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 · ... KN-RCI dipercaya oleh asosiasi industri kimia dan ... daur ulang, produksi, ekspor.

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www.responsiblecare-indonesia.or.id Menyongsong Konferensi Responsible Care® Asia – Pasifik ke-12 Dan Konferensi RCLG-ICCA 2011 Bali, Indonesia, October 2011 Welcoming The 12th Asia Pacific Responsible Care® Conference (APRCC) & The 2011 RCLG-ICCA Conference Bali, Indonesia, October 2011 Responsible Care® OUR COMMITMENT TO SUSTAINABILITY From the Editor’s Desk Welcome to the 12 th APRCC & the 2011 RCLG-ICCA Conference Dear KN-RCI members, Salam Responsible Care® Starng earlier this year ahead is expected to be the year that is able to cope with storms and consolidang resources in accelerang the recovery of the gray clouds that blanketed some of our chemical industry. We at KN-RCI are not spared from the effects of the economy but it is in such mes that we must rise up and do even more for our members and come alongside to help them find ways to lessen some of their burden. Our focus and commitment towards Environment, Health and Safety will not change amidst the economic situaon. Through Responsible Care® and through collaboraons with the various agencies, KN-RCI will connue to work hard and improve the EHS Key Performance Indicator (KPI) standard of chemical industry, to ensure that we connue to build for ourselves a robust industry for tomorrow. We summarize for readers some of KN-RCI’s acvies from the end of 2009 unl today including the 6th Naonal Responsible Care® Conference; Responsible Care® Award and Exhibion; Responsible Care® Introducon Workshop for Suppliers, Customers and SMEs (sponsored by RCLG); Internaonal cooperaon with JETRO/JRCC; KN-RCI in the forum of ASEAN-Japan; Welcoming our New Members, etc. Year 2011, we will host an internaonal Responsible Care® acvies in Bali in October 2011, covering the 12 th Asia Pacific Responsible Care® Conference which will be occurred in a series of other important acvies. For all this we need to work hard, help each other and collaborated with several organizaons including the Asia - Pacific Responsible Care® Organizaon (APRO), RCLG-ICCA, ASEAN CIC, FIKI, etc. Supports from the Government agencies especially the related Ministries are very much expected. Of course, full parcipaon and support of KN-RCI member companies in the form of partnership or sponsor will determine the success of our big event next year. Issues related to “Chemical Safety & Security” are very important, necessary and interesng to be presented. KN-RCI was already “involved” in these acvies. Because of the limited “space” we regret that we cannot serve on this edion, but it will be presented in the next edion. However, you will be able to follow on this, by vising our website: www.responsiblecare-indonesia.or.id We look forward to your connued support as we forge towards a brighter future. (SZ) M. Setyabudhi Zuber Untuk kali kedua, KN-RCI dipercaya oleh asosiasi industri kimia dan organisasi Responsible Care® di kawasan Asia-Pasifik. Sepuluh tahun lalu pada Oktober 2007, perhelatan yang sama juga telah diadakan di Pulau Dewata, Bali. Daya tarik Indonesia, terutama Bali, memang tak pernah pudar. Penetapan KN-RCI / Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah The 12th APRCC diadakan pada bulan April 2010 melalui “teleconference” yang berlangsung secara bijaksana dan demokras, dipimpin oleh Mr. N. Yoshihara dari JRCC selaku wakil Sekjen APRO. Pada akhirnya, 10 negara dari 12 anggota APRO memilih Indonesia /KN-RCI (1 abstain dan 1 dak memilih). Pada RCLG Board meeng di Miami Amerika Serikat (pada bulan Mei 2010) telah disetujui penyelenggaraan The 2011 Annual Conference For the second me, KN-RCI is entrusted by the associaon of Chemical Industry and Responsible Care® organizaon of Asia Pacific to host the 12th APRCC. Ten Years ago, in October 2007, the same event was also held in the Island of the Gods, Bali. The beauty and aracveness of Indonesia, especially Bali indeed has never faded. The appointment of KN-RCI/Indonesia to host the 12th APRCC was held on April 2010 through “teleconference” that occur in subtle and democrac manner lead by Mr. N.Yoshihara of JRCC as the Vice Secretary General of APRO. Finally, 10 countries from 12 APRO countries selected Indonesia / KNI-RCI (1 abstain, and 1 opposed). At the RCLG Board’s meeng in Miami, USA (May 2010) has approved


Menyongsong Konferensi Responsible Care® Asia – Pasifik ke-12 Dan Konferensi RCLG-ICCA 2011Bali, Indonesia, October 2011

WelcomingThe 12th Asia Pacific Responsible Care® Conference (APRCC) & The 2011 RCLG-ICCA ConferenceBali, Indonesia, October 2011


From the Editor’s DeskWelcome to the 12th APRCC & the 2011 RCLG-ICCA Conference

Dear KN-RCI members,Salam Responsible Care®

Starting earlier this year ahead is expected to be the year that is able to cope with storms and consolidating resources in accelerating the recovery of the gray clouds that blanketed some of our chemical industry.

We at KN-RCI are not spared from the effects of the economy but it is in such times that we must rise up and do even more for our members and come alongside to help them find ways to lessen some of their burden.

Our focus and commitment towards Environment, Health and Safety will not change amidst the economic situation. Through Responsible Care® and through collaborations with the various agencies, KN-RCI will continue to work hard and improve the EHS Key Performance Indicator (KPI) standard of chemical industry, to ensure that we continue to build for ourselves a robust industry for tomorrow.

We summarize for readers some of KN-RCI’s activities from the end of 2009 until today including the 6th National Responsible Care® Conference; Responsible Care® Award and Exhibition; Responsible Care® Introduction Workshop for

Suppliers, Customers and SMEs (sponsored by RCLG); International cooperation with JETRO/JRCC; KN-RCI in the forum of ASEAN-Japan; Welcoming our New Members, etc.

Year 2011, we will host an international Responsible Care® activities in Bali in October 2011, covering the 12th Asia Pacific Responsible Care® Conference which will be occurred in a series of other important activities.

For all this we need to work hard, help each other and collaborated with several organizations including the Asia - Pacific Responsible Care® Organization (APRO), RCLG-ICCA, ASEAN CIC, FIKI, etc. Supports from the Government agencies especially the related Ministries are very much expected. Of course, full participation and support of KN-RCI member companies in the form of partnership or sponsor will determine the success of our big event next year.

Issues related to “Chemical Safety & Security” are very important, necessary and interesting to be presented. KN-RCI was already “involved” in these activities. Because of the limited “space” we regret that we cannot serve on this edition, but it will be presented in the next edition. However, you will be able to follow on this, by visiting our website: www.responsiblecare-indonesia.or.id

We look forward to your continued support as we forge towards a brighter future. (SZ)

M. Setyabudhi Zuber

Untuk kali kedua, KN-RCI dipercaya oleh asosiasi industri kimia dan organisasi Responsible Care® di kawasan Asia-Pasifik. Sepuluh tahun lalu pada Oktober 2007, perhelatan yang sama juga telah diadakan di Pulau Dewata, Bali. Daya tarik Indonesia, terutama Bali, memang tak pernah pudar.

Penetapan KN-RCI / Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah The 12th APRCC diadakan pada bulan April 2010 melalui “teleconference” yang berlangsung secara bijaksana dan demokratis, dipimpin oleh Mr. N. Yoshihara dari JRCC selaku wakil Sekjen APRO. Pada akhirnya, 10 negara dari 12 anggota APRO memilih Indonesia /KN-RCI (1 abstain dan 1 tidak memilih).

Pada RCLG Board meeting di Miami Amerika Serikat (pada bulan Mei 2010) telah disetujui penyelenggaraan The 2011 Annual Conference

For the second time, KN-RCI is entrusted by the association of Chemical Industry and Responsible Care® organization of Asia Pacific to host the 12th APRCC. Ten Years ago, in October 2007, the same event was also held in the Island of the Gods, Bali. The beauty and attractiveness of Indonesia, especially Bali indeed has never faded.

The appointment of KN-RCI/Indonesia to host the 12th APRCC was held on April 2010 through “teleconference” that occur in subtle and democratic manner lead by Mr. N.Yoshihara of JRCC as the Vice Secretary General of APRO. Finally, 10 countries from 12 APRO countries selected Indonesia / KNI-RCI (1 abstain, and 1 opposed).

At the RCLG Board’s meeting in Miami, USA (May 2010) has approved

Daftar Isi / Table of Contents

� KN-RCI news

Penerbit/ Published byKN-RCI®

Penasihat/ AdvisorFrank Moniaga, Kamaludin

Penanggung jawab/ Person in chargeM. Setyabudhi Zuber

Pemimpin Redaksi/ Director of EditorialM. Setyabudhi Zuber

Kontributor/ ContributorAbraham S, Maman Setiaman, Adi Sunariadi, Ika Suryani,

Prio Utomo, Lilik Sankrib, Marindo Palar, Setyogroho

Sirkulasi & Sekretariat/ Circulation SecretariatAve Tesa

Alamat redaksi/ AddressKN-RCI Secretariat, Wisma GKBI 39/F

Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Jakarta 10210, IndonesiaTel. : +6221 57998165 Fax. +6221 57998080

Website : responsiblecare-indonesia.or.idE-mail : [email protected]

Tim Redaksi / Editorial TeamHal / Page

Laporan Utama / Main Report

of RCLG-ICCA, untuk diadakan di Bali, Indonesia berkaitan dengan The 12th APRCC 2011.

