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Graeme S. MacRae

A thesis presented to the University of Aucklandin partial fulfiIlment of the requirementsfor the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

9 December 1997



This work began in reflection upon the form of tourism in Ubud: in whichrapid economic change and profound culnrral conservatism appear combined inunlikely symbiotic relationship. It became, in the field, a set of parallel enquiriesinto tourism, economics, politics, ritual, spatial organisation and history linkingLibud with wider local, regional and global processes.

My provisional argument goes something like this. The economicdevelopment associated with tourism has resulted in t-Ibud not in a wholesalereplacement of the forms of traditional culnrre with those of international capitalistculture but instead with conservation, development and intensification of aspects oftraditional culture. Tourism is in fact built upon the marketing of an image oftraditional culture consisting primarily of the performing and plastic arts and anaesthetic of village life combining agriculnrral production and ritual activity.

In practice tourism has transforrred the economic foundations of this way oflife from dependence upon agricultural production to dependence upon a whole newsector providing goods and services to tourists. This transformation has had variedeffects upon the components of the marketing image. One the one hand it has madepossible profitable commoditisation of traditional arts but on the other it hasmarginalised the agricultural sector in a number of ways. The relationship berweentourism and ritual activity is less direct. While people have resisted directcommodification of ritual, they recognise its role as a tourist attraction. Ritualpractices and the temples in which they take place have however been the subject ofmassive redevelopment. While the forms of these are traditional, their content islinked to tourism in more complex ways.

This process has not been ad-hoc but has been the zubject of de-factomanagement by various parties including the traditional aristocracy, foreignexpatriates, government and an emerging middle class. This management has beenenabled and limited by access of the various parties to key resources includingEnglish language, land, cultural knowledge, investrrent capital and governmentcontacts.

This thesis does not report on all of this but represents in effect a report uponwork in progrcss, providing a broad overview and the fust stage of what is now seenas an ongoing research project. It is presented as a series of linked sections designedto be read at three levels: 1. as stand-alone contributions to various zub-fields of Balistudies, 2. as a set of relationships between these sections which contribute to theargument outlined above and 3. as the outline of a larger research project linkingubud into processes of wider geographical compass and historical depth.

It begins with description of contemporary Ubud, the transformation of itseconomy and a brief history of tourism. The relationship berween ritual andeconomy is discussed both in general terms and ethnographic detail to provide insightinto the context of culnrral ideas in which tourist development has taken place. Thespatial organisation of ritual reveals patterns of cultural order and political influencerequiring historical analysis which in turn focuses attention on the role of thefraditional aristocracy and changing pattems of control over land and labour as keyfactors in understanding the contemporary sinration.

Keywords: anthropology, Bali, economy, history, Indonesia, rinral, tourism




Faced with the task of excavating the intellectual archaeology of her owndissertation, Anne Stoler made the wry reflection that:

Most scholarship, I suqpect, starts out with a cluttered assorment of personal, empiricaland theoretical baggage... (Stoler 1985:vii)

The significance of this observation has, to my mind been somewhatunderestimated in anthropology and while the responsibility for tidying up thisparticular clutter is mine alone, the story of its tidying and particularly my debts toits principal characters form an inseparable part of the work.

Its origins lie in an M.Phil. thesis intended to lay to rest once and for all anon-offdalliance with both anthropology and Southeast Asia over a couple of decades.I did the job too well however and vigourous encouragement from a number offriends, especially Max Rimoldi and the offer of a Post-Graduate Scholarship fromthe University of Auckland at a time of underemployment did the rest. The choiceof Bali was a compromise between a preference to work in India and the counsel ofcommon-sense not to work overseas at all. Ubud was a place remembered withnostalgia from youthful travels lnL977 and with concern from a return visit in 1988.

