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chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.../& jwk '4 yoL.YXXV.N0,10,*%. NEW-YORK. THURSDAY, MARCH % 1876. PRICE...

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/& jwk '4 yoL.YXXV.N0, 10,*%. NEW-YORK. THURSDAY, MARCH % 1876. PRICE POUR CENT«. WASHINGTON. til UKAl.TLLSS KMMA MINK RATO. _,N WCMMMCt AM' «AKT I «.MIN«- N I-U. 711.1.1 Mi.lSY-llW lAHTKliAKS .«' 1-11 ¦__- «¡kui io im. ______ ium mu _¦"« ¦* MAIM>-1-N''1AM> «TLOOW-D WITU Mill M K .11'., ti _M lIMlM-'NY.il 1T..N AM' ..«»IIN-UN. 1er tblu-Kah. io IM ian» ¦_.) W___Xl«(iTO_. Man h l.-The |__tfa__OB] mven >».v Mr l.\«.n m UM '-»-l"ii.k im. .«lü-atinn BOOB* <" haveíi.rml upa hm nil's iii-et in tW« L«_i-M^ IiOimatat ttowart. wh_ la "> W-ton_-, «te» «abed to-day. aaa_a___ Canaan-Mea to hear lum in bia own defense, and will probably he m M M ¦»- inirtun ailinn week«. (î.-n. S hen« k m tos.ul for ..mema on S.ifu.la.. I «1 w .11 answ «-r foi hmi- . if Im fore the eloaaaa, tin paeaaan month. Ai'vit tir.u.t baa marta b-f eahk -hv-teb t«.the< «.n.- u.,l,e.!.,iM.iK'»na..u«ati..nsnl WMBttnttt COOdU' 1 ___fepartta_d_beeae--_le< ^"^'li,,klw »MBa-ad» Baw. I-«-« "'... ¦'". ,h,i"' ""S J" »Trr-. tM als«, .l.u.a.i.l I bearing« Bo all the prominent acton in tha errat _________ Mina Bl sandal -,u pr.iii.-ii.lv bara m Begartaa-tj le tau tlmir .'.¦Iles, wliuh, it they prove »is cut. rtaiiui.». M iboaa ehmdy t.'hl. »will add ¦ rarj naiaV* tiaongb ._.. atlv aac-rttfyiBg ehaptoi tim» UatOf] «>f ot.i'i-il seimlil« and tie swindles. Tlie .session of the Fun i/zn Af- LL. CtillflÜt e to-lay < 'nunile«! the «.real r pat. «'f tl. .la), ami l.uiMi.d the cxaniii .alum of Mr. Lyon and Mi.'.Johnson. 1 __r_B_» e_-flffl_M)C- his very hrtewatinf bwtory tba connect-on ai Minister Nil.-i.ii», aiBaaatn stewart, aadTreaofW.Park with I lie sale of the Kinma Mme in L«ui<lon. As additional etuhiiic ni the v\"> till« OB* ss «if the nuil.-, h«- r«-a«i aa Bztnol Ham aa ottdal reportai Iba English Bnpi rintantUnrt, «land <><t. 28, 1875, la win. h h. said "that it« pns. m < oudif,.m waa moat d p.oiiihie." Ii«- gara aaana parti« plan '«t tha bight of iii«' nat« Tin the inine, mid the eon«. USB nt «le btiiiiiiuii of the iiiUii'.r \>uiks, an.l called attention tv ««. i.ral paavitwaa reporta whi» bli« bad made oat tho suhle« :. ih tam lmh «l bj «¡»yin«, thal tha mina waa exhaustd, and that Ita fatal« Tala* will depend upon the Malka ««f au bfBCt.Bt fO__Ofk_l «i_t~- linn, - huh " \till re«iniie iiiii.- aii«l gil -ii BJ AImuii two bo.lawcn aaaalhy-.>Co__rittaaia Hi. i"sa-ev.iiiiiii.iti,iii of .Mr. i.von. Mr. Hewitt <«f \.t -,iai k naked ¦ senes of eaieatlo-atodetornlao wharthi r tena o__ i oxpl inatten ti in thal baaed na th«- Mippiimtiun ih.it 500 ahbim wara i*.v. n ta Gea, ¡».lune»could uui be mad«- eewaiatini with the ni- cninstaii«? wnit-h I..\nn bad «itt«l in BBataia bia them ». Um \nitnt«-.-. in pi-, iiit)".lii' « «1 -«une < «>r- r«-«p«iiii nee between Mr. Padbiri and Gen. Schanck «l.ii li (.Mik pi.n 8 ¡u 1079a, and a letter nf the former t«> Hu Mm.nu iitnlit. Tha temi, .u y of it all waa te ¦aatau the iln.'iv that Gata. Bcbeaeh was bribed It «lui not po«i;i\tiy prava tim íia-si-rfiíiii that Gan« . ha,I lu iel paul Tot hi« Min k, l.lit it ina.lt- suth an nss.ition ««.-in probable. Mr. 1'atinid, who waa a itockholdi r, ha»l, ii -««iiib, <in«r>iially written l8 »¡en. »?.iiem 1. to ;_.»!» his inltii-e, in vi"\v of the rapid depreciation in the value of tbe nt«>« k, un«l Goa, n In -n. h:nl i. ].lied, lnfiinning him that ha Li:: «'I .-.lill bold bia ."><») «hans. .*Mll.se<|lieiitly lal-ni wieta again,calling tien. »Schanck _atten- tniii i., aaaaa 14 rp ngjty nunan th«'u afloat, affecting the « liara« ter of Ih.' Ann ii« an Miiii.-I.i. und thin lett« r. as w.'.l one of the same ch.ir.ut« r jtub- li.lie<l in Ila Mnnng World, and la vthi' 'i 4.cn. (scheu« k'. atteiitiiin was i_prn_llj ealled, waa in vt-r answer««!. FinuHv Paffnrd ad.iranda letter to (¡cn. .*»« hen« k, in which be Solated rate- got;, ally aaron] of these _________ ead Bakedaa eiplaimtioti. (¡en. Schlink in leply appointed nu Uil'Tiic" to take place ou the next Siiiul.iy ii uriini_r. Taft.>rd port« «l t«i Lyon tin* pal Ih alan ni Uria l\tei\.e»v. Oom. Behaaeh aald that be did net know mii'li a1«nut Lyon, who wasl__bf_*a aulhoiity for -lenient that tie had niade, but li lad bia la be aa ed rantam, ttmi appealed to ih* latter lo kii.iv, if he Uni not llitnk that his .(¡en. Sclieiiek's) atid that ol S'liator Nt«'\s.irt wireiu.t siiil,- ricnt <jn___to_ I'nllurd al«o asked (¡en. Si benob bffW ho i.liiaiiit"! th« noan »J to pay foi liis st. k. (,«¦11. Bebaaeb npUedthal ba ha«i a patriaaoni from lus father's 1'i.tat«*, ainountiiii,' to f23.000, InTOOted In a « ...ii ni,ne in Wi«. «msin. He bun »wed |Cd »4»,> property with which to pay for ann half nf tbaatook, aad the other »180,000 he bwowedii m Mr. lurk, and had not paid ii all bad at tim* tim« Iba Mitti« «a net« i knew that any uiithoritat ve «1<- nial of the repoit that the st<«i k bad beeii ifiten t<« liii, s-lieii.-i» Lad hen made until he h.i. (¡ui. lim. k's ».tiinoiiv ink. n iii J_ondou a year ngo. Mr. Hi witt ::l»a«i a«l* "«I the m itlie.s1» in n irald to Ih" l'iiTi! n '«ort. apon tba condition of the nina thal ¦¦*"!«¦ luid» ¡n .Mini*.. Two npaftt nea.to bara been tna«le hy Prof, lllake, in omi of which l'rof. Ka.tiiioud joineil. Hie itr-t of l'rof. l»iak,'s r. port« Wits not »»ali -fa- tory to Mt. 1'i.rk who saul that he had paid $_" 1XH) tor it, hut thal he <.n«i«l« ml it a failure, ami ih i h. WW_U ii"t attempt to Btll the mine on mu li a pafi 'I lusdoeiiiiieiit, Lyon thinks, waa nev«-r areeselbli'to the public in London. The m mi i. ¡N.i* n a«i. b] Prat Blake waa aonewbal nu., ill. ,1. Lut »as still unfuvoial.le. liof. S.lli- rnana n-jsirt w.* »Jalad <><t. i«i, 1871. BUaa WA- Laras, the sup. ni,;.m!. ntof Um mine, «em to fix it up papandM} to this lap»«!, bad bec« thm »Iniiit thru- in.uilhs. ].y n (M n.t til ink it rx»s««<ti!o that a nlaiag aapnlntendenl nii'd "li\" a ii.iiie in mi. h a - BJ :<> «1-1 r.« I «"' pet. nt nml l.onest BJBa_0gÍBl WOO .««tnally par h___hh)d___]r_i____| an InT-atlgatiop. but ii the|fi«.l.K;i. bjg4 «i.itiii, n,«- m (lu- «np. unten.,, ni B'i-1 was nnsuspi. mus th, latt. r im__lii gem "fool'' him teriihly. Hi aritaeaa did t.,; manto Maanaaheaadt-oaea in tba bmcetj af TilL Ulli mail's retKirt. niai u.t, ;t tibI ii «i r. iBoamferbia «'piuiiin, wkoah Mr. Bewttt) arid wave atoanger thai ¦P ka bad aim i. ,«,) pteanHad. Mr. Hewitt deo Infoniia-si n,, ( anaaattai thal l'r..f. B____aa bad (ienie«l tu&tiy of th,. aaserlion-, now nude by the ntness, when r,. ;, pg fi,»ni ili'lerent sour, es, and that tba I'n.fewir -a.,,,1,1 appeal balen tha Coonndt- toc.in.i pswmM tunton ei tba matter. Af'' v I'Minati.iii of Mr. Lv .n. If. A. J*1*-* ik, wboia 187J ntl*?., noted ¦«¦«ItiBgeoanaal tor Mr. Lyon, was iiitrmlii« ,«l ¡_*.»hnn.aadgara__let_7_d tham'ne and of lUmle hythe ttMamW m Loudon. Hes.ud that hi« ont mtUpUBbMh t v. iib Senat,n Mel art was _ Lou- *«!. In the latter part of May, tha hitler brought Inm» 1,-tter of iiitroliietioi, from Mr. Lyon. __a 2^*_hit_aeaa__a «if several tatoreiewa. wbieh w>4Mi plae«. ».or, _ft<,r) ^«..,1 -,,f mfjAgtmtm in r. gold ta y»l--___yaf aaaaggha imim in Leadoa. Mr. IMfeal"niât.ao4atna laaam.aad that it bad "j*'**'1 dont. Senator Siewurt admitt.d .^ »I *s_ not as rn.}) __« had b. n anti« Ipatad. und "yn««M anxious t.» gBBBftala it tina tumi waa gen- «J'J known by London. Mr. SUaXBBtm told Newall ."»t ki« hml win a repiiut of l'rof. Kay mond'« "Port, published In a (entrai City (Cul.) neivs- *¦>'. hut «litl i,.t know that it had ba« «iirulateil *bond«»n s. itt.r stew an Boeaaad miuh Intonated I» this report, riiiI re,-tiest«xl Mr. Johnson ty» abow .v,,,i»t.^o«j Jil. billilli-.Ol ia, noola " ''''n. The latu-r afterward either banded it or * ho tmt -Senator. At a subséquent intei*. lew, "**>rt .sduin',,1 tim tmtbfulnes» of l'rof. l.ay- ¦*¦*» report. Lut said that the mint« wa* then In ^n »eoiuliti.n that an «xpert mitybt overlook nug» Wb f^its wlikh _Te,u«d tke permanence of tbe "«*. lir. Johns/ju told bim that be did not think «¦«uld be noir], unleaa bo (-stewaii) and I'ark .___. .^»«"'».»liaudl-irectora. Tbia Htcwart said he ..nw watha tU) 1|e ba(1 Uad (<K) mUKh M|M|M|), anlur matter», which were precarioua at beat, witi .Woul(1 not do to* bim publicly to be connected Jr.»« »lo of any mine, eapeeiaJly with this, con- ."..**»« the poaltioo be bold. -*».. »km or loar week« altar Mr. Park and «S-ii.itiir Sft'T-rnrf arrived in London, intimation- ap- ]nnre«l in the '»illili«, prints that a company was to lu« «ii'ltani/«'«! for the purpose of Inlying the Kniiti.i Mine. A f«"xv days later :i rmuor prexatled in stoek em I«« in the city tliat the management of the sí-heme, was to lu* plane«! in the hands of a notorious lltianrier. now knoxxn hy the name of Ailiert (ïrant, nlthonch his name erigfaU-Hy was Alhert Oootheimer. Thin was followed hy another report that tiru. S.h« tick was to he a dim-tor in the company. This report oriirinatcd in the city, hut was more «-ent-rally discuss».1 _at and nh«nit the LaagbaOl Hotel, where AimritiiiiH fitlu r permanently or t<mpoiari¡v in laiiitlon residid. The ninior was daily contradi« ted hy Americans as aa* that was lik.-lv* to bring «Ma¬ gnat on the American name, ami xvas so generally «li-crr dit««l, th.it after a te« mbjt it had «ea«««d to im tin attention. About a week later (len. Behaackal connection xviih tin BekeaM x«, .n-nftie ¡illy announced hy Um Bendlag ont of itl.tHM) circulars in one day, to a«.i:.it)\ ]>cistiiiH in all ¡»aits of thel'niliil Kingilom, « "iii.lining the proepe« of the propoeed company. This prospect in» wa.« also priiit«'d in the Bdxertising « «iliiiniiH of Mtaral leediag new »paper--, nn«l no crit- iii-iiiw at iii st ii¡i|n"iiretl in the pnhlie journals, cither «»f the» conip.iny or of the connection of Uni. Scheneh with if. One peenHar cin-uiii'-tance enn- iii't teil Mc'.tli the publication of this prospectus, to xxiii« h tlio xvitiies.s «allcil the attention of flio I'oiii- niittee, xx-rt.s that the name of All.ett («rant, the Brand! orgaaiaer <»f th«' whole mImmm, the man xxho ii» visctl it, who wrote the prospect tis, who conceive«! the idea of ha\ ing tirn. Schein k as oneof the ilin t- is, and who «inn« «1 Hie scheme into execution, did not anywhere eppi ar in it. If it bad been known that tirant was th" pnijcctor, BOeabocripttena xx'tnild have iK'cn -.»vim «I, tram with the help of ton. henck's name. The reinainihr «if Mr. .To'inson's testimony related chiefly to bia earn effort! to eeqnabri the IV tad «-t'likholders of thi Emma Mine ('«"impa'tv ol the r»:il ohar_*eter and valne of the property, Mr. Johnson's tcettmOBJ \i;i» men in stn h a «traiirht- foeward way thal thora was bo daoiie expreaaed oa the part of any BMB-M i "1 the ('oininittee to i<e-s fffiahU him. The «u-.s.-ion of tin- lointnitti c lo monow Morning will be ipant In Trading the teeti ninny of (¡cn. Sdn-iu-L. taken a real ago in l.nii'li'ii. A ««.rri.i: in ISLBOBAm \\* \«-iun<;t«»v, March 1..The following t»'lc- liTanis wi te rceeixi d bv tim Colnii'iitee lines,! gattafl Hie liitmiTi Mme «i iiniiiti today : i.i i) W. QOBB-JL Secretary ol' Ihe Sennit : I d'«iri« t*v» testify n, "ie the Honae OoaualHoe on Foreign Relations la tbe Emma Mine Inveetlntlon. h»- » ii.iiriii.in oi « .un ttiitee Hsccit ¡m oben oeeesaary foi lue to Mart. Would like it lew dljl tin loro befóte n i*big. W1111AM M. gran aiu. 1 be It'l'Crl of Hie |.nn eetlllii.» ii« to » ¡cb. "»' 'b' l.c'i'» contle, ii, n willi the Kilima Mine, pa»»l.abed iato-dw'i ; i,- a ¡un.a. Matea that James E Lyon n.iifleti teni 1 I "ilil I.lil» I taxe | it.it . I stt \xnt1 u.« m it ) .hal, « ti Im-i uius a lim ntni aaetet in g uni»«' Hrbeaek'a Bama oa in* Board. Tula atatameni la abaolutelj nntrae I bavi never seen Ki on nor bail nni communication «a ¡Hi bim in mt-nie i "titvei pn\t Menari Htiy abares ettberto ie..e iiiiec.t.r biiiiM-li or lo _.. i iifiui, he a din et« r. antiitivf i,i'uü'n testimony tito mod unqualified »rontia diction, Ai in.i.i iiii.x.vr. Sll.vr.I. BE8DMFTI0N. KIM lilil VI K Willi SU -lll.TAUY lilli««! ( HV.T.V.I.VI* M II.l-KtN |)«>ll_ll!S IN (.»IN <»N IUXD-A Hill IO ¦1.1 HUM Ml'll'iN OOIM IN I'ltl TAIi.XIl«».. ni KI |,.i:il li IO 1KB lKlblJSK.I \Vt»i!iMni,v, Milich 1..'Ihe in« mb« rs of the j Him«!- Appropriathm Committee « jil« «1 at the Traaa- my Department to-day ami bad s hmgoenteence xvith 111«- «Surcttny latiT« to the pTppOied billi titu- tinn of bil ver com for ira« tional unen« y. The See- retail eacpreaeed biiaaelf ia aUliag thai Oaagnaa ihooid pa m bia requiring Um redemption ol b te- lion.ii ciincncy with «¡lur; hut he .ccmed to Waal to « scape tiic »¡ini'vi'iilit.v «if the attempt »hoiihl it prove a failure, alt hon. ¡i he de_f not think it will fail. (Should it he Htin c-v-fnl, h'.nv- cver, he vxill f.iil t«i i«<«ive the eredit for earning out the policy, for he, has ahead. abnadaat power to pal rihrer «mt aecarrenc5 with* .»nt a day*a delay« The Committee xxiii to laoctow decida the qaeatloa. There an now. aoeordiag t_> thelataal ttgaroa in the haadeef the Committee, $12,000.000 in m1«' r coin in tbe adata ead aariotaat treasuries ami -f l.OOd.'i >l) in ««il-.cr bam, Th». S. c- retary bow waata a law Bathing it Imperative foti him to subi-titul. sil vi i .uiii Im iiircncy, ami the ConuB-ttea bara already pr_»_>ticaDy decided oa the ¡ilin« ¡¡iii s.ut the lull. All the aaaaibera of the Cooa« iiiittce are in favor of the propoaitioa except Mi. Holman, who fears it i:ny Interfere with bia gi reu- I'Ui k thcoric»'. Tin" hill of lin- Cointniltee xxiii njipiopriate BIBS», 000 to he at once available for the parpeee <>f continuing rho printing of the greeobaeba, this sum beiag roqaiiad foi operatiooa before the beginniag uf tin* m it leoalyear. Ra ¦onay irfll be appro¬ priated to eontmoa the iiiiiitini,' of ii.i'tioiial ur- r< ney, and the hill xvill provide that nana abatí be benefit i iaaaad. It will abaidtoaai the Seeretarj «>f the Treaanxf to pay «»ut all the aUvar coin ia the Ticimhv for the rc«Uiii]»tioii of .raitii'iial »urn ii, v aa preeented. and to jir<»xul<! forth«« eaiaage aa faai aapoaalble of other ¦Uver.tebe a\ diabla aa faat aa tbe preeeal supply la mhanatud 'rho bill will he drawn lo manoa ami preeented daring the weeh. it xxiii«hatihtlcHseeeaaioa <aaabletable deaateb MK. IiNCHHACK'S BOTT. Ill«- LAtf Al'l'l 'KAM¦ ASS CI.AIMA-T 1\ Hil «IV A i jj.