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-- Hawaii Draft Registrants, First District...

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-- TEN Masonic Temple (Visitors bo have not been examined must be In the Temple by seven-fifteen- . Feefey Calendar MONDAY Leahl Chapter No. 2, O. E. S. Stated. 7:30 p. m. TUESDAY Honolulu Lodge No. 403. Spe- cial, third degree. 7:30 p. m. WEDNESDAY Hawaiian Lodge No. 21. Spe- cial, third degree, 7:30 p. m. '.HURcDAY Honolulu Commandery io. l. Stated, 7:30 p. m. FRIDAY Lodge Le Progres No. 371. Special, third degree. 7:30 p. in. SATURDAY Harmony Chapter N. 4. O. E. S 'SUted. 7:30 p. m. SATURDAY Odd Fellows Hall WEEKLY CALENDAR MONDAY , Harmony Lodge No. 3. Reg- ular meeting at 7:30 p. m. The third degree will be con- ferred on twelve candidates. Refreshments on the roof gar-- , den. TUESDAY Excelsior Lodge No. 1. Reg- ular meeting at 7:30 p. m. THURSDAY Olive Branch Rebekan Lodge ' No.' 2. Regular meeting at , 0 p. m. Guessing contest, with prize, and refreshments on the roof garden beginning at 8:20 p. m. , FRIDAY Polynesia Encampment No. l. - Regular meeting at 7:30 p. m. . HONOLULU LODGE NO. 1. MODERN ORDPR OF PHOENIX Will meet at their home, corner of Bretania and Fort streets, every Thursday evening, at 7:30 o'clock. , j. W. ASCII. Leader. : ... FRANK MURRAY, Secretary. J ONOLULU LODGE 616, B.. P..O. E. ... Vf Cv , meets zn weir cu cn Kin SU near FcrL evening. Visiting I: ota era are cor-cld- 'y invited to at-- JAS. IL F1DDES, E R. H. Sec SOEMNE , ; " Honolulu' Lcd2, No. 1 Varsaamlungen In lw ot P. Hall laden ersten and Y-lt- ten Moutag: Aug. 6 und 20, Sept. 3 und 17, Oct, 1 und 15. Nov. 5 und 19. Dec. 3 und IL General Versammlung:. Septbr 17. EMIL, KLEMME. Praca. 1 C BOLTE, Sekr. MYSTIC, LODGE No. 2; K. of P. Meets In Prthlan HalL corner Fort j and. Beretauia streets, every Friday ' evening at 7:30 , o'clock. , Visiting brothers ccrd'ally invited. ; ? R. C. C. ;i v A, a ANGUS. P. U,L XL and S. F MOOSE HEADQUARTERS . liaEOon Eldg, 1S4 Merchant. Open l ail7 from 8 A. 21. to 5 P. M. Phone lo.eo." . - i All Vls'tlrg Brother Invited : FREE UKULELE LESSONS With any Instrun ent you buy from , Ernest 1. (Get Particulars'Now) 1126 Union St. Phone 2028 Lots near Fort SEE FOR " , - : : Best In the Clt , Honolulu Picture Framing & " Supply Co. (i every-Frida- y DUNSHiX. HERMANNS GOSLING. V-'i- 'v Kaai M'lNERNY PARK Elegant CHAS. DESKY, Agent vMerchant, COYNE FURNITURE Young Building' DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING t ( wmmm MORTGAGEES' NOTICE OF INTEN TION TO FORECLOSE AND OF FORECLOSURE SALE. IN CONFORMITY with the written request of h tolders of all the bonds secured by a Deed of Trust or Mort- gage hereinbelow referred to, record- ed In the Office cf the Registrar of Conveyances In Honolulu. Territory of Hawaii, in Liber 357, on pages 171- - 187, and further in pursuance to and in accordance with the power and authority contained in that certain Mortgage or Deed of Trust made Feb ruary 1st. 1312. by the HAWAIIAN AMERICA!: RUBBER COMPANY. LIMITED, to WILLIAM R. CASTLE and L. TENNJEY PECK, as Trustees, which Mortgage or Deed of Trust is recorded in the Office of the Registrar of Conveyances, in Honolulu, T. IL. In LI-e- r 337. c oaees 171-18- 7. the under signed. WILLIAM It. CASTLE and L. TE.VNEY PECK, Trustees, give notice and notice is hereby given that the i id WILLIAM R. CASTLE" and L, TENNEY PECK, Trustees, intend to foreclose said Mortgage or Deed cl rust, for conditions broken, to-wi-t: Non-payme- of itt-re- st due on the bonds secured by said Deed of Trust or Mortgage. NOTICE is likewise given that the property conveyed by said Mortgage or Deed of Trust will be advertised for gale and will be sold at Public faction, at the Auction Rooms of the JAMES F. MORGAN COMPANY, LIMITED, In the Star-Bulleti- n Build ing, 125 Merchant Street, Honolulu, T. IL, rn Tuesday, the 13th day of Nov ember, 1917, at 1:00 noon on said day. Terms of Sale: Cash In U. S. Cold Coin. Deeds and Conveyances at expense of the purchaser, to be prepared by the Attorneys of the Mortgagees. For further particulars apply at the Office of CASTLE & WITHINGTON, Korneys for the said WILLIAM R. CASTLE, and L. TENNEY PECK, Trustees, at their Office in said Star Bulletin Building, 125 Merchant Street, Honolulu, T. H. Dated, Honolulu, T. H., 10th day of September. 1917. L. TENNEY PECK. Trustee. WILLIAM R. CASTLE. Trustee, The premises covered by said Mort- gage or Deed of Trust, and to be sold, rr as follows: All the propertlet now owned or that may hereafter be acquired by said Grantor (Hawaiian American Rubber Company, Limited) for the use or In connection with said Rub- ber Plantation situated on the Island of Maul, Territory of Hawaii, afore-cal- d, more particularly bounded and described as follows: FIRST: That certain piece or parcel o; land situated at Nahlku, Koolau, Island of Maul, bel g the same premises described In a Deed from John Kapu to Hugh Howell, dated April 6, 1906,' and recorded In Liber 300 page 324, and con-veye- d to the said Hawaiian Amer- ican Rubber Company, Limited, by deed of Hugtt Howe"! dated Octo- ber 19, 1906. and recorded In Liber v 300 page 36S. said premises con- taining an area of 84.60 : acres, more or less. 'Vvv- - SCCOICD: That certain piece or parcel of .land situated at Nahlku, Koolau, .island of Maul, being the same premises described in Land Patent 4451 .to J. H. Usawitz, and - being the same premises conveyed .. to the said Hawaiian American Rubber Company, Limited, by deed of Hugh Howell, , dated May 2, 1306. and recorded in Liber 302 page 273, said preml3escontalnlng an area of 108.75 acres, more or less. - , ( THIRD: . . That certain piece or parcel of lad situated at Keaa, Koolau, island cf Maul, constitut- ing a '.i share In the premises described in Land - Commission Award ' No. 10512. Royal Patent No. 448S to Nahuina, and more par- ticularly described in a partition deed between the Nahlku Sugar , Company, Limited. ' of the . first part, and said Hawaiian American Rubber Company. Limited, of the second rart, dated September 17. 1909, and recorded in Liber page said Vt share containing an area of 74.5 acres, more or less. FOURTH : That certain piece cr parcel of land situated at Maka-pu- u, Hana, Island of Maul, being the same premises described In Royal Patent 1830 to Opunul and Pall, and .being the same prem- ises conveyed to the said Hawaii- an American Rut r Company, Umited, by deed of R T. Wilbur and Elizabeth ilbur, his wife, dated October 1. 1906, and rec- orded in Liber 237 page 51, and containing an area of 50 acres. FIFTH: JTLat certain piece or parcel of . land situated at Puu- - . maile, Nahlku Koolau, Island of Maul, being the 'same premises described. In Royal Patent-247- 4 to Kawahlneai. and being the same, premises conveyed to the said Ha- waii American Robber Company, Limited, by deed of Hugh Howell dated May4 2. 