Despite the ever-patient labours of kmbaga Ilmu Pengatahuan Indonesia inarranging the necessary permits, I had reason to doubt this choice during the longmonths of waiting for these to arrive and it was the timely intervention of ProfessorJim Fox which got them to me a few hours before deparhre. Once in Indonesia thevarious offices required to process my papers in Jakarta, Denpasar, Gianyar andUbud did so with a courtesy and promptness which belie their reputations in somequarters. My sponsor in Indonesia, Dr. Nyoman Erewan of Fakultas Ekonomi,Universitas Udayana, with his family, like many other Balinese, consistentlyexemplified a generosity which defies anthropological notions of the expectation ofreciprocity hidden in gifts.

My family had the good fornrne in Ubud to find itself under the benignpatronage of the late Gusti Made Sumung, son of the great artist I"empad, associateof walter Spies, secretary to Jane Belo, employee of Margaret Mead and GregoryBateson, consummate practitioner of the art of rice-growing , sedalan of the subaksuphill of Ubud and friend and advisor to many foreigners before me. It was throughhim that I learnt my bearings in both the physical and cultural landscapes of this partof Bali. I was privileged to be the last of his long line of foreign friends and myrole during his final sickness and zubsequent cremation was played with anawareness that I was acting on behalf of them all. To his family he is still presentin a temporary shrine in their house and to me in the place he beEreathed to me inthat family. The house of hrri kmpad is headed now by his eldest son Gusti hrtuGede and when I was not accompanied by my own family I was taken in withoutquestion by the household of one of its sons, Gusti Kenrt Alit. This family sharedwith me whatever they had and my debt to them is evident in descriptions ofhousehold offerings and numerous other anonymous observations. The chapterentitled Ritual and Space is dedicated to the memory of Gusti Sumung.

The community in which I lived, Banjar Taman Klod, although less

frequented by tourists than most others in LJbud hzs ssmsthing of a tradition ofresident foreigners with more than a passing interest in matters Balinese. Once mypurposes became apparent I was received with warmth and hospitality and myincompetence and ignorance were treated with good-humoured and courteousinstnrction which leave me regretting only that I have so little to offer in renun.Among them a few names stand out for special mention: the community leadersincluding the klian banjar Gusti Putu Darma, bendesa adat Gusti hrnr Gati, hisdeputy Gusti Punr Gara, the pemangku Gnsti Ngurah, my gutu in maffers ofagriculnual technology Gusti Putu Widia, and zuch friends as Gusti Putu Dirga,Gusti Made Kamar, Gusti Putu Purna and Gusti hrtu Bagus.

Much of my knowledge of Ubud was derived from seemingly casual andoften humorous conversations with dozens, probably hundreds of people, on thestreets in markets, wantngs, ricefields, temples and in their homes. Among thoseI remember, a few names stand out: Wayan Lungsur, head of the ljbud subalcs andformer sedahan, Ketut Teler, another former sedalmn and amateur historian,merchant-warrior of the old school Pak Ketut Ceku, entrepreneurs of more modernilk Nyoman Purpa, Nyoman Sarma, and art collector Pande Suteja Neka,restaurateurs Ibus Candri and Satri, small traders of the market, Ni Nyoman Susun,Anak Agung Anom, former perbekel of Ubud A.A. Rai Gug as well as the presentlurah and heads of banjar and assorted others including Nyoman Bahula, WayanDarta, Nyoman Suradnya. In the evenings I would sometimes drink with theveterans of a sekehe tuak Cralm wine drinking group) organised by Gusti Sumung:Gusti Noner, Pak Grindem, Anak Agung Raka (also now deceased), Silvio Santosaand a few others in muhral reminiscence of our former friend and patron and I lookforward to saluting them once again in the manner they know best. The priests fromwhom I learned about the temples of Ubud included Mangkn Dalem, ManglarGunung Irbah, Gusti 14[nngku of Tebesaya and Mangku Padang Kerta ofPadangtegal.

Outside Ubud, in the villages of the upper Wos Valley, I conducted my initialenquiries through the formal channels of kepala desa, klian banjar, bendesa adat andpemanght and less formal ones of whoever I met in street or warung. To all ofthese people I also owe much and a few stand out as exceptional informants orfriends: GustiNgurahof Sebali, thepanitiaof PuraHyangApi, Kelusa, KetutRataand his father the pemanglsu of Taro Kaja, Made Suwargana of Pakuseba, KetutSunartha of Ked, Dewa Putu Kandel of Katiklantang, Manglu Seleran ofTegallalang, Dewa Aji Dalnng of Payangan, WayanKanca of Bukian, the Pemangkuof Susut, Jero Kubayan of Talepud.