Kenduri akbar tahun depan, merupakan tantangan kita bersama para anggota KN-RCI dan semua pemangku kepentingan terkait untuk bekerja keras demi suksesnya beberapa aktivitas terkait APRCC:• The 2011 ICCA- RCLG Annual Conference• The 36th ASEAN Chemical Industry Council Conference• The 6th National Responsible Care® Conference & Exhibition• The 4th Responsible Care® Award• The International Year of Chemistry 2011

Persiapan yang telah dimulai adalah pembentukan Tim “Executive Committee”, Dewan Penasihat, meminta dukungan dari Kementerian Perindustrian, Kementerian Tenaga Kerja, Kementerian Kesehatan, Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup, serta para tokoh nasioal. Kolaborasi dengan berbagai pihak terkait merupakan kunci keberhasilan kegiatan ini (baca IYC 2011).

Tantangan semua anggota KN-RCI untuk mensukseskan The 12th APRCC & RCLG Conference

2011 and kegiatan terkait lain untuk mencapai target dan sasaran yang kita harapkan

Tentu hal ini patut kita sambut dengan penuh syukur dan gembira, karena merupakan kepercayaan dan penghargaan internasional tidak hanya untuk KN-RCI, tetapi juga merupakan apresiasi bagi Indonesia.

KN-RCI akan lebih berfokus pada substansi konferensi diantaranya, tema konferensi, pemilihan judul dan pembicara. Hal yang penting pula adalah mitra dan dukungan dana dari perusahaan anggota KN-RCI maupun sumber dana lain yang tidak mengikat. Pameran (Eksibisi) yang dikemas secara menarik, akan memberikan nilai tambah bagi mitra atau sponsor dan “exhibitor” maupun pengunjung.

Presidium dan pengurus KN-RCI sangat mengharapkan kesempatan “langka” ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebaik-mungkin oleh perusahaan-perusahaan anggota KN-RCI untuk berperan secara maksimal / optimal, baik mitra maupun peserta konferensi. Saat ini juga telah mulai diadakan seleksi perusahaan MICE - Meeting, Incentif, Conference and Exhibition. (SZ)

the organization of the 2011 Annual conference of RCLG – ICCA to be held in Bali, Indonesia, in conjunction with The 12th APRCC 2011.

Next Year’s Grand Event is a challenge for all of us, members of KN-RCI and all respectful stakeholders to together optimize our efforts towards the success of several series of activities related to APRCC:• The 2011 ICCA-RCLG Annual Conference• The 36th ASEAN Chemical Industry Council Conference• The 6th National Responsible Care® Conference & Exhibition• The 4th Responsible Care® Award• The International Year of Chemistry 2011

Preparation has begun with the formation of a team (Executive Committee), advisory board, and request for support from the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment, as well as notable national figures. Collaboration with varies parties is the key for the success of this event.

The challenge to all members of KN-RCI is for The 12th APRCC & RCLG Conference 2011 and other

related series of activities, to successfully take place, achieving the goals and targets we expected.

We certainly welcome and embrace this with thankfulness and joy because it a great international appreciation and trust not only to KN-RCI, but also an appreciation to Indonesia.

KN-RCI will focus more on the substance of the conference including, theme of the conference, the selection of titles and speakers. Another important factor is partnership and financial support from corporate members of KN-RCI as well as non obligatory sources of funds. An interesting and attractive exhibition will also draw an added value for partners or sponsors, and exhibitors, as well as visitors. (SZ)

From the Editor’s Desk 1

Welcoming the 12th APRCC 1

The Indonesia Chemical Act 3

KN-RCI Roadmap 2017 5

Responsible Care® Award 2009 6

Sustainable Verification in Indonesia 7

Building a Verification System 9

In Farewell Mrs. Urai Rogers 10

New Environmental Act 12

International Year of Chemistry 2011 14

Lively Responsible Care® Days 16

RC Workshop for SMEs 18

KN-RCI in The Asean - Japan Forum 19

Welcome aboard KN-RCI New Members 20

Industri kimia memberikan kontribusi yang besar bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat sehingga industri kimia menjadi salah satu sektor industri unggulan nasional. Kapasitas produksi bahan kimia dalam negeri pada tahun 2007 mencapai 37,67 juta ton dan tahun 2008 mencapai 38,24 juta ton. Sedangkan ekspor bahan kimia pada tahun 2007 mencapai 5,2 juta ton dan tahun 2008 mencapai 5,63 juta ton. Kebutuhan bahan kimia yang diimpor pada tahun 2007 mencapai 3,7 juta ton dan tahun 2008 mencapai 3,8 juta ton.

Menteri Perindustrian:Saatnya Indonesia memiliki undang-undang bahan

kimia yang komprehensif dan terintegrasi

Sampai dengan saat ini, terdapat lebih dari ± 2 (dua) juta senyawa kimia yang teridentifikasi dengan jumlah senyawa yang diproduksi massal mencapai ±200.000 jenis. Bahan kimia tersebut dikategorikan menjadi bahan kimia berbahaya dan bahan kimia biasa. Khusus untuk bahan kimia berbahaya beracun diperlukan pengaturan yang ketat untuk mengelola potensi risiko dan bahaya bagi kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan.

Bahan Kimia memiliki simpul daur hidup yang meliputi pengadaan lokal dan impor, penyimpanan, transportasi, distribusi, penggunaan, pemusnahan, daur ulang, produksi, ekspor. Pada setiap simpul daur hidup tersebut terdapat risiko dan dampak negatif apabila pengelolaan bahan kimia tidak dilakukan dengan baik dan benar. Pengaturan perundang-undangan tentang pemanfaatan bahan kimia yang mencakup seluruh aspek daur hidup bahan kimia mutlak diperlukan, khususnya bagi bahan kimia berbahaya. Penerapan peraturan perundang-undangan tersebut diharapkan mampu mewujudkan keseimbangan antara pemenuhan kebutuhan bahan kimia oleh masyarakat industri, keselamatan hidup masyarakat dan perlindungan kelestarian lingkungan.

Saatnya Indonesia memiliki undang-undang bahan kimia yang komprehensif dan integratif untuk menyempurnakan peraturan perundangan yang telah ada mengantisipasi tantangan global.

Demikian pengarahan Menteri Perindustrian R.I yang disampaikan oleh Wakil Mentri Perindustrian, Dr. Alex Retraubun mewakili Mentri Perindustrian dalam Konferensi Nasional Responsible Care® ke-5 di Jakarta.

Perkembangan manajemen keamanan peman-faatan bahan kimia telah menjadi issue dan trend internasional dalam upaya mengurangi dampak negatif pemanfaatan bahan kimia. Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa telah memprakarsai Strategic Approach of International Chemical Management (SAICM) pada tahun 2006 yang mengatur pengelolaan bahan kimia secara global. Selain itu terdapat pula berbagai konvensi maupun traktat internasional yang mengatur

The chemical industry contributes significantly to the welfare of society to the chemical industry became one of the national seed industry. Chemical production capacity in the country in 2007 reached 37.67 million tons and in 2008 reached 38.24 million tons. While exports of chemicals in the year 2007 reached 5.2 million tons and in 2008 reached 5.63 million tons. Supplies of chemicals imported in the year 2007 reached 3.7 million tons and in 2008 reached 3.8 million tons.

Minister of Industry:It is time for Indonesia has comprehensive and

integrated Chemical Law

Until now, there is more than 2 (two) million chemical compounds were identified by the number of mass-produced compounds that reach more than 200 000 species. Chemicals are classified as hazardous chemicals and chemicals used. Special to dangerous toxic chemicals needed strict regulation to manage the potential risks and hazards to human health and the environment.

Chemicals have a life cycle that includes node local procurement and importation, storage, transportation, distribution, use, disposal, recycling, production, exports. At each node there is a risk the life cycle and the negative impact if management of chemicals is not done properly and correctly. Setting the legislation concerning the use of chemicals that covers all aspects of the chemical life cycle is absolutely necessary, especially for hazardous chemicals. Implementation of legislation is expected to achieve a balance between fulfilling the needs of industrial chemicals by the community, community life safety and environmental protection. It’s time for Indonesia to have comprehensive chemical laws and integrated to improve existing legislation to anticipate global challenges.

Thus the direction of the Minister of Industry presented by the Vice Minister of Industry, Dr. Alex Retraubun representing the Minister of Industry in the 5th National Conference on Responsible Care® in Jakarta.

The development of security management utilization of chemicals has become an international issue and trend in an effort to reduce the negative impact of using chemicals. The United Nations has initiated a Strategic Approach of International Chemicals Management (SAICM) in 2006 governing of chemical management globally. There were also various conventions and international treaties that regulate chemicals or other hazardous materials, including the Basel Convention, Stockholm Convention, the Chemical Weapons Convention, and others.

KN-RCI news �Laporan Utama / Main Report

The 5th National Responsible Care® Conference

Undang Undang Bahan Kimia IndonesiaThe 5th NRCC

The Indonesian Chemical Act

DR. Alex RetraubunWakil Menteri Prindustrian R.I. Speech by Mrs. Emma Rachmawaty from the

Ministry of Environment

� KN-RCI news Laporan Utama / Main Report

bahan kimia atau bahan berbahaya lainnya, antara lain Konvensi Basel, Konvensi Stockholm, Konvensi Senjata Kimia, dan lain-lain.

Trend global tersebut diadaptasi beberapa kawasan ekonomi utama dengan menerapkan peraturan perundang-undangan regional. Beberapa peraturan regional antara lain REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) yang berlaku di Masyarakat Ekonomi Eropa (tahun 2008) dan ChAMP (Chemical Authorization Management Program) yang berlaku di Amerika Serikat (tahun 2009).