\ u ron now, «m mvbat. lill II L80BA1-* TO TltF. TRIM aa \Va«-iiin«.i<in, March 1..Mr. Pinehbaeb i-« at laaf ««.'am regalariy befare the rVniate. and there la lit l«- fear thal the nea arill be laid .i_i_e until it is tin:iliy diepoeed of. The «.uhject at last aaaaaa aa aaaaeoaa to the Qenatc ai it t«i the publie, and there is bow an ;i]i¡ 'i nut «I« «ire tulay Bai le all othci h gttBi H ami fol¬ lón tin-ii!,h.ij'|i.\ anitor to victory tnfUefeat. Beaatoi Al com ti i.i, le :i long and able apee» bto*de! ia hiefevei, bat tixooj who baaid it e«ntld not forget thal two m ira ago th» Miaaiaaippi Senator signed a eeaamittea reporl «li. laiiiiK that tin N bad In cn no lawful clic- ii ni, iiinl that he hail hin« e fr»«ju«-ntly «h'claicil againal Mr. Pinehbaeb« Ile xuii now, howavar, viiic fur hiin. alona with Ifeaora Logea and Ajrthoay, whoalao,aa BMmberaof the Committee <>n I'm ii gea «ti«! Ki«-1 um», aigned the haine report. Toaaorrow M:. Edmunde will 9aak againal lim admawtoa,aad will, it in expect« «1, ho followed hy Mi. Ilrucc, who Will ipeah in the .sume t'íioi ai in tho executix«- Na- sion nix ilavt« uga. _ WHAT ARK Till: COMMUTEES 1><»I\(;T a i.At K oi' cai'i«nv in nu: BOVSB, '»it a riAi; io ACI III". Al>l IÜ» AI»I«il !t\Xtl NT VIM HUM. lur uiü'.uií'I to the nuil mm WkmmUBBTmmi, Man li 1..T!ie IIoU_e atljourn« «1 to¬ day, after a two bania. Marion, attboagfa tot aabagk appropriât i"ii ill lins v't he« nine ¡i law. Then baa aetbeeaaaeb a aoaaaaenooa laataaoa of política] cow.iniite, ar aa bold a declaratiea <>f ado-nothing policy »mee the Boarbeaa began their r«-iim m the Lower lions«». The Coonmitteca bad ull bean nailed thiough, yet althaagb aearii 8.000 billa have _««;eü laaanad to them, they de ii"t venture to r»|»ort aayanaa. th«- bimi bangnifl« ant. àoeardiag-y, when the r«*_'.l_r onler was called, the paralysis that ha«l f;tl!i ii upon the I)euio«r_tie pin ty was powerfully m.-inif«-st. in the lion«-«. Not a sinitle «tari was spulten. Mr. Holman tinally, after a laag aflaaoe, feariagdoababMi that an attaaaat nighl ix Bada to apriiiK some fiiian«-e resolution, tttXOi to a<lj«nirn, ami the Hous« was adjourned before the day had fairly begun. A ITAÎ1 Ml'-NT HY riKKRKPONT. IIIMMMin mi a__acocJi cahk DKiiin».thb "no IMPWig* lJtirKB msi-.NDKRarooo-NO ooma corr yu i.ti»i.iaiiEi>. (ar TaceaaArn to the SSBBBBB.] WASHntuTON, Martli 1..The Attornev-Gen- arstl'a attauttun bom becu di(t«*.t4_l Ut reoaut reports, »eut íroia Waakiagtoa te Tim ki. Limit TAnun, iiartici that during all tbe tlnt-en of the Bstieoek trial .Tu«l|re rierre- pont lirnl drnwu fniro District Attorney Di er the plans of the prosecution an«l the evidence lu Its pnsses«1nn stul «.omiuiinlcaieil it to Mr. Sion«, of lien ______ counsel ; that this was «lone not onee, hut roany times; anil that in onler thi.t there nil«Ut be no surprise, Oak Dyer was « alle«! to Washington and Indues-d to confide te the A tor- ney ijeueral all tbe secrets of the prosecution, which In turn became the proi-erty of (Jen. Ralmi.lt end Mr. .»torrs. In regard to thin, Mr. Pierrepoint says tbe re¬ ports are not true. Ile does no» kuow Mr. fton-s, and never spoke to him in his life. He has nc.ir said a word or written a line la J-dgB Porter ..bout the Hancock «ase. He bas never spoken with »len. Babcock about the case since his Indictment, itefore his Indict lu-ut lie und H. cr, tai y linstow called '¡en. BakOMÉ Into the President's mom one day, and there. In the presence of (¡en. (Jraut, told him of the stories that v. ere current alKiut Ulm, and that was the only conversation be ever bud with hlrn on tho subject. He never spoke with any of the conn», Ion either side of the __| cot k case about 'he testimony, except with (.ii. Dyer and Mr. linton. bl ngari to the letter, which has now become so la¬ mons, nnd whi« h bus been Inferpn ted as havin», been se ni for the purpose of Intimidutlni. wltnen». ¦«, and pre ventlnt- accomplice.« fr«.m testifying', Judire l'icrre|>otit says, first, thst nu con ed copy of It has jet be« n pub Habed. The copi that has been «/oin« the rounds of the press fur a month Is Inaccurate in iii ny particulars. He says that tho .inl______n_ muli r wlilcli the lett« r was sent «tere these ltYports bad appOBNi in th«v news paiaers Unit siStUMB BBBBta were tuakinir to pt»ev«»nt the pun.sbment Of -hi-ki tblev.s br »lie Wbatt Mb . and lui attention. M well M thal of the Pie«l<leiil. had lie« n .li¬ te.tod to them, and on the day on which the letter was wrlilen th.se had serumiiluted and had boan corroborated bj the a ».mu ti.hi of a Hupei\i»"i' of Interual ll«»vetiiie, who brought eiH_:_;er*ted re|aort8 of suth arrani/einents. linter these elreutn- si iii. s, and to j. rennt a public ami.ii, the Fresldeut asked th.« At toi net -«¡cuera I t«i vi nie lill« I, »let whit li he claim* eotitains no hint tint the testimony of a«««.m- plli«« was no1 lo be rec« lud. Swtajt lieirepont sais that tbe letter wea a perfectly prapn one, ami that it« enljr eejoet waa te pierant a gnat ______ Had it not I" ii fur tin pi it en id tmiit of the time, It would hue boan considered tierfeefly proper. In re ira rd to Hie pilb¬ il«.-it inn of tn,- letter, Hie Itteiary Ponara! knows Bethlee) Be atina aappeaei tin» t it hail baan sent to Hw pr.su by «ni Dyer, betta now aoBrtoen-thetbodtf Iin- l»i triet-Attoriu-v !n)iirtu <-. CURRENT TOPIC« Al' THE CAPITAL. i.Mi'oi.ix and urosn. WfiaUKM. Wedin ade] Mar. h 1, 1 -TH. 'I be» f_t»i«-ni«nt of b_po_t8 ¡m«! exporta i«»i J*MT»»ry K just leaned. From the t.il'le -|... . mi. the coin- ¦ana of web OBetoau «i -tn«t m the ennutrv, tha ggana ahewtafftha moen__ baafaen «>f the prtoelpal port« is taken, and herewilli pr. «. nt. .1, foll"W«-<l I»}" a> BnanugTj of toa ahola boatoan of tha month, as Mowat li. in. «TI. Bip «iiivd K'irelTii liiilpon«. tallen 1 iiH.rt«. rts'timore «v_m.hu i «ja .».¦: i :... t e.ia.t.so Bogalo. .«in .',« ., o Iii, 1.77-. 3.331,107 169,618 l.iirl'«ten s-,1 2,09 .423 . ti al . ni. ,"i; 1 li .,'.' . . it, .ten. .. 3u-, ¦', i a-.,..1'.,., . . Mobile . '_ os.i-, 1,440, «¦« ..»«-tv ii um :r,i. Ti.otB ._'.'. Sett «tri» ins ... 1..lilli'IM («. ti .*»7t 1W.147 '.'.n ter» ¦"..' 146 31 »110,41 ¦.; 700,1 I m urn . .1.7.su '.iiii'i na v..I folk. 4.:t71 1,976.1 i. lelplila l.Hu:|,...'.'7 3 I1V..I J i«ol -.m Francisca . j t«,- 1.1 -1 1,726 ¦.. --ut hui ah .. 111-1X6 8.4-7(1 <'*" . M ilui!iilit<ui . .¡(J IH'i _4j'I.'J»j9 . ti I. l«il;TH. IT«rc__«tlM M.uilli , ml..I J.IU. II, 117,! $42-O90t_M ..'.«:,'. ..>. fl.'.«73,r.7 Month einl.il January, 1871. -I..I 61,483,379 1 1' 1 M » .-. .11 III..lil I,-. eu ., «1 lan. II, 1878 -'7o,..M.-ir> NS.2M.768 8,030,291 -nt, ii nu.lilli« ml««I .Lu..ian ..i. 1-7-. ..292,988,470 M 17.889 ti,3i'J,:ilO «,,.- o nuil Bullion» Month «n.lisl Jim. SI, 1 .».'(.. UtMM 2.1iI.o79 U7 «I Mouth < i,'I* 1 Jan. .ii, 1873. l.Olll.il. 10.912,488 ii'l.1,07 Helen nu.titlis «Il-leil Jen. 81, 1870 ll,J7fi.3'!0 Ti (Jx.143 f.Wl.UM »«un m«mths ei..;.<i Jsn. 31. In!" . O.I..-.0.112 4 I,NI.N0 MM.7M yvamiim.'k.N ROTES. ¦f__-PtOT0.il Wi-ln«.<1«> M n h 1, lt«7fl. The lloilbc Comuiitt« e M Natal MTti'i t > «lay ex m.m ii «on. Moana af Florida wttb legman to the pun- dathat nearrattoM _ thal Mata for QeramaaM »i.i|. »mil«:> is. Got.Meena tcotlledthal theaereeerra nous nie ur.»iii. uni'»'«-, ; that » e iiL-.tit- appointed t«> su peí m.-n hem «m ir- iv neicl« <i their duties sou teal nie .«-.. n h ¦ appropriated for toe salariée of these airents in entirety« set« L Tbe Ile ahllean members of the «Omn- HUM« «. «ill m«i«> 'lint all Ihe t< ntiuu ny be piiiiK-d before .my ropoit la Bindo. lol. Ordwi.y. »*<iri.-e.iut-.i1*.\rins for many nan» of ihe Kepiiitlli au Um'- lia*» ju«t --ill.'.I Ils a<< .units as Her -.-ian! at-Anns han 1 t-**;.J lu 1*«7.'.. B_M___Bg lo 017,715,051, "ni baa received from Treasurer N.-w ii letter ai«ting the) the »man line been audited ead ant- tied bl ti..lie..ii null», t-ii-epi I no smsll iicins for nu .-- ai'i'or »loo. j, .ni I«, ti... ini-mlii». - m.mi 'he OpoaktT. eertiflcutee. which. If not allowed, tho naaahB-O will li,.im* to refund i«. tha Uavenena t»i natur 11" i' « D « .- BBantBOd IO «lay BO l8 'he A-MEO l.iinmerclal 4 '.iiupai.y. Ile sahl I:.. BWBItlof tin rift.I to it. ii nels la lea ia ana mutt « ii la be a nOeeietan tt the in .-mi. and waa forelaigei ian thaa any own i,ul.lt ...T I..1. ¡fur rep-ilir ttopott <// i 'ingrrtttt.nil 1'rcratd'ngt >** Th'rd li,", omn; A R Y. LOUIS AÜODffTI BLAKQUt I..s|mi;«, Thanda. March 2, 1070. A dlspiit.il flinn I'm is t«. Ihr iKntij \\nSgPBpE continus th«) icport of th« «I« ath of M. HUmpn, and states that he iii.«! In 4i.ilrv.un lii«oti. i..uis âagenta liiatuiui «»us a brathn tt the dlattocalabed in m h Boanaaetat, Jarana Adelphe BlaaeaJ) sn«i «ena bon at Bin la 1005, in i«-;<», while tt hu. M.ittciit. he took up anea .is'ain«t Cheiln x., «mi reeetrad tba Ionia« lion of July. I'n.l.T Hie «.«ii« rum« ni of Louis I'hil iiPiM> bo aeted a_b Uio teratattaeevi i>.«rty ami wtn tam .i,uni n iba b ils at tha hi«», la 1030 ba mo aaadeand lo three .ears' luipi i-.-timejit lot polnit al C n«, ¦.. but i\..K lalaaaed before tha expiration of his tenu. OoN aft« lil- IB BM BO i'ii« «ved his ssi-jults il|Mili mouin'« li- li.il uni« riinii nt, and formel a o1, ,ur:o> to curry his -ellem, m Into __B_ In PtSM, wltli H.ubès ami ut lui »>, he iittemptel an n -m n ellon «hlili g ne speedily ii|.-i ke.t. slid he was «.uni. inlie.l to iletith inn tin- a ab m a ana aaaanan .it«. Haartoonnnd for life. M Hlaii(|lll was P leased by lb«' l.-t«ilutloii of _Od0»_»Wd Immidlat« li ol_'iiil/e.l the " »'.lil ral liepuliluan l»o. i- «.ty." Ile led in the ¡ill«nipt, on Mai 1".. to overthrow th.- I'-ousUtlient As... niliy, aud via» a few ila) s lab r arnoted aad aaotoaeed in tn .i.ais' haptle- otituiiil. The rrsil-e agitator was l.-nwil In 1-C!». i.m waa sent.-aeed égala ta Ion fautaf bnprtaon¦_._ in .1 tunart', 1808, Dariag the wai ni'h (ii-iuisiiv, he Inl »i'i.e.i!« <i aa ena <«f ihe ie_.i«'s m the _flnno_oo al Uee. 10,l(f70,and waa, lu Mann fullownut, ¦eateaeed P. aih lu loi.tuin.icinn b\ ii coimcll of tt i. Mo was not capture.1, how-, itr, mid wus able to ootue tn sin lu« ih.nn ilml.i« lit« p l-rii of the 4 IUI1- tuiiiie in 1071, Ol wlin li lu whs lue ni. f leader, ile fell int.. tha liainls m the i.omi nun ni DU li«' «illiture of Parla, bat waa net ptaoad on trial until April, it«.2, wh« n be w.i» seilten,,.! to t, al.sisil till,ill lor lite, liulheinv i..«ion of his la-t dial, ullin Baked bis n«.lal re-blriiee, be n i.iixi, "Mi a*.,mi raaMaaeol i an n___j m pi Ison.'1 _ I'nliK PACKtVQ I'M eis« IN'N'.vn. (.'im INNATI. Mareil 1. .Cul. Siilney I). MilX- w. ii,.- n | »» nit« inl. nt "f the Vl.i. hints' BBOhangBl mail«» the follow in« report to tbat Ikkíj io-.i.o i ,it.ii munn,-j of bog-pecked In »in« innall, front Nov. 1,1075, lu Mai eh 1, i-'iü, mu including butchers boaw, .".41.01-', same tim« l-t»l -«a»ou, .".4.«.»lil. luUI cul by luitilnis vtlio .ut oter 1.IHM. BOO, 10,017' satn«' time ii.iii anona, i .,«». i retid for um aeaeon, Including liiii.it. riV li.'SS, .'.»I-ti .'i »,iiil« lime is«t m* leen, >«i«J,Hi4. r.iiiiier uni e..mi.ei" .leuuis of tim aeaoon'a wort \.ui i,i i-ii'imiti. «I on friday. l'KIMF-1 AND OAMfAUPIHB. T.AWRF.MT. MoOBm March l.-.Iolui O. M(I>«ui*tl«l, s iu»u.ifs<-ttiia; of tin« uit, wss run ..ter lit a lisa ol »-.» stiü iMUUttj k11, ,| t«. ila.i. m Iba *oei »I mttttUg. »Ioiin.-i .vin, N. V.. Malchi. C.Prod. Smith, tha »'i.;..t Biurdwrsi ,,t \..»t, wss remni ile<i tn l to._>, to mil Hie «i linn uf lite ('laud Jury on a mu.f .1 srsuu. Si liol is, Man h 1. 1'. 11. Curtis, tvLo lias lieoj u.4).a¿iin a largs reisii íoiiiin-. bmune !.- re f.u a Byreeuae i»i. Yifliiii, »tss snrsle.l Mouiluy for allegitl tm sr.ilriu.Ul of a.it.not). PMovihrs« v., H. L March 1..(laa fnun a leaky uistn pearUat«*«l two Iumiscj, « a Wleka.deo se but iii«rtit. sn«1 iruilrt'sl till.« proplr lliai-utllii«. Ttiry liaTS «lu« s uctsilj all l.fi-n i«»sU>i-«sl tw < ouseloumieaa. SYKACtaa. N. Y.. March 1..Mesera. N. liters, aro. A Horn, one. or iargssA 017 goeiis tim« in ibis mag, bats sued 41fr««! wnklasöa, * bantu, fur clrcuUUng false ¦.'.ti'* that Messrs Peiers baa failed. BIO GRANDE CATTLE RAIDS. K11 U.IATIOX tup: only CUB& Fun HUMMING Ki:r«titT OF mi«, «win F.iciint'-» » <>'f- miiih.xxiiy -iiirnr. haids <-\»«*»or n PBB* V.NTFI» HY ANYTIIIVO Ill'T POMS. 111.111 ATR«»- CITY A.'.D KXIF.NT- 4 l'.H«.N <»F ___HMM «IN lotS B'iltnF.li -i,KN. ORXl'S AM» OOMMH I I.ItllH M TF."«TIM'»NY. (FROM TIIF. liff,I | «R tORRF«»r<»M'l.*.T<)F TUB Tit IHI¡"Jr.. Wa. iiist.inv, Milich l.-Tlio Bpadal Corn- rnlttee of tbe Houeo, of vxhcli Mr. Hclildcliei ti 1'tintr- ni.tti, for Hie mil »Miration of the chronic trouble« on tho lower «Kio Grande border, having roiupli'tcd the exam« naiinn of xxmu,b.<«, obtained pennieeion of the Hutim) jt-nf'-rilay la iirmt th_ t»-«tliii<>tiy it li.iatakni. Mean- tlitie Mr. b«-lili-iclier, who, from lila louir rcehleuce ou tlic fioiitti* r, ti tlioron clily familiar «xlili tlic subject, xxiii not wait ior the printed eetdOBeO, l»ut xxiii at ou««' prepara a <lmft of a report to nuiunit to the ni wit tee at an early BMattng for it., ftui-ul.-tati<»u. In Hill report Mr s-hli-ich« r -xiii probably taka occa- »lou to correct nome MBBggeobi «attona In lag-N tt» Iheattltuilc of th,. «i|tti|. ,,f Tfi.« toward Uhr iori lui partanteaajeat it «-t iii i»e auown that ihe people wbe have biiII'T.al, atnl «till eiiATcr, from tlic (on«t.itit laldl <»f Meateeaalaaalaaaa are uot eewaaktacCBaciwei1«, tt muni-rate tbt-iu for lo_»ea which th "j luve air« .nix «uf- feretl. Wh.it tl'c.i iii» a-«k of < oticrc««, aiifl 'vluil tin v tlifii. tlni haw- ti ip ,,r to (li'iiiaiitl, future |iri,t«-,'t ton. Tlicy ton no tle«ite for a «loclaiation of war a«<aitiHt Morrice. Tmtp ton baan torpeara iu u »tat« wena than war, ami they a«k th«-(¡oietiiiiiiiil to take BMNeereete preaarre tap peace. The Mea el aaaaiatlaa al aayper tittil o! theJtesteea territory to aha aattrdtpaipaeaaat IO tin in. If th it t. niiory could lie act,mr« .1 without the people xxl'" Inhal'lt It, muli an ari|iiiMtion iniirhl ii" ft wiih the aagrei ii to lhaaa ttetngoB the herder j bat the aeeaaaay al aaaaratag im«» the po mutton <»f lesea, abaaM aaaaaattoa tak«' place, tin ««. thieve, ead awrdee ia*. íiiki ih« |Kj««i,»iiiii of nalag Ban, Oarttae oreaaaa otli.