1906, recorded In Liber 302 page 273, and contain- ing an area of 30.5 acres, more or ' less.-- '. ' .. , ' . ' SIXTH: - A ce: lain Indenture of lease from'The Right Reverend Libert Hubert Boeynaems, Bishop of Zeugma, to the said Hawaiian American Rubber Company, Lim- ited, dated Jane 13. 1907, recorded ' In Liber 298 page 172. for the term of 35 years from that date, of the land in Nahlku, Koolau, Island of MauL known as "LOT 8," contain- ing an area of 68.70 acres, more or less, said Lot 8 being more jar- - ' tlculrjly descriT In Land Patent 4522 to Manuel. CabraL SEVENTH: A certain Inden- - ture of lease from The Right Rev- erend Libert Hubert ' Boeynaems, Bishop of Zeugma, to Hugh How- ell, dated February 10. 1906, rec- orded in Liber 283 page 17, for the term of 35 years from that date, which said lease was duly assigned . by deed of the said Hugh Howell to the said Hawaiian American Rubbe Company, Limited, dated May 2, 1906, acd recorded in Liber 302 page 273, of certain lands at Xahlki, Koolau, ' Island ' of Maul, being the premises described in Royal Patent 2627 to Kalua, con- taining an area of 15.54 acres, and the land known as Lot 16 be ing more particularly described in V Land Patent 4579 to Jacinth d Hawaii Draft Registrants, First District any the numbers that appear below drawn that the man whose name appears opposite the number is sej No 1211. 123. 12S4. 125. 126. 12ST. 1288. 1289. 1290. 1291. 1292. 1293. 1294. 1295. 129. 129T. 1298. 1299. 1300. 1301. 1302. 1303. 1304. 1303. 1306. 130T. 130. 1309. 1310. 1311. 1312. 1313. 1314. 1315. 1316. 1317. 1318. 1319. 1320. 1321. 1322. 1323. 1S24. 1325. 1326. 13-- 7. 132S. 1329. 1330. 1321. 1332. 1333. 1334. 1235. 1336. 1337. 1338. 1339. 1340. U41. 1342. 1343. 1344. 1345. 1346. 1347. 1348. 1319. 13 SO. 1351. 1352. 1353. 1354. 1355. 135ft. 1357. 135S. 1359 1361. 136. 1363. 1364. 1365. 1366. 1367. 1368. 1369. 1370. 1371. 1372. 1373. 1374. 1375. 1376. 1377. 1378. 1379. 1380. 181. 1382. 1383. 1384. 1385. 13S6. 13S7. 1388. 1389. 1390. 1391 Name (Continued Saturday) Montecillo. Antonia NHchlro KvanRelUt. Mersrd !onda. Chikatora r. Leandro Ksplrito. Ciriaco ctobio, Clemcnte Nimbu. HeoJJro Kiplnosa, litpolito, Jose K. Kplrito. tujtenio Irlda. Sumida. Maatake Miyamoto haehida. Jail I'asadas. Magdallno lmahlt. Bd.iya. Helfiro. Yel Bdro. Gawdcncio TaKakl. lchitaro Takagi. Shibata.- - Yoshlhara Takabahi. Kaltuke Joauuiu Gomes, inilllp Miguel Asnlal. Manuel Terreida Skung-awa- . Shlneo Shlgata, Ieu lnouge. Fukumatsu Shlmabuku. Kamakamc Ehlgeta. Sadaklchl Antonio Shlmabuku. Kamaro Shlgakl. Masaki Mataumura. Matsu Haruz, Carlos de Kodill. Hermeneglldo S. i: id est Bneard lrci;to. Ieulclo okutiara. Imiuc. Krancisco Kugeino l'atiicio. Ajcustin Okada. la. Luciano Sabio, Pactflco Tio Thomas, 1,1 nz Tflzoira. Manuel V. Ikiche, J.onpomes. AKuilai. Honda. Takauhl K'urarnatsu. L'kichl Kl I nan Honda. Tokujlro Shfroma. Miranda. Manuel Nlnonilva. Sholchl ffhlro. , Mammano. Alberto Simeon. Binab Mayor. Catro Mamoid. Sotero Vellaluna. Martin Kihara. Kanehiko Honfro. Toraklyo llonke Hlrogo Bejra. lllnaro Oiruilar. Clemente Olchillo. Sunlyasht Kuokoa. Kanoho. Aguilar. Gabral Norca, Roflno AruIbo. Marcelo Klhal i Charles Sanchez. Galaclo Tarosa, Roman Pedro. Felipe San Aguiala. Hong. Dal Ha Kurahara. MasaskI Pedro. Manuel Gonsalve Pedro, Golsalves BalaeKi. Upoldo Crux. Quirino de la Simeon Shiramizu. Katauaabbro hlmabukuro. Shimabukura. Gintaro Ingraciai. Gregarla Celedon. Benito Yamamoto.- - Nobutaro Ignarlo. Joaquin Rodrigites, Enseblo Martins, Manuel Kendo. Yasutaro Kodrigues. Antone Antonc. Manuel Konanul. Mokualli Yamamoto Nononchlchi Anton. Ends. Wsr.omae, Nuntmura. Toratcht rtetasco,. Pedro . Hirata, Tomlzo l ima, de 133. Oeompo. Francisco De Ioo. Whang 1395. William 1396. 1397. 1398. 1399. 1400. 1401. 1402. 1403. 1404. 1405. 1406. 1497. 1408. 1409. 1410. 1411. 1412. 1413. 1414. 1415. 1416. 1417. 1418. 1419. 1420. 1421. 1423. 1423. 1424. 1425. 1426. 1427. 1428. 1429. 1430. 1431. 1432. 1433. 1434. 1435. 1436. 1437. 1438. 1439. 1440. 1441. 1442. 1443. 1444. 1445. 1446. 1447. 1418. 1449. 1450. 1451. 1452. 1453. 1454. 1455. If of are in from Mori. Juan Syuo Mictit Juan Krian. Eltsa Kame Abac. Dlez. Mello lA-lua- . Masel laif. Uichl Saba Hur-o- . Oda. Gallo Juan Irlto. Gaka I'shi Lucia Ybay. Juan John Ixuls 13C.0. lokla. Pedro John Cruz. Dela Shoel Pablo Paris. Enos John Kama I39?. John 1394. Hark Lono. Kuja. Sbanda Kuza Mlyashlro. Utaro Kanemitsu Takaji Kihara. Haichl Kono, James Sadaml KoniahL Riichi Sabalandl, . Prlmo Park. Hlang Don Partdo, Silvester Parlnio. mello Jose. Francisco San Mattos, Jose de Jakahl. Kashin Jungnickel, Paul Alfred Maka Henry Sararar, JKlnten Komanes. Santiago Hutton. Alexander G. Nlla, Tom Lung. . Fong Sae Yakosato. Taro Reyea, Juan Higa. Kuiyei Lorlna, Ambroslo Moreno. Jose Garido Deerus, Braulio To ma, KanYezo . Muramato.. Karoku Jalron. Luclo Pabiral. Elpilio Tanio. Carplo Texelra. Manuel Asata. Sichl Rakata, Klyuhachi SagaWo. Catalena Ixipeu, Manuel Pedro Okuda. Otohel Gonsalves. Jules Andeser. Mateo Bega. Fortonate Walker. William Gordoi. Bejes, Delnetero Ninomaru. Salchi Dvposa. Pedro Rawos Moreno, Manuel Simon Kakao, -- Ichiro Walapit. Francisco Shtrasuka. Gishichi Nakao, Terujticht Park,- - Suns; Pal Mlyashlro. Ushl Arceo. j Andres Fujlhiro, Tadao Garntga. Valentine Roflor, Sllvino Smith.. Ernest Ruichl. lloota Magoichi. Takakl Pauelua, James Domingo, Colas Estrella. containing an area ot 90.13 acres. ' EIGHTH: All the right, title and Interest of the said Hawaiian American Rubber Company, Lim- ited, in and to that certain piece or parcel of land at Nahlku, Koo- lau, Island of Maui, being the premises more . particularly des- cribed In Land Commission Award 4851 to - Aoao. and containing an area of 20.5 acres. NINTH: All the horses, mules, wagons, harness, tools, fences, agricultural implements and all other articles, real, personal" and mixed, which are now upon, or used in connection with, and be- ing a part of the said rubber plan- tation, or which' shall be used in connection with said rubber plant- ation.- Together with all and singular the tenements, iiereditaments and appur- tenances thereunto belonging and ap- pertaining, and the reversion and re- versions, remainder and remainders, rents, incomes; issues and profits thereof. with all the right, title, inter- est, estate, property, claim and de- mand in law or in equity, of the said Grantor, In and to the same, or any part or parcel thereof. Dated' Honolulu, T. H., Sept. 10, 1917. WM. R. CASTLE. Trustee, U TENNEY PECK. Trustee. i,S86-Se- Dt. 1017. 21. pet. h 8. 15. 22. 1456. 1457. 14S8. 14 59. 1460. 1161. 1462. 1453. 1464. 1465. 1466. 1467. 1468. 14C9. 1470. 1471. 1472. I 1473. 17. 1 475. H7. 177. iTS. 1470. 140. 14S1. 14S2. 13. 14$4. 14S5. 146. 1487. 1488. 1489. 1490 . 1491. 1 492. 1493. 1 494. 1495. 1 49. VP7. M'S. 1 !!. .0. i.'.ni. i r.o.'