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. . l . . TliE SOUTHEASTERN·,

• • (Mflclal' Organ or the .SoutHeastern State

Teachers' College_. _ -PubUshed ~eekly by the s. s. T. G. in

the interest or Education in Southeastern Oklal:()ma. - ' · · &ubscr·Lptlon price 50C ;per year.

~ --Entered as secondd!lass matter October

4, t922, at Du~ant, Oklfahoma, under the Act · or August 24, t9t2. Acceptance I for mau-. tng_ at special rate of postage provided ror !n section t 103, Act -or October 3, _1J}17, authorized OCtober 4, 1922. ~

. ------------------------. MONDAY, JA,NUARY 14, 19·24.

• •



• •

T.he Southeu,stern

• •

' • • • • i

Sa v,ages won •

the first Oklahon1a I~ter ... Collegiate Conference game over E~st Central at Ada last Thursday everuing in a

.,. • t I ~

hard fought game by seore pf 28 to 2 7 . The first half ended with the .

Savages leading 12 to 11 and 'soon '. . • • _- . after the be~innhig of the s econd I .

l · '


{ . I : .. . , •

half the Sav.a·ges ran the SCOlie up ' t o 2 2 tJo. 11 and ·then r~sted, feeling

I·· More· than half of the ~hildren of secure, only t o find .Ada ·Creepimg up

. school ~ge 1 in Cu ha do QOt receive on the1n . . ~ .. any educatib n at all, a-ccordiQg to a · ,. Pinker·ton was th-e r eal star of the ·

· m;es.sage !fr.e»m the president of the gan1e, scoring f,ive field goals and Republic to congress. Jlt is esthnat.- n1 a ny of; them. at dif.ficult " angles . ed t•hat 1no'rie than 12,000 . new clas'3- Captain Fannin and Witt . each roonts ar'e needed to provide ipiaces caged three goals from the field. for these children. Many owners nf Their playing '":'l::s· wonderful , each buildings h hve ofife red ftee chi~<>- covering the field in excellent s~pe ro(nn sp81C.e 1 t;o boar9s of educa•tion, a nd h-andling the ball handily. Their and additio~al c la.sses will be inst~ll - go·als were caged at long dis·tances ed as 'early as .. pos~ible . By the pro- while close ly guar:~-ed. The court ,be-

. visions of 81 ~aw paased in July, 1923, ing sm~an, which ~Hh a five- 1 · 1

it . is n.c~ possible t'o remedy in part fense, tnakes all goals that are ~he grea·~ ~t;J~prtage of teacher~ whic!i to be I ft•om a dista.nce.

. has been one of ;the great~st_. prob- rr·h,e g\ll :!lrding 10•f Stringer and l Je~rs in C~ij.ari ~.ucation. . ¢Beaty wa-s excepion~lly cla$sty. ·~hey

I kept t.he Ada men covered and .their ' . + goals we r e alw~ys of the lucky spec-

~\~. ill: n, . . ~reg~•rY · · tacul~~r type. ~triQger ca ged on~ · . Acld~ses 1 Large Assentbl~· beauiful goa.I shot running at ful1

· spe~d.

. Re~. D. B .. Gregory; of the First resbyteri~p C~uvC'h, addressed the tudents a•t the 'first assem·bly of the · e-w Y.ear. The theme was on· C.hr'is-

. I •

· tan Influence. Rev. Gregory,, in h 1~ t.J ..

• ·-----+- - - - -I . .

S:\ \._.t\GRS TROUNCE '


· · xcellent address · 'Called attention The Southeastern Savages, . playing witho.u t the .service:s ·of the star guard S tringer, d e feated the Bapti.st Blisons

• o the f~act alt•houg,h a co·mparative-

f the United States \has any church I

. ~~ fflllation alt all,' yeJ tne in f~'Uence ·f . ChristianJ·ty •is. fel i-n every walk

' ' I

f life .. He ' call , a ten·tion to - th e act that althoug. ~ n'o· state institJ­~fon permit~ the tewc~i.ng of any par­icUI1ar reLigious cr~ed, yet in e~ery tate educational instiotution .. there


revails the~· CbristHtn infiuenc-e. The I , , . Jteynote of his &Ji)eech was that the

. ~-eginnln.g of .. the' mew year wa~ aJ

,good time to re-consecrate our-selves •

the tatSk ·of preserving the socia 1. , ucatfonal -~ and reUgious princJples

o.ur f.orefather$. ,. .