-r Mexican of .ipu.ll«; iiatl cuai«,ci«r uml i.piii.iUou «apraaaattag dMai In the Oeace «« mt tbaUaJtedgtatea, would uiaiic t..c aaaeaallaa <>f r.e Proa / a*a an latean j aaaoaaaei na aaan iu nie tenth Boto» li ."'ellis to lie the a!iii"-t i'i,:iiiiiniiii« optti.uii of all Iheoa waa bare bad aa appottaeity te ahoorTo tfceeoo* tiitiouoi again ea laeMexteea barder, and beat gtvoa th»" taajacl < arefal »indi wini thouin,r, that tin» only way in i. lilt li tile rall«, mío Ti i.i« inn b«" «unppi d it« by au- thortalafl Unit «i i-iHtre traego, a ii«-t« in aetaal parraH al I'uitle thiel. «, to ero«« the mer inio Mi xn am tit I i'urj and lhere paabl ti»e galhg ana aa their awa MB. 'n.i* lu« n, «-u aaggnted ty hcereter] Plah i'» hi-» dlapateaea to ihe Dattod Platea Uleleler t" Hcito_*i by Oona. Bharidaa alni «tut, hy ('apt. McNeil* now in i umaMOd <tf lae lex Munjet »n pa "ti ii" dweller, ead hyeearp rMtitra ettkal re_lO!fVlto ha« i*iv«-u lint i«»ti molly l,e fore Hie ('«'in ii ii the. i in propoaliloa ia «n i ne -i» antiMN lay t" ooiaiBaaáai and ear beena deee aet anew a aladra ea ma pan ofaaj al lhaaagaatlaaaaa tkai theUaited Staler abell aieba war upon Mastae-, violate fear lerritecy, or eoaueM aa tätig tokj aaalaai her m a aal «aa it« vbjei t it ilaiplp to aa* eena adeeaato proteottoa te our ona eltlaoaa, whtoh H ¦eena bepueatbto to mi ara la aaj ada r xxu>. IMF. IA'IA« I. Y «Il H 'MP I ION. Mr. "»fiileli ker will nl-o puma!,!., »lt|'e ililli xxtiutcxcr id «Ion» Miall li«; done at out,.', lil unhr lo gtUXi lit mure aarinaa dillealihia la the tatara The aril m » grewmg .m- aaraaal yeera one the rakia wera eel aa eaanaeaa M hi | arl now, uni it would liav l> eu i aeier t«i efeoeh tncni tnif win n tut« Mexican.» hand thal th'-y could araaalatelaxea ntth iMpwiiiij. Ihal lae baanaai <>f ailie _. I ii 1 i wa» a protiiablo and comparatiii !> a na fe ot»«, benda i«, ead Iheaaaada anne bataead la i apaga in it. 1.1 cry .nar Um nuiuii.r ot Hi H bMfOaaCO, and the ii ililnnafileThIngtheahaaa of prnael hk- ear leni- loiy flinn nu a-i,, i. i,«i Maadi iiioic Hid inore 'I.lib Ult to soive. 1 iiiit; tbt people of Toni» have Ulan far shown xn.n- derfa foihealenuc, ead hare Bel la aaj exteal boee »milly of act« of i,-taiiiiti'«ii. it «m. eaeaaah to aap> pi,«i¦ timt tiny «iii «iii«,t..« iw eatii nt. uni it leered in at i' ( UT' »>a doce not take. Iiiiuiedtutt« tlon tlie paapta to that Mata a be hare .«-utf« red aa laag xvin take iiiat.-r« into tlirir iivxn hainlH. btio.iid lill y ol'¡-'¡iiii/,t« «.*- IHilitioii"« und «t ,»« ini'j M'ii«'", tiny tu ay Bat «oiitlue tin ir aetx of boiilili! v to ti.oki" wini liavi' been |.u¡.ty of lewleaaeotaor eagagad la BMiandlea oapedlttoaoi but Ula) Inn n lib » .uni lunn«, und llilln t KCXei'' piuilnli nient ll|«in all IdOOitit of people. BOOh all el« tit ::n 11.1k BdgM lu ill)» a''out etiiiipiicatit'tii« with Mixito wini h would o-l UK inn a timt«. Iron Ha and mpcnaO than any ti., .-"ii ¦ of proll thtu wltic'i aie now Baked foi. SO IN\A«.|«'\'S F\« H'l H\ Mt:.\l«'XV«. \nioni4 the papereretetan«! h»l ha Maxleea bwrdertraeMea fiiiui«iicti te ii"- ('oin mit tee i»y the d rretafj* at atete tee I. tter writien iu April, li-7.">, by Mr. llrn n, (Tatted "-;.»'«> » Oaaaal at Meal rey, Mexico. Mi.i'inch aoitoie at aaaaa leegth the lepena that Tanaa are la the bahai al wooa ¡ni; into Meateo ead BoaMBttMea dapradaliena ti.er«", and nya lhaaa leaam ara vhulll aatraa There an aeee* paalaad bedlaa "f .'¦ tuno, ut W tut Mi «¦ aaa, depeedat- lag "n Iln- eolith"! ti Hi,le ol lint l.n» UnUMlO, ami ha i.-'i'l« that II la raia ta haar af aay tt-aUag to thal Ida bj ha iiiiiiiii.ii«i baal Vaaaa, Ia foot fee Mexieaa anteef the her toa peer lo aaar a y nadaai in< bia la thwreo. ii»; taft thi! than aaa ',»« aa daahl thel nie raída late Taxai ate eiiilitly awMH t<» tlic »leiaurHlt/eil contliiion oi the ¦eaaaa al Iba poepla « f the Plata of Ibaaaa li|n«, uml to tho ela»« of BOB who Imld of- ii.o thara Wnn lande to ri r,i«o aa rabie ot-riir fitiai Meneo info Toa», mid there an really very rtra paraeaa in the State of ffnahaila aha an- Mapee« «t lo i»e uuiiti of «neil (induct. AhoatBigla hei lhan u a kimi fecllnjf bet« ecu the rcoplcoli lioluMde»! al Ihe river, .uni that le the «niii pete* where au> toa Iderebta aaaa- Im of pt r«tt|.. are lix ill,.' on tbe lautier liilm-tn I.thiiI,, and lil ram. The Male of Ta tuan li l'a.«, alune, lio-ai *, f11 im Lanada dea a, taratahna ti"' iu itarlal fur übt rani«, «uni iln kOUag of h ia than -«¡'Mi «eil kaewa leaaadri la tint ^taie iiniiifi, ia a*liena, pal m aattia »t"|i t" tin m lue Moitiii (i,iXi iiiiniit «'*n in-xt r apptp thg r, Tía-di. No it pelar Men« an (.o\« mt m tit tieepa erin be BtaMaaed ea UM haoi iboj Éeaerl m naaai and erne« into Tt-iia-. Tin t,ffl liniixi tin« ami alxxiti h tttO) the n k ul.ne ax> ay f uni Ihe f.on ni. '.'o', ii .ti. a I «. or ii.» ¡,'iilar n,-lillie ti i,in ti,,' Mala of i am.mil pt»,'oui i '»« haptoBthe line. There I», Ituxx'ii r, a !. aeon xxliii li maine 'lils tin* pi ai -li. able. Im- lum,li eil m, i::ite«r, i.tkan finn, the tauch« ". of the flout ii r, tit mt I and nun ni tit, xiamld be a daaearaaa badi ta the Maand Oer« iniiieiit,¡wt, m cas. al imlillt al iÎ!«lil;ban, ,«, ¡tlwax« po.nl,h- in Moco, the. .Aitoiil f.nin tin'nu, l-ti« lor an a. in> t«i aaalat any ri-vo- iulioliiry i lil' .' to a XXJ "lit hi» hi Inline. Tue ( encrai iitixeiiiiiieiii of Helloo it tin n foi'- peaatMea le aet to the matter. l.S(-OI!I(I(ill!Ili lltAll". Off IU MI X11 AIM, la regard te the paapeoed aeeapattea "f Malleea ter- rikmry bp DBlled siaie«, troop«, Mi. Kiah (.ay«: l would not '. re uioiui nt bt «.« n-...!«-»-« «l, tree* tin« *,u_;- irc-.tton, a«» ii.,-, m « ile i,'n»i ii"«i.-f tu in ni; abvataprf» utiim« nt ixciipii'ioii uf Mi'xito. ur atij pail of u. Tu4a Ml xx ml ti, lil nix opni ou, U'until.! oin,ii t«> «:»_.».' 'L.llf: canctj- on ii htuii.iu b i«l), or redaciii. uiir ooentrj it. the . uni tn,ii uf a man «nile! g fruin ticinni ninnie, who, ainioi'_h not ii'.c1) to di«' treal It, la aarartheleaa vcty umvjti.toriable. In reply to Uie re|»ortthat Iba xi. an Miiue'erH'ciuic« the Tt-xatiH, urti e*)»«"itiilly ex < onfi d. rate«, of aroaahMJ into Marlee, Mr. rincti npet Htlch «tatt unlit* ur«t iitisl.ititli ]in!il!ehed 111 Mfïlii.n tTOVx-paiMie, itt.-I lillee til Me \.i an aralon«. Wha IOB0 a,l\aii!a_,- of the ".enera. Ikiuh hu ¦. "i ll..i to,uni", men to mane a.««"', ,«ni« ot.li in,In 11 ti to intt II teni t »,.n», bnowing -«li tin- iiatuniul want "> tapai'lly to «Ila- t,i..ui«ii iteixxi t n a ile ¡uni ile," trun» ami we, who an» a< il-Ini'ied to ICO the« lib li«, have been a.lnu.ehed thal a iniiii o, -,ipi .iii; the poaltloa of Hi imi' Mai tncal Mintllil »-,, til,»take ii... aiitin-itii' i, to make e.u h a liai-*« in me lu.nil i«tait «. * * « rae artier bo« iu hi- «¦«ilili'd "late, but an old Aboiill'inl«! ol I lie PuiBBOT UN i.i- «-lei ««iitiol. He baa, however, felt tn- luaell none Ike Maa keenly. Mc pareot-all* aadai oliliaatlona to ,,. '.I n Im ai fut in tklntf tin ««. bargt «, I'x -n doiug In-nilly cm ruburaUe thi« opiiiiou of M'Xiiftii Jl|,«unia.y C1 ven io Hil» l>ep u inn ni l,i a f"i In.r di« ¡ia« eli. go hall wax un a«ill, » Will Bliewej U tieatlii; with « exictii«. lint, N no trail In the Babona, duuerter ni'Mc »ti Iklap in all <>i ni, blah ar Ma, th m Um ii attar atai¿(ard ol ***inaqn«*eera nroaa aar *<._. la ovary puât ti.tn if life, M «el \ alii«, IU« «hun lie, 11» v. I l-l », or gOTCfW" oii. or iiiendiunt«, tliey gc uc.er « oiitioll.il lu nuy ol ¡luir lining» by tue fear of.» fn'ui,' raaponatbUltj. r..« ra untf-t alw.txs li« ihox.ii tliein that then a wai. bfnl «v« on Iln ii lu»V'ui'tiU anti a hand re.all to rti.ke. i,.r alone t_iii a-, train thcin, and ina« nnief bm fear "f direct ami Illino ti.,tie i.H*IiH-uii'iit In;- Ullecotlduct. l.nv aiu ICainlili le I,) ua,ure, au I ure a.wa.i» nadj to i.»_ Hutn all nu a «diance. Tln-v leepi t perOOBI of M ralionalliy but the Minttilnrdi. ami they « uly aa ti.ey uinlneimid fi «.m loua axpaniate then mut« of uaaaaaari, w bo, Mum tue Oaagaatt aatil aow, aaa al a «ya boee hmud, *lille tln-y «tiwpiaa the Aiiicrl, an. who. irotn etliieiifl.iii and training, la iliei«iw «1 to t at cxery ona ou tenu« <«t . .piaiity. KiudncM, BMaaMerabea, ead kdupoe.tiou ea tue part of any nu«« to treat thciii le e,piala only eil. ti their Cuuieuipt, and althaagh Ute«a ai«r iicraoiial trait«, tiny oaiTf tii'-ni luto every r.-lailmi of ¡Ife _¿«>i i.it, hut li., nard Land _ ill keep tlieiu »traiglil, i JUiei aa luuivld- ui'ii o- aa a uattnn. Tie fir»! inletale of all th« cixtlii«-t| jniwi-r» lain heauna with Mesiuo ou ta« of .«cifx« t »H'iellty. Of the population of the country, OjOOOUO '). imt over __B> trata rea ned or Write, «me half are lu.bans, only ne remote rmm barhuism. One quarter of mixed blood, bardi] removed from their [nolan aaeeateee. aad m a stutcof set Mom us Hie masses of l.'urope la the middle nifes, «Ully in««ie fiee. but certain!., no! mote .di am ««I The one tenth of the I ..[.illation who are s.,men list in- struct«-«!.uone of Hiern are »nluc.it. d in the penpal use of the ti nu -are so eOBOOBMd bj t Batt] eirollsm sti'l BOaeeH that they are susceptible of no Improvement, so treatii s on the tamo binds as with eattnlj rmil/. «1 peo¬ ple are sadly out of plnee. ihr i At iiiiiK» ion lunns«;. Among the witnesses ex.iiiilnid bj the Commute», was (rtn. K. 4>. ('. «)rd, now eoiiiitiandli)« that portion of the Culled States anny sUtio'icl on the Texas froiitb r Ile testified thut for a time after the arr« st of « ..nina by the l'««l«rtil Oovenimetit of Me\leo the raids were Min <i' 'iin-ni Hs before, but recently the cunimandlng officer of the district of the I.lo «¡ramie I. id ««nt hitn«'..pl«s of tele_T.ims and reports which show gmt the number of raids and murders has rapidly increased. Tho BXtaat «if these raids, lm rays, ami the fn« lilly for < «.uimitiing theiü appen nelly not t<> »ie aadanleed out¬ side of ih.it < oiinfry. Du ne mint if th«- peal numinr of ranches liiüm- the banks of the N't ii. es, ami betwe. ti the Penen aai tha BtaQraaOe, aadfnn lha fact tbat that country oirc* especial BttlBOtBgn ¦" »I". U i.-u-ers, and that the uortheiiy winds fretpi« tilly diive /nat mini- bets of cattle loo or '«.'00 miles south from where the owner« live, the mimbi-r of the cattle mi the plain mirth of the mer h.is b. cn \. ry (.-ii a!. 4)n the appoaMa side of lha i Ivi the supply of beef ha. been vi-ry li iii till, from all Hint «¡.ii. Ord could leam. The numb, r of Mexican» who hu-. boap diivi'ti by revolution alni by of bel lawless a. from 1'< titrai and to-then Mexico BpOB the l.oideis .'fthel.io «.iriii.le, pri>l..ihlv to i-M.-tpe puni «htiii'tll for iti«ii vbiletiee, has filled the eouutry with l.wlcss ami .1« sj.erate ni« n. Tinir rahm maku Httla or no« ffort to araran! then Hen oonmUtlng aMantn aga.M na liiite.iMatea,m IhapwanM probably lan nair popa* hiri'i If tiwi .lui. and it would mai».' tin ¦ obu niou« to nia|ority of the pooplO Hu BOOOaal of the facility for _r___B8 th«' river, and of m agtae le tha (Jelted Btatea, ihe Itexleae troop«, who an gaaonUp eallated h___i '.i«c.i to be ta Bag.tad, by a sort of paoaagnng uratan, taha a.raataaai al lha oppn nally ahaided than '.then braaghl near to Ihe Wa Oreada Mrar, and deoerl t.. Tetas. That prareanthe Cbatnl Gerarnaaanl fren aaetatetatai b f.u.e on the Lower Kio «¡ranite to control llie*-«- .1. (pontt and lawless men. «¡en «ir«l then dc-eiil.etl ihe character ol the country ftb.iiir »he rlv.-r bank, .ind the BhatBOb « whu h the Batan of thachepeml thrawa la lha narai gnardtaoMtead oiilui'ii'l b> nplag that the only way to piobet the property of the peopbi on the fiotnii-r. an I to pi. ten! i ese i,.¡du, u,is to cm« |ha liver wh. ne.er the troup- k4 11»,.¦ e ti.ni uiih the prospei i el enetahlag lha eettla rheies. The Mexicans cannot be .¦.¦cn through ill« thicket or chaparral, and H is Inpoaalhla for tho eom- in imb.fl > Ith ii«, to know when thev are cumin,., ex. cpt »luv I. .uti it by acculent. The only wat is lo gatapwB their trail In the rear indtO follow them, and« i cn t en, as the] an- well mounted aad n aa tha na, tim proapeet al ov« i lukin«; them helor«» tiley .et to the nier gi ucraliy far from (¿nod. Miixi« AM TMUMMUOM PI .««. In 111. «trat.BO the «lib' ulty of .lillian information of the lanls, (,'« li. (M BOM thal cuni..ins of Anal,'.:,; s:eam« s p|] iii^- on tlie Km (¡ian.le I.i., i. a..ii g1 Bl leinen who I,ale be. n lum,, out »ule ii ihOtOWBO, und who ii.iv.- rtten Infoi matu,ii l<« ihe Linteit .-tates ..thiers, heil be*, ged bim not to mention theil nan in any statement be mit. M nebo baaed u theil oeMenee- .s tin y would iitimi.lv bena aVnd bp lha nhkn if It mas known tbet the/had given tefenaot-n, Naamoaa tnatanen lune come to i,is knowleeps of the murder of ponen who liad Kivcti Inlormiition to lint« «I OtatOB «ill. <i s in Mexican ii.l«. Ile al-o i.-coiniucndetl that no iroops cn cpt Ihi'sc of the I" .-I «ort sbullhl h«* s all.m «1 mi ti.t n.,Hin i, .tin! explain« d thal he a_aat bj» that thai a hit, 11 nop» ibonlii in uii roan be ««l.. ted for th« torra ..