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VOL XIV. DOVER, MORHLS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 33,1883. TMEIBQMEEA KVEBT fiMUWUTBt MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co. DOVER, N. ,T. PUBLTBKEUK ASD I'HOIMHETOBS. 0S03 on Blaokwall Sireat unit door to tliu National TFuiou Bault. TEltMS OF RUHSCItlPTION' IKVAIUA-! m -r M ™.l™— rJ. STEAM ENGINES, BitUoxius TlIItKB MONTHS} AI>VEHTIbING RATES. IPiOE. I 1 WK. | 2 Kile, I 3 S AIR COMPRESSORS, IKOrt and IIKAH^ <MNT7A'«iS. JOSEPH H. BEACH & SON, BOOK AAV AT, MASITACITKEKS OK AND ra?£. iron Qua WQSK IS TO RIYK SATISFACTION IK KVKHV l'AHTICL'LAU. WS BEPAIRINO ATTOHSI-.V AT IAW, I11OS EliA IMJIMHNG, DOVE11, N, J. /"^EO. 0. CUMMINS, 11. I)., GENERAL I'HAOTITJONEU, iND SPECIALIST IN THE THEATMKNT OF HA.LABIAL PWEAHE«. OFFICIi AT THE HTICUI.E nOUHE, DOVKR, K. J T c. niEJiwntrn. K. M. DOVE!!, N. J. ANALYSES OF 0I1E3 1SD MI5ERAI.K, BUIIVISY8 OF SllSEI. ~TTw. THURBER," BDPEHINITNDENT 01' PUHt.lt: KUIIIRiu OP MOI'.IILS COUNTY. OFFICE ATa. II. U1IEIWE< Sl'OIlK, DOVEB, K. J. BpnnlBl ullico lmuis <mHiv[ur<l*vH ri inn 8 A V. till 11 K. "•''• ELY, THE TAILOK, NEXT TO IWUDEn & CLUlK^ . ,)VEll. DOVER. N. J, OFFICE 18 1.. 9 A.M. HociiH. f 1to 3 and 7 I" 8 P, 51. "XT DRAKE; OABrENTEH AND liuILDEll, BTASHOPE, M. J. Contracts fur hiiildinpn falion rrnm tin- is cftY!ilii)L'(»nli(!Ci'lla',ftNil m.inTi:>l*liinii-hwi, Al<n S.wtl. Door,.. IW.ill-, Slt!Ul<:[MK", 1'IIMH KnriBiiLrR'ltsH.IS«?TUH > Maii.r<ivl* >•••»•»» mis onliantl. Kluto uiortiis. 8 I.v AMI WISTUH USR J\N.i n f II iilDWAllE. (JfirijBttY , Copjicr, i'taiii snd .Unaumr TINWAltl Oil wot in. LHiiets 1 nmpB, a Venthers. Pnit't j p . MHO. ttfitliT*in COAL Uodfiii^, rtniviiinf; and Jnli H'orl; iiitlv Etti-iirtnl to. FmrliMik' SV ' T PRANK GIES, MASON ANDBUILDER, DUVEH, N. J. Cuuti-;irt-»lal:fii mul iiiittiTiil riuitihlicil. stom-iinil Uriel; Wtirt. PlahL'tiii BH.l J..I.IHI1R IJOninMi- mtmU'il I... OrJU Icfi at tfilliain H. HsiUci 1 '* Humwill icct'ivi- etrcful ami pn>mi>l utli'Dtimi. 1 B. liEIIUY, CHESTER, N, J., BEER, SAIISATAUJLLA. SODA WATER, 6E0AKH, TOItACtW, Ac. TOOL AND lillXIAUD TUJLE. OLIVER S. FREEMAN, Carpenter and Builder, ImH removed to TIIUT1>IT'«" npivtimWiiijr.ln (lie ioarufUiuCtinr.il lliiiUiul tlia'v IITHIKO, NEAR THE CANAL BAHIS. a y Jiiiilniu: Rii>l ruiuiiniiB jnnuptly ittimk'il tii. Alens «ru>ru nee m tlio biijti- ii toall cut JOHN UltUMJUEII'8 SHAVING ANDHAIR CUTTING SALOON. SUSSEX STREET, (bBtwuentheMANHIONHOOSEinaDop.it,) DOVER, N. J. The nlacc Ian litvn attiivJr r*(lttfd in « nt-Jil mamrner LADUS'aiul orilLUUEN'B IIAIII OOTTINQ AHPECIALTV. MARTIN & BUCK, Souse, Painters, ORAJNEHS, (tlLDKBD in<J PAl'FAl HANO- ittioiiiH ilpcnralcil In trend)!? sty leu, HnvinK j Ihprou.ch ItiiowicdBc of lumfleftntl BIRM paint- Ins <vu tci"!comnL-lt!it nit'ct the lieinaudfc oUII. Punt *h«p ofer Mi» Whilf's mllllui.-r; Bturo, next to Vougbt k KillKoru'a ilniK » P.O. PIT 189, A Hpcctalty iiiado of ntcncit ealtins. J.MARTIN 11-lv A.Iin KANOUSE & MOLLER BOTTLED LAGERS ALE, PORTER, MINEBAL WATERS, CIDER, ela.. it WHOLESALE AND IlKTAH,. C«u offer llie best BDd mi-fit HUunl induce Btnla to Otak-ra. DOVER. N. .T. READY Foil TIIK TBADE MRS. QEO. FARR, POUT ORAM, N. J., til a litgl flonk Dt PALL MII.LISKBI' i Kit Itlndi, nblcli rho liai JuBt u c c i n d From Hew York, wliieli »lie inteudi to,rl! al boi pricuB. Qo tad Me bet fine ilock. . BRUEN & BUNNELL, HEAGAN & Co. All kinds (if jiiire and iiiiil.iliuii i.iiiii and jiildilc Ics; linli- l)i'rl(o Is. AIMI self iici Hi.; anil jilaiii Aliiskas iiiiu Eiiib- licrs ill, ii(ir;ic(ivc Jll'lCtiS. An iminenso ns- stirlinciit of HOLI- DAY SL1PPEKS can now be seen In onr cslalilisliiiiciit. <H'l'. IK, I. k fl'. UKPOr, DOVER, IV. J. A. B. BERRY, CHESTKU, IV. J., Inter in IHtt* *700P3,ttUOCERTCSAND I'llOVlMONH, LKATHEIt AND FIMWSOt tUOIS AND allDBH i'tor'ltr; CIKUFH, toi>nc im.au.liiifacUvdrTtliiiiKwUic.li som-rall. I'diwiiiurci, bailout! sio my Htm-lUi.cH T.lE OLD STAND. UNION HALL BUILDING, Hot Air Furnaces, Of tho latest mid nmat tmfrovod utyloH, fo Harming public snd privuto tuilditiKB. A Urg assortmoutof 8tDVf!Bf cliD&p forcaH'i. OOOK, PA1110I!, HEATINH STOVES, RANGES, 4c. Alaa a valid}' of nihilit » mluwt of Hull t'Uc i nti-lim? Old Iruii I op »**»«( Uro^jharln tskti "VlUJEN * tUNM*LL '-iirim Bui BoltLtii BALLENTINE'S SUPERIOR EXPORT LAG tilt BEER! •j at UEIT.T.VS, S.i'n.1 »'., IWr, S. J PIANOS, ORGANS, ASD ALL KISH3 OF Musical (nstruments! Semi for cataltifiiit- ul (Ivcciiiit iii-ic, IVt'iv or^aiiK hold lor 80 eiils I»cr week. WM. S. WRIGHT, Blackwell St., Dnvcr. N. J. C. RHOADBS, Nursery and Greenhouses iillld fir., -MOHfliS'fO^N, K. J, OITOSITE THE PAIIK. PLANTS and NURSERY STOCK OF ALLKINDS. FLOWER GARDENS HID ODT AN11 ClllKDVOB. CUT FLOWERS AT AU. BEASOKP. Tlioi'burn's Flower Seeds FOR SAI.E. w TELEniOSE CALL 18,. 25-ly KliROSENEOlL, LANTKHNii AND lilU'J'TANIA WA11E, HN& JAPAN WARE, ^UUIT CAN8, &c, TIN HOOFING, EAVES, TROUGHS, ( EADMHS, nm] sill kiiiilfl ofJol.bli.fl Iu my Hue, lone in the btot manner ftiul at the uliortef notice. Uifihtift prices pail fur olil Irou. Copper load ami ruwler taken lu oiclisnfi for ROD B.ALEXAiiJ)m WIGHT0K Dcceiu.iiirailb.18T0. 1-lvr JENTS. l ft CENTS. .lit*** i t U t AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT Seede, Fertilizers. am? c'i-<-n(iiiii(,- for l-MInf <t.Vf> OAItlfEN. VOORHEES BROTHERS, Wlorristown, N. J. D. MOLLER'S, DOVICH, N. J. [veil Rii'l |ilncc-.| in in.aitn F1SE SEW Fool Tables ORCHESTEION tins *)«() iiiKt Jictn »H|if)lte<l 0'itli «<•«• iirimif iii«l ivill (Si-lijrht Hid!>atnitiH ul' Hit' house miirt linn: tvv, tiirLisliing muitio equal to a bi baud nil511 pit-cos. OEO. EIintiT'a CELEBRATED LAGER BEER clnfvgon ilnui^tit and tbubcBtof WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS ftlwayu prDVjdci] lor llio patrons nf LEU'a OI'EIlA HOU.S£ AND DIIXIAIID ROUMS. TWO boons nuni ULACKWEIJ. HT.. T en z W g. H o « ft y. •- jn = ?> g ® CO " M * CEINTS. 25 CEWTS. DBESS GOODS Best line of Dress (Jowls nnd Trimmings at PARBEE & CLARK'S, liUCKWELL ST., DOVEIt, I. V. B. SEARING, CARPENTER and BUILDER, BLACKWELL 8T., DOVEK, N. J. iKfur tiii.itli^ga.Coatf &oti ritflld Roofing 1 Witb bottnc(acUitwe'l nw enabled to put on SLATE 110UFS clicuper thaa ever uaiug nono but the licnt quality of siato and cm- j)]eying flrsVclass mvahanica^ Jam guar- antee material and work in overy pnrtlca- lar. IVr ShentbiDg Felt alwaja on hand. Dated October VJth. 1880. THOS. JOHNSON, matinfjnturf r mil ik-aler In SELLING OUT AT THIRTY-FIVE CENTS ON THE HOLLAR! Mj esliro .lock of CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, Gents' Furnishing Goods, mtlotlirr llnnRS too miranroot tn mesittuu. lucluiir ID vwe If nilli tnntlitr Lrmcli of bini- nti'R. I Siavc ntso on fmtii n lareo stock uf Pit LIE (lOODtt It) i]iB|)(i*«of citliiT to w'llby *ini;\e until*, at llio ninno reie. Do nut ionta your chance fnr jun will never baMi HagUu. GEO. FEDEB, NEXT 1>OOH TO THE t'(MTOFFICE, DOVER, N. J. Mrlilcaml (Irani)'-. Al! i Notice of Settlement. Noilce in lien;ly Ri^cn dial tlmaceounta •f tbu fiubji'rilur, Exreulor nf Ann He- Farlau.ilrcut^J, will tiu auililed and Btaled try Die Snrn^al«, a»d wporleil for BeMieroout tothoQrnU»n9'Ctinrto( the Cannty ef tftir- la, en MONDAY, the levcntti day ef Jion»ry ielt * EnsruND D . nuxr.Y. Dtled Oot.29th, 1663. 48-9*. Euoalor'i iddrm, Kcrr(iU>»Q,H.;. SUSSEX St. GROCER, aillctmliiiUbD to k-op a lull mill firi.li (IUDII- Lil)- or tirocorfes nnd Provisions, SEASONABLE FRUITS, foreign nud domoalic, [he but,t grules of CANNED GOODS, nnd ail BumilieB of tho liouH«bolrt in Lis line. Curo will BIWUJB bo inkHt to Bocurc good* of the brut quality nnd oq»«l jminn to HP» iifitunt willi tb» |iimbasing piicf. RUKSEX ST. unur ibo corner of Hlnckwrll, Dowr WM.H. YOUNG, SUCCASUNNA, N. J. n!;.'?, 'iiuiva IJI.I ci.mim n Cn- tits*I IO GrO TO JOS. YORK'S & 0 TO JdRKl'H VUItli'S I'UlI COOKING KANUES ANDJUTCIIKS UTEMolLa. /"I O TO JOS. YOltK'H FOll I'AHI.OP. AND \ T DINIM} HUOM ANU(IFFlOt;STOVES. STOYEH OF ALL KINDS. CItOCtLEItY, QI,A8S-ffAHE AND CHINA. Joseph York M4HIKISTIMVIV. W. NOTICE. Estate of tTniucs S. Dicker- son, deceased. P UIlSiUANl'io tlm orOcr «>f Hie .^iirriiRilt nf ilif.- Oiiiinty ol M^nifi, nuili: on llir Uitll l r N ] A I ' i l ) f Ry , n i- !n-n')>y Riven tojl] nrr'KUx linvJnr rhiaiB »i;aii;«Mli(;('Bt»tcfilJaniif^.Uu^»jrBiii), lottM.r tin- Gnmiyid Mtirrn, (IK-I'H^H', to prcnuil iln> fiamiMiutk'r ^nlli nr Hfilrn:iili(ii), io tbu «uii- ncfiljjr, on or dplt-ro (doiinri/plti ri,ijr nf Ailittut lint, Li'lQij litpo moulliH Irotn llir •Idle of ^ui<l u n l i T ; ami any creditor IH-RII ct- it>« to brins; •« Mid cilntiit I"* or ht-r claim, miller o.uli or Dfnrmnttnn. ivitlim llio limu «r, llnnitd.will be farmer barreil ol lu« or imr ntiido llititlur ogaiiiNl tin Executor. Paiod tiit, Uiirtmili day of Noii-mbcr A.D.1883. Eifcntor, CIinlcr.N.J. EDTJM&BRO. Improved Low Pressure Steam Heating Apparatus TIL T. iLtUN. E. J. TALlIEn ALLEN & PALMER, BUILDERS, xfovor, xtr. «r. SHOPS ON ESSEX ST. Notice of Settlement. and *11 mionor of printo and p 104 MARKET St., NEWARK. Nolfco It hereby gl«"n (lint ilio u c a a n ' i uf Uio l a l x c d b m , Atlmlui«lr*lor« of Henry l\ Dirlirmn,dictated, wi'l boduditudind (tiled lijr Uiti Surrogate, ir.d repnrie*l tor wUleraeol to the OrplitLn' Court aftlie Ounnty of Mor- ris, oa HoniHy the m e a t l i «Uj< a! J*nwy BB1 *' MERINPA BABEVAK. JONAT3AN BiBKKAfc. " "" 4S*» SPECIAL OVERCOATS FOR MM, OVERCOATS FOR HOYS, OVKUCOATS FOB CHILDREN, SUITS FOR MEN, Suits lor Boys and Children, SUITS FOR YOUTHS, WILL NOW HEMUD ];!• LOW TO-T TIU, JAN. 1*1, 18*1. Ah-^O Rubber and Oiled Clothing! The Orr Overalls! Blue Flannel. Shirls! Cassimcre Shirts, all colors and shades! White Shirts, very low! Scarlet l/nrfcrshirls andDrawers, all wool, at 90 cents each! White and Gray Undershirts and Drawers at 20 cts. each, HATS! HATS! HATS! HATS! and 0AP8 in nil stylos and shades; prices way down TRUNKS AND VALISES, Celluloid Collars and Cuffs, Linoa and Paper Collars and Ciiffij, Silk Handker- chiefs—all colors and shades, Gloves, Mittens, Bocks, flea and Bows, and many other things, too numerous to mention, oontained in my store. or Tho utiovi- (!(Hi<Inn l*re« imtoriiiieut P-I' tn; tlr «ifiofectfrom t i V (JOUlll SUSSEX STREET, DOVER,N, J. AKR NEAR D., L. A W. DEPOT. WM. HARRIS, Watchmaker and Jeweler, DOVER, N. J. calls ijiccial attention to Lin etrick offiociJn Suilable for tfie Holidays, miiiliiiainS tli» li,rBc.l stock »( GOLD WATCHES nvrr offi'T.-tl in thix juivt of the totnitj-. KHA'EU WATCHES nf tvrry tlc«tri|i- fimi; JKU'i;(,[{Y, mi cli'("niit iffn|»U.Y i lilNUS, miw Hturk -if nil tliiMKivellicrt i>rtli.. M'lisoti; KAK lilNflS, fllAHUS, IMSS. id'T'IllNS, STl'DS, fcc. CLOCKS, (ipmxUlodc. SII.VKH-\VAi:i-:, iKiom^trle linoof new K»OI!N f»r tlin iirrwlim. COLK l'KNS iiinl PENCILS. Ki'EC- 'I'ACI.KS tnMill »\\ t-inlilN. Ilriiuir- irig uf .-vrry il^cripiiou ]ii>rt<>l n- itif,' (.i tlic tntdc. WM. HAIMilS, SrnHE\ Sv., DOVEII- IN CLUBS OF TWELVE AT THE D00S OFTHE YEAR. Tie corridor* of Time A n fiill of dows-the jwrtalt of cliwed y«w We «iler them ao more tliougli bitter WaM Best ford against them, and *e hew the ettimo Of lort dreaiiu, dlrge4ike, in beLhid tbemring, At memory'! opening. But ana door atoudB njnr— The Newrear's; wliflo 9go Wen o!«Un of daj Hold It half abut. The eftger ftwt deUyi Thtt pteagea to ita tlunihold'i jnlglity b«} And feari that ahrlnk and hopon Utat aluii! Arouaj it watt ana crowd. It sliufa bnek tbe uakoowP, And dare wo teal; welcome one mote. Who down tlie past a mocking laughter hem From idle aim*like wonderingfcreeteablown) Wo wlioae large mpirattoni dimmed and Till the year's scroll vaBblank 1 Wo pflBM beside tlie Joor, Thy year, 0 God, faov shall we outer on 1 How ib&U we tlisnoo Thy bidden treasure wlut Bball wo nturu lu beggary as before, When Tbou art lieu at band, with luflntto wealth, Wiadota and beavonl; beoltlit Tko footaiops of » Child Sound close beside us I U#teo] Hewillapook b!rtlitlay-l)ol!a have hardly rung a week, Yet hog trod tlie world's press uudeflled. Come with uicl" bear Hiui, thraugb HU smiling, soy, "Beliold.lnm tlie Way-! Agalunt the door Ills face Sliinoa aa the «uu. Hia tottoli in a oomraand. Tbo yearn unlolil bofore His baby Band 1 Tlio beauty of Ills pmenao fllla all spaoe. "liter through nrn," He siltb, " not waiidet more, For loyr I lam tho Door," And all doors opeueth He, Tho uen-boni Christ, the Lard vf tbe Sow Y«r, Tlio tUreslKM of our lucked bearts staudetli AndwhlloHp givesiwltaok Love'araited key Our future on us with Ilia ojes lias mulled, —AKONTMOCH. CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS. Donr friends, If wo ciuinot lie jolly Ou CkrUtinns Uny, With ronut buof am! pudding nnd holly, Wben ia't wouiny t Wts agree tJmt this dwy, above of fcers, fihmilil liring food clieer, And pnronla ami sisters nnd brothers 6houM nil lie Iit'ic. Thou lut tliu l>it' flrcg so bmrely And hrii>htiy hfoze, Ami nil enjoy, ii"yly or aravoly, Our pleasure breoints, tlien, a duty Thut good iiu'it love; Anil prtsfiiits ol cuwfortavH hoaaty The pleasure iirovc. Hut ovur all, ChrittHjin or lieatheo, Ou CliriHtmns Day We have, to those worso off than wo tfaeii, A debt to pay. ForwltkiM wo have, auid the Savloot, Always the poor; Wlmtevar tbeir state oi behtTlor, Their oluims endure, Jf wo to the poor gtve as mucli as Our means maynfford, Tho gift la declared to be such as A loan to tlio Lord. Rumemher the poor who are with us, Aud who must stay J They're not apnrt from or bcneatli ua This Chrifltmas Day. OHALBSO THE PHOTOGRAPHER, HB conelmW to tlu rtii.toKmiilia fin tlio C'l.I'B SVSTEM, mid to nuniiln pnvtit's nt u dis- nifc to iir,{ii!ii:c n cluii liv Hninling ?Jt(! intl JJI.V.^TKKF.I, I.KTTCH, TltlitTJiJi.V TIL'KETH ill Vorotnrnwl ti, tlicm I'm- tliiilcon (lii7cti Imiimiil 1'lioti.grni.liH, wUicli nllow« the rginlMrur tliecluli t»NE TIUKIST KUKK. CLUBS CARTE ds "VISITE SIZE: ti- RKillTEEN DOLLARS FOR TH1RTKEK DOZEN. These Ploturm nro uui'l« l>y (lit- now InntitntriiinmH uruccBf, or, in otlier words, tho drv nlato pirn-™. DUNA LDSON'S I'OKTIIA ITS fii<; well known for ilieir •uperfor i t j l " Uiisli, mid lie cunraniccH I lip c'.nlijiii-Inn-s «iill In rcinnta mt. tli, mid lit- cunraniccH Hip clnbiii^iurrs «1H1 In rcinnta »t>. OSALOSUN'S t'AJtOEJS fUim t-MlUNKT, VORTRXIT nnd FKAME, KEDI7CEDTO FOR THEHOLIDAYS! SON also announces (Imt lie Imu linnglit for cash, at a LARGEST STOCK of VELVET and FANCY FRAMES, DONALDSON also announces (lint lie Imu imtigM for cash, at a gnrt bargats, tho LARGEST STOCKof WALNUT and IMITATIONS, thftt lms evor beno fwen this n]de of Newark, nnd ho 1H, tiiDtorore, gills to offer tlio Imluoumenti In this Ilia lino. JS~ OALL AND EXJIUSI. BUTOSE TOIOE, AND UL COODB Kiitno in PLAIN FIGURES. -^J BLACKWELL ST., NEAB THE POST OFFICE, DOTEK, N. J. New Year's Cards! of all design at the ERA. office. ODDS ANDENDS. Orer theoceaa—the sky. Tlio joker's liind—All jeers. In cveryhaily's moutli—(eetli. A full opanitig—tlio coal bole, A hnatt'oaS—tx box on the ears, Water can coine and go wbou it's title. Carvers of their owu fortune—batch- N. Merolj an onljido innltcr—a jug As lint in December ns in July—tbe ipper box. TbQ fasliion of bangs in browbeating itturo. A liuigbing stock—A collection of f/on& OkCH. A burst of conSdence—Failure of a avitgs bunk. A club jou can't debate witli~a police* A lie nboiit a battle belonRS io tbe taa ictvs of war. Tlie bome stretcb—Keeping onttay mder income, A' Rimiilrori—Rednclioo in {ho price if Arctic overaboes. Many men look through glasses to )icsi!ive Ibeir eye night. A Hiing Ibnt nornmilysbould hm with- ml—A marringc ci>rlit)cnto. Whuu is n fowl's neck like n hu\\ ? IVlicu it is \imiif- for diunii', A young uinu bilinghis uiii^t;ichc is n iso of "down in the mouth." l'lilitnlnons weriMvnm Ion per iu July tliiiu iu Jinif—ouu day longer. Aruli-i explorers will bt! Imowu in con 'used bisiory us " Irostcil cakes." Woman's Kplioro—tba ifurning ball. In fact, iii.my n woinau fcnia it. « (irst man who ever went loniul Iho tforlti—Hie man in ibti mouii, —Miirt-Miig liaid working achTusss. Wriliug mi uti successful uovel might be called " ti lailnrc iu tbe yarn trade." "The liunncinl outlook" is thoughtbv Jobunieto betbepajiurr teller's widow. At a fire iu a clothing >,torc tlic other day, tlie only pants suved wero Iho oc- cupants. Eight sledge dogs will buy a wife in Siberia. One puppy will often get one It is believed in Boston that Prof. Slngger 8. Sullivan is tlie inventor of tlie reveisible cuff. A ladies cabin—that part of the boat devoted to cigar smoking, roughs, ter> ricr pups anil dados. Tbe eye is sometimes called tbe win- daw of tbo BOCII, consequently a block )vp mils': be asiainert window, Boston girls never Riggtc. They merely express their delight bya dreamy fitr-mvoy, North-Polo Btqilp. One reason why some people don't go to tfae Yollnwstone is because it takes BO mtny jelloff atones Io getiliere. M(in, occordiog to Sliakeapeare, has sevea tges, bat women lias ouly tbioe— gnteen, tweDtj-niaa and sixty. In some conclrles a lartnet cao use Ilia neighbor for dnnagoa if the latteral- lows weeda to grow and seed. to," laiil Mr. Toapb, wlio isn't much of asociety man, *• I do pity Ibeae poor waiters TVIJO bnvo to wear dreBs snlis nil tlie time." Mr. St. John, of Kewton, Iowa t'rniiw bisgi-apc vineaon elm trees,andoioims lb."it be swares See fruit every year Two from rot ' CIIOWPED NEW JmtSfcV HUHUOLH. COS flTAT&'BCQHPVLaOKt EDUC4Tlr.a U W DfPOasIBLK Of •SIOBOKHZSr. A apeoial eBurt wiij be made tlita witi Ur iu Hen 3etnej to procure legislate h t will provide means for Ilic educ- tion of lbs large number of children, principally io dUet, tb.it ore deprived of schooling by B lauh of school aocom modalion. Aooording fo fue last repoi oE Mr. Apg&r, Stute Baperioieudeut of Education, there are in tbe.Staia 848.000 children between the agea of 5 aud 18 TLe law makes tbe education o those oliitdren eompalwr;. But o[ this number oal; 209.000, or leu ibito two thivde, are eorollod iu tue eeliool regis- ters—and these pupih ere crowded into biJdiga that trill ml oaly 189,000 children with any degree of comfort. The discrepancy between thenn tuber of seats and the number of children Io be aceomtnodated attainti alarmins; propor- tions in some places. In Hudson which corjlainii Jersey Oily, time were lust year 69,000 children of wlool o Of these 82,000 were registered, ullhongli tbe baildiags into wbicli (laej were packed were inteuded to bold only 28,• OOOpnpiis. It is estimated that 16,000 chiliten attended private sotioote, so tual 80,000 children, or uearlj one*liaH of the eobtx)] popalution, were left wiuV ont means of obtaining inatruclion. In Essex county, wliioti cjut&lns New atk, 27,000 of tlie 50,000 ohiEdren of school ego swarm into Bcboolbouaeq tbat were meant io hold only 26,080, About 8,000 go to private schools and 21,000 grow up iu ignorance. Vaiua count j provides 7,000 aitliuga for 15,000 cliil drcD. Mercer count; packs 8,000 cbil dt'Bn itto 6,000 seals, aud lurus from its school doova iUicmaioiug 7,000 cbil- dren. Middfosex Ha 16,000 children ol school pgp. ItaBcboois can only accooi' 8,000 of tbczu. hisaaio hm 9,000 eitliagu fur 21,000 chiltlieu, Imt Hto squeeze 14,000 of I hem iuto bt'r Echooltj, Itj the State tbure are !),- 500 teachew, or about o«e to every100 upils. Theaverngc a;i(iiry of n mate 'eaoher pel' moutli is 850, of a fcimilc Tliesyatem of education is mitiiaged by tboStnle Bnanl of Etlucaliob, which ibis of the Uiiv.uiur, tlio Attuinuy- Qencrnl, (be Comptrollep, the Secretary of State, Iho PreMdent of thn Sennit*, tho Speaker of the AswMnhlj, UMI tlio tratttees ol (lie State Normal HcJjoof. Tlej ilx He unuunl uppro[iriLttion for aeliool expenses, tiud it in ineorponited in the general lax levy. Eich county collects the tax from the cities and towu- within it, ami pays over tbemoney to the State, It is then apportioned on i per ciptta H.isis fa telewuce \o tbe mmbet of school children. Tbe total mount apportioned last year for edncn- tion af children was $4,068,960. The Board, after tbe apportionment is made, istributes the fund to tbe eonulies, ami Lbe county collectors in turn redistribute it on a per capita basis to the cities and Lowmbips. By this method some, localities in 'bich tho viltie of the ratables is small nd tba number of childien comparn- ively large, receive ftom l!it State for educLitionaftises a much greater sum llittu they pay into the school limii, while other places CDDtnininR I urge arena f tillable property and fewchildren pav iigely in excess for what they receive-j iorecboot purposes. Biyonne, in Hud- ion couuty, raises Sl7,0(KI fortbo eehool land. Thisamonnt goea to tlie State, frerloui Precantiom, A man who took oire totell tbe clerk tuot be wai from New Hamptliire and on bh way to visit (ita sister in Wis- sonata, whom be bad notieeo intwenty- at a Dotiuit hotel lbe other eight. When *ho*n to hit room by oneof tbebell boy* be •nddeoly uked"; Ob, toy, bare yoo dre-escapei on thiahuildinnJ" Deed we baa, sab." Show me tbe one I am to nae ia c&ae offirB." Tbe bo; took himdown tbehall to 'here an iron ladder ma to tbe ground bat after anrveying it tbe man remarked: ''Mercy on me! but IwoaMa't dare climb down tbat ladder in broad day* ligbl!" "Dey's all alike B*U." " Well they wouldn't dome any good. Say I'll mike a bargain witb yon," "Yessnh." "I don't want to lie roasted and I can't use that ladder. If you'll come up and gfye me ten or flffeen minutes warn* ing before tbo tire breaks ont I'll give you 60 cents, and hero itia," rildoit.aab." It's a mean trick on the roit of them, I kaow," coutiaaed tbe man, but mebhQ they are tiled to ladders ' and don't CBk' any favors, Wben yon come to rouse me just knock three times and quietly nuy; 'Mr. Blabs, ilii* tnvrrn ia on firr,' I'll tumble to H mth' out any fuss mid after I get out I'll yell fire anil di» m$ best to Have lbs resf. Goad nigh I, bub, anil remember that I nitl cash don-n," Lillle By little. If you aie paiuiog n little every day, be contented. Art; your expeusea IOSH than your incomeno thut, though II ha little, yon ure ytt foustantly uccuiaulat- ing, uutl growing rielim-aiid riclier every day ? Be contented ; so far us concerns money, you are doing well. Aro yon gahiirjj* ltuowlt!il(,'« every day? Tliuuftkit hi-lillle by littlt', the agRW- gato kccumnfotiou, vtheve noiiuy is pi'v- aitleil to pn^Hwithout aiding roine- liiug to the wlock, will be surprising ft ttulouxjii ilitl not heeorae tlie wisest nun in tlio world in a Winnie, Little ),V litlli?—never owillintf to learn Home- hi iff fora Nfii(r|i* (1ny—&}wuyn mtuiug, tuilyiiiR ii HtUi; between the tiiuo of itsing in tho miming and l>iiiK down nt liglil—this IHthe way io accumulate a Finally, drn you daily improving iu cbarauter ? D.> uat be discourugod bo- 3iiiiseit isUltle by little. Ilm heat nieu ill short of wbat tbey would wish to be. Xis something, itisiiHudi, if,you keep il resolutions better to-day than you yesterday—better this yiw than you lid tnyt yeiir. Strivp tobo perftct ; Init Io not beoome dawn-hcutttM us IOUR HH you ni-e apinoaching unnrer to tito high standard at whicli you nini, Littloby litllc, foituuca ;iro nccnniii- ted. Liillii by little, knowledge in gained. Little by little, chftratilcT ami aputntion are ucbicved. Tlic S of a .llan Who Accepted a nd ia returu tlie Stain uppnttioas ouly ?10,ODOof the fund to Bayonne. Tlie :einaining 37,000 goon to make up the leficiencics that exist in plnees wheio »roperty is less valuable, but wberc cliil- Iren aliDiind. Jersey Oity {-ot3 ulioiit 112,000 mure from tin; school fund than tributes to it, Tlio little townof Wcehawkon, rieli in mlablfB ljut poor in children, gives the State about 52,000, ind only gets bad; a little over $1,000. Of the school buililingH iu the .State, 1,073 contain only ono room, 243 have ;wo rooms, uud 2G1 bavo moro than two. Twenty-eight of [hi, 1 SGJJOOJ building aro uliieil at less than 8101) encb. True IStipitincss. Ungodly people, nil hough tho happi- ess wiiicli llicy coj jy doii'/ttcss is ncliiul nil cuiihiilemble, never know what the ighest stirt of hiippiticis is, that which [irings from tliubnrmony of tho IIIIDIUII ill with the will of God, and from niliiiilly rcco^nizL'il lovo between God ml lbe soul. 'Iliis hn|ipiupps uo mere irtttnatc minHt'ioua of life c:ui seeitn*. t never dues, fur it never can, satisfy an deepest cravinfja oE the heurt, of 'hich everybody in «ousciou3 at timee, nil it is 8uraelhiuK which ia beyond llio enuanont iufliKtiico of ilistiirbing cir- HiiisliiDci's, so that irnoOhrialian: !'»ve t, iu a greater or Jess degree, no matter IOW gr.'ntly they unfi^r. iMaruovei 1 , it uud moro procioun to tlie l in advtrsity ; partly be- iristian, e ust! llio m '6 ont 1 kui'wn of it in any .anri's, llio moro blessed it lie- IIILI partly hec-mat; tlic moreone « drireii to ilcptikl upon it liy tlti; /nil- re of other sources of joy. the riclier Us jiUui'o uml fruitfulness are futmd to bo. Slid duoa [;ive His bclieviug cliilJroti tiic boot happiness, after all. But for their sorrows tliey aoraetiniL'S could not a]i- it nt its true value, ami wlieu :hey oncn have Icurued what it is, they irotild not surrender for any kind or degreo of merely temporal enjoi-aient. The Cuiigregalionalisl. One Sundny at Montgomery we wore, nlking about duels, andftlion the names >f seventl parties vbo had gone out in j past y&fa to miiititj tlwlv honor wero mentioned, tho Judge kuoctced tlicaslica oQ 1 hia cignr aud said : " Guntlcmcu, it may be mentioned right here that I have been Ihere my- self" " Were yoa ohallongeil ?" "I wttR. It w«sov«?f iu .South Caro- lina, midI called a man u Hur. Ho sent me a challenge, aod 1selected swordB RS tbe WL'upoiiH. We met ut seven o'clock tbo next Dioruing. It was just such i\ moniiDgaK this—tmht, beautiful nnd full o[ life" "And how <liilyou tec} ?" "Very queer. I shall never forget my eeiisjilioua ns I sawrayrival, nnd bo seemed Io bu as visibly affected. Wo cuuldu't oithrr one of us say a word." Was it in ii prove?" "Ob, no ; it was nt the tlupot." "Tlie depot! Vfhr, you didn't flfflit at the depot, did ymi ?" " Well, no. Tlio morning express trains passed theroatsevcat atidlic took one andI the otbor." MPII or Means- A weultliy yoimg follow wna courting a girl or experience, ami when he askod her Io marry liitu fibe was slow to RC- "My darling," Le said, "you Bbonld liiive no fc«rs. Don't I Sell you 2 love you devoutly, uud Hie would beftblauk without you ?" "Yes." " Anu yon need linvc no ulnrm about our substsmtitil comfurts, foi- I am a mau of menus." " Tout's just wljnt I don't lite. I'm avail HO many nun, nnd he.ml 'era tulli, lh:it I want to carry ft gun when I sea A lady'a boudoir is a powder rongnzine; preparatory to aa expedition into the very heart of the eaemy, she has a little brush nad then rises her colors. Hurdiuefs is the most esaestinl rcqui- ite ia fruit trees. No mutter bow beau- iful flie fiait and foliage, tbey will prove unprofitable unless able to stand severe winters. A fortune avitta tbe man wbo will in. Tont a penholiJer that you can't stick into tbo mucilage bottle, and a mucilage brash that won't go into the inkstand.— Ilotlon Post You are mlftaken sir," said Mil Snifkins, haughtily, to btmufal young Thompson, who bad juatBieppecl on her flowing wbfl, "oj train does not carry my pMseugers," "No moro of the trail, but a little more ol the jaioe, if yon pleaae/'sald tbe temperance advocate when tbe host- n s asked blm iu have another dish of preserves—brandied peaches, A twolve-year-o'd boy of Franklin) V>>. bnrstn blood vessel wbilfl Wowiop a tin iorn, and died ina, few boars. I( I Item is of no use to you, cat It oat nmt hand itto your (juuiin^ 'round. There ure so nuny of m'jans, uud ?(» few given to lie- plisliiug what Ihej* mean, that a ft els like voting fora iirohibitory t.tnff nod stopping the growth ol the whole lot." The bank ncL-ouut wns shown, and be got the girl.—7Ae Drummer. Nuptial tioliont- Love in mnrriage nhonlil be ttie ac- coiujiliahnient of n beautiful drenni, nnd nut, as it loooften is, tbe end. Many a poor woman thinks she can do nolbiug without a husband, anil, when ibe gets one, finds abo CJU do nothing «itli him. All bachelors would like to shake bands with tbe man aamen Morao, who recently got married, and four weeks later changed his name to Be-morse. A young man having asked a girt if be might go home trill] lier from aibging class, end being refused, said : " Ton'ro fall of airs Ma musical boi." M Per- Uapa so," she retorted ; " bat if I am I don't go with a crank."—Bo$ion Star. "My dear, why are yoa maklog to elaborate a toilet? Nowthat yon are mnrrfcd, yon need not dress to please men." Wife : "I don't dresi to pleaae neo, my dear, bat to worry other wom- en." .«•»•» - . Wben any of yonr husband's relatitea comes alwaya give tbem tho spare room. ffyoa slionld gire nj) jaurowa atJai-t- ments and sleep in the spare room jour' self, you might oateu your death cf cold. It reqnirei imp nadabait boon for (IhlacM waasa to.ouka ber U&lai, Vto* men ansilk* tbe world of«. :
Page 1: JOSEPH H. BEACH & SON,test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1883/1883-12-22.pdfnow be seen In onr cslalilisliiiiciit.






