothers wil-1,.l;)e interested enough It is mandatory under the laws We now wish. to ·a,.mounce the Campany have a housing job at company has, a contract for t he , .· ·.' to -,write .. more often to the man of the U. S. Government, that great event of out last r.egular Lark, Utah, with several bf our Schofiedl Dam but cannot work

j 1.

i ' i f. l ! i

· ·,-,-who did,.so much for them in Utah. these conditions and wages be paid :meeting in Salt. Lake ·City. ·A mo- Brothers employed, and going ti1ere now on account of the snow. _ -A letter .. ree.eived February 13th, for all work using government tion carried unanimously that a along nicely. They must have better weather;

from ·Brother K enneth Verrion, funds performed in this area. We .dance committee be elected to -The Cedar City µon mine is 100 before starting out. ,:·stating _that · the Pasco job is one are greatly interested at this time· make arrangementf for :a annual percent rig'ht and working every Mullinl,l and Wheeler Company , ·~,hell of . a place" for Engineers ii:i the work of the Forest Sel'vice, Engineers dance to be held in Salt day. We also have a small housing are stal'ting their -equipment after

who ,are. memb.ers of' Local ·No. 3. Grazing Service and Bureau of Lake City at an early date: - The unit to be let at Cedar City and the winter lay-up and have clea red -· Now we -co.me to the commmu- Reclamation. At the present time Committee elected were: L. V. two s~uall road jobs corning up in m ost of their steady mEn out. .,

cat.ion which we know will be well I these agencies ar.e working under Bone, L. G, Mathews, T. L. Clark, that district. . · / The Kellogg job at the Utah Oil receivecl ·.b.y every member of Lo- a low wage set up. T_hese will be H. L. Spence a'nd C. L. Casebolt. The Warren Construction Com- plant is finishing up and se,-eral of

•. cal No. 3, and. will be of· grea.ter reclassed with the prevailing rate Moticn i:nade and seconded that pany have a contract for the U. S. our Engine-ers have been laid off .:interest to a.II lnte.mational Un- and we will have many jobs in the we extend an invitation to Bii~i- Reclamation district to do a large to date.

ions. It concerns the general pre- _future for our Engineers. ness Manager, Brother V. C. Swan- part of the Deer Creek acqueduct. This review covers a _larger por­_vailing wage rates and working In the month of F ebruary, we son, to attend ih 'j'ie-i;son or by rep• We have met with the Company tion of the Jrnppenings of_· the past

· comlitions in certain cou11ties in J have had three Union meetings. resentative. "To Brother Swanson, in conjunction with the Building month.

~iving costs 'distorted' -f :·,: • •1 x:;,.,.,rfi;.J.~< • _;.: :,;~..! f~ /1.::.·.,!H • •

··L· .---------·· .. · _____ .,.......,...,._....,. ___ .,... _________________ .....,. . -·.t

. ....

-~ -




More on activities from O,akland,~reptesentai.ives ..

• ;~ :"j 9 .:;;?·.

(Ccntinued from Page 5) U . . S. E. 'D . . ,Brother .Bunker re•

Services -were increased 'by four of ports ther·e were severa1 members

our Brother s, working out of this from Local 3 on the job, a n doiog

office, join fng up this month. well. Living and working condi·

Brother Tom Pugmire r eported tions were exc.elient. The" only" sad

for Navy Duty F ebruary 10, 1944; thing, he says, is that whisky sells

Brother Cliff 'Leath'ers, 3 A m em- for $50.00 a quart! ber entered the Army; Brother

Avastasio Alvarado, 3 A member, Broth e r Manuel Cardoza, 3

reported ·February 29, to become a member, 1s a pretty busy man Mei-chant Marine ; Brother Walker these days as we understand li.e is

' became a Seab_ee ·on March 6,

Brother F.eci Buehlmeyer, who . has. been employed a a For eman .fo1:. N. NL Ball in Washington, .has. returned to this t erritory. H e is

farming, as a side line, a round_ Tracy somewhere. We irr'lag ine he's cortce1'ltra ting en his Spi'ing P lowing abou t now.!