• . '

, , Rev. McKtinney, of t·h~ First B~i:>-•

t . Church .,.:Was" p~esenj ·and as~st-An 'in the devotion a I 'exercises of ·the

t • • •

• •

• ... • - . •


a.t Sh,3,w·nee by sc.c're (}If 24 t6 16. . ·The first half ended by score of 8

to 6 in favor: of the Savages. Duri'ng • -r

the las t half ,Coach Godfrey changed · the of·fense and the score suqdenly ohanged. Captain Fannin W418 the

. ·~

sc~r.ing ·star m·aking .five baskets from the field, lin addition to l'lis covering the whol,e court. Currin re--. .

placing Stringer, looked mri·ghty good in his ·first game m'~llking three bas­kets. Pinkerton looped in two p-retty shots. Witt, playhig a purely defen­sive game, caged but one ba-sket and R~ruty was _c<?ntent po. I keep his for·­w~ard covered -and not attem·ptlng to seore. , ...

The game was well .played. and en-tirely ' free .fram roughness. 1

• •

• • •





• •

. · Supt. E.. L . .. Rodman of the Ant Iers pu blilc schools, Mis.s 1 Florence Graves Mille r, f,o.rme rly county ~u­

perintend~n t of Latimer cbunty and - •, President H. G. Bennett of S·outh- ·

. eastern St~te Te·3,ohers C:ollege were


appoin<ted as delegates from South-eastern Okla homa · to the Nationar

Illiteracy Conf.erence W·hi-ch .is ·meet­ing in Washington , D. C., 'this week .

I • . . r . Lat'·s show East Central ,some rea l . .

College s·pirit on January 17th.

-------· . ("J_.A\-TON \VINS TWO ~


L ast ·Fr:iday . and Sa turday the •

Oa}'lt'On 1fan s wate hed the loca-l .Bull Dog five •fight the Antlers Bear Cats t o r two g~.mes. The first game end­e d with. a score or 8 to 1. .The Clay-ton boys h e ld the vi~ito{s, -for one f c·ul goa l. . T he second game w:3s a battle from beginning to end. The Bear Cats were detern1ined ·to win from the i sta rt and irt loo.ked like .it might be any.body's game ·until the last .thr.ee n1inutes of play when . the local five g.d_t a t'hre~ . point lead that the visito-rs could not . gain. Score .

. I

19 to 2 2. · . ·. I

---------·-· .---~~ •

E ast Central will be surpr.isQd to r.ee how OUR Alutnni ·support US .

·----,.--- -·-----:--·STUDENT INJURED JN


Virginia 'Pyree had her arm br.oken .

last week when an automobile in . I •

which she ~nd three other .girls were ridi~g. t~rn'ed ·over on West E~m St. T.h'e othe t occupants :o f the car were not injured . M-i-ss Tyree will be a,ble to res ume h e r sohool work in a fe\o\' -days .

--·------~. ·------------That East Central game is going

to be ·-a rip-snorter. • .

t • ·-------- --

I l


, < • -

Boy and girl pupils at Utica school Bryan Cpunty rea-lized $,372.60 net fron1 ei-grut a-cres of cotton they 'planted and tended themselves tins

. year. They are buying tplay gri>und· equipment with the money .

• • • •



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: M NDAY, JANUA Y 14, 192'4.