¦ aad a: ha-t o Kg.Benia «if the »f laiilry should lie station« «I ou tLe lar.iel Kio Hi.mile at .,m e. «len. Oui narai bearii of 0 Bingle mMfttn Texas into Mexico, ami si.nl that ou the Mi in .ii sale of the Lev» i Rio «ii. mlc. n in as hu could see, llei«- was notliiut; tin .ii ui. pi opie on ihe Malleea Mdn aieall aappNoA-lth lx ef lroiu our side. ,.i.,l he was told by i /clitic man Who aaafbraloag Ubm Oaaadlel Mentaeap, that the Brian of beef ih« i<: ratted arttta lha anua! andaepeitan«.f ti««- ii ullin»' b nil« grind "'"' BBB_0_l_e i attie lu i''Xa*. One nason w hi i auls fi "in tstXAA an* ni.poasiile lu that on _e mea ridothap bara a ajaian al rtrarpoHn aim.n. the [s.pnliitlou living in Iba i alley«. Whei. 4 'apt. .Mi N< IIj uesM'd the ni cr in put suit of a pal ty ol M, \;< uns willi rattle, In les«, than six hours lu t'.icn «SI ami HO«» of then ptino wcie In front of 1.nu. and many as BOO would lute lu- u then ¡n len thoa -i baan U be had n lunn..11 His thornton Inpoaaihia tm any body io go own n ntv a witheel bein« __. Brand. lu <i> «> illili)*. Ihe deplorable BOBdlttOB of altana oil the «lonler, den. < ud laid that the Mexii ans i upture eui i bedrwhan nag tneonntar whttaoaaiaM. TberaWa. soon arter Le took ullin.;.mi, were So ftvipn tit tliil th. Mfai.ai i aero often m pooaeerian an our side, so thai tin-ro.uis weto tanpoenbte, tneapl bp talpa pantaew paraoaawitb aeearta. The Maataaa Ouaaal b1 baa ba lento-han ho wanted to /o oral teGaaniga for ins amily, aahl .1 and obtain« «1 un order for BBOOOBrtl tin- « .itl.oll« Insl op, when he Minti.I his people, .u»i»i,t for a unitary est oif : the County JedgB. |0t-8 f1"»" one town to another, n*\Uf»t*A u nltttnip . a ort. li was unsafe t |oinney outsii.e of the town and bepooatMa to xcut«' Iba lawaetalL Qen» «Dei enM tt was ib at the theo previous to (ortilia's ai re«t, and «rnu!.l li. ...iiie h) .'H-'aill eg his I'- turn. TlM eouutry was entirely lu posse «sion of the raiders,aad tha Patted Huies force« nanni no1 abaab »in m or drive tln-iu out 0 the state. Till FHiI'MuIlY POO «¡IIIMII.Y III «li «TTO. (jen. Ord t miticd ti-at when tn Boaanaai of the »*.«.- partinent wh eh in.-luden An/.,na, he had an umbi ¦toadies with ihe deliran af Sanara thal ear li.opa slmlllij loss the »iiiii in ill'-i'lt of millaililtag Illili,ii,» from .iib' r sxle, and that a Company of M> \u au irooi s e.,.,|i rat. d it ith I'nlte.lM. t. s «oldiets for t'Vo or Hire s.-, an our »i«ie «-i lha Nae, Gan. «mi approved ol lamino nllona to then, ami oonpHaaeata th. m mbbOmb Ile has now au iiinlcr-lai.din*.' Witt tin- «...iel tnueiit of Chlbnehna to the saan c-eet that theil troup« aadean shall |'iii-ue li.i«tile Indian«, and eoSpi tata In their -en. suit oil eillier snlc ..II 111« se raid« Is oil Hie llverm. iiuiiati«, .i of ladtaa ti« »i ni. tin i would ba nedlaV .um tor oin troops soon to put au end to the catii.- ¦teattag, if the (ioieinui.tit ol lain.milpas wasli.tlii- « U«'«'«l by tü«' «¦lilli' mollies M those of the «Jot eminent ..f the ethel Siat.ss mim. .1. Ona «if the «Illili nil!«m which «¡..ti. Ord meiulnncii which eonpUoah Bntton anal wrioealp la oeaaeetioB Britt (llese I.ii.Inn/ palin -, that Hie li.-. «.I.tlnlo 1...« I la njt looked apon n taebordarhno. binn lha tnntj mail«- b] the (¡ovclliun-ut th. H- have lueii toim. d a gOtld many of wiiat ure allid " poel.i-ttt'' ni the ben.Is of II.» river, ¦ Mob bara bat ti. ut afftran «m«' ntha othn rido( i.'.niiii.', aa It w.-ie, tittie pieooe of Mexlea all alono oin ride of tim rtrar. Tha Mezken itws an tninnd m then pi.i'is, and lha Mastona popaletioa leneeteoah. nu'to any anthill Hy from «mr side. In a _rri.it tn.iiiv ptoeea tba river has taken an Battrolp BOW «Launel. Then raMtagpeittoa ne rendearatneathlaabla of tho liter in Umleo, nii'i «mr troopa eannet disturb than wnlioiif bein,, on M. xlcaii terrbuy. Z. I. vv. TfXEORAPBTC iPOTBO Pit'ivmr*» i. I». I.. Mai.ii i. iin Deaaeeratie ti.it, i < m. i.iiui in rallei mm Hit i«.u. u.si. Nkvi-4iiu.i* ass, Mai. l.- Tba friHlhiirn and Want- ern stales IsaC^a.sa «»"hi« BtiOB Mt Ban loila) uni m Killi/..1. Nrw-' »m y ash, Ifnrc- I..«floe, Hendtiebo ami pai ty b-Jt for li.u Wist lum aftMaOOB, Ttl KobUa and Mum n i y. Sam I.«Kt <'nv, Mar« h 1. Berraneetof tlie bar, Jtnl.e lan. tsiit' bas I'«*« n Sl.l'.'llil'sl to the 11 lu Instil« I lisueli «lill 11IX I"'el J USt li «» \\ lill«! S .II«, IH«-. its« iwAii, M .ne h I, -It ¡s anowina hard bera, AlMitltlttxi neb.« huv. fsllen. Atl.,un.il HI.»St 11 litim'.l Usi m_iit abaal inui taahnal snow i....i ____. BOHTUV, »Man li I. Tin* (ire.it Vulhl Manufa« tiirin« « .¦u.paii' i'u1 'lie Ssliuoo Kal s __-_taeU__lg « iniiiiauy o' Sem usnipnliili« will retluce mm.« Sía.i .- K1. IbssK.N, March I..Tba Coiiiuiei ««'iiietit of tin Doetea Medlsel ¦¦«¦ti«>ii teofc pleee Is st i lie iegnoat Des t..i of Misbiine wau ttinurr«-«! nu Iweuti tlin-o Keull* ">e" sail »liri.i l_-.t«_. liniAi'i j.piiiA. Marah 1..In abe ona of Upton >. Neweeowr. tieri et ihr Btngh-a Hosee, rhsrgsd with reJatleg lbs « mi iti»iiu MU n n__al_a lol«iuf lu s ...I .itj<l Uibiisti-i. tliuj.irj li-" tnoi-iiig rsuilcit-d a ter ,i< l et -rulllj. Ottawa, Mniob i.-At tbeo_n-_ln_o_tagel tbe nuuliitonKifleissotlatt.ii, be'I tins aft. ru.s.n, tue rnport uf the «numil was i*r. seuU» I. nb>>«lug th if tim iii.teniueiii .¡T^iit bu ls75 »sall ,*.3lHl, an«. Hut ttteuty Uto rifle aswxta- Caaa lu.». I stllbslcil with tlie lmin.nlun AsvaclaUon tiutiug in« yssx. 1'it.ivil). KCE. If. I.. Mar«hi..The Sigma Phi ..inti- .eereli «>iiTnoU<>n cloaeil «lib s supper to mir.'it JA Ksvbs- li.nl «it liuctieeur «tss rim-ted »'ivsui-atil lim sexi «ruKiu W11 ia» in li is Ii« «l« i, «Uli 1 li«,HaSS is. iisil'iii.i ... Ilsrin.itl sa 11 muir, au," Kriieat nr.-xiief Kstlicetsrss l'n»i. This srse- iii« au t.iuii-u wes ds.it tn«! b/ lbs Msr. ueorgs AUoiaou at ¦aabenan FOREIGN NEWS. MmSin «tCHEM K ON LYONS (.MIARGF.& IIU MCUUHM HU M IAI.«F, AM» I'liOMlMta TO ar¬ il i:\ hy «ii; mai Hir-M.K. I>»mk,h, Wommaamuj, Man h i. iwi. Mr. rxchenik, the A'inriciin Mn.iet.r, put>l_»lii>e the follow card : " I_»M>(iS, March 1, IgPg, " In »orne Ixrntlon paper- thin ninrniti -. aere piihll«_*4 teicKTiiphic dtopatato h parparttaf to gi\e. a r«"p«irt «t Lyon'» testimony lu!, n* a niiiiriitt««« ,,f < oiujrreee. I de» iiouuce hi« vi bolo «i.ticiu« ni concerning roe aa a ti««ue of infamous f.ii«, ii,i,«l_. Il.iviu« obialncd n-.ne ,it ai,«en. o from my Government for the ptirpua«-. I «hall «.ill in lb« next Btaaa* r f, r lie Init,.! Hlalea lo .-«iiifroiil mi calnm- Biatora and x indi, at«- my reputation." ai hi -ni «,itx\r ni.PiA\r. Albert Oraatbaaeeal t<> ihr Tiwi* the copy a t«'l'irr:iin which ho «cut i c«t< rdax to tlic « liainnan of the House «'ointniit.e on WtttbjB IMalitin«« at Wa_liiii_t"it. [Mr. (.rant's telegnen ia printed ,1m vxh. MtJ SPANISH AlTMlfS. mg Fi.toiiT of vos i ahí" .-Muitr iii»iort» ina ( t HA. Leanne« _feaaaaaayi Mar« h i, ir.7«. «._ «fvr"<i-.i telagnua han Madrid to Tkt Daily Seiet »tat« B SBfiSS nien will lie K'tit »o < uba lioiiiedt* utely. There will be three .l«iv'e bull tlirhU Bad other featUI- tb « «ni the entry of the lloval troop« Intn ">l nlrld. Tho t«pani«h Kuibamty at 1'arta pomtueiv deinea thal ext'iiKii hah 11 1 hat any ¡»iltK-ul umtlxe lu vl«Jtio«j Spain, bho gora at Hu- i..,ti. nt of killis- Al.m_o. Ula ttahld t tt the ex'.'na 11 vx m u«i to 1 aru thi. h. I. mar M.iiliid, Iiniiit .li.it. )y after Klag Alton*«'« return froaa Hie garth. A H'icclal di-pitch to The Ratty Sent from I'.irii, «aye lion Carlee xvlll airlie 'n ti: it -t, ci Th 11-tiny. He will 1 reeeed taCMato ekari « rai ht anennnj Maoavaj him to ¦aaaaab l'huit, Marah 1, im76. Den ia-los hn poa reateriap eeeatagtopa-Btlaad- I elite Can ¡la li M _t,ii' io l ann. «. Au lilt, ii «'.lill t du, iiinii! is pilbil«*!» .1 her«', Itntl-f that Doe Carlee baa e«H rellagatohed hi« ttefaaa to tho thron of St,a.n. Re WOO U"t xatifiiii-hc'l. 'nt utered I rat'c xoii.ii'irili. Ile -.ave np lu« ¡um« initiiert«* France aer the ill*»,«attela, but rataatar v laid them down after a bernie «tru_-_.li". tim«, completely re.« ervine the fu« ure vhtoh betongi t" baa. m ti'i.iii, v\.ttaaadaPi m m h i, I97ti tv", ral lapattoa toilaad "If' i-int; a rcf'iiiii'tn In Iii« l « ¡I « I,:.,! lil»! ,'X and N al it" l«t to . «.! :,. »« pat at« pioxii.i.i, and nelllnp apea theOereraai at t«»aggett ten tin- teiiitnry BBMBg the adjacent próxima s. ft. JUAt Ii /, Wxl'.iifliy. Man h 1. 1-7'i. A riniior cimiit that tarerai t.uii«» It-vler», in- «l.idinc Cartisa, have I, n ii»»i»«»!iiati d it Labayen. ¡ios a, iii m- nrvvit.Y is nr. Loaaoa, Thaiadaj. Maret!; i >-t»». The Timen' Pari« ont ipoadCBl teb pi -"I « [t to atetad thal Doe Carina owea "»,090,00o frasea ha In bu ,I. It« h.,. Inherited 40, 00,000 .ran tin l>u»o .,' Mmi na. HI« frleoda lato thal l*eeo«*ato Knetantlta ouler i. l«,,nally to eotOU to terni« with hi» el« -tit, ra. Tin: «ni t »man EMPIRE. i.',M,',v. Wedaaaday, m nebí IdN. Pent, l'iilic «S. in, aniioiiiicf that lor tho payacate! the talon a ead drawa boada dee teeny ob the Tarktoh hoade <>f IhM they hera aal] laattrad ü lli.it«"., of the giaojig. ooai iirnaoi 11, tvi aaeaday, Man ii i. it?*!. MnMiiar Faena lekgn phi d t" 'he Parta II el MM bnuy* vgox/talaaoehe**, a ¡nael dtoeoaraneawat. and BMBayed 'hem have Behalt!« d. Betagt ea ire hej;itiii<i)|{ to roturo to their booma COUNT V«'N AI.'MM S CASE. boanoa, atodaoaaay»J__aiab I, n-176. Iii Pall Mgo, (hVBtmtfi B.llin -£.« « í ia 1 tfga mai «ia!, « Hint the l*uipi ror William hue ii luiw-d (.'ouut .oil Arnim'», appluatiuu fur a safe cou«lu< t to x lall bl «j »«on, who mck in Il«tl ti. The làmpcror hu« bot jil an xver.-J ,hc petit« m nf (Janet von Irnhn'efainlly for the pardon «i the «'«»nut. ii.- «rai aunueened to a peer belora the lll_.ll Coiu't of «trtf«) nu the -J I «t of Tcbl.lart, bill tie it li». ii the «ammo h, tx lil, li w,u» dehrered to bun hy in titi m m Cumul it iluten. «>. To-ttoy'i papata «ty hit the Koiciirii Office baa preferred an aeeoaatloaea^ tiracinptb« roar-rea ni ¡, pb tie.-in .,, ,i m-nu.»ik tbe En i .i.i, Prine« Btouian k, and the lui-. Iga OBmt rmiOBGEBIES BT AN ITM.IW MAEQUM Liimmiv, Wedncs.lav, Min 1. li«76. The Titnex's gptthbl l«i,*Ta'ii 1'ioin Homo day «ealalaa tarther deleita af.lho irreal hpaary, The Mareheao Meaaagwae vee alwapa Mtbarai legardi «i .»»* » geokbtnut worthy el «ii reaanbaaa, BeareeadkeaaBP m the Moiton t Bad Mantua Bal wa) I -me .n-nert he baa '_ e' ti,pi,m,! b) ti« K:n/ lu tint ii« nil ni cr tiona, u tul ha« taken au« ant ,c>' nf the opp«>rtnntti<Ba iff ntod by that oniin« in t. in m in ii<,f ii«i xiar the 'Inn botn Man* .lTii.7.,1 m L'oliati d a 1.. tn of ti.iMKi.tMKj franc.« for he municipality of Ni;',-..mi recetvra tbemoeej under o n cniiiroi trou tin r rto banbara who pieced the loan. THE MKECT CABLE COMPAHT. 4 »tri um; iii ii» r<» kum a ivi H wini Tim itivAi. ODhvamr na PMigoi raai < 11 -.«rn.- ui.r UBI Og Ittl t mi: h:ai ii ni: «is nu: «a inn. Loanoa, ttednoode**, Man h i. igag A nK'i-lin-; <»f ihrurehoMara «»f the Dfml cubil««nun,«i j, aalled bp a Leaden law lera tor the purpose of I'oruitiii; it union willi the An_ln A, a .m Telegraph OhhtoCeaipaap, wau baal today at. the Ohbf li iiiiimi» Hot« I, In (-.iiiuoii »t. Only M »haï« hoidera Ault- pi. .1-1.1, ami Hie na .Uli« ailj.iiirned kiiic die xmllliiut, ir in« »t -t'iijç any bu.«iin «s. Almut ."»Oottier «han-holiiet«, B l.o were di-liii d aduiif>.-:ou, uiet at the t oiupuity n otilo«, Badpaaaedthe toltowiaa leaaatttoai Tin aa-btwgaed a_areheldeia lu the l)ir»«t rnltej ¦«tat«'« Cable Company (limited) BMcmbled In ani-Klar le-ire to n cord ror tin- Information at their (allowee »ie- lit ii .cn« Ihm tiiey attended »t th- »ty 1, in,inn« 11,.'I, l ali'ioll «t., lonl.v, ixl li Tillexx of bim.' |:t«iltta tfin iiu-ctiiii; called .»y Heaora, Learae ft t,,., but ui_uti i*> cl.iilnx to i !.-. _r« th.tn«. ivi l«iori h.imt without «u- I'laiititii'ii.ul th« t iiinc p!iijni«i-,i, iii aaaeianoa af ita !.. iiliond of i», 1d_ earrie«] out, titty wera nsfeeed ed« Ullnsion t" til« um in-. Bad they ie,-omuli ml their :, ,,... »litin lioi-lei« io axx.ut t.ie r-piirr of flteir dUiotoni ..i ti c f ti« i ti ii. etina, '" Li^'' PlaÔO tin» neHita. i .in the ateaiuer Faraday completed the repaired ihi Turna) Sex Uamiwbliv) aectiuo Of the li.p Mabie, '..l.'.iii -a« toniB n oa ne ..Id of .lainiarx l.,«t. Th«i lol- ii«,. g la a t,px ,,f a 1.1, xi »«i» ree« Iveil tit tie« «i.upauy ! un. «t« lei it tita'ix ,'.i tn..¿ni (l.e l'a. « ,_\ i., end ol '«. eatej u pi <. wan ¡, ki i up at lï:46 o', lo. h tola mni iiiin.. lu latitude i'- i , at a depth at n,oui loo to l,on,«, riii damage wa* cauned'ty eotUag -miana». 'i hatch t.a'd tiu-r«" are marka ol time or fail, b nxx.«. 'I ne c.i'iie mid ¡«I'pan lilly tit « liii«-'d up ml n ,n«-i '.r ai.ii »ul «(.ipii ntl) «cxai.-d. li., t, WM-OBat- ural li., il m.-: the wlrei ,i abi aided « u the andei ihto «if tit in-...i. ami _'.» uf ;in m t ut throuab .¦¦, i-uix, ead two In ni li a'ti I" in ¦' -'-a- «a d ! .X hat IB The «.lltiOU nf the cab'.' exi eil« nt. Ti».- eompo ino ff for tw«-l e im in« imni «leb end. Mallee or wanton reckleaaacaa to n .p. >.. ,n..n o, f.,i vxi:« it tim calila a m t_iii<ht ra»iiy bare boee «ii, i"-1 wltaual ******i*ig n^; it."' [haegtoareef tto Dtred roldo Vi apaejr alala Ibataa nagi weeta have aaa an ¦ ttutt to i«" p Um Fteaáaf on theeoaatef Suva Beotlaacañonea and repaMag «lnu until another vet-_«i eaa ?. ni to rügtet m- - THE REVOLT Di SANTO DfiMINOO. '1 !.«. 'li Undi «if .-«f. rbo-Baapnbliabee a leatag flinn fu. rt.» l-.i-.i,deleAPOh. <i. ttattag thal um over- thi wal tho power of the garaaaiaaai mt PieaMaat-tott» tatoola the aeoprnl "i ruarla Fíala r_miptota. The t,,ivciinii-of tin- pi '¦'" 'li!--, "..i'iti'.t«.! to tbe fnr.e. under the command of fleo, f-apvron, ami m i nakina .,,, .i-i ...| h tia« t«:- txx.i in tue Britlhh«Uonaalateaed i niablSalim« nt M Mr. 11. luaeu, ia.i.td iur T.uk'n laland on nt i»lui)t -lie ntttive wan i)titill<hi«l tie Ppantib «tc.iiuer lae arrived imm l'neria Ha iuiiuiiik .ulxe to l'. ". ,'J. .A..:,-:, ann.nine.' mat Vu -.ililli UvBlaka, xxl.u ua«l «I*- U t, .1 i.hub« if ai (lie to'xn g Lo Veaa, iu the iatett°«i_. ¡nui it.'teriuluctt »mt to »iiiiin.i, and nul BMieeed wika xx ..at trtxi,,. in mi Id attrei*rtt ajaliart the rvvolattoeaata in «i liât" and I'm i o l'.at-t» S«xeral aUCOUatOra had lamil plaie, XV,'., _ .11«. 11 :«'l|i «. la S.UIU» Duminpeto al a ceeiplete ntandctiii, an«l BWuepMaHg »*¦»_«¦««. _ POKEKn vom OiTAWA, Mun h l.-ltt llie HOttM -ai-l ijîkIiI Mt. Irving «eeeed a r«-«,.. ii in m dt-t lariiiti that m-nier« ta pi ,'<, t.on wa« aeeeeaary, and «Ure« t nk- th.* Ministry to inform the lililí ti «nutj uuient mat l'ana.ia deem*. "U in 11 »-»1 y lo levtoa ».'lut, It alitte.« of a lui mar pulley of nu ,i..iiiK difleitatial dull« ..- the ie-'iimn waa op> paaad l>> the Hoienitneiit and '.oat hy a lara« uiKjorl.y LomiON, March 1..Mr. rvarborii, the officer from »oxton who Una the paper»« nec-Marx for tberxtra» dinon of Winalot., the forip'r. airived tn Loudon tantôt- «lay. Ile ha« alr.adr viiitetl th« A mart« au tuiba»_.T, aod tin-paiH-ia win tie ofnei--ly plaeed lu tue pu««M>Miiun ef t l.e Kuibaaay Ulla afteraoon or IfU-trorrow umrinaa, la arno e Hine tor pmaeUtaUoo to tUr lUou»t»_ Ueary, K_a cu., i i_i_Hi!«u»ta at Ui« How Su«*-at Polio« «.ourt, wb«<e Uo »'.i*ui_er ia btvuahl un ruaead.