There are in Bali a number of more or less amateur historians, working at theinterface between the knowledge encoded in local narrative traditions and the largerpictures provided by formal academic and official state histories. I was priviledgedto meet only a few of these, of whom A.A. Gede Ngurah e; langli, Gusti AgungAjeng of Abiansemal and I Made Subaga of Banjar Sangging, Gianyar wereparticularly generous in sharing the fnrits of decades of enquiry.

Puri Ubud, the royal house of the district are, collectively a major characterin the story. Although wealthy and powerful they are inherently rnrlnerable to thecriticism of those over whom they have little power and needless to say they werenot as open about aspects of their position as I might have preferred. Nevertheless


they received my frequent incursions into their affairs with unfailing courtesy andhospitality and I have attempted here to strike a balance between my gratihrde andreqpect for this, a dispassionate regard for the truth appropriate to this enterprise anda post-princess reticence about tabloid-style royal reveliation. Among their number,those from whom I learnt most included Cokordas hltra Sukawati, Agung Suyasa,Oka Sudanona, Raka Kertiasa, and Krisna Sudarsona.

Members of other pun who have provided alternative perqpectives on lJbudhistory include Ck. Mayun of Puri Pejeng, Ck. Gede Pafia of Puri Peliatan andespecially Ck. Oka Karang of Puri Negara and his son Ck. Artmaja who is alsoRector of Universitas Warmadewa.

Readers sufficiently sensitive to gender imbalance will by now have noted thepaucity of women in this list. This reflects less an inherent prejudice on my partthan the pragmatic reality of fieldwork practice in Bali. Although my ownexperience does not conflict with the evidence of much recent scholarship (Connor,Asch & Asch 1986, Parker 1989, warren L993, wiener 1995) as to the depth andcomplexity of female knowlege in Bali, the persons to whom I was directed, bymales and females alike, in reqponse to enquiries about dtual, economics or historywere, almost without exception male. Likewise the people with whom the dictatesof social etiquette allowed me to form the close friendships thrcugh which muchunderstanding was gained were also male. V/hile my interactions with women werethus somewhat constrained the knowlege recorded here does in fact owe a $eat dealto women of two categories.

Firstly, my relationship with the family with which I was most closelyassociated made possible friendships of joking familiarity with its female membersof all ages, notably Gustis Nyoman Rai, Nyoman Seroni, putu the wife of putuKarya , Ketut Sari, Ayu Gede and Ayu Julihari. Secondly the women who work assmall traders in stalls, shops and markets and as front-line employees in tourismenterprises. Such employment provides a fonrm for legitimate male-femaleinteraction free of the normal constraints of appropriate social intercourse. Iremember dozens of faces, often work-weary, sscasiqnally impatient of my stupidityor suspicious of my questions but usually smiling and helpful and most cases I nevereven learnt their names. Prominent among their number are the women who learntto reqpect my wife's prowess in selection and bargaining during her period as aregular customer in their market and stalls.

The lively urban academic and intellectual community of Denpasar were alsoa source of much information, advice, hoqpitality, companionship, exchangeof ideas.Apart from my q)onsor, these included Dr. A.A Gede putra Agung, prof. Dr. rGusti Ngurah Bagus, Dr.I Nyoman Dharrraputra, Ir.I Nyoman Gelebet, architect,priest and critical conscience, Degung Santikarma, his brottrer Gung Alit and theirvarious associates, rda Pedanda Ketut Sidemen, Drs. rda Bagus Sidemen, Dr. rGusti Made Sutjaya.