Each ind.i:~idual or ol"lganization must ~omply with tihe rules w·hich ·require that ~they r _bnder selections

are given belo . Ot•clu~st'ra S ections

Class A (Not more than twenty instr.uments . .) - l

Each Orche~tr.a J il-l pl J,y "Hu.n­garia n Dance No. 5" Brahms, R. E. Elildreth arnangement, pub1Lshed

I - ~

by Walter Jacobs. Inc -1 , Boston, Mass. · and one sele~tia:n o!f its own

Cllass B - ( N (j)t n1ofre ·than instruments.) · ·

choice. twelve

Each Orc hestra wlill play "Poet and P eas•ant" F. '!on Suppe, ar­r £.n gted hy J . s: Seneiy, Pu l}lished

by Carl Fische r, Inc. , Cooper Sq ua rP.,

Ne'v Y·ork , and one ot'her selection of its own choice.

GirlS' , ~l(l'A Club Class A · (Nfne voices with


d ent accompanist.) j


Each Glee C·lu·b Will sing "Brid::1l Chorus" from "The Rrose Maiden" By Cowen. (three par ~horus) Theo Presses. Musi~ pu bli hers, Ph iladel-phia. Pa., and one election of its

I •

own . choice. • •

Class B-(Nine . -VOICS with stu-

d~nt accom.panist.) E r;tch Glee Club wi 1 sing "Lulla-,. .

•· hy" BrahmiS (three part chorus.) C. C. Birch ·N·d , Bos•ton, Mass .. and

. . one sele~tion of its 0 n choice . I •

Ro~rs' Qua-l ettt'l '

. ' Class A (Student acc,O:mpanist.) E~h Quartette wi ' l sing "Ab­

sent," Arthur P. Sc;h idt Co .. Musi ~

Publlishers, Bost.c'n, ass., and one other selection O•f its own choi€e.

- .

I Cla.ss B ( Studenrt accompanist.) Each Quartette wi I sing "Stars

-of a Su.mmer Night," C. C. Bircha.rd r.G .. Boston, Mass., · and one

· · of · its own choice. selection

Piano ~lee ions •

E~tch conJ:estant wtll p h l.Y "Soar-1 I "

ing,'"~ Op. 12 No. 2, ~humann a!Jd one of the 'following: ·

1. _"Imp.romptu," 1 flat. Op. 9Q, No. 2, Sch-unert.

2. 3.


6 .

, 'fQra votte," Bac -Sit:. . "Prelude" · fro 'Suite; Grieg. "Nocturne," Gri~g . 1"La Fileuse," ~af.f

Mason.) I

. Saens. H.ol,berg~s


>: "En Ooutant." odard. • I '

• •


• •

• -9 . l , . •

• . . ER~ • • •

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• PAGE •

"Armenian W:~d <I(tng by Rockw·ay. ·

Mar~h," ·'southeastern Sta.te -Te;a~;hers Cplle e ~

~ . and can Qe secured from · her for 5 , . 8 . .

9 . "At the Oo.nvent," Borodin. . centS' e aoh. No other selection c~ "lmprovi.sation," p p. 4 6, N.~. 4 be used. They are as lfollows: t MacDowell. '~ ' · . . Message to Garcia. . . · ·

The New South. . · 10. "Dan~e Creole," Op. 9 4 , Cham-• <.

ina de. I Cross of Gold. • • •

The above selec tions may be ob- Otir Country. •

tai~ed -fron1 Carl Fischer or Jenkins . I

Mus ic Company_, Kansas City, M·o. Ina1:1~ural Address of Roosevelt Th.e Spiri of Abraham Lincoln: •


Violin Selections llut·nnt. ·.High D~fea.ts Shcr-tn~ ~

Each contestant will.~ play· ... 'Rondi- _ no, " Beethoven-Theme-Krie.sler and one selection ·from •the !.f•o·ll.owing:

. The Duran t high school team ip .