0S03 on Blaokwall Sireat unit door to tliu

National TFuiou Bault.


m-rM™.l™— rJ. STEAM ENGINES,BitUoxius



IPiOE. I 1 WK. | 2 Kile, I 3 S AIR COMPRESSORS,IKOrt and IIKAH^ <MNT7A'«iS.



ra?£. iron





DOVE11, N, J.

/ "^EO. 0. CUMMINS, 11. I).,





T c. niEJiwntrn. K. M.

DOVE!!, N. J.






DOVEB, K. J.BpnnlBl ullico lmuis <m Hiv[ur<l*vH ri inn 8 A

V. till 11 K. "•''•



OFFICE 18 1.. 9 A.M.HociiH. f 1 to 3 and 7 I" 8 P, 51.


BTASHOPE, M. J.Contracts fur hiiildinpn falion rrnm tin- i s

cftY!ilii)L'(»nli(!Ci'lla',ftNil m.inTi:>l*liinii-hwi,Al<n S.wtl. Door,.. IW.ill-, Slt!Ul<:[MK", 1'IIMHKnriBiiLrR'ltsH.IS«?TUH>Maii.r<ivl* >•••»•»» misonliantl. Kluto uiortiis. 8 I.v

AMI WISTUH USR J\N.i nf II iilDWAllE. (JfirijBttY

, Copjicr, i'taiii snd .UnaumrTINWAltl Oil wot in. LH iiets 1 nmpB,

a Venthers. Pnit'tj p . MHO. ttfitliT* in

COAL Uodfiii^, rtniviiinf; and Jnli H'orl;iiitlv Etti-iirtnl to. FmrliMik' S V• ' T


DUVEH, N. J. Cuuti-;irt-»lal:fii mul iiiittiTiilriuitihlicil. stom-iinil Uriel; Wtirt. PlahL'tiiiBH.l J..I.IHI1R IJOninMi- mtmU'il I... OrJUIcfi at tfilliain H. HsiUci1'* Hum will icct'ivi-etrcful ami pn>mi>l utli'Dtimi.

1 B. liEIIUY,





Carpenter and Builder,ImH removed to TIIUT1>IT'«" npivtimWiiijr.ln (lie

ioarufUiuCtinr.il lliiiUiul tlia'v IITHIKO,NEAR THE CANAL BAHIS.

a y Jiiiilniu: Rii>l ruiuiiniiB jnnuptlyittimk'il tii. A lens «ru>ru nee m tlio biijti-

ii to all cut




DOVER, N. J.The nlacc Ian litvn attiivJr r*(lttfd in « nt-Jil



ittioiiiH ilpcnralcil In trend)!? sty leu, HnvinK jIhprou.ch ItiiowicdBc of lumfleftntl BIRM paint-Ins <vu tci"!comnL-lt!it t« nit'ct the lieinaudfcoUII. Punt *h«p ofer Mi» Whilf's mllllui.-r;Bturo, next to Vougbt k KillKoru'a ilniK »P.O. P I T 189,

A Hpcctalty iiiado of ntcncit ealtins.

J.MARTIN 11-lv A.Iin




C«u offer llie best BDd mi-fit HUunl induceBtnla to Otak-ra.





t i l a l i tg l flonk Dt PALL MII.LISKBI' iKit Itlndi, nblcli rho liai JuBt u c c i n d FromHew York, wliieli »lie inteudi to ,rl! al boipricuB. Qo tad Me bet fine ilock. .


HEAGAN & Co.A l l k i n d s (if jiiire

a n d i i i i i l . i l i u i i i . i i i i i

a n d j i i l d i l c Ics; l i n l i -

l ) i ' r l ( o Is. A I M I s e l f

iici Hi.; anil j i la i i i

A l i i skas iiiiu Eiiib-

l icrs ill, i i ( i r ; i c ( ivc


An iminenso ns-

stirlinciit of HOLI-


now be seen In onr


<H'l'. IK, I. k fl'. UKPOr, DOVER, IV. J.


Inter in IHtt* *700P3, ttUOCERTCS ANDI'llOVlMONH, LKATHEIt AND FIMWSOttUOIS AND allDBH i ' tor ' l t r ; CIKUFH, toi>ncim.au.liiifacUvdrTtliiiiKwUic.li i« som-rall.

I'diwiiiurci, bailout! sio my Htm-lUi.cH



Hot Air Furnaces,Of tho latest mid nmat tmfrovod utyloH, foHarming public snd privuto tuilditiKB. A Urg

assortmoutof 8tDVf!BfcliD&p forcaH'i.


STOVES, RANGES,4c. Alaa a valid}' of

nihilit» m luwt of Hull t 'Uc inti-lim? Old Iruii I op

»**»«( Uro^jharln tskti


'-iirim Bui BoltLtii



LAG tilt BEER!•j at UEIT.T.VS, S.i'n.1 »'., I W r , S. J



Musical (nstruments!

Semi for cataltifiiit- ul (Ivcciiiitiii-ic, IVt'iv or^aiiK hold lor 80eiils I»cr week.

WM. S. WRIGHT,Blackwell St., Dnvcr. N. J.


Nursery and Greenhousesiillld fir., -MOHfliS'fO^N, K. J,





Tlioi'burn's Flower SeedsF O R SAI .E .

w TELEniOSE CALL 18,. 25-ly





( EADMHS, nm] sill kiiiilfl ofJol.bli.fl Iu my Hue,lone in the btot manner ftiul at the uliortefnotice. Uifihtift prices pail fur olil Irou.

Copper load ami ruwler taken lu oiclisnfi

for ROD B. ALEXAiiJ)m W I G H T 0 K

Dcceiu.iiirailb.18T0. 1-lvr


.lit***i t U t


Seede, Fertilizers.am? c'i-<-n(iiiii(,- for l-MInf <t.Vf> OAItlfEN.



[veil Rii'l |ilncc-.| in in.aitnF1SE SEW

Fool Tables

ORCHESTEIONtins *)«() iiiKt Jictn »H|if)lte<l 0'itli «<•«• iirimifiii«l ivill (Si-lijrht Hid !>atnitiH ul' Hit' house miirtlinn: t v v , tiirLisliing muitio equal to a bibaud nil511 pit-cos.


LAGER BEERclnfvgon ilnui^tit and tbubcBtof

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSftlwayu prDVjdci] lor llio patrons nf


TWO boons nuni ULACKWEIJ. HT..


z W g .H o « ft y . • -

jn = ?> g ®CO " M *


DBESS GOODSBest line of Dress (Jowls

nnd Trimmings atPARBEE & CLARK'S,



BLACKWELL 8T., DOVEK, N. J.iK fur tiii.itli^ga.Coatf &oti



Witb bottnc(acUitwe'l nw enabled to puton SLATE 110UFS clicuper thaa ever uaiugnono but the licnt quality of siato and cm-j)]eying flrsVclass mvahanica^ Jam guar-antee material and work in overy pnrtlca-lar. IVr ShentbiDg Felt alwaja on hand.

Dated October VJth. 1880.

THOS. JOHNSON,matinfjnturf r mil ik-aler In



Mj esliro .lock of


Gents' Furnishing Goods,mtlotlirr llnnRS too mi ran root tn mesittuu.

lucluiir ID v we If nilli tnntlitr Lrmcli of bini-nti'R. I Siavc ntso on fmtii n lareo stock ufP i t LIE (lOODtt It) i]iB|)(i*«of citliiT to w'llby

*ini;\e until*, at llio ninno reie. Do nut iontayour chance fnr jun will never baMi H agUu.



Mrlilcaml (Irani)'-. Al! i

Notice of Settlement.Noilce in lien;ly Ri^cn dial tlm aceounta

•f tbu fiubji'rilur, Exreulor nf Ann He-Farlau.ilrcut^J, will tiu auililed and Btaledtry Die Snrn^al«, a»d wporleil for BeMieroouttothoQrnU»n9'Ctinrto( the Cannty ef tftir-la, en MONDAY, the levcntti day ef Jion»ryielt* EnsruND D. nuxr.Y.Dtled Oot.29th, 1663. 48-9*.

Euoalor'i iddrm, Kcrr(iU>»Q,H.;. •

SUSSEX St. GROCER,aillctmliiiUbD to k-op a lull mill firi.li (IUDII-

Lil)- or

tirocorfes nnd Provisions,

SEASONABLE FRUITS,foreign nud domoalic, [he but,t grules ofCANNED GOODS, nnd ail BumilieB of tholiouH«bolrt in Lis line.

Curo will BIWUJB bo inkHt to Bocurc good*of the brut quality nnd oq»«l jminn to HP»

iifitunt willi tb» |iimbasing piicf. RUKSEXST. unur ibo corner of Hlnckwrll, Dowr


n!;.'?, 'iiuivaIJI.I „ ci.mim

n Cn- tits*I IO








Estate of tTniucs S. Dicker-son, deceased.

PUIlSiUANl' io tlm orOcr «>f Hie .^iirriiRiltnf ilif.- Oiiiinty ol M^nifi, nuili : on llir

U i t l l l r N ] A I ' i l )f Ry , n

i- !n-n')>y Riven to jl] nrr'KUx linvJnr rhiaiB»i;aii;«Mli(;('Bt»tcfilJaniif^.Uu^»jrBiii), lottM.rtin- Gnmiyid Mtirrn, (IK-I'H^H', to prcnuil iln>fiamiMiutk'r ^nlli nr Hfilrn:iili(ii), io tbu «uii-ncfiljjr, on or dplt-ro (do iinri/plti ri,ijr nfAilittut l in t , Li'lQij litpo moulliH Irotn llir•Idle of ui<l unliT; ami any creditor IH-RII ct-it>« to brins; •« Mid cilntiit I"* or ht-r claim,miller o.uli or Dfnrmnttnn. ivitlim llio limu «r,llnnitd.will be farmer barreil ol lu« or imrntiido llititlur ogaiiiNl tin Executor.Paiod tiit, Uiirtmili day of Noii-mbcr A.D.1883.


EDTJM&BRO.Improved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus



BUILDERS,xfovor, xtr. «r.


Notice of Settlement.

and *11 mionor of printo and p


Nolfco It hereby gl«"n (lint ilio u c a a n ' i ufUio l a lxcdbm, Atlmlui«lr*lor« of Henry l \Dirlirmn,dictated, wi'l bo duditudind (tiledlijr Uiti Surrogate, ir.d repnrie*l tor wUleraeolto the OrplitLn' Court aftlie Ounnty of Mor-ris, oa HoniHy the m e a t l i «Uj< a! J * n w y




SUITS FOR MEN,Suits lor Boys and Children,


Rubber and Oiled Clothing! The Orr Overalls! Blue Flannel.Shirls! Cassimcre Shirts, all colors and shades! White

Shirts, very low ! Scarlet l/nrfcrshirls and Drawers,all wool, at 90 cents each! White and Gray

Undershirts and Drawers at 20 cts. each,

HATS! HATS! HATS! HATS!and 0AP8 in nil stylos and shades; prices way down

TRUNKS AND VALISES, Celluloid Collars and Cuffs,Linoa and Paper Collars and Ciiffij, Silk Handker-

chiefs—all colors and shades, Gloves, Mittens,Bocks, flea and Bows, and many other

things, too numerous to mention,oontained in my store.

o r Tho utiovi- (!(Hi<Innl*re« imtoriiiieut P-I ' tn;

tlr «i fiofect from tiV (JOUlll


WM. HARRIS,Watchmaker and Jeweler,

DOVER, N. J.calls ijiccial attention to Lin etrick offiociJn

Suilable for tfie Holidays,miiiliiiainS tli» li,rBc.l stock »(

GOLD WATCHESnvrr offi'T.-tl in thix juivt of the totnitj-.

KHA'EU WATCHES nf tvrry tlc«tri|i-fimi; JKU'i;(,[{Y, mi cli'("niit iffn|»U.Y ililNUS, m i w Hturk -if nil tliiMKivellicrti>rtli.. M'lisoti; KAK lilNflS, fllAHUS,IMSS. id'T'IllNS, STl'DS, fcc.

CLOCKS, (ipmxUlodc.

SII.VKH-\VAi:i-:, iKiom^trle linoof newK»OI!N f»r tlin iirrwlim.

COLK l'KNS iiinl PENCILS. Ki'EC-'I'ACI.KS tn Mill »\\ t-inlilN. Ilriiuir-

irig uf .-vrry il^cripiiou ]ii>rt<>ln-itif,' (.i tlic tntdc.



AT THE D00S OF THE YEAR.Tie corridor* of Time

A n fiill of dows-the jwrtalt of cliwed y « wWe «iler them ao more tliougli bitter WaMBest ford against them, and *e hew the ettimoOf lort dreaiiu, dlrge4ike, in beLhid tbemring,

At memory'! opening.

But ana door atoudB njnr—The New rear's; wliflo 9 go Wen o!«Un of dajHold It half abut. The eftger ftwt deUyiThtt pteagea to ita tlunihold'i jnlglity b « }And feari that ahrlnk and hopon Utat aluii!

Arouaj it watt ana crowd.

It sliufa bnek tbe uakoowP,And dare wo teal; welcome one mote.Who down tlie past a mocking laughter hemFrom idle aim*like wonderingfcreeteablown)Wo wlioae large mpirattoni dimmed and

Till the year's scroll vaB blank 1

Wo pflBM beside tlie Joor,Thy year, 0 God, faov shall we outer on 1How ib&U we tlisnoo Thy bidden treasure

wlutBball wo n t u r u lu beggary as before,When Tbou art l ieu at band, with luflntto

wealth,Wiadota and beavonl; beoltlit

Tko footaiops of » ChildSound close beside us I U#teo] Hewillapook

b!rtlitlay-l)ol!a have hardly rung a week,Yet hog S« trod tlie world's press uudeflled.

Come with uicl" bear Hiui, thraugb HUsmiling, soy,

"Bel iold. lnm tlie Way-!

Agalunt the door Ills faceSliinoa aa the «uu. Hia tottoli in a oomraand.Tbo yearn unlolil bofore His baby Band 1Tlio beauty of Ills pmenao fllla all spaoe.

"liter through nrn," He siltb, " not waiidetmore,

For loyr I lam tho Door,"

And all doors opeueth He,Tho uen-boni Christ, the Lard vf tbe Sow

Y«r,Tlio tUreslKM of our lucked bearts staudetli

AndwhlloHp givesiwltaok Love'araited keyOur future on us with Ilia ojes lias mulled,


CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS.Donr friends, If wo ciuinot lie jolly

Ou CkrUtinns Uny,With ronut buof am! pudding nnd holly,

Wben ia't wo uiny t

Wts agree tJmt this dwy, above of fcers,fihmilil liring food clieer,

And pnronla ami sisters nnd brothers6houM nil lie Iit'ic.

Thou lut tliu l>it' flrcg so bmrelyAnd hrii>htiy hfoze,

Ami nil enjoy, ii"yly or aravoly,

Our pleasure breoints, tlien, a dutyThut good iiu'it love; •

Anil prtsfiiits ol cuwfortavH hoaatyThe pleasure iirovc.

Hut ovur all, ChrittHjin or lieatheo,Ou CliriHtmns Day

We have, to those worso off than wo tfaeii,A debt to pay.

ForwltkiM wo have, auid the Savloot,Always the poor;

Wlmtevar tbeir state oi behtTlor,Their oluims endure,

Jf wo to the poor gtve as mucli asOur means maynfford,

Tho gift la declared to be such asA loan to tlio Lord.

Rumemher the poor who are with us,Aud who must stay J

They're not apnrt from or bcneatli uaThis Chrifltmas Day.


HB conelmW to tlu rtii.toKmiilia fin tlio C'l.I'B SVSTEM, mid to nuniiln pnvtit's nt u dis-nifc to iir,{ii!ii:c n cluii liv Hninling ?Jt(! in tl JJI.V.^TKKF.I, I.KTTCH, TltlitTJiJi.V TIL'KETHill Vo rotnrnwl ti, tlicm I'm- tliiilcon (lii7cti Imiimiil 1'lioti.grni.liH, wUicli nllow« therginlMrur tliecluli t»NE TIUKIST KUKK.


These Ploturm nro uui'l« l>y (lit- now InntitntriiinmH uruccBf, or, in otlier words, tho drvnlato pirn-™. DUN A LDSON'S I'OKTIIA ITS fii<; well known for ilieir •uperfor i t j l "Uiisli, mid lie cunraniccH I lip c'.nlijiii-Inn-s «iill In rcinnta mt.tli, mid lit- cunraniccH Hip clnbiii^iurrs «1H1 In rcinnta »t>.


FOR THE HOLIDAYS!SON also announces (Imt lie Imu linnglit for cash, at a



DONALDSON also announces (lint lie Imu imtigM for cash, at a gn r t bargats, thoLARGEST STOCK of

WALNUT and IMITATIONS,thftt lms evor beno fwen this n]de of Newark, nnd ho 1H, tiiDtorore, gills to offer tlio

Imluoumenti In this Ilia lino.




New Year's Cards!of all design at the ERA. office.


Orer theoceaa—the sky.

Tlio joker's liind—All jeers.

In cveryhaily's moutli—(eetli.

A full opanitig—tlio coal bole,

A hnatt'oaS—tx box on the ears,

Water can coine and go wbou it's title.

Carvers of their owu fortune—batch-


Merolj • an onljido innltcr—a jug

As lint in December ns in July—tbeipper box.

TbQ fasliion of bangs in browbeatingitturo.

A liuigbing stock—A collection of f/on&OkCH.

A burst of conSdence—Failure of a

avitgs bunk.

A club jou can't debate witli~a police*

A lie nboiit a battle belonRS io tbe taaictvs of war.

Tlie bome stretcb—Keeping onttaymder income,

A' Rimiilrori—Rednclioo in {ho priceif Arctic overaboes.

Many men look through glasses to)icsi!ive Ibeir eye night.

A Hiing Ibnt no rnmilysbould hm with-ml—A marringc ci>rlit)cnto.

Whuu is n fowl's neck like n hu\\ ?IVlicu it is \imiif- for diunii',

A young uinu bilinghis uiii^t;ichc is niso of "down in the mouth."

l'lilitnlnons weriMvnm Ion per iu Julytliiiu iu Jinif—ouu day longer.

Aruli-i explorers will bt! Imowu in con'used bisiory us " Irostcil cakes."

Woman's Kplioro—tba ifurning ball.In fact, iii.my n woinau fcnia it.

« (irst man who ever went loniulIho tforlti—Hie man in ibti mouii,

—Miirt-Miig liaid working achTusss.

Wriliug mi u ti successful uovel might

be called " ti lailnrc iu tbe yarn trade."

"The liunncinl outlook" is thoughtbv

Jobunieto betbepajiurr teller's widow.

At a fire iu a clothing >,torc tlic other

day, tlie only pants suved wero Iho oc-


Eight sledge dogs will buy a wife in

Siberia. One puppy will often get one

It is believed in Boston that Prof.Slngger 8 . Sullivan is tlie inventor of tliereveisible cuff.

A ladies cabin—that part of the boatdevoted to cigar smoking, roughs, ter>ricr pups anil dados.

Tbe eye is sometimes called tbe win-daw of tbo BOCII, consequently a block)vp mils': be a siainert window,

Boston girls never Riggtc. Theymerely express their delight by a dreamyfitr-mvoy, North-Polo Btqilp.

One reason why some people don't goto tfae Yollnwstone is because it takes BOmtny jelloff atones Io getiliere.

M(in, occordiog to Sliakeapeare, hassevea tges, bat women lias ouly tbioe—

gnteen, tweDtj-niaa and sixty.

In some conclrles a lartnet cao useIlia neighbor for dnnagoa if the latter al-lows weeda to grow and seed.

to," laiil Mr. Toapb, wlio isn'tmuch of a society man, *• I do pity Ibeaepoor waiters TVIJO bnvo to wear dreBssnlis nil tlie time."

Mr. St. John, of Kewton, Iowa t'rniiwbisgi-apc vineaon elm trees,andoioimslb."it be swares See fruit every yearTwo from rot '



A apeoial eBurt wiij be made tlita witiUr iu Hen 3etnej to procure legislateh t will provide means for Ilic educ-

tion of lbs large number of children,principally io dUet, tb.it ore deprivedof schooling by B lauh of school aocommodalion. Aooording fo fue last repoioE Mr. Apg&r, Stute Baperioieudeut ofEducation, there are in tbe.Staia 848.000children between the agea of 5 aud 18

TLe law makes tbe education othose oliitdren eompalwr;. But o[ thisnumber oal; 209.000, or leu ibito twothivde, are eorollod iu tue eeliool regis-ters—and these pupih ere crowded intobiJdiga that trill ml oaly 189,000children with any degree of comfort.The discrepancy between the nn tuber ofseats and the number of children Io beaceomtnodated attainti alarmins; propor-tions in some places. In Hudsonwhich corjlainii Jersey Oily, time werelust year 69,000 children of wlool oOf these 82,000 were registered, ullhonglitbe baildiags into wbicli (laej werepacked were inteuded to bold only 28,•OOOpnpiis. It is estimated that 16,000chiliten attended private sotioote, sotual 80,000 children, or uearlj one*liaHof the eobtx)] popalution, were left wiuVont means of obtaining inatruclion.

In Essex county, wliioti cjut&lns Newatk, 27,000 of tlie 50,000 ohiEdren ofschool ego swarm into Bcboolbouaeq tbatwere meant io hold only 26,080, About8,000 go to private schools and 21,000grow up iu ignorance. Vaiua count jprovides 7,000 aitliuga for 15,000 cliildrcD. Mercer count; packs 8,000 cbildt'Bn itto 6,000 seals, aud lurus fromits school doova iU icmaioiug 7,000 cbil-dren. Middfosex Ha 16,000 children olschool pgp. Ita Bcboois can only accooi'

8,000 of tbczu. hisaaio hm9,000 eitliagu fur 21,000 chiltlieu, Imt

H to squeeze 14,000 of I hem iutobt'r Echooltj, Itj the State tbure are !),-500 teachew, or about o«e to every 100

upils. The averngc a;i(iiry of n mate'eaoher pel' moutli is 850, of a fcimilc

Tliesyatem of education is mitiiagedby tboStnle Bnanl of Etlucaliob, which

ibis of the Uiiv.uiur, tlio Attuinuy-Qencrnl, (be Comptrollep, the Secretaryof State, Iho PreMdent of thn Sennit*,tho Speaker of the AswMnhlj, UMI tliotratttees ol (lie State Normal HcJjoof.T le j ilx He unuunl uppro[iriLttion foraeliool expenses, tiud it in ineorponitedin the general lax levy. Eich countycollects the tax from the cities and towu-

within it, ami pays over tbe moneyto the State, It is then apportioned oni per ciptta H.isis fa telewuce \o tbemmbet of school children. Tbe totalmount apportioned last year for edncn-

tion af children was $4,068,960. TheBoard, after tbe apportionment is made,istributes the fund to tbe eonulies, ami

Lbe county collectors in turn redistributeit on a per capita basis to the cities andLowmbips.

By this method some, localities in'bich tho viltie of the ratables is smallnd tba number of childien comparn-ively large, receive ftom l!it State for

educLitionaftises a much greater sumllittu they pay into the school limii,while other places CDDtnininR I urge arenaf tillable property and few children paviigely in excess for what they receive-j

iorecboot purposes. Biyonne, in Hud-ion couuty, raises Sl7,0(KI for tbo eehoolland. Thisamonnt goea to tlie State,

frerloui Precantiom,A man who took oire to tell tbe clerk

tuot be wai from New Hamptliire andon bh way to visit (ita sister in Wis-sonata, whom be bad notieeo in twenty-

at a Dotiuit hotellbe other eight. When *ho*n to hitroom by one of tbe bell boy* be •nddeolyuked";

Ob, toy, bare yoo dre-escapei onthiahuildinnJ"

Deed we baa, sab."Show me tbe one I am to nae ia c&ae

offirB."Tbe bo; took him down tbe hall to

'here an iron ladder ma to tbe groundbat after anrveying it tbe man remarked:

''Mercy on me! but IwoaMa't dareclimb down tbat ladder in broad day*ligbl!"

"Dey's all alike B*U."" Well they wouldn't do me any good.

Say I'll mike a bargain witb yon,""Yessnh.""I don't want to lie roasted and I

can't use that ladder. If you'll come upand gfye me ten or flffeen minutes warn*ing before tbo tire breaks ont I'll giveyou 60 cents, and hero itia,"

rildoit .aab."It's a mean trick on the roit of

them, I kaow," coutiaaed tbe man,but mebhQ they are tiled to ladders '

and don't CBk' any favors, Wben yoncome to rouse me just knock three timesand quietly nuy; 'Mr. Blabs, ilii*tnvrrn ia on firr,' I'll tumble to H mth'out any fuss mid after I get out I'll yellfire anil di» m$ best to Have lbs resf.Goad nigh I, bub, anil remember that I

nitl cash don-n,"

Lillle By little.If you aie paiuiog n little every day,

be contented. Art; your expeusea IOSHthan your income—no thut, though II halittle, yon ure ytt foustantly uccuiaulat-ing, uutl growing rielim-aiid riclier everyday ? Be contented ; so far us concernsmoney, you are doing well.

Aro yon gahiirjj* ltuowlt!il(,'« every day?Tliuuftkit hi-lillle by littlt', the agRW-gato kccumnfotiou, vtheve no iiuy is pi'v-aitleil to pn H without aiding roine-liiug to the wlock, will be surprising ft

ttulouxjii ilitl not heeorae tlie wisestnun in tlio world in a Winnie, Little),V litlli?—never owillintf to learn Home-hi iff fora Nfii(r|i* (1ny—&}wuyn mtuiug,tuilyiiiR ii HtUi; between the tiiuo ofitsing in tho miming and l>iiiK down ntliglil—this IH the way io accumulate a

Finally, drn you daily improving iucbarauter ? D.> uat be discourugod bo-3iiiiseit isUltle by little. Ilm heat nieuill short of wbat tbey would wish to be.

X is something, itisiiHudi, if,you keepil resolutions better to-day than youyesterday—better this yiw than you

lid tnyt yeiir. Strivp to bo perftct ; InitIo not beoome dawn-hcutttM us IOUR HH

you ni-e apinoaching unnrer to tito highstandard at whicli you nini,

Littloby litllc, foituuca ;iro nccnniii-ted. Liillii by little, knowledge in

gained. Little by little, chftratilcT amiaputntion are ucbicved.

Tlic S of a .llan Who Accepted a

nd ia returu tlie Stain uppnttioas ouly?10,ODOof the fund to Bayonne. Tlie:einaining 37,000 goon to make up theleficiencics that exist in plnees wheio»roperty is less valuable, but wberc cliil-Iren aliDiind. Jersey Oity {-ot3 ulioiit112,000 mure from tin; school fund than

tributes to it, Tlio little town ofWcehawkon, rieli in mlablfB ljut poor inchildren, gives the State about 52,000,ind only gets bad; a little over $1,000.

Of the school buililingH iu the .State,1,073 contain only ono room, 243 have;wo rooms, uud 2G1 bavo moro than two.Twenty-eight of [hi,1 SGJJOOJ building arouliieil at less than 8101) encb.