Berbagai negara turut membentuk dan menerapkan peraturan perundang - undangan tentang peman-faatan bahan kimia. Beberapa diantaranya telah memiliki Undang-Undang tentang pemanfaatan bahan kimia, antara lain Irlandia, Jerman dan Thailand. Penerapan peraturan tersebut berdampak pada perdagangan ekspor bahan kimia ke negara tujuan akibat peningkatan standar keamanan pemanfaatan bahan kimia.

Sampai dengan saat ini, Indonesia mempunyai berbagai peraturan tentang pemanfaatan bahan kimia. Sebagai contoh pengaturan bahan kimia dalam konteks perlindungan kelestarian lingkungan terdapat pada Undang-undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup.

Menteri Perindustrian R.I.Responsible Care® sangat menunjang bagi

perkembangan bisnis dan peningkatan kinerja perusahaan secara korporat.

Pengaturan bahan kimia yang dapat berpotensi dijadikan senjata kimia terdapat pada Undang-Undang Nomor 9 Tahun 2008 tentang Penggunaan Bahan Kimia dan Larangan Penggunaan Bahan Kimia Sebagai Senjata Kimia. Berbagai peraturan yang ada bersifat parsial sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan tumpang tindih (overlapping). Hal ini antara lain akibat belum adanya payung regulasi yang mengatur sistem manajemen bahan kimia secara komprehensif dan terintegrasi.

Kementerian Perindustrian kembali mengingatkan nilai Responsible Care® yang sangat mendasar adalah suatu kesadaran dan gerakan sukarela dari industri kimia global. Di Negara maju, industri yang menerapkan Responsible Care® memiliki performa yang sangat baik, mereka dapat melampai standar mutu melebihi standar yang ditetapkan Pemerintah dalam aspek Keselamatan, Kesehatan Kerja dan Lingkungan. Faktor ini akan sangat menunjang bagi perkembangan bisnis dan peningkatan kinerja perusahaan secara korporat. Oleh karenanya, Pemerintah selalu “welcome” sejak Responsible Care® di kenalkan di Indonesia lebih dari 12 tahun yang lalu dan terus mendorong serta mendukung berbagai aktivitas yang dilaksanakan oleh KN-RCI.

Kita patut berbangga bahwa Indonesia masih terus konsisten menjadi bagian dari komunitas inter-nasional Responsible Care® yang mengupayakan manajemen keamanan pemanfaatan bahan kimia global. Di Indonesia, pelaksanaan Responsible Care® tersebut dikoordinasikan oleh KN-RCI. Program Respobsible Care Global merupakan usaha berkesinambungan untuk menjaga dan memperbaiki kaidah - kaidah keselamatan, kese-hatan dan lingkungan dalam seluruh rangkaian kegiatan industri kimia global. Demikian DR. Alex Retraubun. (SZ)

Global trends adapted some of the major economic regions by applying the laws and regulations regionally. Some regional regulations such as REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) which is valid in the European Economic Community (in 2008) and CHAMP (Chemical Authorization Management Program) applicable in the United States (in 2009).

Various countries helped shape and implement laws regarding utilization of chemicals. Some of them already have laws on the use of chemicals, among others, Ireland, Germany and Thailand. Implementation of these regulations has an impact on the export trade of chemicals into the country of destination due to increased utilization of chemical safety standards.

Until now, Indonesia has various regulations regarding the use of chemicals.

For example, the chemical regulation in the context of environmental protection contained in new Law No. 32/2009 on the Protection and Management of the Environment. Chemical management which is potentially used as chemical weapons contained in UU 9/2008 concerning the use of chemical and prohibition of the use chemical as chemical weapon. Several current partial regulations could cause potentially overlap. This is partly due to the lack of regulations umbrella governing the chemicals management system in a comprehensive and integrated.

The Ministry of Industry again reminded value of Responsible Care® is a very fundamental consciousness and voluntary movement of the global chemical industry. In developed countries, industries that implement Responsible Care® has a very good performance, they can achieve the quality standards exceeded standards set by the Government in terms of Safety, Health and Environment. These factors will greatly support for business development and improve corporate company performance. Accordingly, the Government always welcome since the Responsible Care® was introduced in Indonesia for more than 12 years ago and continues to encourage and support the various activities undertaken by KN-RCI.

Minister of Industry R.I.:Responsible Care® supports business development and improves corporate

company performance

We should be proud that Indonesia still continues to consistently be a part of the international community of Responsible Care® are seeking security management utilization of chemicals globally. In Indonesia, the implementation of Responsible Care® is coordinated by KN-RCI. Global Responsible Care® Program is continuing efforts to maintain and improve the rules of safety, health and environment in the entire series of events on the global chemical industry. Thus DR. Alex Retraubun. (SZ)

KN-RCI news �Laporan Utama / Main Report

KN-RCI held a great “feast” at the end of the year 2009. No fewer than 150 people participated in the 5th National Responsible Care® Conference on December 15, 2009 at the Kempinski Grand Ballroom Jakarta, both from the chemical industry of KN-RCI members and companies who have not become members or potential members.

Conference with the theme “Maximize Responsible Care® to Boost the Bottom Line” became an important milestone for the sustainability of Responsible Care® program in Indonesia. Presidium and the Executive Board KN-RCI have launched what is expected in 17 years to come, just at the age of 20 years of KN-RCI. In the year 2017 level of safety, security, employee health and the environment (SHE) are expected to 5 (five) times better than average manufacturing sector in 2009 and 2 (two) times more secure than the chemical industry sector. Lowering the level of air pollution by 15.8% and 73% total decrease environmental pollution from the condition in 2009.

The question is, can this goal be achieved? The answer must be because we are very concerned that Indonesia generations in the future be a generation of healthy, prosperous and quality so that Indonesia can play an important role in the global era. How? We need to “data base” really accurate. Therefore KPI (Key Performance Indicator) data reporting, Self-Assessment and Verification will be very important and necessary for every member of KN-RCI.

Chemical industry challenges: In year 2017 Level of Safety, Health & Environment “must” 5 times better than average manufacturing

sector and 2 (two) times safer than the chemical industry sector in the year 2009

In one sentence, in the year 2017 the Performance of Indonesian chemical industry mainly members of KN-RCI should be much better than conditions in 2009, so this will be a real contribution to Indonesia, which has been targeting 26% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from business as usual in 2020 as declared by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the Global Warming Impact Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark on mid of December 2009. (SZ)

Konferensi Nasional Responsible Care® ke-5KN-RCI Roadmap 2017

KN-RCI menggelar “kenduri” akbar di penghujung tahun 2009. Tidak kurang dari 150 orang berpartisipasi dalam konferensi nasional Responsible Care® ke-5 pada 15 Desember 2009 di Kempinski Grand Ballroom Jakarta, baik dari perusahaan industri kimia anggota KN-RCI maupun perusahaan lain yang belum menjadi anggota atau calon anggota. Konferensi dengan tema “Maximize Responsible Care® to Boost the Bottom Line” menjadi tonggak penting bagi keberlanjutan program Responsible Care® di Indonesia.

Tantangan industri kimia:Di tahun 2017 Tingkat K3L “harus” 5 (lima) kali lebih baik dari rata-rata sektor manufaktur dan 2 (dua) kali lipat lebih aman dibandingkan sektor industri kimia

pada tahun 2009.

Presidium dan Pengurus KN-RCI telah menca-nangkan apa yang sangat diingankan 17 tahun kedepan, tepat pada usia ke 20 tahun KN-RCI.

Di tahun 2017 Tingkat keselamatan, keamanan, kesehatan karyawan dan lingkungan (K3L) diharapkan 5 (lima) kali lebih baik dari rata-rata sektor manufaktur pada tahun 2009 dan 2 (dua) kali lipat lebih aman dibandingkan sektor industri kimia. Menurunkan tingkat pencemaran udara 15,8% dan secara total menurunkan 73% pencemaran lingkungan dari kondisi tahun 2009.

Pertanyaannya, dapatkah target ini dicapai? Jawabnya harus bisa karena kita sangat berkepentingan agar generasi Indonesia di masa yang akan datang menjadi generasi yang sehat, sejahtera dan berkualitas sehingga Indonesia dapat berperan penting dalam era global. Caranya? Kita perlu “data base” yang benar-benar mendalam dan akurat.

Oleh karenanya pelaporan data KPI (Key Performance Indicator), Self-Assessment dan Verifikasi menjadi sangat penting dan perlu bagi setiap anggota KN-RCI.

Dalam satu kalimat, pada tahun 2017 “Performa” industri kimia Indonesia terutama anggota KN-RCI harus jauh lebih baik dari kondisi pada tahun 2009, sehingga ini akan menjadi kontribusi nyata bagi Indonesia yang telah mentargetkan penurunan 26% emisi gas rumah kaca dari business as usual pada tahun 2020 sebagaimana dicanangkan Presiden Republik Indonesia pada Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi Dampak Pemanasan Global di Kopenhagen, Denmark pertengahan Desember 2009. (SZ)

Wakil Menteri Perindustrian dan Presidium KN-RCIWakil Menteri Perindustrian dan Presidium KN-RCI

The 5th National Responsible Care® ConferenceKN-RCI Roadmap 2017

� KN-RCI news Laporan Utama / Main Report

The verification process for the 3rd Responsible Care® Award has been held in June until November 2009. There are some companies of KN-RCI members have not yet “confident” or “not ready” to join the program which is held every two years. But compared with the same activity at the two previous years, the number of participant is increase become 37.5% from the total active members. In the past, only 20 companies following verification or about 25%.

Vice Minister of Industry DR. Alex Retraubun awarded Gold Trophy to the Senior Site Manager PT BASF Indonesia, Ms. Jenny Setiobudi

This time, PT Dow Chemical Indonesia is the main sponsor of this event.