. i :.3. 1501. ir.95. 1508. I.'.C?. ir.ii. 151?. 1 "15. 1514. 1515. 1516. 1517. tsis. 15t. 1 520. 1521. 1522. 1523. 152 4. 1525. , 1526. I 1527. 1538. 1529. 1530. 1531. 1532. 1533. 1534. ' ir.35. 1536. 1537. 1538. ! 1539. 1 in 1 T 1541. 1542. 1543 1544. 1545. 1046- - 1547. 1548. 1549. 1550. 1551. 1552. 1553. 15B4. 1555. 1556. 1557. 1558. 1559. 1560. 1561. 1562. 1563. 1564.. 1565. 1566. 1 ST ; lo68. f 1569. 1570. J 1571. 1?72. 1573. . 1574. 1575. 1676. ! 1S77. 1578. 1579. 1580. 1581. 1582. 1583. 1584. 1585. 1586. 1587. 1588. 1589. 1590. 1591. 1R92. 1593. 1594. 1S95. 159. 1597. 1598. 1599. 1600. 1801. 1602. 1603. 1604. 1605. 160'.. 1C07. 1608. 1609. 1610. 1611. 1612. 1613. 1614. 1615. 1616. 1617. 1618. 1619. 1620. 1621. 1622. H23. 1624. 1625. 1626. 1627. 1628. 1629. 1630. 1631. 1633. 1633. 1634. 1635. 1636. 1637. 1638. Gonealrcs. Manuel Barroga. Tranquillno Chagi. Suichl Park. Pokaoo Inomataa. Esakl Takechl Rodin. Mariano Fukasa. akuro Kapumaau. Meheula Borden. Henry Park. Joon Mo Parilla. Perfeeto Park. Kuan Sup Iguchl. Hatautaro Baaa. Gerarda lgnaclo. Manuel Ignacio. Joseph J. Banias. Gregorla Kapit- - Teodoro Kaohn. Kalei larln'. Fernando Hlgakl. "Chl Higaahionna. Otoka Zakimt. Saibo Shimahukuro. Matsujiro Shimizu. Kikujl Shimada, Matakirhl Nagamine. Sanda Molina. Eulogio Uvehara. Sabdro Satsuda. Kenlchi Ventura. Mateo Ferriera. John McBride. William Kaniho. Nalhe Terreira. Joe Tavarea Cruz. Manuel De la Angeles. Barlllame Kakuahi. Malsu Jacinto. Sixto Hotelho. Joe Jumalon. Antero Salemi. Joe Souza Shlmahukuro. Kame Santos. De Joe Kama. Tria Jaime. Andres Goniales J'hansr. In Permodrs. Pauato Yakimoto. Riichi l,orenz. Frederick Mortl? Tope. tliiillermo Otake. Nakaichi Makinaro. F.ulajio tnokuchl. Kengo Tfawa. Giauke Nagaishi. Ichiro llinodcala. Macarlo Glmporozo. Juintcn Miura. Gonzo Mlaahlro. Yeka Mapatlh. Vicente Tan Nobutaro Rosalia. Francisco Jermana, Prudenclo Octacla. Anderson. Edward Holme? Jardine. Antone Betrean. Bonito Sasaki. Torao Jameto. Sixto Rotsa. Balentine Mlaahlro. Tokoshin Yanabu. Gengoro Rolloda. Pascual Sing. Joseph Ah Bacorro. Anastasio Kinjiro. Cha Jorge. A real a Christian. Albert Paul Tamanaha. Kolcnl Balangsag. Leoncio Desakl. Yoshlro I ha. Soya Nurjui. Leonardo Sibastlano. Rafinia Hirata. Tokulchi San. Mariano Asata. Kamewa Uecafor. Julio Bilymore. Lafal Cartas. Juan Iha. Seikichi Vlerra, John Vierra. George BacalFO. Ruflno Famashiro. Seiki lkele. Jiroshin Kaneahlro. Kame Kaneshiro, Kana Kaneahlro. Matsu Valdes, Claudio Purdy. William Nalellehua. Jr. Rosa. Agostlno Russell. George Sayno. Roman Shthara. Tatlyoshl Gorlno, Lope Podallg GarJm. Saturnlna Hisatake. Ikno IkeKara. Ginko lkeda, Bamjiro Cruz. Meliton, Hlga. Koklchl Herrman. Otto Roma. Solfaclo Arande, Ambrocio Canera. Jose. Pausal. Callxto Intrena. Benito Mendoco. Estantslay Ushijima, Kelda Gabon. Vicente . Takemoto. Saihachl Smale. Herbert Kaneshiro. Hoklcht Osata. Elau Torres, John Bautlsta Torlgoe. Masaro Toahlko, Arata , Arakakl, Taro Slmblente. Tiodoro Tara. Kamaisuke Afaliawa.Eigi Galante. John de Costa Tlson. Lorenco ICogCTrii. Koichl Kaneslilge. Maaao Ceittlna. Vlctorlno Ygnis. Deonlclo Fujlkane. Sumltaro Fuiii. KlchlJI Cerna. Ioncio Dela Tcdas. Abondior T)e C'Otnpo. Simeon Ilambil. Francisco GaJon. Fimplico Hall. Kaohal Rainor. Arkadio Mhio'.u. Stvirlno JlavH. Ruperto Estaban Jatdln. John Jardine, Alvfno HUamoto. Hlsaburo Silva, August Martins. Frank Kiabu. Kamada Tantgucfcl. Minonu Kumakura. Yoshitaro Sakoda, Naolchi Buens. Roman Shiogtro. Tanio Cartno. Dalmaclo Diracin, Simon Kihara, Fukumatsu Dizon. Juan Calsada. Juan de la Goff. Roy Allen Shimodao. Salchi Rozal. Custodio Patrea. Esedro Bacoman. Ulohio Peralto. Frank Leon Flguroa, Marian Arakawa. Kama Wada. Kyugi Raymond. Pua Hose Oyangorin. Engracio Fergastron. Joseph E. Johnasen, Joseph Garben. Henry George Mendonza, Paulino Sakaguchi, Shozo 1639. Yaatiinaka. Shinchi 1640. Pol I to. Miliclo Alohamtcato 1641. Antas, Antonio 1642. SakaL Mateo 1643. Anotado, Juan 1644. Teruya Taro 1645. I Yoshinaga. Shojiro 1646. ' Sakagucht. Koborl 1647. Degrau. Emlllano 1648. Kakamatsu. Kana 1649. Saiki. Takalchi 1650. Nakamatsu. Matsu 1651. Yoshimura. Teruo 1652. Ychan. Polelo D. 1653. Yoshimura. Tamihio 1654. Dana. Domingo 1655. Asata. Uta 1656. Konno. Gotaburo 1657. KonnoA Yosoburo 1658. Macaraeg. Juan 1659. Oshiro. Kamaauke 1660. Ignacio. Frank William 161. Ikeda. Shose 1662. Gomes Loni 4 1663. Shlmabukuro. sanra 1664. Igasaki. Tadaichl 1665: Antencio. Marimo 1666. Okino. Kan taro 1667. lacuna. Vinancio 1668. Saranillo. Antonio 1669. lAgtierta. Pedro 1670 Payao. Jacinto 1671. Notsn. Tarokichl 1672. Limbo. Rufo 1673. Oshiro. Matsusuke 1674. Perreira. Jose 1675. Okawara. Noburo 1676. Kahina, James Kamoc 1677. Obosa. Jinpoi 1678. Nakamoto, Sadanoahin 1679. Sambales. Maximino I6S0. Morton. Pedro 1681. Peres. Mariano 1682. Oshiro. Masakichi 168S. -- Xakaza. Ginzi 1684. Higa. Ushisuke 16S5. Pax ba una. Roman 16. Ktejuira. Ka the forthcoming draft, it means ected for military service. 1687. 1688. 169. H0. 1691. i 1692. ! 1693. t 1694. i li9i. I 19. 197. i !9. ' 19. 1700. r 1701. ; 172. 1701. 1T0I t:o7. 1 7" ; i;i?. . 1710. ; ' 1711. 1712. 1713. i 1714. 1715. 171. 1717. 1718. 171?. 1720. 1721. 1 7 17:'3; 1724. ! 1725. 1726. 1727. I 1 H- I 1729. i 173'V 1731. ! 1732. j 17 33. 1 i ...i. i 173f. . 1 7 7 . ; 173M. 17r,9. 171. 1741. 1 742. 1743. 1744. 1715. , 1746. ! 1747. 174S. 1749. 1750. 1751. 1752. 1753. 1751. 1755. 1756. 1757. 175S. 1759. 1760. 1761. 1762. 1763. 1764. 1765. 1766. 1767. 17SS. 1769. 1770. 1771. 1772. 1773. 177 4. 1775. 1776. 1777. 1778. 177'j. 1780. 1781. 17S2. 1783. 1784. 1785. 1786. 1787. 1788. 1789. 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 179T. 1798. 1799. 1800. U01. 180-J- . : 1803. lsot ; lsos. , 1806. 1807. , 1808. lf-09- . 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. IS17. 1818. 1819 1820. 1S1. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. : 1826. 1827. 1828. : 1829. ; lsSi). I I!s3t. ' 1832. i 1833. i 1S34. ! 1835. 1836. 1837. IS38. 1839. j 1810. 1 1841. j 1813. t 1S43. 1844. i 1845. ; 1816. 1817. 1 S 18. ! 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1865. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 188. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 18S6. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 198. ! 1899. ! I'iOd. 1901. 1 1502. 1903. , 1904. 190a. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911: 19(Z. 1913. 1914. 