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IrilRTT-SEVKS- T TEAK HEW YORK. MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1S70. PRICK TWO CENTS. fBEE-LOY- E FANTASTICS. gisiiixi ZtlTBMt ritoM mm pm Of A xmnrxB nuca-iont- ejuraorilliinry HperlenfiBeef Mm. I. p. 11. Cal- houn' Tatrate ( grrnpciurm kiiii-nr- s that I i trlme-Mr- s. Calhoaa aa Ttoiith. Orei-lev- . Ml ntaart- - l.en't C all aia I. Call me i n. I. HI illl-.- N TO mm. at'f ablabti. 77 c'untiib Pl an, New Y,, I Hunilay evcnine;, Juue HI, 11. I t Dun Mm. McKablabd: It was good whltli led yon to v. afiBm II it I wanted heal from mHmW? Jin A tlosra times Since ""Wf "J2 doit n wl tli tl aprest tnd 5Be atbeolnte nnrpose of a Milne; jy you, and then tome dreurr filLtv tnaiihscrliit Interposed, and rwtnk J rj,y Interesting pen labored b am. IV IM It wet ci ilred that It V MM tl no power uf panose Saaaatafaaa left M.. work i. saaav Taa discouraging order that oon- - f I; 7 T tamos tlma and pttlenes ami cxlteust the forces mm wltricut building any mon- - MM M timenta of prop-ose- lie- - M m M Vising, correcting and 5 MM M m mending, eotnuariug, re- - MI m w ectlng. Eminently usetil, " M W f BTr atly easier tlmn writing, . k 'SaW of wlilrh I am not foud, bat Mltier drmry. 1 have been MB aamWUIMM o very busy Uiat I have not written much alnoa you rent away. Besides my work for the Tribunr, I do l certain elaaa of hook reviews for the lndtptndtnt, and go about with ban da ao . full that I bare opportunity to take up private letters. For, a I dara ear you know alrea- - d ft dy but aa It It the oentral (a faat of the univ.-ra- II will tt hear repetition I am houaa- - I keeping I attained thai U JsVsga condition to my ft KWtW treme lurpriae on Uie drat mM) of M ,r We beard of ti. TrgaaVS tiom ho' two das tx.'nre. Tl T Mftfjm loo It, nd bou.-- one tea JBl kettle at once For ' ' aul m0' ' 'i- 1 enj v 6 ti IlIN fr,Hlon' end asrsjcneai 12 teaueaai ''' hospituliiy of home. II VMB, And u we rou't lire In abella V Tjl tMM through all tble mortal ptl-'- Jj rr image. It la eo much more , - comfortable to haye tliem of 'ne largeat and pleaauileft. ax no bohi tu Tea XBTTLB. Our house la yery pleasant, M yon ah. ill aee when u come back. But for tills Ignorant present I eonld wish mysell with yon, la the eaullesl farm liouae that Mar took root In a cleft of the hills. For know, V mountain nymph, that the weather la terrific Doors and windows suing wide, the generous palm leaf is plied, bat ws over the ghost- - tsc-v-V g Ileal breeie from jg ys y a Northtrn peak, or SftarM' "V? jjy Western lake or Beat- - (v W 4f--- s cm or. in June In JMmwkwB& the ouutry, with a a4m ISjr TW&mLyir ertiiie bands scaitering dflLSk dens, and June in lnn. In the bray v t of Auui, with Tua TRiirxa's rmr lots dl ktlaalj dngera wntr.Lr.a. abajin I'lind'.'d eyes, are no kin together. La't am all the 7Vtfvn sent mo on a flag v to Saratoga, Lake enr,e. and Lake t .i", the Iruita whereof you shrill hnve Wbtfl they become Immortal la Tuesday's (viru'oga dreadful, bat the lik gl las lbs faraway hills dlled me with delight K Yon ki ow I am a cockney of cockneys. Know notnlnK V cf bl rt and wonder of conntry life. Never have V eef i. ti t- mountains In my Ufb save a scattered peak or t... and yet to me they are wonderful. Things tot t t db nlont unless the dweller be Tory di.e ; c.. ntnaahle taaab nature bolittlea bin,. I think men grow $. bhn.l and deaf to li e .i ' glory thai ie above . a ias tbelr beads and be- Jtjr T neath tbelr feet. Don't " m CN M'v ' 1 wolk bW S ark- - bal " eaaaal to gaK, c rVjji ffffi tttt mendow and Ay BBK J mountain, rosea and I Barrwf rlyer are more to me aTaaaaaaT & t,,au tu ltie miu of AfA'jY .vlso-- e estntc they are Ajt Ey 'J I' 'rt- Aui1 afl art aut rw ( eultnre ranst teacb Q y me the wonderful se- - agar - ' orets and charms of OLDlxa IK Tag arjED, nature, to I fancy fcn-- t .1.. lift I: ion me into conntry uses. I have no lute I hut ai; through the soft soring Id i ll i Minmier an eagemeat for woods and ai, h ratal me. Just now I am imprisoned In t of tbg Ittorlal llllallgl, and am eo base that ihall doubtless rontlnne to he a bondauiaa all lbs leason, MTV when the TViouri lets me Out to do Its J. an allstlc w arbling, keeping a itn: i me that I may not flv too far. If 11 eh' ud believe its vital element ol the iuocaisof lbs paper to have two oi three, letter! BL i" . jEjfSjJ i idle iblc I'bV b? 1 ri u ... m .. a .JjiaAiajfi i bur, , il.at I ,;,y 'iABBgSAA join-- 1 ore, oici pt Tiuri'i.M, Tun Lloirr fantastic. Mr. Id In, il on. rjrbd has a room hi re, and is sods- Ughtfully aimabla gad goodnalarad thit not even tui- - dreadful gragfihar uukei klal cros. grblab b ray. abf a great deal tor his Christian discipline. Mr, Or. lul ii. alatoal tobdktd bi book, and then he Is ' - Prebabll to Saratoga, to In,, l ie llgbl faul.Tllc toe. Mrs. UlaeVsj has bad a hj- - norrl. ige and ii very feeble. For myaeir. I am eery well rstli'tr fired, banng made my Jaunt In three d..ys gndvtrllen three te tu re, and very nuiious nf ia u drr.ils nnd beuia Iryads. I bona jroej will study (ounril the atajia. If no! for the gtaee, iliis summer. 'I'ha goal seems to ine so IddTllablat and so d irable, If you cultivate your very a eat kilt el all. Ibat whenever I think of n, I wili you uere in your ngl.tlul place. The drum i e the lieinill'ul art, and you are worthy to be Ita VOPbat, My own tlreiuni of serving It will never tie liopaf iiow, but whenever I aee brave young (set let I, ., or.) ll, mill thoughtful I rows bent thither-war- . I. I try ' Hod speed," from my Inmost soul. I t dm ', w ,ry und so warm and uoeomforta- He, that I iiure wrltida i moat ttiipni lettei, bat I Valid lot longer III your dear note go ununawcred. love V n. ji ,i I.. 1, now you bettor. I have no iMbttbltWI ' .ti tloi jreat hiiiliroad because acli had son,, fitug lor the other, aud we we. I km m hat it -. Write nie at the office or here, and of aasweri ai ipeady u my tired peo can rnis. Kvi r and always, helieve me, afTectlonately W IV U. C ALllUUN. MRS. laWCHM TO HR9. M'rAiiLAsn. ",: i 1. a To a I'l.aig, Au. Hi, 'Id 1 him uy alteniuou. BaXoTIIJ PaUMPI ll is alter dinner, and 1 im billons, o expect a soporific Yonr last two letters were forwarded me at Long Branch, but I had no tline to answer them there, and 1 came home only biat night. Too have been very good to take so much tronble for me, aud I want to sro Ida and thank yon with Una and evee, and yet It i' quite miserably popalMe thnt I may not be a'lr to rnmi at all. I am going lo tell you all my piivute all .lis, ao yon will aee Unit tlda letter djd Is only for your dear aaJW?" SVr y Ton know we are ftlfos'Lji Vi housekeeping lor HPaaC A j tho first time la Sv thw years, and ex- - r iJlsnaaaal'Y ,Ji' vl oenees are terrify- - ,Srerigdfjr' I Inn. bnl I knsw Mr. frnmrnBSilm 1 klhooo wanted to r ' ,HHf do n, 1 thought V BaatS s S.Bi mmfly to receive a regular - - KaaJy salary I resolved "isJo aotto ask him lor on thing; for my atn. MaWJH tats Tua gxrxNsaa. personal wants. Therefore I have taken eare of mraalf entlroly for the last six mouths. Bnt I have been away for the Trifiuiu three times, and though tlie paper pais ray travelling expenses and my board bill, etlll I bad lo dress more than I should ht homo, and I uin forevd te buy many things which I ahonld not otherwise. Moreover, I was obliged to put out all my eewing. larcaoae I haro not had time to do it, and my dothee, nnd dressmakers', and seam- stresses' bills this summer have been over two hun- dred dollnrs. Then I took one of my slaters, who was not well, to Saratoga, and that cost me almost fifty doltem, and I ray the school bills of the cither, wblch are ninety dollars a quai tor, and altogether I have exactly no money just now. Of course. If I wore to ask Mr. Calhoun, who la the best man In the world, he would tell me to go, bnt 1 know ne can't well afford to 1st me Just now, and I don't want to break my resolve. Bo I ahull hare to wilt till I can hoard a little, and I fear that will be too late to find you. I shall not go to Bhelburne If you are not there, of course. I have not modi oared to ro at all, except to sea you only that. I wanted to take mother, who has never eeen the Wnlte Mountains, wboee health Is delicate, end who hi of course growing old It will be a hitter disappointment to me, on her account, If I eannot go. you will eoon be at home, eo that I snail see yoa In any event. But one thing f will not do la to " rustle In unpaid for allk " I had the spec- tacle of new dresses, and don't mean to Live aa other anavaaVaana summer to save lav money for sorno .dsHaaaaW "m 5 famishing, and A M rraaeV some other de- P c""".- - I euppoee I 1 ( have almost f 1, ' ' elded to lec- - -- - ture this win- - as aturn in mi ai is akka. ler, If X can perauade anybody to heat u.e. which Ie problematical. I am going to work at my lectures at all events, and stall resume my elocution leeeons to strengthen my voice. I (note there is as mnch In me ae In Anna Dickinson, and 1 mesa to aoin my heart for drachmas If 11 h possible. If X can arrange to earn seventy live dol- lars by doing extra work these next two weeks, look lor me. You know I shall have lust double bills to pay, but X went mother tu have n nice time and be able to go Juat where she likes. Father uet-- lo he rich, and now tbey are poor, bnt mother hna never been reron- tie, I. anil I want to givo her all the pleas- ure within my very u.irrov, gfdap, Mo, my darling, X s1 hnve told you all sGQL my diaartioint- - dW ' thought I should "JgJji! did not know ri airiso mil rtnsn hsart. tonsnage them. And I have so many at rsons gddlted myself to My heart Iibs gene to you ever in many timei, and I ahull follow In Hie body If It be possible. And now to leave thit miserable ledger business for something belter. For myself I have avowed my Immedlaie future. All this tail and winter I shall do my apeeiiy utmost to make money. It Is the ono potest servant, the comforter, and consoler, and holner. In He uses I mean, of course, not In Itself. And yon I hope jour desire and purpose for the stage has not faded nor been trampled out by hard hoofs of necessity. Have jon had any encourage-- , ment f I am very useless In that way, having no di- rect theatrical influence, but I'll try to obtain eom e 1 knrvj that yon would eucceed, and 1 fully believe It to In yonr best and noblest work. Nothing so much .ae the atace needs good lives and good heade. I know I could help you In the direction of your wardrobe, but I del there Isn't much elie I can do. However, my dear child, the helpers will come, Orcoorso I know that the life Is by no meane in Matf one. I know tint I counsel yon to dlsconragemunt ead toll and coutacl with course people ami allgute. But If I had half the eonfldeneo In lap powers, that I have In yonrs. I should have been ou the stage month ago, and 1 know tint 1 should not have In.,,-- I I think yon have so many gifts, your beautiful voice, your changing color, yonr varying, soulful face, your aarnOSta OH and of nature, your love lor )our art and In your love for your art and your love for your children yon hnve lis,, Ihe highest Incen- tive. Dear child, I with I could make your path straight und smooth to the highest success, bul enly that success Is highest to which we make our iti'(J: way with Bftla and sj -- ) v. c ijPj V aX kwowlllhoveloug r' f rrx",''A talks shout this mat lr and see ll we 'CSsanT" 1 not make our eager XSIK Ssii M J am! nlon give place to gKaf I aaafafra excellent doing. Wm , aataaOl I balls! I I Ui tLm? ii, ladMaw to J L ei yoa oa tbe otaaT, jrl Jk Tlwi have absolute)! aTtusTiTi-- run i no ids at Winter Oar. jouxeos. leu. Thit Mies Juhnjoa lea chambermaid of tho Ml bopollM order, and how EiUin Booth m la With her paseei my under-landin- Now If ever women of power ire needed on the singe, aud I believe way can be ' ' '0 etaoi Htusrl lovea the Tribuiu. I'll "' Hr.Oiyaad penaadi bldl Id use hie In any -- ood. A Mr. Long would heli, me Win,, me everythlug-- all your hopes and fears and IrOtbMd. 