Brother Al Clem. and Brother

_Fbop CLOTHING RENT - ,r ,., . .,. •' , . . ,,,. COST OF W/INC3

now employed at J. A. Casson shop Ed Doran wish to take t his op­at Hayward. portunity to thank the m ember­

ship for their support in t he re· Mrs·. Patricia Thompson is leav- cent election.

ing l the Richmond Office of the * * * Operating Engineers after a year ~i1d a half of service. Mrs. J ean1.1e Schroeder, who has been employed "in the Oakland Office, is r eplacing Mrs. Thompson.

More on Sick list (CcMinued from Page 5>

Three of our members ha ve been seen during the Past few weeks with their arms in slings. ·

We r ecently obtained an approval Brother J ames (Jimmy) Cool~

Here is a ch~rt of . the Me~ny-Thoma.s estimate of the cost of living, compared with the Bureau of L~l>or Statistics index of. the cost of living. The figures submitted by AFL's Secretary George Meany and CIO's R . J. Thomas of the United. Automobile Workers charged an ii1crease of 43.5 per cent, as coiupafed ·to 23.4

. per cent sho\Yn by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. (Bread & Butter' Chart via F~derated Pictqi·Eis) from the War Labor Board on t he was empioye·d at Encinal Ter­rep.ewal of ciur cl&reement bet,v.een ·min:al, Alameda, when his accident

. WASHINGTON-- (FP) ·_AF L although h e ha~ appointed the Cost age workingman should have the Operating Engineers Local No. occurred. H i-s arm will be in a cast and 019 members of the·e Presi- ·of Living group as a subcommittee nothing to complain about, But hi.I- 3 and the R ock, Sand a nti Gravel approximateiy 8 weeks .

. . dential Con~ tittee on Cost of Liv- of t ire Nationa.I Wa-r Labor Boa.rd man beings clon't eat p~per even if fodust ry, whereby the i.vork ,;,,eek, Brother G. Henwood, oiler in . ~ng laid otf<ire President Roosevelt Oil November 5 and utged proin'pt was reduc.ea to 40 hours from 44 Yard III, Richmond, fell off t he

F- b · 2··0" " t t·" · · the paper consists of greenbacks. e ruary , an· urgen reques action, the public and industry hours and our members will r e- rig and broke his arm. for an inve~t.jgatioiL of the· Bureau m en'ibers had failed to asseri1ble or It's not the number of dollars a ceive time an d one half for all While trying· to signa~ for a res­oL Labor Sta.tistics -cost of living pr~sent. any data and have. failed worker earns that really counts clay siturday in the event that cuer to r escue a truck that had index. to_ m~,e any investigation of living but J_iow · much he can buy with they do not absent themselves turned over , Brother D. V. Green

The. union men in a lettei· to the costs, tho·se dollars.". voluntarily thr.oughout the week. stepped off bis Dozei·, pu t his hand Presi:dent charged that ELS. fig- ,·,Because of our firm convicti.on Meany : told his radio audience There is a vacati"oh clause in the on a half b rned post -which brnke :ures '-'distort-the basic facts of our that nothin~ further can be ex- how the P r esident's original 7. Agre-em·ent, which entitles any and he fell, breaking his arm. T his .

·,wartime living . ~psts." "The.' use .of pectE,d from this committee for 1 point . stabilization ·prografn had m ember to a week's ,;,-acation who litt le accident occured on the H, O. · the index, they said, "reflects the some months to come we cannot · be·en emasculated by Congress and has given 1200 hours of service to Rutherford · job in Vall'ejci.

_,.-gr.a.vest_ typ.e ,- of inju_stice that couid continue to sit by and abide by t his chai·ged · tha't whereas the iine . had the comp.any within the year. This Brother Herb . Suddeth is eon~ ._., ... -possibly .be. perpetrated by it upon extraordinary delay. in the faC:e of oeen 011 · wages ,;most ·farm·ers, agreement went into effect ch ·ne- fined t0 the Kaiser Permanente

t he Ameri'cah peopl~." Uie facts ·which we h ave found," storekeepers and' ih'dustries are en - ceintier 1, 1943. Hospital, Oakland, as the result of

' ....

Signed by AFL Sec.-Tr eas. George they asserted. · j·oying·. unprecedented pi:osperity ." --- an ,appendectomy . . Meany .and . Pres. R. J . Thomas of Meany the same day ·carried la - · * '$ * Brother AI Uslanghi is pr oudly Brother Lonnie Thompson, crane .