1915. Yobachl. Ilauka Pablo. Criaanto Sevllla Antlfacto. Silverto Perreira. Antone Marce Marce-lln- e Sabaiandi. Phedomena Mendonea. Manuel CU Men doc a. Moataao Sakata. Kuraxo Kim. Tal Ung Ceno. Pobleo Pltras. Juan Cents. Rofino Perrelr. Joae Antida. Fantlago Kapahita. Jr.f. Ah Wah KatanK Franca. Fraflciaco Carvalho. Virgin Rels Macaberta. Pedro Ahiaga. Juan Antonc. Auguat Envs Kaniez. Folonito Barbadillo. Magna Perretra. Joae Garcia, Baslllio yullat. Bernardo Smith. Robert Hufklnaon Yoahimura. ftljl Cabral. Joan Ignacio Mendoaa. fVdro Pagatpa.an. Roberto SMntaku ''fHTri ShintaUu. TdIcrt Yoahimura. foirhi Silva. Alanuel Alvts NiyMkawa. ToTgbuui Nakasorie. Ushikk-h- i Scares -- Manuel Slrrado. Marcinino I.iatoval. Bernaldo Sivlrlno. Felomeno Kubo. Iwataro Ah Sing. John Sabn. Argas Cadavid. Bernandlaio Hung. Kim Wan Borden. Daniel Bennett Todd, Geo. Ltilehua Todd. Walter Tobat'.a. lregorio Heveia, Andres Yoahltake, Kameo Yoshitotni. Torn! taro Nakaahima. Suckuma Youn Yang Dai Tobai, Mariano Onna. Bujin Silva. Antone Richard Yonza. Santa Todd. Edmond Bucan. Pedro Nakamoto, Kamara Heaia. Juan relafina. Paulino Leon. Batolome V. de Rlchardsnn. Manuel Reece Hlapo. John Kllikama Yokoyama. Tioklchl Torll, Tadaharo Baldoz, Cantllo Cruz. Juanso Clara de la Orpanl. Sereaco lea. Genkee Kaneshima, Kinkln Mayehara. Shinho Tawa, Benjamin Shirai.: Sosaku Taheco, Marciano Toda. Kojl Hlga. Yamato Hamachl. Shigenori Xakajyo. Bunaaku Kintana. Antonio M. Mlrabueno. Gaudencio Ahin.. Henry Mayaenaya, Bartolome Kaneshiro. Yasukichi L'onaga. Joe Perreira Kanpfrhima. Mayaauki De Ocampo. Cronello Obirrn. Mariano - Borelis. Feliz Aluyuia. Emilio Irel. Taru Irejo. Taru laa. Jempo Yuda, Manjiro Santos. Charles Pedrajas. Juan Sayaon. Mariano Cockett. Edward Embrose k Nakamura, Hawaichi Ocames, Kmlllano Bernabe, Pabian Lusano, Federico Shlmabukuro. Nankichi Degracla, Pan tal ion Arakawa. Futoshi Tanaka, lkinatsu Lorlto, Luciano Gincda, Taro Chinen. Chljo Tanaka. Morlzi Hlga. Shinyei Matsuo. Illsaklch! Tanaka. Taraoichi Tanuka, Tometa Tanaka. ' Marinichi Berg, Henry William Moriyama. Klyozo Tanaka. 'Ktoma Tanaka. Takasuko Fcriania. Marcalino Salamanca. Florentlno Oza's, Ik utaro MenioKa, Peliclano Soken. Motobu " Mataunaga. Selso Sakimtztiru, Atsuo Baloro, Laucenclo A lonzo. Macarlo Yaniiiisu. Kenjiro A I par. Santos Alpar Alparo, A gap! to A I pa para, luan Yar.iane. Makam Matsunaga. Kentaro Mattos, Alfred Aiidrpd. So rato, Alberto Lopes, Antone Yamaoka, Kikumalsu Berber, Gabrll Leina. .foe de Taro. Shlmabukuro 1 waty.ro. Vakeyama Sio, Yoe Wo M or o Lin a, Calixton Yamane, Manzuchi Yamashiro. Tokuju l'ukuba, Asabura Lagno, Manuel Fujlki, Shlgero Can. Hilario Lagrunio. Jose Oshlta. Yoshiman Machida. Tatsuichi Arneprano. Pio Banlelas. Nasario Pau. Kim Pabiiona. GHgorio Kuhia. David Quttaton. Brlgorio Ohara. Ruichl Ftigioka. Matakl Lidlsnna. Million Ribas. Juan Horikawa. Kiichi Yamane. Hiroichi Izumi, Sadao Rivero. Dioncio Cablgas. Roman Luardo, Glnaro liatada, Kenho Santos, Joe Souza Bulaklak, Augustine Oklnaka, YuUro Morita. Saklchl Dulay. Pablo S. Okuyama. Tomohide Dulay. Macarlo Delosantos, Santos Delosantos. Pablo Yabuno, Naataro Tokio, Donato A ran jo, Joseph Nishimura, Rujuichi Olarte, Gelaclo Hart. John Aragakl. Kamezi Bentoliro. Carias Kuamoo. Lul Remedio, Eliglo Brigara. Francisco Remata. Cresanto Cudtud. Luciano Aragaki, Tomokichi YabiJi, Kuniica Souza. John Aragakl, Toko Gil. Chung Yun Pagauona. Ixirenzo Kenoshita. Taklchi Raso. Emiliano Santos. Fiborcu Fonsica. ,Marcelo A. Homura. Yaichi Bayaporo. Sotera Fojardo. Hugo Ba local. Isaac Maesaka. Ishitaro Yamashita. Ichiro Du&uyan, Patrick Bautog. Victorlo Balinte, Estaban Yamashiro. Toora Rego. John dc Gomes, Joe Julio Jr. Chuck, Chong Kaaiohelo. John Yghut, Juirino Reducto, Prlmo Ok. Cho Saon Paaniani, Thomas Kealoha Iabradcr, Clemente Hatae. Kenji Ixrllto. John I'aaluhi. Abraham Degola. Sebastian Yatnate. Seichl Borcley, Pasqual (To he continued) Island Headquarters in Can Francisco HOTEL. STEWART" Rates from Q1.50 a day K SlKt a4 C4crt Slrvctm-SS- O ttomi 250 C dtoj 1iTWmm Most fasaww (BreaMxt ftOc; S Jayt T3c I Om Cnry a Irw atv Vmkm So. i.aatdSuta DtnAcrSl: StmdmSL2S Motor Bu Met afl Um primeval tUuBtn. Cb. aMM 'TnawCTS' a. a. C. . 4. m. ievc. m.vw eMaTvra Individual Summer Styles In HATS at Ml Pow.rV, Millinery Parlors J BOSTON BLDG. POULTRY JRODUCE - MEATS Territorial Marketing Div'n. Maunakea near Queen Phone 1840 I YEE CHAN & CO. King and Bethel Su: ' ORIENTAL SILKS Fresh Pasteurized MILK, CREAM and Ice Cream Honolulu Dairymen's Assn. Phone 1542 4676 . BANISTER Shoes for business men Manufacturers' Shoe Store 1051 Fort St. The HUB now in tomporary storo at 78 So. King St, opp. Union Grill The Independent Review Published Monthly Leading English-Japanes- e Majazlne Subscription Rate- - 11.00 per year P. O. Box 474 30 Campoeil Block Merchant Street, Honolulu Reduce Ultimate Costs by Using ALLIS-CHALMER- S MACHINERY Honolulu Iron Works Company STEINWAY HALL Thayer Piano Co- - Ltd. L Valencia Orani CHUNHOON es Kekaulike, nr. Queen Phone 3992 Thor Electric VACUUM Cleaner The Hawaiian Electric Co, Ltd. ADLER- - COLLEGIAN Clothes finish first In cny ev(nt THE CLARION rHoteJ and Fort I Get War Time Photos with . I AUTOGRAPHIC Kodak HONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY CO. 1059 Fort St HANAN'S BEST SHOES MINERNY SHOE STORE Fort, above King 8L How to Equip a Company of Infantry This is all told plainly in the "A" "B "C" Equipment Book -- by- Lieut. Raymond C. Baird, 25th Infantry, U. S. A. Written primarily for the volun- teer officer; it may be of service to the regular officer as welL PRICE 25c -- at- Honolulu Star-Bullet- in 125 Merchant St. A -- rr . MAUI Grand Hotel WAn.cxv.aucx. Kwt aJ rtaa B4l the lata , EinornA.x ' PLA.X ItltM lrli Balk xee - 9mltm 43.ee - FRED K. AlaeDOXALD, Hiur PLEASANT0N HOTEL LUXURIOUS AND COMFORTABLE STRICTLY FIRST-CLAS- S 7 FALLSTYLES A large assortment of Ladles Hati and Trimmings WONDER MILLINERY CO LTD. 1017 Nuuanu. near King Hard and Soft Weats English Blue Serge, best for WEAR W. W. AHANA Co. King nrl Bethsl Phona 3445 For quality meats and delicatessen METROPOLITAN MEAT MARKLT : Mandarin Stockings, Etc S.OZAKI No. 8L VICTROLAS and Records c Bergstrom. Co., Ltd. " 1020 Fort 232t IF, YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN V NEWSPAPFRft www W Anywhere at Any Time, Call on or THE DAKE ADVERTISINQ AGENCY 24 Sansome 6aa Francisco ISLAND 0UEI0 COMPANY Hawaiian Curios, Stamps, Coins, -- and Post The most com and attractire Curio Hotel Street Honolulu to: 8port Coats Coats 109-t- ir King Musle Phone Write Street Cards. plete Store. 170 For Wcr-Tlm- e Gardening TOOLS of all kind LEWERS A COOKE, LTD. 169-17- 7 So. King 8t Protective Agency of Hawaii DAY AND NIGHT Patrols. Phone 1411, 64 Elite Bldg. WM. E. MILES, Mgr. LOBD-YOUN- G Engineering Co., Ltd. Engineers and Contractor Pantheon Block, Honolulu, T. H. Telephone 2810 and 4587 C. H. TBULLINGEB Optician Successor A. N. Sanford Boston Block, Port St. Neolin Full Soles and rubber heels $25 for black o.' tan, $20 for white. Regal Shoe Store MESSENGER AND ... LAUNDRY 1 1 1 W hi in Hi to L
Page 1: -- Hawaii Draft Registrants, First District Canchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014682/1917-10-15/ed-1/seq-10.pdf · --TEN Masonic Temple (Visitors bo have not been examined must


