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How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans...

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Chapter 1
Page 1: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

Chapter 1

Page 2: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

Guiding Question

How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts among them?

Page 3: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

The Native American Experience

This was covered in 1491 and other summer assignment work so we will not cover it in depth in our notes

Page 4: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the European Socio-Political Systems?

Monarchs and Nobles owned land/peasants would live on and work the land Nobles had both military and political power Established institutions of nobility, church, and

village provided a sense of security despite tremendous class differences, violence, and instability.

Page 5: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the European Socio-Political Systems?

Men governed families –patriarchal Christian teachings justified the man’s position

Page 6: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the European Socio-Political Systems?

Eldest son most important Children worked for their fathers into their

middle to late twenties Fathers chose spouses for children based on

wealth and status Fathers bestowed land to eldest son (a practice

known as primogeniture), which left many men landless and poor

Priority of eldest son meant that many men and women had no individual identify or personal freedom because they had no land.

Page 7: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the European Socio-Political Systems?

The peasantry – People who lived in small agricultural villages Farmed cooperatively on manorial lands There were tillage rights in exchange for labor

on the lord’s estates (serfdom) Output produced surpluses that fed a local

market economy Farming cycle was largely dictated by the

seasons and weather with busiest times of year being spring and fall.

Page 8: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the European Socio-Political Systems?

The peasant’s fate was constant labor with primitive tools

Compared to today, output was very small, roughly 1/12 of present-day yields Malnourished mothers fed babies sparingly

(boys preferred to girls) Half of peasant children died before age 21,

victims of disease and malnourishment Had strong ties to religion as a result of this

hardship in daily life.

Page 9: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.
Page 10: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the European economic systems?

Byzantine civilization In the first millennium A.D., Europe was

extremely backward and Arab scholars in the Mediterranean basin preserved the achievements of the Greeks and Romans in medicine, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and geography

Arab merchants controlled trade in the Mediterranean, Africa, and the Near East▪ They had access to spices, silks, compasses, water-

powered mills, and mechanical clocks.

Page 11: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the European economic systems?

The Italian Renaissance – In the twelfth century, Italian merchants pushed into Arab-dominated trade routes and carried Asian luxuries into European markets Commerce created wealthy merchants, bankers,

and manufacturers who expanded trade Wealthy Italian elites governed city-states as

republics They celebrated civic humanism and sponsored

artists including Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and others.

Page 12: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.
Page 13: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the European economic systems?

Italy’s economic and cultural revolution spread slowly to northern and Western Europe, which traded in wool, timber, furs, wheat and rye, honey, wax, and amber

rise of commerce favored kings over nobility They established courts and bureaucracies

that allow them to centralize power.

Page 14: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the European religious systems?

Oldest European religions were animistic Pagan traditions of Greece and Rome overlaid

animism with myths about gods interacting directly in humans’ affairs

Christianity grew out of Jewish monotheism to become the dominant religion Roman emperor Constantine converted to Christianity in

A.D. 312 and made it Rome’s official religion Roman Catholic Church became great unifying institution

in Western Europe Pope in Rome sat atop a hierarchy of cardinals, bishops,

and priests; every village had a church

Page 15: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the European religious systems?

Christians shared a common view of God and history through the church’s scholarship and teachings.

Priests taught pagans that there was a supernatural God who sent his son (Jesus Christ) to save humanity from sin

Pagan festivals were transformed into religious holidays and services

People offered prayers to Christ instead of ritual offerings to nature

Church also taught that Satan was a lesser and wicked supernatural being who constantly challenged God by tempting the people to sin

The spread of “heresies” (teachings inconsistent with the Church) by prophets was seen as the work of Satan.

Page 16: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.
Page 17: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the European religious systems?

The Crusades – In A.D. 632, the death of the Islamic prophet Muhammad saw the conversion of Arab peoples to Islam and the desire then to spread Muslim teachings

Between 1096 and 1291, Christian crusaders (armies) sought to reverse the spread of Islam and win back the lands where Christ lived Crusades solidified Europe’s Christian identity and spurred

persecution and expulsion of Jews Crusades also introduced Western European merchants to

trade routes from Constantinople to China along the Silk Road, and crusaders encountered sugar for the first time.

Page 18: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the European religious systems?

The Reformation – In 1517, German monk Martin Luther wrote Ninety-five Theses which condemned corruption in Roman Catholic Church and called for Christians to look to the Bible, not the clergy, for spiritual authority

John Calvin’s writings stressed human weakness, God’s omnipotence, and doctrine of predestination (God chooses certain people for salvation and condemns the rest to eternal damnation)

Thousands of Europeans converted to Protestantism and the Protestant Reformation triggered a Counter-Reformation and wars between Catholic and Protestant nations religious competition and conflict shaped European colonization of

the Americas in the 1600s and beyond.

Page 19: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the West and Central African socio-political systems?

Sudanic civilization – Emerged 9000 B.C. in eastern West Africa and traveled westward based on domesticated cattle (8500–7500 B.C.),

cultivation of sorghum and millet (7500–7000 B.C.), cultivation of cotton and production of cotton cloth (6500–3500 B.C.), and copper and iron production (2500–1000 B.C.)

Mtates were stratified and ruled by kings and princes

Monotheistic religion was distinct from Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.

Page 20: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the West and Central African socio-political systems?