1 hive seldom In my Hie been sv so frank with old friends C iu Ibbj mi'tulhg or our Jrfv p ) "' vfltb you. I hope V'W P " 'i i you will be moved toll, dmjyifc hi yoai j W dasS5 j "iilidlia and M.aritana, to 1 Ollielio long up, matched, though olten dreadluily wedutd, a t a nim n a m.K .nsr lug hut iucomprehentlblo Itichelleu, a llimlel who must hnve been mad to love audi loiilden is the itife lias long cursed him with, and a !oa Camar wlioee one unpardonable cilmo was bti admiration of the abominable Gypsy he Is compelled to make lore to. If yoa do sicceed In making an I ng which I wagcKin iw nimrn wattitm. have often felt to be unattainable. One has no business nottodn his pecnllar work. I shall nl way! feel that It was mine, and that I wronged my- self la not doing It. atat I veas helpless. I swam strong sens, and wai wrecked In peaceful w stars at last. Bnt take care, my darling, that yon do not mike the same mistake. I know that yoa will Ire a hap- pier woman, and therefore a belter one. If yoa carl do the work which la In yon. When are yon coming borne I We must eee mnch of each other thla wrlnler. Wo cannot afford to mlei thnt, I ttilnk I need yon, and l am enre yon want me. My ar. I don't qnlte suppose we shall he able to set the world right, but we may do something keeping each other right. I get dreadfully tired and dlaconragod. and the mistakes of my life well nigh overwhelm me at times : nnd if I can catch somebody to preach to, I always find myself wonder- fully Improved In temper and cheerfulness. ! per- ceive that yoa have a beantlfnl petlance which tits yon to be a victim, and I dnre say I shall make yon one. On Ihe other hand, when other people are worn onl. I possess the most Indomitable patience and hope, s. I may help you. I hope yon will bring back health and strength from I hose for hills, and a a bole harvest of fresh- ness, to lie used all winter as need calls. With tho spirit of prophecy strong upon tne, X foretell that thie winter will be a crisis to ne both, end I hope a long season of good work in the right dlreetlon. Let os wive our nopes ah. nt the oomlng months, and cover them with gailatde of peace. I need that, O so much. I must atop for the charming Interruption of cor- recting an endless proof. This worthioes letter most because 1 shall not have time to write another, fo, me hear very soon from you, please; and remem- ber that, whether X am so happy as to cotae or re- main here and await you, I am ever freely yours, LlT Q. C Did you ask me once what was my name? It Is the pretty Italian name, a ; but everybody mls- - ron ounces it, so 1 like the diiuluuUve better, 'lease use It. III. ' stu. cm n, tx To an. riai. ami. 77 CuarToa PL Ace, Saturday, let. Mr I'Fisf'T on i). Do yoa know what Ie my panacea lor all my woes t Mr. Richardson. Nobody Is half eo kind or onielfieh ae be. and when I am "fact," as the newsboys say, I Juat tell blm, and his clear common sense and kind heart always dnd a way Into smooth path! again. Therefore. If 1 and he were here, I should Just tratl him with the whole atorv. and tend blm to eee Btnart, weom ne knows very well. Alaa be left i . for Kansas on Wednesday 't j and my right hand Is want- - t . I ing. ho I must e'en do the L U I Amm next leal thing. I cannot v rbt at thla moment tell V--- e. what, but my Inspiration rtf t will come In the course of tfbw d Ike day, ii always does. At"tkdWw''2-neie- r met Bluart but A on,,., when he wj. very wBV-- l ? wikaTA conrteoua. lie would not vaajjaasSr eanefiv eaaaeaaher ma now, bat if 11 mmw asssjdj "Til Is tbe heel thing for ma lo go v; I C if 1 and aee him, 1 shall go. I vsarss ' g fnJ shall Jnst find out all his laaaTsaa. a avs from one or two Bo- - r t,t-i ""' JB r bemUni who know him In- - " Umateiy, and then visit mm a txiiicTiTa Lcacngon. ami ask him to com- - nnd take Innrh-e- n with me, it will most propitiate his lordship. My dear, thit thing Is going to be done. 1 know it run 1. and I tut M ll shall. I shall set about It aud have progress to report when yon come bark. Mrs Mowatt la a shining exception to M 8tuart's theory. Mr. ll another. t;liarlotte Cnshman went on the ttatfe to ting, not to play. Mielellna 11, nrlqiiea, to her admirers, nnd Mrs. Jennings are tw o m, re. Hut it is for us Ut establish precedents, act to foilow thrm. What did cur Mtblfl die for else ? Aclressee ire lorn, not made, and If most of our actors were trained for the stage, It Is qnlte time we had aome who were not. We may hope for decency If not ror genius. Think of that dreadful Johnson at Winter Garden as one of the trained eohool Or Indeed, of all B, oth't support lor that matter. I know that we can do thla tnlng. and we must Of course you can take a feigned name for your country engogA-mcut- , und when you aro announcod hero tbey can say "her first appearance at thla ti eatre." I ehould do It by all means. Of course 11 ll no prevtom rrjivtiticn that Sluarl wanta. bnt only the assurance that on the eiage you will know your right hand from yonr left. It rexes me when be baa such maierlals lu ue that be thonld Interpose to 1 etter, bnt I suppose it Is necessary. Well, my darllug, there It more glory In plurklnr bright honor from the moon than In being petted w ith eagar plums of ease, Isu'l there! The very effort will make the fruit better worth. We'll tee ; but don't have one doibt of the end. It lo and will that win In the end, and you have talent for flfxy actresset aa at present rated. Your letter has hut Just come, end I daahed off thla elect that you might not be kept waiting. I'll write ignln wbeu I have uowe to tell. 1 want to come to you more than 1 can tell you. frarif ryov, and 1 urn etarvlng for the Uy m itfi rvofiaanaV 'ng bread or rocka and ' Y ?i 1 mmmmmm 3s ( MwBmm&vMm mual aaaaaaaiw ' ' bbismSbiF u ' Av&ZSm saaaaaaro ', i,r' ' don't XfrjaV aiggfV it will bo possible lor J V aV ' you to come. If any -- V 'jY f kind fate thonld bo dy . Ju ' quealhe me a lottery poor eiSTrniA. tlckot or value In the. brier interim. I will be with you on lhat good Fil day. 1 am the trrlbbllng Slsyphea whose rock rolls down faster than she ran bring it up again. I fear I don't sing at the en.ilcsa task like my antetype. Ah well, lire It nothing but Hat use we make ol It, Md it Is belter to get llllso teeth for people who need them than to gather apples of Olympus for one's self. What will be your Balciu nddie Jt I Come to me ae eoon ae you are back, and lei roc kuow tho New Y'oik number. Wo must gather w hat gold we con In tow n, If the mullclno and Aaron't rods did have to fall Into melancholy graves without the ol my emlle. You will be very good lndoe.1 to let me read with you. I ihall enjoy It and profit by It Immensely. My voice le penetrating when In beat condition, bot elrong only In the low notes, and they nre rusty now. What I want It lullnett of tone, and I think I con gain that by diligent work. I Ml! lop. 1 hope you can rcsd this crooked icrawl. Ever md always, my beloved, youre fully, W rit! often. LU' IV. Hftl. CALHOt'K TO Kit a'rABI.Agn. 77 Cunton Tlac g, Thursday, April 17. Hurrah, my darlliigirAll my wheels are turning: the right way, and tho world moves. Mr. Hiuoit has Just cone. He did answer your ei cond loiter at length. Booth was i.llh him when It reuclied MM, and he rend It to that divine man, " who leels in- terested In" yon. I quote the words of the 1'otou-late- . And If you will piny df audi parte at Queen In Tpp Hamlet and others at first, dBf" r a. , ,n have an engine- - jjrWjF men! with the liumi lo' ftMrjKfgM hero 11 thit winter 1! KwUEFr dir un assumed name ill' ,, n you 'hoi i ant 'o do .MDfl that, Mr. Btuart will givo KS you an engagement in the ' WM Ia country, bul I advise here r m -- W JIihI, by ull means. My VdgtMaa darling, I could not be Hup- - OaaV- -'" pier if I had discovered a Tal ,,,. vugAH goldmine. Maybe we have. or m.iei Tbluk of playing with Booth. 1 believe I ehould die of that rote In eronatio pain If inch I privi- lege were mine. My dear, this Is luch a good omen. Yontb, and hope, and beauty, aa poor Miss e. rllto used to ft. fM flfaR ""'f fjj) i Is nn and moral wjkW '" " ' MMMMMmka M K IV m resch yon In J " aTI Boslon, eomfcrtyonio if will JL- - JSi'vaaaa'"- - """ h '"" if " ,1 not, It . yrff will be only tvs- - si-- jnuse you will OATcntM tua atari. be here, where X can tell yoa all the g I have dono. I am really good for tomethlnx, I txllcve alter all and when yon succeed I ihall felicitate myself aa none other. I prsy yon pardon this serswl. I am so delighted I know not how to be consecutive. In ell my pmveri berooftcr I shall name W. btnart by name. Nobody conld lie kinder then ha, and he wanta yoa to come and toe him as soon ei you are here. " Such larks, lip I" id Booth I ho bsi talked about you, and lUmooir proposed so bilng yon out Bee Maples and thon dial I must iwrp to click the malh My darling, I put two loving arms about yon. and gave you tho heartiest and hopefhleet b lasting yoa ever bad In your life. Coma alone.. If yon ahonld come on Saturday, and don't have time to come and tee me, go to church, Mr. Frotlilngham't, Fortlotn street, near Sixth aveune, on Sunday morning, aadslt with mc, pew to, and we'll talk It all over afterward. Ever devotedly, LU. T. area. cAtBorx to im. m'sailard. Mt Dabi.iwo: I snopoae jtA. yon most tie anow-b- und, pf v as I am, und I send a good y I morning. Llllle and Ja tX alii proBoaatedyour' La- - i oy Capulol" better tlien i tsMJ Madame HI. Juilel. There Is Inrnur for gr dnt I ill flaj work ai day, and be frW TrM to help you to u orrow. flu '"fsA Bacfifire yooraelf bv going SJK t,, Henneeay'a, or In any BBbtdl 1 ' other wayl aivHrK 4 My fste cries out, tad ie- - H M forms me that I wish to T- - know lum. Meallylogelavl. B M yjvm "m I no Quite snr,. there is aa, something behind his gray Oaasit eyes and mobile fat e. I don't taoaaai 101 naaira. like kaowlng people Indltrerently. Lluaka are anck ' ' ' tir t OaTI ai in thi riRsa. moch to me In the flesh J. II. Y. and yoa con (oesa Ihe other two. Put n.y ilresm 'r end are numrrans. Bcoth la out of them, latllf t ally he is mt lull I mate. He wont. I T,e Ji amtxed to see with 'J daTa what I have en ' 1 Ml J'', dowod him, and ' PR Q howconfldenllal hoi ' J4 ll with me. Do pool H acaw TS have ench whims t1 ' WEl ATal My novel will bo 1 tv I ? nudyof p.ychoio.1 Jeryltr ry x gy, I foncy. A I lJ ' strange story. The j i JStJl 111 boywaltt. I begin I' "fffljOl to eay that I loved '.- JP -- Jt jr- -. jou dssrly always K 1V aaamk 04l shall always most. K fciJ 'VjIa Tlial you are be- U tSaaW. ssasaaaB role end and high, ,ikcla,ib'b bot waitimo rou a goepel to me wno corr. need one. Some day, or rather some night, I ihall tell yoa audi a ttory of my tort-iil- nt existence. I would rather writs It, but I shall never have time. Snproee I write my navel In lottere to you I How much we have to eey to each other, that w e never abail utter Ull the leisure nf the New Jerusalem oilers opportunity. Ever, my darling, yours, LU. TI. a I, OALBOt'N TO HIU. m'taRLANIi. Fiiuiat Mobminu, Md Feb. Mt Pablibo Cnn.D : Wliut con I any to comfort thee t My heart bleeds over thee. Would I could enfold thee forever more. My darling, irit were not for Percy, I should tnke thee awav and keep thee us soon is I go home. 1 do not taprxise Mr. ('. T would let me keep V-rP- hres, M precious, you S "mCj to'-1- ' 7or dc- - , l j3V cl'on. It It profane ' ' R flcS Vl0" fhr rov '" I' Mftt 1 1 lwilh "mt i""-- u" Is V'yaw j0" not- - No woman "lErffliSr - ' ""l;h, ' hur V j f irfP ' ronnhood to open ft. ,h'm bat 0 S been forced lo do for T,,g7gi7f'wo.,.n. "" 0 " mo" cruel, most devilish. You cannot work, you cannot advance, you can make certain of 110 future lor yourself tnd the children while you stay. There la no Justice, no reason, no hope In your doing it. My darling, you will leave hlui ocathlcsa ; the world It more generous then we think about those things. Every tliougbtral man or woman will Justiry you, tnd you can shake off the eharklea ana work wilh free hands. It Is dreadful to have you fight against such odds. I think you could live, youisal and Percy, for what you cam uow; aud IX you can ouly bo free eo that you '' a v mjh& your Tlll I.ADT WHO WlininTO fTEAIi A MAN1!! ".""I WIPft AN l flIVI 11KH T AM1T11KH MAN. I d0 thiutt tliui now you Miiy do no luuoh. Oh, do leave Inn. my darliny. It It. eo wrong thut you Bliouid ttluy witn likiu. Friday Kveiilni,. My darling, wo fmvp junt ro- - ,,.,. Mr. U tutter. 1 uui to glad Hut yuu haw k'ft M. ; do not, I battch rou. return. Do not let any wttukncM of mercy poasoKa you. ft la uuppy Unit tif atroltu liai tu'.