True IStipitincss.

Ungodly people, nil hough tho happi-ess wiiicli llicy coj jy doii'/ttcss is ncliiulnil cuiihiilemble, never know what theighest stirt of hiippiticis is, that which[irings from tliubnrmony of tho IIIIDIUIIill with the will of God, and fromniliiiilly rcco^nizL'il lovo between Godml lbe soul. 'Iliis hn|ipiupps uo mereirtttnatc minHt'ioua of life c:ui seeitn*.t never dues, fur it never can, satisfyan deepest cravinfja oE the heurt, of'hich everybody in «ousciou3 at timee,nil it is 8uraelhiuK which ia beyond llioenuanont iufliKtiico of ilistiirbing cir-HiiisliiDci's, so that irnoOhrialian: !'»vet, iu a greater or Jess degree, no matterIOW gr.'ntly they unfi^r. iMaruovei1, it

uud moro procioun to tliel in advtrsity ; partly be-iristian, e

ust! llio m '6 ont1 kui'wn of it in any.anri's, llio moro blessed it lie-IIILI partly hec-mat; tlic more one

« drireii to ilcptikl upon it liy tlti; /nil-re of other sources of joy. the riclier Us

jiUui'o uml fruitfulness are futmd to bo.Slid duoa [;ive His bclieviug cliilJroti tiicboot happiness, after all. But for theirsorrows tliey aoraetiniL'S could not a]i-

it nt its true value, ami wlieu:hey oncn have Icurued what it is, theyirotild not surrender for any kind ordegreo of merely temporal enjoi-aient.—The Cuiigregalionalisl.

One Sundny at Montgomery we wore,nlking about duels, and ft lion the names>f seventl parties vbo had gone out in

j past y&fa to miiititj tlwlv honor weromentioned, tho Judge kuoctced tlicaslicaoQ1 hia cignr aud said :

" Guntlcmcu, it may be mentionedright here that I have been Ihere my-self"

" Were yoa ohallongeil ?"" I wttR. It w«sov«?f iu .South Caro-

lina, mid I called a man u Hur. Ho sentme a challenge, aod 1 selected swordB RStbe WL'upoiiH. We met ut seven o'clocktbo next Dioruing. It was just such i\moniiDgaK this—tmht, beautiful nndfull o[ life"

"And how <liilyou tec} ?""Very queer. I shall never forget

my eeiisjilioua ns I saw ray rival, nnd boseemed Io bu as visibly affected. Wocuuldu't oithrr one of us say a word."

Was it in ii prove?""Ob, no ; it was nt the tlupot.""Tlie depot! Vfhr, you didn't flfflit

at the depot, did ymi ?"" Well, no. Tlio morning express

trains passed theroatsevca tatidlic tookone and I the otbor."

MPII or Means-

A weultliy yoimg follow wna courtinga girl or experience, ami when he askodher Io marry liitu fibe was slow to RC-

"My darling," Le said, "you Bbonldliiive no fc«rs. Don't I Sell you 2 loveyou devoutly, uud Hie would be ft blaukwithout you ?"

"Yes ."" Anu yon need linvc no ulnrm about

our substsmtitil comfurts, foi- I am amau of menus."

" Tout's just wljnt I don't lite. I'mavail HO many nun, nnd he.ml 'era tulli,lh:it I want to carry ft gun when I sea

A lady'a boudoir is a powder rongnzine;preparatory to aa expedition into thevery heart of the eaemy, she has a littlebrush nad then rises her colors.

Hurdiuefs is the most esaestinl rcqui-ite ia fruit trees. No mutter bow beau-iful flie fiait and foliage, tbey will prove

unprofitable unless able to stand severewinters.

A fortune avitta tbe man wbo will in.Tont a penholiJer that you can't stickinto tbo mucilage bottle, and a mucilagebrash that won't go into the inkstand.—Ilotlon Post

You are mlftaken sir," said MilSnifkins, haughtily, to btmufal youngThompson, who bad juatBieppecl on herflowing wbfl, " o j train does not carrymy pMseugers,"

"No moro of the trail, but a littlemore ol the jaioe, if yon pleaae/'saldtbe temperance advocate when tbe host-n s asked blm iu have another dish ofpreserves—brandied peaches,

A twolve-year-o'd boy of Franklin) V>>.bnrstn blood vessel wbilfl Wowiop a tiniorn, and died in a, few boars. I( I

Item is of no use to you, cat It oat nmthand itto your

(juuiin^ 'round. There ure so nunyof m'jans, uud ?(» few given to lie-

plisliiug what Ihej* mean, that aft els like voting fora iirohibitory

t.tnff nod stopping the growth ol thewhole lot."

The bank ncL-ouut wns shown, and begot the girl.—7Ae Drummer.

Nuptial tioliont-Love in mnrriage nhonlil be ttie ac-

coiujiliahnient of n beautiful drenni, nndnut, as it loo often is, tbe end.

Many a poor woman thinks she can donolbiug without a husband, anil, whenibe gets one, finds abo CJU do nothing«itli him.

All bachelors would like to shakebands with tbe man aamen Morao, whorecently got married, and four weekslater changed his name to Be-morse.

A young man having asked a girt if bemight go home trill] lier from aibgingclass, end being refused, said : " Ton'ro

fall of airs M a musical boi." MPer-Uapa so," she retorted ; " bat if I am Idon't go with a crank."—Bo$ion Star.

"My dear, why are yoa maklog toelaborate a toilet? Now that yon aremnrrfcd, yon need not dress to pleasemen." Wife : " I don't dresi to pleaaeneo, my dear, bat to worry other wom-en."

.«•»•» — - .

Wben any of yonr husband's relatiteacomes alwaya give tbem tho spare room.ffyoa slionld gire nj) jaurowa atJai-t-ments and sleep in the spare room jour'self, you might oateu your death cf cold.

It reqnirei imp nad a bait boon for •(IhlacM waasa to.ouka ber U&lai, Vto*men an silk* tbe world o f« . :

Page 2: JOSEPH H. BEACH & SON,test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1883/1883-12-22.pdfnow be seen In onr cslalilisliiiiciit.

wmirmO'NEBA.\The Dover Printing Company,


*w» not poiiiivo, bat




In mv Inflt comraunioutlnu I iucutontall.vul Inded tn the ftol tba I arrange men t s ]i<ul" w n msrie fur Mr. Ailiert O. Hah**, theLneoropmm.BirBwlvocAteof total niintiu"t™i\ind 1th ooadliitiirfl In tlio t«mtw>|titi<<ft refVmno visit Cluster, imd in rlew nf bin wmnicrfnlineoens eltowimro, moilcotlT nn»s*«teil tlmt•n racn-bHt inh r In n full rtn* of red rft-wn, as in nil urnimMHtT it w«iM 1» m r tlitntmL iBtl enmw|n#ntly b«w » ranlr •»<''•lint iu t U i I w M .» Httta |nwn«t«™. i» Mr..f<iW>. ftiniUlmil till* (lfPi.n1i.ni WtiwlftririM ltd* )iro«p]TtfH «« II ilUlinetlvi' l.njlup.

.f tlie Plal., a iiurw, whlab. Inrtadlnf the«Ufi>tkiiiH titkH, auiMnted to *ltt>. Mr.

ilnbee m e n d e d , thsnkl»|i tfeu dull for theirjfiuerwdtj-. ami «!»'> tendered hit !«•»«.?Lbmki to tbe Bever.il rirarriiN fur <-i»-uimiilmir doom to tlicpo iueotlii«a. T.hvu e-.!cii oltlie three e!erprim>n e x p K m a their v lwmrei t what had 1*m »winitUfhe«l, and aniilthev wew jjlml to to nWc tn rnidnrso tlieffepiitletueu ami tlirir mntlmdii of « « * • A jW

niffiiiiinll Hint <nnm.1 i>s«nnl to the o


I.v tlifl

• llxiiL Abttiu S. 1WviU, msuu.ii member of Congress, was in

furor of Huii voted fuc th* duty on ivtr« rodaiwfilfd Ijy tlm itiriB net nJoiit^dby Con-K«v»s last winfer, At any nt-s we knowthai bo nan in favor of v<r? low duli-sit orno duties oa rav rotteriiH nail wire rod*aro raw lafituriiil —for win. Iiaeems, how-ever, that Mr. llevllt is unv convincedthjit be lovft) low duties not windy, hut tenWell, if ho ia not niwrmitesanlcd. Ha Ur*pr«ReuUd to have ranic UTO of ibo follow-ing JftDgnngfl einco thu njiHiiin;; (if Oongreft;

" Ithiuk U would bo unwise to fttteropt iiry i - • — - • - - • - . - • - . , ,Kenml tariff loRitttlian this *inl«r, (ha! j n , ^ , r S n l v «lt'mi'lIs, aothiug looking to a reopening of theWhole eulijec.t, as was dono Ust winter.Tlint would be nieltk* and imnecessary.There *re, bowcepr, ninny f«at«rfiB of theprevnt tariff lnw Hint ore nbomiiiflblt', andhbotiM ba corrected Ht tines. I KM n largenmtiufactni-er myself, and I lielit'vo that tlipmatmfitelm-i>rs of llio uountry bnvo beenlutfly misrepresented in the statements thnttlioy WPT« opjmfpil to niiy lnrilT IfginlationIhia winter, The 'bat-lims intercB'H.1 BB(ley arc culled, are Buffering nowfrotsi tt*nmassoF hndgf'pDdne tbnt wna piosod liRtneK ion. Miili are clo^'n^ down nil ovor tbecountry. I mysttlf have been compRlleflthin suuimnr tn losoRond rontrncU on K-comit of dtfecls io the M tariff bill, whichuiadt it impoflsiblo for nto to coai|ieUforeign lannufaitturers. I want BOIthese defect* altered I don't say that itwill be DfMMwary lo rulucethc tariff, butttiinlc tbnt p^rlinps a pousfrvativo redni'Uoitin Rome CR-MH would bp »dTwiblo. Fndfithn present t'riff wire rodi cannot be mwh-io tlifn couctry. Let im bntc nt tba tnltjfflin a bndtiesii liglit uml make oorrrctimihwhere blnn(ti>rf} are shotrn to have beenmade." Now that Mr. Hewitt bubean Hrtuveroty gored, wo cna but wander if he ifittill in favor of free wool anil free iron ore.Or iloen ho think that he, a* on iron iminU'frictiirer, is more entitled to protection thattho wool graver or tbe ore miner, or an)other employer nf Atneriraa labor?—Aniflri-

cm Miuiiifnoturer.

«ah ut dt l

tlip i'tmt-Hi-AriiK. rUlUcrt Undine. .Ir. Tin

«iiM'<nu Ihi'ii iul.lmirnr.1 1 "'ThniMliiy rvfiiine, in 1'"'

hldt time tlif «ir>iutiizutii)ii.How,: ExmiiTlvit r imndin F. V. .Inikln*. P. <'•

J.]nn. S. W, (icnnfftFiiwm. n. I'-iiiic. .i. o. rn«r,



The onuiB cf Mr. Pbdfw. of New Jersey.Is Die only one tbnt in raontiomd with aprotn.aeat pliou on the House CotnmiUecH.Th« Pntpr«nn OuarfKn (D»m ) HHVB :

Mr. CarlUiuUpnbalilv aimnt MHHIH" 1>I";i l c l l n iiiiikiiie ft mtiwfiid<irydii.pnrMiMii nlt he BviinbUaMia n i l i e f«"»J"i}t,<f*f)

BJLrf. V"!D^iiintrnlfi. TIIP intprt'etn or tliiri difltrtct nnnot \ihv\y ti» wiffirr for want or cmirnc;! tin tinimri nf iio iti-pre-entnUve. Thn »liino« fromWiwhiwijtou run Ilmt when Mr. Flii-ljis wiunppnaf-TiMl b,r ume of his tnllueiUbl IH-iuo.(•rotiefrfendK. who offered t«u»k Aw him aplnffo ou tlio W U J B anil Mcuiw Committee, hfmpllDitlMtlt wmldi lo for Sir. Kdfc r .Vuthe Ptfth Dmtrict of KflW Jnnmr nnMrttil HIPlimit, anil tan liiUnmUsd n divided prefaruci'fur nu« of lhr> four plnn-B reMrved for the

' IE Repuhllcnti inombcw ou tbe ApVroi.rlatit.il Committee., ejuridi;rlii« » ptari

y other, oxcopt pcrUnimthp Woyn

It Ix MltvtA if he seenrf B tbo htterit will be qnito nawell for LU coiiBtitneDlfnnd iw iraportant to him ft8 tho Ways ni 'Hewis.

The Hew J e m r Democmtb poperB whictibnvc claimed to be no fiercely protectionist,are coining to tna trade by degrees, butthey will nil got there. A year ago nothingbut a high tariff would do them. Now theythink that wa wnnt about half a tariff ami

• Ilnir n u t IUOTO will ba no tariff et nilPrinciples do not trouble them at all ; tbeiionly aim ia to endome Anything labeledDemocracy, whether thuy nra agreed with Itor not

Etery bit of display connected with IbeInftiigai-fition of a Itepnblieftn oS&alti foryenmpaat baaBlwajB reoebed the anatbe-miuof the Democrat^ preBB. Yet we failto hear aDy coDdcmnation of the prepanvtiooiioproareai lor Hie grand pageant BIQoreinor-dect Abbctt'i ioattguration. Bnlwe forget ( Ibe Dociooratie papers neveiUid any claim to c

' J t b ' n l d lhat Bomoof the members oithe House iltti&e Mr. Wo. Walter Phelp*w ft man " who wean haogB," remarks thigUto Gkzstte. TIIOHB gentlemen will bavipainfal experience of Mr. Fhelps' baogineabilifie« if they gtt in hid way. He wear*blsbangi on bis tongue. Be is certainly B41 bang op" debater.—BeMdere Apollo.

'Joe New Yo&IIerald is responsible forthe it&tement that in a recent fnlorview omof the most prominent Democrat* now iWftshiogtno wild ho "thought Hmight biwleo for tho Dnmocratia party to do Dothintill they get Into power; after whicli wfcan do u we pleiuo." This is good Demc-cmtlo doctrina.

After three wseks of meditation SpeaketCarlisle la still onabla to annonace theHonse OommltUes. The Democratii bwinpbeen ont BO long, and being very lesn, nilwant fat placet, of which there are notenough to go round. His worriment overthe matter begina In tell on him physically.

•Jfee Demoaratio syfltetn of giving out eon-tmctaioNewTorkoIty, now being exposed,by which the people of that 0U7 are robbedof millions of doUara, gltei m nn Idea ofwbat lliopablio at large way expeot H tbemne management ia to be extended to tbiafl4in of the general govemmeat.

Home ot finr contemporaries, who aied todfeport themteUea by rqaktag light of th<attention the EBA bat given tbembjcot oftho tariff, will now. aaknowltdge in view ottbe general difcnssion ot the question thaitho EBA waa fibont two yearn In advance otthem. _ . L

s In ft fracas between Democratic politidans at New Orleans three prominent tuei-

, vt that party wore killel We believe tliixU the fiwt lustanofl In tin Soatb, for a long

* time where any unt negroes were killed in a

If protection i* mch on iniquity, and pre-tenli mumfsctures, bow is it that andor nprotective nynlctn the. United Blatea makeetatty BQMNDK steel than any otherconntry.wA ts Moond only in tbe production of ptpirant

, The Democrats wen alwaya bouting thniIf tiiey carried OoOgnwi they would invent!gate the Departments of tno Government.

• Why floo't they go at it? The Bepubltcawa n ready to be investigated.

The penny-packer mcang employed by Ibecltyof New York to raise means to build npedcsUl It AD iaialt to the nation that So-nates fot il« harbor tbe Aagnianrel itatni-of t l twr t r

' The Ut^Bt Democratic platform: "Wetdnctrely promise, if we get into power, that

: ' We will not do as much to barm tho countryM tb« pMplfl Rnemily think we will."

In direct Tinlatioii of the law forbiddinpObinjunen,. oomlDR Into tfali country,Celestial bftby waa born in Bnlon the otterday.,- Thii mast be stopped.

The good times promised when a Demo<ontia' Ooagrns was eleoltd one yeas agolast All seem to be rather backward In get-

ft hare.

Sam. Tilden annoaooes bis opposJtioa to' Ibtfflotibm. Of ooarsa. Old Dsnfrart a n t r

bad ilbfl (MHnige to try one wife, let alone a

Tha oppMltloti Html to b*ro » bird, time [u tiyivg to oouc lua B«pabllcaa patiyIo oompOM ItaU in imih.

1m B r a n , or Oiorgb, Ian llml thoDunoonti luM mnpfwd off Ibt Vnnii

Tbe pmpoMti Hff uumdmeat to eteore- le iuIentngeir iU A n b t l M b i a l M the

•licMlu f ie WIHHI bo-i>iiiii" till rmtlicrnntii'iTlic lintiw irift ill thf> (•1 mi Tu'sduv nft'triKirtn, D1*- l " " i i'1"1

• rlliiilynrKaiixMl » W. C. T. V. bv pla t ingicrollnwiiiiiuiiuiHinfllr^: l*n.'Hil;nt.W«.

M. \V. Ki••li-.v; lMt Vice Pmrfritiit, Mw. W.rt'. I,ini#llnf 2d Vine P!P*ident, MIHM Rntt-r.iT. Iiureu: R»ntri'n-[ **"H»O' . »<'?; Knt*TftilwnTi I'ormiiMi ii.y Kforrliirv. Hra. O.A. UurltlinrtiTri-nMinr, Mm. - 'o '" ' W«M»,

Itkuajili til., unctetr met twain tbla viftyrinir ursiHiizntinn Mill rcuitilus uiiiiHeeted.3hv*M, UHIIW uiid Eiifjliwhwoii llw i t-peetnl iid mil nt ton - fu l l wli« lifnrd them, mj'tivxnuduHrr a»d t l m n i m that liivnri-.l.lv•evallml at nil tliclr iiiwiiiiiJt. not«Kb*tnu«-u tb" tr.-innid.niK rrowfl« alwnvn prewnl.a s ln rxe l rd i e to tl»ir fnir,tftniwrate nndtiUful iiiauiipr of L-ui-ryinir VII tkefr work,MeliwiiH tu Htiikinz cmitrfint to tlic !>l<">tl:il tlniitili-r idouft of unino t-ome tnlcnl tlmtnut Imvc IIPCII iiiiito aa nunoyiuff («i tliPiij n»W.iftiiiirii)v fitlicrit. In view nf wbnt !»i*ran iii'ioiiiiili-'lii-ii. It U lord t» cieilit themi! nc('ri>ti'.l notion Hint V\H-»WT in x dilll-lit Jinlil tn .•ultivntc for tt>t,i|n'Tnt.pc t\i-*v\\rK three hololK tlitri- saloon* uixl «ix diftil-^IIPH. At tin- pwwut writinE il '« B « f i l t l

iv tlmt b.itwtoii fiUO mill W«hnvi- winiipil tinli-djic nnd wenr flic tfil rllilmii; tUf n-ftiniIn1> numbrn 1 « sn<l the W. 0. T. V. UK), iami itPHlnnliiR certnliily. Sluv tlio w.^rk JPu utid u Ond M'ted to ii. The nn-nait wnow, what tlio future v,ill di!Veli>|> Oml onlynow-i.IiiitofonitliiiiBl ' ' ' '

K* mi nvl'lnnw nf tii« uniidiiil tntRWHtmiin.irmttMl, the l««t nlftlit they wrn; »w;" t l ^rfntPri, HIMIMI. ltnti'li. snlnimit. l l " 'V" , „,) , (

* ol IIUMBMHI wero rfowid. nnd n 1mnd of,. .iwn'nivinioil th""i t« nn» ' r n r i 1 ' " .

ehiiri-li in w b H . thf.v lidd tbrir nipetintf. nn.lth'vc tli»T nddroiMil »n aniMfii™ « m nUM If 1.700 nwmii>. Now let u*• M l o t t t enIn CliP«tfr. fovthrir otwraliiws llcrD1

w.™.i"."IBO pnp'Tinilv to rrpdrt. tlio e


to HIPr St., v

fnr HIMiiYtofcha

tlmvwproA l

r t JoiTwrfiUiBiidntioim hml univitni*1.V<l"rine thoir wionni

f.rto.1 to the MMlioilist ( UuivlW W b l l M l

wiiy srniuo ' n "«


o rrcpiw tbi>tn. Tliry had !">*««infurornlile imprfMlfln ofnnrplnido, frnm a report jrlven tlicm l

StniitniliiirB. n ftirmer piwtor «f t

Ml £n1rSB?xpSJS! b £ t S b a r i h i >dcciMilreii «l beioKiuini.vwny

fulfil prtimntlng tlm tei 'ml.Ut; liulenl tbwr « P ™ . . « - \ - , „HI-MIUBMI micli (i pi-oromid initirentun" »1»Ihclr n.lndp an tn ocrnnimi miirii »lWt«ilrto tlin isannrr In wlilaH they *«uH )«•"«!vnl. *o nt the very ln»t moment, n* it ™lbrvRyiit!itclPcmiii'nr>kin»ifevriytlii»K^mailv fw tbiiiT mid If they Mwuld rc«eonr1. Upon melvinR n reply tlmt all ^ffcrn in n>adin«M, and by all luenni *•*>"lh.»y enme on prepared frr a ilnnperato con-Dlitt virh tlin nnven of dartncua and n bnr"triiagin nsiuiiHt indiffurence and opposutiii

' um- nmYitnnjtinf low omenhlyv wfiro in belnff bromrW hfifon-h« midieitco that fllled th.>

phiirrii*iroinplPt«lytlmtMa»din(ifnoinrjT-poiild not be had for lorn or money. TliInrjte congregation of people wiw coniposfin uront part nf moinbers nut only wF snnono of till) throe evnnKellc»l olinroWfi rajir•untod in t4.irn. Imt .-tiimil.men nndCntbolif/"gottliiH for the time being oreodg nnileiromlnotional differences, nu.l tho bntt;,>\nm at pitlzrrmnot niftmliora of nny cliiire,wbiiBC lipiirtu WOT alnwly wiinnl.v In syi:imtliv with tlm work who cmno tojtcthcr aaunit to Innd thn inllnenco of th.'ir P R N I IanJ nantpn too if need bo for thn intcroHt <.thenoblncniiMinftrnuinriiuuo: ofwurw tinvtJiinir. thn tnidtiltvaKPil nnd tlio old ofclnMeB were prcHrnt, ninl HOIIIO It mayenmctolaiiRli and tcoiT, nml otimrs outl.lln cnriontty, bat they hnd tho plnln, unynr-nlslie'Hmtbpreannteil to thorn M forolblythtit thnHO who cimio for no «oml pnrpom:wore mndo tlioiiplitfnl, nnd the Hlinply can-oiishocnmc dconly intercrtpil. Tojiwtiiifllin emnpany tin thintoaum. MnlK-o nnd EIIRIIHIIspoke for sovon cnnanontiTO nifcbts i tlio Bretfour evpninee Mrrioeii n-ero bold In the Mcth.ndlnt Church, thn Hfth nnd etith nlgbts In thePntsbytarian Church, nnd tho ncyenth andinut iiipbt in the CongrfKational Churvli,AI 111 oil uli tbo sorrlfPB did l "~until liidf-nast neron, tho I ,jjalhpr two hours earlier in order to BOOUI

sooil Hoat, nnd by hnir-nnst rix, (tatt-st Hflvon n'clook, every sent w~-

ut tli

full, every nlalo jammed to auffoofttion, tlujtallories mid organ lofts crowdfil, nvrtry noolnnd eomor jntcted, aud own the pintfonu oiwbioh the three alanyinan sat Vldnrt tludonk WIM blank with people. The diirknimfnllhif! rain and ninddy Htreetn thnt prev»iln'on Satiirdny evening, any one of which diiajnfleaWo font ii res would have bcrn on An.,urdlnary oeotwion a KOMI and nuflldcut tea-aan for tho people to reiuiiln tit home, did notappreciably dampen tbe nnlor or chill tu?nnihuainsni tbatlUl hoot. awattonDdln tbm>i,for OHOHRII were proBont to eoinfortnuly fllithe ohareh. 1 have Hnirt that nenrly oyer>Hodvhwlienrd morn or less of Mabttoiin.lBnffllun, and BO thoy bail, yet nnono no fnr o«I could loam knew nny tiling of their pereoniohnrnct+r, or had tho inont remote idea wlmover nf ttio innnnor in which thi\v enrried oi(lifir wurtc; even thoupti they wnro eudorecdhy the clergy nnd pn*H, yet this mighthiivo benn NO much on nnoonnt itf tho catciu which they were held fnr thoir arentnem*,and the wapuot nut«rtahied for their methodof proBeuuntift their work, M the oommenilable nature (if tbe work itself, tor often w.are oompellcit to numiort a «!veu nrineiplithonzti <KD ean not fully endorse certain mei.nud tho measure* tuloptwl by theni to estnli-Ilsh fl.tia principle, .mil this I* iiarttoiilnrl.'tniD In regard to the tcmnernnoo work »in_workers an every lover or tbe temporauoneiiuse kuown. But as soon iu itubco ftrEoglisb came amonjc us it wns plain enoapto ice wlioro snd how they stood; they WCL.not only ROOI! men, but devout Otirletlaun,whn, by frrcnt pcrsounl aiMirlOoo, hnd oonsc-nraled their liven to tho nohlo work of half-ins rid the world of tho tnrribto ourso o'iniomperanco, wblob thBy set forth not onl;tut n social evil, but a moral blight thntclouded the intetleat, destroyed tbe body amidamned the soul, nnd mo*t carnestlv urgd!tbe pooplo to ottll upon Almighty Ood toroourauti to lorenrSB and grace to foreverabstain from all Intoxioaots at a '

and band themselves together M"innnd women to nld others In doing thi._ u c h n a taking the tlwt dedatn step «|i-ward toward n higher and holier life, appealIni; to themselves as living examples ef mmwho bad neon thus reclaimed frdin tlio bondngu of the wino cup by the power and infln-wtoo cup by the power and ieneo of hainan ktnuncBN exorcised by a ncompany of Chrhtiau tmitpcranoo woraand afterward brought to a realization -their redemption through the blood or tin*«vtrlu«lina covenant. No wonder then thntthen Frances of men like these on sueliniiall important snbjuct should be elatlwd withpower and aooompanicd with tlie domaiiBtni-tton of tlio spirit by creating one of too great-'c B t e x c i l c n t V known in CneMer. An

t h l bcBtexcilcnietitaoVEr known in CneMer. Ansoon then as the geutloioen theniBelvei bocamaknown and the prinolplen nnon which theyworked thoroughly uuderstood, the officialboards cf all the caurobes voluntarily openedthe floors of their oharohea nnd tenderedthem their ttso, wliioh Waa-sratofnlly apprc-dated, aa thoy were the only placoa in tcwuthat offered anything like tint noroocomniadntion lor tbe neoplo, and ereo th•cores, and I know not hut hundreds, we.nightly turned from the doors and compelledto return to the.tr borne*, us them was tinroom for them ioslde. Hnd there been a hallsuffloumtlylartte to oecommodata tun pooploI booeittly believe tlint eiglit-tenthl of ourentire population would have been regularattendants upon these meetings. : "There Ina tide tn the sitiirt of men when taken at theflood loads on to fcu-tuno," and the flood tlitiin the affairs of theso men was when the;•ifpiBd-the pledge and started out to do mil-lion temnnranee work, fot if men were everdesigned by nature for my particular callingthen thli Ia Uieln.'The dkerant ohnrcbnweretbelraaveralplaiwsof rendetvoos wherethey enlisted tiotr convert* and innrsha]) *thefr forces tmder Uie hrlfiht rwl banner . .total abstinence on which ww emblaaooed iu

~ ' ittcra the motto, "Dam to no

.._ i meetings were condncted some-thing on the order of. an old-tioio Methods

larn gilt l«l

thing on tan order ol aa oldtime Ucthrevival, by the ringing of gosnelhTmusB•acred aonga, reading the fkrfptnrei, pw. „and speaking, the different clergymen parti*-inating whenever called upon. Atthoctou-elmion of every meeting an invitation wangivau for all to oomfe forward and sign thoptrilge, while " Hold tho Fort" oi " I'M furthe ibom" was being Bang. Only aa ayewitness can form ftnj adequate conception otthe excitemeAt thatlollbwed this appeal; all

t M f b U e d by tbe t l e a dtemeAt thatlollbwed this appeal; allpKHnt weM fasobuUed by tbe style andmanner la wlieh the sableet wns presentedby the speakers, and certainly thdr addnssuwen elevated tn tana original in coawpliorand oomprebeuBlvc in trmtmentaggratdvLjetpaoino—and the people eleotriflea by thodoqnenco that had filed their enthiudMUiroahed tft the front uattl over fiOObadptaoeittheir names beneath the pledge of tola'abstinence. I never witnessed such a MOGULla Cbsatir, or any where else lor that matter.Th* t u t meeting of the aerie* waa held oa

even the chancel and pulpit pEatioraliterally packed with people, no muelindeed;'that the ineaken bad scarcely wongiroom to stand. Then never wen io maui

* B in tho ohnrch at any one time. AboutM I seveo Mr. Mahee and Us oo-workenio, followed by the Chester Cornet

Band, In full uniform, wbloh bad escortedthe Esform Club to tbe diureh. Tho bandoccupied the organ loft, and as tbo ReformClub filed lu amlbrak the seats naervedfortheint.fi»e hundred white handkerohieftws\T«d m greeting. At the oanciuslon cf UnmwUEgMrMioniDgUin.ui a fow •ppro|niaUnnarks , prewntod to Mr. Uabes in tbe 91

iiiitweilomil d M.t

Oil Sunday afternoon. Her. ftth, ft mwtfuf!•ilirldln tta M. K. Clmroli. for muu mily,twblfih time the Rcfimn flub WK imrtlv•ennlud us (ol]ow»: 1'rw.li.eiit Qiorco A.

Moiihi'lnn ; 1st Vko Pr»'"l(>nt. Jucnb Strji-Met 21 Vln- I'rcsiaent, .Wmin-o T U n ^ - 3ifV'ipo Prpniilpnt, Jumps \Vif!(!ln»i H^ordlng

iirv . . I 1 U . . . . ,. K.,MTFill»ll.iil H"': Wcllft Whurton J Trt'tiMiriT, ttcv. IIvVr; an-wnnl, J- A. Unit; l^t Unnliul,

01)1 llllllMS lit..litrn-etudiiN' , l i .W. Lmi't-w«--f. W. K.

Wm. Ain»rmi.».«»f tlm d u b willI'veiy Sttturday


A iiierre CliriBtmns to all.A hm"toffri«nd8i!atb''r<HliittliPr— ..

.rthoW. E. Church on W«dii«-wUy ewntaa.:hel3lhiniit. .in Imnornf thedonaHm w ' to tbeir pastor. R«v. R. H. Couklio, Tbn

wns n ineniorablc OTIO nnrl must all•1 toltn hanpy nnd pliPerful nnd wcro

well plfiwed with ihfi wcnlni'*' fnjOTia™1'TIIK table wa* filled wttli n»<"I thf i ic nt wirli"Itine end thorn* w'jn narticlpnU-d in tbn

m r i m w«m «f.tliwkluif t iRtiylMai thatmid b« hail. Darlnit thr eveiiinc tlimw

wet* Ht lpotioiiH of vmitl and ttmtmiiipntiiliKlo.whlrb untinflfn tltow- wtin iiid n IBHIR

...•that inirt iculnr.i l .M. Mr, OPO. niurimimn.if Dnrnr. the iiimnlnr mid cxcol lout louder nf

• liupkawav Bond. TMidwri Mine W M I P(il» eornet. aRnomnniilml with the orftau.

wiiichwim VMTCWHI. Wo IiPiirH-rn won>vtpil iind iilwni "nod di»nl «ijleftover fortimDominio ami

kin family tn Ptij'iv.The amount of unow wlileli wi'lmvn jn«tn.l bnitiu-. to tn^k" It Inoh Ilk" CW-t-iiiw. tt, hoiw.lthoro will hp-inmit nf It. w» tJirnmI,,, wish fofliiUya Bondnld-fi-lilnnrdftlH-li

tide can hnvfl tlio iirivtlc^- i>f duln- m. HyHIP look* of the WPntbcr a t thU writlttft WP

•e not likely tn iinve a green Christina* ««•Mtki>robnrhnni!P.A Sirrunmitiil wrviw iriiiiolil In the M-

E. Clmn-li hi'-t .snnttnv. W« i-atumt fflvn nny•ik.rt of it owins l'i our iim'iilitv t i mtcntl.8millsr<ikMlisvo1ii>Pidrivffli In the «""£«£;


•>• ufthtM idnw. fin ibftad. Mr. Hnyiiold«.nloiilili'dlv YOU will 1m lil'craHv rcwnnlo'I

. . l l i e r iu l . ' I t m n y i m t ho llnnnclilllT.lint itwill bit the honor of having your nunie liandetllown n« ou» of Ihc penning vho took snub ann If rest in a cood (iau«p,

There are n number nt fiiieeWeimnn et\\\-lition ut tlio corrinse uliop nt.lon.H. flp.neht Son, wlii.il] thvvliavit latMy mrned nut.fliev nru of n Riilistimtinl nialtn nml ]>rcHftut nio.nl anpeumtioe nnd WR iwHorn tlmt nlvho kuvo oceMlon tn mn-iiawaFlkeniwaniil••> hkhiv [>]enacd; tliprefom we rcpommeniltun W<<11 known linn fur n Hlicrnl |):itroniiKC.