·- t he ,United· Automobile Wotker s 001"s cost of living fight to a na - M ""u· r· e· k/N a:i111ouncing his pa r ei-1thood to a op.erator in '1(arci II, Richmond, .ore ·oj1 a:; ... .. (Cim, the letter wa:s accompanied tion°wide audience during the La- youf1g son whose premier was on was vefy seri0usly ii1jured if1 a fall ·; - by, .a ··.copy of their report .to the- bor for Victory broadcast. Inter- (Continued from Page 6) March. 1. Congratulations to both from the rig. We understand he .

cost of living committee which re- viewed by AFL Publicist Phil a day's pay traveling to Eureka in Brothers and Mrs. Al! has a compound fra'Cture- his l eg vealed a 1.3.5 per cent increase in Pearl, he· said in ansv,,er t o ques- order to get one. broken in, two places, hah1is badly , l.iv,i~g icosts· -as contrasted to tile tion~ about -alleged (iarge -.t ake0 ·By A i>iil 15, .we. should ha e Brothei· C. B. Builkfi!r is back burnt and possible internal - in~ .. ,

,· ·.·:. B.I;,~7tµ(ie x.:figurl:!.Pf24percent. home wages: . . ' . .. another '50 of ro · engineer-i; .wbrk- from Nome, Ala~ka, after a 2 jm::ies. Brother Thoinpson ,is ~~: the .:· ·>,,:T,he_y " inform,ed the P r ~ ident that· "On paper, there!orrn, the S,Ve:1'· -"ing. in this territery. 'J mo:nth'.i; stay · w6i:king · for the Perina~1·ente l'Iospi~al jfi Oakland, :;


... ,· 1.-., ·'·,!

·tight ENGINEERS' NEWS · -Mar:ch 11. ·HM4

L9~,Qr h~~ '!italj!'.b i~ ~CJr,,CJ.nd in_ ~~fl~,~ . , .c::.,~ .. 1(y '\~7M. A . . S!'EERS · the . enactme·nt of such l:3-~s: nii_ght , ha;e. hacl ·1239 :niiii~b~1:s: on_ tlie,PaY , fo~r_ts· ·have not beeri in: vain. Wl1'i~n· the ; papei·s;· e<)lt_oj'ials,. ·i11ag a~ii1es, Business· Representative be too far-reaeliing, · and . cause roll, at son~e-·time or othel';. and we ~ill ;gain enjoy the freed~~ trade .. journals,·· . ptii:icidi'cais, ~nd

It hasn't been an easy matter for them some future. embarrassment, during that time there· wel'e 941 several months past, in the face of in the eyes· of big business. tel'minations, 1 ea vi n g an active high living costs, for the fellow in t11e front line trenches of plants, to scratch a_ living for himself and farnily . .

It · is ge11erally agreed that a large percentage of our wor)<:ers, in

Perhaps you Ii.ave noticed that, _payroll membex·ship of 298 mem­even when certain price incl'eases bel's. Were shown to be justified, Con-- We realize, of course, that i11 gress and the Senate failed to pro; other industrial employments t here vide subsidies to l'elieve the higher are even higher percentages of la­production cost, . and laid it in the bor turnover. Nor is lt intended to

of a free world, and tlie privilege 1iste17- to the radio. Through t hese of exercising our rights as free men. J t is then that the Roosevelt­Churchill pact, "The Four Free­doms," wilf be the basis of post-wa.i:

channels you learn much, and form your own conclusions. Yes, that's the point. Bring these conclusions fnto your meetings so that others

preparation, and action. I may share your knowledge. AH It is then that the people, as a may not agree with you, bu t that's

people, will expect _to enjoy more not · important. "Mighty oaks from of the fruits of their labor, under little acorns grow." .. the form of a Democracy that is

W/U' production work, are earning lap of the consumer. The bugaboo reflect that the fault lies ~ither more than they ever have, -but it seems to be, "too much government with the employer or the employee. is also true that living. costs have in business." · The intent, rather, is to illustrate jumpecl by leaps and bounds. Some The full time worker, after hav- what is meant by the uncertainty going to have to be combed over, Our fa5t meeting in the fom Jose authorities offer figures as high as ing ·the amount of the unemployJ of full time employment, without to be truly representative of the Division was wel! attenclc,~ biy