Masonic Temple(Visitors bo have not beenexamined must be In theTemple by seven-fifteen- .

Feefey CalendarMONDAY

Leahl Chapter No. 2, O. E. S.

Stated. 7:30 p. m.

TUESDAYHonolulu Lodge No. 403. Spe-

cial, third degree. 7:30 p. m.

WEDNESDAYHawaiian Lodge No. 21. Spe-

cial, third degree, 7:30 p. m.

'.HURcDAYHonolulu Commandery io. l.Stated, 7:30 p. m.

FRIDAYLodge Le Progres No. 371.

Special, third degree. 7:30

p. in.

SATURDAYHarmony Chapter N. 4. O. E.

S 'SUted. 7:30 p. m.


Odd Fellows Hall



Harmony Lodge No. 3. Reg-

ular meeting at 7:30 p. m.

The third degree will be con-

ferred on twelve candidates.Refreshments on the roof gar-- ,


TUESDAYExcelsior Lodge No. 1. Reg-

ular meeting at 7:30 p. m.

THURSDAYOlive Branch Rebekan Lodge

' No.' 2. Regular meeting at ,0 p. m. Guessing contest,

with prize, and refreshmentson the roof garden beginningat 8:20 p. m.


FRIDAYPolynesia Encampment No. l.

- Regular meeting at 7:30 p. m.


MODERN ORDPR OF PHOENIXWill meet at their home, corner of

Bretania and Fort streets, everyThursday evening, at 7:30 o'clock. ,

j. W. ASCII. Leader. : ...

FRANK MURRAY, Secretary.


... VfCv ,

meets zn weir cucn Kin SU nearFcrLevening. VisitingI: ota era are cor-cld-'y

invited to at--


H. Sec

SOEMNE , ;" Honolulu' Lcd2, No. 1

Varsaamlungen In lw ot P. Hallladen ersten and Y-lt- ten Moutag:

Aug. 6 und 20, Sept. 3 und 17, Oct,1 und 15. Nov. 5 und 19. Dec. 3 und ILGeneral Versammlung:. Septbr 17.

EMIL, KLEMME. Praca.1 C BOLTE, Sekr.

MYSTIC, LODGE No. 2; K. of P.Meets In Prthlan HalL corner Fort

j and. Beretauia streets, every Friday' evening at 7:30 , o'clock. , Visiting

brothers ccrd'ally invited. ;

? R. C. C.;i v A, a ANGUS. P. U,L XL and S.


. liaEOon Eldg, 1S4 Merchant. Openl ail7 from 8 A. 21. to 5 P. M. Phone

lo.eo." . -

i All Vls'tlrg Brother Invited :

FREE UKULELE LESSONSWith any Instrun ent you buy from

, Ernest 1.(Get Particulars'Now)

1126 Union St. Phone 2028


near Fort



" , -: :

Best In the Clt

, Honolulu Picture Framing &" Supply Co.


every-Frida- y







CHAS. DESKY, AgentvMerchant,


Young Building'


t (wmmm


IN CONFORMITY with the writtenrequest of h tolders of all the bondssecured by a Deed of Trust or Mort-gage hereinbelow referred to, record-ed In the Office cf the Registrar ofConveyances In Honolulu. Territory ofHawaii, in Liber 357, on pages 171- -

187, and further in pursuance to andin accordance with the power andauthority contained in that certainMortgage or Deed of Trust made February 1st. 1312. by the HAWAIIANAMERICA!: RUBBER COMPANY.LIMITED, to WILLIAM R. CASTLEand L. TENNJEY PECK, as Trustees,which Mortgage or Deed of Trust isrecorded in the Office of the Registrarof Conveyances, in Honolulu, T. IL. InLI-e- r 337. c oaees 171-18- 7. the undersigned. WILLIAM It. CASTLE and L.TE.VNEY PECK, Trustees, give noticeand notice is hereby given that thei id WILLIAM R. CASTLE" and L,TENNEY PECK, Trustees, intend toforeclose said Mortgage or Deed cl

rust, for conditions broken, to-wi-t:

Non-payme- of itt-re- st due on thebonds secured by said Deed of Trustor Mortgage.

NOTICE is likewise given that theproperty conveyed by said Mortgageor Deed of Trust will be advertisedfor gale and will be sold at Publicfaction, at the Auction Rooms of theJAMES F. MORGAN COMPANY,LIMITED, In the Star-Bulleti- n Building, 125 Merchant Street, Honolulu, T.IL, rn Tuesday, the 13th day of November, 1917, at 1:00 noon on saidday.

Terms of Sale: Cash In U. S. ColdCoin.

Deeds and Conveyances at expenseof the purchaser, to be prepared bythe Attorneys of the Mortgagees.

For further particulars apply at theOffice of CASTLE & WITHINGTON,

Korneys for the said WILLIAM R.CASTLE, and L. TENNEY PECK,Trustees, at their Office in said StarBulletin Building, 125 Merchant Street,Honolulu, T. H.