- u, no matter what heart-biem- come witb It. I could be glad Uat you eutlt-- II yonr Buffering would keep ou away from him, My darling, fur whom I woald dio, do not ao wrong your wouanbood u to g bte. You mutt not; thalt not. When I come back yon ibn rome atralghk to me and ttny. I will havf It ao. I wlH rwne If yon need Bie. Writt me, my darting- - ail thing. Etod If yon are detracted, writ. It will calm you, and kelp you. AU my heart flowa to yoa. I would hrlp you, guard you. In al you. If I could. Jtly darling, you ennnot be mlMnndcrsMood. I, n proud womnn, tell u tl at only by lenvlng him can yoti Jrntify youraelf to yntrTli, and to the world of noMe proplo. My l'r-lin- my money and pnrt-- acid grief are your for erer. Ton nil not heatiate to come to me, for yoti lore me. TMt la a ivoor note 1 have bad to acrawl In v m il. Whnt I hnro not bad time to aay In Ink, when, If yon are better, I ahall write you a belter letter. All my heart la youre. Let Mr. R help ynn. lie la good and atrong. Btay where yo are till I otne. T lien come to me. My darling, I lore you and a orrow for you. Tiilue ever, LU, VII. IfBJ. SAMUEL BINCLA1H TO MRS. MfAlLAMD. WAauinoTON, Feb. tl. Mt Pr auk-- t FniEKn: Ifra. C. read your letter to me thla morning, and I am almrat heart broken for yon. My dear, what are yo golnv to do f What-eTe- r yon deride npon f eonrae yonr friend your frwe frlende will accept. But I do hope you will act with iraaneeg and deetilon. It nema to me lhat one great effort te only n yuv-iif- ii of time, and tho aooner It la made tbe better for you and your children. Do not for one moment longer entertiln tbnt morbid tde tliat you are reriponfttble for the life of ono who la tare to break you down completely, nnd ruin, your children, If they continue to lire with bliu. It w 111 kill you to live this way, and you muit not do It. Those dear little boye innt be tnken care of, and who can do It but their own dear mother? My denr Abb , I lore yon like a aieter, or 1 should not WTlte thla. Anytime that I oan do for you I will cheerfully. Do not despair. You hare health, youth, nnd good friends, and nil your trleoda with- out an fireptUtm will support you. I have no doubt of your au. cess on fie alette, but should you find that too trying for your health, you can do equally w-- II by ALtAatatm modest In ltmW0' V yonr own Sr4 estimation. juJ tnitt bet-- 'VYV ter than f jT almost any . - VCflfiX s know; tr.d ; JJTt ' " ahould yon Taflf gite your " V b UmetoiM V1. - g have no JaNO doubt of ' y your exceed- - the ladt who wrsnu TO utcal a lag any aim. American female writer In a very short time. I must suggest one thing, and that is to get Percy tway from Ma father aa soon ae poestble. You know Percy now bellerea In him, and the longer he re mains with him the more intenalflod will thla feeling tweome, nnd of course the Longer U will take to erase It. It aeeme a Ions lime since I left you, and 1 am quite ashamed of not having written to yon rcfore, but our time baa been wonderfully filled with Waahlnvton gs- fiy and 1 aro rery apt, ae you know, to neglect writing to my frienda when I fel crrtnln that all is well I kare not been jealous, although you hare written to Mn. C. eereral tlroea. I lore her too much not to be willing to glre her mora than half of what I would rvcelre. Is p not good and charm-Ing- flow te denr little Dannyf I wtah ha conld coma to Mury'e birthday the 6th of March. Ton mnM come, and bring Percy. We may not ha hoiae before the Btlt, but I don't dare wiile Hint home. Hemcrnlicr thnt Ftnt la yonr friend. I bop you wri not neglect her In my absence. Now, my dsrllng, do wTtta soon. I hoog for aorr.i Iht&rfl definite. Yonr devoted friand, C. A. B. The Teetlinoiiy f !lm. MrFnrlnud. from (A Sunday JHtpirck. The great erant was Mrs. McVar-land'- s itt'tt.' iranre un the stan.l, hut It ha been d. Isyt-- a few ilnv longer. Hhe. like her hushsnd, bus it et elocutionary ipe rrepored. Hhe cofs on tin ptard to defend her sax, tiero!f aa a wife ai d a muther: to show that she htid just cauxe to leave Mr. MrFarliuid. who waa a nulUtone, as it were, fnsterned around her neek ; she w i:l awaaa to Iscy habits, his negiect, hl failnre to pro. hie for her, m harshness tow ayd her, nnd a gre.it manr othr difflcultlc thut she V ought juMiflett her In seekinc for a r:orce In Indiana. Her Itori H 111 make an rxeltemetit. will provoke MeFnrland, ami cause a scene lo transpire that probubly ncTer belore witnessed In ,t Court of JuMtee. ltow si o will act when she goes on the stand, and bow he will nci, are elrrumstntires in thla atranga drama that the public and lepurtata are walling anxiotuly to witneas. The Disreputable Nrw Y'rk Ttura ! nuuiieeil by 1!r. (Jrrrlcy. Frnm (Aa .nr York T'ibut-t- , April tX " The New York rtfrwns bs a OVe'den! teti'lerer to- ward froe foTiam." avs the Imlianaroila ts'iuutl. of noorec It has. The ft iVune It Ihi' da.lv orgau of freo-lov- nhiloeopliy. We eopy the shor" fVrra the cllti'rlal columns of the New York Titnst. In so fur aa It emaualva from t ht .stnttrtti, we mm iLt cuartty tu believe tnat ti e writer, blinded bv ictiorunre and political malerol-e- i aa. waa uot tv. ronclous of the fluaraney mf ita falsehood. Hut no excuae can be made lor the New York !.'. That journal Ilea dellherutoly , will, fnlly, wickedly, with naked Intent to deiame ar-- mnljrn. The Tribun i exactly such a "daltv oracle" of free lovu as Ii la of free trade and free rum neither leas not mure. And the TtM is per- fectly aware of the fret, and knows thut Its He la Utterly without excuse or plausibility. The Dlarrptsiablr New Yark Tlwaa and Ha Free love rrwctleea. Irumthe Jfm yotk Tribune. Aprils. While tbe Timts is in the free love busineaa, let It tt' il1i the particulars of some Canada divorce ufie In which It haa on Interest, snn tall the stoi of what has followed. When the nmearivea uo the prai tlre ot free love doctrines, It will be time lot ll lo preach uewspaper mra)lty. The public can estimate Ha OtaMf for family reading by the results of tLese pr. itti. nf in Its own cmhv t'onsldering how ternbly ll Is iniured bv the knowledge f its free lore do tif bead be. s(ir)n led thut It should now bv in a pnroxNsni of r:ige becuuse tic dUustioua cousei.uvncus if its practh aa are pointed out. THE MKNCU POLITICAL MVVDLMt The w oi I ml on n to Kinnd Aloof from Na-i-t- tin - nttnir Fnree Olllvter Ihe rrogreea of Kveula tu HoHie-Aetl-de- lo Ike ll'iem b AllnUler uf Ike Mu- rine. LojIPOVf April 24 One of the nmnifeatoea is- sued by the labor societies In Purls advises work- men either to ibtttla ftom voting on the NtHtrtttom or to east b'ank bullots. It also demands reforms In taxation and in n. Hilary ceufccuptiou, and the erection of a republic. The ministerial Journuln aay thnt the Marqula de Buiineville yesterday presented fonnally to thu Pope a nifiiioraniluin written by Count Daru be'ore bkl reslgnallun of the Ministry of Foreliru Allaire, lie waa utllged to present the memorandum, though It anticipated M Ollivler'a aucecKulon to the charge of Foreign All'alr-- , beenuse acc rdlng to diplomatic usagu its contents had previously been communi- cated to the PtptJ tioTi rntiu ut. M Ollivier wdl decline the responsibility for the document, unit will m.iintntn uu exj octant attitude lu nyirtl to the I' Ufll ll LTntrtrt, ultrnmontine organ, drmnnd that the flovcrnnieni take Its stand for or ay nn-t- x the Mtettno randum of Count Daru, ami raaarvas. until ana Wor tl rucuntd lion, ltome, Us DptAlou on the It - n.nicrtil tint H, Ollivier Is to In- dec orated ith tne Grand ross of ti e Legion or Honor The ( l uncellor of the l.egor ol Honor is dead. The horhes auachtd 10 ll'u carnage oi iLw Miiiler of Hie Miring yeatardiiy ran awiiy. Adrnlrgl Garioiiillf wn thrown tu th greand and budiy brtilfi j, but his injuries are not serious. The Vole it. Pi eneuee of the I1 il. Homi, April .sl.stt-T- bt third public iiH t tiii of the tKcunieiilcnl Council is to he h Id In HI (Svndty)i Alter mast jh Fnthi-r'- s will rote oral y, tu the nteaence f thu ropa, on ttie first aeu or tug council. The Poiww iil aoleuiuly pro luulgate the acts as aoon aa the vote is couuUid. Kpnln Aliirmed I the Ciibiiii Nerra. Maiiiiio. April 24 In the Cortes yeetenlnv, Minister Moret, In reply to an Inquiry, aa'ld thnt ti e ne va from l ubn waa satisfactory, but he gave no parilouhire. His answer la considered Vitjua aud Ciualea aouie Uiauueiiii-aa- MURDER OF DAVE O'DAY. AlfXIOUTll WARD ItKNPEH.lDO OONK ro 1118 ACCOVNT. A Nlshl nf Kerrle-- A H,ndr Meralag Plaht In an Eighth Wnrd Marelerer of i lis I.arkla " I'M haa heea Avtegsl al l,aat I" la the Elgtito Wnrd yesterday morning amnrderer wis oiorclered. Thit victim waa David O'Dar, who kept a bar on a corner ol Orcenwlch and Charlton itreets. lilt name waa formerly on the fanlight over ti door In large letters ; bot latterly tbe breien ornaments were removed, although It waa well kaaiwa that both he and hla brotner were tateroeied In the oualneae. Yot a long time tbe ruBan U'Day had been the terror of tbe neighborhood, and had glvrn tbe police mnrh tronble. Un the Uth of No- vember, 1WH, hi wai la company with Pells I. bin at tbe time when tbe lattar wai easeaalnated la Alegtnder Cimpbell't barroom at Hudson and Canal sti i , is. and It was sir, ugly impeded that O'Day wai the mnrderer, althongh It waa to contrived that no evidence agalnll tbe iconndrel ever reached tbe Coroner. 0IH eleo took pert In the affray IB Palge'i hotel when " Uolly" Neleoa v. aa itabbeil. la that afTray an InotTeoslve boarder In the hotel waa arrested nnd locked up, while tbe desperado, having political Influence, was liberated. rna Irani ot anBrisn. Tbe plsre In which this mardc-- r woe committed Is a low basrrnlnt lager beer ead liquor sal, .on, 81 King street, occupied by Lrry McUermott. Our diagram obowa the OBNIIIAL ri.AN Of TUB DOtll. I i.... "" U i I I : is " i I it i o : Ii; : u i I i JUL n o : : : : t : : : I : 10 : : H i 1 I I I : 0 e a ; I ll I : a e ; r I i ; I I elle III asV ............ HMcrirMen nf the Ptatp am. . Where tin affriiy took place. 2 Uhrre O'Day fwl uodrr the screen, after being stat'hed. 8. The arreen. 4. Water pttebtr on the bar, broken. 6. Tbe bar with nnrlgiht pust st thr end. a. onntt-- Dm hsr, wlta bottiss. etgar boa, dto. 7. Cards, cr lb bags bores, and rambling Impleiiinnt. H Dtoeand dlce oox. " A'lvertUliTg card, where "KenoU played every eranlag." 10 10 rteroanf the bmken lnirer beer glaaa. ll. Target of ' Our Own tnard." li. Hsf-- rt.oin. wbars euitomfri engage in gambling. 1H Proken cliau, and cirri taftle. , 14. Coal cellar. 1. 15 !oor rrom back room, anfl raAgc to yard. ie. Men to raid. 1? (iate trom alley to yard. Vtird 1U. Hack window. Fronj adi w. ii, . i. 1h)ntie iront doors, and sep leading Uicreto. ti ( hair, vlth ('ls's bat unon If. l 1 he alleyway. 24. Lager bi t r Legs. To conceal the customers Inside from those who mny be passing the front entrance door, a green twliiplnj scrern Is fusjt nded from tht celling, and on the left side of the room are the bsr, Ae. diarrnm). the oppcsltr side being oernpted by ronnd tables and chalra. ltahti d the bar la a abelf, un which nre displayed bottles, etgar boxea, glasses, and the varluua paraphernalia of a liquor aaloon. Including dice, cards, crlbbuge boxer, Ac; and at the upper end of the ahelf are two lager beer kegs. TJn ler the bar and ahelf are numerous rack botes, containing s- da. esraapartlla, tftc. Against tba wall behlud tha bar are plclores, looklng-gl'isa- , Ac, and a curd announcing that the game of gitENO ta n.ATKD itirt rvr- ivo. Againil the dltbllng partition of the roorff la the well riildled target of "Our uwu (hiard," which, on ISoveniber 1), 1SCU, weulout under tho of Ttionins Melllgnn. Puve U'Dar nn Hmarday night started off with a few companions on a epre, and In tlx- Niniii Ward came cpon one John Harvey, whom he nanntted and brutally bat tared. Tba gang roamed abuut all night MaINK INC. A!P ncnTiNO, and at about eight o'clock yesterday morning brouvht up at l'uroeirs liquor aaloon, at Kiaa and .trick stroeta. At this time they uumbeied six men, namely. Pare )ly, Phil t'ooney, Rooney Kelly, m iv Michaels, Charley O'Connor, and Juiiuny J out. Waftn they ai yej ut Turcvli's, M Hi .in Porter waa sUMng In the hnn-oo- rendiiig; a newspaer, and as he knew the whole party be freeted them cordially. Frt niords lhat pussed, took the notion that t)T)ay nnd his com- panions bad previously been disputing, and thnt t'I)ii es bent u;on huviua a fit.' hi Vi ith nnip oue, for he chnlletiged Phil Cooney and threataoed to " llok him." Cooney replied tnat he did not .nit in flam, etspeclally as O'Pity vs a heavier man. (ro of the partT aald If l)'Iny wished to tight, he wornd not n taking n hnnd in with him. Thla rt tuark fiooltd 0IV down fur u Mine, and Purler advised O Day to ' keep quiet, for the others were too many for hint." DklVsMf OUT WITH A BI1ARP STICg. Fearii.g a disturbance, the harkeeptT went up stairs ut.u roused the proyrietor, wt ols well known as "Pip" aruotig the bojt, ' Pap Purcell" ag tried to keep a quiet boiie, and when tl.c boyg art unrulv, lie takes his tuck 11 to ' Yesterdiiy morning, Pap hastened trOWt siairs with his ad nionHory stick, unil to Mroyggil any trouhle n his premises, drove them nil iut, giving one or tw o of them a playful stroke on U e p4tnttlO0na, und when he got tltein into the it reel, the door vtuit ilosetl, us much s to say, "Ton need uoi expect to get in In ra again.'' Porter was ilrinin out with the test, and w en outride, be hum Invited to join Hie putty. He pud the invitation. 