· ideals we so proudly hail,, as the members throughout the area, rurocll forty~three per cent. We know that mer:.t. insurance tax, the Social Se- which, att_ractive wage rates mean lj'ttle. peoples' form of Government. the Permanente Plant -was .we]U price s_tabilization has not been ef- curity tax, and the twenty-peracent

fective to the extent of preventing ~vithholding tax taken from his These unstable conditions bear And while we are at it, let's not this, and as a result labor has had weekly pay check, finds that he all the fruits of discontent, and can forget that Organized Labor, in to "pay the freight." ·has lLttle left ·to ,purchase · that .ex-· only be compensated for by an I any of its forms, is not-free of ail

We are not going to attempt to tra War Bond, ana much less to equitable· wage; even to the extent I ills eithe1;. We can well give a lot place the responsibility for these meet the -highe~ cost of living. of discarding the "little · steel for : of thought to straightening out our conditions, except to give recogni- Then, . of course, .even the full mi.ila" which has ceased to be the I own affairs. It_ m~tters not wh_at ti-0n. to ·the fact that our President' time worker has no assurance of standard in determining an equita- from of orgamzat10n we are dis-

warned that stabilization of wages,


Among the officers of our Local, present were Brothers Clancy, president; Vandewark, freasui:er, and Brother Metz, all from San Francisco, for the occasion. Brother Murphy was host of the evening, and at the close of the ri1eeting,

as an inflation preventative, would only be successful if prices of es­sential commodities were also kept

continued employment. He _never ble wage basis. I cussing. There will always be crit-knows what day he will be termi- Organized workers today are the icis~ of any progress!ve mo:~' .but refreshments were served. nated, and will have to pick up his unwilling victims of restrictive I let 1t be constructive cntlc1sm.

within .bounds. Have you followed the dilly­

dally methods of our lawmakers? Have you noticed that they were always alert to prqmote, and ratify legislation that would tie the hands of the workers? ' Then you also ob-

bag and baggage, and move to measures, presumably framed to Let's make it better. Let's rebuild There will be a meeting of Per­other parts to get a job. Let me contribute to the best interest of it as many times ·as necessary, to nianente Stewards a few cla.ys. be­.give you a few figures on this sub- the war effort. 01·ganized labor has mold it into the form that will fol'e our regular meeting in March. ject, to illustr ate what I mean; been in full accord with the objec- best serve the purpose of its mem- Notices will be sent, gh1inr· tb!e

This has to do with t he labor t ive, nohvithstanding the inequities bers. time and place. turnover· at the Permanente Plant, in jected in.to the program. It !m's Don't stand on tradition; that is As a r eminder, · our - monthly and only as it a·pp!ies to those em- -now reached . such proportions, all very well for those who find it meetings in the San -Jose Division ployments in classifications covered however, t hat some honest effort convenient to cloud the issue. a1'e held on the fourth Friday of by the Engineers Union. · must be made to prove 't he siii- You're goirig to have to use your each month at 40 N. Morrison, at served that they have not been so

, anxious to suppo~·t legislation that would restrain the upward' price trend. Perhaps they feared ~hat

During the periocl fro1n August cerity of the purpose·. head. Give more time to "what's I The Alameda, at eight o'clock in 1, 1942, to February 20; 1944, or a Ma·y we look forwal'd to the clay going on in the world." More time the evening. These are your meet-little oYer eighteen months, we when we will realize that our ef- to. "cause" and "effect." You read ings. Please attend, if possible.

Rains put da~per on iobs in Sacramento territory. By FRANK LAWRENCE will start just as soon as t_he pany has taken over · the old Hem- AND- At the present time things I of two members of Local No. 3. ·Business Representative weather permit?· . street & Bell Shops. Sac1·amenfo are still very slow and very few I Brother An~on Lodei:, · ,,·h~ h~d

