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~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and...

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Page 1: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one
Page 2: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one
Page 3: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

TI ~ H~~fil ruf'i ~ljmi !i lj rltlJ L~ml ~ rlmt~tleJl:imi U~ rurut~ f'i 1 • It>o ~

(eJJu cvrfolm filrum!:mm LftJflt§1 mLftJf'itlurymujtmrlmJru t~ljSl ftJ ru fUlnnmmJljtm LftJf'iHujH LblmnttUjHmii Lblmtl lrL~l;j"ruLm H~ H1S81HHSLLilf'ii;3 ~Hfltsi LftJ f'it§ 1 t~ HJtHru

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During the reign of Preah Chan Raja, whose royal palace is situated at Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one of his princes, whose name could not be identified, to Cambodia to take charge of collection of all taxes, which was driven from the concern that the Khmer king was not honest in paying tributes and might betray his government in any form. The prince had a large vulture which was as wise as human being compared to other animals. The vulture loved its master and was used for delivering any secret message between Cambodia and Siam.

Page 4: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

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One day, King Chan Raja was worried as he thought that the Emperor must have lacked his trust in him that's why he sent his son to take direct control of the affairs. Irritated further by the attitude of the prince who was abusive and demanded excessive tributes paid to his kingdom, King Chan Raja ordered his men to arrest and kill the prince in the forest during a nighttime.

Page 5: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

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As the venture did not see its master in the next morning, it flew back and forth until it came across the prince's body in the jungle. He could identify the prince easily upon spotting his ring and used its beak to get it back to the king of Siam. When given the ring, the king assumed at once that his prince was assassinated by the K.luner king. Taking revenge for such an act, the king immediately summoned his military cornman ders and ordered that King Chan Raja, as well as his relatives and military commanders, be killed, while all of his properties and people be expatriated to Siam.

Page 6: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

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LblHml::lLmQ!l~ '1 GtllilnLm1f1l::l mEl ttlf:\J rHl1jti.1~ElJuHmLmg!'Jlnttl12tl1 sl::ltti.1mu~mJl::l LblHill::l111tmBl::llJL~~mAt9j~ ~'1 ~nnl::lgmti.1jHtnji H~ ti.1j H ~ Lfqnt~ itt:ll t1J91l::l Lm gll::lmifl1tl t1Hll::l 91l::l Lmnfl L9blJ mEl

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tt:lrnttlLmgml::l2Lmidi nmffil::l9mti.1jHtnjitl1ni9itt:li '1

The soldiers set off and besieged Banteay Lovek, and King Chan Raja and his relatives were all massacred then. During the episode, one of the king's concubines, known as Pen, and Commander Moeung, along with his wife and their 4 sons, managed to evade the massacre. The Siamese soldiers brought with them all people, including the concubine, and all of the king's properties both with lives and without lives to their country. The items brought by the Siamese soldiers also included a large white pregnant elephant named Chumteav Pal Pai, which was used as the king's main medium of traveling.

Page 7: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

~nHujHmBmWtnmtijjjB~Jlmg t~mli~~mtV1uruntU mUH~tijJnhg'j~n Lg'jmjnnnrunHrl~jjtij9m~ LMrunmElQEl~ mULjjnfilfil1U~hhBtHhlJil ~g'jmElQEltErlRiltmg '1 ~gmji3rnLfIln ttijjHri1ttijjjBtgi~ruLmmit1hru

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The Siamese soldiers treated Khmer people so aggressively, arresting them, piercing their ears and treating them like beasts. Women who have newborns were forcibly put into sacks and tramped by elephants, except for pregnant women. They reported to their king in detail upon their arrival in their kingdom. Having successfully taken the retaliation, the king ordered the Khmers to live in a community in proximity to his city, where they were called "Khmer Neak Kruor" .

Page 8: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

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Hrunul1llilm~:U1mtBmlfitBlg ~ ~gLDtiJnU1B mtg ~fimHb!)lniffrumn ~1TIUWlgQBtBlgm amB ~

Even though Pen was exiled to Siam, her condition appeared to be much better compared to other women. With the power of her mighty fetus, she won affection and support in al l aspects from her neighbors. After having been pregnant for ten months, she gave a birth to a son safely with the help of her neighbors - bringing her warm and cool water. Thanked to the superpower of her son, she was visited by every villager there. 3 days after her chi ldbirth, the c "ld was named "Uten".