'Ihe pnrty than tfoni along King it reel toward tbe rier, ami w Im uocposile tl one of them Midi LKT PS (JO UfTO This propoaul was aciapted, itiol a knuwlng one, ns the front door WM Oloaad piloted Ihi reit along the atleyaay to the rear suta. hh'h was found open, then down the gtopi leading froiu the yard, throUi;h the pajgggg wnv nnd (IN room Into the bitrrootu, Weraft Porter sst down on I chair by the table nenrwst lo the scron. AndtwW Manton, the barkeeper, u hi IS, had only ng hud lime to clear up the place he: urn Lbeag tin welcome guta arrived, bul gttU It n ri ad lo lod ti thu t Droul called ior some beer, which waa served to thtMii, and each drana Without dispute; tin n ii'Uay called h a swoood round, which nuvmg baan drann, ha tendered u not in payment. Not hav itiir chsnve, the soling b;u U pgy want out through tne. ulieH flu Kt tui reucy lor tha hole, und while he was .t! etit Till MI UHRU WAS COHlflTTID. pave (VHsy. It appear, ftcaln ehullcnged Cooney to tight, and Hie lai ter rt plied tlntl he d pO m to tight, and was indued no imam uf him : bul il ne w.is so uniioua for a (Idt, he would get lum a mug who would whip bin sli it. pie. .... Thi renly O'Duv, who culled Cooney u " O d d d liar I" at the same time aiming a blow nt in with a lnger beer glass. A MttfU ei m .1. din ing which im- glass weut flying at ruhs the room to tnv further end of the bar, striking me watt r pltehor and the lost, nnd breaking it piece ufl the pdcliei. O'Jiuj and Cooney wore by Una lime botWMg "' icraan ai d tug front door, and soon gfterwttrd "'I fell ngainst the Sfrtnu. wlm li giving WaJT, hi hiin Inll on to the grounJ, the leel ioWUTtll the douff OUtgldf the sci wen, aud the head lying ItOWtfdi thu back room, moon an k rap Iton O'Pay a moiilh and nottrill. and when Porter and t hsrlen trt oniior s tw lliai il was hloo Ho t aald : " Hum I u precious gd ; it tch a d. ctnT," and thu part Mattarad in M srch ol snrglc.tl gBhltttneoj the lortmotM metiiiuit the In the allev a ne wah returning) It was men aaeei lain; d that O'Day had been stab' ad In the left side. Thli wai al anoul a quai lar pari uigltt u clock tu thu uiorniug. tux pouch. The barkeeper returning and finding Drout and another stui tiing goart) over the tod, human mound tu the Greenwich itreet i'oilce btutlon, and snmmoned the Police. Capt. racTonaM, who hgtt been uoon duty the whole night, anl had bmm but an hour tn had, when Informed of tha fact- - rnee) nnd hurried to the scene, arriving before O'lhvf drew hla Inst breatli. !lo ordered MiOf Daley tl go back to the station and set a stretcher, and) o'Diy was borne to iha station, wharo Dr. Lynch nitendod him, but too lato to ren ter assistance tii TMRKxarau was Aunr-rxt- i. It belna apparent that nothing could be done Ogpi MclKmald went In eonrch of his gOgJa panlon, nn.i alter soma trouble arrested three of them, namely, William I'ortar, asa I 9A, vnrnlsher. residing at Paige's Hotel: tharlra O'Connor, agod 88, hntcher. of JM West fionston atrret, and aowfj Prout, airet. VS. laborer, or 11 Clarkeon street All tbeae three are alnglc mon, and bore In this country. rnn poaT MORTntf. Coroner F'rnn waa speedily snmmoned and a Jnrw was Impanelled. The Jnrora viewed the body, nndi then the Deputy Coroner made a poat'Uiortem ax atnlnntlon, flmling thai the knife had entered ha twuen the sixth and seventh rlba, cutting throng! tha left iqng and dividing the aorta. Tbe condition of the lungs Imllcaied that O'Pav mnt have died lu a few years, consumption, drink and nlrhlly ha. Ing undermined his oonstltntlon. Por- ter, Drout. and O'Connor were held by the f 'oroner to nvntl the rusull of the Inquest, which Is to be) held on Thnr-dn- v neat, and the waa da wine i as a witness. DAVID O'DAT was a natlre of Ireland, year of aee, and rest dnd, at 1H Charlton Itreat, where In lagTM a wife bot no cl lldren. Atter Ihe post mortem examination, the) body wne removed to his residence, and placed on lea. preparatory to the fnnaral service, the friends, yefntlrea nnd arqnalntnnees asambllnr M the house) In grent nam bars. AU day yaetcnlny crowd Ailed the Oreenwlch etreet pollco abitlon, and Ihe scene of the tragedy. It was aald that alien I Mrs. Lnrkln bend nf the murdei of O'Day, she ran up Chariton sirett, shouting, "Felix had been revonged at lat." . McDonald, bte last nlitht, orreted John alias Koonev Kelly, one of the men who was In tun company of Dave O'Day'a party while iu I'urctU n honor alora. MOTEBTANT HOMANI9X. Rltanllstlr mrrrlrra tend Cnnflrmntlnn nt eta. Alsmaa Twtnty-ea- n t'andtdatra i on. firmed J Ill-h- I" ' - m4 Vlawara an the Altar-Whi- te- Vrtla Worn hf the Catndldatca - lroce-aaln- atad rraaara. Biabop Putter rtdminiaUrad the aolemn rite of confirmation to twenty-on- candidates at 8t Alhaoi Church, Forty seventh street, yesterday afternoon. The services wore announced to take place at 4 o'clock, bnt long before tnat hour erery seat in the building wna occupied, and numbers af people ware standing in tha aialoa. The congregation waa made up of the moat atyllably dfcased and fV,,ilonabt people of the city. The display of elegant aprtni tolleta by the ladlea uygej nnsnmasaed In any chnrc In thu n.etrop lis The dellgbtfnl weather, oonlraet Ing ao airut tilv with the dismal Eueter of a weak before, gave tho ladiea the deferred opportunllf 01 bringing out the vciy latest denigna In bonneta and dresses, tbnt increasing tbe tttrnctlana or the occa-tlon- The altar and chared were profusely .Worst with tha moat loraly white floware. 0& the super-alta- were two Immanaa circular dealgns, atandlag either aide of the cross, composed Wholly of whlta ItlltM aad )aponloaa. Othar smaller btaqaata ware tastily disposed. At either end ol the altar, on tha floor and slena, ware large onllaetlona of tlvlaq Flanta In tall bloom, la pots, consisting of caila Inpnnlcas splrnvi and other varieties. Tha chancel was further decorated With banners, Inelad-In- g a new and elegant one In white allk, bearing a representation of the Annunciation In rich MM. A moat beantltal paaohal oandle, unvaioped la an nil psintlnff representing the crnclflxlon, stood at tha foot of tha allar atena on the left side. This candlef m well as the new bannar, sre recent contrlbutfonn to tha ornaments of tha chnrch, md the workman ebip afmaiu tiers of tba ooncrecation. The candles upon tl e altar, the stands of candlea. and tha pn achat candle ware nil lighted previous to the commencement of tha service. Promptly at 4 o'clock a short olontary by the organ prefaced tho Rroortional hyain. wbloh could be nlmly heard al Increased In volume and force aa tha procession approached tba chunoel from tba T en- try room. The words of Ihe hymn, " Jeans Christ Is risen to day," broke out in a saelllna chores as the ehorlstara en- tered the church and moved toward the nllar in metfiired trend, preceded by a dlinlnntlve ncolvta N'srtng nn Immense cross, and others of like calling all dressed in scarlet, with whtN surplices, The chor- isters woregnans of llgM bloe I'enntlt tho white; surplice. Following ll e s wore the priests ariayed In tall rltunilstlc costtime, the tnfi-- r or-- ra in advance. Father Mori HI bringing up the tsar w ith the T' e menbers ot thu erocoslosj mide the fbrntnl revtrence to the alt r a" tey fllaii away to Hielr sevenl stations, exceptina ll a Ibshop. who not only thli jeculhir feature of rltnallstic vt ohlp, hut nerlcted tho attitude mil devotional style ol carry i in: his hands M hu ruovwtl away careVs-l- y to the aeoopal chslr on ilie rlrht. Fnther Noyes at once commencetl the roaul.n ordhr Ol e t iung prayer by pronouncing Ihe t xtiortatlon lnnatnw.1 .tone. bicli was rilhwd by Uie renerul cuutesslonin toned. The .ihsolution was ProoCrSlOcad lit natursl tolot, The Lords nrnynr was intoned, and the Ulorta iMponalvwtl chanted. Then t ann- the psal- ter Tor the day, being tho flr-- t four parts of the TPtthj psalm, which was tulip) ana Iv cli nted In f.rago lap tones. The s hi e read hy F tther v i ir Trio Cinfate aud Itenedlri e were glvrn In Oreeorlnn tunes similar lo Um Pmuter. The graod wus Intoned with organ ;icccn,t)anitnt nt. Thepniyers follow rug were ltiloncd by Fther Moves. After tho third cod- - I lect rarrlban's Vnuniricnt, a as ,. At tha close of Ihe prayen Webb's Butaf Anthem waa given, closing thu prefatory. F.ilhor M.irrull, tha rector, then invite. the candidates to t n ent them-selv- st the chancel rail, while thu Vent Creator was beins ounir. Tim hymn tfttf BQa as a sttto and chorus, and tin candidates preentd themselves. They were it. ut half h. fats of whom wore hng while veils, and three) or thfon were dresaod n.i ..i In whlia. The regit' r order of conhrnia:ion was conducted the Hlshop In the ortltnary manner, with no mnslc. In bla addiesa to the tieWly cyullrm l mem; era. lhr i ii op t t'i Cue hi mst r t g pranttont nshorrnl ns a ih- of holiness, tl e only eif r slons denoting any recognition of the ritunlflic nonoUarttlaa of thia church being a brief allnolon to the Tact of see era! of the choristers being rtmong thu ineuibers of iko fihiaw, He enressad - grtulncatlos at t.t(, and El pd that their OOOOnnlloH and ministration In tho church would avnll to rendsr thei.i bright axainplea of Christian lab rers. In the cuncluiline services which were conducted by the Blh"p, It waa observed thst be conformed to the enstom of the Ctiurch by gnonndlni the allar steps and standing In front of the cross with his back to thu congregation, only turning to givo tha Benediction. The services closed with a recclnnal hymn simi- lar to the processional, the words bail " Christ the Lord Is risen to day ' a TAM&tM avvhkm:siki. How Forliinra vrcrr Mndr an n Pa.tfMM I n- t Wo ih I ne i tin Ha i Let Like Matltni llubbnrd'H 4upbi.il I'd Nuihlnu liu. WnnbtnnOO Market nt t' o' lock ISatiirdav morning was the hiitdlathin of hutcluis who In wilder gpsaaJtUoni than the Wall street hulls and DOarS In their mn-- t am ifuroiis day. ltuti'I.ers In white dapper aprons elide 1 17 lika y ghofta. Itutchers whose corpulent bodies Stay, I their feet tlepofiwd their caiaftous lunda-ment- pfOPOrtlong In chairs, and ggvg or 'ers to little boys ot gu.inl etiiaristlou. (ti tiers und c unter orders w ere giVM in Jnterrnnf ouiiditu t onl r a dic- tion. The colu and potent cau-- u of al. this buny to and fro tftl the luitct er in Search uf beef. Washlnfton Mniket was hnrn of even a iMefo bi iltick the hooks WOTfl innocent ol a hiud quaitar, sml tne bosta ompl t.r anfthlni ihal by uhu iry process could be called Jdlv roust 'leef evon ti oaa in llog;trthiun hnmor. A lew retail tmirUci hutcherf rc joh ed In the possession of u hind n wl.lrlj could be bought al the extortionate price of twenty eeuta par poandi Lonely lolm oroiifhl tin tr cents. The retnll mnrkel ruel, n. jS .1, tarn had tu swell thu eichct.ucrs ol Itutcrn? , rj . W exlruvagant prices, or prohibit tie udiul--l- oi a blameless hi oil or ui exrepttouuhlu toasi tu Culr Bunda) table. ftniall forlnnes were rea.lied by hi raft dealers in a lltllv time. hprcuUtii.il WAI li'e ; un lib ' uer longing tf buyers only Intenstfled The in.nrlivl men doted on tl e moe diminutive itfttki and huere i. mied and f'airU pined awu oi In same I na bntehere lautbed, nnd id van cad lhair ptiees Ive tavr cent. The bnysrs than Uacaras mon- swamored i it, am) the butchers appraised it more lilghly Ho ntoney was Msda and niea Obtained on Miturduy. The progln iita ansa ol thi- soaretty w..s the lata) storm, an i llood. For thrnn dai th Bits i' ni I ad btoUL'ht uo slock, lis trurk- - sw ept oil It the iTOlhttt A Hnttirduy Nils) I Hnitb t In lliuoltlvu. fl Idite on SiLtuidiir ntffM u gtng of Second Wurd rowdlus gmhereil glHiat kit. L.trkins groovr II j .uu t sti i et, Hi wkiyn, und boanu to ann j the Ln n atis. J hey wt re diien from e phtfg h tuirn- - her oi paraonii litaiudlnf hnrthnlonn M Wui on, of fUi Front "tree', who pursued them Ut Jam es afid York sireet-- . Horn one of th fuiftt vg thu w iiottu 1 wiui. atruoJi bin on thu ht rui gud d hi i lo thn sidewalk. He waa t:iKen to hU honit by aome rlts rers and atlended by n who found 'it .t bit kuii had been iractursd an i thai be rouid not ro- - cover. Hu waa allvs last evening. Not.ti.ly h it hc u H ariurted, The Thunderer Thirntened bv Ihe Peiiliins. U trttHimf. April VM The 0'ttrtr ggvs lilgl tiii Fcnuns heiu mu m ittUchlt he flovuriimt ni iiag H been nnthentlcally warned of Heir It.te-tin- n to da. JRH troy titv oftics ol tlm imM and the otU Unutit and uf other protect eqm h niischivVOUS J bnt lUf '',M imidhsUou of perucuiais is wilbueluV B