Leo Lentz will lfl,y a 13,000-foot Industries have reorganized under men a·1,e ·movi·ng out of the office. been a draglme operator a c tne SACRAMENTO - And . the rains _pipeline for t_he S~_t1,thern . Pacific the name of the Dumont Constl'Uc- Brighton Sand and Gra:v.el Com-

came ! ,, Just .,as wol'k p.rospects · · I would like to call to the at- · .from t_l.1e ;~~eyille ,};1!,undhouse to tion Company. They J:iave a _new pany for the past ;,eve~·al · :ye~rs, Seemed a ll·ttl·e ""1°ghter up th1·s 'a · tention. of the· men who worked on · · ..,.., · "' t\1~ , Li~coln Re~erv,~}!'· 1mb-contract undel' Kaiser and al'e pas.sect away on Febn.iary ~Gth at way. However, it is eµcourjl,ging to Morrison ... & ·K_n~dson still have .employing .a few of oul' members. the Donne_r Summit job that an in- his home in · Sacramento . . ServiCEiS be able t o talk about work th11t their office ·open at Rio Vista anq The Steinbrenner Shipyard is crease in pay, effective December were -held on February 29th. ·wm start when the weat ner clears, keep several .members working .on ,exp.ecting another contract. Wages 1• 1943• has ·been arranged. Any- Brother _Albe.rt- L. J'lceynolds, w ho a ntl, as usual, things will probably repairs. It is rumored that · they have been adjusted oµ this job and one who was on the job ·a nd left was probably .best known to the ge~ untler way .along · about the will get gqing on a 7;000,00Q-y,ard we have a few men working there. after that date should contact this members in the Red!;ling district, firSt part of 4pril. dirt job soon._ The . Belyea Trucking Company office as there -is a possibility that passed · away on M~r.ch 6th in

McDonaid & Kahn are getting Leo L en.tz will also do the job of Los Angeles have taken o:v:ei: :t he ·back pay may be secured for ·them. Woo9land. · started on a $2,000,000 United War of excavating for the cannery at Walegria Lumber Yard at c;amp F'l'ank Clayton looki~g very_ weU DON'T FORGET, ,,vhen iou need Information Broadcasting Station: Newcastle. It is expected that Kohler on a contract which ex- in his soldier's uniform stopped in gasoline to ena.ble you to get to at Dixon which ~,;ill furnish con- .about 50,000 yards of dirt will b e pires December 31, 1944. for a visit on 1\foll~-1!,,;', February 2ll. your job, get in touch witlt your Siderable work for some _ members .. moved and ha uled to the Auburn At Camp B~ale the Mar~hall S. Fl'ank was on .his way b?,ck to New ·Union Off~ce, either Sacl'amento or

A. Teich ert · & Company have Hospital. Ham·ahan Company· is continuing Orleans, La., after spending. his fur- i Marysville . . Your applicat:ori for been awarded a $2,500,000 contract The H. · E . Pal'ker Company ex- with several members on the job. l~ugh visiting his wife in Marys- 11 the neces_sar.y supplemental mile­at McClellan Field to extend run- pects to move equipment to the The Oroville Airport job is prac- ville. · age will be made out and app,r·oved ways and taxi strips. This work Madera Canal job soon. This com- tically completed. We are sorry to report the death a,t either office: · .


Not much change around Fr·esno-it's weath-er again By T. D. BRYSON since they are principally engag~d a small Suctio"ii Dredge in on the I of the Friant Madera Canal was The .attendance was rather small

Business Representative in the · production of alcohol for South Levee and expect ·to be I officially awarded to the A. Teich- at our last meeting, · we do not pumping by March 15th. The Case . ert Company and H. Earl Parker know the reason for thiS-:possiblY:..

FR. ,ESNO·-There has not been· the government. I · ··,-- · -·- · Dredging Company of San Diego on February 21, and work is sup- Saturday is -not the best . time to h f h · d d The Phoenix Construction Com-· muc O a c ange m an aroun has · also moved ~·a · srriall pumper posed to start within thirty days hold ~eet\ngs and maybe the m~m-

Fresno since last .month. ,The rain pany has ,_.temporarily suspended in ol'l the same 'work .and· are now from that date. bers are not interested e1;10\1gh to· for the past tw? weeks has ham- work on their land leveling job at' .gettiµg it ·ready to ·start. · The Harms and Larsen Company attend m eetings, V·le hope to .. have pere~ what fe~ jobs we dld have I Me~·ced, they go: a rush job near Th_e Vo!1 Glfn Dredging Com- are progressin'g nicely on their sec- a la rge attenct·ance at our next runmng, but 1t _appears . that the MoJave on an Airport and ·- had_ to pany · is still ·keepirig t heir Clam tion of the Friant Madera Canal, m eeting, then · the -.m embers · ca n weather is 1poderating somewhat rush all, th!)ir available equipment Shell Dredge busy · twenty-four considering . the rainy . · weather deci!-le on t he time that will . suit and we ax,e expecting, considerable t~~r e. The~ .. exp.ect to return and I hours·· per day; The Griffith Cm:n- which has hamper ed them some- the · majority. be.st, you ·h?Ve,: the a.ctivity h !)re in th_e near future. · f1msh t he. Job later. · ·. pap.y has two ·draglines an a Dozer what. say ..