Coiidimtor Crook lmsi^pn liiiviiisn wi'llluir on liiu iircmiw's. Hi< firm trifrf tho tlrivenvoll luirtmt hut it failnl. nfii'r p-iylnga con-.Mmufe iinionnt nf tnsney for it, imil lit lastmil tn rrnr>rt to tli« old wny of (.'Htinp water.

TC«iiltniHli "(tl

Tlierhi t itiiUethnt I slmiiM like ti

_.. JHIIII, but us mv coiutniin lent Ion U nlremi,1aiiltolmittliv MHiiijtli, I will li«v« tofon>gotlmt vli'iiiuro lor On- i imont. Onsi-.mi.n.

PORT MbRPIS.l«ttw post mil rked Snlt Lnk» Hand Mrx, P . ,f. wnnd.Ted vho <

louiliMlkrra uritine lo IMP, Imt, < lien Mtcr from C'on.liictor .TnliSlui'k. Uf *«y« lio U noil nnd in n 1»™>!

iiitrv Iliiitiib ho linn iiitwctl nvoror tliroiiulii<>o't'lhi> wmut rnuntrv HINT it. mi "lie, psitc-iullv tlml ovor'tlin ll.irkv MiIIH. I l i s lp t t i r i sda tcdDcc .P . find lie•tf il to leave npxt mnmiiiu for 8nn Frni

Salt Lnlif t i tv i so i ieo i thi 'elm 0 left ]



w, twliiirfpa, «s EBPI.. . _ ,Iduck hear, Hn trnveli-d wltliti-oni llniiiiln tn iJhicii^o. TUfrc Tom nnIiniUM\Vi]Ct!t nmltlicir pat lift divrrcedln

I'IKL-O. So muih (il the letter will benewaf.'.niiiRofvinirri-niici-A. him t'lnil 51r Stack'« L'liju.vtiif! bimseir during liU vapiititui hf

'i><)i|> t lt

inti'V.l 1..,._ '• «nrs nntl I nni HOTTV t<

Imt it i* trim, that Comhirtor Dr-i _..the L & II. liiUrmid tviiH killed thn ntltonhiy.vliUtMU!ikiiiyntili!«tr.<.liintiinec>rt!irMatl.<rof thnt toml. 1]y luf^ntmiion is tlmt hu wn>>t:ui.liii on the t'liitl'urni of a comloln. givin.'deii>il«, when tlio onKlu.> »rmek HIP tat." P*1 Pcreineroff.he fell with IIIH nwk

tlic mil, t1ip[>ii£ii,okq!toiihnekiiii;,!in~Ocnrge eon'lil trot nut of tlinwnylt«i

likfi IiPii.l ou. lit} tmp.d t f bo n brAnOTnnu hi rc,went mi tlio Sussex railr.mil uhnrf lie

—.me a cmidiiPtcr, and from thpro bo wnntoil tlm L. ii II. mud wlmro lie wan killedVerily n rjiihinul man carrlrn his life lu hithand, Dr.rnmer wiw In thu prlmn of llln. eiviojlnpfiooillieiiltli, loftbnmo in tho bent olKpirim, anil wan brotifilit homo n oorjiHe.

Ulin strti-n liprn is in tnfflirnluK for thn dentilof ttiD Pltlettt chilli of TboinnH J. Alh'ii. ni.UnrrlMiiwii. I Hyinpntliliso with Mr. Allen hihiM IOHH, an do ninny friends up thin wny. Hli"*

, wait n lovely little girl nbout four and iv htilfVPiirx old, of whom nnv fathrr mlcht he w.i"imuml. Klie illc.l of ili]ilitlirrftfc croup.


erk-*oaitinnoftlin KlA. Door in Northern Sew JorrtnyliiwimliH

.tichanliiiltlnn. Iain it littlft pmntl mof Imviiij.' hi-lp&1 a littlo to mnlto it.

Aimer Shunian ilodfneil tfl nnrvn no L d nof thn Ruform Cluh Sumlav and 0. W. Kingtook his iilaoc. 0. W. King in ncTDr nt n lo<«for wonln, iiormiiuhntuloRi for duli|rct. Itia uovr nearly tlio ilrnt nnnivorairv of thn 11KTortu Cluh'tt dilBtflimn nnd he niadn n. rovlnwnfitswoik. Mr. OUrk, of Jorflny Citv. Mr..ChriHtlun of flopn, Wnrmn County, nnd Mm.Cliirk, of Jeranv City, whom UIB SUtiLoipenple nlnnvn like to hrnr, niado Hpeoolios.

l/trcimn HoKiiinoy wan appointed leadifor next Sunday.

Kcv. 3Ir. Oabom proaoucd in tho Prcuhy-terinu Church of Stnnlmpo Suiiclnr uinrnluanhout tlm docroo Dnn'l Ismieu and tiow Dnnielwnn cast into tho tlun of iioiw. ]ly tho wnyllobcrt Boiinnr nnwi caid nohoilv but a JonoTitian would any Dnu'l. I don't know nbnutthat. In the evening Itov. Pr. Dunn!manpcwa uaa loviow of the life nf 8nul, from thnday when Samuel ilrst talked to him nnd gahim thntchnrgc, until lio died a snlctilo (...Mnnnt QIllKia. unil from thn tlmo when hollr*t dnred to sin agninnt God until tite !ntorvicw with tbo fnniouH witob*of Kudnr. ILwusarntburBtorniy night yot I was gtn,<t toaoa HDIHUHT lading ainouic tlio congregation,Thnro are plenty of pcoplo ID Stanhopn to (111all tbe chnrchofl, nnil tliono wlio nttond thoPrusuytorianohurchiiriialwnyHtolonnifibnie-tiilug. Mr, JlonnJinan's Rttmions aro Instruo-tivn to say tlio lomtt, nnd they nrn n<it BO IIa* tohoconiPtisdloiis. TlioynrQniakliieprcp-nrntionn ftir Chrislroae over there. Mr, A. It,Oopo, tlm Superintendent of thn RumlnySchool, is laboring under ixtme dinadvimtncoson ncconnt ofhin eye. hut U cnntlnnos to untwdll nnd bo will ho ftblo to iimtnto; tho ohll-drcn In niuging antl ovcrson tho nrrongemThis Suudar 80I100I Tonolion find a in cot i 11clast Friday turning nt Mrs. Ilcrrkk'n hut Ihavo not learned what they hnve deoidudnpnu.

TttQ extra moctingn still otintlnuo at tlioMotlwdlct Cliurah. Mr. nud Mrs. Clark, ofJersey City, worfl tlturo last Sunday morningand tivonlng, neflietlng the jiantor, Itov. MiIlmllttb.

Tbo ton niirtT at Port Morris lust wtuknetted about, ahtiadrad dollars. Ho tho Cbritt<

KM tma ought to lio well Indon.1 understand tin boll of the eiuninfe™ ol

tho AI. 4, E Dlvinion of tho D, L. dt. W. R. E,netted tho bfiyn iwnrly (700.

Did Tim nity TcnnymiD hnd, boon raised t<thepoeragef HaliDcl,oh1

T guuhopo Itoform Club havo done 1.laTffflwork; hut Btill there are folks who inStauliopp, gal gloriously drank on something." waflRlas honiu tho other nijjht after six

lenath In the snow. I thought wnjbc liehad Hopped on somothlnK nnd foil dfiwn ntfirst and I snid -'oU," and started aver to helpbin Dp, whon liQ said: "Whnt yon sayrwliero nra you jtolng !" and Lo picked ldmscl!up, and I kept my nioath whnt nnd went on',but ivhnt eonifort oan tliero ho In taking tomuch of tlie srdeut as to mnke n big fool otoneatiin mid tnke nwey hU braiOH so thatwltUher be goes on Ids heoU or his kend Is alltlm Hamo to him.

Wo hear a good deal about the man winputteth tho bottle to bis ueljthhor'a Him, hutwiiy don't somebody talk about the ohap winhkca to put the botftft to hU own Upi 1

Wm. Drown talked tlie other day as If liebud a purehneer fnr bis hotel at S>ntU Stanhope. I t -was a mhn with a Datch name wblelI hnve forgotten.

Tbe nierohanls hartt laid tn their holldavsupply nf uooit tliliic* at 8tatiua]w. W. it.mitPkbaunD, Valentine. Tom Knight Law-rence & Klnc. Moasrs. Vnnnrsdnle and Chardnvoyni bare got a napply of valuable, oiotactwloe, almanses for 18B4. tour bookianil linporn uiivv be got at Woodruffs, whileJtiBol and Ike Klnnloutt nre prepared to soilyou clothes nt How York prices and below.Hurt it Kay* furnish meat In nbnndnuccwblle yonDji Mr. King snppliea tlie wants ofmost of tlio anntli Btanknpe folks In that linn." Whoe'er hutb travelled Ufa's dull mnml

Wkntovorhlsvnrloaitonrhnthticeii,.SIBT nigh to think how oft h«'» found,

Ills warmest welcome at an Inn."Case snd John M. Knight lire said to koci

llnt-olau bniie«s of that kind In Btanhopiwtiilo Win. Brown nilfrtolus man and bowlon the Bouth Stanhope side.

While mv Unnd is in I mav as well say thaiBaker Ba*<ler koqis tho Btnnlinpo ami Poi-tMorris folks tn ilie atfiff of life, whUo Mr.tlcmcnovfr performs the unrviee for tlieSonth Stnnbope people. Alkn Bros, nndReynolds koep a sowl nMortiuentofjiooil»f«ra country store at Port Morris ( Potenmn tieUnsmitbisiiropand to sell holiday flifU Isbl< linn w cliemilj ns tlicy can be found ebwwbere, wblle Boss Aimer is prepared to fnr-nlth wijthinn yon wont tn the houso beepingway from a cradle to n coffin.

1 don't often get Into a free advertisingstrain llkflthU because I WIIOTO that iwopiashould n»T fur thitlr mlvertl"inft as a pcneraltiling ni>r do 1 think the chief end of a DOWU-pspercorreBpatidentlstoadrartlMi tba folkswlio hsve thTugs lo sol) tn tba town in whichlio happens to live, tint where they are allgood fellows like they are lu Stanbopo andvicinity one oau't help It onoe In a while, par.tuttlarly if tie editor Is (rood natuted.

1 forgot to mention 0. II. Lunger among thomerchants. He keeps store at South Stan.hopo.

There is a itory current in BUnbops whicliI Wl as it waa told to me, and it rum thnslv:Some timo ago Ed. llatrk got laid oil at tiefurnace and as there WM little else doingaround Stanhope bo went to Newark aud SDIa Job driving an lea wdeon, leaving his wifiand household Roods To Stanhope. Mean-

me of the folki to ftiioni Ur.Uawkttle bills, got out an Injnnctioo,

nome other legal uocmncnt against bis fjooi .indUlsasidtlisttome of the hills weroos..mall u SO cents. Mr*, flnwk littpptncdtobo gone atrny mid it U sold the tluor wnsbroken In her absence nud tho legal da-uient served on tbo COOIIB.

I du m-t knoT ItiuL thii Ii M>, BQII ouljport it as the current, talk of the town.

Olbua and Btanion have both gone cmt ofthi sewapaper bnsipesi. How much goodwill it da W send than to SUte prison 1p

Kerry Chriima* fad a happy New Tear.

n t»kr> n tlioH

il t rwill lie

tnttrnutlvel H

isoltngv\\ tn lilin

li'h U

lm iiooiilo ntokHtthu UM>

it purtiuiarir ttwp'nrne. intl wiiiii! olht-rniitiinil nrm:t Inn, which iirrwni" u pn»Kiimi icatimi'ihelr d m l m , or «1M t!»y mljiht «lj»tain fmi!li«ir fro<|iunt vlnit* ti> Hie faHciiminif;

'J'hp 1'ri'nli.vtoriau Sumlay sclioolins: prciiuratir.nR fur a ('bristinas Titiiiniiit'iit on fhriHlmns EVP.

iinie of tlio Toniijr folks are hound t« enjoytiisdv-PH. BH wo Iwnrtlipritwns n party utr»i)iil«nri> of Mr. (JSJK Titiikln fine even ingwf*k. WP nDiiontnnd lhat nil who «t-

ih'il hud n very plrn^unt timo.fa ohrtprrn tlmt n innnwr of ciurntorvso p i t In n stock of iiulidsiy «nwU.i't nmshid, yt+vtry idml indeed, thst

thn tiiMiiilc MO ftiviiin HOIIIP UIIP eke ernlit fin-kavnvutiit »r» ilnitiii. Tliul i»rant t'or (bent. \\'c ilim.it lmve

ui iH-»ru.» iuistfikM.ir llwrp l-e nny. Yetwo KVinpnthizi! with t lnw to whom tlic IllumeIK HtineUl. lint wu riinimt n'lwvu them only

mi! vuv Hint tlmt icliv Hiiyinji t!»' "eoji oliiWiui! iiiidti1 n heavy nils tnke. Hy tin'

(iliit'ii titldfliy ono wlm oThn give* u»„../«.) Hint therolflfomn oucwlio conttnij.;hiiPituiiHwerina tlmt item nmnit "tfoHHlpniKin last week* earMMpnniluuw i now wlmeviirUinujrbr . ini lenrfrmiac.wMtMii lahpaTtyInvitation tonuawir i l . if It U isnuclil tkainnv nriinmpiit *'nn he iirouncod wlilrli will lient" sill lioiiL-fldnl In tbnt Buiijcet. l lsncli intin) enne w« would he filn.l to heiir it. Othor-wlso mav there bu no more wiiil ubi.ut it.


WHIPPANY.Thincn bine hreii quito IIwily in nurvillnne

iliirimr iho TIM* wi>i*k or timrc, owlniE to the

ork inl

i d i t iniviiiK n l'",r*

MOUNT OLIVE.A wonl to thn viso is suffleient: sabseribe

for the EBA. If yon uro tflklne it yonrselfittoyonrfri'mid fnrn New l > » r t nres-

„.,., Tlie'nmnle liewi were imxfnni to sec tnobolldaytaunt. UDOIHWO tlwyknmrU wonidmir-

nny of flip IWTMM from the inrrounithiilin, nnd sup.h nrmrfld the esae whim it ar-

rived. Tli.-aavertiwmont'.ffcrB bontitHtil'vdeooratM in the most ar«*tlr nmnner, wbil;th» «!«'«»« nrnttPr wns well «de*Ud tuid

,IPV. Thin with thn JianrtunmR shndo nf th*mh nmtie it one nt HIP hnnoBommt oheetslotcvfTitiiiHinroil in tWftnrnnv othereountr.Oiirdnn tion unwed off vorv nl»fily. W?

lini! n fine ftveuiite. a Inrse nttoiidiinim, andtlic ilamdiln's iinrlft wfie Bwellod to tbe ex-tent of nlxt.vftdd nViinre.

An oictcr supper is annnituoad for an iinrlyiit*». Kor onnft rnu may li«vc nil tlm i»y»tflr*m imiv niwl fnr tin* uninll Hum nf fifty ecnte.

Don't \-t thla iwts* nnimtW.l. for I snppo»eim« (if v.ni nn.it ml A luinilrftd raff.Bcv. Str. Solmfli-M ttxrteA fnr bin limna iuiiusuohf'gitUoiiMnnilnv. He ilcliverwl «nmnsrv n'lV diimiiiw-R while nmnnc v«. ii'idKiMi whn fidlrni tn Itctir the me on SHIM!ny,'HiuinM>d acronttrfint. it b"ins nnp nftbera-Ht M m M i de i lv i rd hi Hist abnnli in nme ti'itA, Mr. Snholhdd was VTV in'innlennrd with tlm «nner"Kat!<m. nnd thn Int tTuri) jileiMod. Jn tlm lionn thnt b« would bei«H- imntnr. It i« fnr hlni tu dnchic.Rev. Tims. Ynnni1* ihiiiahipr iM mqurfNlurn- fm'ii the Ilicilitfltonn H<"iiintrv, whichi" in n'twidi'i-c, lo Mifml tlie Holidays.

K-opymirMank WPII Aritm.K0011 vnur hnmn»c soft ninl fill".Kwp on tlio riRht niHo nf your neighbors.Kwi» money In yonrnni-ket.K.'oii on tmding with Rilmnn ltrm.Kwp nttcmlinuiho filnoinil school.Kocp ymirfrat warm nnd yniirlionrt nonl.K«p your nise out of other JICOIJIUII ous-

Ko«i> tlio snow well shoveled from yourPT."»r, Irat nntldn-jf. Iceep your hnrws wellBlind With DIoltBOil'A sharp Bhncs. RO thnt thovdn not Blip nud utraiu their hncka, or bronktheir limbs.

Mr. F. C. Eaabm.of Oxdensbure, lost someteventccti choice sleep sercral days agu, 0$beinp rnn orer by a eoial train.

gedswickPoat, O. A. K,. of HnoketUtown,has rlftctM L^wu H. Snlmfin, Commander,and Wm, A. Kerr, Senior Viee Coutmander.

WUhia a few wmikt a vftluabladopo«it of Ixinnorelmlwen discovered nprtn the farm1

of Philip Banh, in Oxford township, W»r»ni-ontity, by thn HartpoBue Brothers. Theyhare Mcure4 fmm Mr. Ranb a mineral lease,and intend developing the mine.

An cW houw In Stewartsville, Wamneoui, > r. hum Ueen the «wn« of allajred Ebnstlyinnnlfostation*. The forms of females inncnnt rnlmout lisye, tt ts sitf. hun seen in-driving fa horrid critics Trump* are at theinttom of the mystery, it fi hinted.If Oibhg nnd fitanton, tho Suseox crnntr

editors, arn oflinnelled to return to prison toBWV<I mit tbo full terra of tho cruel Bftntejinefnr lilmi, it will he n brutal tmvesfie uponlow Jorrtoy fiislioc It nuiv ho teolmloallymrtvet, but tlinre nbo-ild be found fiime w&y,

hn rosfinrco* nf New Jeinoy jnstioe, tot thin fonl lcpnl wrong,—State Qacette.nnrsc Dnremor. haii?ase miutnr on'thoi-ili aad Ilii'linn River B-iIlrnad, fell from

.in In,In Ht Wurvtick and wns insUntlvtitled. His Head was nesriy nr quite severed

tlio hortv. He nt ono time aotud as con-Jimtnr on tbo Buwx road, am also fortwuile on the Midland. He was forty years.if me. He lenvQM ft family consisting of awife and four iinall children.




Tbo tux pnyliiir timo hnn oomn 0 round andlm Colla tor If tlio mnstimporlnnt offloerofis tiiwiiBbip now. Tuxes uud death arc ccr-iilti things.Tlii-rc wiisniiotiirr i iw nuit tn lake jdnco

W o r e hiK HniKir, J. H. Bis*«ll, E«]. . nt tlioi-'rnnklin lioune. on the 18th itist. Hut tho" vltuPii" did not put in nu nppeHrancc nndtlip iimioiR WITI' nut (iiiite rijiht, tlioroforc tbe

liivo'lvwlViwVl.© or nothing.' It wnn trulya oiiHo fot- ihn Court lor the trial nf smnlleauwe. IVliv In tliin tints 1 Why do iicnpleHiicinl tiicir mmim- to Inw nbout trlllos I Tlietilninlitf trnvolftd forty milm nud tbo dofend-HIII twenty mill'* to atloiiit (his petty eaao.

Mrs, Clntk, tho revirnlht. IIDM boon amongm nciiiti ovor Smirtiiy. lloi- himiiaiid wnswitbUrrnud aoxlsted thix time. She B]mltoto llm Itofnnn Club Snlibnth afternoon. HerliiiKlmiid HIHO 111 nil0 some reworks.

Them wnn 11 honrinc un 1111 n is milt nnd bnt-tory uotn nt llm Mansion Ilniiao, South Stnn-linpe, hut Saturday nftoi'iioon, liufora S. C.CiiNltey, Esq . nctwcra Mm, Wnito,poniplnin-mit, ai'i'l Hnlilt.V flDldo. defendant. Tlio pithof tho cnHO ii> ntHiut th is : Theru lind bucii nuold cruilEO to ncllle- botwetm the imrtioafornlioiit iwn uimHlis. They met on Sundayoveniug. Nmenilior 2.rilli, near their phuufi of•Al.nh unit hud *nmo Miin-ii woia»<, when Guhbtold Mrx. WtiltuliB would throw her in thecuial ff nbo cnllcil liim such linrd nitniesn.uuin. Hrn. Wbilo tlion struck Uoltlo with upiooe of board, Mr«. W.dnimiug that (JobleMi-uekuiid knocked lini- down tiiroo times.(1 Dlilo VIIH luilil to bail to k w p the JIOUCO.

John U. Wnril line Rfcaiu npnicd Ms barbere\w\i in A. J . Klnnieiitt'H bulidinti

Teeth Ei'raoted-Tor SO cents nt the Driok DruH Store.

Tbo Democratic plat form now making Isit of ibo clear stuff n wins carpenter would

chonge. h'inglubflt-din tbenili1, HH btnjxdt prwent, "frt'c trade," "tariff," "lowiriff," "tariff rtform," "lariff for reyo-u«." nnd " IBI iff far rev- nas only." Still,

while not all " oleur stuff." Booh a platformsi* clearly all stuff—aDd DODBODSQ.—

N. Y. Oommfrciftl

Julius Levy line also erected a new polo tniofhisaUp. AWCUB,

. SPARTA-Winter is with na In rcnl earnest, nnd so

lerB r e m a i i i i n K nnc ln f i i i ed11 t l ie Pos t OfFce n t D D T I T . N . .1 .

DOTCP. V. J.. Dee. 21,1B83.(licftnrd Androws, Eli*» J. Jforcnu,"••it. Ammnrmnn, Then, Newkirk,

me Buinl, Jus. 0. Pool,•.Cumeron, Uah't Richnrdi>on,

RphHtft Cwtterline, MIRBM, L. Sbertnav,Uuinuet A. Dunn, SinaWnli,Stephen Furgeraou, J. SaudMrom,VT. It. Jolinflua, Jnnct B. Stmwny,Mr. I). Keurn, Corn Smith,EHia Lee. H.F.Fa(ior,Jas. T. Lose.T, V. A. Woods,A. V. Mot'ottcr, Gco, M. VOU.URB.

Toobtmnany of (he aUnvo ioUom nay "ad'irilaoa" and givu datn nf ibis 1n(.

G. q. niSCHMAN, P. M.


na In real earnest,tlio ( t i m i i T (lonntinns to our pnstorsto Rev. A. M. HitnUto night, nu<l ono nl

• • ' " M Tynvk l " 'OjidciislmiKfiir Ifi'v. Hr. Tynuic,ilay iivcninjrof this week a fun

anna*,..-,;i«ne<l tlioiu. First „ .ilietiiPholM.lFnvinznny in v i t H HIMPfound for the blsabr i . wlio follow them, fming dynmnlto fur lilnstinji imntnwu. An-ithnr cane followed thomc«ttinRilm pol«B lu•cwltnpa* fnr rniflliic put tine on tlin cronn

trees, imintlnR them, do. , while nnotbrr gnttRputs the pnlm in jinsitlfin. Tlion enmew tlm' "miners, who clear tlie wny for ilio wiroH,

I tine off hrunchnH and wh^tover ftlsa noninnoontnot with tliom. I t In uxpcotdl t int

this end oftlie lino will be cniniilcto buforo

)iniilnopdiniin>tttlon curly in tho n o w v u r .Tvo vm-tiOR started from Philudel|ihia In8(mtnmlicr to imt up thin ifrn1, ono cotncHouth to WnnliiiiKlnn. tliootlmi'caniinfiuortli.I t was nrifrlnnltv intPinlrd to come thrmi^h'th(> henri of our viltnsr. but fur sonif miwo itcumi' ni> nenror than tlm JlnhitmrdlRBdioolhmiHi\ whpru it lirfinnln'd: off jpiliiff tlirniiRhIlnlsovlown tn Troy nnd ftnin tlieiioc tnHebAkiiH t l inngh Fntdmnn.

Considerable iiroiinrntioii l« liRinjf innrlnF..r thn hnlldaTaiipra. Tho isdlMiif thi» fatli-oilo Church will hoM a Jnir in Ht. Mnry'^Hohnal house, laftliifr Rflvernl evening*, fortliBbPtiofit"! thpir rhnroh. Those who rt-tcndiunv liOrifl^nrcil of an1en.«»iit tlin'o,

Tlm Metlioilist Hulilmth 8rlionl will Rlvo (inentcrtniument on C1irintninB live in tlioiliurph, cfiiclntinE of vooiil and hiNtrotuonbilnusio. BponlitiiK, rcndlnx. recitations, &o.,

,jt tho onnclcsion ot which the fruit frnm aCbrtBtinas tree will lo divided umong thotiohnlars.

Tho noholarn of tho Prosliytcrian Ssbliath.nhor.1 will uUo. it h otitioinatcd, have nplcaiant timo nn ChrUtmnf. EVB. Among then u t will be n ChriMnuo tree. C'onxidprnltleprppamtioti is l>f inc nmde for tlin occasion.

Mr. tliiflcph Slilpmitti, wlinso fingiTu vco.muit oft* in tlm olrcninr mv/ in tlm mnchiiio

Xf thn Eden nnpur worku lost week, Btllla grout (lent of nulu.

Scarlet fever IIBB ltwp qnitn prevalent iythis violnitv for tho pait few wooks, but nono>t the eoBfiB liavo boon very severe. Onoumily hna Ind a\x oLildrou siok with i t ntme tlmo. 8. P. W.

Frl-...._ ._ intiwill

Iio' civi'ii Idm In Simrtn. lio lonvo*. or Iftlionld nay lio expect* in Ip.nvc this villnfjo fortho DHntfnro Wntnr On|» emlyin Junuary.Aspwlii! nici'tuiir nf tlioNuwton Presbyteryio culh'il fur tlin 27tli inst. tn consider his re-i(UOHt for tliKfiiiliitlon of pastorate wlnthin.tov. Dr. Kni^litoii hns burn filling tho 1'rua-lyti'rlnn imljilt torn )'PW we^ks jiiift.Our V I H H P stures i rual l WBII flllcd witli

Clniritm^ tcllt«- I nm Hiiro Rsntn CUua williiivo n moHtciecllont stock to select Irom.

Wo wero nil well Tilonwd with tho Cliriat-lim numbor of the EUA. Oibnon beats tinill.

.,_ Jly,' iliG dopsftureffoin ourmidVt, ilydeath, of Mrs. Dr. Andrews. A mumorlnl sor-vico wns rcccully held for lior tn t lu llehClub rooinii. Hbs wnsnii uclivo inoiiihortlif> TjiidiCH Christian ToiiipPiiiiiou Union.

Wit honr notiiinjr of SitfiliatU sohnol Clirht-imtB Tri'oa. Pnrhnpa mi effort will ho mndcfor tho Now Year.

Mr. Horn ia tirapnrlng for hin annual visit tollio Lnuittlatnro, and ouo nf our young fellows

likely to visit thn mmto city i.o(.ior one,t a turm ol ynnw to r«]irosoiit no • •

hunsnif U t h e S U t o PrWu. Jus tmt iuR invbllo in ttm Kuwtoii j u k . Ua lenvcsn yontip wife ot nbout 15 years with hurliarcnts huro in:Spnrta. T I I E T /

BUDO'S LAKE-Winter linn ennimouocd in anrneat. Lnst

liituvdny morning thn mcrunpy wns ten da-Tcns ntiove zuro. Tliis must lio tlm coldr i m Vennor has hcon talking nbont. t'lto;nod eloltshlpK ror tho holidnyR will bo nppre-Inted w r y much, oanpoially by tho young

folks.Mr, Nlper, from Cliimtor, him moved in J.

D. lluiia's cottage, tie is carting fur Hr.Hopkins.

Our young folks nre practicing Tor tlicClirtatntns tree oiitortiiiiiinriit on ClirintiniwEvo, which 1 will cive an aoeount of in mynext.

Mr. imd Mrs. John Kellcy, of Summit, lmvolicen sunndfng a few duyu in tlds Bccthm,vifiltinc their friends.

On Tucsdny «Tcninj(, DCB. 11th, a tMr. W.P. Oshorn'H, a Itlrtlnlny party wns civen inlieuor of M!M BUU Canipbell, wlto is liviii"thc.ro. Quito a Timnler wnro oxiiRctcd hutonly a few came. Not feeling well, your cor-

Dmndoiit did not attend, bu t I lenra thoyon oxtremely good timo, with an nhnml-

nnne of eomX thiugs fur tlio imicr innn,"wliich all did Justice, I preBHinn. M(n«Mary and Annfo 1). Lawlcsa woro ivmnnR t...guests. Sir. and Mrs, Joliu . Ontioni wereprnsout and UHOID Jo in mtdo n specph, tlinmibatanno of which I ntn not nlilo tn clMiss SilUio K. Oiboni fnvored the ocoanlwith somo ohoioa ronilerinffa of vunul ninitnimoutal mnile, assisted by etlien, whichtuidod much to tho pleasure ol tliu evening.

will spend tlio rcmnlodnr or ".__ tb hor dBter, M m G. D. Toiinj,, __

Mortistowo. l iny heuKtt nnd liopplnosn nc-

MOU^T FRrEOOM-Tlio incetitifta at tlie alothndlHt cknreli eon-

Inuo tlirough the proieitt woek. and we ereImjipy to nlirinicio tliofact thnt euro ml you u\wn\i\o ara rejoicing in tho Clitistinn's hopBinco the meetings coiamonocd.

Tlio cliildrcn nre nntlolpiiting tlio ClirlBtmas-jifurtnininM.UWhlehare to come off a t tlioMotlioillntelnirelinest Monday evening, undnt tho IVunbytcrlnn clmroh Tucsdar cvQuinp.Thn Center flrore Bchool have thcu-s tillswock—Saturdny evening.

Andruw Orr la busy rwpnlring the farmers'iti'iiihfl, sa that thoy n a y bo ready lor tho ad-ditional BIIOW (uitlmiiflleil.

Chns-DoilaTthaNuiorad hta old IIOIIBO toDie renrnf liis flue n'aldenco, and will lirolm-lily repair the same for a kitohen aud woodlllOfi,

Tho postal telccrnpli coropnny arc linvlnpjoinn troubla with HOUIO or our dtlifnia ra-Htiectluc tbe cutting of trtica, etc., lint wo. nudumtaud they Imvo nn uncut on the route tu

ttla all ilaumsea.Ed. Wheeler reeuiitlj Inat two Tulunhlt

cows hy jiKisonliiff, and (lie question ix, winjiinld bo gnilty n(mo\i a dastnrdlv ontrnRft

Mr*. 8.T. Lrlaut, oi Center Ornvp, in enji-vng a visit from Imroouslu, Auntin Uniky, oi

w Vcrioi

aiupany her.Unolo John'_JJO]O John's jtrandeon, na r

, .ran married last Satunlay to a yoillrlus near JlucltetUtown 1 am no

i l r j l c m i e hut ot o u r

Oal»<—ung ladyt nliloto

lttivolcrmnjilcji mMm. OsuDra now. Uucl J o n s faInorensiuc- It Is niiioh betMr to marry ynunRthan to wait till the coDaittnn of old maiiknbootl and old lianiiotundilp orertukca you.

Mr. Frank J. Kttchtl, of Newark, spent afew days amnnc frienils here.

Itev. Win. T. Oitinan proantietl In tlifi chnpfillast Sunday availing, tram Matthew, xvii, 8,"Jesus only." His duidoune was ably de-livered and nil were pleased.