Thanls are also due to the staff of a number of institutions who wereunfailingly gracious in the face of my extraordinary requests and helpful beyond thecall of duty imposed by my official papers. The government offices upon whom Idepended most were Kantor Camat, Kantor Lurah and the local police station inLlbud, the Gianyar offices of Bappeda Tk.U, Dinas Pariwisata, Dinas Pendapatan,Badan Pertanahan Nasional, Kantor Pekerjaan Umum and Kantor Statistik and theDenpasar offices of Kantor Pelayanan pajak, De,partemen pekerjaan Umum and


Kantor Statistik. The libraries whose resources were generously placed at mydisposal were those of the School for International Training in Peliatan, hrsatDolrumentasi Budaya Bali, the Bali Sustainable Development Project, the UniversitiesUdayana, Saraswati, and Hindu Indonesia in Denpasar and of the Gedong Kirtya inSingaraja.

The expatriate community are a more significant factor in contemporary Ubudthan my account would suggest and their story remains to be told. Although I hadrelatively little contact with them, the few I do know have been consistently generousin sharing their considerable knowledge. These included the foreign, mostlyAustralian wives of Balinese men living in LJbud among whom I owe most to JoSarjana. They also include a number of former researchers now resident in Baliincluding Abbi Ruddick, Garret Kam, Danker Schaarman, Donna van Wely, andespecially Sean Foley and Melody Kemp. Spanning both these categories are RucinaBallinger whose electronic newsletters keep my perceptions of Bali firmly anchoredin the late twentieth century and Diana Darling, who with her husband Agungskilfully utilised the illuminent properties of clear, sharp arak to provide equallyglear, sharp insights into Ubud and Bali from their vantage point in the clear, sharyair of the mountains.

The global community of academic specialists on Bali welcomed my intnrsioninto their territory in a spirit of intellecnral siblingship rarely found in these days ofcommodification of everything. Senior scholars zuch as Mark Hobart and CarolWarren were generous with their scarce time in Bali and my fieldwork was enrichedby contacts with fellow researchers John McDougall, David Poignand, I Gede Pitanaand especially Thomas Reuter and his family whose motor-cyclical visits in transitbetween mountain and sea warmed my heart while expanding my mind withperspectives from both these poles of Balinese cosmology. In Perth John Darlingprovided access to his prodigious files of Bali material as well as most generoushospitality.

While writing this thesis I have benefited enormously from the constructivecriticism of the participants in the Thid International Bali Studies Workshop at theUniversity of Sydney in July 1995, a smaller workshop at the same venue two yearslater and in innumerable personal cornmunications since, the most important ofwhich are recorded in the text. Freek Baltcer, Hildred Geertz, Henk Schulte-Nordholt and Margaret Wiener responded generously to requests for assistance. Iam grateful also to Linda Connor, Raechelle Rubinstein and Peter Worsley, for theircomments as editors of articles arising out of that wortshop.

Back in Auckland, where most of this has been written, far from centres ofBali snrdies let alone Bali itself, I have been fortunate to have access to certainresources of the University of Auckland. Financial assistance from the AucklandUniversity Research Grants Committee and the APEC Smdy Centre have kept thevarious wolves (including free market ones in sheep's slething) from the door.Various teachers and colleagues in the Departurent of Anthropology and elsewherein the University have provided valuable advice, criticism and assistance. GeraintRees-fones and others endured my stumbling path to semi-computer-literacy withunflinching forbearance. I am especially indebted to Drs. Max Rimoldi and SteveV/ebster for their friendship, intellectual and beyond and for the inspired blend ofencouragement, criticism and restraint which they brought to the task of guiding methrough this work, evoking traditions of scholarly mentorship and fraternity which


long predate and refuse to be reduced to the somewhat hierarchical and bureaucraticconnotations of the contemporary term supervision. Graeme I-eitch qpent a monthof the wet season of early 1994 with me in Bali, providing encouragement and ideasat a time when both were needed and the better photos are from his collection.

My wife, Joan Donaldson has consistently encouraged my anthropologicalendeavours for reasons that defy rational analysis. Fieldwork was plianned as afamily undertaking but it didn't turn out that way. Joan and our son Rakesh sharedthe most difficult part of my fust fieldwork period and the more difficult task ofstaying home during the second period. Since then they have gracefully acquiescedto the economic and social liability of having a writer and anthropologist in theirmidst. May the next time be easier.