Announcement of the winners and delivery trophy of The 3rd Responsible Care® Award place in the closing ceremony of the 5th National Responsible Care® Conference that was held in Grand Ballroom Kempinski - Grand Indonesia Jakarta witnessed by around 150 conference participants on December 15, 2009. For Platinum and Gold Awards were presented by Vice Minister of Industry, DR. Alex Retraubun. The assessment process for verifying at the 30 companies location were carried out professionally by 17 members of the Verification Team KN-RCI.

Year 2011 should be more companies follow the Responsible Care Award program to encourage performance improvement,

growth and quality of companies facing global challenges

Based on the criteria of 3rd Responsible Care® Award, we have 3 award categories; there are Platinum, Gold and Silver Awards.

Mr. Washington Limbong from PT Pupuk Kaltim received the Certificate of Silver Award from Mrs. Urai Rogers.

How about Responsible Care® Award in 2011?

Inauguration or the launching of The 4th Responsible Care® Award in 2011 is planned on July 29 2010 to coincide with the KN-RCI Annual General Meeting. KN-RCI welcomes the participation and provides opportunities to the company / industry as a partner sponsors.

The 3rd Responsible Care® Award 2009 &

Menyongsong Penghargaan Responsible Care® 2011

Proses verifikasi Responsible Care® Award ke 3 telah berlangsung pada Juni s/d November 2009. Masih banyak perusahaan anggota KN-RCI yang nampaknya masih belum “percaya diri” atau “belum siap” untuk mengikuti program ini yang digelar setiap 2 tahun sekali. Akan tetapi dibandingkan dengan kegiatan yang sama pada 2 tahun sebelumnya, jumlah peserta kali ini meningkat, 37,5 % dari total anggota aktif. Sebelumnya hanya diikuti 20 perusahan atau sekitar 25%. Kali ini PT Dow Chemical Indonesia sebagai sponsor utama kegiatan ini.

Foto kiri: Wakil Menteri Perindustrian DR. Alex Retraubun menyerahkan tropi Platinum kepada CEO & Presiden Direktur PT Nippon Shokubai, Yoshinao Hirano.

Pengumuman pemenang dan penyerahan tropi Responsible Care® Award ke-3 dilangsungkan dalam acara penutupan Kon-ferensi Nasional Responsible Care® ke 5 bertempat di Kempinski Grand Ballroom - Grand Indonesia

Jakarta disaksikan oleh sekitar 150 orang peserta konferensi pada 15 Desember 2009.

Tahun 2011 harus lebih banyak perusahaan mengikuti program Responsible Care® Award untuk

mendorong peningkatan kinerja, pertumbuhan dan kualitas perusahaan menghadapi tantangan global.

Untuk Penghargaan Platinum dan Gold diserahkan langsung oleh Wakil Menteri Perindustrian, DR. Alex Retraubun. Proses penilaian verifikasi di 30 lokasi perusahaan dilaksanakan secara profesional oleh 17 anggota Tim Verifikasi KN-RCI.

Berdasarkan kriiteria Responsible Care® Award ke-3 ada 3 kategori penghargaan yaitu Platinum, Gold dan Silver Award.

KN-RCI menyambut partisipasi dan memberikan kesempatan kepada perusahaan / industri sebagai mitra sponsor.

Bagaimana dengan Responsible Care® Award 2011?

Rony Sumaryana, Plant Manager PT Bayer Material Science Indonesia salah satu perusahaan peraih Gold Award, menerima tropi dan ucapan selamat dari Wakil Menteri Perindustrian.

KN-RCI menyambut partisipasi dan memberikan kesempatan kepada perusahaan / industri sebagai mitra sponsor.

Peresmian atau launching The 4th Responsible Care® Award 2011 direncanakan pada 29 Juli bertepatan dengan Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2010. KN-RCI sebagai penyelenggara masih sangat mengharap partisipasi dan memberi kesempatan kepada perusahaan/industri sebagai mitra sponsor.

The 3rd Responsible Care® Award 2009 &

Welcoming The Responsible Care® Award 2011

KN-RCI news �Laporan Utama / Main Report

Sebagaimana kita ketahui, Responsible Care® Leadership Group – International Council of Chemical Associations (RCLG-ICCA) pada tahun 2005 telah memutuskan untuk meninjau ulang secara menyeluruh konsep Responsible Care® yang telah berlangsung selama lebih dari 2 dekade. Hasilnya adalah Responsible Care® Global Charter (RCGC) yang terdiri dari 9 elemen. RCGC dicanangkan di Dubai pada Februari 2006 menandai masuknya dekade ke-3 Responsible Care® yang telah menjadi bagian penting dari industri global dan memberikan

kontribusi kepada P e r s e r i k a t a n Bangsa Bangsa (PBB).

Dengan piagam global ini kita sebagai pemain dalam industri kimia diharapkan mampu berperan

aktif menempatkan manajemen bahan kimia ke tingkat yang lebih strtegis. Piagam global telah menjadi bagian penting dalam Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM). Pengembangan Responsible Care® Global Charter dan Strategi Produk Global adalah bagian penting dari dunia industri kimia secara luas untuk menjawab tantangan dan harapan para pemangku kepentingan agar mampu terus menerus melakukan perbaikan kinerja. Jadi kata kuncinya di sini adalah peningkatan kinerja

Mari kita periksa elemen ke- 4 di mana kita melihat bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan diminta untuk melampaui self assessment dalam penerapan Responsible Care® dan mengadopsi proses verifikasi dilakukan baik oleh asosiasi, badan pemerintah atau organisasi independen eksternal. Secara ringkas, proses verifikasi adalah tentang memperbaiki diri dan memperbaiki perusahaan kita, karena hanya dengan mengukur kinerja hal-hal yang mendasar akan dapat terus ditingkatkan kualitasnya. Inilah sebabnya mengapa verifikasi diperlukan sebagai alat untuk meningkatkan kinerja “Lingkungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan” LKK atau EHS dan menjamin berlangsung secara berkelanjutan

Berdasarkan hal diatas, kami telah memeriksa dua survei yang dilakukan oleh Careline, sebuah majalah Responsible Care®, dan oleh

RCLG masing-ma-sing pada tahun 2006 dan 2008.

Tidak ada ke-sepakatan ten-tang apakah Res-ponsible Care®

harus memiliki satu sistem veri-fikasi standar.

Survei ini menunjukkan bahwa setiap asosiasi telah mengembangkan standar sendiri dan pedoman, tergantung pada komposisi anggotanya, dan kompetensi tim verifikasi Responsible Care®. Namun demikian RCLG berencana untuk mengembangkan pedoman verifikasi oleh verifikator Pihak Ketiga.

Bila hasil survey 2006 & 2008 digabung, tujuan dari pengembangan proses verifikasi, selain sebagai kewajiban yang diatur melalui Piagam

As we know, Responsible Care® Leadership Group within the International Council of Chemical Associations in short ICCA-RCLG in 2005 has decided to review thoroughly the concept as whole of Responsible Care® that has lasted for more than two decades. The result is a Responsible Care® Global Charter (RCGC), which consists of nine elements. The RCGC launched in Dubai in February 2006 marked entry of the third decade of Responsible Care® has become an important part of global industry and contributed to the United Nations (UN).

With this global charter we as players in the chemical industry are expected to play an active role to place chemicals management into a more strategic level. Global Charter has become an important part of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM). Development of Responsible Care® Global Charter and Global Product Strategy is an important part of the world chemical industry at large to meet the challenges and expectations of the stakeholders to be able to continuously improve performance. So the key word here is performance improvement.

Let’s examine the four elements in which we see that the companies were asked to exceed self-assessment in the implementation of Responsible Care® and adopt verification processes carried out either by associations, government institution or independent external organizations. In summary, the verification process is about improving ourselves and improve our company, because only by measuring the performance of the fundamental things that will continue to be improved. This is why verification is needed as a tool to improve the performance of Environment, Health and Safety, EHS and ensure the sustainable progress.

Based on above, we have examined two surveys conducted by the Careline, a Responsible Care® magazine, and by RCLG respectively in 2006 and 2008.

There is no agreement about whether Responsible Care® must have a standard verification system. This survey shows that each association has developed their own standards and guidelines, depending on the composition of its members, and competency of Responsible Care® verification team. However RCLG plans to develop guidelines for verification by third party verifiers.

When the results of surveys in 2006 & 2008 combined, the purpose of developing the verification process, in addition, a liability is managed through the Global Charter, is required for:1) Benefits for member companies2) Offer the values of the real business3) Substantiate of Responsible Care®, and4) Meet the needs to respond criticism.

Verifikasi Berkelanjutan di Indonesia

Frank MoniagaPresident Director & CEO of Arbe

Styrindo and KN-RCI Vice Chairman

Sustainable Verification in Indonesia

Laporan Utama / Main Report� KN-RCI news

Global, diperlukan pula untuk: 1) Menguntungkan

bagi perusahaan anggota

2) Menawarkan nilai- nilai bisnis yang nyata 3) Memperkuat Res- ponsible Care, dan4) Memenuhi kebu- tuhan untuk me- merespon kritik.

Dari kedua survei, ada 4 jenis proses verifikasi: • Pemeriksaan mandiri atau / Self Assessment • Peer review atau verifikasi pihak kedua• Verifikasi pihak ketiga• Verifikasi eksternal

Setiap proses dan tahap pe-n g e m b a n g a n usaha negara tertentu, ter-gantung pada komposisi indus-tri kimia antara Multi National Company (MNC)

perusahaan-perusahaan lokal termasuk UKM atau SME dalam dunia industri berkembang, serta kompetensi dasar dan kesadaran Responsible Care®.