' •

I -

' '

I •

\ 1. "Le Cygne," (.The Swan )." C. •

the f;irst .gan1e .or the seas·on def.eafl- ) · _ ed <the fast Sherman, Texas high .· •

Sairut ·Saens. · I

"Largo," Hand-el. • 2. 3'. "Salu t D' Amsur,"' ( Love's­

Greeting) El'•gar. 4. "Souvenir." Drdla. . -5. "Ases Tad ," · (Ase's Death ~ )

Grieg. These selecfions n1ay be obtained

frotn C .::.rl Fischer. •

Oh·ls' R~~tding Select.ions Each contestant tnust. r ead one of

the following sel~tions, prepared • •

esp~ially for t-he contest. Th.ese· ·-se-. '

lections are cut to •the right length '

by Mrs. Mamie R<iward Martin}


S o.u t.heastern State Teachers College · ' . '

and can be secured from Jler ·for 3 5 cents ea~h. No other selection can

' be used. The readings are as follow s·: •

I. 1. A few B a.r s in the I<ey of G .

.. . _ s~hopl iri a on·e sided ~~me by seor1 -.

of 25, .to 8 · Friday night. The visitor, ' ' . were n·~ ·n)atch for the Nolen eager . ·

. - ! ~

Durant. in their first game, look.e4r 'm ighly ·:good and s·~ould give th~· teanl$ o f Oklahoma a hard fight fo .

_ th e title'. . - • • . • - ----· .

• • .-\ Rn~IORE HIGH HAS · .


• •• •

I . . l

I l

:TEAI\f • <


2. A Wotnan 's Eye. · i J .

3 . ':Dwo Proposals. 4 . Delores Defies -the J{in·g .• fi. 6 .

The Christian . On1mirandy.

Bo~·s' Voice Selection , . · Eaoh contestant will sing uBanjo

Song" by Home r. This s eleetion may - I '

be •Olbtained fron1 J. W . Jen~ki~s' and -Sons Mus ic Co .. or any ·othe·r .music house.

I •


T.he first· ~Semester ended January , - ~ 1·th ~ ~nd the new term b~gan /todaYJ.

The ~ Marietta. ·bask-etbll Jl ·team -

split _a double h eader -with Sherman. Texas hig.ii school · on Jan~ary 4 a~~ _ 5. Marietta won the first 20 to 15 ,and· lost the second 21 .to 15. They

Girls' Sop••n.no Selec~ion .: .. · nH~t . ~ainesville' last Friday. al"lied-• • • •

Eac h contestant will sing "Sum- · _ta will enter the Oil Field bas ~baiJI.

mer Wind.'' by Bischoff: This seiec-· - tourna-ment Februa.ry 29 and March . . , tion may be obtained from J: W :· Je.n- l ·st. • , I . k tn s ' Sons .Music Co., Kans·as City.


or. a ny music house. .'

Girls' Alt.o Seleetion •

• --------+-------- . -· Recent.ly ther~ ~as been or~ani~~? · under the"' · directilon -o·f Prof. ~ J. 'W.

.. I •

- I

Each eontesta.nt will sing "Jean" Fletcher. ,one of the livest b~..1nches . - . . ' ' . by Burleig-h. This selection rna~ ·be ~f g~rl.s fou~d ~nywhere. This 1 bunch tOtbtatnea from J. W. Jenkins' Son~ - fs · known _as the Clayton Yellow ·


• • •



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r ~ J. : --.: r -~

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. I· l·

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Music Co., or any other music house . Jackets. T.he n~~e. exactly su~ts the · .. Boys' I><_>,clantat.ion Selections · "' : bunch for they put oa bit of stink

. . . • :. ~ I -

Each· conte.Sitant 1nust read one :>f . inte the basketball games and force . - , . the f.ollowing selections - prep~red . ~ v_ictory .for ·t:te Bull Dog quiptet ; : . especially for 'the co~test. T~ese se:.. , most of . t~~ir games. Mr. letch I

• lecti.cn.s are cut to the right length , -says_ h~ w;Jt put them upt aga· st t-h ·.

I ' •

by Mrs. Man1ie Howard Mar.Un. "pep" oi any school in t.b~ - sta • •

. ' .