Page 9: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

GtllilmmTIh3rnmU1ggrilil fhfiriQBtiil1~~runrn911mB"]gtt31 tmmTI tmg~Gt2J9~il HntfiriQmBitiil1L~glru ru1fiHB~H:nrunT;l'ruljilmJru t3nut3ru m1~ t9UrilQBHnrn8gnt~ilt~H1Q] ~ QB~'hmmlBmUltUHjl L~Hglillunil~tynHFitTILi1Fn timfU1tTIriI~lliiil mjLmu~rnL~m~i U'iUtU8 L~mrimQ]L~mlygrurunw ~

The elephant, which was once used as a traveling means for the king, also gave birth to a baby on the same date, but it broke out the fetters, running into a distant forest where her baby was born on the sly. It was not until 3 days later that the elephant returned to her home with her newborn. The baby elephant's color and body were uniquely gorgeous compared to others of same kind. The elephant keeper then reported the news to the king who was very delighted upon hearing so.

Page 10: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one
Page 11: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

~lliTlru~ryHl~amB ~gUlBmt11~!ii !jl:lHliGE~tuUJf2g BnrJnm urn flJ~1f1tmh "a~n§mirun 0~L3runllQ) tTIl:lmtn9jliHlB1f1m abl n BHmillmHlB~bl nL3GHi?" H1mfi1rutUblnBtu~L3tGlg

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Once Uten reached the age of 5, he started to learn something about the world and asked his mother for his father, "Where is my father? Other children have both mother and father, so why don't I have a father?" When so asked, her heart was so painful, trying to divert the question to other topics to save their lives if the news is leaked. Despite of how many times her son asked for the truth, she managed to convince him successfully until he was 12 years old. One day she decided to tell him the whole story in a quiet place as she thought she would never hide it from him. Being aware of the story in detail, he consoled his mum by saying that he would try every means to enable him to enter their kingdom. After learning all the facts described by his mother, Uten started to learn every subject of knowledge, including literature. Unlike others, he was a very wise and brave boy.

Page 12: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

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One day, Uten started to build a relationship with elephant mahouts, asking them to give him a position as a cleaner of the elephant stable to enable him to learn the effective way to deal with this species of animals. One day, the Siamese king visited the stable where he saw the boy doing the cleaning work cautiously and energetical ly. He asked the elephant keeper about where the boy came from. The keeper told the king every detail about the boy and the king began to have good feeling for him, and asked the keeper to help take care of him.

Page 13: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

mudli111~tErlmfi rymHJmfi~~~fithii tgFimthm1O~m~ tUltlilUiffill mm1tTI ~riu~iithth t~HJmfit9it3l1~ 1~NmS~~GY1Jfi t;hifii~m~

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Ever since, the boy worked more carefully, cleaning up, amassing and burning feces of the elephants for use as fertilizers in growing cabbages that produce largest clumps if compared to others planted by local people. When the cabbages grew large enough, Uten harvested and gave them away to the king. "Hey! Where did you get the cabbages from, they look strange?" asked the king. The boy then told the king in detail. The king rewarded and named him as an official in charge of the elephant mahouts.

Page 14: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one
Page 15: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one


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m~nlr9Jt~UtiJHntimlJl11t3rnHtjH1ijnlUllB tnlBmimum tBl8UlB'1 A baby elephant of the cow elephant, Chum Teav Pal Pai, which was the

king's excellent means for traveling, yet going berserk, behaving unusually

wild, not obedient, even injuring mahouts to death and undefeated by anyone.

Besides, it even frightened and forced villagers to leave their community to a

further place. Elephant mahouts informed the king ofthe issue, and he ordered

to find any brave men who are capable to defeat and get back the elephant.

Page 16: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one
Page 17: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

mru~Emry81i~mB~~mjjl §UilBg~rumthrhEJlgWB ~gULgl:l • .' .. (). 010

LUilrunli miry81i~mBmmnimltlllilllUmmUWBLmgEJlmEJlg ~

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Hnm ruil nntlm ftj~m] HHi:lii:llftj ~p~ftjmL~BJG ry 81i~t9B u~ulUmnmnm~ri HmimWG mrumii:lbIJLmgmtl t'2gHfiin unA ~mhmtl8tl~L~G ~ri~mmi~lLmu~mu~Q) ti:llruHllillG

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~ " Hmtnm ~

As Ulen sa id he could bring back the elephant and agreed to take the responsibility, the king tasked him to chase his animal by any poss ible means. Uten however suggested that 500 elephants be gathered so that he could select one of them as a beguiling elephant. He then decided to choose a white cow elephant Pal Pai. Before his journey to get back the elephant, he demanded that a large traditional rite be organized. Villagers flocked to the event. Upon the end of the rite, the boy set off with 3 hands of bananas and 3 bunches of sugarcanes. Approaching there, he was almost gored by the elephant. Because of the boy's power, the elephant knelt down as a way of respect before him instead. Uten commended that, "You from now on should give up your bad behaviour and be poli te as you were previously." He then handed over bananas and sugarcanes to the elephant, saying, "You come with me. Just with this short expression , the elephant followed him easily without any tie, as if he was the elephant's mahout for long."

