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IIJ' ) •tor example, on the south aide of Chica&P 1 may oco.aa1

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Page 1: IIJ' ) •tor example, on the south aide of Chica&P 1 may oco.aa1



Page 2: IIJ' ) •tor example, on the south aide of Chica&P 1 may oco.aa1


Dear lAr-a. RooH"Yelt:

WilUauport, Pa. II"J' ) • 194 7

I should like you to hue a OOPT ot • poea whioh I have compoaed as • t ribute to your bua'band, a ~ great Ameri.C&Jl.

I a aendine a COP1 to the Women' a D1Y1a10D, De110cratic llational CoiM!it tee, Wub.lagton, D. c. !or publication in•?bo DoJDOC:r&t.ic Digest" .

It you have any other sucgeation a tor publishing th13 poem I 3hall a~c1&te the intoraation.

Dorothy P. te~le 330 Pino St. \lilliamoport, Pa.

~cJ7.~ Dorotb;T F. Y •0181•



Page 3: IIJ' ) •tor example, on the south aide of Chica&P 1 may oco.aa1

Shipe At S..

A ah1p • ao aalli.n& out on tbo ... , ~~ out with tbe otor1117 Udo , DrirtiJl& &l.ollc aoarJ¥ loot wu aha tlith nood or a atrona hand to ,.wlo.

Tho name of tho ahip wu •Unole Su•

A.'l<l tho lllilllono aboard it -That the ah.ip wu •'' 'ns off ita cour .. But th401 lcnow not what to do,

Hllll8or and r oar bod grippod their hoarta And tboir load wu bard to bear; When out of 4arkneea e&M a ray ot hope A Upt ohod "" tbeir d01pair.

A now captain to sail their ahip To ,uid.o it back ou i t a oourae, •we have nothi.D& to fear but tear 1te.lr 1

And tho people raioed their beoda; Ho-pe wa8 born in turbulent hearte Their faitb wao renewed a,gain .

Ob, he coul.d not walk tho atGMI\7 dook And n -aor • • capt.aiA& bold But rroCl his chair he gUdod tbo obip And atoerod it baok ta•ard ito goal.

Aa it aailod on rltb a Uptor load J.nd aet other e.htpe on ita •q, Tb.oa., •hl ch w re UDder oppreaaora' ha.nd.e He hel ped theCl to rind their ""7,

Then on U>at•~or intUIT" ?ore.er in hietor,r written lly tho t reachorouo - or an eDOIQ' His own great abip was. atrioken.

Hio people otocd unitod :!'.l&hti.n& aide b)' aide, 1'h401 and their allies had noar:t:r C!'Uahed Tho toe •ho had dared to ria•.

Their captai.o had DO't'ar toltored 1lb1la leodi.n& hi• callant -l But t171.n& tioeo hod taken their toll Ria 411 ot re•t • •• due.

Then quiet-'¥ ona April ~

Ood ceat:t:r took hio -tod hia out or tbia trouhied .... w Ioto a Paac.rul ~.

A ary aroee troa tho ahipa at aea, Crioo or Qrief and loao • It ca.. t"rCCa the hearta ot •ll r-4nk1nd

A.U ool.or•, r&cea and erMde, Par ho had lO't'ed hie fellowlo<on And given hia lite to their needo,

Aa the ohipa at aea aall oc th<oir •a:r Kew roCiDoa to explore The ehini.n& l.l&bt or their captain' . !aitb Shall guide thllm tor&Vorlf'Ore .

A tribute to; Frantlin Delano Rooae•elt

'lfritten b7: Dorotll;r II, Pre-r Ieacla

Page 4: IIJ' ) •tor example, on the south aide of Chica&P 1 may oco.aa1


Page 5: IIJ' ) •tor example, on the south aide of Chica&P 1 may oco.aa1



Page 6: IIJ' ) •tor example, on the south aide of Chica&P 1 may oco.aa1

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.8. ); u. i.k....c @ • .... ~ tr·· ·~.~.-~-c. a.}u. :..I @, LL .i. 7L .1 .. Uu :Jl .. l.. .