Her. Sir. Vtmne, of tbe Mt Olivo Boutl-tChurch, will pronch in tho Chapel next Sun-day nftcrnonn.fmmedhhayaftertlie SahbntliSchool. Ilnlf-pait tliree, I urcjume, is tbetour. -; •

. DRAKEVILLE.Air. Nonh Omens Has killed the larxcsi

porker in tuU plaMf weight four bumlredand aevontj-flve iiounds.

Sirs. John Uighton, wa learn, is retweringfrom the Seating aha recoivod from kerbrotaeriii'law.

Some repurtcrs toll yon whea (Itov went tualinTch nnd what tlie text was. Now we pro-lKnntoe;ivethBTL«rtiou]ar«ol a grove mect-Ind bold by the Ko»Til eTnngellrt, -wliea thodaye wore longur andwarnKirtliRU now. Itni.had unliuttcncd b!* collar nnd was wannhwup to the subjeot.. At tho runmllng of cnebMntoueo tho boya put iu their solemn" Atnens." Ihls nncbiiraffoa th« speaker nndha " led out t" tlin Bitlf multy of the bojnuroeqnnl to tho ocwwinn.nud tb« amens fell MIthick a'ld fnst thnt Tlm'a volco wiundcd liketho grnntofaplcundira ntrnwatack. Wlu-ntliww short potitiutia onawd tho Rpcnkeiohanged the subject and solemnly addressedhis nndienoc 1 *' Sly ymtaji olirkilnn Ii lends,you tun shout atnen, now yon aro in health,•mt wen yon xtan hoforo dujcuRO nudculled oliristians go into lienveu Iwtuiyonwou'taayuuton. You'lliicartboc"ilcpnrt whoro dar In whiiHng nnd weojmuandimashuuoftooth'nndjon'i lio wboladwith sumtfalu stonier iliaiiSnooaiunnB §ej*i&-oakt. And uuw dis ycr uentlu' ban coma ob-Rtrcpcromly to a CIOML Sliisna Jnckaim willtaka up the collection. DU is to raise wnuovtobearhcr ex]>cnsotade nuuaal coureronccIn York State, wlicre nlio I* ROID to rvprcsent(lUfurtof dptunrtnl vine jwd. Pleas stagildliandredoi daloDirkDy"

HUR U TOWN.On Chri'tmna Day a Clirlstmas Troo _

tflrtidnment will bcglvcu In tha liurdiownM. E. Church, commonrjjig at 7 o'clock P. 11.Recitations and siuginit b j the ohlldnu andolder frieuds. All are cordially Invited IDattend,

•* Winter's snowy pinions" ore being seenherd nnd thu promises are for a •eaionabloChristina* tide.

Tho Holiday Eiu was rewired witk wordsif commebilatinn. Its colur littokens Hierldeb is ojtocedingly apprijiriato. Pull ofmerest and ueafull 11 formation.Revival services will ootummco in Hnrtl-

towD M.E. Uburchon Wedneadaytba BBtliof December. We skall be glad to uea lricn<tafrom a distance. ' - A.M. O.K.

Taeth Eitraoterf ^,for9Boants. UetavU'i Dental parlof*.

BOONTON,Clinroli fairs nnd Chmlinn* tro

II order,A man, who docs imt livo fnr

«y* Itnontou la no dull tlmt tlio st:ti.lmfim. -

o l u l tlml ho w

Hil.I like tt> <l»t tm f d Up, n

with lioop iiok'S. Ho 1I»M quidtlioin on hand.

! Mr. Lynn, proprietor nf tlio IT. S. T. 1111 nnoo Hotel, IIII* litini! out :t M n At tiis1 can ho found tnlmnuo, ciKrifHuml Iraoln,

Tho rnnIiuK rnmii, up tn tlio jinwut iihoa been well pntmut7,i'.l l.y IW yiMiu-: •],le, drawn by tlm u.imos nml nlmiHl.iiic

di m t t fn ml tlii'iv. tint tlio ni i h l 'coa


tcr fun ml tliioli lieginst t i lnttrnctin

inliiiy 1'r.un it« iiiimbcr of n i sMk viriik.rurho hall WUH well lill.-rt, iinil th« IIP

_ .ill plenacd with the. wtiieal entuutaltitgiven hy Mr. \W$\t: lunt wi-i-k.

Tho Met limiist* Imvn n Rtmil deal ol" trotn kt'pji order in Iho ulnirdi Suiuliiy nitLust 8iiiulnv nintil Mr. Anult bad to Mtuiio midst or liiu wnnmi to uuiot the lioisoUnsettled ut tUswi i t ing : TLowontbcr

rbo wiUU«i»uatiiiiiPlcr. Did

NFWFOUNDLAND-That new Iron bridge talked of for the lost

six in.mthR is now coniTilctn.Tlic Kowromid1.ii.il Hitptlut Sundny 8ehu

inaitu Cliritttninxtrcc,Mr. It. V. Urown, nf SiDoklwlm, propoacito

try tho olim ,to of Florida this winter.>lr. 1), A. gouriiiR and family, of Dover,

rlait friend* at Newfoundland.A young girl of Cnutstcnrrnn away from

homo some timo Muco nnd waa foundlyingiwlcepln the woods neiir Wawayandn. Shelias suffered from mental ilcmngementsince..

Another sad cnee of detnncetnent hns no-enrred near Oak Kldge. iTie young lodyrefcrrod to has been placed In the llorrftPlalua Aflylnin fortrcntinciit-

Mr. Philander P. Uooley, a resident nearGreenwood Like, hnd a horso stolen from htestable on Sunday night oi Isutwcek. ..Sean"vns madfl and tho. horso ionnd on Friclaytumwl looia ami coins toward home nnniTail Ness'tavern ItotwcenMilford andWnr-

Your holiday number Is a beauty. May Hishadow never grow Ices. C. P . J .

HI3EKNIA.Thiainthe ttxth'inek of tlic revival wr-

vices at thla-place- . Spiritual interest ha.hfionrfiowiii souls havo been awakened nna

• converted. Attimon tho nttendnnco nus been

13th, Rev. W. II. Ackewon, of Mount IIdelivered a Rood, practical tormou.

The hn , Sabbath Schnala at Lower nnflVufwc Hiberiiia. aro «}iect!ng a nmd time atChristen*. Candies nw to uo'dliilributodS " "" mi d k iSrformSl. e

Tho TT-iekawny Township Tompemnee Alll-ncahcld a .tiieetlnff In tno M. K. Ohnwh,nnvilio, on SIoiHl«Tevotilnff r»oc;17tb Th

wh,nnvilio, on SIoiHl«Tevotilnff, r»oc;17tb. The

Hovs. Opdvko, or Dover, Arerill, cr Hook-• juvny. and CbainberlMn, of Denvllle, wonI Iho a»rakeni. llm. N. Renting, tha'prw,!

^ A l l i a n o i t ' PwUefl «»the nieetinE.mari-MLforwardcd his resianaHonaud'rreaiB M T P Mna tkcrctury and TraaiBrer, Mr. T. S o t t

of Dcuvillcwna elected tn fill the vacancyTho next msetlng of the nillnnca U to be holdat Beach Gleu, Juu. 16th. IBM.

Resolution l ,AtameatlnKOfaCoiuinittea ol the Young

People's Tcmpcramw Camp, ofDover, tfoBowinfswsolntioin referring totnefleatbtbo lntB LonLm fianouao wcro adopted:

BEMLTBn, ThntwhilewebowinlimliBivelyto the will ot Him who doeth all things well.m fort sensibly that wo o n hen-it ofeHdentiaoinlw.tho loss of whose prowiIi Tory g m t H a t ws will ever henmind Iier good words nml works and endeavorto iwrpBtuato her memory lniafaoriiu for the

RFJOLVKD, That to-nar friends and nla-, "vos w» aadly htreavfid wo extend otzr sinceresympathy, jnfl pray that Qodwlio !• an visowilt grout them on sbuwloiiiK) of bia oonaola-

mo, That R cony of the abovo b,,«» J « W J ta the pamnts of.onr friend;nme»io!> mate, imil thst a eopy of tha wmo biamt to our local papers for Dnbllootloa. ™



Tlio liepabliciin p*rty periuiiais maln-lining a rebemblanoa to the Kaeley motor.

It won't go.

W. S. 00LLARD,larriaga Trimmer and Furni-

ture Upholsterer,MOIimS 6TI1EET, DOVEII, N. J .

Hair Mtt tm^pg mr.flo lo nrrierRnd oil] mat-r«n"eii mn.lf nvct. Winflnw shait M Di.tli1 atxl[||1K. Onlprii Tnr all kimlt of uiihf>l.i«nneI'RtlvBniliFoinptlyiiooub1^. Carriaso Irlra-lliu In at: iu hntiiliM. Prloen moiltralo

FUNBRALS!.VI Q»»!ii.v»iul«iirkiiuii.lii|H)rilir l is t .

My tbunkH for Cboral natrnna|;n in iliu iiaHt.Ordera tiy ideftrapli messenger tir lolcnlionc

Lttencted to.JOBK J0NI9, Undtrtihr.

2-1J Uookimj, K.J.

ftlAllltll'.ll.SATEB-BUBUE-In Dovor. nt the Pre«ta-

terlio Pareonoge, liy Bo*. W. W Hnllonay,Jr., limner Savor, of Ht. Freedom, miSlunlm llurke, ol Dover.

COOK WANTED.A midil'r-ntjcd wi'tnan, fur Uoasekoopcr n

guodcuok. Apply s t l!io


Iff S:ni>rtiant<port,N. J.

GIRL WANTEDo do prncrsl lionBCWDrk-ramily of tin

Slnat ho a goort wimhor »ml itoucr. Good(B given. Applvtt ihisolHou.or

SIRS. J. o.scanADEn.2 2 ? JleaiCBVilli,, f

Notice of Settlement.

lid hlii'Snriog.tb, an'l rcporitil fur fctdnnipiit tit- O r p r a i i f O n r t ci the C-tuiry nf MorriiII UuuUuy tlio tliinl <l.iv nfW ncli iii^r,

LVHAN 11.1'JEIISONE.iilPd DPC. 12ili,lSH.». 2-0

" Picture Fniaei,*

•' I-ikSiiuds.



ittr, Silk and Linenn'orj, lists

Tie4. Oollars and Fiolia*, CorsetJ,WliUfl aud S/nrl't UiiLl,-r^Mr.Bbiwlf, Oloakx, Sliki, Fmo DresnQoodn, Tab'e Dama^ki, Tonelssoil N.pklni.










Celebrated Cough Drops,



Wi> irnvkc ourcmulii'd nu.l wurrnnt liicin pn


WEATHERSTRIPS AGAINDim't "fii't'Ko oniuiilii whilo yniutirn totUcr," l,ytlm onld wlndrihlnwiiiR in the

icctj of your doors und windown, wlici:tlioy onn all be niudo tiglit liy Vi.lnntine'tFelt Weather Strii.n no nci.tly applied hy JL Cutler Do\ t r N J in 11J a postal CHITof what you want. M-tf



A l i K \ T H W A N T E D

orKtw Jcret.v, rntin^vhama ..ml Du


SabHnttciiiloil in full u^oii riMMnuililc cmini^iiiiix nml Kitirifitt'iioii i£ii;ir;iiitot d. AlkiniiH of rUTonri-hum! y XHIM for MU;

YOU N.\I .K.-I . ; irp ' In- HBX. li.n'n Cilii.iivd. l£,;IHi-crnli>r, .Mowing Miii-lano, Wir.Sriii-. Tlirt filmi-o (jo'iiln will In' mritl ut mri-t>iiH(.iit)l.ti! nfli-i- within tin- next \vu tlavtTvn Conk Stoves. ?i fiidi; Hv« lurgfl SolK I $ 7 ! l i ? *I1

t eiidc

v1I1.T tftinc, I?:,.

INVESTMENT.IOANrMTF.f 100.000 OMnorc In Bums f 501

ami nj<i\»ril id 7 vtt cent. Bin] H in r cei.1•;ilv, fuioruvfil rarm nml mliliiij; nn<Pi>rtr, Ii>mfjirBt. Paul, Mnuii'nola, nml in D u k tO h ulgu inuna. Prluclual ami intfrcst L-(luti-wl. W. It. SANDHR^,

Horse, Wagon and SleighSALE.

A concl trotliinx liorse nnd tlio wapnn whic!is iloiiblL'-SL-MHTl in if.udeondhiUD, ivliilo tinilcigli lub litcn xuv<\ b u n fan Uiui>-.

MRS. WM. NEWTON,Saw Hjrani Jlinc, Mine Hil"




Prsiljtiriu E M Lioiure Eton,FRIDAY EVENING, Dec. 28th.

ADMISSION SS cm.No resorvoil seats. 2-2

OLIVER CHILLED PLOWSBsat in tlie market. 500 unit! b> UH.

ACIIIQ Hul-row.

l:n«le Wheol C 'u l t i rn lor ,

Cnsnilm SulLv P l o w

Brain and Garden Seed Drills,

Waller A, Wood's Mowers,



I.erer and Tread Powers,Thrnhen, Oleanen, fcc,

ndOLotb.r BraUolau finalnt liojilmeiU.


MOBBISTOWN. N.ij .: •.••,-••;•.:; J o u i i M v M D m ,

Plnili Jsvct OukeU,

" Olore Boxes,

" Toilet C*eei,11 l'erranery Oisesi

I3ronz« Ctxd XL eclreri,

• A.h . "

" C l l H

F WHiTLOCK & LEWIS LmonUitedtipon lbs 40TOJIN 1B1DE null caupk'tsatul rcalj , : . , , , , ot all tlnOi or


E d P E O l i L PAISr i TU MKIif T U E ClUA F UK J A M ) YOU


L A D I E S ' H O S E ! MUSLIN AND WOOL UNDEHWtARa n d ni l t b a tt i in^'H Ib i i t po r t u n t>» n w . . l | (-toL-'iol ! ) ! tV ( J O f ) » s f i ' O U S E , al l of ivlnr i , u\\\

LL- Milll lit Illl- h . r t ( v t [Kithlbll- | ] I IU , H .


Dii, C. F. C0UU11AN,recently of Strailmiio, N. J., rwiucntH all per-mm in'debti-d to him U> cull on tlm nmlriHl^ncd imitipdiatcly nml cattle the »!iran.

KEV. JOHN JAY CBANE,50-Gw B o i fiH, Stanliopi

Notice of Settlement.Nulicu in li.-i-pliy slvcn tlmt (ho au^unnts t

Im H.lifcribnr, Adnsinifltutir of EbzibolUdiiBldann, iiccM.HilHtf'auiliteitnndHttiteiHiill- Kurr.ifialr, uinl rfporlttl lor ucttirtiii-nt ttlic Orplnu*1 fimrt uf llio Ci'untv or M'irri-in Moutlav Iho rourtli ilnv ot P.'bnnrv m-xl.

JA11ES II.CAUUKLDaifii Nni-. sssiii, IBM. c a n

Ailiiiitiistr.unr'* [iilrlrcj», Unvrr, N . J .

FOR SALE.The ijimi known UH Ihr Cliaik'H Kini; funi

near Ffirnimmitf. in Mitrrin Cniml.v, t-ontnii

ing 100 otrcii..1. 11. N'JlKillliOl'It,

Duvcr, X . J .

" JOHN ])AW¥1I;IH ut lilr> rcxtuiii-iiiit -in Illiiokwoll htrort

National Union Bask.DUYF.H, S. J , l)i-c. 4lli, 1383.

Tlioflimnil mtBlinfior H^rUiul.hTH oftliiInuk B I I M . D I I . I I nt Ui<-ir ImQUn:: lionn> ori'uosiluv, .(.uiuarv Bill, 1NH|. |i,r tin; ck-cti •.1 fJln'ctii.*. an'.! tnn^i ' i imi nf bn<:|i 'Xlicl'ii«hifS9 an mar lie brouulil lit-f >rn i'. PolliBill lit'dpni frniu 111 In 11 n'cl'i.;!. -V. M.Ml* 0E0IIOE D. JIEi:KliIt,O»al]ier.

Freeman WoodPIKE


!gall> antliorizrd aficat of the follcwiDg ilr*

plans companies—tbe boat in tho world:

LONDON iiml L I V E K P O O L and

GLOBE, Capital §20,000,000.


Cnpitiil SlO.000,000

ROYAL O F L I V E R P O O L ,Cnpit.il $10,000,000

F1UNKLIN O F P n i L A D E L P H I A ,

Capital ^5,000,000BUDSON COUNTY, Jersc j City,

Capital S3U0.U0O.

NorIti Dillifih nml Mercantile InnnrnnciJ Lcmlon ft ml E^rnburgli; capital »10,WD

aermnnit Fir- Inoinnce C... ..: Xcir York ;•apaal Sl.IKKI.OOU.

Tho London Afwunmoo Corporation ofLondon, ctijutiil $5,5UO,<KK1.

iricgllelJ Fira losttranco 0o., Maafsacto, capital SI,600,000.

Mfchestar Fire Insurance Oompanj toNow York, capital *fi(t0,000.

OmHiN AMERIOIK $l,0O0,0O<l


Freeman Wood.Jnitl»"of its p.ac. and Polioo Mnlatral.








AND GENTS' FURNISHER,w o n l u u i t l n c o m p l e t e l i n e ( » f


Stylish' Kills Kobby Ni-ck-Ties,Silk and Linen lliimlkorchiciV,

ins Uiiilirellas,

EARL 4 WILSONS COLLARS AND CUFFS,A large Htiicli of i l m V Vmitlih-* nnd Kt,,v«f


ami :i lino Ii mt , , rCI.OniH. \vom IK,U] Kii^tidi and F H I K J I IIUHHHIUM ctbioni irinlr. (Jnlliunl fiu-tj nn- umlmil nut-t.r Itmte iiii^TlLK

till- iil!i.ill.i;UI!tiJJ, lli:it I IItil f;iviD[| |,\V,1>.



H0I.1BAY GOODS!C < i r | . j i H i n f ; ; i l e R K n t t i l T u r i t t y of






Florentine StatuaryMrtt! a, t|u:,liiy a rd price, can bo fonnl nt

HAIRHOUSESl (k ' b i r au iv p r u t u l B . v n i y i f; . n M i n i j a , t |n : i l i iy n t d p r i c e , c n u b o (Vinol n










Page 3: JOSEPH H. BEACH & SON,test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1883/1883-12-22.pdfnow be seen In onr cslalilisliiiiciit.

Saturday, Dae. 22, IS83.


A merry Christmas to »B.Tie encal closed k i t SatunUy.To-Jny 1B the shortest ilny of tlic year,.The Kcforni Club at Chester numbers about

110 nif rotors.Bj tii'atiini: )iint wlntiT iiiiiuy ut tbe ice

)llll!R<"S W<TL- lillcrf.

I VYL-, t idt . -dt i im !f10:s.

iflsif |i:ilriini)!cli'i« lici-

Jab T. HiU'« boya ci M l U l

Pot handwmo Now Tear's earda five onearly order at the ERA ofiioo,

The Dowr pott office will clwe at 10:90K. on CUrlitmas uud romata cloud all day.

Lawrence Ara SDil rfolla of CapL John Hall, of DtniTi!l«.

The Buccaaitnua class Iu el.ieut Ion will meetat Mr, J. M. Crtter'i, Mondsy evening, 31*ttart.

Mii&Difl Z)Jck£j'Mon purchiv^il the ^001

Int sold lor taxes at tlie Berkshire Valley Ho

il uu Tuesday Iwt.

Mr. E. M. QuduliT, tlio WL-lUmmm Morris

ivn di>urt.tniim, died on Wednesday, slit :

Tin- (if l m i i a n i : 1 ! uiiulf

ljji'cl. It li:i» b r i l l

sdf it

v/!rV vi~.it in thi- Wi-,4

n t i - I'l.ivil.-r Wf.rli- .il

,\y (>l,,l •t-li llV t (.']('•

hi art(•j.iii

A 1

h.,ld<It i



T H .


!ii fi.ru s-i11. W.lli

ill tl.nt .1

;t Uft-U fi,t

n i l

1|>]<IVI'I-Ii Hit' ti l l- I I « N - ttf Uf|»-

iraiilBi.-i Mr. (ii-j. l \ IVt'r, of

u of IV Atlanfir

.ti.-k int.! 1,1 Mu-






It v u our pleasure yesterday to make •trip OTOt (fie ei tensive property of the Araer.Icon Foreite Powder tfamifaoturing Com-pauy at Lake IIopatconR, and to inspect thelarge wurks Tvhtcii they have iherfi erectedfor ihe manufacture of tlielr ciploiivce.The works euver four hundred and tlfty acre*>{ land. cxtcndiiiB from the niioresof LukeHoputcons t u the Morris Cnual, mid



uf l i e

Stffl fcrtbw back 1* an iimnenite:•tnietura Ho. S3-wbleh IK WX60 feet and•uvk iuto the $ round. The lao stored herowill be used iu the hat months to cool t i ewater in the niiro-g\yeeiint} taulu—a precau-tion which few powder woriu have take!

While expinrioDi are not anticipated andare ID carefully ffturdeil against that tbryDID only happen thronjili the very grow ttejcUpnee of employee*, nil buildingi where tfc^xp1n«iteB ore Iipndled tire aet b»efc Into e*coTatJoii* into the aides of the htlU elonjt tb*1

hn&e of which ruui the- railroad, BclrjK c\>eionly in froDt, natural fortifications eve prorided for three Hidca, which in ca<o of explo»ion would lpHgi'ti tlio cminuwton and avertUcdnnisgc tn th* otlwr building*, the prtcitulion having bnen taken lo locate all of ih

"fifJrt jMJn-<)<'riflH»Uf:itHlri/l# J/SlJlillcgB JrolD

. 111!" II. I- i " ' .

i. tuilcx fn.fii thi

MiM,\ Willll,.

{'liriKtniiiH J-:

e Milll.rn.liM.J-: S:iu>l:t>

tlu-ir ('livis.tu;:irt m-:it m

'•mitsttii "f "Thr- HirtK

Of tllf (V

il vo'-ih] *HVPlln>nho itiM'if *'«:

is urcniimnd tbjittbe IVHylit fnniit!

iVl.i-ks nloiif V.OIll.l itlllOIHjt ttl fill

t,( Mr. SI. Ki l le r ,

inny. A littlo f;ir

Randolph Young Repyfaliom Club.A full lUHttag of the ExeAiiUvo Canmi

of the Club WM Iteld ou Monday evening,h h iwhen in WMidanoe with tho Cowtitntion

tlieydtvldsiithemBelTeBbj' lot to terra forODB and two yeaw, with the fiillowlng mult i

For two yam—John S< Oibaoa, 0 . C,Hlnehmia, Abridge, C, Bmltlv X WsllaMWaer, W«. Dlttlermd Philip S. Tihou.

For one jro»t—Fred. B. Beaab, Chu, SpM-t», EJcard fi. HHDM, H*W. 8, CollwJ, J.Ftanlc MUM, Wm. B. Vau.

The fol]o*logoominUt«» we« alto olMtedOupolltleiil Inforoatton-lfeML H. BuaAt

John 6. OlUou, Ed. 3. llnuce, Ujron H Cookand Q. C. Bineaniao.

On Merobenlilp-J. Frank Mm, Wm-src &Q4 A. B. Dyrnm.R . u Com-iiUoc-F

SOCIETY ELECTIONS.Morris Cnuiwfl, Mo. Hf, fioyol Aramnni,

eleoteittbefnllnwfiieon Mand«"6TPBittKrBB-

Spargo, A. C. Smith. W. 8. Olhu-d, J. Wai-luce Wm>.t, Win, Eittk-r and Plillip II.

Jt '.run rewired loniiPD the headquarters hft'ijjlitun's Hall on (lie 1st of Jnnuury andiceji thorn «|ii!B every evening tlirouglionlhe yeiir. It in expected it will bo alwnyn an•imii-tfiiiiiiijj jiliu'ofnr timynunc nicu uf theownnlii]) tdKatljLT. fln0 QJ| HI , ( . | , n r Q invited

ttt visii tlK-nmin nt iiuy tim« whether tbe!m-ii..->l.V<i0<lftiicM;li>i.fir m».

x\ir-vp w cuiMidttfaitln nin«!e tn!ent in tliit in pi-Kiirnn-d to wpaanlzo n R\f.e. cttih lii'.!lif.uwithit. lor thn eiitortatniitfjnt 0if\nl,iT< mtU !<n- f-vvieo ditdue tint nex:i-i>[ (Minimi-u With tliiHiiliiPut in viofl

tfnd Iliiltltl h

if-u i.jV»rlv )ui'rr»,B«*li 0v iirniuiiiViil und f i bi<Min- iiivi-ndv taking nh l l F l

jltln.iLf. nji]iii^to tin- i.ftt

j limim'H for tbii Nl»rii(;<Mift-

I l;"vlfi (i'ci amitlip ot


j.ijw l«'1(iiij!in«tuWm. Hii.I.l.of

I W uttiirkcd with hjdH>i.l»il>ii

T ;.i!illi:idtiilji' killiil.

TJ.fi Cliildrni nCiUe

SI1K.II! "ill litiv. llirii-

Mr. Will IVriiutftir

, 1»Tii,«

of Mr. Ilicihili.ir

III till' ]•>;.•« l)fi!

H< rttii

Hly«p«rtm tin-

Snniliiy Scli'H(lwill1)i'l!i-!d in tin-I'1IIII

ni>iid.iy i-vpiihijt. I ) . r . a i | [ i . at 7:;t0 o'.-

'flu. ymmn ii-Ilinv win, 1ms li,-,i i.i

alwini tlinliim'liMtMH itf his iVcl wilt

Chrht i i iu . H11]I[K-I-H M-vri-ul « . • » dm

•Tlii ' rhi ldrcn nf ilu> I ' r w .Mclli.i.l

Iiitth SVfitio! Mill Imio fln-fr Chrinfi

Siiiiduj- iii xt h (In- KKlfli iiinii

tmn-ni.iiT of U'nsliiiintoi.'n r

(icurrai -thi- iiml <-v<-»t uf the

<»f its jNi.ilur, lU'v. 11, it.

t the oilh

who Hindi- tlie,

D., L. A. W. d

jKtif. \Vc«lii

JTr«. l>lcktT^n, now h'hidliij: in

fciw iM-Bini iirnppiMihip-* to olitniti a

from JUT ini.-luitnl, .Vntlianii'l Uict


Mr. Wim-vii fJriswiild, (if Mii'li.m



>ot in that \,]\\c: HIHT IIH re

Hi( <l'iihiU irtmi tlu> ,'itipiorwi

ntor. Next!

fd tn litc.-*ri:t tn ili'v. Kiitlii'i

clioiKii', wlncli will l.c «*cil for tlio


in; iii-st iioittt of RtotniitRr. is (tt the.

liUni;. wl'iHi '« tlH-timdiiiii' hniisc-u

-k Ktriifturr, -llxKi fc«t in hi7.1-, iliv

K,,l,le, ntid iiiiilunj; ciuli ^nuijifirt

imtc i j tin' lnoof. In tin- firnl rniiii

]„,.„,, ,.tfP\ inl.tilnt Imitcw of 7S

. ( T i PI,l,»,|a»Hitllj- «•( id MIMMII.V. w

ish tlio iiovi'rniidntenii) for tin; imrj

h u wl,,,l,, xtntk*. Tlio H.vnnd r.><>Ki

Kiui Inp 'mtl ] (Jiqilci airfiii.!|»i'iHH(-

.(.[.pivtT( u biiti.hi.iih; ffi linwn [iii\ic

; our r.f Wiirlhiuglnii'a l u r ^

ninifit.v of 300 gnl]i»n«I I'»tnj>«, li

III tltrfirsi ]!..• il littli' lil

ti tl t


ru l ih . - lirjiit

It i* built i'

ini . ldi l>.v•ifi-cl li.v n •



"llilr'THto'thi- i » S

I.W1IV,'IIM"«T Mon'i

,'joha F 7 w « i r V . »., Duvld TonnJ>. l . t B. A. Turlor i Omtor, P. E- ThMtpSCol, E . w. iMyty iMt ; ^ « .Bec'y, A. J. Coe: <1IBO., B. DII-"-I n«,<Wot. DoDHld.on ; > . , Shtdntth Rleimnli*""-*• " ~ " - - OrwnUti V. B. Von*..

llA Wm. H«rb, O., ...jdwal Eliwlnni, Pjf-J'

Kiwt»o4t.'Bri«hti aep.to«wnd CowidE. A. Taylow Alttrniita, .17 V- JVnw! | In'Cmu., p . £ Dam.tttt, A, C. Snfth, £ . 1Criwpen.

"upoeoij Trlbp, NB. (18, imiiroT'

>fi," in their wigwam—H(Unw'«Sfnil, 1urnm-nn ThnndftT ereninit, Jan. 8d. 1-wtibhiothft Innminn of t i e H** >" "'be•l«p of tho third «nn. ooldTwioop, 8M/1 Be-•idei the cuteramiinn tlmw will be ftddilnolmllii(toii6l)TChM.C.Coi)leTlE«)., _ r-

Watkly Iron RvportTheEaglneerinB nod itiniag Jounud of Iu

prosrammoofraurio by tb« choir, hand m*-"- the whole wiudittg»p with « anpper

in Lntltw, No. 80. P. A. A. W.,of D« iHud appoints thn Wlowlm offlc

a Wndniwlar m-pninjt! Fred. H. Bwh. ! ..: Jo* N. Brown, S w. I Jo*. »• Willlnmi

Sw'yj R. VT Bofl^enr, 8. D* I » « h a a. j en. D I V*<>*, J . D i L . W. 8t«rhfn«. B. M. . t

TroBtne for 3 ym* t P. M-, Wt». H. Lambept,fleproMntntlye to Onmi IMg*.

M nj. Antorwm P«wt, 0 . A. E., nf thia plnn*-,lmroeloctwUlmfpitowltii(i. C">™»l>»nin';- WA. Waer; tbnior Vton CoiutoandM-, WiUioroRmlth 1 Janlor Vie* Commatrfer. fllownrt A' ; Q t t Ti Sbtt««r»aMIIT; Qntirt«rn»«tar, Timmw Sbatt««r»oa

Officer of th* Lay, Fmnk Keuatler; OlBonr o:the GIIBI-I], Edrord Kiuuer i Cbmlalu, A. .Ucsfeu^er; Burgeon, Aug.'Hennokfl.

Torltert Ptutt, No. JM, of Munistown, hedeoted the follovins officer* fat the ernUnyear: L. P. Uannoa, Cotnioandtrj Tbeo Senim, 8uu. Vico Ooni.t HomcO Eltunr, JuuVboCooLf BMIJ K. Beod, ChaplMn [ F. WUn-ci),SniKeojij J .T. Alien, 0. IX; T " " "Ilmry, U. Q.; Win. A, lliiUuml, Q. I

followlujr offlcerrtfor tlto oDaidiig 1'oar vu«li«wu: Heuirv Oaliniin, N. (I.; /uhii Ha!V.U.I B.I*lleddtiu, U. B.i Jalm JLItoliBil,P. S.} O*w. iiano, ft.; John II. Toy, Edward

. llaaco, Conrad Mann, Tranteoa.Kecstlor'a Eiftokk.r Cornet Band hneotod the following ofllcnra for tho cuautng•ar: Jae. S. tivliefc, treoWeut i Lowin \T.ttipheiw. Vice ]>ti»hlotit i yjnttt KOBHIICT,

uleriiud luntmclor; llm


i i i - l , | | l f .

ii tbird l- repair

i r

takn iilncp tit Urn i

*inK. Dec. 27tli.

Tlic fno

nt, Sussi"c

Tim itijrht i

tn i l i i ^ tho IU

v. I!. It. Cnlll

a-i- Tlmndiiy

t «f It.-at Iv I" 11 •\lir=<ll;

Hl(!10Hm.t.(l. 11' till' R

O. U.<-tMtriltutt'tl&r,»t (lie

mill tlu'liiilnnrc irni, Biveil I

i, ntu-diip

ml ollnr lo.il« Jur tins rq.iiir i.f I

liieliiner.v. Tl<- other pari of tlitw nmin

itcuded fur the j.rcniiralioii of raw iit:itovi

nd tin- Com-lfi Miimi is (lrsi|;Hc.l torn li

nrpiHC, liotli rmiiitiidtig n hn^v iiiimiiiit

ui'liini-ry lici'i'Hsjiry tn Hit; wm-k. Ttit-ouj:

it tlii' ^linli! Imililiu^ Ihn MliiiltintiH nm i

l ilmi.vi! i


:t,oi)u <.„].»••!