/& jwk '4yoL.YXXV.N0, 10,*%. NEW-YORK. THURSDAY, MARCH % 1876. PRICE POUR CENT«.


_,N WCMMMCt AM' M» «AKT I «.MIN«- N I-U.

711.1.1 Mi.lSY-llW lAHTKliAKS .«' 1-11 ¦__-

«¡kui io im. ______ ium mu _¦"« ¦*


.11'., ti _M lIMlM-'NY.il 1T..N AM' ..«»IIN-UN.

1er tblu-Kah. io IM ian» ¦_.)

W___Xl«(iTO_. Man h l.-The |__tfa__OB] mven >».v

Mr l.\«.n m UM '-»-l"ii.k im. .«lü-atinn BOOB* <"

haveíi.rml upa hm nil's iii-et in tW« L«_i-M^IiOimatat ttowart. wh_ la "> W-ton_-, «te»

«abed to-day. aaa_a___ Canaan-Mea to hear lum

in bia own defense, and will probably he m M M ¦»-

inirtun ailinn H» week«. (î.-n. S hen« k m tos.ul

for ..mema on S.ifu.la.. I «1 w .11 answ «-r foi hmi-

. if Im fore the eloaaaa, tin paeaaan month. Ai'vit

tir.u.t baa marta b-f eahk -hv-teb t«.the< «.n.-

u.,l,e.!.,iM.iK'»na..u«ati..nsnl WMBttnttt COOdU' 1

___fepartta_d_beeae--_le< ^"^'li,,klw»MBa-ad» Baw. I-«-« "'... ¦'". ,h,i"' ""S J"»Trr-. tM als«, .l.u.a.i.l I bearing« Bo all the

prominent acton in tha errat _________ Mina Blsandal

-,u pr.iii.-ii.lv bara m Begartaa-tj le tau tlmir

.'.¦Iles, wliuh, it they prove »is cut. rtaiiui.».

M iboaa ehmdy t.'hl. »will add ¦ rarj

naiaV* tiaongb ._.. atlv aac-rttfyiBg ehaptoitim» UatOf] «>f ot.i'i-il seimlil« and

tie swindles. Tlie .session of the Fun i/zn Af-

LL. CtillflÜt e to-lay < 'nunile«! the «.real r pat. «'f

tl. .la), ami l.uiMi.d the cxaniii .alum of Mr. Lyon

and Mi.'.Johnson. 1 h« __r_B_» e_-flffl_M)C- his very

hrtewatinf bwtory oí tba connect-on ai MinisterNil.-i.ii», aiBaaatn stewart, aadTreaofW.Parkwith I lie sale of the Kinma Mme in L«ui<lon. As

additional etuhiiic ni the v\"> till«OB* ss «if the

nuil.-, h«- r«-a«i aa Bztnol Ham aa ottdal reportaiIba English Bnpi rintantUnrt, «land <><t. 28, 1875, lawin. h h. said "that it« pns. m < oudif,.m waa moat

d p.oiiihie." Ii«- gara aaana parti« plan '«t tha bightof iii«' nat«Tin the inine, mid the eon«. USB nt «le

btiiiiiiuii of the iiiUii'.r \>uiks, an.l called attentiontv ««. i.ral paavitwaa reporta whi» bli« badmade oat thosuhle« :. ih tam lmh «l bj «¡»yin«, thal tha mina waa

exhaustd, and that Ita fatal« Tala* will dependupon the Malka ««f au bfBCt.Bt fO__Ofk_l «i_t~-linn, - huh " \till re«iniie iiiii.- aii«l gil -ii BJ

AImuii two bo.lawcn aaaalhy-.>Co__rittaaiaHi. i"sa-ev.iiiiiii.iti,iii of .Mr. i.von. Mr. Hewitt <«f

\.t -,iai k naked ¦ senes of eaieatlo-atodetornlaowharthi r tena o__ i oxpl inatten ti in thal baaed na

th«- Mippiimtiun ih.it 500 ahbim wara i*.v. n ta Gea,¡».lune»could uui be mad«- eewaiatini with the ni-

cninstaii«? wnit-h I..\nn bad «itt«l in BBataia biathem ». Um \nitnt«-.-. in r« pi-, iiit)".lii' « «1 -«une < «>r-

r«-«p«iiii nee between Mr. Padbiri and Gen. Schanck«l.ii li (.Mik pi.n 8 ¡u 1079a, and a letter nf the formert«> Hu Mm.nu iitnlit. Tha temi, .u y of it all waa te¦aatau the iln.'iv that Gata. Bcbeaeh was bribedIt «lui not po«i;i\tiy prava tim íia-si-rfiíiii that Gan«

. ha,I lu iel paul Tot hi« Min k, l.lit it ina.lt-

suth an nss.ition ««.-in probable. Mr. 1'atinid, whowaa a itockholdi r, ha»l, ii -««iiib, <in«r>iially written

l8 »¡en. »?.iiem 1. to ;_.»!» his inltii-e, in vi"\v of the

rapid depreciation in the value of tbe nt«>« k, un«l

Goa, n In -n. !» h:nl i. ].lied, lnfiinning him that haLi:: «'I .-.lill bold bia ."><») «hans. .*Mll.se<|lieiitlylal-ni wieta again,calling tien. »Schanck _atten-tniii i., aaaaa 14 rp ngjty nunan th«'u afloat, affectingthe « liara« ter of Ih.' Ann ii« an Miiii.-I.i. und thinlett« r. as w.'.l a« one of the same ch.ir.ut« r jtub-li.lie<l in Ila Mnnng World, and la vthi' 'i 4.cn.

(scheu« k'. atteiitiiin was i_prn_llj ealled,waa in vt-r answer««!. FinuHv Paffnrd ad.irandaletter to (¡cn. .*»« hen« k, in which be Solated rate-

got;, ally aaron] of these _________ ead Bakedaaeiplaimtioti. (¡en. Schlink in leply appointed nu

Uil'Tiic" to take place ou the next Siiiul.iy ii uriini_r.

Taft.>rd r« port« «l t«i Lyon tin* palIh alan ni Urial\tei\.e»v. Oom. Behaaeh aald that bedid netknowmii'li a1«nut Lyon, who wasl__bf_*a aulhoiity for

-lenient that tie had niade, but 1» li ladbiala be aa edrantam, ttmi appealed to ih* latter lokii.iv, if he Uni not llitnk that his .(¡en. Sclieiiek's)

atid that ol S'liator Nt«'\s.irt wireiu.t siiil,-

ricnt <jn___to_ I'nllurd al«o asked (¡en. Si benobbffW ho i.liiaiiit"! th« noan »J to pay foi liis st. k.(,«¦11. Bebaaeb npUedthal ba ha«i a patriaaoni from

lus father's 1'i.tat«*, ainountiiii,' to f23.000, InTOOtedIn a « ...ii ni,ne in Wi«. «msin. He bun »wed |Cd »4»,>

property with which to pay for ann half nftbaatook, aad the other »180,000 he bwowedii mMr. lurk, and had not paid ii all bad at tim* tim«Iba Mitti« «a net« i knew that any uiithoritat ve «1<-nial of the repoit that the st<«i k bad beeii ifiten t<«

liii, s-lieii.-i» Lad hen made until he h.i. (¡ui.S« lim. k's t« ».tiinoiiv ink. n iii J_ondou a year ngo.Mr. Hi witt ::l»a«i a«l* "«I the m itlie.s1» in n irald to Ih"

l'iiTi! n '«ort. apon tba condition of the nina thal¦¦*"!«¦ luid» ¡n .Mini*.. Two npaftt nea.to barabeen tna«le hy Prof, lllake, in omi of which l'rof.Ka.tiiioud joineil. Hie itr-t of l'rof. l»iak,'s r. port«Wits not »»ali -fa- tory to Mt. 1'i.rk who saul that hehad paid $_" 1XH) tor it, hut thal he <.n«i«l« ml it a

failure, ami ih i h. WW_U ii"t attempt to Btll themine on mu li a r« pafi 'I lusdoeiiiiieiit, Lyon thinks,waa nev«-r areeselbli'to the public in London. Them mi i. ¡N.i* n a«i. b] Prat Blake waa aonewbalnu., ill. ,1. Lut »as still unfuvoial.le. liof. S.lli-rnana n-jsirt w.* »Jalad <><t. i«i, 1871. BUaa WA-Laras, the sup. ni,;.m!. ntof Um mine, «em to fix it

up papandM} to this lap»«!, bad bec« thm»Iniiit thru- in.uilhs. ].y n (M n.t til inkit rx»s««<ti!o that a nlaiag aapnlntendenlnii'd "li\" a ii.iiie in mi. h a - BJ i« :<> «1-1 r.« I«"' pet. nt nml l.onest BJBa_0gÍBl WOO .««tnally parh___hh)d___]r_i____| an InT-atlgatiop. but iithe|fi«.l.K;i. bjg4 «i.itiii, n,«- m (lu- «np. unten.,, niB'i-1 was nnsuspi. mus th, latt. r im__lii gem"fool'' him teriihly. Hi aritaeaa did t.,; mantoMaanaaheaadt-oaea in tba bmcetj af TilL Ullimail's retKirt. niai u.t, ;t tibI ii «i r. iBoamferbia«'piuiiin, wkoah Mr. Bewttt) arid wave atoangerthai¦Pka bad aim i. ,«,) pteanHad. Mr. Hewitt deoInfoniia-si n,, ( anaaattai thal l'r..f. B____aa bad(ienie«l tu&tiy of th,. aaserlion-, now nude by thentness, when r,. ;, pg fi,»ni ili'lerent sour, es, and

that tba I'n.fewir -a.,,,1,1 appeal balen tha Coonndt-toc.in.i pswmM tunton ei tba matter.

Af'' v I'Minati.iii of Mr. Lv .n. If. A.J*1*-* ik, wboia 187J ntl*?., noted¦«¦«ItiBgeoanaal tor Mr. Lyon, was iiitrmlii« ,«l

¡_*.»hnn.aadgara__let_7_d tham'ne and oflUmle hythe ttMamW m Loudon. Hes.ud that hi«ont mtUpUBbMh t v. iib Senat,n Mel art was _ Lou-*«!. In the latter part of May, tha hitler broughtInm» 1,-tter of iiitroliietioi, from Mr. Lyon. __a

2^*_hit_aeaa__a «if several tatoreiewa. wbiehw>4Mi plae«. ».or, _ft<,r) ^«..,1 -,,f mfjAgtmtm in r. gold tay»l--___yaf aaaaggha imim in Leadoa. Mr.

IMfeal"niât.ao4atna laaam.aad that it bad"j*'**'1 dont. Senator Siewurt admitt.d

.^ »I *s_ not as rn.}) __« had b. n anti« Ipatad. und"yn««M anxious t.» gBBBftala it tina tumi waa gen-«J'J known by London. Mr. SUaXBBtm told Newall."»t ki« hml win a repiiut of l'rof. Kay mond'«"Port, published In a (entrai City (Cul.) neivs-*¦>'. hut «litl i,.t know that it had ba« «iirulateil*bond«»n s. itt.r stew an Boeaaad miuh IntonatedI» this report, riiiI re,-tiest«xl Mr. Johnson ty» abow.v,,,i»t.^o«j Jil. billilli-.Ol ia, noola

" ''''n. The latu-r afterward either banded it or*ho tmt -Senator. At a subséquent intei*. lew,

"**>rt .sduin',,1 tim tmtbfulnes» of l'rof. l.ay-¦*¦*» report. Lut said that the mint« wa* then In

^n »eoiuliti.n that an «xpert mitybt overlook nug»Wb f^its wlikh _Te,u«d tke permanence of tbe"«*. lir. Johns/ju told bim that be did not think«¦«uld be noir], unleaa bo (-stewaii) and I'ark .___.

.^»«"'».»liaudl-irectora. Tbia Htcwart said he

..nw watha tU) 1|e ba(1 Uad (<K) mUKh M|M|M|),anlur matter», which were precarioua at beat,

witi .Woul(1 not do to* bim publicly to be connectedJr.»« »lo of any mine, eapeeiaJly with this, con-

."..**»« the poaltioo be bold.-*».. »km or loar week« altar Mr. Park and

«S-ii.itiir Sft'T-rnrf arrived in London, intimation- ap-]nnre«l in the '»illili«, prints that a company was tolu« «ii'ltani/«'«! for the purpose of Inlying the Kniiti.iMine. A f«"xv days later :i rmuor prexatled in stoekem I«« in the city tliat the management of thesí-heme, was to lu* plane«! in the hands of a notoriouslltianrier. now knoxxn hy the name of Ailiert (ïrant,nlthonch his name erigfaU-Hy was Alhert Oootheimer.Thin was followed hy another report that tiru.S.h« tick was to he a dim-tor in the company. Thisreport oriirinatcd in the city, hut was more «-ent-rallydiscuss».1 _at and nh«nit the LaagbaOl Hotel, whereAimritiiiiH fitlu r permanently or t<mpoiari¡v inlaiiitlon residid. The ninior was daily contradi« tedhy Americans as aa* that was lik.-lv* to bring «Ma¬gnat on the American name, ami xvas so generally«li-crr dit««l, th.it after a te« mbjt it had «ea«««d toim tin attention. About a week later (len. Behaackalconnection xviih tin BekeaM x«, .n-nftie ¡illy announcedhy Um Bendlag ont of itl.tHM) circulars in one day, toa«.i:.it)\ ]>cistiiiH in all ¡»aits of thel'niliil Kingilom,« "iii.lining the proepe« m« of the propoeed company.This prospect in» wa.« also priiit«'d in the Bdxertising« «iliiiniiH of Mtaral leediag new »paper--, nn«l no crit-iii-iiiw at iii st ii¡i|n"iiretl in the pnhlie journals, cither«»f the» conip.iny or of the connection of Uni.Scheneh with if. One peenHar cin-uiii'-tance enn-

iii't teil Mc'.tli the publication of this prospectus, toxxiii« h tlio xvitiies.s «allcil the attention of flio I'oiii-niittee, xx-rt.s that the name of All.ett («rant, theBrand! orgaaiaer <»f th«' whole mImmm, the man xxhoii» visctl it, who wrote the prospect tis, who conceive«!the idea of ha\ ing tirn. Schein k as oneof the ilin t-is, and who «inn« «1 Hie scheme into execution, didnot anywhere eppi ar in it. If it bad been knownthat tirant was th" pnijcctor, BOeabocripttena xx'tnildhave iK'cn -.»vim «I, tram with the help of ton.S« henck's name.The reinainihr «if Mr. .To'inson's testimony related

chiefly to bia earn effort! to eeqnabri the IVtad «-t'likholders of thi Emma Mine ('«"impa'tv olthe r»:il ohar_*eter and valne of the property, Mr.Johnson's tcettmOBJ \i;i» men in stn h a «traiirht-foeward way thal thora was bo daoiie expreaaed oathe part of any BMB-M i "1 the ('oininittee to i<e-s

fffiahU him. The «u-.s.-ion of tin- lointnitti c lo

monow Morning will be ipant In Trading the teetininny of (¡cn. Sdn-iu-L. taken a real ago in l.nii'li'ii.

A ««.rri.i: in ISLBOBAm\\* \«-iun<;t«»v, March 1..The following t»'lc-

liTanis wi te rceeixi d bv tim Colnii'iitee lines,! gattafl HieliitmiTi Mme «i iiniiiti today :

i.i i) W. QOBB-JL Secretary ol' Ihe Sennit :

I d'«iri« t*v» testify n, "ie the Honae OoaualHoe onForeign Relations la tbe Emma Mine Inveetlntlon. h»-» ii.iiriii.in oi « .un ttiitee Hsccit ¡m oben oeeesaary foilue to Mart. Would like it lew dljl tin loro befóten i*big. W1111AM M. gran aiu.

1 be It'l'Crl of Hie |.nn eetlllii.» ii« to » ¡cb. "»' 'b' l.c'i'»contle, ii, n willi the Kilima Mine, pa»»l.abed iato-dw'i; i,- a ¡un.a. Matea that James E Lyon n.iifleti teni1 I "ilil I.lil» I taxe | it.it . I stt \xnt1 u.« m it ) .hal, « ti Im-i uiusa lim ntni aaetet in g uni»«' Hrbeaek'a Bama oa in*Board. Tula atatameni la abaolutelj nntrae I bavinever seen Ki on nor bail nni communication «a ¡Hi bim inmt-nie i "titvei pn\t Menari Htiy abares ettbertoie..e iiiiec.t.r biiiiM-li or lo _.. i 8« iifiui, i» he a din et« r.

antiitivf i,i'uü'n testimony tito mod unqualified »rontiadiction, Ai in.i.i iiii.x.vr.

Sll.vr.I. BE8DMFTI0N.KIM lilil VI K Willi SU -lll.TAUY lilli««! (HV.T.V.I.VI*

M II.l-KtN |)«>ll_ll!S IN (.»IN <»N IUXD-A Hill IO¦1.1 HUM Ml'll'iN OOIM IN I'ltl TAIi.XIl«»..

ni KI |,.i:il li IO 1KB lKlblJSK.I

\Vt»i!iMni,v, Milich 1..'Ihe in« mb« rs of the jHim«!- Appropriathm Committee « jil« «1 at the Traaa-my Department to-day ami bad s hmgoenteencexvith 111«- «Surcttny i« latiT« to the pTppOied billi titu-tinn of bil ver com for ira« tional unen« y. The See-retail eacpreaeed biiaaelf ia aUliag thai Oaagnaaihooid pam .« bia requiring Um redemption ol b te-lion.ii ciincncy with «¡lur; hut he .ccmed to Waalto « scape tiic r« »¡ini'vi'iilit.v «if the attempt »hoiihl itprove a failure, alt hon. ¡i he de_f not thinkit will fail. (Should it he Htin c-v-fnl, h'.nv-

cver, he vxill f.iil t«i i«<«ive the ereditfor earning out the policy, for he, has ahead.abnadaat power to pal rihrer «mt aecarrenc5 with*.»nt a day*a delay« The Committee xxiii to laoctowdecida the qaeatloa. There an now. aoeordiag t_>thelataal ttgaroa in the haadeef the Committee,$12,000.000 in m1«' r coin in tbe adata ead aariotaattreasuries ami -f l.OOd.'i >l) in ««il-.cr bam, Th». S. c-

retary bow waata a law Bathing it Imperative fotihim to subi-titul. sil vi i .uiii Im iiircncy, ami theConuB-ttea bara already pr_»_>ticaDy decided oa the¡ilin« ¡¡iii s.ut the lull. All the aaaaibera of the Cooa«iiiittce are in favor of the propoaitioa except Mi.Holman, who fears it i:ny Interfere with bia gi reu-I'Ui k thcoric»'.

Tin" hill of lin- Cointniltee xxiii njipiopriate BIBS»,000 to he at once available for the parpeee <>f

continuing rho printing of the greeobaeba, this sum

beiag roqaiiad foi operatiooa before the beginniaguf tin* m it leoalyear. Ra ¦onay irfll be appro¬priated to eontmoa the iiiiiitini,' of ii.i'tioiial ur-

r< ney, and the hill xvill provide that nana abatí bebenefit i iaaaad. It will abaidtoaai the Seeretarj «>f

the Treaanxf to pay «»ut all the aUvar coin ia theTicimhv for the rc«Uiii]»tioii of .raitii'iial »urn ii, v

aa preeented. and to jir<»xul<! forth«« eaiaage aa faaiaapoaalble of other ¦Uver.tebe a\ diabla aa faat aatbe preeeal supply la mhanatud 'rho bill will hedrawn lo manoa ami preeented daring the weeh.it xxiii«hatihtlcHseeeaaioa <aaabletable deaateb


A i jj.\ u ron now, «m mvbat.lill II L80BA1-* TO TltF. TRIM aa

\Va«-iiin«.i<in, March 1..Mr. Pinehbaeb i-« at laaf««.'am regalariy befare the rVniate. and there la lit l«-fear thal the nea arill be laid .i_i_e until it is tin:iliydiepoeed of. The «.uhject at last aaaaaa aa aaaaeoaa to

the Qenatc ai it i« t«i the publie, and there is bow an

;i]i¡ 'i nut «I« «ire tulay Bai le all othci h gttBi H ami fol¬lón tin-ii!,h.ij'|i.\ anitor to victory tnfUefeat. BeaatoiAlcom ti i.i, le :i longand able apee» bto*de! ia hiefevei,bat tixooj who baaid it e«ntld not forget thal twom ira ago th» Miaaiaaippi Senatorsigneda eeaamitteareporl «li. laiiiiK that tin N bad In cn no lawful clic-ii ni, iiinl that he hail hin« e fr»«ju«-ntly «h'claicilagainal Mr. Pinehbaeb« Ile xuii now, howavar,viiic fur hiin. alona with Ifeaora Logea and Ajrthoay,whoalao,aa BMmberaof the Committee <>n I'm ii gea«ti«! Ki«-1 um», aigned the haine report. ToaaorrowM:. Edmunde will 9aak againal lim admawtoa,aadwill, it in expect« «1, ho followed hy Mi. Ilrucc, whoWill ipeah in the .sume t'íioi ai in tho executix«- Na-sion nix ilavt« uga.