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Page 7: IIJ' ) •tor example, on the south aide of Chica&P 1 may oco.aa1

lll'a. JUeanor Rooae•elt 19 Waahinfton Square Weat Hew York 1, •· Y,

Dear lll'a, RooaeYelts

ff~J~~ IU'7 llaJ7laDd Aft , , Apt , lB OhlM&O a'7 L IllSAoia lla7 •• 1116'1

Bnoloaed TOU will tiM eipt aaJII)le nenpaper col- Uld a ahort explanation ot their parpoao,

I teal certain that TOU will be ~atbetio with the idea behind theae colu.na, anc1 I hope that TOU think •• well that tb1e idea baa been exeoute4 ettect1••1T, It tb1a ia the oaae, would TOU pleaae write .. a l etter to that etteott

117 p l an ia ailaple: I ha•e had ao~ newapatar experienoe, aa an Arrq Correa pendent in Blarope ( P. R, o, ) , blllt not enough to get an aaa1gnaent lnlob aa I M-•• outlinacl on the t ollow1ng pagea without aom. outai4e aeaiatanoo. I aa, t heretore, aending theae ool~ to a tow intluent1al people in t h e hope that thaT will belie•• aa I do, that th1a work 1a moat urgent , an4 wUl help .. to 1n1t1ate it, either bT -king wggeatiOIIa aa to bow it .s.gbt be •4• 110re etteot1•• or bT arming .. with a tew letter• ••Tin&, in ettoot, "I th1nk that th1a 1a a good idea and that TOU are capable ot hanclling it,•

Por I aa ccn•inced. that ao• ncb prograa aa tb1a, Whioh atteapta to explain one oontuaacl, wapioicnaa c'lll.tura to another, 1a badlT needed, And I aa, ot oourae , equallT oon­•inoed that I aa capable ot contributing ao~~~etbing in tb1a we.y.

Writing troa an apar taant on tbe aouth a14o ot Cb1oap, it 1a dittic'lll. t to indicate all that aipt be aooo.pliahacl 1D auoh a aerioa ot ool-, and it .. T bo that I aball ha._ to begin, on., o-, troa Bl&rope, thlder nob c~tanoea, howenr, ., •taT ai&ht bo both bl'iot and 'IIDOoatortabla, I aball atl'\lg&le •1&ht11T to get a aponaor botore a14·• 1r, an4 &nT aaaiatanoe that TOU oan giYO .. will bo graatlT appreciatacl,

It TOll tool tbe noacl tor -ro 1Dt_t1_, I ~4 bo &lad to proYidO it at &a7 OODYOiliant ti.a duJoinc ,._ YiaU M Oh1oago later 1.n tho .aDtb,

y_. tJ'I&lJ'.

~.) ~ ~. '\--\...._ __ Iober• 1, Yo~

Page 8: IIJ' ) •tor example, on the south aide of Chica&P 1 may oco.aa1

.. r.~

A la.rs& number ot the aounotle, o~tteea, en4 &II001at1c:c. coooemed th tho Pltsbt ot tbe World, Wile d1ttGriDS Oil J11AD1 1l1ue1, aar'WI CD ODe tbJDB.

1'be7 all oro corto.1n tbat tbe1r po.rt1cul4r ~ cao be oucceootul. 0111.7 it 1nto:rna.t1onal eu.ep1o1on 11 101110hov loeeoned. It 11 abaolutel7 peceeaarr, tboy dccido periocUoallT, thAt the caaon pooplo 1n one nation u.n4eratan4 the C-OIDOil

people ot other natione .

It eoem.e to mo, hCN&Ybr, that in epito ot t ho vut uount ot tbeoridna dono by our altrutetic political, rGUstoua, an4 educational gt'OUpa, thoro bat boon very 11 ttlo aecocpliahed. at a pn.ctiul loYOl. 'lho people alona m:t etl'eet 1

tor example , on the south aide of Chica&P 1 may oco.aa1<.:aall1 nad of a report on Franco c:ado in ~bo Cb1COIPJ Council on Joreifpl Bolat1011e but tbolr undorotondilll! ot a French ~vo 1n tho U.H. te not sroatlY inoroaeed.

I believe tbe.t tho groeteat 1na1sht into tho et.ctione ot other nattona, en4 into our O\lll, in our relutlona v1th the=, may be Qained trca a 1tudy ot thotr attitude t owrd ua. Robort B\U'1l8 bad tho formula:

"0 w d 11;me Powr the g1ttio gie us '1'0 o6e oureeU aa ithore aoe ua! I t ya4 frae 11011ie a blunder f'ree ~,

An' t ool1eb notion .•• "

In e.441t1on to r1dd.1na 01lreelyee of ce~1n blundera and fooliab AOtlona~ vo vould. ccme to und.oretand tb8t ac:a6 ot tbo 0})1niona held about ua aro be.eo4 on m1e1ntormat 1on and a conaequent m.18Wldoret.and.l.ns of Out' aothoe, re.t.her the.n on ao=e kind ot innate meliolouaneaa. I cannot think ot ony other approach that could bo so profitabl e .