. Wm

i this ycsir lat'i i r i t h i

TKS, Ilic \HT»I: cdi t imi o

lTlVrilliilf'h'llltlMIH'1'1 111

II ii'll l i l b s \vi- hiivc life;

'il. IIIKI it : n y «.u.,i.t t< i>

••I t . i . i s j ! ( 1 - l , i ' l i , f rJiiit i

I t t . p r r f v r in<iii 'diii lli<

:m^ed mi mill pcm

vuid nil rtiotiou u

.hint on!«)))>• Ibi-i

my, a>\W( IVt't iHT , wbtfb himHI- ill till: C

el iiy tiwhi-TH

th. The TV

llV of »t ll

11. ,,- r!v


i Wl.i.'ll «M.ipl!'i,w Hll.l Kr.-ill1 V il^rt.it-, t l!

li O r d e r nf liibrr-l "f tbc IUIICM in tiiiOiin;'. i i i l t l in- , hn

it J i t . l[(i | .c. It I ' ' t i ' . . itud .vot i- so r-lifiiii llm; it can lM!

ml n

wlm 11 ilmjipf.l n

brimijlit nut tlic music ol tlio clumps for tlifirst Hint) tliiayuu.

of gin* hi the pul.lif prhoiii lmild

f lirs it f

ill II


nilly. The

odt. in New ,l<Tsi\y


H i I l i ' ' ' " ' < l r < ' " *» t l f '"*!•>*»1 «"-

li.»U.-i',.flnii,l l (tlintrlii1,ii,.11,h.

fliivi.», J t,I3J, Mf W(,».u r,.m

crazy, l.ut will ri ittli

Alexander I{. Pn>eman. oun of lin' h-ndim;

citianw of OIMIIJIO, »ti«d nn .Siitiilsiy laht, in tin1

73ilyr:irt>nm[ij,<(\ He WUH fi'n:n'vly 11 I'I-MI-

Jlaltc your nrrmiRctiH'iits no yon will not

Bu««(U>finoiHtM^rctHlwjK)frl(i? V,vilnl:i »f

Santa Cluns, lit tin' I'ri'Hliyi'-viuii Clmicli. j

Friiloy rrnniu?, «•» 'JRlli.

frank Morap. wlio ntnlr .1 va]naM« l.nrsc

from P. P. Cotilr-y, nf Murdpiii. "'MT New |

Foimdliinil, 1I:M l.ccn iinivti-d in P:it»r.-*uii. |

•Hi lihtnrynfiwra In rhym

• the ]>ublii; mainsworlhvof :iuy fu.ttiiiv ii[iini liim. lie<lix^< you trc-nc H (h- Kin C W M Mk-enil jmriift v,vrr- nii^.ilii'ii in tln-tr d.miHIM lull ycfir. when tbi-y i*iiii|«»»cdthoy wi-i

hiu ifinfi'SHuil liw pi l

It. Schdctihcit, of (it it Vsillcy, is hit

tlwuvetiim nf rnilniiid bridpo'.

The Cii:iiuli:ii) fonrM hnvt ilecldtd m favnr

commit Kiiiciili' if lie malic* joud IIIH (IIHIIIIM-tion "nt'VPr tnlic tiil:cn Imok t" •UTsr.v ulivc"

Tlio nalfl in miiioiiiifpd of tlif lVtcrs t^tntr.at Mndhoa, tnrx-tfiirnr OcorK» J. I-Vrr.v, oftirunnc. Tills i* uiiiiiiPHliiniiiiily ilin fim-Bt

• •- - - in,, cost iiimiit flOO,-

thi« pri'iJiirntory work, curapt'liiurry 'ii-[Kfrfmcuf niiil (i(d alorv hotixcTlu'V li.- in a Homl-oiirlti urouml tlio lulie an

'.I t!it- 1'roHlnU-iiui "''" il '" r»tcdb\ ttlnfihhillfrftiiitiiiM't'wd'flmrrh Li.('tun> Krwni'im Fndnv .'v.t.ii,'-' j " l l l k l " s d t l""-"»«t iihtiriiiK anftlj m w*D^.MtlM-r !,.-»l,,ht.«m.lI1i1o"ri,t('rtrlU.tnf " l " l < 1 I l t m n i m i B t l i e l l t h l

No Iu > dwdhns hnum. ft

iiihliu^ No. 8 in mliiil.'.l to n IH'V; nncllVnturo in tiiP iiiiiimf.ii-liirti .itiniw.lef a Ivriek w(nictiirc,2jiG5 iw( iu dimriis, mid coninil)i tlic Timoliim'ry ond ini!>liit<* ncrcianry fiff t'ae iofiainiiiK of tli

mo of tlio nitro Bljocriiu'. 'lint I* tboniOHt repent, iia well im m«tit v.'.iiir.lil.i ii:iprnvciiumt in tho uuiiinfncture- of liijjU <tliliMlvcs. Notnimrtloluofitrid is lost In tbcuiimiifneturo of the powder. Tie a]>i>uniti!tCOIIBUIM of funr very lurgo riitortH, vac)\«einliing 5,000 poundH, far Urn re-couccntiti-

inncliitifi-y uoec«!tnry for tlio work to bo net.frilWil.

Uat'lc of thin imiMinR, OJ llm hill, in n friir-ilfor tli(> HtnmsP ofiiridr., nnd adjoiuing thisbuililiiijT nrc tlin-e ndditjuuitlflicdR, Routnin-itiK anjipli'inpiitiwy lum'limcr.y for tlio IHIXIIIKol tlie iicidt nud forcing llm Httuic to thenilro RlytiTiiin house, ]oeuti>d OUO frul

oul u nlfto nttiicbcd Iu thin

mploycd ii

i HIM, civ

i-li<«il, s pr <'i tlic fn i cut iIt iDU

property in Mull

oofl.SuiKJnj- id thn predj.vifrijiii Ciuui-li. Tin-

elinlrui-o \ire)inrinj; Cliri.»(mim unlliema, and

the ]iiwtor will i»T«ch m-oii •• Tlio Gm.d Ti.l-


lloDiiton wnn known fifty ycnM aao na thi'

••Eiiglirih Iron Wnrks" and the " Utsclirfh

F.i.Kll^li iwiipie liviiiy thcru i»ml mjc^cd in

|i.Ttnlih;il ItiiK (iiu-will lie oiiail tn tlmt

i-vi-ry ivsiitrt. Tlus prin< of mliuiltunce lias

hcp» put iiMliirly-Bv.- ri>uta (or nil.

HIII wwt ui Mr. ,JO-M'|>1I B. Jlyci1, »f XPIV Vcr-

iinii, wiii upciilviitally shot, by bin iniclo raid

kilh-il. It !i|i|n'iiM Mr. Wm. Ilypr was about

(ii fr« Kntiiiio", uml wliili! tiniaWnit num<> snow

it wits nccidnit.illy di»rliiu{j(>d, the chutf.l'

im-wliiKthnmRh » d«iir. Htrlkiiiy tku buy in

tin- i-h.-st uml ui'i-k us In- niit nt tin' breakInut

tal.fi'. nD «flulinud, "(Hi. my lie;.,!." and

pxinrcd almcwt ininiPtUiitRly.—Uatiiicr.

OonHliihlpJosivh M'illlwns of Port Ormn,

(in Thiirsitiiy ol !,iM wci-Ic went to ne.rvo n ilin-

tri-KN wiirriinl upon Albert Stick!*-, who HVL-H

ThD Cbriftm R

M. E. SumlRy Bflhonl will

of tlheld in thei

ohurcti on Cliristmsis nfjlit, nt T nVIm-k. TIiu

cscnUcH will consist uf «in»ins «f cuioln, we-


Mr. I!. 13. Potti-r orsmiiRpd n Hon. ]!,ill<r

cnnipalRii dub nt Port (trnm lint I-'tbhiy

night. We fliiggpfil (Jmt J«; iii! » pjooil dining

BttoiiK "trine tn 1W* liornii lipr.ire it gt>U :iwny

from him like Iho ntlii'is have.

Vlic Nov Jprrtcjrlrfin lit inirp; [\im|inuy linvi1

siui»indodthooiirnitionaiit Purt Ur.un with

tbo ilt'imand ilrill until oprius- Tims fur Hit-

wort b oiKoiinisii.-. they liavine cut two

voiiiB—one of fifti-cn and tin- other uf four


of Monintovn, IIBTO -liipppd nil order for fnii.i

ainchinery to Manlieim. Ocniiauy, by way of

AUBtenltint. Tlin inaclilucrj- wns HhtHni tu

tlie riarolumr at tho WiiverJy Fair by Joe.

Von Dyke.

Frank Glca, tbc niwnn. is n busy mui. Ho

b(W nbodt c(iiit[ih(ccl ('«! wntk <m iiiiowhatiric

for Mm. Vanorisr. nt Lake HolMtPoug, nntl In

now pnRORtil un tin- masonry «f tlic n w Oilil

PCIIOWR' Hull and tlir Inrl!c rounly l>nif|;e m

Hudson ntreel.

Mrs. Sliimln Vandcrimof, nf ltnrk;iv.;i.v, linil

nhenrlag bKforo.Jiidcit Woml <>n .Moiidi.y <>n

tho chWRPOf tlirrnts toward Sir*, lli'tty I>i,-k-

er*oti, nf I>enrillfl. Tbp (k-ft'iidant iras re-

qiiirc.l to EIVO Bcrurity in HIP mini of pluO to | f;'""" ",

kCf-H tlic itcaci'. ' Ajijiar

Tho tronlil* uhmit daruano tn trrPH an.' | "^.^fn

I'Mpprly in Mnrritt county ;i'"l <*l»ewhfrt.

could nil bo willed by a lnw rimipclliii" tcltv

•wlrt' under ground in plun-u IVIIPVC such

:.H] nt ll,.' UrnWll«

so Stichli

il ti> Klioolmi mi' (nit with a uii ami Ilii'^

him if lie proceeded miv fiirt

,lnf romp back, iDiidcpiiiiipiiiiiit.niiil uhtulm-il

11 irillTim!, With \Uiirh fiHIdtiitilr Suttou took

Stii-tdr into cmtmly attti linntgUt bun hefrreJnsliei! (Jsi{;i« nil i 'riiny. when Use tifriiwd

Kni-« bmiilri to mwwi-r to the ,-biir-e bef.n-e Ibc

(imiHl Jury.

llro. (Inrtixon H-'mm to ha YD iiMiimrd tu

liiiii»clftliiM-i;;htiif di'iilifiji out [metnniB^r*

iiinlimvu-hcrntfitoniininiiiii-Btiim-ftd of tiif«w

coiiiiJioiiilieH. We nrr siii'lirifi'il tlmt lip li;is

iJI/m' vi iiix vtvliiiiw.'i to ha u?f*t] ID thu !»jiirjF

iifiifiiisdidiitftfiiniiilylii-i'aii^ IIio Kn.i cnni-

pllmfiitcd bctli twi^i'iintri f.ir Iho jtmit nnin-,

im( fin- want of BiKici* we are I'unufcIJ.'.J tn ,h>.

ier iiitlluT tiiiti-!- of tlio miljeet till n r s t

wt'fk. Meantime w*> trust tliern la mi trnlh

in tin- n-iinrt tliiit Urn. UurrUnn i^ ni.i.'iiv.ir-

in« to im-:tn wnr b.hveeu tlm rniiilidnioi tli.it

In: HI:I_V slip into tin' 1 ulite IIHU mil of n com-

In Juil^ce ID Mr- "Mwrbsr.IVi-lnst wes'kiiiiblijihi'd an nrlh-le from


to injuro V,

Lli*cwhnrnfen I I.lnci'rt tin- iiiiittt'i- in itn (CUK tmlit "uml.hows Unit Sup't Tlmrbrr. instrnd nf licinfi mi


IriKlent TliurlKT.rlt'Ill i.ltK'I'X Ifll

vhirh f,],-

tlt! itiiHn>d

M«(»i' t h o r t c b o wDiiti'ii-t ill. nf P.i

irnlly tln-ii-friftid, ;itni tbit : i ( i . . M - i n S t ; i t , - K n i i e n n i c

l l t i l i ' l l ' t l j l l - l V.lsill l l . I V K;it (.(1 i ' U T t d H i J i ' ( !

Snmn tifndals of tbu Kew Jersey Iron Min-ing Compnuy recently weut oTcr the route ofa nrupuHtd railmail niinrfrom tun High Briil^i-

. Branch ntllftrtliiyTillototbpir nibiii^ iin>;i-ertyntMt. OHye. Whntcimcliwiun, ir niiy,? u nrrlvfld at KO have nut ludrnril.

Sllns TulQe, Kged 93, drovu from FJIBIQrangti, in Efwnx Cotiuty, urcr tho OrangeWonnlalna to Wliippnny.'in Morris County, AdUtRncoof ibontlS milen, tr> vote at tha lato

election, und, having ,tho duty drora haclc HKOID to East Orange.

There la nothbg m tendn U> shorten th«Urea of old people, nnd to Injure their health,QB the practice of Bitting nn IAIQ. partlcnlariTwinter evenings. This is cgpecJa)]j the easewhert tiuN la a grewn-op duaghUjf in thofamily, TtdsiaoiUrj item i* publinhed M.tbe'nqpait of ntrera} youog asea. '

inUTvid HiJi (,i!.c (!,«, ittln lust wei'k n;id t-oni|j;m- il

n-itb t1n> (HIP 0:1 thii p:\11c \vlii< b irt nnirlcoiiHiind fuirin Intie, iind ft mi iict i>fjnKtico tnMr T t r i T h i H U l w l i


Mr. .Jacob L. HIIIIH

ilre-ciiia it up' in f utin-l'v m-w iinil attnictivifbitbm Tho readiT.-i til that imtirr have iptmnmlMi Mini Im will ulwiiyg tiro them i

"' ~hich will be nnwriviiuu uttr^clivi


ia M cleun in ita cKOCO and fa an eutartipaper for tie family.

I his eil'vrU by a Jibernl

e, tnaicd l.y nnitohypp. ThcQnscttoict us it is In appear-

Silk Htndlorcniefi st Baker1!,In eadlew variety. Tha Tory latestshown in nU colon.

The oaks of Map wld for flva eenta at KU1-gart'm Drug Stan.

Thi» Y.* print the hill nnd tbc first buildingwo rued (NL It* ) is amimll Imtldidg tontainins (.oiiio niuluin-r^ for tlu pr, p initiou ofran ni it* mil- J im ihoii loi iUt\ tin rr*

Hprui n lo.ittil around the billn which Is

thr bill ntid Into tbu tmilii reservoir-\.xtifl rendiod hvilding No. 19 lrl K h b

thcfirfltof iiHiriCB nf stun tuns emiil i\< A ini<ttialpt\\dprnmnufictitiiiii;d«]iaitintnt

Tins it tlio nit TO ehLirino Imnisp, n tlin-p-> fr tine building, i m ! i< <>t m sizo, sad:

wtht most iiiipnrtnntlmililinKintliCKeworli*In the Uiinl nton I* tin* npjuimtiui ft i Ibr.

up of tbo gl^ ocrin" Hero tin* funu u ofthe nridd nnd )<ljituuc IUI.IH jiUce tnr theirfiliitlfciii ot tli( tiltnt-£Unrlm> IWKH thini I rromplhlicil the n h\n nn> dihrli(iij,<><! m n.rri>«nr i mi, Htluntul on tlie lo^t-r fljow,

'atitni .ire uirrml out llu- whok noil IKloin ntitomntiLiillj bi the u'o uf comnrfus dir tlitrLlxiuf, no indmdiui hindiiui! nil t\i r nf llu niat> rm1» AH tliln l.uilihn^ M HHlafil twentv ftct lil^litr thin tlio ni ul n:aiuiiiR« Mki <" rr\ ]mrticlt of the tc t in j 1

icl In arc c arm •! l.v gi iTitt itlon tlitou,:U Kndiijii«t«tf<f « (1 rt/'iiHiii(|, wo Jt» «iHik!«»f|

lit bait nK lin t j ih itl.l of »omprt nspil mr !

uln\rr i^ini, In Ibis lunldnu tbo most'(iilcinin inovPiticiitHfor tlio u anufmtuiooflr.>^nul'illi^l>n^eboMl nit odurrri, roulu |

injjtbi imidiHtitnititlia uintPiioi nsneirlj l

ifi n it poRMiblj (iiu bit

llickort'ui-huilduiR on n bill if ft Bbe.l!(So 20) where the uudfiuU irt lucftlcil,,ml tu wlriul (lit' iLCid* an lo-m] up from (U ,,dl rtBftinins »orl«, fhW fut nwnj, In a

d iiir. From lliin elit-.i thty (low lo tlie nitru-:lynTii)o houef just derided.

further buck on ibe hill, on si still higherloint, is plftci-il ft 10,000 gnlion wnter tfink in-lidHnbiiildliiEwti.-ru it i« iirtuccteil by saw

Here nlao ia a good {Milut to view HIP\n nyttfiin uf piping ntd d it chin j ;labpcu com true ted here. The wntor

tlm Wortliinstim jmnip i» tircwl tp i n diatimi-liim-hfiT-'- tn trj»!«iufl nil thi>

of 1,300 itet, frotu>l:. Th

, frnm Ibfina-liwl blliblill],MUFil for thl'wdiT. i'lii* ditch isS.lLOdeep atifl lliree /cct «-iil«

nl thy hnttutii, smil iu it nil tin* wnlcr, htcainHHt-d nir piii«* uie lni.1 and hu-eil.hordes dt-ven (.uiiieli pijic« frnm

ito thi' difleri'ut linitdhiK* wlicn1

Tin]<xw\y that ulltliis

nil! lie Hnrpi-iM'i

1 will (tl'so'lir- Mir

V;II1IIII in nil tlu- ui<

i.f Kind,"- mid A tun ..Illll t>hjl1'( WIIH tO ,-il-,•,,, ,M,V inxl ,;,[,•!) u

IHiwilcr'whit'h hn liolii'i

:,»'tU«' «.m-fia ']Hial\p

J l i s b rtfffif Nrif

vli.ilf, h«» \m'itUSiivuii

I.'.tli ..f.Iuh

Mided tbr

n l will) l i r i(<>, Li Is,,, m the i,,(..lvs(4 lit j,l•Iles-H, lillHht l«»(;ivt' thin rxpiuil l

J j r s e v m a T in O i f c o t i

R . I i w . l t . I.-i! bm I »,tL .it LL,

idtii" tuc Sitniiiu

t wccli. Mr. L-.

•<>n loukiiiii attrr hU <IB-((

r < - . I J n l b n C I ' I I - . - i i i i . i i . - i t

ilr. I IntllllhlM TIll Vi



inji Slr7L.imm-n". tin-]>im'il ti.r xmlinc m-n HI-UHIK) Vr. Jlcn-i (,'•!( (lie H'Jwh- »r hi* trar-lW acri'ri in i-( iidiiit'fs. About NuvrutluM- li:»- lliiriiuiHii'li-r i»il tliiTf dr«i]i|H'cl tit HII.Oli

di'Kn'crt bi'low jii'n. l»<it iiiddi'i-iiii'd nnd ih(fjy, jvniilicr ivti-» i iti IiK [if (Ui until (Fit; Hunt ol Unv

l!1'! I fji-Tnuut for next yenv. i\V ['linden "!''. ' ll 'Li> rniiovMl lust weuk troiu Daltotu to Uoutuua

"'/iwlii'iftlM'rt.wiffliHincnil nud OIIHT iutun-tti... , j 1"--i.].-r. liiruiiii-. Out- iTliirnc.l lilL-n.lH ri!' ' ' ! imrt nil tlK- nii-iuni-^ of tbo Morris (Juiintj

mil Loader; Jim. Kennedy, jtetutawr; J. ](.Tinwnrtlto, Swrotaryi AVlDlntu Bhiulwoll,

Uiiudoljtli IJOII^C, K B . 130,1. O. O. F.f wilIvu »ti oyNtor miupL'i- tti their ucw building ouitxwx Ht.. on Nuw Yuar'H diiy-iittoruoon undI't'imig. Tbu umowidu will bo fur tho fur-Itthlnu; attlwlrac.w hall. Hltttee fodgos amIL' public generally tiro cordially iuvitod.

The New Hotel tit Lake Hopatcong,ThoIJroiiklynTinit-Bftnj-floftbo uow hotel•ojf-ct ttt Lake Hoimtoong:A nmv roiiipnny has been funned to fnniri>voi iiii-oniidiiitzH nf tlif* licniilit'iil N-iw JornoylUr. Tin- I'lirjioraliini IH lo lie kimwd iia tho:ilii' Htt|inlunu/! Jiuiij-iivi'turut Compnuy, Jt,onmtirwijiUif ]inmuiicnt nnd Bttfoniwfal lun-

n'litnn, l')nvi>niiMl Nr'wYiri, Koodiitly'nwubor of thvM yrttlWmm viuifetl ihv Lake,urmiiil tin- t'uiiit.Hi]y apokou uf, ftiid rnrly in

.....<..... ,; i,(.w yi-nr Ihi'v IIIII|IIIHL' tn ln-ciu llic cii-f.Tli- Cii- ti,,n of aV('mli«tii!iii;H1uun.I,!ioii-.»nW hotel.

-'•'•. uml I 'I'm- ln.tr! JH to \»- im-ntdl ,m u uluK'aii elevu-| ti.ni nl 1 -u.' luitidi'.-il ii-cl almvi- (lie l.-v,.|nitlic LiiUv, itihl (ilimit ilii'.-i^ buiidn-d twtHic.-n limn il'< imiikn. 'l'lu> pn>i>my mmow t i i i b t l U ]ii-Of)iisfd t o c i r r t t l i " hriti-1, is«i-

ivln-r,' tlic v b ivi- ui'i'i-i <>ii t In' .- ixl w . l i ' ' , i n li"' lalir, <m wliii-h Inl-'riih.v t-vt'ii- ?"«'«• "ittini.-if Hui Mt. Ar l ing ton H o M . well

l i l l^ ' l ' I ill 111 (if j JlJir j,|);,J| sJj!|,,J |,,.;,,.J y j j , ],•„],) | , f tJ| | . ,\J (., A !'-i i i i . , i ' l l ' an i lb ix I l i i in t iui i l o i - l [ ( m l ; , ' u p o n n uluti 'Mii, v l i i u l i,.,.! IF, ii... ('•"•i:i"f'l!«lritl..-M.tiivlnk«-1 lirmtii ii» well an

iiiiiHi, iiii-lnding. .il .'.intw, l(unniii[l'«l»l!i!ii!,(i.l/u^i.ll(fi, -VnliUlH I'.iiiit t'l tlll'liurlil. JIllI.wy Miiml IIIKI ii muiriitiKviil vi«'W of the

lli,N- i, •! <" lml l.v riiiiu.l-dii.iut,:...'.) A ii:;ilii.r"-jiiv^i-nt ou Wi-dnrwlny wmi

M<-.:.!-s..Iu!ui Sti:(iiv«i,r,Alinilii'iiiVnii'Winkleitli.U. A. It.-, elm-, <.f N.-wurk: Will, i l , Ijiim-

» ii'rMi' ' " ' " ' t'il.v'1''-l-!iHiirfri»ft)(ivi'i-, who itUo riiti-

1 Illl(l hriinKninVwy^wfSri"»I New Wi t city. Mityorlti<!htirdn,nfDovnr,and CHl»nBlMiMire,»f ilio Central Ballnud!aoiit tliiiir KJEwstii tliut unesjioctcd itueniri'-inontB iit-uTciitud their being preeont witli tltflwuj|t»ii,V- Uwtlj (,'((itJemcu ara entlmainatfouuiiiiiura nf Luke Uopiitunu?, nnd destro tomake itH iDnmikuHo ittimstUnu availnbletotbti iwuule of New Jersey and neixhboritig

h i p


t (belht nf.lnuiiiirnit i i i i t tlic l.r-inui

i l t Vwiirii in-vciii|i9. JIIC cn]incity ol I lie (•iiiii'i-rn

Tlin Pnrtile in a li it'll t-xilhjTiYo, Imt th"i;vi-x|icct toiilso iimli.-Fmv I'xi.lnnhTs into piv-:-:':i:r_- |ui'.-(li->-s ^!^ M. KUHICI- will ronlim'iotlio luiiiinui-tticiit ol ti!<> hiisiuoHH ami will Uvnfulsti'il liy Mr. Jiiliti KtssliT, "Im Inn nUobtrii lim uisistuut in Iho cmislnictiou of tho

ftstlu-ro nretl irre iiiiinn factories lor tin) mult-iiiL'tif Ihin powder in dinijH', 'lli*1 iiriuci|iat«(Trn.-itri{{rH efolawil thr it are tltnt l l r a u IN-luniilicd with more HutVt.v tlinti ollu-r nitr

A Craiififttig R^csneiltation.

'citiome iiPWB ri'iicdcs tin from Morrfo

lowiitluilim Sutunlny bmt Sctmttir Young

blood ami Kditor Vniu;« t-unip t oo the r nm

siitisiiH'ttirily JUS,justed the dlilVronccH thtil

have hithcrlo csistuil bi-tirccn llioiu, Wo di

not luiow how tliiw wan clTi'dtd. nor do w«

c:iri\ It m t-iioiigli to know that tlicso lit-puh-

lii tm Irrn'i'rji nro ijot to wnnto tuoir onprclt'


tlin l'ri'sH.-nfial y.-iu-, uml one* of tlio Urn

liiihltui'i \-i«'-li.iy'^it l"tfi"•Imvli-iMorrial

i'lcelion. Tho HIM, whlcli i.-ut-bi-iwi, outlio nun-iiinjj; of liie <liiv ol'tliiiiiiinn, «.%iin.K»cil the Iiotiu tliiit tillifjht tm iH-ci.ii.i.Hsln.,! l»t-t

.ut it'itiiiK Ifio nilni-Hiyn-riiK-It-uk nut, ami

»1l\iott"l«"j!m^!,i,mp"H!. "A^nrtJ 'S ' lml!liei'ii in a htiltjc of wtiu-r t-ij-ht inuiilliit in Mr.

ml yt-t i

' t he AniiTii>att (.'uftinatiy U

l in li>lul'iTtiLli'lnad d " U n i 'i iudii^tn Ii- mi ixiilmiollii » h t n il.onl

THAT 'SCHOOL HnU »En f t h r l nA •oulainnl ,n

ml tbutiiuiiilmi tl I'II

inn oiiilHiipil A hnrl s

nf hiwilai* n fitiMt Kniku

. fninti.-nd.iii

Net Mucri cf a Banpfacio

h« ]iii|iers

upm- t»of thin

Ciilitniniii. ivln-vi- li

am] ivlr., lin.liii" Ii

xMtliifl «« tbe Mnni

Ml ii sJll.tMKI n^idenc

:UMt..l Mil,tili> t in -.liiiil I IK IIIIIIMI \

M o r r w [ O i i n t \ ' « i n - t 8 i i p M i n t « i i r ! [ > n t m i d t Hi< f i i l l o w i n s 1 'm in l l u r p 1 H \ \ i l h M i l ll l u i n > n n I m d I n w m i d n p p r o i e l l.-\ 1 ' \ l i 1 M . , , M t m i , i n , 1 , , , 1 1 ,

otiunff t in t illifisiuit lor tin>t(ll tl) tlllUI 11

l tolie, nl


1 l l

lift (• iirf in d ie ...i n l tbr . i h H . r K M .

.. uniiM ".uiKrint i ihU:tv lin r iM7,l if]ii>|ia<li Im ' tin iti in i h ' t i h tml t l m i l o b i\ < llu uml

ttnit >tth, »{ll i\ ,r ,,!>

,.ti.l (M f <nt thnl •nt, Mr \ i - t «i l l It

'il dUtficlr, mni uihlw (

e m to l lu St it. -.ii|i't-mt n lmwi re lutciiol «. tlitipi»i<iHitnii niMliiif I P ! t t i tin- d>i. i

f ibi« ).'

I). (!irkw-./<i u n

r tbItiiilni:<do tlnit K

ii:^' of

In, |, H

lirt Ili^b

T h e ril[in(t «l" tii m U f l l i n ivivt l i r i w t h litUM" i rn i in i lM.Kiu l i l i iH Mini h\t i n t nn 1111 tnlnl i< niilh i t n p n l i l ih n\ ml(.1 I b r 0 1 1 « w . H . i t n i i e d milt MiIlt'i-rv tlmnvn out , but In- PHwi|K'«l i i i jni\(tiif'..ftliolinr.-1'n w-iiH t lmiwti i imi tin- s t r u n 1

i l l


p En'ortui

V.IH t a iyh t i t iL^ iROhanicnn luni In sliroil

)uIlHHnshiill\ injured

jacrd tn f1fliv<T ii l.oluri- Dec !ld,On thcdsiyoniwiirriviil Mr,Tliiirbtri-nll(-,l{ion him uml iii'xnl tlmt iiinsiiiiitli nstlio•onlft iu flio ilisput!-.! l«irr«ory <!li( not in«1

nut ib-riyfl any bnidit from tlio n-hiinl

* tolji


hut the lionn.lary

r.t in Prospect-.1. I'wrlniM ilculdoil thut tho cmicoti

]<i;mfi CIDHB vil l romo oil' un flow

ve. The prusiiiuuuo will cnnsiat uf

, fJHflflOtlt'C, llttcftl BH.I flolaa, ITllb

d'IHL'Fi of n very Hiten-stiiiK clinructcr,

Mr. I*cur ia a twoherof nbilit.v ntid expur-


ir. w.iti-i

longtb, rcqn

thjgworlt li

rr»t manni-r

igs iu HIP

of il 11,500 tei ' t ln


trt-p all (iveu grado nud avoid

in)'. TbtU it hait Ix-vn well

by the faetthnl thcfyaiim(o porfectmu. Tbu ttcam piiiin^ is mr<

rounded with mineral wool packing fromh bos niiown vi-ry Ratlafiuitory

reinlU, the low by cnnilrni&tluu heinic onlyfirs pound* of *'«Atn wider a pnimra ol 45poindti *bilfi tiuveraing 2,000 feet of pipe.The irftter aa.l rlaam plpei run to every build-tng and the (ir ,JJHM wtwe reqnirod. Alongthe diUh are loaf bydranU with bosa ottacluneati on tbe pipe, ta ba ued in eaieoi

. . i«r, im in-tvLiicly ri'iiiu^tt'il, IIIHO iircufiil-c<l tin- nw to llm Si;iti< Su|>t'riuti-itili'iit in-(.otbir-wllli tbr'docnmPHtB In hU JIOHUOSHIOH

'ii'ultol^lilitllviictiuiiiuh'.l ivith tSic'miliiiv of• • I'iiiu'. _.M'i i- w.iUm i-ijii.-ililintliui, Jlr,

Iu»ttVMMmwl«n-*liIIp1*-l.^wt^lni!jli'difthB:i.]iluinniili vitl.in Di.triH 31, l'li^aieCo.,iJn-n.lv ur^iil by Mr. ThurWr.»'nmi IIIIH hr't-i «ti;ti-ou-ii(n11 In- fiwtti fu tlic

: ii-nill lin njipiin-iit Mint thnt of Mm

II.] 11O<1.',nil t ray <illi-

t the " ]t d i

m n D t ui-il.i Iii let.

tinl i\ denind tliei.l.vio

iil-kr<'[»iTt:<Uo,linli;ilVLljyftH.ii»yof -


Bonn, tiini'iiru-r tUn departure of the StateiiiVi'rinlrnili-nt Irom Iii,clinwny, Mr. Cniik-..hiiuV, County Suiii-rintnidcntof PiunnioOo.,tinivtdalthaipltteii, having journeyed thit'for tlm iiuri.oncofnHsihiiiii:in an amienblo.« . _ . _ . . _ * . ! . .IER1 I * . - - 1 A —~-f i—- LHit dlBlcultv; but, nnfortuw

l Ul t l r n coinhe arrived too lsiU> to rrmlitUf n.ljURtiiirut.

Upoiibrinit Informed by tho AMthe matter had boon agreeably arrnnard andJJOIUDII tbronel) thn enbrta of MnThnrleruAthe Itotkaway ofBcinln, ho rotamed home.


Juit receiTfld i tnice lino at Ponegal, OricnUl, EUMUH,

d Chu tilljbuca. ) *

ml iijn Inborn, Riven eratuitoualy, tof th» town iu music, arer tlio

ftrituinly worthy of jniblio rcoocuitloii. Ilc-xiitce, wo uri! nmnroi! ttnit wo tuny tx[>cet areally WPII oxoouti'd prograinniu nt tl.o con-cert whii'li will \-i\\ii\y Ihu pria) of admiotiioiiilmr^cii. I*i;t int uUiirrunacoiircugnenmeutNw <VL> L-:III titteud Mr. I'pPr'a uuticcrt. In Whit-|yt]:'a Hull, au New Yi-ar'a eve.