It is a custom in Bali to ask the forgiveness of those beings, human andotherwise about whom one qpeaks or writes, for any errors of omission orcommission and in the case of powerfrrl supernatural beings, for daring to invoketheir names at all. It is customary also to give thanks to Dewi Saraswati, thegoddess of learning, for the grft of any insight one's writing may contain. I deferhere to all these traditions and also to the equivalent academic one of absolving allmentioned here from responsibility for the uses to which I have put your thoughts,words and deeds.

Most of the research was conducted in Indonesian supplemented by Englishand Balinese. I have attempted to strike a balance between use of local terms insituation where they express local conce,pts in a way English cannot and revertingto English ones where this distinction is less important. Temples and villages arethus sometimes referred to as pura and desa and sometimes not. Unless otherwisenoted translations from Indonesian, Balinese and Dutch are my own. Spellingfollows the contemporary conventions established by Indonesian and Balinese Otriceiof Education and I have followed the Batinese convention of not pluralising with thesuffix -s.



Abstract ...iiiPreface vTableof Contents ..... xiList of Tables xiiList of Figures xiiiGlossary and Abbreviations . . xvii


Introduction: Tourism and Tradition

The Transformation of a Village Economy 2l

Political Economy and Culhre in Ubud 93


Commerce with the Gods

Ritual and Space: T\e Nislwla kndscape


UbudBefore 1900 ...265

UbudSincel9OO ....355


TheGodsofCommerce... .4L9

Conclusion: Pui,I^and and Rifial . . 461














Chronology... .4nTourismstatistics ....498MonetaryValues ....499PopulationStatistics .. 500RsiMarkandeya ... .. 501Genealogy of hri Sukawati/Ubud . . 503Paynngan . 505

Bibliography.. .509



2.1 Number of tourists. Kecamatan llbud. L987-L9952.2 Hotels, Restaurants, Artshops. Kecamatan lJbud. 1982-19962.3 Foreign E:rchange Bali 1987-19952.4 Tourist Industry Worldorce tJbud 1982-L9952.5 V/orldorce in Various Sectors lJbud 1983-19892.6 'Worldorce in Agriculture and other Sectors Ubud 1990-19952.7 The Banking Sector Ubud 1983-19962.8 Ownership of Consumer Goods Ubud 1984 - 19952.9 Iand Transactions Wos Kajanan 1949-19712.10 Prices of Ricefields and Rice Ubud l97l - 1990 .

2.11 Govenrment Iamd Valuations Ubud 1992 .






Taxes collected from lJbud L992-1997Government Expenditure and Revenues IJbud L99l-1996

Estimated Household Ritual Expenditures. Banjar Kebon. 1996



Unless otherwise noted maps and diagrams were drawn and photographstaken by the author.

1.1 UbudStreetscapelg7T ......21.2 The Tourist I-andscape of Bali (Ganrda 1997) . . . . 21.3 TheRoadtolJbud .....31.4 IlbudStreetscapelggT ......41.5 The Tourist Landscape of lJbud (Bruce 1985) . . . . 61.6 The Administrative Iandscape of IJbud (Stats lJbud 1990) . . . . . g

1.7 Tourist dance performance Ubud 1994 (G. I*itch) . . . lj1.8 Tourists come to Ubud to see our culture 131.9 ProgrammeofPerformances Ubud L994. .....141.10 Welcome to our cremation . . . 14

2.L Homestay 199a (G.I-eitch)2.2 Up-market hotels (Gamda t997)2.3 Warung 199a (G.kitch)2.4 Restauranr (G.I-eitch)2.5 Artshop Ubud t9962.6 Ploughing (G.Iritch)2.7 Planting (G.I-eitch)2.8 Harvest (G.Iritch)2.9 Monkey Forest Road 19942.10 Road labourers2.I1 Itinerant food hawker (G.Iritch)



The Indonesian administrative system (WarrenA Typical rural Bale Banjar (community hall)Map of Bali showing Kabupaen (Boon 1977)


Pnblic Works: tlbud market L994 .