WHAT ARK Till: COMMUTEES 1><»I\(;Ta i.At K oi' cai'i«nv in nu: BOVSB, '»it a riAi; io

ACI III". Al>l IÜ» AI»I«il !t\Xtl NT VIM HUM.

lur uiü'.uií'I to the nuil mm

WkmmUBBTmmi, Man li 1..T!ie IIoU_e atljourn« «1 to¬

day, after a two bania. Marion, attboagfa tot aabagkappropriât i"ii ill lins v't he« nine ¡i law. Then baaaetbeeaaaeb a aoaaaaenooa laataaoa of política]cow.iniite, ar aa bold a declaratiea <>f ado-nothingpolicy »mee the Boarbeaa began their r«-iim m theLower lions«». The Coonmitteca bad ull bean nailedthiough, yet althaagb aearii 8.000 billa have_««;eü laaanad to them, they de ii"t venture to r»|»ortaayanaa. th«- bimi bangnifl« ant. àoeardiag-y, whenthe r«*_'.l_r onler was called, the paralysis that ha«lf;tl!i ii upon the I)euio«r_tie pin ty was powerfullym.-inif«-st. in the lion«-«. Not a sinitle «tari was

spulten. Mr. Holman tinally, after a laag aflaaoe,feariagdoababMi that an attaaaat nighl ix Bada to

apriiiK some fiiian«-e resolution, tttXOi to a<lj«nirn,ami the Hous« was adjourned before the day hadfairly begun.

A ITAÎ1 Ml'-NT HY riKKRKPONT.IIIMMMin mi a__acocJi cahk DKiiin».thb

"no IMPWig* lJtirKB msi-.NDKRarooo-NOooma corr yu i.ti»i.iaiiEi>.

(ar TaceaaArn to the SSBBBBB.]WASHntuTON, Martli 1..The Attornev-Gen-

arstl'a attauttun bom becu di(t«*.t4_l Ut reoaut reports, »eut

íroia Waakiagtoa te Tim ki. Limit TAnun, iiartici that

during all tbe tlnt-en of the Bstieoek trial .Tu«l|re rierre-pont lirnl drnwu fniro District Attorney Di er the plansof the prosecution an«l the evidence lu Its pnsses«1nn stul«.omiuiinlcaieil it to Mr. Sion«, of lien ______ counsel ;that this was «lone not onee, hut roany times; anil thatin onler thi.t there nil«Ut be no surprise, Oak Dyer was

« alle«! to Washington and Indues-d to confide te the A tor-

ney ijeueral all tbe secrets of the prosecution, which Inturn became the proi-erty of (Jen. Ralmi.lt end Mr..»torrs. In regard to thin, Mr. Pierrepoint says tbe re¬

ports are not true. Ile does no» kuow Mr. fton-s,and never spoke to him in his life. He has nc.irsaid a word or written a line la J-dgB Porter ..bout theHancock «ase. He bas never spoken with »len. Babcockabout the case since his Indictment, itefore his Indictlu-ut lie und H. cr, tai y linstow called '¡en. BakOMÉ Intothe President's mom one day, and there. In the presenceof (¡en. (Jraut, told him of the stories that v. ere currentalKiut Ulm, and that was the only conversation be ever

bud with hlrn on tho subject. He never spoke with anyof the conn», Ion either side of the __|cot k case about'he testimony, except with (.ii. Dyer and Mr. linton.bl ngari to the letter, which has now become so la¬

mons, nnd whi« h bus been Inferpn ted as havin», beense ni for the purpose of Intimidutlni. wltnen». ¦«, and preventlnt- accomplice.« fr«.m testifying', Judire l'icrre|>otitsays, first, thst nu con ed copy of It has jet be« n pubHabed. The copi that has been «/oin« the rounds of thepress fur a month Is Inaccurate in iii ny particulars. Hesays that tho .inl______n_ muli r wlilcli the lett« r was

sent «tere these ltYports bad appOBNi in th«v news

paiaers Unit siStUMB BBBBta were tuakinir to pt»ev«»nt thepun.sbment Of -hi-ki tblev.s br »lie WbattMb . and luiattention.M well M thal of the Pie«l<leiil. had lie« n .li¬te.tod to them, and on the day on which theletter was wrlilen th.se had serumiiluted andhad boan corroborated bj the a ».mu ti.hi of a Hupei\i»"i'of Interual ll«»vetiiie, who brought eiH_:_;er*tedre|aort8 of suth arrani/einents. linter these elreutn-si iii. s, and to j.rennt a public s» ami.ii, the Fresldeutasked th.« At toi net -«¡cuera I t«i vi nie lill« I, »let whit li heclaim* eotitains no hint tint the testimony of a«««.m-

plli«« was no1 lo be rec« lud. Swtajt lieirepont sais

that tbe letter weaa perfectly prapn one, ami that it«

enljr eejoetwaa te pierantagnat ______ Had it notI" ii fur tin pi it en id tmiit of the time, It would hueboan considered tierfeefly proper. In re ira rd to Hie pilb¬il«.-it inn of tn,- letter, Hie Itteiary Ponara! knows

Bethlee) Be atina aappeaei tin» t it hail baan sent to

Hw pr.su by «ni Dyer, betta now aoBrtoen-thetbodtfIin- l»i triet-Attoriu-v !n)iirtu <-.

CURRENT TOPIC« Al' THE CAPITAL.i.Mi'oi.ix and urosn.WfiaUKM. Wedinade] Mar. h 1, 1 -TH.

'I be» f_t»i«-ni«nt of b_po_t8 ¡m«! exporta i«»iJ*MT»»ry K just leaned. From the t.il'le -|... . mi. the coin-

¦ana of web OBetoau «i -tn«t m the ennutrv, thaggana ahewtafftha moen__ baafaen «>f the prtoelpalport« is taken, and herewilli pr. «. nt. .1, foll"W«-<l I»}" a>

BnanugTj of toa ahola boatoan of tha month, as Mowatli. in. «TI.

Bip «iiivd K'irelTiiliiilpon«. tallen 1 iiH.rt«.

rts'timore «v_m.hu i «ja .».¦: i :... t e.ia.t.soBogalo. .«in .',«., o

Iii, 1.77-. 3.331,107 169,618l.iirl'«ten s-,1 2,09 .423 .

ti al . ni. ,"i; 1 li .,'.' .

. it, .ten. .. 3u-, ¦', i a-.,..1'.,., .

. Mobile . '_ os.i-, 1,440, «¦«

..»«-tv ii um :r,i. Ti.otB._'.'.Sett «tri» ins ... 1..lilli'IM («. ti .*»7t 1W.147'.'.n ter» ¦"..' 146 31 »110,41 ¦.; 700,1 Im urn . .1.7.su '.iiii'i nav..I folk. 4.:t71 1,976.1i. lelplila l.Hu:|,...'.'7 3 I1V..I J i«ol

-.m Francisca . j t«,- 1.1 -1 1,726 ¦..--ut hui ah .. 111-1X6 8.4-7(1 <'*" .

M ilui!iilit<ui ..¡(J IH'i_4j'I.'J»j9 .

ti I. l«il;TH.IT«rc__«tlM

M.uilli , ml..I J.IU. II,117,! $42-O90t_M ..'.«:,'. ..>. fl.'.«73,r.7

Month einl.il January,1871. -I..I 61,483,379 1 1' 1 M

» .-. .11 III..lil I,-. eu ., «1lan. II, 1878 -'7o,..M.-ir> NS.2M.768 8,030,291

-nt, ii nu.lilli« ml««I.Lu..ian ..i. 1-7-. ..292,988,470 M 17.889 ti,3i'J,:ilO«,,.- o nuil Bullion»

Month «n.lisl Jim. SI,1 .».'(.. UtMM 2.1iI.o79 U7 «I

Mouth < i,'I* 1 Jan. .ii,1873. l.Olll.il. 10.912,488 ii'l.1,07

Helen nu.titlis «Il-leilJen. 81, 1870 ll,J7fi.3'!0 Ti (Jx.143 f.Wl.UM

»«un m«mths ei..;.<iJsn. 31. In!" . O.I..-.0.112 4 I,NI.N0 MM.7M

yvamiim.'k.N ROTES.¦f__-PtOT0.il Wi-ln«.<1«> M n h 1, lt«7fl.

The lloilbc Comuiitt« e M Natal MTti'i t > «lay ex

m.m ii «on. Moana af Florida wttb legman to the

pun- dathat nearrattoM _ thal Mata for QeramaaM»i.i|. »mil«:> is. Got.Meena tcotlledthal theaereeerranous nie ur.»iii. uni'»'«-, ; that » e iiL-.tit- appointed t«>su peí m.-n hem «m ir- iv neicl« <i their duties sou tealnie .«-.. n h ¦ appropriated for toe salariée of these airentsin entirety« set« L Tbe Ile ahllean members of the «Omn-HUM« «. «ill m«i«> 'lint all Ihe t< ntiuu ny be piiiiK-d before.my ropoit la Bindo.lol. Ordwi.y. »*<iri.-e.iut-.i1*.\rins for many nan» of ihe

Kepiiitlli au Um'- lia*» ju«t --ill.'.I Ils a<< .units as Her

-.-ian! at-Anns han 1 t-**;.J lu 1*«7.'.. B_M___Bg lo

017,715,051, "ni baa received from Treasurer N.-w ii

letter ai«ting the) the »man line been audited ead ant-tied bl ti..lie..ii null», t-ii-epi I no smsll iicins for nu .--

ai'i'or »loo. j, .ni I«, ti... ini-mlii». - m.mi 'he OpoaktT.eertiflcutee. which. If not allowed, tho naaahB-O will b«li,.im* to refund i«. tha Uavenena

t»i natur 11" i' « D « .- BBantBOd IO «lay BO l8 'he A-MEOl.iinmerclal 4 '.iiupai.y. Ile sahl I:.. BWBItlof tin rift.I to

it. ii nels la lea ia ana mutt « ii la be a nOeeietan ttthe in .-mi. and waa forelaigei ian thaa any owni,ul.lt ...T I..1.¡fur rep-ilir ttopott <// i 'ingrrtttt.nil 1'rcratd'ngt >** Th'rd


omn;AR Y.

LOUIS AÜODffTI BLAKQUtI..s|mi;«, Thanda. March 2, 1070.

A dlspiit.il flinn I'm is t«. Ihr iKntij \\nSgPBpE continus

th«) icport of th« «I« ath of M. HUmpn, and states that heiii.«! In 4i.ilrv.un lii«oti.

i..uis âagenta liiatuiui «»us a brathn tt the

dlattocalabed in m h Boanaaetat, Jarana AdelpheBlaaeaJ) sn«i «ena bon at Bin la 1005, in

i«-;<», while tt hu. M.ittciit. he took up anea.is'ain«t Cheiln x., «mi reeetrad tba Ionia«lion of July. I'n.l.T Hie «.«ii« rum« ni of Louis I'hil

iiPiM> bo aeted a_b Uio teratattaeevi i>.«rty ami wtn tam.i,uni n iba b ils at tha hi«», la 1030 ba mo aaadeandlo three .ears' luipi i-.-timejit lot polnit al C n«, ¦.. but

i\..K lalaaaed before tha expiration of his tenu. OoNaft« lil- IB BM BO i'ii« «ved his ssi-jults il|Mili mouin'« li-

li.il uni« riinii nt, and formel a o1, ,ur:o> to curry his-ellem, m Into __B_ In PtSM, wltli H.ubès ami

ut lui »>, he iittemptel an n -m n ellon «hlili

g ne speedily ii|.-i ke.t. slid he was «.uni. inlie.l to iletith

inn tin- a ab m a ana aaaanan .it«. Haartoonnnd for life.M Hlaii(|lll was P leased by lb«' l.-t«ilutloii of _Od0»_»WdImmidlat« li ol_'iiil/e.l the " »'.lil ral liepuliluan l»o. i-

«.ty." Ile led in the ¡ill«nipt, on Mai 1".. to overthrowth.- I'-ousUtlient As... niliy, aud via» a few ila) s lab r

arnoted aad aaotoaeed in tn .i.ais' haptle-otituiiil. The rrsil-e agitator was r« l.-nwil In 1-C!».i.m waa sent.-aeed égala ta Ion fautaf bnprtaon¦_._ in

.1 tunart', 1808, Dariag the wai ni'h (ii-iuisiiv, he Inl»i'i.e.i!« <i aa ena <«f ihe ie_.i«'s m the _flnno_oo alUee. 10,l(f70,and waa, lu Mann fullownut, ¦eateaeedP. d« aih lu loi.tuin.icinn b\ ii coimcll of tt i.

Mo was not capture.1, how-, itr, mid wus ableto ootue tn sin lu« ih.nn ilml.i« lit« p l-rii of the 4 IUI1-tuiiiie in 1071, Ol wlin li lu whs lue ni. f leader, ile fellint.. tha liainls m the i.omi nun ni DU li«' «illiture ofParla, bat waa net ptaoad on trial until April, it«.2, wh« n

be w.i» seilten,,.! to t, al.sisil till,ill lor lite, liulheinvi..«ion of his la-t dial, ullin Baked bis n«.lal re-blriiee,be n i.iixi, "Mi a*.,mi raaMaaeol i an n___j m

pi Ison.'1_

I'nliK PACKtVQ I'M eis« IN'N'.vn.

(.'im INNATI. Mareil 1. .Cul. Siilney I). MilX-w. ii,.- n | »» nit« inl. nt "f the Vl.i. hints' BBOhangBl mail«»

the follow in« report to tbat Ikkíj io-.i.oi ,it.ii munn,-j of bog-pecked In »in« innall, front Nov.

1,1075, lu Mai eh 1, i-'iü, mu including butchers boaw,.".41.01-', same tim« l-t»l -«a»ou, .".4.«.»lil. luUI cul byluitilnis vtlio .ut oter 1.IHM. BOO, 10,017' satn«' timeii.iii anona, i .,«». i retid for um aeaeon, Includingliiii.it. riV li.'SS, .'.»I-ti .'i »,iiil« lime is«t m* leen, >«i«J,Hi4.r.iiiiier uni e..mi.ei" .leuuis of tim aeaoon'a wort \.uii,i i-ii'imiti. «I on friday.

l'KIMF-1 AND OAMfAUPIHB.T.AWRF.MT. MoOBm March l.-.Iolui O. M(I>«ui*tl«l,

s iu»u.ifs<-ttiia; of tin« uit, wss run ..ter lit a lisa ol »-.» stiüiMUUttj k11, ,| t«. ila.i. m Iba *oei »I mttttUg.

»Ioiin.-i .vin, N. V.. Malchi. C.Prod. Smith, tha»'i.;..t Biurdwrsi ,,t \..»t, wss remni ile<i tn j« l to._>, tomil Hie «i linn uf lite ('laud Jury on a mu.f .1 srsuu.

Si liol is, Man h 1. 1'. 11. Curtis, tvLo lias lieoju.4).a¿iin a largs reisii íoiiiin-. bmune !.- re f.u a Byreeuae i»i.Yifliiii, »tss snrsle.l Mouiluy for allegitl tm sr.ilriu.Ul ofa.it.not).PMovihrs« v., H. L March 1..(laa fnun a leaky

uistn pearUat«*«l two Iumiscj, « a Wleka.deo se but iii«rtit. sn«1iruilrt'sl till.« proplr lliai-utllii«. Ttiry liaTS «lu« s uctsilj alll.fi-n i«»sU>i-«sl tw < ouseloumieaa.SYKACtaa. N. Y.. March 1..Mesera. N. liters,

aro. A Horn, one. or u« iargssA 017 goeiis tim« in ibis mag,bats sued 41fr««! wnklasöa, * bantu, fur clrcuUUng false¦.'.ti'* that Messrs Peiers baa failed.


FunHUMMING Ki:r«titT OF mi«, «win F.iciint'-» » <>'f-

miiih.xxiiy -iiirnr. haids <-\»«*»or n PBB*V.NTFI» HY ANYTIIIVO Ill'T POMS. 111.111 ATR«»-CITY A.'.D KXIF.NT- 4 l'.H«.N <»F ___HMM «IN lotSB'iltnF.li -i,KN. ORXl'S AM» OOMMH I I.ItllH M

TF."«TIM'»NY.(FROM TIIF. liff,I | «R tORRF«»r<»M'l.*.T<)F TUB Tit IHI ¡"Jr..

Wa. iiist.inv, Milich l.-Tlio Bpadal Corn-rnlttee of tbe Houeo, of vxhcli Mr. Hclildcliei ti 1'tintr-ni.tti, for Hie mil »Miration of the chronic trouble« on tholower «Kio Grande border, having roiupli'tcd the exam«naiinn of xxmu,b.<«, obtained pennieeion of the Hutim)jt-nf'-rilay la iirmt th_ t»-«tliii<>tiy it li.iatakni. Mean-tlitie Mr. b«-lili-iclier, who, from lila louir rcehleuce ou tlicfioiitti* r, ti tlioron clily familiar «xlili tlic subject, xxiii notwait ior the printed eetdOBeO, l»ut xxiii at ou««' prepara a

<lmft of a report to nuiunit to the O»ni wit tee

at an early BMattng for it., ftui-ul.-tati<»u. InHill report Mr s-hli-ich« r -xiii probably taka occa-»lou to correct nome MBBggeobi«attona In lag-N tt»

Iheattltuilc of th,. «i|tti|. ,,f Tfi.« toward Uhr iori lui

partanteaajeat it «-t iii i»e auown that ihepeoplewbehave biiII'T.al, atnl «till eiiATcr, from tlic (on«t.itit laldl <»f

Meateeaalaaalaaaa are uot eewaaktacCBaciwei1«, ttmuni-rate tbt-iu for lo_»ea which th "j luve air« .nix «uf-feretl. Wh.it tl'c.i iii» a-«k of < oticrc««, aiifl 'vluil tin vtlifii. tlni haw- ti ip ,,r to (li'iiiaiitl, i« future |iri,t«-,'t ton.Tlicy ton no tle«ite for a «loclaiation of war a«<aitiHtMorrice. Tmtp ton baan torpeara iu u »tat« wena than

war, ami they a«k th«-(¡oietiiiiiiiil to take BMNeereetepreaarre tap peace. The Mea el aaaaiatlaa al aaypertittil o! theJtesteea territory to aha aattrdtpaipaeaaatIO tin in. If th it t. niiory could lie act,mr« .1 without the

people xxl'" Inhal'lt It, muli an ari|iiiMtion iniirhl ii" ft

wiih the aagrei ii to lhaaa ttetngoB the herder j bat theaeeaaaay al aaaaratag im«» the po mutton <»f lesea,abaaM aaaaaattoa tak«' place, tin ««. thieve, ead awrdee

ia*. íiiki ih« |Kj««i,»iiiii of nalag Ban, Oarttae oreaaaaotli.-r Mexican of .ipu.ll«; iiatl cuai«,ci«r uml i.piii.iUou«apraaaattag dMai In the Oeace «« mt tbaUaJtedgtatea,would uiaiic t..c aaaeaallaa <>f r.e Proa / a*a an latean jaaaoaaaei na aaan iu nie tenth Boto»

li ."'ellis to lie the a!iii"-t i'i,:iiiiiniiii« optti.uii of allIheoa waa bare bad aa appottaeity te ahoorTo tfceeoo*tiitiouoi again ea laeMexteea barder, and beat gtvoath»" taajacl < arefal »indi wini thouin,r, that tin» only wayin i. lilt li tile rall«, mío Ti i.i« inn b«" «unppi d it« by au-

thortalafl Unit «i i-iHtre traego, a ii«-t« in aetaal parraH alI'uitle thiel. «, to ero«« the mer inio Mi xnam tit I i'urjand lhere paabl ti»e galhg ana aa their awa MB. 'n.i*lu« n, «-u aaggnted ty hcereter] Plah i'» hi-» dlapateaeato ihe Dattod Platea Uleleler t" Hcito_*i by Oona. Bharidaaalni «tut, hy ('apt. McNeil* now in i umaMOd <tf lae lex i«

Munjet »n pa "ti ii" dweller,ead hyeearp rMtitra ettkalre_lO!fVlto ha« i*iv«-u lint i«»timolly l,e fore Hie ('«'in ii iithe.

i in propoaliloa ia «n i ne -i» antiMN lay t" ooiaiBaaáai andear beena deeeaetanew a aladra ea ma pan ofaaj allhaaagaatlaaaaa tkai theUaited Staler abell aieba war

upon Mastae-, violate fear lerritecy, or eoaueM aa tätigtokj aaalaai her m a aal «aa it« vbjei t it ilaiplp to aa*

eena adeeaato proteottoa te our ona eltlaoaa, whtoh H¦eena bepueatbto to mi ara la aaj ada r xxu>.