Dated, Honolulu, T. H., 10th day ofSeptember. 1917.


The premises covered by said Mort-gage or Deed of Trust, and to be sold,rr as follows:

All the propertlet now owned orthat may hereafter be acquired bysaid Grantor (Hawaiian AmericanRubber Company, Limited) for theuse or In connection with said Rub-ber Plantation situated on the Islandof Maul, Territory of Hawaii, afore-cal- d,

more particularly bounded anddescribed as follows:

FIRST: That certain piece orparcel o; land situated at Nahlku,Koolau, Island of Maul, bel g thesame premises described In a Deedfrom John Kapu to Hugh Howell,dated April 6, 1906,' and recordedIn Liber 300 page 324, and con-veye- d

to the said Hawaiian Amer-ican Rubber Company, Limited, bydeed of Hugtt Howe"! dated Octo-ber 19, 1906. and recorded In Liber

v 300 page 36S. said premises con-taining an area of 84.60 : acres,more or less. 'Vvv- -

SCCOICD: That certain piece orparcel of .land situated at Nahlku,Koolau, .island of Maul, being thesame premises described in LandPatent 4451 .to J. H. Usawitz, and

- being the same premises conveyed.. to the said Hawaiian American

Rubber Company, Limited, by deedof Hugh Howell, , dated May 2,1306. and recorded in Liber 302page 273, said preml3escontalnlngan area of 108.75 acres, more orless. - ,(THIRD: . . That certain piece orparcel of lad situated at Keaa,Koolau, island cf Maul, constitut-ing a '.i share In the premisesdescribed in Land - CommissionAward ' No. 10512. Royal PatentNo. 448S to Nahuina, and more par-ticularly described in a partitiondeed between the Nahlku Sugar

, Company, Limited. ' of the . firstpart, and said Hawaiian AmericanRubber Company. Limited, of thesecond rart, dated September 17.1909, and recorded in Liberpage said Vt share containingan area of 74.5 acres, more or less.

FOURTH : That certain piece crparcel of land situated at Maka-pu- u,

Hana, Island of Maul, beingthe same premises described InRoyal Patent 1830 to Opunul andPall, and .being the same prem-ises conveyed to the said Hawaii-an American Rut r Company,Umited, by deed of R T. Wilburand Elizabeth ilbur, his wife,dated October 1. 1906, and rec-orded in Liber 237 page 51, andcontaining an area of 50 acres.

FIFTH: JTLat certain piece orparcel of . land situated at Puu-- .

maile, Nahlku Koolau, Island ofMaul, being the 'same premisesdescribed. In Royal Patent-247- 4 toKawahlneai. and being the same,premises conveyed to the said Ha-waii American Robber Company,Limited, by deed of Hugh Howelldated May4 2. 1906, recorded InLiber 302 page 273, and contain-ing an area of 30.5 acres, more or

' less.--'. ' .. ,'


SIXTH: - A ce: lain Indenture oflease from'The Right ReverendLibert Hubert Boeynaems, Bishopof Zeugma, to the said HawaiianAmerican Rubber Company, Lim-ited, dated Jane 13. 1907, recorded' In Liber 298 page 172. for the termof 35 years from that date, of theland in Nahlku, Koolau, Island ofMauL known as "LOT 8," contain-ing an area of 68.70 acres, moreor less, said Lot 8 being more jar--

' tlculrjly descriT In Land Patent4522 to Manuel. CabraL

SEVENTH: A certain Inden- -

ture of lease from The Right Rev-erend Libert Hubert ' Boeynaems,Bishop of Zeugma, to Hugh How-ell, dated February 10. 1906, rec-orded in Liber 283 page 17, for theterm of 35 years from that date,which said lease was duly assigned

. by deed of the said Hugh Howellto the said Hawaiian AmericanRubbe Company, Limited, datedMay 2, 1906, acd recorded in Liber302 page 273, of certain lands atXahlki, Koolau, ' Island ' of Maul,being the premises described inRoyal Patent 2627 to Kalua, con-taining an area of 15.54 acres,and the land known as Lot 16 being more particularly described in

V Land Patent 4579 to Jacinth d

Hawaii Draft Registrants, First Districtany the numbers that appear below drawn

that the man whose name appears opposite the number is sejNo


123.12S4.125.126.12ST.1288.1289.1290.1291.1292.1293.1294.1295.129.129T.1298.1299.1300.1301.1302.1303.1304.1303.1306.130T.130.1309.1310.1311.1312.1313.1314.1315.1316.1317.1318.1319.1320.1321.1322.1323.1S24.1325.1326.13-- 7.

132S.1329.1330.1321.1332.1333.1334.1235.1336.1337.1338.1339.1340.U41.1342.1343.1344.1345.1346.1347.1348.1319.13 SO.1351.1352.1353.1354.1355.135ft.1357.135S.1359


Name(Continued Saturday)Montecillo. Antonia

NHchlroKvanRelUt. Mersrd!onda. Chikatorar. Leandro

Ksplrito. Ciriacoctobio, Clemcnte

Nimbu. HeoJJroKiplnosa,litpolito, Jose K.Kplrito. tujtenioIrlda.Sumida. Maatake Miyamotohaehida. JailI'asadas. Magdallnolmahlt.Bd.iya.Helfiro. YelBdro. Gawdcncio

TaKakl. lchitaroTakagi.Shibata.-- YoshlharaTakabahi. Kaltuke

JoauuiuGomes, inilllp

MiguelAsnlal. Manuel TerreidaSkung-awa-. ShlneoShlgata, Ieulnouge. FukumatsuShlmabuku. KamakamcEhlgeta. Sadaklchl

AntonioShlmabuku. KamaroShlgakl. MasakiMataumura. MatsuHaruz, Carlos deKodill. Hermeneglldo S.

i: id est Bneardlrci;to. Ieulclookutiara.Imiuc. Krancisco

Kugeinol'atiicio. AjcustinOkada.

la. LucianoSabio, Pactflco

TioThomas, 1,1 nzTflzoira. Manuel V.

Ikiche,J.onpomes.AKuilai.Honda. TakauhlK'urarnatsu. L'kichlKl I nanHonda. TokujlroShfroma.Miranda. ManuelNlnonilva. Sholchlffhlro.

, Mammano. AlbertoSimeon. BinabMayor. CatroMamoid. Sotero

Vellaluna. MartinKihara. KanehikoHonfro. Toraklyollonke HlrogoBejra. lllnaroOiruilar. ClementeOlchillo. SunlyashtKuokoa.Kanoho.Aguilar. GabralNorca, RoflnoAruIbo. Marcelo Klhal

i CharlesSanchez. GalacloTarosa, RomanPedro. Felipe SanAguiala.Hong. Dal HaKurahara. MasaskIPedro. Manuel GonsalvePedro, GolsalvesBalaeKi. UpoldoCrux. Quirino de la

SimeonShiramizu. Katauaabbrohlmabukuro.

Shimabukura. GintaroIngraciai. GregarlaCeledon. BenitoYamamoto.- - NobutaroIgnarlo. JoaquinRodrigites,

EnsebloMartins, ManuelKendo. YasutaroKodrigues. AntoneAntonc. ManuelKonanul. MokualliYamamoto NononchlchiAnton. Ends.Wsr.omae,Nuntmura. Toratchtrtetasco,. Pedro .

Hirata, Tomlzol ima, de

133. Oeompo. Francisco DeIoo. Whang

1395. William1396.1397.1398.1399.1400.1401.1402.1403.1404.1405.1406.1497.1408.1409.1410.1411.1412.1413.1414.1415.1416.1417.1418.1419.1420.1421.1423.1423.1424.1425.1426.1427.1428.1429.1430.1431.1432.1433.1434.1435.1436.1437.1438.1439.1440.1441.1442.1443.1444.1445.1446.1447.1418.1449.1450.1451.1452.1453.1454.1455.

If of are in






Krian. EltsaKame



MellolA-lua- .











Ybay. Juan


13C.0. lokla.



Cruz. Dela





I39?. John1394. Hark

Lono.Kuja. Sbanda KuzaMlyashlro. UtaroKanemitsu TakajiKihara. HaichlKono, James SadamlKoniahL RiichiSabalandl, . PrlmoPark. Hlang DonPartdo, SilvesterParlnio. melloJose. Francisco SanMattos, Jose deJakahl. KashinJungnickel, Paul AlfredMaka HenrySararar, JKlntenKomanes. SantiagoHutton. Alexander G.Nlla, TomLung. . Fong SaeYakosato. TaroReyea, JuanHiga. KuiyeiLorlna, AmbrosloMoreno. Jose GaridoDeerus, BraulioTo ma, KanYezo .