Page 18: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one
Page 19: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

mthlhHililm~h3rnmirunLmgmilHn LmtGiLg~LU91m~lBIU amEl BilLU91Elilmm ~ruH~U mHUEllmilgmTI Bilmil91NtTI

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Since that day, the king rewarded Uten and gave him a title called "Chey the

Great", taking charge of elephant soldiers and elephants hunting. Royal

servants acknowledged and appreciated Uten for his bravery and skill in

dealing with elephants, as in every mission to hunt wild elephants, he used

only a few men to accompany him, and ,the elephants just followed him with

a few words he said to them. With affection and trust upon him, the king

treated Chey the Great like he were one of his sons.

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blJg13rumliJ 0a~ ~ml'HlrUJUnEin13ruUrultl~tlH Rmtl~mn C$ oc::.l.":I 01

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the age of 16, Chey the Great started to focus on his initial goaL He tried to devise a plot to liberate his country out of the control of Siam and to take reign in Cambodia, bring back with him the Khmer people and all properties both with. lives and without li ves. He then ordered 15 of his most reliable men to make small flat baskets and wooden soi l compacting tools, to fill in the baskets with feces of elephants and leave them dry before spreading them along riverside or roads. They used the compacting tools to stamp on the ground in similar shapes as those of the footprints of elephants, so that villagers reported it to the king when they spoted the signs and the king ordered him to hunt the elephants, while winning confidence from soldiers commanded by the king to join him in the hunting mission that they were the elephants' footprints was another objective.

Page 22: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

litllilntjnlNn bllmllb!)~m~tnTI SiUflilHG6JHtunrimH9fitjfi ~~~g ;i21~ti1il5mm94 Ui1U~ruLblmil6J Lg~~ LU~ ruH fJ[lU~~ 94 m H91filTI1 Lbl tt3rumB~m~tlG~Blg ~ ~ruHfJ[lULfilu~rum flJHLmm~~LuH'U ~ULg~ ti18Lmgruil~lilBtTIGtUmBlg bllgtmnB!rl~L~B BtltTIIflfi~~L~B ~Uiru~ H~ti1jtt3ru~94thtJru~ruLmU~mtl~§1B flflUU1rlU~ruu~ ~9m~nmBlg lilB tb1rumb!)~gi flJHLmH~m~lH~~lri~~gmhJtlflJtltltl ~mB ~t:llfi~ru LmmiLg~H~~lriLfiUrJru;JlHm LUmllnmB1g~~ruHtV1U mHUJrnm~tUmun6J~Lti1mBi~ru~ruHfJ[lU~g ~ bllgqjm~flfiJil Lmmi LU91BLm2mlin~Hllil1mblb!) ~U~~gllil1HBflflUU~lUUJrti1~UlilB ~

Witnessing such large footprints and feces of elephants flowing on river, the villagers reported the incidence to the king who then assigned Chey the Great to hunt the wild elephants. Chey the Great requested that hunting such large elephants could be succeeded only with large number of hunters and begui ling elephants, while those who joined him in the mission needed to listen to his command and a rite was held in

prayer for success. The king agreed with all of Chey the Great's requests and authorized him to decide on the matter

without prior approval. In the aftermaths of the event, the king gave him a royal sword, authoring him to kill whoever to obey his command.

Page 23: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

~mirntgililB\3~BC!>ri1~ L3rumNn~ru~fHnU''lnt~~~ruHtVUJtgftjU tgiU'i11J~ruumm1rnm • flJHLg~mfi1tU:vtu ~ru1J~tll§mHmNtTIHm

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nlBHHllirnL31BtnjmUlru HiHtuttuJjl::l flJHLrmf~mfi1tLliltuLllmtlmB m1JBHn~mlh~HJSl::ltgm~~lilBtutLH\j~mhUll::l· '1

Lil gmi Lg~ LI18 ntl m Bm Httuli fi rqtL31 ruJ tu n B tL31ruUllill::lli~ lil BtTItBlg c::o. oC:S • t.J C>}

tIln tlJliri~Hllmml::lm~LllmtlLgIlJ 11 tul::lJrutL31rutUl'JilllllirumJru '1

15 days later, Chey the Great was on half way to Cambodia. He sent a message to the king, saying that "My Majesty, I have been on the nearest track of the elephants, but we have now run out of food. So, please Your Majesty sends us more food supplies as soon as possible so that we could attain our mission." Because of his strong desire to get the elephants, the king without further ado sent him food supplies without consideration of property loss or any doubt.