IMF. IA'IA« I. Y «Il H 'MP I A« ION.Mr. "»fiileli ker will nl-o puma!,!., »lt|'e ililli xxtiutcxcr id

«Ion» Miall li«; done at out,.', lil unhr lo gtUXi lit mure

aarinaa dillealihia la the tatara The aril m » grewmg.m- aaraaal yeera one the rakia wera eel aa eaanaeaaM hi | arl now, uni it would liav l> eu i aeier t«i efeoehtncni tnif win n tut« Mexican.» hand thal th'-y couldaraaalatelaxea ntth iMpwiiiij. Ihal lae baanaai <>f

ailie _. I ii 1 i _» wa» a protiiablo and comparatiii !> a na feot»«, benda i«, ead Iheaaaada anne bataead la i apaga in

it. 1.1 cry .nar Um nuiuii.r ot Hi H bMfOaaCO, and the

ii ililnnafileThIngtheahaaa of prnael hk- ear leni-loiy flinn nu a-i,, i. i,«iMaadi iiioic Hid inore 'I.lib Ult to


1 iiiit; tbt people of Toni» have Ulan far shown xn.n-

derfa foihealenuc, ead hare Bel la aaj exteal boee»milly of act« of i,-taiiiiti'«ii. it t« «m. eaeaaah .¦ to aap>pi,«i¦ timt tiny «iii «iii«,t..« iw eatii nt. uni it I« leeredin at i' ( UT' »>a doce not take. Iiiiuiedtutt« a« tlon tlie

paapta to that Mata a be hare .«-utf« red aa laag xvin take

iiiat.-r« into tlirir iivxn hainlH. btio.iid lill y ol'¡-'¡iiii/,t« «.*-

IHilitioii"« und «t ,»« ini'j M'ii«'", tiny tuay Bat «oiitluetin ir aetx of boiilili! v to ti.oki" wini liavi' been |.u¡.ty of

lewleaaeotaor eagagad la BMiandlea oapedlttoaoi but

Ula) Inn n lib » .uni lunn«, und llilln t KCXei'' piuilnlinient ll|«in all IdOOitit of people. BOOh all el« tit ::n 11.1k

BdgM lu ill)» a''out etiiiipiicatit'tii« with Mixito wini hwould o-l UK inn a timt«. Iron Ha and mpcnaO than anyti., .-"ii ¦ of proll thtu wltic'i aie now Baked foi.

SO IN\A«.|«'\'S F\« H'l H\ Mt:.\l«'XV«.

\nioni4 the papereretetan«! h»l ha Maxleea bwrdertraeMeafiiiui«iicti te ii"- ('oin mit tee i»y the d rretafj* at atete teeI. tter writien iu April, li-7.">, by Mr. llrn n, (Tatted "-;.»'«> »

Oaaaal at Meal rey, Mexico. Mi.i'inch aoitoie at aaaaa

leegth the lepena that Tanaa are la the bahai al wooa

¡ni; into Meateo ead BoaMBttMea dapradaliena ti.er«", and

nya lhaaa leaam ara vhulll aatraa There an aeee*

paalaad bedlaa "f .'¦ tuno, ut W tut Mi «¦ aaa, depeedat-lag "n Iln- eolith"! ti Hi,le ol lint l.n» UnUMlO, ami ha i.-'i'l«

that II la raia ta haar af aay tt-aUag to thal Ida bj haiiiiiiiii.ii«i baal Vaaaa, Ia foot fee Mexieaa anteef theher i« toa peer lo aaar a y nadaai in< bia la thwreo. ii»;

taft thi! than aaa ',»« aa daahl thel nie raída lateTaxaiate eiiilitly awMH t<» tlic »leiaurHlt/eil contliiion oi the

¦eaaaa al Iba poepla « f the Plata of Ibaaaali|n«, uml to tho ela»« of BOB who Imld of-ii.o thara Wnn lande to ri r,i«o aa rabie

ot-riir fitiai Meneo info Toa», mid there an really very

rtra paraeaa in the State of ffnahaila aha an- Mapee« «t loi»e uuiiti of «neil (induct. AhoatBigla hei lhan u a

kimi fecllnjf bet« ecu the rcoplcoli lioluMde»! al Ihe river,.uni that le the «niii pete* where au> toa Iderebta aaaa-Im of pt r«tt|.. are lix ill,.' on tbe lautier liilm-tn I.thiiI,,

and lil ram. The Male of Ta tuan li l'a.«, alune, lio-ai *,f 11 im Lanada dea a, taratahna ti"' iu itarlal fur übt rani«,

«uni iln kOUag of h ia than -«¡'Mi «eil kaewa leaaadri 1» latint ^taie iiniiifi, ia a*liena, pal m aattia »t"|i t" tin m

lue Moitiii (i,iXi iiiiniit «'*n in-xt r apptp thg

r, Tía-di. No it pelar Men« an (.o\« mt m tit tieepa erin beBtaMaaed ea UM haoi iboj Éeaerl m naaai and erne«

into Tt-iia-. Tin t,ffl r« liniixi tin« ami alxxiti h tttO) then k ul.ne ax> ay f uni Ihe f.on ni. '. 'o', ii .ti. a I «. or ii.» ¡,'iilarn,-lillie ti i,in ti,,' Mala of i am.mil pt»,'oui i '»« haptoBtheline. There I», Ituxx'ii r, a !. aeon xxliii li maine 'lils tin*

pi ai -li. able. Im- lum,li eil m, i::ite«r, i.tkan finn, thetauch« ". of the flout ii r, tit mt I and nun ni tit, xiamld be a

daaearaaa badi ta the Maand Oer« iniiieiit,¡wt, m cas. alimlillt al iÎ!«lil;ban, ,«, ¡tlwax« po.nl,h- in Moco, the.

.Aitoiil f.nin tin'nu, l-ti« lor an a. in> t«i aaalat any ri-vo-

iulioliiry i lil' .' to a XXJ "lit hi» hi Inline. Tue ( encraiiitixeiiiiiieiii of Helloo it tin n foi'- peaatMea le aet tothe matter.

l.S(-OI!I(I(ill!Ili lltAll". Off IU MI X11 AIM,la regardte the paapeoed aeeapattea "f Malleea ter-

rikmry bp DBlled siaie«, troop«, Mi. Kiah (.ay«:l would not '. re uioiui nt bt «.« n-...!«-»-« «l, tree* tin« *,u_;-

irc-.tton, a«» ii.,-, m « ile i,'n»i ii"«i.-f tu in ni; abvataprf»utiim« nt ixciipii'ioii uf Mi'xito. ur atij pail of u. Tu4aMl xx ml ti, lil nix opni ou, U'until.! oin,ii t«> «:»_.».' 'L.llf: .»

canctj- on ii htuii.iu b i«l), or redaciii. uiir ooentrj it. the. uni tn,ii uf a man «nile! g fruin ticinni ninnie, who,ainioi'_h not ii'.c1) to di«' treal It, la aarartheleaa vctyumvjti.toriable.

In reply to Uie re|»ortthat Iba M« xi. an Miiue'erH'ciuic«the Tt-xatiH, urti e*)»«"itiilly ex < onfi d. rate«, of aroaahMJinto Marlee, Mr. rincti npetHtlch «tatt unlit* ur«t iitisl.ititli ]in!il!ehed 111 Mfïlii.n

tTOVx-paiMie, itt.-I lillee til Me \.i an aralon«. Wha IOB0a,l\aii!a_,- of the ".enera. Ikiuh hu ¦. "i ll..i to,uni",

men to mane a.««"', ,«ni« ot.li in,In 11 ti to intt II teni \« t

»,.n», bnowing -«li tin- iiatuniul want "> tapai'lly to «Ila-t,i..ui«ii iteixxi t n a ile ¡uni ile," trun» ami we, who an»a< il-Ini'ied to ICO the« lib li«, have been a.lnu.ehedthal a iniiii o, -,ipi .iii; the poaltloa of Hi imi' Mai tncalMintllil »-,, til,»take ii... aiitin-itii' i, to make e.u h a liai-*«

in me lu.nil i«tait «. * * « rae artier i« bo« iu hi-

«¦«ilili'd "late, but an old Aboiill'inl«! ol I lie PuiBBOT UNi.i- «-lei ««iitiol. He baa, however, felt tn- luaell none

Ike Maa keenly. Mc i« pareot-all* aadai oliliaatlona to,,. '.I n Im ai fut in tklntf tin ««. bargt «, a« I'x -n doiug

In-nilly cm ruburaUe thi« opiiiiou of M'Xiiftii Jl|,«unia.yC1 ven io Hil» l>ep u inn ni l,i a f"i In.r di« ¡ia« eli.go hall wax un a«ill, » Will Bliewej U tieatlii; with

« exictii«. lint, N no trail In the Babona, duuerterni'Mc »ti Iklap in all <>i m« ni, blah ar Ma, th m Um ii attaratai¿(ard ol ***inaqn«*eera nroaa aar *<._. la ovary puâtti.tn if life, M «el \ alii«, IU« «hun lie, 11» v. I l-l », or gOTCfW"oii. or iiiendiunt«, tliey gc uc.er « oiitioll.il lu nuy ol¡luir lining» by tue fear of.» fn'ui,' raaponatbUltj. r..« rauntf-t alw.txs li« ihox.ii tliein that then i« a wai. bfnl «v«

on Iln ii lu»V'ui'tiU anti a hand re.all to rti.ke. i,.ralone t_iii a-, train thcin, and ina« nnief bm fear "f directami Illino ti.,tie i.H*IiH-uii'iit In;- Ullecotlduct. l.nv aiu

ICainlili le I,) ua,ure, au I ure a.wa.i» nadj to i.»_ Hutn

all nu a «diance. Tln-v leepi t perOOBI of M ralionalliybut the Minttilnrdi. ami they « uly aa ti.ey uinlneimidfi «.m loua axpaniate then mut« of uaaaaaari, w bo,Mum tue Oaagaatt aatil aow, aaa ala«ya boee hmud,*lille tln-y «tiwpiaa the Aiiicrl, an. who. irotn etliieiifl.iiiand training, la iliei«iw «1 to t at cxery ona ou tenu« <«t

. .piaiity. KiudncM, BMaaMerabea, ead kdupoe.tiou eatue part of any nu«« to treat thciii le e,piala only eil. titheir Cuuieuipt, and althaagh Ute«a ai«r iicraoiial trait«,tiny oaiTf tii'-ni luto every r.-lailmi of ¡Ife _¿«>i i.it, hutli., nard Land _ ill keep tlieiu »traiglil, i JUiei aa luuivld-ui'ii o- aa a uattnn.Tie fir»! inletale of all th« cixtlii«-t| jniwi-r» lain

heauna with Mesiuo ou t« ta« of .«cifx« t »H'iellty. Of

the population of the country, OjOOOUO '). imt over __B>trata rea ned or Write, «me half are lu.bans, only neremote rmm barhuism. One quarter of mixed blood,bardi] removed from their [nolan aaeeateee. aad m astutcof set Mom us Hie masses of l.'urope la the middlenifes, «Ully in««ie fiee. but certain!., no! mote .di am ««IThe one tenth of the I ..[.illation who are s.,men list in-struct«-«!.uone of Hiern are »nluc.it. d in the penpal s« useof the ti nu -are so eOBOOBMd bj t Batt] eirollsm sti'lBOaeeH that they are susceptible of no Improvement, so

treatii s on the tamo binds as with eattnlj rmil/. «1 peo¬ple are sadly out of plnee.

ihr i At iiiiiK» ion lunns«;.

Among the witnesses ex.iiiilnid bj the Commute», was

(rtn. K. 4>. ('. «)rd, now eoiiiitiandli)« that portion of theCulled States anny sUtio'icl on the Texas froiitb r Iletestified thut for a time after the arr« st of « ..nina by thel'««l«rtil Oovenimetit of Me\leo the raids were Min<i' 'iin-ni Hs before, but recently the cunimandlng officerof the district of the I.lo «¡ramie I. id ««nt hitn«'..pl«s of

tele_T.ims and reports which show gmt the number ofraids and murders has rapidly increased.Tho BXtaat «if these raids, lm rays, ami the fn« lilly for

< «.uimitiing theiü appen nelly not t<> »ie aadanleed out¬

side of ih.it < oiinfry. Du ne mint if th«- peal numinr of

ranches liiüm- the banks of the N't ii. es, ami betwe. ti thePenenaai tha BtaQraaOe, aadfnn lha fact tbat that

country oirc* especial BttlBOtBgn ¦" »I". U i.-u-ers, andthat the uortheiiy winds fretpi« tilly diive /nat mini-

bets of cattle loo or '«.'00 miles south from where theowner« live, the mimbi-r of the cattle mi the plain mirthof the mer h.is b. cn \. ry (.-ii a!. 4)n the appoaMa side oflha i Ivi the supply of beef ha. been vi-ry li iii till, fromall Hint «¡.ii. Ord could leam. The numb, r of Mexican»who hu-. boap diivi'ti by revolution alni by of bel lawlessa. I« from 1'< titrai and to-then Mexico BpOB the l.oideis.'fthel.io «.iriii.le, pri>l..ihlv to i-M.-tpe puni «htiii'tll foriti«ii vbiletiee, has filled the eouutry with l.wlcss ami.1« sj.erate ni« n. Tinir rahm maku Httla or no« ffort to

araran! then Hen oonmUtlng aMantn aga.M naliiite.iMatea,m IhapwanM probably lan nair popa*hiri'i If tiwi .lui. and it would mai».' tin ¦ obu niou« to

nia|ority of the pooplOHu BOOOaal of the facility for _r___B8 th«' river, and of

m agtae le tha (Jelted Btatea, ihe Itexleae troop«, whoan gaaonUp eallated h___i '.i«c.i tobe ta Bag.tad,by a sort of paoaagnng uratan, taha a.raataaai al lhaoppnnally ahaided than '.then braaghl near to IheWaOreada Mrar, and deoerl t.. Tetas. That prareantheCbatnl Gerarnaaanl fren aaetatetatai b f.u.e on theLower Kio «¡ranite to control llie*-«- .1. (pontt and lawlessmen.

«¡en «ir«l then dc-eiil.etl ihe character ol the countryftb.iiir »he rlv.-r bank, .ind the BhatBOb « whu h the Batanof thachepeml thrawa la lha narai gnardtaoMteadoiilui'ii'l b> nplag that the only way to piobet the

property of the peopbi on the fiotnii-r. an I to pi. ten!i ese i,.¡du, u,is to cm« |ha liver wh. ne.er the troup-k4 11»,.¦ e ti.ni uiih the prospei i el enetahlag lha eettlarheies. The Mexicans cannot be .¦.¦cn through ill«

thicket or chaparral, and H is Inpoaalhla for tho eom-

in imb.fl > Ith ii«, to know when thev are cumin,., ex. cpt»luv I. .uti it by acculent. The only wat is lo gatapwBtheir trail In the rear indtO follow them, and« i cn t en, as

the] an- well mounted aad n aa tha na, tim proapeet alov« i lukin«; them helor«» tiley .et to the nier I« gi ucraliyfar from (¿nod.

Miixi« AM TMUMMUOM _¦ PI .««.

In 111. «trat.BO the «lib' ulty of .lillian information ofthe lanls, (,'« li. (M BOM thal cuni..ins of Anal,'.:,;s:eam« s p|] iii^- on tlie Km (¡ian.le I.i., i. a..ii g1 Bl leinen

who I,ale be. n lum,, out »ule ii ihOtOWBO, und who ii.iv.-

rtten Infoi matu,ii l<« ihe Linteit .-tates ..thiers, heilbe*, ged bim not to mention theil nan in any statementbe mit. M nebo baaed u theil oeMenee- .s tin y wouldiitimi.lv bena aVnd bp lha nhkn if It mas knowntbet the/had given tefenaot-n, Naamoaa tnatanenlune come to i,is knowleeps of the murder of ponenwho liad Kivcti Inlormiition to lint« «I OtatOB «ill. <i s in

Mexican ii.l«. Ile al-o i.-coiniucndetl that no iroopscn cpt Ihi'sc of the I" .-I «ort sbullhl h«* s all.m «1 mi ti.t

n.,Hin i, .tin! explain« d thal he a_aat bj» that thai a hit,11 nop» ibonlii in uii roan be ««l.. ted for th« torra ..¦ aada: ha-t t» o Kg.Benia «if the I» »f laiilry should liestation« «I ou tLe lar.iel Kio Hi.mile at .,m e.

«len. Oui narai bearii of 0 Bingle mMfttn Texas into

Mexico, ami si.nl that ou the Mi in .ii sale of the Lev» i

Rio «ii. mlc. n in as hu could see, llei«- was notliiut; tin

.ii ui. pi opie on ihe Malleea Mdn aieall aappNoA-lthlx ef lroiu our side. ,.i.,l he was told by i /cliticman Whoaaafbraloag Ubm Oaaadlel Mentaeap, that the Brianof beef ih« i<: ratted arttta lha anua! andaepeitan«.f ti««-

ii ullin»' b nil« grind "'"' BBB_0_l_e i attie lu i''Xa*. Onenason w hi i auls fi "in tstXAA an* ni.poasiile lu that on

_e m« mea ridothap bara a ajaian al rtrarpoHnaim.n. the [s.pnliitlou living in Iba i alley«. Whei.4 'apt. .Mi N< IIj uesM'd the ni cr in put suit of a pal ty olM, \;< uns willi rattle, In les«, than six hours lu t'.icn «SI

ami HO«» of then ptino wcie In front of 1.nu. and a«

many as BOO would lute lu- u then ¡n lenthoa -i baanU be had n lunn..11 His thornton Inpoaaihia tm any

body iogoown n ntv a witheel bein« __. Brand.lu <i> «> illili)*. Ihe deplorable BOBdlttOB of altana oil the

«lonler, den. < ud laid that the Mexii ans i upture eui i

bedrwhan nag tneonntar whttaoaaiaM. TberaWa.soon arter Le took ullin.;.mi, were So ftvipn tit tliil th.

Mfai.aii aero often m pooaeerian an our side, so thaitin-ro.uis weto tanpoenbte, tneapl bp talpa pantaewparaoaawitb aeearta. The Maataaa Ouaaal b1 baa balento-han ho wanted to /o oral teGaaniga for ins

amily, aahl .1 and obtain« «1 un order for BBOOOBrtl tin-« .itl.oll« Insl op, when he Minti.I his people, .u»i»i,t for a

unitary est oif : the County JedgB. |0t-8 f1"»" one town

to another, n*\Uf»t*A u nltttnip . a ort. li was unsafe t

|oinney outsii.e of the town and bepooatMa to xcut«' IbalawaetalL Qen» «DeienM tt was ibat thetheo previousto (ortilia's ai re«t, and «rnu!.l li. ...iiie h) .'H-'aill eg his I'-

turn. TlM eouutry was entirely lu posse «sion of the

raiders,aad tha Patted Huies force« nanni no1 abaab»in m or drive tln-iu out 0 the state.