I believe, further~ that this approach Cdn bo made popular. 1t it reachoe only the tov Wo ar o already evor e of tho f&J.otore contributing to internationo.l euapiclon And Cl.iaund.orsta.nd!ns, it v111 bo worth yery 11ttle.

Vo w.nt t o knov the re.a.c:-t1one ot e~rta and of the CCIEIIon ID!1n, in lfurOpo 1

f or exumple, to current evonta lnvolvtng America, to apec1t1c American cuatoma e.nd. insti t utionn, What dooa a London bobby think ot Ju:Derioan policC~Gent What dooe a Fronch Cotllr1Wl1at Deputy thi.nlc of the lo.t oat American reeolution 1n tho U.lf ,1 \!hat dooo • Bolsion waitr<>oe think ot AIW>riOAO oatil18 bobltot

I t voW.d be both 1nteroat1116 and cnl1shtonin8 to la>ov wat t.mproootono ot America ~u~ lett by our aoldiora; t~ knov Vbat kind at picture ot America 1a obtained t~ t be lotte re ot rolat1 vee 11 Y1ng beZ'(I .

1'11a kind,., ot 1ntorme.t1on 1e important. I t te DOt I)OV &Yailable t o tht' American newepaper or masazintl public:, excopt in dribbloe. It could be, an4 ahould b& ~ poraonallz.ed. ln eu.c:h a .,.,. ae to make 1 t en1lablo to a lar8* awlience.

Wo connot expect ""''J' navopo.pero to aocopt tbe took ot J>l"O"idii>B tblo 1J1-to~t1on •• an educational aenice alo.oo. IJ:'o JMet their oee4a 1 aa well a.a to have any value ln tho preeent c.r1a1e 1 1 t IIU8t 1D 1taelt be capable ot vi.J:m1.na a large audience.

'lhlo 1o tho Job I would like to 111it1ato 1J1 a D01111po.per ool.-, or 1D a eeriee ot magazine articleeJ entitled 11M otbtrt a.. Ue". Z ban tr1e4, 1n tbe aamplo ool,_. , to jj1TO a top1ool orooo-oeot101l and to ~loa to tbe ot71At 11blcb I think voold bo .aet otteotlTO,

Page 9: IIJ' ) •tor example, on the south aide of Chica&P 1 may oco.aa1

~r• are ao.. ?Mnd:=-n 'Wbo bow • ~c. dM-1 &bout the thUteel Statea, bUt -..ana t.hcae Who imov oAly • little there 11 probablT llliCI'H; a.ie1nton&UOA &bout CTt• tb&A about AnT other one 8ubjeot.

A rev 4aJ1 &&o I ,.8 1n • ••.u tovn 1rl 80\l.them Pn.noe an4 bad • oonv-el"Mt1on Y1U\ the looal bab?. I ahow4 ao110 •Ul"'Priae vben he aent-ioned tM d .. tb o t .U C• pone,

•oh, r-•, '" he e&1d, v1th •o• pr1d.e, "" rel4 a c;reat about Al Capone 1n our paper. before the w.r. He -.at 'been & VOf"T great p.n.geter."

"t ... I 8U.-ppcae ho ,.., " X &D.tvereel • .xleetlr.

He ocmt1nuec1 to tell =e Vbat he knn about .U Capone. I sot the 1-.;pHnion that tbo:toe had been •o• 41a&ppo1AtMnt \lhel\ .U vae arr .. ted. tor auo:h 1.0 \m!"'M.ntlO t.J\1llc &I 1AOO.• t.u e'laeton. The loo&l l"e&&tlon to that nent ....._. apparen.tl.r &bout the , .... ae &.n. Alaerloa;o ~e aud.hnoe •• YO\lld. l;)e it P'Nnk !Net: tM.clc.e4 CloVn t1gen '11th N.dar aDd a V&lld.e­t&lkle .. c.

A U ttle l &t e l" tbe conY~&t"lon vith u,. bU:ar M­e ... • U t.tl e .ore pertOD&l. Jte ¥aDte4 to bow ll.ov .aAJ' peo ple I ~ Ja::.oWD vho vel"e abet.