Pada tahun 2008, RCLG menerbitkan hasil laporan dari anggotanya. Ternyata verifikasi pihak ke-3 atau verifikasi eksternal menunjukkan kurang dari 40% dari tingkat pelaksanaannya. Mari kita nantikan hasil survei 2010 apakah akan lebih menarik?

Setelah perjalanan di seluruh dunia tentang verifikasi dan setelah kami punya ide bagaimana verifikasi dilakukan di sebagian besar negara, mari kita lihat di Indonesia.

Bagaimana verifikasi di Indonesia?

Sertifikasi audit ISO merupakan hasil pemeriksaan yang dinilai sukses dari masing-masing sistem manajemen untuk memenuhi persyaratan standar ISO.

Pendekatan KN-RCI bergerak menuju Responsible Care® sebagai Sistem Manajemen, di mana verifikasi akan menentukan tingkat perusahaan terhadap pencapaian target KPI (Key Performance Indicator) perusahaan untuk menuju dan mencapai “sustainable development best practice” Verifikasi setelah penilaian diri didorong oleh asosiasi (KN-RCI) berdasarkan: • Permintaan Sukarela• Melalui proses Responsible Care® Award setiap 2 tahun, yang

merupakan sebuah acara yang disponsori oleh satu atau dua perusahaan dan merekomendasikan kepada perusahaan untuk memeriksa kinerja mereka atau memperbarui lisensi untuk meneruskan menggunakan logo Responsible Care®.

Dari 82 anggota aktif, 37 perusahaan yang berhak menggunakan logo Responsible Care®. (FM/SZ)

From both surveys, there are four types of verification process:a) Independent examination of self-assessmentb) The peer review or second party verificationc) Third party verificationd) External Verification

Every stage of the process and business development in certain countries, depending on the chemical composition between Multi National Company (MNC) for local companies including SMEs or SMEs in developing industrial world, as well as basic competency and awareness of Responsible Care®.

In the year 2008, RCLG published reports from its members. It turns out the 3rd party verification or external verification showed less than 40% of the level of implementation. Let’s wait for the results of 2010 survey will be more interesting?

After traveling around the world about the verification and after we have an idea how the verification carried out in most countries, let us look at Indonesia.

How is verification in Indonesia?

ISO certification audit is an examination which was considered a successful outcome of each management system to meet the requirements of ISO standards.

KN-RCI approaches moving towards Responsible Care® as a System Management, where verification will determine the level of achievement of the target company’s KPI (Key Performance Indicators) of the company to go / reach “sustainable development best practice”

Verification after self assessment is driven by the association KN-RCI based on:

• Voluntary Request• Through the Responsible Care® Award every two years, which is

an event sponsored by one or two companies and recommend companies to check their performance or renew a license to continue using the Responsible Care® logo.

From 82 active members, 37 companies are entitled to use the Responsible Care® logo. (SZ)

*) This article was presented by Mr. Frank Moniaga in the 12th APRCC in Tokyo Japan (in October 2009) and at the National Responsible Care® Conference in Jakarta (15 December 2009).

KN-RCI news �Kerjasama Internasional / International Cooperation

Membangun Sistem VerifikasiKerjasama KN-RCI & JETRO

Sejauh mana keberhasilan perusahaan anda dalam Implementasi Responsible Care®? Jawabnya melalui Verifikasi anda dapat mengukur tingkat perkembangan dan keberhasilan atas upaya anda.

Dukungan JRCC melaui JETRO untukKN-RCI sebagai pendekatan menuju Responsible

Care Management System dalam perusahaan

KN-RCI sudah melaksanakan verifikasi atau pemeriksaan kinerja berdasarkan kode etik Responsible Care®. Hingga akhir tahun 2009, ada 40 perusahaan anggota KN-RCI yang telah dilakukan verifikasi oleh 17 verifikator bersertifikat. Jumlah perusahaan yang diverifikasi belum mencapai 50% dari total perusahaan anggota KN-RCI.

Presidium KN-RCI mengundang kader baru verifikator untuk terlaksananya program Verifikasi

berkelanjutan. Komitmen para Pimpinan Perusahaan sangat diperlukan untuk mendukung program ini

Beberapa tantangan yang ada diantaranya, pertama, hampir semua verifikator adalah “relawan” dari perusahaan yang harus menyesuaikan agenda kegiatan dan kesibukan di perusahaan masing-masing. Kedua, pihak industri / perusahaan tidak atau belum merasa siap untuk di verifikasi. Oleh karenanya perlu ada upaya mempersempit “gap” atau mengatasi tantangan ini.

Untuk meningkatkan keahlian sebagai verifikator, telah diadakan pelatihan (class room training & workshop) dan praktek verifikasi di pabrik (plant-site on job training) dengan bimbingan langsung dari pakar verifikasi, Mr. Konoshin Fukuma dari Japan Responsible Care® Council (JRCC), melalui kerjasama dan dukungan JETRO Jakarta. Pelatihan telah berlangsung sejak tahun 2006 hingga tahun 2010, selama lima kali ber turut-turut.

Dari hasil pelatihan tersebut sampai saat ini tercatat tidak lebih dari 10 orang Verifikator Senior termasuk 2 orang trainer. Diantara verifikator senior, 5 orang diantaranya adalah mantan verifikator perusahaan anggota KN-RCI dan sekarang sebagai professional pada PT DYS Consultant sebagai mitra kerja KN-RCI untuk mendukung program verifikasi. Verifikator Junior tercatat ada 10 orang “relawan” dari beberapa perusahaan.

Menurut Fukuma san, KN-RCI masih perlu menyiapkan kebutuhan verifikator baik jumlah maupun kualifikasinya. JRCC telah berusaha memperkenalkan konsep “how-to” yang menekankan pada proses untuk mencapai hasil. Dengan mengetahui proses pencapaian maka akan menjadi pembelajaran untuk langkah selanjutnya. Hal ini merupakan kunci keberhasilan yang terkait dengan perbaikan berkelanjutan.

Dengan berakhirnya Program Verifikasi kerjasama KN-RCI & JETRO, dimasa mendatang KN-RCI harus mampu mengembangkan diri menyiapkan kader baru sebagai verifikator serta memelihara dan meningkatkan kompetensi para verifikator yang ada. (SZ)

Responsible Care® Verification Workshop & Plant Site On Job Training The Sultan Hotel Jakarta & Cikarang Plant Sites, January 25 – 29, 2010

Building a Verification SystemKN-RCI & JETRO Cooperation

How does is your company’s success in the implementation of Responsible Care®? The answer is through Verification you can measure the level of development and success of your efforts.

JRCC support KNRCI through JETRO as approaching toward Responsible Care® Management System

in the company

KN-RCI has been carrying out verification or examination of performance based on Responsible Care® codes of ethics. By the end of 2009, there were 40 companies of KN-RCI members who have performed verification by 17 certified verifiers. The number of verified company has not reached 50% of total corporate KN-RCI members.

KN-RCI Presidium invites new verifiers’ generation for implementation of sustainable Verification

program. Commitment of the Chairman of the Company is required to support.

Some challenges include, first, almost all of verifiers are “volunteer” from companies that have to manage the agenda and the bustle of activities in their respective companies. Second, the industry or company are not yet feel ready for the verification. Therefore there is an effort to narrow the “gap” or overcome these challenges.

To improve the skills of verifier we conduct the training i.e. class room training and workshops and verification practices in the plants (plant-site on the job training) with the direct guidance of verification expert, Mr. Konoshin Fukuma from the Japan Responsible Care® Council (JRCC), through the cooperation and support of JETRO Jakarta. Training has been going on since the year 2006 until 2010, continuously during five times.

From the results of training until this time we registered no more than 10 people senior verifier including two trainers. Among the senior verifier, five people of whom are former verifier of KNRCI members companies and now become a professional verifiers in PT DYS Consultant as KN-RCI partners to support our verification program. There are 10 junior verifier listed “volunteers” from several companies.

According Mr. Fukuma, KN-RCI still needs to prepare in quantity and quality needs of verifier qualifications. JRCC has tried to

introduce the concept of “HOW-TO” that emphasizes the process to achieve results. By knowing the process of achieving it will be learning for the next step. This is a key success factor associated with sustained improvement.

By ending the Verification Program in corporation with JETRO, in the future KN-RCI must be able to develop it by them selves to prepare new verifiers, maintaining and improving existing competencies of verifiers. (SZ)

10 KN-RCI news

Ketika Ibu Urai Rogers (Ketua Presidium KN-RCI) meminta saya untuk

mengatur pertemuan khusus terbatas pada 1 April 2010 saya heran

dan bertanya tanya, apakah ada agenda khusus yang mendesak

sehingga perlu diadakan pertemuan terbatas, hanya dihadiri oleh

Ketua (Ibu Urai), Wakil Ketua (Pak Frank) dan Pak Kamal serta saya

sendiri. Demikian pula halnya dengan pak Kamaludin yang sehari

sebelumnya masih ada di luar negeri beliau menanyakan, mengapa

mesti ada meeting dengan Ketua Umum, padahal telah dijadualkan

Rapat Presidium pada 6 April 2010 di Kantor PT Dow Chemical.

Special breakfast meeting, 1 April 2010

Sayapun tak dapat menjawab pertanyaan pak Kamal, karena saya

tak bisa menghubungi Ketua Umum yang juga masih di luar negeri.

Ketika saya tanyakan ke Pak Frank, beliau hanya menjawab nanti saja

kita bahas pada meeting. Sayapun heran dan menduga-duga.