The J. E . -Haddock Company .is There is considerable activity on·,worJd ng on the Tule River· Levee l\lEMBERS, ·TAKE ·NO'.J:ICE . The new wage ·.· ,scale for the still keeping . a .· number ; of our the Tular_e .Lakes at pr~sent, the j where they have about -three, miles · The regular meeting .of the· Fres-


.Rock, · San(! and Gi:av.ef plants in members busy on .land leveling and Amer~can . Dredging - ·.Company is · of the levee to raise ·approxi_mately, no branch is held on the fourth the F,resn.q .. a~ea , l.w s_,b.een submit­digging sumps . to .take care of the .keeping_ busy with three s~ts on seven feet. ·' Saturday night in eaeh mo!}th at. 8 .. t ed · to the. War ½abor Board --and· . . I . . ·-, .• waste' .sludge from . the . w iner~ s. t?e :Dre~ge ~ront. The Sa,n ·Fran-. We hav.e . r ecently. learned t~at.j o'cl?ck ~t 1035 Br,oatlwaY,,_ ,Fresno, ,

1 we, hope to .h.~we, _somet~}ng t~ .r .. e-

·which has been roll.de necessary_ c1sco .},Judge. (}qmpa.ny ":h~ :J,'lPved.· ·the con.tract for the final sect10n I C!!;liforma. . . . . :por~ _.qn._ this at .our . n1:'i't p:i.e~~i1,1i;,

Stoc-kton lobs .. h·i·t .by -r.ains.~-too By .. WM. c. WAACK . who set ,himself in for t he winter I j ust making .up for lost tilu.e, .get-

B.usiness R ept-esentatiy,e at the W etzel camp, 20 miles out I ting better acguainted with the , STOCKTON- And then· came the' cif P ly.mouth, · Hirp.self, .F..re.d Neff, "kip/'

rains. . ·and Louie Esloe, are .pioneering Pollock has taken on orders fot' ··· It &.eems· tl1at when you are out : and in_ the rough . weather rep.air- 43 additional units , from the Navy . in the back country it rains harder · ing. This is fine count ry in the Ther e is quit e a mixture of types and heavier. No district could re- 1 spring, · so will see . you then. of vessels, from the large 680-foot ceive quite as much rain as Stoc_k· Frank Kasten writes from his dry docks to fla t bar ges. This con­ton, still in all .I know that Murphy C. B. . camp at Davisville, Long trac_t sets this yard a t peak capac­got his share, then through to San ·1 Island. The C.B.'s main sub~ect is ity for over a, year . . F rancisco and Oaldand, and when · union· conditions back--home, when- Ray Otto sold his Manteca Auto Ir got back to · Stockton it hacl · ever 'they have time to "shoot the Court and is waiting for a shovel stopped. But only for a day. bre~ze.'' job.

It's he~·e again and· like the Walter l\:fack, one .of oul' cild-time ! Galbraith is land leveling out of .t hr ee-r ing circus, bigger and bet- catsldnners, has taken over a serv- Modesto. Frank Hassett is back ter -than ever . W ell, ther e isn't I ice st~tioJ1 . a!Jcd foe __ house· on East I on Lillys r ig at l ?er~anente after m uch we can do about it. Main Street and the Washington Y. I a year . on Trinidad Island a nd

Got a letter from "Nig Mylar" , He won't open- till noon, so he is I French Guiana.· · ··· . I

REGlSTE·R· ···NO·W· Labor must mobilize .its stren~th

a t the polls this yea r if it is to

defeat the reactionary anti-1.~qor:

forces who even now are p la n­

ning new a ttacks on labor's rights

APRIL 6 is your

last day to register .·