LKMD Structure (Warren 1993)Puri Ubud


3.7 Map of Ubud Puri Llz3.8 The night market nO3.9 hrra Tanah lrt . t263.10 Your Home in Bali? (Garuda 1994) 126

iit "#"iffiffi ffi;fi? 6s; : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ili4.1 Ritual I-abour M94.2 Offerings 1514.3 Offerings . 1524.4 Household offerings 1604.5 Gotong Royong at Campuan . l7O4.6 Darw Punia Tegallalang 1996 . 174


Pura .

Map of IJtiud jalnn malarnMap of daily saiban offeringsMaps: qpical linear yillags5l4suntain and SeaNislcala gradientsTypical villages with central Bale AgungBali-Aga village plans @udihardjo) . .

Old-style Balc AgungNew-style bale agungVillage Plans with Puri @udihardjo, (Hobart et al)Royal Centre Plans @udihardjo, Schulte-Nordholt 1992))T\e Nislala I-andscape of UbudMap of Ubud Desa AdatMap: The Rrra Pasimpangan of lJbudMardaln diagramsMount Agunghrra BesakihBatur, Abang, AgungProcession with barongPura Gunung kbah LinkagesBukit Gunung IrbahUbud damUpper Wos Valley IrrigationRsi Markandeya's JourneyPellingih Sri Aji Markandeya, Rrra Murwa BhumiBarongBarong at Pura Sabang Dahat, PuakanUpper IVos Valley: barong migrationsUpper Wos Valley: bale agung orientations . . .

Niskala BacldlowReversals of orientationUpper Wos Valley: hrri Ubud PatronageKingdom of lJbud c.1895

The Kingdoms of Bali mid-Cl9 (Wiener 1995:23)Mengwi, Klungkung and Sukawati c.l7L0Pellingih Ratu Gede MecalingPellingih Dewa Babi






5.37 Gunung Batrur/kbah5.38 Cutting the wood at Taro L9935.39 Carving the barong at hrri lJbud 19945.40 The procession down the bukit5.41 The barong at the temple5.42 The puri leads the way


265273277277284 Puri Sukawati 1996




hrra Penataran Agung, Sukawati 1996 .

Central lJbud c.1770Sukawati Branch Prtri c.1775Kerajaan Negara c.1890Schwartz's Map 1900 .

Kerajaan UbudIlbud Landholdings 1964Site of Puri Negara

I^andreform Areas Kecamatan lJbud 196314

Ubud marketPellingih Melanting. Pasar Nislala. Negara 1996KepengMarket in front of puri Early C20 .Pellingih Ratu Gede Subandar, Pura Batur (Graeme I-eitch)Map: barong route around lJbud 1993

Maildoln of political-economic powerRsi Markandeya (Ibah)







The terms listed here are timited to key ones used in the text. They are glossed inthe text also at the point of their first use. The qpelling conventions used here arethose employed by the Balinese and Indonesian Offices of Education and Culture,except for direct.quotes from older sources. Plurals are, again following Indonesianconvention, not indicated by a terminal -s.

B : Balinese, f : Indonesian, S : Sanskrit, D : Dutch

adat B,Iagama B,I,Sanshop B,Iayalnn Bbabad B,Ibale agmg B

banjar B

(nw)banten Bbarun BBAPPEDA

(of1 local customary law, instinrtions, ritualreligion, (linked to but distinct ftom adat)shop or stall selling tourist artifactsobligatory labour for gods, nrler or communitydynastic chronicle(liQ great pavilion, pavilion in which village members and/orancestral gods assembleneighbourhood customary (adat) and administrative (dinu)unitoffering, sacrifice (to spiritual beings),ritual association of Bai Aga villagesBadan Perencanaan Pembanguttan Daeralt, RegionalDevelopment Planning Body.spiritual being manifest in the form of a large (often leonine)animal-puppetgun, firearrrhead of customary village (desa adat)banyan tree,, ficw benjamina (aka waringan)earth, land, realmhill, ridgehead of administrative unit corresponding to precolonialkingdoms and colonial regencies and modem districts.se col<ordaa high aristocratic title, princedonations glven with pure, sincere, disinterested motivationvillage, local customary (adnr) or administrative (dinas) urutof space and community(a) godtitle of rulers of Klungkungtitle of rulers of Gianyar(of) national administrationclothing manufactured for export (from the English "garment")a genre of epic poemcollective labour, esp, for the common good(place of) god, pura, commonly trans. "temple"