Breakfast meeting dimulai tepat pada pukul 08.00 pagi WIB, dan

ternyata dugaan sayapun terjawab. Ada 3 Agenda meeting, pertama

mengenai Rencana KN-RCI sebagai penyelenggara The 12th APRCC &

2011 RCLG Annual meeting di Bali, kedua, mengenai KPI Reporting

dan terakhir mengenai penugasan Ibu Urai yang akan menduduki

jabatan baru di Dow corporate di Amerika Serikat. Nah, untuk itu perlu

disiapkan pengganti Jabatan Ketua Umum KN-RCI untuk sisa masa

jabatan 2010 – 2011. Terjawablah, bahwa salah satu agenda penting

pagi itu adalah pendekatan agar pak Kamal bersedia meneruskan

kepemimpinan KN-RCI hingga akhir 2011.

Langkah selanjutnya perlu dikomunikasikan kepada semua anggota

Presidium. Pada tanggal 6 April 2010 dalam Rapat Presidium di kantor

PT Dow Chemical Jakarta, semua Presidium yang hadir maupun yang

berhalangan hadir, mendukung Pak Kamaludin untuk meneruskan

kepemimpinan KN-RCI sampai akhir 2011, terhitung mulai tanggal 14

Mei 2010.

Menjelang keberangkatan ibu Urai ke pos yang baru di Amerika,

diadakan makan malam bersama dengan Ibu Urai pada 11 Mei 2010,

dihadiri oleh Ketua baru (Pak Kamal) Wakil Ketua (Pak Frank), anggota

Presidium dan beberapa Pengurus KN-RCI lainnya.

When the Chairperson (Mrs. Urai Rogers) asked me to arrange a

special limited meeting on 1 April 2010, I question if there is a discreet

urgent agenda. The invitation was sent to the Vice Chairperson (Mr.

Frank Moniaga), Mr. Kamaludin, and myself. The same question was

asked by Mr. Kamaludin who was still overseas a day before the

meeting, He asked why arrange a meeting with the Chairperson,

when a Presidium Meeting was set on 6 April 2010 at the Dow

Chemical Office.

Mrs. Urai Rogers shake hand with Mr. Kamaludin after the Presidium

meeting on 6 April 2010

I could not answer Mr. Kamal’s question, since she (Mrs. Urai) was

unreachable, still out of the country at that time. When I approached

and asked Mr. Frank , his only answer was later we will discuss it at

the meeting. So, there I was left and kept puzzled and curious.

The Breakfast meeting started promptly at 8.00am WIB sharp, there

my guess was finally answered. There was 3 agendas for the meeting,

first up is the plan of KN-RCI hosting The 12th APRCC & 2011 RCLG

Annual meeting in Bali. Second, was relating KPI Reporting; and

lastly concerning Mrs. Urai’s assignment to occupy a new position,

transferring to Dow Corporate in United States of America. For that

cause a substitute KN-RCI Chairperson needs to be prepared for the

remaining tenure 2010-2011. My assumption was clarified that one

of the important meeting agenda was the approach to Mr Kamal to

dispose, taking over leadership of KN-RCI until the end of 2011.

The next step was communicated to all the members of the Presidium.

On 6 April 2010 during the Presidium Meeting at PT DOW Chemical

Jakarta, all Presidium that are present and those that are absent,

supports Mr. Kamaludin to continue the lead the office of KN-RCI until

the end of 2011, effective from 14 May 2010.

Approaching the departure of Mrs. Urai to her new post in the United

States on 11 May 2010 a farewell dinner was held in honor of Mrs.

Urai. The dinner was attended by Mrs Urai, the new Chairman (Mr

Selamat Jalan Ibu Urai Rogers & Selamat Datang Pak Kamaludin

In Farewell Mrs. Urai Rogers & Welcome Mr. Kamaludin


KN-RCI news 11

Selama kepemimpinan Ibu Urai dari November 2008 s/d Mei 2010,

beberapa prestasi yang dapat dicatat diantaranya:

• Memperkuat jaringan KN-RCI dengan asosiasi industri kimia di

12 negara Asia-Pasifik (anggota APRO), RCLG, dengan Federasi

Industri Kimia Indonesia (FIKI), dan Kementerian / Pemerintah

Indonesia serta Kadin Amerika (AmCham Indonesia).

• Memperkuat jaringan KN-RCI dengan asosiasi industri kimia di

12 negara Asia-Pasifik (anggota APRO), RCLG, dengan Federasi

Industri Kimia Indonesia (FIKI), Kementerian / Pemerintah

Indonesia dan Kadin Amerika (AmCham Indonesia).

• Meningkatkan kesadaran Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) terhadap

pemahaman mengenai Responsible Care® yang difasilitasi oleh


• Melaksanakan kegiatan Konferensi Nasional Responsible Care® ®

ke- 5; Responsible Care® Award ke-3 serta Pameran, dan secara

profesional menyelenggarakn Rapat Umum Tahunan yang telah

mendorong peningkatan perhatian organisasi dilingkungan

industri kimia di Indonesia.

• Meningkatkan kapasitas dan kompetensi anggota tim verifikasi,

dan pertumbuhan jumlah verifikator dari 10 menjadi 15 orang

ahli verifikasi pada awal tahun 2010.

Malam gembira Presidium & Pengurus KN-RCI bersama ibu Urai Rogers, pada Selasa, 11 Mei 2010 di Jakarta.

Berdasarkan kegiatan di atas, kita melihat peningkatan jumlah

anggota aktif (11 perusahaan) pada periode Agustus 2009 – Juli


Selamat jalan bu Urai, kita jumpa lagi di APRCC ke-12 di Bali Oktober

2011. Selamat Datang pak Kamal teriring dukungan dan harapan

dari kita semua semoga dibawah kepemimpinan baru anda KN-RCI

akan lebih maju, implementasi Responsible Care® di Indonesia akan

terus disempurnakan. Baca juga di RCLG Bulletin News di www.rclg.


Kamal), Vice Chairman (Mr Frank), Presidium members, and other

KN-RCI Function Group members.

During the period leadership of Mrs. Urai, November 2008-May

2010, achievements that have been accomplished and well noted


• Strengthen and Consolidate KN-RCI’s network with Chemical

Industry Associations in 12 Asia Pacific countries (APRO

members), RCLG, with Federation of the Indonesian Chemical

Industry Federation (FIKI), Indonesian ministries / government,

and American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (AmCham


• Increase awareness of Small-medium enterprises (SMEs) towards

understanding of Responsible® Care Concept facilitated by RCLG

• Organize and execute 5th Responsible Care® National Conference;

3rd Responsible Care® Award and exhibition, and professionally

organize Annual General Meeting that has promoted and

improved organization care in Indonesia’s chemical Industry


• Upgrade the capacity and competence members of verification

team, and growth of total verification team from 10 to 15

verification specialist early of 2010.

Based on the above activities, we have seen an increase of total active

members (11 companies) on August 2009 – July 2010.

Goodbye Mrs. Urai, see you again in the 12th APRCC in Bali October

2011. Welcome pak Kamal, we support and hope may under your new

leadership, KN-RCI will be more successful, and the implementation of

Responsible Care® will continue to develop and enhance well. Please

also read New RCLG Bulletin atwww.rclg.ifo.(SZ)

Farewell Dinner, 11 May 2010


Ditengah maraknya kegalauan masyarakat industri menyikapi berlakunya undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2009 tentang perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan, organisasi Anyer Merak Cilegon Chemical Manufacturer Association (AMC//CMA) yang sekarang dikenal sebagai asosiasi industri kimia Banten, bekerja sama dengan Komite Nasional Responsible Care® Indonesia (KN-RCI), menyelenggarakan Diskusi Panel Implementasi Undang Undang No.32 tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan.

Industri menghadapi tantangan berat; UU No. 32/2009 perlu disikapi dengan bijak.

Lingkungan perlu dilindungi tetapi Industri pun harus tumbuh.

Diskusi Panel ini terselenggara atas dukungan Pemerintah Kota Cilegon, Pemerintah Propinsi Banten, Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup dan Kementerian Perindustrian R.I.

Ir. Hermin Roosita, MM, Deputi I Menteri Negara LH

Kegiatan dalam rangka memperingati Hari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia ini berlangsung pada tanggal 2 Juni 2010 di Hotel Permata Krakatau Cilegon, Banten, diikuti oleh sekitar 150 orang peserta dari kalangan industri tidak hanya dari Cilegon Banten, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur, bahkan hadir pula peserta dari luar Jawa.

Hal ini menandakan begitu perlu dan pentingnya para praktisi industri untuk mengetahui, mendapat kejelasan dan memahami undang-undang tersebut. Beberapa pasal dalam UU No. 32/2009 oleh sebagaian besar industri dirasa memberatkan.

Key note address oleh Deputi I Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup Bidang Tata Lingkungan Ibu Hermin Roosita menyampaikan secara gamblang, mengenai UU No.32 / 2009.

Dr. Ir. Alexander Barus, Direktur Industri Kimia Hulu, Direktorat Jenderal Industri Agro dan Kimia, Kementerian Perindustrian R.I.

Highlight1� KN-RCI news

Diskusi Panel Implementasi Undang-Undang No.32 tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup

Menggalang Upaya Bersama – Pemerintah, Industri, dan Masyarakat untuk Pertumbuhan Industri / Ekonomi Berwawasan Lingkungan

In the midst of industrialists’ confusion towards implementation of

Undang-Undang no. 32 Year 2009 on environmental Management

and Preservation, Association of Chemical Manufacturer in Anyer

Merak Cilegon Area (AMC//CMA), also known as Chemical Industry

Association in Banten, in cooperation with National Committee of

Responsible Care® Indonesia (KN-RCI), organized a dialogue to discuss

the implementation.

Industrialists is facing a burdensome challenge; UU No. 32/2009 needs to be addressed wisely.

Environment needs to be preserved while keeping the growth of Industry.