gisiiixi ZtlTBMt ritoM mm pmOf A xmnrxB nuca-iont-

ejuraorilliinry HperlenfiBeef Mm. I.p. 11. Cal-

houn' Tatrate ( grrnpciurm kiiii-nr- s

that I i trlme-Mr- s. Calhoaa aaTtoiith. Orei-lev- . Ml ntaart- - l.en't C all aiaI. Call me i n.

I.HI illl-.- N TO mm. at'f ablabti.

77 c'untiib Pl an, New Y,, IHunilay evcnine;, Juue HI, 11. I

t Dun Mm. McKablabd: It was good

whltli led yon tov. afiBm

II it I wanted heal from mHmW?Jin A tlosra times Since ""Wf "J2doit n wl tli tl aprest tnd 5Beatbeolnte nnrpose of a Milne; jyyou, and then tome dreurr filLtvtnaiihscrliit Interposed, and rwtnk Jrj,y Interesting pen labored b am. IVIM It wet ci ilred that It V MMtl no power uf panose Saaaatafaaaleft M.. work i. saaav Taadiscouraging order that oon- - f I; 7 T

tamos tlma and pttlenesami cxlteust the forces mmwltricut building any mon- - MM M

timenta of prop-ose- lie- - M m M

Vising, correcting and 5 MM M mmending, eotnuariug, re- - MI m w

ectlng. Eminently usetil, " M W fBTr atly easier tlmn writing, . k 'SaWof wlilrh I am not foud, batMltier drmry. 1 have been MB aamWUIMM

o very busy Uiat I have not written much alnoa yourent away. Besides my work for the Tribunr, I do

l certain elaaa of hook reviews for the lndtptndtnt,and go about with ban da ao . full that I bare

opportunity to take up private letters. For, aI dara ear you know alrea- -

d ft dy but aa It It the oentral(a faat of the univ.-ra- II willtt hear repetition I am houaa- -

I keeping I attained thaiU JsVsga condition to my

ft KWtW treme lurpriae on Uie dratmM) of M ,r We beard of ti.TrgaaVS tiom ho' two das tx.'nre.

Tl T Mftfjm loo It, nd bou.-- one tea

JBl kettle at once For' ' aul m0' ' 'i- 1 enj v

6 ti IlIN fr,Hlon' end asrsjcneai12 teaueaai ''' hospituliiy of home.II VMB, And u we rou't lire In abella

V Tjl tMM through all tble mortal ptl-'-

Jj rr image. It la eo much more, - comfortable to haye tliem of

'ne largeat and pleaauileft.axno bohi tu TeaXBTTLB. Our house la yery pleasant,

M yon ah. ill aee when u come back. Butfor tills Ignorant present I eonld wish mysellwith yon, la the eaullesl farm liouae thatMar took root In a cleft of the hills. For know,V mountain nymph, that the weather la terrificDoors and windows suing wide, the generous palmleaf is plied, bat ws

over the ghost- -tsc-v-V g

Ileal breeie from jg ys y a

Northtrn peak, or SftarM' "V? jjyWestern lake or Beat- - (v W 4f--- s

cm or. in June In JMmwkwB&the ouutry, with a a4m ISjr

TW&mLyirertiiie bands scaitering dflLSkdens, and June inlnn. In the bray vt of Auui, with Tua TRiirxa's rmr lotsdl ktlaalj dngera wntr.Lr.a.

abajin I'lind'.'d eyes, are no kin together.La't am all the 7Vtfvn sent mo on a

flag v to Saratoga, Lake enr,e. and Laket .i", the Iruita whereof you shrill hnveWbtfl they become Immortal la Tuesday's

(viru'oga dreadful, bat the likgl las lbs faraway hills dlled me with delightK Yon ki ow I am a cockney of cockneys. Know notnlnKV cf bl rt and wonder of conntry life. Never haveV eef i. ti t- mountains In my Ufb save a scattered peak

or t... and yet to me they are wonderful. Thingstot t t db nlont unless the dweller be Tory di.e ;

c.. ntnaahle taaab nature bolittlea bin,.

I think men grow

$. bhn.l and deaf to li e

.i ' glory thai ie above. a ias tbelr beads and be-

Jtjr T neath tbelr feet. Don't

"m CN M'v ' 1 wolk bW

S ark- - bal " eaaaal togaK, crVjji ffffi tttt mendow and

Ay BBK J mountain, rosea andI Barrwf rlyer are more to me

aTaaaaaaT & t,,au tu ltie miu ofAfA'jY .vlso-- e estntc they are

Ajt Ey 'J I' 'rt- Aui1 afl art aut

rw ( eultnre ranst teacb

Q y me the wonderful se- -

agar - ' orets and charms ofOLDlxa IK Tag arjED, nature, to I fancy

fcn-- t .1.. lift I: ion me into conntry uses. I have no

lute I hut ai; through the soft soringId i ll i Minmier an eagemeat for woods andai, h ratal me. Just now I am imprisoned Int of tbg Ittorlal llllallgl, and am eo basethat ihall doubtless rontlnne to he a bondauiaa alllbs leason, MTV when the TViouri lets meOut to do Its J. an allstlc w arbling, keepinga itn: i me that I may not flv too far.If 11 eh' u d believe its vital element ol the iuocaisoflbs paper to havetwo oi three, letter! BL

i" . jEjfSjJ

i idle iblc I'bV b?1 ri u ... m .. a .JjiaAiajfii bur, , il.at I ,;,y 'iABBgSAA

join-- 1 ore, oici pt Tiuri'i.M, Tun Lloirr fantastic.Mr. Id In, il on. rjrbd has a room hi re, and is sods-Ughtfully aimabla gad goodnalarad thit not eventui- - dreadful gragfihar uukei klal cros. grblab b ray.abf a great deal tor his Christian discipline. Mr,Or. lul ii. alatoal tobdktd bi book, and then he Is

' - Prebabll to Saratoga, to In,, l ie llgblfaul.Tllc toe. Mrs. UlaeVsj has bad a hj- - norrl. igeand ii very feeble. For myaeir. I am eery wellrstli'tr fired, banng made my Jaunt In three d..ysgndvtrllen three te tu re, and very nuiious nf ia u

drr.ils nnd beuia Iryads.I bona jroej will study (ounril the atajia. If no! for

the gtaee, iliis summer. 'I'ha goal seems to ine soIddTllablat and so d irable, If you cultivate yourvery a eat kilt el all. Ibat whenever I think of n,I wili you uere in your ngl.tlul place. The drum i

e the lieinill'ul art, and you are worthy to be ItaVOPbat, My own tlreiuni of serving It will never

tie liopaf iiow, but whenever I aee brave young (setlet I, ., or.) ll, mill thoughtful I rows bent thither-war- .

I. I try ' Hod speed," from my Inmost soul. It dm ', w ,ry und so warm and uoeomforta-

He, that I iiure wrltida i moat ttiipni lettei, bat IValid lot longer III your dear note go ununawcred.

love V n. ji ,i I.. 1, now you bettor. I have noiMbttbltWI ' .ti tloi jreat hiiiliroad because

acli had son,, fitug lor the other, aud we we. I km mhat it -. Write nie at the office or here, and

of aasweri ai ipeady u my tired peo canrnis. Kvi r and always, helieve me, afTectlonately


MRS. laWCHM TO HR9. M'rAiiLAsn.",: i 1. a To a I'l.aig, Au. Hi, 'Id 1

him uy alteniuou.BaXoTIIJ PaUMPI ll is alter dinner, and 1 im

billons, o expect a soporific Yonr last two letterswere forwarded me at Long Branch, but I had no

tline to answer them there, and 1 came home only

biat night. Too have been very good to take so much

tronble for me, aud I want to sro Ida and thankyon with Una and evee, and yet It i' quite miserably

popalMe thnt I may not be a'lr to rnmi at all. I am

going lo tell you all my piivute all .lis, ao yon will

aee Unit tlda letter

djd Is only for your dear

aaJW?" SVr y Ton know we are

ftlfos'Lji Vi housekeeping lorHPaaCA j tho first time la

Sv thw years, and ex- -

r iJlsnaaaal'Y ,Ji' vl oenees are terrify- -

,Srerigdfjr' I Inn. bnl I knsw Mr.

frnmrnBSilm 1 klhooo wanted tor ',HHf do n, 1 thoughtV BaatS s

S.Bi mmfly to receive a regular- - KaaJy salary I resolved"isJo aotto ask him lor

on thing; for myatn. MaWJH tats Tua

gxrxNsaa. personal wants.Therefore I have taken eare of mraalf entlroly for

the last six mouths. Bnt I have been away for theTrifiuiu three times, and though tlie paper pais ray

travelling expenses and my board bill, etlll Ibad lo dress more than I should ht homo, and

I uin forevd te buy many things which I ahonldnot otherwise. Moreover, I was obliged to putout all my eewing. larcaoae I haro not had time to doit, and my dothee, nnd dressmakers', and seam-

stresses' bills this summer have been over two hun-

dred dollnrs. Then I took one of my slaters, whowas not well, to Saratoga, and that cost me almostfifty doltem, and I ray the school bills of the cither,

wblch are ninety dollars a quai tor, and altogether I

have exactly no money just now. Of course. If Iwore to ask Mr. Calhoun, who la the best man In

the world, he would tell me to go, bnt 1 know ne

can't well afford to 1st me Just now, and I don'twant to break my resolve.

Bo I ahull hare to wilt till I can hoard a little, andI fear that will be too late to find you. I shall notgo to Bhelburne If you are not there, of course. I

have not modi oared to ro at all, except to sea you

only that. I wanted to take mother, who hasnever eeen the Wnlte Mountains, wboee health Isdelicate, end who hi of course growing old It will

be a hitter disappointment to me, on her account, IfI eannot go. you will eoon be at home, eo that I

snail see yoa In any event. But one thing f will notdo la to " rustle In unpaid for allk " I had the spec-

tacle of new dresses, and don't mean to Live aa

other anavaaVaana

summer to save lavmoney for sorno .dsHaaaaW "m 5

famishing, and A M rraaeVsome other de- P c""".- -

I euppoee I 1


have almost f 1, ''elded to lec- - ---

ture this win- - as aturn in mi ai is akka.ler, If X can perauade anybody to heat u.e. whichIe problematical. I am going to work at mylectures at all events, and stall resume myelocution leeeons to strengthen my voice. I(note there is as mnch In me ae In Anna Dickinson,and 1 mesa to aoin my heart for drachmas If 11 hpossible. If X can arrange to earn seventy live dol-

lars by doing extra work these next two weeks, looklor me. You know I shall have lust double bills topay, but X went mother tu have n nice time and beable to go Juat where she likes. Father uet-- lo herich, and now tbey are poor, bnt mother hna neverbeen reron- tie, I. anil I want to givo her all the pleas-ure within my very u.irrov, gfdap, Mo, my darling, X

s1 hnve told you all

sGQL my diaartioint- -

dW ' thought I should

"JgJji! did not know

ri airiso mil rtnsn hsart. tonsnage them.And I have so many at rsons gddlted myself to

My heart Iibs gene to you ever in many timei,and I ahull follow In Hie body If It be possible.

And now to leave thit miserable ledger business forsomething belter. For myself I have avowed my

Immedlaie future. All this tail and winter I shall do

my apeeiiy utmost to make money. It Is the ono

potest servant, the comforter, and consoler, and

holner. In He uses I mean, of course, not In Itself.

And yon I hope jour desire and purpose for thestage has not faded nor been trampled out by hardhoofs of necessity. Have jon had any encourage-- ,

ment f I am very useless In that way, having no di-

rect theatrical influence, but I'll try to obtain eom e

1 knrvj that yon would eucceed, and 1 fully believeIt to In yonr best and noblest work. Nothing somuch .ae the atace needs good lives and good heade.

I know I could help you In the direction of yourwardrobe, but I del there Isn't much elie I can do.

However, my dear child, the helpers will come,

Orcoorso I know that the life Is by no meane in Matf

one. I know tint I counsel yon to dlsconragemuntead toll and coutacl with course people ami allgute.

But If I had half the eonfldeneo In lap powers,

that I have In yonrs. I should have been ou the stage

month ago, and 1 know tint 1 should not have In.,,-- I

I think yon have so many gifts, your beautiful voice,

your changing color, yonr varying, soulful face, your

aarnOSta OH and of nature, your love lor

)our art and In your love for your art and your love

for your children yon hnve lis,, Ihe highest Incen-

tive. Dear child, I with I could make your pathstraight und smooth to the highest success, bul enly

that success Is highestto which we make our iti'(J:way with Bftla and sj -- )

v. c ijPj V aXkwowlllhoveloug r' f rrx",''A

talks shout this mat

lr and see ll we 'CSsanT"1

not make our eager XSIK Ssii M Jam! nlon give place to gKaf I aaafafraexcellent doing. Wm , aataaOl

I balls! I I Ui tLm?ii, ladMaw to J L

ei yoa oa tbe otaaT, jrl JkTlwi have absolute)! aTtusTiTi-- run ino ids at Winter Oar. jouxeos.leu. Thit Mies Juhnjoa lea chambermaid of tho

Ml bopollM order, and how EiUin Boothm la With her paseei my under-landin-

Now If ever women of powerire needed on the singe, aud I believe way can be' ' '0 etaoi Htusrl lovea the Tribuiu. I'll

"' Hr.Oiyaad penaadi bldl Id use hie Inany -- ood. A Mr. Long would

heli, me Win,, me everythlug-- all your hopes andfears and IrOtbMd. 1 hive seldom In my Hie been

sv so frank with old friendsC iu Ibbj mi'tulhg or our

Jrfv p ) "' vfltb you. I hopeV'W P " 'i i

you will be moved toll,dmjyifc hi yoai

j W dasS5 j "iilidlia and M.aritana, to1 Ollielio long up,

matched, though oltendreadluily wedutd, a t

a nim n a m.K .nsr lug hut iucomprehentlbloItichelleu, a llimlel who must hnve been mad tolove audi loiilden is the itife lias long cursed himwith, and a !oa Camar wlioee one unpardonablecilmo was bti admiration of the abominable Gypsy

he Is compelled to make lore to. If yoa do sicceedIn making an

I n g which I wagcKin iw nimrn wattitm.have often felt to be unattainable. One has nobusiness nottodn his pecnllar work. I shall nl

way! feel that It was mine, and that I wronged my-

self la not doing It. atat I veas helpless. I swamstrong sens, and wai wrecked In peaceful w stars atlast. Bnt take care, my darling, that yon do not mikethe same mistake. I know that yoa will Ire a hap-

pier woman, and therefore a belter one. If yoa carldo the work which la In yon.