..... --~:.ot • he ez-cl.&1.1Mtc1 V'bo:n I M ld. thAt t bA4A • t kNnrQ AA.J', lJO'W' e &"CM01"d..1.z::i&rr: '"

Vben t orpl&i.ned. ~l' that neitnel' I nor &a.T ot •1 h'·loadA bael ner been l'tel4 ~. h e ju.t t\Odd.K &D4 e111lecl knovinc17. H'e kneow vhon hJ.e lol ,., belli& pulled.,

Al thoueh eo.o or the newp.e.pe,.. hel'e pl&J' up 01'1• .tori", Ju.et •• do ao• Aaertou n..,..Jia'P81'1, t.ho P'NI.nch­...,.., • ·1n 10\ll'Oe or "1ntonat1on" about Ol'lM •- tho U 8 l • no 11 J'Y004 • .- • •

'l'he anras• un.tnvoled. "'•llcl--.n voul4 prob&blr be QUit. Cl1 ... PPQ1nted 1t he -.d.e a ti'1J) to Jf .... YOT'Ic CltT and dt¢n•t ••• at l •••t one long, •c~ea.1ft.& atr•• • or blaok polioe C&J'I &ll4 1110to:rayolee chuSJlC & O&r t\ll..l. Of p.nc1t.e.ra • Jud..C1AI t'ro• .,. oonvere&Uo::. he '&IO'Illd ann be 41NPPQ1Dted. 1t h e 414tl' t ••• th1.a JloUJYQoel &-eo•1• oll-.z 10.,. oa. hia tll"'t n1&bt 1.D t ovn.


- 2 -

ADot.he.r I OUJ"et or •1ntcn.a.tJ..ca" abOUt AMr1oan on.. h the c.bMp, pa.,.,--bo\md. noYela 111Ueh. t:~~troM the ...,., ...... 10 pleeUt\al 1A tbe opea.-&1.r at&l.l e &l.CDC tho SliM • TbN1 boo.b ...,.. ua\a&lly 'b&t"- ca. aoco.ad•b&D4 W'OI'MUOn &bout tbe !O'M"14 t'WMUH, aad tho p1otu:re ;bey &1Ye or ute JA tM u.s.A. u • we1M coa1Dat1on or • .sp1cy oeteoU.••• M4 tD'I Oo .. to &A 11M Muw.U P&J"ty• •

DGrU., the ~~ at • tr,s.o. Dmc• 14 T1"07 .. , a to• about n.LDtJ" aUe• I OV.t.DWet or Parle . r •t a 112'1 ~ bad .Ial1l. bHD. 1Dt'l~ b7 AaeMO&D ort• .,Ytta. r be.•• tbe fii1Iic t.bat 1t AD ...,.1MA eoo1olos1•t bad •t ber he voald b&ve ep4tftt t.M Nit Of h18 ll.te p1obt1.na BollJWOocS 1tud101 •

1'bl 111"1 YU the 4&\llb.ter ot • !'lapeot&blt, a144le­olall MrohADt &n4 hA4 Uvod 1ZL quiet 'h'of'el all or her Uta. X ,... & lUtle 8\d'p'l"i lecl, then, WhAm abe 'bito._ tJrOlted. O't'ft' the taot that I ,... rz.oa Cb1oeco.

"U>e 10\1 a Pftl;ltort• abe eaked., her ,,.., VS.d.a ~D.

~ f'Ml. 8'\II"PZ"ill ~ &ell l a&'W U. ·~Ilion CD her tace att•r I M 14 tl:t.at I "WaaD't. I t,... &D expreuion or 41q diaappolat~t. A.tteJ' &. Uttle qu.aat10:1.1.f1C I 41&­c:owe:nd tiM 1"MMOD.,

,.,_ looa.l boJW boH hft' Uld. abe baa MP hMl"'t .. t oa. -.r!"'J'1AA a ,.,..t.er, prer.,..bl,. 1'Jooa au.-.o.

It •e a C004 41Ml tor ao.e hot ~ttve tJoo. j aet1co bacJc bo-., AM 111 ncbacp tor • r ... oartou or AMr-iO&A c~tt•• t '11 be Clad to C'\l:m1ah ~wr a.-. aDd ....,.., ••


Page 10: IIJ' ) •tor example, on the south aide of Chica&P 1 may oco.aa1



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