Page 24: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one
Page 25: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

~ruHt1[lU blJ8UlB9~rnHliJj~Ut~Himl~Wmi fm~~tLllhmit9j~ G~B ri'i~ tU'ilruHfi NUlBt;lruUqfiUl~~u~hJrn~lm~j H1BUqfi~~~;Pru

• 0 • • o. • • o.::.l

leiU~UB j~ Hfi~ 8~ rn~lru2 B~l r1 rnHli Ell lr1 H 91~t n.1EllITl n.11flfi~lUUU lmfjurnm[18mJ~ B~QB"mn.1~EllR UlB~rnHfi~ru2Btt;lj NH1BH~n.1J tlGB~H~9ruEi~lmmitn.1jHUlB ~ ~ruHflJ1uNn.1ntliuJlll~u~Ei~fiLTI tLu~tgimb]QJ1rlruHfiLfqfit~j Juu~Quil91ftiirn'iUtgi9~rn1rlru ~ mill tgit;lrufit~~1rlru mrnmRfiO-!JlrnHlG1l~ mm f191[lRUr1tJ mt;l~ 1rlru l]1R Eim~DBtl1QBL~9JUHfi1QJ Nffm5~u5tHrn t~HBtruQJQB truQJt~ n11l Lnt H rn1j~t n.1u ff n.1 ~ leiuttfi ru uju~mn mu ~~ 8tmTI ru1~ LU QJ1U 2L~~~~UEi~QBtBiLfqfiUl~~U~ ~ tgU~ruHt1[lULUfi1n.12B~tifiLfqfi 1j~uJ1n1Ll12BtDmtfiru~llmi1~llL~mn1Lmu~i1~1 eitJtBiU~lrurnt~fi IlruftB81rnHfiLei~i1~Jry~Lmurn ~

" Chey the Great, upon receiving additional supplies of food from the king, continued his trip until he reached Battambang district, which was Khmer territory, 5days later. Many people from neighboring and distant districts offered to join the troops, including a former commander named Moeung and hi s 4 sons with an adequate number to fight against the Siamese king. Chey the Great wrote a letter and tied it to the neck of Chum Teav Pal Pai , the elephant messenger, in an attempt to invite his mother back to Cambodia. The cow elephant arrived at his mother's house in the midnight. The elephant dropped container up and down for 3 times; the mother was awaken as she thought that her son were back. She illuminated the light but did not see her son, except a letter. After she read the letter, she arranged for a trip, riding on the cow elephant hastily to see her son in Battambang district. Then Chey the Great announced that he was the son the King Chan Raja at Banteay Longvek and was returning to reign in succession of his father.

Page 26: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

t~iltsd~smiH'l!lii tthU1:llliummuujH t9~tm!imj:miiil~ilblEm1fi Bil~8tmgru'itnirnil t9~ tU~ ~mfljSlHmLi1Hntmtitll ~tmH1PrJ ttutlmrunrn tmnm~1~runtm2mdn tblHmilt9blJrnsrbXllllil rl~ rbXllllil liimi u'qni~nm~tS~rnftrnngblmHmi1:lto!lHrunHnr~t]~ ms nIl rumti~ ru H flllrJ fljtilti~~ ~~t:l tm8~ nt:ll tbl H91il ~ nnt:l nllmil ~glsry~fljlli ~

The story was widespread to the Siamese king who was consequently made angered and disappointed. He summoned meeting of military commanders and told them that Chey the Great had used the tricks to take possess ion of the royal sword and other properties both with lives and without lives to Cambodia. He commanded that his soldiers move to reclaim the properties and kill all relatives of King Chan Raja as well as his civil servants.

Page 27: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

~ rm1flI1UUlB~ oJiljijJ1fd111 ummHllfig~HfimH~t~lg 19t1rl ~ Blj uumu~m tllU1mliUumUlllj BljilnJljmrG~gftrt{)mfdUlllj0u1YJllil i~tifidirurJl~~rfitlUlmfirntUmun ~mB~mrlBg mrniBmummljHfd HBmBtifirun~mtfum~mg~rnmmHgmljU1m mBtmtumtHJlji~m mmmmljtfuB~9ruBljgmtujH it:hmtlUlm~m§iji1ifi ~tfuBlpm~ i~HJBljmHfiB~rni~ij i~mg~ijjlljBlj~rnitujH '1 "

Being infonned of the advancement of the Siamese troops, Chey the Great di scussed wi th his commanders, asking them to di scuss plots to defeat the Siamese as his so ldiers and weapons were limited. No one dared to assure him, except Commander Moeung, who declared war with the Siamese with a bizarre strategy - sacri fi cing his life to mobilize ghost so ldiers in waging a war against the Siamese soldiers.