When are yon coming borne I We must eee mnchof each other thla wrlnler. Wo cannot afford to mleithnt, I ttilnk I need yon, and l am enre yon wantme. My ar. I don't qnlte suppose we shall he ableto set the world right, but we may do something

keeping each other right. I get dreadfullytired and dlaconragod. and the mistakes of my lifewell nigh overwhelm me at times : nnd if I can catchsomebody to preach to, I always find myself wonder-fully Improved In temper and cheerfulness. ! per-ceive that yoa have a beantlfnl petlance which titsyon to be a victim, and I dnre say I shall make yonone. On Ihe other hand, when other people areworn onl. I possess the most Indomitable patienceand hope, s. I may help you.

I hope yon will bring back health and strengthfrom I hose for hills, and a a bole harvest of fresh-ness, to lie used all winter as need calls. With thospirit of prophecy strong upon tne, X foretell thatthie winter will be a crisis to ne both, end I hope along season of good work in the right dlreetlon. Letos wive our nopes ah. nt the oomlng months, andcover them with gailatde of peace. I need that, Oso much.

I must atop for the charming Interruption of cor-recting an endless proof. This worthioes letter most

because 1 shall not have time to write another,fo, me hear very soon from you, please; and remem-ber that, whether X am so happy as to cotae or re-

main here and await you,I am ever freely yours, LlT Q. C

Did you ask me once what was my name? It Is thepretty Italian name, a ; but everybody mls- -

ron ounces it, so 1 like the diiuluuUve better,'lease use It.

III.'stu. cm n, t x To an. riai. ami.

77 CuarToa PL Ace, Saturday, let.Mr I'Fisf'T on i). Do yoa know what Ie my

panacea lor all my woes t Mr. Richardson. NobodyIs half eo kind or onielfieh ae be. and when I am

"fact," as the newsboys say, I Juat tell blm, andhis clear common sense and kind heart always dnda way Into smooth path! again. Therefore. If 1 andhe were here, I should Just tratl him with the wholeatorv. and tend blm to eee Btnart, weom ne knowsvery well. Alaa be left i .for Kansas on Wednesday 't j

and my right hand Is want- - t . I

ing. ho I must e'en do the L U I Ammnext leal thing. I cannot v rbtat thla moment tell V---e.

what, but my Inspiration rtf twill come In the course of tfbw dIke day, ii always does. At"tkdWw''2-neie- r

met Bluart but A

on,,., when he wj. very wBV-- l ? wikaTA

conrteoua. lie would not vaajjaasSr eanefiveaaaeaaher ma now, bat if 11 mmw asssjdj "TilIs tbe heel thing for ma lo go v; I C if 1

and aee him, 1 shall go. I vsarss'g fnJ

shall Jnst find out all his laaaTsaa.a avs from one or two Bo- - r t,t-i""' JB rbemUni who know him In- - "Umateiy, and then visit mm a txiiicTiTa Lcacngon.ami ask him to com- - nnd take Innrh-e- n with me, itwill most propitiate his lordship. My dear, thit thingIs going to be done. 1 know it run 1. and I tut M ll

shall. I shall set about It aud have progressto report when yon come bark. Mrs Mowatt la ashining exception to M 8tuart's theory. Mr.

ll another. t;liarlotte Cnshman went onthe ttatfe to ting, not to play. Mielellna 11, nrlqiiea,to her admirers, nnd Mrs. Jennings are tw o m, re.Hut it is for us Ut establish precedents, act to foilowthrm. What did cur Mtblfl die for else ?

Aclressee ire lorn, not made, and If most of ouractors were trained for the stage, It Is qnlte time wehad aome who were not. We may hope for decencyIf not ror genius. Think of that dreadful Johnsonat Winter Garden as one of the trained eohool OrIndeed, of all B, oth't support lor that matter. Iknow that we can do thla tnlng. and we must Ofcourse you can take a feigned name for your countryengogA-mcut-

, und when you aro announcod hero tbeycan say "her first appearance at thla ti eatre."I ehould do It by all means. Of course 11 ll noprevtom rrjivtiticn that Sluarl wanta. bnt only theassurance that on the eiage you will know yourright hand from yonr left. It rexes me when be baasuch maierlals lu ue that be thonld Interpose

to 1 etter, bnt I suppose it Is necessary.Well, my darllug, there It more glory In plurklnr

bright honor from the moon than In beingpetted w ith eagar plums of ease, Isu'l there! Thevery effort will make the fruit better worth. We'lltee ; but don't have one doibt of the end. It lo

and will that win In the end, and you havetalent for flfxy actresset aa at present rated. Yourletter has hut Just come, end I daahed off thla electthat you might not be kept waiting. I'll write ignlnwbeu I have uowe to tell. 1 want to come to youmore than 1 can tell you. frarif ryov, and 1 urn

etarvlng for the Uym itfi rvofiaanaV 'ng bread or rocka and

'Y ?i 1 mmmmmm

3s ( MwBmm&vMm mual

aaaaaaaiw' ' bbismSbiF u '

Av&ZSm saaaaaaro ', i,r' ' don'tXfrjaV aiggfV it will bo possible lor

JV aV ' you to come. If any-- V 'jY f kind fate thonld body . Ju ' quealhe me a lottery

poor eiSTrniA. tlckot or value In the.

brier interim. I will be with you on lhat good Filday. 1 am the trrlbbllng Slsyphea whose rock rolls

down faster than she ran bring it up again. I fear

I don't sing at the en.ilcsa task like my antetype.

Ah well, lire It nothing but Hat use we make ol It,

Md it Is belter to get llllso teeth for people who

need them than to gather apples of Olympus for one's

self. What will be your Balciu nddie Jt I Come to

me ae eoon ae you are back, and lei roc kuow tho

New Y'oik number. Wo must gather w hat gold we

con In tow n, If the mullclno and Aaron't rods did

have to fall Into melancholy graves without theol my emlle. You will be very good lndoe.1

to let me read with you. I ihall enjoy It and profit

by It Immensely. My voice le penetrating when In

beat condition, bot elrong only In the low notes, and

they nre rusty now. What I want It lullnett of tone,

and I think I con gain that by diligent work. I Ml!lop. 1 hope you can rcsd this crooked icrawl.

Ever md always, my beloved, youre fully,

W rit! often. LU'IV.

Hftl. CALHOt'K TO Kit a'rABI.Agn.

77 Cunton Tlac g, Thursday, April 17.

Hurrah, my darlliigirAll my wheels are turning:

the right way, and tho world moves. Mr. Hiuoit

has Just cone. He did answer your ei cond loiter at

length. Booth was i.llh him when It reuclied MM,

and he rend It to that divine man, " who leels in-

terested In" yon. I quote the words of the 1'otou-late- .

And If you will piny dfaudi parte at Queen In TppHamlet and others at first, dBf" r

a. , ,n have an engine- - jjrWjF

men! with the liumi lo' ftMrjKfgMhero 11 thit winter 1! KwUEFrdir un assumed name ill'

,, n you 'hoi i ant 'o do .MDflthat, Mr. Btuart will givo KSyou an engagement in the ' WM Iacountry, bul I advise here r m --WJIihI, by ull means. My VdgtMaa

darling, I could not be Hup- -OaaV-


pier if I had discovered a Tal ,,,. vugAHgoldmine. Maybe we have. or m.iei

Tbluk of playing with Booth. 1 believe I ehould

die of that rote In eronatio pain If inch I privi-

lege were mine. My dear, this Is luch a good

omen. Yontb, and hope, and beauty, aa poor Misse. rllto used to

ft. fM flfaR ""'ffjj) i Is nn and moralwjkW '" " '


M K IVm resch yon InJ" aTI Boslon,

eomfcrtyonioif will

JL- - JSi'vaaaa'"-- """ h '"" if ",1 not, It

. yrff will be onlytvs-- si-- jnuse you will

OATcntM tua atari. be here, whereX can tell yoa all the g I have dono.

I am really good for tomethlnx, I txllcve alterall and when yon succeed I ihall felicitatemyself aa none other. I prsy yon pardon this

serswl. I am so delighted I know not howto be consecutive. In ell my pmveri berooftcrI shall name W. btnart by name. Nobody conld lie

kinder then ha, and he wanta yoa to come and toehim as soon ei you are here. " Such larks, lip I"

id Booth I ho bsi talked about you, and lUmooir

proposed so bilng yon out Bee Maples and thondial

I must iwrp to click the malh My darling, I put twoloving arms about yon. and gave you tho heartiest and

hopefhleet b lasting yoa ever bad In your life. Coma

alone.. If yon ahonld come on Saturday, and don'thave time to come and tee me, go to church, Mr.

Frotlilngham't, Fortlotn street, near Sixth aveune,on Sunday morning, aadslt with mc, pew to, and

we'll talk It all over afterward.Ever devotedly, LU.

T.area. cAtBorx to im. m'sailard.

Mt Dabi.iwo: I snopoae jtA.yon most tie anow-b- und, pf vas I am, und I send a good y I

morning. Llllle and Ja tXalii proBoaatedyour' La- - i

oy Capulol" better tlien i tsMJMadame HI. Juilel. ThereIs Inrnur for gr dnt I ill flajwork ai day, and be frW TrM

to help you to u orrow. flu '"fsABacfifire yooraelf bv going SJKt,, Henneeay'a, or In any BBbtdl 1 '

other wayl aivHrK4

My fste cries out, tad ie-- H Mforms me that I wish to T- -know lum. Meallylogelavl. B M yjvm"m

I no Quite snr,. there is aa,something behind his gray Oaasiteyes and mobile fat e. I don't taoaaai 101 naaira.like kaowlng people Indltrerently. Lluaka are anck




tOaTI ai in thi riRsa.moch to me In the flesh J. II. Y. and yoa con (oesaIhe other two.

Put n.y ilresm 'r end are numrrans. Bcoth la outof them, latllf t

ally he is mt lull I

mate. He wont. I T,e Jiamtxed to see with ' J daTawhat I have en ' 1 Ml J'',dowod him, and ' PR Qhowconfldenllal hoi

' J4ll with me. Do pool H acaw TS

have ench whims t1 ' WElATalMy novel will bo 1 tv I ?nudyof p.ychoio.1 Jeryltr ry x

gy, I foncy. A I lJ '

strange story. The j i JStJl 111boywaltt. I begin I' "fffljOlto eay that I loved '.- JP --Jt jr- -.jou dssrly always K 1 V aaamk 04lshall always most. K fciJ 'VjIaTlial you are be- U tSaaW. ssasaaaB

role end andhigh, ,ikcla,ib'b bot waitimo roua goepel to me wno corr.need one. Some day, or rather some night,I ihall tell yoa audi a ttory of mytort-iil- nt existence. I would rather writsIt, but I shall never have time. Snproee I writemy navel In lottere to you I How much we haveto eey to each other, that w e never abail utter Ullthe leisure nf the New Jerusalem oilers opportunity.Ever, my darling, yours, LU.


Fiiuiat Mobminu, Md Feb.Mt Pablibo Cnn.D : Wliut con I any to comfort

thee t My heart bleeds over thee. Would I couldenfold thee forever more. My darling, irit werenot for Percy, I should tnke thee awav and keepthee us soon is I go home. 1 do not taprxise Mr. ('.

T would let me keepV-rP- hres, M precious, you

S "mCj to'-1- ' 7or dc--, l j3V cl'on. It It profane

'' R flcS Vl0" fhr rov '"I' Mftt 1 1 lwilh "mt i""-- u"

Is V'yaw j0" not- - No woman"lErffliSr - ' ""l;h, ' hur

V j f irfP ' ronnhood to openft. ,h'm bat 0

S been forced lo do forT,,g7gi7f'wo.,.n. "" 0 " mo"

cruel, most devilish. You cannot work, you cannotadvance, you can make certain of 110 future loryourself tnd the children while you stay. There la

no Justice, no reason, no hope In your doing it. My

darling, you will leave hlui ocathlcsa ; the world Itmore generous then we think aboutthose things. Every tliougbtral man orwoman will Justiry you, tnd you can shake off theeharklea ana work wilh free hands. It Is dreadfulto have you fight against such odds. I think you

could live, youisal and Percy, for what you camuow; aud IX you can ouly bo free eo that you


v mjh& your

Tlll I.ADT WHO WlininTO fTEAIi A MAN1!! ".""IWIPft AN l flIVI 11KH T AM1T11KH MAN. I d 0

thiutt tliui now you Miiy do no luuoh. Oh, do leaveInn. my darliny. It It. eo wrong thut you Bliouid

ttluy witn likiu.

Friday Kveiilni,. My darling, wo fmvp junt ro- -

,,.,. Mr. U tutter. 1 uui to glad Hut yuu hawk'ft M. ; do not, I battch rou. return. Do not letany wttukncM of mercy poasoKa you. ft la uuppy

Unit tif atroltu liai tu'.- u, no matter what heart-biem-

come witb It. I could be glad Uat you eutlt--

II yonr Buffering would keep ou away from him,

My darling, fur whom I woald dio, do not ao wrongyour wouanbood u to g bte. You mutt not;

thalt not. When I come back yon ibn romeatralghk to me and ttny. I will havf It ao. I wlHrwne If yon need Bie. Writt me, mydarting- - ail thing. Etod If yon are detracted,writ. It will calm you, and kelp you. AU my

heart flowa to yoa. I would hrlp you, guard you.In al you. If I could. Jtly darling, you ennnot bemlMnndcrsMood. I, n proud womnn, tell u tl atonly by lenvlng him can yoti Jrntify youraelf toyntrTli, and to the world of noMe proplo. My l'r-lin-

my money and pnrt-- acid grief are your for

erer. Ton nil not heatiate to come to me, for yotilore me. TMt la a ivoor note 1 have bad to acrawlIn v m il. Whnt I hnro not bad time to aay In Ink,

when, If yon are better, I ahall write youa belter letter. All my heart la youre. Let Mr. Rhelp ynn. lie la good and atrong. Btay where yoare till I otne. T lien come to me. My darling, Ilore you and a orrow for you. Tiilue ever, LU,


WAauinoTON, Feb. tl.Mt Pr auk-- t FniEKn: Ifra. C. read your letter to

me thla morning, and I am almrat heart broken foryon. My dear, what are yo golnv to do f What-eTe- r

yon deride npon f eonrae yonr friend yourfrwe frlende will accept. But I do hope you will actwith iraaneeg and deetilon. It nema to me lhat onegreat effort te only n yuv-iif- ii of time, and tho aoonerIt la made tbe better for you and your children. Donot for one moment longer entertiln tbnt morbidtde tliat you are reriponfttble for the life of ono whola tare to break you down completely, nnd ruin,

your children, If they continue to lire withbliu. It w 111 kill you to live this way, and you muitnot do It. Those dear little boye innt be tnken careof, and who can do It but their own dear mother?