Muramato.. KarokuJalron. LucloPabiral. ElpilioTanio. CarploTexelra. ManuelAsata. SichlRakata, KlyuhachiSagaWo. CatalenaIxipeu, Manuel PedroOkuda. OtohelGonsalves. JulesAndeser. MateoBega. FortonateWalker. William Gordoi.Bejes, DelneteroNinomaru. SalchiDvposa. Pedro RawosMoreno, Manuel SimonKakao, -- IchiroWalapit. FranciscoShtrasuka. GishichiNakao, TerujtichtPark,- - Suns; PalMlyashlro. UshlArceo. j AndresFujlhiro, TadaoGarntga. ValentineRoflor, SllvinoSmith.. ErnestRuichl. llootaMagoichi. TakaklPauelua, JamesDomingo, Colas

Estrella. containing an area ot90.13 acres. 'EIGHTH: All the right, titleand Interest of the said HawaiianAmerican Rubber Company, Lim-ited, in and to that certain pieceor parcel of land at Nahlku, Koo-lau, Island of Maui, being thepremises more .

particularly des-cribed In Land Commission Award4851 to - Aoao. and containing anarea of 20.5 acres.

NINTH: All the horses, mules,wagons, harness, tools, fences,agricultural implements and allother articles, real, personal" andmixed, which are now upon, orused in connection with, and be-ing a part of the said rubber plan-tation, or which' shall be used inconnection with said rubber plant-ation.-Together with all and singular the

tenements, iiereditaments and appur-tenances thereunto belonging and ap-pertaining, and the reversion and re-versions, remainder and remainders,rents, incomes; issues and profitsthereof. with all the right, title, inter-est, estate, property, claim and de-mand in law or in equity, of the saidGrantor, In and to the same, or anypart or parcel thereof.

Dated' Honolulu, T. H., Sept. 10,1917.

WM. R. CASTLE. Trustee,U TENNEY PECK. Trustee.

i,S86-Se- Dt. 1017. 21. pet. h 8. 15. 22.

1456.1457.14S8.14 59.1460.1161.1462.1453.1464.1465.1466.1467.1468.14C9.1470.1471.1472.

I 1473.17.1 475.H7.177.


. 1491.1 492.1493.1 494.1495.1 49.VP7.

M'S.1 !!.

.0.i.'.ni.i r.o.'.i :.3.1501.ir.95.


ir.ii.151?.1 "15.1514.1515.1516.1517.tsis.15t.1 520.1521.1522.1523.152 4.1525.

, 1526.I 1527.


' ir.35.1536.1537.1538.

! 1539.1 in1 T

1541.1542.15431544.1545.1046- -1547.1548.1549.1550.1551.1552.1553.15B4.1555.1556.1557.1558.1559.1560.1561.1562.1563.1564..1565.1566.1 ST

; lo68.f 1569.

1570.J 1571.


. 1574.1575.1676.

! 1S77.1578.1579.1580.1581.1582.1583.1584.1585.1586.1587.1588.1589.1590.1591.1R92.1593.1594.1S95.159.1597.1598.1599.1600.1801.1602.1603.1604.1605.160'..1C07.1608.1609.1610.1611.1612.1613.1614.1615.1616.1617.1618.1619.1620.1621.1622.H23.1624.1625.1626.1627.1628.1629.1630.1631.1633.1633.1634.1635.1636.1637.1638.

Gonealrcs. ManuelBarroga. TranquillnoChagi. SuichlPark. PokaooInomataa. EsaklTakechlRodin. MarianoFukasa. akuroKapumaau. MeheulaBorden. HenryPark. Joon MoParilla. PerfeetoPark. Kuan SupIguchl. HatautaroBaaa. Gerardalgnaclo. ManuelIgnacio. Joseph J.Banias. GregorlaKapit- - TeodoroKaohn. Kaleilarln'. FernandoHlgakl. "ChlHigaahionna. OtokaZakimt. SaiboShimahukuro. MatsujiroShimizu. KikujlShimada, MatakirhlNagamine. SandaMolina. EulogioUvehara. SabdroSatsuda. KenlchiVentura. MateoFerriera. JohnMcBride. WilliamKaniho. NalheTerreira. Joe TavareaCruz. Manuel De laAngeles. BarlllameKakuahi. MalsuJacinto. SixtoHotelho. JoeJumalon. AnteroSalemi. Joe SouzaShlmahukuro. KameSantos. De JoeKama. TriaJaime. Andres GonialesJ'hansr. I nPermodrs. PauatoYakimoto. Riichil,orenz. Frederick Mortl?Tope. tliiillermoOtake. NakaichiMakinaro. F.ulajiotnokuchl. KengoTfawa. GiaukeNagaishi. Ichirollinodcala. MacarloGlmporozo. JuintcnMiura. GonzoMlaahlro. YekaMapatlh. VicenteTan NobutaroRosalia. FranciscoJermana, PrudencloOctacla.Anderson. Edward Holme?Jardine. AntoneBetrean. BonitoSasaki. ToraoJameto. SixtoRotsa. BalentineMlaahlro. TokoshinYanabu. GengoroRolloda. PascualSing. Joseph AhBacorro. AnastasioKinjiro. ChaJorge. A real aChristian. Albert PaulTamanaha. KolcnlBalangsag. LeoncioDesakl. YoshlroI ha. SoyaNurjui. LeonardoSibastlano. RafiniaHirata. TokulchiSan. MarianoAsata. KamewaUecafor. JulioBilymore. LafalCartas. JuanIha. SeikichiVlerra, JohnVierra. GeorgeBacalFO. RuflnoFamashiro. Seikilkele. JiroshinKaneahlro. KameKaneshiro, KanaKaneahlro. MatsuValdes, ClaudioPurdy. William Nalellehua. Jr.Rosa. AgostlnoRussell. GeorgeSayno. RomanShthara. TatlyoshlGorlno, Lope PodallgGarJm. SaturnlnaHisatake. IknoIkeKara. Ginkolkeda, BamjiroCruz. Meliton,Hlga. KoklchlHerrman. OttoRoma. SolfacloArande, AmbrocioCanera. Jose.Pausal. CallxtoIntrena. BenitoMendoco. EstantslayUshijima, KeldaGabon. Vicente .

Takemoto. SaihachlSmale. HerbertKaneshiro. HoklchtOsata. ElauTorres, John BautlstaTorlgoe. MasaroToahlko, Arata ,Arakakl, TaroSlmblente. TiodoroTara. KamaisukeAfaliawa.EigiGalante. John de CostaTlson. LorencoICogCTrii. KoichlKaneslilge. MaaaoCeittlna. VlctorlnoYgnis. DeonlcloFujlkane. SumltaroFuiii. KlchlJICerna. Ioncio DelaTcdas. AbondiorT)e C'Otnpo. SimeonIlambil. FranciscoGaJon. FimplicoHall. KaohalRainor. ArkadioMhio'.u. StvirlnoJlavH. Ruperto EstabanJatdln. JohnJardine, AlvfnoHUamoto. HlsaburoSilva, AugustMartins. FrankKiabu. KamadaTantgucfcl. MinonuKumakura. YoshitaroSakoda, NaolchiBuens. RomanShiogtro. TanioCartno. DalmacloDiracin, SimonKihara, FukumatsuDizon. JuanCalsada. Juan de laGoff. Roy AllenShimodao. SalchiRozal. CustodioPatrea. EsedroBacoman. UlohioPeralto. Frank LeonFlguroa, MarianArakawa. KamaWada. KyugiRaymond. Pua HoseOyangorin. EngracioFergastron. Joseph E.Johnasen, JosephGarben. Henry GeorgeMendonza, PaulinoSakaguchi, Shozo

1639. Yaatiinaka. Shinchi1640. Pol I to. Miliclo Alohamtcato1641. Antas, Antonio1642. SakaL Mateo1643. Anotado, Juan1644. Teruya Taro1645. I Yoshinaga. Shojiro1646. ' Sakagucht. Koborl1647. Degrau. Emlllano1648. Kakamatsu. Kana1649. Saiki. Takalchi1650. Nakamatsu. Matsu1651. Yoshimura. Teruo1652. Ychan. Polelo D.1653. Yoshimura. Tamihio1654. Dana. Domingo1655. Asata. Uta1656. Konno. Gotaburo1657. KonnoA Yosoburo1658. Macaraeg. Juan1659. Oshiro. Kamaauke1660. Ignacio. Frank William161. Ikeda. Shose1662. Gomes Loni 41663. Shlmabukuro. sanra1664. Igasaki. Tadaichl1665: Antencio. Marimo1666. Okino. Kan taro1667. lacuna. Vinancio1668. Saranillo. Antonio1669. lAgtierta. Pedro1670 Payao. Jacinto1671. Notsn. Tarokichl1672. Limbo. Rufo1673. Oshiro. Matsusuke1674. Perreira. Jose1675. Okawara. Noburo1676. Kahina, James Kamoc1677. Obosa. Jinpoi1678. Nakamoto, Sadanoahin1679. Sambales. MaximinoI6S0. Morton. Pedro1681. Peres. Mariano1682. Oshiro. Masakichi168S. -- Xakaza. Ginzi1684. Higa. Ushisuke16S5. Pax ba una. Roman16. Ktejuira. Ka

the forthcoming draft, it meansected for military service.


i 1692.! 1693.t 1694.i li9i.I 19.197.i !9.' 19.