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• -.. FORUM

• -•

The Forum Literary $Q(Uety, at their regular meetlng last Tuesday evening, enj,o.yed ·the following pro-

• · grom: •


I •

• •



... .

I i •




---1 •

. t is Tery interesting to note th:1t

- 1

1. Business S·essio""'n . 2. Roses to

Shaw. .

the . Living, Ralph J. !

3. The Necess·ity and valu.e flf Literary Club Activli·ty, Frank.lyn 0 . ...

Fry. ... : . f thf Alum:ni o~ So_ut~e a re i .

sh · ~ng more and ·more · ln .

. 4. Stage- F~lg&t tand its Cons~-

. quences, Carl Mcintire. I So thea$tern's ath·letic Dur

. I dn t~e footb~l. _seasqn ey 'beg.an

1 ~to" make their p felt on t~e ..• :1 st lines,- a .nd by the ti e the. season ' ·! .. :~}dsed nearly every t i~ " brought

• •

• •

s~ · e alumni t,G Burant to. ;witnes~ ' th gamles. They were never disa,p­

: -po noted · in their team. From lett~rs· \ . '

:r rte.ived ~rom many of the l{)yal onr s there has been a Ptt~lbd of: lonesom;e­ne s .stn~e there were, nol· g a.mea to

l go to and for ·that reason Janu.arv • ft !a •

, 17th will be he.a.rtily welcomed by r •

those who l:ove t,oa see Southeastern • •

wd . · Eaat. ·eentral com~s ito Durant on that date. and •irt is a safe ·bet that

I . • I

h u drede of loyal alumni wJll arrive on l the •m:e d•iLte. SuMice tt · to s3jv th~t ~Sou~ eastern has the best ba~­

.~e all t.. that has ever .represent- . ·ed the coli and one of which all

• •

the alu~nl ill be proud OI]ce they •

see th~ work. It is hoped - that tno alamni will show an active in-

. t t in 1 th,~ College and its athlet-

• • •

y coming to th~ _ gamess when­o·• posaJb~.·and by sbreading South­

rn ·o~pel wherever they go. , r ,

' Graduates In • .:

adJa11 City Schoo1s •

. , . D. L. Roe of the Canadian ,.


. schools .has four Southeastern·

gra u1a.tes in . h,is sch oo 1 system, w•h h Is one of the best sy-stems in P~t bUJWI county. He says ttitat the nor I al trained teachers thave add~d


Hfe ~ •the sehaoi· w.ork in Cana. •

. Mr. Ro~ is working hard to'

, .

f>· ·Value o-f . Music, Blair Mcin­tire. ·

. l). The Benefits ' De~iv~ from a . L~terary Society; Carlyle Mc-Anninch.

• • •

The Forum. Literiary Society h 3-s

challenged the ~eeels·ia LitE1rary So­ciety to a debate •to be helc!l during

Better Engl!ish 1 Week in F 8jbruary . . The a!Jsem·bly; on Janu·ary ~1·, ' 1924

will be in {!barge of th-e F.orum Lit­erary S.dciety. To ·be sure the Fi>rUnl .

· leads rthe way as it is the leading Literary Society in · S•outhea$tern .

+ •


. I

The .~ccJ.esi-a Literary Society ·ueld . -t-heir elect ion of officers 'last T.h urs-. day evening wUh a splendid 8Jttend-

anee and excellent ·pr.ogram. ~ chal-lenge ·f.orr an inter-s9ciety debate fron1 the Forum was accepted~ . At

.. .n •.

.this meeting -the followtug o~ficers

for the comit,lg semester . wen.e elect-. ' ' · ed: · :


President, 1 William L . Wilh.ite, Ga-ston, Arkansas: -Vice President, Robert Stricklin,

• Utica. ·

~secl'!etary-:-Treasurer~ Hazel 'l'ate, . . : . Siloam Springs, Arkansas . . .