M y denr Abb , I lore yon like a aieter, or 1 shouldnot WTlte thla. Anytime that I oan do for you Iwill cheerfully. Do not despair. You hare health,youth, nnd good friends, and nil your trleoda with-

out an fireptUtm will support you. I have no doubtof your au. cess on fie alette, but should you find

that too trying for your health, you can do equallyw-- II by ALtAatatm

modest In ltmW0' Vyonr own Sr4estimation. juJtnitt bet-- 'VYVter than f jTalmost any . - VCflfiX sknow; tr.d ; JJTt ' "

ahould yon Taflfgite your " V bUmetoiM V1. - ghave no JaNOdoubt of ' yyour exceed- - the ladt who wrsnu TO utcal alag any aim.American female writer In a very short time.

I must suggest one thing, and that is to get Percytway from Ma father aa soon ae poestble. You knowPercy now bellerea In him, and the longer he re

mains with him the more intenalflod will thla feelingtweome, nnd of course the Longer U will take to

erase It.It aeeme a Ions lime since I left you, and 1 am quite

ashamed of not having written to yon rcfore, but ourtime baa been wonderfully filled with Waahlnvtongs- fiy and 1 aro rery apt, ae you know, to neglectwriting to my frienda when I fel crrtnln that all is

well I kare not been jealous, although you harewritten to Mn. C. eereral tlroea. I lore her toomuch not to be willing to glre her mora than half ofwhat I would rvcelre. Is p not good and charm-Ing-

flow te denr little Dannyf I wtah ha conldcoma to Mury'e birthday the 6th of March. TonmnM come, and bring Percy. We may not ha hoiaebefore the Btlt, but I don't dare wiile Hint home.

Hemcrnlicr thnt Ftnt la yonr friend. I bop you

wri not neglect her In my absence. Now, my

dsrllng, do wTtta soon. I hoog for aorr.i Iht&rfl

definite. Yonr devoted friand, C. A. B.

The Teetlinoiiy f !lm. MrFnrlnud.from (A Sunday JHtpirck.

The great erant was Mrs. McVar-land'- s

itt'tt.' iranre un the stan.l, hut It ha been d.Isyt-- a few ilnv longer. Hhe. like her hushsnd, busit et elocutionary ipe rrepored. Hhe cofs on tinptard to defend her sax, tiero!f aa a wife ai d amuther: to show that she htid just cauxe to leaveMr. MrFarliuid. who waa a nulUtone, as it were,fnsterned around her neek ; she w i:l awaaa to Iscyhabits, his negiect, hl failnre to pro. hie for her, mharshness tow ayd her, nnd a gre.it manr othr

difflcultlc thut she V ought juMiflett her Inseekinc for a r:orce In Indiana. Her Itori H 111

make an rxeltemetit. will provoke MeFnrland, amicause a scene lo transpire that probubly ncTerbelore witnessed In ,t Court of JuMtee. ltow si owill act when she goes on the stand, and bow he willnci, are elrrumstntires in thla atranga drama thatthe public and lepurtata are walling anxiotuly towitneas.

The Disreputable Nrw Y'rk Ttura !nuuiieeil by 1!r. (Jrrrlcy.

Frnm (Aa .nr York T'ibut-t- , April tX" The New York rtfrwns bs a OVe'den! teti'lerer to-

ward froe foTiam." avs the Imlianaroila ts'iuutl. ofnoorec It has. The ft iVune It Ihi' da.lv orgau of freo-lov-

nhiloeopliy.We eopy the shor" fVrra the cllti'rlal columns of

the New York Titnst. In so fur aa It emaualva fromt ht .stnttrtti, we mm iLt cuartty tu believe tnat ti ewriter, blinded bv ictiorunre and political malerol-e- i

aa. waa uot tv. ronclous of the fluaraney mf itafalsehood. Hut no excuae can be made lor the NewYork !.'. That journal Ilea dellherutoly , will,fnlly, wickedly, with naked Intent to deiame ar--mnljrn. The Tribun i exactly such a "daltvoracle" of free lovu as Ii la of free trade and freerum neither leas not mure. And the TtM is per-fectly aware of the fret, and knows thut Its He laUtterly without excuse or plausibility.

The Dlarrptsiablr New Yark Tlwaa and HaFree love rrwctleea.

Irumthe Jfm yotk Tribune. Aprils.While tbe Timts is in the free love busineaa, let

It tt' il1i the particulars of some Canada divorce ufieIn which It haa on Interest, snn tall the stoi of whathas followed. When the nmearivea uo the prai tlreot free love doctrines, It will be time lot ll lo preachuewspaper mra)lty. The public can estimate HaOtaMf for family reading by the results of tLesepr. itti. nf in Its own cmhv t'onsldering how ternblyll Is iniured bv the knowledge f its free lore

do tif bead be. s(ir)n led thut It shouldnow bv in a pnroxNsni of r:ige becuuse tic dUustiouacousei.uvncus if its practh aa are pointed out.


The w oi I ml on n to Kinnd Aloof from Na-i-t-

tin - nttnir Fnree OlllvterIhe rrogreea of Kveula tu HoHie-Aetl-de-

lo Ike ll'iem b AllnUler uf Ike Mu-rine.

LojIPOVf April 24 One of the nmnifeatoea is-

sued by the labor societies In Purls advises work-men either to ibtttla ftom voting on the NtHtrtttomor to east b'ank bullots. It also demands reformsIn taxation and in n. Hilary ceufccuptiou, and theerection of a republic.

The ministerial Journuln aay thnt the Marqula deBuiineville yesterday presented fonnally to thu Popea nifiiioraniluin written by Count Daru be'ore bklreslgnallun of the Ministry of Foreliru Allaire, liewaa utllged to present the memorandum, though Itanticipated M Ollivler'a aucecKulon to the charge ofForeign All'alr-- , beenuse acc rdlng to diplomaticusagu its contents had previously been communi-cated to the PtptJ tioTi rntiu ut. M Ollivier wdl

decline the responsibility for the document, unit willm.iintntn uu exj octant attitude lu nyirtl to theI' Ufll ll

LTntrtrt, ultrnmontine organ, drmnnd that theflovcrnnieni take Its stand for or ay nn-t- x the Mtettnorandum of Count Daru, ami raaarvas. untilana W or tl rucuntd lion, ltome, Us DptAlou on the

It - n.nicrtil tint H, Ollivier Is to In- dec oratedith tne Grand ross of ti e Legion or HonorThe ( l uncellor of the l.egor ol Honor is dead.The horhes auachtd 10 ll'u carnage oi iLw Miiiler

of Hie Miring yeatardiiy ran awiiy. AdrnlrglGarioiiillf wn thrown tu th greand and budiybrtilfi j, but his injuries are not serious.

The Vole it. Pi eneuee of the I1 il.Homi, April .sl.stt-T- bt third public iiH t tiii of

the tKcunieiilcnl Council is to he h Id In HI

(Svndty)i Alter mast jh Fnthi-r'- s willrote oral y, tu the nteaence f thu ropa, on ttie firstaeu or tug council. The Poiww iil aoleuiuly proluulgate the acts as aoon aa the vote is couuUid.

Kpnln Aliirmed I the Ciibiiii Nerra.Maiiiiio. April 24 In the Cortes yeetenlnv,

Minister Moret, In reply to an Inquiry, aa'ld thnt ti ene va from l ubn waa satisfactory, but he gave noparilouhire. His answer la considered Vitjua audCiualea aouie Uiauueiiii-aa-



A Nlshl nf Kerrle-- A H,ndrMeralag Plaht In an Eighth Wnrd

Marelerer of i lis I.arkla" I'M haa heea Avtegsl al l,aat I"

la the Elgtito Wnrd yesterday morning amnrdererwis oiorclered. Thit victim waa David O'Dar, whokept a bar on a corner ol Orcenwlch and Charltonitreets. lilt name waa formerly on the fanlight overti door In large letters ; bot latterly tbe breienornaments were removed, although It waa wellkaaiwa that both he and hla brotner were tateroeiedIn the oualneae. Yot a long time tbe ruBan U'Day

had been the terror of tbe neighborhood, and had

glvrn tbe police mnrh tronble. Un the Uth of No-

vember, 1WH, hi wai la company with Pells I. bin

at tbe time when tbe lattar wai easeaalnated laAlegtnder Cimpbell't barroom at Hudson and Canal

sti i , is. and It was sir, ugly impeded that O'Day

wai the mnrderer, althongh It waa to contrived thatno evidence agalnll tbe iconndrel ever reached tbeCoroner. 0IH eleo took pert In the affray IB

Palge'i hotel when " Uolly" Neleoa v. aa itabbeil. lathat afTray an InotTeoslve boarder In the hotel waa

arrested nnd locked up, while tbe desperado, havingpolitical Influence, was liberated.

rna Irani ot anBrisn.Tbe plsre In which this mardc-- r woe committed Is

a low basrrnlnt lager beer ead liquor sal, .on, 81

King street, occupied by Lrry McUermott. Ourdiagram obowa the


I i.... "" U iI I


is "

i I it io :

Ii; :

u i

I iJUL n o: : : : t :: : I : 10 : : Hi 1 I I I :


a ;I ll I :

ae ;

r I i ; I

I elle III asV ............

HMcrirMen nf the Ptatp am.. Where tin affriiy took place.

2 Uhrre O'Day fwl uodrr the screen, after beingstat'hed.

8. The arreen.4. Water pttebtr on the bar, broken.6. Tbe bar with nnrlgiht pust st thr end.a. onntt-- Dm hsr, wlta bottiss. etgar boa,

dto.7. Cards, cr lb bags bores, and rambling Impleiiinnt.H Dtoeand dlce oox." A'lvertUliTg card, where "KenoU played every

eranlag."10 10 rteroanf the bmken lnirer beer glaaa.ll. Target of ' Our Own tnard."li. Hsf-- rt.oin. wbars euitomfri engage in gambling.1H Proken cliau, and cirri taftle. ,14. Coal cellar.1. 15 !oor rrom back room, anfl raAgc to yard.ie. Men to raid.1? (iate trom alley to yard.

Vtird1U. Hack window.

Fronj adi w.ii, . i. 1h)ntie iront doors, and sep leading Uicreto.ti ( hair, vlth ('ls's bat unon If.l 1 he alleyway.24. Lager bi t r Legs.To conceal the customers Inside from those who

mny be passing the front entrance door, a greentwliiplnj scrern Is fusjt nded from tht celling, andon the left side of the room are the bsr, Ae.diarrnm). the oppcsltr side being oernpted by ronndtables and chalra. ltahti d the bar la a abelf, unwhich nre displayed bottles, etgar boxea, glasses,and the varluua paraphernalia of a liquor aaloon.Including dice, cards, crlbbuge boxer, Ac; and atthe upper end of the ahelf are two lager beer kegs.TJn ler the bar and ahelf are numerous rack botes,containing s- da. esraapartlla, tftc. Against tba wallbehlud tha bar are plclores, looklng-gl'isa- , Ac, anda curd announcing that the game of

gitENO ta n.ATKD itirt rvr- ivo.Againil the dltbllng partition of the roorff la the

well riildled target of "Our uwu (hiard," which,on ISoveniber 1), 1SCU, weulout under thoof Ttionins Melllgnn.

Puve U'Dar nn Hmarday night started off with afew companions on a epre, and In tlx- Niniii Wardcame cpon one John Harvey, whom he nannttedand brutally bat tared. Tba gang roamed abuut allnight

MaINK INC. A!P ncnTiNO,and at about eight o'clock yesterday morningbrouvht up at l'uroeirs liquor aaloon, at Kiaa and

.trick stroeta. At this time they uumbeied sixmen, namely. Pare )ly, Phil t'ooney, RooneyKelly, m iv Michaels, Charley O'Connor, andJuiiuny J out. Waftn they ai yej ut Turcvli's,M Hi .in Porter waa sUMng In the hnn-oo- rendiiig; anewspaer, and as he knew the whole party befreeted them cordially. Frt niords lhat pussed,

took the notion that t)T)ay nnd his com-panions bad previously been disputing, and thntt'I)ii es bent u;on huviua a fit.' hi Vi ith nnip oue,for he chnlletiged Phil Cooney and threataoed to" llok him." Cooney replied tnat he did not .nit inflam, etspeclally as O'Pity vs a heavier man. (roof the partT aald If l)'Iny wished to tight, he worndnot n taking n hnnd in with him. Thla rt tuarkfiooltd 0IV down fur u Mine, and Purler advisedO Day to ' keep quiet, for the others were too manyfor hint."