£e'¥ ces at bt ioiin't.St. John's C'httrch, Dover •, Her. J. D. Mtad,

Itettor.Fourth Bundny In Advent, tluoemlierSad—

Holy uani in union, 8 A. M.j ninmiue prayernmUctiuqn. 1U;3O A, Si.; Buntlay Soboul, li:30V. :u.; erouiuif praynr aud sernion. I'M V, il.

CUrktinus Eve, Duocmber 21tli-ChUdrcn'a-tiomi wrvics nud onteoUWnu, 7:30 P. U.

CliriiitntiiB Day—Holy OOUIIUHUIOU, 8 A. It;nmrnlui; iirayor, holy comnmnlou nod icr-Dion, 10:30A.M.

BL. John's l la; , Thursday, December 27tli

WhiUuok'i Hnll, <m 3 i b , 2:00 P.M. .

Straugow nnu other* ore alwoys welcome.

China Ciips and Saucirs,vtaga, plates, fcit, nnd » D ) « Utie•nllablB for prewnti, at Baker's,

Merry Chrlttmu.A hagb Ilna of Rtwdi lultftlile for Holiday

K a S ' D S

Holid.y coodt

Tbu parly after vlowlnivt .lit. Arlington f

UUdD tlluDdgtan Hirtirfuiii.ftVrwUoh

to!iipin»rr urtfniJwtbji was formal, withJolni McOregor tin CIIBITIUU, lor tho puvpouoi oarrjinp <iul tho project, no us to aocuru tlioenctiim uud oomt.letlou of tlio hotel pendy to

It in nxprctva thut next your dircot railrondflonuectfim Till bo mudo vitli this bnniitifttlsummer resort, lu tlintcnHditwill oftVr un-nm1.1l iLltwictionswItli rendy nm! cunniifontut-iiHs irmn nil tlin iiiipoiiiint oilirn iiainwl.

Petit Jurors,Tbo list of 1'etil Jurors (IIMWII for tbo Jnuu-

aiTienn wiMfoliown;Itamldliib—lowpli Bi.-bni-ds, Tlmt. Hn.i.lv.

IlmlHon lhili-vi!ij>lc\ CIIWUT G. JtntldiuL'tini,•lured (.'OP, Win. J.inhitu, ,1, Anilrev VmU-i-line

jyBBICA* Pto^-ThetoftrlMt ii quiet, tntu-iifceliijtlttoited to amsll lota to oovei

nt oeocwlflei Thre « n flvqaent «elijtlttoited to amsll lota to oov

rgent oeocwlflei. There « n flvqaentirtnof »ttlMotlow fletuMj hut they are 1Mtenaiy aooomr»nie4 by «wption»l oli

that tlier CID not 1>« luohM uponntiv •Ternjta quotstioTn. Wa lieu

• «1(. of 6,000 tout of CoVtmtit* form Iraported RB luring bftf>& uid nt «1. &tAW

St work* uwir tbe ftironee, we quote P30 and tffl.60. ttrdfnnrr to clmM nod H9M a d G~y F

j*» h«ra a iDTeterr bows nffordtn p»y tlie nomioafigtinm faitliertn ottimut. fijitejirl In dull, litfar oi notital trftnnflcH«»» in tit, hither m d e•raconoeroed. Wecim)tc,ii(nninnlly,»»d«39,C0, with the morket in bayeti' favor.

At Mn. TrewartHs'i.This IH j tut to romlnd yon Bjrain that th.

gn>Bt hetulqiurtera for Holiday gnocls fa I'sated thta year with Mw. Trewartha, on Sus-ies street. Bhe hog every eoncelvabla jdndof toy, a regiment ofciolU ofallklndt and. * *( the greiitert Btook of Chtistmn* can-die* and other confeoUoiicry, fralts In un-limited qiumtltlet, Carlstmu baxet uml

Fthiojr for ornnmentinff Cbristmaa trees,tbe enamerflUou of which vould takeoolumu of ap.ioa. Wunthcr yon want a alnj;ortlnlo for » oliUd, or unod a «npp!y forpirty orSundiiy aahon], you will find thaiehe beats all eontpctitort iu pri«cR.

Cnrrfage and Sle-gh Heariquarters-Tho batideome nrlvortisiimeut of JOB. II.luQch&Son in tho HOUDAY EKA hud outillt; It omitted to say that thoir ontubH»)jlent U fit llookawny. Of coutue uenrly All

oiiri'cadernkofiw where tlioy are, lut tliorelayhnMipBiiinoedofii carriage or slntghI whom tills inronuntlon will hn im

fur they nlB'ityeljjjifo a eoiurh BtotJt mill war-rant tlmlr own ituuiufneturcH. Tlmlr uilvor-

tout n[)penrn on tbn lint jingo of this;'«[«£ito, ftrid thona who tmamlt itbuy nf them will he well pionsal und

nave mnn<>y in the bargain.

If You Are In Wantif anythitig in tho-line of cigHTH, wlae or

a Ibr tint Ilulidnys, Bo to d. J. HackotTs,kuwiox utrBCt, Dover. Denluri thronglioiil' county will BUVO nmob 'b j hnylnj of liim.Ml gootlH gimranteed to give satisfaction.Jiio ordrr will tonvlnro yoa.

Holiday Dlipay.Tho fluent display of oiindlw, untq aud

of all UhfAn overseen ia this tmtfon canmil nt H. Kennedy's rentnumnt. Also•« for ntcwliiK or, iiying nlwayiioii baud.

Comrjound Tar Cough Kyrup-Tho eeawu is nt liutiil for the use of tlil»

aliintiEe coinpnnuil for the cure of euuglin,' ' md coii«iinjition. No ftiniily should ho

Khuut it. Hold only tit tha Biiok Drug

Oysteri and Lunohei-Prime oyntera in ovory itylo anil flrat-cinsi

B will ho ft •peoinlty every day atlinur/j) roBtimrnnt, Wnwn Street

All who are Buffering with oatlima shouldU nt Killgore's Drue Store und got tt aara-

l«, free, Df I>ower*ii Bpccido for Mthuia.

lies Hemstitched Qsmhrie Handkerchiefs<1 ludici cmbroitli'rcd nnd colored vombrioiidkprehiefit, for tho iiulWny trade, nt W.llnkor'n.


SANTA CLAU8!Dun FBIINPI :—I need joor aid. Tbe worltl bui oafgrowajyoar

olJ ssrrauUod you moat help me fl'l tlis etockittgi nbloh vM boLuDg by altuoat ever; cUimuey in Ibii Iroad Iflad on Obrirtmaa Eve,I wftot you all to see ttmt yoar own friends and retetiref fire pro-videij ffitlnuUible and appropritta O^riatmai preuat*. To makeyour UfA an ess; aud pleasant ODD I have induced a teliahte basi-ueas bouse lo opea a gmud collection ot rare, beautiful and low-priced HOLIDAY PEESENTS right lien fa jour midst, TheirettobPihment has grown so largo that it will reqaireBome time to gottiroogb tneir three Rreut finon ond tlioroaghiy examfne all the?Imve provided for jou. I refer, ol course, to E. LINDSLEY kBON. it) the Brick Black, neit to Jolle/s Hotel, Dover, wUIi whomI have left hasdredu of suitable gifta in all orlio'cs ol Furaitare,Dresa Futteras, Pretty Cloaks aud of Lor Girmonta, Lace Qoods,Glovea, HaudkercbiefB, elc, and immoDfle stocks on tbeir HOLT DAYand TEN CENT COUNTERS. Tbey are ready sad waiting tosupply all with everything tieart could wisi). Tuereforef oblige yourold friend l)j procuring auibble presonts for yonr loved ones of "mjoutliovized ogcnU, and do it early, so aa to give allXdmtiee.

Ysors Very Trnly,



Holiday Gifts


oilet Articles, Perfumery Bottles,I L A C K W E U J AK1> SIFBSKS R'l'S., DOVliR, K. J.

Tha Largett Lineiiitlnft Btovoit, ooolc atovei, range*, fnr-s, &,o,, nt tlio lowest jirlcnn pt Allen &

Fur Trimming for Udie i Garments


E. II. StilcHKrrilT ,i.

. Jos. V. Unfkv, JIIB.vwit. (li>». W. Tattle.

irt; .h,.s N. I'LTHOII, IKIIIIC lih b

Cl!iiS. Ah^ibmi.

Wt(i. li. Miirlifit-,, Win. S. Woodruff, Feli'"''-c—(1,-nrv / t Jlulfii-MIii, TlliS

Duvi.l T.li

•I'. Kdwiii'dH, Duvifl A . ' I ' . T -

.It-iU^Him-W,,,. Siittun, Dfini'fl \V. Mat-

"lliii-i;jnv!!'v-J,,hr,' T\ Mrrritt, Wiu. 11.

.KoHtviJh;—,/»a. 'L: \'a« Dnyiw, Henry H.

ic-ruul II. Jlitiiik-rvillp, .linnet

u YUWRIT, Anron S.

Don-iiiiw, Timothy


i id l i iM-Dni i l I1 Park, 1\ in JIiMm

! ht< i -I ' -1 r tt Viindt-n^cr, Al«-(im M

vim—%)I T Miiflir, Irwl I) Jim

A Valuable Propsrty.lU V 'Mindi, foim <1\ of Morris

( i nof»r«srrtii elixlinRofoiii

No. 3 Brick Block,DOVER, IT. ,L

tlili foiii tin

mm*! tl< mail Ih f hit* an-2J In»ti<l i m v<r\ \n1uul1i X>o ( i i i i i u it * i \ l ( i i l i \ S\ 'MiUh l n i i i P d of tlmi h ILK i»ft iliui \hn i i t i l i c M . I M '«»

[ l i i ' i i n t i M i o f t V h u i t i o f i i *ir A b l b r r p\ n * I I r Smith '* grin d in th i r, nnd thi u Itinmii tn I I IH ; tint III *H who took11<. inform Mr Smith of It iitul bo intuitimiUlMlKIMlf till M l m i l H - r Mho HiHM I Diitl i I n «i\nu\ U, u iub i l i i l , ! ' t b.ii .m< t l i iKlo l t h . Milt n i n , ntul d id noj . n p i m i IHIU [itH-«Mtlo!i oi ibe <.it]

(It i " i m K \ U flirt i < litri . in win. lt")i<till u IH < n l i tuii^ MtMC^iul t in t i t l et i n ,1 i l t u t i t 1» I n i.i t i t b ' i r s of llu

\iit l m i . i - t it. ill **tintli I [iKMnt-i oiuli ll n - I i » i l « r b r i r » t l u o t l n r l u i t H i ' l im










FOR THE HOLIDAYS!Kilter P.rtffe, Laccf, Utbliou?, KmhroUWU-n, litifll-ings. B'tsIiJiiff* Drasfi siulOJoak Trini

VS,'WKiES1,J.i.i5'll.tK".r«!ri L'"""'' Ellt":t Oll°-PDr """"• 8"a|>1' '""•"•"•

Ladies', Gents' and Children's Hosiery and Merino Underwearl s r . J O noil pricoi. IIIMIIH1 coi»pW« Warirobfi, ,i].o Ztplirj «»j,J lo l l ,, |M<i,

lioudB, Jacket, Cloaka, LoKRliiRa, Ac.


•I'll »! .Ijle. Out tui-linnl s.nn™tR iu Clo.k., Ulroglin «iil Dt>lm,»«, ilnj

SEAL PLUSHnshanileoina niiil look in nprKai-imc^ as real tor neil, srlling at New York prices.

kA.isr n n o a . en X.TJICE,

78B Blond St., STetrark.


OVERCOATS.!n n n m tilh >m t lnul llu t i v

rl til [ " ' ! " " i 1 " ! "nib 11.I n ( \ m i t i d t

l I I

H I.iiV


imif. tu

Mr. H'nitli. but.*l

t. h« lint in in* *lr -Snutli ha* '«<

i l


" ""' " "u*Hi i

Terrible En-ountf-r with a Mad DogI, *t Mniilm moiumi nltmit 0 o'tliirl. Mr

'iiiUmm UIIIH'"ill thi>aid iioarhi* ImUici Kn iisnuthodi fo\(rcit«n nnimal, whbli

11»nnu to h« ii liirgu dot. nnd *t*w*ilu>Ulinkinj; or Lbcwinu HUBI>thinR Untie 1 (tunrn (I "Oet out.lJii1"." hixt inrtctttl of pciii te

nut the liniut nd\nnrcd, wlicreiqimi •* Lin V'1ntmitcd lnttidnHID liousc, mnigotiln,;!! licht.roorodcil to load MB min, ithUh in n tr^ulurdd Itotoliitionaiyuiucket. HuvntmnrluiiK*much Inx^r than iwiml mid then reimnidto Ihe ynra, hut dlil uot Und thn dng. In theuienailnw Iio got llw wflrktnoD up ami iu-forniLit tU'in oftbe danger out in tlio ynrd,ddvliiog them to RO amicd in RoitiK to ih tMtiiblo. Itwn*woUbod!d to, lor thuy bndhuroly opi-nodtlio door wlirn the <U>g uouiii-rdalhohoasB. One man, Juhii Phllea, stimlitlio miluial, etnunlnc him. Tho, Dutch Im.rshouttiH enun-Ahlag lit OwTUitu, BiiiinotTHl t»bo "tUuuuor nod bllttou," Uucic Tlitm.rushed tu with Out fian, nild tu tho nnimntBhnwvd looio algns ot tavivlag no nthimliifan I'liife* to jtlvfl him " " ' *•

lltnann, wbich ho did, it'dvba n torrihlo shook -ma\y load It cootaincil, which nui'lo u .

that the neighbors satiiiosed to be thott ' '^moon. 'ITIU dos wits ilimlly bnnvd, bulucliJ Thaaltil ti mth.rnudeoWid. ns ye:.i to trlutlwr it wa# u iluj( or n bear, -\..

'.' - Shooting Match.Aflnetqtof torteyawitl bo rnffloil ond stot

fjrnit ChrtvttuBi.day t t tbn Fermt lloiixe.Cadd'i Laba. Alw two humlrcd itl cnim to

•hot froiii trap. Jos.L. SIIAFEII,

Ctif:*1mns Candiesand American Mixed VIITKIICG, iu flvo ponudboxes, {or 41 per liox, at Un, S. TnswartlidV,S x »(Voet,

Lampt.Tho flneft tmortmmit ot Lstap», Btircerr,

Chimcic* and beit Ketoacno Oil ot the llrlcttDrug Store.

• . Fi*t Cmti.Five centi will bay en elejraat cako of

Milled So.ip Bt KU!(roro> Dniff atnrt.

Docoratad and Mi Jo flea Woredron aTroy to pnr^aura of HentcoU' Bai

LFew Season-able Facts!

Tlie umtlerjof IIQVH' mid Chil-• Cl.OTIII.Va i» „„„ i | , , t

tburmkt-I) of


Imvp Kmirul n Hue of WIKTEICI'VEIieOAPSlor Bo.nnna CUil-ilrtn tlmt combine ui.nneB. of•I Jin with tbo not kim] of b l n i n ,wbirhwill mnkf Uw motiien fM|• ImtHKlreiUdniigtninlMnait»ml itrttkfj- tie father* lltftt tliaK~>d" «rt Ibe mo.t dunblt to behad. Out

will ettiteclnlly commend then.M1VD« to IUTPM of well-armed

chUdren, and Tt, hmc plnio, i«r-Tloealtlo cfibta tint will itand tli*every day itraln or boyhood. IMevery kind of

ami ©MMwfsnnmnmtoutoHtyloftiidilaraliillb'vill bold copd, anil nioro th i t i r t bftTe tftkeIn CLpTIIINa? HATS, UAl'B,m.l rUUKlSlIliin 0l>01)9 lor mm. w. lureo Jrepntalinii ifadt it if tardl; aeectwary lo upM* Jnnber on I)I]B lopip at Ibis Une.


Page 4: JOSEPH H. BEACH & SON,test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1883/1883-12-22.pdfnow be seen In onr cslalilisliiiiciit.



" I'm rig lit glad Slosaoii baa given upttatt medal to Sexton. Billy ought lohave i i , " Hid a Vermouter nt tbo SUer-mao House, Chicago. eecnrJing to Th»Daily Xmn* of tliitt city."

"Wliy Mil* outburst of eutbusiaam t"

queried a friend." f f e c l u if I sort of ovued Billy."

You see, be was bom and brought up iaVermont, I knew him twenly yeara ago,when he was a bootblack in Barlingtoa.H e bus sliined my cowhides a good manytime*. I t was no Tool of a job, eittierBotBl l l jooald always play billterdilttithe oleNiok. I remember one time Iwas in a billiard room in Burlingtonwhen a perfect dandy of a drummer cameI D . He wni dressed to kill.

"Sh ine , s i r»" a«ked Biily." T h e felloir said perhaps he would

have Lu shoes brnilied up a little. Af-ter the shine was obtained he apoka in alofty kind of manner and naked if thereMM anybody there who would like toplay aim a game of billiards for money.Of course, be being a Btftiuger, nobodydared pick up the challenge. The chapstood there amiling-half a minute, andthen started out.

" 'I'll play yer,' abouled Billy.• "Yoa l Why, you little aiuner,

you've blacked my hoots. I don't be-lieve you've got a quarter to your came,

" 'Never mind,' put ia tbe hotel clerk,T i l buck him.'

" T h e drummer eaid he didn't want totako his money on a sure thing;, but liewould play a game for $10. Tbe moneywas pat in my bands, and thoy went atit. It was 100 points, three-ball game.They played along jost about even tillthey got up to eighty pointit, and Billyran out the game, The drummer wasaotnevbat chagrined, ba t thought it naia mere nccldouUnd said be would liktto ploy auotbrr, thinking he could gelbis money back.

" 'All right,' said thf clerk, 'and we'llmike (he stakes $50, if you say so. '

" T b e drummer was willing, and tben o n e ; was pat up,

Well, BIT. i t was a groat sight to BOO lhnlittle ragged hoot-black play against tinelegant getiLleman. Billy hadn't playedIila best the other game, for the bur-tender had winked at liim not to. Butthis lime Ilia busker told him to go infor all be van worth. Well, the way hparalyzed that drummer was a caution."Why heaoored 100 in just four runs,while liiB opponent bad twenty. I tolljou it was funny to see the drummerwatch him play. I afterward heard thatBilly got his start as a profession!through that identical drummer."

Hints fur the Household.

Either pickles or catsup be eateucold meat

Celery to good for hoadacbe, and is anexollent brain food.

AD extra mat, an old OBL>, should beplaced in tbe hallway OH a rainy day.

To luke out ink stains soak in milk[or several honra, then apply a little

;aion juice.Silver, either plated orsatid, should

be wBBbed m hot suds and dried quicklywith a soft dotb.

Rica boiled very slowly ia milk auciawee.ct.ed u a very palatable and healthydish lor children.

The most healthful nightcaps forkeeping tbe hair smooth are made out

of soft cotton aud are crocheted,A bunch of peacook feathers tied with

a ribbon makes a pretty ornament tobide a bad spot on the parlor nail.

A patch should alwajB b« put insquare or oblong; aud tlie seams care-fully dampened and pressed afterwardOD tbe wrong side.

To prevent children losing their mit-tens or gloves, sew on each one a longribbon uod fasten the ribbon to the iu-aide of tbe coat Bleeve.

Doot1 panels can be pretiily oriiamen led with pictures aud deualoomnnieiund then varniubed. Tbo picture,should be faatenod with flour paste.

Dielies to sbine brightly should bewashed first ia midB uud theu dipped 'clear hot water ond let drain. Tiieyquire little or no drying.

Cauliflowers taste well with sauce madewith u lump of melted butter, n littlecold water aud a tenspoonful of flournixed smoothly and cooked.

Feathers slightly uncurled bydamp air may be restored by holdingover a hot stove, then shaking aud re-peating until curled; Cure should hetaken not to burn tbe feather.


When the present marquis of West-minister *as Lord Qrosvenor, he wastraveling through the United Slates.He happened to be one day at a stationin the west, waiting for a train, A vest*county former addressed him thai

" Been about these parts couaid'able,utranger ?"

"Tea; forsome length of time."*' Take 'fin pretty well» eh ?""Yea; pretty well."" Bow long have yon bin here ?"41A few weeks,"" Vbnt'i y«r business r" I have no buBineas."" VTbst nre ye travelin' for then r*'Onlv for pleasure.""JJon'tyer do any business? How

tfyer get jerlivin1, then?"" It isn't necessary for me to work for

my support. My fatter laproperty, and gives me an allowancesufficient for mj wanla,"

•< But B'pcwfl toe old man should die'"*'In that case, I dare say he'd lean

mt> enough to live npon,"Then oame the supreme supposition

made by the farmer:"But s'pose he should bust op f"The idea of snch a destructive ex

plosion an the part of a peer, vboae inoome, according to popular legend, is£1,000 a day, Sundays Jncladed; WBBnothing strange to the farmer, thoughit may haw Bet Lord Grosvenor"athinking." ^ ^

•' -;"'•':<>\ A Strongs Dlworrirj.

The skeletons of twenty-three personsarid-abont the same nnmberof horsesw e n discovered in the northern pait ofDickey couotv, Dakota, a few days agoby a party of explorers. They werefound in a valley in that singular rangeof hills extending from near Fort Pierreto the British line, near the head of theMoose rivei. Among the skeletons werefound brosi cavalry buttons, spare, nndother efleoto of mounted men, but noguns or implement* of war. Tbereverealso Bomeabo€8 remaining on tboliorBea1

feetf That Ibeae are the remains of someparty accompanied by on escort of cav-ahrorofftdetaebment of cavalry therecan be no doubt. I t Is tbonght theymetwHb a violent death, and (hat thehorses wen probably killed GB a lastresort and their bodies used for protec-tion. They have been there probablytwenty years, as all connection betweentbe bones has disappeared. Many skele-tons, have been found heretofore in otherplacet ta tint region, most of which arebelieved t o be those of prisoners earnedaway Mf tbe retreating Indians after theraid into Minnesota in 1868.

Tbe Cain Depths.

Shallow waters are easily muddied,After a night of storm, the waters of thebay along tbe beach, stirred by tbewinds, are fonl and black with the mireana dirt. Bntlook beyond, out into tbedeep water, how bine sod clear it is IThe white cope on the surface show tbeviolence, but the water is too deep forthe BtormB that sweep ita snrface to stirnp the earth at the bottom,

do in Christian experience : a shallowexperience is easily disturbed 1 Thimerest trifles becloud and darken thesoul whose piety is superficial, while themoat furious storm of Ufa fails to darkenor disturb the soul which has attained adeep experianee of the things of God.The agitation may produce a sparkle ontbe surface, bat in the calm depths ofsuch a Bpirit reigns eternal tnu.tjtii.ity.tbe pence o( God (bat passeth under-standing.

It is tfaeroflgh work that polishes.Look at tfae pebbles on tbe shore! Farinland where some arm of the sea throatsitself deep into tbe bosom of the land,and expanding into a salt loan, tiesgirdled by the mountains, shelteredfrom the storms that agitate the deep,the pebbles on the teach are rough, notbeautiful; angular, not rounded. It 1Bwhere long, white lines of breakers roar,and the rattling Bh ingle is rolled aboutthe etraod, that its pebbles are roundedand polished. As in nature, w in art,so in grace; i t ia " n g h treatment thatgives Houis, ai well as stones, theirluster. The more the diamond is cot,tbft brighter It '"parties; and in whatseems hard dealing, tbere God has noend in view bat to perfect His pwple,

A latent faculty.*** the mind th»t, whan

urn**.*** wlfc.lrtbuwtortm*nlsates the gloomiest mind, and wieldsa power of i n f l o w U J U UtyUlME


Slmrt Serinuus.

He whoaerrea himself is a slave tonfool.

If we subdue not our passions, theywill subduo us.

Everybody sees the cloud on the hori-zon, but who thinks of tbe eleat bule skyabore it ?

A generous mind doesuot feet at be-longing to iteolf nluue, but to the wholehuman race.

I t is a higher exhibition of Christianmanliness to bonble to benr trouble thnuto get riil of iL

Aloving heart and a pleasant counte-nance are commodities which a mmsbould never fail to take hotnn with him.

Sense shines with a double luster whenit is set in humility. Au able and yetbumble man ie a jewel north a kingdom.

If s oil would be pungent, bo brief;for it is with words as with £unbcutn<the more they are condensed tbe deepertliey born.

Grief knits two hearts in cloaur biimlstlian happiness ever can, and commonsuffering is a far stronger link tlinn com-mon joy.

When we fanoy that we Imve growowiser, it is only, in mauy instances, tbntnow prejndicea have taken tbe place ufold ones.

A contempt of the BPcrod rito ofmarriage not only endangers tbe moralityof the individual, but strikes at tlm vorj"fenndatiou of Kocial order and domestichappiness.

American pirls ore becoming worldlj-wise, A South Carolina damsel recentlydeclined an offer of marriage on theground that her father already had toolarge a family to support. With tsimiluradmirable foresight a friend of DUM, whohas already passed the giddy period ofher girlhood, says that the reason whyate has never married IB that ubenever felt that she was rich enough tosupport a husband.

If yoor wife faints do not spoil herdress by dashing a pitcher of water overher. Loudly kiss tbo buck of your band.She will immediately revive and want toknow whom yon were kissing. Do nottell and sbe will not fuint anymore.

•»<»••. —

" Etiquette now admits of a secondplate of soup." I b i s ia all right, but Ifa man's appetite will not admit of a seo-ond plate of soap, etiquette is worthnothing to him.

Daughter—" Are all men brutes mam-ma ?" Mamma—" Ko, my dear, butsome are," Daughter—" Which onesuro the brutes, mamma ?" Mamma—

Tbe married ones, my dear."

Millions of PersonaDie umnally, who mloht be naved if attcn-

-jon was siven ta the little ilia of life. SoreThroat, Coughs, Cold*, &o, are easily ourod•>y using Bamtltoa'i Cough Dnh&m whicheraovca the tickling in the throat and tijjbt-inu sorosi the ohsat, help* to throw off the

poisonous matter and healithe.nfli.tned mom-brines. Immediate relief will Iw round inCroup, Bronchitis, Wlioopinz OOURII, Jte,and even in chronic canon ana last nlage ofconsumption great relief ia received. Forincipient consumption it worka like a oharni.Price 35 and 60 cents per bottle. Sold l>rBobert KUlgore, Dover, W. J.

Are Your Children PsevlihAnd sad e n d t Do the; taw-abnormal

jipetiteiantforavefoodooLgUntlyt Bewareofwonoi. Very few a U U m ewape theirrsTBRM. No child con be happy or wel'wMleaulTerinK with worns. - r f n u p tin

qalokly dissolve the worths and paw tiem oi.through the bowels, Bqr no other. Price 25cent* per box. Sold bv K»bert Killjore.

•»••» •The Createit Pain Killer

Yet found for Crtmpa, Colic. Stitch in sideof back, Neuralgia, ghcumntisiii. Sprains,Brolte»,*c., la Hamilton's Jamaion GinaorTonic and Pain Cure. Bound on with hotwet olotha, it sever fail* to cure. For DJB-pepsia. Indigestion, Sick Ueadanhe, Flaffu-enoe, Diatrhas, DyaenUry, Heartburn, SourStomach, &c, It 1« unequalled. Warranted*- J - i lelief. Used both internally and ex-

Jr, Warranted to core. TTT it. Price25 u d M cents. Sold by Bobert Kill gore.

Enrich the Blood.Icrrnan Bitten are

commended for all diafnses rctiniritali and efficient toD>c. Ea^clnlly jfeitioD, Djapeptia, triuit of appetite, loss ofstrength, laeli of energy, iio. They onriclitbe blood, itrfngtlirn tlio THHM*1CS, iimi pivonew life to the nerves. Tliey act like a charmin the dij{f»riva orffnnn, TPIIIDVO nil dy*|ic|itii

mptoniH, and nhoucver tlic utoiiincb U WPIILor there U a Reneral ions of physioal vigor,t h r u Dittera arejnst whnt Y^U '"f<'l- Only50 oesto per buttle. Bold lij'llourrt Killgore.

SHERIFF'S SALE.Iu0li«ncerj or Now J

W I M E l h ln E11»«

_ B. Oaddls ami Fnnk ilWllkiniOD, comjiUiumtn, and Comliot W.Oailer, de'emlaiit. Fi, fa. lor talc nt tnorl<EIKM. prrmiim. Rulurtublo to Fc bruinTerm. &D, IBM.

(1UILD S LUM, Bol'r.

By Tlrlne of tbo abovo stated writ of fierifacia.. In my handt, I thill flxpoie Tor nalo

*i Public Vendae, at tfao Ooirl Uonsa, In Mor-riilown,N.J.,on

MONDAY, the 14th day or J i n n y next, |A. D. 18H, between Iho Loan uf 11 M tnd So'clock P. W., ttut Ii to si» at 3. o'olrwk In theifttrnoon of aald day, all (bit tract or pat-pel of land ind preniiies, bereinarter pirtlcn*larlj iJeKribed. sltaate, hinir and being In llioCi.TurMnrristown.tn tlie Ooanty at Morrliand State of Ho* Jartey:

Bf ginninx at a corner of tbn Burroa-riii' lot.jtbe]ln«ol tbe H»n"ion Boom propertyowned bv Bjram O. Onerin, and rounioetbeneti (1) toatb any-lfanedHreeiandtb-rtymlnntet west aloait the IID« oj i»ld Bammthinod or the lot owned by X)« Harllu O. Han-tet, D H bnndrrd and twODty«»li feet and fl«tntbei to an iton pin In tbe middle or Ctnfieldttreet i Iheocs (9] sooth tblrty-nTeii aonnjet•n<) firiesn minute* east tfalrty feet io anotheriron pin in Ute middle of said afnet; thence,»,JL-*. — - . . _ „ ,—w M d t h | r t J m I n #

^w^w *^*v ^—«. K ^ ^ ^ H . * . « ^ ^ ^ *w oO'^^ai * loia* a&ufive lDchta to a cotwr in said Oaerta'a line;tbtacw (i) north thirtf-seien uegreei anaflftwu niantM west tbirty Teet tnlh« pl«e

mites OOUTOjivl to Oaro-ffl

In Nsw YORK, foot of Liberty St., North river.BaoniLiN, (Brooklyn Btidge Pier.)P&iUDELiHU, dctiotB 9lb and Greeu, andSd and Berts Bti.


A.M. A.M. P. II. V.*NewTork »» *-«Brooklyn ft. Pol ton at B.45 8.80

pHILiDSCor.fltbtndGrwn B

" MindBerkiTrentonNewarkElizabeth -,Bound BrookHlhBldCafVernoyMiddle VBlier


8. SO 8.458.30 8 80U.LIfi 4-399.05 4.00tf.BO 4.87

1O.0B C2S. 7.53 lO.Bo 0,10. 8.00 11.08 u.'iS. S00 1I 12 6 28. 8 14 11.17 683. tUt 11.25 4.10 O.SQ. 839 Il.Bd 4.19 fl.ifl. B.3S 11.30 i n 0.49. 8.11 1113 4.39 O.fft. B.H 11.14 4.83 - "

ii'y', AKITC 0,15 13.1S 5 06 7B0X.*MTA.II. A.M.P.U. ?. "•

uYalley 7.IB8.3011.851.16 0-«r Arrive T.8QB.«llJ04.ai) T.M

nokswijDorcrPortOumKen*!'DnkoaTllleCary'aFlandersHartleyKai.Kbr.RlitGerman ValleyMiddle ValleyVuroojr....OnlirnnMiffli BrtilireUUUBII Brook..ElizabethN*<wtrfcTt


A. K. A.M. P.II. P.Ut 1IJ» (.ID 1.!6.28 12.07 8.28 5.6i(J.83 n.U 8.83 8.60fl.43 13 22 3 42 fl-OB6.«13 .2 : 8.44 61111.49 1U0 3,48 0.16

. . . . . . . . 6.5! 13.81 8.53 0.19B.fifl 12 89 S.5n 0 247.00 1144 4.00 0.297.07 11.60 4.07 0.39

. 7.147.19

, 7.23) 7.38


4.14 0,474,10 G.614,23 0.684.SW 7.1t6 83 8.28fl.!7 9.0711,43 9.S07.10

Cor. 3<1 and Bert i " 10.48 • 8,25" DthaDiiGrt'uu " 1 ° - ^ e*n3

Brooklyuri.FulloiiflC" 10-00 7.001CEONew York " 9.'o0 0,60

CIIOHUTQertnan Yolloy

0.W a'os'ii.oo 3.62'cfto7.0S 8,20 11.15 4.08 (1.15

Trains Ii-JVO Sctivj] Tor Miiinisink *ml LRopMcoiiR*l0:00.». ».: 12:25.6:10P.M. Fcrall slaliotis (o ORilen it 12:25 *. x.