Critic,- Ethel Moseley, Durant . ~eporter, Sylvita Harris, Achille. Do~r K-eeper; Ramond Hill, Du-

rant; 1 ., .. Sergeant-·a·t-arms, Ben Ogden, Ben -

. t f 4 n 1ng on.. . .. ' •

I < •

e his acholols Super Model School, This live socf.ety has about sixty

' I •

mem•bers and is . ~a.pidly .g+rowing.-

, .. ,

• 0 ' •

at~ lanned .by State Superintendent M.l . ·~aah. · They '\lave ... good play


gr~ nd. apparatus which· .bas added in~ est to school lite. \ ' . ~

• • 'll ' • I

• I

Th~ regu·lar m-eeting of the Eccle-• • •

sia is every ~esd.ay evenln~ . •

The · fol)Jo.wfng , program will • be rendered tomorrow night: . _.,.

a • • 1.. "What can Literature do for

me," Milton Burton. . . . Y'O' a .graduate c Southeas-t · ; ~er.n. · It eo, send your n me and ·•. 2. Story (S.elected) Mrs. ' Hoit.

I .

' ' . . I ~

ad«if1Ms t~ the Alumni Se1e tat"IY. He wtshlee rt~ commu·n·lc&te ''Wi~ . elach

adju·ate ~n .l~portant .busine'. .- · ·. - •

• •

\ . • I

\. •

• 1 •

• •

• . '

1 • 3.. Proph~sy of Ecclesia for 19 2 4, Ben Ogde~. - .

' 1 · 4: Original Rhyme:' C,antest. I

• • •

' • • ~ . • ' .

• 1 ; I

• •

-· • • • • •

M.QN.DAY,t JANUARY f, 1924 .. . .



' D .. C .. ·

• •

- • •

President Bennett of Sgutheastern · . ·Jeft tfor W·a~hington last Tuesday to . . attend the National Illf.teracy Oo.n-

. ' vention whicli is' in ·session there. He I . ;

was selected . by Governor TraPt> · as ' ~ t

one .of the delegates ,from Oltlaho-. -. rna. P.reside111t Bennett will· brjng back t.o Southeastern Oklahoma . much which will be of assist·~mee in the flt~ht the co)lnty and city S\lfPer-

• I

intendant@ are ~'aking to eliminate illiteracy in tllis part of Ok•lahoma .

I . ' ~ . ---------·---------~ . I STUDENT COUNCIL IS

• 9-


• -:._ The meJB.b.ers of the . Student Council have been meeting regular-. ly ·the . past 'veek checking up :On de-linquent students thereby stren.gth~ · ening the Horuo~r System.. · The· fol-. ---lowing are members of the Student

' I \ . Council:

James Wright, Leon, President. · • •

John~ ~ones, Antlers; College Sen-ior Class R~presenarttive. l


Esther Clark, San Angelo, Texas, .. . N ormai Seniors. ~,

Rob~rt Striaeklin, Utica, Freshman Class.

' Carl" Mclrutire, Durant, Senior ·Pre-·

paratory Depa~tment ·class. . Homer Mc¥re,· Durant, 'I'hird ·

Year Class. I

· Oscar Smith, Bra-gg, First Year . Cl-ass.

~· -------·----· ~----•


It was nec~ary: .to delay t'he 11- · literacy Editor· of THE SOUTHEAST­~RN because 'the

1 ed~tor · .has not re- 1

.ceived a reply trom ·m~ny of -the let­ters sent· out for· inform~tion . rela­tive to tbe cam'Paign ~th~t is being

. waged in southeat~tern Okl~ahom·a w " • • •

eUptinate JIHrteracy in this paar.t o! the state. The edition will be print­ed next week ·whether all reports are in ~r not. 1 .

We expect 1o print a rep()ri of our delegates ~o the National lllft­eraey Canferen.c~ wh)ch is in session

. this ·week iQ. W~hin~-on. . · !: . ~ . . '

Cpme early and get a seat for -the ·_ '

basketba~l court is ~oing to ~~ fflled to its ca·pa:ctty on tile. ·t 7th.

. •



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