Till FHiI'MuIlY POO «¡IIIMII.Y III «li «TTO.(jen. Ord t miticd ti-at when tn Boaanaai of the »*.«.-

partinent wh eh in.-luden An/.,na, he had an umbi

¦toadies with ihe deliran af Sanara thal ear li.opaslmlllij loss the »iiiii in ill'-i'lt of millaililtag Illili,ii,»

from .iib' r sxle, and that a Company of M> \u au irooi s

e.,.,|i rat. d it ith I'nlte.lM. t. s «oldiets for t'Vo or Hires.-, k« an our »i«ie «-i lha Nae, Gan. «mi approved ollamino nllona to then, ami oonpHaaeata th. m mbbOmbIle has now au iiinlcr-lai.din*.' Witt tin- «...iel tnueiit of

Chlbnehna to the saan c-eet that theil troup« aadeanshall |'iii-ue li.i«tile Indian«, and eoSpi tata In their -en.

suit oil eillier snlc A« ..II 111« se raid« Is oil Hie llverm.

iiuiiati«, .i of ladtaa ti« »i ni. tin i would ba nedlaV.um tor oin troops soon to put au end to the catii.-

¦teattag, if the (ioieinui.tit ol lain.milpas wasli.tlii-« U«'«'«l by tü«' «¦lilli' mollies M those of the «Jot eminent..f the ethel Siat.ss mim. .1.Ona «if the «Illili nil!«m which «¡..ti. Ord meiulnncii

which eonpUoah Bntton anal wrioealp la oeaaeetioBBritt (llese I.ii.Inn/ palin -, I« that Hie li.-. «.I.tlnlo 1...« I

la njt lookedapon n taebordarhno. binn lha tnntjmail«- b] the (¡ovclliun-ut th. H- have lueii toim. d a gOtldmany of wiiat ure allid " poel.i-ttt'' ni the ben.Is of II.»

river, ¦ Mob bara bat ti. ut afftran «m«' ntha othn rido(i.'.niiii.', aa It w.-ie, tittie pieooe of Mexlea all alono oin

ride of tim rtrar. Tha Mezken itws an tninnd m

then pi.i'is, and lha Mastona popaletioa leneeteoah.nu'to any anthill Hy from «mr side. In a _rri.it tn.iiiv

ptoeea tba river has taken an Battrolp BOW «Launel.

Then raMtagpeittoane rendearatneathlaabla of tholiter in Umleo, nii'i «mr troopa eannet disturb thanwnlioiif bein,, on M. xlcaii terrbuy. Z. I. vv.

TfXEORAPBTC iPOTBOPit'ivmr*» i. I». I.. Mai.ii i. iin Deaaeeratie

ti.it, i <m. i.iiui in rallei mm Hit i«.u. u.si.

Nkvi-4iiu.i* ass, Mai. 1» l.- Tba friHlhiirn and Want-ern stales IsaC^a.sa «»"hi« BtiOB Mt Ban loila) uni m

Killi/..1.Nrw-' »m y ash, Ifnrc- I..«floe, Hendtiebo ami

pai ty b-Jt for li.u Wist lum aftMaOOB, Ttl KobUa and Mumn w« i y.Sam I.«Kt <'nv, Mar« h 1. Berraneetof tlie bar,

Jtnl.e lan. tsiit' bas I'«*« n Sl.l'.'llil'sl to the 11 lu Instil« I lisueli«lill 11IX I"'el J USt li «» \\ lill«! S .II«, IH«-.

its« iwAii, M .ne h I, -It ¡s anowina hard bera,AlMitltlttxi neb.« huv. fsllen. Atl.,un.il HI.»St 11 litim'.lUsi m_iit abaal inui taahnal snow i....i ____.

BOHTUV, »Man li I. Tin* (ire.it Vulhl Manufa« tiirin«« .¦u.paii' i'u1 'lie Ssliuoo Kal s __-_taeU__lg « iniiiiauy o'Sem usnipnliili« will retluce mm.« Sía.i .- K1.

IbssK.N, March I..Tba Coiiiuiei ««'iiietit of tinDoetea Medlsel ¦¦«¦ti«>ii teofc pleee Is st i lie iegnoat Dest..i of Misbiine wau ttinurr«-«! nu Iweuti tlin-o Keull* ">e" sail

»liri.i l_-.t«_.liniAi'i j.piiiA. Marah 1..In abe ona of Upton >.

Neweeowr. tieri et ihr Btngh-a Hosee, rhsrgsd withreJatleg lbs « mi iti»iiu MU n n__al_a lol«iuf lu s ...I .itj<lUibiisti-i. tliuj.irj li-" tnoi-iiig rsuilcit-d a ter ,i< l et -rulllj.

Ottawa, Mniob i.-At tbeo_n-_ln_o_tagel tbenuuliitonKifleissotlatt.ii, be'I tins aft. ru.s.n, tue rnport ufthe «numil was i*r. seuU» I. nb>>«lug th if tim iii.teniueiii

.¡T^iit bu ls75 »sall ,*.3lHl, an«. Hut ttteuty Uto rifle aswxta-

Caaa lu.». I stllbslcil with tlie lmin.nlun AsvaclaUon tiutiug in«

yssx.1'it.ivil). KCE. If. I.. Mar«hi..The Sigma Phi ..inti-

.eereli «>iiTnoU<>n cloaeil «lib s supper to mir.'it JA Ksvbs-li.nl «it liuctieeur «tss rim-ted »'ivsui-atil lim sexi «ruKiu

W11 ia» in li is Ii« «l« i, «Uli 1 li«,HaSS is. iisil'iii.i ... Ilsrin.itl sa

11 muir, au," Kriieat nr.-xiief Kstlicetsrss l'n»i. This srse-

iii« au t.iuii-u wes ds.it tn«! b/ lbs Msr. ueorgs AUoiaou at¦aabenan


il i:\ hy «ii; mai Hir-M.K.I>»mk,h, Wommaamuj, Man h i. iwi.

Mr. rxchenik, the A'inriciin Mn.iet.r, put>l_»lii>e thefollowm« card :

" I_»M>(iS, March 1, IgPg," In »orne Ixrntlon paper- thin ninrniti -. aere piihll«_*4

teicKTiiphic dtopatato h parparttaf to gi\e. a r«"p«irt «tLyon'» testimony lu!, n* a niiiiriitt««« ,,f < oiujrreee. I de»iiouuce hi« vi bolo «i.ticiu« ni concerning roe aa a ti««ue ofinfamous f.ii«, ii,i,«l_. Il.iviu« obialncd n-.ne ,it ai,«en. ofrom my Government for the ptirpua«-. I «hall «.ill in lb«next Btaaa* r f, r lie Init,.! Hlalea lo .-«iiifroiil mi calnm-Biatora and x indi, at«- my reputation."

ai hi-ni «,itx\r ni.PiA\r.Albert Oraatbaaeeal t<> ihr Tiwi* the copy oí a

t«'l'irr:iin which ho «cut i c«t< rdax to tlic « liainnanof the House «'ointniit.e on WtttbjB IMalitin«« atWa_liiii_t"it.

[Mr. (.rant's telegnen ia printed ,1m vxh. MtJSPANISH AlTMlfS.

mg Fi.toiiT of vos i ahí" .-Muitr iii»iort» ina( t HA.

Leanne« _feaaaaaayi Mar« h i, ir.7«.«._ «fvr"<i-.i telagnua han Madrid to Tkt Daily

Seiet »tat« B SBfiSS nien will lie K'tit »o < uba lioiiiedt*utely.There will be three .l«iv'e bull tlirhU Bad other featUI-

tb « «ni the entry of the lloval troop« Intn ">l nlrld.Tho t«pani«h Kuibamty at 1'arta pomtueiv deinea thal

ext'iiKii hah 11 1 hat any ¡»iltK-ul umtlxe lu vl«Jtio«jSpain, bho gora at Hu- i..,ti. nt of killis- Al.m_o. Ulattahld t !» tt the ex'.'na 11 vx m u«i to 1 aru thi. h. I. marM.iiliid, Iiniiit .li.it. )y after Klag Alton*«'« return froaaHie garth.A H'icclal di-pitch to The Ratty Sent from I'.irii, «aye

lion Carlee xvlll airlie 'n ti: it -t, ci Th 11-tiny. He will1 reeeed taCMato ekari « rai ht t« anennnj Maoavaj himto ¦aaaaab

l'huit, Marah 1, im76.Den ia-los hn poa reateriap eeeatagtopa-Btlaad-

I elite Can ¡la li M _t,ii' io l ann. «.

Au lilt, ii «'.lill t du, iiinii! is pilbil«*!» .1 her«', Itntl-fthat Doe Carlee baa e«H rellagatohed hi« ttefaaa to thothron of St,a.n. Re WOO U"t xatifiiii-hc'l. 'nt uteredI rat'c xoii.ii'irili. Ile -.ave np lu« ¡um« initiiert«*France aer the ill*»,«attela, but rataatar v laid themdown after a bernie «tru_-_.li". tim«, completely re.«ervinethe fu« ure vhtoh betongi t" baa.

m ti'i.iii, v\.ttaaadaPi m m h i, I97titv", ral lapattoa toilaad "If' i-int; a rcf'iiiii'tn In Iii«

l « ¡I « I,:.,! lil»! ,'X and N al it" l«t to . «.! :,. »« pat at«pioxii.i.i, and nelllnp apea theOereraai at t«»aggettten tin- teiiitnry BBMBg the adjacent próxima s.

ft. JUAt I» Ii /, Wxl'.iifliy. Man h 1. 1-7'i.A riniior 1« cimiit that tarerai t.uii«» It-vler», in-

«l.idinc Cartisa, have I, n ii»»i»«»!iiati d it Labayen.¡ios a, iii m- nrvvit.Y is i» nr.

Loaaoa, Thaiadaj. Maret!; i >-t»».The Timen' Pari« ont ipoadCBl teb pi -"I «

[t to atetad thal Doe Carina owea "»,090,00o frasea haIn bu ,I. It« h.,. Inherited 40, 00,000 .ran tin l>u»o.,' Mmi na. HI« frleoda lato thal l*eeo«*ato Knetantltaouler i. l«,,nally to eotOU to terni« with hi» el« -tit, ra.

Tin: «ni t »man EMPIRE.i.',M,',v. Wedaaaday, m nebí IdN.

Pent, l'iilic «S. in, aniioiiiicf that lor thopayacate! the talon a ead drawa boada dee teenyobthe Tarktoh hoade <>f IhM they hera aal] laattradü lli.it«"., of the giaojig.

ooai iirnaoi 11, tvi aaeaday, Man ii i. it?*!.MnMiiar Faena lekgn phi d t" 'he Parta II el MM bnuy*

vgox/talaaoehe**, a ¡nael dtoeoaraneawat. and BMBayed'hem have Behalt!« d. Betagt ea ire hej;itiii<i)|{ to roturoto their booma

COUNT V«'N AI.'MM S CASE.boanoa, atodaoaaay»J__aiab I, n-176.

Iii Pall Mgo, (hVBtmtfi B.llin -£.« « í ia 1 tfgamai «ia!, « Hint the l*uipi ror William hue ii luiw-d (.'ouut.oil Arnim'», appluatiuu fur a safe cou«lu< t to x lall bl «j »«on,who l« mck in Il«tl ti. The làmpcror hu« bot jil an xver.-J,hc petit« m nf (Janet von Irnhn'efainlly for the pardon«i the «'«»nut. ii.- «rai aunueened to a peer belora thelll_.ll Coiu't of «trtf«) nu the -J I «t of Tcbl.lart, bill tie it li».

ii the «ammo h, tx lil, li w,u» dehrered to bun hyin titi m m Cumul it iluten. «>. To-ttoy'i papata «tyhit the Koiciirii Office baa preferred an aeeoaatloaea^tiracinptb« roar-rea ni ¡, pb tie.-in .,, ,i m-nu.»ik tbeEn i .i.i, Prine« Btouian k, and the lui-. Iga OBmt

rmiOBGEBIES BT AN ITM.IW MAEQUMLiimmiv, Wedncs.lav, Min 1. li«76.

The Titnex's gptthbl t« l«i,*Ta'ii 1'ioin Homoday «ealalaa tarther deleita af.lho irreal hpaary, The

Mareheao Meaaagwae vee alwapa Mtbarai legardi «i .»»* »

geokbtnut worthy el «ii reaanbaaa, BeareeadkeaaBPm the Moiton t Bad Mantua Bal wa) I -me .n-nert he baa'_ e' ti,pi,m,! b) ti« K:n/ lu tint ii« nil ni cr tiona, u tulha« takenau« ant ,c>' nf the opp«>rtnntti<Ba iff ntod by thatoniin« in t. in m in ii<,f ii«i xiar the 'Inn botn Man*

.lTii.7.,1 m L'oliati d a 1.. tn of ti.iMKi.tMKj franc.« for hemunicipality of Ni;',-..mi recetvra tbemoeej under

i» o n cniiiroi trou tin r rto banbara who pieced theloan.

THE MKECT CABLE COMPAHT.4 »tri um; iii ii» r<» kum a ivi H wini Tim

itivAi. ODhvamr na PMigoi raai < 11 -.«rn.-ui.rUBI Og Ittl t mi: h:ai ii ni: «is nu: «a inn.

Loanoa, ttednoode**, Man h i. igagA nK'i-lin-; <»f ihrurehoMara «»f the Dfml

cubil««nun,«i j, aalled bp a Leaden law lera tor thepurpose of I'oruitiii; it union willi the An_ln A, a .m

Telegraph OhhtoCeaipaap, wau baal today at. the Ohbfli iiiiimi» Hot« I, In (-.iiiuoii »t. Only M »haï« hoideraAult- pi. .1-1.1, ami Hie na .Uli« ailj.iiirned kiiic die xmllliiut,ir in« »t -t'iijç any bu.«iin «s. Almut ."»Oottier «han-holiiet«,B l.o were di-liii d aduiif>.-:ou, uiet at the t oiupuity n otilo«,Badpaaaedthe toltowiaa leaaatttoaiTin aa-btwgaed a_areheldeia lu the l)ir»«t rnltej

¦«tat«'« Cable Company (limited) BMcmbled In ani-Klarle-ire to n cord ror tin- Information at their (allowee »ie-

lit ii .cn« Ihm tiiey attended »t th- »ty 1, in,inn« 11,.'I,l ali'ioll «t., lonl.v, ixl li Tillexx of bim.' |:t«iltta tfiniiu-ctiiii; called .»y Heaora, Learae ft t,,., but ui_utii*> cl.iilnx to i !.-. _r« th.tn«. ivi .» l«iori h.imt without «u-I'laiititii'ii.ul th« t iiinc p!iijni«i-,i, iii aaaeianoa af ita

!.. iiliond of i», 1d_ earrie«] out, titty wera nsfeeed ed«Ullnsion t" til« um in-. Bad they ie,-omuli ml their:, ,,... »litin lioi-lei« io axx.ut t.ie r-piirr of flteir dUiotoni..i ti c f ti« i ti ii. etina, '" Li^'' PlaÔO tin» neHita.

i .in the ateaiuer Faraday completed the repairedihi Turna) Sex Uamiwbliv) aectiuo Of the li.p Mabie,'..l.'.iii -a« toniB n oa ne ..Id of .lainiarx l.,«t. Th«i lol-ii«,. g la a t,px ,,f a 1.1, xi »«i» ree« Iveil tit tie« «i.upauy! un. «t« lei it tita'ix ,'.i tn..¿ni (l.e l'a. « ,_\

i., end ol '«. eatej u pi <. wan ¡, ki i up at lï:46o', lo. h tola mni iiiin.. lu latitude i'- i , at a depth atn,oui loo to l,on,«, riii damage wa* cauned'ty eotUag-miana». 'i hatch t.a'd tiu-r«" are marka ol time orfail, b nxx.«. 'I ne c.i'iie mid ¡«I'pan lilly tit « liii«-'d up mln ,n«-i '.r ai.ii »ul «(.ipii ntl) «cxai.-d. li., t, WM-OBat-

ural li., il m.-: the wlrei ,i abi aided « u the andei ihto «iftit in-...i. ami _'.» uf ;in m t ut throuab .¦¦, i-uix, ead twoIn ni li a'ti I" in ¦' -'-a- «a d ! .X hat I« IB The «.lltiOUnf the cab'.' i» exi eil« nt. Ti».- eompo ino t» ff for tw«-l eim in« imni «leb end. Mallee or wanton reckleaaacaa ton .p. >.. ,n..n o, f.,i vxi:« it tim calila a m t_iii<htra»iiy bare boee «ii, i"-1 wltaual ******i*ig n^; it."'[haegtoareef tto Dtred roldo Vi apaejr alala Ibataa

nagi weeta have aaa an ¦ ttutt to i«" p Um Fteaáaf on

theeoaatef Suva Beotlaacañonea and repaMag «lnuuntil another vet-_«i eaa ?. ni to rügtet


THE REVOLT Di SANTO DfiMINOO.'1 !.«. 'li Undi «if .-«f. rbo-Baapnbliabee a leatag

flinn fu. rt.» l-.i-.i,deleAPOh. <i. ttattag thal um over-

thi wal tho power of the garaaaiaaai mt PieaMaat-tott»tatoola the aeoprnl "i ruarla Fíala '¦ r_miptota. Thet,,ivciinii-of tin- pi '¦'" 'li!--, "..i'iti'.t«.! to tbe fnr.e.under the command of fleo, f-apvron, ami m i nakina.,,, .i-i ...| h tia« t«:- txx.i in tue Britlhh«Uonaalateaedi niablSalim« nt M Mr. 11. luaeu, ia.i.td iur T.uk'n laland on

nti»lui)t -lie ntttive wan i)titill<hi«l tie Ppantib «tc.iiuer lae

arrived imm l'neria Ha a« iuiiuiiik .ulxe r« to l'. ". ,'J..A..:,-:, ann.nine.' mat Vu -.ililli UvBlaka, xxl.u ua«l «I*-U t, .1 i.hub« if ai (lie to'xn g Lo Veaa, iu the iatett°«i_.¡nui it.'teriuluctt »mt to »iiiiin.i, and nul BMieeed wikaxx ..at trtxi,,. in miId attrei*rtt ajaliart the rvvolattoeaatain «i liât" and I'm i o l'.at-t» S«xeral aUCOUatOra hadlamil plaie, XV,'., _ .11«. 11 :«'l|i «. la S.UIU»Duminpeto al a ceeiplete ntandctiii, an«l BWuepMaHg»*¦»_«¦««.


POKEKn vomOiTAWA, Mun h l.-ltt llie HOttM -ai-l ijîkIiI

Mt. Irving «eeeed a r«-«,.. ii in m dt-t lariiiti that m-nier« ta

pi ,'<, t.on wa« aeeeeaary, and «Ure« t nk- th.* Ministry toinform the lililí ti «nutj uuient mat l'ana.ia deem*. "Uin 11 »-»1 y lo levtoa ».'lut, It alitte.« of a lui mar pulley ofnu ,i..iiiK difleitatial dull« ..- the ie-'iimn waa op>paaad l>> the Hoienitneiit and '.oat hy a lara« uiKjorl.yLomiON, March 1..Mr. rvarborii, the officer

from »oxton who Una the paper»« nec-Marx for tberxtra»dinon of Winalot., the forip'r. airived tn Loudon tantôt-«lay. Ile ha« alr.adr viiitetl th« A mart« au tuiba»_.T, aodtin-paiH-ia win tie ofnei--ly plaeed lu tue pu««M>Miiun eft l.e Kuibaaay Ulla afteraoon or IfU-trorrow umrinaa, laarno e Hine tor pmaeUtaUoo to tUr lUou»t»_ Ueary, K_acu., i i_i_Hi!«u»ta at Ui« How Su«*-at Polio« «.ourt, wb«<eUo »'.i*ui_er ia btvuahl un a« ruaead.