1700.r 1701.; 172.


t:o7.1 7"

; i;i?.. 1710.;'


i 1714.1715.171.1717.1718.171?.1720.1721.1 717:'3;1724.

! 1725.1726.1727.



I 1729.i 173'V

1731.! 1732.j 17 33.

1 i ...i.i 173f.. 1 7 7 .

; 173M.17r,9.171.1741.1 742.1743.1744.1715.

, 1746.! 1747.

174S.1749.1750.1751.1752.1753.1751.1755.1756.1757.175S.1759.1760.1761.1762.1763.1764.1765.1766.1767.17SS.1769.1770.1771.1772.1773.177 4.1775.1776.1777.1778.177'j.1780.1781.17S2.1783.1784.1785.1786.1787.1788.1789.1790.1791.1792.1793.1794.1795.1796.179T.1798.1799.1800.U01.180-J-


: 1803.lsot

; lsos., 1806.

1807., 1808.

lf-09- .


: 1826.1827.1828.

: 1829.; lsSi).I I!s3t.' 1832.i 1833.i 1S34.! 1835.


j 1810.1 1841.j 1813.t 1S43.

1844.i 1845.; 1816.

1817.1 S 18.

! 1849.1850.1851.1852.1853.1854.1865.1856.1857.1858.1859.1860.1861.1862.1863.1864.1865.1866.1867.1868.1869.1870.1871.1872.1873.1874.1875.1876.1877.1878.1879.188.1881.1882.1883.1884.1885.18S6.1887.1888.1889.1890.1891.1892.1893.1894.1895.1896.1897.198.

! 1899.! I'iOd.

1901.1 1502.

1903., 1904.


Yobachl. IlaukaPablo. Criaanto SevlllaAntlfacto. SilvertoPerreira. Antone Marce Marce-lln- e

Sabaiandi. PhedomenaMendonea. Manuel CUMen doc a. MoataaoSakata. KuraxoKim. Tal UngCeno. PobleoPltras. JuanCents. RofinoPerrelr. JoaeAntida. FantlagoKapahita. Jr.f. Ah Wah KatanKFranca. FraflciacoCarvalho. Virgin RelsMacaberta. PedroAhiaga. JuanAntonc. Auguat EnvsKaniez. FolonitoBarbadillo. MagnaPerretra. JoaeGarcia, Baslllioyullat. BernardoSmith. Robert HufklnaonYoahimura. ftljlCabral. Joan IgnacioMendoaa. fVdroPagatpa.an. RobertoSMntaku ''fHTriShintaUu. TdIcrtYoahimura. foirhiSilva. Alanuel AlvtsNiyMkawa. ToTgbuuiNakasorie. Ushikk-h- i

Scares -- ManuelSlrrado. MarcininoI.iatoval. BernaldoSivlrlno. FelomenoKubo. IwataroAh Sing. JohnSabn. ArgasCadavid. BernandlaioHung. Kim WanBorden. Daniel BennettTodd, Geo. LtilehuaTodd. WalterTobat'.a. lregorioHeveia, AndresYoahltake, KameoYoshitotni. Torn! taroNakaahima. SuckumaYoun Yang DaiTobai, MarianoOnna. BujinSilva. Antone RichardYonza. SantaTodd. EdmondBucan. PedroNakamoto, KamaraHeaia. Juanrelafina. PaulinoLeon. Batolome V. deRlchardsnn. Manuel ReeceHlapo. John KllikamaYokoyama. TioklchlTorll, TadaharoBaldoz, CantlloCruz. Juanso Clara de laOrpanl. Sereacolea. GenkeeKaneshima, KinklnMayehara. ShinhoTawa, BenjaminShirai.: SosakuTaheco, MarcianoToda. KojlHlga. YamatoHamachl. ShigenoriXakajyo. BunaakuKintana. Antonio M.Mlrabueno. GaudencioAhin.. HenryMayaenaya, BartolomeKaneshiro. YasukichiL'onaga. Joe PerreiraKanpfrhima. MayaaukiDe Ocampo. CronelloObirrn. Mariano -

Borelis. FelizAluyuia. EmilioIrel. TaruIrejo. Tarulaa. JempoYuda, ManjiroSantos. CharlesPedrajas. JuanSayaon. MarianoCockett. Edward Embrose kNakamura, HawaichiOcames, KmlllanoBernabe, PabianLusano, FedericoShlmabukuro. NankichiDegracla, Pan tal ionArakawa. FutoshiTanaka, lkinatsuLorlto, LucianoGincda, TaroChinen. ChljoTanaka. MorlziHlga. ShinyeiMatsuo. Illsaklch!Tanaka. TaraoichiTanuka, TometaTanaka. ' MarinichiBerg, Henry WilliamMoriyama. KlyozoTanaka. 'KtomaTanaka. TakasukoFcriania. MarcalinoSalamanca. FlorentlnoOza's, Ik utaroMenioKa, PeliclanoSoken. Motobu

" Mataunaga. SelsoSakimtztiru, AtsuoBaloro, LaucencloA lonzo. MacarloYaniiiisu. KenjiroA I par. Santos AlparAlparo, A gap! toA I pa para, luanYar.iane. MakamMatsunaga. KentaroMattos, Alfred Aiidrpd.So ra to, AlbertoLopes, AntoneYamaoka, KikumalsuBerber, GabrllLeina. .foe deTaro. Shlmabukuro1 waty.ro. VakeyamaSio, Yoe WoM oro Lin a, CalixtonYamane, ManzuchiYamashiro. Tokujul'ukuba, AsaburaLagno, ManuelFujlki, ShlgeroCan. HilarioLagrunio. JoseOshlta. YoshimanMachida. TatsuichiArneprano. PioBanlelas. NasarioPau. KimPabiiona. GHgorioKuhia. DavidQuttaton. BrlgorioOhara. RuichlFtigioka. MataklLidlsnna. MillionRibas. JuanHorikawa. KiichiYamane. HiroichiIzumi, SadaoRivero. DioncioCablgas. RomanLuardo, Glnaroliatada, KenhoSantos, Joe SouzaBulaklak, AugustineOklnaka, YuUroMorita. SaklchlDulay. Pablo S.Okuyama. TomohideDulay. MacarloDelosantos, SantosDelosantos. PabloYabuno, NaataroTokio, DonatoA ran jo, JosephNishimura, RujuichiOlarte, GelacloHart. JohnAragakl. KameziBentoliro. CariasKuamoo. LulRemedio, EligloBrigara. FranciscoRemata. CresantoCudtud. LucianoAragaki, TomokichiYabiJi, KuniicaSouza. JohnAragakl, TokoGil. Chung YunPagauona. IxirenzoKenoshita. TaklchiRaso. EmilianoSantos. FiborcuFonsica. ,Marcelo A.Homura. YaichiBayaporo. SoteraFojardo. HugoBa local. IsaacMaesaka. IshitaroYamashita. IchiroDu&uyan, PatrickBautog. VictorloBalinte, EstabanYamashiro. TooraRego. John dcGomes, Joe Julio Jr.Chuck, ChongKaaiohelo. JohnYghut, JuirinoReducto, PrlmoOk. Cho SaonPaaniani, Thomas KealohaIabradcr, ClementeHatae. KenjiIxrllto. JohnI'aaluhi. AbrahamDegola. SebastianYatnate. SeichlBorcley, Pasqual

(To he continued)

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