The dialogue was supported by Cilegon City Administration, Banten

Provincial Administration, Ministry of Environmental and Ministry of


Dr. Alexander Barus, Director of Upstream Chemical Industry

The event which was held in conjunction with the World

Environmental Day on 2nd June 2010 at Hotel Permata Krakatau

Cilegon, Banten, attended by 150 participants of industries

not only from Cilegon, Banten, but also from West, Central

and East Java, including those from other islands. Enthusiasm

of participants in this event indicated importance of knowing

and understanding on implementation of UU No. 32 Year 2009

for industrialists. Some articles in UU No. 32 / 2009 considered

burdensome by industrialists.

Minister of Spatial Environmental Management, the State Minister

of Environment Ms. Hermin Roosita clearly explained all about UU

No.32 / 2009.

Dialogue about Implementation of New Environmental Act UU No.32 Year 2009 on Environmental Management and Preservation

To mobilize joint efforts – Government, Industries, and Communities for Environmentally-Friendly Growth of Economy / Industry

KN-RCI news 1�Highlight

menegaskan bahwa kita harus berfikir dalam kerangka Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).

Asosiasi industri hendaknya dilibatkan dalam setiap penyusunan rancangan peraturan –

perundangan terkait.

Melindungi planet kita, bumi kita, lingkungan kita adalah wajib hukumnya bagi kita yang tinggal di planet ini, di negeri tercinta Indonesia. Dilain pihak, bangsa ini perlu tumbuh dan berkembang. Daya beli

masyarakat perlu ditunjang, industri sebagai pilar ekonomi, perlu tumbuh dengan sehat.

Dr. Alex, panelis dari Kementerian Perindustrian yang menampilkan topik “Industri Berwawasan Lingkungan dan Memiliki Daya Saing di Pasar Global” menutup paparannya dengan kesimpulan:

• Pembangunan Industri Nasional Tahun 2025 sebagaimana diamanatkan Perpres nomor 28 tahun 2008 dikembangkan terpadu dengan pengembangan sektor pertanian, kelautan, kehutanan, pertambangan, sumber daya manusia industrial serta pengembangan kemampuan Litbang, termasuk jasa pendukung, rancang bangun dan perekayasaan industri;

• Peraturan dibawah UU No.32 Tahun 2009 berupa Peraturan Pemerintah, Peraturan Menteri, maupun Peraturan Daerah perlu sinergi dengan pengembangan sektor industri, pertanian, kelautan, kehutanan, pertambangan;

Dialog interaktif dan diskusi berlangsung menarik hingga sesi terakhir. Ada satu poin yang penting dicatat, bahwa kalangan industri sangat berharap hendaknya melalui asosiasi terkait, dilibatkan dalam penyusunan kebijakan / Peraturan Perundangan termasuk PP, Perpres, Permen, Perda dsb., sehingga implementasi produk peraturan-perundangan yang dihasilkan berlangsung secara maksimal / efektif.

Pada sesi siang digelar 4 parallel workshops, meliputi A) Manajemen Baku Mutu Lingkungan, B) Upaya 3R - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle dalam lingkup UU No.32, C) Manajemen Pengelolaan Limbah Industri Kecil / UKM dan D) Pengelolaan Perijinan TPS B3 dalam lingkup UU No.32/2009. Workshop A dipandu oleh Tim dari KLH, Workshop B dipandu oleh Tim AMC//CMA, Workshop C oleh PSL-ITB dan Workshop D oleh AMC//CMA dan KLH. (SZ)

Industry associations should be involved in every process of drafting regulations –

related legislation.

Meanwhile, Dr. Ir. Alexander Barus, Director of Upstream Chemical

Industry, Directorate General of Agro and Chemical Based Industry,

of Ministry of Industry reaffirmed all industries to have a point of

view as one nation of Republic of Indonesia. Protecting planet and

environment are mandatory Protecting planet and environment are

mandatory tasks for all inhabitants of the universe, including our

beloved country, Indonesia. At the other hand, this country needs

growth and development. Community needs support to enhance

their buying power, while industry as one of economic pillars needs a

healthy growth.

Dr. Alex, a speaker of Ministry of Industry presenting a topic titled

“Environmentally-friendly Industry and Competitiveness in Global

Market” closed his explanation by summarizing:

• National Industry Development Year 2025 as outlined in Presidential

Decree no. 28 year 2008 is developed integrally by combining

agricultural, fisheries, forestry, and mining sectors, to human

resource, R&D, including supporting services, industrial designing

and engineering;

• Other regulations supporting UU No.32 Year 2009 in forms of:

Government Regulation, Ministerial Regulation, or Local Regulation

should support each other for the development of industrial sectors

in agricultural, fisheries, forestry and mining;

Interactive dialogue and discussion were constructively took place

until the last session. One point worth to note is that industrialists

are appealing thru their associations, to be involved in constructing

a policy / law and regulations, including Governmental Regulation.

Presidential Decree, Ministerial Regulation, local Government

Regulation, etc., therefore to guarantee maximal / effective

implementation of the regulations.

In the afternoon, 4 parallel workshops, were run, covering A)

Management of Environmental Threshold Limits, B) 3R inistiaves -

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle in the scope of UU No.32, C) Waste Management

for Small and Medium Scale Industry and D) Management of Permit

for Hazardous Waste in the scope of UU No.32/2009. Workshop A

was led by Ministry of Environmental Team, Workshop B was led by

AMC//CMA Team, Workshop C by Environmental Study Center-ITB

and Workshop D by AMC//CMA and Ministry of Environmental. (SZ)

1� KN-RCI news Highlight

Majelis Umum Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) telah menyatakan tahun 2011 sebagai Tahun Internasional Kimia atau IYC-2011 (International Year of Chemistry).

Upacara pembukaan Tahun Internasional Kimia akan diselenggarakan di Paris, di markas UNESCO, tanggal 27-28 Januari 2011, di bawah naungan PBB yaitu UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), dan IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry).

Tujuan penyelenggaraan IYC-2011 adalah:• Meningkatkan apresiasi / penghargaan dan pemahaman

masyarakat pada kimia.• Mendorong minat generasi muda pada kimia.• Menciptakan semangat untuk masa depan kimia yang kreatif

Penghargaan khusus kepada para tokoh (industri, peneliti, pendidik), mahasiswa dan pelajar atau

ilmuwan muda kimia yang berprestasi, patut dipertimbangkan sebagai bagian dari IYC-2011

• Merayakan peran wanita dalam tahap-tahap bersejarah dalam kimia, termasuk 100 tahun Hadiah Nobel untuk Marie Curie, dan

• Memperingati pendirian asosiasi masyarakat kimia internasional (International Association of Chemical Societies).

IYC-2011 merupakan undangan untuk sebuah kesempatan unik - Kimia hidup kita masa depan kita. Tahun Internasional Kimia 2011, yang ditetapkan oleh PBB adalah kesempatan sekali dalam seumur hidup untuk mempromosikan dan merayakan kimia dan kontribusi yang tak terhitung banyaknya untuk menghadapi tantangan global yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan berkelanjutan, dan untuk meningkatkan begitu banyak bidang kehidupan modern. Diantara tantangan global, meliputi:

• Udara bersih• Keamanan sumber daya air • Makanan sehat • Keandalan Obat-obatan• Bahan / material unggul• Produk ramah lingkungan• Energi yang berkelanjutan

Merayakan Tahun Internasional Kimia (IYC-2011) adalah merayakan pencapaian

dan kontribusi kimia terhadap kesejahteraan manusia

KN-RCI akan berkolaborasi dengan Federasi Industri Kimia Indonesia (FIKI), Himpunan Kimia Indonesia (HKI), Asean Chemical Industry

Rayakan Tahun Internasional Kimia, IYC - 2011Celebrate International Year of Chemistry, IYC- 2011

UN General Assembly has declared year 2011 as the International year of Chemistry or IYC-2011 (International Year of Chemistry).

Celebrate Chemistry

The International Year of Chemistry 2011 will celebrate the achievement of chemistry and its contributions to the well-being of humankind

The opening ceremony for International Year of Chemistry will be held in Paris, at UNESCO Head Quarter on 27th -28th January 2011, organized by UN Bodies, i.e., UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), and IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry).

Special tokens of appreciation for respected figures (industrialists, researchers, academics), students

or young reputable chemical scientists, need to be considered as part of IYC-2011

Purpose of IYC-2011 celebration:• To improve society appreciation / gratitude and understanding

on Chemistry.• To boost youth interest on Chemistry.• To build spirit towards future of the creative Chemistry.• To celebrate women’ roles in historical stages of Chemistry,

including the 100th year of Nobel Prize for Marie Curie, and• To celebrate establishment of International Association of

Chemical Societies.