Cut)vevaneoi can Lc procnrti] •• QernianValley lit aud from ticliooter'a Jlnuntiiti; ttFlaudura to and from BuJd't Lake.

EABTUK CossKCTioxt.—Couocciion ii medf4t Wgh Undue to in<l from Ennton.J. E \V00TTE.J.OeD. MiDtger.

B. F. DAItDft'lN.Qcu. Knetcrn Pass. Afi '•0 G. HANCOCK, Qen. I W A rc 'k a«'i




P0BCELAIK " " " "

OfilKA " " " "


0 . 0 . WABK " " "

E H O U I B WILLOW " " "

RHINE " " "

OLABET " " "

Eight different rineB of J.ompa,(ilass Cafttora, Placed Caeton,Toy Sets far Children, (Clilun,)Salvera, Uliiic OraDite uudGlass; three sizes ot Fruit Disli-es; all kinds of Tiimblen, Oob-

Sf WiuoGIaites, Oecanters,











SriTTOONS OB CUSP.iD0HE3, or all Intuit;

TOILET SETS, ot differeot gradii.


Coleman liusiuess College,O[iDI«I lo Centra Market,


luiroDnge oombiobd itiao an; other Guaioier-oixl Baboo) io Awertoft.

Tlie stleudnQee tram Rust «n1 idjotnlDg.nuuilcsti dtiuble ttist or IQT baois wbool,and tl ftoptun more tban double inotoialiBri.

Write for the Queit BtUoal ctUtogoe ever<>t le i i ' COLEMAN ft PALMS, Proprlelori.


(M0BR1S AND ESSES DIVISION.)DepoUin New Vork.ftwl *••! JtorcUy Bt.ind


Jommeucing JIUSKA1", JDWE 16th, 1S63.LKAVX NEW YO11K.

A t l r i O A . i l . >,liii»ion 31 all Trntii),coil-itutiug aiili iut liuuuiuii Uraucli m Utuvilit

iticcAsuuu* nuU UUuskT; [lie ritual linilroada iV»lt)r.uu,(i>rAudovi;r,Nowtouaini JIIH.6-,iuun; iuol>.,L..V W. 11. 11. at Wauiiliigtou

wrantuu, liiuHlmintuii, Ulica, iduhfieM'priUK»i iluiiiti, iJurtlniiJ, SyruciiHc, OtwiRO<ml iiuiutu uu luc Laukiivaujift auil Ulooutt-.arjj »uil Doll ware and liiuiatm Itatlroads;IHO «t thiHipiburj! nitli Lubigb Valley Uail-

ruad aud Loiilgii *ud Buaquebanai Hmlronilfor iJBthlelieBi, Huoob Uliunk, fitailinij nuJ

' At ».3U8A. ii. Viu(|baiuUulU«il{i)ratviogttoom OirB«,ltaolJinl) Irani How Hulk vh. l'st-SMOU aadUoontou.ruuii UiruugU to Waterdap, atroDdsburg, bdrantOD, Oreal Buuil^ud UiDBli&tu.on, uonncctlBK atUovor witli,'bosler iltilroaJ, a t Waterloo witli flumcilailtuad far Aciluver, Newton and all uta-

,ioun; a t Uoliff»ro witb BlairBtovru lty,, at•salon, witb uloumnburg Dhiaion lor i'ittB-i, KtD&Btou, VVilkosbarre, Danvillo. Nortii-

..iborlauU, i c . l'kBBeugori, ttlnog tUls.ram (torn New ITork, l'ateraou »uil Booctoucan connect il Wutiingtuu witb triia fort'luilipHbnrg, liaBton, Betnlebam, Uleatovn,UarriDbutR aud points on tlio Leb^b Valley,

* auu tjusquchatiua KailrjaiJi; at

with Belvidere Dlvuioti of Pa. 11.It. Tor Laubortviil<!, Trenton end PbiladDlpbU.

At u.UU A. II.BnffAlo and Oswego Eipreaa(UrawingBoom C»rn} Wator Gtp, BlrouilB-

arcScrnnton, Binslianitun, UneKo> Itbacs,^v(!riy,Eliniru, Uuimt Morris and liuUalo..Isu HjmtiDO suit Ottwegu, oonneciiiig atiiuyLaintou for Uiiou aud iticliflfilil Springe,At 10.10 A. II. Dover Accommodation,At 14tuo M.Eagton EiprenB.At HOB P. X, Elmirt Kipreii, Drawing Boom

Oars attached rum tbrougli to Water (Jap, atroudi-Uort "• ' - "juan

Uarte, I^aiieaiart ttklng°'thl>°lrala from HawKork, Patenon aud Boon ton oan connect at Wuh-Inrtoo with train Mo. 5.

W o Now York al3.30,r. U (Eaaton ti-uoDiicctinft at Waterloo for Andorcr,• and BranebvlUo.aDd at Pbllllinbara

ffiili Uliigli YalieT Billroad and Lchlgh anilinsnuebauut. B. It. forBotliiobetn, Alloutown,itoadiugnnJ HarrinborR.

4.10 l'. M. Barantoii Special connecting atDover nitb Cticiler It. 11.; at Waterlou vitliduneei It. It.

4.3U p, M., U f c r Eiprees fur SummitliermrdicUle.BaSKingriilge and all point! on

_ nasani at.il Dolawaru Kailroid.) Olutliam,llndiiou.Uorristown, Moms PUIDB, Donvllle,11 " andDovor.

- t'. M. (HacksttntowL Eiprl>lng at Milbarn, Hommit, Cliatbam,. ,Jlorriitown and all stations wost to HaakettH-town.conneoting at WaUrloo witb tralu orAndnTorand Kewton.

7:O0 P.M. OiwuKoand BnlTitlo Ex. Iron) NewVork(HUepiDircareattauheil) via. Ptteraon 4Uuonton ttironcb to Water flati, Strondsbura,rfotantot, Biaghaniton, Ualo.iltrathon.Cort-aad, Homer, tfyiacnso aud OsweRO,AtBlngliamtoun-ith train tor OreenB.Oiford,

Norwloli, BioliQeld Spring, Utici, Ac. TliUtrain runs tbroasti to Oawego Buffalo andttlcl.Held yprlORS ( l u t m t to Ith.iea) Bmidaj

At Vt»*p. M. Dover Aooomiuodntton TorJliathara, Uorristown anil Doior.

Por Beroa.n.sfil1o, Ba»l.ir 'JlilUngton.BtirliBB, Gillette,- t „ -tndali Btatlons on Pauaio and Delaware B.R. (N, J . Wnst Lino Bailroad) 7:30. 10:10 A.U. ami 4:30 and 6:20 V. M.

A* RE ASONEB, Superintendent.


Trains arrive and doparl from tbia italloam rollnws:

1UT BODSD A. U. WUT BOOH i . U,OswoKoEiuresa* fi.28 EnstoD Uail d'MDorer Exproia 7:00 Bingb'toa Msil' B:6U

YASES! TASES!Immense Attractions!Wo cull the special atten-

tion of customers to tillsbranch ol'our business. Wecan sell them cheaper thanany house in New York.Also our China Cups andSaucers, Decorated Mous-tache Cnps, of all kinds,and numerous other goods.

We have thU weeb reclved anew stock of

Teas and Coffeestar superior lo any wo liavo bad ninec our

coning to Dover.

t r CALL AND SEE US. -fi»



tn iveai 8:51cn ExurotH 6:43r Aooom. 11.16

Elmin Bin.* 1:57Eiston Hatl 2:14Ditwcjo Eipreig* B;07DOTOI Aooom, 6:60llQff.ita Kiprei i" 8:07EaatOQ Accom. &H6

Dover Acoom. 13dSE&BLOU Expresi 3:00Elmlra Kxpreis* 3:29Easton ExpreBB 5:29S^raotonep eUl*5;12Dover Exprcaa 8:20irkcttHnircEii).7:!3OitucgD Exp/ B:85Dover Accoro. 10:00

•Via. Boonton Braooh.


A.U. P .M.10.27 1.0010.17 s.sa10.07 6.470.67 6.429.47 6.980.85 6.300.30 6.2S


UIIVUDA.M. F.UH.tO 3.608.07 i.00a.ia 4.108.17 4.208.50 4.808.38 4.M8.33 fi.00


been attending tbe recent " t r ade

sales" in New York and pnrcb&sed

largely in Bameslios nod Blankets. In

domestics several cases ot Ticks of n

good quality far feather beds anil pil

lows may bo bad e ta red ud ion from (be

regular pricea of about eeven cents per

yard. l u GINGHAM o reduction of

about Ion per. cent, upon the regular

wholesale price of tbo best goofa OD

iliont two thousand yurds. Iu MUSLIN

botb bleached nud brown of a boot leu

per cent on standard brands. Bat Ibe

cases of BLANKETS (ire decided b n •

giiinswbich are BO rarely met as to be

phenomenal; a splendid blanket may be

bail at a redaction of about fifty per

leat.ou tbe quoted price of Ihfi ngeuts

>f tbem. There can bo tio question

batover to any one who hits been them

o to t.iu bai-gnina we nre offeiiug in all

of these gouda. Our Fall styles iu OAB

'ETS aio duily arriving and tbe prices

ire as low ns they brtve been tot years.

Call and see tlia bai-gaius. We propose

to soil these goods nnd huve marked

hem to sell.W. B. BABBITT,

Uorrlatoiru, N. J.





Shop on Clinton St . Dover.An eipomnco of IK years in Dover on tli

Snout work, is tlio itnaranlcfl I oflbr ormynWlitTtopleaietUopubllo. Wymotloia "Giv*

ncllon to all." 1-ly

County Collector's Notice!I will lie at tlia office of tbo Surrogate. Wor-

riatown, for tlio transaction or Conniy bnsl-DB«g,on TlmrBiliy or each week, nnil at tbejffleo of George Kiohuili. Esq., Dover, ocUondaji, ToosaoyB, WcdncBiinTi, «ml P r idm,

. WH. n.tAMBEIlT,

' Notice of Settlement.ITotlco la lierobv ntveo tliat Ilia a?cuonU< ol

..io anbroriher, Eircutur or Daviil Estll],ileocBBCil, will be audilrd and Btalnl by tbeSurrogate.and reported lor actttiment to tboOrpli.ui' Court or tho Ooantv ot Morris unMonday llio (cvpntli day or JjDiiary n ^ t .

EPHBAIH L1ND8LEV.D&tcd Oct. 90IU, 1881, 48 On

Ixecotor'a addreaa, Dover, K. J.

BBPAIRING DONE.Toil <utn got TOOT eowinc niaclilncH, cum

loolw, e tc , repalrt'il In j«ood onlcr by


FOR SALE.Block, IODU and botldinR In whidi tlifltli

iliopat BUntopo » BilualrJ, Inr pitlc. It inJDB or Hie lietii unilncss ntnnda in town, Uctijeasoni Risen fur trcIHDR. Terms on tlio buildins made CSHJ. Enquire or

8. 3. PETE1IS0N,m aianltopc.N.J,

CENTENNIAL BUILDING, 215 & 217 Market St.,Adjoining Firnt IWnrmoJ Cliurcli,

E t i t f F l l Odjoini


NEWARK, H. J.!., (3175.

nrmoJ Cliurcli,oat of Full Oonrn?. inrlmlini,' Bwks, Rbtinoor

mi O«rt. WrltiuR eirculctlin ilii' tiifiliiiat slyln of

M. MTJLVEY, A. M. Principal.LL'OWAT. h.n. t t l

W " W ' ™ « * Secretary.

IHE yOYEK LUMBEB (Jooffers to builders the boat opportunities in the purchase of LOMBEEof every grade and desoriptiou inoluding LOW FKICEB iind the greatadvontago ol having

Lumber Worked to Orderby machinery at the place wkere it is pmohased. greatlr lessening the

oost o[ building by the great saving in manual labor. Oarstock always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingstnd LUMBEB of every description, and especial pains are taken

to give satisfaction in every partionlar.Klimina, PrertlMit.6an

W*. a. Lunar, 8«o'j ud TreuI. V. Biuno, Oni ktuagar.

« r U&OHIHBRT 0113^Wo take pleainre io [ntrodaaiDV to the trade oar r.rinn snideror Heeliiaery and other Hea.j Olli. Tlieae gooila ire manofadtured bv u» at oar works, enn-

tl wt mm them the benrfftor oarjmisoaal atmerriiioD and dDanntea then to Rirr, , .... „ _. our pommel atmerriilon, and (iuar»ntea them lo g|,oerfeol eaUitaetloo, both to qaallty and price, or ne aale,

lit™ Engine Oil. Brick Tnwtea Oil ,Tallow EDBJDB Oil, W. B . Biwrm Oil ,No. 1 Engine . W. B . Wbale Oil,Dork E n d o B Oil, Fr lme Na»t»root Oil,Snonn Haoblnery Oil . No. 1 Nmtafoot Oil.No. 1 Unobinery Oil, B Hrar t l i r i t Oil, 150 ' ,Dark LnbrlraliDB Oil, No. 1 I u r f Oil,Rallrwi Lnhrlralor, W. Fare Stlad nil,

LnbriMtor, Prime Wliile, 116°,Watt Vlrainia Oil. Gaflniioe. 90s.

O n W 1 Wrml Oil. Bark Our Oil,Slalnliw Snlniile Oil, Biwtin Fuolriiig Oil,No. 1 Splnrlle Oil, Eltra Pnoklng Oil, _Steam Itefinml FBRBBio Ovlinder Oil, Deodarlzpj Kaptbas, sll Gravity

O i l . TA-TSTTHCIPI. rfjo.

ALL OUR OILS GUAHANTEBD STBIOTLY PtJTiR. -©8THE HoKTMU)! OIL Oo . Wmnr F'«)T or rj.inn AVF... Ni:n.i'-n. S. J.



FonHivo Hinting pnppotVBlvrB. No IOHH from ftiutinu. no wantn in port* bv slide or rolnrvIrmdnction VHlves. HiRliOHt no'Bitln per crnt nrtreo nir. EOUIJOHIICJI and dura Ho. Cata-iftuo on application, (Fully sicurod liy patents.)

BOILERS!Horizontal, Tubular, Flue, Vertical andPortable. Insurance policy -with each.



OYSTERS!uud EATADLES o? nil l i m b nuiij.li.il .i!

"EMORY'S"Favorite Rcstnmant,

Warren S t , Dover, N. J.E.VANOli,DEE,Prap'r,


have arranged tljuir business in Ilireo (lciiftrtmcntc, eompriuiug

Three Large Storesirell Blled »ilb the leading atlio'ea of trnd., >„ tli'

input c



D. S. BRINK'S Harness Store,MOBRISTOWN, N. J.

Horse Blanketsif omrjtMaiiaolyk. BUFFALO U0BF.3,WOLF, 1'LUtlH aid FAMOY LAP uOHES.All goods sold nt viry low priorK. Sucbartieles nro much clipnper tbU Fiill thaibefore. Don't forget the plnco.

W A S H I N G T O N S t . ,

47-Qoi Morriatowii. N. J.







gcetls mid Fertilizers,






E l a , GO TO


17-3m DOVER, m. J.


Estate of John Bone, deceased.

E>DIt90ANT to (bo order ot tbo Sarronatcotllje Count, ol Mom., eiade on Ih,

tbtrtiath da; or Oclobor, A. D. one tlioimudL-lKht hundred ami olnhty-tliree, notice t»hereby given lo all porioia liav n» tlalmia«aln.t llio e.ute of John Bone, late " ltin Conutj of Morrm, ilectaecd, to pinent Ibelame, nnder oath or affirmalloo, to tha Btib-Rcnbcr, on or before tbo thirtieth dav n!Inly oexl, betos nils rnonlha from thi'daleofeaitl order; anil any creditor m-gbcllnc tobring In and rablbit dla er ber cliin Ynileroatb or aBrmalinn, Mthmtho lime ao I nil" 1-111 be rormr barred o( bla or liar aetlonlicrefor asaln.t tbe EaeBtrn.

Datrf the tbirUelh daj of October, A. D.Iao9,



Split neraboo, LanMmoed, IlornbeaniCrnnmoa Trent. Bleek Bsa.

and Pickerel LWpH.

Bcols, tines, Men, lloolta, Butit*, rlcA loll eaMrtmaBt eonaiantly oiirhanil of beat

andoomtnoa. „Braecll »n'l Zotuda Lo«dl*t O a u ,

>lJa.lllbolrAitoni.rovTsxn, SHOT, OAFS, ousa BALU, is .




NEW JERSEY LEOAL TIB!, 100* FL18H.U&OHIHBRT 0113^Wo take pleainre io [ntrodaaiDV to the trade ol i d h H Oll Tl l fd tued bv u»

r r.rinni snidek

"Orown" liltrlit Oomponud."Paaatla" Dark Oomponnd,Eollinl Hill Oreaae,Axle Greene,Biwral Stoul Oil,W. Htninen Primp Lnrd Oil.II. ITnilliirbl Oil. 150".P. Wnter •While Oil. 120".W. White tlntton Bred Oil,W. Yellow Oollon Seed Oil,Cmotion. US".Gnmilne. 8(1",Painters' Oil.

Isaac N, Doty & Co!fHnvo mnilo a upland j^iiiictinn in

prices for I lie HnLum" SEAMIV. 1 ) I<S-GooiiH und Dre;ia bilhi-, Vulvt'lK, rfiihlit-,-;

ml OloakiiiEB nrc miulci l down tu cl M'U» lontou - All our Clo.-ln 'it rul i tcnl

prici^. N^ivijim'ls^ii!. (Jirculaii, H:ivolDck«, JuctetB mill l)3lm;niR luarkiclilnitn. B|-.<fial IiuruiiiuH in IlNuifcen •iiic-H nri' lif) ppi' ci'Di. IPSS ,]iiui :ii^ti M » n . Wariii UnJiTiiTiii', HOMITVHII.1J 'nvra nl Ilir liiwrHl liricrn ever lll.iilc.

Ndlunie tim^iiilK in Liicc, Tiirlioin'U) millMiiJrns (iiiiuiiiis ; also ;» K-j»- Bilk. J n l e

ml PIUBII l-'ni'iiitni'i! Oi.viriliK- Jiar•iiins in Din-^timit ill Cn|iol:i , Riiij.s nii'l

Mnta. i!l(ii,inK out nor full slock at pru i l l jJ i

CARPET WEAVING AND MAKING!Tli*> norlpMftrnM wllttirrpnrtfir tlwtn nDhU timn »n<l ftttcnMmi ti> llm n\ l t I 'Frut-dlflt. irnrV t n n l l b M i n f w-mivln? n i l tlio nulii-tt; or ff It mni-iH. n • in fM fnr ol«l rmrii. •. lon» -Hid oitengive knnwIoiiKfl of tlio ImsliiftSR f>nabli-H rmt toirk anil sntMv all wrutmiw*:.




Special Holid.iy Attractions,

Hill! Uiu ta ' l ln j , Oi ramipr Wj l rn i rnGiilllll IlliJ, 1'jll^, i'tlflllllth!. Il;il)(]k(clui'li., Mi.lll.-rii. riiiuo mi .1 T..l.lu CUVCTS,Lum li.nl Bi-I», Tldira, OCIIITH, Tira IIPmicv NCL-I; wear, I>..linn.mii-H, Sluliinij l l J f i , Bi'«»> Tnlilca, Sci.ners, SIH I uud I w n p s , F.MK'V Kl.it Oi>ml»,Jnciiliil GM.UIH, lujji'iliir nilli i,u imi'iist; ylDck uf Fureifn iiud Duus*^Nnvi'lti™, ,«|K't'iiilly ,lis|iln.ral tin HOLI-DAY AlTUAiTl' m. Wi' liiivo Hit- lai|;i-,timok ul I)r ,vO Is uml C i r p r m i n tbuState, mill In lvalizi' ninn) tlifin pi i.n- in

Jamiarv itiviMllorv, we liaVM inaiiiiiilu print1* in evfi'}' dfiiarinu'iit.


159 & 1GI Market St.,

_ Nmvtirlc. IV. ,1.

Another Solid and Very Inter-esting Fact About

SMITH & ECKHART.>ra to Ira 0. Couptr.)


Coairftete taken u\nl taiierialtj luraigbcd tiz

Oftico oil Morris «tn:f>t. ui-nt n iormerEKA builuiUB, Dover. N. J.



CROCKERY AND PROVISIONS,and in each branch are new and repluto stocks of poods. I'he second department,

jast oponed, Las a lurgu stock of

BOOTS AND SHOES,r every kind of wear, embracing all Uiat in QOW in pattern anil durable in service

Thu third dopnttmeiit ia devoted to


MINING SUPPLIES,and will always curry c <i m p relit-IIH iv«> ntnckH of Ruilder's II aril-

ware, Blncksmith Hardware, Plumber*.' Material*, HunPipe, ftlecli.iiiics1 Tools, S ten in Fittings, Steam UiillB,

HiiorelH, Pickfi, llmnmers. Fuse, nnd ever) thingcontained in the line of Itardivnre.


t nssortmi'iil of SOUVEN1KS.


QKNT* r-DiU-inir ttm ijast 27 warn I IIHVPIIM i! nil Hit- |:ii.iniin'!it 1.11-i.LKt.i of FLODIl but

niiy lii'nil of piritry atiir'inunin^ior'tieis'liiidrBiifliTtrifiSflniin "ivItJtWuiilih.lercfiiiiy uliiti-biii.i-intaii.1 liroad you a[,v*yu htivv e.\v.\ nui'lian fiRri'Uilile (ii>-ti;.

I am iifivv usmuniy secauil lurrul uu. wmifcarluiirvroiilil not piovp s.< noort e.t tint otlitrIJIII it cannot bi; ncollcd. Our ii.tirctisuit di.l

roii^r-rs t > yon but utititich fn^iuludiiitimrri/'Plciir. It H a. inisJor-y faniilvtilm withmit it.

JOHN H. MAM-0I1Y,Oeii'l JluiiVr OaUbrtl l'.iik.






TlfltLE BIi(J!)NiJ-IIiN[l HOILKIiS ONHAST) m i l KAhli.





FOB nil tlio principal [||)«H of RtoatueLjhgr™m Now YoTk 1« LifB7p.iv. »t LdWtJ-T




WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS• >f tin; bent, •[><! lie ivulicn Ihi- (](.:i!,irrtii-lu.iitlti .-CtHHily Wdiilil KivulmiiiLCiil,

{«hiL-li will pay the in j litl"..ru lnKim; i-ls,i>-\ M M H . Ail unkspd m n t by mail vlll rti-uivotHunU'laltfciiliuii.

J . J . BACKOKl",Dover, N. J .






R K A S O N A U L E P J R I C E 8 .

VIOLA BRAND,und tnkc no utlior. Et, Is nlwayg Kood-oan boreliurt -ipoii every tiniD. HandurBon on Ibis'one bnutil incruased bis flour tmlc 500 vetEfinl. 29-tf




ORVILLE MILLING CO.E. A. Wilkinson, Pros'*.





Tor all kindi or buildings, aad the oonatrnolion

ufbufliilncB (Oporinieniiod.

Will bo at his ufllce lu Dover, 3d Floor ol

Tiu: Inojt ERA Bull ding, on FMDAY OF EACH

WEEK, from 9:30 4. H. to fi;3ll r. M.

GEO. MANNinvitdB ii cn!| frntii ol! Ills fr-cuilR in liin til.icc'in CLINTON BTIIEJST, where for (liciriiii'uu-

FINE FOOL TABLEiiiiil a ni'll Qttcd and complete

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEYalt new and fn perfect onler. Ainu, 1'iu bentL\GElW«m] (itlior ilniiLn, anrl iho clmicpMSKQA1W. All wlio fuvor mo witli u call willfind tlif>mriolrce dRtcoublf ciitcrliiiiird si)Jwtlltrcalad. QEO, MANN.

SHERIFF'S SALE!I'lCliiweryur NViv Jcrsuy -QcUviet. Burin


CARD RECEIVERS, &c, &c.Tliicli will be preficuted to our ituirouH during tliia and UL-I.. week. W,

aniJ Lust Mlock of


.to. «,, !„,,„,


A Ij.\]t(ij; STOCK OK

BUSINESS Am DRESS PACTSIn nil « } * . . KILT SUITS mid OVEIIUO-Vrs fnr II,,, liill,. „„,.,, „ . „ ,,,„,,,, A , k ,„

$5 Overcoats and

ll 5


GOING WEST.r|iICKF,TH for (In- NKW YOIUC. HKUEB1E1 AND WESl'EIiN KAIMlOAli COMPANYttUt l>i; Huld ln'tL-aiU;r nt tliu oliluo of

II. P. SANDEHSON'SCAItltlAQE MET'OSITOIIY. l'erBODB Jivingi>ul in the con in r.v ran iviiuj rnrraterf to everypoint West. Such inrurmatiun Will bo fur-nisliod promptly.


(Hjar Richard's Store,)35-tr Duver, N. J .

RUPTURESUurf (1 by llio OOLLINQ3' UETHOD ia from

JI0 tuOOdajw willumt fpriiiR inmsor nl<>|)|iiu}("(irk, rrcartllens of net or jioriod of affliction.Prices modern to. Adilrcsa

BoiC5,8tan]i(ipo,N.J.Or call nt Fre neb It oof House, oppi'site tha

Pmbvtcrian Oburtli. 29-1?


BEEMER & PALMERwill cnntiiuiD (no bitxiuoas at tlio ol.l ulatnl,

ROoda in hi* liue ol trmlu, liumistiiiR uf

COAL AND WOOD!Scranim anil Lcbisili nl nil arzes; nlsa Ui-

tmiiiiiiiiiri OI.H1 fbr blackarailliiiiK. Curd windnwcd anil split rtady for am aiiv*ya on tiaud.

Flag Stones' Curbing.Orders rt'ci-ivoil nnd onntraels taken fnr l»y-

ni.rl: itquirlnj; liliiu Hu?ao will bo [iroiupU?

PHOSPHATES!\ vflritty of Lramls of alnnlaril fertilizera.



Fi. l» f,,ri»l,,of mi,rl;,,;c,l |,r'. ...... able loFtlirjniy knit. A. D . . . . .

B V r , . , , , , 2 ; ^ = ^ MASONS' MATERIALS!i t piililic vcmlne, el tho Court Haute, i'mtoivii, N. J,, on

MONDAY, Ibn 7tli day of January nA. I). iaHi.hfitm.cn | | lu l ionrsu' lu ' lH>'t!loi'k I'. H,, Umt is lonnynt 2 o'clnekittcrnoun of naiJ ilny, nil Uiryc rmir ccrUii


Tlit- firnl lot in tlie sumo Uia! n. dcKcribcO ii.i ileeri (rom Lulicl. Sloutcitliiirsli lo Omr»t

^•r.u'nn'ii.is!'1''1 "c""'' bU"^' *"""*


.(It U illOtHIIH- (Itlt IH .IlSLTibnl Jn a llil-limn I.iilie I. Bronte•nbjreh to Fiii>l Ocor-'i' WHowoll, fiAtfil Hi'pt. flili, 1871, .in: Menta l •)siitdCk'rkftOJlire.in Hnnit U SofUwd,. mve-i'i'2, ftc, nmi coutniiiB nbimt tinwictnht <ir u

•«, TliolMrttlot .H I lie «anm lU'^ribrtl iii r'<! frr-m LIIIIR I. Hloiiter.liiiri;h io tviii (leiHowi'll.didnd JiiiyUitt1 1H7.1 nn.l n-rnr l,<

onJ,i •nil fin


85O and 852 Broad St., Newark.(5 BOOKS I1ELOW SEWAI1K AND XKW -,011K R. II. STATION.)

T U N N E W J E l t S B YiO TO



Fall and Winter Goods•OTbukleRtstjloB and rxiweRt dpaign-i,

No trouble to sbow poodi. Give her a cullTHX leoff EHA and Mew York jiopera CUD befound on her new counter.




The beat vork at leffeat

101 Si 788 n i lOAD S T n E E T ,



C.T. HILLCE, PrlnnipaL

Notice of Settlement.Solloe la lierrtj Bl.en toil Iho uaoniili o!

Ilie aBbatrl'ior.BxeenKir of Jow^t Walarilne,<la:M ,m be auillled Kd >laM I, thi8jnotal» lort r.portfJ fnr jeltleTintlotliiOiphaea' {Start or Iho Oonnir or Horrtl, enUmav Ilia foarlh di, of pSrMWneil'.

JOStin .k. BiHQUiBT.U8l «JOSt

SakdlioT.7lli.U8l.Eitontor'a P. 0. Borer, >,. 1,


Hirrit mill Hxty-thrce nno-tIrnirflj l.ii i i llio fiiiun ilcsirihi',1 ly, a i!te<!Lull. J. HicKmbuntb t<i «,II<1 G,nrKa W.

wfll, lUliul AniTtiat 27IU, IHTJ, .n-l «c»nlMlaul U(>i].-'fi onieo, in lioi.lt \ H or Dffil»

?;A.C"». f o n n i"u l thoa


Tlio T rcn lan Times for 1884.It tvntilil tnl;t luu Ion- t t,H niM,t ' ] , . , .


r a l,, t|,o o Hi.

;ssK-i^iL'iibui1" '' JIIE TIWSH tur 1831 will cnntitiae ita imlo-

fverjr bill itiajroilncuil ioLo^li?^ Lp^r-lanro' ' l l '

™wKJX'&tilVtZ\^!i «IP] net be rnrpreaaeil liy pnlilleUea or , VpnraUfiii". Monopolies w,n ] • • •;;:?L"!si.-..Tl»i*»i'"."'"">u*plulun. Tliat, .III be Ib .

A l l b

ppople an ii tlie p

l i l l > lAlllbeBi«i,alill,ov>«.«i,il,ilih0irnll,,or tbo day will be Rlreu In THE Tmng. Tlicr.-rore CVOIT dtleeo ol tbe Slalo or New Jerc-rHill cotd 'l-ep.per. Tboso wlin have ljp,it

ii in S i ' ' " °'°°'" *"°rd '° b* "'""""T DULt TIM.:*!" fivj dollarj a v^ar orfcemaamaDtb. II Kill be gunt tiiion-liIrnlon of ibe Lcsl«latiire, from I.nnarjin April llVfor one dollar nol it

Tiirillio Irnlon of ibe Lcsl«latiire, from I.nlatin April llVfor one dollar noil n unit.

Tin WiirLi Tl«ke la Wo ilollan a jear otlit; n e b for tli. union ol tbo U'sialalnre1eodaiibjarlpuon>ali.a» tolit; n e b for tli. union ol•1eodaiibjarlpuon>,ali.a» to

TO i l


Ttenlun, N. J.

llnrd and TJIO Dried, Lime, Cement, Oal-

eil Plnstpr, Hair, Tire t u t Front

Brick, FiroClay. nrdersntM bepromiitly QUod at tbo


SawMiU;for liard wood Inuilier cat to any ejze and

length dcHireil.100 corJ. I ontd wood for aalo.



Borer, N. J .



0,VFr:Ka.lJ..lnl.iBlbaDoTerLiiniberO0ll-IJtev'a mill. Coutncl. taken, . n i , ! » , , ,

••»oill,ij,ll,,ii,a,Kl malfriala of o.crjr MnS furliKbctl ror Iniildin^s. JobbiOR a HpooiiiUy. '


rod, hv cijferlenei.il workmea at low rate*,

NEW BAEERY,Confectionery and Restaurant,


FRANE F. APGARipectrnlly nnnnmircfi tlmt be line cpcDCd Un

i.u*" \nnv.o in tint Hnrdin Buildinir, next tothe CIicHter Hntwe, HIIIHH now ready loaup-ply tlm pnlilii: with nil kinds of Bakery pro*iliictsiiijtt n v«r.y ilnn lino of Canfectloaoiyand CnkPH for thu Ilnliilav trnilo, In liUrw-tanraat OYBTEUfl will U, Rnrved, fino ondfi-Rsli, in isvfrr nivlfi, <ir mild by the quart op100, ami LUUCIIES will ho iiropaw.Ut an r

otber e