bedil B,Ibendesa adat Bberingin B,Ib(h)wni BG)bnkit B,Ibupati I

CK. Bcolcorda Bdanapunia Bdesa B,I

dewa BDewa Agung BDewa Manggis Bdinas



geguritan Bgotong-royong I(lca)Iryang(an) |


iklas I sincere, from the heartInpangan B,I public squareknja/lcaler B toward the mountains, opp.klodIcajeng-kliwon I the conjunction of days in the three- and five-day "weeks" of

the Balinese calenderlwrya B work, job, undertaking, including ritual ones.

lcabupaten I administrative districtkecamatan I administrative sub-districtkelurahan I village administered directly by government

kepeng B,I perforated Chinese coinkesaktian B,I supematural powerKi B male honorific, Mr, Sirklod B to(ward) the sea, opp. Icaja

kris B,I short, wavy-bladed daggerLaba pura B productive land set aside for the economic support of a templelorxar B,I manuscripts inscribed on the leaves of the lontar palmmlrnca B precolonial local leader (below punggawa)mandala B,I,S diagram of directions, deities and other attributes of sacred


merajan B (high caste) family templemeru B,S pellingih in the form of pagoda-like towersmolcsa B,S die directly into godhoodnasib I destiny, fatenegara B,I,S state, country, kingdomNi B female honorific, Ms.nislwla B invisible, subtle, of the spiritual world (clf sekala).objek wisata I tourist attractionodalan B annivslsary ceremony of templepajak I taxParisada (PHDI) Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia. The official organisation

of Indonesian Hinduism.PB1 I Pajak Bangurwn.l, Development Tax 1

PBB I Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan, Land and Buildings TaxPajak Perusalwn I Business Taxpalinggih B lit. sitting place, esp. for a deity, shrinepasar B,I marketpasek B lit. nail, non-aristocratic descent grouppasimpangan B visiting placepatih B,I senior official, ministerpayung B,I umbrellape(karang)an B houseyardpecatu B a category of productive land the use of which entails labour

service to gods or rulerpemalcsaan B group responsible for a templeperbekel B,I administrative head of a village (199?-1983)pedanda B high priest of Brahmana descentPKI I Communist Parw of Indonesia


PKI Ipingit Bpretima Bpu(n)cak G)Bpwggawa Bpuputan Bpura B,S

pura masceti Bpurapuseh Bpura dalem B

purbalala B,fpuri B,Spusat (pweA KB)pwalu B,Iraja B,I,Sringgit B,I,D

RUTRsaibansajensarisatriasedahansejarahselwlnsubaktanahtanah buloiIengetteduntulcangwarwgwong sarnaryadnya


Communist Paffy of Indonesiaimbued with supemahrral power, sacredsacred objects, vessels of divinities.peak, summit, clima:r@recolonial and colonial) sub-district headlit. finishing, ritual self-destnrctionplace dedicated to communion with gods, commonly trans."temple"regional irrigation templelit. "navel" temple, temple to founding ancestorslit. "inner(most)" temple, temple in which souls of uncremateddead reside temporarilylit. ancient times, more generally archaeologypalace, court, (noble) housecentre, navel, origin(sacred) heirloomkingDutch colonial coin based upon an indigenous unit and worth2.5 guilderRencana Umutn Taa Rwng, General Spatial planninghgysehold offering of first portion of cooked rice to godsoffering, sacrifice(subtle) essence (of an offering)of princely/warior descent (from Sanskrit laatrya)collector of land ta,xeshistoryvisible, tangible, worldly (clf nistah)farmers irrigation co-operativeland, earthlands dedicated to the economic support of village officialssee pingitdescend (a high form used to refer to the gods)skilled tradesman, crafitsman, artisanfood stall, small general storelit. veileddisguised person, nislcala beingritud, sacrifice