*) The American Chemical Society (ACS) welcome ideas for ways the ACS community can help accomplish these IYC-2011 objectives

Celebrating International Year of Chemistry(IYC-2011) is to celebrate Chemical Achievement

and Contribution Towards Man Welfare

International Year of Chemistry 2011, dedicated by the UN is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to promote and celebrate Chemistry and its innumerable contributions to face global challenges relating to the sustainable development and improvement of so many areas of modern life. Among global challenges, includes:

• Clean air• Security of water resources• Healthy food• Reliable medicine• Excellent substance / material• Environmentally-friendly products• Sustainable energy

National Committee on Responsible Care® Initiatives (KN-RCI) in collaboration with Indonesian Federation of Chemical Industry (FIKI), Indonesian Chemical Association (HKI), ASEAN Chemical Industry Council (ACIC), Asia Pacific Responsible Care® Organization (APRO), Responsible Care® Leadership Group – International Council of Chemical Associations (RCLG-ICCA), supported by Indonesian Republic Ministry of Industry, will hold a national celebration for the International Year of Chemistry 2011, coincides with several other events in Bali in October 2011 (Read The 12th APRCC 2011). KN-RCI will cordially invite all members and “stakeholders” to contribute/

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share ideas, partnership / sponsorship for the success of this once-in-a lifetime activity, IYC-2011. (SZ)

Council (ACIC), Asia Pacific Responsible Care® Organization (APRO), Responsible Care® Leadership Group – International Council of Chemical Associations (RCLG-ICCA), didukung oleh Kementerian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia, untuk menggelar Perayaan Tahun Internasional Kimia 2011, yang puncaknya bersamaan dengan serangkaian kegiatan di Bali pada Oktober 2011 (baca The 12th APRCC 2011). Dengan senang hati KN-RCI mengundang para anggota dan “stakeholders” untuk berkontribusi / memberikan sumbang saran, kemitraan / sponsorship untuk suksesnya kegiatan sekali seumur hidup ini, IYC-2011. (SZ)

PPLi sebagai Perusahaan Panutan dalam hal Kes-ehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja

PT Prasadha Pamunah Limbah Industri (PPLI), satu-satunya perusahaan pengelola limbah terpadu dan ramah lingkungan di Indonesia, dianugerahi penghargaan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja tingkat Nasional oleh Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi pada hari Senin 24 Mei 2010 di Jakarta.

PPLI adalah satu dari 2417 perusahaan yang ada di Kabupaten Bogor dan satu dari hanya 11 perusahaan yang direkomendasikan untuk menerima Penghargaan tingkat Nasional tersebut. Sebelumnya, PPLI adalah pemenang pertama dari 20 perusahaan di Kabupaten Bogor yang dianugerahi penghargaan atas kecelakaan kerja nihil pada tahun 2008. Penghargaan Nasional ini diberikan kepada PPLI atas keberhasilannya didalam keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dan mencapai lebih dari 2,38 juta jam kerja tanpa kecelakaan per periode 1 November 2006 sampai dengan 30 November 2009.

“PPLI sangat menjunjung tinggi arti penting keselamatan kerja dilingkungan kerjanya sebagai bagian dari prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik dan Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan,” demikian diungkapkan oleh Presiden Direktur PPLI Jun Kawaguchi.

PPLI selalu pro-aktif dalam menekankan arti penting faktor keselamatan dan kesehatan di lingkungan kerja kepada seluruh jajaran karyawannya dan secara konsisten melaksanakan prakarsa-prakarsa baru untuk senantiasa meningkatkan standar operasinya. PPLI selalu menetapkan prosedur keselamatan kerja dan pedoman pelatihan untuk semua kegiatan operasionalnya.

“Kami percaya bahwa penghargaan Zero Accident ini merupakan prestasi hasil kerja keras, disiplin, komitmen dan kebutuhan serta partisipasi aktif seluruh karyawan,” Kawaguchi menambahkan.

Dengan penghargaan ini diharapkan semua staf menjadi lebih terpacu untuk melakukan perubahan ke arah prilaku, praktik dan prosedur yang positif guna menjamin terciptanya lingkungan kerja yang lebih aman.

“Kami memperoleh Akreditasi dari Pihak Ketiga untuk Sistem Manajemen ISO 14001 dan OHSAS 18001 di tahun 2007, dan kami sebentar lagi akan menerima Sertifikat ISO / IEC 17025 untuk “Sistem Manajemen Laboratorium” dan Akreditasi Laboratorium Ramah Lingkungan oleh KAN (Komite Akreditasi Nasional). Sebagai sebuah perusahaan yang sepenuhnya menerapkan prinsip “Selalu Ingin Menjadi Lebih Baik”, mengingat tidak selalu sempurna pada awalnya, tapi kami berupaya untuk melakukan perubahan-perubahan positif,” Kawaguchi menambahkan.

PPLI sangat committed terhadap perlindungan kesehatan dan lingkungan. Pemenuhan atas komitmen tersebut merupakan prasyarat penting bagi keberhasilan jangka panjang PPLI.

PT Prasadha Pamunah Limbah Industri (PPLI), the only fully integrated environmental waste management company in Indonesia, received a National Safety Award for Zero Accident from Government of Indonesia through the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration on Monday 24th May 2010 in Jakarta.

PPLI is one of 2417 companies in Bogor Regency and one of only 11 companies to be recommended to receive the National Safety Award. Previously, PPLi is the first place winner of 20 companies for Regency Zero Accident Award in year 2008. The National Award is given to PPLI for its outstanding performance in health and safety and achieved over 2.38 million manhours without lost time accident for period 1st November 2006 to 30th November 2009.

“PPLI values the importance of safe operations in the woking environment as part of good corporate governance and responsibilities,” said PPLI President Director Jun Kawaguchi.

PPLI has been proactively emphasizing the importance of a safe and healthy working environment to all its employees and is consistently implementing new initiatives to continuously improve its standard of operations. The company implements safe working procedures and training guidelines for all operational activities.

“We believe that zero accidents is an achievement that results from hardwork, discipline, commitment and needs the full active participation of all employees,”

added Kawaguchi.

Through reward schemes its encourages all staff to make positive changes to behavior, practice and procedures, to ensure a safer working environment.

“We achieved Third Party Accreditation of Management Systems to ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001 in 2007, and we are shortly to receive ISO / IEC 17025 certification of “Laboratory Management System” and Environmental Laboratory Accreditation by KAN (National Accreditation Committee). As a Company we fully embrace the Continuous Improvement principles, and recognizing that we do not always get it right first time, we put effort in to make positive changes,” said Kawaguchi.

PPLI is committed to protecting human health and the environment. The fulfillment of this commitment is an essential requirement for the long-term success of PPLI.

For further information please contact :E-mail: [email protected]

PPLi is Acknowledged as a Leading Example in Health and Safety Compliance

Celebrate Chemistryour life, our future

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Date: 17 November 2009 Venue: Sheraton Hotel Surabaya Sponsor: RCLG – ICCA Participant: 39 people from 27 companies Trainers: Prio Utomo, Lilik N. Sankrib,

Setyabudhi and Adi Sunariadi The outcome: Two companies join as KN-RCI

Responsible Care® Introduction Workshopfor Suppliers, Customers and SMEs

Date: 14 December 2009 Venue: Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta Sponsor: RCLG – ICCA Participant: 42 people from 26 companies Trainers: Prio Utomo, Lilik N. Sankrib, Setyabudhi

and Adi Sunariadi The outcome: Five companies join as KN-RCI members

Date: 17 November 2009 Venue: Sheraton Hotel Surabaya Sponsor: RCLG – ICCA Participant: 39 people from 27 companies Trainers: Prio Utomo, Lilik N. Sankrib,

Setyabudhi and Adi Sunariadi The outcome: Two companies join as KN-RCI

Responsible Care® Introduction Workshopfor Suppliers, Customers and SMEs

Date: 14 December 2009 Venue: Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta Sponsor: RCLG – ICCA Participant: 42 people from 26 companies Trainers: Prio Utomo, Lilik N. Sankrib, Setyabudhi

and Adi Sunariadi The outcome: Five companies join as KN-RCI members

KN-RCI news 1�RC Lens KN-RCI news 1�


The 15th Meeting of AMEICC Working Group on Chemical Industry was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 17 – 18 May 2010. The Meeting comprised government and industry representatives from ASEAN member states, ASEAN Secretariat and Japan.

Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia, Dr. R. S. Maria underlined the fact that chemical industry is driving industrial sector for ASEAN. The Meeting is expected to come up with ASEAN regional strategy, through strengthened monitoring mechanism. Activities under the meeting are expected to contribute to regional integration in the form of ASEAN+3 and ASEAN+6.

Agenda of the meeting consists of 1) Current Situation and Global Chemical Industry; 2) Chemical Safety Management Policies in ASEAN AND Japan; and 3) Other Chemical Issues Surrounding Chemical Industry.

The meeting will further exchange information among ASEAN Member States and Japan.

Indonesia and other ASEAN state members shared information on current chemical safety management regulations and measures as well as the outlook of future action / strategic plan for sustainable chemical management with emphasis of Regulatory Framework which are already developed or will be developed; and progress of Globally Harmonized System and Responsible Care status.

Indonesia also introduced the 12th Asia Pacific Responsible Care Conference (APRCC) scheduled in Bali Indonesia, in October 2011, in conjunction with 2011 RCLG Conference, The 36th ASEAN CIC Conference, and the International Year of Chemistry 2011.

Delegate from Indonesia represented by Mr. Waluyo Utomo (FIKI), Mr. Setyabudhi Zuber (KN-RCI) and Mr. Suhat Miyarso (InaPlas/Chandra Asri)

The next 16th Meeting of AMEICC WG-CI will be held in Indonesia in 2011. (SZ)

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Welcome aboardKN-RCI New Members


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Chemical Safety and Security

Proposed by the Indonesian Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and supported by the Australian Embassy, KN-RCI had been invited to participate at the South East Asia Chemical Safety and Security Workshop, held in Makati City, Philippines on 19 – 21 July 2010. This event conducted jointly by the US Department of State and Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in cooperation with the NICA-ATC of the Philippines. The same event will be held in Indonesia on 4 – 9 August 2010, conducted in collaboration with the Indonesian Chemical Society (HKI).

Detailed news will be coming soon on next edition.SEA Chemical Safety & Security WorkshopMakati City, Philippines, 19-21 July 2010

The CEO / President Director of the following companies have signed and committed to

implement Responsible Care®










Witnessed byVice Minister of Industry

DR. Alex Retraubun &

Participants of the 5th NRCC

Jakarta, 15 December 2009