Page 28: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

t9UU~lU~~fiml~igtfJ~tHlL'i ~l~~ ~tlm ~tHlL'i JG~r:3lfi tlnJ~t't.1L~lrGti~ml~itfm t~HJ8~Hll1mgi~~~flJ1Uti~n~i i mmmru1fEl B~t illlL'i t't.1'![lu 2 m mg tt't.1 Em HJ~U~lU~~'fi~ rur~ m~HtUHfi~U mfij~flm~filUfilt't.1m "f1JH~HtUtilllfi2lU~ rufiG~~fir:3lfiti~tU~GHjl~t~rutElg t~HJhr:3lghlEl~t~r~LilElJGFi

.":l '" I c:::. 00 0 U •

mlllm ttl t ElUGlHL'i GHlllfi3 9Glm31~tJ 9 ~HnG t't.1HHt't.1tilllfi n u.n ~ "" v ell ~o. I...., CII _ Co)

t't.1~H~fi~g m§flJlmgiLilElt1h~ £1f1Jm~finmmL~JJfU~G~l hlt9j~~rilllB Uil~B~mEl~ruttfiru 'I

ordered his soldiers to dig up a square grave of 4-meter size by 4 meter depth and put in some weapons for the commander to jump into death. Before jump­ing to sacrifice his life, Moeung asked the people to listen to his last message, saying that "Please try all your best in this war to liberate Khmer territory from the hands of our enemy, and I guarantee to he lp you with ghost soldiers. Upon 7 days of my death, if you hear such a sound as that of thunder, it means our success."

Page 29: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one
Page 30: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one
Page 31: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

9~UlijH~rur3ruUlii~u~ !ii~~ruHnr3ru~;p~ru fU~1~imim~Hylru~B~nf ~B~B~g~~rumlllU gm~mllb!lfU~~~yg i~1ll~ruifUjH1ru1f2 ~mmg ~glJ~~ru2BtJ~U\~fU9 g~lm~ruHflluJ~ruigimufU1iflihH'd ~nn~g~ ifUjH9U9ruHBUlB tlruigir3ruUlii~u~ i~fUlngilmu~rul~mrlrnH~iru1r fU~U1U lmiml9~lmUlllg~tlrul~9jUigilt'tlmfUjH1b!l '1

The Siamese soldiers arrived in Battambang, passing a canal currently known as Svay Daun Keo canal, where they were confronted by the powerful Chey the Great's soldiers and ghost soldiers. The Siamese soldiers were dizzy, stomachache, vomited and fell conscious. The soldiers of Chey the Great went to kill the Siamese soldiers, and some of them retreated to Battambang. They sent a message to report the incidence to their king who ordered a retreat to Siam.

Page 32: ~ H~~fil · 2016-06-21 · Banteay Longvek (1502 A.D.), Cambodia was still a dependency of Siam and regularly paid tributes to the superior kingdom. The Siamese king assigned one

fitlliln~nntlgblLm~tmH'JllU m£[lL~gjUHnfi1Em~ru1t] flj81~m~mim u~ru~ru '1 mU~~HFimmnmHn Lm~ruHfllUjUlSg~mllmfi~fljnUulru lltlj 2tlg~mEr1HmLm~ru11:ifNl Lm11:iiU;itln~mGuFi ~Bmiu~ru~ru '1

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~gLmH~UlmgjtlUUlrulltlJfljHJ~~2fUl~ttnru LgtlSmllit]!3m~lliJu

fm:~fljEfltHJtl ~!3m~1J1m~fi~mgLmH~ 2tlfi~mggn~t~1 LgBAmii~~g ttlliljq~fljtlm!3rn~tl10;rllil!i~mtihfljEfltHJtl rmtl~gJl1nHfJllU mum 9~SjH!3llU!3rnHnflj81~mg ~mim~gttllilj~gjtltinmtif1tltHJtl~9i1t] '1

The soldiers of Chey the Great returned to their fort, presently called Banteay Chey (Successful Fort). Ever since, Chey the Great was crowned and renamed Preah Chey Chesda, King of the Kingdom of Cambodia, reigning in Banteay Chey. While his reign was peaceful, he showed his gratitude to Commander Moeung, who sacrificed his life for him and Khmer territory by ordering that a significant memorial services be held in honor of Commander Moeung, a celebration which has become a traditional practice until today and called "Memorial Service in honor of Neak Ta Khlaing Moeung."

• Gil

The end