DklVsMf OUT WITH A BI1ARP STICg.Fearii.g a disturbance, the harkeeptT went up

stairs ut.u roused the proyrietor, wt ols well knownas "Pip" aruotig the bojt, ' Pap Purcell" agtried to keep a quiet boiie, and when tl.c boyg artunrulv, lie takes his tuck 11 to ' Yesterdiiymorning, Pap hastened trOWt siairs with his adnionHory stick, unil to Mroyggil any trouhle n hispremises, drove them nil iut, giving one or tw o ofthem a playful stroke on U e p4tnttlO0na, und whenhe got tltein into the it reel, the door vtuit ilosetl, usmuch s to say, "Ton need uoi expect to get in In raagain.'' Porter was ilrinin out with the test, andw en outride, be hum Invited to join Hie putty. He

pud the invitation. 'Ihe pnrty than tfoni alongKing it reel toward tbe rier, ami w Im uocposile tlone of them Midi


This propoaul was aciapted, itiol a knuwlng one,ns the front door WM Oloaad piloted Ihi reit alongthe atleyaay to the rear suta. hh'h was foundopen, then down the gtopi leading froiu the yard,throUi;h the pajgggg wnv nnd (IN room Into thebitrrootu, Weraft Porter sst down on I chair by thetable nenrwst lo the scron. AndtwW Manton, thebarkeeper, u hi IS, had only ng hud lime toclear up the place he: urn Lbeag tin welcome gutaarrived, bul gttU It n ri ad lo lod ti thu t

Droul called ior some beer, which waaserved to thtMii, and each drana Without dispute;tin n ii'Uay called h a swoood round, which nuvmgbaan drann, ha tendered u not in payment. Nothav itiir chsnve, the soling b;u U pgy want outthrough tne. ulieH flu Kt tui reucy lor tha hole,und while he was .t! etit

Till MI UHRU WAS COHlflTTID.pave (VHsy. It appear, ftcaln ehullcnged Cooney

to tight, and Hie lai ter rt plied tlntl he d pO mto tight, and was indued no imam uf him : bul il new.is so uniioua for a (Idt, he would get lum a mugwho would whip bin sli it. pie. .... Thi renly

O'Duv, who culled Cooney u " O d d dliar I" at the same time aiming a blow nt in with alnger beer glass. A MttfU ei m .1. din ing which

im- glass weut flying at ruhs the room to tnv furtherend of the bar, striking me watt r pltehor and thelost, nnd breaking it piece ufl the pdcliei. O'Jiujand Cooney wore by Una lime botWMg "' icraanai d tug front door, and soon gfterwttrd "'I fellngainst the Sfrtnu. wlm li giving WaJT, h i hiin Inll onto the grounJ, the leel ioWUTtll the douff OUtgldf thesci wen, aud the head lying ItOWtfdi thu back room,

moon an k rap

Iton O'Pay a moiilh and nottrill. and when Porterand t hsrlen trt oniior s tw lliai il was hloo Ho taald : " Hum I u precious gd ; it tch a d. ctnT," andthu part Mattarad in M srch ol snrglc.tl gBhltttneojthe lortmotM metiiiuit the In the allev a

ne wah returning) It was men aaeei lain; d thatO'Day had been stab' ad In the left side. Thli waial anoul a quai lar pari uigltt u clock tu thu uiorniug.

tux pouch.The barkeeper returning and finding Drout and

another stui tiing goart) over the tod, humanmound tu the Greenwich itreet i'oilce btutlon, and

snmmoned the Police. Capt. racTonaM, who hgttbeen uoon duty the whole night, anl had bmmbut an hour tn had, when Informed of tha fact- - rnee)nnd hurried to the scene, arriving before O'lhvfdrew hla Inst breatli. !lo ordered MiOf Daley tlgo back to the station and set a stretcher, and)o'Diy was borne to iha station, wharo Dr. Lynchnitendod him, but too lato to ren ter assistance

tii TMRKxarau was Aunr-rxt- i.

It belna apparent that nothing could be doneOgpi MclKmald went In eonrch of his gOgJa

panlon, nn.i alter soma trouble arrested three ofthem, namely, William I'ortar, asa I 9A, vnrnlsher.residing at Paige's Hotel: tharlra O'Connor, agod88, hntcher. of JM West fionston atrret, and aowfjProut, airet. VS. laborer, or 11 Clarkeon street Alltbeae three are alnglc mon, and bore In this country.

rnn poaT MORTntf.

Coroner F'rnn waa speedily snmmoned and a Jnrwwas Impanelled. The Jnrora viewed the body, nndithen the Deputy Coroner made a poat'Uiortem axatnlnntlon, flmling thai the knife had entered hatwuen the sixth and seventh rlba, cutting throng!tha left iqng and dividing the aorta. Tbe conditionof the lungs Imllcaied that O'Pav mnt have died lua few years, consumption, drink and nlrhlly

ha. Ing undermined his oonstltntlon. Por-ter, Drout. and O'Connor were held by the f 'oronerto nvntl the rusull of the Inquest, which Is to be)held on Thnr-dn- v neat, and the waa dawine i as a witness.

DAVID O'DATwas a natlre of Ireland, year of aee, and rest dnd,at 1H Charlton Itreat, where In lagTM a wife bot nocl lldren. Atter Ihe post mortem examination, the)body wne removed to his residence, and placed onlea. preparatory to the fnnaral service, the friends,yefntlrea nnd arqnalntnnees asambllnr M the house)

In grent nam bars. AU day yaetcnlny crowdAiled the Oreenwlch etreet pollco abitlon, and

Ihe scene of the tragedy. It was aald thatalien I Mrs. Lnrkln bend nf the murdei of O'Day,she ran up Chariton sirett, shouting, "Felix hadbeen revonged at lat." .

McDonald, bte last nlitht, orreted Johnalias Koonev Kelly, one of the men who was In tuncompany of Dave O'Day'a party while iu I'urctU nhonor alora.


Rltanllstlr mrrrlrra tend Cnnflrmntlnn nt eta.

Alsmaa Twtnty-ea- n t'andtdatra i on.firmed J Ill-h- I" ' - m4Vlawara an the Altar-Whi- te- Vrtla Wornhf the Catndldatca - lroce-aaln- atadrraaara.

Biabop Putter rtdminiaUrad the aolemn rite of

confirmation to twenty-on- candidates at 8t AlhaoiChurch, Forty seventh street, yesterday afternoon.The services wore announced to take place at 4

o'clock, bnt long before tnat hour erery seat in thebuilding wna occupied, and numbers af people warestanding in tha aialoa. The congregation waa made

up of the moat atyllably dfcased and fV,,ilonabt

people of the city. The display of elegant aprtnitolleta by the ladlea uygej nnsnmasaed In any chnrcIn thu n.etrop lis The dellgbtfnl weather, oonlraetIng ao airut tilv with the dismal Eueter of a weakbefore, gave tho ladiea the deferred opportunllf 01

bringing out the vciy latest denigna In bonneta anddresses, tbnt increasing tbe tttrnctlana or the occa-tlon-

The altar and chared were profusely .Worstwith tha moat loraly white floware. 0& the super-alta-

were two Immanaa circular dealgns, atandlageither aide of the cross, composed Wholly of whltaItlltM aad )aponloaa. Othar smaller btaqaata waretastily disposed. At either end ol the altar, on thafloor and slena, ware large onllaetlona of tlvlaqFlanta In tall bloom, la pots, consisting of caila

Inpnnlcas splrnvi and other varieties. Thachancel was further decorated With banners, Inelad-In- g

a new and elegant one In white allk, bearing arepresentation of the Annunciation In rich MM.A moat beantltal paaohal oandle, unvaioped la an nilpsintlnff representing the crnclflxlon, stood at thafoot of tha allar atena on the left side. This candlef

m well as the new bannar, sre recent contrlbutfonnto tha ornaments of tha chnrch, md the workmanebip afmaiu tiers of tba ooncrecation.

The candles upon tl e altar, the stands of candlea.and tha pnachat candle ware nil lighted previous tothe commencement of tha service. Promptly at 4o'clock a short olontary by the organ prefaced thoRroortional hyain. wbloh could be nlmly heard al

Increased In volume and force aatha procession approached tba chunoel from tba T en-

try room. The words of Ihe hymn," Jeans Christ Is risen to day,"

broke out in a saelllna chores as the ehorlstara en-tered the church and moved toward the nllar inmetfiired trend, preceded by a dlinlnntlve ncolvtaN'srtng nn Immense cross, and others of like callingall dressed in scarlet, with whtN surplices, The chor-isters woregnans of llgM bloe I'enntlt tho white;surplice. Following ll e s wore the priestsariayed In tall rltunilstlc costtime, the tnfi-- r or--

ra in advance. Father Mori HI bringing up the tsarw ith the T' e menbers ot thu erocoslosjmide the fbrntnl revtrence to the alt r a" tey fllaiiaway to Hielr sevenl stations, exceptina ll a Ibshop.who not only thli jeculhir feature ofrltnallstic vt ohlp, hut nerlcted tho attitude mildevotional style ol carry i in: his hands M hu ruovwtlaway careVs-l- y to the aeoopal chslr on ilie rlrht.

Fnther Noyes at once commencetl the roaul.n ordhrOl e t iung prayer by pronouncing Ihe t xtiortatlonlnnatnw.1 .tone. bicli was rilhwd by Uie renerulcuutesslonin toned. The .ihsolution was ProoCrSlOcad litnatursl tolot, The Lords nrnynr was intoned, andthe Ulorta iMponalvwtl chanted. Then t ann- the psal-ter Tor the day, being tho flr-- t four parts of the TPtthjpsalm, which was tulip) ana Iv cli nted In f.rago laptones. The s hi e read hy F tther v i ir TrioCinfate aud Itenedlri e were glvrn In Oreeorlnntunes similar lo Um Pmuter. The graod wus Intonedwith organ ;icccn,t)anitnt nt. Thepniyers follow rugwere ltiloncd by Fther Moves. After tho third cod- - Ilect rarrlban's Vnuniricnt, a as ,. At thaclose of Ihe prayen Webb's Butaf Anthem waagiven, closing thu prefatory. F.ilhor M.irrull, tharector, then invite. the candidates to t n ent them-selv-

st the chancel rail, while thu Vent Creatorwas beins ounir. Tim hymn tfttf BQa as a stttoand chorus, and tin candidates preentdthemselves. They were it. ut half h. fatsof whom wore hng while veils, and three)or thfon were dresaod n.i ..i In whlia.The regit' r order of conhrnia:ion was conductedthe Hlshop In the ortltnary manner, with no mnslc.In bla addiesa to the tieWly cyullrm l mem; era. lhri ii op t t'i Cue hi mst r t g pranttont nshorrnl nsa ih- of holiness, tl e only eif r slons denoting anyrecognition of the ritunlflic nonoUarttlaa of thiachurch being a brief allnolon to the Tact of see era!of the choristers being rtmong thu ineuibers of ikofihiaw, He enressad - grtulncatlos at t.t(, andEl pd that their OOOOnnlloH and ministration In thochurch would avnll to rendsr thei.i bright axainpleaof Christian lab rers.

In the cuncluiline services which were conductedby the Blh"p, It waa observed thst be conformed tothe enstom of the Ctiurch by gnonndlni the allarsteps and standing In front of the cross with hisback to thu congregation, only turning to givo thaBenediction.

The services closed with a recclnnal hymn simi-lar to the processional, the words bail

" Christ the Lord Is risen to day '

a TAM&tM avvhkm:siki.How Forliinra vrcrr Mndr an n Pa.tfMM I

n- t Wo ih I ne i tin Ha i Let Like Matltnillubbnrd'H 4upbi.il I'd Nuihlnu liu.

WnnbtnnOO Market nt t' o' lock ISatiirdavmorning was the hiitdlathin of hutcluis who

In wilder gpsaaJtUoni than the Wall streethulls and DOarS In their mn-- t am ifuroiis day.ltuti'I.ers In white dapper aprons elide 1 17 lika

y ghofta. Itutchers whose corpulent bodiesStay, I their feet tlepofiwd their caiaftous lunda-ment-

pfOPOrtlong In chairs, and ggvg or 'ers tolittle boys ot gu.inl etiiaristlou. (ti tiers und c unterorders w ere giVM in Jnterrnnf ouiiditu t onl r a dic-tion. The colu and potent cau-- u of al. this buny toand fro tftl the luitct er in Search uf beef.

Washlnfton Mniket was hnrn of even a iMefobi iltick the hooks WOTfl innocent ol a hiud quaitar,sml tne bosta ompl t.r anfthlni ihal by uhu iryprocess could be called Jdlv roust 'leef evon ti oaain llog;trthiun hnmor. A lew retail tmirUci hutcherfrc joh ed In the possession of u hind n wl.lrljcould be bought al the extortionate price of twentyeeuta par poandi Lonely lolm oroiifhl tin trcents. The retnll mnrkel ruel, n. jS .1, tarn

had tu swell thu eichct.ucrs ol Itutcrn? , rj . Wexlruvagant prices, or prohibit tie udiul--l- oi ablameless hi oil or ui exrepttouuhlu toasi tu CulrBunda) table.

ftniall forlnnes were rea.lied by hi raft dealers in alltllv time. hprcuUtii.il WAI li'e ; un lib ' uerlonging tf buyers only Intenstfled The in.nrlivlmen doted on tl e moe diminutive itfttki and huerei. mied and f'airU pined awu oi In same I nabntehere lautbed, nnd id van cad lhair ptiees Ive tavrcent. The bnysrs than Uacaras mon- swamored iit, am) the butchers appraised it more lilghly Hontoney was Msda and niea Obtained on Miturduy.

The progln iita ansa ol thi- soaretty w..s the lata)

storm, an i llood. For thrnn dai th Bits i' niI ad btoUL'ht uo slock, lis trurk- - sw ept oil It

the iTOlhttt

A Hnttirduy Nils) I Hnitb t In lliuoltlvu. flIdite on SiLtuidiir ntffM u gtng of Second Wurd

rowdlus gmhereil glHiat kit. L.trkins groovr IIj .uu t sti i et, Hi wkiyn, und boanu to ann j the Ln

n atis. J hey wt re diien from e phtfg h tuirn- -

her oi paraonii litaiudlnf hnrthnlonn M Wui on, offUi Front "tree', who pursued them Ut Jam es afidYork sireet-- . Horn one of th fuiftt vg thu w iiottu 1wiui. atruoJi bin on thu ht rui gud d hi i lo thnsidewalk. He waa t:iKen to hU honit by aome rltsrers and atlended by n who found 'it .t bit

kuii had been iractursd an i thai be rouid not ro- -

cover. Hu waa allvs last evening. Not.ti.ly h it hc u Hariurted,

The Thunderer Thirntened bv Ihe Peiiliins. UtrttHimf. April VM The 0'ttrtr ggvs lilgl tiii

Fcnuns heiu mu m ittUchlt he flovuriimt ni iiag Hbeen nnthentlcally warned of Heir It.te-tin- n to da. JRHtroy titv oftics ol tlm imM and the otU Unutitand uf other protect eqm h niischivVOUS J bnt lUf '',MimidhsUou of perucuiais is wilbueluV B