West African empires – Three great empires grew from Sudanic origins: around A.D. 800, the Ghana Empire used

domesticated camels to pioneer trade routes across the Sahara to North Africa

Mali Empire emerged in thirteenth century Songhai Empire in fifteenth century

These empires were similar to Aztecs and Incas, relying in military might to control trade routes.

Page 21: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the West and Central African socio-political systems?

Importance of gold – Abundant in West Africa, gold was cornerstone of international trade and constituted one-half to two-thirds of all the gold in circulation in Europe, North Africa, and Asia by 1450.

Page 22: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the West and Central African socio-political systems?

Kingdoms and mini-states – West Africa’s resource-rich lower savanna and tropical rain forest regions were home to many kingdoms

Comparable to Italy’s city-states, these densely populated kingdoms relied on yam cultivation and gathering

They also fought frequently in a competition for local power.

Page 23: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the West and Central African economic systems?

For centuries, smaller states along the West African coast had few trading options

By the mid-fifteenth century, a new coastal trade with Europeans brought new options

European traders had to negotiate contracts on local terms, but they welcomed the chance to trade Asian and European goods for West Africa’s resources, including gold, grain, and ivory.

Page 24: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.
Page 25: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the West and Central African economic systems?

The slave trade – East of Africa’s Gold Coast, the Bight of Benin, an early center of the slave trade, came to be called the Slave Coast.

Page 26: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

What were the West and Central African religious systems?

Islam – West Africans immediately south of the Sahara learned about Islam from Arab merchants and Muslim leaders called imams They knew the Koran and built centers of Islamic

learning and instruction in cities like Timbuktu African animism – Most West Africans

acknowledged multiple gods as well as animistic spirits Kings were seen as divine, and ancestor worship

was important Rituals celebrated male virility and female fertility

Page 27: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

How did existing systems change as a result of contact?

Portuguese Expansion In 1420, Prince Henry of Portugal founded a

center for sea navigation in the south of Portugal Looking for a way around North Africa to the

South and East Explorers from Henry’s center designed new,

better-handling vessels (caravels) and claimed the Madeira and Azore islands for Portugal

In 1435, they sailed to Sierra Leone and exchanged salt, wine, and fish for African ivory and gold.

Page 28: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.
Page 29: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

How did existing systems change as a result of contact?

Portuguese Expansion Genoese (Italian) traders cooperated with

Portuguese and Castilians and discovered the Canary and Cape Verde Islands to which they exported Mediterranean agriculture and familiar cash crops.

Page 30: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

How did existing systems change as a result of contact?

Portuguese Expansion The sugar islands – Europeans conquered the

Canaries, the Cape Verde Islands, and São Tomé and enslaved the local populations▪ planters transformed local ecosystems to

agricultural colonies where they produced wheat, wine grapes, and, where the climate permitted, sugar.

Page 31: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

How did existing systems change as a result of contact?

The African Slave Trade Slavery was widespread in Africa, and slaves,

used as agricultural laborers, concubines, or military recruits, were a key commodity of exchange

slaves were central to the trans-Saharan trade Between A.D. 700 and 1900, an estimated

nine million Africans were sold in the trans-Saharan slave trade.

Page 32: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

How did existing systems change as a result of contact?

The African Slave Trade Europeans’ entered into the slave trade in

1482 when Portuguese merchants exploited and redirected the existing African slave trade▪ First, they enslaved Africans to work on sugar

plantations▪ they sold slaves in Lisbon▪ After 1550, the Atlantic slave trade expanded

enormously as Europeans established sugar plantations in Brazil and the West Indies.

Page 33: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.
Page 34: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

How did existing systems change as a result of contact?

Sixteenth-Century Incursions Columbus-Castilian monarchs Ferdinand II and Isabella subsidized

Christopher Columbus’s (supported by Genoa investors) exploration of the west. In August 1492, three ships traveled 3,000 miles to present-day Bahamas, which Columbus believed was part of Asia; he called the region “the West Indies” and the people “Indians.” Columbus returned to report to the Spanish monarchs that, while he had found no gold, he had heard stories of gold on other islands

Three more trips to the New World saw Columbus colonize the so-named West Indies for Spain, but no golden fortune for the king and queen. German geographer labeled the continents “America” after Florentine explorer Amerigo Vespucci, who had argued that this region was not part of Asia but a nuevo mundo, or a “new world.”

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Page 36: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

How did existing systems change as a result of contact?

Sixteenth-Century Incursions The Spanish Invasion – Spanish explorers probed the

mainland for gold and slaves In 1513, Juan Ponce de León and Vasco Núñez de

Balboa reported on explorations and encouraged veterans of the reconquista to invade the mainland

1519–1521 Hernán Cortés and his army (aided by European diseases) conquer the Aztec Empire and the Mayan city-states of the Yucatan Peninsula

1524–1532 Francisco Pizarro and his small army conquered the already weakened Inca Empire, making Spain the master of the New World.

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Page 38: How did political, economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts.

How did existing systems change as a result of contact?

Sixteenth-Century Incursions Cabral and Brazil – In 1500, Pedro Alvares

Cabral and his fleet discovered Brazil By the 1530s, Portuguese settlers began to

create sugar plantations worked by Native Americans, but African slaves gradually replaced them

Brazil became the first American example of the plantation system.
